#but im rly happy w the direction it took
here goes!!!! i've never posted pics of myself (other than my profile pic sjshdh i look very angy there tho. istg i am not as intimidating on a day to day basis) idk where else to post this as an Actual Post though, where i'd feel comfortable enough. i guess i find it alright here cause i barely interact w ppl and only rlyyy close irls know this acc. so yeee im posting it here! sjdjjd
what happened was that i had fallen asleep at 3am so i was pretty dead when i woke up lmfao but i found a message of my brother asking if i wanted to go to an anime con. it'd be my first one!! ofc i said yes!!! two decades and i haven't been to even just o n e convention. blasphemy. anyways! my brother was tired from late night shift and the plan was to just rest. but he got rly excited when he heard his fave cosplayer would come visit. so, he texted me about it.
sadly, we didn't actually get to enter bc tickets sold out when we got there ;-; but!! there were some cosplayers outside and near the area. and i got pics w them! :D
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some rly lovely cosplays of hu tao & yun jin 💗
also!! a wild zhongli!!!
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there were also these rly awesome looking ppl walking on the uhh crosswalk(?) w csm cosplays. but they seemed in a rush so i couldn't bring myself to ask for a pic. we like crossed paths too but we were going opposite directions as well. big regrets now though. they looked so cool ;___; i got a long shot though! jskajdhd
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they're so cool 🥺💘
anyways, i hope next year i get to go for real! and i see a beiguang cosplay. i'll definitely pass away. but it'll be worth it! aaand when i finally get hired, i also hope i have enough saved up for souvenirs and gifts c:
alsooo interacting w ppl usually makes me rly anxious, but i was able to do so the few times. it made me rly happy cause it means im getting out of my shell bit by bit. well, that was all! a lil post of a lil nice moment. hope you're having a nice day and thank u if you took the time to read this!!
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matoitech · 8 months
Could u go more in depth about what u did/didn't like about the spinoff? Just curious as someone who enjoyed most of it but was a lil disappointed with the last few episodes
sure! i didnt like Hate it or anything there were things i did enjoy, i watched all the episodes, it was more that it just really didnt do it for me in a way thats kind of difficult to like. pin. i should state too that i was not going to watch it already bcuz i wasnt interested in the genderbend fanfiction characters being the like title piece and everything, but i gave the first two eps a shot and thought 'okay, i get it, this show is about simon and his complicated feelings about Everything that happened and who he used to be and who these characters represent to him about who he used to be' and then it just didnt really like, do more with that in a way that i expected or wouldve enjoyed, exactly? i like the idea of multiverse hopping and a bunch of different au versions of characters in a story, that stuff is obviously really popular right now and when its done well its done WELL. i liked how finn was characterized in episode 2. it was like, an entertaining watch, it just didnt really do much for Me, and i knew that going in. its really hard to explain like my negative feelings on something that are negative bcuz it just Wasnt For Me ykwim. and there r plenty of parts of adventure time that didnt really do it for me either bcuz it had so many writers
i read an interview w the director and writers and stuff and they mentioned that they made the series recognizing that the original fans were adult now and it was partly made for us and like having a more mature theme and everything, but i didnt rly feel thatit did that for me personally (which again is Fine), and i dont think it successfully captured like, 'more mature adventure time', i guess maybe in the sense that they can swear now? but adventure time itself is thoughtful and often more mature than it was given credit for at the time. its a kids show but a lot of the later stuff was made to just tell stories and explore ideas, whether kids like 'understood' it or not, they trusted their audience, stuff wasnt really like dumbed down. they mentioned trying not to step on the toes of the original too much too and i like did get the sense that they respected and loved the source material (some of the ppl working on it including the director were from the old team) but while the spinoff was clearly successful and ppl liked it a lot (ive already seen a lot of ppl talking abt how meaningful it was to them, and thats great, im glad it resonated for people) its like, read of the characters and world and the direction they wanted to take just wasnt really the kind of vibe i come to adventure time for, i guess? like i said it just didnt rly do it for Me personally in a way thats hard to articulate
i dont rly want to say anything like too mean abt it but ppl Know about me that i dont like Fandom Aware Jokes in media i dont think theyre charming and the spinoff leaning into that kinda stuff wasnt for me, and i get why bcuz its literally fucking named after the in universe genderbent fanfiction versions of finn and jake, but thats also something i never liked about adventure time and wouldve been happy if it hadnt made a reappearance i just thought it was going to be used to Say Something so i was curious to see where it went. so like from the start it isnt exactly for me ykwim. i dont think sailor moon reference sexyman ice king or jokes about alt universe versions of characters kissing themselves is funny. coffee shop Boy pb & marceline b plot is not interesting to me (i do like marshall's human design). i feel like not a lot of stuff Happened to me
and let me preface this next part by saying that i never got too invested in simon and bettys thing in adventure time so maybe some of this stuff WAS canon and i just completely missed it but i feel like the track they took w them and their relationship was like.. they were trying to say something but it wasnt exactly the direction i wouldve taken, which isnt a 'criticism' as much as its just, a thought , for me. i thought betty losing her shit and sacrificing herself for simon at the end of adv time proper was interesting bcuz to me betty wasnt like a completely selfless character, to me she wasnt MEANT to come off that way, she was interesting in part bcuz she did all that for simon but simon had been gone for a thousand years, she gave herself up to turn him back but didnt think abt whether he wouldve wanted that. she brought him back, but without her. its obviously tragic and i do get that like betty moving on now that simons like Safe at the end of fionna and cake makes sense but i was.. curious to see the whole metaphor w the choose ur own adventure book where the metaphor or whatever was that betty had given everything up for simon and simon had never took her own feelings into consideration or gave things up for HER and stuff, and all that about like, obsession, and uneven ground, and simon shouldve known better... and the show ending with simon saying wow damn yeah betty sacrificed herself for me and i never put her over me so i should live a good life. like okay but i thought betty sacrificing herself for him wasnt meant to come off as completely selfless bcuz it wasnt exactly? i dont think it was framed that way but again i COULD be wrong. im not gonna say that this stuff is not in character cuz again i dont Remember if this was canon to the mainline series. maybe betty was always a fan of his work and their relationship did start out uneven like that and i just forgot, i am not gonna say its Wrong. its not like 'is betty right' its that theres dif ways u can read like main adventure time series decisions and the grayness of it was interesting
and i dont say that to say like oh the focus shouldve been on Simons Feelings and not this woman who became a god for him its just like, i didnt really expect that direction of writing their past relationship, or the direction in general, and idk how to feel about it. maybe ill change my mind. maybe it all makes sense and i just didnt pay enough attention to betty and simons relationships and arcs before. what i did know coming out of the show is that i felt a little let down but i also felt like i shouldnt have expected much from something that just based off the series name was already something i expected to not vibe with THAT much
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janellion · 4 years
“Man!” Bo tosses himself onto the bed, quickly rolling to pin you down in the sheets. “Too bad I didn’t get to race tonight; I was really looking forward to some zoom-zooms.” He nuzzles the nape of your neck. “Can’t have some random trying to steal my girl right? Maybe I should start hanging by the shop more?”
BIRB tysm for sending this in and for proofreading and talking a bunch of ideas out with me. you inspire me every day and i’m so happy to know you 🖤✨
glow in the dark stars
pairing(s): akaashi keiji x f!reader | bokuto koutarou x f!reader
genre: angst, pining
wc: ~1.3k
song recommendations: all i want - dawn golden x | i loved you first - joan x
a/n: this is a drabble written in first person POV. i’m thinking of making it into a series written in normal reader insert. i’d love any thoughts or comments or criticism on it!!
summary: can you love two people at once?
“Man!” Bo tosses himself onto the bed, quickly rolling to pin you down in the sheets. “Too bad I didn’t get to race tonight; I was really looking forward to some zoom-zooms.” He nuzzles the nape of your neck. “Can’t have some random trying to steal my girl right? Maybe I should start hanging by the shop more?”
My breath hitches in my throat and I feel my chest tighten and ache at his words. His face hovers above mine, having pulled away to shoot me a cheeky grin to round off his question. Our breaths mix between us, time stopped as this moment carries on for just a few seconds longer than it should, his golden eyes searching my face and showing, for the briefest second, that maybe there’s something more to his question.
Just as I’m about to respond, I feel a buzz at the small of my back, pressed into the blankets beneath me. I give Bo’s chest a shove with my knee trying to push his larger figure off me, “I’m not your anything. And besides, wouldn’t your girlfriend hate it if you started hanging out around the shop more?”
At my words, his eyes darken for a moment as he yields to my shoving and rolls onto his back next to me on the bed. “We broke up, actually,” he says after a moment of silence. “It was mutual and everything. It just,” he trails off, “wasn’t meant to be.”
Even though he’s trying to hide it, the sadness in his voice is unmistakable. My face softens and I roll onto my stomach, pressing the side of my arm against his as I take in the way his goldenrod eyes are trained on the ceiling and the clenched muscles in his jaw. “I’m sorry, Bo. She was a really nice girl. I always liked her,” I say gently, sitting up and peering into his face, trying to get him to open up and talk about it.
But, the darkness in his eyes fades with a small shake of his head as he swings his gaze from the ceiling to me. “You just liked her because she’s just like you,” he replies with a grin, his smile only widening as he sees my eyes widen and face flush.
“I— that’s not— she—,“ I splutter out, suddenly uneasy under his piercing golden gaze. Luckily, another buzz from underneath the blankets on the bed saves me from embarrassing myself further. I reach for my phone, flipping it over to see a message from Akaashi.
“I’m going to call Keiji,” I say to Bo, slipping my phone in my pocket as I climb off the bed. I feel Bo’s eyes following my every move and try not to think about the length of my shorts or the low cut of my shirt. It’s just Bo, I think to myself, you’ve been over him for years. It doesn’t mean anything that he’s single now. You’re not.
Making my way into the hallway, I hit #1 on my speed dial. It only takes two rings before a familiar voice, deep and measured and calm, rings through the speaker. “[Name], how are you? I wanted to call and say goodnight. I’m sorry I couldn’t make it over there tonight, things have been crazy at work.”
The sound of his voice sends a wave of relief through my body. “Keiji, babe, it’s OK, I promise. I’m excited to see you tomorrow,” I say, unable to keep the smile from creeping onto my face.
Akaashi chuckles softly over the phone. “I love you,” he says softly, the words so simple but loaded with emotion and weight from the years we’ve spent together.
“I love you too,” I reply, trying to convey the same level of depth and feeling that he does, but somehow feeling like I come up short.
“Is Bo there?,” he asks, after a moment of silence.
“Yeah, he just told me he and his girlfriend broke up. Did you know that?”
I hear Akaashi sigh on the other end of the line. “He told me this morning,” he finally says, voice heavy and laden with something I can’t distinguish. “Just —“ he hesitates, and I swear I can see his jaw clenching and his eyes squeezing shut through the silence, “Do you remember what I said when I first asked you out?”
My breath hitches in my throat, and I find myself nodding even though I know he can’t see me. He must be able to visualize me as well as I can picture him, because he continues after a brief pause, “My feelings haven’t changed,” he says, his voice soft but firm. “But I’ve been dreading this moment since that first day.”
My stomach drops, remembering his words from that day four long years ago: “I know you like Bo, but give me a chance to change your mind. I’ll put in the work that he never has.”
“Keiji,” I start, eyes squeezing shut as I try to shake the the sight of that piercing golden gaze from my mind, thinking instead of blue eyes, steady and deep, “I promise you’re enough.”
A deep sigh of relief rings through the receiver as Akaashi speaks again. “I trust you, [Name]. And I’ve always loved you. Be there for him if he needs it. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
With a soft, “Goodnight, Keiji” I bring my phone down to my side, gripping it tightly in my hand before relaxing, and letting my head lean back to hit the wall behind me. After a couple deep breaths to slow the pounding of my heart in my chest, I open the door to my room again, finding Bo curled up in the blankets, reading the book I’d left on the bed.
“How’s Akaashi?,” he asks, eyes lifting from the pages to find mine.
“He’s good, he says hi and hopes you feel better soon,” I say, perching on the edge of the bed before raising my eyes up to meet his, “Do you want to stay over? Like when we were kids? We can make another blanket fort, you always loved those,” I grin at him, the heavy ache in my chest that I hadn’t noticed until now starting to feel just a little lighter.
“That sounds perfect, [Name],” Bo grins back.
After a night of blanket forts and hot chocolate, we find ourselves laying shoulder to shoulder on the bed staring up at the glow-in-the-dark stars shining from my ceiling, the only light besides the moon in the soft darkness covering us.
“You brought those to uni, too?” Bo asks, softly, hand reaching up as though he was going to touch one, fingers lingering outstretched for a moment before he tightens his fist and brings it back to the space between us.
“Yeah, it was Keiji’s idea, actually,” I say softly to the quiet darkness of the room.
Bo doesn’t respond, only hums quietly in response as he goes to tuck his hands under his head.
The silence stretches on between us, and I want to say something, the urge coming from somewhere deep in my chest, but I’m not sure what. So I bite back the words that feel like they’re on the tip of my tongue, and it seems like Bo is doing the same.
Just as I start to think that he’s fallen asleep, his steady breathing is interrupted by a pause and a long slightly shaky exhale.
“I’m happy for you guys,” hangs in the air, the words seeming to echo off the walls and into the imitation night sky above us.
“Thanks, Bo,” I say, unable to turn to face him but wanting more than anything to see the gold of his eyes and the slope of his smile. “He’s really good to me. He makes me really happy,” I whisper softly into the space between us.
Bo lets out a deep sigh, rubbing his hands over his face for a moment before bringing his arms to his side, one hand reaching across the expanse between us to grip mine.
I feel the dry callused skin of his palm as he intertwines our fingers together, squeezing my hand before relaxing.
“That’s all that matters.”
some folks who might be interested in this: @strawbirb @kuronekomama @sakusakxyoomi @anianimol @oyakags
i have so many ideas (ty birb!!) for this au, so it will likely become a series of drabbles/one shots. this is a bit of a sneak peak into what i’m imagining is the 3rd or 4th drabble in the series.
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vanyaliful · 3 years
what are u mad abt in the mandolorian finale? u mentioned it in the tags
having slept on it doesn't mean i can manage to make it more articulate in english im sorry lmao also ppl in the fandom have talked about this probably way more clearly than i will, but ill give it a try
- the more and more the season went on, the less din felt like a main character, and it was ever more obvious in the finale. i felt like stuff happened to him, instead of him actually deciding to act. it felt less and less about Din’s story and more and more about everyone else’s mess. and as emotional as the last scene was, between the dark saber drama, moff's and bo's bitching, luke's dramatic entrance, beepoop im R2 the funny robot, i felt like din and grogu were a sideplot.
- maybe it has to do w/ how we consume media on tumblr but i feel like they hyped us for that baby yoda and din reunion and the payoff was meh. i would have LOVED to see din on a rampage in the ship like he did in The Prisoner. i feel like the way they approached the rescue was very subdued compared to the big menacing message din sent just before. where's the crazy feral dad ready to do anything to save his kid??? also there wasn't a real reunion scene (was din worried about the baby, his well being, what they did to him??? could you tell about the scene he got him back?? i couldn't), and while i enjoyed the duel between moff and din a lot, i think it could've been longer and higher stakes than it was
- and now the Luke Problem:  relying to much on canon and nostalgia. what made the appeal of the mandalorian to me is that it was different from the shitshow of the sequels, that we got to explore unknown corners  of this galaxy, away from the skywalkers' story, that it was about this lonely dude (that knows nothing about what happened in the galaxy btw and that says a lot) and his kid. the writing was innovative in terms that it was unexpected and fresh, that it didn't feel like rehashing the same story and characters over and over. bringing back the main character of the film series did exactly the opposite, and i feel like they're going in a direction thats tying back the big events, and losing the identity of the show and what made it so popular. 
also the sheer number of cameos this season definitely contributed to the feeling of din being send to the background, and luke's arrival, in all it's theatricality, was the cherry on top. i mean the climax of the episode should have been about grogu and din but instead i feel the spotlight was kinda. all over the place.
- the helmet/armor/creed problem. the fact is, since the beginning of the show they've built on this, that the helmet should never come off or else he could never put it back on. events in s2 surely made din question this, especially after the scene in the imperial base. but we never actually got to see the evolution of his mindset about his creed regarding his attachement to the kid. like it didn't seem to me like he suddenly had a big reveal that his life rule was wrong and that he should forsaken his creed?? at all??? the two times he had to break it before the finale was against his will, in frankly traumatic moments and it wouldn't have made sense to him after those to go "oh yeah i removed it twice so i guess it doesn't matter anymore" no!! to me the logical thought was "he had to remove his helmet bc he put himself in dire circumstances for this kid, which means he can finally recognize him as family, which means he can be vulnerable in front of him" not a full room of people + his worst enemy + a complete stranger!!! what i mean is that it would have made more sense to me that he reveals himself to the kid  in a more intimate scene, away from everyone, as a real act of "i care about YOU so i can show YOU my face". what i mean is that i don't see the point of din revealing his face to everyone when it should have been about revealing his face to grogu bc he cares about grogu specifically. it's what the narration pointed towards this whole time.
- maybe a bit mad abt the cgi. in my wildest dreams i didn't even imagine they would bring luke back, bc this technology wasn't really a success in rogue one and i really did not want to see it again; but maybe im just picky
as i said im always happy to see luke, that mark got to play him again. his entrance  was rly cool, i got goosebumps. im not mad that luke took the baby, grogu chose to go with him, narratively it made sense and star wars is about letting go of things for the better (not that it doesn't break my heart). but all of this... just felt off to me.
i guess it all hinges on what they'll do with din in the next season. will we know more of what he thought of breaking his creed, how will he approach the whole mandalore mess, and how he'll grieve his lost kid/get him back
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transrightsjimin · 3 years
on a better note, i slept for 9 hrs in total today!! :D i had 2 rly interesting dreams.
i remembered it well a few hours ago but now it's vague. at any rate it involved some kind of futuristic dystopian city w someone, who sometimes was jimin, as main character? whose POV i saw, and he tried to shoot laser beams at either jake paul or logan paul? idk its one w longer hair. he was the villain and he was like this frustrating one who somehow couldnt be touched / damaged, like made of indestructable steel or smth, and he sort of telekinetically pushed the main character (who at this point was not jm but random just. a POV from someone) away who in effect kept flying backwards further and further, trying to toss energy balls down at logan paul or w/e but bc he moved further away the hero eventually couldnt aim well and was just flying backwards above sea and (this felt more like it was me bc i tried to aim my hand in the dream) i did one more toss of some elrctricity / energy ball, which was so terribly badly aimed that it hit an area near a bay. i mean i couldnt see it bc i saw only sea, but the main character spent either days? months? or years? floating in the ocean bc they were like semi-immortal but also too helpless and dehydrated to swim back.
and once reaching back to the shore, they discovered that a building for a ferry to the city had been partially destroyed and flooded under water (bc of their last energy ball explosion thing hit). in one damaged building that was flooded, there was a teen sitting in the corner grumpily and it seemed the main character recognized them from before they left. the guy from the ferry apparently lost his wife due to the disaster and the protagonist tried to console him and held a hand on his back and it felt ironic bc they ( i???) themself caused this tragedy. the city itself was mostly not flooded and seemed to do a lot better. idk what happened w the paul villain guy bc i didnt see him in the rest of the dream, unless he was that villain near the end.
also bangtan was in that city, living in a bright fun multi-coloured dorm thingy and they were in a polyamorous relationship and i dont remember much from them in the dream for the rest but im always happy to see them in dreams lol. (i have had a particular dream at least twice where i saw them performing in a super downward sloping underground concert hall cave thing, but i didnt attend it irl in the dream, only saw it like a ghost looking back? anyway)
and there was a part to a dream, or maybe a second dream, where some kind of entity that was huge and had claws, a bit like a mole maybe, but it doesmt dig deep, maybe just a human w supernatural powers, but its appearance wasnt specific and i kept making it up. and it would try to hurt ppl, esp the protagonist, so they tried to hide within a sort of factory (hidden behind some shops) w steam and water and it had like metal bars around water tanks, that ppl could hide in and it apparently would protect u. there were also unidentifiable former primary or high school classmates of mine in there. i wanted to hide in that space but it was too crowded according to some official so i / main character moved into the next room, where they took a carriage w clothes and an old person they had w them tried to hide underneath those clothes, but later on that person wasnt there anymore. i think my dreams r like this bc im just so forgetful. anyway i tried to find a place to hide but i was insude some kind of healthcare building apparently and made up a lie to some nurses who introduced themselves to me and asked me why i didnt wear my work uniform and who i was, and i kept going w the carriage w clothing and i tried to figure out where to leave those clothes so i at least pretended to do my job, but the room and facility numbers were kind of confusing bc w either way i interpreted it, i ended up at small rooms w nothing but a small indoor swimming pool and i didnt think it made sense to dump dry clothes there.
WAIT i also just remembered another dream i had last night, where there was a hugealien chicken(?) (like lets say 30 meters high) in a building of a school, and it was about to have baby chicks but instead of eggs it got pink slime on the floor which young offspring would arise from. and the chicken was rly agitated and tried to move around, possibly soon try to break through walls and wreck stuff, so me / main character and friend tried to evacuate high school(?) students in the school building directly next to it and direct them to the exits but also by telekenisis, like we sort of pushed them out the classes through the exit by mind powers sgxgkdkgdgk
i think that chicken was prob what tried to then proceed to go after them in the paragraph i described before that one.
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zukunftsvision · 4 years
of course the raven cycle
the first character i ever fell in love with: adam look i know he deserves no rights for like all of tdt and bllb, but just the stupider and angrier and messier he got the more i was just like stop but yes <3 
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: i don’t think there are any ???
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: i thought blue/adam was kinda cute but … no... and the way everything ends up is nice
my ultimate favorite character™: adam tbh 
prettiest character: justin malory ( by @mystizismus ) u don’t get prettier than that, also orla???? blue w nici’s fc holy shit… but also adam he’s babey 
my most hated character: the gr*y man sorry i just can’t ????? deal w the fact that there was a non-ironic redemption/happy ending for a hitman?? and the one who killed ronan’s father no less??? this is an elaborate practical joke it must be 
my OTP: all of them bro …. prokovinsky pynch pynchvinsky sarchengsey just.. yes <3 everything growing and shrinking to three + pynchvinsky is truly the most galaxy brained idea just yes two hands two boyfriends ,,, they all need that much love ,,, and pynch rly makes me heart happy too oof i love them a lot… but also ,,, i was Sold on reading this series after 2 years of procrastinating bc of luna’s descriptions of the dead boy dreamed back to life by deeply troubled best friend concept ( and of k ) even though i knew it wasn’t gonna be a major part of the narrative… even if they are messy and confusing and have so much shit to work through to actually be good for each other ... my heart OP i love them
my NOTP: maura/the gr*y man… like why ugh maura wouldn’t put sb that dangerous near her daughter … basically everyone following me here has witnessed me rant abt why this is Bad but like … margaret WHY 
favorite episode/scene: the substance party ( ronan simps hard in this ch but also get out of the car bitch he said amiably … perplexing and i love it ) … ronan leaving k’s texts on read… ouch… “your hands are very cold” / “i’ve been dead for seven years”... but for wholesome things any interaction between ronan and noah with special mentions for noah being thrown out a window and “i have a bad feeling about this” / “it’s called being dead” / “that’s the sort of joke that’s only funny if you’re alive” / “good thing i am then” … RENT FREE OPS 80% of my internal monologue is me remembering that and giggling
saddest death: no spoilers allowed ,, but i think abt noah and proko dying all the time it’s so cursed jffjkdjbg 
favorite season/book: the dream thieves !!! i think that’s when the story starts to really become compelling and the characters start taking over ur mind, although bllb is also very spicy also, i feel like that’s where adam has a lot of development 
least favorite season/book: the raven boys i guess?? it took until noah’s reveal for me to be rly invested in reading the whole series, up until that point i was just pushing through to get to book 2
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: ronan and adam and also gansey and kavinsky just… all are trash but also?? gwen???? what a chaotic piece of trash omg
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: okay noah OF COURSE, all of k’s trash boys even though cinnamon roll def doesn’t describe any of them, but especially swan as written by @treppenwitzz​ ... we stan a himbo with a dorky car and nothing but love for his friends… also matthew deserves the entire world nothing bad would even have to happen to him and he’d still deserve better
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:  i had to think abt this one bc i only ship things that are slightly problematic not soul cleansing wrong, but …. kavinsky/gansey…. it would be ??? probably a huge mess of rampant jealousy from every imaginable direction but i’d love to see it 👀  
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: bluesey… calla/persephone, other combinations of the eurotrash boys all of them have the potential to be very very Cute and all it will take is Permission to be invested, i rly love adam/gansey and ronan/gansey as unrequited and/or mutual simping but im not super invested in them as actual Things,,, i’m sure there are many i haven’t thought of 
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chwesolai · 4 years
change up. | lee chan
inspired by change up by seventeen and grease, yes, the movie (you’ll understand why in a second don’t you worry)
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university au!
nerd!chan x class clown!y/n
chan spent his times in his books, in his studies, in ‘always looking in the future’. he never took a break. but towards the end of his senior year of high school, his parents wanted to reward his hard work and studious efforts. it was post-finals, he finished, he got into the university he dreamed of. 
he was free, finally.
so the trip began, his family packed their bags and the road trip to Daecheon Beach from Iksan. chan and his younger brother remained silent most of the ride, chan's brother playing on his phone, occasionally showing chan the new character he unlocked.
"you're going to fry your brain because of those games," chan scoffs, lifting his head up from reading.
"you're going to become evil because of all those scary books you read."
"then, let me."
the two brothers laugh and slowly immerse themselves into their activities and as the sun sets, the two fall into a deep sleep.
four more hours later and the sun began to warm chan's face, they have arrived.
y/n's parents allowed her to pick this year's summer family vacation, her older sister picked last year and her older brother did the year before. they've been to the us, europe, japan but she just wanted to stay home. but her family just didn't allow that so she picked the beach. 
"THE BEACH? Y/N ARE YOU KIDDING?" her sister wasn't here for that, but her brother backed her up, "hey less money spending for us then. we wouldn't need to exchange money, buy flight tickets, bla bla blah."
"exactly." y/n proud of her decision.
"alright, i guess we could go visit my hometown's beach then," y/n's dad shrugs looking at her mother, who was nodding in agreement, "ok, saving money this trip, I like it. we could stay at mom's house then," it was set.
y/n packing her bags, excited to just bathe in the sun, swim, eat her grandmother's food again, this was her trip.
the car ride was absolutely chaotic.
y/n gained the entire back seat to herself with her two older siblings stuck ripping each others' heads off in the middle seats.
"ok bet," her brother held out his hand as his little sister handed him a strawberry pocky packet and her older sister then received her chocolate pocky.
"thank you," y/n bathes in the silence as she goes back to her drama.
the two met at y/n's grandmother's restaurant. y/n was peeling oranges as chan's family walks in, if you're offered to earn some money on vacation, you take it, y/n dropped the peeler, telling her grandma she can take this table.
chan pushed up his glasses as he looks up at the possibly cutest girl he's ever laid eyes on. she was definitely she was shorter than him, her hair held back in two braids, she kept her pen behind her ear and she looked just like how chan envisions the female characters in the classic novels he reads.
"hi welcome to kitchen by paradise, i'm y/n and i will be your server today and if you have any questions about any items on the menu, i'll be more than happy to recommend you anything! now, could i get you all anything to drink?"
chan's mom ordered water, his dad got a cola, his brother banana milk and chan didn't have a clue.
"and for you?" y/n says as she turns her attention towards chan.
"u-um. um. do-do-o you guys have any specialty drinks?"
"oh yeah! we grow our own oranges so we have a whole specialty of drinks. we have an orange-hibiscus iced tea, an orangeade, an orange-pineapple refresher and an orange mint sunrise."
"could i get the orange-pineapple one? please?"
"of course, that's my personal favorite," y/n smiles and chan could've sworn his heart melted, "i will get those ready for you guys and again, if you guys have any questions, call out for y/n!"
"thank you!" chan's parents chimed in as y/n walks away.
"channie has a crush channie has a crush." 
"i will drown you." chan glares at his little brother as his cheeks began to flush.
chan never knew he could fall so easily, i guess this is what happens when you're not focused on studying instead of girls, but this charismatic waitress got his attention.
chan watched y/n peel oranges and make the drink he had ordered, almost feeling bad because the drink looked so tedious to make. he saw the tray of drinks coming their way as she finishes pouring the yellow-orangey iced drink.
"here we go!" she places the drinks at the table, handing each drink to its rightful owner, "so are we ready to order?"
y/n took everyone's orders and y/n couldn't help but giggle at this nerdy guy stuttering ordering his seafood bibibimbap.
he's cute i can't deny it.
"alright let me repeat your guys' order and i'll send this to the kitchen!"
chan's family finished their meals and had left while y/n was on her break, disappointing chan, so he jumped to this opportunity. his 18 y/o heart couldn't believe himself that he left his number for this cute waitress he just met, i mean she probably is a local here and i'm here for the next two weeks.
y/n couldn't believe either. she smiled that that dorky kid thought she was cute, so she saved his number, texting him around sunset.
to orange boy: hey! this is y/n!
to server girl: hi! i'm chan i can't believe you actually saved my number ha
to orange boy: i just had to thank the guy who called me cute and also thinks my favorite drink is good because its our least popular haha
to server girl: thats surprising its rly good omg
to orange boy: so are you free tomorrow?
to server girl: i think my family is just hanging out tmr why?
to orange boy: my grandma is sending me to the market tomorrow to pick up some ingredients and i know you're here for vacation and i know im just a stranger but idk want to explore the coast tmr?
chan couldn't believe it, in his 18 years of his life, he is being asked to go out. with a girl. and she isn't trying to steal his study book.
y/n couldn't believe herself, she just asked a stranger to go out with her.
to server girl: i'm down wanna pick me up?
to orange boy: tmr 12pm i'll bring us lunch 
to server girl: sounds like a plan, so whats your favorite color?
the two spent all night getting to know each other, learning they're the same age, chan was older by a month and a half, y/n's favorite color is every color and said some picasso joke making chan laugh in his hotel room. they both felt like they've known each other for years.
the next day came and y/n packed her backpack and her scooter for the day, writing down the list her grandmother has told her the night before and then sending a text to chan for his address.
"I'M TAKING THE SCOOTER!" y/n yells as she runs down the stairs, "TEXT ME IF YOU NEED ME!"
her family all replying as they hear her leave.
as she makes it to the garage, she ensures she brings the second helmet.
this is a vacation. the wind blowing in her hair as she follows the directions to chan's hotel. her dark blue scooter shimmering in the sunlight and she arrives in front of chan's hotel, rich kid huh?
to orange boy: outside by the lobby!!
chan was already in the lobby for the past ten minutes, didn't want to look like a complete weirdo and come out right when she texted so he waited for a good minutes before walking out. he was wanted to be casual, didn't want to screw anything up with her.
"hey! chan over here!" he walked out seeing the pretty girl from the restaurant on a blue electric scooter? taking off her helmet waving her hand around. he smiled and waved back as he walked towards her.
"this is tomi, my trusty stead," she smiles proudly at her scooter making chan stifle a laugh, leading y/n to laugh at his poor hiding of a laugh, "this is yours, hop on!"
"did not expect this to be the start of my day," he laughs as he puts on the helmet, he gets on the back of the scooter and before y/n turns on the scooter, she grabs chan's arms and to his surprise, wraps them around her stomach, "we're going fast so i don't want you falling off," she turns and smiles at him. what am i feeling right now? butterflies swarm around the two teenagers' stomachs, falling in love before they've even gone out.
"oh o-ok."
and they were off. 
y/n parked the scooter in her usual spot, the noise of the market sang to her and before getting off, she introduces the market, "welcome to daecheon market where old men try to peddle tourists and where local teenagers find the best clothes AND one stand has the BEST fruit produce." 
"y/n i think i should just call you fruit girl because you seem very enthusiastic about them," chan smirks
"i dare you to, orange boy."
"alright fruit girl."
the two laugh as they barely even notice chan's arms are still around y/n, y/n begins to take off her helmet right before she bumps chan in the face with her helmet.
"OH MY GOD! i am so sorry chan oh my god im sorry oh my god i-"
"y/n its ok really," chan laughs at her worried look, "i'm all good no bleeding see?"
"alright im still super sorry i kind of forgot i had a passanger with me," she nervously laughs, im such an idiot what is wrong w me wtf y/n
chan hops off and helps y/n down, "thank you, sir," y/n bows.
"you are very welcome madam," chan bows back, leading them both to laugh once more because of their dorkiness.
"here hold this," y/n opens the scooter compartment and hands chan a camera, "thats my prized possession, keep it safe." she pretends to glare at him but ending up laughing anyways, "you're on picture duty and i am on food duty," y/n pulls out a picnic basket and a large water bottle, "before we explore lets eat!"
y/n leads chan down to a secluded area next to the market, "my siblings and i love coming down here and eating lunch and playing ball. its our secret hideout, and you are a new member of paradise cove, mr chan."
"i'm honored," chan couldn't believe how comfortable he felt around her, a stranger that he had a very long text conversation last night about their favorite colors and whether or not aliens exist. y/n couldn't believe either. why did she feel so bubbly around a kid she met on the job at her grandmother's restaurant?
chan helped her put out a small picnic blanket from the basket and y/n began to pull out the food, “so i remembered your order from the other day and grandma pulled through and made some more this morning and a special touch, an orange-pineapple refresher. dig in!”
their picnic was nothing but boring, time passed so quickly while they talked more about the city and high school and where they want to go for univerity, and what they want to be. a convesation nether of the two have had with another human being. they both took some pictures while they were at it, y/n always doing some silly pose when chan had the camera and chan always looking away from the camera. they were comfortable with one another. 
“so, let’s explore the market shall we?” chan standing up, offering his hand to her, she was hesistant at first, “come on y/n i don’t bite,” he laughs, looking away. feeling odd with  his hand out for so long, he looks back at her smiling this time, “i’m feeling a cramp coming on”
standing up, she grabs his hand and pulls him close to her, both of their faces flushed now. y/n had NO idea what she was doing, “can i?” she looked at his lips and then back up at his eyes, prepare for any reaction
“yes,” once y/n heard his answer, his hand caressed the side of y/n’s face and pressed their lips together, almost melting into the kiss. y/n felt her cheeks burn up, the kiss lasted a few seconds but felt like an eternity. pulling away, the two laughed with their eyes closed and foreheads pressed against each other, “so the market?” y/n slowly opened her eyes, seeing the flustered boy in front of her interlocking their hands together.
“i thought you were the romantic,” he smiles back.
two spent nearly everyday together. y/n told chan she didn’t live in daecheong, they both knew they were both on vacation and the day one of them was leaving was soon appoarching them. “what will you do without me?” “cry.” “shut up chan” “you asked i answered~!”
chan didn’t want to believe but neither did y/n. their two weeks was up, y/n helped chan pack. “are you really going to cry?” “y/n you’re my first kiss, my first love, my first crush, the first girl that actually has gotten my attention so what do you think?” “now, you’re going to make me cry.” she pouts “y/n you have my number, i have my license, you have a kickass scooter. we have ways to still see each other even if that means our universities are miles apart, we can do this.”
to orange boy: i miss you
they couldn’t do it. the long distance lasted about a month and then school started.
to server girl: i’m sorry
chan was at yonsei university and back to his old ways. head in the books, no partying no social interaction just studying. this physical therapy major wasn’t moving an inch.
now, what chan didn’t know was y/n was ALSO at yonsei. this visual arts major was the biggest party animal on campus. she ruled frat parties and she was a good students. her professors loved her and her charm.
- ten months later -
“CHAN! you have to come dude!” chan’s roommate, xuxi, begs him. xuxi was the polar opposite of chan, same age same major COMPLETELY different social class.
“no ‘xi for the last time, i’m not a party guy.”
“chan please dude, its a costume party, nobody will know its you.” chan began to consider it, when was the last time i had fun?
“what are you dressing up as?”  “i’m going to be capt. american because im going as the avengers with mark and the other guys. if you don’t want to be recognized then wear a mask, be a masquarade ball dude? idk wear a suit and a mask, be that DUDE”
“i’m in.” here we go lee chan
to server girl: finally going out with the boys for the first time hope you’re well i miss you
y/n read the text almost immediately, “i wonder where he’s going?”
“who?” y/n’s roommate jungeun asled as she’s doing her makeup.
“some summer fling, he just texted me after like three months.”
“he’s more than a summer fling hon if you saw his text so fast.”
“shut up”
“kiss me,” jungeun stuck her tongue out at her, “so what are you dressing up as y/n?”
“poision ivy, mark said they’re going to be the avengers and so i’m showing him up and being dc’s sexiest villian.”
“you’re such a heartbreaker miss y/n let the boy breathe, he may have cheated but-”
“but nothing! he treated me like a one night stand and i wanted more! im going all out!”
chan looked at himself one more time in the mirror and xuxi walked behind him in his captain america outfit, “my son you look so fucking good,” pretending to tear up
��shut up,” chan rolled my eyes, sitting back down on his bunk, “should i still go?”
“YES! you look good dude! can’t even recognize you, you look so different and the contacts? you’re really hiding your identity with this one channie.”
“this is the only night we get to be other people so,” he puts on his lacey masquarade mask he bought from target, ‘let’s go.”
xuxi wraps his arm around him, “LETS FUCKING GO!”
jungeun and y/n nearly in shock of how well this costume curves around her body.
“green is your color girl,” jungeun sighs, “you knock them dead baby.”
“you look amazing yourself j OMG ms daphne over here.”
“I’m finding my fred tonight ok?” she smiles as she ties her scarf around her neck.
y/n places her red mask on, “i’m heading out!”
“HANG ON!” y/n was practically out the door before jungeon runs out, “ok ready.”
“let’s go fuck shit up.”
the party was everything chan was not used to, drinking, loud music, people EVERYWHERE, you could say he was slightly overwhelmed. 
you could say he also wasn't used to the attention around him, girls coming up to ask if they wanna hook up or take a shot with him which he declined all of them until she walked in.
ms poison ivy walked in.
it was about 30 minutes after the party started and y/n walked in like she owned the place, jungeon next to her, y/n walked in red heels and green latex in its full glory.
"i'll go get us drinks!" jungeon pracatically screams in y/n's ear.
"OK!" now alone, chan saw this as an opportunity, still not knowing who that was or even who he was in this moment he walked up to her.
"hi!" y/n was drawn back but the handsome stranger in front of her
the music got increasingly louder as this conversation went on so chan yelled back, "NOT EXACTLY, IM A MASQUERADE BALL HOST"
y/n felt eyes beaming her up and down and she saw him, mark, and before he could come any closer, y/n kissed this handsome stranger in front of him.
chan had no idea what was going on but he really didn't care anymore, this kiss began to be a full makeout session in the middle of the dance floor.
 both of them walk out of the loud frat house, "so who do i owe this honor to mr masquerade man?"
"chan, i'm chan. how about you?"
"i'm sorry did you say c-chan?"
y/n hasn't heard that name in what feels like ages until today.
"yes? is something wrong?"
was it really him?
"no its just i knew someone named chan awhile back, ha." she sadly smiled.
it can't be him chan was never this bold.
"ah i see, how about you ms poison ivy?"
"y/n huh?"
"yes, what about it?
"do you still have that blue scooter?" chan takes off his mask and turns to face the girl he's been wondering about for so long.
"long time no see huh?"
"i-i-i didn't even recognize you? where're your glasses? did you get your braces off too? your hair's lighter, you look really good, chan," she sighs in disbelief.
"college does stuff to you i guess," he nervously rubs the nape of his neck, "and you? wow. i didn't think someone could look so gorgeous in latex." he smiles all goofy.
pulling herself into his chest, "i've missed you, im sorry for being an asshole, im sorry for saying those things i shouldve held on im sorry im-"
"nothing is your fault y/n, look at me," he pulls her out of his chest, "i'm here now! we just needed time i guess," he lets out a small laugh.
"now you're the jokester mr lee."
"lets restart. hi im chan."
"hi im y/n," she smiles and takes his hand in hers, "lets never leave again."
"yes ms poison ivy."
“never call me that again.”
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arxaris · 5 years
11 krbk?
things got out of hand here as usual what really even is a drabble ya know? (sorry this took so long)
11. things you said when you were drunk 
Bakugou Katsuki had been in love with Kirishima Eijirou for… well, he wasn’t exactly sure at this point, but it sure felt like he’d loved that annoying asshole for too fucking long. Especially right now, at two in goddamn morning, as he groped around for his glasses and pushed himself out of bed with a sigh, all for him. Apparently he was a weak, weak man, because all it took were a few cute drunk texts from his crush, and he was all-too-happily abandoning his sleep and his early morning training regimen. He grabbed his beanie, pulled a hoodie over his head, and slipped on his shoes before walking out of his apartment. 
As he walked, he fished his phone out of his pocket and unlocked it. It opened directly to his conversation with Kirishima. He reread their messages for the fourth time since their conversation had started twenty minutes ago.
Kirishima (1:59): bakugoooou
Kirishima (1:59): r u up ?????
Kirishima (2:00): ba
Kirishima (2:00): ku
Kirishima (2:00): gi
Kirishima (2:00): fuck
Kirishima (2:01): go*****
Katsuki (2:02): what the FUCK kirishima
Kirishima (2:02): KATUSKIIIII :D
Katsuki (2:03): that… is not even close to being spelled correctly
Kirishima (2:04): sry :( 
Kirishima (2:04): im drubk
Katsuki (2:05): no shit dumbass
Kirishima (2:06): I wanna go go home
Kirishima (2:06): can u come get md
Katsuki (2:07): ??? you know I don’t have a fucking car idiot. walk home
Kirishima (2:08): no!!! not wht i mean
Kirishima (2:08): i mean like
Kirishima (2:09): can u come walk with me ??
Kirishima (2:10): nd stay w/ me at my place???
Kirishima (2:10): i just
Kirishima (2:11): rly wanna see u?
Kirishima (2:11): rly miss u
Katsuki (2:14): we saw each other yesterday moron
Katsuki (2:16): …send me your location
Kirishima (2:16): YAY :D
Katsuki blushed as he finished scrolling. Yeah, he was definitely weak. Fifteen minutes later, he was standing in front of the bar in which Kirishima and their idiot friends were drinking. Not thirty seconds after he texted Kirishima he had arrived, he was interrupted from scrolling on his phone by a pair of strong arms wrapping him in a tight hug and lifting him from the ground. “KATSUKI!” Kirishima exclaimed excitedly as he squeezed him.
“Get the fuck off me, Hair for Brains!” Katsuki wheezed, setting off a few explosions in his palms for good measure. He was careful not to hit Kirishima though, as he wasn’t sure he had the proper reflexes to harden quickly enough right now. He reeked of alcohol. Kirishima complied and put him down, but he was still smiling ear-to-ear at him.
“Wow, you look so cute in your glasses! And this thing,” he said, reaching a hand out towards Katsuki’s beanie. Katsuki smacked it away, flushing red.
“Idiot, stop spewing nonsense and let’s fuckin’ go,” he grumbled. Kirishima was unfazed, as usual.
“I missed you sooo much,” he said, swinging an arm around Katsuki as they set off in the direction of Kirishima’s apartment. Katsuki blushed deeper, even though he told himself none of it meant anything. Kirishima was just a flirt, especially when he’d been drinking.
“How drunk are you, dumbass?” He asked warily.
“Well, Mina made me take a shot for the road, so I’d say drunk and getting drunker!” Kirishima replied happily. Katsuki rolled his eyes and snorted softly.
“She made you, huh?” He asked, amused. Kirishima beamed and nodded his head, a bit too enthusiastically. Katsuki sighed.
“Let’s get you home, fuckin’ idiot,” he said, the corner of his mouth quirking slightly.
“Katsukiiii,” Kirishima whined at the insult. “I’m your idiot though, right?” Katsuki blushed furiously, but made sure his voice was measured when he replied.
“Whatever you need to tell yourself, Shitty Hair.”
Kirishima pouted, but didn’t remove his arm from its place around Katsuki’s shoulders. Katsuki let his own arm snake around Kirishima’s waist. For support. Because he was drunk. Fuck off.
They eventually made it back to Kirishima’s place, the walk having taken longer than it should’ve because of their refusal to let go of each other. Once there, Katsuki gathered up pajamas for Kirishima and sent him to the bathroom to change. He set about collecting headache pills and two large glasses of water, then he returned to Kirishima’s bedroom to wait for him. When Kirishima finished changing and came back, Katsuki thrust one of the glasses at him.
“Drink this, Shitty Hair, and you won’t feel as bad tomorrow morning. The other one is for when you wake up,” he said. Then he narrowed his eyes. “What happened to the shirt I gave you?”
Kirishima, shirtless, giggled at this, as if the question was funny. “I don’t wear shirts to bed, Katsuki.”
Katsuki blushed lightly. “Fine. Do whatever you want. Do you need me to tuck you in, too?” He mocked, though it was without any real heat. “If not, I’ll be on the couch.”
He started towards the door, but Kirishima didn’t move out of the way to let him pass. When Katsuki looked up at him, his face looked crestfallen.
“You’re leaving?” He asked, sounding hurt. Katsuki’s brows shot up in question.
“I just fucking told you I’ll be on the couch moron, how thick can you get?” He replied testily.
Kirishima’s bottom lip jut out slightly. “But… I want you in here. With me,” he whined.
Katsuki rolled his eyes, ignoring the way his heart skipped a beat at his statement.
“You’re just going to sleep, fuckhead, there’s no point in me staying in here with you.”
Kirishima took a second to process his words, and then he was rolling his eyes back at Katsuki.
“And you say I’m the dumb one,” he said, sounding exasperated even as his words slurred slightly from the alcohol. Katsuki’s brows raised impossibly higher.
“Excuse me, Hair for Brains? What’d you just fucking say to me?” He asked.
“Katsuki, we both know I’m not afraid of your angry voice,” Kirishima said with a snort. “But, dude, come on, I’m obviously asking because I want to sleep with you!”
Katsuki was pretty sure he felt his brows go so high this time that they physically left his body.
“Um, what?” He blurted.
He could practically hear Kirishima replaying his own words in his head, his processing slow from drinking. He knew the moment it clicked though, because Kirishima suddenly turned beet red, flushing much deeper than he could blame on the alcohol.
“Oh my god, not like that!” He cried, burying his face in his hands. His next words were mumbled into them, presumably just for himself. However, Drunk Kirishima’s volume control wasn’t superb, and Katsuki heard them clearly against the silence of his room. “Okay, well, maybe like a little like that but that’s so not what I meant, oh my god.”
“What’d you mean then?” Katsuki croaked, disbelieving.
Kirishima looked mortified, as if he couldn’t believe he’d willingly backed himself into this corner.
“You know, it was nothing - nope - I think you’re right, the couch is good - you know what I’ll even take it okay so goodni-“
Katsuki cut him off with a hand over his blabbering mouth. His mind was going a mile a minute, replaying a million scenes with Kirishima that he’d written off as casual and friendly. The thought that they might’ve actually meant something more was almost too good to be true.
“You got a fucking crush on me or something, Shitty Hair?” He asked bluntly. When Kirishima’s eyes grew wide and he started to shake his head no, Katsuki glared at him. “Don’t fucking lie to me.”
Kirishima stopped shaking his head.
“Well?” Katsuki demanded, hand still clasped over his mouth. He hoped Kirishima couldn’t feel his rapid pulse in his wrist. Kirishima’s slightly bloodshot eyes looked worried, but he nodded his head anyway.
Katsuki’s heart, which had been beating furiously since Kirishima had announced his desire to fucking sleep with him, felt like it was going to explode from happiness. He couldn’t fight down a small smile as he removed his hand. Kirishima liked him back.
“Well fuck, Eiji, that was all you ever had to say. Get the fuck in bed,” he said, turning and plopping himself down on Kirishima’s mattress.
Kirishima’s eyes were so wide Katsuki was a little worried they might fall out. “You… you like me too?” He asked, as if he didn’t believe him.
Katsuki huffed, averting his eyes as he blushed. “I left my bed at two in the goddamn morning to walk your ass home from the bar. What do you think? Now get the fuck over here and spoon me, you big idiot.”
Despite his insults, the smile that stretched across Kirishima’s face was blinding. He was all too happy to indulge him.
The next morning, Kirishima had the worst hangover Katsuki had ever seen him with. Luckily for him, he also had a cute blonde boyfriend now who maybe didn’t absolutely hate taking care of him.
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haikyuu-drabble · 5 years
can you write a jealousy drabble w oikawa :)
why... do i have such a soft spot for this dude someone help idk who my fav is anymore. also thank you for requesting! i have some others in my ask box atm but i’ll prob get to them tomorrow i’ve literally written so much in the past couple of days im already a little burnt out and should prob wait for some motivation. it just sux bc ive some rly great ideas but im having issues putting it into words :’’’’)
Oikawa x Reader | Lengthy
word count: 1150
It pissed you off that you were jealous. It pissed you off that you had no right to even be jealous. It pissed you off that you felt like you’d never have a chance. ----------- Oikawa Tooru was one of your first friends at high school. You appreciated him coming up to you on the first day of class. None of your friends were attending Aoba Johsai, and you were sitting alone at your desk. You guessed he noticed that you seemed lonely, so Oikawa approached you. He had a knack for drawing attention to himself. Whether it was good or bad depended on the person, but to you it was good. He helped you make friends and reach out to strangers. The two of you were able to maintain a friendship despite his always growing popularity... and with your strong feelings for him.
Every time you thought you were getting over him, he’d reel you right back in with that stupid smile or his obnoxious comments. But you believed that he never viewed you the same way you viewed him.
You were slightly looking forward to getting over you how felt about Oikawa when you’d leave for university. But that plan was ruined when you found out you were attending the same school as Oikawa. When he found out that you were going to school together again, Oikawa was overjoyed, and you were too. But there was just a large part of your heart that hurt. It made you hopeful, and that’s what crushed you. ------------ You and your friend from another school, Bokuto, were currently at a volleyball match for the men’s volleyball team at your university. Oikawa invited you earlier that day to watch the game, and you figured it was a good chance to hang out with Bokuto since he’d probably want to scout out the competition for his own team. Unsurprisingly, Oikawa was first-string setter. When the game finally finished, you wanted to go up to Oikawa and congratulate him. However, you were pushed to the side by the girls who swarmed your classmate. That’s when you could feel yourself building up with jealousy which led to disappointment. Bokuto asked, “Aren’t you going to go up to him?”
“He looks busy. I’ll just text him later or something.” You smiled and shook your head, “I’ll just head back home.”
You began to walk away, but he grabbed your arm, “We watched the whole thing. I know Oikawa would be happy to see that you came. He asked you to come, didn’t he?”
“And I did just that.” you replied, “It’s fine.”
You walked out of the gym while Bokuto watched you. When you neared exit the gym, Bokuto looked back and forth in the direction of you and then at Oikawa who was distracted by the random girls. Bokuto roared, “Oikawa!”
You were too far away to hear Bokuto trying to get Oikawa’s attention, but Oikawa heard him loud and clear. Once Bokuto saw that he caught the setter’s attention, he pointed at your retreating figure. Oikawa excused himself from the girls who were talking to him and jogged in your direction.
You, on the other hand, could feel your heart breaking. You felt a mixture of emotions—anger, sadness, frustration. Tears started to form in your eyes. You felt so upset at yourself. 
You took a deep breath when you left the building and looked up at the night sky. Suddenly, someone grabbed your arm, and you turned around to see who it was. You saw a breathless Oikawa gazing at you. He saw the tears in your eyes and softly asked, “What’s wrong?”
You felt the tears start to well up even more, and you apologized, “I’m sorry.”
He put his hands on your shoulders and gently made you face him. Oikawa gave a supportive smile, “What could you possibly be sorry for?”
You looked at him, “I can’t be your friend anymore.”
Oikawa’s hands dropped to his sides, and he apprehensively laughed, “W-what do you mean?”
“Exactly what I said.” You mumbled.
“Where is this coming from?” Oikawa whispered.
“I’ve been trying for so long. I didn’t want things to turn out like this.” You cried, “I really wanted to be with you forever, but I can’t just keep on watching you like this. It hurts, you know? When I see you around all these other people flirting with you, I get jealous. I hate that you don’t feel the same way about me. I hate that I… I hate that I love you.”
“You love me?” Oikawa repeated.
You gave a sardonic smile, “Of course you wouldn’t know. I just thought that one day I would get over these feelings, but just being around you all the time gets my hopes up. But I knew the whole time that you would never feel the same about me.”
Oikawa held your cheeks and made you look at him, “What have I ever done to make you feel that way?”
You stared at him, “What?”
“You, dummy.” He laughed, “Why do you think I still ask you to hang out all the time? Why do you think I always ask you to come to my games? Why do you think I ran all the way out here to catch up to you?”
“I—what?” you asked again.
“For someone so smart, you can be so dumb.” He gave you a sweet smile, “I’ve liked you probably for a longer time than you’ve liked me.”
“B-but I’ve liked you since our second year of high school!” you cried, “And you’ve been going through relationships left and right since our first year.”
Oikawa’s cheeks turned a bright shade of red, and he mumbled, “I asked you out first year, and you denied me.”
“When did that ever happen?” you nearly yelled.
Oikawa yelled back, “The fact that you don’t even know when just goes to show!”
“You always joke around, so it’s hard to tell when you’re serious! Besides that doesn’t explain you dating other people!” you complained.
Oikawa grimaced, “Those were all flings and regretful ones at that. They clearly didn’t work out because here I’ve been, single for a couple years now!”
“T-that’s because of me?” you stuttered.
Oikawa cupped your cheeks, “If I hadn’t made that clear enough, maybe this will.”
His inched his face closer to you, and you clamped your eyes shut. A couple seconds had passed, and Oikawa’s hands dropped from your cheeks. You opened one eye and saw him squatting on the ground. He pouted, “You’re so cute! How could I even kiss you?”
You knelt down next to him and looked him dead in the eye. You quickly pecked his lips and stood up. Before he could even stand up, you were nearly sprinting away from him. He called out for you, “I have a meeting tonight to discuss the match! But don’t think I won’t be coming over to talk to your apartment about this!”
Without turning around to hide your beet red skin, you yelled, “I’ll be expecting you then!”
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euphoriecs · 5 years
11/11/11 tag !!!
thank u sm for tagging me @yikescomma​, @buckaroowrites​ nd @yikeskimi​ !!!
rules: answer 11 questions, write your own 11, tag 11 people !
under the cut bc its a Lotta questions KSKSKSHK
yikescomma’s questions!!
1. what’s your favourite place to write?
oh this is ?? kind of a tough one bc i feel like i never Branched out in my spaces when it comes 2 being productive,, like a lot of my work is done in my bedroom just bc my desk is there and it’s the most convenient,,,, honestly im jus gonna say my favorite place to write would be from . my desk . bc it faces the window :-)
2. which character(s) from your wip(s) is your favourite?
since i only have wtsf confidently worked out ,, i’ll use those ocs !! but i think , quite Honestlie ,,, that wendy is my favorite character !! im rly in love with how she progresses as a person nd also she’s jsut . she gets it u know .
3. what are some inspirations for your wip(s)?
I TALKED ABT THIS BEFORE but b/ts’ hyyh series, my neighborhood, spring day by b/ts are a few inspirations for wtsf !!! 
4. how did you start writing?
my dad got me hooked on reading when i was really really young !! and being able to read abt all these huge worlds nd being given an opportunity 2 fall in love w them rly inspired me to want to write worlds of my own . plus , i watch a lot of different shows nd animes that feed into my daydreams nd sometimes im like ‘yo,,, that was a good daydream,,,,, time 2 story it’ .
5. which of your ocs is most difficult to write?
uHGHHGHGS ARTHUR ...... trying to capture this like . enigmatic feeling while keeping close 2 his reasons for acting That way is actually ,, rly hard?? hes a tough cookie 2 crack but i will crack it .
6. what aesthetic do you associate with your wip(s)?
for wtsf ,,, quiet towns , lonely beaches , sunset nd sunrise ,,, running through the streets ?? 
7. do you like planning?
YEA !! i see it more as like . being able to explore ur wip and what directions it can take nd its also jsut rly helpful to have a solid foundation .
8. what is your favourite quote from your wip(s)?
i pulled this from my drabbles but: “Slow down.” Wendy grabbed Arthur’s wrist, pulling him down to sit on the sand. “This world can’t keep up with you.”
9. do you like to listen to music while you write?
yes and no ?? im very particular to the kind of music im listening to nd more often than not, i write in complete silence ,,, but sometimes i’ll find a song that i feel rly fits the vibe of what im writing nd i just put it on repeat HGSHJK
10. what do you like most about your own writing?
i think i like the descriptive aspects of it ?? like how i describe places nd feelings ,,,, :-) !
11. what are/were/would be your ocs favourite subjects in school?
everyone except piper in wtsf is graduated from high school but ,, wendy liked english class the best bc it was fun nd she got good grades !! rafael definitely loved psychology nd took it at an ap level ,, arthur liked math nd chemistry .. chemistry he liked More bc he got 2 blow stuff up SKKSKSEH and piper likes world history!! tho shes not good at it . but she likes it!!
buckaroowrites’ questions!!
what is your favorite subgenre to write? to read?
i lov urban fantasy and low fantasy JGHDSHGJKS like its my favorite to write nd read bc like .. o heck ?? ghosts nd ghouls nd just overall supernatural stuff irl ?? that’s the way 2 go
if you had to be trapped on a desert island with any of your ocs, who would it be and why?
if i had 2 be trapped on a desert island ...... i’d probably choose rafael . honestlie he just seems like he always knows what’s up nd my chances of survival would increase w him JHGJKSJKS
what is your favorite medium to write?
definitely novels !! its a format i’ve pretty much grown up w and im more comfortable w this medium than any others GHSHJKS but i’d love to explore like ,, screenplays nd see where that takes me
who was your first oc?
HYLLY SHITTTT THIS BRINGS ME BACK SJHJHJGJKS i used to draw a lot back when i was younger nd so i had this oc JHJS his name was ian and he was meant for the maximum ride universe but he was a dumb dude who was 2% cat . nd he had an adopted sister ,, i forgot her name but she was part bird .
what was your first wip about?
world end club is supposed 2 be abt a group of teens who work together 2 take down a corporation that wants 2 essentially control the artificial island they live on thru engineered soldiers . ITS A CONCEPT ,, nd it requires a little Too Much for my one brain cell to think abt
thoughts on shakespeare?
uhhh no thots bc i never read his work in high school i jus know macbeth is cursed .... wow i rly dont know anything abt shakespeare huh .
poetry or prose?
o this is TOUGH i rly adore both .......... im gonna . im gonna go w prose . i lvoe poetry so much sometimes there are lines that just rly fucken punch u in the face but im gonna go w prose bc its familiar !!
would you ever co-write a story?
nO ..... i wouldnt b able 2 compromise i’d jus b like oH ACTUALLY SKSKKS MY IDEA’S DUMB LETS JUST DO URS 
write what you want to write or write what you want to read/watch?
oh . fuc .... i feel like its important to have a good balance of both but . honestlie im very partial to what i want to read/watch ..
do you like to write violence?
i dont Like 2 write it but its In My Wips !
what is your favorite trope?
oH ,, probably ‘fire forged friends’ or like . mutual pining ... i have too many favorite tropes nd somehow im gonna incorporate them all .
yikeskimi’s questions!!
Tell us about the main character(s) in your current WIP!
oKAY SO im gonna try to not make this too long SJKHJGS !! wendy is a very like . prickly character . shes like a cactus . nd she’s not too fond of letting ppl get close, but the ppl who do manage to get close to her are happie 2 learn she would actually die for them . loyalty is a Huge Huge part of her character, and she cares very deeply abt the people she calls family . shes also v sarcastic nd like . ‘open ur eyes dummy’ .
arthur is a kind of person who lives heavily on false pretenses . like he projects this image bc its an image that he can control nd he jsut Rolls w it , but hes actually someone who likes 2 tease his friends nd be friendly to them ,, hes got Issuez nd is very much the type of person to be like ‘o lol im ok :-)...’ nd prioritize the needs of others 
rafael is , in all honesty , just babey . he studied a lot during high school nd rly pushed himself beyond his limits bc he wants to be able 2 go 2 a good college on scholarship nd get a job 2 support his family , nd hes just ?? very responsible nd sweet but that can also manifest into him taking on more than he should nd burning out . 
piper is a very ,, honestlie kinda sad character kjHGJSJ she spends a lot of time just trying 2 appeal to other ppl bc she knows her interest in the supernatural make her a ‘weird’ person nd she wants to be able 2 have real friends ,, but when she learns 2 let go of this she’s very silly nd always making jokes During The Right time ..
Do you have an all time favorite OC? Tell us about them!
hMMMM i dont think i do ??? my memory of my ocs is rly bad JHSJ so more often than not i just ,, rip i dont remember them </3
If you could be best friends with one of your OCs, who would it be and why?
ms piper chaiyathan !!!! shes a very open nd kind individual nd i feel like our humor nd joking style would match V v v well !!!
Last line you’ve written in your WIP?
Wendy, unlike her brothers Adam and Nate, had inherited her father’s rough touch, and that made them both unwanted in the high stakes setting of a diner kitchen.
If you have a chosen title for your WIP, were there any titles you considered before it? And if not, what are some titles you’re thinking of?
when the sun falls went through SO many titles nd i actually have them all here: where the sun goes / fever dreams / above the sun / where the sun follows / the drowned sun ... as u can see the sun was smth i Needed .
What is an important element in the world your WIP takes place in?
uHHHH the supernatural element is . Very important but i cant be too specific about it but i will tell u it involves a dead tree on the beach .
Tell us an out of context spoiler.
arthur gets a cool new set of eyes.
Any power couples/ships in your WIP?
wendy nd arthur babey ,,,,,, bat nd molotov cocktail duo ,,,, last name central until the important moment nd THEN they use each other’s first names ..
Any music you like listening to while you write?
uHHHH specifically for wtsf i listen 2 a lot of hozier, lorde, conan gray, khalid nd halsey :-)
What would your main character(s) favorite song be?
oH okay i got this in the BAG ... wendy’s favorite song would Absolutely be work place by hozier or more than sorrow by a-lin ,,, arthur would definitely b listening 2 like . free spirit by khalid .. piper, since she p much spent all of middle school nd 2 years of high school in thailand ,, i think she’
Which character in your WIP could you relate to the most?
honestly? all of them !!! a lot of the characters in wtsf have little bits nd pieces of me bc thats how all my ocs come into existence nd theres no One character thats like “oh,,, das me”
and here are my 11 questions !!
Which one of your OCs do you think could survive a zombie apocalypse? Why?
What’s something you’ve been itching to write about?
Share the last paragraph you wrote!
Do you prefer coming up with plots or characters? Why?
Do you have any abandoned WIPs? Tell us about them!
What are some favorite themes/tropes to write about?
How do you get into the zone for writing?
Tell us a random fact for any of your OCs !!!
Are you someone who needs a visual for your WIPs?
What are some influences to your writing style?
If you had to be a character in one of your WIPs, which WIP would it be and what role would you play?
i’m gonna tag @babyreeds @holotones @alejandroistyping @noloumna @faerisms @omniawrites @aslanwrites @ashesconstellation @thegrievingyoung @glittcrpeach @syposium !!! no pressure to do it if u dont want to tho <3
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lookwhatilost · 5 years
i finished my second watch of bojack s6 p1 and here’s a predictably massive post of some thoughts/observations abt it
spoilers under the cut obviously
the “fuck” of the season definitely came in a moment that i didn’t expect, but i rly liked how it was used. like, it was a callback to when gina dropped it in the last season –– something that traumatized her vs a reaction to her PTSD symptoms. a lot of people seem unhappy w it but i think it’s more powerful than people are giving it credit for being
the gatsby reference in e3 rly brought to mind that there are, like, a lot of gatsby tie-ins w this show and i never rly pasted them together mentally bc of the ubiquity of the “rich guy is utterly depressed and alone” trope. like, the imagery related to the pool, the shallow parties, the yellow car, the spacious but empty house, the billboards staring him down as he drives when he’s hallucinating in s5. charlotte/daisy being a weak parallel in that he had feelings for her when they were younger, held onto them for years, only for her to be married when they reconnect, but it’s worth mentioning that the glow stick balloons were green.
someone on reddit pointed out that jameson’s baby in e1 had physical traits associated w fetal alcohol syndrome. like, short, upturned nose, eyes that are far apart, and low ears. it’s hard to say if it’s intentional, but he’s drawn w a lot more detail than a lot of the other babies i’ve seen in the show. if it’s purposeful, like, that’s amazing attention to detail
i liked how the season opened on a planetarium flashback, because honestly, the immediate aftermath of sarah lynn’s death is definitely kind of glossed over in s3 when it initially happens. and though i suppose the added information isn’t terribly surprising (like him lying abt the events that lead up to her overdose and minimizing his own role in it as much as possible), it did make me wonder why i hadn’t thought abt it before
bojack rly does show signs of serious growth in the 6th season and it’s cool to finally see him move forward w/o simultaneously backsliding in other ways. a lot of his good actions in previous seasons were only rly things that benefitted him. and there are a lot of examples of it, but i think the one that stuck out to me the most was w his therapist. when he fell off the wagon, it’d have been rly easy for bojack to look the other direction and walk away like we’ve seen him do before. realistically, he has no real incentive to care for doctor champ’s wellbeing if he’s no longer staying at pastiches, but he checks him into rehab anyway, and when doctor champ throws his insecurities in his face to be hurtful, he immediately identifies it for the petty jab it is instead of letting it fuel his negative thoughts and using it as an excuse to dive into self-destructive behavior. honestly e6 was the emotional high water mark of part 1, even though it wasn’t the kind of gut punch that the dramatic, narrative focused episodes of bojack tend to be
i’m glad that the writers finally /did/ something w todd that made him feel like an actual character instead of jst a device for the comedy part of the show. i used to watch this show w a friend and we always used to say that todd had very little depth given the amount of screen time he occupies and seeing them move away from that was refreshing. his struggle w jorge is very relatable as someone whose parents have always pushed me towards things i didn’t sincerely want based on their expectations and desires for me vs my actual opinions of what success and happiness would look like for myself. but, on the other side of the coin, there’s finally a little bit of confrontation of the fact that todd’s erratic behavior and shenanigans are very taxing things for people who care abt him to deal w. and todd is rly the only character who’s somehow defied the show’s formula in that he never faces accountability for the things he does. like, he’s enabled PB’s impulsivity many times and drove him to bankruptcy, care of PB Livin’, and it’s a detail in the show that’s never truly been acknowledged or talked abt at all. he fucked PC over when he wouldn’t follow through w his sham marriage to courtney, and it was met w a cheesy speech from her abt how he needs to follow his heart and do what he thinks is right. it always struck me as a weird oversight, and to finally see someone take him to task for how taxing his behavior can be was refreshing. his only other “depth” was the asexual stuff and honestly? that is stupid and does not actually count for anything
if it didnt warm your heart when PC named her daughter ruthie then you dnt have one. i wasn’t as invested in her narrative as i’d have liked to be, but its good when PC is happy and that’s what everyone wants
IM SO GLAD JUDAH IS BACK. also i still hope he and PC end up together (and maybe she has a viable pregnancy this time w him a la sex and the city charlotte but that’s a little too cornball sappy for this show). generally rly enjoyed how characters from previous seasons were incorporated this time around. but i dnt want them to bring back vincent adultman jst to spite everyone who’s always saying “bring back vincent adultman”
pickles is still my least favorite character even tho the surprise wedding episode was probably the one i found the funniest. realistically i wanna see things work out for PB but his relationship w her is obviously not the move for him, and she’s also the worst
i like diane and guy together, they have rly good chemistry but i also have a bad feeling abt where things are headed w them. he seems ambivalent abt how principled she is and the scene where his son comes to the party and he makes her leave when he could have jst introduced her as a party guest if it even needed to happen at all... there was jst something off abt it. like you can definitely see the cracks in the foundation already and it’s disappointing
the scene btwn PB and bojack where bojack says to him “but i understand that feeling of needing to bottle up your guilt, not burden other people w it. you think you’re protecting them from your toxicity, you convince yourself that you’re being selfless, but it comes out in other ways and it infects everything” hit close to home bc it reminded me of someone i used to bond over this show w and like... whew
i rly love how the dominoes are being set up w the reporters (even tho their his girl friday shtick got old fast) bc the way things are culminating, the story getting out is liable to expose bojack for everything. if they approach penny and she talks to them abt what happened, she’s liable to tell them that bojack and sarah lynn went to ohio to find her in the time before sarah lynn overdosed, and the pictures that her classmates took of them could establish a time frame. he was in new mexico when he was supposed to be filming secretariat, and that knowledge could lead to them finding out that he’d been digitally replaced in the movie. when this information gets out, it’s very likely that gina will dogpile onto it w the truth abt what happened on the set of philbert, since trying to conceal her ptsd is actively hurting her acting career bc of the reputation she’s developing as a problem actress, and even though she dznt *want* to be “that girl that got choked by bojack horseman”, she won’t have a choice if she can’t get jobs otherwise. i guess there’s always a chance that penny and charlotte won’t talk to them, but now that hollyhock knows about what happened in new mexico, either way his personal life will be hurt by this. i’m not sure what’ll happen to him professionally, since there’s a recurring point the series has been making w famous people never being held fully culpable for their negative actions, and it’s a dicey thing for them to approach w a character that many viewers find sympathetic without ending on some myopic note abt cancel culture (whether intentionally or by popular interpretation) but im excited
i also hate how my obsessive watching and rewatching of this show meant that the intended pete repeat reveal (like, you’re not supposed to recognize him until his identity becomes obvious through the prom night story) was sort of compromised for me bc i recognized his voice and the second he introduced himself, i placed him IMMEDIATELY but it was still such a great scene. it’s the most tense i remember feeling when watching and an all around great cliffhanger
the final line of e7 comes off as some rly grim foreshadowing–– “it looks like you found solace in our show. stay if you’d like. in 30 minutes, we start over”. but it’s such an incredible line in context. my god, i fucking love this show, you guys
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stvrwalker · 5 years
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               ( female ) haven’t seen AMELIE “AMI” WALKER around in a while. the TAISSA FARMIGA lookalike has been known to be (+) HUMBLE & (+) INTELLIGENT, but SHE can also be (-) INSECURE & (-) SHY. The 21 year old is a SOPHOMORE majoring in ASTRONOMY. I believe they’re living in AUDAX but I popped by earlier and no one answered the door.
                         okay no joke this is probably my last character bc i don’t Think i can handle four but voila okay !! so this is ami. i love her. v good girl but as always , when ur done reading like to plot and i’ll def message u for it !! let’s get started.
Okay so to start - she’s a v old OC but normally I don’t write her in non-supernatural settings so this is the v first time I’m doin that and I’M RLY HAPPY W/ WHAT I CAME UP WITH she’s a telepath who can’t turn off her telepathy in my own lores but that’s not what we’re focusing on here
Bisexual bby who loves the stars and sea. As a child she grew rly fascinated w/ space and the like and her name . . . is not actually Amelie. No her first name is Amidala but she doesn’t tell ppl that bc she’s embarrassed about it. Her dad picked it out.
Grew up with both parents until she hit the age of thirteen and her dad passed away - and then she was taken in by her grandparents. Now they were very very religious and they sent Ami to church camp. That’s where she met Theo who’d be the love of her life for the next five years. And honestly she never rly liked church camp bc she was so shy but he absolutely brightened her experience there. He helped her get out of her shell.
Needles to say though , Ami is painfully sweet but even more so shy. She can easily come off as a recluse because she’s scared of rejection and scared of people not liking her for reasons she doesn’t really know. But when you talk to her , she’s awfully polite and will do her best to make u happy in any way she can !!!
Photograph memory and WICKED smart. She likes to people watch, studying people and just observing them especially when... she thinks they’re cool n’ can’t work up the courage to tlak to them. Not at all.
Once again as a child she was really into space and the ocean - both because they were both vastly unknown and discovery and learning... was her favorite thing. Yes she actually likes her classes bc new information is always welcome information.
And for that reason too she’s a major bookworm !! Reading is perhaps her favorite thing to do, immersing herself in woven words of a world that’s not her own. Fantasy, history, anything honestly she’ll take it. Prefers fiction over non-fiction , though. But again , she’ll read anything.
Probably spends most of her time in the library for this reason.
Also very into brainteasers, puzzles, and stuff ?? Like she’s the type of person who can do two rubiks cubes in ninety seconds. Probably has a backpack full of them. 
Also for NO REASON AT ALL wants to learn how to draw maps and does that... in her free time. Mainly celestial maps, though.
OKAY OKAY OKAY so again she always wanted to travel and after her breakup with Theo ( which was bc she was so scared of changing into someone bad for him or that he didn’t like ) she took a gap year in college to see the world. She’s been to nearly every corner of Europe, and then Russia, Japan, China, and Korea - all with the money she saved up from working + her grandparents’ money since they spoiled her the best they could. And Ami never asked for anything. 
Knows how to fluently speak Italian too bc that was the language she took in high school and also just... likes learning languages.
When Tatiana died she was absolutely devastated and it was so soon after she came back to school she just. Didn’t know how to deal with it. She’d bought Tatiana shoes from Milan to gift to her and she didn’t even get a chance to wear them : ‘ (
So now she’s in Lockwood again to pursue a career in Astronomy. Whatever that may be. She also wants to study Marine Biology because she loves the creatures of the sea and wouldn’t mind working in an aquarium or something. Or a planetarium. Or a museum. The dream is to work in any of those fields tbh but Ami’s starting with Astronomy since she has a slight lean towards space.
sb she sorta met while traveling and befriended and DIDN’T KNOW they also attended Lockwood?? that would have been p cool
someone who also takes an interest in astronomy or oceanography just so they can geek out w/ Ami abt it bc omg SHE LOVES TO LEARN STUFF
someone more... outgoing who furthermore tries to grab Ami out of her shell but it’s.... in the more. Direct ways. Like taking her to parties and not telling her where they’re going. AMI WILL FREAK.
Someone Ami’s friends with who’s kind of a bad influence but instead of goin along with them Ami’s just there to take care of the damage when it’s done and over with.
Studying rivals ?? Maybe sb with the same dreams aspirations as Ami and also incredibly smart like her but they don’t see eye to eye and argue instead of working together and getting along
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6ad6ro · 5 years
um so… i woke up thinking of this old friend. she was like best friends w my bad ex? like i used to hang out w her like crazy. she was rly nice? mostly? tho she def had this issue where she didn’t rly know what she wanted in life. and let other ppls warped judgements of “how ppl should act” rub off on her.
like i remember times she would more or less call me a lazy piece of shit to my face. like it was somehow “understood”? but then i’d be like “why are u calling me that?” and she wouldn’t know. bc it wasn’t her actual opinion. she liked who i was. idk she was just rly confused. i think her brother was a cop. her dad was emotionally neglecting and like conservative or militant? i remember her always wanting to smoke pot but also saying “drugs are bad™”. she was someone who u could tell always wanted to be free but was held back by the opinions of the people around her.
especially her on again off again bf? i… didn’t like him. he wanted to grow up to be a politician. he only listened to classic rock. he looked and acted like a conservative wanabee eric foreman from that 70s show, but somehow even worse. he had her convinced that her dream was to be “a loving housewife”… it made me sick. i remember how he tried to convince her to stop hanging out w her best friend and me JUST bc she smoked pot. bc “she was an evil hippie and bad”. i mean tbh she SHOULD have stopped hanging out w my bad ex, but for completely dif reasons. like he was def that kinda guy. a selfish, immature, stubborn, self-righteous idiot. but he was the first guy to ever rly like her. and she had… self esteem issues. i remember how she would… was always waiting for him to decide to wanna go out w her. she seemed so lonely.
her and i were kinda friends separately from my bad ex (lets call her “A”). so one time i remember she ended up coming over to hang w me n watch rocky horror in my room? it was rly fun tbh!! we were having a great time! it was totally innocent! but i remember at one point she like… got weird. got up. and was like “im sorry i think i’m being a bad person i gotta go”. and left? i didn’t get it at the time? or rather… i think i denied it. she clearly liked me, wanted something to happen that night, and felt like a bad friend for having those thoughts. i never asked her about it but looking back it was p obvious. also A was a control freak n just a bad person… so i wouldn’t be surprised if she told L to stay away from me. even tho A was constantly cheating on me n using everyone around her etc. idk it was complicated.
i also remember another time before her and that guy that became her bf (lets call her “l” and him “m”)… i remember there was some small party at my house and for some horribly embarrassing reason my bad ex (we were still together then) convinced me to mess around w her under a blanket in same room as our other friends? we were all v v drunk. i guess it made others in room feel v lonely n so L and this other girl started like… both making out w the one other guy in the room? it was bizarre. that kind of stuff is fine in some circumstances? but this was rly unhealthy. i remember the guy felt bad and told the other girl he had to stop bc he had always rly liked L and wanted to see where things would go w her? other girl said she was fine w it (and knowing her persona it easily was?) and he ended up napping on floor w L. next day i think she woke up, completely regretted what happened, and ran back to M. it kinda sucked for guy bc he rly cared about her but she never even was willing to talk about what had happened. to her it was just a drunken mistake (i knew she kinda liked him back but obv she was scared).
even w all that stuff, L was a constant member of our hangout group for like… 7 or 8 years straight? idk! it was always rly fun w her! even if, looking back, A constantly was ruining all our fun w her insane bullshit. i have fond memories of 3am park hangouts n just roaming around talking n going on adventures… i’d never cheat on a partner. never have, never will. but i think i did have like… feelings for L that i always ignored? that part of her that… wanted freedom? from those weird family’s/bf’s/society’s ideals that she let chain her down? it was attractive. she was a nice person just doin her best.
anyways i remember around when A and i finally broke up for good (only a month after my dad died, if u wanna know how awful of a person A was). and she ended up taking me aside n warning me that A had been cheating on w me w another guy, but it’d gotten serious w him. and A of course was lying and stringing me along so she could get money n sex from me etc. A using me was p common. but L had had enough and “betrayed A” (did a v nice thing) and told me. i think that was… really what set in motion A and i being done for good. that helped wake me up about what a horrible person A was. and had always been. i’ll always be grateful to L for that. that must’ve been hard for her. and i think her and A’s like 10 year friendship died over that. which rly was a good thing like A was a terrible person.
anyways fast forward like 2? 3?? 4 years? L had gone off to a college out of state w her boyfriend M. she… followed him around. no judgement, but it prob wasn’t good for her. i was in an apartment in another city and me and A had been DONE™ for years. i was still def hurt from the 8+ years of abuse, but i was def over her at least. seeing other ppl regularly. it was def a weird time for me but… that’s another story.
L and i hadn’t rly talked in years. i just didn’t rly associate w ppl A still hung around. i never knew her and L had stopped being friends or i prob woulda kept up w L. i don’t think L and i cut off contact on purpose, but it was just one if those “things”. but L hit me up outta the blue. was like “ back in town do u wanna hang?” and we did! it was rly nice seeing her! we went out and about. idk. we started hanging for a bit. but she… idk she clearly rly enjoyed my company? but also… had those weird judgements. idk.
one time we were hanging and she was at my place and saw all the alcohol i had layin around and was like “hey uhhh can i have some?” and i was like “hehe okay i guess we can drink” and ordered a pizza and we just hung out.
idk but before we got drunk she finally told me why she was back. M, the guy she had followed to college, had done the gross, stereotypical dude thing of breaking up w her right after they both graduated. i got a vibe he had been cheating on her all throughout too. he rly was the type. and as we drank we talked about it. i felt so bad for her. she vented all night. and idk all i remember was we were both v drunk and i think i was… idk why my head was in her lap? but she was playing w my hair. and idk. we kissed. things happened. she seemed so happy w it! i was too. i even stupidly cracked a joke “i bet A would be rly pissed if she saw us rn” and we both laughed. i always regretted sayin it tho bc its not like i was doin it to get back at A.
but i remember we were in my bed making out bc i had accidentally gotten aggressive w her n slammed her into a wall n started kissing her? so hard her nose started bleeding? i felt awful but she LOOOVED it and idk we somehow wound up in bed. idk i kinda regret this. bc… i was having a hard time around then and… just sleeping w all my friends? it just became… clockwork. i would do what i thought my friends wanted me to do regardless of how i felt. i had become kinda a slut.
so i remember like… making out but then i started to escalate things? and i think fir a split second she sobered up and was like “wait lets cool this down a little”. and i was like “okay no prob” and we both tried to go for a walk n find a park? we walked hand in hand and she kept telling me how happy she was? like how… this was the kinda stuff M would never do with her? she was just smiling a lot. it was cute. but i was so drunk n still fairly new to area, so i took her in wrong direction from the park. we ended up giving up n just walking back.
we got back in and thats i think when she sobered up mostly but i wad still out of it? and she realised her dog hadn’t been fed. it was def a partial excuse but she rly loved that dog so i could tell it was REAL guilt. i felt bad bc i tried to take her hand n go back into my room bc i wanted her to stay n cuddle? i was just drunk. i wasn’t forceful, but i shoulda been like “oh that’s fine!” but tbh i was also a touch worried she was too drunk to drive. well anyways… she left.
later we did have a looong talk about it. like… she ended up going to try and get back with M again (i still will never know what she saw in him like he rly used her n treated her bad like even going so far as to ask her advice on dating other girls after they broke up). but idk i thought she was smart enough to end things w him, and could tell her and i had feelings, so i tried to stay a lil closer than friends? idk what i told her but it was along the lines of “we can stay friends but if things happen sometimes it’s okay w me”. i look back on it w embarrassment but i guess it wasn’t that bad a thing to say?
but rly it was mostly a drunken mistake. and she was scared. and wanted to cut it off. she couldn’t end things w M like she was still torally in love w him even tho he had abandoned her. tbh i know what that’s like. well anyways i remember a few hangouts later she just… bailed on me? in a rly mean way? i had gone to pick her up from her house (idk 30 min drive each way) and she just… totally stood me up. i was parked at her house like texting her wondering where she was? and she sent me a text like “sorry something came up”. and wouldn’t tell me what happened and i got annoyed and drove home.
i have a feeling now that like M had… shown back up in her life and she sorta… threw me away to run back to him? i mean i can’t take it too personally bc she woulda done that to ANYONE. i don’t remember what happened after that but we just stopped talking again. i saw later on fb that her and M had gotten engaged or married?? idek? idk if her and i are still fb friends or if one of us blocked the other or what? i don’t remember.
but idk. i hope she’s well. i hope M got WAYYY better. or she left him. or idk. i wouldn’t even know how to contact her. i’m almost afraid to. like bc i… could see her giving up on her dreams and just being that housewife to him. even if she was mildly content doing that, i know she’d never be happy. and it’s so unlikely that he’d have grown to be good to her. i just… hope she’s doing well and is okay and happy. idk why i woke up worrying about her. it’s been so long… i’m such a dif person now. idk. time is weird.
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phantomrubies · 7 years
Dancing for Infidget prompts? Infinite would have to stand on his toes and Gadget might start bending down to meet him half-way. Also, while waltzing, Infinite would always looks floaty and graceful, but Gadget would keep slipping into a polka waltz. They'd keep standing on one-another's toes, but Infinite can't help but smile a little when seeing Gadget look so energetic and happy. (THIS WAS GONNA BE THE ONE SENTENCE AND I GOT CARRIED AWAY SORRY)
AYEEE THIS IS A RLY CUTE PROMPT THANK Ui think i didnt entirely nail this bc im v rusty w my writing rn, but hopefully what ended up tumbling out suffices sdfghjgf i’ll dump it under a read more!! didnt have much of a proper direction so what happened just kinda happened lmao
There’s flour everywhere. Absolutely everywhere. Coating the wooden countertops, clinging to their fur, the substance spreads from area to area with seemingly no end amidst all the other kitchen chaos. Pots and pans also clutter the sink in disorderly piles, sugar spills from a packet left open and slumped over on its side, used utensils are strewn around, there’s a small puddle of milk on the tiled floor… the list could go on.But Infinite and Gadget are having the time of their lives. Caring not for the disarray, the two banter back and forth as they finish putting their cookies into the toasty oven at long last. While not the most professional looking lumps of dough, the wolf insists it’s perfectly fine; they’re made with love.“Well, so long as neither of us get food poisoning. Love won’t save us from that.”The teasing comment prompts said wolf to playfully swat at his arm with a checkered print tea-towel in protest. “Hey, I may be a sloppy baker, but I’m not that careless!”“…I guess I’ll take your word for it.”Due to the heat in the room gradually rising what with the cooking, the long-haired mobian reaches over to unlatch and open the window. The light summer breeze that flows in is instantly gratifying, fluttering the curtains and ruffling said hair somewhat, and it carries the scent of flowers. He can now hear faint, distant sounds of small children frolicking in the park nearby to their flat, almost drowned out entirely by the soft, mildly static hum of their old radio. Despite being past its prime, Gadget had insisted on keeping it, claiming the slightly warbled sound gave it an odd kind of charm. Naturally, Infinite had tuned the aged thing into a rock station.He soaks in all the elements of the homely atmosphere as, speak of the devil, Gadget slides up behind him and buries his snout into the crook of Infinite’s neck. Long white locks are delicately brushed aside. As the wolf speaks, his warm breath tickles against obsidian fur, and there’s that distinct, little hint of giddiness in his tone that weaves its way in whenever he’s close to his partner. They only made things official just recently, so it’s understandable, really.“You hungry..?”“Hm?”“Aw, c'mon, don’t say you still don’t have an appetite after all this work. They won’t take long!”“Oh, don’t worry, I’m definitely not letting these go to waste.” Infinite can practically feel his boyfriend’s familiar, beaming grin, and chuckles.For a moment they merely stand there enjoying one another’s company, until Gadget abruptly shifts, taking hold of one of Infinite’s hands. He then leans over with the other to turn the volume dial of the radio propped on the windowsill, cranking it up higher with a gleeful sparkle in his amber eyes. The words that follow the gesture are spoken more akin to an affectionate demand than a means of invitation.“Dance with me.”“..Dance?” Infinite blinks, cocking his head with one comically raised brow. A slight smirk graces his features. “You’re… not kidding, are you?”Feeling the wolf interlock their fingers together more securely, he supposes he has his answer, but if that wasn’t enough of a giveaway, Gadget nods enthusiastically. As what he can vaguely identify as the intro to some early 2000’s hit starts up, he finds himself dragged into……a waltz?“What makes you think I’d joke with you like that?”Infinite is clearly struggling to hold back his amusement, trying to ease into the unsteady flow - if their awkward shuffling could even be considered as such - of movements.“You know, Gadget, this choice of dance and the music don’t exactly match. In fact, they clash horribly.”“Who cares?! Having fun is what’s important. We may be terrible,” the statement is unintentionally emphasised as Gadget steps on his foot, “but we’re terrible together.”…He can’t argue with that. A grin graces his muzzle, and Infinite laughs, admiring his energetic companion with a gentle and humoured gaze. The two allow themselves to get lost in the music, and quite frankly, most certainly each other as well. They sometimes slip into completely different styles of dance, swaying back and forth and always entirely off-beat to the rhythm of the song, but lack a care in the world. Infinite swears his heart is drumming far harder than bassline of this track, and as it draws to a close, in an attempt to end with a flourish, Gadget for once makes a rather bold move and dips the other mobian. This would have worked out…If it wasn’t for the milk on the floor.Infinite’s bare foot slips on the spillage and he falls down without even time to register it, pulling his poor boyfriend with him until they’re left in an unceremonious, tangled heap on the chill tiles. Gadget is on top of him gaping down in surprise and embarrassment, the radio continues to blare obnoxiously, their prides are down the drain……and then they break into laughter harder than they have in weeks. Who could possibly keep a straight face? The sheer hilarity of the situation hits and both can barely just wheeze out words of apology to one another after the tumble they took. It requires a solid few minutes to calm down enough for them to meet gazes again without it inducing another chuckle fit, but once they do, Infinite is left breathless not simply because of the amount of giggles they’ve shared by this point or having the wind knocked out of him, but by the sheer happiness in Gadget’s eyes. The wolf is absolutely radiating joy, and to know that he had a part in bringing him that joy? It makes his heart soar to indescribable heights. He lacks a cheesy enough metaphor to truly express the way his love’s presence makes him feel, in fact.Gadget tilts his head with a curious smile as though silently questioning the unwavering, awestruck stare, and that’s when Infinite kisses him. Hands find themselves running through unkempt, but wonderfully soft auburn fur.He’s too adorable, damn it. It’s spontaneous and brief, but lingering; the two are reluctant to withdraw. Infinite finds he tastes of all things sweet and sugary, like strawberries and cream, or his favourite candy, and Gadget’s smooth lips ghost over his admittedly more chapped own, feather-light but with a deeply resonating fondness. It remains like this for… well, he isn’t sure how long. What, you expect a guy to be able to focus enough to count the seconds at a time like this?“As much as I love kissing you,” Gadget finally mumbles between each tiny peck, his cheeks heavily flushed, “The floor isn’t exactly comfy, Infi. Plus, the cookies are gonna burn…”Infinite smiles and rolls his eyes. He laughs in deep huffs, and strays to pepper a few final smooches over the other’s freckled muzzle, before ceasing in his affections entirely. “It hasn’t been that long. I do agree with you about the floor, though…”That being said, Gadget manoeuvres off of him and within a moment, they’re both back on their feet and rummaging around for a pair of misplaced oven-gloves. Suffice to say, while Infinite’s rear might be a bit sore the next day, he deems the fall worth it. Entirely.…“Have you been eating the icing, by the way?”…“How’d you know?”
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caepaecaesurae · 7 years
> CC: Thank Meenah
Yesterday at 5:07 PM
caepaecaesurae WVe'vwe split, and the safe-house wvon't be needed anymore, on my end at least.  I'vwe left a small thank you present on the kitchen counter. I'd be in your debt if you could wvipe the coordinates used off of the pad's history list, if and wvhen convwenient. Thank you again, and havwe a nice night.
Yesterday at 9:38 PM
brackishbarracuda yeah i can do that isle head over in an hour oar so brackishbarracuda s good to sea u caepaecaesurae Good to see you too.  I appreciate the neutrality and the assistance. Havwing somewvhere empty to go helped more than once.
Today at 12:13 AM
brackishbarracuda ive been fused before an efin when its ppl u give a shit aboat its hard so i mean some place where u didnt have any extra ppl shoutin at u seemed pike a good idea to me caepaecaesurae It wvas. Did you separate from wvhomevwer it wvas peaceably?  Or vwia incompatibility? brackishbarracuda peaceably for both thankfully one was def a hell of a lot rockier than the other one tho aight the best puns are the ones u didnt mean to make i cannaut believe caepaecaesurae I do enjoy those ones. brackishbarracuda did u ever get hit w the gem thing caepaecaesurae As I am lost, it seems I did not. brackishbarracuda lemme find u a picture for full effect aight bc shit is stupid and mine was pike stupid times two brackishbarracuda http://imgur.com/sPQFO8t there we go rly tho how tf puts that shit on ur foot caepaecaesurae WVhat is that? brackishbarracuda aight so theres the weird sentient rock aliens who p much project around w/e rock they are an they do the fuse thing on purpose pike thats a thing they can do and a bunch a ppl got hit w it a while back usually shits pike on ur hand or ur forhead oar ur arm or somefin but no brackishbarracuda nah it was on my cod damn foot caepaecaesurae First I'vwe heard about them. ... You havwe my sympathies. WVhy the foot? brackishbarracuda idk i do naut fuckin no thats just where it was when i got got caepaecaesurae I imagine you sawv the tittastrophe wve had? brackishbarracuda yeah brackishbarracuda yeah that shore was somefin i saw w my own two eyes brackishbarracuda howd that whole thing go efin caepaecaesurae It looked rather like wve wvere split dowvn the middle vwertically in a lot of respects. The side wvith no breast had short hair like mine. WVe made a falsie so clothes wvould fit. brackishbarracuda now sea i woulda just said fuck it and done the whole half clothes shit pike jacket on one and dress on the other deal caepaecaesurae tsk.  I should'vwe talked to you more, that'd be a hell of a look. brackishbarracuda i mean u aint gotta b fused to pull it off right caepaecaesurae True.  It wvould complete the look though. caepaecaesurae I may try a half-and-half garment of some sort soon. brackishbarracuda plz take pictures i need this shit caepaecaesurae I do lovwe my selfie tag. brackishbarracuda s cause its good shit caepaecaesurae Howv do you feel about breasted, marginally nsfwv pictures of me? brackishbarracuda im down caepaecaesurae http://caepaecaesurae.tumblr.com/post/130431613390/speaking-of-anons-d brackishbarracuda v nice dam tho where tf did u get half those scars brackishbarracuda impressive caepaecaesurae I don't normally showv much skin. The large round ones on the legs are from an air battle invwolvwing laser cannons, during the game. brackishbarracuda uh first off fuckin ow caepaecaesurae Pff. Yes, but wve wvon. brackishbarracuda secondly i get it if u aint comfy w it oar w/e but u ought show more a it imo and that right theres why caepaecaesurae A good half of the scars you see there are from my first century on Alternia. ...at the end of wvhich, I began wvearing neck to wvrist to ankle bodyarmor, of the sort contained in that package.  Havwe you stopped by that hivwe yet, by the by? brackishbarracuda shit yeah i did i thought id said thank u btw caepaecaesurae You may havwe, I'm scattered lately. brackishbarracuda pike seariously i aint been in a searious scrape in a while but pike dam i cant get away from nofin w/o bleedin it feels like caepaecaesurae Armor that no one knowvs you're wvearing can be a wvonderful game changer. It turns a knife in the ribs into an invwitation to play. brackishbarracuda as much as i like it and the apron tbh shit is nice brackishbarracuda u probably made clams night more than mine w the armor caepaecaesurae I hope it servwes wvell, or entertains.  Or that the flavwor vwials do. brackishbarracuda hes the one whos gotta stitch me up half the tide caepaecaesurae A good role for a quadrant. If you elect to wvear the vwest, at least he'll only be stitching up limbs. brackishbarracuda lmao yeah fair also i should punch u in the nose for the fuckin shit u sent me pike it was so good that it legit made me mad how tf caepaecaesurae ... Hope player.  "Beyond belief" is my playground. brackishbarracuda throws my dam hands caepaecaesurae I can make things that I can imagine.  Cae*fora* made things that *She* could imagine. brackishbarracuda shit is fucked up caepaecaesurae A bit.  ... I usually try to make things that are slightly less... Intense... than that... I hope it wvasn't too much? brackishbarracuda isle survive but my tongue aint gonna b  happy w anyfin ever again this is me jokin mostly i aint upset at u oar anyfin caepaecaesurae ..Still, pardon. brackishbarracuda s aight cae ur good brackishbarracuda seariously tho why aint u show off ur scars more 38? caepaecaesurae Enough of them havwe unfortunate sources for it to be uncomfortable wvhen specific ones are indicated and remarked on, much of the time. caepaecaesurae ... Mostly, I don't like taking my armor off, evwer. I'vwe been getting better at removwing it long enough for selfies though. brackishbarracuda well dam the one u just showed me took some fuckin guts then didnt it caepaecaesurae Heh.  It wvas taken during a period of amnesia wvhere I didn't remember wvhere most of them wvere from. brackishbarracuda do u think u could do it again caepaecaesurae Possibly, though I think my selfie tag could use more less sexual things. brackishbarracuda u oughta take a pic w arlequin oar somefin then how tall efin are u btw pike are u taller than he is oar shorter or caepaecaesurae I'm a good foot and a half shorter than him, last I checked. brackishbarracuda well that makes me feel beta at least caepaecaesurae My adult height in sevweral centuries ought to be near wvhere he is nowv. brackishbarracuda yall are entirely too fuckin tall u kno that caepaecaesurae So I hear. If it makes you feel any better, all the humans top out somewvhere in the six or sevwen range I think.  They all look somewvhere betwveen fivwe and six nowv. The carapacians are a foot or twvo belowv that. brackishbarracuda pike im saury i realize u probably hear that alot but i am half a arlequins now hight an he was talkin pike sixteen feet an im overe here pike dude ur gonna b over three times my size how tf is that gonna efin work caepaecaesurae Carefully and wvith gusto. brackishbarracuda aight tru tho caepaecaesurae Havwe you evwer done the thing wvhere you rest hip to hip wvith a partner and pretend theirs is yours and marvwel at the difference? Some trolls enjoy that. I think that one wvill only improvwe as he ages, for you. caepaecaesurae "Look wvhat I'm packing nowv" brackishbarracuda i havent and now im kinda wonderin wtf ive been doin w my life caepaecaesurae You're wvelcome. .. Then again I'vwe used googly eyes in the bedroom before, so maybe my advwice isn't the best. brackishbarracuda bouy nah fuck that im gonna get a pack and use em on dirk that shit is perf caepaecaesurae My partner grewv annoyed and ripped them off, wvhich is honestly all I could hope for. brackishbarracuda tbh hell probably laugh till he cries which i count as a win brackishbarracuda but yeah tbh rippin em off sounds pike a good idea brackishbarracuda u kno me an u oughtta hang out sometide caepaecaesurae WVe should, I imagine wve'd get into heaps of trouble if any wvas avwailable. brackishbarracuda trouble is kinda my thing yeah brackishbarracuda i eel pike youd enjoy some trouble caepaecaesurae Once upon a time, maybe.  It's been a wvhile, and I might be a bit more boring nowv. Nice things, good stories, and good laughs?  Those are dear to heart. brackishbarracuda now sea mr suns out guns out tenta tattoo false boob ampora w the hella scars i aint believe you wouldnt enjoy a little trouble caepaecaesurae I'vwe had a vwery interesting life. I'm relearning howv to enjoy trouble. brackishbarracuda isle sea if i cant think of some baby trouble steps caepaecaesurae Sounds like a treat to me. caepaecaesurae Let me knowv sometime, alright? brackishbarracuda yeah def at the v least ur fun to talk to and anybody i can b a bad influence on is aight by me u feel caepaecaesurae Aye, I hear you It'd be nice to lean back in that direction somenight.  I'vwe been sitting around drinking tea a wvhile. brackishbarracuda s easy to get restless i aint efin alternian and sometides i just need to move and tear into somefin before that somefin becomes me caepaecaesurae Aye. ...I sail a ship around sometimes.  Transport pads to get back to hivwe often. Plenty of wvild lands out there to explore. brackishbarracuda theres plenty a world here to sea if u ever decide u wanna we aint managed a drone yet be in a week oar so probably caepaecaesurae The mile-high deer?  Aye I'vwe a curiosity. I'm relievwed that you're considering the drone. brackishbarracuda im uh considerin more than the drone tbh caepaecaesurae Aye? brackishbarracuda been thinkin a puttin my crown on and meanin it caepaecaesurae Lacking in context, I'm imagining you calling yourself queen of a single hivwe surrounded by largish deer. brackishbarracuda i mean in all technicality i earned the fuckin thing i blew up my planet i killed the empress so by right etc etc blah blah blah i just been runnin from it since brackishbarracuda no u aint wrong i gotta start somwhere fuckin ridiculous as it is if they aint anybody else on the planet isle take it theres a small frozen planet my ex red left me so thats two off the bat ig caepaecaesurae If there's no one else it seems a bit... abrupt. Then again, givwen a single wvorking mothergrub, one is nevwer far from an empire. I suspect Arlequin wvould havwe mixed feelings. brackishbarracuda ive convinced my spade to let me sit w em and do some political diplomatic shit and i aint lookin to be a bloody conquerer im just lookin to stop runnin from what i was hatched for mayb do some decent shit w whatever authority i got somefin betta than home was anyway caepaecaesurae I wvish you luck wvith it if you do. brackishbarracuda thanks 38/ caepaecaesurae It's hard to get in trouble wvhen you're in charge. brackishbarracuda why u gotta do me like this caepaecaesurae WVell... Ask Tyfora howv much fun her powver is. brackishbarracuda id rather naut caepaecaesurae Ask Arlequin howv much he wvants to strivwe for a newv flag -- at least, this early. brackishbarracuda i oughta talk to him aboat it tho yeah caepaecaesurae Powver is complicated.  That's all. caepaecaesurae More so than you might be preparing yourself for. brackishbarracuda i aint trynna rush into anyfin aight an isle talk to arlequin i kno shit aint easy it aint somefin im thinkin aboat lightly caepaecaesurae Then I wvish you luck.  I'm cautious about swvearing loyalties lightly, but you'll likely havwe me on call if emergencies strike. brackishbarracuda i dont take that lightly either cae thank u i afishiate it caepaecaesurae WVe'll see wvhat comes.  I'm afraid it's late though.  Another night? brackishbarracuda a course thanks for talkin at me caepaecaesurae Looking forwvard to it.  Rest wvell wvhen you go. brackishbarracuda yeah sleep good
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