#but i tried my best :")
ceoofhelaegon · 15 days
Do you write halaegon fics?
I unfortunately do not, Nonnie but there’s a few of my fave girlies that do write amazing fanfics here’s a few of them:
@ai-megurine same name on AO3 writes incredibly well, and her fic Lady Dreamfyre is incredible.
@lullaebies name on AO3 lullaeby, again can only say great things about it and she never disappoints, helaegon grief sex 🤌🏼🤌🏼
@franzkafkagf franzkafkagf on AO3, please her check her fic, it’s a masterpiece.
Tina_Ross on AO3 (she’s not on tumblr but she’s on the helaegon server) has fics there too, and it’s delicious.
@tell-them-the-north-remembers biggestscarinyourback on AO3 has some helaegon fics but also other amazing ones too 🫶🏼
Serymn on AO3, you can never go wrong, never misses.
SandySin on AO3 are perfection as well.
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im-not-a-l0ser · 28 days
Dark, Lonely Knight sang to the instrumental of Africa by Toto.
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thevulturesquadron · 2 months
Not to nitpick (bc I love the actual sources and I’m going to go find them now), but wasn’t Rogue + Magneto in Savage Land done in 1981, not 1963???
Sorry I’m just confused and want to make sure 😣🙏🏻
oh fudge!
no, please, you're not being nitpicking, whoever you are - you are an angel! thank you for not letting me live with my mistakes. 💜
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brave-symphonia · 2 months
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[Image ID: A screencap from Steven Universe: The Movie. Bismuth, Lapis Lazuli, and Peridot are having a conversation on a roof. Steven, Spinel, Ruby, and Sapphire are nearby. /.End ID] Bismuth: I thought you said she was just trying to kill you.
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[Image ID: A close up shot of Bismuth, Lapis Lazuli, and Peridot. Lapis is curiously resting her hand on her chin. /.End ID] Lapis Lazuli: Wow. Quick turnaround. Peridot: No kidding.
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Peridot: It took me months to stop trying to kill Steven.
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Bismuth: I say it took me a day, day and a half?
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[Image ID: Lapis has raised her hand in a joking manner. /. End ID] Lapis Lazuli: I'm still on the fence.
I love this interaction between them so much. Just joking around about how they all tried to kill Steven.
Especially Lapis saying she's still on the fence, I love that so much.
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im-media-ocre · 2 months
I got tired of my black speaker so I painted over it, and I'm very happy with how it turned out! I know it might not look like much to other people, but it feels a lot more ✨️me✨️. Thought I'd share just in case anyone else would appreciate it too!
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Lady Aphmau, Lord of Phoenix Drop
I wanted to draw her being dramatic w/ her dogs, but the problem is that i dont actually have designs for her dogs so i just half assed some wolf-ish puppers-
Also pictured here is my hc that aph is pretty religious, idk how to put my justification into words i just hc in :/
Heres some other bits :D (including the dress ref)
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saucy-mesothelioma · 3 months
Is there any piece of British media you enjoy a lot? I want to learn the British accent (for my career, ofc) and it's the best way to get myself into it
Ooh, that's a really intriguing question, and I'd love to hear about your career if you don't mind sharing because it sounds interesting! I like to do voiceovers for a hobby so I definitely get the importance of having media to compare and go off of. Of course, I have no clue about specific accents so you might have to do additional research if you need a very specific region, but I'll try my best to give a few pieces of media that might be able to help.
•The Magnus Archives/The Magnus Protocol: It's a horror podcast about an institute that takes in statements on the paranormal, and has a wide array of characters to use for reference. And since it's an audio performance, it might be easier to pick up inflections and things like that. Not to mention it's incredibly entertaining.
•The Outlaws: I never got around to finishing this show, but it's pretty good. It's about a group of people doing community service that end up getting involved in a drug gang ring. It's pretty funny even though quite a bit of the comedy comes from second-hand embarrassment, but it's definitely not bad.
•End of the F***ing World: That's another show I haven't finished primarily because I was watching it with my brother. From what I can remember, it's about two kids (one a moody teen girl and the other a teen boy who thinks he's a psychopath) who run off to find the girl's estranged father. Unfortunately, I don't remember much about it, but from what I do know it was entertaining.
•Extras: It's sort've like The Office (in fact it was written and stars two of the guys who wrote the UK Office) but it follows a guy who's trying to become a prominent actor and fails miserably. It's got a lot of guest appearances and it's a relatively short series as well. I personally hate shows like The Office, but this was one I liked.
•Haunting of Bly Manor: Not as good as Haunting of Hill House in my opinion, but it's still an incredibly good although short horror series. It's about a woman who goes to care for two kids for their uncle after they were orphaned. It'll definitely be entertaining to watch and it's worth a try.
•Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Radio Show/TV Series: You already know what Hitchhiker's Guide is so I won't explain it, but if I had to choose one or the other to suggest I would go with the radio show. The TV series is amazing, don't get me wrong, but for your purposes I find that audio-only pieces of media would work best. This is the version I prefer to listen to.
•Anything Monty Python: I can't guarantee that this would be the best source because it genuinely might be too entertaining. I fuckin love Monty Python with everything I have and there's not much I can say about it because it's just something you have to experience.
Of course, you can also look towards prominent British actors like Tim Curry, Angela Lansbury, and John Oliver, which is something I would suggest doing as well. Personally another thing that I've found to be helpful is also practicing a transatlantic accent, which is basically halfway between an American accent and a British accent. The only two people I can think of off the top of my head that have a very good transatlantic accent are Vincent Price and David Ogden Stiers (specifically as his role as Charles Winchester in M*A*S*H), so that might be some good warm-up. Hopefully this was of some help!
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fhs-event-week · 3 months
Why is some propaganda uncredited?
Because it was written by me! Any propaganda that doesn't have a "submitted by" at the end was written by yours truly :) I wanted all ships to have at least a little something.
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fruityfroggy · 4 months
So…..just me testing the waters for posting about my r1999 OCs…..here’s their incantation card descriptions! (As a teaser maybe?)
This post and the format of it were inspired by @authorchia, so ty<3
(6* Star) Lady Clef:
“The night is young, so stay a while, darling. I’ll show you a night to remember.”
Kiss of Smoke (Attack): - "Catch it, before it's gone."
Deals 150% Mental DMG to 2 targets. Gains 1 stack of [The Coveted]. If a target was defeated by the caster in the previous round, this attack steals 1 Moxie from the target.
Melodic Entrance (Attack): - "Each melody envelops tightly."
1-target attack. Deals 200% Mental DMG and gives self a stack of [The Coveted]. If an enemy's HP is below 50%, additionally deals 40% Genesis DMG.
Glorious Closer (Ultimate): - "Let this sparkling bliss end your night, mon cheri."
Mass attack. Deals 700% Mental DMG. Purifies all [Stats Down], [Negative Status], and [Control] statuses from all allies, while dispelling all [Stats Up] and [Positive Status] statuses from all enemies.
[The Coveted]: If [The Coveted] is at 6 stacks, consumes all stacks and casts [Plaything] as an extra-action.
[Plaything]: Drains all Moxie from the enemy with highest amount of Moxie. If 2 enemies have the highest amount of Moxie, the effect goes to the one with highest HP, while inflicting [Bleed] on the other.
(6* Plant) Verdigris:
- “Hm? Oh, sorry. I didn’t notice you coming in. I lost track of time again…”
Sway With the Brambles (Attack): - "They're just excited to see you."
1*: 1-target attack. Deals 180% Reality DMG.
2*: 1-target debuff. Deals 200% Reality DMG. Inflicts [Seal] and [Failed Prototype] on the target for 2 rounds.
Upkeep (Health): - "Just some maintenance should do the trick."
Mass healing. Restores HP equal to 80% of the caster's attack to all allies. This healing effect gains an additional 40% Critical Rate; An additional 30% Critical Rate is given to a random DPS ally.
Staticize (Ultimate): - "The inanimate can be beautiful too. So don’t be afraid to be one of them. Frozen, unmoving, and motionless."
Mass attack. Deals 400% Reality DMG. If [Plant Fiber] is at 6 or more stacks, consumes 6 stacks and casts either [Sucessful Prototype] or [Fibrous Friend] (depending on circumstances).
[Plant Fiber]: Gain [Plant Fiber] when any team member actively uses a character incantation or when an ally takes an extra action.
[Failed Prototype]: The target’s Critical Resist -25 and is unable to score critical hits.
[Successful Prototype]: Critical Resist +25 and +40% Critical Rate for all allies. [Successful Prototype] is cast when more [Plant Fiber] are obtained from character incantations than extra actions.
[Fibrous Friend]: All DMG from enemy attacks deflect and redirect back onto the enemy team for one round. [Fibrous Friend] is cast when more [Plant Fiber] are obtained from extra actions than incantations.
If you have any questions about them, pls ask! I’ll be happy to post more about their lore if there’s anyone who's interested in learning more:) Okay byeee
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pupgawa · 4 months
Firstly, when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers ✨
Five things I like about myself ? alright ! ٩(ᐛ)و
1. My passion, duh !
2. My eyes
3. How fluffy my hair is ^_^
4. My sense of fashion
5. How self aware I am :3
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snnydcys · 4 months
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endless edits of sonny munroe mutuals may react / please don't reblog
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sweetchildofrocknroll · 4 months
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contakaidigon · 5 months
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in their gadget era
I’ve got the Gukgak Gun, which has been modified by me and Gorgug to essentially have sun powers.
[ID in alt text]
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themisadventuresofem · 5 months
A question from a writer to a writer, because I struggle with this often myself and wonder what others do: any tips to combat writer's block? What helps you get in a good writing mood/head space?
Compared to you I can hardly consider myself a writer, but I’ll give this my best shot.
I have a playlist made for each of my character’s that I’m currently working with in my story, and to get into the mood to write for them, I have to listen to their playlist almost religiously and stick to it, no deviating. Otherwise, my muse will just disappear and I’ll be stuck. Or if I think of something I want to use later, I write it in my notes app so I don’t lose the thought out of my head.
As far as combating writer’s block, I don’t really have any clue how to do that. The only thing I can think of is set yourself a goal, like you’re going to write x amount of words every day, regardless of if you have the inspiration to or not. 🤷‍♀️
Hope that helps!
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foxtime2012 · 5 months
welcome to dreamworld: Experiment au wiatt:
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Sorry I know it looks bad but let me know if you like this au 😊
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alexandersimpleton · 5 months
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Little moth boi
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