#but i'm just bitter. this has been a thing ever since i was a teenager and it's been causing me problems for that long.
viscerism · 1 year
i've learned a lot of things by taking an anatomy class like how apparently your scapulae are supposed to lay flat against your ribcage and should not protrude from your back and also i've been living with a musculoskeletal condition that has been causing me severe pain and upper body weakness for as long as i can remember
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Character Hasn't Experienced Major Trauma
Anonymous asked: I have two of my three characters' arcs worked out, but not the protagonist's. She's just a random teenager before the story starts (normal life/family/parents, yet to be traumatised) so I'm struggling with what background to give her. I don't want to pull the orphan card and can't think of a proper inciting incident since I don't know what her situation is before it all. Any tips on writing ordinary characters?
[Ask edited for length]
First, it's important not to think of a character's past trauma as having to be some horrific event. That's not what emotional wounds are about. They can be, but they certainly don't have to be and normally aren't. Your character's emotional wound can be literally any moment in their past that made them believe something about themselves, someone else, or the world that isn't true, and as such has a profound effect on who they are when the story starts and how they navigate the story in the beginning. It's the starting point of their character arc.
Second, almost everyone has experienced a moment like that by the time we reach our double-digits.
Some examples of emotional wounds that aren't big, horrific events:
emotional wound: strict religious grandma tells you "if something makes you happy, it will probably send you to hell"
lie you believe as a result: you can never enjoy things that make you happy
emotional wound: trusted aunt has a bad break-up and, with mascara running down her face, tells you, "true love is a lie. No one is ever truly happy in love."
lie you believe as a result: when someone says "I love you," they're lying and it's time to bail on the relationship before it falls apart.
emotional wound: best friend's "#relationship goals" parents go through a bitter divorce.
lie you believe as a result: relationships always end in disaster and no one can live happily ever after.
Finally, your story's inciting incident doesn't have to be related to your character's past, and in fact most of the time it isn't. Their response to the inciting incident may be guided by the lie they believe, but even that's not always the case. Sometimes, the emotional wound/lie they believe simply influences how they navigate the story's events and how they are changed by those events.
I hope that helps!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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glorious-spoon · 4 months
a miserable pile of secrets [9-1-1 | Eddie Diaz & Hen Wilson | 1/1]
1.8K words | friendship | emotional hurt/comfort | implied/referenced cheating
a miserable pile of secrets [on AO3]
She finds Eddie up on the rooftop, which makes sense, given that Buck is currently working out his feelings on the heavy bag after Bobby finally snapped at the two of them to get their acts together unless they wanted to be benched. Chim's down in the weight room with him, which means that Hen is up here in the warm night air to talk some sense into the other half of their codependent little unit, who is currently perched on one of the folding chairs that they usually leave up here. He's as still as a statue, tense like he's afraid of what his body might do if he lets it move.
"Hey," Hen says, and he gives a jerky little nod of acknowledgement. "Mind if I sit?"
"Go ahead."
"Thanks." She pulls out one of the other chairs and sits down. "So."
"Bobby sent you."
"I sent myself," she corrects mildly, and watches Eddie's shoulders hunch a little. "I don't think I've ever seen you and Buck fight like that."
Though the truth is, she really only caught the tail end of it. Buck's frustrated voice rising on, "Do you hear yourself? How did you think this was going to work out? Have you even thought about Chris? What, you were just going to introduce him to her like—"
"Chris? Since when is how I parent my son any of your business?"
"I don't know, Eddie, you kind of made it my business when you put me in your fucking will!"
"Yeah, well, maybe that was a mistake!"
There was ringing silence in the wake of that. Then Buck said something quieter, inaudible from where Hen and Chim were standing frozen outside the locker room door, and Eddie spat, "Go to hell. I'm done talking about this."
The door slammed open and he stormed out, only pausing for a moment when he saw the two of them standing there. It wasn't until he'd already stomped up the stairs to the loft that Buck emerged, scowling.
"I don't want to talk about it," he snapped, before either of them could speak.
That was six hours ago. Neither of them has said a single word to each other since outside of the bare minimum on calls. The tension in the back of the truck has been thick enough to cut with a knife, and none of Chim's increasingly desperate jokes has done a damn thing to lighten the mood.
Hen doesn't blame Bobby for being fed up with the pair of them. She's caught somewhere between that and worry, herself. This isn't like them. Either of them.
Eddie shrugs again, tense. "I don't really feel like talking about it."
Hen kicks her legs out, relaxes into the chair and waits him out. It doesn't take long. Maybe two minutes before he lets out an angry little huff and says, "Marisol dumped me this morning."
"Oh," Hen says. That explains some of the mood, anyway. "Well, I'm sorry to—"
"I cheated on her. She found out."
She closes her mouth. For a moment she just looks at him: his tight jaw, his hands in fists on his thighs, so tense he looks like he's about to snap. Like looking through a warped mirror to a younger version of herself, and maybe that's why she manages some gentleness when she says, "That doesn't sound like you."
"Yeah. That's what Buck said. Shows what he knows."
"Why'd you do it?"
"It doesn't matter. It was stupid. I fucked up."
"If you're waiting on me to tell you otherwise, you'll be waiting a while." Eddie lets out a sharp, bitter little bark of laughter, and Hen adds. "I've been there, you know."
"Yeah. But it's not—Karen forgave you."
"Eventually, yeah. She didn't have to."
"Yeah," Eddie says, and then doesn't say anything else. 
"Is that what you and Buck were fighting about?"
He shrugs again. Like talking to a damn teenager, Hen thinks. Not Denny, with his easy sweetness, but like one of the other kids who come through their home sometimes on temporary placements: already on the defensive, claws out, ready to fight. 
"I guess," he mutters finally.
"You put him in your will?" Eddie scowls at her, and she shrugs. "Hey, if you want it to be a secret, maybe don't have your domestics at the top of your lungs in the locker room we all use."
He scoffs, clearly annoyed, but doesn't get up and storm off, so she's counting that as a win. Finally, he says, "Yeah. He's down as Chris's legal guardian if something happens to me. Since—uh, since I almost died in that well collapse a few years back."
Oh. Hen contemplates that for a moment, squares it up in her head with what she already knows about Eddie. It's not, she'll admit, completely out of left field. But still. "And you think maybe that was a mistake?"
Eddie groans, dropping his head back. "I shouldn't have said that. I didn't mean it."
"Maybe you should tell Buck that."
"He's pissed at me."
"Seems mutual."
"Yeah," Eddie says, wry and still kind of irritated. But then he sighs. "You ever do something where you know the whole time you're doing it that it's going to blow up in your face, and somehow that still doesn't stop you?"
"Yep," Hen says, remembering a dark little motel room and the sharp cut of Eva's smile. A whole damn pile of fuck-ups, that relationship was, and she dragged it along with her to almost ruin the best thing in her life.
"I keep thinking I see Shannon. It's like she's just around the corner, like if I turn around fast enough, she'll be there, and I'll be able to go back and make it right. But I can't."
"No. You can't."
"It's been five fucking years."
"No timeline on grief."
"I went on a date with a woman just because she looked like her." Hen raises her eyebrows at him. He slouches lower in his seat. "A couple of dates. It—didn't end well."
"Mm. You mean because she turned out to be a whole damn person who wasn't Shannon, or because your girlfriend found out?"
"Both," Eddie mutters. "Believe me, I already heard it from Buck."
"Oh, I believe it."
"But he's—" Eddie snaps his mouth shut.
"Kind of a hypocrite on this particular subject?" Hen offers.
"That's not what I was going to say. He's with Tommy now. So."
"Never mind. It doesn't matter."
Hen would dearly love to interrogate that line of thinking, but she keeps her mouth shut. For a little while, they don't speak. It's a transient kind of peace; their next call could come at any minute. But for now, the city's as quiet as it ever is, lit up and beautiful in the distance.
Eventually, Eddie shifts in his chair, straightens up like he's bracing for something, then says, abruptly, "Can I ask you a personal question?"
Hen raises her eyebrows. "Go ahead."
"Have you ever been with a guy?"
"Excuse me?"
"Forget it," he says quickly, hunching in on himself again. "I don't even know why I asked. You can tell me to go to hell."
She almost does tell him to go to hell. Has her mouth open and everything. But then she takes another good look at his face and lets the words dissipate. 
"No," she says finally. "Kissed a couple of boys in high school, but I pretty much always knew it wasn't for me."
"Oh." Eddie's mouth twists. He's still staring a hole in the concrete by his feet, and Hen wishes like hell that this was easier for him, that he could have stumbled into it with wide eyes and open arms without leaving a trail of wreckage in his wake. Buck managed it, but it's not like that for everyone. She knows that.
"Karen was engaged to a man, you know," she says, and she watches him still, watches him turn, finally, to look at her. 
"I didn't know that."
"It was a long time ago. College sweetheart. She called it off a week before the wedding. Broke his damn heart, from what I hear. Probably better in the long run, though, all things considered."
Eddie laughs at that, a raw, horrible little sound. "I was a bad husband to Shannon. I loved her so much, and I still could never—and I always thought that maybe, if we'd just had more time, maybe I could have gotten it right, and we could have been a family again, and it would have been okay."
"But she died."
"She asked me for a divorce."
"Oh." Hen takes a breath, lets it out. Careful, careful. "I didn't know that."
"Nobody knows that. I mean. Bobby does. But nobody else. Because she died two days later, so I never had to—to tell anyone. I never had to admit it. I could keep pretending. But it doesn't even matter, because I've also fucked up every relationship I've been in since. So it's kind of obvious where the problem is."
"Mm. You know what my mama used to say?"
Eddie cuts her a look. "What?"
"Get down from that cross, we need the wood."
When he laughs this time, it sounds a little more real. Hen nudges her knee against his, and for a minute they sit there together in silence.
"I fucked up," he says again, but it's calmer.
"What the hell do I say to Buck?"
Not Marisol, Hen notes. Though the truth is she's pretty sure that whole relationship was dead and gone long before whatever went down this morning. Maybe from the very beginning. Eddie's just got a bad habit of dragging those corpses around. "Sorry might be a good start."
"He's gonna ask why. I don't have a good answer. I can't—" He looks over at her, and all Hen can think is that he looks so damn young. "I can't."
"So tell him that. You know he's not gonna push it."
"Yeah, he will."
"He's worried about you."
Eddie scoffs. "Yeah."
That was, Hen surmises what the fight was about in the first place. Unstoppable force, immovable object. Sometimes she wishes she could just knock their stubborn heads together until they showed some sense.
"He loves you," she says, and Eddie flinches.
"I know that," he mutters.
Hen sighs. "Just talk to him. You don't have to tell him anything you're not ready to tell him, but just—talk to him. Okay? For all our sakes."
"Yeah, okay," Eddie says, sounding defeated. "Sorry about that."
"We'll survive," Hen says. She bumps her knee against his again, and they sit there together in silence, watching the city lights, until the bell starts going off below.
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https-lvesick · 20 days
[ 03 ] thanks spiderman, the useless partner ever!
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[summary] toronto has never been so chaotic, but things are working out since the spiders appeared to save the citizens. spiderman and silk are the city's biggest saviours and they count on them to keep them safe, even the police. but, aside from their big responsibilities, they’re just teenagers, trying to be themselves and keep their grades good, trying to have a social life and maybe a love life as successful as their superhero life. but… what’s easier to tell? that you have a crush on your best friend or that you’re a mutant superhero?
[ ♡ ] there are written portions with 1294 words!
[content] canon violence (i tried my best), mentions of injuries and blood
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it was nearly midnight and you were on top of a building, waiting for your partner. you knew spiderman was a little clumsy and, definitely, couldn't get on time, but this was getting out of control. it was the fifth time in the week and you couldn't even make it to wednesday yet.
maybe some of the men in your life weren't the reliable type. first mark, now spiderman. perhaps you should just quit and let them do things by themselves.
"where are you?" you mumble to yourself, checking the time on the gadget on your suit.
suddenly, you hear a loud noise and the other spider is there, right beside you. you couldn't see his expressions because of his mask fully covering his face, but he could see yours and he could tell you were beyond annoyed.
"i'm sorry, i got caught up with something." he reasoned, embarrassed.
"yeah, you said that the other... twenty times before. how can i even count on you if you act this way? seriously, like why are you all the same?" you blurt out, making the hero raise his hands.
"'you all'?" the spiderman asks, confused.
"men. you better make it on time the next time, or else, you can forget we're partners." you say, before jumping off the building, swinging on your webs.
the boy scratches his nape. he knows better than to make silk angry, but what to do? he got entertained texting giselle, it was not like it was his fault (it totally was). he sighs before following you.
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watching the news, which was showing another angle of what was happening, you notice something different in that gang. their weapons, it wasn't the usual pistols and rifles, they were somehow bigger and would, probably, cause even more damage.
again, you were waiting for the spiderman, but you couldn't wait anymore. the police were preparing to enter the jewellery store and you couldn't let that happen, not when they'd fight against that equipment.
apparently, there were no hostages, only the criminals inside the building and the police outside, but there were citizens around.
"silk, do you have any plan?" one of the police officers asks you when you jump in front of them.
"not really, but tell your people to stay away for now. lemme do it." you ask, making your way to the jewellery store.
"but you're alone. where's the spiderman?" he asks concerned.
"busy with... other things." the sentence sounds way bitter than you anticipated. "i'm telling you to let me do it. did you see what they have? those weapons are far from normal and you can't compete with that. i'll handle it and when i need your people, i'm calling you." he nods and orders the others through the walkie-talkie.
you make your way inside the building in the most silent manner possible. "nings, can you see?" you ask the girl through your ear-in.
"yes. the problem is... they're turning everything off, you need to be quick." she warns.
"fine, just tell me where they are and if you can see how their weapons are to maybe search it up..."
"i'm already doing it and uh... they're in five. two of them are in the main room, plundering, and the other two are making sure there is no one there to interrupt them, on the second floor." she says and could hear the typing sounds of her keyboard, probably searching up the weapons.
"and the last one? weren't they in five?" you whisper, entering the main room, climbing the ceiling, watching two of the criminals.
"the last one is waiting for them in their van, apparently. well, that's what the idiots on the second floor are discussing about." she sighs.
you remain on the ceiling, studying the options. "tell me, nings, are the others distracted?" you ask, watching the two men beneath you too focused on getting the most valuable items possible.
"i guess..." she says, noticing another two cameras being turned off. "but they are quick, so you need to be quicker."
you shoot two webs on both men's faces, blinding them for a moment, so you can jump and kick them. the first thing you did was disarm them, so they could have no chance. they tried to fight back, but the first one got a punch in his face and the second, a kick on his stomach, making him fall on top of the glass showcase, shattering into pieces.
"y/n, are you fine? i can't see much." ningning asks, concerned.
"totally fine." that's when you hear a power load. thanks to your spider senses, you dodged it, but you were worried about getting shot. the big hole in the wall told too much.
you glued the two criminals that were knocked out on the floor and started the fight with the other two. the bigger one was trying to shoot you with a pistol, while the other tried to close combat. you shot some webs to his face to blind him for a while and take care of the one who was trying to literally kill you.
"what the... fuck?" you notice something weird in that pistol. it wasn't shooting bullets, it was shooting some kind of... needle?
"what?" at this point ningning was eating up her whole hand. it was new to her not to watch your every move. she made a mental note to add a camera on your suit later.
"it's shooting needles!" you see the sadist smile on the criminal's face and that just boosts your ego.
you dodge his every shot and finally reach him, punching the man so hard you break his nose and he passes out. you make sure to glue him to the floor too.
"hey, silk!" you hear a calling and turn around, but you're not too fast to dodge this shot.
the load that hits you is so strong that makes you fly and hit your back to the wall, almost losing your consciousness. and the man wasn't prepared to use that kind of weapon, since it was too much even for him.
"y/n!" hearing the loud noise, ningning feels her heart racing even more.
"tell the police to enter." you say, weak and she complies immediately.
you stand up, legs wobbling, and take a good look at the weapons. you also take a needle to know what kind of material is there. you see the police officers coming and one of them comes to you.
"i'm fine, don't worry. just get these weapons to a secure place and tell detective kevin moon about it, he'll know what to do." you instruct him and he nods. you could feel your mouth dry, you looked at your stomach and you could see not only blood staining most of your suit, but also a hole in it, showing your skin.
as soon as that is explained, you get out of there quickly.
"y/n, you need to tell me if you're fine. i can't let you swing around the city if you're seriously injured." she says in a stern voice.
"i'm fine, nings. imma call you when i get home." you say and turn off the call. you felt weak and dizzy, but still, you walked out of the building, having to face those people. the citizens, the reporters and more police officers. the camera flashes were blinding you, making your head hurt even more. you tried your best to remain on your feet, but you knew you couldn't. that's when you try to swing. you shoot a web to the top of a building to get out of the people's attention, but you can't go too far.
you just fall there, weak, and close your eyes, passing out.
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[author's note] things are getting complicated here huh and ning's right FUCK U SPIDERMAN the less reliable partner ever bruh also it wasn't proofread, imma do it later, so if u notice any typos or inaccuracies im sorry 😭😭
[taglist] @winwintea @lucuslavigne @cheolcam @dreamwithlost @spiderm444rk @byeonwooseokabs @nosungluv @docilismo @chenlesfavorite @nanaxwi @superbbananananana @cosmic-marauder @xyzsiissnnsnsjs @joyzluvr @yewshi @morkiee
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fallinforerling · 2 years
LOVE ISN’T ETERNAL. chapter 4 - jb
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ೃ⁀➷ jude’s masterlist
ೃ⁀➷ jude’s taglist  
ೃ⁀➷ masterlist
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The weekend arrived without any nasty surprises, which was very much appreciated. Jobe was still a bit bitter towards Jude for all the lies he told the family, but you convinced him to not pick any fights with his brother. Jude didn't deserve it, but you still cared about his family dynamic staying the same regardless of how he managed the breakup and everything that came after it.
Now you were laying in bed, not having the energy to do much. It's not like you were allowing yourself to be consumed by the grief or sadness (which you still felt), but you were a bit apathetic. Luckily, Nikki and Mia were coming over to help you with that. 
“I want this to end.” You whispered after a while, wanting to say something to fill up the silence in your apartment.
Because you truly wanted to get over him. Why bother grieving him? He has been partying and probably sleeping with girls every night since his arrival to London. And what were you doing? Missing him? Wishing he’d call? Having insomnia?
“Fucking prick.” At least insulting him was good therapy.
Before you could enter the space of mind where all you did was hate him and his existence, your phone started to ring. The only connection to the outside world this past week and a half was that little device.
Nikki was calling.
“Check my chat, girl. This is fucking insane. Go! We're almost there!” And then she hung up.
“What's up with Nikk and hanging up after saying things like that?” You laughed, expecting something funny or a photo of them. But no, it was a Twitter thread. When you clicked it, you almost had a heart attack.
“The fuck is this?!” You screamed.
The author of the thread simply wrote: “Jobe's new girlfriend???? I'm so jealous, who is sheeee???” followed with four photos per tweet. They were from the park meeting just a few days ago. There were photos of you hugging, when you were sitting together and when you started to leave the park.
At least it wasn't going viral, but there still were lots of people interacting with it. They were trying to guess who you were and for how long you two have been “dating”. A nightmare.
This had never happened in the ten months you dated Jude, mostly because privacy was important to him... And now you were mistaken for his little brother’s girlfriend? You felt like having a panic attack, but your front door opened and closed loudly, interrupting your thoughts. 
“Did you see it?” Mia said, entering your bedroom after a few seconds.
“How did you find it?”
“Oh, you know I love gossip. I was digging for some information and I came across it. Did you see the date? Someone posted it three days ago.” Nikki sat next to you, biting her lip.       
“Yeah…” Your brain started to analyze how it happened… Who took the photos without you noticing? The park was almost empty the whole time. Unless… “Fuck… I know who took those photos.” 
“Who?” Mia asked with apprehension. “Someone we know?” 
“No, far from it” With a sigh, you sat. “We met at a park near here. I've always liked that place because most of the time is empty… But that day I spotted a group of girls near us; I didn’t even payed them attention, they were far enough to not eavesdrop.” You covered your eyes, feeling frustrated. “They were teenagers, so of course they took the opportunity when they recognized him.” 
“Yikes, girl… Someone’s going to cancel you for dating a minor.” Nikki joked, winning a very small smile from Mia and you. 
“That’s not funny, my god.They probably will if they ever find who I am and my age.” You sighed, absolutely sick with the path your life was taking. “Why can’t I have one day of peace, huh? Life sucks.”
“Of course it sucks, that’s the main thing about living,” Mia said, sitting in your bed. “Well, let’s pray for that threat to die soon enough. You know how people are, they’re probably hunting for the next big gossip of the week.” 
“Yeah…” You grabbed your phone again, thinking about your next move. “I probably should send this to Jobe as well, I don’t want him to be taken by surprise if people begin asking about this.” A tiny smile peaked between your lips. “And let’s hope the girl he likes doesn’t find it either.”
“Do you know what else you need to start doing?” Nikki said while you send the link to Jobe, who started to laugh about the ridiculous assumption those girls made about you. 
“What?” You asked without paying much attention, smiling a bit when Jobe started to call himself Mr. Steal Your Girl. 
“Being a soulless, heartless, and cold girl for once. What about some clubbing, some fun… Some boys?” 
“You’re like the devil on her shoulder, Nikk,” Mia said, nudging Nikki’s arm. “But I agree, you need some fun. We forbid you from staying at home, drowning in your sadness. That boy doesn’t deserve it.” 
“Not one bit,” Nikki replied, hugging you. “I promise it will be super fun, just go out with us tonight.” 
Instead of responding, you took a look at the ground. There it is. You knew them too well, there was no way for them to “casually” suggest a night out; they had a plan. Their bags were on the floor, but you noticed a small bag that Nikki only took out of her house if she was planning to party: her makeup bag, which was essential if she was going out clubbing.
“Are you trying to persuade me into partying tonight?” You smiled, not even mad at the idea. 
“Maybe?” Both of them said, trying to look as innocent as possible. 
The three of you looked at each other with big smiles before laughing. 
“We’re going out tonight!” Mia screamed, gaining more laughs from Nikki and you. 
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The fun part about going out with Mia and Nikki was the part previous to the actual clubbing. There just was something magical about getting ready with them: the makeup with the collaboration of everybody, constantly changing outfits, Nikki persuading both of you to drink a little bit for good luck and Mia insisting that all of you needed smoky eyes, so guys felt intimidated. Most of it was nonsense, but they were your best friends in the whole world and you always felt extremely thankful for their support.
“Promise me you’re going to at least try dancing with the hottest guy that approaches you tonight.” Mia said while doing your smoky eyes (yeah, you gave in).
“I’ll try.” And you will because it wasn’t fair for you to stay in your comfort zone. If this whole thing didn’t cheer you up or make you feel better, then you could always find other ways to keep your mind occupied.
“That’s more than enough for me. Try to have fun, this is a girl’s night.” 
“And talking about girls. Put this dress on, the girls look stunning in it.” Nikki dropped a black dress on your lap. 
“No way!” You lifted it with a smile. “I completely forgot about this dress. I haven’t worn it since…” You paused, feeling uncomfortable. “Uh, Jude’s birthday.” 
“Well, who cares about that? You still look amazing.” Nikki smiled, obviously not about to let you think much about Jude. 
“Done!” Mia said after a few seconds, biting her lip. “This is my best work so far.” Her eyes were sparkling, so you believed her. 
Facing yourself in the mirror, you almost didn’t recognize the face that was looking back at you. You looked amazing; the color of your eyes popped, the glitter was doing the right job of not making it look too dark and the red lipstick was the final touch. You loved it. 
“That’s the face of a heartbreaker, girl.” Nikki admired your face for an instant before smiling. “Ah, I can’t wait for the boys to fight over you.” 
“Very funny, Nikk.” 
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The club Nikki choose was wild, especially since a manager was waiting for you at the door, guiding you to the balcony section of the club- which was the freaking VIP one.
“Nikk?” You half-screamed through the music, dying to know how she managed to pull this off. Mia seemed as confused as you were. “Anything you want to tell us?”
“About what?” She kept walking with the biggest of smiles.
“Uh… Us getting into the VIP section wiht no even five minutes of being here?”
“Oh, that?” Her smile grew bigger, if that was physically possible. “I know someone.”
Clearly, that was all the information you were getting. Mia gave you a look and the both of you silently decided that it was better if you didn’t dig into it.
“Tonight it’s about having fun, girls. My treat, don’t worry.” Nikki said once you were at the table, which already had a champagne bottle resting comfortably on an ice bucket. Three champagne glasses were next to it, patiently waiting for you. 
“Oh, so this is luxury, luxury.” Mia whispered, laughing a bit. 
“The fun it’s all that matters, trust me, Mia.” A waiter appeared out of nowhere, silently grabbing the bottle before smiling at all of you. 
“Welcome, ladies. May I open it now?” You nodded, and with one quick movement of his wrist, he had the job done. Impressive. “Hope you have a good night. Don’t forget you can always call a waiter with the button that’s underneath the table.” And then he was gone. 
“You were right, Mia. This is luxury luxury.” You accepted the glass Nikki offered you, excited for the night ahead. 
“Let’s enjoy it without actually wondering how much all this is, babe.” Was all she said before chugging her glass in one sitting. “I’m ready, give me another one.” 
“That’s what I’m talking about!" Nikki cheered, happy to see Mia engaged with tonight’s mission.                                                                                                     
“Come on, you need to chug that thing too, there’s more in here.” Nikki told you, already serving Mia’s second glass. 
“Fuck it.” You said before doing as Nikki said, chugging your champagne as carefully as possible so you didn’t choke. “If I end up vomiting all over the floor at the end of the night, I want you to know, I’m blaming you.” 
“That’s fine to me!” And then Nikki chugged her glass as well. 
Yeah, this night was going to be hella interesting.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Needless to say that within two hours of clubbing you were pretty drunk. Not to the point of falling when trying to walk because the world was spinning or to the verge of unconsciousness, but a good point between being able to not care if something ridiculous escaped your mouth and dancing with strangers without giving it a second thought. 
Nikki had found some friends along the night, and now three more people, which were the nicest ever, were sitting at your table, chatting and laughing along. You enjoyed the their company, but felt the need to give yourself space to drink a very much needed glass of water in peace. 
So there you were, leaning against one of the multiple spaces in the balcony where little chairs were dispersed. It felt almost peaceful if you ignored the music blasting through the speakers or the many waiters going around the place, dealing with drunks and orders. 
“No way! Is that you?” A voice startled you, taking your mind away from the blankness it was immersed in. “I knew I wasn’t mistaking that face!” 
You turned, slightly pissed at the person that was basically yelling at you, until you realized it was Gio. Gio Reyna himself. 
“Gio?!” You didn’t know why, but the excitement made you scream. Maybe it was because you were drunk, but seeing Gio was one of the highlights of the night. “What the fuck are you doing here?” 
“I’m taking the few days off I have.” He hugged you tightly once you stood up, almost swiping you from the floor. “You look amazing! What are you doing here?” 
“Thanks! I’m with my friends, they’re right there!” You pointed to the table, where all kept chatting without noticing your encounter. “It’s a girl’s night!” 
“That’s cool! I thought you were with Jude, since he’s at London and all that.” 
Your smile never wandered from your face, not caring about Jude’s name being dropped from Gio’s lips. You shook your head, letting him know you weren’t with him today. Or ever, for that matter. 
“Nope, just my girls and I.” He kept looking at you like he was in front of a new person, not Jude’s “girlfriend”. You didn’t know if you liked it or felt bad about it. He was one of Jude’s good friends after all. “What about taking a picture? It’s been so long since we saw each other.” 
“Sure! Are you okay if I post it to IG?” 
“Of course, go for it.” 
Then the two of you moved to a more illuminated area, he took his phone and you knew this was one of a kind type of opportunity. Time to be the pettiest bitch I know. Taking advantage of him getting closer to you for the sake of the photo, you passed one arm over his shoulders, and after a couple of pics, you decided to give him a tiny peck on the cheek. 
“Let's see.” He said shyly. Aw.
A few of them were blurry, but most were decent and the peck one was fabulous, not only for the sake of your intentions, but also because of how good the two of you looked. Your makeup was still intact, and with the lighting, it shined in a very pretty way. Gio had a light blush due to the alcohol, his smile being evident, giving his already handsome face something else. 
“That one?” You said, picking the one you liked the most. 
“Yeah! We look amazing.” He started to set it but paused before publishing it. “Do you mind if I tag you?” 
“Go ahead, I have no problem.” And that was it. 
You said your goodbyes, and while returning to the table, you felt some type of triumph. Did this make you a bad person? 
“Where were you? We thought you got lost or something.” Mia said when you finally arrived, sitting beside Nikki. 
“So… I did a thing…”
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petrichor-idyllic · 2 years
Heyyy! How are you doing? Can you do a story where the female reader accidentally turns Minho on? Thank you
I'm doing good thank you for asking, and of course I can :))
Back on my Minho grind, lmao. Idk why I struggled with this one so much, but I must've rewritten it like seven times, bro.
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SUMMARY: See above. Reader is a Runner. Takes place before the arrival of Thomas. You and Minho have always had a tense relationship, but when you guys work in the Map room together, you start to wonder if there's something else. Especially when you get a new kind of reaction out of the Keeper. Kinda enemies to lovers if you squint a bit.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, spice and suggestive content, dumb teenagers and dumber teenage hormones
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"Bro, I'm telling you, there's nothing new."
You hate nights like this. It consists of you and the other Runners meeting up and spending hours looking and comparing maps. Once a week.
Every week.
For as long as you've been there. Well, since you became a Runner at least.
And you've been there long enough for it to not be that big of a deal if another girl were to show up.
But tonight is different. It also happens to be Bonfire night. It happens occasionally that Greenie day and the meetings fall on the same day. Most of the Runners left early to go celebrate.
And you did, too, a couple of times. Joining in on the celebrations and congratulating whatever poor Greenie on losing to Gally in the ring.
But you felt bad, so you started staying.
Minho always stayed. It didn't matter what was going on outside; the boy had a job to do, and God dammit, he's going to get it done.
You don't know why you felt bad- or even why you feel bad now. It's not like Minho has ever actually been nice to you. He doesn't take you as seriously as the other Runners and it's not uncommon for him to blatantly ignore you.
Which is shit because the Keeper makes for some great eye-candy.
"I don't care," Minho huffs as you sit with your legs on the table, leaning your chair back, shuffling through numerous sheets of paper. "If you wanna leave, then leave."
"Dude, we've been doing this for literally hours." You try to reason with him but it's not going well.
Minho has been worse as of late. With the exploration of the outer sections coming to a close and the sinking realisation that there isn't actually an exit to the Maze- his bitterness is becoming exponential.
"You can leave." He simply repeats.
You don't understand Minho's problem with you.
In reality, Minho doesn't have a problem with you. All of his extra criticisms and harsh nature comes from a place he doesn't quite understand. You're the only girl in the Glade, and even if everyone else got used to you, he never did. He's had a thing for you ever since he saw you. How could he not?
Which is bad.
Because it's distracting.
So, you can imagine his dismay when Alby suggested you be a Runner.
You pout, letting your feet hit the floor and walking over to Minho. You lean in front of him and across the table, having to stretch further to try and grab more papers that are scattered across the table.
Obviously, this was an incredibly innocent action. You were literally just trying to do more work, but Minho's entire body freezes.
His eyes flicker to your ass as you bend over against the poor wooden structure. It doesn't help that you're still wearing your tight running clothes that leave very little to the imagination. The fabric clings to your ass, and Minho suddenly feels like a complete creep. You mumble something to yourself when you can't reach, but your tone and the lack of coherency just makes Minho's breath catch in his throat.
Ah fuck.
You stand back up, tilting your head slightly as you try to understand whatever pattern Minho swears there is.
He shifts uncomfortably in his seat. The problem here is that Minho is just as sexually repressed as every other boy in the Glade, but his one-track-mind and work ethic makes it seem like he isn't.
But he is. Boy, he is.
You say something. He doesn't even acknowledge it as he just blankly stares into space, questioning his existence for a second and silently praying that he can keep himself from being... physically affected.
"Hm?" He looks at you, concern written on your face. Suddenly, he crosses his wrists, dropping them to his crotch. You obviously were not going to look, but as his pencil scatters to the floor and you watch him visibly cringe, your eyes flicker down and then back up. "You good?"
"You sure? You ignored me, and now you're acting kinda weird."
"No, I didn't. I mean, I didn't ignore you, I was just thinking, okay?" Okay, so he's panicking. He doesn't really want to get caught because that's just going to make things incredibly awkward. He's literally your boss, and with the way he treats you, there's no way you like him back.
"What did I say then?" You cross your arms, looking down at him. He's acting super weird all of a sudden. He seems almost flustered and embarrassed, and with his hands covering up his dignity; you have your suspicions. It's not like it's the first time here you've accidentally given someone a boner. And it's not like it's hard to tell.
If you catch some of the boys on a bad day then they'll get hard if you so much as look in their general direction. But Minho?
Always calm, always collected, always in control, Minho?
It's actually kind of entertaining watching Minho's confidence slip away. He's so cocky and self-assured all the time, and you've, what? Leant over a table? And he's lost all capability? Incredible.
You do admire Minho. For many reasons, mostly including his job- but also his self-control. The boy is athletic and confident and bold, all traits that you're attracted to and have been ignoring. But this is now a form of amusement, especially after being stuck in here for hours.
"You don't know, do you?" You ask after an embarrassingly long pause.
"Uh, yeah, no. I don't know what you said. Sorry." He adds the 'sorry' after you raise your eyebrows at him, and it is very clearly reluctant.
"Sorry you didn't hear me or sorry you were staring at my ass?" You cross your arms as you turn to sit on the edge of the table. Your expression is testing as Minho drops his head forward, hiding his face in his hands.
"I, uh, I mean- shit," he grumbles.
"Wow, okay," you scoff, "I was joking, but I guess you really were just staring at my ass."
"I didn't mean- I couldn't help it, alright?"
"That's bullshit, we both know you are beyond fully capable of controlling yourself," Minho suddenly feels like he's getting lectured. But he's your boss, and he really doesn't know how to feel about the sudden shift in relationship dynamics.
"Yeah," he sighs, "you're right, but you- you're just-" You stand up straight, stepping towards him with fake understanding. He shuffles uncomfortably as you stand in next to him, enjoying the newfound power. "You're hot, dude, what am supposed to do?" He sighs, giving into defeat since there's no good way for him to get out of this.
Minho's forward nature shines through, and the compliment actually takes you by surprise. "You think I'm hot?"
"Everyone here thinks you're hot."
"That's not what I asked."
"Yeah," he basically spits out, "I think you're hot. But I also think you're one of the best Runners I've got, and I'm your Keeper, so..."
"Wait, have you been being a dick to me because you're attracted to me?" Minho's guilty expression says it all. "Holy shuck. You have!"
"Alright, alright- slim it," he warns.
"How many times have you criticised me because you actually wanted me?" You lean further forward, one arm on the table, kind of trapping him.
"Listen, don't start-"
"Or the amount of times you've ignored me because I looked too good?"
"Hey!" Minho snaps, even his ears are burning now, "Quit it, alright? I get it. If you're just gonna be a slinthead about it, then go. I don't have time for this klunk. And you might not like me, but I was always respectful and gave you the same workload as everyone else. I can't help being attracted to you, (Y/N)."
His words sound suddenly sincere, like he's been dealing with this on his own for a while now.
"I.." You start, but your words get trapped in your throat, "I never said I didn't like you." You avoid his gaze as you kind of stand to the side of him. There's a scratching scound as he turns the wobbly chair towards you, his attention now peaked at your sudden bashful tone.
"So you like me?"
"I didn't say that, either, just... you're a good-looking guy, Minho. I'm not mad at you 'cause that'd make me a hypocrite." Minho's hands graze your hips, sparking a flame in you but making you flinch. So, he immediately moves away again.
"You think I'm good-looking?" Minho definitely does not need the ego boost, but then again, neither did you.
"Shut up, okay, you're being honest, I'm being honest. It's not a big deal."
"Okay," he holds his hands up, feigning innocence, "guess we're just two attractive people sitting in a room together then, huh?"
You scoff, shaking your head, "No, we're two people who are attracted to each other sitting in a room together. There's a difference." You meet his eyes, and the tension suddenly feels very thick.
This time, Minho puts his hands on your waist with more certainty, and you move closer, swinging your leg over his, straddling him. Suddenly, it doesn't matter that Minho is your boss, or that this could make things awkward working. You just want to feel good, and Minho's flustered confession is making you feel pretty decent all on its own.
"Bold, hm?" Minho mutters, your noses brush, and your foreheads press together. You can feel his breath on your lips, and you never expected this to happen when you came to work during the Bonfire.
"Learnt from the best," you almost speak into him, earning a chuckle. "Is that okay?"
"Mhm," he leans in, finally forcing months of frustration into you as your lips connect. His grip on you tightens and it barely takes anything for Minho to be hardening under you again. Your mouths move in unison, his tongue brushing against your lower lip.
You slip your tongue under his, making him hum as you buck your hips against his. Your hands come to the back of his neck and into his hair, taking the opportunity to ruin his permanently perfect hair style.
He pulls away, panting slightly, "Wait, what does this mean?" He seems anxious, but he's still trying to move under you. You've never seen him like this before, and deep down, you know all you want is to see it again.
"It means I want to fuck you." His body physically reacts to your boldness, almost whimpering under your touch.
"Yeah, alright, I'll take it," you're back on each other in seconds. Having a friends-with-benefits situation with your boss is probably not the best idea, but damn, is it hot.
Friction starts to pick up fast. His hands are under your shirt, papers are flying everywhere as you use the table to try and stabilise yourself and a string of unholy gasping and faint moans is escaping the private place.
That's until there's a cracking sound. Both you and Minho fall in a heap on the floor as the shitty chair breaks, one of the legs snapping off and sending you plummeting. You land next to each other.
"Gally's klunky shuckin' furniture," Minho complains.
And you just laugh.
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Not going to lie, lads, this was, for some reason, a complete struggle. Idk why this one was so hard and took me so long, but here it is, and I don't even think it's good lmao. Definitely not my best work, but I'm trying my best.
I hope yall kinda almost enjoyed it :)
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incorrectlumityquotes · 10 months
Lumity Episode Master List
Well, this is it gang. It's over. The Owl House is finished. Part of me will always be bitter about Disney gutting season three.
BUT at the same time, part of me is glad that The Owl House is over. Because that means lumity is canon forever and nobody can change that. What's that Disney? You don't like the gay? Well too bad. The only way you can change it is to make more episodes which I know you're not gonna do.
Nana-nana, boo-boo. Stick your head in doo-doo.
It's been a fantastic journey and if you ever wanna go through it again, there's always Disney Plus. But if just want your lumity fix without going through every single episode, then here you go.
I did it for starco and now I'm doing it for lumity. Here's every single episode the led up to lumity.
Spoilers for a show that we painfully know has ended.
"I Was a Teenage Abomination"
The revolution was a lie. Do you remember? When we were young and you wanted to set the world on fire? Sorry that's a reference to a song I like.
You can't do a list about a ship without actually starting the ship. The episode where Luz and Amity first meet and thank jeebus they did. Personally, I thought the first episode was okay and I didn't like the second one. But this episode was amazing. 10/10.
Luz feels like she isn't learning as much as she could from Eda so she sneaks into a witch school. With witch kids. We meet Willow and then we meet Amity, who I honestly thought was going to be some kind of Draco Malfoy bully type character. And she's kinda sorta like that in this episode. Little did we know the love that was gonna blossom here.
I get it. It's like coven and convention. OH now I get it. Well, we can't have them be enemies to lovers without them being enemies first. Willow and Gus invite Luz, Eda and King to the local covention where Amity just happens to be checking out the Emperor's Coven panel.
Yeah, she's still upset over the whole 'pretending to be an abomination thing.' We get some classic Malfoy-esque bullying from Amity that pushes Luz to challenge her. Since the Clawthorne sisters refuse to have one up over the other, they both cheat, embarrassing Amity.
The scene where Luz apologizes to Amity was the first hint that Amity would go beyond a Malfoy-bully character. Even though Amity was still upset, she broke the pact and Luz held no ill will towards her.
"Lost in Language"
I'm lost in language and I don't know what I'm thinking about. I'm back on my feet. Eager to be what you want me. Sorry. That's another song.
We get the first seed of the actual lumity ship and my first "I ship them" episode. Luz goes to the local library and the show shock everyone by showing Amity...reading to kids in the kids corner. You guys gotta remember that at the time this blew everyone's minds. The bully character reading to kids in the library? And they love her? Everyone's view of Amity changed, especially Luz's. Then we met Edric and Emira, who unlike Amity, are super cool and nice. All of which plays to the theme of the episode.
We (and Luz) discover that Amity is a lot more than she seems. She's not the bully character. Same with Edric and Emira. They're not the cool ones; they're the bullies. And that's the same way Amity feels about Luz. But with a little teamwork and a horrifying children's character come to life, Amity agrees to try to be a friendlier witch.
"Adventures in the Elements"
We wouldn't see Amity again for another several episodes. Thank goodness for that other country airing the episode early, am I right, people? Anyway.
Luz finally goes out with Eda for some serious witch training after Amity (oh cramity) warns her about the baby class. We get Amity making an actual effort to be nice to Luz, which almost completely goes to hell when Luz takes Amity's training wand. But then she does the "You'll only get hurt bit," and we see more of those little glimpses.
It's safe to say that after this episode Luz and Amity actually did become friends. No ill will on either side.
"Understanding Willow"
Luz and Amity became friends in the previous episode. Just Luz and Amity. Willow and Gus were a different story. Especially Willow. This is that story. It's the full story.
It's revealed that Willow and Amity used to be friends until Amity's parents forced Amity to push Willow away, something Willow still resents her for.
In the lumity side of things, Luz starts wiggling her way into Amity's heart with her upbeat, positive attitude. It's infectious. We even get a lumity hug, even if it was one sided.
"Enchanting Grom Fright"
Come on. Come on. Do I even have to at this point? The episode that blew this ship into the stratosphere.
It's Grom season and everyone's getting a date. Except for Amity who is unfortunately named the grom queen which means she has to fight a horrifying shapeshifting monster. Horray for The Boiling Isles being a safe and sensible place to live. Luz, being Luz, takes Amity's place so she doesn't have her worst fear come to life in front of everyone. But Luz is unable to face her greatest fear, and it takes the power of Wan to put Grom back in his place.
I love this episode. I love talking about this episode. I love how Amity is staring at her note because she's contemplating putting it in Luz's locker. I love how she says "Watch it, nitwit," before she realizes who she's talking to. I love how Luz and Amity randomly meet at the woods. Is it sloppy writing? Fuck you. I love when Amity grabs her dress when Grom tears her note. That's such a kid thing to do.
This is already way too long. I should move on.
"Wing It Like Witches"
The final part of the original lumity trilogy. We get the stupid fakey made up magical sport. Fuck you, Harry Potter. And we also get Boscha being a royal B. Someone tell her to see you next Tuesday. Am I right, people?
Luz, being Luz, wants to stand up to Boscha for Willow but, being Luz, makes things so much worse. Amity pops in and out of the episode to try to help but the gay panic is too much for her. Amity admits, out loud, that she loves how Luz seems to always get herself in over her head when she's trying to help someone. But they lose anyway. Fuck you, Harry Potter.
Enchanting Grom Fright was huge. But this episode was a bunch of fun. Fuck you, Harry Potter.
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"Escaping Expulsion"
After breaking Amity's leg because we didn't want her anywhere near the season one finale, she finally makes her grand return. We also meet her parents and Odalia is one of the biggest Karen's I've ever seen. Luz gets expelled which is bad but she's more concerned over Willow and Gus. She tries to cut a deal with thicc mama Blight, but gets roped into product demonstration. Odalia tries to kill a child and fails when Amity appears from the rafters like Sting and announces to the world, "Stay away from my Luz."
It was awesome. We get a return blush and Luz officially starts crushing on Amity back. Reminds me of another post I did long ago telling everyone to be freaking patient. This episode also marks Amity being a part of the Hexsquad, but not one hundred percent into the friend group just yet.
"Through the Looking Glass Ruins"
I'm looking at you through the glass. Don't know how much time has past...I forgot the rest of the song.
It's funny because I guess the lumity stuff was actually the B-plot to this episode. This episode was very important for a lot of reasons. It introduced Phillip's diary, the galderstones, Matt and Gus kinda became friends. But we're not here to talk about that.
Luz discovers the there was a human in The Boiling Isles who donated a journal to the Bonesboro library. And since Amity works at the library, you know the whole two stones thing. And we see Luz crushing hard on Amity for the first time.
Unfortunately, Luz does get Amity in trouble again for like the fourth(?) time or something. That puts a real dent in things. But Luz comes through for Amity (offscreen) and gets her her job back. Amity makes the first move right at the end of the episode marking the beginning of the purple Amity era.
"Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door"
Hey, hey, hey! Please tell me I'm not the only one that got that reference. Don't make me feel old.
This is it. The most important episode since Grom. Dana and the crew knew that the series had been cut short so they had to speed things up. So they turned to...Hooty? Yeah. Okay. Sure. Whatever.
Luz is torn between finding a way back to the human realm and trying to ask out Amity. And you know that old saying about chasing two rabbits? Yeah. Hooty's solution? Kidnap Amity and force the two into the tunnel of love. Amity is actually totally digging the tunnel of love but Luz is afraid that Amity is going to make fun of her. Both ideas backfire and Amity starts to the think that she's been rejected already.
But that's to Hooty losing his mind, and a little advice from Eda, Luz asks out Amity. And she says YES! Lumity canon! In episode 8 of season 2! That's how you do it, Star vs the Forces of Evil! You give the people what they want. And now that Amity is Luz's girlfriend, she can help get more info out of the echo mouse.
And the love stuff too.
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"Eclipse Lake"
Oh right. Amity. The girlfriend of Luz. The girl who is in a romantic relationship with Luz. Luz's girlfriend. That's Amity.
We have the first episode of Luz and Amity being a couple and hoo-boy, did Amity make sure to let us know. Nervous about having her first serious girlfriend, Amity wants to prove to Luz and herself that she is an awesome girlfriend. By going into the titan's veins to steal some of its blood.
As one does.
Hunter tries to prey on Amity's (and his own) insecurities about having to prove your worth. But it takes King and some well placed emoji messages to remind Amity why she fell in love with Luz in the first place. That Luz is so different from her family and her social circle. She doesn't have to prove anything to Luz. Luz wears her affection on her sleeve.
"Follies at the Coven Day Parade"
Night of the living dead is on its way. I keep making a lot of song references here.
This is the episode were the couple hits their first snag as a couple. Luz has a serious problem communicating when something is wrong (more on that later). After the traumatizing events of the previous episode, Luz can't bring herself to tell Amity that she promised her mom that she'd leave forever, especially since Amity is doing so much to get closer to Luz like learning Spanish. But Amity ain't no dummy. She can tell when Luz is hiding something. It's made even worse when Amity gets a hold of Luz's phone, which anyone who has been in a relationship could tell you, is a trap.
Luckily, trust and compassion win out in the end. Luz tells Amity exactly what happened, and they communicate. But if Luz was honest with Amity in the first place, we'd only have half an episode.
"Any Sport in a Storm"
Again, Lumity takes the B-plot.
While huntlow is becoming a thing, Luz and Amity try to search for the author of the Azura book series. On the way they parody fan theories in the nicest way I've ever seen in a show. And the big twist of the author of Azura turns out to be that there is no twist. It really is just a fantasy book series that Luz really likes that sometimes washes up in The Boiling Isles.
This episode is important because it serves to remind people what Luz and Amity have in common. Pointing out the fact that the two girls are different is fun, but sometimes you just have to go back to basics and remember that Luz and Amity just really like each other, get along, and are both nerds who like the same book series. And that whole opposites attract thing is bullshit. The key is compliments, not opposties.
"Reaching Out"
Hoo-boy. This one is heavy.
It's a special day for Luz, which is not a good thing. She wants to do anything but be alone with her thoughts. Good thing Amity shows up with a problem that could distract them all day.
Amity thinks that signing up for the Bonesboro Brawl could bring her closer to her dad (since her mom is obviously a lost cause) and ditches coven tryouts to compete for the championship title. Luz tries to help, but when Amity has the competition in the bag, Luz tries to help even more to keep herself busy.
But, as usual, Luz gets Amity in trouble and it really hurts this time. Not only did Luz get Amity in trouble (again), but she won't talk to her (again). When Amity has had enough, Luz does what she only does as a last resort and actually communicates.
That's when everything changes. It's the anniversary of Luz's dad's death. And usually Luz and Camila spend the day together. You know, to make it hurt less. But this year, she can't be with her.
This episode is important because after seeing Amity at a low point an unfair amount of times, this time Amity is seeing Luz at her lowest point. Amity makes this one face that, to me, says that Amity is shocked (to say the least) that her girlfriend was in pain this whole time. But she was so wrapped up in her own problems that she didn't notice. Or at least, that's my interpretation.
Luz and Amity make up and pick flowers together. It wasn't pretty or that romantic. It hurt and was kinda sad. But if you want to paint a pretty picture, sometimes you're gonna use some dark colors. And they're stronger for it.
"Clouds on the Horizon"
Oh yeah, baby. You know what this episode is.
When all hope seemed lost, it turns out not everyone believed Bellos' promises of paradise on the Day of Unity. While the adults are trying to stop the draining spell, Luz is sent on a slightly less dangerous mission of rescuing Amity from her mom's house arrest. Thicc Mama Blight even broke Amity's tamagachi thing. That bitch. See her next Tuesday.
But hope comes in the form of a Noceda as Luz enters through her bedroom window, Romeo & Juliet style. She promises Amity a slice-of-life future and Amity can't hold back anymore and
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Gifs you can hear. Am I right, people?
We get it. Our first kiss. Our babies grow up so fast.
Actually no, that took forever, but you get my meaning.
Season 3: "Thanks to Them" "For the Future" "Watching and Dreaming"
Okay yeah, this is a bit of a cop out, but also, not really. Since Disney decided to be, well Disney, season three was cut short. Just enough to finish the story, but not enough to get lumity centric episodes. Everything was mashed together into 3 forty minute episodes.
Yes, we do have a lot of important lumity moments, but they're generally spread around all three episodes. None of them are more important than the other.
"Thanks to Them" had Luz coming out to her mom and introducing Amity. "For the Future" had Amity comforting Luz about her palisman. "Watching and Dreaming" had more kisses.
Unfortunately, I have to end the list by just saying watch all of them or none of them. Not very specific for a post that's supposed to be a specific list. Sorry, gang.
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dreamsontheirway · 1 year
Red Solo Cup | S.H.
Summary: in which someone tries to make a pass at reader and steve defends them. Warnings: sexual assault, fighting Word Count: 1.5k
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Ever since you started dating Steve Harrington, the two of you stopped going to parties. It wasn't a conscious decision, necessarily; it sort of happened naturally. Not only was there always something going on, but it just wasn't your scene anymore. Once upon a time you would indulge in parties every weekend, but you've since realized that life has a tendency to get in the way.
Fortunately for you and Steve, the Upside Down and other mysteries of Hawkins, Indiana had seemingly decided to take the weekend off. The two of you were looking for something to do, but the last thing you had expected was a party.
You laughed it off when Steve had suggested the idea, and watched as his face fell into a joking expression and his head tilted at you.
"C'mon, it'll be fun," Steve expressed, resting a hand on your elbow.
The two of you stood outside of Family Video, as Steve had just completed his shift. He was still clad in his uniform, a green vest that displayed the store's name.
"Something tells me it won't," you spoke sternly.
Although partying used to be a constant for you, you had grown accustomed to life without it. The thought of returning to another humid basement filled with sweaty, hormonal teenagers was enough to send a shiver down your spine.
"Please?" Steve whined, and you giggled under your breath at his childishness. "If you hate it after, let's say twenty minutes, then we'll go home and watch a movie."
You let Steve's words dangle in the humid, Indiana air for a few moments, despite having made up your mind. You realized then that you would probably do anything that Steve asked you to do; you simply wanted to make him happy.
"Fine, but I'm picking the movie."
Flashing lights and silhouettes came from the windows of the house, as you and Steve made your descent. The party was being held by a college student a year older than Steve; someone he knew from high school. You weren't sure what to expect, or if you would know anyone.
Your suspicions were eased when Nancy and Jonathan met you at the front door. You let out a breath you hadn't realized you'd been holding before smiling at them.
"Hey, you two!" Nancy beamed.
Steve and Jonathan fell into a polite conversation, and you and Nancy continued chatting with one another.
"I'm so glad you guys could make it. We deserve some sense of normalcy," Nancy smiled at you.
"Thanks, Nance. It feels so weird to be here," you muttered, a nervous smile on your face.
"Trust me, once you get a drink in you, you'll feel better. Here," Nancy handed you a red solo cup and gestured towards the kitchen to the right.
Your gaze wandered to where Steve was, only to see that he had begun talking with a group of guys. You presumed they were old friends from high school.
Your gaze returned to Nancy, nodding at her advice, before making your way to the kitchen.
Finding the keg, you pumped it and released a steady flow of beer into your cup. You sipped, wincing at the bitter taste and sticking your tongue out. It's really been a while, huh? you thought to yourself, surveying the kitchen.
There was a couple manhandling each other in the corner, a guy who looked like he was either about to pass out or throw up, and another guy standing near the refrigerator. Blood pulsated in your head upon the realization that the guy by the fridge was looking at you. His gaze traveled up and down your form, not very subtly.
He licked his lips slightly before approaching you, leaning his weight on the counter beside you.
"Hey there. How are you?"
Your brows furrowed at his determination, before taking another sip of your beer.
"I am fine," you spoke, punctuating each word.
"Oh, I know you're fine, baby, but how's your night goin'?"
You scoffed at his poor attempt at a pick up line, before making a move to exit the kitchen.
"Hey, where ya goin'?" The guy grabbed your arm then, and you yanked it away before looking at him angrily.
"Do not touch me."
He put his hands up in feign defense before grinning at you. You blanched, disgusted by his cool attitude.
"You don't have to be like that, I'm just trying to get to know you."
"What makes you think I want to get to know you?"
You knew you were inching towards irate, but you couldn't help it. This seemed to happen at every single party when you were a frequent flier. You wondered now how you managed to continue attending them.
The man's vision turned darker then, his mouth dropping it's grin and forming a straight line. He grabbed for your arm, and pulled you into him. You let out a grunt at the impact before struggling against him.
"Why do you have to be such a bitch, huh?!" He yelled at you, his hand groping you. You whimpered in response, unable to move.
"Excuse me, what the fuck did you just say? Let go of her, asshole!"
Steve. Thank god.
Steve's strength worked to his advantage as he managed to maneuver himself between you and the drunk man. He pulled the man's collar up, and threw him against the refrigerator.
"Hey, ease up man! I didn't do anything!" The drunk guy protested, and you scoffed, straightening your dress.
"Like hell you didn't do anything! I come in here and see your hand on my girlfriend's ass!" Steve pushed him against the refrigerator once again at the memory.
You could tell Steve was becoming increasingly angry, and you realized you did not want to spend your evening bandaging bloody knuckles.
"Steve," you hollered, placing a hand on his bicep. "It's not worth it."
Steve looked at you, his eyes wide and exasperated. You knew that if it was up to him, he would land more than a few punches on the face of any guy who dared to touch you inappropriately.
"Yeah, listen to your little bitch!"
Goddamnit. If there was any whisper of a chance of getting Steve to release the man so the two of you could just leave, it was gone now.
You watched in slow motion as Steve's fist drew backwards before slamming into the guy's cheekbone. A second punch drew blood from the man's nose and lip. Steve didn't get a chance to throw a third punch.
"Steve!" You yelled, grabbing his arm midair.
He looked at you; his eyes seemed to be engulfed with an emotion you'd never seen, and it scared you.
Steve seemed to sense your fear, and his resolve crumbled at the thought. He looked between his fist and the bloody man on the floor, before realizing that he'd done enough damage.
Steve stood, another flash of anger traveling across his features before directing his voice to the bloody mess on the floor.
"Don't you ever touch her again."
He turned to you then, his palms holding either side of your face. He scanned your features, attempting to locate any sign of harm.
"Are you okay?"
You nodded, tears filling your eyes and threatening to spill over onto your flushed and freckled cheeks. Now that the situation had calmed down, the guise that concealed your frightened self began to collapse.
Steve's heart wrenched at the sight, and he pulled you into him in one swift motion. His hand cradled the back of you head and he placed a kiss atop it.
If people hadn't already formed a crowd around you, they certainly were now, at the sight of the bloody boy on the floor. Steve took notice and held a hand around your waist.
"Let's get out you out of here."
Once the two of you were outside, Steve turned to you and rubbed his calloused thumbs under your eyes, capturing your salty tears.
"I'm so sorry I made you come to this. You were right."
You shook your head, laughing grimly through the thickness of your tears.
"You couldn't have known that a disgusting guy would grope me. Although I should've known, it’s happened before.”
You saw Steve's jaw visibly tense at your remark, before shaking his head and resting his forehead against yours.
"Don't even think any of that was your fault, because it wasn't."
You merely gave Steve a watery smile, nuzzling further into him.
"Do you want to go home now?" He asked you, looking into your eyes, your foreheads still connected.
Despite the tears that ran down your face, you smirked at him.
"As long as we can watch the cheesiest rom-com in existence."
Steve's mouth lifted into a small smirk, before he let out a chuckle. He pulled away from you, nodding.
"You've got yourself a deal."
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rugtopper · 9 months
I Hate Butterscotch
By Rugtopper
I was beyond excited.  After making every excuse imaginable to see my dentist whenever I could over the years, Dr. Goldstein finally asked me out to dinner.  Yes, I guess I could have been bold and asked him myself, but he is at least 25 years older than me.  I have had a crush on him since I was a teenager.  He is so handsome and dapper.  He also has something else that most anyone, male or female, would find off-putting.  He wears a toupee.  It's not high quality in any way.  It doesn't even match the color of his real hair. You see, I have this bizarre problem:  I have a fetish for toupees.  Every time I'm in that dentist's chair, I get so turned on just staring at Dr. Goldstein's hard, fake hairline.  His toupee is a deep chestnut brown, very thick and full, with a traditional left-sided part.  The thing that makes it stand out is the upsweep off the forehead.  There are far better hairpieces on the market that he could have purchased, but for whatever reasons he went with a less-than-perfect facsimile of human hair.  I have never said anything to him about it, although I have wanted to.  
The night finally arrived.  I had changed my mind nine times over what to wear.  I knew he was taking me to a very upscale restaurant, so I knew I needed to wear a suit.  I had debated which of the three I owned to wear, and decided to wear the dark navy; then, there was the decision about the tie.  I had many in my collection that had belonged to older male relatives who had passed on.  Twenty minutes before he arrived, I finally decided on a bright floral.  My shirt was crisp and white.  My undershirt was taut across my pecs and clearly apparent underneath.  I had decided to wear these silly silk pink boxer shorts with red and white hearts on them - just in case.  I had gone all-in with garters for my socks.  I had worn them since college.  A fraternity brother had gotten me into them.
Dr. Goldstein arrived on time looking handsome as ever in a dark charcoal suit.  Like me, his shirt was crisp and white, but thicker than mine.  Still, I could see the faint outline of the scoop of his a-shirt.  I knew he had more traditional leanings in apparel.  When I opened my front door, my voice caught in my throat.  The way the porch light seemed to magnify the artificiality of his hairpiece took my breath away.  I didn't want to go to the restaurant.  I just wanted him in my bed with his hair on my dresser.  Still, I managed to find my voice and greet him.
"Good evening, Dr. Goldstein."
"None of that 'doctor' stuff tonight, Chris.  Please call me Jake.  Now, are you ready?  That restaurant won't hold our reservation."
"Sure, of course."
I'll skip over the dinner conversation.  It was pleasant, but pedestrian.  The food was excellent.  I thought that I had been fairly successful in avoiding staring at his hair, but I guess I failed because as we got to dessert and coffee Jake put his fork down and looked directly into my eyes.
"Uh, Chris, is there something wrong with my hair?  You keep staring at it."
I immediately crossed my legs and said, "I am so sorry, Jake.  I didn't mean to stare, or embarrass you.  I never would want to do that."
"Then why do you keep staring at it?  You seem to do it all the time, especially when you're in the chair for your checkups."
"I apologize, Jake.  It's just that . . . Never mind.  I can't say."
"Of course you can, Chris.  I've known you since you were 12.  You can tell me anything."
"Okay.  Uhm . . .  I don't want to embarrass you or hurt your feelings."
"You won't, Chris.  Now, just say it."
I took a sip of my coffee.  It tasted very bitter, so I added another spoonful of sugar and took another sip.  "Okay.  Jake, I really love your hair.  I think it is so beautiful.  There, I finally said it out loud".  After I said that, I tightened my crossed legs even more to keep what little I had from popping up.
At first, Jake got this slightly shocked look on his face, then he seemed to blush.
"You didn't hurt my feelings at all Chris.  In fact, I'm quite flattered.  But, I'm also somewhat embarrassed."
"I'm so sorry, Jake.  Now I'm embarrassed for upsetting you." I took another sip of coffee.
"Chris, I'm not upset, but I am a little embarrassed.  You see, this is very difficult for a man to admit, but I actually wear a toupee."
I crossed my legs even tighter, forcing my nuts to roll up inside myself!  I tried to keep a pleasant look on my face, but I was so excited.  I was also suddenly flushed and slightly dizzy.
"It looks great," I lied to him.  Actually, it looked great for someone with my issues, but it looked bad for someone who is trying to convince the world that his hair is real.
"I had to start wearing one when I was in college.  A lot of men are embarrassed about losing their hair, especially at a young age.  Are you okay, Chris?  You don't look well." What I tried to say was, 'I feel fine if a bit warm'.  What came out was some sort of incoherent gibberish.  After that, I think I passed out, but I really don't remember.
The next thing I do recall was the acrid smell of burning hair, and a coolness on my knees.  I slowly opened my eyes.  I was sitting in a huge barber's chair with a clear cape covering me, yet I could see my undergarments!  What was going on?  I looked up and saw my reflection in a huge mirror.  There was a husky man standing behind me.  He had the most exquisite black pompadour, clearly a full wig.  He was holding a tiny pen with a cord attached.  He kept touching the top of my head with it.  Each time he did, I felt a slight tinge and smelled burning hair - my hair.  There was only stubble on the top, but the rest of my hair on the back and sides had been trimmed very short.  I tried to talk, but was unable to utter a word.  In front of the mirror was a shallow ledge.  There were two styrofoam wig heads with a very dark ginger toupee on each.  At first I tried to think who I'd like to see wearing them.  As my mind cleared more and more, I realized that those toupees were for me.  As this reality became clear, I saw Jake via the mirror walking toward me.  
"Oh, good.  I'm glad you are finally waking up, Chris.  You know, I love the cute boxer shorts you wore just for me.  Still, it's a waste of all that silk to cover that little dicklet of yours.  I bet you sit down to pee.  Still, it's good to know you have some traditional leanings in your choice of apparel."
"What's going on, Jake?" It sounded somewhat slurred.  I must have still been hung over from whatever was in that bitter coffee.
The husky barber continued to denude my scalp while Jake spoke.
"Chris, you are very intelligent.  I think you have figured it out.  I am flattered by your schoolboy crush.  I even found the story you wrote about me.  Now, don't look so startled.  I recognized myself in the story immediately, even if you did change my name.  You see, Chris, you were very chatty a few months ago during that extraction surgery.  Afterwards, with Antonio's professional skills, I decided to help you become the mature man you have longed to be.  I think you need to know what it's like to have everyone stare at your hair all the time."
As Jake finished talking, he took a step back.  Antonio took one of the toupees off the styrofoam head and applied four pieces of tape to the underside.  Two of the pieces of tape were curved.  They were placed at the front and back of the hairpiece.  On the sides were placed two straight strips.  Antonio quickly placed the toupee on my head.  The perimeter was rather stiff.  The tape immediately stuck to my scalp.  When Antonio had my new hair on my head, I felt the curved tape in back adhere just above my occipital bone. I knew then that I was forever going to be a Norwood Six male patterned bald man in a rug. I could feel the light mesh foundation of the center of the toupee against my smooth, sensitive bald head.  The toupee was thick and full with a fixed left-sided part.  The texture was smoother than my own hair.  The contrast between my flat brown hair and what had been taped to my head was stark to say the least.  Antonio began trimming my new, fake hair with scissors. He used a small handheld steamer in the front. Suddenly I could tell he was giving me the same up-sweep that Jake's toupee had. I realized that apart from the color, I had the same model toupee as Jake did. The laser wand Antonio had earlier used had killed the hair on the top of my head. It has also destroyed the hair at my temples. Without that, it was even more glaringly obvious what I had on my head. My little dicklet decided to do a happy dance. I was enjoying my new look without a thought about the day-to-day life experiences I would certainly encounter.
I was mesmerized, humiliated, vulnerable, and thrilled all the same time.  I was also a little upset.
"It's butterscotch," I blurted out.  "I hate butterscotch."
"I know Chris.  You told me after that surgery as the nitrogen oxide was wearing off.  You told many, many things.  You told me about your crush you have had for me, and you told me one other thing."
As Antonio finished styling my new hair, Jake walked up behind me, leaned down beside my ear, and whispered, "you have a great toupee, Chris, but it's still just a cheap toupee."
The End
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aihoshiino · 11 months
what's your #1 chapter/moment? by character if you're up to writing another essay
"if you're up to writing another essay". you guys know me so well <3
For the sake of not taking like 8 weeks to answer this ask, I'll limit this to just the Hoshinos for now.
Ai: So, my actual fave Ai moment is not from the manga itself so I'll pick my fave manga moment then talk about my actual fave moment. It's fine, she's my favourite so she gets preferential treatment!!!! (saitou behaviour……)
From the manga itself, my favourite Ai moment is her death, believe it or not lol. I'm one of the Oshi no Sickos who think her arc being capped by her death is narratively speaking the perfect conclusion to everything we learn about her life – the entertainment industry ruined every opportunity Ai ever had at a normal life up to and having that conclude with Ai's literal, actual life being taken by an embodiment of the misogyny and violence that's been inflicted on her since she was a child is such a miserable, cathartic bit of tragedy. But moreso than that, what resonates with me so strongly about this moment is how Ai responds to it - or rather, how she fails to respond.
Even though it would make so much sense for her to be bitter or angry or upset, she makes an active choice to spend her last moments alive pouring out love and literally spends her last breaths on telling Ruby and Aqua she loves them. It says so, so much about what a deeply kind and incredibly strong person Ai is that she was able to do that.
My actual favourite Ai moment is her conversation with Kyun in Viewpoint B and the reveal that their meeting in the park was so impactful to Ai that it lead her to consider Kyun her closest friend for years afterwards. Like her death, the way Ai goes out of her way to approach Kyun and try to reach out to her speaks so deeply so her kindness and her desire to connect with other people and there's a little part of me that always wonders if maybe if this fleeing friendship had come to pass for real, Ai might have been saved. At the very least, there's something bitterly sweet about knowing that for as alone as Ai was in B-Komachi, she had someone she called a friend even so.
Aqua: Honestly, I love so many Aqua moments, it's hard to pick just one but I will never be over the Piyeon ruse. Aqua was so put out by the girl he has a crush on not talking to him that he dressed as a bodybuilding chicken with a squeaky voice for a week. Literally the most teenage thing any teenager in this series has done. Embarrassing ass kid.
My actual serious answer is Aqua's breakdown during Tokyo Blade - specifically, the 'internal' scenes where he's confronted by both Goro and his younger self. These are so, so important for getting at the core of who Aqua really is and they're honestly bone-chilling to read. Seeing Goro as this malicious, intrusive force who is preventing Aqua from being happy, seeing the words he batters Aqua with and realizing that this is the kind of shit Aqua probably thinks about himself every day honestly kind of turns my stomach a bit! It's clear before this that Aqua struggles with self-hate and self-blame but seeing the sheer extent of it is so horrible.
That this confrontation essentially climaxes in the hallway where Ai died, with Aqua face to face with his younger self, also underlines something that's really fundamental to understanding who Aqua is; at his core, Aqua has never stopped being that little boy covered in his mother's blood. He has, emotionally speaking, never been able to leave that hallway and until he allows himself to do so, he's going to continue self destructing and taking everyone down with him.
It's honestly the scene I'm most excited to see animated... season 2 can't come soon enough!!!
Ruby: Without a doubt it has to be her and Ai's dance practice scene back in volume 1, but especially in the anime's portrayal of it. I think OnK's handling of the past life stuff is at its best in moments like this, where it actually meaningfully engages with what it would mean for someone to carry such deep trauma from their past and how it would continue to affect them going forward. We get little hints of this leading up to it, like Ruby outright saying she's never thought about her future (implicitly because she was aware she would not have one as Sarina) and the way she so enthusiastically gives her all to playing and having fun with other kids at school - because those are things that she never got to do as Sarina. But her dance scene and her thoughts leading up to it really hammer in just how deeply this has affected Ruby - she spends almost three years living with the expectation that at any moment, her body will betray and hurt her for seemingly no reason to the point that it affects how she walks and carries herself moment to moment.
This is also a really good Ai moment for her as a moment and it also highlights something really special about Ai and Ruby's relationship I feel we don't get as much post-timeskip; how genuinely healing and wonderful their connection was for both of them. I've talked before about the running motif of toxic motherhood on Oshi no Ko and how Ai, as a character, is sort of a refutation of the other shitty oshi no moms in the series. Knowing that both Ai and Ruby are victims of toxic mothers, it makes it so deeply, incredibly powerful that these two victims find healing and acceptance in each other and the genuinely loving and supportive mother/daughter bond they have with each other.
The anime's version of this scene is also just easily one of its biggest highlights for me. The gorgeous colours, the overlapping of Sarina and Ruby's voices and the palpable affection Ruby and Ai have for each other... it's just so lovely and it makes me a little teary-eyed every time I watch it. The transformation of Sarina's sorrow into Ruby's joy and empowerment is such an important foundational part of Ruby's arc in the first part of the series and I'm so glad the anime really got it right.
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callsign-bunnie · 2 years
I am here to remind you to talk about your Phantom of the opera AU
Ahhhh, thank you.
Alright, right off the bat, it's ABO. (Plot convenience, sue me)
Ghost is the Phantom, Rodolfo is Christine, Alejandro is Raoul
Mine ends in Polyamory, though it's more of a V than a triangle
Rodolfo has pretty much the same backstory. His father was a famous violinist but died when Rodolfo was young.
So, Kate Laswell adopted him and brought him to the ballet house where he grew up learning ballet alongside her two other adopted children; Kyle, an omega whom everyone calls Gaz for no reason, and Johnny, another omega whom everyone calls Soap for reasons... no one is really willing to explain
Soap likes to charm and sleep with omegas and Rodolfo knows about a sweet young omega named Roach that he's been flirting with
Eventually, a voice starts to sing to him at night, teaching him how to sing opera, though the voice sounded just as young as him
Rodolfo and Alejandro were also childhood friends, though Rodolfo was in love with Alejandro, even if he didn't love him back (supposedly)
Alejandro becomes Viscount, still.
Price buys the opera house to save it from being closed and asks Alejandro to become their patron
I know a lot of the plot hinged on the new owners being stupid, but since I'm not burning the opera house down, that doesn't really need to happen here
Ghost is the same age as Alejandro and Rodolfo. He was rescued by Price from Roba
He was sold to Roba by his abusive father who permanently scarred his face and then sold him
Price hid him deep in the opera house where he grew up alone and bitter along side this omega orphan that he quickly became enamored with
He learns how to sing from listening to the operas and then he started to teach the omega how to sing as well, quickly growing to adore the omega's voice
Rodolfo starts to think of him as an "Angel of Music" because no one else can ever hear him and he's never seen him
I will make Graves an omega for ONE AU. He's an omega for this one and he's the current "Diva" of the opera house
He also grew up in the opera house, however, and he was constantly digging at Rodolfo
Ghost hates him, consequentially, and is constantly doing things to try to get him taken out, leading to the opera house being considered "haunted." but no, it was primarily just one teenager being a dick
However, before one of the biggest performances which is meant to help raise enough funds to keep the opera house functional, he's injured and quits because no one takes the haunting stuff seriously
Price panics, but Laswell steps up and informs him that there's another omega who could sing
Rodolfo tries to stop her, since he isn't confident in his singing voice, yet, but even Soap speaks up and advocates for him
Price reluctantly agrees to let him sing, since there is no other option
Great success
Alejandro recognizes Rodolfo on the stage when he comes to the performance and comes to talk to him
Ghost gets jealous of another alpha taking interest in Rodolfo and whisks him away once Alejandro leaves
Rodolfo is fascinated so he follows Ghost down to the underbelly of the opera house
Ghost doesn't want to ruin the whole angel idea, since he doesn't think Rudy will like him if he tells the truth, but he does reveal that he's in love with Rodolfo
Rodolfo mildly freaks out and ends up fainting
When he wakes up, he finds Ghost without his mask, singing to a broken statue
Ghost freaks out when he sees that Rodolfo has seen his face and sends him back up to the opera house
Rather than being frightened, Rodolfo takes empathy on the alpha and now his heart is torn between his childhood crush, who keeps coming back, and Ghost
Graves blackmails Price into making him the diva again and forcing Rodolfo back into the role of a background ballet dancer
Both Alejandro and Ghost are enraged by his insolence
Alejandro takes the route of trying to find a way to politically get rid of Graves
Ghost plans to destroy his career
In the meantime, Graves tries to poison Rodolfo
Gaz gets the poison instead and doesn't die, but he does get very sick
Alejandro finds evidence of Graves blackmailing officials and plans to reveal it, but Ghost instead destroys Graves' career by finding risque portraits of him and having them plastered around town
In the meantime, Rodolfo and Alejandro get engaged for... I don't know, reasons. If I ever write this (I did just finish mimesis... ahhhhhhhhhhh) I'll come up with a decent reason
Ghost is deeply unhappy with this and he and Alejandro have a very sexy sword fight when Rodolfo visits his father's tomb after a stressful night
Also, don't worry, Ghost has been committing plenty of murder, just... he's a lot smarter about it. (Sorry, Erik.)
Rodolfo feels more stress because he's fallen in love with Ghost, unknowingly, and he's still deeply in love with Alejandro
He tries to run away but both alphas find him and they go to fight, but he just demands not to be split in half between them
I dunno man, I got nothing beyond that
Happiness and no weird cheating subplot. (I am a Love Never Dies hater at heart)
Anyway, once I build up the energy and finish a current huge art piece for slashers, I do plan on drawing this, but it will take me a WHILE
If... asked very nicely, I may be willing to start writing this as a series since I just finished Mimesis
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neoyi · 1 year
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Okay, let's wrap up this damn comic live blog/media-analysis-I've-put-WAY-more-time-than-I-ever-intended-or-wanted-to-and-yet-I'm-Boo-Boo-the-freakin'-fool.
Acceptance has been a reoccurring desire with Danny's character. Naturally, it started off insignificant and shallow as is wont of a fourteen-year-old who went about and did stupid, desperate things to be noticed by the popular crowd, further heightened by his "loser" status (for a variety of reasons the show doesn't say, but could be narrowed down to: weird ghost-obsessed parents, hanging around two other social outcast, etc.)
Being half-ghost added another pile of teenage angst to the list, and more so when Walker intentionally made him Amity Park's most hated ghost out of petty spite for ruining his law and order (he's a goddamn cop, what'd ya expect?) Frustrated as he was, Danny decided to resume his heroic duties in spite of people's perception of him. The city still needed someone to keep an eye on the ghostly nuisances plaguing Amity Park and persecuted or not, Danny Phantom was the only (consistently competent) one for the job.
And this mindset did carry throughout the show, all the way up to Season Three's "Forever Phantom" which marked a very lovely turning point when Danny refused to bask in the spotlight that has since been afforded to him. Constantly saving Amity Park eventually earned him the love and respect from most of the citizens; he was their hero, a mascot, a tourist attraction, and beloved public figure. And Danny never took an egotistical power trip over it. By "Forever Phantom", he has, frankly, gotten sick of everyone wanting a piece of that half-ghost pie, and opt to chill out in secrecy in his downtime. After all, his human half has become invaluable as the only time he can truly relax and not worry about some stranger taking photos of him or asking for his autograph.
Look, it's not that Danny can't have moments of dejection, but no matter how much paint coating "Phantom Planet" did - with Danny taking away his powers in order to protect his loved ones, as the plot claims - a lot of the framing also seem to imply he did it because oh nooo the Masters Blasters (a name that an out-of-touch-with-the-youth Vlad would coin to his little group) took away the spotlight and now no one appreciates and luvs him anymore.
It's such a 180 from what's built up and laid out before us. Suddenly Danny can't go without any form of appreciation even though he's long since accepted that he won't always get it and was perfectly fine with it. Saving and protecting his home was what mattered.
I was off in my original guess at the start of the comic for whatever internal conflict Danny had yet to hash out. I thought he was feeling the pressure of being a hero in a world where everyone knew who he was. How was he going to adjust to it? Obviously, the problem was that he lacked purpose and that's totally fine. What ended up happening was, again, the best solution the comic gave to a HUGE problem I had with "Phantom Planet" (surprise surprise): his secret identity goes kaput.
It made sense to expose his ghostly half to his parents by the end. All the way back in "Bitter Reunions", Danny claimed Jack and Maddie would love him no matter what he was, a prediction that proved to be true in "Reality Trip." And loved they did. And in "Phantom Planet" and beyond, they still do. This is their son, after all, and no amount of ectoplasmic coating will ever stop them from accepting him, ghost and all.
It didn't make sense to reveal his identity to the whole damn world because it counters severely with what Danny had accepted prior to all this. He didn't want attention or fame or any of that shit, they're just byproducts to his true actions as a genuinely heroic guy. He'd save the world even if everyone hated him permanently, and he has! And according to this comic, he will continue to do so.
Clockwork fixed the time stream and gave Danny a choice and the one he picks leaves his secret identity safe once again, altering it so he never revealed himself to the world. And with that redo button, the comic drove the final nail in the coffin on any prominent thing "PP" did. And I'm so damn grateful. I don't even care that it was an easy fix ala time shenanigans, it wouldn't be the first time Clockwork did it.
While it sucks Amity Park has declared Danny Phantom (and all ghosts) as public enemy #1 again as consequences to the fucked up timeline Clockwork did his best to fix (as oppose to him being a beloved figure, which I think he's more than earned), it ultimately authenticates Danny's development: he doesn't care if the greater population hates him, what he cares is protecting his home and healing those in need of it.
My only grievance with this mild retcon is that Jack and Maddie is no longer privy to Danny's secret identity and that one leaves me exhausted. I was hoping the comic would throw us a bone after "Reality Trip" burnt that bridge when Danny erased his parents memories for no goddamn reason, but now it's back to square one with these stubborn, but lovable chuckleheads. There weren't a lot of interactions between Danny and his parents post-identity revealed, and the chance to explore it seems, for the time, temporarily paused... again.
Should this comic ever get a sequel series (this thing apparently sold out on Amazon, Nickelodeon would be a fool not to greenlight another), perhaps we'll get to see some of this and more, and A Glitch in Time certainly left a couple of plot points dangling for a tantalizing continuation...
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kimberlyannharts · 2 months
misc thoughts on Issue #119 -
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= Aggressively heterosexual montage is aggressively heterosexual. It's a little frustrating to talk about because I know my bias towards Tomberly shows here but when the event itself is clearly trying to put all three romances on equal grounding, it's really obvious how halfbaked are the other two are compared to Tomberly, because Tomberly was the only romance with actual stakes and an arc in this. And Tomberly just has the luxury of being a thing ever since....issue #0 while this event was just the start of Zack/Trini and M*tt/Aisha. (Also, the Zack/Trini first kiss was oddly subdued for how much their romance has been a part of this and framed as the most perfect romance ever. Jason/Trini got like.......a sunrise kiss that took up half a page along with a cover and that's been reduced to "we made out a lot but overall it was nothing serious")
= Actually now that I think about it, is the point to all these romances that Billy feels alone by nature of him not having one? Because that's. well. hm
= Maybe I'm also bitter because the next scene is Trini/Kiya where they keep shoving it in our faces how Kiya is just soooooooo terrible and didn't deserrrrrrrrrve the Omega powers like Yale did christ alive. The comics' obsession with Kiya being one of their worst villains ever needs to be studied but also it's great because I love the toxic yuri
= Speaking of which how did Kiya find the Cosmic Fury Rangers on her trip. It's not like she left through the Arch to travel through time/dimensions or something, she's been traveling in this prime dimension's space. Also it sucks that the Cosmic Fury Rangers couldn't have a real part in all this. Amelia Jones: first female red ranger to not be important to the comics
= I still don't feel sorry for Rita. Sucks that you're in the dumpster and depressed but you literally unleashed Satan along with mentally and physically torturing teenagers
= Obligatory mention to how The Coinless established that the White Coin can't be split but we're just doing it here because we want to parallel how Tommy gave up his Green powers back in Kyle's run. At least it's allowing Tommy some agency and leadership in this event for once. And Kim reminding everyone it's his choice and the finger-locking was very sweet
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= Evil!Tanya knowing about the Void when her memory of that was supposed to have been erased is another continuity error but at the same time it's really the only time in this event the Rangers turning evil was used to like....exploit their secrets and stuff. Still very odd to me that the cover where evil!Rocky and Adam invade and smash up the Command Center never actually happens in the story. Though weirdly enough next issue will have Dayne say SLAYER told them about the Void, which makes more sense as Slayer didn't lose her memories. whatever.
= Speaking of the corrupted Rangers, Evil!Rocky and Adam continue to be played weirdly for comedy despite how this is clearly supposed to be dramatic. That whole fight scene with them and Hyperforce Dad is particularly heavy with the ~witty quips~ and it feels very out of place, tonally
= White Combo suits are fine. They do what they're meant to do. Unfortunately Ranger Slayer's is probably the worst because of how....naked it looks compared to her previous suits. She should have kept her cape at the very least
= This is another one of the better issues of the event, since it genuinely feels like things are finally progressing because the characters actually have a PLAN and are going to work to PULL OFF THAT PLAN rather than everyone just kinda sitting around and twiddling their thumbs while the smart people do everything. It's a shame the next two issues will like.....immediately ruin that vibe because suddenly those plans get ground to a halt lmao
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cupcakesmoothie · 1 year
Beginnings after an End
A/N: The first chapter (kinda?) of the story I'm working on, Plagues, Blessings, and Journeys! I'm quite proud of how this one turned out! There might be some minor edits as the story progresses, but I think I pretty much nailed it this time!
It all happened within a week.
The most contagious that had ever been, the virus was in the water, in the air. Everything from the rats on the streets to friends and family could spread it. There was no escape. Some say it was the Earth’s way of saving itself, when only humans succumbed to it, and people under the age of 30 were immune. 
Some died from it faster than others, but at exactly a week after the first reported case, everyone who got it died. 
Dulce can barely breathe, much less scream for help, as she runs from the inky black creature chasing her. Its spindly legs clack on the road as it moves, spider-like in everything but size. It’s not the first of these… things she’s encountered, and she’s taken to calling them plagues. 
The plagues started appearing shortly after the earthquakes. While she could technically try using her blessing to fight the monsters, she isn’t very fond of the idea of putting things of dubious origin in her mouth, no matter how sweet the result. 
She does contemplate it though, as her vision swims from not having anything to eat since she started her journey today. Food has been scarce, what with the apocalypse and all. She stumbles and quickly catches herself as she continues running. She can’t stop, not before she’s completed her mission. 
“Hey!” a voice calls out from somewhere above, “That’s no way to treat a lady!” 
A blonde haired boy jumps down from a pile of rubble in front of her, and she shoots past him. She’s not planning on getting eaten by a spider. 
“Stop!” The teenager commands, and Dulce can’t help but stop and stare at him incredulously. The spider however, does stop. It freezes as if a pause button has been hit. The blonde shoots a smirk her way before turning back to the creature. 
“Leave.” He orders, and it simply turns around and disappears into the abandoned city. Once it leaves her line of sight, Dulce’s knees promptly give out as she collapses onto the road. The blonde runs up to her with a worried look in his baby blue eyes. 
“Are you okay?” He asks, steadying her as she shakes her head in an attempt to clear it. Green eyes squeezing shut when that makes it worse. 
“I- ah- I’ve been running for a while…” she explains, though the not eating probably factored into it as well. 
As the boy turns to look for something in the bag slung around his shoulder, Dulce stares at his chocolate brown jacket. She wonders what it might taste like with her blessing. Brown usually suggested chocolate, but coffee or molasses was also a possibility. She thinks of what her brother had told her once about lightheadedness. She lifts the end of the jacket to her mouth and takes a bite.
Chocolate fondant icing. She never was a fan of fondant, but the cloying sweetness tastes like a blessing right now, the slight bitterness of the chocolate adding to its flavour. She chews on it slowly. Fondant icing makes sense for cloth, she supposes. 
“Do… you make a habit of eating people’s clothes?” The blonde asks quietly, staring between her and his jacket, with a bite of it missing. Dulce flusters as she realises the kind of impression she’s making to this stranger who’s basically just saved her life. 
She gestures wildly as she tries to explain herself. “I don’t eat clothes- well see, it’s actually chocolate now- that doesn’t explain much actually-” she claps her hands together as realises she’s beginning to ramble, taking a deep breath and starting over- “My name is Dulce. I’m so sorry about your jacket. My blessing is to turn anything that enters my mouth into candy at will, so it’s not really cloth that I’m eating. I’m aware that doesn’t make it any less weird, but I just wasn’t really thinking properly, I’m so sorry I-” 
She’s interrupted by a soft chuckle as the boy’s lips quirk up in amusement as he introduces himself. “It’s alright Dolls, it’s no biggie. My name’s Calliphon, it’s very nice to meet you.” He says, extending a hand to her. 
Dulce takes his hand, pulling herself up and accepting the nickname he seems to have given her, too embarrassed to correct him. She brushes the dust off her pink skirt and adjusts her bow, all while looking anywhere but his direction. 
“So, what’re you doing out here?” Calliphon asks, filling the silence.
The question makes Dulce perk up. She puts on a solemn expression as she remembers why she turned down the people who offered to let her stay with them after the earthquakes. 
“I’m looking for my older brother, Deucalion. He was working overseas at the time of the virus, and he’s the only family I have left.” 
Dulce’s sudden change seems to surprise Calliphon, who simply responds with:
“Dang. I’m just out here looking for cute girls.” 
The girl narrows her eyes at him. 
“Or guys! I’m not picky.” He quickly adds, gesturing to the tricolour badge on his bag, which barely changes anything as Dulce turns around and begins walking away. 
Calliphon catches up easily with his longer legs and they settle into a pace. 
“How’d you find me, anyway?” Dulce asks as they walk. Calliphon doesn’t answer her, simply giving her a look as the silence is filled by the bell on her bag that chimes at her every step. 
Dulce grimaces, which makes Calliphon chuckle before he asks his own question. 
“Where we going?” 
Dulce side-eyes him, “I’m going for the settlement they’ve set up around here. There might be someone who has an idea where my brother is, or knows where to look. They’ll probably have food, too.” 
“Y’know Dolls, I wouldn’t mind if you took another bite out of me.” Calliphon offers with a wink.
Dulce splutters when he brings it up. “I didn’t mean to eat your jacket! It’s just that ever since I got my blessing I wonder what certain things would taste like, and I was just acting on impulse.”
The boy laughs, which flusters her even more, walking faster before he catches up again. 
“Sorry, sorry.” he says placatingly, “What’d you mean by ‘blessing’?” 
“Ah! You’ve got one too, haven’t you?” she beams at the question, “It’s what I’m calling the powers some of us have gotten.” 
“Why don’t you just call them powers?” Calliphon asks. 
Dulce groans, this isn’t the first time she’s had this conversation. “Because! ‘Powers’ implies that they’re actually powerful, and the only ‘power’ my power gives me is to seem really weird in front of strangers (and other things that I won’t bring up for the sake of this argument). Powers is so unoriginal! It’s the same amount of syllables anyway, so if you wanna be BASIC I’m not gonna stop you, but I’m calling them blessings.” 
Calliphon’s lips twitch upwards at her sudden spiel, which Dulce takes as his dissent, further concluding with “So there!” and glaring at him. 
“Did you name the monsters too?” he asks, and she has. 
“Yes. Plagues.” 
Calliphon looks at her contemplatively for a while, which makes her feel like she needs to say something. 
“Also, my name is Dulce. Like dool-seh but pronounced differently.” 
“Oh.” he’s quiet for a moment. “Dolls is cuter though.” 
Dulce puffs her cheeks at that, she was only telling him in case he’d actually thought it was her name, but she does agree that ‘Dolls’ certainly is endearing. 
“U-unless you don’t like it?” he asks hesitantly, seeming to have interpreted her silence as annoyance. 
She sighs and begins to tell him she doesn’t quite mind when they hear shouting in the distance. The two exchange looks before Dulce starts running toward the sound, Calliphon’s footsteps following shortly after. 
“Ashley! Ashleyyy!” a rough voice calls. 
“Leo, stop. We don’t know what else is out here.” another voice chides, sounding more elegant than the last. 
“What if something bad has happened? What if we never see our baby again?” the person sounds like they’re at the verge of tears. 
“Don’t say that. We’ll find her. We just can’t let all those spider things find us first.” Although more level, the worry in their voice is evident. 
Dulce finds two people in the street, a ginger haired man, and another one with silvery hair. The two startle when they see her, but the ginger seems to quickly get over it to bombard her with questions. 
“Have you seen a little girl? She’s about this tall, reddish brown hair, 5 years old, she- she was wearing-” the man’s voice begins to shake as he describes the child, and the silver haired one puts a hand on his shoulder and introduces themself. 
“I’m Isaac, this is my partner Leonard. We’re from the Ivy Encampment. We were looking for supplies when we got separated from Ashley. We’re not sure how far she could have gotten-” 
“-She’s the adventurous kind-” Leonard’s voice cracks as he interrupts. 
“-And we’re worried she might be in danger.” Isaac finishes, rubbing Leonard’s back as he tries to collect himself. 
“Where and when did you last see her?” Dulce asks as Calliphon catches up with her. 
“May…maybe an hour ago? That’s such a long time…” Leonard mutters the last part. 
“We were in the soup store about 3 blocks down. Neither of us saw where she went.” Isaac states.
“We turned around… and she was just gone.” 
Dulce decides she can’t let another child be without her parents. “I’ll help you,” she declares. The two give her a look of appreciation as she turns to Calliphon, who’s been silent the whole time. She looks him in the eyes and wonders whether he’ll help. He answers her silent question with a nod. 
Dulce turns back to the pair. “Alright, let’s split up.” 
Dulce heads towards the soup store while Calliphon goes further out. The city is quiet save for the chiming of her bell. 
She thinks the half collapsed buildings seem familiar as she wanders by them. The torn red canopy of a café she might've been to once, the remains of a bookstore her brother bought her a gift from, the restaurant her mother would point at every time they passed, talking about first dates and anniversaries, reduced to rubble. 
Dulce hurries past them, to find the child, she tells herself. There's no need to linger. 
As the streets start to look less familiar, she searches for the store Ashley was last seen at. Outside a women's fashion shop, she hears a small voice. 
"It's okay kitty, I just wanna be your friend!" 
The cat is the first thing she notices. Its tail stands upright, ears pulled back and fur puffed up in an attempt to look big, bigger than it already is, towering over the little girl in front of it, who looks surprisingly calm sitting in front of what should be more tiger than house cat. 
Dulce approaches slowly, the black mass of fur's ear twitching when it catches the chiming of her bell. She's about ten steps away when she calls out for the child.
"Ashley…?" she asks tentatively, trying not to startle anyone.
Ashley perks up, turning to her. 
"Hello!" she chirps, seeming to forget about the massive cat in front of her, who doesn't take well to her sudden liveliness. 
Dulce looks between the child and what is probably another plague, careful not to make any sudden movements. 
Ashley however, does not exercise such caution. She shoots a hand out toward the creature, smiling as she begins to introduce it, she doesn't see its pupils dilate, hissing. 
Dulce leaps toward the child as the cat swipes a clawed paw at her. 
The child yelps as she's suddenly grabbed, Dulce sucking in a breath through her teeth as she feels the scratch of claws cutting through her jacket. 
The cat scampers away and the girl whimpers at its departure. 
"I just wanted to be friends…"
Dulce looks down at Ashley, who is pouting in her arms. 
The teen smiles, ruffling her hair. 
"I can be your friend," she offers, the child lighting up at the suggestion, "Did you get hurt?" 
"I'm alright!" she says, breaking away, "What's your name?"
"I'm Dulce," she offers her hand to the child, "Let's get you back to your parents, alright? They're very worried about you."
The girl takes her hand, nodding excitedly in agreement. 
"Papa! Dada!" Ashley yells as she lets go of Dulce's hand to run to her fathers. 
Calliphon breaks away from the trio, giving them some privacy as Leonard lifts his daughter in the air and she giggles. 
Dulce smiles back at him when he approaches, though his eyes widen when he catches sight of her sleeve.  
"Dolls! What happened to your arm?" 
Dulce looks down at it and only just notices the rips in her sleeve, and the cuts on her arm behind them. 
"There was a plague…" she begins, catching the attention of Isaac. 
"Did you get hurt?" They ask, stepping forward, prompting Leonard, now with Ashley on his shoulders to look towards them. 
"There was a giant kitty cat!" Answers Ashley, fingers gripping her father's hair. Leonard pats her arm, exchanging a look with Isaac. 
"We've got a healer back at camp, and Izzy here is great at needlework." 
"It's the least we could do for you in exchange." 
It would be a good place to start, Dulce thinks, taking them up on their offer. She lets them lead her to Ivy Encampment, Ashley raving to her fathers about everything she did while they were separated, and Isaac warns her about the talking-to she’s going to receive once they get back. 
Calliphon follows, holding her arm tight, but careful enough not to actually touch the wound. She glances at him and sees furrowed eyebrows looking back at her. 
“What happened?” he asks again, keeping his voice low enough that only she can hear him. 
“Oh, it’s alright Calliphon. It doesn’t even hurt anymore.” she says softly, “It would have been worse if the kid got hurt.” 
Dulce doesn’t notice the expression on the boy’s face as she looks back at the trio, not even aware that she’s smiling as she watches the family in front of her, Ashley’s pouting at her father’s words, Leonard’s coaxing for her to listen to her dada, Isaac sighing and holding her hand, telling her how glad they are that she’s back now. 
Dulce wonders what she’d say when she finds her brother. 
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sweepweep · 7 months
I realized that Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel looks like Hunter from TOH and now I can't unsee it so I keep daydreaming of an AU where everything is the same except Hunter just has Lucifer as a deadbeat dad that left him with his uncle and he technically has on call but Hunter never picks up or calls because he's bitter about it until the gang finds out he has a way of summoning and calling his dad and do it on accident and Hunter starts freaking out because the Boiling Isles people have NO IDEA who Lucifer is. Never even heard of him. But he knows that Luz DEFINITELY has and she's just like Oh Shit and starts freaking out too once Hunter explains that he's not CALLED Lucifer he is THE Lucifer. But when he actually gets there he does his y'know akward "I don't know how to talk to my kid" thing.
Alastor is also there because how can I not have a showing off of powers with a dad battle. He was Hunter's babysitter [logically oh no but he didn't try to hide who he was and was actually decent at it for some reason although did try to get him to do cannibalism but now it's just a joke between them whenever they actually check in with each other (although no one on the Boiling Isles knows who he is either) like "You look pale have you been eating well?" "By your definition or mine?" "Mine" "Then no I've just been eating what they serve here" "Well is there someone you don't like?" "Boscha has been giving my friends some trouble for years" "Oh I know who we're having then"] and I don't know why he's there other than to tick off Lucifer which is probably enough of a reason.
Anyway that was just a weird daydream from characters looking similar, and the concept of a maybe-technically-dead teenager and the king of dead people being related.
While I'm typing this I wanted to ask, did you get my last ask? I feel like it's been a while but that might be because I've been doing a lot more these past few days that I ever have since mandatory PE classes.
That is absolutely incredible and I wholeheartedly support
And yeah I did get that ask, I just haven’t been on Tumblr for the past while-
Good luck with the PE man, those actually suck
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afaramir · 7 months
Your ™ (aside from faramir obv) is how unhinged you are about denethor AND having the most correct takes abt him🧡. Oh and also oranges maybe
AAAA...THANK YOU ??? THIS KNOCKED ME FLAT like for real i cannot express how much ive been thinking about this ask all day. like i was in the grocery store thinking about it. i cant decide if it's funnier if you've been here since i was 19 and a hater and watched me have my dramatic change of heart in real time or if youre new here and don't know my tragic backstory. TO ME it's hilarious to be assigned denethor girl bc like teenage me is having a heart attack but i bear the badge with pride nevertheless <3333 and thats what we call character growth!
pj had totally got me with the mad-and-vindictive-with-despair denethor gambit for years and years but literally i started working on the faramir goes to rivendell au and thought for about two seconds about how complex both faramir and boromir's relationships with their father are and how the film changes genuinely weaken all of their characters so much and did a total 180 degree turn on a dime. by doing denethor dirty i would automatically be doing faramir dirty and then i started thinking and went hang on a second he is so complex and interesting actually. like i can't emphasize how much that was the exact logic that allowed me to achieve this development.
i mean okay LISTEN TO ME oh my GOD denethor IS a good leader there's a reason why gondor stood so long alone against the enemy and he NEARLY fucking beat SAURON in 30 years worth of head-to-head knock-down-drag-out psychic stalemate warfare and he only falls into despair when he loses both of his sons. you don't need to like him to respect the achievement!
i almost put a read more here but fuck it denethorposting on main. hit j on your keyboard or do a big scroll if youre sick of me LOL
i am very well known for going totally feral over duty vs love dynamics and that is literally what is going on between denethor and his sons. he cannot be their father and their commander at the same time and they are at war!!! being their commander has to win out above all else!!! whether any of them like it or not!!! do you know what ruthlessness means do you understand that duty wins this one.
do u guys understand that denethor and faramir are a father and son who love each other above else and yet do not like each other at all. there was a schism somewhere there along the line and love without bitterness and political sniping and ideological misalignment is a DISTANT MEMORY. No Of Course He Shouldn't Have Said He Wished Faramir And Boromir's Places Exchanged Jesus Christ No Son Should Have To Hear That From Their Father But Girl Sometimes When You're Grieving You Say Stupid Shit That You Shouldn't Have. doesn't mean you should've said it but [pippin voice] we can understand poor denethor a bit better, huh?
its just so interesting to me to think about faramir and denethor's relationship from a standpoint of like. ok listen good stewards that are not good fathers and dutiful sons who will not compromise their moral compasses for love. i don't like you and i agree with approximately 1% of everything you've said ever and your expectations of me have always been unreasonably high even when i was a child but you also are the only person who could ever understand the terrifying psychic powers that just live inside my brain and you are probably the incarnation of lordly dignity and power that i have had and i have wanted to emulate all my life and i still have the instinct to ask for your approval even if i'm going to hate what you're going to say. and when i'm dying i will call out for you. and i don't like you and your moral compass is going to get you and me and everyone in our city killed and you haven't listened to a single thing i've said since you were fourteen and i fucking hate that you're listening to and trusting the fucking wizard over me but you are my best captain and you are everything that i wished i could've been without the war and you'll never understand that that's why i pushed you so hard i just wanted you to live. and if you couldn't live at least we could die together. LISTEN i am a faramir girl until the death you all KNOW THIS BUT THESE TWO THINGS ARE NOT MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE- [i am forcibly yanked offstage]
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