#but it'll have cc coming out the ass so
shellseaisms · 4 months
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lightless doors, arches & windows.
pretty random for my first piece of cc, but I've grown to really hate the natural lighting from windows when it comes to building — they make the lighting of my rooms go all funky a lot of the time, and do not get me started on the weird ass blue tint. soooo I removed the light source entirely from the windows I commonly use :) I'm sharing them so they're available to download since I use them in pretty much all of my builds now, and in case anyone else out there gets just as bothered by this as I do.
as I said, the light source has been completely removed from them, so these windows are essentially decorative — it'll be as though you're decorating a room with no windows at all. screenshots attached are unedited; I do have my reshade on in them, but that doesn't alter the difference between the two windows at all.
available as both non-default and default replacement, but the default replacement versions only have the light source removed (no texture/catalog update because idk how to do that yet hehe I kept breaking them).
can be downloaded separately, merged by category or merged all together.
‣ download (mediafire).
default replacement // non-default
list of windows, arches & doors edited below.
alpha omega door
bjorn barn door
bjorn sliding door
double redunda-door
knobbs double door
lattice door
pristine pastures door
safe inside industrial door
surplus sliding doors
the knock-knock door
arch of industry
arch you glad to see me
archa omega archway
archway excelsior
double down arch
mission arch
party arch
spanish colonial archway
the great egress
the twinbrook arch
back to basix window
classic arch window
classy glassy window
mothership window
priorities mega window
priorities mega window topper
priorities window
raise high the window
sir cunningham window
straight and narrow window
warm winters window
window shmindow
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Steddie rockstar x roadie AU, with Steve being Eddie's queer awakening
(in a not-fic-format because I cannot be arsed to actually write it)
So. Corroded Coffin isn't huge by any means, but they're big enough. Successful and respected within their genre. Has a loyal fanbase, constantly sells out smaller venues, gets to go on tour every so often. They're rockstars who've made it while still getting to live like they're not rockstars when off the clock (and stage). The best of both worlds, really.
They're gearing up for another tour and have a couple of new faces on their crew. One of them got the job by being a friend of a friend. He doesn't at all look like he'd be a roadie for CC, and he doesn't actually listen to them – he's more into classic rock (respectable) and occasionally new wave (not respectable), but it's whatever. He's strong and hard-working and gets the job done. He also withstands the initial hazing like a champ, even biting back a few times. Yeah, Steve Harrington carves a place for himself in the crew and is soon one of them.
Eddie is especially fond of the new guy. Partly because it's clear Steve is as enamored with Dustin as Eddie is, and mutual interests bring people together. But also because Steve is simply a fun dude to be around? He's nice. Except for when he's mean; then he's funny instead. He's honestly funny a lot of times, even when he doesn't mean to be. Like, sometimes someone will make an exceptionally nerdy reference that he doesn't get, so he'll tilt his head and scrunch his eyebrows as it's explained to him. And, all right, maybe that's not funny, per se. More like cute. Endearing. Eddie often finds himself endeared and wanting to pat Steve on the head like the sweet little puppy he so strongly resembles.
The others mock him for it. Tease him about his man-crush on Harrington. Eddie laughs along with them, because yeah! Were he into men, Steve absolutely would've been his type. Look at him! Guy's ripped and has great hair (almost better than Eddie's. Just imagine the mane it'd be if he let it grow past his shoulders...) and Eddie has great taste. He'd for sure be head over heels for Steve if he were gay, and he is man enough to admit it.
That's how the flirting starts – as an extension of the joke. It's not out of character for Eddie, who flirts with everyone. With reporters, interviewers, photographers, TSA officers, venue security, other bands, anyone! Gender, age, or appearance don't matter because flirting is fun. And it's especially fun to flirt with Steve, because he flirts back! No matter how much Eddie does it, Steve will flirt back and help make everyone laugh. It's a great part of their dynamic and actually brings them closer as friends. Dustin would be proud of them.
So, while on tour, they have this thing where one member of the crew gets to decide where they'll go after shows or on their days off. Participation is optional but encouraged, because it's an 'organic bonding experience' or whatever their manager called it. Occasionally it'll be a movie or a museum, but usually the destination is a bar or club. What's there to say, they're a bunch of male, red-blooded twenty to thirty-somethings – what better pasttime is there than to get drunk after a hard day's work? Yeah, every so often someone will pick up a girl, but it's a rare occurrence. A bunch of the guys has special ladies waiting at home, and for the single ones it's much easier to just book a date with their own hand.
There's one guy on the crew, Peter, who always takes them to a gay bar when it's his turn. This because he is gay. Duh. No one minds it, and if they do they don't come back next tour. Corroded Coffin prides themselves on their allyship. They're freaks of nature welcoming all other freaks of nature. Seriously, what does it matter if a dude likes cock instead of tits? Why is it wrong if he wants it up the ass? It's actually not that bad! See, Eddie used to date this woman who was puh-retty kinky. Pegging was just one of the many, many, maaaaaaany things she enjoyed. And Eddie loved her, so, well. It wasn't as good as she claimed it'd be, but it was fine. Enjoyable enough to do again. The point is that CC doesn't dance with homophobia, and Eddie will scream it from the top of every table.
Anyway. When it's Peter's turn, Steve (who hasn't gotten to pick yet because he's the newbie and they pick last) comments upon it. Nothing big. Nothing bad. Still, Gareth is on him, puffing himself up like a chihuahua and asking if Steve has a problem with it.
Eddie’s hands turn clammy with nerves in the split second it takes for Steve to roll his eyes and scoff "of course not".
Look, he'd really like for Steve to be back next tour, okay? They're buddies now and he doesn't want to lose him to bigotry. Also, it'd suck to have to tell Dustin that the guy he hero-worships is actually a douchebag. Nothing to fear, however – Steve continues to prove himself to be a good dude. He doesn't even blink when propositioned at the club! Simply tells them "thanks, but no thanks". Unsurprising, since he's cool with Eddie's nonsense, but there's a difference between a straight guy hitting on you as a joke and a gay guy doing it for real. At least, for some it is. But not for Steve. Fuck, Eddie hopes he'll be back next tour. He's on his way to being Eddie's new best friend and he'd miss him.
Then, it's time – they're in Chicago and it's Steve's turn to pick. Some of the others grumble over the newbie getting such a big city at his disposal. Eddie doesn't blame them for suspecting favoritism – it's happened before – but not this time! It just became like this and Eddie has nothing to do with it! Ask the other band members.
(When he breaks the news to Steve, his hazel eyes light up. He asks, "Can a friend of mine come with?"
"Sure, man," Eddie says, clapping him on the shoulder.
Steve buzzes with excitement, giddier than a kid on Christmas morning. Fuck, he's so cute.)
That night after the show, as they're leaving for the 'organic bonding experience' (seriously, Chrissy? Of all the things you could call it...), they're met by a young woman outside the venue.
She's tall and skinny, like a giraffe, and that's all Eddie can tell at first glance because she rushes up and flings herself into Steve's embrace. They hug, they laugh, they might cry a little, and he even spins around with her in his arms.
(Girlfriend? She's certainly pretty enough for it.)
Once the heartwarming reunion is over, Steve introduces her as Robin, and tells her that it's his turn to pick a place for them to decompress but he's making it her choice. Robin spits out options with a speed none of them keep up with; Steve stops her, saying, "No, Robs. I'm making it your choice."
They share a look.
She gasps.
They grin, mischievously, and then...
She takes them to a lesbian club.
It's open to gay guys too, obviously, but clearly caters to lesbians. It's a smaller thing, the kind that entertains a steady line of regulars. Apparently, Robin and Steve are among these regulars, because the bartender greets them by name the moment they step inside.
They order their drinks and claim a booth. Robin is quick to instigate a discussion about what dorky things Steve has done while away from her. Eddie is happy to share while Steve laments he should've known better than to introduce them.
An hour or so in, Robin skitters off to catch up with a group of women, all varying degrees of butch. Not ten seconds later, someone new claims her seat (which is also Steve's lap). Eddie mistakes them for a girl at first, because they're small with a high-pitched voice, but no, it's just the twinkiest twink. He makes himself at home on Steve's thigh, pressing a kiss to Steve's cheek and squealing, "Stevie! I didn't know you were back!"
Steve laughs. "Hey, babe. Just for tonight. I'm here with my coworkers."
The twink twists around in Steve's lap. He really is girly-looking: soft jawline, slender build, shoulder-length blond waves, and huge eyes enhanced with makeup. He even smells like a woman, strawberry and jasmine.
"Oh! The rock band!" He extends a dainty hand. "Hi, I'm Brendan!"
Brendan sticks around for a while. Like Robin, he wants to know what Steve's been up to. Unlike Robin, he's more interested in awe-inspiring stories than embarrassing ones (unfortunate, for the latter kind heavily outweighs the former). He doesn't move from Steve's lap. Kind of weird, actually. Like, there are available seats. Yes, Robin also sat exclusively in Steve's lap, but that's different. They're best friends and it was chaste and cute. Brendan is... honestly, Eddie doesn't know who Brendan is. Some dude who's shameless enough to rub his ass on Steve's dick in full view of everyone. Yeah, you're not as subtle as you think, babe.
He doesn't even move when they get up to let another crew member go to the bathroom! No, Steve slides out of the booth still holding him, Brendan perched on his forearm. His muscles flex, a vein straining underneath the skin, but Steve's face is relaxed. As if the – small, sure, but still grown – man in his arms weighs nothing. More likely, Steve is just that used to carrying things.
For some reason, Eddie's mouth dries a little at the thought of it.
At last, Brendan leaves, but not before sweetly kissing Steve on the lips and telling him to "let me know when you're back for real, stud".
Steve promises with a laugh, then turns back to the table and rejoins the conversation as if it was nothing strange. As if making dates with other men happens to him all the time.
The entire thing leaves something gnawing on Eddie. He holds it in while in the club. He holds it in when they escort Robin to her cab. He holds it in as they walk back to the tour buses.
Then the others are gone. It's just him and Steve left, lingering to smoke in the parking lot, and he can't hold it any longer.
"I didn't know you're gay!"
Smoothness, thy name is Eddie Munson.
Steve shrugs. "I'm not; I'm bisexual."
"Right, right."
Eddie takes a deep drag, putting some of the smoke in the wrong pipe and coughing it up. Steve thumps his back.
"Woah, man, are you okay?"
"I'm fine," Eddie rasps, tears prickling his eyes. "So, um, is it okay? What we've been... The flirting?"
"Uh, yeah?" Steve tilts his head, eyebrows scrunching and, Jesus Christ, how can he be so adorable? "Why wouldn't it be?"
"Because!" Eddie gestures between the two of them. "You're bi, and I'm not, and is it offensive for me to...?"
Steve blinks at him, before bursting into laughter. Eddie feels the blush warming his neck.
"Don't be stupid," Steve says in between peals of giggles. "It's just a fun thing. S'not that deep. You don't have to lose sleep over it."
"Alright, man. Then I won't."
But he does.
That very night he finds himself tossing and turning. And thinking. Thinking about Steve. About Steve's strong arms and broad chest. About his square jaw and plush lips. About his thick hair and hooded eyes. About how the ugly polo shirts the techs wear look genuinely good on Steve, and about how his tight jeans leave little to the imagination. That particular line of thought has Eddie whimper and roll his hips against the mattress. Rachael's strap-on always felt kind of so-so. Was it because it was too rubbery or because it was too small?
He also thinks about what makes Steve Steve. Like Steve's selflessness, always the first to volunteer to do the tedious work so no one else has to. And Steve's barbed tongue, sharp enough to give even Eddie a run for his money. Eddie thinks about their easy banter, and how Dustin sings his praises, and how Steve let Robin pick a club when it was his turn.
After three consecutive nights of tossing, turning, thinking, and no sleep, Eddie comes to a horrifying conclusion.
It's not simply a question of 'want'. He's not just horny and curious. No, he likes Steve.
It makes things so fucking awkward. He has no idea how to act around Steve afterward. Falling for a crew member is bad enough (so unprofessional; Chrissy would definitely be on his case if she knew), but this is worse because he's a guy. Eddie's never been into guys before! Sure, there are men out there who are objectively hot. Eddie can admit that. But it's not the same. There are feelings involved here.
And the worst is that people notice. Steve notices. How can he not? When Eddie stops responding to their usual flirting, turning into a skittish bunny whenever Steve is close.
At first, it makes Steve pause. Tilt his head, scrunch his eyebrows, and pout in confusion (Eddie's heartbeat turns irregular every time he does). Then Steve pulls away, and Eddie's heart fucking breaks. The atmosphere among the crew turns tense; Peter starts sending him dirty looks that Eddie shrinks away from.
A few days into it, he's cornered by a pissed off Jeff.
"Dude, what's your problem?" he snaps; Eddie wants to sink into the ground. "I thought you were better than this. Who cares that Harrington is also into dudes? It's still Harrington! It won't kill you to treat him like you used to. No one is going to think you're gay for standing next to him."
Eddie croaks, "What if I am?"
"You- What?"
"What if... I like Steve?"
Jeff's jaw hits the floor. "What."
Eddie inhales deeply, staring at his wringing hands. "I like Steve. I've been thinking... After Chicago, I started to think about... And I realized I like him." A sob tears from his throat. "I don't know what I should-"
Jeff's arms wrap around him; Eddie buries his face in the crook of his neck.
"Jesus Christ," Jeff mutters, stroking Eddie's back. "Um, it's okay? We support you. No one will judge you! We love you all the same."
Eddie nods, Jeff's leather jacket squeaking with the movement. He's been wearing it since high school and it smells like home.
"I don't know how to act around him anymore," he sniffles.
"Why don't you tell him?"
Eddie recoils from the embrace to give Jeff his mightiest 'are you stupid for real' look. Jeff sighs at him.
"Oh, come on. You're his friend and a good-looking guy. Why not?" Jeff says, as if it's that easy. But...
"I'm not his type!"
"You don't know that."
"Yes, I do! Didn't you see that Brendan guy?"
Jeff falters. He realizes Eddie is right. Because, yes, Eddie is pretty hot. He has the long hair and a pretty face, he's been told. But he's still a masculine guy. A blue-collar type with calluses on his hands and dirt under his nails. He's not a svelte, dainty, little twink – he's as tall as Steve is, with more tattoos than bare skin and who smells like sweat and tobacco badly masked with cheap cologne, not strawberries and jasmine. He doesn't wear makeup or do his hair and some days he just fucking picks a used shirt from his pile and maybe sniffs it before putting it on. He talks too much and too loud. His limbs flail when he's excited. He's not going to sweetly ask for flattering stories about Steve – his instinct is to tease him for calling one of the guys from Nip/Tuck 'Dr. McDreamy'. He's closer to Robin than he is to Brendan. Jesus Christ, he's in the same category as Steve's lesbian best friend! Or at least he was, before he shot their friendship to hell.
There's no hope.
The tour ends on a sourer note than previous ones. It's all Eddie's fault. He doesn't even stick around for the last 'organic bonding experience' – he gets into his car at the first opportunity and drives home.
And then comes the wallowing. Several tubs of ice cream are consumed as High Fidelity plays on loop on Eddie's TV. He writes dozens of miserable, yearning songs and screens his calls, not even picking up for Chrissy or Wayne. It's not until Dustin's cheerful lisp rings out from his answering machine that there's a change. He's inviting Eddie to come visit him and Suzie and the cats in Massachusetts, like he always does after a tour.
Eddie can't turn that down. Besides, he probably needs to get out of the house.
So he goes, and it's nice. Dustin is still a little shit, Suzie is a pearl, the cats are cuddly, and Eddie is a good enough faker to mask his emotional state – his hosts notice nothing amiss.
Then, halfway through his visit, Eddie returns from his walk and who does he find unpacking their car in Dustin and Suzie's driveway?
Can you guess? I think you can.
It's Robin!
And Steve. They're a package deal, you know.
And Dustin's like, "Eddie! They're here! Oh, did I forget to tell you they were coming? Oops. Well, you already know them, so it's fine."
And Eddie is panicking, and Robin is trying to murder him with her mind, and Steve is just like,
Coldly polite.
Eddie hides in his guest room until dinner time. When he comes out, he expects Dustin to chew him out for being an asshole homophobe and kick him out of his life permanently.
But he doesn't. Dinner is as usual, if Steve Harrington ignoring you and Robin Buckley glaring at you is part of your usual dinner experience.
After cleaning up, Steve steps outside to smoke. Eddie, figuring he has to take some responsibility, follows him. Steve is standing on the deck, elbows resting on the wooden railing, his back to the house. He straightens up and turns when Eddie closes the screen door behind him. The sun has set, but the moon is out; Steve's profile is sharp in the pale moonlight, his posture sure. The cherry of his cigarette makes shadows and flames flicker dramatically over his features, highlighting the edges and the curves and he's so fucking gorgeous Eddie forgets how to breathe. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder.
He slinks over, Steve's gaze following him.
"Hi," Eddie says.
"Hi," Steve says.
"You didn't..." Eddie swallows. "You didn't tell Dustin?"
Steve frowns. "No. It's between us. For now, at least."
Shuddering, Eddie wraps his arms around himself. It's late summer and still warmish as long as there's no wind. Right now it's windless, the cold coming from within.
"I wanted to talk."
Steve hums, noncommittal.
"I wanted to apologize."
Another hum, more interested.
"I'm sorry. For how I acted. I've been an asshole and you don't deserve any of that."
Eddie glances up to gauge Steve's reaction, and oh. The whole evening, Steve's been aloof, cordially keeping Eddie at arm's length, but now...
Now he just looks sad.
A few weeks ago, they were close enough for Eddie to hug him when he looked like this. Eddie would crush his own heart with a sledgehammer if it meant they'll go back to that.
He says, "We haven't known each other for long, but you're already one of my best friends. Then it got weird at the end and-"
Steve's face hardens again, eyes tapering with anger.
"Things didn't 'get weird', Eddie. You made them weird. What the fuck?"
And Eddie takes a deep breath and says,
"I like you."
Shock colors Steve's expression; he takes a step back. It takes everything to stop Eddie from following in an attempt to reel him back in.
"I don't know when it started," he says, the confession tumbling out. "I always liked you? You're a good guy and fun to hang with and a great friend, and I guess you were hot, but a ton of guys are hot and it doesn't have to mean anything. I can be straight and still think guys are hot, you know? But then, in Chicago, you came out and I started seeing you differently. So, huh, turns out, in my case? Thinking guys are hot does mean something. And I freaked out because I didn't know what to do. Being close to you made me so nervous, and I couldn't tell you how I felt because just because you like guys doesn't mean you like me, and I already know your type is cute little blond twinks, and-"
"I actually prefer brunets," Steve says.
Eddie chokes on what else he had to say. He looks up at Steve, who's smiling. Kind of shy but mostly bright, eyes crinkling at the corners. His cigarette is almost down to the filter; Steve drops and snuffs it out without looking away from Eddie. His eyes are like gold, glittering.
"Y-you what?"
"I don't really have a type," Steve says, stepping closer. "I like who I like." Another step. "But, uh, most of my relationships have been with brunets." Another step, then stop – they're nose to nose. "Nerdy ones."
Eddie's head spins. He squeaks, "Oh?"
Steve nods. "I like smart, passionate people. And I..." He giggles. "I've had a crush on you since the beginning."
Eddie's head fucking explodes. It leaves a gash in his face that stretches from ear to ear. A breeze blows past, caressing his burning cheeks. It's his turn to giggle.
"You're fucking with me."
Steve tilts his head, but doesn't scrunch his brow this time. No, it remains smooth, but his eyelids droop as his eyes roam Eddie's body.
"So far, only in my head."
Eddie sputters. He grabs a fistful of hair and pulls it in front of his red face. Steve, the bastard, laughs at him. He reaches out, coaxing the locks out of Eddie's grip and tucks them behind his ear. There's an endlessness in his gaze; simultaneously looking through Eddie and at him. Seeing him from every angle, especially the ugly ones, but touching him just as tenderly anyway.
Eddie wets his lips. Since he caused the distance in the first place, it only seems fair he takes the last step. "Do you want to go out with me?" he asks. "A date?"
Steve leans in until they touch from forehead to nose tip.
"Yes," he says. "I do."
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annymaght · 6 months
I'm choosing to stay delulu and think that magically the jwct fandom will be enormous and the show will be insanely popular and it'll have a lot of fics and fanart and discussions to consume 🤞
Well if Camp Cretaceous was big enough for them to create a whole ass sequel show then that audience will likely carry over, with more people this time as well.
And I often think about how big the hype got for season 4 of Camp Cretaceous, right before it turned out it wasn't what we asked for.
Everyone thought that the kids were gonna go to Isla Sorna and that got the entire jurassic fanbase buzzing, even those that hadn't watched the previous seasons. It was huge.
I think they could have that for Chaos Theory, given the direction it supposedly wants to take, but this time keep that hype going if it does the right thing.
But despite all this, I feel like the CC and CT fans that are currently posting on Tumblr are the best in the bunch. It's about quality not quantity when it comes to a having a good fandom, and I think we have covered that already. I mean, the #big ben memes that are coming out at the moment, each and every one of them slaps ass.
Even though we are kinda small at the moment, there are so many passionate people who create amazing fanart, fanfics and other content for the fandom, so I promise you we won't be short on anything.
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ophernelia · 2 months
I hope this isn’t a question you’ve gotten already. I was curious how did you figure out your brand, like in the sense that you knew the name you had for yourself was something you loved and wanted to be attached to your content ya know. I’m trying to figure out what I want my brand to be for my content or at the very least have a brand that’s solely my own and tells people it’s me whenever they watch or interact with it ya know.
honestly, it took a lot of trial and error! even down to like usernames and my overall aesthetic i went through quite a few different phases. my name came the easiest though. when i picked ophernelia, it was just on a whim. my favorite song of all time is caraphernelia by pierce the veil so i wanted to do a play on that. ultimately i just ended up picking the letter 'O' cause it sounded the best to me lol. over time it's worked to my benefit because it's pretty unique. that name wouldn't come up unless you were referring to me. like if you google it all the results are just stuff that links to me lol, so it's a lot easier to like stand out i guess. i've wanted to change it a few times, but it'd be such a hassle to do it. besides i have to learn to stick with stuff long-term so it's staying the same lol.
as far as finding an aesthetic or vibe that aligns with me, i've always leaned toward an edgier style. even if it's with a really light color palette. that's how i am irl. i love my baby pinks and other pastel colors, but it always has to have a bit of edge to it. i tried to have that translate to the stuff i make too. it took me a whiiiiiiile to get a decent grasp on it though. the biggest driving force was the "you can't say someone copied you if it's in the game already" "you aren't as original as you think you are" so i said "true ok bet" lmao. i just started to make everything myself. edit everything myself. draw my own stuff, make my own cc, edit the worlds, and ultimately make my entire brand just a culmination of my original content cause that for damn sure can't be replicated. that pretty much deaded all the incidences of similarities. and it's what i needed anyway. i was lazy as hell with stuff before knowing i could do better if i tried. i got my ass in blender and got to work lol.
ultimately i'd say it's just doing what's authentic to you. your vibe, your aesthetic, your beliefs etc. it's kinda like with finding a personal style irl. you gotta go through a lot of different vibes to see which one aligns the most with you. which one feels the best. and it doesn't even have to just be one thing. it can be like a mash of different styles you really vibe with. from there it'll evolve over time and ultimately you'll have a clearer idea of what works for you and what you like fr!
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
Alright, so I have @lurkingshan talking me down from a ledge on Dangerous Romance, episode 2, because up until the last scene, I was very much hoping that the bullying and chemistry between PerthChimon and MarcPawin was kind of meant to send up past BLs focusing on these themes -- à la SOTUS, which the director of Dangerous Romance, Lit Phadung, had previously done.
But that last scene was a little wild. I have not seen Never Let Me Go, but I understand it was a show that fought between its crime storyline and its romance storyline (cc @lurkingshan), and yeah -- I share the same concerns as Shan.
Before I get to the gun: I'm not yet sure why Kang is so hellbent on causing trouble in school. What's the deal with his obsession with revenge? He's spending QUITE a bit of time on the bullying. Time management, my friend, you're not doing well on these tests. (What is the root of the power struggles at the school? Is it speaking to a story of, say, insecurity about Kang that we'll learn later? I feel like I need a hint more about this impetus before we embark on KangSailom's journey.)
I like that Pim was Grandma's spy. I like that Pim is worried about Kang. (If I were Kang's friend, I'd be worried about him, too!) I LIKE GRANDMA. I want to know more about where Kang's mom is, as I said last week. I want to know why are Sailom and Saifah broke.
Alright, that gun bit. I'll just say, there have to be many other ways (I guess? I don't actually know, I've never bullied people like this before?) to convince someone to tutor your ass, than by waving a damn gun in their face. This felt a bit like jumping the shark to me. (And unfortunately, Shan, @neuroticbookworm, and to a lesser extent, I, have slight PTSD about Perth holding a gun from our Double Savage days, lol.) Whipping out a gun to your high school classmate.... seems quite heightened for a drama in episode 2. And then Sailom hugging Kang after seemed.... inconsistent. It makes sense after getting beat up, but Kang's been nothing but a threat so far, so... make it make sense?
Right now, I am watching this show for the acting (COME AWN, THE "ACTING," WHO AM I KIDDING, I LIKE THEIR FACES, I LOVE THEIR FACES) of Chimon and Perth, particularly because I want to see their chemistry work itself out. Can you imagine -- if their chemistry absolutely clicks, will we be willing to write off this episode? Right now, at least Chimon is too good for this script. Perth is really working the bullying angle. If the chemistry outweighs the script, it'll be a damn shame, because they're clearly still demonstrating great individual acting.
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betweenlands · 8 months
sits back.
i am so happy with bsch right now. writing has been slow -- we're running out of chapters tbh -- but it's also been, just, incredibly refreshing.
i love writing fight scenes, i love writing dialogue. we consider these two things to be the same thing -- a fight scene is a conversation with fists, a discussion is a fistfight with words, if you can do one you can do the other once you grasp that they're the very same coin. last time we wrote a multichapter with fluffy, it was all dialogue, no fight scenes, and that's fine. but sometimes the heart wants violence.
bsch isn't ever going to be as popular as that last multichapter. it doesn't update daily, it isn't for two extremely well-liked mcyters focusing around an aspect of a series that was incredibly popular in its own right, and it comes with a HUGE warning label slapped on the front telling people there's gonna be horror in it.
i'm okay with that. i'm so okay with that, because it means we don't have to worry about what people will think. hopefully we will never get that comment, that sanctification and death knell of "this is going to be The Fic for this fandom," and time will turn on. if the ccs read it then it's whatever, because we've up-front stated they can but they're in our house, if they don't then that's also totally fine. maybe it'll containment breach and get new people into 100dmv, maybe it'll remain a total hidden gem. maybe we won't explode an aspect of character fanon forever this time!
i don't really care what happens, fandom-wise. i love writing bsch because there are no expectations other than that we and fluffy will be On Our Bullshit. we can do whatever we want forever. it's lovely.
anyway tune in next week (2/24) to watch legundo get his ass handed to him by a pillager
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alittlemoth · 2 years
Requests here! :D
pure vanilla x f reader and (separately) Clotted Cream X f reader. Y/N / F / C/F hails from the republic, cousin to the consul himself and is interested in the ancients. They had moved to the vanilla kingdom for a short while and slowly fell in love with pure vanilla. Ofc consul acts like a big brother and will try to deny it.
Clotted Cream x f reader
Hails from HollyBerry kingdom or dark cacao kingdom( preferably dark cacao since her job would be a watcher ik there’s a npc called the 2nd watcher but never mind that. We are the 2nd watcher) Travels across the world with her interesting personality of both kingdoms and slowly falls in love with clotted after many hangouts
Extra for clotted: A ball and fireworks show :)
I always have some ideas of cookies in my head. So I’ll always be asking for them most likely. Such as PV,CC,CA and others but by far those 3.
For future reference please make each promo a separate ask thank you! These might not be as detailed as I would like because I'm going through mild writer's block ATM
You and Clotted Cream were always pretty close. You and him acted more like siblings than cousins. When you two moved to the Vanilla Kingdom you met Pure Vanilla while taking a walk through the gardens.
You two happened to bump into each other whenever you went on walks. You two could talk for hours while tending the gardens.
After a few weeks you were asked on a date to the crows nest inn it went fantastic everyone was super supportive he was super sweet and you went on many dates after that!
Clotted was... Conflicted. He came here to convince the ancients to give the soul jams up, but now you have gotten attached and are upset with him after finding out he spilled the beans about White Lily.
He got progressively more annoyed about this conflict of interests and worries for your safety, because if the COD finds out PV has a lover.... You may have put a target on your back.
After a while though, he warms up to the idea for a few reasons
One he makes you happy
Two this is a great opportunity for the political alliance to be even stronger
It guarantees pure vanilla's interested in helping the Republic
The council is actually ecstatic to have someone from the Republic be that close to an ancient.
Overall it ends up pretty well you stayed living in the vanilla Kingdom coming to visit your cousin every now and again everyone's extremely happy and pure vanilla is a very sweet and kind lover always making you breakfast in bed and in general being the best boyfriend you could ask for.
I'm going to modify this and make you the third watcher which I know probably isn't a thing, but it'll give you a reason to be outside the kingdom!
You were traveling with his majesty to the Republic. Being the third watcher you were essentially his bodyguard that stands by his side every time he travels, he can handle himself but it's always nice to have backup. You're also the one who does diplomacy and otherwise exploration of the cacao Kingdom and otherwise.
You first meet clotted cream when he spills the beans about white lily and sees him almost be murdered harmed. In all honesty you are both appalled and impressed by the audacity of this man.
Dark Cacao requests that you keep an eye on him as one of the most trusted watchers in the entire Kingdom. He trusts you not to be swayed or manipulated like gingerbrave was.( He is not opposed to you having a personal relationship whether that be friendship or otherwise you would prefer not to cuz he doesn't particularly like him, but he wants you to be careful.)
You two start talking and you find out about the situation with his mother and how is stepfather is frankly an ass. He asks you out during the New Year's firework show.
The sounds of fireworks going off briefly stopped and then that's when he made his move he requested you come with him to the ball in the Republic as his plus one.
You accept but you would have to ask his majesty if he would need you for protection during that time or if you were free. You were so you gladly go.
You wear a dress that actually has pants disguised as a skirt you know in case things go south a watcher is always prepared. You wear the darker colors purple blacks and the symbol of dragons caramel arrow a good friend of yours has picked out the dress.
You had a wonderful time had a hard time avoiding sweets and mostly had to stick to the savory areas of the food but y'all have had a wonderful time and end up staying together and form a bond between the cacao Kingdom and The Republic.
Hi thank you for the requests you gave some of the if not the most detailed requests I've ever gotten which provided some challenge because I have a lot of ideas and I had to not be impulsive and stick to the prompt!
I appreciate the request I haven't gotten any in a while looking forward to seeing you around buddy!
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eddies-hid3out · 1 year
I've been obsessively listening to Snuff by Slipknot since I saw it at Download and it's birthed an Eddie brainworm I can't get rid of and will once again never be able to write as a full fic. So here's some crumbs under the cut in the hopes it'll stop plaguing me!! Apologies for any errors, I'm dumping this and running.
Wannabe rockstar Eddie who leaves you in Hawkins to chase his dream of making it big with Corroded Coffin. He never tells you but he intends to come back for you once he's made it but CC never quite get there and Eddie ends up lonely, angry and sad, and cuts contact with you because he's ashamed of leaving. But you are also in your own band and you are the one who ends up getting discovered. By the time Eddie pulls his head out of his ass and returns to Hawkins ready to beg forgiveness you're gone.
You don't see each other again for years. Eddie is too embarrassed to reach out and pretends he isn't around when you call to catch up with Wayne, or your friends. Eddie keeps up with your career. He has your albums, he stays up to watch interviews etc. He's so proud of you but occasionally gets worried because he also keeps up with the rumours that you're enjoying the party lifestyle a bit too much.
It all comes to a head when Eddie is dragged to your sold out show by mutual friends (probably the other members of CC) in Indianapolis about 8 years later (10 years since Eddie left). It's your bands final tour before you take a hiatus as most members have families they want to start focusing on. He's right at the very front barrier in a crowd of about 50 away from the main audience because of course you set Gareth up with VIP for as many tickets as needed. The show is amazing, you shine on the stage and Eddie will never get over finally seeing it all up close. He starts to get excited at the thought of properly seeing you again when the guys get to go backstage, starts practicing what he wants to say in his head so he can try and apologise at the very least. Towards the end of your show though the atmosphere changes on stage. Whereas before you've been running back and forth or interacting with your band mates during songs, now you're front and centre with an acoustic guitar. You thank the crowd for being there and announce you're going to be performing a song you've never released (it's Snuff). You wrote it a few years prior when you were in a pretty heavy place and have kept it under lock and key but you're finally ready and in a good enough place to put it into the world. No one knows what to expect but they absolutely aren't prepared for the emotional avalanche you send their way. It's haunting and clearly difficult for you to get through. Eddie watches in awe but the further into the song you get the more he realises it's about him. It's all your hurt. Years of heartbreak and rage kept bottled up all aimed at him in devastating lyrics. The whole crowd is silent when you finish, only when you say a tired thankyou into the mic that everyone loses their shit. Eddie though, he's left feeling hollow. All these years he's took some comfort in believing that despite some rumours you're living your best life but now he's stuck with the cold hard knowledge that not only did him leaving ruin his own life but it ruined you too. And now he has to face you.
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springsaladgaming · 2 years
Progress Update 10/4/2022
Hey, all!
It's been a while, and I'm sorry to say I don't have too much to report. I'm still struggling along. We're out of the hot season now, so my sleeping has improved significantly, but unfortunately not my executive dysfunction. I can try to pin the blame on environmental factors as much as I want, but more likely the truth is just that my neurodivergency is kicking my ass right now.
So why bother updating if I don't have anything to report? Well, first of all so no one thinks I just disappeared. But also I think it's good to talk about these creative blocks when they happen—to remind others (and myself) that they are not the only ones who struggle with it.
So I'm going to talk a little bit about what I'll be doing to motivate myself to work. If you're not interested in reading, then feel free to stop reading the update here knowing that, yes, I'm still here and still working! If anyone cares to read on, maybe you'll find something helpful or just relateable by hearing me spitball my process in dealing with my neurodivergency. Either way, hope you all are doing well and have a lovely month! 💕
The good news in all of this is that working on my writing has stopped feeling like a daunting, hopeless task and is starting to feel approachable again, if only I can get myself to sit down and start the task.
So, for me, it starts with baby steps. Many forms of neurodivergency that deal with executive dysfunction can make a long-term task feel gargantuan and unmanageable, so the goal is to break it down into small steps that are manageable.
I've started a checklist of smaller tasks so that I can start working on them one by one. Right now, that checklist is divided between this project and my other one, but I have to start somewhere.
The second half of that challenge? Getting myself to actually begin the task. I'm using the coming of October and my desire to play through a list of horror video games that I have yet to touch as incentive; I need to have a session of at least a couple of hours of working on my checklist before I'm allowed to play.
The goal right now is less about the quantity of work than it is about helping my brain start the task. Once I become reaccustomed to doing so, I can start setting other goals for myself, like word counts or scene completions.
Other small helpful things: changing up my environment a little bit. I might try switching up where I work in my house from time to time. Additionally, at some point I think I'll put together a fresh writing playlist as I think my brain is getting too used to my usual one and thus getting bored. (I can't work on my writing in silence. I have to have music.) A fresh cup of coffee when I start working will also help keep me motivated, because I love beverages, coffee in particular, and it's a small thing that will make me happy.
So right now my checklist looks something like this:
complete "talk" branch of prologue 1
revision pass for scene variation
revision pass for TA
revision pass for SL
revision pass for stat balance
develop first impression variables
compile coding for CC
decide what to have in initial CC
make a cheat sheet for importing prologue 1
review for TWs
code into Twine
check for errors
review lucia conversation variables
write alternate Ansel meet
compare with route A for stat balance
review old version of ch2, rewrite closing
comprehensive plot of ch3 and vars
review old version of ch3, keep and toss
start writing ch3
Obviously, there's a lot to this list, but each individual task is way more manageable than "finish chapter 2" or "finish the prologue." It'll be a process, but sometimes it just be like that.
If you've read this far, thanks for listening to my spitballing. I don't know if I want this to be helpful or reassuring or what, but it's out there. Take care of yourselves! 😘
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maplesyruplover · 2 years
So uh I got absolutely wrecked and wrote this combiner piece. I went with the easy combiner tech 💀 I'm in love with the idea of the Praxians combining to make Praxus' Revenge. There will be a 2nd chapter containing smut, but it'll take me awhile. Bluestreak/Crash Cart/Prowl.
It was far from the original plan everyone had agreed upon to form this new combiner, but the battle had been far from the original plan since the start. Prowl, Bluestreak, Crash Cart, Smokescreen and possibly another were set to test the new combiner technology, the Enigma of Combination, in the upcoming weeks after this large battle, but this battle was going nowhere fast, and with Megatron being among those on the battlefield they needed any advantage they could get.. The only 2 bots that weren't needed elsewhere on the battlefield more urgently were Bluestreak and Crash Cart. 
"Ready to go kick some 'con ass Blue?" CC let out a low chuckle, grabbing one side of the Enigma with both servos. They stepped outside of the base, senses already being assaulted by the sounds of the battle. "I'm having issues with sensory feedback, just be forewarned." They turned to face him, an overly excited grin sat on their lip plates. 
"Ready CC!" He said loudly, servos reached to grab the other side of the device. 
Overly loud transformation sequences rang out, folding the 2 bots into one larger being. Green optics flared brightly, blinking several times, vision slowly coming into focus. Woah, what am I? Servos reached up to grab their energon rifle, their buzzsaw arm blade whirled to life. Battle, right. The large combiner turned and looked out onto the pitscape below. Their optics narrowed upon seeing Megatron's form deep on the field, faceplates morphed into a snarl, engine giving a loud roar of anger. 
"Just the 'con I'm looking for." They growled under their exvents. They nearly stumbled their first few steps, before finally getting the hang of it. They took large strides in an attempt to hasten their advancement on Megatron, optics never left his form on their way to him. 
"You've caused us to fall once before Megatron, prepare to feel Praxus' Revenge." Their loud voice boomed across the slim area left between their large form and him. Dentae bared in a snarl, they brought up their energy rifle, aiming to only need one shot. 
"DECEPTICONS RETREAT!!" Megatron's optics were blown bright and wide in alarm upon seeing the new gray and green hulking bot. 
In the time-span it took them to line up the shot and prepare to shoot, he'd already transformed, turned heel, and gotten washed away in the dark sea of 'Cons now making their retreat. 
They let out a loud snarl. "Try as you might Megatron, we will get our REVENGE!" Voice carrying loudly over the scrambling mess of 'Cons. 
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the-firebird69 · 8 months
High-Speed Campagna T-rex Highway Run... Didn't expect this!
They made a ton of these and they are all over the world and people are not using them and he says you have to put a metal Hull on like they did later on no they didn't do that on the vayder but that's why I didn't keep selling and the carbon cracks and explodes and all sorts of stuff and he's saying he doesn't know much about this and I know it's a motorcycle engine it sounds like one and it's about 650 CC and it can be tricked out and this thing will go 220 mph and if it's enclosed it goes faster and he says if it's lower and it's shaped like the one we came up with it'll go much faster and I agree it's still going to be very light even with metal and we should make it out of metal they're saying but it won't go anywhere and all you do is stick in the middle for a fly car and the motor has to be a car motor it would be great fly Chronicles it's not really huge and I have to put some vents on it and stuff and it still goes real fast I got to tell you something this is an awesome idea what he's talking about just taking this frame and the original motor and making the car out of it it already goes real fast about 250 with the enclosure but if you lower it down and then lower tires zero profile on the space and the tire to the body and the top of his low in the snow wind that's captured the model that we saw and I kept by the way and I haven't on the wall too that don't go about 280 or someone saying 320 with this motor and it's made in China with one of their motorcycle motors and Chinese motorcycles will start selling so I can get support from them and they say for promise to use the Chinese motorcycle motor and I said liquid coolant and it still works but you need a bigger one and they said they have an 1100 and that would work very well and it's true it would work great with one passenger and it's very fast and they like it so I'm going to look at the metal panels and it is going to be called "Phasma" and the first one will be a special name I'm going to name the second part this is great I haven't heard it from some idea like this in a while and the first one we can try and make a mini there's another character from Star wars and it would be great I mean these things are going to be great she's another she's a lieutenant and she's in Star wars and it is for the pseudo empire it's an empire out costume or suit really this is going to be intense I have not heard this idea ever this guy is coming up with it it's because of his wife tricking him a little bit but they came up with the first one and said this looks more like a car and it's not a motorcycle and he didn't think the arrow is fast and I just told him so this guy is going over 100 probably 120 he says 130 people saying it's around there someone said $140 so let's get the real number over to me ladies and they say we agree this is a great idea and they're going to do it and we know who Captain phasma is and we want her input and we want them to help make them and yeah we need them to do their job even though they're kicking her ass we need them to try and find these Max and these Mac women will make these they're fanatics
Meghan Markle
Wow this board is lit up I can't believe it they're saying it too this candy ass is feeding us all sorts of s*** and what do they say Megan they're laughing no so if you haven't seen nothing yet ladies you can't have as much fear as you're going to have does the empire you should hear it they're saying all sorts of stuff my ass is giants that big okay so you need the car and they're saying there's some crackling and it's saying something and I said something like this sometimes the monsters can say it and they're saying no no this is not right and they want the car and they understand it now this is happening okay these are real people they're real empire on the radio and they're women saying can you believe this and stuff like that and they're wondering what he's doing and if you still single I mean they're fighting saying you don't have what it takes you're not the real Captain phasma and he might have a white suit of armor and I think it's crazy and then his wife had to make it for the symbolism and they're not laughing they are saying they want the car right now and like right now and they're going to try and get it done and it takes effort in and our captain phasma is going to go down there no she can't do that either but they have their own and it's not funny you said Captain Fatma and it's really a joke but they're not going to take it well and he says we'll make the class so you have to be skinny and she's laughing she said you're a crazy person Captain Fatima I'm always in shape so and yeah Lady Fatima okay that's funny too someone else put that there she is saying she says I got more to say this is going to be the best day of my life it's moving out right now so we are listening on the radio and we can hear that and some of their men saying that's good enough they heard it already and we're not that kind of people so they're getting a little bit upset this is crazy you should hear this stuff on the radio tell him we don't need it it will make it ourselves and he says me and my wife have to design it and also designed and they said okay so you said you got to incorporate the original design so usually and Hera knows how to do that she asked me so I just have to get off the line so we can look at it yes I have BG go down there and he's going to go down there now
I'm going to give her a call I got this idea though and it's about this car and how to make it and yeah you use the original fairing and you're going to make the first ones out of carbon or people won't buy them they think they'll be weird so then it's going to be steel then come later but you have to make the switch when you stop selling
I got your message about the snake bar I'm going to make it now cuz he heard about it now and he gets it too
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simtomylou · 2 years
I haven't really been on here in a long time BUT..
I'm so proud of those who are finally been speaking up about people misusing their patreons. It's nothing wrong with supporting your favorite creator. There's nothing wrong with seeking compensation for "work" that you do.
Every designer bag they converted? ILLEGAL! Every show that people converted for your sims and you to watch in your game? ILLEGAL! Every dance move that you saw on social media or on a music video? Hmmm...guess what it is if that person pushed hard enough? ILLEGAL!
I'm gonna be the rude voice in all this since everyone else seems to be really nice about it. But I'm not gonna be nice because WE ARE GROWN! This is a children's game and now yall doxxing people because yall DONT WANT PEOPLE TO FIGURE OUT THAT YALL STEAL PEOPLE SHIT! That's childish asf and I hope they report every single one of yall patreons. PLEASE know that I don't sub to any patreons BUT I gets my shit for free and will gladly share it. So it'll be quite difficult for you to block me for getting your content. But if you actually enjoyed the community you were making content for, you wouldn't be concerned with scraping crumbs from MY POCKET!
And don't come to me with that "tHeRe'S fReE cC" BS! First and foremost, without EA or The Sims, your package files would be NOTHING! You need The Sims to use ANY of your shit. But second and on a more petty note, I want YOURS and I shouldn't have to worry about if my personal info is gonna be doxxed just because I wanted to pledge to your page to get a bedroom set. Like wtf sense does that make? You walk in a store and buy a dining room set from IKEA, signing up for their little newsletters in the process. Further on, youve decided that you're gonna give the set to your buddy who just moved to a new place. You wanted some new furniture anyway. Well now, your ass is BANNED from IKEA & Rent A Center (because they sharing info, remember?) just because you gave your friend something YOU PAID FOR? Not only that, but the people who work for IKEA are now calling your boss and harassing you because you gave your friend second hand shit.
Bonkers! Absolutely nuts!
If you making this much of a fuss over some damn pixels, I've got one thing to say..
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enderwoah · 3 years
(all of this is /rp /dsmp)
so my friends and i in our lore discord were discussing our favorite theory/headcanon/we just really wish it would happen already: drownboo! aka, c!ranboo gets executed (for whatever reason) in a water tank, since he's an enderman and it'd be really angsty and we just wanna see how it'll affect c!ranboo and see how cc!ranboo will act it out! because! y'know! angst is fun???
anyways, i brought up that someone in the comment section of that one really popular drownboo animatic said that c!ranboo in a water tank would dissolve like a bath bomb.
morbid, i know. this entire post is morbid. this post discusses lots of blood, lots of drowning, low-key graphic discussions of dissolving and BONES, jokes about cannibalism, morbid jokes about the topic (because this is minecraft roleplay), lots of caps, and...the ph levels of c!ranboo's blood??? under the cut so you can scroll by if you don't want to see that!
ALRIGHT, ONE OF OUR BIG QUESTIONS (that we've asked ranboo directly and he just HASN'T ANSWERED):
it'd be a HELLA nasty color (#987B23) if it did mix together, if it dissolved then the entire tank would be this disgusting brown, but if it stayed separate it would be...fairly pretty. terrifyingly pretty, morbidly pretty, but the perfect separation of the red and green in the water would be symbolic and whatnot. it might even tye-dye his white shirt :skull:
so then we were like okay...what else wouldn't dissolve if our beloved enderboy got executed. his eyes? that'd be disgusting. his clothes, definitely, and that'd be some morbid-ass little nightmares type shit. the fanart coming out of that would be delightful though /s but also /pos
we had a little bit of a back and forth about whether he'd totally dissolve or if he'd just have very severe burns but eventually we all settled on a single question:
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this, of course, sparked a mad scramble for information. i found out that in sulfuric acid, it takes bones two odd days to dissolve, which is ABSOLUTELY far too much time for poignancy. some take shorter amounts of time, but none that would be finished by the time quackity decided that the water tank full of blood and other various internal organs should be moved from the middle of las nevadas.
so was this it? would we be plagued with having to draw and write about ranboo's clothes and his bones if he ever got executed? would our only out from this horrible fate be having to say "i headcanon that his bones dissolved along with the rest of him?"
no. my friend refused to let that happen.
through their EXTENSIVE research (see: about ten minutes of google searching) they found out exactly what constitutes as "acidic" to an enderman.
pure water is 6.5-8.5Ph, and tears are 6.5-7.6Ph, so 6.5 Ph seems to be acidic enough to corrode skin to an enderman.
you with me? that's just water.
hydrochloric acid, which can corrode human skin, is 1.6Ph. thinking about this, endermen most likely consider acid acid (not just the burnin that water does) to be around 5Ph.
5Ph. That is the Ph level of coffee.
sulfuric acid can eventually dissolve bone and that’s 0.5PH. IF YOU PUT RANBOO IN COFFEE, HIS BONES WOULD PROBABLY DISSOLVE.
so of course, this sent us into absolute fucking HYSTERICS --
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-- but then one of our beloved friends started thinking about how efficient dissolving him in coffee would actually be.
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with all this said and done, the conversations started to simmer out into more lighthearted jokes. and then my friend decided that we simply could not finish this off without something that absolutely traumatizes all of us.
and so they dropped this.
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for you see, my dear readers, human blood is about the same Ph of water. which means that for ranboo's blood to be able to flow through his veins without, well, burning them, the Ph level of it would have to be drastically bumped up about six levels.
which puts his blood at a Ph of 12.
which is bleach.
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emperor-palpaminty · 3 years
Okay I got a request! The reader comes to pick Crosshair up on the platform after the end of the finale and we get some comforting Cross x fem!reader fluff?
By the way, good job on your works as always! Got some good stories in here.
Ah thank you so much! It's been hard for me to find joy in my own writing lately, so I'm trying to dig myself out of the writing slump hole and write these prompts!!
Obvs spoilers for the finale, so if ya don't want it, keep a-scrollin'!
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It had stopped raining on Kamino- that was the first thing you noticed. The heavy and never ending downpour had turned this into a beautiful ocean planet. You stopped and looked out the window of your ship, sucking in a breath.
You glanced down at the beeping commlink, picking it up. Your finger hesitated, and then you pressed the button. "Yes."
"Mandalorian. Do you have CC-9904?"
"Relax, Rampart." You snorted. "I'll let you know. Keep your shirt on." You fought to keep the frown out of your voice, voice level. "No, really- keep your shirt on. That's out of uniform, I think."
"Just-" The man stopped and inhaled, and you could imagine him pinching the bridge of his nose. "Get him."
"Roger." You shut off the comm, flying lower to the surface of the planet. "Get him, he says. It'll be fun, he says." You leveled your ship, slowly lowering it closer to the water. You reached out, pressing the scanner button, leaning forward to stare out of your ship window again.
The scanner beeped, the little red light on the dash pointing at a specific location- a dock.
I'm coming, Cross.
Your ship landed with a shudder, violently shaking the whole platform. You hurried down, glancing around, yanking your helmet off as your eyes landed on the lanky figure across the landing dock.
"Cross," Your voice was hoarse, and you ran towards him.
Crosshair turned, his amber eyes widening only for a moment as your body crashed into his, clasping your arms around his lanky armored form. You held him tightly as Crosshair's arms slowly encircled you in return, reluctant. He crumbled, a man broken, and leaned heavily on you, hollowed cheek pressing into your hair as he hugged you.
"Sarad," He mumbled, and you stood firm.
Sometimes, the one you thought was strong needed a foundation. He clasped you, chest welling up against you, body rigid and tight.
He didn't say anything. Not did he have to.
You stepped away, holding his hands. "The Empire wants me to bring you in. As a prisoner."
"They'll take me back."
"Yeah, dead." You hissed. "Cross, darling, please-" You glanced over the waters of Kamino, rolling, crashing atop each other, eager to get to the sun they had never seen before. "Come with me, Cross."
"Where would we go? What would we do? No." Cross shook his head. "They'll be looking for you."
Your comm beeped again, and both of your eyes darted to it. You hesitated, then glanced at him, heart panging. "No. They won't." Your hand wrapped around the cylinder and you clicked it on. "Hey, Rampart. How's my favorite tight-ass?"
"Enough quip. Did you find the clone?"
"Sorry, sir. I've been skimming the planet, and there's nothing. I guess the clones died in the destruction." You cut the button, holding your breath, listening.
Crosshair raised his brows. "This won't work." He hissed. You shushed him and waved him away, signaling him to shut up.
"Very well." Rampart replied, voice thick. "I must admit, I regret CC-9904's betrayal. But less clones means less resistance to the Empire."
"Yeah, yeah. Listen, are you sending the credits to my same account?" You tapped your foot, the little puddles at your feet on the deck. "Or...?"
Sighing impatiently, Rampart hissed into the comm. "Yes, yes. You continue to faithfully serve the Empire. We will contact you further should we have more jobs."
"Great." You glanced at Crosshair, who looked at you, the Kaminoian sun reflecting brilliantly in his eyes. "I'll keep the channels open." You clicked the button, reaching out and holding his hands again. "Come on. They won't bother for you."
"What am I going to do?" Crosshair snarled. His voice broke in his throat, and his fingers twitched in your grip as he started to draw away. "I'm a burden."
You stared at him, watching this former shell of a man hug his arms to himself. Fighting in a war, alone, could take a lot out of him. "Cross." You moved forward, laying one hand gently on his black armor. "You're never a burden to me. If you see yourself as a burden, then you're a burden I'm happy to carry." You smiled, gently, hopefully. "Say the word and the galaxy is yours. We can do anything, Cross. Plus-" You nodded your head back to the ship, smiling brightly. "I need a number two in bounty hunting. An assistant, if you will."
Crosshair skimmed you, hesitantly, shell squeezing open, small cracks in his closed exterior. Finally, he snorted, only offering a half a smile. "I'm not a sidekick."
"Tall, silent, intimidating- yeah, perfect sidekick." You laughed, gently, tugging at his arm. "Come on. Let's go. We can survive. Let's just.... Take whatever the galaxy throws at us."
Crosshair smiled gently and his steps, small as they may have been, followed you, as you led him towards your ship. "Together?"
His boots hit the metallic deck as you both climbed up. "Together." You confirmed, softly, drawing him into you as the door to your ship closed.
Crosshair's hand ran over your back, feeling through the suit that revealed between your armor. "Where to?"
"To anywhere." You laughed, gently, tilting your head up, making the promise sealed between your lips and his.
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muthaz-rapapa · 3 years
I don't deal directly with fandom often because from experience, they always greatly disappoint more than not. And sadly, I always knew CCS would never be an exception to that, no matter how much I wished it was so I did my best to avoid it. Stay in my own lane, mind my own business.
But there are several things that I can't be complacent with keeping silent on anymore, especially when it comes to certain treatment towards other fans and even the authors themselves.
First of all, CCS and Clear Card are CLAMP's work, not anyone else's. It was their decision to write and illustrate the story they want to tell. As such, their biggest and foremost priority as authors is to themselves. To fulfill their own wish. To expand, convey and preserve the integrity of their message through the narrative they chose.
So whether one or a thousand fans wanted it or not, it's ultimately irrelevant to CLAMP.
They are in no way obligated to listen to anyone's demands on how to write and publish their works, least of all disconcerted readers who don't want to accept them in the first place. CLAMP isn't forcing you to read if you don't like it. They invite people to come enjoy the worlds they created but never have they dictated you should stay if you're not comfortable there.
It is childish for you to blame the author(s) for your own discontent. They are writers with their own ideas, not your mommies.
Secondly, CLAMP is a world-renowned mangaka group with an incredibly large and loyal following and 25+ years of continued success. Sales (and a few negative opinions) are at the bottom of their worries because their fame is established firmly enough to give them that security (so they can focus more on bringing interesting narratives) and there will surely always be someone out there who's eager to read their work.
That's the type of audience that writers truly cherish the most. The ones willing and capable of putting in the effort to understand them through the stories. And the more you invest your attention into it, the more wholly you appreciate and respect their work, the more it'll please the authors, letting them know they didn't publish their stories in vain.
CCS and Clear Card were made for those who connect and resonate deeply with its themes and central topics. They were written for those who believe in its messages. It is those readers who will mean infinitely more to CLAMP than some nobodies who only treat these titles as a superficial indulgences.
Lastly, I know how difficult it is to find decency on the internet which is why I never delude myself into expecting it. Considering that probably 80-90% of fandoms are toxic wastelands severely lacking in intelligence for various reasons, that was the right call.
Don't engage with people who are intent on misunderstanding you, who can't/refuse to set aside their prejudices to try and comprehend your perspective, who seek satisfaction in hurting you (intentionally or not) for your interests in a piece of fiction. If you can't find a safe space anywhere, make your own and cut off/block those who threaten that.
Also, let anyone who approaches you (whether it be on your tumblr blog, twitter account or w/e) know that just because they have an opinion, doesn't mean they're welcome to leave it on YOUR personal space if you never asked for them to share it.
If your blog/social account is used for the purpose of expressing love and appreciation for something and you are truly not harming anyone while doing so, then treat it as if it were your own home. If someone comes in with their head high up their own ass and tracking mud all over your floors, then KICK them out with zero remorse.
Don't be scared to protect and reinforce what's important to you... but also don't go courting hate elsewhere and ruining the experience for others either as some misguided crusade.
Don't be an utter asshole and keep your disgusting, dirty shit thoughts in your own goddamn toilet.
No one asked for them and we already have more than an unnecessary amount of those everywhere. Haters are not special and never will be. They and the negativity they bring ultimately do not matter to anything or anyone. Any time, every time, ALL the time. If you have to fucking smack them across the face to get that through, then DO IT.
And this doesn't go for just the CCS fandom but for other fandoms as well.
I am here to enjoy and have fun with what I love. I don't have to answer or cater to anyone I don't want to.
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gwyns · 3 years
inquiring minds would love to know what your thoughts on hosab are? 👀
i would like to apologize to the inquiring minds for replying to this so late! i wanted to try and gather my thoughts before i wrote this but tbh it'll probably just end up being a mish mash of word vomit anyway so here we go!!
the short answer is: i loved it. i absolutely devoured it. couldn't put it down.
to get more into it, everytime sjm releases something i am reminded of why, exactly, i love her books so much. sure maybe sometimes the plot is messy, or she pulls things out of her ass (i do this too so idc lmao), but she has such a way with creating characters you care about. that's the most important thing to me, and something she definitely succeeded in with hosab.
i adored quinlar in this book, they invented mates as far as i'm concerned. i can't even pick a few favorite quotes bc they served this entire book?? they're the stars of the series for a reason. i've said before that i think they're sjm's best main couple and i'm so happy she went with them. i mean it was never in question for me after reading hoeab but some people were so adamant that they'd be something that sjm "doesn't do" when in fact they're the exact thing sjm loves lol it was nice to have vindication.
and sir ithan holstrom? i'm not kidding here when i say he's cc's equivalent of chaol and lucien for me. he's just so.... ahjklsdhdjklhkjsdjk i need more of him immediately. i cannot begin to explain the level of love i have for this moron and it breaks my heart that he's currently in a very angsty place, looking for his home. i mean he has the aux guys and they're forever friends of course but it's not truly his you know? i can't wait to see what sjm does with his character next, him and that fendyr heir 👀 (real story: as soon as ithan "saved" her i was like wait a minute........ is something going to develop here?? and i hope i'm right bc i really liked what we saw of her in hosab)
do not even get me started on flynn and ariadne. we all know how bad i have it. they're pretty much my favorite cc ship behind quinlar and they barely interacted like??? what is this???? once ari said "i'm beyond your pay grade, lordling." and flynn replied with "try me." they had me. i can't escape the permanent brainrot they've given me. if sjm takes them away from me i'll cry so hard, no joke, the condescending use of sweetheart hasn't failed me yet and it better not start now!
alright let me take a minute to talk about cormac bc i've barely seen anyone mention him! am i the only one who loved this dude?? like even when his true motives were still a secret i was looking... he was a douche but he was hot????? i'm glad he wasn't an actual douche tho and i refuse to acknowledge that he's dead. nope! it happened off-screen, there's no way to actually confirm he's dead! not until sjm looks me in the eye and tells me. i have faith in a dramatic re-reveal in cc3.
and the twists hello??? maybe i'm dumb but aside from the ones that got spoiled for me (the crossover and day's identity) i never saw them coming?? baxian??? hypaxia and celestina???? DANIKA'S DAD??????
and i won’t go into depth with this bc there are many other people who can talk about this subject better than me but my GOD the lore we got in hosab that relates to both lunathion and prythian???? i’m salivating. i need more.
overall hosab didn't make me sob uncontrollably but it made in feel in other ways. for instance, i will die on the hill that (so far) it is sjm's funniest book. you can tell how much she loves this world and its characters bc it truly does show and idk if i'll be able to stop thinking about this book for the coming months.
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