#but i think him saying it would be SO fitting
dragonflydecay · 2 years
i think mercutio should say the prologue sometimes. i could go into why but thats my government allotted Good Idea for today
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ghafahey · 3 years
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you look for greatness, but—
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coquelicoq · 3 years
i bet jiang cheng, like, studied for the cloud recesses salute ceremony. this earnest little teen sect heir who just wants his daddy to love him was probably like, "i am going to get a good grade in saying hello to lan-xiansheng, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve," and i bet he practiced what he was going to say in front of a mirror, complete with choreography, for fucking weeks before they came to gusu. and then after all that hard work, what happens during the actual salute ceremony? he goes last, and who should stroll in just when he's getting started but wen fucking chao, who immediately steals the spotlight, insults his shige, and provokes everyone to draw their swords, in a hall of learning, on the first day of school. like some kind of hooligan! then after lan xichen calms everybody down with his sword-charming, does jiang cheng get to resume his salute? no he does not! wen qing jumps in with her own salute and gift, after which lan xichen declares the ceremony over. but jiang cheng never got a turn! nobody accepted his gift!! how is he supposed to know if authority figures approve of him if the other children don't let him show off the authority-figure-pleasing skills he has worked so hard to acquire???
#we never even got to see the jiang clan gift :( i would like to see it :(((#i fucking LOVE that wwx is like 'hey. you interrupted my shidi. what's your fucking problem?' like HELLOOOOOOOOOO#you messed with jiang cheng when he was in the middle of something important to him and made him and our sect lose face hdy#it is the only time in the entire series that wwx uses the word 'shidi' for jiang cheng and it's a great moment for that one 'shidi'#but anyway i noticed that jiang cheng never even gets to give his gift over and i was very mad on his behalf about it#idk maybe they continued after the wens left? maybe lan xichen just meant 'wen qing completed the ceremony'?#but the scene ends there so the fact remains we never see jiang cheng get to do the ceremony#and therefore i have decided he doesn't get to do it because that fits very well into my view of his character and you can't stop me#the untamed#jiang cheng#cql watch#my posts#f#the funny thing is that getting a good grade in saying hello to lan-xiansheng IS a normal thing to want and a possible thing to achieve#but because we're talking jiang 'i'm gonna stop in the middle of the street in caiyi to sternly remind my disciples to be on their best#behavior because everything they do reflects on yunmeng jiang' cheng here just ratchet it all up to 11#EDIT: wait i forgot wwx does use 'shidi' for jc another time...when they're kids and he's first come to live at lotus pier#and he's knocking on the door like shidi let me innnnnn and jc is like who are you calling shidi#but i think maybe this is the only time he says 'my shidi' when talking about jc to someone else?#yes i checked my notes and this is correct#in guanyin temple jgy refers to jc as wwx's shidi but then wwx immediately refers to jc as something way more formal#jiang-zongzhu i think#like ouchhh#but that's for another day#that's a DIFFERENT way for jc to get his lil heart stomped on
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ganen-cheese · 3 years
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northbndtrain · 2 years
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- I just think you need to prove to him that you actually want to be here. - No, no. I'm not gonna prove anything to that guy. I don't want to be here.
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whatudottu · 2 years
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I’ve been rotating humanformer Skyquake and Starscream around in my head quite often, so I decided to pick myself up by the bootstraps and force myself into outfit design, so that there’s at least the brief mention that Decepticons (and Autobots but they’re not here) have an ‘on-duty’ fit.
Heheh, I think I like making seeker wings into capes/shawls/whatever it is I’ve done- and I wanted to keep the rest of the outfit looking like an actual uniform, and something where Skyquake isn’t walking around with a half unbuttoned shirt in serious company.
doesn’t make him suddenly understand how to make a neat, even tie but what are you gonna do? suffer like i did lmao-
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redbootsindoriath · 2 years
Apologies for yet another Batman post, but words cannot express the delight that the 1960′s Batman show brings to me.
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While this is a little bit exaggerated, bear in mind that Batman did in fact threaten physical violence on villains who put Robin in danger a few times over the course of the show.  And you know you’ve gone too far when Adam hecking West’s Batman gets violent.
[Penguin:] “Ha ha Batman!  I’m going to drop the Swedish actress if you don’t surrender immediately!” [The Swedish actress:] “Oh nö!  Help me Bätmån!” [Batman:] “Never, Penguin!  Don’t worry ma’am!  I’ll just climb up with my bat-rope and save you!  Should only take a few minutes.  Remain calm.” [Riddler:] “Riddle me this Batman: what’s dead and rhymes with “Robin”?” [Batman:] “Batzooka!” [Riddler:] “Wait what--”
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somethin bout xigbar’s KH3 model (outside of his face) always bugged me but i couldnt figure out what it was for the longest time until i finally realized its cause they got rid of his lil poncho
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asheijia · 3 years
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i don't think there will ever be another manga that would resonate with my soul the way blue period does. what a gem.
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peterpandiedtoday · 2 years
man did i have a stressful day yesterday with washing machines and the dryer acting up, having soo much to do, it raining like heck alllll day, having to go and print plane tickets, it being an early cats show and wanting boba before leaving and somehow. through sheer luck and despite technically leaving way too late i arrived at the boba shop half an hour before the show and could comfortably have a drink. miracles do happen
#personal Davy#okay cats cats cats and i have to start with this bc i absolutely can't stop thinking about it it's just soo funny and fit the situation#so. munk's tail got ripped off. during the macavity fight. from the mac back jump. and not in a the tail came loose way. no. Ripped#when he was on the floor there was just a little stub left and the tail was on the floor. mungo found it and poked at it curiously then took#it and started laughing. while munk was curled up. tailless. not even sure he noticed but ah. he lost his tail in the fight!!!!!!!!!!#several ppl whispered to him during the dark bit and he got up and got a new one at the next best opportunity but he Also seems to have#found it hilarious b/c he kept talking and motioning to his tail it was. hilarious. fitting. cute af. i owe  u my lfye mr snova sir please#also bc. he was so affectionate with tugger. with everyone but like during his song he wasn't annoyed at all like literally all other munks#i've seen he just i would even say fondly watched and danced with him when he was close and was just vibing? mr snova.. mr... mr snovaaaa...#but from the get go they were so soft with each other. during the pyramid tugger caressed munk's head when he hissed hi and held his hand#back when tugger covered his during old deut and randomly reached back for him when he stood behind him during the ball and uhm.#while tugger and bomba fcked he stood next to them and watched. smiling. and whenthey were done he lovingly pushed tugger's hair from his#sweaty forehead while tugger was still half lying on the tire Spent. i was.... speechless even in my brain#and during the mating dance tugger put his leg over deme and munk put his arm around both of them holding tugger by the waist just hhhhhhhh#and while it isn't unusual for tugger to put his and on munk's inner thigh during skimble it Is unusual for munk to do it back which he Did#yes other character tidbits happened too but that's between me and me and it was probably the last snova munk so why not focus on him here#i do have an undefeatable munk preferences for munk by himself but snova as both munk and tugger loves saying Ur Valid which is nice
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quixot1sm · 2 years
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my totally unbiased prediction for what hilberts sygna suit might be for the villains event’s unova arc
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starbuck · 2 years
God. Okay. Not to still be making Jesus Christ Superstar/Black Sails posts but there’s SUCH a parallel to be drawn between Pilate and Rogers in the way they’re both desperate not to be seen as villains, not because they object to committing horrific crimes against humanity which make them inherently villainous, but because they’re afraid for their reputations and how they’ll be remembered by history.
And they both mistakenly believe that they, as leaders of imperial occupying forces, should be able to control how they’re perceived within their narratives. But they CAN’T and this infuriates them.
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this vs. Rogers and Madi’s convo in 4x09. Truly nothing like telling a man who is used to there being no limit to his power “you cannot control the outcome of this situation” (or, in Madi’s case “I’m not going to let you”).
#they’re both like ‘can’t believe i’m being FORCED to be the villain by the mean people i’m oppressing :/‘ and it’s like#dude. YOU entered into this situation!!!!!!!! YOU chose the role of ‘villain’!#you just didn’t think you were gonna get caught bc you thought all your atrocities would get passed of as ‘justified’#but NOPE hahaha fuck you!#people give JCS!Pilate a lot of shit for having a prophetic dream that killing Jesus would damn him for eternity and then doing it anyway#but that’s the whole POINT!!!!!!!!#it’s not that he doesn’t realize - it’s that he knows EXACTLY what he’s doing as he utterly destroys his reputation for all eternity#and it is SO satisfying#because that’s the whole reason he’s trying so hard to avoid crucifying Jesus - not because he’s a good or merciful person but because#he’s afraid for his good name#which is SO reminiscent of Rogers insisting on offering Madi the treaty again in 4x09#he frames it as an act of mercy inspired by Eleanor but i don’t buy that for a second#it would just be a lot more convenient for him if he could get both a signed treaty AND the cache out of this situation#because then his debts are paid AND he can frame himself as the ‘hero’ who stopped a war that could have ended civilization#whereas if he just kills them all - he doesn’t get that glory and risks not getting the cache either#AND - as it turns out - it also leads to him being defeated and having his reputation destroyed in the historical record#i am Once Again Saying that a JCS-esque AU where Flint and Silver know the ending from the start (to varying degrees) would be SO good#and it DEFINITELY involves Rogers having a prophetic dream about his defeat and humiliation and being even MORE terrified of that happening#Billy somewhat plays Judas to both Flint and Silver but so does Silver to Flint#and i don’t feel like anybody else fits in specific boxes - it’s really just Black Sails But With Selective Narrative Awareness#and it is VERY sexy and i think about it every day of my life#anybody who wants to talk more about this MESSAGE ME - i’m about to go to bed but my brain is EXPLODING#black sails
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thelien-art · 2 years
I made a new design for Melkor at the War Of Wrath (aka the end of his rule) and began sketching it without noticing, anyway I'm pretty happy about it, especially the scars.
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No pride art today but I'm working on it, I'm just also working with depression that really slapped me in the face these last days Owo
It does help me to draw, when I can get out of bed, so I won't mind anymore requests, at all really, I'm actually extremely happy for them as they make me feel good about my art, also the comments some of you guys put in your requests is just♡♡♡
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betasuppe · 2 years
What do you think about the headcanon that Ingo got buff in Hisui?
All I can say is if I were a lemon, I'd be happy to let him squeeze me into lemonade using just his pecs ♡3♡
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padfootastic · 2 years
whenever i hear ‘remus had no responsibility to harry’ i’m just like ???
like yeah sure *on paper* he’s not the godfather or anything but that’s not what relationships are always based on. this is james potter’s kid. remus’ best friend who risked imprisonment and permanent disfigurement for him. how do u not have any emotional attachment just based on that fact?
in any case, cowardice is literally woven into his character - the way confidence/arrogance is in james, self-sacrificial martyrdom is in harry, inferiority complex is in ron, and annoying swottiness is in hermione - even if he did have actual responsibility, that wouldn’t have made a lick of difference. the series would’ve been practically unchanged if he was godfather, except sirius might’ve been alive instead 🤷‍♀️
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abusivelittlebunny · 2 years
Well I watched Beach Rats (2017)....
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#i actually loved it. i read many comments that were like omg this is such a bi movie when nothing could be farther from the truth#this is the toxic masculinity ridden posing road man hiding so deep in the closet even he himself can barely see it trope personified#like it was so good how it was shown that he had such trouble trying to fit in the straight rules and getting a gf just to try to convince#not only others but himself as well that there's nothing wrong with him even though it pained him so much to do so and not understanding it#baby boy is like im not gay but keeps asking for hookups from older men online and asking to see their dicks#and tries so hard to deny himself by forcing himself to date this girl that became interested in him just so his buddies and family won't#pester him about it and he also has to prove to this girl too that he's straight but he's really not and it frustrates him into lashing out#I've seen many gifsets where the girl asks him do you think I'm pretty? in bed but out of context it just has a completely different feel#this poof boy let this girl come over despite looking miserable about it and tried to get high to dilute the embarrassment and shame#but it just doesn't work he can't get hard for her and it makes him hide in the pillow and try to excuse it away with being too high#and trying to further get out of it by saying he has no protection and being needlessly rude to her to try to get her to leave#and she asks do you think im pretty? and it's heartbreaking because he can't answer#he can't just say no she is a hot girl he's just not attracted to her not like he is to the old strangers showing their cocks to him#so he just asks if she's fishing for compliments and even when she's being sweet and sexy and nice it just doesn't work#and it drives him mad. mad enough that when she asks again he picks up her bra and presses it against his chest and mocks her#with the same question with a distorted voice to finally get her to leave. and then in the morning when his mother asks who was the girl#sneaking out of his room at dawn and how she'd like to meet her he just puts up a stone wall. his mom would be happy if he had a girlfriend#and stayed out of trouble + his friends keep asking about her so he feels like she's his way out of all this madness but truly#she just makes it worse unintentionally. because its all pretend & the sex is not good & he needs to lock himself into the bathroom#& masturbate to try to get hard for it and the frustration just leads him to more posing & turning to drugs#and strangers for hookups. it was especially a low point when he ran into one of his previous hook ups bartending at a party where he was#with the girl and the tension was so thick you could cut it. he tried to fuck his gf to get out of his head but it was just not good#you could see him trying to keep a hard on try to think of anything else but it's not the same as an older man bending him over#and he leaves after a minute like an angry toddler throwing a tantrum at the party and sucking off some homeless looking dude to cool off#the way he's shown calmer and just happier with men but he keeps denying himself over and over by asking for another chance from her was so#fucking heart wrenching and im pretty sure this staying rooted in the closet is what drives him to the wrong crowd and doing drugs#of course besides his dying father#great fucking movie will watch it a hundred more times despite the awkward scenes and the horrid dance music#beach rats#harris dickinson
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