#but in cassandra's defense she did not have any time to stop and pay attention to the fact she may be kidnapping a blind alchemist until no
electrozeistyking · 2 months
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Apparently so far that Blind Varian AU I was plotting on making is already in its shitpost-y phase. FYI, we do not condone ableism here in this household. Varian's just being a sassy little shit and he honestly deserves that right.
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ladydimitrescuspet · 3 years
Safe With Me
ao3 link! anon sentence prompt request: "ready or not, here I come." angst to fluff, very emotional. sorry for any grammatical errors! I was given a 2000 word limit or less and I went almost 200 over but enjoy and tell me what you think!
Hiding for your Mistress and her daughters was one thing but hiding from a hunter who had entered the castle undetected was another. Alcina and her daughters weren’t home, they were down in the village. Alcina’s daughters didn’t need to go with her, but they managed to convince her to let them tag along.
You had been getting ready to walk downstairs when you saw the hunter walk out of the room that led to the courtyard. Another thing you hated was that there was no staff today so you were all alone with the hunter. Your breath had caught in in your throat as you slowly backed up so he wouldn’t hear your footsteps but you weren’t paying attention and you hit one of the marble busts in the hallway, its banging up against the wall catching the hunter’s attention.
“Who’s in here?!” The hunter shouted out. Your eyes widened and your heart started beating even faster as you heard him coming towards the stairs. You looked around for somewhere to hide, but your legs felt like they couldn’t move. The hunter quickly ascended the stairs and laid eyes on you. “Now, what’s a pretty thing like you doing in this big castle all by your lonesome?” He asked with a creepy smile.
You let out an ear-piercing scream before you felt your legs finally work as you ran down the hallway towards Alcina’s chambers. You quickly entered the room and shut the door, locking it so he wouldn’t come in and hid under the bed. It didn’t take him long to realise where you had gone when he checked the door handle to find the door locked. You flinched as you heard the bullets hitting the handle, holding your breath when you heard the door creak open.
“I know you’re in here, sweetheart. I won’t hurt you.” The hunter said. You wish you could scream out Alcina’s name and that she’d come running to save you, but you knew she wouldn’t be able to hear you. “Come on now, I can help you.” He said as he stopped by the bed. You saw him start to crouch down and made your way to the other side of the bed. “There you are.” He grinned at you and you kicked him in the face scrambling from under the bed.
“Stay away from me!” You yelled over your shoulder as you dashed from the room.
“You little bitch! Get back here!” He screamed as he held his hand over his eye.
You didn’t stop running until you got to the hallway that had Alcina’s study and the library on it. Quickly deciding to hide in the library since it was bigger than Alcina’s study, you barricaded the door with a chair and a shelf that took a bit of work to move.
Your chest was heaving as you let out heavy breaths. You saw the handle to the library door jiggle and a small chuckle escape the hunter’s lips. “So you’re in here, are you?” He asked, his voice muffled. “Well, ready or not, here I come.” He grunted out as his rammed his shoulder into the doors to get them to open.
You shook your head as tears streamed down your face. Yes, the library was huge, but there were no good hiding places. But you headed up the left side of the stairs anyway just to put some distance between you two, a decision you made a second too late when the hunter came barrelling into the library, spotting you immediately.
“Aw, don’t run from me anymore, sweetheart, you’re starting to hurt my feelings.” He said as he cocked the gun and aimed it for you. You ducked when the first shot rang out, running up the rest of the stairs and hiding in between the bookcases as best as you could. The spot was cramped but you hoped that he wouldn’t find you here. Your heart thudded with every footstep he took up the stairs to the second floor. “Now, where could you be up here?” He asked as he looked through the rows of books. You thought it was strange when he started walking down the aisle you went down, like he could smell where you were hiding. The thought made your eyes widen and you pushed yourself back further into the space trying to get to the other aisle just as someone grabbed your arm.
“Let go of me!” You screamed at him, kicking him again but in his leg this time as you dashed down the aisle. He met you at the end of it. You pushed him out of your way, trying to get back down the stairs.
“Not on my watch sweetheart. You either die right here or I take you back down the village to be mine. What’s it gonna be?” He asked.
You grimaced. “Neither.” You replied. He kept walking towards you and you backed up until your back hit the balcony rail. “Take one more step towards me and I’ll jump.” You threatened. He smirked at you as if daring you to do so as he took one more step. To his surprise, you did jump from the balcony and to your surprise, you landed on one of comfy couches that was in the library.
“You stupid bitch!” He growled out as he headed back down the stairs. You quickly got up from the couch to make your way to the door, but somehow, he got there before you, blocking your only escape route. Was the door opened that wide when he came in? You shook the question from your mind. “Not so fast. I asked you a question and you gave me your answer so by default I’m gonna carve you up real nice for the Lady to come home to. Such a shame that I have to do something to such a pretty face.”
You shook your head at him, your hands coming up defensively as you back away from him. “Pl-please. I don-” Your words were cut off as you tripped over the rug where it had come up slightly. “I’ll, I’ll go with you. I just, please, don’t kill me.” You pleaded with him as he cocked his gun again.
“Too late for that. Any last words?” He replied.
You felt the tears streaming down your face. You whispered four words to yours before closing your eyes. “I love you, Alcina.” You waited for the shot to ring out and you heard two, but you heard something shatter and a squishing noise. You slowly opened one eye to find the man who had just threatened to end your life being impaled by your Mistress’ claws, gurgling blood in his mouth. “Alcina?”
Alcina led the body slide off her claws and signalled for her daughters to take the body from the room. “Are you alright, iubirea mea?” Alcina asked as she crouched down. You stared at her and nodded your head slightly. You saw her nostrils flare as she sniffed the air and looked down at your leg. “Oh, sweet thing, you’re hurt.”
You looked down to where her gaze was trained and saw the blood oozing out of your leg. You suddenly felt lightheaded. “Al...” It was all you could say before you felt yourself about to pass out.
“No, dear, stay awake for me.” She said as she picked you up carefully, carrying you over to the couch and placing you down before put your leg over hers. You weakly nodded your head as you heard the sound of buzzing. “Girls, get something to warm her up and get the first aid kit. Go down to village and get the doctor, wake her up if you have to, just get her here quickly.” She commanded. You heard the chorus of “Yes, Mother” before they flew away again.
“Ina?” You said. She hummed. “Ho- how did yo-”
Alcina cut you off. “I could smell his blood as you as I entered the gates. I got here as quickly as I possibly could.” You heard her sniffle. “This will hurt, but I must put pressure on the wound.”  You let out a strangled scream as she pressed on the wound to minimize the bleeding. “Shh, shh, sweet one, it’ll all be alright.” She said to you softly. “Where the hell are they?” She growled to herself.
You heard a soft buzzing come into the room. “The first aid kit, Mother. Daniela and Cassandra went to fetch the doctor.” Bela said. “Will she be alright?” Bela asked as she helped her Mother dress your wound until the doctor got here.
“I’m not sure, my dear. Did you bring a blanket?” Bela nodded her head and handed them to her Mother. “There, my sweet, these’ll keep you warm until the doctor arrives. You’ve gotten dreadfully cold in such a short matter of time.”
You could barely move so you just let out a small noise so that they would know you were still with them. It felt like hours had passed until Alcina was welcoming the doctor into the room to look at you.
“Well, Y/N, will need surgery to remove the bullet.” The doctor said. You heard Alcina protesting, not wanting you out of her sight. “It would be unsanitary for me to do it here, Lady Dimitrescu.” You could hear Alcina growl something out to the doctor in Romanian. “If this wound gets infected, My Lady, then this one’s on you. Prep her for me.”
Alcina made sure the table in the library was thoroughly sanitised before placing you on it. “The doctor’s going to get the bullet out, and then I’ll take care of the wound afterwards.” She pressed a kiss to your forehead before whispering something to one of her daughters.
When you came to you could feel Alcina’s honey golden eyes staring at you as she sat by you. “You passed out from the potion, draga mea. You’ve been asleep for a few days.” She said to you softly, her head coming up to your forehead. “You’ve a small fever. But the doctor was able to get the bullet out during the surgery. However, though the potion did heal up your leg from any infections that you may or may not have gotten, the doctor wants you to stay off your leg as much as possible.” Alcina explains.
“Oh.” Was all you could say at the time.
“Try to go back to sleep, sweet one. After such an event, you need the rest.” You shook your head. You didn’t want to sleep, the fear of dreaming about what happened creeping up on you. “My dear, I can’t stay with you. I have some work to do so it’s either stay here or go to the library.”
Your eyes widened at the thought of being in the library. “Please don’t leave me.” You whispered to her. You didn’t realise you were crying until she was wiping the tears away with her thumbs. “Please.”
Alcina pressed a kiss to your forehead. “I won’t, I won’t, I’m right here.” She whispered. “If you wish to read, we can go to the library and I can work from there.” You nodded your head hesitantly before Alcina picked you up and headed to the library. She sat you down outside the door of the library. “Go on inside, I’ll be right there in a moment.” She said before disappearing into her study.
You didn’t move as you stared at the closed door. You couldn’t bring yourself to place your hand on the handle and open the door. “I can’t,” You said to yourself. “No! No! No! Stop it, please!” You yelled out.
Alcina rushed to your side. “Darling, what is it?” She asked, concern lacing her voice.
“He’s in there, Ina. He, he, I can’t. Please.” Your voice cracked as you pushed yourself into Alcina’s body. Your tears soaking her dress.
“Okay, okay. We won’t go in the library.” She ran her hand down your back before guiding you into her study. “How foolish of me to think that you’d want to go in there, especially by yourself. I’m sorry, sweet thing.” Alcina said, chastising herself.
“Please don’t leave me alone.” You said looking up at her from your position on her lap.
Alcina shook her head. “No, my darling, I won’t. I won’t ever leave you alone.” She pressed a kiss to your lips and you melted into it. “Never again.” She said against your lips before she pulled away and pressed one to your forehead. You pressed yourself deeper into her chest, just wanting to be as close to her as possible. She wrapped her arms around you. “I promise that you’ll always be safe with me, sweet one. Always.” You hummed into her chest at her promise. You knew she’d keep her word to you, in every way she could.
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This is my first self-prompted fic! I’m posting two today.
Blackwall/Cassandra, “Taking the Reins” (AO3)
Blackwall was seated by the fire in the barn, carefully tooling a chess piece.
Dorian had taken his frustration from losing five consecutive games to Cullen out on the board, setting some of them on fire and ripping one to shreds with necrotic energy. Although Josephine had promised to send someone to Val Royeaux to shop for a replacement set, the Warden had taken it upon himself to carve replacements until their envoy had returned.
Besides, since the Inquisitor had decided that she only needed the Iron Bull to hold the line as she explored some recently uncovered ruins in the Emerald Graves, he was getting bored out of his mind, having completed the rest of the tasks he needed to do for the day.
Accompanying Rivka were the self-designated elven expert, Solas, and in what he assumed to be a deliberate provocation of her apostate lover or at the very least a representative of an alternate perspective, the self-designated elven skeptic, Sera. This, along with Vivienne following their envoy to the Orlesian capital and Cole doing…whatever he was doing…left a scarce few of their companions back at Skyhold, including the Lady Seeker, who’d seemed to have been troubled by something ever since settling in.
Speaking of which, that definitely was her coming down the long stairs leading from the main keep. As he turned his attention back to the eyes of the miniature warrior he was working on in wood, he idly wondered what precisely she could be up to down in this courtyard; the surgeon’s tent was comfortingly empty, and it was hardly as though she did much in the way of shopping amongst the stalls which greeted new arrivals.
Looking back up, it seemed to him that she was heading directly to his barn. The breath caught slightly in his throat as he saw her approach him, then dissipated as she went past the barn to look at the stables, leaning on the fence with great consideration, then sighing in that way she usually did.
Putting down the chisel, Blackwall walked towards her, asking from behind, “Is there something in the stables you needed, Lady Seeker?”
Cassandra turned towards him, mildly surprised. “Ah! No, I do not think so, Warden Blackwall. Unless…”
“Unless?”, he asked inquisitively.
“Have you had much experience horse-riding?”, she asked, then shaking her head. “Of course you must have, being a squire in the Grand Tourney and excelling in it, then a Warden alone on the road. Forgive my foolishness.”
Blackwall chuckled slightly, saying, “No need to chastise yourself, Lady Seeker, but yes, I’ve been on the road for quite a fair bit. Surely you also must have needed to ride to wherever you needed for…Seeker business?”
Cassandra sighed deeply, looking distantly. “You would think so, but on the whole I much preferred following a carriage. There have been markedly few occasions where I needed to ride at length, and certainly not in battle. Animals do not tend to react well to uses of Seeker abilities.”
“I can imagine,” Blackwall mused. “I was always much better at the mêlée on foot, but I performed well enough on horseback to get as far as I did during the Grand Tourney. Is there a particular occasion which needs you to ride forth, Lady Seeker? I trust it isn’t an emergency?”
She turned around, sitting back on the fence as she looked in his direction again, noticing the sudden edge of concern in his voice. “Oh, nothing of the kind. Well, not a pressing one. I…have been receiving reports that some malefactors of the recent war are still at large and asked the Inquisitor to inform me if she came across intelligence concerning them.”
“To what end?”, Blackwall asked, filling in the brief silence.
Her gaze steeled. “To bring them to justice, of course. Their victims will never rest easy until they are found and made to pay for their crimes.”
He drew in a breath, responding, “Ah, of course.”
“You don’t approve?”, she asked.
“No, not at all. It’s a worthy creed,” he said carelessly. “But I fail to see what this has to do with my experience riding horses, to be perfectly honest.”
Staring into the distance, through the end walls of the stables, again, Cassandra explained, “I instructed Rivka to send word to me of such intelligence where she went, and I’ve just received Leliana’s raven with a message saying they’ve reached the Emerald Graves. I shall ride to join them upon further news.”
“And you’d be travelling yourself to join them should that happen,” Blackwall finished, comprehending the situation.
“Precisely,” Cassandra said. “However, I had failed to account for the fact that we are high up in the mountains, and I shall be responsible for taking myself and a steed down the mountain paths, and I haven’t had the time to familiarise myself with any of the horses that made it to Haven.”
“I see,” he said, nodding. “Undoubtedly Horsemaster Dennet can give you better instruction—”
“Don’t sell yourself short, Master Blackwall,” The old stablemaster said, leading a large pony from the stables. “I think even the stable boys could get Princess Mairyn here eating out of the Lady Seeker’s hand. Why don’t you give it a shot? Seems to me you’ve been doing nothing but whittling wood all day, anyway.”
Cassandra turned to him, glancing over the fence at the horse.
“With such a glowing testimonial, how can I refuse?”, Blackwall said dryly. “And this is the thanks I get for baling your hay when I’m not woodworking, Master Dennet.”
With a twinkle in his eye, Dennet remarked, “You’ll thank me later, lad. Meant to be reading the latest news from Seanna anyway. Wonder who’s been besting the circuit lately.”
As she approached the Dalish All-Bred, Cassandra asked, “Does it ever concern you that the Inquisition’s stablemaster also organises races on the side?”
“I can’t imagine why it would,” Blackwall said, crossing the fence. “Shall we see how you get on, Lady Seeker?”
Turning to him, she said, “Cassandra.”
“I beg your pardon?”, Blackwall asked.
“If you’re going to be judging my riding, I think you can save on the syllable and use my name, Warden Blackwall,” she said, sizing up the saddle and the stirrup on Princess Mairyn’s left side.
“I’ll thank you to do the same for mine…Cassandra,” Blackwall said, feeling her name roll off his tongue, and idly thinking he liked the sound of it.
Still sensing her smile curling her lip, she stood on the stirrup and, with an effort, mounted the pony, adjusting her seating and getting her to trot, then break out in a gallop after a while as she took the pony around the picket a couple of rounds, coming to a hard stop in front of Blackwall, reins tightly in her hand. She looked down at the Warden, who was scratching his beard mirthfully.
“Oh, out with it already,” she said, “What was so terrible?”
“Well,” Blackwall started, “You’re still in the saddle, so….”
Her eyes narrowing, she said, “Don’t make me kick you from over here, Blackwall.”
Raising his hands defensively, Blackwall said, “I was merely stating a fact, Lady Seek…Cassandra. But I think I do know why it is you prefer galloping to trotting or cantering, although you won’t be able to make poor Princess Mairyn gallop all the way down the Frostbacks.”
“And why is that?”, she asked.
“As it stands,” Blackwall explained, “You’re riding this poor pony hard by gripping her as tight as possible with your legs when she’s trotting and essentially holding on for dear life once she gets up to speed after you’ve kicked her in the sides to get there, and it’s not helped when you’ve got a death-grip on her reins.”
Cassandra bit her lip, exhaling as accepted took the criticism.
He continued, “Well, it’s not as though you wouldn’t be doing much the same in a fight, but…”
“…it’s hardly appropriate for a gentle ride down the mountain path out of here,” she finished.
“Quite so,” Blackwall said. “If you promise you won’t go any faster than a trot, I’ll try to walk alongside you.”
“Very well,” Cassandra said, waiting for him to do so. He reached upwards with his hand, finding her wrist and guiding it gently as she got Princess Mairyn walking.
“Relax your grip, Cassandra,” he said gently, also glancing at her side. “At this speed you don’t need to clutch her tight with your knees either. Same holds for trotting or cantering, really. Just sit back and guide her gently. You can get her trotting with a slight kick.”
The pony started speeding up a little, and Blackwall broke into a light jog, finding the breath to say, “That’s good—don’t forget to relax. Break into a canter when you’re able to, and try that for a couple of rounds instead of forcing our poor Princess into a gallop.”
Moments later, she did that very thing, passing Blackwall thrice before bringing the pony to a far gentler halt than her first attempt, gingerly dismounting before him.
“It seems your prowess is well-earned, Ward…Blackwall,” she said. “Thank you.”
“I think you’ll find the ride down far easier without you attempting to choke Princess Mairyn with your thighs this time,” Blackwall said, before coughing politely and skipping a beat, continuing, “Should you need further guidance and should I be away on other business I’m sure you tear Dennet from his betting book.”
“I’m sure I can manage,” Cassandra said, smiling as she gazed back over to the barn. “Perhaps once you’re done making replacements you could bring them up for a game of chess. I’m sure I owe you that much, Blackwall.”
“I, ah,” he said, scratching the back of his head, “I’m hardly any good at the game, I fear. I mainly find the pieces to look pretty.”
“Oh?”, she asked, genuinely surprised. “Well, that’s even better.”
“How so?”, he asked in return.
“I get to teach you something in return, of course,” she said. “If within a month you manage to make Dorian break the board, I’ll consider it a victory.”
“I believe the pawns you play with in chess are meant to be on the board, not your friends,” Blackwall retorted.
She smiled then laughed a brilliant laugh, nearly a giggle, and turned away, saying, “It’ll be a memory to keep me warm on the mountain path to be sure. Until then, Blackwall.”
With that, she was gone, leaving him alone with his thoughts and the thought of seeing her again across a chessboard, and perhaps the lingering mental image of the Lady Seeker’s thighs astride that horse. No, it surely couldn’t be that. And surely Horsemaster Dennet wasn’t chuckling to himself from across the paddock, having watched the whole thing from his little shack.
Because if it was and he’d somehow engineered the whole damned thing, Blackwall swore that this was the absolute last time he baled hay for the man.
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heartslogos · 4 years
executive assistant to the batman [53]
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cakelanguage · 4 years
Writing long fics is so intimidating, especially when you don’t receive much feedback for a while, but I pushed past my hesitation and wariness to keep on trucking! Enjoy chapter 6 of my “Dorian as a young boy” fic - he’s finally meeting the rest of the companions.
You can also read it on AO3
Perhaps sneaking into the meeting had been poor judgment on his part, but he couldn't bring himself to regret it. Not when he was able to speak up for the mages and add some convincing reasons to go after Alexius and his cult.
But knowing that he wouldn't have changed his actions didn't stop the nerves that buzzed underneath his skin as they got closer to the tavern if the ruckus and clanking from inside was anything to go by. It wouldn't be terrible, he'd been scolded many times before and it'd just be another notch on his belt of… recklessness.
Except it wasn't really the same. Varric had been nothing but friendly to him and it left a sour taste in his mouth that he'd tricked the dwarf. He'd definitely apologize to him as soon as Varric started his scolding.
It was also the unknown factor of the Iron Bull. The qunari was friendly enough but he was still a qunari and that alone had warning bells echoing through his skull. He knew the Iron Bull didn't trust him and this wasn't going to build that trust. Especially since the Iron Bull was going to be watching him.
"Hey, I can hear you stewing," Aeren chuckled, "knock it off. No reason to start freaking out."
He huffed, crossing his arms across his chest. "I'm not 'freaking out,'" Dorian mumbled. "Just… hoping it isn't too bad."
Aeren hummed and gave a half-hearted shrug. "Never really seen the Iron Bull scold someone, to be honest with you, but he is a leader of mercenaries and I doubt this will be the first time he scolds someone."
"It isn't the scolding part that has me worried," he admitted softly.
Aeren came to a halt, his lips pressed into a thin line. He deftly pulled Dorian to the side of the path, bending down a little to look at Dorian. "Is it because he's a qunari?"
Dorian wanted to say 'no,' wanted to be able to brush his unease to the side but he couldn't. "N-not entirely." He fidgeted under Aeren's gaze, brushing imaginary dirt off his robes. "It's complicated."
He'd tried his best to remain neutral about qunari and the Qun, but that prejudice had wormed its way into his heart bit by bit as the war between the qunari and Tevinter dragged on. It was irrational and he felt every bit of the child he still was at the fear that seemed to seep through the folds of his mind.
It wasn't even Bull he was afraid of, just his people. Not that it made it any better.
Aeren tilted his chin up with a calloused hand. "I'm not throwing you to the wolves, Dorian."
"I know that."
"But you're still scared." Dorian's silence was telling enough and Aeren let out a sigh. "If it is any comfort I'll be right with you the entire time, and I'm sure Varric will diffuse the situation if the scolding gets heavy handed, okay?"
Dorian nodded his head and took a steadying breath. "Alright, let's get this over with."
Aeren grinned and clapped his hands together. "That's the attitude I was looking for!"
Aeren was much too happy at Dorian's begrudging courage than Dorian thought he had any right to be, but he followed Aeren into the tavern nonetheless.
The place was full of people, but not as loud as he expected it'd be. The only place that was really making noise was those that were part of the Herald's party, if Bull's looming figure was anything to go by.
The two of them received a few stares but they were mainly directed at Aeren who seemed almost oblivious to them as he weaved through the room towards the back table. Dorian was glad that the attention was on the Herald and not him.
The group spotted Aeren before they reached the table with Bull's voice booming through the tavern. "Was wondering when they'd let you go from that briefing."
Aeren gave a dramatic sigh, plopping into the spare seat beside the Iron Bull. "Thank the gods for that," he groaned, grabbing a hunk of bread from the center of the table, "always feels like they're gonna keep me there for days."
"Come on now, your Heraldness - those advisors of yours can't have been that bad," Varric ribs, and Dorian shuffles nervously from a few feet away.
Aeren raises his brows, unimpressed. "You've got Cullen who is pushing for the Templars and Leliana who's pushing for the mages and then Josephine and Cassandra keep playing devil's advocate while I'm stuck trying to get one word in." He takes a bite of his roll and points at Dorian. "Maybe it was a good thing that I had an eavesdropper willing to give his two cents."
Dorian felt his stomach drop and cursed Aeren under his breath. So much for not tossing him to the wolves.
Varric turned around in his chair and gave a huff. "Really should've expected that to be honest." He patted the seat beside him. "Might as well join the table, kiddo."
Dorian hesitated for a moment before joining everyone at the table. "In my defense, I at least waited until it seemed like they were leaning towards siding with the Templars," he said, avoiding everyone's searching gaze.
A woman across the table snorted unattractively. "The big-wigs always think they got the big ideas," she said, leaning forward in her seat. "Not a fan of the sparkly mages but I can get behind a bit of rule breaking to say your piece."
Dorian didn't fully understand what the woman was saying but it was nice to have someone on his side.
Aeren groaned. "Don't encourage him, Sera," he whined, "The advisors were already upset that I let him join the meeting."
"O' course not, those advisors of yours got poles up their arses. They think the know best and the fact that they had to listen to a kid must've ruffled their feathers."
Dorian felt like the more the woman talked, the less he understood.
"What I want to know," A man with a full beard said, raising his tankard towards Dorian, "is how he gave Varric the slip."
Varric shrugged. "The kid said he needed to relieve himself," Varric said.
The elf woman cackled. "Whelp good to know that pissing is enough to let you scurry off to crash a meeting."
Honestly, the group seemed more amused than anything else about Dorian's little escapade. This wasn't at all like the scolding he was expecting.
"Oi, don't encourage him," Aeren whined, "I told him he was going to get scolded by at least Varric and Bull - where's the scolding?" Dorian shot Aeren a look. "What? I'm just saying I figured they'd be a little upset."
The Iron Bull took a swig from his tankard. "Doubt he didn't look suspicious listening in on that meeting," Bull commented. "That room has no windows and the walls are thick, he had to have been listening through the door. If anything, Dorian proved those soldiers need to pay more attention to their surroundings." The Iron Bull turned his gaze to Dorian and gave him a long blink.
Dorian couldn't hold back a snort. "Did you just wink at me?" He asked.
The Iron Bull tipped his head back and laughed. "Ha, I told Krem people would get it."
Dorian felt his muscles relax. This was going surprisingly well. He grabbed a roll from the pile and took a bite. A little dry, but it tasted fine. "I just needed to make sure you all weren't going to pass over the mages just because the Templars might be the easier option," Dorian explained.
"So we're recruiting the mages?" The burly man asked.
Aeren nodded. "It makes sense in the long run," he said, "the last thing we want is a Tevinter cult laying their dirty paws all over the mages."
The elf woman groaned. "That means we're gonna have to deal with magic shit."
The Iron Bull hummed. "Means demon shit isn't far behind," he muttered.
“Hey, I’m not a huge fan of all that Fade nonsense either,” Aeren said, “But the Templars would have their own brand of issues too.”
“Lyrium,” Varric said, nodding his head, “We’d need plenty of that.”
Aeren clapped his hands and pointed at Varric. “Exactly, thank you Varric. Now, that we’ve apparently decided to skip over reprimanding Dorian, I feel like introductions are in order.”
Dorian straightened up in his seat. “I’m Dorian of House Pavus, fully certified mage and on my way to becoming an Enchanter,” he said, “how do you do?”
“You’s one of them fancy-britches then?” The elf woman asked, wrinkling her nose.
He shrugged. “I suppose you could say that, but I think most of those people are-”
“I was going to say out-dated but fogey probably works better.”
“Maybe you aren’t so bad little fancy.” She stretched her arm across the table. “The name’s Sera, a Friend of Red Jenny. Always ready to put those big’uns in their place.”
Friend of Red Jenny? Dorian feels like he’s heard of them before, but he can’t quite place it.
The bearded man cleared his throat. “Blackwall,” he said, “A Grey Warden.”
Dorian fought down the desire to question Blackwall on what made a person eligible to join the Grey Wardens since Alexius said the Grey Wardens had refused his plea to allow Felix to join them.
He didn’t know if being happy that Felix wasn’t allowed to join made him a bad person.
“You might’ve met her in the church, but there’s a tall woman who looks like she could squash you like a bug with this prim smile on her face,” Aeren said, “That’s Viviene, she’s an Enchanter.”
“And don’t get her started on the Circle of Magi,” Varric warned, “Or advertise you’re from Tevinter.”
Aeren let out a little hiss. “Oh, yeah best to avoid that whole debacle.”
“Why is she an zealous mage rights activist?” Dorian asked.
“Oh no, quite the opposite,” Aeren said with a wry grin, “She thinks the rebel mages are blinded by their own oppression and don’t consider anyone outside the circle. And then something about people’s fear of magic growing and it being justified.”
Aeren laughed. “Yeah, she’s intense, but a good mage and she knows the Game or whatever really well.”
Well, Dorian supposed it was good to know what to avoid saying just in case.
“Don’t forget about Chuckles,” Varric chimed in.
“Chuckles?” Dorian asked.
“You’ll know him from the glare,” Sera said with a snigger.
“He’s another elf,” Aeren supplied, “Really smart man, a mage like you. Will tell you all kinds of tales from his journeys in the Fade.”
“And he’s bald,” Sera said.
“And he’s bald,” Aeren agreed. “Solas tends to keep to himself, but he is always willing to share his knowledge.”
“Is that everyone?” Dorian asked.
“Well, that’s the active party, but you briefly met the advisors.” Aeren held up three fingers and started naming them off. “There’s Cullen, a former Templar - he’s the blond one, and while he seems serious it’s pretty easy to break through that tough exterior. Lady Josephine Montilyet, the ambassador and chief diplomat of the Inquisition -  she’s an absolute sweetheart and tends to be the middle-ground in our discussions.” He waggled his last finger. “And then there’s Leliana, our spymaster. She finds out everything so it’s best not to try and hide something from her.”
“Right, any more I should know about?”
Aeren looked up at the ceiling as if it might hold the answer to his question. “There’s plenty of people around, but that should be everyone you’ll be dealing with for the most part. If there is anyone else they’ll introduce themselves.” He gestured to the table. “For now, let’s eat before we’re being dragged away again to do something else. I’ve no doubt we’ll be heading back to Redcliffe by tomorrow.”
Dorian nodded his head and let the group’s conversations wash over him. Tomorrow they’d be on their way to confront Alexius. Tomorrow they’d confront Alexius and this Venatori and come out as the victor.
They had to.
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Trailer #2
An: Okay everyone I think this will be my last trailer redesign but I’ll make this promise if this gets a lot of attention then after I see the new film, which is in a view days, I’m going to do a redesign of the film, I will write the movie like I’ve written these okay.
“Jellicle Cats meet once a year At the Jellicle Ball where we all rejoice And the Jellicle Leader will soon appear And make what is known as the Jellicle Choice
When Old Deuteronomy, just before dawn, through a silence you feel you could cut with a knife Announces the cat who can now be reborn
And come back to a different Jellicle Life For waiting up there is the Heaviside Layer Full of wonders one Jellicle only will see And Jellicles ask because Jellices dare Who will it be? Who will it be?”
A black cat is seen walking through the streets, avoiding cars and rummaging through bins. Bustopher jones stands in front of her “oh my, we better get you cleaned up” he says and the screen fades black. 
“Follow me home if you dare to, I wouldn't know where to lead you”
Three knocks are heard and the cat door opens up to a Jennyanydots “oh Bustohoer Jones what a surprise, Jelly and I weren’t expecting you” she says after a small curtesy and Bustopher bowed back “I know but I have an urgent matter about a dirty kitten and this time we will need a bucket of water” he says showing the cat with a streak of white on her cheek. The next shot she’s in the bubbly bath playing with the bubbles, one floats in front of her face and shows Plato’s face before it pops and he wasn’t there. “Sorry I’m late ladies I had a little trouble” duchess says coming inside with Quaxo and Alonzo seeing a clean Victoria with the pink bow “oh whose this darling little queen?”
“Should I take chances when no one took chances on me? So I watch from the dark, wait for my life to start With no beauty in my memory. All that I wanted was to be wanted Too young to wander London streets, alone and haunted Born into nothing At least you have something, something to cling to Visions of dazzling rooms I'll never get let into And the memories were lost long ago But at least you have beautiful ghosts”
*Dame Judi Dench*
“They call me Duchess and it’s now my duty to show you around, now the gentleman that brought you here is my Brother Bustopher Jones,” 
*James Barron*
Bustopher is seen sitting on his hat and the toms standing proudly around him, “duchess listen to me it’s not your fault, do not regret a mistake you did not make” he tells his sister “but it is my mistake Bustopher and I must pay for it until she is back in my arms” she says.
“,the Queen’s that cleaned you are Jennyanydots,” 
*Susie McKenna*
Jennyanydots is smiling wide finishing her song, “now which one? Oh yes thank you darling, run along now” Jenny thanks her mice friend taking the pink ribbon from his paws before tying it around Victoria’s neck “purrfect like a little queen”.
 “,and Jellyorum,” 
*Susan Jane Tanner*
Jellyorum pats Gus’s paw affectionately. “Jennyanydots I heard a rumour yesterday” she says “what is it this time sister?” Jenny was so over Jelly’s gossip “Bustopher Jones was seen strutting about town, perhaps he’ll join us tonight for the celebrations”. 
“Then we have Munkustrap he’s the next leader,” 
*Michael Gruber*
Munkustrap prowls around defensively awaiting an attack on his father behind him, “Everlasting Cat give me strength and sanity to last the Jellicle ball” he prays as his brother watches him bored.
 “, his mate Demeter,” 
*Aeva May*
Munk And Demeter share a dance with each other. “I wish I can be as strong and brave as you one day” Victoria admires Demeter making her smile and pet the younger queen “Victoria if you were any braver you’d be a lioness, and you are strong not every queen can tame a wild Tom” Demeter says “Plato isn’t wild” Victoria replies and Demeter chuckles “not all Toms are wild on the outside” she says mysteriously.
*Jason Gardiner*
“Woah! Careful there, kittens must always watch where they are going” Alonzo says stopping the kittens from walking into a pollicle area.
*Rosemarie Ford*
Bomba saunters up to Victoria looking her up and down “little kitten you have a lot to learn about Toms and luckily auntie Deme and Bomba are here to help” she says making Deme smile as she shakes her head at her sister.
“Rum Tum Tugger!!” 
*John Partridge*
Cettie squeals moving to sit between his legs and rub herself against him as Victoria and Rumple playfully claw at his legs and he smirks blowing a kiss to Quaxo. “My darling Victoria I have discovered that life’s greatest treasures lie in having a family with the ones you love” Tugger tells Victoria as he looks over his litter of seven kittens, three are red, brown and yellow with a mix of stripes and spots and four are black, white with gold spots and two have similar looking names. “How did we let him talk us into mating with the both of us?” Misto asked Bomba “we love him and all his eccentricities” she answers.
“Then we have Cassandra,” 
*Rebecca Parker*
a close up of Cassandra shown dancing. Alonzo holds Cassandra back from Grizabella. “Look at her, she fits in so well with everyone” Cassandra tells Alonzo watching Victoria interact with the kittens, “I know it’s like she’s home” he says.
*Femi Taylor*
Exotica is shown near Deuteronomy during Gus’s song. She is also seen fawning over Tugger. “I wonder who’ll be picked to go tonight?” Exotica asks the other girls “I’m thinking it’ll be gus” Rumpleteazer says “ladies no one but Deuteronomy knows who’ll be chosen tonight, but Gus is a worthy candidate” Cassandra says.
 “,Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer,” 
*Drew Varley* *Jo Gibb*
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer peak into the house using the cat door before they acrobat their way in. They interrupt Misto’s song by jumping on the piano keys behind him making him jump and hiss at them, “tut tut Quaxo that’s not your story to tell” Jerrie chuckles finding his reaction funny “he’s right, time to let the us troublesome tigers sing our song” Teazer declares before they start singing their song.
“,Tantomile and Coricopat our psychic twins,” 
*Kaye Brown* *Tommi Sliiden*
The Psychic twins are seen reacting to an unknown presence in the yard. Tantomile and Corcipat watch Victoria and Misto sharing a secret smile with each other. “Will the yard’s magician make a big show?” Tantomile asks Misto “I believe it will be a sight one must see to believe” Coricopat says.
*Geoffrey Garratt*
Skimble And Jenny are tap dancing together and skimble twirls Jenny around and they pose finishing their dance in each other’s arms. “I still wonder how our daughter ended up with him?” Skimble says watching Rumple  and Jerrie, “if my memory serves me correctly you were just as wild as him in your youth, or did you forget how Rumpleteazer was conceived?” Jenny says smirking at her husband.
“,Gus the theatre cat,” 
*Ian McKellen*
Gus is sitting on a hat telling the kittens his stories. Flashbacks of him as Fireforefiddle and Growltiger are shown. “Back in my day you needed to do more than jump through hoops to be talented” Gus chided the kittens “back in your day dad, don’t be silly that was last week on the telly, we were watching an animal talent show” asparagus laughs.
“Asparagus Jnr,” 
*Tony Timberlake*
Asparagus And Munk share a look of disbelief as someone asked ‘what’s a Jellicle Cat?’ “Boys please settle down you know how upset Munk gets if everything isn’t perfect” he chided his sons stopping then from their prank, making them groan.
“,our leader Old Deuteronomy,” 
*Ken Page as Old Deuteronomy*
Deuteronomy sits down on the tire and he sons come up to bow before nuzzling him. A flashback is shown of a younger Deuteronomy with his sons of varying age with the oldest being Macavity and youngest Tugger. “Deuteronomy do you really believe that she’s out there?” Duchess asks him “all Jellicles find their way home eventually” he says as Grizabella and then Victoria is shown.
“The magical, the marvellous Mr Mistoffelees!” 
*Jacob Brent*
Music pauses as Misto And Victoria sit together on a windowsill “what do you really think of Tugger?” She asks him “I think he’s terrible bore,” a shot of Misto winking at Tugger is seen “,he’s my terrible bore” Misto finishes smiling at Victoria. 
“,the queen kittens, Etcetera,”
  *Jo Bingham*
“Wait! You know Tugger likes Misto then why do you fawn over him?” Victoria asks watching Cettie gussy herself up in the mirror. “Because the more I gush the more Tumblebrutus sees me and one day I’m hoping he’ll take me as his mate when we are older” she says excitedly.
*Leah Sue Morland*
“Don’t worry about Cettie I think she was dropped on her head as a kitten” Electra jokes sitting next to Victoria. Electra covers her ears as Cettie squeals loudly “Etcetera for the love of Everlasting Cat shut up!” She screams at her best friend.
 “,the youngest Jemima,”
*Veerle Casteleyn*
“You’re very lonely out there, you should stay” Jemima tells Victoria by the entrance of the yard, “How do you know?” “I can feel your sadness as you remember your life, so please for Plato, for duchess, for everyone please stay” Jemima begs grabbing the taller kitten’s paws, Victoria’s ears and tail tilt down “I can’t” a shot of sad Jemima standing alone at the entrance is shown.
 “,and the Tom kittens, George,” 
*Frank Thompson*
“Is he really a cat?” Victoria says not knowing she could be heard, Bomba slides up behind her “not sure we have a theory going he’s part pollicle” she says watching George smile goofily at Electra and wagging his tail.
*Fergus Logan*
Tumblebrutus does a double flip and backflip before turning around and seeing Cettie wasn’t watching him. “How the hell can I get her attention if she’s obsessed with Tugger” Tumble rants to his friends “go and say hi” Plato says “that’s easy for you, you are tall dark and mysterious Queens love that plus you have very intense eyes. Meanwhile I’m quirky, flippy and akward especially talking to Queens” Plato groans finding Tumblebrutus’ plans stupid.
*Karl Morgan*
Pouncival and the other Tom kits are on top of boxes looking at Victoria after her bath, Pouncival leans forward too much and falls off the box landing on his feet as the others laugh at him. “,And please be wary of anyone named” “Macavity!” Demeter screeches as the other cats run and hide, Munkustrap stands tall in front of Macavity, who calmly walks up to him and Tugger who was hiding behind Munk “look at this a family reunion” Macavity says mockingly “leave Macavity there is nothing for you here” Munk states making Macavity cackle “Give me what is mine and there won’t be any cats getting hurt” he threatens and the light turns red as the other cats hiss at Macavity before everything turns black.
*Elaine Paige*
Grizabella is shown crying as she lays on the floor, Deuteronomy watches shedding tears for the queen he can’t help. “Does she really think one night can make 20 years of hurt disappear just because she’s sorry?” Tugger said enraged and Deuteronomy sighs “no but even the worst cat in history feels regret for actions made out of ignorance”.
*Bryn Walters*
Plato stares dreamily at Victoria as she talks with the Queens “fellas Plato has a case of Love at first sight” Tugger tells the toms as they watch Plato, “go on up and tell her how you feel” Tumblebrutus orders.
*Phyllida Crowley Smith*
Victoria gazes at Plato and the Queen’s look on hesitantly “be careful around him” Electra warns her “why he seems like a nice Tom?” Victoria asked as the Queens just go “you’ll find out”.
 “Who are you?” Victoria asked Plato as they circle each other in the moonlight, “I’m called Plato, and you?” He asks “I’m Victoria”. “Will it hurt?” Victoria asked as they start dancing together “I don’t wanna lie it will hurt, I can’t stop it but what I will do with your permission is give you the most pleasurable experience in your life” he promises and he drags his claws lightly down her back making her moan.
“And so maybe my home isn't what I had known
What I thought it would be But I feel so alive with these phantoms of night And I know that this life isn't safe, but it's wild and it's free”
Various shots are seen including the kittens all smiling as they dance a chorus line behind Tugger, Munk and Macavity fighting, Rumpleteazer and Mungojerrie in their Peke and Pollicle costumes messing up the barking line, and Deuteronomy nuzzling a shiny Mistoffelees. The final shot is Victoria throwing her magic glitter to the camera as Plato holds her up in the center of a circle of mating partners, Rumpleteazer and Mungojerrie, Electra And George, Etcetera and Tumblebrutus, Jemima and Pouncival, Misto and Tugger, Demeter and Munk.
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Chapter 6
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Title: Falling for the Holidays
Pairing: Dean x Reader AU
Word Count: 3222
Summary: With October ending and the holidays underway, that only meant one thing for Dean Winchester. It meant returning to his childhood home and spending time with his family. It meant listening to his parents, especially his mom, ramble on and on about when he was going to find himself a nice girl, bring her home for the holidays, and then eventually get married and have children.  However, Dean wasn’t ready for that sort of commitment, so in order to get his family off his back, he comes up with an elaborate scheme! But like the saying goes, “sometimes lies become truths.”
Warnings: Crack, Language, flirting, fluff, a little bit of angst.
A/N: Here we are! Chapter 6. I wanted to dedicated this one to everyone who has reblogged ever chapter thus far! @amanda-teaches, @salt-n-burn-em-all, @heavymetalhauswife, @angreadsficsandauthors, @dolphincliffs, and @claitynroberts. Thank you all so much for the support! I am so blessed to have you guys getting my back. You guys are... magic. Thank you for not only wanting to have my fic on your dashboard, but also for sharing it with your friends. I am so grateful. Other than that, Happy Reading!!
Series Masterlist
“Lisa?” Dean murmured.
Lisa? Who was Lisa. Despite not ever hearing about this person, you had to admit that she was really pretty, but who was she to Dean? By the looks of it, she must have made quite an impression on him if he was acting that dumbstruck. But if she was that important, then why hadn’t he told you about her… ever?
“Wow. I heard that you were coming back to town, with a girl, but I figured, you know, rumors were just rumors, but it seems like they were all true” she smiled sheepishly, her eyes landing on you. “Hi, I’m Lisa. Dean and I go way back,” she introduced herself. You had to give her props for being classy, the last chick you met from Dean’s past was a total bitch. What was her name again? Cassandra, Carol, Candace? Who cares, it didn’t matter anyways.
“Hi, I’m Y/N,” you smiled back, not bothering to offer friendly gestures. You didn’t know who this person was, and if you got too friendly, you might be fraternizing with the enemy. Dean was yours… at least for the time being, and you weren’t going to let anyone take him away. “And who’s this cutie?” You changed the subject, bending over a little to meet eye to eye with the young boy beside her.
“My name is Ben,” he answered for himself, looking up at you with big brown puppy eyes.
“He’s my son,” Lisa revealed.
“Well, he sure is handsome,” you grinned, ruffling his hair. Ben smiled before looking up at Dean and shying away, gripping onto his mother’s leg. You followed his gaze to find Dean scowling, but you knew what that face meant. That was his thinking face. “Dean,” you stood up straight. When his eyes met yours with question, you answered. “Your scaring the poor kid with your grumpy thinking face,” you teased.
“It’s not scary,” he grumbled, sticking out his bottom lip like a child.
A giggle was heard behind you, making you and Dean turn your attention back to Lisa. “It’s nice to see you so happy, Dean.”
“You could tell that he’s happy just by that?” You questioned, a little weirded out by her comment. Whatever she was seeing was just the usual banter that went back and forth between you two. There was nothing special about it, but it was admittedly fun.
“Yeah. Whenever I used to tease him, he’d usually agree with me, rather than argue or retort back. He seems a lot more comfortable with you,” she admitted, the smile on her face seeming a little strained.
“Maybe it’s because we were best friends first? And somewhere along the way, I fell in love with this big dork.” At the words that easily slipped out of your mouth, your stomach did flips. As much as it was all just a cover up story, a lie that had to be told in order to keep your secret of playing boyfriend and girlfriend, there was an uneasiness to it. A foreign feeling that you’d never had for him before. Yes, you loved Dean. You loved him with all your heart because he was your best friend, but recently, there was something else in your heart. A pull to him that was much greater than friendship. “And I’m assuming, he fell in love with me, otherwise we wouldn’t be dating, right babe?” You asked the man beside you, but he didn’t reply. “Dean?”
“Huh? Uh, yeah. Of course I did,” he grinned nervously.
“Well, I hear that’s one of the strongest kinds of love,” Lisa commented, her eyes switching from you to Dean, then back to you.
“What’s the first?” You asked out if curiosity.
“First loves.”
You just had to ask… There was something in the way she said it, and the ephemeral twitch in her eye that sent red flags your way. And as much as you wanted to overthink, and over analyze it, you tried not to pay much attention to it. “Huh, maybe,” you agreed, shrugging off the bad vibe she gave you. Occasionally, you had a bad habit of over reacting, but you made a promise to yourself that you would work on it.
“Anyways, Ben and I were actually on our way out. I guess we’ll see you guys around? Maybe we could all have lunch? Dean, you still have the same number? I’ll text you guys the details,” she beamed.
“Uh, yeah. Sure. Why not,” Dean replied, with an awkward smile.
“Great. I’ll be in touch.” With that, she left, her son’s hand in hers.
Turning towards Dean, you scoffed. “What?” He asked defensively.
“Who was that? She had you all jelly-like,” you teased, trying to swallow the hint of annoyance scratching at the surface.
“What? No she didn’t. She’s just an old friend,” Dean rolled his eyes.
“Sure. It’s always, ‘just a friend’”, you air quoted.
“Shut up,” Dean flicked your nose.
“Ugh! Did you really just flick me?” You hissed, flicking the tip of his nose back.
“Are you a child?” Dean questioned, flicking your forehead.
“Dean Winchester! If anyone is the child, it’s you,” you tried to flick his forehead but missed, making Dean laugh.
“Short people problems!” He heaved in a breath.
“Dean!” You scolded, stomping your feet in frustration.
Dean continued to laugh, but pulled you into a hug, his warmth and scent instantly calming you down. He knew that was another one of your weaknesses. Whenever you were pissed, at him or at anyone, all he’d have to do was wrap his arms around you and you’d start to feel better.
“You’re annoying,” you mumbled against his chest.
“Love you too,” he chuckled.
Completely forgetting about the encounter with Lisa, you and Dean walked around town. He had so many stories that brought you to tears, all in a good way. There was so much history of Dean here, which was no surprise since this was where he grew ip. It seemed like there was never a dull moment.
At one point through the walk, yours and Dean’s hands were interlocked together. Neither of you were sure who had grabbed whose hand, but there were no thoughts about letting go anytime soon. Not from Dean, and definitely not from you. Behind your back, Dean smiled at the connection, actually liking the idea of having someone at his side on a more intimate level. With your hand in his, he felt like this was right. Like your hand was made for his.
“Dean, I’m hungry,” you told him.
Dean checked his phone to find that it was already one in the afternoon. “Let’s stop to get a bite to eat. I know this great place called Singer’s Diner. A close family friend owns the place. Aunt Karen’s pie is to die for. Literally the best pie on the planet. Hell, best in the entire galaxy!”
“You are too extra; you know that right?”
“Shut up and let’s go,” he pretended to be annoyed, pulling you along with him as he went.
As you arrived at the diner, it was packed. More so than any of the shops you’d wondered in. All the tables were full, and there was a queue at the register. When you got a better look, you noticed people leaving with boxes of, what you were going to assume was, pies. Dean wasn’t kidding.
“Whoa,” you exhaled.
“Yup. Gotta love the holidays. When I was in high school I used to work here,” Dean confessed, leading you into the dining area where he found a two top at the far end of the diner. “The holidays were our busiest time of the year and aunt Karen bakes all the pies herself.” You and Dean took a seat before he continued his story. “I would help with the prepping and wrapping, and the best part… the taste testing!”
“Of course you did,” you giggled and Dean smiled.
“This place my favorite place to be. My mom told me that when she was pregnant with me, she worked here with aunt Karen and my mom would always eat the pies. When I was born, aunt Karen gave my mom the recipe for her famous apple pie. The one we had at dinner last night.”
“Seriously? Wow. That pie was amazing. The best I’ve ever had.”
“Wait until you taste the others!” He chuckled, seeing the twinkle in your eyes.
“Well, what are we waiting for?” You cheered, flipping over to the desert menu.
“Easy tiger. Real food first, pie later.” You flashed Dean a strange look, as if he had grown two heads. “What?”
“Who are you and what have you done with Dean? You some sort of shapeshifter?”
“A what?” Dean chuckled.
“The Dean I know wouldn’t argue going straight for the pie,” you stated, picking up the fork in front of you. “You think this is silver?” You asked, pressing it against his skin.
“What are you doing?”
“I watched it on a show once. A shapeshifter doesn’t like silver. It burns their skin.”
“Dude. I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t have out real silver. People would steal them.”
“Well…” you paused, picking up the salt shaker. “In the show they used salt for ghosts. Maybe you’re possessed?” You shook some salt in your hand.
“Yeah? And then what?” Dean asked, but shouted in protest when you threw the salt at him. “Whoa! That is, it! You’re banned from watching that show!” He laughed, grabbing the pepper and shaking some on you.
“Pepper doesn’t do anything!” You shrieked, giggling along with him.
“Well, well, well. Look whose back home!” When you turned, you saw a middle aged woman, smiling down at the both of you.
“Jody, hey!” Dean stood up, giving the woman a big hug. She was pretty, and she seemed really nice.
“You must be Y/N. Mary couldn’t stop talking about you,” she smiled. You stood up and hugged her, the warmth settling in your chest, and for some reason you got emotional. This is what a mother’s hug would feel like. Mary’s hug, Jody’s hug, a hug that felt warm. A warmth, that after all the charades were done, you’d never feel again.
“I guess I am,” you grinned.
“Oh, honey,” she smiled, pulling you into another hug. “Dean, if you don’t marry this woman, I will set my nephew up with her.”
“Jody, back off. She’s mine,” Dean joked.
“Alright, alright. What can I get you love birds?”
“Two Bacon Deluxe and—”
“A side of bacon. Crispy. I know,” Jody beamed.
“Make that two, please!” You chirped.
“Whoa, a match made in heaven,” she winked before leaving.
“Wow. Everyone seems to really like you.”
“That’s a good thing right?” You asked.
“A really good thing,” Dean stated, his eyes finding yours, not bothering to look away when you caught him staring.
Gazing into his pine-green eyes, the noise of the diner began to dissipate, the background began to blur and all you saw was Dean. He started to lean in, his face getting closer and closer as his eyes dipped down towards your lips. What was this now, attempt number three? Four? You found yourself leaning in, a smile spreading across both your faces when suddenly Dean’s phone started ringing, completely ruining the entire mood.
“Oh, c’mon!” Dean barked, flinging his back to the back to the chair in exasperation. You couldn’t help but snicker even through the disappointment. Attempt number four was a total bust.
“Who is it?” You asked with curiosity. Dean pulled out his phone from the front the chest pocket of his jacket. His brows were furrowed, and his lips were pursed tightly together, but when he saw the name on his phone, his whole demeanor changed, as his thumb moved around the screen. “Dean, who it it?” You repeated.
“It’s… Lisa.” Of course it was Lisa, you groaned inwardly, although your poker face stood fast. “Says, lunch at Bela’s, one o’clock.”
“Cool. It’s that steakhouse restaurant right?”
“Yeah, Lisa’s best friend works there. Owns the place actually, but I can’t stand her! The woman is one crazy bitch, and annoying as hell.”
“She can’t be that bad. People change right?”
“Not her. Been the same since grade school. Anyways, should I say yes?” Dean asked. This was your chance to decline, but you couldn’t do that. You had no reason not to go other than the fact you didn’t like her. You didn’t even have a valid reason to not like her, so all you could do was accept.
“Sure. Why not.”
Jody returned with your food, two enormous bacon burgers, which looked and smelled delicious. When you took your first bite, it was like heaven in your mouth. Dean was just as absorbed in the flavors, moaning, and complimenting how amazing the food was. When you got the chance to look up from your food, you noticed sauce smothered on Dean’s cheeks. He was always an ugly eater, but this… this took the cake.
“What?” He managed to say with his mouth full.
“Dean, could you eat any more like a pig?” You giggled, grabbing your napkin and wiping his face, which he gladly allowed.
“Only because I don’t want you to embarrass me,” you teased.
“When am I ever embarrassing? All this right here,” he pointed to himself, “nothing but class.”
Right as you were about to give a comeback, Dean’s phone rang. Text message. He smiled, ignoring the noticed when it dinged again, then another time. “Just answer it,” you told him, “it could be an emergency.” Dean did what he was told and checked his phone, his face unwavering. His thumbs swiped across the screen, when a small smile appeared on his lips. You had to admit, you were curious. “Who is it?” You asked.
Dean averted his eyes from his phone to you, before looking back. “Cass. Having girl problems,” Dean chuckled.
You rolled your eyes. “Why is he texting you? If he’s having girl problems, he should talk to an actual girl. Not a dumb boy,” you joked.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, there sister,” Dean sassed.
“In fact, he should come to me for advice all the time. Never you.”
“That’s it!” Dean chide, throwing a fry at you.
“Hey! What ever happened to the, ‘no wasting’ rule?” You picked up his fry and tossed it at his face, somehow he was able to catch it in his mouth. Completely amazed, the two of you cheered like obnoxious teenagers.
Throughout lunch, Dean had been on his phone texting Cass for a good remainder of the time. Even walking through town, he would stop his story to reply back to him. It was a little annoying, but you knew that they were best friends. The two were inseparable, and now here they were, seven hours apart. They were worse than girls.
The day was fun, but it was coming to an end. Dean had gotten you back to the impala, and drove back to his parent’s place. All the lights were off in the house, and his mom’s car was missing, which meant no one was home.
Like always, Dean opened the door for you, taking your hand in his, almost as if this had been a real date. Instead of leading you to the front door, he brought you around back. This was the first time you’d seen the backyard. There was a small treehouse atop a firm tree, a shed, as well as a beautiful garden, which had to belong to Mary.
“I know what you’re probably thinking,” Dean started, “but the garden is my dad’s thing.”
Your eyes widened as you snapped your head in Dean’s direction, causing him to snicker. “Really? Wow, your dad is full of surprises.”
“Winchesters. We are always full of surprises.” Dean was looking at you as he said those words, his eyes piercing through yours. It was nearly dark, but the light in his eyes never seemed to dim, only got brighter.
“You mean your dad and Sam are filled with surprises. You haven’t surprised me yet, Dean ‘Winchester’,” you kidded. “Anyways, what makes the backyard so special?” You inquired, looking around.
“Well, the tree house is where I had my first kiss. It was with Cassie. We were in the… fifth grade?”
“Cassie?” You questioned.
“Yeah, remember? The girl at the club?”
“Oh. I thought her name was Cameron or something.”
“Really? Really?” Dean deadpanned. Your only reply was a shrug. “Whatever. That shed over there… one time Sammy and I were playing superheroes, and I was Superman and Sam begged to be Batman. So we climbed up onto the roof of the shed, and I jumped off like I was flying, landing on my feet. Sam thought he could fly and jumped off, breaking his arm. I was so freaked out, I packed him on my bike all the way to the hospital. My mom was on duty that day, and boy was I grounded and then some!” Dean explained. You couldn’t help but laugh.
“You guys were really stupid kids,” you commented.
“Hey!” Dean chastised.
“There you guys are,” Mary called from the back door. “C’mon on in, John and I bought dinner. Your favorite other kind of pie,” she directed at Dean.
“Hell yes! Pizza!” The green-eyed adult cheered like a green-eyed child.
You and Mary giggled as you both followed behind.
Half way through the first box of pizza, Sam and Jess walked through the door. “Pizza? Great, I’m starving!” The gentle giant didn’t hesitate to walk over and take a slice, taking a huge bite before sitting down. With a little more poise and dignity, Jess, walked over and took a seat, greeting everyone before helping herself.
You, Jess, and Mary sat on one side of the table, sitting across each of your significant other, watching the Winchester men eat like starved cavemen. Each of your faces were contorted into your own version of disgust. “Ladies, these are our men…” Mary stated.
“Unfortunately,” Jess replied.
“At least they’re cute?” You tried to defend, just as Dean shoved a whole slice of pizza into his mouth, “or not.”
“John, boys,” Mary called, giving them a look. Each men stared at her before a miracle happened right in front of your eyes. They started to eat a little more dignified.
“You’ve got to teach me that,” you and Jess muttered at the same time, Mary chuckling in return.
After dinner, everyone got ready for bed. Dean let you go first, and when it was his turn, you sat on the bed looking through your social media accounts when Dean’s phone dinged. You rolled your eyes before going to your own messages and typing Castiel’s name.
To: Castiel Why are you texting Dean about girl problems? You should text me about that sort of thing.
It was literally a few seconds before Cass texted back.
From: Castiel I don’t know what you mean. I am not texting Dean.
Your brows scrunched together with confusion.
To: Castiel Not at all?
From: Castiel No.
A little hurt that Dean would lie to you, you grabbed his phone just to see who the text was from. Your heart dropped into your stomach when you saw the name.
Say Something Nice Here!!
Falling for the Holidays Tags: @hannahindie @pinknerdpanda @winchesterprincessbride @amanda-teaches @dancingalone21 @a-winchester-fairytale @dolphincliffs @oneshoeshort @brewsthespirit-blog @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @atc74 @natasha-baggins @heavymetalhauswife @linki-locks11 @spnwoman @veevm @chameleah86 @kdcollinsauthor @claitynroberts @roonyxx @rainflowermoon @ladylaylo @closetspngirl @mirandaaustin93 @salt-n-burn-em-all @flamencodiva @fangirlanotherjust @tabbyjane
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for-the-dales · 5 years
The Path Forward  Chapter 1: Leliana
           The first time Leliana met Ellana Lavellan there was something about the elven woman intrigued her. She felt a little itch in the back of her mind that she couldn’t seem to scratch. She was familiar somehow, though Leliana was sure she had never met her.
        It was her appearance that struck the spymaster first, even while the woman was unconscious. Where almost all the Dalish Leliana had ever met had their vallaslin only on their face, this woman had them covering all the skin Leliana could see. The intricate and winding lines took the form of a tree on her face with what looked like roots stretching down her neck and dark branches almost disappearing into the dark hair on the woman’s head. The markings on her fingers evoked the impression of leaves. The woman stood out to Leliana before she even opened her eyes and when she finally did the strange feeling only intensified.
           Cassandra however, as per usual, declined to take a subtle route, “Everyone at the conclave is dead. Except for you.”
           Cassandra was already all but accusing the woman. The woman’s face froze for a moment, then here eyes flitted down and she blinked several times. Leliana saw a slight twitch in her left hand. When she answered Cassandra, she spoke carefully with a thickness in her throat, “How? Everyone? Are you sure?”
           “Of course we’re sure!”
           The woman bowed her head in the face of Cassandra’s anger, but her body posture was almost as relaxed as it had been when she was unconscious and the spymaster had the feeling Cassandra had been unsuccessful at intimidating the prisoner. Leliana could hear soft elvish coming from the woman’s mouth as she recited what sounded like a prayer. Either she was completely genuine or a very good liar. Leliana’s suspicion died.
           “Do you expect us to believe you had nothing to do with it?” Cassandra bellowed at the woman.
           The woman did not even flinch. She stared up at Cassandra confused, “Why would I want to hurt all those people?”
           “Then explain this!”
           Cassandra jerked one of the woman’s folded hands up and a sudden flash of green exploded from it. The woman gasped and tried to reel away from her own hand. She blinked a few more times before gathering herself and turning back to Cassandra, “I … am afraid that I cannot, Seeker.”
           Cassandra threw the woman’s hand down before stomping back towards the door. Leliana stepped up and asked the woman, “You remember nothing then? Nothing at all?”
           The elf looked past the two women and focused on the wall behind them. Her eyebrows creased slightly, but eventually she shook her head and said, “No Sister Nightingale, I’m afraid I don’t. I wish that I could help you.”
           Leliana no longer believed the Dalish woman in front of her was responsible for the explosion, however she did pay her a second glance. How would she know enough about human politics in Orlais to know Leliana’s moniker in the court? This woman sounded like she was from the Free Marches and the Dalish were isolationist, it made no sense.
        Still, discovering this woman’s motives was only one of many problems Leliana needed to be dealing with right now. Cassandra could handle this for now. Tucking away her suspicion for later, Leliana left to go to the forward camp to coordinate a semblance of a defense. The last thing she heard was Cassandra saying, “Maybe there is a way you can help.”
           The valley was worse than any nightmare Leliana had ever had. The spymaster pushed herself past the stricken soldiers who looked like little more than children in her eyes.
           All the real soldiers were dead.
           Past the haunted and hollow eyes of the soldiers Leliana snuck along the ridges to ghost past the demons below. Leliana hopped down into what looked like the ruins of a tower. She held her breath as she checked around the corners for any errant demons that might be lurking. She took a step back felt something crack and break underneath her heel.
        Leliana’s body froze and she turned her head and slowly looked down.
        It was a hand.
        A very small ashen hand.
        The finger had dissolved under her boot. Inches away was a larger body frozen with its arms outstretched towards the smaller body. Leliana couldn’t see the face of the small body, but the larger body’s face was frozen in terror and anguish. Leliana didn’t believe the figure had been terrified for itself.
          One breath, then two more.  
        Three more, four more.
        She wrenched herself away from the scene and forced herself around the figures very carefully, so as to not disturb them. The only thing that existed for Leliana the rest of the way to the forward camp was survival. If she stopped then she might have to process the smell of the ash, blood, and burning bodies. She might have to be honest with herself about what the silence meant. When she finally saw the still standing tower that led to the forward camp she sprinted the rest of the way.
           “Open the gate!” Leliana yelled when she got close.
           Two young soldiers at the top of the tower rushed to get the door open while Leliana skidded to a stop in front of the large wooden doors. She could hear the doors begin to creak open when she felt an awful shock down her spine. She turned her head and looked up to see the beginnings of small green sparks coming from a small point in the air above her. Quietly, as if from far away, Leliana could hear haunting howls. As the door slowly creaked open, the howls got closer. As soon as the door was wide enough for her to get through, Leliana darted through and ordered, “Close it now!”
           The soldiers did as she said and the last thing Leliana saw through a crack in the door was an explosion of green. In that green light Leliana saw a vision of the dirt tunnels of the Deep Roads. The dank air that tasted like death. Leliana saw herself ten years younger in the back of the group, listening for potential threats to her and her friends from behind. Alistair followed closely behind Surana and the strange dwarf Oghren shuffled a little behind them. She had been pretending to be brave, but it had been so many days since she’d seen the sun. It was hard to feel Andraste’s love down here in the dirt. She was in the middle of a quiet prayer when that horrible voice cut through.
           “First day, they come and catch everyone.”
           “My lady, are you injured?”
           Leliana jerked herself back to the present and turned to look at the young soldier at her side. The young woman was about the same age Leliana had been when she went into the Deep Roads. The terror from the good old days stuck like ice in her veins, but the spymaster repressed it. People were depending on her. Justinia would expect more of her.
“What’s our status?”
           The soldier stood at attention and began her recitations of reports. Leliana threw herself into planning their next attempt to close the Breach. If she stopped she heard the dreadful voice. If she closed her eyes she saw the bodies. An hour or so later Leliana’s attention was grabbed by a commotion at the gate. The demons had been making attempts at the gate for a while now, but no serious threats. But the screams grew louder and fighting could be heard outside. All of the soldiers in the camp went silent. Leliana didn’t breathe. Finally there was what sounded like an explosion and the massive gates shuddered from the force. It felt like time had frozen. The young woman Leliana had been speaking to earlier shouted from the top of the tower, “Open the gates! She did it! The rift is gone!”
           The gates opened and standing front and center was the small Dalish prisoner. She now had a staff that she walked with, though she didn’t put any weight on it. Her large and reflective green eyes took in the scene casually. It was as if she hadn’t recently fought her way through one of the worst outbreaks of demons that Thedas had seen in ages. The woman strolled up to Leliana flanked by Cassandra, Varric, and the strange elven apostate Solas.
           “Nightingale, I don’t believe we were properly introduced before.” The hand not holding her staff extended out, “I’m Ellana Lavellan.”
           Leliana took the offered hand, “Leliana. Welcome to the forward camp.”
           “What is she doing here?” Chancellor Roderick’s voice erupted behind Leliana.
           Leliana rolled her eyes as she turned, annoyed at the Chancellor’s interruption. Cassandra strode past both Leliana and Ellana to tower over Roderick.
           “She is here to help.”
           “I am in charge here and-“
           “You are a glorified bureaucrat.” Cassandra turned to look at Leliana but didn’t move an inch away from Roderick, “Leliana, what is our position?”
           Roderick sputtered, as Leliana reported, “Not good. We only have two viable options. We could either charge the valley with what is left of our forces, or take the old mountain pass. That has its own problems, however. We sent scouts up to secure the area, but we haven’t heard back from them. Neither option is ideal.”
           Leliana had walked over to the map at the center of the camp to show the company the terrain and Cassandra walked over to join her. Cassandra huffed and shook her head, “The pass would take too long, and it’s time we can’t afford. We should charge.”
           Leliana lowered her voice so they would not be overheard by the soldiers milling around, “We may not be successful in our charge. Our numbers have been steadily decreasing simply holding this position. All those who remain are young and inexperienced. We may not survive long enough to get to the Breach.”
           Cassandra was silent for a long moment while staring at the map. She finally sighed and glanced up at Ellana, who had been silently watching the two humans speak.
           “What do you think we should do?”
           Roderick began sputtering again but Cassandra lifted a hand and he begrudgingly quieted. Ellana raised her eyebrows, “You’re asking me?”
           “I am.” Cassandra affirmed, “You are the one who can close the rifts, and we cannot reach a decision on our own.”
           Ellana nodded her head and leaned against her staff while contemplating the map. She finally turned to look at the mountain before solemnly nodding.
           “We should take the pass.”
           Cassandra pushed herself off the table and said, “So be it, let us not waste any more time.”
           Leliana stayed behind and watched the group leave, she heard Roderick mumble, “On your head be the consequences Seeker.”
           Leliana didn’t see Cassandra react, though she knew that comment had hit. Cassandra was barking orders as she walked away, organizing the assault. After the majority of the soldiers had left, Leliana sent out orders for any scouts left in the field that could be reached to return. Leliana, for the first time on this very long day, had a moment to just breathe by herself. She didn’t let herself cry, not yet. But she really wanted to.
           After what happened in the Deep Roads, Leliana had slipped into an alley and tried to hold back sobs. Surana had found her and held her and gave her permission to cry at the horror of what they had witnessed. Leliana hadn’t cried that much ever in her life and had not since. Surana had told her that the hurt, the feelings, they were what made us strong. It was okay to feel all of it, as long as we let it pass through us and let it go. Leliana didn’t know how long she sat in that alley with her best friend.
           “I could really use you now.” Leliana muttered.
           Leliana thought about Ellana Lavellan. The Dalish mage certainly hadn’t had the day she expected either. She woke up imprisoned and was immediately expected to fix one of the worst disasters in Thedas’s history. Leliana felt some pity for the woman. But then she reconsidered that pity. She thought about the woman. She had seen the woman’s calm confidence, her compassion, even her shock, but there was one thing she hadn’t seen.
           An interesting question if they all survived this.
Archive Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19231375/chapters/45727903
Chapter 2: https://for-the-dales.tumblr.com/post/186552525784/chapter-2-josephine 
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ilikewrite · 5 years
After - The Society FanFic Part 4
I am really sorry for any missing words or spelling mistakes. Sometimes when I’m proofreading I completely miss stuff. If I spot something that I had previously missed, I will change it. Also, although it started off with just Grizz and Sam being a focus, I’ve expanded the narrative to include some of the other characters. Grizz and Sam are still my main focus but I think including some of the other characters are giving their story more depth. Hope you enjoy :) 
Allie couldn’t sleep. This isn’t unusual but at least when she lay awake it was in her bed and now on the cold hard floor of a cellar. She hadn’t slept all night and she thought the exhaustion might help for a nap during the day. However, no such luck. She’d be deemed a greater risk than Will, put in the wine cellar whilst he was in a room upstairs. Luke sat on the other side of the glass doors. He’s facing away from her. Every time it was his shift, he’d move the chair, so it’d face away from her. He didn’t want to look at her. She couldn’t figure out whether it was due to guilt or disgust. Did he genuinely believe all the lies? He was instrumental in her arrest, so he must to an extent. Yet, she couldn’t help but feel its guilt that keeps him turned. Someone you think you know turns out to something they’re not. Except Allie hadn’t hidden anything and this was all bullshit. She slams herself slightly against the wall, huffing. Luke flinches. So, he is awake at least.
As much as she wants to blame the entire situation on Luke, she knows it’s partially due to her behaviour the past six months. However, she can’t help that it’s been shit. This whole thing is shit, no matter who is in charge. Lexie is going to discover that soon enough. When you’re in charge you change, you say you’re not going to be a certain person but the position changes you. You have to change; you have to make decisions that you don’t want to make. Dewey’s dead body flashes across her eyes and she shudders, the sick feeling rising up her stomach. It was never going to leave her, she knows that. She has to live with the ghosts.
Dewey’s dead body is one of the few reasons she does not want to return home. Would the judicial system understand? No. She’d be locked up for murder. But here, here in this world, it was necessary. She had to keep telling herself that, she had to make herself believe that otherwise, she’ll go insane.
Being in here is driving her insane. She tried to reason with Lexie and Harry but it fell on deaf ears. She hadn’t realised the hatred harbouring for her. No, that’s a lie. She knew, she just chose to ignore it. There were bigger issues than having everyone like her. She scoffs. Harry is going to have an issue with that. Lexie might be able to handle it, but not for long. She promised these people change, a more fun regime compared to Allie’s hard labour. Except the hard labour is needed right now so, things are either about to fall in chaos or Lexie is going to realise she’s in over her head and fall into Allie’s rules once more. It’s a harsh reality many haven’t accepted yet, even after six months. Allie had tried and clearly failed to have everyone understand that right now it’s not about liking thing, it’s about getting on with it.
Fuck everyone. She huff and slams herself again the side again. Luke’s head slightly turns. So he’s paying attention to her. She wonders what Helena is thinking of all of this. Helena had agreed that she didn’t want Lexie or Harry in charge. Had they fallen out? Or were they fine?
“Luke.” His head instinctively twitches towards her. He has greater restraint than she thought. “Luuuuuuke.” She sings his name hoping to goad him out of silence. No such luck. “Luke.” Silence. “Come on, we’re friends talk to me.” He turns. Ah-ha! Finally.
“We weren’t friends.” Ouch. He turns back around. What is going on with him? They weren’t friends? After everything, they’ve been through? He had been one of the most trustworthy Guard members. Grizz and Luke were the two she knew she’d always be able to count on and now? Allie wishes she knew what happened to deserve this betrayal.
Grizz. She sits up straight. He found land. They were going to make it through next summer. Hopefully. If they could figure out the farming. They’ll need to spare people to go make the land workable. They managed to cope with the loss of a few members, but will they be able to handle more leaving? The trash duty could be done by a smaller amount of people. It would be longer and more gruelling shifts, but it would allow more people to join Grizz and the team. There needs to be people in the kitchen and stores. There isn’t a way to lose people there as they’ll need to keep careful track of the supplies. A few of The Guard could go. Maybe some of the “weaker” members, the ones that cannot cope with their guarding duties alone, the ones that can’t handle situations alone. She continues planning what to do about the new land when suddenly she stops. She’s not in charge anymore. She might be dead by the morning, who knows what Lexie is going to do. No, she won’t be dead by morning. As much as there was a personal vendetta against Allie, she knew that ultimately Lexie cared about justice and fairness. Things Allie had failed to show her. A possibly fatal mistake.
Get over it. Why didn’t she just take action? She knows why. There is so much shit going on that at the time it didn’t seem like a big deal. It was a big deal, it is a big deal. Her sister would have done something. Every time Allie felt like she was finally doing well on her own, the ghost of Cassandra would come crashing back in. She misses her sister and wishes she was doing all of this with her. No, she wished none of this actually happened.
“What’s going to happen to me?” she’s given up with the bravado, at least around Luke. What’s the point? She’s lost. Even if she makes it out of this alive, how can she regain the trust of the people? Her name has been completely torn to shreds.
“Nothing.” Huh. He actually responded. “Yet.”
“Right.” She shuffles towards the door so she can hear better. They’d taken all the wine from the cellar so she could drown her sorrows. All she has right now is to try and talk to Luke, try to entertain herself. “Can you send a message for me? Or a couple?” He doesn’t move. “Please?” He shifts. She’s wearing him down. Maybe if he knew the messages, he’d change his mind. “Can you send a message to Sam and Becca? Tell them congratulations for me and that I wish I could see her, them?” He turns his head slightly, not enough to properly see her but enough to know he’s listening. “Then can you send one to Grizz and the team, telling them I am so happy and proud of what they’ve done. It’s dangerous and they managed it. I am grateful to them.” She can feel the prickling sensation of tears in her eyes. Who knew sending a message from a jail cell could be so emotional? “And finally, if, when, you guard Will, tell him I’m fine. I’m okay. And that I hope he’s okay.” She can feel a tear fall down her face. She quickly wipes it in case Luke turns around. She knows he can hear the emotion in her voice, but she doesn’t want him to see how much this is breaking her. Having everyone turn on you, having the world shut you up is soul destroying. She’d felt so on top, so hopeful, like she finally had a purpose and now. Well. Now, she was rotting in a cell. Okay, Allie, bit dramatic, she thinks to herself. “I mean that’s all I want to say so if you feel bored or you’re not up to much, that’d be great, cool, fun.” She shuffles back to the sleeping bag. A sudden wave of exhaustion has taken over her. Maybe clinging onto the stress had been keeping her up all night? She wasn’t entirely sure. She crawls into it, feeling the hard floor beneath her. Not the comfiest but sleep had finally won the battle.
Luke turns around after about five minutes, curious at the sudden stillness in the rooms. He sees Allie’s lifeless body and panics for a second before watching her chest rise and fall. She’s finally found some peace to sleep. Guilt growths within Luke. He’s conflicted, watching someone he’d grown to respect seem so pathetic sleeping upon the floor. He doesn’t have much time to dwell on it though when Clark enters. He’s increasingly dominating demeanour had left his appearance somewhat menacing. Something glinted behind his eyes as he stared at the still body of Allie. Since arriving in New Ham, something had slowly changed within Clark and with Lexie and Harry in charge, Allie in prison, something seems to be bubbling to the surface. “You’re on break then Lexie has something for you.” Luke glances back at Allie. “Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of her.”
“Lexie made it clear not to interact with her.” He’s defensive. Luke had heard about what had been done to Lexie. Some of The Guard really didn’t have boundaries. In fact, Luke suspected that power had gone to most of their heads. Clark, in particular, seemed to enjoy having people trapped.
“Not to speak to her.” He asserts, rolling his eyes.
“Clark.” Luke’s tone is a warning. Clark rolls his eyes and sits in the chair, clearly annoyed.
“I’ll just sit bored then. She’s not even a flight risk, why are we doing this?”
“It’s the rules.”
“Her rules.” Luke doesn’t have time to argue with him. He doesn’t want to talk to Clark for much longer. Anyway, he has messages to deliver. He glances over to Allie once more before Clark rolls his eyes, pushing him slightly out the way with his feet. “I’m not going to do anything.” Luke wished he believed him.
Lexie and Harry sat on opposite sides of the church. Harry, boldened by his new role, sits relaxed, legs crossed, arms leaning on the back of the seat. To him, this is pointless, he just wants to spend the day in that quiet, clean house of his. He might go get a beer later, some snacks and just enjoy the quiet. There hasn’t been much quiet. Yet, the images of himself in the bed, alone in the quiet, numb, push to the forefront of his mind. He shakes his head, trying to get the thoughts out. This is different, this quiet will be a good one.
In contrast to Harry, Lexie sat straight, arms folded across her body, foot tapping on the ground. Her eyes constantly flitting around the room, eyeing each door and window, as if expecting something. Any noise causes her to flinch ever so slightly, not a big enough jerk for someone to notice, but enough for her to mentally curse at herself every time she did it. She’d never set out to be in charge. Months ago when all this happened, she had been quite happy to be part of the crowd but then Cassandra died and it just seemed to get worse from there. Worked to the bone, rations docked, The Guard eerily watching everyone, it was like some sort of fucking police state. Allie had been the problem. She let The Guard do what they want with everyone, not to mention she worked everyone to the bone for her own benefit. When was the last time she actually did something? She just appeared out of nowhere, said a few words then disappeared into the house again. She never shared anything or real value. Well, that is going to change, all of it is going to change, Lexie is going to make sure of it.
Helena appears from one of the doors and stops, standing in front of the two sitting before her. She’s not pleased with the outcome of everything, but she’ll do her best appear impartial. That would be the best for now. Mediator between all parties, defence to the damned, a safe place to the scared, that is what she is. Personal opinion aside is key, no matter how hard she is finding it.
Her lips purse as the two before her gaze at her, Harry impatient, Lexie a mix between fear and anger. What a competent combo. “At least sit on the same side.” They stare blankly at her. “You’re meant to be a team. Look like one.” Harry doesn’t move, nor does Lexie. Instead, they stare at one another. If Harry were to move then he’d be relinquishing power to Lexie, she’d take it as she was the one in charge. Unfortunately, Lexie feels the same. Helena sighs. A table had been placed in the centre at the top of the church. A single chair sat behind it. Helena strides to the back. She’s gone for a minute at the most before she frustratingly carries another chair out. It’s slammed down next to the other chair. She waits expectantly. Lexie shuffles, which Harry mistakes as movement and he stands, he curses slightly. Lexie follows suit and both of them move towards a chair. Helena’s eyes roll in their sockets, Lord give me strength.
Harry and Lexie do not have long to settle before Grizz strides into the room, Gwen following quacking behind him. Helena notices that Grizz’s expression has become more pained than the morning. His emotions were unsettled, swirling around in his head. Helena knew this was going to cloud the man’s judgement. Gwen better have her wits about her for this meeting.
Gwen was shit scared of this meeting. She must admit, she could be a shallow person and during all the room sharing, she did what it took to keep her own space. However, the town she came back to feels like something out of, what was that play? The witchy one? The Crucible. People spreading rumours and then hunting them. Wow, she had been paying attention in English. Or maybe she was thinking of Mean Girls? Months ago, she’d felt like Cassandra had been hunting the boys but that wasn’t a war. And to be honest this isn’t one yet, but something in Gwen’s stomach knew it is probably the start of one.  If she felt it, then Lord knows, the individuals within this room must. She glances at Grizz. He’s standing strong, present but she knew there was something battling at the back of his mind that was not this meeting and she’s worried that it’s going to get us in trouble. Helena’s here though, she’ll keep them on track, right? Her eyes flit across to Helena. Her smile doesn’t match her eyes. Well, fuck.
“You both wished to see me.” He’s eyes cautiously. He’d tried his best to keep his chill tone but it’s been a very stressful morning. The chair squeaks as Harry twitches in his seat, keen to get this going so he could be gone. Lexie, on the other hand, is very still, wide eyes staring at Grizz.
“Um.” She’s unsure. Grizz’s eyebrows raise, waiting. Lexie isn’t sure what to ask. She and Harry didn’t exactly plan what needed to be discussed, they’d both known it was important to talk to Grizz. “So. A lot has happened since you were last in-“
“We’ve been filled in with what has happened.” Gwen cuts her off. Lexie frowns towards Gwen. They’d asked for Grizz, she didn’t expect anyone else. Lexie unfolds her arm, stretching them across the table, drumming her fingers on the counter. All eyes are on her. Helena coughs slightly. Grizz can tell that the two of them had no idea how to handle this.
“Right.” Lexie glances at Harry only to be greeted by a bored expression. She’s going to be doing this on her own then. She takes a deep breath. She’s got this. “Explain what you found from the beginning.” She wants to hear exactly what they found.
“Land. Animals.” Grizz doesn’t offer much. Lexie’s face hardens.
“Right but, how far away is it? What are the challenges, can you find your way back there, I need details?” She’s surprised by how calm she’s managing to keep her voice. She knows the frustration is showing on her face but she’s managing not to scream at him. Grizz takes a seat in the front pew. Gwen glances at him before copying. Lexie catches the exchange and understands that their alliance isn’t with her. This could be a challenge.
“We know how to get back there; it wasn’t just aimless wandering. It is a trek to get there but we could set up a small settlement there and farm the land, establishing a trade line between the two places. This would keep everyone fed. There are animals, we’re unsure at how many but we could breed and slaughter or just let the wildlife do as they please and we hunt as we go. Whatever you want to do. You two are in charge, the next steps are on you. Now,” Grizz leans forward, Harry and Lexie straighten slightly. “Allie and Will. What are you planning on doing?” Gwen and Helena watch everyone carefully. Grizz bombarded them with information and then went straight into why he really agreed to meet them. Gwen had to admit, watching the faces of Lexie and Harry slightly malfunction as they tried to figure out what their next move was, is entertaining. “You just keeping them locked up? Why?” Grizz’s hands fly up into the air. Helena grits her teeth, trying to communicate telepathically to Gwen to get him to cool it. He’s going in way too hot. “From what I gather you’re keeping them locked up for voter fraud, right?” He waits for a response, but they don’t give him one. He shakes his head slightly. “That’s not a dangerous crime and let’s be honest, they never did it, never got the chance. Regardless of whether they’ve done it or not though, keeping them locked up seems a bit extreme for the crime they’re accused of. They need to be released.” Lexie laughs and Grizz grins at her, eyebrows raised, “Something funny?”
“They need to be locked up.” Lexie stands, nodding as if reassuring herself of her judgement. “That’s what you do.” Grizz nods slowly, understanding Lexie’s logic but it’s flawed.
“Right. What about parole?” They’re speechless. Helena can’t help but smile at Grizz’s quick thinking. She hadn’t even thought to ask about parole. “People have told me you’re the fair rulers. Parole is fair.”
“We’re not letting them out on parole. Anyway, this isn’t what-“ Harry is trying to regain control of the conversation, trying to move it away from the business that didn’t concern Grizz in his eyes. They were in charge now, they could do what they want.
“Hang on. The only way in which parole is usually denied is if they are proven to be a danger to society.” He looks around the room at the uncomfortable faces. “I think we can all agree they’re not a danger. If anything they’re in danger. Or have you forgotten that mob from yesterday?” Lexie stares at her hands, ashamed. She sinks slightly in her chair. Grizz can’t help but feel bad for the way he’s making her feel but if she really wants to be a better ruler than Allie, she cannot let her own vengeance dictate her actions. “The second reason would be a flight risk.” He lets out a short laugh that echoes throughout the church. “Where are they going to run? Even if they did magically find somewhere in the woods, they wouldn’t last long and they’d die. We cannot afford to lose anyone else. We need every person possible to make this community work.” He pauses, letting his points sink in. He doesn’t want to lose momentum, but he needed his points to be heard so they’d work. “You let them out on parole, keep them confined to the house if necessary, have Helena work on their defence, have their trial and punish if,”
Lexie interjects, “When.” Grizz pauses. It tells him all he needs to know about this situation.
“If.” He emphasises, “they are found guilty. Innocent until proven guilty, right?” There’s an eerie silence. Harry’s stone-cold expression proves that whatever friendship Grizz and he had at one point, is gone. Grizz had made it clear where he stood, as had Harry. Lexie glares up. A face coated in determination. She is not going to be pushed around by another boy.
“They need to be monitored and keeping them in the cellar allows that job to be easier.” She is slow and methodical with her wording. Grizz and her lock eyes. Gwen shifts next to Grizz. She’d hope this would have been a quick meeting, one without much tension. She was wrong. Grizz had drawn a clear line in the sand, for someone so smart, he wasn’t playing his cards close to his chest at all. Helena worries that this rash move may be the beginning of his fall.
“I understand that but think how it looks to the rest of us. We’re hurt by Allie and Will but once that hurt subsides, and trust me, it will, we’ll wonder if every time we make a mistake we’ll be locked up, we’ll be forced into some cellar, packed in there like sardines.” Though his voice has lowered, it still has the same effect as his animated arguments. “Lexie, you’re smart.” Harry scoffs, trying to get into the line of sight of Grizz, feeling completely left out of this discussion. He’d been left out of everything so far, he’s meant to be a mayor here. They shouldn’t be leaving him out again. “You know this will show everyone how you’re different, how you give the second chances, how you are fair. This will show everyone change.” Gwen and Helena relax a little. Grizz had played this well. They exchange a look between one another. Harry frowns, holding his hand out in between Grizz and Lexie.
“Lexie? Lexie! Are you seriously considering this? It’s clear he’s on Allie’s side! He’s using this as a way to manipulate-“ Grizz stands up and Harry falls silent. Grizz is a big guy, he could easily knock him out.
“I don’t care about who wears the crown. I care about the survival of the town and right now it’s coming across like you’re afraid of them. Are you afraid of them, Harry? Locking them up is a coward’s move, not a power one. Are you scared Lexie?” She studies Grizz’s face, trying to determine whether what he’s saying is the truth. Did he not care? How can you not care? As unsure as she is with Grizz’s intention she believes his points. Dewey had been locked up because of the crime he’d been accused of. He’d been a danger. As much as she wants humiliation and justice for Allie’s tyranny, this isn’t the way she wants people to view her. Plus, she isn’t scared of Allie. There is no way she’d be able to turn things around now before the trial. Lexie is smart, she knows it, she knows what she must do, what she needs to do to keep the power. Lexie bites her lip and glances at Harry. He throws his hands up in the air, knowing what is about to be said
“We’ll release her and Will.” Grizz holds back a smile but Helena and Gwen can’t help it. “They’ll go into your care, if anything happens it’s on you. Helena,” They all turn to Helena who quickly removes the beam that is on her face. “You are to be Allie and Will’s defence. The trial will happen a week on Saturday.” She nods and the other turn back to Gwen and Grizz. Helena gives a small thumbs up to Grizz who grimaces, slightly embarrassed and gives a short nod.
A cold winter sun breaks through the clouds, shining through the windows, hitting the backs of Lexie, Harry and Helena, whilst blinding Grizz and Gwen slightly. To anyone else it is just the weather changing but to Helena, she knew, this was a sign that they were headed in the right direction. Her hands drift to the delicate cross that hung across her back.
Grizz and Gwen start to move, gathering themselves and their rucksack. They need to prepare for Allie and Will’s return, the house is a bit of a mess with everyone that stayed last night. “Wait.” They turn to see Lexie standing, silhouetted by the sun. “They will be released into your care tomorrow morning if you join the council with immediate effect.” Harry jolted upright, standing furious next to Lexie. He’s already growing frustrated that she isn’t including him on any decision. “You counselled Allie, then you will counsel us too until the next elections. Otherwise, I’d fear you did care and just tried to trick me.”
“I wasn’t on the council-“ Grizz starts to protest, he didn’t want to be in this position, didn’t want to get this involved. He had just wanted to get Allie and Will out and have them take over again. To be honest, he wanted to farm.
“Everyone knows you weren’t just the glorified explorer, Grizz.” Grizz is distracted for a moment by her choice of words. He has just explored and found new land for them to use, so in his eyes, he’s not glorified anything. “So? Shall I,” She glances at a furious Harry. “We see you at the meeting on Friday?” They’re all watching him. He does the wrong thing, it could go sideways very quickly. He swallows, slowly nodding. Lexie smiles. The sun disappears. A bit on the nose, Grizz can’t help but think. “Good. We’ll see you soon.”
Lexie saunters around the table and past Gwen and Grizz. Gwen’s mouth hanging slightly open, astonishment radiating off her. Grizz’s expression has soured, almost matching Helena’s. Harry frantically glances between everyone, not quite understanding what has just happened but knowing it didn’t go the way he wanted it to have. As if he were two again, he stomps out the church, his footsteps echoing angrily through the church.
Grizz locks eyes with Helena and he knows he underestimated her. He thought he’d managed to play it perfectly but so had Lexie. She’s not incompetent, she just wanted them to think it.
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discomelody · 5 years
I guess Portugal is Antiva now...
   Synopsis:  Marina is a portuguese gamer girl completely obssessed with Dragon Age. She has never fell in love and fears any intimate contact due to her trauma. Until one day when she fells through an eluvian which throws her in Thedas. Will she be able to overcome her traumas? Stay tuned and find out! M!HawkeXMarina or FenrisXMarina or AndersXMarina 
                           Chapter I- This isn’t my college!
A group of silver armored guards is dragging a dwarf, they enter a large stone building and throw him to a mahogany chair. The dwarf tries to sit up and he cleans blood off his mouth. When he sees a female shadow coming from the darkness of the poorly lit room.
“I’ve had gentler invitations”, sighs the dwarf while guards are surrounding him.
The woman comes out from the shadows and reveals herself, “I am Cassandra Pentaghast, seeker of the Chantry.”
He reclines himself on the chair and smirks “And just... what are you seeking?”
The stoic woman gets closer to him and makes her intentions known, “The champion and the Seer.”
“Which one?”, teases the dwarf.
The women loses her patience, gets dangerously close to him and points her sword to his neck. “You know exactly why I’m here! Time to start talking dwarf. They tell me you’re good at it.”, she threatens him.
The dwarf raises his hands in surrender and in a more serious tone finally asks her “What do you want to know?”
“Everything. Start at the beginning.”, she sheathes her sword.  
The dwarf starts telling the story of the champion Eddard Hawke, and how he bravely destroyed everything in his way, with his sword and shield, alongside his siblings. Until a high dragon appeared on the top of the hill, admiring his work.
"Bullshit. That’s not what really happened! And what about her? Where is she in your story?", asks Cassandra exasperated with his lies.
"Does that not match the story you’ve heard, Seeker?", says the dwarf quite pleased with himself.
"I’m not interested in stories. I came to hear the truth.", the seeker starts getting mad once again.
"What makes you think I know the truth?", he says trying to change the conversation.
"Don’t lie to me! You knew them even before they were the Champion and The Seer!", she stabs a knife into the book the dwarf is holding.
"Even if I did, I don’t know where they are now.", the dwarf caresses the book fondly as if he's remembering them.
"Do you have any idea what’s at stake here?", sighs sadly the seeker.
"Let me guess: your precious Chantry’s fallen to pieces and put the entire world on the brink of war? And you need the only people that can help you put it back together.", he closes the book quite mad.
"They were at the heart of it when it all began. If you can’t point me to them, tell me everything you know.", she begs.
"You aren’t worried I’ll just make it up as I go?", the dwarf says quite surprised by her will.
"Not at all.", she says and she crosses her arms.
"You’ll need to hear the whole story.", he puts himself comfortable and he starts his greatest tale."The Blight had been unleashed on Ferelden. Darkspawn poured out of the wilds, clashing against the army at the ruins of Ostagar. The battle was a disaster. King Cailan died on the field with his men, betrayed by his most trusted general. Unopposed, the horde marched on the village of Lothering. The village burned and many innocents were slaughtered. The Champion’s family barely escaped in time, but while they were escaping, they saved the one you know as the Seer now, even though she was the one that saved them more. She wasn’t always as powerful and renowned as you may think. Before all this, she was just a poor innocent girl from a foreign land, called Marina…”
Marina POV
"I'm late! Oh boy, I'm so late for class! Madame Martin will kill me! As if she doesn't hate me already. Why is it raining?! I hate this!"
While I'm running in my green parka and on my probably drenched black converse, I see what seems like a really big white wolf. I must be seeing things. It's just probably a big husky. Oh well, finals and the rain do that to you. The poor dog must be drenched. As I try to come near him, he runs away.  
"Come here sweetheart, I won't hurt you.", I try to coax him but he keeps running. Might as well follow him, I probably missed the most of the class by now. "Wait! Don't go!"
He runs away and I follow him throughout Lisbon's university campus until he turns to an alley. When I reach the alley, the dog is no longer there but a really intricate mirror stands in his place. It's black and it's decorated with vines and flowers.
"Weird. This mirror seems familiar. But where have I seen it before?", I tap my chin with my small chubby hand in thought. "Oh well, might as well touch it. It's so beautiful."
As I touch it, the mirror starts emitting a green light and starts pulling me, " Wait! No! Help! I don't want to go!". I try to stop myself from being pulled but the unknown force is too strong and soon I'm entirely absorbed into a dark abyss. I only hear a really familiar female voice: "I found you, young seer." After that, I pass out.
In Thedas
Hawke's POV
"Keep running mother, we can do this.", I run while supporting my mother with my arm while Bethany and Carver are taking care of the small Darkspawn that were left.
"Where are we running to?", asks Bethany out of breath while she's holding her sceptre. "Anyplace is better than here.", grumbles Carver while he slashes the last one.
" We lost everything your father and I had built. Everything.", mother leaves my arm and cleans her tears.
As we are recovering our strength to keep running, I hear Bethany scream:  "Hawke, there is a girl passed out near the sea. Darkspawn are going in her direction! We have to help her!", she points towards a body seemingly close to us. We quickly run towards it and start slashing and burning the group of harlocks.
"Mother! See if she is alright! We'll take care of this!", I leave her and she goes towards the body. She kneels near it and realizes it's a young girl around the same age as her younger children. "You poor thing. What happened to you? Where is your family?", mother tries to check on her and realizes the girl is wearing really strange clothes.
Soon enough we finish the beasts and we rush towards mother. "Is she alright, mother?”, Bethany asks quite worried.
"She's drenched, her clothes are definitely not fereldan and she seems antivan due to her tanned complexion. Besides all that, she's only passed out and she's breathing evenly. Perhaps she's victim of a shipwreck.", mother looked at us.
"Thank the Maker.", says Bethany, quite relieved.
"We can't leave her here. She would be slaughtered by Darkspawn. We'll take her with us.", I said quite confidently. I don't know why but something was telling me I should protect her. I grabbed her in my arms in bride style and we kept walking.
"Don't you think we have enough to worry about?", Carver asked angrily.
"We are taking her, Carver. We can't leave the poor girl here. She's alone and has no one, unlike you.", I said rather defensively to my brother. He shut up and turned his head towards the ground, ashamed of his words.
As we keep walking, I inspect her closely in my arms. She's quite… cute, actually. She has dark brown wavy hair, in a disheveled updo and looks quite curvy. I wonder what color her eyes are? As I finish observing her, I realize she really is wearing weird clothes. I have never seen pants so tight and this coat thingy she's wearing is quite peculiar. Oh well, it doesn't matter. As I finish looking at her, she moves in my arms and cuddles closer to my chest.
"Mãe? Pai? Não me deixem! Por favor!", She cries while she sleeps. As I hear her cries I promise myself I'll protect her with all I have. Suddenly we see a couple, a woman warrior and a Templar. They are fighting Darkspawn, but the man looks quite injured. We rush to help them and Bethany and Carver kill the last ones.
" Are you alright? ", mother asks them.
 "Two mages! I cannot...hgh", the man points towards Bethany and the girl in my arms, and holds his bleeding side. I guess you're a mage too, little antivan.
"Wesley! They helped us. Can't you turn a blind eye to them?", the woman said as she holds him.
"I guess I can...hgh ", he painfully said.
"Come with us, we could use another sword.", I said.  
"I'll help you.", she said. "I'm Aveline and this is my husband Wesley", she introduced herself. "I'm Hawke, this is my mother Leandra, my brother Carver and my sister Bethany. This girl in my arms, we don't know.  We saved her from Darkspawn some minutes ago.”
"Nice to meet you, let's be on our way.", Aveline nodded in our direction and helped her husband walk. We kept our path and when we reached the center of a slope, we noticed we were surrounded by Darkspawn. We started walking to some rocks and I put the girl down near them and Aveline left her husband near her.
"Wesley stay with her while we fight them.", Aveline begged her husband. I left the girl in his and my mother’s care, while we fought the Darkspawn. As I slashed and bashed them with my shield, they seemed to never end. Suddenly an Ogre goes in Bethany's direction and I scream scared for her life.
" Bethany! Watch out!", I try to reach her but she isn't turning quick enough. As I start fearing for her life, I hear someone shout.
 Marina's POV
Aw, my head, where am I? This isn't my college! As I open my eyes, I look around me and see… Leandra and Wesley from Dragon Age II?! They are kneeled next to me, looking at Hawke fighting alongside his siblings and Aveline.  As I scrub my eyes and pinch myself wondering if this is all a dream, I realize it isn't.
Suddenly, I see an Ogre coming towards Bethany! I've always felt useless when It came to this part of the game and I couldn't save her. Not today! I must do something, but what? Perhaps if I call him to attention, it will give enough time for Bethany to run. So, I do the only thing I can do right now: I scream.
"NO!”, I kneel and reach my hand towards her. Everyone turns their eyes towards me for a second, when we hear a roar from the skies. Is that Flemeth?! Oh boy, it is! She will kill the Ogre. Flemeth burns every Darkspawn in her way and throws the Ogre out of the cliff. Thank god, they are all ok!
But why am I in Dragon Age II? This can't be happening! This must be a dream. As the dragon turns into Flemeth, and strances in my direction while she talks to Hawke to make a deal with him. Suddenly, she gets close to me and speaks:
"This isn't a dream, young seer. You've got more power than you think. When you finally accept it, come to Sundermount and I'll teach you." Flemeth turns towards Hawke "Protect her. She will be useful to you and she will be very important for your story.", she glances at me once again and leaves, in her dragon form.
As she leaves, everyone gets closer to me, looking amazed and some even scared at what I had done.
Bethany gets closer to me and thanks me, "Thank you so much! You saved my life."
As I start panicking, everyone starts questioning me about my whereabouts and my "powers". I finally look at Hawke. Oh my god! it's Eddard Hawke, the character I created in my game. He glances at me and smiles in my direction. He has beautiful blue eyes, black wavy hair, some facial hair and he was tall, with a strong build. As I inspect his physique, he talks in a really deep, yet kind voice:
"Guess I was right, you’re really something else, little Antivan."
Besides his words, there was only one thing in my mind at the moment: Well shit, why did I made you so hot?!
Chapter I End
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So, I just watched a Try Guys video where they use their non dominant hands, their left hands because all 4 of them are righties, and it made me realize a few things that can kinda tranalate to Dragon Age Inquisition specifically.
People don't tend to reach for things which whatever hand is closest like I, my mother, and my brother all do. They tend to reach for things with their dominant hands.
They avoid holding dangerous or fragile objects with their non dominant hands, something that, again, my family doesn't do. My stepdad is the only person in the house that has to hold things with his dominant hand, the rest of us go with whatever hand is available and if both are available then whichever is closest to the goal, whether that be defending ourselves from attackers or throwing glass in the trash.
People do not trade off hands just so they can get away with taking fewer steps like we do.
Most people's non dominant hands aren't very strong because they specifically don't use it.
People use their silverware in specific hands, here in america most people will use the knife in their dominant hand, put it down, move the fork from their non dominant hand to their dominant hand, and switch like that constantly as they eat, whereas in other countries and in my household it's common place to just... not put the knife down and simply keep the fork in the same hand the whole time... I have gotten comments from friends about that habbit in the past, but something I personally noticed that they never caught on to is that I don't designate which hand is used for which utensil, I juse go based off of where the utensils are set. If I'm grabbing from the drawer directly, I grab them both with one hand, generally the left in my house due to how my kitchen is layed out with the oven across from the drawer and the fridge to the right of it, and at my grandma's I grab the utensils with my right hand because of how her kitchen is layed out. If I'm not grabbing them from the drawer and they're at the table already, rhen no matter how they're set out I put the left most utensil in my left hand and the right most in my right hand. In my family, if we set the silverware out, we do it properly because my mother is a debutante with ocd. Other people always use the knife with their dominant hand and I actually find that quite strange as it's just a back and forth motion, no complexity to it at all.
People don't just have a dominant hand, but also a dominant leg, which is determined by which side you start all motions with, such as when you start walking you'll almost always start with one side then the other, and when you put your pants on one leg goes in before the other every time. I don't do that. I've noticed the others in my family do, but I don't. And I think the reason for this is because I already have horrible balance and need to lift the less stable foot first to ensure I can keep what little balance I already have. I wasn't able to fully dress myself until I was 12 because I couldn't get my pants on by myself due to how horrible my balance has always been, and I still run into walls I know are next to me and haven't moved the whole time I've lived in this house. My mom avoids moving furniture around too often because I already bump into everything when I walk.
People do EVERYTHING with their dominant hand if they can get away with it. If you can get away with not even lifting your non dominant hand you will, and you don't even realize it. When someone who uses both hands calls you out on it and shouts "you have 2 hands, use them" you'll get defensive before you acknowledge that you were being lazy in not using your other hand. That's not something that's in the video, I noticed it because while I was watching the video I could overhear one of the neighbors yelling at their kids for it. Technically still noticed while watching the video.
Due to how many more people are right handed in the world, very little is designed and produced where you can actually use it with both hands and if it is it isn't very comfortable and it's very boxy, like the wii controller.
You probably can't even write your own name with your non domiant hand.
My brother's hand writing isn't bad because he's neurodivergent, it's bad because his preschool teacher thought it was ok to smack his hand with a wooden ruler every time he used his left hand as a kid and now he's too afraid to use it for single handed tasks. I figured out pretty early on that she was doing this, but it didn't stop when I told other adults and he was nonverbal and I had a tendancy to lie a bit too often about authority figures for my mom to believe me. I eventually said enough was enough and durinf nap time when she had made the mistake of falling asleep in a school with no locks on the doors and my teachers getting drunk in the teachers lounge instead of watching us kids I snuck into her class, used a jump rope to tie her to her chair, and when she woke up she was met by a very angry 4 year old with a ruler, and I had no mercy. Still surprised I didn't get kicked out, but looking back on everything from that school I realize I was somehow in the low functioning class with all the kids who couldn't communicate and half of them still couldn't walk, and I was the youngest. I was in no way shape or form supposed to be in that class, but that's where they put me.
Now for the things I noticed during my Lywin playthrough.
The inquisitor reaches for the orb with their left hand.
Cassandra draws her sword with her left hand if you don't give her a shield.
Varric aims Bianca with both hands depending on which direction he last moved. If he ran to the left, he pulls rhw trigger with his right, if he ran to the right he pulls thw trigger with his left, and if he ran straight forward he does a left handed aim.
Cole gaurds with his left, gaurding referring to which hand is closer to the enemy and more likely to block or pery a blow during close quarters combat. He also gaurds pretty high, which isn't quite neccessary given his speed. It would actually be best for him to gaurd a bit lower and protect his vital organs more incase of a long ranged attack, but that's just nitpicking on my end and not important.
Sera claims to be self taught with her bow, but the way she holds it indicates that either she's left handed or somebody corrected the way she holds her bow at some point and she listened. The reason I say this is because I'M self taught with a bow and for the longest time I held the bow in my right hand, drew the arrow with my left, and knocked it on the left. What that means is (since I had an ambidextrous bow from walmart) I would put the bow on the lefthand sight rather than putting it through the bow and on the right. I did this because to me it made sense, although looking back at it now I realize that the way I actually held the bow was all wrong and I definitely could have avoided the many blisters and cuts I got from the string smacking my arm every time I released. Sera doesn't use a HEMA aproved stance, her footing is secure but not what is considered accurate by gatekeepers, meaning she probably didn't get any advice she listened to and figured out what worka best for her on her own, which makes me believe she's probably just left handed. (A lot of this is just speculation acquired from my own personal experiences with a bow, one of which was learning thay the way Sera stands with her knees secerely bent and slightly turned around at the hips hurts like hell after a few shots because you're putting strain on your spine that it doesn't like being put through. Also, elf anatomy could be very different from humans, I don't know, her spine could be just fine standing like that in a fight)
In the game, throw away dialog is one of my favorite things, I'll sit for hours just trying to find every throw away line the npcs have. One of my favorites is when your blacksmith is getting grumpy about fullers being called blood gooves (which I don't know where that nickname for them came from but it's completely inaccurate for any blade ever), and so I decided to pay more attention to things in the smithy from then on. So far I haven't played a warrior or mage, only rogues, but I noticed that when you make a bow, it's always indexted to the left hand. That's how most people say it should be used, held with your left and drawn with your right (though I don't see why, I aim better if holding it in my right and I feel better aim should make all the difference, not forcing practice with an arm you're naturally worse with). But, kf you make daggers, depending on which hand it gets put in it'll show the handle slightly differently, and that's becaused it's being indexed differently, so it's easier to grab and doesn't slip from your hand. I also noticed that if you look down the spine of the blades, certain ones have tiny warps, which is when the blade is bent, and those are mostly on old and spooky looking blades, while your shiny looking ones are perfectly straight. Might just be my bad eyesight and the way they light everything on an angle, but I thought that was neat.
Dorian wields his staff with one hand and holds books with the other.
Leliana lifts her left hand last from any table she leans against. Probably because the inquisitor is usually to her left but I still noticed that and found it cute.
Official art can't seem to remember which hand the anchor was on, I have found promotional art with text on it showing the inquisitor lifting their right hand to the sky with the anchor glowing, but if you're as obsessed with this game as I am you know it's on the left hand.
Cassandra's sheeth for her swords is on her left hip, which means she has to draw the swords with her right hand, but she uses a left handed swing and if you look at official art where she's holding the sword with one hand and no shield it's usually in her left.
All of this indicates that the people making the game didn't notice or didn't think we'd notice something like handedness, being left handed is just as rare in the world of dragon age as it is irl, and the inquisitor probably has to deal with the same stupid bigotry left handed people did before the late 19th century
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Here's a prompt if you like/want to write it: Sleep deprived Jacob.
Thank you so much for this prompt! And I am so sorry this took me so long! Like… I have no excuses actually. I got distracted, then busy with school, then distracted again and I am just really sorry.
BUT If it’s any consolation, this turned into the longest prompt-fill I’ve done? Completely by accident, whoops.
Also, it’s probably more angsty than it should’ve been. But, I hope you like it!
cross-posted to ao3 here
warnings: alcohol mention (drinking as coping, briefly mentioned, not on-screen), alluded disassociation episodes
It wasn’t something anyone set out to notice. But, by the time they did, they were all living out of each other’s pockets, whether they liked it or not. They all knew far more about each other than they probably would’ve liked - and all lived with it the same way anyone does when stuck in close conditions: teasing, ignoring it, making comments when things change but otherwise, just leaving it be.
If Jenkins was nursing coffee, speaking to him before it was gone was a bad idea. Flynn had regular arguments with the Library, and it was best to just step out of his way. Eve would start fiddling with whatever was in reach if she needed to punch something (or, you know, just work out for a bit, whatever she called it). Sunglasses meant talking quietly around Cassandra for awhile. Loose valuables during a conversation or meeting were basically asking Ezekiel to lift them - for practice, promise. Jacob could fall asleep, anywhere, anytime, and wake up just as easily to rejoin the conversation.
The first couple of times it happened, there had been a couple worried noises - did something happen, why wasn’t he sleeping at home, is this really that boring, and the like - which, he, of course, brushed off. If pressed, he blamed working with his Pop at drill sites since he was old enough to know when to move out of the way; there, the noise never stopped, but if you wanted to function without heart-palpitating amounts of caffeine, you took what sleep you could. No one really pointed out that sleeping before work could’ve fixed that.
Eventually, it was just normal to find Jacob asleep at his desk, only to pop back up a little while later and go back to typing like he hadn’t stopped. Or passed out two minutes into a car trip whenever the team couldn’t be bothered with the Back Door. Or curled up in a corner in the stacks, books piled around him, listening to quiet music on a pair of beat-up headphones. Or tucked into a corner of a couch in the theatre, some random movie playing low - and that one had been interesting, since everyone had spent the hour up to that actively looking for the man.
It was just a normal facet of working at the Library. You refilled Jenkins coffee cup if he kept glaring, made sure Flynn didn’t walk into bookshelves, got out of Eve’s way, got Cassandra advil and tea, watched your pockets around Ezekiel, and occasionally stepped over a passed out Jacob.
Which, of course, meant that as soon as they’d all settled into the fine-lined rhythm of working around each other, one little thing was all it took to screw it up.
It wasn’t a sudden thing, which is the only reason Cassandra and Ezekiel cut themselves a little slack, later on. Jacob didn’t come into the Library the next day suddenly looking wiped and out of sorts. He didn’t stop sleeping at his desk from one day to the next. They still sometimes tripped over him between the shelves. He still popped right back into conversations as if he hadn’t just been quietly snoring, leaning against the window in the car.
But, sure enough, each happened less and less, after they came back from Oklahoma. Coffee mugs took up the space on his desk he normally cleared to rest his head. Trips back into the maze of shelves always ended up with him back at his desk. He was still quiet in the car - enough that if no one was paying attention, he might as well have been asleep - watching whatever landscape was blurring past the windows.
Jacob came into the Library earlier and earlier, to the point that he even tended to beat Eve in - she’d end up wandering through the Back Door, as put together as anyone was at six am, to find Jacob perched at his desk, empty coffee mug beside him, sparing her a ‘good morning’ and not much else.
It took weeks for the bags under his eyes to become obvious - and whether that was because it had taken that long for them to become bruised smears or because he finally just gave up hiding them, they still didn’t know, and didn’t really want to ask when it was all said and done.
Jenkins made off-comments about being able to go through the shelves without tripping. Flynn remarked about no longer being worried about waking Jacob up when he was arguing at the Library. Eve seemed to enjoy having a near on-call sparring partner in the mornings. Cassandra and Ezekiel teased along - and why wouldn’t they. Outside of the bags and sudden caffeine intake, Jacob was as lively as usual, as focused on cases, as likely to bust into a historical rant of truly epic proportions.
Up until Ezekiel caught Jacob curled up in the theatre again. He hadn’t even known Jacob was in the Library that night - they’d all split early, as a reward for finishing up a case with absolutely no problems (“A goddamn miracle. Get outta here before the universe decides to laugh at us.”) Hell, he was only there because he’d wanted to ask Jenkins about a couple of exhibits he’d cased a couple years ago - he remembered them being funky, and he’d wanted to double check a couple things before he forgot again.
It took him a couple moments to figure out just what was wrong with the scene - it almost looked exactly like when they found Jacob in the theatre a couple weeks ago: asleep, with some no-name movie on in the background. Then, he hadn’t smelled like a distillery though (thankfully, he was empty-handed at least). And he’d been actually asleep, not watching the screen with heavy-lidded eyes like he was now. Ezekiel made the executive decision to leave him the hell alone that night. And if he went back to check a couple of times, just to make sure Jacob was still there and still empty-handed, well. No one else was there to notice.
And up until Cassandra caught Jacob in research loop. It didn’t click the first couple of times she watched him get up from his desk and head into the stacks, only to come back empty-handed. But by the fourth or fifth, he’d started looking frustrated, bordering on angry, and when she’d followed him back, he’d ended up staring at the shelves, just. Confused. And a little bit lost. She’d stepped in at that point, asking if he wanted any help looking for something. He’d looked painfully embarrassed, but also so relieved it broke her heart just a little bit. (And just a little bit more when it turned out what he was looking for was on the other side of the Library.) He’d muttered a thanks and returned to his desk, not moving from it for the rest of the day.
After that, Ezekiel and Cassandra noticed more and more - after another week of sidestepping around each other, trying to figure out how to bring it up in the first place. Little things, here and there. More frustrated grumbling with his research. Fewer off-the-cuff history rants. More and more confused looks. A handful of nights where they found him in the theatre again (never as bad as that first though, thankfully). Darker and darker shadows under his eyes. Connecting everything back to him no longer sleeping in the Library was just that final push to get them to resolve to do something about it.
They both agreed that a subtle approach would probably work better - the last thing they needed was Jacob shutting them down completely, insisting he was fine and that they should just leave well enough alone. Which, he would. They knew he well enough by now for that. So. Subtle. They could do subtle.
“Wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?”
“This tea is amazing, if you want to try it. Knocks me right out most nights.”
“Has coffee just. Replaced your blood?”
“What, no comment on the work of… Donatello? Wasn’t he one of the turtles?”
“You’ve been working on that paper for awhile, maybe you should take a break?”
“Jacob, really. Are you okay?”
“What the hell, mate. What happened?”
Okay, so. They couldn’t do subtle. In their defense, they thought they could. They went in with the best intentions. And, in their defense, their flailing and Jacob’s subsequent snapping, distracting (he was rather adept at it, and if the situation had been literally anything else, Ezekiel would’ve been impressed. The man somehow managed to get all four of them to focus on an artifact shelf for about three seconds. Just long enough for him to vanish) and running away had gotten Eve’s attention.
It took about thirty seconds of her cornering them in the kitchen off the Annex for them to spill everything. It came out in a tumble that they weren’t just riling him up for the hell of it - that they were actually worried, that he was getting worse and they could prove it. Which is about the time they figured out that Jacob had been hiding it a lot better around Eve and Jenkins, go figure.
It took another thirty minutes for them to convince her that they could handle this. Why they were set on handling it themselves… well, that could be answered later, if at all. Definitely not the point right now. And they really only got her to agree with a promise that if they couldn’t, they’d come to her. Which, given their last attempt, was a fair enough deal.
Subtly talking to Jacob was out. Watching him slowly devolve into a painful to watch swing between exhausted stumbling around the Library and manic typing at his desk was out. Cornering the man during regular hours were out (Seriously. It was impressive just how fast he could get out of a conversation.)
When they finally hit on something that worked, they both kind of kicked themselves, because honestly.
They were both in the second floor of the Annex, late at night, brainstorming (and sidestepping a serious conversation neither wanted to have just yet by focusing on how to help the, you know, topic of that conversation. But whatever), when Jacob wandered in through the main door and down the hall. He didn’t seem to notice them, instead heading back into the Library proper - the theatre most likely. Both of them shared a look when he got close enough for them to smell the bar on him - almost as strong as that first night, which sent Ezekiel’s stomach spiraling for a moment. To their relief, he seemed steady on his feet and bright eyed, so. Small blessings at least.
They gave it a minute, having a silent conversation that involved a lot of hand-waving, eyebrow ticks and weird faces before they hauled themselves up and after him, neither particularly enamored with the plan that they had settled on, but having nothing better to fall back on.
Sure enough, they found him in the theatre, the wide screen already playing… something. Some 80s action flick is about all Cassandra can figure. Jacob’s dropped on the couch in the center - one of several Jenkins insists he had nothing to do with getting into the theatre when it became clear that impromptu movie nights were going to be a thing - watching without really seeing anything.
They don’t know what it means, when, when they drop on the couch to either side of him, he takes a moment to just glance at both of them. No distracting, no running. Just a wet, heavy sigh that seems to sink him further into the couch.
They don’t say anything that night. Not when the movie rolls over into another mindless action flick. Not when Jacob’s head ends up on Ezekiel’s shoulder for all of two seconds before he snaps himself back up. Not when he shoves himself up after the third movie and leaves without a word. (And not when he comes in the next morning and refuses to look them in the eye.)
But he comes back that next night. And just like before, they sit with him. They don’t comment on the wet, shuddery breaths he heaves when the movie’s at its loudest. They don’t comment when he gets up - a hand their way to indicate they should stay - and comes back with a mug of coffee, and two cups of tea for them. They don’t comment when he rubs roughly at his eyes and shoves himself up straight, even if he stopped taking in anything on the screen an hour ago. He falls asleep against Cassandra’s shoulder for two minutes before he’s startling awake, shoving himself off the couch and leaving in the next moment.
He comes in late the next morning, looking rough, and worn, and all kinds of beaten down like he hasn’t let himself look these past couple of weeks. He meets their eyes for a breath, when he first gets in, before doing a remarkable impression of being wholly dedicated to his research for the rest of the day. He doesn’t bother to leave that night. Just waits for Eve to go home, Jenkins to disappear wherever it is he goes, and for Flynn to run out the Back Door after who knows what. When the Annex is quiet again, he gets up and heads back to the theatre.
Some silent black and white film is on, when Ezekiel and Cassandra get there.
No one says anything for a long time. Not about how they both sandwich him in closer than they had the nights before. Not about how his breathing has gone wet and heavy, and how they all know that if he had the energy, he’d be sobbing. And definitely about how the movie is switched to something loud and bright and fast without anyone asking, just when Jacob chokes on a rough gasp.
“…We left the cave, right?” It’s a soft question, his voice small and thin like Cassandra and Ezekiel had never heard before - hadn’t thought they could, coming from him. They’re careful not to stare at him - though they share a worried, panicked look over his head. They don’t rush into the reassurances, both holding themselves back just that bit.
They may not be masters at subtlety, but they’ve both had their own share of late nights, heavy moments, curled around themselves and scared, so scared the light the next morning will be wrong because something has so fundamentally changed - nights in hospital beds, soft, cool hands turned acidic on her fragile skin. Evenings in dank motels, in unnamed towns, a sharp weight in his chest, sick curling in his gut, as he realized no one was looking for him - that they knew that rushing in would crack the air around them.
They also know that that’s not the question he wants answered, not really.
“Yeah, we left. Weeks ago.” Ezekiel reassures anyway, voice low and almost lost to the explosions on screen.
“We all did.” Cassandra adds in, just as soft.
Its another long while before anyone speaks again. Long enough that when they look over, Jacob’s eyes are closed and his breathing has evened out, but they don’t dare move.
“It’s too quiet.” Neither of them will own up to startling when he speaks again, eyes still closed. (But, later, when things are better, and he’s willing to joke about this, he’ll insist both of them almost fell off the couch.) “At my apartment. Here. Whatever bar I can find. It’s all too quiet.”
Ezekiel’s the one to recover first, nose scrunched up as he parses his way through that, and about to comment on the loud explosions currently playing on screen.
“Not out here, Jones.” One hand comes up to tap his temple. “I keep thinking.” He pauses, voice catching for a moment before he pulls it together. “I keep thinking. I walked out of that hole. Lied right to his face and kept walking. Kept walking right back into the cave. Had to, right? Everything’s too quiet.” the last word spit out like a curse, a hand brought up over his eyes, as if to keep them closed despite everything. “I keep wondering if I didn’t get locked in there instead. ‘Cause I can’t create anything past this Library Can’t sleep. Can’t get drunk. Can’t… see anything past this.
“You know. My phone used to never shut up. Any time of day, stupid times of night. I’d get something from someone - one of my aunts telling me how the damn door still squeaks despite her son promising to fix it. One of my cousins crowing about a new car part he got for a steal, even if he couldn’t tell his own ass from an actual deal. Fuckin’… one of the guys at the rig, bitching about the hours. Something. But these past couple of weeks? Nothing. I can’t… can’t create anything. So, it’d make sense, right? If I was still stuck down there.” He sounds desperate by the end - not like he believes what he’s saying, but like he almost wants to.
Cassandra and Ezekiel have had years to come to terms with their families. With lost little moments meant to be shared and instead, hidden away. With holidays spent with whatever pockets of warmth they themselves could create. With the aches and pains that came with tumbling onto your own two feet without a helping hand. With looking over their shoulders and seeing empty space where once warm smiles waited for them. They’ve both had months now to get used to looking again - seeing proud smiles and fond, if exasperated, eye rolls.
Realizing Jacob hadn’t been looking, all this time, how he’d kept one foot out the door and planted firmly in the churned up dirt burned yellow by the sun back home… made a whole lot of sense actually.
And also explained how they’d all missed this. Afterall, of all of them, he was the only family man of the group. Not in a healthy way, necessarily - both of them still wanted to go toe to toe with Isaac about a couple of things, if they thought they’d get within ten feet of him with Jacob hauling them back - but definitely in a visceral way.
Having all of that yanked out from under him, after finally standing up to the shadow over his shoulders, after twenty-plus years of leaning so heavily on it, on building his entire self off of it? Adding in what had likely been a week or two of rough nights right after, and who knows how many bars he hit, if he was talking about how he couldn’t drink himself to sleep, yeah, they could see the spiral now, clear as day.
There was another conversation, over Jacob’s head where he’d slipped down farther into the couch, drained and limp from exhaustion, that consisted of more faces and head shakes than was probably wholly necessary. But, another plan was made.
Eve never asked how they fixed things. Which was probably for the best, since, up until it worked, Ezekiel and Cassandra hadn’t really been sure it would.
It had been the little things really, after that night. Invitations for nights out of the Library. Conversations continued over a near never-ending stream of texts, updates about stupid little things meant to make each other smile and laugh. Inviting themselves back to Jacob’s apartment - completely innocently and still completely not subtle, but apparently Jacob had given up completely on shooing the both of them off - for movie nights, where they stayed up later than he did on principle, arguing and chattering about everything and nothing under the sun, not loud, but not doing anything to keep quiet either.
Days out where the entire team did nothing job related. Nights in where they ordered take out, picked an awful movie that no one had seen, and either tore it to pieces or surprisingly loved it.
There were only five of them - and only two who were acutely aware of the actual plan. Maybe three. Who knew what Jenkins knew - but, slowly but surely, that quiet was filled back up. Connections built up, threaded through the Library but existing outside of it.
Things weren’t perfect. They still argued and bickered. They all still ended up hyperfocused on cases and everything narrowed back down to the Library. There were still nights Cassandra and Ezekiel would go looking and find Jacob in the theatre - but they’d take that over the one night they’d tracked him down to a no name dive bar - but always far apart and getting easier and easier to pull him out of.
(It wouldn’t have worked at all, they knew, without Jacob actively picking himself up either, actively trying to connect with the Library and the world again - but they also knew, he would’ve fallen right back down if they hadn’t been there to pick him up and keep him going.)
So, no, things weren’t perfect. But they were getting better. Would continue getting better. The bruises had disappeared from under Jacob’s eyes. Jenkins occasionally tripped over him, asleep, back in the stacks. Flynn occasionally had to tone down his rants towards the ceiling when Jacob was napping at his desk again. Eve got her sparring partner back, at more regular hours - and one that could actually hit now that he was well rested and coordinated again.
(And maybe, eventually, the three of them would stop sidestepping each other and have another conversation. But, one break through at a time.)
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heartslogos · 4 years
newfragile yellows [851]
“You’re…in some kid’s treehouse,” Ellana repeats, pressing herself flat against the floor of the car as Cassandra swears above her. The older woman gets off of her to start kicking at the pretty much ruined window that’s not doing anything for anyone in this car.
“Not just some kid,” Bull says, and Ellana has to strain to hear him over Herah yelling in the driver’s seat, Mahanon leaning out the passenger window to try and shoot out their pursuer’s tires, Cassandra working on kicking the shattered rear window out, and her own frantically beating heart. “A kid who hero worships Evelyn Trevelyan. There’s posters of her and shit all over here.”
“Please tell me you broke into the tree house and you haven’t bamboozled a kid.”
“Who breaks into a tree house? It’s not like there’s anything to break into. It hasn’t got a door, babe. Or any meaningful security. I just climbed up the tree.”
“I’m astounded that this tree house can fit your size and take your weight.”
“You and me both, but hey. No one else’s is going to think to look for me here.”
“That’s lovely. But now you’re stuck in a tree house and I’m in the middle of a car chase.” Ellana quickly passes a bag of ammunition up to the front seat for her brother. “You’re useless to me right now. I don’t know why you even bothered to call if you weren’t coming to help. I could be on the phone with Evelyn or Max or Dorian or any number of people who could possibly be helping me right now.”
“That’s cold,” Bull says, “I called because I thought you’d be able to help me not be chased. I didn’t know you were also being chased.”
“Do you just pretend that the group chats don’t exist when someone isn’t there to make you acknowledge them? Do they stop appearing on your phone the second we stop talking about take out or delivery options?” Ellana sighs. “Who’s chasing you?”
��Qun assassins. Who’s chasing you?”
“Nationalist extremists. No offense, but really it could be the exact same thing. Except I think the ones on our end are Orlesian. Or maybe from the Anderfels? Haven’t the faintest idea. They’ve not exactly stopped to calmly explain their rational for attacking. Why’s the Qun after you? They haven’t tried anything serious on you in years.”
“Yeah, I was gonna ask you if you knew about anything.”
“Me? Why would I know about anything?”
“Because your brother shares everything with you and if there’s anyone bold enough to fuck around with the Qun it’s your brother with Leliana’s prompting.”
“Oh, so this entire time you meant to call Mahanon.”
“Yeah, he wasn’t picking up.”
“I am having an awful day. My partner calls me in the middle of me being in a car chase to tell me that not only was he not paying attention to my SOS but he’s also in the middle of a chase and that he actually wanted to talk to my brother.” Ellana groans. “He’s busy. I’m also busy. Have you considered asking Leliana directly?”
“The only one who can get away with hat kind of shit is Josephine. And if I call Josephine right now she’s going to focus on the wrong thing.”
“Which is?”
“I’m in some kid’s tree house.”
“Yeah, no. I’d say that’s an important thing to be focusing on as well. What’s your plan for getting out of the tree house? It’s not exactly defensible.”
“I’m still working on it. What’s your plan for getting out of the car chase?”
“Crash the other car,” Ellana replies instantly. “Which I need to get back to helping with. If you don’t mind?”
“But I’m so lonely.”
“Just call Josephine. Or Krem.”
“And what would Aclassi do aside from mock me?”
“Dunno. Drive over to pick you up with some back up?” Ellana says. “But really though, gotta go babe. Wait. If you get out of your thing before I get out of my thing can you pick up some cabbage and cut pork belly? I’m thinking cabbage rolls tonight and I’ll do some pork wraps tomorrow.”
“Yeah, sure,” Bull says. “Were we good on bacon?”
“I think we had one pack left in the freezer but it wouldn’t hurt. Oh — and I think we’re going to need more disinfectant. Mahanon’s got this wicked cut on his arm and I don’t think we have enough at him for daily maintenance until that heals over.”
“If you’re done flirting,” Herah says, “Can you — you know, get to work?”
“And that’s my cue. Bye babe, good luck. Don’t get poisoned.”
“Don’t get thrown out of a moving car,” Bull replies. “Bye.”
Ellana jams her phone into her pocket and hopes she doesn’t accidentally fall down on it. Mahanon passes her a gun.
“Why did my name come up in a conversation between you and your partner?” Mahanon asks as he gets ready to switch places with her.
“Have you been messing with the Qun?”
“Are you talking to me or Adaar?”
“Don’t talk to me, I’m busy,” Herah snaps as she takes their car into a squealing sharp left turn. Cassandra is glaring murder out the empty frame of the back seat of the car. Ellana privately thinks they should just stop the car and let Cassandra go nuts, but no one ever listens to her ideas.
“I can’t recall doing anything that would draw the interest of the Qun, or doing anything that would interfere with the Qun’s current operations in the south,” Mahanon replies. “Why?”
“Bull’s got someone on his tail and he has no idea why,” Ellana says.
“Maybe they just wanted to remind him that they miss him,” Mahanon says as they switch places. Ellana crouches awkwardly in the front seat, lining up her sniper rifle and balancing it on the shoulder of the seat. “Miss seeing him in a body bag and all.”
Ellana snorts. “Right. Well. I’d miss seeing him snoring away next to me when I wake up so they’re just going to have to deal with it like how I’m about to deal with the driver of that car.”
0 notes
Inquisition Ask Meme
(Inquisitor ask meme)
That is not supposed to be tagged, but, hey, I’m gonna do this @snackcakewithshades, just see xD
I have currently 10 Inquisitors, but I’m gonna do only 4 of them because I don’t know for sure all of them and some are just boring xD
So I present you Rogue Axire Addar, Mage Ellanaé Lavellan, First Illia Lavellan and Mage Naminé Trevalyan. Here we go x)
This took WAY TOO MUCH TIME of my life I swear xD
1. Does your Inquisitor believe they are the Herald of Andraste?
Axire- She’s confused about it. She’s not very religious, but why not ? Who is she to tell what’s is what.
Ellanaé- She don’t think she’s the Herald, but she don’t care. She don’t believe in anything, and she kinda hate that people put her on a pedestal.
Illia- She’s really angry everytime someone call her Herald of Andraste. She believe strongly in the Creators and will almost fight everyone who will spit again on the religion of her people.
Naminé- She’s really religious and think that her survival is due to Andraste in person.
2. What is their first impression of their advisers?
Axire- She wasn’t really impressed by all thoses people, but the second she put her eyes on Josephine, nothing matter anymore, and she had to ask the to repeat a multiple time because she wasn’t paying attention. How a woman could be that beautiful she still wonder.
Ellanaé - She was a little scared but very excited to be part of that adventure, so she listen to them with great attention.
Illia- She was very on guard from all thoses shems. Even if her clan was open to exchanges with them, being alone in this organisation was a very hard experience. Her patience was putting on rude test, but they seems nice, so she listen to them.
Naminé- She was really amazed by all thoses great people, and as her education tell her, she was very polite with them. She found the Commander to be really intimidating, but she didn’t show it and listen to all their advices.
3. What is their first impression of their companions?
Would be too much to put every companion, so I choose the ones that mark the most my characters.
Axire- She was used to know different people from a lot of different places as a Tal-Vashoff, and was very pleased to see all thoses people joining the cause of the Inquisition. She was a bit curious about Iron Bull, but was never taking it bad his attitude toward her being a Tal-Vashoff. Instead, she drown him in questions about Sheheron and the Qun in general. But she learned later that he never trusted or like her at any moment.
Ellanaé- When she meet Varric, she though that the world was an amazing place and couldn’t stop asking him for stories about everything. 
The first time she heard a joke from Iron Bull, she went directly into “I’m gonna bang that” mode. 
She was very defensive against Solas for being mean to the Dalish. She may have always wanted to leave her clan, that doesn’t mean they didn’t have value in her heart.
Illia- When she meet Solas, she was so glad to see another elf in here with her. Then she discover he was full of knowledge and couldn’t keep herself to ask him about anything. He was the first one in this place that she trusted.
She was very afraid of Cassandra at first. She though she was a templar and that any wrong mouvement from her would sign her death. And that didn’t help that she call her Herald every change she get.
She was very curious about Cole and his link to the Fade, and was very happy to see that his goal in life was to help people. She though that he was just like him, and really loving having him near her as much as possible.
Naminé- When she was trapped in the Fade from the Envy demon, she almost cry when she saw Cole. She was so afraid to turning into an abomination and he appear like a miracle. When they were out, she swear to protect him with her life if needed.
She was really glad to finally meet Vivienne, and spend most of the day talking about the Circle and her mentor. She felt like she was the only person understanding her in the Inner circle.
She never agreed at any time with Solas. Everything she will say or he will say will finish in a dispute, and at the end she try to talk to him the less possible.
She felt really protected when she meet blackwall. He remind her of her father, and she trust him instantly.
4. Where does your Inquisitor spend most of their time in Haven? In Skyhold?
Axire- In Haven, she would spend all the day in Josephine’s office, telling her stories about her time with the Tal-Vashoff to impress her and listen to her laugh.
In Skyhold she would be almost every day in the tavern, spending her time with Iron Bull and the Chargers, to listen to their stories too.
Ellanaé- In Haven, she would be all day in the training field, looking at the soldiers doing their exercice and Commander Cullen shooting orders. She love to take care of the horses too, and of course ogle Iron Bull.
In Skyhold, when she wasn’t in the garden to take care of the plants, she would be in the court to meet new people as much as possible. And spending time with the horses.
Illia- In Haven, she spend the most of her time far from the camp, in the wild, meditating. Time away from all that noise and people was a pleasant moment, and would help her to recharge her patience.
In Skyhold, she would be all day in the library, talking with Dorian or watching Solas paint. When she was not, she would be at the war table, looking at what could possibly be done for the peace.
Naminé-  In Haven, she would pray a lot in the Chantry or talk to Vivienne. She did some briefly appearance in the training field to talk to Commander Cullen, but that was all.
In Skyhold, she would stay in the peace of the garden or in the trone room with the nobles. She would drop from time to time in Cullen’s office to talk to him.
5. Does your Inquisitor recruit the mages or Templars? (did they conscript or ally with the mages / did the rebuild or dissolve the Templar order?)
Axire- Ally with the mages.
Ellanaé-  Ally with the mages.
Illia-  Ally with the mages.
Naminé- Rebuild the Templar
6. How does your character feel about becoming Inquisitor?
Axire- She knew it was coming, but was a little confused that they choosed a qunari as an Inquisitor.
Ellanaé- Scared, she wanted to refused it, but when she saw the crowd, she knew it was too late to turn back.
Illia- Scared, but she don’t show it. If she fail, everyone will say it’s because she’s either a mage or a elf. But she will prove them that she will success.
Naminé- Confidente. She knew that Andraste choosed her, so it was only logic that her destiny would make her Inquisitor.
7. How do the Inquisitor and Hawke get along?
Axire- Staying professional. They didn’t know each other, and never had the chance to do it.
Ellanaé- A little intimidated. That was a true hero, not a fraud like her. But as they starting to do jokes, she relax and ask him about his stories.
Illia- Staying professional, but she was really impressed by her. She would ask her a lot of advices and listen to her stories with Varric. 
Naminé- She was dissapointed. She imagine an Great hero, and obviously it was just a woman. She begun to hate her more and more for the rebellion of the mages.
8. Who does your Inquisitor leave in charge of Orlais?
Axire- Celene
Ellanaé- Celena and Briala
Illia- Briala in the shadow of Gaspard
Naminé- Gaspard
9. Was your Inquisitor pleased or displeased about Morrigan joining the Inquisition?
Axire- Pleased. More people on her side
Ellanaé- Pleased.
Illia- Pleased. She was a powerfull witch and her knowledge could be usefull
Naminé- Displeased. Shereally don’t understand the apostates. Why would any live outside the Circle ?
10. What would the Nightmare demon have said to your Inquisitor to rattle them the most, if anything?
Axire- “No one will ever love a freak like you. You’re a monster, and even “your peoples” the qunaris will never accept you.”
Ellanaé- “When they will not need you anymore, they will put you into a Circle, and you will spend your life in a cage with shems that will hate you.”
Illia- “Everything you’ve done is for nothing. You will dissapoint your clan, your friends, your gods. You saved no one. Everybody will die, and it will be your fault.”
Naminé- “You can feel it, all the demons waiting to feast with your mind and your body. Tomorrow could be the day you become an abomination. Or the day atfer. But one day for sure.”
11. Who does your Inquisitor leave behind in the Fade?
Axire- Hawke. If someone could get out of the Fade, it’s her.
Ellanaé- Stroud. She could never let Hawke sacrifice himself and had to tell it to Varric.
Illia- Hawke. The Grey Wardens need a strong leader, and she respect too much Hawke to try to convince her to not stay.
Naminé- Hawke. If she want to die to save them, then she’s maybe not a bad person.
12. Does your Inquisitor exile the Grey Wardens or recruit them?
Axire- Recruit them. They need everyone to end the crisis.
Ellanaé- Recruit them. They were manipulated, they don’t deserve th exile.
Illia- Exile them. They are dangerous and making more hurt than help.
Naminé-  Recruit them. Who will stop the next Blight if they’re not here anymore ?
13. Does your Inquisitor follow the Pilgrim’s Path in the Temple of Mythal or fight their way through?
Axire- Yes. If Morrigan say it, it must be important.
Ellanaé- Yes. It’s the Godess of her vallaslin after all
Illia- Yes. Respect to the Creators before anything.
Naminé- No. The Maker will not permit to do a heretic ritual for a fake god.
14. Who drank from the Well of Sorrows?
Axire- Morrigan. Why would she take something from the elves as a qunari ?
Ellanaé- Her. She don’t trust Morrigan with that much power.
Illia- Her. The knowledge of the People must live.
Naminé- Morrigan. It’s just magic water.
15. Who became the next Divine?
Axire- Cassandra
Ellanaé- Leliana murderer (stabby stab)
Illia- Leliana the Good (THE TRUE ONE !)
Naminé- Vivienne
16. What would your Inquisitor do once Corypheus was defeated?
Axire- Spend her days with Josephine in their home and trying to rebuild as much as she could the world.
Ellanaé- Going to hunt more Dragons with Iron Bull. Then sex with him. Then more hunt.
Illia- Trying to bring peace again, and helping the more she could Leliana with all the peace taskes.  We will not have the Circle reborned.
Naminé- Rebuilding the Circle and returning to hers as soon as she could. She’s allowed to see Cullen from time to time, but the safety of the walls around her is what bring her at peace.
17. Does your Inquisitor spend time collecting shards?
Axire- A little
Ellanaé- Haha, nooope.
Illia- All of them. The Temple must have a lot of knowledge inside.
Naminé- Not touching this. Not. Touching. The. Skull-stick.
18. Does your Inquisitor spend time solving the astrarium puzzles?
Axire- When passing by.
Ellanaé- She prefer to kill the bad people and travel.
Illia- All of them. The stars are so marvelous and can learn us so much things.
Naminé-  Pagan things. It’s beautiful, right, but not her thing.
19. Do they take the time to hunt the dragons in Thedas or no?
Axire- Yup, all of them. Her blood get so excited when she see or fight one of them.
Ellanaé- Some of them. Mostly with Iron Bull. ‘Cause the sex after is the best.
Illia- All of them, then study them, then talk about them with experts.
Naminé- She will not approach thoses giants beasts. Too dangerous. And what for ?
20. What’s their favorite location to travel to, if any?
Axire- The Hinterlands. Yup.
Ellanaé- L’Emprise du Lion. It’s nothing like home. and DRAGONS.
Illia-  Arbor Wilds of the Emerald Graves. So much history of her People.
Naminé- Val royaux. She feel more at home than anywhere else.
21. What’s their least favorite location to travel to, if any?
Axire- The Fallow Mire
Ellanaé-  The Emerald Graves. Too much like home.
Illia- The Exalted Plains
Naminé- The Fallow Mire or the Fade
22. Does your Inquisitor have a preferred mount? (horse, hart, dracolisk, etc.)
Axire- Dracolisk
Ellanaé- Hart
Illia- Hart
Naminé- Horse
23. What class specialization do they take, if any?
Axire- Assassin
Ellanaé- Wanted to go Necromancer, but everybody start looking weird at her. so Rift Mage instead.
Illia- Rift Mage
Naminé-  Knight-Enchanter
24. If Varric was to give your Inquisitor a nickname, what would it be?
English is not my native language, bare with me.
Axire- Shadow or Sneaky. ‘Cause she’s a rogue, and she’s really not the most discrete person as a qunari. 
Ellanaé- Pixie. She’s always light and love to laugh. 
Illia- Frown or Nosey. Because she always seems to be angry at everything, when she just have a bad case of Bitch Resting Face. And she love asking questions.
Naminé- Dolly, ‘cause she have a really beautiful face and seems always like she going to broke if you touch her.
25. Does your Inquisitor have a preferred party to bring with them on adventures? (i.e Cassandra, Dorian, and Varric)
Axire- Sera, Dorian, Blackwall
Ellanaé- Dorian, Iron Bull, Sera
Illia- Solas, Cole, Cassandra
Naminé- Blackwall, Vivienne, Varric
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daihell · 7 years
No One Else to Blame Chapter 4
Dorian doesn’t remember drawing the knife, let alone ever wanting to harm the Inquisitor, the man he loved, but that hardly mattered. What was done, was done, and Dorian had to face the consequences of his actions. It was the waiting that was really getting to him. Read from the beginning AO3  
Dorian wasn’t sure how long they sat there on the floor together. The tears had finally stopped and he felt drained and exhausted. And foolish too. Although when he caught sight of Elden’s expression he had to admit that he felt a little better. There was no judgement or disapproval there, only affection and acceptance and Dorian could only look away, overwhelmed, when Elden reached out to run a hand through his hair and kiss his temple. Maker, how was this man always doing this to him? He wiped furiously at his face, no doubt smudging the kohl further. It was likely already a mess anyway.
They had shifted to a more comfortable position, still wrapped in each other's’ arms. They couldn’t stay like that forever, though, and now that Dorian had some semblance of composure back he knew he should step away. He needed distance between the two of them for his own peace of mind, even though he never wanted to part from Elden again. Whether it was blood magic or something else, he could still pose a threat to the Inquisitor and while there was even a slim chance Dorian might hurt him, he couldn't risk it.
“That’s enough of that,” Dorian said, extracting himself despite the disappointed noise it drew from Elden. Maker, he didn't have any sense of self preservation, did he? Dorian stood, brushing off his robes and attempting to straighten his appearance. A hopeless task. He looked down questioningly at Elden who had yet to move.
“Could I get a hand?” Elden asked sheepishly.
“You must be joking,” Dorian said, appalled. “You’re that injured and yet you still got up and came all the way over here?” He helped Elden up as gently as he could despite his disapproving words and supported his arm as they made their way back to the bed.
“Other things seemed more important at the time,” was all Elden offered and Dorian scoffed.
“If you’ve ripped the injury open I refuse to visit you again.” The whole way Dorian tried to inconspicuously keep his left hand behind his back, clasped in a tight fist, as if that could prevent events from repeating themselves.
“It’s fine,” Elden protested, sinking into the bed with a grunt. As Dorian pulled away, Elden caught his hand. “I know you’re going to leave because you don’t trust yourself, but promise me you’ll come back tomorrow?”
Dorian was silent a long moment, studying his face. There was no refusing Elden, however, so finally he nodded.
Elden gave his hand one last squeeze before he finally let it go. “We’re okay. We’ll get through this.”
It was infuriating. He should be the one comforting Elden, especially now. “You really are a fool,” Dorian sighed.
Elden had no right to give him such a radiant smile in return.
Cassandra and Leliana were waiting for him outside the sickroom. Cassandra fixed him with a glare as she stormed past into the room, slamming the door behind her. No doubt she was off to share her displeasure with Elden’s leniency. Good, perhaps she’ll be able to knock some sense into the good Inquisitor, get him to show a little concern for his own safety. Unfortunately, that left Dorian alone with the spymaster.
“Do us both a favor and at least pretend we had a modicum of privacy in there,” Dorian said, deciding it was best to talk first instead of waiting under her intense gaze. He always did prefer shoving his foot in his mouth to silence. “I’m aware there isn’t much of my dignity left, but it would be nice to think I could keep at least a few shreds intact.”
“If pretending gives you comfort, by all means,” she said with a slight smile.
“I imagine you’re also against all this?” Dorian continued, “It does seem rather foolhardy to let me in the same room with him after everything.”
“Actually, I was all for it,” Leliana said. “If you’re intention really was to kill the Inquisitor, that would have been the perfect opportunity.”
“Indeed?” Dorian said, surprised.  “Risky. Is that it, then? You don’t suspect I might be biding my time? Waiting for another unexpected moment?”
“Oh of course, I never said I was convinced. This is my job after all.” Dorian knew better than to believe she was taking this situation lightly, but she certainly seemed calm enough.
“Was this all even worth it then? If you didn’t learn anything?”
“Elden needed to see you,” she said more seriously, her slight smile vanishing. “And right now that was more important.”
“Really, you shouldn’t encourage him,” Dorian sighed, rubbing at his forehead.
“I’m not,” she said simply. “It’s my job to provide him with information, not to sway his decisions.”
“I see.”
“Don’t get me wrong. I may be the Inquisitor’s spymaster, but I am also his friend. His wellbeing is my priority. I do hope you aren’t lying to him. For your sake, moreso than his. The truth is, many of us trusted you and we need to know if that was misplaced. And I’d rather be the one interrogating you than forcing Elden into that that role. Now if you’ll excuse me, I should probably make sure the Seeker isn’t being too hard on him.” She paused a moment and, before following Cassandra, added with a mischievous slight smile, “you should really get some rest, you look terrible.”
Dorian huffed in indignation, but couldn’t really think of a proper witty remark. He was grateful at least that Elden had her watching out for him, even if it was terrifying for himself. Once Dorian was alone, he made his way out into the great hall where he couldn’t help but notice that there were a number of templars stationed about. Of course, if he asked he’d be informed that they were definitely not there to keep an eye on him and surely it was just coincidence.
He was tempted to go off course, see if they would allow him to head to the tavern or somewhere else, see how far he could push the boundaries. As much as he’d like to go get completely plastered, somehow he didn’t really feel like testing things right now. All he wanted was to be alone.
He thought of his quarters, cold and empty, now with broken furniture and blood (Elden’s blood) and water splashed across the floor, and he didn’t want to face that. Perhaps the library then? It wasn’t like he was going to be doing much sleeping anyway so he might as well find a distraction. Luckily no thuggish guards stood in his way as he headed there.
Dorian started out by practically ransacking the library, searching for anything that might distract him. He couldn't bring himself to actually research blood magic. He was technically fairly knowledgeable already; one didn’t live long in Tevinter without knowing what tactics one’s enemies might use against them. Still, he felt ill even considering it. He felt a sort of revulsion at the very thought.
Right now he just wanted his mind to stop and finding something to absorb himself in was his first course of action. He was so busy desperately pulling down books and tossing them aside, his mind racing around in circles, that he almost didn’t notice when Sera poked her head around the corner.
“I told you,” she said.
“I beg your pardon?”
“I told you not to bust out into demons. Is that what’s happening?”
Glancing over his shoulder, he could see that she looked upset, angry and perhaps even frightened and Dorian swallowed the sharp reply he reflexively had ready, feeling guilty. Instead he sighed. “I don’t know what’s happening, Sera.”
“Pissballs,” she snapped, “figure it out then! How could you do that to Elden of all people and not know why?”
“That’s enough, Sera,” Vivienne said as she came up the stairs to join them.
Sera muttered something too quiet to hear and Dorian didn’t say anything as she vanished around the corner again. There wasn’t really anything to say to that, was there? Vivienne dropped into his usual seat in the alcove and watched him for an uncomfortably long moment. Annoyed, Dorian began sorting through books on his table, only half paying attention to what he was doing.
“Tell me, my dear,” Vivienne finally began, “what sort of aches and pains have you been experiencing since the incident?”
“The incident,” Dorian echoed. He didn’t bother to turn and face her and instead went back to looking over the shelves for interesting books. “Is everyone refusing to call it what it actually was?”
“Take a seat and don’t be difficult.”
“Why not when I’m so frightfully good at it?” Dorian replied, but he at least turned to face her, arms crossed defensively.
“Indulge me for the time being and answer the question, what could it hurt?”
“I don’t know, I was generally sore, I suppose. I had a headache?” he offered. “And yes, yes, I know, a headache can be an indication of blood magic. And it was worse before— well, you know, before everything happened when we returned. But you do remember that I fell down a mountain in an avalanche?”
“I suppose it could have been nothing more than a concussion. Do you still have this headache?”
“Do you know when it went away?”
“A lot has been going on, if you didn’t notice,” Dorian said in indignation, “I wasn’t really paying attention.”
“Could it have been immediately after?”
“I-- guess,” Dorian said, hating himself for the thrill of hope he felt. Blood magic meant it wasn’t his fault, but Elden deserved better than for Dorian to cast about wildly for anything else to blame his actions on.  Of course, to pile more confusion onto all of this, his unwillingness to consider blood magic could also be a failsafe put in place by the blood magic. How exactly were they supposed to work this out? “So what exactly is to be done?”
“I’m afraid not much. Even if we did manage to discover something, finding evidence of blood magic on a Tevinter wouldn’t exactly be a revelation. You could have been the caster or someone could have used it on you years ago. All we can really do for now is monitor you and watch for any unusual behavior."
“Lovely.” Dorian’s gut twisted unpleasantly at the insinuation that he might use blood magic. Not that that mattered. It was only his word, after all, which, after stabbing the Inquisitor, wasn’t exactly worth much.
“Well,” Vivienne said, standing. “Whether it’s blood magic or not is irrelevant for the time being until we can find out what truly happened during your kidnapping. Until then, do watch yourself. I’d hate to be the one to break the news to the Inquisitor should anything happen to you.”
On the one hand, it was rather admirable that everyone was rallying around Elden this way. The Inquisitor had definitely earned their respect and friendship. But Dorian was reminded once again how much of an outsider he was here. He turned back to the shelves again and hoped no one else came by to interrupt him.
Next -->
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aeyemenethes-blog · 7 years
Lathbora viran Chapter Five
Lathbora viran update Chapter 5. Also found in this link. http://archiveofourown.org/works/10213937/chapters/23332674
 Orlais sparkled with pristine white walls and shops that must have had to take hours of polishing daily to retain their splendour. Statues of gold reflected the soft rays of sunlight cast on the cloudless day. The city’s population bustled about draped in attire as luxurious as it was constrictive – silks, velvets and showing not enough skin to properly identify who they were. Rich and poor shared the manicured walkways and shops none the wiser of each other’s existence. All part of a ruse well known in Orlesian society: the Game. Heads turned and hushed whispers followed our group – particularly the Herald of Andraste – as we made our way toward the place where the crowd gathered. It brought memories of another time and another city full of similar majesty and gossip; a different lifetime when living was simple and innocent. My heart seized at the flood of happier days before my hand was forced and the Wolf was born. Closing my eyes and pinching the bridge of my nose to ward away the pain, I growled low and deep in my throat. This is inappropriate.
“Something got you tight, Chuckles?” Varric asked walking beside one. “I know the stench of human villages can be a bit much to take in.”
I nodded, not trusting myself to speak at that moment and, thankfully, he dropped any further questions.
“Keep your guard up, Herald.” Cassandra warned, her hand resting on the pommel of her sword.
Ellana nodded, a brief glance in my direction, which I did not return. Since the night up in the tree, I kept a suitable distance from her. It was necessary to regain control over my emotions and insatiable lust. I felt grateful that she didn’t press though the hurtful glances she threw my way spoke volumes. I did my best to keep all eye-contact cool and dispassionate, determined not to rekindle her hope.
 My eyes wandered to take my thoughts from such temptation, paying careful attention to the number of guards watching us with hands poised on swords at their waist. Another growl escaped my lips. If they posed a threat I would make short work of them before Varric could loose an arrow from Bianca. Peace talks be damned if it grew into hostile actions. I would protect my Anchor at all costs. That was all the Herald was to me.
Cassandra and Ellana approached the cleric who was spouting in a self-righteous tone to the gathering crowd about their Divine’s death. Varric and I decided to hold back, but he was too engrossed fiddling with his crossbow’s switches and glaring at the guards, to notice me walking away to examine one of the lion statues. Running my fingers along the carved mane, I fixated on its detail if only to appear as if I was appraising its architecture. No doubt it was an exquisite piece, but this lion carried a secret fashioned – upon request – by its maker centuries prior.
My thumb brushed along a shallow cut out of place from the rest of the mane, and only noticeable to those who expected it to be there. A gentle tug coaxed the switch to flip and a cutaway at the lion’s shoulder to open, revealing a small black sphere lodged deep inside. A quick check to make sure no one watched me, I plucked the object and pocketed it, replacing it with the rolled parchment the elf at the Crossroads gave me a week ago. Once the parchment fit snug, I flipped the latch back into place and the opening sealed flush as if the compartment never was.
Behind me I heard a hollow sound of something hard and metal cracking against bone followed by Ellana’s outraged shout. Turning back to the crowd, I saw the cleric now on the floor clutching her head and a man, clad in armour similar to what Cassandra wore, barking at the Herald. My eyes darkened with rage and I clutched my staff in a white knuckle grip, calling my magic to the surface without hesitation.
Ellana stood her ground staring down the new Seeker even as Cassandra attempted to reason with him. Lord Seeker Lucius, I heard Cassandra name the man. A rather pretentious title, but if I had learned anything about mortals, they loved to make their short lives grand and important. Pushing my magic down into my veins, I decided to hold back. Casually, I leaned against my staff and tipped it ever so slightly so that the crystal caught the blaze of the sunlight. I shifted it in a series of relaxed movements that might look like mere fidgeting to an observer.
My eyes caught the flash of sunlight bouncing off the shear surface of a mirror being flickered from a second story window. I rocked my staff twice more then moved to rejoin the Herald.
“Charming fellow, isn’t he?” Varric said as he stopped next to where Cassandra and Ellana stood.
“Has Lord Seeker Lucius gone mad?” Cassandra huffed at the Herald.
Watching the gathering templars leave with the Lord Seeker settled like rotten food in my stomach. Almost like when there was an itch I couldn’t reach to scratch. A familiar essence clung to the retreating man that my brain screamed I should remember.
Fade. That’s what clung to him, much like it would around a spirit or even a demon.
My eyes narrowed at this Lord Seeker Lucius. I knew that feeling first hand, and it settled ill in my stomach. This could end very badly if I didn’t watch my Anchor carefully, even if it meant getting dangerously close to the Herald of Andraste herself.
“Do you know him very well?” Ellana’s question tore me from my thoughts, and I turned my head to hear Cassandra’s answer.
“He took over the Seekers of Truth two years ago, after Lord Seeker Lambert’s death.” Cassandra answered automatically then turned her head to watch as the last templars rounded the corner out of sight. “He was always a decent man, never given to ambition and grandstanding. This is very odd.”
Because that is not the same man if truly he is even human.
Though voicing my opinion would lead to questions and answers far too complex for another’s understanding but mine. They would come to my conclusion on their own soon enough. Probably.
“Do you think he can be reasoned with?” Ellana asked, her tone suggesting how tired she truly was, and I wished I could take the weight off her shoulders. The mess she found herself in was of my own making, after all, but I was still too weak to harness control. I needed my damn orb!
Cassandra sighed. “I hope so. If not him, there are surely others in the Order who don’t feel as he does. Either way, we should first return to Haven and inform the others.”
Ellana nodded and began walking toward Val Royeux’s entrance. An arrow shot from the air striking into the cobblestone at the Herald’s feet. I brought my staff up, coiled and ready to spring to the elven mage’s defense, but no follow up arrows hit the ground. No one jumped to attack us and – after a moment – I relaxed.
“What was that?” Cassandra exclaimed, her hand poised on the pommel of her sword. “An arrow with a message?”
Kneeling down, Ellana picked up the arrow, unravelling the message from it. Her eyes flicked over the writing multiple times before giving a firm nod of her head.
“We should look into this.” She said, and headed off to the opposite direction to the entrance, deeper into the city.
. . .
A fire bolt flew through the air toward the Herald’s head, but she ducked in time and it sailed passed, almost singing the tip of my ear. My body still thrummed with the magic I used on the previous set of guards who attacked us a few moments prior. Through this door, the pyromancer was a man dressed exquisite mask. He straightened his shoulders back and huffed in a haughty demeanour.
“Herald of Andraste! How much did you expend to discover me? It must have weakened the Inquisition immeasurably.” The man stated in a snub fashion as if he truly believed we searched him out, instead of stumbling upon him by inconspicuously placed notes.
“I don’t know who you are.” Ellana said with a shrug of her shoulders.
The man scoffed and swaggered. “You don’t fool me. I’m too important for this to be an accident. My efforts will survive in victories against you elsewhere.”
I rolled my eyes at his boasting, a trace smile playing on my lips. A twang of a bowstring caused my ears to twitch before the guard’s scream drew the attention of the haughty human.
“Just say ‘what.’” A nasally voice said as a blonde elf dressed in red pointed her drawn bow toward the annoying human.
“What is tha--”
An arrow embedded itself in the man’s throat through his open mouth. He gurgled as he fell.
I raised one eyebrow at this newcomer, my fingers picking along the grain of my staff. Was she friend or foe? I knew for certain she wasn’t one of my agents, but she wore no vallislin to show she was Dalish.
The elf groaned before approaching the Herald. I held back and watched the shadows in case we sprung an ambush. As the two women spoke in low voices, I caught movement of armed soldiers stalking closer and then the elf named Sera announced the reinforcements before they launched their attack.
A dozen guards brandishing swords, bows and suspiciously naked from the waist down sprang toward the Herald and Sera. Magic surfaced without thought, pulling up bumps along my flesh and I guided it into the crystal at my staff to cast a barrier over Ellana to protect her.
Volley of arrows from both Varric and Sera flew at the two archers on the balconies, Cassandra took care of the bulk and I aided Ellana in sniping the stragglers. The loss of their breeches made them easier targets and they fell in less than a few minutes.
Then Sera began to proposition the Herald to join the Inquisition. My eyes narrowed and I felt heat blistering behind my gaze. Ellana actually smiled and laughed at whatever the elven ranger said. A low growl rumbled in the back of my throat and I dug the staff handle deep in my palms, hissing when I felt the burn of the leather.
Sera brought a laugh to Ellana’s perfect lips.
“Uh… Chuckles… are you alright? You’re all red.” Varric asked, stopping at my side and kept close as we walked back. “Your ears--”
“I’m fine.” I snapped, though in truth, all I wanted to do was rip off the blonde elf’s extra pointy ears.
Shards of fragmented lightning ran along my knuckles as I kept my narrowed gaze on the elf’s retreating back. It was all I could do to keep from shooting Sera into the Fade ass first.
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