#but i'm so baffled that they keep using that x reader tag that I keep fucking reading it anyway
kurokoros · 2 years
I hate you cross-tagging! I hate you pointless love-triangles! I hate you fics that shove in multiple love interests just to get as many readers as possible! I hate you writing that develops more/better chemistry between the ship that ultimately doesn’t work out!
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vacayisland · 10 months
Hiii I saw that you were still doing requests so I was wondering if you could do a John Dory x Reader van life fanfic?
I dont have anything particular to ask for just a little story of how it would be like to live with JD in Rhonda and have a simple life after all of the events that happened with Floyd and stuff :)
@!; "Put on Pants!" John Dory / Reader
"Summary"! You love JD, you really do... but at this point, you're about two seconds from slapping his pants in his face if he won't put them on!... and this is exactly how your mornings always start with your husband <3 "Tags"! Fluff and a dumb plot I made with my friend for a goofy story. Also I'm very very sleepy while writing this <3 I was also being silly, I need to have fun writing <3 @writergal02 @chamille-trash @valvalentine69 @starzwithapen
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@!; You loved John Dory, you really did. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t have married him all those years ago, if you didn’t you wouldn’t have put up with his weird antics or his little shenanigans, if you didn’t you wouldn’t have left your old life behind to start a new one with him, if you didn’t you wouldn’t be here right now arguing about him and his pants! It was a very odd argument, not even an argument more like a back and forth bicker, about John Dory refusing to wear his pants inside of the house. Not only not his pants, but his shirt as well! Now, granted, you understood where he came from. It’s his house as well, you both lived in Rhonda after all, and he did live here first, but you also lived here! And not to get you wrong, you could stare at the site of your husband, nearly, butt naked for hours on end yet… there comes to a point where the pants need to go on. If no one is coming over, JD is walking around in nothing other than his boxers and goggles. Sure he’ll put on pants and the vest you got him if he has to go out. But as soon as he gets home? Somehow all of that disappears and he’s left in his boxers, which both baffles and amazes you. How he even manages to basically strip that fast, you aren’t even sure. All you know is that you’re slightly fed up with seeing him in boxers for a majority of your day.
“Babe,” You tried explaining to JD without laughing, knowing this was just plain ridiculous. Though, seeing as your husband just walked out of your shared room for the umteenth time in nothing but boxers, you had to bring it up. Again. “You need to put on pants, you can’t just walk out here in boxers! We have a window. Multiple windows! And none of them are tinted.” “Our house.” Was the only grumble you got from your half-asleep husband, who was brushing his teeth all the while trying to make coffee. He wasn’t actually exactly brushing his teeth, as the toothbrush hung from his mouth, likely forgotten as JD began to warm the cafetera on the stop top. It was also hard to keep a straight face when JD was wearing his red heart boxers, “Ay dios mio, John Dory! Put on your damn pants, no one wants to see your nearly naked ass walking around our camper! Por favor.” You pleaded, slips of giggles escaped your lips as you tried to calm your giggles by rubbing your face. But it was truly no use when you glanced back up at your husband. He was leaning against the kitchen counter, arms crossed, and the widest smirk on his face. He looked a little goofy, seeing as his toothbrush was still hanging out of his mouth, but you could tell what his next words were. It was going to be a quip, a flirtatious one of that. It was one he usually used to end this pants conversation, knowing it got you flustered or flabbergasted or just plain over him enough to stop your pursuit. You loved JD so much, but whenever he says: “Aw come on babe, you know you love the sight,” You wanted to strangle him! “I would love the sight even more if my husband would put on his damn pants!” You shot back, not being able to contain your laughter as JD began to playfully wiggle his eyebrows at you. With a shake of your head, you covered your face in your hands and sunk down on the couch melodramatically. God this man is going to be the death of you and he knew it.
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.ᐟ this work is published and owned by @vacayisland. please do not plagiarize, copy, or steal this work; like, reblogs, and saves are appreciated :D
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cuffmeinblack · 2 years
Idk if you’re taking requests but I have one and I’ve loved you’re writing for Ominis so let’s go!!
⚠️spoilers ahead just in case⚠️
I was wondering if you’d be willing to write an Ominis x fem!hufflepuff! Reader where they’ve liked each other but it all comes out before the Scriptorium mission. Like he tells the story on why he won’t use crucio and everything but when Sebastian uses the curse on her Ominis is the one to rush to her and help her. I just want fluff and love for this boy he needs more of it!!
I trust you to write this amazingly and please make whatever changes you’d like I’d just want this boy to be loved ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hold me close
Ominis Gaunt x gn!reader
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Tags: angst | hurt/comfort | torture curse
1k words
A/n: Thank you for the request! This is a short little one shot rewrite of the In the Shadow of the Study quest so ⚠️SPOILER WARNING⚠️. Hope you like!
Quite how you ended up in Salazar Slytherin's secret Scriptorium with a couple of Slytherin boys was a mystery in itself, almost as baffling as the one presented directly in front of you. You'd left the cosy Hufflepuff common room only an hour ago, and now here you were, staring at a huge, ornate door decorated with serpents. Salazar Slytherin really liked snakes.
"That must be the voice I hear," Ominis says beside you. " I don't believe I'm about to do this."
Your heart flutters in your chest as you watch him approach the door and take a deep breath before speaking, if it could be called that—a quiet hiss escapes his lips. You jump back in astonishment as the mechanism on the door jumps to life, the eerie green glow of the serpents' eyes illuminating the dim corridor.
"Ominis, you possess a rare ability indeed," you say, marvelling at him.
"Between the two of you, I'm starting to feel left out," Sebastian says from behind you.
"Between the two of us?" Ominis asks. If it weren't so dark, you'd swear he'd be blushing.
"I…never mind," Sebastian mutters.
You know what your friend means, but you squirm uncomfortably anyway. It's true, you both seem to have rare abilities that others might envy. You make quite the pair, though Sebastian was none the wiser of your mutual affection.
It isn't long before you encounter yet another locked door in this infernal maze. The floor is wet, the room smells dusky and damp, and you quickly notice the reason why. Following the scurrying of a rat in the corner, your illuminated wand shines on a skeleton in the corner of the room. You fight to hold back the bile rising in your throat. A scrap of paper draws your eye, slightly nibbled but still more or less intact, laying next to the long-decayed corpse. You reach down and pick it up with two fingers, your face twisting in disgust as you try to read the scrawled words.
"Ominis...your aunt Noctua…she mentions being trapped here. Blocked by an unforgivable curse," you say shakily.
Your gut twists with guilt, knowing that having agreed to talk to Ominis for Sebastian had doomed you all. You had wanted to help your friend, but you should never have agreed to it, and the pain on Ominis' face is more than you can bear.
"Ominis, I know this is the last thing you want to do…," Sebastian started.
"Yes, it is! I thought you knew me better!" Ominis shouted back.
Your immediate reaction is to go to him. You wish you could hold him, comfort him, instead you move slowly to his side, your hand reaching for his but falling short under Sebastian's watchful eye.
"Ominis," you whisper.
"I won't do it," Ominis says, shaking his head and beginning to pace nervously. "You shouldn't either."
"I understand, but it's our only way out of here. I can take it," you say, trying to keep the quavering from your voice. You muster the courage to reach out and grip his arm, stopping him in his tracks.
"Are you going to use the curse on Sebastian?" he asks in a small voice.
"I don't think I can."
Ominis grimaces as you leave his side, walking over to Sebastian by the door, steeling yourself for what's to come. You trust your friend not to prolong it longer than necessary. Balling up your fists, you nod and Sebastian readies himself, raising his wand and hesitating only for a second before expelling the dreaded incantation.
A crackle of electricity ripples through your body and you see only a red haze before forcing your eyes shut and falling to the floor, gasping for breath. Your nerves are on fire, your very flesh feels as if it's burning as you try to scream but nothing comes out.
"Please, please," a faint voice enters your ears as the pain subsides and you open your eyes, staring at the floor as your vision readjusts to the assault on your retinas, the stones beneath you swimming back into focus. You take a deep breath and fill your lungs, desperately reaching out in front of you, clutching the first thing you feel.
You look up and Ominis is kneeling in front of you, holding your arm and feeling his way to find where you are. You start breathing shakily, trying desperately to catch your breath and feel wet, hot tears pooling in your eyes. Ominis' hands are shaking as they glide up your arms, over your shoulders and brushing your neck, finding your face. He cups your face in his hands, pausing as the tears roll over his fingers, then wipes them away gently. His face is contorted in pain as he asks, "Are you okay? Please, be okay."
"I'm okay," you manage to stutter.
Sebastian seems to be in shock, standing dumbly by the now open door, watching the interaction between his friends.
"I'm so sorry," he groans, leaning back against the wall.
"It's fine, you did what you had to do," you say weakly, attempting to get up off of the floor.
Ominis clutches your arms again, firmly, standing with you and steadying you as you wobble on your aching legs and stumble into him. He doesn't loosen his grip, only pulls you closer, looping an arm around your back and holding your weight.
"I've got you," the soft voice says in your ear.
You rest your head against his shoulder, his hand finding its way to the nape of your neck and gently stroking your hair.
"I…there's a room here…," Sebastian says feebly before retreating behind the door.
Ominis doesn't let you go, the shaking in his hands subsided, now replaced with a tender and assuredly comforting touch. You look up at him, his hands still tangled in your hair, and watch his closely knitted brows relax.
"I'm so sorry you had to go through that," he says.
"I'd do it again, for you."
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livelaughlovesubs · 15 days
Heeeeya, Nini! How's it going? I can't believe its already been a year! I've been here since before that time you accidentally deleted your blog XD. Congrats! you've dominated the sub! bsd tag for forever and I'm living for it XD. For the event, can I please request Fyodor (bsd) with the prompt, 'Keeping their hands bound to make basic tasks difficult or impossible. Bonus: punish them for failing or making a mess'. Bro, I have an inability to be all that sadistic, even in fiction TwT, so for the punishment part, can I request something like tickling? Is that allowed?! LMAO- As always, feel free to delete/decline this if it makes you uncomfy, and have an awesome day. And again, congrats on one year!
AHHHHH DONT REMIND ME OF THAT TIME can’t believe how dumb I was 🥲 but thank you for being a long time follower hehe, the idea with tickling is very cute I love it
Dom!reader x sub!fyodor - reader is gn
Warning: humiliation, teasing, a tiny bit of degrading, tickling >:)
Anniversary event
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Thud thud thud
Someone was hammering on your door in the middle of the night, and they just didn’t stop. You’ve been trying to ignore it for the past minutes, but the sound only got louder.
Thud thud thud
“Ahhhh which fucker is it?!” In the end, you gave in and cursed, stomping to the front door before opening a small crack. “What is-” to your surprise you knew the person behind the door, it was fyodor, your boyfriend. “Huh?? Fedya? Why didn’t you use the bell?” You immediately swung the door open and invited him in, he gave you a bashful smile before entering. Then you shut the door behind him.
“You see…” he said, while he let his coat slip from his shoulders, revealing his hands which were bound tightly behind his back. “It proved to be pretty difficult to ring the bell three times, so I thought kicking the door would suffice.” That was the secret code you two agreed on, so that you’d know if it was him who’s standing on your doorway. “Ah…” you stared at his restricted limps, then at him, giving him a questioning glance. He didn’t provide any explanation or answers.
The male turned around to face you, who were still standing next to the door. “Well? Aren’t you going to help me?” He rushed you, but kept his soft smile. “Actually no, not yet.” You replied, crossing your arms in font of your chest. That attitude, were you mad with him? “…y/n, what do you want.” Finally he dropped the good-guy act, seemingly irritated by your behaviour. Normally you’d help without being this difficult, except when you aren’t in a good mood, something that seems to be the case here.
You walked past him and sat down on the couch, making yourself comfortable before saying, “bring me the remote.” Fyodor looked a tad baffled, though he didn’t think too much about it and walked to the shelf to the left of you, pondering for a moment on how to grab it, before using his mouth to bite the object. Then he brought it to you like an obedient puppy, right into your hand and cheeks flushed a bright shade of red. “Good job.” You praised him, scratching the underside of his chin a bit, intensifying his blush.
“Now bring me a scissor to cut those ropes. You can find it in the kitchen.” He glared at you when you didn’t stop ordering him around, especially since he found his actions pretty shameful. Nevertheless, he bit back his complains and went to the other room to get whatever you wanted. Once he found the scissor, he bit the handle of the tool, and carefully got back to your side. “That took you a while.” You chuckled, to which he scoffed, “are you done with the games now?” How furious he sounded, he wasn’t having half the fun you had huh?
You tilted your head to the side, acting like you were thinking about it, then said, “one last thing.” Before giving him a big smile. The male rolled his eyes at that, at least internally. “Bring me a glass of water, that’s my last request, promise.” After you finished your sentence, you raised your pinky finger, then said, “ah silly me, you can’t reciprocate it after all.” Fyodor mumbled, “you are unbelievable.” Then he made his way back to the kitchen. What else was he supposed to do, he needed your help.
Through much resilience and great efforts, he managed to get a cup out of your shelves. And he even managed to fill it with tap water! Afterwards he bit the handle of the cup, finding that to be the easiest course of action, and slowly walked over to you. This was now his third time running a stupid errand for you, and he really hoped this would be the last. On his way back, he accidentally spilled the water in the cup all over himself and the floor, causing him to yelp a little, “hmmm..!”
You turned your head to the source of the noise, giggling at the sight but not helping him. His blush darkened even more, and he closed the last bit of distance between you two. Without any commentary, you took the cup and put it on the table, grabbing the scissors and cutting through his binds. He didn’t expect you to not make fun of him, so consider him grateful.
Though after you were done, you got up from your seat, grabbing his shoulders as you sneered, “gosh, fyodor, you couldn’t even bring me a glass of water?” Guess he jinxed it. Even though considering the circumstances he was in, failing his task was a very possible outcome, he still felt humiliated by your words, or at least embarrassed. He wanted to argue, to try and keep some shreds of dignity when you bested him to it, saying, “shouldn’t you get a punishment for that?”
“A punishment?” As soon as these words left his mouth, you pushed him into the couch and tickled him. Attacking his stomach while responding through a huge grin, “yep! A punishment you can’t evade!” “What- ha- ahaha.. no, wait haha…! Stop!” He laughed involuntarily, kicking his legs around and trying to peel your hands off his body. “Haha.. s-stop, hahh.. really, hahaha~ I can’t-!!” Tears were forming in the corners of his eyes already, his clothes and hair all disheveled. “Hehe.. alright, the punishment is over.” You eventually said, reaching out to his face to wipe his tears away.
As if hit by the realisation, he abruptly stopped smiling, still blushing furiously as he gasped for air. When he breathing calmed down, he pouted, then wrapped his arms around your neck as he gave you a quick kiss on the lips, “you-… you better make it up to me for being mean.”
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littlemissfiore · 1 year
Cigarettes out the Window. | Vinsmoke Sanji x fem! Reader
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summary: sanji falls in love with a woman he truly loves, but faith does not grant him such luck. obligated by his family to go through an arranged marriage he does not want to partake in. sanji has to decide which path in life he wants to take.
tags: modern au!, doctor!reader, friends-to-lovers, sanji's pov, horrible family dynamics, mentions of sex, spoilers to WCI arc, no use of [y/n], angst
note: if you can read this, it means this fanfic made it out of the draft hell. it's kinda long too, was going full novel mode, chopper also doesn't exist in this au (sorry), i wanted to put my own spin on the WCI arc but if it were set in modern au, hopefully it goes well, you can also imagine this as a la!op Sanji
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The Baratie was full compared to other nights. Like, god awfully full, was there some sort of special event going on? Sanji didn't know nor did he have the time to ponder something so trivial. He had tables to serve and Zeff was already losing his mind in the kitchen in desperate need of Sanji.
He took a long inhale from his cigarette before heading back inside the restaurant. Throwing it and stomping it on the ground, first clearing his throat before letting out a cough.
Shit. When was the last time he had visited a doctor? All that smoking was not good for him, Sanji knew that. Although, he could care less, fixing his posture and tie before heading back inside the Baratie.
"Where the hell is Sanji!?" yelled Zeff, smacking the kitchen counters. Sanji's footsteps were heard amongst the sizzling and loud noises in the kitchen. "Well I'll be damned, look who decided to make an appearance."
Sanji scoffs. "Decided to take a small break," he responds, picking up his blazer from the rack and putting it on. "Y'know, since I'm not allowed in the kitchen."
"You most definitely won't after this," Zeff states, even though this was not the first time Sanji heard this. "Now, get out there and serve some customers! You're holding us back!"
Usually, Sanji and Zeff would argue and go back and forth. It was tedious, but no matter how many times he tried standing up for himself. That old man would refuse to have him help out in the kitchen. Tonight, Sanji begrudgingly chooses to keep his mouth shut and head out to serve customers.
The Baratie was full, more so than other nights. It was going to be one hellish night for Sanji and the rest of the cooking crew, he was sure of it. Foolish of him to think he would be able to get out early and spend the rest of his night with his friends. Sanji made his rounds around the restaurant, making sure the guests felt comfortable and satisfied.
Everything seemed to be going okay-wait-did his eyes betray him? No. A beautiful lady sitting all by herself? Impossible!
Leaving a beautiful lady all on her own in a big restaurant like the Baratie should be a crime. Sanji watched as she looked everywhere in the restaurant, probably waiting for her date to arrive. She didn't look nervous, but one would be foolish enough to not see the obvious disappointment plastered all over her face.
Make all the guests feel welcomed and comfortable at the Baratie, thought Sanji as he made his way to the lady.
"M'lady," started Sanji. You did a little jump on your seat, surprised by the sudden appearance of the waiter. You turned around to look at him with big wide eyes, expecting him to say something. Cute, was all Sanji could think at the moment. "I'm sorry for startling you, have you decided what you would like to have for the night?"
You shook your head weakly, "No," you responded, looking down at the menu. "I'm waiting for my date but he hasn't arrived yet. Looks like I'll have to eat alone..."
Sanji was baffled. That's the only way he could describe what he was feeling right now. What kind of man left a woman alone in a restaurant, especially on a date.
"A gorgeous woman such as yourself shouldn't be eating alone," stated Sanji, a sly smirk lingering on his lips. Your date might have passed off his chance with you, but he certainly wasn't going to.
Your stare lingered before realizing he was complimenting you. You felt your face grow hot, your eyes immediately glued on the menu to avoid his stare. "Oh..! Um... Thank you!" you responded, shyly. You closed the menu and set it down on the table in front of you, turning to look at the waiter. "But I'll just have a glass of water. I don't think I'll be eating anything tonight."
Nonsense, thought Sanji. "A beautiful lady like yourself should enjoy our very best!" Sanji stated, proudly. How funny, Sanji would always complain about Baratie. Now, here he is, trying to give the best impression he can of the restaurant. You didn't seem entirely convinced, just absentmindedly staring at him. "On the house."
You smiled. "You're doing a lot more for me than my date," you gesture towards the other seat that was empty.
"And let a lovely lady like yourself be all alone tonight? Never," flirted Sanji, making you flustered. You chuckled shyly, he could tell his compliments made you feel giddy.
Before you could continue the conversation, out of the corner of his eye, Sanji could see Zeff glaring at him from a distance. While his chivalry was not a problem, the amount of time he wasted swooning over women cost the restaurant time and money.
Are we paying you to tend to customers or flirt with women?! Sanji could already hear that old man yelling at him. Before you could continue with your conversation, he fixed his blazer.
"I'm sorry, madam," started Sanji. "I have to tend to the other customers but I promise you I will be right back."
All you could do was giggle and nod your head. "Alright!" you gave him a smile before he walked off. Sanji walked past Zeff, expecting him to berate him but he just felt his gaze follow him all the way to the kitchen.
Tch! That old man was always on his ass. How could Zeff not see he was tending to a beautiful lady who's date didn't bother to show up last minute. Of course, how would he know? He's never had a wife. Sanji just needed to take these plates out to their respective tables, then, he could talk to the beautiful lady sitting by herself.
Yet, when he stepped out of the kitchen, you were no longer there. Maybe you were in the bathroom, fixing your makeup. Could you have possibly been crying? No, Sanji shakes his head. The sooner he can serve the plates, the sooner he can check up on you. You still needed your glass of water!
After he finished making his rounds, Sanji made his way to your table. He had a glass of water on his hand, setting it down on the table. You were nowhere to be found, the only thing left on the table was the menu and a folded twenty dollar bill.
Oh, you were gone.
Sanji frowned. It broke his heart to think a beautiful lady like yourself would leave out of embarrassment. It did not help that you were surrounded by people around you who had dates or friends accompanying them. What a shame, he truly wished he would have made your night.
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Sanji's cough was getting worse by the day. He tried holding on for as long as he could but, alas, he succumbed to his sickness.
"Good, don't come back 'til that nasty cold of yours is gone," Zeff stated simply. Of course, he of all people would say that. Sanji felt like he could hear the man thanking the heavens from the other side of the phone. "Check with a doctor, is probably all that smoking you do."
"I'm fine," Sanji said through gritted teeth before letting out a horrible cough.
"Check yourself, boy!" yelled Zeff through the phone. "I will not allow you back into Baratie if you do not get better. So get off your lazy ass and go see a bloody doctor."
"Even outside of work, you love to order me around," spat Sanji, glaring down at his phone. "Fine! I'll get it checked out, you can stop complaining."
"Fine!" was the last thing Zeff said before hanging up.
That old man, always thinking he could intrude not only at work but in his personal life as well. Sanji coughed, holding his chest to try and ease the pain. He hadn't been to the doctor in a while, maybe he did need to check himself out.
Sanji stared at his screen, reading off the text message.
Reiju Father wants to talk to you read 2:30
Sanji chose to ignore the message sent by his sister, there was no way she could convince him to talk to his father. After all these years, he wants to talk to him? After he kicked him out of his house and disowned him.
Sanji shook his head, a desperate attempt to shake off all the bad thoughts that started to crawl in his head. There was no use thinking about his old life, he was happier now. With friends who cared about him, even old man Zeff cared about Sanji in his own way.
Sanji lets out another horrible cough, man, was he feeling shitty. There was no use beating around the bush, he needed someone to take care of him. What better person to do that than the woman he trusts the most, Nami.
Sanji Nami~ I'm sick. Your presence would help me feel better ! ❤️
"Nami!" exclaimed Sanji, swinging his door wide open. He was excited to have alone time with a beautiful woman such as Nami. What else could he ask for? "And, Usopp."
Sanji frowns. "Don't get too excited to see me now," stated Usopp, holding his arms up in the air. "She told me to accompany her."
"I figured you needed more than just my company, Sanji," smirked Nami, making her way to his fridge and rummaging through it. She grabbed the first beer she could find, popping the cap off with the handle of the fridge. Oh, Nami! The woman that you are. "Ah! This tastes great! Good thing you're driving Usopp."
"What!" cried Usopp, glaring at the red-head. "Is this why you brought me all along!?"
Nami pressed her lips together. "Hmm... maybe!" she responded back, shamelessly. "You look like you went through hell, Sanji."
Sanji cleared his throat, forcing a smile for Nami even if his body felt like it was giving out on him. "You look as beautiful as ever, Nami."
"Have you ever visited a doctor yet?" asked Usopp, folding his arms. Sanji faces his friend, his blank expression giving Usopp a clear answer. "Now, that's why, you have not gotten better."
"How long has it been since you've seen a doctor?" asked Nami, sitting on Sanji's couch.
"It's... been a while," Sanji said, through gritted teeth.
"You're definitely gonna be the first one to go out of all of us," joked Usopp, earning a nasty glare from his blonde friend.
"Men..." sighed Nami, pulling out her phone. "Lucky for me, I have my own doctor. Free of charge!"
"Who?" asked Usopp, now sitting next to Nami.
It was almost as if Usopp was the one who needed to go to the doctor's office.
"I'm not saying!" Nami stuck out her tongue before chuckling. She turned to Sanji, acknowledging his presence. "She's cool, she can probably fix you up! She owes me a favor, anyway."
Sanji chuckled, heading to the kitchen to fix up a small snack for his friends. "You don't have to do all that for me, darling," he said, smiling. "I can manage."
Following right after was a string of long horrible coughs coming from Sanji. What a pain, it was unbearable he had to use the kitchen counter for support. Nami and Usopp look over at him from the couch before heading up to Sanji and leading him to bed.
"Yeah, I'm definitely calling her," grunts Nami. "This will cost you! You better feed me well once your health improves!"
Nami left Usopp alone to carry Sanji to bed while she searched through her phone. Finally finding the number and putting the call on speaker, Nami greeted, "Hello~, Love! Say.. are you free right now? I have a big favor to ask of you."
What a small world it was.
Who would've thought the girl from the restaurant was Nami's friend and a doctor. It was hilariously convenient, not that Sanji was complaining though. He was able to see your pretty face again. Just the flustered look you gave him as he laid in his bed was enough to know you recognized him.
"You two know each other already?" asked Usopp.
"From where?" Nami questioned, looking at you. From the look on your face, you were a little embarrassed that your love life would soon be on display while you're tending to someone.
"That one restaurant you told me to go to-" "Baratie, love," Sanji interrupted you. "Sorry, darling. I just work there, got to give that place some free promotion."
You chuckled.
"Stop flirting with my doctor, I don't need her running away because of your antics," huffed Nami. She turned to look at you baffled while you took Sanji's hand and checked his pulse. "Did the guy even show up?"
You shook your head, intently focused on Sanji before asking him any questions. "Something about an emergency, never texted me again," you mumbled.
Wow! That guy must've been a loser, thought Sanji. Not only had he ghosted a lady and left her alone at a restaurant, she was also a doctor. A cute doctor at that. No, gorgeous, no-wait-, a stunning woman. Ugh, thought Sanji. There were so many words to describe your beauty, it felt like he could write a novel.
"Well that guy is a loser, doesn't know what he's missing out on," cried Nami, putting her arms around you. "Don't worry, I'll marry you!"
"Yes, some guys can be dumb," stated Usopp, nodding his head.
Sanji let out a horrible cough, his body feeling disoriented as he held his chest. You searched through your bag, taking out your stethoscope and putting it around your neck.
"If you guys don't mind, can you leave us alone?" You asked, bluntly. "I shouldn't take too long, don't worry."
Even in his worst state, Sanji could feel a smile creep onto his lips. Nami did not miss his expression, giving him slight glares knowing he was secretly excited about having one-on-one interaction with a woman.
"Don't try anything weird, I can't afford to lose my doctor, they aren't cheap," said Nami, grabbing Usopp by the arms and dragging him out the room. Before closing the door, Nami points at you, "If he tries anything weird, tell me."
"Don't be jealous my dear Nami," joked Sanji, earning a giggle from you.
"As if!" with that Nami slams the door shut, leaving you and Sanji alone.
You let out a nervous chuckle. "I'm sorry, I was getting a little overwhelmed," You said. "What seems to be the problem here? You have a pretty bad cold from what I see."
"There is no problem here, darling," Sanji sits in an upright position on his bed. "It seems faith had plans for us to meet again."
"Seems so," you respond, curtly before putting on the ear tips from the stethoscope. "Do you smoke?"
"Hm." Was the only thing you responded with as you placed the bell on Sanji's chest. Sanji felt his heart drop, why did you respond like that? Did you find smokers unattractive? Sure he knew he had a nasty habit of smoking but he never figured it was too bad, right?
Why was Sanji doubting himself so hard? Why did his chest feel like it was all tied up in knots? He'd seen plenty of beautiful women, but now that you were in his presence he felt like he was struck by lightning. This was the first time Sanji had ever reacted like this. He usually had a collected demeanor, even when flirting with attractive ladies. Now, he didn't even know what to say, how to feel.
"Wow! Your heart is beating fast!" you exclaimed, worriedly. "Do you feel okay? I'm going to check and see if you have a fever, alright?"
You leaned in towards Sanji, the back of your hand softly landing on his cheeks. He felt his face turn red at the close proximity the two of you had. Get it together! You've been around women! Sanji scolded himself.
"You're burning up," you mentioned, sliding your hand to his forehead. "I think you might've contracted the flu, you should rest and drink plenty of water."
W-what?, thought Sanji. "That's all...?" his whisper coming out raspy. He was upset you were now leaving.
"Unfortunately for you, I am not allowed to give you any prescription medicine," you started, as you put away your things. "But if you go to a pharmacy store, you should get some medicine specifically for the flu. It'll fix you up faster, plus, you should quit smoking. At least for the time being while you recover."
There was a small silence between the both of you, listening to the rustling of your bad.
"Y'know you were beautiful that night, ma chérie?" started Sanji, staring at you starstruck. By the look of your face, you were caught off guard. He was taking a big risk flirting with you like this. "That jackass doesn't know how to appreciate a beauty like you."
Sanji watched your breathing stop for a second, taking in what was happening to you. He hadn't known you but by your reaction it seemed like you weren't used to these types of comments. What a shame, thought Sanji. He would shower you with praise every day if you would let him.
"T-thank you," you mustered the courage to say while facing down at the floor. "If you need anything, Nami has my number!"
You quickly gather your things and head towards the door, opening it. Usopp and Nami pretend to make small talk, acting as if they weren't trying to eavesdrop through the door. "I hope you get better soon!" you yelled out, leaving Sanji's room in a hurry and leaving the apartment.
Sanji's heart ached a little. He hoped he hadn't made you uncomfortable with his excessive flirting. He just couldn't resist you though. A woman of such high caliber as yourself should be showered with nothing but praise.
"You better not have said anything weird, or you're dead," frowned Nami, crossing her arms.
Even if he did, Sanji is sure he will make it up to you.
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In the following weeks, no woman occupied his mind other than you. Sanji made sure to keep in touch with you, first pretending he needed another check-up to make sure he rid himself of his sickness. Then it turned from sending each other a few messages a day, to full blown conversations. Nobody had seen him like this, hell, nobody actually thought a day like this would come.
The day Sanji had confessed to his friends he had his eyes set on you, he was met with mixed reactions. Usopp and Luffy cheered him on, immediately telling Sanji to confess his feelings for you and sweep you off your feet. All Zoro could do was scoff, muttering to Nami 'let's see how long this lasts' before plopping on the couch. Sanji could see Nami's face becoming red, indicating how displeased she was.
"You womanizer!" Nami clenched her fist. "You better be serious about this! That poor girl cannot handle another heartbreak, you hear me!?"
Sanji felt a little hurt by Nami's comment but knew she was only saying it out of care for her friend. They've been friends for years, she has witnessed him flirt with almost every girl in the country by now.
"Relax, Nami, this is Sanji we're talking about," said Luffy.
"Exactly," huffed Nami, crossing her arms.
"When will we get to meet the lucky lady?" asked Luffy with a wide grin. A small smile was plastered on Sanji's face as Luffy kept asking him the same question.
Huh... Sanji hadn't thought about it. Now his mind was imagining what it would be like for you to meet his friends. His found family, how well you would get along with them. Sanji felt like a schoolboy with all that daydreaming he was doing in his head.
Vinsmoke Sanji, finally finding the woman of his dreams after spending years flirting with so many women. It started becoming more noticeable as the days passed. Before, he spent his time at the Baratie flirting with women and swooning them with free meals. Now, Zeff would catch him being on his phone, usually smiling down at whatever text message you had sent him.
Both his friends and the crew at the Baratie did not chastise Sanji whenever they saw him glued to his phone. No, instead, they would stand in front of him in disbelief. It was baffling, almost as if Sanji wasn't... Sanji.
The old man, Zeff, probably caught on before any of Sanji's friends could. He came into work more of an airhead than usual. His incessant flirting with women was now dialed back. Sanji still gave them pet names, but now he wasn't asking them for their phone numbers or to wait for him at the end of his shift.
Actually, there was one time a woman waited for Sanji at the end of his shift. Zeff was rather annoyed he had to tend to this customer when it was already closing time.
"Do you need anything?" asked Zeff, trying his best not to sound annoyed. He could tell you were nervous, stumbling on your words.
"I'm here to see Sanji, if he's here!" you said, hoping you weren't bothering them. Zeff stared at you, trying to connect the pieces together. Were you the girl Sanji was constantly messaging throughout his shift? "He told me to wait here since it's raining outside, if that's okay..."
Yes, you were the girl Sanji was so busy swooning over. "I'll bring him out for you, take a seat," Zeff walked away from you and into the kitchen.
"Hey, Sanji!" Zeff shouted loud enough for the crew to hear. Sanji appears with a dish already prepared on his hand, wondering why the old man called out for him. "Your girl is here..."
Zeff did not miss the way Sanji's eyes lit up, there was no malintent, just pure happiness. Sanji starts making his way towards you but is stopped by Zeff. "Where are you going with that plate, boy?"
Sanji didn't bother trying to argue with the old man, simply rolling his eyes before answering. "She just got off work and she's hungry," was the only thing Sanji responded with before heading out.
The crew watched in silence, surprised both men did not instantly start a screaming match with each other.
"Yep," started Zeff. "That boy is in love, Patty. Who would've thought the day would come." The Baratie crew can only snicker.
Sanji was excited for you to try out his new dish. Sure, you have already tasted his cooking since he would prepare food for you whenever he could; but this dish was special. It was something new, and Sanji could not wait for you to try it. He saw you already sitting at a table, nervously looking around at the empty space around you.
"My lovely lady!" exclaimed Sanji, making his presence known. He saw the way your eyes lit up, immediately getting shy.
"Sanji! How are you?" You asked, watching him place the dish right in front of you.
He sat next to you, he couldn't contain his excitement. "Oh, I feel much better now that you are here," flirted Sanji, making you turn shy. "I tried a new recipe, you're the first one to try it so let me know if it tastes good."
You giggle. "Whatever you cook for me, I know will be good," you complimented him, grabbing a fork and eating away.
Sanji was nervous. He had confidence in his cooking skill, he knew he was a great cook. Hell, his friends and strangers alike would always rave about his cooking. Sanji had yet to come across someone who did not enjoy his cooking. He had food critics from around the country come and visit the Baratie just to get a taste of his cooking. To Sanji, though, he could care less about the opinions of those snobby rich critics. Your opinion meant more to him than some five star review.
You seemed to be enjoying the dish Sanji made for you, seeing as you were only focused on eating. Over the past few weeks, Sanji was able to pick up on your habits. Whenever you had a rough day at work, you would enjoy eating the dish Sanji made you in silence. Even though he loved nothing more than talking to you, he'd prefer you eat first. The first week he met you, you would skip meals even though you were a doctor. From then on, Sanji made it his mission to make you a dish whenever he had the chance.
"Hm~, this is amazing, I should make you my husband," you teased. You had no clue just how much love Sanji poured into this dish he made you. You overtook his thoughts in every department, this dish was made out of genuine care for you. He would be honored if you made him your husband.
"I have some good news!" You exclaimed, wiping your mouth with a napkin.
"Tell me all about it, love," smiled Sanji, seeing your grin widen and getting all giddy. He loved how you got excited whenever you wanted to tell him something that interested you.
"There's a new aquarium that just opened downtown," you started, moving your seat closer to him. "It has all kinds of exotic fish and beautiful marine mammals!"
"Hm, maybe I should check it out, give me ideas for what I might prepare next," joked Sanji as you gasped. You slapped his arm playfully, calling him mean.
"Well... You see," you started as you twiddled with your thumbs. Sanji noticed how you refused to look him in the face. He saw your flustered expression as you tried to figure out what to say next. "A-a co-worker of mine, he gave me free tickets to the aquarium."
Sanji's heart dropped. He? As in... Male? Has somebody else asked you out on a date already? Sanji could hear his heart slowly break but he tried keeping a calm demeanor. Right now all he wanted to do was curl up on his bed and cry.
"Him and his girlfriend broke up and he didn't want the tickets to go to waste," you scratched your head, your eyes roaming around everywhere but Sanji. He felt his heart break a little more. "Anyways, he gave me two tickets... a-and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?"
You finally look up at Sanji, your flustered expression showing all over your face. What? It had hit him like a train all of the sudden. You were asking him to go out with you to the aquarium. Sanji had prepared many scenarios in his head, but this one he did not expect. It was almost as if you were asking him out on a date.
"You don't have to go if you don't want to..." you try to hide the sadness in your voice. Sanji hadn't realized he had been blanking out for a bit, explaining why you were so hesitant.
"N-no! It's not like that!" Sanji exclaimed, desperately trying to salvage the situation. "If anything, I'm honored you would like to go with me."
Was this his chance? Sanji had dreamed of this moment since he was young. A beautiful prince finally meeting his beautiful princess, it felt like something out of a fairytale.
This was his chance. Sanji had to seal the deal.
"Love," Sanji gently held your chin with his fingers, as you tried to keep your eyes on him trying hard not to show your flustered expression. "How about we make it an official date?"
Sanji felt your body tense, you always had this reaction whenever he complimented you. He wasn't sure if it was because you valued your personal space, or because you were caught up in the moment. Regardless, Sanji loved seeing your expression when he treated you sweetly.
You nodded your head. "Yes," you whispered. "It's a date."
You were so cute showing how excited you were. It was hard for Sanji not to swoop in and plant his lips on top of yours. If only he could just lean a little closer-
"Hey, you two!" a thunderous voice erupted, making you jump from your seat. Both you and Sanji turned to look at Zeff who was holding the kitchen door open. "We're about to leave, if you guys want to stay in here, be my guest!"
With that, the old man walked away. Sanji chuckled and turned to face you, "You wanna get out of here?" he asked. You nodded your head, as both of you stood up from your seats. "First, let me introduce you to this old geezer, Zeff. I promise you, he's not as intimidating as he seems."
"He's pretty scary to me," you joked. While both of you made your way to the kitchen, your hand magically interlocked with Sanji's.
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How could words explain just how absolutely stunning you looked. Sanji caught a glimpse one night of how beautiful you looked all dressed up. Usually, he would see you in your work clothes, which he didn't mind, he got to see you in that white lab coat. Although, now, Sanji was able to bask in your beauty. Seeing how you put so much effort to look presentable for your date, you look so cute!
"Darling, you look absolutely stunning," complimented Sanji, taking your hand and placing a kiss on top. He gifted you a bouquet of flowers with a letter attached to it. "Read it when you get home, love."
You shyly nodded, putting the letter on your table to read for later.
Sanji held your hand, leading you to his car and finally making your way to the aquarium. You couldn't contain your excitement on the way there, explaining to him what animal you were most excited to see. It was cute, really. Nami had told him how excited you were for this date and just how head over heels you were for Sanji.
Nami I don't know how you did it, but I better hear good things from you after tonight. read 6:27pm
Sanji couldn't help but crack a smile, seeing how overprotective Nami was of you. He had no doubt in his mind that Nami would put him in his place if he crossed the line. Although, Sanji had no plans of leaving you anytime soon.
He watched you, starstruck by your beauty as you stared at the fishes in the tank. The way you stared at the fishes with such focus, pointing to Sanji every fish you found intriguing. Your skin was glowing beautifully all thanks to the water's reflection shining onto you.
"What do you think?" you asked, turning your attention to Sanji.
"I think..." He smiled, tucking your hair over your ear, before pointing at a big fish. "I think I've actually cooked that fish at Baratie before."
You gasp before stifling out a laugh. "You're cruel," you said, your eyes locking onto him.
No, you're cruel. The way you cemented yourself into Sanji's heart. The way you made him feel like he was finally allowed to be selfish. How, no matter how many women hit on him or flirt with him, you're the only one taking over his mind.
"Look at this one!" you pointed at a Green sunfish. "He reminds me of your friend!"
"Ha! That is mosshead!" laughed Sanji, pointing at the fish alongside you. He took out his phone from his pocket to take a picture of the fish. "I have to send this to the Strawhats group chat!"
As Sanji zoomed in on the Green sunfish and took a quick picture, he felt your gaze on him. He could've sworn he saw you give him a warm smile, watching him have his own fun. Sanji puts his phone away, giving you his full undivided attention.
"Sanji..." you started. He felt a shiver run down his spine as his name rolled off your tongue. Your hands were a little shaky as you went to grab his black tie.
"L-love-!" started Sanji but before he could speak, you pulled him towards you and planted a kiss on his lips.
Sanji's body felt like it was on fire. As a young boy, he always thought he would be the first one to initiate a kiss. Now here he was, getting a kiss from you first, not that he minded. If anything, it proved to him that you were just as crazy for him as he was for you.
You pulled away, refusing to look him in the eyes and planted your head on his chest out of embarrassment. Sanji couldn't help but laugh at how cute you were, you had pulled the first move and now you were acting all shy. He wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head and held you closely.
Two lovers enjoying their moment, blissfully unaware of the world around them.
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"What are you doing here?" growled Sanji, staring at the woman sitting on his couch. It was his sister, Reiju.
"You've been ignoring my calls," she answered, unamused.
"Yeah? Well, maybe I've been ignoring them for a reason," scoffed Sanji, taking off his coat.
"Father wants to talk to you," Reiju went straight to the point. "He's been wanting to get a hold of you."
"Tell him to piss off!" yelled Sanji, heated. "That man has done nothing good for me, I don't want anything to do with him. In fact, he was the one who didn't want anything to do with me first."
Sanji swore he saw his sister's face drop, remembering the mistreatment of her younger brother.
"I know that..." spat Reiju. "But I'm here to try and spare you the trouble. If you continue to ignore his request, he will make you talk to him."
"Like I said, he has no right trying to come back into my life like nothing happened," said Sanji. "Now, if you would kindly leave me be, I would appreciate it very much."
Reiju's eyes don't leave Sanji's intense stare, sighing, before getting up from the chair and making her way out. She gives her younger brother one last look, one of shame.
"I hope things go well for you..." muttered Reiju, already out the door.
Sanji frowned. "Goodbye, Reiju."
And with that, he slammed the door.
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Sanji felt like the happiest man in the entire world.
He is the happiest man in the world.
Being with you the past few weeks, Sanji had never felt more alive. You surround everything around him, whether it be from the dishes he cooks you or the music you play for him on a daily basis. Sanji could never get enough of you, you occupied every single one of his thoughts.
I got lucky, thought Sanji as he watched you dance with his friends. The bonfire was brightly lit, reflecting an orange tint on not only you but all of his friends. This was beautiful, almost like a scene taken straight out of a movie.
Sanji felt relieved that you got along well with his group of friends. He knew they were a bit much to handle, their personalities could be all over the place. He had remembered when he met Luffy at the Baratie, he was accompanied by Nami, Zoro and Usopp. It was a relatively small friend group before it expanded.
A few years ago, Sanji would've never imagined he'd have a big group of friends; ones who he considered his found family. Not that he didn't consider Zeff and the cooking crew at the Baratie his family. Zeff was his father-figure, the one who pushed him to befriend Luffy, to pursue his dreams and aspirations.
Now, here Sanji was, with his friends and lover, enjoying the beautiful night by drinking and dancing. He was content, so much so, he was sitting next to Zoro enjoying his beer. They were always at each other's throats; but tonight, they enjoyed each other's presence as they watched the others have fun.
"You sure are happier than ever before..." muttered Zoro, taking a drink from his beer. "For a second, I thought you were joking but you actually surprised me this time."
Sanji knew Zoro was referring to you.
"What can I say..." started Sanji, grabbing his lighter to light up a cigarette. "When you meet the right woman, it changes you."
Zoro chuckled. "I like her," said Zoro, watching his friends getting more and more drunk. You were struggling to hold Luffy and Nami as they leaned on you for support. The others laugh at their two friends' antics. "She doesn't take herself too seriously, plus, she's a doctor."
That being said, Luffy grabbed onto Usopp, trying to give him a hug. Both of them were drunk, and instead of hugging each other, their heads collided. You gasped and went to check on both of them to see if they were alright.
"Plus, looks like we need one," Zoro gestured to Usopp and Luffy.
Sanji laughed.
As the night progressed, most of Sanji's friends left one by one, leaving only the two of you. Both of you were sitting on the couch, exhausted from the fun night you two had.
"I think I should start heading home..." you sighed. Sanji could tell you didn't want to leave him.
He held you closer to him. "Why not just stay here for the night then, darling?" Sanji cooed in your ear, making you giggle.
You sighed, shaking your head hesitantly. "Can't, I have to do a lot of paperwork tomorrow. You know they will go crazy without me there."
Sanji felt a twinge of disappointment, but he did not let it ruin his mood. He understood how important your job was to you, he didn't want to get in the way of things. Although, by the way you acted, it didn't seem like you wanted to leave either.
You sat on top of your legs, looking at Sanji with a flustered look. You didn't really want to go, you had to make it clear to him. You leaned in towards Sanji, giving him a rather passionate kiss.
Sanji reciprocated the kiss, putting his hands on your cheeks to deepen it. His hands landed on your cheek, neck and then on your waist, putting you two in an intimate position. This felt heavenly, you roaming your hands on his chest made Sanji's whole world go up in flames.
This felt like a natural transition to something more; to sex. But who was Sanji if he didn't make sure his lady was absolutely sure about this? Sure about taking your relationship to the next level. Sanji broke the kiss, seeing as you were straddling on his lap. You gave him a cute pout, one which he found adorable.
"Ma chérie," started Sanji, placing his hand on your cheek. "Are you sure you're ready for this?"
He could see your eyes full of nothing but lust and love for the man in front of you. You nodded shyly, but in a desperate manner, showing him just how much you wanted this without words.
"Sanji... I have never been more sure about something," you confirmed it for Sanji. "I'm ready."
And that's all Sanji needed to ravage you for the night. He made you feel so many emotions that night; love, passion and pleasure. He made it his mission to make this night only about you. Sanji wanted to show you how much you meant to him. Just how much your presence had changed his life. You made him feel special and loved, something Sanji had gone without for far too long in his life.
You looked absolutely beautiful in your afterglow. "I love you," you said in between moans.
Sanji felt his whole world being turned upside down. Hearing those three words were so foreign to him. His family never said that to him, in fact, emotions were not allowed in his house growing up. Now, the woman that he loved, who was sprawled out on his bed, was confessing her love to him.
Sanji felt overwhelmed by the sudden emotions that had hit him, he couldn't take it. How did you know? The words he needed to hear the most. Sanji felt tears well up, but he was too ashamed to let you see him cry. He buried his head on your neck, embracing you tightly and letting his tears run.
"I love you more, ma chérie."
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"Finally, I am able to sit you down and have a proper talk with you..." the large man muttered. He had long blonde hair that reached his waist, a stupidly funny upwards mustache and thick blonde curly eyebrows.
Shit, Sanji really was his father's son. Out of all his siblings, he resembled his father the most. Sure, he had his mom's features passed down to him but there was no denying that the man in front of him was most definitely his father.
He chose not to meet his father's gaze, instead staring down on the floor. He could hear his older siblings cackling, Sanji knew his siblings saw him as pathetic.
"We want to expand Germa 66, establish ourselves as a powerful business," explained Judge, keeping his eyes on his son.
"Typical..." spat Sanji, clenching his fists. "So? What's that got to do with me?"
"I've met someone that could help me expand who can help us expand. But, she will only do it if someone marries her daughter."
Sanji was growing impatient listening to his father talk. If he was going to ask him to marry somebody else, the Judge was wrong. Sanji already had built his own life, one his father didn't help create. He had Zeff, his friend and most importantly, you.
"I didn't want to bother my sons about it, so I thought, what about Sanji?"
This man knew how to get under Sanji's skin.
"I always thought you were a failure, but it turns out, you'll actually be useful this time around," laughed Judge. "So, you're gonna go through with the wedding."
Sanji felt nothing but pure rage inside of him. Not only was the Judge embarrassing him in front of his siblings, but making a decision for him; one he did not decide.
"How dare you!" yelled Sanji, clenching his fists. "I will never go through with that marriage."
"Oh, is that so?" said Judge, mildly impressed by his son's outrage. It was almost as if he wasn't anticipating this sort of reaction from him, what a joke!
"I'm not asking you, I'm ordering you," spat Judge, crossing his arms. "If you don't, it'd be a shame if the restaurant you work in just so happened to get shut down."
No way, Judge was actually threatening to close down Zeff's restaurant. After he worked his ass off to build that place from the ground up, a place Sanji had spent most of his years in.
"You wouldn't dare...!" challenged Sanji. Even though he was putting on a tough exterior, he was feeling scared and helpless. The man who was so cruel to Sanji as a kid, the man who kicked his own son out to fend for himself. Now, he was ordering him to accept this marriage like it was nothing?
No, Sanji had vowed to get married to you, the person he truly loved. His mind, body and soul belonged to you, not this random person he never even saw.
"How about that girl you're seeing," said Judge. It was almost as if he was reading Sanji's mind. "She seems like a nice lady and I hear she's a doctor too. Would be a shame if all her hard work was crushed by a simple call I could make."
This was going too far, even for them. Sanji could hear his siblings snicker, all of them enjoying the scene that was unfolding before their very eyes. Of course they would find this amusing, Sanji's brothers never held any sympathy towards him. His eyes landed on Reiju, the only one who was not laughing. She avoided Sanji's stare, looking defeated as she watched her father strip away her brother's life right in front of his eyes.
"Just accept the inevitable, failure!" laughed Yonji, Sanji's youngest brother.
This was crossing the line, threatening Zeff and threatening you? The love of his life, the person he stayed up all night talking to about his dreams. No, Sanji couldn't risk being selfish. Not when Zeff's business was on the line alongside your career. You had busted your ass day and night, you would avoid sleeping and eating just to get where you were.
There was no other choice, Sanji was backed into a corner. All he wanted to do was cry but held the tears in, knowing his father and brothers would use that to berate him even further.
With a defeated look, Sanji could only stare into the abyss as he said, "I... will go through with it. Just don't bring them into this mess."
Sanji knew how horrible his family could be and their threats were no joke. They were willing to use their positions of power just to get what they wanted. He wasn't gonna let you fall victim to his family, even if it meant hurting you in the process.
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Sanji could see your whole world crashing down before his very eyes. It took you a minute to process what he had told his friend, what he had told you.
"I'm getting married, I'm cutting ties with all of you," spat Sanji.
This wasn't like him. Sanji never spoke to his friends in such a condescending way. Sure, he got annoyed by their antics from time to time but it was never enough to justify lashing out at them. He felt his heart rip in two as he watched your eyes well up with tears.
Luffy and Nami stood in shock, outraged by Sanji's behavior. Luffy shook his head, refusing to accept what his friend was saying.
"How dare you say that!" yelled Luffy. "You're supposed to get married to her!"
Sanji was grateful that you had Luffy to defend you. You looked so broken, he couldn't bear to see you any longer. He knew he wouldn't be able to go through with it if he continued seeing you in pain. You didn't say anything, but your body language said enough. You were hoping this was a dream-a nightmare-you could get out of.
"Sanji!" Nami yelled out, Sanji looking at her. He felt the palm of her hand collide with his cheek. The stinging sensation was brutal, but it was nothing compared to the sight of an angry Nami. Sanji knows he failed her, she doesn't need to say it.
"You promised me, Sanji," cried Nami. He had promised to not hurt you, now here you were, crying.
Luffy was comforting you, making sure you were alright. You hadn't spoken a word, screamed or cried, you just stood there lifeless. Sanji knew he had broken your heart, but it was for the best. That's what he wanted to believe, that you were better off without him. You wouldn't have to suffer because of him.
Nami made her way to you, and together with Luffy, guided you away from Sanji. He couldn't help but let the tears overflow as he watched the love of his life leave him. Just when he thought he had a chance at happiness, it was just as quickly diminished.
I'm sorry, was the only thing Sanji kept repeating to himself inside his head.
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A few weeks have gone by and Sanji felt like his soul was already sucked dry. Sanji wanted nothing more than to escape this cursed wedding, but no matter how he tried, he couldn't avoid it. Every waking day, Sanji was reminded how much of his life was taken away. He missed his friends, but most importantly, he missed you.
Sanji missed going to visit you at the hospital you worked at. He missed the surprise visits you do when he worked at Baratie. How much he loved cooking for you, every meal made out of nothing but his love.
Now, he was making a meal for his fiancée, Pudding, the woman Sanji was forced to marry. She was a nice girl, but she was nothing like you. You had a certain charm about you that Sanji found adorable. He just couldn't help but compare Pudding to you at every corner.
Like the meal he had made for Pudding for the picnic was nothing like what he would cook for you. You had your own special meal that Sanji was accustomed to, now he had to memorize a new one that wasn't even for you.
Sanji watched Pudding as she giggled, telling him a story that he wasn't listening to. He didn't mean to be rude, he was just so busy in his thoughts he blocked the whole world around him. He knew that the date was going fine, Pudding was enjoying herself.
For a short moment, Sanji enjoyed the scenery around him. There was a beautiful lake and the sun was out. Sanji saw from the corner of his eyes a familiar figure walking up towards the bench in front of the lake.
It was you.
For the first time in weeks, Sanji felt happiness fill all over him. He hadn't seen you in a long time, he was finally able to say hi to you and how much he missed you. It's almost as if he had forgotten what he put you through. Sanji was forced to come back down to reality, watching as two familiar friends sat down beside you on the bench; it was Nami and Luffy.
Sanji wasn't able to see your face, but he could tell by the way Nami was hugging you and the way Luffy put his arm around you; you were still hurt by the events that happened weeks prior. Sanji's heart ached as he heard from afar you sniffle and Pudding calling out for him. Good thing he was too far away to draw attention to himself, but there was a dark looming feeling that floated over his head.
One of guilt, regret and sadness all combined together. Guilt for the way he made you feel, promising not only to you but to his friend Nami, that he would never hurt you. Regret that he had to leave his father figure, his friends and you behind all in favor for this sham of a marriage.
Sanji was so sure about his decision. He didn't want anyone coming after you just to get back at him. He promised you he was doing you a favor by making you stay away from him and his cursed family.
But seeing as you cried your heart out to Nami and Luffy, Sanji couldn't help but think that he had made a crucial mistake. One that he was afraid he could never undo.
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if this gets enough love, i might do a part two (─‿‿─) tag list: @hellotamatoe and @somiawn, thank you for your guys support ♡5
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Hades x AFAB!Reader || Drabble
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Plot: So apparently your hot new God lover is not comfortable with the idea of using his cock on you (Apparently his cum is similar to something called... 🔥hot glue??🔥 Which does NOT sound good for your insides- ), so he improvises.
Warnings: Smut!! And, I hate this word but its the word, so- Dildo use. *sigh* 🤦‍♀️ (This word for me is what moist is for Lily Aldrin in HIMYM) Also monsterfucker themes, small gagging mention, Hades drawing out your orgasm for his own sake. Starts out gentle, gets rough.
Tagging: @disney-android-foundation , @marinerainbow , and @ryantryan6969 . I forgot to tag again! I'm so sorry! But here we go, half an hour later XD I hope you're in a Hades mood!
"Yeah," Hades' smirk is scary, sexy and sharp, looking at the... thing, he's created. "that should do it."
Your eyes are wide, and your cheeks and neck and chest are aflame from the kisses and being propped on the table with your legs parted, feet set on either arm of Hades' throne. Right where he wants you to be, caging him in. "That-... I, uh... Hades... that should do it, for- for... what?"
Its an odd thing, for sure, in his hand. Its cylindrical, thick and long with a soft, rounded tip that's slightly puffier than the rest of it. And at the other end of it theirs a wider, flatter part; A base. And the thick cylinder part is slightly... curved, too. You're not quite sure what you're looking at, though theirs definitely a thought nagging in your minds-eye, so you're just sitting there hot, breathless, exposed and baffled until Hades' takes notice.
When Hades notices your confused eyes, still clouded with the lust he built you up to already but also just... confused, his smirk becomes more devious. No longer can you see his teeth, just lips spread long, high cheekbones, narrowed eyes- and a glint.
"Oh trust me you're gonna love this handy little thing when we're done tonight- I might even let ya keep it, if I'm feeling charitable. A gift; from me to you, babe. Compliments of the house~"
"Its... well- it looks weird."
"This, doll, is an exact replica- of that thing I toldya we're not uh... using, today."
Immediately your face gets hotter, like its caught on fire. THATS what was nagging at you!! That- This thing- its a- its his-
You just called a God's manhood weird-looking. Oh n- Suddenly Hades changes his grip on it, holding the base and moving- disappearing from the throne before your eyes and reappearing again, standing tall before your far littler, mortal form. When the thing kisses your bare and already soaked hole, all thoughts vacate your mind and your hands fly to his toga; gripping the fabric in your fists.
"Trust me, eh? You're gonna love it when I'm done. Would I steer you wrong, babe?"
Dragging your eyes from the thing, up to Hades' eyes, eyes you already feel like you're falling in love with despite the short time you've been spending time together, you give it a think. Would he?
Or- more importantly, do you care? Right now you're absolutely dripping, curling your toes in anticipation of the thing stretching you out (feeling needy just at the feel of it ghosting against your slick skin), clenching Hades' toga in your fists like it'll lesson your achiness at all, and you feel so high on lust you'd do just about anything to be filled. His kisses were like a terrible drug, his tongue hot, thick and skilled teasing yours for what felt like forever, torturing you forever, until he finally attempted to reach his hand up your thigh. You're practically shaking with want. You've never felt it this bad, before. No one's ever turned you into this much an oversensitive mess before just with kissing.
To be fair though you've never been with a God, before.
After a moment you give a nod, desperate to have something fill you- rub against your clit- drag you to the edge by force. Fuck you.
"That's my favourite new plaything~ Okay, now listen,.. " You watch Hades lean down closer to you with glazed-over eyes, until he passes your lips by and you let out a sigh and drop your forehead on his shoulder, as he instead whispers hotly in your ear; "Here's the deal. You come, when I say so. I don't wanna hear any 'Hades I couldn't help it', cuz see I'm not gettin' anything outta this, am I babe?- what am I getting outta this? Nada. We're not even using my actual equipment, here. For your safety. Yah... So you're gonna have to put on a show for me, yeah? So c'mon, gimmie somethin to look back on. Be my personal pornstar."
You're already slipping away into foggy-brain mode, ready to disappear into the feeling of getting fucked, losing yourself in his voice. "Mhmm, o-kay." The smell of smoke is starting to overwhelm you, too, taking over your senses. It fills up your nose when you're this close to him, it warms your body, it leaves a barbecue-like taste on your tongue.
"Gonna haveta hear ya say it, babe. Remind me what's our deal?" The fake-cock presses against your folds, almost-almost breaching the entrance and stretching you and you give a hopeless whine.
"I'll... mm... you're missing out, so- so I'll... "
"Hmmmmm?" Hades decides to be an ass and strokes the thing up an down your folds, making it even harder for you to think. He also presses a simmering kiss to the top of your head to hide his chuckles, the bastard.
"... I'll be a p- pornstar for you... "
"That's right." Theirs a soft kind of pride in his voice that makes yours your insides squeeze, just as he slips the objects head into your pussy; beginning to massage it at a gradual pace in and out, going in deeper and deeper until the whole thing disappears in and out of your little, drippy, stretched entrance. You're gritting your teeth and pressing your forehead hard into his shoulder before you know it, feeling the throws of hot, throbbing pleasure building in you already.
While you're moaning and taking the fake cock in, the curve stretching you open and grinding perfectly against your sensitive clit (just enough to feel good but not enough to help you over the edge), Hades glides the long sharp fingers on his free hand along your thigh down to your knee- then pushes it back gently so your legs are open wider. It somehow maximises the feeling in you and you cant help the way your walls twitch around the thick, slimy instrument. How your hips roll towards it. "Hades! Hades hades hades- please please- "
"Good work, doll!, keep begging and you might just get watcha want outta me~ Maybe." His pumps get ever-so-slightly faster, filling you up more insistently, causing the sloppy suctioning sound of your tight wet cunt to get embarrassingly loud in the big empty room- making him smirk. "Sweetheart trust me you look good there... gonna be hard to talk shop here later on, if ya catch my drift. Eh?~ "
The thought of Hades communing with other gods, or the fates, or just Pain and Panic with his hand under the table pumping his leaky throbbing cock because of you flickers through your brain and makes you squeeze the toy inside you. "Hades! Hades! I- I c- I need- Please please, right there right there! I need y- ahhh," You want to reach down and touch yourself desperately, help yourself selfishly to an explosive climax around this perfect hard toy, but you behave yourself. You bite your lip and fight the urge, wanting to please him. "Faster please!! F- Faster, harder, in m- Ahh!"
Letting out a frustrated, orgasm-mad whine as the toy just continues to drive continuously into you at a moderate pace, only stimulating you enough to make you crazy with want, you decide to play with him some. Stretching slowly, you lean up to graze your lips against the heated skin of his neck. Then your tongue (The tip, then the full flatness, and then you give gentle suck~ Reminding him what you could be doing to him down there. Torturing him as bad as he's tortured you), and as your hands glide down his warm clothed chest, Hades grunts; frustrated himself as your mischievous fingers near his actual cock. "Babe, you know you're playing with fire he- "
Even through his toga, you can feel his length burning up and painfully hard. Gently stroking it, your relax down from his neck as you just weakly take the pounding in your core; delicately playing with his cock meanwhile. Sliding your hand up and down the hidden body part, which may be even thicker then the toy actually, making him twitch.
You almost lose yourself in this, the slow, torturous pleasure and the feeling of Hades' cock under your fingers. After a few moments of this, you notice the fake one shoving into you rougher, making the pressure inside you start to build up slowly so you look up at him; Eyes widening at the look on his face immediately.
With a pent-up frustrated frown at you, Hades starts to ram the damn thing into your hot, puffy walls; ripping you apart and abusing your little clit without a seconds notice. The fire on top of his head flashes orange and you know you did it. "Fine Y/N- you wanna act like a whore, okay. Trust me, I can treat you like a bitch if you want to be."
Your orgasm builds faster then before, the thick curved thing pounding into your pussy again and again at a filthy inhuman speed, fucking you hard and so rough your mouth hangs open obscenely as you press your forehead once again into Hades shoulder- hard. The heel of his hand brushes your skin every time he thrusts the toy inside your meaty walls and its a little detail that reminds you its him. Its not a soulless fucking machine. Its him. You stretch your thighs open wider to increase the feeling, unable to do much other then that but take the fucking- its just how you wanted, its better, its yanking your climax out of you desperately and selfishly.
When you're so so close, Hades makes you stretch your head backwards on your neck and kisses you again; making you gag on his long inhuman tongue for working him up like you did. You let out a strangled moan, shocked that it feels good having your ability to breath stolen from you in such a vulgar way, and stretch upwards towards him, trailing your tongue languidly against his in responce.
When he finally forces an orgasm out of you you're left twitching and shaking against Hades' chest.
"Thereee you go, that was my personal pornstar. Could use some work learning not to ever, mess with me- but for a first go I think that was pretty great. Full marks." Hades chuckles, nudging your chin upwards again - gentle this time, - to look at him. Theirs that devious smirk and those mischievous yellow eyes, looking at you like you're a tasty treat. "Now how about a smile? Maybe a 'thanks. lord of the dead, I feel fucking amazing'?"
With a tired sigh and a spent grin that turns slightly cheeky, you nod okay. "Thank you, oh lord. You did pretty good, too."
Hades' face looks thoroughly unamused at your smartass responce but in the moment with your pussy still throbbing you think its the cutest expression, ever. Then he releases your face and shrugs, an indifferent look on his face now. "Eh, well, I guess you don't want the bath I was gonna draw for ya-- fit for a god, with uh, you know, ambrosia, and stuff. Oh well, see ya next time toots- "
Oh that sounds good, damn. You look after him with sad wide eyes and frown, softly. "... a bath?" Your sweet, tired, fucked-out voice draws him right back in and his voice is gentle on his next words.
"Its in progress, sweetheart."
With that and a happy hum from you, Hades seals his lips to yours for another long, languid kiss while the bath is drawn for you.
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sleekervae · 4 months
The Bride [0.3]
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Pairing: billy the kid x fem!reader
Summary: Eleanor Gets Fired
Warnings: foul language, violence on animals, black eye, mentions of murder
Word Count: 4,452
Tag List: @poppyflower-22 @ponyslayer
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"Kid Antrim Escapes Silver City Jail"
"Jail Guard Loses Armed Robber"
"Armed Robber, Billy Antrim, In the Wind"
The headlines were splashed across the newspaper the next day, with chatter and gossip taking Silver City by storm. People were baffled, curious, and terrified with that they'd read; a "dangerous man" was on the loose, who wouldn't be terrified? When Eleanor read that headline, she said a silent prayer that Billy wouldn't return to Silver City.
Life continued on for her. She's work days the ranch and nights at the saloon, keeping her head down and working hard to scrape up as much money as she could. Jesse would still come around for information on Billy Matthews' cattle, they didn't talk about Billy. No matter how much Eleanor wanted to ask if he'd heard anything, she didn't want to give him the satisfaction to comfort her. Sure, she was indebted to him, but she still didn't trust him.
It was a regular Wednesday morning on the Matthews ranch. The cowboys were herding and taking care of the livestock, bringing eggs and milk to Eleanor in the kitchen as she whipped up lunch for everybody. The sun was pouring in from the open window, the heat just bordering bearable between the oven and the stove, and Eleanor continued to knead her bread dough in silence. Jesse and his gang wanted a new map for the cattle, and she had to wait until Matthews was far from his office before she could snoop around.
"Miss Aubert?" she looked up at the call of her surname. One of the ranch hands were standing in the doorway, sweat-stained with callous hands folded, "Mr. Matthews wants a word with you,"
Eleanor cocked her head, curiosity and apprehension forming in her gut. Matthews had never called for her before.
"I'm in the middle of making his lunch," she said matter-of-factly.
"He said he wants you on the porch. Now," the ranch hand shrugged back, "He don't sound too happy,"
In the back of her mind, Eleanor had a feeling what was about to happen. So, she wiped her hands free of dough, cleaned up her station, and followed the ranch hand outside. Matthews was sitting in his usual porch chair, watching the rest of his cowboys rustle up and saddle his horses and cows. Matthews was an old man, but intimidating all the same with his dark, heavy under eyes, stiff upper lip, and a cigar clenched between his fingers.
Eleanor approached him cautiously, putting on a friendly smile, "You wanted to see me, Mr. Matthews?"
Matthews glanced up at her, his stiff glare softening into a smile of his own, "Yes. Yes I did, Miss Aubert,"
"Eleanor is just fine, sir,"
"Right," he put his cigar between his teeth, turning his gaze back to his ranch, "You see the mare over there, Eleanor?" he pointed out to the fencing. Eleanor looked out, and sure enough there was a mare amongst the other horses, just a bit smaller than the others, but majestic and strong nevertheless.
"Yes, sir,"
"I bought that mare last spring, she was supposed to mate with my horses, give me some babies to raise, make my stock stronger," he drawled, "I just found out last week that this particular is barren. She's no good. Just another dumb fucking animal on a farm,"
Eleanor nodded, confused as to where he was taking this, but she stayed empathetic, "That's terrible," she muttered.
"Yeah, yeah it is," Matthews nodded, "But that's life, you get disappointed. And when you get disappointed, you can either do something about it, or sit there and continue to be a doormat," he ten turned to her, "So now... I have to put that mare down,"
Eleanor glanced at him in disbelief, "Sir... she's a perfectly good horse, isn't she?" she asked.
"Well, yes. But she's not doing what I needed her to do. And therefore, I have no use for her," he kept his gaze fixed on Eleanor, whatever friendly demeanour he had at the beginning was quickly melting away into something more sinister, "Just like I have no use for you,"
Eleanor swallowed back the growing lump in her throat, "I beg your pardon?"
"I know what you've been up to. You think you're pretty damn smart, don't 'cha'? Hm?" his lips pressed together in a thin line, his greying eyes darkening, "What were you doing in my office the other day? Don't deny it, you were seen,"
Eleanor shook her head, trying to grasp at threads, "I'm sorry Mr. Matthews, I don't know what you're talking about,"
Matthews' grin returned, he glanced back at the cowboys who were none the wiser, "You don't know what I'm talking about..."
Eleanor stood stiff as a board, waiting, anticipating just what he'd say next. However, she didn't anticipate he'd shoot up from his seat and back hand her across her face, her hard brass of his ring indenting just under her eye.
Eleanor stumbled and fell backwards, her butt landing hard on the porch wood. Matthews stood over her, seething with rage.
"You don't know what the fuck I'm talking about!?" he screamed, hands fisted tight, veins bulging in his forehead and his face going red. The commotion grabbed the attention of the cowboys.
Eleanor turned back over, the sting from his knuckle nothing compared to the fear swelling in her chest. He continued to shout down at her, his teeth gnashing and spit flying.
"You think I haven't noticed how my cattle have disappeared since I dun' hired you? You think you're smarter than me, don't you? I've got more thoughts in my little finger then you do in your whole body!" he held up his hand and Eleanor feared her may hit her again, "Say something!"
"I'm sorry!" Eleanor shouted back, though she knew no apologies would soften him none, "I'm very sorry!"
Matthews scoffed, lowering his hand and relaxing his shoulders, "You sorry you let rustlers steal my herd? Or are you sorry you got caught?" his hand then went to his belt holster, and a renewed sense of fear filled her. He wouldn't actually shoot her in front of all these people... would he?
"Benjamin!" he suddenly roared, "Bring me that dull mare!" no, she feared he was going to do something much worse.
Eleanor watched, her heart in her throat as Benjamin lassoed the mare and lead her over to the porch. She was absolutely beautiful, dappled grey with big, soulful eyes and a pristine white face. She met Eleanor's gaze, and from how she shifted from hoof to hoof, it was clear she could sense the rising tension, the fear in the air.
Matthews pulled out his gun and cocked it, checking the barrel for his ammunition.
"Mr. Matthews... please, don't do it," Eleanor begged, tears beginning to well in her eyes.
Matthews hummed to himself, looking back down at the young girl, "You know what I do to people who betray me, Miss Aubert?" he asked.
Eleanor didn't even have time to close her eyes before he raised his gun, and with perfect precision he shot the mare between her eyes. Eleanor couldn't even scream, couldn't bare to look at the blood that splattered on the porch wood, nor the frozen stare on Benjamin's face as the mare fell to the ground, dead.
Matthews stood unfazed, watching Eleanor pitifully. His gun stayed clasped tightly in his hand, "Now you have a choice, young lady," he grumbled, "Either you can get the fuck off my property and I won't call the sheriff, or you can be next, and your body will be weighed down in the lake,"
Eleanor had to compose herself. On shaky legs, she pushed herself back to her feet, stumbling a few times as she walked off the porch. She looked back only at the poor horse, her heart breaking all over again at the sight of the lifeless mare. Taking a deep breath, she turned her back on the scene and started walking, each step feeling heavier than the last.
The air was eerily silent now, the brutal act hanging in the air like a suffocating fog. Matthews stood behind her, unfazed, his gun still in hand. Eleanor walked fast, fearing he may have second thoughts about using that gun on her. And fuck -- her eye hurt really bad.
She didn't know what she would say to Jesse, could just imagine how pissed off he would be when he'd learn she'd been fired. Maybe he wouldn't have any use for her, maybe he'd kick her out to fend for herself. As much of a bitch she knew he was, Eleanor knew that she still needed Jesse as much as he needed her.
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While Eleanor grappled with her own struggles, Billy was trying to start anew. He had no family, no friends to rely on—just a horse he’d stolen, some meager provisions, and the hope that strangers might show him some kindness. But those strangers often proved to be more detrimental than helpful.
Billy fell in with a career felon and con man. Sure, the man helped him get an honest job as a rancher, but trusting him only led to more trouble. Billy lost his job when the felon fatally shot the rancher. Then, accused of stealing horses by a blacksmith (which, to be fair, he did, but no one else needed to know), Billy found himself in deeper trouble. In the chaos, he fatally shot the blacksmith.
Billy had never killed anyone before, never thought he’d have the guts. The closest he came was with his own stepfather, but that was different—he only wanted to scare him. The gun just… went off. Now, as he sat by a dwindling fire, the weight of his actions pressed down on him. He was in too deep, too far gone to find an easy way out. The life he’d hoped to build seemed more distant with each passing day, leaving him to wonder if he’d ever escape the shadows of his past.
He knew what his mother would say. As much as he wanted to forget it all and move on, he was still a good person. And as a good person, he knew he had to do the right thing.
He showed up in the aforementioned town, ready to face the court and plead his case for self-defense. But just like in Silver City, he quickly learned that the court system here wasn't interested in his side of the story, in how he tried to save himself. The wanted posters with his face plastered all over them certainly didn’t help his case.
But if there was one good thing Billy had going for him, it was his charm, and his brain. And sure enough he was able to escape jail again, disappearing just like before.
He was without a horse, having him and his belongings stolen by the Apache. So Billy was left to wander the frontier, a ghost, a nobody that one would blink and miss in the distance. He missed his old life, his mom, his brother, the friends he'd made and had to leave behind. He wondered if those friends thought about him, if Jesse or Eleanor cared to think about him.
Eleanor, so headstrong, sharp-tongued, beautiful in every way, shape, and form. She was a constant presence in his mind as he wandered the vast terrain. The heat and dehydration often played tricks on him—he’d see her in the weeds, in the wind, thought he caught her oaky hair fluttering in the breeze, could hear the lilt of her accent echoing in his ears. He missed her, missed her more than he could comprehend. He swore if he found his way out of this desert, he'd go out and find her, swore to himself he'd take good care of her. Better than any care Jesse could offer.
Billy’s exhaustion finally overtook him, and he collapsed onto the dry, cracked earth. The world blurred around him as his consciousness flickered. He drifted in and out, each time catching glimpses of rough hands lifting him, concerned eyes peering down over bandanas. He felt the cool touch of water on his parched lips, the gentle jostle of being hoisted onto a horse. Between bouts of darkness, he heard snippets of a soothing voice, the soft drawl of reassurance, promising that he was safe. As he slipped back into unconsciousness, Billy clung to the faint hope that rescue had come at last.
He dreamed a lot—or at least he thought so. He couldn't distinguish between dreams and memories: his mother's suffering, Carlos' murder, arrest after arrest, all swirling together. Amidst the chaos, there was a distant voice calling for him, so kind, so familiar, drawing him up under an ocean of limbo.
"Billy? Billy, can you hear me?" he could feel a blanket on him, a pillow under his head, his lungs begging for water.
"What?" and when he cracked his eyes open he was blinded by sunlight, only relieved by Eleanor's concerned face.
He thought he was still dreaming, but as he looked around, his vision hazy and his head pounding, he saw he wasn't in the desert anymore. He was in a bed, a water pitcher on the table next to him, and Eleanor standing over him.
"Oh, thank God," he heard her sigh, "You had me worried something terrible for a spell," her voice was a tone just above a whisper, her choppy bangs hanging over her eyes, Billy could swear one was a darker color than the other. Or maybe his eyes were still just playing tricks on him.
"E-Eleanor," he coughed and sputtered, his chest burning with every jolt. Eleanor moved fast to pour him some water, cradling his head so he could sit up.
"It's alright, drink," he brought the glass to his lips and he drank gratefully. The cool water filled his mouth, overwhelmed his throat, it was a sweet and crisp relief.
He breathed heavily as he settled back in bed, his lips felt dry and crackled, he felt dusty and dirty all over, but he had so many questions.
"Where am I?" he gasped, "How did I get here? Why are you here?"
"You're in New Mexico, the boys found you out in the desert. I'm gonna' get you better, though," she took a cloth and dabbed the sweat from his forehead, hoping her face didn't give way to how scared she was for him. He looked so weak, like he'd blow away in grains of sand at the slightest gust of wind.
Billy had so many questions, but despite them all his eyes felt heavy, his body felt limp. He could barely string out enough words.
"Eleanor... I'm tired," he mumbled.
A small smile graced her lips, "Then sleep," she told him, "Just holler for anything,"
She watched his eyes fall closed, readjusting under the blanket and falling back asleep. Relief flooded over her, there was a period where she feared he was too far gone to be alive. God only knew how long he'd been out in the elements, anything could have happened to him out there.
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Billy had slept more in the last two days than he had in months, and when he wasn't sleeping Eleanor took care of him. He was grateful to her, a part of him still thought he might have been dreaming but she was really here, giving him water, making him food, keeping him company when he was conscious enough to make some conversation. He still had so many questions, one in particular was how Eleanor wound up with a black eye.
It was the first day Billy felt strong enough to get out of bed and walk around. He sat on the back porch, a blanket over his shoulders and a warm mug of tea in his hands, looking out to the vast farmland before him. Eleanor came out to join him, her hair pulled up in a ponytail and flour stains on her trousers. Her wound was fading too, but she still didn't feel comfortable enough going out in public like this lest someone ask her questions.
"So, this is Lincoln County," Billy said, watching her from the corner of his eye. She was leaning against the post, arms folded over her chest and looking out.
"Yep, home sweet home," she replied.
"And this is where you've been living outside the hotel?" he asked.
"Pretty much," she turned to face him, "It don't belong to anybody, we just found it abandoned. Figured -- why not?"
"... And 'we' would be... Jesse?" he asked.
"And the Seven Rivers Gang," Eleanor confirmed, throwing her hands to her sides, "Welcome to our secret lair,"
Billy nodded, "Thank you," he simpered, "I don't remember much. The trail, the coyotes, then my horse got stolen,"
Eleanor pulled up a chair beside him, "When the boys found you, you were laid out and left to die. Scavengers would'a been on you by night, prolly'. Jesse brung ya' here, and I swear I thought you were dead for sure," she explained, "You been busy, though,"
"How do you mean?" he asked.
"There are wanted posters for ya all over the state," she replied, "They don't do you justice, in my opinion,"
"Oh, why thank you," he said.
"There's something different about you, though," she noted, cocking her head at him, "You look... stressed. And not just from the sun. Something happened while you were gone, didn't it?"
Billy inhaled deeply, a pit of dismay forming in his gut. He wasn’t sure how Eleanor would react, if she’d ever look at him the same way after he told her about the blacksmith. But she was all he had right now. Surely, if she knew the whole story, she would understand.
"I killed a man, Eleanor," he admitted, taking his gaze away from her, "I didn't mean to, it just kinda... happened,"
Eleanor was waiting for a punch line, thinking that maybe he was just pulling her leg. But no, his worn expression, the lowering pitch in his tone, he had been through a lot in the months he'd been gone. Despite his guilt and sorrow, Eleanor knew Billy. She knew he wasn't a murderer.
"Did he have it coming?" she asked.
Billy shrugged listlessly, "He wouldn't leave me alone. Attacked me in front of everybody. He got my gun, we wrestled for it, but... I didn't want him to die,"
Eleanor nodded slowly. She reached out, gently touching him on his shoulder, "That sounds like self-defence to me. Was it?"
"Of course it was,"
"Then don't beat yourself up over it. Good people do bad things Billy, but that don't mean they're bad," she told him, "We all gotta' do what we gotta' do,"
Billy nodded, and while he was still remorseful, he was grateful that Eleanor didn't judge him. He was grateful for her all around.
"Suppose you're right," he mumbled, he then raised his finger up to his eye, "What happened here?"
She simpered sheepishly, pulling some of her hair over the left side of her face, trying to hide the yellowy-purple bruise, "Oh. Well, long story short is I no longer work for Matthews," she replied.
Billy's concern grew, "Did Jesse do that?" he asked.
"No. Matthews. He found out I was selling out his cattle, aaaaand... he didn't like that. Just to drive the point home, he killed a horse in front of me. A barren mare. I swore for a moment he was gonna' do me in the same," she explained, keeping her eyes averted to the wooden planks beneath them.
"Jesus," Billy sat up in his chair, taking a better look at her face. The bruise was a couple weeks healed up, the indent of Matthews' ring was still present on her cheek bone. He couldn't help but reach over and stroke the bruise, her skin so soft and smooth under his calloused thumb, "How'd Jesse take it?"
"He was angry that Matthews hit me more than anything," she replied, "We agreed I should stay here for a while until we pick up again, better to keep out of town,"
Billy's heart broke for her. Eleanor had always been the fiercest, most resilient person he knew. She worked too damn hard to be thanked with a black eye, to end up in an old, decrepit house in the middle of nowhere. Anger surged through him, mixing with his sadness, as he thought of Billy Matthews laying a hand on her. She deserved so much more—more than this desolate existence, more than the pain and struggle she faced every day.
He shook his head, "Swear to God, if I ever see that man --"
"You're not gonna' do shit," she told him, "Not until you're healed at least," her lips pulled up in a smirk, that same mischievous, sharp smirk Eleanor had that accentuated her personality. It was a small gesture, but it made Billy feel a little better.
Billy too began to smile, "I missed you, ya know?"
Eleanor relaxed in her seat, her smile growing, "I missed you, too. I'm... I'm really glad to see you,"
Billy knew it would be a while before he was back to a hundred percent. His lips were still cracked, and his throat felt raw. He realized he'd be spending quite some time here, recovering. The only question at the forefront of his mind was how long he'd have Eleanor all to himself during this stretch of time.
"How long as the boys gone for?" he asked.
"About a week," she replied, "You're stuck with me until then,"
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Eleanor and Billy fell into an easy rhythm over the next few days, their interactions flowing with a natural comfort that belied the short time they'd known each other. Despite Eleanor's insistence that he should take it easy, Billy, still on the mend from his bout of heatstroke, was eager to lend a hand around the farm.
One morning, Eleanor found Billy in the kitchen, fumbling with a frying pan and a carton of eggs. His brow was furrowed in concentration, and she couldn't help but laugh at his earnestness. His limited culinary skills were evident, but there was something undeniably charming about his determination. As they cooked breakfast together, their laughter filled the room, mingling with the aroma of fresh coffee and sizzling bacon.
After breakfast, they wandered through the fields, the farm bathed in the golden light of late spring. Eleanor led Billy to her favorite hidden corners, where wildflowers painted the landscape and the old oak tree offered a sanctuary from the heat. As they walked, their conversation flowed effortlessly, their stories weaving a tapestry of shared experiences. Billy's voice softened as he spoke about less sinister things he'd been up to, exploring towns, the people he'd met along the way. Eleanor listened, captivated not just by his words but by the way his eyes sparkled with passion.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the sky in hues of pink and orange, they sat on a hill overlooking the farm. The air was thick with the scent of earth and blooming flowers. Billy glanced at Eleanor, his eyes lingering a moment longer than usual. She felt a flutter in her chest, a warmth spreading through her as his gaze traveled over her face, settling on her lips for a heartbeat before looking away.
That evening, they found themselves by the fire, the flames casting a soft glow on their faces. Eleanor couldn't shake the feeling that something between them had shifted. The space between them felt charged, the air thick with unspoken words and budding attraction. She was drawn to Billy in a way she hadn't expected, her feelings teetering on the edge of friendship and something undeniably more.
With each passing day, Eleanor and Billy grew closer, their bond deepening in ways that felt both thrilling and terrifying. As they sat under the starlit sky, the world around them fading into the background, Billy couldn't help but wonder if this was the beginning of something new, something beautiful. Eleanor's hand brushed against him, and the spark that ignited was impossible to ignore. He looked at her, and in that moment, he knew—this was more than friendship. This was the start of something that could change everything for them.
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Billy and Eleanor were sitting by the fire as night fell over them. Billy's eyes wandered around the cozy farmhouse, finally landing on an old guitar propped up in the corner of the living room, dusty, worn down, but it still looked to be in good condition.
"Whose guitar is that?" Billy asked, nodding towards it.
Eleanor followed his gaze, a soft smile curling her lips, "It belongs to John, one of Jesse's guys. He plays it sometimes, but mostly it just sits there collecting dust,"
Billy's eyes sparkled with interest, "Do you play?"
"Sometimes," she admitted, a hint of nostalgia in her voice, "I don't know many songs,"
Billy leaned forward, his gaze intense but gentle, "Will you play something for me?"
Eleanor hesitated, her fingers instinctively twitching. She hadn't played for anyone in a long time, but there was something in Billy's eyes that made her want to share that part of herself with him.
"Okay," she said softly, standing up and fetching the guitar. She settled back down next to Billy, her fingers caressed the worn strings, a reverent touch as she tuned it.
"What do you want to hear?" she asked, glancing up at him.
"Anything," Billy said, "Anything you feel like,"
Eleanor took a deep breath, the cool evening air filling her lungs. She began to strum, her fingers moving with a familiarity that brought the guitar to life. The melody was simple, an old song her mother used to sing for her about a woman who was wrongly accused of murder. Not the most appropriate song for a child, but it resonated with Eleanor. As she played, she started to sing, her voice soft and haunting in the twilight.
Billy watched her, mesmerized. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the music and the gentle cadence of Eleanor's voice. He couldn't help but feel a deep sense of connection, the story she was telling so beautiful, so tragic.
When the last note faded, Eleanor looked up, her eyes meeting Billy's. There was a silence that spoke volumes, a shared understanding that words could never capture.
"Thank you," Billy said quietly, his voice full of emotion. "That was beautiful,"
Eleanor smiled, her cheeks flushing slightly, "I'm glad you liked it,"
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supernaturalfreakout · 8 months
Revelations pt. 2
[History on Your Side—Chapter 3.] Sam Winchester x Reader
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Summary: Revelations of a different kind are revealed. You and Sam spend some time alone. *Please see the masterlist for entire work summary and tags* Masterlist | Read on AO3
The Impala rumbled through the streets, the engine's purr resonating through the rainy night as Sam and Dean navigated towards your address. The houses stood in neat rows, each one barely distinguishable from the next in the dimly lit neighbourhood. As they pulled up outside your modest townhouse, the porch light cast a soft glow, illuminating the rain as it fell.
You met them at the door, hurrying them into the kitchen where an array of old texts and manuscripts lay, covering the table and floor.
"Wow, you've really gone to town" Dean remarked.
The three of you gathered around the small kitchen table, the air thick with anticipation as you laid out a leather journal and a few worn manuscripts in front of you.
A touch of nervousness colored your voice as you continued. "I've been studying these texts for a while and have never been able to make sense of them, but when you mentioned a spell... well, take a look..."
Sam leaned forward, recognizing a familiar seal on the journal. "Are these… Men of Letters materials?"
Your confusion was evident as you locked eyes.
"You know about the Men of Letters?" Dean's tone was laced with both concern and intrigue.
You nodded. "I've been quietly researching their history for years. It's not something openly discussed in academic circles... it's often dismissed as mere conspiracy or myth."
Sam's eyebrows rose in interest. "What got you interested in their research?"
"I stumbled upon obscure references during my doctoral studies. It was like uncovering a hidden world of knowledge. But the deeper I delved, the more I realized how deliberately it was obscured. My colleagues shrugged it off, but I sensed there was more… and… I'm sensing that you know more than you're letting on?" You looked between the brothers as they glanced at each other, silently contemplating whether to reveal their connection to the secret organisation.
Sam leaned forward as he explained. "The Men of Letters, they've been around for centuries. They've catalogued knowledge about every kind of supernatural entity you can imagine. They're like a secret society, guarding information that most people can't even imagine."
Dean, nodding in agreement, added, "They've got archives full of books and lore from all over the world. But they keep it under lock and key, hidden from the public eye."
You listened intently, visibly intrigued. "So, you're saying that this organization has been safeguarding knowledge about the supernatural for generations?"
Dean chimed in. "It's not just about information. They've got tools, spells, ancient artefacts—stuff that's pretty powerful if it falls into the wrong hands."
Your eyes widened slightly. "How do you know all of this?"
"We've had our fair share of encounters with the Men of Letters," Sam began, a hint of hesitation in his voice. "In fact, we live in one of their old bunkers."
"Yeah, it's our headquarters. It's packed with centuries-old knowledge, weapons, spells—everything we need for our... line of work. Where did you say you found this?" Dean's voice turned accusatory as he picked up the journal.
"It was donated by a member of the public… I reached out for information on local folklore and someone handed it in. There should be a name in the cover, hold on…" You flipped to the back page. "Donated by a Mr Henry Win… W... Winchester".
A silence settled between the three of you. Sam and Dean gaped.
"Henry Who?" Dean asked, not believing his ears.
"Henry Winchester." You gulped, watching the brother's shocked expressions.
"Huh." Sam huffed, visibly baffled. "Henry Winchester is… or was… our grandfather".
"Wait, so you're telling us that you just happen to have our missing Men of Letters' journal, donated by our grandfather?!" Dean accused. "Who are you working for lady?".
"What?! No one… I mean, I work for the university… No one else... I'm just as confused as you are right now!" You sat back in defence, noting the concern in the brothers' eyes.
"Not many people even know about the Men of Letters, let alone actively research them" Sam added, searching your eyes.
You looked at him pleadingly. "I swear Sam, I wouldn't lie about this..."
Sam calmed, noticing the panic in your eyes. "Hey, hey… it's okay, I believe you Y/N." I don't know why, but I just do. Sam soothed as he looked into your eyes.
Relief washed over you and Dean appeared to calm, trusting Sam's intuition.
As the tension lifted, a sense of understanding gradually filled the room. Sam's unwavering belief seemed to bridge the gap, diffusing the suspicion that lingered moments ago. The relief in your eyes mirrored Dean's easing stance.
"So, you're like… guardians of this hidden world?" You asked, reigniting your conversation.
Sam exhaled through his nose. "More like janitors, cleaning up the messes others can't handle."
"It's not always glamorous," Dean teased with a smirk. "But someone's gotta do it." The hint of humour in his tone reassured you that his earlier suspicions had dissipated. "Anyway, back to this spell…"
"Right, of course..." You pulled the journal towards you.
Sam leaned forward, studying the text intently as you pointed out the details you had identified. Aided by Sam and Dean's knowledge, you worked together to translate the details of the spell.
The spell involved a meticulous process- a ritual, cleansing a site with specific herbs and offerings, all of which had to align with the energies of a full moon.
Hope coloured Sam's voice. "This is incredible... So the spirit's energy is tied to the full moon?"
You nodded. "Lore states that the tribe worshiped the full moon, and when a member died and their bones burned… their souls transcend there…Somehow, this dude got trapped on earth"
"Huh" Dean mused. "Sounds like a sci-fi movie".
Sam huffed, "Are you forgetting that Vampires exist, Dean? Werewolves, Demons, Angels...?"
"Angels?!" You blurted, shock evident on your face.
The brothers chuckled in unison. "Why is it always the Angels that shock people?" Dean smithed.
You squinted at Sam, tilting your head to the side in mock suspicion. "Angels, really!? You're not getting out of that one easily, I'll have questions later."
Dean winked at Sam.
"Anyway moving onnn…" Sam pressed, placing his hand on the table. "This explains why there have been no reported sightings in a few weeks. No full moon = no spirit."
"So… yeah, this spell… the moon." You stumbled over your words, a hint of reluctance in your expression. "Basically… it seems the spell can only be performed on a full moon. And, well, the next one is... tomorrow."
Dean's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Tomorrow? That soon?"
You nodded, feeling the weight of time. "I'm sorry I didn't mention this earlier. That's why I called you over so urgently."
Sam nodded thoughtfully, understanding the sudden rush. "Thank you Y/N. We owe you big time for this."
You glanced at the clock on the wall. "Soo… we should get cracking then. We'll need to gather the ingredients and prepare for the ritual before sunset tomorrow".
Sam and Dean exchanged a concerned glance. "Y/N... This ritual, it might not be safe. We can't guarantee what we'll face there."
Dean's expression hardened as he chimed in, his demeanour firm. "Sam's right, we can't risk putting you in harm's way."
You met their concern with an unwavering, resolute look. "I understand the risks, but I called you here for a reason. I want to help."
Sam sighed deeply, his concern etched in his furrowed brow. "We appreciate that, but this is our job—our responsibility. We can't involve you in something this risky."
"But… I've been studying these texts for years... I know the history," you insisted firmly, your determination shining through. "I can be an asset, not a liability."
Dean shook his head, his reluctance evident. "We can't take that chance. Our line of work, it's not for everyone."
You stood your ground, your stance holding a mix of frustration and resolve. "I understand the risks, and I'm willing to take them."
Sam and Dean exchanged a knowing look, silently acknowledging your unyielding determination. With a heavy sigh, Sam relented, albeit with lingering worry etched on his face. "Okay. We'll need to gather the ingredients, and rehearse the spell."
Your eyes lit up with gratitude. "Thank you. I won't let you down."
After a tense pause, Sam spoke in a softer tone. "We'll prepare everything. But promise us, if it gets too dangerous, you'll stay back."
You nodded firmly. "I promise. I'll follow your lead."
Dean, uncomfortable with the tension in the air, decided to excuse himself. "Hey Sammy… as you’re the bookish one, why don't you stay and get clued up on this spell. I’ll head out to grab the herbs and shit". Dean shot a reassuring look at Sam, a silent encouragement to handle the situation, before swiftly leaving to gather the required supplies.
As the sound of the closing door echoed through the room, the atmosphere seemed to ease a bit. Sam met your gaze, his concern softening into a reassuring smile. "He's got a way with words, hasn't he?"
You chuckled softly, the tension easing a little. "He sure does. Is he always that direct and to the point?"
Sam let out a breathy laugh. "Yep"
You mirrored his amusement.
Sam leaned back in his chair, folding his arms as he regarded you. "You really shouldn't have to do this. It's not your responsibility."
"I know," you admitted, a hint of weariness in your voice. "But I can't stand by knowing that I might know something that could help. This means a lot to me."
Sam's expression softened, understanding the depth of your commitment. "We appreciate your willingness to help. But you have to understand, this world we deal with, it's dangerous. We've seen things that... no one should have to."
You nodded solemnly. "I get it. But sometimes, doing what's right means taking risks."
Despite his concerns for your safety, your words resonated with him deeply. "We'll do everything to keep you safe, Y/N. That's a promise."
A faint smile touched your lips. "I trust you."
With a newfound understanding, you focused on the task ahead together. Time passed swiftly in your combined efforts, Sam absorbing every bit of information like a sponge, whilst you offered clarifications and insights from your research.
As you discussed the finer points of the ritual, your voices softened, the air thickening with a palpable chemistry, unspoken yet undeniable. Your forced proximity seemed to heighten the charged atmosphere. An accidental brush of hands while reaching for a text, or a fleeting touch as you exchanged notes, sent jolts of awareness through you both.
Sam caught himself lingering on your words longer than necessary, admiring the intelligence and passion in your eyes. He tried to concentrate on the ritual details, but his thoughts occasionally drifted to the way your eyes sparkled with enthusiasm or the way you ran your fingers through your hair in moments of deep contemplation.
You too, couldn't help but notice the intensity in Sam's eyes as he absorbed the information. His focused demeanour was intriguing, and the way his brows furrowed slightly in concentration was oddly endearing. You found yourself drawn to his earnestness, dedication, and the way he spoke with a gentle authority.
"Y/N," Sam began hesitantly, breaking the intensity of your study. "I owe you an apology. When we first met, I... I made a mistake, misgendering you. I'm truly sorry. I haven't stopped thinking about it… I'm pretty embarrassed actually."
Your expression softened, surprise flickering briefly before a reassuring smile tugged at your lips. "Honestly, forget about it... titles can be deceiving."
Sam exhaled through his nose. "It must suck though, right? That people still make assumptions like that".
"I guess so, I just try not to think about it."
"Yeah, yeah, right, I'm sorry."
You chuckled. "Stop apologizing... It's all good."
"Good." Sam smiled, unsure where to lead the conversation next. He hoped he hadn't ruined the vibe.
Sensing Sam's hesitancy, you shuffled in your seat. "Um, I don't know about you, but all this reading is making my head fuzzy. Do you…fancy a beer?"
"Uh, yeah… sure." Sam rose from his seat, unconsciously mirroring you.
"Awesome, you relax, Sam, I'll grab them".
"May I use your bathroom?" Sam asked, ever so politely.
You chuckled. "Yeah of course, up the stairs, first door on the right."
Once in the bathroom, Sam closed the door and stared at himself in the mirror. He felt like a teenager on a first date, full of butterflies. He tried to calm himself down, splashing some cold water on his face and checking his teeth. Taking a deep breath to calm the flutter of nerves in his chest, he ran a hand through his hair, trying to compose himself. He couldn't deny what he was feeling- he was head-over-heels crushing on you.
As he tried to steady his racing thoughts, Sam couldn't help but replay the moments you had shared—your smile, the accidental touches, the way you seamlessly connected over shared enthusiasm.
"Pull yourself together, Sam," he muttered to his reflection. He couldn't afford to let his feelings interfere with the task ahead, especially when danger might loom.
Taking another deep breath, he straightened his posture and splashed a bit more water on his face, letting the coolness soothe his nerves. "Just a crush," he reminded himself firmly, though his heart wasn't completely convinced.
Downstairs, you were gathering drinks from the kitchen, your own thoughts a mix of excitement and nervousness. You had sensed a shift in your interaction, and now, with Sam excusing himself, you tried to contain your own flutter of anticipation. The prospect of spending a casual moment together felt oddly thrilling.
With two bottles in hand, you made your way to the lounge, taking a deep breath to calm your nerves. You set the bottles down on the coffee table as you heard Sam's footsteps coming down the stairs.
"In here!" you called, signalling Sam to turn right, instead of left back into the kitchen. "Needed a change of scenery" you smiled, trying to ease the tension as you both sat on the sofa.
Seated next to each other, you took sips from your drinks.
"Sooo, besides solving supernatural mysteries, what else do you do?" you asked, attempting to break the ice.
Sam chuckled softly, grateful for the shift in conversation. "Well, it's pretty much a hunter's life for me—saving people, hunting things, the family business, as my brother likes to say."
You grinned. "Saving people, huh? That's quite the noble endeavour. But what about when you're not hunting?"
Sam paused, considering the question. "I guess I try to keep some sense of normalcy—reading, jogging, that kind of stuff. Dean says I'm a bit of a nerd."
You chuckled. "Sounds like a good way to balance out the otherworldly chaos."
Sam's gaze softened, memories of a different path flickering in his eyes. "I had another life planned before all of this... I was studying to be a lawyer."
Your eyebrows rose in surprise. "Really? What made you change course?"
"Family duty." Sam's reply was tinged with melancholy and regret. "Some things happen, and you find yourself down a different road. Dean and I… well, we took on this legacy, and it became more than just a choice."
You nodded, sensing the depth behind Sam's words. "It takes a lot to give up one path for another."
"Yeah, it does," Sam agreed softly, a hint of sadness in his tone. "But I guess in the end, we all have to make sacrifices for what we believe in."
You considered him for a second, admiration in your thoughts.
"Anyway... enough about me…what about you? Besides being an encyclopaedia of hidden knowledge, what fills your days?"
You blushed. "Well, you know... the simple things—hiking, painting, exploring new cafes..." A soft smile graced your lips. "Oh, and I have this habit of binge-watching crime documentaries. It's a bit of a guilty pleasure."
Sam chuckled. "Oh yeah?"
You exhaled in amusement. "Yeah, um... I know it sounds so cliché, but understanding the human mind, motivations—it's fascinating."
Your conversation flowed effortlessly, each question peeling back another layer, revealing more about your lives, interests, and aspirations.
Dean eventually returned, laden with an assortment of herbs and artefacts. You were so engrossed in your conversation that you didn't even hear the door open.
"Got everything we need. What'd I miss?" Dean's grin widened as he surveyed the room, sensing the intimate atmosphere he'd stumbled into.
Sam cleared his throat, a faint flush of embarrassment tingeing his cheeks. "Uh, we finalised the spell... Y/N here kindly offered up a beer."
"Yeah, we were just winding down... Are you a true crime fan too?" You asked with a playful smirk.
Dean's eyebrows shot up in mock surprise. "True crime, huh? You've been holding out on me with that one Sammy."
Sam rolled his eyes, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"No need to explain, Sammy. Just remember, if you ever need pointers on a real hunt, I'm your go-to guy." Dean winked and headed to the kitchen, focusing on arranging the herbs and artefacts he'd gathered.
You and Sam exchanged a glance—an unspoken acknowledgment of the moment you had shared, now shelved in the wake of the imminent task ahead.
Chapter 4
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acourtofinkandpapyrus · 11 months
A Flower With Petals of Flame: Part Twelve (Eris x Reader)
Warnings: Trauma and betrayal O.O
Part eleven Part thirteen
Tag list: Open
Y/N and Eris are struggling to go back to normal, and Eris and Sam still don't like each other.
Sorry I'm not keeping up with posting! I've been having trouble sitting down and writing, and my motivation is waning 😭
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Maybe it was petty, but I didn’t care.  I was quiet, a smile on my face that I didn’t feel the whole time we got ready, and still once we made it into the nearby forest.
“And you’re absolutely fine?”  Eris questioned again as he followed me through the forest.
Sam had taught me long ago how to find the almost invisible traces he left if I ever needed to find him.  And sure enough, I found them here.
“Again, why wouldn’t I be?  Nothing bad happened.”  I say, and I feel a twinge of guilt for not being honest with him.
But I need his help, and I do not need him storming off in a huff and leaving me alone to figure this out.
So I continued to lie.
I don’t know what would happen if he actually figured out what was wrong before I told him, but I didn’t really want to know.
All my years in the afterlife, I never found anyone I cared for as much as I had Eris.  It wasn’t like I was waiting for him, but I had never found someone I could truly be myself with besides him.
It hurt too much to remember that he’s not interested, that we were just friends.
But it is enough for me.
If I can keep my damn emotions in check that is.
Eventually I found the old withered cabin Sam must be staying in.  Eris made to just stride in the front door, but I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.  “Are you trying to die?”  I ask him sharply.
He gives me a baffled look, and I roll my eyes, using my magic to open the door from a distance.
A flurry of arrows rained down in the doorway, and Eris paled.
“You seriously weren't expecting him to have defenses up?”  I ask, a brow raising in question.
Eris grimaced, “Do you?”
I nod.  “Not so violent or obvious, but you work with what you have.”
“Wow.  Rude.”  Sam said from one of the trees above us, and I snorted as Eris’s head swiveled back and around, trying to find him in the trees.
Sam gracefully landed on the ground, and I could tell Eris was highly unnerved.
I on the other hand chuckled, moving to give my friend a hug.  “I’m guessing you haven’t figured out how to use that thing we stole yet, have you?”  I tease a bit, pulling away after a moment.
I could feel Eris willing me to look at him like a physical string, but I ignored it.
He sighed, obviously already tired of me.  “No, I haven’t.  Though, from the research I’ve done, I found it’s called an Astral, and is somehow linked to the Astrei.”  He said, a slight edge to his tone.
I stiffened.  In my small group of trusted friends in afterlife, Sam and Asterin were the only two who hadn’t had direct contact with the Asteri in some way, so they still only had a faint clue as to what they could do.
“We’ll have to be careful then.”  I murmur, more to myself than to him.
What we’ve been working at for years was to put a stop to the Asteri.  The last thing we needed was them showing up here where no one was ready for a battle.
It wouldn’t be a battle, it would be a massacre. The thought hit me like an arrow, making me wince.
“Let’s see it then.”  Eris said, a bit impatiently.
Sam glared at him.  “You’re not in charge here.”  Sam gritted out, and I rolled my eyes.
“Both of you cut it the fuck out.”  I snapped, and Eris seemed taken aback.  Sam was used to this me though, and shrugged.
Letting Sam lead us through the remaining traps, we all took a seat at the kitchen table, if you could call the rotting piece of wood even that.
The Astral was now sitting in the middle of the table, and I examined it, prodding it with my magic.
I could scent both of my friends' agitation and finally growled, “If you two are going to be pissy and beat your chests, can you do it where it’s not breaking my concentration?”
Sam must have shot Eris a look as he rises, because Eris growls as he watches Sam leave.
“That included you.”  I say, not taking my eyes off of the Astral.
Eris shifted uncomfortably.  “You’re upset with me.”  He says plainly, and I stiffen.
“Yes.”  I say, sighing as I temporarily give up on studying the Astral.  I tilt my head as I look at him, letting him see my displeasure.
A crash makes me shoot to my feet.  Eris and I give each other only one look before we’re both sprinting out the front door to find Sam holding a dagger against someone's neck.
Azriel’s neck.
Our eyes meet and I watch his face flicker to surprise and then hurt as he sees who I’m with.
“Sam, let him go.”  I hiss, storming over and leaving Eris behind me.
Sam raised an eyebrow, quickly taking the knife away and stepping back, but still eyeing him cautiously.  “Another friend of yours?”  He asked, and Azriel eyed him also, sizing up this human who had gotten the drop on him.
My lip twitched up in a smirk as I thought about how everyone would tease Az for letting a human sneak up on him.
Sam wasn’t just any human though.
Any semblance of a smile fled from my face as Azriel turned his gaze onto me.  “Y/N, what’s going on here?”
He was still used to me being sweet and pliant.  So he wasn’t expecting me to roll my eyes, sticking my hands in my pockets and say, “I don’t know Azriel, maybe you should keep a closer eye on family members.”
His eyes widened, nostrils flaring slightly as he realized who exactly Erica was.
The cool mask he usually wore was cracked, and I took that moment of him being unsure to say, “I’m trying to fix things, and the last thing I need is you and my brother interfering right now.”
His face snapped into it’s cool unbothered state.  “But you need him?”  Azriel half growled, his eyes burrowing into me.
My shoulders straightened.  I was not letting fucking Azriel make me back down.  I had faced the Asteri and won, my brother’s friend was like a goddamned angry puppy in comparison.
“Well, maybe it’s-”  Eris started, but shut up when I shot him a glare.
“Contrary to popular opinion-”  I say, turning my head back to Azriel who only had a glimmer of shock in his hazel eyes.  “Eris can be helpful, nice even.”
Azriel studied me carefully.  “What happened to you?”
I sigh. I relax slightly as I run my hand through my hair.  “I was always like this Az.  I’m sure you remember dear old dad?”  I ask, looking up at him.
His eyes darted to Sam and Eris, as if waiting for them to leave.
Both of them had heard this story before.
Azriel, realizing no one was going to leave, tilted his head slightly, as if to say, Of course.
“I wasn’t allowed to be anything other than what everyone saw.  The pretty lady of night who was as harmless as a dove.  That was never who I really was, but I had to hide who I was because of my father.”  As I spoke, I saw Azriel’s gaze darken.
“You could have told us.  You could have been yourself around us.”
His voice was angry, and I shouldn’t blame him, I really shouldn’t.
But my day was already shit, and he wasn’t fucking listening.
“When were we ever in a room where my father, or someone loyal to my father wasn’t also in there?”  I ask, staring at him.
“We are going home.”  He snarled, walking up and attempting to grab my arm.
I say attempting because Sam was right back at him with the dagger and Eris stepped in front of me, protecting us with a wall of fire.
“It looks like no one is going anywhere for awhile.”  Eris said with a smug smile.
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artmsmaid · 1 year
𝔗𝔥𝔞𝔱'𝔰 𝔪𝔶 𝔡𝔬𝔤!
eddie munson x non-binary reader
sinopse: You are shy and keep to yourself, mainly having your dog's companionship. But when you go to summer camp for an extended weekend, you come back to find that your dog has made a new friendship with the infamous town metalhead, Eddie Munson.
cw: underage drinking, drug use, canon divergent, eventual sexual situations, bisexual reader.
wc: 1447k
chapter (2/?).
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"Absolutely not! That's MY dog!"
You were baffled by what he said to you next.
"Well..." he slowly sat down and continued to pet Fuffly, if you didn't know that your dog couldn't understand the conversation, you'd think it was waiting for the confrontation while happily being fondled. "Prove it."
Blinking in confusion, what the hell does he mean by that? So, you cleverly asked: "What the hell do you mean prove it?"
"I mean for you to prove it." And he had the nerve to smile at you???
Does he think that you were just up and around Tuesday morning walking around a forest and then decided to go and lie about having a dog?
"Fluffly has a name tag on its collar and it says Fuffly with a date, the date he was born." You finally said, after a moment of silence where you're shocked and the stranger was staring at you, still petting your dog.
"And what day is that?" He turned his head to the side, eyebrows going up just a little.
"Are you fudging kidding me?!" You angrily let out, your fists closing down.
He giggles, "No, no, no, no, I'm for sure not fudging". 
You set aside the slight mockery you heard in his voice to puff out your answer, "15th of July, a true Gemini."
He nodded, looking like he was finally realizing something, "that's why it looks so small then".
"What?" You approached two more steps, looking offended.
"It's that thing you said, a gemy."
"Gemini!" It has been a long time since someone made you feel so many emotions in so little time, but again it has been some time since you had a conversation with someone close to your age, "and he is a Yorkshire, Gemini is his birth sign."
When you came close again, he put his arms a bit more protective around the small dog, surprising you. You weren't going to hurt your dog, but he was looking at you suspiciously like you were going to take it and run away. Shouldn’t you be the one more worried in this scenery?
"Okay, maybe this is your dog," he starts and pauses when you roll your eyes to mumble 'well it is', you were ignored, "but that doesn't mean I should give him to you."
You went from annoyed to shocked to angry, and it looks like this boy in front of you was angry as well. He continued, "For days Curly was walking here alone, why would you let your dog walk around like this?".
This was confusing to you, as your mother promised to walk Fluffy while you were gone at camp. Did she forget? But another thing caught your thoughts right after, "Curly?".
"Aren't you going to answer me?", now he was the one rolling their eyes.
"Its name is Fuffly", you gave one more step, now completely in his personal space, only your dog between you both. You didn't like invading people's personal space, but you had to assert your control over the situation.
It didn't work that well though, as he got up and was taller than you, especially with that annoyingly soft-looking big hair of his. You could also smell his perfume, or some time of body deodorant since perfume seems to fancy for him, it was a very different smell from all the french fragrances you are used to in your home, definitely stronger musk smell."It's a stupid name, Curly Destroyer is better."
Now, Eddie didn't think your name was stupid, but he was still a bit angry at you and wanted to be annoying just for the sake of it.
"Curly Destroyer is way more ridiculous", you were, as well, being annoying for the sake of it. You puffed, and he puffed back. You put your hands on your hips, and he put his hands on as well.
"It's bad-ass, and you still haven't answered me, cutie, why was Curly all alone?"
You would've been taken by surprise by the pet name if it wasn't for the worried mixed disappointed look he was giving you. You finally stopped ripping his hair strand by strand in your mind to evaluate the situation. How did he know Fuffly? He even named him a different name... Was he telling you the truth? Was your dog walking around unchaperoned in the woods these last days? It wasn't the worst thing in the world, but it was still dangerous.
"Fuffly wasn't alone," you start to answer, and he looks like he's going to interrupt you when you amend "Well, he wasn't supposed to be alone, my mom should've walked him every morning".
Eddie calmed down a bit with your words. Even if he was still upset by the situation when he looked into your eyes and saw nothing but honesty and confusion, he had to cave in. And they were beautiful eyes, shining in the soft morning light making his heart beat irregularly and being a bit disappointed that you would look away so quickly.
"She didn't", he lets out, trying to come back from the haze, "I mean, I didn't see her, I only saw Curly." He amends when you moved back your face twitching a little at the rash statement. You would have to talk to your mother to know what happened. Although, you’ll hate the confrontation, never enjoying asking more than necessary, sometimes not even to your parents.
"Fuffly," you made a point to correct his name again but only gained a smile back and a roll of eyes as he muttered a ‘not happening’ , "is very used to the forest. We walk here every day. Maybe... he walked off from mother and later came back, so she knew he was safe."
He didn’t seemed very impressed by your excuse, and watched you with hawk eyes as you lowered down to your dog, who happily licked your cheeks with not a worry in his canine eyes. You swiftly glanced at Eddy, was that a jealous look? He got attached fast to the small dog. Even if it wasn’t your responsibility, you would feel horrible to just take Fuffly away by now, and leave those big chocolate rich brown eyes drown in sadness.
Not that you care that much about him, of course, you were just such a good person.
So, with a not subtle at all throat clearing sound, you settle down on the floor, “you know… I’m a bit tired, but Fuffly likes to play a lot”.
“Yes?”, you don’t look, but you know he has a smile on that dumb pretty face. “He does have lots of energy for something so small… You don’t share the genes?”
This makes you look, a frown in your face as you decide if he is calling you short, lazy or both. And yes, the smile in the dumb pretty face gets bigger. “The nerve of you… I just arrived from traveling!”
“Such a pity” he mocks, “didn’t have the energy to stay longer?”
“You know what? I’m not that tired”, you decide, getting up, “I will play with Fuffly.”
“Do you want me to throw it so you both can try to catch?”, he’s reveling on it now, it has been the longest time you looked at him without turning away.
“I beg your pardon?!” a pink flush covers all your face and ears, and he laughs, the sound is a bit like a toddler’s laugh, carefree and full of life.
“Come on, cutie, I won’t throw too far.” He tilts a bit, looking really deep in your eyes, and that’s maybe the first time you don’t mind it at all.
“I bet you couldn’t catch it if I throw it in your face” You make up a mean smile, trying to tease him to, but something went sideways, as a glint in his eyes makes him get closer to your face to whisper.
“Oh, cutie, you can throw it to me any day.”
You don’t get when in the conversation you both stopped talking about an actual wood stick, but now you are more flushed than ever, noticing you can smell his toothpaste with how close he is of you. He also looks disoriented, brown eyes going all over your face to stop on your lips.
Something touch your legs, and you both step back and look down with wild eyes. Fuffly got a wood stick and is expectantly looking at both of you. Laughing, this time more bashfully, Eddy gets the stick from the dog, not being capable of looking at you as his heart is fighting to stay in his chest. “Looks like someone wants to play.”
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author's note: I promise the next part won't take a life-time, I got ill but I'm better now.
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yaffles-world · 2 years
Me, swinging the door open, panting and sweating profusely: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I MADE IT! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABYGIRL!
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As usual, written as f/o self insert but welcome to (and easily) read as x reader.
Summary: Reigen goes to a carnival with Serizawa, Mob, Ritsu and Ren (OC) for his birthday.
Warnings/tags: some serirei, obviously, a brief mention of throwing up, playful teasing, lots of fluff
Word count: 2.3k (whoah didn't realise that)
Happy Birthday!
"Happy birthday!" Reigen's eyes jolted open, as he sat straight up in his bed. His eyes were bleary still, as Serizawa and I jumped at him, giving him a big hug. Mob sat at the edge of the bed, uncertain. I reached out to them, and they joined in the big hug, squishing into Reigen. 
"What? How did you get in here?" he asked, his voice muffled against the collective hug that was still forced upon him. 
I leant back, as did the others, as we sat around the birthday boy on his bed. "I let them in!" I exclaimed, giving him a kiss on the cheek. 
His cheeks burned red, and he fixed me with his best glare. Serizawa looked at me with wide eyes, looking rapidly between me and Reigen and the door. I grabbed his hand. "Don't worry Seri, Reigen's just being grumpy because he doesn't like being woken up. He's really happy that we've come over to celebrate, aren't you Reigen?" It was my turn to fix him with a glare. 
"Yes. You're the pain in the ass, Ren. I'm very happy to see you, Seri," he grabbed Serizawa's other hand, "And although it's a little odd, I'm happy to see you too, Mob." Mob smiled from their perch at the end of the bed. "Although, if you don't mind, I'm going to go back to sleep." Reigen lay back down and turned away from us. 
"You know what to do," I said.
"Stacks on!" shouted Serizawa, as we all jumped onto Reigen, piling on top of him. 
"Nooo!" yelled Reigen, "fine, fine, I'm up. Now please, keep yourselves busy while I get ready for work. Because it's still a FRIDAY even if it's my birthday, so we're gonna suck it up and go." 
We did as we were told and kept ourselves busy, but there was no way we were letting him go to work. When he emerged, Serizawa gave him a big bear hug, and Mob ran behind, tying a blindfold over his eyes as I tied up his wrists. "What?" Reigen laughed, "What on earth are you guys planning?" 
"You'll just have to wait and see." 
We pushed Reigen out the door and guided him through the streets, onto the bus, and walked him to our destination. All the while, getting lots of strange looks… 
"You guys, we have to go to work." 
"No, you do not! There's no clients coming in today, we all scheduled time off for your birthday!" I explained, as we took off his blindfold and untied his hands, revealing the huge carnival ground in front of him. 
His eyes were wide and sparkling, eyebrows raised, and his mouth opened wide as he took it in. "It's the Autumn festival…" he spoke in hushed tones, "I haven't been since I was a kid… Always been too busy for one reason or another…" He turned to me, tilting his head slightly to the side, smiling a lopsided smile. "Thank you for bringing me here." 
I shrugged, and pointed to Serizawa. "Don't thank me, it was his idea." I said, squeezing Serizawa on the shoulder. Reigen looked up at Serizawa, his eyes somehow wider, and his smile brighter. Serizawa rubbed the back of his neck, smiling sheepishly. Reigen gave him a big hug and Serizawa blushed.
Reigen coughed and straightened himself up, attempting to regain composure. "Hey Mob, have you ever been to this festival before?" 
"No, Shishou," Mob shook his head, "I haven't. What's so special about it?" 
Reigen gasped. "What's so special?" he repeated, baffled. "It's the Autumn festival! There's rides, prizes, and lots of junk food!" He slapped Mob on the back, excitedly, then gestured at the fairgrounds. "This place, is the place where you will find true happiness and make the best memories of your life!" He said with his typical bravado. I rolled my eyes, but Mob and Serizawa looked excited. 
"Hey, Ritsu!" Mob yelled out to his younger brother approaching. 
"Ah, Ritsu, you're here too!" Reigen said, excitedly, grasping Ritsu's shoulder. 
Ritsu shrugged. "Happy Birthday," he said. 
Reigen sighed at Ritsu's disinterest but quickly regained composure. He grabbed Serizawa and I by the wrists, and started pulling us into the fair ground. "To the tea cup ride!" 
Serizawa went pale. "The… tea cup ride?" 
Reigen laughed and continued pushing us forward. "You'll be fine! I hate rides, but this ones the best!" Mob and Ritsu trailed behind, as Reigen ran ahead, pointing out everything that's changed since he was here last, simultaneously acting like a little kid and an old man at the same time. 
After a tedious wait, which Reigen said has always been the case, we got on the ride. Serizawa was pale as a sheet, and he held onto my hand and Reigen's hand so tight I thought he was going to break it. "Hey, you know you don't have to do this, right?" Reigen said to him. 
Serizawa nodded, but his eyebrows furrowed and he clenched down his jaw, and stepped onto the cup first. 
We all sat down. Ritsu looked completely unphased. I did invite him but he's mostly here for Mob. Mob looked a little nervous, but Serizawa, despite his momentary determination, was sweating bullets. Reigen's hands seemed to have more of a mind of their own then usual, flying everywhere, as he talked with a huge grin on his face about the ride. 
Once the ride started, though, Serizawa was so close to breaking my hand. Reigen finally stopped waving his hands and instead, he furrowed his eyebrows and closed his eyes tight until the end of the ride. He fell onto Serizawa's shoulder as soon as we stopped moving. 
I nudged him. "Are you alright?"
He groaned. "No." 
Serizawa, on the other hand, was smiling widely. "I did it! I went on a ride! And it was… sort of fun!" 
I laughed. Mob and Ritsu were talking amongst themselves. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself! I'm also glad you didn't break my hand!" Serizawa smiled sheepishly. He turned and seemingly just noticed Reigen, half passed out on his shoulder. His expression immediately filled with concern. 
I nudged Reigen again. "Come on babygirl, stop being a wuss," I said. 
"No," he pushed his head further into Serizawa. 
People were filing off the ride, so Serizawa simply picked Reigen up, and we walked off the ride with Serizawa carrying Reigen bridal style down the steps. Once we were out of the way of people, Serizawa put him down, and Reigen's face lit up again. "That was fantastic! Let's go again!" 
I laughed at him, Mob and Serizawa looked at him concerned and Ritsu just rolled his eyes. "I don't know, Shishou, you look pretty out of it," Mob commented. 
"Nonsense!" Reigen exclaimed, waving his hands and patting Mob on the back. "I'm perfectly fine!" 
"Really?" I asked. Reigen nodded. "Well, if your that confident, why go on the boring teacup ride again? Why don't we go on that?" I asked, pointing to a roller coaster at the edge of the fairground. Reigen followed to see where I was pointing. As he saw the massive height of the roller coaster, the upside down parts, the corkscrew, and heard the distant screams of the people on the ride, his face turned ashen. "Are you still feeling perfectly fine?" 
Reigen glared at me momentarily before straightening up and smiling broadly. He gestured towards the roller coaster. "Yep! Let's go! Come on, you guys!" He walked forward, but stopped abruptly when he noticed no one was following him. "Aren't you guys coming?" 
"Um, no thanks," Serizawa said, "that's beyond my limits for today, sorry." 
Reigen rolled his eyes. "Mob?"
"No way. Unlike you, I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm scared of that." 
Reigen scoffed, attempting to regain control of the situation. "I'm not scared!" 
"The amount your sweating would say otherwise," I said, "don't worry babygirl, I'll hold your hand." I walked up to him and grabbed his hand as we walked forward. 
He swatted my hand away. "I'm not a child! I don't need you to hold my hand!" I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye. He was blushing and staring fiercely at the ground. Despite my ultimate goal of embarrassing him, I started to blush too - he was just too damn cute when he was feisty. "I, Reigen Arataka, am the greatest psychic of the 21st century, I don't need to prove anything. I'm not scared." 
"Actually, never mind, you probably aren't tall enough to ride," I said, stifling a fit of giggles. 
Reigen somehow blushed even more. He really started to lose composure, as he stamped his foot down in anger, and turned to me. His hair was matted down onto his forehead from sweat. "For the last time, we're AT LEAST the same height," he said through gritted teeth. 
I grabbed him by the shoulders, and turned him to face me, stepping in closer so that our foreheads meet. It was close, but I was definitely looking down at him slightly. "For the last time, we're really not."
Reigen stared, then turned on his heels and walked away with his fists balled up tightly. "I don't need you!" he shouted, over his shoulder. "I'm going on the roller coaster ride on my own because I'm the GREATEST psychic of the god damn 21st century and I AM taller than you." 
I had never seen him so mad. I bent over in a fit of laughter for a moment, before running after him, and tackling him in a big hug. "Come on, babygirl, you're alright. If you actually don't want to, we're out of sight from the others, no one will know." 
Reigen refused to make eye contact. "I'm not scared." 
"I know," I didn't believe him, but it was his birthday. Best to be nice. "You're my brave boy. But you still don't have to go on the rollercoaster, if you don't want to." 
"I'm not a child," he growled, "stop coddling me." 
"Aww, but you're my babygirl. You know you like it." I gave him a bunch of kisses on his cheeks, and he sighed. 
"Okay, fine," Reigen said, "but we're going on that roller coaster. I'm not scared." 
I threw my hands up in mock surrender. "Alright, whatever you say birthday boy." 
We approached the roller coaster and waited in line for a while. Reigen really was determined to keep a brave face, but he was definitely sweating more than usual, and became increasingly rambly as we approached the front of the line. When we got on the ride, and people were getting strapped in, his facade finally fell away. 
"Ren," his voice was trembling, "Ren, I can't do this. I can't." 
Damn you Reigen and your inability to back down from a challenge. "Yes, you can." I squeezed his hand tight. "Your my brave, amazing babygirl and you can do literally anything you set your mind to. It will be over in a moment. I believe in you." 
I could feel his hand shaking in mine, but he looked at me and nodded. I gave him a kiss, and the ride took off. He gave out a scream of surprise, and the next time I looked over at him, it looked as if he had passed out, which was concerning to say the least. But I was right, the ride lasted only moments, and when we stopped Reigen turned to me. He looked absolutely stunned, he blinked several times, and just got up off the ride and walked silently through the exit. Mob, Ritsu and Serizawa were waiting for us with big bundles of food and prizes. 
"How was it?" Serizawa asked.
Reigen stood there for a moment, went to open his mouth to speak, and then threw up. 
— — —— — —— — —— — —— — —
Reigen and I sat down together under a tree after that. Serizawa went and bought us some food, and Reigen slowly regained composure after a while. 
We wandered around the fairgrounds a bit, playing games and eating junk food. No more rides. Reigen kept talking about how lovely it was, and talking about how things used to be when he used to come. How lovely it was to come here again, with all of us. Eventually, the sun started to set, and after stocking up on food, we walked Ritsu and Mob home. 
"I hope you had a great day, Shishou," Mob said. Reigen ruffled his hair. 
"Thanks Mob, I sure did. Thanks for coming, and also thanks to Ritsu." 
"It was worth it to see you throw up, Reigen," Ritsu said. 
"Glad to hear it," said Reigen, "See you all in the office soon." 
We waved goodbye as Reigen, Serizawa and I walked to the nearby park for our picnic dinner. After eating significantly more junk food then we probably should have, we lay down in the grass. The night sky was dark and the stars were fully out. 
As we lay there, Reigen reached out and grabbed mine and Serizawa's hands in his own. 
"I had an amazing day. I can't remember the last time I even celebrated my birthday, let alone do something this fun. I love you both, so much." 
Serizawa and I leant into Reigen, and each gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"I love you both, too," said Serizawa, "you're both… amazing." 
I smiled. "You guys, you're so corny. But I love you both as well." 
We lay, looking at the stars, holding each other until it got too cold. Then we went home, and Serizawa stayed over, so we all snuggled in bed. Pretty damn good day. Even with the vomiting…
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herblackabyss · 1 year
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[Title] 7 Dates, 7 Conflicts [Rating & Genre] [M] 18+, strangers to lovers, slow burn, Collage AU [Pairing] Jeon Jungkook x Reader (Amaya Bradford) [Trigger Warnings] a few cuss words
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[A/N] I'm baaacckkk~! I apologize for my absence, but I truly struggle with this whole social media and social interaction thing. I had to restructure this part because I've come to the realization that my brain doesn't quite know how to write multiple events into one part...
P.S the last bit is a mess but I'll update it soon...<3
[Word Count] 2740
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"This is an absolute colossal fucking disaster, Chenle," I hiss under my breath, pacing across my bedroom with my phone clutched tightly to my ear. On the other end, the low hum of my best friend's tired yawn slips through the line, the digital clock on my nightstand casting an ominous glow – 10:47 PM.
I roll my eyes, my frustration lacing into the very syllables of my words. "I mean, how on earth are we even supposed to tackle this if he's out there getting his dick sucked instead of meeting me to work on the assignment?" Veronica had given us a unique homework assignment during our last COMM101 class—a creative pair-building exercise intended to break the ice. It was supposed to be an opportunity for Jungkook and me to explore each other's perspectives and come up with something that was at least halfway decent. Yet, instead of paying even a sliver of attention, Jungkook seemed to be far more interested in sketching bizarre doodles across my meticulously taken lecture notes. Since that fateful Monday morning, I've embarked on a one-woman crusade to pin him down and get him to work on it. But every attempt I make is met with flimsy excuses and empty promises. He's always conveniently "busy" or "tied up with something else." And me? I'm not naive enough to swallow those slippery words whole, not when they spill from his slick, slithering tongue like a practiced dance. As the relentless ticking of the clock emphasizes the looming deadline for my not-so-friendly essay, the harsh reality sets in. I realize that I know next to nothing about this bumbling baboon, except for the fact that he can't seem to keep his... cock out of people's mouths. The idea of crafting an essay detailing his countless escapades with the campus coeds is tempting, but it also feels like a peculiar form of self-inflicted torture. I flop onto my bed, clutching my phone as if it's my only lifeline in this chaotic situation.
"Guess I'll just have to corner him tomorrow," I murmur to myself, feeling a potent mix of determination and resignation settle in my chest like a heavy anchor. I reach out for the worn notebook resting nearby and flip it open, its pages ready to receive my thoughts and ideas for the upcoming project, even if, for now, it's a solo endeavor. After all, if Jungkook insists on making things difficult, I'm more than willing to return the favor. "Key word: 'probably,' but I can't take that risk with Jungkook," I try to speak as calmly as possible, frustration mounting within me. There's no way I can just sit here and hope he comes to his senses. I need to take action. I shouldn't be in this position, having to babysit a grown man when it comes to his academics. I mean, seriously, I'm baffled by his attitude towards this assignment. How on earth is he the top student in the Computer Science department? Does the university randomly select his name from a hat filled with sheets of paper with only his name on them? Or is he secretly paying someone to do his assignments? "But I hope you're right," I concede with a sigh as I wrap up the call and head to bed.
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"Jeon!" I shout, my voice slicing through the noisy street, instantly grabbing the attention of curious onlookers. He strides purposefully toward Avery's Bagel Shop, his arm wrapped around the waist of a wavy-haired blonde. Her stunning long legs propel her forward, her eyes locked on him, with hearts practically sparkling in them. As I watch their interaction unfold before me, it becomes painfully evident that this is a heartbreak in the making. Jungkook, of all people, isn't exactly renowned for his ability to commit, and that's common knowledge around campus. He cycles through new romantic interests every week, and he's openly professed his disinterest in love on countless occasions. Yet, here she is, hopelessly falling for him—poor thing.
I raise my voice, frustration bubbling within me as I call out to him once more. But he remains utterly indifferent, his gaze fixed solely on the entrance of the quaint, inviting eatery. With a graceful sweep, he swings the door open, his hand tenderly resting on her lower back as he ushers his companion inside. I can't help but let out an exasperated sigh, my impatience growing by the second. I shake my head in disbelief before navigating my way across the bustling street. What the fuck is his problem? Stepping through the gleaming silver double doors, I make my way to the established ordering queue. Contrary to any wild ideas he might be concocting in his thick skull, I'm not here because of him. I wanted to get some work done on a few of my assignments before making my way to Chenle's place. Avery's holds a special place in my heart— it's been my favorite spot to grab a bite and study for years. Avery, the owner, is a culinary virtuoso in her mid-thirties, a mastermind behind a medley of bagel creations that are nothing short of life-altering. Over time, she's expanded her menu to include other breakfast and lunch delights, all of which keep people coming back for more.I became a regular of Avery's in her food truck era. Back then, she operated her modest business right in the heart of the city, serving her delectable creations from a weathered, banged-up red truck.Since then, I haven't looked back, it feels like I've gained a good friend and a great place to study when I need to. "Are you planning to ignore me for the rest of your life?" I say, my voice filled with frustration as I approach Jungkook. He's engrossed in a conversation with the blonde, oblivious to my approach. It amuses me how much effort he invests in girls he never intends to pursue beyond a casual fling. I mean, what's the point of all this when there are no intentions of going any further?
I watch as he slowly turns his head to identify the source of the voice. When he realizes it's me, his expression shifts, but he doesn't reply. The blonde clinging to his arm shoots me a nasty glare, clearly annoyed that I've interrupted their conversation. It's even more amusing to me that there are girls who willingly put themselves in such situations with guys like Jungkook, thinking they can be the ones to change them. "The assignment is due in just four days, Jeon, and I haven't even started because of you," I huff, frustration gnawing at me as I rummage through my bag to find my purse. Earlier, he had told me he had important matters to attend to today, which was why he couldn't meet with me. When I proposed meeting later in the day, he promptly shot down the idea, insisting he didn't have the time. So you can imagine my surprise when I spotted him with his little date. Emerging from the depths of my bag with my purse in hand, I shift my gaze toward him, awaiting his response. But there's nothing. No glimmer of recognition in his eyes, no hint of acknowledgment. He just stands there, unmoving, as if I'm invisible.
Is he really going to stand there and ignore me like a petulant child
I exhale a deep sigh, my eyes narrowing as I focus on the back of his head, frustration bubbling up inside me like a simmering volcano. A million wicked scenarios play out in my mind, each one more devious than the last, all focused on how I could effectively sabotage his date.
A mischievous thought dances through my mind. What if I were to swing my bag, aiming it at that unsuspecting, utterly useless head of his? And just for good measure, I could give his blonde friend a forcefully playful shove, a move that would surely knock her on her ass.
Or perhaps... A sly smirk gradually creeps across my face as a more subtle, yet equally potent, idea blossoms in my mind. It's nothing too extravagant, but I have complete confidence that it will work like a charm.
As I stand here, contemplating my revenge plot, I can't help but notice that the queue opposite the one I'm currently in has emptied out. Without missing a beat, I smoothly slide into that vacancy, feeling a rush of anticipation building within me. My eyes immediately fixate on the illuminated board behind the cashier's head. I tilt my head to the side, carefully examining my options before allowing my gaze to shift to Jungkook, whose irritated expression is now in plain view.
As I observe, a smug grin slowly creeps across my face. I can't help but revel in the satisfaction that washes over me as I witness the subtle twitch in his furrowed brow and the rhythmic clenching of his jaw. The tension practically oozes from his pores, an electrifying aura that I can almost taste. After all, he doesn't deserve to have a good day, not after all those lies he's been feeding me these past few days. I'm in absolute awe of his extraordinary ability to seemingly disregard my very presence. My eyes meticulously track his every move, from the way he confidently places orders for both himself and his date, to the charming, heart-melting smile he offers her and with a delicate touch, he tucks a strand of her golden locks behind her ear. It's almost as if the world revolves around them, and everyone else in the room merely fades into the background. I watch, captivated, as he tenderly grasps her hand, guiding her with a gentle assurance toward a cozy booth nestled in a secluded corner of the establishment. They settle in, their bodies so close that their shoulders brush against each other, creating an aura of intimacy that's impossible to ignore. Their conversation flows effortlessly, brimming with laughter and whispered sweet nothings. I have to admit, this guy knows exactly what to do to make a girl feel special.
A simmer of irritation bubbles beneath my skin, while amusement dances at the edges of my thoughts. Jungkook, so blissfully unaware of just how persistent I can be and utterly clueless about my insatiable appetite for pettiness, continues to test my tolerance for his behavior daily. What he doesn't know is that I've always been known for my excellence in theatrics, and quite frankly, if Jungkook wants to put on a performance, I'll give him a whole damn show.
As soon as I place my order, I waste not a single second in moving toward my target. I stride with unwavering purpose toward their booth, my head held high, my hips swaying seductively as I saunter across the room. A mischievous glint flickers in my eyes as I gracefully slide into the seat right beside him, his murderous glare meeting my unflinching gaze.
I respond with a sickeningly sweet smile, my voice dripping with a teasing tone, my eyes twinkling with faux longing. "I haven't seen you since Monday, Jeon. I really missed you," I say, letting a pout form on my plump lips as I lean in closer to him. My gaze shifts to his date as I rest my head on his shoulder. "Who's this, Kook?" I mumble, deliberately ignoring the way his fists clench between us. I'm fully aware that my intrusion on his little date will undoubtedly annoy the ever-loving shit out of him.
He exchanges a quick, awkward glance with his date, who appears thoroughly confused and uncomfortable with my sudden presence. I release a sigh, my gaze carefully assessing her features. "My replacement, perhaps?" I ask, shifting my attention back to him. I catch that split-second flicker of surprise on his face – he clearly didn't expect me to say that. "Amaya," he warns, his demeanor growing stern as he clenches his jaw, clearly struggling to maintain his composure. But if I'm completely honest, I've never been one to heed warnings; Chenle always claimed that it would take a miracle worker to handle my attitude. "I'm Amaya, by the way. You?" My focus shifts to her.
"Kiarra," she whispers, her voice barely audible, and I notice her eyes closely following my fingers as they delicately trace the contours of Jungkook's exposed neck. Her lips curl into a condescending smile as she shifts to the seat opposite ours. Girls like Kiarra, the quintessential "it" girl, always seem to gravitate towards guys like my insufferable group member.
To be honest, I've got her type down pat. Her shallowness cuts through the layers of designer labels and caked-on makeup. She gives off vibes of someone who places an exorbitant amount of importance on her position within the social hierarchy, evident in the meticulous effort she pours into her appearance.
She's undoubtedly frequented the finest surgeons, splurged on the most lavish clothes, and surrounds herself with a clique of girls who are both beautiful and, well, rather uninteresting. "So, how did you end up meeting my favorite boy?" I ask, a gentle smile gracing my lips, my head still comfortably nestled on his shoulder, my gaze locked onto her as we engage in this unspoken standoff. She's challenging me for control of the situation. "We met at Jimin's party last week," she responds with a manufactured smile, her impeccably white teeth on full display. However, I can discern the underlying annoyance in her eyes, even through her facade.
"Jimin's party," I inquire, my brows furrowing in faux hurt, pretending to be genuinely surprised as I maintain that delicate touch along Jungkook's collarbone. My fingers trace a slow, teasing path, eliciting a subtle shiver from him. "I'm hurt, Kookie. You told me you were too busy," I pout, my tone dripping with feigned disappointment. I shift my gaze to Jungkook, my eyes wide and glistening, attempting to make it appear as if I'm truly saddened by his recent evasiveness.
Kiarra, caught off guard by my interaction with Jungkook, shifts uncomfortably in her seat. She clears her throat, her irritation growing the longer I linger. "Well, I guess he had some free time after all," she retorts, her voice laced with hostility. The cracks in little miss perfect's facade are becoming more apparent, and I can practically feel the tension radiating off Jungkook in waves. He's obviously annoyed by my intrusion, but by the look on his face, you could never tell well aside from his clenched jaw. "Amaya, what are you doing?" His deep voice carries a warning as he slowly turns his head to look down at me, his dark eyes fixed on mine.
I maintain my act, tilting my head ever so slightly to meet his gaze, a playful smile dancing on my lips. "I mean, I have to get your attention somehow, right?" I respond, my voice brimming with faux innocence. Leaning in a little closer, my lips hover dangerously close to his ear, and I whisper, "Besides, it's been weeks, and you've been so absorbed in... other endeavors." I punctuate my statement with a sly wink.
Kiarra's perfectly manicured nails clench onto the edge of her designer bag as she observes our little spectacle, clearly flustered.
Drawing even nearer to Jungkook, my lips graze his ear as I murmur, "You know, we do make quite the convincing pair, don't you think?" My words are laced with just enough mischief to set him on edge, and I can see the gears turning in his head as he contemplates how to navigate this unexpected scenario. "Excuse me," she mutters, abruptly pushing her chair back and rising to her feet. Her frustration is palpable in her tone.
"Leaving so soon?" I inquire, my voice dripping with feigned concern.
Jungkook attempts to intervene, but Kiarra is already making her way toward the exit. "Kiarra, wait," he pleads, reaching out for her, but she brushes past him without a second glance.
With a theatrical sigh, I rest my head on Jungkook's shoulder once more. "Well, that didn't go as planned, did it?"
Jungkook rolls his eyes, a hint of amusement twinkling in his gaze. "You're un-fucking-believable."
I flash him a mischievous grin, my façade dropping as Kiarra departs. "Just rescuing you from a bad date, Kookie," I remark with a wink. "And reminding you that you can't keep avoiding our assignment forever." With a satisfied hum, I smoothly slide out of the booth and stride toward the exit, shooting him a playful wink before making my way to Chenle's place.
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mygnolia · 3 months
i had a question, i noticed your posts always do well do you have any advice on how to get feedback or interaction??
honestly i myself am constantly baffled by how many people like my works LOLL but i'd say the key is consistency! when i first posted emerald fire, i literally made a teaser one day before and then released the full fic and got like...200-300 notes MAX. now, i'm not upset at how it does simply because my writing is so different now, but it was definitely disheartening at first. I like to post teasers so people know that 1, yes, there is a girl out here writing that trope if you're curious, and 2, it helps build anticipation for the fic itself. my highest note count was on three laws and it made me excited to keep writing when people talked about it or wanted to read it! Honestly if it means posting a few things before and getting a few notes, then that's how enhablr will be! i had a few pretty popular posts up before posting it's cupid stupid, and also unashamedly went into like 3 people's inbox because i didn't want it to flop LMFAO iykyk...with my fics, it's never about the numbers or likes, but about the comments or interactions. to see someone on my text posts say 'omg i loved ___'s part or 'this was so cute' or on my hee fic, i saw people say 'the miscommunication was done so well' or 'i loved yn and hee's relationship' like it was all soso heartwarming and like obviously with the more notes or more popular it is, you'll get more comments because the ratio is larger. fics do well, but text posts tend to get a lot of popularity. just have fun with exploring your writing style! i frl didn't think i'd ever write an smau but here i am with like 5 different socmed text aus and don't let notes discourage you! it always takes a while to build your account.
and also tags! anon bb the last thing you need to do is tag jake x reader under a jungwon fic PLEASE it makes me so annoyed LOL make sure to look for the popular tags and use those if applicable!! you should always max 30 tags when appropriate and self reblog to help promote it to people who might've missed the initial posting!
you got this! everyone starts somewhere :)))
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Hey not in the RE fandom but you don't deserve the stupidity of people who can't be bothered to just...scroll past content they don't vibe with. I'm a fandom old as it were, I've been here since I was a snot nosed bruiser brat myself. And it's been nothing but good for me to not engage with stuff I don't vibe with or like and if I come across it? I block it. Plain and simple. Saw people upset about ''genre'' of fic while using ONLY the [character x reader] tag for it and about lost my jaw it dropped to the floor so fast.
Imagine complaining....about not being able to find fic you want. And then you go and clog up the same tag you were just bitching about being filled to the brim with content you didn't wanna see. Couldn't be me. I'm driven by spite and a love of creativity. If there isn't content I want then I'll write it myself. Anyway, all this to say: Keep it up! Make that hunk of a man suffer!! <3
omg anon i love you
it's just not that serious???? i wasn't old enough to come into fandom when it was like all LJ and stuff, but I DID come in when fanfic.net was in its heyday and had all of four tags to tell you about the fic. Even when I was younger and didn't understand why people wrote about certain things/didn't like certain ships or tropes I just. Scrolled past? Minded my own business? Let people enjoy things they liked?
The main tag thing really got me. I normally don't argue with people because it's generally a waste of time, but if you're gonna start clogging up main tags with your bullshit opinions about what people write, I'm gonna tell you to knock it off 😂
It's also baffling to me because of the fact that tumblr and ao3 both have pretty extensive tagging systems. ao3 now lets you mute people and you can exclude as many tags as you don't want to see to curate the stuff you want to read. You can blacklist tags and words on tumblr. Antis and purity culture teens now would never survive fanfic.net or Quotev or LJ or any of the sites where you were essentially going in mostly blind.
ANYWAY this has been a long reply but YES I am also driven by creativity and spite and enjoy writing things I want when I can't find them. I will have so much fun making this hunk suffer and I hope you have equally as much fun with your own fandoms/writing!! 💜
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tim-shii · 1 year
tell her how you must've lost your mind.
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pairing: mikage reo x reader
tags: implied exes to lovers, fluff, angst if you squint really hard
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rain was tapping on the window glass. the storm outside does not seem to stop any time now. despite the weather outside, the night was peaceful. you sat in front of the fireplace, reading a book as you enjoyed the calm ambience in the living room.
three knocks at the door disturbed your found tranquility. your face scrunched up in confusion, because no sane person would walk amidst the storm just to pay you a visit. walking towards it, you reached for the handle, cautiously opening it. upon opening the door, your wariness long forgotten and instead replaced by a gush of bewilderment?
at the entrance, was a standing mikage reo. sheepishly smiling as if he was not soaked from head to toe. your jaw was slacked, baffled by his sudden appearance.
you both agreed to go on a break six months ago. seeing as he hasn't tried to reach out during those six months, you just assumed that he no longer wanted to be affiliated with you. so why the hell is he standing at your doorway, clothes soaked up as if he just ran in the storm like a mad man?
snapping out of your internal conflict, you ushered reo inside. hands grabbing at his cuffs, pulling him inside and shutting the door. turning to the boy, you gave him a perplexed look.
"are you insane?!" reo winced at the loud voice.
"come on, don't shout. we're at your house, just use your indoor voice." pouted the man as he settled his hands on your shoulders.
"don't give me that look! reo, you are crazy! it's storming outside. what made you run in the storm?! for an honor student, this was very dumb of you. why would you even–" a warm embrace cut you off, reo's face hidden in the crevice of your neck.
"i missed you, that's why. i'm sorry. it was stupid of me to suggest that break. i told myself that i'm gonna give you the space you need but i can't take it anymore. please, tell me you still love, cause i still. i never stopped.” every word he let out, the tighter his arms wrap themselves around your figure.
with little hesitancy, you wrap your arms around his neck, keeping him close. after a while, you pulled away from him, the man letting out a small whine. resting your hands on his face, reaching out to peck him on the forehead.
"let's get you washed up first okay? then we'll talk about this after." you whispered quietly, palms caressing his cheeks. 
reo, all washed up and dried, walked into the bedroom. the walls still filled with their pictures, one photograph more noticeable than the others. it was them, with you holding the camera and reo kissing your cheek from over your shoulders. seeing as you were already under the covers, he turned the lights off. waddling to the bed then getting under the covers. he let out a breath of relief, turning his body so that his attention was on you and you only.
wrapping his arms around you for the second time that night, he pressed a soft kiss on the tip of your nose. keeping your foreheads together, silence enveloping the room.
"i missed you too, you know? i never heard a thing from you so i thought you don't wanna associate yourself with me anymore, turns out you were waiting on me too." you laughed, snuggling closer to the warm being beside you.
"i made a stupid decision, i'm sorry about that again. but just know that i want you. for worse or for better. i'm willing to wait for you forever and ever. i broke your heart back then but i'll put it back together, i promise. i realized late on how lucky i am with you. but hopefully, i'm not too late?" he said, sincerity dripping from every word. hope and content flashing in his dark orbs. 
lips pressing on him brought shock to his system. out of reflex, his hands circled around your waist. unknowingly, both of you smiled into the kiss. 
"so is that a yes?" grinned reo after pulling away from you but still keeping a close distance.
you didn't say anything back, simply showed a lazy smile mirroring his. hands quickly grabbing his collar and pulling him for another kiss.
that's how it works. that's how you got the girl.
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likes and reblogs are appreciated! masterlist
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slashingdisneypasta · 8 months
Freddy Krueger x FinalGirl!Reader || Drabble
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Plot: You think its your boyfriend. Well, he's dead and it's not.
Warnings: Non-con kissing.
Tagging: @ghouletka , @gr4veyardg1rlv , @kawaistrawberry21 , @lady-love88 , @masqueradeball , @miss-understood , @slxsherwriter , @spookiifi , and @thecourtofgraywaves .
When your eyes fall on him, his soft brown eyes and his crumpled band t-shirt waiting for you just outside of class, you feel happiness bubble up in you and a beam spread across your face.
"'M here to pick you up sweetheart- you ready to go?"
Before he can even get his keys out of his camo pants you've thrown your arms around him, burying your face in his shoulder. "I missed you!"
"Bunny- I appreciate the warm welcome but I dropped you off this morning! You okay??" He sounds baffled, and a little amused, but he drops the pursuit for his car keys and rubs your back instead; making you sigh. His hand lands on your hip then, and squeezes, and you press your face more firmly into his shoulder. You missed him so much.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Love you."
"Heh... I love you, too."
After a moment, you pull back and look at him. That ruffled hair, that sharp jaw, those happy eyes. You don't notice the slightly off-kilter way he's standing; his left shoulder dropped ever-so-slightly- or you ignore it.
It feels so real. It's gotta be real. You swear, that it's real.
Gently you lean up and press your lips to his, feeling his kiss for the first time, since-
God it feels so so real. He melts into it, pressing his mouth so softly-firmly against yours that your head goes fuzzy and fizzy. Vaguely, in the back of your mind, under some discarded papers, there's a part of you telling you it can't be, though. That this doesn't taste like him, that he's not wearing his usual cologne. That you're not kissing him right now, it's impossible, because he's-
But you don't listen. It's totally real, you think, tilting your head and wrapping your arms more snuggly around his neck. It's real, it's real, it's real, you chant in your head.
You missed him so much, you can feel it in your bones. The relief at having him here against you again makes you ache and feel better then you have in days, since he went to sleep and he was- since he went to sleep and the next morning, he was found-
Again, your thoughts stop just before they can finish. They fight to get through, but you... You almost don't want to finish them. A part of you knows what's going to happen when you realise, a heartbroken part of you aching dully inside.
Slowly the hand on your hip grows out, the fingers stretching longer and getting sharper. You hear it like a sword coming unsheathed and you feel blades sliding against your hip.
But you keep kissing him; theirs a desperation, now. A need to hold on, to keep him. Him; Your highschool boyfriend. The one you survived elm street with that first time in your senior year. Who you broke up with in your first year of college because the work load was too hard. Who you found, again, a year later. Who Freddy finally, after 3 years home-safe, kil-
The feeling of the brim of a hat, soft and warn, grazing your forehead.
Right now this is him. This is your. him. You don't wanna let go, you know something's wrong here, so so wrong, but you're so heartbroken and so hurt you cant let go-
You don't want him to go, again- you just got him back!-
Polyester turns to wool under your touch as he suddenly deepens the kiss, forcing your lips open wider. His tongue grows out longer down your throat, and-
You choke, the spell broken and reality crashing down around you as you realise the wolf in sheep clothing that you're kissing. Eyes opening, you use one forearm to shove Freddy off of you- and he's smirking and leering like a goblin at you as you trip back onto your ass; covering your mouth. Tears grow in your eyes from choking on his horrible tongue and also remembering that your boyfriend is dead.
He's dead. And Freddy's back again. And you're in a nightmare that never ever fucking ends.
"What's the matter there, princess, you wanted me pretty bad a second ago~ "
"You evil, evil freak." Tears overflow, filling up your furious eyes and then bubbling over onto your scowling cheeks; holding yourself up with the heel of one hand digging into the boiler room floor behind you. The other still covers your warm, tingling lips.
With a too-pleased grin, Freddy takes off his hat and does a deep bow in front of you, holding his hat to his chest like some kind of gentleman magician. "... oh you're too kind~ "
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