#but it’s interesting to me how miles isn’t present for his dad’s channeling
wubbybubbly · 5 months
something that I find fascinating in bridge to the turnabout is when edgeworth says that while he was caught up in the middle of the dl-6 investigation, he had actually met misty fey himself.
I’m sure this was before the channeling began. whether or not he was actually in the room when it happened is up for debate. but because edgeworth never alludes to a reunion with his father, I think it’s safe to say that the police barred him from interacting with his spirit. maybe he was forced out of the room. or maybe he just sat there, crying to himself believing his father was right there and he couldn’t speak to him.
what’s interesting is that edgeworth vehemently dismisses the kurain channeling technique and sees all spirit mediums as frauds (even when mia is channeled in court and clearly visible). so, it’s possible that this anger stems from something a lot more personal than “it’s scientifically impossible.” I think he staunchly refuses to believe in the fey clan’s legitimacy because accepting it means that he could’ve seen his father again, but wasn’t allowed to. so he’d rather think that there is absolutely no way to bring back the dead, ever. it’s a way to protect himself—the police were wrong, so he didn’t actually miss his chance to speak to his dad.
I don’t know, there’s a lot more to edgeworth seeing misty as a fraud than just this, and maybe I’m totally wrong. but it’s a possibility that I thought of.
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1tarot1with1k1o · 8 months
Hello klo! How are u doing?? I wanna participate in your newer k-pop game please! I hope it's still open!
1 I think you are similar to joohoney from MX cause I think you have strength to you but also soft!
2. Get along well with -Johnny idk maybe someone who is very social but doesn't try to take control in social settings would go well with you.
3. Do you like Shinee? I literally channeled them and then their song started to play. is Minho from the group your bias by any chance?
These are all I got for you, I got a lot even though your said to choose one! And I'm asking for Kihyun from MX for me please!
Hii 💕 I’m doing alright, thank you very much! I hope you’re doing well yourself 🫶 of course you can still participate!!
Omg joohoney 🥺 it’s so cute to be associated with him! Fun fact…his aegyo is the only one I actually melt over lol. Usually it’s quite cringe to me, but he’s just so adorable 😭. I’m honored to give you similar vibes to him. He’s really cool!!!
Yes you’re so on point! I either need someone as calm as me, or someone who takes the lead in the conversation but that isn’t overwhelming to be around. Johnny seems really fun to hang out with (plus he’s tall so I could finally wear heels around him and not feel self conscious lol). I’d love to do fun activities and chill with him!
Omg girllll!!! (gender neutral lol) hahahahahahha I swear I used to have the biggest celebrity crush on Minho years ago!!!! Lmaoo. He’s just such an interesting and strong person! How can you not like him…not you exposing me like that 👀. But it’s so funny you channeled that hahha, great job 🤣
Such cute energies from you two 🥹 aww. I got the feeling that he would be very protective towards you (not in an overbearing way. He would simply be extra attentive and worry about your well being). He would definitely look out for you, and make sure that you’re having the best time when you’re around him. I could literally see him looking at you while smiling with an endeared expression on his face. He would be so whipped, and he would find you very cute and lovely. Not even necessarily in a romantic way, but he would really like you! He would find you interesting, and think of you as a very precious person. I feel the energy of a big brother caring for the younger sibling. Not to siblingzone you lol; it’s just the kind of vibe I get hahah. He would really like to cook for you I heard? He would try his best. He would really want to do something for you, so feeding you homemade food is one of the things he would really want to do. He’d always ask you to update him, and he would attentively listen to you, and then give you words of encouragement or advice. Depending on what you would need in that moment. I feel like he would try to help you as much as he can, but when he won’t be able to actually help you, he will do his best to still offer you support. The kind of person that would give you his jacket or sweater if you’re cold, or that would buy you a comfortable pair of shoes if your feet are hurting. He would go to the extra mile in order to be of service to you, and make your day better. You might have an age gap, and that’s why he’d feel extra endeared by you, or he would simply see you as someone very precious because of the way you are/present yourself. He might also be physically affectionate with you! I saw him patting your head, and even holding your hand or waist as to not make you get separated in a crowd. He would do anything to comfort you. He’d definitely drive you wherever you need him to, and he would totally be the type of person to get in the car and go pick you up if you’re out late at night, or if you had something to drink; regardless of the hour. It’s giving kdrama boyfriend. You’d activate his dad friend side. It’s truly such a sweet energy omg I love it so much 😭😭😭
I hope you enjoyed the reading!! I really liked your ask, as you can probably tell hahah. Have an amazing day! 🥰🩷
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five-rivers · 4 years
This is part of the ‘Doorways’ series (aka Danny is an eldritch abomination and Jack and Maddie have no normal friends so they decide to go on a road trip to make sure none of their friends from college have become semi-satanic soul-eating holes in reality AU).  
AO3 link to series.
The Fenton Ghost Assault Vehicle did not have the smoothest ride in the world, but Danny was used to it.  Also, he had driven the Specter Speeder through the Carnivorous Canyon and ridden in Johnny 13’s sidecar.
Point being, if his parents didn’t want him to fall asleep, they should have told him.  Or, at least, not dragged him out of bed at four thirty in the morning (both to get an early start and to avoid the reporters and other undesirables who had taken to circling Fentonworks like vultures).
Look.  Danny might have been an unspeakable eldritch horror, a superhero, and one of the richest human beings on the face of the Earth, but he was also a teenager.  Not to mention sleep deprived.  
Besides, Mom and Dad had said their next Paranormal Research Club friend was miles and miles away.  They wouldn’t reach his town until much later in the day.  Danny had plenty of time to sleep safely.  
Which is why he was so disgruntled when Dad shook him awake with a cheery “We’re here!”
“Where’s here?” asked Danny, rubbing his eyes and noting sadly how far away his portal back in Amity Park was.  
“Breakfast,” said Jazz, voice heavy with sleep.  Apparently, he wasn’t the only one trying to take advantage.  
“’Kay,” said Danny, briefly wrestling with the seatbelt.  He caught Mom staring as he opened the door.  “What?” he asked frowning.  
“Nothing,” she said, unconvincingly.
Whatever.  Danny could figure it out later, when he was more awake.  He jumped to the ground.  
“I think you guys will really like it here!” said Dad, waving at the building.  “The food’s great!  An old friend owns the place.  Your mom and I used to come here all the time before you were born, when we were commuting between Amity and Chicago.”
Danny nodded along, staring up at the neon sign that read ‘Red Flower Dinner.’  Then his brain caught up, and he slowly turned his head to look at Dad.  
“’Old friend,’” he said.  “What do you mean old friend?”
Dad blinked at him, uncomprehending.  Jazz came to his rescue.  
“Dad, we’re doing this whole trip because all of your old friends are lunatics,” she explained.  
“They’re not!” said Dad, defensively.  “Besides, Marianne was never part of our club.  She didn’t even go to U of M.”
“She was a waitress at our favorite hangout,” explained Mom.  “She got enough saved to buy this restaurant around the time we graduated.  She’s few years older than us.”
“Saved?  I thought a relative died, and she got an inheritance?” asked Dad.
Danny groaned.  “Do you not see how suspicious that is?”
“Come on, Danno!  We can have normal friends.”
“No, you can’t.  If a normal thing ever interacts with our family in any way, it immediately becomes abnormal simply because of how unlikely it is for anything like that to happen.”  He dug the heels of his hands into his eyes until he saw stars.  
“He’s got a point,” said Jazz.  “Maybe we could go to a different dinner?”
“But,” said Dad, “she makes the best breakfast. And she really is normal.  She wasn’t involved in any ghost stuff.”
“Are you really telling me you never talked to her about ghost stuff at all?” asked Danny, suspiciously.  
“Well, we did,” said Dad.  “But we talk to everyone about ghost stuff.”  
Dad inhaled and heaved a huge sigh, shoulders sagging.  “Alright, Danno.  I get what you’re saying.  We can go somewhere else…  Even if it won’t be as good.”
Okay.  Now Danny felt bad.  
“Well,” he said.  “I guess we could check and make sure she’s not, you know, haunted or anything.  That’s why we’re doing this, I guess.”
Dad brightened immediately, and Danny had to grab the back of his shirt to keep him from running in.  
“But remember, if I say we have to go, we have to go.  That’s the deal.”
Dad nodded.  Danny let go.   He sighed as Dad disappeared into the building.  
“Is the food really that good?” asked Danny.
“Marianne grows a lot of her own herbs,” offered Mom with a shrug.  “Everything she makes is at least decent.  But, well,” she grimaced as she held the door open for her children. “The reason we liked her so much was that she always seemed interested in our research.  We liked talking to someone who took us seriously.”
“Wonderful,” deadpanned Jazz.
The décor inside the dinner was bright red and floral.  The seats and benches were upholstered in shiny, dyed leather.  A long glass counter displayed pies and other desserts under bright lights.  The air was warm and smelled faintly of cherries.  A radio station played quietly in the background, blurring the chatter of the other guests.  
Danny rubbed his eyes again.  Ugh.  He was tired. Sleeping in a moving vehicle was a special kind of unrestful.  Heh. Unrestful dead.  More like unrested dead.  That was him.  
(Someday, he was going to track down the first person to say, ‘I’ll sleep when I’m dead,’ and give them a stern talking to.)
“Marianne!” boomed Dad, waving at someone in the kitchen behind the order window.
There was a gasp.  “Jack Fenton!  Is that you?” A woman with greying brown curls leaned out, then ducked away briefly before reappearing through a door.  “I haven’t seen you in years!”  She threw her arms out, hugging first Dad and then Mom.
Danny bristled at the perceived threat to his parents but managed to control himself.  This was nothing.  Everything was fine.  Just because every one of his parents’ friends so far had something weird and potentially fatal going on so far, it didn’t give him the right to police their every interaction with other human beings.  
“Are these your kids?” asked Marianne, excitedly. “Oh, my goodness, you must be Jazz, and you’re Danny?  I’ve only seen you in pictures, but you’ve grown so much.  You’ll be as tall as your dad in no time.”
“Hope so,” said Danny, knowing there was no chance of that happening whatsoever.
Not with his human body, anyway.  
“I hope we’ll get a chance to talk,” she continued, “but I have things on the stove.  Why don’t you go ahead and find a seat?  We’ll get to you soon.”
“Looking forward to it, Marianne!” said Dad, waving again.  
“Is she alright?” asked Mom quietly as they slid into a corner booth.  
Danny wound up in between Mom and Jazz, which was good, because Dad tended to elbow whoever he was sitting by.  In this case, Mom, who could take it.
“I think so?” He rubbed his eyes.  “But I can’t just sense everything. Don’t forget that.”
“Stop rubbing your eyes,” said Mom.  
“They’re itchy,” said Danny.  “I think I got some sleep sand in them or something.”
Mom’s expression softened.  Danny blinked at it and wondered when he’d gotten so used to seeing an edge of suspicion on her face.  
“It could be allergies,” she said.  “It’s that time of year.  Or it could be that you keep rubbing them.”  She tugged his hands away from his face.  “Either way, it isn’t healthy to keep touching your eyes, sweetie.”
It wasn’t that she didn’t have a point, but Danny wasn’t entirely sure he could get sick.  Not anymore.  Maybe if he was far enough away from Amity Park, spread thin enough between his two major physical manifestations…  If his body was human enough…  Maybe figuring that out could be a fun family bonding experience.  Not.  
He yawned.  He wanted to go back to sleep.  Being in here, with the warm scented air and not-quite-white background noise, only made slumber more inviting.  
Still.  His family’s ability to protect themselves was lacking.  Danny at least had to stay conscious in case Marianne decided to channel the spirit of Locusta or something.  Ancients, wouldn’t that be typical?  
A waiter came, introduced themself, and handed out menus.  Danny failed to process most of the waiter’s prepared speech, and his eyes drifted down to the menu.  
It seemed… normal, for lack of a better word. Slightly worn, a couple stains on the paper behind the plastic protector.  The pages had a border of blotchy red flowers.  The items were all typical breakfast foods.  Nothing jumped out at him.  
He wasn’t even hungry.  Actually, if he thought about it, he was a little nauseated. Sometimes that happened when he didn’t eat for a while, though, so maybe he was hungry, after all?
Why did bodies have to be so complicated?
“What are you getting?” asked Jazz, who was morally unable to make a food order until she’d taken a poll.  
“I don’t know,” said Danny, folding his arms on the table and letting his head rest on them.  “I’ll probably just get whatever you’re getting.”
Jazz frowned at him and repeated the question to their parents.
The waiter came back after a few minutes.  
“I’ll have the Variety Breakfast!” said Dad, excitedly.  
“The number five, please,” said Maddie. “Sausage links, not bacon.”
“Um,” said Jazz.  “How about the Red Flower Special?”
“Excellent choice,” said the waiter, smiling. “Marianne grows all the seasonings for that herself, and the presentation is lovely.”
“I mean, it’s pancakes, right?” asked Jazz, nervously.  
“It is, it is.  What would you like for your side?”  It took just a few seconds for the waiter to get the rest of Jazz’s order, then they turned to Danny.  “And what are you having today?”
“Same as her,” said Danny, waving in Jazz’s general direction.  
“Good choice, good choice,” said the waiter.  “We’ll be back soon!”
“Thanks!” said Dad.  He reached over Mom to pat Danny on the shoulder.  “See?  This is just a completely normal restaurant.”
“Mhm,” said Danny, dubiously.  He’d believe it when he got out of here with his questionably mortal coil and squishy, murderable human family intact.    
Okay.  Maybe he was being a bit overdramatic, now.  Was it because he was too far from the Amity portal?  He’d been sure it wouldn’t significantly affect him, though. It wasn’t as if physical distance meant much in this context.  Sure, he wasn’t on his home turf, but still…
Of course, he was a teenager. Teenagers were supposed to be overdramatic.  At least, that’s what he’d heard.  Being a teenager didn’t come with a manual any more than being a half-ghost superhero did, quirky TV shows about middle school notwithstanding.  
Yeah.  That sounded reasonable.  He was a teenager who’d been woken early, and it was still early, and that meant the world was terrible.  Excellent math.  
He sipped at the water the waiter had left him, pleased with himself.  
Which is when his and Jazz’s orders arrived. Danny caught a glimpse of red on him plate, abruptly recognized the prickling feeling in his eyes, expelled the water he was drinking from his nose, and propelled himself sideways across Mom and Dad and out of the booth.  
“Ah!” he said, pointing at the red-tinted pancakes and the pretty little flowers on top.  
The plating really was nice.  Just like the waiter said.  
The whole dinner was staring at him.
“He’s got allergies,” explained Jazz, her voice just a little too high pitched.  “Just—Really horrible allergies.  To flowers like this.”
“Blood blossoms,” said Danny.  He was reasonably certain the things wouldn’t kill him, he wasn’t sure that anything short of something like Gula could kill him, but every encounter he had with them had been painful beyond belief, and he doubted that their being cooked would help very much with that.  
“Right.  Blood blossoms.  The name always slips by me…  Haha.”
“Oh my gosh,” said Marianne, rushing out of the kitchen.  “I am so sorry.  I didn’t know anyone was allergic to them!  It’s just, you guys always talked about how they were lucky, and they got rid of bad spirits, so I thought I’d incorporate them, and they’re red, which is also lucky, and they taste so good—”
“Marianne,” said Mom, poking at one of the flowers, “where did you even get these?  I thought they were extinct.”
“Oh,” said Marianne, “my uncle, the one who died, well I guess they’re all dead, now, but…  The one who left me enough to buy the dinner?  He worked in seed conservation.  I got his personal collection.”  She sniffed, apparently on the edge of tears.  
“Ah,” said Mom, glancing at Danny.  “That’s interesting.  Um.”  She slid out of the booth.  “I’m really sorry, Marianne, but,” she gestured in Danny’s direction.  “Food allergies.”
“He’s had breakouts just from being around them, before,” added Jazz, helpfully.  
“Oh, no, no, I understand.  Um.  One second, let me give you my number, I don’t want to fall out of contact again, oh, dear.  Tracy! Give me your notepad!”
It took several more minutes for all the Fentons to make their way back outside, most of which Danny spent staring into the dinner through the large front windows, keeping an eye on his family. Maybe he didn’t have ‘allergies’ in the typical sense but being around blood blossoms was making his skin itch and prickle unpleasantly.  
Eventually, however, after Dad had shoved most of his order down his throat in a single go, they all got back into the GAV.  
“Oh. My. Gosh,” said Jazz.  “You two have no normal friends.”
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quillsareswords · 5 years
Robin, Meet Robin.
Damian Wayne
Requested (anonymous [4]; @annielimajackson ; @crissy1603)
Prompt List // Masterlist (both in bio)
"My name's Robin," you answered politely.
The first time he had heard your name, he hadn't thought too much of it, beside the automatic twitch at hearing his moniker.
It was admittedly a bit difficult for the first few months when you had first started attending Gotham Academy. You were in quite a few of his classes, and for the first few weeks, it took an exhausting amount of awareness and control not to react every time someone addressed you.
When you ended up becoming friends? That was far more difficult. Especially given your similarities in personality. You were often just as bitter and biting as he was, which, coincidentally, is how you bonded: you hated all the same people.
Calling you by your first name always bother him. Not only was it strange addressing someone with the name he thought of ad his own, but to add the fact that it was an entirely secret name made it all the more uncomfortable. This is why he often refers to you by your last name.
[L/N] didn't make it sound as if he was talking about himself in third person.
When he realized he had somehow, accidentally, uncontrollably fallen for you? Oh, it was ironic and painful.
He didn't plan on telling you. He never planned on telling you anything about the mask or his feelings. Maybe it wasn't fair to you. You'd subtly expressed interest before, when you were younger, but now you both stood evenly at seventeen, and you'd gone on dates with other men.
In any case, he refused to tell you anything. He had a plan. A plan that meant you stayed friends until you were utterly sick of him, and you'd never know a thing.
And yet, it all came crashing down in a blazing ball of fire one stormy night in May.
You had been in the sitting room of Wayne Manor with him. Papers and projects scattered around the floor you sat on and the couch beside you, carnage of the joint effort of trying to finish as many papers and projects as you could before the school year was up. You'd been here since noon, and now it was nearing eleven. You had decided hours ago to take up the guest room adjacent to his balcony tonight.
Presently, you were sitting beside him on the couch, papers shoved to the side for the time being, eyes glued to the plasma flat screen mounted to the wall.
The wreckage of the Joker's latest attack was displayed on the news channel, the reported speaking rapidly as words of warning scrolled across the screen, all screaming to stay out of the mile surrounding the harbor.
You were still on the phone with your mother, making sure she made it out of the bowling alley safely.
"Okay. Tell Dad I said goodnight," he hears you say. "Love you too. Bye."
You withdraw the device from your ear, a low breath parting your lips. You click the big red button on your screen, leaning your head on Damian's shoulder.
It's an action that sets his skin on fire, makes his heart beat just a little harder. Oh, how badly he wishes to comfort you properly, with an arm around you and a kiss on your forehead.
"Mom made it home," you report quietly, eyes jumping back up to the television, phone dropping in to your lap. "She said the streets are as empty as she's ever seen them." Your tone is grave.
"Good. People should be staying inside."
You don't reply. For a few long moments, you sat in silence together.
Then, the double doors to the kitchen burst open, and Tim races into the room. "Robin!" You both whip around to face him.
He realizes his mistake a beat too late. He can feel the confusion in your stare, but Tim continues with an apologetic expression and a hard tone. "Bruce wants us downstairs A.S.A.P."
"Tell him I'm on my way."
You look between the two of them as they move, Tim bolting back through the kitchen, and Damian standing from the couch.
He's aiming to get out of the room before you can put it together, but he should have known better than to think it would take you that long.
You reach out, catching him but the hem of his tee shirt. "Damian?"
He turns to face you, green-blue eyes locking with yours. He finds confusion and a hint of fear. It's understandable: you are sitting in a seemingly easy target during a ruthless Joke attack, and he's leaving you here alone.
He moves closer, dropping to his knee in front of you. He trades your grip on his shirt for a grip on his hand. "I will be back. I'll explain then, alright?"
"But Damian-"
"Please," he beg, "trust me."
You hesitate. Eyes dart toward the television. The wreckage is ready beyond measure, and the body count is only going to get higher. Your eyes move back to meet his. You nod twice. "Okay."
You could say that plan of his was a phoenix. Sure, it burnt up in flames, but, a sunrise later, it was revised incredibly.
For starters, no longer were you clueless. Now you knew damn near everything.
For another, you were no longer just friends. The moment a confession of love rolled off his tongue, you'd had half a mind to slap him silly. You the went on to explain that, yes, you'd gone on dates, and you had called one or two of them a boyfriend for a short amount of time, but you'd only been trying to move on from him.
It was a moment he had wanted to simultaneously sing with joy and scream with frustration.
Months passed comfortably now, without the strife of secrets and names tripping off tongues.
He had taken to calling you any bird name he could think of, besides Robin. You'd heard too many to remember; bluejay, parrot, mockingbird, cardinal, finch, sparrow -- if you'd seen it, you'd heard it. Though finally, he did settle on one he seemed to like the best.
"Hummingbird," he groans, "please turn that dreadful nonsense off."
You crossed your arms, leaning back against his headboard. "Nonsense?" You freign offence. "The Marvolus Misadventures of Flapjack is art, you uncultured acorn."
He turns to look at you over his shoulder, combined the glow of two computer monitors alluminating his features unevenly. "What did you call me?"
To any sane person, his tone was an obvious threat. A warning, if you will. To you, it was a challenge of power. A question of weather or not you had the balls to call him anything other than royalty.
"An uncultured acorn," you repeat.
He sighs heavily, turning back to face the left screen, skimming the panel of images, stills from security cameras. "I've been to more countries than you could name," he reminds. "Most women in this city would kill to sit in your place."
You uncross your arms, repositioning yourself so you lay on your stomach, your head propped up on your hands at the foot of his kind size bed. "Sure, but you can't wash my sink out of your sheets, so you haven't got a choice, do you, Feathers?"
You can hear him chuckle adoringly, followed by the low, loving mutter of, "No, but I can burn them."
With the nicknames practically set in stone, the two of you were set apart easily. However, it wasn't quite as simple for most of his family.
Alfred, ever formal and polite, addresses you as he always has: Miss [L/N].
Bruce calls you by your first name, though there isn't any confusion as to who he's talking to, as he uses a much firmer tone when addressing Damian with is moniker.
Dick doesn't find any difficulty in keeping g your original nickname. Birdy, he calls you. He says it reminds him of a younger you (likely because that's when he first gave you the title, much to a 10 year old Damian's dismay).
Jason, however, struggles greatly. You weren't introduced before you and Damian we're dating (he was officially dead, and because you didn't know about the masks, you couldn't know about him), so he didn't feel he had any place to give you a nickname. He also calls Damian by his hero name fairly often, using the same tone as he does for you. It was months before he finally gave up, forever referring to you as "the demon's sidekick" or "she-bird". Including when he speaks directly to you.
Tim nearly never calls Damian by his mantle, so he doesn't particularly see any reason to call you anything other than your name, despite Damian twitching every single time. It was only recently he's started calling you by your middle name instead, after figuring out that Damian was slowly becoming desensitized to anyone calling for him on patrol.
His sisters, though you don't see them quite as often, have cycled through too many nicknames and random words that you gave up keeping track.
Outside of his family, Jon is one of the only one you see on a regular basis. He's always thought the whole thing is hilarious. He's taken to calling you "moroon", an inside joke the three of you share that relates to an ever present memory involving an eggplant, a purple shirt, and an entire pack of Crayola colored markers.
Had he known what he knows now, this would have been a much different story. Had he known just how much the name of a common bird would ever hope to impact his life, maybe -- just maybe -- he would have paid a little more mind when he first heard you say it so long ago.
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herselfportrait · 6 years
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(Written for Soundsphere Magazine) 
The question isn’t ‘what has Alan Raw done?’ – you’d do better to wonder what he hasn’t. With an illustrious career in the creative industries, spanning from hosting BBC Introducing for Humberside & West Yorkshire, to being CEO of The Creative and Cultural Company, not to mention a life-long passion for drumming in which he is a professional, Alan Raw has done it all and more. To describe him simply as successful is true, but isn’t enough; far deeper than his accomplishments, it’s Alan Raw’s approach to his work, the philosophies he adopts, that makes this man not only a pleasure to talk to, but a pleasure to read about. 
“I do lots of jobs which are loosely around art.” Raw tells us, “That could be visual art, it could be music, or performance. It’s very much around arts and business - especially the social part of business. I’m CEO of The Creative and Cultural Company which is a social enterprise, and that’s been going on in one form or another for 25 years now. It has never had any funding: it’s a not-for-profit organisation run by a board of directors who are all volunteers; we do have sponsors – not cash sponsors – but sponsors who help in other ways. I suppose over the years I’ve become quite good at helping other people start social enterprises and helping new entrepreneurs who want to work in a more social and democratic sort of way. I also coach quite a lot, performers, artists, other CEOs - anyone who could do with a little bit of help. I present BBC Introducing in Humberside and West Yorkshire: the physical DJing of it, the presenting and explaining as much as I can about an artist as I can so other people can engage with them. I listen to tunes along with my team to try and give people who may have never released anything, who may have only recorded things in their bedroom - but have incredible talent - and give them the chance to go from where they were to getting played on maybe Radio 1, 1 Extra, 6 Music or something like that – and hopefully a live session.”
Bearing that in mind, it should come as no surprise that Alan Raw has not had a holiday in over 16 years. A fact like that should evoke gasps from the audience, so what is it about his job that he just can’t keep away from? How do you work every day for 16 years and stay motivated to carry on? “I like the environment in which I work, and I want to make that more normal. I want people to work with each other; help each other; empower each other, rather than the usual metaphors which relate to business that are about ‘battles’. I don’t want that to be the metaphor for my environment that I work in. I just enjoy the process of seeing someone do well. I actually enjoy meeting someone who has a need which I think I can help with. I don’t want them to be in need, but if they turn up with one I can help with then it’s like “Oh, great!”, and I’ll help with that. I always feel the need to be supporting a new team. With bands especially, I like to cheer someone on and I get great delight from seeing them succeed – even better if they know they have, and it makes them happy. I’m a Buddhist, and it’s kind of common in my circles to be happy by helping other people, so it fits with my spirituality. I’ve got some skills: I want to use them, not lose them. I curate a lot, I curate a lot of exhibitions and I teach other people how to do that as well. It keeps me thinking.”
With a finely-honed ear for music, as well as a talent for drumming that has led him to be profiled by none other than John Peel on Channel 4, Radio 1 airplay and tours all over the world, what would Alan Raw advise musicians on what they need to do to stand out in their circles? “I was lucky enough to have been born into a musical family. My dad made it very clear to me that I couldn’t just be the drummer in his band. I had to spend the other 23 hours of the day making the most of the environment I was in. We were constantly travelling, constantly playing music at different festivals and things like that. Most of the time I was just waiting to do the same myself. My dad introduced me to sound engineers, light engineers, roadies, filmmakers, managers, photographers – everything - and said, “Can I leave my lad with you for half an hour, because he’s interested in what you’re doing.” A lot of that kind of thing happened. I was encouraged to do more of that and that’s what I’ve always done. If you can learn even a little bit about what everyone else is doing in your industry, then it stands you in much better stead in two ways: one is that you are able to ask other professionals for what it is that you need from them in a much more coherent way, you have a much better understanding of what that means, the weight of what it is that you’re asking them to do, and what it should cost as well. The other thing is you’re able to do a lot of things yourself on a budget. You’d recognise that you might want to get something remastered by a professional in the future, but you can certainly record things yourself. It means that you can be much more financially sustainable in your early days of being a musician.”
In the creative industries, the unwritten rule is that if you want work, you have to go to London. Though this is a widely held preconception, just how true has Alan Raw found that to be, in his experience? “In Hull we have no problems with internet signal. It doesn’t really matter where you are, as long as you’ve got the internet, you’ve got a phone, and you’re able to make enough money from something to keep those things. It depends on your connections and how well you manage them. You’ve got to be organised. It doesn’t really matter how many resources you have, it’s more about how you organise yourself. You can know ten million people and not benefit from any of those relationships. It’s about turning up on time to things, making arrangements to meet people for a cup of tea or a cup of coffee, having conversations and seeing where you can go with that. None of that is going to have an effect on helping you unless you have an idea about what it is you want to have happen. It’s about doing what is sometimes called ‘future pacing’, which is thinking, When everything’s what I want it to be, and I wake up that morning and it’s my perfect day doing what I do, what do I see, what do I feel, what do I hear and what had to be true for that to be possible? and then just work backwards. Then hopefully, everyone you meet and every resource you come across, you won’t just filter out, but you’ll notice it and think, That’s one of the things I need. People can very easily be tricked into thinking that they need to look for what they need all the time, when you really ought to be thinking about what you can give rather than what you can get. It is a trading situation. You are trading with people. It’s just the simplest things that people do all the time, like band exchanges – they would never exist unless one of them thought, I can actually help the other one out. If you’re constantly thinking, What can I get out of this? What does the world owe me? What can I take from these situations? - then it’s not going to be a trade-off. What you need to be thinking is, Okay, what can I do for someone else, and does that have a value? If it does, what can I weight that against, and can we swap? You’ll get a very real feeling for what something is worth in time.”
Broadcasting is almost as covetable as work in music. Undoubtedly, many people regard Alan Raw’s job as host of BBC Introducing for Humberside & West Yorkshire with envy. “I got the radio show completely by accident. I was organising a festival. At the time I was the music worker at The Warren, and when I arrived there in ’99, I brought with me a festival called Impro Festival which I started in ’97 in the youth service when I was an arts officer there. I said to Keith at The Warren – who isn’t there anymore, but he’s a legend – “I’d like to involve The Warren in doing this.” One thing led to another, I ended up working as a youth worker at The Warren and bringing the festival with me. At the time, the BBC were looking to work with a festival, so we ended up working together. I was putting on lots of acts: some big names as well as local acts, trying to bring them forward by putting them alongside other people. I was introducing bands onto the stage because I didn’t know anyone else who did that, and I was DJing a bit, putting tunes on in between, and the BBC said, “This would sound quite good on the radio”, and at the time it fitted in with things that they were doing. It was all accidental. I did point out to the BBC three or four other people who I’m convinced would do a better job than I could. I’m a drummer, and they were singers. I said, “You want somebody who’s good at talking to people. You need these guys, not me.” But they insisted it was myself that did it. It was supposed to be six-week project – and I’m still there. Every show could be the last!”
Due to the competitive nature of the creative industries, with hordes of people vying for a single position, what qualities set you apart from the rest? “I’m always impressed the most by people who are proactive. People who notice what needs to happen without it needing to be pointed out to them because they just have their own opinion of it and think, Okay, what, to me, is a good job? If it’s done well, it’s like this. Then they notice how that fits against what’s there. If they think, Well, that could be better, then they have a think about how and if they could help with that. Then they speak with you and say, “I think this could be better. It’s great, but it could be even better if it was like this, and I can help with that.” Either that, or they don’t say anything, because they see something that needs doing and they just do it. Apart from that, be reliable. Put the hours in, be there early. Just go the extra mile and do a bit more. You’ve got to be creative; to get to think creatively, you’ve got to get to know yourself, your skills, the people around you and their skills. It sounds really simple, but it’s really hard to do. You’ve got to train yourself to think better. The world actually doesn’t owe you anything. You’ve got your basic human rights, and one of those isn’t ‘must have a great job’.
For most of us, it’s irrefutable that Alan Raw is successful – just look at what he’s achieved. But success isn’t necessarily quantified by the boxes you’ve ticked: “When I know that I’m giving more than I’m taking, then I think that’s a good measure of whether or not I’m successful. Sometimes to get to be successful in something, you’ve got to take. You’ve got to earn the money, you’ve got to use resources and ask for favours and pull all of that together and work hard. But when you get to the position where you can actually be giving, rather than taking, and you’re doing stuff for the people around you, I think that’s maybe a reasonable measure of you doing well.”
As a veteran of the creative scene, particularly in Hull, without a doubt Raw will have more than a fair few moments of glory, be those for himself, or those he’s mentored. What are the highlights of his career thus far? “Well, I’d like to think that I haven’t finished yet. I’ve got close to being successful. One measure of success for me is making myself redundant. In the Creative and Cultural Company, for example, if I’ve made myself redundant, that means I’ve created a sustainable and continuous thing. If I drop dead today – I will one day - everything will carry on, it will be successful for everyone who’s in it and there will be no detrimental effect to the organisation. That would be empowering. But it goes much deeper than that. It’s the same for my son; I’d like to think that I’m a good enough dad to get him to a point where he doesn’t need me anymore. The same for my partner. I’d like to think it about my job, the radio, too. Can you imagine if I managed to play some small part in getting the local music scene to get to a point where it doesn’t need us anymore? Imagine a point where all the artists are much so involved in running it themselves, managing it all themselves, own the infrastructure, manage all the organisations that are required, and keep it democratic. Wouldn’t that be amazing? That’s proper success. It’s all about making yourself redundant.”
What can the future possibly hold for Alan Raw? Though he shows no signs of stopping, he is planning on slowing down: “I want to get to more gigs. I’m playing less gigs now, as a drummer, so surely that means that I get to go to more gigs? But, other things fill the vacuum, don’t they? I’ve got lots of exhibitions going on as a curator, all kinds of things, workshops, masterclasses - all that type of thing. Also, my radio shows are on a Saturday night, which is when there are a lot of gigs I’d like to be at. Apart from that, I’d really like to work towards a time when I can reflect on everything, turn up to some of the events that I’ve been involved in in the past, cheer people on, enjoy watching artists, go to exhibitions that I have nothing to do with, read books by people much more intelligent than myself, and maybe get to the point where I can step away from Creative and Cultural Company, knowing that it is totally sustainable and doing well. Then actually I might be able to do some art again – I am actually an artist, I just don’t get a lot of time these days.”
When he does take a step away from work, what does Alan Raw do to unwind? “I’m part of a number of groups and organisations which area about thinking, about creative thinking, coaching, that kind of stuff. They’re some really nice people who I meet with, spend time with and just think about stuff with. One of my favourite things we do is debate. There just isn’t enough debate going on in the world. There’s plenty of arguing, but there doesn’t seem to be many decisions being made with democratic debate. It seems more to do with social media and reinforcing views that you’ve already got. I try and spend as much time as I can in groups, informal and formal, doing that sort of thing, trying to make ourselves better. A lot of that comes from my days at The Warren, a place that is run democratically by young people, so, I know that sounds like work to some people but it’s actually what I love and end up doing a lot outside of work.”
Alan Raw has always been deeply interwoven into Hull’s creative industry. Since being bestowed the title of City of Culture in 2017, Hull has thrived, finally able to support its burgeoning talent, elevating it being a national – if not international – point of interest. “I am one of many people in this area who has worked really, really hard: people like Stewart Baxter, Mez Green, Pat Pretorius from The Talks, Nigel Holmes, to make, collectively, everything better. I think we’ve come a very, very long way to creating an infrastructure where musicians can run themselves. We’re not far off it now. 53 Degrees North was a good indicator of that – that was a quality event, run by people in the music industry from this area. It’s a very exciting time. I’ve just been very careful not to get over-excited too early, but it is a very exciting time being at that point where it might just all be running itself really well - but there’s a lot of work left to do to get to that point. Even if we get there, we need to make sure it stays. There are so many people around me who are doing so much more than me, and much better work than me, to make that happen. I just want to support them and keep cheering them on. Katy Noone, producer of BBC Introducing, works so hard. She and John Anguish, an amazing engineer, taught me everything I know about radio. I think we’re really close to that goal, of being run by the people and being democratic. We’ve also gone through a time recently - we’re kind of still in it, politically - where corporate culture overrides community. I believe with all my heart in community. I know that there are better models of making things work. It is about cultural democracy. It’s where my motivation lies and what I want to work towards.”
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atsooshis · 7 years
the bsdxace attorney and ace attorneyxbsd au no one needs but is here
bear with me i love both, this is super long and i’m clawing at grasps with the AAxBSD part but i tried
BSD x AA: still takes place in yokohama
the ADA is all one big law office and for some reason most of the cases they end up catering to are murder cases
fukuzawa is the big boss lawyer and values justice
kunikida is his apprentice, he learned most of his techniques from fuku. kinda stands as the boss whenever fuku isn’t around
dazai is kunikida’s co-council, but in the past he was a prosecutor who had pretty crooked ways- he was a mole prosecutor working under the port mafia before. he gave up his job after defeat at the hands of fuku and kuni who worked side by side on a case against him, where he was trying to indict a falsely accused defendant for the death of odasaku. he’s trying to become a defense lawyer under fuku’s discipline.
tanizaki and naomi are assitants of sorts in the office, they’re not interested in becoming lawyers or anything, they just really like the idea of bringing justice for people who deserve it
yosano’s an injury lawyer but for some reason she landed a job in the nutcase agency and has to take up murder cases, which she doesn’t mind. her additional medical knowledge helps her understand autopsy reports more.
kenji often drops by the office after fuku helped him with a property dispute in his hometown, often brings fresh produce and food for the lawyers. now knows legal lingo for his own good despite no actual interest in law as well
ranpo’s a private investigator of sorts, he’s not entirely hired by the agency, but he has his own desk in the agency because he helps them a lot, in return for fuku defending his ass in the past. he’s with the police department but tends to work on his own, as he figures out mostly everything out in a minute. makes the correct arrests. he helps the lawyers investigate cases they get even though he isn’t involved, but doesn’t really talk about the actual answers though, because he believes they should be doing their job instead of him handing them the answers.
atsushi’s a fresh law school graduate and can barely argue without crying, but fukuzawa is his inspiration as a lawyer after the man defended him against false charges after the murder of the orphanage headmaster. will fight for what is right and generally the phoenix wright of all of this, except internal tears are 100% present. he’s a good lawyer at heart and he does handle his job well but trembles after trials. believes in his clients.
kyouka’s a spirit medium from the kurain village despite taking on a different surname rather than ayasato (jp’s version of ‘fey’). atsushi had to defend her after she was accused for assassination, where she was framed by the port mafia. has grown close to him in the process and acts as a co-council of sorts for the new lawyer.
the port mafia is still there and they have moles in the prosecutor’s office and the police department
namely akutagawa, a prosecutor who has never lost a single case until atsushi comes along. while he takes on numerous cases, he’s respected enough to be able to pull strings to prosecute port mafia cases in order to indict wrong suspects involved in port mafia businesses
higuchi is in the police department as a detective, whom akutagawa constantly has to work with, much like edgeworth and gumshoe
chuuya’s also a prosecutor, while being a mafia executive
basically everything else with the mafia is the same just aku and chuuya’s in the prosecutor’s office
black lizard squad..... but in the police department. hirotsu’s a high ranking officer, tachihara and gin are officers that closely work with him
the guild is a smuggling ring honestly imagine that fucking smuggling ring in AAI god i hated that
AA x BSD: still takes place in japanifornia
anything detective agency, a specialized detective agency whose members have supernatural abilities
phoenix wright - Rise from The Ashes, heals him upon taking fatal injuries. gets hit by a car? no fucking problem. runs on a burning bridge and falls down more than 10 feet into cold rushing water? no problemo. kinda like yosano’s ability, but people and him just have to be fatally injured. additionally still has a magatama maya gives him
mia fey, maya fey, pearl fey - all three share the same channeling ability due to their fey blood. feys still have the fame from spirit channeling, it’s just not much big of a deal as it was in the AA universe. additionally, mia can manipulate her scarf. think rashomon, but not as harmful- more of a shield and an extra hand.
miles edgeworth - Logic Chess, allows him to realize what the person he’s talking to will say next depending on what he will say. also lets him deduct possibilities in a case which helps the agency in their cases. kinda like oda’s ability, but more on verbal probabilities, rather than probabilities in the future, plus ranpo’s super deduction, just super limited.
gumshoe.... is their actual detective, a private detective for them. not actually gifted, but aids edgeworth on his cases. he used to be a detective under the police department until edgeworth invites him into the agency after finding out that his failures in his job has cut his salary a lot. he’s bad at being detective, but edgeworth brought out his best after he stayed with the agency.
ema skye - a forensics expert, helps within the agency. sometimes tags along with edgeworth and gumshoe whenever she’s needed for her expertise. can see bloodstains without the use of luminol, but she has to wear her funky glasses. can also tell whose blood it is as long as she sees other comparative blood samples.
franziska von karma - a prosecutor that works with the skilled ministry. unnamed ability grants her super strength as long as she’s annoyed/angry, which is often.
godot - Fragrance of Dark Coffee lets him dispense drinks out of fucking hammerspace. any drink, really. but mostly dispenses coffees of his own blends. throws dark coffee at enemies honestly and it throws them off guard but man can he fucking fight
apollo justice - Chords of Steel, his voice enables him to unleash destructive sonic waves but he has it under control. still loud as hell but minus destruction unless he means to. additional perception ability from the gramaryes.
trucy wright - adoptive daughter of phoenix after her dad, a suspect in one of the agency’s cases, disappears. a magician still. Magic Panties lets her pull out anything and lets her put anything in it. even people. she can manipulate the space fabric containers honestly, but prefers to use the panties for her shows. despite her magic panties being her main ability, she still has the heart of a magician and devises all tricks as much as she can.
klavier gavin - Guilty Love lets him use any sound he causes to unleash destructive sound waves as well. same as apollo honestly, but more control. can make a needle drop more destructive than it should be. still a famous rock star.
thalassa - has the same perception ability apollo has. Siren’s Serenade allows her to enthrall people with her singing, making them focus only on her. not part of the agency but often visits for trucy and apollo.
athena cykes - resident psychologist of the agency. Mood Matrix allows her to hear the voice and turmoils of your heart. honestly the same thing in the AAverse, and can choose to switch her ability on and off with widget’s help. also, for some unknown reason, the agency’s best hacker.
simon blackquill - another psychologist in the agency but works with edgeworth sometimes to manipulate possible suspects into fessing up. no ability, but can cut your throat
clay terran - apollo’s best friend and assistant of sorts. not an ability user, but this guy has learned how to map the stars and impresses everyone in the agency with it. he’s actually very helpful to them and everyone appreciates him despite being not an ability user. sometimes spends time with ema and gumshoe.
juniper woods- is not part of the agency but a student in Themis Legal. has an unnamed ability that allows her to grow flora or reverse the growth of plants. generally plant-based ability, but it tires her out pretty quickly. visits the agency and gives them all treats from her garden in the mountains after they help her avoid being falsely arrested.
the Phantom - Phantomime... generally enhanced imitation ability. the same thing in AAverse honestly
nahyuta sadhmadhi - no ability but honestly has the power of the Holy Mother™. the whole defiant dragons and khura’in’s shitty history doesn’t happen so he isn’t a prosecutor or anything, but he does fly to the US to visit apollo to see how he’s doing in that weird agency he got himself into
rayfa khura’in - enhanced insights anywhere as long as there’s water she can dance around on honestly. her insights aren’t as dull as they were in the AAverse, and while she can let images appear in the water, she experiences the victim’s last moment herself within her mind, and this lets her make correct judgements whether a defendant is guilty or not.
idk what else i was gonna write more about the port mafia counterpart in this but this is so long already honestly and i have no idea what to do with that
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workreveal-blog · 7 years
Cuts to public financial aid making it harder than ever to get a college degree
New Post has been published on https://workreveal.biz/cuts-to-public-financial-aid-making-it-harder-than-ever-to-get-a-college-degree/
Cuts to public financial aid making it harder than ever to get a college degree
He echoed that warning in comments accompanying HSBC’s worse-than-expected outcomes the day before this, pointing to “uncertainties dealing with the United Kingdom and the European as they input Brexit negotiations”.
HSBC will put in force its contingency plan – to move 1,000 roles from London to Paris – “step by step over the next years” but American, Swiss and Jap funding banks won’t have as a great deal time due to the manner they’re dependent. Many rely on their operations in London to carrier their Ecu clients and are making ready to open substitute offices and observe to neighbourhood regulators for brand new banking licences to ensure they can keep presenting finance to major clients after the UK leaves the unmarried marketplace.
All firms need to make a few variations to the way they operate, regardless of the length of any transition period, but Metropolis sources stated the volume to which enterprise leaves the UK will depend upon what deal Theresa May’s authorities strikes.
Flint said there had been the popularity of a want for a transition period. “If one of the approaches of warding off damage is making sure a proper implementation section that must be in anyone’s interest”.
“The factor of no return is probably 9 to one year away,” said one senior student investment banker in London. “The handiest aspect we might recognise via public then is whether an implementation segment is viable. However, I’m very sceptical they can deliver on it [in time], so we can move past the factor of no go back.”
A record using accountants PricewaterhouseCoopers for a pan-Eu lobby organisation has warned that some banks can not wait for long. It says: “Readability will handiest emerge on the negotiation outcomes at some stage in the negotiation length following article 50 notification, with reality best at its end, so those banks want to start implementation earlier than having certainty over the eventual Brexit final results.”
Such warnings are being exceeded to the authorities by way of some of the top financiers, lots of whom agree with the Metropolis’s early attention on task losses has obscured the greater essential venture of persuading Europe that it faces doubtlessly catastrophic dangers of its own if London’s position as an economic centre is damaged.
“The big question of what being out of doors the single market [for financial regulation] without a doubt way is still unresolved,” said Sir Howard Davies, the chairman of Royal Financial institution of Scotland and a former deputy governor of the Bank of Britain. “How ways, even if you’re outdoor the single marketplace, are you able to retain equivalence … or do you appear as a third use; all of that … tedious kind of detail … continues to be to play for.
“The extent to which we get equivalence will depend upon the volume to which we will bring home the argument that now not agreeing on an inexpensive diploma of equivalence among London and the rest of the European is without a doubt going to be disruptive to Europe’s capital markets and damage the capacity of Eu businesses to elevate budget. That’s in which the contemporary battleground is.”
Bankers are expecting that the talks will begin badly. They worry that off-coloration feedback by using ministers together with Boris Johnson are inflicting particular offence in the Eu and provoke belligerent rhetoric over the size of any “divorce settlement” – a particular reason for concern within the run-up to triggering article 50.
Davies, who spends a part of his time as a professor at the Sciences Po university in Paris, stated: “There surely is a risk of a disorderly Brexit if it will become politically very ugly. I’m barely nerve-racking approximately the fact that what I hear after I move over to the alternative facet of the Channel is all they are specialising in is the size of the [settlement] bill, and that appears to me no longer especially nicely understood within the debate right here.
“If it becomes very acrimonious you in no way recognise how the outcomes go with the flow. Human beings Might also start to make decisions which are economically irrational, and what you need is for each facet to say, ‘Appearance, we will have our rhetoric but what genuinely makes feel for both aspects?’ My worry is irrationality, and irrationality generated using a mismatch of expectancies, while the technique starts of evolved.”
Although most business leaders have welcomed May also’s recent speech promising to try to cosy a generous unfastened exchange agreement with the EU, many continue to be sceptical that it may be carried out in the face of such rancour and competing interests.
Instead, they worry a “crash landing” that leaves most effective Global Trade Enterprise rules in place.
In an interview rapidly before May additionally’s speech, Carolyn Fairbairn, the director general of the CBI, advised: “We had been truly clean, and I stay apparently fresh that an exit into WTO [rules] on the stroke of nighttime without the proper planning and guidance in place would be very severe for the UK financial system. We assume an abrupt in a single day flow into WTO [rules] have to be excluded. It isn’t always an ideological argument; it’s far a practical one.”
“while the high minister starts to say ‘no deal is better than a horrific deal’ this is deeply stressful,” stated one investment banker.
Across the United States, proud dad and mum are looking their children, mortarboards firmly connected to their heads, stride onto a degree to gather their university diplomas.
Commencement is the praise – eventually – for an investment which could cost an average of everywhere from $36,000 to $one hundred forty-four,000 and depart the student and their households are struggling with debt that might take decades to pay down. That’s mainly proper if the newly minted graduate has a difficult time locating work or finally ends up in a poorly paid however nonetheless beneficial discipline, along with coaching or social paintings.
But the one’s students selecting up their diplomas are the lucky ones. Others are thinking how and whether they’ll ever control to do so, given the way that country authorities organisations are slashing assist for better schooling, both at once or in a roundabout way.
Superficially, at least, it appears as if the outlook for the instructions of 2017, 2018 and their successors is improving barely. The yearly Grapevine survey carried out by the Middle for the Observe of schooling Coverage at Illinois kingdom university and the country higher education Officials (SHEEO) located that forty-one out of 48 states said increases in funding for higher training (ranging from 1.1% to 32.1%) in 2015 over 2014, at the same time as universal investment rose 4.1%. A student loan is also an option. College and university admission fees are tough for some kids, so they can’t opt in for best schools with college or university or campus college school names.
American families are still selecting up miles extra proportion of the fee of the tuition bill at public faculties and schools than they used to. These institutions, the cheapest option for plenty, now educate approximately 70% of all students who pass on to a few form of post-secondary education. While the economic crisis hit in 2008, an ordinary pupil could anticipate footing the bill for about 35.eight% of the value of a university schooling; the Grapevine Look at notes. Nowadays, it’s 46.5% – and that’s the lowest level we’ve seen given that 2011. That’s why cut to public financial aid making it harder than ever to get a college degree. Student finance is too much too! And here comes college loans for students or student loans for college.
At one country after any other, budget issues or finances disputes have left better schooling stuck within the crosshairs. And it’s the students who can least afford to pay or three times as lots what it expenses to attend a public organisation in their state to attend a non-public university who’ve the most at stake. A few households Can also have a look at the disputes and shrug, announcing they’ll ensure their kids practice out of state, where budget wrangles aren’t a trouble – despite the fact that that, too, will pressure up call for places in public faculties in states in which higher training isn’t (yet) below as a good deal financial strain, inevitably squeezing out a few in-country students who will find themselves with few other alternatives. Others gained have the economic resources to go out of the country, an awful lot less the luxurious of deliberating attending a private university, regardless of presents or scholarships easing some of the manners.
The poster child for what could well grow to be a worsening crisis is Chicago nation University, a one hundred fifty-year-antique organization on the south facet of Chicago that caters to a typical college students: older individuals, seeking to go back to high school and accumulate a university diploma, many of them having left to have a toddler. Haunted by the latest records of financial mismanagement, with no endowment funded through wealthy and thankful alumni over the generations, it becomes a precarious economic function even earlier than the Illinois university stopped funding all of the kingdom’s fifty-seven public schools and network faculties.
The scholars who attend the one’s institutions – lots of them from center-elegance and working-elegance families, and contributors of minority businesses who depend upon state want-based presents to wait for Illinois public colleges – are the sufferers of a dispute among the kingdom’s Republican governor, Bruce Rauner, and the Democratic-managed legislature. The two aspects can’t agree on a budget, and without one the state can’t release finances to other entities, together with colleges. For Chicago kingdom, that has intended doing without 30% of its $105m annual budget because of last July.
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