#but i still know better than to get my hopes up ✌
Hmmm the thing about not wanting to ship within canon is like uhhh if i have to go out of my way to either write a whole scenario where it could happen (wish fulfillment) or just re write the entire story then obviously it would be better to check out the fanfic side for shipping purposes and leave canon alone (and it would probably make me happier)(maybe even writing something myself if i have to lmao)
But if i can look at the source material literally just that and nothing else and i can say 'yeah this could work' or like 'the set up is all there already!!! In the source material!!! I dont even have to change or add anything!!!! This is not a blink and you miss it type of deal!!!' Then in that case....why wouldnt i you know?
0 notes
sisterofficerlucychen · 3 months
hi ✌ i'm back on defending celina juarez to death. i think part of what keeps rubbing me the wrong way about celina and nolan's dynamic is when something goes wrong, celina's the one only one at fault (in nolan's eyes).
i keep thinking about how celina failed to clear the room because she got distracted by the injured woman. did she mess up? yes. but the fact that nolan's response is "see that it doesn't" when she says it won't happen again like he's not at fault too? as if he shouldn't be teaching her better?
a student is only as good as their teacher and her misses are his - which have been pointed out to him. it's frustrating that she keeps making these little mistakes when she should know better but hasn't been taught better.
anyway, back to the scene — celina never called code 4, she called nolan into the room and he assumed it was clear. he never bothered to take a second to ask if she finished clearing the room when he never heard it come through the radio and she never said it once he was in the room with her. he's been a cop for more than five minutes, he should have known to double check with his rookie that the room was clear instead of calling code 4.
i keep thinking back to what tim said in 2x19: "Rookies aren't used to the adrenaline. They get amped up. It's lights and sirens syndrome" which i think applies here?? celina might not have charged at a suspect during a felony stop but she saw someone severely injured after already finding two dead bodies and switched to instinct instead which was to try to save the woman who was just barely alive.
something else that i keep coming back to as well is how grey told nolan he had the potential to be a great training officer because he didn't fit any of the four type of training officers and encouraged him to take the best qualities of the leaders and mentors he had to make his own category but it feels like instead of doing this what he's doing instead is jumping from being one type to another because he's still trying to figure out what those qualities are? he'll be swing from one end of being a super lax to the opposite end of laying down the law. nolan may teach by asking (which i agree with aaron, is a very under appreciated method) but he doesn't correct the same way which is a huge miss.
perhaps one of the few times he actually corrected celina in a way that helped her grow was at the literal start of her rookie year when he validated her "instincts" and worked with her to justify why and how to help her understand how she got to that conclusion when it was clearly pointing her toward the right direction. it's just been a downfall after that.
every time it's been pointed out that it's his fault because he's her training officer he's like "oops, my b~~" but then it keeps happening again?
it feels like this might be a potential plot because of how it's been back to back mistakes now? and i really hope it's not celina who gets thrown under the bus with nolan coming out scot-free because she has proven herself to have potential, she just needs someone to train her better.
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voxofthevoid · 13 days
Congrats on finishing the Shibuya Swap🥳 and also congrats for finishing your anniversary fics🥳🥳 I enjoyed those immensely, you're truly skilled when it comes to writing, you make it so easy to follow along with what the characters do and understanding their feelings and motivations, you really just make everthing flow and work so naturally💜💜
I personally love when characters use their hands👀 sooo for the Fic Excerpt! Could you do the word: Hand(s)
Happy to see you seem better from your stomach bug💜💜 I really hope that stomach bug didn't leave you with any lasting issues, I had a wierd bug in March and my stomach has not been the same since😔
Thank youuu 🥺🥰
I'm really glad you like those aspects of my writing! And I absolutely ate up your comments on the anniversary fics (and in general); they're always a joy to see in my inbox 💗
And damn, what's it with stomach bugs just fucking up people's stomachs? I'm sorry, friend. That happened to me around a decade back, and the frequency of my gut issues is because of that. It's better than it used to be though. I hope yours also improves soon!
As for hands—we're spoiled for choice here, so I was trying to decide between fisting, nipple play ft. reflection of what the hands are doing, good ole groping, etc. In the end, I've picked Yuuta paying some loving attention to Yuuji's hand with the flimsiest excuse known to mankind:
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“I do this a little differently than Ieiri-san,” Okkotsu says apologetically. “Does it bother you?”
“You…kiss people to heal them?”
It’s…not the weirdest thing Yuuji’s seen a sorcerer do. Fushiguro has an arsenal of supernatural pets. Inumaki can make people piss themselves. Kugisaki can do things with her nails that Yuuji’s better off not thinking about, especially after that time she snagged a bit of hair from him and Fushiguro “just in case.” Gojou defies categorization.
Even Okkotsu has a way of drenching an area with his cursed energy till the air feels like something you’d find in curse hotspots.
Compared to all that, this is almost normal.
It’s still a lot of tongue. Okkotsu’s sucking on his knuckles now, mouth open and wet over the little cuts there. Yuuji can feel the debris getting sucked out of the wound, followed by the skin closing.
There’s a brief reprieve when Okkotsu turns his head and spits out a mix of blood and saliva and whatever grit was in the little cuts. He wipes his mouth afterward, muttering an apology without meeting Yuuji’s eyes, and Yuuji’s equally quiet dismissal dies half vocalized because Okkotsu’s mouth is back on his hand the next moment, sliding slickly from the base of his palm to the sensitive center, lingering on a shallow scrape there before making its slow, sweet way upward, all the way to the tip of Yuuji’s middle finger.
Okkotsu’s tongue curls hotly around it, and something stings in answer, but the pain is nothing even before the healing.
Yuuji’s hand tingles all over—spit cooling on sensitized skin.
He wishes he were simply grossed out, but disgust is so far out of reach right now that he can’t even imagine feeling it. The wet heat trailing over his skin is spreading to parts of him that Okkotsu hasn’t even touched, and the view is even more lewd. Yuuji’s no expert, but he knows a thing or two about how filthy a mouth can get on a body, and what Okkotsu’s doing is closer to that than any kind of healing Yuuji’s ever seen.
The rest of the excerpts/replies will be posted in around 12 hours ✌
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andrebearakovsky · 9 months
heya! i've been away from hockey for a few years, my last devastation was the Trading of Holtby. which cap should i look out for this season in your opinion? thx✌
(holtby wasn't traded he simply just wasn't re-signed as a free agent but that's okay)
Well, if you were around in the Holtby era, then all the big guys are still here (Ovi, Backstrom, Oshie, Wilson, Carlson, Kuzy) and you know them, so I'll talk about some newer guys that you might not know. And I know you said one guy but I'm going to talk about multiple guys 'cause I can't help myself.
I personally think Dylan Strome is going to have a pretty big year. We got him last year, and he had his career high in games played, goals, assists, and points. He seemed very comfortable here, and I think he'll have an even better year this year. He's a center and will play anywhere from line 1 to line 3 depending on how the rest of the lineup looks on any given day, and he'll definitely be on the power play, either on PP2 or on PP1 in Kuzy's spot, though that depends more on Kuzy than it does on him.
I also think this year is gonna be a big year for the young guys. New head coach Spencer Carbery was the head coach of the Hershey Bears for 3 seasons, so he has coached and is familiar with a LOT of these guys. The guys on the training camp roster who I believe have a good chance of making the roster that he coached for at least some period of time in Hershey include: Martin Fehervary, Lucas Johansen, Beck Malenstyn, Joe Snively, Alex Alexeyev, Connor McMichael, and Aliaksei Protas. He coached Johansen and Snively all 3 years he was there (Malenstyn would also be included in this group if he hadn't missed all of 2020-21 with an injury). He also coached Rasmus Sandin for 2 years when he was an assistant coach with the Maple Leafs (he also coached Nicolas Aube-Kubel, for the very brief period of time NAK was a Leaf); he specialized in coaching the power play, which Sandin was a part of, and figures to be a part of again - since Orlov's departure, he seems a natural fit to quarterback PP2, and I think he will end up getting that role on PP2, since your other option there is TvR, and as much as I absolutely fucking adore TvR that is not where he belongs 😂
Anyway, my point is, it's gonna be a big year for these young guys. I'm of the firm belief that the reason why the Caps didn't get a lot of acquisitions in the offseason is because Carbery is very familiar with a lot of these young guys and has faith in them and says "we're leaning on the young guys, it's their time." And I think many of them make the jump to the NHL roster full-time and have a good year. Martin Fehervary is already an established NHLer (he wore the A in a couple of this year's preseason games!!), is very good at the defense, and has been John Carlson's defense partner for a good chunk of Fehervary's career now, meaning he's been taking on first-pair minutes and duties. I personally think Fehervary takes even another step up this year. I also say the same of Aliaksei Protas; he was on the Caps roster for most of last year but not the entire time, but this year I think he's here to stay. He's 6'6" and huge, and I think he finally learns how big he is and learns how to use his body and he'll get the offense going. Idk if Snively makes the roster full-time (I hope he does), but I think McMichael makes the full-time jump, and Beck Malenstyn DEFINITELY makes the full-time jump, I think this is the year for Beck. Mainly because Nic Dowd fucking ADORES Beck. After the departure of longtime linemate/bestie Garnet Hathaway at last year's deadline, he needs a new liney. And whenever Beck was up with the big club last year he played on the 4th line with Dowd and I could tell Dowd loved playing with him, and he has definitely grown attached. Dowd will not let Beck go back to Hershey, he's staying. And I like Beck, he's VERY physical, he'll throw a bunch of hits. I also think Alexeyev makes the jump. He got a bunch of unexpected playing time in the second half of last season because of so many injuries, and I was very impressed with how he held himself. I expected him to make the roster as the 7th defenseman anyway, but with the injury to Joel Edmundson, I think he gets the full-time playing spot and he blossoms. The Edmundson injury really opens a free spot for I hope Lucas Johansen, who could make the team as the 7th D. I really hope he does.
Oh and I wouldn't put him in the same group of "young guys" because he didn't come up with this same group that was all at Hershey together, but Sandin is poised to have a good year this year. This'll be his first full year here, and he'll have a full-time spot on the defense. He probably won't be paired with TvR like I want him to (he played with TvR a bunch last year and TvR adores him) bc TvR plays on the 3rd pair, but he'll be paired either on the 1st pair with Carly or the 2nd with Nick Jensen - I hope it's with Jensen, separating Fehervary from Carlson feels wrong. But he's expected to eat big minutes and also get power play time.
I also think Sonny Milano could have a breakout year. This will be his first full season, and I think he cements a full-time spot rather than always being at risk for being scratched. He's a skill guy and he's fast, and I think Carbery lets him loose and lets him do his thing. I would like to see him on a line with Dylan Strome, I think they've got good chemistry. His career high in goals is 14, and I think he could easily break that this year, and maybe even get 20. He already got his career high in assists with us last year, and he could maybe even break that again too if he plays enough. He could maybe even get time on PP2, we'll see. The team loves him, as you can see in any pregame warmup videos, I'm convinced his family is in the mob (he's Italian, from Long Island, his real name is Frank, he's called Sonny because his dad is ALSO Frank - specifically called 'Big Frank,' and also his dad looks and talks like an Italian New York mob boss [please go look up content from last year's mentor's trip]), and he has the best hair ever. It defies the laws of gravity and physics and I want to see more of it. Please go look up pictures of it for your entertainment, and also the Sonny Milano chia pet giveaway they're doing later this year.
Okay, I think that's all I have for "guys I think you should watch out for," I think all the guys I mentioned could have big years. But before I sign off, I'm just gonna push some of my personal faves on you just because. I adore Trevor van Riemsdyk so much, thinking about him just results in this: ��. Also the ENTIRE team is in love with him, if you would like more evidence/proof of this please ask and I'll do it in a separate post. I also love Nic Dowd, who's probably one of the only guys on this team with an actual brain cell; he's got quick wit, and he specializes in shutting down the other team's top center (and is quite successful at it usually), and also loves to specifically make Sidney Crosby's life miserable. And also, it might be difficult as a Holtby lover which I think you are based on this ask, but I strongly recommend falling in love with our goalie Darcy Kuemper. I ADOREEEEEEEEEEE Darcy, and not just because he's our goalie, I've adored him for a very long time. I've liked him from afar ever since he was an Arizona Coyote, and seeing him sign with us was like having an actual dream come true. I NEVER thought I'd get to see him on my team and this whole last year has been wonderful in that regard. I think you'd like him, he's sweet, earnest, easily trickable, and SO stupid. He wants to bring back the dinosaurs. He's also besties with the backup goalie Chuck. If you want more Darcy info or Darcy love I will be happy to give it to you if you ask.
Okay, sorry that post went on a lot longer than expected. But I hope it's informative! And I hope you can enjoy the upcoming hockey season! Go Caps!
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yandere-sins · 2 years
Hii can I request one where the yan is quite emotional and can cry easily the yandere isn't forceful,the yandere and their darling fight quite often (mostly because of his petty jealousy) anyway the fights usually end up with him begging for forgiveness So the yan has an older brother who loves him(platonic💀), the older brother can't stand to see the yan crying and threatens the darling to make his brother happy?????the brother's also quite powerful ig? I'm so sorry for sending my request like this 😭idk how to write a request properly ✌
Thanks for your request! I experimented with it a bit, I hope you still like it! ♥
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I don’t remember when it started.
Maybe way back when our parents died in an accident when he was but a wee child, or perhaps much later when he went off to college on his own. Either way, doting on him has always come to me naturally, whether with presents or advice. Most of the time, my younger brother appreciated it when I tried to help him. He came to me when he got bad scores on his tests and asked me for help fixing his bicycle. I was very young, and by now, I never intend to be a parent. Still, I raised him as best as I could while being just a young adult myself, all the way until he reached adulthood.
Admittedly, I might have spoiled him a little. Made absolutely sure the poor boy without parents wouldn’t get hurt again. I kept him from experiencing hardships with my influence and money, no matter if it was a scholarship or friends. Bad grades could be fixed with a pointed gun and a bribe to show my thankfulness, and making sure he has the best possible birthday only cost me the amount I’d earn by fulfilling one of the dirty jobs I’ve been doing all my life. But if it made him smile, it was worth it, no matter the blood on my hands.
I think that’s why it hurts so much to see him like this now.
Maybe he turned out this way because of me.
When he first told me about the crush he’s been harboring for a while, I wasn’t sure what to think. Even after running a few background checks and following you around town to see what kind of person you are, I was skeptical. My conclusion? Not a good one. I tried warning my brother, pulled him aside, and talked to him privately. Showing him the evidence I collected wasn’t the best idea. Revealing I was going behind his back just upset him more. Still, he insisted it had to be you, took all the documents I collected on you and your life, and stormed off, angrier than I had ever seen him in all of his life.
Obviously, you aren’t the same as me, but the longer I let that relationship go on, the more you’re hurting my brother in ways I couldn’t even imagine. I never saw him like this before. So... feral. Broken down to his most vulnerable parts, the ones that never got the love of his parents growing up, something I couldn’t and no one else was willing to give him. I’m not sure what I dislike more: the fact he has to constantly endure your rejection and beg you to love him back, or that his eyes seem to have murderous intent in them whenever I tell him there is someone else—someone better—out there he could pursue instead. Someone that returns his love back the same way he’s giving it to you.
Whenever I see that look on his face, a look saying I will kill everyone opposing me, he reminds me of myself. I think that’s why it hurts so much to see him like this now. I made sure he’d never get into contact with a life so vile as I am living it. I wanted the best for him. Wanted everything that I feared he wouldn’t have because of our loss. But that’s where I messed up, didn’t I? The way he turned out to be is because of me, I know that, but where exactly did I go wrong? How do I correct it?
“Brother,” he mumbles, shocked, staring at me with these wide open, lifeless eyes of his, unblinking. It’s a look I only see him make when he’s concerned about matters revolving around you. His voice runs down my spines in shivers, his presence turning the room into a freezer. I’d like to think I’m a strong, reliable man in my prime. But once it comes to my brother, I might as well be that young adult again, wanting to pull my bedsheets over my head and cry quietly because I am mourning my parents, too, even if I have to take care of my brother. I have to be strong and reliable. At least for him. But would they be proud of me, knowing what kind of monster I raised their son to be?
I push away from the wall, hearing you choking on a deep breath as I fake an innocent smile for the brother I no longer recognize. His eyes pan from mine to his darling, who’s still trembling beside me. For a moment, they grow soft, life filling them again as a smile tugs at the corners of his lips. Then he returns to glare at me, no affection in his gaze whatsoever. He’s clearly nothing like the brat I let sleep in my bed until his late teens because he had nightmares. The one that would come sprinting at me and throwing himself into my arms whenever he was visiting me.
“What are you doing?” he presses out between clenched teeth, walking towards us. But where his arm reaches out for you gently, comforting, his other one pushes me aside quite roughly. It hits me harder than I thought it would, both physically and emotionally. My brother cradles your quivering form against his chest while sending daggers my way, his face rubbing against your head. It’s so intimate, and you allow it without complaining this time, and it soothes him.
Instead of keeping me at a distance with his one hand outstretched, commanding me not to come closer, he lets down his guard, hugging you tightly and whispering into your ear if you’re okay and that he’s here now. It’s almost nothing like the crying mess I found him in yesterday evening, drunk in my kitchen and whining about how cruel you are. How much he loves you and you... don’t. Apparently, you liked leading my gullible brother around by his nose, talking to other guys even though you know how he feels. I’d have to talk to them sometimes, too, just from man to man, but you were a top priority. Had I not felt so bad for my brother, we all might have been facing fewer problems now, but I did what I had to. I always fixed his problems for him, after all.
“I think it’s better if you leave. Now.”
Our eyes meet the moment the words leave his mouth, his voice emphasizes that he wants me gone immediately. He still looks upset, but running his hand up and down your back seems to calm him more than it does you, who is still trembling. But I no longer believe it’s because of me. At least his gaze isn’t as deadly anymore as it was when he caught me confronting you. I admit I wasn’t very careful before coming here. Didn’t check my brother’s schedule for the day and when he’d finish his work for the day. But seeing how you were packing your belongings when I found you, trying to leave without a word, I believe I came at the perfect time regardless. I didn’t want my brother to see me threatening the love of his life, and maybe the position I cornered you in was a little too close to be appropriate, but that’s how it is now. Can’t change it, and I said what I wanted to say to you before he caught us anyway.
He eyes me suspiciously as I nod, not putting up a fight like he seems to be expecting. Instead, I grab my jacket from the chair I had sat on prior to our’ talk’ and throw it on but stop in the doorway before leaving altogether. Tapping the wooden frame with my hand, I collect my thoughts, trying to soothe the ache in my heart after seeing him choose you over me. If not for all the red flags your relationship raises in me, he’d be a fine man, looking out for his partner even above his family. I’d be proud of him, seeing him stand up for something he truly believes in, if not for the fact I know what a killer looks like before they try to kill me. Had I not been his brother, I might not have survived this.
Looking back, I am met with two very different sets of eyes. One angry, the other scared. I am pleased to see you realizing who you’re dealing with and all the pain I could cause you and your loved ones if you don’t stop breaking my brother’s heart. As long as you understand your position now, know not to act irrationally, and heed the warnings I so carefully laid out for you, I know things will be fine. As I look into my brother’s eyes, however, I know he won’t come to visit me for a long time. At least until his anger disappears—however that is going to happen—or when you are foolish enough to hurt him again. If you dare to do that, I might have to put my foot down and either take a finger or visit your family.
An eye for an eye.
I love my brother, and I know, deep down, he loves me too.
Just not as much as he loves you.
But that doesn’t change anything. I’ll always look out for him, whether it’s silently from the shadows or by his side. And I will watch you, too. I feel like I need to. I don’t want my brother to hurt like he did after losing our parents ever again, and even if you and I are playing a very dangerous game with his sanity, we are both vital to maintaining it just as much. “See you later,” I tell him, chuckling as I watch his expression turn into a mix of anger and confusion, telling me he really misunderstood the situation if he thinks it’s weird, I’d leave with no hesitations. As if I’d ever look at any other person but him. My whole life revolves around my brother and his happiness. How could I ever think of making a pass on his darling?
Besides, you aren’t really my type. Your pretty face is nothing against the cruelty in your choice to reject my brother. Nothing could explain to me why he’s so infatuated with you. But you make him happy at the same time, and that’s all that matters. As long as I see you two laughing and enjoying your life together, I know I can rest in peace, even though this day will always haunt me.
Not because my brother caught me roughing you up a little and threatening you for his sake. I don’t want him to see this side of me, but it’s for his best. That’s all that matters. But because you were so frantic, begging me to help you escape. Calling him a psycho, mad, absolutely insane, and ready to be put into an asylum, never to be released. I had people beg me for their lives while I loaded my gun, but you seemed almost willing to kill yourself if it meant escaping him. Your stutters and babbling were barely comprehensible, but you told me things I couldn’t believe my brother would do. Could do. I know him. Better than anyone on this earth, and he wouldn’t be capable of the cruelty you were trying to convince me he had used on you. I’m not a nice man, I saw shit no one else should, but I know neither you nor he ever saw me act out. But hearing your explanations, you had me convinced you were confusing me—a monster, gangster, killer, whatever you want to call me—with the innocent soul I raised to be gentle and kind. Who cried when he was hurting and laughed when he was happy.
But by our dead parents... the horrifying, bone-chilling, goosebumps-erecting scream that echoed through the night as I left your apartment... I guess I am confused too.
He is my brother, after all.
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compo67 · 4 months
Hello My Friend!
Hope this ask finds you well. Wishing you all the best on your scholarly endeavors...I know you'll crush it.
I just read the ask about the Strong Coffee fic, it's a great fic, one of my faves.
When you have the opportunity I strongly recommend a re read....
My Friend, I hope you realize what an amazing talent you have as a story teller. Your fics invoke so many emotions and are so comforting.
I feel your older fics don't get the love/attention they deserve or have they? I hope you got lots of kudos and lovely comments.
I must respectfully disagree with the other person about that nick name Jayby....it's sleazy...used by a sleazy person....lol
Thank you for the latest installment of TCV....it was fun!
Take care. ✌
Hello hello, dear one!
It's always wonderful to have you pop up in my inbox. <3
School is... well, it's going along. We're about to start a new class tomorrow, this one is going to be about Talent Acquisition and Retention, so I hope it's going to be more interesting than Strategic Management. T_T
It is still tough for me to recognize my own skills and talents. I am terrible at talking about myself or "selling" myself to others. I would love to be on more rec lists in the wincest community, but idk how to go about doing that. All I do is exist in my little sphere and eat up feedback from wonderful folks like yourself.
My older fics are buried in my archive. That's what happens when you write 2 million words. Something is bound to get lost in the shuffle. I will pull out one or two and make a post about them. Is there any you'd like to see make its rounds again?
Aww, but Jayby is such a cute nickname! You gotta brush off the fact that Ace says it lol. It'll sound better coming from someone not trashy or manipulative. Like, what if Photo Op Jensen says it to Jared? I think it'd be worth it to see what it sounds like from a positive character. :D
I am so glad to hear you enjoyed the latest TCV! I was happy to write some jealous!Dean and paddling. I just went to the city this weekend, so I have some inspiration now for TCV. But I need to work on Photo Op first.
Thank you, my dear. I hope you are well and in good spirits. Take care, too! <333
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justin-peudeau · 1 year
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WHY ?!?!??!?!?
I was busy drowing THAT scene. And my little sister (who draw better than me 😅) saw how I drew the gun and though that I was stoopid 😭.
More seriously, Theta hold her gun in this position at the second when she get arrested. She planified so accurately that she will be arrested, that even the Prince disappearance wasn't distracting enough to makes her forgot to hold her hands up like this when the bodyguards arrived.
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With THAT in mind, listen 👏CaReFuLLy👏what👏I👏 am👏going👏to👏say !!!
One thing that our godess Theta need for survive in this situation is teamwork. Because, since this right instant, Theta is now weaker than the Prince.
She CAN'T defeat him all by herself now.
Before, if Tserriednich wanted to assault her, she could have avoided it. But not now. In this appartment, Theta's fate is completely dependant to the Prince will.
Our bad old Tserriednich never thinks to kill Theta yet. Plus even his nen-beast wants to preserve her in an "alive" state. So exactly like Theta and Sarkov deduced, she still had plenty of time to readjusts her objectives.
Tserrie is totally playing with her like he usually do for the other women he tortured before. By the way ,it will be so interesting to understand the process of how he usually goes to
Point A:
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To point B:
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But of course, things will go wrong this time, because Theta is different. And so will be her fate.
Indeed, unlike the other women:
1. She is the one who had the intention to kill first .
2. She is at the head of her agressor's protection squad. And with THIS code, Togashi shows that she creates a particular bond with her team that Tserrie don't have (We never see Tserrie using secret code to communicate to his employees. In fact, it's the opposite, he is often super cash while talking to them).
This code shows that some bodyguards are fine with being secretive around Tserriednich because they trust communication with Theta more. We don't know how many of them think like this, nor how many would love her enough to sacrifice themselves to follow/save Theta instead of being obedient to the Prince only.
But it still a really great point that Theta is less alone in her mission that it seems to be. Because the only hope I see in her survival is a solid teamwork for escape the appartment and found other strong parters willing to kill the Prince (Morena and her gang maybe 👀).
So Tserrie's plans to slowly torture her until the point of no return in humanity will certainly be overly more complicated because, as I said before, Theta is intelligent AS FUCK so she will for sure mess up with his planifications in some way.
Anyways thank you guys for reading 🤩. I only have hope for my dear Theta. I know our bad charming Prince is OP as fuck, but he still have a main weakness which is ignorance. I know even more that my wife Theta sure have soooooo much other secrets in her sleeves that will plays against him. 😁✌
Don't hesitate to ask me questions or add some informations or analysis if you want ! 😊 Bye bye 👋
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unrepentanthistory · 1 year
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Trailer Park Wisdom: 11 Life Lessons 🤔
grew up in a trailer park some would have called it the projects and I learned some hard lessons so you didn’t have to. Here are 11 things I learned from growing up in the TP, surrounded daily by crackheads, gangbangers, poverty, and death.
☝Good manners never make a situation worse
If you mess up, all you gotta do is say “My bad” and people will keep it moving a lot of times. But if you don’t even acknowledge that you offended or accidentally bumped into someone, that’s often gonna be your butt.
✌Weakness brings trouble
If people think they can take advantage of you or hurt you, they will. Human nature is screwed up like that. If you’re gonna be kind, you need to be strong, because there are terrible people who will take your kindness for weakness. They will test you
⇶Crackheads are incredible
But only because they’re hooked on crack. Desperation can make a man do physically incredible things I’m mostly exaggerating for comedic effect, but I have seen crackheads jump from a three-story building and live on rotten food. And they are FAST!
🍀Someone always has it tougher
I was on welfare and living in the TP, but at least my mom wasn’t a crackhead. I knew a few kids who got taken my CYS because of shit like this. My mom only went to jail once. But some parents were always in the system.
✋No one cares
Everyone has their own crap to deal with. When you grow up in an environment like this and go to school with people who are more messed up than you—and you’re already messed up—you realize your crap doesn’t matter. No one really cares. Because they can’t.
6 Polarization can nullify a lot of poverty
I never wanted a meal, although we had to rely on school lunch and summer lunch programs. My shoes and clothes were often rough, but I was fed On the flip side, I know kids who had new clothes & games but had to steal to eat.
7. Dealing with trauma is a privilege
Life has always been hard. But when you’re busy surviving, you don’t have time to worry about that. Even if it’s holding you back. A lot of what I witnessed was likely people just trying to survive the best way they knew how to.
8. Poverty is the root of evil
I remember I watched a pizza delivery guy get the shit beat out of him on Christmas Eve all so they could get like 400 dollars and a free pizza.
9. You grow up fast
At age 5, I had a key to let myself in after school
At age 7, I was taking the public bus by myself
At age 11, I had my first job
You have to take care of yourself because the adults in your life let you down in the worst way: they don’t know that they have.
10. Most people are not going to make it
Be lucky you were born where you were and can read this. Most won’t ever see it. Most won’t even know they can do better. If all you know is what you know from birth, then is it really your fault you end up repeating “generational curses”?
11. No one is coming to save you
I watch my mom sell forties and weed to keep us from getting evicted I also watched my mom get arrested. That’s when I realized I was gonna have to take care of myself I had to save myself. Maybe I learned it too early, but most learn it too late
If you’ve got a decent family situation, be grateful. You won. You’re so far ahead of the game that you can actually backtrack and still be ahead of where people like me start.
Thank you for reading this article. I hope you enjoyed it and learned something new. If you want to see more of my work, please follow me on Instagram @unrepentantmasculinity, where I share photos and stories from my travels and adventures. And if you appreciate my journalism and want to support me, please consider buying me a coffee on Ko-fi. Your donation will help me keep writing and exploring the world. Just click on the link below and choose how much you want to give. Thank you for your generosity and kindness. Until next time, stay curious and informed.
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mxddyhero · 2 years
HELLO you know who it is, I am here to submit Jason and Bruce for the ask game!!!!! Pretty please!!! 🍒
Also disclaimer I've barely been into dc a year and am nowhere close to reading everything there is on Red Hood/Jason, let alone Bruce so I might just be chatting pure shit but here's hoping I convey some semblance of coherent thought <3
describe their canon relationship/dynamic
Error 404 not found tbh,, their relationship is strained and hostile at best. I do think that when Bruce first took Jason in, he had the best of intentions and he genuinely cared for him like a son in a way he maybe hadn't with Dick. Like, he related to Dick and saw himself in him, but Jason was Gotham personified. Jason was a street kid through and through; determined and calculating, adaptable and resilient, and I think in Bruce's eyes, saving him meant a step towards his ultimate goal of making his hometown a better place. But as time went on, Bruce ultimately came to appreciate Jason for Jason. Which is why their relationship now is so fucking sad, really, because Jason is still the same in many ways. He still cares deeply about the less fortunate citizens, he makes sure his guys don't deal to kids (and if they do, they pay the ultimate price for it). He's controlling crime better than Batman could've (would've) and he even forgives Bruce for not being able to save him that night. And Bruce just. Calls him angry and violent and shuns him and acts as though none of it ever mattered. Calls Jason a criminal, gives him the same label as the man who killed him, and tries to take the moral high ground because he let the Joker go on to hurt more people. Jason, moments after bearing his heart and soul to Bruce, ends up with his throat slit with a batarang and just like that all hope, all possibility of their reconciliation is gone.
your ideal/headcanon version of it? how does it differ from how it is in canon & why is this your favorite version? any other alternate versions of it you enjoy?
Honestly, WFA is basically it. And yeah, I know wfa isn't canon. I know it's a silly, light-hearted webtoon. BUT IT'S SO FUCKING GOOD AND CATHARTIC. Not even just for Bruce and Jason, but everyone in the batfam.
But main canon? I'd love for Jason to step away from Batman for a while. Like, I'm glad Jason's been making progress with Dick, teaming up with him on cases etc., but. I think he should realise that he truly has nothing to prove to Bruce. Until the Joker is dead (killed by whoever), and Bruce is okay with that, I don't see how they can have a functional relationship. Because like, even when Dick killed Joker, Bruce brought him back. So the clown needs to go, and Jason needs to figure out what he truly wants and not trying to gain Bruce's attention and approval again.
what do you like about their relationship, why is it interesting or enjoyable to you?
It's not enjoyable <3 it brings me copious amounts of pain every day <3
But interesting? Not to overshare, but I have no relationship with my father either, and a rather negative view of my bio dad much like Jason so it's more like. I can relate to him and see where he's coming from on a lotta fronts. I can project ✌
what about the individual characters involved? what does this relationship mean to them, what makes it unique among their relationships?
I think that despite it all, they still mean a lot to each other.
I said it before, but the fact that Batman was willing to give Jason, a street kid from Crime Alley, lit a fire in Jason. Jason always had hope, he went out that night to get a meal for him and his mum and I don't think Bruce necessarily gave him that drive necessarily, because the kid was hell bent on surviving no matter what. But Bruce showed him he didn't have to just survive, but he could do more. Without worrying where his next meal was coming from, he could actually focus on himself as a person and what he wanted to do, and had the means and opportunity to actually do it. It made him feel like the future was limitless, like he was capable of anything and everything instead of narrowing his sights to living day-by-day and Bruce encouraged that for him. Hell, he even told him he could quit being Robin after he got hurt because he only wanted what was best for him but being taken in was the best thing that could've happened to him...
And for Bruce well. I dislike a lot of how Bruce interacts with Jason post-resurrection, to put it simply. I like to think it's because after he lost Jason, he gave up on letting people in. He cared for someone and like before, it ended in violence and a life ended too soon and he had to mourn over something that he felt was his fault again. Jason was gone for years, and he had to be pulled back from the brink by Tim, so we know he wasn't coping well and I need to think that the only reason he treated Jason so coldly when he returned was because he so desperately needed for all those years of mourning and grieving not to be for nothing or I'll go insane. It makes sense that Bruce being confronted with that fact that he couldn't keep himself in check alone after losing Jason, he preferred to just shut down instead of engaging with the feelings that seeing his son back brought. God idk if that makes any sense hsgugfs,,
I also wanna talk about Dick, even though you didn't ask but I swear it's relevant to Bruce and Jason's relationship-
Dick said growing up in the manor with Bruce was lonely, which I think is because Bruce saw himself in Dick. Bruce didn't have many people growing up, and he turned out fine (you are not fine, sir), so I think he thought that Dick could handle that way of living too to deflect his own issues. He wanted to raise him the same way he was because he was projecting, if you get me. But in Bruce's eyes, Jason had had people before. He had his mother, and the other kids from the alley and people who looked out for one another because you had to in a place like that. Of course, Dick had that too. A mother and father, the extended circus family, a lot of fans from the circus, but Bruce was too fixated on seeing himself in Dick that he forgot that because he needed to channel Dick's anger right away. Jason might've been wary and callous, sure, but he had time, so Bruce was more tactile and patient in his approach with Jason and I think that's why Bruce saw Jason more of a son than Dick, anyway-
favorite interaction they have in canon
God despite it all, there are a few.
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Of course UTRH gotta be here because AAAAAAAAA (sound of wailing)... like please Bruce, he just wanted to hear how much he meant to you and to stop the Joker from being able to do anything like that again... I like to think that as much as Jason was hurt by what happened (because of course he would be, mans literally died), he was hurt on Bruce's account too, because Bruce chose to care for and open his life to someone again, and Jason was taken from him just like his parents. Like... Jason knows that pain (albeit in a different way since Willis was a piece of shit and Catherine ended up being dependent on drugs), and Bruce gave him a second chance despite everything they'd both endured. I think he wanted to prove to Bruce that it was worth trying to care for and love someone again, even despite losses, or even because of them, because Bruce gave that chance to him. And he was just. Shut down. This is sad but it's one of my favourite moments.
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God this fuxking sjdghsvsjsbs 😭😭😭 LIKE YOU CAN'T TELL ME THAT JASON GENUINELY HATES BRUCE... I simply do not believe it. I think he's angry, betrayed, resentful... but he still deeply cares for him and IT HURTS.
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And listen. Listen to me. Grabs you by the shoulders. This fuxking chapter was so good. It means everything to me. It was everything I could've ever hoped for and more. 🥳 HEALTHY AND OPEN COMMUNICATION!!! 🥳 EMOTIONAL VULNERABILITY 🥳 god it makes me so fucking shsvhdvdjd ;;;
favorite interaction they have in your head/a situation you want to put them in
Family therapy 💖But uhm fr? I want to see Jason and Bruce talking about how much Tim has grown. Talking about Damian being in the titans and complaining that he can't take his 284 pets to the tower. I want Clark to just casually drop Jason in conversation because he visited Lois the other day and they talked about the decline of modern literature. Just. Normal family shit that isn't too heavy but also not so trivial it can be overlooked as being "not relevant to the plot" or "out of character". Despite it all, they are family. And I want that to be shown more. Please.
Lin I'm so fucking sorry this is so long........ and that tumblr ate it the first time bcs the first one was so much more cohesive and concise then almost refused to post it again so I dm'd you on dsc... collapses. Tumblr in its joker arc fr rn...
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bisexual-horror-fan · 2 years
bex 💖 this post has been in my brain since you said it and i have been *waiting* for this day !! cam boy!bo, baby !! if you do this one, just go ham, do whatever you want !! and most of all thank you for your service ✌💖
Annabel! Holy fucking shit, I went uh, much harder on this than expected but what else is new? I always do this shit. But I mean COME ON! This kind of prompt fucking DESERVES something like this! I hope you love it, I worked really hard on it, super pleased with it. Get ready and buckle up for just 5K of straight up Bo Sincilar Camboy! AU! PWP! Let’s goooo!
Rating. Explicit. Length. 5K. Bo Sinclair X GN! Reader. No Pronouns Mentioned. Warnings: Cam Boy AU! PWP. Sex Worker Positive Fic. Exhibitionism. We Love And Support Sex Workers In This House And If You Can’t You Can Get The Fuck Out. Praise. Bo Being Bo. Masturbation. Sex Toys. Cock Ring. Denial. Begging. Needy Bo. Multiple Orgasms. Forced Orgasm. Overstimulation. Anal Fingering. Pre-mature Ejaculation.
Tip Me And See.
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How he got started into it wasn’t really important. Why he was still doing it should be obvious, the money was a big motivator, but let’s be real, he also loved the attention and the way it would stroke his ego.
He started out doing it casually, almost as a joke, he heard you could make some cash from it and figured why the fuck not? He wasn’t expecting to get such a rush from it, didn’t count on enjoying being watched by other people, even at the start when it was just a few people it made it feel so much better.
As the number of viewers climbed, so did his enjoyment for his little side gig. He found when he put in more effort he got more results, so perhaps some research, casual of course, he didn’t care THAT much, was done to make his little channel better.
Consistency is very important.
So he started having more regular streaming times where people could count on him being online, he openly engaged with the chat, especially people who came by regularly, made the place he streamed a little nicer.
Well of course when he wasn’t streaming in more "public" locations. At least what he let the general public believe to be more public than they actually were. He was careful, didn’t give any real info about where he was, but staging certain places to look more “risky” and “public” streams did big numbers, playing up the act was admittedly fun.
It was around this time that you found him. Cam shows weren't exactly your go-to choice of porn, you stumbled on him totally by accident but fucks sake how could you not stop and hang around when he looked and sounded like that? This almost smug and cocky kind of confidence that almost screamed, “Yes, I know I look this good.”
It wasn’t in a dickish or off putting way though, something weirdly almost approachable about him, attainable almost, could swear that his eyes clued you in to something deeper.
He was hot and you were horny and overthinking it, but hey, who really cares at the end of the day so long as you were getting off and you had to admit it, the orgasms you managed to have while watching his streams were so good that any real kind of thought wasn’t really an issue. Hard to think when you are feeling that much.
You were just a casual watcher at first, didn’t know his stream times and didn’t really tip, just if you were in the mood and went for a session and he happened to be online then great, and if not? Well if not then those sessions tended to be a lot shorter and a lot less satisfying.
That all took a hard turn when you came online to find him mid cam show one night, camera angled just so that he looked so big, almost looming over the camera, just so close to him.
His thighs spread wide, not a stitch of clothing on, that same confident and cocky kind of smirk, and best of all, a fleshlight, not just any fleshlight, a clear one that let you see it all. Let you watch how it swallowed up his thick cock and not miss a single moment. It was gripped tight in his right fist, hand rising and falling and hips bucking up a bit to meet in the middle, fucking into the soaked toy, his left hand resting on his inner thigh.
How can he look so casual doing this?
As if it wasn’t one of the hottest things you’d ever seen?
Just using that soaked hunk of silicone to get off, still talking with the chat and being so engaging, eyes crinkling at the sides as he smiled. The only thing other than the view giving it away would be his slightly laboured breathing and the wet squelch of him fucking that cock sleeve.
The one word you could think of to describe him was: Unashamed. Thoroughly and totally unashamed and fucking hell if it didn’t make you even more attracted to him.
That was the night you dropped some more real money on tipping him. It felt good to support him, felt weirdly kind of intimate, which sounds stupid almost but it did, it improved and increased the feelings and I mean you were an adult, you could spend money on whatever you wanted Goddamnit. And if you wanted to toss some cash and make it rain on the hot southern camboy that you had a crush on, that was your business, no one else's.
You were not his only fan and not the only one who regularly watched him, there was a little group who would make basically every stream of his and over the months you find yourself in that group too. The first time he said your name, okay, your screen name, it made your breath catch and your fingers falter, it felt good, really fucking good to hear him adress you.
So what if you were just a tiny bit addicted? You weren’t spending out of your means and it was his fault for being so fucking attractive and making you cum so hard so consistently.
Somewhere along the way, when he had a steady stream of money, a big audience and people regularly coming by, in addition to doing some more “personalised” streams. Those streams were something you’d been too cowardly to purchase yet, you don’t think you could handle so much close and focused attention from him without dying, he decided to start up a new regular thing to engage with his audience more.
He set up a PO box in a town a while out the way of Ambrose, he would come by and pick up packages and such when he had to go to that town on supply runs, typically about once a month. He had a lot of lovely fans who loved to spoil him and wanted to treat him to things he wanted or even better, things he could use on stream. That was how he got that gorgeous clear fleshlight you enjoyed so much, someone else sent it to him, and if his loyal viewers were going to be so kind as to spend their hard earned money on things they wanted to see him use he certainly wasn’t going to turn them down.
Tonight was going to be so good.
It was Friday, you had all weekend off, you had a good dinner, had an amazing shower and now you had settled into bed and were watching Bo’s current stream. He was doing something different. People expressed interest in actually seeing him open up the things they sent and he figured it was the least he could do, would be a nice way to hang out with the people who supported him without having to exert himself in any major way.
You loved the pornagraphic side of everything, naturally, but you liked this too. Seeing the less overtly sexual side, getting to listen to him talk and get to know “him” or at least the him that he was willing to show you, a bit better.
Mostly you could just listen to him talk forever, that voice did it for you and you considered all of this foreplay. The fact he wasn’t wearing much outside of that tight underwear that barely left anything to the imagination and a well fitting white t-shirt wasn’t hurting either.
He had gotten a few of the less sexy things on his wishlist and was having a good time so far, a decent group of people, not the usual numbers but it was early and he was still dressed. He knew once the show got going people would pour in, for now he was taking it easy.
“Thanks so much for that dalin’, V’ been wanting that forever.” You rested your cheek on your hand, reclined and relaxed as you watched your laptop screen, musing to yourself that he had to know what he did to all of you when he talked like that. He gushed more about how thoughtful it was and to quote him, how you all, “-spoil me so much, dunno what to say.”
It was times like this that remind you just how good he is at what he does, he has such a handle on this and you can’t help but eat it up.
He was picking up a new package, “Looks like this is the last one. I know! Already? Flies by so fast when I’m doin’ this, but y’all know what is up next…” he let the sentence trail off, implication more than obvious as he picked up his pocket knife again and used it to slice through the tape and open the package.
You did know what was up next and you seriously couldn’t wait for it. He read out the name of the person who sent this on and thanked them before it was even fully open but then when he did get it open, you watched his brows furrow slightly as he said, “Well what have we got here.”
He picked up the box inside the package and held it up, your eyes went wide with delight, it was a vibrator.
“Hope I got the right batteries for this.” He teased with that winning smile, turning the box over in his hands and reading the outside.
Your mind immediately went into overdrive imagining him using it, you hoped he would use it tonight, you wanted to see it so bad, and if how the chat blew up was any indication so did everyone else.
His eyes flick over the chat and laughs, “You all wanna see me use it that bad, hmm?” You adjust and your own hands fly to your keyboard, typing out a quick response of, “Yes, dear fucking God, yes, please Bo?”
He sets the box down, one hand coming to rest on the back of his neck as he rolled his shoulders, sighing out an “I dunno-” You knew just what he was after, everyone did, it was all part of the bit right?
You held off for the moment but the tips started to come in, the small message boxes attached all asking for the same thing. The summation of which was, “Use. It.”
“Well lemme ask who sent it, you wanna see me use it tonight?” and that lucky user, someone you recognized in that inner circle of regular watchers, tippers and fans, gave the go-ahead that they wanted the debut performance to be here with everyone as opposed to one of those private streams you knew they bought regularly.
God bless xXxSweet-Bird-69xXx.
Obviously he has no complaints about this, and says, “Well alright, the people have spoken.”
And after setting the notification that the real show was about to kick off to the people who subbed him but were not in the room yet, he talked to everyone for a few minutes more as he opened the package and took out his newest toy. It was pre-cleaned and charged, how considerate, no muss, no fuss, it would make this all run much smoother.
You then were treated to that all too wonderful view of him getting rid of what little he had on, that shirt taken off and then his underwear, releasing his already half hard cock. You had seen it so many times but you never got tired of it, his whole body was great but it was hard to look anywhere else when all of his clothing came off. Your eyes drifted over the long expanses of skin on display, strong hands, solid thighs, he looked so sturdy, like he could do some damage and you loved that.
He is making himself comfortable, sitting back, legs spread again, his hand came down, wrapped loosely around himself and you were listening more intently to what he was saying, “Hope everyone’s been havin’ an alright week and if not that I can help y’all unwind a little-”
You notice his grip tighten, slowly starting to jerk himself off, you watch as he gets harder and bite your bottom lip, deciding that you might be a bit too dressed yourself at this point. Your own shirt discarded and bottoms forgotten as you got yourself equally as comfortable to really enjoy this. “I really look forward to this, s’ much easier to get through my days knowin’ I get to come see everybody here.”
You smiled at that, you felt like he was being genuine, he certainly seemed to enjoy his work. Almost seemed to thrive as he talked and worked himself up to full hardness, enjoying the stream of compliments and you added on to that, “The filthy thoughts I have had about that dick…”
That started a stream of people agreeing and adding their own lewd comments and all it did was make him grin, a twist of his wrist as he said, “Everyone is real cock hungry tonight.”
He is right of course, you all were.
Could he blame you though? Of course not. He knew how good he looked doing this.
He finally picked that toy back up and that is when Sweet-Bird-69 clued him and everyone else on why they chose that particular toy, you could set it up to be activated by tips and let the audience pay to control it. They’d seen other cammers use it and recommend that exact one and it had Bo saying, “No shit, sounds like a good time, everybody in to spend some real money tonight?
It was unanimous, the chat became filled with variations on the word “YES!”, tons of punctuation and emojis encouraging this choice. “Alright, alright, we can.”
With some helpful instruction once again from Sweet-Bird-69 it was set up in two minutes and everyone was given access. There was a few tiers, a few bucks would make the toy run for ten seconds, for a few more for twenty and then forty and so on, the prices were honestly fairly reasonable all things considered, and with such a quickly growing crowd everyone could chip in a bit and you would have a hell of a show on your hands.
Speaking of hands you should get yours involved and soon especially when he does something else that makes your heart nearly stop. Some nights, like tonight, he would do something extra to spice up the stream, a particular goal to hit to make something happen, he’d already picked out tonight’s before getting on, he was going to use a cock ring and it wouldn’t come off until a certain goal was reached.
This meant that he wasn’t going to cum until that goal was hit.
The cock ring was gorgeous, black and made of buttery smooth and strong leather, well taken care of and also, tight, once it was on there was essentially no hope of cumming until it came off. And the best part about it?
Was that YOU sent it.
You worked up the nerve to when he first got his PO box and he’d used it a few times and you loved whever he did, it made you feel special. It made it hotter knowing he was wearing something you bought him, he would comment on it, seemed to really like it, you were glad you splurged and went with your gut and sent it to him.
You watch enraptured as always when he put it on. Hand back around his cock, a few strong and steady pumps to make sure he was totally hard and really ready before putting it on. You watched those strong fingers adjust it and close the metal snap tightly and you almost wanted to groan from the view, it looked so fucking good on him.
“Muuuuch better, amiright?” He asked and you sent a message with a tip, “Yes, yes, yes, so much better.”
He took notice and called you out, “Hey you. Course you are here, I swear I snap this on and you come a runnin’.”
Again, he wasn’t wrong at all.
Your hand finally began to travel lower as he told you, “Thanks again sweetheart.” and your hand made contact and you almost bucked your hips into your touch upon the nickname leaving his lips.
You had it so bad for him.
He had that toy in his hand again and once the go ahead was given the tips started to come in and it buzzed to life, eyebrows raised slightly as he tested it in the palm of his hand, he wasn’t sure exactly what he was testing. He hadn’t used a toy like this previously, nothing that was battery powered or with a running motor. Not to mention usually he liked to test out toys in private before using them on stream, liked being totally in control, knowing what to expect and having that edge but the people want what they want and he wasn’t about to deny them.
His gaze flicked back to the chat, half smile as he asked, “We all ready?”
Another stream of 'yes' poured in and he set to work.
He brought that buzzing toy down and ran it down the length of himself and he had breathed a hair harder, he tried to not to let it show, schooling his expression but that sensation was certainly something different.
His other hand was resting lower, palm cupping his full balls and fingers holding the base near that cock ring to hold himself up as his other hand dragged it around himself. The feeling of it is more of a tease than anything, he is enjoying it but he has this handled, he is still acting like his usual smug self, when asked how it felt he said, “S’ good so far-”
He was taking it really easy so far, it was still early after all, circling the head of his cock slowly and you moan at the sight of it. He is starting to leak pre-cum and fuck, you wished you could lick it up, you bet he tasted great.
You and everyone else were enjoying what was going on, but then, again, beloved Sweet-Bird-69, drops another exciting tidbit of info. That amazing piece of information is, “You know that toy is meant for internal use.”
Oh no fucking way.
He plays it cool however as he says, “You don’t say?”
Now he wasn’t a stranger to ass play, he’s fingered himself, hell even on stream and he’s used plugs before but never anything like this, this was new territory.
He wasn’t one to back down from a challenge. He wasn’t scared of this, if anything doing this on cam would make it better, make him bolder and urge him on further.
So he reaches for the bottle of lube and says, “Shoot, can’t disappoint all you lovely folks, now can I?”
You felt giddy. Positively alight with excitement and arousal as you were touching yourself, watching the scene unfold before you, watch as he pours a generous amount of lube on his fingers. You watch as he adjusts his position, one leg up and hand coming down, slick fingers passed over himself and he can’t help how his lips part or his head tips back.
You could watch this for hours. Taking in the view as his first finger breaches himself, sliding in with ease, the way his hand moves with practised ease, sliding in and out, deeper and deeper before a second slick finger joins the first inside himself and his gaze catches the camera again. You know he isn’t really but hell it feels like he is looking right at you and when he asks, breathy and quiet and pleasure laced, “You like that?”
It has you groaning and sucking on your own fingers, something about watching Bo finger himself always made you want to do the same. Your tongue rolls between your digits, desperate to get them wet and bury them inside of yourself already.
Once you have your fingers inside yourself he is pulling his out of himself, toy back in hand and you watch with bated breath, more lube spread, the tips are going off again making the toy in his hand do the same. He tightens his grip on it to keep a good handle of it, pressing it against himself makes his hips buck back involuntarily, and he tries to will himself to keep his composure. A small internal pep talk to keep it together, he can’t let himself lose it like this so early on, it is just pressed to the rim of his hole and the vibrations make him want to shudder.
He takes a deep breath and pushes it in, slow, steady and the chat is not letting up, yourself included, another tip, another twenty seconds of vibration time piled on. You had the briefest thought wondering how much time it was going to run for, the time stacks doesn’t it? If someone pays for some time and then another person pays before that time is done and so and so forth more and more time get’s added and it just keeps going.
Fuck, this is gonna be so good.
The view is amazing, the way he is splayed out, slipping that toy deeper into himself, cock is hard and leaking? God, so good. And how his face and neck flushed, almost down to his chest, body seems so tense, pleasure is clear on his face and you wished you could take a picture of him like this to have always.
His breathing is laboured, he knew he was in trouble, it felt so good. He isn’t even touching his dick for Christsake and it feels- he is struggling to even find the word for it but eventually in the haze of sensation he settles on the word intense.
He wonders if those watching notice but he tries not to think on it too hard, he breathes deeply and pushes deeper, even with it still vibrating he manages to keep his hands from shaking somehow as he keeps it up, begins to move it back and forth.
You are two fingers deep in yourself, eyes glued to the screen, drinking him up. He seems to be struggling, not to take the toy, but to handle how good it feels.
That usual confidence you had become accustomed to, that particular smirk, was very obviously absent.
You aren’t complaining but it is different and then, you see his hand twist and he seemingly finds that perfect spot inside of himself and he can’t stop the gasp that spills from his mouth. “Oh shit-”
It has you saying the same thing, you curl your fingers as you watch him as his eyes squeeze shut, thighs tense further somehow as his mouth hangs open, in two minutes he is already panting.
He's done for.
The chat is going fucking crazy at this point, yourself included. Heaps of dirty talk, praise and compliments and money a plenty. “This is so hot.”
“He is NEVER like this, I fucking love it.” and “He needs to take it up the ass more often.”
You agree with all of them, this is on another level. He is moaning openly, rocking back, almost like he can’t control himself. His hips and hand working in tandem, a litany of curses leaving him, sticky pre-cum staining the sheets and his stomach as he grinds onto the mattress as he works his hips. He is getting hit from both sides, from the toy thrusting in, hitting that sweet spot and then from grinding his shaft on the bed. He looks like the picture perfect image of a slut, you can feel yourself getting close as you indulge in your own hands and the sights and sounds of him.
He can't deal.
He cannot handle this, it feels unreal, the pleasure is different, so deep, distracting, all consuming, he can’t think straight, certainly can’t control his body. The pleasure keeps building, his cock is so hard it hurts, he needs to cum so badly but with the tight cock ring locked in place he won’t be able to till it’s off.
Problem is it isn’t coming off until that goal he set at the start of this is reached.
He looks up, tries hard to focus his eyes and check the money coming in and he isn’t there yet, close, but not close enough. He whines, he actually whines and you stare in near disbelief at that. He is a panting, moaning and trembling mess, he moves, rolls to better face the camera, still working himself, fucking into himself with that vibe, hard and wet cock resting against his stomach.
God, if you were there to run your fingers through his happy trail and grip his cock in your own fist and be the cause of him shooting his load all over himself you could die fucking happy.
Then you are pulled from your thoughts when he is speaking again, something that isn’t an incoherent string of curses and moans, he is…
No way, is he fucking begging?
“Mmmf shit! Please, please, fuc- cah-can’t take it. Need ta cum, help me out? Pleas-” his sentence breaks off with another moan and a similar sentence starts up, begs of please and how he needs it so bad he can’t think straight. You are loving it, as is the rest of the audience.
He looks so pretty like this, submissive and writhing around, begging and almost gasping for air, you want to do so much to him, wishing you could be there to take advantage of him. "Please, please, m' goin' crazy-"
For now? The best you can do is toss some more money at him and help him reach that goal so you can at least see him cum spectacularly. "S' too fucking good, how's it so fucking good?"
You contribute some more, not even close to the limit you set for tonight’s spending but hey, every bit helps and you are ready, close enough yourself, you want to see him cum, he seems to have suffered long enough.
Everyone else must be thinking the same thing because that goal is hit and he groans out loud in relief, “Shit, thank you, thank you, fuck, fuck, fuck-” his hand that isn’t holding the toy reaches down and unsnaps the cock ring, hand wraps around himself and he furiously jerks his cock, less than three strokes and he is cumming.
As are you.
Thighs tense and you gasp out his name, hand jerking as your orgasm takes hold, tearing through you so hard it steals your breath as you watch. Bo has his head thrown back, loud and long moan released as he does. He shakes as he paints his own chest and stomach, one wayward shot even reaches his chin, his hands trembling, hips stuttering as he cums.
He is panting, weak, boneless, he cannot remember the last time he came that hard or that fast. The whole thing front to back was less than five minutes once he got the toy in, any shame or embarrassment from cumming so early doesn’t have a chance to set in however. And not just because you are all praising the fuck out of how good this was, but mostly because that toy is still inside and still connected and there are still people paying.
The toy isn’t stopping.
He can barely move let alone remove the toy, it's still buzzing with that delicious pattern. And he shifts, starts to struggle a little but can’t get his arms working right to remove it, overstimulation is starting to set in and it makes his situation worse.
His hips buck, he is still hard, cum is cooling on his skin and he can’t do a damn thing about it. You watch in utter delight as he is panting out, “Goddamn-wait, sl-slow down y’all I need ahhh, need a minute!”
You could tell he was trying to sound more serious but with how much he was moaning it was hard to do that.
No one was listening. It was early, people had money to burn and were far too into this and entertained to stop it. You watch him continue to fight it for a few more minutes until something else of interest happens, even more interest than the current scene, not an easy feat but it happens.
Another goal is hit and the toy’s speed increases and his whole body is taut yet again, cursing and squirming and his eyes go wide, “No-nooo fuckin’ way-” you aren’t sure what he means until less than a minute later he is cumming again.
This load is smaller than the first but it is clear and unmistakable, especially from how he is gripping the sheets and grunting like that. He is cumming hands free and the mess shooting out over his hip and the bed and no one can believe it, least of all him.
Tonight is turning out better than you could have ever hoped.
He is dying.
He needs it to stop, get the toy out, make it all stop, it’s too much, overwhelming. He moves again on his side to try and get the toy out with fumbling fingers sticky with his cum and lube but then his eyes catch those numbers.
His eyes go wide.
Twice his normal viewership on a Friday night and three times the amount of tips after a normal full night of streaming and he was only half way through the time he planned.
Maybe he could push through and keep this going, maybe he can tolerate it, maybe he can get used to this.
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5raysofsunshine · 3 years
I hope everyone's past 24 hours are going better than mine hahahahaha fml ✌
Venting below
Last night I was supposed to return home after spending four days visiting my best friend in Albuquerque, NM. My flight from ABQ to Salt Lake City was decent, had a 2 hour layover, then boarded the plane to fly home to Fresno. We back out 50 feet and then stopped, we are parked for over 15 minutes when our pilot comes out and says my hometown airport was closed due to intense fog and was not taking anymore incoming flights. So we were stuck in SLC for the night. Got a hotel for me and the girl I sat next to, we stuck together all morning today. They delayed our rescheduled flight at least 3 times and everyone was angry and frustrated and tired. I stayed calm and didn't have an anxiety attack THE WHOLE 15 HOURS that I was stuck in SLC (and I am VERY proud of myself). Then finally we get on the plane and fly home. As soon as my dad picks me up from the airport I can tell something is wrong because he's in casual clothes and not work clothes. Apparently my mom hasn't been feeling good since she took a fall last week and YESTERDAY she was VOMITTING BLOOD and NOBODY FUCKING TOLD ME because I was in Albuquerque!!! Dad said I had to watch my brother so he could take my mom to the ER to get imaging done. But first we had to go to work (I work for my dad) and fill out insurance paperwork that apparently needed to get done TODAY, so I powered through that the best I could. Then we rushed home and my mom didn't want to go to the ER but my dad made her and I stayed home with my brother. Of course my dad couldn't stay with my mom while she was in the ER so he came back home. He got fixated on some other paperwork we had to fill out for my stock which I know nothing about since it was a gift to me when I was born by my great grandfather. I was finally starting to crash and got extremely overwhelmed and I just started crying at the table. Dad told me to go to my room. Am still crying and it's been twenty minutes. Haven't heard anything from my mom and I am sooo not okay, my dudes. 🙃🙃🙃
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osamusriceballs · 4 years
Never apologize for taking any amount of time! Heck I'm just constantly amazing you ever responded to my ask the very first time, I'm honored to receive your attention anytime of day 🙏🏻
Also we started season 4!!! I just couldn't wait I needed more and covid has screwed me over for dubs! It's a little hard to keep track (I google a little more than I honestly should) but it's by far not the worst subbed I've seen. And everyone's voice fits them pretty well! (Though I miss Hinata's English VA u.u)
Which of course leads me to this- I've met ONE twin so far. Atsumu. And like- I'm gonna get hit for this but like...I still don't get it 😂😂😂 He was harassing Kageyama so that was a plus! But alas my dick is still limp when faced with a Miya twin. Perhaps Osamu will awake my resting horny beast T.T
Also Eve, I really gotta ask (bc you commented on 👾 profile pic, which thank you I can't draw anything but chibis but right I'll draw chibis 😂) But you're about our age and a nerd so....do you have a Haikyuu OC??? Or ever thought about making one???
Also love you and thinking bout you while I dye a onesie Karasuno orange for my son ✌✌✌
Oh and I think bc I missed answering it; Hinata is 4 inches shorter than me (he's 👾 height hehe) and timeskip Hinata is exactly my height so I mean if Hinata is into the amazonia/big and tall women kink then I'm not gonna say no to it ¯\_( ツ)_/¯
THIS WAS FOUR DAYS AGO- I’m so sorry ahhh- I know that I don’t have to apologize, but still- 
When I read this ask for the first time though... I made that reaction pic, I hope you saw it!! 
Like- he was amazing too, our baby boy sure has grown a lot :,) - BUT: Atsumu and Osamu are- the Miya twins. There is two of them. SUNNY, THERE IS TWO OF THEM--- 
Let’s hope that Osamu will awaken the beast!! I’m sure you’ll like him!! <3
And: I only started writing a few months ago, I still feel like a newbie sometimes ahhh- I haven’t thought of an original character yet- but I have a few concepts in my mind!! <3 
Excuse me pls- time to be happy!! <3
LOVE YOU!! <3 
PS:  I’m sure that Hinata would be into tall women. I’m pretty sure that he has a kink for that!! That boy needs someone to take care of him
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