#but if you’re upset when one of us wins bc it’s not exactly what you wanted then we lose
lokiiied · 1 year
just a reminder that there’s one massive overlap in the queer lasso community.
that all the roy x jamie’s, roy x keeley x jamie’s, bi jamie truthers, bi roy truthers, people who knew keeley has been canon bi since season one, keeley x jack’s, people who’ve correctly spotted that trent & colin are gay since s1/s2 and shouted that at the top of their lungs, tedependents, bi/unlabelled ted truthers, keeley x rebecca’s, beard x ted’s, bi4bi roy x keeley’s, bi4bi tedbecca’s, colinjamie’s, two aces boyfriends, and literally every other queer headcanon and/or ship you may have…
we all want the same thing. and that is good representation. abundant representation. we should celebrate all the representation we can get!! they can all be great stories. they can all make someone in our community feel validated and proud and inspired. and they will all make the homophobic/transphobic viewers upset just the same. we’re stronger together. that’s all.
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artdcnaldson · 3 months
Oohhh, and you start to put on walls again, and ArTashi can't figure out what's going on, maybe just stress (I love them, but they can't always read what the other needs) while you try to separate and get comfortable with being just you again bc you're sure they'll fire you and tell you to be well and send you back to your poor little house
Exactlyyyy exactly!
You’re so caught up in your own insecurities about your position within the relationship and within the family that you don’t even recognize the ways they’re still trying to include you. Like Art has you tugged against his side while you’re watching a movie, or he’s holding your hand, but he looks at Patrick a few times and you take it as a personal slight. Tashi is so caught up in coaching Patrick that you lose a little bit of the time you have with her in the evenings, drinking wine and talking and just being together.
They bring Patrick into the bedroom and you look at him like a flea ridden dog. Has he been tested? (Yes) and that you don’t want to touch him (You don’t have to). But you have to watch them touch him, kiss him, lavish him with all the attention that used to be yours. Like one of the cuckoo birds that implant themselves in nests and steal all the nourishment from the real babies.
So maybe you start isolating, like you’re preparing yourself. You get distant with Tashi and Art, and that’s fine, they expect that you might just need some room to adjust. But then you start distancing from Lily, and she doesn’t know what’s going on, she just knows you’re not playing tea party or reading with her anymore and it’s upsetting.
And then there’s Patrick. Right next door, sharing a bathroom with you. Smarmy, self assured, teasing. He likes to crowd into your space, like he’s already trying to push you out. He’s an asshole, and you always leave the conversations pissed off and seething. He ruined everything, and he’s the one that gets them? What does he have that you don’t?
But you don’t know that’s just how Patrick flirts, that he likes to crawl under your skin, to make your blood run hot. Art and Tashi had trusted him when he said he’d “handle” you, that he’d win you over easy. He just didn’t expect that they’d chosen such an upright, prissy bitch for their third.
Tashi gives up on Patrick’s plan after Lily comes to her crying and asking why her nanny hates her and doesn’t want to be her friend anymore. She’ll just have to fix things herself, like she always does. God knows Art won’t be any help.
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undercovergamer · 1 year
✨Laughing Your Worries Away✨
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I couldn’t decide which pic was better so this one has two
⚠️This fic focuses mainly on tickling. Do not read it if that upsets you.⚠️ also contains angst
After sort of becoming Kaveh’s “emotional support oni”, he felt that he should come up with more fun ways of cheering him up whenever he’s sad. No Kavehs were harmed in the writing of this fic.
Content warning: Kaveh is very anxious in the beginning which can be upsetting to read. Hi I edited the summary bc it was too long lol
Note: This is a silly scenario I made up with a friend. Basically Itto is in Sumeru because lazy writing and he’s staying with Alhaitham and Kaveh until he returns to Inazuma, also because lazy writing. We don’t need logic in silly fics like this, right?
Word Count: 3303
“Argh! It’s no use! Something will go wrong, I just know it!”
“Nuh uh! I bet it’ll be lots of fun, actually.“
“Anything can happen, which means anything can go wrong!”
“Or… it means anything can go right, instead. Right?”
“No it doesn’t! That’s not how it works… Do you even know how unlucky I’ve been recently? Who knows when that’ll end?!”
Kaveh was overthinking an event he was going to attend in a few days, panicking over all the possible accidents and mistakes that could ruin everything. He was sure something would go horribly wrong, just not what exactly. It was really stressing him out. Itto was trying his best to help, but Kaveh’s just couldn’t listen. Every time a solution came up, another problem came down.
“Kaveh, please, try to be more rational here, alright? Just think of all the good things that can happen instead! Like... what if you win a prize?” Itto suggested, trying to comfort him.
“Oh, please. How I wish I could! What if something breaks? Or- Or catches fire?! What if it rains and I forget my keys again? What if- I just- I- I can’t- Ugh!! I’m gonna make a complete fool of myself!” Kaveh was stress-pacing back and forth in his room and messing with his hair. He was too anxious to think straight, poor guy.
“Hey, hey, easy now. Take deep breaths.” Itto was trying to de-escalate the situation.
“No! I can’t! This is serious!”
“Please, you need to chill for a bit… all this stress isn’t good for you. Let’s just sit down and we’ll-”
“Ugh, it’s no use, Itto! I can’t just ignore my problems like that! I’m sorry…” Kaveh turned around put his hands in his face for a moment before groaning and anxiously pacing back and forth again. Itto sighed, trying to keep his patience. He didn’t want to be upset with Kaveh, it’s not like he can help that he’s anxious. Hmm, what to do…
“Ah… do you need a hug?” Itto asked, extending his arms and smiling. “You sound like you really need one. C’mere!” Kaveh turned to him with tears in his eyes. If words didn’t work, surely actions would, right?
“F-Fine. M-Maybe just- *sniffle*… j-just one h-h-hug.” Kaveh had tears streaming down his face the moment he accepted Itto’s hug, collapsing into his arms and sobbing. Itto hugged tight and comforted him while he cried, making sure to hold his balance.
“There, there… sshh… it’s gonna be ok. You’re safe… I’ve got you.” Itto said calmly, giving him a gentle headpat. He was starting to tear up as well, but held it together so Kaveh wouldn’t feel worse.
“H-H-How *hic* d-do you *hic* know??” Kaveh sobbed, burying his face in Itto’s shoulder. He was always surprised by how gentle Itto could be, unlike his usual high energy and loudness. It always caught him off-guard a little bit.
“You’ll feel better after you’ve cried, trust me. It’s okay… Just let it aaall out. And remember to breathe...” Itto held him close, gently stroking his back and slowly rocking back and forth.
“Take a deep breath in through your nose.” He said, inhaling and holding his breath for a few seconds. “Hold it for a bit... then, exhale through your mouth. Like this!” He said, slowly exhaling to demonstrate. Eventually, the architect began sobbing less and breathing more, trying to calm down with the breathing exercise Itto suggested. It seemed to be working fine.
After a while, Kaveh could finally compose himself and stop crying. He stayed in the hug for a bit before letting go to wipe his tears away.
“There you go… Do you feel better now?” Itto asked softly, handing him a tissue.
“Yeah… I-… I really needed that. Thank you.” Kaveh replied, blowing his nose into the tissue before throwing it in the bin.
“How do you feel?”
“I feel... fine, I guess.”
“You look sad…”
“Oh… no, no, I’m not sad. I just… ugh…” Kaveh sighed. He was actually feeling better than before, but it was only a matter of time before he’d start overthinking again. He felt so hopless… Itto needed to solve that; he knew exactly how.
“Hmm… you know, I think I know something else that could cheer you up.” Itto said with a sudden grin.
“Wh-What are you doing? D-Don’t- No funny business!” Kaveh felt nervous. Every time Itto had that expression, he’d conduct mischief.
“Hey, c’mon, I’m not gonna do anything bad!” He looked really suspicious… definitely up to no good.
“I-I know, but- uh- d-don’t look at me like that! Ooh, I just KNOW you’re planning something…” Kaveh glared at him and took a step back.
“Heheheh. Oh you are absolutely right, my friend...” Itto chuckled and began wiggling his fingers in the air. Kaveh’s eyes widened as he realized what that meant.
“D-Don’t even THINK about it! Don’t you dare!” Kaveh protested, but it didn’t have any effect as Itto slowly came closer, chuckling to himself.
“I’m gonna get you~” he teased.
“S-Stay back, or I’ll- uh…” Kaveh backed up against a wall, realizing he’d have to make a run in for it.
“Or what, you’ll tell Haitham?” Itto teased. Kaveh suddenly tried to escape by running past Itto to get out of the room. But of course it backfired as Itto quickly caught him and held him tight with a playful hug from behind. “Haha! Gotcha!”
“Agh! Let me go, you brute!” Kaveh squirmed, trying to break free, but he wasn’t strong enough.
“Hey! That’s not very nice!” Itto replied, still smiling with mischief.
“I-…! I uh… s-sorry… I-I just-”
“Hey now, no guilt! It’s alright, buddy! Don’t worry. I’m gonna cheer you up in the most effective way I know!”
“B-But this is unfair! I can barely move!” Kaveh complained, looking down in frustration.
“Good thing I can! Heheh. Are you ticklish, Kaveh?” Itto asked, playfully forming his hands into claws on Kaveh’s sides.
The architect began nervously giggling at the sight, but tried to stay cool. “D-Dohon’t be ridiculous! O-Of course nohot!”
“Reeaaally? Are you sure about that?” Itto teased, clawing one single time, resulting in a jump and surprised squeal out of Kaveh. Itto laughed at his reaction.
“H-Hey! That’s not funny! L-Let me go!” Kaveh giggled against his will, trying to break free. His face was slowly turning red from embarrassment.
“Sounds pretty ticklish to me! This’ll be fun!” Itto said teasingly, slowly beginning to tickle Kaveh.
“ACK- D-Don’t you dare!! Y-You- hngh...” The architect twitched and yelped, trying very hard to keep his giggles in by covering his mouth.
“Tickle tickle~ come on! It’s not fun if you won’t laugh!” Itto suddenly started tickling faster, scribbling over Kaveh’s ribs. “Tickle tickle tickle~!”
Kaveh squealed at the sudden sensation and began laughing and squirming. “EEEHEHEHEHE!! Ahahahahahahahaha!! Nohohohoho!!” He tried is best to break free from the oni’s grasp, but the hug remained strong.
“Haha, got you! Tickle tickle tickle!” Itto giggled along with Kaveh, spider-tickling his ribs and tummy.
“EEK! Ahahahahahaha!! Ittohoho!! Plehehehehease!!” Kaveh squealed, trying to bend forward to protect himself. Itto responded by lifting him up in a bear hug and tickling his waist. The man let out a scream before laughing and kicking like crazy. “PUHUT MEHEHE DOHOHOHOWN!! GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!”
“Grrr! There’s no escape from the tickle monster! Mwahahaha!” Itto laughed, playfully putting him down and letting go before tickling his sides. “Tickle tickle tickle!!”
“EEK!! BahahahaHAHAHAHA!! G-Gehehet awahahahahahay!!” Kaveh laughed, trying to push Itto away.
“Hehehehe! I got you~!” Itto teased, playfully following Kaveh down as he lost balance and squirmed to the floor. Itto stopped tickling to make sure he didn’t get hurt.
“S-Seriously? The… huff… the tickle monster?! Come on… that’s… huff… that’s just childish…!” Kaveh said, panting heavily.
“Hahahaha! Y’know, you haven’t told me to stop yet. Are you having fun?” Itto asked with a giddy grin on his face. He was sat on the floor, next to the architect.
“I- uh, y-you- um…” Kaveh’s face turned red from embarrassment. He wanted the floor to swallow him whole.
Itto laughed. “Ah, I get it. You’re embarrassed, aren’t you?”
“H-How did you know?!” Kaveh questioned, feeling flustered. Itto was probably gonna tell everyone, he thought. Oh how humiliating…
“Well for one, you haven’t said ‘stop it’ even once, and uh… well, your face got all red when I pointed that out. Hahahaha!”
“S-Stop laughing! It’s not funny!” Kaveh covered his face with his hands.
“Hehehe, sorry! I’m not laughing at you, I just think it’s silly. Anyway, do you want me to stop tickling you yet? Or should I continue?” Itto chuckled and wiggled his fingers above Kaveh.
“Y-You better n-not-… pfft-” Kaveh started giggling from anticipation again, trying to keep it in.
“Listen, all you have to do is tell me ‘stop’ and I’ll stop, alright? I promise!” Itto said, giving him a friendly smile.
“It- It can’t be that easy…” Kaveh said under his breath, but Itto heard him anyway.
“Oh, but it is! I don’t wanna make you panic, y’know. I’m still tickling you because I know you’re enjoying yourself.” Itto playfully poked his tongue out and chuckled to himself.
Kaveh got nervous. “O-Ok fine, y-you got me… uh… p-please don’t tell anyone! I-I don’t know what I’d do if- uh-…”
“Hey, hey! Relax! I won’t tell a soul. Not even Ushi! My lips are sealed. No one shall know! I promise!” Itto said, giving Kaveh a reassuring pat on the head.
“Thank you…” Kaveh said, sighing with relief.
“No problemo, hombre! Now… where else are you ticklish?” Itto asked, tickling Kaveh’s sides and ribs without warning.
“EEK! AAHAHAHAHahahahaha!! ITTO NAHAHAHA!!” Kaveh squealed, squirming around on the floor. Again, he was surprised with how gentle Itto was. He thought the tickling would hurt at first, but oh how wrong he was. The oni was as gentle as he was merciless… in a playful way of course.
“Hehehe! Tickle tickle, Kaveh!” Itto teased, tickling down to his tummy and waist as high pitched laughter and squeals filled the room. “Just let me know when you’ve had enough, alright? Say ‘okay’ if you heard that!”
“EHEHEHE!! Ohohokahahahahay!! AhahahAHAHAHAHA!! N-NOT THERE!!” Kaveh screeched, trying to roll away from the tickles.
“Aha! A weak spot! Heheheh, I win!” Itto exclaimed, playfully squeezing the architect’s waist.
After a little while, Itto heard a voice from outside the room.
“What’s with all the noise? What are y-… …oh.” It was Alhaitham, checking the situation out of curiosity. “Itto, what are you doing..?” he asked, rolling his eyes at the scene.
“Oh hey, man! I’m just tickling Kaveh! He was feeling stressed so I thought I’d distract him for a while!” Itto replied, poking all over Kaveh’s ribs.
“EEK! NohohoHOHOHO!! AAH! Not like thahahahat!!” Kaveh protested, covering his sensitive ribs with his arms.
“Don’t you think that has the opposite effect..?” Alhaitham asked, confused.
“Naah he’s fine. It’s working pretty well, I’d say.” Itto giggled to himself and began playfully squeezing his sides instead.
“AAHAHAHAHAHA!! AHALHAHAITHAHAM HEHEHEHELP!!” Kaveh screeched, squirming even more and trying really hard to roll away and escape.
Itto laughed and stopped tickling him. “You good, bro?” He asked, helping him sit up and patting him on the back.
“Haha… hah… y-yeah…” Of course Alhaitham had to show up. Kaveh could simply die from embarrassment.
“Kaveh, I hope you realize you don’t have to just lie there and take it.” Alhaitham said, looking down at him.
“Naah man, don’t worry about it! He’s fine, really! We-” Kaveh quickly covered Itto’s mouth and hissed “Sshhh!! You weren’t supposed to say anything!”
Alhaitham rolled his eyes. “Kaveh, for your own good you should at least try to fight back. It’s not as hard as you’d think.” He said, looking at Itto.
“Whoa whoa, hang on, are you saying I’m weak? Ha! That is simply absurd! How dare you?” Itto scoffed, crossing his arms.
“No, that’s not what I meant, Itto. Let me show you.” Alhaitham quickly poked his side, making him jump and protest.
“Wha- Hey! Don’t do that! I’m not- I’m not ticklish! I just- pfft-” Itto was interrupted by yet another poke, this time from Kaveh who was now curiously poking away at his ribs, sending the oni into a giggling fit.
“Hehehey! Nohohohohahahaha!” He giggled, trying to defend himself.
“Wow, no way! I never would’ve guessed an oni like you would be so ticklish!” Kaveh said, chuckling to himself.
“Hahahaha! I’m nahahahahat!!”
“You are! Tickle tickle tickle!”
“Nohohoho!! Pfft- stahahahap!!” Itto managed to push Kaveh’s hands away to stop him from tickling. “Ohoho, you’re not gonna get me that easily! You’re in trouble now!” he said, grinning.
“W-Wahahait nohoho! A-Alhaitham, do somethihing!” Kaveh pleaded, giggling nervously.
“I’ve got better things to do. I’m sorry, Kaveh.” Alhaitham replied.
“See ya.”
“No! NO WAIT!” Alhaitham left the room and Kaveh started squirming, trying to escape his playful demise.
“Heheheh, looks like ol’ Haitham can’t help you now, huh?” Itto said with a somewhat menacing grin.
“Oh, by the way,” Alhaitham poked his head through the doorway. “Itto, get his hips.”
“WHAT?! D-Don’t tell him that!! Are you crazy?!” Kaveh yelled, glaring daggers into Alhaitham.
“Ooh, you don’t say~?” Itto already guessed that area was particularly sensitive, but decided to play along for the sake of evil.
“Mhm. Anyway, see ya.” The scribe simply smirked and left the scene, closing the door.
“Alhaitham, you are SO DEAD after this!!” Kaveh yelled angrily, but he started giggling uncontrollably when he heard Itto’s sinister chuckle. That grin sent shivers down his spine. The anticipation was through the roof!
“I-Itto, wait! Y-You don’t have to- pfft-hehehe nohohohoho!! Wahahait!!” He tried, and failed, to crawl away in time.
“I’m gonna get you~! Hehehe!” Itto caught him before he could escape.
“Nohohoho!” Kaveh quickly covered his sensitive hips as best as he could.
“Oh, that just won’t do.” Itto could simply move Kaveh’s arms himself, but he was worried that’d make him panic. So instead, he decided tickling them away was a safer option.
“EEK! AhahaHAHAHAHAHA!! NOHOHOT THAHAHAHAT!!” Kaveh squealed when Itto began rapidly poking all over his ribs and tum, with more fingers this time. Why on earth did that tickle so bad?!
“Hehe, this is fun! You’re no match for my signature ten-finger-pokes! Hahaha!” Itto bragged, giggling along with Kaveh’s laughter. Soon enough, the architect gave in to his instincts and tried to cover his ribs with his arms instead. That’s when Itto’s hands quickly latched onto the architect’s hips, summoning a surprised squeal.
“Waitwaitwaitwait nohohoho!! Nononono don’t you DARE!! I- ehehehehe!! Plehehehease!!” Kaveh grabbed Itto’s wrists, but wasn’t strong enough to pull them away.
“Heheheh, you haven’t said ‘stop’ yet, buddy. Still having fun? Hmm?” Itto teased, laughing when Kaveh’s face turned red.
“J-Just you wait! You’ll be sorry!! I’ll get my revehehEHEHEHENGE!! GWAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!” Itto began rapidly squeezing his hips. Kaveh screamed and arched his back, kicking and flailing around, unable to struggle properly. His wild laughter even rose an octave or two. Those ticklish shockwaves were so bad he couldn’t think straight!
“Hahaha! Aw, does it tickle? Kitchy kitchy koo!” Itto teased, laughing with Kaveh.
“AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! PLEHEHEHEASE!! N-NAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE!!” Kaveh screeched, shaking his head and desperately trying to push Itto’s hands away. He had been laughing so much that tears were starting to fall from his eyes.
“Should I stop?” Itto asked, smiling playfully, switching to gently scribbling on Kaveh’s tum to make his laughter less frantic.
“EHEHEHEHE!! Y-Yehehehes!! Plehehehease stohohop!!” Kaveh pleaded. Itto stopped tickling immediately and helped his buddy sit up. Kaveh was panting heavily and wiping away his tears of mirth, with a tired smile on his face.
“Whoa, looks like I broke you there. A-Are you ok?? …Did I go too far?” Itto asked, suddenly feeling worried.
“Ha… haha… I-I’m fine… hehehe…!” Kaveh replied, catching his breath while still giggling a little bit. His hair was a mess after all that squirming.
“Are you sure? You look exhausted...”
“Hahaha… ehehe… haha… I-It’s fine, really… I… I had fun…” Kaveh said, smiling at the oni. He looked pretty happy!
“Really? That’s awesome! Hahaha! I’m just glad I didn’t overwhelm you too badly. Here, let me help!” Itto stood up and reached his hand out so he could help Kaveh up.
“Thanks… hehe… phew… th-that was a lot..!”
“Take it easy now, breathe. Do you feel better now?” He asked happily.
“Huh? What do you…” Kaveh thought for a moment. Thanks to Itto, he had completely forgotten his worries. “Huh… I actually feel really happy! I feel so much better!” He smiled brightly, feeling grateful for the oni’s help.
“Hahaha! I’m so glad to hear that! Really glad you had fun, Kaveh.” Itto replied excitedly, giving him a tight, playful hug.
“Hngh… c-can’t… b-breathe..!” Kaveh wheezed.
“Oops! Oh sorry, hahaha!” Itto loosened the hug and laughed happily. “Hey, do you need water? I can go get some for you!”
“N-No! D-Don’t leave yet...” Kaveh said, hugging him tighter.
“Huh? What’s wrong?”
“N-Nothing. I just… just wait… please.” He was feeling a bit overwhelmed and needed the hug to calm down fully.
“Aw, ok! We’ll hug for as long as you need, buddy!” Itto held him close and gently rocked back and forth to help him chill.
After a bit of silence, Kaveh took a deep breath to compose himself. He had something important to say now that his brain was working again.
“…Itto, I-... thank you for cheering me up. I-It means a lot to me. That was really nice of you, I… I appreciate it. A lot. Thank you so much…” he said, hugging him closer.
“Aww, no problem! That’s so sweet of you to say! I’m really glad I could help. Let me know next time you’re feeling down, and I’ll tickle the sadness away!” Itto playfully tickled Kaveh’s sides for a bit.
“EEK! Hehehey! Nohohoho!” Kaveh jumped and squirmed away from the hug.
“Hahaha! See how easy it is? You look so happy now!” Itto exclaimed, stopping the tickles again.
“Haha... That’s not gonna work every time, though! Please, make sure you ask first. Sometimes I don’t want to be touched at all.” Kaveh said, placing a boundary.
“Gotcha! I’ll make sure to always ask first! You have my word on it. No discomfort on my watch!”
“Thank you, Itto. But don’t go thinking I’ll let you off the hook without revenge! Just you wait.”
“Hahaha! No problem, my guy! I won’t make it easy for you, though!” Itto said, giving him a playful look. Then he pointed at him and said, “You, my good sir, need to drink water. Like… right now. C’mon!”
“Haha, alright. Fine.” Kaveh replied, following him to the kitchen.
After they both hydrated, Itto started another conversation.
“Let’s go outside! I bet I can help you plan for that event!” he said.
“A-Are you sure? There’s a lot to consider…”
“Of course I’m sure! Not to brag or anything, but I’m a PRO at organizing events!”
“Well, we’re not exactly organizing it...”
“Hey, trust me! I know what I’m doing! We can come up with ideas together and write them down. And you can get inspiration from nature itself! How cool is that??”
“Oh alright, but no sudden decisions! We need to give each idea a good amount of thought first.”
“Suuure, of course… Hahahaha!”
Once they went for a walk outdoors, Itto continued to passionately rant about all the event’s possibilities while Kaveh listened and took notes. It felt nice to hear suggestions from an excited perspective rather than an anxious one, he thought. He still couldn’t believe how tickling actually helped him calm down of all things. And he certainly couldn’t believe how Alhaitham just betrayed him like that… but that was for future Kaveh to think about. Now, it was time to chill and brainstorm with Itto.
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leviathans-watching · 3 years
Brothers + dateables (Or just Barbatos, I simp hard for him) with a super pacifist MC? Like they’re always chill, super into giving back to the environment and always avoids arguing (basically the opposite of the brothers)
Sorry if you don’t feel comfortable with this one.
Love your writing X
the brothers & a chill MC
includes: lucifer, mammon, levi, satan, asmo, beel, belphie, simeon, barbatos &/x gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .8k | rated t | m.list
please reblog ty
a/n: this one was fun bc I've never really explored this idea. hope i did it justice! i also know very little about actual pacifists so pardon me if i misrepresented the group in any way, as that was not my intention. thank you for requesting! my inbox is open if you want to chat or req!!
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➳ lucifer watches you walk into the room where levi and mammon are fighting, and immediately, both of them try to bring you into the argument. you simply ignore them, earbuds firmly in your ears, eyes focused on your task. you somehow manage to duck under both of their arms, aborting their attempts to grab you, while making it look effortless. if it weren’t for all of the acrobatics you had to do to keep away from them, lucifer would think you hadn’t even noticed them.
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➳ mammon feels something press into his hand and looks over confused. it’s your hand- but also the trash he dropped onto the ground a moment ago. “MC? what’s this?” he asks, confused. “mammon, you know exactly what that is. now c’mon, you know better than this. don’t litter.” mammon hangs his head, aware he’s getting lectured by a human of all things, but in his heart, he knows you’re right.
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➳ levi stands angrily, throwing his controller down. “what was that!?” he yells into his headset mic. “you have aimbot! you’re definitely cheating! you ruined our win streak!” meanwhile, you, who’s playing with him, just sit and watch his little rage meltdown, eyes calm. “how’re you not pissed?” levi asks, gesturing at the screen. “we just lost!” “simple,” you say. “i don’t care much if we win or lose. i just like playing with you.” that shuts him up real quick.
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➳ satan spits out his words, acid burning on his tongue. he waits for you to react like everyone he knows will- to stoop to his level, try to fight fire with fire, but it never comes. you just accept his anger, not submitting to it, but allowing it to hit its mark. your eyes don’t light up with emotion, your posture doesn't tense. “take a bit to clear your head and calm down, and then we’ll talk,” you advise, already walking away. “i’m not going to do this with you.” satan is too surprised to stop you.
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➳ asmo groans. “why do i have to do this again?” you look over from where you’re prepping for the shoot frowning. “you already agreed- no backing out now. and the reason we’re doing this is because cosmetic companies are wasteful and often test on animals and your word holds a lot of sway. if we come at them about being unethical and harmful for the environment using your face they’re going to be more likely to listen.” you’re calm while you say this, but asmo can see the genuine care in your eyes and resolves himself o stop complaining.
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➳ beel turns off the tv as you walk in, already knowing you wouldn’t want to see the program on the devildom wars. he didn’t mind really- he was just watching it because it was on and didn't mind missing it. you say nothing of his action but he knows you appreciate it, as your hand squeezes his. he had picked up early on that you didn't like fighting nor violence, and wondered why you were like this when most humans were not, but never asked.
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➳ belphie frowns, looking at you. “why didn’t you back me up in there? you’re supposed to support me.” you look over at him, and he seems genuinely upset, but maybe that’s just leftover feelings from his argument with lucifer. “i never get involved,” you say, trying to find the right words. “i don't like arguing and know that’s it kind of an inevitable with you guys, but i try to stay out of it. i’ll take your side, but not in situations like that.” great, now belphie feels guilty, but he knows you’re not upset with him since he held back most of his ire.
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➳ simeon thinks you have the patience of a saint. even he, an angel, resorted to fighting more often than you did. like, angels were supposed to be the paragon of goodness or something, yet you seemed to set a better example than he did some of the time. you also had a real talent for settling arguments and ending disagreements. idly, he wondered if it was because lilith’s blood running through your veins, then dismissed it. all that effort was you and solely you.
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➳ barbatos hid his smile behind a gloved hand as he watched you calmly organize the picketers you had gathered for a peaceful protest outside of diavolo’s mansion. you, though just a human, were in charge of keeping everyone in line and doing wonderfully. vaguely, he wondered what you were protesting, trying to read the signs. something about fuel and cost-efficient lighting at RAD. how interesting. rarely anyone in the devildom was actually into preserving the environment and all that, as, after all, they were all demons, yet you had managed to get quite a group together.
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BONUS (don’t take this too seriously i couldn't resist): ➳ you insert yourself between lucifer and satan, arms outstretched. “lucifer, look at me. look at me, this isn’t like you. you’re better than this, lucifer.” carefully approaching him, you dig around in your head, before remembering a song from the human world. “this is my fight song…”
leviathans-watching’s work - please do not repost, copy, or claim as your own
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Wanda x Reader - You’re the only exception
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Gif is not mine.
Prompt from anon: “Childhood best friends, and reader is basically a fuckgirl who’s only soft for her childhood best friend wanda, they’re constantly teasing and flirting with each other but they never take each other seriously and then something happens and reader gets jealous and realizes she’s fallen for wanda and then she tries to go for it but wanda doesn’t take her seriously bcs she’s a fuckgirl and a player. “
Words:  4.964k ////// Read on AO3
Warnings: Language, mentions of smut, but its mainly fluffy
You wake up with an arm around your waist. Squinting slightly, you look around the room. You think you are in a warehouse, probably the one near Avenue Two, a few meters from the bar where you were last night. You don't know who the girl next to you is, but she is pretty. You didn't ask her her name when you danced with her, and she didn't ask yours when she dragged you here.
You remove your arm from around your waist and stand up, looking for your clothes. Judging by the brightness entering the room, it is morning. And you groan slightly, thinking that your parents are going to kill you.
Your suspicions are confirmed when you put on your pants and reach for your cell phone. The screen is glowing with several missed calls and voice mails. You roll your eyes impatiently at your parents' controlling mania.
- Were you going to sneak out? - said a female voice startling you slightly. The girl you were lying with woke up, and was sitting up in bed, her tone slightly ironic.
- No, I was going to leave a note. - You lie with a smile. And then you make your best sad expression. - I really have to go.
- My friends told me you were a player, I should have known you'd do that. - She replies without really looking upset.
You let out a dry laugh, finishing buttoning up your shirt and putting on your sneakers. She waves her hand and smiles as you leave the room.
You definitely need a cup of coffee. So when you leave the unknown girl's apartment, you look for a coffee shop. Entering the place, you sit at the counter, unlocking your cell phone to read your pending messages.
- What can I get you? - Someone asks and you raise your eyes, blinking slightly as you notice the attendant. You smile at her as she says.
- Your number.
She looks surprised, but smiles shyly, and then you tell her your actual order.
When she brings you your pancakes and a coffee, a piece of paper with her number on it is on your plate.
You eat while checking your cell phone, and from your instagram feed you find out that yesterday's party was amazing, and that your best friends had moved the celebration to a parking lot when the police asked them to turn down the music in the house. Yesterday had been Steve Rogers' birthday, but you couldn't make it because you went to a rock concert at a bar, and you actually had plans to join the party, but got involved with a girl and never showed up. You hoped Steve wouldn't mind.
Finishing your coffee, you smiled at the paper with the waitress's number on it before putting it in your pocket, and leaving the place, you probably weren't going to call.
Your mother is furious when you come home. She screams, and accuses. And you roll your eyes, drop your keys on the counter, and slam your bedroom door as you enter. You shower, and change into more comfortable clothes, and then escape through your bedroom window.
Within two minutes you are at the house of your neighbor and best friend, Wanda Maximoff. You climb up the wall ledge into her room, and tap on the window to get her to let you in.
- Hey, Romeo. - She mocks your position as she opens the window, you laugh lightly as you enter the room.
Wanda sits back in the chair at her study table while you throw yourself on her bed.
- Where were you last night? Steve asked about you at the party. - She says, glancing quickly at you before returning to writing in her notebooks.
- Wanda, darling, I love Steve. - You say. - But between him and a hot girl, which one do you think I'll choose?
Wanda laughs, making a wry expression.
- I should know.
- Is that jealousy? - You scoff slightly, making her laugh again.
- You wish.
And then there was a knock on the door, and Pietro, Wanda's twin brother, entered the room.
- Wanda I need to... Oh hello. - The boy smiled at you charmingly, and you just raised your middle finger at him, making him laugh. 
- What's wrong Pietro? - Wanda asked.
- I need you to give me a ride. - He says. - Daddy won't let me drive because of detention.
You giggled lightly, remembering that Pietro was grounded for fighting at school, and almost got suspended. You know because you spent a lot of time with the twins. Wanda lets out an impatient sigh.
- Where to?
- I have practice today. - He says shrugging, and Wanda frowns.
- It's Sunday. - She replies suspiciously.
- Oh, Wanda, come on. Please. - He asks, and Wanda rolls her eyes.
- You'll owe me.
She says as she gets up and Pietro leaves the room excited. 
- Are you going with us?  - she asks you, but you lazily deny it.
- Thanks, but I'm going to get some sleep.
- Make yourself comfortable, just close the window when you leave. - She tells you, and then leaves the room. 
You decided to sleep in your own bed, the smell of Wanda's shampoo on the pillows was distracting you for some reason.
Mondays were horrible. You dragged your feet toward the school entrance, wishing you could go back to bed. Your first period was history, and you were already sleepy with anticipation.
You barely stepped onto the school grounds when Tony Stark threw his arm around your shoulders, greeting you.
- You are completely crazy! - he remarked with amusement. You blinked in confusion, and he laughed. - I told you that girl was taken.
You really weren't following the story. You reached your lockers, and Tony let go of you just as Steve and Pietro reached you.
- What girl are we talking about, anyway? - you asked as you searched for your books.
- Romanoff, smartass! - Tony replied leaning on the locker beside him. - Someone saw you go down on her in the outdoor patios, and everyone is talking about it. - He tells you, and you giggle. 
- And this is a problem because why exactly? - you replied with irony.
Tony laughed incredulously. Steve and Pietro listened to the story with amused expressions on their faces.
- I don't know, actually. - He says. - But I don't think her boyfriend will be happy to find out.
- That's really not my problem. - You reply with mock amusement. And then you finish taking your books and close the locker, turning to Pietro. - Where is Wanda, anyway? When I left home, you guys weren't outside.
Pietro chuckles. 
- You were late. - he retorted. - We went ahead, and Wanda is probably talking to the coach.
The bell rings and you grumble, saying goodbye to your friends, since you don't share the same history class. You have been used to going to school with Wanda every day since the first grade, and you don't understand why you missed that brief moment so much this morning. You imagine that it is just the usual.
You only meet Wanda in the third period of the day. She is distracted, and you are curious.
You walk over to her desk, and she is smiling at her cell phone screen.
- What's with that smile? - You tease, and she immediately blocks the phone, putting it on the table, and making you look at her suspiciously. 
- I don't know what you are talking about. - She replies in a tone of embarrassment and mockery.
- My God, you're sending nudes, aren't you? - You exclaim in shock, and Wanda blushes slightly as she laughs, and you sit down beside her.
- You're the worst. - She retorts, looking forward.
- But I'm hot.
You tease, and Wanda rolls her eyes laughing again. You don't talk anymore because the chemistry teacher walks in next, and he hates talking in his class.
You are bored while listening to the health presentations from last term. You were the first to present, accompanied by Tony and Pietro, because you really wanted to finish this work soon, and now you were leaning over your desk, trying to stay awake while the other students were talking.
Tony patted you on the shoulder to get your attention, and motioned to your left side. You frowned, and then looked up to where he was talking.
It took you a moment to realize that at the two tables after yours was a student with her hand down the pants of the student next to her. You held back a laugh, looking away immediately. 
- No fucking way. - You commented to Tony, laughing softly. 
The professor asked you to be silent next, but you and Tony lowered your voices as much as possible to continue whispering.
- That's Valkyrie and Thor. - He tells you. - They hang out with the bikers kids.
- They'll be expelled, that's for sure. - You reply with irony.
But then the teacher says he will lower the grade of whoever is speaking and you sigh impatiently as you decide to be quiet.
Wanda is hiding something from you. And she has disguised it very well, because none of your friends have noticed her strange behavior. But you do notice. You notice her distraction, the way she is even longer on her cell phone, or how she has been sneaking out between cheer practice and class, and when you ask, she just says that she was studying in a quieter place.
But it is Friday, game night, and you will have to find out what this is some other time. You put on the helmet of your uniform and walk onto the field, listening to the excited shouts of the crowd. American football games were very crowded, even if they were not the playoffs.
Tony and Steve greet you with a pat on the shoulder as you join the circle of your teammates along with the coach.
- Are you ready, tigers? - she shouts to you after reviewing the moves one last time.
- Yes, coach! - You and the team shout in unison, and move into position.
When you score the winning touchdown, the team lifts you up in the air as the crowd screams and celebrates. And you are laughing and raising your arms, and your gaze falls to the cheering area, looking for Wanda. And then your stomach drops when you see her, wrapped in a kiss with a boy you don't know.
And you don't understand the feeling that settles in your stomach, so you kiss the first girl who smiles at you, hoping that the feeling will go away. And it doesn't.
Everyone is saying that Wanda Maximoff kissed a boy at the game on Friday, when you arrive at school on Monday. You didn't come to school with the Maximoffs again, nor did you talk to Wanda all weekend.
You eventually find out that the boy is called Vision, or Vis, and is probably going to become the next millionaire in the country with a genius invention. He is part of the science club, and the debate club, and you have never met him. And then you are putting your books away quite hard on your locker, and Steve looks at you curiously.
- What did the locker do to you? - He teases.
- Bite me. 
Your harsh answer makes Steve laugh, and he doesn't press. And then you're walking toward biology class, and the same girl from the game stops you in the hallway. You think her name is Pepper.
- Hey, can I talk to you? - she asks with mischief in her eyes. You knew that a conversation was not what she wanted. And you took one last glance into the room, catching a quick glimpse of Wanda smiling at the phone screen, before nodding in agreement, letting the girl drag you into the nearest bathroom.
You don't return until second period, and you wait for the teacher to go to the bathroom before sneaking into the room, and throwing yourself into the chair next to Wanda.
- Shit, you scared me! - She remarks when you suddenly arrive. You laugh lightly, throwing the bag on the desk. And then Wanda looks at you with a mixture of mockery and incredulity. - I was going to ask where you were, but I think I have my answer.
You look at her confused, and then she turns to her backpack and pulls out a small mirror, handing it to you. You giggle when you see your reflection, lipstick marks across your collarbone and cheeks, and your lips slightly swollen. A few open buttons in your shirt too.
You try to fix your appearance quickly, and return Wanda's mirror when you are finished, but she doesn't even look at you.
And then the professor is back, and Wanda is distant, and you ignore the discomfort in your stomach.
You know that you need to talk to Wanda. You don't understand why she is distant, and why she won't talk about her new relationship. And then you are at her window, shortly after she has come home. She frowns in surprise to see you, but she opens the window and makes room for you to come in.
- Is everything all right? - she asks, sitting down on the bed. You hesitate, standing in the window space.
- Is something happening, Wanda? - you ask. - You are hiding things from me. Have I done anything wrong?
Wanda looks away quickly, moving her hands nervously. And you run your hands through your hair.
- I'm sorry. - She says looking at the floor. - I... I didn't know how to tell you.
- You can tell me anything. - You assured, coming over and sitting next to her on the bed, while entwining your hand in hers.
Wanda smiled, looking up at you.
- I met someone. - She tells you, and you keep your face impassive, ignoring the uneasy feeling growing in your stomach. - And it's recent and all... but it' s good. Vis is sweet, and kind. And I think I'm falling in love with him.
You nod, forcing a smile out. 
- That's amazing, Wanda! - You hear yourself say it, as if it were true. 
And then Wanda hugs you, apologizing for not telling you sooner, and you say it's okay. And when you lie on her bed, and go to watch a TV show, you want to cry. You know what has been bothering you all week. The realization hits you fast and makes your heart soar. You are in love with her.
Things are going relatively well. It's been two weeks since you realized the real nature of your feelings, and you've been ignoring them just fine. And you've accepted every invitation to parties, dates, and even any walk to think about anything other than Wanda. And even the people who know you are amazed at how many girls you've seen in the last few days.
At this very moment, for example, there was a girl you met in French class giving you oral sex against the gym bleachers. You were trying to concentrate on the feeling, but every time you closed your eyes you kept seeing Wanda. And you didn't want to think about her. 
And then the bell rang, and that was the perfect excuse to leave.
You are very drunk. You think you should have stopped drinking at least ten drinks ago, but you're pouring another one in your mouth. 
And then Steve takes you home, because you are in no condition to be left at a party. And you swear to him that you are fine, and that you are going to bed.
And then you head toward the backyard of Wanda's house as Steve leaves.
There's no way you can get up to Wanda's room without falling off the roof, and your brilliant idea is to throw pebbles at her window. But then it is Pietro who sticks his head out of the window, and he laughs when he sees your state, and you frown. 
- You crazy fool, that' s the wrong window! - he tells you in a low tone, trying to avoid waking up his parents.
- Call Wanda for me! - You ask in the same tone, he laughs shaking his head before going back inside, closing the window.
You start to look around for more pebbles, but then Wanda comes out the back doors, wrapped in a silk robe and looking at you in annoyance.
- What happened to you? - she asks as soon as she reaches you. You are smiling at her because she looks so pretty. - I called you a million times.
- God, you are beautiful.
Wanda blinks in confusion, frowning.
- You're not even listening to me. - She retorts angrily, but keeps her voice down to keep it down. - How much did you drink? 
- I don't know, Mom. - You mock trying to keep your balance. The surroundings were spinning a bit.
- You are unbelievable. - she grumbled angrily. - What do you want anyway?
And then you're laughing, at what you don't know. And then you walk over to Wanda and hug her, but she doesn't respond. You rest your neck on her shoulders, while whispering in her ear:
- Don't tell Wanda, but I am in love with her.
And then Wanda pushes you away and takes two steps back, an expression of pure shock on her face. You stumble backwards and start to laugh, trying not to fall on the floor.
- What did you say? - she asks incredulously.
- Shush. It's a secret. - You say. - Don't tell anyone.
- You're joking. - She says, and you feel your head hurt. - You're lying.
Your drunken brain has one minute of lucidity when you understand what you have just done. 
- I am not lying. - You tell her with a smile. - I am in love with you.
Wanda denies it with her head, you don't understand why her eyes are filled with tears.
- You're drunk. - She retorts. - And you're being mean. I want you to leave.
You sigh, and stumble to your feet as you turn around, walking in the opposite direction of the yard. You're not thinking clearly, but you think you don't like this conversation.
When you wake up, your head aches a lot. So does your body, and then you realize that you have slept on the living room carpet. 
- Wow, that is sad. - Your younger sister comments when she comes downstairs to find you on the floor. - I would get up before Mom and Dad saw you like that.
- My sweet God in heaven! - Your mother screams after seeing you lying on the floor. You hear your sister giggle and say "too late". And then your mother is running to you and helping you up. But then she smells your clothes and makes an incredulous expression. - Did you really pass out drunk in my living room?
You are covering your face with your hands in an attempt to lessen your migraine, while your mother starts screaming that you are completely irresponsible, and that you were grounded for the rest of your life, but you're not really paying attention.
You want to understand why your last memory of the night is the image of Wanda's crying face.
- And don't think that you are going to miss school today! - You hear your mother screaming while you are in the kitchen. Your sister listens to the fight with a smile on her lips as she eats cereal. - Get upstairs right now and take a shower! I'm taking you to school today! If you have the audacity to drink so much, you will bear the consequences...
The voice grew more distant as you went up to your room. You looked in the bathroom for an aspirin before stepping into the shower.
Bruce Banner really wasn't happy when he found out that you had slept with his girlfriend. He approached you as soon as you entered the school, and you had too much of a headache to deal with it now.
- Look, here buddy, it's not my fault that you can't satisfy your girl. - You sneer angrily, and then Bruce advances on you, punching the locker behind you. But then Steve appears and pushes him away.
- Get out of here now, Banner. - He warns with an irritated posture. Bruce hesitates.
- Let's see how you like it when she sleeps with your girlfriend. - He retorts angrily before leaving. 
Steve changes his posture completely when he turns to you, and his eyes are tender.
- Everything okay there, Y/N? - He asks and you nod absentmindedly, you really weren't paying attention to Bruce, you wanted to talk to Wanda. - I guess Tony was right. - Steve comments in a wry tone as you walk down the hall together, many looks at you impressed by the confusion. - Banner really wasn't happy.
- I don't give a fucking shit. - You retort with irony. - Have you seen Wanda anywhere?
The boy shrugs his shoulders in denial, and you let out an impatient sigh. You two have English now, and you're going to try to concentrate in class for a while.
You finally find Wanda, but you have no chance to talk to her now. She is giving a speech in the school gym. The principal has asked her to present the bullying prevention project, and as the class speaker, she has been selected to open the presentation. This would certainly bring good points for the college.
The presentation took about forty minutes, and even though your gaze was glued on Wanda, she didn't look at you once. 
And then when the presentation was over, all the students were sent back to their classrooms, and you had to wait in hiding until only Wanda and the three audio-visual students were left in the gym.
You walked over to them, and Wanda's eyes widened when she saw you, but she looked away quickly, hurrying to collect the papers that were probably the draft of her speech.
- Can we talk? - You said, and the audiovisual team present looked at you in surprise, but your attention was locked on Wanda. 
- I'm busy. - She replied, finishing picking up the papers and holding them tight against her chest.
- Why don't you tell me what's wrong?
Wanda looked away, but then one of the girls from the audiovisual team approached you with a smile.
- Hey, sorry to intrude. - She said in a mischievous tone of voice, and you blinked in surprise because you weren't even remembering the existence of the other people in the room. - When you're done talking to her, can we do something together?
You frowned, and before you could say no, Wanda let out an impatient sigh, and stormed out of the gym, bumping into you while mumbling "have fun". You were in shock for a few seconds, but by the time you ran after her, you had already lost sight of her.
Pietro was angry with you. But no one seemed willing to tell you what was going on. You were in the cafeteria, eating lunch at the same circular table as Tony, Steve and Pietro, and the Maximoff twin was treating you harshly.
- What's the matter, Pietro? - you asked mildly irritated when he gave you another judgmental look. But then he looked surprised.
- I don't really know.
You frowned.
- Excuse me?
Pietro let out a sigh and put the can of soda he was holding on the table.
- I don't know what you did. - He tells. - All I know is that Wanda is upset. And then so am I.
You raised your fingers to press them between your eyebrows, feeling a headache forming.
- I swear to God. - You complain. - I don't know what I did! She won't tell me!
- Damn it, don't look at me. I didn't even knew you two had fights! - He grumbles awkwardly. - When was the last time you were even angry with Wanda?
You laughed, tucking your hair back.
- Today I think. - You joked. - I don't really know, I never liked to fight with her.
- Then you must have really fucked up. - He remarks, and you let out a grumble, putting your arms on the table and sinking your head into them. - Maybe it has something to do with you coming over to the house drunk.
You raise your head quickly in surprise.
- What did you say?
Pietro blinks at you in confusion and lets out a short laugh.
- Girl, you showed up in our backyard, completely drunk at two o'clock in the morning. - Pietro tells. - You even went for the wrong window.
You let out a surprised exclamation.
- You're shitting me! 
Pietro laughed and denied it with his head.
- I don't know what you talked about, but when Wanda came back inside she was crying. - he says seriously. - She wouldn't tell me what it was, and I think that if I hadn't gotten up to get some water, she wouldn't have told me.
You let out a grumble and shoved your hands to your face, trying to remember. Too many flashbacks from last night came into your head. The party, the dancing, you in a triple kiss with Thor and Valkyrie, and a lot of drinking. And then you remembered the smell of Wanda's shampoo, and finally you knew.
You stood up abruptly from your chair, and Pietro looked at you in surprise, Tony and Steve who were talking next to you also looked at you and Steve asked if everything was okay, but you just nodded in shock at them and ran out of the cafeteria.
You needed to find Wanda, and clear everything up. She was too important to lose.
You look all over the school for her, and even after the bell rings, you don't go to class. You end up outside, on the soccer field.
And then you see her, sitting on the bleachers, looking straight ahead.
You smile, because she is in the same place where you met as children. As you walk up to her you remember:
“You were in the first grade, and you were playing hide and seek with the other kids at break time. And when you tried to sneak into the bleachers of the soccer field, you bumped into someone.
- I'm sorry. - you said, and looked at the girl in front of you. She frowned and looked down at her hands. You followed her eyes to notice the small kitten in her hands. - Wow, you brought your cat to school?
- I found him. - She answered, stroking the animal. - He was crying.
You moved closer to pet him too, and smiled when he began to purr.
- Maybe he's cold. - You said. - Where is his mother?
The girl shrugged.
- Do you want to help me find her? - She asked, and you smiled.
- Of course. - You agreed, offering to carry the animal, and the girl accepted. - My name is Y/N by the way. What is your name?
- Wanda.
You walked side by side out of the bleachers.”
You sat down next to Wanda, but she kept looking straight ahead. You bit the inside of her cheek, trying to think of exactly what to say. 
- I guess I have to apologize to you. - You said, and Wanda let out a dry laugh.
- is that so?
- But I'm not sorry for anything.
Wanda blinks in confusion, and looks at you with a frown. You look at her seriously.
- I will not apologize for my feelings.
- I'm not going to do that. - She declares, getting up, and walking off the bleachers onto the field, you follow her.
- You're going to keep running then? - You shout. - I love you! I love you!
- Stop saying that! - She shouts back as she turns around. You notice the tears in her eyes. - Stop it!
You take a deep breath, and try to calm the nervousness that is coursing all over your body.
- Why is this so bad? - You ask almost hurt, and Wanda lets out a wry laugh.
- Because I know you! - she replies, holding back her tears. - I know you don't date anyone! You go out, and you have fun, and then you leave! And I can't do that! - she finally lets the tears flow. - Not when I've been in love with you all my life.
Wanda lets out a shaky sigh at the confession and you lose your breath. 
- W-what...
- I can't do this. - She says turning to leave, you rush to run and get in front of her, and she takes two steps backwards nervously.
- Please listen to me. - You asked with desperation in your voice. - I love you. I do, please, Wanda. 
Wanda shakes her head, covering her ears with her hands and closing her eyes. You sigh, and wipe your own eyes. You take a deep breath, and walk over to her, tenderly touching her wrists to pull her hands away from her ears. At first she is startled by your touch, but she allows it, but doesn't look at you. You swallow dryly.
- Wanda, I've always been in love with you. - You confess, and she looks up in confusion. - From the first moment I saw you, I loved you.
- You...
- I never thought I had a chance with someone as amazing as you. - You tell her with a sad smile. - And then I found ways to distract myself from it. I'm sorry for hurting you. I never meant for that to happen.
Wanda lets out a sigh, and buries her head in your neck as she hugs you. 
- Please don't hurt me. - She whispers against your skin. You press her against you.
- I promise.
You hold each other for long minutes, and then Wanda smiles against your neck. 
- Kiss me. - She asks softly, making your whole body shiver in anticipation. You smile as you pull away only to bring your faces together. Your lips meet in a quiet, soft kiss, and you both smile. 
You think you finally understand all the romantic songs in the world.
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falcqns · 3 years
so beautiful to me
pairing: baby daddy!Chris Evans x Mom!Reader
summary: despite being broken up and coparenting, Chris still want to show you how much he loves you.
warnings: 18+ ONLY! Smut, fingering, oral (f receiving), angst, fluff.
a/n: kind of like the chris version of Harper?? idk?? based of my night with my baby daddy bc he’s been trying to win me back and it’s working 😭🥺 hope you enjoy!
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you’d had a rough day. you'd had to take over jobs that weren't yours at work, you got into a fight with your best friend because you couldn't go out tonight, and your most recent date had been awful because you "weren't up to the guys standards." you were done with everyone and everything, and on top of that, you had to hand your daughter over to her father for the weekend.
Chris could tell something was off from the moment he opened the door. you looked on the verge of tears, and he knew passing little May off definitely wasn’t helping.
he pulled you inside with him, and he took May from your arms. she was set on the ground, and was immediately greeted by Dodger. he wrapped his arms around you, and waited. sure enough, he felt wet tears soak his shirt a few seconds later, and he stood firm, holding you in the hug he knew you desperately needed.
“are you okay?” he asked, and you shook your head.
“i’ve had a god awful day and on top of that i have to leave her for the weekend. i’m not saying that you don’t deserve to have her because you do and you’re an amazing father i just wish-“ you started, but was cut off when Chris picked May up and led you and her into the living room.
“stay here. i’m sure May would love to have both her parents in one place for a few days,” he reasoned and you nodded.
“thank you.” you whispered, and Chris lifted your chin with his fingers. “you’re welcome.” he said, pressing a kiss to your forehead. you felt a warmth spread through your body, and a pull you hadn’t felt in months, a pull to be held and loved by him.
Chris seemed to feel it too, and he pulled you back into a hug, his hands tangling in your hair. you inhaled the familiar and homey scent of Chris, and felt all you stress melt away.
after a few minutes, May became impatient and hungry, and you two pulled apart. he told you to sit on the couch with May and watch tv while he made dinner.
you could see in the reflection of the glass that Chris would glance over at the two of you with a smile while he cooked, and it made you hopeful.
you didn’t want to get your hopes up, and everything turn bad once more, but you still loved him. you’d never denied that, even through the breakup, but you both thought it would be better if you were split up.
he called you to the dinner table, and you gasped when you saw he made your favourite dinner with your favourite side dishes. you felt your cheeks heat up when he wrapped his arms around your waist and pressed a kiss to your cheek before lifting May into her high chair.
you guys sat down to eat, and he asked you what's wrong.
you shrugged. "just a rough day at work," you lied. he looked like he didn't believe it, but didn't push.
"anything I can do to help?" he asked. you shook your head.
you loved that about him. he could tell when you needed him to fix something completely or when you just needed advice, or even when you just needed someone to comfort you and listen.
you watched in amazement as he told you to go relax, and he cleaned up dinner. you took May into the living room and turned on a show. you dozed off a little while later, and when you woke up, the living room was dark, and you could hear Chris upstairs.
he came down. few minutes later, and smiled when he realized you were awake. you looked around for your daughter, and your heart rate sped up when you realized that she wasn't there.
"where's May?" you asked, and Chris walked over, and held his hand out for you. "she's been bathed and put to bed. she's snoozing away with Dodger right now." he said as he helped you up, and wrapped his arms around you.
"lets go to bed, okay?" he suggested, and you nodded, leaning into him a little bit. "okay," you whispered out, and Chris smiled into your hair.
he led you up the stairs and into the familiar bedroom. you didn't have any clothes so Chris gave you one of his shirts to wear. you'd just walked into the bathroom when you realized that you didn't have any toiletries. Chris walked back in and smiled when he saw your confused face.
"here," he said, and led you over to one of the drawers. when you opened it, it was full of all your toiletries. "I always keep some of yours here just in case you need them," he said, and you blinked, and realized you had tears in your eyes. you turned to face him and his brows furrowed in confusion.
you threw your hands around his neck and sobbed into his chest. "t-thank you," you sobbed out, and Chris chuckled, before wrapping his arms around you to soothe you. he lifted you up, and sat you on the counter, before pulling away slightly, and making eye contact with you.
"what's really going on?" he asked in a soft voice, his thumbs rubbing the tear soaked skin of your cheeks.
your chin trembled, and you finally told him what was wrong. when you got to the part about 'not being up to your dates standards', he scoffed.
his eyes drifted down to your lips, and stayed locked there while he spoke. "that's insane. you're the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on. even when you were crying and cursing me out during labor," you laughed at that. "you were still the most beautiful girl in the world to me. you still are, and you always will be." he said, and nudged your nose with his, giving you butterfly kisses.
"I know we're not together anymore, but I still love you. so so much. if you let me, I'll show you how truly beautiful I find you. would you let me?" he whispered, his eyes still locked on your lips.
your breathing became heavier. you didn't exactly know what he meant by 'showing how truly beautiful he finds you,' but you were eager to find out, no matter what it ended up being. you looked up at him and nodded. a smirk spread on his luscious lips, and he bent down and pressed his against yours.
you moaned into the kiss, and Chris's hands traveled from your face, down your sides, and onto your thighs. he gripped your body, and lifted you up. he carried you into his room, and laid you on his bed, all without breaking the kiss.
once your back touched the bed, he hovered over you, and broke the kiss for only a moment. he turned his face slightly, and pressed his lips back to yours, his tongue sliding over yours. his lips left your mouth, and left a trail of wet kissed down your neck, that caused you to arch your back and moan. as he reached the top of your (his) shirt, and stopped and crouched in between your legs.
he lifted them over his shoulder, and pressed wet kisses to the baby soft skin he found there, not breaking eye contact with you.
"let me make you feel good?" he asked, and you nodded, your breaths quickening. he smiled, and pressed kisses from your knee up until his nose reached the soaked fabric of your underwear. he pressed a kiss to your centre, and smiled when you squirmed above him.
he looped his fingers into the elastic of your underwear, and pulled them down your legs. when he made eye contact with you again, his eyes were darkened with lust. he pressed kissed up your slit before his lips attached themselves to your clit and you grasped his head with a cry.
“fuck!” you exclaimed, your legs falling slack as he continued his attack on your pussy. you felt one of his fingers pressing at your entranced, before sliding in. he rubbed your walls with his finger before sliding another in. once your body was used to it, he arched his fingers up and rubbed your g spot.
you cried out as he pulled orgasm after orgasm out of you that night. you lose count after 3, and eventually passed out from the sheer force of your last one.
when you woke up the next morning, you were curled up in Chris's arms, your head on his chest. you moved slightly to get a good look at his face, and your shuffling woke him up.
he gave you a smile, and you returned it.
"I've missed waking up like this." you said, and Chris nodded in agreement.
"so have i. I've missed you so much, I just didn't know how much until I saw how upset you were last night." he said, and you snuggled in closer to him, relishing in the quiet morning before May would wake up.
"thank you for making me feel better." you said, and you pressed a kiss to his lips. Chris deepened the kiss, and rolled you on your back.
he broke the kiss and looked in your eyes. "I can do it again if you promise you'll give us a second chance,"
you smiled as warmth spread through your belly at his words. "of course. I love you too much to let you go again."
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@kpopgirlbtssvt @nerdypinupcrystal @sohoseb
@bieberhoodforever @est19xxshit
Chris Evans:
@anna-bailey @talksoprettyjjx
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robinofinashiro · 3 years
drabble: daiya boys getting jealous to you wearing another guys jersey ! 
characters: multiple characters x fem! reader
request status: OPENED / all fandoms pinned to the top of my blog as well as rules and req status! happy sending! 
Miyuki Kazuya: 
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- mans so confused? why are you wearing Eijun’s jersey. he had specifically gotten you a jersey that had his number for you to wear and the fact that you were wearing his pitchers jersey was completely throwing him off. especially because it was a game day and you were helping the girls with their cheering today and he wanted you to be in his jersey while you did it. 
- you were talking with Eijun and Nori, trying to get their pre-game jitters to settle the tf down. it didn’t even seem like you bothered by the fact that you wearing Eijun’s jersey and although Miyuki did not want to cause a scene, a part of him wanted a explanation. 
- as he was about to walk to you for an explanation, you got dragged away by the girls as he was called onto the field. he saw you a bit later on the stands, you were talking with the girls, every so often, the in field camera would pan to you and show off you wearing Eijun’s jersey. his eye continuously twitched at it and it wasn’t until the end of the game when he finally got the chance to approach you about it. 
- “why are you in his jersey?” he asked, lifting the jersey as if it was dirty. you laughed, sensing that he wanted you to take it off so you did, “i got Red Bull over the spare one you gave me and Eijun offered to take me to the locker room to get another one of yours but i guess i grabbed his spare by accident,” you laughed. Miyuki sighed understandingly but took his sweaty jersey off and putting it on you, “yours stinks you know,” you told him, giggling at his possessiveness, “i know but i’d rather you smell like dirty me than to have that idiot smelling line you.” you laughed, kissing his cheek as you heard a few of the girls call you over to catch dinner, “i’ll see you after dinner!” you screamed as he watched you, finally satisfied that you were wearing his jersey now. 
kuramochi youichi: 
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- you thought you got off easy with miyuki? MANS WAS PISSED. you were adorning Shinji’s jersey when he had specifically given his to you. kuramochi walked up to you, seeing you talking to a few of your friends in front of your home room. he didn’t even ask, he practically dragged you over to a corner. 
- “what up with the jersey?” he asked, pointing to Shinji’s number. you rolled your eyes, “um, this is the one you gave me? what the hell are you on?” you asked, trying to see the number. he shook his head, “the fuck it’s not. you’re wearing Shinji’s jersey!” he exclaimed, “take it off,” he stated, as he yanked your back pack off you and watched you annoyingly take it off.
- kuramochi looked at the time. you had about ten minutes before class started and that gave him enough time, “come with me,” he said, dragging you out of the hallway and basically darting to the boys baseball locker room. you were screaming at him, asking him where the hell he was dragging you off too. it wasn’t until you saw the boys locker room approaching when you finally realized. 
- he told you to wait a second and not even a minute after, he walked out of the locker room, holding his jersey in his hand and throwing Shinji’s into the hallway, not caring where it landed. Mochi put it on for you, making sure his number was showing. you looked at him and saw a blush on his cheek, realizing that he was flustered by how you looked with his jersey on. 
- you leaned up, giving him a kiss on the lips before smiling, “i like this one better,” you giggled. he gave you a hearty laugh, before returning the kiss, “you better because it’s mine,” he said in-between kisses. the kiss seemed to go on longer than you had realized as the two of you heard the two minute bell ring off, “race you to home room,” you told him as the two of you basically darted off to class. 
Narumiya Mei: 
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- GODDD, you got the whiniest of the bunch, omfg. he sees you wearing Carlos’s jersey and he immediately starts getting dramatic. he complains to Itsuki about why aren’t you wearing his and when he finally approaches you, you could see the whiny look on his face, “why are you wearing Carlos’s jersey!” he said. 
- “i decided to wear everyone’s jersey as a way to support the team as the manager,” you said, not bothering to play into his attitude. he could tell you were annoyed by his attitude and figured since you were being this way, two could play this game. he knew you found his fan girls annoying as FUCK so he went to the common area and immediately got flocked with attention. 
- you had walked into that same area to get a water for yourself and saw the commotion around Narumiya. you saw the way girls were basically hanging off of him and realized this was his way of revenge for wearing Carlos’s jersey. you felt slightly annoyed, kinda jealous but knew the best way to get him back for it. and that way was to openly flirt with Carlos when he finally made his way to the dugout. 
- once you got Carlos into the plan, he waited until Narumiya arrived to take his shirt off in front of you. you had seen this plenty of times before but acted ‘flustered’ to get a reaction from Narumiya...which is exactly what you got. you flustered expression around Carlos made Narumiya pissed as he saw Carlos basically laying it on thick. he was being extremely flirty around you and even wrapping his arm around you for a few seconds at a time until Narumiya finally had enough. 
- he, without hesitation, took off his own playing jersey and yanked Carlos’s off, “wear it....now,” he stated, darkened jealous eyes showing. you had never expected his reaction from him before but giving yourself the benefit of the doubt, you slipped his on but still saw the expression written on his face, “we’ll deal with this later,” he murmured as crashed his lips onto yours, giving everyone in the dugout a free show. you were stunned with silence as Narumiya let you go and wiped away the lipstick you wearing in front of Carlos. 
Sanada Shunpei: 
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- you were wearing Todoroki’s jersey and frankly, he was upset but not as much as he should’ve been bc i mean, it was Todoroki, you couldn’t get mad at that cinnamon roll for a long time. it was hard when Raichi was basically a walking two legged version of the sun but that was besides the point, he hated seeing you wearing another number that wasn’t his. 
- you were talking to Todoroki, giving him a few tips on how to keep his bat in decent care when Sanada finally approached the two of you. he had a tight lipped smile as he sat next to you and putting his hand on your thigh and giving it a tight squeeze, causing you to squeal slightly in the process. Todoroki hadn’t noticed as he continued to blabber on about his precious bat. 
- finally, his dad had called him over for something, causing Todoroki to run over there as Sanada looked down to you, “what up with Todoroki’s jersey?” he asked, making sure he emphasized his name. you shrugged, still smiling at him, “felt like supporting him,” you explained, “he’s like a little brother to me and i wanted to make sure he knew he had someone’s support on the stands.” Sanada’s heart fluttered, any sign of jealousy leaving his body as he heard what you were saying. 
- he loved the fact that you were so sisterly to Raichi. there would be days where you would bring all three of you lunch on the field as you knew that if Raichi didn’t eat school lunch, he’d practically be running on a banana diet for the entirety of the day and you were not about to have that happening. 
- you leaned up, giving him a quick peck on the lips, “don’t worry, the only other person’s jersey i would wear is yours,” you whispered into his ear, “and if you win today’s game, you can see me in just that and nothing else.” Sanada instantly perked up up, agreeing to what you were saying as he got dragged up from the bench by a few of his teammates. 
hongou masamune: 
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- he’s seething and that doesn’t even begin to explain it. one of the first things he did as your bf was give you his jersey to make a statement that you were his and to back THE FUCK off and now here you were, wearing Renji’s jersey for some god awful reason. he knew Renji was his best friend but seeing you wearing Renji’s jersey just ticked him off more than usual. 
- Hongou approached you, dragging you away from the team as you tugged yourself back, trying to get him to explain why tf you were getting dragged away from everyone. when he finally got you to himself, he didn’t even hesitate to yank off Renji’s jersey, “why?” was all he asked as you sighed in disbelief, “why am I wearing Renji’s jersey?” you asked as he nodded, “because i lost a bet with the fucking idiot and my punishment was to wear his jersey to a game.” 
- Hongou didn’t really like the idea of this bet so he practically gripped his best friend’s jersey and took his off in the process, “you’re wearing mine and that’s final,” he stated, walking back to the loccker room to get his spare jersey from his stall. he shrugged his on as the two of you walked back to the team and he practically whipped Renji’s jersey back to him, “take yours back idiot,” he screamed to Renji making you laugh. 
- you shrugged, not really knowing what to say to Renji as he was caught off guard, “told you he’d react that way!” you exclaimed, laughing now, “you act like you don’t know your own best friend,” Renji silently agreed knowing you were right. you saw Hongou on the field, practicing extra harsh as you silently apologized to the other team for the ass kicking they were about to receive bc of Hongou. 
- you waved to Hongou throughout the game, whispering ‘i love you’s’ you him to try and get him to calm down but you knew that was no use. being Hongou’s gf meant that you were going to have to get used to dealing with his constant angry attitude and you knew that nine times out of ten, you were going to repay for your little bet with Renji bc of it. Hongou’s punishments on the other hand weren’t as bad as you liked to make it seem tho. you usually got some pretty good aftercare from him when it was all said and done. 
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nugnthopkns · 3 years
i wish i could disappear
word count: 3.6k
warnings: explicit!fem reader, cursing, feelings of anxiety due to social media harassment, invasion of privacy that border on stalking
recommended listening: brutal | olivia rodrigo
series masterpost: here
a/n: and we're off to the races!! i love this album and olivia so much. there's a shoutout to goon by tobias jesso jr. in here bc it's my favourite album to cry to lmao (highly recommend giving it a listen!). i'm on the fence about this one but am posting it anyways because i don't think i can make it any better
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How the fuck do people find your social media?
All of your accounts are private and Kevin makes sure to never tag you on the rare occasion he posts a picture of the two of you together. The wives and girlfriends who have public accounts make sure to never post about you, and you’re careful not to comment on posts often. You’re a private person and though you understand that due to the nature of your relationship with Kevin you intrigue some fans, you don’t want to give them more than you have to.
Despite making no attempt to open up to the public or media, every day you wake up with hundreds of follow requests from complete strangers. At first it was a little exciting knowing that people were curious about your life but after years of the same routine it’s become draining. It takes you nearly twenty minutes each day to weed through them and accept only the people you know personally. Kevin doesn’t actually know how many people want to catch a glimpse of your daily life because you do your best to keep it from him. Knowing would only bring him stress, and you want him to be able to focus on winning games and loving you with his entire heart.
The phone on your desk rings loudly, pulling your attention away from the computer screen that has way too many numbers on it for your liking. The finance department needed someone to proof their audit before sending it away and since you’re the only one in human relations that has a business degree the job landed on your shoulders. Eager to take a break, you pick it up and press the receiver against your ear.
The voice on the other side laughs gently, but you immediately know it’s Kevin. “Hi sweetheart,” he says warmly, “How’s work?”
“Fine I guess. It’s work, Kev. Nothing terribly exciting happens here,” you explain but continue to fill him in on all the coffee pot gossip you got this morning. Kevin listens as you complain about forgetting your lunch on the counter and chuckles at how upset the situation makes you.
“What if I told you I’m outside your window with a burrito bowl?”
Excited at the possibility of seeing your boyfriend before dinnertime, you whip towards the window and spot Kevin on the sidewalk, waving like an idiot despite knowing your office is on the fifth floor. You hang up quickly after telling him you’ll be down in two minutes and let the receptionist know you’re stepping out for lunch. There’s a line for the elevator so you head to the stairwell, taking them two at a time in your haste. You’re crossing the street to the small park where Kevin has set up a picnic before your co-workers are even out the door.
You plop down on the blanket beside Kevin and lean into him. He presses a sweet kiss to your forehead before passing you the food he brought. You take a bite, sighing at the taste. Kevin knows you better than you know yourself and knew exactly what to get that would satisfy your mounting hunger.
“Thanks babe,” you smile, holding up your fork and offering him a bite. He takes it graciously but makes a face. “What’s the matter?” you laugh as you take the utensil back.
“I fucking hate avocado.”
The two of you eat in relative silence, speaking only when you remember a detail from your morning. Kevin tells you about the drills he’s going to lead at practice in the afternoon and what he plans on cooking for dinner since he’ll be home before you. You insist you can whip something up when you get home but Kevin shakes his head. He reminds you that relationships are give and take, and that you’ve made dinner the past three nights because he had a string of games. You manage to reach a compromise that has you doing the dishes before you have to return to work.
Kevin insists on walking you back to your office even though you protest vehemently. Your relationship is far from secret, and has been the topic of workplace gossip more times than you can count, but after five years you’ve learned to ignore most of it. However, you don’t want your co-workers to think you flaunt your NHL player boyfriend to prove you’re better than them. They all love Kevin, and a couple of them congratulate him on last night’s goal as he follows you down the hall. A few of the newer hires stare in awe and shake his hand, completely blown away that one of Philadelphia’s biggest stars is asking how they like their jobs.
“Pretty soon they’re going to approach you to do PR for us,” you chuckle as you flip the light on and close the door of your office.
His laughter echoes off the walls as a pair of strong arms find a home around your waist. “It would be kind of fun to hear myself crush those radio commercials.”
“Since when do you listen to the radio?”
“Checkmate,” Kevin sighs, pulling you closer. He kisses you quickly, not wanting to give a show to anyone who could be walking past, but it still sends you reeling. You don’t want him to pull away and kiss him again.
You get your way for a few more moments and then Kevin’s leaving with a promise to not burn the house down and wishes for a good rest of the day. Focussed on giving the audit its final once-over you don’t bother pulling your phone from the drawer you had placed it in when you got to work that morning. You turn up the small radio at the corner of your desk and get to work scanning the document for errors. There’s a mistake halfway through that skews the rest of the data and fixing it takes a bit of time, but it isn’t a huge deal. You have nothing else to do except answer a few emails and organize meetings for after the weekend.
An hour or so later you’ve completed all your tasks and debate what to do. It’s too early to leave for the day, so you decide to kill time by checking your phone. You’re expecting a few notifications, perhaps two or three memes in the group chat you share with your friends, but not the hundreds that greet you.
The majority of them are instagram notifications, and assuming they’re just more fans requesting a follow you ignore them, instead heading to your text messages. There’s a picture from Kevin of a dog he found walking home and another from your mom asking why you haven’t called home in a few weeks. However the one from Claude’s wife is the one that piques your curiosity.
Just a heads up that someone posted a pic of you and Kev to one of those stupid wag pages. I filed a request for Instagram to take it down but it’s gotten a lot of traction. Sorry :((
Your heartbeat increases rapidly and a million thoughts fly through your head at a rapid speed. Fingers shaking, you respond with a thanks and open up the dreaded app. You don’t see it immediately, your feed being full of photos belonging to friends and family, but it’s in your messages almost two hundred times. Many of them have text attached and you know there will be a comment about your relationship regardless of which one you open.
Tapping on the most recent message you brace yourself for the worst. The new window opens a photo someone took of you and Kevin while eating lunch in the park across from your office not even three hours prior. It’s grainy and the camera angle is strange, but you’re eating and Kevin is looking somewhere out of frame. The accompanying caption reads Kev and his girlfriend out for lunch today! Follow @philllywagupdates for more :).
You let out a sigh of relief – it could have been a lot worse. Personal pictures of yourself have made it onto pages like that before and most of them they’re paired with mean-spirited captions about your appearance or other trivial matters. Assuming you’re in the clear, you head back to the page of the original message to thank the person for bringing the post to your attention. However, the message accompanying the post is anything but positive.
He can’t even fucking look at you. It’s only a matter of time before he leaves you
The blood in your veins runs cold. You know it’s not true – Kevin’s made it clear you’re the one and truthfully you’re just waiting for a ring – but it doesn’t stop the sting you feel. What could possess someone to say such horrible things? You decide not to respond despite, possibly opening another can of worms with the seen function, and close the app. Leaning back in your office chair you focus on anything but your phone, looking out the window at passersby while regaining your breath. It works for a while, but eventually not knowing what others said eats away at you. You go through every single message to see hundreds of similar comments to the first, with only a few saying they’re glad you’re happy or how posting the picture is a violation of your privacy.
By the time you’re finished your spirit has been crushed. However, it’s also an acceptable time to start the weekend – at least no one in the office will have to see you cry. Things are hastily packed into your bag and you wave a few quick goodbyes before once again taking the stairs. You curse yourself for deciding to walk to work that morning and set off in the direction of home wiping away tears. The last thing you need right now is for someone to recognize you, but you have to get home. Tobias Jesso Jr plays at much too loud a volume through your headphones and Kevin will most certainly remind you it’s bad for your hearing, but the melancholy piano riffs of Goon overpower the thoughts swirling around your head.
Do people really feel that way about me?
Are my friends just too nice to stop inviting me places?
Does Kevin really feel trapped?
Hundreds of similar sentiments and situations cross your mind as you stumble through the streets of downtown Philadelphia, but you force them as far back as possible before opening the door to the apartment you share with Kevin. Hoping to slip inside undetected, you take your shoes off slowly and throw your jacket on the end table instead of hanging it in the closet. Your plan fails somehow and Kevin hears you, greeting you in a goofy apron covered in flour.
“Hey sweetheart,” he smiles, but it drops once your eyes meet and he sees the hurt on your face. “What’s the matter?”
“It’s nothing,” you insist, trying to step around him in pursuit of the bathroom.
Kevin doesn’t buy it and sees right through your feeble words. “It’s not nothing if you’re this upset. If you don’t want to talk now that’s fine, but I think you should get it off your chest.”
You know he’s right, but you also know you can’t tell him the true cause of your despair. “Just some work stuff,” you sigh. “The audit got all fucked up and I had to fix it even though it’s not my job.”
It’s not technically a lie, which makes you feel better, and Kevin buys it. He presses a sweet kiss to your lips in sympathy. “Go take a shower and the gnocchi should be ready by the time you’re done. We can spend the night cuddling on the couch.”
“And watching Selling Sunset?”
“We can watch whatever you want sweetheart,” he chuckles. You part from him with a final kiss and head to the bathroom. Hopefully the steam from the water will carry away the negativity brought on by that damn post.
Time passes but the hateful comments on social media don’t stop. In fact, you’re pretty sure they get worse. It’s so bad that you’ve deleted every app except facebook because you need it for work. Kevin doesn’t notice your abstinence from social media, but he picks up on how you spend more time criticizing yourself or staring off into space. When he pushes you either brush him off or feed some bullshit excuse about how work is getting you down. You know he doesn’t believe you but trusts you enough to come to him when you’re ready to talk.
You aren’t sure if you’ll ever be able to tell Kevin what’s been going on. There’s been scrutiny from social media before, when you first started dating, but it quieted down after the initial media frenzy. He helped you through that but it’s different this time around. Never before have you had strangers tell you your life is worthless or that your boyfriend should end your relationship. Some of the other wags notice your absence on instagram but chalk it up to you just taking a break. They reach out via the group chat and send wishes to see you at the next home game. It’s nice to know they care, but the voice in your head that has grown much larger in recent weeks tells you they don’t truly mean it. This leads you to decline the invite as politely as possible, citing extended work hours for your absence. In reality you’re too anxious to be anywhere that isn’t home or work, petrified someone is going to post something that will add fuel to the flames of those who interrogate you.
It’s another Friday afternoon, and you’re leaving the office early once again. There’s a small craft exhibition taking place around the corner from work and today is the last day it’s open. You had been meaning to go all week, hoping to find something small to add to Kevin’s birthday gift. As you step out of the building there’s a small group of young women, who don’t look old enough to have graduated college, standing off to the side. It fills you with dread, worried that somehow someone found out where you work and the insults are going to start occurring verbally, but you force yourself to be rational. You work fairly close to one of the artsier districts in the city and it’s more than likely they just want to find a cute mural to take pictures in front of.
You pass by and swear you hear them snicker, but you remind yourself you’ve just been jumpy lately. When they peel from their place on the wall and follow behind at a distance you think the coincidences are running out. It seems a little too strange how their movements line up with yours, and you go down a few winding side streets in an attempt to lose them. Part of you feels ridiculous because what group of barely legal girls would track a full-blown adult around a city of nearly two million people, but your life is currently strange enough you can’t be sure. They don’t follow you, and by the time you reach the market your heart rate has returned to normal.
The first few stalls have little to catch your eye, but a few rows in you find a leatherworker who makes adorable wallets. Kevin’s is ridiculously old and falling apart at the seams – his mom bought it for him before the two of you got together. You think a new one will make a perfect addition to the concert tickets you already bought and browse the table for something simple and elegant. A deep brown one with tan braiding around the edges catches your eye and you know it’s the one for Kevin. Checking the price to make sure you have enough cash in your wallet, you approach the shop owner to purchase. The older man has a kind smile that reaches his eyes as he thanks you for purchasing from him.
“No, thank you for making something so beautiful!” you gush. “My boyfriend is going to love it.”
It’s then you hear it – snickering accompanied by the click of a camera. You look over your shoulder to see the same group of girls from before laughing as they huddle over a cell phone, no doubt already starting to broadcast the photo across the internet. Tears prick at the corners of your eyes but you refuse to let them fall. Those girls don’t deserve to see their mission accomplished, but the longer they laugh at you the harder it is to swallow your feelings.
Head held high, you thank the owner one more time before holding your head high and walking past the group. The only way out is past them so you hold your breath and pray they don’t notice you. Unfortunately you aren’t that lucky, and one of them looks up just as you come into earshot.
“If Kevin doesn’t leave you after that sorry excuse for a gift I don’t know what’s wrong with him,” she sneers.
Another one chimes in, “You’re honestly so pathetic.” They all cackle in amusement, and you speed up. The tears flow freely now, and you call an uber even though it will be a ridiculous amount of money. You just want to get home.
The uber driver doesn’t say anything when you get in, though you know it’s strange to be bawling your eyes out at four in the afternoon. You can’t help it – weeks of keeping all the hate to yourself finally got to you and being followed with the sole intent of ridicule is the final straw. At one red light he silently passes you a box of tissues, which you accept gratefully.
Luckily the lobby of your apartment complex is empty and you manage to get to your floor without encountering a familiar face. There’s a few hours until Kevin gets home from his final roadtrip of the season, and if you play your cards right you can get all the tears out and be as normal as possible before he comes through the door. You don’t even bother to put anything away, just head straight to the bathroom to slump against the tub. Sobs rack your body and you lose all sense of time. All you can feel is the hurt you’ve been holding in releasing itself and soaking the material of your blouse.
Kevin finds you laying in the position hours later. He tripped over your shoes coming in the door and immediately knew something was wrong – you always place them neatly on the rack in the closet upon arriving home. Peering through the quiet house for a hint at where you are, he sees the bathroom light on and makes a beeline for the room. It breaks his heart to see you like this, and even more so because he doesn’t know what spurred it on.
“Sweetheart, hey,” he coos, maneuvering his body to sit beside you and pull you into his lap. “What’s the matter?”
You bury your head in his shoulder and clutch the material of his dress shirt as you cry harder at the sound of his voice. Kevin takes your reaction in stride, rubbing circles on your back and working on evening out your breath. He doesn’t pressure you to speak and provides the stability you desperately crave as the world around you spins. An unknown amount of time passes before your tears run out, but spend it all on the bathroom floor curled into Kevin.
“I guess I should have told you sooner,” you mumble, “But I didn’t want to bother you.”
Concern laces Kevin’s features and his eyebrows knit together. “Tell me what?”
“I, uh, have been the subject of some internet hate for the past little bit,” you say sheepishly. It feels stupid to not have told him now, but you can’t change that. “But you were really busy with the season and I wanted to make sure your head was completely focused on the game so I just dealt with it myself. I deleted the apps and tried my best to go about my life. And then today after work I was followed by some people and they said some really hurtful stuff and shit became a little too real.”
“I’m so fucking sorry.”
It’s your turn to be confused. “Why are you sorry Kev? You're Not the one sending me death threats.”
He tucks a loose strand of hair back into your ponytail. “Maybe not, but I still made you feel like you couldn’t talk to me about what was going on. What kind of partner am I?”
“The best one,” you say confidently. “It’s okay, I’m okay. I just want to forget about it right now. Can we just disappear for a little bit?”
Kevin wraps his arms around you tighter, as if he can engulf you to protect from the cruel outside world. “We can do whatever you want. If you want to get out of the city for a bit if you want, or just spend the next few days here away from prying eyes.”
“I love you.”
You say it because you mean it, and if you could scream it from the rooftops you would. Kevin is incredibly easy to love, even when you make it difficult for him to love you back. You know another much longer conversation is coming about everything that has happened recently because communication is the only way to solve problems and Kevin deserves that, but you’re thankful he’s willing to put it to rest for a few more moments.
He cracks a smile for the first time since he’s been home and kisses the crown of your head. “I love you too sweetheart,” he whispers, “Always and forever.”
Things are far from over and though you still never want to show your face in public ever again, you know that Kevin is going to do whatever he can to make things better and that’s enough for you.
taglist: @ricohenrique @tortito @boqvistsbabe @iwantahockeyhimbo @himbos-on-ice @2manytabsopen if you want to be added just shoot me an ask :)
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damn-stark · 3 years
Arranged hearts ch.1
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Kylo Ren x reader
Requested by anon “Can I request a fluff kylo ren x reader where they are already married (bc she was forced, but she accepted) and she has a secret that she hasn’t told kylo, and that is she has the darksaber and she’s force sensitive, and so one day someone comes up to the reader and challenges her so they can have the saber, she accepts and kylo is forced to watch and she wins and I don’t know what happens in end you can decide.”
A/N- Let me know what you thought...I really liked this request and I think this could be a nice series :)
Warning- Violence, some fluff, talks of blood, swearing, angst
There had been secrets you had withheld from Kylo Ren. Important secrets that you didn’t plan on sharing with him because of the dilemma you were forced to be put into.
Not like marrying him has been much of a problem. At first he was intimidating, he was a big man, dressed in overly dark clothes with a cracked lightsaber in hand, and a dark reputation. But once you were at his side, living in his star destroyer, he was quiet, he let you have your own space and didn’t pester you.
Kylo, like you, never wanted to get married. You both didn’t want this forced life, but you had to live it.
But it’s because of your reserved life that you fell into the problem you did.
A knock sounded on your door and you hesitated to open it, you knew exactly who it was, he was the only one whoever came to your door. So you walked towards the door, but stopped as you let your hand hover over the control board and talked to him from behind the door. “Leave! I don’t want to talk to you.”
There's a moment of silence outside the door, it lets you believe that he had walked away, but then his fist pounds on the door and you prove yourself wrong. “Open the door, y/n!”
You drop your hand back to your side and shake your head even if you knew he couldn’t see it. “No, go away!”
“I’ll ask one more time before I force this door open. So open it, or I will!”
You hesitate again and rest your forehead on the door, clenching your fist and letting out a deep sigh. You drop your eyes to the ground and see his shadow peeking through the doorway creak. You have the growing urge to walk off and see if he’d actually do it, but at the last minute you decide to go easy on him. “You could ask nicer!”
You hear Kylo’s frustrated sigh outside the door, but he nonetheless decides to play along with you through gritted teeth. “Open. The. Door. Please.”
Pushing yourself away from the door, you push a single button to open the door, seeing his tall looming figure stiffly standing before you with an upset scowl on his features. You cross your arms over your chest and raise a brow to question his intentions. “What do you want? I'm busy.”
“You lied,” he sneered bitterly, stomping towards you and making you step back so his chest won’t collide with yours. “Your family, and you lied to me.”
You furrowed your eyebrows and narrowed your gaze on his dark eyes, feeling his anger radiate off him like strong waves, but not knowing what it was he was accusing you about. “What are you talking about?”
“The Darksaber you possess, the fact that you’re force-sensitive.” He seethed.
You scoff at his comment and instead of continuing to back away, you stand your ground and pierce your gaze into him. “Why do you think I was forced to come to this hell of a place? To leave my life behind and marry a man I hate?! It’s obvious that I’m force sensitive, I never lied, you’ve just never taken your time to get to know me. Or know why I, out of all the other eligible women in my clan, was chosen to marry you.” You frustratedly point at his chest.
Kylo swallows thickly and simply keeps his eyes on you without a word to be shared. Letting you ask once again for his intentions. “Are you here for something, or are you here just to piss me off?”
Kylo clenches his jaw and finally tears his eyes away from you to answer. “A Mandalorian is looking for you. To challenge you for that darksaber.”
You hum in comprehension and shove past him to pull out a big silver case from under the bed. You place it onto top of the bed and throw the lid open to reveal the darksaber hilt on top of your black Mandalorian armor. Feeling chills travel down your spine at the feeling of the cold metal under your fingertips, feeling your breath hitch at how strange it felt to look at the armor that you once used to wear it with pride often.
Now you don’t wear it. Now you see it and feel sad at the life you had to leave behind. Your eyes drift to the darksaber and you feel the same way.
Even then...with your current feelings, you couldn’t let yourself lose the Darksaber. For as long as you could, you’ll stay a warrior. No one was going to take that from you. No matter where you were.
“Tell them I’ll be challenging them,” you tell Kylo over your shoulder as you take out your armor. You look back to what you’re doing and expect him to move out the door, but he only steps towards you and snatch’s the armor from your hand to place it back and swiftly turn you around.
“Do you have a death wish? You won’t be doing anything.”
You pull your wrist away from his grip and scoff as you turn back to start putting on the armor, feeling his presence and hearing his heavy breaths behind you. And that makes you groan and snap at him in a less venomous tone. “You have that little faith in my skill as a Mandalorian?” You turn on your heels to sit back on the edge of your bed and begin placing the armor on your legs. “Or am I to believe that you’re worried for my well-being?” You quirk your eyebrow and smirk as he only manages to part his lips in disbelief. “Go….please.”
He hesitates for a moment as he mentally debates with himself, but he listens nonetheless and leaves you to prepare for the fight that awaited you. That made your stomach knot tightly together. That made every move you made, every step you took feel heavy, as if something was weighing you down. When you finally came to a stop in front of the needed room, the realization hit you that much harder, just as the rush of adrenaline shot through your blood. You extended your hands out and barely touched the door before you paused and drew in a deep shaky breath that you released as you pushed the doors open.
When you step inside the room, there in the middle of the arena was the Mandalorian in the blue armor that was looking for you; their attention on Kylo and his knights as they were in the room too.
“I heard you're looking for me.” You make yourself known to the Mandalorian, instantly gaining their attention and seeing them turn to face you.
“Yes, or really the object currently in your possession.” They say in a deep, soft voice modified by their helmet. “It belongs to me.”
You express a feigned chuckle and slowly walk to the edge of the arena, stopping to shake your head and add, “it belongs to the champion that rightfully earned it.”
“What use do you have of it from here? You can’t rule Mandalore from here,” they point out as they slowly make their way towards you, whilst they lift their hands to pull off their helmet and reveal a beautiful, tan, round faced woman, with dark brown eyes. “You can’t lead a squadron of your own people into battle. It’s better off with me.”
You lift your hands to pull off your own helmet and then use a gloved hand to pull out the Darksaber hilt and show it to her, with a glowering gaze set on her. “I guess this fight will determine that, right?”
“Right,” she agreed confidently, looking behind her to briefly glance at the man glaring at her. “You remember the rules right?” She questioned as she looked back at you. “No one can step in to help you. Just a one on one fight to determine the champion.”
“Right.” You agree bluntly before you continue for her. “The loser is determined if they’re killed, or if I’m disarmed, and or if either one of us falls off the arena.”
“Right.” She nods, wrapping her hand around the hilt whilst she puts her helmet at the same time you do too. You then proceed to pull the hilt away from her to both move to the middle of the arena.
Before rise the arena, you look at Kylo to warn him of one rule he needed to follow. “Whatever happens, don't step in.” Without waiting for a response you weren’t going to get, you look back to the Mandalorian in front of you to use the force to lift the arena a couple feet off the floor, uncovering the transparisteel above your heads and around you to show the red and orange hued nebula the ship was slowly passing. You can’t help admire it for a couple seconds before you look back at your opponent and step back to get in a fighting stance.
Your thumb hovers over the activation button, and your eyes watch as she pulls out two beskar made swords, and a foot slides forward. You smirk and ignite the darksaber, showing off the buzzing black and white blade while the hues casted on your dark visor. Neither of you move, your fingers just tighten around your hilts and your visors burn into each other.
It’s not until she becomes desperate that she makes the first move, flipping both swords in her hands and lunging at you at full speed, missing nonetheless as you throw your head back and slide under her swing, and swiftly turn around on your heels to face her. She hastily proceeds to continue her fight, running at you while you stood to your given height and met her halfway, swinging your darksaber to clash the blade on her own; not hesitating to try and push each other back, trying to get either of one closer to the edge, but not gaining any ground and ending up tied.
Instead she continues to pull back and tries to catch you off guard by swinging her blades hastily at you, each time getting met with a loud clash as the blades hit, each time getting closer to the edge. She doesn’t take long to notice that last fact though, and uses her leg to kick you back, moving quickly thereafter to hurl another kick at your chest that sends you another foot back. The Mandalorian doesn’t fret and swings at your throat, but her blade misses by inch as you use the force to push her back.
“I won this Darksaber rightfully last time,” you share with a growl, “I’ll do it again.” You easily flip the hilt in your hand and try to stab the unprotected part of her stomach, but she’s quick and flips to the side, swinging her feet to sweep you off your feet and then crawl to go on top of you and pin both of your hands down to the ground.
“Not if I have anything to say about it,” she snaps, pulling away one hand to pull a dagger from her sheath hidden in her belt. “That Darksaber belongs to me.”
You shoot her a pointed gaze and scoff. “Mandalore has a great ruler on the throne, I’m not going to let a wannabe Queen destroy the peace we took so long to fight for.”
“You don’t know what our people need,” she hisses as she stabs the silver dagger on your side, causing your grip to loosen and a pained groan to escape.
“Fuck,” you sneer, hissing again as she pulls out the blade and then tries to snatch the Darksaber; only feeling the hilt brush her fingertips before you reinforce your grip and swing the blade over the front of her helmet, using the force to then throw her off of you and send her crashing to the ground a few feet away.
When you try to stand up blinding pain shoots at your side, but you shake it off. You have to. So instead you ignore the throbbing and the bleeding and stride towards her, seeing her jump to her feet and sprint at you, using her jetpack to gain momentum off the ground and fly directly towards you. As shes inches from you, she gets a hold of your collar and manages to lift you inches off the ground, dragging your feet on the floor and trying to literally throw you off stage.
Albeit before she could attempt such foolish action, you flip your Darksaber to hold it with a backhand hold and swing to gash the unprotected part of her stomach, feeling her hand let go seconds before she dropped to the ground because of the pain. Not like it stops her from fighting back as you try to get up, grabbing the back of your neck and slamming your head the ground, repeating her action until you throw your hand up and snatch her hand away, trying to stand up, but feeling her hands wrap around your ankles and use what strength she had to pull you back down.
The Mandalorian then crawls on top of you to try and use her other dagger to slash your throat, but you throw your fist to the side to punch her throat, lifting your legs to flip her overhead and then hastily get on top of her to bring the Darksaber hilt over throat—“try anything and you’ll die.”
She tilts her head and snickers, “don’t worry about me, sweetheart.” Without a moment to spare, or feeling bad for herself, she copies your move and uses her legs to flip you over. Only you flipped over the edge of the arena, barely managing to use your free hand to hang on by the edge—“You were a good opponent, so the story will be worth telling. I’ll do you justice.”
You clench your jaw at the feeling of her fingernails digging into your wrist, and then slide to hold you by your fingertips. She cockily lifts her helmet above her lips to show off her smirk, but it’s in that moment that you surprise her by swinging forward to then flip back onto the stage once you can.
The Mandalorian looks back at you, she flips over, but that’s when you pounce on her and step on her wound to lean forward and shoot her a remark. “You were a good opponent.”
The Mandalorian wants to let out a pained scream, but holds herself back and expresses a groan instead, trying to reach for her dagger, but missing by hair as you grab her by the throat and dangle her in the air, above the ground below before you stab her jet pack and let go so she could hit the floor, and you could be the winner.
The light of the nebula passes, leaving the room dark as you use the force to reconnect the arena to the ground, seeing once the white lights turned on, Kylo looking at you with no readable expression on his face. His knights on the other hand appear to be more proud of your win as they clapped for you. Before you could walk to them though, you walk to the Mandalorian and offer heryour hand to help her up. She takes it and offers you a stiff but understanding nod.
“There's a medical wing just down the hall, go, they’ll help with your wound.”
She nods stiffly again and congratulates you in Mando’a before she does as you say, leaving you alone with the Knights and Kylo.
You remove your helmet, and deactivate the saber to hang it back on your side and offer them a small smirk before you add a comment, “I accept praises, and I’m free to help any of you train. I'm here everyday.” You smirk wider. “I also will fight anyone who challenges me, but don’t expect me to play nice.” You slide your eyes over to meet Kylos dark and attentive ones, before you sigh and turn to leave the room to patch yourself up. Not at all expecting him to follow so close behind.
“Where are you going?”
“Back to my room,” you answer him while you grip onto your wound. “I need to clean this wound.” You intend to just leave that as it is, but then you have the urge to add more as your guilt begins to weigh you down. “I’m sorry, I didn’t say the truth before,” you continue, glancing to the side to see him fall by your side and look at you as you apologized to him for the first time. “My family was going to say something, but I told them I would, and I obviously never did...I’m sorry.” You take a turn towards your room, wait for the doors to open to walk in and make a beeline towards your first aid equipment, hearing Kylo stop in the middle of the room and surprisingly speaking up to apologize.
“I...should’ve talked to you too.”
You swallow thickly and after you pull out the first aid, you turn to meet his gaze and offer him a faint smile. “We’re both at fault.”
He nods stiffly and he shifts to turn away and leave, but he instead hesitates, turning his head back to look at you and part his lips to hesitate briefly again before he spoke up in a quieter voice. “Can I help you?”
You look at the first aid in your hands and glance at your wound before your eyes bounce back to him and you nod slowly. “Yeah...sure.” You guide him to your bathroom and set everything down so he could help you, watching him wash his hands as you took off your armor and peeled off your shirt to show the wound, hissing slightly as the material of the shirt swept past the bleeding area.
“I think” he continued as he turned off the faucet and stepped towards you. “You did good, fighting that other Mandalorian. Your fighting skills surprised me.”
You scoff and feel your lips twitch. “That’s because you’ve never seen me fight.”
“That’s true,” he agreed while he closed the gap between you and got out the needed supplies to begin and stitch your wounds. “Maybe you could come train with me,” his dark eyes lift to meet yours and he swallows thickly before he looks away again. “If you want.”
You draw in a small breath and stay silent for a brief moment before you hold back your smile as you answer. “Sure, that sounds nice.”
Their was still some part of you that felt disgusted at the thought of being trapped in this piece of sky trash, of having to suffer through this arranged marriage for the alliance of your clan and the first order, but maybe...just maybe there was a flicker of hope within your heart that ignited the thought that Kylo and you could work this out and be a real couple. One that really appreciated each other...that loved each other.
It needed to work that way, for both of your sakes.
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writertitan · 4 years
Nice! May I request romantic relationship headcanons for Levi, Pieck and Jean? And what do you think are their ideal s/o?Thank you very much!! ❤️
living for Pieck content rn so thank you
is adamant about saying “hello” and “goodbye”
will genuinely get especially upset if you don’t say goodbye back lmao
“Bye” ...... “Did you hear me, I said ‘bye’”
stems from the fact that he’s lost people and wasn’t able to say goodbye and doesn’t want either of you to go through that (just in case) 
does not beat around the bush, if he senses that you’re upset about something he will bring it up and encourage you to talk about it and will just listen if you don’t want any advice
will also just sit there with you literally as long as you need if you just need to decompress and want some company 
shows his affection by making fun of you lmfao 
but it’s like inside joke stuff a lot of the time, nothing that would actually upset you/embarrass you in front of other people 
like if you one time accidentally put salt instead of sugar in some tea, he will give you shit about it forever 
you’ll say you’re making tea and you’re sure to hear some stupid shit like, “Not poisoned, please” 
a guaranteed way to get a lil laugh out of him every time is by trying to wrestle him 
and he won’t let you win because he’s a little shit
he thinks it’s genuinely funny that you even try to wrestle him 
but he does always kiss your head afterward, v cute 
he actually brings out his crude humor more because of you, bc you like it, don’t lie 
not the jealous type but is protective and will kick ass if provoked
I see Levi’s type as being someone who is very resilient but also very emotionally intelligent, especially because he’s so hard to read. Body language is more his style rather than actually using his words. Actions do speak louder than words with Levi and I think his ideal S/O would likely have to have the same mindset. However, when verbal communication is important, I think Levi ideally fits best with someone direct and also doesn’t beat around the bush. I don’t think he’d be into fighting, more like discussing if one or both of you is upset. Also, I think Levi would just seek out someone who is warm, and can still see the brighter side to life. I think it would help him immensely to have his S/O be someone who is a genuinely happy person with a lot of love to give. God knows Levi deserves gdi!! 
she would be THE most praise-filled partner lmao
like for literally anything, she would make sure you knew she was so proud of you/happy for you
will make anything something to celebrate
even just the littlest thing. did you have a really good day at work? yay! she’s buying you your fav treat 
of course, BIG accomplishments come with BIG celebrations
she’s the S/O who plans you a surprise party but you might get a little suspicious just bc you know she likes to do shit like this lmao 
she’s grateful that you act surprised anyway
won’t apologize for spooking you when she just decides to get on all fours and you walk in on her crawling around LMAO 
“you know I do this all the time, why do you still scream like that?” - she still says this like twice a week 
quality time quality time quality time, she loves quality time
you both have a couples’ hobby to bond over 
something like baking too where it serves a purpose and is fun with her 
not afraid to be affectionate and is always squeezing your arm, holding your hand, poking at you
PDA queen
might even (aka absolutely does) have a problem with remembering boundaries because she’s just so willing to touch and be touched lmaooo
your friends and your family all love the h*ck out of her 
Because it’s a head canon that Pieck just always looks as things as “glass half full”, I do think she’d benefit from having her S/O be a little more grounded and down to earth just to keep her out of trouble. But also, she would loooove someone who also chooses positivity. Life is short (especially for canonverse Pieck), so making memories would be really important to her and she of course prefers to make really happy ones. I think she’d prefer her S/O to be allll about physical affection because she’d prefer someone who was 110% okay with PDA. I also think ideally, she’d be great with someone who is a really good listener and also knows exactly what to say to her when she does happen to have a bad day and gets a little sad. Pieck is just queen shit for life!!! 
is the sass master lmfao
he thrives, simply thrives, on your attention
is always trying to get your attention 
“Babe, look at me, watch me do this new thing I just learned!!” 
you don’t understand, he will actually die if you don’t pay attention to him
always showing off to impress you
even if you’ve been dating a while, he needs to impress you and he needs to have your attention on him 
will act casual about doing romantic things like buying flowers, gifting you little trinkets, and will pretend to be embarrassed when you get excited, but he loves doing them and loves how excited you get 
and he thinks he’s being sly about being so casual and getting “embarrassed” but this boy is just an open book
you will never have to question his feelings for you because, again, he’s an open book whether he likes it or not 
even before dating when he was just crushing hard, everyone knew he liked you (including you), he literally just can’t hide his feelings for you
absolutely acts like hot shit in front of everyone but when it’s just you two, he’s such a baby
like tbh if you don’t baby him, jean will whine about it 
loves witty banter with you and you guys have so many inside jokes that it’s annoying to everyone else 
you two are THE couple in the corner judging everyone and snickering about it
he’s not obsessive about PDA but his favorite thing is when his arm is around your shoulders and you reach up to hold his hand that’s hanging off your shoulder idk i can’t explain why this is such a big jean hc for me 
I think Jean would actually do well with another hothead and it’s just such a head canon for me! Not like always fighting or anything, but it just seems like he’d love his S/O to be just as open about their emotions. And honestly, he needs to date someone who can take his sense of humor and can take his own ridic temper, and not only take it, but know how to steady him/cool him down. I think he would learn how to do this for his S/O as well, learning not only what buttons to push (because he would learn that just for shits and giggles), but know how to undo it and settle you down and make you happy. Jean would be that boyfriend who genuinely isn’t afraid to seek validation from you and I think his ideal S/O would be someone who puts him as a priority and is okay with constantly reassuring him that he’s a priority and showing him that he is. He’s a loyal boy and I think he would ideally prefer someone who goes all in just like him. Jean just needs a hug and he’s not afraid to ask his partner for one!! 
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Stay | Russell Adler x fem!bell!Reader
Summary: Despite having developed deep feelings for you after all this time working together, Adler takes you to antarctica like he was told. The only issue is... Things aren't as they seem when he finally confronts you.
Aka, sorry Treyarch, but this time the thotlers win.
Tags: fluff, angst, and angst with a happy ending
Warnings: some strong language and you might need a tissue box bc I sure did 😭😭
"Nothing like arctic air, eh?"
Russell Alder stands just a few feet away, hands resting squarely on his hips, looking out over the cliffs.
"Sure", you smile tiredly, a little sleepy from the long flight, as you walk up beside him. Without needing permission, you slip your pinky around his as he loosens his grip to allow you to do so.
Adler takes a glance down at your intertwined hands. He can't keep you in the dark for long. But still, he's afraid to tell you...
You move to lean your head on his shoulder, only to be left alone as he wrenches himself away.
"Listen Bell, there's... There's something I need to tell you", he refuses himself a glance at you. It would hurt him too much. You make an inquisitive noise and a long silence passes.
Perhaps it would be best just to get the hard part over. He was never one for beating around the bush anyway. "They sent me out here to kill you, Bell"
His voice is hardly audible, a clever trick to disguise the hurt in his voice. He grits his teeth, wondering if you really needed to know that, but then he remembers... He's done lying to you. You deserve to know.
Adler braces himself for the backlash, perhaps even a bullet in the back. Instead, he's met with a whisper.
"I know"
Your voice is only audible thanks to the bitter wind helping it along to his ear, leaving a ghostly caress as it passes him by. Russell turns around this time, almost disappointed to see your back still turned to him.
"How d-?"
You turn slowly, and even from there he can see the tear rolling down your face, "Why else would we be out here?", you gesture around to the great nothingness enveloping you both. You sniff and swipe a hand across you cheek, a joyless laugh escaping you, "Besides, you never take me anywhere nice"
In any other scenario, it would be playful and teasing, just like he knows you for.
Adler huffs a half hearted laugh at that, before tearing his gaze away. "Bell, I..."
"Oh, cut the shit Russell. Just do it, alright?", the tears flow freely down your glassy eyes now, "I know you have to... Really, I get it. A-and it's alright, you know? I-"
By now, Adler has made his way across to you. Even now, he hates to see you so upset. He gently grips your arms in his strong, steady hands, hoping against hope to give you some sense of ease. He needs to finish what he has to say.
He then tries to say your name, but you won't allow it.
"Just shut up, alright? God, I hate you! I h-hate you..."
You struggle in his grip, beating weakly against his chest as your body becomes wracked pwith sobs, voice trailing off pathetically. Adler pulls you close, just in time, as you collapse into his arms.
"God, why? Why why...?"
You're choked up with hiccuping sobs again as Adler lowers you both to kneel in the grass. He squeezes you tighter, comfortingly he hopes, and if nothing else, to keep him from allowing tears of his own to fall too.
With a ragged gasp, you find your voice, allowing your anger and frustration to seap in at last, "After all I did for you people... This is how yo-?"
But you're cut off, and suddenly all your senses are overwhelmed with... Him.
Adlers lips crush into yours, the eagerness with which he kisses you is enough to erase all the fear, and pain, and sadness. At least, for the moment.
The crisp arctic air only accentuates the musky smell of his cologne, infusing every breath you breathe with its familiar scent. Charred birch and a hint of cigarettes. You almost smile at that.
He's been trying to quit, per your request, but... Old habits die hard.
The uneven stubble of his scarred chin tickles as he works over your lips, sucking gently, but adamantly once, then twice, before sustaining one long kiss again.
At last you part, lungs burning for air. Small puffs of condensation intermingle between your mouths as you catch your breath.
Adler takes one last gasp for air, to steady himself more then anything, before delivering one more kiss to your forehead. He knows he doesn't deserve to think such things, but...
You have no idea how long he's wanted to kiss you.
A few more tears start up from you again, but in that moment, he decides once and for all to commit to all the promises he's been wanting to make to you. He's done watching you suffer, and it's time you knew.
"I'm not going to kill you Bell...", he whispers against the warm skin of your forehead before pulling you to the crook of his neck.
You sniff, instantly frozen as you try to make sense of what you just heard. Too soon, faster then your mind can catch up, you search for words, "Wha-? Why? How? Russell, if they find out they'll kill yo-"
"Shhhh, they're not going to find out. I'm defecting. Right here, right now"
"B-but, why? I already told you, it's o-"
Adler moves his hands to cup your face, training your gaze to be all on him.
"No, it's not ok Bell. What we did to you... What I did to you... Was fucked, and unfair, but... it was for the greater good. But this? No."
"W-well ok... but-?"
"I'm doing this because I love you Bell", he barks it out, almost angrily, but even behind those old tinted aviators, you can see his expression soften almost immediately as he gently strokes your cheek with his thumb, "I love you... So much. Do you understand?"
He pauses for a moment, and his grand show of steely emotions breaks as he removes the sunglasses to wipe away his tears. And when he looks back at you... You're surprised at the reminder of how beautiful his eyes are.
"And... I'm... sorry I never told you before... Well, this"
Your mind is reeling at the rush of information. This... confession, isn't exactly news to you, but to hear him say it...
With one more sniff, Adler manages to pull himself together for a final moment of vulnerability, "Look, I know this is... a lot, but I was thinki- I...", he sighs and takes a deep breath. This is it.
"Would you... Come away with me? The CIA is going to be looking for both of us, and, well... No body and all, so I was thinking... We could find somewhere... off the grid, just you and me, start fresh? I know it'll be tough bu-"
"-t I can protect you an- Wait... Yes?"
"Yes!", you seal the statement with a quick kiss. A promise. Then, you grow serious, "There's nothing left for me out here Russell... You're my only choice"
"...I'm sorry to hear that"
You cup a hand to his face, a tiny glimpse of that beautiful smile he loves so much peeking through, "No no, I didn't mean... This is a good thing. I meant to say, I wouldn't want to choose anyone else"
Adler sniffs and huffs a laugh, rocking gently as you pull in for an embrace, "Well in that case... I'm sorry to hear you have such terrible taste in men"
That earns a genuine laugh from you, and to him, it sounds like music.
You slip your hand into his, holding on just by the fingers before reaching up to plant a kiss over the scar on his jaw. You always rather liked those scars of his, no matter how much he wishes they never were.
But then again... He loves the way you use them to make him feel handsome, and he'll never understand how you do it.
After a few moments more, Adler gets up, pulling you to your feet as well. You wipe away the last of your tears, and as you glance up at him, a look of uncertainty crosses you.
He knows he has no right to ask you to trust him. Not after all the lies and the manipulation that got you and him to this point. But even after all that... The fact that you're willing to give him a chance humbles him to no end.
Adler looks back at you, and wishes for nothing more then the ability to make sure you never have to worry, or hurt, or live in fear ever again. But if there's one thing he does know, he'll be damned if he doesn't try.
"Come on kid", he rubs some warmth back into your arms, then kisses the top of your hair, "let's get out of here, huh? I've got just the place in mind..."
And just the place indeed.
A few months of preparation go by first, but at last you've managed to escape to the Swiss country side. Fields and fields of vibrant green grass and small wildflowers pass you by as Adler drives along, the great alps standing tall and strong just in the distance.
The sun glows warmly over head, and a little sparkle catches your eye. You look down and admire the ring on your hand once again, turning it this way and that, before stealing a glance at Russell's matching one.
With a couple more twists and turns, Adler asks you to close your eyes. A little while more, and the car comes to a stop. "Hey, don't open yet!", He hurries around to help you out, guiding you along want feels like a gravel path.
He puts his hands over yours, "Ready?"
You nod, the suspense absolutely eating you up. Finally, he moves your hands aside, revealing a small, brightly painted house before you. A stone path leads up to a white fenced porch complete with a swing for two.
The whole thing is practically overgrown with wysteria, coiling in and around the pillars and walls, and out front a wild garden stretches up towards the sun.
It's perfect.
You whip around, finding yourself unable to speak. But, he already knows. Adler sweeps you up off your feet and gives you a little spin as you shriek in surprise, melting into a fit of laughter as he sets you down.
He leans in and kisses you, just another of countless more to come, before pulling back. You have no idea how much it means to him to see you this happy....
"Welcome home"
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mooniefics · 4 years
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bye bc i have not been able to get the thought of like,, you working as the candidate manager for the warrior program (aka glorified babysitter / school counselor) and reiner slowly falling for u over the years
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—  you’d first met him around a month after he returned from paradis, after he was finally debriefed and given countless ideological assessments, and he was just exhausted by the time he was finally allowed to see his family again but he still woke up early the next day to go with gabi to training. he saw how happily gabi greeted you, how warmly you smiled back, and he thought that if anyone was taking care of his little cousin over the years he was gone, he was grateful that it was someone who came off as nicely as you did.
—  your first conversation initiated after gabi dragged him over by the arm and introduced the two of you herself, but you didn’t get to speak long before you all had to go your separate ways. the way you tucked a piece of gabi’s hair behind her ear and gingerly wrapped your arm around her as you led her off to her classes for the day makes his heart flutter.
—  you two made small talk when you ran into each other, sometimes talking about the kids, sometimes talking about yourselves, nothing terribly personal, but he always found himself feeling much lighter after he got to see you.
—  reiner accompanied you once when you chaperoned the kids’ recreational time in town and sat on the bench beside you while you both watched them all play around at the park you usually took them too. your voice was soft and affectionate as you told him that you sometimes forgot that they were just children, letting it slip that you couldn’t help but feel disheartened that they had been made to grow up so fast. you were worried that he, the one revered as the most loyal warrior, would report you for disrespecting the methods of marley, but he only sighed, smiling sadly as he replied, “me too.”
—  one day when the kids were training, you and the warriors were standing to the side watching them, discussing casually amongst yourselves as you watched them run laps with all their gear. on the last go around, udo fell flat on his face, and before reiner can even turn to see your reaction, you were already running over to make sure he was okay. the exercise instructor forced you to wait for udo to make it to the end on his own, but as soon as he reached finish line, you rushed him away into the main school building. when you didn’t return for a few minutes, reiner ventured in to see where you’d gone, he found you both in an empty classroom—you kneeling in front of udo, handkerchief in hand, gently wiping the tears and dirt from his cheeks and telling him that he had done a good job, that everybody makes a mistake once in a while, that he was just as capable as the other candidates. he stood beside the door, listening to you comfort udo, feeling his own eyes watering as he did. he wished he had someone like you when he was young.
—  the first time the two of you had a proper, in-depth conversation was the evening that the mid-east allied forces had declared war against marley, the only two left at the privacy of his quarters, sharing the last bottle of wine leftover between yourselves. the facade of perfect patriotism that you had both been careful to maintain had dissipated, whether because of the alcohol or because of the gravity of such impending doom weighing at your hearts. he’d learned that you’d been apart of the warrior program yourself, an unselected trainee in the class just a year below his own. you told him that was how you’d managed to secure yourself this position, but he said that it was much more than that, that you were a natural at a position that require such patience and compassion. the way your lips had turned up into the smallest of smiles made his cheeks flushed. 
“i heard the war is going to be mostly naval. i doubt we’ll have to worry about any of us being shipped out to fight any time soon.”
you took a long sip from your glass, finishing off what remained, taking in a deep, pensive breath. “god forbid they send any of those kids away to the battlefield. god forbid they send you away.”
“me?” he said after a moment of silence, an odd sort of tightness cinching around his heart and lungs, squeezing tighter with every fine detail he noticed in your sorrowful expression—warm eyes filled with sympathy, mouth drawn down into a delicate frown, brow slightly knitted.
“you’ve seen enough. you’ve gone through enough, more than anyone should have to go through by themselves.”
reiner felt a lump beginning to form in his throat, an almost tangible ache echoing through his chest. that was the first time someone had ever told him that before.
—  despite the worsening tension of war, reiner saw that you were just as cheerful as ever with the kids, bringing them sweets and desserts you made yourself when you got the chance, taking them out on their weekly outings and making sure they were doing alright just as normal. but he could see the way your face would shift when one of them piped up with something regarding the current battle being waged, spouting out the same propaganda he’d been force-fed for his entire life. you would only smile, patting them on the shoulder or rubbing their back, responding with a simple assertion that you were sure marley’s troops were doing great out there before changing the subject
“they’re so young. sometimes i forget they’re only children.”
your words from the park bench flitted across his mind, the words that you silently spoke when your eyes widened at gabi’s proclamation that marley’s glory would forever prevail, or when your lips pursed briefly at the four of them squabbling over who would inherit which titan.
“they’re too small to be holding such big weapons. those rifles they give them are taller than they are. it’s.. it’s...”
perverse? distressing? horrible? it was all of those things, and so much more. but you saw it. you didn’t egg them on like porco or zeke, you congratulated them without drenching it in more and more lies. you didn’t see them as soldiers-in-training, you didn’t see them as warriors, you saw them as they were. as children. you cared for them like he did.
—  when the time came, you were shipped off to fort slava alongside the warrior unit, your training and your extensive experience working with the candidates for the past five years serving as the justification for your necessity. though reiner had wished to be around you more often, he didn't at all enjoy it in this context. seeing you in a full soldier’s uniform, skin dusted with dirt and gunpowder, a helmet that only seemed to have more and more dents and scratches in the metal with each day that passed—it felt so incredibly wrong. you didn’t belong in the trenches of war, and yet he still saw you running about every morning, previously soft hands becoming roughened and scarred, growing thinner and thinner from the stress and minuscule rations that were barely enough to get everyone through the day. and yet you were lively, still tending to the kids and attempting to give them a space away from the warfare outside when you could all retire to the unit’s dugout at night.
—  one night, reiner had woken from his sleep and was too restless to return to it, unable to ignore the distant sounds of gunfire and shouts from outside, staring up at the ceiling from his bunk and allowing himself to drift away into his thoughts. he remembered all the nights he’d spent like this in his own home as a child, barely able to force himself to sleep for a few hours despite knowing that he had another long day of training ahead of him. but he turned over on his mattress at the sound of soft murmuring, the sound of sheets shifting and the quiet protest of the flimsy bed frames squeaking. in the dimness of the lantern that sat at the foot of gabi’s bunk, he saw you seated at her bedside, looking down at her as you spoke.
“are you okay? do you want me to wake up reiner?”
he couldn’t make out gabi’s mumbled response, but he saw the small silhouette of her head shaking from side to side on her pillow.
“i know he’s been looking tired lately, but i promise that he won’t be upset if we wake him up for a moment.”
another unintelligible reply from the young girl just barely occupied the air. a part of him wanted to step out of his bunk and see what she needed, but another, more persuasive thought kept him still, laying silently, watching on to see how you would tend to her. he knew that gabi admired you deeply, the fact that you’d managed to win her over was something that impressed him, but at the same time didn’t surprise him at all. he couldn’t imagine how anyone could dislike someone as gentle and thoughtful as you.
“you’re a big girl, gabi, so am i. but that doesn’t mean we don’t all need a little bit of help sometimes. it’s scary out here, and i’m so proud of you for holding your own out there. it’s okay to be scared.”
you were quiet for a moment, allowing for gabi to speak, a hand reaching out to gently stroke the side of her head and run through her hair. a quiet, genuine laugh slipping from you when she concluded.
“i promise i won’t tell anyone. i’ll get back to my bunk as soon as you get back to sleep. deal?”
he caught the end of an affirmative nod from his cousin, and the two of you fell silent. you stood for a moment to tuck the covers around her, sitting back down and returning to your soothing motions, looking almost like a dream in the glow of the soft illumination at your side.
he realized in that moment what that feeling in his chest was, the one that made his throat tighten just the slightest bit, that made him feel light as air for those few fleeting moments before the spell of you in his gaze was broken by some menial interruption. but the interruption didn’t come this time, nothing to remind him to bury his feelings and not ruminate on them long enough to figure out exactly what they were. he had been running from this revelation for far too long, and he knew exactly why—because it would be unfair to burden you with these feelings that he knew he shouldn’t have.
he loved how you made him feel. he loved seeing how cheerful you were even when it was too early in the morning for him to even be properly awake himself. he loved seeing how you smiled when the children hung onto you on your days out. he loved that you could see the appalling indoctrination of marley’s military might on it’s citizens for what it was. he loved how you saw him for more than his failure four years ago. he loved how tender you looked stroking his younger cousin’s hair, assuring her that you wouldn’t leave her until she was fast asleep. he loved you, honestly and wholeheartedly.
it was a selfish desire, a longing that he would have to keep to himself for your sake. but, in moments like these, where the vision of having something more seemed so close to his outstretched grasp, the thought of sharing his final years together rather than in a respectful coexistence, he found it so difficult to resist temptation. 
if only he had more time.
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24 / 7 reiner brainrot. i have an unfathomable amount of love for this man ( ; ω ; )
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I See You, I Know You- and I’m Not Going Anywhere
You're All I've Ever Wanted, All I Want to Know, part 2
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Warnings: SMUT! THERE IS LOTS OF SMUT AHEAD!, oral (fem receiving), p in v sexy sex, shitty fiance of reader being shitty, slurs against the french (frog/froggy), angst, LOADS of feels, infidelity, gene mooning over reader to potentially OOC levels, tiny bit of innocence kink referenced, reader gets chatty when horny, untranslated french (bc it’s Gene’s POV so he wouldn’t think process and translate french in his head (let me know if you want me to add them)), unprotected sex (let’s just pretend there’s no risk, yes?), guilt, lots of potty words.
(My fancast for Peter Kelly is Pablo Schreiber but feel free to ignore it.)
Title(s) come from Duet by Penny and Sparrow and Only You by Matthew Perryman Jones
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
It had been a relatively calm day in Schoonderlogt. The day was sunny- cold, but sunny- and everyone was taking advantage of the well-deserved break from the frontlines.
Gene was drinking some of the best coffee he’d had in months while watching a handful of Airborne and Army soldiers play some vaguely ruled interpretation of basketball, his eyes darting every so often towards the table a few yards away where you and the other nurses were casually sterilizing the linens and strips of fabric. 
You looked beautiful- your hair loose and your smile radiant as you laughed and joked with your friends. It wasn’t often that all of the company’s nurses were at the same place at the same time, so when the stars aligned and you got to see each other it never failed to bring you joy that would last for days afterward.
Your eyes caught his, and Gene couldn’t help but smile when you shot him a wink.
The merriment didn’t last much longer for you.
While Gene had been lighting a cigarette, he was dimly aware of another Jeep-load of Army men arriving at the mouth of the courtyard, not really concerned with the new arrivals.
Until you screamed.
When Gene and the other Easy men whipped their heads over towards the sound, he saw that someone- some man- had wrapped their arms around you from behind and lifted you off of your feet, a broad smile on the man’s face as he spun you around bodily.
Gene hadn’t realized he’d already gotten up and begun rushing for you until he saw Liebgott sprinting past him with balled fists and a fixed jaw. His blood was cold in his veins, heart thrumming anxiously as he catches sight of your pale face when the man sets you down, quickly turning in the man’s embrace and staring up at the grinning intruder.
Everyone comes to a halt when the man grips your bottom and pulls you into him for a deep kiss.
“Hey, Y/N!” Liebgott shouts, Gene watching with angry confusion as you quickly pull out of the kiss but don’t continue to shove the man away. “This guy bothering you?”
With your cheeks blazing, you offer a smile that doesn't reach your eyes, eyes still wide and flickering between Easy and this stranger.
“No,” you manage to say before the man wraps an arm around your shoulder and pulls you back into him.
“You gonna introduce me, Froggy-girl?”
Gene doesn’t like the way this man is bodily handling you, but what he really doesn’t like is how you seem to be letting him.
You clear your throat before shyly meeting Gene’s eyes.
“Guys, this is Peter Kelly,” you quickly look away from Gene and look to Joe Liebgott. “My fiance.”
You might as well have yanked Gene’s feet from under him.
Peter was everything Gene wasn’t: loud and boisterous and gregarious and extroverted, his jovial attitude initially winning over most of the guys.
That approval dissipates the more Peter drinks that night.
For Gene, he’d hated the man instantly. Not only because he was already half in love with you- although that was certainly a contributing factor.
No, Pete lost any respect from Gene the moment he saw the clear hickies hiding just beneath the collar of the man’s shirt. 
One time, when the two of you had been rolling bandages for restocking the soldier’s med-kits, you’d insinuated that Peter had a wandering eye. You hadn’t elaborated, but there had certainly been a tone of sad acceptance in your voice as you’d said it.
Judging by the way your eyes kept lingering on Peter’s throat, Gene knew that you knew exactly what had caused those marks.
It made Gene furious, but for your sake, he kept his seething to a minimum.
You seemed to shrink in on yourself, as if Peter’s presence made you wither from the inside. The more he spoke about you, it was clear to anyone listening that he didn’t respect you. Several times, Peter had referred to your nursing as ‘endearing’, ignoring your reminder that you weren’t doing this as a hobby with a look of faux apology and an admonishment for ‘upsetting your delicate frog-feelings’.
When Guarno had finally taken the bait and asked what all the frog references were about, you’d frowned and excused yourself with a grimace- a glower staining your face when Peter’s arm shoots out to pull you into his lap.
“Well, just look at her face- Doesn’t she look like the poutiest widdle frog?” 
He said this like a praise, Gene’s blood boiling as he watches you glare at a spot on the ground. With a bit of the fire you normally showed, you detangle yourself from his hold and announce that you’re going to refill your canteen- ignoring his childish whine and yelping when he smacks your ass as you leave.
“Also,” Peter says like a secret while hungrily watching you walk away. “Her mama’s second husband was one of those Frenchie types- so sometimes she acts a little spoiled- and all of us used to tell her to stop bein’ so froggy.”
When Peter shoots a wink Gene’s way, Gene gives him a glare before getting up and going the opposite direction you- not wanting to make your life any more difficult than Peter was clearly making it right now.
A little bit later, after Peter and some of the other Army guys invite Easy to join them at their basecamp, Gene overhears you and Peter arguing behind one of the stone buildings.
“I’m basically your husband, how am I supposed to explain to the guys that my girl doesn’t even want me to spend the night with her?”
“Because I know what ‘spending the night’ entails, and that is certainly not happening—”
Gene hears Peter groan, the beer he’d had earlier making him act more immature than before.
“I’m not getting tested. Why can’t you just trust me—?”
“Because you’re not trustworthy!” your voice is shrill, disgust lurking below the surface. “You clearly have been with someone recently, and I refuse to risk my job- my life- because you want to get off.”
Peter scoffs at that, and Gene creeps closer to hear better.
“You’re a nurse, Y/N. it’s not like you’re a medic—”
“Fuck you.”
Gene retreats quickly upon hearing your footsteps, only stopping when he hears a smacking sound. Before he can rush back, he hears you snarl.
“Don’t think you can ever put your hands on me like that ever again- on anyone. Next time, I won’t go easy on you with a slap. Now go away.”
With everyone else gone to the Army’s basecamp, Gene joins you in your temporary quarters, where you’re scribbling inventory reports with an angry grip on your pen.
It’s tense- and Gene wonders if you’d somehow known that he’d overheard your spat with Peter earlier. Your shoulders are up by your shoulders, leg bouncing beneath the table as you sit on the seat’s edge.
Gene knows you’re upset, but selfishly he’s upset too and knows he won’t be able to leave you to fester without at least trying to talk to you.
With obvious frustration, you all but throw your finished report towards the pile of completed paperwork by your feet, clearing your throat a few times as you stare at the wall in front of you.
Suddenly you sigh, your head tilting upward as your shoulders slump in defeat.
“Just go ahead and say it, Eugene.”
Gene frowns, staring at the back of your head. “Say what, Y/N—?”
“Whatever you’re trying so hard not to say, I can feel you ruminating all the way from over here.”
He pauses, feeling as if he may be walking into a trap that could make things infinitely worse. 
Screw it.
“You deserve better.”
You scoff sadly, a bitter sound that makes his chest ache in empathy.
“You sure about that?”
“‘Course I am. You deserve someone who doesn’t talk to you like you’re nuthin’. Someone who is kind and good and wants to make you happy—”
“What makes you think that he isn’t all of those things?”
“He’s a pig, Y/N….he is nuthin’ but mean and cruel and you’ve gotta see that—”
“How do you know that I didn’t used to be like him- just like him?”
Now he’s getting angry too, all of his rage from earlier coming back in full force without his permission.
“Stop bein’ contrary jus’ for the sake of it! Jesus, Y/N, you clearly don’t love him, why’re you still married if—?”
You slam down the pen you’ve been tapping aggressively, whirling around to turn the full force of your scowl upon him.
“What makes you think I haven’t tried to end it?!”
Carelessly nudging the chair out of your path, you storm across the room to stand before him and jab your index finger into the center of his chest.
“I hate to break it to you, Eugene, but some women don’t get to change their minds! Some of us could beg until we’re blue in the face and we’ll still be forced to tie ourselves to men who we hate, just because our parents want to reap the benefits of such arrangements!”
Your lip has begun to quiver, eyes shining with unshed tears as you look up at him.
“Some of us don’t get to be happy, don’t get to marry the people we love!”
Guilt makes his stomach feel sour, especially when you bury your face in his shirtfront and bite back a whimper of heartbreak- your breath hot through the layers of clothing as you choke back more cries.
“Hey,” Gene whispers, the anger he’d been feeling sizzling out like a drenched flame. “‘M sorry, Y/N- please don’t cry….”
You allow him to encourage your face away from his chest, taking your face in his hands and brushing the hair out of your face.
You look so defeated, so goddamn hopeless that it almost makes him want to cry, too. 
Unable to bear the sight of you upset for one more moment, Gene interrupts you mid-sob to catch your lips in a reassuring kiss.
It’s rougher than he intended, his desperation to quell your sorrow causing him to pull you into him a bit too quickly and causing your noses to press together uncomfortably for a moment. To his surprise, you don’t make any move to pull away- your hands coming up to grip at the front of his shirt with an anxiousness he hadn’t seen from you in years.
It reminds him of the first time he touched you.
Your lips are slightly trembling as you lean into him to deepen the kiss, and when Gene’s other hand comes up to cup your face he can feel the stick of drying tears on his palm. Seeing how your fiance had possessively gripped your face in his hand earlier had Gene’s blood boiling earlier- the lack of reverence the man had for you painfully clear in the way he spoke to you, the way he seemed to grope at you as if your flesh solely existed for his pleasure.
As if Gene didn't have enough reasons to hate Peter Kelly, the son of a bitch didn’t even appreciate the gift Gene knew you to be.
You were better than any of them, and he was sure that if he were to ask anyone else in Easy they would say the same. And, if the tension between Peter and the rest of the men were anything to go by, the general consensus was that the man didn’t deserve you. How he’d gotten you in the first place was a marvel that Gene couldn’t even begin to fathom.
Right now, all he knew was you, you, you.  
Your hands fisted in his hair offered the most comforting sting of passion, and Gene would be lying if he said that having you so fervent for him didn’t drive him to the brink of insanity. Heightened emotion was something the both of you seemed to have lost throughout this god-awful war, something you’d both had to relinquish in order to survive. 
Any time you showed these sparks of life, Gene felt a warmth in his chest that envied the most golden sunshine.
It reminded him that you were alive and he was alive and there was still a chance for something good to happen after all of this.
All of his thoughts return to you, feeling guilty for reflecting in a moment that demanded- no, deserved all of his attention and gratitude. He could admire you privately after you fell asleep, in his arms.
Right now, he needed to remind you that you were something worthy of worship.  
You whimper against his mouth when he slides his hands up the planes of your back beneath your sweater, breaking away from your lips momentarily to pull the sweater over your head and toss it to the floor. 
“I need you,” you’re whispering, your hands coming to tear at the buttons of his jacket as if it is personally offending you. “I’m so sorry, but I do….Please, Gene! I fucking need you—!”
Gene is quick to shush you, quickly helping you finish divesting him of his jacket so he can swallow your apologies in another toe-curling kiss. Growing up, he’d been taught that marriage was a life-long commitment, that anyone who broke that promise was ungodly or impure.
Of course, he’d also naively believed that people only got married because they were deeply and wholly in love with one another. It wasn’t until he had met you in Toccoa that he’d realized that love sometimes had nothing to do with it, that those sort of things weren't necessarily as clean-cut as he’d been led to believe.
Taking your face in his hands again, he tilts your face up so he can kiss at the warm skin beneath your jaw, liking the way your moan vibrates in your throat as he walks you back to the table you’d been working at and presses your backside against it.  The sound of your open-mouthed panting had him painfully hard already- it’s almost embarrassing how little you have to do to get him like this.
He hadn’t even realized one of your hands had been working at the fastening of his pants until you’ve begun to scratch your nails softly down the skin of his lower stomach, and when his hips jump in surprise he can feel your breath hitch in your throat with heady amusement. When you do it again, he can hear the smile in your exhale.
“Such a perfect cock,” you nearly coo, your touch light as your fingertips brush over the head of him. “Can’t believe how perfect you are….”
You get like this sometimes when you get turned on, Gene has come to learn.- all lust-drunk and babbly as your words switch from thoughtful to stream of consciousness. It’s endearing, so wildly endearing that Gene would go as far as to call this habit cute. 
Cute was the only term you ever showed resistance to, even in jest. Your reaction to the word was so viscerally negative that it had even surprised him- the person who you had frequently insisted knew you the best.
After meeting your fiance and his degrading attempts at ‘praise’, Gene was now able to understand why. 
Your hand was stroking him in earnest now, having used his precum to coat your hand so your movements were smooth and confident. Despite the fact that he’d managed to get your trousers undone and loose around your thighs, Gene hadn’t been able to actually do anything else other than clutch at your hips and gasp into your neck as you rhythmically ruined him.
Normally, this is as far as you two would get- one of you getting the other off with your hands (and sometimes mouths) before someone or something would interrupt the other’s attempt at reciprocation and you’d both have to dive back into your duties to the Company. It was deeply unsatisfying- particularly for Gene because he wasn’t afraid to admit that making you cum wasn’t one of his favorite things to do. Each and every time he didn’t get to return the favor made him feel terribly guilty- like he had somehow exploited your feelings for him.
It made him feel sick. It didn’t matter how many times you insisted that you didn't see it that way, he always was left feeling as if he’d been inexcusably selfish. 
He hated it.
But tonight was different. For once, the two of you weren’t the only medics available for the dozens of men who seemed to have a near-constant stream of injuries and festering wounds. The Army was there with their fourteen medics and nurses and the majority of Easy company had gone to visit their camp in order to mooch some of their beer and US-funded entertainment.
No one would be interrupting his time with you tonight. 
Not even your fiance, who was no doubt dishonoring his vows of fidelity right now.
It didn’t have to stop. He didn’t want it to stop.
“Wait, Minette,” Gene chokes out, reaching down to stop your sinfully-sweet touch before he lost himself in it. “Jus’ wait a second…..”
You make a sound of disappointment in your throat, and when he pulls back enough to look at you he can see a small pout on your lips- as if he’s deprived you of something. The sight makes him feel lightheaded, the implications almost enough to….
Focus, focus.
“You were so close,” your voice holds an undertone of frustration, your other hand attempting to sneak down and finish what the other had started. When he takes that wrist as well, your eyebrows furrow almost comically. “What are you doing, Eugene—?”
You cut yourself off when he suddenly drops to his knees, hands hooking in the waist of your pants and underwear as he does so and shucking them down to your ankles. Your eyes are wide now, cheeks flushed and eyebrows high in surprise.
Keeping his gaze on you, he leans forward enough to press a kiss to your freshly bared thigh. By the time he moves to give the other the same treatment, he can see that your eyes are becoming soft once more.
“I wanna take your boots off,” Gene says as evenly as he can, electricity crackling in his veins at the smell of you. “Can I do that, Y/N?”
At your hurried nod, Gene kisses a ‘good girl’ to your skin quickly before bowing his head to unlace your boots with shaking fingers. He’s thankful for the time it takes him to do so- it gives him the opportunity to get his thoughts together and regain some semblance of control over himself.
Maybe one day he could be impulsive when it came to you, when neither of you had the threat of death hanging over your heads like a heavy cloud.
But now, with each moment commonly understood as having the potential to be your last, Gene couldn’t afford to leave you as anything other than satisfied…..worshipped.
By the time he has your boots removed and one of your legs freed from your trousers, he wants nothing more than to make you come apart beneath him. Because of him.
Looking back up at you, he can see that you’ve unbuttoned your shirt and thrown it open so he can see your nipples harden beneath your once white t-shirt- the weather was far too cold to consider undressing to complete nudity. Your mouth is pink and swollen, shiny from your tongue having recently darted out to wet them.
For a moment, Gene is stuck- too awed by your beauty to risk moving and missing a moment of it. Your heated whisper of his name is the only thing that shakes him free, and he can’t help but lean into your touch when you card a hand through his hair again.
Bringing his rifle-roughened hands to your knees, he purposefully slides them up your thighs until he can rub his thumbs over your hip bones. When he presses on them lightly, you follow his touch and perch yourself on the edge of the table with a quiet curse. The action parts your lower lips slightly, a movement he is quick to chase with his mouth. 
He wastes no time shouldering his way between your thighs, using his hands to guide them over his shoulders as he starts to lick gently at the seam of your sex.
“Fuck,” you whimper, your other hand coming down to scratch lightly at his scalp. “Fuck, Eugene….you don’t have to—ohh!”
Your unnecessary reassurance is lost in a sigh of arousal the moment his thumbs open you up more for him so he can circle the tip of his tongue around your clit before laving it more purposefully. You always tried to reassure him that using his mouth on you wasn’t necessary, clearly not accustomed to having a partner who enjoyed doing so.
Not that Gene was an expert, not by any means.
But, between having mapped out your sex with his fingers and the limited experience he’d had before the war paired with his- er, considerable knowledge of the human anatomy- he knew enough to take out most of the guesswork.
He hasn’t had many opportunities to go down on you- three on the boat ride to England, five times during your time in Alderbourne, twice since dropping into Normandy. You’d dropped to your knees for him far more than that, and now that he had more perspective on what your relationship with Peter had probably entailed Gene was determined to make up for each and every indulgence you’d offered him.
The tremor of your thighs tells him that you’re getting close, and he can tell by the way the muscles of your stomach clench beneath his greedy palm that you’re starting to have a hard time keeping yourself up as you watched him devour you. He hadn’t realized how vigorously he’d been attending to you, too lost in your taste and smell to hear the interspersing chant of his name being showered upon him as praise spilled from your lips once more.
With a groan, brings you to orgasm, refusing to cease his suckling despite the blooming ache in his jaw. It isn’t until your foot raises to press at his shoulder that he allows you to push him away, and he can tell that he’s exhausted you by the way you fall back and writhe while your release works itself through your bloodstream.
“Oh my God, Gene,” you keep repeating, chest jumping with adrenaline. “Why are you….how are you so good?”
He chuckles at that, his cheeks darkening at the praise. Gene watches as your eyes skate down his body to look at his cock, swallowing audibly before looking into his eyes once more. Before he can assure you that he understands if you don’t want to keep going, you carefully sit up and look up at him bashfully, biting the inside of your lower lip and bringing your hand to his cheek.
The look you’re giving him starts to make him nervous. He’s about to ask you what’s wrong when you clear your throat and tell him.
“I...I don’t know if I’m good at it.”
Gene frowns, searching your face for clarification as to what you’re trying to say.
“What’re you mean, ma cherie? What’s got you so worried?”
Your shoulders nearly slump as you sigh, giving him a weak smile as you clear your throat once more. 
“At sex, Gene. I’m worried—I don’t know how to make it good for you...”
With a shake of his head, he brings his crooked index finger under your chin to stop you from hanging your head in embarrassment. You look so lost right now it breaks his heart.
“Minette, you are the best thing to ever happen to me.”
When you open your mouth to rebuke his statement he’s quick to kiss you, using his free hand to bring yours from his cheek to press against the middle of his chest. It takes you a moment, but you do kiss him back, inhaling sharply as he nips carefully at your bottom lip.
Pulling back, Gene traces his thumb over your lips and gives you a soft smile.
“Never worry about me, ‘cause there isn’t a damn thing you could do that wouldn’t make it ‘good for me’.”
You narrow your eyes at that. “I doubt that’s true—”
Gene snorts and shakes his head admonishingly. “Doubt all you want, darlin’. Don’t make any of what I said change one bit.”
You look at him for a bit, eyes softening again and your hand smoothing down his chest with a hum. He thinks you’re going to require further reassurance until he watches as you purposefully part your mouth enough for his thumb to slip between your lips. The sight of you watching him paired with the drag of your tongue along the pad of his finger goes straight to his cock, reminding him of just how hard he’s become.
When you release him with a gentle nip to his fingertip, Gene stares at you in disbelief.
“Jésus Christ, cherie,” he can’t help but murmur. “Vous ne jouez pas juste…”
You tilt your head slightly, clearly aware of what he’s said but seeming to understand the gist of it.
“Show me what you like,” you whisper, scooting your hips to the very edge of the table and brushing your lips against his. “I’ve wanted you for so long….”
Gene kisses you as he slips inside of you, your gasp of pleasure sweet on his tongue. Unprompted, you bring your legs up to find some purchase around his hips and squeak as you take all of him in at once.
Bon Dieu, tu te sens comme le paradis….
You are clutching at him, your hands dancing for the best place to grip him before settling on one arm hooking around his neck and your other hand bracing at his left bicep. It’s an awkward position- probably because neither of you had ever tried to fuck on a table before- so Gene tries to get past the near blinding pressure building in his loins and wraps one of his arms around your hips to slightly adjust the bend in your spine.
“Shit, I’m sorry—!” you being to apologize before he cuts you off.
“Non, non, non, non Minette….just let me try and—”
You both cry out as he suddenly ruts deep, your nails digging into his flesh through his shirts you gape up at him in surprise.
“Oh, oh!”
“‘S that okay?” he grits out, resisting every fiber in his body that is begging for him to piston his hips and just fuck you already. You nod quickly, rolling your hips experimentally and kissing him quickly when he keens before he can stop himself. Gene grits his teeth at the sweetness you’re showing him. You’re just so good. “I’ll stop if it’s—”
“More than okay….do that again- please don’t stop!”
There’s something so…. overwhelming about the way you’re looking at him, with your eyes wide and lips parted. The whimper that comes from the back of your throat at his next thrust combined with your bewildered expression makes you appear so beautifully innocent that Gene momentarily forgets how to breathe. Maybe innocent is the wrong word. 
Honest. Yes, that was it.
It was your honesty that was overwhelming him, the lack of theater in your reactions to him and his touch so genuine and open that he almost didn’t know what to do with himself. Having you- the most glorious creature he’d ever met, would ever meet- gaze at him as if he’s hung the stars in the sky was just so bewitching and unexpected, particularly because of how highly he regarded you.
Your eyes have a glossy look to them, almost as if you were drunk. Rather than the babble he’d anticipated hearing from you, you’ve gone almost silent aside from the sighs and gasps of pleasure that accompany each piston of his hips into your tight velvet heat. Head lolled back, you watch him from under heavy lids while meeting his thrusts with careful pitches of your own, your eyelashes fluttering in response to his punched-out breath washing over your face.
If he didn’t know any better, Gene would say that you had undersold your experience on purpose. You had to know what you were doing to him.
How devastatingly close you were to unmanning him.
“Is it good, Ma Chatounette?” he can hear himself ask, his head already swimming with the initial signs of orgasm. “Am I making you feel good?”
You nod shallowly, mouth opening to reply but no sound coming out. The hand you’ve braced on his arm now has started to claw, and he can feel you tighten around him. 
You’re close, too.
“Please,” you nearly weep, your hips starting to rut against him. “Please please please please—!”
“D'accord,”’ he nods, taking your words as permission to allow his body to chase that fire that’s been burning him alive for quite some time now. “Je te donnerai ce dont tu as besoin, chérie. Je vais le rendre meilleur….”
Gene moans as you allow him to put a hand on your shoulder and press you back so you’re laying back on the table, your back arching sinfully as you mewl for him. Your legs tighten around his waist, and he feels his jaw go slack at the sight of your rolling hips coming to meet him thrust for thrust. You’ve begun to chant his name again, the sheen of sweat on your skin making you look like some carnal divinity sent to him for the sole purpose of ruining him.
And who was he to deny an angel?
Your arms wrap around him as he hunches over to brace his elbows by your shoulders, pressing your hot cheek against his - nibbling at his earlobe as his rhythm becomes punishing.
“Ma ruine, mon ange, je ne veux jamais être sans toi—”
“Come for me- please, please, I’ve never felt so good—”
It’s the catch of his pelvis against your clit that snaps both of you into oblivion, Gene’s vision going white as he clutches at whatever parts of you he can get his hands on, choking on his own breath as the bite of your fingernails adds the perfect amount of pain to his release. He’s aware of you crying out in release, but it’s swirled into the sound of blood racing in his ears as your tightening walls milk him for all he’s worth.
As his vision returns to him, he laboriously removes his head from the curve of your shoulder to look at you, his heart freezing midbeat when he sees tears streaming down your cheeks.
You’re shaking your head, hands finding his cheeks to bring his mouth to yours so you can kiss him syrupy-slow, the action throwing him for a loop.
“I’m happy,” you insist between kisses. “It was so good…. I-I don’t know why I’m crying, I’m sorry—”
Gene calms instantly, kissing you back and sighing into your mouth.
He understood what you were trying to say, knew exactly what you were experiencing. It made him stupidly happy that he wasn’t the only one overwhelmed by this….connection you two had.
He’d never had a lover who had reciprocated his feelings so fully. Then again, he’d never felt this with anyone else before, either.
“Don’t be sorry, Minette….I feel it, too.”
It takes the two of you a while, but you do eventually manage to move to the small mattress in the corner of the room, tangling yourselves together beneath the moderate warmth of the blankets and coats you’d scavenged earlier while avoiding Peter.
You must’ve thought he was asleep, because he has a feeling you wouldn’t have dared to say the words aloud.
“I love you,” you whispered against his shoulder in the darkness. “However terrible that makes me, I’m in love with you Eugene Roe.”
Gene is thankful for the pitch-black surrounding you. That way, he can allow himself to smile without fear of you seeing it.
Je suis amoureux de toi depuis des années, (Y/N).  J'ai hâte de te le dire un jour.
But for now, this was enough.
~ ~ ~
(*hides under covers for the rest of the day* OK THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME THIS HAS BEEN MY FIC DO WITH IT WHAT YOU WILL)
Taglist: @mrseasycompany​ @itswormtrain @mrsalwayswrite​ @happyveday​ @sunsetmando​ @ricksmorty​ @liebgotttme​
139 notes · View notes
hello ! if ur requests are currently open, can i get headcanons / scenario of inarizakis manager having a celeb crush (like finn wolfhard, louis partridge ALSO if u can, can u please make the celeb crush louis patridge ? im kinda desperate for sum louis x reader scenarios lawl) and they let them simp for him cuz it's just a crush right ? right, what they don't know is that manager-chan has made some attempts for him (their celeb crush) to notice them and they have successfully made him notice them bc manager chan is such a charm, so what will be their reactions if they see manager chan holding hands with the celeb crush that they didn't worry ab ? thank u in advance if u do it ! but it's fine if ur requests aren't open,, i just didn't see any posts ab ur requests being closed hehe also sorry if i did this wrong 😭 this is my first time requesting sumthn 😭😭
Louis Patridge x Inarizaki manager
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Oh my goshhh hi bb. I'm so glad I was your first :D (yes, initially, requests were closed, unfortunately) but this was literally such a good one, I couldn't resist writing it. (I'm in love with Louis Patridge too, bubs)
Also, just a tip (if you're gonna request on anon, make sure you follow me, or have my profile saved because tumblr doesn't give you a notification when I've answered you 🥺🥺)
🦋; Inarizaki manager (reader) x Louis Patridge (celeb crush) x Inarizaki vbc ,, triggers: none!!
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“Guys. DID YOU WATCH ENOLA HOLMES?” your breathless face was red due to fact that you've ran a long way, obviously to tell them this.
Atsumu and Osamu nodded in unison, “Yea, that Millie Bobbi Brown chick acted prett' well”
Suna rolled his eyes. “Hated it. Only watched it for Superman, though.”
Kita shrugged, walked up to you, and shook his head as he smoothed your hair down (the stray curls obviously came undone as you were running). “I don't watch fictious movies, y/n-san. Was it good?”
Eyes sparkling, you nodded. “It was more than good. Besides, that actor, Louis Patridge? The guy who plays Lord Tewkesbury? I think I'm in love with him.” a dream-like look glazed over your eyes as you stared at your phone wallpaper wistfully.
Suddenly, the bell rang, jolting you back to reality. “Oh that's right, I need to go to class now.”, and with that, you left six very stunned boys in the gym.
“I wonder what'll be of her crush on that' actor?” asked Atsumu with a smirk. Don't be fooled though, behind the easygoing exterior, he was the most concerned of the lot (and the most jealous).
“Yer' overthinking it. They live oceans apart, and he plays movies on the big screen.” drawled Osamu.
“Yeah, I'm sure one of us still has more chance with her than him, she's actually met us, after all.” chirped Akagi, with a positive note. He was determined to win you over, and a celeb crush didn't deter him in any way.
Suna nodded, whilst Kita and Aran exchanged looks. “It's important to be supportive of her though. Albeit it being merely a schoolgirl crush, this could mean a lot to her.” said Kita, and his tone invited no further disagreement.
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Back at home that evening, thoughts of the handsome brown haired boy could not leave your mind, and you logged onto Instagram, hoping to see if he had posted any updates.
He had, and it was a selfie of himself, with his tousled hair in all its "I-just-got-out-of-bed" glory. Damn, this man was sexy.
Smiling, you typed out a comment. “No offense, but if being adorable was a crime, you'd have fine written all over you ˃ᴗ˂ ”. Yes, it was dorky, and cheesy all in one. But why not? He might not ever read it anyways, as your comment got swept underneath the hundreds of others that came after it.
Sighing, you settled down to study, with thoughts about the comment and Louis pushed out of your mind.
Meanwhile, as Louis scrolled through his comments, a single one caught his eye. She used a pickup line (how adorable) which caused his cheeks to redden. Tentatively, he surveyed her profile, before feeling the familiar sensation of having a crush, wash over him.
She was gorgeous, and although he knew he shouldn't stalk random pretty girls over the internet, he couldn't help himself. Her pictures showed her to be the manager of a club of some sort, and she was almost always posing with a teammate. A male, teammate.
But damn, that smile. Even if he felt a small pit of unfounded jealousy at the guys, her smile was enough to distract him from anything.
His fingers hovered over the "follow back" button, before he finally gave in to temptation by following her, commenting, and putting his phone away quickly, suddenly feeling like a schoolboy all over again.
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That morning, before school, you could barely believe the notifications waiting for you on your phone.
"louispatridge_ is following you"
"louispatridge_ commented: nah, if anyone's fine, it's gotta be you ˃ᴗ˂ "
Of course, after having seven mini panic attacks, and fawning over him, you set out to tell your boys at the volleyball club the good news.
And all you could think about on the way there was how Louis Patridge somehow noticed you. It was unbelievable, and somehow turned your insides to jelly.
As soon as you reached the gym, you flung yourself on Atsumu, engulfing him in a hug. “Guys I'm so happy” you managed to choke out.
Atsumu obviously enjoyed holding you, and he gently wrapped his arms around you to feel your heart beating quickly
“To what do we owe the pleasure of seeing you this early, y/n?” joked Aran.
Wordlessly, you dug into your pocket and pulled out your phone. “He thinks I'm fine. Fine means hot right? I mean, I used it meaning hot. Because he is hot. And he thinks the same of me, that's gotta be good? And the emoticon. He used the same one, he's so cu—”
But you were interrupted out of your whisper-babble by the boys' shocked faces. He noticed her? This fast? “I'm so happy for you, y/n” said Akagi cheerfully, but internally he was demotivated and sad at the prospect of you dating the young star.
Suna looked at you thoughtfully and ruffled your hair. “That's my girl. She's just as amazing and capable as those girls on the silver screen.” and although it pained him to say this, he just wanted to share your happiness.
The twins were withdrawn, and Kita congratulated you, whilst obviously feeling a bit regretful for dismissing it as a "schoolgirl crush".
In general, the boys were upset, but not surprised. If you had them all collectively whipped for you, why not a movie star?
After kissing Suna's cheek and waving the rest of the boys off, you skipped all the way to homeroom, excited to share the news with your friends.
Silence followed your absence as Aran shrugged. “So are we gonna acknowledge the elephant in the room?”
Atsumu pouted and glared at them all. “Why did he have to notice her? Was it her profile picture? I've always asked her to change it, she looks way too attractive.”
Osamu nodded and jutted his bottom lip. “I mean, we think she's the most beautiful girl in the world, and apparently other guys do too.”
“Oh God make it stop” whispered Suna. “I wish she'd just stay ours. I don't mind competing with you guys, I'm obviously better, but that actor dude? No chance.”
“We'll be supportive” reaffirmed Kita. “Above all, she's out friend and we do not own her. If this makes her happy, we won't ruin it.”. Akagi and Aran were quiet.
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Ever since that day, you and Louis have been slowly but steadily growing closer and falling harder for each other.
He tried his luck by texting you, and although you were shy and tentative at first, getting to know the real him was refreshing.
And you really did like him. He was intelligent, adorable, and realistic. The two of you spent your time from dusk till' dawn talking, whether on call or on text.
And no one could deny the blossoming chemistry between yourself and Louis. He was a gentleman in every way, and his honeyed words stuck in your heart, finding its way to be replayed every time you felt down.
The boys slowly saw you drifting away. And when you weren't, it was always "Louis this—" or “Louis said—” and frankly their hearts couldn't take it anymore. It was time to give up, and love you as a friend instead.
But immersed in his attention you barely even noticed.
One day, Louis called you as you were heading home after practice. “y/n! Love, guess what?”
“aw bubs, just tell me. I hate guessing. Mostly because I suck at it.”
You could hear him chuckle on the other side of the line as he softly whispered “I'm coming to Japan on the ninth!”
“Wait, Louis. Today's the ninth.”
“I know. So are you gonna come to that bubble tea place you won't shut up about, or must I come get you?”
“You're joking”
“I'm not. I've wanted to surprise you, and I swear it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Which includes getting kicked by a horse on set, but nevermind about that, y/n, I want to see you, so get your arse here.”
“Coming, Lord Tewkesbury”
“I might have a kink.”
You blushed bright red at his words. “shut up oh my gosh, I'll be there.”
Louis ended the call with a small smile on his face. He knew how easily flustered you were with him and he loved it. It was just another thing on the list of all the reasons why Louis Patridge adored you to hell and back.
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The whole way to the shop, your heart was pounding. So you'd finally get to meet the guy you've been dreaming about ever since you laid eyes on him in a movie.
Ever since those late night phone calls and early morning texts made your heart race and eyes sparkle with wonder.
You were finally meeting him.
The familiar sweet smell of the tea washed over you, and a familiar face waited for you at the entrance. His brown eyes looked gorgeous in the sun and his hair was tousled exactly the way you once saw in a selfie.
Wasting no time, you ran to him, pulling him to a hug. He laughed and caught you in his arms, holding you closer as your legs wrapped around his waist. No words were exchanged, just touches. There were too many words said already.
After pulling away, he gently stroked his thumb through your features. Tucking a strand aside, ruffling your hair. His hands ached to touch you, and now, finally, he could.
“You're such a dork.” was all you could whisper, afraid speaking loudly would break the spell.
“Your dork. All yours.”
“Louis!” your voice went an octave higher as the familiar warm sensation came over your cheeks, painting them a delicate pink.
“Oh God, I've always wanted to see you blush. How can you be so adorable?? Oh God.”
You whined in protest, but frankly, you were too happy to be around him to care much at all.
Tipping your chin to face him, Louis Patridge did the one thing he dreamt of doing, ever since he stalked through your Instagram profile one fateful morning.
He kissed you.
And wouldn't you know it? You kissed him back. It was warm, comforting, and everything you thought it'd be.
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Meanwhile, the boys had finished cleaning up the gym, and started heading home.
“Hey guys, do you wanna go grab some bubble tea?” asked Aran. The prospect of food, or sweet things always cheered up the boys, and after a day of particularly grueling practice, it was no surprise they agreed at once.
You however, were comfortably nestled next to Louis as you swapped stories. Your hands never left each other, though. He kept stroking your palm, just to remind himself you were here, right next to him.
“So how's the volleyball club, Mrs. manager?”
“Mrs? Do I look like I'm married?” to which Louis responded with a shrug and wink.
Coincidentally, the Inarizaki boys entered the shop at that very moment, freezing in their tracks after seeing you in a booth with Louis.
“Psst. Guys. Loverboy's here.”
“Should we say hello?”
“I might cry if they kiss” whimpered Akagi.
“We need to say hello, it's the right thing to do.” said Kita sensibly, as he walked up to the two of you. “Hello y/n-san, Louis-san.” said Kita with a slight nod.
Happily, you rose from your seat and hugged the captain, thanking him for saying hi, as you introduced him to Louis.
Soon, the other boys came around and one by one, introduced themselves as well. Honestly speaking, they were jealous. How could they possibly get over someone like you? Someone as spectacular and beautiful as you? But when they saw you face shining with radiance as you smiled at Louis, and the way his hands never left yours, they understood.
And they wanted you to be happy. That was the most important thing, above all else for the both of them.
“I love you, manager-chan.”
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ickle-ronniekins · 4 years
silent confessions
request from nonnie! “Hey erica! I have a request for you, it's a bit challenging i think but I'm sure you'll do perfectly. Imagine like, the fake dating trope with fred, BUT at the end it's a george x reader? Like, imagine george feeling uncomfortable and jealous seeing the reader and fred acting like a couple even though he knows its not real and stuff anyway im obsessed with your writing love you bye”
pairing: fred x reader, george x reader
word count: 3.8k
A/N: wait, i loved this request. so different from the normal fake dating tropes! i hope this lived up to expectations.. idk why i just feel like my writing sort of sucks in this?? wah, idk, sad, feedback pls? also we’ve got some POV changes in this but they’re pointed out ayyyee, thanks for enduring the fluffiest fluff ever bc that’s all i have to give you hooligans
tag list: @mintlibri @georgeweasleyx @seppys-return-to-madness @fopdoodledane @fredd-weasley @iprobablyshipit91 @darling-details @laneygthememequeen @lupinsx @keoghans @helloallthethingsilove @bobduncanlover @dreamer821 @feffffffy @the-hufflepuff-of-221b @62442-am @wtfweasleyy @obsessedwithrandomthings @thoseofgreatambition @sleep-i-ness @shadowsinger11 @shadychaoticcollection @haphazardhufflepuff @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff @hood-and-horan
You could practically hear the smirk that grew on his face — he wasn’t exactly being subtle. He took his place next to you in the Great Hall, ignored the fact that you were removing spellbooks and quills from your bag to begin your work, and didn’t bother to heed Snape’s warning glance.
“Hey, Y/N?”
Fred’s voice was a little too sweet for your liking; sweet as sugar, in fact. You knew this voice. It’s the voice he always put on whenever he needed a favor — whenever he wanted something from you. You didn’t look up from the table.
“Whatever it is, I think I’m going to pass.”
He scoffed and closed your spellbook. You grunted in annoyance; you were positive he wasn’t going down without a fight, but you supposed you still needed to try, even though you knew in your heart that this was a fight you wouldn’t win. You turned toward him and he batted his eyelashes at you.
“Dear, dear Y/N — you won’t pass when I tell you what’s in it for you.”
“What type of chaotic mischief that you have planned could possibly be beneficial to me?”
He digested this; you were right, and he knew it. He just shrugged, though, took in your rejection and tried to use it to his advantage.
He nodded across to the other end of the Gryffindor table; there sat Angelina Johnson — fellow Gryffindor, member of the DA, Quidditch captain and, to your most recent knowledge, Fred Weasley’s crush. Again. Boy was crazy about her.
“Thought we already tried this, Freddie?” you sighed, stealing your spellbook back from his very tight grasp and opening it to your desired page. He huffed a bit, and you were quite sure he was remembering the disaster that was the Yule Ball, just a year ago.
You noticed a small grin lift his cheeks; he looked rather smug now, which made you worried. What was it, exactly, that he had planned? “I know last year didn’t go exactly as I’d hoped.” Right. Fred had gotten a little too sloppy on his date with Angelina. She’d been a bit turned off. The night ended and she never pursued anything else; he was so embarrassed, neither did he. Fred Weasley? Embarrassed? The word wasn’t even in his day to day vernacular. But boy, was he shook.
“But it was a long time ago — besides, she’s been sending me all types of signals.”
“I don’t think her eye rolls mean she fancies you, Fred.”
He jabbed you playfully in the ribs. “Don’t be rude, Y/N. I know she fancies me. I just know it. You don’t go on just one date with Fred Weasley.”
You scoffed at his air of egotistical confidence; you shut your eyes at the prospect of him maybe going to someone else for help. Much to your dismay, it didn’t happen. He just stayed where he was, resting his chin on his hand, peering at you longingly as if his staring alone would convince you to say yes to whatever he had up his sleeve. After a few minutes, you said, “If I agree to help you, you prat, will you leave me alone?”
“Can’t say leaving you alone would exactly work with what I’ve got planned,” he replied, relaxing now, tapping his foot underneath the table and not taking his eyes off of Angelina. “I need you to pretend to date me.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“Relax, Y/N, I’m not going to pin you against the wall and snog you, if that’s what you’re so worried about,” he laughed, running a hand through his hair. You felt as though your throat was closing up at the mere thought of it. “Just some hand holding, things of the like. Need to make her jealous. Need to make her realize what she’s missing.”
You groaned in frustration. “Can I take back what I said?”
“Nope,” he answered brightly. “You can’t. Thanks for coming along for the ride. Don’t get in too deep, though. No falling in love with me, alright?”
You felt a pang in your chest; you weren’t in love with him and you never would be. He was your best friend and nothing would change that. You knew it and so did he. You felt worried, though. What would others think? What if Angelina did get jealous — but in a bad way? Or worse — what would George say?
His was the only opinion that mattered to you, truthfully.
So that’s how you came to be Fred Weasley’s “girlfriend”, and when you both finally told George what Fred had strategically planned, you were relieved and also a bit upset at how nonchalant he seemed; a small grin tugged at the edges of his lips which sent you into a tizzy. You tried your very hardest to hide your disappointment; you didn’t want to let on how absolutely mad you were for him. So, you supposed, when you thought about this ridiculous stunt one night in your four poster, fake dating Fred would certainly squash any and all suspicions George had (if he did) about you fancying him.
“How’s my favorite couple?” he’d asked teasingly one day in the middle of the common room, sinking into the couch on the other side of you. Angelina then popped in through the portrait hole, and Fred placed his hand on your knee, stroking it absentmindedly. You felt a dull ache in your heart when you saw George’s eyes dart toward Fred’s hand.
Angelina had done the exact same thing; you were able to see a very faint shade of pink flush her cheeks before she stormed upstairs to her dormitory without a word to any of you. Fred immediately dropped his hand and you felt your muscles relax, but not without a quick squeeze to your knee and a cheeky grin. “Brilliant, Y/N,” he said, earning himself a dull grunt from you. Not that you’d done much, or anything, for that matter. But still, your heart felt sore at the thought: you wanted, more than anything, for George to reach over and gently graze your knee, pull you into him, kiss your temple as Fred had been doing the last few weeks.
The dull ache in your heart just seemed to grow stronger.
“Help me!”
You frowned. “I’m already in the middle of the other favor your lovely brother asked me to do,” you told him with a slight twinge of annoyance to your voice; however, it wasn’t difficult for him to detect a bit of cheekiness, too — especially when he saw the slight grin that spread itself across your lips.
“I just need some help with this stupid Potions essay.”
George noticed you soften at his request; he supposed it wasn’t as time-consuming as pretending to be someone’s girlfriend, and was rather elated when you agreed. You pulled out your desired books from the shelves in front of you and pointed at an empty table in one of the rows. “Let’s get started then, Georgie.”
But the truth was, he didn’t really need help. He was actually doing surprisingly well in Potions, for the first time since he began at Hogwarts. He didn’t want to let it get to his head, though. He figured there wasn’t anything wrong with getting some extra assistance.
It wasn’t assistance that he yearned for, though — it was you. More importantly, time spent with you. Any time — which he found himself getting hardly any now that you were “dating” his brother. He was first impressed at the idea that you’d decided to help Fred with his ridiculous request, and spent most of the time hanging around you teasing you and taunting you mercilessly for it, earning himself adorable laughs and flustered looks in return. But now, as he watched Fred press featherlight kisses to your temple and snake his arm around your waist at every given moment, all he felt was resentment. Jealousy. Hurt.
He felt himself feeling guilty; he shouldn’t be allowed to feel any of those things, because Fred didn’t know. Nobody knew. Nobody knew how he felt about you. Also, this whole stupid thing was just a ploy, anyway. So he suppressed those feelings everyday until he ended up alone in his dorm room, where he’d kick his trunk and scream into a muffled pillow while he let his brain unwind and digest the day's events.
“Ah — work here is finished,” he said after a few hours in the library. Much needed hours, in fact. He watched as you slowly placed your spellbooks back into your bag. “Thanks for your help.”
And in between those bouts of jealousy and resentment came moments of clarity, moments of affection, overwhelming feelings of admiration toward you. “For you?” you started, a gentle smile on your lips as you placed a hand to his knee, “Anything.”
You woke up before the sun and groaned; it was Saturday. Four Saturdays, in fact, since Fred had asked you to embark on this silly endeavor with him. Three Saturdays since you’d begun wondering when this would finally be over. Two Saturdays since Fred had told you sooner rather than later. One Saturday since George had noticeably become off balance.
You felt a pull at your heart when you popped through the portrait hole with Fred and Ginny later that evening after a much needed trip into Hogsmeade; you chewed nervously on the sugar quill you’d purchased as you placed yourself next to the roaring fire, Fred taking a seat next to you on the couch when Ginny made her way to the girls dormitory.
You didn’t know where George was; he hadn’t come to Hogsmeade. Or maybe he did, and he’d just very successfully avoided you both as you ended up, hand-in-hand, wherever Angelina was. With the exception of a few measly youngins on the other end of the common room, you and Fred were alone.
“I really need to talk with you.”
He looked up from his copy of the Daily Prophet he had clutched in his hands. He furrowed his brow and placed the paper on the table in front of him, criss-crossing his legs and peering at you longingly. Then he turned cheeky and wiggled his eyebrows at you. “Must be important,”
You cleared your throat and felt your heart thundering against your ribcage.
You opened your mouth to speak and closed it just the same. You didn’t really know how to ask what you wanted to — to tell him what you wanted to. So instead, you opted for, “How much longer d’you think this is going to last?”
“I dunno — a few days, or so. Why?” He raised his eyebrows. “Sick of me already?”
“Ha-ha,” you replied sarcastically, jabbing him in the chest. “I just — I’m a bit worried —” you broke off and let your mind wander for a moment. You thought about truthfully telling Fred how you felt. Guilty. Upset. Lonely. In love with someone who didn’t seem to notice. Worried he’d find someone else. “I just hope Angelina isn’t getting the wrong idea.”
Fred digested this. “How d’you mean?”
“Well, you want her to run to you in a fit of jealous fury, right?” he nodded curtly, taking this in. “I just hope she doesn’t see us together and instead, turns the other cheek. Looks the other way. Finds somebody else. You know?” But it wasn’t Angelina you were worried about.
Fred thought about this for a moment. You watched as his cheeky expression turned rather stoic, and then a bit grim. “I never thought of it that way.”
Suddenly, you felt extremely worried. You started, “No, no, you know what? I’m being silly — she wouldn’t, because she’s absolutely mad for you, too. Just forget I said anything, okay? I reckon she’ll be round to snatch you right out of my hands this week.” You laughed, but it felt foreign in your mouth. Fred noticed.
“Y/N,” his voice suddenly sounded a lot less like his own — more concerned. “What’s going on?”
Just then, George popped through the portrait hole with Ron, Harry, and Neville. You met his gaze and let it linger for a few long moments. He then smiled brightly, as if he hadn’t been acting strange this entire past week. With a quick wave to you both, ignoring Fred’s motion to come and sit down, he made his way straight up to the boys dormitory. Fred shot you a glance, and you answered his previous question.
“Nothing, Fred,” you sighed, silencing him before he could ask you if you knew what was up with his twin. You hated how painfully true your next words were. “There’s absolutely nothing going on.”
George was outside in the courtyard with Ron, Harry, and Ginny. He’d been doing his best to avoid you and Fred at all costs, which was pretty hard when you were his best friend and Fred was his twin. But he tried.
He found himself growing incredibly uncomfortable around you both; the sheer sight of Fred slinging an arm around your waist, intertwining his fingers with yours, calling you his “love” — it sent George spiraling. He didn’t want Fred doing those things. In fact, he didn’t want anyone doing those things. Only him. He wanted you to be his love.
You took him by surprise in the courtyard; the others were immersed in a conversation about bets, or something. He, though, was peering up at you, doing his very best to not look as bloody nervous as he felt.
“Can we talk?”
You didn’t give him a chance to answer; you pulled him to his feet and immediately brought him back into the castle. You found an empty classroom and sat yourself down on a desk across from him. He had to resist the urge to spill his guts, tell you everything, grab your face in his hands and confess his unwavering love for you.
So instead, he opted for a generic, “What’s up?”
“I’m not sure..” you started timidly. He could see the shyness in your eyes and he didn’t like it one bit. You? Shy around him? You’d never been. He hated that this is where it had gotten too. “Are you mad at me?”
He was very much taken aback at your forward question; way to cushion the blow. He swallowed a few times, trying very desperately to dislodge the lump that appeared in his throat and hoped to Merlin that he could fool you. “Mad? Of course not. Why would I be?”
You crossed your arms, now looking a bit angered. George felt his insides constrict. “We haven’t spoken in days.”
“I’ve just — been busy,” George lied. His jaw tightened. “Assignments, and things. Detention. You know,” he winked, trying to lighten the mood, “the usual.”
You smiled back, though it was a broken sort of smile. Lonely. It took everything in him not to lean over and kiss it right off of your mouth. “Are you sure? You’d tell me if anything was wrong, right?” He swore he heard more than yearning in your voice; he scolded himself silently for being dishonest. Was your voice breaking? “You’re my best friend.”
Inside his pockets, he clenched his fists. He was going to go for it. Who cared about Angelina? Fred could get her without this ridiculous bloody stunt of his. And George needed to tell you before you fell for his twin, for real, and the both of you ended up heartbroken. He stepped forward, but before he could do or say anything, you slung your arms around his shoulders and squeezed him tight. He felt revitalized at your embrace, like he was reentering his body after having been off balance for months. His fingertips found your hips and he focused solely on the smell of your shampoo, the feeling of your body pressed tightly against him. When you both parted, he took your hands in his. He wet his lips and took a steady deep breath. “Honestly?”
Fred’s voice, much to George’s dismay, came from the classroom door. Damnit. How had he found you both? The door was closed! Frustration, anger, and gloom raced through George’s body; he was about two bloody seconds away from decking his brother for interrupting. But he couldn’t. Of course he couldn’t. Fred didn’t know. George sighed through gritted teeth, let your hands fall out of his, and backed away slowly.
“”C’mon, love, we’ve got dinner,” Fred called, sounding much happier than George would’ve liked. To him, Fred said, “you coming, mate?”
“Be there in a minute, Freddie.”
Fred grinned brightly and left you both standing in the middle of the classroom, the tension still hanging in the air. You turned back from the door, a solemn sort of look on your face, and asked him, “What were you going to say?”
“Oh,” George’s voice got caught in his throat, “just — been a little stressed. Knackered from class more often than not. Reckon I’ve just got a lot on my mind.”
You frowned. He knew that you were aware not to press on; that was all the information he was going to give. You took a deep breath. “As long as we’re okay?”
“Of course we are.”
“Okay,” you said. You grabbed his hand and squeezed it. “I’m famished. Let’s go eat.”
“Did I do something wrong?”
Fred was standing across from you in the common room, arms crossed, shoulders back, and a smirk growing on his face. He laughed at your nervousness. He’d just told you that things were over between you both. You’d asked, of course, just to be courteous. But you were actually pretty bloody excited. “Of course not, Y/N. You’ve done quite the opposite, actually.”
Fred walked over to you and placed his hands on both of your shoulders. He wet his lips before a huge, cheeky grin swept itself across his face. He squeezed you. “Angelina cornered me this morning.”
You raised your eyebrows. You were suddenly feeling much more invigorated. You grabbed his face out of pure excitement and shook him. “And? Keep bloody on, would you?!”
He threw his head back and laughed haughtily now. “Haven’t seen you this excited since before we began this,”
“Sorry,” you calmed down and frowned a bit. “Reckon I haven’t been the greatest “girlfriend”...”
A soft smile found its way across Fred’s cheeks. You furrowed your brows in confusion, hoping that he was going to tell you that he and Angelina were finally, wonderfully, officially together, which meant that you and Fred didn’t need to be. But he caught you completely off guard and said, “Don’t blame yourself too much. I reckon it’d be difficult to pretend to date me, especially when you’re in love with someone else.”
You were certain that your heart had jumped directly into your throat; your entire body went rigid at his words. He knew? Who else knew? Did George? Did everyone?  “I don’t.. know what you’re on about, Freddie.”
“Merlin, you are being thick today,” he teased, pulling at your hair and shaking his head. “C’mon. You think I didn’t notice? Each time I’d drop your hand, or unwind my arm from your waist, I saw you steal glances at him.” Fred leaned in to get closer to you and you noticed a light shade of pink wash over his cheeks. Had you been silently confessing your love for George this entire time? “He was stealing them right back, you know.”
You swallowed thickly. Did Fred know more than he was letting on? Where was George? “He was?”
“He’s in the Great Hall.” It was evident to you that Angelina was watching from the other end of the common room, and she was smiling brightly. No doubt, Fred had told her everything. You turned back toward Fred and grinned nervously. He took your hands in his and squeezed them. He simply said, “Go get him already, would you?”
And as quickly as your feet could carry you, you ran swiftly down the staircases, through the corridors, into the Great Hall and all the way to the front, where George was sitting, pouring over a bit of parchment, looking positively ghastly. Adrenaline was coursing through your veins like fire; your cheeks felt hot and flushed and each and every muscle in your body ached from running so bloody fast. “Ah,” he said brightly at the sight of you. “Come here to help me, have you? This assignment is a right load —”
You cut him off, ignored this completely and pulled him to his feet; he peered down at you with a confused expression and opened his mouth to speak, but you cupped his face in your hands, pulled him forward, and kissed him. The muffled moan that escaped his lips gave you your answer — he was certainly shocked. However, it didn’t take him long to melt into it; he was kissing you as though he’d never kissed anyone in his life, like the pure feeling of your lips moulding together with his was the very oxygen pumping through his lungs at that very moment. His hands were tangled in your robes, but he eventually found himself stroking your spine delicately with his fingers, earning himself slight whines from you as he laughed cheekily against your lips. From behind you somewhere, someone said, “Hey Y/N, you do know that’s the wrong twin you’re snogging, right?”
“Oi, shove off, Finnegan!” you called, parting from George only for a moment. “I know which twin it is!”
You turned back toward George and the two of you let out a bit of relieved laughter, limbs still entangled together. “I’ve got a confession to make,” he began, biting down on his bottom lip to keep himself from pouncing on you, “I’ve been wanting to do that for a while.”
“Yeah?” you asked, wiggling your eyebrows at him.
“Pretty difficult to do anything about it when you’ve been dating my brother the last month or so,”
“You’re right,” you told him, pulling a bit on his tie, “but I’m pretty sure he broke down and told Angelina everything.”
George raised his eyebrows at you in surprise. You continued, “Pretty sure he got sick of me being a mopey “girlfriend” because all I wanted to do was be with you instead.”
His sweet smile turned rather sensual. “Is that so?”
“Yeah, that’s so,” you told him straightforwardly, running your hands through his very messy red hair.
Somewhere in the distance, over the sea of people watching you both, Seamus Finnegan shouted, “Wait, has it always been George?”
George actually snorted a bit at this; then he bit down on his lip again, wiggled his eyebrows at you, and asked, “Well — has it?”
You didn’t break your gaze, though; instead, you let your eyes linger on George’s for much longer than you normally would. You were pretty sure that you could hear the steady thumping of his heart against his ribcage, and his eyes washing over you like a cool tide completely sent you into overdrive. Suddenly, you were feeling much more confident than normal. Perhaps it was the way he was looking at you. “Yeah,” you said to George, pressing your lips to his once more, “it’s always been you.”
reblogs, comments, feedback, and all of the above are always appreciated!
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robinofinashiro · 4 years
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request from anonymous: “could i request a ushijima fic where the reader nor him ever admit their feelings for each other until one day Ushijima gets jealous bc someone from another school tries to flirt or get with you? can it be kuroo as the other person?” 
pairing: ushijima wakatoshi x fem! reader
note: ahh !! i’m at 300 followers !! thank you guys so much!! seriously, this means a lot!! i hope i can keep providing all of you guys more content. you guys are the best!! 
request status: CLOSED
“NICE WAKATOSHI!” you screamed for your captain as he managed to make the save. you stood on the bench, cheering loudly for your team as they blew the whistle, indicating that Shiratorizawa won the practice match. 
you clapped some more, cheering even louder, making sure the other team knew that they just lost to one of the top three schools in Japan. being the only Shiratorizawa manager had its benefits and sometimes, those benefits included getting away with being petty every now and again. 
you finally climbed off the bench, your coaches giving you a semi disappointed look for your actions. you grabbed the water bottles and towels to hand over to the team as you congratulated everyone on their win. 
Tendou and Semi creeped behind you, both of them wrapping their arms around your shoulders making you roll your eyes. you knew what was coming considering what they were about to say was something they constantly pestered you about. 
“heard ya cheering loudly for the captain, aren’t ya ( your name )?” Tendou poked as Semi nodded, “I think the entire gym heard you screaming Ushijima’s name,” you sighed, trying not to roll your eyes even harder than you just did.  
you walked back to the team, distributing more water to everyone who asked for seconds. you handed some to Ushijima as you heard the grunts and yells coming from everyone who was still playing their matches inside of the gym. 
Shiratorizawa, for once, accepted an invitation to one of the winter tournaments. Shiratorizawa, ever since Ushijima started there, never felt the need to attend the tournaments considering they were ranked one of the top three schools in all of Japan.
others schools such as Seijoh, Fukurodani, Karasuno, and Nekoma were also in attendance and because of that, you instantly made friends with their managers, confiding in each other whenever their teammates got to be way too rowdy. 
“you’re doing well for your first tournament, ( your name ),” Ushijima complimented. you smiled, this time trying to keep your nervousness at bay, “thanks. it’s been pretty stressful, not even going to lie and the week isn’t even over yet,” you exclaimed, hearing your coach call for you. 
you waved off Wakatoshi and ran to Washijo who needed help understanding something you had written down. in the time that you were talking to him, Ushijima was watching the others, not bothering to pay attention to Tendou who had made his way over to him to pester him about the same thing. 
eventually, Washijo left you to manage the team as he went outside to get something from his car. you were about to gather all the dirty towels and throw them in the communal laundry basket to get washed until you saw a few people approaching you. 
Ushijima’s attention turned to you when he saw Fukurodani’s captain as well his counterpart from Nekoma following along. their seconds years were trailing behind them, seemingly trying to stop whatever it was that they were about to ask you. 
“is that a jealous Ushijima I sense?” Tendou said as he watched the two boys towering over you. he paid no mind to the red head as he tried to figure out what the boys were telling you. 
you were surprised to see Bokuto and Kuroo standing in front of you with grins covering their faces. you remained silent, not knowing what to say to them. 
“hi, you’re Shiratorizawa’s manager, right?” Bokuto asked. you nodded slowly, “ahh, we’ve been meaning to talk to you! see, our managers were wondering if you wanted to come out to with us and a few others tonight. the third years were planning on sneaking out to a restaurant after hours and figured a cute girl like yourself should be asked on this outing,” Kuroo explained. 
you laughed, pushing his arm a bit flustered, “who’s a few others?” you asked them. “oh will it’s our third year manager, us, Daichi, Kiyoko, and Sugawara from Karasuno, and believe it or not, Iwaizumi from Seijoh, who didn’t take that much convincing to come along,” Bokuto said. 
“um, sure? you know that if this plan fails, we’d all get into some serious trouble for it, right?” you told the two. they waved you off before looking behind you with slight fear in their eyes. 
you turned around, wondering what the hell made them so scared all of sudden. “Ushi, what’s up?” you asked before looking to Tendou, who held a smirk on his face that just reeked of mischief, and Semi. “we were all heading back to the rooms and wanted you to come along so you wouldn’t get bothered,” Ushijima stated as you nodded vigorously. 
“um, Kiyoko has my number so if you want to grab it from her so you could text me the details?” you told the two. Kuroo nodded, as he looked you up and down once more before watching you leave with Ushijima. 
Tendou on the other hand stayed but remained silent while looking at them, “something wrong?” Bokuto asked a bit bothered by the look Tendou was giving them. Semi shook his head no, “Shiratorizawa doesn’t exactly appreciate the looks you were giving our manager just now and as a warning, she’s our captains girl,” Tendou exclaimed before the two of them walked away. 
the walk back with Ushijima was a bit awkward. more than usual that is. you could tell something was bothering him but you couldn’t figure out what it was that was making him upset.
“hey, something wrong?” you asked, stopping yourself from walking any further. Ushijima stared at you before shaking his head, “are you sure? you seem kind of out of it. Shiratorizawa won all of their practice matches today so I can’t imagine that it was that,” you explained.
Ushijima sighed, not wanting to give you the actual reasoning but he knew that if you didn’t get an answer, you’d never let it go. he murmured that he had a headache and that’s why he was in a mood.
“oh, well there isn’t anything planned for the rest of the day so how about you lay down. I have a few things to do for the team before the night ends.” Ushijima waited on if you were going to tell him on the outing that Tendou had told him about but it seemed as if you weren’t, “if I don’t see you at dinner, I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow!”
with that, you went on your way to your room. Ushijima knew that he had to figure out a way to get you to confess that you were going out later. it wasn’t that he didn’t trust you because he did but knowing that Kuroo was going was not sitting right with him.
he knew of Kuroo, obviously not personally, but from what others spoke about him. Kuroo was smart, hell, even damn near a genius when it came to science. Ushijima had no idea if it was the envy with Kuroo that made him dislike Kuroo but the idea that Kuroo could talk to you without getting nervous made him a bit annoyed.
the night fell faster than Ushijima had hoped. he still hadn’t gotten you to confess what you were doing tonight but he knew the only way he could now was if he came to your room to ask you an innocent question and would see you all dressed up. 
Ushijima made his way to your room, knocking softly so he wouldn’t scare you or cause other in the hall to wake up. you unlocked your door and only poked your head out. 
“Ushiwaka! what has you in my room so late?” you asked, your hands getting sweaty. he eyed you for a moment, “I wanted to talk about our stats from today. I figured you were busy earlier so that’s why I didn’t talk to you before this,” he said, lying almost too perfectly. 
you bit your lip, “um, I’m actually a bit busy right now. can we talk in the morning?” you asked hoping he didn’t pry. you saw Ushijima’s face fall and had it been anyone else, they wouldn’t have seen it but you knew Ushi like the back of your hand and caught it instantly, “Toshi, I’m going to let you in but you have to SWEAR to me you won’t tell anyone what you see or hear from me right now.” 
Ushijima nodded as you opened the door and yanked him inside. he saw you fully dressed up in black jeans and an overall nice top. Ushijima knew that you didn’t bring clothes for going out to a volleyball tournament so he assumed that you tried to put your best outfit together. 
“you look.....nice,” he muttered making you laugh nervously. “uh, yeah. about that! a bunch of us are kind of sneaking out tonight to catch dinner at a restaurant not too far from here so that explains the outfit this late at night,” you tried to say as casual as possible. 
Ushijima nodded, not knowing how to respond, “I’d totally invite you to come along but I know how you are about your sleep schedule, especially on days like this so I didn’t bother asking,” you added on. “who’s all attending?” he asked knowing the answer. 
“oh! Kuroo from Nekoma, Bokuto from Fukurodani, a few from Karasuno, and Iwaizumi from Seijoh!” you said as you saw your phone ping up from a text message. you quickly read it, seeing that Daichi had messaged you about them waiting for you at the back entrance from your dorm, “I need to head out. they’re waiting for me and all of us are already scared shitless about getting caught.” 
Ushijima nodded, walking out of your dorm after you, “I’ll walk you to the door to make sure you’re okay. what restaurant are you going too?” he asked. your eyebrows fluttered in confusion, “uh, I think it’s a ramen place a block from the tournament grounds! why do you ask?” 
he didn’t say anything until he saw Kuroo looking at you with that smirk that made him want to wring his neck out for even looking at you in such a way. “make sure to notify me if you’re okay every so often,” he reminded you, almost as if he was your boyfriend. 
you nodded before basically darting to Kiyoko and slipping away into the night. Ushijima knew you could handle yourself but something inside of him made him on high alert for tonight.
you made sure to keep texting Ushijima every so often, telling him that you were okay and that you would be ready to go first thing in the morning but that soon changed when he got a frantic knock at his door two hours later. 
“Tendou, it’s late. what are you doing here?” he asked his red hared best friend. he showed Ushijima his phone. he had gotten an attachment from Sugawara about how ‘close’ you were getting with Kuroo. he had made friends with the silver haired boy for this reason exactly and was glad he did. 
Ushijima’s eye twitched in annoyed seeing as how it was more Kuroo making moves than you. you sat next to the two girl managers but Kuroo seemed to have been wanting to make a move on you in the attachments that followed the first photo.
“where are you going?” Tendou asked as he saw Ushijima slipping on his running shoes. “to the restaurant,” he stated making Tendou’s eyes widened. he was quick to text Semi, telling him to bring his ass down to Ushijima’s room or else. 
“why? it’s nearly midnight?” Tendou said as he followed Ushijima out the door. he didn’t respond as he saw Semi running towards them, “what’s wrong, what happened?” Semi asked Tendou. he quickly explained the situation as he tried to get Ushijima to calm down and get him back to his dorm, “hey, she’s okay! remember if you blow this out of the water, you’ll be even worse than you started off with her!” Semi reminded him. 
Ushijima heard nothing as they all escaped through the back door. Ushijima practically jogged to the restaurant, not bothering to wait up for his two teammates. 
once he got there, he saw you with Kiyoko at the bar, getting what he assumed was a soda before going back to the table. you had sat between her and the other manager like the picture had shown but it was quite obvious that Kuroo was still trying to pull his moves on you as he had asked Kiyoko to switch places with him. 
Ushijima stared holes into Kuroo. he knew that if looks could kill, Kuroo would be dead where he stood. the only rational thing he could think of was to text you to meet him outside so he wouldn’t cause a scene inside of the restaurant and get all of you into trouble. 
you saw your phone ping up, seeing that Ushijima had texted you. Kiyoko smiled softly at you, “Ushijima again?” she asked. you nodded, “yeah, he just wants to make sure I’m okay,” you replied before reading the message. 
“can you come outside for a moment?” 
you instantly showed the message to Kiyoko and Fukurodani’s manager as they quickly made up a lie that all of you wanted to go outside for some fresh air. “hey, why is he here?” Kaori asked you urgently. you shrugged your shoulders before heading outside. 
“Ushijima, what’s wrong?” you asked, giving Tendou and Semi a wave. Kiyoko and Kaori being the lovely friends they were pulled the boys back so they wouldn’t eavesdrop on the conversation, “Ushiwaka, seriously, what’s wrong?” you asked again as he didn’t respond. 
it didn’t take long until Bokuto, Kuroo, and the rest of the boys made their way outside, wondering where all of you were. Kuroo laughed, seeing Ushijima standing right in front of you. 
“ahh, so the threat the red haired boy gave us earlier wasn’t a lie, was it?” Kuroo said. you gave a look to Tendou who scratched his head sheepishly, “excuse me?” you asked him. Kuroo gave you a hearty laugh, “something about watching my back because you were your dating your captain,” he said with no indication of explaining further.  
you turned to Tendou, waiting on him to explain himself before Ushijima stood before Kuroo, almost threateningly. there wasn’t much of a height difference but the way that Ushijima was standing before Kuroo made it seem as though Ushijima had the upper hand in an imaginary fight. 
“hey, calm down Toshi,” you told him, grabbing his hand softly. Ushijima shrugged you off, “you should have listened to Tendou. would have saved us the trouble,” Ushijima told Kuroo. 
Kuroo laughed standing behind you and placing his arm over your shoulder. 
“as far as I know, your manager is single. I don’t see why you’re here and why you’re so upset,” Kuroo replied. you sighed, trying to stop both of them arguing, “drop it Kuroo. Ushijima, let’s go before it gets any worse,” you pleaded, grabbing his hand. 
Ushijima was taken by surprise by you holding his hand but regardless, he complied and let you take him away. not without bumping shoulders against Kuroo, “see you on the court,” he threatened. 
the walk back was quiet. too quiet. Tendou hadn’t spoken a word and Semi was pretending to be occupied on his phone so he wouldn’t have to talk. Ushijima on the other hand hadn’t let go of your hand and let walked behind the two boys so they wouldn’t see him angry. 
once all of you reached the dorms and the boys went back inside. you stopped Ushijima from walking in, basically yanking him to stay in place. 
“spill. I didn’t make you say anything in front of Tendou and Semi but it’s just me now.” 
he sighed knowing you had a point. 
“I didn’t like you going out with Kuroo. I hate the way he looks at you and I get a nasty feeling every time he does it” 
you laughed, knowing exactly what he felt, “Toshi, that feeling is jealousy. you were jealous of Kuroo,” well, when you put it that way, it made a lot more sense. “Toshi, do you like me? you know...like romantically?” you asked. 
Ushijima nodded almost instantly. 
“well, how about this? when he get back home, you can take me out on a date? and for the time being, I’ll make sure to stick by your side so Kuroo or anyone else doesn’t get ideas. deal?” 
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