#but i want to edit too like i have 2 gfx ideas but i have to wait for 1 of them.... and also the other one
kimtaegis · 2 months
{Kimtaegis' GFX Breakdowns, Ep. 2: ↳ Rainy Days 1st Anniversary}
a little insight into the editing of the set, featuring texture, brush and mixed media extravaganza
.... Can you believe it's been a year and that I literally started this the week the mv came out and then abandoned it over and over again??? ANYWAY
Since the song is all about yearning and missing someone, I went with an "old memories" (letters, postcards, notes) kind of vibe and of course also incorporated the rain theme in several different ways. For a nostalgic, heartbroken look, black and white plus dirty ripped up paper always works in my opinion. Now all the paper rips, torn edges, creases and water stains you see weren't there from the start; using brushes and adding, masking and blending textures, I made the photos, letters and papers look like they've been touched hundreds of times like a sad lover would </3 Here's a comparison so you can see how much that affected the look (I couldn't disable all the rough edge masks for this or the general rectangle form would've been gone too, but you get the idea):
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Another detail I love is the colour bleed in the last one, picking up that water theme again!
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The rain in that panel is made up of 10 individual pictures with ten 10 rain brush variations.
The most fun and interesting thing is probably the fact that the middle panel’s folded paper is actually made from paper scans! I never thought I would spend a concerning amount of time thinking about how to fold a paper prettily, but it took several attempts until I was satisfied with how it would open up with each unfold. This is how some of the raw scans looked like:
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And some fun facts at the end: I don’t like my handwriting, so I used a font throughout. And funnily enough, they later used the excact same font in Taehyung's Dicon photobook! I'm glad the professional editors agreed that it totally fits the Layover era vibe, lol. (They probably had the full, paid version, though - I had to replace all the apostrophes with another font so they would show up....). I initially wanted to include many more mixed media elements but sadly my printer and scanner aren't particularly great, and I also didn't have sturdy enough paper for what I was planning to do. Namely stitching and sewing paper with yarn! I did try, though, and ended up ramming a needle into my finger and nearly fainting at a family gathering. The fruitless sacrificies I made for this. Embarrassing.
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sungtaro · 2 years
do u have any advice for making gfx? i really like yours and your concepts are always so creative
ahh, thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me 🥹 i'm really hard on myself about my gfx. but i absolutely love making them, and i'd love to share some advice with you! i'm not sure if you already make gfx or not, so i'll include some things about getting started along with general advice / stuff geared to someone who already has some experience so that hopefully, wherever you are in your journey, something here might be helpful. i hope i'm not just giving you info you already know JBDJB 😭 so feel free to come back and let me know if you need something different ... if you have specific questions about a particular set or anything else like that, i always welcome that too! this got long, so i'll put it below the cut.
1. getting started - i'll write this point assuming you've never made a gfx before, so if you have, feel free to skip it! the only program i use is photoshop for gfx. and the main thing with these that i didn't know at first is that you can (and should) use a bigger canvas than what you would for gifs ! my typical size for a gfx panel is somewhere around 1080x1200 px. if you are placing gifs anywhere in them, you will likely have to resize down to meet tumblr file size limits. - some things that you should know how to do in ps: creating a clipping mask, rasterizing/resizing, smart filters, eyedropper tool, and different blending techniques such as overlays. if any of these things sound like 'omg what???' (they did to me as a beginner) let me know and i'm happy to explain more! - for total beginners, my biggest recommendation is to start by using templates. this helps you get a feel for what layers go into a gfx in the styles that you like, and makes it easier to start making some cool things and boost your confidence before you feel comfortable starting entirely from scratch and developing your own style. you can search 'psd template' here on tumblr, or on deviantart (i'll talk more about sites i use to find things below). just make sure you read each creator's own rules before you use something. i also make templates! you can find them here. i don't require credit and you can edit mine basically however you want, aside from combining them with other templates.
2. finding inspiration aside from things i see right here on tumblr, source material that just really speaks to me, or ideas that pop into my head while i'm driving (seriously ... almost all my gfx ideas come to me while i'm in my car or out taking a walk 😂), my favorite places to look for inspo are behance and deviantart (both of which are also great for finding elements you can use for free!). usually i have at least a baseline idea before i go into any gfx, so i know what to search for to find some design ideas -- for example, 'yearbook design,' 'retro advertisement,' 'lyric poster,' 'zine,' 'y2k,' 'film photo story,' etc are all things i've searched before. if i have used a source for inspiration, it will always be linked in my caption, so definitely take a look if there are any in particular that you love to see that inspo source! (as a general note, you should always link back to your own inspiration sources, it's just the right thing to do)
3. my process (from idea into photoshop) once i have an idea and i've gathered some inspiration, i usually sketch out my basic layout idea into a notebook. with gfx, composition is something you need to keep in mind within each individual panel as well as the set as a whole. i think about what i want the main focus to be and what basic elements i want in each panel. then i will start gathering my resources and start getting things in photoshop! often, i don't really know what it's going to look like until i start putting it together. that's kind of half the fun though. throughout making most of my gfx, i consult at least one friend on layout, colors, etc especially if i'm not liking something or i'm just stuck and don't know what would make it better. i HIGHLY recommend getting feedback and utilizing other sets of eyes to get your best quality work. i know there are some things i just can't possibly think of on my own, especially when i've been thinking about and looking at something for way too long. once my panels are finished i export them as a png and arrange them on tumblr to see the whole thing together before i post!
4. finding elements i.e. fonts, textures, pngs, etc again, behance and deviantart are great places for this! on behance, it's best to search 'freebie' with what you're looking for because otherwise all the options may be stuff you have to pay for. but they have SO many textures, pngs, fonts, any resource you can think of. with deviantart, be mindful of people who just compile texture/png packs from other sources/artists, because that's basically impossible to properly credit (and you really should do your best to do that). but DA is a great source for things like brushes and hand-drawn elements, and templates too! again, just be sure to read all of op's rules before using their resources. -places to find fonts: behance, fontspace, dafont, and ofc google! -places to find free pngs/icons (i use these for all of my social media templates and more): flaticon -photos you can use for free are available on unsplash -mockups you can use for free are available on behance, unblast, and pixel surplus
5. other important bits - as i've mentioned a few times throughout CREDIT is so important when you are using other people's resources, and using anyone else's work as your inspiration. i always credit when required and often credit even when not required, and just in general always try to mention where i find all my resources especially for sets that i've used a lot of different things for. of course, we can only do our best with this, and i've definitely made mistakes or just lost where i found something in the process of making things, so just have good intentions and try to do what you can to ensure you're giving credit where it's due - it also helps other people find things that they can use for their own work! - don't be afraid to experiment and try things out, i think really what i love so much about gfx is that there are literally infinite possibilities, styles, and ways to improve. keep an open mind and know that nothing is out of your range if you can find the right resources. happy creating, and please know i'm available to talk about anything you have questions on, or if you want to utilize me for feedback !! <3
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stellahikaru · 7 months
State of The Starry Path Hotel #5 (March 8th, 2024)
Hello everyone and welcome to the fifth State of The Starry Path Hotel. Just like previous weeks, this is how I plan to hold myself accountable with my content creation journey! Anyway, let’s get on with the update!
Mini Life Update
I have been spending most of my break relaxing though I did have to work on some stuff for my capstone class. I even got to get kbbq/hotpot with one of my friends. It was really nice not having to worry about school all the time. I’m not looking forward to going back to the grind next week but alas…
Content Creation Progress Update
However, I did get some content creation work done! I made a list of video ideas I want to do. I’m going to be honest, I ended up taking some ideas from an old list that I made but I did think of some new ones. I also did some cursory research on editing programs. I was initially learning towards Davinci Resolve but apparently CapCut is more beginner friendly. I think I might try both and see which one I like more
This Week’s Goals
Choose 1 idea and start a video script for it: Now that I actually have some ideas I want to do, I need to choose one and start working on the script for it. 
Spend 1 hour per day working on content creation: I want to try to put aside one day a week working on videos. This will include script writing, recording gameplay footage, and editing.
This Month’s Goals
Make one YouTube video: I want to make a Youtube video this month even if it’s terrible. The majority of the weekly goals are going to be focused on this for the month.
This Year’s Goals
Get monetized on YouTube: I want to eventually make money off of my content so I’m hoping to get monetized on YouTube this year. This is going to be a tall order, but I hope I can keep working towards this with my weekly and monthly goals!
Become an Affiliate on Twitch: Despite making Twitch less of a priority, I still want to be able to become an affiliate on Twitch. While I do need to find a way to meet the seven days streaming requirement, I want to be able to draw in viewers first. 
Gain 100 followers on any social media besides YouTube or Twitch: I actually am over halfway to 100 followers on Twitter as of writing this, but I still don’t get a ton of engagement on my post. In addition, most of the followers I have gotten are those annoying GFX bots and it’s a little bit disheartening. I also want to build up a following on Tumblr and Bluesky as well! 
Make a community Discord server: Once I build up a community, I want to create a Discord server for people to hang out in. However, I want to wait until there is a demand for a Discord server. This goal is lower priority compared to the other goals but I hope that this does end up happening this year!
Final Thoughts
I’m glad I got to relax this week before I dive back into seven weeks of stressing out about school and job hunting. I’m also glad I got a little bit of work done in terms of content creation this week too. Also as I stated last week, I will not be streaming tomorrow because I will be driving back to school from my parent’s house. My next stream will be Saturday March 16th at 2 PM EST. Anyway, I hope your stay was bright and your journey is filled with light!
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jinlix · 5 years
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Should i
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mizugucci · 2 years
omg heyyyyy 🎵 <3 if you’re still doing them 🥰🥰
hello hello!!! of course anything for you <3
position: ahh probably a dancer!! and a rapper with a few lines, but not much. regarding creation, you are in charge of creating the gfx for teasers and schedules for each comeback and you're also known as the 'lover' of the group bc you just have so much love for all your members. you're in the middle age wise, but you're the #1 supporter of ALL members
group name: NOL!NES (read as the two words 'no lines' and refers to how your group arent boxed in by lines and you have the freedom, ability, and creativity to do whatever you want -- your group is 100% fully member-created (with a little help ofc!). besides scheduling/major filming/money stuff, your group does everything: writing songs, lyrics, choreographs, film editing, social media posting/marketing, creating teasers/gfx, etc. you have 15 members, which is why you're able to do so much -- and also why as a running joke, your group name NOL!NES refers to the amount each member gets (NO LINES) bc of the amount of members lmfao
concept: this is an interesting one bc im not rly sure how it could correlate as an actual concept, but ill try my best. the idea that comes to mind is 'maturing for the better'. its about growing up and leaving behind old hate and being oppositional (for example, remember hating the color pink bc it was too girly? oops now we've grown up and love the color pink <3 or rmbr when we did the opposite of everything our parents said bc we were that age? yeah well now we know how hard they worked) its about becoming the best person you can be. this is reflected in the lyrics of each song but also in the mv, and each comeback is a new lesson (for ex. the parent one is probably the first comeback)
debut song: ooooooo very bright and colorful! the lyrics ofc reflect the concept, but its also full of funk and bright happy singing. theres not much rap, and if it is, its kind of like a back-and-forth teasing rap between 2 rappers (see: pentagon's round 1 or 2). the music video is all about the idea of 'not being like other [girls]' where over the course of the mv, all of your members realize each other arent so bad -- and you become friends. a group of 15. a family!!!!!! A FOUND FAMILY
fun fact: FRIENDSHIP BRACELETS!!! yes i saw that post but also bc this is smth your group would do! like svt, every year renew it -- but instead of changing the ring/jewelry, you add a charm to reflect the past year onto your bracelet. you get your first charm at debut and literally all of you cry LOL not surprising! over the years, you add charms and the weight of being an idol gets heavier, both literally and metaphorically, but it feels more meaningful somehow
send me a 🎵 and ill create a kpop group with you in it, based on you and/or your blog!
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kiyomie · 4 years
content creator: year in review
tagged by sel @zenien and others thank u <3333 
1. First creation and most recent creation of 2020: my first creation this year is the first gfx i’ve made and, coincidence! both are bakugou! first / recent
2. One of your favorite creations from 2020: this kuroo bday gfx, i had to idea what to do bc hq characters are really hard to edit for but it turned out better than i thought it would, first time making an entire isometric structure thing?? and it looks rly good ig
3. A creation you’re really proud of: the kuroo bday gfx i linked! i just really like it ig and i spent a good amt of time in the 1st and 3rd panels :P
4. New style you tried this year and a gifset that uses it: i made a sad attempt at gif/gfx in the gojo eyes episode also i practiced gif making more with each jjk episode
5. A creation that took you forever: this coloring in tribute for haikyuu’s ending, coloring always takes me forever that’s why i don’t like doing it anymore, it took me SO much time to look for panels, position them, and color them, my coloring is so shitty but eh :/
6. Your creation from 2020 that received the most notes: this other coloring in tribute to haikyuu’s ending, it took me sometime to do too
7. A creation you think deserved more notes: oohh this jjk gfx :/ i was my first time editing an arc and the concepts/designs here are good imo and the colors too, it just looks so cool or this gon gfx that also took some time to make
8. Creation with a favorite scene/quote: this dabi reveal gfx that quote from him really got me, i love it so much everyone went crazy lmao
9. A new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it: i haven’t had much time or even if i did have time i don’t really feel like investing it in watching new anime for a reason? i only watched a few new anime this year, but the most recent fandom is jjk and this is the first gfx i made for it
10. A creation you made that breaks your heart: omy this snk ep 59 gfx is the first 6 panel edit i made, snk has such a great plotline and everything about it just hits me in the feels, everything just changed after that scene. (sidenote) i just saw that scene of eren’s eye and i really wanted to edit it, i think i did an okay job
11. A ‘simple’ creation that you really love: lol i was gonna say i dont make simple edits aafdfasf (i try and fail at minimalism) but this coloring is pretty simple right? not a gfx tho
12. A creation that was inspired by another one (add both your creation and the one that inspired it!): this jjk gif/gfx is inspired by sel’s work (@zenien) not sure which specifically but her znt ones are godly
13. A favorite creation created by someone else:
there’s soo much talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before edits i’ve seen this year and it was impossible for me to choose only one from each of u guys (i only chose 2 from each of u guys but i just kept adding lmao :’D)
gojo (woah) & akane by @dicennio
gojo (woah) & znt ep 4 & pp by @zenien
tanjirou & hisoka by @elriccs
mp100 & kuroo & gojo by @celiabowens
kuroo & ryo by @zerou
gojo & dabi (woah) by @sukerokus
znt & cp 2077 by @jidai
promare & bts  by @youngjaes
mahito (woahh) & oikawa & sukuna  by @tsukis
mp100 & mp100 & hxh (woahh) by @mob-psycho
killua (woww) & samurai champloo & mp100 by @noxdivina
mp100 & jjk by @tcmiokas​
gojo & grimmjow  & nezuko @gojosattoru​
ping pong ta (wowww) & akira @25th 
bakugou & kuroken & hinata by @mazusu
bakugou & dabihawks  by @svmeragi
makishima & oikawa by @runwiththewind
bakugou & karasuno & ghibli  by @katsukes
14. Some of your favorite content creators from the year: 
AHH okay i hope i don’t miss anyone @zenien @celiabowens @elriccs @dicennio @sukerokus @tsukis @mob-psycho @biscuitwalk @jidai @noxdivina @tcmiokas @zerou @youngjaes @gojosattoru @mazusu @25th @emperanas @runwiththewind @koujis @beekugou @manganimae @osamusmiya @shizukku @svmeragi @katsukes @todoya their edits are so creative, beautiful, and amazing !! glad to be able to see content from u guys <33 :D
15. And for good measure, another a couple more creations of yours that you love:
oohh 2nd gojou edit, killua request, first dabi edit, shinsou coloring, mahito edit, spirited away infograph, mob edit, nekoma edit, jjk ep 1 gifset
tagging: my fav content creators i mentioned!! only if u want ofc 
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lunlvns · 3 years
From planning to posting, share your process for making creative content!
To continue supporting content makers, this tag game is meant to show the entire process of making creative content: this can be for any creation.
RULES — When your work is tagged, show the process of its creation from planning to posting, then tag 5 people with a specific link to one of their creative works you’d like to see the process of. Use the tag #showyourprocess so we can find yours!
Tagged by @leonzhng​ and @yiling-recesses thank you sm for tagging me!!! 🥰 i did the yibo gfx one, sorry mimi i lost all photoshop files for the genshin edit you mentioned, like i literally can;t find them lmao 😅 but the process is pretty much the same as this!
@theghostvalley for this set - i love your colouring, your gifs always look so quality!!
@claudiablack for this set - your colouring is always stunningly gorgeous and i'm just blown away how well the colours work together in this set??
@runqings for this set - i love the scene choices and the colouring is beautiful as well!
0. Software
photoshop (cc 2015 when making the yibo edit but currently 2021)
topaz clean + denoise
after effects cc 2020
1. Planning
whenever i do an animation gfx i usually always write a notepad for what i plan to do - ideas, the animations, aesthetic etc
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also cos i have no idea about web design i subscribed to some webdesigner websites and checked sites like awwwards for popular/trending website design features + i've gotten quite into the aesthetics and animations of websites now!
after i have a basic plan for what all the panels are gonna include, i find and download all the images i need, so for the yibo website that was all his magazine covers, pics of his albums + drama posters, other pics of him + pics of the cast and their characters for legend of fei
then i trawl through color schemes trying to find one i like, tho with website gfx the predominant colour has to be white otherwise the gifs will end up being too large/super grainy/photoshop will mess with the colours so they aren't the same anymore 😩
2. Creation
i design all the panels in photoshop first which is the longest step in all this cos i'm super indecisive and don't usually have a clear idea in mind for what it should look like 😅
i'll only focus on the actor panel cos otherwise this would be wayyy too long - i resized, coloured, denoised + sharpened the yibo pics so they matched more then added a mask to make the corners more round, chose a font for the txt and added it to the bottom
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then i decided the layout for the rest of the elements + just like the yibo pics, i edited + resized + masked the drama posters, character + actor pics, then added the name txt + a low opacity bg for the txt so it's easier to read
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finally i individually save all the elements (either alone if it's gonna move alone or with other elements if they'll move together) as a png with no background so i can load them into after affects ready to animate
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after that i import all the pngs to after effects (i lost all the yibo website after effects saves cos of a hard drive reformat 😢 so i'll use my recent zzh website saves to illustrate instead)
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the first thing i animated was the circle pics - just a scale animation with overshoot at the end
then the rotating circle txt - first i made the txt layer follow a circle path then i placed it where i wanted it to end up, added a keyframe for all the properties i'm going to animate, backtrack on the timeline however long i want the animation to be, add a new keyframe to all the chosen properties, reduced the scale + changed the position so it was hidden behind the picture, then changed the rotation so it would rotate continually for as long as it would appear
then i made the kinda wobbly circle animation?? on mouse over - the zzh pics are actually larger than shown, they just have a circle shape layer above them which i set as an alpha matte so only what's within that circle is shown
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first i increase the scale of the shape layer alpha matte so more of the zzh pic is revealed + change the position slightly so the txt circle isn't completely covered, for these keyframes i also adjust the easing on them to make the speed of the animation slower at the beginning + end and faster in the middle
then i added a wiggle paths + wave warp effect, made a keyframe with the settings i wanted to change on zero then went forward in the timeline for the duration, added a new keyframe and adjusted the settings on the effects till i was happy with how the wobbly animation looked
after that pretty much just copied + reversed the keyframes for the animation to go back to normal then animated the same thing for the next zzh pic
i'll stop there cos i feel like this is already super long 😅 but if anybody is looking into using after effects + wants to know more?? you can just message me if you want, if you have any questions or anything!
when i've finished all the animations i'll check how the whole thing looks and make any final adjustments, then render it to make it a video
final step i import the video into photoshop, check it through there, change any of the frame timings if necessary and save it as a gif
3. Posting
i save the gfx set in drafts first to check how all the panels look together then add the gradient txt caption using jsfiddle
then i add the tags and schedule it to be posted at 10pm the same day
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jidai · 4 years
jidai’s budget mutuals/friends appreciation
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Hi, all! I’m quite late with this but I decided to put a small friends and mutual appreciations post in hopes of brightening up the end of this year a little bit. ❤️ If you were tagged, please make sure to check below for a small little message from me. However, I want to make it very clear that I truly appreciate all of my mutuals. You guys brighten up my dash and always reblog or create so many funny and creative posts. I just wanted to give a few special shout outs to those that have taken out the time to reach out and interacted with me past my ask box or we just see each other often.
The messages are ordered by your URL, so you might have to scroll for awhile before you see your messages. I’m so sorry lmao. 
Happy New Years, everyone!
@25th​​, Nonnie, the Young Genius. bro, remind me how old you are 🧍‍♀️ Like my brain CANNOT fathom the thought that you’re so skilled at SO many things and you’re not even in your twenties??? PLEASE SPARE THE TALENT. i will even accept crumbs. But I’m writing to tell you that you are such a wonderful presence on my dash. I always look forward to your gfx. They’re so SO good and you’re improving from one post to another. Like WOW. Now, you’re even starting an art blog, too? You’re so dedicated to the arts. I respect that a lot. Your hard work and commitment will bring you very far in life, whatever you decide to do. 
I love interacting with you. You’re such a big sweetheart and full of positivity and energy. I look forward to seeing more of your art and gfx ❤️
@biscuitwalk​, Dann, the AK Wiz. Dann, I know you’re not as active on here so idk when or if you will ever read this but I want to say that I miss you and your creations so, so much. I will say it a hundred times over and OVER but you inspire me so goddamn much. You have no fucking idea. Your works are absolutely gorgeous and unique. I can look at it once and I can instantly recognize your style (and your cute lil’ pufferfish <3). The way you utilize colors and implement various techniques, shapes, textures into your work. Goddamn, you’re so good. I always look to your work if I ever need inspiration and they help me brainstorm. God, I wish I could put it into words how much I adore your works.
We didn’t really talk for long but you seemed like such a kind and fun person to be around. I wish you the best in your future endeavors, wherever you are. Stay safe <3
@elriccs, Mirai, the Short King. 🧍‍♀️ ok look I know, I know I’m TERRIBLE at replying to you and I’m so fucking sorry. I absolutely love to talk to you but my dumbass cannot seem to reply in a timely manner LASELKSAL. That’s on me and I gotta do better. Anyways!!! Thank you SO fucking much for always leaving such kind messages on my work. I swear to god you’re one of my biggest hype man and I ALWAYS look forward to reading your tags. They’re so funny and it makes me all tingly and happy inside. Bro, like, you just radiate big fun vibes, bro. I really hope that I can get to know you better so I can just insult you until it’s too late to walk away </3
And of course, let me also remind you that I love your works so much. They way that you utilize your textures and those muted colors... OOMPH *chefs kiss* I will always love--
@lockhvrts​​, Em the Soulsborne GOD. hi em 🥺 it’s been awhile since I’ve had a proper conversation with you and I hope you’re doing okay! I miss you and our conversations where we do nothing but geek out and complain about the game industry lmao. if you manage to read this, I just wanted to let you know I miss your presence here. It’s been kinda dull not seeing your beautiful soulsborne gifs and your game rants. Let’s catch up soon. <3 stay safe and well!
@nathanprescutt, Benn, the Man. BENNNNNNNN.  I love you a lot bro. I know we haven’t had long conversations for some time and I hope I can change that! You were my first friend on this blog and I will always appreciate it. I remember us just geeking out over your works and how I would always send you a gfx request like once a week LMAO. The one thing that I have always appreciated about you was the fact that you’re very opinionated (if not, very vocal on your stance on things) and you hold your ground. There were a few time where you encouraged me to speak on topics that I think I shouldn’t and that stuck with me for quite awhile. I’m still a nervous rambling mess when it comes to debates but just know that the one time you supported me to voice my opinion--I hold it very dear to my heart. 
While I don’t spend much time together, I will always remember our animal crossing session. It was  so much fun just trashing and chilling on your island. Especially the bar :( that bar was fucking AMAZING. Maybe once FFXVI comes out, we can geek out hehe
Also, thank you so much for sending in photos of all your doggos, omg. I miss seeing them so much I hope they’re doing well. Stay hot, my German bro lol. Ich bin sehr dankbar, so eine tolle Freundin zu haben. ❤️❤️❤️
@noxdivina​, Lin the Big Dick Daddy Kind. The church is open for business bitch and I’m here to preach the GOSPEL.
Okay, jokes aside, I’m really happy that we became mutuals. You’ve always give off this like, mysterious cosmic vibe (????? huh). And your selfies just further proves that you are wtf. But you’re always so kind to those that you interact with. You’re an absolutely sweetheart and like I just want to give you a giant hug every time we interact. You’re such a soft human being. It’s so nice being around you. It’s like being tossed in the oven and baked at 250 degrees F for 25 minutes. And to boot you’re really talented, hello? God really said let there be a perfect human being and yeeted you into the universe. Thank you for always leaving such kind messages and words in my DM/askbox/works. I cherish them so much. I hope I can get to know you better in the future bc you’re rad, bro <3
anyways, updated drawing of u and maya:
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i always assume you’re in a black fur parka 24/7 and maya is coatless neck down. also deck me with those jacked arms of yours thanks  🧍‍♀️
(edit: fuck i forgot to draw a PARTY HAT ON MAYA IM SORRY)
@rokuseis​, Sei, the Dumber.
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i have nothing to say to you go away you banana hater ASELKSAEKL
BITCH, you doo bee getting on my nerve 24/7/365 🧍‍♀️ you were an unexpected but a very welcomed addition to my life. I can’t believe we really went 1 fuckin’ year without speaking to each other and then suddenly our friendship blew up because over a stupid BANANA. Now you gotta deal with me and my stupid, random, crude ass messages daily. I cannot. Clown to clown communication. But thank you so much bitch for being there for me and telling all of these funny ass stories and life experiences.
I know I don’t say it a lot because when we talk it’s literally just dogs barking at each other but I want to make it clear now: I love your humor and vibe so much. You never fail to make me laugh anytime I talk to you and I appreciate it so much. I can’t tell you how many times I felt better after talking to you. Even though sometimes your fucking jab hits hard and I end up actually inSULTED BY IT. But thank you for becoming my friend and I look forward to all of our stupid moments together. Looking forward to shitting in your sink when I finally fly to your home <3
@wolfamongthem, Anna, the Grinch. Please don’t hurt me for that title. I'm just saying if someone needs a live casting, it’ll be u. Anyways, did you know that I was so fucking intimidated by you for a long ass time, even before we became mutuals aseljas LMAO. I always see your gifs around on explore and they’re so gorgeous and then I look at your text posts and it’s u roasting people like there’s no tomorrow- 🧍‍♀️ bitch I was SCARED OF U KSKS. Now that I’ve talked to you a few times, you’re really funny like where do you find those reaction memes????? Like bro you and your shitposts is my morning cup of coffee. 
Anyways, in 2021 I expect a full-fledge review of all AAA games from you-- no more shit talking in the tags let it all out BITCH. Thank you for being such a great mutual! I look forward to see what weird shit you will send me the next time we talk lmao
@zenien​​, Selm, the I’m-gay-for-Lady-Maria-or-anything-that-moves-in-BB-Bitch™. ok bitch if I’m being honest I wrote yours last so my brain is FRIED. so everything i say from here is raw from the HEARt cause that’s all I got left. But anyhow, we savin’ the best for last! honestly, i didn’t expect you to barge into my life like that. i really didn’t. i was just gonna keep admiring with my 7 feet (2.1336 meters) pole. I’m glad you made the first move because look where we are wtf 🧍‍♀️ friends??? I wouldn’t believe you if you told me that in 2014 when I first followed you lmao. 
You’re such a kind soul. I know you may disagree but I’m determined to convince you. I can’t tell you how much I want to thank you for taking the time to talk to me during my rough bits. It’s like sitting on a wooden bench in a park during sunset and you sit next to me, just enjoying the vast sky. You radiate such peaceful energy. It’s very calming. Or you know, 2 seconds later i’m suddenly suplexed by your 40 tons of insults like what-- 
Thank you for everything, so far. Truly. It’s been so fun listening to you talk about your Bloodborne journey and see your reactions live. It’s been so fun to see you post your graphics and it continues to blow me away. It’s been so fun hearing about your life and the stories of your adulthood. Every words that we have exchanged, I hold dearly to my heart--more than you ever know. Love u bitch.
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yjunies · 3 years
gif/gfx creator asks ~ 2, 3, 18, 26? ✨💜
thank you so much for sending these, wings 💜💜💜💜💜
2. do you do something creative/related “irl” as well?
no, sadly. i've always wanted to, though. and i hope to eventually get a job in the creative field in the future 🥺
3. who/what inspires your graphics/gifs?
honestly i get inspired by many, many things. my favourite creators on here are obviously an inspiration! i'm grateful to know amazing creative people who love to share ideas and who are always available to hear me explain this wild plan i have for my next gfx or gifset. but tbh, most of the times, the content i'm editing itself is already inspiring. i mean, the latest series i'm working on is the concept photo one vinyl collection, and i have to say, this band concept screams old tapes and vinyl records and 90s music and styling to me. so, i'm just working with that in mind!
18. what is your go to adjustment / PSD for colouring?
i don't have a base PSD. i always start from scratch! it's too much work to adapt one colouring to whatever i'm working on. i always follow the same order though: i start with a levels layer > photo filter (set to deep blue, bc i like the tones on the cooler side) > then selective colour > hue & sat layer > exposure. and then i always end up adding a million more in between these kkk
26. give a graphic and or gif maker a quick tip!
exposure is your best friend. stay away from #000000 black and #ffffff white. they're really overrated. very dark and very light shades of grey look so much better... i promise it does make a difference!
ask a graphic / gif maker
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tvonq · 4 years
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works
tagged by @baekonbaek love youuuuu 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 
i tag: @nctpinks @leejenos @nctaezen @tytrack @nctdream @dnghycks @xiaocity (you don’t have to if you dont want to!) 
1. kick it mv commentary - haechan i REALLY liked the colouring in this one..i don’t even remember what I did but i still think it’s one of the best gifsets ive ever made 
2. haechan birthday set i like this set because i made it last second and it still turned out okay?? usually i start birthday edits a week before or something but i never started so i thought ‘okay i cba to make one’ but i had nothing else to do that day and i went through so many videos so quickly to find hyuck clips 😭 
3. taeyong birthday gfx think this is one of the first few edits i made after several months and it turned out nice :) the layout of the post is hella sexy too i didnt even realise i made the backgrounds match with each other. 
4. mark birthday gfx like all my gfx i start off with one idea and do something completely different. this one looked sooooo bad to begin with and i only had one edit made for days and i couldnt finish the rest but i managed to pull through and finish it! im proud of this one :) 
5. haechan for esquire THIS!!!!!!! i love this loads and i use it for reference sometimes. i started making one for jisung because i loved the photoshoot and this edit so much but the composition was pretty much the same and i never finished it. maybe one day...
6. mark lee 1st full album gfx i just want the molo 😔 
7. 90s love mark fanart my second attempt at fanart and i spent so long figuring out what to do with the hair but im proud with how it turned out :) 
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soobined · 4 years
2020 Content Creator Year In Review
tagged by @ofkimtaehyung @beomgyung thank you for tagging me  💕
i wasn’t sure to do it at first because i wasn’t really active here for the past year but yeah here we go...
first creation and most recent creation of 2020: 
first: this soobin  run away  jpn ver mv not so good old times when i was too lazy to use topaz. 
most recent: this 2020 yeonbin moments compilation. it was supposed to be a gif but i ended up making it as video because the export result really sucks as gifs. (please watch the video on youtube)
a creation you’re really proud of:
my eternally game gfx. i actually take pride of this one so much. i’m thinking to turn it into video actually once i have enough motivation to do it.
a creation that took you forever:
this eternity gfx poster. GOD the making process wasn’t that long actually but the racking up idea and choosing the color palettes to use took more than a day.
a creation from 2020 that received the most notes:
this eternity concept thriller movie poster. this is like my first gfx after i took long hiatus probably a year from editing. soobin crying on the concept trailer in 4k really was my tip point to ah i should make something i couldnt miss this one.
a creation you think deserved more notes:
i owned a bts blog previously and it did so well, and once i moved here i figured i wouldnt have the same hype as before, as i had to build from zero and i wasnt even as active so i dont really mind and mostly i just post here for my own satisfaction. but this one, the eternally game gfx. i actually really love this one particular because i’m so emotionally attached to it. i made it out of frustration after finishing my second defense as an escape lmao.
a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it:
i haven’t really joined a new fandom that i actually make something for them this year so it’s a pass. 
a creation you made that breaks your heart:
soobin crying was HELL i genuinely felt heartbroken.
a ‘simple’ creation that you really love:
this txt x the hunger games crossover edit (1)(2). i really love hunger games and assigning txt into the district is so fun. (if you want to talk about this i’m so up for it)
a creation that was inspired by another one:
a favorite creation created by someone else:
i’m not so active on tumblr anymore so i haven’t really seen so much but i always love @jjunies and @magicislnd coloring, it looks so pretty. and JUDY @ofkimtaehyung all of her works tbh please give me your talent! 
some of your favorite content creators from the year:
as i said i havent been active here this year most of the times i just post my works then poof gone again so i havent seen much but if i follow you then i love your works!!! 
and for good measure, another couple more creations of yours that you love:
soobin’s bday gfx because this is one way of me to learn illustrator without the help of photoshop and i actually did it. 
i dont know if you’ve done this but if you do or you just dont wanna do it it’s okay you can ignore it @jjunies @magicislnd @yoong02 @huenings @hueningkais  💕💕💕
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boratanical · 5 years
graphics guide
a guide filled with basic info, tips, and answers to common questions that i hope helps people who want to start making graphics
*this was made based on my experiences of making graphics and is what i thought was important to cover but everyone has different ways and approaches so dont feel the need to follow everything on here
what is a graphic?
a graphic (also known as ‘gfx’) is a image edit that incorporates various elements (textures, filters, text, etc) in order to visualize a idea or to create a aesthetic composition 
unlike making gifs, there is no right or proper way to make a graphic so dont get too caught up in the idea that a graphic should look a certain way - just stick with your style and what you think looks good 
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usually the main focus of the whole graphic
you should always try to use a sharp hd picture - getting it from the original source is always the best option 
make sure the source of the picture allows editing - pictures from public sources like a company or the news can be edited while fansite pics and scans need to have permission asked (and if they give you permission make sure you link them when you post your graphic!)
often referred as ‘psd’ because that is the format they are in (i.e. pink psd pack)
comprise of multiple layers that can alter the images look 
a lot of people make their own colorings since the outcome of the look also depends on the image’s original coloring 
smaller cut out images that are often used to decorate the graphic
can also refer to a image that can be use as a background of a graphic
can be found in the form of a png (copy + paste into graphic) or a brush (”painted” on to the graphic) 
avoid using any textures that does not state the original poster made them - you could unintentionally be using someone’s work that was not made to be used [read more about it here + resources that you can actually use]
text can be used to tell information or just for decoration
try to choose fonts and colors that are legible
what software can i use to make graphics
most people use some version of photoshop (i currently use photoshop cc 2018) and a lot people have it cracked but if you cant afford photoshop, find a cracked version or a patcher (i used adobe zii 3.0.4 for mac), or are uncomfortable with getting a cracked version then there are other softwares that are just as good!
i can only vouch for gimp since i used it when i first started making gfxs. it is very similar to photoshop and shares most of the same tools and has a similar look to photoshop. it is also probably the most popular photoshop alternative and would totally recommend it if you cant get photoshop!
[visit + download gimp here]
where do you get your pictures from
official sources such as teasers companies release, photos released by press, photos from idol’s instagram - basically photos that are made for the public to see are whats best to use for a gfx. you should download the photos straight from the source so you get it at its highest quality 
some phrases you can use to search for pictures on google: - [group name] photoshoot - [idol name] press  - [group name] showcase  - [idol name] teaser
remember the more specific you are in your search the better! also when you search through google make sure you check your source!
avoid getting photos from reposting websites like we heart it and pinterest  avoid using fansite pictures and scans unless you are granted permission
i don’t know where to start/i’m overwhelmed and i don’t know what to do/ where should i begin
figure out what you want to make or a theme you want to follow - do you want to make a simple graphic or a infographic? do you want it to center around a certain theme like a comeback or a photoshoot? once you determine what you want to do it becomes easier getting ideas and finding stuff you will need for the gfx
example thought process: “i want to make a loona graphic” →  do you want it to be the whole group or a certain member or unit? will it just be a simple gfx or a AU gfx or based on a event that the group is doing? “i’ve decided on doing a kim lip one” → do you want it to have a certain theme like kim lip smiling or kim lip with blonde hair? is there a certain frame of time in which you want the graphic to represent like during eclipse era or hi high era?  “i want it to be from max and match era with her teasers” → from here you can start finding pictures to use and thinking of colors and textures that would fit your theme
where do you get ideas/inspiration from
i mean it’s different for everyone but for me i literally just think of stuff and i’m like wow i want to make that happen asdfsdfj but mostly when i see pictures or watch something thats where i suddenly get a idea 
but tumblr is full of graphic makers!!! ive seen so many amazing graphics from various fandoms like kpop, anime, marvel, etc. 
some amazing graphic editors i know myself include: primirene, ireone, nctjaemin, celo-mar, 1hyungseo, jeongahn, haechxnie, sonxiumin, syua, lulumelody, dinomite, lovelyeo, joohys, whatchatalkabout, yveu, maerinah, mihyon, lorbits, cherryjennie, thatporcelain, monoka, ifbin, 7ww
some other places you can look at are behance (dont go on behance if you have a cracked ver of ps - it might trigger a ingenue software alert that is a huge pain to deal with), pinterest, deviantart, dribble, and probably any social media platform if you just look up #graphicdesign
remember if you take inspiration from someone’s work then you should cite them in your caption - if you are afraid that you might’ve accidentally copied someone when you were trying to take inspiration from them its best to either try to remake the gfx again or just to ask the creator permission if its fine if certain details are similar/same
my stuff sucks how do i get better
literally just keep on making stuff aka practice. you can’t improve if you don’t bother putting effort. 
ways i’ve forced myself into practicing making gfxs is by: 1) starting a gfxs series - its self paced and is based on what you want to make (i.e. introducing my biases gfx series, my favorite outfits gfx series, etc) 2) taking in requests - people who would request from you probably like your stuff so its a win win situation (i.e. send me a idol + era, send me your bias + palette, send me a group and i’ll make a gfx of my fav member, etc)
only sharpen your pictures after you are done resizing them, if you sharpen and then resize it might result in a more blurry or grainy picture 
always save your graphic every 5-10 mins in case photoshop crashes 
 have two copies of your image cutout: one will be the original and the other one will be the one you edit with - in case you mess up like over erasing or over sharpening your image you have a back up you can use
stick with a color palette so you don’t get overwhelmed when having to color everything and it makes all the graphic panels you have look more cohesive 
on photoshop you can favorite fonts!!! take advantage of it!!! your computer has a lot of fonts saved on it and it takes forever to look through a whole list of fonts so by favoring fonts you can see all of the fonts that you like to use for graphics
combine a png pack to one psd → when you open a png pack you will probably get a lot of png files and it gets annoying having a lot of tabs open in photoshop when most of them are just textures so by putting all of those pngs into one psd you can cut down the files you open and can easily see all of your options 
make folders dedicated to colorings and textures that way you can easily access them instead of looking through your computer for a certain file
name your layers... i dont do it because its easy for me to tell what layer is what but when you are working with a lot of layers its best just to name them it’ll make life easier
lock your main image/subject so that when you play with texts’ and textures’ location you don’t accidentally move your main image
use curves to help get a photo back to its original coloring! like if you have a photo that has a weird filter on it just use curves and it’ll help the picture look more natural! [tutorial]
try warping your text to make it stand out more! you can access it by pressing the icon on the top text bar that has a T with a curved line under it. i use flag and wave the most
alter a particular color by using a selective color layer
rather than changing the actual color of an image/texture you can: create new layer → select the image/texture and color it on the new layer instead of on top of the image/texture → change the opacity or the mode of the layer so that the color is put on the image/texture while keeping its detailing and not affecting the actual image/texture
colorings: can be found on deviantart or tumblr just look up ‘psd coloring’ or ‘[color] psd’ 
textures: can be found on deviantart (check to see if its og content or stolen) simply just search what you are trying to find or ‘png pack’ or ‘texture pack’ common textures you can try to find: vintage flowers, memphis shapes, organic shapes, doodles other wesbites: pngtree, creative market, lost and taken, spoongraphics
fonts: if you are looking for a certain font then you can just do a google search but if you are browsing then dafont and font squirrel are really good websites too some of my favorite fonts: abril fatface, agfatumc, antonellie calligraphy, arcadeclassic, bebas neue, century gothic, couture, daily news 1915, dark larch, hondurhas, kotori rose, krinkles, risingstar, sant joan despi, studly, zing rust
color palettes: i made one myself which you can find here, color hunt, and honestly a quick google search will give you tons of options
if you have any questions, other stuff you want me to cover, or want to add more resources and tips then please dm or send an ask! i hope this helps!
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scoupsy-remade · 4 years
hi!!! i was looking at your blog and your gfx, and theyre soo pretty!! and i've been wanting to try my hand at gfx, so i was wondering if you had any advice for starting? thank you so much!!! :)))
ohhh i love when people want to start making gfx!! i’m totally here for anything you need help with!! I have a tutorial i made a while ago on an old blog here if you wanna check that out (i should make a new one tbh but i think it holds up okay) 
Using my HHU  edit I’ll try to explain how I go about doing it. some things i tend to do is trying to come up with a color palette first! like i’ll pick a mv, so Check In, and then try to decide what colors it makes me think of. in this case Mingyu’s cheeto hair was very inspiring lol. so check in is fun but a bit chaotic so i picked a few fonts that felt that way, and used them to write the title/ seventeen. It’s important to keep fonts either very similar or have one be messy and the other be very uniform (like time new roman) so that the picture keeps a cleaner look, doing a lot of different fonts can look bad because they pull attention from each other and your mind doesn't know where to focus. 
With mv gfx i always to to think about what i find appealing about the song, something I love about check in is all the call outs to different cities, so i scribbled them in the background messily to go with the feel of the song keeping them very light because i didn’t want too many conflicting fonts like I said before. 
I splattered some orange paint around a screenshot of the boys because again, chaos is VERY hhu to me.  Something you definitely don't have to do, but I really love is making different panels overlap, so I added static to the bottom of the check in panel because i had decided that Trauma was going to be more futuristic and glitch based. 
Again I picked a color palette, this time I used yellow red and the tealish blue from trauma because they’re very present throughout the mv. and my font choice was based on the font they use in the video but i bit more broken, since I wanted glitches. and I repeated it for Un Haeng il chi, but thought of their live stage since that song lacks a mv. 
Some other things to remember are be mindful of your negative space. everything should have some blank space so that the gfx look cleaner and don't overwhelm the viewer. sticking with a theme/color palette will automatically make your work look very purposeful (i’ve accidentally done so many things that worked out well just because the color scheme made it blend better) and don't be afraid to seek out inspiration. 
Tumblr has a LOT of insanely talented gfx makers with a lot of different styles of gfx. seeing what appeals to you can help you figure out what kind of content you can be inspired to make (and by inspired i do NOT mean copying people's gfx please). i for example, do love pastel gfx but neon inspires me so much that it’s what i think i work best with. fool around with everything too, gfx can have 100 elements to them, or just 2. there aren’t any rules, you just start layering pictures and textures until things feel right. 
doing things for music videos is a great starting point because it will already have a bunch of elements to work with. Like fallen flower has lots of flowers and grainy textures already so you can use those elements to bring out the video, or HIT has so much neon and digital overlays of triangles and things to use as ideas! I know this is long winded and I apologize for that lol, but it you want any advice or have specific questions you can always send me an ask or a message, I’m here to help!!! 
edit: also I wanna add I get my fonts from dafont, and a lot of pictures/ texture from upsplash because all the stuff posted there is free to use!
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soldierwinters · 6 years
[ ask a graphic maker! ] - 10, 18, 20. c:
HELLO! Okay, answers will be kind of long so bear with me!
10. 3 things you don’t like about graphic making
1. Gfx are kind of unappreciated most of the time. It takes a really good edit in order to gain thousands of notes, not like gifs that are usually shared and reblogged 24/7. Hey, I’m not hating on gif makers because I do gifs too but I see a lot of graphics with a little to no notes and it makes me sad to see those.
2. It takes a lot of time, of course. Editing gfx needs a lot of dedication + technical skills + basic principle of design. Anyone can think of an idea but it takes skills and effort to make it real.
3. CHOOSING THE PERFECT FONT. I want to fvcking elaborate about this but asdfghjkl, it’s making my head hurt!
18. How long do your graphics usually take?
Oh, it depends! Coloring takes 2-4 hours depending on how large it is. Graphics like this took me 4 hours. Detailed ones will take 5 hours. I think the longest one that I did is this. Took me 7 hours.
20. Advice you would give to beginner graphic makers
First, make sure you’re having fun and you love what you do. 
Second, don’t be afraid to use the work of others as inspirations. It helps you improve and eventually, you will find your own style.
Third, don’t be like me who installed 4k+ fonts on my photoshop. Just try to download/install the things you need. It helps you organize things and save a lot of time.
Thanks for the ask!
☆ Ask the graphic maker ☆
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yeonjuins · 2 years
hey I’ve been feeling kind of uninspired lately and idrk to fix it.. like I have ideas and WANT to do them but when I open ps I cant do it. I even have ideas written down but nothing comes out when I try to follow through and I give up very quickly 😕
do u have this same problem or could this just be a personal thing ? I did just recently finish a big project that I’m really proud of 🫶🏾 so I could probably just be burned out? But that was weeks ago lmao
june anon - also I saw u answer my rec list so I’ll read that rn
(lengthy response! 1/2)
honestly i 100% get what you mean PAHAHA i feel like i'm constantly surrounded by inspiration and new ideas and it gets me pumped and motivated to begin creating but the moment i sit down and actually try to start, i have no idea what i'm doing whatsoever... then it spirals down a whole rabbit hole of 'my taste in xyz is significantly larger than my actual skill level'
likewise, i went into my summer so mentally prepped and ready to begin designing for yeonjuins a lot more and making silly little kpop edits or even venture off into bigger projects to challenge myself but alas, i felt so burnt out without even beginning. prior, i had finished a major design project in one of my classes (to which i ended up getting a 98% in so it was worth <3) which pretty much pushed my creative abilities all around. i sort of had the mindset that i'd go into summer being able to expand off of it but i didn't even begin to create things until what.... two months into my summer? and school being right around the corner now too? PAHAHHA
a lot of creatives will say this as well but you have to make a lot of shitty things in order to make good things. even if you are feeling uninspired and don't know what to make but you know you want to make things, make it. it'll probably end up shitty, you'll probably hate it and think you wasted your time, but literally, in order to make good shit, you need to make actual shit first LOL
there's a lot of, what i recently learnt was called, 'invisible work' that goes into making things. even with my he he ha ha graphics with yeonjuins that are just based around my silly little kpop boys, i do research, make sure all my references are correct, making sure i pull from the right sources, etc etc. it seems overwhelming at first, but if you just get down to the mindset that you need to just make something, whether it be good or absolutely awful, it's a lot less daunting.
one of my favourite favourite quotes is from this book called 'tiny beautiful things' by cheryl strayed. i cried my heart out to this book, and specifically, this part made me get down on my floor and sob.
“do you know what it is to be humble? [...] i’d finally been able to begin [to write again] because i’d let go of all the grandiose ideas i’d once had about myself and my writing-
so talented! so young!
i’d stopped being grandiose.
i’d lowered myself to the notion that the absolute only thing that mattered was getting that extra beating heart out of my chest. which meant I had to write my book.
my very possibly mediocre book. my very possibly never-going-to-be-published book. my absolutely nowhere-in-league-with-the-writers-i’d-admired-so-much-that-i-practically-memorized-their-sentences book. it was only then, when i humbly surrendered, that i was able to do the work i need to do.”  (page 57)
tldr: just make shit. there are so many scrapped versions of my gfxs people don't see and so many scrapped ideas that don't even see the light of day on this site. but i think that's also the beauty of being a creator ! you build resilience. you make shitty things to only then make good things. just be patient with yourself my love, ideas will flow when it all fits together but you need to allow for your ideas to flow first (":
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ninepercentnet · 6 years
mobile navi
by content
fan art / edits
by 9% members
cai xukun
chen linong
fan chengcheng
justin huang
lin yanjun
zhu zhengting
wang ziyi
xiao gui
you zhangjing
[ linyanjunjun ]  clarice; gifs  (▲ 9%/ ip love blog, a gif-maker who will probably never be able to choose her bias between xukun & yanjun) tags: #npn; linyanjunjun | #npn; gifs
[ handmubo ]  jo; gifs  (▲ 9% and 91%, i love them all equally, sometimes i do things) tags: #npn; handmubo | #npn; gifs 
[ lnyanjun ]  izzy; gifs  (▲) tags: #npn; lnyanjun | #npn; gifs
[ scriptura-adrepticius ] → masterlist   lina; writing  (▲ i only write because the boys pulled me in and i’m never going to watch another survival show again) tags: #npn; scriptura-adrepticius | #npn; writing
[ leejunyi ]  mirthe; writing (▲ i swear im gonna start writing again soon) tags: #npn; leejunyi | #npn; writing
[ zhuzhengtingting ] → masterlist   yuu; multi  (▲ zhengting and nine percent love blog. known for bullet aus, one shots, and gifs) tags: #npn; zhuzhengtingting | #npn; writing | #npn; gifs
[ biwenjunsrepository ]  → masterlist  ju ju; writing (▲ hello ^^ I’m Ju Ju, but you can also call me Jude, or Veggie. I love broccoli and fish -and this was so random, sorry) tags: #npn; biwenjunsrepository | #npn; writing
[ caixukun ]  britney; gifs & gfx  (▲ i make gifs and gfx. I love Xukun with all my heart and soul and I would donate all my organs to him) tags: #npn; caixukun | #npn; gifs | #npn; edit
[ caixukun-9 ]  mai; multi (▲ gif maker and the occasional writer | struggling to stay loyal to my love cai xukun) tags: #npn; caixukun-9 | #npn; writing | #npn; gifs | #npn; translations
[ chenqchenqs ]  beverly; gifs (▲ would give the world to nine percent) tags: #npn; chenqchenqs | #npn; gifs
[ ckpstan ]  ckpstan; gfx  (▲ just an ip stan who loves doing edits and gifs :)) tags: #npn; ckpstan | #npn; edit
[ dimplesyanjun ]  cla; gifs  (▲ your daily dose of yanjun’s dimples) tags: #npn; dimplesyanjun | #npn; gifs 
[ evanismyking ] → masterlist  andra; writing (▲ the mom of the Snake Squad™, still trying to figure out whether I'm a full-time angst writer or I merely have a tendency to add dark twists to fluff :)) tags: #npn; evanismyking | #npn; writing
[ evanism88 ]  rynn; gifs & translations (▲ hello, I'm Rynn! My loves are Cai Xukun and Lin Yanjun :)) tags: #npn; evanism88 | #npn; gifs | #npn; translations
[ idolpdcer ]  jasmine; multi (▲ self proclaimed flop spring roll who can't choose a bias) tags: #npn; idolpdcer | #npn; gifs | #npn; translations | #npn; edit
[ itsfanchengcheng ]  tam; multi (▲ Your local Fan Chengcheng enthusiast! I’m probably on tumblr 24/7 :)) tags: #npn; itsfanchengcheng | #npn; gifs | #npn; translations | #npn; edit
[ king-zhengting ]  yua; writing & art (▲ hi~ i'm Yua and i'm whipped for my little fairy, Zhengting) tags: #npn; king-zhengting | #npn; writing | #npn; edit
[ linonggs ]  kay; gifs (▲ i have a big fat crush on chen linong) tags: #npn; linonggs | #npn; gifs
[ linsyanjuns ]  nicole; multi  (▲ hewwo i'm nicole, i make gifs & cry over boys) tags: #npn; linsyanjuns | #npn; gifs | #npn; edit | #npn; writing
[ li-nong ]  rheyna; gifs  (▲ hi! I'm Rheyna and I may or may not care more about Linong than I care about myself lol I gif Nine Percent but I guess mainly about nongnong) tags: #npn; li-nong | #npn; gifs
[ magic-jie ] → masterlist  anna; writing (▲ 9% and 91% bulletpoint scenarios. I have too many ideas and love for them but too little time and confidence to actually write them) tags: #npn; magic-jie | #npn; writing
[ nine-prcnt ] → masterlist  kee; writing (▲ i’m just trying to write and appreciate our ninety nine boys) tags: #npn; nine-prcnt | #npn; writing
[ ninth-percent ]  elliot; fanart (▲ hi my name’s Elliot I love long walks on the beach and napping so long it technically turns into hibernation. I make moodboards and artwork, usually when I should be sleeping, so expect more of that in the future °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°✧) tags: #npn; ninth-percent | #npn; edit
[ nongsnongs ]  becky; multi (▲ i love linong and yanjun with my whole being. Chengcheng needs to s t o p) tags: #npn; nongsnongs | #npn; writing | #npn; gifs |  #npn; edit
[ nuevepercent ]  gabi; gifs & gfx  (▲ i cry and swerve a little too often) tags: #npn; nuevepercent | #npn; gifs | #npn; edit
[ peachyjie ] → masterlist   nari; writing  (▲ she who loves angst but writes mostly on fluff to soothe your on-going imagination. Have I mention I'm too much of a sucker for Huba?)  tags: #npn; peachyjie | #npn; writing
[ prismatic9 ] → masterlist  lovi & suni; multi (▲ we love writing for everyone. please check out blog and requests a lot~) tags: #npn; prismatic9 | #npn; writing | #npn; gifs |  #npn; edit
[ redhyuck ] → masterlist  summer; writing (▲ a sucker for fluff and babying justin. a constant lurker for 9% content) tags: #npn; redhyuck | #npn; writing
[ seungkwanslowqualityenglish ] → masterlist  justine; writing (▲ after PD101 I said never again, yet I saw Zhengting and here I am again. ) tags: #npn; seungkwanslowqualityenglish | #npn; writing
[ theozhu ]  ari; gifs & gfx  (▲ hello im ari and i emit big loving zhengting energy!!) tags: #npn; theozhu | #npn; gifs | #npn; edit
[ vicccwrites ] → masterlist   vic; writing  (▲ i'm just a smol that likes writing for a bunch of tols ^-^)  tags: #npn; vicccwrites | #npn; writing
[ wangziyisboogie ]  sophia; translations (▲ the boogie of wang ziyi) tags: #npn; wangziyisboogie | #npn; translations
[ whu-zhengting ] → masterlist   fari; writing  (▲ you'll either find me writing about 9% or you'll find me crying (internally) about them. I like to claim that I'm loyal to Zhengting but that's bs anyone can always call me out on.)  tags: #npn; whu-zhengting | #npn; writing
[ xinschun ]  angie; writing & gifs (▲ ip / 9% enthusiast :: idk how people choose an ult in ip) tags: #npn; xinschun | #npn; writing | #npn; gifs
[ xukunstellation ] → masterlist  minnie; writing (▲ just an imaginative writer wanting to share little stories here and there to satisfy your fantasies and dreams for Idol Producer and Nine Percent! c:) tags: #npn; xukunstellation | #npn; writing
[ yanjns ]  miki; gifs & gfx (▲ 9% ♥ yanjun biased, i make edits and /sometimes/ gifs) tags: #npn; yanjns | #npn; gifs | #npn; edit
[ yanjunie ]  nini; gifs  (▲ fool for evan 🍦) tags: #npn; yanjunie | #npn; gifs
[ yanjuniverse ] → masterlist  & [ 9pcnt]   megan; writing  (▲ i write a little too much a little too often.)  tags: #npn; yanjuniverse | #npn; 9pcnt | #npn; writing
[ yanjunniiee ] → masterlist   laurel; writing  (▲ idol producer and nine percent ripped my life away, but I'm writing now. I write a little too much angst oops :))  tags: #npn; yanjunniiee | #npn; writing
[ youchengcheng ]  lara; gifs  (▲ your fAvOrItE 9 percent blog, I make gifs. Enjoy) tags: #npn; youchengcheng | #npn; gifs
[ zhengkuns ]  hara; gifs  (▲ on an endlessly long expedition in my search for something more precious than zhu zhengting; in my free time i make gifs) tags: #npn; zhengkuns | #npn; gifs
[ zhengnongs ]  rita; gifs  (▲ i vowed to never watch survival shows and yet here i am, willing to give my life to nine percent and every ip trainee) tags: #npn; zhengnongs | #npn; gifs
[ zhengtiddy ] → masterlist  tam; writing (▲ idol producer sucked the life out of me but hey! now i write for them) tags: #npn; zhengtiddy | #npn; writing
[ zhengtingfairy ]  sabrina; art (▲ i draw and sometimes i make icons + idol pd/9% enthusiast) tags: #npn; zhengtingfairy | #npn; edit
[ ziyistory ] → masterlist   yongyi; writing  (▲ hi im yongyi and im 16, i occasionally write decent content :)) i hope you'll like my content!)  tags: #npn; ziyistory | #npn; writing
[ 9prcnt ]  rebecca; multi (▲ 2 very lost kpop fans who somehow made it here) tags: #npn; 9prcnt | #npn; gifs | #npn; edit
[ 96xfm ]  jt; gifs  (▲ would do anything for yanjun's + linong's smile) tags: #npn; 96xfm | #npn; gifs
we’re pretty chill but we still have to establish some things
no pwp (porn without plot) or mostly smut content
all 17+ content must be placed under a 17+ warning and a read more
no 17+ content can be about minors
no 17+ content tagging the network can be written by minors
respect all members of 9%. no member bashing
respect all admins and member blogs of the network
all planned hiatuses must be given due notice to the network two days in advance. emergencies are exceptions
notify the network of a blog url change so it can be updated in the database
link the network somewhere on your blog and reblog your acceptance post
tag all posts you want reblogged with “#ninepercentnet” in the first five tags
62 notes · View notes