#there are so many problems in my daily life that are caused by my fucking shoulder blades.
viscerism · 1 year
i've learned a lot of things by taking an anatomy class like how apparently your scapulae are supposed to lay flat against your ribcage and should not protrude from your back and also i've been living with a musculoskeletal condition that has been causing me severe pain and upper body weakness for as long as i can remember
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xxlelaxx · 5 months
Anxiety makes enjoying good things so hard
#ignore me#my life has been too good lately and I'm starring to go insane from everything working#i hate myself so much#I've been trying ao be more social and be a good mom and be someone that my daughter can look up to and my husband can love#but it always ends up with me hating myself so fucking much#I've been eating too many sweets which already is setting a bad example qhen it comes to a healthy diet and my media consumption has been#worse lately and my anxiety is now making me unabke to sleep and I've stopped going on daily walks cause the pain is back#it was so nice not having it around for a while and it is makibg everything so much harder#the sleep makes me more irritable and i feel like all i do is fail my baby#my husbans said he doesnt feel loved by me anymore and I've been trying so hard to manage household baby and everything else but its not#enough i always feel like I'm never enough#I've been a horrible friend like always so i guess that is a constant thing in my life#as if that isnt the worst when my mental health gets worse i start getting flashbacks to remind me of everything that went wrong with me#and that just fuels my anxiety around my daughter living through everything i did as a child and i just cant do this#i just wish i could sleeo again#i think all of this is sleep deprivation but i don't know how to do everything without losing sleep or something#i just wanna rest and sleep for more then four hours without veing woken up#god what i would give for eight hours of continuous sleep#but my husbands shifts are so shit that i cant do that to him... also now that I'm at home he's the only one working and I'm terrified of#loosing him so i dont want him to be at work without sleeping well cause it could actually kill him#worst of all I'm just too stupid to ask for help or bother anyone with my stupid problems#and every time I'm away from her she just screams and i just can't take her screams anyo#anymore#i just want to pee and ahit and eat in peace
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astaroth1357 · 1 year
The OM Cast as Househusbands
Inspired by my recent rant about domestic Solomon.
Contents: Pure fluff and unhinged roasts.
A-tier. Generally a solid choice skill-wise.
Cooks decent, cleans well, budgets FANTASTICALLY, has a good list of connections/spells for all home repair, and even has a stern (but caring) parenting-style if so desired.
In short, Lucifer can run a house very well. He practically already does! Hope you like having a big, extended family because the brothers are coming with.
Really, the biggest downside to Lucifer is that you'll be constantly worried that he's bored... Man can run a house and then some. He probably has the daily chores done by noon, and then what?
He just has so much extra potential, is what I'm saying. Very "big, beautiful bird in a cramped cage" energy. But then again, maybe making him chill the fuck out and have a low-maintenance lifestyle for once is better for his blood pressure in the long run. Your call.
B-tier. He ain't perfect, but he can learn quick.
If you can give Mammon anything, it's that he's a capable guy when he wants to be. He may not be good at cleaning up, cooking, or anything like that on his own, but with some encouragement...?
Big improvements made practically overnight! Shower him in praise and "thank you's" for every little thing he does and he'll start get greedy for it. Then he'll do even MORE around the house and he gets better each time.
Show him how to cook what you like, and he'll never forget. Remind him to fold up the laundry, and he'll get it done. Praise him for keeping the floors clean, then suddenly he's nagging YOU about tracking dirt on the carpet...
And he'll get so proud about it too... Like, he's your first man and you NEED him now. What would you ever do without him?? Now hand over your shirts because he has some ironing to do, dammit!!
The only downside is you'll have to handle the finances... The words "Mammon" and "budget" go together about as well as "grainery" and "match." He'll blow through it and then some. Earners beware.
Hovers around C-D tier. Levi can play the role of good househusband for a VERY particular kind of partner, otherwise he's a lost cause.
He is a surprisingly decent househusband ONLY when sufficiently motivated and playing out his "domestic slice-of-life" fantasies are that motivation.
He can cook (anime-inspired dishes), he can clean (if you convince him to treat the house like he does his figurine collections), he can even sew/mend (though the majority of what he makes may be cosplay related)!
He won't leave the house to shop, but deliveries are fine. He also can't keep to a budget that doesn't include a MASSIVE chunk carved out to maintain his otaku lifestyle. He'll throw a fit otherwise.
Really, Levi's biggest problem is that once those "domestic fantasies" become mundane, he'll get bored and go back to his shows and games again.
Anyone with him would need to keep feeding into his role with new "quests" or different tropes to try out like a DM running an irl campaign. Could be fun for a little while, but it'll be too much trouble for you both long term. Best give him a skip.
S-tier. Very good choice, and he's proud of that fact.
Cooks well, very conscientious of your needs, knowledgeable on many topics from recipes to home repair, actually knows how to do laundry in a timely manner... a very good man indeed.
100% the kind of husband who sees that it's going to rain, so he treks out to wherever the hell you are to make sure you have an umbrella. Can't have you getting sick.
Get him a cat and the house will become his own slice of the Celestial Realm. He'll even text cute pics/updates on what your cat is doing like they're your literal child.
Only downside is cleaning. He's a book horder and will argue until he's blue in the face to keep Every. Last. Pamphlet. An in-house library is a MUST and expect to need expansions. Otherwise, perfect man. Much approval to be had.
B-A tier. Another decent choice, just a little eccentric at times.
Asmo is that partner who will happily play the part of the trophy househusband buuut he absolutely won't do anything too strenuous or dirty.
Cooking? Totally fine! He isn't amazing, but he's not awful either. Laundry? Say no more! Your clothes will never have a wrinkle again. But cleaning...? Like the floors, attic, or ESPECIALLY the bathroom??
Nope. Nuh-huh. His cute-ass hair and his cute-ass nails in his cute-ass clothes will not stand for it! He's going to beg for a maid immediately.
I guess in exchange you'll be hosting some killer dinner parties, though! Asmo has that "suburban wife who flaunts her amazing life" energy. Also keeping his influencer game alive with tutorials galore.
In short, Asmo is willing not just to spoil you, but elevate you as well. You just need to give him a little pampering in return, kay?
B-tier. Most of his problems are, predictably, food related...
Beel really, REALLY tries but you are probably never going to have a meal on time (if there's somehow any food left at all).
It isn't that he won't cooking, arguably, he spends TOO much time cooking because he'll spend just as much time eating! Or running to the store because he ate the ingredients again...
Surprisingly, though, he's actually very good at cleaning and caring for another person. That's because it's what he does for Belphie. You think the seventhborn is picking up their room AT ALL? Don't kid yourself...
Probably a good time to point out that another downside (or perk??) of husband!Beel is you also get Belphie! But he's just as spoiled as ever so... Hopefully Beel's overwhelming amazingness will make up for that.
If you like Belphie and don't mind an empty cabinet, Beel is a good choice. If not, there are better options available, I promise.
D-tier. Shit househusband. Doesn't even try.
Won't clean, won't cook, won't shop, can't fix, can't budget, and don't even get me STARTED on the state of the sheets!!-
He is a decorative plant of a househusband. Meant only to make the room look nicer by his presence. I've seen dogs more capable and self-motivated to maintain a household than this man will ever be.
Should you somehow get him to exert the effort, he will whine and complain the entire time. And even then, he won't do much more than put some things away and order takeout.
The only upside to Belphie is that since he's always asleep, it's not like he's making the house any dirtier. Vacuuming around his unconscious ass is home life now. At least you probably get Beel too.
C-B tier. What he lacks in experience, he makes up for in enthusiasm.
So... he basically can't do anything but since he's never had to, you can cut him some slack. He loves the idea of TRYING though, so you have an eager student!
He finds cooking to be a fun challenge and he isn't terrible at it. Cleaning is a drag but he likes to see you happy. You'll have to teach anything laundry/clothes related, unfortunately, and sending him to the grocery store without a very detailed list may result in him buying an entire aisle if he doesn't know what to get.
At least he'll genuinely love to hear about your day and have the biggest smile and warmest greeting for you every time you come home. He's like a big'ol puppy, just thrilled with your existence!
(Honestly, if something has him stumped, he'll call for Barbatos to help. He'll try to hide it because he wants to show that he can do things himself, but at the end of the day your happiness wins over his pride. Now let the butler fix your plumbing.)
SS-tier. So good, it's literally not fair.
He's been caring for another person for centuries. He has every possible skill he would need permanently etched into his DNA. He is the Grand Master of Domestic Life that all others should strive for.
Meals are at perfect temperature by the time you sit at the table. The house is so spotless that you could eat off the broom closet. Anything that breaks gets fixed/replaced within the day. He even leaves words of encouragement in the little notes packed up with your lunch. You'll start to wonder if he's an angel who's infiltrated too deep....
Barbs also seems to have a sixth sense for whenever you've had a bad day. You come back dragging from exhaustion? You favorite meal is already cooked, the bath is ready to be drawn, and would you like a shoulder rub on top of that? Feel free to vent, he loves to listen to whatever stories you have to share!
There are only two downsides to Barbatos: the first is that you are absolutely sharing him still with Diavolo and the young master is his top concern. So sorry.
The second is that moment he gets even the hint that there may be a rat in the house, he'll nuke the place with all of your stuff still in it. So keep some traps out and keep'em fresh, yeah? You'll be fine.
S-tier. He even comes with pre-installed parenting skills! (If you're into that kind of thing).
Simeon may not have Barbs' "live to serve" mentality, but he is truly an angel to a fault. The man already acts as Den Mother of Purgatory Hall, so what would you expect?
He cooks well enough to own his own business and you can't run a business without being good with your cash. He probably has book royalties too... Plus, he cleans up after Solomon's messy ass in canon, so-
He's gonna be that husband you take to the office party and nobody will leave you alone about him for the next week. People are going to ask if he has a brother or some shit (give them Raph's number, I dare you)
Admittedly, home repair (especially of the electronics he's guaranteed to break) should probably go to someone else. Also, he is a package deal with Luke. That child is your unspoken son now, and you'll just have to deal with that.
Otherwise, he's trophy material. Marry him and carry him over that threshold! He's worth it, truly.
I've already ranted about Solomon here. But if you aren't aware, he's D-tier saved only by the fact that he's really trying his best.
800 year-old bachelor be like: "Oh, you're supposed to change those...? They don't smell that bad after a month."
"Of course those dishes are clean! Yes, I can see that there's still food on them, but I washed them with soap. That's what makes them clean."
"What do you mean, 'Don't set the table with beakers on date night?' Isn't this one your favorite??"
"Dinner's almost done, honey! Just let me finish clubbing this octopus!" 😁
Disaster husband. Just leave him to his delusions and get used to takeout...
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zhoufeis · 9 days
My news reported on the outfit Taylor Swift wore to the latest Chief win.
Side note: I live in Germany, rarely anyone here cares about American Football, I don't search for Taylor Swift news as I do not like her and I really don't think it is important to know what Taylor Swift is doing or where she is going to report on on the daily news when there's a genocide going on in Palestine, people drowning in Czech, Austria, Poland and Germany, and an explosion happening in one of our big cities this morning. But here we are, with me knowing that the Chiefs are a team featuring Travis Kelce who has won the second match this season, although it first looked like they were going to lose. Mind you, my phone gives me updates on American Football matches, only on the Chiefs games though. Despite me never having watched a game in my entire life. I tend to wonder how her fans would like to explain the overexposure...
Back to the point I was going to make. The outfit she wore apparently cost 5,100 euros (that's around 5,700 dollars), another very important thing to know. I just came here to drop this as a reminder why "eat the rich" is a beautiful statement. Do you know how many people could be given food to with this money that this billionaire wore on her body to a fucking Football game? Eat the rich, eat their clothes, eat their shoes, eat their hair, eat their skins. They are living in luxury and exaggeration, in bliss and happiness of expensive clothes and good skin, uncaring for the poor. She isn't a feminist, she isn't an advocate for LGBTQ+ rights or for non-white people. She is a capitalist doll, a mere player in a pre-determined game of Monopoly cause she owns the money of the bank. And for everyone who says she is just a woman with feelings behind her whole stardom - there comes a point when people have so much money and power in the world that it doesn't matter anymore who they are as individuals. They don't become part of the problem, they become the problem. She is there, she's been there for long. And she has the fucking power to decide who is going to be the next president - that isn't stanworthy, kind artist with feelings, that's goddamn dangerous. I don't care about who she has ever been, she's a dangerous woman to the world out there cause she holds power over things she shouldn't.
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gojos-thot-patrol · 2 years
🌶️ nsfw HCs for jjk men 🥵 general sexy times~ what are they like in bed?
Now Presenting...
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Starring Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Kento Nanami, and Ryomen Sukuna.
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Sugru Geto
Cigarettes and feelings keep me Laughing when everything is all fucked up
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He sees himself as dirty and ruined and he needs to see that in you too. 
His loves how you look when you’re choking on his cock
He loves it so much he’s gonna take a picture! He’s big on recording you in your most vulnerable moments
Mirror on the ceiling so you can watch him fuck you stupid
I hope you have a degradation kink cause he's going to call you his stupid fucking whore
But hey! At least you’re his stupid fucking whore!
He needs to push your limits. He needs to see how far you’re willing to go for him, and what you're willing to do to get his praise.
Unlike in your daily life, his praise is rare in the bedroom. That’s what makes it so intoxicating when he finally does give it out. You’re still going to have to work for it though.
CONTROVERSIAL TAKE: he hates to be called daddy. Call him literally anything else, but the moment you say “Daddy” he’s over it
Now Sir on the other hand? Sir will always make him act up, use it strategically, lest you get pounded in a dirty bathroom.
He gives me the vibes of someone that would convince you to drop ex or acid then fuck him for a “religious experience.”
IDK maybe that's just me seeing the cult leader in him.
All of that being said, I also think Suguru has mastered the art of aftercare
During the act he’s a monster, but after? Nothing but praise and love. He’s worshiping your body while cleaning you up, cuddling with you for as long as you’ll let him. 
You need water? He’s getting it. You want a bath? Say no more he’s running it for you.
He never wants you to think he’s just using you for your body.
Even if he is.
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Satoru Gojo
Set my alarm, turn on my charm That's because I'm a good old-fashioned loverboy
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My most controversial Gojo take is that he’s actually not all that experienced
This man has spent his entire life either as a child or raising a child he didn’t have a lot of time for romance.
Not only that, but having sex with someone is an inherently vulnerable position to put yourself in. Man’s got too many enemies for that.
BUT that does not mean that he isn't willing to learn for you!
Gojo is above all else adaptable, and his main goal in the bedroom is to get you off. He’s willing to do whatever you need. 
Honestly, that’s probably his kink. Overstimulation. He wants to make you feel so good you're delirious, he wants to make you cum so hard you forget anything other than his name. 
He is the king of oral. It’s his favorite thing, eating you out through multiple orgrasam until his face is soaked in you. And he’s good at it too. He knows exactly how to make you  melt under him.
His dick isn’t thick, but it is long, and weirdly pretty for a cock. He also uses a ring light to take dick pics. Tell me he doesn’t, you can’t.
He’s also very vocal. He likes when you're loud, it’s how he knows he’s doing something right. So, he’s pretty vocal as well, wanting to let you know just how amazing you make him feel
when he's not telling you about how good you feel, he's kissing you. He LOVES kissing you, its like a drug to him.
Gojo struggles a lot with the feeling that people don’t really like him, so he has a praise kink. On both the giving AND receiving end
I also feel like he’s really into lingerie, and has no problems dropping a paycheck on a new set for you. 
Definition of “There’s a difference between fucking someone and making love.”
God, I hate that phrase but I'm genuinely not sure how else to get my point across lmao
When ya’ll are just fucking, he tries to play the part of a big tough dom, dirty talk galore, overstimulation to the point of tears, the man is a beast.
But in your quiet moments, when you’re, for lack of a better word, making love, there’s a 63% chance he's going to cry.
He gets overwhelmed by his love for you, and the realization that you love him for him, 6 eyes or not. It gets to him. 
And the best part? He’s not even embarrassed by it, because you don’t shame him for it. He’s truly safe with you
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Kento Nanami
Hey pretty baby can you feel that heat? You got me twitchin to the edge of my seat
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Dare I say daddy kink?
I do, I do dare. Nanami knows the type of person he attracts (riddled with daddy issues) and has decided to play into it. 
I feel like Nanami never loses his composure, even in the bedroom. He could be giving you the ride of your LIFE while calmly explaining the stock market to you. It’s part of why teacher Nanami is so appealing to me I’M SORRY-
“Are you paying attention? This is going to be on the test.”
He says as he's skullfucking you into oblivion 
Despite his calm composure, he's big on dirty talk…mostly as a way to ask for consent and gauge how you’re doing at the moment. He’s still Nanami
“You like that Princess?” “Beg for me.” “Tell me what you want,” All phrases that pop up commonly in your bedroom
He’s a panty snatcher, there I said it. He’s taking your panties with him when he leaves your place. You can get them back the next time you two get together. 
He is prone to taking out his frustration on you in the bedroom when he’s had a bad day.
Not that you're complaining, nothing like his thick cock splitting you open after a rough day, amiright?
Public sex. Nanami loves covertly fucking you, in various ways, and watching you try to keep your composure. Be it him finger fucking you under the table, or reminding you that you have guests downstairs while he rails you in your bedroom, he likes to test your volume control.
In a similar vein, phone sex! He’s away on “Business” a lot, so late nights on the phone with you are basically a necessity for him. 
M A R K I N G. You think it’s  childish? He doesn’t fucking care he needs EVERYON to know you’re together
Hickies everywhere, dark ones that don’t budge for days, even weeks
Brat tamer. No, I won't explain, look at him. 
He’s probably the best dom, even if he is a softer dom. He's going to discuss your hard and soft limits, safe word, and discuss the red yellow green system. Your comfort and safety is his number one priority. 
Going hand in hand with that, Nanami has mastered the art of aftercare. Anything you need, he’s got, anything you need him to do, he’s doing. He’s showering you in words of affirmation while trying to rehydrate you.
Also He’s cuddly. He wants you to fall asleep resting on his chest while he traces lazy patterns in your back. It’s his ideal way to go to sleep.
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Ryomen Sukuna
My whole existence is flawed You get me closer to God
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BESTIE idk how many different ways I can tell you not to go near this man, but let's find out
For one, he’s incredibly selfish, prioritizing his pleasure over yours every time. 
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t at least try to get you off though. Nay nay, getting you off is a part of his pleasure. Because it strokes his ego. 
Daycraphillia. Be it from pleasure or pain, he loves to see your tear soaked face.
This man is PACKING btw. It hurts at first everytime no matter how ready you are for him. The king of curses has the dick to back up all the shit he talks, you can’t convince me otherwise
He’s got four hands and he’s gonna use them all. Fingers in your pussy, on your tits, in your mouth, in on your ass. You're going to feel like you’re drowning in him.
Degradation. You're a filthy little whore, the only thing you’re good for is being a hole for him to fuck.
Does he actually mean this? I mean…shit, maybe! Depends on where you’re at in the relationship honestly. 
He will summon mouths in random places when fucking you. On his palms, above his cock, anywhere. Be prepared to feel a random tongue in random places.
…..breeding kink.
Honestly, I don’t think he’s proud of it. But something in him wants to fuck an heir into more than he wants to breath.
Also, blood and marking kink. These go hand in hand as far as he’s concerned. He will bite you until you bleed with no issue. 
He may not truly love you yet but the moment he stuck his dick in you, you became his. Which means no other man can touch you. Hence why he clearly marks you as his.
Aftercare who? He doesn’t know her, you’re lucky if he doesn’t immediately kick you out of the bed when he’s done. 
The exception being if you somehow managed to rope him into a “real” relationship. I still don’t think he’d be an aftercare king or anything, but he would at least cuddle with you until you passed out. 
Sukuna likes to find your limits, and then push you past them. He needs to see how far you’re willing to go for him, even if that breaks you.
God, this mf is so toxic. Why do I love him?
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drdemonprince · 3 months
Heyyo - autist here who’s still figuring out my physical and emotional needs. I use weed every day, and part of me has shame around this (as I am a “professional” and supposedly it’s “bad for you”, and it costs money) and the other part of me says “fuck it, there’s no moral value in not using drugs and you should do what you need to”. I guess I’m wondering what perspectives you can offer on this. I’m ruminating on it a bit lately and need some outside people to share their thoughts to get me out of that cycle. Thnx
I find that I am a lot more in tune with my bodily sensations and emotions when I am high, and that I find it easier to enjoy things and to chat amiably with random people when I'm high too. It makes life easier and more pleasant to such an extent that I wonder if I ought to smoke weed daily to medicate all my Problems and Difficulties and general irritation at of most aspects of existence. But then I don't. Because I get freaked out by the brain foggy weed hangover that drifts into the next day, and I assume that it will be bad for my writing to be high, and perhaps most of all, because I am terrified of building up a really high weed tolerance and then needing to use a ton to feel anything, or to even return to a baseline.
A couple years back I tried out vaping almost nightly for a few months, and it definitely reached a point where simply *not* being high felt like being anxious, it seemed, so I decided pretty quickly to reduce my weed intake. I don't like NEEDING any substance to function or to just feel okay. so for now I keep it to the weekends. I often think of using weed more often than that, and kind of want to, but i don't.
The research on chronic long-term weed use is quite encouraging! There are no cognitive or motivational downsides to using weed every day, or even multiple times per day. Conversely, there are many emotional and psychological benefits. @testdevice and I discussed the latest scientific research on the subject at length here:
There's really only one rub to the study's findings: people who use weed multiple times per day have a baseline lower mood than people who use weed frequently, but not quite that often. NOW THIS IS NOT A CAUSAL RELATIONSHIP. Chronic heavy weed use is not CAUSING people to be more depressed -- it simply seems to be the case that people who are chronically depressed are reaching more frequently for weed to cope with it.
The study shows weed use does raise mood including for members of that group, so there really is no serious drawback to using marijuana here!
But It does align with a finding that I've made in my personal life: the moments when I want to use weed the most frequently are when something in my life is completely out of wack. When I'm super overworked and stressed out, the temptation is to use weed as a way to down-regulate my anxiety, but what actually works far better for me is taking actual steps to reduce stress in my life. I COULD use weed for depression or for failing to find life activities enjoyable, and it works, but it's also worth asking myself which aspects of my life need to change so that I can feel less depressed and get through the day feeling okay. negative emotions are a signal that something in life is going wrong and needs to be fixed, and I do not want to ignore that alarm system.
Those are just some things to think about. Personally, I think that if you have some ability to make choices in your life that can improve your general circumstances, it's better to do that than to use weed to make a life that sucks a little more tolerable. But if daily weed use is helping make your life better or less hard, the weed itself is not the problem!
Lots of people determine that daily weed use has considerable benefits for them with relatively few costs. For me, using a couple times per week is what hits that sweet spot. but ymmv.
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Lol headcanons for Douma and Akaza pregnant demon wives being besties? Like Akaza hated Douma but the wives are like best friends and often go get tea? Like headcanons
The idea of Akaza sat (absolutely fuming) watching his wife having fun with Doma's - both of you laughing and drinking tea like no ones business - all the while, Doma's sat next to him yapping away, genuinely makes me giggle.
Akaza sat there with a face of thunder while Doma's all smiles (≧▽≦) and the wives sat enjoying themselves
Also for those who haven't read the headcanons about the pregnant S/O's both can be found on my masterlist but for ease I've linked them HERE (akaza) and HERE (doma) and while you don't have to technically read them to read this set of headcanons, please give them a read if you want!
I'll be starting with Akaza's reaction first and end on Doma's (^ω^.)
P.S I will be adding more stuff to this later but where i am is currently going through a heat wave and its causing me to melt (T^T) so i'm not running at full capacity
Doma and Akaza's pregnant S/O's being friends - Headcanons:
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While Akaza's happy for you (his wife) to have a friend - especially someone who understands on a physical and mental level what its' like being pregnant and is going through the same experiences you are (even if they do differ slightly) - he's just not happy that it's doma he has to hang around with on occasion...
Now, Doma's wife is lovely so Akaza has no problem with her - always respectable towards her (as usually) and she's always a delight to talk too
Plus she's your best friend so it's safe to say that Akaza's always welcoming with her
It's just Doma he has a problem with....
More so than usual..
Always having to tag along when his wife comes over for one of your daily catch-ups especially the further along the both of you are with the pregnancy...
And while akaza understands the need and want to be near his spouse, it had to be fucking doma that was your friends spouse
Your best friend (absolutely lovely) and Doma (her husband) is a combo he hates
Genuinely when its one of your tea "party" meet-ups, Akaza wants to pull his hair out and break Doma's face because he just doesn't shut up - like, at all - once he starts talking
You'd have thought he'd have built up a tolerance for Doma earlier - especially with upper moon meetings and all - but surprisingly he hadn't until now
75/100 Akaza's in protective husband mode
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Greatly amused and very happy!
Happy that you - his pregnant wife - have a friend who's going through the same labor of growing a life form inside of you AND it being Akaza's kind wife
Honestly Doma didn't really care who your friends (and their spouses) were until hearing its your bestie and her husband Akaza
The it became a whole other ball game
A game which he absolutely makes the most out of it
Did try to butter-up your bestie to get info on Akaza (for blackmail) but all that happened was they became friends too - Now those two are the one's with all the gossip.... A scarily large amount of gossip...
You see his eyes light up with glee whenever a friend date's been organised cause he knows that Akaza's gonna be there with your friend - at least he's out of your hair for an hour or two even if poor Akaza's the one he's now annoying
God forbid you start making plans in front of him with your bestie
Much like an excited puppy he sits there patiently, listening, waiting for the time to strike to slip in a simple, "Oh why don't you just stay for dinner? Possibly even the night?" - you'd be surprised how many times he's suggested this
There's a 50/50 that he goes off to bother Akaza, ends up in a fight and gets being brought home by your bestie (and akaza) just because you haven't seen her in awhile (and he wanted to bother akaza..)
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hero-israel · 10 months
Perhaps it's selfish of me, but as a non-Jewish person I really hate how the I/P conflict has invaded fandom spaces the past two months. People have been calling out celebrities left and right for so much as daring to express sympathy for the Israeli victims. I'll be going through a blog, after three fandom posts there will be a post like 'calling death to all (zionists)'. Insane conspiracy theories get thousands of notes (black friday??? spotify wrapped??? are they aware that the world does not revolve around america).
I wouldn't even be upset if it was posts passing around the links to donate aid or if it gave info on the statistics. Instead it's like suddenly everybody is an expert in Israeli history, suddenly their eyes have opened to the evil of the zionists, and suddenly they're all 'yaaaasss revolution kill the oppressor'.
All of these make me so angry because it's all fucking performative. Do they care about the earthquakes that have happened in the past two months? Do they care about the conflicts going on in other Middle-Eastern countries, some which have been going on for years? Do they care about the Palestinians being treated as second-class citizens in these countries?
'But they're not America's concern', well then neither is the I/P conflict. These people have zero connection to the conflict. Nothing they do or say will make the problem *disappear*. Yet they engage in useless 'activism' by harassing 'zionist'(mostly who are Jewish) blogs and sending them death threats.
It's horrible. Blogs which did not give two shits about Palestine before are suddenly cheering for Israeli deaths. Folks who have never opened a history textbook are using words like genocide and apartheid without knowing what they mean, and are doing blatant historical revisionism that even I, a person who has never lived on those lands, know is a lie (like Jews and Muslims apparently lived in harmony before the Europeans attacked??? Just say you don't know about religious conflicts that don't involve Christianity.).
I know I can curate my experiences, but it has been really disheartening to see so many otherwise rational people call out for blood everywhere on Tumblr. I can't even begin to fathom how much it has affected the people who are directly involved.
It feels useless to hope, but I genuinely wish there will be a day when people put all this effort in establishing peace rather than harassing random strangers.
We are at a terrible intersection. 20+ years of fake "joined struggle" newspeak has been absorbed by a rising generation that sees only despair in their socioeconomic and environmental future. It is all too easy for them to see their problems as unsolvable and inescapable - and also for those problems to be caused by Jews. What does one do when certain that their life is ruined, that it is the Jews' fault (bc "shared struggle"), and that voting is pointless? They will curate their daily life to attack and exclude Jews - in any space they can influence, including their fan blogs. It will feel like a counterattack - like punching up. As usual.
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nonaltercdd · 3 months
It’s so embarrassing to have dissociative amnesia.
We failed tests back in high school because of covert switching and splitting. We got yelled at by people offering to help us study who couldn’t wrap their head around the fact that we obviously couldn’t control our amnesia. We were told to “just learn it, then.” We forget how to do basic things we’ve done a million times before, things we were doing without any trouble seconds before switching. We forget about events. We forget the names and faces of loved ones. It’s fucking misery and I’m sick of people treating it like it’s a negligible symptom that doesn’t cause disruption and despair.
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I 100% agree that amnesia can be so embarasing
People always think amnesia is a black and white thing, normally people will associate amnesia to old age and therefore when you show symptoms of having amnesia it can be very embarrassing, not only because of the situations you end up but people talking about you and making a perspective of you like bad just because something you didn't choose
Problems like this can be so debilitating for someone and cause disruption in daily life more often than people give credit for. The amount of times I forgot how to tie my shoes is unbelievable for me and many people who know me, and like this forgetting a "basic" skill and ability can happen at any time and it's pretty fucked up
Amnesia brings out a lot for problems for someone with CDD and makes the adaptive skill of life so difficult, people normally say that amnesia isn't that big of a deal in the CDDs, but it really is...
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jrooc · 3 months
✨Weekly Tag Wednesday✨
Thanks @energievie for the amazing and random questions (and tag) this week. And thanks @suzy-queued @mybrainismelted for the tags!
Name: Jess
Age: A Nosho and a half
Location: Toronto, 🇨🇦
And now...
What is your DJ name? Having had no idea wtf to answer here I turned to the always faithful internet quiz. So I present: DJ BoomKitty 😅 yikes...
If you were a genre of music, what would it be? Folk/alternative with the occasional pop indie jam
What would you title your biography? "Good Fucking Grief, Why?"
What are the first three things you'd do if you were invisible? Maybe sneak on a plane to somewhere tropical and live out my days on a beach switching between empty hotel rooms and lounging by a pool
What subject do you wish was taught in every school? Useful math like taxes. Social relationships. Dealing with anxiety.
When was the last time you tried something for the first time and what was it? Ummmm.... I've had to start gardening for the first time this spring and it takes a forever and I'm afraid to kill everything. Also weeds are horrible.
What is the most underrated city you have ever visited? Ferrara, Italy. So cute. When I was there (a decade ago) all the residents went into the square on Friday night and shop and have drinks.
What day in your life would you like to relive? A day cycling with my Dad
If you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be and why? Cleaning the house. Blech.
How long would you last in a zombie apocalypse? 91 days. Exactly. 'Cause I'm blind as a motherfucka and I'd have that 90 day contact pack and then I'd be totally fucked. You know those glasses are gonna get stepped on immediately. Yes ... I have thought about this a lot. Almost legally blind problems.
What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable? So many. Other habitable planets? Regenerable healthy food that doesn't taste bad. Easy space flight. Brain broken... too many things.. 🫠
If you could have any view out your office window, what would you choose? I want to say the ocean maybe? But also a garden with a bunch of cats in it would be pretty cool
tagging or just waving hi to:
@roryonic @spookygingerr @gallapiech @creepkinginc @ian-galagher
@blue-disco-lights @heymacy @deedala @michellemisfit @transmickey
@stocious @transmurderbug @transsexual-dandelions @mickittotheman @astaraels
@crestfallercanyon @solitarycreaturesthey @mickeysgaymom @gallavichsuperfan @palepinkgoat
@ms-moonlight-inn @rayrayor @guinguin1984 @sgtmickeyslaughter @bellezabelize
@look-i-love-u @callivich @lee-ow @vintagelacerosette @rereadanon @ardent-fox
@krysmiss @wehangout @iandarling @iansw0rld @sandrashaine
@especially-fuk-u @doshiart @i-think-you-mean-reduction @tv-obssessions
@mickeym4ndy @darlingian and anyone else seeing this! Yes, you!
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wickedcoeur · 3 months
i see so many contet of remus being maddly in love with sirius before sirius even realizing he's queer i need the opposite. like, sirius coming to hogwarts and the first thing he does is to realize he'se queer as fuck, and immediately falling for he's friend, meanwhille remus is so preoccupied with the werewolf thing that he doesn't really care about anyone around him besides the fact the they might discover his secret. and not really noticing sirius as a love interesting until long after sirius is all over heels with him.
and the potencial angst??? the fanon is that remus feel first but didin't persued nothing w sirius bc he thought sirius might not like him bc he's a werewol and general lack of self-esteem. but sirius falling first and having all types of crises caused by his family bigotry's and values, him finally accepting he's queer and coming out to his friends after he runs from home, THAT being remus's wake up call that queer people exits and he starting to questioning himself - he was, after all, extremely isolated by his dad, so he had no contact w outed queer people, not mentioning the fact that he was so afraid to get involved w anybody bc of his "fury problem" that beign in a romantic relationship never even crossed his mind, the marauders almost gave him a heart attack in the daily basis for him to consider to get close w other people, thank you very much.
remus then starts to notice sirius more, be for the queer representation or for he (FINALLY) realizing how he's very pretty. meanwhille, sirius had gave up the hope for remus liking him back after the prank, and goes living his life being free and exploring his sexuality (healthly, we stan health representation of queer youth in this blog), but never getting over his crush on remus, and also helping remus figure out his own sexuality.
when remus finally gets the nerve to ask sirius on a date he's suprise by the reaction from the other boy (he almost faint and immediately starts to cry bc he's pining over remus for so long, poor boy) anyway, they start to date and live happy ever after bc i hate cannon and want my boys to be safe and happy
authors, please do the god's work, thanks <3<3
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
Personally as someone who experiences much more daily suffering than the average person I am deeply uncomfortable with the mere idea of "eliminating suffering" because it treats "positive" experiences like love and joy and happiness as more meaningful. In my experience this is done pretty much exclusively to the detriment of people like me.
Because by acting like suffering inherently decreases the value of someone's life you are implying that lives like mine aren't worth living. And maybe it's just me but I take offense to that! Sure my life isn't perfect and there are a lot of things I wish I didnt have to deal with but this life is mine and I'll be damned if I let other people tell me it's not good enough!
Humans weren't designed to exclusively experience pleasant things. Suffering is part of being alive! And I would not trade that for anything!
Ultimately its a facet of toxic positivity, and it makes me very very nervous. Because the people who are suffering the most always seem to be the ones thrown to the wayside for fancy little hypothetical "innovations" like this. Getting rid of suffering is quite likely impossible but that doesn't mean the people backing the idea won't just put on some horse blinders and pretend they don't see the people who would prove it didn't work.
I was about 12 years old the first time somebody told me I was too depressed to be around and it was catastrophic for my mental health. I just don't think that applying that on a worldwide scale is exactly revolutionary ya know?
The ultimate manifestation of this idea is in anti-natalism (people who think it's actively bad and wrong to have children) and people who believe in this idea are often actively pro-eugenics and just...anti-human.
"eliminate suffering" inevitably ends up at calling for extinction of all life, or at least extinction of human life, and there are people out there who think we should go extinct!...and I think we need to be firmer about calling this extremist and harmful, instead of treating it as a philosophical position to be considered seriously
like, even if voluntary human extinction just involved humans choosing not to reproduce, it's still going to fuck you up to go around looking at other humans and believing that it's bad that they're alive. yes, "existence is bad" I guess is one of the basic possible options to come to when asking questions about life and meaning, and I see how people start feeling like there is a "pro-natalist agenda" or some shit because it's something we don't really talk about.
but...believing that a universal genocide would be a good thing isn't that different from believing a genocide of one specific group would be a good thing.
And "no one should reproduce" is not really any better than "everyone should reproduce," because both violate the basic principle that other people reproducing is none of your damn business.
I am generally really uncomfortable with how so many environmentalism and climate change mitigation proposals focus on human population growth as a main cause of climate change.
There's no real evidential basis for the numbers that get cited as the ideal population for Earth, like supposedly 2-4 billion is the max the Earth can support if everyone lives a "comfortable middle class lifestyle"—What The Fuck Does That Mean? Where does it come from? Is it something we actually need or want? The vast majority of humans on Earth aren't living a "middle class lifestyle."
I want to see breakdowns of complex simulations explaining how much biomass the Earth can actually support, instead of arbitrary bullshit like that.
But from everything I've read, producing enough food for the world population is not even remotely a problem. Capitalism is the problem. Huge companies controlling the food supply and keeping the countries that produce food in poverty is the problem. Technological solutions are important but they will not fix the current problems, just like Eli Whitney's cotton gin didn't eliminate slavery.
Everyone assumes that the system is working as efficiently as it possibly can to meet the material needs of people, and that is so terribly wrong.
Anyway much of that was off topic but yeah, I'm not a fan of this line of thought and where it leads
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classicintp · 2 months
This advice isn't going to be for everyone, so consider it and decide for yourself. I just want to say that, you know, there may not be a profound reason you're alive. Your life may never culminate to some grand conclusion that justifies your pain, that makes your suffering worth it to you. I mean, it very much well might, but it may not.
A lot of people find a purpose in their life and they pursue to fulfill that purpose with all of their determination for all of their lives. Sometimes they regret spending their life single-focused, sometimes they die happy.
A lot of us instead have not found that purpose. Maybe we never will. Some of us are happy to not feel bound to a purpose, others of us struggle so hard to figure out why we're here, especially during a life of suffering. I won't be the judge of whether your suffering is for a reason, if your life has an unrevealed purpose that your pain is required to fulfill.
When we become so desperate to make sense of the constant daily struggle whether it's physical pain, emotional turmoil, mental illness, financial woes, and so many more problems, we tend to ask in that desperation.. Why are we here then? Why are you alive?
You're alive because you are. Full stop. That's the start and the end of it. Maybe it was just random, or maybe your story has been written and destiny waits to guide you, I don't know and I don't pretend to know, but what is true is you are alive, and you can understand these words. That is more than good enough.
Make your own purpose. In my desperation I chose to define what makes a life worth living, I chose to modify hedonism to meet my values. To seek pleasure and to indulge in the senses all the way up to before it causes harm to others, up to before it knowingly causes my life to shorten, up to before it causes temporary or permanent pain or discomfort in the future. If I'm going to be alive then I'm going to feel as good as I can for as long as I can. I changed my views on sex, on art, on food, on money, on addiction, on everything that prevented me from fulfilling my chosen purpose. And how I chose to live my life isn't going to work for everyone, it doesn't have to.
You could choose to resist because fuck them, whatever that's supposed to mean. You could choose to create despite the destruction you experience. You could choose to learn. You could choose to entertain. You can choose to do multiple of these things.
And if you need just one more reason to choose your purpose, to fill up yourself what you perceive as a void left to you by fate, then do it out of spite.
If you didn't have a reason before, then you have a reason now. You're alive because you are, so get to it.
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eclecticqueennerd · 1 year
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Y/N Ending
Staring at Homelander’s corpse, breathing ragged, you felt a hand touch your shoulder. You turn around and see Butcher standing next to you. How is this possible? Homelander beat him within an inch of his life, at the very least he should be comatose. You see the rolled-up sleeve and track marks.
“Come on, let’s leave before others find out what happened.” Butcher goes to grab your hand and you snatch them away.
“I’m not going anywhere with you.”
“Y/n I aint fuckin around. You just dusted Vought’s pride and joy and they’re gonna be lookin for ya. We need to leave while we can.”
“I’m not going anywhere with a liar!”
“Your arm.” Butcher looks down, “You just shot up Temp-V after you promised you wouldn’t. How can I trust you if you can’t even keep your promises?”
“What else was I supposed to do y/n I was dying! We can talk about this later.”
“We’re not talking about anything later. Bye Butcher.” You begin to walk away from Butcher but then he grabs your arm.
“You don’t get to walk away from me.”
“Is there a problem here?” Ben now at your side. You step away from both men, Butchers eyes narrow.
“Mind your fucking business you supe cunt.”
“Anything with y/n is my business. How many times do I have to remind you, she’s, my girl.”
“She aint your girl she’s mine.”
“I’m no one’s girl!” The two men break the stare off and look at you. “This whole time I’ve been helping you fight Vought and fight Payback; I never got a chance to be what it’s like to be by myself. I never got to grieve for my poor husband.” You start crying. Butcher reaches out for you. “No! Don’t touch me. I’m done with this superhero shit.” You leave before the two of them get a chance to change your mind.
You find out that Grace was in the hospital, and you rushed to be by her side. Homelander never killed her but the attack left her paralyzed. In hopes to repay her for all her kindness, you become her caretaker. You helped her with daily activities, bathing, dressing, cooking, and cleaning.
“You know y/n you don’t have to do this.” Grace would always tell you in the beginning.
“I know I don’t have to do it; I want to. I want to repay all the kindness you showed me.” Grace helped you find a therapist to work out the shit you went through and how to develop copeing skills for when your PTSD arose its ugly head. Winding down one evening, the two of you were sitting in the living room watching the news when you got a strong urge to vomit. You ran to the bathroom did so. Confused, you walked back to the living room and Grace gave you a look.
“You, okay?”
“Yeah, something must not have agreed with my stomach, I just puked.” Graces attention fell back towards the tv.
The following morning, you felt like garbage. You made multiple trips to the bathroom, either to vomit or dry heave. You also noticed that your breasts were more tender than they have been, which isn’t normal. Weird…
“Y/n, have you thought about taking a pregnancy test?” Grace asked once you sat down at the breakfast table with a glass of tepid water.
“I don’t see the point in that, I can’t get pregnant after getting my tubes tied.”
“Theres always a small chance of getting pregnant y/n, the doctor explained that when you were still drugged, which I think he should’ve waited. Did you use protection when you shacked up with Butcher?” Oh shit. You made a doctor’s appointment.
“I’m afraid Grace is right y/n, test results came back positive, we tested both your blood and urine. We can perform an ultrasound to determine how far along you are, but basing off your symptoms and the timeline you gave us, we estimate you at approximately 6-8 weeks. We also feel like with your accelerated healing powers, it caused the tubes to grow back together. If it weren’t for you having the abilities you have, the surgery may have been more successful.”
Your heart sank into your stomach. You can’t be pregnant, it wasn’t possible. Reading your expression, the doctor adds,
“We can arrange for… a procedure to take place in a few days’ time if you didn’t want to keep it.” Several minutes of silence befell the room as you mulled over your thoughts.
“I’ll keep it.”
Grace’s family heard what happened to her and they arrived at her home to care for her. Even though Grace wanted you to stay, you felt unwelcome by her family. You decided to find an apartment in the city. Packing up the final boxes into the van, you give Grace a hug and bid farewell.
“Make sure you call me when you get there. Send me your schedule for your appointments and I’ll be there for you.”
“Thanks Grace.”
*Third trimester*
Arriving back to your apartment after a long day of being on your feet, you notice a small daisy on your doormat. This event occurred the same day every week since you moved back to the city. You always look around the hallway to see any figures and like usual, no one. You pick up the flower and make your way into the apartment and set it on the counter. Then, strong contractions began in your abdomen and lower back, water trickled down your legs. You pull out your phone,
“Grace, It’s time.”
*4 years later*
You moved to a small town just outside the city. The apartment complex wasn’t awful, it was close enough for you to make the trip into the city but far enough from all the stressors of city life. What prompted the move was the weekly flower delivery made you feel uneasy and watched. You and your daughter, who you named Lyla, always went out for ice cream on Wednesdays at the mom-and-pop ice cream parlor. Walking up to the second floor of the apartment building ice creams in hand, you reach your door and unlock it. The two of you enter the apartment and while you kicked off your shoes, you noticed a familiar pair of boots. Before you could react,
“Mommy? Who’s that?” you look up to where your daughter was pointing. There standing in front of you, was the man you left all those years ago in Vought’s lab. He still looked the same, beard maintained, brown hair a little longer now, his tall frame still holds the same confidence, face appeared more weathered than before.
“Hey.” He spoke. Lyla must’ve noticed the look on your face. She began tugging at your sleeve, showing her nerves. You break eye contact with him and look at your daughter, who serves as the daily reminder of the steamy nights you shared with the man in front of you.
“It’s okay honey. That’s your daddy.”
The end
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puppetwoman17 · 10 months
Very tempted to write a Spectacular Spider-Man(cartoon) fanfiction taking place during Across The Spider-verse.
Most events are largely the same, but instead of traveling to 42, Miles is running around different earths. He ends up on the earth where TSSM takes place( don’t know the number, so I’ll just call it Earth tssm). The spiders have been dispatched to look for him, and some have been told to keep watch over their own earths for him.
On TSSM Peter’s end, he’s been in the society for about a year after the s2 finale, making him halfway to 17 in my fic. After all the shit he’s been through, he distances himself from everyone else, save for Captain Stacy and the Daily Bugle’s Foswell, (er, “Patches”), who are the only people who know(or have an inkling) that he’s Spider-Man.
He also tends to spend more time on Society work, limiting his time in his own earth. While this causes problems for his aunt and school, you can see this really take shape with New York. Especially the villains. People from Electro to Tombstone to fucking Silvio Manfredi notice that Spidey’s been showing up less and less, even disappearing for weeks on end. He rarely works with the cops anymore, and the battles have started to become less quippy than usual.
Needless to say, the villains are both scared, and pissed. Scared because if Spidey’s quiet, then shit’s serious. Pissed because they’re needy bastards who feel ignored.
Thus begins a manhunt for Spider-Man, from none other than the people he fights every day. Turf wars between the Six, Manfredis, and Big Man are put on hold for this one instance, all in favor of finding the wallcrawler and getting answers out of him(also cause they’re actually kinda worried about him, like, it’s SPIDER-MAN).
I’m thinking of getting the Lizard involved, maybe changing some things to make it so the Connors family knows Peter is Spider-Man because he came to them after he got bit and tested out his powers with their help. Connors can still turn when his emotions get the better of him, but he’s on the good side now. Through the undernet, he finds out something’s wrong with Peter and is like: why didn’t the kid call me when something went wrong? So he comes back to add more fuel to the fire.
Speak of the devil: Spidey returns from another awful—I mean, UPLIFTING week over at SS HQ. He’s tired, Miguel is his usual annoyingly loud self, and Miles is still not found. Even worse, it’s been found that Miles is in HIS earth, so it’s HIS responsibility to bring him back. Great.
You can imagine how hard it is to get back into a normal routine(for like a couple days at least). His aunt keeps asking where he’s been, his classmates think he’s a drug addict, his villains are starting to pry into his private life too much(which is kinda nice to know that they’re worried about him, but it tends to border on obsessive sometimes), and the other Spiders are getting antsy. Especially Miguel. Very much so Miguel. All the while, Peter deals with his own issues on the Canon. The good and the bad. The relief of finding out that his trials and losses are set in stone and not his fault, and the anguish that he could’ve been Miles, desperate to save Uncle Ben now that he knew what would happen.
All the while the villains of New York are trying to gauge why so many spider-like vigilantes are entering THEIR hero—ahem—nemesis’s turf and why he always returns to the city with bruises despite no one seeing him prior.
Trying to come up with a title is hard tho. Stuck between:
The Spider Society: Spectacular’s Story
Converge on The Spectacular Spider-Man
Now that I’ve written it down, there’s a lot going on here. I’m hoping to maybe start on this when I complete my other fic. No promises, but I’m interested.
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You’re in love with senator Heyward,so you decide to create a love potion to make him fall in love with you but he doesn’t need it to fall in love with you….
The boy is mine au 🖤🎀🐈‍⬛
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You were in your New York apartment,you just finished making the Pope Heyward Love potion,a bright pink sparkly potion for the love of your life.
Pope Heyward was the newly elected mayor and you were just a little tiny bit obsessed with this beautiful shy man.You’ve heard so much about him and lately you’ve add trouble focusing on anything other than daydreaming about him.But he was also know to never date anyone,you heard that he said that he would never fall in love.You attended to change that and to spend the rest of your life with him.But without a love potion,there is no way he would love you…
As you sat down to look at your love potion,you heard the tv reporters,Monica and Brandy say : "Newly elected Mayor Pope Heyward is set…"which made you gasp and turn to the small black tv,"to address the media any moment now for a press conference".Since they were talking about your futur man,you turned the sound up.
" Yes,is there any idea what that might be about ?" Monica asked.
"Well,with the laundry list of problems the city faces on the daily it’s anyone game." Brandy responded.
"You know,I would agree he did run a fantastic campaign based around bringing immediate change to the city.",Monica followed.
"Well,here’s his chance to put his money where his mouth is." Brandy said looking right at the camera.
Then suddenly,the gorgeous Mayor Heyward appeared on your tv.
"Thank you,good evening…I’ve arranged this press conference after..thorough deliberation with our city council and various other agencies to address a great and insidious threat to the sanctity of our beloved city…that is our rat infestation."
"Fuck those rats",you said instantly to support your man.
"As you know,the rats have plagued the city for too long spreading disease,terrorizing homes,destroying power grids and other infrastructure bringing many of our essential workers to their brink…So i have created a specialized committee with our city’s animal control,our team has been hard at work on the ground we have gathered the city’s overflow of stray cats and we will release them hungry into the streets to combat this problem at its source.",at the end of his sentence,Pope leaned back to stand tall.
"That’s fucking brilliant",you said admiring him."So hot",you added.
Behind you,you heard your cat Ariana coming in by the window.Ariana started sniffing the love potion while you were focusing on Pope Heyward saying his goodbye,your heart sinking.
Suddenly,Ariana made the potion crashed on the floor which made you turned horrified.You open one of your drawer and rapidly found a syringe to save as much as the potion.You put your glasses on your face and started to save the potion meanwhile Ariana was leaving again.You started thinking about the situation.How can it be him and you ? But you thought it might be meant to be,you couldn’t unsee it but you didn’t want to cause any scene,you were usually so unproblematic and so independent but you had a feeling in your heart that Pope Heyward was yours.
˚₊‧꒰ა 🎀໒꒱ ‧₊˚
You started at your Heyward wall,decorated with drawing and painting of Pope,of his eyes and his profil and his gorgeous beautiful dark face and little hearts with « love is forever»,«be mine»,and «soulmate ♡ » written on them.Something about him was made for someone like you.You touched the drawing and begging him to come over,to touch you,to love you to be all yours to way you were all his.But you were trying,my god you were really trying but there’s just no use in denying the boy is yours.
˚₊‧꒰ა 🎀໒꒱ ‧₊˚
You started looking trough your closet before landing on some options.Tonight was the night.You will make Pope Heyward fall in love with you.
You took your sewing boxes and got to work on your cat woman outfit like he said the cat were hungry and on the streets.Outside of your little love bubble,the rain was pouring down on your window but nothing was going to stop you.The boy is yours.You started taking your time,cutting and adjusting the black silk fabric.You couldn’t believe your mind.The boy was truly divine.
˚₊‧꒰ა 🎀໒꒱ ‧₊˚
You were standing on your building in your cat woman outfit which consisted of a pair of black leggings with a black leather dress and a black cat mask that covered your eyes.You begged anyone to understand that this isn’t what you planned for,you wouldn’t dime or you life on him and you but there’s gotta be a reason why your heart beat only for him.You talked about it with your girls like you do in every sticky situation and they told you it was fine.It happens all the time for woman to fall in love with man they have never met before.You took your black whip and jump building to building to your soon to be lover.
˚₊‧꒰ა 🎀໒꒱ ‧₊˚
You finally arrived to Pope Heyward’s apartment.You watched him behind the glass of the window.He was still dresses like at the press conference,he was pouring himself a glass of alcohol.With your fingers,you traced a perfect circle.You licked your hand,placed it on the circle and took it out of the window to enter.
Pope was in the bathroom washing his face.You silently opened the door to watch him…he was so divine.But then he turned his head your way so you quickly left but he thought he saw someone.He rushed out of the bathroom and when he saw you,he dropped his glass on the floor speechless.
You were sitting on his bed,facing him and he thought that he had never seen someone as beautiful as you.But how can it be? A strange cat woman sitting in his bed in the middle of the night.You waved your finger at him,silently sending him the message to get intertwined with you.The stars aligned,you and him in the same room together.He looked at you fascinated as your licked your ear with your hand like the cat woman you were.He couldn’t believe his mind.You were divine but as beautiful as you were he was also a little scared.He tried to run away from you but there’s just no way.The boy is yours.You attract him by his feet with your whip and you know it’s simply meant to be.You take full accountability for all those tears and you promise that you’re not usually like this.This shit is like news to you,you’ve never felt this much passion before.
You got up the bed and went to him.You crouched down in front of him and took the pink love potion in your pocket.You opened it,ready to finally make him fall in love with you.You took his chin between your finger,ready but then…he stopped you gently .Your eyes locked,you didn’t understand what was happening.He simply gently took your mask off,to expose your beautiful eyes.He really couldnt’ believe it.He throw your potion to the wall,he didn’t need it to fall in love with you.Just you was enough to make him fall,just looking at you.
˚₊‧꒰ა 🎀໒꒱ ‧₊˚
1 year later 🐈‍⬛
You and Pope were sitting on your couch,giving food to one of your numerous cats.
"Good girl" you said scratching her head.
"Alright,you have some now.It’s your turn.",he said gently to your cat.
"She really love this.",he said surprise.
"Good girl. She’s so into it.",you added laughing.
"I’ve never seen a cat eat ice cream before"
"Wow,now we know."
"That sweet purr,tsk,aww",he loved those cats so much even though he refuses to say it out loud.
"Delicious,dairy free.",you said happily.
Pope sighed before putting his feet on the little table in front of you which made you laugh,he looked like a happy cat daddy.Your little cat dad <3
So now it was you,Pope and all your cat living happily ever after without the need of any love potion ♡
(ps : as you kissed him on your wedding day the only thing you could think of was «the boy is mine»)
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hope u loved it ♡ English is not my first language so i apologize for any mistakes <3
The way i presented this fic is heavily inspired by @princessbrunette please check her blog <3 it’s amazing
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