#but it ends with him realizing there's a fine line between love and hate
catzy88 · 1 year
i'm just saying, if this vgk vs. edm playoffs and the second draft pick beating the first draft pick doesn't revive the mceichel fandom (at least momentarily), we're beyond salvation 😭
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xxsabitoxx · 9 months
When You're Stronger Then Them
Jujutsu Kaisen Men x AFAB Reader
Warnings: No explicit content but there are some suggestive themes. All Characters are 18+ in this post!
the tiny lil line dividers are from the lovely @/benkeibear
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Gojo Satoru
You? Stronger than him? Don’t make him laugh
At least that’s what he’s thinking until you two decide to train for hand-to-hand combat
Satoru is mildly shocked when you manage to keep up with him, you’re quick on your feet and have good reflexes
When you manage to land a good, hard hit to his gut, he realizes there’s no point in trying to hold back with you
In the end, you were both tangled on the exercise mats, panting heavily. Satoru had you pinned, a triumphant look on his face as he smirked down at you.
"I win again." He huffed out, resting more of his weight on you just to see you wheeze. "Yeah w-whatever." You stopped struggling, looking up at him just a little defeated. "You put up a good fight though, I'm impressed." He smiled, still lying on top of you like a dead weight. He had your arms pinned above your head, one knee between your legs to keep them from closing. In any other situation, the position would be pretty lewd. "I'm no match when it comes to cursed energy Satoru." though you felt pretty proud of yourself for keeping up with him in combat like this. You watched him open his mouth, ready to make a response, that was your opening. With one swift movement, you were able to flip the both of you. Satoru looked mildly shocked as you straddled him, his hands still griping your wrists. "I win."
Geto Suguru
He typically has the advantage when it comes to training
He won't use his strongest curses on you, but you also won't give it your all because you don't want to kill his "valuable" curses.
So you usually train in hand-to-hand combat, where neither of you hold back. Not even a little bit.
Suguru (like Satoru) had been holding back the first time you sparred and was quickly corrected when he just barely blocked a kick to his head. Which had him blinking at you in shock.
Five rounds later, you've got Suguru pinned to the mat with your ass on top of his head, effectively immobilizing him.
"This is just cruel." Suguru's voice is slightly muffled by the way his cheek is pressing into the mat. "No, this is fair. You really tried to hold back on me earlier." You laughed softly as Suguru huffed, not even trying to get you off of him anymore. "Ya know, this isn't a terrible punishment-" he chuckled as you immediately got off of him, muttering something about how he's "such a pervert." He only laughed harder, sitting up and watching you flop down on the mat next to him. "You're strong, really strong. When did that happen?" he wiped the sweat from his brow as you cracked open a water bottle. "I've been training hard, it's fun being able to beat your ass." you could tell he immediately wanted to say something to defend himself but stopped short when he realized you were right. "yeah, whatever."
Nanami Kento
He's reluctant to train with you, he'd much rather just go work out or something calmer. But you're so damn persistent...
He gives in, agreeing to spar with you one evening, weapons allowed and everything (which he hates but you're so excited.)
Much to Nanami's surprise, you manage to knock the wind out of him within the first five minutes, squeaking out an apology
He assures you it's fine, admitting he had initially underestimated you... you can tell he's getting a bit into it now.
An hour later, you're both dripping sweat and panting, You've got your blade pressed to his throat while pinning one arm down with your foot, the other pinned with your knee.
"Ready to give up, Kento?" You were panting, watching him catch his breath while shamelessly looking your body over. His eyes on you made you feel hot all over, swallowing nervously as he took a moment to respond. "I suppose so." his voice is hoarse, making you spring off of him a little faster than you intended. "Sorry if I was too rough." you noticed a welt forming on his wrist from where you had knelt on it, hand reaching out to rub it without thinking. Nanami was frozen for a moment, watching you rub tender circles on the red mark until it slowly began to fade. "Don't apologize, I had fun." hearing THE Nanami Kento tell you he had fun while training was enough to make you feel dizzy for a moment. "Really? You? You had fun getting your ass handed to you?" you tried not to smirk, but the quiet laughter that left him made it impossible "yeah, I did."
Fushiguro Toji
It took no time at all to convince the man to "spar" with you
Toji agreed almost instantly, solely for the fact that he could get his hands on you and it wouldn't be weird.
Ulterior motives are Toji's specialty, so it shouldn't be a surprise that you manage to catch him off guard instantly and get him flat on his back, katana pressed just under his chin
He hadn't expected you to actually be this strong, never mind getting him on his ass within seconds
Though he has to admit, it excites him to no end
"Eh? I win again, Toji? I have a feeling you just like me straddling you." You were caging him, thighs on either side of his waist as you kept the blade pressed to his chest, feeling his heartbeat thump erratically. "Aw, you caught me red-handed sweetheart." he practically purred, watching you get off of him with an eye roll. “C’mon Toji, it ain’t beneficial to me if you’re just letting me knock you on your ass.” You taunt him, watching him get up with ease as he smiled at you. “Ah, so you want me to pin you instead?” You huff out a laugh at that, wiping the sweat from your brow as you nod. “Yeah, kinda the whole point… though I’m seriously starting to question your skills… I don’t think you could pin me to this mat if you tried.” He loved a good challenge… and a bitch with a sharp tongue. You had the man before you completely enthralled now. “Bring it, sweetheart.”
Okkotsu Yuta
He's down to spar if you ask him, but he's going to hold back
You know you stand no chance at beating him when it comes to curse energy which is why you opt for hand-to-hand
Needless to say, Yuta doesn't hold back after you get him pinned to the mats within ten seconds.
You're not fragile, nor are you weak. So, Yuta quickly realizes how insulting it would be if he tried to hold back with you. What he hadn't expected was for you to be genuinely stronger
Two hours later, you're both collapsed on the mats, sweating and panting as you try to give your aching bodies a proper break.
"I underestimated you, so hard." Yuta wheezed, head turning to look at where you were sprawled out on the mat. “I know you did.” You chuckle, not at all offended by this information. “When did you get so strong?” His question was genuine, genuine enough to have you turning your head to look at him too. “When you were training in Africa.” You chuckled, sitting up and noting the bruises forming on his biceps. “I did a number on you, huh?” You moved closer, fingers gingerly tracing the black and blue marks. Trying to ignore the way goosebumps erupted across his skin. Yuta flinched a bit, not because it hurt but because you were touching him so softly. “D-don’t worry about it. I don’t mind, really!” He squeaked, warmth blossoming across his cheeks as you laughed. “At least let me patch you up, it’s the least I could do.” But your tone only had the poor man turning a deeper shade of red.
Itadori Yuji
His hands are rated E for everyone.
Yuji is trilled when you ask him to train with you
Yuji knows better than to hold back, even if you’re a woman. He knows you’re strong and that it would be doing you a disservice to even think about holding back
Yuji is mildly surprised when you’re able to keep up with his hand-to-hand combat skills. Cursed energy easily goes to you but he figure he'd have some advantage with physical combat.
Needless to say, it excites him heavily, especially since most prefer to just train with strictly curse energy.
“Dare I say I won?” You tease the pink haired man, one hand on his wrists while your thighs rest on either side of his chest. Sweaty and breathless, Yuji sighs, nodding his head and throwing in the towel. “You’re amazing.” He comments as you get off him, wiping your sweat with your shirt before flopping down on the mat as Yuji sits up. “So are you, Yuji! You’re crazy strong.” You smile, eyes fluttering shut as you try and ease your racing heart. “I wasn’t expecting you to be so strong or fast! I-I don’t want that to sound rude or anything…” you laughed as he quickly tried to ease the worries you didn’t have. “I don’t take any offense, Yu. I think of it as an advantage. When opponents underestimate me it’s usually too late.” You tease, using your foot to tap his thigh. He nodded, hanging on to every word you spoke. “I see, it’s pretty cool honestly.” He flashed you that familiar grin, one that always made a smile tug at your own lips. “Thanks, Yu.”
Fushiguro Megumi
Absolutely refuses until you mention that Yuji’s trained with you plenty of times
Even then, he’s reluctant as you drag him into the training room and explain you’d rather just do hand-to-hand combat and save using curse energy for another day
Megumi thinks he has the advantage, assuming you’re underestimating his combat abilities
That is, until you actually start sparring. Before he knows it, he’s getting flashbacks to years prior when he’d ask Gojo to train him
The last thing he expected was to be tossed across the room by you, hitting the mats with a hard thump.
“Oh fuck! Megumi I’m sorry!” You squeaked as he groaned, sitting up a moment prior as you crossed the distance and sat next to him. “D-don’t be.” He choked out, heat flooding his face. “Are you hurt? I didn’t think you’d go that far!” Once he shakes his head, you begin to laugh a bit. “I really sent you flying.” Megumi looks up at you, glaring just a bit as you chuckled. “Yeah, any harder and you may have sent me through the damn wall… when the hell did you get so strong?” You sigh, laughter subsiding as you shrug. “I dunno, maybe I’ve just always held back when training with you.” You shot him a wink, standing up again and creating space. “Are you ready to go again? Or are you tapping out?” You smirk, watching the determination light up his green eyes. “Bull shit I’m tapping out, we’re just getting started.” Megumi is getting to his feet, readying himself in a fighting stance as you smile. “Alright then, don’t blame me if you actually go through the wall next time, Meg.”
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toruro · 11 months
— ✧ can't you see me? — y. jeonghan x reader (teaser)
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description. when you ended up going to the same university as your brother's best friend, you didn't really expect to end up in his bed. you definitely didn't expect to find yourselves knee-deep in a friends-with-benefits situation mere months later, yet here you are. but all is fine, because jeonghan's a great guy—he's handsome and funny and kind and sincere. there's just one tiny hiccup: he's slowly starting to fall in love with you.
— genre. smut (18+ / mdni), fwb, brother's best friend, fluff, angst — tags (for the teaser). mentions of sexual insecurity, mentions of loss of virginity, mentions of sex (no actual smut in the teaser though) — w/c. 460+ (teaser), full fic estimated 10k+ — taglist.
Jeonghan took your virginity in your freshman year of college.
You were nervous from the very start. Nervous about the big girl world and Jeonghan was a rock—a piece of familiarity that stuck by your side—who helped you whenever you were in need.
Helped you find your classes, gave you company when you were a little too shy to go find it yourself in the dining hall, and invited you to your first party. One day you might’ve let it slip that you were a virgin. A virgin and terrified, because you thought the big girl world had no room for your apprehension.
Jeonghan had told you that it’s okay—that you should take all the time you need. He was sincere about it—you’ll never doubt that—which is probably why you were so fine with asking him to whisk the sacred shell of your virginity away a few nights later when you found comfort in his apartment.
He had said no at first. Thought it was too fast. Thought it would mean too much. It scared him, probably more than it scared you. Jeonghan hates lies, so he told you the truth and said to do it with someone who means something.
Two nights later when you sat awkwardly on his couch after he saved you from a boring ass party, it struck him that maybe he was overthinking things.
He was just helping you out. At least that’s what Jeonghan told himself. It’s what he repeated in his head when he kissed away your worries and pressed you into his bed. It’s what he repeated when his fingers were knuckle deep inside of you and it’s what he repeated when he fucked his best friend’s little sister for the first time.
It took two months for him to realize what followed was maybe a bit more than just a little help. Somewhere between the lines, sex between you and Jeonghan had turned from wanting experience to a mutual understanding, and both of you were surprisingly okay with that.
Any qualms that Jeonghan might’ve had about starting a thing with his best friend’s little sister had washed away weeks ago—after he sank into you, after he taught you to take him into your mouth, after he buried his face between your legs and—yeah. A thing.
Maybe stuff became a little complicated four months after you both established your thing, because you both found out that Cheol had transferred to your university and would be moving in with Jeonghan, but that’s okay. After all, you and Jeonghan are two consenting adults in a mutually beneficial thing, and what Cheol doesn’t know can’t hurt him.
Jeonghan doesn’t really like lies or things, but again, he feels like as long as he tip-toes at the edge of this cliff, it’ll be fine.
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calisources · 3 months
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All sentences on this memes are taken from different sources of literature, television and media about enemies to lovers trope and enemies and lovers trope with some angst thrown into the mix. Change pronouns, names and locations as you see fit.
Does it hurt? Loving someone who can’t love you back?
Break his crown, break his throne, rip his monarchy apart.
What are we doing?
You are capable of making my blood boil like no one else, and yet I feel a magnetic pull I cannot explain.
It’s not natural for someone to be as stupid as he is tall, and yet there you stand
Like whether you should kiss me or punch me.
Most of all, I hate you because I think of you. Often. It’s disgusting, and I can’t stop.
You make me feel things that shouldn’t exist. 
Whatever this is, we should stop. I have been. . .compromised.
There’s a fine line between love and hate, and maybe we crossed it a long time ago.
I never thought I could detest someone so much, until the day I realized I was falling in love with you.
We may fight like enemies, but deep down, we both know that our hearts beat for each other.
You infuriate me, challenge me, drive me crazy, but damn it, at the end of the day, I can’t resist you.
It’s that tension that makes this so irresistible.
You’re like an addiction I can’t break free from, even if I wanted to.
You’re the thorn in my side, the fire in my veins, and I can’t help but crave your presence in my life.
Loving you feels like a dangerous game.
You infuriate me, yet you’re the only one who truly understands me.
You scare me to my core.
There’s no denying the fire that burns between us.
If any two men desire the same thing, which nevertheless they cannot both enjoy, they become enemies.
I thought we had agreed not to lie to each other.
Tell me you don’t feel this between us. Look at me and don’t look away while saying it.
You claim me your enemy and yet, let me crawl into your bed every night.
You are the bane of my existence, and the object of all my desires.
Do you even know all the ways a lady can be seduced? The things I could teach you.
I did not asked for this. To be plagued by these feelings.
I tried to deny it for so long, but I don’t want to anymore.
Follow me around. Look at me as if you find me fascinating. Touch me, and say nice things to me. And then, you pull away as if you did nothing at all.
There’s no need for these games.
Well, you know that old saying, “Keep your friends close and make out with your enemies.
You read me wrong.  I wasn't trying to lead you on.
Is that all I am to you? A resource to be used in your scheme?
Stolas, don't act like what we have is anything more than you wanting me to fuck you, okay? You make that really clear all the time. But I just- I can't do it tonight, okay?
 You'll lay a man out for implying I'm a whore, but you keep calling me one to my face.
So, the only man that can have you is one who's already tried to kill you. That's logic.
It's like a little death. Several, in fact.
Oh Max, if you really hated Kyle you couldn't have slept with him.
So go on... kiss me... kill me... Do something.
I've often wondered what this moment would be like. Me... you tied up. 
Once this is over, we should really have angry sex.
Hate and love are not so very different things. Both are focused upon another. Both are intense. Both are passionate.
It just means you'd rather be with someone you hate... than be with me.
She's difficult and irritating, and she tries to hit me all the time.
We have a deal, what are you so afraid of?
Only I can hurt you this way. Only I can kiss you like this. 
You dragged me down and now I can’t quit you. 
This is the last time we do this.
Last night was also the last time. And yet, you keep coming back.
Better my mouth than my knife, right?
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gulnarsultan · 7 months
hi I hope you are fine can you please write yandere aegon the conqueror x stark! reader Where she forced the reader to marry him, and she was doing her best to be nice to him and help him, but he did not love her and he always ignore her , and when he finally realized that he loved her, she began to hate him and ignore him, just as he treated her before.
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Hello. I hope you like it. If you want a happier ending, feel free to write.
" Scenario "
You were Torrhen Stark's only daughter. That's why you were the apple of House Stark's eye. You had a happier life than the day the three Targaryens conquered the land. All Kingdoms except Dorne had submitted to the Targaryens. Aegon chose you as his third wife when he was crowned. Your wedding was beautiful and lavish. However, your married life and your husband were not good at all. You were trying to be the best wife you could for Aegon. You were hoping to have a relationship based on friendship, even if there wasn't love between you. Despite months of trying, you had never been able to create a significant relationship between you and Aegon. You don't remember what exhausted your patience. Scolding you for his sister Rhaenys? His contempt? Falling in love with him right before your eyes? Or Aegon beating you because of a lie Rhaenys told? After Aegon beat you, you ran to your room, battered and in tears. You stopped when you saw the balcony in the hallway. You were trying to run and jump from the balcony, but Visenya caught you. That night you found solace in Visenya's arms. You've decided to make big changes in your life. You were only speaking formally to Aegon. You didn't approach Aegon unless necessary. You were acting as if Aegon didn't exist anymore. You spent most of your time with Visenya or alone. Aegon immediately understood the change. Thanks to Aegon's urging, Rhaenys told you all the evil she had committed against you. She came to you and apologized because of Aegon. Aenda had sincerely apologized to you and asked for a second chance. However, the spiteful and disgusted looks he encountered told him all the poisonous words you didn't say. Aegon was trying hard to win you over again. He confronted you when he found out about your moon tea order. You told him to get his beloved wife pregnant. You said you would only carry the children of a man she would love after she got out of this damn marriage. Aegon couldn't remember ever being hit so hard in his life. At Visenya's request, you agreed to become pregnant with Aegon's baby. After all, the King needed heirs. Before Rhaenys, you gave birth to three Princes and a Princess. You had more children over the years. You had a total of nine children. You were a good mother to your children and a good Queen to the Kingdom. The Targaryen line continues through your blood. Aegon the Conqueror's efforts to regain your love have been the subject of stories and poems. For centuries, bards have sung about the ice queen before whom Targaryen the Conqueror knelt.
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mcflymemes · 22 days
ANYONE BUT YOU (2023) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the film, adjust as necessary
you still live at 28 fuckboy lane?
there's a reason why you're alone. no one can trust you.
i still think about the night we spent together.
these last few days really made me realize how much i miss you.
that night at your place, no matter how it ended, it was still pretty amazing.
so... you gonna kiss me now?
you'll always be my rock bottom.
okay, nuzzle my neck. get in there.
we are not together. we were faking it the whole time.
we have to kick it up a notch. make it feel like we're in the ga-ga stage.
you know, i feel really bad about that.
did you catch him measuring his dick with a ruler app?
you scared the shit out of me.
we're getting pretty good at faking it.
it doesn't matter how we found out.
permission to put my left hand on your right buttock?
okay, not in circles. it's not a magic lamp.
are you not wearing underwear?
we do not inherit the earth. we just borrow it from our creatures.
i have a better idea. you just let me do everything.
thanks for being so cool about all of this.
you want a coffee? it's the best n the world.
there's only one bed, but we hung a shower curtain in the middle.
hi. where's your bathroom?
i could have done it myself, but whatever. thanks.
thanks for not stealing my coat.
is that really a two person job?
you would let me die?
they think i'm throwing my life away.
no, that was rude. i apologize to anyone that was listening.
i don't know. i'm not good at this, sorry.
i'm from a different generation.
i'm not talking about love. i'm talking about dick.
all that matters is that we're together.
that's not me anymore. i'm free now. i'm deprogrammed.
no way, that man does not have a heart.
well, that didn't take long.
if i never ask you for anything ever again, can you please just lay off of me this weekend?
let's just have a moment to calm ourselves.
no one cares. no one can see us.
we were on a break, asshole.
either way, someone's lying to someone.
i must have really gotten under your skin.
you used none of those terms properly.
i cannot believe i just said that out loud.
i'm sorry. my life is a disaster right now.
look at this place. it looks like every serial killer reenactment documentary.
no matter how broken something is, there's always a way to fix it.
this whole thing is so new to me.
i don't really like labels, but i like you a whole bunch.
so are you going to ask me out now?
so if we were getting attacked by giant spiders, you would not be able to protect us?
you two know each other?
i'm going to go grab a drink. door's that way if you're looking to sneak out. i know that's your thing.
i'm going to get a drink and toast to never seeing you again.
how crazy is it that we're on the same plane?
why do so many of us feel stuck?
you don't even play tennis.
we're fine if he just stays away from me.
you're such a romantic.
i was hoping you'd come. i wanted to message you, but i didn't know how you'd feel about hearing from me.
they're also a little worried how you're gonna react to all this.
you have a little something in your teeth.
we need to come up with a game plan.
you are so terrible at this.
it's harder than you think.
they know i would never go out with a guy like you.
we just suck face in front of everybody.
you're calling me a fuckboy like it's an insult? i own that shit.
let's just be affectionate. i know it's a foreign concept for you.
you were the one who said there's a thin line between love and hate.
i think it was more of a euphemism for crying alone.
i definitely didn't hate you.
last night was the first thing i haven't regretted in a long time.
i love the weird way you stick your hand down my pants.
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adventuringblind · 4 months
Charles Leclerc x Reader
Genre: Fluff and Crack
Summary: She couldn't see what everyone else could. Not until it hits her all at one.
Warnings: enemies to lovers, a whole lotta blushing
Notes: Thanks to the requester for this idea!! Sorry it's so short...
Masterlist // Request Form // My Website // buy me a Ko-Fi
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It's not like she meant to hate him. She just couldn't see what everybody else was.
Charles is just another person like the rest of them. Yet people still fawn over him like he's been sent from the god's.
At least, that's what she thought growing up. Going through karting and the feeder series with Charles was torture. She was just there, trying to carve her way into formula 1. He had everyone chanting his name, loved by many, the future golden boy of Ferrari.
She'd made it a point to stay far away from him. Simply because she never saw the point of conversing. Definitely not because she is terrified of speaking to people in general.
"Watcha staring at?" Max sidle's up next to her and wiggles her eyebrows. She squeaks out a noise and lets herself calm down from the startle. Leave it to her teammate to know what she's doing.
"None of your business."
"Really? Because it looks to me like you're staring at Charles."
She violently hushes Max. "Shh! Someone could hear you!"
Max rolls his eyes before smirking at her. He looks pointedly at the Monegasque with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Don't you dare-"
He whistles, successfully grabbing Charles' attention. He smiles and waves him over. "You'll be fine!"
She can feel the blush spreading across her face. Her hand slaps Max's shoulder playfully. She moves to make an escape, like she has to be anywhere else but here.
Max grabs her wrist, looking playful, but there is that look in his eyes that says he will force her if she doesn't comply. Needless to say, she sits back down. Her eyes fall in love with the dirty grey of the cement ground.
"Hello you two!" He sounds so happy for this early in the morning. She briefly looks at her watch.
Correction: He's so happy at two in the afternoon. Why is he even happy at this time? Charles, apparently.
"Charlie! We were just talking about you." Max jabs an elbow into her side.
"All good things, I hope. I know I'm not a favorite to some." She can feel his obnoxiously pretty eyes burning holes into her.
Max barks out a laugh, then looks between the two of them. "Okay, I can feel the tension. Which is saying something, since normally I'm the one creating it."
Charles gives a wary look to the female still sinking into herself. "I wouldn't be opposed to lessening the tension."
"Great! I'll send her your way tonight at eight."
"Sounds like a plan."
Charles leaves the two alone finally and she sobs in relief. "Why are you crying? I though you liked him!"
"I do! That's the problem."
Max drags her to some restaurant, sits her at the table with Charles and threatens to ram her off the line if she tries to leave. He followed through with his last threat. She's not willing to risk Christian's wrath for her pride.
She attempts conversation with Charles. It feels awkward and tense. The regret and insecurity rattles around her mind. Why is he even here? He could be off doing other things with people he actually likes.
"Why do you dislike me? I've been wanting to ask you for years so I could apologize for whatever I did."
And.... what? She stares at him in disbelief. Unsure of how to explain that she didn't have an interest in anything but racing until she got to F1 and finally realized how ethereal he looks?
"Didn't know you thought that way!" Charles is glowing.
"Did I say that aloud?"
"Yeah, but it's nice hearing such a compliment you."
She hides her face behind her menu, only to have Charles take it away from her. He reaches further and gently pulls her gaze towards him-
She's going to combust. This is how it ends. Death by forced and prolonged eye contact.
"So, if I asked you out again, would you say yes this time?"
She nods her head yes. A little too enthusiastically.
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dreamywriter143 · 1 year
Main Masterlist
Hiii!!! Welcome to my Masterlist!! 
Last Update: 06/25/2023
All my works are SFW, but some may be NSFW. For those particular ones, I’ll have the warnings  in place. So if you’re a minor, ( under the age of 18), please do not interact!! (MDNI) Here, you can access all of my stories.  Please do not repost any of my works to any other site without my permission!! Other than that, Please enjoy!!! (Also if you want to be tagged, please let me know!!)
Requests: OPEN
Genres(I write for): Fluff/SFW, Angst, NSFW/Smut, Humor etc..
Fandoms: Avatar/Atwow, Spider-man ATSV, Harry Potter, MCU, BNHA, KNY, CSM Etc...
** All my characters are AGED-UP, please be advised**
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Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan ~~ “Who’s the mighty warrior? C’mon, say it” ~
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
Scorching Heat (NSFW/MDNI)~ 2.1k
Genre: NSFW/MDNI, Some fluff, Jealousy. (Two-Shot)
Y/n never bothers her mate with her heat cycles. How will she deal with her cycle when it comes early?
Lingering Sensations (NSFW/MDNI)~ 5.1k~
Genre: NSFW/MDNI, Fluff-ending, Insecure Neteyam. (Two-Shot)
Pt.2 of ‘Scorching Heat’
I Wish I Knew ~ 5.9k~
Genre: ANGST, SFW, Unrequited love, Mutual Pinning, Romance. (One-Shot)
Neteyam realizes that falling in love with his best friend comes at a cost. A cost he is willing to pay as long as he can keep her by his side, as his best friend forever. But what will happen when he realizes that what he thought  was one-sided, was actually mutual? That she actually loved him back?
Sweet Boy ~1.4k~ 
Request By Anon
Genre: SMUT, NSFW/MDNI, DomReader, SubNeteyam. (Literally just smut with no story. Please read at your own discretion. Thank you)  (One-Shot)
Special ~2k~ 
Request By Anon
Genre: FLUFF, Teeny Tiny Angst, Cute Neteyam, Misunderstandings, Jealousy. (One-Shot)
Precious Tsyeym ~10k~ 
Genre: Fluff, tiny bit of Angst, Insecure Reader, Misunderstandings, Jealously, Suggestions of smut, NSFW (only in the second part, which can be avoided entirely if you’re not comfortable!)
Y/n and Neteyam have newly mated before Eywa. Y/n couldn’t ask for anything better; she had a loving and devoting mate, her Tsa’hik duties have been going great and she finally felt like her life was perfect. But, Y/n can’t help but wonder why Neteyam hasn’t actually mated with her. Does he not find her attractive? Is it because she is untouched and Neteyam wants someone experienced? All these insecurities weigh her down as she watches his student cuddle up against him. (Two-Shot)
Pt.1 (SFW)
Mine ~0.7k~
Genre: NSFW/MDNI, Pure Filth!!  AGED-UP Characters. Smut with no plot. Read at your discretion. Exhibition/Voyeurism. PervLo’ak, PossessiveNeteyam. (Imagine)
My Dearly Detested ~9.6k~
Genre: Romance, Angst, Enemies-to-Lovers Troupe, Rude Neteyam, Fluff?? Mentions of blood
Neteyam never liked Y/n. He hated the way she held herself, the way she accomplished everything with ease. It didn’t make sense why she excelled in places he lacked in. It just further grew the anger within him over time. But as the saying goes, ‘there is a fine line between love and hate’. Is Neteyam willing to cross that line?(Mini-Series, On-going)
Prologue, Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Final.
Karyu ~3.3k~
Requested By Anon
Genre: Romance, FLUFF, Cuties in love. (One-Shot)
Badass ~2.1k~
Requested By Anon
Genre: Romance, Fluff, fighting, Reader being a Badass. (One-Shot)
Jealousy ~1.3k~
Requested By Anon
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Tiny Angst and Possessive behavior. (Scenario + Lo’ak) 
Nihona ~7k~
Genre: Angst, Mentions of death, Pregnancy, Romance, Fluff, Jealously, Forbidden Love Troupe, Step-Siblings, suggestive content!!, NSFW/MDNI (later on? Maybe not, depending on the response) All characters are AGED-UP.
Y/n, the daughter of Neytiri ‘s childhood is left with nothing after her mothers passing. After a sign by Ewya, Jake and Neytiri take her in and surround her with love and happiness. What will happen when Neteyam,  who is tasked to look after his ‘sister’ falls deeper then he had intended? What will happen when Y/n starts feeling the same? (Neteyam x StepSisterReader/NOT RELATED BY BLOOD AT ALL, Reader isn't even ‘adopted’ like how Kiri is. Please keep that in mind and proceed with caution!!) (Three-shot, On-going)
Prologue, One, Two, Final.
Tsongtsyìp ~0.9k~
Genre/Warnings: FLUFF
Just Avatar/Atwow characters reacting to the S/O having dimples. (Multiple Character Scenario)
Breathtaking ~11.4k~
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Romance, Mentions of Violence, Some blood, Jealousy. Neteyam x HumanReader.
Y/n grew up with Spider. She played with him, fought with him, ate with him and slept with him. There is nothing they couldn’t do together….well, one thing. And that is leaving the base at any costs. Now, what will happen when Y/n does leave the base? Why had she been trapped in the base for so long? And why did a certain Na’vi take her breath away? (Three-shot?)
Part One, Part Two, Part Three
Pfft, Me? Jealous? ~2.9k~
Requested By Anon (Could be read as Pt1.5 of ‘Breathtaking’)
Genre/Warnings: Fluff, Neteyam being a jealous cutie, Spider being oblivious, Lo'ak being…..Lo'ak. Neteyam x HumanReader.
Neteyam is always calm, collected and always thinks things through. He never lets anything slip his façade without thinking it over. So why is it he cannot control his emotions when he watches Spider get way to chummy with Y/n? (One-shot)
Tease ~1.5k~
Requested By Anon
Genre/Warnings: NSFW/MDNI, Suggestive Content, Fingering (cum eating?), Exhibition/Public, Neteyam being a Tease, Frustrated Neteyam, Dirty talk, Degradation?? The nickname ‘Slut’ used like once? (One-shot)
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Lo'ak te Suli Tsyeyk'itan ~~ “Who do you think knocked her up?” ~~
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Quiet Love ~ 7.2k~
Genre: Miscommunication, Angst, Unrequited love, SFW, Romance, Misunderstandings, slow-burn, Fluff ending.
Y/n always��felt as though she was nothing more then a sister to Lo’ak after the Sully’s took her in. Coincidentally, Lo’ak worries Y/n only sees him as a brother! Basically, two idiots in love as they force down their feelings for one another fearing rejection. (One-Shot)
Close Call ~1.7k~
Genre: Fluff! Mentions of suggestive content near the end. (Imagine)
Summary: Lo’ak meets a aggressive Na’vi who tries to attack spider. All while stealing his heart in the process.
Jealousy ~1.3k~
Requested by Anon
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Tiny Angst and Possessive behavior. (Scenario + Neteyam)
Tsongtsyìp ~0.9k~
Genre/Warnings: FLUFF
Just Avatar/Atwow characters reacting to the S/O having dimples. (Multiple Character Scenario)
Consequences ~COMING SOON~
Genre: Love-at-first-sight, some fluff, ANGST.
Lo’ak is a rebel, a troublemaker. And his mate to be always reminds him that he should be careful. That every action has consequences. And Lo’ak, learns that the hard way. (One-Shot)
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Jake Sully ~~ “That's right, you're mine.” ~~
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Tsongtsyìp ~0.9k~
Genre/Warnings: FLUFF
Just Avatar/Atwow characters reacting to the S/O having dimples. (Multiple Character Scenario)
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Ao’nung ~~ “If you want to live here, you'll have to ride.” ~
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Creepin’ ~2.1k~
Request by Anon
Genre/Warnings: NSFW/MDNI, Suggestive content, Mentions of drinking, PerAo’nung. (One-Shot)
Tsongtsyìp ~0.9k~
Genre/Warnings: FLUFF
Just Avatar/Atwow characters reacting to the S/O having dimples. (Multiple Character Scenario)
Unfeigned ~COMING SOON~
Spin-off of ‘I Wish I Knew’
Genre: Kind of Enemies-to-Lovers, Fluff, ANGST, Realization.
After the battle against the RDA, Y/n is afraid that she’ll lose her new home. She’s lost so much, feeling herself break upon realization the one she loves will never see her the same. Luckily for her, Ao’nung comforts her. He pieces her back together, mending her heart in the process. (One-Shot)
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Miguel O’hara ~~”I’m Miguel O’hara”~~
Web Of Destiny ~2.1k~
Genre:Fluff, Angst, Enemies-to-Lovers Troupe, RudeMiguel, BubblyReader, Swearing, Hidden Sexual Tension, femReader, Pinning, Flirting.
 Hobie and Gwen successfully apprehend a Mysteiro anomaly from Earth-618 with the help of that universes Spider-person. Amazed by her skills they decided to bring her back to Nueva York. Much to Miguel’s dismay.
Part One, Part Two,
Web That You Weave ~COMMING SOON~
Genre: Sexual Tension, Masturbation, NSFW/MDNI, Oral (m receiving), Marking/Biting, Smut (p in v), some Fluff, Breeding?
After Jessica became impressed with Y/n’s skills when apprehending an anomaly from her universe, she is on a mission to recruit her. Unfortunately for her, Y/n is quite stubborn and firm on her decision. Which means Y/n needs more.....convincing. 
Multiple Characters
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Nga Yawne Lu Oer 25.5k~
Genre: Fluff, Slow-Burn, Unrequited love, Love-Triangle/Square?, Angst, SFW, NSFW (like one chapter later on, MDNI), Romance.
(Neteyam x Reader, Lo’ak x Reader, Ao’nung x Reader)
Y/N, the twin sister of Tsireya and eldest daughter of Ronal and Tonowari is faced with new challenges and obstacles as the Sully’s arrive to Awa'atlu. Her feelings are put t the test as they fight for their lives and freedom against the RDA. (Series-Ongoing)
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
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Avatar/Atwow Prompts/Incorrect Quotes 
I saw some hilarious prompts and incorrect quotes that I couldn’t leave alone. I didn’t want to giggle at them all by my self so please enjoy!! The characters from avatar and atwow fit these scenarios perfectly!! There will be multiple ships, this is solely for comedic purposes! (Characters include: Y/n, Neteyam, Lo’ak, Kiri, Ao’nung, Tsireya, Roxto. Occasionally: Jake, Tuk, Neytiri etc..)
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runicarbiter02 · 1 month
could you do an enemies to lovers type thing with keegan. like the reader and him never got along since the reader joined the ghosts. if not that completely fine 🫶🫶
I'm so sorry it took so long to get to this, darling! Uni has been kicking my ass this year, but I'm moving back home tomorrow, so I'll have a lot more time to answer requests! Requests are open if any of you wish to send anything in, and I love you all very much! <3
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You'd worked your ass off to become a part of the Ghosts. Years of training, busting your ass, standing up for yourself, and proving yourself were so, so worth it when you found out you'd be transferred onto the team.
Or... so you thought.
Keegan doesn't take kindly to new members. The Ghosts are a tight-knit group who've been through a whole lot of shit together. They'd bled and screamed and cried and grieved together. They're brothers. And you're an entirely new variable that throws his meticulously and perilously balanced routine and norm off kilter.
It doesn't matter if you're masc, femme, something in between, or not anywhere near: you're an unaccounted for and uncalculated variable.
He's standoffish and condescending with you, especially if you're ranked below him. He is extra hard on your during drills and training, and he always shuts down your ideas, never giving you the chance to shine.
Overall, he's a major ass.
Hesh constantly chides him for it, while Logan ends up being a silent pillar of support for you. He knows Keegan is just wary, not wanting to see another get killed, and he knows Keegan is also afraid that you will get one of his brothers killed.
Logan and you grow quite close. Keegan hates it. He always fears the worst.
Eventually, however, he begins to sing a whole different tune. He's not sure how the mission had gone wrong, but it did. Their intel had been way off, and they had met far more enemies than expected. At exfil, he's taking a head count and he feels his heart leap into his throat when he realizes that two are missing: you, and Logan.
When he sees you finally lumbering to exfil, his first instinct is to tear into you, chew you up, and spit you out. But, he stops when he sees you're practically dragging a limp body with you.
He races over, helping you support Logan's injured body, and he looks at you as if seeing you for the first time. You had gone back and put your life on the line to protect one of his brothers, one of which he's most protective of. He sees the terror in your eyes, not for yourself, but for Logan. And it's like a switch flips.
He knows when he needs to own up for his mistakes. He stops at your bunk that night after everyone had been to medical, had showered, eaten, and had time to wind down a bit. He apologizes; a genuine, honest apology. He explains himself, not to justify his actions, but merely with a hope you'll understand.
He begins to watch your back. He searches for you in every room he walks into. Sees flickers of you in the smiles of his brothers, in their warm eyes when you make a joke. He sees you.
He's never one to hesitate, and when he realizes what he's feeling, he knows it's better to lay it out then let it fester like an untreated wound.
He sits down with you, looks you in the eye, and tells you everything he's feeling. Whether you return those feelings or not, he'll respect your decision. He can be professional, and all he'd really like is for you to be safe and happy.
But, when you give him that sweet smile and admit you feel the same, the look of relief upon his face is immediate. All he can do is smile, boyish and shy, and he gently takes your hand.
He'd lean in and press the gentlest kiss to your forehead, far gentler than he thought himself ever capable of.
"Never heard better news in my life, sunshine."
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levanterhaze · 2 years
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→ jungkook x reader
→ word count: 2.6k
→ your noisy neighbor has been disturbing your nights, so you decide to take satisfaction. however, there is a fine line between satisfaction and pleasure.
→ warnings: masturbation, penetration, protected sex, lot of swearing, dirty talk and sloppy sex if you're not +18 please do NOT read. (i decided to write this after watching those 2 episodes of the sex life of college girls)
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It was 10:54 PM.
It was the exact moment where it all began. First, there were the grunts and soft moans, then came the screams and the relentless clatter of the headboard banging the wall. And you were fed up with it.
Every night your neighbor would get some girl and end up disturbing your night's sleep. And it was derailed how the screams progressed further and further, being able to wake up the entire building. You wondered how they managed to be so loud. It was nasty.
But today was your day off. You were curled up on your comforter in your comfiest pajamas, watching a 90s rom-com and eating an extra greasy pizza when your sex maniac neighbor started the bedlam.
And every time you tried to be friendly, not caring too much about other people's sex lives, it was impossible to hear any line from the movie with that girl screaming her lungs out on the other side of the wall.
Yes, yes, Jungkook!
Oh my god, Jungkook!
At some point, you were starting to think that this guy must be a sex god so that all girls act the same way, always, all of them. Or they just faked it every time, which to be honest, was a bit suspicious.
The headboard slamming on the wall was so loud that you had to move your bed to stop yours from swaying too. Damn thin wall. The screams continued and it seemed that the girl was coming to an exquisite and long orgasm.
You walked up to the wall and threw two punches as if they’d hear over all those moans. “Can you be fucking quiet? Jesus."
Realizing you weren't going to be able to finish your precious movie, you just decided you'd better grab a coat and change and go for a long walk until the whole thing is over.
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The next morning you heard giggles coming from the hallway and guessed the neighbor's girl was leaving. It was nearly seven in the morning, the time for you to go to the gym before work. Lucky that your condo has a private gym that residents could access for free.
No one was using it at the time, so you took the opportunity to do your routine exercises. Until a slender figure, dressed all in black and tattoos, appeared in your peripheral. You knew it was him, your neighbor. You happened to see him coming into his apartment the other day.
But dammit, he was really…attractive?
He gave a gentle good morning grin, revealing his lip piercing.
Jesus Christ.
You did the same, out of politeness. However, it was the ideal time to go up to him and finally tell him that he was bothering all your nights with that insane sex screaming that came from his house. You schemed how you would say it, as it's not a very nice subject and you had no other way of saying it than directly.
Jungkook was choosing some music on his phone when you slowly approached.
"Hey. You're Jungkook, right? I'm your neighbor."
"Hey. I know."
Does he know? All right, whatever.
“Look, I don't know how to say this properly, so I'll just say it. You are very noisy. Look, I understand that you love sex and you do it constantly but the wall is really, really thin. So I would really appreciate it if you could… You know…?”
You had no idea how your face felt, but you could feel the burning in your cheeks and the extreme sweat on your hands. You hate being put in uncomfortable situations where you have to step out of your comfort zone and deal with unpleasant things.
But that was a problem that needed to be settled.
Jungkook's lips draw a thin line as he bit back a smile, you can tell.
“Oh, okay. Can you lend me your phone?”
You blink a few times, wondering if you've misunderstood.
"Your number. That way you can let me know if I'm too loud."
He can't be serious.
You realize then that he is indeed being sincere when he reaches out for your phone. And you just hand him the device, being slightly distracted by the dozen drawings painted over his arm muscles.
“Thanks, I guess.” You hold the phone back and try to ignore his glare and that slutty smile that spreads across his lips when you drift away.
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Almost two weeks passed and, incredible as it may seem, your neighbor seemed to have come to reality, because the insane noises had ceased for good. And you were even a little surprised, for a person who did that every day, going almost fifteen days without having sex, it seemed like a grand slam.
It was late at night and you were exhausted after working an eight-hour shift. Your friend had called to share some news about a date she had gone on extremely badly.
Until your nightmare started again.
"What the fuck? Are you watching porn while talking to me?” Your friend's voice was grossed out.
“It's my stupid neighbor. I swear to god, he’s a sex maniac. This is not normal."
"At least he is hot?" Your friend asks and you think too quickly about those muscles pressed by the black shirt. Thick, well-defined thighs in the shorts he'd been wearing to the gym. The broad shoulders… “Never mind. What will you do?"
“I'm going to stop him or call the police or something. I'll be right back, I'll call you later."
"Good luck."
"Thanks. I'll need it."
This time you were determined to make a fuss if possible. You could hear his groans from behind the wall and it was insane. You just wanted to close your eyes and go to sleep, without having to think about your extremely hot neighbor having sex right next to you.
You put on a robe and left the house. There were two loud knocks on the door and a long wait for Jungkook to answer the door. And honestly, you wish you hadn't. Because he looked like a Greek god with his long hair falling into his eyes, his shirt a little open, and his sweatpants hanging awkwardly on narrow hips.
Right. Focus. You're here for a reason.
“Good night, neighbor.” He beams sweetly, exposing the piercing, and you almost gulp strongly because he's too good-looking to be true.
“You’re doing it again.”
"Doing what?" He frowns, pretending to be baffled.
"You know very well." You point the finger at him. “I just want you to tell your friend to be quieter.I just want to sleep.”
“So I disturbed your sleep?”
"Yeah?" He tongues his cheeks. “And what are you going to do about it?”
You didn't want to admit it, but an absurd heat rose in your body, spreading mainly between your legs.
“I could call the cops.” You cross your arms, trying to dismiss the flaming feeling in your body.
“Sounds like a plan.” He smiles and then looks over his shoulder. “Or you could come in.”
"In your house? With someone in there? Why on earth would I do that?”
Jungkook scowls, this time really looking stumped.
“There’s no one here.”
He seems to be amused by his accomplishment. “I should go back and…”
“I have good wine. You look tense. And I owe you an apology.”
OK. Wine sounds good. And you really were tense and it was because of him. And he really owed you an apology. You analyzed the situation for a few seconds before deciding that it was okay. If he really wanted to apologize, you could at least listen to him, that wouldn't hurt.
The interior of Jungkook's apartment was very clean and tidy. He appeared a few seconds later with two glasses of wine and indicated the sofa so you could both sit down. Inside, you were feeling a little bad because he was alone and the sounds you heard… That was a little too intimate.
"Then. Wine. Now the apologies.”
He drinks down his wine and then looks at you curiously.
“You missed something.” Jungkook stares at you earnestly. “You’re still tense.”
You gulp down the wine quickly, trying to disguise how sweaty you were by the way his eyes stared at you. "I’m fine. Thanks for the wine. I really need to go.” You get up quickly, but Jungkook follows you to the door.
“Or you could stay.”
He leaves the glass on the table and approaches slowly. You try to focus on his face and not that sinewy body walking towards you.
"And why would I do that?" Your voice comes out as a tired whisper.
Jungkook moves even closer and you shudder as you feel his warm breath blow over your skin. “Because you’re also disturbing my sleep.”
Your breathing is so shallow it's embarrassing. Your heart beats a mile a minute in your chest and you know he's noticed how much you're giving in to his charm, like magnetism. And the wine seems to loosen you up, untying all the tangles that bound your body, taking the tension out of every muscle at once.
And you feel so vulnerable. Your body is craving for his touch because your mind wanders on outrageous thoughts of Jungkook thinking about you while… It's crazy. You've always been so tired, not enough time to have a good night of casual sex, that maybe you could enjoy it. Just once.
You throw your sanity to hell and grab Jungkook's face just to kiss him. His arms envelop you deliciously and the world seems to burn with a burning desire in a blue flame. His lips are greasy and he tastes divine, the wine mixing with his essence so deliciously that you wail into his lips.
He helps you out of your robe and you can see it in the dim light as his pupils dilate at the sight of that stupid skimp nightgown, you're wearing. His hands are agile and large and you gasp as his thumbs graze the sides of your breasts and his body pushes you to the edge of the table. Jungkook slides between your legs, cupping your face and moving his lips down to your chin and then your neck.
“Jungkook…” You roll your eyes as his tongue wriggles across your skin, painfully crawling to your throbbing spot.
“Wanna taste you.” He whispers into your skin. “Wanna feel you so bad, baby. Fuck."
And you don't look out for the fact that your legs are parted so he would do anything to you. You were already sure you were past the shame stage and the alcohol was helping that aspect.
He continues kissing your skin as he squeezes your thigh and lifts the narrow fabric of your nightie to your waist. You hold back a loud sob when he touches you right where you want him. Then, Jungkook groans into your skin. “You're dripping. God."
And that was embarrassing, but what the hell. He shoves the fabric aside and you clasp the cloth of his shirt as his skin makes contact with yours. Jungkook looks at you, your brows are wrinkled and your lips are parted. It's quite a sight. He thrusts his fingers inside you, enjoying how easy it’s to slide inside you.
"Shit." You pull him closer. You spread your legs even wider, feeling your body gain immediate weakness. He touches you so unhurriedly as if he wants to see you suffer and it's nice and painful at the same time. "More."
“Need more?” He reaches until there’s no space left. And as much as he's fascinated by the sight of your pussy taking his fingers so hungrily, it's your face he focuses on. He kisses you clumsily, licks you, and sucks on your lips like he's starved for it. And he was. For you.
Your forehead sticks to his chest, hiding the rest with every eye roll. You drag him tight by his shirt, biting your lip to keep from moaning the loudest you've ever wanted to moan in your life. “Jungkook.” A restrained groan escapes your lips.
"I want to hear from you." He slows down and you look up in disbelief. “Let me hear you.”
“Please…” You plead softly, but he ignores it. Shit. "Harder, please!" Your voice comes out much stronger and he does exactly what you ask.
With his mouth, he trails kisses to your breasts and tugs at the fabric with his teeth until it falls gracefully across your shoulders, exposing your rawest skin. And his tongue devours you. He plays with your breasts, nibbles on your skin, and drives you wild.
You're almost there, your hips undulating quickly to maintain more touch.
You wanted more. You need more.
“Jungkook.” And he seems to understand your darkest desires because he pulls out a condom from God knows where and you're not surprised to see how hard he is, ready to ruin you.
Your feet are on the edge of the table and he's flattening your stomach, making you lie down.
“Shit, you’re so fucking hot.” He caresses his cock with one hand and your clit with the other, in equal rhythms. Your back arches with delectable friction and you think you're going to come right then and there, but he amazes you when he enters you. “So damn good for me.”
"My God!" You cry involuntarily and make your body shake.
His hand is pressing down on your stomach, but he's still touching your sore clit with his thumb, very slowly. He looks for your eyes to see if he can go faster and you don't hesitate to approve immediately.
He moves like a god. Hips crushing your skin, the sound of skin hitting skin. Nimble fingers traveling over your breasts. Your leg going up on his shoulders. Jungkook's long hair is damp and falling over his forehead. The tattooed arm presses you deliciously. It all felt like a lucid dream.
His whines are melodic and it makes you even more turned on knowing that he’s worshiping every moment of it just as you are. He hammers his hips harder, teeth clamping down on his lip until the skin’s whitened. There's a small crease in his forehead and you feel he's as close as you are.
You move your hips against him as much as possible, feeling that intense fire burns every cell, every inch of your body from the inside out.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Jungkook cries, squeezing the edge of the table tightly as he lunges faster and faster, barely able to withstand the clench of your pussy on his cock
“I’m gonna…” You swallow hard, your voice cracking.
"I got you. Cum for me.”
And like magic words, your body convulses underneath Jungkook's body. Orgasm hits you hard, arching your back and melting your brain to jell-o. Jungkook lays down, licking your neck and then smooching your lips, making you devour erotic mutters in a hot, slippery kiss. He groans huskily and pleasurably in your ear and you pull his hair once more, just to end the kiss.
You're both sweaty and out of breath. He's still up and inside you. He is everywhere. The hickeys on your skin, the marks on your body, and the electrifying orgasm he just gave you.
“So…” Jungkook lifts his head, brushing the hair past your face. "Wine. You’re no longer tense. Do I still owe you an apology?”
You stare into those doe eyes and a laugh reverberates in your chest.
“I think we're good.”
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unexpectedreylo · 6 months
So, It Wasn't Planned After All
While Adam Driver is making the rounds to promote "Ferrari," he drops by the Rich Eisen Show and when asked about Ben Solo during the True or False segment, Adam spills the tea.
He doesn't get asked much about Star Wars so this is the first time I think he's talked about his character arc since TROS was unleashed upon us 4 years ago. And he drops the bomb that the Ben Solo thing wasn't planned from the beginning. That's right, Bendemption happened late in the game. He says that JJ Abrams told him the idea was Vader In Reverse (starts out vulnerable, ends entrenched in the dark side) and he kept that concept in mind throughout the time he filmed the ST, until they changed it with the last film. Adam has alluded to the concept of Vader In Reverse before but this is the first time he's gone into greater detail about it, including the revelation that the decision to turn Kylo from the dark side came during the third film.
This shouldn't be surprising to anyone who read the Duel of the Fates script and it explains why Ben hardly says a word during his scenes on Exegol. Abrams and Co. conceived of Kylo Ren as an evil bastard whose destiny was to get eviller; killing Han Solo was meant to be what sent him down the path of no return. Then two things happened: TLJ and Driver's commitment to humanizing Kylo Ren. People loved Kylo and Rey together (hence Reylo exploding in popularity) and they fell in love with Adam. They empathized with Kylo. So they changed course with TROS, a little. Kylo returns to the light as Ben but he is quickly dispatched once the big battle is over. I believe Ben's death was for two reasons: one, they were less invested and focused in Ben's part of the story than we were and two, there was always the intent to end the Skywalker line so Star Wars could focus on new characters. Remember, Rey essentially turned Skywalker into a title that could be transferred to anyone.
That the story changed over the course of the trilogy isn't that big a deal. There was no Chosen One prophecy until the prequels. Leia wasn't Luke's sister until Lucas wrote ROTJ. Han wasn't guaranteed to get out of carbonite because nobody was sure if Harrison Ford was going to come back. Instead of a tyrannical, ruthless bastard like Lee Pace's emperor in Apple TV's Foundation show, Kylo Ren gave us quivering lips, teary eyes, and mooning over the heroine who is supposed to be his enemy. When Rian Johnson introduced the bond between Rey and Kylo, Abrams and Terrio explained it as a dyad and made it prominent in the film. The kiss got put in because Reylo was so popular. Okay, fine.
The problem was they never should have made the Jedi Killer from early drafts Han and Leia's only child. As an old Star Wars fan who saw every film since 1977 and followed the Skywalker clan for over 40 years, I didn't want to see Anakin Skywalker's grandson end up even more evil than he was. What a huge bummer that would've been, even worse than if Rey was killed off. (For the record, I hated the whole Darth Jacen thing so much in the legends books I stopped reading them.) Abrams and Terrio probably realized it was going to be a problem returning to the idea that Ben was too evil to save; TROS already comes off as a tragic ending rather than a happy, triumphant one. And it goes against the whole message of Star Wars. So it ends up being Vader 2.0 and fans hoping Ben would survive were disappointed. I wasn't fond of the idea of exile or something as Ben's fate prior to TROS, but now I think that probably would've been the best outcome. It would've left a lot of possibilities to explore in future SW stories without having to come up with a convoluted explanation for bringing him back.
As much as they fumbled the ball, I'm glad they at least spared us Evil Kylo 4 Ever and Adam's turn as Ben was great even without anything to say besides "Ow." Adam sounded a little disappointed to me but maybe I'm just reading into it too much. In any case he has also stated in recent interviews he would be open to returning to Star Wars, so I guess we can still be hopeful even if he doesn't appear in the upcoming film. (Just don't wait 30 years, okay?)
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deathbecomesthem · 5 months
Roomies 7
Final Chapter | ~4.2K
A/N: This story has come to an end. I hope you all enjoy it.
Warnings: Lots of feelings, smut, a bit of talk of vomit. I wrote this, and I'm publishing it. As with the rest of this story, I chose not to spend a lot of time dwelling on the details.
You don’t think about Eddie. No, you don’t do that. You don’t think about what he thinks when he reads the note you left for him. You don’t think about the anger, the sadness, the confusion he must be feeling. You don’t know what he’s feeling. How could you, when you’ve hidden yourself from Eddie’s feelings since you became his unexpected roommate. 
You’re a selfish person. You can admit that now that you’re not face to face with him, not listening to his sleepy snores through the too thin walls of your shared apartment. Not pressing your nose into the throw pillow on the couch trying to catch the ghost of his scent when he’s not home. Sitting on the couch in your sister’s townhouse across town from your own apartment, you feel it happening. You’re putting distance between you and Eddie. Brick by brick, you are expanding the road that sits between the two of you, and soon you’ll not even be able to cross it. Too much space. That’s fine, you’ve decided, because the only way out of this is with that distance, and maybe in the end you’ll find a way to salvage what might be left of the friendship that will always connect you.
“Oh, is that what we’re doing again today?” Jamie is making her way from her kitchen through the living room. It’s Friday, she has work this morning.
“Doing what?” You ask her, running your hand down your face and bracing yourself for impact. You can already feel the welcome has worn thin, and it’s only been 2 days since you showed up with an overnight bag asking for sanctuary.
“Moping. Sitting in your sweatpants and moping.” Jamie looks at you with her typical disapproving older sister expression. “Nobody died, you know. You’re being so dramatic. Just go talk to Eddie.”
“I can’t talk to him right now. It might ruin everything. I can’t lose him as a friend.” You tell her. This is the same thing you’ve been telling her since you walked through her front door. Instead of the sympathetic look she gave you on that first night, this time she rolls her eyes.
“Yeah, because everything seems so great right now. I hate to have to be the one to tell you this,” you know she does not in fact hate to be the one to tell you whatever it is she’s going to say next, “but the damage is done. You can’t rewind the clock. Take a shower, get your shit together, and get the fuck outta my house. I love you.”
Jamie strides back over to you and gives you a kiss on the forehead before turning and sprinting back towards her front door. With a bang of the door, she’s gone. You know she’s right, and the time away from Eddie has done nothing but make you more miserable than ever. You take the shower. You pack your bag. You put on jeans and your favorite sweater of Jamie’s, a small revenge that will take her months to realize. You go home to face whatever is left of your friendship with Eddie, and pray to the gods devils that he will accept what you’ve decided. 
Friday. You promised him you’d be home. Time to face the music. Time to tell him that you’re sorry, and that you’re moving out. 
Eddie’s been fine. After that first night, when he went down to the bar and drank until he puked in the sink of the men’s room, he had an epiphany. It was simple really. While the whiskey rose in his throat, the lightbulb went off. He wasn’t the first person to come to big decisions in that bathroom, he was just the most recent. Only two months prior, Lenny Hendricks had done a line of the sick that is now covered in Jack Daniel’s scented bile, and decided he was going to go to medical school. Maybe it’s something about the poetry scratched on the walls. As Eddie cleans his mess, he sees a fresh scrawl next to the mirror - Just start the set on time. She’s not coming.
Eddie had walked out of the bar that evening with a sense of purpose, regardless of the sour smell of his favorite Metallica tee. He walked up the steps to his apartment and went to bed knowing that it was all going to be ok. Everything would be right soon enough, because it had to be. How could it not be? He’s been so stupid. No more, though. 
It’s heavy and weighing you down as you look up the stairwell to the dimly lit hallway. Someone, probably Eddie but you don’t know for sure, replaced the light with a red bulb sometime before you moved in. It suits your mood right now, the uneasy red tinted shadows trailing behind you as you ascend the stairs, the dread in your guts making your movements slower than normal.
You stand at the door and look at it. Do you knock? Do you use your key? Do you turn tail and go back the way you came, and check into the Super 8 Motel down the road until you can find your own shitty studio apartment that doesn’t make you wonder who you are and what the fuck you’re doing every time you step foot through the door? You try the knob and find it turns easily under your grip. So, you sigh and walk in.
Eddie is in the kitchen, back to the door. He’s wearing your apron, hands deep in a sinkful of soapy water. He looks back and smiles easily when he sees you with your duffel bag still hanging off your shoulder. This is not the way this scene played out in your head. The counters are clean, bottles of beer and cans of soda all sitting in the plastic bin underneath the side table next to the refrigerator. Is that -
“- did you bake bread?” you question, dropping your bag and heading to the rack sitting on the counter with a round loaf sitting prettily.
“Uh huh,” Eddie’s wiping his hands on a floral dish towel he has hanging from where the apron strings are tied together around his waist. “Smells good, don’t it?”
“Did you clean?” Another question that doesn’t need an answer, the proof is in front of your eyes. 
“Don’t act so surprised. Who do you think took care of this place before you moved in? Gareth?” Eddie shudders at the thought. 
You nod, not in understanding, because you don’t, but you nod because you accept what your eyes are seeing. Eddie’s fine. The place is fine. He didn’t burn it to the ground when you walked out of the door. You didn’t find him curled up in a ball on his bed. He didn’t punch a hole through the cupboard next to the sink when he found your note.
Eddie’s fine. So you nod, and make your way down the hallway to your bedroom, leaving Eddie in the kitchen. Your room, at least, is exactly how you left it. Bed unmade and drawers left open. A testament to the speed run you made out of this place. You shake your head, how stupid you’ve been. Eddie’s fine. This is all in your head, and there’s nothing else to it. 
You startle at the quiet rapping of knuckles on your door. From the other side, Eddie says, “I made Wayne’s famous chili earlier. Want that for dinner, or wanna go out and get something?”
Wayne’s chili is your favorite. It’s the grape jelly he adds to it. You asked him so many times over the years for the recipe, but he wouldn’t budge. He won a cook off the year after you and Eddie graduated from high school, and that was when you discovered the secret. He didn’t know you were standing in the doorway of the kitchen trailer that morning, watching him take a jar of Welch’s grape jelly from the cupboard and unceremoniously dump it into the crock pot he had set up in the corner. He let the meat and jelly cook down before he added a couple of handfuls of diced jalapenos and a mixture of dried herbs. 
“You got any Jiffy?” You asked him, leaning your head on the wall next to the door imagining it’s Eddie’s shoulder. You brush the door with the tips of your fingers and wait for his answer.
“Of course. Who do you think you’re talkin’ to?” 
You’re talking to Eddie, and he would never forget the cornbread.
You re-enter the kitchen to find the table already set, cornbread still steaming in the cast iron pan on the stovetop. The crock pot full of chili, a twin to Wayne’s own crock pot, sits in the center of the small table. Cheese, sour cream, and Cholula are laid out along with the bowls and spoons. 
“Wow, Munson. You know how to make a girl feel special.” You head over to the cornbread intending to pinch a taste of it, but Eddie slaps your hand away. “Ow. I take it back, you’re a tyrant.”
“Sit down, please. I’ll get your cornbread, don’t fuck with it.” Eddie has a potholder and takes the hot skillet over to join the rest of the food on the table. “Let’s eat, Baby.”
Baby, baby, baby, baby. The word plays over and over in your head while you float to the table. Baby.
Eddie puts a piece of cornbread in your bowl, and ladles chili on top of it. The way you like it. Baby. You watch his face, and he gives you an easy smile. Another one, like the smile he gave you when you walked in the front door. You suddenly feel like the ground is not as firm as you imagined it. Baby.
“How’s Jamie? She still got that stick firmly up her ass?” Eddie asks as he sits down across from you. You laugh, snorting a bit of chili upwards into your sinuses. You cough and take a drink of the lemonade he has set next to your bowl.
“She’s same as always. She practically threw me out this morning. She sends her love.” You reach for the hot sauce and splash some into your bowl. It’s good, but you think it lacks the heat of Wayne’s normal recipe. 
“I’m happy you came home to me.” Eddie’s words come out easily, and you’re left yet again feeling like the floors are tilting a little. 
You say nothing, just look at him with your spoon held in front of your face. Frozen, a deer in the headlights that are Eddie’s chocolatey eyes sparkling at you. You’re starting to wonder if you missed a very important conversation somewhere along the way. 
“You know, I realized something important when you left. That first night was… not great, but I think it was a good thing. We’ve been dancing around each other for a while now, and having you not in the apartment got me thinking about a lot of things.” Eddie’s talking, seemingly unaffected by your stunned silence. He just keeps on going, looking at you straight in the eyes with that small smile on his face. 
“I was thinking about how much it hurt to think of you not being in this apartment with me. Which is crazy, right? It’s not like you moved in here with some kind of long term plan to stay. We both knew it was the right thing for right now. So, why was I crying when I found your note?” Eddie takes a big bite of chili and looks to you in anticipation. He wants an answer, you realize.
“I don’t know, Ed. Why were you crying?” You ask him and place your spoon back into the bowl. Your hand moves instinctively to stroke the back of the hand he has resting on the table. “I’m sorry.”
“Because, Baby, I’m in love with you.” Eddie’s voice is firm. His words are spoken honestly, leaving no room for you to doubt them. You want to run, to stand up and bolt for the door. Eddie’s eyes hold you in your seat. Even as the floor beneath you feels ready to open up and swallow you whole, his gaze is steady.
“Eddie,” his name is a whisper, the breath from your lungs. You had thought that night with sighs of pleasure bleeding through the wall that separated the two of you was the point of no return. You were wrong. That point is right here in front of you. It’s sitting between you, Eddie, and the chili pot in your shared apartment. “What if it goes wrong?”
“What if I get hit by a car tomorrow? What if a tornado runs through town and takes me away? What if the sun explodes and burns us all up?” At some point, Eddie turned his hand over to hold your own. “I know you, and you know me. I’m telling you right now, I am in love with you. I want you to stay here, and I want you to bring your shit into my bedroom and make it ours. And if you tell me you don’t want that, ok. Fine. But the damage is already done, Baby. I can’t go back to not feeling like this, and I’m done lying to myself about it. You do what you gotta do, but don’t tell me you’re not feeling something. I know you.”
Eddie gets up without any preamble and begins to fill the sink with sudsy water, leaving you sitting stunned at the table with a bowl of chili that is now room temperature. You push it away from you and begin picking at the edge of the cornbread that’s left in the pan still at the table. And then you hear Eddie whistling quietly while he cleans up. A new feeling begins to creep inside of you, a familiar feeling. You’re annoyed with him.
“So, you think you can just decide that this is how it is, huh? That I’ll come home, you’ll pour your heart out, and I’ll do the same. And - what? Happily ever after, until you decide you’re bored with me? Because I fucking know you too, Eddie Munson.” Annoyance built to anger with every word that you spoke. You stood, grabbing your bowl of cold chili and head over to scrape it out into the garbage. Eddie’s whistling stopped. 
You drop the bowl into the water, pushing Eddie out of the way of the sink with your shoulder. You turn to head back to the table to start putting away all the dinner fix ins, but stop dead in your tracks when a wide palm grabs your forearm. He pulls you close so that you have to look up to see him. He places both hands on your face, moving hair that’s fallen over your eyes so he can see you better. 
“You don’t understand, so let me be very fucking clear,” his words are a whisper, his warm breath fanning over your face, “I have been in love with you for a very long time, Baby. I just didn’t know that’s what it was. But I know now, and this is it. I can’t make you believe me, and I can’t make you love me back. I just need you to understand, this is not just a fleeting thing.”
You reach up and push the curls away from his face to see him better. Bare faces staring at each other, the truth of this thing holding you in your places. You bring your hand to the back of his neck and tangle your fingers into his hair. You form a fist and squeeze tight. His mouth opens at the feeling, and you stare at him. 
“When? When did you start loving me, Munson?” You hold his hair a little tighter. His eyes open again, pupils blown out by your touch and your words.
“Remember that summer when you bought that red bikini?” He asks. You see his cheeks are turning red, and with this close proximity of bodies, you can feel a bulge growing in his pants. You stand up higher on the balls of your feet.
“You’re a pervert, Eddie.” There’s no bite in your words. You turn your face just as he leans down to bring his mouth closer to yours and whisper in his ear, “I bought that bikini because I wanted you to notice me. The way you noticed those girls with the mini skirts and bad perms that hung out at the bar when you played your shows.”
You kiss the skin of his neck and are rewarded with a whimper from Eddie. His hands are gripping your waist, hard enough to leave a mark. You kiss his jaw and move down his neck stopping along the way to press your nose against his skin and breathe him in. You can feel him swallow against your lips. He loves me. You think that maybe you can try to believe it. 
“Look at me.” His words vibrate against your nose as it runs along his adam’s apple. You look at him, desperately wanting the kiss you know he’s going to give you. Aching for it. He tells you, “I am so in love with you.”
Eddie tastes like chili, lemonade, and cornbread. Not at all unpleasant to your senses. Kissing Eddie is unlike kissing anyone else. The secret place inside of you that’s been hidden for so long has his light shining on it. His tongue dances against your lips, and you meet it with your own. A slow waltz, mouths moving together, noses brushing noses. Your faces are pressing together, trying to absorb as much of this moment as you can before you have to break apart. And then it’s heavy breathing, his sweaty fringe against your forehead.
“Fuck, do you feel that?” You don’t answer his question with words, but with your hands reaching under his shirt to feel his skin under your fingertips. “Baby, please.”
“Eddie,” his ears perk up like a dog’s at the sound of his name. The way it comes out like a whine. It’s that needy way you said his name on that movie night, and it grips him somewhere deep in his belly. 
Eddie drops to his knees on the kitchen floor, head resting against the fly of your jeans. He’s nuzzling you, in an animal way, fingers gripped at the waist of your pants. He can smell you through denim and cotton. It’s not enough. He makes quick work of unbuttoning and unzipping, of peeling back the skin of the fruit his mouth is watering to taste. Your bare ass is pushed against the counter before you realize your pants have been completely removed, and he hooks a leg over his shoulder. 
Eddie’s bulbous nose is fully breathing in your scent from the damp cotton of your panties. His nose is brushing against that hard button, and he’s smelling the way the blood is rushing to it. A coppery musk just for him. His finger pushes the cotton to the side so he can finally taste and feel you against him, and his whining mouth sends a rumble of pleasure through you. It’s like this, with his knees on the tile floor of your shared kitchen that he finally, finally, finds himself able to openly praise you until you’re shaking in rapture. The veneration of your body by this devotee is as genuine and beautiful as any congregant in any church the world over.
The food is still on the kitchen table, too far gone to save, but neither of you can care. The moonlight casts shadows around the otherwise dark room, it highlights the way your bodies move together. Joining, embracing, loving, and resting. And then it starts again. The moments your bodies are connected feel eternal, and as soon as you separate you feel an inexplicable grief. What is this, is something you have not voiced wonder in your mind.
No other man has made you weep this way. At the sight of the tears streaming down your face, Eddie’s cock buried deep inside of you, he did not wipe them away. He let his tongue taste it, running the firm tip up your cheek and under your eyelid. The feeling unravels that knot in your gut, and not for the first or second time tonight. And just like the other times, Eddie rocks himself with the wave of your orgasm, whispering into your ear, I love you, I love you, I love you.
It’s 4:30 in the morning when your bodies finally force a halt to your incessant love making, but your mind is wide awake. Eddie’s sweaty head rests on your breast, an arm lays heavy over your belly. You think he may be sleeping, but you need to quiet the thoughts that have started to invade your brain.
“Ed,” you shake his shoulder a little and he moans, “how do you know you love me?”
You feel a twinge of embarrassment at the question, but you need to hear his answer. Somehow, despite it being Eddie, you don’t know if you can trust it. What is love? It’s something you’ve learned you can’t trust. You try to not think of Drew, and fail. But it’s not just him, that most recent mistake - the list goes on and on. What is love, but a promise of future disappointment.
“I just know.” His breath fans out across your chest, and your nipple peaks at the feeling. Traitor.
“Well, did you just know every other time you loved someone? What happens if it’s like when you were with Naomi? Or Sandy?” You know it’s wrong to say these names in this sacred space, but the question needs to be answered. There’s a small spot that itches inside of you that threatens to grow. A spot, that if left to grow, will force you up and out the door. You know it, and you know Eddie knows it, too.
Eddie’s face peels from your skin so he can look to you. He runs a finger along the shadows of the lines of worry creasing your brow. It’s so tender, so loving. You feel a tear leak from your eye, unbidden. 
“I don’t think I loved them,” Eddie says while his thumb rubs away the moisture on your cheek, “or maybe I did. I don’t know, I can’t remember. But, Baby, I’ve never felt this before. This is - this is it.”
“What does that mean, Eddie? This is it? Like, what, you wanna run down to the courthouse and get married? Want me to pop out a whole litter of mini-Munsons? What does ‘this is it’ mean?” Your voice is rising in frustration, but Eddie doesn’t turn away. He keeps his gaze steady on your face. He’s looking for something there.
“Baby, you don’t have to feel any particular way right now. You know that right? I’m not asking for anything. I just want you to know how I feel. I love you, and I’ve loved you for a long time. Long enough that those other girls never got the whole of me when I was with them. I’m not telling you this so you’ll make me any promises. I’m just telling you because I fucking love you, and I need you to know it.”
And that’s when you realize it, something that scares the shit out of you. Because love, that overwhelming thing that beats inside of you when you look at Eddie, does not come with a guarantee. It does not promise anything more than what can be felt between the two of you. Love is pain, because nothing lasts forever. You know it now, and it’s a relief. The wrinkles at your temple smooth out, and you run your fingers through his tangled hair. You love this man, and that’s a fact.
“Ok, I believe you. I just have one more very important question.” Eddie’s face relaxes under the touch of your fingers along the side of his pretty nose. 
“Ask.” He says, kissing your palm.
You hold his face still, gazing deeply into his eyes. Black pools in the dark room that threaten to swallow you up. “Eddie, would you still love me if I was a worm?”
The tension in the moment is gone, and Eddie giggles like the boy you knew years ago. He pulls you down and kisses you hard on the mouth, pressing his body into yours. Warm, sticky flesh vibrating with bubbling laughter.
“If you were a worm? I’d set up a little enclosure for you,” he points to a spot under the window where the moon hangs low in the sky, “just there. I’d get you some really tasty dirt, and I’d write songs about the worm that is the love of my life.”
Your smile is a beacon in the night, Eddie can see you glowing. You kiss his forehead and tell him, “I love you, Eddie Munson.”
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halfmoondaze · 8 months
Jack request
Jack and reader get into a heated argument about something small. Jack can’t control his emotions which leads him to raise his voice and say things to reader and crosses the line with his hurtful words. He realizes how bad they were and quickly apologizes but reader kicks him out the house. He ends up at urban’s house upset and cries so much out of guilt. Days pass and he’s calling, texting reader in hopes to talk but she ignores him. He finally shows up at y/n house and tries to take accountability for what he said to reader.
Second Chances
Y/N and Jack had just gotten home and Y/N was usually quiet. 
“C’mon babe. I know something’s bothering you” Jack said as he entered the front door of their shared apartment.
“I said I’m fine” 
“You haven’t uttered a word since we left the restaurant” he said as he followed her behind.
“Jack just let it go” 
“No” he crossed him arms. 
“We’re going to talk about it, because if there’s something that bothered you, I need to know” 
“Fine. You wanna know what’s wrong? This, whatever we have going on is wrong” 
“You mean us?” he asked hurt. 
“Is there even an us? Because being your secret does not translate to a serious relationship” 
He sighed. “Babe you know it’s not that easy”
“Yeah but I don’t think it’s supposed to be this hard”. 
“I know baby” his voice softened as he wrapped his arms around her in a hug. “I just need more time” 
Y/N squirmed from his embrace and walked away. 
“Ugh! You always say that” Y/N stormed out of the living room into their shared bedroom. 
Jack followed behind. 
“Ok, what is it you want from me?” he said defensively. 
“Um I don’t know” she said sarcastically. “Maybe for you to claim me as your girlfriend instead of pretending you’re single to the rest of the world!” 
“And risk my career? Because that would make you happy, huh?” 
“What? No!”
“I can’t believe you’re even asking me this” 
“You know what?” he put his arms up dramatically. “I don’t need this. I can get any girl I want, so I don’t know why I settled for you!” 
“What?” she asked in a low voice taken back by his comment. 
His words cut deep. 
In that moment he realized what he had just said. 
“Y/N, I didn’t mean that” 
Y/N put her hands up. “I don’t wanna hear it, Jack. Just leave” 
Feeling defeated, Jack took his things and left. 
Y/N couldn’t hold back her emotions and broke down crying as the sound of Jack’s footsteps faded.
After crying for what felt like an eternity, Y/N’s eyes were swollen and her body felt drained. With exhaustion settling in, she mustered the strength to drag herself to bed. 
She curled up in her side of the bed, her body shaking with sobs every now and then as she recalled their argument in her head. Eventually, her breathing slowed down and she succumbed to falling asleep. 
The next morning, Y/N woke up, to the other side of the bed empty. The only remain of Jack’s presence was in his scent that lingered in the sheets. 
To her relief, Urban had texted her last night. Jack had stayed the night at his place, indicating he was safe. 
The following days, Jack blew her phone nonstop with calls, voicemails, and messages; which went unanswered. 
Then one night, Jack who couldn’t bare the distance between them, decided to show up to her doorstep.
Y/N opened the door and was taken back by the sight in front of her. 
“I know you hate my guts right now. Rightfully so. I shouldn’t have said those awful things. I didn’t mean that.  The moment those words left my mouth, I know I fucked up. There’s no one else I rather be with than with you. You didn’t deserve any of that. And even thought I failed to show you otherwise that night, I love you and I miss waking up next to you. I’m so sorry”
Her initial anger softened by Jack’s sincere words. 
“I appreciate your apology. But you really hurt me Jack” 
“I know” he paused. “And I hate myself for being the reason for your tears. You mean the world to me and if you give me another chance, I promise I would make sure you never feel that way again because of me” 
Y/N silently nods. 
“C’mere” she says. 
Jack wasted no time and embraced her while repeatedly kissing the top of her head. 
“I love you”
Y/N looked up at him and smiled. 
“I love you too” 
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fandomxpreferences · 1 year
Oh, How the Turn Tables
Pairing: Jake Seresin x wife!reader
Summary: Jake comes home to a furry new room mate and isn't as pleased as you hoped.
Word Count:1.7k
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When you told Jake you have a surprise for him on the car ride back to your house, he thought it would be something cheeky. He thought maybe you bought some new lingerie or saw something new you want to try. Hell, he even thought that maybe you finally redid the bedroom the way you've been dying to.
What he didn't expect was to come home to a 6-month-old Golden retriever curled up on the couch. He turns to look at you with wide eyes only to find you staring back with excitement rolling off of you. 
"What the hell is that?"
You roll your eyes and sit down to scratch the sweet boy behind his ears. 
"This is Mozzarella, Mozzi for short. I told you I wanted to get a shelter dog, I just couldn't pass her up." You explain and he looks at both of you skeptically. 
"I leave for two months and you have another man in the house?" He scowls and your eyebrows shoot up. 
"You're being a bit dramatic, Jake. He'll love you!" 
Jake eyes the dog and Mozzi just tilts his head curiously while peering up at the man. You can't help but think of that saying, something along the lines of 'dogs tend to look like their owners'. It seems fitting as you take in their equally perplexed faces and golden hair, almost causing you to giggle. 
As soon as Jake makes a move to sit next to you, Mozzi curls up in your lap and effectively puts at least six inches of space between you and your husband. Jake looks at you with his jaw dropped and you just shrug. 
"He likes to cuddle." 
Jake crosses his arms like a child and leans back on the couch. 
"Yeah, so do I." He grumbles and you can't help but chuckle at him. 
The next couple of weeks doesn't go as smoothly as you were hoping. Jake hasn't warmed up to Mozzi at all. In fact, he's begun insisting that the dog hates him and wants you all to himself. You try to tell him it's ridiculous, but he's relentless. 
Jake can't even get within a foot of you if the pup is around, always standing guard at your feet. You find it adorable, Jake isn't quite on the same page. 
He reaches his breaking point when he walks out of the bathroom one evening to crawl into bed. 
"No, no, hell on earth no. He is not sleeping in our bed!"
Jake shakes his head wildly from side to side, and you smile at his unstyled and grown-out hair flopping around. 
"Baby, he's gotten used to it and he's been so sad since you kicked him out!" 
You're pouting, and Jake already knows he's going to cave. He stares you down for a few more seconds before sighing and running a hand down his face. 
"Fine, but he sleeps at the end of the bed only."
You give a mock salute as he crawls into bed and nudges Mozzi down toward your feet. He stays there long enough for Jake to curl up under the blanket and pull you into him before setting on a warpath. 
It seems the second Jake touches you, Mozzi is trying to wedge his way in. You laugh loudly as the large dog plops down on top of both of you until Jake moves to make some space. Your hands tangle in his fur and you kiss him on the nose as his tail wags. 
Jake watches in disbelief, not comprehending how you don't see this dog has it out for him. 
You glance up at him and quirk an eyebrow. 
"You can't be serious right now. This dog is the world's biggest cock block."
You want to laugh but his face is deadpan and you realize he's really serious and upset. Your eyebrows pinch and you gently coax Mozzi out of the room before shutting the door and curling into Jake. 
"Okay, fine. Maybe he has a bit of an issue. He's just territorial, kind of like someone else I know who's jealous of a dog." You tease with a pointed look. 
"He just doesn't know you, and you haven't exactly made any effort to get him to like you. Think how weird it must be to settle into a new place and routine, and then one day a man just shows up and stays. You should be glad he's protective, it means he's watching me when you can't." 
Jake pouts and you giggle softly, curling up into his body as the two of you drift off. 
The next morning, he gets a bright and early start. He's determined to make this damn dog like him if it's the last thing he does. He starts off with a drink from Starbucks because though he'd never willingly admit to it, Jake loves a caramel Frappuccino. 
He takes a trip to the nearest pet store and spends way more than what's acceptable on toys and treats.
Your jaw drops when he walks in carrying two bags full of dog supplies, your head shaking side to side with disapproval. 
"Jake, you can't buy a dog's love!" You exclaim and he raises his eyebrows as he pulls out a stuffed duck with a squeaker. 
"Watch me." 
He tries his best to get the Golden's attention, but much to his dismay Mozzi sniffs the new toy a few times before losing interest and trotting over to you. 
"Oh for fucks sake!"
His frustration is only amplified when the squad comes over for the first time since you got your newest family member. 
He watches disgruntled as Bradley rolls around on the ground laughing as the dog licks his face and shoves the duck toy in his face. 
"I don't know what your problem is, Hangman. The dog seems perfectly lovable to me." 
Jake huffs like a petulant child as Phoenix joins them in the fun and crosses his arms. 
"This is such bullshit."
Naturally, when you ask Jake to take Mozzi to a grooming appointment a week later he's reluctant. 
"Baby, he hates me. He'll probably try to hijack the steering wheel and run me off the road."
You roll your eyes at his antics, losing patience with the whole situation. 
"Okay, you have to see that you're being dramatic. Just drop him off and I can pick him up when they're done." 
He finally takes the leash from your hand, holding it as if it's a live wire, and groans.
"Fine, but I'm going to hate it the whole time and I want you to know." 
You lean forward to give him a kiss before shoving him out the door. 
"That's the spirit."
Jake makes another stop at Starbucks on the way to the groomer and waits patiently in the drive-through. He can feel the dog panting as it stares at the side of his face and turns to look at him. 
"Don't look at me like that. No." 
The pup continues staring at him with big brown eyes and he pinches the bridge of his nose as he finishes his order at the speaker. 
"Can I also get a pup cup?" His voice is quiet and jumbled, heat spreading across his chest and neck as the words leave his mouth. 
"I'm sorry, can you repeat that please?" The barista asks and Jake wants to die on the spot. 
"I asked if I could also get a pup cup." He reiterates louder this time and looks around to make sure there are no hidden cameras that can use this as blackmail later. 
The girl chirps back a confirmation with his total and he pulls forward to the window. He takes his drink and sets it in the cup holder before reaching back for the cup of whipped cream. 
"He's so cute!" The teenage girl gushes and Jake mutters a thanks before pulling away. He pulls into a parking spot since he's got plenty of time before the appointment and sighs before taking the lid off. 
He holds the paper cup to the dog's mouth and grimaces at the sound it makes as he laps up the treat. 
"This stays between us. I can't believe I'm a 6'0 fighter pilot and I'm feeding a fucking dog a pup cup. I'm one of the most lethal men in my field, the only one with confirmed air-to-air kills yet here I am like a college girl with her prized show dog." 
Mozzi just stares back at him as he rants and he shakes his head. Great, now he's also talking to the dog like it understands what he's saying.
He gives the pup a minute to finish before backing out and is shocked when he feels a wet tongue on his cheek. 
"Oh, gross. You got whipped cream on me." 
Jake suppresses a gag as he wipes his face with his sleeve, and glances over. Mozzi is looking at him with his tongue sticking out and tail wagging, before nuzzling forward into Jake's side. 
He hesitates for a second before smoothing his hand over the golden fur on his head and giving his ear a scratch. 
"Alright, fine. Maybe you're not all bad."
You're shocked when Jake offers to pick Mozzi up from the groomers, but agree nonetheless. You're even more taken aback when he walks in with the dog and curls up with him on the couch to watch the Longhorns game. 
"So I assume you two resolved your differences?" You tease and Jake flips you off jokingly before returning his hand to Mozzis fur. 
You move to join them, only to find that there's no room. You try to scoot the dog to the side, but he stays planted firmly in place as Jake scratches his back. It's like you aren't even there, and the sudden shift in demeanor makes you frown. 
"Hey, can you move him? I want to cuddle and he's in my way." 
Jake tears his eyes away from the screen to look at you briefly before turning his attention back to the game. 
"Well, well, well, how the tables have turned."
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buckrecs · 1 year
Hello sera! May I please ask enemies to lovers with bucky please? I accept oneshots and series! Thank you!🫶🏻🤗
Enemies to Lovers
masterlist | req masterlist
here are some angsty (& hot) enemies to lovers 😏
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* = contains smut
Elevate Thy Hate by @babyboibucky
Not a day goes by that you and Bucky don’t argue.
I’m With You by @youlightmeupfinn
You and Bucky are enemies, but share a common past. However, Bucky realizes he's in love with you upon watching the Winter Soldier in you unleash, resulting in him having to hurt you.
*we can’t stop, we’re enemies by @sinner-as-saint
After the events of the last battle against Thanos, you teamed up with Sam and Bucky to carry on your superhero duties. You got along with Sam just fine, he was a really good friend to you. Bucky however, was not. From constant banters, to unnecessary hand-to-hand combat, to purposely getting each other in trouble during risky missions, to being the main cause of Sam’s migraines; it was safe to say that you and Bucky considered yourselves to be each other’s nemesis. Although that soon changes when, courtesy of your silly banters, a certain mission goes slightly wrong - one which involves strong chemicals which, unbeknownst to you, were designed to mess with the brain and hormones, thus encouraging the need to breed and procreate amongst all those who inhale it...
pansies, pain, and other things about bucky by @bucky-bucket-barnes
You and Bucky are begrudgingly paired on a mission together. This is less than ideal considering neither of you are too keen on the other tagging along. All goes as normal until a surprise attack severely hurts both of you. Feeling incredibly guilty, Bucky helps you tend to your wounds. He has trouble admitting it, but he wants to make sure you’re safe.
bucky bitchass barnes to the rescue by @/bucky-bucket-barnes
In an attempt to escape from hectic life as an Avenger, you decided to go out on a date. Unfortunately, you got stood up. While Bucky hates you, he hates seeing you embarrassed more and decides to fill in for your M.I.A. date.
*There’s Always One by @summerofsnowflakes
Every wedding has at least one couple that can't seem to keep their hands to themselves and with Tony's wedding a mere 18 hours away, Sam sets up a wager to see which unfortunate couple will fall into the trap.
the one where the protein shake plays matchmaker by @mediocre-daydreams
you and bucky barnes can find any reason to hate each other. new york can find any reason to believe you two are together. when steve asks you to do a co-interview with bucky, the two of you are barraged by dating rumors that you vehemently deny and it breaks bucky’s heart. do you really find the thought of being with bucky so revolting?
*until you ruined it by @gummydummy19
God you fucking hated him. You LOATHED him. Every single thing he did pissed you off.
*I Know Places by @lanadelreyscokewhor3
You hate Barnes, and Barnes hates you. Yet when you get injured on a mission, the lines of love and loathing are crossed... and the single bed Tony has at the safe house ends up being a benefit after all. 
The Thin Line by @stardustdreams-andcaffeine
Of one thing you were certain—Bucky Barnes hated you, and you hated him. How could you not considering the super soldier had made it his personal mission to make your life a living hell after you had been assigned to protect him? But there was someone after Bucky from his past, and now he was forced to work alongside you to stop them. And in the process, you would find out just how thin that line was between love and hate.
try to relax by @grippingbeskar
locked in a room with the winter soldier seems like the worst situation in the world. luckily, you bought a little treat to pass the time.
*Stuk Wit U by @slyyywriting
You and Bucky don’t get along. Your fights have become too destructive so Tony and Steve decide that enough is enough.
*Snow by @delaber
Tired of your constant bickering, Sam sends you and Bucky on a mission alone. When the worst possible outcome happens and you’re forced to spend several days together in a small cabin, you finally get to see a different, more pleasurable side to the man whose flesh you’ve always had a thorn in.
Life As We Know It by @whitestarbucky
You had never disliked a person more than Bucky Barnes. But as the universe would have it, you were stuck with him. Under the same roof now after the tragic passing of your two best friends, their child was yours to take care of. With a complicated past plus raising a toddler, you both find yourselves needing to confront a few things before it tears the only family Sarah Rogers has left, apart. 
have i made you uncomfortable? by @marveliskindacool
you and Bucky hate each other. or do you?
A Half-Naked Nurse and Wrong Ideas by @urimaginespimp
you’ve gotten sick and Bucky takes care of you.
i hate you but by @buckybarnesthehotshot
bucky and y/n can’t stand each other, but y/n needs help with her sister’s kids.
*Where Dreams Go To Die by @insomniumstella
Steve’s silly joke happened to inspire the best, or possibly the worst, idea Wanda had ever come up with — send James Buchanan Barnes and y/n on an all-expenses-paid honeymoon in Hawaii. the problem? they cannot stand to be around each other.
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how things worked out
Bucky Barnes x Reader
a/n: this is a prequel to a mini series I will be writing called Invisible String.
summary: looking back at your past relationship with steve rogers and how it led to finding the love of your life - life is funny, isn't it?
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The post office was packed, no surprise there. People carrying packages that range from hefty to manageable in their arms. The air was stuffy but that was to be expected inside a government facility. The slow shuffling of the line would have been a nightmare for an impatient person, but you were fine just waiting in line. You needed to get the small package out as soon as possible and if that meant waiting eons, then that was that.
The package in your arm wasn’t the usual boring brown; you had opted for one of the festive boxes that the post office offered. It was blue with colored polka dots with a printed faux light blue ribbon around it. It was cute and the contents inside of it was even more adorable – three pairs of onesies in various colors, a small blue beanie and the cherry on top, a toddler sized newspaper boy cap. Oh, it was precious when you saw it at the baby boutique and knew Steve would die when he laid is eyes upon it.
Steve Rogers.
Damn that man for being so wonderful.
The thought of him made you smile, when for a long time, it crushed you. The mere thought of his existence in the world, knowing he was off being great without you at his side, paralyzed you. When all the years you spent with him didn’t matter in the end, at least that’s how you felt. Now, ten years older and so much wiser, thinking of Steve made you realize how great life was. How grateful you were to have had the time with him, even though the relationship ended badly. It was all over the tabloids of your mind; the memories and tears, the fighting and the loving…
“Come dance with me.”
“Everyone will see,” you laughed, fully aware of the crowd of people. The two of you were at a farmer’s market and a band was playing near the food stands. Lights were hung over the trees, illuminating the night with its softness. Steve, so boyish in the face, just smiled and held out his hand. He didn’t care and if he didn’t care, why should you? So, you took his hand and shyly allowed him to bring you to the dance floor. No one else was dancing, but he pulled you into his body as if in a bedroom; one hand around your waist, while the other held your hand against his chest. Your head rested against his shoulder; hand slipped up his back as the music swirled in the air.  In that moment, the people staring felt insignificant. You felt exceptional – the star of the show, with Steve at your side, kissing you on the forehead and both of you wishing the song would never end.
It did though.
“You can’t be serious, Steve…”
His eyes lifted from the ground. “We both know this isn’t working anymore. Bucky’s driving down to help me move out, I want you to have the apartment.”
Hand on heart, you feigned a smile. “Oh, my hero. Always a gentleman.”
“Don’t be like that, come on…. we…” his words drifted, as you two did. It had been six months of really trying to get back to that place of love but falling short at every attempt. “…I can’t live like this anymore, I’m sorry.”
The line moved a person forward and you moved along. Staring down at the package once more, you laughed at the thought of sending your ex a baby shower gift. Who would have thought? After all the years of hating Steve, you grew to appreciate him. Growing older had made you learn some civility and you were able to understand that the two of you were never a happy ending match. The same could be said for him, he was compassionate enough to understand how you felt. He understood that the pair of you were just too young, hadn’t experienced life. That breaking up had been the best thing to do, and you thanked him for his graciousness. That same graciousness allowed him to understand and approve of what would conspire years later between you and his…
“This line is insane.”
The familiar voice, warm and low, brightened the room as you gazed over to man who appeared next to you. Bucky stood there in a thin black dress shirt and dark jeans; he handed over a takeaway coffee cup and leaned in for a kiss. He kissed you twice and took the package out of your hand, so you could take a sip. The coffee was delicious, and you thanked him, nodding to the line ahead.
“We’re going to be here for a while.”
“You sure we need to send this to Steve?”
Bucky was teasing, but you insisted that it be sent today. “We’re already missing the baby shower next week; we need to get this out today.”
“Not our fault they decided to have the baby shower the same week we leave for Europe.”
You smacked his arm with a quiet laugh, and he beamed, wanting to kiss you a dozen more times but the line moved. He settled for staring lovingly at your face as you took another drink of coffee, and he felt his body warm. His eyes flickered down to the package in his arms, and he couldn’t help but wonder how everything ended up this way – not that he was complaining. The breakup between his best friend and you were not amicable, he could never forget how hurt and angry you looked when he showed up at the apartment. It looked like you hadn’t eaten in weeks, eyes red from crying – he wanted to get out of the situation, but he loved Steve like a brother. He also liked you, thought Steve had made a great choice when he brought you around as his girlfriend. Bucky was placing bets that his friend would propose, especially after you two moved into the apartment.
Bucky was sure of it all.
Then he found himself moving Steve’s belongings into a rental truck and driving him back to New York. After that, it had been almost eight years since he last seen you. Until a trip to visit friends in Los Angeles changed his whole world. He never, in his damn life, would have expected you to show up to his friend’s apartment.
Walking in with a friend, wearing professional attire; pleated black pants, half tucked in white blouse. High heels that you quickly took off, leaving them at the door – it was clear you were familiar with the apartment. Hair swept in a low bun, strands framing your face. He watched from the couch, standing up as you moved to the kitchen not even noticing him.
Sam, whose apartment it was, had called for you from the kitchen and that’s why you hadn’t noticed everyone who was over. You grinned at the handsome man when he offered up a beer from his fridge. The two of you had met a few years back when you first moved to LA for a job; he had been a co-worker but eventually left the company. Your friendship continued and now, you were a constant at his apartment.
“I have to introduce to my buddy from New York, picked him up from the airport today.”
Sipping from the beer, your shoulders relaxed after a long day at the office. “James, right?”
“I go by Bucky, actually.”
The familiar voice shook the apartment and when you turned, you hadn’t expected to see Bucky standing in front of you. He stood there sheepishly, not knowing what your reaction would be, but when you placed the beer down and laughed, he relaxed. The two of you approached each other and hugged, a little awkward, but it was nice. Sam, confused, asked if you knew Bucky and you laughed, pulling from the man. You stared up at him and his eyes softened in a way you had never noticed before.
“Yeah, I know him…”
“I hope they like the clothes….”
Bucky guaranteed they would, and you relaxed. He smiled – he did that a lot when you were around. Although, it took some time for him to reconcile with his feelings for you and the fact that you were his best friend’s ex-girlfriend. He had hated the feelings he had, the instant attraction and want that surged through him the moment you walked into Sam’s apartment. Hated that he could feel himself drifting towards you that night at the apartment or how you came around nearly every day he was in town for those two weeks. The first few times, it was group outings; Sam, the others, Bucky, and you. Showing him around the city and then when the others were busy with work, you offered to take him around.
Bookshops, lunches, people watching.
It had been the best two weeks of his life and he knew he was in trouble.
Yet, somehow, it all worked out.
Bucky said your name as the line moved up, he took your free hand and walked forward. You looked at him and he could only grin. “I love you.”
How strange life was; time moving forward – that was all that was certain. Squeezing Bucky’s hand, you smiled back at him. Fascinating, how things worked out. Bucky holding your hand, keeping your heart safe – knowing if it hadn’t been for Steve, the two of you would have never found each other.
 “I love you too.”
want to be tagged in Invisible String mini-series? Leave comment!
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