#but it’s still funny when people want to say that him and Bradley are the same height
sometimesanalice · 6 months
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Ooh, you wanted to choose chaos! I see you 👀
Jake Seresin is a lot of things, but he’s not six feet tall.
It’s not slander, it’s just facts, lol.
Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
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warnersister · 5 months
Personal Space
Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x reader
Summary: you love your personal space. Unfortunately, Bradley also loves your personal space.
Pt. 2
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You never understood why Bradley stuck around. Since the academy you’d preferred to stick to yourself; get your head down and get the job done. Especially with a surname like Mitchell. You didn’t want your father and grandfather’s reputation to negatively proceed you, and by the time people had put two and two together as to whom loins you came from: you’d made your own reputation so Maverick never made much of a difference to it.
But still, having dinner in the mess you’d sat down, when someone came and thudded down next to you and began eating themselves. “I’m Bradley” he said when you finally looked up at him. You raised a brow “Bradshaw?” You ask and he nods: you recognise him from the photos your dad pinned up in your two’s hanger. You hum “and you are?” He asks “not important.” You reply, deciding you’d lost your appetite and stood to clear your plate “good talk!” Bradley said, but you were already walking away.
He’d next encountered you when you were running around the academy, early morning; before any naval training would take place. He hummed and decided it was perfectly acceptable to interrupt your jaunt with his presence. “Hey! Up so early?” He asks as he tries to match your pace from a standstill “could ask you the same.” You reply bluntly “well I wanted to get a run in before-” “well there’s your answer.” You reply, cutting him off. “You run really quick.” He says as you try to keep your pace increasing to shake him off “goodbye, Bradshaw.” You say, pulling your sunglasses over your eyes and taking off at a pace he couldn’t sustain. He just stops and shakes his head smiling, you were funny.
Eventually, you’d both gotten up in the air and were quick to earn your callsigns “Rooster” and “Hen”. Bradley earned his because he was up before the chickens, you’d earned yours because the chicken kept fucking following you around like you were his mother. You were sat on the aircraft carrier, your trainee group learning how to land on a ship deck and you’d finally gotten a moment of peace that evening. You sat on the edge of the deck, feet dangling over the edge as you watched the sunset, not moving when you hear someone slip into the space between the barriers beside you.
“Oh look my chick is back.” You mumble sarcastically and Bradley laughs loudly at you. “You love me really” he says, looking at you as if he wanted to you agree with him “you seem to keep telling yourself that, don’t you?” You hum, turning to watch the sea lap against the grey metal. You can feel him fidgeting beside you, as if antsy to say something. “What?” You ask, finally turning to look at him. “What?” He repeats, looking at you with raised brows “you want to ask me something. You’re fidgeting.” You point out “so ask me or fuck off” you say, turning away again. “Your last name is Mitchell” he says and you roll your eyes “you can read and hear. Two things I’ve learnt today.” You huff, again, with sarcasm. “Are you related to Pete Mitchell?” He asks, looking at you and nearly holding his breath “you finally put two and two together?” You ask and he lets out the breath.
“Yeah, he’s my dad.” You say after a while “I was a whoopsie baby my mother didn’t want anything to do with” you tell him. “He used to fly with my dad.” Bradley almost whispers, voice just a few octaves above. “I know” you nod “he’s practically wallpapered all over our hanger.” You say “so are you” you eye him. “He pulled my papers” he says, again after a few moments of silence “I know” you say “do you know why?” He asks “yes.” You reply, and he could tell you weren’t going to elaborate. “Y’know I’m not a fan of your dad, but I really like you.” He says and you just look at him with a blank face. “Yup” you hum to yourself and he raises a brow “just as Mother Goose was described” you say, and Bradley’s face immediately lights up with a huge grin, stretching and arm around you and pulling you into his side.
“Get off me.” “Yup, yep, sorry.”
For your first deployment, the academy set it up that you’d at least be with one person from your training squadron, and today the list of names were coming out; they were scribbled on the back of a napkin and pinned to a notice board.
“1. Haywood & Solomons, 2. Hughes & Shelley & Omaha, 3. Cooper & Parker & Cromwell & Smith, 4. Bradshaw,” you crossed your fingers as someone read out the names, then yours was read alongside Bradley’s “oh for god’s sake” you grumble, turning to see Bradley practically jumping for joy. “This is great! Me and you, Hen!” Rooster cheers and you just stare at him “should’ve called you leech cause you’re acting like one. Calm down.” You instruct and he tries to chill out, but the cheeky smile on his face was indiminishagble.
He only became more unbearable then, with you every working hour, your wingman on the missions you’d fly, inseparable despite your complaints. “Where’s your boyfriend?” Hawk asked you, as he came to sit with you for lunch. You shush him loudly. “Woah woah I only asked where he was.” “Speak his name and he shows up. I’m trying to hide.” you say in a hushed voice “plus he isn’t my boyfriend” “sure” he scoffs but the daggers being shot into his head silenced him easily.
“Hey Hen! Hawk” Bradley greets as he sits down. You grunt and point an accusatory finger at Hawk “this is your fault, jackass” you say and he laughs at you, him and Bradley engage in conversation as you just eat, having learnt the skill of drowning him out. “What about you, Hen?” Hawk asked, drawing your attention away from your plate and up to the two men alongside you, you raise an eyebrow - letting them know you were insinuating that you weren’t listening to their conversation.
“Do you want a family?” He ask and you just nod “really?” Hawk asks “that’s cute, didn’t take you for a family gal” he jokes and you harshly kick his leg under the table “kids and everything?” He asks after the pain subsides. “Yup.” You say and Bradley hums “I didn’t know that” he says and you just look at him “you never asked.” You reply simply, and that was true: he hadn’t. He was quite prepared to spend the rest of existence chasing after you, whether that meant giving you your first kiss on your deathbeds.
The two of you even went to Top Gun together, training to be the finest naval aviators of them all. And boy, you two fought to be the best; tongue and teeth, blood sweat and tears, everything. The decision came down to one final dogfight. “May the best aviator win” Rooster jokes, sticking out a hand to you. You eye it and internally question if you were insane, before leaning up to peck his cheek. “Prepare to loose, chicken.” You say, leaving him frozen in his place while you head to your plane. That day, Bradley was seriously off his A-game, and you came out on top.
A Mitchell finally Top Gun.
“Congratulations!” Bradley says excitedly on graduation day when you victoriously lifted the trophy above your head. You turned to him and he leant down slightly - you weren’t stupid, you knew what he was intending to do. “Thank you, Brad.” You say, turning to walk over to where your father was stood - knowing that was probably the only time Bradley wouldn’t follow you. That was the first time you’d ever called him anything short of Bradley Bradshaw.
“I’m so proud of you honey” your dad says, hugging you tightly and you embrace him back, smiling widely “thank you, dad” you respond and he looks behind you where Bradley was stood a while back, watching the ordeal. “Is that-” “yes” you tell him and your dad just looks at you “I wouldn’t get all teary he follows me like a lost puppy” you grumble but he just grins “he’s a good kid, hon.” He says and you shake your head “he’s definitely something”
“So how does their relationship work?” Bob asks Hangman, watching Bradley talk your ear off and you just staring ahead into space, blankly. “You see Bobby my boy,” Jake begins “Hen loves her personal space” Bob nods “Rooster also loves Hen’s personal space.” Bob nods again, now understanding. “Haven’t they done everything together though?” He asks “I think it’s more the fact that Hen does something and Rooster just kinda goes with it” Phoenix said and Bob hums, as Bradley continues to converse one-sidedly with you.
“He means well” you hear from beside you as you stare out from the hanger, turning to see your honorary uncle Tom walking towards you, you run towards him as he embraces you tightly “hey Ice” you smile, sweetly. “Hey sweetheart” he croaks. “I mean what I said.” He states and you raise a brow “he means well” he nods towards the man doing his required push ups on the ground with Hondo. “I know, Ice.” You tell him. “No, I don’t think you do” he hums and you raise your eyebrows at him. “The kids in love with you. You’ve either got to let him in or tell him to get out.” He says, “you’re living together for goodness sake”. “It was cheaper” you argue “we both know the accommodation is subsidised.” He states, matter-of-factly, patting your shoulder as he turns to go talk to your dad when he walks into the room.
It was true, you and Bradley were sharing accommodation. “Hey Hen, they’ve offered us shared accommodation back in Miramar” Bradley says, coming over with a pamphlet. “Why?” You ask, taking it out of his hands. ‘Married couple accommodation’ it states and you raise your brows “you getting ahead of yourself, Bradshaw?” You ask and he shakes his head “the guy assumed our callsigns were cause we’re a couple” he tells you and you just hum. “Well I’d rather stay there than in an apartment.” You say simply, giving him back the leaflet and refocusing on the plane you were working on repairing. “Seriously?” He asks, voice overly hopeful. You look at him and shrug “just go get the damn house, Bradshaw. Before I change my mind!” You say and he grins, turning and breaking out into almost a jog to head to confirm your living situation.
You take a moment of hesitation, before loudly groaning and heading out onto the tarmac, getting down and doing push ups alongside Rooster. He turns his head and looks at you and you just raise your brows at him. “Hey honey” he grins “hello Bradley” he nudges your hip with his own. “I’ll drive us home.” You tell him, and he raises his eyebrows “Home?” He asks and you huff “okay, Bradley I will drive the two of us back to our shared accommodation that we accidentally got given.” You say and he laughs loudly “home sounded better.”
Then after the mission, the whole Dagger squad got permanently stationed in San Diego, other than deployment, so they urged the new additions to the base to buy their own properties closer to base rather than on it. You and Bradley were sat in the Hard Deck, a long time before it was open, the rest of the Daggers spending time on the beach while the two of you were scouring Bradley’s laptop for a property. Well, Bradley was.
How about this one? He turns his screen to you. You shake your head “I want grass in the garden. I want to plant flowers” you say as you point at the paved back of the house, explaining that it’s a waste of money to have it ripped out. Bradley nods “Mkay, garden” he says, moving back to look again.
“How about this one? Beach front, close to the running track for you. Only a walk from the Hard Deck. White picket fence, really” he hums, turning the laptop again “garden?” You ask and he nods “garden.” He nods with a grin. “Shall we go look?” You ask and he raises a brow at you. “You said it’s a walk from the hard deck. Let’s go.” You say, putting the address into your phone and immediately recognising the street name, Bradley quickly falling into step with you as you walk towards the property.
You look at it and place your hands on your hips. Bradley was right. Pretty damn perfect. “Can I help you?” A lady asks, walking outside of the house, clipboard in hand. “Oh no, we’d just seen this property online and wanted to take a look.” Bradley tells her. “Well I’ve had a no-show on a viewing. How’d you like to take a look?” She suggests, motioning to the open door. “Okay” you nod, following her into the house.
“Obviously the kitchen, living room, even a deck out back with a huge garden and high fences” she says nodding out the window and you hum. “Out the side there’s an entrance straight to the beach” she motions, then starts heading up the stairs “three bedrooms, attic space, bathroom” she says “I’m guessing it’s just you two at the moment?” She asks “oh we’re not-” Bradley begins “yes, just us.” You confirm, shutting him up. “Okay, so there’s a large room for your bed and then if any new additions are to join, you have the space for them” she smiles and leads you back out front.
“It’s not cheap, it’s California. So I understand if you’re not prepared to pay that much money, do you mind me asking what you do?” She asks “we’re naval aviators.” Bradley says “stationed here?” She asks and you both nod “ah! I get why you’re looking for a property here!” She says and Bradley looks at you. “I really like it, Roo.” You say, and Bradley has to stop his jaw hitting the floor at your nickname. “It’s your call, honey” he says and you look at the lady and smile as she offers her hand “we’ll take it.”
“How shall we split the payment?” You ask Bradley as you walk back to the Hard Deck after organising a meeting with the realtor to actually finalise all the kinks and bumps. “I don’t mind doing the down payment then we’ll take it in turn paying the loan” he suggests “we can get a joint bank account and do it that way” you say and he agrees as you settle back into your seats at the Hard Deck. “Where’ve you two been?” Hangman asks “we bought a house.”
One evening, after you were all moved in and were hanging out at the Hard Deck after a long day or routine flying, you were sat outside with Rooster; watching the sunset. “When are we getting married then?” You ask and he spits out his beer “what?” He asks, eyes wide and getting progressively more giddy. “Well we live together, we have a joint bank account, and Jake keeps telling me we’re practically married. So when are we getting married?” You ask as he hugs you tightly “whenever you want, baby” he says, kissing the top of your head and pulling a ring out of his pocket to get on his knee. “Will you marry me?” He asks and you raise a brow “didn’t I just say that?” You ask bluntly “just say yes, please” he begs and you nod “yes. Yes I will marry you, Bradley Bradshaw.” You confirm as he kisses your lips gently.
“Okay get off of me now.”
Pt. 2
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the-ace-with-spades · 19 days
fluffy or funny prompt: jake or bradley finds out what the other has named them in their phone contact list/ finds out the (profile) picture they have set when called/ find out the phone background is of the other
Don't know if this meets what you meant but here it is! it might not make much sense but I haven't read it over after writing
Thank you so much for this prompt (and the other ones as well, will try to get to them at some point I think 😅)!
Sometimes, Jake thinks that if Bradley’s head wasn’t screwed on, he’d have lost it long ago too. Jake’s thought he was used to it but since he moved in a week ago, it’s been non-stop. This time, he’s been calling Bradley’s phone for the past five minutes, trying to find where in the house he’s left it.
Finally, Jake finds it vibrating in their bedroom, in their bed, of all places, and under Jake’s pile of pillows.
The face that greets him on the screen is his own — it’s his Facebook profile picture because Bradley is the type of old man that links his Facebook with his contacts book, no matter what he says. That part doesn’t surprise him, but as he lets it ring and ring in his hand, he can’t help being a bit offended.
“You have me saved by name and surname? Not even a heart emoji next to it,” he complains. The screen flashes once, Jake Seresin NOK written on top disappears and the whole thing swaps to black and then to Bradley’s basic default lockscreen. “What am I to you, your accountant?”
Only way it could be worse is if he used Jake's government name, Jacob and all.
“I've got everyone saved up that way, you’re not that special baby,” he says, unamused. “My pops did it this way and he was fine.”
For a second, something in Jake’s mouth dries out — he’s rarely heard anything about Bradley’s dad and yet this small little bit takes the air out of his lungs. Bradley doesn’t elaborate because he never does but he’s so used to it almost doesn’t hurt.
“Knew you're an old man deep down your heart.”
Bradley grumbles under his nose, rolling his eyes before he reaches his hand out for the phone — yeah, not gonna be that easy just now.
“Hey,” Jake says as he pretends to give him the phone. “What does NOK mean?”
“Nothing,” Bradley replies, his whole face turning a nice shade of pink that is only reserved for three things — being caught being sweet, being embarrassed, and being horny. Jake swiftly hides the phone behind his back, swapping the hands that come and try to “Come on, I was looking for it for a reason, I need to make a call—”
Bradley steps closer, close enough his knee pins Jake’s legs to the edge of the bed. Any closer and they’d be chest to chest, the warmth of his body already inviting Jake to lean into it, lean forward and take Bradley down into the bed with him.
“What are you so embarrassed about, huh? Got a gallery of my sleeping pictures in there?”
“Jake,” he spits out, arms trying to reach around Jake’s torso — he might have longer limbs than him, but Jake is faster and has more siblings to give up easily. “Sersin.”
“En—Ooh—Kay,” he repeats and then repeats again, now holding the phone behind his head, up in the air.
Bradley takes a step back and looks at the unpacked box of Jake’s shoes on the floor. His cheeks are full-on red now, and he’s pouting in that cute, hypnotising way that makes Jake want to squeeze his face and kiss his pretty little red nose.
“It means next of kin.”
“Oh,” is all Jake can get out for a second. His arms fall to his sides. “Am I your—”
Bradley nods his head before he can even finish. He’s still not looking at him. Jake doesn’t say but all he can think of is that his ma is his next of kin still.
“Most people just go with In Case of Emergency, you know,” he says instead. Bradley isn’t his NOK but he’s his ICE. There’s a difference. “Woulda be nice if you said something.”
“Well,” Bradley doesn’t even try to quip back, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. “Can I have my phone back now?”
Jake does the carrot and stick thing again — hand with the phone out and retreating back as Bradley is inches away from it. He needs something more, some kind of explanation, explicit one that will confirm to him what Bradley means with the things he did.
“I don't know, can you?” he asks. Bradley scowls at him. “Shouldn't I at least know your code if I'm your next of kin?”
Instead of going for the phone again, Bradley flicks him on the nose. “I’m going to use the landline.”
They’ve been together for over nine months and he still doesn’t know so many things about Bradley, even as fundamental as who was his next of kin before Jake, or what happened to his dad.
Even just looking at Bradley’s phone, he feels something bitter — the joke about Jake’s sleeping pictures was the first thing that came to his mind, but the truth is, he doesn’t know what Bradley could have on his phone. He doesn’t use it often, far less than his walkman and his ipod, but he likes to take blurry pictures that Jake never sees the appeal of — planes in the sky, motorcycles he never even looks to buy, the seaside.
He’s never seen him take pictures of Jake.
Bradley’s phone is asking him for the pin code and Jake doesn’t know it but he wishes he did. It’s not like he wants to look at his texts or search history. He tries anyway — Bradley’s birthday gets him nowhere, his mom’s birthday gets him nowhere.
On a whim, he types in 1216. And it unlocks. Sixteenth of December is his birthday.
What knocks the breath out of his throat is the homescreen picture.
It’s Jake’s face, sleepy, blinking at the light from the phone’s lens, half-buried into Bradley’s chest and his ugly UVA hoodie. He doesn’t even remember Bradley taking this photo, doesn’t remember which of the times Jake napped on Bradley it is from, how long it could’ve been set as Bradley’s phone background.
He locks the phone again. He’s seen what he wanted to see.
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icequeenlila · 2 months
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Context: They had a funny accident in a grocery store and almost kissed. Now they're in the car (convertible) and Max is teasing Bradley about it.
Max only laughed more, shaking his head as he did so. “It kinda was my own fault. Next time just tell me when I’m pushing too far.”
“You’re always pushing too far!”, Bradley called over the roar of the wind.
“Can’t help it!”, Max called back. “You’re way too cute when you’re flustered.”
“I wasn’t flustered!”
“So flustered.”
“Shut up!”
“Will you kiss me if I do?”
Bradley choked on whatever else he was about to say. He bent over slightly, trying to catch his breath.
“Shit”, he heard Max chuckle next to him, a hand coming down to his back and swatting down a few times, until Bradley seemed to be able to breathe again.
“Too far?”
“Always”, Bradley grumbled, sitting back straight.
“Sorry”, Max said, not sounding sorry at all.
That bitch.
“What are you doing?”, Bradley asked when he noticed the car slowing down.
“I’m stopping the car.”
“Because we can’t talk over all this noise.”
Bradley felt slight panic rise inside his chest as Max slowly let the car come to a stop on the side of the road. They were in the middle of nowhere, green landscape to their left and a huge field of sunflowers to their right.
“We don’t have to talk at all”, he protested. “Keep driving.”
“Brad.” Max said, looking Bradley straight in the eyes. “We almost kissed. We should talk about it.”
Bradley stared him right down, his stomach fluttering like a traitor. “Keep. Driving.”
“I. Won’t.” There was that damn smirk again. “Just admit you like me and totally wanted to kiss me.”
Bradley was in need of a word for a stronger color than red, because the heat on his face definitely broke all previous records.
He was still staring a Max, lips pursed and nose blown.
“If you won’t drive”, he said, voice tight with embarrassment. “I’ll just walk.”
Max frowned at him. “Wha- Wait!”
But Bradley had already pushed open the door of the car and was stepping outside. Fuck this guy. He wanted to pressure him into admitting his feelings? No way.
“So you just leave me with your car and the keys?”, Max called after him.
Bradley was walking towards the sunflowers. Why, he didn’t know. He liked sunflowers. They were his favorite. He heard the thud of a car door being shut behind him, and the sound of the car getting locked.
“I still have my phone, dipshit!”, he called over his shoulder, speeding up a bit now that he knew Max was following him. “All I have to do is call the police and report my car missing. I’ll have you behind bars by this evening!”
Max laughed at that, his voice sounding closer now. Bradley refused to turn around, but the soft, rhythmical thuds behind him told him that Max was jogging up to him. He would be next to Bradley in no time.
Bradley couldn’t have that.
So, he started running himself. Straight for the sunflowers.
“Are you for real!?”, he heard Max’ voice behind him, and the boy was still laughing. “You’d rather get lost in a flower labyrinth than just confess to me!?”
“Watch me!”
Bradley picked up his pace, not even stopping when he reached the edge of the flower field. The sunflowers were in full bloom, their blossoms towering way over Bradley’s head. Bradley cut right through them, pushing away thick flower stems, until he found a narrow food path that ran through the field.
“Brad!” Max had an incredulous tone to his voice, like he couldn’t actually believe he was chasing someone – Bradley of all people – through a flower field.
“Not my name!”, Bradley called back and he couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled from his chest.
The bodily activity made his heart beat faster, the thrill of the chase making him feel somewhat euphoric.
He heard Max’ laughing as he pushed forward, making his way through the floral labyrinth. “Keep complaining, like that I know where you are!”
The implied threat in his words made Bradley giggle with excitement.
The chase went on like that until Bradley finally felt his breath run short. He got slower and slower until he had just to accept that he wouldn’t be the winner of this race.
Funny. The second race he lost to Max, and this time he wasn’t even mad.
“Got ya!”, Max called when his hand grabbed onto Bradley’s shoulder.
Bradley just let out a breathy giggle, letting himself be spun around by the boy. He felt almost high, his heart still beating rapidly from all the running, Max’ strong arms wrapping around his middle and pulling him in.
“The fuck, Goof?”, he breathed, stemming his hands against Max’ shoulders, only halfheartedly trying to push him off.
“I caught you”, Max said and his brown eyes were blown wide, a dopy look inside them. “Now admit that you like me.”
“I don’t!”, Bradley protested, lightly pushing at the boy’s shoulders.
His head was spinning. Max was close. His hold on Bradley was firm. He could feel the strength inside the boy’s arms as Max kept him in place, pulling him in against his chest. Fuck.
“Say you like me.”
Bradley just laughed breathily, shaking his head.
Max was grinning up at him, that cute gap showing again. Bradley could feel Max’ breath hit the skin of his chin, warm and somewhat moist and sending a shiver down his spine. He felt his guts pull tight, a tingly sensation spreading through his entire body.
“Admit that you like me and totally tried to kiss me back there”, Max kept teasing, leaning in closer.
“I don’t and I didn’t”, Bradley protested, but it was breathy, barely more than a whisper.
He took a step back and Max just followed him, his arms still circled around Bradley’s waist. Fuck, he was getting light headed. He had to get out of this situation or … or …
He couldn’t think anymore.
“’kay then. I’ll make it easier for you”, Max kept on and his voice sounded just as breathless as Bradley’s.
“I like you”, Max said, his voice a deep whisper. “And I totally wanted you to kiss me back there.”
Bradley died and came back to life in a matter of seconds, heat blooming inside his chest and spreading through his entire body. There was just Max’ warmth, Max’ breath, Max’ arms wrapped around him, Max, Max, Max.
There was no sound to his voice. At least he couldn’t hear it over the low buzz in his ears.
Max was loosening his hold on Bradley’s waist, one of his hands wandering down to rest on his hip, the other caressing up and down Bradley’s side with featherlight touch that made his stomach tingle and his vision blur.
“I want to kiss you, Bradley”, Max said, and he was close enough now that Bradley could feel his hot breath ghost over his own lips.
If somebody had asked him what his name was right now, Bradley couldn’t have answered. His head was thoroughly empty, nothing on his mind but Max.
“Max”, he whispered, because it was the only word he could formulate at the moment.
“Can I kiss you, Bradley?”
Max eyes were heavily lidded, jumping between Bradley’s eyes and lips. He felt the tip of Max’ nose brush oh so faintly against his own, their breath mixing as he leaned in closer and closer.
“Max”, he breathed, his fingers gripping down on Max’ shoulders as his knees went weak.
“Push me away if you don’t want it”, Max said and Bradley could taste him on his tongue, could taste the warm air from Max’ mouth.
He was dizzy, everything a warm buzz. His head was empty and his whole body vibrating with the heavy pounding of his heart beat.
“Push me away”, Max whispered as he came impossibly closer, the sides of their noses brushing together, their lips only millimeters apart.
Bradley couldn’t have moved for the life of him. The last thing he wanted was to push Max away.
“’kay then”, Max breathed and Bradley felt his smile against his own lips, despite no longer being able to see it.
Max looked up at him one more time, giving him one last chance to push him away, to stop this from happening. Bradley didn’t budge.
Hehe. Mean cut, I know.
Link to 'Good Luck, Babe!' on ao3. (This scene is from chapter 5)
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sailor-aviator · 10 months
Do you think that tarzan!Bradley would feel insecure in their relationship, like he would feel inferior compared to other men since he is different? Maybe like her, he too is afraid that once their partner will see others, they will make comparisons and leave
No because, like, he WOULD feel this way actually.
The bar wasn't crowded, but it was still more people than he was used to, and Bradley didn't want to tear you away from the fun you were clearly having. He sat at the booth, watching you laugh and joke around with your friends. He loved seeing you like this, so carefree and happy. He loved the way your hair fell away from your face as your head tilted back. He loved the sound of your laughter as it echoed through the room. He loved the way your nose scrunched up as you smiled. He loved you.
Which is why he was feeling inadequate. Bradley wasn't the type to put himself in the middle of a social situation. Hell, he barely knew how to speak clear sentences sometimes. And you were so smart, able to captivate everyone you interacted with. You deserved someone like your friend Mike. He was...what was the word? Charismatic? Yeah. Mike was charismatic. He commanded the attention of everyone in the bar with his stories and the way he spoke. You should be with someone like him, not Bradley. You should be with someone whose hand you didn't have to hold constantly, who knew how the world worked.
"Hey, Monkey," you chirped, stopping as you took in his expression. "What's wrong?"
Bradley didn't say anything, instead choosing to give out a noncommital grunt as he sipped his water. You frowned, plopping down into the seat next to him and wrapping your arms around his shoulders as you nuzzled into his neck. You smirked when you heard his breath hitch, placing a chaste kiss to the column of his throat.
"Come on, Bradley," you coaxed. "Tell me what's bothering you."
"Nothing," he grumbled. "You should go be with Mike."
"Mike?" You blinked, pulling away and casting a glance back towards the bar before looking back at your boyfriend. "Why on earth would I want to go hang out with Mike over you?"
Bradley shrugged, refusing to meet your gaze. A spark of understanding passed through you, and you gave him a knowing look.
"Monkey," you began gently, trying and failing to get him to look at you. "Do you think that I should be with Mike over you?"
He nodded slowly, his frown deepening as he glared at the table. You sighed, moving to straddle him and burying your face into the crook of his shoulder. You placed a line of kisses up along his neck, then his jaw, and finally placing a final one on his lips. He hummed, kissing you back with a gentleness that made your heart hurt. Pulling away, you cupped his face in your hands, rubbing your thumb over the apples of his cheeks.
"Monkey," you hummed. "Tell me why you think that."
He sighed, big, brown eyes finally meeting yours.
"He's smart, funny, charismatic," he mumbled. You felt a wave of pride rush over you at his use of the word. He was learning so fast. "He can give you what I can't."
"Which is?" You challenged, lifting an eyebrow at him. His hands rubbed up and down your thighs as he thought about his next words.
"Normal. He can give you normal."
"Bradley," you cooed, leaning in to give him another kiss. He chased your lips as you pulled away, earning a giggle from you. "If I wanted Mike, I would already be with him. And since I'm with you, clearly I have much better taste than what you think I do."
He gave you a doubtful look and you leaned down to kiss the tip of his nose.
"I wish you saw yourself the way I see you," you murmured, gazing down at him fondly. Bradley's chest hurt with how beautiful you looked in that moment. Eyes hooded, lips upturned slightly as you gazed down at him with such intense adoration. He swallowed thickly, trying to fight off the emotion that threatened to overtake him.
"You are so kind," you hummed, "and sweet, and loving, and funny, and smart. You are everything to me and more. Don't you forget that, okay?"
You waited patiently until he nodded slowly, sniffing and blinking his eyes up at you. You'd never tire of the way he looked at you. Like you made the sun rise and fall. Like you hung the stars in the sky.
"Come on, Monkey," you grinned, climbing off of him and taking his hand. "I'd rather be at home curled up on the couch with you."
For the first time that night, Bradley smiled.
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callsign-dexter · 5 months
Request: I have been wondering how chicks uncles and aunts would react to her bringing a boy home. (It’s okay if you don’t want to
Pairings: Y/N Bradshaw-Seresin x OC!Mason Floyd, Bradley Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader, Jake Seresin x Daughter!Reader, Bradley Bradshaw x Jake Seresin, Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw x Carole Bradshaw, Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell x Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky
Warnings: swearing, fluff
Our Little Girl
A/N: Thank you @callsignblaze for requesting this and I'm so sorry for getting it out soooo late!
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You and Mason have been dating for a week now. You both had confessed your feelings to one another shortly after he met you on the beach. The first two people to find out about you and Mason were your fathers, Jake and Bradley. This is just because they had been standing in the kitchen watching out the window and saw you both kiss. Of course, at first, they were against it but they couldn’t have asked for anyone better for you to date, Mason was a Floyd after all they knew how to treat their loved ones and how to take care of them. Just because they had met him doesn't mean that they didn't want to still interrogate him. 
You and Mason had just gotten back from a date and he had just dropped you off. He had walked you to the door and kissed you before turning and leaving. He sat in his truck and made sure you got in safely before he took off and once inside and staring out the window he left. You hadn't noticed that your parents were standing in the door with a cheesy grin on their face. “Have him over for dinner.” Jake said behind you and you jumped out of your skin. You turned around.
“Pops! You almost gave me a heart attack.” You said putting a hand over your heart. You were too busy looking out the window watching Mason leave that you forgot about them being there.
“Sorry, Sweets.” Jake said and you nodded.
“It's ok. Back to the dinner part. You already know him. He hasn't changed.” You said 
“We know him as your friend Mason Floyd but we don't know him as your boyfriend Mason Floyd.” Bradley said and it dawned on you.
“You both just want to interrogate him, don't you?” You said with a signature Seresin smirk on your face they both blushed. They knew they had been caught.
“Yes.” They both said at the same time.
“Fine. I'll invite him over tomorrow night.” You said and they nodded “I'm gonna go shower and change then I'll meet you two down here for a movie and snacks.” You said even though you had just eaten with Mason.
“But we love you just the way you are.” Jake said, matching your smirk and you rolled your eyes.
“You know what I meant.” You said and pushed him playfully and walked off. As you got to your room you pulled out your phone and sent a text off to him.
Dad and Pops know about us. They want you to come over and ‘meet’ you.
Mason 'My Forever' Floyd: Meet me? They know me. 
Yes, I know. They said and I quote “We know him as your friend Mason Floyd but we don't know him as your boyfriend Mason Floyd.”
Mason 'My Forever' Floyd: Omg that's funny. When?
Tomorrow night.
Mason 'My Forever' Floyd: I'll be there.
This is going to be a disaster.
Mason 'My Forever' Floyd: No, it won't. It'll be fun and fine. Don't stress over it. 
You always know what to say. I'll text you when I go to bed.
Mason 'My Forever' Floyd: Looking forward to it. You have a fun movie night with them.
You chuckled and shook your head. He knew that the three of you had a movie night together most nights. You put your phone on charge and then got things for your shower. Once your shower was done you got dressed, grabbed your phone and headed downstairs where your dads were already queuing up a movie. “What are we watching?” You asked.
“The Proposal.” Bradley said as he finished getting the movie ready. Snacks and drinks were already on the coffee table. 
“I love that movie!” You exclaimed excitedly and walked over to the couch and snuggled into Jake and he welcomed it. They both chuckled. 
“We know. We love it too.” Jake said as Bradley sat on the other side of you and now you were sandwiched between them. 
“That's why we put it on.” Bradley said stealing you from Jake.
“Hey!” He protested 
“She's my kid too.” Bradley said and you just chuckled. Soon the movie was starting and the three of you got comfortable. The night continued on watching movies until all three of you were nearly asleep and you decided to call it a night. All 3 of you said your goodnights and I love yous then you were heading to bed. Once in bed you pulled out your phone.
Just got into bed. I'm still dreading tomorrow night.
Mason 'My Forever' Floyd: It'll be fine. We're in this together, babe. Try and get some sleep and try not to fret about it. 
You always know what to say, one of the many reasons I fell in love with you. Goodnight.
Mason 'My Forever' Floyd: That's because you're my soul mate. Goodnight. 
You blushed furiously as you stared at the text and then you were putting your phone away and falling asleep.
The next day was a Saturday and you were thankful for that. Not much was done on Saturdays in the Bradshaw-Seresin household. Really nothing was done on the weekends to you three it was time away from working and going to school. You always looked forward to weekends. 
10 AM rolled around and you were rolling out of bed to the smell of food. Bradley and Jake were always up way too early and they usually did stuff together like workout before they started to wake you up and make breakfast. You started to walk downstairs and into the kitchen to see Jake by the stove and Bradley at the kitchen table on his phone and coffee by his side. He would occasionally step in and help Jake if he needed but the kitchen was left to Jake mostly. “Good morning, Honey.” Bradley said as Jake said “Good morning, Sweets.” That made you smile.
“Mornin’.” You said still not 100% awake. “Smells good.” You said coming to sit on the counter as your parents gave a look but you didn't make a move to get up instead you just smirked.
“So, is Mason still coming over tonight?” Jake asked as he flipped the waffles and you nodded.
“Yes, he is.” You said 
“Good.” He said and Bradley just smiled and chuckled.
“We just want you to be safe and make sure he's the right one for you.” Bradley said and you nodded with a sigh.
“I know but I just really like him.” You said getting a dreamy look in your eye and they smiled.
“You know your dad and I hated each other when we met.” Jake said 
“Really?” You asked and they nodded.
“It wasn't our first-time meeting or dating.” Bradley let it slip.
“Really?” You asked again, shocked and they nodded.
“We dated for a while and then it ended on bad terms. We didn't see each other for a while until we met again at Top Gun. It was very tense but then afterwards we got together, got married, and then decided to have you with the help of Dakota.” Jake said and everyone got sad when Dakota's name was mentioned. The rest of the day and afternoon leading up to the night was filled with you and your dads being together and having family time. You were shocked but it made so much sense. The rest of the morning and afternoon was spent as a family and having the best time together.
 It finally came time for supper and you were so nervous even though they already knew Mason but they would be meeting him as your boyfriend and not their best friend’s kid. You had texted Mason earlier to tell him to be there at 6 PM. When the time came, he was there at 6 PM on the dot. You went and opened the door and there he stood with your favorite flowers, roses, and a gift for Jake, and Bradley. “Hey you.” He said and kissed you and you kissed back.
“Hey you.” You repeated with a smile when you pulled away. You allowed him to come in and he handed you the flowers 
“Good evening, sirs.” Mason said and held out his hand to shake. If this was the first time, he was meeting them as your boyfriend he was going to make a good first impression. 
“Good evening, Mason. You know us so you can call us by our names.” Jake said and he nodded. You had gone to put the flowers in water. He then handed Jake and Bradley arrived and he handed them their gift. 
“I was going to give you individual gifts but since I can't buy alcohol I decided to do a joint gift.” He added a little nervously. They both looked at each other and smiled. They then looked at the gift. It was a 3D Crystal Photo that was etched with a picture of you, Jake, and Bradley. It was a younger you were on a horse and they were on either side of you, you were smiling and they were looking at you smiling. 
“How did you get this picture?” Bradley asked in awe.
“I had Y/N send me it when I asked for it for a gift idea.” He said 
“Did she know about this?” Jake asked and he shook his head. “It's really lovely. We love it.” and Bradley nodded. “Dinner is almost ready. The steaks just have a few more minutes to go.” Jake said as they walked into the kitchen after he put the picture on the space that looked out into the living room to the kitchen.
“Anything I can help with?” Mason asked
“Can you and Y/N set the table?” Bradley asked
“Yes.” You and Mason said at the same time and they smiled. You both went to work setting the table while Jake and Bradley went outside to check the steaks and pull them off the grill. You and Mason chatted and laughed while Jake and Bradley looked into the house smiling. 
“They’re perfect for each other.” Bradley said and Jake nodded.
“Yeah, they are.” Jake agreed and then they were pulling the steaks off and heading back inside. The table was set and Jake was setting the steaks in the middle of the table. “The potatoes and mac n’ cheese are on the stove.” He said and you both nodded as everyone got their steaks and then went to the stove. Once everyone was seated everyone began to eat. It was quiet at first but it wasn’t awkward. 
“This is really good.” Mason said and Jake and Bradley smiled.
“Thank you, the mac n’ cheese is an old family recipe and the mashed potatoes is also a recipe from Jake’s family.” Bradley said and Jake nodded. The rest of the night went off without a hitch and you were so glad about that. They did grill him pretty hard but he stayed calm and answered all the questions with ease. But the time it was time for him to leave it was just like you were hanging out with Mason and it didn't matter that he was your boyfriend. Everything was great. You walked him to the door.
“I'm sorry for all that.” You told him and he shook his head.
“Nonsense. It was great. Your dads love me and I love them.” He said reassuring you and you nodded. “Hey.” He said and you looked up at him. “I love you.” He said.
“I love you too.” You said back and then he kissed you and then he was leaving. You turned around and there was Jake and Bradley.
“We approve.” They said at the same time and you chuckled.
“Thank you.” You said 
“Anytime, Sweets.” Jake said as they brought you into a hug. 
A week later Mason was having you over for dinner as a sort of ‘get to know the parents as boyfriend and girlfriend’. “Hey mom and dad I'm gonna have my girlfriend over.” He said looking nervous.
“Oh, how lovely! I can't wait to meet her!” Judy said excitedly and hugged her son and he hugged back smiling. 
“That's great, Mase. I'm sure she's gonna be lovely.” Bob said smiling and Mason smiled.
“She is.” He said and so when he went up to his room, he texted you the details smiling.
“Hey I'm going over to Mason's for dinner tonight.” You said and they smiled.
“Let me guess to do the same thing we did to him?” Bradley asked and you nodded.
“I'm actually glad you're doing it this way. Yes, we already know him and Bob and Judy know you but it's nice.” Jake said and you smiled.
“We have to thank you guys for that.” You chuckled
“What time are you heading over there?” Bradley asked 
“He wants me there at 6:30 PM.” You replied “But I'm leaving a little early to grab flowers for Judy and things they like.” You said and they smiled. 
“Bob likes Sparkling Apple Cider. He had it at our wedding and fell in love with it. Penny has it on stock at The Hard Deck.” Jake said and you smiled.
“Thanks Pops.” You said “I should get going if I want to stop by the store and bookstore.” You said
“Bookstore?” Bradley asked and you nodded.
“There is a book Mason has been dying to get but never gets a chance to so I'm getting it for him.” You said blushing a little.
“That is so sweet.” Both Jake and Bradley said at the same time and you looked down. 
“I need to go.” You said and they nodded.
“Yes, go go.” They said ushering you out as you grabbed your wallet and keys to your Jeep. You got in and headed to the bookstore when you parked you walked in and knew exactly where to go. You smiled when you saw it, a copy of The Outsiders and you grinned ear to ear. You walked to pay for it and smiled at the friendly cashier woman, Martha.
“Are you getting this for Mason?” She asked and you nodded.
“That's so lovely. I'm glad you got the last copy of it.” She said 
“Thank you.” You said as you grabbed the back and began to walk out and as you opened the door you looked back “Have a nice day, Martha! I'll see you soon!” You said and she smiled.
“Anytime my dear. Have a good night. Tell Mason I said hi.” She said and you smiled.
“Will do.” You said and then left. You got in your Jeep and put the book in the passenger seat and headed to the grocery store. You were quick to park and walk in. You first grabbed the Sparkling Apple Cider and then an arrangement of Lilies, Daisies, Snapdragons, Alstroemerias, Gladiolus’, Orchids’ and Iris’. You might’ve gone overboard but you couldn't help yourself. Once you were done there you were heading to their place. You were quick to arrive and walked up the door and rang the doorbell and Mason opened it. “Hey, Martha says hi.” You said and he kissed you.
“Hi, when did you see her?” He asked 
“When I got your favorite book that you've been wanting.” You said and pulled it out. 
“Y/N/N thank you so much. I've been meaning to get this.” He said in awe.
“I know I got the last one.” You said and then kissed you and then he was bringing you in. 
“Mom. Dad. My girlfriend is here.” Mason said and here they came.
“Y/N you're his girlfriend?!” Judy said excitedly and you smiled and nodded. “Finally! I'm so happy!” She said and hugged you and you hugged back. 
“I'm so happy you're his girlfriend.” Bob said and hugged you once Judy released you.
“Oh Judy, these are for you.” You said and handed Judy her flowers.
“Oh Y/N/N these are amazing. Thank you so much. These are my favorites.” Judy said and you smiled as she kissed your cheek.
“Bob, these are for you.” You said as you handed him an 18 pack of Sparkling Apple Cider.
“Thank you so much. How did you know?” He asked, looking at you adoringly.
“Pops helped me with the idea. He said that you fell in love with it at their wedding and that Penny has it on stock at The Hard Deck. I also know you don't drink.” You said sheepishly.
“Thank you.” He said and hugged you and you hugged back. Judy had walked into the kitchen to finish dinner and to put the flowers away. About a minute later you, Bob, and Mason walked in. 
“Is there anything I can do?” You asked and she smiled sweetly at you. 
“You can help me with the rest of cutting the vegetables up and fixing the salad while the boys’ man the grill.” She said and you smiled and did just that. 
Soon dinner was ready and you 4 were sitting down to eat. They asked you questions but it wasn't as intense as your dads asked. It helped that they practically helped raise you. You stayed a little bit longer which they insisted that you didn’t need to but you insisted and then you watched a movie together. Once the movie was over Mason was walking you to your Jeep. “I think our parents are ok with us dating.” He chuckled and you nodded.
“I mean they practically did raise us from the start.” You chuckled
“I’m so glad you’re my girlfriend.” He said and you smiled.
“I’m so glad you’re my boyfriend.” You replied and he smiled and kissed you and you happily returned that kiss. Then you were pulling apart and getting in and heading home. He made sure you were out of the neighborhood safely before going back inside. When you got home you let him know it was only fair since he let you know he was home last time.
You and Mason had been dating for a month now and it was great. You honestly don’t know what took you guys so long to admit your feelings and just go for it but you’re glad you did. The Daggers would have a monthly BBQ. It was just a way for everyone to be themselves around each other without work and it was a way to make their squadron stronger even though they were a strong squadron. “How do you think I should introduce Mason as my boyfriend? I know they know him but you know.” You said as you guys were shopping for food the day before.
“Well, you could always say your boyfriend is coming over and then Mason shows up.” Bradley pitched and you thought about it.
“Yeah, that sounds like a good plan.” You and Jake said at the same time and Bradley chuckled.
“No denying you’re her father.” He chuckled 
“Hey there is no denying you’re her father too, Rooster.” Jake said, bringing out his callsign.
“Oh, you did not.” You and Bradley said at the same time in the same tone.
“See?” Jake asked, smirking. You both rolled your eyes “There it is again.” He chuckled and Bradley flipped him off which made you laugh. The rest of the shopping trip was spent playfully picking at each other and having fun. When you got back into the truck after helping load the groceries you texted Mason the plan and he was all for it and then you texted Bob and Judy and they too were all for it.  
The next day Jake and Bradley started early getting everything set up and cleaned up. When you got up around 10 AM you got yourself ready for the day and then started to help them out. Music was playing and you three made it fun instead of a chore. When everything was done and it was time for The Daggers to come over you guys were ready. They started to show up in pairs or by themselves. They greeted you and your dads and whoever was over at the time. Once everyone was settled and had drinks or food you broke the news. “Hey my boyfriend is coming over in a few minutes.” You said and tried to hide the knowing smile. 
“Oh, Baby Bradshaw-Seresin is dating?” Natasha smirked and you nodded. 
“Who is this mysterious boy?” Javy asked
“You'll find out soon.” You replied. Carole, Goose, Maverick, and Ice were there as well and they knew because you told them and boy were they excited. Goose had to be Goose and be all dramatic about saying ‘My Chick is growing up! She's dating! Next thing you know she's married and having kids! My heart can't take it!’ Everyone just chuckled but they knew he was right they didn't want you growing up too fast but once they found out it was Mason all that changed. They still didn't want you to grow up but they knew Mason would take good care of you.
“How long have you been dating?” Mickey asked 
“A month.” You replied with ease. 
“You're really not going to tell us?” Ruben asked and you shook your head pulling the Seresin smirk. It was a few minutes and everyone went back to themselves and then the doorbell rang.
“Oh, that's him! I'll go and get it!” You said and skipped off. You opened the door and there stood Mason and you kissed him while pulling him in.
“Do they know it's me?” He asked and you shook your head and chuckled “Well let's go and reveal it then.” He said and you grabbed his hand and walked out to the backyard.
“Oh hey, Mason! We're waiting for Y/N's boyfriend.” Natasha said and he looked at you and you smirked.
“Babe, are you cheating on me?” He asked, smirking so you can only see it. 
“On you? Baby not in a million years.” You said and kissed him and then it started to click in people's heads.
“Wait..... What?! No way! You're dating him! Finally! It's about time!” Javy said and ran up to you both and hugged you both and then he lightly hit you “Why wasn't I the first to know! I'm always the first to know!” He said with a hurt expression on his face and you chuckled.
“I know but we wanted some time to actually be a couple before telling people.” You explained and he nodded. He understood. “We really only told Dad, Pops, Bob, and Judy just because they're our parents. Then Goose, Grandma Carole, Grandpa Maverick and Grandpa Ice found out by accident.” You said and they nodded.
“I knew it all along. You two were too friendly with each other. Also, the way you gossiped all about him and were all gushy gushy about him I put two and two together. Also, I saw you two out and about holding hands and kissing.” She said smugly.
“How?” Jake said 
“They happened to be at the same restaurant I was at getting food.” She said with a shrug “Then I saw them going to ice cream and they were holding hands.” She said smirking and you and Mason were blushing and you hid into his neck and he cuddled you. 
“Aww look at them getting all cute!” Carole gushed and that made you go redder. 
“It's too cute!” Goose gushing with his wife. Ice and Maverick just smirked because they agreed with them. 
“No. Absolutely not. Our baby is growing up.” Mickey said in denial. 
“I won't allow it.” Mickey said, shaking his head. You and Mason laughed.
“I'm sorry guys but we really love each other.” You said and Mason nodded.
“No, not the ‘l’ word! I can't… I just can't.” Ruben said and turned away like he was fake crying and Mickey turned to him comforting him.
“I know. I know. Let it all out.” Mickey said and everyone just smiled because they knew they were putting on a show. Ruben turned around and took a breath. He looked at you both in each other's arms.
“Nope. I can't. I just-” He said and you both walked over and hugged him.
“Shhhh, I'm still you're Bunny. I'm still the same energized little girl, I just have a partner in crime now.” You said and he nodded. 
“I'm really happy for you guys. You both picked good ones.” Ruben said 
“They sure did.” Mickey added and joined in on the hug. Everyone was smiling. They were really happy you two had each other and like Ruben said you two picked good ones. Once Mickey and Ruben accepted it the night went on like nothing changed. Mason did get grilled with 20 questions even though they did know him but they just wanted to be sure. You weren't off the hook either, questions were thrown at you too but you answered them. 
The night ended and everyone was leaving. Bob and Judy stayed to help clean up because that's just who they are. You and Mason fell on the couch “Exhausted?” He asked and you nodded and laid your head on his shoulder.
“I'm glad they approve.” You said and he kissed your temple.
“We knew they would.” He said and you smiled.
“Yea I know.” You chuckled then both sets of parents came in.
“We're really so glad you're both dating.” Judy said and everyone nodded and you both smiled. 
“We love you guys. We just want you both to be safe.” Bob said and you both nodded.
“We will be.” You and Mason said.
“Thank you for telling us first.” Bradley said 
“It really meant a lot to us.” Jake said 
“We agreed that we would tell you guys first. You're important to us.” Mason said and you nodded and they smiled. They all hugged you and then left. Now it was you and Mason on the couch enjoying each other's embrace. Tonight, couldn't have gone any better and it was perfect, you both were just glad everyone approved. 
Everything was perfect.
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roger-that-cap · 11 months
bradley bradshaw x fem!reader
warnings: cheating (it’s not bradley who does it but it is on the reader), slight emotional cheating, alcohol use, uh that’s it really! unedited as always!
word count: 4.4k
summary: bradley bradshaw has a best friend. he is also in love with his best friend. it’s a shame that everything’s just a little too delicate to mess with.
the way that i’m actively participating in this fandom is literally so funny to me considering i swore off posting my work in any fandom in like 2022 but here we are. my obsession with the white man with the mustache cannot be thwarted by words of the past. or the man with the cute glasses. or the cocky one with the toothpick. but we’ll take it one day at a time
also this is inspired by delicate by taylor swift ofc 🤪 this is for all my lover girls/boys/friends who want hot guys to dream of them. we are cut from the same cloth and we are two sides of the same coins.
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Bradley Bradshaw was an outgoing guy. He was the guy that stopped the music just so that he could put on a show of his own. He was the guy that walked in late, expected attention, and got it. He was the guy that took other people out of their shells. He was confident in a way that was endearing. He was steady on his feet and he never faltered.
Until he met you.
The first time he saw you at the Hard Deck, he was intimidated. You were having so much fun on your own with your little group, clearly civilians who ended up in a bar full of sharks in uniform. That first night, all he did was look from afar.
The second time he saw you, your group was a little smaller, but you were still sporting that same smile. He was close enough to hear you turn a few men down over the course of the night, and that was enough to throw him off again. If it was meant to be, he’d see you again, he thought to himself.
And then he saw you again.
It was the night Penny finally put a karaoke machine in the bar. Bradley managed to convince all of the squad to come, simply because he scheduled himself for at least 3 songs. So they all showed up, and just as he was about to start thinking of what his opener was going to be, the bar music stopped and the karaoke machine started playing, accompanied with girly laughter.
There you were. Standing right at the front of the room with sunglasses over your face and a mic to your lips, fighting a smile as you started a one woman rendition of “End Game” by Taylor Swift.
It was clear by the grin on your face that you were doing it purely to make your friends laugh. He watched you in awed silence, dancing all over the small space and laughing when you took a misstep.
“She’s more ballsy than even you, Bradshaw,” Hangman said, nodding up to you dancing. “Or maybe the word is obnoxious.”
“She’s so cute,” Natasha said, laughing. “I love it.”
“Big reputation, BIG reputation,” you were saying into the mic, leaning halfway over.
“I’d have to be so drunk to do that,” Bob muttered to himself, but even he couldn’t deny the guts it took to go up there even as a joke.
The song ended, and you kindly handed the mic to the man standing at the machine, a sheepish look on your face until you were surrounded by your laughing friends.
“You gonna top that, Bradshaw?” Jake asked, and then Bradley looked over at you again, still smiling.
“I’ll let the bar cool down and prepare for me,” Bradley said, still looking over at you. It was then that Jake caught him.
“Why don’t you go talk to her?”
“You should talk to her,” Jake repeated, and Bradley frowned at him. “She's pretty. Looks nice enough.” There was a pause, and then that ever-mocking smirk that came to haunt everyone’s dreams. It meant Jake was up to something. “Or I will.”
So, he did. He walked up to you, thinking it couldn’t possibly be that bad. The worst thing you could do was say “no”, and he would take that in stride. He never had to before, but he would if it meant he could just talk to you. Just see.
He was walking up to you, coming from behind, and then it was like you knew he was coming, because you whipped right around. And then he caught your eyes and all he could say was, “I love your hair.”
He kicked himself in that moment, but he realized afterwards that was probably what saved him. It was a strange comment, but it was better than a sleazy one. It was probably the only reason you didn’t tell him to leave you alone right away.
“Thanks!” You looked him up and down, but it wasn’t super flirtatious- you were just looking, like you were searching for a genuine compliment to give him. You just looked so sweet. “That mustache and shirt combo is awesome. I wish I could pull off colors like you.”
And that was the story of how you and Bradley became close friends. In the beginning, he told himself that he was okay with being just friends with the pretty middle school teacher. He was totally okay with you having a boyfriend, because he was your friend, and only that. But every time he saw you smile and laugh or how passionate you were while creating your lesson plans, he couldn’t help but know that he was lying to himself.
It didn’t help that your boyfriend was a piece of shit. Originally he wasn’t one outright, it was just the little things. He walked on the wrong side of the sidewalk. Bradley witnessed him make you split the tab at the bar. He had a wandering eye. He touched you only when another man got close, almost like he was guarding a treasure rather than protecting the love of his life. It was all wrong, and it all left a sour taste in Bradley's mouth.
The sour taste only got worse when five months into knowing you, that same good for nothing boyfriend of yours got another girl pregnant.
Bradley could have sworn that he was going to get discharged for beating up an enlisted man the first time he heard the news. You were crying, bawling your eyes out over the phone in the middle of the night, crying so hard you were nearly throwing up. You told him that you were calling him because you had nowhere to go and you had to get out of your house. He didn’t blame you. In fact, he had never driven so fast.
So, you stayed at his house that night. One night turned into three, and then three nights turned into a week, and it snowballed from there. At first, it was easy to hide his feelings. You were sad, and making a move was the last thing on his mind. All he wanted was for you to feel better, and soon you eventually did. But his selfish mind almost wished that you never had, because the second you started smiling again in his house, in such close quarters to each other, he felt his resolve slipping.
He felt the words coming on the tip of his tongue every morning. You left earlier than him to go to your classroom and set up, and you always left coffee out for him. Sometimes you made his eggs if you had enough time. You made dinner more often than not, insisting on doing that if he wasn’t going to charge you for staying with him. And then you would pick the best movies and you liked the ones he picked, too. You sang in the shower and the bathroom you used always had makeup and face wash and a comb in it, but you still kept it neat. The words were close to escaping his mouth, but when he clamped his teeth down and held it in, it made that same sour taste that your boyfriend did.
That very sour taste in his mouth was there at the bar when he realized he was watching you far too often for it to be friendly. The last thing he wanted to do was make it seem like he was trying to make a move on you while you were clearly still trying to get over what your ex had done.
“You’d better get your girl, Bradshaw,” Jake drawled, and Bradley rolled his eyes.
“She’s not my girl and she’s a grown woman, she can do what she wants,” he said tiredly, his voice so monotonous that the words sounded rehearsed. He knew that all his friends knew that they were, and it seemed like everyone but you had caught on to the hopeless romantic act he was hiding.
“Well, she never drinks and she doesn’t look like she’s handling it too well.” And then Bradley’s head whipped to the side, just where he knew you were.
Just as Jake said, you were walking up to the karaoke machine, an equally drunk Natasha by your side as you looked through the selection, no doubt about to pick something obnoxious. You weren’t as alert as you usually were, and it worried him. You hated being out of it, that’s why you never drank. He walked up to you quickly, knowing that if you started a song there was no taking you away until it was over.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Bradley said from behind you, and he saw your shoulders tense. “I think it’s time to wrap it up.”
“Wrap it up?” You slurred, looking up at him with those pretty eyes that always made his heart skip a beat. “Wrap it up?!” Natasha grimaced at you and then at him, already knowing exactly where it was going. “You know who didn’t wrap it up-”
“It’s okay, that’s not what he meant,” Nat rushed out, turning to look at Bradley. Natasha was one of those that could be four times over the legal limit and no one would no. He envied her in that regard. You were clearly the opposite.
“I just wanted to sing a song,” you said, poking Bradley’s firm chest. “You gonna let me sing a song, Rooster?” There was something about the way you said his callsign that had his cheeks going red. You always called him Bradley, except for when you had that one look in your eye, the one that really had him biting his tongue. “You gonna get off that perch and sing with me?”
“I think it’s time to drop you off at your place,” he assured you without even thinking, but he immediately wanted to swallow his own words when Natasha shook her head rapidly.
“I got kicked out,” you hiccuped, giving him a pointed look. “I sleep in your bed, remember?” You had no idea how much he wanted that to be true.
“Not in my bed,” he corrected quickly when Natasha’s brows shot upward. “In my house.”
“Well, you should probably take her home before she starts a song,” Nat whispered. “She was about to pick “Cowboy Casanova”, that was going to be a disaster.”
He chucked a bit as he touched your arm, his heart fluttering as you looked up at him with your pretty, expressive eyes. His laugh died in his throat. “A-are you ready?”
“Do I get a Bronco ride?”
“You sure do,” he said, and then you two were walking out in the night.
It was easy to get you in the car. You were an easy drunk, just loud. He buckled you up easily and shut the door as you started your own rendition of some Taylor Swift song you had probably told him to listen to.
After your song ended, the ride was quiet. He was happy with the quiet. He was happy because that meant he didn’t have to open his mouth to talk, which meant that he could physically roll his lips shut. Closed lips meant that there was no possibility of him saying something and fucking up a good time. But he couldn’t ignore the fact that you were grinning from ear to ear.
“You’re all smiles now,” he couldn’t help but point out, and he saw you turn towards him.
“You make me smile,” you said easily, still drunk, but it made his heart skip regardless.
Once again, the ride was quiet besides the purring of his Bronco and the occasional blinker noise. Even the music was turned down, but your head was bobbing to some imaginary beat. He couldn't help but make himself see this as a nicer moment than it really was, as a sweeter moment. In reality, he was taking you home because you were about to drunkenly sing a Carrie Underwood song that was going to have you feeling humiliated by the morning. In his mind, he was simply taking you home and making sure you got inside safely. In his mind, it was a simple night, free of drama. There was certainly no cheating boyfriend and no tears.
“What do you dream about?”
Your quiet yet certain tone broke the tension in the atmosphere of his Bronco. “What?”
And then you spoke again, somehow sounding completely sober. “What do you dream about, Bradley?”
“Uh,” he said, feeling his cheeks get a little pink. “I guess it depends.”
“Sometimes I can’t help but wonder-” a small burp escaped your lips— definitely drunk—, “do you ever dream of me?”
His heart stopped. He was so glad you were drunk. There was no way you were going to be able to remember the way he uncharacteristically stuttered or didn’t respond for a few seconds. There was no way you’d remember the flush of his cheeks under the bright light.
You seemed deadly serious. “Do you ever dream of me?”
“I…” almost to his place. Almost to his place. “I think about you a lot,” he settled on saying, his voice much higher than usual.
“Thinking is nice. I can take thinking as the answer. At least thinking is on purpose,” you reasoned with yourself, seemingly to have forgotten he was even there to begin with. “But dreaming is different.”
He was intrigued. His heart was racing, and his hands felt sweaty on the steering wheel. “How so?”
“Dreaming is you being unable to escape a thought,” you said, and he wondered just how you were managing to get your point across so easily while being so smashed. “Dreaming of someone would mean that you think of them even when you’re not thinking. Your subconscious mind lies with them. It’s deeper.”
You were right. He hadn’t thought about it that way, but you were right. There were plenty of things that he swore he was over that he still had nightmares about and every time they happened, he had to face the music.
“I guess what I’m trying to say is that I really hope you think about me enough to see me in your dreams.”
He couldn’t say anything. What was he supposed to say? That he certainly did, and that every free moment his mind had meant that it was a free for all full of you and everything about you? Hell, he had once even thought about what your next classroom theme could be. You were that embedded into his mind.
“Wait, is it cool that I said all that?” You asked, blinking up at him slowly as the car came to a stop in your driveway. “I just get really in my head sometimes, sorry if I ruined tonight,” you said, shaking your head with a huge smile, as if you didn’t just rock his entire world in a ten minute drive. “Okay, goodnight.” And then you were jumping out of the car.
“Woah,” he called, racing around from his side and picking you up off the ground. You were laughing, clearly not aware that you had just fallen all over the cement of his driveway. You held onto his arm as he walked the both of you up to his front door, and you almost tripped on a crack in the cement.
“My keys.” You had them in your hand, and for a second, he just watched you calmly struggle with that stupid little smile on your face, like you had all the time in the world as the key kept missing the hole that it didn’t even belong to. “Maybe it’s the wrong door.”
He couldn’t help but laugh when he took the keys from you, already halfway forgetting your conversation from earlier. He held onto your keys as he unlocked his door with his own. He opened the door easily and let you in, prepared to tell you goodnight and go right to his room and try to forget the other was right on the other side of the wall, like you two had done so many times before.
“Where ya going?” Before he could even answer, you frowned at him. “You’re ditching me?”
He turned back around. “Do you need help?”
“I’m a big girl, I can take my dress off,” you said with a grin. “But I- I don’t know. I don’t wanna be alone yet.”
“Okay,” he breathed out. “Okay, you don’t have to be alone.”
And so you weren’t. He stood at the doorway of his guest bathroom, the one that had the makeup and pink towel and even a pink rug. He had given up the space to you without second thought, and as he watched you dart around in it and start to take your hair down and take your makeup off, he couldn’t help but feel his heart swell. You looked so comfortable in his house. It was all he ever wanted wrapped up in just one moment.
“Do you wanna know what broke me the most?” You asked out of the blue as you started to wipe your lipstick off, eyes connecting with his in the mirror. You took a deep breath to wind up for the next round of words even without his response. He knew that you were going to talk regardless. It was one of the things he loved about you.
“I wasn’t even sad about the fact that he cheated. I was happy.”
He was thrown on his ass again by you. You had a habit of taking his breath away more than once a day, probably once every two hours or so to be exact, but this was different. You were pulling no punches. You were throwing hand grenades in the form of words tonight, and he wasn’t even sure you were aware of it.
“It gave me an excuse to leave him. But then there was three or so moments and I realized the reason I was okay with it was because I was finally free of guilt, because the whole time I was with him- I’m an awful person,” you started sobbing and you let yourself sink to the floor, sitting on the pink rug. His brows lifted to his forehead for a split second before he went right down to the ground with you, and his hand found your skin and your back soothingly.
“You’re not a bad person, not even close.” He shook his head. You were an angel. He was genuinely convinced of that.
“I wanted you the whole time.” you slurred, eyes wide but not as present as he wanted them to be. Not while you said the exact words that he had been harboring since what felt like the beginning of time. “Almost ever since I met you. And I can’t help but feel sick when I think about how what he did is my karma.”
He was in shock. He didn’t know if he was more surprised about the fact that you were being so open about something that he was so hush-hush about, or about the fact that you said you wanted him. You wanted him. This was something out of his wildest dreams- just as you had predicted. And then he crashed back down to reality and realized you were drunk off your ass in a party dress, so fucked up that your legs were going every which way and your lipstick was smeared.
“Nothing happened, you didn’t do anything wrong,” he said quietly, ignoring the fact that his stomach felt like it was doing a Simone Biles level floor routine.
“But I would’ve,” you admitted, “if you had given me the sign.” Your bottom lip wobbled, and then you were full on sobbing. “I’m a disgusting person. Awful. Oh my god,” you whined, hands over your face as you hyperventilate on his wooden floor.
You were fucked up.
You were so gone, there was no denying that. He forced himself to let the words go in one ear and out the other, and when he took a few deep breaths of his own, he realized that you were still crying.
“You’re not a bad person, I promise.” You didn’t say anything, but after a few moments, he was sure you weren’t going to change your mind. “I think you’ll feel better if we cleaned you up.”
Your mascara was running, your lipstick was still smeared, and you kind of looked like a hot mess, but you were still gorgeous to him. You always would be. You didn’t say anything, and he took a makeup wipe from the counter and without a word started to wipe your face.
It was a silent exchange. Probably because the both of you were too scared to say much else. You let him wipe your face off and then he helped you stand. You let him take your heels off for you. He left for a few seconds and came back with some of your clothes, the nice pajamas he knew you liked to sleep in, and then started the shower and left. You were in and out.
When you were all done, he was sitting at the table. It was late, but he was drinking a beer with his back turned to you. He heard you clear your throat, and he had to stop himself from jumping.
“Goodnight,” you said quietly, and when he said it back, he heard you turn around and walk back to the room he had given you, and the door hut.
He wasn’t going to sleep well at all.
It was Sunday morning. The worst morning for this situation to be happening. If it was a weekday, you would’ve already been gone, at least. He would have had the whole day to think about how to go about it. But it was Sunday morning, and neither of you went to church. You were stuck.
He didn’t expect you to be up. He knew that he could probably walk to the kitchen and be in the living room for most of the morning without you coming out. Your hangover had to be awful. So, he padded out of his bedroom, rubbing his face and going straight to the coffee pot.
That already had coffee in it.
“Hi.” His entire posture changed.
How he had entirely missed you sitting at the table, he didn’t know. But there you were, a cup of coffee in your hands and a small smile on your face.
You were beautiful. He didn’t know how you didn’t look like you were hit by a bud considering how messed up you were last night, but how could you ever? You always looked so out together and so cute. Of course you could smile with a hangover.
“Good morning,” he said, his raspy voice coming out surprised. He was looking at you cautiously, not quite sure if you remembered what happened. “How’d you sleep?”
“Like a baby,” you said, now you were grinning. “It was so nice. Peaceful.” He decided that you definitely didn’t remember a thing, and he relaxed.
He ignored the wave of sadness that came with the loss of tension.
“What about you?” You asked, genuinely wondering, and he sighed. “You have any dreams?” He took a look at you from over the coffee mug he was drinking from. “You know I minored in psych, I love dreams.”
“No, no dreams,” he said, trying to shut out that whole conversation from last night. “I just can’t believe you’re waking up so… happy. Everyone but me and Bob was so drunk.”
“I had a rough night? I cried a lot, huh?” You asked, and he almost laughed in wonder. How did you not realize that he was literally in love with you? How could you forget that the words you said last night were probably the most important ones he had ever heard?
“Yeah, but it’s okay. Everyone has a rough night every once in a while. I’m surprised you don’t have a headache or anything.”
“Yeah. It’s probably canceled out because of the lack of stress I feel now,” you said, and he nodded his head when he assumed that you were talking about shedding the skin of the man that was holding you back. “It was real nice to get all that off my chest.”
He froze.
You were just drinking from your mug, making annotations in your book. He was staring at you with wide eyes as he tried to understand what to make of what you just said. “Thanks for taking my makeup off, too. That would have ruined my skin progress.”
Holy shit, you remembered everything. “What?”
You had to be playing with him. There was no other way. You finally shut your book, and then you leaned forward on your hands and looked at him with your eyes, one of his biggest weaknesses. “I meant everything I said, Bradley.”
“You remember?”
“Yeah, I always do,” you said, shrugging your shoulders. “That's why I don’t drink. I do things I normally wouldn’t but I never have the luxury of forgetting, so I always wake up embarrassed.”
Did you realize that you were holding his heart in your hands? “Are you embarrassed now?” Please don’t be embarrassed that you said those things. Please don’t be embarrassed because they’re not true. God, let it all be true.
“Only if you want nothing to do with me,” you said softly, looking at him with such vulnerability that it made his heart skip a beat.
“Are you kidding?” He finally said, and he knew then that you were right about letting the feeling lift off of his chest. “You’re in my dreams almost every night, that’s gotta count for something.”
You made the first move to get to him. He realized then that you were a master at making the first move- he had only done it once (after striking out twice) but you had done it twice in two days. And then you were all in his space, breaching it with a certain confidence that made him weak in the knees. It made him want to hold you and hold onto you.
“Almost?” you asked, and as he looked down at you from so close up, he knew what he had already suspected to be true; he was a goner. “I want every dream.”
“Who would I be to deny you?” And then he made a move of his own, kissing you and effectively tying the score 2-2.
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itsyassbitch · 1 year
✈︎A plus one✈︎ Chapter I
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Chapter II
Summary: Bradley has always been the single friend of all of his friend groups. However he’s tired of everyone trying to set him up with random women until one day he asks you to be his plus one to his friends marriage so they stop bothering him about getting a girl. What happens when you both start liking this lie you’ve been telling people? Warnings: None at the moment; probably smut, alcohol consumption, a little bit of angst, cursing, ...
Chapter one
Bradley has always considered himself as a lonely wolf, he’s never liked a woman enough to make it official. Besides, being a Naval aviator never helped his issues. Since he was aways on deployment, he didn’t really had time to find a good woman and settle in. As a result, this last decade has been more complicated to him than ever, with practically all his friends getting married, people constantly asked him why he was still single and even tried to set him up with some random women.
That’s how he finds himself in this situation, trying to convince one of his teammates to accompany him to his friend’s wedding. He was so sick of people trying to set him up that he told Thomas that he was having a plus one so they would stop embarrassing him. The problem is that he was as single as ever and the only people he used to socialize with were his coworkers.
He had thought about asking Natasha to be his plus one, but he knew that things would be so awkward, so he didn’t even try talking to her. Then, he wasn’t as close to Halo to ask her something like this. But at that moment he thought about you: You were good friends; you were funny and very pretty too. He could make more than one jealous by attending it with you.
Nevertheless, you weren’t fond of the idea and asked him “Why wouldn’t you just bring a real date to this wedding?” and he answered like it was obvious “Because I told him months ago about the plus one, so if I bring someone, she’ll have to know me quite well”. “Just take Hangman then, he knows you very well, biblically and all”, she said with a smirk on. “Stop teasing Viper, if I take Jake, he’ll only brag about the fact that he gets more chicks than I do… not to say that they know I don’t like guys. Come on, please say yes” he says with puppy dog eyes. “What’s in that for me?” you ask rolling your eyes. “Literally anything you want, I’ll do whatever you tell me for a week!”, “A month” you say trying to negotiate. “Two weeks” he says, “Deal!”
And that is how you found yourself caught up in this situation. Bradley told you that it would be a whole week in Hawaii with the bachelor / bachelorette party Wednesday, the venue would be Saturday along with the brunch on Sunday, so you’d have to fly Sunday night and be back the next Sunday after brunch.
Accordingly, you packed some beach clothes, swimsuits, your wedding and brunch outfits and some clothes more revealing for the bachelorette party or if you had another night out.
When you were done getting ready to go, you received a message from Bradley:
Chicken🐔:  I’m outside, do you want some help with your bags?
Me: Nah I’m good, I only have my bag and a suitcase, and it isn’t that heavy. I’m already coming out.
Chicken🐔: Alright, no problem.
Once you leave your house you see his blue Bronco parked at your from porch while he gets out of the car to help you put your suitcase in the trunk. He’s wearing black sport shorts, a grey Nike hoodie and black vans along with his aviators while you are wearing low waisted grey sweatpants, a navy-blue baby tee, new balance shoes and your own sunglasses.
“Hey fake boyfriend, how are you doing baby?” you say mocking him. “Hello sweetheart, you love pretty today”  he says carrying on with you little game. “Oh, shut up” you say with a desperate smile while getting in the car.
“So, how is this whole thing going to work? I mean, have you made up some back stories yet?” You say while he drives the car to the airport. “No, I haven’t yet, thought it would be better to do it with since you’ll have to remember all that bullshit too” “Yeah, you’re not totally wrong. Let’s start with simple things like how we met.” “Maybe we won’t have to lie about this one, we can say that we met on base when we were deployed together…” “Half-truths, I like that” you say with a little grin.
By the time you got to the airport, you had an acceptable story to tell people about your fake couple so they wouldn’t find it suspicious.  As you waited for your flight departure, you and Bradley had lunch because you didn’t have time to eat at home, it was nothing much, just a sandwich because you knew you were going to eat during you flight too. Before boarding you made sure to take yourself a green juice and a beer for Rooster.
The flight was quite long to Hawaii, around six hours, so you made sure to  take a book you wanted to finish but didn’t have time because of. Rooster only had his phone and his headphones, so you only talked occasionally.
Halfway through the flight, the lights were turned off so you decided instead of continuing reading your book you’d just watch the episodes of Vampire Diaries you’ve downloaded on Netflix, and you asked Bradley if he would like to watch it with you. At first, he was really into the story but then you noticed that he was falling asleep, but you didn’t say anything because you both had a rough day at work. At some point, he laid his head on your shoulder and was caught by surprise, you didn’t say anything and let him rest there.
About an hour later, the flight attendants started giving passengers their meals and drinks until one came to you and asked, “Excuse me ma’am, would your boyfriend like to eat something?” “Oh no, he’s not my… um actually yes, you can just give it to me, and I’ll wake him up” you answered with a smile, trying to get used to call Bradley your boyfriend. “Alright, what will you take then? We have fish, chicken, and a vegan option if you’d like” she said a little lower, to not wake him up. “One fish and one chicken please” “no problem, would you like to drink something?” “Two cokes please”.
“There you go” she said, making everything fit on your table while trying to not bump into him “Thank you!” You said when she started moving to another passenger and she just smiled at you.
“Roos… wake up, dinner’s here” you called as calmly as possible “what? What happened?” he asked, still half asleep. “The food’s here and it would be a shame to eat it cold. I took you a coke too” “Oh, thanks. You didn’t have to” “Don’t worry about it” you smiled; he looked like a puppy sleepy. “How long did I sleep?” He asked taking his food to his own table “Not very long, an hour maybe.” “Thanks for letting me sleep. What happened between Elena and Damon while I was asleep?” He said a bit embarrassed about the situation. “My my, Bradley Bradshaw was actually enjoying Vampire Diaries, who would have thought” you exclaimed. “Hey, it’s not my thing but it’s not either” he argues. “Whatever helps you sleep at night Bradshaw” you laughed while eating your meal.
When you arrived in Hawaii it was already one in the morning so Rooster decided it was better to take a cab to the hotel and explained that he would rent a car the next day. You didn’t argue with him, you were exhausted and only wanted to take a shower and sleep. As soon as you got to the hotel his friends were at Bradley told you could sit, he would take care of everything, and you thanked him while he walked away to the reception desk to check in. “Hello, how can I help you?” The receptionist questioned “Hi, I have a reservation under Bradshaw” “Oh yes, let me just check very quickly” she answered while typing on the keyboard. “Here you are! So, it was a suite with a Queen bed for a week. Is that right?” “There must be a problem, I reserved a room with two beds” “I’m apologize for our, there must have been a misunderstanding during the call. Unfortunately, all the rooms with double bedding have been booked. Would like me to add another single bed bedroom?” “Can you just wait a second? I must talk with my friend about it” “Yes, no problem. Sorry again” she him an upside-down smile while he returned next to you. “Hey, what’s up? Somethings wrong? “Yeah um, there’s a problem with the reservation? For the love of God Rooster, don’t tell me you booked in the wrong!” You started to panic because of how exhausted you are. “No, no, it’s nothing like that. They’ve accidentally booked our room with one single bed, so I wanted to ask you what you’d like to do. Maybe I can take another bedroom for you. I’ll let you take the room tonight and I’ll just find something for me”. “Oh, come on Rooster, you know how much it costs for a last-minute booking? Probably twice the price it would normally… I mean, we’re not kids anymore, I have no problem in sharing a room with you.” You say, relieved, that it’s not a big issue. “So, I just keep the reservation as it is?” “Yeah, plus it would be weird to your friends if we were a couple and didn’t sleep in the same hotel, right?” “Yes, you’re right! I’ll be right back then”.
You see Bradley talking to the receptionist but you’re too tired to even pay attention to what they’re saying so you just wait until he comes back to you and take your suitcase, leading you to the elevator. When you get to the room, you’re the first one to go inside and it is simply enormous. It has the classic Hawaiian aesthetic, but you think it looks so good. When you first enter, there is a sort of living room with a small kitchen in it, a double door that leads to the bedroom and a simple one to the bathroom.
“Hey, look, there’s a couch in here. I’ll leave you the bed and I can sleep here” he says, looking at the small couch in the living room “You’re not serious, are you? Have you seen your size and this couch? You’d never be comfortable in that. I’ll take it”. “I’m not going to let you sleep on the couch, I’m already thankful that you accepted coming with me, you deserve at least to have the bed…” “I’m tired and I don’t have time for this so let’s just share the bed, ok?” You say, opening your suitcase to take your pajamas. “Are you sure?”  “Absolutely!” You reply entering the bathroom to take a shower. “Sharing it is then” he mutters while sitting on the bed.
I know it's a little short but I'm still getting used to all the writing, hope you enjoy it and please don't hesitate to tell me things I could change/improve xoxo <3
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pollyna · 2 years
au in which the whole '86 class celebrates the last of Ice's edibles with a sleepover that the Daggers crush when Bradley takes them over to Mav's house. After the first half an hour of pure chaos and people asking how many admirals he calls uncles and how many of them call him baby Goose, Omaha asks, but where's Mav? and Slider starts to giggle so much that he cries, and Merlin follows him, and within ten seconds they're all laughing.
"It's a funny story" starts Admiral Neven "a life time ago, Mav was so drunk he could barely walk straight, and Ice was tipsy."
"Iceman is never tipsy!" Admiral Williams intervenes.
"Exactly! So Mav wanted to see the stars. He took Iceman's hands, and they spent hours out on the deck, but we had to go back because we had a hop at seven, and nobody had the guts to go outside because we thought they were finally getting some! Then Merlin gets up and says he is going to do it, and we all follow him—just to actually get outside and find two idiots whispering like kids and kissing, all still dressed up and more sober than an hour before. After that time, if they get drunk or even tipsy, they disappear, and you can always find them in a garden or a patio! When baby Goose was little, he used to sneak behind them and cuddle until he fell asleep" the Admiral finishes, pointing at a photo of the three of them, in the exact same situation he just described.
Bradley, seated between Admiral Kerner and Wells, smiles and says, "Ice used to pick us up after we fell asleep and take us in bed.
By the time Ice and Mav are back in, hours later, all the elven Daggers are sitting around Hollywood, who's telling them wild stories, and, considering how red Bradley's face is, they are almost certain they know what tale their friend is sharing.
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billpottsismygf · 3 months
I just watched The Five Doctors to brush up on my Susan returning knowledge, just in case all the build up comes to anything, and it's quite goofy but extremely charming. I was aware ahead of time of Tom Baker's parts being taken from Shada, but it's still executed in quite a funny way. "Oh no, I'm being stolen by a triangle! This was definitely what was originally happening in this shot! And now I'm mysteriously trapped in the vortex all episode, don't worry about it!" The guy in a silver morph suit who is supposedly the deadliest killing machine ever was also a wonderfully silly highlight. It's the first time I've seen this version of the Master as well and he's good fun! He's no Roger Delgado, but Anthony Ainley has such an over the top camp energy to him with his flowing cape etc. that worked really nicely with the tone of the story.
Richard Hurndall makes a valiant effort as the First Doctor. He's not William Hartnell, obviously, and he's still a little brusque but I think he gets One's mannerisms and sense of humour better than David Bradley. Interestingly, this story also has him being misogynistic in a way that then gets reacted to/commented on (eg. telling Tegan to get them some refreshments/to stay in the TARDIS rather than going into the action), which is again not fully in character for One. However, it's nowhere near the level of character assassination in Twice Upon a Time.
One of the reasons I wanted to watch this now was because I'd seen people saying that the Doctor worked out the abandonment stuff with Susan here, but he absolutely doesn't. We don't even see her be collected by the floating triangle to get an idea of her life. She just appears and finds herself with her Grandfather, then we don't get to see their parting. Although there's no apparent animosity between them, and they fall straight back into their old dynamic, there's also nothing in the way of hashing out the whole "I shall come back" thing. If RTD is planning to make good on his many Susan hints, there's definitely still fertile ground there. You could even throw in a line acknowledging that "I saw you in the Death Zone on Gallifrey, but we didn't get to talk" or something similar.
Sidenote, I got extremely excited at Jamie's appearance. I was happy that Two got to hang out with the Brigadier, but I was a little sad it wasn't with Jamie because I thought I recalled Fraser Hines not being able to do this one. I may have been thinking of The Three Doctors, though, so it was such a joyous surprise when he appeared, even though I knew immediately that he and Zoe were illusions. If we do get Susan back properly (and I hope we do, with Carole Ann Ford specifically), can Jamie be next on the list for a main series return? I adored his appearance in Tales of the TARDIS, but I yearn for more!
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
Chaos // Bradley Bradshaw
Chapter Two: Basic Emotional Manoeuvring
Summary: Tensions begin to rise between you and Rooster, you and Hangman, and Hangman and Rooster. With a secret close to your chest, you do your best to navigate the drills Maverick has the TopGun class run.
Warnings: Rooster x Reader. Angst. Ex lover ex girlfriend/boyfriend lusting. Incredibly high tensions.
Word Count: 6.2k
Author Note: We absolutely smashed this chapter out. Please trust me! There’s a lot going on in terms of plot BUT it all comes together I promise. Chapter Two is a complete set up for everything to come. You think this angsty? Oof get ready. xx Leah
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 Pete Michelle spent the night he’d been kicked out of the Hard Deck Bar reading though every single one of his Lieutenant‘s files. Going through them with a fine tooth comb to find strengths, weaknesses—anything he could use to his advantage. Something that caught his attention was something you hadn’t bothered to disclose to anyone, a file detailing the events that happened just prior to your arrival in Miramar. Pete thought your history with Bradley was going to be his biggest problem? But this? This took the cake.
Sleep was not something that came easy to you. More often than not by the time your alarm was blasting you awake at the ass crack of dawn, you honestly felt that you had just fallen asleep. Pulling your flight suit up over your shoulders, you slammed your locker door. Jumping slightly as Bob stood right behind where your locker door had once been open.
“You know it's funny, in all the time we flew together you never mentioned that the on again off again jerk who broke your heart was Bradley Bradshaw.” Bob moved his glasses up the bridge of his nose a little as you groaned, letting your forehead rest against the metal of your now closed locker door.
“You didn't know Rooster until yesterday, Bob– it wouldn't have mattered if you knew his name or not.”
“Does he know though?” Bob stepped a little closer, his voice lowered by a few notches as he looked around the almost empty locker room. “About–”
“No, he doesn't.” You spoke through gritted teeth. It wasnt that you were mad at Bob, but it was too early for this shit and you were overly tired after having not slept a wink. The caffeine you have pumped into your system hadnt exactly kicked in yet, and, you were positive there was still gunk in your eyes. “And he doesn't need to know.”
“Chaos.” Bob's voice was soft, he cared too much about the people around him. You knew that much as his hand fell to your shoulder. “Losing a wingman is never easy on anyone.” You shuddered at the memory, the thought. It was only days after that you had received orders to return to TopGun. You had never in your wildest dreams thought you would lose a wingman. Perhaps that was the ego of your expertise talking. Or maybe you just thought that happened to other people. It could never happen to you. But it did and it hit harder than a semi truck.
“I want you on the road to the North Island within the hour.” You still had blood soaked into your cream coloured uniform from when Bob had dragged you from the hospital, that's how quickly things change. In the blink of an eye.
“North Island, sir?” You murmured, barely listening to begin with, god you thought for sure you commanding officer at the time was about to chew you out. You'd messed up. Big time, even if the final inquiry would clear you of any wrongdoing. You held that loss close to the heart.
“Call came in with impeccable timing, right as I was driving to ground your ass, It galls me to say it, but for reasons only to the almighty and your guardian angel–you've been called back to TopGun.”
“Especially when it's your own fault right?” Bob saw the tears welling in your eyes as you shrugged his hand from your shoulder, going back to doing up your flight suit. One button after the other before zipping it shut. You groaned softly pointing at his chest. “Tell anyone about this and I swear you’ll find ground up ginger in every orifice you have, Floyd.”
“Chaos–” Bob watched as you left the locker room, leaving him standing in the now completely empty locker room. Chewing his bottom lip. Thinking to himself that this was not going to be pleasant.
“Attention on deck!” Chairs scraped against the smooth concrete flooring of the aircraft hangar turned makeshift classroom. You hung out at the back of the class, not wanting to draw anymore attention to yourself after yesterday's foiled reconaconce mission at the hard Deck.
“Morning, welcome to your special training detachment, be seated.” Sitting back in your chair you sighed, cracking your knuckles absentmindedly.
“I’m Admiral Bates, NAWDC commander, you’re all top gun graduates—the elite.” It was as if Admiral Bates was trying to tell you what you already knew.
“The best of the best.” Yep. He definitely was.
“That was yesterday, the enemy’s new fifth generation fighters have levelled the playing field. Details are few but you can be sure we no longer have the technological advantage, success now more than ever, comes down to the man or woman in the box.” Listening, you eyed down the backs of your colleagues heads, memorising features like the scar Coyote had just behind his left ear and the way Phoenix did her hair.
“Half of you will make the cut, one of you will be named mission leader and the other half will remain in reserve.” You told yourself you wouldn’t mind staying in reserve, hell—if it meant you got to go home safe and live to see another day that was good enough for you. You had a reputation much like Hangman’s, reckless, cocky, exceptional in the cockpit. Only difference between you and him that you could tell so far was that you were a team player regardless if you didn’t play well with others. You always had your teammates' backs.
“Your instructor is a TopGun graduate with real world experience in every mission aspect you will be expected to master. His exploits are legendary and he is considered to be one of the finest pilots this program has ever produced.” You heard heavy footsteps approaching before you saw Pete Maverick Mitchell walk past you down the aisle. You watched as Rooster turned to see who was coming and the way his face contorted into something of disgust, anger and betrayal made your heart sink into your stomach. It wasn’t long after Maverick had passed by him that his eyes were landing on you. Total and utter shock oozing from his pores.
“What he has to teach you may very well mean the difference between life and death.” You turned your attention back to Admiral Bates before Rooster had a chance to kill your with his laser locked gaze, you felt his stare burning into the side of your cheek as you tried your best to ignore him. For some reason or another, he made you feel like you’d kicked a puppy out in the rain.
“I give you Captain Pete Mitchell—Call sign, Maverick.”
“Goodmorning.” Mav smirked towards where Hangman sat right up front. You could only sink a little more into your chair as you hid a wild shit eating grin. It must have stung to know his actions of throwing his instructor out of the Hard Deck Bar would cost him. “The F-18 NATOPS.” Holding the book you knew inside and out up in the air for the class to see. “It contains everything they want you to know about your aircraft.” Maverick explained. “I'm assuming you know the book inside and out?” He questioned. Maverick wasn't expecting a response, but nevertheless– he got one anyway. From both Hangman and Coyte.
“Damn right–”
“You got it.” You rolled your eyes as you watched Mav dump the NATOPs book into the nearest bin.
“So does your enemy.” he smirked as the dumbfounded class looked his way.
“And we’re off” You mumbled to yourself as you sat up a little straighter.
“But what the enemy doest know is your limits, I intend to find them, test them, push beyond.” Mavericks eyes locked onto yours. He smirked a little brighter when you ducked your head. You knew where this was going and you didn't want it to. Rooster followed Mavericks gaze, landing on you. You saw nothing but betrayal in his eyes. You could only begin to imagine what you thought Rooster was thinking right now. You fucking knew he was here, there was no way in hell you didnt. “Today we’ll start with what you think you know.” Mav nodded as he stood a little straighter. “You show me what you’re made of.”
“Kazansky!” Rooster shouted as he marched towards you. Both geared up and ready to go. Stopping in your tracks you turned slowly.
“Bradley I didn’t tell you because you would have high tailed it right out of Fightertown if you knew!” You already knew what he was going to ask. Why you did it. Why you didn’t tell him about Maverick?
“You’re crazy!” Rooster hissed. “Selfish, borderline abusive is what you are, you should have told me!” You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. “I deserve to be able to make my own god damn decisions and you had no right to make this one for me!” His helmet dropped from where he held it against his hip to the ground below. Your eyes followed it as you scooped it up, shoving it back into his chest.”
“One, don’t drop your helmet, it could be the only thing that saves your goddamn life one day.” You reminded him. “And two, I didn’t make any decisions for you Bradshaw, you can still leave!” You were quick to remind him. Matching his anger and his tone. “So don’t come at me with the insults when no one, including me, is holding you hostage with a gun to your head saying stay—but if you throw this opportunity out the window because you can’t get over the fact Pete was doing what your own mother asked him to do then that’s on you!” Rooster stood silent as he watched your chest rise and fall and the anger you let loose crashed over him like a title wave. “Borderline abusive—what the fuck was that shit?
“You’re insane—“ He scoffed. Running a hand through his hair in annoyance. Wanting to be angry with you so bad but he just couldn’t logically because he knew you were right. He would have left if you’d told him.
“What? So now I’m insane because I don't want to love you? Don’t want to care about you enough to know you would have bolted? Is that the point you’re trying to make here?”
“What!? No!” Rooster pulled at his hair. “Wrong!—you're insane because you do love me, that’s the point! And it drives me crazy because you do shit like this, like omitting the fact you knew who would be training us for this mission thinking you’re doing me a goddamn favour!”
“But I don’t want to love you! God I just wanna be able to fucking hate you because you’re just some boy who made me laugh when I’d be around at uncle Pete’s house and you’d be there too because you were always there!”
“Some boy huh?” Rooster repeated the only part that made his heart melt. He remembered his childhood fondly. The days you’d spend together in your treehouse. Playing tag in the front yard of his mothers house before you’d invite him over for a tea party. He always used the blue cup—because of course blue was a boy's colour.
“Yeah—just some dumb boy!” You caught the smirk on Rooster's face as he stepped closer. “What!?”
“Couldn’t think of anything better to call me then dumb?” You were completely speechless. Rooster's arm snaked around the small of your waist, drawing you close as he whispered in your ear. His breath was incredibly hot against the junction of our neck. “See, I really don’t think you mean that?” He smirked. “Because as much as I wanna absolutely obliterate you for not telling me dear old uncle Pete was gonna be here, I’d much rather just let bygones be bygones so we can what was it you said? Right, go our separate ways.” You felt Bradley’s lips ghost your earlobe. “Unless you don’t wanna do that anymore?” Snapping out of the trance like state Bradley had you in, you shoved at his chest—watching as he stumbled back slightly before you slapped his cheek. The string radiating across his face as a red mark appeared soon after.
“Shit! You slapped me! What because I kissed your fucking earlobe!?” Rooster groaned as you stepped towards him. Hangman watched from a distance, curiosity would most certainly kill the cat. To the point where he even made himself a mental note to pull your file out. Have a read—finding some very interesting details.
“Stop treating me like I’m some girl who’s obsessed with you—“ Gritting your teeth so hard you thought for a moment they’d break. “Give me one good reason to fight for you Bradshaw and I will, but until that moment we are nothing but two people who share a common goal.”
“Which is—?”
“Not killing each other.”
“Chaos, a word please.” Maverick approached the pair of you as you placed your helmet over your head, turning your gaze to where he stood.
“Yes sir—“ leaving Rooster standing by himself as he watched you walk away. This wasn’t going to be as easy as he thought it would be.
“Goodmorning, aviators, this is your captain speaking.” Maverick spoke calmingly through the comms stat. Just a hint of cockyness to his voice. “Welcome to basic fighter manoeuvres.” You laid as low as you could below radar as to not show up on anyone's systems. As instructed by Maverick just before take off. “As briefed, today's exercise is dogfighting. Guns only, no missiles. We do not go below the hard deck of five thousand feet. Working as a team, you had to shoot me down, and my wingman.” It was an honour and a privilege in and of itself to be Mavericks wingman for the day. Even if it was just for basic fighter manoeuvres. “Or else.”
“Or else what, Sir?” Payback chimed in as you smirked to yourself.
“Or else Chaos shoots back–” You couldn’t see him, but you could only imagine just how hard Rooster rolled his eyes. He wasn’t joking when he’d foiled your reconnaissance at the Hard Deck. If you were here he and the boys may as well have packed up shop from the beginning. Because besides Maverick himself? in Roosters opinion—when it came to Dogfighting? You never had a thought behind your eyes. You never thought you just did and that to him was reckless endangerment. To the Navy? That’s what earned you your call sign.
Bradley Bradshaw has graduated from the Naval Academy with honours in ballistics combat. You’d been at his graduation ceremony. The picture of the two of you embracing one another just after he’d walked out sat framed in your living room just off base. A short twenty minute drive into Fightertown. You brought it with you in your suitcase to every station you were ever posted to.
Just two short years later you’d followed suit. You graduated with a disciplinary caution against your name and a reputation to uphold—you were Y/n Chaos Kazansky. Born and bred to be a pain in the ass. Rooster wasn’t at your graduation ceremony. He had already been called to TopGun by that point. But he sent you a text.
(How do my footsteps look as you’re following them? Congratulations Lieutenant Kazansky)
“If she shoots either one of you down, you both lose.” Mav’s voice broke you from your own head as you lost your concentration for a moment, getting yourself into the game you looked above to see the two F-18’s sitting pretty. Like sitting ducks.
“What's to say we put some skin in the game.” Payback replied as you throttled up ever so slightly, gaining some much needed speed. Preparing to absolutely rock their socks off.
“What do you have in mind?” Maverick asked, buying you a little more time as he watched you gaining speed from above.
“Whoever gets shot down first has to do two hundred push ups.” Payback put the bet out into the open. You couldn't help but to shake your head knowing that the delayed onset muscle soreness these boys would feel come tomorrow afternoon would be other worldly. You already knew you wouldn’t be the one doing push-ups.
“Guys, that's a lot of push ups.” Rooster's voice had your heart skipping a beat in your chest as you watched him fly just above Payback. His wingman for this drill.
“Well, they don't call it an exercise for nothing, Rooster.” Chiming in from his seat in the back of Payback’s F-18, Fanboy chuckled.
“Alright, you got yourself a deal gentlemen.” Maverick agreed to the ridiculous deal. “Fights on, let's turn and burn.” At the signal Maverick had told you he'd give you, you throttled up hard, accelerating up from the ground below, the two fighter jets separated just enough for you to swoop in between them.
“Fanboy, you see her?” Rooster asked as he looked around for your F-18. Knowing you were just shy of insanity when it came to combat drills. He still never suspected you to pull the stunt you did. But again—you wouldn’t be Chaos if you didn’t.
“Nothing on the radar up ahead. She must be somewhere behind us.” Just as Fanboy went to term his head, you swooped in between the two fighter jets, scaring the absolute Jesus out of all three of them as you flew up and over. Watching as they respectfully broke left and right.
“Dammit!” Rooster hissed as he tailed after you. Regaining his control.
“What the hell! Jesus Roster, your girlfriend scared the shit outta me!” Payback shouted as he followed suit. You could quite clearly hear Maverick enjoying the stunt you had just successfully pulled off. You didn’t let Payback's girlfriend comment get to you. No— you were in the fucking zone. Your element.
“Tally, Tally, Tally!” Fanboy shouted. “Chaos’s coming in, break left!”
“Breaking left! Payback confirmed. You were having a field day with this.
“Coming at your boys, whatcha gonna do?” Snickering you fell behind them. “Payback, where's your wingman?” You reminded the frazzled pilot this was a group exercise. You wanted a challenge not an opening.
“Rooster, where are you?”
“I got your back.” Roosters voice lit your ears on fire. “I'm coming, hang in there, hang in there.”
“Hurry up man, hurry up!” Rooster cut in front of you sharply. A nice crisp manoeuvre. Sending your targeting system haywire for a second before it found him.
“Payback, break right.” Rooster ordered.
“Breaking right!” You listened as Payback confirmed his next move.
“Rooster just saved your life fellas.” You couldn't help the wicked shit eating grin that fell across your face. Watching as you almost had him on tone. “But it's gonna cost him”
“Not this time Chaos–” Rooster hissed. Evading you manoeuvring expertly.
“Rooster, you're too low!” You shouted through the comms as you dived and turned, following Roosters every move. “You're hitting the hard deck!” The sound of Roosters auto pilot altering him of his altitude rang through your comms.
“Oh shit–” Rooster pulled back on this throttle, pulling up to avoid the hard deck with force and speed. But it wasn't enough, swinging under his F-18 and pulling up and around, the high pitched sound filled everyone's eardrums, including the pilots on the ground hovering around the radio.
“That's a kill–”
“Lover boys gonna hate those push ups—“ Hangman snickered from his chair.
You’d taken out every single aviator that rotated through the rounds. It was becoming somewhat pathetic now. You were itching for a real challenge. Flying low, out of sight out of mind, you listened in on Hangman and Roosters not so private conversation as they geared up to take you down. Maverick hanging back as he watched you dominate—backup unnecessary. Flying directly under Roosters F-18.
“So Rooster, mind if I ask you a personal question?” Hangman raised his eyebrow as he flew right beside Rooster.
“Would it matter if I did?”
“What’s the story between you and Chaos?” He poked the bear. “It seems like she’s got you a little rattled?”
“It’s none of your business—“ Rooster hissed. “Now where the hell is she anyway?”
“Been here the whole time.” Flying directly under Roosters jet, you inverted yourself above him. Looking down at Bradley Bradshaw as he looked up at you. “Can you see me now?”
“Holy shit—“ Hangman had never seen anyone pull a stunt like this up close and personal. Maverick made a mental note to remind you this was supposed to be basic fighter manoeuvres. Not a dick measuring contest.
“C’mon Rooster, let’s get it over with.” You snarled, knowing he just wanted to let you have it. Take you down. Sure you weren’t going to let that happen, but it would be a hell of a lot of fun to see him try now wouldn’t it.
You saw the look in his eyes, the snarl that was surely hiding behind his mask.
“Fights on!” Rooster shouted as he broke left and you broke right. Forcing you both down into a cobra like manoeuvre. Maverick was going to have your ass for this.
“What is with these two?” Hangman questioned as he watched you both dive. Snaking around each other— Neither of you wanting to be the first to back down.
“Alright, you put us here!” You hissed. “How are you gonna get yourself out?”
“You can bail out any time!” The group on the ground watched on in shock as they listened to you and Rooster go back and forth while engaging in a grade A manoeuvre most of the pilots on deck had never done, let alone successfully pulled off.
“How long do you wanna go for, Rooster?”
“I can go as long as you can, Chaos, and that’s saying something—“ You watched your altitude drop dramatically.
“We need to put the past behind us! Both of us!”
“Yeah, it's easy for you to say, miss high road!” Rooster hadnt made things any easier with the stunt he’d pulled before training.
“Hard decks five thousand feet guys you're running out of room.” Hangman’s voice came through the comms as he watched on from above.
“Your strategy is about to run us into the ground!” You shouted, still not giving in. “What’s your move?” Warning bells and whistles filled your cockpit as your altitude dropped below three thousand feet. You waited till the very last second before pulling up—watching as Rooster did just after you, right on your tail.
“You’ve got her Rooster!” Hangman confirmed. “Drop down and take the shot.” Looking behind you, you waited for Rooster to take his shot. Get you on tone, but he never did. He sat perched on his branch.
“It’s too low!”
“Times up, you had your chance—“ knowing you were going to be chewed out by Admirals Bates and Beau, by Maverick, by Rooster, you put this whole charade to an end. Throttling back and pulled up and behind Rooster—getting tone on him immediately. “That’s a kill.” You groaned. “Knock it off.”
“Dammit—“ Rooster hung his head low. What the hell had he been thinking? Flying up beside him one final time. You locked eyes with Bradley.
“Go see Hondo about your push-ups. I’ll meet you down there.” Breaking away you felt your heart in your stomach. This was not going to go down well at all.
“Breaking the hard deck, insubordination? Only love makes you that crazy sweetheart and that damn stupid.” Maverick hated chewing you out but he had to bring you down to earth. Cyclone sat at his desk as you stood before him. Maverick and Warlock off to the side.
“And that cobra manoeuvre of yours? I never wanna see that shit again.” Vice Admiral Beau added. “I hope you understand that you are one mishap away from being pulled from this detachment all together, do you hear me?”
“Yes sir—“ You replied sharply, knowing you were out of line.
“You are much too like your father.” Cyclone knew it struck a nerve, but that’s what he intended to do. You weren’t untouchable, but you were close to it.
“Glad I’m managing expectations sir.” You tried not to smirk as Cyclone pointed at the door. Nodding you turned on your heels and left, opening the door to see Rooster leaning against the wall across the hall. Rolling your eyes, you headed down the hall, Rooster hot on your heels.
“Dumbass—“ Rooster played on what you had called him earlier.
“My love language is affirmations, Bradley, try harder.” Gripping your forearm tight, Rooster stopped you in your tracks.
“What kind of a stunt was that huh?” He hissed, pulling you closer.
“You tell me? You had a chance to get me on tone and you never took the shot?” Challenging Rooster as you kept your eyes on him. His hand still gripping you around your forearm. Standing in the middle of the hallway. “Why’d you hesitate? You don’t think! You just do—thinking? It could get you killed.”
“Because I can’t stand the thought of hearing someone get that lock on you, I couldn’t do it, even in training.”
“Rooster—“ Your voice was barely audible.
“And that really blows because I’ve never wanted to hate you more than I do right now.” You felt Roosters grip slip from your forearm. “I can’t get over how angry I am at you that you didn’t tell me about Mav—“ Your jaw slacked as you felt your anger bubble to the surface.
“You’re angry at me?” You questioned. “I’m angry at you!” You shouted, your voice echoing through the halls. “You left me!” Pausing as the silence spoke louder than anything you could ever say. “You left me when I needed you the most! Bradley, I—“ You were going to tell him, about your dad, about your wingman. But there was no point, he was just going to pull the same stunt he always did. Smashing your fist against his chest Rooster caught your wrist. Drawing you into his chest as you sobbed. “You’re the one who fucked up—“
“Yeah, I fucked up—“ Kissing the top of your head as you cried in his chest, your arms holding him close around his midsection. The was something you weren’t telling him, Rooster sensed it. He’d press you for it at a later time but for now? He simply held you. He really did love you. He just didn’t know how to act anymore. “I’m sorry—I’m so sorry.”
“I’m not letting you in again because all you ever do is break my heart.” You pulled away, wiping your own tears. Turning with a sigh you gestured for Bradley to follow. He did instantly. “I gotta go get some ginger—come with?” Sending you a questioning brow Rooster complied with your request. His arm wrapping around your shoulders—just like he used to do in highschool.
“This makes time your greatest adversary. You’ll fly a route in your nav systems that simulate the canyon. The faster you navigate this canyon the harder it’ll be to stay under the radar of the enemy SAMS.” The underlying feeling of existential dread you’d been suppressing from the moment you were briefed in light detail about the mission came bubbling to the surface the moment Pete started speaking before the graduate class.
“The tighter the turns, The more intensity the gravity on your body multiplies, compressing your lungs forcing the blood from your brain impairing your judgement and reaction time.” For a very brief moment—you caught yourself wishing, hoping that Rooster wouldn’t be chosen. It wasn’t that you thought he wasn’t capable. No. It was that you believed deep down you wouldn’t be able to cope with the anxiety that came along with waiting for him to come back. The more you tried to fight that feeling the more the only solution to the problem reared its ungly head. You were either going on this mission together or not at all—only problem was? Flying together was impossible at this point in time.
“So for today's practice, we’re gonna take it easy on you. Max ceiling is three hundred feet. Time to target three minutes.”
One by one, group by group, team by team— Maverick picked you apart. None of you had flown the route accordingly. Slumping in your chair next to Rooster, you looked over at him as he stained directly forward. Your existence to him obsolete.
You’d been paired together for one of the rounds. It was the only time anyone had ever made it to the target. But a whole minute late. If he had listened to you a little more about increasing his speed perhaps you could have completed it without failing the time aspect. But he wouldn’t, and you weren’t about to leave your wingman behind. Never again would you ever do that.
“Why are they dead?”
“We broke the three hundred foot ceiling and SAM took us out.” Phoenix explained.
“No, why are they dead?” Maverick asked again, this time more stern.
“I slowed down and didn’t give her a warning, it was my fault—“ Coyote pressed.
“Was there a reason you didn’t communicate with your team?”
“I was focusing on—“
“One that their family will accept at the funeral?”
“None sir—“
“Why didn’t you anticipate the turn? you were briefed on the terrain.” Before Phoenix could reply Mav was quick to interject again. “Don’t tell me, tell his family.” Maverick turned his attention to the simulation Hangman, Payback and Flyboy ran. Sighing, he held the bridge of his nose to relieve some built up pressure.
“What happened?”
“I flew as fast as I could—kind of like my ass depended on it.” You hated the way Hangman had been so nonchalant about leaving his wingman behind. It killed you to think it was so easy for him.
“And, you put your team in danger, and your wingman’s dead—“ Rooster growled.
“They couldn’t keep up.” It made bile rise in the back of your throat. It was clear to him and have never lost a wingman in the field. Like you once did, he probably believes he’d never experience it. But he would one-day. Every pilot would.
“Leaving your wingman behind—nice tactic.” You scoffed as you tapped your pen on the paper before you.
“A tactic you’ve used?” Hangman was quick to retaliate. What the fuck did he know? Shifting in your seat, Rooster looked at you with concern. Shrugging his eyes off you, he turned his attention back to Maverick.
“Why are you dead?” Maverick watched the playback as you and Rooster made it to the target. “You're the team leader up there, so why are you and your wingwoman—dead?”
“Rooster, we're twenty seconds behind and dropping!” You shouted as you followed just behind him through the navigation systems route. You thought flying together would be easier than against one another. You weren’t too sure you could fly together at all.
“We’re fine, speed is good.” Rooster replied as he led you through the terrain. Shaking your head you disagreed, knowing wholeheartedly that this would be a failed run if you didn’t pick up the pace.
“Increase to five hundred knots Bradshaw, we’re falling behind—we won’t make it.” Something about the time you used when you said his last name made Rooster blind. He hated it—he only ever wanted to be someone you called yours. Rooster, Bradley—nicknames like love and bub he missed endlessly. But Bradshaw was cold. Giving you the same treatment. A constant back and forth.
“Negative Kazansky, hold your speed!” Rooster knew it was killing you to not be lead.
“Rooster, we're late!” You audibly groaned. This was influrating. You wouldn’t leave him though.
“We’re alive, we’ll make up time in the straightaway.” You knew that was a lie, you were too far behind the timer to gain any more ground.
“We are not going to make it!”
“Just trust me, maintain your speed, we can make it.” It was needless to say you made it. But you knew it wasn’t good enough. You were an entire minute late. Regardless if you had or hadn’t left Rooster? he was a deadman walking.
“Sir, they’re the only ones who made it to the target?” Phoenix hesitated to chime in, but she did anyway.
“A whole minute late, he gave enemy aircraft time to shoot him down— he is dead, his wingman who knew better is dead.”
“You don’t know that.” Interjecting, Rooster mumbled as you chewed on the back of your pen, taking notes. Keeping out of this as much as you could.
“You’re not flying fast enough!” Hangman chuckled. “You don’t have a second to waste.”
“We made it to the target—“ Rooster retaliated. You could hear it in his tone he was starting to lose his cool. Deciding to kick his boot with yours to draw his attention back to you. Sending him a small frown as Rooster looked at you with soft apologetic eyes. He couldn’t stand the thought of you not leaving his side even if he was wrong.
“And superior enemy aircraft intercepted you on your way out!” Maverick hissed.
“Then it’s a dog fight.” You shook your head in disbelief as Roosted tried to defend his run through. Big headed. Unable to access he may have been wrong.
“Rooster, against fifth generation fighters?” He turned back to you, anger prominent in his tone.
“Yeah, we’d still have a chance.”
“In an F-18!?“ Countering his defence Maverick hissed.
“It’s not the plane sir, it’s the pilot.” Rooster stated before the room fell short of oxygen.
“Exactly!” Maverick looked at Rooster before he looked at you—you knew instantly that he knew what Bob knew also. What had happened in Lemoore. Pete Mitchell knew that you’d requested not to fly with a backseater for this particular detachment. It was in your file. He knew your wingman had taken a hit during a routine run. Something that could have been avoided if more caution had been taken. But you and Bob saw it play out helplessly and you blamed yourself. How could you not? Survivors guilt you guessed. “And I don’t believe any of you at this moment in time are capable. Especially Lieutenant Kazansky.” You sunk a little lower. “She knew you were flying too fast, inadvertently allowing you to be taken out by enemy aircraft.”
“I wasn’t leaving another wingman behind sir—“ you slipped up when you said another, Bob's ears grew hot under the pressure he felt in his chest as he sat in the row in front of you. Rooster frowned for a second as he turned his head to briefly look your way. Before returning his attention to Maverick.
“There’s more than one way to fly this mission.”
“You really don’t get it—“ It was Hangman who had your head turning. “On this mission, a man flies like Chaos did yesterday in basic or a man does not come back. The second she flew with you instead of against you? She’s holding back the throttle?” You had to bite your tongue, so hard in fact you tasted blood. “Look I don’t mean to criticise, you’re Conservative that’s all—“
“Lieutenant—“ Maverick tried to stop the conversation from escalating out of hand.
“we’re going into combat, son, on a level no living pilot has ever seen.” Jake paused, turning to Maverick for a second. Pointing his direction. “Not even him.” You felt your body shiver. “There’s no time to be thinking about the past.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Rooster hissed as he sat up a little straighter.
“Rooster—“ Placing a hand on his shoulder, you tried to calm him down. To absolutely no avail.
“I can’t be the only one that knows that Maverick flew with his old man—“ You thought Jake Seeesin was a piece of work before, but now your suspicions were truly confirmed.
“That’s enough!” You shouted over Roosters shoulder.
“Or that Maverick was flying when his old man—“ in the blink of an eye Rooster was up out of his chair, across the aisle and shoving at Hangman’s chest, sending him stumbling back. Jumping up after Rooster you stood before him with your hands on his chest as Bob held his hand to Roosters shoulder. Payback holding him back.
“You son of of bitch!” Rooster hissed through gritted teeth.
“Ha, I’m cool, I’m cool—“ Jake dusted himself off as you turned to face him. “And you, what the hell do you think you’re playing at?”
“You crossed a line, Seresin.”
“You should have left him in the dust, or is that not something you do anymore? Lieutenant Kazansky?” You didn’t respond, blinded by hot white range rushing through your body as Hangman stepped closer . “Oh yeah, I pulled your file after your little cobra stunt yesterday—Bobby Boy over here’s been holding back a secret.” As your eyes grew wide Jake turned his attention back to Bob. His face guilt ridden.
“He’s not cut out for this mission, neither is she.” Growling as Jake got up in your face, as you eyed him down. Your fists clenched beside you. “You know I’m rig—“ Before Jake could finish his sentence you took a swing. You fist connect with his jaw, violently.
“Say it again!” You shouted as Maverick scooped you up, placing you over his shoulder. Gesturing for Rooster to follow suit. For Bob to tail behind. “Mother Fucker say it again!” You growled as you flailed on Mavericks shoulder, his grip right around your midsection.
Hangman collected himself as his jaw throbbed. Rooster didn’t take his eyes off you as you still shouted profanities his way. Being carried out of the room. “Let me fucking have me!” “Let go of me!!” “Say it again Seresin I swear to fucking god!”
“You’re done Kazansky—“ Maverick sighed. He knew that once word spread that you had physically assaulted another Lieutenant, that the admirals would see to your immediate removal from the detachment. His heart grew ten times heavier as you went limp in his grip—accepting you’d royally screwed up.
“You’re done.”
Chaos Masterlist
Tags: @lyannaredbird @luckyladycreator2 @skagelynn @teacupdreams @the-winter-marvel33reblogs @mrsjaderogers @katieshook02 @thescarletknight2014 @justanothermagicalsara @4ngelicb4byy @percysaidnever @puriini @luckylexie @is-this-a-febreze-commercial @shrimping-for-all @fayethefairy @lonelywitchv2 @mizzzpink @unforgettwble @itzyogurl92 @lemoonandlestars @mulletmcghee @redqueeen99 @bucky-barmes @mak-32 @fivsecondsflat
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edelfan · 1 year
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Trigger warning: suicide attempt
I'm sorry for this. I'm going through a rough time myself and this just wanted to be written.
It was way past midnight and the hallways of the Naval hospital were deserted except for the night nurse who kept making her turns. One room though was filled with people, all gathered around the pale figure lying in the bed and being kept alive by the countless machines he was connected to.
I'm sorry that it has come to this, but then it's not like you guys are gonna miss me anyway.
Admiral Kazansky had used the power of his rank as COMPACFLT to make sure that they could stay with him 24/7 - especially after learning that there was no family or other next of kin to be called.
My father was right. I'm not good for anything, not even when I brought home straight As, not even when I get those meaningless medals.
The room was small. The only two chairs available were occupied by Phoenix and Rooster. The rest of the Daggers were lined up along the walls, Bob having a supporting hand on Phoenix's shoulder. Maverick was standing at the foot of the bed, leaning on the rails as if it was the only thing keeping him upright.
I know I've been an asshole most of the time. It's the only way I managed to survive for this long. Don't show weakness, don't let them come close because you'll only be hurt in the end.
"Anybody, but him... I mean if I'd only known how he really felt," Phoenix mumbled, clumsily wiping at the tears that kept coming. Without saying a word, Bob wrapped her in a hug from behind.
Maverick was right in not choosing me. Rooster was right when he said that I lead people to an early grave. Funny that in the end it seems to be my own.
"The doctors said that the next 72 hours are critical. He needs to start breathing on his own or else..." Maverick sighed, laying his hand on the blanket over Jake's legs in hopes that the young man could feel that he wasn't alone. "Damn it, kid. Not like this, you hear me, son?"
I really thought that I had proofed myself by saving Maverick and Rooster. I had really hoped that I found a squadron, in which I am not the one on the sidelines. I had hoped that maybe we could be friends...
For a long time there was silence in the room - except for the hissing ventilator and the beeping heart monitor.
But I keep fucking up. I keep running my mouth and I keep making the same mistakes over and over again.
"I shouldn't have said those things to him the other day. Hell, I know how it is up there... Fuck, Jake, I'm sorry." Fritz's voice was hoarse as he let himself slip down the wall, ending up in a heap on the floor.
Tell Javy that I am sorry. I'm just too tired.
Javy was standing by the window, looking out into the darkness. Ever since he had helped Rooster and the medics getting Jake into the ambulance, he hadn't said a word.
Tell Rooster Bradley that I am sorry. I am sorry for what I did the first time we met at Top Gun. I shouldn't have pressured you so much into... well, you know what I'm talking about. If only... who knows, we could have been quite the power couple, right? No matter what I said back then, I still love you... so much.
Bradley was a mess. He hadn't left Jake's side since breaking open the younger man's door and finding him on the floor. Sitting next to the bed, he held Jake's hand while also caressing his hair. Too many people had left him behind already, he wouldn't let Jake go, he couldn't let him go. "You damn idiot... Why didn't you say anything? I still fucking love you, too. You can't leave me, baby, please..."
See you on the other side.
163 notes · View notes
callsigndragon · 2 years
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Seeing Red | Ch. 52: Epilogue ✍️📲
Word count: 2.3K
Warnings: mentions of death (as a memory), nightmares, pregnancy innacuracy probably, soft fluff, Liam's bday party AND ASH'S SECREEEEEEET
A/N: THIS IS A WRAP! Oh my gosh, I still can't believe that this began less than a month ago and it's been a hell of a ride. I've laughed and cried with this fic, I've met beautiful people and I discovered a lot of me while writing it. This isn't the end! I will definitely come to them in the future, Jake and Red have a very special place in my heart and it's time to let them go for a while and focus on the new pair... Rooster and Ash! I hope that some of you stay around for Tasting the Ashes. There's gonna be some mystery and also... well, you'll see. It's gonna be funny and crazy and I love it already.
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It’s been months since that dreadful night, but it feels like yesterday. 
When you walked out of the house, dozens of police officers walked in, guns in hand, ready to get the two men who had kidnapped your kid. Nobody seemed to know yet that you and Gibbs had ended the job. 
Maverick and Rooster were there, playing with Liam, who had woken up at last. Paramedics checked on him, and even though he was fine, they wanted to take him to the hospital to run some tests. Just to make sure that he was completely okay. 
Maverick hugged you two tight, tears running down his face because his kids were okay. Yeah, Mav started to call you Red Mitchell that day. When you asked him what they were doing there, he simply said, “I couldn’t stay behind and do nothing. I came to help.”
It was like getting back the father you had lost so many years ago
Rooster had been taking care of Liam since he woke up and somehow managed to convince him that it had all been a nightmare. Both boys were playing with Liam’s Mater toy that Bradley had brought all the way with him. You almost cried when you heard Liam’s giggles. 
He was okay. Jake was okay. You were okay. 
And so was baby Seresin. She was perfectly fine and healthy. Yes, Jake was right. It was a baby girl, Jake’s little princess. Little Maeve had her father wrapped around her little finger before she was even born. He cried when you told him the name you wanted for her. 
Maeve was his mother’s name. You wanted to remember her in some way because, while she didn't always make the best decisions to protect her son, you could understand her desperation and how she believed that harming her child was the only way to spare him a life of suffering like hers. You had only been in Gregory’s presence for less than an hour, but it was enough to make you consider all the possible options and scenarios. A part of you could understand how scared Maeve must have been. 
While Liam was okay, and you were absolutely glad about it, Jake and you had to face another reality: the aftermath. You couldn’t sleep for weeks without waking up with fast breathing and sweat soaking up your clothes, running to Liam’s room, and checking that he was still there. Jake had it worse; he had to hold Liam’s lifeless body between his arms while your bloody one lay in front of him. He lost it all in his nightmares, just to wake up and realize that his family was there, that Liam was asleep in his room, that you were alive, and your baby bump was growing bigger each week. 
You eventually moved out of the house, filled with so many bad memories that neither of you was able to sleep without nightmares coming to haunt you at least once a week. 
Now both of you live in a beautiful house you bought outside the base with the money Jake inherited. Oh, yeah. A lawyer came to the base a month after the kidnapping, looking for Jake. He had inherited the company, the mansion, and a lot of money, most of it dirty. He didn’t know what to do with it. He asked for advice, but you didn’t think it was your place to say what he should do or not with that money. 
Jake eventually sold the mansion, donated half the money his father had owned in his life to different organizations that helped victims of terrorism or war, orphans, victims of domestic violence, etc. He wanted to give the money to people who really needed it. But he didn’t give it all, because, as much as he wanted to destroy the whole company and dance over its ashes, there were thousands of families that depended on it. Men and women who worked on making those weapons and whose money put food on the table. 
Jake Seresin was the owner of that company, but he didn’t run it. He left that burden to other people. It was better that way. 
He was a Lieutenant Commander now; he didn’t have time to run a company, be a father and the leader of the Dagger Squad. 
It turns out that Jake Seresin had been given a recommendation to get a promotion after the uranium mission, but Cyclone kept it hidden because he didn’t want Jake to become more insufferable than he already was. Or that’s what the ex-vice admiral stated in his court-martial. Jake had received several recommendations over those three years. The first was Maverick's, and that was the one that Cyclone first ignored. The second was by Captain Kerner, after the Dagger Squad worked on a mission under his command. Cyclone also hid that one. The third one was from you; a month after you came to base, watching the spectacular leadership skills he had, you thought that he deserved to be a rank higher than he was.
With all the things that happened, you completely forgot about the recommendation. But when Iceman started investigating Cyclone’s hidden agenda, he found out everything. Jake got promoted the day before Cyclone’s court-martial, so when you two walked in there the next day, Jake had his new shiny badges on, and Cyclone’s face was worth every waiting second. He didn’t actually do anything wrong, just hid information, was an asshole, and tried to get a good aviator kicked out just because he was jealous of him. 
He was dishonorably discharged, and you don’t have to care about him anymore. 
Dagger Squad is now led by two Seresins, even though one of them is gone due to maternity leave. 
“Sweets, are you okay?” 
Jake’s words pull you out of your daydream. “Oh yeah, I was just remembering everything.” 
He sits next to you on the sofa, his hand instantly moving to your belly. He finds it extremely fascinating how there’s a tiny little human inside you, growing every day. “It’s all in the past now, love. Now we have to think about the present.” 
“I still can't believe Liam is turning three today.” You chuckle when Jake presses his lips against your bump. “You love her more than me.” 
“Honey, you are my wife, and I’ll love you till the end of my days. But these kids are the love of my life.” 
You feel tears coming to your eyes at his answer. “You love them more than me?” 
Jake bites his bottom lip to stop himself from laughing, he knows that this reaction is due to the hormones. This second semester is making you cry a lot. You have been crying at the most random things: you cried when you ran out of peanut butter, when Ava started pre-k, when you and Jake went to the store to buy some new clothes for Liam and the t-shirt you wanted wasn’t in Liam’s size… 
He knows he shouldn’t laugh, but it’s hilarious. “Of course not, Mama Seresin, I love you more.”
“But a parent should love his kids more than anything.” You retort, hot, wet tears running down your face.
“I love your pregnancy hormones.” Jake giggles, kissing your pouty lips and cleaning your face. “We need to go, they’re all waiting at the Hard Deck.” 
Jake goes to get your shoes and helps you wear them. “Penny is so wonderful for closing the Hard Deck to celebrate Liam’s birthday party.” 
“Yeah, she’s the best memaw ever.” 
Charlotte walks in with Liam in his arms. “Someone said party?” 
"Look at her, she's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." Jake says, hugging Charlotte, who had been staying a few days with you. 
“I’m not beautiful anymore? Is it because I’m fat? It’s your fault there’s a baby inside me.” You say, crying again. 
Jake doubles in laughter. He loves your pregnancy hormones. 
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“Why would Ash call Rooster instead of me?” You ask Jake, reading the conversation over and over again. 
“I don’t know, love. Perhaps she realized she was in love with him." 
“Nah, Ash doesn’t fall in love that easily.” You explain, watching Javy and Nat walk towards you. “You two are so cute together.” 
“Please, don’t cry again.” Nat begs, caressing your baby bump. “Maeve you need to get out of there soon enough or your mama will fill a pool with her tears.” 
“She needs to stay there for another four months, thank you so much.” 
Rooster walks into the bar, gift in hand, his mustache days are over, and he's rocking a short boxed beard. “I made it! I’m not late! You can’t yell at me.”
“I mean, I could.” Mav says, smacking Rooster’s head. “Why are you late to Liam’s birthday party?” 
“You didn’t read the chat?” 
“No, I was playing with the birthday boy.” Mav looks at his phone and groans. “Son, maybe you should forget about her.” 
“Wait, what? Now that she's looking for me?" Rooster shakes his head. “No chance in hell.”
All of you sigh at the same time, knowing that he’s completely in love with the mysterious girl she has seen a few times. He doesn’t even know how she is in reality, but he’s in love with this idea of her he has. 
“Okay so… now that we’re all here, and before we call the kids inside to start Liam’s party. Penny, my dear, can you come here?” Mav asks, looking around while searching for his wife.
Penny, and Ames too, go to stand next to Mav with a white envelope in her hands. You smile, knowing the secrets that the envelope hides inside. 
“I got a present for you, Jake.” Penny hands the envelope to Jake, and smiles, eyes glistening. “Open it, sweetheart.” 
“It’s not my birthday.” Jake chuckles, opening the white paper envelope and grabbing the folded papers that are inside. He unfolds it and has to sit down when he reads the big black letters at the top of the page. “Adoption papers?” 
“Your life has been an absolute disaster, Jake, and you deserve better than that. You deserve a loving family and doting parents that care for you, celebrate your victories, and are always ready to offer a helping hand in case of need.” Penny explains, hugging Mav’s arm. “And we want to be those parents.” 
“You want to adopt me?” Jake manages to say, nose red, and tears welling up in his eyes. 
“It was my idea, actually.” Ames stands in front of Jake, with a pen in her hand. “You’re my brother, and I want everyone to know that. Want to join the Mitchells?” 
“What happened with Benjamin-Mitchell?” He asks, grabbing Amelia’s pen. 
“It was a mouthful. Now sing those papers, you dingus.” Ames is on the verge of sobbing. 
Jake signs the papers and looks at you. “You knew about this?” 
“Of course I knew. It was a secret.” You kiss his cheek. “Guess we’re the Mitchells now.” 
“A big and loud family.” Penny says, hugging you and Jake, Ames, and Mav joining her too. “Charlotte, can I ask your daughter to call me mom?” 
Charlotte laughs and nods. “She’s gonna need you once I go back home.” 
“She has a boyfriend now. She's gonna leave me and run away with him.” You wink at your mom, and she laughs. You’re happy that she has found another person who loves her as much as your dad did. She deserves it. 
“You have to call me dad now.” Mav says, wiping the tears from his face. 
“Can I call you dad too?” 
You look around, trying to find the owner of the voice. Who said that? You see Ash standing behind Mav. At first, you don’t understand what she’s doing here. 
Then you realize that she just asked Mav if she could call him dad. 
And after that, you see the big baby bump she has. 
“Ash, you're pregnant?” You question, looking at her. “Wait, you want to call Mav da- Oh.” 
“I think I’m lost here.” Penny says, looking at Mav. “You know her?” 
“I-I don’t think so.” Mav glances at Ash, tilting his head. “Do I know you?”
“You remember Barbara?” Ash says, ignoring Rooster, who has moved to stand next to her. He’s going to pass out in a moment. 
“Babs? Your mom is Babs?” Mav looks at Ice, who has been sitting in the back with Mickey and Payback. “Ice, you knew about this?” 
“How was I supposed to know?” He groans, looking at him. 
“Babs was your friend!” 
“That doesn’t mean that she told me every secret she had. And she certainly didn’t tell me about you having a daughter.” Ice places a hand on Ash’s shoulder. “Sweetie, you want to sit down?” 
“Don’t worry, I’m okay. Twins make the belly look bigger.” 
You get up from your stool, walking over to her with a finger raised. “Excuse me, young lady. You come here on the day of my son’s birthday, and not only have you finally found the man you were looking for all these months, but you also happen to be pregnant with twins, and you didn’t tell me?”
“You would have told Rooster!” 
“And what does Rooster have to do with this?” 
“He’s the father!” 
“He’s what!?” You say, looking at Rooster. “You said you used protection!” 
You point at Ash’s belly. “YOU SURE ABOUT THAT?” 
Rooster looks between you and Ash, closing his eyes and rubbing his temples. “This can’t be fucking happening.” 
Jake pats Rooster in the back. “Congrats, man. You’re finally having that baby you wanted.” 
Rooster's face goes blank before he passes out, Jake and Javy catching him before he falls to the floor. 
“Disasters follow this family wherever we go.” You say, sitting down next to Nat, watching as the guys move Rooster to one of the chairs. 
“Well, at least this is a happy disaster.” She says, before raising her beer. “Congratulations, Dada Bradshaw.” 
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annathesillyfriend · 2 years
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Hello!! I didn't even notice when February ended 😅 But now that it's over, it means that I officialy finish uni in a month (hopefully not for long because I'm planning to apply for a doctoral school, keep your fingers crossed for me, please and thank you!). I wish it meant I would have more free time to catch up with all the fics in my likes waiting to be read. Unfortunately it only means that I need to start looking for another job 😅
It seems like my life gets more hectic everyday and I would like to thank you all beautiful people for helping me unwind and keep some bits of my sanity. I hate that I don't interact with your fics as much as I used to but I think about you a lot, wish you all the best and I'm just so thankful for you all. Keep being amazing 💓
To all the writers - I love you and I appreciate you so much!
To all the readers - please, share the fics you read and love. The reblog really makes the change! It’s the least we can do to show our gratitude.
Also, please, mind the writers’ warnings!
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like i can by @sometimesanalice
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mary's song by @risriswrites
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↳ one shot, this turned me into a little giggling girl and i'm just SHSHSHSHHSHSHS
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to be alone together by @katsu28
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dress by @munsonsreputation
↳ one shot, 18+, best friends to lovers, dress is one of my top favourite tswift songs and this fic is doing it justice!! 10/10 would read again
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be mine by @underoossss
↳ one shot, would you look at that, another idiots in love fic! i am so very predictable
broken beds by @lovebugism
↳ one shot, 18+, eddie's not that good at excuses and wayne's not that stupid 😅
caught me slippin' by @uglypastels
↳ one shot, 18+, esscort!eddie, modern au, a wonderful fic based on an equally amazing book 'kiss quotient'. go read them both!!!
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this blurb by @webslingingslasher
↳ one shot, nothing like a good pining idiots in love confessing their feeling for each other
a drunk headcannon by @blooming-violets
↳ blurb, tasm!peter is drunk, in love and horny but so is his girl and i love that for them 😌
i spy, no spy by @t-lostinworlds
↳ BIG-SHOT, one shot, avanger!reader, friends to lovers fake dating for a mission, it's so crazy that some people are so talented and hard working, my mind is blown once again. i have nothing but love and respect for one of my favourite authors of all time. slay 💅
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afternoon delight by @bradshawsbaby
↳ one shot, 18+, rhett is just such a helpful boyfriend, just a gem
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velvetwyrme · 9 months
Font anon again! Thanks for indulging me. Yes it is the fic where SF!Papyrus is Palatino. It’s one of my favs. I agree with Serif as a last name because it’s funny.
I’m going mostly off vibes. You completely nailed what I was going for with UF! Papyrus (you are definitely the right person to brainstorm with and have great insight.) My original font search prioritized fonts people complained about, sticking to the theme of Comic Sans and Papyrus being “annoying fonts.” If you can think of any other ones I’m down to hear them.
Here is my list of names:
Bradley Hand
Gentona, Avenir
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*waves hand at you* nOOOOO WORRIESSS and thank you for the clarification ;D!! I'm always here for indulgence owu!! And thank you! I'm glad you like my take on things haha! (ANNOYING FONTS LETS GO!!!!)
This is a fantastic list :o!! I pulled up all the fonts in your list in another window for maximum ponderance lol.
I stuck my thoughts under the cut because as usual it got long (and for some of them I'm spitballing more than anything) but hopefully it's of some help ^^!
Swap!Papyrus: Hands down (haha), he suits Bradley Hand visually- the font is like Papyrus (font) but more loose and scribbled- it has more curves and thus has a more laidback kind of vibe, which is why I think it'd suit him... but also I'm losing my mind at the idea of calling him Bradley (derogatory) (/lh).
(I'm also biased though. I used to use this font for writing when I was younger LMAO. You know how people say to write with Comic Sans? I did that with Bradley Hand.)
Swap!Sans: I reckon he'd fit Cooper.
Round, bold, a little bit 'childish' when compared to other fonts, but infinitely more put together than Comic Sans. It also makes me think about comics like Archie or Garfield, which used similar rounded fonts for their titles! Cooper (font) feels so... cartoony to me, y'know? Also it makes me think of Sly Cooper just namewise lmaooooo
Underfell!Sans: Ok. OK. Listen I don't think this font suits him BUT!!! Fontin would be REALLY FUNNY just purely because I think he'd have the time of his life making jokes about "Fonting". Like: "ey! i'm fontin' here!" type of jokes which would get old so so so quickly. Do you see my vision.
If Carrington was less... curly-cursive I'd say it'd suit him purely for the potential visual association with like. the typeface you might see at a stereotypical tattoo parlour or something. IDK it makes me think about tattoos and motorcycles.
SAYING ALL THAT THOUGH: I think he could suit Rockwell! It makes me think of titles and bold headers, also cowboy westerns and Very Masculine and Cool products lol. Except... Rockwell is usually used with Uppercase, Title case or Sentence case. Purely lowercase Rockwell feels inherently cursed to me. (Like truly, what are you doing if you're using Rockwell in lowercase. That's committing a violence.)
Swapfell!Papyrus: Weirdly enough, I reckon I could see him with Corsiva or Fertigo? (Which... looks strikingly similar to Fontin. Huh!)
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(Fertigo on the LEFT, Fontin on the RIGHT)
IMO, Fertigo feels more laidback due to the curling tips (which still come to sharp points). The way that the ends of "strokes" get flicked gives it a sort of lazier vibe.
BUT the font choice here also depends on your interpretation of SF!Pap!!
If you want to have a font that's underrated and everywhere?? GO Calibri. It's used as the default font for Microsoft, and is designed to be very easy to read. This is particularly befitting of the interpretations of SF!Pap where he's well versed in computers/electronics and/or doing spywork. His presence is not actively noticed, but he's always there! Alternatively, if you wanted to name him after a serif'd font, similar to Calibri, one of the fonts from your list, Caslon, has a somewhat ubiquitous presence, and also feels a little rougher/crunchier than stuff like Calibri or Fertigo.
Other notes:
I know you already decided on a name for him, but Trajan is also a really good alternative option for UF!Papyrus imo. Similar Roman-Commander vibes except even more explicit LMAO. Plus, it's a solely uppercase font, which is even more fitting.
Didot... if you swap the 'i' for a 'd' and vice versa, you get 'idiot' which is simply ripe for the teasing, but I don't think it fits any of the skeletons lol.
I would have suggested Arial as an option due to it's former prevalence, but honestly that name (+Verdana) have like… cemented themselves in my brain as 'fan-made skeleton' fonts ajbhjsmhjmdh (no shade whatsoever to anyone who uses them ofc, but MAN are they used a LOT.)
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redhead-writes · 2 years
Every angel needs their halo
Huge contribution from my lovely friend @pollyna. Alternative name for this is: “ Halo🤝the daggers: we're going to fix what it's broken because mavdad and icepop can't be sad”.
Halo had impressed the Admiral Kazansky a lot and so he put her on this mission team. He knew she would do her best on this and keep an eye on Maverick for him. 
When Maverick found out that Callie ‘Halo’ Shen will be on this mission team, he realised he has to impress this young WSO because his husband cares about her a lot, but it seems they didn’t get off to best of the start. Mav seemed to get into a lot of trouble while Halo was working with his husband.
Maverick would go around talking with himself,saying stuff like "Don't fuck this up Mav, you need you're husband's kid to like you" and so everybody starts to think Halo is actually Adrmial Kazansky's kid. Mav is so embarrassed because they tell that to Halo. She doesn't understand why someone would think something like that!  It confuses hell out of her until she heared Mav over the comms.
Halo sends recording to Ice. Ice goes on spiel that he would love to be, he would feel honored to be counted as father figure to Halo, of course, if she wants to. Because Mav had Bradley and yes, he co-parented. Halo is different. She brings out his soft side again. He feels responsible to take care of her. Callie also never treated him with gloves like others after his sickness. Halo even tears up and says yes but that she will grill Mav for some time. She can’t allow the old man not to pay for his sins.
Ice is taken by all that and how Mav is concerned that he tries to do his best to shoot his husband's cautions away because I could never ever feel less for you even if Halo doesn't like you. “You're my wingman, Mav, and I'll take you with me even to afterlife, my love.”
But Mav still wants to impress and be on Halo's good side because she is the first kid after Bradley that his husband had shown his soft side to. This is important to his husband, so he is gonna nail it whatever it takes him. When it comes down to Ice and proving to his husband that he cares deeply about people he cares about? He wants to nail it down but it has to be good too, so it's extra work but it's all worth it.
And like Mav telling Halo after a strenuous training session I SEE WHAT HE SEES IN YOU AND THANK YOU FOR TAKING CARE OF HIM FOR ME. After that Callie can’t keep grilling Maverick. He had broken down her walls, too, like he had done with Iceman before. So she answers with the same to him, taking Mav by surprise. That spurts Maverick asking her and Phoenix to come to dinner on Friday.  He knows they are dating each other and has since they were deployed together on previous mission. Mav has constant need to fill their nest and now he has the chance again.
Mav didn't even know he wanted all those people around until he started having them and now he just continues to invite people over and it's awesome because he can cook with Ice and it's the win of a win. When the Navy made you lose so much but finally it is giving you back what you deserve and finally these old men can be happy. And Mav takes it all, and sometimes he thinks he's a little selfish but then he looks around and on Ice's desk mostly and realizes he's hoarding too, all the moments he can in pictures and he can finally breathe.And they are the first piece of Mav's family? Literally the first two people he can call his own?
Halo teaches them how to cook her national dishes that her grandma thought her how to. Halo teaches Maverick how to eat with chopsticks and Ice sends video out to the '86 group chat because some tries are too funny. Halo is happy. She now has two gay dads that are proud of her chosen career and of her partner. Also she notices baby Roosters on the mantel and how sad her dads look at them. So she gets Phoenix help for intervention because Halo knew Rooster was an idiot but this is some kind of absurd level of it. Ok, intervention could wait because the anger was too great right now. She could not believe that someone could carry anger for over 15 years.
Bob is first to join Halo and Phoenix at these dinners. He is shy at the start but then he warms up and Ice is amazed by how smart this WSO is, not only about planes but life, when you allow him to feel safe to talk. They get into deep discussion. Next time Bob brings books that he thinks Ice would love to read. That house becomes Bob's safe space. Bob brings Fanboy next and he is amazed by the science fiction library Iceman has because secretly Ice is a geek. So Fanboy starts bringing over Lego sets. They start with Dark Star from Star Wars that they all construct together.
Bradley tries to think of what he did to piss off Halo. Because she won't stop glaring at him. He asks Phoenix but she also is curt with him. Bob looks like he is contemplating murder and it seems it is Bradley's.
Hangman: Hey, Rooster. What did you to piss off those three? Usually, it is my job. Like even Baby on board looks murderous. Even my dumb jokes never get him like that.
Rooster: Wish I knew, Bagman.
So next they bring in Hangman and he isn't his usual cocky self. More like a star struck puppy, catching every word that comes out of the admiral's mouth. But after time he also relaxes and lets his walls down. Iceman had talked with him about his attitude that reminded Ice of his own once. The hug Jake got at the end of conversation brought him close to tears, to be honest, he cried a bit. It was nice to be just Jake. Now he got why Halo, Bob and Phoenix looked so murderous to Bradley. How would that prick choose loneliness over this? Over being loved and cared for. After Hangman the rest of mission squad ends up in Icemav house, except Bradley because that would end up in drama. Ice gives them all the keys to their home. Rooster finds it strange that each Friday all the mission group disappears somewhere without bringing him along.
And Bradley is like : “Weird, where everyone has disappeared to?” He asks them but everyone tells some lies because they still need to fly this mission with him. Even if right now they would trust Hangman more than Rooster. Shame, that they aren’t the ones in power of choosing who flies it.
Tom comes in the car to get all the kids and promises doctors that he will wake Bob and Nat up for their concussion checks. So they all are allowed to leave. Fanboy and Payback had taken over the kitchen, making dinner for everyone. The Ivy league and Omaha are turning living room in one huge bed.
Halo is the one to walk in on Bradley shouting at Maverick. She had heard raised voices on her way to get Javy to hospital. Callie just stands between them both because no one talks to her Dad like that, not even this child who he raised. Rooster is towering over her, seething but she is not breaking the eye contact she has with Rooster. He once again had hurt Maverick. The man finally had started to look happier but he had to ruin it. Now Halo had seen that man really could carry anger for over 15 years. Well, if he was gonna hurt Maverick, she was gonna hit back even worse.
Halo: He has me, other daggers and his husband. Who do you have, Bradshaw?
With that she puts arm around Mavs shoulders and leads him out of room, feeling the older man's body tremble under it.
Halo: We are gonna get you some juice, dad, pick up Jake and Javy and go to hospital to visit Bob and Phee.
The older man just nodded and allowed himself to be led out of the station. There were people behind him who wouldn't leave him. He had his kids who he was going to bring back from this suicide mission.
Tom was scared when he got a call about an ejection accident because it still hit too close to home. After hop 31 every ejection is a mini heart attack for Ice and Mav. But seeing both Bobby and Phee coming out of their hospital room on their own was enough for him to relax.
So everyone stays in the living room. Those two old dogs guarding the kids and watching their chests rise and fall. Like a reminder that they all are here and okay.
Ice to Mav: You have to bring them all back.
Mav: Isn't that the reason why I am the instructor?
Ice: You know that was always just half of the  point. You have to bring them all and yourself back, Mav. I won't tolerate any less.
Mav: I promise and then I am gonna take the promotion so you don't have to worry anymore. But if you promise to come up with me again?
Ice: With you I would go anywhere. I am happy that you for once will be close by again. Just one piece of the puzzle missing.
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