#but i wanted it a bit more hazy to match the rest of what i have in mind for the theme
magnoliaalchemist · 1 year
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i’m finally attempting a may star wars theme! here’s the twin suns i painted before i stick them in with everything
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confused-pyramid · 5 months
Breaking Point
pairing: art donaldson x fem!reader
summary: You and Art were hitting partners (and a bit more) in college, so when you run into him a decade later at the U.S. Open, old sparks reignite...
word count: 3.4k
warnings: SMUT, p in v, oral (fem!receiving), slight marking, drinking
a/n: I watched Challengers last night and then wrote this whole thing in one sitting. Nothing in this is really canon other than Art being a major simp lol so no spoilers for the movie! I usually make playlists (or at least find a few songs that get me in the zone) when writing, so I thought I'd start sharing them here too if people are interested!
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You should've known he'd be here. You've been following his career for the last decade since you graduated, and ever since he won Wimbledon last year, he's been tennis royalty, but a small part of you still thought you wouldn't run into him here. At the fucking U.S. Open.
Stanford was a lifetime ago, and you haven't kept in touch with anyone from the college team, but there was always something about Art Donaldson that stuck with you. Ten years later, that hasn't changed.
"It's been so long," he calls out when he spots you from across the practice courts. "I didn't think I'd see you."
You didn't either, and you still haven't decided how you feel about it yet, but when he jogs over to your side, you just shrug. "Guess it's your lucky day."
He smiles, and his teeth glimmer in the bright sunlight. "It certainly is."
The loud thwacks of tennis balls hitting rackets echo around you, but you can't seem to focus on anything but the man standing in front of you. He looks good.
He was beautiful in college too, whether he was training across the net or slipping into your bed, but it feels different now, with so much time apart. He looks like a man now.
"Anyway," Art says, jerking you back to reality. "We should get a drink sometime. To catch up."
He adds the last part almost as an afterthought, but it doesn't escape your notice how his eyes have been trailing up and down your body since he walked over.
A drink could mean almost anything with Art Donaldson, but you're too curious to refuse. "Sure. This weekend, after the semi-finals."
He nods, his eyes glinting with amusement, and you grab your bag from the bench beside you before looping the strap over your shoulder.
You walk off the practice courts after one last glance over your shoulder, and you feel his eyes following along until the doors swing shut behind you.
He should've expected this. You were a firecracker in college, and you kept him on his toes every single day you were together, so he really should have known what he was getting into when he met you for drinks that weekend.
Instead, he's one too many beers in, and his buzz is only enhancing the glow of your beauty in the hazy bar light. Your dress isn't even that low cut, but something about the shadows glancing over your strong shoulders reminds him of late nights in the Stanford dorms after a hard practice when there was only one thing he wanted more than sleep.
"You played really well this morning," he says genuinely as he sets his beer back onto the table. "After that first set, Mueller didn't stand a chance."
You flash him a dazzling smile as you shrug, resting your chin on your palm. "I had her after the third game, but thanks. It was a quick match."
Art hasn't taken his eyes off of you since you sat down, and while prolonged eye contact usually makes you nervous, you find that you're actually enjoying the attention quite a bit. Attentiveness was never an issue with him, and you would normally give in to your urges, but there's just too much history with him, and you can't afford to lose focus. Not when the title is so close you can taste it.
"I hear the networks are eyeing you for a commentator post," you say, trying to change the subject.
You trace your finger around the rim of your nearly empty margarita, before lifting it to take a final sip, and you don't miss how his throat bobs as you lick the salt off your lips.
"Uh, yeah," he mumbles, clearing his throat. "It was just some chatter, but I'm not looking to retire anytime soon."
You frown. "Is that right?" He's playing better than ever, but he definitely hasn't been himself out on the court in years.
He glances down, clearly trying to avoid the scrutiny, and when his eyes land on your empty glass, he changes the subject again. "You want another drink?"
You shake your head, knowing that another will lead to a less than fun morning, but he isn't done yet.
"You sure?" His eyes find yours again, and this time the eye contact feels primal. "It doesn't have to be here."
Your eyebrows lift and you tilt your head with a knowing smile. "Where were you thinking?"
"I don't know," he shrugs, before his lips curve up into a cheeky grin. "My room's nice."
You saw it coming from a mile away, but it still pulls a laugh out of you. "Oh, I'm sure it is, but this isn't college anymore, Art. You should get some sleep...focus on your match in the morning."
You push your glass forward and stand up, nodding at him as you turn to leave, but then you see him stand too out of the corner of your eye.
"I'll walk you to your car."
He looks at you with a hint of amusement in his expression, and you can't help but want to play along, even though Art Donaldson was nothing but trouble for you.
You don't respond, instead just stepping out from around the table and walking out the front doors of the bar. You don't have to turn back to know he's right behind you, and when you reach your car, parked in the center of the nearly empty parking lot, you spin around.
He doesn't stop walking until he has you practically boxed in by your driver's side door, his face less than a foot from yours as he tucks his hands into his pockets.
He had pushed his sleeves back at some point in the night, from the humid summer heat of the bar, and you can see the veins on his forearms now, under the dim light of the street lamps.
"This is me," you say jokingly, tipping your chin at your car as he looks at you with an expression you can't distinguish. "I'm good from here."
He doesn't move.
It's not that you expected him to give up so easily; you had just forgotten how persistent he could be.
Art's mouth stretches into a slanted smile. "Do you remember the Davis Invitational? Junior year."
Speaking of his persistence...he had been pursuing you for months, not in any tangible way, but you always knew what he was thinking.
After the invitational, where you and Art had been the respective men's and women's champions, you had gone back to his dorm to celebrate. Three hours and just as many vodka shooters later, he had finally gotten you in his bed. Not that you were complaining.
Art knew his way around your body, and even that first night, he had managed to get you off more times than you can remember.
"What about it?" you shoot back, your eyebrows raising at the insinuation.
"Nothing," he says with a shrug, but you don't miss the humor glinting in his eyes. "You just used to be a lot more fun to celebrate with."
"Fuck you," you spit out, shoving his shoulder harder than you mean to. He barely budges, instead grabbing your hand and tugging you a few inches closer, and suddenly a wave of lust washes over you, making your breath hitch.
You press your thighs together under your dress, hoping he can't feel the heat spreading across your skin, but then his smile turns to a smirk and you know you're done for.
"What do you think?" he whispers, leaning in so close that his lips brush over your earlobe. "Want to celebrate?"
Molten lava pools in your gut and you are only peripherally aware of his hand sliding down your hips to the flowy edge of your dress. His fingers glide over your skin as his hand goes under the loose fabric, before rising up to grab your ass, drawing your hips flush with his.
Your arousal is already starting to soak through your panties, but the feeling of his hard bulge pressed up against you sends you flying back to reality.
You lift your hands to his chest and push him back so that he's a few steps away from you. It's not far enough, but at least you can't feel him from there. "I'm not fucking you, Art."
He shrugs, his smirk only slightly shaken. "Who said anything about fucking? I just wanted to talk."
You huff out a laugh. "You're funny. Besides, I'm too tired for this. I need to rest up before my match."
"What about tomorrow night then?" His lip is still curved up in a smirk, but there's an earnestness in his gaze that surprises you.
"What makes you think you'll still be here tomorrow?"
His mouth spreads into a wide smile. "I always win."
You snort. "Fine. Win your match and we can talk."
You don't miss the grin on his face as you climb into your car and leave.
You win your next match in straight sets again, so by the time you're out of the locker room, Art's match is still in play. Driven by a mixture of curiosity and intrigue, you head over to his court and find a seat halfway up the stands.
He has won two of three sets, and he's leading the fourth, so with the prospect of the match ending soon, you use the time to observe him from a different angle.
His form is much better than it was in college, and you've seen him play countless times on TV, but you haven't really let yourself see how good he looks out there. The sinewy muscles rippling in his arms as he lifts them to serve. The rugged sturdiness of his legs as he races back and forth across the court.
You wish you could be down there with him, running your hands over the smooth lines of his abdomen, tasting the drops of sweat as they roll down his body-
The crowd erupts in cheers, and you are thrust back into reality as Art throws his arms into the air with a loud whoop. The scoreboard confirms his victory, and you clap along with the audience as he shakes his opponent's hand and heads over to his chair.
People around you stand up to leave, but you stay in your seat, watching as he grabs his bag and stuffs his rackets inside. When he wipes a towel over his face, his head turns up and his eyes immediately go to you, like he knew you were here the whole time.
Your stomach does an involuntary flip and he flashes his eyebrows at you as you bit the inside of your lip, trying to hold back a smile.
When he ducks back down to grab his things, you stand up quickly to avoid letting him see your blush and follow the rest of the crowd off of the stands.
You hear it late that night. Three little raps on your hotel room door, just before midnight.
You're in the finals, and you don't have any friends here to celebrate with, so you were sipping a beer and watching old match recordings when you heard the knock.
There's no one else who would come to see you this late, so you're not surprised when you open the door to find Art, dressed in a tee shirt and comfy-looking pajama pants.
"What are you doing here?" you ask, even though you already know the answer.
Art just looks at you, his pupils already massive. "You said if I win, we could talk." He shrugs. "I won."
"Okay," you concede, opening the door wider to let him in. "Just talking then."
He nods, before following you inside and shutting the door.
"You want anything to drink?" you ask as he trails behind you.
He shakes his head. "I'm good."
You grab your beer bottle from the side table and sit down on the floor, crossing your legs beneath you.
Art sits across from you, his feet in front of him and his elbows on his knees. You were assigned to a modestly sized room, but for someone as tall as him, the space must feel cramped.
"How did the match feel?" you ask, taking a swig of beer.
He thinks for a moment. "It was close at first, but once I shook my legs out, it became a breeze."
"Your legs were never the problem," you say, leveling him with a serious look. "It was always your attitude. Or your confidence."
He frowns, his eyebrows scrunching slightly. "I'm plenty confident."
"You are now," you tell him as you swirl the bottle around in your hand. "You won Wimbledon, you have a reason to be confident."
That makes him smile. "So you're saying my legs are fine."
"Yeah," you say before you can process what you're saying. "You looked good out there."
His smile turns to a smirk so fast it nearly gives you whiplash. "You think I look good?"
You let out an exasperated scoff. "At tennis."
His grin doesn't falter so you roll your eyes at him before lifting the bottle to your lips to take another swig. When you tilt the bottle back down to swallow, his hand reaches forward to take it from you. Your grip on the beer doesn't loosen, so the motion sends you pitching forward.
Your mouth parts with a small yelp as his arm wraps around you, tugging you closer, and before you can process what's happening, his lips are on yours.
If you let yourself think too hard, you would realize that there is way too much shared history and way too much baggage here for this to be a good idea...so that's why you don't.
Instead, you let him pull your body flush against his and when his tongue slides over the seam of your lips, you grant him access immediately. Your shirts come off in quick succession and you gasp as his hands run up and down your body, his strong, calloused fingers grasping at every inch of purchase they can find. Yours reach up to tangle in his messy hair, and when his lips move down your neck, your grip tightens, making him moan quietly against your skin.
Something about being on the floor takes you back to your college days, when you'd both be so worked up after practice that you couldn't even make it to the bed, but that feels too real right now.
"Art," you whisper as he runs his lips and teeth over your neck, before replacing it with his tongue to soothe the quickly blossoming marks. "Art, the bed. Now."
It takes him a second to process your words, but when he does, he loops an arm around your waist and lifts you up and onto the bed in one motion, before pushing you back onto the covers.
By the time your head hits the bed, he's already pulling your shorts and panties down, exposing you to the cool air. His lips follow the path of his hands as they trace up your legs, making you squirm under the hot touch of his rough fingers. He presses wet kisses to the insides of your thighs before spreading them apart and dropping to his knees on the floor in front of you.
"So wet for me," he whispers, almost to himself, before he dives in, his mouth making lewd noises as he licks a thick stripe up your core. "You taste so good."
He lifts your legs over his shoulders to give himself some leverage as he makes a mess between your thighs, licking and sucking your clit into his mouth before fucking you with his tongue.
His grip on your thighs is the only thing keeping you pinned to the bed as you writhe beneath him, trying to not squeeze your legs together from the heat spreading up your core.
His mouth feels amazing and it takes only minutes before you're already nearing the edge. You don't want to come until he is inside of you, though, so you yank his hair, pulling him up and off of you.
He looks up at you through his lashes, and he looks ethereal with his disheveled hair and his chin wet with your slick.
You, on the other hand, look like heaven itself with your eyes half-hooded from pleasure, and he can't help the grin that crosses his face as he licks his lips and climbs over you onto the bed. He lets you taste yourself as he kisses you again, and he lets out a low groan when you bite his lip just hard enough to sting.
"Fuck me," you gasp, your voice too breathy to be actually authoritative. "Fuck me the way I like."
Art grins at your desperate tone and the wild lust in your eyes, committing this image to memory for a later time when you're much further away.
He kicks his pants off as he lifts you both further up the bed, and after covering himself with a condom from his back pocket, he lines himself up and slowly pushes forward.
He gives you a few moments to adjust to his size before slowly pulling out nearly all the way and then thrusting in again.
The slight pain turns to pleasure almost immediately, but he keeps his pace steady so as not to hurt you. You need more right now, so you wrap your legs around him for leverage and flip him over so that you're straddling him.
He groans as his head hits the pillow, and when he tries to sit up, you press your hands to his chest, pushing him down as you ride him. This position gives you a lot more control, and you use it to your advantage as you bounce yourself on his cock, feeling the way he fills you up so fully from this higher angle.
His fingers dig into your hips as he helps lift you up and down, and his eyes are practically feral as he watches the spot where his cock disappears inside of you.
He's the perfect size to fill you up completely, and with each swivel of your hips, you get closer and closer to your climax, which is approaching so fast you can taste it.
You cry out when he hits exactly the right spot deep inside of you, and his eyes fly to yours as your movements start to stutter from your impending release.
Needing to see the look on your face when you come, he pushes your lower back forward so you fall against his chest, before lifting himself up to meet you halfway. With one arm locked around you, he brings his other hand down between the two of you to rub quick circles over your clit. The new angle lets him thrust up into you, and the increased pace of his movements mixed with the speed of his fingers sends you flying over the edge.
Your mouth falls open with a loud cry, and you squeeze him so tightly he's practically seeing stars. You look so beautiful when you come, like a goddess sent down here just for him, and when your eyes meet his, he finds his own climax.
His body jerks forward with the force of his release, and you let him thrust a few more times as he finally finishes inside of you.
After pulling out, he tugs you down to lay next to him, and at first you let him, but the emotions warring inside of you don't stay quiet for long.
You know that whatever this was isn't going to go anywhere. You didn't work in college, and you won't work now, and you don't want anyone to get hurt again, so you have to make a choice. Now.
"I need to get some rest," you say quietly, a tiny part of you hoping he doesn't hear you. "Before the next match."
"Yeah," he sighs after a beat. "Me too."
You let him hold you for a moment longer, before he unwraps himself from your body and sits up, tugging his shirt and pants back on. You tug the sheet back and wrap it around your torso as he stands up and walks to the door.
You're not sure what you're expecting as he goes to leave, but what you get is a silent nod as the door swings shut behind him.
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theostrophywife · 3 months
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🤍 pairing: theodore nott x reader.
🤍 song inspiration: moonlight by kali uchis.
🤍 author's note: high! theo is the best kind of theo. gif credit to @dramaticals
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A thick cloud of smoke permeated the air, making the room as hazy as your drug addled mind. Theo shifted in your lap and silently held the joint up to your lips. You smiled down at your best friend, his watercolour eyes as red-rimmed as your own yet still full of that familiar sharp intensity as he watched you with curious intent. Wrapping your lips around the blunt, you shied away from his gaze and inhaled generously. 
As the smoke filled your lungs, you felt your body relax. With an exhale, the terrible day you endured was gone in a breath. You rested against the headboard and let your eyes shut close. Theo traced circles on your skin, happily humming away while you scratched his head. Smoking always made the two of you more touchy and giggly, blurring the lines even more than they already were. 
Not that you were complaining.
A late night smoke session was exactly what you needed. Usually, the two of you would be indulging in Neville’s newest strain up in the Astronomy Tower, but thanks to the storm raging outside, you and Theo were confined to his dorm instead. 
In all honesty, you didn’t mind. Especially since Theo had a generous stash of snacks to pilfer through. 
“This new shit is strong,” Theo remarked, coughing a bit as he waved away the smoke. Above you, rain drops pelted the skylight in a soothing rhythm. “How does Longbottom even come up with this stuff?” 
“Because,” you drawled, every syllable slow and syrupy. “Neville actually pays attention in Herbology instead of skipping class and getting into fights.” 
“That’s the pot calling the kettle black, bella,” Theo pouted as he poked his nose against your stomach. “Didn’t you get detention for taking a swing at Cho this morning?” 
“She called me a slag,” you recalled with a frown. While you had no problem with Cho, she seemed to have a problem with you. All thanks to a certain Hufflepuff. Theo tensed underneath you, his anger simmering beneath the surface. “As if it’s my fault her boyfriend can’t stop staring at my arse.” 
“You should’ve told me. I would’ve taken care of it.”
You sighed deeply. “That’s exactly why I didn’t tell you, Teddy. You tend to be a little overdramatic.” 
“Me?” Theo asked incredulously as he placed the joint on its holder. “Overdramatic? That’s absolutely absurd.” 
“I know you hated Cedric. When we were dating, he told me you threatened to beat his face in if he ever broke my heart.” Your best friend began to protest, but you held your hand up. You didn't fault him for being overprotective. After all, you've been friends with Theo long enough to know that this is just how he showed that he cared. “I'm not mad. I just didn’t want to add fuel to the fire.” 
“That stupid prat poured gasoline on the fire and lit the goddamn match the day he made you cry.” Theo ranted, his eyes glazing over with fury. “I should've made good on my promise to beat his fucking face in. He’s lucky you stopped me before I sent him to the infirmary.”
"It's not worth it, Teddy."
Your best friend shook his head. "It's always worth it when it comes to you."
“You shouldn’t get into trouble just because I have terrible taste in men.” Time and time again, Theo warned you about the guys you chose to date, but you were too stubborn to listen. You laughed humorlessly. “I really know how to pick them, don’t I?”
“Hey,” Theo whispered softly, tracing soothing circles on your back. “It’s not your fault your ex-boyfriend’s a prick. He’s an idiot for fumbling you.” 
You smiled as you ran your fingers through his hair. “Thanks, Teddy.” He hummed and squeezed your hip. “It’s not like I’m that broken up about it. I’ve just come to accept the fact that my love life is a complete shit show.” 
“That bad, huh?” 
“Don’t get me wrong, Cedric had his moments, but even when things were good, it always felt like something was missing. We just weren’t compatible,” you paused as you considered your words. “Cedric and I weren’t a good match. Mentally, emotionally, and physically.” 
Theo cocked his head curiously. “What do you mean?” 
Given your longstanding friendship and history, there were virtually no secrets between you and Theo, but there were aspects of your past relationship with Cedric that you weren’t as forthcoming about. Your best friend wasn’t exactly your ex-boyfriend’s biggest fan, so you skimped out on on the details to keep the peace. That was long gone now.
“Our sex life was kind of…bland.” 
Piercing blue eyes zeroed in on you. “What do you mean by bland?” Theo pushed himself upright, his face mere inches away from yours. “Was it just missionary and a polite handshake afterwards? Honestly, Diggory seems like the type.” 
You snorted in response. Theo wasn’t that far off the mark. “Basically, yeah. I just don’t think we were sexually compatible. Plus, he never wanted to go down on me.” 
Theo looked absolutely appalled. “What?” 
“Well, we tried and it didn’t really work. It’s not his fault, though. Oral just doesn’t do it for me. I’ve never…” you flushed as you rushed past the embarrassment of admitting such intimate details to your best friend. “I’ve never finished that way. I think it’s just a me problem.” 
“Let me get this straight,” Theo said matter-of-factly. “Cedric ate you out once, couldn’t make you cum, and then made you think it was somehow your fault?” 
“Cedric wasn’t a dick about it or anything,” you said rather lamely. “He just never tried again, so I figured that was that.” 
“That’s a fucking shame.” 
You shrugged. The past was in the past. It wasn’t like you could change things now. “It’s alright. Like I said, maybe it’s just not for me.” 
Theo stared at you. “You’re just saying that because he didn’t do his job properly.” 
You rolled your eyes in response, playfully smacking his arm. “And you’re suddenly an expert on the matter, Teddy?”
“I sure am,” Theo exclaimed proudly. “Cedric’s a coward for backing out after the first try. I mean, sure, it took me ages to get the hang of it, but now eating pussy is my favorite thing in the world.” 
Heat flooded your cheeks. Part of it was shock and the other — well, you didn’t want to think of what that other part might mean. Talking about sex wasn’t anything new for the two of you, but it was always in a teasing way. It was never quite this personal. 
“Oh,” you said after a moment. Theo watched as you shifted, trying to alleviate the building pressure between your legs. “I didn’t realize…” 
“That I love eating pussy?” Theo asked with a smirk. You knew he was doing it on purpose. He never missed out on the chance to tease you. “I’m really fucking good at it too.” 
You didn’t doubt it. While you tried not to feed into the rumors of your best friend’s bedroom habits, you knew that he was much more experienced than you were. Judging by the longing stares that followed in his wake, Theo wasn't the type to leave his lover unsatisfied.
After a moment, Theo spoke. “I can show you,” he rasped, that thick Italian accent of his bleeding through the words like it did every time he smoked. “If you’d like.” 
You blinked in surprise, practically gaping at your best friend. “You want to eat me out?” 
Theo nodded, his eyes dipping to your mouth as you anxiously chewed on your bottom lip. “More than anything in the fucking world.” 
The intensity of his gaze sent a shiver down your spine. “Let me show you how it’s done, bella,” Theo whispered as he tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear. Though the action was innocent, his words were far from. “I’d get on my knees and beg for a taste of you. I promise not to stop until you’re a crying, whining mess for me.” 
Desire bloomed in your core, filling your stomach with butterflies. Fuck, why was that the hottest thing anyone’s ever said to you? What were you supposed to do? Refuse? That wasn’t even a possibility at the moment. After all, you were just a weak, weak woman. 
“Okay?” Theo asked softly. 
“Yeah,” you answered confidently. “I trust you, Teddy.” 
Theo smiled and leaned forward to place a kiss on your temple. “Good girl,” he murmured. “Now lay back, I’ll make you feel so good, bella.” 
A nod was all that you could muster as you settled amongst the pillows, watching with rapt attention as Theo crawled between your legs. He kept his gaze on you as he kissed your neck, his lips soft and warm against your skin. You leaned into his touch as he licked along your collarbone, his big hands slipping underneath your bra. Theo unclasped it quickly, nosing at the straps before kissing down the valley of your breasts.
Those dead eyes came to life as he flicked his tongue over your nipples, sucking on them until they stiffened. You shuddered in response and Theo savored the tiny whimper that slipped past your lips. After showing your breasts ample attention, he continued mouthing at your torso, nipping and biting on the way down. Every sensation was heightened by the weed, your body buzzing even at the simplest touch. 
Theo parted your legs and maintained eye contact as he toyed with the tops of your knee socks. He smirked and kissed the spot right above them. “We’ll keep these on, yeah? I like when you wear these.” 
You held your breath when he bunched up your skirt, leaving filthy, open-mouthed kisses on the inside of your thighs. His breath felt cool on your core yet your entire body ignited into flames as Theo kissed you through your lace panties. 
You gasped in surprise, bucking your hips against his mouth. “Oh, fuck…” 
Theo hummed against you. “Does that feel good, principessa? I haven’t even started yet.” 
With a cocky smirk, Theo slid off your panties and groaned. You were embarrassingly wet, but he didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he relished it. Theo teased two fingers along your folds, spreading your arousal and watching as your slick soaked him. 
“Fuck, you’re so wet.” His eyes were nearly black, swallowed by lust as they flickered up to your face. “I bet you’re sweet too.” 
Theo popped his fingers into his mouth, pretty eyes rolling back as he sucked them clean. “Gods, you’re so fucking delicious. Better than I imagined.” 
You whimpered, pressing your thighs together to tamper the need. Theo shook his head before prying your legs apart and diving in. When he dragged his tongue through your folds, you writhed underneath him, eager for more. The first lick had both of you moaning. He hummed in appreciation as he hooked your legs behind his shoulders. 
He chuckled darkly, before biting softly at the flesh of your thigh. “You like that, huh, bella?” 
You panted, frowning down at him. “Stop being a tease, Teddy.” 
“As you wish.” 
His dark head disappeared between your legs, silky brown waves slipping through your fingers as you held on for dear life. Theo wasted no time in showing off his skills, poking and prodding with his tongue. You tugged at his hair as he sucked on your clit, lightly grazing his teeth against the sensitive bundle of nerves. 
Theo popped up to take a hit off the joint before passing it over to you. His slender fingers held them up to your lips before slinking down to continue eating you out. As you held the smoke in your lungs, you inhaled deeply, letting the drug that was Theodore Nott singe your veins. 
Nothing in this world could've prepared you for this moment. Theo wasn't exaggerating his skills. If anything, he underplayed just how good he was. Theo switched strategies often, starting off slow and sweet before swirling and sucking, fucking you with his tongue like he’d never get another chance to taste you again. Once in a while, he’d come up for air, smiling as you offered the joint to him. 
Mostly, Theo was focused on feasting. He made out with your pussy shamelessly, making it as sloppy and messy as he possibly could. The higher you got, the more sensitive everything felt. When Theo found a particularly sensitive spot, you arched your back and nearly scorched his sheets with the joint. 
Theo only chuckled before taking it from your hands and putting it out. “You’re on fire, bella. But I’d prefer if my sheets weren’t.” 
You smiled shyly. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to.” 
He flashed a boyish grin back. “The only thing I’m sorry about is that we didn’t do this sooner.” 
“Me too, Teddy.”
He smiled softly at you. “Sei la donna più bella che abbia mai visto.” 
Before you got the chance to ask what he said, Theo pulled you by the ankles and picked up where he left off. He made good on his promise, driving you to the brink until you were writhing and whining. Tears streaked down your cheeks as you gasped, moaning his name in the night like a prayer. It only encouraged Theo to show off even more, using a combination of his mouth and fingers. His middle and pointer finger slid inside of you easily, squelching while he worked you tirelessly. 
There wasn’t a single coherent thought in your mind as you lost yourself to pleasure. When Theo introduced a third finger and flicked his tongue on your clit, a rush of heat flooded your body. 
“Oh gods, Theo. Please. I’m so close. Fuck — ” 
“C’mon, cara mia. Cum for me.” 
Theo watched as your orgasm rocked you from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. He lapped you up like a man starved, not wasting a single drop. You tried to fight the overstimulation by squirming away from his mouth, but Theo merely held your hips down. 
“I’m not done,” Theo warned with a growl. “Stay still, principessa. You wanted me to eat your pussy? Then be brave enough to fucking take it.” 
When he brought you to your second orgasm, you were gasping for air. You roughly tugged at Theo’s hair, eliciting a filthy moan from him. Despite this, Theo was still decidedly not done. As the third orgasm approached, you screamed before squirting and soaking right through the sheets. 
With wide eyes, Theo stared up at you. “Have you ever done that before?”
You flushed, embarrassment heating your cheeks as you shook your head. “No — I — I didn’t even know I could do that.”
Your best friend smiled, brushing your hair back gently as though he hadn’t just made you see Merlin. “Did it feel good?”
“Yes,” you admitted. “Was it okay? I mean, was that too much? Oh god, I’m sorry.”
“No,” Theo said in a stern voice as he tipped your chin up. “Don’t ever apologize. That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. I like knowing that I’m the only man that’s ever made you squirt.”
“You’re not mad?” You sniffled, lower lip trembling. “I ruined your sheets.”
“Fuck the sheets." He caressed your cheek, gazing deeply into your eyes. "It's still me. Your Teddy. There's nothing that you could do that would make me mad. You're perfect, Y/N."
Theo kissed you softly, his lips pressed firmly against yours to emphasize the words. He was your Teddy. He always would be.
"You're really good at that, by the way."
Your best friend smirked, the cocky grin tugging at his lips. "Oh yeah? I couldn't tell by the way you kept screaming my name."
You rolled your eyes. "I'm not going to compliment you if you're going to be so cocky about it."
He cocked a brow before kissing the sweet spot beneath your ear. "What are you going to do about it, principessa?"
"No fair. You play dirty, Theo."
Your best friend smiled, taking in your flushed cheeks and kiss bitten lips. In one swift move, Theo pinned you underneath him. "I'll show you just how dirty I can get, bella."
He wrapped a hand around your throat possessively and pulled you in for a kiss. You moaned into his mouth, dizzy with desire. Theo slid his tongue against yours and claimed you with a groan. 
"This — this is what it should feel like. This is what Cedric failed to do. That stupid prick should’ve worshipped the ground you walked on, but he didn’t. He missed his chance. It’s my turn now.”
Wrapping your legs around his waist, Theo squeezed your ass as he grinded his erection against your core. Even through his sweatpants, you could feel how big he was. You bucked your hips in response, rubbing against him for more friction. 
“Oh fuck, don’t do that,” Theo panted breathlessly. “I won’t be able to stop.” 
“Who said I wanted you to stop, Theo?” 
Theo cursed up a storm, a mixture of Italian and English that sounded equally hot. “I want you so fucking bad. You’re all I ever want, Y/N.” 
You smiled up at him, placing a sweet kiss on his lips. “Then have me, Teddy.” 
It was like a flip switched inside of him. Theo crashed his lips against yours, frantically tugging your skirt off as you pushed his sweatpants down. They were barely halfway off before he was lining up at your entrance. 
Theo pressed his forehead against yours. “Deep breaths, baby.” 
Though you were sufficiently warmed up, you knew it was still going to be a stretch. His tip was barely in and you were already gasping for breath.
“Theo, fuck. Oh my god.” You clawed at his back as he inched inside. “You’re so big. I can’t — “ 
“You can, principessa. I know you can. We’ll make it fit, yeah?” Theo stroked your cheek, giving you time to adjust. “So fucking tight. I can feel you stretching to take all of me. Just a little more,” he slid in further, watching your expression intently to ensure that he wasn’t hurting you. “That’s it. Good girl.” 
When Theo finally filled you to the hilt, he pressed down on your stomach, marveling at the tight fit. You whimpered in response, clenching around his cock and making him groan. 
“Can I move, principessa?” 
Tears filled your eyes, but you wiped them away and nodded bravely. “Yes.” 
To his credit, Theo went sweet and slow as you adjusted to his size. He seemed attuned to what you liked and what you didn’t like even without having to utter a word. You weren’t surprised. Theo had always known you better than you knew yourself.
It took some time, but eventually the pain subsided to give way to pleasure. You kissed Theo as he thrusted into you, feeling every delicious inch of him sliding in and out of your pussy. He was going slow for your benefit, but your impatience craved more. It turns out that when it came to Theo, you were an all or nothing kind of woman. 
“Theo, please,” you pleaded through tears. “Please, I need more. I need all of you.” 
A feral expression crossed Theo’s handsome features before he hiked your ankles over his shoulders and drove in harder. His thrusts were deep and punishing, setting your teeth on edge as he fucked you into the mattress. Theo pinned your arms above your head, watching himself slam into you again and again. 
“I love watching your pretty cunt take all of me,” he murmured, intertwining your fingers together. “You’re a fucking goddess, baby. Dea mia, I’ll worship at your altar.”
“It’s never — I’ve never felt like this with anyone else,” you admitted.
Theo softened, his tender gaze drinking you in. “It’s never felt like this with anyone else for me either, bella.” 
You pulled him down for a deep kiss, the intimacy of the act surpassing lust and physical attraction. A spark awakened within you, like finally accepting an inevitable truth. 
The thread snapped and you allowed it to wash over you like a wave, the orgasm even more intensified than the first three. Theo followed soon after, panting into your neck as he emptied himself inside of you. He whispered your name, collapsing beside you when he finished. 
The two of you lay side by side, stunned into silence. You felt breathless and boneless, not quite believing that you just had the most mind blowing sex with your best friend. 
Theo glanced over at you. You glanced back at him. The two of you burst into a fit of giggles, breaking the tension. 
“Well, fuck.” 
He rolled over on his side, tracing your lips with his thumb. “Is that good or bad, tesoro?”
“Good. Definitely good.”
Theo smiled and kissed you softly. 
“I meant what I said,“ you breathed as he pulled you to his side. “I’ve never felt like that with anyone else.” 
“I know, bella.” Theo hummed in agreement, snaking an arm possessively around your waist. “You were made for me. Just like I was made for you.” 
“You knew it would feel like that?” 
He grinned. “I had an inkling.” 
“What did I tell you about teasing me?” 
“I’m not,” he said earnestly. “I knew it would be you since the moment we met.” 
The realization from earlier reared its head as you snuggled against him. “We’ve never been just friends, have we?” 
Theo shook his head. “Not for a single second, dea mia.”
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bunnyrafe · 2 months
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𓊆ྀིDO YOU TRUST ME? — “rafe always has his motives.”𓊇ྀི
content / warnings -> 18+, MDNI. 1k. dark / taboo themes ahead — please read at your own risk. ♥︎ gif credit f!reader, kook!reader, dark!rafe, oral (f. receiving), manipulation & persuasion, no protection, baby trapping.
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For as long as you can remember you wanted your own family. A big house, a doting husband, a cute baby. All of it and more. Surely for a girl like you who was born spoiled and into a kook household it’s obtainable. Except your prince charming isn’t anything like your family imagined.
“But daddy, I love him!” You find yourself yelling more often than you’d like to admit despite how much your parents try to tell you he’s trouble. And unfortunately at the end of the day they’re right— Rafe Cameron is trouble.
Every inch of him. But every inch of him is also yours. Yours to cling to and lean on, and to daydream about. Your romance started with tipsy nights at the country club before it became loud house parties and drugs that would give your parents heart attacks; it was innocent before it was anything else. That’s what they don’t understand. That’s what you remember as you hang off of his arm, walking back to the truck with your little sundress swaying around your thighs.
You’re the sweetest girl he’s ever known, which is what saves you from most of his fury. It’s a match made in Heaven as far as you’re concerned, but it’s easy to be blinded when there’s constant wedding bells ringing in your head. 
“You’re so handsome, Rafe.” You babble the words out with a hand on either side of his face, looking at him as if he hung the stars in the sky just for you to marvel at. And he’s not exactly sure what he did to deserve someone like you in his life when he’s so twisted, yet he doesn’t dare to question it.
“Think so, baby?” He teases while laying you down on your plush bed. Your parents are out for the night— perfect opportunity to make up for all the times you wanted him but couldn’t have him right there with you.
You hum in response. The calm before the storm, as your breathing picks up in the next few moments as Rafe trails down your body. Leaving hot kisses all over your skin that have you melting against your duvet. You’re too easy to mess with. He can get your pretty head spinning in seconds. 
“I wanna… try something tonight, sweetheart,” he mumbles against your chest, nosing at the neckline of your dress and your cleavage, “do you trust me?” 
Of course you trust him— more than anyone you’ve ever known. He’s your first love, after all.
As expected you’re completely stripped in the following moments. Rafe’s face is buried between your thighs for what must be an hour once he’s had his fill of kissing and teasing you enough to have you whining. Your whines become mewls in no time once he pins your knees to your chest and dives right in. Murmuring nonsense about how he could eat your sweet cunt for the rest of his life, prompting your face to burn and your legs to twitch.
His mouth is arguably the most dangerous thing about him.
He’s slick in the way he talks and greedy in the way he eats, making a mess of your cunt as you witness it all with tears brimming at your lash line from the pleasure every time he circles your clit. With his chin covered in your arousal that’s all over his tongue, too. You can taste yourself on him once he finally travels up your body, scooping the overstimulated mess that you are up in his strong arms to cradle.
“Ready for me, baby?” He grunts into your mouth, “Think you can take it right now?”
You feel the it in question pressing up on the plushness of your thigh through his jeans. The heat in your stomach nearly burns. Your hips buck in anticipation, and you feel Rafe grin against your cheek while you huff out a pathetic noise. And finally, you understand what he meant— what he wants to try— when he doesn’t bother to grab a condom after unbuckling his belt and freeing his cock.
“Rafey,” you begin, because you may be a bit hazy but you’re not that gone yet.
“Shhh, shhh. It’ll be fine, sweetheart,” he coaxes, pressing his forehead to yours while he stares into your glossy eyes. His own seems darker, something beyond lust pooling in his irises, “lemme feel this pretty pussy properly…”
You can’t really argue with that. Especially when you feel so empty, when there’s a dull ache between your thighs. You need him. And the “thank you, baby” he grunts out while he spreads your folds with the tip of his cock before pressing a sweet kiss to your lips makes it all worth it.
Along with the way he holds your waist as he fucks you, pressing sloppy kisses to your calves as your knees are hooked over his shoulders— “My pretty girl,” he groans down at you, watching your tits bounce in time with his thrusts while you struggle to say anything and claw at his forearms with baby pink nails. 
You’re creaming all over him, and the sight and feel of it all is even better now that there isn’t a condom in his fuckin’ way, as he says. It’s borderline numbing for both of you every time he fucks back into you, grinding your hips up against him with the grip he has on you in one swift movement each time. You can feel him so deep. He’s ruining your cunt for anyone else, not that they’d ever have a chance.
Because most importantly he’s going to make sure that you’re always by his side, and that your parents and his own will finally take him seriously. If he has to give you a baby to do that, then so be it— Rafe always has his motives.
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The sun shines through your windows. However you’re not feeling very bright as Rafe looms over you, staring down at the pregnancy test in your lap. You sniffle not once but twice while wishing those two red lines would just go away.
That they would become one.
Rafe’s fingers find themselves tucked under your chin, tilting your head upwards so you’ll finally look at him. 
“You should be grateful, y’know…” He says simply, “I gave you what you always wanted.”
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leaentries · 6 months
threes a crowd | nico hischier & luke hughes
summary: nico guiding his girl through having two men.
warnings: smut, dom!nico vibes, vibrator use, choking, p in v (protected), blowjob, deep-throating, slight masturbation, threesome, slight degradation (use of slut), praise, little to no major plot, not proofread
a/n: i feel like this was a long time coming. anyways, i think the ending is a little rushed but i hope yall enjoy! :)
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The intense vibrations shot through your body like lightning.
“Fuck!” You threw your head back.
Luke’s gaze admires your worn body covered in a sheen layer of sweat. His eyes were wide with curiosity as he upped the level of the lilac toy.
You felt like you were gonna burst out of your skin. The pleasure burned through every vein, every nerve you had. Panting, you reached up to grab the pillow by your head. It was almost too much for you.
“Careful, Luke. Don’t want to make her cum too fast.”
Your eyes shot open at the thick accent that echoed through the room. Lost in the heat of it all, you nearly forgot about the Swiss man you call your boyfriend.
In all fairness, the amount of orgasms that had been coaxed out of your spent cunt were unbelievable. Paired with the fact that Nico watched every twitch of your body that Luke provided was alluring. You felt drunk.
Nico’s hand moved to switch the vibrator off, gently taking it from Luke’s hand. Both, you and Luke, released sounds of displeasure.
He simply raised an eyebrow at the both of you, matching it with a curt, “Stop being brats.”
You rolled your eyes, distaste filling the empty trails where the sweet pleasure of climax had once been building.
Luke peered down, not sure what to do next. He was more bashful than his normal chatty personality. But you could only narrow that down to the fact that it wasn’t every day your captain let you in his bed. Let alone with his girlfriend.
“Don’t make me show Luke how to punish you, baby.”
Luke’s face grew hot.
Punish you?
The mere thought of doing something to edge on your pleasure and bring you teetering, or even have you begging was enough to make Luke’s cock jump and his stomach twirl. He had never felt this way before, nor made a woman shake with pleasure, but he sure as hell wasn’t complaining.
His body ignited with tingling sensations at every brush of your hand on his bicep as you tried not to clench your thighs together.
“Lukey wouldn’t do that to me,” You turned to Luke with big eyes and battered lashes, “Would ya, Lukey?”
Luke swallowed harshly at your gaze. His cock was weeping.
“Uhm-” He was at a loss for words.
Nico’s hand moved to your throat before Luke could intervene. Long, thick fingers curled themselves slightly around your neck, sending a pleasured high to your brain.
“I thought I told you not to be a brat?” Nico’s words were harsh and mean, but the way his lips left bruises against your jaw proved he wasn’t as mad as you thought.
Luke watched as your body writhed under the large form of his captain. His mind was hazy as he studied the faces you’d make when Nico sucked on a specific spot by your collarbone. Once Nico pulled away, he turned to face Luke.
“I want you to make her feel good. Can you do that, Luke?”
The question rung coarse, Luke nodded hesitantly.
You opened your legs teasingly, your soaked folds gleaming in the lamp light. Luke switched places with Nico, now resting on his knees in between your thighs. Your boyfriend made his way to the cushioned chair in the room, his proud cock smacking against his abdomen as he sat down.
Nico could sense Luke’s hesitation by the way his hands meekly began to run up your thighs.
“Be harder with her,” He smirked, “My baby won’t break.”
Luke looked to you for approval. You nodded at him encouragingly. As he began to grow more comfortable and confident with his movements, he slowly trailed his long fingers to trace your clit.
“Mmm,” You bit your lip with a moan. Waves of gentle pleasure began to roll through your tummy. The slow paces of Luke’s circles were teasingly amazing. They added just enough pleasure to ignite that fire inside of you once more.
Turning your head to the side, your eyes met Nico’s blazing ones. His eyes were so blown out in lust they looked black. Nico’s chest heaved as you could see the remnants of precum dripping from his swollen tip.
You bit your lip at the sight.
“Like what ya see, schatzi?” Nico smirked at you.
You nodded desperately. You had to swallow a wanton moan as Luke applied more pressure to your clit. It was overwhelming. You tried to keep your eyes open as you watched Nico slowly spread the precum from his tip over his shaft. He gripped the base lightly, tilting his head back.
“Such a slut for me, huh?” Nico asked aloud, “You have another man playing with that pretty pussy, yet you can only look at me.”
You whined.
Although what he was saying wasn’t a total lie. Nico knew you belonged to him and he also knew that no matter who was touching you, he’d always know your body best.
The agonizing pace of Luke’s fingers began to frustrate you, you needed more.
“Tell Luke what you need, baby.” Of course. Nico could always tell when you needed something extra help bring you to your release.
Luke’s eyes met yours immediately, scared he wasn’t pleasing you. He retracted his fingers, not wanting to make you uncomfortable.
“Need you inside me, Lukey.”
Oh fuck.
Luke could have sworn he almost came on the spot. His cock throbbed at your tone of voice, balls clenching with need. He couldn’t agree fast enough, frantically searching for a condom.
Now, even though Nico was being nice enough to let Luke have the privilege of fucking you, it was not going to be without protection. Nobody but Nico was allowed to enter you raw. That was something he wasn’t gonna give up.
As you watched Luke remove himself from the bed to grab a condom, you reached for Nico, signaling you wanted him to come over to you. Nico rose, his delicious cock shining beautifully as he walked to you. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pulled his lips to crash into yours.
Nothing could compare to the warm taste of Nico’s lips.
You pulled away, panting as you caught your breath. “I want you too, Neeks.”
Nico smiled at your shy request. “Yeah?” He cocked his head to the side, “You want me to fill that pretty mouth?” His thumb pulled your bottom lip down slightly.
“Please.” You whimpered.
He nodded in acknowledgment, “Okay, schatzi. Whatever you want.”
As Luke turned to make his way towards the bed, he noticed Nico’s presence. He remained stoic, unsure of how to proceed.
“C’mon Luke,” He called the younger boy over as you positioned yourself on your hands and knees, “You can get behind her.”
Luke practically scrambled behind you, his cock eager to plunge deep inside of your velvet walls. He grabbed onto your hips, as Nico moved in front of you.
“Ready, baby?” Nico met your eyes with concern.
You replied with a confident, “Yes,” your body buzzing with anticipation.
Nico nodded toward Luke, giving him the go-ahead. Luke dragged his tip from your clit up to your throbbing hole, taking his time to spread your arousal. He finally sunk in, stretching you out deliciously. Your jaw dropped in a silent scream as Luke eased himself in further. You felt the room grow hotter, your breath picking up at the slight burn Luke’s dick sent through you.
Nico took this as an opportunity to pump himself a few times, before lightly tapping your lips. You opened your eyes at him, tears already beginning to form as Luke started to thrust.
“Open,” Nico demanded.
You obliged gratefully, jaw going slack to compensate for Nico’s size. Your eyes rolled back as you felt both of your soaking holes simultaneously being filled to the brim. You felt so full.
Your mind was hazy as both men found a comfortable pace. Luke’s hands dug deeper into your hips, his head thrown back in a whine.
“Fuck,” He cursed, “So tight.”
You spasmed around his cock, as Nico fisted your hair tightly. You brought up your right hand to hold onto Nico’s thigh, a feeble attempt to ground yourself. Hallowing your cheeks and breathing through your nose, Nico’s cock slipped deeper into your throat. He swallowed roughly, feeling his stomach tighten at the sight of your ass bouncing back against Luke’s pelvis.
“Doing such a good job for us, schatzi,” His head fell forward with pleasure, “Always such a good girl.”
You whined appreciatively around his length, feeling your own pleasure begin to build. You squeezed impossibly tighter around Luke, drawing curses from the curly haired boy’s mouth.
He shook his head, “Not gonna last, fuck.”
Luke’s abdomen clenched as his impending orgasm hurled towards him. He gradually slowed his pace, reaching a hand over your body to rub sloppy circles into your clit.
Another one of Nico’s rules; Luke couldn’t cum until you did.
Dropping your head, Nico’s cock sprung up, “Fuck! Gonna cum!”
You felt your climax hit you unexpectedly hard, pussy gripping Luke’s cock like a vice. The added pressure sent Luke over the edge, his body collapsing forward at the impact of his finish. He shot thick white ropes into the condom, making sure to leave a bite mark or two on your shoulder.
Nico pumped his cock steadily, the sight of your fucked out form and teary eyes were enough to have him painting your chest and chin white with his seed. Your orgasm lasted longer than Luke’s, the boy beginning to whine from overstimulation as he fucked you through the entirety of your climax.
As you finally finished, Luke pulled out slowly. You grimaced at the cool sensation of air on your over-sensitive folds. You felt a body collapse next to yours on the bed, another moving to wipe the spent from your chest.
You sat there a moment, too tired to open your eyes.
“You okay, pretty girl?” Luke’s voice echoed lightly in your ear.
You smiled at his concern, “Never better.” Your voice came out in a hoarse whisper.
“Yeah, sit up, baby.” Nico came to your side to help you up. “Here, drink some water.” You felt a hand help you hold the cup, but your mind was too far gone to really comprehend who was doing what.
After you had been properly taken care of and dressed in a hoodie, Nico filled in the spot next to you, pulling you into his body.
He kissed your temple, mumbling into your hair, “You did amazing, schatzi. Thank you for making us feel so good.”
Luke watched with big eyes, staring from the foot of the bed. His hand fidgeted nervously with the sweats he had on, unsure of what to do. Luke was still new to the whole ordeal, after all.
“Come here, Lukey.” You lifted your arm on the left side of your body, signaling for Luke to lay down. Not wasting another second, Luke curled into your side, your fingers moving to situate themselves into his curls.
You leaned up to give a gentle kiss to Nico’s lips before settling back down and closing your eyes. You felt warm and cozy, the comforter now thrown over the three of you. The quiet hum of the fan provided a sense of familiarity to an otherwise, strange situation. Yet, you couldn’t have been more content.
Surrounded by your boys, you fell asleep almost instantly, your body worn by the previous activities. Luke followed suit, your hand drawing coaxing patterns in his scalp. Nico placed a final kiss on your head, snuggling deeper into your hair as, he too, succumbed to his drooping eyelids.
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kisakis-boyfriend · 10 months
Hello, will you please consider writing a longer drabble where the reader teaches Freminet how to masturbate?
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Pairings: Freminet x male reader
Warnings: Male!reader, dom!reader, sub!Freminet, adult Freminet, guided masturbation, inexperienced Freminet
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“Never? You haven't even thought about it?” You questioned, surprised at the young man's revelation
He spoke shyly when he answered, averting his eyes from yours in fear of judgement. “N-no...I didn't even know you could do that...”
It took a second for you to process this information. Brows knitted together while you hummed amidst the otherwise silence of the room. You had a rather interesting idea, asking your partner, “Would you...like for me to teach you?”
“Wh-what?!?!” Freminet blurted out, nearly flying backwards off of the stool he was seated on. Teach... him?
“You can uh...watch me first, if you'd like?” You offered. Leaning forward just a bit and meeting Freminet's eyes with sincerity. His eyes were darting back and forth between your face and your groin, spluttering while he desperately searched for words. It's not that he didn't want this — this intimacy with you — but it was kinda scary...he was afraid of screwing up and you laughing at him...
“I, um...if you want to...” His voice was barely a whisper. A wisp of a whisper, even. As heavy breaths fell from his open mouth, Freminet caught the movement of your legs spreading a little in his peripherals
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“Alright. Then just watch me for a bit, yeah?” Freminet wordlessly nodded along, already falling into a daze as his eyes focused on your hands. Your fingers grasped the zipper and buttons on the front of your pants and undid them, standing up briefly to pull the clothing down to your ankles and then kicking them off. His own slender fingers dug into the cushion underneath him, watching as your fingers curled around the shaft of your dick and began slowly rubbing it. Moving up and down, then rubbing at the tip — an action that caused your breath to hitch slightly, he noticed
“Payin' attention over there?” Your voice pulled Freminet out of his daze for a second as he stuttered out a choked “Y-yeah...” before his blue eyes returned to staring at the cock resting in your hand. It looked a bit more stiff than it did earlier; the tip was also...wet? He noticed that there was some sort of clear fluid leaking out of the small slit on the tip. Which you promptly rubbed onto your fingers before spreading that wetness onto the rest of your dick, stroking yourself faster and rocking your hips just the tiniest bit
A breathy “Oh fuck–” slips from your lips and the blond sitting across from you notices a strange pulse somewhere between his legs. Warmth instantly spread throughout his core — it almost reminded him of having a fever, but...somehow nice. Pleasant, almost. Freminet's thighs tensed while you continued to stroke your cock; up and down, up and down, up and down. Nearly matching the rise and fall of your chest
Freminet's own hushed noises increased in frequency; captivated by your erotic demonstration. His thighs squeezed together some more, lost in this hazy state until your hand comes to a halt with one last slick sound
“Fuck– Get the jist of it?” You pant. Freminet nods, regaining his composure. “Good. Now it's your turn.”
“H-huh?!” The blond squeaks. “M-my-my turn?!” A wave of panic set in, quickly turning into nervousness and fidgeting as Freminet searched for an escape from this. Watching you was the easy part, now that it was time for him to do the embarrassing thing, well...how's he supposed to deal with this?
“Yeah? I was just showin' you the ropes, babe. Now you get to do the hands-on part.” You explained. It was quite obvious that your partner was nervous, so you offered up even more help. “D'you want to sit in my lap? I'll help guide you until you get the hang of it?”
This suggestion caused him to become flushed from head to toe, stuttering a rather clumsy answer that his mind didn't comprehend until after the words had left his lips. You smiled at the answer, nonetheless, standing up and walking around behind him. Finding your place on the stool with your legs on either side of Freminet and helping him remove his own clothing. Everything seemed so distant — like one long dream while his body went through the motions on its own. Kicking his boots and underwear off and then sitting in between your legs, allowing you to spread his thighs open with zero resistance
“Alright, ready?” Again, Freminet simply mumbled an ‘uh-huh’ to your prompt. Staring down while you guide his hand to wrap around his small cock, which earned an adorable breathy noise from him. Your own hand wrapped around his next. Your large, strong hand...much bigger than his. Firm and in control while you made his little hand slide up and down his length sloooowly–
At first, it felt strange; foreign. Obviously Freminet wasn't used to this feeling. This motion on an area as sensitive as his member. And sensitive it surely was... Every little drag of his smooth palm along the shaft had Freminet panting — eyes glued to the beads of precum building at the tip. You squeezed his hand a little, causing it to tighten around his cock, and your darling gasped
“Mm you liked that~” Thanks to Freminet's noises — and your earlier ministrations — you were only growing harder as this lesson dragged on. Surely he noticed this too...how could he not? Your dick was pressed up against his pale cheeks, smearing precum on the small of his back while you subtly tried to grind against him
“Think you can take full control?” You asked, breathing the question against the blond's ear. He gave a rather confident ‘yeah’ before assuming the lead, stroking himself a little faster now. “Ooh you're really getting into this, huh? Don't forget that you can experiment too. Try focusing on the tip or changing the pace, see how it all feels.”
Per your suggestion, Freminet tried rubbing at the leaking tip of his dick, wincing as a spark of pleasure shot through him. The wetness clung to his fingers as they glided along his length, making it easier to jerk himself off. Moans filled the room as his hips began to buck into his hand, chasing something — some tight, hot feeling building up inside of his stomach. A knot of some sort that grew tighter the longer he went on. Just a little more– yes, keep going...more, more, more—!!
“Oh fuck...aah, you're close aren't you? Here, lemme help~” You moaned against your lover's shoulder, reaching back around to massage his balls while he thrust wildly into his fist. The added pleasure finally caused that tight feeling to explode — throwing his head back against your shoulder as cum shot out. The milky white substance covered Freminet's thin fingers, some of it even dripping onto yours as you helped milk it all out
“O-oh...shit...” Freminet heaved, vision blurry from his intense first self-administered orgasm. “Haaaah...so much...”
Lifting his hand away from his softening dick, Freminet curiously inspected the cum sticking to his skin. It was quite a lot... translucent too. It's not like he hadn't seen cum before, but it was strange to think that he had been the one to wring so much out, by his own hands especially. The young man chuckled to himself, letting his hand fall into his lap while he reclined back onto your chest and relaxed as your hands wrapped around him
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writingsofwesteros · 2 years
can you write something about Rhaenyra teaching her daughter how to please a man, using Daemon as an example??
AN: Hi, I hope you like it x
“There you go, good girl..” Rhaenyra whispered to you. She had been whispering praises in your ear as you slowly; inch by inch took Daemon’s fat cock inside you. “Big…too big…” You babbled out with your eyes so wide and tears already welling up inside them. Daemon’s chuckling only had you blushing even more.
“Shh, you can take it…you have taken it.” She hummed and gently stroked your sides. Daemon’s own hands were by his side; fisting the sheets to keep from touching you; from flipping you over and fucking you so deep. No, they had to take this slow. You were to be broken in nicely.
Your soft, ample breasts swayed in front of him as he bit into his bottom lip. You were so perfect, he thought to himself. “Now…do you know how to move?” Rhaenyra whispered into your ear; her hands moving down your sides before stopping on your hips. Gracefully, she crawled onto the bed and settled behind you.
You whimpered and softly shook your head. His cock throbbed inside you at your innocence. His hips threatened to jerk as your soaked, sensitive walls fluttered around him. “I can show you.” She whispered and slowly began to move you up and down. “Hmm, like your horses..like a dragon…” Rhaenyra instructed.
Rhaenyra rested her head on your shoulder and locked eyes with Daemon. A smirk played on her lips as you did just as she asked. “Hmm, does that feel good?” She purred and you could only nod your head. Gasps of pleasure escaping you as your hands finally moved to rest on his chest.
Daemon purred and smirked as he watched you blush. “Feels so good.” He whispered his praises and you shivered at the sound of his voice. “Good girl..” The rogue Prince hummed and watched as you gained some confidence. Enough to lean in and lovingly capture his soft lips in a shy move.
Rhaenyra’s fingers moved through your locks as she looked down. She watched her husband’s cock push in and out of you. Your wetness coating his length already as the sound of skin slapping against each other had her nearly moaning. But this was not about her, Rhaenyra reminded herself.
Your legs shook some more as Daemon’s tongue moved into your hot mouth. Rhaenyra could only giggle at your shocked gasp before your moans were echoing around the room once more. She noticed your bouncing was quickening even without her instructing you. Oh, you were learning fast it seemed.
“Now, don’t let it be over so soon.” Rhaenyra purred and gently tugged your locks to gain your attention. A whine escaped you when your head leaned back and your bouncing slowed until you stopped completely. Daemon groaned; his hands instantly on your hips now to force you to continue. 
“Now move your hips instead of bouncing.” Rhaenyra hummed. You softly began to pant out; his name falling from your lips as you did what she asked. His own head fell back against his pillows as your tight, soaked pussy clamped around his throbbing cock. Rhaenyra continued to whisper sweet nothings to you.
She burrowed into your neck as your bright eyes were glazed over in pleasure. “He’s wanted you for so long.” Rhaenyra purred as she gently took Daemon’s hand. He was soon reaching for your breasts as his desire only grew. Your stomach was tightening as the new pleasure began to scare you.
Your legs shook as Daemon’s moans only had you rocking faster. His cock brushed against your spongy spot that had you crying out. “Oh..oh gods…” You whimpered and you had to stop moving. “Keep going.” Rhaenyra ordered as the rogue Prince began to jerk his own hips to match you.
Your eyes rolled back as you began to shakingly match his movements. His hands are roughly palming at your breasts now. “Will they all feel this good?” You babbled out without thought as your mind was becoming more hazy. Daemon’s dark chuckling echoing around the room hardly came over you.
Rhaenyra only hummed; her fingers brushing through those dark curls of yours as your bouncing resumed. You began to chase the release that seemed so close now. “Yes…oh yes…I..” You cried out; eyes so wide as Daemon jackhammered his cock; bullying your spongy spot.
It was only a couple of thrusts later that had you shaking around him. You squirted around his cock; nearly pushing him out but his arms tightly wrapped around you. “Daddy…” You whimpered out; not that you realised as your pleasure took over. “Fuck..” Daemon groaned; your words were enough to push him over the edge.
His cum flooded your hot, fluttering pussy. Daemon still rocked against you, pushing his cock deeper as you collapsed against him. You burrowed into his neck whilst nearly shaking at the intenseness of it all. “I believe we still have a long way to go…but that was so good, sweet girl.” Rhaenyra praised.
Her words had you shivering some more as a soft yawn escaped you. “You should rest now.” Daemon whispered. His cock still stuffed inside your fluttering pussy but you did not have to be told twice. Your eyes began to flutter shut as you happily mewled against his ear. Sleep soon came over you.
Daemon groaned as his hands moved to your arse, softly palming you as he looked towards his wife. “I think she’s better than you.” Daemon had no care of his words and Rhaenyra could only shake her head. “I am glad…she’s from me after all.” Rhaenyra purred into his head before they began to share a sloppy kiss. 
All the while Daemon began to jerk his hips. His cock moving in and out of you with ease as your wetness drenched his length. “She’s asleep..” Rhaenyra hummed and watched as your pretty face screwed up in pleasure. “I do not care.” Daemon hummed as his fingers swiped over your clit for a moment.
Your body jolted and you clamped around his cock; so he did it again and again. His chuckles continued before he brought two of his soaked fingers and forced them into Rhaenyra’s mouth. “Fucking whores.” He purred, making his wife gag as he began to push down onto her tongue. All the while the Princess moaned; sucking your wetness.
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lovelytsunoda · 3 months
just like heaven // yuki tsunoda
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summary: love is in the air at y/n’s cousins wedding, and it’s got yuki in a loving mood.
pairing: yuki tsunoda x female reader
warnings: 18+ smutty and romantic content :) sex in a library, semi-public sex, two fuckers who are so madly in love I’ve become jealous of my own writing, the library is full of bibles and religious text so does that mean this might be sacrilege? yuki may or may not have some sort of marriage related kink
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the air smelled like roses and freshly cut grass, heavy with a feeling of love, and the hazy smoke coming from the fire pit at the head of the tent. a dance floor had been cleared out in the middle of the uneven grassy surface, a portable wooden floor laid out as a makeshift dance floor. it had clearly once been white, but had stained over the years.
yuki tsunoda sat at the groom's table, watching with a lovestruck gaze as his eyes found his girlfriend, who was dancing with her cousin in the middle of the floor. huey lewis and the news played from the bluetooth speaker in the corner, the bride circulating the room and speaking to relatives.
y/n and her cousin had been close once upon a time. they were only a year apart in age, and had both been babysat by their grandmother while their mothers worked. they fell out of touch a little as they got older, only seeing each other at major holidays, but when will had called y/n to announce that he had gotten engaged, y/n was over teh moon for him.
yuki thought she looked beautiful in the soft glow of the fairy lights, her red dress swirling around her thighs as she danced uninhibited, not worrying about how she appeared to the other wedding guests. her hair shone in the light, her smile radiant.
and yuki wondered if one day, perhaps he and y/n would be sharing a similar stage. except she would be wearing white, and they would have matching silver rings on their fingers.
as the song changed, yuki stepped away from teh table and towards the dancefloor, hoping to steal a moment with his lover as will scanned the tent for his wife.
"congratulations, will. give my best to claire as well, just in case i don't see her again before the evening ends." y/n said, giving her cousin a hug before he sauntered off to find claire.
yuki beamed at her, extending a hand. "may i have this dance, my fair maiden?"
"yes, you may." she smiled, wrapping her arms around yuki and tucking her body into his as they began to sway to the music.
in her heels, she was taller than him, in the same way that jason statham's wife towered over the actor. but yuki didn't mind. if anything, it made him swoon even more.
as they danced, his mind began to wander. what song would they have their first dance to? would it be that inxs song she liked? or would it be one direction, a callback to the girl who dreamed of her wedding but never thought it would come? what would they serve? a pasta bar, or a buffet line?
"whatcha' thinking about?" she hummed, forehead against his.
"us. you. forever." yuki sighed. "i want this to be us someday. all of it. the white dress, the speeches, the expensive food. surrounded by the people we love the most."
her heart softened, and she bit back a cry, feeling tears stinging the back of her eyes. weddings always did have a way of making her emotional.
"oh, yuki." she said softly, leaning in for a kiss. "i love you forever. when the time is right, and we can take the proper time to plan and to book a honeymoon. because you're it for me. all i want for the rest of my life. but i'm not in a rush."
"neither am i.” yuki smiled, kissing her knuckles. “I love you forever.”
the song ended, y/n easing back on her heels and wincing as she realized just how sore her feet were in her pale pink stilettos. she had prepared for this and packed a pair of thick-soled sandals in her tote bag, stowed gently underneath the grooms table.
back at the table, yuki helped her ease he sore feet out of their shoes, slipping a jacket around her shoulders as she slipped into her sandals. she kissed him on the cheek, wrapping the jacket tighter around her body as she rested her head on his shoulder.
it was hard not to feel giddy when surrounded by so much love. two years ago, she would have left the celebration feeling melancholia, tainted by the fear that she might never find her person. today, she hoped that she could hold on to the love she had, the feeling of safety and security that yuki brought her.
“you cold, love?” yuki asked, lips pressed against her forehead. “we can pop back inside the church for a moment to warm up if you want.”
“yeah, I need a minute of quiet, I think.” she agreed, kissing the underside of yukis jaw before reaching for her silver clutch purse.
yuki gently pulled her chair away from the table, taking her hand as she got to her feet. tucking his arm around her waist, he pulled her close as they ducked out of the white canvas party tent. she could feel the dewy grass on her feet, one hand holding her skirt away from the damp. her lovers hand dropped down her back, comfortingly running over her bum, and then her hip as they neared the low brick church building.
yn hadn’t been a church-goer in her youth, only attending for family functions, but she appreciated the generous plot of land that the religious institution rested on. it was a stunning view over the hill, peering into the entire valley below.
they slipped inside the church, y/n sighing contentedly as she gradually warmed to the inside temperature. yuki took her free hand, pulling her in for a kiss. she hummed against his lips, sighing against his body.
“come on, I want to show you something.” she laughed, practically dragging yuki behind her as she took off down the hallway. “I used to hide in here to get out of listening to sermons. especially when my cousins got baptized a few years ago, I got restless listening to the pastor talk so I went for a walk and stumbled upon this place.”
she tried the doorknob, delighted to find it unlocked as she pushed the door inwards. the door opened into a small library. the couple were surrounded by tall bookshelves filled with leather bound volumes of religious texts, the far wall filled with ornate stained glass windows, casting the wooden floor in varying colours as she sun started to fade from the sky.
“there are better books up top. there also used to be a rolling ladder in here but pastor frankie had to take it out after a choirboy fell off it and broke his arm trying to find a copy of miss chatterley's lover.”
"no shit." yuki chuckled, helping her out of the jacket draped over her shoulders. "this is quite the place."
"that it is." she laughed softly in return, reaching for the lapels of her lover's shirt. "come here."
still laughing, she pressed her lips to his, relaxing in his arms and letting herself fall into the kiss. she never had to be anything she wasn't with yuki. she trusted him more than she had ever trusted anybody else. he knew her inside and out, in mind and soul and in body. his lips were grounding against hers, pillowy soft and applying just the right amount of pressure against her own.
it was incredible how responsive she was to yuki's touch. she hadn't come in to the library with the intentions of having sex up against shelves of leather bound books, or sprawled out on the vintage wooden desk, yet as she sighed under his touch, she could feel her nerve endings crackling with life. she moaned into the kiss as his hand trailed up the slit in her dress to clutch at her thigh, and she was a goner. his lips trailed across her neck, his tongue darting out to kitten-lick at her pulse point and she felt her knees go weak.
"babe, in a church?"
yuki pulled away to look at her, his eyes soft and full of adoration. "you always said you wanted to be romanced in a library. i'm sure this isn't what you had in mind, but it's good enough for me. if you want it, of course."
she smiled, leaning in to kiss him. "don't stop now."
and he didn't. yuki backed her against the desk, pulling her legs up and around his waist. her sandals fell to the floor as his fingers fumbled clumsily with the zipper on the back of her dress. giggling softly, she pushed his hands away, pulling the stubborn zip down by herself before she guided his hands back towards her exposed breasts.
her thighs tingled with anticipation, and she could feel the wet spot on her lacy panties growing as yuki massaged her tender breasts, rolling her peaked nipples between his fingers, the pendant of her sliver necklace resting just above them.
"you're so beautiful." he whispered, scared that speaking any louder would ruin this magical moment they had created.
"you're not too bad yourself, handsome." she hummed, caressing his face.
she tilted her head up, kissing him again. harder this time, her tongue scraping against his lips, begging desperately for entrance as she pressed up against him, searching for friction to ease the ache between her thighs. it was awkward, given the seating arrangements in the library, but she managed to grind against his dress pants, one hand dropping from his neck to his cock as his lips parted enough to allow their tongues to touch.
she sighed breathily under his touch, yuki's hand gently caressing her bare thighs as he reached for her lacy white panties. gripping the edges of the table, she leveraged her weight to raise her hips, allowing her lover to peel the fabric away from her body. he slipped the panties into the pocket of his slacks before raising her knees and pressing kisses to her thighs.
"tell me what you want, my love. my tongue, my fingers, my cock. all of it is yours, just say the word." he rasped, running his thumb over her clit.
"that thing you do with your fingers." she hummed, canting her hips forward, trying to capture his slender fingers inside her dripping center. "you know the one."
"the one that makes you laugh, or the one that makes you scream?"
she gasped as his fingers slipped into her with little resistance, the driver scissoring both fingers, pushing up against her velvet-soft walls. she bit back a curse, tilting her head back and exposing her neck for him to kiss and suck at.
his lips were warm and soft as he peppered her skin with delicate, soft kisses, in contrast to the lightning-sharp way that he moved his fingers inside of her.
"fuck, that feels good." she breathed, digging her nails into his shoulders through the fabric of his dress shirt, breathing heavy as pants turned into moans.
the light from the stained glass window reflected over her skin, bathing her in the warm colors and contrasting shades created by the glass artwork. the sight took yuki's breath away, a part of him wondering if there was a way to capture that image and sear it into his brain forever. she looked positvely angelic, lips slightly parted, back arched in pleasure.
“that’s my girl. that’s my sexy fucking girl. are you going to come on my fingers, sweet girl?”
she gripped his arms, nodding furiously as she whined out a ‘yes’, grinding against his fingers as he pressed the heel of his hand against her clit.
“yuki, oh my god, shit.” she whined, burying her head in his neck.
his lips were soft against her hairline as he talked her through it, mumbling sweet nothings and dotting her sweaty skin with kisses as he finger-fucked her towards the edge.
“atta girl. I’ve got you, just breathe. my best girl. my perfect girl, coming so good for me.”
she sighed as she came, a breathy, whiny sound, fingers tightening around his biceps.
“you’re safe, I’ve got you. I’m not going anywhere.” yuki whispered, running a hand up and down her back. “you did so good, angel.”
she kissed him slowly, relishing in the feeling of his lips against hers. she smiled into the kiss, her hands exploring the expanse of muscle through his shirt.
her french-manicured nails found the buttons on his dress shirt, slowly popping them open. she kissed the warm skin on his chest as she went down, fingers moving towards the button on his pants.
“does my pretty baby want my dick?” yuki crooned, caressing her cheek as he looked down at her adoringly. “anything you want from me, just say the word.”
“babe, I always want your dick.” she smiled, taking him in her palm, stroking up and down his length. bathed in the light from the window, she thought he looked like a greek god.
she lined him up with her entrance, hiking both legs over his hips and allowing him to push himself inside of her. inch by inch, he slipped in slowly, his forehead resting against hers before he leaned in to kiss her, trading moans into each others mouths as he bottomed out.
he could die here and be happy, wrapped up in the woman he loved, her warm walls cushioning him on all sides. this overwhelming feeling of closeness. he started to move, thrusting slowly and interspersing the movements with swivels and grinds of the hips, rubbing against her soft, plushy walls, drawing every little whine and breath and pant from her lungs.
“oh god, baby, that’s incredible.” she tilted her hips forward, head rolling back as she tried to take him deeper.
one of her hands dropped to the table to support her body weight, the other tangling in yukis hair. she pulled gently, watching with pleasure as his eyes rolled back, a soft growl leaving his throat. in response, he thrusted harder, deeper.
“that’s my sweet girl. looking so fucking pretty with my rock-hard dick buried inside you. all fucking mine to worship. you know what I think about when I get off? our future. domestic things. picking out silverware, buying our forever house. you in a white dress, a big fucking diamond on your finger. you’re it for me.”
he was thrusting quicker now, pulling out almost halfway before slamming back in again, his hands gripping her thighs so tightly she worried there might be bruises. his eyes weee trained on her chest, captivated by the way her breasts bounced from the force.
“yes, yes.” she moaned, back arched as she kissed his neck, leaving a series of small hickeys in her wake. “fuck, I want everything with you, too.”
“yeah, you want me to make you my pretty perfect wife?”
“god, yes.” she was certain she was dripping onto the table, the room filled with laboured breathing and the wet sounds of yukis cock splitting her in half. “fuck, baby, I love you so much.”
the coil in her stomach was wound tighter than a wire, and she could feel that she was on the edge. any second now, she’d snap.
“fill me up.” she whined. “fucking make me yours.”
“want you to come first.” he rasped, dropping his hand to her sensitive clit. “love you so much, sweet girl. just let me make you feel so so good, okay?”
she kissed him again, fingers in his hair, then on his shoulders, searching for purchase as she hid her face in his broad chest. she always got shy when her orgasms approached. yuki found it endearing, and soft.
“I’ve got you pretty girl. come for me. just let go, make a pretty little mess on my dick.”
she came with a loud moan, feeling her legs go slack in her lovers grip as she rested all of her weight on him, her head nestled comfortably between shoulder and neck, his soft fingertips trailing up and down her thighs, his gentle voice reminding her to breathe through it.
“fuck, baby, I love you so much. I love you. I love you.” he repeated it like a chant as he reached his own climax, stuttering his words as he spilled inside her. “god, you’re so good to me.”
after a small moment to catch their breaths, yuki gently pulled out. she whined at the loss of contact, reading her whine for a contented sigh when yuki pressed a chaste kiss to her lips, gentle hands helping her readjust her dress.
“babe, I think I’m dripping on the table.” she admitted, red-faced and shy. “what did you do with my underwear?”
yuki grinned roguishly, dramatically producing the offending pair of panties from his pockets. “kept them nice and safe for you.”
“sure you did.” she laughed easing herself off the table, deliberately not looking at the mess she’d left behind.
while she redressed, yuki searched the pockets of his suit jacket for his red pocket square, u folding it and using the thin, expensive fabric to clean all evidence of their tryst off the hardwood.
“yuki, come on! not the pocket square!” she laughed, using her fingers to comb through her hair. “you’re so gross.”
“what else was I supposed to use?” he laughed, putting the square in his pocket and slipping the jacket over his shoulders. he pulled her in for a soft kiss, hands gently caressing her curves. “come on, let’s get back to the party.”
the pair stepped out of the library, linked arm in arm, content and sated as they turned to walk out of the church, and found themselves bumping headfirst into will and claire. judging by the lipstick stain on wills collar, and the flushed red of claire’s face, the happy couple had just snuck away to do the same.
“we never speak of this again.” will groaned, averting his eyes. “ever!”
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cher-rei · 8 months
afterglow- pt 3 [ T.A.A ]
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pairings: trent alexander arnold x fem!reader
summary: young and aspiring marketing and business major jamie carter (you) is privileged with working alongside the liverpool marketing and public relations team while also getting entangled with their star player and right back, trent alexander arnold.
[wc: 2,5k] [part 1] [part 2] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6] [part 7] [part 8] [part 9] [part 10] [part 11] [part 12]
genre(s): friends?? to lover, work romance, fluff
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"do you have everything?"
charger. phone. apartment keys. suitcase. wait did I say charger?
"uh huh," you answered your sister and closed the trunk of the car, giving her one last hug before joining the staff on the bus that was parked outside of the main office building, along with the team bus.
you watched as she drove away into the early morning. 6:56 to be exact which meant that the sky was covered in hazy clouds, giving into the dusky look despite it being morning. you let out a breath and watched as the cloud of condensation formed.
you put in your airpods and shoved your free hand into your pants pocket. the drive wasn't long and you had to be on the field to oversee training for some clips so you dressed comfortably. a pair of navy blue nike parachute pants, a navy blue sweatshirt with a black shirt underneath and a pair of new balance.
the stroll to the bus was quiet, your mind elsewhere as you watched the staff members roll onto the bus after putting their luggage away. you sent a smile clara's way after she waved at you, and you were mentally preparing yourself to sit beside her during the ride when you were caught off guard by someone tapping your shoulder.
with eyes wide in shock, you whipped around to face the reason for your mini heart attack.
"oh," you sighed thankfully and paused your music when you saw klopp standing in front of you, an apologetic smile on his face.
"good morning to you too," he greeted with a chuckle and you returned it with a sheepish nod before falling into a brief conversation about today's match and it took a bit for you to realise that you had to get in the bus where everyone was waiting.
"jamie's watching the match today?"
you stifled a laugh at curtis' entrance, watching as the group's manager gave him a pat on the back. "she'll be watching most of our matches curtis. I told you this already."
curtis let out a knowing hum as the rest of his teammates piled onto the bus, making sure to greet you. he paid close attention to one person in particular however and suddenly had a light bulb moment.
"is she joining us on the bus?"
you quickly shut him down which caused klopp to let out a breathy laugh but curtis was adamant and didn't want to back down.
he took a few steps forward and swiftly took your suitcase out of your hand and gave it to the driver to put away before you could even fight him for it. "wouldn't you rather be accompanied by people your age? we don't want you to die of boredom the entire ride."
you narrowed your eyes at him, knowing very well what he was doing. "It's just an hour. I'll be fine."
you were about to take off when curtis shot his boss a look that took the older man a moment to register. "uh jaime," he called out after you. "you're more than welcome to join us. I think it'll be less of a hassle too, seeing as we'll get out at the hotel together as well."
you've got to be joking.
you let out an even heavier sigh. "no se--"
"--don't worry. you can sit next to me," curtis chimed in effortlessly and slung his arm around your shoulders as he led you onto the bus, talking about how much fun you two were going to have on the ride.
and to be honest. it wasn't a terrible experience.
when you got in it earned quite a few surprise looks considering that it was curtis of all people who got you on the bus.
when you walked over to the middle of the bus with him, you were met with a very confused alexis. "uhm?"
"well, give the lady her seat," curtis said and gestured for him to get up and you couldn't help but shoot alexis the most apologetic look you could muster up.
he stifled a laugh as he watched curtis point to the seat next to alisson. he reluctantly got up of course and pat you on the shoulder. "I should be the one apologising to you."
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you sighed as you checked your uploaded Instagram story, trying to wrap your head around the fact that you were out on a soccer field at 7 in the morning.
everyone had just gotten back from checking into their hotel rooms and to your luck you were sharing a suite with clara. she was only a year older than you were but she was the sweetest person you'd ever met.
she was rather soft-spoken and kept her life behind the camera. which was exactly what she was doing right now as she took some pictures of the practice session so that it could be uploaded.
practice had started slow but that didn't mean that it was boring. you watched with your lips pursed, eyeing one player in particular before turning to clara who was a bit further away. she shared the same expression as you, one of utter shock.
you put your hand in front of your mouth and mouthed something to her. "he looks so hot."
in return, she gave you an eager nod and waved you over to look at the pictures that she had taken. there were a lot of things that you wanted to say in that moment but you had to hold back for multiple reasons.
both you and clara had to pretend to seem like you were actually doing your job instead of fangirling. "It's illegal to look this damn good."
from beside you clara stifled a laugh and gave you a brief look to see you staring at the footballer, a glint of something in your eyes that she couldn't quite make out.
"he doesn't have a girlfriend," she said with a smile and turned back to the front and took a few more pictures.
it took a moment for you to register her comment. "what difference does that make?" you asked with a quirked eyebrow. "I mean at least I won't get jumped for looking at him, but still."
you hadn't expected clara to laugh as hard as she did. your joke really wasn't that funny but it had the girl doubling over, and you couldn't help but burst into laughter as well when she snorted. you tried your best to calm her down but it just made it worse.
"dude everyone's looking at us," you managed out breathlessly. "the joke wasn't even funny."
clara shook her head in disagreement and wiped a few stray tears off her cheeks that were blood red. "I'm sorry--" she apologized with a snicker. "I just imagined you getting into a fight with a girl and you would get bodied so hard."
your jaw dropped in offence and a slight blush rose to your cheeks. "we're done here."
clara watched as you jokingly stormed off and smiled to herself. "you can do more than just look at him though!"
you whipped around in shock at how loud she had said that. but luckily no one was paying any mind to your little argument and carried on with what they were doing. "clara stop!"
about 10 minutes later the videographers had gotten their cameras rolling and it had brought you back to your presentation that had to be ready by next week thursday. entertaining alternatives. how were you supposed to think of any entertaining alternatives?
as an influencer yourself you took into account that you hadn't posted anything in a while and spent most of your time twitch streaming. you started on tiktok in late 2021 and blew up not too long after. there wasn't much to it— you were pretty and people found you funny but it wasn't much of a job for you since you posted anything you felt like.
but your twitch career was something that you'd always wanted to take a leap into, so when you grew a big enough following you started your account with your now ex boyfriend who was still going about his career as per normal.
to the public your breakup was ended on mutual terms and it was stated that you felt that you were better off as friends. he cheated on you with your best friend. there was nothing mutual about that at all.
you dated for nearly three years before you found out, but you weren't even sure how long they had been seeing each other. and you didn't tend to find out. you needed to get away, so the second you got the chance you moved out of your mother's house in london and moved to liverpool since your sister was here.
and luckily she was more than happy to let you come and live with her for a bit until you got your own place. it was just her, her husband noah, and her 4-year-old son alex who were away visiting noah's parents back in london.
it's been a year now. a very quiet year at that seeing as you distanced yourself from your friends who had in fact known about your boyfriend cheating. but you were happy and that's all that mattered.
oh shit, I have an idea.
"ali. my man." you greeted with a smile and gave the goalkeeper a high five but it was obvious that he was either concerned or suspicious that you were standing in the net with him.
he chuckled at your sudden mood shift and continued to put on his gloves since everyone was getting ready for some shot practice. and frankly it was the viewers favourite segment to watch.
you slowly wandered through the net, taking a look around. "It's nice in here. you come around here often?"
the older man chuckled at your rather cute yet amusing joke. "yes I do actually. how about you?"
you shook your head to the side and took a deep breath. "I prefer to be on the pitch. I'm all for the action you know?"
you watched as he eased more into the conversation and played along, and you couldn't help but smile. "hm, you seem like the type. I heard that you played until you finished high school. center forward right?"
a smile drew to your lips at the fond memories, leaning back into the post as you nodded your head. "I was like if chloe kelly and leah williamson had a baby."
ali wasn't the only one to laugh this time. from the other side of the field you could hear jurgen laughing along with the videographers. you hadn't noticed that your interaction was being filmed but at least it was something new.
you turned back to the goalkeeper with a hopeful smile, "that's actually what I wanted to talk-- dude!"
harvey nearly hit you with the ball. well technically he did, but alisson was able to jump in front of you and catch it just in time. you stood behind him in slight distraught and tried to fully process what had just happened.
"let's switch up practice a bit and use jamie as bait," harvey exclaimed and raised his hand with a proud smile. "all in favour say I!"
you scoffed in disbelief to see everyone on the team raise their hands. you were so close to jumping that garden gnome but ali stopped you and told you to carry on talking. this was the equivalent to a trust fall to be frank, but you were desperate and tried to doge the ball everytime it was kicked so that he could save it.
"okay, so basically trent and I kind of have a bet going on right now."
a chuckle left the goalkeeper's lips as he sent the ball back drawin's way while harvey urged everyone to kick the ball a little harder. "a bet? are you two fake dating?"
you pulled a face at the accusation. "ew no."
as if.
"long story short— the garden gnome wanted to tussel but I said no and then he threw trent under the bus and I was like 'hey why not?' but he won't let me because he's obviously scared that I'm gonna beat him and the only way he'll let me is if I can get a goal past you."
you didn't even bother taking a breath in between anything you said and surprisingly ali got it all. he got up from the floor with a deep breath and handed you the ball to kick out, and you did so with ease and made sure to send harvey a look.
"so you want me to help you with this so you can beat trent, but I'm also assuming this has something to do with your idea for 'alternative entertainment'," he said as he ran through your rant again and you gave him an eager nod.
you probably looked like a child to him. oh gosh.
you took a step to the side and got ready to hide behind him as you saw trent get the ball ready. "how did you know?"
"you kept on mumbling 'alternative entertainment' over and over for like five minutes while you were standing behind the post."
you eyes widened a fraction and you gave an embarrassed smile. "oh. that's nice."
that earned another chuckle and a reassuring pat on the back. "I'm in. just tell me when your pitch is approved and we can start."
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it was finally match time, and everyone had started filing out of the tunnel at molineux stadium. it was 4:50 p.m with ten minutes left till kick-off with the team was on the pitch for warm-ups.
you were sitting peacefully by yourself behind the barricade, your camera out as usual to take a few pictures of your own and checked on the tags on twitter for some feedback from supporters. the stadium was fairly rowdy but since it wasn't a home game the atmosphere wasn't anything in comparison.
it was a few minutes before kick-off when you felt someone slide into the seat beside yours. you glanced at trent from the corner of your eye before returning your attention back to your phone screen. "fancy seeing you here."
trent wasn't playing today due to a minor hamstring injury but he wasnt expected to come and watch the match. you heard him mumble under his breath, something about you being british but you brushed it off and got back to what you were doing on your phone.
neither of you said anything for quite a bit of time and kept your focus solely on the game in front of you which had taken a turn just seven minutes in when lee chan scored for wolverhampton.
"fuck," you muttered and sat back in your seat, trying your best to read the game.
from beside you trent couldn't help but glance over at you every so often. he watched as you bit your bottom lip in concentration which caused an unfamiliar feeling to swell up for him.
he cleared his throat awkwardly, trying his best to gain your attention. "I'm sorry about earlier. is your arm okay?"
you turned to look at him with a teasing glint in your eyes but your expression remained neutral. "yeah, I'm fine or whatever. i'm not the one with the hamstringy injury."
he nodded his head slightly and turned to the field once again half debating with himself over whether or not you were being sarcastic or not. silence took over for another 10 minutes before he mustered up the courage to say something again.
"were you serious about the whole 'if leah williamson and chloe kelly had a baby' thing?"
an amused smile drew to your lips. "well that's for you to find out when you're ready to play again."
trent stifled a laugh at your confidence and he felt the acceptance sink in. he didn't quite know what it was that intrigued him but he was willing to find out. he just found you strange that's all. and he was having quite the time giving into the banter and your overflowing confidence.
he couldn't lie and say that he didn't find it fun. the entire game he had to fight back the urge to laugh because of something you said or a comment you made about some of the players.
"do you think darwin would drop his hair routine if I asked?"
"£20 says that robbo tries to tussel with someone."
"I totally forgot that shorty was on the field. nah garden gnome suits him better."
"I just know for a fact that domi's face card never declines. I mean he's my lockscreen wallpaper for a reason."
it got to the point where he had to take a moment and sink into his seat anytime he wanted to laugh. at some point, jurgen came to join the two of you to rant about how you weren't scoring anything and it was near half time but you gave him some reassurance.
"we always come back second half though. just throw them all with some water to wake them up and you'll get at least two goals I'm sure."
were you right? of course you were. lightwork.
cody, robbo and an own goal.
there were eight minutes of added additional time so you took the time to relax, after 90 minutes of screaming and complaining. and you started to notice that trent was warming up to you and actually made conversation.
"you tagged me in your story? are you even allowed to do that?" he asked and you shrugged your shoulders, not seeing a problem with it.
you quirked your brow. "do you have a girlfriend?"
trent's lips parted in shock at the question, not sure how to respond or what you meant by it. he didn't know how long he spent looking at you lost in thought but it felt like eternity. "no."
"then yes, I am allowed to do that."
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pervspace · 1 year
i had an idea for a smut with re4 leon and the presidents son that i’ve never gotten around to writing bc i have so many writing projects i’m currently working on. basically he rescues the reader instead of/ or with ashley. i would love to see this idea come to fruition but i don’t think it’ll be me to do it so i’m hoping maybe you will!!!! happy writing <3
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warnings: m.reader, trans!reader, nsfw, soft sex, slight overstimulation, breeding, 69 position, everyone is touch starved, squirting, light choking, blowjobs (both receiving), leon cums quick and gets embarrassed, this is actually really soft oughh i love soft leon
word count: 1774
note: sorry this took awhile! i get embarrassed writing sometimes ૮(˶˃ᆺ˂˶)ა i hope you like it tho!
your first meeting with leon didn’t exactly go too smoothly, you thought he was infected and tried to hit him with the nearest object you could find…then you ran away. he introduced himself then confirmed who you were, after escaping the church you two were close. not even just emotionally close, physically close as well. he was always keeping you behind him, holding your hands when things got tough, you could’ve sworn you heard him shudder when you two were pressed together in a rather awkward situation.
“there’s a castle, this would be a great place to rest. i’m tired.” you groaned, after walking and running for hours trying not to die it was kinda nice to see a nice big castle. it might even have comfy beds! leon gave you a small grunt of approval before walking ahead of you to the castle, hand in hand as always. you decided to give his hand a small squeeze, he stiffened under your grip which caused you to giggle. he turned to you with his crooked smile “you laughin at me now?” you place a hand over your mouth to try and stifle your giggles “no no, me? laughing at you? i could never”
you two continued to giggle and tell jokes all the way till you found a room that looked relatively clean, the bed had a wooden frame with a plush red set to match the room. it felt cozy, and you would do anything to get off your feet right now. “since there’s only one bed, you take the bed and i’ll sleep on the floor.” leon’s voice interrupted your thoughts, instantly making you frown. you turned to him with your arms crossed, he looked confused.
“leon, we aren’t doing this. we’re sleeping in the bed together, cause if you get bit by a spider and die i’ll laugh at you. now, get ready for bed.” leon couldn’t object, he was just smirking to himself. “it’s almost like you want me to sleep with you, yeah?” you felt your face heat up with embarrassment, you turned your back to him, “so what if i do.” you mumbled. leon was already on his side of the bed, still with that stupid smirk on his face. he had his shirt off, so you might as well take yours off too right? you’re both men, it’s normal.
you laid facing leon just to look in his eyes, he was doing the same. “do you mind if i get closer? you look cold over there.” you snorted and whacked his shoulder, leon chuckled before moving closer to you. he had you in his arms, his right hand caressing your cheek, left arm pulling you flush against his body. everything in your body was tingling, you wanted him to touch you more, leon moves his hips against yours. you tensed before letting out a soft whine that drove him crazy, you looked at him through your lashes. he looked worried, it’s like he was scared to hurt you. you took his wrist gently in your hands and put his hand to your throat, his face turned a bright red at the action as he pulled you into a rough kiss.
there nothing but teeth in tongue, frantic breathes and grinding of cocks. he moved to tower over you, still rubbing his cock against yours. everything felt wet and sticky, he was kissing all over you like you would disappear at any moment. “fuck…such a pretty boy. god.” he groaned through gritted teeth, he looked down at you with a hazy gaze. “leon, please. i want…i want you. please…” he took your hands into his, interlocking fingers while slowly grinding into each other. the previous rough kisses turned softly and sensual, soft licks of your lips pulled you from your trance.
“i want to…make love to you. can i?” he looked like a puppy begging for your attention, you smiled lazily before giving him a nod. he quickly sat up against the bed frame and beckoned you to him, “here, put your back against my chest and i’ll make you feel good. i promise.” you did as he said and got comfortable in his arms. you spread your legs for him to gain access to all of you, he let you a shaky breath before peeling your underwear away from your cock. your wetness pooling out of you made you whimper, the cool air hitting your cock was quickly replaced with two of leon’s warm fingers. ever since you’ve gotten your bottom surgery your new cock has been overly sensitive, you knew you wouldn’t last long, especially not with leon touching you.
he was pumping and twisting your cock with his two fingers while his left hand caressed your thigh, you squirmed against his touch. you were already overstimulated before you even came, bucking your hips into his hand. “i’m gonna put my finger in to, okay? tell me if it’s too much, baby.” you nodded weakly before feeling two fingers plunge into your sopping cunt, you let out a loud sob before gushing all over leon’s hands and forearms. leon jerked you off through your high whispering praise about how you were such a good boy, there you go, just forget about everything and cum for me, please.
he kissed up your neck to sooth your aftershocks, he looked at you with caring eyes, soft as can be. “are you okay? did i take it to fa-“ “it’s your turn, i wanna make you feel good too.” you cut him off still desperately bucking against his hands, “wanna suck your cock, please?” you begged him, there really wasn’t any reason you needed to beg. you both were desperate for each other, “only if i get to suck your cock to, i want us both to feel good.” he laid on his back and waited for you, he waited for you to get comfortable in this new position you were in. your delicious cock hovered over his face while you were bent over with his cock to your face, he was honestly shocked he didn’t pull your hips down and devour you right then in there. you finally rested your cunt against his mouth while trying to suck as much of leon in your mouth as you could, he immediately started to suck on your cock flattening his tongue against the sensitive tip.
“le-leon fuck, where the hell di-did you learn that?” you giggled while gagging on his cock, leon could barley string sentences together with how delicious you tasted. he would rather die then stop tasting you for a second, so he just grunted a response while you did numbers on his cock. swirling your tongue around his reddened tip, pumping your hands around parts of his cock you couldn’t wrap your lips around, moaning onto his cock for extra vibrations. you were so good to him, so good to his cock, you were practically an angel leading him to heaven.
“wait- fuck, baby slow down a bit-” you felt his cock twitch in your mouth, he sounded desperate for you to stop but you couldn’t. you just moaned onto his cock while swirling your tongue around his tip, he grabbed onto your waist with an iron grip and filled your mouth. you didn’t let go of his cock, you continued to suck him through his orgasm while he moaned into your cock. you finally pulled back to face him but was met with the underside of his arm covering his face, you tilted your head in confusion. “leon? are you okay? did i hurt you?” you pawed at his arm like a cat only to be met with a sweaty bright pink face, he glanced at you before pulling you into his arms while letting out a breathy laugh.
“jesus, sorry didn’t mean to cum that quick babe.” you giggled into his shoulder and inhaled his scent, the strong musk of sweat and cinnamon cologne had you melting. you felt his hands caress the small of your back making small shapes into you, you went back to grinding your hips against him, you were desperate for him. “leon…please make me feel full. i need you, please.” you whimpered into his mouth, almost as if you were trying to fuse with him. leon gently pulled your head away from him with a smile, “you can have whatever you want baby, i’m yours.” you instantly took his cock into your hands and aligned his cock to your weeping hole, you looked at him with a pleading eyes. you didn’t know why but you needed his help, you needed him to help you ride his cock, you needed him to keep you close and make you feel good.
he finally knew what you wanted and finally helped you sink down on his cock, you both let out loud whines of pleasure. you pressed your body against his while letting your back arch to feel him hit your soft spot, he wrapped his arms around your back. you felt so full and so engulfed in his warmth, everything felt so good when leon did it. you two were grinding into each other in synch never wanting to let go of one another, every sinful noise could be heard from miles away. every squelch, every moan and grunt, it was so filthy but it made you two feel so good. his hand was around you throat giving you an occasional squeeze, “baby- fuck gonna cum again. gonna go faster now, okay?” you nodded your head lazily against his shoulder, you didn’t have time to process what was happening before he was violently pounding into your sweet spot.
“wuh-wait leon- i feel something- i cant-“ he just shushed you, you didn’t have to explain anything to him, not. right now. you tightened around him while grabbing onto the back of his hair, you were bucking into him and whining like a bitch in heat. you were so so cute to him, he’s so glad that he’s the one making you feel good. with one final thrust you felt something you’ve never felt before, a warm wet wave of pleasure came flooding out of you and onto leon making you curl over into him. he was a groaning mess, keeping you locked in place as he bred you full of his babies. you two sat there for a moment taking in what happened, he peppered your forehead in warm soft kisses while rocking back and forth gently.
for the first time in awhile, he finally felt warm and safe in someone else’s arms.
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hey-august · 5 months
You're coming in… you're coming close
😌🍃 This is a continuation of Close your eyes, just settle, settle, just with a different title.
The first part was originally a one-shot (and could still be read as such), so this part ended up with more plot and less prose. Hopefully the overall tone carried through. (tbh, i struggled with that so much.)
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Word count: ~3.5k ...more than double the first one 🙃 Warnings: NSFW, MDNI, buggy x GN!reader, no use of Y/N, partaking in the devil's lettuce 🍃, insertion sex, jacking off, facial, manual stimulation, a lil bit of an angsty fight A/N: Here's the opening line that I first wrote and discarded: "The slivered moon was high and so was Buggy."
Edit: Huuuuge amazing wonderful thanks to @be-not-afraid-gg for this suggestion!!!! 🩷🩷🩷
Title from "Great Romances of the 20th Century" by Taking Back Sunday
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The night is dark and full of creaks and groans from the ship listing in the slow rolling waves. Footsteps shuffle across the wood floor, adding to the ambiance. Buggy walks slowly, with bare feet tucked into untied boots, and moving in time with the subtle swells.
His hazy mind drifts in circles around the one idea that set his body in motion. A thought that had seeped from his head, down into his mouth, and settled on his tongue. There’s an absence under the taste of smoke and fire. An emptiness that calls for something flavorful.
Lost in the cyclone of thoughts, the illuminated sign of life doesn’t register until Buggy steps into the brightly lit kitchen. What he assumed was a beacon luring him towards his destination, was actually the mark of a haven for late night cravings. A haven you had already founded.
You’re leaning on a counter, midway through a bite of toast, and eyes wide at the unexpected company. Red eyes that match his.
“Sorry, didn’t think anyone would be here,” Buggy stammers, spacing out and forgetting that he’s the captain of the ship. 
Anxiety bubbles in his chest, turning over the hunger that brought him to the kitchen, and mixing it with a different desire. The warm scent of cinnamon joins the turmoil in his body. Buggy nervously rubs his jaw, the stubble scratchy against his bare hand.
“Smells good.”
You finish the interrupted bite and push a small plate towards the door. “Want some?”
Buggy walks over and studies at the slice of toast you offered. Scattered islands of cinnamon and sugar sink into pools of butter. The lush mixture spreads across the landscape, an impression of how it would feel in his mouth. Buggy swallows the excess moisture his mouth is creating in anticipation and nods. You nudge the plate closer, creating a soft rasp as the ceramic slides against wood.
It’s messy and flavorful. Soft and crunchy. Sweet and lingering. The flavored butter coats his tongue, the heaviness carrying away the taste of resin and ash. He glances at your glistening lips and wonders if they’re also coated in sugar and cinnamon. The thought is chased away with a dry bite of uncoated crust.
“I’m glad I washn’t the only one in the mood for a late night sch-nack.”
You stifle laughter as the remark is delivered through a mouthful of half-chewed food. Buggy cracks a grin as the restrained joy still finds a path to your eyes. Feeling a familiar twist in his stomach, he shoves the rest of the cinnamon toast in his mouth and hopes the food will tamp down the ache.
“D’you do this often?” Buggy asks.
It’s no secret that some of the crew has particular hobbies. While Buggy’s interests sometimes overlap with his crew’s, he prefers to indulge in a select few on his own. This feels different, though. He already partook in privacy, leaving behind the ash and resin before lumbering to the kitchen.
The silence following the confessions was infused by the cinnamon - warm and comforting. This wasn’t a joint activity, it was just two individuals in a concurrent moment. A shared experience that would be repeated the following week. And the week after. And the next, as well. It became a routine.
The evening sessions begin independently until the smoke carries you both to the kitchen. Together you fill the room with laughter borne from empty giddy thoughts, while filling your stomachs with whatever you could get your sticky fingers on. 
Grilled cheese sandwiches, where more cheese is eaten in anticipation, than put between the bread slices. Instant noodles that Buggy prepares when he arrives first. Apple slices started a playful argument when you say they taste better with a bit of salt, while Buggy disagrees and slathers his portion in obscene amounts of peanut butter.
One unscheduled night you show up at the captain’s quarters, wearing a sheepish expression and carrying a plate of buttered toast coated liberally in cinnamon sugar. Under the chill of sobriety, Buggy’s chest rapidly fills with drumbeats. There’s no heady fog to dampen the sound, so it reverberates in his head until your voice cuts through.
“I wanted a snack and thought that maybe you’d want some too.” 
His stomach turns, flipping so aggressively that he nearly feels nauseous. The soothing smell of spices drifts into the room, ready to confront the turmoil in Buggy. It talks to him with a soft murmur, saying this is no different than the nights in the kitchen. Fantasies are just fantasies. 
Finally, Buggy opens the door wider as his answer, welcoming this reality. Your eyes are red, and so are your cheeks as you enter the room, bringing a new addition to your weekly routines. 
These extra sessions happen without planning. Any night could be enhanced by a knock at the door from a giddy visitor bringing temptation. 
The first time Buggy went to your room, he over prepared for the trip. His body arrived before his mind. His thoughts trailed slowly and lazily, not making any effort to catch up until the time was right. Until he was sitting on the floor, surrounded by a carpet of smoke. 
Leaning against your bed, Buggy watched the small flame illuminate your face and listened to your deep breathing. When you looked over and caught him staring, all he could do was offer you a dopey grin and a bag of chips.
The late night rendezvous continue to happen at least once a week. A reliable respite, no matter how long the ship is at sea. If one person burns through their stash too quickly, there’s always some to share. What started as individual moments that eventually collided, turned into shared joints, passed between fingers and lips.
One night finds Buggy sitting in his usual spot on the floor of your room. His back is pressed against the bedframe and his head rests on the edge of the mattress you’re laying on. The hair from his ponytail is close enough to tickle your hand.
“We should stop doing this.”
In the broken silence, the words sound wrong and don’t fit in Buggy’s head. Stop sitting quietly? Stop smoking so much? Stop clearing out the kitchen? With eyes still closed, he hums a questioning response.
The bed shifts as you sit up. “We should stop whatever this is.”
Craning his neck, Buggy looks to see exactly what you’re talking about. You’re already staring at him, eyes searching his face for understanding that won’t be found.
“This,” you repeat, gesturing between you two. “Whatever we’re doing…I think it should- I don’t think we should-”
“Okay.” The response explodes out of Buggy’s mouth in an attempt to stop the painful words coming from yours. 
You want to stop all of this. Stop sitting in silence with him. Stop smoking with him. You don’t want him around anymore.
Even through the brain fog, your voice rings clear. His mind clings to your request, squeezing it and refusing to let go, no matter how much it stings. Buggy nods along to the replay in his head before pushing himself up.
With a hand on the doorknob, Buggy pauses. Questions tumble inside the pirate, fighting against each other in the haze and growing to take space from the weaker ones. He squeezes the brass orb. The metal is cool against his bare hand. One question takes advantage of the calm feeling and slips out.
“Why what?”
Buggy stares at the door before him. He doesn’t turn around.
“Why,” he repeats mockingly slowly. “Why do you want to stop now? Why did you put up with this for so long? Were you just putting up with me?”
Buggy’s voice rises and cracks as the questions overflow. His hold on the doorknob tightens in an attempt to keep himself grounded.
In the following silence, Buggy sucks on the venom of his words. They were bitter. Not strong enough. But also too strong. They taste of regret and all he wants to do is burn them away. Douse them in alcohol and set them alight until he’s too numb to taste anything.
“Is that what you think?”
The bed creaks as you stand up and Buggy spins to face you.
“Obviously. I thought this was fun. I thought we were having a good time, but clearly I was wrong. You don’t like doing this,” he spits. “I shouldn’t be surprised, really. Of course you weren’t having fun with me.”
“I am- I was. I do like this.” Breaking through his monologue, you keep his attention and step closer. “That’s why we need to stop. I like y- I like this too much.”
You stiffen as the confession falls out. The words are out and can’t be retrieved. There’s no room in your mouth to take them back anyways, so you release the rest of what you want to say.
“It’s hard to keep having fun with you when I want more.”
Buggy’s silent. His mouth opens and closes, but he doesn’t make a sound. He stares at you, waiting for a punchline he knows isn’t coming. Your eyes aren’t glistening with laughter, but with something else.
“You want…more. What-” he swallows thickly, “do you want?”
The air in the room is heavy. You look away, following trails of fading smoke, before returning to Buggy’s expectant face. And lower, to his lips. The face paint is long faded, leaving behind a subtle stain. Your eyes flick back up just as he licks his lips. Those lips.
“I want you.” Your gaze moves down again. “I want all of you.”
Buggy’s body moves before he realizes it, reaching for you as soon as you finish speaking. Your lips taste like cinnamon. There’s a hint of ash on your tongue. You’re delicious. 
His hands cradle your face, holding you close so he can continue to relish a treat he’s thought about countless times before. You stumble back slightly, pushed by his greed. Hands clasp around his wrists, holding yourself steady and keeping his touch in place. 
Neither of you are sure who pulled back first. It took a few tries before you successfully detangled from one another. A question hangs in the space between your bodies - do you still want more?
You sit on the bed and pat the spot next to you. The muffled sounds are attractive and inviting. Yes, you want more. You both do. Buggy sits next to you. Following the movement of the sinking mattress, he leans against you and lets his head fall onto your shoulder. 
His mind lags behind his body, continuing past the arc of his body and bypassing the containment of his head. Buggy’s thoughts pour through his skull, rushing so quickly that he can hardly tease them apart. Mixed within the surge are visions seen only in the depths of privacy. The false memories of your choked moans and flushed face rise to the top and his dick follows suit.
Even with a hazy mind, he wants to pay attention. To give attention to you and to the swelling between his legs. Shifting against you, Buggy presses his face against your neck, pushing his nose into you. You’re warm and smell good. Your skin is damp. He parts his lips and tastes the salt coating your body. While he wasn’t one for salt on apples, he enjoys the taste here. 
The extra moisture left by his sloppy kisses is cooled by his heavy breathing. The change in temperature pulls a hint of a moan. Buggy’s cock twitches in response, begging for relief. Instead of giving in, his hand moves to touch your thigh. Voices tell him to squeeze. To grab you. To delve deeper. He settles for running a shaky hand up and down your leg.
The touch does little to soothe his need, to satiate his desire. The strain in his pants pulses and aches. Buggy grunts against your neck as he palms his erection. It’s so hard, it’s nearly painful. He whines as he realizes there isn’t enough give in the fabric of his pants to properly wrap a hand around himself.
His mind is quickly brought back to you with a click and the scrape of flint. You inhale deeply. The moment lasts forever as he watches little bits of flame escape and float away. Once your lungs are full, you pull Buggy’s face to meet yours.
Lips grazing each other, you exhale slowly. The smoke seeps from your mouth into his. Tendrils escape and dance up before he inhales your kiss. It’s slow and delicate. Hot, but not fiery. Buggy takes all that you give until his head is spun into cotton. Until he’s full of you.
A hand pushes his away to feel his desire. A heavy twitch against your touch conveys how badly he wants you. How desperately he needs you. A whimper escapes from his empty mouth when you squeeze slightly. A sound he repeats when you pull away entirely.
“Take off your clothes,” you tell him as you start doing the same.
The sound of pants being undone and falling to the ground isn’t new, but he feels the soft thumb reverberate in his heart. A heaviness that pulls him into action. Leaning back, Buggy fumbles with his belts and pants before scooting out of them and kicking off his boots in one motion. As he’s working on his vest, you peer over your shoulder and say he could keep that on. The softness in his request makes him even harder.
A curl of smoke catches Buggy’s attention. The wrapped ember glimmers and winks as its essence dances overhead, joining the rest of the heady fog. You pick it up, creating a connection that allows Buggy’s eyes to drift over your naked body.
Sun-kissed shoulders give way to your bare chest and soft stomach. He looks lower and lower, his hand following the path on his own body until he’s fondling and caressing himself in admiration of you. You’re better than any treasure map he’s seen - worthy of intimate study until he knows every curve, every valley and peak, every nook, absolutely everything until he’s committed you to memory.
Time flows inconsistently and Buggy’s not sure how long you let him touch himself while simply looking at you.
“Sorry, you’re-you’re just…wow,” he stammers awkwardly.
“Just wow,” you repeat with the smile that he’s only ever seen during the nightly sessions. “I didn’t see you as a man of few words.”
“Well, they say actions speak louder than words.” The teasing remarks ease any tension in the room. 
With legs still hanging over the edge of the bed, Buggy leans back on his elbows. The movement allows his vest to fall open and expose his chest, while his thick erection rests against his lower stomach. You approach slowly and straddle his lap, finding a perfect seat on his thighs. Your ass is soft and warm against his skin.
You offer him the still burning ember, which he accepts. His body moves obediently, unable to do more than go with the flow of the evening. All of his senses are alight and high. It would be overwhelming if it wasn’t with you. Closing his eyes, Buggy takes another drag.
Meanwhile, he feels you drag yourself on his body. You position his sticky member against yourself, rubbing his leaky tip along the way. He cracks his eyes just as you slowly sink down. You gasp, just as he’s imagined, when his flared head stretches you open.
“Fuuuuuck,” he groans, releasing the smoke in his lungs. 
A floating hand drops the burning herbs in the ashtray on the bedside table and then finds a spot on top of your thigh. His thumb rubs soft encouragement as your body adapts to his size.
“Y-you’re doing so good.”
Your body reacts to his praise, becoming intoxicatingly tight. The pressure from your legs outside of his increases. Your hands find purchase on his shoulders, kneading out feelings of sensitivity as you sit flush on his cock.
Buggy is captivated by your expression - both focused and unfocused. Knitted brows caught between concentration and loss of control. Hazy eyes that flutter, unsure if they want to be open or closed. Your bottom lip stuck between your teeth.
“S’big. Feels…feel really full.” The breathlessness behind your comment sends Buggy to the clouds. 
Do you feel so full that you can hardly breathe? Does his cock take up that much space in your body? He throbs in your heat, straining against the confinement.
“You said you wanted more. Is it too much? M-more than you expected?” Buggy teases.
You let out a weak chuckle and rest your head on his shoulder. “No, I can do this.”
Committed to taking all you want, you start rolling your hips. Slowly at first, with Buggy’s floating hands following your movement. You grind harder as his grip increases. His fingers alternate between digging into your flesh and massaging out the bruising touches. Focused on staying within the boundaries of his restraint, Buggy doesn’t catch the sound of your voice the first time. 
“Help,” you mumble again against his neck, “please.” Pushing yourself back, you look Buggy in the eyes. “Fuck me.”
If he didn’t always stave off his orgasms multiple times when handling his own business, Buggy would have exploded inside of you just then. Still, he would not be able to hold out much longer. 
Sitting up, his arms move to connect with his hands, wrapping you in his embrace. He spreads his legs further to brace himself. With one arm around your waist and the other crossing your back to your shoulder, he fucks you the way you asked for. The way your moans beg for. 
Buggy uses his hold to push you against his thrusts, burying his cock as deep as your body allows. But he wants more. He clings to you, pulling you closer to his chest, wanting to feel you everywhere. To continue having your lovely sounds brush past his ear, to have your hands threading his hair, to feel your body stick against his.
Floating in those thoughts, Buggy didn’t know how tight the tether holding his anchor was until it threatened to snap.
“S-shit, m’close. I’m gonna- fuck. Wh-where-” His movements falter along with his stutters.
The tension loosens slightly as you pull yourself off, but returns when you kneel between his legs. You wrap your hands around his cock, using the wet sex from both of your bodies to jack him off. Buggy struggles to keep his eyes open, wanting to remember every moment of this, rather than falling back into the fantasies he’s used to finishing too.
“O-open your mouth,” he begs.
You give him the most wonderful open-mouthed smile as you push out your tongue, eager for what’s next. A hold on your wrist pulls one hand down to cradle his balls. Your touch is gentle, following as his balls tighten and he falls over the edge.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck… Keep-keep going,” Buggy grunts as each stroke along his cock sends another jet of hot cum to cover your face and chest.
His orgasm directs your movements. As each pulse slows, so does the pumping, until the final one to ease the last few pearly drops onto your dripping fist. 
Ignoring his body’s cry for rest, Buggy pushes himself forwards and lets his trembling legs drop him to the ground. You ease back to give him space.
“C’mere, I’m going to make you feel so good,” he says in a shaky voice.
He advances until you’re laying on the wood floor. He hovers over you, trailing a hand along your body until it’s between your legs. Your gasp is captured by his mouth and more sinful sounds are coaxed by his tongue.
You still taste like cinnamon. There’s a hint of salt, again. Not from your sweat, but from his cum. Fuck, it’s good. His tongue pokes out of your mouth to swipe long your lips, seeking more of that combined taste. Meanwhile, your grasp at his wrist and grind against his hand.
Buggy follows your cues - rubbing, teasing, increasing pressure, going faster, easing up - whatever you want. He’ll do this for as long as you’d let him and he wants you to know. But when he tells you to take your time, it has the opposite effect. You whimper and cry out as you come to his touch.
“That’s it, you’re doing such a good job,” Buggy croons, carrying you through the wave, until it crests and you float back down.
You keep your eyes shut as you settle back into your body. You look wonderful. Dazzling. Breathtaking. Your chest is heaving and you’re coated in a sheen of sweat and strands of cum. His cum. His mark. A possessive fire lights in his chest.
“Just tell me whenever you want more,” Buggy says against your skin, pressing kisses to your shoulder and chest. “I’ll take care of you. I’ll take good care of you, promise.”
You laugh, seeing through the disguise of his kind ‘offer,’ to his own insatiable desire. The cooling liquid on your skin jostles with the movement, sending a shiver through your body. 
Buggy moves closer to you, wanting to share his warmth and feel more of yours. Always, to feel more of you.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ ✩ ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ ✩ ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ ✩ ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
A/N: Also, I'd like to draw attention to the end of "Great Romances of the 20th Century," since it fits so well:
I'm in your room Is this turning you on Am I turning you on? I'm in your room Are you turned on? I'm on the corner of your bed I'm thinking maybe Are you turned on? Are you turned on?
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giamee · 5 months
CHAPTER X! play stupid games, win stupid prizes
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and now, finally, everyone was heading back to the hostel to rest. now, finally, you had a chance to talk to alhaitham about what exactly had happened between the two of you not even 24 hours ago.
he wasn't miles ahead at the front of the group now as you walked back, something that you silently rejoiced in as you didn't think that you had it in you to walk any faster than you already were. the universe seemed to have some good in store for you, as everyone else was a few metres ahead, with just the two of you trailing after them.
it took a few moments for you to build the courage to go up to him, a newfound fear of rejection taking root whenever you initiate an interaction with him. ultimately, you didn't want everything that had happened last night to grow into something worse. you missed the looks that you shared with him across tables, across rooms, and his silent presence that you had grown more than accustomed to. you didn't like its absence, not one bit.
"can we talk?"
your voice was clear this time, thank god, and alhaitham froze a little before slowing to match your pace.
"about what?" you couldn't believe him right now.
"you know what."
his face didn't give away anything, again, and you found yourself envious of his ability to do so. if he were to look at you properly, he could probably read every single thought of yours just by the look on your face, and easily decipher just how much you were putting on the line with this conversation.
alhaitham paused again, and you wanted to shake him and scream.
"let's talk back at the hostel."
"okay." at least it was something. barely.
there was silence again, the maddening and uncomfortable type as you walked back to the hostel, feeling so much like a doomed repetition of the night before.
thoughts churned around your head as you walked, not even sure of what you wanted to say. you were too tired to do so during the day, with dehya and nilou keeping you distracted. and now that it mattered most, you were drawing blanks.
you felt hazy for the rest of the walk back. to any passerby, you probably looked like a couple in the middle of an argument, walking back to your room while sulking at each other. any reality would be better than this one.
and finally, alhaitham pulled you to the side, ever so subtly, into a small alcove in the corridor leading up to the room. he was close, enough that your shoes almost touched as you stood opposite each other. that fact didn't help you in trying to organise your thoughts enough to ask him a question.
"what did you want to talk about?" his voice is a little softer now, probably more hushed to avoid anyone eavesdropping on your conversation.
you paused for a second, thinking about what exactly you did want to say to him.
"i guess.... i just want to know what you were thinking when you did.... that." you couldn't even say kiss right now. it felt too sweet of a word to taint with what you were feeling right now.
"look, it was a mistake, alright? i'm sorry that it happened, it shouldn't have-"
"did you do it because you have feelings for me or because you were drunk?" you didn't even expect to blurt that out, and it hung suspended in the air as you searched his face for any sign of emotion.
there was a long silence after that. he didn't drop your gaze from where you stood chest to chest in that little alcove in the hallway. you could make out the barely there movement of his chest as he breathed, and only now could you get some idea that right now he was thinking hard about something. the pit in your stomach grew.
"if i were you... i would just move on."
in less than 24 hours, he had managed to rip your heart out of your chest and trample on it twice.
"i see."
it was succinct enough- you doubt any more words had to be spoken even if you could think of some. alhaitham nodded, a crease between his brows as his inner conflict became more obvious to you.
he left you stood there to turn towards the room door, only pausing once to look back, muttering an "i'm sorry" before disappearing. the soft click of the door shutting behind him
some small relief was that the tears only began to fall when you were alone, with no audience to watch your face scrunch up as you slumped a little against the wall, feeling so small and insignificant as you began to cry silently.
you didn't even want to tell your friends right now, sure that their sympathy would only make you feel even more sorry for yourself. no, this was a time to lick your wounds in private, and allow yourself these ten minutes of weakness before you put this behind you once and for all and just move on.
his words left a bitter taste in your mind, and while it hurt to come crashing down to earth from the fairytale version of him that had dissolved in front of your eyes, it had to be done. so you cried until your eyes felt dry, and only then got your own key out and joined the rest of your friends in the room.
just move on. alhaitham's words were still rattling around in your head as you came back inside the room, checking your reflection in the mirror as you brushed your teeth and got ready to sleep, making sure that you definitely did not look like you had been crying for the past ten minutes. running cold water over your wrists helped, as did washing your face right after.
another small relief from the universe was the fact that the door separating the bathroom from the beds was closed, hiding your blotchy and puffy face as you tried to return back to normal.
just move on. it really was no big deal. just a difference in expectations. some juvenile part of you still clung to the possibility that this was all because alhaitham had feelings for you, but the cynicism was beginning to take hold, extinguishing those burning embers of hope.
you paused now, face still wet, and just looked at your reflection. other then your eyes being slightly bloodshot, there were no other signs of what had just transpired in the hallway. good.
you heard the door open, turning your head just in time to see cyno slip into the bathroom as well. he shoots you a bashful smile, one that you return as the cogs in your head start to whirr.
just move on, right?
"hey, wanna watch a movie with me? i'm not really tired yet." you cringed internally at the sickly sweet tone of your voice, though it seemed to have its desired affect as cyno began to deliberate. you already knew what the answer would be despite the hesitance in his face.
"... yeah. sure." not even a false pretence of asking if you were sure.
"cool, just get into my bed when you're done." you breezed past him, getting comfortable despite what you were sure was some sort of adrenaline rush starting to invade your system.
those few minutes cyno spent in the bathroom seemed to stretch for too long, with you having already pulled up the movie that you had initially downloaded for the plane trip, leaving it ready and you growing increasingly antsy.
by the time he came back into the room, the lights were all of, and except for the slither of light let in as the dokr opened and closed, it was completely dark as cyno carefully approached your bed, getting in with minimal effort or noise on his part. he always had been particularly agile.
his arm brushed against yours as he shuffled up so that you would lie side by side, both huddled transfixed at the small screen of your phone for the movie to play on. and when you were both comfortable, you pressed play.
the movie was nothing special, really. some half-hearted comedy meant to kill time instead of sleeping. but then again, this wasn't ever really about watching the movie. it was obvious by the way both of your breaths hitched whenever one of you would lean in a little too close, ever so gradual over the course of the movie until your sides were pressed flush against each other, your soft skin meeting his, angles and curves complementing each other and slotting together.
and it felt nice. it felt familiar. it was a nice distraction from the movie.
"should i go back to my bed?" it was silent in the room by now apart from the two of you lying side by side. the credits of the movie rolled, now forgotten as you turned to look at cyno properly. you would really hate if he accidentally awoke anyone right now, disturbing their precious slumber as he climbed down from your creaky bed and into his.
"only if you want to." cyno paused, though there didn't seem to be much conflict in his eyes before he stared resolutely back, giving you your answer.
was this a good idea? absolutely not.
did you feel bad about it? hard to say.
but by now, cyno was getting comfortable, laying down properly on your pillow. his arm brushed against you, and you didn't shy away.
despite every warning you screamed internally, you shuffled even closer to his touch. he was warm, chest solid against you just how you remembered. you vaguely thought of just how easy it was to lie next to him, a bitter pang of remembering how there was once a time where this would be part of your nighttime routine. the synchronity of you and cyno, all the joy and love that had been shared in those moments.
you even realised that you were in what had once been your favourite sleeping position, with him on his back, arm looped around you as you rest on his chest. one arm resting on him, the other looped around your middle with his hand holding yours. his fingers, you noticed, were even idly playing with yours like he used to do every time the two of you laid like this.
yet things were different now. you weren't dating any more. you just got your heart broken by a man who wasn't even lying next to you, but a few beds away, and your thoughts kept straying back to him.
just move on. the arm looped around you now felt foreign, the breathing pattern underneath you no longer sounding familiar, and you suddenly felt like a stranger to cyno all over again.
you're not even sure of the exact reason as to why tears begin to fall. you let them drip down your face, onto the soft material of cyno's, your ex's, shirt, letting the liquid trek past the contours of your nose and cheeks.
and as you cried quietly, cyno laid there, arm still around you but otherwise still. despite the fact that you were lying on him, it still felt like he was a thousand miles away, leaving you truly alone to let the tears continue to fall.
all in an attempt to just move on.
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✦ ⠂⠂୨୧ trivia :: when cyno climbed into your bed, not everyone was asleep. kaveh noticed, and simply shot alhaitham a puzzled glance, which the grey-haired man refused to meet, deciding to instead feign sleep instead
✦ ⠂⠂୨୧ gia's notes :: another text only chapter yayyyyy. this officially marks the beginning of things getting Messy™️ also L haitham rn sorry guys :( this chapter was so cinnamon girl by ldr coded icl
✦ ⠂⠂୨୧ taglist :: ( if you would like to be added / your username changed let me know! ) @makimakimi @aeongiies @sukunasrealgf @ssoliva @sakiimeo @eggn0gcookie @yxcade @fiona782 @heartswonder @eunchaeluvr @clumsyphuq @pinksodacan @aelxr @themusingsofmany @obervation-subject-753 @kittycasie @aimno256 @maxineshearts @mafuyuslover @meigalaxy @mintydump @v4lerixxq @artwitchh @geo-hew-hew @imkaaayy @c4tsfr0mh3ll @kokoscutie @erzarq @eu-la @ddiluc @ichikaisflowers @rahhhmen @esmetrees @rain-and-a-nice-nap @g8mmaaaa
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Cause of Action 5
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, age gap, other dark elements. Proceed with caution.
Note: this is a bit of a longer chapter so thank you for waiting! Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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The world seeps in through the slits of your fluttering eyes. The car, the street, a door you don’t recognise. You hang from a thick arm, feet clumsy as you try to match the gait that guides you forward. Your head feels like a rock and it isn’t long before you sink back into oblivion.
Only for a moment. You see a lightly, a fuzzy glow above you, the hazy shapes that crowd the room. You’re sat down on a cloud and as you’re let go, you fall onto your back. A heavy sigh gust through the space like a storm swirling in.
You bring your hand up as you try to steady your spinning vision. You smack yourself in the face as your eyes twitch. You furrow your brow, putting all your strength into pinpointing the figure standing above you. He moves, back and forth, pacing ominously as you languish in confusion.
“Where…” your lips form the single world but you can’t finish the question.
You don’t know this place. You’ve never seen these walls or laid on this bed. You don’t know where you are. You’re scared but something keeps your fear from piquing. The shell of numbness that paralyses you adds to the brief spell of horror before just as quickly petering out.
“Lloyd,” a growl permeates the fog of your existence, garbling as the tones hiss lower. You know that voice, your mind clings to it, unwinding the riddle; Andy. “...you give her…” You feel a pulse from within as your ears scratch and buzz, “...do I do?”
The words don’t make sense. You can’t piece together their meaning or who he’s talking to. You let your eyes roll back and weakly drag your arms up to rest across your stomach. Your breath catches in your nose and throat, a snore rising as you toe the line of consciousness.
The world shifts. Your eyes snap open and see the thick trim of Andy’s beard, his arms around you as he moves you up the mattress. You throw your arms out to feel the cushiness all around you. You want to sleep forever. It’s the only thought you can discern; you need to sleep.
“Sweetheart…” a tickle on your cheek as his voice fizzles to a dulled echo.
You close your eyes again, a warmth cocooning around you. You plummet into the depths, spinning on your way down, a distant tugging that follows you down. The lights of the club flicker in your head, then the hum of an engine, capped by the sullen tones of your boss. They all mingle to a muddled drone, a ringing in your ears that underlines your blank unconsciousness.
The faint smell of something woodsy tugs at your nose, an underlying hint of lemon that rouses your swampy mind. You squirm and fight the weight resting at the base of your skull, the limpness in your shoulders and spine. You groan as it takes effort to just open your eyes.
The sight of your awakening would make you scream if you had the ability to. You don’t know if you can do much in the state you are. Your head pounds, your muscles ache, the light of the sun slipping through the window makes you want to puke. You don’t move or think as you conserve your energy, first clearing away the cobwebs.
You stare at the stubble along Andy’s neck and how it thickens along his jaw. His cologne wafts into your lungs with each breath as you watch the pulse beat in his throat. You don’t understand how this happened. 
Are you so stupid that you got blackout drunk in front of your boss? You’ve never drank more than two drinks at a time. So why that night?
You remember the man with the mustache and his special way of coaxing. You grit your teeth as you focus, trying to delve past the shallow layer of your memories. You barely remember what he and Andy were talking about. Something about a lawsuit but you could guess that given your line of work.
You plant your hand on the mattress between you and Andy and push yourself away, rolling flat on your back with a whimper. You draw your arm up and sling it over your face, blocking out the assault of sunlight. The bed shifts subtly and you wince as a small cough rises from his throat.
“You’re awake,” he says bluntly.
You moan and let your arm slip away from your eyes. Andy sits up as you blink at him, vision glossy at the edges as you focus on the dark tee that strains across his bicep. He leans forward and rubs his eyes.
“What… what happened?” You croak, voice hoarse and painful, “I don’t…”
“You don’t remember? Anything?” It’s almost an accusation.
“I’m sorry… no…”
You look down, noticing how the blanket is wrapped awkwardly around you. The edge of it lets the cool air tickle your side as it appears you fell asleep atop the covers and he pulled the hem over you from the other end. The pure white strap of your bra peeks up above it and the glimpse of your naked side, your panties slightly crumpled around your hip.
Mortified, you pull the blanket to cover yourself fully. Andy raises his head and stretches his neck as he turns his back to you. The tension laces the air and winds around your neck. Oh no, you’ve done something horrid.
“I must’ve drank too much…” you murmur.
“You think?” He stands and rests his hand on the night table, “what you did could get us both in a lot of trouble?”
“I’m sorry. I don’t know why– I don’t usually drink that much–”
“Sure, you don’t. A girl your age, I’m sure you never touch the stuff,” he says dryly, leaning so his arm cords with tension, veins bulging beneath his skin, “it’s a conflict of interest, to say the least.”
“I don’t… did we–”
“I didn’t do anything. I put you in the guest bed. I was trying to do the right thing but you wouldn’t stay out. You crawled in and I couldn’t get you to leave,” his voice is rough, unlike you’ve ever heard it. You’ve messed this all up. “I laid awake all night. I made sure nothing happened and that’s exactly what you’re going to say if anyone asks; nothing.”
You quiver and try to sit up. You whine at the agony of doing so and you keel forward, bracing your tamping temples. He sighs and shifts his weight. You feel him looking at you.
“Look, I’m all about second chances. Lloyd can be a bad influence, he wasn’t exactly subtle last night. And you were obviously not in your right mind,” he mulls his words and clucks, “you’re obviously suffering the consequences of your behaviour so I won’t add anything else to it.”
“I’m so sorry,” you eke out, your insides churning violently as you struggle to still reality.
You raise your head, bobbling as you fight to get to the edge of the bed. The blanket falls away as you forget all modesty. There’s something wrong with you. Is this really what a hangover feels like? You don’t know, you’ve never had one.
You fold over and heave onto the floor between your feet. You nearly slip off the bed but you feel it dip and Andy’s hand catches your shoulder. He eases you back and lays you across the mattress. His large hand brushes your cheek and he touches your forehead.
“You’re in rough shape,” he tuts.
“I’m sorry,” your tears leak out as you shiver, hugging yourself as his warmth sends a chill through you, “I didn’t…”
“We can move past this,” he says as he moves you gently, laying your head against a pillow, pulling the blanket around you once more. His fingertips graze your stomach and you swear you hear a purr. Does he have a cat? “I can’t in good conscience let you go yet, and I don’t think you could if you tried.”
“I’ll work from home. You can bank the hours from last night towards today,” he says matter-of-factly, his hand lingering at the top of the blanket, just above your chest, “I’ll get coffee going.”
“Andy,” you sniff, “Mr. Barber,” you correct yourself.
“We’re moving past it,” he looks you in the face, blue eyes stern but smoky, “right?”
You consider him, not quite sure at first what he’s asking. That you want to forget this or that you want something else? That your drunken actions were more than mindless mistakes? No, he can’t want that, he’s made that obvious.
“I’ll be better, sir.”
His throat bobs and his cheek ticks. His brow slants just slightly and his gaze falls to his hand. He retracts it and backs off the bed. He mutters as he gets to his feet, “coffee…”
He turns and marches away. You watch dumbly, helplessly, as you wallow in his bed. How could this have happened? No, how could you have done this?
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didishawn · 1 year
do u have more Pedri x Ferran x Reader??🤭🤭🤭
Post match (Pedri x Reader x Ferran) smut
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Warnings: threesome, smut, shower sex on a public place, lots of Spanish
The dressing room has long since emptied, yet the space is not quiet with the shower running on the background and the sound of skin slapping against each other.
Kisses are placed all over your body, your mind is hazy even if you have only just started.
Ferran's hands have a strong hold on your hips, moving you along his cock as he pleases, your own hands are around Pedri's cock, moving up and down, your lips on his abs calming him down from the extasis his mind is in, his moans loud and deep.
"Date prisa que me quiero venir dentro de ella" he tells the Valencian, who scoffs. (be quick, I want to cum inside her)
"Se te escucha un poco desesperado, Pepi, ¿no estarás ya a punto de correrte?" (you sound a bit desperate, Pepi, are you about to cum?)
"Lo dices como si tú no estuvieras igual, puedo ver como tiemblas desde acá" (you say that as if you are not the same, I can see how you tremble from here)
Ferran smiles, he cannot really deny the accusations as you orgasm around him, pushing him too over the edge, biting into your shoulder to contain the loud moan that escapes him. He gives few more thrusts, making sure none of his cum escapes your insides.
"Venga, quita, que me toca a mi" (come on, stay out of my way, it's my turn)
The Valencian rolls his eyes at his best friend's demands, rasing his arms and letting your insides, you moan when Pedri doesn't wait a second to slam into you.
Ferran takes your hands into his supporting you as you tremble from the overstimulation, your sounds are loud, hight pitched, breathless as you kiss him, one hand massaging his body, the other reaching back to push against the other boy's hips, trying to slow him down. He is far too gone to pay attention to your pleads, there are marks from his hands on your hips, your ass is red, he doesn't fumble, leaning down his mouth against your ear, groaning loudly, whispering the filthiest for you to hear.
"Te gusta, ¿no? Que te follemos aquí cuando cualquiera podría entrar y adivinar que está pasando. Quieres que todos se enteren de la puta en la que te conviertes solo para nosotros" (you like this right? That we fuck you here when anyone could enter and guess what is going on. You want everyone to know how much of a whore you are for us only)
You can only nod in midst of the inmense pleasure given to you, Ferran cupping your cheeks to calm you down from the intense, rough, hard thrusts, the Canarian boy is unstoppable as he fucks you, the other leans down to kiss your forehead, his lips on yours to quiten you down.
The hold that Pedri has on your hips tightens, and you now he is close, more frequent noises leave his mouth. He suddenly pushes you off, indicating Ferran to put you in your knees.
You are face to face with his cock, watch a she jerks himself off, you lean forward, placing little kisses on his tip, then licking, one of your hands reaches to stimulate his heavy balls, his head falls back, chest heaving up and down, Ferran holds your hair off your face with one hand, the other reaches down in between your legs, tight, fast circles on your clit making you quickly cum at the same time Pedri cums, your face stained with the white substance.
The three of you rest for a moment, all three breathless as you stand under the cold water. Ferran closes the water, Pedri meanwhile picking you up, your legs surrounding his waist as he walks out from the shower.
They dress you in between the two, knowing your legs to be trembling and you to be sleepy. Ferran carries you to the car, luckily there are only few paparazzi left that you manage to skip, he buckles you up and sits on the back, Pedri drives, his hand on your thigh.
The car stops on a red light, the midfielder turns to you with a grin.
"Aprovecha a descansar ahora, cariño, que todavía hay mucha noche por delante" (take the chance to rest now, darling, that there is still a long night awaiting you)
You roll your eyes yet get comfortable, you know your boys are not easily satisfied, and you don't have any complaints. Who are you to deny them such a pleasure after doing so good?
Your two talented boys who don't let you sleep until the early morning hours.
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my-pjo-stuff · 2 months
AU in which Percy is seriously injured on Antaeus' Arena, Luke rescues him and provides first aid, then Percy becomes a prisoner aboard Princess Andromeda.
Percy's powers are held back by Kronos and Hecate, he lives in his own small cabin in the lowest tier of the ship, Luke tries to persuade him to join him, and a forced semblance of friendship arises between Percy and Ethan.
one day Luke got drunk and he feels bad emotionally and mentally, he goes to Percy... and Percy was able to calm him down and comfort him. Percy is the only one who can comfort him and the only one with whom Luke feels at ease.
[I think about it platonically, but you can also see it in a romantic light. By the way, Percy is the legacy of Peitho, the goddess of charm and kind of the wife of Hermes, which is why Luke feels good and pleasant next to him].
Second of, YES.
I will go with this being platonic, since that's how I personally prefer them. Anyway imagine if in this AU Kronos has a bit more trouble reviving, even with Luke as a vessle and Ethan joining. And thus Kronos/Luke need Percy to join up with them to get to their goal. There are two reasons for this change A) Antaeus' Arena happened relatively close to Luke getting possessed by Kronos, so it's a way to buy time for the plot. B) It's a strong(er) motivation for Luke/Kronos to keep Percy around and prisoner instead of just killing him when he keeps resisting. Also gives us a strong(er) reason for Luke to keep in close contact with him. Anyway just imagine Percy in that situation. Luke, in his drunken and emotional state pours out his heart to him. Telling him about how he's afraid of that Kronos planned- of what Kronos'll do to him. His first word to Percy when he came to him? "I never wanted this"
Not sure how to react Percy thinks it's a ploy at first. A scheme to get him to sympathize with Luke and weaken his defenses. But it just keeps going, and with a slight hint of horror does he realize that Luke's genuine. He reeks of alcohol and his cheeks are flushed- it's obvious that Luke's drunk. He couldn't properly manipulate Percy even if he tried. And with even greater horror does Percy realizes just what exactly Luke is telling him there. The third realization he makes, the fact that Luke feels comfortable and at ease around him, only comes after he already comforted Luke. Percy had no idea what he was doing and acted on instinct when he offered the older a hug. He already started calling himself an idiot mentally when Luke just stared at him after the offer, his eyes still hazy. When suddenly his cell door opened and Luke entered, pressing Percy against himself. Luke and Percy proceeded to spend the night like that in Percy's cell. The younger managed to get the blonde to settle down after a bit- at least get them to a sitting position. Luke still has him pulled to his side though- in something one could only describe as a gentle, almost brotherly hug. The younger's head rests on Luke's chest, smelling the alcohol still in his breath while Luke babbles on. One of his hands continues to rest on Percy's shoulder- protectively, almost. The younger can feel his hair growing wet from Luke's tears as he rests his head atop his.
In his drunken and emotional haze the blonde forgot to close the cell door again. He's no match to Percy right now- all that would need to be done to reach freedom would be to throw off Luke and run.
But he can't. Percy can't.
Not after seeing Luke like this- hearing Luke like this. And certainly not after feeling how Luke pressed him into his side, tenderly, lovingly. Having forgotten any mask or show he put on, and just letting it all pour out. None of the two speak about what happened the next morning. Percy wakes up alone, his cell locked again like it always was. Part of him wonders if it all was just a dream. Percy realizes it wasn't when Luke comes to him again. He's sober this time, his face betrays no hint of what had happened the previous night.
But something is still different.
Luke's facade is cracking. And after realizing that Luke for some reason started taking comfort in him, Percy decides it's time that Luke and his Army return back home. Now the questions stands who will convince the other of that first :
Luke Percy to join Kronos, or Percy Luke to rennounce the Titan lord and return to camp.
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blissfulalchemist · 2 months
WIP Wednesday
Hello I come from the void to bring you some writing! I have been tagged over the weeks by @statichvm and @adelaidedrubman It is surprise surprise FFXVI based because that little universe won't leave my brain currently while it rotates new ffxiv material. But as always with this have a (sizable) variety pack of the two gals!
Alma and Joshua during the Rising Tide DLC
It’s quiet where Alma sits looking over the village and towards the sea, embracing the fresh, salty air and imagining what this place could feel like with the actual sun’s rays. Listens as the villagers go about their day as if it were any other and the scuttling of animals hiding among the lush forest. Content and lightweight she closes her eyes a moment hearing the soft footsteps of someone she knows well come toward her. She beams looking over her shoulder to watch as Joshua comes into view and sits next to her resting one arm on his bent leg with a near matching smile. “What brings you up here?”
“I was told I might have some luck finding you here.”
“Have I been gone that long?” Joshua nods, “Oh….I’m sorry. For worrying you and for not being around you like I should be.” 
“Don’t be. To be honest with you it has been refreshing to see you so exploratory once again.”
“I….I can’t be, not if I want to take care of you.” He takes her hand, criss crossing his legs, “I just-. This place is so….unique.” She looks back over the area, smile beginning to fade.
Joshua moves closer to her, bringing her hand to his lips, “What troubles you my dear Alma?”
“Hm? Oh nothing. It’s nothing, I’m fine.”
“Alma,” he pleads softly, “please, talk to me. You know you can tell me anything.”
“But-.” Her eyes meet his seeing them full of concern and feeling the warmth from his chest as he holds her hand to it. Alma takes a deep breath, “It’s nothing, really. More stupid than anything.”
“I shall hear it nonetheless.”
“I can’t help but wonder,” she starts, eyes straying back to the sea, “what would it have been like had my parent’s boat landed here. How different their lives could have ended up had the tides taken them north. While I know many outsiders didn’t last here for very long the way these people have reacted to the last thing I have of them, the journal documenting our family’s methods of healing, it doesn’t feel out of the realm of possibility that we could have been allowed to stay. So it begs the question….” Her words trail off in a question that doesn’t need to be said and one that makes Joshua’s heart sink as realization forms.
“You don’t talk about them….your parents I mean.”
She shrugs, “What is there to say on them? They died when I was young and I was then raised by Jote’s parents in the Undying.”
“Do you not remember them?”
“I remember enough. I remember the way my mother’s voice sounded when she sang me to sleep on the boat from Ash. The way my father’s eyes never lost their empathetic softness as he healed those that came to him. I even have hazy memories of my grandmother saying how much I looked like my father, but my eyes were that of my mothers.” She sighs, pulling her hand away, “Anything else I remember about them are things I wish I didn’t.”
Bit of an AU where Alma and Joshua met before the fall of Phoenix's Gate
“Miss Martha!” Alma says as she walks into the inn lugging a sack of grain. The sack almost covers her face making it easy to miss the uneven piece of wood. Tripping with wide eyes as she quickly regains her balance, “I think I may need some help.”
Cid laughs, walking over to take it from her, “Here let me get that.”
“Thank you.” 
“The abbot send that back with you did he?” Martha says with a smile, getting her some water.
Alma climbs up the barstool next to Cid, “Yes. Well kind of. I was only supposed to tell you about it.” The woman shakes her head with a playful roll of her eyes, Alma’s gaze settling on Cid. She looks him over, taking in the shadow of a torn off patch on his shirt and the small crest on the hilt of his sword reminiscent of the ones soldiers had when they would visit her grandmother on the other side of the sea. “Are you meant to take me home?”
Alma points to the hilt of his sword, letting the language of Ash come through, “You’re from Ash like me. Did someone ask you to take me back?”
He smirks, responding in the common tongue of the Twins, “Don’t think I’m allowed back,” he leans towards her whispering, “and something tells me you’re not keen on going back either.”
She nods following his lead, “Not without my-. Well this place is my home now. My parents said as much.” The young girl’s shoulders begin to hang, looking up at Martha, “Would it be alright if I came back down later for supper Miss Martha?”
“Of course, sweetheart, but first.” Alma stops her descent down the barstool, eyes fixated on Martha as she pulls out the paper wrapped package from the bag along with a letter that’s closed by a wax seal with the Archduke’s crest upon it. “This, along with the bag, came for you.”
“For me?” 
Martha nods, encouraging her to open the package first. “Was told it was from some boy named Joshua.” 
Alma’s face turns bright as she rips open the paper to reveal two leather bound journals and an unmarked letter on top of them. Her breathing stops as she gently puts the letter to the side and delicately runs her hands over the leather covers. “He-. He kept them….,” her eyes begin to fill with tears as she opens up one of them to find the years of notes, drawings, and instructions passed down for generations, “even after I got him in trouble he still….”
The two adults look into the journal finding the answer as to why she was excelling and surpassing what the locals were able to teach her. “These the journals you told me about?” Martha asks. 
Alma nods, looking into the next one as Cid flips through, finding it written not only in the common tongue of the Twins and Ashen, but another one he just can’t place his finger on. One thing is clear though within the writings, “Were your parents healers?”
“My whole family was. My mother used to tell me that the whole of my history was here in these journals. I was to follow in their footsteps….,” she says softly, voice growing thick, “they were going to teach me and we were going to become better healers as we learned new techniques and had access to different herbs and medicines….They said life would be better here.”
The first time Clive meets Barnabas on the field
With a yell Clive primes himself and rushes the king as the other three watch, limbs tense. The king easily evades the attack and kicks him back, the three jumping in to support him. Jill is the first to catch the king prime another attack, sprinting to give him cover. In a flash the red slash sings towards Clive. Alma’s heart stops for a moment as it makes impact. Ifrit’s power fading as he hits the ground limply. The thump jolts her back into action, sliding to his side, lifting his chest from the ground. Her arm slides under his arm and around his shoulders, his weight nearly crushing her back to the ground before Joshua joins her and the two begin to drag him towards safety. 
Jill yells at them to go before making the temperature drop and the sound of cracking ice before rising above them as Shiva. They make it a few more steps before the Dominant casts a wall of ice between them and Barnabas, her attention now singularly focused on the king. Alma and Joshua look up when they hear Gav call out to them, watching as Clídna jumps over the small stone fences towards them. She wastes no time in pushing Joshua from his spot, bracing Clive on her back as she wraps one of his arms around her shoulders, while her other arm moves Alma out of the way to grab onto his legs. With a quick shift as she stands Clive is securely laying across her shoulders, one arm crossed over her chest and held in place by the arm wrapped around his legs. 
The cursebreaker makes it look easy as she turns and rushes back to Gav, with Alma, Joshua, and Torgal following close behind with the fading sounds of ice and darkness clashing. “Gav! When we make it to the end of the street, I need you to help Joshua take him the rest of the way.” Clídna orders, “Alma, you and Torgal stay in front of them and lead any big mobs of Akashik away from them, got it?”
Alma nods as Gav asks, “And just where do you think you’re goin’ in the middle of all this?”
“To get Jill. I’m not leaving her alone, not again.”
Gav sighs, grumbling, “Well just don’t be stupid about it, alright?” She nods, slowing down into a darkened doorway, helping the men get situated, “You remember where to meet us?”
“Of course. Take care of him, I’ll be back!” With a final nod from Gav does the small group make their way towards the Ironworks in the outskirts of the city. The four of them are a few streets away from their destination when they hear the panting and heavy footsteps of Clídna approaching them, alone. She gives a silent shake of her head when their glances all ask the same question. She picks up Clive once more, pace never faltering as they make it to the doorway of the Ironworks. “Where do you two want him?”
By the time Mid comes to check on them, Joshua has pushed the cot right next to the bed, pillow in the space between his crossed legs that Alma rests on as he leans against the wall, fingers combing through her now loose hair. The healer stays asleep on her stomach to better reach out to the side and have her hand upon Clive’s chest, the man’s breathing strong and steady with more color to his face, her other arm wrapped around Joshua, and Torgal sleeping at her feet. He and the hound glance up at Mid’s entrance, putting a finger to his lips before waving her closer. She sits on the edge of Clive’s bed quietly asking, “Will he be alright? Shouldn’t he have woken up by now?”
“Alma and I can only mend flesh, but the spirit….,” he takes a deep breath letting his gaze focus on Alma, “The spirit must recover on its own.”
“So it's all up to him now ain’t it?” Joshua nods, Mid giving a small smile and nodding at Alma, “Is she going to be alright?”
He nods once more, “A good rest was all she really needed, but being a healer she makes for a very stubborn patient.”
“Ah, only way you were able to get her to sleep I see.” 
“Quite,” And nothing short of unusual for you my dear. He looks around trying to change the subject, “This place is remarkable. Outfitting it must have been no small feat. Why go through all the trouble though if I may ask?”Mid smiles, looking in awe at the Enterprise, “That beauty’s belly is filled with wonders the world in’t ready for. If the other guilds caught wind of what we were up to, they’d all want a piece.”
Clídna and Clive's first night together
Clídna’s footsteps are light as she weaves through the bunks to one man she knows will appreciate the contraband she has tucked away in the storage house. She finds him laying on his back with crossed arms and shaggy black hair obscuring his face even more in the darkness, at least she knows it won’t take him long to be dressed to be outside as he, like many others, wears most of their uniform to bed. She pokes his arm whispering, “Wyvern.” His eyes are slow to open but focus on her shrouded form, “Meet me in the storage house. I promise it’ll be worth your while.”
She says no more and slinks away to the quietest exit, leaving the door loose enough to open with a gentle nudge and not alert anyone else. Once out in the pale moonlight she straightens out inhaling the crisp fall air with a smile before glancing around for the all clear before rushing to the storage house. Thanks to her earlier work she’s able to navigate the maze of crates with ease to the back corner where no one would be able to spot them and where she pulls free two small bottles of wine that didn’t meet the emperor’s standards. Her body tenses when there’s a scrape at the door and soft firelight glows behind a wall of crates. 
She lets free the breath she’d been holding at the sound of Wyvern’s voice. “Back here.” He makes his way to her making the fireball floating in his palm smaller when his eyes land on her. He reaches for a clay bowl stored in the rafters and pulls a dusty rag from one of the broken crates to wrap around a piece of the broken wood. The two settle on the floor where the rag wrapped wood finds a place within the clay bowl along with the fire he used to guide his way to her. She smiles, handing over one of the bottles, “Can I interest you in some South Reach wine?” 
He laughs softly at her exaggerated tone taking the offered bottle, “And how did you manage to get your hands on these?”
“Let’s just say it pays to show interest in the kitchen staff once and awhile.” She holds out the neck of her drink, “So, cheers.”
He clinks his bottle against hers, “Cheers,” taking a swig of the smooth drink at the same time she does.
and finally Clídna being right as always
“Yet you still find it a bit weird, seeing him all grown up like this,” she laughs as he lets out a sigh and shaking his head, “It’s okay to admit it you know. You haven’t seen him fully since he was but an adorable child.” The two watch as the young man moves a stool a bit closer yet not sitting on it as he pets and scratches behind the hound’s ears, and Alma leans a bit closer giggling and batting her lashes as her crossed legs swing. “If it makes you feel better, sweetheart, at this moment in time the two are much younger.”
His brow furrows, “What do you mean?”
She nods her chin at them, “Just look at them. They’re flirting like teenagers(would they say teenagers like that????) in a marketplace.”
“So it means they’ll act nothing like the refined young man and woman they front with you.” She points to someone unknowingly taking the stool from behind Joshua, his focus never leaving Alma as she goes on about something blushing and pushing her long hair behind her ear. The two watch as Torgal finds a place to lay where the stool once was and the couple staring adoringly at one another.
“I don’t believe that,” Clive argues.
Clídna cocks a brow before smirking, “You that confident Joshua won’t be stupid and oblivious?” He nods with a confident smile, “Alright then, I bet you five gil that he’ll soon trip over Torgal while still talking to her.”
“Okay, you’re on.” 
He holds his hand out, the two shaking on it as Jill walks up behind them still mostly dressed in her day clothes. “And what are you two doing out here?” She asks with a chuckle before kissing them both on the cheek and leaning on them both.
“About to make Clive lose five gil.” Clídna points to Joshua and Alma, watching as his hand begins to reach behind him for the stool no longer there. “In five, four, three….”
Joshua attempts to sit only to fall back, taking a step back to try and catch his balance. Torgal stands quickly with a yelp bumping into the back of his legs, taking them out from under him as he tries and fails to grab onto the railing. He falls back with a small yell into the table, his hand catching onto someone’s left over plate causing the food remaining on it to go flying and land on him. 
Alma jumps down with worry all over her features as Clídna and Jill laugh, Clive hanging his head in defeat hiding his smile and repressed laughter. The young couple look up at the boisterous trio, Joshua turning red when he realizes they had all seen what just happened and hearing their laughter grow when Torgal begins to try and clean up the food. 
Alma stands up, hands on her hips trying to look authoritative with her embarrassment also creeping up her neck. “Stop laughing! It’s not funny!”
Tagging: @belorage @florbelles @unholymilf @confidentandgood @strafethesesinners @leviiackrman @statichvm @adelaidedrubman @jackiesarch @shallow-gravy @shellibisshe and anyone else that wants to share!
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