#but i'm a masochist so no one is to blame here
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I'm usually not affected by deaths in fiction. Quite the contrary, even though I get teary eyed, feel bad for the dead and those who live on, I end up getting over them. Itachi is the first character whose death I'll never get over. It makes me sad and angry and makes me want to burn the world (Sasuke's reaction, in a nutshell) every time his face comes to my mind, especially in the end.
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Even until this moment he is pretending. About to plan Ametarasu in Sasuke's eyes, pretending he's the bad guy, after Sasuke's eyes. Pretending he might do something horrible any instant now. He's maintained his cold demeanour so far.
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His hand moves to Sasuke's forehead, while he's still pretending.
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Until he's not. He's done his job. He can rest now. At this point, he's probably completely blind. He was nearly blind in the beginning of the battle. He looks exhausted. Not only from the battle but from life itself.
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Then he gives the saddest, purest smile. A smile when he's not lying anymore. He cannot. In his last moments, after lying his whole life, he wants to be Sasuke's big brother, even if it's for a handful of moments that he needs to steal away from the death. He knows he doesn't have enough time and it doesn't matter anymore because Sasuke is going to hate him even now, but he can't help it. Since his childhood, he was repeatedly thrown in the circumstances that continued to take his life away, little by little. This is the smile when he's completely free, under no obligation to do what he doesn't want to do for someone's sake.
This is the smile after knowing his clan, his parents have found justice with his death. This is the smile after Sasuke has defeated him and will be able to live without him. This is the smile of someone who found solace in the last moments of his life. He knows he's hurt Sasuke too, and with his death, Sasuke finds his justice. What he did to Sasuke, in Itachi's eyes, there's no forgiveness. No, don't tell me he didn't feel any guilt for what he did to Sasuke. The narrative didn't have to yell at us to know his guilt.
He smiled in the end because Sasuke was strong enough to protect himself. Because the legacy of the Uchiha would be Sasuke, his little brother. The honourable Uchiha clan has a rightful heir in Sasuke. The one that made their parents proud.
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This is the face of someone who is exhausted beyond measures. At this point, no love can fix him, no warm blanket can offer him warmth in this arctic cold his life was. Nothing. He finds his comfort in death. His nightmares end when he dies.
His life - an endless battle - ends when he takes his last breath, as do his sufferings. He was sick, quite literally, not only from his illness, but of himself. His body weak, almost-blind, coughing blood, too much medicine - he endured all of it for years, tortured himself because an easy death was not option for him.
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And he did all of it for the sake of his beloved little brother...
[It's a request: if you really hate Itachi or have something negative to say about him HERE, please don't. If someone is too bothered about a character they don't like, rant about him elsewhere.]
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killergee · 3 months
Perfect kind of Idol
Idol turned Defense force officer Reader x Cold Hoshina.
Summary: Reader is a shameless flirt, and Hoshina is struggling to resist his favourite idol subordinate. Or Hoshina gets teased relentlessly and he doesn't know how to react.
Note: I have no idea where this idea came from, but it's here. Enjoy this crack fic that I had to get out of my system.
"Vice Captain Hoshina~"
Oh, God, Hoshina thought to himself as his fingers momentarily stopped typing. What did you want this time.
Sitting in his office and working on his report for the latest mission, he looked up to see you leaning against the door frame.
"Awww, why the long face? If I didn't know any better, I'd think you weren't happy to see me." You continued, tilting your head to the side.
"Officer l/n, what can I do for ya?"
The smile that crept on to your face sent a small shiver down his spine. His eyes stayed on your form, watching you closely as you slowly made your way towards him. Completely captivated, his gaze was similar to that of a prey watching a predator stalk closer.
"My, what's with the cold attitude? Ah, I guess the rumours are true, you must be Captain Ashiro's lover! You're only ever kind to her," you pouted, acting hurt. Despite the innocent act, Hoshina could hear the amusement in your voice. He knew you were setting up a trap for him. He knew you were trying to ensare him so that he was charmed like the rest of the division.
"I'm not Ashiro's lover, " Hoshina deadpans, trying hard to keep his professionalism and nonchalance.
"Oh that's great to hear. I'd hate to share you."
"I'm not yours either."
"You could be."
Aaand there it was. Your shit eating grin was growing by the second, and he saw the satisfaction settle in your eyes. Feeling the blush burning his ears, Hoshina knew if he were to let you continue, it could only get worse from here.
"15 laps for talking casually about a superior officer. Another 5 for prying into the businesses of your superior officers." Hoshina ordered, turning back to look at his computer.
"If I throw in a photo card and an autograph, can I only do 10?"
"That's another 5."
"What about a kiss?"
"God, are you a masochist?" He retorted, snapping his head up to look at you.
Well, that was a mistake.
When you managed to lean over the desk and get so close to him, he didn't know. Your face was all he could see. Caught in your gaze, he couldn't tear his eyes away. The look in your eyes said all that he needed to know.
You were amused, curious, and most of all, expectant.
You were watching. You were waiting. What it was you were waiting for, he couldn't even begin to imagine.
He's sleep deprived. Yes, that was the excuse. No one could blame him for not moving away. Though, him unconsciously drawing closer? The blame is only his.
"Do you want me to be?" You whispered sultrily, your eyes practically glowing when you start to see him crack.
His throat felt dry, but he continued anyways. "Ya know what, keep running round the field 'til I tell ya to stop," Hoshina said with a tone of finality, putting the distance needed to remain professional.
You sighed exaggeratedly in defeat, placing a hand over your heart and another on your forehead as if you were a damsel in distress. So dramatic, he thinks, and he had to use all of his energy to stop the corners of his lips from lifting. Despite the punishment, Hoshina could tell you were deeply satisfied.
Trying to focus on something else other than the intoxicating perfume you've left in your place, he nearly missed the small "worth it," as you left the room.
Only nearly.
"Add in 20 push-ups before you start too, l/n."
Hoshina knows he’s not a teenager anymore. He’s a grown man. He’s the Vice Captain of the Third Division, for goodness sake. So why on Earth was he acting like one every time you talked to him? Was it just because you were a celebrity?
He couldn’t understand why he couldn’t act normally around you. He just seizes up, says something he doesn’t really mean, and leaves. It’s been months since you’ve joined the division and everyone else has gotten used to your presence but him. When the brass was talking about you being a distraction, they couldn’t have known that the only one going to be distracted was him.
"You know people pay good money just to see me, right?" You said, interrupting his thoughts.
He froze for a moment. How on Earth you always manage to sneak up on him is beyond his comprehension. With how you always demanded the attention of the room with just your mere presence, his only explanation must be that he was getting sloppier. Or perhaps it was due to his conscious efforts to stop throwing glances your way that he unknowingly developed a blindspot for you.
Hoshina raised his water bottle to his lips. "And what's that got to do with anything."
"Well, pay more attention to m- h...hey, shouldn't you be giving that to me?" You panted out, hands rested on your knees as he finally let you stop your laps (you felt like you ran at least 100—you actually ran 40). Collapsing beside Hoshina on the small hill overlooking the field, you waved your hand, beckoning for him to give you his water bottle.
Hoshina ignored your plea. "Go get your own."
"I'll send you my unreleased single if you give me the water," you offered.
Well...he couldn't lie, that was definitely a tempting offer. It was during this slight moment of hesitation that you managed to snag the water bottle out of his hand and glug half of it down.
Shocked by your actions, he blushed heavily and reached to take back his waterbottle. "HEY!"
You pulled your hand back just in time before he could take it from you. "Why're you so red? Never shared a water before? Are you red cuz we indirectly kissed?"
"Indirect wha- Don't be a child," he snapped back, trying to will back his embarrassment.
You offered the bottle to him. "Here, here, have it," you chuckled amused. "Now you can drink from it, and then you'd get to indirect kiss me!"
"That's not what I wan-"
"Oh? But you were fighting so hard to get it back."
He couldn't tell if the flush on his face was from frustration or embarrassment or a mix of both. "No, keep it, I don't care." He surrendered, somehow seeming more exhausted than you were.
"Say how 'bout you go straight to the source?" Titling your head to the side you cheekily pointed at your lips that were curled in a sly smile.
"Absolutely not."
You stay silent for a moment, and Hoshina lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He was glad to have a small break to calm his rapidly beating heart. However, that relief was very short-lived.
You spoke outloud contemplatively, "to reject my kiss? How strange..." After a moment, your eyes widened as if you had an epiphany. Hitting your first into your open palm, your lips curled into a dangerous smile, "it must be because you don't know how to kiss."
"I know how to kiss!" He shouted before he could control himself.
"Learning from books doesn't count."
"You're absolutely terrible." He groaned, completely defeated by your relentless teasing. You know what? He should've rejected your application like the brass told him to.
Before he could continue that train of thought, you pounced on him, pinning him beneath you. With your body flushed against his, he could feel every curve of your body and the warmth it emitted.
"Want me to show you how?" You say with a devilish grin, mirth lacing your voice.
Hoshina's mind and heart raced a mile a minute. His heart was in such a flurry that he had trouble thinking straight. So, while his mind was in disarray, his body unconsciously took control in analyzing the situation.
Now, Hoshina may not be a genius like his brother or gifted like his Captain, but the one thing Hoshina got going for him was his martial prowess—his unerring reading of the body.
Honed from a young age, he could always tell his chances of winning a fight based on the physicality of his opponent. The solidity of their stance, the precision of their attacks, the strength of their grip—Hoshina was able to tell the outcome of the battle before it even came to an end. For him, reading body language became second nature, a part of his subconscious. Thus, he always trusted whatever it was his body told him.
So, although his eyes and his brain were telling him you've got him trapped, his body was telling him otherwise.
The hand pinning his down was weak. There was no firmness or security. The way your legs entangled his left your opening too big for it to be unintentional. The slight tremble in your hand told him you were nervous and unsure. Your actions didn't match your look at all.
Ah, so your teasing has all been a front, he thinks to himself. You really did have him fooled. All that bravado and for what? He wondered if you were just as nervous every time you flirted with him before. If all those other times, he could've easily stopped you too. If you were actually a sheep in wolf's clothing. He couldn't help but laugh to himself, all the tension leaving his body. Yours, on the other hand, froze at hearing his chuckle.
In one solid motion, he flipped you onto your back, reversing the positions. When he pins you, it's with a strong and sure grip. No room for escape. No room for wiggling your way out.
"Wh-wha" you sputtered as you struggled to comprehend what was happening. So even you knew how to blush, he thought.
Not a bad look on you.
"Where's all that confidence gone? I'm just accepting what's being offered."
Seeing you like this did something to him. Blushing red just for him when you've worked so hard to keep up your perfect image. To see a side of you that no camera or person has had the privilege to see, Hoshina wanted more.
"Well I- uh, sure b- wait-"
Your words catch in your throat as Hoshina brought his face closer to yours. You were the seducer, not the seducee. This was not part of your training!
You didn't know what to do. You felt like your heart was going to leap out of your chest. All you wanted was to force him to admit that he liked you after Captain Ashiro let it slip that he had to hide all of his merch of you when you were accepted into the division. When you found out your cold Captain was actually a fan, you wanted to get back at him for acting like he was better than you. You didn't think it'd end up like this.
With only a couple centimeters apart, you squeezed your eyes shut. The only thing you could hear was the sound of your thundering heart...
...and the sound of laughter?
You snapped your eye open at the sound, completely confused to what was happening.
Unable to hold it in anymore, Hoshina collapsed onto you, his body firmly on top of yours. His head landed where your neck met your shoulder. He was laughing so hard tears were beginning to form, and you could feel his body shake.
"Y-y-you should've seen the look on your face, HAH," his boisterous laughter turned into uncontrollable giggles. You couldn't help but smile as you heard it, albeit flushed at hearing it so close. Finally using his arms to push his upper body slightly off you, he looks down at you again.
"C'mon, now. How was I supposed to kiss ya when you're making a face like that?" He smirked.
"You're absolutely terrible," you can't help but repeat his words. You place your hands on his chest and try to push him off, but before you could give a strong push, he drops himself back down.
You felt his lips graze your cheek before he leaned his head beside your ear, "I could be worse."
Will be, he thought to himself.
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xesiarah · 3 months
Yan!Loser oc x Reader
Synopsis — some call it a coincidence, some say it's fate, but I say it's absolute utter fucking, bullshit.
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"I'm sorry."
The other line hangs up, the irrational telephone beep ringing against your ear as you genuinely start feeling the symptoms of hysteria bubbling up your chest and clamming up your breathing. At this point you definitely wouldn't say no to a fucking lobotomy.
This week has been feeling like the universe is actively trying to kill you off, like as if already getting coffee spilled on you wasn't bad enough; You, in this modern age and time having to use the telephone because your phone was snatched, along with your favorite handbag, containing the newly expensive perfume you brought still half full, and then just now your partner of 2 years breaks up with you after you asked them for help because you tripped on a rock, resulting on a sprained ankle and having to distressingly limp all the way to the phone booth.
Coincidence? Yeah, I think not. Just before this hell week was 3 days after your best friend ditched you for her new boyfriend, 4 days after you fucked up an important exam, and A WEEK after you befriended that jackass freak at school. Losing a few people here and there was to be expected but, c'mon! Isn't this just a new form of torture? You're sure that he was the one that caused all this, who else is to blame!? Maybe the rumor that said he must have all that hair to hide the dent he got when he was dropped as a baby was true, I mean. He probably performed some dark sorcery on you for whatever reason.. or maybe he's a sick masochist that fucks over people who don't treat him like an accused witch during the Salem Witch Trials. — Seriously, it was as if the universe's will to make that mfs life a living hell has rubbed off on you. But you know what, yeah.. It's fine, you can live with this.
Or not. Your alarm blaring for you to awaken gladly disturbs your nightmarish slumber, this is the 3rd time. The THIRD TIME! You've dreamt about him. — of that freak that brought you to your misery, who knows, what if dreaming about him more then once was some sort of bad omen? The 3rd time being on the first day of the week nonetheless. Of course the birds are extra chirper, you thought that maybe they're basking on your torment, if they were, you hope stray bullets manages to shoot all of them dead because we aren't having that kind of bullshit today. — You have finally devised a plan to avoid Satan's reincarnate for the rest of the school year as if they were carrying a covid variant. Finally getting that horrendous goblin off your back would feel like it's the second coming of Christ, and you're not about to let any twinks get in the way of living your life free from any agony inducing minger either.
You manage to find the will to exist. Entering the gates of your school muttering prayers to God, and whatever other deity that’s listening, to please not let you set sights of his probably-smells-like-cheese, greasy ass hair, the overgrown bangs covering ⅔ of his hazel eyes that always seemed to bother you, he even has those weird Incel glasses on.. maybe that one rumor that said he had some sort of eye fungus just makes this all more oddly debatable. You wander through the empty hallways, not seeing a single student kinda unsettles you. — makes sense though, It's pretty early, and you've never seen him around this time so, the coast is clear, for now, or so you thought. — You were approaching the rows of vending machines all pushed up against the back of the building when you caught a glimpse of a silhouette you're all too familiar with, he seems to be sketching something, not that you totally cared for whatever it was. You shrug, but when you were about to turn to leave he gets up and walks towards the boys bathroom, leaving his precious notebook unattended, out in the open, where anyone could take a peak... Just a little peak, alright? You tiptoed, walking towards it in longer strides to minimize your footsteps, upon getting closer, you notice the front page already wide open, as if he purposely left it like that, — that should've been the first red flag. Because inspecting it a little further made your jaw slack, the thing he was sketching.. was you. "What the fuck, I look amazing." You mutter, it's a little creepy but you're flattered with the way he straight up beautified you, admiring it for a little longer then you should've had was a mistake though, because just when you took your eyes off of the notebook, you see him literally lurking and hiding behind the bathroom's entrance. He's wide-eyed, and a huge creepy grin plastered on his face. — Genuinely scaring the flattery out of you and making you bolt straight to the opposite direction on instinct, the way he looked at you literally triggered your flight or fight. The sound of your fast footsteps filled the hallways, your heart going pitter-patter, quite literally about to burst out your chest. Fuck. Just your luck. Guess this won't be an easy day to get through.
Morning lectures are finally over. Which means you can finally celebrate the fact that you pushed through and made it to lunchtime! It was still agonizing nonetheless, waiting around corners to let him pass kind of felt like you're stalking him, can't say that you didn't get any weird looks either. The worse part was definitely him searching and skimming through the halls, asking everyone for your whereabouts, half of them made themselves look busy so he wouldn't approach them, and the other half straight up ran the opposite direction as if he threatened to bite their toes or something. Weirdly enough, most of them ended up slipping on wet floor, which just further gives in to your suspicion of him practicing dark sorcery. Anyways, you're proud of the little progress you made, and that's all that matters for now.
Lucian sits alone, his table is tucked away in the very corners of the cafeteria, no one even daring to glance at his direction, he used to typically eat in the bathrooms but nobody wants him in their presence to the point that they all stand up and leave when he approaches a table. — there's just this weird air surrounding the dude that automatically repels people away, and no it's not body oder dammit! He just gets greasy fast, and probably for threatening to unalive a teacher but that isn't important! The love of his life is avoiding him! He chews on his fingernails as he ponders, possible reasons fill his head, and they aren't very good ones. — Did someone make you do this? Is there someone else...? That surely can't be. That's just cheating isn't it? You love him after all! He saw the glint in your eyes when you looked at the portrait he drew of you. He could even show you his shrine! Made just for you, containing such precious things you lost! — His excessive chewing of his fingernails grow desperate to the point of drawing blood, he grimaces at the sight of crimson streaks, wiping it on the sleeves of his hoodie. — it just can't be. Why would you do him wrongly like this? You smiled at him, you laughed with him instead of AT him, you sat together.. So why!? Are you gonna leave him like his mother did..? Was that all a joke to you..? He just couldn't accept this, you aren't that kind of person! You know what, he finally snaps. he just has to hear an answer from you. — "He's right behind me, isn't he?" The person right Infront of you nods, and immediately scurries away. At this point you're frozen in place, what the fuck do you do? Just make a run for it? "Can we please talk..?" He speaks behind you, his hand is on your shoulder. You swallow, the remaining bits of your conscience crumbling as you fucking make a run for it, aggressive footsteps follow behind and you realize HE'S CHASING AFTER YOU. You have never let out such a gut wrenching scream than what you just did in this exact moment. — You hide behind a wall, thinking you've lost him. Not until a hand grabs onto your arm.
He caught you. He has you pinned against the wall, not in a shoujo cutsy romantic way, he looks as if he's a starved vampire about to chomp on your neck, and not in a good way. Just no fucking way this scrawny mf outran you. Another 'unfortunately' for you too, the Gods did not answer your prayers. You're trapped in between the arms of the man you swore to avoid like the plague for the rest of the school year, this was definitely not on your 2024 bingo list. You didn't even last till' the end of the day and that lowkey hurts your pride. — But holy smokes, they say that you experience something new everyday, and this is the first time you've seen him up close, messy bedroom hair, teary eyes that looked like he hasn't slept since the first star wars movie came out. Wowza. If he actually made an effort, or if he didn't have such unsettling vibes, you can't lie, he'd be a revelation hottie. — ... Shit. Not the time to be thinking about his potential glow up. — Poor guy, watching him trying to maintain eye contact but just failing horribly is kinda cute.
The fuck? Your face scrunches up just after you snap back out of, whatever that was. Seriously.. say WHAT now? That was a demon possession right there, you need to stop acting as if his existence didn't just cause your downfall unprovoked. "You're avoiding me.." His voice disrupts the silent war you were having with yourself. It sounded meek, he genuinely looked like a shivering wet dog, with those.. tears boiling up his eyes, and.. quivering lips. Fuck. What if you'd just slide down his arms and escape? Hell no, if someone walked in they'd think you were giving him a blowjob and that's honestly worse then whatever's going on right now. "A-Answer me!" He yells(?) hesitantly, the dude genuinely looks like he's about to burst into tears any minute, you're surprised how he somehow grew the balls to yell at you though. "Okay, dude I'm sorry..?" — It's sad how he goes ballistic over a 'friendship' that lasted a week, but he did show you the list of student names he wanted to glock, and you listened to some of his nerdy ramblings, so you guess he did cherish your short time together even if you gave him absolutely zero fucks. — he goes completely quiet for a minute before he finally bursts out crying, fat tears are running through his acne filled face as he drops to the ground. "I really just wanted a someone-" He says in-between hiccups, he's crying as if you killed his mom or something. You decided to just wait it out until he grew tired but his wails started growing louder till' you were forced to crouch down and comfort him. "H-hey, uhm.." Fuck. Screw it. You know what, Who cares if your life starts crashing down, it already was unsalvageable from the very beginning anyway. Everyone needs a friend and you're too nice for this. You finally give in, breathing in a sigh of defeat. "How can I fix this?" His cries shimmer down and you swear to fucking God you think you just saw him flash a smirk. This bitch looks like he's bout to spit out the most outta pocket bullshit. — and he indeed did not disappoint. The two unexpected words coming out of his mouth just further inspires you to jump off a bridge. "d-date.. me."
Maybe hiring a hitman on yourself wouldn't be so bad.
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post-s2. good omens mascot here, coping unhealthily.
This is the first proper post I'm writing since the audio breakdown, good thing I queued a POTC one last week, I suppose. Yes I slept through the entire day today, missed the theatre workshop I was supposed to attend and may or may not be listening to A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square on loop. Have an update on my coping because my social life and family are both Tumblr now:
Every song is about them now. A lot were before, but now every single one. Even an old Hindi song from a 1900s Indian military movie that I have not watched, by the way. But the lyrics (thank you Google translate) are: Everybody wants a handful of the sky, everybody searches for a handful of the sky, there is a world waiting to be hugged to the chest, the moon is a fair full of stars, but this heart is still lonely. And of course that makes me think of Crowley as the starmaker. Ow.
I made the very intelligent decision to rewatch the first three episodes of season 2, knowing what the Job minisode and the Edinburgh minisode do to me. I'll be here clutching Crowley, well, hugging him close to the chest, just like that song... ah, fuck, here we go again.
I listened to you all and am drinking a lot of water, since my tear ducts were emptied yesterday and now I'm unable to cry. I also ate too much chocolate.
I searched for sad Aziracrow edits and watched them. Don't look at me. I'm in a hell of my own creation.
I used too many emotions last night and now I feel hollow and achy. Maybe I should cope with humour and write the summaries.
Or maybe that will backfire and I will be filled with horrifying levels of emotion.
I slept. A lot. Many hours. Lots sleep.
So. Well. You know. Adopted child of divorce. You were all right, this is exactly like dealing with a breakup or divorce, but much more painful.
Someone please, please, please stop me from clicking the Crowley whump tag to find fanfiction.
I remember my initial Good Omens posts. I remember calling the fandom sad, desperate, queer and masochistic, and also pointing out how you all blame Neil and then sit and make headcanons that are a hundred times worse than canon.
I was so right. Look at me now, sad, desperate, queer and masochistic, making headcanons that are a hundred times worse than canon.
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hey, can you please write sub! lowkey masochist! kappa smut where he’s like totally obsessed with the reader and devoted? and he also has a hair pulling kink🤭
ARF ARF ARF! BARKING RIGHT AT IT!...and by that, I mean I added some puppy play because I like giving y'all a little whiplash 😘🐶
Summary: Kappa is begging to be touched. That's really all you need to know.
Pairing: Kappa x fem!Reader
Content Warnings: Kinky Smut 18+!, Two Idiots In Love Your Honor, Dry Humping, Affectionate Petnames, A Sprinkle Of Dumbification, Puppy Play Because Deep Down Kappa Just Wants To Be A Good Boy, One Sloppy Handjob, Premature Orgasm, So Much Begging, So Much Gratitude For Reader, A Teeny Tiny Bit Of Crying
Word Count: ~1,4k
A/N: I feel like I'm becoming more and more unhinged by every new fic and I love that for me.
Tagging the hoe squad (gender neutral!):
@crypticsewerslut @quicksilversg1rl @alalalaaallaaalaaa @bvg-w1res @milsthouqhts @roryculkinsbf @roryculkinsgf @amayalul
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Weigh down on me
Stay till morning
Way down, would you say I'm worthy?
- Just Pretend by Bad Omens
Turning another page from the book that you were reading, you smiled to yourself softly. Gentle snoring blubbered out of Kappa’s half-way closed mouth, his head resting on your chest. He must’ve fallen asleep while your free hand had toyed around with frizzy strands of his black hair. You couldn’t blame him, not even the slightest bit, for just dozing off. If you just could, you would’ve, too, but a relentlessly racing mind kept you awake. All the what if’s, the uncertainties mixed with a heaping pile of overthinking was hardly shut down by the light reading you did, but at least it helped somehow.
Yawning a little, you placed the book onto the concrete floor right next to the old mattress and leaned yourself back against the wall, careful not to wake Kappa. Your gaze wandered down to his sleeping body. He looked so beautifully calm and relaxed all curled up into your arm like that…vulnerable even. You felt your heart swelling in your chest at the sight in front of you. You knew that he trusted you but sometimes it’s the little things that really hammered it down home.
“Such a good and pretty boy…” You whispered under your breath and placed a loving kiss to his head, inhaling his scent for a moment before you closed your eyes in a new attempt to find some sleep.
You didn’t really believe in it but you could at least give it another try, right?
To soothe your ever so loud thoughts, you concentrated on Kappa’s slow, peaceful breathing, acknowledging the tiny snores falling from his lips here and there and enjoying how his cheek felt all warm against your chest. For a second you wondered whether he’d fallen asleep listening to your heartbeat. At times he liked doing that.
“Huh…?” For a split second you were, in fact, about to drift off a little but then you felt Kappa pressing his form closer to you.
Curious as to what was going on, you opened one eye just enough to let your view wander downwards.
“Oh…” The corners of your lips curled upwards into an intrigued grin as you realized how he rolled his hips against your thigh, pressing his crotch to your skin in subconscious movements.
“Are we having nice dreams, huh?” Your voice barely audible and more of an amused comment to yourself as you opened both eyes to watch him.
In slow yet surprisingly aimed, little thrust of his hips against your thigh Kappa was dry humping you and you bit down on your bottom lip, feeling the rising heat from the friction of skin grinding against skin. With every small movement his hardening cock stroke over your thigh, the first eager droplets of pre-cum pooling at its head.
“You’re such a horny boy, no?” It rolled over your tongue in a light chuckle as you watched him, wondering what was going on in that dreamworld of his.
With your mind a little absent, your hand wandered back to the mess that was his hair, your fingers entangling themselves deep into it before carefully grabbing a whole fistful. You pulled slowly yet steady, dragging his head back inch by inch until his face pointed right at yours, the sensation apparently enough to wake him up just a bit.
“Uh..?” Kappa looked at you with half-lidded eyes, his voice drowsy and raspy.
“Naughty…” You stated, the grin still playing around your lips.
For a good moment he was completely oblivious to what was going on but after a few deep breaths Kappa must’ve started to grasp the situation he was in as his eyes widened.
“ ‘M sorry, I..” He started scooting away from you, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
“Oh no, you stay right there, naughty boy!” Your demand hit him in a serious tone as you yanked him right back to you, your hand still tightly intertwined with his hair.
At that a needy moan erupted straight out of his throat.
“Oh, you like when I do that?” The words had hardly left your mouth before you pulled his hair tighter, more vigorous.
“Yes, Ma’am…yes..” Kappa mewled, his eyes fluttering shut for a brief instance.
It sent a seething hot pang of arousal directly down between your legs seeing him like this, hearing his already desperate voice addressing you like that.
“Good boy…you really need me right now, don’t you?” You teased him, looking straight into his bright, steel blue eyes.
“Yeah..” He admitted, staring back at you with a silent plea.
“Yeah, what? Use your big boy words, Kappa.” Another jolt of longing rippled through your system.
“I need you, Ma’am.”, Kappa answered, his entire face flushed with a soft tint of red, “C-could you please touch me, Ma’am?”
“Hmm…”, You tilted your head to the side, “Where do you want Ma’am to touch you, huh?”
It took everything out of you to not grin widely as you witnessed how Kappa blushed even harder, his jaws clenching as the need for your attention and his own embarrassment fought for the high ground.
“Hmhmm, please..” His body squirmed as his crotch jutted against your thigh once more.
“No, no…”, You drew his head back by his hair a little further, mimicking a sympathetic frown on your face, “If you don’t tell me where, I guess I can’t help you, puppy.”
"My cock…", Kappa pressed out reluctantly," 'M so horny right now, Ma'am."
"Oh, I can see that.", You chuckled a little,"Then be a good puppy for me and beg."
Kappa nodded slightly, his pupils blown wide and his cheeks tinted red. His facial expression an already fucked out stare before anything even really happened, not a single thought left behind his slightly watery eyes.
"P-please…please touch my cock, Ma'am, I…I can't help myself but I'm so so fucking horny right now, Ma'am.", It cascaded right from of his quivering lips,"I..I'm just your dumb little puppy, Ma'am! Please…please…."
You couldn't deny it, his desperate begging made your cunt clench and throb. It was so deliciously pathetic.
"Hmm…I'm not really convinced, puppy." You shrugged your shoulders and Kappa looked like he was close to crying out of desperation, faint tears pooling at the corners of his eyes.
"Fuck… please, babe…I mean Ma'am, shit! Please, I need you to touch my cock…'m just your stupid, brainless puppy, Ma'am!"
"Hmhmm..see? That more like it.." You sat up straight and your free hand reached down between Kappa's legs, palming his twitching hard on.
He mewled at the touch and a few wayward tears started running down his flushed cheeks.
"T-thank you, Ma'am…good god, fuck..thank you!" He rambled as you let go of his hair.
Sobbing a little in relief, Kappa hid his face in your shoulder, pressing his head to your skin.
"I'm to thankful that you touch me, Ma'am.." The words got lost in your shoulder whilst you started stroking his thoroughly pre-cum smeared cock in languid, fast thrusts.
"I know…I know…", Your voice soft as you whispered against his forehead, "You're such a good little plaything for me, aren't you? I love you so much, puppy."
"I-I love you too..so fucking much…ah, fuck." Kappa's body turned rigid in your touch and a surprised gasp left your mouth as hot, sticky spurts of his cum covered your hand.
"I'm sorry…" He sniffled, his voice coarse.
"Oh, no…it's okay, babe. You were just so horny, don't you worry." You pressed a loving kiss to his forehead.
"But how about my good puppy now cleans up the mess he made?"
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
I know you could do amazing things with Steddie and 03.  “What the hell is that and why are you wearing it?” or 08.  “I look at you and I think, ‘sunshine. Literal sunshine.’ It’s annoying.”
oh my god. literally two ideas sprung up and i wanna do em both so i'll keep em short
The evening was a mixture of highs and lows. Eddie had managed to convince Steve to see one of their shows. They weren't the only ones performing tonight, the bar was filled with the other acts. But Steve had found a good spot for himself. One where Eddie was easily able to see him while on stage and he seemed really into it. That was the high.
The low came when this other dude started putting the moves on Steve. Steve probably didn't realize it, straight as an arrow he was, but Eddie could see it clear as day. It didn't help that Eddie saw a bit too much of himself in the guy. He had long hair too, just darker and more straight. Eddie had actually been planning on asking Steve out. Like on a real date. Tonight was the night for it. He was sure he'd get his heart broken but he was kind of a masochist like that.
Nothing was going to happen while this other dude was talking Steve's ear off though. He only broke away to take a piss he'd been holding for two hours and he had half a mind to tell Jeff to watch Steve but he didn't.
So he only had himself to blame when he returned from the bathroom and saw Steve wearing that guy's jacket.
 “What the hell is that and why are you wearing it?”
"Chuck here noticed I was a little cold and gave me his jacket. Wasn't that nice?", Steve smiled.
Eddie barged in between them, glaring down Chuck. "I'll fucking kill you." He practically tore the offensive clothing off Steve and pulled him off to a different part of the bar, freezing in place when he realized what he'd done.
"That was crazy. I'm crazy. I'm sor-mmf."
And Steve was kissing him. Did he slip on some booze and go to heaven?
"Took you long enough", Steve breathed against his lips.
"I..was that? Wuh? Were you-!?", he jabbed his thumb back at where Chuck had been standing.
Steve rolled his eyes. "In case it wasn't obvious, yes, I was trying to make you jealous. I know what it means when a guy offers you his jacket."
"Yeah. Oh. Now what are you gonna do to keep me warm?"
And the second idea!
"Eddie, what the hell is that and why are you wearing it?”
"Um they're called sunglasses, Steve."
Steve knew what they were he just wondered why Eddie was wearing them in the dead of winter. And at night. Indoors. When they were about to start a movie.
"I know it's called 'Starman' but I don't think it'll actually cause blindness."
"Oh these aren't for Jeff Bridges, as dreamy as he is. These are for you."
Steve pointed at himself. "Me?"
"I'm just gonna come out and say it, man. You have the most handsome face this side of the Mississippi. You're literally dazzling. I look at you and I think, ‘sunshine. Literal sunshine.’ It’s annoying.”
Eddie flicked a popcorn kernel at him in mild irritation. Steve rolled his eyes but couldn't hide the flush coming to his cheeks.
"So what, I'm so handsome that it's annoying?"
"Yes!", Eddie groaned. "It's like, we get it, your face was carved in great adoration by intelligent design, but the rest of us have lives to live. And it's damn near impossible with the visage of yours even in my periphery."
All Steve was hearing was that Eddie found him so attractive that it was distracting.
"So until any one of those deities up there blesses me with selective blindness, the shades stay on in your presence, Your Highness."
Steve removed Eddie's sunglasses without a second thought and smiled as his eyes bulged out.
"I think you need a little...what do we call it when we make Mike and Hopper spend time together?"
Eddie swallowed, looking like he was trying to memorize Steve's entire face. "E...exposure therapy."
"Yeah, that. I think you could benefit from some of that. What do you say?"
"Only if I can get a doctor's note excusing me from strenuous activity." Eddie didn't even know how words were coming out of his mouth. He felt like he was on autopilot.
Steve gave a very deliberate glance at Eddie's crotch. "Not all activities I hope."
"Holy shit."
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okay okay, so needy masochist reader who is DESPERATE for albedo’s attention while he works in his lab. she finds herself annoying him such as: asking him stupid questions, (purposefully) messing up his experiments, spilling coffee on his important notes, or doing literally anything that frustrates him.. (who could blame her though? it’s pretty boy albedo we’re talking about here!!) before she knows it, albedo has her bent over on his desk, constantly teasing her precious little cunt (it’s a punishment after all!) reader wants to cum? too bad, he has to take a couple of notes before advancing.. but all she wanted was his attention, right? she got what she desired! ^^
**i just wanted to state that my english isnt my best language and on top of that, i can't really put stuff into words so i hope that this is okay!!!:)
♡ Albedo teasing you ♡
!● warnings: female reader, submissive, little bit degrading?, definitely dom!Albedo vibes, very smut, NSFW🔞 no minors or I’ll eat u alive
Who can you blame? Working with such a handsome man like Albedo drives your brain crazy! You can not concentrate at all and who's fault is it? Ha, and again, another glas filled with some weird substance broke again in front of his feet. It was not the first time an accident like this happened. He did not flinch a bit and just looked down at you trying to pick the glass pieces up from the ground with your bare hands. "I'm sorry, Albedo, I'll be careful next time." You said in a low voice, not looking up in fear that he might do look angry. But he just kneels down to you, lifting up your face, stopping your hands motion to carry more damaged glass.
"(y/n) … are you alright?", he said in a worrying voice. Since his fingers were laying so lightly on your chin, you shook carefully your head not to lose his touch too much. His eyes looking into yours. Inspecting every movement from you. "Then why are you ruining all my supplies?" His face changed from being worried and soft to a much darker shade. It was as if he waited until this moment to make sure you looked into his face. Absorbing his dominating aura. You gulped not knowing what to say or to do.
"Stand up. Now." It was an order from him which you obliged right away. Moving your body to a free desks to bend you down. Both of his hand going up from your shoulder slowly down your back while he pushes you down to the desk where your face meets some notes he made. Not knowing if you were allowed to talk, he massaged your ass. "The whole day you asked me the stupidest question…" Albedo squeezing your ass now. "... messed up my experiments for today…" Pulling down your pants. "... Spilled even coffee on my precious notes…" Circling with one finger around on your panties. "...and now even destroying the substance." 
For a second you thought that he would pull your panties down but as you turned your face to him, he slapped you hard on the ass. Causing you to squirm in surprise. "A-albedo! I'm sorry!" Technically you weren't. It was all your plan to have his final attention on you and he knew it. With another harsh slap on your other ass cheek, you could see him smirk. "Are you truly sorry or did you want me to destroy your sweet cunt today?" His intention here wasn't an answer from you. He wanted to hear you whimper and moan under his soft touches. Which his hand started to do. First he teased you through the fabric of the panties, capturing every little shiver you made. Turning your head away from him, shutting down your eyes to just concentrate on his light touches before Albedo starts to rub his clothed lengths against your pussy. Pressing it and grinding it against you. "How bad do you want me inside you, hun?~" 
You clearly could feel his dick being erected by the small amount of touches he has given to you, so you moan out very cute and pout a bit. "I need you to tease my dirty little cunt, play with me how you please babe~" He can't see you but from your voice he knows exactly how you look. You hear that he was pushing something to the side. Were those papers? Oh, you hear a click and look back… "w-why are you taking notes?" Albedo did not look up from his notes but he pulled down your panty letting the cool air touch your hot cunt. Without hesitation he pushes one finger inside you. Very slowly, watching your reaction. "Since you disturbed my today's research, I'll make sure to see all your reactions today." 
With that, he teased your burning cunt further with adding another one after taking notes. Scissoring and going fast, just to edge you and stop right before you even could think of coming in his hand. All while you start whimpering and moaning louder and louder, even more desperate for more touches but every time you wanted to push yourself deeper onto his hand, he pulled completely away just to slap your ass hard. Earning a little cry from you, before taking more notes… having now three fingers inside you, pushing in and out of your cunt very fast, making your leaking even more. "A-albedo… p-please..! I can't take it anymore, I want to cum so badly, please!" Your legs shaking while you tried to hold back your tears. Even after not letting you cum for a long time, his hand did not stop this time. Your hopes are getting high, shutting your eyes close and just concentrating on his sweet digits inside of you. Destroying your pussy, while you could feel the heat rising again. 
He immediately stopped his motions but it was too late. You squirted while moaning put his name. Spreading your legs to the side while trying to ride your orgasm without any touches. 
"Mhm, interesting." Albedo was pleased but not his throbbing dick. Putting his notes aside he carefully pulled you on his lap, pushing easily his dick inside you. Hugging you from behind. "Let's have some more fun, shall we?" 
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heartfiliaccc · 2 days
Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest episode 10: thoughts + opinions
Uneasy Erza omake
I'm totally not shocked that Juvia has practiced kissing in front of the mirror at some point in time (she has to perfect it for her beloved Gray, am I right?)
but she's so adorable regardless
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Gray's facial expression tells me this isn't the first time he's seen her doing it
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Juvia the secret Jerza shipper ⚔️✨
J: ''Before I leave, I would like to encourage you to do some training of your own.'' E: ''Y-yeah, I'm okay, I think...'' J: ''Your kissing has to be up to snuff, or else Jellal will be displeased!''
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I love how Erza is trying not to think about Juvia's words and is also trying to convince herself she's not bothered by that, although you can tell she's clearly disappointed she and Jellal aren't a thing yet (I know they aren't technically a canon couple, but they are canon to me because it's so obvious they have feelings for each other and have so much history together compared to the other big 3 ships) + I love how she starts practicing kissing as well lmao
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Tattered Gajeel omake
aww, I love how Gajeel's been taking on more jobs because he and Levy are expecting a baby😭❤️
they look so cute snuggled up against each other + Levy's hand on her baby bump
Lily being a part of their little family, awww
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Lucy's Leo x Virgo Star Dress Mix is soooo pretty😭😭😭
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I love Lisanna's reaction to the Star Dress Mix lmao
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wow, Lisanna getting one-shotted? geez, what a surprise🙄
Mira still standing isn't a shocker considering the fact that SHE'S A S-CLASS MAGE, but Elfman still standing did suprise me though
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E: ''Why did you strip?'' J: ''Because you're here. Enjoy it.'' 😏😏😏 E: ''Wow, he's completely out of his mind! I've got to take him down before this goes any further.''
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Gray vs. Thunder Legion rematch?
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I LOVE JEALOUS JUVIA! // ''Has she touched him with the bare skin of her feet?''
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nice logic Fried: turning into a demon when you're going against a devil slayer?
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is this the same Thunder Legion that kicked ass during the Battle of Fairy Tail arc? welp, they pretty much all got their asses handed to them by Gray lmao
the whole ''stop it, he's already dead'' meme but Fairy Tail edition
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they way Gray used Evergreen's and Bickslow's powers to beat them was really hilarious and smart!
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aww, I love how Gajeel didn't want to lose yet another battle to Natsu and how upset he was over the fact that Levy joined the battle despite being pregnant; I also can't believe Natsu aimed for LEVY'S STOMACH, but as much as he can be dumb as fuck sometimes, I'm so glad he was hesitant about attacking her in the end
''Because no matter what happens, you are my number one.'' 🖤🧡
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J: ''I almost forgot how strong you are.'' E: ''Stop, you're too close!'' J: ''I'm just trying to get a better look. Who could blame me?''
goofy goobers
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sillies #2 🫶🏻
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''Woah, looks like I'm interrupting something.'' // WELL LAXUS, YOU MOST CERTAINLY ARE
Wraith's one hell of a weird dude, idc
As much as I really looked forward to all the Jerza moments getting dubbed, this episode wasn't the best one to watch, mostly because of Jellal's VA change (I hope to gods this is just temporary, because no one can do Jellal's voice like Robert McCollum, period).
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skzfictions · 1 year
Take The Blame (Lee Felix Fic)
Summary: After a food fight breaks out between you and his friends, Lee Felix, the most popular guy at your arts academy, wants to know the truth about why you took the blame when you weren't even the one who started it, but you have no intentions on telling him the truth about why you did.
Genre: Nonidol! AU, Academy! AU, Fluff, Comfort, Cooking Class, Closed-off Reader, Reader is kinda mean to Felix at first, Felix wants to open Reader's heart ❤️
♡Pairing: Lee Felix X GN! Reader
Words: 7K
Warnings: mentions of food, mentions of bullying
Lmk if there's anything else
A/N: Felix likes baking, I like baking, and that's how this short story came about. If you like this story, lmk. Reblogs are always appreciated 🙏 Thanks~~<3
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"Why did you take the blame for starting the food fight in class earlier today?"
At the unexpected sound of the familiar deep voice that suddenly piped up from behind you, you whipped your head around, but once you saw who it was, you quickly turned back around and went back to what you were originally doing which was scrubbing down one of the dirty kitchen counters of your Home Economics classroom.
“What are you doing here?” you grumbled out in a surly manner, before grimacing at the sound of your shaky voice. You really hated how pathetic you sounded, but you couldn’t help it. After what had happened earlier that day in class, you were in a pissy mood, and your eyes were filled to the brim with hot tears that threatened to spill over and down your cheeks if you so much as blinked. 
With all that in mind, you really didn't want to see his face at the moment and you definitely didn't want to cry in front of him, so you kept your eyes focused on what you were doing. 
Honestly, you wished he would just go away, but he seemed to have other plans. 
"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that question?" You heard him ask as you continued scrubbing the counter, albeit with a little more force than necessary but that's just how upset you were. You heard him continue. "What are you doing here? You weren't even the one who started the fight, so why did you take the blame?" 
"Just go away, Felix," you griped, not wanting to deal with your persistent classmate, but again, he had other plans. 
"No," he refuted, much to your annoyance. "You've been telling me and my friends to 'go away' since day one. Now you're here, by yourself, crying over something you didn't even do that was our fault? So, why?"
You didn't answer him. You thought that maybe if you didn't respond and left him talking to himself then maybe he would take the hint and leave but you should've known better. This was the ever persistent Lee Felix, after all. 
"I mean, that's a bit masochistic of you, don't you think?" you heard him continue before he paused as a new thought seemed to come to him. "Wait! That's it, isn't it? Are you a masochist, y/n?"
You rolled your eyes, irritated by his idiotic question which caused your sarcastic side to come out. 
"You know what? You're right. I'm a masochist," you replied, callously, momentarily stopping to glare at him who was standing in the doorway of the classroom, before going back to finish scrubbing the counter that was now almost polished sparkling clean due to you using so much force. "I like to torture myself by taking the blame for pretty-faced, dumbass boys like you, even for things I didn't even do." 
Once you finished scrubbing the counter, you turned to face him. "Are you happy now? Is that what you wanted to hear?"
Your classmate, Felix, who was still standing in the doorway, now blinked big, innocent-looking eyes at you that actually almost made you feel guilty for being so hostile towards him even though he deserved it. 
"No," he answered, more soberly now. "Not if it's not true, which I don't think it is..."
You rolled your eyes again, not bothering to reply to his comment, and went back to cleaning. You moved to the next counter that was covered in some questionable brown gunk and sprayed it with cleaner before scrubbing it down, but as you did so, you felt Felix's eyes watching your every move from his position in the doorway. 
You seriously hoped he would just give up and  leave if you continued to ignore him, but after a few minutes of feeling his eyes watching your every move as you moved around the classroom cleaning, annoyed, you finally decided to address him.
"Uh…are you just going to stand there and stare at me all day?" You asked, annoyed by his presence. 
"Yes," he said, frankly, with a shrug of his shoulders. "I will until you tell me the truth." 
You winced at him before turning back to scrub yet another dirty counter. There was dried food scum all over it thanks to the food fight that happened earlier that day in class. 
"You must have a lot of free time," you grumbled out while scrubbing furiously. 
"Today I do," you heard him respond. "I would've been busy all afternoon cleaning our Home Ec room, but a certain someone took care of that by taking the blame for a food fight they didn't even start, so…"
As he trailed in his sentence, you knew that his extra emphasis on the word "someone" was referring to you but you ignored it.
"Fine," you said as you continued to clean. "Stare all you want. I don't care."
As far as you were concerned, he could stare all day until his eyes fell out of their sockets. He still wasn't getting a peep out of you. 
But you were surprised when he suddenly entered the classroom and sat himself down in a chair at one of the clean counters you had already scrubbed. You watched in surprise as he made himself comfortable and did just as you said; however, you continued to ignore him as you went back to cleaning while he quietly watched you from across the room, but he must have gotten a little bored because he eventually took out his phone and started tinkering with it. 
You had to admit, your yellow-haired classmate sure was stubborn, but you could be just as stubborn, so you refused to engage with him as you just moved around the food infested classroom, cleaning it spotless but even then, he still didn't leave. In fact, he even pulled out some homework, eventually. 
You couldn't believe he was actually sticking around. You had been kind of joking when you told him that he could sit and stare for as long as he wanted but you didn't think he would really do it.
Regardless, you were so engrossed in cleaning, and he had been so quiet the entire time you did so, that you barely heard him when he did finally speak up. In fact, you didn't even realize that it was you he was talking to until you looked up at him and saw him staring at you with those big innocent eyes again.
"Do you know?" He asked you now. 
You didn't. 
"What?" you questioned unsurely. You didn't even know what he was talking about. 
He then glanced down at the paper in front of him. 
"It's question number five of our homework," he explained before reading the question. "Which term describes the process by which gluten absorbs moisture and becomes firmer?" 
He then looked back at you again. "Do you know?"
You blinked at him, a little stupefied by his question but still answered. "Uh...that's coagulation…" 
Instantly, Felix's face lit up. "Ah, right! I forgot about that." You watched as he turned his attention back to his homework and scribbled down something on his paper.
You, on the other hand, just shook your head, still irritated by his presence and now even more irritated by his lack of understanding of the basics of baking. 
And yet this is the same guy who got a better grade on his baking dish than I did, you thought with contempt for your blond classmate. 
"Dumbass," you muttered under your breath, but through the silence of the classroom, Felix must have heard your ridicule of him because you heard him snap his tongue in response. 
"Y/N, why do you hate me so much?" He suddenly asked you. 
"Because you're annoying," you answered, not missing a beat, while you now moved on to washing the stacks of dirty dishes piled near one of the sinks. You didn't even bother looking up at him as you started to clean, knowing it was going to take you at least an hour to wash them all.
"I'm annoying?" He repeated, incredulously, obviously offended. "That's it?! That's not a reason to hate someone especially to the point of trying to sabotage their dish-"
As you were cleaning dishes while listening to Felix go off on you, you hadn't been expecting him to bring up the incident that helped to start this entire fight between you two in the first place, so when he began to bring up the time you had tried to ruin one of his recipes for class, it caused you to flare up for a second.
You stopped washing as you began to yell, "THAT'S BECAUSE-" but you caught yourself and stopped yourself from yelling. You released a long exhale as you calmed yourself down before speaking in a much more mild tone although you were still tense. 
"I only did that because I was desperate,” you admitted. “You and your stupid friends were completely taking over the class. I only did what I had to do." 
"But that's so shitty!” he scolded you. “What did I ever do to you besides literally exist that you have it out for me?"
You didn't answer. There was a brief pause between you both as you continued to scrub dishes before he finally spoke again and when he did, it caused you to flare up again. 
"What are you threatened by me?" he asked. 
"Oh, please!” you scoffed, mockingly. You were offended that he would even begin to think that you were worried about his subpar cooking skills (even though there was some slight truth to that fact but you would never admit that). “I'm not worried about the couple stupid little dishes you made getting higher marks than mine. I could out cook you even in my sleep, anyday." 
"Ah! So that's what this is really about,” you heard Felix say as if he had just stumbled upon some great discovery. “You're jealous that the teacher has been giving me higher marks than you."
You shook your head, still ignoring him. "Whatever, Felix. Think what you want.”  
Even though you were nowhere near done cleaning the stacks of dishes, you suddenly turned off the running sink, before drying your hands with a towel and making your way over to the side of the room with your belongings. You picked up your bag and jacket and then began to make your way towards the door to leave. 
"Where are you going?” Felix asked you as his eyes followed your frame move across the room from where he was still seated. “You're not even finished cleaning.” 
"If you won't leave then I will," you said, coldly, as you now headed for the door but you were surprised when all of a sudden, Felix jumped up from his seat and ran in front of you, blocking your way out. You tried to move around him by stepping to the side, but he was faster and stepped right along with you, still blocking the way out. You then tried again, stepping the other way, but again, he was faster.  
"What are you doing?" you gritted out. "Move!"
"No, not until you tell me the truth!” he refuted, as he glared at you, clearly not intending on backing down. “Why do you hate me so much?" 
You sighed, not wanting to deal with him anymore. "Just leave me alone." 
"No! I won't,” he said, still stubborn as ever and clearly determined to get the truth out of you even though you had made it clear through your dismissal of him that you had no intention of telling him anything. He continued in his tirade. “You've been giving me a hard time since the day I stepped foot into this classroom and now you've gone as far as trying to poison my dish!  But then, today you go and take the blame for a food fight you didn't even start. None of what you’re doing or saying makes any sense! There's got to be a reason." 
"Uh! Just shut up!" you snapped and tried to move around him again, but you were stopped when his arm suddenly stretched out and his hand slapped against the frame of the doorsill, thus, creating a physical barrier to keep you inside the room. 
"Not until you tell me the truth," came his stern reply. 
You stared at the pretty blond male standing before you, full of contempt for him.
"Fine,” you gritted out through clenched teeth. If ‘ol “Lixie boy” wanted the truth, he was gonna get the truth. 
“You really wanna know why I hate you?” you asked him and he raised his brows at you, urging you to continue so you did. “You know, you're already super popular. The whole school worships at your feet. You've got everyone, literally, everyone, even the principal, in the palm of your hands! And all you have to do is bat your pretty eyelashes or give them that cute little smile and everyone just loses it!”
You then placed your hand over your chest and gave him a fake smile as you started to mockingly repeat all the compliments that literally everyone on campus always said about him.  
“‘Oh, Felix is so lovely! Oh, Felix has the most beautiful freckles like constellations! Oh, Felix shines brighter than the sun! Oh, Felix is the most beautiful person in the entire world!’" 
You then stopped in your mocking to glare at him again. “It gets on my frickin’ nerves! Especially when you use it to get away with literally everything! But this class, this place, it's my space. Cooking is my thing. A place where I can forget about you and your stupid pretty face and your dumbass friends and just be myself, but you had to come and barge your way into here as well! Like, reigning the rest of our academy wasn't enough for you, you had to come in here, a place where I reign, and take over here, too! And what's worse? You're actually good at it! And you don't even care! You just put shit together that literally looks like they belong in the garbage and yet somehow, whatever you make turns out to be delicious! And now even my favorite teacher worships you for that too!” 
The fact that you had just released a month's worth of pent up stress all in one breath had you breathing heavily but you were glad to have finally gotten all of it off your chest. You then finally finished your outburst in a much more composed manner. “So yes, I hate you, Felix. Because you're annoying and irritating and you won't go away."
The entire time you had been going off on him, Felix had stood quietly, listening to your rant while staring at you, only looking away momentarily, and scratching at the back of his head like he was trying to process all the information you were throwing at him all at once. When you finally finished, he stood gaping at you for a good minute before finally saying, "You think I'm pretty?" 
If he was trying to get a rise out of you, it was working because you felt heat rise within your chest, up your neck, and then up to your cheeks like a volcano. Your entire being was on fire! You clenched your hands into tight fists, just about ready to punch him in his stupid, pretty face. 
"Is that all you heard?!" you grunted out in disbelief.  
Felix chuckled now, seeing how angry you were, and must have figured it was time for him to take you seriously because he put his hands up in a placating stance. "No. I'm only joking, y/n. I’m sorry.” He paused for a moment, before asking, “Well, if you hate me so much then why did you take the blame for the fight?"
You stayed silent, as you were reminded of why you had even taken the blame for him and his dumbass friends in the first place. Just at the reminder, you began to feel the hot tears well up in your eyes again. That's when you moved to try and push past him again, not wanting to tell him, but Felix’s arm was surprisingly strong, as it remained iron-clad to the doorframe, not budging one bit.
You then looked away from him as frustrated tears began to betray you and tip over the edges of your eyes.
Seeing this, Felix relented and he spoke more softly this time in a manner that resembled a person trying to coax a scared kitten out of hiding. "The truth, y/n. Please?"
It worked. Somehow Felix had the ability to make even your closed-off self open up because you bit down on your lip as you finally admitted to him, "I just wanted you and your friends to finally leave me alone." Your voice was barely above a whisper as you spoke, but that's honestly as high as you could get it to come out; it hurt to tell the truth. "I was hoping that if I took the blame, then maybe you guys would finally stop making fun of me…"
You felt tears begin to glide down your face, but before they could actually flow down, you quickly wiped them away, still trying to maintain some of your dignity in front of your perfect, blond classmate. 
Felix stared at you, quietly while you avoided eye contact with him. 
"I didn't know what my friends were saying about you bothered you that much," he finally said. "You always put up such a tough act." 
"Can I go now?" You asked, impatiently. You wanted to be anywhere else than here in this room with him. "You got what you wanted. The truth."
The truth. The truth was that a couple of months ago, Lee Felix, the most popular guy at your arts academy, had chosen Home Economics as his elective class for reasons unbeknownst to you, but you didn’t really care why he was there all of a sudden. All you were interested in was getting him out the moment he entered because you knew he didn’t belong there. Culinary arts had been your passion that you took extremely seriously, but the academy didn’t have a proper culinary class; however, they did have Home Economics, and so that's what you had chosen to devote your studies to for the last two years. 
Of course, along with the fact that Home Ec didn’t have the same funding as some of the other art classes, the cooking class was hardly the most popular field of study. Most students chose arts like music or dance which Felix was a master at the latter, thus, gaining him popularity enough to rival that of actual veteran performers in show business. 
With the beauty of a god and natural talent most students would kill for, everyone on campus knew Felix was going to be a star someday. In fact, he already was, especially with his massive following on Tik Tok and just about every other form of social media out there. 
You honestly didn’t care about his immense popularity, though. At least, not as long as you had your own space within the academy which just so happened to be the least popular arts curriculum there, the Home Economics class. You enjoyed cooking, baking, learning new recipes, and all the chef lingo you often saw on cooking channels. Someday, you hoped to go to a proper Culinary arts school to further your studies in the craft; however, your Home Ec class would do for now.   
Then, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, for whatever reason, Lee Felix, the most popular guy in your academy, decided to drop in your own little haven on campus and made himself the king of that as well. 
To say you were infuriated would have been an understatement. Aside from yourself, there were only about a dozen other students in the class, but once Felix showed up, this brought along a horde of his friends and even some of his fans as well, which resulted in the class becoming much more crowded. 
Today, the class was fuller than it had ever been in the last two years you had been taking the elective, which actually could have been great for improving funding if the higher-ups could see that students were interested in the course. But his friends proved not to be interested in it at all, only taking it to be with Felix. As a result, they goofed off, and basically just disrespected the place you had made your own personal comfort space. On top of that, because you were one of the very few students who were actually passionate about cooking, this ended up making you the butt of jokes and taunting from some of Felix’s friends who thought you were super uptight. And okay, maybe you were a little uptight, but after having them all suddenly crash your only safe space in the entire academy only to make a complete mockery of it, could you be blamed for being a bit uptight? 
In addition, as if to further irritate you, Felix seemed to be a natural-born chef because everything he made turned out to be complete masterpieces. Everyone in class always went for whatever dish he made, including your Home Ec teacher, who you could quickly tell was beginning to have a new favorite pupil thanks to Felix. He had been given five stars on his last three dishes, while you, on the other hand, had never received more than four. Needless to say, you were a bit jealous. In fact, you were so jealous that every little thing Felix did began to annoy you immensely, making you extra petty. Like you hated when he would borrow ingredients from your table because then he would never give them back! But nothing bothered you more than his stupid friends who all took immense pleasure in rubbing it in your face at how effortlessly better he was at everything you put all your effort into, followed by ridiculing you and making you feel less than. 
They basically just came into class, taunted you for an entire hour, while praising Felix, then they all left together only to come back and do it again the next day. You hated it! Finally you’d had enough. That’s when you had attempted to ruin one of his dishes by sneaking by and adding an ungodly amount of salt to it. 
Unfortunately, one of his friends had caught you in the act, and made a big scene, causing you to get publicly reprimanded by your instructor. From then on, his friends targeted you more viciously. Snide remarks, and taunting from them were a constant, both in and outside of class. Today had been the tip of the iceberg, though. 
This time when one of his friends had made one of their little nasty comments about you, they had followed that comment with squirting barbeque sauce at you, thus dousing you in the thick saucey substance. Although you tended to be on the more reserved side, you were never one to back down from a fight if it meant defending yourself, so you had picked up whatever bottle was nearby and squirted it back at them. But this just caused them to laugh and taunt more as more of his friends tossed food items at you. That’s when someone in the class yelled the two words that started the whole chaos. 
“Food Fight!” 
In the two years you had been taking Home Ec, there had never once been a food fight amongst the students, but that all changed today. What had started off as a little spat between you and Felix’s friends ended up being an entire class affair. Everyone in class got in on the action as food, sauces, liquids, utensils, and whatever else flew throughout the classroom, every which way. 
Your Home Ec teacher, who was completely horrified by the uproar, barely knew how to handle the situation considering this had never happened before. The headmaster had to be called, and your class ended up being questioned on who started the entire charade. No one spoke, that’s when your headmaster threatened your entire class with not only detention for the rest of the semester, but threatened to revoke everyone's admission to the winter formal.   
That's when one of Felix’s friends completely threw you under the bus, saying you were the one who had started the whole fight. You could've fought back, but you knew it would just be your words against theirs and Felix's friends were all against you so they had more power. That's why you decided to take the blame for the whole fight. You thought maybe, just maybe if you did then they might leave you alone. Then, the headmaster took you to his office and gave you your punishment which included not only having to clean up the entire Home Ec room by yourself but mandatory detention for the week.
You took your punishment like a trooper, and stayed long after class was over to clean the Home Ec room by yourself, but you hadn't been expecting the one guy who had been at the center of all this drama to show up in the doorway while you did so. 
Now that everything was out in the open, you had nothing left to give him, so you attempted to move past him one more time, but Felix’s arm didn't budge.
You fixed him with an incredulous stare. 
What's his deal? you wondered. Is he still not satisfied? 
Felix cleared his throat. 
"Look, I'm really sorry, y/n," he began, his voice full of sincerity. "But I want you to know that I never made fun of you, but I also never stopped my friends from doing it either and that's just as bad. So for that I'm truly sorry." 
You stayed still, staring anywhere but his probing eyes. 
He continued. "I don't think you're a nerd or a…a…" 
"A loner and a food snob whose only companion in the entire academy is our Home Ec teacher," you finished for him, repeating what you heard one of his friends say about you. 
The skin under Felix’s pale cheeks turned crimson as he admitted, sheepishly, "Uh…yeah, that…" He then looked back up at you again. "I'll get them to quit picking on you. I promise. But in their defense you did kind of start this whole thing. They're all just as confused as I am as to why you hated all of us so much and for no reason when we first started the class." He then added, "Me especially." 
You looked away not wanting to bring up the reason why. You had already admitted enough for today. You were used to being an incredibly closed-off person. It's how you stayed safe within your academy where you often felt like a fish out of water. You didn't think you could take much more being open and honest for today, but Felix seemed to always have this ability to bring out things you wanted to keep far down within the depths of your soul because what he said next got a rise out of you again. 
"I would've never guessed it was because you were jealous of me," he stated.
"I'm not jealous!" You fired back at him.
"No?" He questioned with feigned innocence before his eyes started to narrow at you rather suspiciously. "Then what was that you were saying about cooking being your thing and this class being the place where you reign until me and my stupid pretty face came in and ruined all that for you?"
You looked away from him again, feeling your cheeks get hot again at having your words about him being pretty thrown right back at you.
"Hm?" Felix pursued but you just bit your lip to try and fight the unwanted grin threatening to betray your features at having been figured out by him. 
"Th-that…" you stuttered not knowing how to respond. 
"That-what?" He repeated, teasingly. He then shocked you when he suddenly asked, "Do you like me, y/n?" 
Your eyes finally met his as you gaped at him at having found out your deepest secret that you always swore you would never admit to anyone, even your own self. 
Yes, although it pained you to do so, even you had to admit that you thought Felix was incredibly cute. He really was. 
His golden hair, although dyed blond, suited him so well it looked like it could've been his natural color. You liked the way his wispy bangs lightly dipped into his bright, shiny eyes and the way his gorgeous smile could put the sun to shame by lighting up any place he stepped into. 
He was just so pretty and what was worse was that he knew it but it wasn't because he was conceited or anything. In fact he was incredibly humble about his looks; it was everyone else who told him so, constantly. 
His friends and his hordes of fans told him. Teachers, and staff adored him. Complete strangers gawked at his beauty. Everyone that came into contact with Felix always ended up smitten with his charming face and personality. 
In addition, he was genuinely kind to just about everyone he met which helped him to earn his reputation. In fact, he had never even been mean to you necessarily, although you two barely spoke to one another outside of cooking class; however, his friends were a whole other story. 
You really wished they would just leave you alone but after months of building tension, the damage between you and his friends was already too deep to just sweep under the rug. A fight was bound to break out between you all at some point. Today just happened to be that day. 
You felt your heart rate go into overdrive now as you both stared at one another in that doorway. You were so stumped by his question that your mind went blank. 
"What?" was all you could say as you continued to stare at him, completely flabbergasted. 
"Do you like me?" He repeated and you suddenly felt compelled to look down at your feet, as if they were the most interesting things in the world but it was what Felix said next that almost caused you to pass out. 
"Because I think I like you." 
To say you were merely surprised at his statement would've been the understatement of the century. 
You were speechless. Dumbstruck. Stupefied. Completely thrown for a loop! You didn't know what to say or what to do, and so you did nothing. You just stayed there quietly, staring down at your shoes. 
Finally, Felix asked, "You're not going to say anything?"
It took you a minute to finally find your voice to be able to speak, but once you did it came out kind of hoarse.
"Why-" You had started to say but paused once the word left your mouth because of how scratchy your throat felt.
Felix then completed your question before you could. 
"Why do I like you?" He asked. "...well…"
But he stopped when you shook your head at him. Finding your voice again, you were able to tell him what you were thinking. 
"I kind of was gonna ask why you decided to take cooking class all of a sudden this semester, but yes, that too." 
Felix sighed at you. "Y/N, you don't even know me or my friends that well. How do you know that I'm not serious about cooking?"
At this, you fixed him with an incredulous stare. "You? Serious about cooking? Yeah, right." 
"I am," he replied, sternly.
"Why?" You asked, your voice still taking on a tone of disbelief. "Because you've found yet another way to get praised by your horde of followers?"
Felix rolled his eyes. 
"No, that's not it," he said frustrated. "Look, I may not be a skilled cook like you but I do like cooking. In fact, I like it a lot. I never expected to when I first got put into this elective, but I do."
"Why?" You asked, genuinely curious. "Why now?"
Felix must have felt confident enough that you wouldn't try to leave the room anymore because he moved past you to walk back into the classroom, only to lean against one of the counters as he looked deep in thought. 
You followed his movements as you turned to face him and listened to what he had to say. 
"I don't know. I kind of always have, but I just didn't know it," he began to explain. "I've always made things for my friends and family. Be it a holiday, or birthday, or any gathering, I've always enjoyed making things for them and seeing them eat my dishes. I think that's what I really enjoy about cooking and why I like it so much. Because I like to take care of people and see them happily eating something I made with my own hands."
He began to smile as he spoke about enjoying cooking for people he cared about. He then looked at you as his face grew serious again. 
"But you're right. I had never taken it seriously until I ended up taking this class. I'll admit the only reason I ended up taking Home Ec in the first place is because it was the only elective left open and I needed just a couple more credits but then, I found myself really enjoying it."
He paused momentarily before adding, "And I found myself liking you as well. At first, I had thought you were a bit of a food snob, but then I realized I was wrong about that, too. The more time I spent in this class with you, the more I realized how incredibly passionate you are about cooking. You know so much more than I do and I wanted to learn everything like you do. I actually really admire you." 
He looked up at you and you felt your cheeks and neck getting hot again under his gaze as he revealed his truth to you. 
However, you weren't quite ready to address feelings just yet, so you avoided it by bringing up another topic.  
"It sounds like cooking for people is your love language, then."
"My love language?" He asked, confusedly. 
"How you show people that you care about them," you explained. 
"Oh." He nodded. "All I know is that I like to cook. I like this class and I want to continue to learn everything I can. And more importantly, I don't want to fight with you anymore."
His eyes met yours again and you both shared a brief moment of silence before you agreed with him.
"I don't either."
Felix smiled at you as he pushed away from the counter he had been leaning against and stepped closer to you. 
"So then, what do you say about calling a truce?" 
"A truce?" You repeated, questioningly. 
"Yeah," he responded. "A truce to end all fighting between you, me and my friends. No more trying to ruin each other's dishes, no more snide remarks, or making fun of each other, and no more food fights."
You thought about his proposal in silence for a moment. You then said, "Tell that friend of yours who flung barbeque sauce on me to keep it off of me and in their container and we'll call it a deal."
At this, Felix grinned ear-to-ear. "They only did that because you tried to steal ingredients from my table." 
"Okay, but they were mine first," you argued back, playfully. "You never give back anything you borrow."
Felix rolled his eyes. "Well maybe if you didn't hog everything to yourself then-"
"Fine," you said, cutting him off. "I won't hoard all the ingredients and we'll share from now on." You stuck your hand out to him as you asked, "Truce?"
He stuck out his hand as well, and shook yours. "Yeah, truce," he agreed. He then broke the handshake and began making his way across the room to the closet and you watched him grab a broom out of it.
"And as part of our truce, I'll help you clean up."
You raised your brows in disbelief. "You will?" 
He nodded as he began to sweep the floor. 
You smirked at him as you made your way back into the classroom and placed your belongings back down. 
"What are we friends now?" You asked him, teasingly. 
The blond suddenly stopped in his sweeping to fix you with an amused grin. "I just admitted to liking you a couple minutes ago and now you're saying you want to be just friends?" 
You smiled before admitting to him, "I do like you a lot, too."
Felix grinned.
"But I still want to get to know you more, first," you finished.
Today you learned that both you and Felix had been pretty judgemental of one another despite not knowing each other all that well, so you thought you two should actually try to get to know one another, first, before trying anything more. 
"Okay," Felix agreed with a nod before asking, "What do you want to know?"
You thought for a moment and that's when something you had been curious about for quite a while now hit you. 
"I wanna know what your secret is to those delicious brownies you made that one time in class," you told him. "You know, the ones that made our Home Ec teacher give you five stars while I only got four." 
Felix snapped his tongue. "Is that what you've been curious about this whole time?"
You nodded in response. Truthfully, ever since he had gotten higher marks than you, you had been dying to know the secret to his recipe so you wanted to know now.
Felix put the broom down as he said teasingly, "Ah, so the chef connoisseur doesn't know everything, huh? Fine, five-star Michelin Felix will show you."
You rolled your eyes at his name for himself. "Okay, five-star Michelin Felix."
He grinned hearing you call him this. "Hey, I like the sound of that."
"Of course you would," you said, crossing your arms over your chest. "You're so full of yourself." 
He shrugged before turning to you and said smugly, "How can I not be when I have such a…what did you say? A pretty face?" 
Actually, what you had said was that he had a stupid pretty face, but you didn’t mention that. However, now that he knew that you liked him and thought he was pretty you knew he was never going to let you live that down since he seemed to take joy in teasing you about it. 
"Uh…you're such a tease!" You whined to him, causing him to laugh. "Just tell me your secret to those brownies."
Felix perked up at the mention of his trademark dessert that had gotten him his first five-star rating from your instructor. 
"Oh, my secret is I…" he paused for a moment as he looked at you, and his smile turned slightly devilish. "I put in a food that is an aphrodisiac," he admitted, cheekily. "Can you guess what?" 
Instantly, your mouth fell open at his reveal. 
Oh, that is genius, you thought. That also helped to explain your teacher's rather overzealous reaction to Felix’s dessert. 
"What was it?" You asked him. "The cacao nibs?" 
You knew chocolate could be an aphrodisiac but Felix just shook his head before moving across the room to head over to one of the refrigerators. You watched him grab something out of it and then make his way back over to you, this time his hands holding something in a bag so its contents you couldn't see.
"Open," he said as he stood in front of you now. 
"Huh?" You questioned, but the moment your mouth opened to say that, you felt Felix suddenly pop something into your mouth.
Embarrassed by the sudden gesture, you felt your cheeks burn as your hands came up to cup your mouth. That's when you tasted the sweet, tart flavor of a familiar fruit and you instantly realized what it was. 
"The pomegranate," you said as you sucked on the sweet fruit seed that was now spreading across your tongue's palate.
Felix nodded. "The brownies I had made were pomegranate brownies with sea salt. The pomegranate is known to be an aphrodisiac. It's said to heighten the senses, boost testosterone and get the juices flowing…"
You winced at him as you finished eating the fruit. Oh, he was really good.
"That's not fair!" You suddenly erupted at him, annoyed by his trick to getting a higher grade than you. 
But he just grinned back cheekily, before saying, "Hey, you know what they say. If you can't stand the heat, then stay out of the kitchen." 
He winked at you as he popped some of the pomegranate seeds into his own mouth, with a smirk causing you to feel rather flustered. 
Pushing away from the counter, you rolled up your sleeves so that you could go back to the dishes you had been previously cleaning before. 
"We're supposed to be cleaning," you told him, changing the subject. "You said you would help me clean the classroom."
He chuckled as he placed the fruit down and then went back to grab the broom again.
"No worries, y/n," he said as he started to sweep the floor once again. "You won't have to do this alone anymore." He looked up at you and smiled. "From now on, I'm gonna be by your side. I promise." 
You felt your heart skip a beat as you got the feeling he meant he would be by your side in more than just helping you clean up the class, but that he would be by your side as a friend, too.
You smiled to yourself as you went back to cleaning, this time alongside the person you could now call your new friend. 
As you thought about it, you found it kind of funny. You had been considering Felix your arch nemesis, literally ever since he had stepped foot inside your favorite class, but who knew that all it would take was a food fight to get you two to finally make peace?
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saintsenara · 4 months
Hmm… thoughts on Sybil trelawny/mad-eye moody? Snape/percy Weasley? Demelza/ron?
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
alastor moody/sybill trelawney
i've answered this in relation to shipping trelawney with fake!moody here - but when it comes to shipping her with the real one...
i back it. moody's seeing-danger-round-every-corner and thinking-nobody-takes-what-he-says-seriously vibes align perfectly with trelawney's own.
i can see them having a lovely time being moany and conspiratorial together.
severus snape/percy weasley
i'm going to assume that snape hated percy while he was at school, since percy has exactly the vibe - clever-but-inflexible, sycophantic, know-it-all - which we know he loathes.
which means - of course - that i back it completely, since snape is nothing if not a masochist, and would clearly regard a relationship in which he didn't find his partner supremely irritating as a failure.
demelza robbins/ron weasley
i'm going to go for yes from ron's side, absolutely - he gasses her up as having thrown a tricky penalty ball at him during the quidditch try-outs in half-blood prince, which is the highest compliment he can bestow. he’s definitely clocked she’s a cutie.
he does also punch her hard in the mouth a few weeks later, so i wouldn’t blame demelza for very much not being into it.
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nanatsuyu · 3 months
https://x.com/nanatsuyu/status/1660987055004852224 ELABORATION PLS ?!? 👁️👁️
oh man I haven't thought about this post in a while!!
When I'm feeling particularly masochistic I like to rotate the idea in my head that Kevin is aware of his part in the narrative and it /genuinely/ dawns on him some time before he graduates that Kayleigh's passing wasn't an accident
so I haven't read all of the ec, tsc or everything Nora has ever said so I don't know if it's been touched on canonically but I imagine it probably occurs to kevin rather abruptly one day that Kayleigh wasn't just in some accident when he was younger
again I'm running on assumptions here and what I know at present time, and I touched on some of this later in the thread, but it's too convenient of a death to just be 'accidental'. there's no real elaboration behind what happened and one of the easiest ways to get rid of someone and cover it up easy is a car crash. also everything comes in threes and having two other car related incidents with mothers seems a bit on the nose.
I don't think it's ever mentioned (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong I'm not an authority by any means) if Kevin was with her or not, and it's never mentioned whether it's suspected that she was worried for her life or anything in her letter. (I feel that would have been brought up if so. I think it just touched on who Kevin's father was and maybe something sentimental etc. feels weird for the letter to be kept around if it had incriminating evidence yknow)
i think maybe at some point in the back of his head Kevin realises that's a little too perfect for his mother to have just died, knowing there was an empire that was getting money out of it. she loved the sport for the sport so knowing her cocreator was interested in less than savoury directions with it would put some strain on that. (whatever relationship they had would beyond that is a bit up in the air but tetsuji seemed more devoted to his family business than any one person.) so the easiest thing would be to get rid of her, which I don't think is a hot take or anything? I'm pretty sure I've seen this thrown around a bit.
regardless I think it was something Kevin may have always thought about, but didn't Really consider until he saw just how little he meant to the moriyamas and riko. like yeah he kind of understood that to a degree growing up, but I imagine riko growing more aggressive with him maybe pushed that closer to his forethoughts that they weren't keeping him around out of just talent. there's gold star lineage and money in owning the literal son of exy, and while that's obvious to the reader, sometimes it takes a minute for things to register in such simple terms to people under all that stress, trauma, etc. maybe Kevin already understood that in canon in so many words, but then later it clicks that /that/ was a very intentional decision and direct action.
like he IS the face of exy. he is the tragic hero of a revolutionary sport. people eat that kind of drama up. and his life story may have been entirely crafted by someone elses hand. celebrities are a commodity after all. what makes more money than a poor orphaned boy destined for greatness, lovingly taken into the arms of a team and 'family' that could help guide that still? hell if they managed to cover up the raven problems by blaming them entirely on riko, that may even add more to Kevin's sobstory for fans and bring in even more money.
that's not to say Kevin isn't deserving of the respect and admiration for his talent and skill. that is all Kevin and no one can take that from him. but this niggling idea that someone laid this out for him, for everything to play out (mostly) to plan has to hit him at some point. there's something completely devastating about realising your autonomy is and potentially has never been your own, that destiny isn't really divine but instead made—but not by your own hardwork. even if all of the fallout after he death was a domino effect, wouldn't that be nauseating to know it was all according to plan?
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Fandom: Elvis Presley, American Actor
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character
Characters: Elvis Presley, Original Female Character, Addison Goodwin, Joe Goodwin, Mona Goodwin, Jess Goodwin, Lisa Marie Presley, Gladys Presley, Vernon Presley, Minnie Mae ‘Dodger’ Presley
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 4319
Summary: Addison and Elvis have made it through more than most but that was because despite everything they always had each other. As if their souls were tethered but what happens when the rope snaps.
Tags/Warnings: Flashbacks, Love, Established Relationship, Cuddles, Hugging, Arguing, Parents, Implied Death, Implied Sickness, Family Arguments,
Notes: I'm up watching the candlelight vigil so I might as well post!
This a fic that links to The Girl He Left Behind/Here You Come Again. Set after Here You Come again by quite some years.  Basically it’s the long and happy life Elvis deserved.
Special thanks to @ccab for letting me be such a masochist [and yes I cried writing it sue me]
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Addison could hear them arguing. She was sure she wasn’t supposed to, not given how her father had told her to stay on the porch swing until he came back out or how they attempted to say everything in harsh whispers, yet she could hear every word as it floated through the open window. And to make matters worse they were arguing about her. 
‘And who’s going to watch her?’ Joe said hands on his hips as he watched his wife rifle through her purse which she had just picked up off the hallway dresser. She was dressed differently from before, Addison could only see through a small crack in the curtains, but her robe was gone now, replaced by a sleek black dress and her shoes, the ones she had shouted at Addison for playing in earlier today - the reason her daddy had found her crying on the front porch - clacked along the wooden floor.
‘You’re her parent too y’know,’ Mona said her gaze never looking his way as she slipped a compact out of her purse and checked her appearance.
‘And when I have to go to work? When you traipse in at God knows what hour or better still don’t come home? What then?’
‘You’ll figure it out Joey you always do,’ Mona said sarcastically, blotting her lipstick with her finger before she snapped the compact closed and threw it in her purse and then finally looked up at the man in front of her.
‘I make it work because I have to! Because you make me-‘ he snapped, his voice growing heated as he felt his frustration mounting.
‘Make you?! I didn’t make you do anything! You wanted a kid, begged me remember? Now you’re trying to blame me for what you signed us up for,’ Mona said in a tight whisper making Joe push a hard lump down in his throat, ‘you wanted Addison. I wanted my life.’
‘Addison is our life,’ Joe said angrily waiting for his wife to say something, anything that might insinuate she agreed if even the slightest amount but she watched him, stony faced and unyielding.
‘I’ve had her all day you have no idea what it’s like,’ she said eventually.
‘What would you rather go to work? Bust your hump every damn day to put food on the table,’ Joe argued.
‘Be a damn sight easier!’ Mona snapped, ‘do you know what’s it like? She doesn’t want me, Joe. Every day is the same. I’m never the one she wants, it’s always Daddy this, Daddy that when I’m the one home with her all day.’
‘She’s a kid Mona! Kids push your buttons,’ Joe said.
‘Well she can push yours tonight,’ she said slinging her purse onto her shoulder as she headed to the door. 
‘So what you’re just gonna run out every time it gets hard? We need you Mona,’ Joe said following her. Mona paused, her hand on the door handle before she looked back at her husband, ‘and what about what I need?’
And before Joe could protest she wrenched open the door an flung herself down the garden path. Joe moved forward, standing in the door frame as he watched his wife climb into the cab that was idling in the middle of the street before it took off at speed. He only looked up when he heard a tiny voice speak from somewhere on the porch.
‘Is Mama mad at me?’ Addison said with a sniffle as she sunk back down onto her bottom pretending she hadn’t been kneeling up at the window, listening to every word. Joe looked at her, forcing a smile as he walked towards her sitting down on the swing beside her as she climbed onto his lap. 
‘No baby she’s not mad at you,’ Joe said placing a kiss on the top of her head.
‘Then where’d she go?’ she asked as she looked out at the garden in front of them.
‘She’s had to pop out to see a friend,’ Joe lied. 
‘But she’s coming back?’ Addison asked hopefully. 
‘Of course baby,’ Joe said though he wasn’t sure that was the case. 
‘Okay,’ Addison said quietly cuddling into him as he started to rock the porch swing with his feet. 
The sun was sinking in the sky now, creating orange and pink streaks above the houses across from them. And his baby girl was nuzzled into him, her little fingers playing with the chain he was wearing around his neck as he rocked them. 
Any other time it would’ve been a nice moment. But not tonight. 
He had just gotten home from a long day at work, back breaking labour he was hoping would be followed by a nice meal and maybe an ice-cold drink. But that wasn’t the scene he was greeted with when he got home. No, as he pulled up he found his little girl sitting on their front porch sobbing her heart out. She had been waiting for him and ran to him the moment he had put his foot on the garden path, burying herself in his neck as her tears made his already sweat soaked shirt damper. He had asked her what was wrong but she hadn’t managed to get her words out, every bit of speech broken by sniffles and erratic breaths as she tried to explain herself. 
But as he stepped over the threshold of his home he knew what was the matter. Mona.
He had placed Addison down and told her to stay on the porch until he came back out and though she was still sniffling and her lashes were clumped together with tears she had nodded allowing him to go into the house alone.
As he walked towards the back of the house he could sense something was up. Mona was flitting around the kitchen taking pots off the stove and decanting vegetables onto two plates on the countertop. It was a domestic scene that would be seen all over the United States tonight and yet their scene wouldn’t unfold like everyone else’s would. His wife wouldn’t kiss him as he greeted her. She wouldn’t serve him his dinner or ask him about his day. She wouldn’t put their little girl to bed, the pair of them making sure she was soundly asleep before they settled down enjoying one another’s company. 
No tonight would go as it had a thousand times before. Mona would throw a haphazard meal on the table and then she would leave for whatever good time she had managed to arrange. He would make sure Addison was fed, ask her what had made her cry which she would no doubt inform him to be something her mother had said or did, and then he would bath her and put her to bed wondering if his wife would be laying in the bed beside him in the morning. 
All of that had been put into motion the moment he had asked her why Addison was crying. 
That had been what had led him into the argument, it had been the reason the pair of them were now sitting on the porch swing both as broken as the other. The only bonus was that Addison seemed to have stopped crying, fresh tears didn’t even seem to come as she watched Mona flee from them as if she were leaving the scene of a crime. Yet that hurt in its own way. It hurt so much that he had to peel himself away from her. 
He needed time to rebuild himself, if only the ten minutes it would take to finish dinner, so he could be there for her when the inevitable questions rolled in.
‘Addie?’ he asked causing her large hazel eyes to look up at him expectantly, forcing a wave of sadness to flow through him at just how familiar they looked, ‘I’m gonna make dinner okay?’
‘Okay,’ she said as he moved her off him, placing a kiss on the top of her head before he stood up. 
‘You stayin’ out here?’ he asked earning a nod in response. It was a small relief, at least holed away in the kitchen he could let his emotions flood through him without upsetting her, ‘okay. But don’t go wanderin’ off ya hear me? You ain’t allowed out of this yard.’
‘I know,’ she said with a smile. 
And then he headed inside the house and out of sight. Addison watched him go before she sat back on the porch swing. She didn’t want to stay outside, it was getting late and a chill was flowing through the air making her shiver in her thin dress but she knew it was better to be here. If her daddy had wanted her outside whilst they argued he’d want her out of the way when he cried. 
She couldn’t hear it this time, he was deep enough in the house that she couldn’t hear anything but she was sure he would cry. Like he always did when him and her mama fought. She didn’t know why. She didn’t know how he could hold her and make her feel like everything was better and yet he couldn’t fix himself. How her mama could leave him so broken. 
It made her tiny heart hurt. 
She had heard how her Mama had complained about her wanting him and it was true that throughout the day she had asked for him nigh on a thousand times. It had gotten on her mother’s nerves and so she had told her to go and play though she didn’t say anything about staying out of her parents’ closet. She had been trying on one of her mother’s fancy necklaces and walking around in the shoes that clacked along the floor when her mother had found her. She had yelled blue murder, yanking Addison up until the shoes dropped off her feet and clattered onto the floor. And then she had shoved her through the bedroom door, screaming about how she could never have anything nice, how Addison was nothing but trouble.
It had made her cry and that had only seemed to make her mother angrier and so Addison had fled to the safety of the front porch, waiting for her dad to get home. He always made her feel better. He never made her feel the way her mother did.
That was why she wanted him around. She knew her Daddy loved her, her mother she wasn’t so sure about.   
As the sun continued to set and the chill got worse Addison got up from her seat on the porch swing, moving into a strip of sunshine that warmed her body in a way that made her feel a touch happier. She was revelling in the warmth as she watched a bug flit between the gap in the concrete of the porch floor, her finger chasing it as it ran into the shadows, but her attention was caught as she heard a chugging engine coming down the street and looked up to find a truck pulling into the driveway beside them. Addison scooted forward; her face pressed close to the wooden slats of the porch fence as she watched with curiosity. The house beside them belonged to Mrs Miller, a kind older woman who always gave her candy whenever she saw her by the fence. But Mrs Miller hadn’t been home for a while so this car pulling up was odd.
Addison watched as the car stopped and a man she didn’t recognise jumped out. He looked like her daddy, though where her daddy lacked a smile, he couldn’t seem to stop, especially as the rest of the car’s passengers started to disembark. Addison watched as a lady stepped out, not as smiley though she did brighten up as the man continued to talk gesturing to bits of Mrs Miller’s house. Addison watched as he threw his arm around her shoulders, kissing her temple as he spoke animatedly about the house in front of them. Though she could see how happy they were it made her feel sad, it made her wonder why her parents couldn’t be like that.
Then she was distracted as she heard the clunk of a car door and looked across to find a boy a bit older than her making his way around the back of the car until he was at the other side, opening the door and helping out an older woman until she was firmly on solid ground. As he helped her up the path that had become overgrown and unloved in Mrs Miller’s absence Addison watched him.
He wasn’t a teenager but he was definitely older than her. His hair was sandy blonde, though it seemed almost as brown as hers as it was combed tightly to his head, the product he had used to get it that way making it look darker. Addison leaned in closer, watching him as he took a spot beside the younger woman, finally making a larger smile play on her lips.
‘What are ya doing down there, baby?’ she heard Joe say forcing her to whip around so quick as though she had been caught doing something she shouldn’t. Though as he watched her his gaze travelled beyond where she was sitting, clocking the fact there were now people next door. Addison watched as he waved to them and found the man she didn’t know waving back.
‘You wanna meet our new neighbours?’ Joe asked. Addison looked towards the family for a second and then back at her daddy who was waiting patiently then she nodded. Joe offered out a hand which she ran to, his large one encircling hers as they walked down the front steps and towards the fence where the man was now waiting, the rest of them talking amongst themselves.
‘Found it okay then?’ Joe asked with a smile as he leaned across the fence to embrace the man, his other hand still holding Addison’s who was watching them closely.
‘Yeah, just followed your directions,’ Vernon said, ‘again I can’t thank ya enough.’
‘Oh you know it was no bother,’ Joe said, ‘Jack didn’t sting ya too hard on the rent did he?’
‘Nah,’ the man said, ‘I think he’s just happy someone’s gonna be lookin’ after the place.’
‘Well from what I hear his mom’s gonna be headed to a long-term facility after hospital so you never know he might make it permanent,’ Joe said.
‘I hope so,’ the woman said appearing at the man’s side as she offered her hand out, ‘Gladys.’
‘Joe,’ Joe said, ‘nice we can finally meet. Vernon’s told me all about you.’
‘Only good stuff,’ Vernon ribbed.
‘Likewise,’ Gladys said rolling her eyes at her husband before she noticed the little girl standing beside him watching her inquisitively.
‘Which means you must be Addison,’ the woman Addison now knew as Gladys said looking down on her with a kind smile. She smiled back but tucked herself behind her dad’s leg as a blush flooded through her.
‘Hey now who are you tryin’ to convince you’re shy?’ Joe chuckled stroking her hair, ‘say hello baby.’
‘Hello,’ Addison said quietly.
‘Hi there,’ Gladys said.
‘Hi sweetheart,’ Vernon said with a smile.
‘You want me to come over and show ya round? I think they’ll have switched the power and gas off at the mains but everything’s the same as ours so I can show you how to get set up,’ Joe said.
‘You wouldn’t mind?’ Gladys asked.
‘Of course not,’ Joe said.
‘Thanks man,’ Vernon said as Joe nodded and climbed over the small fence one leg at a time before he turned back to Addison. She let him pick her up but as he placed her down on the other side of the fence, she stopped realising the boy from before was watching her. He was leaning against the truck, his blue eyes watching her closely as she looked towards him.
Then she found herself moving, her shyness from earlier disappearing as if there was something tugging her forward. She only stopped when she was stood in front of him, her large hazel eyes looking up at him as she smiled.
‘Hi,’ she said.
‘Hi,’ Elvis said leaning up off the truck he had been resting on.
‘I’m Addie,’ she said.
‘Elvis,’ he said offering a hand out which he expected her to shake but she didn’t. Instead she dove headfirst into his midriff, her tiny arms wrapping around him though they didn’t meet at the back. His own hands moved to her back holding her to him though far more tentatively than she was hugging him. When she pulled back she smiled at him, offering her hand out for him to take which he did without thinking, unable to say no.
He could feel himself being tugged, his arm nearly wrenching out of the socket as she raced forward following the grownups. But it was more than that. The tugging didn’t feel as though it was coming from that small yet powerful hand, but from within them. Something tethering them together and for some reason he couldn’t help but smile.
As Addison pulled out of the memory she felt a tug deep inside her. She didn’t know why, after all that memory was a happy one and given that she was awash with all sorts of memories these days she should take comfort in the ones that were as nice as that. Though she supposed she shouldn’t be surprised, not when that tugging seemed to be a permanent fixture of her being these days, as if it was pulling her at the seams, trying to break her apart. Especially as she watched Elvis. He was lying in bed, his eyes closed and the book he had been reading on his chest though it slipped as he shifted, falling into the crevice of his arm and startling him awake. Though as he grabbed it he noticed her standing by the bathroom door watching over him and he smiled at her, that old familiar knee weakening smile – not changed by age.
‘What are you doin’ over there?’ he said quietly, ‘c’mere.’
Addison didn’t say anything but she obeyed his request, moving towards the bed and climbing on it until she was able to lay down beside him, moving the book as she nuzzled into his side, his arm going around her. He held her for a moment, his fingers tracing soft circles on her arm. Addison didn’t look up at him, soaking in his warmth as he held her, trying to commit this to be one of the memories that plagued her.
‘What are you thinking about?’ Elvis said after a moment.
‘The day we met,’ she said honestly, still staring out across the other side of the room though she felt him move his head no doubt looking down on her as he said, ‘yeah?’
‘Yeah,’ she said quietly.
‘The day at the fair?’ he asked.
‘No, the very first time,’ she said making him breath a laugh.
‘Jeez you remember that?’ he chuckled quietly, ‘I can barely remember what I had for breakfast.’
‘I don’t know how. It just…came to me,’ she said.
‘You were barely three years old,’ Elvis said.
‘I know,’ she said quietly. She didn’t know how she remembered it. How her brain had plucked something she hadn’t thought about for years out and made her relive it and yet she wasn’t surprised. It was something her mind was doing more and more. As a way to cheer her up or torture her she wasn’t sure. After a moment she said, ‘you know what I do remember?’
‘What honey?’ he asked knowing there was more to whatever she was thinking about.
‘My mama and daddy were arguing if you can believe that,’ Addison said making Elvis chuckle, ‘so I was trying to ignore them. Took myself out on the front porch so I couldn’t hear my daddy cryin’….and then I see this big ol’ truck pull up and this nice couple get out followed by this older lady and then this skinny little thing helpin’ her out of the car-’
‘Lean not skinny,’ Elvis corrected making Addison smile.
‘This lean little thing,’ she corrected before she continued, ‘and y’know they looked happy. The mom and dad were smiling and the kid he seemed so kind and I just wanted to run right into the middle of it. To barrel headfirst across my garden until I was in it. In the middle of all that love.’
‘Addie your daddy loved you more than anything in this world you know that,’ Elvis said holding her a touch tighter.
‘I know and I wouldn’t have traded him for the world but I always wanted to be a part of it,’ she whispered.
‘A part of what honey?’ Elvis asked.
‘Your world,’ she said trying to push down the lump in her throat as she spoke, ‘I was drawn to it like a rope tied around my middle pulling me to it. To you.’
‘I know what you mean,’ Elvis said. He had felt it too. Every time she had walked into his life there was this pull, something pulling them together until they were tethered. It hadn’t been an easy road but it was never one they could escape. That was why he felt his heart shatter as she spoke again, this time in barely more than a whisper.
‘What am I gonna do when the rope snaps?’ she asked. Tears were falling now, rolling down her cheeks and onto the cotton of his pyjamas no doubt creating damp patches he would be able to feel but she couldn’t stop them.
‘Oh Ads,’ he sighed. They’d had conversations like this before but he’d never heard the fear in his voice that was present now. She’d always kept herself contained, strong.
‘I mean it. What do I do?’ she asked with a sniffle, ‘because I know you keep saying you’re ready. I know you believe in whatever’s up there…but what if I’m not? What if I’m never going to be ready El? All my life you’ve been there in some form, the rope pulling us back together.’
‘You think I wanna go?’ Elvis said unevenly, he could feel his own tears stinging in his eyes but he forced them back. It was the first sign of vulnerability she had shown and he wasn’t going to make her take care of him, ‘honey I would stay here with you forever if I could you know that…but God…he’s got other plans.’
‘He should change ‘em,’ she said attempting a joke though it was barren of mirth.
‘Only you would be so stubborn as to ask God to make an exception,’ Elvis chuckled.
‘You know me,’ she said. She pulled back, placing her hand on his chest as her hazel eyes found his blue ones each watching the other with the same pained yet loving look.
‘You’re right. I do,’ Elvis said moving a strand of hair off her face, ‘and I know you well enough to know you’re strong enough to survive this. I know that you’ll know what to do. That you’ll look after our girls, our grand babies and anyone else who needs it. I know that you’ll take care of ‘em the way you’ve took care of me all these years.’
‘But I could take care of everything because I had you,’ Addison said, her voice breaking as a fresh wave of tears rolled down her cheeks.
‘And you will,’ Elvis said firmly, ‘do you think I’d every truly leave you? Baby I was always with you and I always will be. I’ll be with you in everything you do and then one day we’ll be back together. You’ll see.’
As tears fell she tried to contain herself but she couldn’t stop the sob that broke free at his words, at the thought of him not being beside her as he had been all these years. Elvis moved his thumb across her cheek, swiping the dampness from under one of her eyes as he watched her.
‘Tell me you believe me,’ he said. Addison watched him. She had been so strong up to now yet as their deadline seemed to grow closer she felt more and more doubt creep in. Even when they had been apart she had always had him, she had known he wasn’t too far away. And she wanted to believe that would still be the case, that what he believed would be right, but she didn’t want to find out. She didn’t want him to go. Not yet. Yet as his blue eyes watched her she couldn’t tell him no. She couldn’t allow her doubt to ruin him. Not if that brought him any ounce of comfort.
‘I do,’ she nodded.
‘Good, though I demand you take your sweet time,’ he jested.
‘When do I ever do what you tell me,’ Addison said allowing his joke to lighten the sombre mood.
‘You will this time you hear me?’ Elvis said, an air of seriousness running through his tone, ‘because this life it still has so much left for you Addie…so promise me you’ll make the most of it.’
‘I promise,’ Addison said, putting her head down on his chest again as he clasped his hand over hers, his heart beating steadily under their touch.
‘Elvis?’ she asked after a moment.
‘Can we just be us for now? No making the most of anything, no thinking about anything…just you and me?’ she asked. She had given him his comfort now she just hoped he would give her what she needed.
‘Whatever you want honey,’ Elvis said kissing the top of her head.
‘I love you,’ she said shakily.
‘I love you too.’
@girlblogger2002 @sania562 @caitlin1996 @literally-just-elvis-fics @notstefaniepresley  @artlesson8892 @18lkpeters​ @velvetelvis @jaqueline19997 @elvispresleyxoxo @amydarcimarie @presleyenterprise @everythingelvispresley @elvispresleywife @lillypink @richardslady121 @lettersfromvenus @louisejoy86 @ccab
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saintmouthed · 1 month
dtcfdp chapter 2 (author commentary)
I fear it is time to Reread dtcfdp Again and I'm going to be so annoying about it, actually. Anyway I'm gonna basically reread my own fic and liveblog the experience. Chapter 2 commentary starts under the cut, but you can find chapter 1 commentary here if you're interested!
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FLIRTING DISGUISED AS NEGOTIATION...oh I see that's always been a favorite of mine.
"But it’s difficult not to feel like life is passing him by, stuck in this temporary place between all the milestones of ‘average’ adulthood and unable to find his way to the next stage, watching everyone else leave him behind. With jobs, with relationships, with careers. If not with those things, then at least they know what they want and how to get it."
yeah I was going through it in early adulthood, how did you know? (I wanted this fic to like... explore that more thoroughly, but I had SO MANY threads going on in this fic, and the most interesting was the goofiness and the kink, so that's what we got)
(though this does remind me that I found my notebook where I brainstormed dtcfdp in the first time,,, perhaps I will share some of those notes as a DVD extra at the end of the commentary)
It was fun. It was kind of silly, though, because that’s just the way that we were, and I don’t think I necessarily left those encounters feeling like I got everything I could from it. R.
baby masochist R my beloved. SOOOO much projection in this fic, except my adventurous partner (the one that inspired this ex-boyfriend of R's) was too embarrassed to even admit they were into That even though it was so obvious and I knew.
Aren’t you a sadist? Do you even know the meaning of the word? R. For the sake of making sure you’re comfortable playing with me at the end of the week, I absolutely know the meaning of the word. Ange. What about for the sake of honesty? R. Rarely. Ange.
been talking about this a lot lately. Another thing that I wanted in the fic but it never made it into the actual text. I always imagined that Enjolras had a nasty breakup with someone in the scene before he met Grantaire and he blames himself, and that's why he's holding back so much and trying so so hard to be careful with Grantaire's boundaries. Of course that's part of where the whole mess comes in, they're both so worried they're doing something Wrong that they don't want to Talk to each other. lmao.
Besides, Fantine lets him use the wheels after-hours and on his days off so long as he pays for the clay, and sometimes he really fucking misses the ceramics lab.
I FORGOT ABOUT THIS...oh Grantaire and Joly and Bossuet only drink from Grantaire's hand thrown mugs. When he first started working at the Paint and Party, they were so wonky and small because he was out of practice. Now they're increasingly elaborate, to the point where Joly and Bossuet still use the wonky ones because they're afraid of dropping the pretty ones.
If you’re asking me if I’m attracted to you, though, the answer is yes. Ange
writing dtcfdp enjolras is soooo fun. Especially when I get to write his POV, because to Grantaire he's always trying his best to be suave and charming and mean, meanwhile mentally he's swearing up a storm.
Mhm. There’s nothing quite like it, and I am all kinds of mean there is. Ange.
“You feed your adventure to a hungry dragon,” Bossuet adds, helpfully. Grantaire doesn’t know how he manages to sound so excited. Bossuet has consistently gotten terrible rolls no matter the game or the dice, and out of the four of them, even with as much as they play together, he’s the only one who’s had multiple characters die in-game due to unfortunately timed crit-fails.
I STILL HAVEN'T PLAYED THIS GAME RIP....poor Grantaire having all his TTRPG characters die. That was cruel of me
the negotiation... tearing up, remembering my early forays into the scene,,, wow
Not this time, he says. R. This time? Ange.
as much as Grantaire goes insane for Enjolras saying "next time" in this fic... you just KNOW that Enjolras is frothing at the mouth at this mention.
Which is fine. He's fine (section break) He is not fine.
this never fails to make me laugh.
“This is my cue to remind you that everything about this is up to you.” “I know.” Grantaire says, voice muffled against his shoulder. “You can go home right now, if you like.” “I know.” “I absolutely will not ask you to do anything you don’t want to do.” “I know.” Grantaire says, once more, with a huff of laughter.
Ange runs his hand up and down Grantaire’s back in a comforting gesture before pulling away to look at his face. “Good. It’s always worth repeating just once more. Now, what would make you feel most comfortable? Do you want to call it off for today, or try another time, maybe?”
genuinely crying now....I love them and also just, agh. I loved getting to write him as gentle in these crucial moments. I love a sadist as you probably know but I also love a "hey, reminder, you're safe, you're in control" sweetness.
“That’s cute.” Ange says. “But unnecessary. Save your ‘sir’s for when I actually punish you.”
was just talking about this too!!!! this was legitimately my favorite thing to play with in this fic. Grantaire constantly throwing around sarcastic "sir yes sir"s and Enjolras tolerating it.... until That Scene
“Words, please.”
fucking menace. I hate when they do this (by which I mean I think it's mean, by which I mean I love it) but also I LOOOOOVE saying it myself. So. The duality of man.
“How are you feeling?” “…A little bit…fuzzy.” Ange chuckles, resting his hands on Grantaire’s thighs. “Happy?” Grantaire has to think about this for a moment. “Yeah, I guess so. Why?” “Because you’re grinning like crazy.” Grantaire touches his face to confirm that he is, in fact, grinning a wide smile. “Oh.”
SCREAMS... I forgot about this. FUCK. I love this. SO MUCH.
I'LL HOLD YOU AS LONG AS YOU NEED....do you ever CRY. I love the chapters that end like that. it's so CUTE.
this was so fun. I love reading over this fic, and lately people have really been flattering me telling me they reread it too. <3
next chapter commentary coming soon!
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pt XV good omens entire season 1: a nice and accurate summary
@neil-gaiman I like to delude myself into thinking you would be proud of this. Are you?
Hello, Asmi here, I present to you a summary so nice and accurate that if you're feeling masochistic, you can just breeze through this to catch up and then directly rewatch season 2 to cry! Which is what this fandom loves to do, so as mascot I'm here to enable you :") Spoilers here, of course, and a lot of chaos.
Episode One! We open with God narrating the Fall of Man and we've got ourselves a Bible AU, east gate angel/serpent forbidden lovers, quite wonderful really.
The serpent (Crowley) now in human form takes the Antichrist and catwalks across a graveyard. Crowley delivers the Antichrist to Satanic nuns but there are several fuckups.
The East Gate guardian (Amoxicillin) and Crowley raise the wrong baby for eleven years with Amoxicillin being a frightening gardener and Crowley being a gorgeous nanny.
They realise the baby is wrong. The real Antichrist wasn't raised by them and therefore owns braincells. He names his hellhound Dog.
Episode Two! Gabriel the angel is an ass, we get some nice witch-burning of Agnes Nutter who made prophecies, and oh yeah the apocalypse is now happening and the horsepeople are out.
Nutter's descendant finds the Antichrist and friends and is hit by Azithromycin and Crowley who are in love. Things happen but what is important is Azithromycin and Crowley stare at each other and also Dog faces off a tabby. Azithromycin lies to Heaven.
Episode Three! Crowley looks gorgeous at Noah's ark, Architecture tries not to listen to her about how shit it all is, boom flood dead.
Lots of romantic flashbacks with Archibald and Crowley, medieval, shakespeare, french revolution etc etc lots of sexual tension, Archibald is in handcuffs, Crowley rescues his books from a Nazi bombing.
Antihistamine gives Crowley holy water, breakup breakup, paintball, sexual tension wall slam, bandstand breakup, it is very sad.
Episode Four! Duck aliens invade earth, the Antichrist possesses children, Crowley and Aripiprazole are incompetent at heroics. Aripiprazole is sent to heaven and everything is on fire.
Episode Five! Crowley is very very sad and Antibiotics reappears and possesses a lady, there is vague hetero sex, Crowley is useless, Antibiotics is the posh gay, everything is still on fire.
Episode Six! Big apocalypse face-off, Crowley's car blows up, no one comforts him, Arsphenamine is now back in his body, eleven year olds kill the horsepeople because Crowley and Arsphenamine are still useless, the Antichrist solves his daddy issues.
Crowley and Antipyretic switch places to survive and then they go out to drink and toast to the world and everyone cries.
[I am so, so sorry to everyone who was involved in the production of this show. You deserved better than this summary. But this is what you got. Blame the fandom, I am only a figurehead and mascot.]
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wildflowerteas · 7 months
Hiiii!! I am just one of the many people absolutely enamoured if not downright obsessed with your work!Just the authenticity of the storyline in 'when I awake', and how it completely altered my perspective on so many thematic concepts.and to also discover you were someone in the same age range really really made me admire you soooo much.I wish you luck in your life and whatever you do in general cuz you're a real gem 😊
I'll be honest, I don't make it a habit to interact with others online, preferring to just be a bystander, but I thought I'll just take the risk.If it's not too much of a bother I wanted to ask you: How do you find yourself able to write with consistency? To further elaborate my point, how do you write so much and keep that flow of words to continue on until the end?I wish to start writing as well, fanfic,personal writings etc., and I just can't seem to make progress after writing only one page,I feel like even with extensive planning and carefully organised notes I never seem to be able to produce a large body of work that encapsulates all my ideas.It's always just...one paragraph and then the initial meaning just loses itself.
Oh goodness,I wrote too much! I'll stop here I just thought maybe I can ask someone with first hand experience instead of just figuring out somehow.Hope you have great day and thank you so much once again!!!❤❤❤❤
Hii!!! Oh my gosh thank you so so much! I'm so glad to hear that my writing resonated with you, and that it was able to make your life a little bit brighter ( hopefully ) as a result. Thank you so much <3 This really made my day. First of all: This is absolutely not a bother, and I'm really really excited that you reached out! I love talking/interacting with people hehe and I'm more than happy to help!
This is a super good question. I don't really notice it in the moment ( when I'm writing ), but getting chapters out every week--with most being well into the 8-10k range--IS actually kind of insane. Not to mention WIA was 23 chapters, which is nearly six months of just writing and writing. I think a lot of that consistency had to do with my unhealthy obsession with the pairing, but also the fact that the writing became sort of . . . routine? I was always happy to do it, and very excited to sit down at my desk, crack my knuckles, and get started. It never really felt like I was slogging through it ( even though I would spend the better half of my Fridays-through-Sundays doing nothing but writing ). I think writing something you love will just be like that--exciting, and energizing--even if the writer's block hitting and editing can be very painful. That sounds a bit masochistic, but I really did enjoy the struggle at times. And ultimately, I came out of it a better writer than I was before. But something that really helped me write consistently was my desire to read the work when it was finished. Writing something you want to read means the only one you can blame when you have no ending is, well, yourself. And especially when it comes to fiction ( fanfic and personal works ), these stories are to be shared but ultimately they're for us. To satisfy a desire to tell, or to capture some part of our imagination, or to reason our way through feelings or thoughts. Now onto the next part of your question. Truthfully, when it comes to planning, notes, outlines--I'm one of the worst people to ask. However, I do have one thing that might be useful to you: I always, always, write with the ending in mind. I think even with little scenes, I'm looking ahead and asking myself "How does this get me to the place I want to go?" or "How does this shape the character into the kind of person I want them to be when the story is over?" That's not to say I don't write filler ( which I do--I love writing slow, nothing-really-happens scenes ), but when it comes to writing something full-length, the idea of having a set destination really makes the struggle of the journey ( in WIA's case, a journey of 230 thousand words ) feel a lot easier.
I also struggle with getting past the first page and even find outlines a little claustrophobic. Sometimes inspiration strikes randomly while I'm writing, and I'll betray my notes, go with the flow, and suddenly things like character relationships and even major plot-related scenes will be uprooted ( a lot of the well-loved and interesting scenes in WIA were 100% improv). I think falling into a committed relationship with your outline/notes can be a bit suffocating for creativity ( maybe for people like you and me ), while for others, it's a scaffold that helps them tell the story they want without wandering too far. It's about finding what works for you, rather than subscribing to a formula. It might be helpful to dip your toes into just writing and letting the story flow from your imagination first, and then when you have more than one page, creating an outline that is guided by the trajectory of what you've already written, rather than vice versa. Phew. You were apologizing for writing too much ( which you shouldn't, btw ) but I might be the one who has to say sorry! This was a lot, and I hope that at the very least, a tiny bit of it was helpful. Again, thank you so much for enjoying my writing, and for having the courage to reach out and ask. It sounds like you stepped a bit out of your comfort zone, and I really applaud you for that <3 I hope you're having a lovely day.
niko <3
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stormxpadme · 5 months
Fanfic Writer Asks:
5, 10, 17, 29
"I’m Bored and Anxious So I Slapped Together a List of Fan Fic Writer Asks"
5 - What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
I'm notoriously not a huge fan of Mr. Sinister because it's just one of these things Marvel Comics has done to death, and guy's hopelessly overpowered. So aside from like 2 short oneshots, I never utilized him in my X-Men stories and my X-Men main verse.
But lately I've been thinking about a very meta kind of oneshot which arose from an Alternative Universe story for my X-Men verse that I did a while ago. A oneshot that included - and those scenes were very much part of my canon and not AU - some flashbacks of when movieverse!Scott was Essex' lab rat as a kid. That story also elaborated on how Essex has kept on meddling subtly, telepathically with Scott's life in the course of the years. In that official X-Men verse of mine, Essex has been put on ice deep under the ocean by Charles and Emma shortly before Scott came to Charles as a teenager and is mostly rendered powerless. But I like to think, very subtly, even at what is basically a coma, Essex still has a bit of influence on the real world. And of course he's never given up on the plan of creating his mutant super race and that perfect fabricated mutant child for his own uses. Since he did know somehow though, that his plan would never work as intended with Scott and Jean - cue Destiny coming in, in some way ... Bear with me, this whole thing is not finished beign plotted -, Essex decided to give Logan and Jean as his favorite parents a shot since those would be just an equally powerful combination of genes. Long story short - literally -, this would be basically the reason of why my whole version of the old X-Men movieverse happened in the end, with Essex' subtle manipulations making sure, Scott and Jean gave up on their relationship after Liberty Island because of several issues and because of Jean's attraction to Logan, not least by making sure, Scott had someone else he was attracted to and was basically out of the way of Jean's and Logan's spawn in the making. This oneshot would basically be nothing but a legitimation for writing my verse that I don't need because everything Marvel is multiverse and everything's possible and legit. So I don't really think I'm ever gonna write this, not least because I'm just not interested in doing anything longer with Essex. And I don't want to undermine what Scott and his wifey and Jean and Logan have in that verse by retconning it into something manipulated by an outsider. But the simple idea of Essex literally throwing in the face of Scott's partner for decades at this point, that she's nothing but a badly fabricated plot device? Ouch, here comes the pain. Maybe I'll do something like a vague nightmare about that thing at some point as part of a bigger story but really writing it out? Nah. I'm only that masochistic by proxy for my characters.
10 - Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Honestly with how silent fandom has become in terms of feedback, it's mostly surprise these days that there's hardly any response at all (the person sending this ask being one of the few exceptions to regularly save my day). Because every now and then I do write popular themes and somewhat popular characters and think, well, this should get some response at least. Alas. I also was slightly taken aback by the reaction of a reader to one of the rare torture/non con scenes I wrote and published lately because it felt a bit like victim blaming. Which like. Just no.
17 - What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
After writing my fictional season of American Idol, I know more about the TV and casting show business (especially about how many celebs can't even get out of bed without their first line of coke in the morning) than I ever wanted to know.
29 - Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic.
I'll cheat a bit here and take that fic I mentioned above because I'm never gonna post it on AO3; as of now, it's only in our German archive. The reason for that is that I got exactly one single active reader there, and that reader fell in love with a romance in my X-Men verse that got hardly any to zero response on AO3. And since that oneshot is an Alternative Universe version to my X-Men verse, spawning from the AU idea of that romance getting a happy instead of a horrible ending, meaning, something that I wrote only for said reader for her to be happy, it wouldn't make sense, translating it and putting it on AO3. I still very much like the parts I mentioned though that are canon for my regular verse too, because sometimes I really need a bit of Scott childhood drama in my life.
Just as a preface for understanding: Avery is an OC of mine, an old childhood friend-turned-enemy of Scott's with whom he's lived together on the streets as a teenager for a while. In this scene, Emma is taking Scott and Avery together into some shared memories in their heads because they're looking for a mental signature to follow, to go where Essex has been buried who is about to wake from his coma.
“What …? How …?” “I guess that's what we're here to find out.” Emma squeezed Avery's shoulder once more and then pointed back to the lab area, where a heavy double door opened after the clicking of several locks and the beeping of a code access entered. Even though neither of them really cared to see these particular memories … They had to find out. Otherwise, all this shit would soon be a reality all over the world. With his fists clenched hard, Avery looked at the white-skinned guy, even taller than Scott and himself, who entered the room with a cheerful whistle - some French classic - on his lips, pushing a trolley with various instruments in front of him, the sight of which promptly had Avery's stomach turn again. Instinctively, his fingertips wandered back to the fresh burn on his neck, that characteristic scar which he saw reflected in blood-red on that asshole's forehead right now. Indeed, a more than clear branding as the new property of this psycho. As if. Only in the bastard's wet dreams. By now, Avery didn't even have the strength to tell himself that he didn't care that the defenseless body on that stretcher had begun to tremble noticeably since Essex's memory image had entered the room, or that he was already choking with nausea again himself when that psycho made short work of the only piece of clothing on his victim's body with an impatient telekinetic touch. “Hm.” A discontented-sounding grumble came from the stranger, from a voice about as pleasant as nails on a slate, as he looked at a few numbers on a monitor belonging to the stretcher, obviously spitting out the various results of freshly measured vital signs. “Low potassium and blood pressure again. What did I tell you, Scott? With how tall you're growing recently, I can't have you being a picky eater. If you keep starving yourself, we can solve this very quickly with a feeding tube. I don't want to have to repeat myself. Or do you want me to have to track down Alex and lock him up here instead of you just because you're being so difficult? I don't want that because your mutation is much more promising, but if you don't finally learn how to behave, you'll leave me no choice. Understood?” As there was no response from his young victim, Essex tapped the tip of a scalpel demonstratively against a spot directly on the right hip bone, which was already adorned with a huge Band-aid, with a theatrical sigh. “Yes, sir.” The tonelessness in this choked reply had Avery inevitably take a step back against the wall, away from this alienating scene. No prisoner, no matter which age, who had been subjected to such treatment for only a few days would be talking like that.
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