#but im surprised she didn't really have much after nico
iridescentis · 4 months
I was going through my old S2 reactions and man I'm sad about lutteo again
I think for the most part as far as I can tell, the general consensus is dislike over here, but I was really rooting for them and it just makes me so sad that the drama ruined that for me! their cute moments were so strong I loved them a lot but after finishing the show and looking back it just wasn't healthy at all and that just makes me sad
Idk I just, as I've said before, I feel the same way about them as I do with quite a lot of TV relationships, like Cory and Topanga or Maddie and Diggie - in theory it's cute and the scene writing for their happy moments is good, but it just isn't sustainable or healthy for either of them
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If Jason had been written to have atleast somewhat of a jealousy streak of Percy, then it would have made him more human tbh. Ironically I feel like the fandom would've been much more empathetic to his character, if he acknowledged that he envied Percy a little and then came to terms with it. We know that Jason's fear of being 2nd best is a very integral part of his character, I mean, Gaia taunting him with that in his nightmares was enough to reduce him into tears. and that's the ONLY time we've even remotely seen him cry. Percy had so many things Jason didn't have, a loving mom, a loving girlfriend who took a knife for him and never broke his heart, a loving camp that looked for him endlessly after he went missing, people ACTUALLY wanting him to survive because they care about him not because they need him for glory, etc. and if im being honest Poseidon wasn't even that bad of a father (for a big three god, atleast) tbh he still came to percy's 15th birthday, invited him to fishing, genuinely loved sally, she was probably the only mortal he fell in love with and it stayed that way, he was never rude to percy and stuck up for him etc. not tryna say percy had it easy or anything ofc he didnt, but there is no point in denying that he had a MUCH better support system than jason ever had.
The fact that Jason despite having none of these things was not even remotely envious of Percy made him appear like a bland robot with no emotional baggage
Compare this to Nico, who was rightfully a little jealous/idolizing Percy while simultaneously having a crush on him, also a little jealous of Jason because he was "the golden boy" who everyone respected, it made him have SO much depth and the fandom loves him (rightfully so)
also, leo. He was resentful of Percy up until blood of Olympus because of how everyone loved him, how Calypso fell for him almost immediately, etc. it's very realistic.Jason feeling a little resentful of Percy and then later talking it out would've made his character much less of a shallow stereotypical nice guy that ppl dislike.
maybe Rick could've expanded on Jason's jealousy of how quickly camp Jupiter accepted Percy and how quickly Reyna made him praetor, when jason himself had dedicated his whole life to it and was only made praetor in the last couple months, how camp Jupiter and his supposed friends never held a memorial for him even after they thought he was dead, etc. Also how Percy spent more time with thalia than jason ever did, we know he did feel a little envious since he mentioned how much he wished thalia looked for him the way she was looking for percy
I would've loved to see Jason being a little cold to Reyna too because of this and then they later talk it out, since it's VERY realistic, I was surprised with how quickly jason shrugged the whole Percy- being- a -praetor thing off, I thought he'd have felt a little betrayed by Reyna considering that they were childhood friends, and reyna never really sent a search party or something after him like annabeth did, gods, the amount of angst potential this man had i love him ugh
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doevademe · 1 year
Sweet sappy prompt: it’s been a few years since Percy and Nico have seen each other, they talk sometimes via iris messages but haven’t actually seen each other face to face. Nico has been off doing whatever chore Hades makes him do and Per y has been trying(and failing) to live a semi normal life, including learning how to braid his now four year old sister’s hair. One day Nico pops in saying that he is going to need him for a quest in a few days and Sally and Paul force Nico to stay over in the mean time. Nico sees Estelle’s braids and compliments Sally, only for him to be surprised that it was Percy. Right before they go on their quest, Nico asks Percy if he can braid his hair since he has been so busy that he hasn’t cut it in a while and it got fairly long. They both don’t know why they are so embarrassed or why their hearts are racing so much over braiding hair.
It was strange how life worked out. When he was 16, he never thought he'd ever truly get close to Nico di Angelo, and that his friendships with other demigods would be forever. Yet, here he was, 22, a college dropout working as a cashier and still living with his parents and dealing with monster attacks every week or so. Most of his friends had moved on and had their own lives now (or in Annabeth's case, were too pissed by his dropping out and their break up to keep contact).
The only person from his past he talked regularly with was Nico.
He knew he was mostly a dead man switch, though. Nico would call twice a week. If he didn't, it meant he was in trouble and Percy would go rescue him (not that it had ever happened).
Speaking of, Nico was supposed to call that day, wasn't he? Percy wondered if something happened.
Well, nothing said he couldn't be the one to call for once, right?
Decided he opened the door to the apartment and almost had a heart attack.
Nico, in the flesh, was on the other side, looking serious.
"I need your help."
"Di Immortales!" Percy swore. "Give a heads up when you do that!"
"Nico, I'm done!" His younger sister called. "Come here!"
Nico sighed and turned around, putting on a soft smile as he sat by Estelle and her construction block tower.
"Impressive," he praised. Now that his back was to him, Percy noticed how long his hair had gotten. It reached below his shoulders. "It's almost as tall as you!"
Percy shook his head at his sister complaining about how tall she actually was and went to the kitchen, where his mother was finishing dinner.
"Hi, mom," he said and kissed his cheek. "How long has Nico been here?"
"Just an hour or so," she answered with a smile. "Said he needed to tell you something in person."
"Huh," he said. Now that was a surprise. "Need help with anything?"
"Just set the table, honey, I'm almost done."
Percy nodded and set to work. Nico was sitting at the table, resting while Paul took over playing with Estelle.
"She really knows hows how to tire people out, huh?" he teased. Nico grunted and opened an eye. "So, what do you need help with?"
"It's nothing dangerous," he said. "But it's a quest that kind of needs two people... I need to settle a dispute between two minor gods, but they won't speak directly to each other... Or to someone who spoke to the other. It's a mess."
"Couldn't you sent me an IM for it?" he asked. "Don't get me wrong, it's great to see you in person after so long, but this doesn't seem that urgent."
"One of the gods is Iris so..." Nico shrugged. "Anyways, the actual parlay will be tomorrow, so I just came to ask if you would help. I'll be on my way soon."
"Tomorrow, you say?" Sally's voice made them jump a bit. "Then please, stay. You can sleep in Percy's room!"
"That's really not—"
"I insist," his mom said in her cheery voice that left no space to argue. "It seems like you haven't had a decent meal in a while."
Nico turned to glance at him, but he just nodded encouragingly. It would be nice to have Nico around.
"Sure," he said. "It'll be my pleasure."
"Your hair is so pretty and long," Estelle said in wonder while they ate. "Mommy keeps mine short."
"Well, yours is much better kept than mine," Nico said. Percy would have never guessed his friend knew how to deal with children. "Your mom braided your hair so nicely."
Estelle giggled and shook her head, while their parents chuckled. Percy could only blush as he hid behind his fork.
"What?" Nico asked, bemused.
"Mommy didn't do that! It was Percy!" She said loudly. Nico turned to look at him and he tried his best to avoid his gaze.
"I... picked it up after dropping out of college," he muttered.
"Percy watched around 80 videos on it," Paul piped, making Percy shrink in embarrassment. "Fashion influencers, how to videos, I think even a mom youtuber."
"Okay, so I looked it up!" Percy exclaimed loudly. "I wanted to pitch in with my sister in some way while I got a job, sue me!"
"I'm just kidding," Paul said, raising his hands. "We appreciate you helping us with Estelle."
"Yeah, I love my braids!" the little girl declared. "No one does them like Percy!"
"Yeah, it's cute," Nico said, giving one of his rare, small smiles.
Now Percy was blushing for a whole other reason. Did Nico mean Estelle's braids or...?
"So, Nico, you were telling us about Lisbon?" Sally asked, sensing Percy's discomfort.
He sighed in relief as Nico went back to explaining his last quest, tracking missing souls through Portugal.
"Percy?" Nico whispered so low the son of Poseidon might have missed it if not for the fact that the inflatable mattress was right by his bed. "You awake?"
"Yup," Percy whispered back. To be honest, something about Nico being in his room made him too alert. He had been awake for an hour already.
"I was thinking... I don't look the part to mediate in a godly conflict, do I?"
Percy wanted to reassure Nico, but he had to admit he looked like a cross between a hobo and an 80s metalhead.
"I've been busy, okay?" He snapped. "I haven't had time to cut my hair. That I shampoo at all is a miracle as it is!"
"You were the one to bring it up, not me."
"Well, since you seem to be an expert I was wondering if... if you could braid my hair like you did with Estelle..."
Percy coughed. The request somehow felt personal... intimate.
"You sure?" he asked. "My only experience is my little sister, so I don't know how good it'll turn out."
"Anything's better than this," he said, pointing at his hair.
"A-alright," Percy said, swallowing. "Just... sit with your back to me, I'll do my best."
Nico obeyed him wordlessly. Percy's hands were trembling as he took the first strand of Nico's hair and started combing it with his fingers. The son of Hades tensed for a second before relaxing.
As Percy worked, he couldn't help but think of how different this felt from when he did it to his sister. It felt like Nico was letting him inside in a way he never allowed anyone else.
It made him feel special. Like he was showing Nico how much he... cherished him, or something.
The seconds became minutes as Percy worked on Nico's hair, his heartbeat increasing every time Nico sighed or moved.
What was happening to him?
"There, done," he forced himself to say after a while. Nico stood up and saw himself on the mirror Percy had on his desk that he never used.
Nico reminded Percy of those statues of young, beautiful men from Ancient Greece, and Percy couldn't help but think no one would doubt the existence of demigods if they saw Nico right then.
"How do I look?" He asked uncertainly. And Percy could feel his heart pick up the pace like he was running the marathon.
Percy tried to shake his head, to get a clear head. It was still Nico, his friend, the guy who once said he was not his type. Even if he was feeling... something. This was something that had no future!.
"Perfect," he still said, because there was no other word to describe Nico.
The son of Hades smiled gratefully, and Percy knew he was lost.
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raspbeyes · 1 year
Since I did a prediction earlier today, time to update!!
OKAY NO HiATUS WHAT NOOOOO! honestly having looked at the time during the livestream, i genuinely was questioning how they were gonna wrap this up by ep 12 like last time and started to wonder if this chapter will be longer as we spent this whole epsiode in david's extended mask off moment. as much as im sad abt the hiatus i am glad this is extended BECAUSE WE DIDN'T EVEN TOUCH THE ACTUAL CRIME SCENE OR A DEBATE SCRUM tho ughhh noo this hiatus might kill meeee
OKAY DAVID OMG bro lost it AHHHHH i really wanted to believe that david had a good/moral reason for all this but to know he did all this secret maliciously?!!? ik he's not killer for sure so i do wonder how he's gonna be used in next chapters cuz as hot as he lowkey is rn and i do love his biting sarcasm, he's gonna be geninuely such a bitchy force to deal with in future chapters. to have this man constantly causing trouble for no other reason than fun and never trustworthy, i have to wonder if there's any hope left for him. i really hope that his arc actually has him improve cuz u know, poetic irony and all that jazz. Since now we know he doesn't believe what he says, i truly hope drdt takes the time to prove him wrong cuz i really dont want a grimdark killing game proving david (and in some ways, teruko) right. and also, idk why people are surprised david would lie abt being arei's killer and want to get himself killed rn. Bro literally now has lost his career and his public image is ruined. He doesn't have a life anymore for him to go back to. He already mentions how he hates everyone there, so I see zero reason why he wouldn't lie to drag everyone down with him
ACE SLAYS ONCE AGAIN! BRO POPPING OFF WITH THE TRUTH YESSSS AND CALLING OUT PEOPLE'S HYPOCRISY FOR NOT GOING AFTER DAVID WE LOVE TO SEE IT!!! Also j saying that she doubts ace's testimony just cuz she thinks he cant be quiet makes me sadddd
ALSO NICO AND CHARLES!!!! I love that nico comes back in clutch to help actually point out david's suspiciousness. His bluntness is always needed, especially with cutting through david's bs. ALSO CHARLES YESS IM GLAD HE IS NOW GONNA BE CRITICAL TO THIS CASE!!! I like that drdt takes advantage of its video format as normally to have a character interject like that in a mainline dr game would be bad since it's interupting gameplay and taking control out of player's hands. But it works here since we're not actually playing and shows teruko and charles backing each other up and shows people actually getting involved!!!
To the actual crime ... uh i dont know ... clearly this crime is so complicated that we need a TRIAL 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO lmaoo. i mentioned before but charles's comment of "fucking up" at the end seems to strongly imply the time of the murder, and thus everyone's testimonies for that time, are now irrelevant. Since arei was alive in the evening last night (ace does claim 7:30, but i do agree with david that ace might have just said that to back up his point rather than it being true) the death happened the prior night or early that morning. it puts into the question the note, calling for 7:30 but it could be 7:30 am before the motive reveal. however, unless it was something like a trap, such a time is so tight i find it hard to believe. maybe i'll do a post later doing a fully theory as i lose my mind during this hiatus (praying for it be under 6 months)
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Hit me with a match up
I’m a lesbian that goes from hyperactive and spontaneous to extremely serious and analytical.
Im a leo that fits under both ESTP and ENTP if that matters.
I like annoying people (lovingly). I like exploring in places that I’m probably not supposed to be. I will spend a lot of time talking to friends, playing videogames, watching Tv, writing storys or listening to music. I listen to a lot of Grandson, Halsey, Jutes, and Nico Collins. My favorite band is Skillet. I like debating about bigger and heavier topics.
My love language is physical touch and quality time. I have a lot of dog like qualities with always wanting attention/affection I’m very loyal and I’m die hard for those I’m close to.
I have a very out of pocket and dark sense of humor and I go to far with my jokes sometimes without knowing. I hyper analyze people and am very good at reading them usually being able to tell exactly what kind of person someone is after 5-10 minutes of interaction. I have very morbid thoughts that would and do scare most people. I laugh inappropriately and when upset I will laugh while crying, I use humor and feigning happiness as a coping mechanism also to cover up emotions. I’m a big hype man and I’m a hugger, I’m good at making people feel loved and accepted. I’m capable of flipping certain emotions on or off or just all of them off to get through a day. I loose everything and forget everything. (I’m getting tested for ADHD) and I’m a flirt.
Essentially 2D me is a goofball airhead crack head. 3D me is very inteligente and hyper analyzes people and craves intelligent conversation.
You didn't say what age group would be appropriate to match you with so if what I give you is inappropriate, let me know so I can fix it.
This is a part of 3x Valentines event
I match you with...
Annoying her might not be the easiest, but she sure acts annoyed whenever you discard your well being for the sake of people you're close to. Loyalty is great, but not to the point where you have to sacrifice something.
That and when she sees you somewhere you shouldn't be at in the first place... Sometimes she really thinks it's a talent on how you can end up in such places by accident.
She definitely enjoys having little harmless debates with you. Exploring each other's views and whatnot. It's definitely interesting.
Just like you she's amazing at reading people, but you tend to surprise her quite often. Perhaps the chaos is what drives her towards you? Who knows!
Still, even if you do a lot of masking of emotions she knows when to subtly comfort you.
Whenever she's out for work reasons she makes sure you'd be occupied with something else and when she's back she'd take you on a date.
So she gives you just enough time to miss her without you being lonely.
She often makes sure to remind you of everything important, not only that she somehow always manages to find your lost items. She doesn't track them down or anything, she just makes a guess and luck is on her side as she finds it.
Your inappropriate and dark jokes don't usually move her much. Even if it's highly disturbing. She just wonders how is it that you have such humor.
~Mod Lisa
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novemberwasgrey · 2 years
Hey! Can you do some headcanons of a (probably greek) daughter of Ares than is younger than Clarisse by 3 years (so she is Percy's age (I'm pretty sure Clarisse is 3 years older than Percy, if not let me know) and what her relationship with her siblings would look like. Maybe she is a little rough around the edges bc she had to raise some of her younger siblings at home and she never got along with people her age bc she is so mature. even though shw would be rough around the edges, she would still be really kind and caring and goofy (she would just have her days and doubts). Can you alao add in what her relatioship would be with the seven and Nico, Will, and Reyna. Could you also add in what cabin you think her gf would be in? Thanks in advance!
Love the idea, here is what I came up with:
Her name's Kat and she arrives in camp when she's 13 thus a year after Percy's arrival.
She's from Texas where she lived with her sisters, twins Rosie and Penelope. She had a rough childhood because their mom has been in jail since she was ten and her sisters were eight. Since then, they had been living with their maternal grandparents who take really good care of her and the girls, but despite that and having lived through rough things before their mom got arrested – the mom was abusive among other things –, Kat is very protective of the twins and cares for them a lot.
Her first couple of days at camp, she stays alone for the most part and doesn't talk much. She is incredibly good at sword fighting though, which makes Ares claim her pretty quick. She takes some time warming up to her new siblings. They quickly understand she's already been through so much shit for a kid her age who's barely arrived in camp so they don't ask questions she isn't comfortable answering. Kat is grateful for that and she does feel good in the Ares cabin, despite other people warning her they were mean brutes before she was claimed (not that she was afraid of them anyway, she's got some temper as well; Mark nicknames her "Little Miss Insolent".) but sometimes it really surprises her is how much they care. Like how Sherman always wakes her up at night when she's in the middle of a nightmare and stays with her until she falls asleep again, how Ellis and Aria always makes sure she ate and Mark is definitely one of her favorite brothers who always makes her laugh.
Kat didn't meet Clarisse right after she was claimed since Clarisse was in her SoM quest at the time. The first time she sees Clarisse, the whole cabin runs to her to congratulate her on her quest and carries her victoriously on their shoulders, and she's so intimidated and impressed by her at first. Then they get to know each other and even though Clarisse sounds like a tough hellhound at first, she's the worst mother den you could ever meet and she is extremely protective of Kat, like for all her sisters. Clarisse was the one who was there when Kat got her first period and had no idea what to do (her mom obviously never took the time to have that talk with her).
Even though she really misses her sisters at home and IMs them everyday, she loves being in camp because she can finally be herself there and not just the older sister who has to care and provide for the youngest.
She became friends with Nico based on one detail: she loves Mythomagic. They play very often. She's also very good friends with Leo and Will and since they're all from Texas, they love to say they're the 'Southern Squad' and always speak with the biggest Texan accent ever when they're in the same room. People are so annoyed when they talk like that which makes them laugh even more.
Since Clarisse loves to talk shit about Percy once in a while, Kat kinda imitated her big sister in this regard and did like she didn't like him at the beginning. Like she'd just glare at him for the sake of it and Percy didn't know why, which was hilarious. Eventually, she gets to know him better and they start to get along.
Kat's favorite thing to do is napping so I think it'd be cute if she dated a girl from the Hypnos cabin, and they would take naps together all the time.
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angloie · 3 years
> Percy likes to deceive. Lie, manipulate, more lies; it was a part of his job, after all. Annabeth has been deceived. Lied to. Manipulated. She's an woman of many secrets- secrets she'd rather not let anyone know.
> Assassin! Percy x CEO! Annabeth.
> Warnings: Mostly angst + fluff, character death and some violence. Nothing too explicit. Mentions of blood/mild injuries as well as alcohol. (characters are aged up!)
pt. 2 || pt. 3 || pt. 4 || pt. 5
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Percy's thumb rule was never do anything he didn't want.
To live a happy and healthy life, that was completely normal; especially for such a laid back guy like him.
Choosing this... rather wild career was something he wanted to do, willingly. Life was short, so why not make the most of it? It was getting awfully bleak with the normal civilian life. After all, no one would believe the nice young man who helped the old man carry the groceries to his car would be someone who killed for a living. A smile so bright that it could give the sun a run for its money and warm sea green eyes could hide so much more than just innocence.
The ceiling to floor windows of his penthouse showed a breathtaking view of the New York skyline, sun moving behind the tall buildings and moon replacing the orange hue. Being an assassin had its perks- despite endangering his life on multiple occasions. The pay was just out of this world. All that cash just to kill off some sleazy politician, or that one corrupt buisness man? Sign him up. Zero hesitation.
Percy frowned at the dried blood on his once pure white gloves. He was quick to peel them off. He shuddered at the unsightly view of a small stain of blood on his onyx-colored suit.
He would just buy a new one later. Small things like that didn't matter. Sure, that might've been a gift from one of his clients, but it wasn't anything he couldn't replace.
Hanging his coat on the rack beside the wide entrance, he sighed with clear tiredness. One night of forced politeness and smiles took a toll on him- Also due to the fact that he had just done his job as an assassin. It wasn't what you could call easy.
His muscles were aching and sore in all the worst places, every move throbbing with full pain. The shallow slash on his lower abdomen had soaked his shirt in a dark crimson red, most likely going to leave a bad stain. He would have to clean that later.
The penthouse was big and rather spacious. White Walls and abstract paintings lined them, reflecting off the almost pristine marble floors. It took a while for Percy to get settled in, it being a huge place and all that. But he soon made it feel like home with the help of old picture frames that held memories and the Nemo stuffed animals resting on the leather couch.
And Mrs. O'leary.
Mrs.O’leary- a huge, slobbering dog with thick black fur- bounded towards him in a frenzied greeting. She hopped up on her hind legs to lick his face, tail wagging at a unmatched speed. She barked again, this time more quieter.
“Yeah, yeah. It's nice to see you too.” Percy laughed as he tried to pull away. Once he went to the kitchen to grab a bone-shaped treat. “Who’s a good girl?” He cooed, tossing the snack in the air. Mrs.O’leary jumped up to snatch it before barking and padding away. Her tail still wagged with elation.
When Percy first moved here, it was quite nerve-racking. He'd heard that this place was an especially good spot for people like him- meaning people who did some illegal activity. Well, that was what he assumed. Percy was 99% sure that his neighbor just in the penthouse below him, (Leo was it?) had to be involved in some sketchy stuff. That creepy smile of his with a mysterious staining his shirt never meant any good. Or maybe when his other neighbor, had a odd looking duffel bag slung across his shoulder. Oddly human shaped, maybe. With a horrible smell of something rotting. Percy recalled introducing himself a Nico DiAngelo. A pretty reserved and quiet guy, usually having a frown of his face. Well, other than that time when he had his boyfriend over, a sunshiney guy with sun-kissed hair. He never got the chance to catch his name.
Wrapping a white cloth around his wound, Percy's met with a sense of familiarity. Fixing his own injuries by himself. It would bee nice to have some help once in a while, but that would mean exposing him. He's definitely not ready to risk that.
Other than his boss and a couple of really close friends, no one knows about this. Percy nearly slipped up once- when a old companion from high school came over to visit, and his small arsenal of weapons were revealed. The little compartment hidden behind a painting. Not another word wasmsaid about it. Percy made up some half-assed excuse about auditioning for a movie so they were fakes.
It didn't take much of a expert, but the were far from fakes.
His phone rang from beside Percy, making him jolt in surprise. The contact name made him smile just the tiniest bit.
"Hey, mom," Percy began. "Why'd you call?"
"Can't your mom check up on you once in a while? How are you?" Sally beamed, cheerful voice on speaker mode.
He walked over to the bathroom where he stood in the full length mirror. A hint of blood seeped through the white bandage; now full wrapped. "Good. How's Paul and Estelle doing?" He asked.
"They're doing great! Me and your step dad went out with Estelle yesterday to see the movies." Sally smiled. "Estelle is growing into such a energetic ball of energy." She joked. "Just like you."
"Is that so?" Percy laughed, splashing his face with water. It felt cool on his skin, causing tiny pricks of coldness to pop up all over.
For a while, him and Sally conversed. She told him about her day (mostly gushing about Paul and Estelle) while Percy smiled and listened. He did his best to hide the fact that he'd been fixing up his wounds in silence. He cursed silently in pain when he touched an sensitive spot on the slash.
"Percy? Are you alright?" Sally asked in concern.
"Yeah! I just... hit my elbow. Its nothing. " He hastily replied.
"Okay," Sally exclaimed in relief. "By the way, when are you going to visit your old woman? Estelle misses you, you know."
"Yeah, well tell her I miss her too." A sense of gloom over took the conversation. "Look, I'm busy now but..." Percy looked over to the mirror again. "I'll call you later. Maybe I can visit you guys over there soon." He exhaled.
"We're looking forward to it! Isn't that right,             Estelle?" Sally gave the phone to the little girl who was jumping with excitement.
"Come over soon Perce!" She garbled. It sounded like she was eating something halfway.
"I will. Talk to you later, 'Kay?"
A wave of guilt overwashed Percy as soon as he ended the call. It was killing him inside, to not be honest with them about his real job. They just thought he was a simple marine biologist who got one hell of a promotion. Yeah, he wished. That seemed easier than killing for a living. He was going to tell them sooner or later. He just had to. Not today- not anytime soon, that is.
Jolting himself out of his thoughts, Percy's phone rang. He was quick to answer it. Was it Sally calling again? Percy put down the metal spoon he was holding, letting it rest in the pot of soup bubbling on the flat stove. 
“Hey, Percy!” The horribly familiar voice rang from the other side of the line. Percy grimaced.
“What is it?” He groaned.
“Is that any way to talk to your boss?” He tsked. “But I have news for you!”
“Do tell,” Percy muttered and went back to his soup. 
“I have a mission.” Apollo grinned widely. “You up for it?”
“Again? Didn't I just do one yesterday?” Percy rolled his eyes. He was tired; completely tired. Usually the missions weren't this close together- sometimes they could be even months apart.
“Yeah, but this one won't happen for a week or so. And it ain't just the typical mission.”
“Yeah? And what's that?”
“Its a info operation. Meaning-”
“I know what that means!” Percy interjected. “Just tell me the details already. I’m hungry.”
“Jeez, okay mr. grump. Annabeth Chase. You know her?” Apollo said, scoffing at Percy's tone.
“You mean the owner of that one architecture company? What about her?” He asked.
“She’s connected with Thalia Grace and Luke Castellan.” Appolo explained. “Apparently people have been talking about their new heist that they're planning. By what I've heard, it's going to be huge.” 
Those three names- Thalia Grace, Luke Castellan, Annabeth Chase. Annabeth especially, was the most well known in the regular world. Her being the stoic founder of Athchase as well as being a crazy rich and famous person, that's a no brainer. Luke and Thalia, on the other hand, their heists were well known anywhere. Annabeth didn't have a criminal record of any sorts. That's a big reason she can keep up her reputation. It's not like the woman did anything wrong, its just that... the fact that she is connected with the two is enough to ensure suspicion. Growing rumors of her planning some of their crimes were spreading fast. Percy's heard of things like that, her being the mastermind of killing and stealing.
“Alright," He nodded. "Im interested. Go on."
“New York. That's where the three plan to meet up. Get information, maybe use your charms into getting her to trust you."
"N-new york..!?" Percy was left shocked at that.
"I've booked a flight there. 5 in the morning sharp tomorrow. I reccomend you arrive on time." Apollo chuckled.
"Yeah, whatever."
"And Percy?" He called out.
"You have my full permission to kill Annabeth when you're done." Apollo darkly said, hanging up without another word. Percy rolled his eyes for the tenth time on the call.
Well, all right.
Next destination: New York.
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"So, New York, huh." Annabeth swirled some of her cocktail in the glass, circling her wrist in a rotation. The blue liquid swirled together in a repetitive motion. Sapphire Martini tasted rather bitter on her tounge, but decent nonetheless. She enjoyed the slight orange twist.
"Why here of all places?" She asked.
"Its a golden opportunity, dear Annie. The Olympians only gather once in a blue moon, so we're going to make the most out of this!" Thalia sipped from her own glass, some regular red wine. She'd never had such a taste for 'Those fancy rich drinks'. Whatever that meant.
The Olympians, as Thalia said before, were a group of 12 of some of the wealthiest and prestigious people from across the world. Only a few select people could be a part- it was exclusive as to anybody who was just normal as a couple million rich. New York would be holding a auction quite soon on a famous opera house; and surprise, they would be there.
"Don't call me that." Annabeth winced at the name. "And who exactly is we?"
"Don't go all acting like you didn't agree, alright? Plus, you can gain a thing or two from all this." She grinned.
"I have a company to run, Thals, You know very well that I dropped that type of business years ago." Annabeth shook her head. "This is seriously risky."
"But you love that. Don't you?" Thalia pressed, standing up.
She truly did. The thrill, the rush of energy you couldn't get anywhere else. Thats what had driven her to join Thalia and Luke in the first place. That feeling alone made her eyes sparkle with desire.
"Yeah." Annabeth places her drinkdown back on the glass table. "I do."
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Okay I'm back with some more hot garbage!!! here's my latest thing-- a assassin au. I need to do a ship other than percabeth tho 😔😔
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