#but it is a bit karen-ish like
echantedtoon · 2 months
A Lovers' Circle (Poly Haishira x Reader) Ch5 Date Weekend: Friday
(Warnings for some innuendos. 
If anyone is confused by Sanemi's surprised behavior, it's because I'm Kimetsu Gauken it's cannon that while Sanemi is kind to women and children, everyone is afraid of him due to his scary appearance. So Yn being genuinely kind to him despite his appearance is surprising to him.)
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The day was bright and beautiful as the morning light fell through the window and grazed over the few patrons still in the small cafe she worked at. The murmuring hums of light talk, generic elevator like music, and the occasional bike passing by outside. It combined with the sounds from the kitchen. Clinking dishes, utilities, and the occasional shout of an order ready to be served. Relatively peaceful and normal day for those whom worked the cafe life.
It was a demanding job sometimes if you had to handle multiple orders by yourself especially if you were by yourself or happened to be short-staffed that day or if there just so happened to be a large crowd. But it wasn't a bad job. The Patrons were mostly friendly aside from the occasional Karen or grumpy person in the morning who demanded their caffeine high for the morning. It always smelt nice with the lingering scents of coffee, chocolate, and various hand made baked goods in the glass display nearby.
After a while one would even start to recognize the frequent customers visiting the shoppe's doors. The guy who always hugged down at least three cups of coffee in the morning before classes. The couple always coming in Thursday afternoon for the college students discount on the sandwiches. That one girl always stumbling in with a mountain of papers always quickly buying a quick donut before scurrying away. There was the frequent college students or bookworms that just liked to sit in the cafe and do their own things. Sometimes they'd order snacks sometimes they didn't but that was life. But such was life on campus.
It was a slow day this morning in particular.
The smells of glass cleaner mixed in with the scents of coffee and sweet vanilla as a cloth ran across the shiny glass of the display case. Inside it beheld the delicious sights within it's hold. A few cupcakes and cakes ready to be bought and eaten. Tempted to take one herself. But it'd have to come out of his pockets if she did so. Not many people had come in today either. A few in the morning for a quick coffee run before classes but for now it was just her alone here. She didn't mind, it was peaceful and quiet other than the distant sounds of the generic elevator like music that constantly played around the area.
She couldn't wait for the end of the week. There was going to be a girls night with all her girlfriends and then they were going to spend the entire weekend together going to the spa, and the amusement park, and then there was going to be a cute little movie marathon!! Oh it was gonna be so much fun! And it's been so long since they all got to spend time together! She was so excited, she barely heard the door open. Only being aware of the fact when the door opened and the bell above rang a cute little jingle causing her bright green eyes to snap around.
She gasped. "Obi!"
The slightly smaller black haired that walked in barely reacted to her. Maybe it was because he didn't get a chance to before she squealed excitedly and rushed him. Pulling him into a nearly bone crushing hug and literally lifting the man off his feet.
"I missed you so much!"
"Ish omly beem a few hours," he replied to the best of his abilities half muffled by the fact she was crushing him into herself.
She squeezed him just a bit tighter for a second or two. "Mm mm!" Before finally releasing him back onto his feet allowing him to wheeze for air, but by now he was used to it after being together for so long. "You're always so sweet coming to see me at work!" She gushed grasping her cheeks.
It took him a few seconds to collect himself but he was able to recover from his girlfriend's usual greeting and looked at her evenly. "I'm happy you seem to be in better spirits." Mitch matched eyes glanced partially past her and made contact with a wiping cloth and a bottle of glass cleaner abandoned on top of the display case of delicious pastries. "Is your shift over with yet?"
"Almost! I'm just cleaning up and getting ready to clean out the display case. You know what that means!" She gushed brightly at the thought. "Which means lots of free leftovers for us tonight! It's gonna be so yummy!"
"Just be sure you don't eat all of it before we get it to the others. Don't want a repeat of last time." Last time she unknowingly snacked on everything before they could reach Kyojuro's house and they ended up having to drive out last minute and get take out and frozen pizzas. Poor Mitsuri nearly cried for an hour after trying to pay for everything.
Her face lit up an embarrassed pink as she pouted. "I won't! Besides everyone's supposed to bring something! What are you bringing everyone?"
His answer was to raise a box of canned Moonbucks coffee. "This."
"Obanai, coffee isn't a good choice for a potluck! We're supposed to bring something everyone can enjoy!"
"They do. Especially Shiny and Sanemi. They're always tired as fuck."
"And no cussing! We're trying to make a good first impression for Gyomei! What's his new girlfriend gonna think if you do that?"
"Didn't he just say they just went on like two dates? That's not a girlfriend." Her eyes narrowed at him. "*sigh* Fine. But I'm not the one you should be worried about."
"Sanemi promised everyone he won't say anything mean."
"It's not Sanemi I'm worried about." Knowing Tengen and his 'flamboyant' (innuendy) way of talking a lot of the time you couldn't tell if he was flirting, teasing, both, or just talking. Not always the best thing for a great first impression.
"Oh Tengen's gonna be fine! You'll see!" She patted his shoulder before bubbly bouncing towards the counter again. "I'm gonna finish up cleaning now so we can grab the goodies and go!"
"M'kay. I'll just wait for you to get done then." He went right ahead and made himself comfortable in a nearby chair as she happily went back. "Are Hinatsuru and Makio still here too?"
She nodded wiping at the remaining glass. "Yep! They're cleaning up the back! We should be done real soon!"
"Good. I can't stand Tengen making anymore jokes about me trying to steal his wives again. The sooner we leave the better."
"Oh you don't really mind that!,"she sang from where she was finishing up cleaning the display case. "He's just teasing you."
"Yeah. Well I wish he'd do it in a different way." He rolled his eyes at her insistence. "How much longer until they're done?"
"Just now actually." 
A new voice echoed out of no where and both pairs of eyes looked up at who had just walked in. Pink eyes crinkled up in a smile as two women appeared both had black haired tied up in ponytails but but only one had orange bangs and was carrying a broom. Immediately the orange eyed one just went to sweeping up the front where he was sitting as Hinatsuru held up two large boxes, the kind you'd buy a dozen donuts in. 
"Hi, Obinai," she greeted him with a cute smile. "Come to give us a ride there?"
He nodded eyeing Makio starting to thoroughly sweep the floors, moving tables and chairs and reaching under booths connected to the wall. "Yes. Are you all ready to go?"
She shook her head. "We have to clean up before closing for the weekend, but we haven't gotten the front yet. Besides-" She held the boxes higher. "We still need to box up the goods." 
He nodded. "Right.." before slowly standing up and grabbing the canned coffee he just quickly bought from the local convenience store. "I'll just wait for you guys in the car then. Parked right out front."
He left them to it he supposed walking out with the sound of the bell above and back to a beaten up old hand me down van. It wasn't the prettiest car, but it worked, it got him places, and it's what he can afford so he treated it with care.  From the inside he boredly watch his girlfriend and their partners sweeping and mopping up the front. Mitsuri was quick to wipe down the large windows inside and out before disappearing back in and a moment later the three emerged back out. Mitsuri first holding the door open for Hinatusu to walk out carrying the two boxes with Makio right behind them. He patiently waited still for them to get inside the van with him with Mitsuri leaning over to give a large kiss to his cheek leaving behind a giant kiss mark no doubt the others will tease him for it later. 
"Hey. So you girls finally ready now?" Regardless of asking he was already reaching out for the key and starting the engine.
"Yep! But they wouldn't let me hold the boxes."
"Last time you ate it all before we even got to Kyojuro's 
His girlfriend whined as he was already shifting to reverse. "I didn't mean to! They were just so yummy!"
"Yeah? Well this time we're holding onto them."
"I'm assuming we're going to Kyojuro's then."
The car slowly turned to the right and began it's long journey down the roads. From all of the places they lived, Kyojuro lived the farthest away from the University. Nearly an hour's drive worth of traveling by car. It was a wonder that Kyojuro wasn't more late to classes, but then again it was easier for him to blink with Tengen during school days and just go home on the weekends and holidays. The drive there was mostly silent other than the happy hums of Mitsuri who once and a while gave the boxes in the back a look but they were firmly sat in Makio's lap and he doubted that she'd let her go anywhere near them. 
The roads continued to get a bit crowded from the weekend rush for everyone to go to the beach or wherever the rowdy crowds took them. For them it was a long well deserved weekend planned out a whole month in advance and meeting a really special guest. He wasn't too thrilled about having to help play host to a newcomer but he'd be nice for Gyomei and meet this girl. With a sigh, he turned a corner and went up a street only to slow down to a stop and park right in front of a large home. They were here. He just wondered how many of them were here already. 
The first one there was Mitsuri excitedly just running up the driveway and without even bothering to knock, threw the front door open beaming wildly. "HI GUYS!!"
"Hey, Peaches n Cream is here with her dashing night in shining armor! And of course my two beautiful princesses.~"
"Shut up, Tengen!," he shouted as he finally got inside behind the girls.
Most everyone was there. Tengen had taken up most of the small sofa laid across it with his head in Suma's lap getting it massaged by the looks of it. Sanemi looked bored off to the side only looking up when the four of them came walking in. Knowing Kyojuro he was somewhere else in his house. 
"Where's everyone?"
Tengen waved a hand too invested by the soothing hands of his wife. "Kyo's ordering some more pizza. Giyuu said he'd be grabbing the others and Gyomei said he's gonna be late and to start the movie without him." He finally seemed to perk up slightly eyeing the boxes Hinatusu was carrying. "What do we have here though?"
"Everyone's bringing something to eat, Tengen. Which reminds me." He slapped down the box of canned coffee on the coffee table between all of them before plopping himself down on the second couch with a sigh. "A little gift from me to you."
"Oh finally. I need something to keep me awake during this bore fest."
Sanemi was already tearing up the box to get to the delicious taste of coffee. The girls filed into the kitchen presumably to put away the food minus Mitsuri who must've found Kyojuro because everyone heard him give a loud grunt from the kitchen area before loud laughter echoed out from both of them. No doubt she must've given him a surprise glomp- CLICK! The sounds of a a can being opened filled the small house as the white haired man threw his head back to just start chugging it down. 
"Hey, Obanai. Did you bring the movie?"
"Yep. A horror one. Nothing like the one Tengen picked out last time."
"Hey! What was wrong with what I picked?!"
"You picked a documentary on Katsushika Hokusai."
"And what's wrong with that?! He was a very talented artist!"
"When you said you brought 'the most flamboyant movie ever' I thought it'd at least be about something cool like swords or wrestling! This is why we take turns picking movies instead of letting you in charge."
Both Sanemi and Obanai exchanged looks- Sanemi took a louder drag of his coffee can as Obanai just got up to start the movie. The others started filing in sooner than they expected. Kyojuro finished up ordering them pizza for the big dinner and came back to rejoin everyone as the movie started. Five minutes in the door opened again and in walked Kochos and Giyuu with a bag of chicken wings from a nearby fast food place and a couple six packs of different sodas like Peppi and Coda. It was all placed in the kitchen as they awaited the arrival of pizza and Gyomei bringing along their mystery guest. Shinobu helped herself to some of the canned coffee as well before flopping herself across Sanemi to casually cuddle not that anyone minded. 
The movie was just about near the end when Tengen abruptly sat up and nearly knocked over Kanae sitting on the armrest of said sofa, eyes alert and looking right at the door.
"Oi. Watch it, Uzui. You nearly knocked my girl off-"
"Someone's here!"
His announcement had everyone going silent for a long moment. Someone eventually paused the movie, not sure who, but the newfound quietness of the home made it easier to hear things. A small cough or two from everyone turning to stare at the door. Obanai exchanged looks with Suma the latter shrugging her shoulders. Sanemi was the only one who broke the silence taking a sip of his drink. Until they heard it. The heavy footfalls of a familiar heavyset person making their way to the door.
They came up the porch steps and slowly towards the door getting closer and closer. 
Heavy and loud but gentle knocks reverberated from the doorway and echoed out into the large living room. No one made a move to get up stunned and after a moment, they came again a little louder this time.
"Maybe we have the wrong address?"
"No. I've been here plenty of times. This is the correct house."
Two voices came from behind the door one familiar one not but it was enough to get Kyojuro to place down his bottle of water and get off the couch. 
"It's strange that no one answered by now though."
"Maybe we're the first ones here? But we did say we'd be running late..Did they go to a movie theater or something?"
Any voices quieted when his footfalls approached the door and he stood there a moment, taking a second to look back to everyone else who still stared silently, before reaching out to grab the doorknob, twist it, and slowly opened the door up. Red-orange eyes blinked widely at who was on the other side.. before his usual bright grin dawned his handsome features.
"GYOMEI!," Kyojuro greeted loudly holding out his arms, "SO HAPPY YOU'RE FINALLY HERE! WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU!!" No else could see from their sitting spots, but Kyojuro's head tilted downwards to the right instead of up to the tall man in the doorway. "AH! You must be the guest he told us about! A pleasure!"
A deep sigh was given outside of the doorway followed by a tiny woman's chuckle. "Y/n, this is Kyojuro Rengoku. I'm going to be spending the weekend with him here. Kyojuro Y/n. Do try not to shout her ears off."
A few eyes blinked when a woman's small hand appeared sticking into the doorway. "It's so nice to meet you! Gyomei's told me so much about everyone."
Kyojuro gladly shook her hand. "A pleasure! Please come in!" Before stepping aside for them both to come in. "We were just in the middle of watching a movie!"
"Sounds lovely."
Everyone watched as in walked Gyomei who had to duck in order to get inside behind him followed a girl, with long f/c hair and a smile on her face as she gave a look around before her eyes caught onto the other ten pairs of eyes looking at her. F/c orbs blinked in surprise seeing so many people blinking but she still smiled widely at them. 
"Oh my. There certainly is a lot of people here. Hello."
"HI!!," Suma yelled out breaking the awkward silence as she waved a full arm at her. "Oh my gosh! You're so pretty!"
"She is pretty cute. Dam, Gyomei. You didn't tell us she was a cutie.~" Tengen smiled widely at her. "Where were you when I got married?~ OW!!"
A smack went off as Kanae's hand met the back of Tengen's head as her polite smile never wavered. "Tengen, control yourself. That's not a polite way to greet someone."
Said man hissed rubbing his head as Gyomei's hands met his face in embarrassment already. Although surprisingly the woman's face while slightly surprised, didn't really change from her smile. Gyomei sucked in a deep breath and eventually pulled his head out from his hands and gestured to the white haired man whom just spoke. 
"Y/n, allow me to introduce you to Tengen Uzui. The women next to him are his wives," how he knew all three of his gorgeous wives were all laid on him Tengen would never know but he was right. "That Suma, Makio, and the one to the far left is Hinatusu. The lady on his left is Kanae Kocho."
"Wives?" She glanced over them. "Wow. I wasn't expecting anyone to be married. Usually everyone I know is really busy trying to get through college."
Tengen didn't take any offense to that laughing loudly. "Well family arranged marriages would do that." He waved at her anyways. "Nice to meet ya! Hope the big lug hasn't been too much to handle.~"
"T-Tengen!" Gyomei's face frowned at him harder but the girl only giggled more.
"Thank you. He's actually been really sweet.~ " Her eyes glanced over everyone else in curiosity. "But I don't think I've met everyone yet."
"O-Oh. Of course. *ahem*"
Ignoring Tengen's smirk boring into him, he gestured to the others. Introducing them as Mitsuri Kanroji. Iguro Obanai. Sanemi Shinazugawa. And Shinobu Kocho. And explaining who exactly was who's girlfriend or boyfriend to you and making it easier to understand what dynamics were which. Nervously awaiting her response and hoping she wouldn't change her mind and think it was weird after all. Instead everyone was surprised by the gentle and kind smile on her face making her look so adorable as she bowed. 
"I'm happy to meet you all! It's so nice to meet Gyomei's friends! Uh- Boyfriends and girlfriends. Or..." She slowly stood straight again with a confused scrunch to her face. "...What do you all refer to each other as?" 
"We call our significant other by the regular boyfriend or girlfriend title otherwise we just call each other out partners," Shinobu explained with a smile, "Other than Tengen since he's really the only one married." She gestured referring to his wives. 
"Oh! I'll keep that in mind then."
"What do you have in that box?"
It was the first time someone mentioned the box she was carrying and pointed it out. It was just a plain bakery like box, the kind Hinatsuru was carrying earlier. She smiled wider at them all. 
"Y/n remembered me mentioning that Sanemi liked ohagi." Sanemi's eyes snapped up at the mention of his favorite food. Hand paused mid sip as he glanced up at Gyomei's smiling face. "She brought along some to share-"
"Ohagi?" She nodded and opened her mouth but Sanemi was already standing up and descended upon her. Blinking as he was leaning over her suddenly and his hands roughly pushed the box open. His smile widening as the delicious scent of red bean ohagi hot him. "Fuck yeah! Thanks, Mei! I didn't think they sold 'em this late."
That's right. Gyomei mentioned that the cafe he took you too sold his friend's favorite ohagi. She blinked as he just roughly grabbed one of the ohagis and took a massive bite nearly swallowing it whole. A pleased noise left his mouth as the sweet taste hit him and he continued devouring onto a second one pulled up from the box with a third in the other hand. 
"So good!," he managed to get out between bites as he continued eating.  "Mei, I owe you one."
"I-..Well thank you but I didn't buy them." His large hand patted the new woman on the back. "Y/n here made them herself." Sanemi paused comically mid bite. "That's why we were late. I'm afraid it took a little longer than expected for her to get off work and make them all."
She nodded smiling. "I'm glad you like them though. I've only made them a handful of times."
"Did I miss something?," a new voice asked from the kitchen just as Giyuu appeared from the kitchen carrying a drink and what looked like a donut swiped from what the girls brought 
"Ah. Giyuu, right on time." Gyomei gestured with a smile. "Y/n this is Giyuu Tomioka. He's taking the same health course you are so you both might know each other."
You stared at him for a second before nodding. "I vaguely remember you but I don't think we actually talked before. You're taking the health course too."
He nodded. "Working on a bachelor's degree in physical education, and the health classes will help me improve my skills as a p.e. teacher."
"Oh! So you're studying to become a teacher too?"
He nodded. "All of us are. Why are you taking the same classes?" The blunt way he asked could've been rude to anyone and got a concerned look from Gyomei but she didn't bat an eye.
"I'm studying a degree in baking and pastry arts and the health classes help me understand people's health better. You never know if someone has special dietary needs or allergies."
"Huh... That's very observant. Would you like something to drink? Coda alright?"
She nodded. "That'd be fine."
"In the meantime why don't you two come join us for the rest of the movie?" Kyojuro motioned for Tengen and the girls to move over making room for the you and Gyomei on one of the sofas. "It's a good movie and pizza should be arriving any moment now."
"I'd love to!"
Giyuu was nice enough to take the box of ohagi to the kitchen before Sanemi- ate it all, and the both of you were settled down to watch the rest of the movie or in Gyomei's case listen. Pizza arrived a little bit later and it too was taken to the kitchen before Giyuu handed you a cup of soda with a thanks from you. The movie was alright but it didn't make much sense since you didn't see the entire story however judging by everyone's else's reaction it must've been at least a compelling story. Afterwards Obanai and who you remembered was called Makio offered to get up to get pizza for everyone. 
"Oh finally. At least something worthwhile."
Kanae shot her boyfriend a glare. "Sanemi, don't be mean! It was Obi's turn to pick the movie and we have a guest here!" She scolded him.
"Tch! Whatever!" Sanemi grumbled in annoyed defeat leaning back where he sat, crossing his scar littered arms and throwing one leg over the over. "The whole day's been boring."
"Well it's true," he countered at Kanae when she frowned at him. Directing a hand towards the big screen. "When Obanai said he'd be bringing the movie, I was expecting something actually scary like The Exorcism or Night of the Living Corpse! Both of those are scary. But no. Instead he brings a documentary on Pythons."
"It is not a documentary!" Mitch-matched green and yellow eyes narrowed at Sanemi from the doorway to the kitchen. An accusing hand pointing at the bored looking white haired man. "Mutant Boss is an excellent horror flick that you just don't appreciate the complex storytelling behind."
"It's about a mad scientist that mutates a couple lizards and they eat people until the hero tricks them into going inside a junkyard incinerator that burns them to death. What complex story is there?! It's not even scary!"
"Excuse me!? Being swallowed whole by a giant snake IS terrifying! And the story is only half about the snakes! How about the deformed doctor who lost everything and sacrificed himself for his best friend who he secretly loved?!"
"Just admit you have a fetish!"
"OK!! SUBJECT CHANGE!" Rengoku yelled out holding up his hands before anymore arguing could be done between the two of them and to their credit both of them didn't say anything but still glared at each other. With a sigh his hand reached up to rub at his face. "Sorry about that." Eyes glanced towards the newest woman who didn't look the least bit bothered. "They're like this a lot but I promise they're not usually this ..rude."
A sound pierced the air. One that had Sanemi pausing in his motion of bringing the canned coffee to his lips and just about made everyone else freeze as multiple eyes blinked at the woman giggling and smiling at them all.
"It's alright. I don't really mind a bit. Please don't feel like you have to act differently on my account. I really want to know everyone."
"Oh good. At least I don't have to worry about walking on eggshells anymore." The man known as Tengen sighed before just throwing an arms around both Sanemi and one of his wives, Suma if she remembered right. "Y'know...If you guys are bored n' really want something to do, I got-"
"Hell. No " Eyes scowled up to Tengen's bored face as Sanemi simultaneously leaned out of his arm and firmly placed the can back down in the coffee table in front of them. "For the last time we are NOT doing your stupid push up game!"
F/c blinked at him. Curiosity peeking out with the blink of lashes. "Push up game?"
"Yeah! It's this real fun idea Tengen came up with!," Suma gushed waving an arm excitedly. "It's a challenge! All the guys do push ups with one of us sitting on their backs and whoever lasts the longest wins!"
"Yeah but Sanemi and Obanai never wanna do it." Tengen chastised rolling his eyes boredly and slinging one arm behind his head. "Killjoys. They never want to do anything fun."
If anger had a picture in the dictionary, Sanemi would be it with the way he snapped at his friend and partner. "Yeah! Fun things! I actually do those! Your idea isn't fun, it's fucking stupid as shit!" Obanai made a noise of agreement from the kitchen. "A push up contest? That's middle school crap!"
"You won't let me paint you or do any of my ideas. I swear it's like you hate my stuff." ...a smirk appeared on his face then. "But I know you don't really hate the idea. It's something else.~"
"Oh sure." He rolled his eyes hard grabbing his drink again to occupy himself. "And what do tell is this 'something else'?"
"You're fucking weaker than I am with your wussy muscles."
F/x eyes blinked as a weak can had no chance and was cushed by a stiffened hand around it's weak metal body. The soft metal crinkle sound of a can being crushed was enough to signify the situation to Gyomei, whom only sighed and reached up to rub his face something like 'goodness here we go' leaving his mouth. Silence stilled as Sanemi went unusually silent, veins popping up along his arms and his forehead as black pupils went small. Ever so slowly, one white haired man looked at the other.
"What did you fucking say to me?," Sanemi asked slowly almost inhumanly so. His left eyelid twitching twice.
"You heard me,~" Tengen sing songed out with a smirk, showing not an ounce of fear towards the admittedly scary face. "You're weak compared to me. A mouse. Miniscule-"
"You fucking take that back right the fuck now, Uzui."
"No." His face fully turned that smirk to him now leaning closer to be in Sanemi's face. "You can just prove it instead."
"FINE!" A thudding was heard as the can was thrown on the coffee table and a hand was pointed straight to Tengen's Cheshire cat grin. "But you're going to fucking eat those words when I fucking beat you at your stupid game!!"
"Finally!" Tengen leaned back up with a smile. "We can have everyone participate!"
"Yeah. No. Count me out."
"C'mon, Obi. It's all in good fun," Mitsuri gently tugged on her boyfriend's shirt where it held onto his shoulder. "You can lift me up on your back."
Those different eyes widened at her in an instant. ".....Oh alright. But just this once." Eyes narrowed at Tengen who barked a laugh at him. Predictable. It made the man narrow his eyes and cross his arms. "And only if the prize is worth the effort. What does the winner get anyways?"
"That's a good point," Shinobu pointed out, "You never told us what the winners get. So cough it up."
Tengen hummed. "How about a free painting? Ill draw anything you want."
"I'm not doing any manual labor for a painting!"
"We'll bet a hundred dollars each!", Sanemi declared giving a devious smile. "Whoever wins gets the money!"
"Fifty bucks each! Some of us are broker than others!," Giyuu butted in.
"Deal! But on one condition," Tengen quickly agreed with a bright smile, "The money can only be used for the winner's girlfriend for their date night. After all it's nearly Christmas. We need to spoil our darlings.~"
"FINE!! Oh I'm going to use your face to wipe the floors when I'm done!" Sanemi grinned deviously wider as he abruptly stood up still clenching his fists.
"HA! We'll see about that! I'm already thinking about how I'm going to be giving my wives' the most romantic night of their lives.~
He too stood up as Rengoku turned to Giyuu. "I think I'll join! Sounds like fun! What about you?"
Giyuu didn't answer him at first, calmly finishing whatever it was he was drinking and looking at Shinobu. "I would like to treat you to a nice dinner." He bluntly told her as her ever smiling face looked at him. "Should we try?"
"Why not? It'll be a fun challenge, and I'd like to run it into everyone's faces."
"Oi! Babe, get over here and sit on my back!"
"Kyojuro can borrow Makio-"
"Count me out," Makio stated bluntly from where she stood still leaning against the wall. "Someone has to be the ref anyways, so I'll do it."
"Ok! Kyo can borrow Hinatsuru then and I'll take Suma!"
F/c eyes still blinked watching with an amused smile. Quite a lively bunch. Weren't they? Gyomei sighed next to you tiredly but smiled despite himself as the sounds of scraping furniture being moved around to make room for the lot of them all shuffling around into place. Murmuring about how fun this was going to be of how stupid it was or that they were going to kick Tengen's ass. Good thing Rengoku's home happened to have a very large living room.
"Hey, Gyomei!," Rengoku called making the man blink. "Come join us! It'll be fun!"
Gyomei blinked surprised his way before holding up a hand. "No. I better not. Makio said she did not want to participate."
"Have your girlfriend there sit on your back then!"
A choke sound escaped Gyomei's throat as he blinked Tengen's way. "I beg your pardon?!"
"You know what I mean. C'mon. She can sit on your back and act as weights. The rest of us are doing it too and I'm sure she doesn't mind."
"Now Y-You see here, Tengen," he sternly said brows furrowing, "I am not about to ask her to subject herself to that just for a silly game. Especially something so...I-Intimate."
"Gyomei, you're the kind of person who thinks hand holding is scandalous."
Gyomei frowned harder but a woman's voice next to him surprised him. "Actually I don't mind." Gyomei paused, blinked, and then turned his head shocked to her. "It's ok. Actually it sounds fun, and I've never been invited to be a part of a game before."
"I-...I do not know."
"C'mon, Mei! Relax and have some fun with us! Your girl's cool with it, and besides think of the nice date you can take it on if you win!"
"Yeah, Gyomei it'll be fun!" "Come join us!" "Live a little will you?"
"Oh alright." He sighed hearing the bout of everyone else's voices encouraging him to come join their game and have fun with them. "But only this once. I happen to think this is entirely out of the question for a third date."
Despite his words he ended up slowly standing off of the nice soft sofa, it let out a squeak from his shifting weight. A much smaller hand grabbed his in fun anticipation pulling him further into the space they cleared away, footsteps sounding as everyone else shifted to make room for the other two of them. Once everyone else was settled Makio downed her soda and let out a small sigh before leaning herself off the wall.
"Ok. Let's keep this fair," she stated firmly hands on her hips. "Here's the rules. Each guy has one of us weighing him down, if anyone gets off your back for any reason you're out. If anyone of you fall or something you're also out. There's no time limits, but the last one remaining wins. Lastly, you can do the push ups as fast or as slow as you want. Again there's not really a number limit. It isn't about how many you can do.. It's about how LONG you can do the push ups with the weight." She seemed to remember something. "Oh. One last thing. You have to do a full push up every time. All the way down and then all the way back up. No half assing it. If I see anyone trying to cheat, then you're out."
"We get it! Let's just get this over with!" Sanemi rubbed his hands together. "I got three hundred bucks with my name on it!"
"HA! If your weak muscles can handle that!"
Sanemi just growled at Tengen before just dropping to his hands and feet. "Let's just get it over with already!"
Makio watched and waited as everyone else got into the push up position, and the girls gently sit down on each respective boy's backs (or in Suma's case throw herself into Tengen's back although their husband was barely affected by her giddy enthusiasm). Gyomei seemed very reluctant to be doing this but stiffened as he felt someone suddenly sit down on his back.
"Here you go!," Kyojuro's voice sounded helping Y/n hoist herself into his frame.
"Thank you. ..I'm not too heavy am I?"
"Haha! Not at all! You were as light as a feather and with Gyomei's strength you'd weigh nothing to him!" Kyojuro have a small amused smile to the pink rising to his friend's face.
"Alright, alright." Makio's voice once again cut through the air as FINALLY EVERYONE was settled. "Ready? ..START!!"
Immediately the air was filled with cheering and giggling from the girls either encouraging the boys on in their endeavors or giggling loudly at the sudden motion of being lifted up and down. Mostly that last one applying to Suma giggling her head off as she lovingly wrapped her arms around Tengen's neck. In the meantime Makio watched with narrowed eyes like a hawk, grazing back and forth constantly at everyone else in front of her the same way a drill Sargent would watch his troops train.
For the first ten minutes nothing really changed other than a couple of the guys starting to sweat under the weight and physical activity they were pushing themselves to do, in Sanemi's case with incredible determination and gritted teeth. It was only around the fifteen minute mark that the first of them began to struggle. Makio zeroing her eyes in on Obanai's shaking arms and excessive sweating seeming to struggle pushing himself back all the way up with Mitsuri on his back.
"Obanai, you about to drop there?" Her brow rose as a head of black hair shook no
"N-No..I can...make it," he struggled to get out between gasps of air making Mitsuri look concerned.
"Maybe we should stop, Obi. I don't want you to get hurt." Her concerned puppy dog eyes gazed over his shaking arms before she shot Tengen a frown when another round of laughter left his mouth.
"To be honest I bet that's how he'd like to die. You crushing him under you!"
"That's not funny!" "S-Shut..UP!!"
Obanai lasted another three minutes. The shaking in his arms becoming more and more worse than before with each passing second- Before out of nowhere he collapsed. Falling face first onto the floor with a loud thud, and a surprised squeak from Mitsuri as she fell backwards off of him. Makio quickly checked on the wheezing man and thankfully he was alright just tired and was dragged into a chair by both ladies to catch his breath and get a cold drink of whatever liquids was placed on the snack tables.
"C'mon guys. Let's go!" Makio ordered clapping her hands together as Mitsuri fanned her poor exhausted boyfriend behind her. "Up. Down. Up. Down. Keep those push ups coming! You want that money don't you?!"
"Is she a ref or coach?," Sanemi gritted through his teeth but felt a gentle hand ruffle his hair.
"Relax your muscles, Nemi. It'll be easier to do if you weren't tense," Kanae suggested from where she sat between his shoulder blades.
"I would if I could."
Another bout of annoyance was added to him seeing the others barely breaking a sweat, especially Giyuu. The guy was still going on without a problem with Shinobu even having the audacity to be laying on his back looking so relaxed. Her purple eyes caught Sanemi's..And a cheeky smile and wave was sent his way making him growl again. Like he'll be was loosing! HE. WAS. NOT. LOOSING!!
"Looking a little hot under the collar there, Sanemi.~"
He snapped turning to the other white haired man with gritted teeth bared. "SHUT UP YOU DUMB-!!"
A loud squeak sound echoed out as Kanae wobbled from the sudden movement Sanemi made, holding her arms out to regain balance but falling over anyways-
It was quick thinking of instinctively reaction, but Sanemi completely stopped what and was doing and flipped. Landing hard on his back and catching Kanae on top of himself before she could hit the hard floor.
"Sanemi, you're out!"
"WHAT?!" He shot Makio a raged look from where he laid. Kanae looking up from his chest. "THAT'S NOT FAIR! HE DISTRACTED ME!!"
"There's no rules against talking. You made her fall off yourself," Makio sternly said pointed behind her. "Now move it!"
Sanemi looked absolutely mad especially when Tengen chuckled at them. Oh he was definitely getting him back later for this but for now Kanae got up ushering her angry boyfriend up with her before he could get the idea to kick Tengen's arms from under himself. Two out only four left and it had only been about twenty five minutes. Rengoku was next, not because he slipped or got super tired but because he said he didn't want to get super sweaty and ruin his shirt with sweat stains, so he stopped, politely waited for Hinatsuru to safely get off him, before leaving really quick to go clean himself off and grab a new shirt. He returned later to everyone cheering one of the three guys left except for Sanemi who continued to sulk on a chair.
It was Gyomei, Tengen, and Giyuu left. Suma continued to giggle loudly, Y/n still smiled, and Shinobu continued to lay along Giyuu's back without a care in the world. It was surprising that Giyuu had so much stamina but then again he mentioned wanting to be a physical education teacher, it made sense he'd be able to pace himself accordingly to keep up with the other two.
"UGH!! C'MON!! ONE OF YOU TWO BEAT HIM!!," Sanemi eventually yelled at the both of the men who weren't the smug Tengen. "I DON'T CARE WHICH ONE JUST DON'T LET HIM WIN!"
Almost forty minutes in now when another one of them dropped out. Giyuu did. His heavy breathing and fatigue eventually getting the better of him and he slowly stopped. Resting onto his knees and hands as Shinobu perked up at the sudden stop in motion.
"Giyuu's out!," Makio announced firmly as the two slowly stood back up. "Only two people left! C'mon you two! Let's go!"
Everyone cheered and laughed at the two still going. It was a toss up between Gyomei and Tengen! The two tallest people in the group and possibly the strongest in this kept going. Lungs breathed in panting breaths as muscles burnt and sweat ran off their foreheads as it continued past the forty five minutes mark and to the fifty minute checkpoint. Everyone watching in wait for whoever would give in first, especially Sanemi. Tengen must've felt his eyes because he looked up briefly and smirked smugly again at him only aging on the man's anger more before he glanced from Tengen to Suma still giggling on his back...Sanemi paused. Gaze slowly looking at Makio and then the other girls. Gears turning in his head until an idea hit him and a devious smile again crossed his mind.
"There's not gonna be a winner at this rate!", he suddenly shouted getting most everyone's attention. "Y'know what this needs?" He waited two seconds making sure most everyone had eyes on him. "More weight! ... C'mon guys. More weight! More weight!"
"More weight!," Obanai unsurprisingly joined Sanemi in his cheering. "More weight! More weight!"
"That's not fair!"
"Actually, Makio. There's no rules saying there couldn't be more weight added." Tengen looked almost horrified as Sanemi chuckled and Makio hummed in thought.
"... Alright. More weight!" A loud 'YES' erupted from Sanemi. "But there has to be an equal amount for each of them."
"Right! Babe, get on Mei!"
"Now hold on a minute!"
"What's wrong, Tengen?" Sanemi grinned widely at him condescendingly. "Too weak to do it?"
"Of course not!," he panted out between breaths eyes darting around. "But-..It's just...N-No one asked Gyomei if he was alright with it!"
"I. Do not. Mind," Gyomei managed to say between pushed upward and making Tengen look at him wide eyed.
"That settles it! Shinobu and Hinatsuru join Suma. Kanau and Mitsuri up with Y/n. Let's go!" Makio ordered.
Tengen looked more pale but didn't fight it when both girls came on over. Both men slowing down as the four girls climbed onto each of them adding more weight to the mix. Tengen gritted his teeth with a grunt but pushed onwards. Mitsuri joining Suma in giggling as Shinobu simply leaned back smiling. Hinatsuru and Kanae held similar smiles as they continued to push through more seconds passing...But Sanemi wasn't done getting even. He just waited a few minutes to watch Tengen struggle before opening his mouth.
"Hey, Makio. That's not fair to Gyomei."
Makio looked over her shoulder at him with a raised brow. "What?"
He shrugged. "It's not fair to Gyomei. That's all."
"What isn't fair?"
"You said there has to be an equal amount of weight right?" He shrugged casually again. "Mitsuri and Kanae weigh more on him than Hina and Shino does on Tengen." Immediately Tengen's face snapped up wide eyed.
"What are you talking about? Are you calling them fat or something?!"
"Actually statistically speaking-", Giyuu butted in literally and genuinely thinking while holding his chin in thought, "-Mitsuri and Kanae's muscle density is much greater than either Hinatusu or Shinobu...So they'd genuinely weigh about one person more combined when added with Y/n. So legitimately speaking..." He looked at Sanemi. "Sanemi calculated it right. Tengen is genuinely carrying less weight than Gyomei is. About a whole person worth."
Tengen couldn't go anymore pale as Sanemi smirked. "Of course I'm right! Everyone knows my math is always on point!" He whipped back to Makio. "You should join Tengen."
"Yeah, Makio! Come join us! It's fun!"
"I don't want to."
"C'mon Makio. You said so yourself. Equal weight."
"Oh alright!" She rolled her eyes and made her way towards Tengen much to his horror. "But only because you all won't stop bugging me!"
Tengen didn't argue. Couldn't argue as Makio just walked over and just sat down on his back when he dipped down again making him give off a grunt and Sanemi laughed loudly.
"C'mon, Tengen! You can do it!" "Crush him like a grape, Gyomei!"
More cheers. More laughter. More their muscles burnt pushing the weight up and down. And up and down. And up and ..Down. He could feel his arms shaking. Swear dripping down his face as he struggled to push back up. Come on! He can do it! Hecandoithecandoithecandoit! He..can..do.. The girls amongst Tengen squealed out as he suddenly shifted. No one fell off or got hurt thank goodness but his left hand slipped, and in order to save his balance, his forearms made contact with the floor effectively stopping everyone else from falling.
An uproar of typical college boy cheers came from mostly Sanemi and Obanai as they taunted the honestly tired and heavily gasping man, whom looked annoyed but too tired to say anything about it for now.
"You did your best, Tengen!," Rengoku consoled his boyfriend going to help him stand back up as the ladies slipped off his back. "How do you feel?"
Despite his current state, Tengen laughed. "I ju-just *ha* almost got crushed to-to *gasp* death by a hoard of the most beautiful women in-n the world." He gasped out between breaths. "If I-I had to d-die that *gasp* way....I would've died happy.~"
Despite himself most everyone gave a few giggles including Sanemi whom was nice enough to start helping you three off Gyomei by lifting you up and setting you back down on your feet. You thanked him with a smile which caught him off guard and made him blink surprised but you were already turning to Gyomei slowly standing up and being careful not to accidentally knock anyone over.
"That was so fun! I didn't know you were so strong!," she gushed in delight and it made the larger man go a deeper pink and rub at his neck.
"I-...Well it's healthy to keep in shape. *Ahem*"
"In your face, Asshole! You couldn't even win at your own game! Fork up the money!," Sanemi shouted somewhere to right.
"Hey! I'll win next time, and the money goes to Gyomei. Remember? The winner? Honestly he's gonna be able to buy his girlfriend one hell of a Christmas present."
"LET'S NOT WORRY ABOUT THAT NOW!," Kyojuro's booming voice cut off everyone else and gained attention quickly. "All of us are disgustingly sweaty and not very clean. Let's go clean up and let the girls have some time to eat! You all can borrow my washer and dryer for your clothes since I doubt anyone but I have access to extra clothing."
"Actually we packed all of you guys some extra clothes, Mei included." Kanae interrupted gesturing to the giant extra black duffle bag in the corner. Oh was that what that was?
"...You girls just conveniently packed everyone an extra pair of clothes? Why?"
"You're guys. We knew you'd do something weird or stupid and get yourselves dirty." Makio bluntly stated before making a shooing motions at them. "But Kyo's right. You all smell like a sweaty gym locker room. Go take a shower and wash those clothes! We're not lugging dirty sweat soaked clothes home with us!" 
"It is getting late." You glanced out the closest window and saw the lights starting to wane in the sky. "I'd better head home."
"No! Stay!" Mitsuri suddenly grabbed your hands and pulled them up. "At least wait to say goodbye to Gyomei first and have dinner with us! It'd be unfair if you didn't get to eat anything after cooking something for us and coming all the way out here to see us!" She insisted making you blink.
"Really? I don't want to be a bother."
"If course not." Shinobu tugged you towards the kitchen with a smile. "Come on and eat while we wait for the boys to finish cleaning up."
"Well.. alright then."
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eddiediazismyhusband · 2 months
My (embarrassingly okay-ish) 9-1-1 Sims
so I do not claim to be good at remaking real people in the sims... I want to go ahead and get that out of the way first and foremost
however I don't think I did *terrible* on these sims (some are definitely better than others) but with that said, here are my 9-1-1 sims
(please don't judge me too hard)
Evan "Buck" Buckley
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the tattoo cc I made for buck is definitely way out-of-date, but alas i am too lazy to go back and make a new tattoo to add all of his current 6,000 tattoos (love your tats oliver but no thanks <3) Including that last shirtless pic to show them off a little better.
Eddie Diaz
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I know that Eddie doesn't have Ryan's map&compass tattoo in the show but I love that tattoo on Ryan so I included it on Eddie. I chose this hair for him bc I wanted to like blend the length it's at now with his s6 style a little bit- very floofy yet tidy, but also not a schoolboy or slicked back to the gods.
Maddie Han
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I think I spent hours trying to get JLH's face as perfect as I could in-game and honestly I don't hate the outcome? like it's definitely NOT perfect by any means, but I think Maddie is one of my favorite sims in terms of how she turned out.
Chimney Han
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Chimney is where things started to go a little downhill for me... I don't know why, but after HOURS of working, I just cold not get him right so I eventually had to sit back, take a deep breath, and say 'this is as good as it's gonna get.' I'd like to issue my formal apology to Kenneth Choi for this <3 (pls don't judge too harshly I swear I tried)
Karen Wilson
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Karen, like Chimney, was a sim I spent HOURS on trying to get right, but for some reason I just could not for the life of me perfectly replicate Tracie's face... and unfortunately when I first made these sims (a LONG time ago) there wasn't a hair that fit Karen perfectly until (imo) THIS one came with the Lovestruck Expansion pack... I did make the executive decision to give her light brown hair rather than the blonde/brown she actually has, because the blonde in-game looked weird on her. I know these aren't her classic dreads, but I feel like they evoke the general vibe of hers better than some of the options we have in-game.
Hen Wilson
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so Hen turned out being one of my favorites. I really love the outfits I picked out for her (bc lets be honest Hen loves wearing some of the WILDEST fits on the show) but unfortunately, this game hates to give female sims just plain slacks that are higher-waisted, so I was stuck with a cc pair that don't quite match but what can I do
Bobby Nash
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yet another sim who I feel like I missed the mark on- Peter Krause's face was just IMPOSSIBLE to replicate, so I did my best. I also made the executive decision to not go full-grey for Bobby bc then he looked ancient rather than just late-50s.
Athena Grant
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All I have to say about Athena is ANGELA BASSETT DID THE THING (also the cop outfit does NOT do her justice in this- I promise I worked hard to make sure Athena was giving just as much mommy vibes as she does on the show in her other outfits) (she's also ripped as fuck in my game bc I said so)
May Grant
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I have a love-hate relationship with this sim because I spent so much time trying to perfectly replicate Corrinne's face, but no matter what I did there was always something that was always just the tiniest bit off... she's definitely not the worst of these sims though
Ravi Panikkar
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all I have to say about Ravi is that if they want to give him a boyfriend in s8 i am available, and willing to travel to shoot in Los Angeles-
Also, I DID make a Josh sim, but I accidentally deleted him bc my mouse battery was dying and it was glitching out and i misclicked the "yes delete" button rather than the "don't delete" on the "are you sure?" tab and I didn't feel like going back and finding him again in the depths of my library so I will have to remake him :/
Oh and I made Chris too but every child sim looks exactly the same so he doesn't look anything like Gavin, but that was out of my hands I fear 💀
But anyway, these are my 9-1-1 sims... I made these forever ago and went through last night and updated their hair/outfits, but I haven't touched their physical attributes since I first made them. I'm excited to start playing with them again 😭😭
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buckera · 5 months
I actually think Tommy not being in 7×07 and 7x08 makes a lot of sense considering just how on the fly the Buck/Tommy (and season seven as a whole lol) seemed to have come together, and Tim Minear needing a pause to see how it's received by the general public while also working writing the end of the season at the same time 💀 Also, I know Oliver mentioned wanting an on screen relationship similar to the one Carlos and TK share on Lone Star, and if I remember correctly, in that first season when they were still getting to know eachother Carlos was in every 3rd-ish episode with various degrees of importance?? Anyway, it seems like Oliver (and Lou, and hopefully Tim as well) want to carry o with this story line for now, and the reception to bi buck has been mostly positive so I have hope for more Tommy in season 8, if not sooner!!!
mhm yeah it's very much on the fly, we still haven't got a title for the last episode and based on the latest Tim interview, I'm pretty sure it's not even written yet, hell, we barely just got the titles for the previous eps and the way Oliver was talking about it — and also because we know they usually get stuff 2 days prior to shooting at most — I'd wager that the actors haven't even seen the script yet for ep 9, if it's even finished.
so yeah, the possibilities at this moment are endless and I'd honestly expect them to keep Tommy around during the finale, in the background if nothing else, because the general reception was good and as you said there are many other storylines we need to get to without "wasting time" on recurring roles/bringing up more drama by doing a breakup arc, but we shall see.
I def can't comment on the lone star of it all, but if Tommy would become a more serious LI for Buck, I'm sure we'd be seeing him around a bit more, but you know out of 6 eps this season, Karen was in only 3 (assuming she'll be in ep6) and she is literally married to a lead character and has consistently had major storylines throughout the show.
all in all, I have high hopes and am staying positive about it until being told otherwise. 💛
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sl33py-day · 2 years
SAGAU Yet They messed up the gender
What I mean by that is everyone, the archons the people even the traveler themselves, thought the creator was a girl, a female. But the creator is a boy, they got it wrong.
In this idea you are teleported into genshin and you didn’t think much of it. To find out what AU you are in you decided the most stupid but ok-ish idea. You cut yourself to see if your blood is gold or not. Well lo and behold it’s fucking gold like the sun.
Not really wanting to handle the responsibilities of the creator, and because you just don’t want to talk to people. You decided that you’re just gonna get a job and make sure you don’t get hurt! What’s so bad about that?
It’s bad once you realize the only thing you’re good at and enjoy is cooking. People like your cooking in your world and maybe they will in genshin. So you opened a restaurant in Liyue and as soon as one person ate your food people would come and eat your food.
As time went on the traveler and paimon arrived in Liyue to help with the archon situation. It was funny to say the least. You were working at the restaurant when the rite of dissension happened. People were buying your Chocolate Italian soda that people seemingly love when the dragon fell from the sky. Everyone gasped In shock while you whispered a small “Oh shit.” Watching from where you are, you saw Aether run away and pass by your restaurant.
“Welp, we all know how this ends. Childe is gonna be a child and have a messy tantrum.” You muttered while wiping the tables, people just looked at you weird but didn’t question anything. Rumors started about how they are keeping the archon or whatever you didn’t pay attention when people gossiped in your workplace.
After a long day of many many random Karen’s and people flirting cause they’re lonely you closed the shop. Walking home you passed Zhongli without noticing him but he noticed you. His amber eyes closed a bit as he followed your figure pass by him.
Once again after the whole archon thing happened and many visits from Aether and paimon, who you became friends with. People started to go back to normal meaning that work is gonna get even busier. Aether still made time to come and see how you’re doing and Zhongli started to come by with Childe making him pay for his food.
Today work was a bit slow and Aether was here so you decided to just talk to him for the time being. You both talked about different things from favorite food to if a cat and a frog can be friends. The two of you had a small friendly fight over it that almost ended with you throwing a chair at Aether.
“Uh, M/n have you heard about the news?” Paimon spoke up when she saw the h/c male reach for the chair. Aether thanked paimon for saving his life for a moment before seeing M/n smile that is almost saying ‘I will throw the chair at you but not right now’.
“No? What’s the news?” The floating girl gasped in shock when he responded. “Paimon can’t believe that you haven’t heard! Her grace is gonna arrive to Teyvat tomorrow! There’s gonna be a HUGGEEE celebration!” She threw her arms high in the sky towards the end of her sentence as her and Aether did not noticed M/n freeze for a minute. But after awhile he just chuckled nervously when it got to quiet.
“I can’t wait for that to happen…!” His voice sounded a little fake but what is he supposed to say? “I’m sorry, you got the gender wrong and I’ve been here for years now!” He just started to actually enjoy his life! Hell he’s even dating a guy named Akashi! You continued to sulk in you mind once Aether and Paimon left.
It’s the middle of the next day and people were waiting for ‘her’ holiness to arrive. Some people got food and drinks others got presents to give to the creator. You noticed that a small flash of red ran passed you with a blond haired male following after as panic flashed across his face.
“Excuse me sir, have you by chance seen a small blonde and red eyed girl pass by?” He asked and you nodded pointing to the direction Klee went. He thank you with a smile before running off. Sounds of people whispering where heard and yells of angered men was thrown here and there. Ah, they realized that the Creator isn’t gonna come. Welp that’s sad.
“Hey love, do you think her holiness is actually gonna come?” Your boyfriend Akashi walked up to where you were with a smile. His black hair was curly and his red eyes looked like pools of blood or roses you like both. Smiling back to him before shrugging your shoulders.
“I don’t know ‘kashi, maybe they got something wrong?” Your e/c held some sort of mischief in them as you looked at Akashi. The red eyed male only looked at you with a curious gaze before laughing softly. He loved that you were mischievous at times and kind at others. He sat next to you as you leaned against him.
“Like the date?“ Akashi asked as he watched people start to freak out while the Archons tried to calm them down. Humming in agreement before sighing. “I gotta get going home. I’m tired from the days work.” Akashi offered to walk you home but you gently said no. Well gently shouldn’t be the right word…..you did try and throw a chair at him when he asked again.
Walking through the crowed of people not noticing someone pull out a small knife. You walked by that person and got cut deep enough that gold blood began to drip out slowly. You didn’t realize as quickly as everyone else because people started to gasp.
“The creator!”
“She’s actually here!”
“Wait….That’s not a girl. The creator is a boy!”
People began to yell out that they found the creator and how the Archons were wrong about the gender. Venti was the first archon to get to you, his eyes widen in shock before his face was covered in red.
“Your grace! We are so very sorry for getting your gender wrong! How should we ever repay such a price!” He said as he knelt down with the other archons and everyone near by following after him. You only looked at them then where Akashi was sitting. He looked shocked yet happy, he was dating the creator for Celestia sake!
“You don’t have to do anything…..uh. I’ve been here for a few years anyways.” Once you said that the archons gasped in shock then immediately felt guilty for not noticing that the all might creator was and has been here for years without them knowing.
Zhongli or the geo archon spoke up after minutes of silence. “If anyone has been rude to you the past few months or years we can get rid of them for you.” He said that with such truth that it makes you scared that even if you say no he will look to see if anyone was mean to you. Calmly, or nervously, you said that it was fine and no one has been mean to the point of killing.
Venti started to hug you out of nowhere and began to get all touchy. For example he was rubbing his face against your arm. He or anyone else who didn’t know you before you were found out didn’t know you were dating someone. Aether knew and was jealous even before this whole event happened, but know he was extremely jealous and outraged. He should’ve killed that guy long ago!
“Uh, Barbato’s,” Venti’s face was even more red after hearing you say his archon name. “Can-Can you get off me? I’m dating someone and this feels like I’m cheating…” it seemed like everyone froze the once happy look in Ventis eyes went away and was replaced with a darken look. He looked up at you before asking who’s dating you.
“Hey Love! Didn’t know this would happen!” Akashi walked through the crowd as people made a path for him. Red eyes met blue ones both looked at the others with a burning hatred. Oh and Akashi is taller than Venti, he’s about 6’1.
It seems like the archons and all the devotes hated the guy and the same could go for Akashi. I mean, Akashi didn’t even know that you were the creator and still loved you. While everyone else was only gonna love you because you’re the creator.
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crackheadcola · 2 months
Info on the Fruitastical crew
SMG4: Blueberry boy >:] Smells of Blueberries, Colour palate is blues and whites(mostly Blue!) Works as a youtuber and helps with SMG3 in his cafe!! He works as a waiter! Very energetic, sweet and sometimes sour(like a blueberry lol) Has a Blueberry hairclip and pin!
SMG3: Grape boy :D Smells of Grapes, Colour palate is Purples and Blacks (mostly Purple!) Works at his cafe, makes a lot of things that have grapes!! Gets tired easily, still a silly Tsundere, more serious. Has a grape hair clip and pin!
Mario: Strawberry plumber >:3 Smells of Strawberries, Colour palate is Reds and Blues (mostly Red!), doesn't have a job (yet). Very energetic, very funny and sweet, bit of a dumb dumb lmao Has a strawberry hairclip and pin X3
Meggy: Orange squid XD Smells of Orange's, Colour palate is Orange and white (mostly Orange!), Works as a couch and helps train people, sweet and sour (like an orange lol), does actually loves oranges. Has a orange hairclip and pin :D
Tari: Damson plums gamer girl X3 Smells of Damson plums, Colour palate is dark-ish blue and white!, does training with Meggy sometimes, and works as a store worker. Very sweet and little sour but doesn't show it. loves plums, has a Damson plums pin and hairclip!
Melony: is just the canon one lmao Smells like watermelons!! every thing the same as she is in the canon!! but also has a watermelon pin that SMG3 gave her.
Boopkins: Limes Smells of Limes, Colour palate is lime green and ocean blues (mostly lime green!) Still a silly weeb lol, loves lemon and lime Miku. Very energetic, will talk about anime a lot, draws anime a lot Has a lime badge on his bag.
Bob: Kiwi Fruit Smells of Kiwi fruit, Colour palate is greens and browns. more of a sour kiwi fruit guy. Just like his canon personality. Has a kiwi fruit badge and pin. Also secretly has a kiwi fruit plushie lol
Saiko: Raspberry Smells like Raspberries. Colour palate is hot pink, some pastel pink and yellows. Loves music and has a lot of raspberry themed stickers on her guitar. has raspberry hair ties on her pig tails :D. Has a lot of raspberry pins on her jacket.
Luigi: Pear Smells like Pears. Colour palate is greens slight browns and a little bit of blue mostly green and brown. Loves gardening and has a little tree of pears next to his garden of flowers. Has a lot of pear pins on his hat and overalls, his gloves mostly have dirt on them from gardening.
Karen: Coconut Smells like Coconuts. Colour palate is whites, light browns and tiny bits of cyan. still a mum who works at a lot places mostly starbucks. loves children, and doesn't mind taking care of them. does help out with SMG3 at his cafe and helps him make the coffee's.
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tophatwearingidiot · 19 days
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A small Smg4 BREAK THE CYCLE!AU writing for the sillies. A bit rusty on my writing but I think I did well.
AU by: Me (tophatwearingidiot) and @bear-boi-5 Cover art by: @bear-boi-5 Writing by: Me (tophatwearingidiot)
Enjoy reading.
It was dark. The moon shone onto the soft western sand, making it glitter faintly in its light, a noticeable chill in the air. It was quite cold during the nights in this hell hole of a simulation, it felt all too realistic to Saiko. She was walking along the dunes, she came here to do something, something very important. Confronting Meggy. She'd been acting so fucking weird lately, like some crazed person, her ramblings and speech weird, and she had been quite distant, only getting worse each day that passed by. At the same time, Shroomy had gone missing, and it was… unnerving. No one has heard a peep from him in days, he hasn't stopped by with more potatoes, none of his associates: Belle, Whimpu, Jeeves, or anyone else in his group had seen him either. He seemingly just… vanished. She was hoping Meggy may have some insight since she's a bit further out than everyone else… if Meggy didn't know anything she'd try asking Tari to since she's been with Meggy the whole time. She hoped it would give even just a tiny bit of insight, everyone was worried, especially Karen, quite close they are, and she's been worried sick, Saiko just wanted some proof that the mushroom man was ok.
Saiko looked at the rickety, old, lone building… standing in front of it nervously- it smelt kinda fucking bad… she walked up to the door and knocked lightly, the door slowly creaked open, Meggy staring at her with an intense burn of a stare at Saiko. "Meggy." Saiko said softly… "We need to talk." "Oh Saiko! I-It's just you… uhmmm… sure what is it you need to talk about!" Meggy said in a fast-paced manner, opening up the door more, her eyes looking a bit sleepless, hair tangled up and ratty. Saiko started to talk again "Not sure if you're aware but Shroomy's been missing for a bit you uh… seen him?" "Oh nooo… sorry I haven't." Meggy smiled, a bit weirdly. "You haven't seen him at all?" "Nope… not for a couple days, Karen's worried sick…" Saiko said, a bit sadly… Meggy looked to the side a bit- her smile weaking to a nervous one before turning back into a broader one… and crazed-ish. "Why don't you uhm- come in Sai. I haven't chatted with you in a bit, heh." Saiko thought about it… she felt uneasy but, Meggy wouldn't hurt her? Their gf's… with Tari too… it's worth it right? She needed the comfort of them anyway. "Uh yeah sure. Is Tari still with you?" Meggy looked at her and nodded. Saiko felt a bit better…
She stepped inside the house and looked around, it was pretty banged up, but Meggy and Tari seemed to be making it work. Still have no clue why they moved out here though. She walked through the house with Meggy and into what seemed to be a living room. Tari sat on the ripped-up couch just staring blankly, she looked sort of drained- made Saiko slightly worried. Tari looked over and looked a bit nervous for a second before smiling… "Oh Sai… nice to see you…" She said softly. Saiko smiled back and hugged her, she planted a small kiss on her gf's cheek and smiled again, Tari blushing softly. "What are you doing here anyway Sai…" Saiko was about to speak when Meggy answered for her- "Shroomy has apparently gone missing… she wanted to know if you had any insight…" Her voice seemed a bit strained… Tari looked at Saiko and answered quickly, "U-Uhm no, not at all…" her voice seemed nervous, Meggy soon widely smiled and looked at Tari with a stare that could pierce rock. "Tari, you look a bit drained. Why don't you go ahead and go get something to eat. Hm?" Tari got more nervous "Uh- no I think I'm fi-" "Tari. I insist." She interrupted, tone a bit stern. "But I… alright…" Tari got up and walked to the kitchen, opening the door a waft of a rotten smell burst through for only a second, causing Saiko to gag. "Oh sorry… we haven't been able to clean out the kitchen yet, ignore the smell." She said with a softer smile… but it felt fake. Meggy spoke up once more… "Why don't we go for a walk on the dunes? Just me and you, hm?" "Why just us…?" Saiko asked… "Why not? We need to catch up, don't we?" She said… Saiko paused for a second and then replied, "Alright then, should we tell Tar?" "No need. She's an adult, we don't need to say anything. Now let's get out there before it gets too cold hm?" With that the two walked outside.
They talked a little about what had been happening recently in each other's lives, a little bit of laughing, a little bit of sorrow… but it felt nice to Saiko. While they were walking among the dunes, she noticed something. A green and golden hat sitting alone in the sand.
Shroomy's hat.
She paused, Meggy looked over at the hat and then directed her gaze at Saiko, who was already running towards it. She picked up the hat and inspected it, it looked damaged. She looked around a bit and saw something… horrifying. Not too far from the hat was Shroomy. A bullet shot through his head and his body picked apart by animals, what you could only assume to be vultures. She felt a presence right behind her, Meggy who was staring at her blankly. "He needed to go ya know." She said… her voice null of emotion. Saiko's eyes widened "You… YOU FUCKING DID THIS!? MEGGY WHAT IN GOD'S NAME IS WRONG WITH YOU." She screamed angrily. Meggy just… stared… "He's a traitor." "THE HELL YOU MEAN" Saiko shouted back quickly before getting met back with a quickly spoken, angry response, "HE IS A TRAITOR. WREN'S LITTLE FUCKIN SPY. SO, I GOT RID OF HIM." "Spy…? Sp.. SPY!? ARE YOU DENSE. HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG. YOU RAT BASTAR-" She was cut off being tackled to the ground, Meggy pinning her down tightly. "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND SAI. WITH THAT… ABOMINATION THAT IS HIS OTHER SIDE HE WOULD HAVE TAKEN THE OFFER. AND HE DID. SO, HE MUST BE TAKEN CARE OF. I DON'T LIKE THE FACT OF YOUR DENIAL SAIKO BICHITARU." She growled… her voiced crazed and rabid. Saiko struggled, but Meggy dug her hands into her arms more causing a yelp from Saiko… Meggy paused… hearing a small rumble come from her stomach… she smiled sadistically… "You know. I've been a bit… low on food. Been given most of it to Tar but… now that I know you're no better than that Shroom… maybe I'll just have a bite." Saiko looked in pain and in confusion for a second before it turned into a small scream, Meggy bit her leg, and started to dig her pointed teeth in… she quickly began to rip her bottom half up, Saiko screamed loudly in pain, crying out for any help, her screams piercing the air like a knife to butter, but it did not pierce anyone's ears. Her legs were torn up brutally, Meggy swallowing each chunk of flesh like a wild animal, eventually getting down to bone… which she tore from Saiko's body, a loud crack being heard as Saiko screamed more, Meggy continuing to eat… Saiko's voice became shrill as her throat hurt from her screaming… crying buckets of tears… the world started to get darker yet darker as she bled out. She felt so betrayed, so angry as the last bits of her life finally gave out, the last thing she saw was Meggy face… still tearing into the last bits of flesh on her detached leg bones.
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holmesshire · 2 months
WARNING!! RDR2 SPOILERS Greetings folks! Welcome to uh... a beginners experience to RDR2 itself. I HAVE played a bit of the game (8-ish hours fiddling around grabbing the concept of the sandbox-like elements..), but I'll be here to post my daily experience on this game. Without further ado..... Log 01
alright firstly I will admit, before even starting for the day with my intents I had a look around camp. Hosea was teaching Jack to read, Abigail waving Arthur off... .. and (being the curious fool I am) decided I'd eavesdrop on this interaction.
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...needless to say, I don't think they were too impressed. My first mission I took to start Chapter 2 was Uncle's mission. I was stoked to start this... cause.. VALENTINE! (but seriously why is this town so close to horseshoe overlook??? that thought was consistent in my head...). Being the goody two shoes I was I prompted to help the coach with his horse.
disaster struck me soon after.
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SO I HAD TO MISSION RESET... .. not the first time I failed the first part of the mission Eventually though we did get to Valentine. The prospect of the saloon sitting right infront of me nearing this mission had me STOKED. Not to mention when exiting the general store I was convinced Arthur was drunk... (I played GTA5, I'm familiar with when Rockstar wants to throw in the being drunk feature). Alas, he wasn't. So the mission continued!
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"Did you shoot him?" no. kinda wish I did, I don't like seeing a women get disrespected like that :(
The usual went down from there as most RDR2 players probably know -- save Tilly, accidentally knive the guy Karen was having problems with... (that's intended in the game right? cause I gasped when I stabbed him) .. OH, AND THE CHASE!
No pictures I'm afraid but I can clarify, Jimmy was saved. Is that going to cost me? Probably. I mean later on in this gametime Arthur was telling Dutch about Jimmy... that's gotta hold some importance, right? Ahh... I like to be civil.
As I was still in Valentine after Uncle's mission, I noticed Javier was in the saloon so I went in there. Had a good giggle at the "he about to kiss that guy or punch him?" comment and did NOT hold my composure whatsoever when the bar fight itself started.
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never thought I'd get so offended at getting my hat knocked off though........
IT HAPPENED TWICE! yes, I am saying after this first bit I picked up my hat, then Tommy comes in and WHERE IS MY HAT. GONE. VANISHED!!!!!! (I died to Tommy on the first go too... what an absolute loser I am to this. All because I forgot how to block......).. I passed the hurdle on the second go. Felt bad for Arthur being covered in dirt after the cutscene happened, and I nearly lost it into a giggling fit when DUTCH showed up. My thoughts were fixed on it; WHY IS DUTCH HERE?!
Now listen, after my hat got knocked the second time I waited patiently for the lore to settle and the cutscene to finish, and I made a beeline for the saloon. Wasn't leaving without my hat, no sirree...
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this resulted in me finding out about Cigarette Cards! Apparently according to Google there's 144 in total. Uhh... that's another thing on my bucket list! (Alongside completing William's first task with the Harlow's, and Deborah's bone collecting task). Oh, and dumb dumb over here didn't realise my hat was back on my horse back in the camp. Pretty dumb guy if you ask me...
There were 2 "strangers" I met after this mission, both inside of Valentine; The biographer and the homeless vet.
I came across the biographer first, this guy RAVING about a gunslinger. I found the whole thing delirious considering there's a sheriff.. . ain't gunslingers like outlaws? (Talking about the fact Valentine's SHERIFF was nearby. This biographer had a lot of guts rambling on about his tales and actively wanting to track historical outlaws for this biography of his...)
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i'm onto you mister. You shady fella you...
Now in my opinion, the homeless vet had me in a HEARTBEAT. Had me confused as heck at first because his dialogue startled up whilst I was behind the same house he was infront of.... I was crashing into everyone to be generous to this guy. However I found him!
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Believe me, hearing about this guy had me down. The one arm caught my attention first and really, REALLY I felt for this guy. (Of course I gave him the hug, the guy needs it if you ask me...)
FINALLY I made my way back to the camp. All these prompted missions interested me, However it was Kieran who had my attention straight away. The darn O'Driscoll who was tied up? THAT GUY? A MISSION???? How can you not be sceptical of that! Dutch was going to castrate this guy. CASTRATION. CASTRATION?
Yeah, pretty big stuff. Soo... Kieran admits to an O'Driscoll camp. I was reminded of that whole 6 (was it 6?) gangs index you can find index, and generally stuff about overrunning the camp spaces. Of course I was invested... and John being up? I took full advantage of poking fun at this guy on the way there... (in my defence Jack was literally staring me down earlier today. Gotta set my priorities straight.../joke)
The ambush occurred, and uh... things went "smoothly" (that's a lie, our silent ambush went straight to charging). I was sat there questioning everything at one point because both Bill and John were scattering. WHERE ARE YOU GOING? ... .. we did it though.
The kicker where Kieran protects Arthur stabbed me good. I have the clip... "oh my god.. wait WHAT?" -- (me, today)
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or this. This encapsulates my reaction just as well.
My main question though is how QUICK Kieran was to jump on and join the Van der Linde gang.. Kieran... buddy I'm starting to see why Dutch was so eager to castrate you. You my friend have got balls of steel....... I'm suspicious though. Undeniably, the guys sketchy to me.
I'll catch you round on Log 02 when it comes...... hoo boy, we're only getting started and I know it...
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heart-of-gold-outlaw · 10 months
Welcome Home | Chapter 12: It's a' Getting Closer
You never expected to live past your next birthday, let alone get magically sent to the 1890's. Nevertheless, here you are, stuck a hundred and twenty-ish years in the past... and in the care of a group of outlaws, at that. But as you slowly learn to make a life for yourself, you realize that maybe--just maybe--it isn't all bad. Maybe you can finally start living, not just surviving... something you never thought you'd have.
Oh, and then there's Arthur. He makes things a bit more complicated. Feelings and all that.
The next morning, you wake up with one hell of a hangover. It's odd, considering you didn't drink all that much, but hey: you've always been a lightweight. One beer? Tipsy. Two beers? Drunk. Three beers? Uh oh. Four beers? Hospital time.
The aftermath of last night's alcohol makes you feel like you swallowed a mouthful of sand. You groan, sit up on your bedroll, and spit out some of the bad taste in your mouth. Your head is pounding. It's probably going to take a whole lot of water and whatever greasy food you can get your hands on to make it stop. Here in the 1890s, though, it's not like you can just go to the nearest Denny's for a hangover breakfast. You can only hope that Pearson at least has some bacon on hand. 
The rest of camp is already up and about. You hear the girls chit-chatting as they work, Abigail scrubbing hard at a stain on somebody's shirt, one that's probably blood, while Karen and Mary-Beth argue about who's stuck with mending socks. Tilly is in the process of collecting eggs from the chicken coop, and Molly is... well, doing whatever it is she likes to do. She gives you a halfhearted wave when you catch her eye, then turns to a mirror and starts messing with her hair. 
You wince as you slowly get to your feet. The sun, high in the sky, is far too bright for your liking. You must've slept in. You're honestly surprised that Miss Grimshaw let you, but when you see her, she doesn't snap at you to get to work. Instead, she gives you as much of a smile as she'll ever give anyone and goes back to yelling at Pearson. 
Figuring out how to work your legs is harder than it should be, but eventually, you manage to stumble over to one of the tables. You sink heavily into a chair. Your head is killing you, and you slowly lower it into your arms. The darkness soothes the pain some, but not nearly enough. And to top it all off, you suddenly remember that there's no such thing as ibuprofen yet. Great.
You almost fall asleep again. Before you can, though, there's a dull thunk of a cup being set on the table, and a warm, calloused hand on your shoulder. 
"C'mon," Arthur drawls from somewhere next to you. "Get some water in you."
You groan and don't make a move to lift your head. You've only just gotten the splitting pain to go down to a somewhat less splitting pain. You don't want to ruin that progress.
"I ain't above makin' you," Arthur says, amused. "Trust me: you'll feel better for it."
Then make me, you think. Even through the hangover, the idea kicks up your heartrate a notch. 
Begrudgingly, you lift your head from your arms and take a sip of the water. Your stomach rolls like you're on a boat, and it takes all of your strength not to puke. 
"I think I'm dying," you groan. "Actually: no. I'm already dead. You're talking to my corpse."
Arthur chuckles, his hand absently rubbing soothing circles into your shoulder. You don't think he's aware he's doing it, nor of the effect it has on you, and before you can stop yourself, you're leaning into his touch. 
"You ain't dying," he says softly. Then, quieter: "Not on my watch."
You tilt your head back to look up at him. He's watching you with a fond, gentle smile—such a contrast to the ruthless outlaw he claims to be. It looks good on him. His fingers dig a little harder into your shoulder, carefully easing the knots and tension you've built up over the last few weeks. A sound escapes you. It's small, but the effect is immediate. Arthur's eyes widen just enough to let you know he noticed, and a flush starts creeping up his neck. 
Mortified, you stand up so quickly that you almost trip over your own feet. Arthur reaches out like he's going to steady you, but you're already scrambling away.
"Gotta go help with stuff, sorry!" You call over your shoulder as you get as far away from him as possible.
You make a beeline for Abigail, who's still hard at work with the stained shirt. Before she can even say hello to you, you've grabbed her wrist, hauled her to her feet, and started dragging her towards a secluded spot in the woods not too far from camp. 
"What in the goddamn hell, Y/N?" She demands, rubbing her wrist a little as you finally let her go. "I was in the middle of somethin'." 
You're certain your face is burning as you struggle with what to say. Abigail takes a closer look at you, realizes that you're obviously distressed, and sighs.
"What happened?" She asks in a gentler tone.
"Well," you manage, "I, uh... I have a problem."
Abigail rolls her eyes, exasperated, but not angry. You can tell she's reaching into a deep well of patience. "You're gonna have to be more specific than that, Y/N."
You start pacing, twigs and leaves crunching under your boots. Where can you possibly start? How can you even begin to tell her what happened? There's no telling how she'll react to the truth, that Arthur massaged your shoulder and you made a sound that left little to imagination. 
Dear God. You're screwed.
"I think I like Arthur more than a friend," you say in a jumbled rush. 
Abigail stares at you for a moment, eyebrows raised, mouth slightly parted. You silently wait for your inevitable demise.
"You..." She says slowly. "You're just now figuring that out?"
All of the air leaves your lungs in a startled exhale. "What?"
"Y/N..." Abigail shakes her head, a smile slowly growing on her lips. "The only one who doesn't know you fancy Arthur is Arthur... and apparently you until now."
Your eyes feel like they're going to pop out of their sockets as you gape at her. But... you'd been so careful. You'd made sure that nobody noticed how you felt about Arthur, done your best to hide it since he found you in the Grizzlies. And now for Abigail to tell you that it's all for nothing? 
Uh oh.
"He can never know," you say.
Abigail sighs. "Don't worry. He's about as dense as any man with this sort of thing."
Relief floods your body, and you sag against the closest tree. So far, crisis averted. 
"But if you want my advice," Abigail continues as she kneels next to where you've crumpled, "I'd say go after him. Arthur's a good man, Y/N. He'll treat you right."
You're already shaking your head before she even finishes.
"I can't," you mumble. "I don't wanna ruin things... and I don't think he feels the same way about me."
Abigail chuckles and gently pats your knee. When you look at her, she's smiling.
"Don't be so sure, Y/N."
Short chapter this time around because I wanted to get this story back up and running ASAP. Definitely going to aim for weekly updates from now on, so be on the lookout every Sunday!
Also: I'm not dead! Surprise!
See y'all next week!
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colorisbyshe · 2 months
July 2024 Monthly Music NYAA
Current (within the last month... or so):
"Joyride" by Kesha. We've all heard it. A return to form and a celebration of Kesha's freedom <3
I finally listened to Cupcakke's album. I know people love to harp on her obscene lyrics and humor but can I just say her instrumentals are one of a fucking kind? Some notables off the album: "Water Balloon," "Aura," "Backstage Pass," "Rock Paper Scissors," "Dora," and "Dementia." If you like these, maybe give "Catman" by TeaMarr as well.
"Skyscraper Starlight" De De Mouse. City Pop sensibilities with a modern groove factor.
"Chasing Low Vibrations" Foster the People. Not as good as previous stuff but... idk... what it is what it says on the tin. Low vibrational.
"Corazon" & "Switch It (ft Cakes da Killa, GAWD). Glossy, disco-y, and MADE to get you on the fucking dance floor! Glad to have accidentally found the latter song through Cakes Da Killa and their song "Da Dat Baby" with its gay, flashy rap. If you like those, PIVOT WITH ME, and try out "Nowhere" by Shotaro Aoyama.
"Kiss" Penicillin. Just some Visual Kei rep on this list. The sound is very nostalgic for Jrock, at least vocally. Like 1998 vibes.
"Low Threshold" Navy Blue. A rap that feels like the intersection between a confessional and a sermon.
Looking at my "Share with Tumblr" playlist... this is longer than expected so uh... kpop dumping ground?? Which is bad because these are all WILDLY different genres but... I feel like the same group of people will give them a chance so:
"Hot Mess" Aespa (chaotic, bad but compelling). "Sabotage" & "Bad Blood" KWON EUNBI (Dancey, Loona-adjacent somehow?) "Dont" Lee Chae Yeon (Bop for the girlies) "Pricey" & "Rain Drop" NCT 127 (Songs I re-imagine as Exo demos) "Sweetie" PRSNT (Jiyoon from 4minute!! In a co-ed group!! Bubbly) "XO (Only if You Say Yes)" Enhyphen (I'm obsessed with the instrumental) "All Day" Onew (I SAVED THE VERY BEST!! GORGEOUS, ENTHRALLING, musically complex and great)
Jpop and mid-2000s AMV core... I'm here for "Underground" by F5ve and its semi-viralness.
I don't think its their best album, by a long shot, and I miss how weird they were but Glass Animals did have a bit of a comeback from that HORRIBLE lead single. Notables: "How I learned to Love the Bomb," "Wonderful Nothing," "whatthehellishappening?" Indie pop / alt rock.
"Super Breath" Karen 0 & Danger Mouse. MTV Teen Wolf era ass song. For the peeps who liked older Metric but also MTV's curated playlists for their teen dramas.
"Stupid (can't run from the urge" underscores. If hyperpop intrigued you but kind of scared you, if you ran back to like... madeon but gayly... this is the song for you.
If you like previous recs of Alex Anwandter's music, give "Mi Corazón" by Tango Astral a shot. Similar vibes, perhaps more basic.
Kinda generic rock song but "Delusion:All" One OK Rock scratches an itch. Still don't think they've ever done better than "Clock Strikes" but I don't follow them much
Older songs to shout out: "Passive" A Perfect Circle (Used to listen to this and think of Sasunaru, alt rock, nu metal... ish), "Last Smile" Love Psychedelico (Jrock from 2000, close your eyes and bop your head), "Eureka" Sakanaction (more Jrock, more energetic and poppy), "Something Good '08" Utah Saints (Kate Bush Sample and made a great AMV)
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wonderlandmind4 · 2 years
I was rewatching Daredevil season 2 and while, yes, I’ll fully admit Matt had many issues going on and was trying to do everything and please everyone and be everything at the same time that he overwhelmed his own plate, that he was a bit asshole-ish in a way BECAUSE of those reason, that his communication skills fell through the cracks, and yeah maaayybbbeee he didn’t handle the whole Karen/Elektra thing well at all- HOWEVER
It always bothered me that he never did get to explain to Karen why there was another woman in his bed. And idk what it really looked liked from Karen’s point of view, but that was clearly a woman who’s not well/has been hurt. He just never got the chance to say “oh, welp, she was nearly sliced in half, poisoned and nearly died” which, granted he couldn’t tell her all of that but a quick “she was attacked” mmmmaaayyybbbeee would have helped like a smidge?
And, I always see people call Matt an asshole during that season but again, I never truly thought he was straight up a dick. Ya know? He wasn’t, he tried to handle everything at once and he couldn’t. He went from almost having a relationship with Karen, going good with Foggy and the firm and then Frank shows up, nearly shoots his head in, gets Frank captured, thinks things are going good again, chaos and pain he never dealt with shows up in the form of Elektra, is kinda sorta manipulated into helping her and she bribes the firm with money, tries to be Daredevil and Lawyer for the biggest case of the decade with Frank, fights ninja’s he can’t sense with his abilities, accidentally almost gets Elektra killed, nearly misses the cases.
Asshole Stick shows up, Matt realizes Elektra and Stick know each other, Karen walks in, Foggy is mad. Karen wants nothing to do with Matt, Foggy tries to get him back on track and Matt (because he’s Matt and has guilt and thinks his friends are better off without him) pushes Foggy away. Thinks he has Elektra who chooses him and to “be better” when he thinks he’s lost everything, only for him to be shot with an arrow, had a kid killed by Elektra moments after the “be better”, realizes he was just a mission, again has no one. Finds out that all he did putting Fisk away was help him get control of the prisons and now he’s feeling like all their hard work was for nothing. Pushes Claire away- the last person who really is still trying to be on his side and give him tough love- like…
This poor man. This poor, guilt ridden, martyr masochist of a man tried to do everything at once, be a good friend, boyfriend, lawyer, hero, and it all just falls through his fingers no matter how much he did or tried. And it continued to fall to shit afterwards…which lead to him in the Defenders trying not to be apart of anything, to having and still wanting and needing to- to Season 3 Matt.
And that’s where his development continues and it’s beautifully heartbreaking to watch that man fall apart and push people away to finally realizing pushing the people who truly love him away and just being Daredevil was not the right move and yeah, maybe accepting some help and being honest is what’s best, and truly accepts himself as both Matt and Daredevil, asshole or not. And that when it comes down to it, Foggy is the purest heart of gold best friend Matt could ever have because he recognized all of that in Matt and refused to abandon him even after everything.
This got away from me….I shouldn’t write things while sick and on cold meds 😅
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lunabug2004 · 9 months
My Amateur Attempt at a Mike Wheeler Analysis (S1, E1):
WARNING: This is a very Mike-defensive analysis! I will be (over)analyzing every Mike scene, episode by episode, but if you’re looking for completely unbiased analyses, this is not where you’ll find them! He is one of my favorite TV characters of all time and I’m sick of all the hate, so I wanted to just put my view of him up somewhere. Also, I ship both Mileven and Byler, but I prefer Byler quite a bit more, so this will mainly be Byler-focused, and I will touch on some of Mike’s queer-coding as well.
Season 1, Episode 1:
Mike is playing DnD with Will, Dustin, and Lucas, acting as the DM. This is an early testament to his intelligence and imagination, as well as his role of leader in the party. When Mike is told to stop playing, he argues with his mom, showing his stubbornness and dedication to the game (and the campaign he took 2 weeks to plan). Then, he sees off his friends, making sure they all leave safely. I love this detail, as it shows how much he cares for his friends at such a young age (I mean, how many 11/12 year olds do you know who would do that?). Thanks to the conversation the boys have about Nancy as they are leaving, we also learn that he and Nancy used to have an okay sibling-relationship, but that hasn’t been the case since at least 4 years ago. As Will is leaving, he tells Mike the truth about the dice-roll, “It was a seven,” and I know this is a little detail, but I like that we can see that Will does not want to lie to Mike, maybe a hint towards how different their relationship/friendship is.
When we next see Mike, it is at breakfast the next morning, and he is putting syrup on his eggs, which grosses out Nancy, and he does the typical younger-sibling move of putting syrup on her eggs too just to annoy her. This same morning, when the boys (minus Will, obv) show up at school and Will is not there, Mike makes a worried comment about it, but the other two boys don’t seem as worried. Then they get intercepted by their bullies, being called “Frog-face”, “Midnight”, and “Toothless”, and after Dustin is targeted by the bullies, Mike tries to comfort him by saying his disability is like he has superpowers. This shows his love for Dustin through his want to defend him, even if it’s not defending him to the bullies’ faces, rather defending him from his own insecurities. This showcasing of Mike’s love comes back into play multiple times throughout the season. I’d also like to point out that Mike decided at a young age to surround himself with “freaks” (Lucas because of his race, Dustin because of his disability, and Will because of his queer traits) despite being relatively normal himself. Now, this might just be because he was originally supposed to have a birthmark on his face and that was supposed to be his “freak-ish” trait, or that he just didn’t realize he was doing this because he obviously doesn’t see these things as bad, but I thought it was still interesting to point out.
When Mr. Clarke shows the boys the radio after class, we learn that Mike is the president of the AV club, then they are taken to talk with Hopper about Will’s case. Mike takes the lead in answering Hop’s questions, now this may just be because Hop calls on him specifically, but I’d like to think it’s also a way to show Mike as the leader of the group. He is the one to bring up helping look for Will, and we can see how serious he is about this because when he is denied this, and Dustin and Lucas start bickering, Mike looks completely annoyed. 
He doesn’t give up on this want to help look for Will either, as we see him arguing with Karen about the same thing during dinner, and he still looks extremely annoyed and worried when denied again. When Nancy blames “Will getting lost” for not being able to leave the house, Mike immediately gets very defensive of Will, and outs Nancy’s new relationship with Steve. He looks very proud of himself after this until Ted speaks up with “You see what happens?”, which causes Mike to get defensive all over again, this time exclaiming that he’s the only one who cares about Will, then storming off from the dinner table. Now, I want to touch on Ted’s comment here, because really what other than Will’s “queerness” could he be commenting on here? And this shows us, 1) what type of views Mike’s grown up around, and 2) that Ted must believe there is a chance that Mike shares the same “queerness” as Will. After storming off, Mike goes to the basement, then seemingly after some time staring at the DnD board, he contacts Lucas about going to find Will despite being told not to so many times. By doing this, he directly puts himself and the others in danger, and we know he’s aware of this due to how he convinced Lucas to join him.
We see Mike leave the house, and after joining with the boys, even when it starts to rain, Mike is the most determined to keep going into the woods to search. He’s also very obviously being the leader of the group at this time, making sure to tell the other two to keep close and stay on the same radio channel just in case. When they are walking deeper into the woods, we see Mike in the middle and at the front, then he’s also the first to hear the rustling of the leaves, so he gets the boys to shut up. Then they find Eleven!
There's my episode 1 deep dive! If anyone finds anything explicitly wrong, or wants to add anything, please let me know! Also, if you're interested in me doing more, please tell me, because this is completely self-indulgent, but if others enjoy it I will try even harder! Also, I am completely new to Tumblr, so pls be nice
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discoverywriter · 6 months
20 Questions For Writers
Didn’t actually get tagged on this, but it looked like a fun one. 🤣
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
AO3 says I have 24. Huh.
2. What is your total AO3 word count?
288,626 since I started in 2021, which seemed like a lot to me until I realized 179,551 of those belong to the second thing I ever wrote, a massive 4 part series covering from Rio’s resurrection to their inevitable HEA.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Veronica Mars brought me to AO3. The Punisher (Kastle) made me think for the first time about writing prompts, but it was the Good Girls (Brio) fandom that finally got me to put the proverbial pen to paper.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Even If It Hurts (Part 3 of Walk Through The Fire series)
2. Sanctuary (Part 2 of Walk Through The Fire series)
3. Get Your House In Order (Part 1 of Walk Through The Fire series)
4. By My Side (Part 4 of Walk Through The Fire series)
5. What Would Elizabeth Do?
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I try to, at least. Sorry if I’ve missed any, sometimes I lose track of the notification emails.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ooh, definitely Enemy of My Enemy. Hardest fic for me to finish. Not fluffy. No HEA. Rio is aaaaaangry.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmm… there’s a lot to choose from cause I looooove a soft, fluffy Brio. If you can slog through the 4 part series, it covers the most ground, ending years after the show. It’s loosely based on canon to start, but veers off.
8. Do you get hate on your fics?
Hmm… Not really. Luckily just one I can think of. A vague accusation that all my ideas were suspiciously like a lot of other ones on AO3… except those other writers did it way better. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I blocked them and figured if anything, it meant I’d finally “made it”. 😂
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I try to. I aim for the kind I think people will enjoy reading, but I often alternate between worrying it’s either a little too cheesy, or over the top.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don’t, but I would never say never. There are some I would *love* for other people to write, though. Karen Page (Punisher) and Steve Rogers (Captain America)… Intrepid reporter interviews national hero after the Battle of New York. Neither are looking for anything, but sparks fly. Anyone? Anyone??? 🤣
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don’t think so?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but wouldn’t it be awesome if AO3 had a button that would do that automatically?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Again, no. I won’t say it would never happen, but I’m a bit of a lone wolf writer. Strict deadlines, etc are tough for me, so I think I’d find a co-writing situation very stressful.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
It has to be Brio. 🥰
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
This is a tough one. I don’t tend to release fics until they’re finished, so I don’t have any orphaned stories out there crying out for a happy ending. I do have a dozen or so ideas that are in various stages of completion. Some are almost done(ish), so I suspect the ones that are less likely to get finished are the ones that are literally a sentence fragment… barely a complete idea. I mean, they’re great random scattered thoughts, but… Yeah.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I’ve been told my Brio characterizations are good.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Hmmm… Dialogue and smut. My descriptions aren’t bad, but my writing style isn’t as “flowy” as I’d sometimes like.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I’m not bilingual, so if I include another language in a fic I tend to keep it fairly short and straightforward to lessen the chance of getting it wrong.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Good Girls. First and only.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I don’t mind rereading (most of) my own stuff. I have a special soft spot for ones where Brio interacts with the kids, like Smarter Than Your Average Gang Friend (Rio gets shown up by the Jane), and In Sickness (Jane’s sick and Rio shows Beth an uncharacteristic kindness).
Not tagging anyone in particular. Please, jump in!
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broken-synchronicity · 4 months
Firstly, I really liked how the chapter flowed and I thought you did a great job translating what was essentially a shadow slideshow in the game into an actual scene. Plus, we get to actually see RoseDad! He's an actual person and not a vague namedrop in some card line somewhere.
Secondly, I absolutely still hate RoseMom, always have but you wrote it in a way that feels...real?? Like before, she was just a vaguely awful Karen figure with no detail. Kinda like how the game has her as just a shadow figure with no details. But now she's real. I've met/heard of women/parents exactly like that and its awful to see a realistic(ish) reality that Riddle could have suffered through.
Poor, poor Riddle. And that final bit with Riddle and RoseDad was a kick in the teeth. Literal parent alienation and RoseDad knowing he wouldn't be able to see his son if he went for a divorce? But he still lost his son to his overbearing wife anyway?? Here's to hoping that Riddle and RoseDad manage to reconcile in the real world, especially since Riddle IS almost an adult (like Kal pointed out).
So excited to see what's coming next!!
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Omg I promise you, finally posting the new chap, and then waking up to 20 emails of a bunch of welcoming me back??? It was just
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And AAAAAAAAAA THANK YOU!!!!!! I had a pretty clear picture of how I wanted to depict the flashbacks in story (minus the song lyric part, that was an almost last minute addition 🤣) and I'm really glad everyone liked it!!!
I'm also very happy about everyone's reactions to Mama and Papa Rosehearts!!!! Several people commented on how realistically I've depicted the two and Riddle's situation, and I'm glad I could achieve that in some way since it's not a situation I've seen personally in my own life IRL. (At least in the strict/abusive parent side of things. I've very familiar with Mama Rosehearts brand of "I am the most talented doctor here, therefore I know everything about medicine and am therefore correct in all health decisions made for my son", thanks to a number of family members who work in medical 😅)
I'm not entirely done with Papa Rosehearts though, don't y'all worry 😉 I've got a particular bonus chapter for TA planned for him and Riddle.
Speaking of! Here's a couple picrews of Mama and Papa Rosehearts! Under the cut so not to clog anyone's dash
Isibéal Rosehearts (Age 41)
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Riddle gets his hair from Mama. She's the type of person to be pretty obsessive with her self image, so she uses a lot of anti-aging products to hide any wrinkles and dyed out the grey in her hair.
Lewis Roseheart (Age 43)
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Papa on the other hand, has aged rather gracefully despite everything (going entirely grey pretty quickly from stress). Riddle had his Papa's eyes.
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wikiangela · 1 year
Seven-ish Sentence Sunday
tagged by @panbuckley @prince-buck-diaz 💖💖💖
here's a bit more of the possessive buddie fic I posted a snippet of on friday lol I haven't written anything more for it since then but I'll get back to this as soon as I finish the holiday fic (one chapter left!)
After the thing with Natalia didn’t work out, he decided maybe he wasn’t ready, and he’s taking a break from dating. Eddie was entirely too happy when he heard that. He doesn’t like when Buck dates. Hell, when Buck said he’s taking a break, Eddie quickly found an excuse to end things with Marisol, too. At the time he didn’t realize that’s why he broke up with her, but upon thinking things over, and talking it through with Hen and Karen, he knows now. He knows that his feelings for Buck extend beyond friendship, building and building over the years. He knows that constantly thinking about your best friend, and wanting to spend all your time with them, and missing them immediately when they’re not there, and feeling downright giddy with happiness around them, finding everything they do adorable, and on top of that finding them extremely attractive, and wanting to kiss them, and hold their hand, and jump their bones, and spend your whole life with them – that it’s not exactly how people usually feel about their friends. He’s in love with his best friend, loves him more than he ever thought was possible to love anyone.
He also knows, of course he does, that he should want Buck to be happy with whomever he chooses to be with. But there’s a part of Eddie, getting louder and louder, and right now taking over his thoughts completely, that doesn’t want to share Buck. He wants it all to himself. Which is selfish and wrong, but he doesn’t give a fuck. 
No pressure tags: @silentxxsoul @diazass @elvensorceress @mrevanbuckley @translasso @shortsighted-owl @911onabc @alyxmastershipper @thewolvesof1998 @thebravebitch @spotsandsocks @transbuck @honestlydarkprincess
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sibylsleaves · 1 month
Helloooo defend in place/mayday anon :) sad to report I did not finish my s4+s5 watch/rewatch this weekend (tall task in hindsight plus anirudh tweets dropped right before I was about to start jinx of all episodes lol) BUT I did finish up to 5x10 which means I got to defend in place yayyy! General s5 thoughts 1. Watched ghost stories for the first time and its not nearly as bad as I thought it would be (although 618 and 710 didnt exist when this seemed to be consensus worst ep. So). I get how this ep might be hard to watch on a weekly basis but its pretty fine while binging and also features crucial henren/karen lore like … also noooo way chim really said he was going to bring buck near death, revive him with his paramedic skills and then kill him. Did the writers know. Lmao. 2. Taylor kelly stuff is not nearly as bad as I remember it from what I had watched. Its just painfully obvious her and buck should be friends and not even because their physical chemistry is outright bad just their dynamic feels super friend-ish. And they put all that development time into taylor when they should have developed bucktaylor instead, like how karen was developed after henren, for example. Bucktaylor ily scene still hits like nails on a chalkboard though. God forbid we have to live through something like that again 3. Ravi deadass in every episode. When will my sweet prince return in this capacity 4. Forgot about athena hitting harry :( definitely one of the things that I had issues with from before and was just as shocked now as before like why did that need to happen :(
Okay okay NOW defend in place thoughts !!!!!! I really really liked it, definitely a top 3 s5 episode for me probably (the other 2 I really love are 5x11 and 5x12). Michael/grant family proposal montage… genuinely top (fun) montage in the show. Up there with jinx and stuck/chris and poker date montages imo it was so cute. And while I really loved the ep the whole time I was like damn we were robbed of david content so bad 😭😭😭 he was so good in this ep and the s4 michael bobby ep like I just want more I cant believe we’ll never see him again. Okay and the ravi lore. Im going to be honest I spent years thinking the ravi cancer child thing was fanon/ravi begins spec LMAO like I saw gifs of that ravi hen scene a few weeks ago and was like damn… that lore is canon😭 but yay I wish the show would just once expand on his lore beyond surface level. And the defend in place call was so good although I will say it was giving greys anatomy massively though. Before I kinda wished the show would have done more with david/hen dr stuff but honestly after this Im glad it didnt bc I swear Ive watched this exact stuff happen in greys before lol. But yeah overall what a great send off for michael like so good. On my first watch years ago I was always kind of like okay michael is fun but he doesnt really get to contribute to the main part of the show much outside of being a dad and in that sense I always found his character a bit weak/neglible. But now on this watch Im like why didnt they give us more of this michael!! Copaganda aside, The athena team up when theyre searching for harry was so good and it was probably when I started thinking damn this cast is really missing rockmund in recent seasons. But at least they went this direction with the send off, if theres one thing you can trust 911 for its an eventual happy ending. (And also side note. Amidst the summer of bpreg and domesticverse some of the scene in this episode had me really in my feels. Yay)
hiiiiii bestie!!!!!!! thank you for updating me!!! i also did not watch 5a live (started the show the january between 5a & 5b) so i'm in agreement with you on the fact that it's really not a bad half season when binged!! i can understand the frustration of watching it live though. also ravi being in every episode omg......we used to have it all....(totally forgot about that athena and harry shit too wtf...)
OK YAY DEFEND IN PLACE!!! idk if you saw but i ALSO rewatched it this week (partially in your honor and partially to fulfill the summer of buddie self-care prompt). I have SUCH a soft spot for david, we really don't get to see much of him but i loved their meet cute, loved him in there goes the neighborhood and he's just!!! ugh!!! super hot and so sweet and such a good partner to michael.
lol I've never seen grey's anatomy but i can def see that...anyway yay i'm glad you enjoyed the episode. on my rewatch it really hit home for me how much the episode was grant-nash focused (like you said, with the fun little proposal montage) and it made me realize how much i really do miss them. Looking back, part of what really drew me into the show in s2 was all the family stuff--Buck and Maddie first & foremost (also Eddie & Chris), but also definitely the Grants and how they navigated adding Bobby to their family. It was such a good storyline and they really continued to showcase how special their family is through the next couple seasons!!!
anyway thanks for updating me, let me know how the rest of s5 goes (esp May Day!) 🫡
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daggerzine · 2 months
Pitchfork Day 2
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Saturday's weather looked like it might rain, but it stayed overcast for a bit, and then the sun came out Needless to say, it was typical Pitchfork weather-humid. As for the music, what seemed like countless DJs yesterday, today was filled with band after band on all three stages for the most part.
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Chicago's Lifeguard kicked things off on the Green Stage (GS) in a great way as a tight-sounding, three piece combo that fluctuated between bass and guitar or two guitars with their drummer. Kai Slater, the main guitarist, was seated the entire set, but it didn't seem to limit his capabilities. The set ended with a wall of distortion that sent the (unfortunately) small crowd into a frenzy. (Kai was seen later at the Blue Stage and on crutches.)
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Next up, L'Rain performed on the Red Stage (RS) with a complete jazz combo featuring keyboards, saxophone, drums, guitar, and backing vocals. It was a set filled with smooth sounds that offered another slice of musical style to Pitchfork fans.
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Back to the GS, Kara Jackson continued the smooth vibe L'Rain started. Kara sang and played her acoustic guitar, along with her bassist, violinist, keyboardist/clarinet player, as well as, a backup singer. She opened with her beautiful rendition of Karen Dalton's "Right, Wrong or Ready" and then immediately went into her song "No Fun." Kara's a folky, jazzy, bluesy songwriter that brings another style to today's lineup.
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The first band at the Blue Stage(BS) is Hotline TNT. Imagine if Swervedriver met The Replacements and you get a slight comparison. Will Anderson may write all the music, but his current out-of-control lead guitarist stole the show. Two guitars, one bass, and a drummer that pack a lot of punch in their songs. Lots of Who-like jumping and thrashing that really fired up the crowd. "I Thought You'd Change" was a crowd favorite.
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Back to the RS, Pittsburgh's feeble little horse brought their sound to the big stage blasting indie rock with a full band. Singer and bass player, Lydia Slocum, along with guitarists Sebastian Kinsler and Ryan Walchonski , and drummer Jake Kelley did their best despite some technical issues with tracks.
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At the BS, Water From Your Eyes was one band I was really looking forward to. Unfortunately, a coughing Rachel Brown confessed she wasn't her best, but that didn't stop her "from doing her job." Nate Amos and the rest of the band plugged through a rockin' set despite her announcement. "Barley" was a crowd favorite with its vocal counting, tapeloops, and post-punk blasts. "I'm being punished for sneaking into Pitchfork all three days 10 years ago." -Rachel
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Back to the GS, Wednesday delivered an Alt-Country/American slice for the crowd. Karly Hartzman kicked up her vocals especially in the spine-shilling final number, "Bull Believer." Wednesday also includes Jake Lenderman (more often known as MJ, who I missed a few weeks ago) on guitar. Throw in a lap steel guitarist, a bassist, and a drummer, along with Karly shredding her guitar, and you've got a great live sound. The coolest transition of the day was from their own "Bath County"(referencing Drive-By Truckers) to a Drive-By Truckers song, "Women Without Whiskey."
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Sweeping Promises at the BS, provided quirky indiepop. Guitarist, Caufield Schnug, gave it all he had with his intricate, B-52's-ish riffs. Not to take anything away from bassist Lira Mondal, she can really sing!
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The GS, is getting crowded. Here's as close as I could get to Jessie Ware. She eventually jumped into the crowd for that intimate connection. Great sound, cool dancers, tight rhythm section, and she covered Cher's "Believe." What more could you ask for?
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Back to the BS, Bratmobile's Allison Wolfe shared her roots of visiting Chicago before showing off her vocals and cheerleader movements. It was a fun set featuring Rose Melberg playing killer guitar! (They even played her Tiger Trap song, "Supreme Nothing"!) But it was the finale that stole the show. Covering The Runawyas' "Cherry Bomb" was the perfect ending complete with young girls (daughters?) singing the chorus.
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I ended DAY 2, at the BS. Unwound delivered a post-hardcore set to compete with Carly Rae Jepsen on the RS. I was mesmerized by Jared Warren's intricate bass work! Solid sound coming from all four band members made this a great way to end my day.
DAY 3 tomorrow.
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