#i probably will like... i guess this is a new oportunity for me to do something better kzkdksd
oceansssblue · 5 months
Hi! I’m the one who requested the cryptic pregnancy one. Sorry that it was all practically written already lol. I have a tendency to talk a lot and get really detailed, so I think it carried over to my request. That’s a my bad on my part, but I’m thankful you did it. Thank you so much!
Out of curiosity, I’ve noticed in a lot of your pregnancy fics that the baby is always a boy or they assume that it will be a boy. Is it a confirmed thing that all children of clones will be boys? Idk much about Star Wars lore so I’m pretty clueless about almost everything lol.
Either way, thank you again and I hope you have a great day!
Heya! Np at all!
Honestly there was no specific reason behind it. I use "he" for a baby refering as neutral, not speficially a boy or girl. Just a someone, a person. It perfectly could have been a girl.
But you've got me thinking. I'm a med student and I've studied just a tiny bit of genetics. Idk exactly how cloning works, ofc, but our beautiful soldiers have literally had their genes altered, so MAYBE, just MAYBE, their TRAITS would have more chance to be transmited to their offspring than those of their partner. I'm guessing too that Kaminoans probably made sure it happens that way to ensure they'd have more soldier like humans in case the clones had the oportunity to reproduce; those long-neck mad labrats. However, genetical traits that can be passed on to offspring (like if you carry the gen for a specific disease, or how many genes you have that determine your height), DON'T have the same inheritance as gender.
Remember said baby is NOT a CLONE like it's father. It has a dad who is a clone, and a mum who isn't. So basically you're still doing the gender mix of two everyday humans, let's say. Let's remember biological gender works like this:
- You have one spermatozoid from dad.
- One ovule from Mum (always X).
And then, when babymaking happens, said spermatozoid swims like a professional towards mum's price.
- If said spermatozoid is an X-spermatozoid, when joined with mum's ovule = you have an XX. So you'll have a GIRL.
- If said spermaotozoid is an Y-spermatozoid, when joined with mum's ovule = you have an XY. So a BOY.
With this, you might think; okay, then the reason a couple has a majority of BOYS instead of girls must be that the dad has a majority of spermatozoids of type Y. And viceverse. Well, bad news; it isn't like that.
There have been studies that investigated the spermatozoids of a man with all offspring being boys (4boys0girls) and a man with all ofspring being girls (4girls0boys). The results? No signficant differences in the amount of spermatozoids-X vs spermatozoids-Y. Which leans you to think the chance of someone having a girl or a boy remains just in luck; in pure chance of the first lucky spermatozoid that makes it to the ovule. And if in four different conceptions the first one has always been a Y-sperm, well, luck has given you four little boys. And viceversa.
However, (thoughts) it can't really be pure 100% luck, right? The probabilities of luck being responsible for a couple having 10 offsprings all MALE or all GIRLS... I mean, it's POSSIBLE, but... maybe there's something else there? Like everything with medicine, we have YET A LOT TO DISCOVER. In absolutely EVERY field of Medicine. Maybe this leaning towards a more boys or more girls resides on the ovule of the mum, which whose barrier may be more sensitive to be broken by a Y or X-spermatozoid. Maybe depending on the way the mum's inner maze is shaped a type of spermatozoid is more likable to run faster than the other. Maybe it's some kind of better compatibility that we haven't yet discovered.
So to sum up, and til more discoveries arise, the chances of our dear clones having boys or girls are always the same; ALEATORY LUCK. Now, physical traits and some other personality etc traits that have a part of genetic carriage (though more complex and usually involving maaaany more genes) are other thing; those CAN be inherenced and probably with more dominance than imaginary lucky mum.
Welp, I went on a bit of a tangent here. Things to remember:
- I'm a med STUDENT, not a genetic EXPERT. So i might have it all wrong. You're welcome to investigate.
- I refer to BIOLOGICAL inheritance regarding gender. So CROMOSOMES. I have no intention of offending anyone.
Hope this answers you well enough my anon friend!
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brainmoss · 1 year
i was falling asleep but had to get up and come express this sort of epiphany i had and just put it out there somewhere in the world
So, friendship grief huh. I know it's a legit thing and that grief has phases not necessarily the ones popular in like tv but they exist. Now I'm in a weird phase past me didn't expect. I feel sad that I won't have her friendship in the future. I'm not sad about ending our friendship because she was being a bitch to me towards the end, but I'm sort of missing what won't have a chance to happen. I'm not gonna see her marry, I'm not gonna attend her exhibition openings. She's not gonna celebrate my career oportunities, she's not gonna meet my friends. We're not gonna be drunk-silly and we're not gonna be silly after half an hour of constant banter. We were best friends for 2 out of 4 years we were in contact. We got to know each other at such a deep level, deeper than ever until then. I couldn't imagine a future where we weren't by each other's side suporting one another. I used to hype her so much. I hope she has someone to hype her nowadays. Should I tell her these things? Probably best not to. For so long I was so angry and shocked with her. Then I finally got a while without thinking about her, ocasionally she'd come up in thought and I'd have a flash of anger again, but today, when she came up in thought again, I was just sad. So I wanted to understand why I was sad. As I said, I'm not sad for what happened in the past, I'm sad for what won't happen in the future. I'm sad I won't have that best friend with me and that I won't be with her, that nice version that I got to know so well for a while. I know people change and evolve that's not my problem or concern or anything, it's really just these feelings and mourning this alive person I guess, but that's not really it, if she changed I'm mourning a past version, and that's not really fair, but I have nothing else to go on from. I used to try and imagine what I would do if I saw her in the street when I was angry. Would I say a bitchy remark, would I ignore her, would I give her a fuming look. I started avoiding the places we had in common, even if I felt deprived of them, I didn't want to risk seeing her and being mean. Now, I think I'd just be sad if I saw her. I don't know what I would do, but I know I would be invaded with sadness. Maybe in the future I will imagine diferent outcomes altogether, or I won't think of her at all. Maybe, maybe not. With time everything passes, but this took me by surprise today. I wanted to be there with her in the future, I don't currently want that if it meant it was the last version of her I saw, and I don't know how I would even start a friendship with a new version of her, someone with the face of a being I know I won't be able to ever be as close to again. Maybe that's a sentiment that can change in the future too, but I don't think it's wise trying to be her friend again. If anything, she would have to take the first step, she didn't even apolagize at the end. I don't think I trully want that though. I don't wish that things had gone diferently either because everything is in direct correlation with everything else in someone's life, and I'm living my current life, I don't know and don't feel the need to think about how my life would be otherwise. So I'm at a sort of impasse aren't I? I'm sad she won't be my friend again, but I don't want to be her friend again. Maybe it's not as contradictory as it sounds at first. That's fine, I can acept it. I hope the fallout we had didn't affect my mom's view of the painting I gifted her, bought from that ex-friend. It's still a good painting, she's still a good artist, she's probably still a good person, my mom still loves those colors and sceneries - I hope this specific one didn't become an exception. Do I ask her about it? Would mentioning it and admiting the conection between my ex friend and this painting, out loud, change my mom's view on it? Better to not remind her of it. I walk by her signature everyday but I rarely think of her nowadays. Today I'm sad. That's fine.
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jinlix · 5 years
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Should i
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Emily in Paris or why I stopped caring about the protagonist and I started rooting for the French. Episode 1.
Let’s be clear. I was planning to root for the French anyway. They are in the neighbouring country, I quite like them and I was prepared to confront and make fun about all the stereotypes in this series. Because this was exactly what I expected. Funny, lighthearted and totally braindead (wink wink) escapism in an instagrammed to the top Paris which has the same resemblance with the real one than Vincent Minelli’s... But without Gene Kelly. So what did I think of the first episode?
Meet Emily Cooper from Chicago. She’s young, she is dynamic, she struggles to be liked by everyone and at the beginning of the series. She is a marketing executive about to be promoted or so she thinks.
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... Because her boss Madeline (played by Kate Walsh) is going to Paris in order to take work with Savoir, a luxury firm the company (sorry I forgot its name) has just adquired. Madeline is overjoyed because working for a year in Paris is one of her dreams and because French men like mature women, as probed by the fact that their young and hot (sic, but this blog agrees) president married his high school teacher. We’ll never know which plans Madeline had for Frenchmen, whether they are young or hot or not. The case is after two minutes in the series she vomits, which means she’s pregnant and she can’t go anywhere because it’s an truth universally aknowledged that pregnant women can’t go on with their plans.
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It’s in the next scene when we meet Emily’s boyfriend, Doug, and when we learn she’s going to Paris in Madeline’s place, in spite of being unprepared and not knowing the language. At this point one wonders how it’s possible that no one else in the company can replace Madeline. All of them are monolingual? Our plucky heroine is not discouraged by the litle fact of knowing virtually nothing about the country in which she’s going to live during the next twelve months. She and Doug - the moment you see the scene you know it wont’ go well - agree on a long distance relationship.
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And after a very well done transition, we have crossed the ocean. Yes, this is well done, and I say it unironically. Episodes are short, your show is called Emily in Paris, so, what’s better than having your main lady already in the French capital in less than five minutes. The series goes to the point in this aspect and it’s a good thing to spare us of unnecesary scenes.
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So Emily arrives to her apartment with pretty views, confused about in which floor she’s supposed to live (running gag ahead) and already hit on by a French guy on a suit that looks like the love child of Gabriel Attal and Albert Rivera (check it, seriously). I couldn’t take him seriously not only because of that but also because he said that Emily’s appartment was a chambre de bonne. Not by any means. Look, I’ve never lived in Paris but I know that apartment is huge when compared with a real chambre de bonne.
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Off to know her working place, Emily has this HUGE smile pasted on her face. I don’t know if this supposed to make her charming and likeable. For me - it’s true than I have this European perspective - she looks a mix between an anxious puppy and a psychopath. I would be scared and would avoid her at all costs. The cultural clash is about to happen.
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Yeah, I would look at her too, Julien a.k.a. token black character. You have probably heard about the lack of diversity in this series, I won’t abound in that, others have worded it better. It also an established fact that French people smokes at their workplace, even if in the European Union we have these things called smoking bans that won’t allow it.
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And enter Sylvie, Emily’s Parisian boss and supposed main antagonist, à la Devil wears Prada. What to say about Sylvie other than I adore her? Her clothes, her style, her sarcasm. As any rational being would do, Sylvie is pretty dismayed to learn that Emily does not have the slightest idea of French and its already wanting to impose her American perspective and her alleged knowledge of social media. The problem is I don’t know if her posts on Instagram really deserve that much attention. Clash ensues with the rest of her new coworkers. C’est la cata! they comment. I quite agree.
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Our fish-out-of-water takes an evening afterwork stroll (this Paris is like one square kilometer and public transport is something you mention but never appears) and calls her boyfriend to state the entire city looks like Ratatouille, which legitimately made me laugh. I am not sure if this reference means that Emily’s filmic culture is that limited or if it’s her boyfriend the one who only knows a movie which takes place in Paris and that’s one is Ratatouille. We know that Emily at least has seen Moulin Rouge and that makes two so probably is Doug’s fault.
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Back at home, and since she has forgotten how to count, Emily attempts to open the wrong door. Immediately a wild Frenchman appears; it’s Gabriel, played by Lucas Bravo probably one of these young hot men Madeline would target. He takes the intrusion reasonably well. Especially when it’s discovered that Emily only knows his region, Normandy, from Saving Private Ryan. That makes three films, so definitely I think Doug is the problem here as far as filmic culture goes.
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Next day Emily picks a yellow outfit and goes to work, purchasing a pain au chocolat in her way to work. I confess I was underwhelmed when discovered that there wouldn’t be any joke about the Great Civil War that has been going on in France since its earliest days: the partidaries of pain au chocolat vs. the ones of chocolatine. A ferocious, merciless conflict unknown by most nations. A lost opportunity not making this woman someone from the South who bravely defies Parisian conventions calling it chocolatine. I’m team pain au chocolat btw. Naturally when she discovers the wonderful world of flavours she makes another Instagram post. She’s earning more and more followers, Heavens know why.
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However, she has a Big Problem with Doing Research. Example given, she doesn’t know her schedule - a problem which could have been solved with reading numbers - and arrives two hours early to her workplace.
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Once there she discovers she can’t sit with the cool kids. No one wants to lunch with her, so she decides to miserably sit by herself at the park, where we met her best new friend. Her name’s Mindy, she’s from Shangai and she’s working as au pair, while teaching Mandarin to the two blond children she’s looking after. We’ll later discover more about her. She instantly detects the American in Emily and offers her help to this awkward but at the same time arrogant newcomer.
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Meanwhile at Savoir, Emily has earned a sobriquet. La Plouc, which is adopted by Sylvie and most of her coworkers even if Luc seems more or less reluctant to say it. La Plouc means the hick, as she instantly discovers thanks to an online translator. It’s really not a good day for our heroine, and she cames back home - remember that thing about this Paris being one square kilometer? - walking. Co-worker and someone who  for some resason reminds me to the posh-y version of Philippe Poutou - check it - Luc passes by as she sits lonely by herself and apologizes for calling her la Plouc earlier. He also claims she’s arrogant for coming to Paris without speaking or even understanding French - which is true - and tells her people is probably scared as her new, modern ideas. Which makes no sense at all and it’s probably a white lie.
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Meanwhile and for some reason her totally inocuous posts in Instagram makes her earn more and more followers. During the night, her oblivious to timezones boyfriend call her and they have - or attempt to have - a totally awkward and unsexy session of cybersex. At the end Emily is so frustrated that she tries to use her electric vibrator which leads to the short-circuit of the entire building. Fortunately before she has the oportunity of getting closer to the device in question. And that’s how Episode 1 ends.
What did I think? It’s fun and pretty to look at. Even prettier to rant about. As long as your brain remains carefully shut off in the meantime and you don’t take it that seriously you are going to enjoy it I guess. At least it’s my case.
Still frustrated for not covering the Great Civil War tho.
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Hello, maybe you coukd give me some tips. I send you that ask already but it means ght be deleted by tumblr and it was all messy and ugly.
So I have one childhood friend, we used to do everything together till highschool. Often she was my only friend, like now. We slowly started to distance from each other sonce she has a boyfriend. For all those years I did my best to accept him and all, told myself that duh she is not obliged to spent time only with me even in situation when she spent less and less time with me. Sometime I had a bit trouble to fully accept bf because sometime when they argued she was venting to me and I felt like his is hurting her but she refused to break up with him. Boy eas very insecure, no friends and so on and one day around graduating junior hight school she wanted to break up with him but he said something like he is gonna hurt himself if she will, or just drop out the school. So she wanted to wait at least until he graduate, but she waited longer. Then just after we graduated hightschool she broke up with him like she had enought. It was prolly a mistake but after she vent I said one or two things about him concerning past events and I said 'wow finally'. After a while they made up and she said she just missend him. I promissed mtself I will never comment whatever she tell me about them, unless in a good way.
Well... the point is that I am probably jellous, that she doesnt want to spent time with me anymore. Alway if I ask her out I give her to eventually pick the date, if nit today then maybe tomorrow etc y know introvert way :D And im trying to save this friendship? She is not the person busy 24/7, unless maybe when she is in uni or we count playing games as being busy. I play games too sometime.
Sometime it seems like she tries to avoid me and dont want to tell me anything. One day I was talking to her in cafee and she was just fidgeting with her phone. She didnt even like heck the socialmedia, just switching between random (system?) folders on the phone. When I asked abt it why she doesnt listen, she said she wanted to do sth but forgot what. Another time I havent seen her for months and she alway soent holidays 1 month her bf comes to her (he lives abroad already I guess) and I dont want to disturb them of feel like third wheel and the other month she come to him. So like week before she pnanned to go I asked her to go out next day. She said she cant. So asked another day, she answered : but I go to my bf. So I surprised that its that soon and sad I missed the oportunity: oh really? When? She: on Friday me: but its Monday(?)(no answer) so...? She: ught I know ;;; but lately I dont really feel like going anywhere :(
Well... maybe I'm childish but I felt sad.
I'm also jellous that they even celebrate each others bdays altought she never do that bc of religious reasons and I've always respected that.
Once I asked her what is with us, we barely talk for last few years and I feel like she is avoiding me. She had no Idea what I was talking about, she felt like everything was the same.
I was told to not have much hope or expectations toward her bu maybe try to text her or maybe arrange a meeting once in a while and try not to become bitter.
The other one sait that that how adulthood looks like, we become busier with private issues and so on and I may act childish and selfish, but as far as I know except for time she go to uni or to her bf she is not that busy, definitely not that busy not to have time to meet with me more than once in a whole year (or none) when we live ~20min apart by foot. I dont want to be burden to anyone or feel like third wheel so I dunno what to do. I have problem with finding friends, she was my only one friend (?) for years. I dont trust ppl easly
I wanted to do more things together outside since we both used to or still do soent too much time on the computer but well... you know, together is easier.
Since I have to do it on my own maybe you have some ideas? Thats stupid wuestion I guess since you dont know my environment. Jogging and biking wont work I guess since I dont have proper bike. I wanted to plant some flowers but I was afraid I screw everything up since im kida kid who grow up in the bubble and Im not sure how to do basics and nobody wanted to help me and its too late already... Walk is fine but I prefer places far from road and since I'm not supposed to go to the forest that I love I dont have many spots to go.
I am sorry for long post. Any even tiny help would be appreaciated. I hope thats not much of the problem, have a nice day or night :)
I do think that it's time for you to let go of the friendship. I know that's hard to do but people grow apart and that's okay. It's okay. You'll be able to make better relationships and move forward but you have to learn to let go and keep walking forward. It sounds like you're holding onto this friendship because you want to keep going on like it's the past but...
It doesn't work like that. Change happens. It hurts sometimes but it's not a bad thing. You can reflect on this with time and learn how to be able to accept it. You need someone that wants to hang out with you and relax with you. It's not childish to be upset but it's important to see when people just... don't have time for you anymore and feelings change.
It just seems like you both have a fundamental misunderstanding and if you can't talk that through, then it's not working. You can try to talk about it but it seems like it'd be better to just let go. She doesn't think there's something wrong but you do. If you feel stress around her instead of friendship, it's not great.
But, that's up to you, you know? You decide your relationships what you want them to be.
I don't really have great advice for making friends as an adult. I'm not exactly going out and interacting with people. I can suggest finding a new set of friends online by joining Discords and interacting with the fandoms you're in because that's how I've made friends. It's easier to do that if you're anxious about making friends outside.
Try new hobbies. Take a deep breath. If you want to garden, try it out. You're not going to be perfect the first time. It's a learning process at anything and you have to just try. You don't get to live it if you don't try. You have to consider your limits and reflect on what is going to be the easiest thing to try.
It's never too late.
Try to start small and work your way up.
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anxiouswritingbitch · 4 years
OS - Homesick
Request : would you mind writing some Mahiru x Licht? I think it’s a cute ship that few people write for.
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Here is some Mahiru x Licht ! I find that pairing really cute, I enjoyed writing it !
Mahiru sighed as he turned off the tap and removed his waterproof gloves. Having to do the housework never really bothered him, but only when he was living alone. Washing the dishes of four people was way more work than he thought.
After the kidnapping of the Greed Pair, the C-3 insisted that they come to live with them, the Sloth Pair. Of course Mahiru agreed. Licht and Lawless, who goes as Hyde now, were his friends. But he has to say that his house had become quite lively with them.
Right now, the other three were off to buy groceries. Kuro wasn't really happy to go as well, but he took the oportunity to pass some time with his brother with whom he just started to talk again. Mahiru finally laid on the couch and closed his eyes, enjoying the peace and quiet he was granted for a few moment. He hadn't have a moment for himself since days.
But that time didn't last long, because he heard the doorbell rang. Who could it be ? The others have the keys, so who would come at his house ? Maybe it was the C-3 ? Starting to get worried, he got up and opened the door only to find Licht standing there, his usual bored expression on his face.
"Licht ? Why are you already there ? And where are the others ?" he let Licht enter the room. "I got bored with them. Can I have melons ?" he asked, already going in the kitchen to take a plate. "Well, you were supposed the buy them right now". Licht stopped, remembering that fact. "Well... I want to practice then". "For the 50th time Licht, I do not have a piano here".
Licht frowned and sat next to Mahiru on the couch, on which he took place a few seconds ago. The brunette noticed something wrong with Licht. He had his usual frown on his face, but after living with him for a few days he started to know him. Something was off with the self proclaimed angel. He hesitated for a second, should he ask him what was wrong ? Sure they were friends, but were they close enough for that ? Licht wasn't really the loud mouth type of guy.
Still thinking of what he should do, his gaze was locked on Licht. His thoughts started to wander, and he couldn't help but notices the traits of Licht's face. His sharp blue eyes, his thin nose... But when those eyes turned confused to Mahiru, he realized how weird he must have looked, staring at Licht so intensly. He quickly turned his face, a light blush creeping on his face.
He stuttered an inaudible thing. Then he finally dared to ask, seeing Licht sulking even more by the second. "Say, Licht... are you okay ?" he asked, still a bit embarassed. Licht leaned in the sofa. His frown softened, becoming a bit sadder. "I... I guess I just feel a little homesick".
"Ugh ?" Mahiru hadn't expect answer. Licht sighed deeply before continuing "you know, I've been on tour for a long time, so playing piano made me forget that I miss home. But now... with what happened with the rat, the vampires, the C-3... it's becoming a bit... overwhelming, I'd say".
Mahiru's heart sank a bit, seeing him like that. He was a bit surpised too, it was not like Licht to open up like that. Besides, he could understand him. Out of reflex, he grabbed his hand and locked eyes with him "listen, Licht, I know what it feels like... my whole life got changed too when I met Kuro. Though I can't know what it's like being away from home, I know how it is to be away from family. As you see, my uncle is almost never here..."
Licht had his eyes wide open, his frown gone. Mahiru's face got quite close to his as he spoke. He got immediatly all flustered when his gaze fell on his hand that the smaller boy was holding. Mahiru quickly let it go, mumbling an apology. It wasn't like him to get carried away like that.
Licht's expression had changed, his frown disapeared and his gaze was softer than Mahiru had ever seen. Seeing this new side of him made the housewife's heart beat faster. His natural caring nature wanted to hug him tight, but he held back, knowing that the pianist wasn't really the touchy person.
"I have an idea !" Mahiru said as he checked something on his phone. Licht raised an eyebrow in confusion. A few seconds later, Mahiru's eyes lit up with joy. "Here, come !" He grabbed Licht's hand again to drag him out of the apartment. "Wait, wha-" but too late, they were already out in the streets.
Mahiru was walking fast, very proud of his idea. Licht was almost having time to catch up, but his taller legs helped him. He was lightly blushing, as Mahiru didn't seem to have noticed he was still holding his hand.
But... that didn't bother Licht. It felt quite nice, actually.
"Soooo, where are we going ?" he asked, curious. "You'll see ! Trust me, you're gonna like it". "Okay okay, but slow down". Mahiru chuckled and apologised, walking slower. Probably still in the joy of his idea, he didn't let go.
They walked in silence in the streets. Licht took the opportunity to take a look around. He hasn't been in Japan for a long time so a lot of things still amazed an european like him. Even if he was used to travelling.
After a few more minutes, they arrived in a park. "We're soon there, don't worry !" Licht nodded, still wondering why Mahiru had taken him there. His sharp hearing heard music notes and he immediately raised his head, searching for the origin of the sound.
He followed Mahiru, who was leading them toward the song. That's when he noticed the piano with a few children around it playing random melodies out of tune. On the instrument was a sigh that said "Play Me !".
"Every now and then they put pianos in parks and on the streets. Since I don't have one in my flat, I figured I'd take you there ! Besides, I never really heard you play" Licht's eyes widened and Mahiru could see a small smile creeping on the pianist's lips. When the children went to play further, Licht rushed to the piano.
Mahiru sat on the grass next to him and listened to the song. He could hear Licht's passion when he played, and even if Mahiru could be easily impressed by musicians playing because he doesn't play an instrument himself, he could tell Licht was really talented.
He chuckled to himself when he remembered that Licht hated the word talent. That's true, he was a very hard working guy, and Mahiru couldn't help but admire him. This time, Licht was playing a joyful song, which filled his heart with warmth.
After a few minutes, a small crowd especially composed of children was around Licht, listening to his tunes. And this time Mahiru fully understood why people called him and angel of music. He studied his features and Mahiru couldn't help but have like a hundred butterflies in his stomach when he looked at him.
After another fifteen minutes, he stopped and let the children play again. Mahiru stood from the grass and they started walking home. Still in the park, Licht began "thank you, Mahiru. It really cheered me up playing the piano again. Could we come back tomorrow ?" The housewife chuckled a bit "of course we can. I mean, if we have time".
Licht smiled to himself. He took a deep breath and gathered his courage. He blushed and looked away as he slowly grabbed Mahiru's hand. The brunette blushed as well as he intertwined their fingers together.
They both walking in silence home, enjoying their last moments together before going back in the loud house with the Servamps. Maybe "friends" wasn't the good word for their relationship, after all.
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helltalia-inc · 4 years
I don't know if this counts, but anyway: The relationship between the fandom and real history is kinda... not good. I know that this has been discussed before and to be fair everything is better nowadays compared to some years ago, but I feel like there's still work to be done. I'm saying this because back in my teen years I was really into Hetalia and the way the fandom (and ofc the show itself) portrayed real history messed up my perception of geopolitics, identities and ideologies pretty bad. It's a dark period of my life that I will never forget, as I went as far as bonding with people who would hurt me because of my ethinicity if they had the oportunity and other bad memories in general. Anyway, I know it's a little too much to expect the Hetalia fandom (a fandom that is almost completely composed of young people) to be mindful of how the show interacts with real history (the show itself has a lot to blame and I don't expect it to change much). I just want to express my concern.
All that being said, I hope to see everyone from the fandom having a good time with the anime's new season! Sorry for rambling :)
Feel free to ramble as much as you want! This is a matter that even if "it's not like it used to be"... It is something that still happens and can be improved. There's always space to improve!
Moreover I know how you feel... Probably one of the most stupidest things that some Hetalia fans remembered to do as GUESS/ASSUME my ethnicity and try to use it against me. And when I say "stupid" that is because I want to keep this page friendly.
Thanks for sharing 🍓
From simple History classes, you can see how inaccurated is Hetalia... But I admit that we can always be so absorbed on the Anime/Manga that we end up losing the reason and some brain cells on the way.
Who never made a mistake? The problem is admitting it 😒 specially if you have people at your throat for that 😅 the only thing left is learn from it 😉
Funny thing is that as much we had fans that focused on the accurated history in Hetalia... We also had haters using that against us.
I guess, just like everything we have to chill and don't make such a big deal of everything.
Personally, I love to see content creators works with interesting curiosities (cultural/ historically accurated)... Still, you would never see me in an argument based on Historical facts. That's how I enjoy Hetalia, keeping those 2 things separated (short off).
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avijohann · 4 years
For the fanfic asks thing - have you ever written childhood friends to lovers? 🌸
Can’t say I have! It’s not a trope I’m usually interested in, but I can see the appeal.
If I were to write it, I guess I would take the “We haven’t seen each other since school and now you’re hot????”, or some variation of that. And it would be Johavi because that’s my main ship, what’s new.
I headcanon Johann as older than Avi so I really like the idea of Avi being the younger kid with a puppy crush on Johann, because when one’s a kid anyone at least a year older is automatically Cool™. By that same logic Johann finds Avi embarrassing, but he stands up for him in front of other older kids because deep down he considers Avi a friend, and no one makes fun of his friend.
Avi definitely asks Johann to marry him more than once, and Johann dismises him every time because ew cringe. (but he thinks it’s cute (if he wasn’t so embarrassed he’d probably say yes (but alas johann is emotionally constipated since childhood in this not-fic)))
Then they part ways, grow up, then meet again when they’re adults. Now Avi is hot, taller, and can fend for himself pretty well, while Johann is a starving artist, so their first full conversation is A Lot.
Avi: Ha ha remember when I used to ask you to marry me? Johann, dying inside: I have no idea what you’re talking about
Also while we’re here, since I love themes so much, I think I’d focus on the whole “Johann used to protect Avi, now Avi protects Johann” deal, BUT there will still be a moment when Johann protects Avi, and Johann is like “I didn’t do anything. I’m nothing special” but Avi would be like “You’ve always been special to me”
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vlovers19 · 5 years
My take on sweet night
Hello everyone, it's been quite a while since I did any analysis but I'm back mainly because of this new song of Taehyung's that's causing quite a stir in the vmin fandom. First of all, the title of the song is sweet night and before I begin, I would want to point out two things I observed while listening deeply to the lyrics of this song. There are two Taehyungs. Taehyung of the past and Taehyung of the present who are experiencing two very different and conflicting feelings.
Let's take a close look at the lyrics.
Verse 1
On my pillow
Can't get me tired
Sharing my fragile truth
That I still hope the door is open
Cause the window opened one time with you and me
Now my forever is falling down
Wondering if you'd want me now
Taehyung is sharing a part of his fragile truth with us while laying his head on his pillow figuratively. To him, he missed a chance at a relationship with someone and now he regrets missing that chance.
That I still hope the door is open
Cause the window opened one time with you and me
There is the mention of door and window
When he talks about an open window, I think he's talking about a secret love. Why did I say so? Jumping through a person's window is typical of couples who are in a secret relationship where they don't intend to be found out. They can't afford to walk through the door and be public about their relationship. This window (oportunity) used to be open to Taehyung and this person. There was a time they had the chance to be together in secret but for some reason, that didn't happen and now, Taehyung hopes that at least now, the door is open for them. That they could at least have another chance even if they can't be together because he's in despair. He's confused. He doesn't know if the other would still want him. Apparently, Taehyung feels like it's his fault things turned out the way it did. He is blaming himself for not seizing the opportunity.
Then we have the chorus
How could I know
One day I'd wake up feeling more
But I had already reached the shore
Guess we were ships in the night night night
The chorus gives us an idea as to why Taehyung let the opportunity pass.
How could I know one day I'd wake up feeling more
He was oblivious to how deep his feelings for this person went. There is mention of more. This shows that he did have feelings but he didn't feel it was enough for him to go further with this person until one day, he realized that he actually felt something deeper but unfortunately, he had reached the shore. His journey had come to an end. The opportunity had passed. It was too late and this person had probably moved on from him after accepting the fact that they couldn't be together but now, Taehyung regrets it, using the words. We where ships in the night.
When we refer to the phrase ships in the night, it could mean two star crossed lovers who met, fell in love after they encountered each other for a little while only to part and never reunite again. Now, Taehyung sees him and this person to be in this situation. They met, fell in love but missed an opportunity to be together.
Now, verse two is where things get really interesting.
I'm wondering, are you my best friend?
Feels like a river is rushing through my mind
I wanna ask you if this is all just in my head
My heart is pounding tonight
I'm wondering if you are too good to be true
And would it be alright if I pulled you closer?
This is present Taehyung and how he's currently feeling.
Are you my best friend? From this, it's clear Taehyung is confused about his friendship with this person asking if the person is his best friend. In other words, are they still close? Can they still consider themselves best friends?. Just from this particular lyric, I somehow feel Taehyung is referring to Jimin whom we all know is his best friend. He has never publicly referred to anyone else other than Jimin as his best friend despite the number of friends he really has.
Feel like a river is rushing through my mind. This simply means confusion. He's confused because something has happened between them and he doesn't know what to make of it.
I wanna ask you if this is all just in my head. He feels like whatever is happening feels unreal and that it's too good to be true considering what happened between them. All the more reason why I feel this song has to do with Vmin's complicated relationship. I once wrote about Jimin's promise where he was struggling to be with the person he likes but despite all his struggle, it didn't work out. He had no other choice but to give up. It coincided with Taehyung's song Scenery where he regretted loosing someone and was desperate to have that person back. This song Sweet night seems to be on the same path as scenery where Taehyung regrets loosing someone and is desperate to have that person back.
However at present, there's a glimpse of hope because he sees a change in their relationship. He is questioning things. He's questioning the state of their friendship. He's confused because whatever is happening seems too good to be true. After all, they where ships in the night. Lovers with no hope of reuniting.
My heart is pounding tonight. This is a feeling of anxiousness and anxiety. He is unsure of what is happening between them or what is going to happen.
And would it be alright if I pulled you closer? He wants to get closer but he is afraid of doing so. He isn't sure if it would be okay if he gives in to his desires considering their past because he's afraid of total rejection even though things might seem better. In other words, total confusion.
Now, we are unaware of when Taehyung wrote this song but I think he had been writing it even before friends was released. I'm also sure Jimin must have known about this song since Taehyung talks a lot about his feelings with him. This song may have even led to Jimin producing friends. Friends takes us to all the beautiful and yet ugly memories vmin have had together. It shows their desire to improve their relationship and stay together forever. Jimin personally produced friends while Sweet night was a song Taehyung wrote and personally produced himself. For something so personal, it must have been a song that took quite a while to write exploring his dynamic feelings. It wasn't just a song that came so suddenly.
In summary, to me, sweet night is a sad love song. A song that talks about missing opportunities and lost longing love with just a single glimmer of hope that things might change. Obviously, this isn't a normal relationship. It's about a sad painful love that almost has no future. Simply heartbreaking. Thanks so much for reading.
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omg-just-peachy · 5 years
I love your writing so much! I check your blog almost daily to see if you've posted a new fic or spinnet. Would love to read a longer fic from you if you ever do something like that. In the meantime, I can't pass up the oportunity to send you a prompt, so: 20, "Kissing in a stairwell, giving them an artificial height difference", with Tony having the advantage over Steve for once.
Ahhh thank you so much!! There are a few longer things on my AO3, but for the most part longer things take me ages and I distract myself with things like this! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ANYWAY. I am not surprised that this was one of a few requests for this one, because Tony is SMOL and sometimes he wants to be…TOL.
20. A kiss in a stairwell, creating an artificial height difference. (from this kiss list!)
“So… come here often?” Tony asks suggestively at the sound of the stairwell door opening.
“Only when I get sketchy messages saying to come here ASAP,” Steve says, smiling as Tony wraps his arms around him and pulls him in. 
“Not sketchy, Steven, I just missed you, is that the worst thing in the world?” He presses warm kisses to Steve’s neck with every word, a move he knows will absolve him of any and all crimes.
“The worst? Mmm, no. But it’s not nice when you say things like ASAP, emergency, and dying in the same sentence. It’s just common courtesy not to worry your boyfriend, Tony.” Steve gets that little wrinkle between his eyebrows, the one he always got when Tony did something he found particularly insane. The Look would probably be a lot more effective if Tony didn’t find it so endearing. 
“Fine, fine, I guess that’s fair. I just wanted to say hi and I love you and all these meetings are killing me.” Tony pouts.
“Even I can’t argue with you on that one,” Steve admits, running a hand through his hair. “Today feels endless. But I’ll see you for dinner, right?”
“That’s about all that’s getting me through this day,” Tony nods, looking at his watch. “Seven-ish? Shit, I have to go, Pepper’s calling me, probably wondering where I went, which means she’s minutes from finding me.”
Steve laughs. “Far be it from me to incite her wrath.” He pretends to shudder and pulls Tony in for a long, tight hug before letting him go. “Go, I love you. Five more hours.”
“Wait!” Tony is halfway up the stairs when he turns, Steve already retreating in the opposite direction, a few steps below Tony now. 
“Yeah?” Steve turns, blue eyes lighting up. 
“Forgot something,” Tony says, pulling Steve in by the neck for a kiss that’s long and sweet and full of promises for later. 
“That’s not fair,” Steve grumbles when they break apart. 
“They don’t call me a genius for nothing,” Tony remarks with a raised eyebrow. “Hey, is this how you always feel?” He gestures between them. “It’s nice up here.”
Steve laughs. “You’re delaying the inevitable,” he points out. 
Tony kisses him again. “Someone doesn’t like being the short one for the first time ever.”
“I don’t know, it’s not working out so bad,” Steve says, reaching up and bringing their lips together for another quick kiss. They smile at each other, stupidly sappy until the distant click, click, click of heels brings them back to reality. They leap apart, both heading back to meetings and commitments, the promise of later propelling them forward.
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oneemotionalblender · 4 years
Steve Rogers x Reader- Dance
Here's another one , yay <3
Steve POV
I was sitting at my bed , staring at nothing . God , life was so easier before .  I was visiting Peggy's grave yesterday . I think I'm ready . To move on . To live again . Maybe , just maybe , I have a chance of being happy again .
I stretched my arms and looked at the clock . Five am . I jumped out of the bed , changed into my training clothes , grabbed a water bottle and made my way out of the compound , for my everyday morning run .
It was sunrise , and the sky was painted beautiful shades of rosy pink , orange  and baby blue . Looks like an amazing day is ahead of us . I came to one of my favorite parks and slowed down a little . I looked around myself . People who are rushing into work with coffee in one hand , and phone in other , probably talking to their other halfs , to pick up kids  after lunch . Dog lovers with their pets running in front of them . Some people on bicykles , some roller-skating , and some are skateboarding . I see one or two younger couples , just enjoying the time they have . I smile to myself as I remember the old times . Bucky flirting with all girls , who were crazy about him , constantly trying to get me to date someone . The good old times . I miss them .
In the distance , I see older couple , maybe around 70 years . They are holding on to each other , as if nothing else mattered . Talking and smiling , feeding pigeons as they did . They looked so happy . So peacefully . As I was watching them , they saw me and smiled . And in that moment I knew . I want that sometime . I can't save the world forever . I want a normal life . Well as normal as I can have it . Guess , we'll just have to wait and see what life has prepared for us .
I ran into some fans , took some photos , signed some things and stopped for coffee . I looked at my phone and saw that it's already six . Better head back to the compound and have some breakfast.
-time skip-
After breakfast , I've gone grocery shopping , and than training . As I was cleaning the mess I made , Bucky walked in with a smile on his face .
" Hey Buck . " I smiled at my best friend .
"Hey , listen ... I know you're Captain America and your life is all about "GoD bLeSs AmErIcA" and "LaNgUaGe" , but it's been sooo long since we've done something together , and there's this new bar opened just nearby , and guess what , it's 40s themed !" Bucky rumbled at the speed of light . Maybe this could be an oportunity to try to live again .
"And I know you're gonna say that you have responsibilities and-"
"Ok." I cut him off .
"Wait , what ?"
"Ok , let's do it ."
"Are you serious ?! Okay , go get ready . We're leaving at 8 ." I chucled at my best friend . Just like the old times ....
When we arrived to the bar , we were met with dim lighting and people dancing . It really was 40s themed . Bucky has authomatically found some girl to flirt with so I made my way to get a drink . And that's when I saw her . A beautiful girl , no woman . Her Y/H/C hair were gently braided in an elegant updo , her beautiful Y/E/C eyes reflected the lighting , her perfect rosy lips were curled upwards in a gorgeous smile that could outshine thousands of stars . She was perfect .  And then she looked at me and I froze .
Your POV
I looked at my phone . Only 5 minutes until my shift ends . I smiled to myself as I made a drink for random customer . I could feel eyes at me and when I looked to my right , a tall , insanely handsome man was looking at me . He had a dirty blonde hair and piercing blue eyes . And then I figured it out . HOLY SHIT IT'S CAPTAIN AMERICA INFSDHNNKD !!! Oh no , he's looking at me . Fuck , what am I supposed to do . Ok Y/N , chill . Play it cool . I looked at the clock and saw that while I was talking here to myself , my shift ended . I swiftly took off my apron , as I made my way over to him because , duh , I'm a fangirl , I need my pictures .
"Good evening , miss ..." Ok , act cool .
"O-Oh , umm Y/N ." Yeah girl , that's the definition of 'act cool'. I mentaly facepalmed . Ok , here we go .
"Um , I'm sorry to bother you but , could you maybe , take a picture with me please ?" I'm a mess . He chuckled . Good God , Y/N stop swooning about him .
"Of course , but could I maybe , I don't know , buy you a drink ?" I blushed and screamed internaly . Is he seriously asking to buy me a drink ? If he would told me to jump off a roof I would do it .
"U-Um yes , please ." WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT Y/N ?!
We made our way over to the bar , he bought me a drink and we started talking . He was actually awesome , kind and a true gentlemen . Not to mention he was extremely good looking .
"So you're from around here ?" He asked me , with his deep , velvet voice .
"Yes , actually my apartment is just above the bar ." GOD DAMMIT Y/N THAT SOUNDED SO WRONG .
"Oh , ok ." Now you've scared him off , great . Just great .
"Oh , um look , I was wondering if , maybe , and you totally don't have to , you know what this was a stupid idea . Forget about it ." What is he trying to say ?
"Chill , it's okay . Anyways , just ask me anything ." Breathe Y/N , breathe .
"Wouldyoumaybewanttogooutwithmeitotallyunderstandifyousayno-" What the hell ?
"I don't understand a word you're saying , breathe . Slow down ." I chucled . He took a deep breath .
"Would you want to go out with me ?" Wait did he just-? OMG he did . Ok Y/N keep yourself together  . Be chill .
"Yes , I would like that very much ." Ok , that was actually good .
"Really ?! I-I mean cool , cool ." I smiled . Adorable . He's like a happy puppy . Snap out of it Y/N .
"Can I have your number ?" He was more relaxed now .
"Yep , give me your phone ." Did you just said yep to Steve Rogers ? Yes . Yes you did .
I wrote my number to his phone . I looked at the clock and realized , that it's already late , and I have an early shift tomorrow .
"I really loved this evening , but I must be going . I have work tomorrow . Text me !" I winked at him from distance . What the hell Y/N ?! Why would you do that ?
As I was leaving the place , I heard distant shouting .
"WOOO GET SOME STEVIE !!!" I chuckled and looked at Steve . He was bright red .
Who knows ? Maybe this could be something good .
Okk , yeah . This request was fun to write . If you have some ideas , I take 'em .
Love youu <3
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gojos-eyedrops · 4 years
Perhaps The One Thing I Actually Regret
Disclaimer: trigger warnings include: depression, eating disorders and suicide. I guess PTSD as well even though its not explicitly mentioned, it is implied.
Hello, my (nick)name is Fry, I'm 23 and I'm a year away from graduating from Vet School. This information is important, I'm not just offering my presentation card.
So, quarantine *claps* the big amount of time I've had ever since...elementary(?) And ofc I've had plenty of time to do a lot of things I've wanted to do, as well as procrastinating others *avoids looking at the pile of unread books in my room* and pretty much my favorite hobby has been catch up on manga, watch anime I've had in my queue for ages.
This is where Haikyuu comes in.
You see, I used to play volleyball in high school. I did a lot of things growing up (horse riding, basketball, kick boxing) Volleyball was the one sport I did for the longest time and the one I enjoyed the most. At the time, my life what a shit show. School hours where the worst, I hated all of my classes, I was friends with probably the two most toxic people I've ever met, my self esteem was 8 ft underground, I had an eating disorder and at some point, I was suicidal. I am ot lying when I say I can hardly remember 50% of my time in highschool. (Chronic stress, man)
However, one thing I do remember was the time I spent training volleyball. I remember each and every face from the team, I remember which faces were good at what and their positions (I always sucked at names akdjsjf except for Patricia 😭💕 my first girl crush and coming out story, but thats another topic for another day), I even remember this guy I had a crush on who wasn't on the team, but his sister was and she she drived so he'd wait for her during her training before returning home. I remember the coaches and how they all were related (grandfather, father and son!), I remember getting crazy excited when i bought my first volleyball and knee pads. I still remember the entire 40 minute warm up, step by step.
Clearly, these two hour training, three times a week was the best part of my week during highschool. So much I actually had a generous lunch before training despite my eating disorder bugging me. I liked to train and actually hated it when my blood sugar got low and had to take a break from training.
Because of reasons, I couldn't keep going training and playing with that team (which was outside of school) so I decided to join the shoool team. The coach was this crazy strict woman, I never felt so fit in my life, her training was HELL and I loved it. However, in my last year of highschool, they switched coaches, and this new coach was an asshole.
I was a setter, and was the tallest girl in the team and also left handed. However, I was a terrible, awful, spiker. I could not spike decently to save a life. So all those three years I was a setter and/or defense. Until this asshole insisted that I became a spiker because I'm left handed. (If you dont know, left handed spikers are an advantage since all blockers are used to block right handed people, left handed players are always a surprise and is hard to adjust during the first minutes of match)
He'd constantly yell at me for my terrible spiking capacities (which i warned him of) and never allowed me to be a setter. I was a depressed and an angry mofo teenager, I left the team.
And since, I haven't joined a team again.
Now, university. You see, vet school is...not as busy as I'd thought. But I had all this burnout, I cut ties with this toxic people, and was trying to heal myself from all the damage I did to myself on highschool. I was antisocial and liked to be alone with my one friend, who's also a socially awkward mess. I had the opportunity to join the volleyball team and I didnt because I still resented this asshole coach.
And by the time I actually wanted to enjoy my university years, vet school had become busy enough. Not because of the homework (a little bit, yes), but because we were constantly visiting farms all around the state. I barely spend time on campus by this point (leaving little Miss quarantine aside).
So, I started watching Haikyuu, and kid you not, I felt this huge regret of not joining the team when I could. I somehow had burried all those good memories in my head and watching haikyuu made me remember why I loved volleyball so much.
I go out to the garden and empty street to play volleyball by myself, and sometimes with my boyfriend joins. Its very nostalgic and at the same time I feel really full and excited and happy. (And I am totally not crying while writing this ajdjsjf)
I should not have waited this long to watch haikyuu, and I should have joined the vb team when i had the chance. I still have a single term left (in case next term goes as normal) to do it, even if its for a single term, I'm gonna be very satisfied. (because my last term are professional practices, maybe I could if the doctor allows me to go training, the vet I already work at is a mile away from my school)
I rarely feel regret or remorse. I hate those feelings. I've always believed theres no point in regretting the past. Instead of letting those negative feelings make you feel bad, you should use them to sharpen your decision making and seek a way to make things better.
But this? I look back and realize I let an entire year (of enough free time at school) of actually enjoying what I like to do. Playing volleyball. And thinking about how the hourglass is slowly running out of sand makes me feel a little regret. Its time I'm never getting back. I let that oportunity slip like water through my fingers. It makes me wish I could turn back time and actually do something. Or tell Past!Fry to not be a whiny little bitch and go join the team despite liking her solitude and privacy.
I guess the reason why I am liking Haikyuu so much is precisely that emotional connection to volleyball and what it meant playing it. The memory of having to whole hours of me not worrying about my demons. Two hours in which I was completely able to fly freely. And I'm already crying way too much, I'm gonna stop writing now before I flood the room sjdjsnjee
Sorry for the long post, but this is something that has been on my mind a lot. Thank you for bearing my emotional rant.
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lorencourtier · 4 years
Discord thread featuring: Loren & @davieslandon​
Mentions: @romanbeckett @aaronhart93
Where: Chamonix, France
When: June 21st.
Description: Landon comes to visit Loren in France and they have a deep conversation about things.
Trigger Warnings: Light smut.
Loren Loren was so exited to see Landon when he had finally arrived. Waiting for his flight to get in felt like some form of torture he could barely endure. That feeling was long gone now though. As he stood behind his boyfriend sending him a text to turn around. He could barely contain himself from just running and jumping  onto the others back. Once he turned though, his restraint was gone. He was running straight into Landons arms and wrapping himself around him in a pool of kisses. “I’m so happy you are here. I’ve missed you so much! How was your flight?”
Landon Landon was texting Loren as soon as he arrived, his excitement over getting to see him again taking over him. Even though it wasn't that long since they last saw each other, Landon still found himself missing him a lot. Just his luck that the moment he got himself a boyfriend he really liked, the other had to leave to the other side of the world. He knew that some would think he's mental for going all the way to France to spend a few days with Loren but he'd been saying he needed a holiday for a while and this seemed like the perfect oportunity,  especially with most of his friends leaving Kingsboro for their own holidays. He frowned in confusion when he got the text and turned around. The frown was quickly replaced by a wide grin though when he saw Loren standing right behind him. "You're here!" Landon hugged him back, happily kissing him back. "I missed you too. The flight was long but it was fine." He carefully left out the part where he spent the majority of his flight thinking over and over again about Loren's text saying he loved him. "How are you doing?"
Loren Loren could barely tear himself away from his boyfriend to actually let him answer his question. But when he finally did he smiled widely. He was so happy to see Landon that he had practically forgotten about how sad he had been the last few days. “Oh yeah, it was definitely too long” he agreed with a nod of his head. “I’m okay. I’m just glad that you’re here now.” Loren didn’t want to get into all the sad details the second Landon landed. But he figured he could always fill him in later. “You wanna go grab some food? There’s this cute little dinner just down the way that makes the best Steak frites, Relais de l'Entrecôte” he smiled. Taking Landons hand into his own he brought it up to his lips for a kiss.
Landon Landon was going to ask Loren about his grandma but then figured it was better to wait until later. Considering how the situation was before he left for France, he didn’t think there could be much improvement and he didn’t want to ruin the good mood already. Not to mention that having some food sounded like the best idea ever considering he was starving. “I’m happy I’m here as well. And food sounds amazing right now. I can’t remember the last time I had steak frites. Lead the way.” He smiled when his boyfriend took his hand in his. These were the little things he missed while Loren was away.
Loren Once Landon had agreed to her food, Loren took his bag from him. Flinging it over his shoulder and leading him to his car. “You’re gonna love this place, babe. It’s so good” he boosted. Opening the passenger side door for his boyfriend once they reached his vehicle and kissing his cheek before letting him get in. Once he made his way around the car, he placed the bags in the backseat and got in himself. Holding his hand all the way to the their destination while making small talk about Elle and what he had been up to.
Landon Landon thought that it didn’t really matter where they went, he just cared about having Loren’s company and he was going to say just that but didn’t, for fear of sounding way too cheesy. Not that it would have been hard to believe, he did travel all the way to France to spend time with his boyfriend. He got in the car and put his seatbelt on, waiting for Loren to put all his stuff in the bag. It wasn’t until they were driving to the restaurant and talking about the small things that he realised just how much he missed him in the past week. They talked over text and FaceTime but this was different. He just loved how easy things were between them, craving this sort of simplicity. There were a few times when he almost asked if Loren was enjoying his time in France and he would have to remind himself that his boyfriend wasn’t here on holiday like he was. “I missed you, you know”, he said when there was a lull in conversation.
Loren When Landon expressed that he had missed him once again, a genuine smile graced his features. He really did miss Landon too, more than he could probably even put into words. "I missed you too, boyfriend" he grinned. The word still making him feel all giddy inside. Bringing Landons hand to his lips for a kiss before pulling into the parking lot. Putting the car in park, Loren leaned over the center console to Kiss his boyfriends cheek. "You ready to get some grub? I wanna hear more about what you've been up to, too" he smiled. Unable to take his eyes off of Landon now that he was finally sitting there beside him.
Landon Sometimes Landon was still shocked by the knowledge that he actually had a boyfriend now. He was so sure that he would never have a stable relationship again after the divorce that he still couldn't believe he got over his fears enough to get together with Loren. Whatever happened to push him over that fear, he couldn't be more grateful for it. It got him a caring and attentive boyfriend who never failed to try his utmost to make him happy. Landon nodded, looking forward to trying out the steak frites Loren had previously mentioned as well as getting the chance to talk freely without driving getting in the way. "Lead the way", he said as soon as he got out of the car, smile never leaving his face.
Loren Getting out of the car he practically skipped to the other side to meet Landon. He was still so giddy about seeing him and it definitely showed. The week had been hell before he had arrived, but now it was like none of it even mattered. Which was a good thing, because Loren could tend to get very depressed at times. Grabbing his boyfriends hand once again he led him into the dinner and found an empty booth. Sliding in beside him instead of across from him because he wanted to stay close. “So, hows Elle? Are things going okay with you and Roman? Or Aaron?” Of course Loren didn’t know all the details about everything and he didn’t expect to learn them now. But he wanted to make sure Landon was okay. He wanted him to be happy and he would do anything to make sure he was.
Landon Landon appreciated that his boyfriend sat in the booth next to him, rather than in front of him. It gave him a sense of closeness and also made him feel like he could talk a little more openly. “Elle’s doing great, she’s so excited to have her dad back that I didn’t have much option than to ask him to look after her while I’m here. I’m a little worried about that but I’m trying not to be”, he shrugged. He left out the part where he asked Avery and Monroe to check up on her, not wanting to sound like an overbearing father. He usually wasn’t but the situation was different. He tended up at the mention of Aaron and Roman but he tried to smile through it. “Kind of? Things are going well with Ronan and Aaron too I guess. It’s just a little weird, that’s all. But we’re all on holiday right now so maybe that’s just what we needed. You know what I mean?” He didn’t want to upset Loren talking about them but at the same time it felt good...it was nice to know he could be open with him about something like this.
Loren It wasn’t hard for Loren to tell that Landon has a lot of built up shit inside of him. He just wished he could get him to open up and let it all out. If there was anyone he could be safe doing so with, he hoped it would be him. There wasn’t anything this man could say to change the way he felt about him. “I understand. You’re a good father, of course yours gonna worry. It’s only natural.” Loren places his hand on Landons knee as his other arm rested on the back of the booth behind him. He wanted to be as close as possibly, taking in his boyfriends beautiful blue eyes. “Well, I’m glad to hear that. Not that it’s awkward. But that things are okay. You can always talk to me about it if you want. I just wanna be here for you” he assured. Maybe a holiday was all the three needed. But he could tell Landon was still very stressed out about it all. “You know I’m not the jealous type right?” he asked with grin. Trying to relax his boyfriend so he knew he didn’t have to worry or watch what he said around him.
Landon Deep down Landon knew he could talk to Loren about this and that he wasn’t the jealous type, but sometimes it’s easier said than done. He was terrified of scaring his boyfriend away once he realised how messed up his life got sometimes. But did he really want to start off their relationship, which was still so new, based on lies? Landon knew that if it was the other way round he would want to know about something like this. “I know and I want to talk to you about it, I really do. But I’m scared”, he admitted. Wasn’t it worth trying though? “The truth is...I’m pissed. And it’s not about jealousy like some people want to make it sound. Or at least it’s not just jealousy. I was fine with Roman being with Khai and Jaycee, still am. But Aaron’s my best friend. And first he said it was just hooking up, then he said he would stop. Then all of a sudden they’re in love and now...I don’t even know what they’re doing now. I just feel so...betrayed. And I’m trying to be accepting and supportive because that’s what a best friend’s supposed to be like but Aaron didn’t really care about being a good best friend so why should I?” Landon bit his lip when he realised he’d just gone on an entire rant and he sighed, waiting and scared for Loren’s reaction.
Loren Loren gave Landons knee a soft squeeze when he said he was scared. He wanted him to know he didn’t have to be, and that he could trust him. Maybe he wouldn’t know the right words to say, or how to make it better. But he knew from experience, just getting shit off your chest definitely helped. “You don’t have to be scared. I’m not gonna go anywhere, Landon. I’m here for you” he assured. Pulling his bottom lip between his teeth as his boyfriend finally went off about it all. Damn, that was a lot to take in. But, Loren kept his attention on Landon the whole time. Listening to his words and his tone of voice. Fully aware that his boyfriend was hurting by it all. “I’m so sorry, Landon” he started off with. Even though he knew he wasn’t the one who should be apologizing. “It sounds like this Aaron guy doesn’t really care about anything much else than himself” he said honestly. He couldn’t wrap his head around how a friend could willingly hurt someone they cared about. Especially someone like Landon. “I think you just need to be honest with them. Tell them how you feel. It seems like that won’t stop what’s going on, considering it hasn’t already. But, they should know it’s not okay to lie to you or hurt you like that. You deserve so much better than that.  Maybe you just need to... I hate to say it.. but, maybe you just need to write them off for a while. I know Roman is a great guy and you’ve known him forever. But it sounds like maybe he’s more concerned with Aaron than he is with you at the moment. I’m so sorry to say that. But, fuck Landon, you are the most caring person I’ve ever met, and you deserve so much better.”
Landon It was such a relief that Loren was still there, sitting right next to him, after everything Landon said. Things weren’t magically better and he knew they probably weren’t going to be for a while but it was definitely a load off his chest. And it felt so good to finally have someone hear his side of things without it turning into some kind of argument and without any judgement. “I tried...you think I didn’t tell him it was fucked up when Aaron first told me they were hooking up? But then he needed my help and that turned to talking and...he’s my best friend. I don’t want to lose him and if he loves him I guess he can’t really control it? I don’t know. I have no idea what to even think anymore.” Being told that Roman might care more about Aaron than him hurt. He was one of the most important people in his life so of course it hurt. But he also couldn’t deny that Loren had a point. If he was as important to them as they were to him they wouldn’t be in this situation...right? Landon just wasn’t sure he could get himself to write them off. They were all he knew. “I’m really not as great as you think I am. I’ve done messed up shit as well.”
Loren ”I don’t know, Landon. I just see it like this... Aaron is your best friend, which means he new Roman was your ex before anything even happened right? So, if you know feelings are evolving, why even go there? It would be like me going after your ex husband” he said boldly. “You just don’t do that. But, I’m not trying to tell you what to do. You know what’s best for you, and you gotta handle it how you gotta handle it. I’m just simply giving you my opinion on it. I think you’re way hard on yourself... and with friends like that who could blame you? I don’t believe for a second your not as good as I think you are. What could you have possibly done so bad?” he asked, genuinely curious.
Landon “I don’t think he knew the Roman he was hooking up with was my ex and Roman didn’t realise Aaron was my best friend Aaron. Or at least, that’s what they told me”, he shrugged. Landon almost laughed at the mention of his ex husband since it reminded him of himself saying something similar to Aaron when he first found out about them hooking up. He knew he liked Loren so much for a reason, they were more similar than they thought. “They’re good people and they’ve been there for me through some of my toughest times. I think this is the first time they’ve really hurt me and I don’t want to cut them out over one mistake. But maybe this little break away from them both will help.” Landon was brought up short at his boyfriend’s question. Yet another thing he wasn’t proud of. “I kissed Roman’s boyfriend”, he finally blurted out.
Loren Loren couldn’t help but raise his brow in disbelief that they both supposedly didn’t know.  Did they pay attention to Landon at all? He had to have had pictures right? Whatever, it didn’t matter. If Landon wanted to forgive them, than Loren could certainly forgive them for hurting him too. Roman was a good friend of his as well, so he could understand at least why Landon wouldn’t want to write him off. As for Aaron, he had her to meet him. “I understand. I wasn’t trying to say write them off forever. Just you know, a break. Which you’re doing. Being here with me, right?” he smiled. Trying to keep the conversation light. He wanted Landon to know he was on his side and he validated  the way he felt. “Oh” he practically chuckled at his boyfriends next confession. He didn’t mean to cause obviously Landon was upset about it. But, he couldn’t help himself. “You’re such a rebel child” he teased. Reaching up and pinching his boyfriends cheek. “That’s not a big deal, Landon. I mean, yeah. Probably to Roman cause it was his boyfriend. But it’s not like you jumped in bed with him” he shrugged. “Kissing happens. Especially when drunk, I would know” he chuckled again. “I’ve done way worse than that. But you still love me right?” he mused. Grinning cheekily.
Landon “Definitely. I might not want to ignore them forever but I definitely needed a break. At least from seeing them in person since we still text sometimes.” Landon rolled his eyes at Loren’s reaction but he couldn’t really blame him. Looking back, kissing Khai wasn’t the end of the world like he felt it was at the time. It still made him feel like shit and there was still a certain shame around the knowledge that he kissed Roman’s boyfriend but it got a little less with everyday that passed. He still thought it made him in a worse off person than Loren seemed to think he was. Landon froze at the word love and it brought back all the nerves he experienced during the flight here after Loren said something similar over in their texts. Shit. “You got me there”, he said, trying to keep the joking tone they had going on.
Loren ”which is totally understandable” he nodded. His hand starting to caress Landons leg as he noticed him freeze for a moment. He wondered if he had just freaked him out saying that. But he didn’t get a chance to ask since the waitress decided to show up just then. “juste deux eaux s'il vous plaît. nous allons avoir besoin de quelques minutes de plus” he said, responding to the waitress. Turning his attention back to his boyfriend once she had darted off once again. “That doesn’t freak you out when I say that does it?” he asked. His eyes searching  Landons for a moment while he tried to read him.
Landon Landon was scared of the upcoming conversation but considering how nervous he was on the flight over, he knew it was something they needed to talk about. If they were in the middle of literally anything else Landon would have made a comment about Loren’s French and the things it did to him but he stayed silent and instead saved the moment in his memory to replay it again once they had a bit more privacy. “I don’t know...I guess it depends. Do you really mean it or are you teasing? When we were texting you...you kind of said you love me? And I wasn’t sure whether you were just joking or not.” Not that he knew what he was going to say if Loren wasn’t joking, is thoughts were going absolutely wild.
Loren Loren licked his lips as he listened to Landon speak. His heart was racing because he to was scared of what Landon might say. It had been so long since he had any type of feelings like these for anyone. Of course it was gonna be scary. “Of course I mean it” he said honestly. Parting his lips to speak again, but his heart nearly stopped when Landon brought up the text. “I uh... yeah, I did do that didn’t I?” he chuckled nervously. Rubbing his lips together as he continued to search Landons eyes with his own. He stayed quiet for a moment as he tried once again to read him. But there was no hiding it. He felt how he felt. It just scared him so much to actually say the words i love you out loud. Maybe because he had been rejected so many times. Or maybe because the dom he was with once upon a time told him to never say it. But, whatever the case. He still felt it. “I mean, sometimes the word just slips out teasingly. Kinda like I just did. But... “ he paused again and thought maybe he should just run to the bathroom or something to avoid this conversation. But it was too late, he had already opened his mouth. “I definitely think I could fall in love with you. The feelings are there for sure” he nodded. “But, it’s kinda hard to say just say it out loud without being... like, I don’t know, teasing I guess.” He hoped he was making sense because the way his hand was shaking against his boyfriends leg now. Probably made him look like a total noob.
Landon “Yeah, you kind of did”, he said but he smiled to show him he wasn’t upset about it. And he really wasn’t. Landon might be terrified out of his mind for what was to come and he never thought he would ever be in a position where falling in love again could be an option after Harry, but he wasn’t upset with Loren. He was actually really amazed that Loren felt something for him that could even be considered as love. Landon could tell that Loren was feeling really nervous over the conversation and his silence was probably not helping him out but he wanted to give him the space and time to really speak out his mind. So instead of saying anything, he put his hand on his boyfriend’s thigh and used his thumb to stroke it. “I don’t mind you saying it. I mean, I’m still a bit shocked that you even feel like that but...I’m kind of one the same boat? I don’t think I can actually say it yet, not the way you deserve to hear it. It’s all so soon and I keep thinking back on all my failed relationships in the past even though I know you’re not them. But I’m like you, in that I feel like I could definitely fall in love with you. And I’m a mess, I’m going to panic and I’m going to doubt myself but I really like you and I’m willing to work through all that together with you. If...if it’s something you think you could want, that is. And if you’re willing to wait.” Landon knew he was asking for a lot and that there was a lot he was making Loren wait for but he was hoping his boyfriend could be convinced.
Loren Landons hand on his thigh was actually really comforting. But, it didn’t stop his heart from pounding. If anything, it sped it up. Because all he wanted to do right now was jump on him and take him right there in the dinner. “Of course I’m willing to wait. I’d wait for you forever” he confessed. It wasn’t every day that he found someone who could make him fall as quickly as Landon did. He would be stupid to walk away over three little unsaid words. Especially when he knew the feelings were still there without them. Without even saying another word, Loren leaned in and kissed Landon softly. Savoring it for as long as he could as he poured all his feelings into his boyfriends lips. Pulling away only when the waitress reappeared with their glasses of water and asking once again if they were ready to order. “deux frites de steak et une bouteille de champagne. En outre, le ketchup. Nous ne pouvons pas oublier le ketchup” he grinned. Not even bothering to pull his eyes away from Landon as he ordered. She was gone with a nod of her head and Loren was leaning in to kiss his boyfriend once more.
Landon That was all Landon needed to hear. He didn’t know what was going to happen next and what awaited them in the future, but at least he knew that Loren was willing to wait for him until he was ready and that was so much more than Landon thought he could ever asked for. He was glad when Loren leaned in to kiss him as it’s exactly what he wanted from his boyfriend after listening to his words. When Loren pulled back and ordered for them, he listened with attention. Landon wasn’t the most fluent in French as he was much better in Italian but it was one of the languages he studied at school in his teen years so he could at least get the general gist of what Loren was saying. He pulled his boyfriend as close as he could and kissed him back, wanting to convey just how much he appreciated him with their kiss. “I haven’t forgotten what you promised, you know. Something about your ability to speak French and how much it...excites me.”
Loren Loren was practically sitting in Landons lap when he pulled him closer. His body curling into his boyfriends as he brought his hand up to cup his face. God, if they kept kissing like this. He was gonna end up with a boner right there. Oops, too late. Landons next words twisted the butterflies in his stomach and he was sunk. “Je suis très content que vous n'ayez pas oublié. Parce que tu me donnes envie de grimper sous cette table et de te sucer la bite” he grinned against Landons lips. His hand on his leg sliding up just close enough to really tease him.
Landon Landon could feel Loren’s hardness against his leg and he smirked. He knew they couldn’t do much in the middle of a restaurant and with the possibility of their food being brought out at any time but it was a nice thought and he a little something to get them by till they were all on their own. His conviction wavered when he heard the other’s words and he bit his lip to hold back a moan that would show Loren just how much he loved the thought of it. “If you keep talking like that I’m going to drag you the the bathroom right now and then we’ll end up eating a cold steak f-frites”, he teased, his voice breaking at the end from his boyfriend’s touch up his leg.
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wintersxsoul · 6 years
Fire Meets Gasoline (6)
Summary: You leave your city to start over in your best friend’s town, oblivious to the fact that you have an unexpected roommate. What will happen when fire meets gasoline?
Pairing: Loki x Female!Reader
Word Count: 1.5k-ish?
Warnings: I don’t really know, none I guess,
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“I loved it! But I only have one question. They couldn’t find rats so they used armadillos?” Loki asked confused. Of course you knew the answer, when you first watched the movie and saw the armadillos, you did your research.
“Well, apparently in the 20s and 30s, armadillos weren’t very common, so moviemakers would use them as a creepy, “demonic” animal.” He stared at you with a weird expression, and you started to panic, thinking that maybe you were being too much.
“I’m sorry, I just...I don’t know.” Loki saw the shift in your expression and the excitement glint in your eyes disappear. He couldn’t understand why you were apologizing but as soon as he studied in detail your body language, it clicked.
“How can you know that?” He wanted you to regain the enthusiasm you had while watching the movie and explaining to him the facts you knew. He looked at you, expectant, waiting for an answer.
“I was as shocked as you when I first saw it, so I did some digging.” You shrugged and remembered another fact. “Dracula also has a Jerusalem cricket as a pet, with its tiny little coffin and all.” You said in a laugh. You really loved knowing small facts about so many movies.
Loki’s phone buzzed on the small table in front of you. He stared at you a little longer, even though you weren’t speaking, and grabbed his phone.
“Hello?” He answered frowning but as soon as the other person spoke, his face lit up. You moved to stand up but he grabbed your wrist and stopped you. You looked at him confused.
“Yes, I know...Yes, she’s here...Right now?” Loki nodded and pressed the FaceTime button, showing Thor and Jane on the screen. You moved closer to Loki when he made a small movement with his head for you to get in the call.
“Hello Y/n!!” Both Jane and Thor said, waving at you enthusiastically. You smiled at them widely.
“Hello guys! How is everything going?” You asked, excited to finally being able to see your best friend after such a long time. Jane was talking about a project she was working on for NASA and Thor was just standing next to her, looking at her like she held the whole universe in her eyes. You felt your heart swell in your chest, happy tears for your friends threatening to fall.
“Enough of us. How are you two?” You shared a look with Loki, neither of you knowing what you could answer. After the conversation you had today, you knew things were going to be different, but you weren’t friends yet so you both just shrugged in order to answer.
“We are okay I guess? We haven’t killed each other, which is a great improvement, seeing how everything started.” You looked at Loki for his approval and you found him already looking at you, smiling in a friendly way.
“Well, isn't that oportune, babe?” Thor winked at Jane, both of them smiling widely. You looked at Loki to see his expression, but he was as clueless as you. If “????” could be spoken, Loki and you would probably be shouting it.
​”Guys, what the fuck is going on?” Loki finally asked, since Thor and Jane were just giggling, not able to speak.
“We are getting married!” Thor said as Jane raised her left hand to show her engagement ring. You stared at the screen in awe, tears rolling through your cheeks.
Loki was looking at you, knowing he was out of sight of Thor and Jane, spilling happy tears for his brother.
“And we want you to be the groomsman and the bridesmaid.” You spoke on the phone with them a little longer until they had to hang up.
You couldn’t believe you had to go to Norway with Loki. The wedding was 1 year away but knowing how you two were around each other, could you actually trust nothing bad was going to happen?
A couple of days after Thor’s call, you were laying in your bed half asleep, when your alarm went off. Your vacations were over and you had to go back to your insane routine. You dragged your feet to the kitchen to brew some coffee and as you waited for it to be ready, a message popped in.
Unknown number: Hello Y/n, it’s me, Eric. I don’t know what happened to you, but I tried to call you and I even went to your house, but your parents told me you left and changed your phone number.
I really miss you and all the things we used to do together. I miss my friend. Do you remember when we used to fuck all day long? I really do.
I just wanted to remind you that whenever you want to come back or just have sex, I’ll be here.
A sob escaped your lips, breaking the silence of the room. You couldn’t believe what  your eyes just read. After he used you, played with your feelings and made you fall in love with him through manipulation, put all your group of friends against you by lying, he had the fucking audacity to talk to you and ask you to basically have sex again with him. He told all your friends you were talking shit behind their backs, when in reality, it was him who did that. You explained yourself but they all rejected you, so you left, with a broken heart. You lost a fake love you thought it was real and friendships that you thought they were going to last forever. Eric was still oblivious to all the pain he’d caused and you were just a coward who couldn’t confront the truth, which was that he never cared for you, not in the slightest, he just cared about him and his dick.
You decided not to answer and block the number, so he couldn’t text you or call you again. You got dressed, wearing a cute floral shirt and high waisted black jeans, your hair up in a messy bun and a dark red lipstick. You were ready to face the night with a newfound strength.
The Blood Moon was full, the usual customers already drunk as fuck, half asleep on the overused leather barstools. Loki was around the bar as well, flirting with a redhead. You shook your head, smiling at the sight of your friend being a total flirt. You were so happy you fixed things with him a couple of weeks ago and now got to call him friend, happy to finally have someone to talk at night about everything and watching your favorite movies together. The last movie you had seen together was one of your absolute favorite ones, called Only Lovers Left Alive, and he loved it so much he even suggested to watch it once a month. After all your failed friendships, you believed you finally had a second chance with Val, Thor and Loki.
“What is a girl like you, doing in a place like this?” You turned around rolling your eyes at the comment but letting out a chuckle.
“Waiting for someone like you, of course.” You winked at Loki while you poured his favorite mix in a tall glass and handing him a free shot.
“Are you coming home tonight?” He asked, probably trying to avoid having sex with someone while you were there with someone else as well. You shrugged and answered.
“Haven’t found my prey yet. I’ll text you to let you know, okay?” He nodded and smiled at you, pointing with his head at the redhead and moving through the sea of people to reach her.
A couple hours later, a few shots and a new arm to cling to, you texted Loki to let him know you were headed home and be there in 20 minutes.
Loki: Cool, she’s already asleep so no prob. I will use my noise cancelling headphones. Have a good night.
“Hey...hey?” You shook Tyler’s arm, trying to wake him up so he could leave.
“Tyler?” You tried again and again, but nothing woke him. You sighed and left your room, wrapped in a blanket with your cozy socks, ready to sleep on the couch.
You entered the living room silently, trying not to wake up everyone else.
“Hello?” you asked, as you heard someone in the room.
“Hey, it’s just me.” Loki said as he sat down on the couch with a book on his hands. You plopped down next to him and wrapped the blanket closer to your body.
“Can’t sleep?” You kind of whispered him. He nodded and opened the book. He was reading... Shakespeare??!!
“What about you?” He asked, not even looking up from his book. He was wearing glasses, a black shirt and grey sweats, his hair in a very messy braid.
“The jerk fell asleep and I can’t wake him up, so I was planning on sleeping on the couch.” You shrugged, trying to play the matter down, but it didn’t work.
“And you can’t sleep there?” You shook your head and began explaining him why.
“That’s why you panicked when we slept together?” You nodded, embarrassed. “I’m so sorry I was such an ass, I didn’t know it held so much meaning to you.”
“It’s fine, you didn’t know it and it was unintentional.” You told him, really meaning it.  
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isas-identity · 6 years
Lance Vs Shiro: Same ending??
Or what I like to call: Why you should be more mad about Lance’s ending than Shiro’s ending in the clusterfuck called “Voltron’s horrible writing”.
Shiro and Lance had very similar endings in the last episode of Voltron, to put it in simple words: They decided to live a quiet life after the war.
This is kinda long, so i will add everything under the cut, i just want to say sorry for any gammar mistakes beforehand.
How, Lance decided to live in a farm with his family and “Surround himself with The Things He Loves”. Meanwhile Shiro got last-minute married with a dude and “Found his happiness and left the War Efforts Behind”. There’s been a LOT of negative reactions from the fans though, because these endings seemed lazy, out of character, etc. But there’s always a big difference in the spectrum:
People who are upset over Shiro marrying a “nobody” who talked like 2 times, and after Shiro being so happy being the captain and leader of the ATLAS, was being pushed aside to live a quiet life, dont care about Lance’s ending.
People who are upset about Lance’s lackluster ending of working on a farm after being clear about his liking of adventure, giving him a clearly racist ending, and never forgetting or moving on from Allura, don’t mind Shiro’s.
Though they DO think the other’s ending wasnt executed nicely, they don’t think the ending itself is bad per se.
And i know it’s been almost a month since VLD finished, but i found myself wondering why is that i am madder about Lance’s ending tha Shiro’s. So let’s break it down point to point and compare them.
When we get to the time-skip, before the explanations of what happenned in the rest of their lifes, we see:
Shiro working as an embassador between planets, still a captain of the ATLAS, traveling through the universe to try and unify planets alongside Hunk who uses his food to help leaders see eye-to-eye.
Lance talking to some kids, telling them about Allura’s sacrifice, and telling them he now works and lives helping out on a farm.
Wich, together with their end cards, gives us the conclutions that:
After their last fight with honerva, Shiro was still Captain of the ATLAS for a few years, he married and decided to retire. We do not know if he married BEFORE or AFTER retiring though. Also, we do not know if he kept working or not after his retirement, since it was only said that he left the “War efforts behind and found happiness”. You can see a lot of things happened during his life as he moved on though.
Even if we, as audience didn’t see it, Shiro spent a few years dating his husband before marrying him, and event though it was pulled out of nowhere as a band-aid, it didn’t felt rushed since it was something that happenned years down the line and out-of-camera. So we are left without any kind of opinion about his relationship with his husband. This also means he spent more time as a captain of the ATLAS than some people seem to believe.
After their last fight, Lance retired from being a paladin and started working on his family’s farm, who suddenly have a family farm,before the war was even completely gone. And then he...kept working on his farm and sometimes talked to little kids about Allura.... thats about it.
It is not said if he “found love” or “happiness” or did anything else than farm and plant junniberries.
Their struggles before retirement:
Now, In this one we need to take a minute to compare these two characters during the show.
There are two things people say when discussing about their endings: “He loved adventure, it was his dream to pilot!! why the heck would he retire!!!!” and the more understanding “Well, he went through a LOT during the war, maybe he had enough and wants to take it easy from now on!".
                  Let’s start with the “They want adventure!” point:
Starting off with Shiro, they say: “He left his fiance because he wanted to be in space that bad! he didnt care if he died!” But i think people misunderstand some things about Shiro in this regard, principally: he was fucking dying.
Shiro had an illness that would leave him unable to move his body before it killed him.
He wanted to prove himself, and go to space, before his body stopped working.
He wanted to leave his mark on history, before he was bound to be stuck on a wheelchair unable to even go to the bathroom, cook or dress himself, so he had something left behind.
So i think people are misplacing his “wanting adventure”, it was more of a cry to wanting to do something with his life before being a vegetable. He was scared of getting nothing done and live his life never doing anything that amounted to anything. Afterwards this problem was solved, wich is not to say he wasn’t happy being apointed being the new captain of the ATLAS and traveling the universe. He WAS. He is a responsible leader and he deserved that position, but he never gave up being a captain after the fight with honerva, again, he was the captain for a few years before retiring when he chose to.
Now, going to Lance’s side, now this kid DID love adventure, breaking the rules, attention, etc. During the series you could see:
Him sneaking out of the Garrison and breaking rules.
Getting inside of alien ships and proceeding to pilot them before the others could finish reacting to seeing an alien ship for the first time.
whooping and hollering while flying in battle.
Actually looking very happy to help others and not backing down at the oportunity to do so.
and that was... like, in the first 3 episodes.
       Now to the “They went through a LOT, they want a quiet life now!
Ok, bear with me and let me just run a thing through you all first.
Shiro is in his late 20′s, probably already 30, an adult and was Captain of the ATLAS for a few years before retiring.
Lance is fucking 18, maybe 19, he’s still a fucking embryo, and probably still has a lot of things to figure out about himself, but still decided to run a farm the instant they defeated Honerva i guess.
Now, during the war Shiro:
Was taken against his will and made a slave in space, was made to fight in the arena for entertanment and fought monsters and probably other aliens, probably even had to kill during this time.
Lost his arm and was experimented upon.
Crashed into earth and lost his memories.
Became the leader of a rag-tag tem of teens in space that was the only hope for the universe.
Suffered of PTSD during all of this.
Almost died a lot of times.
Became a clone.
This clone proceeded to: Betray his friends, help and spy for Honerva, almost killed Keith, who’s the closest person to him at the time.
Lost his arm again.
Almost got killed by Keith too.
He got his consiousness trasspassed from the Black Lion into the body of his clone, wich, almost rejected him and made him die. Again.
Found out his ex-fiance died and earth was almost anihilated.
We never knew anything about his family, but im sure they died since they never appeared???
Now, with Lance:
He almost died once, and the fandom is pretty sure he died one time after that but since Allura’s powers are weird we are not even sure what the hell happened there.
He felt doubtful about his position on the team.
He missed his family a lot
The girl he liked didnt like him back...?
His girlfriend of a month and a half sacrificed herseld and died.
uhhh... yeah.
And, like, no. I dont mean to say Lance is a cry-baby because he didnt go through as many things as shiro, or the others. The problem with this, is that it makes no sense because fucking lance never had an arc. The writers never cared about giving him some usefulness, or something that made him shine through, and when he was left at the end, they had nothing for him to do. So they gave him a farm.
But like, even after all the bullshit shiro went through, he moved on with his life, he found happiness and love, was still the captain of the ATLAS for some time before retiring, etc.
But Lance, someone who was so cheerful and up to help other people, who didnt left anything bring him down, just... decided to work on a farm for the rest of his life. Not moving on or anything, wich... yeah, it’s weird.
Keith, who almost died in space 971283678 times, found out he was Fucking Galra, was left alone by his parents, found his mother, was stuck in a space whale’s back for 2 years, was stuck on a leadership position he didnt want?? after uniting the Galra and helping put an end to the war he made a Humanitary Relief Organization, to help people with low resources in the universe.
Pidge? She lost her brother and father, ran away from home, got stuck on a war at fucking 15, had to learn how to fight and pilor, since, you know, she wasnt even a pilot in the first place. Almost lost her father to Zarkon, and believed for some time her Brother was dead. Bue she founded a Space Defenders organization to fight for justice in fucking space, and kept inventing tech to keep helping the universe and fight for the weak.
Hunk? He was a coward, he didnt even wanted to sneak out the garrison, much less get stuck on a space war! He didn’t want to fight, he didn’t want to die. His family was even captured on earth, unlike Lance’s. But he learned to be brave, and fought for people’s freedom. He became a diplomat, and learned how to hone his cooking skills to bring people together, so he became a Culinary Embassador to keep the peace in the universe.
They all are doing something with their lifes to help heal the universe after the war. Even after all they went through together. Even shiro helped for a few years before retiring, exept Lance. Who’s a farmer for some reason.
And i’m not saying that fighting on a War isn’t traumatizing enough, I’m just saying that if someone deserves to find love, retire, and live in the fucking bahamas on eternal vacation for the rest of his life, is Shiro. poor guy needed a break a long time ago.
WICH brings me to the last point of this really long essay:
It’s Implications:
   It is sad that the only reason we got a wedding with shiro was like a bandaid from the lash-back they had from Adam’s death and the constant Bury Your Gays trope. But let me tell you something: it wasn’t badly done. Yeah, I woul’ve liked to see more of Curtis to get to know him, or maybe see Shiro and Him having some kind of interaction before being slapped with a wedding a few years down the line, but that was it. The point of it (appart from rebuilding the bridge with the LGBT+ comunity) was to make it clear that Shiro found love and happiness in his life, wich im happy he did, and this does not contradict anything his character is about:
It makes it clear that it doesnt matter how dark things are right now, it will pass and you will be happy someday, you can still make your dreams come true, you have to fight for it.
It doesnt matter if you lost your arm, got a horrible scar across your face, got white hair, etc. You can find love, you can still lead a happy life.
Now with Lance is way more jarring. He has this “good boy” storyline with his girlfriend, wich sucks since he could’ve been made into an “anyone can be a hero, it doesnt matter if you’re not specially good at anything!” but alas they missed that mark. He really didn’t had any storyline for himself perse, he became The Boyfriend and stayed that way.
He went from “Ohh, I dont feel like i have a place in the team since everyone is awesome and has abilities and I dont” one season to “The girl I like doesn’t like me back!” on the next.
In the last season we got this “The girl I like is finally dating me!” to “oh no, the girl I loved died after dating me for a month”
Then proceeded to “Let me go work in a farm and plant her favorite flowers on it, while I never stop loving her and never move on and keep telling everyone about her sacrifice forever and ever! War who?? My girlfriend sacrificed herself for peace but let me just ignore the war exists still!”
Wich is... sad. They literally never gave anything to Lance to apport to the team or the universe apart from being there for Keith and Allura when they needed cheering up. And even if he himself says “oh im happy, i have a quiet life and that’s how i like it now!” when you think about his ending, you dont feel that way. He literally has nothing, exept his family and flowers.
So yeah, i dont mind Shiro’s ending. It was one of the last things wrong with the ending of the show, even if it was made for the wrong reasons. And i do believe, people should stop hating on it only because they wanted him to happy his little brother whom is almost 10 years younger than him
And yeah, I do think Lance’s ending was racist. I myself am latina, even have a grandfather who owns a farm. Would i go work in his farm for the rest of my life after losing someone i loved? Fuck no. I do not know shit about farms, or farming. He isnt even shown to be specially good with animals, no more than the rest of the gang. And sincerely, that he cut’s himself from the universe and his friends anddoesnt even do anything to help or reconstructing the universe only sounds like depression to me.
But alright then, to each their own in what they want to believe.
6 notes · View notes
Part 2 of my Season 6 AU of The 100!! It’s only the adults, and finally to the point of this AU - getting Callie back!!! Part 1 is here!! And there will probably be a part 3 to this!!
Enjoy this!! I had so much fun with this AU, even if it’s super crack and weird...
Part 3 [x]
Marcus couldn’t remember the last time he had seen Callie, after Jaha had came and pardoned Abby, she took off with her best friend, and then they had avoided each other. She had gone to handle something in Tesla and then they were coming down.
He and Abby hadn’t talked about Callie often. They did during the days following Jaha’s death, they aired everything out then - the floating, the shocklashing and everything that happened before, in the Ark.
But what Marcus knew about Callie was that Abby loved her, just like Callie did. He still remember the look on her face as she pleaded for Abby’s life, now Abby had the same determination on her face, and he found it harder to say no to her.
“We cannot save your friend, Abby,” Indra said, “We’re going to start a war with this people.”
“I’m not leaving her,” Abby said, looking up to Indra, moving steps away from Marcus, making him rely of Diyoza for support again.
“Abby, we can’t do this again,” Diyoza told her, “We’ll figure out something, but not now.”
Abby agreed to that and moved away from Marcus, letting him sit on the bed again, and he offered her hand, but she refused it.
“I’m going for a walk.”
“Not now, Marcus. Callie would have been with me if you didn’t... and I don’t really blame you, but right now I can only think of her going away, because of you, because she couldn’t look at you.”
“Marcus... please... I’ll be back, I promise. I just need time.” Abby left the room, leaving the two other women looking at Marcus, not sure of what had just happened between the couple.
“Abby shouldn’t walk around alone,” Marcus said.
“I’ll go with her,” Diyoza said, leaving the room as well, Abby hadn’t gone far.
“I was waiting for you, or Indra...” she said.
“Who is she?”
“Callie, she was my friend, best friend. We met each other in class and we were inseperable since then. We didn’t have siblings there, but she was my sister.”
“And you thought she was dead?”
“When we came down, we were in different stations of the Ark. She was in Tesla - I thought it had caught fire, we got no answer from her station,” Abby continued walking as she spoke, and they were now near the gardens.
“And that’s somehow Kane’s fault?” Abby stopped at those words and sat down on a bench, before she started talking.
“Callie and Marcus were together, sometimes, when they had no other relationships, they fell in bed together."
“Okay, and that’s a problem... You were married, right?”
“That’s not the problem. The problem is that Marcus tried to have me killed and Callie pleaded with him and it didn’t work.”
“You’re still here.”
“Someone else stopped Marcus. But they broke up then and badly, that had never happened, they normally just stopped seeing each other and it was done, but she was furious with him. So he had her moved to another station.”
“So she was in that one instead of yours?”
“Yes, and I know she wanted to go too, she didn’t want to see his face all the time. But I barely saw her after that, and then there was an explosion in the Ark and I could not see her, she was on the other side - I didn’t get to say goodbye.”
“I didn’t get to say goodbye to anyone, Abby. I was sent from prison to the rock. Most people don’t get goodbyes.″
“I wanted a goodbye with her, or I don’t want one now, she’s here, alive.”
“We can’t save her now,” Diyoza spoke.
“Dr Griffin, please come with me,” Aroa asked.
“Where?” Diyoza asked.
“Only Dr Griffin. You can go back to your room, Coronel Diyoza.”
“I’m not leaving Dr Griffin alone.”
“I’m okay, Diyoza,” Abby stopped her. It was the first time the leader asked to meet with her, she wanted to go, to finally meet the woman that was ignoring her.
Abby followed Aroa to the side of the station she still hadn’t been at, and found herself at the leader’s office, being led in. The moment she walked in, she was amazed by the woman, she was human like she had been told before, with blond hair and a frozen face, unreadable.
“So you found out the truth. You found out your Ark people. Any special name?”
“You took them.”
“Your Ark was always special. Eligius tech, my family’s investments, the best of the best. So we waited for an oportunity, of course, when you came down you were no longer the best of the best - we thought about taking the kids, but they weren’t that good,” she spoke, “Don’t get me wrong, your daughter is smart, of course. Raven Reyes is what people dreamed for the Ark, everyone was suppose to be as smart as her - her mind could face and win agaisnt alien races much older and smarter than us.”
The woman talked about Raven with a glint in her eyes, like she would be something else to add to her collection, with admiration and desire.
“Monty Green was very smart too, last I’ve heard he had boarded the ship with you, but with his kid walking around, I guess he never went to sleep - a waste. Maybe his kid could be useful. And Tim Bartlett had head for math and economics and his knowledge of latin.”
“But you didn’t take these kids.”
“No, with the news that you were all coming down, we were hoping for better, even if it meant loosing Raven Reyes, but she came to us in the end.”
“Why them?”
“It survived, first of all. It was not a large group, like Mecha and Alpha, and it was not on hostile territory like Farm. And smarter minds than in Arrow.”
“Arrow made it?”
“Not the praimfaya,” she answered, “they were close to you, you know. Never looked...” Their people had been out there. “I didn’t tell Mr Kane if you’re wondering, he has enough guilt.”
“How do you know that?”
“You should have realized by now that I know everything. You divided the doctor and apprentices by all the stations, Tesla had the only other fulll formed doctor.”
“Is he alive? Is he there?” she knew immediately who was in Tesla, they had worked together for years...
“Not anymore,” she answered, “He was needed immediately. He was happy, I’m sure. His wife and kids were awake too - he had an enire life here.”
“How can you know? How can I know you’re not lying?”
“You just have to trust me,” she answered, “Now, can you tell me if there was a name that sparked something?”
“Why would I trust you?”
“There’s something I could offer.” Abby was still thinking how to proceed but she gave away the name.
“Calliope Cartwig.”
“One of the smart minds, and working in communication.”
“I agreed with your daughter that the pods wouldn’t be touched.”
“That won’t be acceptable, those are our people--”
“You’ve seen five without reacting. And you should tell your friend, that we have Eligius IV people as well, left in the Rock,” she said, “Oh, don’t be amazed, of course, we know she’s Coronel Charmaine Diyoza - her crimes against the world are known to eveybody. She was a legend in her days - a hero and a nightmare at the same time.”
“You will need to talk to her about it and if she wants her people--”
“I won’t. I still doubt they can make it here. I imagine your husband has told you, that we have an agreement about violence. If you act like you did on your last planet, we will have to act on it.”
“Are you threatening us?”
“Yes, I’ve made that very clear,” she said, showing her a photo of the camp they were building, she could see her daughter standing besides Madi, a comforting hand on her back as they spoke to Echo, Bellamy, Gaia and Raven. “Russell is close by and he has made contact with your daughter - he is a peaceful man, like your husband.”
“Clarke has nothing--”
“Clarke is a leader. But I won’t hurt your daughter if you do what I need you to do.”
“And that’s?”
“Not touching the pods, including your friend’s,” she said, “Unless you would offer Raven Reyes as an exchange.”
“No. No, you don’t touch Raven.”
“Why? You didn’t seem close.”
“She’s-- Raven is good and she’s not a barging chip,” Abby argued. She needed to make things right Raven, she couldn’t let her be hurt again. Abby had already once hurt her to protect someone she loved, she wouldn’t do it again, Raven was someone she loved too.”
“So Callie will stay here. Or I would offer an exchange for you, I believe your daughter and Mr Kane wouldn’t stand for that,” she said and then added, “You’re dismissed, Doctor. I’m glad I’ve finally met you.”
Abby didn’t get to say anything else, the door was opened from the outside and Blue led her to their room, he didn’t speak, and neither did she. Abby opened the door to their room, Indra and Diyoza were training again on one side of the room, probably annoyed at Marcus, because she could see he was stressing.
“Abby,” he called out, when she came in, and she immediately went to him.
“I’m okay,” she told him.
“Diyoza said Farley asked to speak with you.”
“Yeah... she didn’t even introduce herself.”
“What did she want?”
“The entirity of Tesla is here - they got them when they landed. Arrow landed too, Marcus.”
“You sure?” he asked and Abby took his hand.
“She said so...”
“And Callie?”
“She was clear about it. It’s a no,” Abby answered, “Unless I trade Callie for Raven, which I won’t do. I’m worried about Raven, Marcus, she’s fascinated with her...”
“You should tell Clarke next time you talk.”
“Bellamy. Raven is still not talking to Clarke either. Also our calls are still being monitored.”
“I’ll speak with him then. I’ll find a way.”
“You know I’m still not leaving without Callie, right?”
“I don’t want to fight,” she said. “But I’m not. But you do have a point, we need a plan, I can’t just do it,” she continued, now moving closer to him, “And I need you to look at the list of names with me. They are our people, if they still have family with us. And I need--” she said, looking up to the other two woman and calling out, “Diyoza.”
Diyoza came closer followed by Indra, they were both sweating, even if they hadn’t been training too hard - her belly was getting too large and she was getting back pain most nights.
“She knows who you are and she says she has Eligius IV people as well, left behind in the Rock.”
“It’s possible. Some of us were sick or too hurt, so they didn’t bother bringing them in,” she said, “There was a reason for rebelling. We would be next.”
“She doesn’t trust your people. She’s sure they will break the peace,” Abby said.
“I need to see the names,” Diyoza said, stress wasn’t helping her and the pain in the lower back aggravated.
“Do you know who it could be?” Abby asked, making space on the bed for her, so Marcus could message her back like Abby had taught him - she remembered how her back and feet hurt after a day of work and only Jake’s hard fingers could make her feel better. And while she knew it wasn’t the same as having a man who loved her touch her, the touch would still help.
“A few people. About twelve were left behind, alive, not sure of they all were that way when they got them,” she explained, before letting a sound of relief.
“That’s good,” Abby told her, “How are your feet?”
“Not bad. I’ve been barefoot since I got back here and the cold floor helps.”
“Anyone you want to be there?” Abby asked turning to the issue in question, just after laughing at Indra instructing Marcus about where he should put pressure, making some quick comment in trigedasleng that made him blush.
“No one I can remember anymore,” she answered, before moaning once more. “Do you know when I’m due?”
“You’re just in month 7, so still a few weeks to go. But I fear the baby will be born before the nine months - she didn’t have a regular growth, but she seems to be on track to be born with a good size.”
“Can you?”
“I’ll get the stethoscope.” Abby was checking the baby every night now and Diyoza as getting used to falling asleep listening to her heartbeat. “She’s okay,” Abby said, “Strong. You can rest for awhile or is your back still hurting?”
“I’m better. Thanks, doc.”
“Anything, call for us,” Abby said, helping her stand, before turning back to Marcus now in a whispered conversation with Indra, who had pulled her armour back on.
“I think Kane is good to train.”
“Indra, he is not.”
“I am, Abby,” Marcus argued, “Only small exercises. I can’t do anything anymore. Look at it as physical therapy.”
“Marcus... I don’t know... You needed Diyoza’s support to stand today.”
“Just arms, Abby,” Indra said, “Sitting down. Just to teach him how to throw a punch.”
“I know how to throw a punch, Indra. I was in the guard in the Ark.”
“You, skaikru are weak.” Indra and Marcus continued arguing, having now moved to trigedasleng, and Abby ended up letting them train as long as he didn’t exert himself.
Abby moved to another bed, and started writing in plans to how to get to Callie back - she had different options written down, but none stopped the Eligius people to come after them. She couldn’t risk it especially with the Russell guy so close to Clarke.
Abby also didn’t want to attack this people, there had been too much war, Abby wanted to make it work with Eligius III, but it wasn’t right what they were doing - if they had kidnapped the people from the Ark, how could she believe they hadn’t kidnapped everyone in those pods?
How could Abby continue to do her job and nothing else? She needed to, she knew that, but it was hard... but she was also making sure they were alive.
She filled two and half pages with notes when Marcus came back to her, resting behind her, kissing the top ofher head, and looking over her shoulder. He smelled nice and his hair was wet, dripping on the bed, and on her clothes, but she found comfort on the fact that he was alive.
“It’s dinner time,” he whispered.
“How are you feeling?” she asked.
“Good. I didn’t pull any stitches, I promise.”
“Let me check,” she said, raising his clean shirt, and pulling out the bandage, to find his wound still healing.
“I’m okay, Abby, I’m okay,” he whispered.
“I know,” she said, resting her head on his shoulder as he rubbed her back. Before raising her face to kiss him, running her hands through his wet hair, Kane immediately kissed her back, like they hadn’t had the time to kiss like this since... in a long time.
“Where are Indra and Diyoza?” she whispered when she pulled back.
“They’ve gone to dinner. We should...”
“They can wait,” she said with a smile, “Now if you can exercise, I imagine we can take some time for us,” she said, and Marcus was ready to kiss her and taking her to their bed. “Carefully, Marcus. Don’t move too fast, or we’re leaving for dinner.”
“I won’t move a single thing,” he said with a smirk.
“I definitely did not mean that,” she said, getting up to lock the door. “Lay down and take of your clothes.”
“Yes, Doc,” he said with a laugh, and she turned to find him in his underwear and she undressed as well. The look of the bandage on his torso and neck constrasting with his naked skin hit her hard.
“I’m okay, Abby,” he told her, reading her thoughts.
“You sure?”
“I am,” he told her. “But we don’t need to go all the way right now. We have time, a lifetime together,” he said as she climbed in bad with him.
“Not really when we’re sharing bedrooms with other people,” she said, kissing him again, just before climbing on top of him, mindful of his wound, but ready to love him and be loved.
They ended up missing dinner all together, and Indra and Diyoza ended up coming to a locked door and their knocking woke up Abby and Marcus, who had fallen asleep together and still naked.
“Someone is at the door,” she whispered to his chest, “You go.”
“Why me? I’m hurt.”
“Haha, you didn’t complain before,” she said, “Also I did most of the work.”
“Are you complaining? You enjoyed yourself, Abby, three times if I remember right.”
“See, I need to rest. You worked me too much...” she said and convinced Marcus as the knocking outside got louder. He got up from the bed, pulling on his underwear, pants and shirt; while Abby put on her underwear and one of his shirts too, but letter herself continue being inside their bed - it was still warm and she was honestly tired, it was an emotional day.
“We brought you dinner since you were to busy to joins us,” Diyoza said giving him a plate, “I’m sure it was worth it.”
Indra made some comments in trigedasleng, and while Abby couldn’t recognize everything, it was enough to make her blush right next to Marcus. He came back to her, sitting with her on the bed, as they shared from the plate.
“I didn’t realize I was this hungry,” she commented as she took a bit of the thing that resembled bread, and had to many a and f for her to pronounce.
“I’m sure you worked out an appetite,” Diyoza said from the other side of the room.
“We’re never leaving this down,” he whispered and Abby just threw a smile at Diyoza, who laughed a bit more.
“Hey, I was meaning to mention, Farley called you my husband,” she said with a smile and then wasn’t sure how to react when Marcus’ face fell.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Abby. Diyoza stopped me from correcting her, she said it didn’t look good when I did it in--”
“Marcus,” she said, stopping his rambling, “Marcus, I like the sound of you being my husband,” she said with a smile. “Why are you apologizing?”
“I... I don’t know. You want me to be your husband?”
“Marcus, we’ve been pretty married, according to the kids, it was like that before we even got together,” she said, “And after everything we’ve been through,” she said with a kiss to his lips, “I know I plan to spend the rest of my life with you, and it would be a honor to be officially your wife.”
“I... Jake’s your husband,” he whispered, looking down, and she took his face in her hands immediately.
“Marcus, I’m with you. I’m in this with everything,” she reminded him, fearing that he had doubted this.
“I know, Abby, I know that, and I love you, I just didn’t think you would want to get married again, and I was okay with that.”
“I don’t need to get married to know what we have is real, Marcus, but if you want to, I would be happy to marry you,” she told him with a kiss, “And when it comes to Jake, he will always be my first husband, and us getting married won’t change that and it doesn’t need to. Jake to me will always be Jake, but I don’t think of him as owning the word husband. He was a man I love, someone I shared a life with,” she said, reaching for her neck, for something that hadn’t been there for years. “You are the man I love, the one I plan to share the rest of my life with.”
“Would you like to get married? After things calm down,” he asked, still nervous after everything she had just said, so she just kissed him with a laugh.
“I know you’re having a moment and everything, but you do know we’re still in the room, right?” Diyoza asked.
“Spechou,” Indra said, “it’s about time you made her your houmon.”
“Yes, congrats, but please let’s not have a repeat of this evening while we’re still in the room. There’s a baby in here.”
Abby and Marcus didn’t argue with that, but it didn’t stop them from kissing again, and a few more times as they finished eating. It felt light and happy like she hadn’t felt before, even if right now they were still in danger and had pressing issues to attend to.
“Hey, why didn’t you ever talk to me about this? About marriage, if it was something in your mind,” Abby asked him, very quietly so they wouldn’t be heard on the other side of the room.
“I did, after the few weddings we attended in the bunker.”
“But that wasn’t serious, just in the abstract. Why did you not bring up us?”
“I did,” he said.
“No, you didn’t, I would remember,” she argued.
“I did. You won’t remember,” he said and things started clicking in her mind.
“I was high.”
“I didn’t realize, not until the next morning and you couldn’t remember a word we said.”
“What did I say?” she asked, afraid of what she said.
“It doesn’t matter.”
“It doesn’t matter, Abby. It really doesn’t.”
“I’m sorry, Marcus.”
“It doesn’t matter anymore, Abby, we’re okay,” he said, pulling her closer, kissing the top of her head.
He held her for a bit, just in silence, glad the other was alive, before she spoke up and brought up the notes she had written hours ago about the way to get Callie, and soon Indra and Diyoza joined - the discussion lasted most of the night.
The next day went by as normal, Abby worked, Diyoza was with her, and look at the names, recognizing the ones that were Eligius IV, Marcus stopped by late in the afterrnoon as her shift ended, to check the names too, writing down which ones were their people.
Abby stopped to look at Callie a few times, she still looked the same - she was the same, she hadn’t aged those six years - Callie was six years younger than her now; that felt weird to think, they had been each other’s partners since  school started.
“Marcus,” she called, wanting to show him Callie, “she’s here.”
“She looks young,” he said.
“You’re going to look pretty old to her,” she smiled as Marcus complained, “I wonder what she will think of the beard and hair,” she said, touching his beard, “She really liked your hair when it wasn‘t gelled - it was that sweet moment when she woke up in the middle of the night, having fallen asleep on your bed, to leave the room and you were stll sleeping.”
“Yeah, I can’t imagine myself with long hair in the Ark. My mom would have like it, she wanted me to grow my hair out as a child, but I already knew guard regulations.”
“We will see what she says when we get her out.”
“Go, you have things to do. I just wanted you to see Callie too. I have work to do,” she said, kissing his lips, touching Callie’s pod again and moving on to her job.
Every night, Abby brought up the issue of Callie, she was getting closer to finishing her job, but she still had no answer from them. They just kept punching holes in each of her plans and only Diyoza was actively helping, which led to multiple discussions with her now-fiancee.
When Abby wasn’t mad and paralized with the idea of loosing Callie again, she saw the sense in Marcus not wanting to risk the fragile peace - Farley had not changed her mind about large societies being dangerous, but she was letting the progress with building their village continue (and Raven was safe and had been warned).
Abby had not expected the answer to her problems to come one early morning, two days before she was scheduled to be done, when a knock on the door woke them up. Abby who had fallen asleep semi-mad at Marcus woke up on his arms and took his hand as they were marched out of their rooms to the main office.
Blue and Aroa stood on each side of Farley, who in the middle had someone kneeling in front of her, a bag over her head.
“I have what you want, Doctor. We all know your plans wouldn’t work.”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
And then she heard a faint, “Abby”, a sound of pain and longing. A voice she wished to hear for so long.
“Okay, what do you want?”
“If I need you, you come. You will do anything I want when I need.”
“None of those things can include hurting my people,” Abby argued.
“Of course. I wouldn’t ask that of you.”
“You ask for me, not anyone else. Not Clarke. Nor Raven. Or anyone.”
“Agreed,” Abby said.
“Abby,” Marcus called, she squeezed his hand, but didn’t look behind her, “Take me instead, make the agreement with me.”
“Ohhh, I’m sorry if you’re mistaken, but you’re not as useful as your wife,” she answered, “But I won’t stop you from coming with her when I call on her presence.”
“It will be okay,” Abby told him.
“You can come and take your win,” she said, moving to exit the room, “I still expect you to be done in two days and at work on time today,” she left with that, followed, by her people, leaving the five of them alone in her office.
Abby with a last squeeze at Marcus hand ran to the center of the room, kneeling on the ground, pulling the hood out of Callie’s face and throwing her arms around her. Tears falling down now and words of love shared between the two women.
“You’re alive... I missed you,” could be heard from both women, over and over again.
“I’m never letting go,” Abby whispered, to her ear, “You’re safe now.”
“Where are we?” Callie asked pulling back, but not taking long to throw herself onto Abby again, without an answer.
Diyoza and Indra looked on, finally fully realizing how important Callie was to Abby, the strong love she held for Clarke or Kane. Marcus was at the table, finally finding something sharp, to kneel next to Callie cut her restraints and she threw her arms around Abby immediately.
They stayed in the comfort of each other’s arms for a bit longer, and then Abby helped her up, offering comfort to someone who hadn’t used her legs in awhile, and when she pulled back, she recognized another face, even if it looked very different.
Callie walked up to Marcus and threw her arms around him and then pulled back and punched him on the chest, then hugged him again and pulled back and punched him in the same place, and then hugged him again and then punched him again, and then on the fourth hug, Marcus threw his arms around her and she melted into his arms and chest. In the twenty something years of their on and off relationship, Callie had never felt that warm and safe in his arms.
“I still hate you for trying to float Abby,” she whispered, looking up to him.
“I know. I hate myself for that too,” he said, looking at Abby behind them, and squeezed her a bit tighter.
“You have a beard and long hair,” she commented, tracing his beard, “How did it got this long?” she asked, turning behind her, “You have grey streak, Abby. I don’t get how.”
“Yeah, it’s gonna be confusing, girl.”
“That’s Diyoza,” Kane said, pulling away from Callie, “And Indra.”
“Indra is a grounder.”
“Like with the kids, attacking them,” she said, before immediately adding, “Clarke, darling, how’s Clarke?” she said, reaching for Abby.
“Clarke is okay, she’s okay. Safe.” Callie pulled her for a hug again.
“And yes, one of those grounders. The kids landed in our territory.”
“We made peace with the grounders,” Marcus spoke, ”Much has happened since then.”
“Let’s go to our room,” Abby said, taking Callie’s hand, as they moved through the halls. Indra and Diyoza moved to their side of the room, while Callie moved with Abby, before she was stopped.
“There’s only one used bed.”
“Right...” Marcus whispered, taking his hand to his hair, not knowing how to answer.
“Marcus and I are together.”
“It’s been awhile now.”
“So it’s not been less than a week since we came down.”
“There have been about 132 years.”
“Okay, you’re not 172, Abs,” she said with a laugh.
“No, you spent 132 asleep. I spent 125 of those asleep as well.”
“You lived seven years without me.”
“Almost seven.”
“On Earth, with Clarke and Marcus.”
“Closer to seven months and the ground was beautiful and fascinating, and dangerous. And then six years under the floor without Clarke.”
“You had Marcus.”
“Yes, a lot happened, Callie, I don’t know where to start.” Callie took Abby’s hand and they sat on a made bed, Marcus giving them space and going to their own bed; Abby and Callie sat next to each other against the headboard, holding hands between them, and then she spoke.
“Start by where we are, Abby. And then the beginning,” she spoke and Abby told her the truth.
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