#but it’ll have to happen later :((
soothedcerberus · 5 months
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I made a callout for the bird that has been stuck in the building since thursday :’(
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god-u · 4 months
just going to say this before i post a final update but i am no longer mutuals with hawks (i’ve blocked her) and i’m sorry to anyone i made uncomfortable by interacting with her or reblogging her posts. i genuinely didn’t know she was this disgustingly racist because i was manipulated into thinking otherwise and actually thought she was innocent despite multiple accusations from others because i was never provided solid proof until now. thank you to everyone who showed me proof of everything i was clearly unaware of 💘
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criminalskies · 4 months
feels fitting that the last fic I wrote was for a friend and now after two months of being unable to write, I’m going to write a letter and it’s gonna be about how much they’ve fucking scarred me and made me sabotage every good relationship I have and made me hate myself all over again 🤩 Irony 🤩
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emptyyitseverything · 4 months
ugh my tummy has been soooo loud lately that’s becoming a problem, I can no longer skip breakfast in peace bc it keeps growling every ten minutes and my colleagues are no longer giggling and asking me if I want some snack… they’re getting annoyed and legit offering me their lunches and it’s getting uncomfy
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gregmarriage · 3 months
gonna become pepe slivia charlie, while trying to write the plot for this fic
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caterpillarinacave · 2 months
For the yes/no ask game: If you were interested in picking berries and learned all the good spots in your area to collect from, of which there happened to be many, and you found yourself falling into a little community of berry pickers, where you trade locations, recipes, and knowledge of berries, and one day you heard of a little local legend about a lost grove that's supposed to have some of the most delicious berries but no one remembers the path since the markers for it were washed away one particularly strong storm, only a general area of where it might be is recalled, but you're intrigued, so armed with what little information you have and boatload of determination, you pack yourself a little picnic and decide to make a day of it, hiking out to the spot, and it takes the better part of a morning, mostly because you keep stopping to check for berries, but by noon you've reached a place you're pretty sure must be it because the bushes are so high and thick they seem to be trying to drown out the sky itself and the berries (which you one hundred and ten percent recognize 'cause you're cool like that) are plentiful as expected, so you get to work filling your basket and while you're collecting you stumble across a couple little neat trinkets you decide to pocket as well (a spinning top, a key, a dog tag, and an old useless walkie-talkie) and before long you've filled your basket and you start your trek back following your markers, only to see a door halfway back, standing in a frame in the middle of a clearing of a thicket, so, obviously intrigued, you wander over to give a closer look, it's old, vines climbing the brick around the frame, it's closed and the door is painted black, when you try the handle you see it is locked, when you go to the other side you see the door is white, and when you try the handle the same applies, even when you rattle it nothing happens and while you chew on a berry and think on this problem you remember the key you found earlier, and having nothing better to do you dig it out and try it, to find to your delight that it does indeed open, you take the key back out and step through the doorway, closing the door behind you, you try the key on the black side, but it doesn't work, so you shrug and pocket the key once more, returning to your journey out of the woods, only...where are the path markers you tied on the way in?
You wouldn't say you're lost quite yet, but you hurry along the path you're sure you took anyway and you make it out, but your way home is missing, you let out a noise of frustration, you've been robbed, but you have no cell service here so you start walking, luckily home isn't too far, but it is tiring, and by the time you make it to town it's mid-afternoon, you're tired, yet satisfied with your haul, but as you walk into town you make a very disturbing observation, this is not your town, the streets are strange, the architecture too, you make it to where your house should be and there is no building, instead the place is a garden, there are people, tall with long dark hair, and you wave to them to ask where you are, obviously you've made a wrong turn somewhere, but as they come close they seem confused by you and your words, when they speak the language is harsh and punctuated by chirps, like nothing you've ever heard, you can't understand them, so you politely apologize as best you can and try to speak to the next person walking down the road, but with the same results, you try again and again, each time you fail to communicate a sense of unease quickly turning to dread fills you, you can't even find common words in any language you know or gestures with those who try to communicate with you, eventually you find yourself sitting alone outside of town, evening will be here soon, you put away your phone, which you noticed earlier hasn't had service all day, and your fingers brush against the key from the Door, despite how bizarre it sounds, you are struck with the hypothesis that it may be the source of your current mishap, after a long bout of debate, deliberating your options, you decide to try going back to the Door, while it might be a waste of time, it couldn't hurt and maybe you'd solve this problem while walking anyway, so you head back, much more direct than the first time, but it's still dusk by the time you make it, the doorway is just as you left it, you try the key in the lock on the black side of the door again, to no avail, you bang on the door, kick it, try to pick the lock, eventually you circle around to the white side, this time when you try the key, it opens, but when you look through you are certain that is not your world, do you walk through?
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seventh-district · 7 days
#Seven’s Public Diary#vent post#vent#cw vent post#cw vent#cw health#cw medical#cw medication#cw death#death mention#after nearly 2 weeks of unexplained pain and Symptoms and working myself up into the worst panic attack of my life#i finally caved and went to urgent care :)#it’s not lost on me that the same thing happened a little over a year ago. not bc of the same symptoms but it’s the same fear of dying#smthn smthn if i had a nickel smthn smthn weird that it happened twice. i rlly hope this doesn’t become a pattern#i can picture it now. every spring i walk in and they’re like ‘ugh it’s the neurotic hypochondriac with 4 anxiety disorders again 🙄#wonder what they think they’re dying of this time!’#sigh. anyways i’m fine. probably.#the consensus was ‘no you’re Probably not gonna have a stroke and die. you’re just Very stressed and in a lot of pain.’#got diagnosed with Stressed Guy Syndrome so now i take ✨painkillers✨ and ✨muscle relaxers✨ 🙃#they wanted me to take a steroid shot too but that felt like overkill. it’s also a big step for me to be willing to take anything at all#not bc i’m scared of getting a shot in the neck i’m just. scared of medication in general. the side effects. the potential for dependency.#it’s only for a week but i’m still uncomfy with it. but it Is nice to be in less pain. tho i have my doubts that it’ll help long term#time will tell. but i still can’t shake the fear of the tiny chance that it Could be more serious. but it’s not big enough for them to test#for it so. just gotta live with the fear. which in turn is making it hard to relax. which is what i’m supposed to be doing. so.#anyways. i Hope the meds work and i don’t end up back there next week spending More money and seeking more treatment#sighhhh i just can’t catch a break these days. it’s Always Something#at least the electricity and internet are back on after the tornado last week. and at least i’m not in much pain for now. silver linings.#sorry to everyone i’ve unintentionally ghosted but it’s been hard to think through the pain and now the meds are making me eepy#hopefully i’ll recover and recharge my social battery sooner than later. bc i do feel v bad abt it#and it’s So nice to sleep without much pain so i’m. taking advantage of that this week. Seven Try To Relax Challenge 2024
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pepprs · 9 months
ok i survived yom kippur. but it took every single scrap of strength in my body and i’m not completely better yet
#purrs#food#ask to tag#got my period thursday… bad cramps friday and saturday to the point where i had to go home early saturday (we were working lol 🤪)…. woke up#sunday with a. headache that got worse and worse throughout the day… 5-6 hours into the fast was in agony and felt like i was going to ****#so i… broke the fast and ate something at like 1am. then woke up in agony at 5am and then again at 9am and had a breakdown / fight with my#mom and then spend the whole rest of the fast deathly nauseous and my head hurting worse than ever. broke the fast an hour before everyone#else did (only ate a tiny bit) and then during the fast breaking dinner i started freaking out bc eating wasn’t making my head hurt less so#my grandpa told me to go lie down with a heating pad on my head and i did and slept for like 2 hours and it helped. finally feel better but#my head still hurts faintly and im scared it’ll come back. also i didn’t do my homework and missed class today to fast so im fucked#ive had headaches like this before but this is the worst one in a LONG time. it wasn’t a migraine bc those are in one specific spot iirc but#this was like… my ENTIRE face and the source of the pain migrated from my jaw to my temple to the bridge of my nose to the back of my head#etc etc and it kept moving around and was so sharp i didn’t even have the strength to open my eyes or walk around. and i think it was making#me interpret hunger as nausea. also i took my temperature bc i was flashing hot and cold and was like 2 degrees under normal body temp and#felt so weak and shaky and had body aches too. lol 😍 hpefully the worst of it is over but my head still hurts a little and im so scared itll#happen again. that was by far my worst fasting experience ever#delete later
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sammi-xox · 1 year
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becauseplot · 5 months
God fuck god I don’t listen to a lot of Lemon Demon but DAMN they really hit it out of the park with Touch-Tone Telephone. Like I’ve been obsessing over this song for years now, how good it is at story telling and like, character building?? Which is WILD for a song to accomplish, yet the vision is so clear in my head. You can really hear all the layers to this character the song creates. The wild rhythm. The manic, almost (definitely) desperate tempo, gives you the image that someone is running, chasing something, on the verge of something incredible. The dramatic flare of the strings melding with the odd sound effect or vocalization to create an image of someone brilliant but downright crazy. The flipping of the emotion in the delivery: confident, yet desperate. Like, without getting too much into the lyrics themselves, the delivery of “And like you I’m a genius before my time! Disbelieving, that’s the real crime!” gives me chills every time; the POV trying desperately to reach out to ‘you,’ the one they’re speaking to, trying to get you to understand, to see what they see, please, please listen to me I’m not crazy, they’re after me, you have to listen to me please!! Please!!! Try to understand!!!!! It’s all there, don’t you see why can’t you just see?!!
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ezraphobicsoup · 5 months
exams really just go on forever and ever and ever and ever
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exopelagic · 3 months
okay facing consequences of my actions
#I thought I’d gotten away with it this time#okay it’s 3am and I may have discovered something that completely ruins me#everyone is asleep so I can’t tell if this is me being sleep deprived or not!#so I need to sleep now but I haven’t cleaned my code up or written my answers#I do Not have time#if I don’t sleep now I’m gonna be having a bad time tomorrow morning and I am significantly less productive rn than I could be#with other people around I kinda need that y#so I should go to bed. but also. this code needs cleaning. but also. even if I fall asleep now I’m only getting like 5 hours MAX#I need a good few hours tomorrow morning to have a shot at doing this properly#so it would be more useful to sleep now and wake up as early as possible than keep going tonight bc I’m not going to finish tonight#okay. fuck. I hate this#if I could think straight I’d be able to fix this easy which is probably a good reason to sleep#it’s just an annoying logical problem that I gotta follow through bc currently I’m stuck between three possibilities and there might be more#I have these two rasters and I gotta calculate the area overlap#the first method counts the number of presence points in each (probably) and then counts the number in overlap raster w manually set values#the second counts total predicted points and points where they’re predicted to be alone and does a calculation with that for each species#that one with all points from both species + pseudoabsence. vs method 3 which does that with just individual species coordinates#method 1&2 are now homologous now I JUST caught the logical error but method 3 is what he gave us#but actually he might have fucked up in not including pseudoabsence#i don’t know if method 3 works for two different species either honestly#it gives me results I like much more (my overlap is 100% for one of the species and that shoooouldnt rlly happen even if it’s possible) but#I think it might actually just be wrong because it can’t account for#wait so the line is taking the prediction for all coordinates for each species for each species’ initial coordinates. and not pseudoabsence#and that set of predictions for each species coordinate set is then taken and yeah it’s no longer comparable you can’t count each alone#not with two different species bc you need an overlapping dataset to do that OKAY I have solved that logical problem my initial method works#which is annoying bc the result sucks but whatever I checked the rasters and it’s actually identical so#okay now I’ve figured that out. twenty minutes later. sleep I think it’ll help most#luke.txt
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getting to the point in the best show ever made where i have to address the fear /guy from supernatural is now gonna be here
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whoredmode · 5 months
dex made a list of his suspicions about troy and anteros catches a glimpse of it except all he sees is troy’s name and “shitty haircut” and he just giggles at it and doesn’t even try to consider what it means. just like yeah checks out. shitty haircut.
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hyvee · 1 year
Just scheduled a second interview for a full time position🕺
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