#but if he wasn't drunk and heard it he'd just smile a little and tap her hand with his fingers like he does as habit
beggingwolf · 2 years
“You haven’t been acting like yourself.”, sidgeno
Sid watched the lawn care guys roll out their equipment, unloading the huge mower from the back of the trailer. He'd waited too long.
He tapped his phone against his thigh before getting up off his patio and heading back inside. He'd wanted to make this call sitting by the lake and watching the sunrise. He'd missed the sunrise by a few hours, and now he didn't even have the lake.
He swore softly to himself in a way that reminded him of his father, and then he finally hit the call button on the screen.
He looked out of the glass doors unseeingly as the phone rang, and rang, and rang.
Just before he went to voice-mail, Geno picked up.
It was loud. Not club-loud, but people-loud. There were lots of disparate voices clogging the line, and Sid turned away from the patio doors and closed his eyes, focusing on the sound of Geno's voice.
"Hi." Sid cleared his throat. "Is this a good time?"
"It's lunch," Geno said. "Sasha, Dima, lots of guys. Why you call?"
"It's a bad time. Sorry. I'll call back."
"No, no," Geno interrupted. "You okay? It's Sam?"
"No." Sid let out a little wry half-laugh. Sam was graying these days, and Geno demanded photographic evidence of her every time Sid went to his parents' place. "She's still kicking."
"It's morning. You not training today?"
"No. Rest day. Got up early out of habit."
The noisy silence between them got quieter as Geno moved away from the ambient restaurant noises. He heard Geno mumble out something in Russian before the squeak of a door hinge plunged them into true quiet.
"You call because you miss me last night?" Geno's voice slid into an intimate, familiar teasing tone. In private, away from everything else, he got so soft.
"It looked like you were having fun." Sid's voice was a little too high in return, his chest tight. "Run into anyone else I know?"
"Russian celebrities. The most famous. My friends now," Geno teased.
Sid twitched as the lawn mower roared to life outside. He'd seen the photos Geno had thrown into the team groupchat. He'd also seen the photos Geno had sent just to him: Geno, drunk and draped over pretty people with his shirt half unbuttoned. His smile had been bright enough to shine in the flash.
"The knee's okay?"
"Good, good," Geno said, waving it off.
Sid searched for something else to ask. His mind whirled like it sometimes did these days, too full to form into anything worth saying.
"You're okay?"
Sid chewed at his lip as he heard the lawn mower turn and get closer. It was an impossible question.
"Sid. It's bad day?"
"I haven't had a bad day in months." It was true. The sick feeling, the nausea, the light sensitivity... they'd all been gone for a long time.
"You call twice yesterday. You sure?"
"It wasn't important."
All Sid heard for a long moment was the lawn mower eating through his yard. The loud buzz in his ears rang. It was familiar in a way that made him feel very small.
"Sid, you're acting little bit..."
Geno trailed off. His voice was unbearably soft.
"What," Sid bit out.
"Little bit not like you. What's happen? You okay?"
"Yes. No."
Sid couldn't bear hearing Geno's voice like that over the phone, across an ocean. They had spent so long with each other over the course of Geno's knee injury, bonding over their injuries and their bone-deep need to get back onto the ice. It had led to more than just a closer friendship. Now, with Geno in Moscow, Sid missed him like a limb.
"I miss you," he finally confessed. "I miss hockey. I miss my normal life. I'm not myself. I don't feel like myself without it. I don't feel like myself without--"
The lawn mower roared. Sid stared at his hardwood floors, wishing they looked like the carpet of the Consol locker room instead.
"Sid," Geno said, and Sid finally sat down, the weight of the world on his shoulders.
Geno spoke softly to him for a long time, and Sid missed him like the feeling of ice beneath his skates.
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caxycreations · 4 months
Tylvinian Tales: The Wolf's Den
Chapter Fourteen: Comforts
Ferusian Law, Fifth Sequence, Article Two: Law of Work Release
Ferusian citizens under employment are subject to all requirements, responsibilities, and obligations outlined in their job descriptionand written work responsibilities for the duration of their shift.
Ferusian employers are, under no circumstances, allowed to require such responsibilities or obligations to be met or attended to outside of scheduled work hours, nor shall any Ferusian employer attempt to force such responsibilities or obligations on any employee outside of the workplace.
Ferusian employers found guilty of work-related pressures outside of the workplace or within the workplace outside of an employee's scheduled hours will be fined no less than 6% of their annual income, increasing by 3% for each repeated violation, first to 9%, then to 12%, and so on, up to a maximum of 63% of the employer's annual income.
I woke up to the feeling of hands wandering across my body, fingers gently caressing the muscles along my arm, my chest. Digits trailing lower, down to my hand, my abs, soft and appreciative in their touches. I opened my eyes and let out a laugh, looking at David and seeing him wholly focused on my body. His eyes scanned across my chest, bare fur cool, but the skin beneath it warm, the beat of my heart steady and calm, a gentle rhythm pulsing beneath his careful ministrations. I was content to lay there, letting him feel, admire. It had been a very long time since anyone had done this. I was used to being admired at a distance, it wasn't anything new to me.
But being admired up close, being felt and touched with such loving care, was different. His fingers traced the lines of my muscles, following the curves of them, feeling the hard padding beneath my skin. I heard him start to purr, and I wasn't able to feign sleep any longer.
"Ya likin' that, Davey?" I asked with a grin. He jumped a little, letting out a small yip as he did. I chuckled a little, looking down at him. He looked back up at me with wide eyes, embarrassed that he'd been caught. There was barely half a foot of distance between my muzzle and his. It was strange, feeling like I should close that gap, but I had fought my feelings long enough. I leaned down and kissed him, letting my whims and instincts guide me. 
David melted against me, body nestling in closer as he kissed back with a soft trill in the back of his throat, purring deep in his chest. As our kiss broke, he smiled up at me, love-drunk and happy. He lay his head against my chest, one hand on it as well, his ear pressed flat to it. His fingers started tapping out a gentle beat against my chest.
"Hey, Rye? Are we...Really, um..." He trailed off, looking up at me, half-worried. I smiled softly, realizing what he was asking, and nodded.
"I reckon we are. Unless ya jus' don't wanna be, now that ya got me?" I said with a playful grin. He shook his head quickly.
"No, no, no, I do, I definitely do! I just...wasn't sure you did." He said with a shy smile, nuzzling my chest, his tail curling around my leg. I felt my own trying to wag, but laying on my back was making that nearly impossible. 
He shifted, laying on top of me now. I chuckled, feeling him resting over me, what little fabric was on him barely keeping his sheath from touching me, something I was far more aware of than I'd ever been before. He sat up, straddling me, and giggled. 
"You know exactly what you're doin', don't ya?" I asked, raising a brow, eyes locked on his, not wanting to turn the morning into anything I wasn't ready for by looking somewhere I wasn't ready to partake in.
David nodded, rolling his hips once before casually rolling off of me, across to the other side of the bed, and onto his paws into a stand beside the bed. I rolled my eyes, ignoring the slight pull of feeling running down the base of my spine, and the slight urge between my legs as I sat up on the edge of the bed. I'd long since learned to suppress my morning needs, sleeping next to David so often had made it a necessity, and I was glad for it now. 
"Hey Rye?" He asked as I stretched a little. I turned back to look at him.
"Yeah? Sup, Davey?" I asked back, rolling my shoulders to loosen them.
He shifted a little, then looked at me directly. "When do you think we could...Maybe...fool around?" He asked shyly, his tail curling around his waist a little as his ears fell back. I chuckled, shaking my head a little.
"Been a couple all'a twelve hours an' you're already tryna get into my pants?" I asked, watching him deflate a little. I realized that hadn't been the answer he'd wanted, and stood up to make my way over to him. My arms wrapped around him, pulling him into a hug, letting him nuzzle my chest and growling softly, a happy sound.
I pulled back just enough to look down at him, into his eyes. "Davey, I ain't sure when I'll be ready for that. Might be in a few minutes, might be a few weeks. But when I am, I'll be sure ya know. Jus' be patient, an' I'll do m'best t' make it worth th' wait." I promised, nosing against his forehead a little, playful and sweet. He smiled a bit, nodding, before standing as tall as he could stretch himself to be, looking up to kiss the bottom of my chin.
"Okay Rye. I um...I don't really need it, need it...But I haven't had it in a while so um..." He trailed off, and I nodded.
My hand met his chin, holding it gently. "Lemme think on it today, an' we'll see about gettin' ya some kind'a relief tonight, alright?" I offered, rubbing his chin gently with my thumb. He nodded, the lightest shade of pink visible through his fur, his skin tinting with blush. He hugged me tighter before letting go, heading for the closet to grab some clothes. I watched him casually strip out of the panties he'd worn yesterday, and for once I let myself admire fully the caxy that was bare before me.
I shook my head, smiling and heading for the bathroom, deciding to get my shower in now while he changed. It wasn't long before I was done, and I came out, towel around my waist as I rummaged through the closet. David was nowhere in sight, and I gathered my clothes for the day, dressing quickly to look for him.
He was in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. He'd made eggs, bacon, toast, and he was dancing by the stove as it cooked, one of my small speakers sitting on the counter connected to his phone. I grinned, pulling my phone out and setting up the music app, picking one of the songs I'd been working on the last few weeks. I unplugged his phone, plugging mine in before hitting play.
He gasped dramatically and glowered at me until the music started again. "Ryder! Is this one of yours?" He asked, already swaying a little to the building sound.
I nodded, smiling at him. "Sure is, ain't released yet, ain't done yet. Thought I'd test it out on my best fan." My voice was playful, but every word sincere. David had always supported me, even at the beginning when even my parents were hesitant.
"This is so good!" he said with a gleeful wiggle, starting to dance to it properly. His hips, his arms, his hands, legs, paws, even his tail and ears. David's dances were a full-body endeavor, every extremity moving with the music, as if the sound waves themselves were flowing through him and guiding his motions. This particular song had been an experiment, all square waves.
It could be seen in his movements, blocky and rigid, but somehow flowing beautifully into one another, graceful even in the harsh, jolting movements. He integrated his dancing into his cooking seamlessly, using it to flip the eggs, to sort the bacon. It amazed me how well he could multitask, and how accurately he could manage even while distracted.
The song ended and we had our breakfast as I made mental notes on what parts he danced most heavily to and which parts he seemed to lose interest. The food was good, as always, and after we settled on the couch for a while to watch his show. I thought for a moment, wondering if it would be a bad idea to give in to what he wanted. We hadn't been dating for even a day by now, surely that was too soon?
But we'd known each other our whole lives. This wasn't some one-day-thing, we'd been by each other's side for over twenty years. We'd practically been living together for several years as is. But that was a big step. The biggest step. And it was one I'd never really taken with anyone. I decided to mull it over another time, and simply enjoy the comforts.
His head was on my shoulder and his tail across my lap, one of his paws on top of mine. He couldn't get enough contact and honestly neither could I, finding myself gently stroking his tail and petting it, growling softly and nuzzling against him. He never stopped purring, and it wasn't until there was a knock at the door that we separated.
I made my way to the door and opened it, my smile from the moments before still on my face. What sight greeted me in the open doorway shattered that smile. I stared down into the vibrant fuchsia eyes of a snake, staring back calmly. 
"Good morning, Mr. Trayson. I received your application recently, and intended to inform you of your acceptance as security officer, but when I attempted to reach you my calls went to voicemail." He said, that same hollow hiss to his voice in every word. He reached into his inside pocket, pulling out a thermos and drinking from it.
I stifled a growl and nodded. "Was in th' hospital. Got shot up an' stabbed." I said calmly. He nodded and looked away, putting the thermos back as he examined the area around us.
"Yes, I am aware. You received heavy injuries in the process of protecting Mr. Seltz from a group of undesirables. I wish to speak to you about that very event, if you would not mind." He said, stepping closer, trying to get inside. I blocked the door with a growl.
"I've already filled out your damn application, ya got nothin' t' be here for except telling me I got th' job or that I don't." I growled, baring my teeth at him.
He simply nodded and held a hand up as if to silence me. "I understand you believe that, but you've obtained the attention of a man you, on your own, are likely not equipped to deal with. You have also obtained my attention as well. I would like to discuss matters, discreetly, if you please."
I shook my head. "When's my first shift?" I asked, words rumbling with frustration. He pulled a small PDA from his side pocket and tapped a few times on it with a stylus, turning it to face me. My first shift was tonight, starting at six in the evening and ending at six in the morning.
I nodded and smiled bitterly. "Then if'n it's that important we can talk it out at work. I'll seeya tonight, Boss." I said sourly, slamming the door shut. I heard him knock a few more times, and as much as I had wanted to walk away, to go back to David, who was no doubt wondering what was going on, I felt a pull. My parents raised me better than that, raised me to be more polite. I opened the door and was met with an infuriatingly calm look from Kaleb.
"Mr. Trayson, I understand you dislike me, but do not let your personal feelings harm your work opportunities, or your chances at protecting what matters most to you. I understand you and Mr. Seltz are a couple now, yes?" He stated matter-of-factly.
I furrowed my brow and clutched the door, feeling the wood splinter. We hadn't even decided that until yesterday, I had said it at the docks, nobody else around that I'd been aware of. "How d'ya know that?"
He smiled, an empty, ugly imitation of emotion. "I have eyes and ears in most places you can think of, Mr. Trayson, and I intend to use them to help, if you will allow it. I understand you have made two enemies that are quite aware of one another, and would not hesitate to work together." he said with a sickening impression of concern. I could smell the insincerity, taste his manipulation.
I could also feel the honesty in it all. He knew something I didn't, and at the very least I needed to find out what.
“Fine. But we ain’t talkin’ it out here. Davey’s in there right now an’ I ain’t ‘bout t’ expose’im t’ none’a this.” I said plainly, furrowing my brow and baring my teeth. Kaleb simply nodded and sighed. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the PDA again, tapping a few times and writing on it before putting it away again. He looked at me, eyes half-lidded in that irritatingly bored way.
“Very well. I have changed your shift to begin one half hour later. As you seem to enjoy keeping your talks brief, as I do, it should take no more than half of that to say what needs to be said. The remaining fifteen minutes is to familiarize yourself with the standard duties and those you will be working with. I will see you there.” He said, turning to the side and walking away.
I huffed, growling a little and shutting the door right as I heard David get up from the couch, the furniture squeaking a little from the movement. “Ain’t nothin’ t’ get up over, Davey.” I called out, hearing a quiet sound of surprise followed by a sudden impact on the cushions. I pulled my phone out, setting alarms an hour and half an hour before my shift. As I stepped into the living room, I saw him laying across the couch, his paws resting on the couch arm, head about two thirds of the way to the other couch arm. I chuckled, seeing him lazing so comfortably, and leaned over the back of the couch.
He looked up at me with a smile, raising up and pressing his lips to mine. I almost backpedaled, so unused to the act, but squashed the learned behavior down, ignoring the gut instinct in favor of the desire underneath it. I kissed him back, letting out a soft, affectionate growl. He responded with a happy purr, and broke the kiss with a smile. His eyes were bright, shining in the dim light of the den, and for the first time in a long time I saw nothing but pure joy in them. No hidden undertones of masking, no underlying fears or nerves.
David was just happy.
I walked around to face the couch from the front, scooping him up into my arms and holding him up as I lay down on the couch, stretching out across it, holding him against me so he was laid on top of me, his back to my chest, so I could gently rub my nose against his neck. I took in his scent as he giggled, and smiled, happy at the smell of his fur, his shampoo, the light aroma pleasant and comforting. My hands found his stomach, resting there as his own moved to lay atop mine.
He tilted his head to give me easier access to his neck and I took it gratefully, kissing along it and caressing his stomach. He trilled and purred in my lap, and sighed softly. "Ryder, you wanted to do this for a long time huh?" He asked, his smile audible in the tone of his voice. I nodded, giving his neck one last kiss before relaxing back against the couch arm. His breathing was so steady, so calm, and it helped me steady my own before answering.
"Wanted it longer'n I knew I did, at least. Spent a long time not knowin' what I wanted. Tryin' out new things, tryin' t' jus' make things work. But things were already workin', I was jus' fightin' what that meant." I said softly, voice low in his ear. I turned one hand over to hold his, squeezing it gently. His thumb brushed across the back of my hand, squeezing back. I glanced over to the TV, seeing Lucky Duke playing on the screen and smiling to myself.
Just in time to realize he wasn't watching the screen. "Rye, is there anything else you want? That maybe...you're fighting?" he asked quietly. His tone had changed, it was duskier, lower. Inviting. I chuckled, nodding a little. 
"Yeah, I reckon there is. An' judgin' by th' way ya say that, y'know full well what that is. But I ain't sure if I'm ready yet, an' ya need t' be patient 'bout it. I'm not one'a th' fellas at th' club lookin' for a quick screw. I love ya too much t' jus' see us as a sex thing." I explained. His breath hitched and for a moment he lay still, saying nothing. I listened carefully, waiting, worrying. Had I upset him? Hurt his feelings? Did he want it too much? Was this just a sex thing to-
"I love you." He said, his voice shaking a little and rolling onto his stomach, throwing his arms around me, looping them around my neck loosely and burying his muzzle against my neck, whimpering a little. I held him uncertainly, not sure if I'd hurt him or not. I felt him trembling, and then the warm wetness of tears dripped onto my fur. I held him closer, feeling my heart speed up. My chest was heating up, eyes flicking around, looking him over, and my ears dropped. 
"I love you too, Davey, hey, what's wrong? I say somethin' ya didn't like?" I asked, holding him carefully, not wanting to squeeze too tightly, or hold too loosely and leave him thinking I wasn't okay with this.
He sniffled, nodding and looking at me. His fur was matted in trails down his cheeks, and under his eyes, his nose slightly wet from his crying. The corners of his mouth were upturned, despite the overall sad look on his face. "I'm great, I'm so great," he said shakily, smiling a little more, "cause, cause you're not-...You're not just...I mean, you're really serious about this, and...You mean it, right? You really mean it?"
I looked him in the eyes, trying my best to read him, to understand, to know what he was thinking beyond the words. What else could he have possibly thought I'd wanted or meant? I nodded, bringing a hand up to cup his cheek. "Davey, I ain't th' type t' lie. Ain't my thing. Won't find no games or tricks or nothin' with me. Ya know that, right? Ya gotta know that, all th' time ya known me." 
He nodded, closing his eyes and leaning into my palm, putting his hand over the back of mine and nuzzling softly against it. I smiled at him and nudged his nose lightly with mine. He opened his eyes, a soft, breathless laugh escaping him.
"Good, so listen up an' listen well, Davey." I spoke clearly, confidently, and held his stare. "I love ya. Ya got a nice, gorgeous body, an' one'a th' best asses I've ever seen, not t' mention the cutest damn face this side'a th' forests." He let out a soft, unhappy 'mrow...' as I spoke, and I smiled a little more, continuing on with my speech. "But I could find a nice, gorgeous body if'n I spent five minutes prowlin' th' club. An' I could find an ass jus' as good too. I'd be S-O-L tryna find a face as cute as yours, but I could try. What I couldn't find nowhere else is you. Who ya are, what ya like, how ya act. Ya ain't jus' a great body an' a perfect face, ya got a personality like nobody else. There's a million hot bodies in Tylvin. A couple billion hot bodies in Ferus. An' a good dozen or two billion on Relan. But ya got somethin' none'a them have, an' that's th' heart, an' th' mind, an' th' love for life ya show every single day."
He stared at me, blinking, and I could feel the heat building in him. Time to show him just how much I meant it.
"Ain't nobody else can quote that damn cowboy word-for-word like ya got it written on th' back'a your eyelids like you can. Ain't nobody else that can sing th' way ya do. Ain't nobody else got th' curiosity, th' inner light, like my caxy. Malor wrote a masterpiece when he penned ya int' th' book'a life, an' I'm damn privileged that he paired our stories up th' way he did. Just knowin' ya was a blessin', an' now I get t' say I'm yours. Askin' if'n I mean it... Davey, I ain't felt this way 'bout anyone else in my life. Fina paired us together an' there ain't nobody else I'd let'er put me with."
He stared at me, stammering silently as the dam broke. He let his tears flow freely and he clung to me, smiling wide and nuzzling relentlessly against my neck. I hugged him back, holding him tight to me. I didn't want a single gap between us, not so much as a centimeter spare between my body and his. Is this how it was supposed to feel? Is this what had been missing from the others?
He drew back again, looking at me shyly and kissing me with a purr. I stroked his cheek for a moment before urging him back gently, sitting up with him straddling my lap. My hands found his hips and I sighed, smiling at him. He smiled back, resting his head on my chest and hugging me with a relaxed, comfortable tightness.
"Ryder, you're an ass...Making me cry like that..." He said with an audible smile.
I grinned, kissing him swift and sweet. "No wonder ya love me so much, bein' gay an' all." I teased, with David smacking my chest playfully. I nuzzled my cheek against his and growled softly, laying back again and relaxing under him. David purred softly, looking up at me and smiling. I blew a puff of air into his ear and chuckled, watching it flick as he made a face at me.
"You're rude." He said matter-of-factly, sitting up, straddling me and resting his palms on my chest. I smiled up at him, hands finding his hips again and rubbing them gently. He sighed in comfort and let out a soft whine. "Ryder, if you keep rubbing my hips you're gonna get me worked up..."
I laughed at that, shaking my head. "Can't even offer ya some affection without ya gettin' all needy?" I teased again as he lay over me, turning his head to face the TV, finally paying attention to the show.
"Well fine, if you're just gonna bully me, I'll just watch my real boyfriend and ignore you." He said with a playful, if irritated, tone. I chuckled, nodding and turning my gaze to the television, smiling softly.
"You do that, Davey. Long as ya let me hold ya while ya do."
"...I can accept these terms."
I don't know how long we lay there watching his show, or when we, or rather when I, fell asleep. All I knew was that I had my caxy in my arms, and for once, I didn't feel afraid of the way it made me feel.
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 9 months
Heart’s Choice - Chapter 31 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
I take the bus into town and walk the last four blocks to El Perro Gordo Bar and Grill.
The grill part stops serving food at nine but the bar stays open til midnight.
Unlike a lot of places in Spring Lakes, it caters to locals rather than to tourist tastes.
The fare is simple and affordable and there are no shot glasses, fridge magnets, keychains, t-shirts, tumblers or postcards to be had.
The atmosphere is laid back, the lighting warm and relaxed,and the clientele diverse.
It was a multipurpose establishment. a tired man could pop in for a drink at the end of the day and not be bothered, a horny one could get lucky and pick up a date.
That's what drew me here in the first place,and how I met Alejo at the bar.
He'd taken an obvious liking to me right away and because I'd been feeling especially lonely and dejected that night, I'd encouraged him.
I hadn't meant for it to be more than casual flirtation but pretty soon he was pouring me drinks on the house and my inhibitions were down the drain.
We ended up in the bathroom.
I sucked him off.
After that, things got fuzzy.
He'd brought me back to his place and I had a vague memory of painful, unsatisfying sex.
I woke up with a hangover.
Then I was basically thrown out with the trash, in which I was relieved to see a used condom.
I couldn't remember if I'd insisted on it or if Alejo just wasn't stupid enough to go bareback with a stranger but it had alleviated one fear, at least.
I hadn't expected to hear from Alejo again.
That kind of guy sees guys like me as a nock on his bedpost and nothing more, so I'd been surprised when he texted.
I didn't remember giving him my number.
Maybe it had been better for him than for me, maybe I'd been so out of it, I'd seemed into it, maybe he was telling the truth and it was me that had come onto him.
Then again, maybe I'd been too drunk to give proper consent.
If any of these same thoughts have troubled Alejo, he gives no sign of it as he waves to me from behind the bar, a grin stretching his face.
I slide onto a stool at the end and he winks at me as he serves a couple of college girls, flirting shamelessly with both.
They giggle and blush, clearly enjoying the attention.
Alejo is a popular guy behind the bar and I wonder which part is the lie, is it an act or did he play both teams after all?
He saunters over, towel flung over his shoulder and leans across the bar to tuck a strand of loose hair behind my ear.
"Hello, gorgeous. Knew you'd be back for more."
'Ugh. Cringe.'
I plaster on a smile and nod down the bar at the college girls, who are watching us curiously.
"Looks like you got your hands full already."
He laughs and winks.
"Nah. I'm just in it for the tips. What can I get you?"
I'd rather not drink at all but I don't want to rouse his suspicions, either.
"How 'bout something light."
"You got it."
He pours me a lager from a tap and sets the pint glass in front of me.
"So, where you been, cabrón? What happened to the cop? He get tired of you that fast?"
I lift my glass,but only let a little past my lips.
"Something like that. I heard you got picked up for questioning."
He barks a laugh.
"Fuck, you know how it is. They round up the usual suspects. Guys like me are always top of that list."
Shrugging, I say...
"Well, you did know Kyle."
His expression turns ugly.
"Fucking Kyle. You know his girlfriend tried to set the cops on me? Stupid whore."
He tilts his head to the side and cracks his neck, showing off the tattoos that stretch from collar bone to jaw.
None of them mean anything to me and they appear to have been chosen at random.
I take another sip of beer, trying to think of a way to bring up his alibi for the night of Sparks' death without being obvious.
"Did you know Kyle needed money?" I ask.
He snorts.
"Who doesn't?"
"I dunno. You seem to be doing alright."
My eyes go to the shiny gold watch on his wrist and I recall the flashy car he drove to Kyle's funeral.
"I made some good investments lately, is all," he says distractedly.
"Hang on."
The college girls are waving for his attention and a group of men have settled at the other end of the bar.
One of them looks really familiar but I can't tell where I've seen him before.
Another bar, maybe, given that Alejo switches back into flirt mode and serves up their drinks with admirable efficiency.
My cell-phone buzzes just as he turns back to me and I just have time to glimpse a text from John.
John: Hey. Where are you?
My heart skips a beat and warmth flares in my chest.
Not wanting to draw Alejo's attention to it in case he gets nosy, I pocket the device without making a reply.
"Now where were we?" he asks, reaching across the bar to rub his thumb across the back of my knuckles.
"You got pretty hands for such a hard-working guy, you know? Pretty mouth, too."
He brushes a fleck of beer foam from my upper lip.
Behind him, the college girls lean their heads together and giggle, apparently delighted to catch a glimpse of homo action in the wild.
"We were talking about Kyle's ex," I say, downing a large gulp of beer just to get him to stop touching me.
"Oh, yeah. That bitch. Guess Kyle told her some shit about me setting him up to take a fall."
He snorts.
"All I did was ask him to keep me out of it. He got caught, I didn't, he was fifteen, I was nineteen. He got a spate in juvie, I'd have been charged as an adult, ten years, minimum."
"You didn't promise him his share when he got out?"
Alejo laughs.
"Share? Share of what? We got caught. Well, Kyle got caught. I got away empty handed."
"So, he didn't come to you asking for help?"
"Sure he did. An' I helped him out, too. Or I offered to. Little punk turned me down. Hey, why you so interested anyway?"
I give my attention to my beer again.
To my surprise, the glass is almost empty.
Shrugging, I sprinkle some truth in the mix of lies, hoping it will lend me some much-needed believability.
"It's just, uh..." I laugh awkwardly and swirl the last bit of beer at the bottom of my glass. "I lent Kyle some money, myself. Good timing, huh? And now, well... I'm in the shit and I need a way out."
Smirking, Alejo leans across the bar, bringing his face uncomfortably close to mine.
"I got a better idea. Lemme finish up here and I'll show you what I have in mind. You in?"
"Yeah, I'm in."
"Good boy."
I barely manage not to gag as he licks my mouth and kisses me.
"I'll get you another drink. On the house."
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readyplayerhobi · 3 years
Flower | Drabble 5
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; Hoseok x Reader
; Genre: Fluff, slight angst
; Synopsis: You finally decide to take a dip into the world of online dating and find the Flower dating app. One of the top matches for you proves to be a guy who looks to be your complete opposite; tattooed, pierced, a metalhead and oh…incredibly handsome. What happens when you throw caution to the wind and reach out to him?
; A/N: Another little drabble! It's hard to give this couple up 🥺 this is also a scene that was basically deleted from the main series, so it's been given a time jump! I didn't want people to think it was a cliche moment (it kinda is) but...I think this gives some good clarity on how the MC has grown! Unedited as on mobile.
"Do you think your mom will like this?" You query, brows farrowing together as you turn the elegantly decorated plant pot around in your hands. It would match her current living room decor and she loved gardening.
"Hmm? Oh, yeah...why?" Hoseok asks with a distracted tone, his attention grabbed with the collection of fake plants. The two of you had come to a home decoration store as you wanted to redecorate your bedroom. He wasn't hugely interested in how it was done and you were pretty sure that he was here just to spend time with you.
Which was sweet and you loved that he was content to just be with you, but he wasn't being very helpful right now.
"...her birthday? It's next week, we're taking her out for dinner, remember?" He pauses for a moment before his lips turn into a circle.
"Oh yeah, shit. I need to book the table for that." Before you can say anything else, he's pulling out his phone and tapping away on it.
Sighing, you place the pot into the cart and begin to look with an eye for your bedroom. You wanted to inject more plants into the house but Kasumi just tried to eat real ones, so you were stuck with fake plants.
"How about C'est Bonne? Wait no, she doesn't like French food. Hmmm, Italian feels boring though. Do you think she'd like Thai, I think that'd be alright." Hoseok is muttering to himself as he scrolls and you smile affectionately.
To say he'd completely forgotten, you weren't surprised that he was throwing himself into it now.
"Hoseok?" For a moment, neither of you respond. You, because it wasn't your name and so you weren't conditioned to respond to it, and Hoseok because it wasn't your voice.
His head jerked up in confusion, gaze going to you first before looking around. The voice calls again from your left and you turn to see who it is, wondering who was calling out your husband's name.
What you didn't expect is for Hoseok's face to open in surprise, shocked recognition taking over his expression. Like, real shock and you're even more confused and intrigued.
"Yoona?" He asks, his tone slightly unsure and you realise it's obviously someone he once knew. You've heard him mention the name at some point, but you can't remember why you know it.
"It is you! Oh my god, it's so good to see you. How long has it been?" The woman in question, Yoona, smiles brightly and you observe that she's pretty. Very pretty with the kind of hair you see in commercials.
She's wearing plain black jeans that conform to her legs alongside a subtly flowered shirt. Her black pea coat tops it off with a matching deep purple scarf and beanie to cope with the colder weather.
"Err...a while." Hoseok laughs, his hand coming up to rub at the back of his neck and you recognise the awkward movement. He's a little uncomfortable and your stomach turns as you wonder if this is one of his hook ups.
Surprisingly, you'd never met one of them given how prolific he'd been. Though you did wonder how many of them had also been drunk and probably didn't remember him at all.
Still, you feel the urge to comfort him and move closer, resting your hand on his back in assurance. He straightens a little at the touch before relaxing into you, his arm coming to wrap around your shoulder and hugging you into him a little more strongly than you'd anticipated.
"Oh, Meeps this is Yoona, the girl in college who got me to sort my shit out?" Hoseok's brows rise as his voice turns dry before he looks back at Yoona. "This is Y/N, my wife."
Her eyes flick over to you and surprisingly enough, she doesn't give you a once over. You almost expected her to view you as some kind of threat or rival, but the reassuring smile she gives makes you realise how silly that would be.
"Really? Oh my god, Hoseok! I'm so happy for you, and for you, Y/N! I always knew he had the makings of a good partner, even if he couldn't see it. I'm glad you finally took my advice." Yoona says before reaching out to shake your hand politely.
Surprisingly, it's not nearly as awkward as you'd think to meet one of your husband's ex-flings. Especially one who'd had such an influence on his life.
"Erm, thank you. Hoseok's talk about you sometimes, thank you for helping him back then." You say shyly, feeling your stomach twist uncertainly as you take your hand back and play with your fingers.
Just like he always has, Hoseok instinctively knows when you're not comfortable and he reaches for one of your hands. 
"I've told her lots of things over the years," He grins before kissing your forehead. "My therapy was very good, I promise."
That's directed to Yoona who laughs sweetly and nods in appreciation.
"Good, good, I'm glad. Anyway, I've got to be going but...it was nice to see you! And I'm really happy that you've found someone. I'd love to get to know you better but I'm sure you're amazing. Gotta be to have captured this guy's attention." She smiles and gestures towards you, causing you to feel hot with embarrassment.
"Erm, thank you." You mutter, unsure of how to react. But you're surprisingly okay with her and don't feel any form of threat, even with her important history with Hoseok. It was clear there were no feelings between either of them and you genuinely felt that she was a good person.
Before either of you could say anything else, she said her goodbyes and headed towards the cashiers at the front of the store. There was a brief moment of silence as you both tried to compute what had happened and Hoseok recovered quicker than you did.
"Are you okay?" He asked quietly, his words laced with concern that matched the worry in his eyes. You knew why he was feeling like that - Yoona was beautiful, once upon a time he'd slept with her and she'd helped him realise how to move forward. Or at least take the steps there.
If this had happened in the first year of your relationship then you probably would feel disconcerted, unsure what to think about this blast from his past. But you weren't that girl anymore, and whilst you still had your anxieties, you had full and complete faith in Hoseok.
Plus, he'd been as blindsided by her as you were. 
"Yeah, I'm fine. It was nice to finally meet the famous Yoona, she seemed nice." You comment, slipping your arm through his and leaning against him as you both walked towards the bedroom section. Bring so close to him meant that you could practically feel him relax at your words.
"Good, good. I didn't...well I didn't know what to think, really. I was worried you'd be upset or something." Hoseok admits, trailing his hand down your coat sleeve until he can grasp your fingers between his own.
"No, I know all about your history and it was only a matter of time before we met someone. And like I said, she was sweet." There's still some uneasiness in his demeanour though and you squeeze his hand before gently poking the back of it with a finger.
The movement makes him smile and you feel relief at him looking a little happier.
"Seriously, I'm okay. Are you okay?" It was probably a big thing to accidentally meet up with such an important fling, but but could understand why he wasn't comfortable with it all.
That was a part of his past that he wasn't entirely happy with colliding with his very happy present. So you just held on to him as he worked through his feelings.
"Yeah...yeah I am. It was just weird to see her, you know? Never expected that." He let's his free hand trail over a soft, velvet cushion idly and you hum in contemplation.
"I get it. But don't fret over it, okay? I'm fine with it all and...well, it was nice to meet the woman who helped to bring the Hoseok I know to life. Or at least, started the process. Without her, we wouldn't be here."
Hoseok is silent as he considers that, his lips twisting before he licks at his lip ring and nods.
"Yeah, you're right. She's the one part of my past that I'm okay with you seeing in person. I should've thanked her…" Muttering, he sighs before shrugging with a lopsided smile.
"Oh well, let's carry on shopping. Your decorations await! And I need to finish booking that table...I'm actually thinking of maybe trying that Lebanese place…"
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amoristt · 3 years
Just a Dare | Nathan Prescott x Reader
@trueloveknifefight asked, Also can I request Nathan asking you out?
here u are! i love writing convos w nathan UGH i adore his character.
as always, replies and reblogs are greatly appreciated1 i check all tags and comments <3
wanna support me for just $3? here's my ko-fi!
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The lights were bright, vivid. Almost blinding. They dance LED accents into the reflection of your drink- a dull plastic cup filled to the brim with one part whiskey, zero parts mixer. The taste could bring a tear to your eye but you would be damned to water down such fine alcohol, provided by none other than Nathan Prescott himself.
Music reverberated along the pool rooms walls, laughter and hollers distantly rising with the tempos. Your foot absently tapped to the beat- you were never one for dancing. Never one for parties, either, actually, favoring drinking in the solitude of a small friend group.
If not for Nathan you wouldn't be here at all. Some would say it's a privilege to slip past those heavy doors, entering the dully lit world of the Vortex Club. You mostly just felt like it was all for show. Somehow securing a place among Nathan's friend group, and a good friend at that, it was almost duty to show up. He insisted on it.
So, here you were. Leaning against a wall in a suffocatingly warm, cramped pool room surrounded by a sea of faces you hardly recognized.
That was, until you saw Nathan's face peer through the small break in shifting bodies. You knew him all too well.
Strikingly handsome, equally strikingly pompous. Funny, crude, an absent minded party goer just as much as he was a fireball with racing, incoherent thoughts. A drinker, a druggie. Takes the edge off, he says, but you think he does it to take away his thoughts completely. You felt like his entire life was all edges, never sacred ground.
The poor bastard.
He lures your attention in as he saunters over with squared shoulders, narrowly avoiding spilling his drink when a random student cuts it a little too close. Normally Nathan would make a bigger deal, give him what for, but this time he just shoots the poor kid a menacing glare and grumbles, 'fucking watch it'. He's walking with purpose and intent, you can see it on his face. You must have a target on your forehead as he darts straight over.
When he comes to your side, his own alcohol dripping down the sides of his cup onto his wiry fingers, you raise a brow.
"Something wrong?" You ask, as he takes a spot leaning against the hard wall right next to you.
"Just wondering why you're being so fucking lame over here," He shouts over the music, taking a sip of his drink, grimacing at the taste. "We're all having a good time over at the lounge and you're over here acting like all the other wallflower nobodies."
You roll your eyes with upturning lips. "Maybe I like being a wallflower. I like people watching. I see things no one else does."
"Yeah, okay, fucking weirdo."
"I mean it," You push off the wall and grin. "Look-" You point to a student obviously wasted, drink held high over head while he lets the music take him away. "That guy is clearly trashed- he's having the time of his life. He's gotta be seeing double."
Nathan whistles at his state, taking in the guys goofy smile, half lidded eyes. "I'll bet it's the triplets. I could breathe on him too hard and he'd fall over."
"You should go try it." You tease. He shakes his head and takes another drink.
"Nah, he'll get it himself. Guarantee we'll be dragging him out by his feet by the end of the night." He shrugs. "Or, at least someone will. I sure as fuck ain't staying that long."
You snicker. "What, got a hot date?" Nathan glares at you. "Oh don't tell me," you cup your hands to whisper, a secretive gesture, "homework?"
"Fuck no," He scoffs, and you can just barely see that he's a little more than tipsy now. His pale cheeks dusted with red, the tip of his nose ruby under the harsh lighting. It's also then that you realize he's a little more tense than usual, even despite the drinking. He's standing straight upright, his right hand gripping his cup like a crutch and his left now shoved hastily into his pocket.
He hasn't looked at you dead in the eyes yet.
"So what is it then?" You ask curiously. He shrugs and stares into his cup. You frown. "Bro, are you like, good right now? Do you wanna leave?"
For the first time since he'd wandered over, Nathan looks up at you. His eyes are unreadable, but his composure seems stressed. He shrugs again. Before you can even open your mouth to ask him about his state, he sighs and downs an entire mouthful of burning whiskey. It makes you cringe just watching him.
"Fuck it," He huffs. "Look I got some stupid ass dare to come over here and put the moves on you, okay." He sounds almost annoyed, like it's a hassle for him, or maybe embarrassing. You cross your arms. "I was dared to come over here and try to get you like, to fucking, you know, leave with me, but now that I'm over here I'm starting to think maybe that was a dumbass idea."
"Leave with you?" You say incredulously, a brow already lifting. "You were dared to come over here and try to sleep with me? By our friends?"
"No, no, fuck," Nathan seems agitated now, rushing. "Like a date sorta bullshit. Ask you out." He manages to get it out in almost the worst delivery possible, meanwhile you're just trying to pick out who would put him up to this. Hayden? Victoria?
A laugh forces its way out of you. "Aren't we a little too old for that game?"
Nathan shrugs. "That's what I said but they insisted. Fucking babies. At least make the dare a little more fun than just asking some bitch out. That's like elementary level shit."
Your eyes widen, you scoff. "Excuse me?"
Nathan sputters. "You're not some bitch, I didn't mean to-... Fucks sake, I'm clearly a little drunk right now okay, if you could cut me some fucking slack that'd be awesome."
"Hey man I didn't ask to be a victim of bullying," You tease, and he can't help but laugh. You soften. "Never expected it from you, though of all people. As ironic as that sounds."
"I'm not even bullying you, come on. Don't be a bitch. I even admitted it and everything."
You grin. "Yeah. Gotta say though, I'm a little disappointed."
"Oh what, you wanted to see my moves?" Nathan hums. "You wanted some Prescott action?"
"Shut the hell up." You shove his shoulder, an action that would be a mistake to so many others, but for you, it was welcomed. "I'm disappointed that it was just a dare. I'd probably have said yes if it wasn't. But, oh well."
Nathan doesn't answer for a long moment. First, he stares into his drink, processing. Almost like he hadn't heard that right, or like you were messing with him. It's rare to see Nathan Prescott stunned into a momentary silence. He's thinking, wondering what he should say next. Suspicious that you're just playing with him, hopeful that maybe you aren't.
And, you hadn't been. Truth be told if given the chance you would allow him to take you out for the evening. Show you fancy things, try out something a little more intimate than just laughter and poking fun at classmates together. You enjoyed his presence, looked forward to it at times.
A small part of you had hoped that he felt the same, maybe. Somehow. While grateful that he respected you enough to cut the crap before it even began, you couldn't help but feel a little... Disheartened at the prank. You'd saved your pride by denying him beforehand, but, if it had been genuine...
"So if it wasn't a dare," He began, quietly, barely audible over the booming music overhead. Eyes barely visible in the sea of vibrant lights crashing like waves. "You'd have said yes."
You shrug, trying to play it casual to save your own feelings, just in case. "Probably. I mean, we're already friends. We have fun so it couldn't have been that bad." He nods along to almost every word.
"Well what if we did it anyways." He blurts.
"Did what?"
"Go out tonight. Like, you know ditch this lame ass party and have some real fun."
"You love this lame ass party, and plus," You shake your head in feigned annoyance. "I'm not sleeping with you, Nathan."
He glares at you. "Fucking duh. I'm just saying we can go and hang out somewhere else. This party happens all the fucking time so it's not like we're missing anything."
"But, wouldn't that make me the butt of our friends joke?"
He shrugs. "Fuck em. It was a dumb dare anyways."
"Now it seems like you're trying extra hard to convince me to say yes." You state, and he's frazzled, running lines through his brain to try and save the absolute failure of asking you out. You decide to spare him, take a little leap of faith for yourself. "But, alright. I'm in."
Nathan gapes at you. "You're in?"
"Yeah, why not. I'm not busy right now and if you're not either than," You smile. "Why not. You better wow me though, Prescott. I'm talking a night to remember. Fireworks, dinner by candle light, a serenade. The whole package."
Nathan's eyes light up, but he tries to hide it, rolls those beautiful blues. "Well considering I've had like no fucking time to prepare how about we instead go to the roof and chill out."
You toss the idea around in your head for show. You already knew the answer the moment he asked if you were being serious.
"I mean I guess that would work," You say. "I was looking for fireworks but I suppose that will suffice. Feel free to go tell our buddies their joke may have backfired on them."
Nathan shakes his head. "Nah, don't even bother. They're all drunk and probably don't even remember daring me in the first place."
"Alright then," You push yourself off the wall, feeling your cheeks warm. A flutter takes wing in the base of your chest, your heart picking up just a little faster. You can't stop the smile that graces you as you say, "Lead the way, Prescott."
Nathan does lead the way. He takes your hand into his own, your fingers tracing over his boney knuckles as he drags you through the sea of bodies, out to the school hall and up winding stairs.
You giggle like a child when he struggles to find the correct key on the janitors ring he'd snatched weeks ago just in case, tease him when he almost spills his drink all over himself. Nathan's hands are almost shaking, but you chalk it up to the alcohol. You chalk everything up to the alcohol- his trembling fingers, his red face, a shy, albeit goofy smile resting upon his lovely, angular face.
The night was cool and crisp, a stark contrast to the smoldering heat of the Vortex Party.
He looks amazing out under the stars, and underneath the scope of the vast, black sky dotted with trillions of perfect, twinkling lights, you feel at peace.
Looking at him, you feel like this may be the start of something you'd denied yourself the chance of ever even imagining.
Out there, alone but together, hearing the echoes of music mixed with the livelihood of crickets in the darkness...
it truly was a night to remember.
Days later, you sit atop your desk, feet tapping rhythmically on your chair, typing away at your phone.
"Love the top," A familiar voice pipes, and you glace up to find Victoria standing before you, books pressed to her chest. She takes in your shirt, a nicely fitted long sleeve with a rather low cut v-neck. "Why haven't I see that one before?"
You shrug and set your phone down. "Never got around to wearing it I guess. Not a big fan of V-necks."
"It fits you," She sets her books down at the table beside you and brushes a hand through her hair, making sure every strand is in line. "I'll have to get one myself."
"You know what, you can have it after today," You say, and she perks up in disbelief. "As a thank you for what happened at the party."
That disbelief soon turned to confusion. "...Meaning?"
"Y'know, making Nathan ask me out. He made a whole huge deal about it- said you guys were drinking and playing Truth or Dare of all things. Gotta say, I was a little surprised."
Victoria's brows knit. "We hardly drank at that party, and I wouldn't be caught dead playing Truth or Dare. That game is for kids."
It almost knocks the wind out of you.
They hadn't even been playing in the first place.
As the teacher walks into the room, the first period bell blaring annoyingly over the speakers, you climb off your desk and prepare for the day, hardly able to contain yourself. It hadn't been a dare, after all.
And, you and Nathan's official second date was merely a day away.
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Loved the two you put out! If you are still taking prompts could you do 4. “Are you flirting with me?” / “You finally noticed?” please? If not no worries :)
Sorry I know this ask was from months ago and I did it but then forgot for ages. 😬
So here it is ☺️
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. . . . .
The celebrations had kicked up a notch. Tim kept mentioning shots and no one was at his level yet well except for Gibbs. He'd downed several drinks once he arrived.
Jack on the other hand was actually sober compared to everyone. She was happily sitting in the corner chatting with a drunk Palmer about something Ducky said last week.
Your heart was continuously trying to fight your brain into interrupting them. She'd looked over at you a few times and smiled. It gave you flutters even if you were past the point of feeling anything properly.
Thankfully their conversation seemed to end and she walked over to you. "What's cooking, good looking?" She smirked at your obvious blush.
You took another sip of your drink, not breaking eye contact until she threw in a wink and you almost choked. "Are you flirting with me?"
Without a beat. "You finally noticed?"
Not quite what you were expecting, Actually you didn't know what you were expecting. You laughed, trying to hide all the feelings that came bubbling.to the surface and you missed it. Missed the hurt that Jack felt by your reaction and clear deflection of her confession.
"Right well. Gibbs mentioned tequila shots so I'm out before I get any of that stuff near my system." She gave a half-hearted smile. "Night."
You stood there drunk and watched as she quickly backed away before you could do anything.
"Hey, what was that?" Kasie popped up beside you. "Why aren't you going after her?"
You turned too quickly to face her and your head spun. "Woah." You grabbed the table for support before you could concentrate on Kasie confused look. "Why would I? She obviously didn't want to be here?"
Now it was her turn to laugh and for you to be confused. "You're kidding right? She's been staring at you all night. Couldn't get a word in with Palmer for the past half hour. She practically jumped out of her seat when he took a breath."
You were even more confused. The furrow in your brow only deepening.
"What's gotten into you?"
"The bourbon mostly." You grinned, but the grin dropped when she put a hand on her hip. "Sorry... She said she was flirting with me and well you know me plus alcohol."
"You go even more dumb."
"She's waiting for her ride. Go talk to her."
"Because I can do that?"
"Just go." She shoved you this time. Taking the drink from your grasp and nudging you towards the exit. Thankfully your feet eventually caught you again after a little trip.
You were unsure if you were hoping for Jack to still be outside or gone. If you were drunk there would be no way you'd be doing this right now.
You heard your name as you stumbled out of the bar, looking hopelessly into the dark. She was sitting on a bench outside the shop next door.
"Rides gonna be a bit." She slumped against the back of the seat and tapped the space beside her. "Need some air?"
You collapse into the seat, "Not really." She bumps your shoulder and the world spins, you were drunk. The nudge was for you to continue but all you do can do is a small smile.
A sigh escaped her lips. "Then you..."
"Kasie may have mentioned how dumb I've been and I don't know how to talk about this..."
She places her hand on your knee, her palm warm against your skin, the shock in temperature shoots up your body. "This being me flirting with you?"
You nodded and manage to look her in the eye. She's smiling, probably laughing at you on the inside but you don't care. That smile lights a fire in you and before you can think your lips are against hers. It's when she kisses you back with even more passion than you, that you don't pull away. Her hand snakes around your neck, holding you there even when she pulls apart to take a breath.
"Well, I wasn't expecting that tonight." She smirks, pecking your lips again and it brings a stupid smile to your face.
You bump your nose with her's. "Been wanting to do that for months."
"What took you so long?" She hums, her hand coming forward to cup your cheek as her eyes take over your face. Her thumb running over you bottom lip and you can't help but moan.
This time she pulls you in, swallowing your moan in the process. You grip her jacket to keep her close but to make sure it's real, that she's real. "Had to make sure you were actually flirting with me." You whisper against her lips before kissing her again.
You hear the car pull up but you ignore it. She sits back, waves at the driver before looking back at you. "Want to come back to my place?"
You freeze, unable to collect your thoughts and apparently your facial expression. She laughs at you, slipping her hand in yours before pulling you up with her. "Are you sure?"
"I'm sure I don't want to stop kissing you right here and I'm sure I want to go home."
You laugh and follow her to the car before letting her open the door for you. "Guess the others can handle themselves."
"With tequila? Doubtful." She slides in the backseat beside you.
You scrunch your nose up at the mention of Tequila. "Ok, going home with you is definitely the better option."
She quirks an eyebrow at you as the car pulls away from the curb. "Better option?"
You roll your eyes. "Best option I've had in years." You grin, leaning in and placing a kiss on her lips.
There was no other option and you both knew it.
. . . .
Something that has been sitting in my drafts for months. I wanted to add more but nothing new really came... Enjoy 😆
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comorbidfascination · 3 years
Rex Flirts When He's Drunk (1/2)
full fic list here
part 2 here
The boys finally convince Rex to go drinking with them, just to have him sneak off to flirt with a bartender the whole time!
“For the last time, I am not going to 79’s with you! I have work to get done.” This was the last thing Rex said before getting dragged to 79’s by almost every trooper in the 501st battalion. He really wasn't planning on going, but there was not a person in the galaxy that could resist the combined puppy eyes of all those troopers.
It had been a while since he'd joined them, but the woman with four arms behind the bar didn't look like she was new. Maybe he had just never seen her. She had an eyebrow cocked at a man waving his empty glass at her, cleaning the bartop with one hand and serving drinks with the other three. Rex turned away when Fives called out to him, but for some reason, the woman made herself comfortable in the back of his mind.
He and the other guys took turns buying rounds, telling stories, and correcting each other when one of them got a detail wrong.
"Nah, it was on Dantooine! I know it was!"
"You're full of shit, Kix."
Rex couldn't remember when he stopped counting the drinks he'd downed, but it was definitely more than he'd meant to have. The guys' faces were blurring together, and he giggled to himself when he realized it was just as hard for him to tell them apart as it was for most people.
"Ahhh-I'm gonna get s'more." He slurred, sliding out of the booth they were crammed in. Not waiting for a reply, he stumbled over to the bar where he practically fell into a seat.
"You alright there, bud?"
It was the four-armed woman, and she was even prettier up close.
"Nah, but iss'okay. You a codru'ji?" Rex had to waste a bit of brain power pronouncing that right, and it seemed to pay off if her smile was anything to go by.
"Half, but yeah. Dad's a Devaronian, hence the horns." She pointed at the stubby points on her forehead. "Don't think I've seen you here before."
He shook his head, then dropped it into his hands when the world began to spin. "Ughhh...M'Rex."
The woman huffed a laugh. "Name's Io. And I hate to tell ya this, but you're too far gone for me to serve you anymore."
"S'okay. Jus' wanted to say hi...and that you're really pretty."
With his head still buried in his arms, he couldn't see the way Io's dark reddish-brown skin blushed a little darker.
"Thanks, but you really wanna spend your time with me? I'm afraid I ain't the most interesting character here, bud."
Rex shrugged as well as he could manage and picked his head back up to give her a dopey grin. "Says who?"
She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Says just about any story these guys would give you. I just can't compete."
He leaned his chin on his hand, still smiling like an idiot. "I've heard most of 'em. Now I wanna hear yours."
Io shook her head with a smile of her own. "Let me handle these guys, and then I'll tell you a story." She pointed to a few clones that had ambled up to the bar.
He gave her a drunken salute and watched as she moved with a grace that wouldn't normally be expected of a woman as stocky as Io, not to mention the extra arms. Every limb moved in practiced tandem, filling drinks from the taps and serving them up to each man. It was like watching a droid work, but with more fluid motions than any mechanical being. Rex didn't realize that he was staring until she walked back over and waved a hand in front of his face.
"Hi, Io."
"Hey mister. What kinda story you wanna hear?"
"Hmmm...somethin' from when you were a kid. I like those ones 'cause I don't hear 'em much."
Swallowing down any questions about the lack of a clone's childhood, she picked a random memory and began talking. It was easier as she went along, tending to patrons and watching Rex's expressions change with the story. By the time she finished, it was almost closing time.
"I like your voice."
"Yeah?" She hadn't expected that, but she supposed it was different from a lot of people on Coruscant.
"Mhmm. Kinda drawl-y. It's nice."
Io started cleaning up with three hands and patted his hand with the other. "Thanks, sweetheart. You got any friends I can help you find?"
"I don't wanna go back, I wanna stay with you." He laced his fingers with hers and held the back of her hand against his cheek.
She sighed, not knowing who to look for. "Sorry honey, but you gotta get home and I gotta close up shop here."
"No." He pouted, nuzzling her hand with his cheek. "It's not home anyways."
Hearing him say that hurt, but knowing she couldn't really help hurt more. "Honey, look at me." It took him a second, but he managed. "I'll give you my number and we can talk later, but right now we need to find your friends, okay?"
Rex pouted even harder, but he did tell her a couple names she could shout for over the slowly fading background noise. Soon enough, Echo and Fives were there to prop him up between them and help him out of the bar. Just when they were getting through the door, Rex grabbed the frame and called out, "I can see you again, right?"
Io laughed to herself and called back, "Yeah honey, you better!"
The boys around him whistled and teased, but Rex wouldn't give a damn until he was hungover the next day.
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Jesper Fahey Imagine
Jesper x female Reader
This is my first imagine ever. So pls don’t be to harsh😅
Also i m not a native English speaker so if I made horrible mistakes pls tell me nicely🙂
+ I m new to the grishaverse so there is a lot I just made up... again If I made horrible mistakes.. enlighten me 🥰
I wanna post this with he/him and they/them pronouns too. Just so nobody feels left out ✨
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The winter air was terrible cold against y/n`s ears. Instinctively, she buried her face further into her scarf. She hated this time of year, especially in ketterdam. Because of the docks and the sea, it was even colder here than in her former home. She came to Ketterdam years ago, but she still didn’t seem to have gotten used to the city. The city with its dark alleys and dangerous corners. She had been told to get a decent job. Never be Outside in the dark. And above all she should Stay Out of the criminal gangs and their streetfights. And yet here she was, running again in the direction of the Crow Club to meet dirtyhands in person.
After the heavy oak door closed behind her, she took a deep breath. The warm air felt wonderful on her skin. There wasn't too much going on in the club tonight. Which pleased her very much.
" well who do we have here? I was afraid that you wouldn't come because of the snowstorm out there. ”Jesper's voice sounded happily through the room. In his hand he was holding a drink that he halfway spilled on his way to her.
Y / N didn't want to admit it, but she was happy to see him. Most of all, she was pleased that he was already a Bit drunk, so she hoped he wouldn't notice how she blushed while he hugged her.
Together they went to a table in a quieter corner of the crow club. Kaz Brekker sat there with his crowcane in his hand and sighed as Y/N and Jesper approached. Shortly afterwards she noticed Inej emerging from the shadows. She quietly sat down next to Kaz, keeping a safe distance as always. Y / N wasn't sure if she was doing it to give Kaz more space or to better protect herself. Y/N sat down next to Nina who was sitting on the other side of the table and apparently had a lot of fun giving a already drunken Mattias more and more alcohol.
Jesper sat down next to Y/N with a loud noise and started talking about his win today. He had lost a lot of money in a few card games and then won the Same Money back again after a round of chess. Inej had to explain the rules to him beforehand and was shocked that he really didn't understand how the game worked. His only luck was that his opponent understood it even less and so he had defeated him after a few rounds despite his moderate knowledge of chess.
Y/N was happy to have this group. For her, it almost felt like she had a found family, a home. The others also appreciated her very much. Nina was glad that there was another Grisha in the group. She loved challenging Y/N to play pranks on the other crow members. Even if the others wouldn't admit it, everyone loved the jokes they made up. Only Kaz usually looked offended when the two kept his people from their serious work.
She had also built up a good relationship with Inej in the two years that she had been part of the crows. Both were rather calm and liked to spend time alone. But they loved to talk about novels and books together. Inej and her had already broken into the library of Ketterdam several times at night to be able to read there in peace. Y / N fondly remembers those evenings. Especially Brekker's red-hot face when he found out what they had done. He was incredibly angry and didn't even let them be on the next mission. Meanwhile, Jesper just stood there, amused. Although he was disappointed in both of them too. But more because they didn't ask him to come along. Inej had smirked at the time and said that he was probably jealous. And to this day Y/N kept thinking about it. She could hardly imagine that he wanted to tag along because of the books.
"Hey are you even listening to me"
Jesper moved his hand up and down in front of her face.
"I'm sorry, what did you say?"
Y / N knew this wasn't the first time he'd caught her thinking about him. She reached for the glass that Nina had put in front of her nose a few minutes ago. Hopefully that would take his mind off the nervous expression on her face.
"I thought it would be incredible if I would open a bakery with the money. You know the Money i won earlier"
Y/N looked deeper into her glass. In fact, she hadn't noticed what he'd told her. "Hmm interesting. I uh... would not have thought you were the bakery type. "
"Why not?" Jesper started to grin in amusement. Now he was glad that she was just so embarrassed and looking down. She was indeed looking really cute, while trying to come up with a logical answer that hopefully wouldn't hurt his feelings.
“Well you've shot at least 5 people in the last two days. And uh ... "
Jesper had to laugh out loud. "Hey hey little one, I was just kidding. I was Joking... Something like that happens when you don't listen. ”There was a big grin on his face. It felt like it went from one ear to the other. His dark eyes began to glow. Y/N didn't even notice how long the two had been staring at each other. Jesper looked away with a jerk and began to stammer something to himself, “I actually wanted to ask you something. Are we both going to break into that one library tomorrow night? I heard about this one book. And well we could steal it together. "
Y/N just had to grin. Maybe Inej was right after all and Jesper wanted to spend time with her.
"Sure, why not ... but you know that this is illegal?"
"It's only illegal if we get caught"
The next evening they both met below the roofs of Ketterdam's university district. Jesper's hair was disheveled, probably because he had slept until a few minutes ago. The night before had stolen both of their strength. None of them could really remember much. Once again, Nina had endured the most alcohol, but probably only because she was the one who made the others drink. Inej had gone to bed relatively early and in the early morning twilight still heard the singing voices of Matthias and Jesper. Y / N could roughly remember participating in a drinking game. And somehow she thought she had seen a smiling Kaz, but that would be too improbable.
It wasn't quite as cold as the night before, but because of the tiredness Y / N was all the more cold that day. Jesper didn't seem to have any other way. He had wrapped himself deep in his coat and was wearing a much too long scarf around his neck that he had stepped on twice while running. It was unusual for the shooter to be so calm. Most of the time he would talk out loud about his achievements in playing cards or he would consider a daring mission to get rich. He was very talkative, only today he was speechless.
Getting to the library was very easy there was a secured part in the south wing. Valuable writings from Kerch were stored there. But the two were only looking for a novel that would be insignificant for most People. It didn't take long for the two of them to get into the building over the roof of an adjoining building and through its courtyard.
Y / N knew her way around the library halls; after all, she had often come and gone there at night. Jesper ran right behind her, afraid of losing her between the tall bookshelves. It didn't take long for Jesper to find the right book. It was about tales and horror stories that used to be told to children in front of the campfire. Jesper had overheard Inej talking about this book. She had shared how she loved these stories as a child. That seemed like the right book for the right reason
y / n to dare a night break-in. He had longed to spend time alone with her for a long time. He admired her for her courage and caring. Jesper had been alone for a long time. Far from everything that felt like family. But the Crows gave him a home. Kaz was the protector of the crows and Jesper was happy to have someone like him, but somehow the warmth in the crow club was missing. But the warmth was suddenly there when the young grisha girl ran into his arms two years ago. She has been on his mind ever since. How many times had he caught himself paying special attention to her on missions. Or the many times she was turned on by drunkards and he would have loved to draw his revolver. Even now he could only think of her smile.
She had spread her coat on the floor and was tapping the spot next to her. Jesper sat down next to her, grinning, and began to read.
The warm sun shone on Y / N's face. What a nice way to be awakened. Most of the time she woke up by hearing gunshots in the street or the loud talk of seafarers stumbling towards the port. It smelled of old books, dust and leather. Only now did she realize that she was not in her bed. She opened her eyes carefully, hoping not to wake up in a prison or a cargo ship. But her surroundings were not unknown to her, only she had never seen them in this light. Next to her lay Jesper who had embraced her with both arms. She had never seen him so calm before. His chest moved slowly up and down as he breathed. How beautiful he looked.
"You should hire someone to make a portrait of me, believe me that will last longer."
Jesper's eyes were still closed. Y / N's face turned red again. She had to stop looking at him like that.
"Good morning, how did you sleep between so much Important literature?" She tried to distract from the subject.
Jesper opened his eyes and looked at her. Only now did she realize how close they were. He still had his arms around her. Jesper also noticed now what kind of situation they were in. He opened his mouth to answer when Y / N suddenly perceived voices from outside. She put her finger to his lips and turned her head towards the window. There were three library guards in the courtyard. They had just noticed the open window through which Jesper and Y/N had entered the building the night before.
Without thinking further, both started running. If they hurried they could still get outside via the west entrance before the university square is full of students.
Luckily for them it was easy to run through the great hall into the foyer, Jesper tried hard not to pull out his revolver to get them out of the situation, but Y/n insisted that they could flee without getting noticed. But it was too late, the guards had already spotted them. Jesper took Y/N by the hand and the two ran laughing like two school girls through the corridors until they could escape over the balcony of the west wing.
They laughed and hugged. "Oh Jesper that was close"
"Yes, If i had not been there, you would have never made it out of there"
"If you hadn't been there I would have never fallen asleep in there"
"That's right, but then I would never have been able to do this either."
He leaned over to her and looked at her with an asking expression. For a moment he was afraid of having lost his self-confidence. He wondered if he had misinterpreted anything. All the times she looked at him with a blushing face and glowing eyes. Maybe he was just wrong ...
But He couldn't think clearly anymore because he had already been interrupted by Y / N's lips. At that moment they both forgot everything around them. The dirty city, the cold winter air and the screams of the guards who were still looking for them.
Fuck, I think that's how it feels at home.
Thx for reading this😅 if you liked it pls write a comment. Just so i know if i should continue writing or not✨ if somebody has a request for an imagine just comment it or text me in my direct messages 🥰💗
Mai 🦋
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hughiecampbelle · 4 years
Miserable Pt. One (Thomas Shelby Oneshot)
Character/s: Thomas, Grace mentioned
Word Count: 1, 184
Tag List: @dontdowhatisayandnobodygetshurt @myriadimagines @lilyswritings @encounterthepast @death-of-a-mermaid @lotsoffandomimagines @woahitslucyylu @obsessedunicorn24 @thedarkqueenofavalon @fangirlsarah16 @theshelbyclan @captivatedbycillianmurphy
A/N: I know I haven't written in a while, and it's so frustrating. Everytime I sit down with an idea I end up hating it. Tbh, I kinda hate this. I'm hesitant to post it, too. Even typing this, I question if I should delete it all and act like it never happened. I know it's just mental health getting in the way, making it hard to be confident or excited, even hard to write. It just has to be that way sometimes, y'know? But I can't let it get in the way :) so I've already planned a part two. Despite what I may think or feel, I know if only one person likes this, it'll feel worth it. Or it can make someone who's feeling the same way know it's not their writing, it's just their mind making them doubt themselves. 💜💖💜
Gif Credit: @nofckingfighting :)
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There was no better love that followed than one with tragedy. Loss. Sorrow. Grief. There was death, an everlasting want for one last touch, a kiss, a desire to put into words these indescribable feelings. Poison lips and infinite wounds, the edge of the universe sliced apart. Too much red. Too much fear. There was a beauty to it all, a want, a romanticized story stitched together, putting it in the heads of children that this what they wanted: to know, at the end of it all, only one is left standing. This wasn't that, though. This wasn't a grave plot for two. This was murder. Homicide. And the knife was in his hands. He could plea all he wanted, try to convince the world he was an innocent man, that the blood on his hands was not yours, but the rest of the worlds, as if there were a difference. He could do all he wanted, but there was no denying it. It didn't matter if he meant to or not, the second you stepped down the aisle, he was leading you to the underworld. A shallow hole in the ground. Your final resting place.
The mother of his child. The love of his life. Time could heal wounds, but he was made of scar tissue. Hard, faint, scared of being ripped open again. Flinching at the sharpest of sounds. He didn't have to question if he'd ever get over her, the answer was clear. To him, to the family, to strangers simply passing on the street. By the grace of God, if he believed in such a thing. Grace. A name that made his gums bleed, his muscles tense, his head ache. His Grace, the woman he was going to spend the rest of his life with. If he'd known she was there, he would have said something. Made a deal with Death herself, someone he'd become an old friend with. Take a walk with her, laugh the way they used to, show her he wasn't scared of her anymore the way he had as a boy. Take him, not her. He was living on borrowed time, regardless. But she was always tricky. Kissing his cheek. Biting his lip. Killing his wife instead.
Like any deal he'd ever made, there were always consequences.
An eye for an eye. A life for a life. A loveless existence for a pretty paycheck.
That's what you were to them. Not flesh and bone, not a person with feelings, memories, you weren't a soul, but money. Paper bills and shiny eyes. An extension of business. A write off they could use later. You would take the Shelby name, binding the families til death would you part, sharing the wealth. Down the aisle, one step in front of the other. There was no one else, but him. A widower, a bachelor, both slept alone in a bed made for two. He refused. Blood boiling. White knuckled. Spine creaking, cracking, threatening to burst. They let him throw his tantrum, his office unrecognizable. Papers torn. Furniture overthrown. Broken glass, whiskey sticky on the floor. They let him brood, seep in his own anger, cook in his disbelief. Gave him space. No one had heard his voice for days, just the tap of his footsteps stalking past them, the smell of cigarettes sewed in his coat, the huff of his breath.
But when the time came, it was his turn to take one for the family.
Drunk because he could be, because it was the only way he could face the day. There was little you knew about him, the man who'd become your husband. A name, followed by gossip. Cheap talk, your mother scolded, whisking you away from the whispers. Nothing to believe, your father insisted. Naive, sheltered, unaware what they said was true. . . He wasn't what you pictured. The days leading up, you had dreams of who you'd find. Dimples? Freckled cheeks? Smile lines? He was none of that, the realization sinking in your gut, slapping you across the face with an open palm, as you made your way down the aisle. In front of you a family you didn't recognize, their eyes burning you alive. He stood before you, unsteady on his feet, the cold of his blood making your skin prickle. Behind his eyes, the storming skies you were sure, in another life, you could have loved, there was nothing. Disdain. Indifference. A hint of hatred.
You wanted to go back to sleep.
Find the man of your dreams and marry him instead.
You could never live up to her name. Finding your place, learning quickly you would never measure up to her. Pictures of her littered around his home, witnessing the slow corrosion of two people. Your wedding day was the last time you got a good look at him. Nights you spent alone, wasting, waiting up for him, knowing he would rather sleep at his desk than look you in the eyes and admit this was a mistake. His boy taken care of by nannies, maids, tutors, the very family that shared his blood. For a home so full, so well staffed, you saw so few faces. A haunted house, there to live, to breathe, but never to be seen, never spoken to, only about. Your name passed around during meetings, mistreated, turned into a fucking joke. Leaving behind your family, your friends, all your loved ones, for what? For this? The ring on your finger made empty promises. It laughed at those stories your mother read when you were a child, mocking you for ever believing in them. It cackled at the sight of an empty bed, of a full glass, at her smile, knowing whoever you were to him, your husband, you'd always be second best. You'd always thought you'd be married to your one true love, your soul mate. Your one chance to spend the rest of your life happily ever after.
Fuck. That.
You didn't want to be her, there was no need. The time alone, the way you hung from his arm at parties and events only to be shaken off the second onlookers were away, given the cold shoulder while he went out for a smoke. How you were hidden away from any business, the business your family was happily paying for, keeping the lights on and his pockets well lined. The snickers and whispers you received from your own family, from the rest of the world, when it was only you and the bottom of a wine bottle on your side to defend yourselves. You could hear them now. Poor thing, what a fool to marry Thomas Shelby. All of it, it made you jaded, jagged. The sweet, innocent, smiling face in those wedding pictures replaced by someone bitter, angrier, someone who was going to put this family in their place, show them you weren't some toy they could throw away after growing bored of.
He didn't love you, you didn't want him to, not anymore, but goddammit you were going to be heard.
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elusive---ivory · 5 years
Circus Act - 11
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Y'ALL THIS TOOK SOOO LONG I APOLOGIZE!! Like I said this thing is crazy, I hope y'all enjoy.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11
Sandy drove Arthur up to his apartment. Arthur got out of her vehicle.
"Arthur, wait." Sandy called, stepping out of her car.
Arthur paused, turning his head.
"Could I stay with you? Just for tonight. I don't mean to be an inconvenience, but I just don't want to be alone." Sandy said. She looked stressed.
"Of course." Arthur said.
Arthur wanted Sandy around more. He had notice her unusual behavior, especially after she had told him about her medication.
Sandy had trouble sleeping in Arthur's apartment. Arthur had invited her to sleep in the bedroom with him, but she was too nervous of what he'd think of her night terrors.
Arthur couldn't sleep, mainly because his mind was yelling at him for things that were out of his control.
He embarrassed himself with that clip. He felt stupid. Sandy couldn't possibly still like him now. Insecurity filled his mind. It was unbearable.
Arthur walked out of the bedroom, hearing soft sobs from the living room.
Sandy was crying in her sleep. Soon, her cries turned into wailing. Arthur ran to her side, gently waking her up.
"Sandy." He whispered.
She woke up, distressed, holding onto Arthur.
Arthur kissed her forehead softly, leading her into his bedroom. He held her close throughout the night. Keeping Sandy close to him ms
Sandy felt safe as she laid with Arthur. She was able to slept with him snoring beside her.
She'd never felt this safe before. She couldn't possibly sleep with Dennis in the bed. Dennis would try to make advances on her, or pretend to be cuddly just to whisper mean and horrendous things to her.
Sandy woke up in Arthur's arms, staring at his angelic face. He looked so peaceful. His eyes fluttered open. Arthur smiled at Sandy kissing her lips gently.
Arthur still couldn't believe Sandy was in his arms. Even after the humiliation from last night didn't turn her away.
"Ugh, I just remembered something." Sandy groaned, breaking the kiss. Arthur pouted.
Sandy giggled. "I have to go to Thomas Wayne's Campaign gala tonight."
This peaked Arthur's interest. "I thought you hated Thomas Wayne?"
Sandy took one of Arthur's cigarettes from the bedside table, and lit it. "I do. I have to go for my cousin, Destiny."
Sandy took a long drag from the cigarette. It had been a while since she had one. She didn't have the mental capacity to really go to the store to buy cigarettes.
"Do you have to go?" Arthur asked, looking up at her with his green puppy dog eyes.
Sandy giggled. "Yes, I do. Or else, Des will guilt trip me for not going." Sandy handed her cigarette to Arthur.
Arthur was still concerned, but it seemed reasonable to go. He took a long drag from the cigarette, tasting Sandy's lips on the butt.
Sandy walked into the kitchen, seeing newspaper clippings tapped around the kitchen. She turned on the coffee pot, feeling a slight jump from Arthur, who was hugging her from behind.
"Thank you for letting me stay." Sandy said, hugging him back.
Arthur hummed, still holding her close.
Arthur clinged onto this moment for a while. It was so foreign to him that he even had Sandy in his arms. Arthur thought a lot about what he did during the subway murder. Half of him did feel guilty about it, but he couldn't feel guilty for Dennis.
It disgusted him, knowing that Dennis almost had a baby with Sandy.
Arthur couldn't feel sorry for the bastard, yet he pretended to feel pity for him. Pitiful that his girlfriend was so much happier with Arthur, then she ever was with him.
Sandy was his now. No one else. He was obsessed with that fact. After Sandy had left Arthur's apartment, she accidentally left her coat. It was smaller than Arthur, but he held onto it for a while.
It was like she was still there, holding him.
"Oh, Sandy." Arthur whispered. He needed to give her coat back, but she was at the gala.
'Thomas Wayne.' He thought. This was his chance.
The town hall was massive. Sandy couldn't believe her eyes.
"Sandy!" Des said, sipping on champagne. Her dress was long and flashy, along with that her perfume just smelled of money.
Des gave Sandy a light hug before eyeing her outfit.
"Your prom dress, huh? I wouldn't expect you to wear anything different." Des sneered.
Sandy rolled her eyes. She didn't come here to be insulted right off the back. "Where's Dee? You told me she'd be here."
"She's over there at the buffet table." Des scoffed, disappearing into the crowd.
Sandy struggled getting through the crowd. Her heart started racing as she pushed through all the rich people in the room.
Finally, Sandy met up Dee at the table.
"Talk about flashy, huh." Dee commented.
Sandy nodded. She hated crowds, especially crowds of hundreds of rich people who couldn't give two fucks about anyone, but themselves.
Des began to start the event by getting up on stage, and tapping on the microphone.
"I'd like to thank my cousin, Sandy, for coming. It's been so rough for her since her boyfriend, Dennis, died, but the good news is he doesn't have to look at her anymore." Des laughed, meanly.
Everyone laughed as well, except Dee.
Sandy should've expected this, but she went anyway. Her nerves were bouncing all over the place. How could a large hall feel so goddamn small?
"I think that we all agree that we're all going through a difficult time, but we're all here for Mr. Thomas Wayne, and we're here to support him as he starts his campaign for mayor. So everyone give it up for Thomas Wayne." Des got off the stage after she introduced Thomas Wayne.
Sandy could care less what Wayne was saying. It all was the same.
Throughout his speech, he'd mention the subway killings, giving Sandy the final straw.
She felt captive, suddenly. She felt like she couldn't breathe. Sandy pushed through the crowd, trying to escape the hall.
Sandy found herself in the nearest bathroom, hyperventilating as she was having an anxiety attack. Her makeup was ruined from the tears that feel down her face.
After a while of panicking and crying, Sandy finally composed herself. She had to retouch her makeup, so that Des didn't make fun of her more.
Sandy walked out of the bathroom, still feeling miserable. In corner of her eye, she saw a bell hopper that looked that Arthur, walk into the theater by himself.
Arthur snuck into the gala, wearing a clever bellhop disguise. He saw Sandy walking out of the bathroom. God, did she look like an angel. He needed to focus. He had to confront Thomas Wayne.
He walked into the theater. Playing on the screen was an old Charlie Chaplin movie that everyone really seemed to be enjoying.
Arthur laughed, not the painful laughter, but a genuine laugh. He laughed at Charlie's antics on screen.
This was a rare moment for Arthur. He was happy, and joyous.
He had noticed Thomas Wayne from across the aisle of the theater.
Arthur followed him to the bathroom. While he was in the bathroom, he undid his disguise.
It was just Arthur and Thomas in the bathroom.
"Can I help you, pal?" Thomas asked, while standing at a urinal.
Arthur paused for a second, nervousness overcome him.
"I don't know what to say." Arthur said, in disbelief.
Thomas flushed the urinal, and walked over to the line of sinks across from the urinals.
"Do you want an autograph or something?" Thomas seemed annoyed, and kind of dismissive of Arthur.
Arthur took a gulp, and gently said "no."
He walked up to Thomas, as nervous as he was. Arthur needed to know the truth.
"My name is Arthur," he said, "Penny Fleck is my mother."
Thomas stopped washing his hands. His expression changed from annoyed to a more concerned look.
"Jesus." Thomas said. "You're the guy that came to my house yesterday."
Then, his look turned annoyed again.
"I'm sorry I just showed up, but my mother told me everything. I had to talk to you." Arthur's voice cracked.
"Look, pal, I'm not your father." Thomas interrupted.
Then, Arthur stood there confused.
Thomas chuckled. "What's wrong with you?"
Arthur was still confused, and a little hurt that Thomas was denying the fact that he was his father.
"Look at us." Arthur whispered. "I think you are."
"Well, that's impossible because you're adopted, and I never slept with your mother." Thomas blatantly said.
Arthur was taken aback. He stuttered, nervously. "No, I wasn't adopted."
"Your mother adopted you while she was working for us." Wayne explained, but Arthur already heard enough.
"Why are you saying this?" This was news to Arthur.
Thomas was saying all these things that didn't even make sense to him. It was madness.
"I don't need you to tell me lies. I know it seems strange. I don't mean to make you uncomfortable I don't know why everyone is so rude. I don't know why you are. I don't want anything from you, maybe a little bit of warmth. Maybe just a hug, Dad." Arthur yelled, almost about to cry.
"She's crazy." Thomas said.
Arthur started laughing. His painful laugh.
"You think this is funny?" Thomas proceeded to punch Arthur in his face.
"Touch my son again. I'll fucking kill you." Those were Thomas Wayne's last words before he walked out of the bathroom.
Arthur's laugh turned into hiccups as he looked at himself in the mirror. He had a bloody nose
Sandy walked back into the hall. Des was already drunk out of her mind.
"Hey, I'm sorry about the introduction. It was dumb and I'm sorry." Des yelled, even though she didn't have to yell.
"Yeah, it's fine." Sandy muttered.
"But, yeah it's true though." Des slurred. "That's why he always came to me."
"What?" Sandy was confused.
"Yeah, Dennis started fucking me after you went to hospital because he didn't want your crazy." Des confessed. "I'm telling you now that he's dead, because I didn't want to hurt your feelings."
Sandy couldn't believe her ears. "Are you fucking serious? He fucked you while I was locked up on suicide watch."
"Yeah, but you understand right?" Des said.
"Oh, I understand." Sandy grabbed a wine bottle, breaking it on her head.
Sandy walked out of the hall, while Des was screaming with blood streaming down her head.
"What did you do, Sandy?" Dee demanded as she confronted her.
"I did what I had to do, Dee." Sandy mumbled, with a cigarette in her mouth.
"You didn't have to do that. Look, I understand that Des is a dick. She stirs up old drama all the time. Why is this any different?" Dee asked.
"It's different, because she slept with Dennis. I already knew Dennis never fucking loved me. He destroyed me, Dee. He destroyed me without a purpose." Sandy screamed at the top of her lungs.
"So what, Sandy? You need to fucking grow up. I have to take Des to the hospital." Dee ran into an ambulance, not before Des flipped Sandy off.
Sandy sighed as she lit the cigarette.
She looked over and saw Arthur sitting on the curb.
"Hey." Sandy said, walking up to him. "Let's get you home."
Taglist: @princessgeekface, @gloomyladyy, @joker-flecked-me, @jokerflecker, @memory-mortis, @mr--clown
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bigsisterbabysitter · 5 years
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His Girl 》Part 1
Promt: What happens when Billy survives the Mindflayer, he was trying to change himself and now his mind is broken. But a sunny girl brings light to his life when he thought he'd never see it again a girl who's been through the same events. Both dealing with their Truama they are drawn to eachother in more ways than just friendship.
Paring: Billy x Henderson!Reader
Warnings: blood, mentions of truama, mentions of abuse
She had worked at this dingy Gastation since Senior year, taking shifts when she can but after the summers passed events... She took up the shift nobody wanted the shift from 8pm to 5am. She couldn't sleep not soundly, not at night. Night terrors left her screaming and crying it got so bad she briefly had to sleep on the floor of her little brothers room just to be sure he was safe. But soon as his Freshmen year rolled in Dustin requested his space, she kindly gave it to him not wanting to add to his own stress.
So there she stood behind the clerk's counter her head down on her arms at 3am as she stretched her aching back. No one had been in for a good hour and a half but then as luck would have it the familiar chime of the door sounded and she stood up right and was met with a familiar tired face.
Billy Hargrove the man who lived being torn apart by the Mindflayer before her very own eyes walked up to the counter his hair a mess eyes bloodshot and bagged. He walked more sunken into himself. It was clear he hadent been sleeping. It had been like this the past 2 months. It was almost mid October and once he was healed he was given the okay to return home... like nothing happend. So he started to come to the little gastation in the center of town to buy a pack of cigarettes and a warm smile from the young woman whom his Step Sister adored.
"Its been a few days" the woman comments sliding him his normal pack of cigarettes along with the ashtray that sat beside her register. He gave a gruff thanks before slipping her the cash and opening the pack. Lighting one up he took a deep inhale and slowly blew out warm grey smoke. Y/N eyed him and took the cigarette from between his fingers as he leaned against the counter and took a drag herself tapping the ash into the tray on the counter between them.
"Been busy" he mutters his fingers playing with the loose edge if her countertop absently Y/N handed the cigarette back blowing out the smoke with a nod "understandable" she says to him. Walking from around the counter she strolls to the cooler pulling a coke she walks back her light wash jeans sar high waisted with a plain white tshirt tucked in to them and a sunny yellow cardigan that was a size to big on her smaller frame hung over her hands slightly. Setting the drink down before him "on the house. You look rough" she states
Her comment elects a smirk from the mans lips. "Thanks Henderson" he cracks it open taking a long drink. The unusual pair had grown close due to his nightly visits. They were each a welcomed destraction to one and other. She bites her lip in the comfortable silence the radio playing some newer song softly over the speakers neither if them really listened they just looked at eachother quietly. Finally Billy pipes up "why are you so nice to me" he asks I a serious tone.
Since the incident over the summer Billy's mind was in pieces, a shell of the man he used to be. He had been trying to change his ways once he realized he had started to become his father pointed out by Max when he showed up the the Byers house in a rage to find her after he and Harington went a few rounds she stuck a needle in his neck and threatened his manhood with a spiked bat. Then the worst thing happened some crazy demon shadow whatever he didnt know exactly still to this day had take over him. Made him do horrible things worse than ever before... it almost killed him, sometimes he could still feel it as if it was still inside his body cold and lying in wait.
Y/N didnt answer right away she glanced at the man. At first when he had showed up he bullied her friends, beat the hell out of Steve and scared the fiery red head she knew as Max half to death so she wasnt was welcoming in the beginning. But she started to see his change and that summer she had planned to make peace but then things took a turn when he was possessed.
She didnt really know the reason why. Maybe it was because she saw him fight to save them, maybe she saw the fear that lingered in his eyes, maybe it was the fact that as much as she hated it she had fallen for the Son of a Bitch once he started comming around during her night shift she finally speaks "because where you see a monster o see a hero" she chews her lower lip thoughtfully a moment "you're not a bad person. Not any more you came to terms with your mistakes and you have begun to mend them" she reaches out touching his forearm with a soft hand over his leather jacket "what happend to you over the summer.. that thing.. that wasnt you and it was not somthing you could control. I want tou to remeber that" her words were reassuring to the Male and she glanced over catching Y/E/C eyes with his own deep blue ones and nodded slowly content with her answer for now. He ran a hand through his messy blonde curls once again with a sigh
She gave him a sad smile as he looked away "hey anytime you need light conversation day or night I'm your girl" she nudged him playfully nit really hearing her own words at first. Those words.. 'His girl' it made him smile and look at the floor "thanks kid" he said softly and shoved his hands in his pockets "I'll see ya around Y/N" he says walking to the door she gave a small wave "See ya around Billy" God the way her gift voice said his name his heart skipped a beat
Chapter one, Pebbles at the Window:
It was mid Febuary so it was brisk outside. Valentines day had gone and passed leaving Y/N relieved." it was a stupid hallmark holiday anyway", she had pouted as her brother had rolled his eyes "well maybe to tou because you're single I have Susie" and with that he had went off to call her. So now at 1am she lays on her bed spread feet against the head board wearing a tshirt that's too big, a pair of Y/F/C panties and some warm wool socks that scrunched up at the ankles. A magazine in her face she paused hearing a soft tink sound against her window. She sat up slowly and stared at it. Again. Tink. She stood up and walked over moving the curtains aside slight fear in her eyes and confusion.
Her look soon turned to horror at what she saw. Bellow in the faint light she saw it. Billy Hargrove in a pair of sweat pants and a leather jacket with no shirt beneath it. His face was bleeding and starting to bruise. He looked scared. Y/N flew to the door quickly throwing it open to find him now standing on the porch. He said nothing he walked straight to his friend and wrapped his arms around her making her gasp softly
They stood embracing eachother for several moments in the open doorway her arms wrapped around his neck and he held her close around the waist his face buried in her hair as he tried not to cry. She shushed him softly stroking his blonde curls with one hand. Her legs were bear and feeling the cold but she didnt care she held him tightly his exposed chest was freezing she could feel it through the thin fabric of her night shirt finally she pulled him inside and shut the door softly whispering as not to wake her mother and brother in their rooms. "Billy what on earth happend??" She asked leading him to her room sitting on her bed. But really she already knew. For months Max had been confiding in her, scared for her Step Brothers life as his father was psychotic.
Their relationship had improved greatly and he had grown protective of his Step sister so when Neil came after her about being around Lucus again Billy wasn't having it. He told Max to go to her room as he took the beating leaving her crying scared he would die for a moment. But after Neils anger was gone Billy got up, reassured her that he was going to a friends while Neil passed out drunk on the couch. And now hear he was. He looked up at the woman before her, the woman he had grown to care a lot about and just took a shakey breath explaining it all. Y/N gathered supplies shaking with rage as she cleaned him up. That's it she wasnt having it any longer they needed help. After cleaning him up giving him a glass of water and Apsrin she made him lay down "no if and or buts Hargrove you are sleeping here tonight" she snaps pulling the covers over his waist once his boots and jacket were off. She climbed in beside him laying on her side and he slowly turned over to look at her with a heavy heart. "Thank you Y/N" he said softly his eyes glassy with tears. She reached a soft hand out to him causing him to flinch. She cupped his jaw softly "Any time Billy" he whispered back. That night was the first night in months either of them slept through the night.
When morning arrived Billy woke up alone and confused looking around the young womans room. Climbing out of bed sorrly he paused catching a glimpse of himself in her full length mirror. Scars from the mindflayer attack ran jagged across his muscular chest. His left cheek bone held a large blueish black bruise that went up under his eye which thankfully wasnt swollen. He sighed heavily running the back of his neck and opened the door curiously looking up and down the hallway "Y/N?" He whisper yelled. Then he heard something and paused. Laughter from the kitchen. Carefully he walked down the hall twords the sound and found Y/N and his step sister cooking lunch. When Max spotted him she gasped and ran over hugging him tightly Y/N smiled softly Billy stroked the younger teens hair "I'm alright" he promised "what's going on?" He looked confused
Max spoke before Y/N could "Y/N called in a favor from Hoppers friends!!" She pulled away looking up "Neil got taken into custody this morning my mom was a bit upset as shes being questioned since she never reported anything" she bit her lip "But they are gonna take care of everything and Ms.Henderson said we can stay here until it all blows over!" Y/N just smiled down at the pan with the grilled cheese sandwich she was flipping and stired the pit of tomato soup.
Billy just looked shocked he walked over grabbing Y/N by the shoulders spinning her around "Thank you" tears fall from his eyes and he Grips her tight "thank you so much" Y/N just smiled "any time Billy I'll always be there"
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warren-lauren · 5 years
Gwilym Lee! Brian May x F!reader
Don't panic! Yes, this has been posted on Wattpad but it's my page that is linked to @i-have-a-wonky-eye-too I fancied writing something different since I've had mega writers block and came up with this little thing. Might turn it into something. I dunno. Let me know...
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A long drawn out breath left your mouth as you leaned against the phone box as your father lectured you about 'finishing what you started'. What started out as a bollocking for quitting your boring job stacking shelves, turned into 'I'm not mad, just disappointed' lecture after you said you were thinking of changing your studies.
"Dad, can- please, dad, just- Dad. Dad! DAD!" you let out a small scream as you slammed the phone back on the hook repeatedly. "FUCK YOU!" you huffed, kicking the door to the phone box open.
"FUCK!" You spun round at the pain filled cry from behind you to find a tall boy holding his face where, obviously the door you had kicked open, had smacked him.
"Oh, MY GOD! I am so, sorry." you gasped, your eyes wide with fear. He shook his head as he held his hand out that wasn't covering his face.
"No, it's fine... it's not like you, did it on purpose... I hope." he let out a dry chuckle as he moved his hand from his face, turning to look at his reflection in the phone box. The side of his face had a slight pink mark covering it from where it had been hit. Thankfully you hadn't done much damage to his, if you were being honest, quite handsome face.
"No, but still, I just twatted you with a bloody door." you frowned a little, noticing his face was getting redder.
"It's fine." he sighed into the small glass window of the phone box as he looked at his face. "Honestly, I'll be-" Brian's words died in his mouth the moment he laid eyes on you. "I- hmm-" he cleared his throat, trying to get his mouth and brain to work.
"It's getting redder." you began to panic. "Shit! I'm sorry."
"It's fin-"
"It might bruise if you don't put something on it... My flat is just down the road, you can come and put a bag of peas on it... if you like?" you offered a small smile.
"Brian." he suddenly spat surprising you.
"I'm sorry?"
He shook his head as he closed his eyes, mentally scolding himself for letting his brain turn to mush. "My name, it-it's... Brian." he whispered his name, blushing as he nervously ran a hand through his dark hair.
"Oh-" you let out a small giggle; a sound Brian desperately wanted to hear more of. "-of course, why else would you say it. Sorry." you let out a little nervous laugh.
Brian shook his head, a small smile adoring his lips as he thought about the most beautiful sound he'd just heard leave your lips. "It's fine. I just, thought, since you were offering to put your peas on my face, we should, know each others name first." he shrugged, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
"Sure... I'm, hmm, Y/N." you giggled. "Nice to meet you." you blushed as you held your hand out to Brian, all of a sudden shy. Brian grinned as he took your hand in his.
"And you."
The peas were long forgotten and completely defrosted by now on your coffee table, as you and Brian faced each other on the sofa, fully engrossed in whatever topic had popped up between the pair of you. The two of you were, somehow, just clicking. At first when the two of you entered your apartment there was a lot of nerves and shyness but after you explained the reason for you kicking the door (and apologising again), the pair of you slowly fell into a comfortable rhythm of chatter.
"We're, uh- hmm, we're actually playing, this weekend. You should, uh- come." Brian smiled at you, a light blush colouring his cheeks.
"Yeah-" you nodded, smiling at him. "-sounds fun.
Brian's face lit up a little. "Great!" he began blushing. "I mean, we're not, brilliant or anything, just, you know-" he shrugged as he ran a hand through his hair. "-three guys, playing after college. Nothing special-"
"Are you kidding? You can play an instrument. That's more than I can do." you smiled at him.
Brian's head fell back as he let out a short laugh. "More than- Y/N, have you not seen your paintings?" he said as he raised his hand and thumbed at the watercolour painting of a sunflower hung on the wall behind him. You blushed a little, lowering your gaze to your hands that were folded on your lap. There was a moments silence between the two of you before Brian sifted in his seat. "I should, hmm, it's late."
You quickly looked over your shoulder to the clock, only just noticing the time. "Oh, God. M'sorry. I hope I haven't kept you from anything?"
"No, not at all. I... I've enjoyed, talking to you, Y/N." Brian smiled, something that once again caused a funny feeling in your stomach.
You bobbed your head as you brushed a strand of your hair back behind your ear. "Yeah, me too, Brian."
Suddenly the shyness and awkwardness from before was back. You cleared your throat before standing up quickly, followed by Brian. The pair of you stared at each other, desperate to say something but not quite having the words, so you just nodded at each other before slowly making your way to your front door.
With a heavy heart you pulled your door open and let Brian walk past. It was strange. You'd only know Brian a handful of hours, yet, you felt so comfortable with him.
"Oh, hang on-" he turned back to face you as he dug into his jacket pocket and pulled out  crumpled up receipt along with a worn down pencil. "I forgot to tell you where we're playing." he let out a chuckle as he wrote down the place. "Here you go." he smiled at you as he handed you the piece of paper. "Hmm, see you there?"
You nodded glancing down at his writing. "Definitely."
Brian's smile grew, nodded as he stepped back from the door. "Great." he nodded again. "Great... Hmm, bye." he raised his hand shyly, a blush filling his cheeks.
"Goodbye, Brian."
With one last smile Brian turned on his heels and left. Once you'd shut the door you let out a deep sigh, letting your forehead fall against the door as you closed your eyes.
What the fuck?
You slowly pushed your way through the crowd as you made your way towards the front. All week you had been looking forward to not only seeing him again but hearing him play the guitar. You'd hoped to have gotten there for the beginning but seemed the paint you had been using for a new painting had grown quite attached to your skin and wouldn't come off, therefore putting you behind getting ready.
A smile broke out on your face as soon as your eyes landed on Brian, until you saw the slight bruising on his face. Your chest tightened as you stared at him, guilt flooding your brain as you thought about what pain he must be in.
If it wasn't for Brian making direct eye contact with you when he looked up, smiling as he did, you probably wouldn't have realised you were staring at him. He sent you a wink, his smile growing as he watched you blush and drop his gaze, too embarrassed to look at him because he'd caught you staring at him. It filled him with an odd feeling, knowing he could make such a pretty little thing act like that. Brian was usually the one like that.
Each song started and ended, surprising you even more the more you heard. Brian sang. Good. Not a lot what with him being back up, but when he did, he was good, great even.
The band said goodbye to everyone, thanking them before they began to leave the stage. A sudden feeling of nerves hit you as you watched Brian remove his guitar, gently placing it down before he turned back and jumped off the stage, his gaze fixed on you in the middle of the moving crowd. He raised his hand in the air slightly as a greeting. "You made it." he smiled down at you.
You nodded biting your lip before you began grinning. "I did."
"Good." he nodded. "I was, hmm, worried.. you weren't, hmm, going to, when, you know-" he began to trip over his word, a little nervous himself.
You shook your head quickly. "Definitely not!" you smiled. "I just had a small paint malfunction that took longer to tidy up, that's all." you blushed slightly.
Brian raised his eyebrows as he quickly worked out what the green smudge was on your chin and the white spray that was in your ear. He began grinning, nodding as reached up and brushed back a strand of hair that had yellow paint covering it. "Ah! That explains why your very colourful tonight then." he winked with a chuckle, making your eyes widened as you grabbed the piece of hair and pulled it in front of you so you could see it, gasping when you saw the paint.
"For fuck sake. I was in the bath for like an hour." you whined.
Brian tried not to think about that as he watched your lips pout, your fingers playing with your hair, your eyes focused on the yellow paint-
"OY! BRI! C'mon, move your shit!" Roger shouted from the stage, clearly pissed the guitarist was taking forever.
Brian rolled his eyes before nodding. "Yeah, just a second." he sighed looking back at you. "Can you give me like, five minutes and then-"
"Brian-" Roger walked up to where the pair of you stood, tapping Brian's arm. "-not that I'm not happy you're about to lose your virginity and all but, band stuff first, yeah?" he winked at you before he walked off laughing.
You bit back your laugh as you saw Brian's face redden. "I'll wait over in that booth whilst you twat him." you winked at him before walking off to where you had said, laughing to yourself when you heard Brian's annoyed voice tell someone to 'shut the fuck up'.
"I'm sorry about tonight, Y/N. I really didn't intend on Roger and Tim to interrupt." Brian sighed as the pair of you walked towards yours. Brian had his hands in his pockets as you had your arm linked with his so neither of you stumbled. You were a tad drunk.
You shook your head with a small laugh. "And tell me, Doctor May-" you missed the way Brian rolled his eyes and grinned as you called him that, a small joke that had built through-out the night. "-what were they interrupting?" you asked, desperate to know if tonight was what you'd been hoping.
"Our date." Brian simply said, nodding. "I hope."
You turned your head so you were looking up at him, smiling as your eyes met. "Funny that. That's what I was hoping." you giggled, almost tripping because you hadn't been paying attention.
Brian laughed loudly as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer. There was a beat of silence between you as the two of you lost yourselves in each other, smiling drunkenly at one another until your eyes flicked up to the sky.
"Will you teach me about the stars, Doctor May?"
Brian nodded slowly as he took a deep breath, his eyes staying on yours that stared up at the night sky. "It might take a few years." he whispered, reaching up to cup to your face, smiling as your eyes met once more. "That okay?"
You nodded biting your lip. "Yes..." you whispered before you leaned in to him.
Your lips softly moulded to his like they were made for one another, sealing your fate with a kiss.
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estrxlar · 3 years
The Ghost Of You
07 - Our Realization
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This chapters songs:
New person, same old mistakes: Tame Impala
National Anthem: Lana Del Rey
Blackout Days: Future Islands Remix
I think it might be hell; Clarence James
Y.L. Perspective-
Seriously, what was it with tight dresses? All they would do was squeeze the living hell out of you, making every single step you took complete torture. Sure, people looked hot in them, and I wouldn't blame anybody for wanting to show off their looks. But me— me?! No. Especially not to a high school third-year party, where all anybody wants is sex.
"Come on, don't make such a huge deal out of it. You look so beautiful it hurts me." Giki tugs on my arms, attempting to pull me out of the car while the other two band members leaned on it, beginning to grow impatient with my childish behavior.
What I wore consisted of a very light blue colored dress with small ripples down the entire thing that tugged at both my hips and chest and the sleeves were long and oversized to trick the eye. It was small and snug and made my entire body look better than I imagined. Yes, it was a gorgeous dress, but I hadn't ever planned on wearing it. The only reason I ever even bought it was because I loved the way it looked on me— meaning it was never intended for other people to see. Plus, this wasn't even that grand of a party. I mean— yes, there were at least three hundred people inside singing and dancing from what we could hear, and it was quite a humongous house, but still: I didn't get the point of dressing so club-ish.
To my friends' relief, I gain the courage to step out, trying to avoid the couple of people that were glancing over to the new arrivals: us. My hands attempt to pull down the dress, but it simply stays above mid-thigh.
"So, what's there to see here, hm? Are we greeting anybody here, or what?" Toruku questions, locking his car and twisting the watch on his wrist. We begin walking towards the grand house, meanwhile talking silently.
"Pretty much everybody is here, so you guys can just runoff. I'm gonna try and find Miya since she invited me and all."
It wouldn't be any trouble to try and find our friends, since we had quite a few. Being a popular band at your school had to give you a few favors. The only thing was that I was scared of being lonely at this party. I didn't know what would happen, who I would meet, or if I would make mistakes of some kind.
The four of us slide through the crowds outside while muffled music was heard. But the second that Toruku opened the door, so much was happening. Flashing blue and red lights would appear, coloring everybody and their sparkly wardrobe. Many were dancing and shouting at the loud music that blasted through the noise, though I didn't mind very much. The music was almost hypnotizing, and so was the faint smell of marijuana and alcohol.
From my side, Toruku made an expression of excitement. "There's fun stuff!" He yelled, sliding his hands together. "I'll see you guys later!" Is the last we hear of him for a while, before he makes his way between the crowds of teenagers. I nervously crossed my arms, doing the same as him, and starting my way around the house to explore.
Suddenly, a voice calls out to me, sending immediate chills down my spine. "Y/n!" Yelled Kiyoko, as her arms widened for a hug, while a drink in her hand bounced in the cup. "I didn't know you were coming! We could've matched or something!"
"There's no need, you already look so good tonight!" I spoke loudly over the music, looking up and down at Kiyoko. She wore a red spaghetti strap silk dress that fit perfectly on her, but what didn't? "God, you're such a goddess!"
"Don't even, Y/n. I've never seen you so hot-looking before," she laughed, putting a warm hand on my shoulder. "Don't mind me if I act a bit silly right now, I'm tipsy."
I nod. "How about lead me to the drinks so I can be too? I'm getting impatient," I say back, before being led to the kitchen. It's big and grand, just like the rest of the house. In there, there are about two or three jugs of whatever, and a stack of cups as well. People were seen talking and laughing near them.
Kiyoko and I fill two cups of beer— or what I assumed was— and gave them both a bump. "Cheers to our third year, right?" I say, as we down what we have in our cups. The amount of carbonation in the beer is surprising, making my nose scrunch up while it goes down my throat. "Jeez, what's in this, crack?"
"Probably," Kiyoko's obnoxious laugh releases, as she leans against me, giggling over my shoulder. I simply laugh back, baffled by drunk Kiyoko. "Hey, you know who's staring right at you?"
My veins practically freeze. Staring at me? At what?! "Who?!" I silently yell at her, quickly turning my head side to side to spot anybody.
"Koushi. And he's not taking his eyes off of you."
Not even a second after her seductive tone whispers into my ear, I spot the guy, with a drink in his hand and a couple of familiar volleyball players discussing with him. However, he didn't look too cheerful. Instead, he just looked me up and down, and right into my eyes, then taking a long chug of his beer.
I smirk back at Kiyoko, excited at the fact that he had spotted me so quickly. "Do you think he came with anybody? I wanna talk to him but if he's with someone then I'd rather not." I ask the girl, as she moved her feet to the beat of the song playing.
"Hm, I have no idea. Anyway, I gotta go. My date is waiting for me. Bye-bye, stay safe!" Her cheerful aura soon leaves the dim blue room, and I'm left alone in the kitchen, waiting on him to approach me.
The first few seconds I glanced at him, I only got a few of his stares. Each time I would attempt to look away, acting as if I wasn't beating myself up because he wouldn't talk to me. But once he tapped Daichi's shoulder, set the empty cup down, and mumbled something, I knew my wish came true; I wouldn't look like such a loner now.
His footsteps approaching me are the only thing I can make out from the music and nothing else, but that is until his voice catches my attention as if it weren't already all on him. "Hey, Y/n. I didn't know you'd show up today." He says, leaning his hips against the counter. "You look pretty."
"Thanks, you too!" I return the compliment, as the music gets louder. It's not until a few seconds after that I realize what I had just told Sugawara: that he looked pretty. I mean, it wasn't a total bad compliment for a boy. He did, in fact, look very good tonight. He wore a white t and grey button shirt over it, with dark baggy jeans and a few chains and rings, all topped off with his shaggy silver hair.
He smiles at me, reaching for one of the red cups that were stacked upon each other, and filled yet another cup up with beer. "You don't think you'll get a headache tomorrow morning?" I ask him, as his eyes turn to me while he drinks. It sure did seem as if he was using a hell of a lot of cups tonight.
  "I think I'm fine. I know how to take my alcohol." He puts down the red cup that was now empty, ahead of tightening his jaw and giving me that same gloomy look he'd given me before. "You do too, don't you?"
  'Yeah, I do.' I say internally, nodding. "You look upset. Are you okay?" My voice is shaky and loud, but not loud enough for him to hear, for his eyes rolled back and he leaned closer to my face. "You look a little down. Did something happen?"
  He whispers into my ear, "I can't hear you right now. Let's go somewhere else." His hot skin rubs against my cheek, meanwhile, his nose tickles my ear. "Come with me." Sugawara gets a hold of one of my hands, and wraps his fingers in between mine, before leading me out of the kitchen and into a crowd of people, where I was lost in the whirl of shouting people. Every once in a while, he would turn his head, searching for any sign that I was uncomfortable. But I wasn't. Only curiosity was what I was feeling.
Soon after, he brought us two to the front of the house and opened the door. Outside was a few people smoking or trying to have a nice talk without the noise inside. But even if it was muffled, it was still really loud. Sugawara makes a turn towards two empty chairs in the front porch colored a nice light and dark grey with striped patterns. In front of it was a glass coffee table with a few empty and full cups of beer.
Suga set his cup beside the others, and sat on the far left chair, while I sat on the right, waiting for an explanation of why he had brought me out here. It wasn't as if I was angry, but simply wondering. "It's nicer out here. I saw you were pretty uncomfortable all alone, so I thought we could just stay out here for a little," he explained, while the dim porch light bulb hung above his head, making his platinum hair appear gleaming. He wasn't wrong, I was pretty stressed about being alone for measly ten seconds.
"Yeah, you guessed right." I fiddle with my fingers, taking in and off the ring wrapped around one of them. "I don't know why, but I'm just not feeling up for a party tonight. Usually, I'd be the one telling everybody to go so we could enjoy it. So much for wearing something I usually wouldn't, right? If I had known people were gonna start swimming I wouldn't have even come." I huff, leaning over onto my knees. Today was tiring, and being forced to a party wasn't what I expected.
    As if he read my mind, he asks, "did something piss you off today? Was it your father? You didn't get to tell me how that went. I don't mean to be intruding on your life or anything, I just wanna know."
   I sigh lazily, leaning over to prop my elbows onto my knees as I gazed towards the moon. It was nice today and covered in small clouds. "It's nothing, really. I just got into this argument— this fight with him. He tried taking me somewhere nostalgic and then tried putting on this entire 'good father persona, while I just sat there dreading every moment of it. You have no idea how much torture it was." At the simple description, I can already feel my eyes watering. God, how much would I cry today? How many times would it be until Suga would go at least one hang out without me breaking down in front of him?! "Anyway, I told him how I felt. And all he could say is 'sorry', after what I explained to him. How he didn't deserve to try and boss me around as if he were even there when I self-harmed. Instead, I had to go to some grey-haired boy in the corner of my math class, right?" I giggle, sniffing up any fluids that left my red nose. Thankfully, Sugawara understands and doesn't hold back a cute snort.
  "I'm sorry. I know what it's like to have a bad relationship with a father, trust me. And you don't deserve that. From what I know, you're such a strong, beautiful, good person, and although you grew up without them, I think you did a great job finding yourself." Although my eyes are closed, I can still imagine the way he looked at me, and the sweet stare he gave. What I couldn't imagine was his hand pressed on my knee, with his thumb softly massaging it. "You're a great girl, you know. Don't let him ruin your confidence."
   As expected, a cheeky smile on his pretty pale face is what I see when I open my eyes, as well as a few fewer students outside of the house. But now that we're mostly alone, I don't bother feeling as if I have to hide from anybody. "Thank you. It means so, so much." My voice wobbles in the cold air, meantime one of his thumbs made its way towards my cheek to wipe the large tears that bounced on my bottom lashes.
   "It's no issue. I'm only telling you the truth," he speaks, pulling his hand back into his lap. Soon after, he sat back in his chair, looking up at the sky that painted many glittering stars, and a pale white moon. I do so too, letting every emotion leave my body with each breath. Talking with Sugawara was as if being in heaven, if only for a split second. I wished that it could last at least two, or three, or even an entire minute. "Y/n, do you... do you wanna leave?"
   My eyebrows curl at his question. "What do you mean by that?"
  Before being able to thoroughly ask him more questions, he quickly clears things up. "I mean I don't wanna be here anymore, and I know you don't either. As you said, 'I'm not in a party mood.' I brought my car, and I'm not drunk. Not tipsy either. Do you just wanna hang out somewhere else?" He looks down at his wrists again, picking at his cuticles while waiting for my response. For a second I think about why I came. It was only so that Miya would trust that Giki brought guests. I'm sure that now she had at least four hundred people in her house she wouldn't mind. And besides that, I didn't know where we would go, or if we would get in trouble.
     But in his luck, he was right; I didn't wanna be here.
Sugawara and I both agreed I'd meet him at the front door after I said bye to Giki. He brought up a clever idea that I should probably tell at least one of my friends we were leaving, or else they'd grow defensive and act as if I were kidnapped. And so, I'm approved to leave and plan to waste no time getting out of this house.
That is until I encounter what feels like a ghost.
"Y/n," my name is heard from a mouth, sending me to glance to my right. Looking up, there stood Oikawa, someone so distant, yet so familiar. All I could do is stare back at him, blinking a few times to check that I wasn't hallucinating some figure. He was tall, and his build was skinny but muscular, just like when we were kids. Except now, he looked more of a man than a boy. He ran a hand in his brown hair, turning towards me completely instead of a sneaky side stare. I had begged the gods to keep him away from me, but here we were.
Toru had no business being at this party— a Karasuno party— so why was he? Is this to run into me? Or maybe Toruku? So many thoughts ran through my mind, yet all I could do is stand there, staring at him. "W-why are you here?" I hesitate to ask, followed by one of his awkward laughs.
He rubs the back of his head, saying, "I was invited? Why else? I thought I would see you here, but I didn't mind. But if you are, does that mean Toruku is too?" I didn't understand why he wanted to know about us, but I also didn't care. I didn't need to be so stressed about this tonight. "Wow— I can't believe it's you. I thought... I thought you—"
"What, killed myself?"
"N-no! No, of course not. I just thought you moved again. At least that's what you told everybody. Iwa and I had been trying to get a hold of you guys recently because it being our third year. We...we thought it was best to say bye properly, y'know?" Even though his voice is so low, I can still hear him over the blasting music and obnoxious talking. "Listen, I just. I just wanna see how you guys doing. I know you're in a band now. That's cool, right?"
I nod, with an expressionless face. Annoyed, I cross my arms and relax my posture. "Yeah, I guess. I heard you're at a preppy little school now. Isn't that fitting?" An unexpected attitude is heard in my tone, which soon made me feel a bit sorry. But what was I to say? He can't expect to get so close to me after three years. This conversation is useless. I need to go.
Oikawa takes notice of this and has no second thought of grabbing one of my hands, requesting for me to stay. "Please, I wanna talk more. I..I have so much to say. Can I at least have your number?"
I attempt to resist his grip on my fist, but he simply pulls back harder. He must really wanna talk. I say, "I have to go right now. We can talk some other time. Please, just let me go." All of a sudden, another arm is wrapped around my wrist, but not Toru's. Instead, it's Sugawara, giving him the most intimidating stare. Both setters stare at each other for long seconds, before Suga gently slid his hand from my wrist to my hip, as the warmth of his fingers makes my back curl.
"Is everything alright, babe?" He asked, looking down and smiling at me. Ahh, I get it. The old boyfriend-saving trick. He makes sure to give Oikawa a two-faced smile, letting him know he would be able to confront me no longer. Going along with his ploy, I lean on him, grabbing his arm in security. "I'm fine," I mumble, looking anywhere else but towards Oikawa. "Let's just go."
  Closing the front door that I had walked into just about an hour ago, Sugawara let go of my hand, "Who was that? Why were they so demanding?" He asks, looking at me for a response. Although I try to act toned down, I can't help but feel overwhelmed by everything. But luckily, I'd just for tonight, I could escape from my problems.
  "Just an old friend. Thank you, though. I didn't feel like talking with them."
Sugawara and I walk towards the end of the street, where he has said his car was. And once we'd reached it, he pulled open the door for me, and I sat in the passenger seat. It wasn't a big car, but it wasn't small either. Its paint consisted of a darker matte grey, and inside the seats were beige leather. He had two small cans of car freshener; one lavender, the other cherry almond. Hanging from the rearview mirror was a string attached to a small volleyball plush and a necklace. I wasn't sure what the necklace was about, but it wasn't any of my business. Overall, it was a nice car, which I could tell was kept clean.
"Sorry if it's messy, or weird looking. I just got it last year so I'm still kind of beginning to get used to it."
   An entire year? Looking over at Suga I say, "if you don't mind me asking, why has it taken so long?" He swallows hard, tapping his fingers on the black leather that covered the steering wheel. "It was my moms. She gave it to me before she passed away." He says, stuttering. It seemed that Suga wasn't very comfortable talking about this subject. "A-And besides that, it took me a little to learn how to drive. I only ever take it when I don't have a ride somewhere. Other than that, it stays at home."
What he said had cleared up some things I was wondering about: why hadn't he taken it to school? But now that I was aware of the situation, I thought it's best to not ask. "Oh. Well, that's okay. There's no need to be ashamed or anything," I tell him, backing up my words with a sweet tone. "I don't take loss very well. Not any better than you did, at least."
"Ha! You have no idea." Surprisingly, a remark leaves his mouth, soon followed by an apology. "Sorry, that came out rude." His low voice cracks at the last word. I felt nothing but sorry for Suga at the moment. Whatever he didn't tell me about in the kitchen was itching his ear this entire time, and I wouldn't go on without knowing what it was.
  He licks his soft lips and folds his hands within each other. I assumed it was about some girl, why wouldn't it be? Suga is truly a handsome young man— a man— not a boy. I wouldn't blame any other teenage girl to fall head over heels for him, but I wouldn't be okay with somebody causing him trouble. After what I've heard about Sugawara, he didn't deserve any more dreadful events to occur in his timeline. "What's up with you, Suga? You seem upset today. Well, not upset, more like down. But are you okay?"
  "I'm fine. I just got in this fight with my dad today about volleyball. He makes it such a big deal, more than before my mom died. I think he just worries I'll end up throwing my life away. But after everything, it feels like that doesn't even matter," he explains, as the engine now roared, and I quickly strapped on my seat belt. "Anyway, where do you wanna go, hm?"
   I look out the window, as we begin to pass the house that held so many. But soon we reach the end of the street, and almost all of the noise is gone. If only for a few hours, I can finally relax. "I dunno. I just wanna leave."
"Maybe you wanna get some clothing from your house? I can drive you there, and we can go somewhere else afterward," Sugawara mentions, shifting his vision towards me if only for a second. But I deny it. I wouldn't wanna be anywhere near home right now, or at least home is what they call it. For me, it's simply a hollow shell full of regret.
"No. I don't wanna go home." I turn my head towards Suga, whose eyebrows raised in surprise at my demand. "I don't even care if I'm uncomfortable. I just.. I just don't wanna go home."
"I don't either." He smiles meekly. "Look, I have a t-shirt in the back. But it's only a t-shirt, nothing more"
"That's okay. I snuck pajama shorts under my dress tonight," I giggle, lifting the blue skirt to reveal bright pink cotton shorts with cartoon monkeys and bananas covering them. "So, where to after?"
"I'm not sure. I think I'll just park at this old skatepark I know, and we can just stay there for a while until you decide we wanna go."
  "Orr," I make a request. "We could stay there all night. I don't mind sleeping in the trunk or something, that's what makes it an adventure, right?"
  Sugawara shrugs, as a smile appears on his face. Soon, we're out of the neighborhood, and out on the main road, where anywhere go is a mystery to me. "I.. I dunno. What if your parents get angry at me? What if you get in trouble?"
"I don't think they will, Suga. They don't care much." Quickly, I begin to unstrap my heels, placing them next to my feet, and take off my seat belt. To his surprise, I instantly climb towards the back seats of his car, getting low immediately after I succeeded. "You said the t-shirt was back here?" I ask him, glancing to the middle seat. Usually, if you pulled it down, there was a compartment that had a shortcut to the trunk. I put two fingers between the small loop the divided the seats and the storage, pulled it back, and pushed a small button that pulled back. Surely, my predictions were correct.
"Hey— be careful back there. I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself." Sugawara says, without any notion that I had done times many times before when I went out with the band. Carefully, I reach my hand into the dark space, feeling and touching on items that might feel like a t-shirt. The only thing that is in reach is a duffel bag, a volleyball, and a box until I catch hold of thick cloth.
Carefully pulling it out of the dark, I observe thoroughly, to discover it's a jacket of some sort. When I cautiously unfold it, I reveal a large hoodie, with big orange letters painted on the front, 'Karasuno.' "Oh, you can just wear that if you'd like. I don't mind, and besides, it's not dirty or anything." Suga turns briefly to glimpse at me who help the sweater, making sure to adjust his eyes back onto the road afterward.
  "Haha, just don't look," I chuckle, bowing behind his seat for furthermore privacy, before carefully but hastily pulling the blue dress over my head. Finally, I'm released from its threshold. Then, I take the hood, and slide it over my torso, and pull it down. The size was just perfect for me to lounge in. Once I'm comfortable, I toss the dress into the front seat and make my way there too.
"Thanks, Suga. I didn't wanna be in that all night. Anyway, where are we going again? To a skate park? Great, do you have skateboards?" I asked, digging in my purse for some extra socks. Once I find some, I pull them over my feet, glad that the ache of the heels was almost over with.
  "Uh, no. I don't know how to skate. But my friends usually come here a lot, and there's never any security, so if you'd like we can just stay here for a while until you wanna go home." He says, pulling into a small lot with a few small buildings around it. The further he drove went to show that it was a skate park. In fact, one of my favorites. When he finds a spot that isn't too obvious to the main street, he parks his car and rests both hands on his thighs. "It's nice out here, isn't it?"
   I agree, nodding whilst staring at the lit-up park that contained many loops and poles for tricks. "Yeah. Listen, thank you for rescuing me from Miya's. I know you probably had better plans than to have to take me here." As the words leave my mouth, I realize how strange it was that we left and decided to hang out for a while. Although Sugawara was a friend, I still had much to learn about him, including his instincts.
  "Uhm, Suga?" I utter, avoiding contact with him. But even so, I still sense his stare. After grabbing his attention, I ask, "I don't mean to sound like a loser, but why're you so accepting? Not that it's bad, it's that I haven't really met anyone other than my close friends that actually enjoy spending time with me. You're just.. very flexible. You make time for people, you're helpful, you're caring. I wanna know what makes you that way?"
   The question stirs in Suga's mind, bringing about a long silence. For me, I always perceive people to be too careless and flamboyant. Yes, I try to look at both sides of the stories, but I always let people's opinions get to me. It's what makes me so insecure about letting people get to know who I really am. "After everything that happened, I decided that I wasn't who I wanted to be. I'm not saying I completely love who I am, but I try to be a better person. Especially to people that mean a lot to me."
   "Oh, yeah. I get it." I say, leaning my head back in the seat. "After everything that happened at the beginning of high school, I decided it was best to pick myself up. I wasn't gonna achieve anything by sitting around and throwing my life away, right? I think I'm just confused because.. well... after being comfortable with who I am, I don't let people get to know me. I just feel like everybody is too judgmental, and I'm gonna seem like I'm still a burnout."
  "I get it. But people do change, Y/n. People like us. I guess— time flies so fast. Everyone changes so quickly that in a blink of an eye, your entire perspective of something is completely altered, and everyone you know— or at least used to— they're on a completely different level than what you expected. It feels like you're realizing that it's not as simple as you thought. It's realizing that you'll be somewhere totally different than four years from now. You've gotta have that realization things are never gonna stay the same." As much as I wanted to deny it, Sugawara was right. Even if I'm somebody who's approved by everyone, I'm still my own person, whether they like it or not. How I develop has only to do with me, and no one else. "And besides, you're a very likable person, Y/n. I'm sure you don't have to worry about being enough for other people. You're more than enough."
  I couldn't help but chuckle bashfully at his sentence. "Yeah, I bet you say that to all the girls you let in your car," I say jokingly, meeting eyes with Sugawara. But he isn't laughing very much, just lightly smiling, and shaking his head 'no'.
  Suddenly, one of his hands meets with my cheek, brushing against the peach fuzz that stood upon it. I could do nothing more than stare at him, observing the way his chest rose so fast while doing so."Y/n," he mumbles, making my heart beat faster than light speed itself. His eyes did more than observe every inch of my expression but search for something other than panic. "I'd like for you to know that you're someone so incredibly valuable. You're beautiful and talented and sweet. God, you're so sweet. Don't let anybody tell you you're anything less, which includes yourself."
  "Kou," I whimper to him, placing my hand on his, and feeling his thumb slide towards the corner of my lips while feeling him come closer towards me. Any longer I waited for him to touch mine would have resulted in a heart attack.
  "What is it?" He whispers, oblivious to the action of parting my lips with his finger, feeling against their softness. What made it even more desirable was the way he stared at them, imitating the way they would move when kissing him. And I did so, impatiently waiting for him to touch them, I demand of him, "Koushi, kiss me already. Please, I want to. I.. I do."
  Sugawara rapidly grabs my wrists to make sure I don't squirm and finally takes initiative to press my lips against his. At first, he feels them softly, but once I show the bit of resistance, he soon lets go of one wrist and grabs the back of my neck, bringing it closer to him than ever. Our mouths can barely get rest, inflicting a dangerous amount of sharp intake from our noses. Every second of being gripped in his hold felt so much more heated than I had expected. If I wasn't such a prude, I probably would have gone further as to let him kiss my neck.
   The small groans that echoed throughout my throat made the both of us feel just as nervous as before, but still, it made the process of making out more enjoyable. Especially the heat of his mouth, along with the way his tongue grazed mine ever so gently. With the way that Sugawara had kissed me, I couldn't remember a time I had ever kissed someone so meaningfully as this. So passionate, and loving.
  So damn long.
Hey guys, thank you for making it so far in the chapter. I know it was a long one. Pls remember to note and comment! Love you all <3
- estrxlar
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