#but it just. annoys me. at the end of the day it's just super fucken annoying
emmerrr · 1 year
adam parrish hcs
because it’s his day!! it’s today!!!
adam always kicks off his shoes without undoing the laces then gets annoyed when he has to untie them to put them on again
so for his birthday ronan dreams him up a pair of velcro sneakers
they’re super bright and obnoxious (neon green or something) but they ALSO light up when you stomp your foot AND they glow in the dark
adam: “they’re hideous. i love them.”
he hums when he concentrates really hard but doesn’t really realise he’s doing it
usually 70s or 80s songs that play a lot on the radio when he’s working at boyd’s
so he gets a lot of songs stuck in other people’s heads accidentally
adam: *humming the final countdown by europe while doing his homework*
ronan, later: 🎵it’s the final countdown, na na naaaa naa, na na na na na naaa🎵
adam: why are you singing that
ronan: are you fucken kidding me
he’s forever fixing things around the barns or 300 fox way
leaky faucet, loose door-handle, stiff window, squeaky hinges? adam’ll fix it
i already have a hc that ronan makes adam a new mixtape every time adam heads back to college for a new semester
but i think that adam makes mix-cds for ronan too
he has an older laptop that still has a cd-drive in it because it’s second hand
so he makes cd’s for ronan’s car, filled with songs that ronan finds irritating as a payback for the murder-squash song
think like uptown funk, hollaback girl, call me maybe, happy, somebody that i used to know -- stuff that probably got way overplayed and/or was annoyingly catchy
he leaves them in ronan’s car after he drives it so the next time ronan drives it and presses play he’s bombarded with 🎵A FEW TIMES BEEN AROUND THAT TRACK SO IT’S NOT JUST GONNA HAPPEN LIKE THAT CAUSE I AIN’T NO HOLLABACK GIRL🎵
(but maybe adam sneaks some songs on there that remind him of ronan too. maybe. just maybe)
gansey teaches him how to play chess and adam rapidly becomes better than him and now every time they play he wins
gansey always thinks this will be the time he wins until adam makes a move that turns the whole thing around and gansey realises adam could’ve ended it several turns back but was just humouring him
through carefully cultivated habit his expectations for his birthday are low to non-existent
but he has friends who think the world of him and who also have the worst poker faces of all time
so when blue arrives to take him out for a birthday breakfast it takes him all of two minutes to get her to admit they’re throwing him a surprise party
“you better act surprised or ronan is going to murder me”
they get back to the barns later on and there’s a bbq going and lights floating in the air around the deck and gansey, henry, matthew, ronan, opal and the fox way ladies are all there.
adam, trying to act surprised: um wow thank you guys oh my god what a shock
ronan, narrowing his eyes: sargent i fuckin’ knew you’d cave
anyway he spends his birthday surrounded by people who love him who would do anything for him :’))))
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Fitz needs many, many hugs. I feel like he gets the short side of the stick in the fandom, everyone's always talking about him in relation to Sophie instead of him being his own character with his own flaws and opinions. It hoenstly annoys me, it's not like he even has glaring anger issues! He only yelled at Sophie (and people in general) when he was going through the most traumatic parts of his life! His dad straight up died! (Or at least. Didn't know he could be healed, but to him his dad died) and He's expected to not only /not/ go into his own way of dealing with emotions, but to cater to others? People are expecting a 16 year old boy to be the pinnacle of emotional maturity? To hear about how his father died and go "Ah yes, what a shame, are you alright Sophie? I know that Lord Alden was close with you" as if it wasn't his fucken dad omfg
I could just be remembering it wrong and I personally don't like Sophie all that much (I just find her very selfish and overpowered, especially since she's launched into the highlife of society. I would've preferred to have Sophie cut out or at least reduced and have Fitz and Dex be the main characters as they are /brilliant/ mirrors of each other and could solve lots of the issues. That way we would also get a feel for how the world was, immersing ourselves in the fantasy when someone weird comes along, but that "weird" is our normal. I also don't like how she kissed Dex to say "See? Nothing" like omfg-)
Both Fitz and Keefe's characters have gotten almost irreparable confuddled with Sophie, and while she is a critical person in their lives who has permanently affected them, she is not all they are! I'm certainly guilty of this, as a lot of times I'll draw on relationships characters have and Sophie is an important one for them, but there's so much to each of them! Actually I think all three of them are permanently tied to each other, as I've brought them all up now...
You're so right though, Fitz needs so many more hugs, and your critique of the anger issues he's attributed to have is accurate. The term "anger issues" come with a whole host of assumptions and stigma, and I just don't think they fit him. I believe it's more accurate to say that he can struggle with his anger, not that he has anger issues. And yeah! His worst moments have always come during some of the most stressful times of his life where it would be absolutely unrealistic to expect him to be rational and in control. That doesn't mean that he's excused or justified or that his behavior is acceptable, but it doesn't make his behavior into some huge character flaw to vilify him for.
Fitz's dad effectively dying is a very understandable reason to lose your shit! One thing that always slightly baffles me is how Sophie herself specifically says that (saying she understands and that he can be mad at her, etc) and has that attitude throughout the whole event from the beginning, yet people portray it as a negative count on his character. Sophie saw Alden as a father figure, but she didn't have the same relationship or reliance or conceptualization of him as Fitz and Biana. She's allowed to feel however she needs to about it, but at the end of the day it really wasn't about her.
Also that's an interesting perspective! I haven't considered Dex and Fitz as the main characters before, as it would be a very different story. Not that that is a bad thing, it's a matter of personal preference. They do have an interesting dynamic and parallels, and their arc learning to set aside their prejudices and come together to work towards whatever goal they'd have in this changed story would be wonderful! I do wonder how it would work, as I think there's a strong argument that the reason both of them changed and came together/got over the rivalry they have is because Sophie is in the story as a bridge, so I'm curious how their interactions would be navigated without her.
I agree though that'd I'm super curious to see what the world was like before Sophie came crashing into it. I swear I made a post about that exact thing I just don't know when, but I want to know what it was like when everyone was going to classes and without Sophie's human lens and with Fitz disappearing and Keefe pulling pranks, you know?
I've also talked about the Dex kiss thing here so I won't say more here, but that's a fair way to feel about the situation!
anyway what I'm getting from all this is that we should love Fitz Vacker some more and that is a message I can absolutely get behind <33
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magstorrn · 2 years
ok i am desperately trying to remember as much as i can from sonic 2 (will be seeing it again in a couple days) but a few things that i loved/noticed
- i know that a few people were worried (including me) about them leaning too heavily toward the superhero angle with the whole blue justice thing, but that was mercifully really short and was just a way of showing how sonic was being overly reckless/arrogant! and it was nice to see them showing that side of him too
- i just have to say. the winter soldier line WAS annoying, but that fucking pay off?? the whole ‘bucky saves steve’ thing but with knuckes and sonic?? hello? IM LOSING IT
- unfortunately i found jim carrey insufferable in this movie but my guy deserves credit for giving 200%
- i didn’t find the movie particularly funny at any point and in fact there were many bits i found just unbelievably cringe (the siberian dance off, for one - uptown funk is so old now?? the adventure pose maybe JUST saves it). i mean... did we really need a flossing reference in both movies
- but that negative stuff aside, this was just so clearly a movie by fans for fans and i honestly think that’s why critics dont like it. the audience of this film is either a) sonic fans or b) kids and there is no in-between
- on that note!! i was LIVING for the interactions between tails + knuckles + sonic, it’s such a blessed dynamic and i loved how they all got to individually play off each other.
- there were so many facets to knuckles too - his gullibility, his vulnerability, his longing for a family, his strength and honour, his ruthlessness... like they allowed him to be a bit dumb and clueless without making him a complete joke which i adored
- knuckles and sonic bonding over their difficult pasts and sonic not blaming knuckles for longclaw’s death was really nice? like sonic really didn’t want to fight him. and BABY KNUCKLES. knuckles’ dad! ken penders is losing his shit
- this movie was just so deeply and unashamedly earnest (even with the power of friendship stuff and emphasis on family!!) that i couldnt help but smile through most of it. 
- oh man, i just. all the clever references to the games?? the sonic 06 reference! the unleashed reference! even the thing with the chilli dog falling from the sky felt like a black knight reference!!
- seriously was losing my fucking MIND during the super sonic scene. it just encapsulated for me how long it feels since ive seen a movie like this that gives the fans what they want! I mean?? the chaos emeralds?? sonic’s design including the floating quills and the red eyes?? he looked soOOOO COOL
- knuckles talking about ice cream DID NOT DISAPPOINT. i really didnt expect them all to be just hanging out together at the end but that fucken killed me man
- GUN!!!
- the human characters 100% got shafted but uhhh. i didnt mind it all that much?? and there was that huge moment with maddie and tom accepting sonic as their son and sonic talking tom dad like,.. that’s pretty important
- colleen was soooo good she just seamlessly slotted in and it was so nice to hear her voice throughout!!
- i loved seeing how the bits in the trailers were chopped and changed and moved out of context, it was cool to see how everything actually slotted together in the movie
- it was interestng how they’ve made it so the chaos emeralds are components of the master emerald rather than a separate thing? to the point where super sonic was said to have absorbed the power of the master emerald rather than the chaos emeralds... but its nbd tbh
- SHADOW SHADOW SHADOW!!!!! SHadoW!! he looked so good - if anything it looked like the red fur around his eyes was more obvious? he also looked kinda sad : ‘( i cannot wait to see his final design! so i assume the next movie is going to be pretty much just sa2 with a few changes? it doesnt really surprise me - shadow is just way too popular, and it felt like it was foreshadowed by the sa-2 on the gun helicopter. i like to think this means amy will be introduced too!
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fekst-fucker · 4 years
Could I request Habit and maaaybe EJ or Tim with a ghost hunter s/o? And maybe in habits case they travel a bit and try to get him to come along although we already know how he feels about traveling ksnckskxks, and like how they'd react if s/o ended up getting a bit hurt by a ghost or smth during a 'hunt'? And s/o might be spooked during them but always tries to make them fun too
@creepy-bi-day, @the-cryptids-way I know you’ll enjoy this
- actually, traveling with him via car trips isn’t bad. He crashes out during the long ones but he’ll take the wheel when you need to sleep
- Just be prepared to buy him a ton of shitty fast food and beer 🙄
- He reaaaally can’t be bothered at first. He’s all “oh they’re lower levels” “oh they’re not worth our time” “oh who cares let them kill people”
- But he fell for some of your stubbornness and tenacity so when you just shrug and say “okay, bye then” you’re suddenly irresistible
- He either rolls his eyes and goes “fine, let me come with you so you don’t fucken’ kill yourself” or he pretends not to care and then sneaks out to follow you on your missions
- At first he was super unhelpful, just laughing and scoffing when you asked questions to the spirit box or recorder
- Which is annoying because his voice registers as a ghost so it fucks with your hunts >:/
- But during one particular hunt that had lots of promising evidence he suddenly went rigid and started growling at the corner
- At first you were like “haha, very funny, habs” but he said “no there’s something right there” so you scrambled for your camera and sure enough there was an FBA
- It was a strong enough presence that you started suffering because of it, sputtering and coughing, and you had to drop your camera and clutch your throat to be able to breathe
- Habit lost it, he started snarling and just swiping at thin air, he’s never grown claws before but you swore to god his nails were longer than usual
- Whatever he did worked, because there was a hiss and you were suddenly able to breathe
- You had to sit out for the rest of the hunt, but Habit and any crew you might have took care of it
- Now he absolutely won’t let you leave by yourself again, he makes fun of you for “being attacked by such a weak fuckin’ thing” but he’s still shaken up. He couldn’t lose his mate :(
- once again, Jack stubbornly doesn’t believe in ghosts
- “You’re a de-“ “I’m a demon, I know, I know, but ghosts aren’t real, that would require an astral body or some gaseous form and consciousness can’t take a gaseous form the closest thing we have is spores and-“
- ᴰᵘᵈᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᵉʳᵉ ᶦⁿʰᵃᵇᶦᵗᵉᵈ ᵇʸ ᵗʰᵉ ˢˡᵃᵛᶦᶜ ᵖᵉʳˢᵒⁿᶦᶠᶦᶜᵃᵗᶦᵒⁿ ᵒᶠ ᵃˡˡ ᵉᵛᶦˡ ᵃⁿᵈ ⁿᵒʷ ʸᵒᵘ ᵉᵃᵗ ᵏᶦᵈⁿᵉʸˢ
- Even so, he adored horror while he was still human, so he’s more than excited to come on freaky adventures with you
- He has to stay more in the shadows, since he’s visibly not human he might scare your crew or people who are leading you around
- Sometimes he’ll put on full covering clothes and stay by your side, but only when his instincts flare up and he feels like something bad might happen
- His presence also messes with EMFs/video surveillance, and he’s dead and therefore cold so you have to keep thermal cams strictly away from him
- He knows not to be an annoying shit and talk while you have any boxes or voice recorders going at least, unlike another fuckhead demon we know 😒
- Jack’s not an antagonistic demon, even his energy and presence seems kind of dead, he’s very calming so ghosts and other supernatural presences don’t get unnerved or aggressive with him
- He can still sense them though, he’ll snap his fingers at you or slide something into your foot to alert you
- It is imperative you learn sign language to understand what he means, because otherwise he’ll just be furiously pointing in like a million different directions
- He’s careful and he knows how not to get caught but there have been some really close calls
- he has a camera, he’s a human, he was hunted by a ghost-ish thing, close enough to be a ghost hunter!
- He’s your go-to camera man, he’s experienced, not scared of shit, and so over any bullshit
- You’ve been to so many allegedly haunted locations that are just,,, rats in the walls or local kids causing mischief and every time he’s just banged on the wall and gone “get out of there, jackasses!” and a dozen tiny children come scrambling out of the walls like bugs
- Which is disappointing in the moment but also really funny
- The only thing that scares him is sudden noises right next to his ear, if you jump scare him or yell BOO during a tense moment he will screech and jump
- Not recommended though, the last time you did he was crouched by a wall, breathing deeply and shakily trying to light a cigarette for like three minutes
- Like dude maybe if you didn’t smoke so much you could b r e a t h e
- You’ve gotten in trouble for leaving cigarette butts around abandoned asylums/mansions/parks etc
- Tim is always FURIOUS because these places are filthy and “how the fuck did they find one goddamn cigarette butt on the ground! Sure, leave all the rat shits all over the fucking place and fine us for leaving a cigarette butt on the filthy fucking floor! Jesus Christ…”
- The fine was like. $25
- “iT’s ThE pRiNcIpAl oF tHe tHinG”
- He’s 100% down to break into places. Not like he actively goes looking for places to trespass but if you’re like “shucks we can’t get in there :(“ he’s already scaling a wall with a totally straight face and breaking a window
- And then after a few seconds he leans back out with cigarette and goes “are you coming?”
- Oh so you can scale a wall with barbed wires but have to take a breather when I yell BOO in your face 🙄
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bomberqueen17 · 5 years
hallow’s eve
it’s fucken WIMDY  out there, and like 75 degrees, and ugh. Like, I’m still super bummed about the yurt, but it would suck to be out there tonight, because it is spitting rain, gusting crazy winds, and is going to drop 30-40 degrees overnight and be 40 degrees in the morning, and then 30 the day after. So like. EW. 
I’m dressed as my sister today, as I Instagrammed earlier. Incidental cosplay, but Farmkid thinks it’s hilarious.
Huh. My blisters are healing okay-- both middle fingers have burnt back knuckles that keep cracking and won’t heal, but everything else is doing fine, though my thumbs are visually gross-- there’s a thin layer of blister over the whole pad which is gross-looking but it’s thin enough that I can just use them as normal. It’s going to pop and become absolutely horrible at some point, but so far it hasn’t, so I’m going to ignore it until it’s a problem. But. 
Because I didn’t eviscerate on slaughter day, I didn’t have to cut my nails, so my nails are like... office-worker long, and it’s actually kind of annoying. i’m so used to having that check on the length I don’t know what to do with myself. Also my nail clippers were in my backpack and so are gone forever, so. I’m sure there are some in this house, but. Not easily to hand, anyway.
Farmkid dressed as a black cat today. So, ears and tail and paws from Target, black hoodie and black leggings, I have sewed 0 things for her last 2 Halloweens now. I feel very slightly let down but in the end it’s just as well.
Farmsister bought me a new Kindle, which was nice, and also if she didn’t buy me one I probably wouldn’t replace mine because I only use it to read to her kid at this point, though I suppose if I were traveling I’d probably use it again. And I’m set to travel in December, so I’d be sad I hadn’t replaced it. I lost my lovely fake-leather case, though; it was peeling and old and sort of gross, but still. 
I came here to comment that it’s probably a really good thing I don’t really have time to Google tiny houses, because just reading the various books Farmsister has is like. A lot. There are so many possibilities!!!
But here’s the thing: I don’t need a kitchen in it, and I don’t need a bathroom really. I’d absolutely love to have, like, a handwashing sink, but honestly I could do just fine with a woodstove and a water jacket and maybe a sink that drains into a little tiny gray-water leach field. Which is good because no way are they putting in a sceptic system. 
I’d love to attach the outhouse to the tiny house though, and have like, the bucket be outside and the rest inside, so it’s within the heated space but wouldn’t smell so bad. Just, a real good solid toilet lid, maybe an insulated one!, and the refuse part go out into an uninsulated space so it doesn’t get cold. 
But I really don’t need a kitchen. I’d be pleased with a place I could boil a kettle to make tea, but beyond that... well. Here’s the thing-- other people may wind up using the space, when I’m not here, so I think part of the design ought to be that there’s storage for me to put all my shit away during the times I’m not there, so it’s not awkward if someone else stays there. And so probably it would make sense to put in a hot plate or some basic kitchen amenities, so other people could stay there and not rely on the house. But the major thing I want to advocate for is to have there be a bathroom, and I would absolutely share that with the apprentices, so it’d be fantastic if that had its own entryway and was slightly separated from the house. 
So really, it’s not so much a tiny house I’m looking at, as a tiny house apartment off the end of a utility shed and bath house. Still though... It’s a lot to think about.
But thinking about it is more pleasant than thinking about what I lost, so. 
I spent basically 8 hours today working with dried flowers, so I am tired, but also feel like i haven’t done shit. Tomorrow’s another day, and this weekend’s logistics are going to be insane, so. I’d really like a day to stare at the wall and not do anything, but then I’d also like a pony and a million dollars, so... 
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I’ve been like kind of annoyed/mad/salty about a thing for like a day and some change now and I just. I didn’t want to talk about it because it’s just family drama but like I need to write it all down somewhere.
So, as y’all know, I’m moving to a new place. and that’s fun sort of and like will be a whole new thing since I’ve never lived on my own and all that. Lots of stress but also good things. so like I’ve been waiting on like furniture to get delivered and stuff, like I don’t even have a bed there so haven’t been staying there, even tho I already paid the rent, but like I’m not gonna sleep on the floor or the couch or whatever when my aunt seemed cool with me staying at her house still until the bed gets delivered. I know it’s been like almost 6 months but like shit my mom died and I still have no idea how to deal with that, right? like idk that changed literally every aspect of my life kind of? so yeah, it’s been a lot and moving on my own is an entire thing on it’s own anyway if I wasn’t still like dealing with everything else. and I’ve only really been ‘moving’ for maybe this past week or two anyway since we were waiting on things and the house wasn’t ready until right at the end of april, so I’m still rly working out like what I need to get done and all.
Anyway, so yesterday, like while I’m at work still, my cousin texted me and said “we’re moving the mattress from mom’s today so you can stay at your house” and like, absolutely no one had asked me about this or anything and I was like ??? (like my aunt had dropped me off at work that morning and hadn’t once like hinted at mentioning it? like not even testing it out the day before like “would you want to move sooner” or something. just entirely out of the blue) so I said like “oh, uh, I don’t want to do that?” thinking maybe things just got confused or like she was just trying to be helpful or whatever but has no idea how I function as a person (like I need at least a day to deal with stuff. idk. it’s an anxiety thing) so thought she would just be helpful but like, I don’t want to stay at the house yet. idk. I need to work out my brain about that still. And like if they moved the mattress from my aunt’s, I would have to stay at the house because it’s the one I’m using at her house. Which like I don’t have a problem if they want to do that but just, like I said asking me would have been way better or suggesting it even but not saying “we are going to do this” like it’s already been decided. I haven’t even packed my shit up from my aunt’s like at all. I would have to do clothes and everything and last minute like that I would be super panicked about it. I feel anxious just thinking about it now.
But yeah so I said what I said and she insisted and then went into some thing that essentially sounded like I had overstayed my welcome and needed to move out because I’m not paying rent and am a burden on my aunt and she’s had to take off work (she takes off work all the time, I have maybe asked her to once or twice and usually she had already planned it anyway) and they needed to clean the house and didn’t want me here anymore. I should note my cousin does not live here. she has her own house and family and everything so like it’s not like I’m invading her space.
So I am like, clearly distraught about this because like a) wtf, b) hello that has triggered all of my anxieties about like taking up space and also not functioning as a person, and c) w t f, but like I’m still at work when I’m reading this and trying to like have a conversation with someone and not like angry cry because for all I know I’m suddenly being kicked out of my temporary home (which is also an entire other anxiety thing for reasons). So that’s all happening and I manage to get a second and text her back like still trying to halfway be polite about it like “this is very sudden, she (my aunt) could have said something at some point. We talked about my moving when the bed gets here.” etc etc. Like just trying to idk, figure out what this is coming from since it’s like completely new info to me other than like my own insecurities telling me everyone hates me all the time anyway, you know? And she is like “well they didn’t want to say anything, you know they don’t talk about things but I’m just trying to be nice and tell you about it. Like mom wouldn’t say anything but you know dad gets angry and starts yelling so I thought I’d say it to you instead. You know how they are with (other cousin in-law who, surprise, also has mental health issues). We’re not good at talking to people” and she just kept insisting that I had to move out and they wanted me out like before yesterday and “Well if I was renting a house I would have been there the first day!” like okay that’s not helpful? I’m not you?
anyway, then I was like srsly like dumbfounded by this and also like idk how I wasn’t shaking with just anger and sadness and everything because wow triggered for real. And I don’t even remember what I said (and I’m not gonna look back at it and get mad again), but like it was something like, you know, trying to defend myself. “I’ve offered to pay rent, but (my aunt) didn’t want that. I helped with Christmas a lot and have bought groceries when I can.” and like just something about how the entire way she approached this was garbage and they needed to learn how to talk to people because this was the worst way ever to say something. And by then I had left work and gone over to the house since it’s like near enough to walk, and I like just cried and put on music rly loud and just had a minute to be angry because like idk, not to sound like a baby but I felt fucken abandoned tbh. And I was still like salty and confused about the whole thing and I kind of passive aggressively texted my aunt like “if you had wanted me to leave, you just had to say so. We could have talked about it. I’ll be at the house since that’s where I’m allowed to stay now” or whatever which was cheap but like also I didn’t rly give a shit if they’re gonna be like that?
And she texts back saying she was on her way over from work and would talk to me about it w/e w/e. So I sat around and like angrily did some laundry and whatever and she finally gets there and I’m like “so what is going on??” and she says she didn’t mean any of what my cousin had said, she had asked my cousin to talk to me about moving for reasons, but wanted her to be like tactful about it (which still like got my hackles up like fucken if you want me gone just say so?), and clearly she wasn’t. And I was like uh yeah and told her generally what my cousin had said and how it just like got to all of my anxieties about everything. So she’s all making excuses, which like I get that, like “oh well she’s mad at (other cousin in law) and she’s on her period and and...” and like I said, I get that yes all these things are happening but it’s still not cool for her to attack me in a rly manipulative way all, “I’m the nice one here, everyone hates you” kind of thing. Like that doesn’t even sound like her as a person which is the wild part like I wouldn’t expect that of her? at all? so the entire thing was just ??? and probably what made me feel like it was for real coming from my aunt and uncle through her but idk. My aunt reassured me that’s not what she wanted and I could stay here for a little while but “couldn’t tell me why, but a thing was being planned and I would need to move out by Monday or they’d have to work something else out” oh but “don’t worry it’s good! it’s a good thing!” which like now I’m all *high pitched noise/kill bill sirens* on that tbh because wtf is that about I am not good with surprises and they know that or should by now anyway. like I don’t care if it’s good, we have very different definitions of good things.
But yeah so today I was still anxious and salty about it and continue to be and it’s rly just fucked me up instead of like before it happened I was almost like excited about moving, or at least getting to where I was feeling good about it, but now I’m just like EVERYTHING IS BAD!!
Also, fucken, a l s o, my cousin hasn’t like at all apologized to me or anything really and I just. Like on one hand good, I don’t want to talk to her for a little while anyway, but otoh like she was clearly wrong for that and should own up to being shitty, you know? ugh.
Okay I’m done. I didn’t even do my drawing for today/thursday yet because I’ve been in such a gross brainspace about this. worst. 
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bethhxrmon · 6 years
All the odd ones 😘
Oooof of course you would do this. Soooo it’s super long so I’m probably gonna put a read more thingy so it’s not obnoxious.
1.What is/are your OC’s nickname(s) and how did it come about?
Annie’s actual name is Annika, but Annie’s super short and so is Ann which is sometimes used. Although, once he finally meets her, Tony Stark calls her Pikachu because of her powers and his need to make pop culture references.
3. How tall is your OC?
Since Annie’s faceclaim is Auli’i Cravalho and she’s 5′3, that makes Annie 5′3. Kind of short, but not as short as me so she’s a lucky gal.
5. What does your OC normally wear? What would your OC wear on a special night?
When there isn’t rehearsal to be done, Annie wears lots of hoodies, sweatshirts, and the occasional cardigan with a t-shirt under it and some jeans with either her brown or black combat boots. When she is rehearsing, just swap out the jeans with her assortment of leggings because she likes the stretchiness. Hence why the original White Swan costume involves silver leggings (silver because Harper’s extra and likes the theme). But for formal events, Annie goes with her favorite black and white polka-dot dress that cuts off just above the knee with flats. She also has a floor-length dark blue dress with silver flowers sewn in, but that was for a dance she never got the chance to go to.
7. Does your OC have any markings, such as a birthmark or a scar?
Considering she’s a superhero and has a death wish??? Annie has scars all over the place. Though they’re mainly on her legs from bumping into buildings wrong. Also, she has a deep scar on her thigh from a certain part in I wanna say chapter 12 but who knows, I sure don’t!
9. What does your OC’s bedroom look like?  His/her living area?
Since Annie is a superhero trying to hide from her parents, her bedroom is her living space. She has a full-sized bed against one wall, all of them are a light blue color. Right next to the left side of the bed, which has a fuckton of blankets and a couple stuffed animals, is a large desk with her desktop computer and a spinny chair. Right next to that is her window (it’s plot convenience, but ya know what? fight me how else can she get out undetected???). She has a built in closet and it has all her hoodies and cardigans and also her Heather Macnamara costume from her freshman year’s Halloween party.
11. What is your OC’s relationship with his/her mother?
Annie absolutely loves her mom. She’s always wanted Annie to do what was best for her. Whether it’s dancing or acting or writing, her mom’s the supportive one without a doubt. And while Annie knows she makes her share of mistakes, she’s able to let it slide because at the end of the day, Annie’s not dumb. She knows whether or not what someone did was selfish or not. And more often than not, her mom doesn’t have selfish intents.
13. How many siblings does your OC and what is his/her relationship with them?
Annie has no siblings, but if she did, they would definitely know that she was a superhero and the whole plot of her story would be bribing them to keep their mouths shut.
15. What was your OC’s childhood like?
I answered this one here! 
17. What is your OC’s imagination like? 
Annie has a seriously great imagination. She kind of has to in order to be decent at acting. It’s super easy for her to think of a scenario or person and put herself right into the middle of it. Also, it makes her think of all the possibilities and that gets in her way because she overthinks some aspects of her life too much.
19. What does your OC think of children- either in general or about having them?
Considering Annie’s only sixteen right now, she doesn’t want to have kids. Even in the future, she isn’t sure how practical having a kid is given some parts of her past that are kinda spoilery and she doesn’t wanna pass on her powers on accident. But she does enjoy talking to little kids. She thinks they’re funny.
21. Who are your OC’s closest relatives?
Annie rarely sees her extended family, so her closest relatives are her parents. Though she currently feels like her dad can go suck it. Which is fair, he sucks.
23. Who are the people your OC surrounds him/herself with?
Before the fanfic, Annie was basically a knockoff Cady Heron and tried getting in with the popular crowd. But currently she surrounds herself with Harper, the fashion design genius, and her two favorite nerds Ned and Peter who are actually the sweetest people she knows.
25. If your OC has a soulmate, who is it?
Everyone’s favorite Spider-Dude, Peter Parker for sure. It works great, they’re both superheroes. That’s not all, but I don’t wanna spoil stuff.
27. What are some things your OC admires about his/her soulmate?
Okay, if it’s physical, Annie is always going off about Peter’s eyes. Like, if she wants to get a real conversation done, she has to look at something that isn’t his eyes. And can you blame her? Those puppy dog eyes could work on anyone! She also really likes his hair, it just looks so soft. But if it’s not physical, Annie can’t get over how genuinely sweet Peter is. He just gives so many people so many chances and is literally one of the kindest and smartest people she’s ever met. And she does think he’s pretty funny too, which is always a plus for sure.
29. What is your OC’s level of education?
At the start of the fic, Annie’s a sophomore in high school, and at the end she’ll be a junior. Do with that what you will
31. What is your OC’s opinion of school?  What kind of student was s/he?
Annie likes school for the purpose of learning about different stuff. Even if she won’t use it, she doesn’t mind the random trivia. She’s always handing things in late, but she’s normally on the teacher’s good side so they tend to just let it slide because if she’s good at conversing then she must be a responsible student and working hard, right?
33. What subjects interested your OC?
Annie’s a huge theatre kid so she likes anything to deal with acting. English, history, and psychology are probably her favorite. The only subject she can’t get is physics, but she’s pretty solid in almost everything else.
35. How is your OC working towards his/her dream job and/or achieved his/her current profession?
Theatre classes and trying to participate in the school plays and musicals is how she tries. Also, I’m only saying this because it’s not a serious spoiler with how things are going to go, Annie definitely gets into Julliard for acting. Just saying.
37. What is your OC’s biggest dream?
Annie would KILL to be Christing Daae in The Phantom of the Opera, it’s the ultimate dream come true.
39. How does your OC handle anger?
Poorly. Annie loses control over her powers when she’s extremely angry and what happens as a consequence, she can’t control.
41. What is your OC’s greatest fear?
Annie is terrified that her powers will scare away everyone she’s ever cared about.
43. What kind of sense of humor does your OC have?
Being the regular Gen-Z kid she is, Annie has a pretty dark sense of humor, but she also likes puns and creating silly nicknames for people.
45. What are some things that annoy your OC?
Being told acting’s not a viable career, that she’s dumb, and that she’s a bad person (she can say it but will fight anyone else who says it).
47. How easily does your OC forgive?
It genuinely depends on what it is and how often the person’s screwed her over. If it’s the first time and Annie likes the person, she’s quick to forgive, but observant. If it’s a repeated deal, it wears on her and she has no qualms about messing with them.
49. If your OC experienced trauma, what was it?
I see you, trying to find out about the Fuckening™. That’s not gonna happen. You gotta read the fic to find out about all that, my dude.
51. What are some of your OC’s morals?
Don’t betray friends, don’t go down without a fight, if you know something and it’s potentially harmful then you gotta say something, and don’t leave people behind.
53. What is the health of your OC?
Physically? Annie’s pretty good except for sleep deprivation. Mentally??? Wellllllllp she may or may not have manicdepressionandanorexiai’mnotsureyet.
55. What are your OC’s thoughts on death?
Totally okay option for her, but definitely not allowed for her friends and loved ones.
57. What are some of your OC’s weaknesses?
Annie’s very critical of herself, sometimes overly competitive, she doesn’t always know when to stop, very impulsive and will do something stupid if she thinks it’s right for .5 seconds.
59. What does your OC think of him/herself?
Annie either thinks she’s the best person ever or she totally hates herself, no in between.
61. What is the general impression your OC gives other people?
Annie comes off with a bit of a resting bitch face. So she looks a little intimidating, but she’s also short so how intimidating is that really?
63. How does your OC display love?
Annie pays attention to little things and tries to do small things. Like if someone likes a certain type of tea, she’ll make it for them. Or she’ll compliment them while teasing them at the same time. That’s how anyone would ever know that she’s absolutely smitten.
65. What is your OC’s favorite drink?
Coffee, it lets her get away with sleep deprivation. Although her all-time favorite is a peppermint mocha. She would kill for it year-round.
67. What is your OC’s favorite sweet?
Annie loves anything that’s sour apple flavored. Not only because it matches her Hogwarts house and green’s her favorite color, but because the tartness is just so satisfying.
69. What is your OC’s favorite kind of weather?
Rainy, it reminds her of Seattle.
71. What is your OC’s favorite movie and/or TV show?
Annie absolutely loves all the Harry Potter movies and will proudly display her knowledge of it at any time. She is a huge fan, but she also loves movie musicals to death. Except for the 1961 West Side Story  movie. It uses brownface.
73. What is your OC’s favorite form of entertainment?
Dancing around an empty room like an idiot to music. Either by herself or with someone close to her.
75. What is your OC’s favorite scent?
Rain mixed with fresh baked goods. It reminds her of the market and she would kill to go back.
77. What is your OC’s favorite sound?
Definitely the ukulele. It reminds her of some really good times.
79. What is your OC’s favorite kind of ice cream?
Green tea flavored. Ever had it? It’s so good and I recommend it hardcore!
81. Okay one thing you know about Annie that’ll never make an appearance in the story but is important to who she is as a person - whether it’s a little detail of something she experienced or a belief she has.
Alright, Annie definitely has or had a Captain America themed fidget cube that she keeps in her hoodie pocket because she used to play with the loose thread on the sleeve part and ended up constantly making thumbholes that Harper would have to fix. They got tired of it and gave her the fidget cube.
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windalchemist001 · 6 years
I’m so peeved right now cause this afternoon I had to have a meeting with a bunch of mangers due to issues I’ve been having with this lazy asshole. So I go in and begin explaining all the issues which are the fallowing not just for me but for my other coworkers as well: Coming in and trays staked super high (almost two or three feet high of trays on ever trashcan) Trash over filling and spilling on the the ground The tables cover in trash and crumbs The floor cover in trash, spills and crumbs and large food Their being no to little tops and the rest are tossed around and cover in liquid on the counter The straws being low or empty The carpet being covered with dirt and grass looking more like a cheat-a print that a black rug No ice Drinks not done or on the wrong one And waters low. And when we begin tryin to tackle the issues that when he decides to work trying to do the same thing or doing something that would mean he would be getting in the way of our work, and we have to tell him over and over again to do a task as well to do it correctly. Other wise he does the following. Throw away empty trash bags Skip full trash cans Skips the whole middle rolls of the tables Doesn’t clean under the tables and only does the outer rim Over stuffs the tops Mixes the tops so people have to dig to find the right one for their cup Covers the salt with straws Tosses only two buckets into the ice machine and calls it a day with out checking to see how much they really need When someone is doing a task does the same thing despite being asked to do something else. Just stands around till someone asks him to do something, but unless your a manger he won’t do it even if you ask him to help you. And because of all these issues and the stress it was giving me and the others we were getting annoyed, after all why should we work hard when this asshole didn’t do anything and still got payed? Not to mention when ever we do ask him to do anything this guy would clam that were harassing him, when all we want is the job to be done with out stress. Unfortunately I was the only one not suckin it up because it isn’t fair for anyone to have to deal with this, not to mention this ass hole called me a “skank” and a “dumb fuck” Which was the last straw for me and why this whole meeting happened though it kept being pushed back it happened. After explaining all the problems and even explaining a way to help solve all the problems and the asshole telling them that he did in fact insult me the mangers didn’t do anything to him just simply told him not to do it again. And when I again try to explain how we can solve this issue because again it was a simple issue that can be easily solved if the guy did his work and didn’t get in the way of others. But rather they were getting upset with me saying that I should bend for him, which I thought was unfair, after all if I’m doing a task and he finally decides to do it why should I stop what I’m doing to do something else, for it would make more sense for him to do something else. But nope they didn’t seem to understand the basic of fucken common sense and were getting upset with me, and than another manger who I don’t know when she got their but I have issue with because their also a lazy fuck who is completely rude to customers and employees, and I’ve reported her for that bull shit. Thus why this ass hole manger doesn’t like me. And she begins saying that I’m bossy and all sorts of shit and even stated that it’s my fault I got assaulted by a former employee and was insinuating that I deserve it, and none of the other four mangers said anything about it. (Mind you the guy was a complete dick wasting trash bags braking stuff, and ignoring me when I asked for help and when I had decide to move a wet sign so he wouldn’t fall over it he grab my arm, shaking and yelling at me.) And when I asked for her to leave because she was bias against me, I was told no that since she was a manger she could stay. And around. This point I’m getting frustrated because I feel like everyone is against me and they started to again blame me like it was my fault that this issue started when again it wasn’t. They then bought up another person I have a issue and I try to explained that it wasn’t my fault that person threatened to destroy my property (just because I hung my umbrella from my lock) made false claims that I moved her stuff in the fridge(I got written up for that bs) and when I open the fridge door hit her when I pulled it open (I didn’t even realize that it did) I end up apologizing and this bitch begin yelling at me and at several mangers rather than accept it and moving on. And then they try to say we’re not talking about her after they bought her up. And everyone is gang up on me and thus I’m getting frustrated and I’m sick so not only am I tearing up (because I can curse and hit things it comes out as tears) and I’m getting bad flem and mucise, so I have to spit and blow my nose. And a manger told me to stop because crying pisses her off. But how is it my fault when they were being unfair and asses? And then they begin threatening to cut my hours and not the asshole who didn’t do shit, and when I try to explain again the solution that wasn’t that hard to understand and how it was very simple for the ass to just do something else, but nope none of them where hearing it and they were basically telling me that I have to let this ass bully me or else they will cut my hours. And what could I do? I need my hours cause I have to pay bills while this dick doesn’t even need a job, and yet he’s being rewarded for being a dick! And it’s just pisses me off to no end. Like how is any of that fair to me? Fair to my other coworkers who work hard and are forced to pick up the slack of some asshole who can’t even or won’t do his damn job.
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saportuh · 6 years
ok panic concert highlights
(plus some personal adventures)
this was the portland show on the 12th k
so it was a fuckin hour and a half drive bc where i fuckin live now is far away from everything i hate it anyway that sucked & i ran my phone down to 80 percent during said drive which proved problematic
we get there (me & my lil sis) & our dad drops us off & we run up & im bitching about how weird the fucking venue is (it’s normal, it’s just not what i’m used to - in vegas the venues were typically in the casino/resorts so you lined up inside the halls & sat against the walls & tourist-watched, in this venue u stood outside in a line???? ughhh)
so we approach the line & something happens, i’m gonna make a separate post about it because holy shit
befriended two excitable gay kids, maybe 8th or 9th grade?? & i was like woah i was u once. now im old & jaded. eugh. then they bailed on me so.
we got into the arena & were on the wrong fucking side so we had to JOG all the way AROUND THE WHOLE FUCKINGN PLACE UGH
THEN WE GOT IN & SAT IN THE WRONG SEATS so the guy next to me (dad w a thick accent, maybe ukranian?? it wasn’t russian but it was close) politely informed me & i was like fuck well until they get here we’ll stay, but i had anxiety so during an arizona song i pretended to go to the bathroom & came back to look for our actual seat, someone took it so i pussied out & went back, had hella anxiety about it, then before hayley the ppl showed up so we had to move & i had to kick some preps out of their seat & they called my lil sister a bitch ;-;
arizona was cute, gotta check them out... singer kept getting emotional & wiping his eyes, it was sweet, and he was hella feeling himself dancing & stuff lmaoo. idk em but im proud of them.
HAYLEYYYYYYYYYYY her dancing & drumming & outfit??? also all the lesbians/wlw getting crunk in the crowd was so damn good haha
ALSO shout out to hayley’s band, they were so cute??? the guitarist & her kept having moments & he seemed like a cool dude, & the girl on synths was so pretty omg??? & smiley i loved her. & the drummer, they were goin so hard i couldnt get a good look, but they had kewl hair
“if you don’t know anything about me, there’s one thing you should know: I LOVE GIRLS” there was so much gay energy at that show i was teary the whole damn time
k confession, i love everything about hayley but i find her voice a little grating on the ears, something about it, but it was super angelic live & didn’t bug me once, & wanna be missed fucked me up cuz it’s my fucking f a v
her oufit was so damn iconic rlly tho, the pants & shoes totes fit her but wouldn't look good on anyone else, but that shirt, the hot dad look w the open v & all the jewelry, holy fuck that’s how im tryna be
during girls like girls, everyone had their lights out & there was a bunch of pride flags out, and i got this gorgeous shot of a gay pride flag illuminated by lights (i posted it)
most of the songs they played between the breaks were gay themed too which was powerful dude i was so damn emotional
then during the countdown to panic, they played the next episode by dre (the “smoke weed every day” song) & then africa by toto jsfndjfndjskfnjdk
ok several things about breb
one, i never was heavy into panic, but considering how obsessive i was into bandom a few years back, i still know a lot about early panic, livejournal shit, ryden bullshit, etc, so it was really weird being there with normies who were just like “he’s hot & sings good” when i was like “yall lucky fucks never heard of myrtle beach ” dsjfnjsdnfds
two, four years into panic & i never was attracted to brendon, but dude, EVERYONE fell in love with him at this show, myself included, & i was starin at this bitch ass motherfucker in a trance before i was like “wait ur a bastard STOP U ENDEARING DICKWAD” he was so fucking endearing it was ANNOYING cuz i’ve seen some of the shit he’s pulled damnit. srsly tho, so absolutely charming, wow.
three, and what stuck with me most; brendon loves what he does. a little bit of exhibitionism, i think; he likes ppl looking at & admiring him, he’s that type of person, a showman, but also, i think he just loves making music, people singing along to the music, etc. ive been to eight concerts now, and i don’t think i’ve seen someone who clearly loved being on stage so much. a lot of ppl act like it’s a chore to tour, but brendon clearly loves it, and it made me happy, especially as an aspiring musician. 
four, the straighties drooling over him and the gays drooling over him was truly straight/gay solidarity
ok what else happened... brendon would throw in random ass high notes towards the ends of songs... my sister looked at me super alarmed when he first did it during dtmwagt lmfao... ppl would cheer & it was impressive, but kinda piercing & i was like “show off” lol
HE DID THE ‘I MAKE THESE HIGH HEELS WORK’ thing, i thought he retired tht?? so i was pleased lmfao
i dont rmr anything that stands out about ready to go or la devotee but the lights & backgrounds during them were very pretty & i got some good pics of brebbois face (i finally got semi decent quality pics im rlly happy abt tht, concerts r so hard to photograph)
hallelujah was cool cuz there were, like, those catholic(?) church windows projected on the top part of the stage, it was pretty af, they rlly outdid themselves with the visuals
and mona lisa had like pipes & industrial stuff?? idk it looked dope, and it contrasted rlly cool it was super pretty
nine in the afternoon,,,, the only pretty odd song... i dont even like pretty odd but it was like,,, damn. & he had the piano, total live in denver vibes ;-; but he wasnt dripping sweat this time lmao
golden days, brebweenie knows hes hot, kept winking & doing mic flips & shit & i was like u fucken weenie ive seen that pic of u w a bowl cut in a bra, die
k he’s a fuckin bastard but hhe’s pretty & talented fuckin big ego bitch ... can yall tell i hav a lovehate relationship w him bc i do
during casual affair in the chorus, the mic would echo each word (just lay (lay) in the atmosphere (sphere) & the ‘lay’ was rlly good on my ears idk sometimes certain vocal notes sound GOOD & that was one i keep replaying it
SO VEGAS LIGHTS as yall kno i was born & raised in vegas & a vegasfucker69 it’s my fucking home i moved last november (not my choice) & miss it violently & i was CRYING during vegas lights hard & it was so beautiful im gonna watch the video i got over & over & over that song means so much to me IM SO FUCKING HOMESICK
speaking of which, im pretty bitter i didnt see panic in vegas, this was my first panic show & that kinda bothers me, like i should’ve seen them in vegas a few yrs ago but it never worked out.... still, im grateful i saw them at all & im glad i saw the song live. i had my fob snapback on too, it says ‘las vegas’ on it cuz i got it there haha, wore that on purpose
he did the fucking running man thing towards the end & everyone cheered & i was like dONT ENABLE HIM
sat down during dancing’s not a crime cuz im a bitch who doesn’t like half the new record & also my knees hurt cuz im old apparently, anyway this chick glared at me then sang every word wat a fuckin prep lmao
o yah i forgot, in golden days he got in the crowd & let a girl sing the last chorus it was amazing i bet that made her life
AND DURING DOAB HE WALKED THRU THE CROWD that was SO FUCKING ENDEARING i was like “wow what a guy” then i was like “HE’S A BITCH U KNOW HIM” & i was like “hmm??? what a guy” but omg he made so many people happy it was really beautiful & sweet & i was like... half in love & then i came to my senses jksjfhjsdhfkjsdn
legit guys, like it’s weird i used to watch his parascopes in 2015 or w/e & he’d say some Bad shit on there sometimes, like ik he does some messy shit BUT HE ACTED SO FUCKING LOVELY BLEH
also he’s very short, like he���s 2 inches taller than me but he looked so little in the crowd i was like... aw
the piano thing ;-; it was rlly pretty but my paranoia & anxiety was off the charts i was like that things gonna fucking fall & crush the crowd it’s gonna fucking fALL but it didnt ofc but i was stressed bleghh
but ok on a positive note, that was soo fucken lovely, bden stopped to try to make eye contact with as many ppl in as many places of possible, like he made the effort to get to everyone & make them have a special moment & it was ... magical ok thts fucken cliche as shit but it rlly was
ok i did smth lowkey embarrassing, i doubt he saw, but when he faced towards us i was just overwhelmed w like.. gratitude?? ive had a bad 2 years in every way, so being somewhere filled with love & fun & kindness & joy & all around good vibes, i was so grateful? i just wanted to thank him for creating that kinda atmosphere. so i like,,, blew kisses but not in a weird way, like later i was like oh that was kinda weird whyd i do that, but at that moment i didnt use my head & it was jus my instinctual way of saying thank u idk it’s lame but it happened so there ya go idfk
fun fact, my vid of it is out of focus cuz i was so enamored watching him & watching the crowd react it was pretty fucking magical it rlly was
once he got down from that piano he went “wow i feel so fucking inspired now” & i was like “bitch me too tf” 
legit it was absolutely indescribable, even watching my vid now.... wow. and u can hear me lightly crying in the back of my video too lmao, and i was shaking p hard, it was so fucking magical. like im getting emotional rn cuz it was exactly what i needed to remind myself that there is good stuff in the world thats worth staying for. 
i never was super big on panic or breb like i said but if i ever meet him im gonna thank him bc that. wow. transformative.
also that transition from the piano cover he did to dying in la was smooth af. it was all around gorgeous.
he got a bi flag first, then a rainbow one, then another rainbow one... one was those hayley ones lol, and one ended up on the stage out of his eyesight & he never saw it & i felt so bad fjdnfds
breb might be a turd but he’s the only one of these emo dudes who parades around draped in flags & so aggressively empowers gay fans through it, and for that, i respect him. ik the song has more perverse origins but now it’s a bi anthem that rlly connects w lgbt fans & it’s rlly beautiful, AND i got another gorgeous shot of a pride flag surrounded by lights & im just. wow.
after, breb said “that is gorgeous btw” about the rainbow lights, and “thank u for participating in love” & giggled, i got this shot of the lights in the dark lookin incredible ;-;
also said “this a record number of flags tonight, very cool” so portland is rlly gay apparently, kewl
nicole doin the nicotine bass line slayed me dead wowie u can hear me go “WOO” on the vid lmfao (im a bassist so i lov her double)
ive seen miss jackson live twice now cuz at my monumentour show, new politics brought lolo out to cover it so that’s dope lmfao
anyway bden did the fuckin valley girl voice for “the scenery is so loud” which was delightful
he had us do the ‘ayyyy’ bit woo
drum thingy ;-; speaking of monumentour, andy & patrick famously did a drum off & i MISSED IT cuz the stage at my venue wasnt large enough to fit both sets ;-; so they didnt do it ;-; but bden doin his own drum solo kinda made up for it a little bit
fuckin show off tho he played like 3 instruments & i was like u bitch stop
there was some kinda audio sample that went “i got a fever & the only prescription is more caffeine(?)” & bden mouthed the words along, and some girl behind me went “SAME” 
UPDATE: googled it, i knew i recognized chris walken’s voice, he says cowbell not caffeine & it’s a skit from snl that i’ve SEEN im a disgrace anyway that was fun also woo cowbell
the big screen kept cutting from bden drumming to a shot of the crowd & someone holding a pride flag & i was like yah drumming is gay now
lmao i only filmed like a minute of a song unless i rlly liked it so i could spend the rest of the song gettin funky right?? & i like king of the clouds but not a ton, but i filmed the whole thing cuz the visuals were so pretty lmfaooo i jus was staring at them like wowwww prettyyyyy
during the ‘i dont feel anything at all’ he looked rlly sad & i couldnt tell if it was genuine or if he was goin for like a pouty look djfdsjfndjks then right after he winked so ig pouty thx breb
at some point he introduced nicole&kenny plus the strings & brass ppl as “his friends” it was sweet & he was like “these lovely ladies” about the strings & “these handsome men” about the brass & i was like WOO GAY RIGHTS
a whole arena singing bohemian rhapsody 25+ years after freddie mercury’s death was Incredible, i dont believe in afterlives but if there is one i hope he was watching & enjoying & knowing his legacy was staying alive bc wow that was powerful
i cant believe i remember the day emperors came out like,,,, jeez. so lit live tho
bitchden took his shirt off when he came out for the encore..... bitch
in the background of my vid u can hear me do the ‘ily’ ‘ily’ from the mv emo ass
my lil sis got fucken turnt to sins lmfaooo??? danced her ass off???
us: W H O R E bden: ily
they played footage of the music vid & breb & his fuckin iconic outfit & i was a lil emo kid again omg i cant believe i saw it live
he did funny voice durin calls for a toast nerd ... least he’s not entirely bitter abt songs ryan wrote anymore tho lmao... or maybe he is considering theres only two on the 30 song setlist ;-;
i gotta listen to afycso again damn it’s so iconic
oh yah at some bit he said “ive been doing this for 14 years, im 31 now” & it reminded me like.. most of these emo bands, they started so young. & got successful at such a young age. it’s so crazy. idk. wow. 
he got growly during the chorus, that’s pstump’s thing beeb dont steal it lmao
CONFETTI fitting ending, & i got him walking off which is cool, other bands it goes dark & they just kinda disappear & it’s unsatisfying ;-;
so yah i finally saw breadman live, i got 400 pics and 30 videos so that all got spam posted over the last few days lmao
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dreamsanddreams88 · 6 years
purging my phone’s notes of all these fucken dreams i wrote down
these are from a million years ago up to now. here we go
Bought 4 rats, socialized them together then they escaped and had to catch em. Then they were ferrets, but reaaaally thin and tubey. Then was a squirrel being socialized by ellen for an education animal, maybe at the zoo? We were in this bleak field and forest, holding a hot air balloon down while someone inspected it. There was a secret tunnel in the woods leading back to the Trackers HQ. Then I was working at a restaurant in asia, learning appropriate levels to bow to certain people. It was my bday, and fata got me a locket necklace with a million places for pictures. Felt bad getting a present from Ally, so I ordered her a sword for her birthday. She got me a beautiful illustrated book called “All There Is” or “This is It” about no life after death. Then there was a glowing blue sea organism in my house so I killed it with a rapier (this dream is full of swords I guess) and tried to snapchat video it. Then some evil guy strapped me, a lion, and a female sidekick to a big ass firework and shot us into the sky. We were gonna explode and die and it was super emotional.
Everyone in the Squamish group was in my car then at my parents house, I couldn’t move to Big Bear until they left but they hung around until 9pm so I was angry. 
Was at this big ol party, outdoors at these waterfalls. Charlotte was with Tanner on some big rock, but then she left when I got there so Tanner went to crash in my room. I wasn’t gonna sleep there but after awhile I caved because I was like “this is MY house dammit” and slept there too but we just spooned. The next day Charlotte wrote me a long email about her feelings and why she left and such. She tried to make it seem innocent and I got kinda mad
After trackers party where I met Colton’s wife, was in a car with elliot and his girlfriend excet I saw on Facebook that she was engaged to Lauren Woodbury
In neko atsume I “graduated” and won 30,000 fish and there was a lightning storm in the game and all the cats were scared. There was also a live feed of the game creators actual cats, and it they were scared in a thunderstorm. Then I was swimming across a big river, wanted to go south so the water would be warmer. There was a monster, tent-like from the Ocean at the End of the Lane, which lived in the water and ate humans. It would lure them into the water with a purple mist illusion which ground them up like a blender. 
Voldemort was on this huge icy pond, the ice was cracking and scary mermaids were there and he was turning into one of them. But I healed their leader so they spared me. Then I was staying in this big cave room and had a sex dream, I wrote it down (so meta) all over the rocks and furniture to remember it but then my mom came in, so I had to stealthily erase all of it
Camping with Izzy, Jenn, and tanner in WA or OR, then colton and his wife show up because jenn is friends with her and used her car to drive across the country. It was suuuuper awkward, she was an older redhead and she didn’t know who i was
Playing foozball with luke, tanner n sarah. both dudes are flirting hardcore with me and sarah is getting annoyed. Then I match on tinder with this hot black dude but when I meet him he’s way younger, chubbier, lighter skinned, and basically not hot at all. Then I’m sleeping over at his house but he’s just a kid, charlotte is there too. Then its a staff house and I sleep in this hallway and char/claire is on the other end in a room with an open ceiling so we can talk to each other. Carson has this beautiful dog but then it dies, super sad
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Don’t believe me, ask him. Part 3
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Characters: Dean & Sam Winchester, Jaslyn (OFC), Silas (OMC), Reese (OFC), Crowley
 Word count: 2,523
 Summary: After skipping town after town Jaslyn finally found one she could see herself settle in. For awhile that is at least. Only for the normal supernatural life to follow her there due to her normal old habits always catching up to her. She didn’t see this coming a million miles away though. Was her luck about to change for the better or was she gonna be stuck packing up going off on the run again? Only this time with the Winchester's on her trail?
 Warning: (Not too sure what all to put here) Language, speaking of drug use and alcohol, simple flirting, (18+ only), this one don’t apply too much for this one but there's no telling what may come.
 A/N: I do not own supernatural or any of it's characters besides the OFC's I have created. Do not repost my work anywhere without my permission please. That is if it is even good enough for such wanting. This is my first try at any fan fiction writing. Please be honest with how you feel about it. The only way to get better in my mind is by taking others opinion's into thought. Unless it's just hate crap, then save it for the birds.
Master List
Tags: @soythedemonqueen  @dragongirl420  @srj1990 @deathly-smirk  @sofreddie @hyphymanatee  @ellen-reincarnated1967  @chelsea072498 @neganswinchesters
Update:: shout out to @soythedemonqueen​ for the Aesthetic, forgot to leave the credit! All other gifs were found through google.
anybody wanting to added, let me know!
Don’t Believe me, ask him Part 3
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Walking out of the blood bank I spotted Dean and Sam outside leaning on the impala. ‘How fucken sexy is she?’ I couldn’t help my eye ball the whole car, not even paying attention to the guys looking back and forth to each other with wide eyes.
“Like what you see, huh?” Dean voice lingering getting his words out.
“Yessir, I sure do” I said, switching my eyes from the car to him. The shine in his eyes were unreal. My heart fluttered, again.
“Get in doll, we’re gonna take a classic today. Not that ricer you be driving.” He chuckled out loud.
Rolling my eyes I slid into the back seat. I couldn’t lie about how this car was a wet dream to myself but I wasn’t gonna let him know such knowledge. Dean drove us to a small café down the road close to the bar we first encountered each other at. There aren’t too many places to go around here being such a small town.
As we were walking into the café the waitress perked her head up from her phone and laid eyes upon Dean first. She slowly made her way to Sam and never once looked at me. Her eyes lit up with joy as she glanced back at Dean but once I made her line of vision her face went sour.
“Hello, my name is Reese and will be your waitress for the afternoon. What may I get y’all to drink?” She was trying to sound sweet. Handing us our menus her eyes never left Dean’s face but to look his arms up and down. He paid no attention to her drools just looked over at me. Sam’s eyes switched back and forth between Dean and me sitting next to each other and back to the bimbo with a smile. I glanced at Sam then back to Dean, who was already looking back at her and slowly to the waitress with a cheesy smile.
“A beer for me and”, Dean nodded over at me “whatever she wants.” Reese looked down at her pad waiting for to answer.
“Water, with lemon please on the side, lots of it please.”
“Sweet ice tea with lemon.”
“Okay, I will be right back with those drinks.” She said, getting one good smile in at Dean before spinning around to walk away.
I looked over at Sam waiting on one of them to bring up the reason we were here to start with. I could only hope I wasn’t about to put myself in between a rock and a hard place.
“Sooo, who is gonna start this awkward conversation were about to have.” I said, winking at Sam.
“Uh, well. I guess I will.” Sam sat up some to straighten his back placing his hand folded in front of him. “Jaslyn, there were blood bank donation bags found next to a girl half drained. There is only one blood bank in this area-”
“and you work at it.” Dean chimed in. I switched back and forth trying to look clueless. ‘Fucking A’
My heart started to race. Silas still hadn’t said anything to me so I’m flying solo here. Feeling a lump in my chest I try my best to think of anything to say.
“And?” I turned my body towards Dean leaning against the wall to look him right in the eyes. Reese was on her way back with our drinks thank god.
“Now, what may I get ya’ll to eat?” She said, after sitting our drinks down without any lemon. “What about you handsome?” Looking at Dean she flashed her dimples.
“Uh, excuse,” Expecting her to at least look at me, I kept talking, “I asked for lots of lemon on the side and my buddy here also asked for some.” I started out sounding decently nice but by the end my tone was annoyed because she wasn’t paying any attention. I could see Sam looking at me out of the corner of my eye and Dean turning to look too. She finally took her eyes off him when no one was looking at her but me. “Lemon, please…” Giving her a sassy smirk showing my own dimples she narrowed her eyes at me and walked away.
“Rude much?” Dean chuckled out. “You didn’t have to bite her head off”
“Maybe if she could drool and do her job correctly at the same time there would have been no need for me to be short.” Making a snorting sound I shrugged my shoulders. Shortly after getting that out my mouth she was back with my lemon. “Thank you, ma’am”
“May I get ya’ll something to eat?” Her attention was still only on Dean. The rumors about women loving him were sure true.
“I don’t know about these two here but I could go for the house burger and fries.” Dean answered without even looking at the menu.
Sam shook his head, “I’m gonna pass and just stick to my drink.” She was finally making her way around the table, vision wise.
I wasn’t too sure if I felt like eating or not. Not being medicated messed with my appetite and since they picked me up I wasn’t able to smoke my daily lunch blunt. She was focused on me waiting with her pen in hand and pad in the other, pen flopping slightly and eyebrows lifted with impatience. “My apologies, I didn’t have a chance to look because of the guys here.” Opening the menu I could hear her let out a sigh. “Let me get the cheese sticks with marinara.”
“Okay then, house burger with fries and an order of cheese sticks,” adding a bit of sass, “Correct?”
“Try not to forget the marinara with it.” I mentioned with my own amount of sass as she started to walk away.
“Do you two know each other?” Sam asked with curiosity in his voice turning his head sideways slightly.
Dean shifted his shoulders toward me and placed his arm on the back of the booth. “Yeah, vibes between you feels like there’s some history. You steal her boyfriend or something? Girl…? I never got an answer about that the other night by the way…” His smile made my heart jump some.
‘Dude, what the fuck’
Chuckling I took a sip of my water and started squeezing the lemons in it. Sam and Dean were waiting on me to respond but I just kept mixing my lemon water trying to make it stronger.
“Because that would be super hot and we may even have a friend that would interes-“
“Dean, Charlie doesn’t need you playing match maker and I’m sure Jaslyn don’t need your help either.” Sam busted out laughing to his brother’s face expression. Dean bunched up his nose and rolled his eyes.
“It’s nothing like that.. She is my best friend’s ex.” I said, like it was nothing. It was nothing. Silas was my best friend and for the last 6 months that’s all he had been, a friend. They were broken up before I moved to this town. “They had some falling out shortly before I moved here, couldn’t tell ya what over. All I know is they broke up and to her I’m the reason. She thinks we’re banging. I’m the home wrecker” I said, using quotation marks with my fingers for home wrecker. ‘Sure, let me tell you all about my soul selling best friend I met during take your daughter to work day’
A few moments later she brought our food correctly to us and went on her merry way to check on other tables.
“Back to why we asked you to speak to us,” Sam trying to change the subject he leaned in over the table, “Have you noticed any strange activities around the office or around town?”
“Strange like how?” I raised my eyes brows and him.
“Well, for starters there have been 3 dead bodies found drained of their blood. They all had IV marks in the arm but for one. Renee Jenkins was found sliced up with no IV marks along with a bag from your job.” Dean said, picking up his burger.
My heart started to tighten. “I didn’t know about any murder until I saw the photos you had at the bar. As far as the other’s, I don’t watch the news for that reason right there. I already know how fucked up it is up here so why bother?”
“Up here?” They both caught what I said and tilted their heads at me. “What do yo-“ both at the same time again.
“Hold on Sammy.” Dean said, sitting his burger down. “What do you mean by up here?”
‘Quick Jas, think... THINK.’
“You don’t believe in heaven and hell?” Lifting my head up in confidence I looked back and forth into their eyes. Showing no sign of worry on my face the best I could I dipped my cheese stick and took a huge bite. Dean already had half his burger down. “Or do you believe the whole hell on earth shit?”
“Oh no... There is a hell for sure.”
“You speak like you have some sort of experience in that area.”
“Jaslyn, who all works at the clinic?” Once again, Sam was trying to keep us all on track. Dean was eye balling me.
“There’s me, my boss, who’s the manager and the two nurses that take the blood. That’s it.” With bags being found, me not being able to do my weekly count and not going through the fanny pack before coming back to work I have no way of telling if the bag was mine or not. But deep in my heart something is telling me Silas didn’t do this now. Nothing is adding up. The first two people, whoever they are, could possibly been Silas, even then I know he wouldn’t kill someone, but this chick they are asking about now couldn’t be. The moment they said she was sliced up I knew it wasn’t him.
“Who is in charge of inventory?”
“That would be me.” I said raising my hand to the waitress since she hadn’t been back around since bringing our food. She saw me and rolled her eyes.
Dean had already finished his burger by the time she made it to us. I hadn’t ate a whole cheese stick but my lunch break was about over so it didn’t matter. “Can I get a to-go carry out?”
The boys looked at their watches. They must have forgotten I was on a lunch break and had a job to get back to while they were working on their own.
“Sorry dudes. Is there any way we can finish this in the car. I need to start heading back.”
As we paid our bill Reese spoke loudly, “Ya’ll be sure to come on back and see me ya hear.” Smiling her fake grin she turned to me. “I sure hope Silas knows you’re out with two strangers having lunch.”
“Nah, but I know you will be sure to let him know for me.” Walking out the front door I could hear her start to say something under her breath but couldn’t make it out so I turned back around. “Be sure to tell him I rode in their car too. It’s a classic. He ass would almost love it as much as me.” I hollered over my shoulder laughing. 
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Sam and Dean followed me out to the parking lot laughing their heads off. “Are you sure you didn’t steal anything from her?” This time it was Sam questioning me. “From the sounds of it you di-“
“I already told ya’ll I didn’t take shit from her.” I said, opening my door sliding into the middle of the back seat. “I’ma level with ya’ll… but I gotta know mister beer-thirty I needs to smoke before getting back to work, are you gonna let me or what?”
Dean eyed me through the rear view mirror. Sam tilted his head toward his smiling brother. “Don’t you burn anything back there ma’am”
Sam’s eyes grew huge with shock. “The man who doesn’t let dogs in here is gonna let a chick smoke a j?”
“Shut your pie hole, Sammy.”
Giggling I pull my pre-rolled blunt out and roll my window down some. Sparking it I finished. “So, as I was saying…. I’ma level with ya’ll. This morning my boss told me not to worry about the baggy count. Just told me to send out my normal doings and off into his office he went.”
Dean looked over at Sam.
“Anyhow,” I said, exhaling the thick smoke. “I been working there going on five months and I’ve always done the count and ordered what we needed ‘til today.”
We were almost back to the clinic by now and I hadn’t even got to smoke half. ‘I’ma have to go through that pouch’
“Think you could try and do a count for us. It would be a huge solid.” Sam was turned all the way around now facing me. “Please, Jaslyn. Something in my heart is telling me you have nothing to do with all of this. That you’re just a girl working at a place that just happens to be the focus of something not natural.”
‘Yeah, maybe not this… but.. still. You silly boys’
Pulling into the parking lot I slung my purse over my shoulder and dabbed the blunt out on the bottom of my shoe. “I can’t make any promises. I’ll see what I can do.”
“Thank you Jaslyn. So much.” Sam said as I got out.
“Can I get your number? You know, in case we need to be in touch. Well, we do really..” Dean grinned at me showing those lovely whites. Those dimples were to die for.
“I mean, I suppose ya’ll can have it to be in touch.”
Sam let out a loud laugh, “I like her.”
I walked over and took the cell from Dean’s hand, “I do too.” He smoothly said, winking at me.
“Call me later Sir. If I don’t pick up I’ll call you back when able.” Before I could make it to my desk I was getting a call on my cell. ‘Dean already?’
My heart was jumping with joy until I saw the name.
“Yes, Father?” With my voice full of sass, “How may I help you today? Anybody needing any talking’s to so you can grasp their desperate souls?”
“Mock me how you please but no daughter of mine will be associating with the Winchesters.”
Sitting down in front of my computer I kicked my purse under the desk glanced at my boss’s office door. “Look, I do not have time for this. There are far more important things I have going on compared to you being worried about how you may look in front of other. Others who ar-“
“The daughter of the King of hell cannot and will not be hanging out with the Winchest-“
“Well, I suppose it’s a good thing there aren’t many who even know of me, huh!”
Word Count: 2,523
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thinking-siphor · 4 years
Okie day 2 of the chloe ting shred was done yesterday and day 3 today 😇😇 so rest day tomorrow! Thank god. today was super fucking hard, I have no upper body strength so doing arms was fucken hard and imma be sore tomorrow! I’m really hoping that at the end of the 14 days I don’t hate exercising, I’m going to do another one of her programs anyway cause I want to get fit everywhere. I’m either going to do hourglass next or slim thighs. I can already see a difference in my stomach even though I haven’t changed my eating and I’ve had big dinners. And my weight hasn’t changed. But still I like that I’m seeing some difference. I wanna be dainty after all these workouts. Nice and tiny.
I had kfc for dinner which wasn’t a good idea but the walk I went on was 4.1kms so that’s not too bad on top of the exercise I did earlier. Just gotta stop having bad dinners. Gunna go for a long walk again tomorrow so that I’m still doing some exercise on the rest day. And I’m actually funna make tomorrow day 1 of intermittent fasting. Imma do 16-8 so I can see some more results. And tomorrow imma skip dinner cause I’m annoyed at all the big dinners it makes me feel massive. If I want the best results my food has to be good too. It’s so annoying cause I had 2 pieces of avo toast and then nothing, and then the kfc. And I could’ve gone without dinner or had something small cause I wasn’t that hungry, it was just the craving that got me. So I gotta get that under control. So yep day 1 of intermittent fasting is tomorrow. I can eat from 8-4, after that no food only water.
I’m gunna be doing an after video for this challenge which I’m keen to see the results of. And then I’ll be doing another challenge straight away so I get to see another after results from that one. Imma do quite a few and then when I’m at my goal I’ll post it somewhere.
I’m so keen to be able to by small clothes. Like ugh fuck I wanna revamp my whole wardrobe. I already know heaps of shit I wanna buy, and imma slowly start getting new stuff and buy it for when I’m smaller. I know I’ll fit into it soon so may as well. My whole style is gunna be different, and anything I wear will look so good! Plus I’ll be getting more tattoos and piercings soon, and I’ll be getting my eyebrows microbladed and getting eyelash extensions again all the time so imma look so fucking different and pretty and I’m so fucking excited like fuck I’m actually putting in the work now to do it and I know I’ll get there. I’m going to keep exercising and imma look hot as fuck in a few months!
0 notes
milkymilk101 · 7 years
Wanna One as Construction Workers
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* Idek I was thinking about Sungwoon and this came up. I thought about everything in my head while my mother and I were going to Rite-Aid. Idk I hope you like it? 
Disclaimer: Might be horrible
The boss
Gathering everyone in a group hug first thing in the morning
Probably plays slow chill music in the morning when everyone is starting off their daily duties (IDK OKAY) 
Constantly trying to make sure everything is done before the deadline
Doesn’t understand why he was stuck with the crew he’s with
Literally has to keep an eye on everyone
Buys them food after a long and hard day of work
“Jisung this is why you are the Boss” - Daniel while stuffing kimbap in his mouth
Always the last one to leave to make sure all his crew is alright :’)
“Guanlin you can’t stand in the middle of the construction zone” 
Kinda wants to do the work himself because the others play around too much
Shouldn’t but picks up the slack
When he isn’t yelling and nagging at the others he’s known to do this thing where he just sits there staring off to space
“Maybe he’s wondering where we hid his trailer keys?” -Ongniel :’)
Eats his lunch alone so he can look after the rest of the crew from afar
His mom brings his lunch and he loves it. 
Home cooked meals for lunch break
Also another reason why he eats alone
Continiously saying 
“Where the hell is Daehwi and Jinyoung?!”
Does his work well
Only when Ong isn’t partnered up with him or when Ong comes around
“Daniel and Ong can you both stop trying to glue Jaehwan’s tools to the wood panel” -Jisung 
The one that takes off his work attire to reveal himself in a white wife beater 
“It’s too hot” -Daniel
“HOT DAMN!” -Ong in the distant
Daniel brings the girls to the construction zone~
“Please stay away from the construction zone. It is dangerous you civilians” - Minhyun with a megaphone
Packs himself sandwiches and ramen
Ends up tracking in cats 
They’ve adopted Daniel as their Kitty Leader (LOL KITTY PUN) 
Feeds them 
After the first couple of times he ended up bringing cat food and treats with him to work 
“What does this taste like?”
Looks forward to lunch break because KITTY TIME~
“Maybe if I figure a way to control these cats to do my work then-”
Ends up apologizing saying it was a joke but everyone knows it isn’t
Kinda does what he’s suppose to do?
No one believes he gets anything done
“Are you sure you work here” -Ong
Woojin and him has this thing that when they pass each other while working they look at each
Drop their equipment 
Wrestle to see who flips the other one onto the ground first
Loser has to do a dare
“Go to Jisung and ask him if he dropped his pockets. If he says ‘where?’ throw these at him”
*Shoves a bag full of un-sewn pockets @ Woojin* 
“Why the hell do you have this?”
The girls that walk by always call out to him
Shy af but tries very hard not to be (you’re doing great bby)
They probably bring him lunch tbh 
Ong Seongwoo
But surprisingly gets the stuff he needs done
“Wow I can’t believe you got this part done”
“I know not everyone can be as amazing as me”
*Flips the long hair he doesn’t have*
Shamelessly flirts with all the girls that walks by the fence of the construction zone
Takes lunch from them 
Well they offer it to him
He loves it b/c free food
They don’t mind because Ong is super handsome and sweet 
“If your man ain’t treating you right, then let that Mango.” *Fruit Pun
“And come to me” ;)
Dances during the lunch break with Woojin on the metal pole to entertain everyone
“If I were a stripper, my stripper name would be-”
“My favorite weather is rain. I wont be taking hail” (B/c Cash is rain and hailing is coins? Get it? No? Okay...)
Favorite tool is the staple gun because of Sungwoon
Wants to shoot it at Woojin but he knows the company’s insurance would probably go higher 
So he throws pebbles at Woojin while he’s working
Woojin is a total clueless dork 
Enjoys his job :)
Like I said does that weird ass thing with Jihoon
“I don’t need to cheat when I can easily win. Now kiss my boot and do your dare”
When he doesn’t do that thing with Jihoon, he’s actually very productive
Probably the most hardworking worker Jisung has
Probably does all the work honestly 
Like I said dances with Ong during their lunch break 
On a metal pole
They both probably dance to something like Apple bottom jeans or Yeah! by Usher
“ApPle BoTtoM JeAnNnssSSsSs BoOTs WIth ThE fuRrRrrRRRrr” *Drops it down low*
Daniel records it because Ong & him made a bet that he would get carried away
They use it against him to do their work too :’) 
Poor Woojin 
Steals Ong’s desserts as pay back
Follows around Minhyun
No one really knows what he does
Or why he’s there?
“Good morning Minhyun how was your day so far”
“He doesn’t even go here!” -Ong in the distant
A bat that hangs off of Minhyun’s shoulder
“So what are you doing now?”
“Hey Minhyun are you going out for lunch”
Probably sings while he works
Like the seven dwarfs 
Okay like all the time
Suggests Karaoke every time after work
Likes beating everyone
“MAIn VOCaL maIN RaPEr iN yOur aReA~” 
Wins all the time 
No one likes going 
“BUT there’s soju and beer” 
*finger points snaps* 
“You’re too cheap to pay all the time tho” -Minhyun
The pusher
Usually has that expressionless face while working
Everyone is kinda afraid of him 
He just nags everyone alot 
“This place is so fucken dirty.”
“You work at a construction site Minhyun” -Jisung
Like there’s Jisung and on top of that is Minhyun 
“Just do you work”
“JuST dO yUoR WoRK” 
Girls come for him too 
But he learned to ignore it 
“Minhyun! You look so handsome today!!”
“Ong I think those girls are making whale noises for you. You should go see if they need help”
He honestly just wants to get his work done
And go home
To nap? Sleep?
The “Why am I here” worker
Mentally refers to everyone as “peasant” besides Daehwi, Guanlin, Jinyoung, and Jisung
He probably writes poems during his break
Concrete is gray. 
Ply woods sucks.
I would hit these annoying mother fucks :)
~ 9/4/17 Minhyun  
Cant do much because of his height
Works hard af to make up for it :’) 
When Jisung has the music on in the morning he does a weird dance challenge with Ong 
It’s different with Woojin
Sungwoon does it with a staple gun and a nail gun
Inside jokes
“Yeah Sungwoon can definitely NAIL IT together for you Jisung”
“You both are idiots”
*Body rolls with a staple gun*
Up for Karaoke with Jaehwan
The night is mostly spent with them both competing each other 
They could sing all night tbh
Probably do high note battles while working 
An inter? Temp? I guess  
Does the minimal
“Guanlin why does one of the workers keep staring at me?”
Doesn’t really know what’s happening through out the day 
Follows along with whatever Jisung says
Just does random wild goose chase errands that the workers make him do
B/c no one wants this boy to get hurt?
“Daehwi I need you to find Jisung’s pockets”
“Jihoon isn’t his pockets on hi-”
“Look Ik this is life or death situation. The world is now in your hands alright. Now go buy a bunch of un-sewn pockets”
Became best friends with Jinyoung 
Disappears with Jinyoung (according to Jisung)
“Yeah that”
They get distracted a lot along the way
Goes out to eat
Sight seeing
Buys un-sewn pockets
Then eats ice cream along the way
“Jihoon I got you, your drugs”
“I’m kidding here’s your un-sewn pockets”
Quietly does his shit 
“Ong why does one of the new kid keeps looking at me?”
They became best friends :’) #JINHWI
Quickly does his work so he could run off with Daehwi
He actually doesn’t have as much work compared to the others
Knows his tools surprisingly 
His work sometimes consist of cleaning and unjamming the tools that Daniel, Ong, Jihoon, Sungwoon, and Woojin did :’) 
“How tf do you get a carrot stuck in the screw driver Ong”
“Look I was curious okay. Don’t question my validity” 
A handy man 
Constantly says to himself “How did I get this job?”
Always has dirt and smug on his face 
“Where is it”
*Wipes more on his face with his dirty gloves*
The girls fangirl over him too 
But he has ear plugs in purposely 
He would get shy if he actually hears what they’re hollering 
“Jinyoung! Is your voice deeper than the ocean!?”
Inter temp person with Daehwi 
They got the job together 
Their parents knows Jisung so they got hooked up for the Summer 
Their parents said “It’ll be good for your resumes”
He comes into work dressed all nicely but Jisung learned to give and have a spare set of clothes 
Comes into work with Starbucks frap in one hand and a chocolate croissant in the other
Makes sure to bring one to Jihoon in the morning
Asks his mom to make another lunch box for Jihoon
Gets upset that Jihoon has girls offering him lunch too 
Wonders around the construction site most of the time 
You’ll constantly hear “Guanlin you can’t stand in the middle of the construction zone” 
Can’t find Daehwi because MISSING
Sometimes he just sits near Jihoon and watch him work and fool around 
It’s more entertaining than filing paper work with Minhyun and Jisung
The one that constantly asks Jisung for money because he’s hungry and ate all what his mom packed him. 
Ends up seeing Jinhwi together
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
I ain't all bad
saw this prompt on tumblr and just yeah
wattpad is longerr_hours check out my other stuff
Camila’s very strict with her schedule. Not that she like, freaks out if she doesn’t get something done as she would like to, but she’s set in her ways. 
She wakes up at the same time, gets coffee at the same place with the same bagel and the same amount of sugar every single morning and has done her mornings this way for almost five years straight. 
Then she takes the same backroads and stops to wave to the same old lady on her porch and later orders the same sub for lunch and you can get that she has a distinct day planned out for, well, all of the days to come. 
She goes to her same evil laboratory everyday and walks in to greet her evil dog assistant every single day at the same exact time down to the minute (sometimes second if she’s feeling lucky and extremely cool). 
She fights with the same annoying super hero every night on the tracks of her least favorite, favorite city, and she usually (not really intentionally but it is part of her schedule at this point) gets her ass kicked back to her cosy apartment in the rough side of New York City. 
One of her favorite parts of her week though, is her friday night plan. 
Now, don’t think that she doesn’t like planning evil things to do in good cities. She prides herself in her abilities as a super villain and wouldn’t exactly say that her friday plans surpass the feeling of joy when she sees terror in the general public caused by her, but to Camila going to the diner is peaceful and a perfect way to end a usually perfect week. 
So yeah, she went to a diner right outside of her neighborhood named Dorothy’s, the sign bold and bright and kind of annoying probably to neighboring condo owners because Camila is sure the lights never go off, but she doesn’t mind, it’s actually what had drawn her towards the place in the first place. 
The first night she went in she ordered what anyone would order at an old fashioned restaurant, a burger and fries and chocolate milkshake and, guess what she still gets every single friday night? Damn right it’s a burger and fries and a chocolate milkshake. 
That’s what keeps her coming too. The delicious taste is something she hasn’t been able to find in all of her twenty five years of existing and she’ll be damned if she - that’s not true actually, like yeah it tastes fine as fuck but that’s not what keeps her coming, it’s kind of -and not to sound sappy or lovestruck or stupid of anything that Camila claims she isn’t - but it’s kind of a girl. 
Lauren was her name, and that’s about all Camila knew about the girl other than the fact that she looked like an angel and smiled and laughed like one too. She’d been serving Camila for the three years she’d been going into the diner in the same back booth (Camila was afraid of falling off bar stools which in her defense is understandable) every single friday night, until finally she knew the villain’s order, but they’d yet to make any small talk. 
Camila had made occasional jokes, some small chit chat about the weather or some shared laughs about another customer, and there was a clear connection since Camila was there so often she basically worked there, but there was nothing direct about their relationship. 
But yeah, in case the whole, “she’s the reason I come every friday” thing didn’t make it clear enough, Camila kind of - totally really has a crush on this girl. 
In her defense, she’s pretty sure everybody would have a crush on this girl though if they saw her and everybody else who goes into the diner is obviously fond of her. Like, she’s pretty but she’s also charming and cute and hot as fuck and like all the good in the world, and Camila can’t figure out why she loves that since she herself is so so evil (don’t fight her on it, she’s the evilest), but she does. 
She wouldn’t go as far as to say she loves Lauren since whoa slow down, they’ve never talked like real talk, chill, but she’s definitely in love with the thought of her, and she definitely has the biggest, most powerful crush in the world. (when you’re super evil you get used to describing everything as powerful soo).
But still, even if it wasn’t love per say she went into that diner every week to see her favorite waitress for an hour, to watch her (in the least creepy way possible) and to enjoy whatever small time she spent in simply giving Lauren her order, which the girl had down already but checked every time just in case it changed. 
This friday was much like every other one too. She’d just been defeated by Mr. Moseby, New York’s favorite super when she stumbled into Dorothy’s. She had a slight limp from being thrown a few blocks, but besides that she was in, well she was in a better mood than every other day of the week.  
Because the pretty waitress was serving an older couple near the door and smiled at her through the window when she saw her approaching. So now, she’s sat in her normal booth, looking at the menu as she does every week despite only ever getting the same thing, and trying not to get caught in her fleeting glances over to her waitress floating about just as charming as ever with a smile to each customer. 
That’s one thing Camila’s always loved about her presence. As you can maybe infer, Camila isn’t the most… positive person in the world. She’s a super villain, meaning she’s mastered evil and beyond, but every super villain has a super villain story and Camila is evil because she resents her awkwardness. Her ability to seem like a weirdo in every conversation she’s ever had.  (don’t say that’s not a good cause throw your h8 elsewhere.)
She resented people like Lauren in most circumstances. Their ability to charm their way out of any awkward encounter. The ability to make anybody laugh, or feel better, or anything other than uncomfortable. She hated people svn more when they were understanding of the awkward. The type of people who were so fricken charming that they would know when to change the topic, know when to take the weight of conversation off of someone else’s back. 
She thinks maybe she just doesn’t hate Lauren because she has a cute laugh. A cute everything else too. Lauren is too cute to hate. (And the first night she came Lauren gave her a free chocolate milkshake so yeah.)
It’s just, okay so Camila isn’t necessarily a bad super villain, but her name is Lady Terrordrome so yeah she’s kind of a bad villain. (she got it off of one of those websites that creates a super villain name for you when she was fourteen and okay it’s not good but dumb ass fucken Mr. Moseby won’t stop making fun of her for it so it stuck.)
(AN i totally just used one of those to give Camila a name and fight me if you don’t like it)
But so Lauren cheers her up, and as she approaches the table with a smile and little wave that’s so cute it hurts, Camila forgets all about the defeat that tasted so bitter tonight. 
“Good evening Camz,” Lauren grins, reaching for the menu which Camila hands her with a grin right back. “What can I get you tonight? Would you like to hear our specials?” she teases, a familiar glint in her eyes since she has been teasing for a while now after picking up on Camila’s tendencies to follow a strict schedule. 
“I would,” Camila agrees easily just because she likes hearing Lauren talk, and Lauren doesn’t hesitate to talk. “That all sounds lovely, but after thinking it over I’d like to have the usual please,” Camila smiles after a few moments of listening to Lauren list off their “specials”. (Really it’s just the funniest named meal combos they have, she’s been doing it for three months now, every week with a new one). 
And so yeah, it’s a good way to end the night, the week for Camila and she enjoys a nice meal and complimentary shake with it, not watching Lauren but keeping an eye for her favorite girl, lighting up a little more whenever she comes to ask Camila how her meal is going. 
Watching Lauren is usually just a thing she does cause she’s low-key creepy and also Lauren is Lauren. But tonight something different happens. 
So, like, there’s a biker gang type group that comes in every now and again. Not as much as Camila, but she’ll see them at least once a month and usually she’ll think nothing of it. It’s not really a biker gang, Camila is just childish and calls any gang a biker one since yeah. 
But the point is it’s a group of six thirty ish year old guys who come in and spend the whole night, and not in the peaceful way that Camila does, but they’re rowdy. They’re usually obnoxious in a way that has Camila cringing, but she’s never had to step in. 
Tonight is different. 
You see, they’re usually served by Ellen, a forty seven year old mom who’s been here long enough to know how to deal with guys like that and keep them on a leash. 
Ellen isn’t here tonight though, since she’s gone Lauren is on their table. 
Now Camila isn’t deaf, she actually has absurdly good hearing since she created a device to help with that years ago so she could enjoy the quieter cries of her enemies more, but she’s been hearing the cat calls all night and keeps wanting to step in but Lauren shoots her a look and she doesn’t because she doesn’t want to be too overbearing. 
“Gentlemen, if that’s what you want me to keep calling you I’m going to have to ask you to quiet down, there’s not a lot here but it’s been a long week, I don’t need this right now,” Lauren asks, after half an hour of having tot ell them to quiet down. 
“I can think of a few ways for you to get us to quiet down baby, you’ll just have to ask a little bit nicer,” one of the guys pipes up and, yeah those have been their disgusting responses for a while now but Camila is trying to let it go. 
“I’m going to have to kick you out if I have to come back one more time, and for good you hear?” Lauren threatens, spinning on her heal to make her way to the back. 
One of them smacks her ass on the way out though and Camila is on her feet before Lauren can send her the look of panic that she does. 
“I believe the lady asked for you to quiet down,” Camila pipes up, voice strong and stance stronger, leaning against the side of the booth behind the group of men and Lauren, who all startle at the voice and turn to face her. 
“Oh yeah? I think you misheard buddy,” one of them smirks, rolling his eyes as his friends chuckles at the seemingly weak girl trying to step in. 
Lauren sends her a look, pleading for help or to stop, but Camila doesn’t listen as she moves one hand slowly to her waistband. 
“I don’t think I did actually,” Camila replies, tone flat and hand ready to go if one of them moves. “And I think you owe her an apology for being so fowl with her as if you have any right.”
“Oh do you now?” one of the bigger ones asks, standing up and leaning forward, “I’d like to see you do something to try and stop me from-” as he’s saying this he’s reaching for the waitress, who easily slides away and towards Camila, but she doesn’t pay her mind as she pulls out her weapon and shoots at the group of men, quickly taking out one of them until there are six ice sculptures sitting at the table, eyes wide like Mr. Krabs’ eyes were when he was frozen by King Titus for stealing his crown. 
It’s silent then. Since they’re the ones who were making all the noise and the chefs in the back haven’t noticed the commotion out front yet. It’s just her and Lauren and the room, space they’re in is a little bit colder now. 
“That was umm… that was my freeze ray,” Camila supplies, hoping Lauren won’t freak out and call the cops or something. The raven haired girl is leaning against one of the tables, eyes wide still and pointed at Camila’s face now instead of the gun but she doesn’t really look scared, more shocked. Nows your time to shine Terrordrome. “I’d umm, I’d try it on you, but I figure you’re too hot for it’s effect to really-" 
"Holy shit,” Lauren cuts her off and Camila is kinda of shocked that instead of panic it’s laughter coming out of the girls mouth along with the swears, “Please tell me you’re Lady Terrordrome, please holy fuck nothing could possibly make my night better,” she continues and Camila would like, she’d kind of be offended, maybe, if Lauren wasn’t chuckling so cutely. Like, Lauren is so cute and she’s not teasing, she’s just laughing and Camila is laughing too now and. 
“I am,” she replies with a chuckle, “I’m hoping the fact that you’re laughing means you aren’t going to rule out giving a super villain a shot?” she continues, moving in a little closer and meeting Lauren’s smiling eyes with a raised eyebrow. 
“Well,” Lauren starts, still red with laughter and a hint in her eyes that Camila has seen and never quite placed but always found amazing, “I’ve always thought you were pretty super so I guess it makes sense now,” she smirks and Camila lets out a sigh of relief before Lauren continues, “and after the blow you suffered at Moseby’s feet tonight for running in the lobby, I wouldn’t want to add to it." 
Well like it’s kinda a soft spot bringing up the fresh defeat, but Camila doesn’t really care because it’s Lauren and she’s smiling. "That sounded like a yes to me,” Camila smiles and yeah, being evil has it’s perks sometimes. 
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angel-nero · 7 years
11 questions...
I was tagged by @pureren @zaevran @glaspaladin @z-ayauitl and @kcgane ty so much !!! ♥
RULES: 1. Always post the rules 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. Tag 11 people
my questions…
1. what’s the worst piece of clothing you own?
2. what’s the coolest piece of uh fashion that is so cool you can’t even wear to go out? lol
3.- what book have you read that you feel it has been the worst?
4.- What’s the healthiest meal you actually like?
5.- do you love keith kogane? (or vld keith lmfao what u prefer to use)
6.- something paranormal ever happened to you? if yea, what?
7.- do you get jealous easily? with who? (friends, popular ppl, talented ppl, the s/m)
8.- what’s the cutest thing you own?
9.- what are your favorite crisps?
10.- do you have a favourite drink?
11.- can you tell im hungry? what hobby you wish you liked or wish you did?
i tag: @kukinta​ @kittyr0se​ @heirith​ @liesfromsatansbuttcheeks​ @sheith-love-always​ @acequeenm​ @blessedkeith​ @lukaspatel​ @ke1th​ @ace-pidge​ @keith8​ but only if you want to!
1.  Do you connect with people easily?
mmm, I don’t becos im a very quiet person and can be w u w/o talking at all and I get overwhelmed by convos I don’t care about also it’s kinda hard to win my trust and also interest lol. I’m nice tho, i mite not be enjoying myself but i’ll forev b nice w u.  
2. Did something good happen to you this week?
uH yeah, i’m doing things to improve my health, i did my uni exam, im frEE, i finally don’t have to go to rEliGIoUs classes aNYMORE and UH,,, i got a diet to win weight and its cool i get to eat ESQUITE LMFAO. i will see my bffs in friday and i have browney mix there i should bake but im lazy
3. What’s the personality trait that annoys you most in other people?
When people pretend to like something just 2 b friends w someone or ME, do you know we can be total dif and maybe still b friends if u cOOL. Ass kissers, hypocrisy, LIES LOL. I don’t like fake ppl at all.
4. If you could participate in any existing tv reality show, which one would you choose?
The ones where they change ur style and buy clothes for u 2 love urself and do ur hair and make up and buy u xpensive undies. I loved that crap when i was in secondary school lmao
5. What’s something you’re insecure about?
That I can’t be in one place without wanting tofuckin run, the fact that i can’t eat w ppl at all, that i have to go to the fucken gYM
6. What’s your favourite way to hang out with friends?
:’)) well,,, i go to my bff’s house or they come. If im fine then walk around my neighborhood cus it’s nice ahaha anxiety am i rite. oKAY, even if i get anxiety i like ice skating, or roller skating, i have a lot of fun. My friend want us to go to this pixies concert and im like :(( boo i love u
7. What’s your favourite fic trope?
lol idk,,,,, pining? mutual pining? no pining and they getting to know therngs im melttin sTOP idk…… it depends on whAT shIP. I just know i’ll read any fake dating of my otp. idk idk duuuude i legit don kno. It’s not a trope but i love crunchy feelings, showefjsid fksjnj its hard to talk about this im sOrry
8. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve liked in the past?
hahahahahaha my crush
9. What do you consider to be the best period of your life?
When I was 14. I went to parties more than i go to them now lol, i drank and smokkd w who where my best friends back theN i know it’s whack. we used to go to roller skate? all the damn time and did sleepovers and everything was funny, we practically lived together and my friend that was 16 drove us to places lmao,, everything was so good. but like, dont imagine me too wild i only smokd like 5 cigs in my life and hookah and we even broke one.
10. What do you consider to be the worst period of your life?
mpghgg, when i turned 15,,, in the middle of it everythin went to shit to the actual date. But im trying to change that
11. How did you meet your best friend?
I met her,,,, 11 years ago. Look, I usually have best friends in pack. I have 3 bffs at the moment, one of them sat next to me in 2nd year of primary school. IDK how i got to actually know my absolute bff tho but we did a lot of weird shit. we also met in the same classroom and she was my bff back then. The third one was also a frind but not so much during those years. Later i changed of classrooms and shit and bonded more when I was 14 w 6 friends and those r i did crazy shit w but we got separated and stopped talkin and they invited me to the club a week before my uni exam but i was high on meds and sick af. and never replied also going to meet em again at the club makes me nervous af tbH…. I have had a lot of super close friends in my life wTf. In my new school i have also 7 friends that r super close.And we’re also a pack of bffs. I actually had a hard time to use the word bestfriend lol, not bc of me havin a lot or anythin, i was just emo i guess
1. What’s the strangest nickname you’ve ever been given?
:))))))))))))))))))))))))) gabhole, gabaloney, TETI THAT SOUNDS LIKE TITTY. now ft Aztec secret 
2. Do you like to gossip?
UMMMMMM,, i dont like to listen to another ppl judging someone, I hate it and i normally tell them to stop. it depends i guess
3. Are you afraid of the dark? um,,, no but i dont like it lol
4.Have you ever been stung by a bee?
no, but i steppeddd on one. I also was pickin a tree and till this day i dont knoW wTF it was but i had something big in my middle finger and it fucken hurt like a bitch and i had A BALL on it UGHHHHH I HATE BUGS
Bigfoot or mothman? fucking none
Do you trust anyone with your life? i mean, idk
Do you have any habits you wish you could break? yEAH, to stop tweeting my mental breakdowns is one lmao. 
Would you go ghost/alien hunting? 
both tbh, who wants to break into abandoned houses w me, i live in front of one,,, i mean not so infront but in the row of houses infront of me lmao english whO? dude rosetta stoned by tool is my aesthetic, alien stuff. bex listen to it pls
Best pickup line? (you’ve heard or used on you/you’ve used)
u r the best chair *proceeds to sit on em* keith to shiro probably
Mint or fruit gum?
I dont like gum much cos it makes me hungry or thirsty. I also drink too much soda to fuck w mint stuff :(( say that to the mints i bought lol :( i only eat halls or gum bc im nerves w ppl so they stopped bein a thing i enjoy for me lol. i do that since im like,,, uh,,, idK 15. it fuckd my stomach
What do you want to be remembered for?
I mean if I have to pick and b unrealistic, for art maybe,,, or for the thing i end up working with, like architecture or somethin. Art, def art cus i like art so much
1.-if you had to chose one thing to eat for the rest of your life what would it be? 
2.- what are you most afraid of? Mental illnes and being ill and living 
3.- do you have a favorite place to visit?
I mean,,,, i love walking in the center? centre? of my city bc is like going to another place. Is also fucking Cuba in there. Everyone says that, my dad asked a cuban marine he met if it was true and he said it was ‘’ the fackin same’’ So its like,,, travelling in time and places. also the beach and the port.
4.- what type of weather you enjoy the most?
I need the sun, otherwise i get sad… i like cloudy w sun. I just like to go out in the afternoon tho lol so like,,, sun pls so the sky can turn pinkish
5.- do you have a rare ability like dislocating your thumb or moving your eyes really fast?
i move my tongue real real fast and also can do the cherry knot thing and uh i can like, be aberrantly stupid too. hey but dont fuk w me and bother me 4 bein stupid, i will fist fite u and i mite b stupid but i will also mite think u r stupid if i don like u so fuk off. Dam,,, i get like, bothered so easy LOL like, think u r better than me and i’ll fist fite u LMFAO WHY THO I SUK, but like, if not bothered, i think of everyone as my equal… wow this was not the question
6.- do you think it would be easier to create one universal lenguage or an accurate translator? nO… dont delete culture like that,,, an accurate translator mite come in handy u kno but like, some languages have words that don’t exist in others so like :-/
7.- is there something that soothes you no matter what? um no i wish
8.- favorite piece of clothing? boots and thights
9.- is there a song stuck in your head right now? YEAH dig down by muse i love it, every1 says it sUCLks but i can’t stop listenin to it
10.- why is your favorite animal your favorite animal? i don play favs but i love the honey badger bc of this pleas fuckin watch it and THIS
11.- morning person or late riser? Oh,, i cant wake up to save my life so late riser
1. do you have any plushies? a LOT but im like,,, they r in my wardrobe and i luv em but like,,, they’re all gifts,,, did u kno one of my past bffs bought me a dino for christmas?
2. have you ever walked out the cinema before? 
Yeah, i love drive’s aesthetic and Ryan gosling a lot but is SO boring so idk if my friends and I got kicked out or we prefered to get out to talk haha. 
3. if you could have a mascot what would it be and why?
A CHINCHILLA, they’re a irl pokemon and they r so cUTE
4. what would your theme song be? kool thing, sonic youth maybe or is she weird by pixies. All Over the world by pixies too lol
5. do you have any phrases or sayings you find yourself coming back to often? not really, im so bad at remembering sayings and quotes
6what’s the nearest object to your right? a book called azul by ruben dario
7. would you rather live in the big city or out in the middle of nature? 
Big city forever. I love high? buildings a lot. I dont do that well in the rural life lmao 
8. are you working on any creative projects right now (fic/art/music/photography/ect) Nope at all and das sad cus i should b doing art lmao
9. what’s your favourite movie score? idk what is score… but the soundtrack of trainspotting is one of my favs… oh but score… aghgsdhaj any tarantino movie tbh or wes anderson movie… or before I disappear or demolition oR southpaw or the girl w the dragon tattoo
10. i say vol you say….? uuhhhhh,,,,,  vol….tron??? (ICONIC, I MELT, I LVOE HIM)
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blimbie · 7 years
im going to have a total left hip replacement tomorrow. im not too nervous im mostly just thinking that I didn't follow the pre-op directions correctly and they won't do the surgery. I took Advil 2 days ago and I wasn't supposed to (I was supposed to stop taking it on the 20th bc it's an anti inflammatory medicine and I guess you're not supposed to do that). I'm hoping it still works out and everything, I'm ready to just get this fucken thing done and not be in so much pain.
Emily has been so nice she's bought a bunch of movies and she's gonna sit with me when she gets home this weekend and watch some. I love her so much. she reblog stuff about not being straight and we've talked about how a lot of people aren't just plain and simple on sexuality, it works as more of a spectrum and I agree with that.
Sadie has a boyfriend named Dylan and I'm really happy for her, he seems so incredibly nice and she truthfully does deserve to be with such a caring, loving person. I've been over her house a couple times, got to pet some cows. my fave one (katie) had her baby and I haven't gotten to see it in person but from the snapchats she's sent me it looks like it's really cute. sadie is right, cows are honestly big grass dogs. they love being pet.
buster is doing okay, we give him a quarter pill in a little treat picket thing in the morning and at night and he seems to be doing decent. he's still p skinny but hasn't lost any of his annoying/"charming" spirit.
I made an amazing painting for Emily of princess leia. it's the best painting I've ever made so far, 100% sure. she asked me to make it for her before she started school this year and I drew it out and painted a little of it but I wasn't feeling it, I could tell something about it didn't look right but I didn't know how it needed to be fixed.
note to self: if having a hard time figuring out what exactly is wrong with the piece of art you're working on, put it aside for a while and then come back to it. having a fresh point of view can help you see the exact flaws easier.
after putting it aside for a couple months, I was able to see what I needed to do and I got right to it. it only took me like three days to finish the whole thing, I was really feelin it. I think it revived in me some of my desire to make art.
Emily's brother got a little corgi puppy, Finley. he's super cute I love him so much. very much a quality dog. his girlfriend of course is being very over the top about it (she bought a fucken baby bag for the dog with its name embroidered into it). hopefully it all works out and Emily's brother will learn to stand up for himself and tell her she's being ridiculous about the dog. we'll see
in general, every thing is doing okay. I still get in a pit of sadness every once in a while but I usually can get myself out of it after a little bit. I'm on medical leave from work until like the end of April so I won't be working for a while which could be good or bad. initially I was excited about not having to work for a while (I still kind of am) but I hope it won't like mentally bother me. I'm anxious that I'll either not want to work anymore or will be so depressed the whole time I'm not working, like before I got my job. once again i guess we'll see
im trying not to overthink things and sort of let them unfold as they will and react then instead of now. it's still a work in progress but I think I'm doing better.
thanks for listening :•)
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