#but i tried to hide it in the shadows eheh
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Kinda bumping backwards in time for this one, but I wanted to take a peek at where Traxton and Muriel were in the past, back in Knightsbridge Hollow’s heyday. Traxton, for his part in the 1400s, was fighting campaigns for any nobleman he saw as, well, noble. Once he was seemingly killed, he’d revive a day or two later to find someone else to bear arms with. He’d been handed down his immorality curse back in the 1300s when he was a child, and hadn’t found a purpose or cause in life for it other than being an immortal soldier. There’s also the thought at the back of his mind when he enters each of these battles that perhaps THIS time, he might truly die to be with his family :’D
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cookierunauprompts · 4 months
Okay, okay hear me out.
This is an idea me and onesies thought of..
So you can go where ever direction you want with this prompt
But I give you
Shadow milk with hypnotism
Anon how does it feel to have the biggest brain I've ever seen?/pos
Requested Prompts #3 - 💓
You had gotten separated from your friends when the beast had escaped, the blast of energy knocking you a decent way out of the fairy kingdom and into Beast Yeast... Thank God that White Lily Cookie had managed to seal up the rift before the other four could get out beforehand. One gigantic cookie to fight against was enough after all. It was rather unfortunate that you got blasted into a rather dark part of the forest, you felt like there were eyes watching your every single movement. You wandered around, a chill seeping into your dough as you remembered Shadow Milk Cookie's words before you all got blasted away... " Ready or not, here I come! Ehe he he ha ha hah~!" Was this all like a game to the giant beast? The thought terrified you, you should hide, and quick. So you looked around for a hiding place, any kind would be good so long as it was a good one. Was it just you, or could you hear his laughter echoing through the trees? it was totally just you, right? Apparently the universe loves to prove you wrong, seeing as two giant cookie hands slam down onto the ground at both your sides as a humongous shadow is cast over you. " Peek-a-boo~ I see you~!" You could hear Shadow Milk Cookie almost mockingly coo as you turned around and fell on your backside out of fear. How'd he find you so quickly?! " Oh my dear, there's no need to be scared!" He chuckled, scooping you up in one giant hand. If there was a chance you could escape unscathed before, then it was certainly gone by now. " After all, you've got me here!" " Wh-what do you want from me?!" You stammer out, voice catching in your throat one he stared down at you with those absolutely humongous heterochromatic blue eyes of his. You felt like a new piece of candy in a candy store being examined by at kid to determine if it's worth eating or not. The overgrown jester sighed, putting a hand to his head in an exasperated manner. " Oh, woe is me! The rare moment I find kindness in my heart to bestow upon another cookie, they be ever so rude about it!" He dramatically sulked, you almost felt bad for the guy... almost. " But! Such a small little treat like you shouldn't be wandering the forests of Beast-Yeast alone! No no no no no! That wouldn't do at all!" He proclaimed, suddenly a lot more cheerful that it almost gave your emotional whiplash. With his other hand, he tilted your head up so you'd be staring right into his vibrant gaze. Was it just you, or were his eyes swirling? " So just trust in me alone, and I'll get you somewhere safe~" You can feel something worming it's way into your head. Why shouldn't you trust Shadow Milk Cookie? Maybe he's just a huge softie under all that malice and mischief. No, no, he definitely tried to crumble your friends earlier. But he's so strong, and you're just a weak little cookie who can barely fight off the monsters of Beast-Yeast on their own- Wait. " Gah! No! Get out.... of my head!" You squirmed away from his grasp, shutting your eyes as you buried your face into his hand. You refused to be mind controlled by this... this giant clown! You could hear him laughing again, a sound that haunted your ears as you felt him tenderly stroke your back in a way that made your shiver. " Eheh he heh~ It's really cute when you try to resist," He purred, flipping you onto your back with a simple maneuver. Then, to your absolute shock, he lent down and kissed your forehead...? " I like you, Reader Cookie!" He chirped. What.... what even was that?! He kissed you!? That- what- That's certainly not a normal thing to happen! Your guard had been lowered into the ground and buried, allowing Shadow Milk Cookie to worm his way into your mind without any issues whatsoever. Your vision felt hazy, what were you doing again? Oh, right, staring into Shadow Milk Cookie's eyes... They really were pretty eyes, so many pretty shades of blue swirling around in them. But before that? ... Does it really matter? Shadow Milk laughed from above, his voice echoing all around the forest.
" There we go~! That wasn't so hard now, wasn't it Little Star?" He cooed, stroking your face gently with his hand. It was an almost tender motion, you weren't really sure what to make of it. " Now, why don't we go and find your friends? I'm sure that they're dying to reunite with you!" You slowly nodded, right, your friends… Your friends? You… don't quite remember their faces, but it'll come to you eventually… you hope. " Eheh he he he he~! One down, five to go~" Shadow milk cackled to himself as he began walking through the forests of Beast-Yeast with you in hand.
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soulless training, shinya or jeanist? hmmm… trainee days
Shinya very pointedly didn’t move, even through his nervousness. It was- well. Today was the day Soulless instructors were coming, and he had heard rumors, okay, and there was also the blue-streaked trainee, they’d been sent off to something right after their first Soulless instructor lesson, and he really really hoped that they were alright.
(He hadn’t had anyone to share an apple with, yesterday. The day before that, it had been their turn to get fruit, and-)
Shinya breathes, settling into a stance and getting ready for the barrage of strikes that would be coming his way soon. Worrying would help no-one, least of all him. He had to get through this. Then everything else. And then maybe, if there was time and he wasn’t too tired to think, then he could think about the blue-streaked trainee.
First, though, he had to finish this sparring session with the new instructors. Soulless instructors. And Shinya had always been worked just a little bit harder than the others, because his parents had tried to hide him and they’d gotten killed for it.
The colourless Soulless pile into the room, and they start calling out names.
Shinya just stands very, very still, and tries not to move. Or breathe too hard. Or think too loudly-
“Edgeshot. Please stand on the training mat.”
He stands.
Afterwards, he doesn’t remember a lot of it. It’s the dreaminess of it all, like he’s walking through smog and smoke. Half-known, barely there. The sensation of pain without the pain. Shinya’s barely there for it.
Before. During. After.
He's not quite there.
Shinya had woken up in a cot with bandaged wounds, a splinted leg, and the hazy high of drugs making their way through him.
It is. Nothing more. Nothing less. If Shinya tried he could remember the feeling of hands on his body, light in his eyes, a warm tingle coursing through his leg.
He just doesn’t. It’s- not something that should be remembered, Shinya knows that. The Soulless sessions are always the worst. People always went away after them. Sometimes before them.
Shinya doesn’t like them. He doesn’t think it should be happening at all, either, and the small nudge of that thought is enough to send his heartbeat racing and to get him jumping at shadows. It’s not… that’s not right. His thought.
It’s not logical. Shinya’s a soon-to-be scientist and Skyracer. These aren’t- they don’t help. At all.
Usually they don’t poke at him, dragging thorns down his skin. It’s only when he meets the blue-streaked trainee at lunches and dinners they really come alive.
Do they deserve this? His thoughts murmur to Shinya as he watches them peel an orange, shaky hands indicating fractured-bruised bones. Do you?
Suffering is the price for failure, he thinks back to it. The illogical whispers in the little recesses and crevices of himself. To fail is to suffer.
But look at them, it says back. Bruised wrists, healing fingernails, shaky breathing. Look at you. Look at this.
Is this right?
Shinya can’t think of anything to say back to that. He can’t think of anything at all, usually, when he’s with the blue-streaked trainee. Counterpart to Shinya’s own red.
Sometimes he wonders if he touched them, if he reached out to sooth the ache under skin so deep it must come from the atoms Shinya was spun from, what colour their skin would bloom under his touch.
Purple? A emulsion, red and blue, trailing and never mixing?
Well. Those are little flights of fancy Shinya allows himself.
And here is a fact: touch isn’t allowed, between things like them. Not until they become real. Not until they’re heard and seen in by the screaming voices of the arena, the instructors, until blood marks the ground red.
Shinya takes these things and he tucks them between his teeth. Under his tongue. Not over.
Over would mean speech. Talking. Discovery.
That isn't allowed.
-story anon
oh i love them
shinya dw buddy, you'll get to see that wonderful purple soon, it'll be okay
your writing never fails to make my day ough <333
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orangelemonsstuff · 2 years
Twst Runaway Noble Au
something two lovers would need to be bound together forever. bound to be loving each other until the death do them apart, you've always read that on romance novels and fiction books, heard on a legend or a myth.
it's a beautiful way of a promise of love and romance the two will carry on for the rest of their life
but not for royalty, Marriage is simply a contract of business and connections, a bargain to make a bloodline more powerful, it is not for love, nor for the happiness a wedded couple should feel on the day they are getting married
You. the only child of the Viscount Crowley, was forced to take on a marriage you did not want.
it all happened so fast
your father, the Viscount Crowley had been forcibly to take a offer of you marrying a noble on a neighboring kingdom for he needed to at least to save your poor poor state of a household, whether if you still can call this 'ramshackle' a household.
the moment you were informed you're hand was already promised without even asking for your consent.
this broke a fight between you and your father, a guilt stabbed his heart when he saw your upset facade and the sadness in your eye as you stormed out from his office, the news left you tearing silently making your way inside of your chambers, weeping to the sheets of your silken bed.
of course in his perspective he did not want his only loved child to be bounded to some noble whose only background was shadier than a dark shadow itself.
yes, he wanted the money to save his falling home and land but he also wanted a good life for you where you can be happy even if you are on your own
the fatherly love he had for you burned to a determination, on the day you two were about to travel for your marriage, a plan infiltrated in his mind, a plan for you to run away with his accomplice
of course even the good and gracious father of yours is still a sneaky crow, he brought his "connections" to the ship you two are in for a purpose, apparently they are to accompany you until the end of the plan Crowley had for you.
about to head off, he kissed your forehead and hugged you for the last time, he promised that they won't hurt you and you'll be okay as soon as the men get you to the location, the place where he knows you are to be free, especially free from the marriage you did now want, also be cut from the noble life you are used to and hide your true identity as a travelling commoner experiencing how does it feel to live as a peasant
in the Seven Sage's Capital.
a place where everyone is accepted including people on the run like you.
a/n: hi!! i am planning to make this an au ehehe, idk if someone already did this but i just want to make one of my own ahaha :3 (also i tried making Crowley a loving father this time ehehe and might be going ot connect this to my previous Cottagecore Yuu x DarkFae! Malleus au fic lol)
(again sorry for my bad writing, i am not that experienced :'>)
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lemonde-enchante · 1 year
Yabouki × reader
That was a thunderstorm night, you were running searching for a shelter to dry yourself.
You found a little place to stay for the night, in the middle of two close detached houses, under two roofs, not the best choice but better than nothing.
"God. Why me?", you mumbled to yourself, "I'm going to get sick if I don't get dry soon... it's so damn cold here", you tried to cover yourself with an old blue jacket that you always bring with you.
You don't have an house to stay in, you've always been a wanderer who had to suffer injustices after another. A french girl without an house, what a bad life you have to live! Tonight you were running away from two robbers who were trying to steal your little bag with the little money you have. You wondered why those bad guys wanted to steal a poor girl like you.
You were out of breath for the long run you've did, you leaned against a wall to take breath when suddenly you saw a big shadow of a man in the dark of the night, with not a reassuring appereace, walking towards you. Meeting his threatning look, you get scared and step back, "Hey, stay back! What do you want from me?", you stutter in fear, "who are you?"
"Calm down dude", the man spoke to you, "I'm not going to harm you, especially to a fascinating girl like you". You did not respond to them but stood surprised. The man approaches you, revealing himself under the light of a street lamp. He didn't look that dangerous like you thought, but not too trusting at the same time.
The man was shorter than you, you assumed he was middle-aged, had a chubby body, a dark brown skin shade, short and thin mustache, he wore a hat on his curly red hair, he got both his hands in the pockets of his coat, and holding a cigar in his sly looking smile.
"I was looking for a tall blonde girl, with a red dress, walking around with a talking cat and a dog, have you see them?", the man asked you, then he took a breath from his cigar he held between index and middle finger, and puffs the smoke out his mouth.
You gulped and answered shooking your head saying no, "mmh I see...", the man sighs looking down, then he looks you right in the face with a straight penetrating look, then an other big smirk apperead on his face. You shivered thinking, oh god why is he looking at me like that? It's so unconfortable and scary...
"Oh well, nevermind, see you ", as he turned away from you, a big tail came out of his big coat , "oh shoot!", he tried to hide it somehow hastily, "So you're a Tanuki", "heh, yeah...", the man smiled anxiously and he was going to run away, but you grabbed him from his cloth, "Wait! Don't run away please..." you ordered him with an hint of melacholy in your tone. The tanuki man stopped and looked at you with curiosity and surprise, "You look really cute to me please stay..."
"Well", The man turned serious again, adjustinng himself and this time ignoring his tail out of his pants, "Wanna take a night walk with me?", he invites you heartily, making a comfortable smile.
You got sweeten by his cute manners, "Oh, you can get under my umbrella, ma chère", he giggled, your face heaten up as he calls you like that "thank you" you whispered him, before getting under his umbrella.
"Can I ask what's your name?", "my name's Y/n ad yours?", you asked, "Yabouki, pleasured to meet you dear Y/ n", you smiled and started to walk under the rain with your new friend.
Author note:
Here's my first fic and yes, I changed it a bit from the chapter I've written. This is what looks like a story written by me. Any type of request is accepted! ;) Anyway thanks for reading folks<3
Here's the link to the story in question eheh!
Bye for now!
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piraticusdorm · 3 years
Ehehe can I ask opinions on Keres from the main 3 + Percy?
- @calderadorm / Rev
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"Keres makes himself known. I can't say I hate the rambunctious sort like him, he certainly makes the dorm livelier! I seldom have to help him as his gift with shadows makes him quick to escape. Now, if only he'd mastered leaving no proof behind..."
"I do hope he can grow to be proud of himself for his own accomplishments. The world at large might not agree with his path, but it doesn't mean he ough to degrade himself. Even pirates have pride!"
"He keeps ditching Percy onto me! Deal with him yourself you 🔔🔔🔔! ONE more sick hide-and-seek days with those two and I'm stranggling them! "
"Ugh. Aside that he's not a bad kid I guess. He has loose hands but woowie big deal here. He isn't a half-bad dancer either. Not as good as me though."
"Mmhh~ Keres is.... hm. He's fast. He comes outta shadows from nowhere.... it's shocking. I can't smell him before he shows up."
"I have nothing against him, but.... if he tries to touch my stuff again I might love my temper. Ya know? Chomp chomp and all that'"
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"Haha that guy is crazy good at hide-and-seek! The places he hides in are nuts. He never gives up so I'm not giving up either! Even if it takes all day!!"
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jadekitty777 · 4 years
@chiherah drew the cutest Fair Game sketch of Clover and Qrow sharing an umbrella at my request. And thus, I got inspired.
Rating: K+
Pairing: Qrow/Clover
Word Count: 1900
Ao3 Link: Umbrella
Summary: It’s pouring out and Qrow has no umbrella. Luckily, the cute, new guy at the apartment complex is willing to share his. [Modern AU]
Qrow liked to think of his mornings as chaotically organized.
That is to say that he got up at 6:40 sharp every morning, spent 5 minutes on downing a burning cup of instant coffee, 12 minutes on his bathroom routine, and was out the lobby doors of the apartment complex by 7:02 to catch the 7:10 bus that was two blocks away. He had it down to an art, always was on time without failure every day; and though he’d probably benefit from turning his clock back even five minutes to avoid rush, why change something that wasn’t broken?
Problem was, being so precise with his schedule didn’t leave for any opportunity to make last minute adjustments. Like, for example, grabbing an umbrella. Or a coat.
Qrow stood in the foyer that acted as a go-between to the lobby and the outside world, sourly staring at the sheets of rain coming down in thick torrents from the sky. As he pulled out his phone, hoping by some miracle he had three minutes to spare, he stepped aside as he heard the door open behind him to get out of the way of whomever it was.
7:02 AM laughed back at him.
“Shit.” He grumbled.
“Everything alright?”
He jumped, looking over to the person who’d joined him in the foyer. Brunette hair, teal eyes, and an easy-going smile greeted him in return. He instantly recognized him as the new guy who’d taken Maria Calavera’s old apartment when she’d moved out into assisted living earlier on this month (A fact he was a bit salty about – he liked that old codger). Qrow also happened to already know his name because, by habit one day, he went to go get Maria’s mail for her and found a new name etched on the box: Clover Ebi.
He’d caught a few glances of him in passing, but this was his first up-close contact and the realization hit him hard over how unforgivably handsome he was.
“Uh, yeah.” He avoided his gaze when he realized he was staring. “Just, forgot it was going to rain, is all.”
“Oh. That’s unfortunate.”
Qrow snorted. “Buddy, that’s my middle name. Anyways, see ya.” He offered him a wave before walking into the storm. He ducked his head as the rain instantly assaulted him, feeling cold spikes hit along the back of his neck and exposed arms. He sighed, crossing his arms and hunching over as he started his miserable walk to the bus stop, knowing he was going to be drenched by the time he got there.
Or so he thought, until a shadow fell over him, the rain blocked from above.
“You know, I had thought you were going to go back up and grab a coat at least. You’ll catch your death of cold going out like that.”
He tilted his head up, spotting the turquoise umbrella with little, happy aquatic creatures patterned along it, then to the one who had offered it. “Don’t have time. I’ll miss the bus.”
Clover’s smile hadn’t faltered, even as he was pelted by the rain. “Where ya headed? I’ll walk you there.”
Despite the chill in the air, he could feel heat creeping up his neck. “Don’t you have anywhere else to be?”
Wow, real grateful. Good job Qrow. A+ social skills.
But if it offended the other, he didn’t show it, stepping closer so he could hide under the umbrella as well. “Actually, I’m running early. I don’t mind, really.”
“I uh, well, sure, thanks.” He said articulately, his sociability surely continuing to impress.
“Lead the way.” As they started down the street, shoulders nearly touching, he offered. “I’m Clover, by the way.”
“Qrow.” He replied. With his profile now in his sight-line, it made him realize his left ear was pierced, a little silver shamrock twinkling there. Huh, cute. “Soo,” He drawled, feigning obliviousness, “You just moved in, didn’t you?”
“Yep, all the way from Montana.” Clover replied.
“Montana?” He felt his eyebrows shoot towards his hairline, easily picturing lush forests and grand mountain ranges and snow fall ten feet deep. He had to wonder if the guy also had a deer head mounted on the wall and a bearskin rug in his living room. “That’s quite a move. Why’d you come out all this way? It not like Wilmington is the Los Angeles of North Carolina.”
Clover laughed. It was a very nice sound that had Qrow’s heart pattering harder than the rain along their nylon shelter. “That’s an interesting way of putting it. Honestly though? The beach.”
“Okay, fair.” He conceded. Wrightsville Beach was less than an hour away from here, and was the one of the east coast’s most beautiful tourist attractions for a reason. The stunning, deep blue water and wide sandy banks were easy attractions to an appreciative eye and had a calming effect on the soul.  Back during his more insomniac years in Uni, Qrow would oftentimes head down there just to capture the sunrises on his easel.
“I’ve always loved the sea, so when my job offered a relocation opportunity out here, I knew I’d be stupid not to take it.” Clover continued. “Kind of hoping for some time off to rent a boat, maybe do some fishing.”
Well, now the aquatic creatures above them made more sense.
Qrow stuffed his hands into his pockets, trying to keep them warm. “You fish?”
“I know, it’s about the most boring thing you’ve ever heard, right?” He joked.
He rolled his shoulders in a shrug, focusing more on the cracks in the concrete as he hesitantly admitted, “Actually, I uh, I bird watch.”
Immediately as the words flew out of his mouth, he regretted them. Of all the things he could have said! What was he thinking, telling this cute guy about his dumb, weird hobby? Now, he probably thought he was about as drab as a broken lamp.
…So then why did he sound so awestruck?
Qrow swallowed his nerves. “Yeah, my parents were ornithologists and they were a little obsessed with their work. It’s why they named me and my sis after birds. Raven hated it.” He did another shoulder roll, feeling that blush creeping up on him again. “But my parents were always so fascinated and one day I decided I wanted to try and see what was so special about ‘em and well, I didn’t care for all the science and stuff, but I liked watching them fly and build nests. I even learned how to do a few calls.”
“Really?” Clover’s eyes widened. “Can I hear one?”
“What? No!” Now he was positive the blush was on his face.
“I won’t laugh, I promise.”
He just shook his head even more vehemently.
“Alright, then I guess I’ll just have to improvise.”
Clover cupped a hand over his mouth, took a deep breath, and then let out a series of loud squawks. “Caw-caw! Caw-caw!”
Qrow watched him a moment, briefly flabbergasted, and then just started to laugh. “What in the hell are you doing?”
“Bird-calling.” He replied innocently.
“That is not bird calling.”
“Well then,” He lent forward in the small space the umbrella offered, his smile coy. “Guess I got to learn from the master.”
Yep. He was red a tomato, for sure. “Alright, jeez, you swindler. I’ll do one.” Ignoring the way Clover’s face lit up like a damn Christmas tree, Qrow regretfully unearthed his hands from their temporary warmth. He thought over which one to do that was both easy for him but also impressive. “Okay, this’ll be a canary.”
He’d learned how to do that one in high school, and it taken him months to get it just right. The moment he did though, he belted it out randomly in the halls, enjoying the slight chaos it caused the other kids as they tried to find the source of the noise. Just like he used to back then, he pressed the pinkies of both hands to his lips, curled back his tongue a bit, and whistled through them, vibrating his vocal chords just enough to make the sharp trill of the bright yellow bird, the sound easily piercing over the falling rain.
Unlike his classmates though, Clover wasn’t fooled by who had made the noise. “Wow.” He breathed. “That was spectacular.”
“Ehehe, not really.” Qrow rubbed the back of his neck.
“Yes really.” He knocked his arm gently with the umbrella stem. “Don’t cut yourself so short. I bet that was hard to learn how to do.”
How was this guy so nice? Helplessly, he scrambled to respond, “I mean, not as hard as the seagull.” At the other’s sudden, eager grin, he gave a firm, “No.”
“Aah, alright.” Clover surrendered, “We’re almost at the stop anyways.”
Qrow glanced forward, spotting the familiar black structure just a few feet away. As the approached it, he ducked under the curved roof that functioned as a blissful shelter form the rain, and turned back to the man who had gotten him here, realizing this was probably goodbye.
He was surprised by how disappointed he suddenly felt.
“Uh, thanks, for, you know.” He said, gesturing around himself as words again failed him. There was a reason he never took public speaking in school.
“It was no trouble, really.” Clover replied, that easygoing smile back on his face.
He crossed his arms, rubbing the exposed skin idly. “Guess I’ll see you around?”
“Yeah – oh, wait.” Suddenly, the other stepped into the shelter with him, flipping his umbrella upside down and leaning it up against the bench. Then in one smooth motion, he yanked the green hoodie up and over his back, running a hand through his hair to fix the little quiff at the front.
Qrow’s brain short-circuited because whoa, muscles.
Clover held it out to him. “Here, you can borrow this.”
“Huh?” He looked from those nicely toned arms to the offering to his eyes, suddenly catching up to the situation. “No, I couldn’t.”
“I have time to go back and get another. Besides,” He winked, short circuiting Qrow’s brain again, “It’s not like you don’t know where I live.”
Oh. Oooh.
Qrow was experienced enough to recognize the gesture for what it really was: a surefire guarantee that they’d run into each other again.
Now how could he ever refuse that?
“Suppose I do.” He quipped back as suave as he could. He took the hoodie, pulling it on. It smelt like pine, heady and rich and despite their similar heights, it still dwarfed his leaner frame. Some of the other’s body heat still lingered in the fabric and he couldn’t help but melt into the much-needed warmth. He fingered one of the strings, trying to remain casual as he subtly offered, “I’ll return it tonight. Around…?”
“6:30.” Clover rested the umbrella back on his shoulder, expression just as sly. ��Maybe we could catch some dinner too?”
Qrow felt his stomach flutter, face easing into a grin. “I’d like that.”
“Then it’s a date.” As he stepped back out into the rain, he winked at him again. “See you soon pretty bird.”
“See you.” He returned, watching the other leave, eyes scanning along his backside and appreciating the view.
Despite the dreary beginnings, it was shaping up to be a great morning after all.
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lockawayknight · 3 years
sharper than thorns  | catharsis iii | magerold | 1092
Like a generous dragon, a non-covetous serpent, Magerold sits upon his horde of treasures — spoils from adventures, titanite and gold — and stares at the case in his hands:
a small glass frame, with tarnished copper edges, holding a single pressed marigold from Mirrah.
Leaves made of jade, petals of opal, platinum stalks with ruby red thorns — he’s seen it all, sold it all, exhausted to death by the false heart of jewels. Real value lies somewhere else, after all, as Magerold has always well known. And for him, it has always had a face, and sat within its little copper-edged case.
For countless years, over countless lives, he’s held this treasure from his past life dear. It was no spoil from a search, nor holds any powerful spell. Rather, and quite simply so, it was the last gift he’d received from the best friend he’d ever known.
One that, until oh-so-painfully recently, he’d thought was dead.
He can remember so clearly, so many years ago, the way their always-exhausted expression alit with eagerness as they shoved the frame into his hands. How they stumbled over their speech about how the flower sounds like his name. How they kissed his cheek, and hugged him tight, and said, “I know it’s not much, but it made me think of you.”
The way they were executed within the month. The way umbral ash gave hope they’d survived.
The way the little glass case, with its little pressed flower, was the first thing Magerold grabbed when he made his escape from the kingdom.
For countless years, over countless lives, he’s held this frame in his hands when he worries he’s forgotten what love feels like. It carries with it the memory of soft smiles, and even softer kisses, and the tight, tight embrace of strong arms. Nights spent in the castle in secret. Mornings waking up not alone. A bittersweet ache, but one he holds most dear. It’s a reminder of ages past.
Or, at least, it was.
Fingers grow tight around the frame’s edge, his eyes burning from more than the heat outside. Who could have guessed that knowing his friend was still out there would cause him the most unrelenting pain.
This little glass case, with its little pressed flower, he holds it and he feels sick. He remembers the past so clearly, and he can’t stand the memories it holds — not anymore, not with this most recent revelation. Their kisses pressed to another’s lips. The way they never let go of his arm. The way they’re never apart, through thick and thin, life after life, unending while their own was destroyed.
Just like any other treasure, any other garbage — his fingers grow tighter and tighter with the pain of knowing his own disposable nature. And it’s been weeks, and it’s been lifetimes, and he can’t fucking take knowing he’s become obsolete.
The little glass case, with its little marigold, he’s thrown it before he realises what he’s doing.
He flinches, whimpers, when it collides with the ash-spattered window of his room in the Keep, and it shatters — the frame falls in shards, the window cracks like lightning from floor to ceiling.
Memories in fractures on the floor. He’s gone and made a fucking mess.
And it’s only now that the damage has been done — irreversibly destroyed, his only proof that love once existed — that he realises what an idiot he’s been.
He stands, he rushes, he reaches as if it were a dream, then all he can do is stare — glass on the floor, glass in his palm. How fucking stupid he was to not realise until now; now that the only beautiful memory of their existence has been shattered.
Camiel is dead.
Camiel’s always been dead.
And now, so is the last thing Magerold owned of their past spent together.
He doesn’t have time to fully comprehend his mistake before the clatter of plate mail, in huge and intimidating steps, comes down the hall in a rush, and he scrambles to stand with a gasp. Of course one of the Keep’s knights heard. Of course he came to check. Guilty like a child, glistening eyes darting frantically between the splintered window and the shadows approaching down the hall, Magerold tries his best to compose himself — flattens his tunic, grimaces through the pain in his palm.
Two knights cross the threshold faster than a blink, swords drawn and ready, scanning the room for dangers before approaching the merchant in a menacing stalk, their spines proudly straight — towering above him, looking down as if weighing his worth. With a sniffle and a cough, still trying to hide the hellfire he’s just tossed his own heart into, Magerold glances down at the glass — up at the window, over to the knights — and he snickers uncomfortably. (Why laughing always seems to be his instinct in these sorts of situations will never fail to confound him.) “S-sorry, gents,” he stutters out through the wetness of distress in his throat. “I’ll clean it up, promise, no worries — a-and fix the, ah, window, too, eheh...”
Emotionless as effigies, unmoving like idols, the knights weigh his words’ worth before one steps forward. Magerold has faith that his safety’s not at risk — truly, he’s learned to trust these warriors with his life — but he still does his best to stand tall and look the man in his forever-shadowed eyes.
The knight pauses before him, then takes Magerold’s much smaller hand into the palm of his own, examining the splinters of glass that dot the treasure hunter’s palm, pinpricks of blood staining his thin leather gloves. The knight lets go, looks Magerold in the eyes once more, then places a strong hand on the merchant’s narrow shoulder.
Inhale, exhale.
In silence, the knights sheath their swords, and then leave.
Even they could tell that something was wrong, it seems.
Horridly, horridly wrong.
That just makes Magerold feel worse.
Enough so that, now left alone with his mistakes — his memories of the past leaving him one by one, shard by shard — Magerold drops to his knees, and he sobs.
Like a generous dragon, a non-covetous serpent, Magerold sits upon his horde of treasures — spoils from adventures, titanite and gold — and keeps hidden the one that means more than anything else:
a small wooden box, with a tarnished copper lock, filled with a thousand shards of glass, and a single pressed marigold from Mirrah.
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dark-and-kawaii · 4 years
Kiwiiii =_= ive been waiting to see if you ever write for any of the kuroko boys again and here we are. As Kiyoshi Senpai would say, let's all have some fun! How would our bad boys feel when their fem s/o asks to do their makeup 🐞
Awh, I’ve honestly missed writing for my basketball babes (^w^)
 EHEHE!!! Kiyoshi is right! Let’s all have some fun, yeah??? This request is making me feel so many things since I myself am a makeup artist!!! Thank you so much for sending this in love bug!!!
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Bless his heart, because this boy is the absolute best. 
Kicking open his bedroom door -makeup pallets in hand- your eyes are practically glowing with so much passion as you run towards him. “Yams!!! Look!! Look!!!” Pressing your pallets against his face he already knows the next thing you’re about to say… “I just got some new pallets!!” -twirling around your skirt lifts ever so slightly and our sweet bad boy is smiling with how cute you are with all your excitement.- “I already have makeup on…. ~sooooo could i please use your face as my canvas?!” 
Yamazaki will of course say yes. He’s mainly curious to see what you can pull off and he’s never had makeup on before so he’s also curious as to how it feels…. 
Will sit as still as he possibly can but his nerves kick in and his knee begins to bounce around which isn’t the best for you since you’re trying to do his mascara… 
You definitely end up poking him in the eye with mascara since he won’t stop bouncing his knee.. And when you try to reapply it he leans back every time while squinting at you… It’ll take years for him to ever trust such a product again, especially in your hands…
Will sit and make kissy faces at you when you apply the lipstick / cracks jokes about how the team would be gay for him.
When the process is all over and you’ve finished his makeup, Yamazaki can see how sad you look since you were having so much fun with him and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t enjoying this time with you as well… Picking up one of the pallets you seemed most interested in, Yamazaki will stand from where he was sitting and tell you to sit down. “I want to try doing your makeup, ___.”
Yamazaki will gently wipe off the makeup you had on previously and once its all wiped off he will then attempt to apply makeup to your face…. 
Just as you did to him… He did to you with the mascara… You and Yamz will never trust one another with mascara ever again.
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Hara just pops his gum as you sit in front of him silently wide eyed awaiting his reply… He pops another bubble… And you can’t take it anymore. “So!? What’s the answer Hara? Will you let me play with my new makeup with you or not?? It should be at my place by now and i really think it would be fun for us!”
Hara makes an annoyed sound as he pops yet another bubble, “Sure, but only if you give me a blow job after.” You can hardly believe it…. that’s a lie… you can believe he would say something like that…. With disgust written all over your face you get up from your desk and begin to storm out while harshly saying, “FINE! I’ll find someone else!! Someone who doesn’t need or want anything in return except fun memories!”
It takes only 2 minutes before Hara is sitting up from his very own desk going after you. Maybe that was a bit too harsh, you’re always doing for him and unlike his previous girls he wants to keep you around.
Eventually finds you on your front steps holding your new Jeffree Star lipsticks and pallet. Taking one of the lipsticks out of your hand he opens it and applies it best he can before pressing his lips together making a popping noise. Smiling at you he pulls back his bangs from his face and asks you if you can help make him a pretty girl.
Turns out to be a fun night with Hara. Applying makeup to him is easy thanks to his smooth skin and him being patient with you. 
Asks if he’s getting anything in returned like sex or a BJ, you just smack him upside the head though. 
Hara surprisingly likes the feeling of eyeshadow being applied to his eyes, your brush is extremely soft and the smooth swiping motions on his eyes is quite calming. Will ask you questions about what does what and what the purpose is… It’s not that he cares it’s just he really wants to make up for how he acts at times -lowkey hopes it scores him points with you-. 
Once his makeup is complete he will tell you to stay in the bathroom as he goes into your room and raids your panty drawer. No no no. It’s not what you think. Once he’s done doing what he wanted, he will come back to your bathroom and there standing before you is one tall ass basketball player wearing your V-string and sport bra… Popping his gum Hara smirks at you, “Mommy is ready for her punishment daddy ____.”
Hara is cringe. 
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Seto is so chill my god. 
At first Seto isn’t the biggest fan of the idea and he does tell you no the first two times you ask. However as you lay on his chest looking up at him with teary eyes begging him to let you apply makeup to him he can’t help but smirk. “Someone’s quite persistent, aren’t they?” Placing his hand atop your head he tousles your hair and says fine, but only if he can sleep through most of it. 
Sitting up on his chest you peck his nose and agree to this! Most of the makeup can be applied with his eyes shut and it’ll be easier to apply the eyeshadow! “Thank you Seto! I will even hide that mole of your forehead since you hate it so much!!!” You say with one of the sweetest tones he’s ever heard. 
It’s honestly a win win for the both of you. 1st you’re getting to put makeup on your very tough looking boyfriend who is deemed a bad boy in your school. 2nd He loves the feeling of you straddling his chest as you apply the makeup and he’s gotta admit… the powder brush feels pretty damn great.
Once you’re all finished you hand him your glittery mirror and say “BOOM THATS THE POWER OF MAKEUP BABY!!!” His mole is concealed and the pink eyeshadow you applied pops thanks to his darker skin…. His eyes are wide with a bit of concern, he’s heard horror stories of neon shadow staining eyelids…. which guess what… it did…. And the next day he’s going to school with pink eyes and the guys all laugh. However, Seto shrugs it off. It made you happy and that’s what’s important. 
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Staring out his bedroom window you watched as the rain continued to tap against his window. Between the roaring thunder, Furuhashi’s soft voice, and dark sky, you were slowly starting to doze off… Until your elbow was harshly nudged by another. Furuhashi was gazing at you with his iconic dead fish eyes… He had been trying to help you study but he just couldn’t keep you focused long enough, “____, if you don’t want to study why did you ask?” 
It’s not like you didn’t want to study, honestly. You were falling behind in your language class and he was the best person to ask… and also the only person he’d be okay with you asking since deep down Furuhashi was a bit possessive… Poking his cheek softly with your sanrio pen you asked in your most angelic voice, “~Ko, could i please apply my makeup to your handsome face? It would help wake me up and change the mood in the room.” Adding the puppy pout you looked so pathetic, it made him want to hurt you… 
With a great big sigh, Furuhashi finally caved. He hated makeup being on his face and this wasn’t his first rodeo which is exactly why he always gave you a blank stare and walked away when you asked in the past. His young sister has done this to him in the past and he absolutely hates the way it feels on his face, not only that but it gives him anxiety. 
Doesn’t look thrilled 90% of the time you’re applying your makeup on him. Will look curiously at certain products and arch his eyebrow at you as you dip your brush into the odd looking product in your hand. Asks questions and will grab your wrists when he sees a color he isn’t too fond about -reminds him of the time his younger sister did it and it stained-. 
Will smile ever so gently at you when you’re turned around reaching for a new product as you ramble on about how it works better than the other brands. Furuhashi actually finds you quite adorable at the moment, he’s amazed you’re so passionate about makeup. And as he turns around to look in the mirror -with you still turned around- he’s even more amazed at just how talented you are at it. It makes him want to continue to protect you so you can accomplish your beauty dreams without any interference, though he’ll never admit that openly to you. 
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Hanamiya has never been so damn annoyed or tired in his entire life, and he’s been through quite the irritating situations before. However as you continue day in and day out asking him… no, scratch that… begging him if you can put makeup on his pasty face his eyes grow more tired and exasperated. 
Eventually snaps on you and makes you cry by calling you an annoyance and that you’ve been nothing but a pest the past week. Give it about an hour though, deep down he knows he messed up and with a click of his tongue he’s off to find you. 
“Hanamiya! I challenge you to a basketball game!!” With unstable quivering legs, you stood as tall as you can as you throw the basketball at the back of Hanamiya’s head…. Ah yes, this is why he loved you and kept you around, not only were you always pulling dumb stunts around him but you also tried to act as if you weren’t afraid of the consequences. Turning around with a devilish smirk, hanamiya replied to you as he picks up the orange sport ball, “Oh? And what might my little ____ want if she wins?” He knew you didn’t have a chance but this was too much fun seeing you have so much hope just so he could take it away.
“I-If i w-win I get to ap-apply my makeup to you… I- I-” Looking down with sullen eyes your voice became low and Hanamiya could hear the deep dejection in it… “I’m just really nervous because this Salon got ahold of me and asked if i could come in a show them my skills… Th-that they are interested in having me there with them… but i wanted to practice on an actual person… i- This was dumb, gomen’nasai Makoto…” 
Before you could even walk away the basketball had made contact with the back of your head this time. Twirling around holding the back of your head you saw that Hanamiya’s eyes were concealed with his jet black hair but his signature grin was fully on display, “Oi oi, who said you could walk away from me? Let’s play.”
It took a solid two hours but you finally managed to beat Hanamiya… Not that you won by pure skills or anything, Hanamiya had let you win. 
Applying his makeup actually ends up being more fun than you thought it would be, though there were a lot of times where he was making it difficult for you -surprise-. Hanamiya will “accidentally” knock a brush out of your hands here and there along with blowing the eyeshadow right off your shadow brush. You don’t know what overcame you but in the heat of the moment you decided to just dump your loose glitter all over his head since he wouldn’t stop acting out, and with a booming laugh you hold your stomach as you die from pure joy after seeing his face.
The atmosphere in your bathroom has changed drastically and his presence is menacing… “Ha-Hanamiya… i- I-im so sorry i just.. I thought it wou-” 
Grabbing you by your throat Hanamiya pins you against the sink as his mouth gets dangerously close to your ear. You can feel his hot breath as he whispers in your ear, “I think it’s time you learned your place, pet.” You’re frightened and unaware of what to do until you feel loose face powder his your face, “BAAAAKA!” Sticking his tongue out at you Hanamiya proceeds to coat your face with loose powder.
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devilbat · 4 years
Revenge of the Nerd
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Accountant!Tom Hiddleston x reader
Warning: fluff, Mention of blood, mention of violence, mention of being assaulted, Possibly a small mention of vampires..oh mention of nerds. 
@drakesfiance requested 6, 15, 42 with Tom. Hope you like it.. also made it a bit of a holiday one shot..
6 "Are you flirting with me?" "You finally noticed?"
15 "Is that blood?" ".....No?"
42. "I always thought vampires go, poof, when they get staked."
            It was the day of the big company holiday party. You had helped plan for the night's festivities from the decorations down to the caterers. You hoped tonight would go well. As with all plans, things had there ups and downs like there were only a few of your coworkers willing to help you on a Saturday morning. Who really wanted to come into work on their day off, if it wasn't to party. Kate from marketing, Jim from IT And Tom from accounting, ended up being the only ones that came through for you. Kate was one of your friends who had helped you land your job. Sure it wasn't anything glamorous you work as the assistant to the woman that ran the company.
Jim was a bit of a jerk but did anything for you. He was a flirt and tried to get into anyone's pants. If he weren't an arrogant ass and a horn dog, he would be attractive. Then there was Tom; he was devilishly handsome, with his blondish red hair. A sharp jawline that always was graced with a five o'clock shadow. Piercing blue eyes that could steal your soul if you weren't careful. And a true Gentlemen, even with his rather shy demeanor, he always kept to himself. He never talked to anyone beside you. Though you thought it was because you were always down in accounting for your boss, it was his only reason why he spoke with you.
But you were happy he came to help, even if you were the one to wrangle him into it. The batting of your eyes and the pouting of your lips. Pleading for him to help. Though he told you he wasn't going to make any promises. You were giddy when he was the first one waiting for you in the banquet, the room the posh hotel. It had surprised you to see him out of his typical button-down shirts, pocket protector, thick rim glasses, and blue trousers. It was a beautiful sight to see him in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Not that him being a suit wasn't at all lovely.
You were on the ladder hanging Mistletoe up, well maybe you could get try and get the mysterious man that was Tom under it. You couldn't help but think of him all the time. You practically daydreamed about him at work and the unbelievable, not safe for work thing you wanted to do to him. Your mind wandered while on the ladder when you saw him reach up, his arm extended, hanging garland on the top of the door his shirt riding up, giving you a glimpse of pale skin and a bit of a very happy, happy tail. Making you lick your lips, and before you knew it, you found yourself tumbling off the ladder. Shielding yourself from hitting the ground, it never came. In fact, you never once felt that hard hit of the floor greeting your body. Opening your eyes, you found yourself in the arms of Tom.
"Are you all right?" His velvet-smooth accent rang through your ears. Making you gasp every time he spoke. His grasp was tightly holding onto you. Your cheek pressed into his chest. That fact you were this close to him, that what you felt pressed against you was solid lean rock. His sent was enough to send a shiver down your spine. Like warm spice on a cold night, with hints of coffee from this morning and something earthy like being in the Forest after the first rainfall.
"Um, y-yeah." You stammered, Tom slowly set you down. His arm still wrapped around your midsection. "How did you get to me so fast?"
"Eheheh, quick reflexes." he shrugged his lips pulled into a small. As he moved his arm from you once your feet were stable. "You should be more careful. I wouldn't want you to get hurt on the day of your party."
"Yeah." You shyly agreed, wishing you weren't so flabbergasted around this man.
You worried your bottom lip as you arrived at the party that night. You hoped Tom would show, he never came to any of the company events. You had told him after everyone left that you wished to see him there. The dress you chose was a beautiful form-fitting sequin blue coming down mid-thigh, sparkling black tights molded to your legs like a second skin. Though when you had to rush toward the build regretting the fact you didn't grab a coat and something longer. But then again, you didn't think you would have had to walk far either. Oh, first world problems when you're running late. You heel-clicked along as you made it to the elevator shivering.
You could hear the party was in full swing before the doors even opened. Smiling to yourself when you walked in. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. You found your boss and her wife talking with a few of the board members.
"Ah, there she is, y/n." Your boss called you over. Pulling you to her side when you reached them. "This girl is the one responsible for pulling this all together." Your boss praised you, making you blush. "Y/n, this is Stan, my father's former partner.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir." You hummed, shanking the older gentleman's hand.
"You young lady have been doing a wonder here." Stan acknowledged. ”Keeping this one on time. She was always late, even to her own wedding." He grins wide, and your boss scoffed. Her wife, Chanel, only nodded in agreement.
"Anyways, y/n darling, you remember my wife, Chanel." Turning your attention back to your boss. As Chanel gave you a tight hug.
"Of course." You smile, forgetting she was a hugger. And always bubbly but a sweet person.
"And where’s your date, dear?" Chanel beamed before releasing you.
"Um, I um." You stammered. You didn't think you would be asked this question. Everyone, even Stan, looked at you. You felt like a bunny in a wolf's den. Not until you felt a strong arm wrapped around your waist. You yelped about to kick whoever it was until they spoke.
             "Sorry I'm late, darling. Trying to finding parking was atrocious." Tom's smooth voice spoke up. And you were once more engulfed in that earthy spice. Tom's tall frame leaned in, pressing a light kiss on top of your head. "Fallow, my lead love." He whispered into your ear. You tried to keep yourself calm. Your heart rate speeds up, ready to burst any second. You watched everyone reaction Chanel squealed, clapping her hands together.
          "That's my boy." Stan seemed to smirk, patting Tom on the shoulder. Your boss, on the other hand, just raised her eyebrow at Tom. Her face set, not wavering as she looked at him.
          "Eheh, now if you would Excuse us, this one owes me a dance." Tom cooed as his hand moved to the small of your back ushering you away.
           "Um, What was that all about?" You inquired, looking up at the man, taking a good look at him. He was in a stunningly fitted tuxedo, black bowtie tied tightly around his neck. His blue eyes, the ones that usually hide behind thick frames, where freed from them. His sharp jaw cleaned from stubble. Your jaw may have hit the floor.
          "You looked like you desired a way out." He chuckled as he moved you with the rhythm of the music.
         "And what am I to say to my boss Monday when this fairytale ends cinderella?" You quipped. Not once did you notice where he was leading you to as he glided across the dance floor. Tom's slender fingers hooked under your chin, making you look up. His lips brushed against yours far too quickly for you to really register.
"You planned that, didn't you." Your eyes widened when you spotted the mistletoe hanging above your head, the same one you almost fell from.
"Hey, I might turn into a pumpkin at midnight, so I might as well take this as the perfect opportunity." He smirked.
"Are you flirting with me?" You looked into those blue eyes of his.
  "You finally noticed?" He mumbled, rubbing the back of his head. He's shy, quiet, and nerdy demeanor was rather adorable.
The night went on, staying close to your "date." Tom insisted on walking you to your car, fresh snow dusted the ground. Tom had insisted that you wear his coat.
That’s when it all happened all to fast. The guy came out of know where grabbing you out of Tom's arms. You screamed, trying to fight him off of you as he pulled you into the ally. The other guy making sure Tom wouldn't follow, hit Tom in the head with a blunt object. The other man followed the one that held you tightly. Once he reached you, his hand grabbed ahold of your jaw harshly.
"Stop your screaming, and you might make it out of this without much more than a good fuck." The man snarled. Tears streamed down your face as you called once more for Tom. Unfortunately, giving you a sharp smack across the face. "I said shut up, you ungrateful whore."
Before he could do anything further, he was ripped from you and tossed at a high rate of speed. The man holding you by the throat growled. Pushing you to the floor as he attacked your savior. Both men that attacked you came at the new man. You watch in horror. Soon you recognized who stepped in to save you.
"Tom, watch out." You screamed as the other man came behind him. "No!" shrieking when Tom's assailant impaled Tom with the object in his hands.
The growling of a wild wounded animal came deep from Tom, making you jump. Tom turned around his eye, growling a snarl along his lips, showing two long sharp canines. Your eyes widened in horror. Tom ripped the man apart. The other man didn't get very far before Tom tore into him, drinking from his throat. Tom turned towards you, approaching you with caution.
"Darling are, are you all right?" He choked out, unsure what your reaction would be. You should be scared fleeing for your life. But somehow you knew he wouldn't hurt you. If he was, he would have done it by now, right?
"Is that blood?" You squeaked out, feeling a bit woozy. Tom quickly wiped the blood from his mouth.
  ".....No?" He smiled, shyly his fangs peeking out between his lips. His hand reached out for you. "I won't harm you." He tried to reassure you. Your shaking hand took his. "Are you hurt?" His eyes were scanning you for any injuries. His free hand brushed against your now lightly purple cheek. You winced, giving him his answer. He looked back at the men he slaughtered. Your eyes followed him. You gasped at the sight. Tom quickly turned you away.
"Tom?" he hummed in response, looking down at you. "I always thought vampires go, poof, when they get staked." You inquired. Tom stopped his mouth gaped.
          "I'm not what movies make us out to be. That and I’ve lived a very long life. I do believe it was when the middle ages were Popular. Before Vlad, the Impaler. Before." Tom shrugged like it was nothing.
         "Okay, okay, I get it your as old as a dinosaur!" You teased.
         "Hey, now I'm not that old." Tom huffed.
          "You're really do have this whole Clark Kent thing going on. But I got to ask, why did you stop caring about fashion in like 1980? You have this poindexter, revenge of the nerd's thing going on at work."
            "Hey, now I liked that movie." Tom grumbling. "I have to look inconspicuous, not every day you look as good as I do at six hundred years."
           "Okay, Yoda. So like why are you. I'm-you know." You started nervously playing with the hem of Tom's coat.
           "Why what?" Tom smiled. You were rather cute when you were nervous.
            "Taking an interest in me. It's not like I'm a Secret vampire during the night and mild-mannered accountant during the day! Why, accountant?" You started Squirreling on him again, going from one subject to the next.
        “Slow down, darling. How about this, I'll tell you everything at dinner tomorrow night?" He suggested.
           "I'm not on the menu, right?" Quickly looking up at him.
            “As tantalizing of a morsel, that you are. No, well, not in the way you're thinking, at least." Tom wiggled his eyebrows.
          "Oh my God, perv." You smack Tom in the chest playfully.
           "Come on, let's get you home." he pulled you into his side. Heading back the direction you were going.
           ”Do I have to invite you in? Wait, what about the sun? Cause I mean, you do have a day job. Oh, and crosses? Garlic?" You chattered on. You heard Tom groan.
permanent tags: @kitkatkl @lokilvrr @instantnoodlese @drakesfiance @meyoko10 @miraclesoflove @madleiine, @teageowen @scorpionchild81 @redlipsinkorea @mintzxi @it-jinxed-us @heylals
Tom/Loki Tag's: @theoneanna @graveyard-groupie @silverquartx @moonfaery @kcd15 @moonlightprime @youveseen--thebutcher @shockwavee @sabine-leo @screw-real-life-i-pick-fandoms @vethrvolnir, @darkprincessloki92 @archy3001 @chaoticwithpurpose @paanchu786, @metalheadspider @myownviperroom @arosewithdaisies @jilldsumner @daughterofsunandmoon93 @too-cold-for-youhere @iamverity @sterwild @hiddlefan81 @matczvkv @desimarie12 @loser-alert @sherlokiholland @kryptonite2116 @justthatfangirloverthere @littleredstarfish @amore-p-siche @thathedonistgirl
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prisontoybox · 3 years
“Nobody’s seen you in days.” for shadow kid ehehe.
The shadow boy stood frozen in place, the Lady's words ringing through his ears as he tries to think of an excuse. He wasn't even sure the mask could hide his expression from her, all the more chilling thought.
"....Is that so? My apologies, my Governess, I.. have been around, I thought you'd seen me. I will do better to keep in your sights..."
His pitiful apology didn't make him feel any better, what if she sees it as an insult to her attention? A smug remark to get him out of trouble? Or just sees right through his vague half-lie.
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Still, he stands. Straight up. Hands behind his back. Looking forward. Waiting.
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gray-anxiety · 5 years
hey if you're not taking requests please ignore this, or if it even makes you uncomfortable for that matter.. Can i maybe have a request of Levi's daughter (around 15/16 yr old) being with her boyfriend but her boyfriend tries to force himself onto her and Levi sees? How would he react?
At first, I was like ‘why would I be uncomfortable- oh,,” lmaoo
I was going to make Mikasa Levi’s kid, but I don’t want to do that to Eren, so I’m just going to pick a name a roll with it.
Sorry if it’s not what you wanted eheh,, I don’t know how to write any father-daughter bonding stuff at all 
TW: boyfriend being a dick, Levi flipping out
She knew they were going to be gone for at least another hour.
She knew why they never let anyone over if they were leaving.
But she invited him anyway.
She stood at the doorway bouncing up in down in nervousness while she waited for her boyfriend to arrive — correction, secret boyfriend. She knew her father would freak if he ever found out she was dating someone in her freshman year, nevertheless a senior months away from graduating. Maybe it was because of his tied back dirty blond hair, the way his bright green eyes have a mischievous shine to them whenever he has a new idea, or maybe it was because of the fact that he was almost 3 years older than she was that made her fall in love with him so easily. She knew it was wrong, she knew it was bad, but for the first time in her life, she wanted to rebel more than anything else in this world. One time was all she asked, one simple time. 
God, how she wished she could take it all back.
The noise of a car door slamming shut pulled her out of her trance in an instant. She could feel her heart jump and rise in her throat, she was slightly shaking by now. Why was she so nervous? This is what she wanted, right? To rebel? His shadow contaminated the streaming light from the door’s windows that signaled to her that he was at the door long before the doorbell’s familiar chime droned throughout the house like a crow’s caw in a tunnel. She took in a long breath and walked slowly to the handle. The door opened with a slight squeak and halted as she saw his figure leaning against the doorframe. His crisp black and white Vans crossed at his ankles with a seductive smirk carved into his face like he was born with it. 
“You going to let me in or not, Babe?” His arms were crossed, his purposely tight jacket could barely contain his bulging muscles beneath. She gulped and nodded, stepping out of the way for him to enter.
“S- sure.”
He stepped in and crinkled his nose at the smell of bleach and Pine-sol from every crack and crevice possible. He knew the proper etiquette when it came to the Ackerman residence, she told him all about it through text before he arrived. He slid off his shoes and placed them by the door, not caring if dirt particles got everywhere; Des physically cringed the moment she heard the slight thud coming from the thrown objects. Her father was going to know just by the amount of dirt that someone was here.
“So about that new console you got — where is it?” He wanted something. She knew he was waiting for the perfect moment, or maybe this was it? 
“It’s in the living room, Nash. Come on.” She led him there without a thought, not knowing that her gut feeling was right all along. She bent down and put in the new game, the console making an almost inaudible ding! the moment the disc was being read. She exhaled almost in relief that she didn’t screw up that bit before, her anxiety was through the roof since her boyfriend of three weeks was right behind her for the first time in her house; without her parents knowing about a single thing. She started to stand up until two hands gripped her waist and mouth, his breath reeked of alcohol. She could smell it. His face was by her neck, she knew it was. Her body froze in fear as his hand moved from her waist to her breast — he wasn’t here to hang out. 
He was here to take advantage of her.
Hot tears cascaded down her cheek from only one eye, her other eye rarely joined the other with the waterworks. Her breathing turned erratic as his advances kept going lower and higher with that one single hand. Any whimpers were easily muffled by his hand, also muffling any way to get anyone’s attention. 
“I’ve waited for this shit for three weeks. You hear me? Three, damn, weeks, because your shitty father never bothered to take your mother out anywhere. That’s almost enough to drive a man insane, you know? That long without sex isn’t good for his mentality.” 
“I’ll give you one fucking second to get off of my daughter before I rip your fucking spine out of your neck with my bare hands.” She whipped her head in the direction of her father’s voice and there he was behind her assailant with hell burning in his ice-cold blue eyes. Her mother already recording from the entrance with rage evident in her face. She felt him inhale a sharp breath before immediately letting go, throwing her to the wooden floors below.
“Mr. Ackerman, I-” He was knocked out before he could even formulate the next words from escaping his mouth. Her father dragged his unconscious body away without a thought for who knows what he was going to do next. Her mother stopped recording and immediately went to her aid with worried questions firing at her.
“I- I’m sorry. I- I’m sorry. I just wanted to rebel once…” Her mother was silent throughout her ramblings distorted through sobbing. 
“Y/N. He’s in the garage. Look after him with the dagger for a few.” Her mother let go of her body and walked off with the dagger in hand. 
The room was silent aside from her sobs. 
She was terrified to look into his eyes to see what they revealed.
What he thought of her now.
She curled into a ball, trying to hide away from him.
His eyes slid shut.
He rested his hand against his face.
Until he stopped and walked over to his sobbing daughter.
“I will always be here for you, you fucking idiot.” 
She felt his arms wrap around her in a cocoon of safety
and she knew that her father would always protect her.
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eorzeanharmony · 5 years
Mnemon - Memory
Character: Aethelric Firesoul
The sun sat low on the horizon, its dying rays painting the jagged mesas of western Thanalan in fiery oranges and rich violet. The vista was striking, and the solitary figure making its way down one of the myriad dry wadis sunk into the heat-scorched landscape still had it in his heart to appreciate it, however many times he saw it. The desert was harsh and unforgiving; even without its myriad dangers the land itself would devour an unwary traveler like the jackals that stalked its rocky expanse… yet like such predators, it retained a fierce beauty.
It bespoke the traveler’s relaxed frame of mind, though, that he took any time at all to look at the mountains for their glory at sunset. This was no mission of blood and vengeance, but rather of succor. The large satchel slung across Aethelric’s broad, darkly-tanned shoulders contained not weaponry but foodstuffs and first aid supplies, along with a few small luxuries… spices, tea, hard candies. Simple things, but precious, out here in the wastes. The scarred warrior’s yellow gaze also scanned the cliffs looking for the thin thread of smoke that marked his destination… the cooking fires of a small Ala Mhigan encampment tucked into a series of caves up in the foothills. Usually it was visible by now, but the lack of the thin white plume against the cliffside earned a frown and a slight hastening of his steps.
It was dusk by the time he reached the path up to the caves, and as he drew near, he could see the wide entrance of the main camp black against the paler backdrop of the cliff. But it was wrong… where were the fires, the bustle of lank bodies lit by their light, the sounds of song, chatter, and occasional laughter. The cave’s entrance lay dark and still, as devoid of life as it was when the encampment arrived. Years of experience had taught Aethelric the value of caution, however, and rather than charging up the scree toward the cave, he unshouldered his pack and loosened his sword in its sheath before cautiously approaching from an oblique angle amongst the rocks.
His boots moved almost soundlessly over sand and stone, a surety of step learned over two decades in this blasted waste. Once close, he could see the cookfires… or what was left of them. The ones on the periphery were still intact, albeit dark and still, while the ones nearest the entrance were toppled and scattered. As he tried to gain a better look without exposing himself, he found his footing suddenly uneven, the surface he expected to be solid proving soft and yielding… and not anything that a man should find under his boot. Recoiling with a near soundless hiss, he turned his attention downward to the darkness between the boulders… the dying sun now too low to lend much visibility to the hollows between boulders. But what he’d mistaken for dark stone proved to be none other than a body, toppled limp and unmoving in between the rocks. Scarred fingers found no warmth, though now that he’d ceased travel, he found the air already alive with the soft susurration of syrphids…always the first to feast after a battle. Straining against the darkness, and now that he sought them out with forethought, he could now just barely make out the uneven darkness to one side of the path…not just one body, but dozens, simply thrown down the scree hill into a rough pile.
Aethelric turned his gaze back to the mouth of the cave…where, as he squinted into the darkness, a dim light was still visible, deep within. Stifling a low growl, he shifted his position and stalked toward the cave, yet still without rushing, only sliding his scimitar out of its sheath and weighing it silently in his hand.
A moment was spent at the entrance, crouched down by the stones to one side. Within, perhaps twenty fulm down the passage, lay another pile of what were obviously corpses. Unlike those outside, however, these appeared to have been arranged with some care and what looked like a tarp draped over them… catlike, Aethelric stalked over to them to carefully pull back the corner.
What met his wolf’s gaze brought forth a snarl, unbidden and louder than he’d intended… but even he was unable to stifle the rage building in his heart. Every one of the neatly arranged corpses wore a black and red uniform all too familiar to him and one that raised bile in his throat. All of them also looked to have died from sword wounds… which brought him some small, cold comfort. Letting the tarp fall again, he turned and stalked toward the back of the cave and that dim firefly glow. No longer does he skulk from shadow to shadow… this was a march toward an intended goal, and one intended to result in one very clearly defined outcome.
As he reached the main cavern, the first thing the light beyond outlined was the massive, metallic frame of a Garlean Reaper unit. Aethelric had certainly seen such monstrosities in the past, but never this close, and never this inert. The metallic nightmare simply stood with its back to the entrance and the main chassis canted down to presumably allow its driver to disembark; a silent sculpture in iron death. Beyond lay a small camp… apparently cobbled together out of the remains of the residents’ things, a few crates, an Imperial sleeping roll, and… the sickness rose in his soul again… a box containing the precious items the bedroll’s owner had scavenged from the corpses of the fallen Ala Mhigans. On one of the crates, the source of the glow… no honest fire, but some strange light-emitting device. Of the owner, there was no sign. Cursing his luck under his breath, Aethelric leaned down to pick up the box when he heard an ominous click behind him and froze.
“Well well, what have we here. Seems like I missed one…” The voice was gratingly cheerful, the mocking amusement of someone content in the knowledge he holds all the cards. “Most of you grubby bastards fight like demons, for what good it did you. Where were you, hiding behind one of the sorry excuses for trees they have around here and trying not to piss in your armor?”
Gritting his teeth, Aethelric set the box back down again, but as he started to turn, a shot ripped past his ribs so closely he felt the heat of its passage. “Ah ah. Why don’t you just drop that weed chopper you’re holding. We don’t want any…accidents, heh.” With obvious reluctance, Aethelric stuck the point of his scimitar into the sand beside the box and slowly turned around to face his opponent. With the light behind him, the identity of the Garlean man was unmistakeable… and, now that he looked at him, not in the best of condition. His uniform was ragged in places, he’d lost his helm somewhere, and there was a sunken, desperate look in the man’s eyes that he recognized … How long had these men -been- out here? Now that he could see it, the reaper likewise looked in rough shape, its once-glossy black paint now sandblasted and chipped, rust creeping around every joint and gasket.
“… ‘We?’ Aethelric graveled, thinly smiling. “It seems there is only one of you now… the rest gone to sate Rhalgr’s thirst for vengeance, if I am any judge.” Wolf-eyes narrowed, “Even if you kill me… the desert herself will claim you; you cannot eat firesand or steel. Though I suppose you jackals are not above devouring the slain,” he adds, spitting on the bloodstained sand between them. For all his bravado, though…the Ala Mhigan sought desperately for a way out of the deadlock, but…truth was, he was on the wrong end of a Garlean carbine with a desperate man on the other. Silently, in the back of his mind, he offered a prayer…not to the Destroyer, but to Althyk… if there was ever a time where he needed an unexpected new path forward, this would be it. But…as ever… nothing answered him.
“SILENCE!” The carbine in the Garlean’s hands was shaking slightly, for all that this wasn’t particularly comforting to his target. “… Heh. Actually.. I might have a use for you after all. You desert rats know where the water is, don’t you? Eheh..” The ragged edges of his uniform fluttered in a gust of wind from the entrance. Just for a moment, the soldier glanced back over his shoulder, but then whipped his attention back forward again as Aethelric shifted his weight. “HALT! You’ll do as I say! Or you’ll end up like your filthy cousins outside!” What was intended to be a command cracked as it was given… and yet there didn’t seem to be any cause for it that the Ala Mhigan could see. A flicker of motion caught his eye, though, and he glanced up to the top of the silent reaper, just for a moment. There, above the thing’s dormant hulk drifted a small blue ball of light. A plasmid… not uncommon out in the wastes where the desert had claimed a soul or ten. The Garlean didn’t seem aware of it.
Aelthelric turned his attention back to the man, smiling thinly. “You will find nothing out here but your end, and your bones will bleach under Azemya’s unblinking gaze,” he growls quietly. “Your people know only how to take, and the wages of theft are death.” The longer he could keep him talking, the longer he had to contemplate ways to escape his situation. In fact, he was just about to ready another barb, when his attention was drawn back to the reaper again. There were half a dozen lazily swirling lights above it now… more than he’d seen anywhere other than late at night in the lichyard. With effort, he dragged his attention back to the soldier… and stared. Not at him, but past him. Out in the gloom of the desert night hung more small blue lights than he could count, swirling outside the cave’s opening like constellations fallen to earth. Slowly, they drifted into the cave mouth and gathered above the silent magitek machine with an inexorable deliberation. The Garlean mistook his vague shock and confusion for fear and lowered his weapon slightly. “Heh, you lot really are cowards, aren’t you. Not much better than those lizard things… no wonder you like it out in this dusty hell pit so much…” It was almost like the man needed to talk, as if the sound of his voice alone was enough to comfort his obviously frayed nerves. Aethelric ignored him, staring past him and slightly upward.
By now, the cluster of plasmid motes had become a cloud, swirling amongst themselves like a syrphid swarm, until one broke off and sank through the console of the stilled mechanical beast. Then…another, and another… until the last vanished beneath the reaper’s scarred hull. And, for a moment, there was only dark silence.
Then, abruptly, yet still without sound, blue fire erupted between the machine’s armor plates, racing from joint to joint like flame following a miner’s fuse, until every seam and port was limned in blue lichfire. And -still- the rambling soldier remained unaware… until the machine gave a small lurch, accompanied by a screech of corroded steel on steel.
With a small cry, the soldier pivoted immediately, bringing his weapon to bear on whatever new assailant had snuck up behind him, only to see… initially ‘nothing’, until he registered the eerie glow around the towering machine. Both he and his would-be captive watched in equal shock as the thing rose up on its long legs, tongues of luminous blue smoke leaking from every joint, and with another scream of tortured metal, took a step forward, the sound of its footfall like the crash of a coffin lid.
A terrified shriek ripped from the Garlean’s throat as he snapped, bringing up his carbine to spray bullets wildly against his own machine’s armored hull. Aethelric threw himself to the sand, covering his head in order to avoid the ricochets. The bullets from the light arm simply dug shallow scores in the reaper’s plating as it lurched forward another step… it moved like a puppet with broken strings; jerky and uneven yet with a terrifying strangeness to it that belied the simple action of servo and motor, the only noise it made the wailing howl of rusting steel on steel.
It took only bare seconds for the Garlean to empty his magazine, leaving only ringing in the ears from the report to counter the ominous movement of the machine. That and the mindless click-click-click-click-click of the man’s finger on the trigger of his now useless weapon.
And then, with a long, slow screech that echoed loudly in the cavern… a screech that sounded more like screams than simple mechanics should ever do…. the great black beast simply toppled forward like a falling tree and lay still. As it fell, there was a dull, unpleasantly wet crunch, and the abrupt cessation of sound.
Aethelric laid there, face down in the silent sands, for several moments… possibly an eternity, possibly only a handful of seconds, before slowly pushing himself to his feet. The only thing left visible of the soldier under the collapsed machina’s bulk was a hand outstretched, still grasping the carbine. The Ala Mhigan went to go pull it away but then hesitated, glancing back up at the reaper and taking a step backward. Luminous blue smoke still curled from it, but even now it was fading, leaving only a silent black hulk crumpled on the sand. After awhile, he reached out and lightly touched it before quickly withdrawing his hand and going to collect his sword and the box of valuables. He would return them to those families he could track down.
For now, though, he had a pyre to build.
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pwnyta · 6 years
Time for all my (non All Might) BNHA doodles. Lots of everything lots of sketchy lots of... Tokoyami...
Lets start off weak so when you see something better you can be like ‘wow what an improvement!!!‘
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Dont listen to Iida when he says he can handle the scary movies. HES LYING.
But maybe Ojiro been knew and just wanted to cuddle?
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Never lose track of your excitable boyfriend ever again!!!!
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Ojiro cant lift his boyfriend but at least hes good to rest on.
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He lost his game Iida! You animal.
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The girls recognize Iida as best boy so he gets to come to their girls only hang outs. Hagakure is naked. Dont tell him that tho.
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Iida tries to be a proper boy but when he sits properly his engines dig into his legs. His bfs are pretty ok with it tho.
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Sleepy bfs after prom (or w/e the movie is doing)
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Iida: This is the first one I caught!! IDK hes just so cute! And such a strange color for a Tangela!!!
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Todo: .... He caught you.
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Iida: This is my second Pokemon! He seems kind of cold but he’ll warm to you after a while!!!
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Todo: YOU!!!! YOU SHOULD TEACH IT FIRE PUNCH AND ICE PUNCH!!! Iida: Thats a great Idea!
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Iida: And this is my last one so far!!! Shes a special color too!!! Ocha: IIIIDDDAAAAA IS THAT ME?!!?!?
Iida: What’d you guys get!?
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Now Iidas favs will find Poke-Iida... but where to start?!
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Todoroki is rewarded for his bad manners....
Now for Tokoyami!!!!
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Look either Kuroiro dresses in all black and looks like a full shadow all the time or he wears obnoxious colors to really stand out. I will believe nothing else.
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Kuro, Toko and Dark Shadow band together to create a monster!!!!
Toko: Like this? Kuro: Yes perfect... now lets go freak everyone out! Shadow: YESSSSS!!!!!
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Foiled again!!!
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Aoyama and Tokoyami would be the worlds most extra relationship. Let these dramatic idiots be together. Id imagine them all grown up like Gomez and Morticia Adams... tell me you cant see that.
....I think I was trying to make a comic where Monoma is bein a dick but instead of being hilarious he hits a little too close and a little too hard... and actually hurts Tokoyamis feelings. 1-A doesnt fuck around if someones fucking with one of their own.
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Toko has a hard time sleepin... even with his two big bfs.
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Mineta, Kaminari and Sero: ehehehehe Shouji: ????? !!!!
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Shouji: Do you have a problem with the way I choose to sleep with my boyfriends? Sero: CHOOSE?! Kami: IF WE KNEW IT WAS ON PURPOSE WE WOULDNT HAVE SAID ANYTHING!!! Mineta: ITS NOT FUNNY IF ITS ON PURPOSE!!!
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Toko: ....??? What the hell is happening... Shouji: They woke you, huh....
3 fools who didnt really mean any real harm: ;;;;;----;;;;; SHOOOUUUJIIIIIII
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Sato and Ojiro know better.
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Iida, as always, is doin his best.
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Soft beaky boys.
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Tokos the smallest of the spoopy kids... even adding Class Bs Kuroiro, Kamakiri, and Yanagi! Even adding Shinso!!!
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Sometimes Toko is dramatic angsty... sometimes hes ‘I literally almost killed a bunch of my friends‘ angsty.
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Tap your beaks together monster boys!!!!
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I was makin a bunch of bird phrases/sayings/words and makin them ships... but I got lazy. Shoujis was ‘A bird in the hand‘ but I didnt like the way it was turning out so w/e. I like OchaTokos the best!
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Small boys are awkward and have feelings at each other. More news at 11.
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Ya know the eagle face meme... where Eagles only look cool from the side and look really sad and confused facing forward? LOL
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Small boys cuddle.
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Some TokOjiro... Ojiros pants hole reveals some Woodstock undies!!!
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Sometimes Dark Shadow is clingy and jealous!!!!!
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Mirio and Tamaki play together by a pond and Tamaki turns into whatever Mirio thinks is cool!
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M: Are you nervous!? T: Mirio... should we do this... M: Y-yes!! T:... You dont sound so sure...
M: .... I’ll talk to him first...
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NE: Mirio.... tell me whats wrong... why are you upset? Who hurt you. Are you in trouble? M: /////sweating nervously NE: MIRIO!!! TELL ME.
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NE: .......... M: J-just be nice to him please.....
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NE: >:\
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M: Im sorry Tamaki... it just... all came out at once....  We can come back again later ok? We dont have to do it today... T: ...No I can do it...
M: Tamaki... T: For you! .... For you I can do it...
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M: Really we can just come back later when hes had time to think about it... T: ...It means a lot to you so I--
NE: !!!!! M: SIR?! NE: Its sweet of you to face your fears for Mirio....
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//Overly protective but supportive dad Nighteye.
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Momos disguise was too cute on her!!!!
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Everyone is a little bit gay for Momo.
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Only respectable folks get to tell Momo how beautiful she is.
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GlamRock wedding!!! Papa Jirou is crying while playing ‘ While My Guitar Gently Weeps‘ and mama Jirou rubs his back and tries to help him hide his tears so he looks cool in front of the guests.
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Tsuyu didnt let anyone else have a chance at the bouquet! ITS HERS! AND SHES GONNA MARRY OCHAKO WITH IT!!! NO ONES GONNA STOP HER!
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ANIMAL CROSSING!!! Its hard to make the frogs look.... not freaky...
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I forgot these too~~~
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Some DekAoyama.... I think someone requested Deku and Aoyama dancing at some point and I never fuckin finished it OH WELL
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kanasmusings · 5 years
[Translation] StarMyu Third STAGE Drama CD - Track 3
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Okay, LMAO. Tengenji’s as wild as ever~ The track starts out with him just babying Tavian again  (≧◡≦) And then Inumine arrives and everything goes wilder XD  Still, a sort of meaningful conversation happens afterwards ^^
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission. Please just like/reblog them instead ^^
Under the cut, enjoy~!
Track 03: [第2幕:月皇と空閑の部屋にて] “Chapter 2: Inside Tsukigami and Kuga’s Room”
  TENGENJI: Chapter 2: Inside Tsukigami and Kuga’s Room.
  TENGENJI: Geez… Why are you always so wild~?
TENGENJI: (whispering) My really cute… (he suddenly raises his voice) Tavian~!
(Tavian meows)
TENGENJI: (gasps excitedly) Hey, look at this, Tsukigami. My angel’s sleeping face is the cutest~
KAITO: Tengenji, how many times should I tell you? This is my and Kuga’s room, not yours.
KAITO: It’s also not a place for you to play around with Tavian.
KAITO: Don’t just use our room as if it’s yours.
TENGENJI: Cats have a strong sense of territory.
TENGENJI: It’s not like I came here on my own. I have no choice because Tavian wants to be here, you boor.
TENGENJI: (to Tavian, sweetly) Right~?
KAITO: Good grief. If someone catches you doing that here, I’ll end up getting lectured for breaking the rules, too.
(banging on door)
INUMINE: Tsukigami, you there?!
KAITO: Hm? This voice is—
TENGENJI: Team Hiragi’s big dog.
INUMINE: HEY! (banging on door) TSUKIGAMI! (more banging on the door)
INUMINE: (still banging on the door) HEY!! HE~Y!
KAITO: Ah! Wait, Inumine, don’t break the door!
KAITO: (whispering) Tengenji, hide Tavian.
TENGENJI: Y-yeah, got it…!
TENGENJI: (whispering to Tavian) I’ll cover you with a blanket for a bit, okay~?
(Kaito opens the door)
KAITO: What’s wrong? Is there something you need from me?
INUMINE: Yeah! Do you have that rolly thing? If you have, can you lend it to me?
KAITO: … Rolly thing…?
TENGENJI: The one used for cleaning carpets?
INUMINE: Nope, the one you take when going on a trip.
KAITO: Ah, a suitcase with caster wheels? I don’t have any but… Tengenji, do you have one?
TENGENJI: Don’t have any.
KAITO: You heard him.
KAITO: What do you need a suitcase for? If you’re only going home then, the usual bag you have is okay, isn’t it?
INUMINE: You see, my family decided to go on a trip for spring break! It’s a long vacation so I need to bring a lot of things, y’know?
TENGENJI: Then, it shouldn’t be a problem, right? You have a suitcase back at your house, don’t you?
TENGENJI: You should have one, right?
INUMINE: That was supposed to be the plan but, I made a mistake with the date so, everyone already left~! Tee-hee~
TENGENJI/KAITO: Huh?!  / What!?
KAITO: They left you…!?
TENGENJI: What are you gonna do then…?
INUMINE: I’ll go tomorrow and meet them all there~ I’ll go straight from the dorms so I’m looking for a rolly thing~
KAITO: Good grief… You’re so tiring.
KAITO: In the meantime, just bring the things you think are necessary and then just buy what you need when you get there. How about that?
KAITO: I don’t know where you’re going but that seems the most logical. It’ll work out somehow, right?
INUMINE: Yup! I’ll do that! See ya!
KAITO: Ah, wait.
KAITO: I have a travelling bag so I’ll lend it to you.
INUMINE: Oh~ Thank you, Tsukigami!
KAITO: Come in and wait a bit.
INUMINE: Sure! Pardon the intrusion~ Yoohoo, Tengenji!
(Kaito closes the door)
  INUMINE: Hm? (sniffing) Huh? (sniffing)
INUMINE: I knew Tengenji’s room had it but, Tsukigami’s room smells like a cat, too, huh.
TENGENJI: …! Wh-wh-wh-what are you talking about?
TENGENJI: Is your nose broken or something, you boorish dog?
INUMINE: Really? Yeah, it may be~!
INUMINE: You guys aren’t going back home?
TENGENJI: Hm? Ah, I’ll be going home next week. What about you, Tsukigami?
KAITO: I’ll stay in the dorm for spring break. Both my parents are busy with work currently.
KAITO: I’d rather laze about in the dorms instead of watching over the house.
KAITO: Since Kuga said he’d be going home tomorrow too, so I’ll get to enjoy the room for myself after a while.
INUMINE: Then, you’re the same as Sawatari and Tatsumi, huh~!
KAITO: Ah… Oh yeah, they did say that they’ll stay in the dorms.
INUMINE: You’re gonna be pretty sad being away from Tsukigami and the others, huh, Tengenji~
INUMINE: You get along well with them after all~
TENGENJI: I-it’s not like I’ll be lonely. Don’t just start assuming!
INUMINE: But, everyone will be in the same class, right~? Isn’t that great, Tengenji!
KAITO: Oh, I found it, Inumine. Here.
INUMINE: (singing) Thank you~! Whoo!
TENGENJI: Listen to what I’m saying, hey!
KAITO: Putting that aside. Inumine, you said that you go on trips during spring break a lot but, have you prepared accordingly for after that?
KAITO: You’re pretty similar to our Hoshitani after all. I’m worried about you even though you’re from a different team.
INUMINE: Hm~? What do I need to prepare?
KAITO: Ah… (sighs)
TENGENJI: This guy’s hopeless.
KAITO: You do know the curriculum for our second year, right?
INUMINE: Yup! We’ll be helping with preparing for Hiragi-senpai and the others’ graduation ceremony, right!?
INUMINE: Shadow & Lights~!
TENGENJI: Oh, what’s this~? So you do know the name.
INUMINE: Ehehe~ Sawatari taught me about it.
KAITO: Musical: Shadow & Lights.
KAITO: It is a performance done as part of a tradition for Ayanagi Academy’s Musical Department.
KAITO: The story is a classic but the setting is a bit unique on its own. On top of that, the cast of characters and the prgramme change completely for every year it’s performed.
KAITO: I guess you can call it something very appropriate to test our abilities as 2nd years to support the graduating cast.
TENGENJI:  As expected from a graduate of Ayanagi Academy’s middle school~
TENGENJI:  You’re very knowledgeable.
INUMINE: It seems interesting~! Hey, hey, what kinda story is it?!
TENGENJI: You’re not interested in anything except for plays, huh.
INUMINE: I end up forgetting anything after I’ve been told it anyway~
  KAITO: The story basically goes like this.
KAITO: The setting is London. It was an age where the musical industry was booming in West End.
KAITO: Lambert, an actor’s son and Alexis, a stage owner’s son, have been friends from when they were young and aimed to become actors together.
KAITO: However, Alexis covered for Lambert in a freak accident and his face gets scarred.
KAITO: Alexis, who lost his dreams of becoming an actor, shut his heart from society and his best friend Lambert.
KAITO: He ended up living as a recluse in the theater’s attic.
KAITO: The main story begins several years after, when they’ve become adults.
KAITO: Lambert became an actor unable to get roles and Alexis lived as an unsuccessful playwright.
KAITO: The kind-hearted Lambert couldn’t leave Alexis who shared the same dream as he.
KAITO: Every day, he would go to the attic and try to talk to Alexis through the door. He talks to him without any hint of ill-will.
KAITO: Though Alexis doesn’t answer, he listens to Lambert’s complaints sometimes and he hands him a “treasure” from a small opening in the door.
INUMINE: A treasure?
KAITO: Yeah. It’s sort of a thing they did when they were kids that they’ve continued on with.
KAITO: Sometimes it’s a broken fountain pen, other times it’s a button that fell off [a shirt].
KAITO: Though they may seem like junk, to Lambert, it was a source of comfort together with Alexis’ words of consoling. “I’ll give you my treasure,” he says.
KAITO: The both of them continued with that sort of awkward friendship.
KAITO: One day, Lambert got a chance to play a really huge leading role.
KAITO: On the other side, Alexis got his break as well.
KAITO: A patron named Lucas came from Broadway and took a liking to his work and tried to invite him to go with him.
KAITO: But Alexis had no intention of leaving his best friend Lambert behind in London.
KAITO: Lucas, who planned to use Alexis’s skills to rise to fame, decided to let Lambert fall into darkness.
KAITO: Lambert gets injured seriously and lost his chance to play the role.
INUMINE: That sounds like a sad story…
TENGENJI: That’s not where it ends though, is it?
KAITO: Yeah.
KAITO: Lambert and Alexis are cornered by a deep sadness.
KAITO: But, that’s exactly what they notice. Even in the deepest of darkness, there’s always one light that supports them.
KAITO: That light that keeps close to them were in fact, an embodiment of each other.
INUMINE: Yup, yup~! (singing) The things we treasure are really closer than we originally thought, huh~!
INUMINE: (singing) As long as I’m with you, I’m sure that we’ll be able to achieve our dreams someday~! Or something!
KAITO: Well, in a way, I guess it is. The two of them sing when their hearts connect again.
KAITO: The duet song titled “Shadow & Lights” is truly one written for the two main characters.
KAITO: And then the curtain closes on the performance.
TENGENJI: It’s a classic just as you said.
KAITO: Yeah. But one of this performance’s characteristic are the two “shadows” present with the main characters.
INUMINE: Shadow? By shadow, you mean that kind of shadow?
KAITO: Exactly. They’re the personifications of Alexis and Lambert’s hearts respectively.
KAITO: They exist on stage as Lambert’s Shadow and as Alexis’s Shadow.
KAITO: The Shadows can’t be seen by the people, they don’t talk, and they don’t interact with anyone else.
KAITO: But, they’re very important roles that are constantly on stage.
KAITO: I guess you could say, it’s one part of the process for Ayanagi Academy’s graduation ceremony.
TENGENJI: The 2nd year training roles, huh.
INUMINE: The… 2nd year… training roles?????
TENGENJI: Inumine… Don’t tell me that you don’t know about that.
TENGENJI: Geez… You’ve got guts not knowing anything about that when we’ll be able to get the chance to stand with our senpai on stage if we get chosen for the training role.
KAITO: It’s as Tengenji says. It’s a special role where we can stand on stage together with our mentors.
KAITO: As 2nd years, we have a chance to not only be the support but be a co-actor as well.
KAITO: To us 2nd years, it’s our chance to be able to stand on a huge stage.
KAITO: Students who want to get experience on stage even in school, students who set their sights on being a member of the Kao Council aim for these training roles.
KAITO: Of course, us, too.
TENGENJI: Obviously.
KAITO: Even if you’re in a Star Team, if you let your guard down, you’ll fall behind, Inumine.
INUMINE: I’m pretty sure you two will land a training role! DEFINITELY!
TENGENJI: (whispering) He’s so exhausting… This guy definitely doesn’t understand the training roles system…
KAITO: (whispering) Probably.
INUMINE: Ah, but, but! Being the support is fun too but, I kinda want to stand on stage, too~
INUMINE: Hey, Tsukigami. Can the training roles become ours if we’re good?
KAITO: Ah… I think you can say so, yeah.
INUMINE: I see~! Then, I think it’s okay~! I’m good after all!
INUMINE: (humming) I’m looking forward to it~!
TENGENJI: (scoffs) This guy…
KAITO: He’s clumsy with anything aside from musicals, huh… I think I need to re-think exactly what those words mean.
  (knocking on door)
ALL: Hm?
NAYUKI: Tsukigami-kun, Tengenji-kun! Oh, Inumine-kun’s here, too.
KAITO: Nayuki?
INUMINE: Yoohoo, Nayuki-cchi!
TENGENJI: What’s up? You need something?
NAYUKI: Yeah. I made too much curry so it turned into a conversation of inviting everyone for dinner and then…
NAYUKI: Hoshitani-kun suggested that we should invite the members of the other teams and have a social gathering.
TENGENJI: A social gathering?!
KAITO: An informal one, huh.
NAYUKI: (chuckles) Will you be able to come? Inumine-kun, too.
INUMINE: Yes, yes!
KAITO: Yeah. I don’t know how many will join but, Team Otori and Team Hiragi will be there, right?
TENGENJI: (clears throat) I’ll… come along with you.
NAYUKI: Really~? Then, we’ll be waiting at the cafeteria. See you there!
KAITO: Yeah.
TENGENJI: (happy but holding back his excitement) S-see you later!
INUMINE: Bye-bye~!
(Nayuki leaves and closes the door behind him)
  TENGENJI: Really… Hoshitani would probably be the same as always even in a new class.
TENGENJI: I don’t know if I should praise him for having a strong heart or if I should get mad about his naivety.
KAITO: I agree.
KAITO: Putting that aside for now… I got worried extensively about Inumine while we were talking but…
KAITO: That Hoshitani’s at least a little bit aware of the graduation ceremony and the training roles, right…?
KAITO: I did tell him and warn him about it before but…
KAITO: I don’t feel like he’s looking more into it…!
INUMINE: It’s okay, Tsukigami, Tengenji!
INUMINE: If you don’t think too deep into it, life will work out for you with a bang just fine~!
INUMINE: Sparkles~!
TENGENJI/KAITO: I feel so uneasy…
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission.
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shadowtarot · 5 years
Its Mitsuru and Yu? Throw in Koromaru? Lol... Ren fighting the It and SO? Sign me up!!!
Thieves In Inaba Part 11!
TV World, Central Hub
A calling card has been left right in the center of the entrance that reads as follows:
Yu Narukami, the try hard pursuer of Truth. You who wish to expose us but yet have fallen so far. If you’re so desperate to find us out, then we challenge you. Come to the lake on the far end of this realm. Alone. Then perhaps you’ll get a chance.
From, The Phantom Thieves of Hearts.
“Dude! A legit calling card!” Yosuke says excitedly. “Damn this is cool….”
“Focus, Yosuke. This could possibly be a trap.” Yu pockets the card.
“Indeed, but it’s also very likely that they don’t want too many eyes on them. If we want to resolve this fast, perhaps you should go along.” Mitsuru states.
“But Mitsuru-san, is it not too risky?” Aigis worries. “Perhaps we should at least follow far behind.”
“If that’s what you wish, then go ahead. But I think I’ll be fine.” Yu smiles. 
With that, Naukami heads out. The others following a different path to the lake.
Joker awaits upon a large rock, casually tossing his knife in the air and catching it. Yu soon arrives.
“Geez, kept a guy waiting.” He smirks. “So, you’re the one leading this search huh? Interesting…”
“Enough fooling around ‘Joker’, we’re going to unmask you this time.” Yu states, drawing his katana and pointing it at him.
“Oh? That’s how it’s gonna be huh? Good. I haven’t had a nice fight in a while anyway. COME ARSENE!”
The Persona clash, sparks and shadows filing the air as Ren and Yu exchange strikes with knife and sword. Ren smirks, using his free hand to draw his pistol. 
“!” Yu flinches, granting Ren the chance to deliver a swift kick to the stoumach.
“I knew it, COME ALICE!”
Black Frost attempts to freeze Ren in his tracks, but he’s able to narrowly back flip out of the way, the lake instead getting frozen.
Alice then smirks, casting Play With Me. 
Yu tries to dodge it the best he can, but Black Frost takes the hit instaid, the Persona glitching like a TV from the damage.
“Had enough, city boy?” Joker smirks, tossing his knife in the air before catching it and pointing it straight at Yu’s neck.
“No…because I’m not alone. NOW!”
The rest of the Investigation Team and Shadow Opritives comes out of hiding.
“Ha, sly. I like it. But don’t think I didn’t plan ahead.” Ren snaps his fingers and Promethius descends, bringing with it the remainder of the Phantom Thieves.
“Alright guys, It’s Show Time! “
Futaba boosts everyone, and the true fight begins.
Ren goes back to fighting Yu, as Ryuji attempts to fight off both Junpei and Yosuke. 
The sword and knife clash once more, scraping as they both try to overpower the other. 
“So, you’re a wild card too huh? How come you’re not showing your full potential then?” Joker smirks.
“Same could be asked for you, Phantom Thief.”
Meanwhile, Ryuji is struggling with Junpei and Yosuke. 
“I’m so not gonna get shocked by you this time!” Yosuke proclaims, trying to break through Ryuji’s constant blocking.
“If you say so, Junes Prince. SAITEN TENSEI!” 
Ryuji’s Persona uses God’s Hand on Yosuke, sending him flying straight into the frozen lake. “Ha look at that, he was right.”
Junpei strikes Ryuji from behind. “Ha! Did you see that? Huh?” But the small victory is short lived as an attack from Makoto’s Persona shoots off at Iori.
Queen herself, is trying to fend off Chie and Akihiko who have her trapped on both sides. 
“Huh, so you fight with Akido hm? This is going to be an interesting match then!” Akihiko smirks. “Satanoka, will you continue to asist me?”
“Uh, of course!” She smirks.
“Do your worst!” Makoto gets into a fighting stance. “ANAT!” 
Yusuke is fending off Aigis and Kanji. “One of these two doesn’t seem human, Oracle! Can I get an analysis please?” 
“The other one is an android of sorts! She’s armed to the teeth! Find some way to stop her movements! Then the other guy should be a piece of cake.” 
Yusuke is blocking as many shots as he can and nods. “KAMU-SUSANO!”
He casts bufudine on Aigis, managing to freeze her in place.
“Junpei, I require thawing out!” She calls.
“Oh crap! Be right there!” He reaches for his Evoker, but Ryuji knocks it out of his hand with a swift club strike.“Shit!”
“Not happen’.”
Kanji grits his teeth. “The ice should thaw after a while! I got it from here!” He dashes after Yusuke.
“Oh please.” Yusuke manages to hook Kanji’s chair with his Katana.
“What the-”
“If you took combat more seriously, you’d use a harder to counter weapon.” With that, he flings his weapon to the side. 
Haru is trying to fend off Naoto and and Mitsuru. “Oh dear….one has fire arms and the other swords. They have both long range and short range covered….”
“Surrender now, Phantom Thief.” Naoto states. 
“Never! After everything that’s happened, we’re not going to give up! Come Milady!” 
Haru’s Persona fires at Naoto while Haru herself tries to fight off Mitsuru.
“You have some skill with that axe, but do you believe it is enough?” Mitsuru smirks, taking out her evoker.
“Those guns…that must be how your group calls your Persona…”
Milady fires a shot at Mitsuru. “Well I won’t give you the chance!”
“Artemisia!” Mitsuru attempts to cast Marin Karin but to no avail. “Hm…fine then. Freeze!” She goes for Bufudine. 
Morgana jumps in the way of the attack and gets frozen.
“Oh no, Mona-chan!” 
Teddie and Koromaru corner the frozen cat. 
“Ehehe, should we go for it Koromaru? It’s a Beary good opportunity!” 
“Not if I have a say in it!” Futaba unfreezes and heals Morgana. “Go get ‘em Mona!”
“Nyeheheh, never underestimate the teamwork of Phantom Thieves!”
The not-cat clashes with the dog and bear.
Meanwhile, Ann is trying to keep dodging arrow fire and Staff strikes. “Geez, you both sure are persistent.”
A fan is thrown at her. “Hm, that defiantly should have hit.” Yukiko says, taking out another combat fan. 
“Uh guys? I’m a bit out numbered here?” Ann says. 
“Don’t worry Panther! I’m on my way!” Ryuji starts to move to her location but is blocked by Trismegistus and Takehaya Susano-o. “Shit! Fine then!” Skull takes out his Shotgun and opens fire.
Back to Ren and Yu, the two keep clashing. “Your friends sure are strong, Narukami.” The Phantom smirks. “I’m impressed. But just because you’re strong, doesn’t mean you’ll win.”
“Talk is one thing, Joker. I’m curious to see how the Phantom Thieves’ mysterious leader earned the title.” Yu has Izanagi electrify his blade.
“Ha, if you insist.”
Rise and Fuuka both gasp.
“Sempai! The power coming from their leader..whatever Persona he’s trying to call out…it’s nothing like the previous ones he’s called out!”
Futaba laughs. “It’s about to be game over for you all!”
“Partner, get outta there!”
“Ravage them..Satanael! 
Ren’s ultimate Persona descends. With a cocky smirk, the Thief leader aims his gun at Yu. “Checkmate, Narukami.”
“This power…this guy really is just like our Sensei…” Teddie states, blocking strikes from Morgana as he watches.
“Damnit! We can’t do this….unless…YU! DO IT!” Yosuke calls out.
“Right. Come! Izanagi-no-Okami!” Yu brings fourth his own ultimate Persona.
Light and Darkness clash, as Ren and Yu exchange blows. Now strengthened by their Persona, their attacks hit harder. The offshoots of their clash hitting the other fights around them.
“Geez! This is getting risky to stay near!” Chie yells. “But I’m not gonna give up! We will protect Inaba!”
The whole group nods to Chie’s statement.
Satanael fires at Izanagi-no-Okami, who uses it’s staff to block the shots much as it’s user blocks Ren’s shots with his katana. 
“For the sake of my friends! I WILL NOT LOSE!” They both yell at each other. 
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