#but it’s perfectly in sync it’s absolutely stunning
smallandalmosthonest · 4 months
falling so in love with 911 sports aus but can never write one because the only sport i know anything about/have any experience with….. is cheerleading
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m-jelly · 6 months
Levi getting hiccups for the first time and absolutely freaking out
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@kenkopanda-art <3
Levi x fem!reader
Canon AU, fluff, romance, cute Levi, being a couple.
Levi gets so excited to eat a big meal by you that he eats it a little fast, resulting in hiccups.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @emilyyyy-08 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird
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A growl emitted from Levi's stomach as the divine scent of your cooking. Whenever he could, he made sure he rode his horse over to you and stayed over. Every time he was over, you would cook for him and give him all the kisses and the cuddles.
Your home was in the middle of nowhere and the safest place. Right next to the home was a vast forest and a lake with a flowing river, so you could hunt and fish. The garden next to your home was large and you had your own farm animals. So, you had a full supply and rarely went to town.
Levi bounced in his seat when you walked over in a tight apron, he was close to having a nosebleed at how stunning you were to him. The cute smile on your face was something he couldn't help but admire. All the food you placed down was always impressive.
He mewled in delight when you leaned over and placed a kiss on his temple. He wrapped his arm around you and pulled you close. "I love you."
You kissed him and smiled. "I love you too. Enjoy dinner."
"I will."
You sat by him and smiled when he grabbed your hand, he always loved holding your hand at the dinner table. You ate slowly but you noticed Levi was eating his dinner a little fast. You were about to tell him to slow down a bit before he got hiccups, but it was too late.
Levi's body jolted when he hiccuped. "What...what was that?"
You frowned. "What was what?"
He hiccuped again and looked a bit scared. "That!"
You giggled and caressed his cheek to soothe him. "You have the hiccups, it's perfectly normal."
He jolted again. "What happens?"
You kissed his cheek. "Just means your diaphragm is not in sync with your lungs. Just down a lot of water or tea."
He grabbed his cup and chugged as much as he could. He gasped and stared at you. "I think...I think they're." He hiccuped. "Shit!"
You laughed. "Your hiccups are so cute." You rubbed his chest. "Hold your breath and pinch your nose, then push air a bit."
He did as you said and whined a bit. He let go and gasped. "Mm."
You kissed him. "Looks like they're gone."
He nodded shyly before wrapping his arms around you and hugging you. "I don't like them."
You rubbed his back. "Bless you, Levi. They are a bit scary. You can avoid them by eating slower."
He huffed. "Okay." He leaned up and kissed you. "But your food is so good."
"I can make more food for you. I'm always happy to cook and bake more."
He whined a little. "You're the best."
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haihaihaitani · 11 months
Most Girls ~ *Hajime Kokonoi*
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Summary: You're finally dating Hajime, as he's trying to be a "serious" boyfriend. However, his well-crafted plans are falling apart around him. So why aren't you freaking out?
Pairing: Hajime Kokonoi X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluffyish Oneshot
Word Count: 1393
Warning: Arrogant Hajime
Don’t get him wrong, Hajime knows what he’s doing. That’s who he is. He was the smart, rich playboy who knew what to do at all times. He had confidence and charm to spare, though it wouldn’t be amiss to say he was a touch arrogant. 
However, when he met you, he found himself willing to try the whole “serious boyfriend” thing. Even though it was all so new to him, he always knew exactly what he was doing. And he was going to sweep you off your feet while doing it.
But right now, his carefully constructed plan he had set in motion weeks in advance was crumbling around him. First the venue he booked canceled his reservation last minute due to a burst waterline. The flowers that he had bought specifically for you were wilted due to the florist's refrigerator breaking down in the middle of the night. Finally, the candy he had gotten you melted as he forgot to put it in a cooler location.
He couldn’t understand why all of this was happening to him. Never in his life has his plans gone this awry. He didn’t know what he was going to do when he went to pick you up. He has never done anything without a plan before. How was he going to survive tonight?
After ringing your doorbell, you appeared in the doorway, looking absolutely stunning. He couldn’t help but smile when he saw you smiling back at him, looking both cute and shy as you looked at him. His smile grew a touch wider when your gaze flicked to the ground and the blush on your cheeks grew.
“Hi.” You mumbled.
“Hello Y/n.” He murmured. “Are you ready to go?”
You nodded. “Just let me get my coat.”
As you did so, Hajime will admit that he didn’t expect you to not be upset that he didn’t bring you anything. Most girls he went out with demanded presents to satiate their materialistic desires. But you seemed perfectly content with the fact that he showed up at all. He just didn’t understand you sometimes.
He had made last minute reservations at another very fancy and famous restaurant, to make up for the ones that were canceled. As he drove, he let you pick the music and he couldn’t stop the smile that grew on his face as you bobbed your head to the beat and lip synced to the lyrics. You looked so happy just to be with him and you weren’t buried in your phone like other girls he went out with. He secretly admitted to himself that it was a nice change of pace.
By the time they got to the restaurant, he opened the car door for you, making you blush. “Thank you, Hajime.”
“You’re welcome, princess.” He flashes you a smirk so you don’t see him berating himself in his head for already falling for the serious boyfriend thing.
He again held the door for you at the restaurant and you thanked him once more. The blush on your cheeks was starting to make him feel a bit better about the date. Maybe he was all worried about nothing. As long as you were by his side, he didn’t need to panic. Everything was going to be just fine.
“Reservation for two under the name Kokonoi.” He informed the hostess.
She checked through the list before frowning and checking it again. “I’m so sorry sir, I don’t see your name here.”
“Your name isn’t on the reservation list. I’m so sorry.” She apologized with a bow.
Hajime’s jaw tightened as he internally cursed Ran, who told him that it would be easy to get reservations at this restaurant. As he was about to give her a piece of his mind, you gently touched his elbow, causing him to glance at you. Taking a step forward, you asked gently, “Do you know how much longer it will be since we don’t have a reservation.”
“I’m so sorry to tell you this but we’re fully booked until next year. I wish I could be of more help.” She continued to bow apologetically.
Again, Hajime was about to fly off the handle for her incompetence, when he felt your hand slip into his and his words died on the top of his tongue. Looking up at him, you gave a sympathetic smile. “It’s okay, Hajime. We can just walk around and find a different place. I don’t mind.”
Too dumbfounded by your response, he allowed you to gently lead him out of the restaurant and back into the cool air of the night. He had been with girls who would have let his temper get the best of him and would have allowed him to shame the hostess until she got fired from her job. He had been with girls who would have thrown their own temper tantrums and broken up with him right on the spot if this had happened to them.
But you were different. Instead of melting down, you treated the unfortunate situation with civility and grace. He almost wondered to himself what was wrong with you. Surely you were just as annoyed by the situation as he was? But a smaller voice inside of him asked what was wrong with him? Why did he think you needed to act entitled to be worthy of his time? He was tired of all those kinds of girls with their obnoxious behavior. Why does he feel unworthy of your kindness? Why does he think you should change to become the very thing he hates? Honestly, what was wrong with him?
“Hajime?” Your voice gently calls out to him, pulling him out of the endless unanswered questions in his head. “Are you okay?”
He shook his head to clear his thoughts before nodding, plastering a fake smile on his face. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”
You bit your lip. “You seemed upset so I thought it was best we went for a small walk. I’m sorry if I upset you.”
There you go again, worrying about him more than yourself. Seriously, what was wrong with you? What was wrong with him?
You looked at him with confusion. “Why? Why what?”
He paused. “Why aren’t you freaking out? Why aren’t you upset that nothing has been going right? Why aren’t you having a meltdown?”
Again, you were confused. “Should I be freaking out? I mean, I didn’t think any of it was that big of a deal. The reason I wanted to go on a date with you is because I like you and I wanted to spend time with you. And I am spending time with you! To me, all that matters is that you’re here right now.”
Hajime was absolutely dumbfounded. All you cared about was him? Really? In all honesty, that was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to him. Of course that meant he had no idea what to say next.
Luckily he didn’t have to. You gently took his hand in yours and continued walking. You must have really meant it when you said you only cared about him. He’s not going to lie, it did make his heart skip a beat. He didn’t think anyone could ever have that effect on him. He was honestly glad it was you who could make him feel this way.
As the two of you were walking in a park, you paused. He was about to ask what was wrong when you pointed up at the sky. There, shooting stars dotted the sky. Hajime’s jaw dropped as he remembered the final phase of his plan for tonight. He was going to surprise you with dessert on a rooftop not far from here, where you could watch the meteor shower together and perhaps have a sleepover under the stars.
“It’s beautiful!” You breathed. “I forgot that the meteor shower was happening tonight! Isn’t it just amazing?”
He wasn’t looking at the sky. He was looking at you. The way your eyes lit up and the brightness of your smile. It was at that moment he was shell shocked just by looking at you. No, the meteors weren’t amazing. You were. You were the most dazzling star to him and right now, you were all his.
He nodded. “Yes, you are amazing.”
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smytherines · 5 months
I love One Step Ahead for all the obvious reasons (gay angst), but also because it is so packed with little storytelling moments. Also it just seems exhausting. So much happens in that song:
1. Motorcycle chase (with office chairs)
2. Boat chase
3. Staff fight
4. Sword fight
5. Vigorous musket loading
6. Run up the staircase
7. Hang glider chase
8. Fistfight
9. Run halfway down the stairs again
And the entire time they are doing all of this, they're belting out a vocally demanding song. I mean, no wonder Curt Mega had to take a breath during that final note. That's a feat of endurance. I simply would've passed out and died.
One Step Ahead is one of my favorite setpieces of all time. In anything. Ever. It is so impressive, and it is even more impressive when you realize this was done by a tiny little independent company with the theatre budget equivalent of $1.50. Unreal. It should not be possible.
And the thing is, One Step Ahead is the perfect narrative counterweight to A1P1 (Spies Are Forever). The amount of thought they put into this is just stunning. Because here's the thing: A1P1 is also incredibly physical. For most of the song Curt and Owen are on the move, they're going up the ladder, they're fighting goons, they're going down the staircase, they're running.
But more importantly, Curt and Owen are touching a lot in A1P1. And yeah, that's fun in a swoony curtwen vibes way, but its also incredibly important to the narrative. They are touching a lot, and when they aren't touching they are standing just a little bit too close together. Its subtle enough that you initially dismiss it as a stylistic choice, but once you have the full context it is remarkably intimate.
Those are important details- like the way Owen has his arm around Curt and is literally holding his hand when they're talking to Cynthia. Its meant to tell us that they are together. In the romantic way, yes, but also they're just aligned, working together, on the same page. They are partners here. They literally have each other's backs.
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And that's down to Curt Mega and Joey Richter selling the absolute shit out of these roles, and genius choreography by Lauren Lopez, and Corey Lubowich being the director of all time.
The digital download BTS has a part with Joey and Curt rehearsing the bit where they do the hug, and right after that they're trying to figure out what cool action poses to move into and Corey says that he wants to see something with them "connected," which is just... yeah, that's the perfect word to describe what is going on in A1P1. These two are connected.
So then we get to One Step Ahead. At the very beginning, Curt does the arm clasp with Tatiana. The first time they did this, Curt had a flashback of Owen. Owen was still his partner in his heart. But this time that bond is severed. Curt thinks of Tatiana as his partner now.
We get into the action of the song, and Curt and Owen do not touch. Even when they are very physically close together, there are weapons between them. In A1P1 they had lots of moments with their backs turned to each other, trusting each other, working perfectly in sync. In One Step Ahead they are facing each other head on. They are literally and figuratively fighting. They are breaking up.
The only moment during this sequence where they are actually touching each other is when Owen slaps Curt, Curt punches Owen twice, and they do that lock up move. They're only touching to hurt each other now.
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And its so subtle and well executed that you don't really think about the parallels between these two scenes the first time you watch them. But you feel it on an emotional level. They had about ten minutes to establish the relationship between these two, and they used that ten minutes so effectively that the staircase scene ends up hitting like a ton of bricks.
Just. I love this show. I love how much TCB and Curt Mega and the rest of the cast care about this show. I'm so grateful they keep coming back to it. I cannot wait to see what they do with these scenes for Spy Another Day.
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liesmyth · 1 year
Hmmm I always thought that Gideon was absolutely perfectly in sync with the beauty standards of the Houses, judging from both how people react to her (the twins and Corona) and how she perceives herself (come on, she should be gorgeous, otherwise she wouldn’t think that she is hot, with her childhood it’s impossible).
Sorry I was too asleep to post this last night but I assume it was in reply to this post
Her childhood was spent on the Ninth though! Like, she WAS 100% unquestionably the hottest person around. Mostly everyone else was geriatric. I do think Gideon is hot but like, the reason SHE thinks she's hot shit is imo because of her body, which she worked hard for vs. her facial features - she has acne and wears face paint, so. We're told later on that Gideon makes a very good looking corpse, and she's a dead ringer for Wake who even Mercy calls hot, but I think the reason she feels herself is because of her ripped arms.
BTW this is why weightlifting is GREAT for your self esteem.
This sent me down A LONG thought spiral about what even are beauty standards in the Houses, anyway. I initially tag ranted but actually here it is:
#Because we truly don't know! #our POV characters are massive lesbians #and I would say Gideon is the only one who's actually in touch with what she considers attraction #AND she's spent all her life on the Ninth so she's bound to find everyone she meets hot
#I think THE idea standard is a general appreciation of symmetrical facial features and/or stunning standout features #just bc that's a constant of what humans find hot across civilisations
#but we also have the 'frail necromancer build' that's apparently hot enough that people write romance novels about it #and then there's an attraction to strong muscled bodies #(why Judith thinks Corona must be into Camilla)
#ofc we know that Coronabeth is the hottest person in every room she walks in #but we actually don't get that many close descriptions of her surprisingly! #she has hair like spun gold. is tall. has tits and amazing eyes. but there's a huge variety in how Corona's body is depicted in fanart #and a case could be made that the reason why everyone is so drawn to her is that she's so charismatic #or that Ianthe shaped her features with flesh magic etc. #so we don't actually get a good idea of what even are these beauty standards! #(and they probably change in every House) #which is pretty neat #TO ME
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nochuelinha · 6 months
Your Eyes - Chapter 7: The Show
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I was trying to choose an outfit to go to the show, Ellie said it was more like a festival or something, there would be performances, but the focus was on a more indie style. I chose a fabric vest with some buttons, ripped denim shorts, and black boots, grabbed a cap of the same color, and a small bag for the essentials. Dina looked stunning in her multicolored outfit with transparency and her high boots! Her unique and confident style would surely stand out at the festival. I couldn't help but admire her impeccable makeup, which perfectly complemented her look.
"Wow, you look amazing!" I said, admiring her outfit with a smile. "Those colors are so vibrant, and the high boots are the perfect touch. I'm loving your makeup too!"
It was great to receive compliments from her as well, which made me even more excited for the festival. Ellie and Jesse seemed relaxed and comfortable as they chatted by the car. Ellie wore a slightly cropped button-up shirt, giving a casual and laid-back touch to her look. The loose pants perfectly complemented the relaxed style, and the cap added a final touch of charm.
"Hey, guys!" I greeted them with a smile. "Are you ready for the festival?"
Ellie nodded, displaying a radiant smile. "Definitely! Can't wait to see all the performances today."
Jesse agreed, looking excited too. "It's going to be an amazing night. I'm looking forward to checking out the indie bands performing." The atmosphere on the way to the festival was contagious, full of laughter and singing. Being with Ellie, Jesse, and Dina made everything even more fun, and we soon forgot about time as we enjoyed ourselves together.
When we arrived at the venue, we were greeted by a lively crowd and an electrifying atmosphere. Music echoed through the air, and the energy of the place was palpable. Without wasting time, we joined the crowd, singing and dancing to the sounds of the bands performing. Amidst laughter and jumps, we savored every moment, immersing ourselves in the music and each other's company.
As the night progressed, the energy of the festival only increased. Between performances, we took the opportunity to enjoy some cold beers and other drinks available at the venue. The atmosphere was filled with laughter, lively conversations, and people dancing to the music. Even in the darkness of the night, the colorful lights and spotlights illuminated the stage and the crowd, creating a magical and immersive atmosphere. It was as if we were in our own world, where time seemed to slow down and the worries of everyday life disappeared. To the captivating sound of Djo's "End of Beginning," our eyes met, and a spontaneous smile formed on our faces. Without hesitation, we began to sing and dance together, letting ourselves be carried away by the captivating beat of the music.
Ellie put her hands on my waist, and I wrapped my arms around her neck, creating an instant connection as we moved in sync. Every step, every movement, was an expression of joy and freedom, and we could feel the pulsating energy of the festival enveloping us.
In the midst of the captivating music and lively dance, an impulse took over me, and I kissed her. For a moment, everything seemed to stop around me, and I wondered if I had done the right thing. But then, Ellie pulled me closer, and the kiss intensified, leading me to a state of absolute ecstasy. The kiss was full of passion and desire, and every touch, every movement, was an expression of what we felt for each other. It was as if our hearts beat in unison, and the world around us disappeared, leaving only the two of us and the intensity of the moment. There was no more room for doubts or uncertainties, only the warmth of our bodies merging and the pulsating emotion that consumed us.
Between passionate kisses, captivating music, and contagious laughter, we spent the rest of the night glued to each other, immersed in our own world. The kisses were sweet and intense, full of passion and desire, and every touch was a deep connection between us. The instant tension cut through the lively atmosphere as Ellie answered the phone call. I could feel my heart sink as I recognized "Cat's" name on her phone screen. A whirlwind of thoughts flooded my mind as I wondered what this meant for us.
Ellie spoke quietly, her expression becoming more serious with each word she heard on the other end of the line. I felt like I was holding my breath as Ellie finally hung up the phone, her expression dark, and a lump formed in my throat as she looked at me with soft eyes, stroked my face, and whispered: I have to go now.
As Ellie walked away into the crowd, a void settled in my chest, heavy and oppressive. I watched, helpless, as she made her way through the excited crowd, each step taking her further away from me. Dina's comforting touch on my shoulders brought some relief to the pain I was feeling. She had seen everything, understood what I was going through, and her presence by my side was comforting.
"Let's have fun tonight, okay?" Her soft and encouraging voice calmed my troubled heart, and the kiss on my cheek made me feel a little more supported. I nodded, determined not to let sadness take over me. Dina pulled me to dance, the colorful lights and loud music filling me again, I let myself be carried away by the rhythm, allowing the music to envelop and free me from the worries and sorrows of the night.
The sound of my phone woke me up, interrupting my heavy sleep. Checking the messages, my heart skipped with joy upon seeing a message from Ellie. Her invitation to have coffee together was exactly what I needed to start the day.
With a smile on my face, I got out of bed, feeling exhausted but happy to have had so much fun the night before. The thought of Ellie leaving me again crept into my mind as I got ready, and suddenly, all the uncertainties and doubts I had repressed came flooding back. I stopped halfway, a sense of apprehension settling in my chest.
I was startled by Dina knocking on my door: "Ellie is here, she said you're going out for coffee, can you bring some pastries for me?" The shock of Dina knocking on the door snapped me out of my reverie and brought me back to reality. The news that Ellie was waiting for me downstairs to go out for coffee filled me with a mix of emotions, from anxiety to excitement.
"Of course, I can bring some pastries for you," I replied quickly as I grabbed my bag.
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I have gotten a singular like on my iron widow post thus you are all now subjected to some of my favorite quotes!
also beware of spoilers (plus a bit of commentary on some of the later ones)
“Welcome to your nightmare” (82) 
“It’s hilarious. Men want us so badly for our bodies, yet hate us so much for our minds” (94) 
“Be their nightmare, Wu Zetian.” (95) 
“There’s no guilt, no rage, no hesitation in his eyes. Only a resolve so clear it steals my breath away.” (99) 
“I’m becoming no less of a monster, but that’s ok. It takes a monster to slay a monster.” (102) 
“Our fingers curl together, much gentler than when we were trying to take each other’s lives.” (109) 
“‘A funeral?’ I say with mock casualness. ‘Did the attendees know he died like a girl?’” (113) 
“Too bad. I am exactly the kind of ice-blooded, rotten-hearted girl he fears I am. And I am fine with that.” (114) 
“‘You think this scares me?’ I say, unbelievably calm for how rabidly I’m fraying apart on the inside. ‘You think I ever liked being alive? Go ahead. Do me a favor.’” (118) 
“Okay. So Li Shimin is absolutely fucking bonkers, I guess.” (127) 
“Oh no. I am also absolutely fucking bonkers.” (130) 
“The bloodlust in his eyes rouses something primal and deep-rooted inside me, something that finds it so… Utterly relatable.” (153) 
“Yizhi gulps. A blush reddens his ears, and a quizzical feeling stirs inside me.” (171) 
YES!! i am seeing the poly vision 
“He should be the Iron King, and I should be the Iron Queen. Yet Iron Demon and Iron Widow is all they’ll let us be.” (199) 
“How do you take the fight out of half the population and render them willing slaves? … You tell them over and over, until it’s the only truth they’re capable of living.” (210) 
“We are wholly the Vermillion Bird, commanding it in sync.” (239) 
“No one’s sure why it worked out for us.” (248) 
because of the poly vision ofc 
i’m so excited for it 
“This isn’t his victory. This is my temporary mercy. With a head full of fantasies of how I’ll flag him alive after he outlived his use, I unzip my pilot coat.” (264) 
“Despite their best efforts, I find myself worthy of happiness.“ (276) 
“I will slather him for what he did to Shimin. He has shot to the top of my ever-growing hit list. It’s the least I can do.” (283) 
“We can live for more. We can live for justice. Change. Vengeance. Power.” (298) 
“I like him a lot better than his distant cousin who I killed.” (302) 
Me too 
“Despite the endless horrors that we’ve both been through, I really am grateful that we survived to meet each other.” (311) 
“He snaps the collar off his neck and hurls it to the ground with the force of a thunderclap.” (325) 
holy shit these last two pages (324-325) are insane and giving me everything i want YES my vengeance driven queen and king i love you both so so so much 
“Before you die, let me confirm something for you: girls like me are everywhere, barely putting up the facade of wives and daughters and concubines. And I don’t think they’ll be very happy about the army’s lies.” (327) 
“Perks of refusing to play by the rules: you don’t have to choose between the boy who’d torture a man to death with you and the boy who’d welcome you back with pastries after.” (328) 
Yizhi looks at a loss for words for a few seconds, then schools his expression. ‘Don’t be, handsome.’ He winks. I have to bite my lip not to laugh at the look on Shimin’s face.” (331) 
“I roll my eyes, make a triangle out of my fingers, and nod.” (331) 
YES the poly vision has been realized 
i love it here 
Xiran Jay Zhao i owe everything to you 
“She is perfectly aware and in control of what they’re doing.” (353) 
Xiuying wtf i liked you 
Qieluo is my only friend now 
“Cure the Emperor.” (359) 
ooooo yes 
“But it doesn’t matter. Male, female, it doesn’t matter when piloting.” (367) 
“Her face is stunning, yet her eyes seethe with the deepest, blackest hatred.” (372) 
“Wu Zetian … Be their nightmare.” (373) 
“Even though everything feels impossible, even though I will never be the same, even though all I want to do is lie down and give up, I make myself keep going.” (373) 
“There will be no redemption. It is not me who is wrong. It’s everyone else.” (380) 
“I know what real mercy would be. ‘Sorry,’ I say, cold as Big Sister’s ashes. ‘You’re in my way.’” (383) 
“Yellow-green lightning bursts across the air.” (386) 
HELL YEAH YIZHI patricide win 
“Let’s rule the world.” (388) 
“The Hunduns are the natives, not—!” (390) 
honestly i was kinda suspecting it based on what the emperor class hunduns were saying but that’s still insane 
ahhhh i can’t wait for the heavenly tyrant 
also bring back my boy shimin i miss him 
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spydcddy · 3 months
" twilight - san , that's exactly it ! you're doing amazing ! everyone , pay attention to our movements ! " sing - songy voice rang out from the love hashira , matcha eyes glistening with pride. regardless of how sudden this new training arrangement was , those who worked hard always shined the brightest. more than anything , mitsuri was overjoyed whenever her training brought someone a step closer to reaching their full potential. it meant they had a better chance at survival , & most importantly , bringing an end to the nightmare that was kibutsuji muzan. " ... & jump ... ! one , two ! yes , like that ! you're a natural , twilight - san ! " / from mitsuri !
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@fcundfamily || unprompted ask !
one .. two, three ! he jumps. the cheesy music plays as the girl carries on with her whimsical tune ; the rest of the slayers watching what seems so easy to the both of them in their own demonstration. a back hand spring avoids her graceful kick, aiming for his jaw. from afar the love hashira's swings appeared light, but up close they drew on the wind with ferocity. anyone who under estimated her strength was sorely mistaken — they're perfectly in sync &. their dance made even more entertaining. however, ( this was training ), limbs conversing equally. she eggs on his spirit, ❛❛ so you've noticed. fortunately, i'm just warming up. ❜
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he perceives that the room is stunned given their absolute silence. that maybe they'd learn something now with their heads small &. empty, ❛❛ you see if your lines are sharp and your body is loose, you can adapt to anything. but never take your eyes off your target. ❜ plunging into a front split. ❛❛ — is that correct, miss kanroji ? ❜
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crystalelemental · 9 months
Teambuilding Prep - Grass High Score
Alright, I sat the last two out as far as score went, but I like Grass type a lot, and have invested a lot into them, so I'd like to take a stab at it. So what do you do, Grass High Score?
The general conditions of this run are Time (over 10 minutes is 0 points, 1 minute is max value), Max Damage (20,000 is max score), and Total Hits (50 is max). Activating Sun is a 1000 point conditional, while Main Character and Nature Lover are the second 1000 point condition.
For Sun, SS Erika, Lyra, SS Acerola, and Adaman are able to call it. One stage will not get Sun without losing too many points to be worth it, and all four need to be used on different teams for maximum effect.
For Main Character, we have Brendan, Rosa, SC Rosa, Dawn, Lyra, SS Lyra, Selene, and Lodge Gloria. Some good, some really bad.
For Nature Lover, we have Adaman, Gardenia, Erika, Ramos, BP Erika, and Selene.
Adaman and Lyra fulfill both conditions by existing. The other three teams will need to have one of the others listed.
Vs. Ramos Ramos is weak to Poison, with Dark and Fairy sides. The only note is Sp Atk Down. No passives seem to be focused on this requirement. There are no special rules. Ramos is a straight brawl, with little in the way of frills.
Though not perfectly attached to this, I'm going to say let's go Shauna. She's as good on special offense as physical, so this works well for her. SS Erika makes sense as the partner. This removes a lot of Erika's buffing needs with Sun, saving it for later in the match. Given the relatively poor speed of the team though, I'm going with SS Lyra. I think the inclusion of Terrain is highly valuable for this team, allowing Erika to hit as hard as possible, and providing some nice disruptive effects from Lyra's sure flinch. It's at least slightly wasteful on Lyra's own buffing potential, but I think this is fine.
Shauna, SS Erika, SS Lyra (Sun, Main Character, SS Erika beatdown, reliant on Sun MPRs)
Vs. Erika Erika is weak to Fire, with Psychic and Bug sides. Her stage condition is that she is immune to status and interference. The tools to watch for as Endurance and Paralysis, with Stun Spore Troublemaker but no Go Viral, so as long as center tank is immune to Paralysis, you're good. Erika is one to nuke. Endurance causes problems, so getting past that is critical. You also really, really want Lithe on your tank. Notably, Erika's stage, including sides, is almost entirely Grass.
It's Winter Sycamore time. He's got tremendous resistance to Grass, and can run Lithe. This is the absolute perfect time to run him. Boosting crit and literally nothing else is a bit awkward, though. However, self-sufficiency is possible here, so we're taking SC Rosa. Her debuffing is ideal in a fight largely dedicated to special offense, the Potion spamming keeps the team running well. The third is harder to say. Sadly, we're out of good partners given the other stages. There's no striker to help clean up. Given this, we're either going to slot in Lodge Gloria or Brendan. Quick offense capping to make use of the crit rate and all.
Winter Sycamore, SC Rosa, Brendan (Main Character, tanking approach)
Vs. Mallow Mallow is weak to Ghost, with Fire and Ice sides. Her warning is using physical moves, but to be honest, I don't see that much difference. Her offense is Ghost and Fighting centric, but beyond that not much to note. Oh that's why. Her stage condition is special attack being significantly reduced. Good thing Grass is mostly physical.
SS Acerola feels good here. She's not getting too many Grass moves thrown out, and nothing is special. Her DPS stacking works well with Selene, who gets us the Main Character trait, and has Ghost DPS. Yes I am saying I may invest in Selene for this fight. I'm thinking Mallow as the third. High sync potential, good DPS pressure, needs the Atk boosting that Acerola provides and responds well under Sun. So I think that's the team.
SS Acerola, Selene, Mallow (Sun, Main Character, aligned physical focus)
Vs. Gardenia Gardenia is Fairy weak, with Fighting and Poison sides. Gardenia's focus is Fighting, with Stone Edge for funsies and Pinpoint Entry 2 so she won't miss. Her allies have Poison, so you desperately want Antitoxin on the tank if possible. Stage condition is -2 move gauge, which is manageable. The condition of the stage says to lower Atk, and you know what that means.
Dawn is the tank for this fight. Pure physical, lowers their attack, natural Vigilance means Status Immunity. Dawn is perfect against this. While it's an odd choice, my picks for the others are Lyra and SS Leaf. Leaf has great survival potential in this comp, and all three run Vigilance to block the Sure Crit. Lyra sets Sun, and under said Sun, can reliably cap all of SS Leaf's many, many needs. It's a very, very slow grind, but I think the raw bulk this team produces will carry them through.
Dawn, Lyra, SS Leaf (Sun, Main Character, high emphasis on debuffs and survival with status play)
Vs. Cilan Cilan is Bug weak, with Flying and Steel sides. Cilan himself is all Grass, but his allies have Fairy and Water, with Ludicolo in particular having Rain on entry and Flood Alert 5, meaning a change in weather is appropriate. Cilan...also has no special rules. Huh. You know, after Fire's ridiculous conditionals, this one feels very tame.
Since we have yet to break him out, I think it's Adaman time. The man needs for absolutely nothing, so we're going to go Lodge Blue and SC Sonia. Blue has a nice flinch rate to augment his lack of EX, while Adaman takes every sync for the pressure. A DPS focused Defense Crush build from Sonia allows Adaman to hit like a complete tank. Adaman's Sun immediately counters Ludicolo's rain. Blue gives Sonia the needed Atk boost. Sonia needs speed, and Adaman doesn't touch gauge, while Blue has good speed boosting tools. They're highly synergistic.
Lodge Blue, SC Sonia, Adaman (Sun, Nature Lover, generally ridiculous levels of physical power)
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Week in Review
01/07/2024 – 01/13/2024
SpyFam was the only manga that updated today, and it was pretty cute. It hits all the typical SpyFam comedy beats, and I’m guessing that Anya will end up with 8 Stellas and 7 Tonitruses by the end for the drama of it all. We finally got to see Demetrius and wow…I guess he takes after his father in the looks department. I really hope that with all of the Desmonds introduced now, we can actually explore their personalities and dynamics in more depth.
Chainsaw Man is back, and it’s still pretty bleak. I’m curious to see how this arc plays out, but it’s not looking good for our boy.
This really isn’t a good look for the first Week in Review of 2024, huh. But in my defense, the weather’s gotten cold enough that my hibernation instincts have kicked in…
DunMesh is still really good, I love all the little animation flourishes and comedic moments, and the look and feel of it all is quite comforting. I guess the only little nag that I have is that because they’re putting all these manga chapters into one episode, I wish there was some more indication of time passing because it felt like they were eating three lunches in one day lol. I’m also glad to see Chilchuck, my favourite character, getting a lot of screentime and fun bits throughout the episode. The ending theme was cute if a little plain, but at least we got some gorgeous Ryoko Kui illustrations out of it.
It’s time for the second Drag Race premiere, and it was pretty okay. Megami and Nymphia were the two on my radar after the Meet the Queens video – Megami for her nerd cred and entrance look and Nymphia for her Taiwanese rep and polished fashion sense and perspective. As a Chinese person, it’s really exciting to see a Taiwanese girl on Drag Race for the first time, and I think she might be my frontrunner after this episode…but more on that later. I also liked Plasma’s entrance line and personality, and her talent show number was fun. The photoshoot improv bit was much funnier than last episode’s – TS Madison is always a joy to see. The talent show was more lowkey, though, with only a few girls doing high energy dance numbers. I looooooooved Nymphia’s Chinese style makeup and water sleeve dancing, that was really the highlight of the episode for me. And it was ironic to me that Plane Jane was like “what’s your talent, holding up a sign?” when I could say the same for her (“what’s your talent, squirting condiments onto your boobs?”). Nymphia and Plasma were my favourites of the bunch for sure. Runway-wise, Nymphia’s was a little disappointing to me, but I’m hoping that after this episode she can veer away from the banana theming a little bit. Hershii’s dress was absolutely incredible – the color is stunning, for one, but also the fact that it’s all so perfectly smooth on her body is so impressive, plus I like the triangular glasses.
Plane Jane is a little…her incessant quips feel less fun mean and more just mean mean, so I’m not really enjoying her. Her attitude throughout the whole episode was kind of off-putting to me, especially with how she acted in the lip-sync and flipping in her hair in Geneva’s face. I’m usually not a reality TV villain fan, but I can see their merit in shaping an interesting narrative – here it just feels like she’s going beyond entertaining villainy and just into unsportsmanship and attention-seeking behaviour. Maybe she’ll get a sympathetic redemption arc later on, but right now I just want to see her comeuppance.
The theme across this split premiere has definitely been breastplate shenanigans…I’m looking forward to seeing the two groups mingle next week. As for my little Fantasy Drag Race activity, Megami unfortunately did not impress me enough to make the cut, so my final roster is Sapphira, Dawn, and Nymphia. I think these three are all multitalented and have a clear sense of self that’ll carry them far in the competition, so let’s see how the points stack up by the end of the season.
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noelis1stperson · 10 months
3D animation
Modern warfare(2019) - in my opinion this was one of the best games throughout call of duty to have the best animations, both in story mode and in multiplayer, even from another players perspective, you can see the intricate details when they are reloading or aiming in
ghost of Tsushima - this game just had really smooth and detailed animations ranging from the cutscenes to actual gameplay, the animations sync in with other details such as blood spill and footsteps
mortal kombat 11 - this MK was one of the best games for its animation quality, as well ranging from the players openings to the actual combat sync perfectly with each hit you give or receive
God of war - all god of war games have amazing animation, how the gameplay animations would bleed smoothly into cutscenes, playing the game with such smooth animations is just a genuine pleasure
Resident evil 2 remake(2019) this being one of the resident evil franchises best remakes, comparing to the original re2, the remake is absolutely stunning, giving it a feel as if its a whole different game, the movement of Leon, Claire and Ada are smooth, as well as Mr. X and the base zombies all have a unique movement to them, especially Mr. X giving the intimidating stomps while he walks
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nightlovers-stuff · 2 years
Can you do headcanons of the S+M+T+Kino teaching their S/o to dance for a ball
Hello darling, I absolutely love your idea!
This was so much fun to write and I spent the whole day doing it. Maybe I got a little obsessed lol
Thanks for your ask. I hope you enjoy it! ૮ • ﻌ - ა
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Dance classes with diaboys
Shu never wanted to do this; it wasn't his idea in the first place. Reiji and his father pretty much coerced him into doing this. As the eldest brother and the heir, it's Shu's responsibility to organize the ball.
Since Shu is the next king, his partner will attend lots of royal balls. So, they must learn how to dance.
Reiji convinced him to teach his lover how to dance and act for balls, or else he would do it himself. Of course, Shu wouldn't let Reiji step close to his beloved person, so now he's teaching them how to dance.
Shu is a skilled teacher. In the manga, he teaches English to Yui and even tries to teach her how to play the violin (which doesn't work, lol). He's the type of teacher that makes everything seem easier than it is. He knows that pressuring someone to learn/do something isn't the best way to teach.
Learning with Shu is all about going with the flow; he'll guide you the whole time. However, he'll demand your attention and effort, since he's sacrificing his precious Bach listening time to teach you how to dance.
He'll complain about how this is a pain, but as the days go by, he starts to enjoy dancing with his lover and even looks forward to it.
By the end of the month, they'll be dancing perfectly in sync with each other, much to Reiji's initial surprise and delight, given that he thought them to be a bunch of incompetent good-for-nothings.
These things also bring Shu flashbacks to Edgar, and how happy he always seemed when he went on with one of the family's annual balls. Edgar was always so excited about the ball, and he would light up the room with his smile.
Reiji is a perfectionist by nature, but when he received news of the incoming ball, he went wild. He was almost like a dictator, ordering everyone around. But with his lover, he was even more strict.
Reiji is already accustomed to taking on the role of teacher in his relationships, correcting his lovers' flaws and demanding impeccable behavior on a daily basis. So, when it comes to royal balls and being a perfect lady, he expects nothing less than your best behavior if you want to walk beside him.
He considered hiring a professional dance teacher with experience teaching members of royalty, so his significant other would learn how to dance properly. But Reiji's arrogant ass thought he would be the best in this situation.
Reiji created an entire, comprehensive schedule for his lover, which includes all kinds of classes you can imagine, from dance to etiquette. This schedule is designed to help you learn how to behave and act properly at a ball. He wouldn't let anyone bring Sakamakis' name or reputation to mud.
He's very methodical and patient, but he often threatens his lover with punishments if they don't comply with his expectations. He'll point out every single flaw on his partner - posture, expression, steps, everything - until they're completely compliant.
The best part of learning how to dance with Reiji is that the final results are always stunning. The process is long and difficult, full of intense practices and criticism, but the results are always worth it in the end.
After many corrective punishments and long weeks of hard work, his partner will be polished and well-trained like a diamond, and he will even praise them for their hard work and dedication ( that's rare)
Now, this one is really chaotic and funny. Ayato does know how to dance and does it well, that's canon. But he doesn't know how to teach someone and doesn't have the patience to do it. He's the type of guy to say " just follow me." But when his lover steps on his feet, he gets angry.
Reiji was determined to make Ayato go to the ball, even though Ayato hates everything about them. He grudgingly agreed, knowing that if he didn't, Karlheinz would likely banish him to the North Pole or outer space. So, Ayato set out to teach his partner how to dance.
At first, it was really chaotic, and he spent more time asking for blood than teaching them. But then Ayato realized that it's not his lover's fault for not knowing something like royal balls. Then he goes to Reiji, indirectly asking for help.
Reiji provides him with some tips and tricks on how to improve his posture and other stuff, but ends up criticizing him, anyway. Then Ayato tries to be more patient with his lover, which surprisingly works out for the better.
(I really think that there would be a lot of sexual tension between his partner and him, just because when Ayato is more focused, he looks really hot BWHASHSKH)
Ayato is one of those fun, engaging teachers that makes learning enjoyable. You'll have so much fun dancing that you won't even realize how much you're learning. But it only happens when he's really committed to doing it.
He's going to constantly provoke and tease his lover about how bad they are at dancing, no matter how many times they insist that they're getting better.
I feel as if dancing with Ayato has the same energy and awkwardness as teenage prom dances in movies. That weird tension and excitement between the characters.
Ayato and his lover gradually become more in sync with each other as they spend more time together.
By the end of the month, his s/o will be dancing pretty good with him, and Ayato gets all cocky saying that "Ore-sama is the best teacher; even the clumsy chichinashi learned how to dance with me!"
Also, he'll demand a lot of blood from his partner.
Kanato is an incredibly impatient person who would be the absolute worst person to ask to teach someone how to dance. He would get frustrated easily and would likely give up on the person within minutes. If they step on his foot, they'll be dead before they hit the ground.
I would love to be able to tell you that he would be an amazing person to spend time with and that you would have an incredible time. But I would be lying. His tantrums and screams make it hard to believe.
Unless his partner already knew a little about dancing or at least was cautious, I don't think he'd put up with teaching them. He's not a very patient teacher and gets frustrated easily.
But once they learn how to dance without stepping on his feet, it's going to be really nice
They'll have tea parties after every dance class
Oh lord... his partner must be really patient to deal with Laito. Not because he's short-tempered or anything like that; if anything, he's very patient, but he's going to turn dance classes into some kinky shit. Laito is always trying to find new and innovative ways to bring sex into every aspect of their relationship, and the dance classes are just his latest scheme.
Laito is an excellent teacher, and I honestly believe that. However, he will take advantage of this situation to say some dirty things, or to roam his hands all over his lover's body.
The best part about Laito is that he's an excellent dancer and teacher. He's able to guide his partner with ease and patience. And he won't get too mad if they make a mistake or step on his feet.
"Bitch-chan, please be more cautious and don't step on my feet again or else I'll have to punish you fufufu~"
This boy is the sweetest. He'll say he's not good at dancing, but he's just being modest. He's actually an amazing dancer and will leave you mesmerized when he moves.
Dancing with him is like a dream come true. His hands are so strong and gentle, and his body moves with his partner's perfectly
He won't be mad if his lover makes mistakes because he understands that old-fashioned things like balls are no longer as relevant or popular as they once were. He himself doesn't particularly enjoy balls or events like that.
Subaru is always extra careful and gentle while teaching his lover, making sure he doesn't hurt them or make them feel uncomfortable in any way.
It's so cute and funny- the entire atmosphere. He's blushing an adorable, deep red and can barely look into his partner's eyes. I can tell he's really embarrassed, but he's also really into it and enjoying himself. They keep making eye contact and sharing these adorable little smiles. He's definitely into his partner and enjoying the experience, despite being a little embarrassed.
Dancing with Subaru also has this classic teenage movie vibe, where the characters are incredibly awkward but endearing, and you can't help but root for them as they dance romantically in the moonlight. It's one of those feel-good movies that you'll want to watch again and again.
Kino is quite nonchalant about the whole situation, only caring about whether he's having fun. He finds it problematic having to teach his lover how to dance, but he sees it as more of a game than anything else.
Kino learned how to dance traditional ballroom dances, so he'll try to do the same leading and following steps he learned with Yuri when he dances with his significant other.
While guiding his partner through the dance steps, he keeps mumbling the counts aloud under his breath, "1,2,3…1,2,3."
Once his partner finally manages to follow in his footsteps and gets into a similar rhythm, he starts to pick up the pace. But this approach doesn't work, and both of them end up stumbling and falling to the ground.
They decided to call it a day and come back tomorrow with a fresh start; however, the next day, Kino woke up with a throbbing headache from where he hit his head. Kino's humor might not be the best, but he doesn't give up on a challenge.
After disastrous weeks of dancing to half-finished songs, they finally danced a whole song from start to finish without any major missteps.
Ruki knew that his significant other didn't have any experience with dancing, so as a good and considerate master, he decided to teach her. Learning with Ruki is very straightforward, maybe because he spent his whole life teaching things to his younger brothers.
He's one of those highly sought after, experienced teachers who has the unique ability to go with the flow, guide you naturally and effortlessly through the material, making it easy to understand and remember.
He might use the carrot-and-stick method to teach his lover, but he'd be softer on punishments and more lenient with rewards.
He would definitely be softer and more gently to his partner after having an established relationship with them, as he canonically treats Yui better after they are together.
Even though sometimes Ruki looks for reasons to punish his lover, while teaching them how to dance, is not one of them. Since there is a royal ball coming up and Karlheinz will be there, Ruki wants to make sure their dancing is perfect.
Ruki is an extremely effective teacher because of his straightforward and easy-to-understand teaching style. He gives clear instructions and provides immediate feedback to correct any issues while his partner is dancing. This makes learning very easy and enjoyable for his lover.
In the Lunatic parade, he flawlessly guides Yui while they're dancing. She doesn't have any experience with dancing, but it becomes abundantly clear how quickly and easily you can learn with Ruki.
Dancing with Ruki can be a bit of a challenge for his partners, as they often find themselves getting lost in his cold blue eyes. He's not one to scold them for it, but he does make sure to keep them focused on their steps.
( It's hard to take him seriously when he's got that smirk on his face and he's talking in that teasing tone.)
His significant other will be dancing with the utmost grace and precision in a mere matter of weeks.
"Oi, livestock! I know you want to admire your master, but that's not the time for it! Pay attention to your steps!"
Ok, Kou is an idol, but he is terrible at teaching because he can't handle when his lover makes the same mistakes over and over again.
He'll probably end up sucking their blood, since that's what vampires do in a give-and-take world.
At first, Kou had wanted to give up and hire a professional to do it instead, but Ruki wouldn't let him. However, since it was his lover that they were talking about, he decided to train his partner up like a trainee.
Most people wouldn't expect that work could be fun, but in a couple of weeks, they were having a blast. Learning with Kou isn't hard, only because dancing is his job and he's very good at it. He breaks down the steps simply and easily, so that even those with two left feet can understand and follow along
"Woah, you're getting better at this M-neko chan~"
No matter how much you try to convince me, I simply refuse to believe that Yuma has any sense of rhythm or gracefulness when he dances. If he does dance, it looks incredibly awkward and clumsy.
So with Yuma, it's a slightly different dynamic than it is with other boys. He won't teach his lover; rather, he wants to learn with them.
Probably Ruki's going to teach them how to dance properly, but the good part is that Yuma is a fast learner. He'll be able to quickly adapt and learn the steps, so he won't be embarrassed at the ball.
Yuma's main problem when it comes to dancing isn't the steps - it's that he's pretty tall, which can make him look clumsy when dancing with someone shorter.
But he's a hard-working man and with a couple of dance classes by the end of the month, he'll look like a whole new man.
Once Yuma and his lover have learned how to be in perfect harmony with each other, he will effortlessly guide them through the dance. Dancing with Yuma has Beauty and the Beast vibes.
This sweet, talented boy dances so well - with such elegance and precision - that you can't change my mind. Azusa looks like a prince when he dances, full of graciousness and charm.
He's an absolute sweetheart and will be more than happy to teach his partner how to dance. They'll learn quicker than you could have imagined.
And guess what? He doesn't mind if his partner steps on his feet; if anything, he's going to love it. BWHAHAHA
Azusa won't try to hurry his partner along or force them to learn at a pace they're not comfortable with; he's content to follow their lead.
He will be as gentle and loving as possible, and if you look closely, you'll see his bright smile while he stares adoringly into his lover's face.
He'll get so used to dancing intimately with his lover, that he'll want to slow dance together every night in their living room.
This happens on dark fate, I guess, and I'm sure that Carla warns Yui that if she steps on his feet, he'll have to punish her. I have no idea if he's bluffing or not. This man is a mystery sometimes.
If he's the one teaching them how to dance, just like Ruki or Reiji, his lover won't have to worry so much (I mean... only about the punishments), because you'll be able to dance with precision and skill.
Carla is a king, so it is obvious that he knows how to dance with the utmost grace, elegance, and poise.
He is an experienced man who has been dancing for most of his life. He knows all the steps and moves, and he could easily guide someone around the dance floor.
Carla will have an amazing time waltzing with his lover in the stunning ballroom of his castle.
Carla will give them tips and will chat with his lover. For him, teaching his partner is such a quality time. He loves being able to teach them new things and help them grow as a person.
He won't tolerate slacking off from his partner, as the king of founder's partner, they must be perfect and be able to walk by his side.
It was Carla who told Shin to teach his partner how to dance, and since his brother asked, he couldn't deny.
Shin is a good dancer. He doesn't really like balls, but he has learned how to behave properly at them.
Just like Ayato, he'll tell his partner to follow him. Shin doesn't really make much of an effort to properly teach his lover, but he doesn't give up easily either.
It was weeks of chaotic fun until his significant other finally learned to swing along gracefully in the ballroom without stepping on his feet or stumbling around.
When this long-awaited day finally arrived, Shin was overcome with happiness and relief. Knowing that his brother wouldn't complain and he would be able to have fun while dancing with his lover in his arms all night.
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shyvioletcat · 2 years
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DAY SEVEN: Rowan admiring Aelin
This one is a little late, but I went out with a bang quite literally. This is set in my Striking Matches AU, a little deleted scene if you will and absolutely contain mature content and NSFW.
Aelin Week may be over but there’s plenty of works to check out so head over to @rowaelinscourt​ to find them!
Striking Matches Masterlist
This woman was going to wreck him. 
Their first date had been all sweetness and innocence, but as soon as they got back to her apartment and Aelin had slid that fancy new lock into place the tension between them had become anything but. He’d been the one to put the flowers on the kitchen bench while she fixed the lock into place and Rowan wasted no more time and crowded her against the door, ready to recreate what they had last night. Aelin was just as eager practically jumping into his arms when his palms reached the back of her thighs. She had the audacity to laugh at them as they fumbled on the uptake. All those months of tension and dancing around each other. It was like striking those matches over and over and now Rowan was ready to burn. 
His lips left hers and Aelin gasped as he started kissing down her neck. 
“Hmm?” He hummed on her pulse point and it made her writhe in his arms. 
“I—gods dammit you’re too good at this,” Aelin's voice was soft and breathy, as he was not going to relent in his ministrations. “I was going to suggest we take this to that wonderful bed of mine.” 
“Sounds like a plan,” Rowan said, taking her full weight and effortlessly carried her towards the bedroom.
“Oh,” Aelin said, looking a little stunned. “I… wow. Yeah, you’re a firefighter, but wow.”
Rowan paused for a moment to kiss her. “You doing okay there, love?” 
“Mmhmm, yep. You’re just so strong,” Aelin managed to get out, even squeezing his biceps.
They had reached her room and Rowan turned so that he could sit on the bed, Aelin in his lap. “As you know, I take my job very seriously.” 
“Lucky for me,” Aelin said as she draped her arms over his shoulders. “Otherwise you might have never broken down my door.”
Rowan ran his hands up over Aelin’s hips and up her sides and he loved the way she reacted to his touch. It was like she couldn’t get enough of it, like a silent plea for more. And he would give it to her, gladly. He just wanted to play first—he was ready to start now.
Aelin whined as he pushed her off his lap but he did not let her get far. Catching the ties of her dress, Rowan kept her close and tugged, just like he’d done last night with that flimsy robe Aelin had been wearing. She watched him pull the bow loose, a confident smirk on her face. He was going to unwrap her like a present for himself, but it seemed Aelin was enjoying it just as much with each slow but deliberate tug on the blue fabric. 
When the dress was finally undone Rowan lent back to admire his handy work. 
“See something you like, fireman Whitethorn?” Aelin asked him, playing with the edges of her dress giving him a better glimpse of what she wore beneath. 
“Gods yes,” he groaned. “I should have told you that months ago.”
“I knew it,” Aelin stepped up between his knees, her golden hair falling over a shoulder. “Pity you didn’t do something about it sooner.”
“The thing is, Aelin,” Rowan said, and he didn’t miss the way she shivered when he said name. “It’s given me a lot of time to think about exactly how I want to make you come entirely undone for me. And I plan to take my time.” 
There was a challenge in her gaze as she ran a hand over his cheek down to the collar of his shirt. “Do your worst.” 
With an expert shrug the dress fell from her shoulders and gave Rowan an uninterrupted view of what she wore beneath. It was a set made of the palest green lace he had ever seen, and what it did to her curves had him groaning and blood rushing south. Their next few movements were perfectly in sync as Aelin landed in his lap again, making Rowan grunt as their bodies collided in the best way. He watched Aelin’s eyelids flutter, and he was glad to see she was affected by this as much as he was. 
Touching her now was too hard to resist and a thumb grazed over her lips, then chin and down the hollow of her throat. The lace was sheer enough that he could see that her nipples were peaked beneath the fabric—he took the liberty of running his thumb over one of those as well. The sigh Aelin made at that contact was enough to make Rowan’s hips thrust up on instinct, he wanted more and apparently so did she.
“You’re teasing,” Aelin breathed, hands tugging at his hair as Rowan’s free hand began to mirror the actions of the other.
“Do you want me to stop,” Rowan did stop and Aelin flashed him an indignant look.
“Gods, no. I just want more,” Aelin all but demanded, rolling her hips for emphasis.
All Rowan’s resolve went into not reacting to that manoeuvre, and to his satisfaction he pulled it off. Aelin pouted at him, but he gave her a feral grin. “I’m just getting started.” 
Rowan used that firefighter prowess that had stunned Aelin earlier to flip them, and it seemed to have a similar effect this time too. Golden hair was splayed around her head as she tipped her head back and laughed—maybe a little deliriously. Rowan took a moment to appreciate her like this, at how beautiful she was. The goddess beneath him was utter perfection in his eyes. And he would not be waiting any longer to show her exactly what he thought.
Laying beside her and using one arm to prop himself over her Rowan started where he had left off, a hand on her breast and he pinched the bud of her nipple, not enough to hurt but enough that it had Aelin arching off the bed and into his touch. Her lips parted, she keened breathlessly and Rowan couldn’t help but kiss her. For a while he was content to tease her, to see what riled her up, but even now his own patience was starting to waver. So instead his hand wandered away as Rowan continued to kiss Aelin as her hands slyly played with the buttons of his shirt. When his fingers brushed the lace of her underwear those hands fell away, their eyes meeting.
Rowan raised an eyebrow in question and Aelin nodded furiously, bottom lip tucked under her top teeth. Gazes locked, it became a challenge of who would look away first. It was Rowan who won as Aelin’s eyes fluttered closed at the first graze over her clit. He did it again, more purposeful in his stroke, drinking every little sound and movement she made.
“Gods,” Aelin groaned, hips rolling of their own accord. “Rowan, please.”
“Please what, Aelin?” Rowan whispered into her neck, he kissed her once before he nipped her there. “You look unbelievable right now, so gorgeous.”
Rowan stole her words as he slipped a finger inside her. Aelin’s body went taught, and he knew she was close to falling over the edge. To send her there all Rowan did was scrape his teeth over her clothed nipple and she was gone. Aelin moaned as she did, gasping his name in a way that made his cock throb, straining in his pants uncomfortably. Once Aelin was finished, they would be the first thing to go.
He worked her through her orgasm, until she was limp on the bed and blinking up at him, a dazed smile on her face. “That was amazing.”
“I’d hoped it would be,” Rowan said as he rolled away and off the bed shed his clothes as efficiently as his firefighter training had trained him to be. When he turned back around he found that Aelin had ridded herself of her remaining clothes as well, and now she was gloriously bare on the bed spread. The lingerie had been beautiful, but this was infinitely better. “You’ll ruin me, you know that?” 
Aelin knelt, reaching for him. He had expected her to pull him down by a hand or run her fingers over his chest. Instead she reached straight for his cock, grabbing him and squeezing before twisting her wrist. Rowan shuddered, halfway falling onto the bed. The woman beneath him just grinned at him devilishly.
“I certainly hope I do.” 
At those words all his patience finally snapped and they were scrambling onto the bed together. Aelin still held him I’m her hands, continued to work him as they kissed desperately. 
“Condoms?” Rowan asked, him being the one out of breath this time.
“Top drawer, my side,” Aelin said as Rowan reached for it. “Pass it to me.”
Rowan did as she asked, watching as she slid it onto him, and then she couldn’t resist riling him up a little more. When he was braced over her again, he had to pull Aelin’s hand away, pressing it into the mattress beside her head and then intertwined their fingers. The moment turned tender and Rowan kissed Aelin’s lips once, then twice, then on the third kiss the fire between them reignited and they were burning furiously again. It was Aelin who lined him up with her entrance and he thrusted in in one long stroke.
They both moaned and Rowan watched the pleasure of it play across Aelin’s face, watching it over again with each thrust. She was hypnotic and Rowan was utterly losing himself in her. It wasn’t long before pressure began to build along his spine, that blissful release was within reach. But he was determined to have Aelin come again, craved the feeling of her coming around him. 
“Gods, look at you,” he whispered onto her mouth. Aelin moaned in response. “You feel as good as you look, you know that?”
“Ah, Rowan,” Aelin gasped, her entire body tensing around him, 
He groaned into her neck. “You know what would perfect?” She made a noise that confirmed she’d heard him. “If you come for one more time. I want to feel you.” Rowan was dangerously close to losing his resolve. “Come for me, Aelin.”
She did, with a cry and her hips wildly undulating into his. At the feel of her coming undone around him Rowan wasn’t far behind. As the blissful haze cleared, they kissed and touched until they could breathe easy again. 
Rowan looked at Aelin, traced the lines of the smile on her face. She was devasting, and somewhere deep in his heart Rowan knew she was it for him, no one else would come close to the woman in his arms. 
“What are you thinking about?” Aelin asked him, fringes carding through his sweaty hair. 
“You, only you,” Rowan kissed her. “And I don’t think I’ll ever stop.”
If this is actually trash please don’t tell me haha
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lucenties · 3 years
I found your blog today 😳🌟 can you order hcds from the bucci gang, with a crush artist? Normally you will see me drawing nonsense in my notebook or on loose sheets, I am also a huge art supplies nerd🤙😎
with an artistic s/o
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I added some short scenarios to each so this one is a little long :0
requests are also open for a limited time. thank you to everyone for supporting my works!
⤷ team bucciarati ; gn!reader
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♡ Giorno uses Gold Experience to create plants for all your paint-related needs. From flowers to berries to herbs, he’s got you covered for any kind of tint you could want.
♡ From common marigolds to the elusive middlemist red, he frequently uses his stand to get you all sorts of pigments. Even when you don’t ask him for materials, Giorno often tries out making new species just for fun. The leftovers are gifts; yummy berries for dessert toppings, flavorful spices for your favorite dishes, and stunning bouquets dressed in white bows.
♡ Although harming any life form created by Gold Experience would usually revert the “attack”, Giorno specifically generates his creations for the purpose of grinding them up for artistic use, rendering them perfectly safe.
“GioGio, these are wonderful!” Soil-covered hands reach out to examine the petals of Giorno’s newest creation, taking note of their small size. It’ll take more than a couple of them to make the paint. You’ve never even heard of Japanese indigo before, but seeing its bright purple flowers illuminated by Gold Experience’s ability confirms your notion that Giorno really knows what he’s doing. “You’re amazing!”
The sound of stone stroking stone falters for a moment before resuming again. Giorno bends down next to you, still grinding down petals with the mortar and pestle. He takes notice of the nice contrast between the flower and its foliage and tucks away the idea of suggesting you replicate the sight using the very watercolors that will soon be produced.
“They’re very pretty,” he agrees. “I’m excited to see what they look like on paper.”
“It’ll be more blue, right?” Giorno mutters in agreement before standing back up. You look up as he offers a hand and despite the blazing sun rays obscuring your vision, you can make out his soft smile.
“This batch is ready. Would you like to pour the water on it?”
Giorno sees your face light up in excitement as you scramble back inside for the boiling kettle. He enjoys this routine more and more each time, seeing you preserve the beauty of his creations in the beginnings of yours. It’s… comforting.
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♡ As soon as he sees you whip out your sketchpad, Mista is absolutely delighted. In an instant, he is beside you begging to be your next project. He demonstrates a few poses, switching between badass and silly. Sometimes, he keeps it up until late in the evening, going about his usual routine while sprinkling a few dramatic poses just to elicit sweet laughter from you.
♡ He’ll try to pass it off as a joke, but the truth is that Mista wants to be your one and only muse. He knows that you have a passion for art and he wants to be a part of that passion. In his mind, inserting himself into your art will make you fall even more for him by association.
♡ Mista loves the faces you make in sync with the movements of your pencil. Out of frustration or delight, it doesn’t matter. It’s a different side of you, more candid and almost vulnerable as you concentrate on sketching your latest creation.
“Please, please, please, [Y/N]. I just want a small peek! Lemme see what it is!” Your boyfriend is on his knees, pleading his case wholeheartedly to the point you can’t help but laugh at his antics.
“I already told you, I’ll show you when I’m done.” You try to be stern but Mista’s “puppy dog” expression, an awkward contortion of facial muscles, draws out laughter instead of mercy.
“But you said it was for me and I wanna see it already! I don’t wanna rush you to finish so let me look at what you’ve got so far and I’ll leave you alone.” You mentally curse yourself for mentioning it prematurely, knowing his reaction is to be expected of him.
“Then stop distracting me so I can finish faster.” Mista is left with a defeated look on his face and a boop on his nose with the pencil’s eraser as you go back to sketching out lines. It made your heart soar knowing that Mista was this wound up over a silly little drawing. As you make the finishing touches, Mista hovers closely over your form, patience having run thin long ago.
“Finally,” he draws the last syllable out. Heat rises to your face as you hand over the piece of paper, but you feel better when you see Mista still, awe spread out all across his face. Contrary to his actions a second ago, he is still as his lips curve upwards. It’s him and his Sex Pistols, gun proudly held up to his face mid-fight. Your admiration translates onto the paper. He can practically feel the care you put into the lines he traces with his fingers.
Mista is so lucky to have you.
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♡ Abbacchio mostly lets you do your thing, choosing to give you space while the ink from your pen flows across the paper. He likes giving you “me time” so you can fully focus on your work.
♡ Other times, when he’s either run out of things to distract himself with or when he feels the passage of time is too slow for his liking, he pulls up a chair beside you. He doesn’t opt for much conversation. Abbacchio is content with simply being at your side and watching you.
♡ He feels at peace. You and your drawings are just so… mundane, in a good way. They offer a direct contrast to his chaos-filled job as a gangster, which often gets to a point that frustrates Abbacchio. Watching you enjoy pursuing your artistic endeavors reminds him that you are his anchor, the wonderful part of his life that is refreshingly normal.
It’s been twenty minutes since Abbacchio heard your frustrated groan and the shuffling of paper, ten minutes since he heard the screeching of your chair against the floor, and seven minutes since you settled back on the kitchen table. He glances up from his place at the fridge and sees an assortment of pages sprawled around you, some left completely disregarded away from arm’s length. Should he even ask?
“Leone, I hate doing paperwork. It’s so unnecessarily complicated.” You huff and scowl and scribble away your frustrations. “And they expect me to pay to process this? I legally have to fill it out.”
Abbacchio walks towards you and notices that the very paperwork you complain about is the one across the table and you are, instead, drawing on a loose leaf sheet of paper.
“You know, you’re gonna rip that if you keep pressing so hard,” he teases, standing beside you.
“I know, I know. I’m just really annoyed. I thought maybe sketching would help me blow off some steam.”
It takes Abbacchio four minutes to silently take a seat next to you. He’s quite amused with your sketches. He knows you’re not putting your full effort onto them, but he thinks they’re cute.
Fragments of your pink eraser are wiped away, discarded on the floor. The sharpie in your hand makes faint noises as it is dragged across the page and Abbacchio takes it all in. Your face has softened by now, growing expectant when you show him your work and content when he mutters in praise.
It doesn’t take any longer for Abbacchio to become aware of your relaxing effect on him, a soft smile displaying itself at the feeling.
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♡ Similar to Abbacchio, Fugo likes to watch you draw from time to time. He does, however, develop an interest in creating art so the two of you can share a common hobby.
♡ He picks up a couple of art books, from the ones that show basic pencil strokes and shading techniques to the step by step children’s guides. He fills them all out and practices when he’s alone (he’s too embarrassed to admit what he’s doing) which leads to many crumpled wads of paper littering his desk.
♡ One day, Fugo pulls out a loose sheet of paper and doodles a quick little animal. He nudges it in your direction and despite his nonchalant exterior, you can tell by the way he avoids meeting your eyes that he hopes it has gained your approval.
Your boyfriend absolutely loves Friday evenings.
As soon as he hears the jingling of your keys and the creaking of the front door, Fugo is at your side offering to take your bag for you. Dinner is already made and the table is set, all that’s left is for the both of you to enjoy your meals. Fugo listens to your work stories, letting you ramble on about your day. He actively pays attention and contributes quips here and there even though he's been waiting all day to show you what he can do.
While you offer to wash up the remaining dishes, Fugo sets both sketchbooks and an array of colored pencils down on the dinner table for your weekly "art night". It's almost embarrassing how excited he is to show you how much he's improved; he feels like a child presenting a macaroni necklace to their parents. He just hopes it comes out right and doesn't piss him off.
"What are you making tonight?" You have already taken a seat across from him and have begun mindlessly dragging a pencil across the page.
"Not sure yet." Fugo shrugs nonchalantly and tries to hide the fact that he's been practicing this specific drawing of your favorite animal. Maybe you hadn't noticed the crumpled up papers hidden in the trash bin.
Fugo is almost done, except for the stupid eyes that just don't look right. He knows he's followed the book's directions, he has them memorized word for word, but he just can't make his hands do it. By now you've noticed his frustrated face and excessive erasing.
"Let me take a look, Fugo."
Before he can even say no, his work is now in your hands.
"It's not even that good, you know." He looks away cool, pretending not to care but the blush rising to his face betrays him. He hates disappointing you.
But instead of a grimace, Fugo sees a wide smile on your face that he swears will be the end of him. "It looks great! You're such a quick learner, babe. It looks like it has a lazy eye, but I think it makes it even cuter!"
Fugo strives for perfection in nearly all of his work, but if lopsided eyes will make your smile widen just a little bit more, he will gladly mess up any drawing for you.
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♡ Narancia is fascinated with your talent. How are you so good at making all those drawings? You make it look so easy that he can’t help but shout out compliments.
♡ He’s the type of person who asks you to draw things for him. Not complicated pieces; Narancia is content with literally anything as long as you make it for him. He just likes your drawings and wants to see everything in your style!
♡ You made a little sketch of him once and presented it as a gift. You shyly insisted it wasn’t your best work and that it was just a little something you whipped up as a warm up, but it made Narancia tear up. He’s kept it in his wallet ever since.
There was nothing quite as frustrating as having all your supplies out and ready to use only to realize you have no idea what to make. It’s so frustrating that even Narancia took immediate notice of your slouched form and furrowed brow, coming to the oh-so-elusive conclusion that something was bothering you.
“What’s wrong, cutie? Why the long face?” He pulls up a stool next to you expecting to see another one of your beautiful works only to find you staring holes into a blank piece of paper.
“I just… I don’t know what to draw,” you sigh, running a hand over your face. “I got a sudden burst of motivation to make something but I don’t know how to start, I guess.”
Of all the reactions he could have made, you weren’t expecting him to laugh. His small giggles are teasing and even though it’s at your expense, you can’t help the smile that creeps onto your face as you try to glare at him.
“It’s not funny, you know,” you pout.
“I’m sorry, you're just so silly. You can draw anything, why are you struggling to pick? Just draw Aerosmith.” He looks at you like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“I’ve drawn Aerosmith too much. I wanna make something different.”
“Not enough! Never enough!” He’s jumped out of his seat by now and you can see the faint glow of the little bomber plane manifesting behind Narancia. He quickly maneuvers the stand around the room, mimicking shooting noises along with the movements of the plane. It’s incredible how much he reminds you of a little kid just having fun.
There’s no way you can deny him his request, so the next hour or so is spent making little sketches of Aerosmith in action.
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♡ Bucciarati is your #1 supporter! His compliments are so sweet and welcoming that you find yourself trailing behind him as soon as you finish a piece so you can hear how proud he is of how it turned out.
♡ Whether or not you sell your art is irrelevant to him; he constantly asks for commissions. He requests specific details (“Make it monochrome”, “Add some flowers somewhere, please”, “I’d like a sunset”) but leaves lots of creative freedom to you. Despite your insistence to not charge him, claiming that you were unhappy with the results or that you simply wished to gift it to him, he does not falter and pays you a hefty rate for your work.
♡ Bucciarati buys you art supplies from all over the world. He uses his extensive connections to get you all kinds of materials, from French easels to Japanese stationery, nothing is enough for his precious s/o. He definitely gets you the best drawing tablet on the market to give you a hand with digital art.
Dates with Bucciarati are some of your favorite moments in the world because of how amazingly caring he is. He is a traditional gentleman, showing up at your place with a bouquet of flowers, opening the car door for you, and extending an arm for you to hold on to while you walk through the streets of Venice. He pays for your meals when you go out to eat and a smug smile adorns his face when he sees your overwhelmed expression when you realize the bill was in the triple digits for the night. Bucciarati loves that expression.
Bucciarati also loves spoiling you. On one of these dates, you notice a medium-sized box laying on the front passenger seat, your usual spot. It is wrapped in minimalistic white paper and topped with a cute golden bow and you can’t help but pick it up to examine. “What’s this?”
“It's a gift, darling. For you.” Bucciarati smiles at your curious face before stepping inside the car. He pats the seat beside him, motioning you to accompany him. “You can open it right now if you’d like.”
You give him a lovingly wary look; it was not uncommon for his gifts to be expensive and it made you feel bad sometimes that he invested his money into you. Curiosity got the better of you, however, and after some hesitation, the white paper was carefully discarded onto the car floor. Once you take a good look at the gift, your eyes go wide.
“They’re oil paints,” Bucciarati states. “I especially commissioned them from Belgium. They were made with the finest ingredients they had to offer, so make sure to make a special masterpiece with them.” Arms are flung to envelop Bucciarati into a tight hug, with some Thank you, thank you! being thrown around in a loving shout.
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Wanda Maximoff x Reader - Dating is still only about love
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Summary: Based on the prompt received in AO3 "Reader is a lot like Bucky. Bucky saves Reader, and recruits him to the Avengers team. Reader and Wanda begin to develop a relationship, but it is shy and awkward because Reader is from 1940."  ///////////// Read on AO3 too
Words:  3.914k (one) //  
Warnings: 13+ Fluff and a bit of language, mentions of torture.
Notes: I think this turned out to be more about the 1940 reader in love than anything else, but I hope you enjoy it.
Part II (Special Smut request)
You are dancing to Glenn Miller in a bar in Brooklyn. Your parents would kill you if they saw you now, spinning in the arms of a stranger. But you laugh, and move your body to the music. 
And then you see Bucky and Steve, entering the place, and you let go of your partner and run to hug them.
- Hi, boys! - You greet them with a smile that they respond to.
- Someone is cheerful. - Bucky jokes looking at your slightly alcoholic state. 
You fake a serious expression. 
- Are you implying that your superior is drunk, Sergeant Barnes?
Bucky laughs at your imitation of an authoritative voice, and you turn to Steve, who looks mildly annoyed. 
- Hey, Rogers. Why the long face? - you ask, and he shrugs. You can tell by Bucky's expression. He had been rejected from the army again, and you let out a sigh and decide to cheer him up. - Come on, Steve! Let's dance!
You pull him by the hand before he can refuse. And eventually, he laughs. Bucky joins you next, and the three of you spin around the room, your steps out of sync as you laugh.
You try to move but there is something holding you to the surface where you are lying. And then you try to scream for help, but there is something in your mouth that prevents you from doing so. 
You widen your eyes with surprise when a man dressed in white appears in your field of vision, and he fits something cold to your head.
You grumble against the tightness in your mouth, but he just gives you a mocking smile.
- Vital signs? - He speaks in German. You close your eyes tightly when a light goes on in front of you.
- Stable. - Says a second voice in the room that you don't know where it comes from.
- Good. You can apply now.
And then you feel your veins burn, and you scream, but your scream is muffled by the object in your mouth. The pain chokes you until you can't see anything anymore.
Someone is pulling you. You blink to regain consciousness, but it takes a long time. You are tired, but there is a feeling that is in your body that you don't know.
- Hey, Y/N. - You hear someone calling, and then you take a breath trying to remember. - Can you hear me? Can you walk?
- Bucky... - You grumble and accept the arm he offers you to get up. - Where the...?
- We don't have time, we need to get out of here.
And then you are running out of the compound where you were being held prisoner. Bucky is wearing the same clothes as you. And then you see Steve, but he looks nothing like the Steve you knew. This Steve is tall, and muscular, but still has the same gentle look as your friend. But you don't have time to ask.
You haven't rested for a long time. But that's okay, you want to help your country win the war. You want to help Steve, and you believe in him. And so you and Bucky jump on a train for him.
- Watch out! - You warn your friends, and they just shrug as they smile.
And things go well for about five minutes, and then one of the Hydra soldiers has a gun pointed at Bucky, and the next second you are jumping on the man. 
When Bucky goes to help you, a second man appears. A grenade explodes ripping out half the compartment and you hear a whistle in your ear. You manage to knock out the man who pinned you down, but then someone kicks you in the back out of the train. You grab the metal bar, and when Bucky is thrown out, you hold him fast. 
You see Steve run up to you two, his hand outstretched in the air to reach you. And then the iron breaks and you both fall.
You wake up in a jolt, in a cold sweat. And there are chains on your wrists. You let out an angry grunt.
No one tells you who these men who test you are. And every time you scream or try to free yourself, they inject something that makes you lethargic, and vulnerable. And then they electrocute your mind, and you forget any flash of memory that might appear.
As long as you don't remember who you are, you accept every command they give you.
You use a pillar of the building next to you to protect yourself from gunfire. You are starting to get annoyed. 
Your mission is to eliminate the Winter Soldier, or divergent soldier, as your leader has begun to call him.
But he is being particularly difficult to eliminate, especially since there is a man with a shield and a woman with a machine gun protecting him. 
And then you use bombs, and disarm them. The men who came with you keep them busy while you run towards your target, and throw him to the ground with a blow to his ribs.
You arm your knife, but he gets up quickly, fending off every attack as skillfully as you do.
And then he hits you in the face, and your mask falls off. You have a gun pointed at his face next, but the completely shocked look on his face makes you hesitate.
- Y/N? 
- I don't... - You find yourself talking, but then there is a second explosion that distracts you, and then the man disarms you.
You strike back, knocking him to the ground. But you run away, and on your way back to the Hydra establishments, you say that you have lost sight of him.
You are being punished. Again. You've been failing a lot in your tests, and you've been unstable for weeks. You don't want to obey any of those people, you want to go back to the man on the road who knew you and ask him about your life.
And then there are shocks in your head, but you don't forget. And then they throw you into a cell, saying that the madness from hunger will take away any memory from you.
But then there are loud noises that you think are coming from bombs. And then the man in the road is in front of your cell, and he rips the door off with a metal arm, and reaches out to help you up.
It takes time to get your memories back. But it happens. And you cry a lot when you remember everything.
You remember your hometown, your parents, your pet dog. You remember jogging down the street from your house, and playing ball with the kids. You remember punching a boy in the face because he pushed Steve Rogers off a swing. You remember delivering a frog you found on the sidewalk into Bucky Barnes' hand. You remember finding Bucky and Steve kissing in the alley behind your house and remember promising to keep it a secret when they cry. 
You remember entering the US Army before Bucky. You remember the training, and the battles, and most of all the war. And then you feel your heart fill with warmth and longing when you remember the dances. So many parties where you went jazz dancing, most of them with Bucky and Steve.
You lose your breath when you remember Hydra. When you remember the experiments, and the murders. But Bucky holds your hand, and assures you that you are the same girl who danced with your two best friends at the prom even when the most handsome young man in high school asked for a dance, and assures you that you are not what Hydra wanted you to become. You repeat the same words to him, and you hold each other for a while.
Bucky wants you to join the Avengers. He has been a member for a few months, and then he rescued you, and he doesn't want you to just hang around like him. He wants to help you, and he wants you to have a home.
When you nod in agreement, he hugs you.
- Here is your room. - Said Bucky as he led you down a long hallway in the Avengers compound. He held your bag, even though you said there was no need for it.
You entered the space, and you let out an impressed hiss. It was definitely better than the motels and well, any place you had actually been sleeping in all these years.
- When you're ready, come meet the rest of the team. - He said as he left his suitcase on the bed. He flashes you a smile before leaving.
You look around, still impressed. It would be strange to call this place a home, but you were willing to give it a try. Besides this, your best friends were here. There was nothing to be scared of.
You were wrong. 
Everything was perfectly under control, you smiled and waved politely to all the Avengers, and even laughed at Tony Stark's jokes. And then you met Wanda Maximoff, leaving training and arriving late for your introduction to the team and looking absolutely stunning.
- Hi, sorry I'm late everybody. - She said as she entered the room. And then her gaze fell on you, and she gave an embarrassed smile as she held out her hand. - I'm Wanda, I think we're going to be door-mates.
Unable to form a coherent sentence, you just smiled awkwardly, shaking Wanda's hand, and hoping that she didn't think you were a complete idiot. 
And then Bucky and Steve finished introducing you to the team, and everyone went back to their activities.
You let your gaze linger on Wanda, before quickly turning away, blushing. It was amazing how unlucky you were. You had barely arrived, and already you had a crush.
Things are going well, you think. You got along with everyone on the team, you did well in practice, and you had a secret crush on Wanda. Maybe the last part wasn't so good, but you are optimistic.
You eventually realized that Wanda was quite anti-social, and didn't talk much with the other team members.
That might have made things difficult, because if she had a close friend, you could ask this friend to speak well of you.
You grumbled to yourself as you cooked your dinner. You were used to preparing your meals, and almost always the other avengers joined you. When the food started to smell, they appeared. 
- Great! Y/N food. - Tony said as soon as he entered the room, and you giggled. You were stirring the sauce when Wanda came into the kitchen. She smiled at you as she walked towards you and you tried to hide your nervousness.
- Wow, this looks tasty. - She said, looking at the contents of the pot. You smiled, handing her the spoon in your hand. She then tasted some of the sauce, and let out a satisfied groan. You tried not to stare so hard at her lips. - This is delicious.
You just nodded with flushed cheeks, and Wanda gave you a curious look before turning toward the table.
You decided that you had better do something soon or she would think you were completely crazy. 
And then that night, after dinner, you called Bucky up to your room.
- You have to help me with something! - you told him as you walked in. You slumped in your chair, tapping your feet on the floor in nervousness, and he sat down across from you.
- What was it? Did something happen? - he asked worriedly.
- I need to ask a girl out!
You look surprised. And then you laugh.
- I thought it was something bad. - He grumbles, leaning back in his chair.
- It's not bad, it's terrible! - You replied, running your hands through your hair. - I have no idea how to ask a girl out! In fact, I never knew how to ask anyone out. The boys did it in '36s.
Bucky laughs at your desperation, and you bury your face in your hands.
- Hey, calm down. - He says, straightening his posture and looking at you tenderly. - I swear dating is still as hard as it was in the 40s. 
- Was that supposed to make me feel better? - You grumble as you take your face out of his hands and look at him. Bucky laughs.
- I was going to say that, regardless of the era, dating is still about liking someone. - He replies. - It's scary, but you can do it. Why don't you try inviting her over as a friend?
You stand thoughtfully for a moment.
- I don't understand. - You say. - How does the date work between friends?
Bucky laughed again.
- It's not a date, Y/N. - he says. - It's just a hangout among friends.
You frown.
- But I like her. 
- Wow, you're difficult. - Bucky scoffs lightly. - People in this century go on unromantic walks together all the time.
- That sounds like a lie. - You retort with a smile, Bucky laughs. - And how will she know that I like her?
- You tell her. 
You let out a nervous laugh.
- Worst possible idea. - You grumble as you throw your back into your chair. - Besides, I haven't seen you date anyone since '35. I think I'll ask someone else for advice. - You mock lightly, and Bucky rolls his eyes humorously.
- I've been busy. - he says. - By the way, have you ever seen what they call dating apps? It's creepy.
You laugh and nod, and Bucky moves to reach for his cell phone. He spends the rest of the day showing you how dating works in this century, and you laugh a lot.
You made too much hot chocolate. Maybe it was on purpose.
What is relevant is that you are walking toward Wanda's room, carrying a mug for her. 
Bucky was in the kitchen with you, and when he got some of the drink, he said that the opportunity for you to make conversation with Wanda was right in front of you.
So here you were, trying not to look so anxious as you knocked on the door.
When Wanda opened the door, she was wearing a sweatshirt and looked comfortable and very pretty. You thought you were staring, so you hurried to say:
- H-hi. I brought you some chocolate. - You say and Wanda looks surprised, but smiles.
- That's very sweet, thank you. - She says to you as she accepts the drink. You feel your cheeks heat up as your hands rub together for a brief moment.
And then a noise you knew well can be heard, and you let out a surprised exclamation.
- Wow, you like Sweet American Family? - you asked excitedly when you noticed the old sitcom you used to watch playing on the in-room television. 
Wanda raised her eyebrow slightly in surprise, and then gave you space to enter the room, and your body just followed the cue automatically, too excited about the show, without really thinking that you were walking into Wanda's room.
- Do you know it? - She replies with surprise and you laugh as you approach the television.
- Of course I do! - you reply excitedly. - I used to watch it with my parents.
Wanda takes a sip of her drink while you stare at the television.
- Watch it with me, then.
It takes a second for you to register the invitation, and your heart races, but you nod with a smile, and watch Wanda sit on her own bed, and pat the duvet for you to join her. Trying not to look like a complete mess, you follow her.
You watch in silence for a few minutes, and a joke later you are used to Wanda's presence.
- So how accurate is this show? - She asks with a smile, leaving her mug on the small table. You sigh thoughtfully.
- Well, we didn't used to eat in our rooms. - You comment, watching the scene on television, and Wanda nods looking interested. - But they got the bad food right, and the tight clothes and weird social rules.
Wanda giggles and goes back to watching. And then the episode switches to a romantic scene, two teenagers talking at school.
- Wow, that was scary. - You comment watching the boy try to invite the girl for a walk.
Wanda looks at you curiously, wanting to know more. You smile.
- The kids used to wait for us in between classes. - You tell her. - And they were very obvious about it. Usually the whole school knew that you were going on a date with someone. 
- Have you been on many dates?
You giggle.
- I didn't like the boys at my high school very much. - You confess. - But I liked to dance. And so they called me to dances, and I said yes. And then I was enlisted, and I started hanging out with the soldiers. It was fun.
- Sounds like great. - She comments with a smile. - In a way, it seems like it was easier.
You let out a surprised exclamation, laughing lightly.
- Wanda, no way! - You respond with humor. - It was horrible! Scary! And all the dates were ultra official, and people expected you to be engaged! Bucky told me that nowadays people go out as friends? That is impressive.
Wanda laughs, and leans on the bed crossing her legs and turning completely toward you.
- But people aren't as romantic as they used to be! - she smiles back. You imitate her position, while you ignore the TV show to talk. - No one seems anxious or shy about going out anymore. There are no flowers, or requests to hold your hand. People just text you to get laid.
You feel your cheeks heat up a little, but laugh at the comment. And then you have an idea.
- I would like to invite you to something. - You say, surprising Wanda suddenly. You swallow your nervousness. - A proper evening out, like the one you saw on TV.
- A date, Wanda. - You clarify with a blush. - But it's okay if you don't want to...
- I do. - She interrupts with a shy smile. - I'd love to go for on a date with you.
You smile, looking away. And the credits music for the episode begins to rise.
- When do you want to go? - you ask her, twiddling your fingers nervously.
- As soon as possible, I'm excited. - She says with a smile, and you let out a giggle. Then you get out of bed.
- Okay, then, Miss Maximoff. - you say with a smile. - I need time to organize this, so I'll pick you up here in your room tomorrow at seven?
- Sounds great. - Wanda agrees with a smile. 
You nod slightly before leaving the room. When you are walking down the hallway, you can't stop smiling.
Wanda was wearing a simple, blue dress in the same 40s style when you picked her up. You choked in surprise, thinking she looked absolutely stunning. And she blushed and thanked you when you told her so.
Tony lent you one of his classic cars, and you drove to the sounds of old jazz toward the carnival that was set up in town that week. You didn't notice Wanda looking at you as you hummed the song.
The park was very busy, and they had many entertainment options, but you made sure to ask what Wanda wanted to do.
You competed in the bumper cars and laughed every time your cars hit each other. Wanda threw her head back laughing, and everything seemed to go in slow motion with the image.
And then you went on several other attractions, and then she pointed to the Ferris wheel. 
You both let out excited sighs as the cabin began to rise.
- Wow, this is amazing! - She commented excitedly, you agreed as you looked down, seeing the ground getting farther and farther away.
- The Ferris wheels were smaller. - You say, and Wanda lets out a giggle.
- Are you going to tell me you are afraid of heights now?
You laugh lightly and look at Wanda.
- If I had, and I had accepted your invitation, would I look braver? - You retort sheepishly. Wanda bites her lip thoughtfully, but still smiles.
- Why does it matter, are you trying to impress me?
You look away in surprise, and feel your cheeks heat up. Well, Bucky had told you to be honest after all.
- Only if it's working. - You retort with a slight insecurity in your voice. Wanda smiles though.
- Oh, believe me. It's working very well. - She answers finally, and then you two are on the top.
You try not to blush so much at Wanda's affirmation, and you bite back the smile on your lips. And then she asks you about the dances of your day, and you almost forget to be nervous.
And then you walked side by side off the Ferris wheel, and you took her to see the shooting games, and when you hit all the targets, she whispered that being a trained sniper should be considered cheating. You won many tickets, and you carried the big teddy bear you won for Wanda.
You take her to eat cotton candy, and you laugh as you share the flavors. And then you think you have seen all the toys and are walking back to the car, smiling.
Wanda keeps the teddy inside the back seat, but doesn't get into the vehicle. From your position, the distant light of the Ferris wheel partially illuminates the parking lot, and Wanda's green orbs catch your eye.
- Did you enjoy the evening, Wanda? - you ask her as you approach. She is leaning on the car door, and smiles at you tenderly.
- I loved it. - She confesses. - I didn't want to leave.
You chuckle shyly, looking down at your shoes.
- We can do it again. - You say. - I could take you dancing.
Wanda lets out an excited exclamation.
- Please, I'd love to. - She says, smiling. You think your heart will explode with happiness.
You are silent for a moment, and then Wanda straightens her posture, slightly shy.
- I think we missed something on our walk.
- What? - You look at her anxiously, but Wanda smiles tenderly.
- You didn't ask to hold my hand.
You let out a shy little laugh, coming closer. You stop a step away from Wanda, and hold out your hands. Wanda smiles, and raises her hands to yours. You let your hands fall together at the front of your bodies, waving them lightly as you kept they together.
- How did these walks used to end? - Wanda asks softly, you think that the closeness is preventing you from thinking correctly.
- I would lead you to your front door. - You say. - And you would decide if I deserve a kiss on the cheek.
Wanda smiles, blushing. She looks away quickly, and sighs lightly. You were going to ask if everything was okay, but her sentence makes your mind shut down.
- I want to kiss you now. - she confesses. And then she brings your faces together until your foreheads rest against each other. - Is that okay?
- Yes.
And then the distance is broken. Wanda kisses you on the mouth gently, and you sigh at the sensation. You think that maybe you shouldn't kiss like that on a first date, but your tongue asks for passage and Wanda accepts. And then you have her pressed against the car.
It feels good, and it makes your heart race, and it's the best you've felt since 1940.
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sugar-petals · 4 years
SuperM: Their Orgasm Faces
a/n. i’ve written the same scenario for bts and thought this is perfect for these guys as well 💦
warnings ⚠️ multiple rounds, masturbation, loud sex, crying
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➸ Taemin Constant little trembles. Puffy lips and a huge back arch. Softly moving hips that know exactly what they’re doing, reacting to your every touch. Balmy moans for the gods, they’re such a giant turn-on. His face looks so soft and relaxes into the pleasure without restraint. And my god, the hair. It’s like an old Italian painting. The voice is just as indulging — all those little “ha...” noises he makes. So lush and super breathy. Long story short: He looks perfect in the unlikely case someone forgot. What more can I tell you. He’s broadcasted it to the entire world at this point. In fact, isn’t Taemin’s entire cinematic work a silk and satin-laced compilation of o-faces? Even his haters can’t deny that. He has the perfect variety, perfect sensuality. Never out of place, never too feeble nor too much. He doesn’t just show that to you in bed, he truly owns it. Taemin’s orgasms are really drawn out, it’s the most amazing spectacle. So much to see: And you never know when the first one ends and the second one starts. He’s that erotic and completely swayed by you. If there’s one person completely in tune with his arousal and amps it up to the maximum, and takes you higher yourself with him, that’s Lee Taemin. He cums more beautifully than anyone you’ve ever seen. Fuck, it feels like you have to write him a ten-page thank you letter for being able to witness that. One word suffices: he’s fantastic.
➸ Taeyong You won’t believe it. He is so handsome, but he tries to hide his face. Or buries his hands in his hair, and twists himself to the side. Sometimes, into a pillow. Othertimes, a blanket or a sleeve. Taeyong doesn’t like his pleasure being seen. He’s not just shy; he’s reserved, delicately cautious. He’d rather have his hair fall into his face and conceal all the sweet emotions that surface. His lips are tightly shut and more often than not, he looks away. Even when he’s by himself getting off to the thought of you, he can’t keep his head up. It’s a shame, but you also figure it’s because he gifts himself to you to be very protected, not judged or consumed. Taeyong needs your guidance and strength. That’s why you hug him and let his face rest in the crook of your neck, and it becomes his favorite spot to lean into when he’s coming. Taeyong is more reassured this way. His eyebrows raise and he’s giving you the most heavenly whimpers. It overwhelms him every time. But that’s the place where he can finally moan it out. His voice is so gorgeous, and desperate, and full of gratitude towards you. When he really trusts you, he’s — god — actually grunting in his deep voice and sometimes meets your eye fleetingly. Or sucks in air and holds it before his whole body erupts. Oh my god. Those thighs are gonna go through an entire earthquake. Truth be told: NCT didn’t lie when they sang about a volcano, did they.
➸ Jongin Come on. The main dancer who has his face all up in a camera every stage, making people worldwide bust a nut by just raising a corner of the mouth. If there’s one person with the best, most intense facial expressions? It’s Kai all the way. Just throw the OSCAR right at him. Matter of fact, we all know he is the king of being absolutely stunning in bed. Jongin always looks like he wants to take you in completely, his entire upper body goes forward. His eyes are deep and glistening, but not fully mysterious. First and foremost they’re hundred percent passion just as you’d expect from him. The brows, the fucking brows! The lips, mumbling, and the jaw is in motion even if you wouldn’t pay attention to it at first. And by contrast, he looks more in love than anyone else. Can we appreciate how romantic Kai’s vibe is? How does he do it? He yearns and calls you babe, the entire face feels twitching and shaky. As if he was suffering from being so enamoured, but it feels so good to him. Every new thrust makes his expression change a bit. How he’s allowing himself to feel you literally paints a living story on his features. Toward the middle and the end of his climax, Kai looks so vulnerable and lost in the pleasure that you gave him or he gave himself. It’s almost like he is underwater. If you ever look into those dreamy eyes... Kai’s orgasm face will put an actual spell on you. Have a guess. The spell is called: Make you even hornier and throw your fucking head back from all that good stuff.
➸ Mark Yeah, uh-oh. The bomb is going off right here. It feels like Mark didn’t fuck for literal months every time even if you had sex the other day. His jaw is hanging open throughout. The eyes wide. Lips shivering, only a little. A bit of saliva is pooling just there. Then, his head falls forward. Hair in his eyes, brows clenched toward the middle. He looks like he can’t believe it, he’s helpless to the power it has over him. His orgasm darts through his body like a thunderbolt. You got it, sex with Mark is exactly that, so electric. It arrives fast and it’s over fast. And it’s massive, catches him off guard so often. A big, sweeping “Ah—h!” that carries him away like a tidal wave. Who’s the living super car in SuperM? That’s Mark Lee who goes through his climax like he’s watching a train speed by. What can he do but curse himself and moan. Something is possessing this poor man. His face looks like he has to keep up with his own damn reflexes. Can you imagine how hard his body is going to clutch if he just cums in one go? And if he tries to kiss you during that? What the fuck Mark! He just never calms down, does he. Or wait — fast forward... oh wonder: He falls asleep only minutes after. His face: now completely angelic. Mark really put all his heart and mind and cum into this one orgasm. This guy has dedication and it shows. He always delivers you one hell of a show. Rumor has it you have a couple videos of it on your phone.
➸ Baekhyun Clenches his teeth so hard. The first you’ll hear is a loud and whiny “nnh!” in the buildup. And that’s when you know he can’t go back. The entire neck seems under pressure. He stares. Gasps for air. The breathing, raw as fuck. Up and down goes that chest all the way against you. In fact, he breathes the fastest in the group. His face gets so heated. All those veins come out. This guy’s blood flow is a new level. Releasing tons of stress and energy. His eyes are squeezed shut as soon as it begins because it’s so strong and relieving, it’s borderline painful. He couldn’t speak for the first five seconds even if he tried. Only the second wave brings out a stifled chain of moans that he surrenders to. On some days, he even starts crying from relief. It takes minutes upon minutes until he cools off entirely. Baekhyun is so orgasmic, he’s all splayed out on the bed afterwards or deeply engrossed in your embrace for endless cuddles. I’m telling you. Should you ever get a second orgasm out of him, he’s gonna be reduced to a puddle. A shaking, sobbing mess that can’t stop wailing. There’s only begging for more in these eyes. It goes without saying that you need the most sound-proof room there ever was because he is at the top of his voice. Baekhyun being loud for you is a natural staple. PS: Mark my words. Should you get him to a third orgasm, he’s gonna be screaming without a pause and his fucking tongue is hanging out. 
➸ Yukhei As if he can ever stop wiggling his brows at you. Did you expect he just lets loose and rolls his eye back? No, no. He keeps looking right at you until the end. Full Xuxi confidence and charisma at play. Lots of nicknames coming at you, he’s gonna say them all. That level of eye contact is gonna get you going big time. You know how large and wonderful his eyes are, like a doe’s. Lucas hardly closes them unless it comes to getting blowjobs. Where he’s gonna look at you very intensely most of the time anyway. Lucas tries to not let the sensations overcome him so he remains present with you. He never really seems like he indulges all the way like Taemin or Kai would. The whole thing is pretty suspicious because he doesn’t fully ease into your interplay of movements. Guess why... at any point, he’s invested in making you cum and keeps on pulling out his magic tricks until you’re getting there. He’s gonna use those big fucking hands (he knows you love ‘em) and goes on and on until he has you there. Yukhei’s personality is all over the place, but he has steely concentration during sex. Not to mention the technique. He’s even gonna go for pushing his hair back as a killing part. No mediocre, he’s doing the most. After all: Lucas cums the best if he just saw you losing it or you’re on the way. Synchronizing your orgasms is difficult, but he puts all his focus into achieving just that. Yukhei is an expert in how close you are after a while, and even starts letting himself fall back into the sheets below you when you release together. 
➸ Ten Perfectly understated. Lids heavy, lips opened just a bit. Elegant, almost, and chesty in tone. He’s the connoisseur. My god. It’s the most gentlemanly someone could ever cum. His forehead is so sweaty as is his hair and back, because if Ten fucks he does it properly, but still. He’s so calm. He could be in your arms for more than half an hour and be fully composed. The focus and self-control is just phenomenal. Completely in the moment, not missing a heartbeat. Which is such a hard thing to do but it’s effortless with him. Ten knows the value of moderation and tension. He’s not keeping his groans in for the whole time and only moans when he comes. Not at all. It’s a different story with him. It all builds up perfectly and comes out freely whenever. He’s actually pretty close to singing, his voice accompanies his breathing in ideal sync. So melodic. Ten is all smitten by you. Nothing is kept in. He looks at you so fondly, he enjoys himself so much. So, it becomes a beautiful loving serenade. His face doesn’t make any sudden or extreme contortions either. The expression moves and changes very slowly, is very easy on the eye. Every minute with him is fulfilling. Ten is all wrapped up in the mood and the groove like it’s business. Prepare to lose your fucking mind, these are new levels of feeling good. Not one awkward moment, just making love. Oh my god are you lucky.
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art: The Great Wave off Kanagawa (1829-33) — by Hokusai
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