#but i need to put his wolf ass under a microscope
mikittalabs · 8 months
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hate his ass <3
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cow-tag · 1 year
Holding the universe in his arms/////Fuck it we ball jonatello fusion fic real
literally so fucking exausted i might not even continue idfk but i needed to get it off my google docs so i can continue or smthn idfk but here yall go enjoy
The crystal glowed with an eerie light, illuminating the room and reflecting off Donnie’s goggles. They carefully chipped a piece off and held it under a microscope, watching the colors swirl and change. It was unlike anything they had ever seen before, and it certainly wasn’t recorded in human history. ‘Makes sense’ they thought, huffing to themself lightly. ‘I found it on a crashed Kraang ship, so it’s probably some sort of alien material.’ 
The object glowed and almost pulsed. It was mesmerizing, one could fall asleep if they stared at it for too long. But Donnie wasn’t going to sleep. Not just yet. 
Now, Donnie should have expected what happened next. It’s rare they get a moment of peace with their family. But, surprisingly, the person that tumbled into their lab with a laugh and a shout was not an orange and green blur. Donnie looked over at the absence of orange for a split second, but immediately turned back when they saw the intruder. Of course he would bother them at this exact moment. 
“Heeeyyy, Stickmaster!! What’s that shiny rock ya got there?” 
Arnold Casey Bernid Jones Junior. The way Donatello got his full legal name is not important. What is important is the fact that he is their greatest rival. In love, in snarky remarks, in machinery, you name it. Except intelligence. They trump him on that topic. But either way, he has no reason to be here, and Donatello had no reason to put up with him. 
“Nothing you need to know about Puckhead, now get out of my lab before I lose a foot up your ass.” Donatello doesn’t move from their spot examining the crystal, not even when they hear a chuckle and a soft “Hot.” come out of Casey. He’s been doing that lately. He’s been.. Flirting. More so than normal. Which in and of itself is a feat, considering the walking pansexual disaster flirts with almost everyone he meets. No, the flirting is not strange. It’s that he’s been flirting with Donatello. An insane thing to hear, Don was shocked the first time they heard any words of romantic affection come from his mouth. But, alas, this is true. It started out small, just little “damn!”s and wolf whistle coming from the human. But it’s been escalating more as of late. Patting their shoulder and giving them a sly smirk, random offhand comments about their attractiveness, a couple sexual innuendos thrown in with their regular banter. Donatello hated it. They hated it so much, they hated the way their face flushed when he got close, hated the way their stomach flipped when he smirked. It was ridiculous, unnecessary, horrible, but somehow the best feeling they’ve ever had. 
“Come on, I just wanna look! Just a little peek?” Casey whines, slumping over Donatello’s shoulder. He was close. Too close. They could feel the warmth emanating from his body, feel the unnaturally loud thrum of his heart, could feel his hot breath on their neck. He was too close. Far too close. They shrug him off the best they can, which resulted in him groaning and spinning their chair, and by proxy, them, to face him. He steps back and crosses his arms, a slight pout on his tan, freckled face. It shouldn’t have been endearing. “Listen, Shit-for-brains, I have work to do. I need to study this.” They turn back, hearing another loud groan come from their ally. 
“Doonniieeeeeee, you’ve been in here for days! That's the whole fukin’ reason I'm in here, Leo told me to come and get ya before she came in to whoop your sorry ass into bed.” Donnie scoffed, of course that was why he was here. Their sister. He would never come in here on his own terms. 
[a small part of Donnie deflated at that last thought. They smack that part of themself upside the head, and focus on ignoring his presence.]
“Well, you can tell her that I am just fine staying where I am. I have been keeping up with my hygiene, and have been eating and drinking properly. There is no reason I should need to leave.” Casey barks out a laugh, pushing Donnie’s tools across the table to lean in front of them. “‘You can tell her that I am just fine staying where I am’” Casey mocks them with a high, nasally voice, adopting a smug, reserved look as he does so. “Bull! When was the last time you went out and ate?” He then yells, reverting back to his regular, loud voice. Donnie shrinks back just a titch at the volume, before scoffing and crossing their arms. “This morning.” They say, pushing the goggles up on their forehead. 
Casey raises an eyebrow. “And what was the date of this, ‘this morning’?” he says, eyeing them suspiciously. Donnie pauses. 
“April 3rd.” 
There's a moment of silence before Casey bursts out laughing again. “April 3rd?!? Dude, it’s the fifth today!” Donnie jumps back at that, rushing to their laptop to check the human’s facts. He was right. HE WAS RIGHT?! Donnie had been cooped up in their lab for two whole days?! They swear it hadn’t been that long! But the universe was against them in this. And apparently was hellbent on making it worse, because Casey then grabbed the crystal. “So, on account of this new realization you have just had,” He said, holding the glowing thing above his head in a ceremonial way, “I am going to confiscate this until further notice.” 
Donnie stood up and shouted, lunging for the crystal. He somehow managed to swerve away from them, laughing and jumping around. “Casey! I don’t know if it’s safe to touch! It could be unstable!” They moved to grab it again, but he was too quick. How was he too quick?! “I dunno don, seems pretty safe to me.” He runs the crystal from the middle of his thigh to the side of his collarbone, smirking the whole time. It pushes up the side of his hoodie for just a moment, putting his hip and lower waist on full display. Casey wasn’t likely to be seen without layers of black clothing, and Donnie was surprised to catch a glimpse of freckled skin before the hoodie fell back down. Apparently Donnie was Immensely tired, because not only was Casey faster than them, that last little trick he pulled was effective in slowing them down even further. They curse themself for being so easily flustered. 
Casey laughed at Donnie’s state, hopping back and forth around them. Crystal in hand, he was literally running circles around them. Donnie continued to try and fail to grab the crystal from him, resulting in the pair entering a sort of dance. Casey came close, Donnie lunged, Casey dodged and barked out a laugh. The crystal seemed to grow brighter in Casey’s grip everytime the two made some sort of contact, illuminating his face in an ethereal way. This was not helping Donnie’s case at all. At some point Casey started dancing around the mutant, his laugh filling the room with joy. Donnie hated it. He came close, grabbed their hand. The crystal grew impossibly bright. He let go, spinning around and around, dragging Donnie with him. Donnie was dizzy and annoyed. This was so ridiculous! He was messing with a potentially dangerous force, with no regard for his safety! And while this was no different than normal, it was endlessly infuriating. To top it off, Casey ended the spin with a dip, holding donnie in one arm and the crystal in the other. He held the crystal far away from Donnie, but the light still managed to reach his eyes. 
There was a moment, a still moment, where everything was calm. Where, for a moment, the light filtered through Casey’s fingers with an unearthly glow. Where, for a moment, Casey’s normally dark eyes seemed to hold an entire galaxy. Where his smile was as big as could be, missing teeth and all. Where his dimples indented his cheeks in a way that perfectly matched the splattering of freckles on his face. Where all the acne scars seemed like stars, light spots scattered across his face. Donnie saw themself in his eyes, along with the galaxy they held. Logically, they know it was just the reflection of light off their goggles. But, for a moment, it seemed as though they were peering into puddles of space. And, for a moment, Casey was just so impossibly beautiful that they could not stand to look at him anymore. 
Thankfully, the moment was ended by the pair being enveloped in white light, forcing them both to close their eyes. 
[With how observant they were, Donnie seemed to miss Casey’s flush as he dodged and weaved, seeming to miss how loud his heart was. They seemed to miss that Casey did not have a galaxy in his eyes, because he was looking at Donnie like they were his whole universe.]
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lavenderlucy · 3 years
Bite Your Tongue
Hi everyone! Here's a little “truth serum” drabble loosely based on season four (Pre-Silas and Caroline and Tyler did break up). Bonnie and Caroline experiment with a truth spell and Caroline gets stuck with the consequences. I’m still pretty new at this so please be kind. Enjoy! 
Bonnie Bennett was at the very top of Caroline’s shit list today. Now she knew why vampires hated witches so much. Not that she truly hated her friend, but she certainly understood the sentiment. Ever since Bonnie started working with Professor Shane she had been practicing different kinds of magic that made Caroline more than a little uncomfortable. But never let it be said Caroline was unsupportive of her friends, so when Bonnie asked for a volunteer for a new spell, Caroline agreed and played guinea pig. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Caroline swore to herself that if she found a way out of this she would never get within spitting distance of magic ever again.  
When Caroline got to Bonnie’s house she listened to her friend explain that this spell would be a game changer when it came to dealing with the Originals that were still taking up residence in their town.
“Trust me, Care. This could really work.” If Caroline had a dollar for every time she had been bitten in the ass for trusting her friends, she would be a very rich woman.
“Is it safe? I mean you aren’t going to like accidentally kill me or anything are you?” Caroline asked, nervousness evident in her voice.
“It’s completely safe, Care. I promise.”  Bonnie’s answering smile didn’t exactly put her at ease.
Overly trusting, stupid bitch would be on her gravestone. Before Caroline could actually agree to the spell, Bonnie started chanting. Caroline found herself unable to move and she tried to tell Bonnie to stop, but by the time she could get her friend’s name out of her mouth, the chanting stopped and the spell was complete. Bonnie looked at her like she was examining her under a microscope.
“Well?” Caroline prompted, eyebrows raised. “Did it work?”
“Who really broke my Barbie when we were six?” Bonnie asked.
“What? What does that have to do with any- me!” Caroline threw her hands over her mouth and looked at Bonnie in shock, eyes wide.
“I knew it! And yes, it worked. It’s a truth spell. The subject of the spell can’t lie. Don’t you see, Care? We could ask Klaus or Rebekah or even Kol anything and they have to answer! We could find out straight from them where the white oak stake is or if there’s another way to kill them. Shane thinks this spell could be valuable.” Delight danced in Bonnie’s eyes.
“Oh of course Professor Creepy thinks it’s a good idea. Are you freaking kidding me, Bonnie Bennett?! All of this for witchy compulsion?” Bonnie knew how she felt about her mind being messed with. “How do you know it would even work on them? And how you know they won’t kill us all as soon as they realize what the spell does?” She was fuming. She could feel rage seeping into her veins and she knew she needed to leave before she could no longer control herself.
“Relax, Care. I’ll break the spell right now. Right after one more question.” Caroline’s body prickled with suspicion and she saw something she didn’t recognize in her friend’s eyes. Professor Creepy has got to be brainwashing her.
“Bonnie I swear to God, do not ask me-”
“Do you have feelings for Klaus?” Bonnie asked pointedly. From the calculated expression on Bonnie’s face Caroline knew she had been planning to ask this very question from the beginning. She wondered if Shane put her up to it. Shane had an unhealthy obsession with the Originals. Caroline wouldn’t put it past him not to know about Klaus’s soft spot for her. Caroline bit her tongue until she tasted blood and glared at Bonnie. She hoped she conveyed just how betrayed and enraged she felt through her eyes. “Yes,” she bit out lowly. “Now undo the spell, Bonnie. Right fucking now.”
Bonnie closed her eyes and started chanting again. Caroline waited for something to happen, but the feeling she got when Bonnie did the spell the first time never came. Bonnie’s chanting grew louder for a few moments before she stopped.
“What are you doing?” Caroline questioned. “Why did you stop?”
“I-I can’t undo the spell. It’s not working. I-” Bonnie looked panicked that her magic wasn’t working.
“Figure it out, Bonnie!” Caroline yelled. “Look, figure out a counter spell and call me when you do. I need to leave,” Caroline spat out before storming out of Bonnie’s house, the door slamming behind her with a satisfying smack.
Caroline let out a frustrated growl and continued walking away from Bonnie’s house and into the nearby woods. She needed to take out her anger on something living, and since killing a human was out of the question, a deer would have to do. She let her monster out and flashed deeper into the woods to hunt. She couldn’t tell her friends, but using her gifts was exhilarating. She loved how powerful and dangerous she felt. Within minutes she hunted down a deer and sunk her fangs in.
When she finished feeding she straightened and wiped her mouth, catching any stray drops of blood. She took a grounding breath and turned back in the direction of Bonnie’s house, calmer than before and ready to help her find a solution to her situation. She barely took another step before she caught a familiar blur speeding toward her in the corner of her eye. Klaus stopped in front of her, smirking and handsome. Why today of all days? Caroline tipped her head back to look at the sky, not believing her bad luck.
“Hello, sweetheart. Out for an afternoon stroll? Although by the looks of it you’ve been hunting. Back on the animal diet then?” He tucked his hands into the pockets of his designer jeans and took a step closer, eyes bright and mischievous.
“Yes! I needed to let off some steam so I came to the woods to hunt so I wouldn’t hurt a human.” The words came out of Caroline’s mouth before she could even think about trying to stop them. She rolled her eyes and swore under her breath. “Look, Klaus you need to stay away from me today. I mean it!” She backed away from him as she spoke, eyes wide and looking for her easiest and quickest escape route. She knew she couldn’t outrun him, but she could certainly try to put some distance between them.
Klaus took a step toward her and put his hands out like he was trying to calm a scared animal. “Caroline, love. What’s—“
“No!” Caroline shouted and closed the space between them and pressed her fingers against Klaus’s lips, effectively cutting off his question. His eyebrows rose in question.
“Please don’t ask me any questions. Please.” Her eyes bore into his, silently begging him to comply. After a few more seconds she slowly removed her hand from his warm mouth. In the back of her mind she wondered what it would feel like against her own mouth instead. Bad, Caroline. She shook the thought from her head while Klaus looked at her in silent confusion. Great. Now he thinks you’re insane.
Klaus gripped her upper arms and peered down at her, worry clouding his features. “Love, tell me what’s wrong. I can help you.”
Caroline shook her head and looked away from him. His proximity and masculine, woodsy scent was overwhelming her already heightened senses. Klaus moved one of his hands to her jaw and turned her face back to his.
“Come now, Caroline. It can’t be that bad,” he reasoned. He continued to scan her features for any clues of what she wasn’t telling him. Caroline’s face heated under his gaze. He took another moment to look at her before his face turned hard, eyes sharp, and asked, “Alright what did your little friends do now? What is going on?”
She knew he probably thought her friends were engaging in another plot against him. She bit her lip until she drew blood. Klaus’s eyes were immediately drawn to the action. “Caroline, tell me. What is happening?” He rasped. Caroline could see lust building in his eyes as he watched her lick away a drop of blood from her bottom lip.
“Bonnie worked with Professor Shane to make a truth spell and she tested it on me. They want to use it on you and your family to get information about your weaknesses. She didn’t tell me what the spell was or what she wanted to do with it until after she cast it.” Desire evaporated from Klaus’s blue eyes and was replaced by rage and wolf gold. His grip on her arms tightened almost painfully before he let her go. He walked backward a few steps and ran a hand through his hair in exasperation.
“Are you insane?” He yelled. He ignored Caroline’s whispered, “no” before continuing. “You let a baby witch who doesn’t even understand her powers yet experiment on you! You don’t have any idea of the possible consequences of what you’ve done. For fuck’s sake, Caroline!” Caroline was surprised by his outburst. She knew he cared about her, but he seemed genuinely upset that she put herself in danger. He wasn’t even focusing on the plot against his family. “Children,” he muttered under his breath before asking, “Did the witch say how long the spell lasts?”
“We-we don’t really know. Bonnie tried to undo it after I freaked out, but she couldn’t do it.” Caroline bit her lip again, trying not to think about how hot Klaus looked when he was angry. Totally not the time!
Klaus looked her up and down, eyes dark, before approaching her once again. He raised his fingers to her face slowly and pulled her lip from her teeth. He brushed his thumb across her lips before trailing his hand down her jaw and neck. Caroline tried not to let herself be affected by his touch, but it was impossible. All of her nerves were on fire and the heat was spreading. She’d been fighting her feelings for Klaus for months and she couldn’t do it anymore. Klaus didn’t look in any better shape than she was. He was breathing harshly and staring at the porcelain skin he was touching. He met her eyes and spoke, voice deep, “Do you like this?”
“Yes,” she replied, moving impossibly closer to Klaus.
“Do you want me to touch you more?” Klaus looked like he was barely holding himself back from ravishing her right there in the woods.
“Yes. I want you to touch me.” She tilted her head to look up at him before surging up and pressing her lips to his. Yes. Klaus quickly took control of the kiss and deepened it, his tongue licking the seam of her mouth. Caroline gasped and he took advantage of the opening and brushed his tongue along hers. She always wondered what it would be like to be kissed by Klaus. After all, he had a thousand years of practice. He definitely did not disappoint. She knew she would be ruined after this. No one could ever compare to the feeling of his lips moving over hers. Caroline bunched the fabric of his dark gray Henley in her hands before running them up to his shoulders and into his dirty blonde curls. Klaus circled his arms around her waist and pulled her firmly into his body. Caroline tugged on the ends of his hair making Klaus growl in his chest. She felt her nipples tighten in response.
Klaus broke their kiss to trail his lips down to her neck. He took his time nipping and licking a spot over her pulse that Caroline didn’t even know existed. She threw her head back to give him better access and let out a breathy moan that sounded almost like his name. Before she could form a coherent thought, Klaus dropped his hands to her ass and pulled her up, encouraging her to wrap her legs around his waist. She wrapped her legs around him, the skirt of her yellow sundress bunching at her hips. He flashed them forward to a tree and pressed her against it, hands moving her waist. The bark scratched her back and sent a shiver down her spine. He returned his lips to hers and stole her breath away. Caroline dropped one hand from his hair to grip his necklaces and pull him even closer. Her other hand went to the back of his neck and she dug her nails in. He groaned loudly and his hips jerked into hers in response. She gasped into his mouth at the delicious friction and rolled her hips against his. Caroline was determined to give as good as she got so she pressed her breasts against his chest and bit his full bottom lip before soothing the sting by sucking on his tongue. The growls and moans he let out traveled straight to her core. Klaus pulled the straps of her dress down her shoulders harshly and peeled the cups of her bra down to squeeze her breasts and roll her nipples between his fingers. Caroline moaned loudly and she could feel herself becoming impossibly wetter. Klaus broke their kiss and pulled back slightly to meet her eyes. His pupils were blown and ringed with gold.
“Klaus,” Caroline whined, trying to pull his lips back to hers. Klaus smirked devilishly at her before moving his lips to her ear.
“Do you want me, Caroline?” The way he said her name was downright sinful. “Do you want me to have you right here in the forest?” His lips brushed against her ear one last time before he bit her earlobe, making her cry out. His eyes met hers again as he waited for her answer.
“Yes. I want you right here.” Caroline eyes were glazed over with lust and she didn’t care that anyone could see them out in the open. She tried to lean in to kiss him, but he held her back. Klaus chucked lowly at the look of frustration on her face.
“What do you want, love?” He was teasing her, playing with her inability to lie to him. Under normal circumstances Caroline would be seriously pissed, but she couldn’t summon any feelings other than desire and lust in that moment. For some reason she found the power he had over her extremely hot. He could ask her anything he wanted and she had to tell the truth.  
“I want you to fuck me and make me come against this tree.” Caroline wasn’t typically this vocal during her romantic encounters, but she couldn’t help it. Even without the spell Klaus probably could have gotten her to make the same confession. Klaus smiled wolfishly at her before rolling his hips into hers, making her throw her head back and moan. She inwardly cursed her panties and his jeans. He’d been hard for her since the second she kissed him and right now she needed that hardness against her, inside her.
“When I have you, love, I want to take my time. I want to spread you out on my sheets and worship you until you can’t remember anything but my name. I want to spend hours between your thighs and brand myself along your body. I want to make you scream until your voice is hoarse and your body is so sated that your vampirism can’t help you. I want to fuck your tight little body right here and make you call my name to the skies, but the first time will be in my bed where I can ruin you for anyone else. I’ll make you so desperate for me that you won’t be able to even think of anything but my cock and tongue in you. But I’ll not deny you the orgasm your body is craving right now.” Klaus’s voice became deeper and his accent got thicker as he spoke. Caroline thought she might combust just from his words.
Klaus moved back from her just enough to get his hand between them. He ran his fingers over her soaking panties before moving them aside and slipping his fingers into her wetness. “Fuck, love. You’re so wet for me,” he growled. He brushed her clit once with his thumb and sunk two fingers inside her core, making Caroline cry out and moan his name. Klaus hoisted her up higher on the tree and began working his fingers inside her before taking her pink nipple into his mouth and laving it with his tongue. Caroline had never felt anything like this before. By no stretch of the imagination was she a blushing virgin, but none of her other lovers had left her as wet and desperate for touch as Klaus. She clenched her thighs tighter around Klaus as she rode his fingers.
“Klaus,” she bit out. Klaus released her nipple and began sucking and biting her neck with blunt teeth. “Tell me what you want, love, and I’ll give it you. Just give me the words.”
“Rub my clit and make me come. Please.” She begged. Klaus doubled down his efforts and put his thumb back on her clit before adding a third finger to her tight pussy. Caroline let out a strangled moan and moved her hips faster against his hand.
“That’s it sweetheart, give it to me. Ride my fingers. Come for me.” As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Caroline exploded around his fingers with a high-pitched moan and saw stars behind her eyelids. She lost track of time while she was coming. When she finally came down she met Klaus’s gaze and he looked like she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. Her chest was heaving and his eyes dropped to watch her breasts move up and down.
“So beautiful,” he whispered. He removed his hand from her and brought his fingers to his mouth to lick away the evidence of her need for him. Caroline thought she might come again from the sight of him licking her off his fingers. She was about to try and persuade him to forgo his original plan of a bed and fuck her in the woods when he dropped her legs from his waist and righted her bra and the straps of her dress. The tree at her back was the only thing keeping her upright. Klaus pressed a gentle kiss against her lips before pulling back with a grin. He looked as wrecked as she did. She could still make out the hard line of his cock under his jeans and she sincerely hoped he wouldn’t make her wait once they got to his bed.
“Alright, love. Come with me. There’s a witch in Charlotte that owes me a favor. I’ll have her meet us at my place. She’ll be able to remove the spell.” Klaus grasped Caroline’s hand in his and began pulling her in the direction of his house. Caroline’s body finally caught up and started moving.
“But Charlotte is hours away,” She said, a smirk forming on her lips.
“I guess we’ll have to find a way to entertain ourselves in the meantime.” He looked at her over his shoulder and threw a wink at her before flashing off with her through the trees.
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straw-of-the-hat · 4 years
A Lillian x Katsuki soulmate au???? I'm sorry but soulmate au's are a hole i have fallen far into.
Lillian x Katsuki: soulmate edition
(Not edited! Expect typos!!!!)
These headcanons belong to this fic.
-Soulmates are rare. So terribly rare, in fact, that few still believe they exist. They're more of a legend these days— a myth, if you will. Despite this, everyone seems to know what they are. And deep down, everyone wants one.
-Katsuki's parents aren't soulmates. His grandparents aren't either. His aunt and uncle aren't soulmates in the least. In fact, they'd gotten a divorce last June and has left one another on rather nasty terms last he heard.
-His mom used to tell him stories. Stories about meeting your fated other and becoming so indescribably complete that you'd wonder how you even functioned before. It was the few times his mother would go from loud and rambunctious to serene and soft. Her change in demeanor was how he knew, growing up, that she was telling the truth..
-Of course, he wouldn't tell anyone he thought they were true. Or that he daydreamed about finding one.
-Katsuki felt he was missing something. It made him mad that it wasn't there. Something in him was empty and gnawing. He wasn't sure why. He had a powerful quirk and was praised by those around him for such. He made good grades. He even had a couple extras to follow him around.
-A soulmate was what he was missing, he deduced for what had to be the millionth time. Not that he'd tell anyone.
-Becoming the number one hero was his chance. The only way he'd ever hunt them down! He'd be known worldwide, and somewhere, someday, they'd know.
-That, and he'd be the strongest hero ever. Which was just the sprinkles on top really.
-He joined UA, angry and not willing to make friends. He noticed someone rather quick. He had never dated or really had his eye on anyone. If he was going to be with anyone, it would be his soulmate.
-So why on God's green motherfucking earth did Lillian Faust draw his attention?
-He didn't know. He had no idea! He tried to talk to her, but she was honestly pathetic. Short, scrawny, shy. He dwelled on her constantly. Constantly! He'd stare at her, doodle her in his notebook absentmindedly, try to count the freckles on her face and arms. It was just this constant nagging feeling that drove him nuts.
-He decided she was an extra. An irritating one.
-She kicked ass at the USJ shortly thereafter. He rescended his decision that she was a nobody.
-There was something up with Lillian. Lillian, who'd stopped using her last name. She walked home with friends, so he didn't get the chance to confront her anymore. The blonde one would bark at him. Literally. Like a dog. Fucking pathetic.
-Things were hard after that. Lillian, Lillian, Lillian. His parents started to ask what the fuck was wrong. Why was he so quiet? Did he need help? Was he depressed? Why was his search history all UA's digital yearbook? Was he looking at his student photo?
-He was looking at Lillian's, actually. Like he'd tell them that.
-Strangely enough, he wasn't embarrassed about this... Whatever this was. He didn't being it up because he's get teased, but it didn't bother him like it should've. He was irritated and confused because he couldn't figure this out, but not... Not annoyed with her, or disgusted.
-He thought long and hard. He was shit with feelings. Complete, utter shit. He went over the facts one at a time.
-Lillian was strong. With her quirk, she could stop him in his tracks. There was no a way to stop someone who could blink and freeze you in place without you even knowing she'd done it until after the fact. This should've angered him, but it didn't. It made him... Want to laugh.
-She had long black hair and was covered in freckles. Her hair was always messy and he found it endearing. He wanted to count and trace her freckles. There were so many, and he could almost map out constellations with them the more he looked.
-Katsuki's favorite color had been red his whole life. Lillian's eyes were aqua blue. Subsequently enough, his favorite color had switched to that exact shade of blue shortly after he joined UA. Odd. Probably not a coincidence, he begrudgingly admitted.
-He would not mind hugging her. He sort of wanted to. The more he thought about it, the more okay it seemed. That wouldn't be that odd if he hasn't blown up Kaminari yesterday after he'd accidentally brushed shoulders with him.
-A bit of google searching had him at a simple yet horrifying conclusion. This was, without a doubt, a crush.
-They next few days had his head spinning. He'd never had a crush before, so why now? Where had he gone wrong? What had triggered it? Could he make it go away?
-He practically drilled holes in her head in the days leading up to the sports festival. He may as well have been drooling. He deduced that his crush was going nowhere.
-He almost ran into her in the hall just before the festival, in fact. She was dressed in shorts and a shirt that said "Team Eraserhead" on it, and had her hair up in a ponytail that was falling apart. She was sweaty and breathless, and clearly in some sort of pain, but she... Well, she smiled.
-He was gone. Done for, really. Something was amiss, and he didn't know how to make it stop. Lillian has hooked him, and boy was he sinking right now. What was going on?
-She won the race with her two friends in the first round, and one piece clicked into place. Nothing enough to give him any sort of full picture, but it was... something. Something deeper than a crush.
-She dominated in the second round with ease and surprising confidence. He felt annoyed watching her laugh with Shoto Todoroki. Jealous, even. Another piece clicked.
-She asked him to join some sort of fucking protection squad. She was kind and genuine. He couldn't say no. It was another piece.
-Talking to her made him less angry. He felt calm and more like himself than he had... well, ever really. He was collected, and just... happy. He could laugh, and smile, and roll his eyes in a teasing way. This was another piece. One to a nearly full picture. One he could almost make out.
-The last piece fell into place during the final portion of the sports festival. Before it started, they had all the contestants come out and shake hands with one another. It was sort of a show of good faith. One he didn't want to participate in.
-But then it was time to shake Lillian's hand. And the stadium's roar fell on deaf ears, and everyone else ceased to exist. The cameras zoomed in on them, and Present Mic made some witty remark about opposites colliding. But Katsuki couldn't look away from Lillian, and neither could she.
-Their hands collided. And everything seemed to change in an instant.
-Her hand was small and warm in his, and it sent a shockwave rippling out. It was powerful and physical. Not something he'd imagined based on how silent the stadium got. His world brightened, and he couldn't believe how full it'd been before. Lillian's eyes were so much... Fuller than he'd realized. Full of blues he hadn't realized existed.
-There was silence. He didn't let go. She didn't either. They just stood there in the eerie silence, staring at one another in shock. And Bakugo realized he didn't feel so empty anymore.
-He told her in a quiet voice that carried through the entire stadium that she was his soulmate. That she was what had been missing.
-Her brilliant smile and the roar of the crowd told him he wasn't wrong.
-Scientists contact them and want to study their bond, but they refuse.
-Being apart makes Katsuki antsy. It doesn't feel right when she's not there.
-Aizawa despises him
-So does Mic but in a more passive aggressive manner.
-Lillian can feel Katsuki very vividly and knows when he's in any sort of emotional turmoil.
-Hitoshi and Neito are very, very weary of him and he's constantly under a microscope when they're around. Of course he doesn't give a shit
-The world now knows there's soulmates. Everyone in that stadium felt that wave, and the camera literally picked it up. There's a new frenzy of people trying to find their other half
-A few actually do. But only a few.
-Mitsuki and Masaru don't believe it. When their son comes home, he's just as rude as he's always been.
-But then Lillian shows up, cleaned up after the festival. And she wraps their son in a hug, and Katsuki is smiling and laughing in a way they've never seen
-They love Lillian for giving him that
-Katsuki can feel Lillian's nerves and knows how to calm them
-The class is hyper-aware of everything they do. Every glance Katsuki throws her is met with a wolf whistle and every whisper exchanged us observed with curious eyes
-Lillian and Katsuki learn not to mind
-They fit together so naturally. Lillian couldn't even imagine being anxious around him, and she doesn't know why. She's just... not.
-When they first kiss it feels natural and a lot like coming home
-They're a fairly private and subtle couple. 1-A almost doesn't think they're together until the dorms come into play.
-It's the way Lillian throws her legs over Katsuki's when they're sitting on the couch, and the manner in which Bakugo puts an arm over her shoulders and leans into her to look at something on her phone that tells them.
-He's softer with her. Still himself, but kinder in a way. It's so... Normal. It makes sense without making any at all at the exact same time. The way they talk to each other is simply how it's meant to be, they guess
-They're pitted against each other in hero training one day by drawing lots. It's completely by chance, and supposed to be just simple hand to hand combat
-They just stand there and stare at one another. And when Aizawa asks what the hold up is, they just blink. They simply... don't. They can't. It's not possible. It makes zero sense in their minds. The idea couldn't even occur to them, even for training purposes.
-So, they're not put against one another anymore. They find it's for the best.
-Anytime one of them is hurt, the other had a very obvious reaction. Lillian falls and scrapes up her knee quite nastily, and Katsuki is already turning around with wide eyes. He looks like he's seem a ghost. The same thing happens to Lillian, whether the injury is big or small.
-They're practicing working in teams and get paired together. All Might and Aizawa have never once in their lives seen a more efficient team. Their quirks are stronger and more durable when they're together, they realize.
-Katsuki tells Lillian he loves her. It's stated in a very matter-of-fact way, as though it's obvious.
-And it is. Lillian loves him too. She tells him as such.
-Overall, they're just two peas in a pod. And everything just... Fits.
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bellamyblake · 4 years
so I saw some posts in the bellarke tag (from a few bellarke) saying how season 6 bellarke was terrible and that Bellamy was out of character and would never do the things he did for Clarke that season.. and that he was bland, and the cpr scene could’ve been any sappy couple, but like ?? I loved season 6, and I thought Bellamy was in character (as opposed to season 5 where they barely interacted and had any big emotional talks after 6 years of thinking she’s dead and ugh s5 to me felt the least like them) i mean to me him doing anything for her seems like something Bellamy would do? Look at the all past seasons and all the sacrifices and thing he did for her and how protective he was over her for any little thing! I feel like Bellamy leaving everyone to save clarke would be something that would happen? And him basically in tears trying to save her as she’s dying in front of him pleading that he needs her seems in character and something they would do and it felt special and sweet to me :/ how was Bellamy bland for doing the most he can to save someone he loves?? Idk, s6 was one of my favorites for how actually romantic it was and it bums me out hearing some bellarkes hating it. How do you feel about it? Do most of the fandom think it’s ooc and Bellamy’s bland?
I think the most important fact to begin with here would be that you gotta understand something that was also a little hard for me to understand at first but that I learned fast when I got into the fandom and that is that-
Nobody judges Bellamy Blake more than his own fandom.
I’m even gonna be as brave as to say that the pinapples might not even know what to put on his shoulders besides season 3 to blame him for every mistake but we can. We absolutely can say the worst things about him and call him anything.
You know back when I got in the fandom that was season 3 and that was the WORST time to join but haha, silly cute lil me, I knew of so many blogs and Bellamy and Bellarke fans who HATED Bellamy and refused to understand his actions which yes though questionable, were at least supposed to be put under the microscope and understood.
I knew people who hated season 2 Bellamy too which was such a surprise to me, those were mostly original season 1 fans who said that he was *too  herioc* in season 2 and it *doesn’t fit his character*.
So after that, like season 3 and everything (and after Bob explained how much was missed on and not told and the better part of the season which made some fans show some mercy towards his character), I decided myself that I’ll always step back, think over everything that happens to him with as clear of a head as I can and decide for myself. 
I kept doing it to the end which is also why I am the only one in the fandom who didn’t call him ooc in s7. But THAT is another subject.
I think what I mean here is that nobody and I believe that wholeheartedly is more rude or more brutal to Bellamy Blake than we are. I often felt like we as a fandom hated him more than any anti can and it broke my heart. Most of all what broke my heart was the blatant refusal to understand him or his actions.
I think after season 1 people just had this image of the bad boy rebel king with soft heart who lets Clarke and the 100 in and that was it and that still sells most to these days in fics and amongst the fandom. 
That’s literally where they stopped and they refused to add anything else to his multilayered character in their heads.
You asked about season 6 and I LOVE season 6 despite most bellarkers not being fans of it. I think here it comes again a lot to fandom and how the said old gen bellarkers refused to like season 6 bellarke because apparently it wasn’t written as well, the dialogue was bad, they kept recycling stuff, I’ve seen this over and over and over again but for me, personally season 6 was a whole ass trip from beginning to end that is just that-
a love story.
His love story to Clarke.
I think through it he manages to achieve in his heart what he never got to do for her in season 4 and season 5. I have had a few friends at the time who thankfully felt the same way and we discussed the fact that-
season six is filled with all the romantic tropes that we as bellarke writers (and old gen bellarke) KEEP WRITING but complain that we never actually had
but somehow it is not good enough for them. 
So to answer your quesiton, no, not all people in the fandom thought it was bad, but I feel like again as before with just bellamy and season 3 there was this PUSH as if on purpose, to hate this, to condemn it, to call it *not the same*. I understand what they say that yes they are not entirely the same people and here comes my next point-
and newsflash-
I think a majority of the people refused to accept the fact that they grow as characters and they have layers added to them just as the story grew and went from one planet to another. I think not everyone can accept that and that is fine, I have no problem with that I just wish it wasn’t just so blatantly hated.
I personally think that the CPR scene is where they PEAKED in all aspects. THIS is the most they’ve been truly romantic I believe that and that it is actually expressed in the DESPERATION with which he saves her and her waking up and throwing herself in his arms. Also let’s not forget his lips touching hers which for us is like basically sex.
And after that scene came out I saw a lot of hate and I was so surprised, mainly on twitter from old bellarkers, fic writers who said LOL what a dumb scene, haha he can’t do CPR right and i was like WHAT-
You were okay when she peckered his cheek for 0,02 secs and left him all the fuck alone in season 2 to deal with EVERYTHING and the kids but this is-
HIm reccassitating her and begging her and crying and his own effing sister seeing his break down and then managing to get to her, to make her to pull through and her coming back and throwing herself in his arms IS BAD?
I mean I literally died there and it is still my favorite moment.
I know nobody would agree with this but I still think this is the best one. The hugs were great but at some point how many hugs can you have?
This was more. This was so much more and I loved it.
I think also there is something else when people call some scenes blind and that is that Bob was in a lot of pain filming that because of his injury. He literally couldn’t walk and had to redo some scenes from the beginning of the season back in the end when he was a little bit better so it is clear that it is very hard for him to do this but he still does his best imo and by the time the CPR scene comes he clearly is much better and it shows in his acting too (which is also why i personally love his acting in s7 it shows so much how when an actor takes care of themselves, takes a step back, recovers and comes back he literally crushes it but AGAIN i am a lone wolf in that aspect)
Anyway, here is my advice:
1.Stay out of the tags;
2. Find people who you enjoy seeing on your dash to follow and who do fit your interests in terms of the show.
3.Don’t read ppl’s opinions, frankly, don’t listen to anyone, not even me in that ask if it doesn’t sit right with you. Instead find your own thoughts and emotions. 
When I first got in the fandom there was so much meta and meta blogs and you dk the hate I saw in our fandom when it came to bellamy or the wrong discorse about his actions so I just unfollowed them all and did my own thinking. 
That’s what i advise you to do!
Thank you for your question, sorry for the length!
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marshmallow-phd · 5 years
Midnight Hours
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Part of The Untamed - EXO Wolf Universe
Genre: Wolf!AU
Pairing: Sehun x Reader
Summary: For you, being a good witch was easier said than done. Something dark was lurking inside of you and the others knew it. When you’re forced to tag along with Soomi and help a local wolfpack face a coming evil, you’re sent on a path that breaks into a crossroads. While you struggle with your inner demons, could the wolf Sehun be the key to your ultimate fate?
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I 13 I 14 I 15 I 16 I 17 I Final
This was the last place you wanted to be. It didn’t matter that the situation was different this time around. It didn’t matter that you’d argued that this was the last thing any of you should have been doing with the blood moon right around the corner. Granted, you were only using that angle to try and get out of it, but you thought you still had a good point. Baekhyun muttered something about jealousy before scurrying off.  
You were not jealous. Why would there be any reason for you to be jealous of Mina? This time around, you wouldn’t have to cover her in water to get her to back off. 
Uneasy was the feeling you would say she gave you. Her hair still reminded you too much of the woman from your visions. It would be too much of a coincidence for her not to be, given the timing of her arrival and the fact that she was sticking around much longer than Dana had anticipated. You didn’t voice this assumption in order to avoid an argument or hurting Dana’s feelings. Mina was her best friend after all. She was supposed to be trusted. But you couldn’t quite hop on that particular train. 
You tapped your foot at an impatient pace against the concrete. Sehun had run off somewhere “real quick” and left you alone leaning against a red brick building where you were supposed to be meeting the others. A pounding headache made your forehead throb. You rubbed the skin, hoping that would help sooth it, but nothing helped. 
“You okay?”
You jumped a fraction from Sehun’s unexpected reappearance. 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you lied, even plastering on a smile. “Just tired.”
He narrowed his eyes. “You sure?”
“Yeah,” you nodded. Wanting to change the subject, you pointed to the braided white string peeking out of his pocket. “What’s that?”
Noticing the string, he quickly stuffed it into his pocket. “It’s nothing.”
Now it was your turn to narrow your eyes. What was he hiding? 
Too curious for your own good, you pounced on him, clawing for his pocket. But Sehun was quick. He kept you back with his ridiculously long arms and no matter how hard you fought, your fingertips only brushed against the surface of his jeans. 
“Come on, Sehun,” you grunted through gritted teeth. The effort you were exuding was making you break out in a slight sweet on your forehead and upper lip. He, however, seemed to be nothing but amused. “Just let me see it.”
“No.” The jerk didn’t even sound a bit out of breath. 
Huffing, you stopped fighting and stepped back. “Why not?”
“Because I said so.”
“Oh, no. We’re not playing that game.”
“Fine. Tell me what’s bothering you and I’ll show it to you.”
You gaped at him. Seriously? He was going to try and pull that on you? “Nothing’s bothering me.”
You folded your arms across your chest. “What makes you think I’m lying?”
“Because you’ve been in a mood ever since Dana brought up getting together with Mina again.” He raised an eyebrow at you, waiting. 
“I have not been in a mood,” you scoffed. 
“Yes, you have,” Sehun said. A predatory look flashed in his eyes as he stalked towards you. With no chance to jump out of the way or escape, you found yourself trapped between him and the wall, an arm on either side of you caging you in. 
Resisting the urge to gulp, you looked at each arm. You tried to convey boredom and an air of unaffectedness in your eyes. “Do you really think you can intimate the answer out of me?”
Sehun was taken aback by your comment, even straightening up and breaking the cage he’d put you in. “Th-that’s not what I was trying to do.”
“Maybe not consciously, but that’s typically the tactic you wolves tend to leans towards.”
“Sorry.” Sehun cleared his throat and shoved his hands in his pockets. It wasn’t the kind of apology you could entirely believe, but you’d let it slide. “But I still want to know what’s bothering you. And don’t say nothing, because I know that’s not true. I can tell. You’re constantly fidgeting and more argumentative lately.”
Wonderful. He was picking up on your other nervous habits. “Maybe that’s just who I am,” you said as you started picking at your cuticles. 
He placed a hand over both of yours. “(y/n)-”
Lottie bounced up to the two of you, her smile shining brightly as Tao skidded to a stop behind her. Sehun shifted his hand so his fingers were interlaced with yours. As much as you appreciated the turn of events, you had a feeling this conversation would be revisited in the future. 
“Hey,” you greeted with a fake cheeriness. A queasiness was bubbling in your stomach. Sehun had developed this ability to read your face even when you were trying desperately to keep it neutral. How could he pick up on the microscopic changes in your expression? How could he read the emotions that you’d once been so good at concealing?
Or maybe you were never good at it from the start and Soomi and Mother Willow were just being polite and not pushing you to open up in the same way Sehun did so easily. 
“So we have some good news!” Tao beamed as he wrapped his arms around Lottie’s waist. 
He was hands down one of the touchiest of the wolves when it came to his mate - and that was a very competitive title. The boy would pout or whine if she put space between them or needed to leave the room for a second. You were half surprised that he didn’t follow her around everywhere. You’d once commented about it under your breath which earned a side eye from Sehun. He mentioned later that Lottie actually did have to have a talk with Tao about it. 
Apparently several of the mates have had to have “that talk” because a wolf’s natural instinct is to keep that contact and proximity. The longer they go without it, the more agitated they become. 
“Jongdae was the worst because he let it go on for so long,” Sehun had said as he played with your hair. The two of you had been lying on his (your?) bed, talking about nothing and everything, basking in the time alone. “He’d snap at the tiniest thing. Then when she had to live here at the house with us, it got even worse because she was near but he was still being stubborn. A few of us started being a little flirty with Jiyoung, pushing Jongdae’s buttons for the hell of it.”
“That is so mean,” you’d scolded, but any power was lost behind the chuckle that came with it. 
Sehun shrugged. “He kind of deserved it. He was an ass to Jiyoung for something that wasn’t her fault.”
You’d mulled over these new details you were learning about the wolves. Sehun had been a bit cranky in the beginning of your stay here, but he didn’t have to suffer too long before giving in. 
“What about Junmyeon?” you’d asked suddenly. 
  Sehun frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Kita was gone for a few weeks, but I never saw him get agitated about it.”
“That’s because he’s had practice at holding it in.” he explained. “Can you imagine having to be in charge of all of us? All the time? He’s got being calm and collected down to an art.”
That made sense. You’d seen the craziness that came with such an unusually large pack on a daily basis. You just hoped that Sehun didn’t try to sew himself to your hip.
Lottie elbowed Tao in the stomach, sending him a disapproving look before turning back to you. “What Tao means to say is that Mina dragged Dana into helping her with something before joining us so they’re running late.”
“Kyungsoo’s annoyed, as you can imagine,” Tao snickered. 
Sehun looked at you with a very pointed expression. Your response was to stick your tongue out at him. 
“So, what now?” Sehun asked the others. 
A grin spread across Tao’s face, crinkling his eyes. 
Lottie rolled her eyes. “We are not going shopping.”
In a flash, the smile was gone. In its place was his signature pout, but he didn’t argue. 
“We could always go ahead and go over to the festival,” you suggested. 
Now it was Lottie’s turn to shine. “Yeah! That sounds like a good idea. Let’s go!” She twirled out of Tao’s arms, taking his hand, and headed towards the center of the business district before he could voice his own opinion on the idea. 
White tents with open fronts lined up in rows facing each other, taking over the streets where patrons typically parked to visit the more permanent stores in the area. Even though it was the middle of the afternoon, the square was full of people milling about. They traveled in chaotic lines, going from tent to tent, stopping to examine the wares and products made by both local craftsmen and traveling artists alike. 
“Jiyeon should really think about putting her own work up for one of these things someday,” Lottie commented. 
“What does Jiyeon do?” She was one of the older mates - the first one, if you remembered correctly - but you hardly ever saw her or Minseok, the two of them seem to prefer to keep to themselves. When you did see her, she was usually with Evie. The two of them were close, almost like sisters with how in sync they were. She, too, had a motherly feel to her, but you couldn’t bring up the courage to start any sort of conversation with her. 
“She’s a photographer,” Sehun answered. 
“More like Minseok’s personal paparazzi,” Tao snicked. 
Lottie yanked her hand out of his. “Would you stop. Jiyeon can take pictures of whoever she wants as much as she wants. Especially Minseok.”
“Besides, everyone knows you’re just bitter because she’s never wanted to help you with any of your ideas,” Sehun added. 
“She took Kris and Evie’s engagement photos!” 
“Which is different than your fashion shoots.”
Blowing out air, Tao stomped off to a booth that was free of any photography. He pretended to be extra interested in the hand knitted beanies that were hanging from a display tree. 
“I’m not going after him,” Lottie said. 
Sehun huffed. “Fine. I’ll babysit him.” He walked off towards his friend, leaving you awkwardly standing there with Lottie. To your relief, she was kind enough not to try and force conversation. Instead she turned her attention to a Halloween themed booth. 
Little clay figurines covered the tables: black cats with their curved backs, Jack-o-lanterns with welcoming grins among, friendly ghosts among other cliche symbols of the season. One figure that you’d seen all too often caught your eye. Carefully, you picked up the green-skinned witch with the black and purple striped socks and pointed hat. Her nose was large and hooked, her hair frizzy and crimped. The typical picture that children thought of when they heard the word “witch”.
“Does that ever bother you?” Lottie asked quietly enough to not be overheard by the creator. 
You shook your head. “No. You get used to it. Especially when you remember that, to everyone else, you don’t really exist. You’re a fairytale or scary story. I can’t take offense when they don’t know any better.”
“But it can’t feel good when everyone see witches as ugly and evil.”
“Not everyone does,” you countered. “There’s a lot of stories where witches are good. Charmed, Halloweentown, Glinda the Good Witch. Although, if I’m honest, Wicked is one of my favorites.”
“The musical?” Lottie tilted her head, confused.
You laughed. “Yeah. I saw it once, years ago. Mother Willow didn’t approve - she doesn’t like any stories that involve our kind. But Soomi wanted to see it and I wanted out of the woods for a bit so we went. It was funny.” Your eyes drifted downward, lost in the feelings that had emerged with the memory. 
“I felt… I felt like I was watching myself on that stage, almost. The main character was judged and ostracized because she was a little different, even amongst those who were supposed to be extraordinary and different as well.” You cleared your throat, turning back to the table and putting the figure down. “Sorry. Got a little deep there.”
“No, its okay,” Lottie said. “It’s how you felt. I’m sure it was nice to find a parallel like that.”
You nodded. “It was.”
“Sorry to cut this short, but Kyungsoo called. They’re coming to join us now,” Tao said. Sehun was frowning beside him and looking right at you. Apparently, he heard your tiny confession. 
“We can still wander around for a bit longer,” Lottie pointed out. “They’ll find us and we can go around again.”
“Come on, Lottie. I want to show you something.” Tao dragged his mate away towards another tent that seemed to be selling clothing items of some sort. 
“Is that what’s been bothering you?” Sehun asked in a low whisper as he stepped inside your bubble.
“We’ve already been over this,” you groaned. “I’m fine. I’m not feeling like the freak anymore. Especially not with you.” You nudged his arm playfully in hope that he’d loosen up. It didn’t work. 
“I want you to be happy.”
“I am.”
“It doesn’t feel like it.”
“That’s because you’re forgetting what’s bound to happen in a few days,” you hissed. “The blood moon is almost here. No one has been able to figure out what the hell is supposed to be coming and I haven’t had any more visions to clue us in. So, just lay off, okay?”
Sehun sucked in his lips. Part of you wanted to stomp off and be a brat, but what good would that do? 
Even though it was kind of Sehun’s fault for pushing, you felt bad for snapping. But his mind had been on a single track lately. You were still terrified at what awaited during the blood moon. And you hated not being prepared. You just wanted him to understand. If he understood, then you might be able to open up about your suspicions about Mina. But this exact argument was keeping you tight lipped. 
Sehun sighed, his shoulders slumping. “I’m sorry.”
“At least that one felt real,” you muttered. 
Sehun poked your forehead teasing, getting you look at him. “Can I tell you something?”
You nodded. “Sure.”
“I love you.”
You swallowed back a whimper. There was that word again. 
A pregnant silence grew between you two. Was he expecting you to say it back?
“Oh, Sehun! Hi!”
Of for the love of- 
Irritated, you whirled toward the newest interruption, this time in the form of a bubbly, bouncing blonde named Mina. She was dressed to the nines, clothing absolutely inappropriate for walking around on the concrete for a long period of time. Soon she’d be complaining about her feet hurting in her over-the-knee boots and you’d be damned if she was going to beg Sehun to carry her on his back. 
Dana scrunched her face apologetically next to her friend. “Sorry we’re late. Again.”
Mina waved off the apology as if it was meant for her. “It's not a big deal.”
“You kind of have a bad habit of that, don’t you?” You raised an eyebrow, waiting for an answer. 
Mina shrugged it off, deciding that your argument wasn’t worth her time. “How much have you guys looked at already?”
“Not much,” Sehun replied. 
“Good! We can walk around for a bit. I really love cute, homemade things!” Mina started towards Sehun, her hand stretched out like she was going to grab ahold of his arm. 
Oh, no you don’t. 
The thought had barely manifested in your mind before a piece of the asphalt split and lifted in time to trip up Mina. She stumbled, barely being caught by Dana in time. Kyungsoo flickered his gaze in your direction, pressing his lips together to hold back a laugh. Sehun, however, did not find the humor in the situation. Whatever. 
Claiming your territory, you stepped in between Mina and Sehun, taking the latter’s hand. “Yeah, let’s go see what else is on display. I think I heard a band playing earlier.”
Mina caught the implication of the contact. “Oh. Are you two… together?”
“Yes,” you said matter-of-factly. 
“Interesting.” The corners of her lips turned up. “Duly noted.”
“What’s it to you?” you challenged. 
“(y/n)….” Sehun warned behind you. 
“It’s just good information to have,” Mina replied. She even batted her eyes innocently. Or maybe you made it up. Either way, you could feel your insides boiling. 
“That’s enough.” Sehun dragged you away from the group, around the tents to a more private area. 
Over your shoulder, you caught an amused look on Mina’s face. She didn’t find it as funny when the wind suddenly picked up, covering her face in her hair and messing up her hard work. 
Letting go of your hand when you were out of sight of other people, Sehun sprung on you. “What the hell was that?”
You set your jaw defiantly. “What was what?”
“You were absolutely fine before Mina showed up. Okay, I get it, she’s a flirt, but I’ve never seen you treat someone like that. It’s not you.” The look of disappointment on Sehun’s hurt worse than any scolding or lecture from Mother Willow or Soomi. “You’ve never used your powers to deliberately hurt someone.”
“She wasn’t actually hurt,” you mumbled, unable to meet his eye. 
Sehun whipped his head back and forth, deepening the cut. You hated hearing him talk like he knew every facet of who you were. He didn’t know everything. He had known you for a month, give or take, not years. You weren’t see-through, a book so easily read that a toddler could make out the words that described who you were. 
“You know what? Fine,” you snapped. “You want to know what’s been bothering me? And why I just did that? The reason’s the same. I don’t trust Mina.”
Instead maybe looking relieved at finally understanding or something to that effect, Sehun looked… disgusted. “You don’t trust her? What for? You hardly know her.”
You scoffed. “I know, but listen. Remember my visions? The woman who’s been with me in the woods?”
“You never saw her face,” Sehun argued. 
“Not her face,” you agreed. “But I’ve seen her hair. Her blonde hair. And her hand. It was pale. Like Mina. And after all this time, she just randomly decides to come visit for several weeks, right around the blood moon?”
“That doesn’t mean it is Mina. She’s Dana’s friend. Why would she be a danger to the pack?”
You threw your hands in the air, frustrated that he wasn’t giving your theory even the slightest chance. “Who knows anyone’s motivation these days? And from what Kyungsoo said, they haven’t been as close the past few years. Maybe she thinks Dana is being held against her will. Maybe some other wolf rejected her for his mate and now she hates all wolves. Maybe she’s just psycho! Who knows!”
“But you don’t know its her!” Sehun shouted. 
“Which is why I’d rather be safe than sorry!” you said even louder. 
Covering his face with his hands, Sehun growled, “I will never understand what the others mean by jealousy being cute.”
“This isn’t jealousy!” you screamed with all the power of your lungs. “I’m trying to keep everyone safe! No one else has seen what I’ve seen! I don’t want you to get hurt when I could have stopped it!”
“And what if you’re wrong?”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. He didn’t trust you. He didn’t believe you. He wasn’t even giving you a chance, chalking it up to some stupid misguided feeling of jealousy rahter than considering what you’d seen in your visions. What good was it to have a mate if he didn’t listen.
The gravel under your shoes crunched as you whirled on the balls of your feet. You weren’t sure what direction the woods were in this deep into town so you just started off in any direction.
“(y/n), where are you going?” Sehun called out after you. 
“To the farmhouse!” You refused to call it home. Once again, you didn’t have one. 
Behind you, a huff and the quick steps of a stupid wolf before he blocked your path reached your ears. “It’s not that way. If you want to go home, I’ll take you.”
Staying silent, you waved for him to lead you in the right direction. At least you wouldn't have to walk the whole way. 
The entire time you kept several feet in between you, mostly to keep him from reaching out to take your hand, but also to keep yourself from kicking him. Which was getting more and more tempting as you thought about it. Once you were in the car and traveling down the road, you closed your eyes to block everything out. Forehead against the glass, you tried to fight back the tears. 
He didn’t believe you. The one person in the world who was supposed to always be on your side and he didn’t believe you. 
It almost too good to be true, the sense of belonging, the feeling of acceptance. It was an illusion, brought upon by fate and hormones that pulled him towards you. It wasn’t enough. It had never been enough. Suddenly, the three words he’d said to you felt empty. And you felt lost. So completely lost.
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deepspacedukat · 2 years
Raspberry, Charcoal, Navy, Lilac, Steel, Sapphire, CARMINE, and MULBERRY.
Fun fact: I am toying with Hayes being a werewolf. Not born one but while they were on earth between S4 and S5 (IT EXISTS IN MY BRAIN) he was visiting his old West Point teacher and he got sick so they called the Herford doctor (not my girl but another one) and they fixed him up but in order for him to hold the ‘patch’ for lack of a better word he kinda had to become a werewolf. It was fine until he had to go back on the ship because they were helping him with it and teaching him stuff but now he’s kinda a lone wolf oooh puns and it’s very hard for him sometimes. WEREWOLF MAJOR HAYES with Malcolm, his very human partner that can kick his ass but won’t because A) they love each other and B) the captain will put him on report. Werewolf Hayes destroying section 31 with his bare hands and some friends.
Raspberry - I need your help to kill God. <- You’ve got it! Charcoal - You have the best takes. <- No, you 💜 Navy - You are literally so sexy. <- You are too, omfg. Lilac - You make my dash better and I cherish you. <- You make mine better too, friend, and I cherish the hell out of you! 💖 Steel - You post the most beautiful art/fics/edits. <- Have you seen your own fics, ma’am?? They’re majestic! Sapphire - I want to put you under a microscope and study you. <- You can study me any time you want, babe. 😘 Carmine - I’m on one knee proposing <3 <- I ACCEPT 🥺🌹 Mulberry - We should be having (more) gay sex. <- Hell yeah we should! OMW 👀
OMFG, Werewolf Major Hayes?! 👀🥵 I didn’t know I needed that, but apparently I do holy shit. YEAH, have him take down Section 31! Those fuckers deserve it for messing with sweet lil Malcolm. I loved the pun, btw. GOD I love the sound of that idea! *standing ovation*
I love you, Horta! 💖🥺🌹
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Luc: I listened, let the reply roll around my brain, deciding what day I would go. 
“So you're there by yourself?” I turned my head, a brow cocked to look at you, and a wicked grin spread across my lips.
“I’ll pop to see this bar of yours, don't worry, the wolf will find you.” I chuckled and turned back, drinking my coffee, my eyes in the pathway, my peripheral vision on you. “Do you want to let those wings tonight before you have to go to the bar tomorrow?”
Wings: Of course he will find me. I'm saturated with your scent and his. *Another sip of coffee down, and then I let it rest on my thigh for a moment, tapping my fingers along the side.* 
Yes, I'm alone. Things never get too out of hand there that I can't handle it. *I lift my other hand to rub over the back of my neck. The short hairs there are still prickled and on end as I rub over them.* 
Absolutely. Two nights in a row with my wings free, that's never happened for me before. It will feel good. *I ran my finger up through my hair before dropping it down to my stomach, breakfast was damn good, and I was still full.*
Luc: I dropped my head back and closed my eyes, coffee still in hand. “Then that's what we should do. We can go out before sunset and watch the sun go down tonight, as well as up....” I chuckled.
“Any requests, or shall we just go for it?” In my mind, I was walking my land, thinking of stunning places to watch the sunset. I didn't want us to return to the place we had watched it rise. I wanted to watch it there because that was the specific rock we’d jump from into the water. It was where I’d helped clean your wings.
Wings:  *I smiled at the prospect of being able to watch the sunset and rise with you tonight. All the while being able to let my wings out again. That was one of the best parts about being here with you. And the scenery. And I'm definitely not just talking about your land.* 
I say we just go for it. It worked well for us last night, and it was incredible. *My eyes went over to you, your head back and eyes closed, looking sexy as ever. It was effortless with you. And you knew it. Cocky ass Wolf. But that was one of the reasons I enjoyed you so much. I laughed to myself, thinking it was a good thing I didn't have an ego because there wouldn't be room enough with how big yours was.*
Luc: “Going for it sounds good. We can eat before we leave.” Though I knew you didn't need food, the wolf did. I had no intention of letting him eat you or do the best I could not put temptation in his way. My brain was showing me memories of last night. How happy you’d looked. How your smile spread across your lips, the blush you thought I didn't notice that often spread across your cheeks. I chuckled.
“I will find us the perfect spot.......well, the wolf will. He knows the best spots.” I rolled my head towards you and opened my eyes, winked and grinned.
Wings: *I grinned back at you, and it was automatic. Like I couldn't help myself. Nor did I want to. Just my natural reaction to just seeing your smile. I went back to my coffee, thinking about getting to let my wings free again tonight. It made me happy. I was very grateful you let me hang out and do that with you.* 
I have no doubts that between the both of you, you'll find someplace amazing. *I glanced down into my coffee cup and could see it nearing the bottom. Getting to my feet, I glanced into yours, seeing the same.* want some more, Luc?
Luc: I downed the last mouthful of coffee in my cup and held it out. “Go for it, Wings.”
Mine and the wolf's eyes watched as you walked back into my house. The way it felt familiar with you there, moving around. There weren't many people who came here; I didn't allow it. This was mine. I sat up......an angel moved around my kitchen, the way your body flowed, your muscles moving just under your skin. Your arse in my shorts. 
I grinned to myself and sat back. Fucking Wings, the thought brought a massive grin to my face.
Wings:  *Grabbing your cup, I made my way back into your home, getting us a refill on the coffee. Like any other time, I felt your eyes on me. I felt it every time. It was a warm feeling, one like that spark left on me. Only it was heat, and it licked right up my spine.  That was only one of the ways you affected me. 
I brought our coffees back, joining you on the deck again. You had this huge grin on your lips, and I couldn't help but wonder what made you smile like that.* nice and hot and fresh for you, Blondie. *I handed your cup back to you and opted for leaning against the railing of your deck, the sturdy wood bracing me at the small of my back as I took a drink of my coffee.*
Luc: “Just like me, Wings...” I chuckled and took the coffee. I looked up into those blue eyes, shone in the sun, not as brightly as I had seen them but still stunning.
The wolf stirred again, his eyes watching, taking in every microscopic inch of you. He saw things my human eyes missed. The way the hairs on your arms lifted to the tiny breeze in the air. The way your mouth changed when your eyes turned to look into the house. The way it twitched when you looked back at me. He growled. Cocky bastard. Both of us.
Wings:  *I glanced out towards the woods; a soft breeze was making the leaves dance. A few multicoloured ones near the tops were already turned to their festive fall color. I didn't want to sound like a broken record, but it was so beautiful out here. I couldn't get over how perfect it was. The sun was warm on my face, the late afternoon warmth was at its peak. 
Sipping my coffee, I looked back at you, your eyes already on me, my smile grew.* 
What do you think you'd want for dinner before we head out for the night? I can make you something. I gotta earn my keep somehow.
Luc: The wolf's eyes shone through mine; my tongue flicked out over my lip, slipping along. Damn fucking wolf. I fought with him internally, a battle he fought well but lost. I closed my eyes and put him back in his cage. 
After a moment, my eyes were clear, and I grinned. “I have a fridge full of food; we can decide and cook it together...we did so well this morning,” I smirked. “Make the most of me helping; I fully intend to let you wait on me at your bar.” I chuckled.
Wings: *I smirked, shaking my head with a deep chuckle. That look was all primal. Had to be the Wolf. The kind of stare that seems to see right through me. Another chill claims me, I try my best to shake it off.* 
You just want to watch my ass as I walk away, don't you? Mmhmm.. I can feel that already. *I snapped the waistband of your shorts, the elastic snapping against my hip.* 
Just don't go making me too hard, Lucian. I'll never manage to get my jeans off that way. *I snickered into my coffee cup as I took another drink.*
Luc: “You know that's going to happen, Wings.” I winked at you, a huge smirk on my face. “In fact, I will work on it purposely just to watch you try and walk.”
I drank some coffee and slid off my chair. I closed the distance between us and stood in front of you. “Isn't that usually the case when you're around me? Hard....constantly....” I chuckled.
“Let's go and find food Wings; we can put something in and let it cook.
Wings: I think that's the case for both of us, Blondie. *My eyes met yours, a confident grin on my lips, my hand raised to place it on your stomach as I slipped past you.*, let's go see what we can get going in the kitchen. 
*I headed in and went for the fridge, checking out what you had that we could fix up and throw in the oven as I finished my coffee.* I can make some pasta. Smother it in cheese. Get our stomach all warm and full before we head out for the night?
Luc: A small roll of my eyes happened and then followed you as you wandered back inside the house.
“I’m happy with that. Tell me what you want me to do, Wings.” I then laughed and went to the upright where I kept my pans. “What pans do you want?”
I wasn't sure what this cheesy pasta was, a brow cocked. “Does it have meat in it? I like my meat.”
Wings: *I smirk as I turn around, your question was much too tempting to pass up.* what do I want -YOU- to do.. hmm. That's a dangerous question, Lucian.  *One brow waggles just to be the goof I am. 
I placed a pack of chicken breasts on the counter and pointed to it.* There will be chicken in it, is that okay or do you need more meat? 
*I sat the pan out to start boiling the water for noodles.* I'm going to cheat this time and just use Jar spaghetti sauce. One day I'll make you some homemade sauce with meatballs and such. Sound good?
Luc: A laugh exploded from me at your answer. “I knew you wouldn't be able to resist Wings. All those bad things are going through your mind right now...” The laughter subsided, and a huge smirk appeared. 
“Chicken is fine; I like chicken with anything. Usually full ones....” Another chuckle. I didn't mind you using a jar, but I looked when you said meatballs.
“So what you're telling me....” I closed the cupboard and leant against it. “Is....” I folded my arms. “You want to eat my balls one night?” I smirked like a motherfucker.
Wings:  *preparing the chicken, I listen to you with a half cocked smirk the whole time. I knew you would circle back around to those balls. Your balls. 
I passed by you, brushing my body against yours on my way to placing the chicken in the casserole dish.* 
Admit it, you're imagining your balls.. in my mouth. *I turned to glance at you briefly before starting the pasta and sauce.* and to be specific.. if I'm cooking it.. wouldn't you technically be eating... -MY- balls?
Luc:   As your body brushed against mine, my eyes bore right into yours.
“Oh, imagining your balls in my mouth all right...” I smirked. 
You continued making the food as I leant against the fridge, and I watched the smirk spread into a grin after your words.
“If we are technical, yes, I would be eating your balls at my table. I like spreading things across my table and munching down on them...” I chuckled and moved; I contemplated brushing against you but didn't; the imagery in your head would have much more effect on you.
Wings:  *I glanced over at the table as you mentioned it, ignoring the chill that licked right up my back and tickled my spine. You fucking ass. You knew the imagination you evoked from me. I groaned and continued with prepping the dish.* 
You seem like you're the kind of man who would like a spread on that table. Food or otherwise.. 
*I side eyed you with a smirk, never stopping with preparing the food.* Can you hand me the cheese, Luc?
Luc: I pushed up off the fridge, knowing the images in your head were swirling. “That's true.....” I opened the door. “What better way to enjoy something than spread it....” I grabbed the cheese and closed the door, holding it out for you to take.
“I let you have that image, Wings.” I grinned and then walked behind you, picking up some pasta and popping it into my mouth with a mhmm down your ear. “Delicious,” I whispered against the soft skin of your neck.
Wings: *I take the package of cheese from you, knowing full well you were winning this back and forth between us. You knew which buttons to push of mine and how hard to push them before I became flustered. 
And then your word, along with warm breath, hits my neck, and I knew I had lost this round. I blew out a breath and applied the cheese on top before slipping it in the oven, setting the timer.* 
There. About forty-five minutes and that will be hot and ready for us. *I couldn't make eye contact at the moment. You knew me all too well. I slipped by you to rinse out the pans and dishes we'd used for prep.* Are you hungry?
Luc: A grin set across my lips as you slid out from in front of me. I turned around and leant where you had stood a second ago. “I'm always hungry; it's my super secret.” Amusement filtered through the words. 
I chuckled and thought I’d give my shorts a break and your dick from the hardness that kept coming and going. “You want a coffee while we wait?”
My body moved quickly and fluidly to the coffee maker. Hitting heat. I stood and watched you, too much concentration in those eyes for rinsing a pot. You were trying to blank out images. Your shoulders were tight, too tight. Your back is a little too straight. I smiled.
Wings: *Moments pass, and I realize I had been too quiet for too long. Shit.* 
Yes, to the coffee. *I shut the water off and then realized that response was far too late since you were already making the damn coffee. I turned and opened up the dishwasher and began putting our dishes away from this morning so I could start filling it with these ones.* Do you want a salad or anything with our pasta bake? 
*I finished with loading the machine and leaned against the counter, finally able to look right at you, smiling wide.*
Luc: I tilted my head every time you bent down to remove something from the dishwasher, fuck that arse was something else.
When you’d finished, and you turned and smiled at me, I grinned. The coffee maker stopped dribbling water. I turned and poured in one swift movement. “Salad sounds great. I’ll make it. I'm good with my hands.” I held the steaming mug out to you.
“You can put your feet up, not on my table; feet aren't allowed...” Smirking.
Wings: *I laughed, taking the coffee from you.* oh, feet aren't allowed on there?  I can respect that. 
*I hopped on the end of the counter, out of your way so you could make the salad.* Hopefully, my ass on the counter is okay? *My brow arches with the question as I take a drink of my coffee. My hands wrap around the mug to warm my fingers from being wet from the water, enjoying the heat of it.* next time, and when I make meatballs and sauce for us, I'll make some homemade bread too. It will be delicious. 
*That word almost caught in my throat. I remember just moments ago how it sounded as you breathed it out over my neck. I went back to my coffee, closing my eyes to savor the sip.*
Luc:  “Arses are allowed everywhere.” I chuckled. As I walked past, I brushed my palm over your thigh. I pulled open the door to the fridge, grabbing everything to make a salad into my arms.
With the chopping board in front of me, a knife in my hand, I began slicing and dicing. I threw out a hand to the cupboard above me, grabbed a bowl. Lettuce, onion, cucumber, peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms, corn, spring onion. Salt, pepper, oil, vinaigrette. I grabbed the bead and ripped it onto a baking tray, splashed with oil and garlic salt and slipped it in the oven with the pasta to make croutons.
“We can take them out in 10, add them to the salad.” I grinned and picked up my coffee.
Wings: Everywhere you say? *I wagged my brows at you over my coffee cup as I take another drink. I still felt the warmth of your hand on my thigh. It was like you were leaving me with memories each time you touched me. No touch was irrelevant. 
I watched you getting this salad put together, chopping everything up, making dressing and making your own croutons. My brow raises in complete amusement. That was damn impressive right there. 
When you were finished prepping them, you slid them into the oven, and I shamelessly checked out your ass. Damn that ass of yours. Made those shorts look good.* 
Damn.. homemade croutons, I can honestly say I'd never had them, but I'm sure excited to try.
Luc: “You thought I couldn't cook?” I laughed and crossed my arms, leaning against the counter, the edge digging into the small of my back as I crossed one foot over the other.
“I’ll have you know I'm quite adept in the kitchen, not just at the table...” I couldn't help the smirk spread across my lips. “I was taught, it's not a natural gift...” I laughed some more. “I'm not Wings, but I can hold my own..” I gave you a lopsided grin. 
“Talking of arses on counters, yours is the one that's been there the longest...”
Wings: Your cooking skills were not the reason for my comments, Luc. *I shook my head with a laugh, letting my eyes wander over as your leg crossed over the other one. Eyes move from your legs and upward, soft skin and muscles, abs flexing almost as if they knew I was looking. My lips curve into a grin as I meet your eyes.* 
No, you're not me. Thankfully. It would be weird if I got turned on by myself. You're you. That makes it hot. *I winked, snickering as I sip on my coffee. I swallowed it down with a hum and decided I wanted to tease you.* 
So what you're saying is.. all the hot men who sit on your counter never are left there sitting long before you've carried them off? Mmh.. now I get it. *Wags my brows*
Luc: “Now that would be telling, I don't kiss and tell....” I frowned. “Don't lick or fuck and tell either....” Wiggling my brows. 
“I’ve divulged enough telling you of the table...” I pushed off the counter and walked over to you, your knees slightly apart as I pressed my waist between them. “The couch has never had a man on it, naked.” I bent forward; my arm reached around you, and my hand wrapped around the garlic salts. My eyes, though, never left yours. I took a step back and went back to the oven.
Wings: *I almost spilled my coffee when you slipped between my legs, trying my best to keep my composure. I chuckled, which sounded more like a groan, and kept my eyes on yours.* 
The couch? I'll have to remember to change that, Wolf.. *I cleared my throat as you backed off and went back to the oven with your seasonings. Fucker. I was calm and okay until then. Now I was all flustered again and watching every move you made as you worked.*
Luc: I opened the oven, pulled out the croutons, quickly dashed more garlic on the top and slipped them on the glass part of the counter for hot things that weren't me.
“They’ll take a little to cool, but we can throw them in when your pasta is ready.”
There was no hiding the hard on I had in these shorts, not that I cared. The fucker had been on and off all day; in fact, every time I’d stared at Angel's arse for more than a minute, my dick had twitched. I may have to grab some tissues for the Angel at some point, though.
Wings: *I finished my coffee and hopped down off the counter to check the timer on that pasta dish.* That'll be done in about ten minutes or so, and then we can feast. *I rub my hands together, proud of what we can get accomplished together in this kitchen amid all the times you rendered me useless just by being sexy. 
I grabbed some plates down from the cupboard, silverware next and then headed in to set the table for us.* It smells so good. I hope you like it. *I smiled at you as I turned, finishing up with the table and coming back to rinse my coffee cup in the sink.*
Luc: The wolf watched as you walked to the table; I wished he wouldn't do that, decide to take over my sight. The muted colours of his sight, carefully watching as though he had his prey in sight.
That smile as you walked back to the sink, the wolf growled, my chest rumbled. My nose was on your skin, my tongue out before I had any say in the matter; it ran the length of your arm unhindered by anything, another growl. My tongue dragged along your shoulder, to the soft skin at the crook of your neck, another growl. My tongue went back in my mouth, and I took a step back, shaking my head. My eyes became my own again.
“Ten minutes, you say, I'm starving.”
Wings:  Lucian.. *My voice was a low groan, the cup was set down in favor of clutching the edge of the sink, eyes squeezing shut as I prayed silently that I wouldn't combust in these shorts. He would definitely have my scent on these shorts with how hard I was right now. The growl let me know exactly why the lick was happening.. or who was really doing the licking. 
Your tongue drawing right up my neck in the crook had me white knuckle gripping that sink. I refuse to come in these shorts, for fucks sake. I opened my eyes and turned to grab a hot pad and check on the pasta. The cheese had browned slightly, and it was bubbling around the edges. I pulled it out and carried it over to the table. I knew full well I was straining against these shorts, and I didn't care one bit. You did it to me, and you had every right to see that.* 
Come on, Let's eat so we can hit the woods. I'm in need of a dip for sure.
Luc: I followed the food, the wolf now restless for everything. I could feel my muscles trembling. He could fuck off; I wanted food. I quickly ran my hands under the water, dried them and threw the croutons on the top of the salad, bringing them over to the table.
The pasta’s aroma had my stomach growling loudly; I think it was my stomach. Serving spoons for the salad and juice, I went back and collected. Sitting opposite you at the table.
“He likes you.... The wolf.” As though that was an explanation as to why my tongue was attacking you while you washed the pots. I‘d had a full view of the hardness of you, that damn fucking wolf.
Wings:  *My teeth drag over my bottom lip as I look over the table at you, your words hadn't come as a surprise, but you actually saying them.. that was different.* 
I can tell in many ways. *I sat up from my chair and grabbed one of those spoons, dishing us out some of the pasta. Here and there, my eyes would catch yours, and I'd smile.* I like him too... the Wolf. 
*I sat back down and let you dish out the salad for us. The words repeated in my mind as I watched you. It went unsaid, but I knew you understood I liked the whole package of you. All of you.* 
So he won't bite me when we're out there?  *I wasn't afraid of him, just respectfully cautious. I didn't want him shredding my wings like we'd had a pillow fight.*
Luc: After plating the salad on the plates with the pasta, I thought about your question.
“He's temperamental, he likes you, but he likes rabbits too...” I chuckled at the comparison that I knew you’d know wasn't true. “I don't think he will. If he is hunting, just keep out of his way....” I grinned and grabbed my fork. “I don't want to come back to me and have to take you to the hospital; that would take some explaining....” I looked over at you and smiled. “Wings coming out of your back, shredded. I'm not sure the world is ready for oh ‘oh it was a wolf, me, attacked the angel.’ 
I took a mouthful of food, making noises at how good it was.
Wings: I do stay out of his way. And if he bites me, just let me heal. Don't take me to the hospital. *I laughed, getting some of that salad on my fork and to my mouth. I wanted to taste what you'd made first. A mouth full and grinning, it was quite delicious.* incredible croutons with this salad, Luc. Damn. 
*I shoved another bite in, groaning this time, getting another crouton and some of that dressing you made. It all worked together so well. 
After swallowing my second, embarrassingly big bite of salad, I went right for the cheesy, saucy stuff, yet another big bite set on my fork, ready to feed my face.* 
And if he bites my ass, you'll have to take care of that wound. *winks*
Luc: I’d filled my fork with both cheesy pasta and salad, and I was glad I’d swallowed when you told me I’d have to take care of your arse.
“Your arse doesn't heal? “ I smirked. I took another mouthful of food. Damn, it was good. The pasta holding all the cheese instead of it being in the salad added another dimension to it. As we sat eating, I felt a swell of pride that you like my croutons, my salad. I found myself grinning. 
“Any injuries, I will make sure you're well looked after. You'll be the top priority.” Just one wag of my brow and a smirk on my lips until I dug into the food again.
Wings: All of me heals. But if this ass gets bitten by those Wolf chompers, you'll need to nurse me back to health just because I want it. *A smirk plays upon my lips as I pluck a piece of cheese from my plate and pop it in my mouth. The idea of you taking care of me made me heat up like the oven we just cooked in. 
I was enjoying this meal. We cooked it together, and it was feeding that Wolf, so maybe he won't chomp on my ass after all. I didn't need to be bitten just for you to look at my ass. I knew you did any chance you could get.* 
Are you excited to head out tonight, Luc? *I knew I was. Getting to see the sunset and rise with you was going to be lovely.*
Luc: I burst out laughing; I could imagine you running around with your arse stuck out so the wolf would bite it if he went for you. 
“Don't worry, Wings, I'm sure he won't bite you.”
I continued to eat my food as you spoke.
“I am looking forward to it...” I looked over at you, my lopsided grin in place. “I’m going to take you somewhere different from the other night; we can go swimming first if you want to.” My brow cocked.
Wings: Swimming sounds perfect. And I can't wait to see where you take me this time. *I smiled across the table at you, I could feel my Wings itching to be let out again. They were going to get spoiled and want this all the time.* I can't wait to take these shorts off.. 
*I couldn't help the smirk that graces my lips. It was true. I've been restrained in these shorts and a painful on and off hard on all damn day. And you knew it. Probably every inch of it. Like I knew yours.* 
I really like cooking with you, Luc.
0 notes
It’s Always Been You PT.3
You and Bucky had instantly clicked as soon as you arrived at the Avengers Facility, and soon became best friends. He trusted you implicitly and ever since heard you sing, he felt himself falling faster as the days rolled on. So when you start to pull away from him, he feels betrayed and upset. Thinking it’s something to do with him and his past.
Little did he know that it was nothing to do with his past, but your shame in your body, your feelings of self-loathing and your ever growing love for your best friend.
Bucky + Plus Size Reader
AN: Hey Dolls! Thank you for the overwhelming response I’m receiving for this story! This instalment isn’t the best, but it’s important as it’s setting the tone for the next. Also, who doesn’t love a good makeover? Am I right? No? Ok, I’ll let you carry on then! 
Tags are still open and as always my inbox is always open for requests!- Rae xo
Word Count: 2016
STORY TW: Weight Issues, Fat Shaming, Swearing, Violence, Smut (Maybe? Idk yet)
CHAPTER TW: Weight Issues, Low self-esteem, Swearing
Part 1 Part 2
3: “As I’ll Ever Be.”
               “Nikki, this is so kind of you, and I really appreciate it,” you chewed your bottom lip, trying to find the right words to say, without hurting the stylists feelings. “But-“
“You don’t like it, right?” she nodded towards the outfit, and you meekly nodded in return. “You’re right to, there’s just something that looks off isn’t there?,” she bit her nails in thought, “Well this is all I’ve bought with me, so it looks like we’re going to HAVE to go shopping!” she turned around to her team of unbelievably good looking women, “Girls, take a break, get a coffee or something. We’ve got some shopping to do!” she giggled like a schoolgirl before practically pulling your arm out of it’s socket, dragging you out the door
 Your feet hurt from walking, your arms were weak from carrying the ags full of clothes, shoes and whatever else Nikki had decided to treat you with. You bundled into your room and slumped down on the bed, the only thing you had on your mind was a nap.
 “Hey Sleeping Beauty, get your ass up, you’ve got to go get all pretty and shit” you were rudely awoken with a vigorous shake from the one and only Natasha Romanoff.
 “Ok, I’m up, I’m up. What are you doing here?” you asked, trying to stifle a yawn
 “Well, I’m here for a free mani-pedi, obviously. And to get you to the hair stylist, you’ve got to take care of that mane some time.” She laughed as you put on your very best, I’m shocked and appalled face.
 “What’s wrong with my hair?” you laughed
 “When did you last have it in anything apart from a bun Y/L/N?” she raised her eyebrow at you. 
 “I don’t remember…” you trailed off, looking at the floor.
 “Well, then that’s exactly what’s wrong with it.” She smiled at her own joke, “Now, I don’t want to see you until you’ve been all dolled up” At that, she was up and getting the nail technicians attention.
The stylist waltzed into your room with all the equipment that she needed, and sat you down on her chair.
“So?” you asked the lady as she was running her fingers through your hair, scrutinising the ends with microscopic precision.
               “Oh no no no, you’re not allowed to know. I’ve been told you’re not allowed to even get a peek until we’re all done with hair and make up” you sighed, this was Tony’s doing, and you knew it.
After around 3 hours of primping, polishing and styling, you were about to go and get your outfit on. You walked to the closet where Nikki was making the final touches to your outfit. You looked at it nervously.
“Don’t worry, it’ll look amazing. Here, go put these on.” She threw all sorts of under-garments at you, bras, panties, even stocking and suspenders. You held up a corset and wondered what the hell it was for, you gave her a quizzical look, “It sucks everything in, trust me. You’d look amazing anyway, but this, this is what seals the deal. Just in case you had your eye on anyone special” She winked and you turned a light shade of red. “Now, go and get dressed, you don’t have long” She hurried you into the bathroom where you proceeded to dress in the undergarments you’d been given. As you were about to leave, you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror for the first time and didn’t recognise the person staring back at you.            
 Your once straight Y/H/C, lack lustre locks were now healthy curls of deep red that hung just below your shoulders, your feathery fringe stopped just above your now perfectly groomed eyebrows. A blended, soft brown shadow was sitting in the crease of your eye and an inky black flick was on your eyelid, your eyelashes were thick and wispy, you blinked, fluttering them, making you aware of your lack of them up to this point. The lashes tickled your cheek and that made you laugh, causing your attention to change from your eyes to your lips. They looked soft and plump, covered with a deep blue-red lipstick and lip liner that made your teeth look whiter than they were before. Your face had been sculpted nicely, with a shimmery highlight bringing out your cheekbones. You felt amazing in the sexy lingerie that had been picked out for you, and turned your attention to the dress that had been picked out for you. You stepped into the dress and pulled it over your hips, the black velvet hugging you like it was made for you. The deep V in the front accentuated your ample cleavage and the way material ruched across your abdomen and down made it even more flattering, as it hid anything that you were self-conscious about, but showed off your hourglass figure, that you didn’t even know you had, perfectly. The black heels with the red bottoms that you had fallen in love with fit you like a glove and made your tanned legs look positively divine. You added your accessories, added your new perfume and with a satisfied smile, you stepped out of the bathroom into the bedroom. With your head held high and your shoulders back, you were finally ready to face the room full of expectant professionals.
               You felt a wave of self-confidence wash over you as you posed for them, you smiled and laughed as they cheered and wolf whistled you. A small blush appeared on your face and you thanked them all. Without them, you wouldn’t feel anything close to how you felt right now. You felt beautiful, and that was such a rare occurrence for you, that you were so very grateful to everyone who had helped you get there. As soon as Natasha and Wanda had heard the commotion, they had practically sprinted to see your ‘Transformation’ as they were calling it. They stopped dead at the door and both of their mouths were hung open, at a loss for words.
“Well, what do you think?” you raised your eyebrow, hoping for a positive review from the only other girls in the house.
“You look so good Y/N, I’ve never seen you smile so big before!” Wanda came over and hugged the living daylights out of you, “You look amazing.” She whispered into you, you smiled and returned her compliment. You looked at Nat, preparing yourself for whatever she was going to say.
“Well shit, it turns out you’re hot as fuck. Good job Nikki” she looked at you and gave you a wink and held her fist out to Nikki to bump. “Are you ready?” she looked at you and you froze, were you ready? “He’s not going to be able to take his eyes off you.” She gave you a knowing look.
“What? Who?” you played dumb, hoping that they wouldn’t press the issue any further. The rest of the team left to clean up, which let you to have your discussion alone.
“You must think we’re stupid Y/N. We’re talking about Bucky.” You opened your mouth to protest Wanda, but she raised her finger before you had the chance to say anything. “And don’t you deny it. We see how you look at him”
“He sees me as a friend” you didn’t necessarily lie, you just didn’t tell them that you wished he saw you as more than a friend. Wanda sent you a look, and you didn’t need to say anything else, she knew.
“And? What do you see him as?” Nat pressed. Boy, she really wanted to hear the words come out of your mouth.
“I mean, of course I like him, who wouldn’t? He’s gorgeous. He’s kind, and funny. He’s charming and protective. I mean I should be so lucky right?” you finally admitted it to Nat, just not to the extent that you liked him.
“Well wearing that hun, you’ll be getting very lucky, if you know what I mean” she sent you a wink and you exploded with laughter. You picked up your phone from the charger and noticed a text from Bucky.
Limos have arrived. Time to board your carriage, Cinderella.
You made sure you had everything you needed, and headed out the door.
“Y/N, you go last, so you get the grand reveal.” You rolled your eyes at Wanda, ever the romantic.
You ascended the stairs behind Nat and Wanda, and you could hear them being wolf whistled and clapped by everyone. You took a deep breath and nervously turned the corner looking out at the crowd of people. It became so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Everyone’s mouth was hanging open in a similar way to Nat and Wanda earlier. Your eyes searched the room for those familiar ocean blue orbs. When you found them, your heart started racing, and you could feel your smile widening. He looked so handsome in his tuxedo, his long hair in a slicked back style that made you want to run your fingers through it. He looked you up and down, and there was a brief flash of something that you couldn’t quite figure out in his eyes. All of a sudden, all of the men were rushing to you, reaching for your hand, fighting to help you down the stairs. All of them apart from the man who you really wanted to be there. He kept his distance, keeping his gaze on you at all times.
“Here, Y/N, let me help you.” Steve extended his hand to you, ever the gentleman.
“Hey, shove off Cap, I asked first” Sam pushed Steve’s hand away, replacing it with his own. You blushed harder, not used to all the attention you were now receiving.
“I think we all know, I was there before both of you.” You heard Tony move through the crowd and he took your hand and escorted you down the stairs. He leant into you and whispered “You look stunning Siren. Who knew right?” you slapped his arm playfully and laughed. He can be an ass, but him footing the bill for this make over made you feel very thankful to Tony, for everything he did for you tonight.
“Thank you Stark.” You looked at him, he picked your hand up, and planted a small kiss on top of it.
“Go get ‘em tiger.” He raised his eyebrow and as soon as he’d said it, he was off, talking to someone about something far beyond you level of expertise. You made your way over to Bucky, who’s stare you were painfully aware of the whole time you’d been stood in the foyer. Your eyes met his and he smiled at you and the dancing butterflies in your stomach were at it again, why did you react like this with him?
“Hey Buck. You don’t scrub up too shabby,” you mentally cursed yourself at your nervous laugh that followed.
“Neither do you, Angel.” He took you in his arms and you pulled him close, giving him a chance to feel your curves, you blamed your new found confidence at the sudden need for his attention. He didn’t complain, as he picked you up and span you around. He placed you back down and whispered into your ear, “You’re simply captivating, Doll” Your heart was hammering away so fast in your chest, you felt it could jump out at any moment. You felt your breathing hitch as he studied you, you glanced up at him, his eyes darkening with something you couldn’t quite place your finger on.
“Come on Guys! I want to party!” Sam called from outside. You hadn’t even noticed the foyer empty, leaving only you and Bucky stood on the logo in the entrance hall. Bucky placed his hand on the small of your back, the small touch sending a shiver down your spine.
“You ready Doll?” his low voice made your knees weak, and you could have jumped him there and then.
“As I’ll ever be.”
Tags: @cami23593 @alittlewerewolfgirl @electronicstrangerdaze
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