#but i'm god damn tired
ventique18 · 3 months
Anyway here's the initial sketch of Farmer MalleYuu that inspired me to start developing a farming game. 🥔🥕🐮🐥 They just make me so happy tbh
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It's my last semester in uni I'm trying to hold onto my remaining sanity
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elizachariot · 10 months
Not as good as it could be.
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transgenderuwo · 6 months
STOP: it's not the goddamn year of the dragon yet
Hold on posting your goddamn culturally Christian ass solar new year greetings that clumsily use east Asian lunar new year elements. We gotta do this song and dance every single time because y'all still refuse to do any research. Lunar new year is never on January 1; it is ALWAYS after solar new year. Lunar new year 2024 is on February 10th – save yourself some embarrassment please you're better than this
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cheriafreya · 1 day
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Meeting Raiden Shogun
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spacedace · 2 months
So. I wasn't able to sleep AT ALL last night, to the point that I gave up and went out to the living room so I wouldn't wake up my partner with all my tossing and turning.
And, this has happened before. I figured it was the fun one two combo of insomnia and chronic pain, since my nerves were way worse than usual last night. But no.
I literally just now realized as i was looking at my pill caddy to take my ADHD meds this exhausting morning that, uh oh. They're not there! You know what is there??
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molinaesque · 7 months
On the topic of Raphael and him "being bad in bed".
Okay I'm only ever going to talk about this at length once and then never again. I've been avoiding talking about it until now because bringing it up always just seems to keep this topic in circles and it becomes an endless pit of nothing.
First of all, I know most of the time (like maybe 70% of the time) it's for the lolz. I get it. Hell, Raphael fans will be the FIRST to quip about this.
For those taking it seriously one way or another... It becomes such old hat VERY fast.
Those who use it as a jab towards Raphael havers are... Kinda dumb. Because it's like... Okay, and? You act as if somehow negates the entirety of his character somehow just because "HAR HAR HANDSOME DEVIL MAN IS BAD AT SEX" and it's so... vapid and boring? Also it seems a lot of people keep thinking "bad at sex" = JUST that he finishes too fast and nothing else but they seem to forget that the player character came up with that insult on the spot (rather than seeing it as a commentary about his pure selfishness and where it stems from). Haarlep is also a bias source. There's a semblance of resentment from them AND they're a damn incubus. EVERYONE'S terrible in bed in comparison (have you seen Tav? Little shit just lays there like a sack of potatoes during the Haarlep scene). This isn't me saying "Oh it means Raphael is terrific in bed because Haarlep's word cannot be trusted". HELL, no. Quite the opposite, actually. I'm saying "okay... What can I glean from that set of information?"
I feel like this goes for Raphael havers too who have this conversation. I feel like many tend to fall into this trap of odd desparity when they realise that "oh no our magnificent hot man is bad at sex" and somehow treat it as if it's forever a caveat and somehow negates the ENTIRETY of Raphael as a complex character. My first reaction when I got this information during House of Hope was laughing and then going "mmm that's so interesting and adds such a great layer to this already amazing character. Where else can I take this to". In fact, House of Hope as a quest does SO much in adding all these tidbits that make Raphael not just another boring, all knowing, god like, ineffible character. It made me love and appreciate his character even MORE. instead of going in circles and lamenting in how this is somehow "the worst thing ever", I think it's way more fun to explore it and delve into where the root of his narcissism and self esteem issues come from. The dichotomy and complexes of his character. There's SO much to talk about there and yet we're still just stuck on "haha devil man is a bottom and bad in bed" (which is another ridiculous thing btw because people seem to misconstrue bottoms as JUST being submissive. Y'all need to be more open minded 😂).
Apologies if this came off as ranty/condescending maybe. But it's coming from someone who's just minding her own business but have to see a variation of that line CONSTANTLY in the notes/tags on my art/gif posts and as I said... It gets so old REALLY fast. Like please be more imaginative than this, I beg of you. 😭
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missjamiekaye · 9 months
Hey pay an artist twice or three times more than what they're asking for because they're probably under charging and under paid
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cowardlycowboys · 8 months
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got called crazy like 3 times like i get it!!
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spiocean · 9 months
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This game and it's MC-centrism are ridiculous sometimes.
Solomon's the one who completely lost his powers.
He is the one who needs protection right now.
Why are you talking about protecting MC while they have at least SOME power and Solomon has NOTHING at the moment?!
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howlingday · 2 months
Hey I need your help. Why does Sun leave his team so much? I think it's played off as quirky in the show but it just bugs me so much. Like to me even as nice as he is he's still not their as he should be. Like if I'm supposed to relie on someone but they just do what they want how am supposed to trust them period? Am I reading too much into it?
They actually covered this "Before the Dawn".
Sun just kinda goes where he wants and barely lets his team know anything. He's been doing it since day one, too. He arrived at Beacon ahead of his team, then left them again to chase after Blake, and then it's all brought up in "Before the Dawn" for about 500 pages, because that's Sun's only character trait.
Honestly, I prefer it as the quirky show version than the book version that endlessly harps on it as a bad character trait and you should hate Sun for leaving his team all the team and he's a bad character because he's bad. Instead of, "Oh, there goes Sun again. Least he could do is tell us in person."
Honestly, now that I think about it, the main inspiration for this is his allusion of the legendary Sun Wu Kong from epic story of Journey to the West. The Monkey King would always run off to do, well, whatever. Honestly, the only thing keeping him in check is the crown on his head that tightens whenever Tripitaka utters a prayer.
As for why? Well, your guess is as good as mine. Like I said, I'd prefer to think of it as a character quirk instead of a thousand word essay on why Sun Wukong is a bad character in a book that made NOBODY look good.
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I AM!!! Haha I was finally able to scrounge up enough creative energy for a drawing :')
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Ok I don't wanna sound like an old lady but. I'm eating prunes right now and they're FUCKING DELICIOUS. Like absolutely DELECTABLE. Like I'm talking SCRUMPTIOUS flavors dancing on my tongue. This is crazy. Fucking PRUNES??? The damn old people and constipation fruit???? Wild.
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gender-euphowrya · 26 days
spell of explode all transphobes Activate
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novelcain · 1 year
I always root for absolutely villianizing how Tripitaka treats Wukong which is funny considering that I started out my fixation on JTTW thinking he's just a scared lil guy who gets kidnapped way too often. I know better now
Which leads me to this, I love the idea of the Reader just decking Tripitaka out of frustration as he's recitng the Tightening Spell. There are so many moments he did not need to punish Wukong, and Reader had finally had enough. The whole group is just too stunned to react
Sincerely 🐟, who is equal parts fluff and violence
Yes. This right here. I'm tired of people seeing Tripitaka as this monk that does no wrong so I am here for this. I also find it kinda funny how many people went into JTTW thinking that. Like I remember hearing the legends before reading the book and being like "wait he WHAT? that's not very zen of him"
And I love the thought of Wukong seeing someone stand up for him for once. This poor monkey demon as pretty much always been looked down on in some capacity by everyone except his troop. This man would be down right flabbergasted and I think seeing something like that would form a few deep connection for someone like him.
Gods I'm trying so hard not to go into a deep psychological analysis on the Monkey King rn. Maybe later~😌 If I can remember to💀
Sincerely, Skittle who is far more violence than fluff
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jellazticious · 2 years
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Y'know I think I went way overboard with digitalizing an old sketch
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