#but its 2 am and i have like 3 wips and a school project to do so uh yah no
sweepseven · 1 year
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
Another post in a seemingly unending series of posts in which I talk about writing to make me feel like I've accomplished any actual writing. Results so far are middling.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
53! How and when?? (The answer is "Kà and a pandemic.")
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Cirque du Soleil at the moment, but a long running rp is soaking up the majority of my creative thoughts just now. That's its own whole thing with a blog and fics and AUs upon AUs.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Wing Dust (Miraculous Ladybug, T, perpetually bemused that I wrote this in the first place and yet here it is at number one)
Downpour (Mad Max Fury Road, G, my first for a fandom that did so much for me as an author)
War Song (Mad Max Fury Road, T, strong contender for favorite fic I've ever written)
Idle in Neutral (Mad Max Fury Road, G, I forget I wrote this one all the time and whenever I get kudos for it I'm like whom??? I love that it has a life all its own.)
Mantle (Mad Max Fury Road, G, another one I continually forget about lol)
That's the curse of writing for tiny fandoms! The ones I have loved most, that have mangled my brain for months on end are destined to have like a dozen readers total. On the other hand it's very gratifying to know I'm writing for a small handful of people extra extra psyched to find content. And in the meantime I have these, many of which I've let myself forget, that have found their audience anyway. It's a very rewarding feeling, like I could make the effort, move on, and still leave people happy years later.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Most times yes!! And I'm so so lucky to get the most thoughtful comments of all on my most niche fics. Makes it all more than worth it.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Walkabout and I love it. Cirque du Soleil Kà, T.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Tea Series by a mile. Didn't know I had it in me until pushed by @studiokawaii , and I'm so glad they did. Cirque du Soleil Kà, T.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Honestly so few people are aware of them that it's not really a risk. What is hugely embarrassing is the confirmed knowledge that Cirque artists know about and have read some of them. But there's nothing I can do about that, lol.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes! Somehow I feel like I'm always writing it, and then I look at my total body of work and am like "...where is all of it." Historically it was mostly M/M, but Kà got me actually writing F/M for the first time. Most common themes are experience vs. inexperience and tense power dynamics. I'd love to write more dub con.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Only ever one. Decree, another for Mad Max Fury Road, in which the Vuvalini are each granted one single potentially worldshaping wish à la Puella Magi Madoka Magica. I know why people don't click on it, but I'm fond of it!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No and tbh I can't imagine anyone would bother.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No but I'd be open to it if anyone cared to take on the project! I love translated fics. What a nice thing to do, granting someone else's work the opportunity for new eyes.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but again @studiokawaii and I have had some great fic/art collaboration in the past couple years with inspiration coming from both directions.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Snape/Harry. I never talk about it, I've never written it myself (I think?? maybe in high school I did), but honestly it's been so long that I think there's no unseating it now. The amount of care, dedication, creativity, and talent coming from that group, even after so long, is truly unique and remarkable. All time favorite ship to write has been Counselor's Son/Twin Sister by a landslide.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
It pains me, but I think I'm kidding myself if I try to claim The Shape of Things To Come doesn't qualify. I love the idea, I know exactly where I want it to go, but something about the enormity of the ground that needs to be covered in order to get there has spooked me.
I also have two highly embarrassing WIPs - one for Shadow & Bone and another for fucking Teen Titans - that I doubt will ever be finished. I just adore both ideas and it's fun thinking they've at least taken some kind of shape somewhere, even if they never make it out into the world.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Creating believable characterization and distinctive voices from very sparse source material. At least that's what I've been told, which I take as an immense compliment. I also think I write tension rather well, whether it be sexual, conflicting emotions, or threatening hostility.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Well right now my ability to finish anything feels pretty fuckin weak. I struggle with action scenes, like physical fights or scenes in which a lot is going on in multiple places at once. Hitting a natural rhythm with them is very difficult for me. Pacing for longer fics doesn't come easily to me either, and I always worry if my longer work reads like a bulleted list of stuff I knew needed to happen rather than an actual story with a true and natural flow. That's part of what's bogging me down with Shape of Things.
I also love commas too much.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Depends. You can't just throw it in there imo - it's a great opportunity for mindful characterization and shouldn't be treated like checking a box, or worse, a reminder to your audience that the source material doesn't match the language you're writing in. I'm not multilingual so the most you're likely to see from me are vague hints at certain dialects and accents in Kà, for instance, since they're not speaking any real language anyway.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Teen Titans. It's still out there somewhere, likely a somewhat embarrassing blip on the radar of some long forgotten LJ community. I got some early encouragement there that put me where I am today. Nurture and welcome new writers, people!!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Borderline Suspect. I put so much into it. It was a real milestone fic for me, unlike anything I'd ever written before, and it stands so apart in my memory that I just can't choose any other. At the time I thought it was everything I could possibly want to say about Ka and CS/TS, but when it was through I found myself more motivated and inspired than ever.
Some of the most valuable and rewarding feedback I've ever gotten came from this fic, and the intensity of the response, however contained by the size of the fandom, has made me feel incredibly lucky. People came out of nowhere to talk to me about it, send art for it, push me through writing lulls with comments that turned entire days around. I made new friends because of it. I don't see myself writing anything quite like it ever again. Even if I did, I couldn't dream of a more gratifying response. Cirque du Soleil Kà, E.
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phantomato · 2 years
2022 Year-End
post the top 5 works you're most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular),
your top 4 current WIPs that you're excited to release in the new year,
your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year,
your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year,
and your number 1 favorite line you've written this year.
Thanks for the tag, @duplicitywrites! @yletylyf, do this with me. 💖
Five works
His Hair, Full of Blooms Tom Jr./Tom Sr.
I was terrified to write this and more terrified not to. Some of my best prose.
Proximity Tom/Aberforth
My new ship tag of the year. Abe snuck into my heart in how he connected to Tom, and I’ll always see them as friends, going forward.
Self-Worship Voldemort self-cest
I think the pining and the language came out beautifully in this.
Sieidi Voldemort/Nott Sr.
This was a light year for Nottmort, and when I returned to it after six months off, I wrote the type of romance that is closest to my heart. It was extremely disappointing to publish, but I am glad that I wrote it.
Widow’s Weeds Walburga/Minerva
I wanted to write this for an entire year before I got around to it. Walburga Black is one of my favorite characters in HP and a font of grief, which is where I’m happiest working.
I’m not great at maintaining multiple WIPs. Stretching the definitions a bit for this…
Decline pt. 2 - Nottmort, a new chapter for a story I’d meant to be finished
“Why have you come to see me?”
“I missed you,” Voldemort answered, simply, because it was the truth.
“Is that a new state of being?”
“No,” he admitted. “But I have missed you, and I wanted to see you.” He wanted more than to see Thoros. Backlit slightly by soft afternoon sunlight, Thoros’ mid-brown hair glowed bronze at the edges. Voldemort wanted badly to reach over the desk and join their hands, just to hold them; he wanted to pull Thoros to that ridiculous leather sofa—who ever sat in it, anyway?—and kiss him a little, then a lot. They could stop there, even if Voldemort would inevitably want more, if only he could hold Thoros’ face in his hands and kiss him until the sun went down and rose again.
MDN - I can’t reveal too much about this until after the exchange is over, but boy golly does it haunt my thoughts.
George laughed. His pale chest heaved with it, straining up towards me with each of his delighted breaths. I could see what the other men could not—for all of the frippery and lace trimming the neck of his bodice, suggesting a girlish bosom, he was completely flat. The low, square neckline cut across his skin, pressing in just enough to imply soft flesh which was absent. His chest served as no more than a place to rest one’s palm, if one did not mind that it would be empty.
RS - Nottmort with many side friendships, though it likely needs a plot to bear its projected weight. Whether this happens is up in the air.
“I’m contemplating a career change,” you tell Horace, understating enough for this century and the next. “I’ve recently found that my priorities in life have shifted, and I’m at a loss of… precisely what to do with myself. I have the luxury of time to consider my choice,” so long as you’re careful with money and you can gracefully exit yourself from the whole Death-Eating business, “but I’m not sure where to start.”
You breathe in. You’ve admitted to uncertainty. You breathe out. The world has not collapsed around you.
Horace pats his chest pocket for something to do, and then the tea is done steeping, so he takes a minute to fill your cups, to dose yours with a bit of milk and as much sugar as you’re comfortable asking. “Well, Tom,” he says, “I’m afraid that I don’t know how to characterize your current line of work. That does impede the sort of advice I can provide.” He’s very good at not tripping over his own words, and his mustache trembles only a bit, over ‘work.’ Poor Horace.
AC - Another gift fic. My consumption of English public school media is at an all-time high.
“Hand-delivery for you, only I didn’t think you’d want to actually touch the likes of me.” Guy tilted his head to look down; there was a distinct satisfaction in being taller than Fowler, for moments like these, when he was mostly certain Fowler wouldn’t be brutish enough to hit him. “Or perhaps you would enjoy it, if it were your cane.”
Three Improvements
I’ve improved my descriptions of setting and character. No more blank white rooms for me.
I think my period pastiche is getting pretty darn good.
Curating my fandom spaces. This one is a continual effort, but I am working to value my own happiness more.
Two Resolutions
Work on plotting. I’m not a plot-driven writer, but I would like to have the tool in my toolkit—right now, plots are a fluke rather than an intentional choice. I could do more here, and I think practicing with something like e.g. casefic would give me more options. Or, if I truly hate it, at least I’ve faced that head-on.
Use more metaphors. To go alongside the description improvement, above: fine-tune when a metaphor would be better than a physical description, and then create them.
One Line
I don’t think of my writing in terms of singular lines. If I did, I might have better summaries.
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displayheartcode · 2 years
2022 wrapped
tagged by @ginwiz! hi, hannah!
tagging @ginisbetterthanfirewhiskey, @corneliaavenue, @takearisk-ao3, @sweeethinny  and to anyone who wants to be proud of their accomplishments!
Post the top 5 works you're most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular)
no strange land (a marvellous light, robin/edwin) – I am very proud to say that I was the first person to post a fic on ao3 for this series.
on the other side of the door (harry potter, harry/ginny) – Another fun exploration with a Gender AU, but this time I focused more on the shared trauma. What does it mean to like a person who has shared a piece of a monster's soul, how much flower and sunlight imagery can I cram into each 100-word segment, etc.
heart, i implore you (the scholomance) – While I didn't love, love the trilogy, I was fascinated by El's moral fiber as a protagonist. So, why not put her in some AUs where she considered taking the low road, especially to save her mum?
the earth remembers its own name (percy jackson and the olympians) – The idea came to me when I was listening to the musical soundtrack. It was suddenly 2007 again and I was fascinated about a girl who was turned into a pine tree. Something I was satisfied about writing was each liminal dream.
never say there is only death for you (moon knight) – I had so much fun with my references when I wrote this. I had an old haggadah out so that I could properly quote the folk song for the title, web pages about Sephardic herbalism, a highlighted copy of my old prayer book from Hebrew School... I originally found the lullaby La Moza y El Huerco as the epigraph for Ninth House, but a cousin's grandma (she speaks Ladino!) showed me the melody years back. That being said, please never ask me to transliterate anything from liturgical Hebrew. It wasn't worth the headache.
your top 4 current WIPs that you're excited to release in the new year
no gods stronger than death (the old guard) – I have the outline from a Big Bang event that I never had time to join. Historical urban fantasy! A cursed family mansion! Murder!
keep you like an oath (harry potter, harry/ginny) – This rewrite haunts me.
untitled hp fic (harry potter) – This is the angst fic :-D It's different from my usual stuff, but the planning is fuuuuuun!
all flowers in time bend towards the sun (there is someone for you) (harry potter, harry/ginny) – I won't lie that this Practical Magic AU is mainly in the works because I love the title.
do i have a fifth? idk
your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year
I branched out more!
Took the time and gave myself breaks to not write but to also focus on my original stuff!
Reminded myself to have fun!
your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year
Write longer fics! Drabbles are near and dear to my heart, but sometimes I want to take the time to write something much longer.
Branch out to more AUs. Write something full-fledged instead of a series of snapshots.
and your number 1 favorite line you've written this year
It's actually from an unfinished nanowrio project!
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thank you!
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dreamsy990 · 2 years
i promised myself i wouldnt post anymore cyc chapter 2 wips until i finished but holy shit i just. i love doing the lighting for this church scene. its so fucking fun
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its so. dark and dramatic. im in love
anyways sorry for posting a "coming soon" thing prematurely. heres a more accurate status update for chapter 2
YES i am working on it, obviously. i took a break after school started since im taking some advanced classes this year with a lot of homework that takes me a good few hours. when i say "coming soon", i mean more like "coming when i finish it, probably in a week or two."
the sketches for the whole chapter are done, and 3 pages are fully colored and shaded.
the bonus for me taking a break from working on it is that the art quality is a lot higher!! heres a comparison of the same bit from the original version vs the redone one:
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(for context theres like a 3-4 month gap between these)
so yeah!! be prepared but dont get excited just yet
i dont know how many people are really going to be excited for this, but being able to make this comic is genuinely really fun for me. this is the opportunity ive been looking for, to practice backgrounds and page layouts for comics without having to write my own story first
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juqiter-blue-writings · 8 months
hello writeblr!!!
this isn't my first time making a writing sideblog on tumblr, but i recently abandoned my old account lol. not in the rebranding way but in the "it's old and it's time for a change" way!!
this blog is going to be mostly dedicated to developing ocs and worldbuilding, but i'll likely also share writing!! i don't have any specific in-progress WIPs at the moment but :]! i am hoping to change that
my main blog is @juqiter-blues and my art sideblog is @juqiter-blue-art !! more stuff under the cut :]
about me
my name is edward, but you can call me eddie!
i also go by anthony or theodore, and a couple other names but those are the top 3!!
my pronouns are mainly he/him/his and xe/xem/xyr!! my gender is transed :]
im aroace but i enjoy writing romance!!
im 19 and my birthday is november 22nd!!!
i have 2 cats :]
i may be addicted to making playlists for my ocs.
my current icon (as of making this post) is my fursona akjdshfka. designed by a close friend!!
about my writing???
most of my characters are partially or fully nonhuman, specifically because those are the characters i enjoy writing the most!!
i have 3 specific oc universes, which are: - wanderlost (fantasy cat people with magic?? made it in 6th grade and am still really attached to the characters) - group project (school but everyone is like. a demon / angel / vampire / etc.; transgender main character!!) - achromatic (meant to be a comic!! some sort of cyberpunk / dystopian universe. all the characters have monochrome color palettes :])
i daydream about writing more than i actually write skjdhgkdj
i absolutely did not pay attention in english class, i am kinda bad at grammar!! this doesnt stop me from writing i just think its a little funny
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hyuckmov · 1 year
I attended tds2 in my country in my gosh post concert depression is really hitting me hard rn 😭 BUT OVERALL IT WAS QUITE FUN I SAW MARK AND HAECHAN LIKE TWICE NOW THE FIRST ONE ONE BEING IN 127 THE LINK FKEKNDBDHDKDKDK
i keep laughing at my fancams tho because of my ridiculous screams that sound like i'm fighting someone or generally barking HAHHHAHAHAHA
ANYWAY HOW ARE YOUUUU MY FAVE FIC WRITER?? 🥺 tell me how your week went!
- 💛
HIII SLAYYY to ur eventful week!!! omg pcd is the worst. i had a photo of jaehyun from the 127 concert that i used as my wallpaper and i would literally just stare at it and my friends would be like... ENOUGH. but also you are so luckyyy to have this experience like MAHAE TWICE??? IM SO HAPPY FOR YOUUU i hope it was the best best time evevrrr and you got to make a lot of memories :)
im so stressed whenever i take videos for concerts bc i'm scared my voice will be picked up. when i went for the dpr live concert, it picked up the voice of this girl next to me and GIRL. i was so upset... bc it was so distracting. i'm literally trying to go for a concert twice so i can scream in one of them and just record videos in the other one 😭😭😭 but also im considering selling that ticket and buying one for another artist hehe
JAEMINNNN (growling rn) my feelings for him have been out of control recently. i know idols are just curated images, but damn...his is curated so fucking well... ,istening to ariana grande and niki in his room...grocery shopping in LA... his smile and hsi ARMS and his arms and his arms......wna fall into his chest i am so insane he is sooo it's all so intentional. THE WAY him and hyuck look at each other sometime during concerts???? if i were haech i would be backstage asking him WHAT ARE WE!!!!!
HOW MY WEEK WENTTT i finished up my internship!!! it actually went pretty well bc i rounded it up with a presentation on a research project i did and i tried really hard w it and i was validated w my efforts!!! i got to see my friends a little and irrelevant and tmi but i think im so lonely im going insane bc im kind of having feelings for my best friend but it might be because i dont see him a lot so i'm. trying to quit bc its so embarrassing... next week i have a bunch of interviews so WISH ME LUCKKK 😭😭😭😭
also this is so lame of me but when i drink im mostly NOT drinking outside im drinking... at home? or at a friend's place? LET ME EXPLAIN see it's because 1-2 drink jing is DIZZY. that's my first reaction to being drunk and it's so LAME and terrible in public spaces because i do the ditzy stumbling around and typing terribly on my phone (fun fact i got drunk at a school function once bc soju looks like water and we smuggled it in) and i literally almsot FELL down the stairs in front of my teachers it was. not good. anyway yeah thats why i dont really drink in clubs and bars (ALSO because it's so expensive there 😭) 😞😞😞😞😞  but i'm having a lot of fun i usually have plain soju but today i had whiskey!!!
i AM working hard on my stories and im exicted to share them with you when i'm done!! thank you for always being supportive of me and my efforts <3 i appreciate and luv u so os sososo much
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arlecchno · 2 years
IM SO GLAD YOURE ALSO LOVING SUMMERS FIC IM LIKE ACTUALLY SO IN LOVE WITH IT (insert me going batshit insane) alsooo do look forward to more stupid banter in the middle of supposedly serious situations , they are the best and there are more . stan mcs little water creations tbh
bleh , honestly all my other writing works are old and i think pretty shitty at this point but i can link you to some if you really want (or i could write you a short story / drabble , i feel like thatd be less embarrassing on my part lmao , lmk if you want that) about my games though ... 1 2 3(WIP) the first two are well over a year old now , plus primarily unedited , so dont mind any possible grammar mistakes or generally terrible story flow (i swear ive gotten better since these 😰) and the third was also created last year (for a school project) , im slooowly chipping away at finishing the code haha ...
I ACTUALLY COMMENT ON MY OWN DOCS AS WELL !!! there arent much of them because .. well i havent wrote much outside of my private dms LOL
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i also think it is insanely fun to comment on my own work
aand ive contacted my friends (aka my two and only true loves /p /hj) about the kinnie thing .. and one of them sent me this to fill out
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youre not wrong actually haha , am i that easy to read ?
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im an ambivert , i dont like seeking out social interaction irl unless its one of my close friends or im just that bored , but i do get really loud / energetic when i am comfortable (i think you can tell that by how much goddamn energy i put into these asks) but my "social battery" still drains relatively fast i cant handle people very well lmao honestly , my and cynos reasoning for making our terrible jokes align a bit , although most people (apart from my irl friends apparently ???) dont find me intimidating , my main motivation when i slip in puns is to get people to laugh at how terrible they are , because im well aware theyre pretty bad (or all my friends just have the same broken sense of humor i do) . but yeah , i guess now theres two people on my genshin kin list now why do i kin both of the artificial humans in the game -
lets play a game where we ask eachother random questions , so its easier to end things off lol , got a window in your room ? if so , rate the view it has !
- jellyfish
yes the summers fic is so good thank you very much for recommending me it 😖🫶
AND YOOO THOSE GAMES ARE CUTE HAHA i liked nel and akira!!! also impressive how you did 2/3 of them in scratch,, i've had very little experience with it from like a few years back when i took a computing class and damn was it hard as hell 😵‍💫😵‍💫 so kudos to you man
glad i'm not the only one who comments on my own fics on docs LMAO and like you said, it's insanely fun!!!
the way that you're technically all of the above in the bingo 😭😭😭 and that drawing is sooo pretty!£8483£!!£! is that you or an oc of yours? (either way i've been eyeing it ever since i started typing here, hehe)
sooo i basically predicted what you're like irl?
i think for the most part it's because i'm a bit similar to you in some sort of ways, i'm only ever close with my closest friends and can get tired by interacting with people sometimes 😞 but the downside is that everyone finds me scary HAHA 😭😭 my friends had told me a bunch of times on how intimidating i look, when i really just have a normal expression on my face... apparently they said i always look like i have murder on my mind 🚶‍♀️
you now have another addition to the kin list, congrats 🤗
GREAT GAME!!! i do have a window in my room but it doesn't really have a great view... i'm currently living in a shitty apartment for the time being and the only thing i see from the window of my room is my neighbour's unit from my apartment complex 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ so i'd probably give it a 3/10 T-T
now, a question for you! what's the most silliest thing that you currently own? (it can be a purchased item, a gift you got, etc)
hope you're having a great day jellyfish ^^
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polizwrites · 2 years
WIP Update - 21 Dec 2022
 Had another nicely productive writing week  - I touched 8 fics (3 WIPs & 5 new works) for a total of  2472 words, taking me over 115k for the year!  
On Ao3, I posted  an Avengers bonding fic (with bonus pining!Steve),  a fluffy Bucky vs Natasha, Sam & Steve drabble,  a Thor & Bruce post-Ragnarok ficlet,  A WinterIron meet-cute (with bonus Morgan!),  a semi-cracky Bucky & Sam & Nebula ficlet,  a semi-cracky Sam, Bucky & Steve ficlet and a Stony secret relationship High School AU ficlet. The Stucky Bingo December 2022 Round Robin  that I participated in was also posted. 
On Tumblr, I posted  a SamBucky Christmas getting together ficlet (that will be on Ao3 later this week)
Am down to 12 active WIPs  (with a couple of maybe TBCs)  with my current   deadline being  the  Man with a Plan, Starkbucks  and Bucky Barnes bingos coming in close behind!  
See below cut for the WIPs  (arranged more or less by bingos/challenges/etc) I am working on  -   feel free to send me prompts or plot bunnies as well as asks regarding any of these projects   (or any other WIPs I’ve got out there) – they really help feed the Muse and keep me motivated!
Avengers Bingo [AvB] (Runs thru 24 Dec ) - ALL WRITTEN - Goal = BLACKOUT!
Fourteen fills posted (14 to Ao3)  and 0 WIPs -  Everything is written!!! I just need to edit and post to get my blackout on this 4x4 card!!! I decided to further challenge myself on this 16-square card by pairing up each square with a unique combo of 2 original MCU Avengers, with the final square being dealers’ choice. Thanks again to the STB Enthusiasts Discord folks for helping me match pairings to squares - I think they worked out pretty well overall!
* B4 - Age Gap    - Finished up Caught By the Rain and Blinded by the Lightning - a Thor/Tony  post CA:CW  PWP crossing over with TSB One Night Stand. It came in at  1256 words & is scheduled for Ao3 on 12/23.  
* D2 - Romeo & Juliet AU  -  Two Cliques: Alike in Dignity  posted this morning - Steve (jock) & Tony  (geek) trying out for title roles in R&J - despite their respective friend groups objections/grousing about the other clique. It came in at 327 words.
Man With a Plan (Steve Rogers) Bingo [MWAPB] (Runs thru 31 Dec)
Seventeen fills, two bingos (Row 5 & Col I) 3 WIPs - shooting for a Row 2/Column O bingo as well.  Since the event was pretty much abandoned by its creator (life happens, I get it),  I’m finishing this pretty much out of stubbornness and may carry some squares over for inspiration into the new year.
* I1 - Steve is here for TFAtWS  - Passing the Torch posted this morning - a moodboard for this square paired with a ficlet for  my  BBB  “Oh, hell no"  square - Bucky POV (with some extra insider info) of the events where Sam is given Cap’s shield.   It came in at 339 words.
* G4 - Canon Divergence post CA:TWS - possible  crossover with BBB  Kill List – Bucky wreaking havoc on Hydra bases and  Steve & Sam catch up with him. Not on my Bingo Attack plan list, so probably won’t get done.
* G5 - Friends to Lovers -  claimed this with   Never Have I Ever (But I’d Like to With You)  a pining!Steve POV of the team playing NHIE where he manages to get one over on Tony. Chapter 1 came it at 1000 words even and posted last Friday. Chapter 2 will switch to Tony POV and make good on this square.
*  O2 - Sex Pollen  -  A Dusting of Trouble  is in progress - Steve and Bucky get curious when they learn Teenage Groot’s pollen is an aphrodisiac. It crosses over with my SRB  - Groot square and am working on a scene so I can use my BBB KINK: Aftercare square as well.  It’s currently sitting at 505 words, and is scheduled for  12/29.  
* O5 - FREE - Filled this with a self-referential item:   Man with a Plan Bingo Badges - fairly basic graphics based on photos of my Steve Rogers SWC figures - participant, bingo blackout and stealth (for anyone who posted 5+ fills without a bingo)
StarkBucks Bingo - Round 3  (SBB_R3) - Ends 31 Dec
Fourteen fills (13 posted to Ao3), 3 WIPs - One bingo (Col N) and shooting for  Row 3, Col G and Row 4.
* B1 - “I wouldn’t mind wasting my time on you.“  - Possible crossover with  BBB - KINK: Seduction Mission?   Not on my Bingo Attack plan list, so probably won’t get done.
* I2 - Mistaken Identity - crossover with TSB K5 - Protectiveness -  “The Mechanic, The Soldier & The Artist” - mob/assassin AU with a Mr. & Mrs. Smith twist?   Not on my Bingo Attack plan list, so probably won’t get done.
* I3 - “Oh dear.” -  Wrote up a remix ficlet of  Leading Questions - Tony POV on the stressful interview and the immediate aftermath.  It came it at 255 words and is scheduled for 12/27.
* I4 - Canon: Avengers Academy  - will probably do Stuffed Marvels sketches of Tony and Winter, as I know very little about the game/canon.   It’s on my Bingo Attack plan list, but at the bottom, so don’t hold your breath.
* N3 - FREE - Filled this with An Act of Kindness, a fluffy meet-cute with Tony & Morgan needing a bit of help from the handsome stranger standing in line at the coffee shop.  It came in at 545 words and has a sequel coming as part of a stocking challenge that gets revealed on the 26th. 
* N5 - “Wanna make a bet?”  Used this in combination with the Day 18  Fictober (“I don’t think this is your problem.”)  and Flufftober  (Soulmate AU) prompts for  Marked-Up Soulmarks  - a soulmate AU where Tony discovers he and Steve have something (and someone) in common. I may expand on this before posting it to Ao3 and/or claiming it as an official fill. Currently coming in at 418 words.
* G4 - Pepper Potts -  continue  Open Up Your Heart (And Let the Truth Come Out) - Tony POV?  This is on my Bingo Attack plan list, but at the bottom, so don’t hold your breath.  
* O1 - Royalty - crossover with TSB - IronWidow  &  BBB   AU: Arranged Marriage -  pick Lady Natasha’s Consort and Lord Steve’s Companion  back up - the current chapter is sitting at 595 words and would need to be 800 min to fill all 3 squares.   It may not make this bingo’s deadline, but possibly BBB?    
* O5 - AU: Biker  - Grease 2  fusion  anyone?  😁  I watched the movie a month or so ago and took notes -  It’s not gonna be a faithful adaptation, but hopefully fun - had another mini-brainstorm on this  that led to last Friday’s  No Ordinary Boy ficlet, but that didn’t go far enough into the  story to count toward this square.   Will post this ficlet on 12/26 with the faint hope of getting more done before the deadline, but it’s  not on my Bingo Attack plan list, so don’t hold your breath!
Hero Hardships Bingo  [HHB]  (Runs thru 31 Dec)
Not really expecting to get anything more done on this card, unfortunately.  😔
* O3 - Dating a civilian -  this would fit perfectly with another chapter of Takin’ What They’re Givin’ (‘Cause I’m Workin’ for a Livin’) , for which I currently have a basic plot point or two rolling around in my head.   I do have about 1000 words on what would be the next chapter of TWTG, so… maybe I’ll whip it into shape and toss it out there? :: shrug::
Bucky Barnes Bingo - Round 4 [BBB_R4] (Runs thru 7 Jan 2023)
Seventeen fills,  four WIPs  & ideas for everything except one square  - Row 1 bingo achieved - shooting for Column B, Column K and maybe Row 3 as well.  Hoping we can carry squares over into the next round. 
* B3 - Sam Wilson|Falcon -  Chapter 2 of After One Or Two False Starts   is in good shape. It switches to Bucky POV and is currently sitting at 315 words.   Targeting 1/6 to post it.  
* U2 - AU: Roommate  - Still wanting to use the Meet Ugly prompt: 02. I bought a house three months ago but I’m finally moving in and discover you’ve been squatting because you’re homeless    – probably WinterHawk with  recovering!Bucky being the squatter in Clint’s apartment building.  However, this is not on my Bingo Attack plan list, so don’t hold your breath.
* U4 - AU: Arranged Marriage - will probably pick Lady Natasha’s Consort and Lord Steve’s Companion  back up for this one.  See SBB Royalty for details.
* C2 - “Oh, hell no” - see MWAP  I1 - Steve is here for TFaWS
*C3 - FREE Filled this with  A Disarming Request  - a Bucky & Nebula fic written in response to (and therefore spoiling) the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special.  It came in at 306 words and was posted on Tuesday. 
* C4 - KINK: Aftercare - see  MWAPB Sex Pollen above
*C5 - “This might as well happen” -  Used this for the Sept BBB Round Robin  (crackfic - Emperor’s New Groove inspired)  wrote 276 words toward it. Looks like I’ll get to count it, just need to submit a square fill form. 
* K1 - Thighs - Ended up expanding on a 3 prompts --> summary game response and ended up with  Card Sharks. It’s a drabble where Bucky is playing strip poker with Steve, Natasha and Sam - and things are not going well (or going extremely well, depending on your point of view). 100 words and posted on Sunday. 
* K3 - KINK: Edging  - working on Hanging By A Moment -   (Bucky POV with toy play and Tony as a power bottom)  crossing over  with  TSB   K3 - KINK: Orgasm Denial/Edging  - - currently 639 words and just about done; it’s scheduled to post on 12/30. I might add an epilogue as a separate chapter to get  C4 - KINK: Aftercare square as well.
* Y2 - Never the fall that kills you -  this might be the title for a reverse hanahaki WinterIron prompt from @lacrimula-falsa ….   but is not on my Bingo Attack plan list, so don’t hold your breath.
* Y4 - KINK: Seduction Mission - crossover with SBB - B1 - “I wouldn’t mind wasting my time on you.”  & “It wasn’t wasted”  Not on my Bingo Attack plan list, so probably won’t get done.  Hopefully I can carry squares over into the next round!
Sam Wilson Bingo - Mini Holiday Round (SWB_MH) - Ends 20 Jan
Picked up a 3x3 card for this holiday event and already have 1 fill posted and another ready to go.  Shooting for a bingo/crossover with BBB squares.
*A1 - Secret Santa  Sam’s bound and determined to figure out who keeps leaving little gifts for him around the Compound. 
* B1 - Under the Mistletoe  - Posted Things Are Looking Up here on Tumblr last Friday as a Flash Fiction Friday fill - Bucky gets included in a Wilson Christmas tradition.  It is sitting at  553 words and will go up on Ao3 tomorrow.
* C1 - Christmas Morning   Better Be Good (For Goodness’ Sake) is written - secret relationship fluff that’s coming in at 353 words and will be posted to Ao3 on the 24th. 
Steve Rogers Bingo - Round 2  (SRB_R2) - Ends 31 Jan
Fifteen fills posted with 2 bingos (Row 3 & Row 1)   & 1 WIP at the moment   – aiming for 2 or 3 more bingos before the event wraps.
* A1 - Never Have I Ever -  see   MWAPB  FREE above.  
* A4 - Touch Attention/Denial  - I have an idea for this that will also fill (heh) my Stucky Bingo  KINK - Double Penetration square.
* B2 - Mile High Club -  This will be the second chapter of Never Have I Ever (But I Want To With You), picking up with Tony’s POV after the events of Chapter One. Rolling some things around in my head, but other projects are taking priority.   Possibly combine with TSB  Tony’s Poor Life Choices ?
* C4 - Groot - crossover with  MWAPB Sex Pollen - see above.
* E2 - Comics Nomad Steve  - SWC sketch of Nomad!Steve
* E4 - Mental Bondage - crossover with TSB KINK: Concubine -  Potential Title My Voice The Chain that Binds You
Tony Stark Bingo - Round 6  (TSB_R6)  [Ends 28 Feb]
Fifteen fills and three WIPs at the moment -    with  Vague Ideas for almost every other square.  
* T1 - One Night Stand - see AvB - B4 - Age Gap
* T2 - Doing Groceries - crossover with MWAP B3 - Farmer’s Market  - if I can bang out a  drabble/moodboard in time, otherwise will find something else to do with this.
* T3 - Pepper Potts/Rescue -  some sort of remix of/inspired by sabrecmc’s  Indecent Proposal  from Pepper’s POV.  At this point, I think I need to re-read the fic & take notes …  
* T4 - KINK: Concubine - see   SRB  E4 - Mental Bondage?  
*A5 - Scott Lang  - 27dragons shared an interesting plot bunny during the Sept TSB Discord party that I may end up using; that or a follow up to A Piece of the Action
* R1 - Tony’s Poor Life Choices - see SRB Mile High Club above.  
* R2 - IronWidow -  next chapter of Lady Natasha’s Consort and Lord Steve’s Companion ?  see  SBB Royalty above
* K2 - Secret Admirer -  carried this over from last round so I could try my hand a remix of Seeds of Love  (WinterIron hanahaki fic by the super-talented @hddnone).  Potential title:  Wraps Around My Heart, Refusing to Unwind
* K3 - KINK: Orgasm Denial/Edging -  see BBB KINK: Edging  
Stucky Bingo Round Four [SB_R4] (Ends 31 May 2023
Seven fills and one WIPs with a couple of other vague ideas.
* B1 - Mutual Pining - possible crossover with MWAPB - Friends to Lovers
* B4 - Artist/Muse - posted  A Work of Heart to Tumblr  on 10/29.  It came in at  at 650 words and filled Day 29 of   Fictober (”You love this, don’t you?”) , Flufftober (Leaves) and Whumptober (”Better me than you.”)  Coming to Ao3 on 12/28
* B5 - KINK: Double Penetration - see SRB   Touch Attention/Denial  above.
*I3 - “Open Wide” - used this in the Stucky Bingo December 2022 Round Robin  fic - managed a fluffy date  interpretation for this prompt  😁
* O4 - AU: Supernatural - got inspired by a dream to start a Stucky fantasy AU (magician!Steve/ensorcelled!Bucky) that @bill-longbow  is collaborating on with me.  This was supposed to fill my Man with a Plan Bingo Soulmates square, but I ran out of time on that bingo.   We’re currently sitting at 1640 words  (984-ish of which are mine).   Will probably continue on this sometime in January.   Current Last Line:  "My men will accompany you back to Brookline in the morning.”
I also adopted the Writing Format: Remix one of your fics  square  – am thinking of taking one of my Stony or WinterIron  No Powers fics and adapting it to a Stucky pairing – if you have any requests - hit me up!  
WinterIron - No Powers AU  –  Stony No Powers AU
On other creative fronts:  I have a a Gwenpool figure in progress -  still working on the figures for my three Marvel Trumps Hate  auction winners (5 of 7 done so far) – thanks so much for your generous support!!  Finally, I am prepping for a superhero con in March - so am pretty well booked up through at least the end of the year.
That said, if you’re looking for one of a kind gifts for birthdays or other celebrations in 2023, check  out Stuffed With Character   over on Facebook for a full list of my designs (now over 80!).   They’re  mostly Marvel and monsters, but I have some Star Wars, Star Trek, DC   and Disney figures as well. Plus I love to take custom design  requests  for any fandom!
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the-slow-arrow · 2 years
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I posted 17,801 times in 2022
10 posts created (0%)
17,791 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,602 of my posts in 2022
#dreamling - 197 posts
#obi wan kenobi spoilers - 192 posts
#mass effect - 33 posts
#q - 31 posts
#ofmd - 28 posts
#star wars - 22 posts
#fanart - 21 posts
#oh my god - 19 posts
#obi wan kenobi - 19 posts
#lmao - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 129 characters
#i don’t really read wips so if the author says it’s all already written i’ll be a lot more likely to read it than if they haven’t
I sent 1 gift in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
For the weird writing ask game :
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
21. Could you ever quit writing? Do you ever wish you could? Why or why not?
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud?
Alrighty, you had to pick questions that required thought didn't you cat 😂
19. I started writing fic when I was like...12? 13? Me and my friend got into RPF and we'd write fic for each other and then gush over the people we were writing about. I remember her handwriting fic and giving it to me in an envelope in school and I'd have to wait until break to tear into it lmao. I'm sure I still have some of them somewhere actually...But then the obsession faded and the fic writing dropped away and I didn't pick it up again until I was 21. I read a lot of fic in between but didn't think I was any good at actually writing it, but then I was tryna get to sleep one night and a harry potter fic popped into my head and just would not leave me alone until I wrote the damn thing down. That was it though, until a few months later when I joined an amazing quiobi server and was tempted into writing for a prompt challenge they held, and voila! Here I am 2 years and 108 fics later! I wouldn't say I'm going anywhere with my writing except that I want to keep improving from where I started, and I just enjoy it so much (despite writer's block and the agonising over doing the actual, y'know, writing) and how it can be such a personal form of expression that I've never really had access to before. And I'll be forever glad I was tempted back into it because of the friends I've made along the way that are incredible people and have given me so much support
21. I want to say yes to this cos I don't need to write—like I know some people absolutely have to write to clear the clutter from their brain and that's so valid but it's not like that for me—but then I get stories or pieces of dialogue or introspection barreling its way into my head that won't leave me alone until I get it onto paper. So no, I don't think I could quit writing, and I'll never wish that I could so long as I enjoy it
22. Not. At. All. It's a chaotic mess, there is no rhyme or reason to when, where or what I write. I write on google docs and kinda use it as a conveyor belt kinda thing. So all my prompts and wips and random bits of dialogue or story ideas go in there and then when they're finished I download the finished fics to my laptop and then delete them from my google drive. It's very satisfying, like crossing something off a to-do list
2 notes - Posted June 7, 2022
Hello lils! For the writer ask game : has a comment someone left on a fic of yours ever made you laugh out loud?
CAAAT! Very good question but I’d have to say your comments 😂 I love your outrage in my inbox when I’m mean to the boys, it’s addictive
2 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
For the ask game : NEXT <3
Oh cat that's just cruel, making me write
Quiobi regency au just for you: "Qui-Gon grips the sketchbook with a shaky hand. “This is how you see me?”"
Ask game
3 notes - Posted June 7, 2022
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Sandman (TV 2022) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Hob Gadling Characters: Dream of the Endless | Morpheus, Hob Gadling Additional Tags: Post Episode: s01e06 The Sound of Her Wings, Developing Relationship, Pre-Slash, Drunkenness, Hob is drunk, Dream is fondly exasperated Summary:
Lesson number one: don’t try and keep pace with an immortal being when drinking.
Spoiler: Hob fails at lesson number one.
Inspired by @fulcrvm‘s post about Ferdinand Kingsley’s twitter bio
33 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Sandman (TV 2022) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Hob Gadling Characters: Dream of the Endless | Morpheus, Hob Gadling Additional Tags: Post Episode: s01e06 The Sound of Her Wings, Friends to Lovers, Hob demands compensation for Dream being 30 years late, Dream graciously obliges Summary:
In hindsight, pressing the King of Dreams, an endlessly immortal being of unfathomable power, against the wall of The New Inn is probably not one of Hob’s best ideas.
76 notes - Posted September 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lycunthrope · 6 years
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i wanted to do a quick doodle of magnus to take a break from all the big projects ive been workin on!
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pens-swords-stuff · 3 years
Hey there Undine!!! :D I'm currently in the middle of finals (definitely shouldn't be finishing my anthropology paper right now), but somehow I managed to only have tests on thursday and friday so it's been mostly a waiting game.
How have you been, though? Have you been writing anything at all, or has it been more of a focus on the fun thing that is college? :P
Also you better have been getting that good good sleep between your papers!!! Sleep is important!
Hey Morgane!!
Oof good luck on finals. I believe in you, I know that you can get through this!!! I always hated having the exams on the last few days of finals week. It was always stressful to have to wait (and pack to go home) while also definitely not studying.
I've actually been getting a ton of writing done! The ridiculously long WIP that I've been writing with my writing partner reached 750k words recently (no don't worry its not going to get published ever, we're not that crazy), and we also started a new one!
The new WIP is essentially a sequel to an old favorite that never quite manages to get off the ground. We're writing 10 years post-original concept, and it's been a really nice mix of revisiting an old, cherished setting while doing something completely new!!
You'd think that juggling 2 projects at once would make our word count go down for one project but nope. It actually increased, and we've been averaging 5k a day.
During finals, of course 😜
I'm done with all my papers now and I feel pretty good about them so! Super excited to be able to guilt-freely work on those two projects. And who knows? Maybe I'll even get back to my solo projects to have more to talk about on my blog.
For the first time since I was like... 14, I'm actually having a fantastic sleeping pattern! I go to bed at like 10PM, aim to go to sleep by 11PM. Even if I stay up suuuuper late, I'm still generally asleep by 12AM. On the really late nights by 1AM, which rarely happens at this point And even then it's a huge accomplishment because I uses to stay up till 2 or 3.
Am I a boring adult with a boring sleeping schedule now? Yes. Have I been getting sleep though?? ALSO YES
Can't wait to destroy all of that over winter break, and suffer when it's over 💔
Have you been able to decompress by writing or doing something other than school?
Good luck on your finals, and I hope that you're getting good sleep too!!!
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frappe-art · 3 years
(And 18 im v interested in frappe art)
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I accidentally deleted the first answer I'm a clown
anyway at first I hesitated before reblogging, like "am I enabling Lucy to ask for all of them? is it wise to give her all this power?"
8) uuuh this is already hard but I think lineart and sketching! like, in general. I just feel like my drawings are more expressive when only in rough form, more dynamic. If I have to choose tho I'd say hair and sometimes hands (I'm weird that way)
9) since I'm quite content with my lineart, the most of problems come with coloring, especially color painting. thats the part I'd loved having someone teaching me the most. 90% of my art is self taught and I managed to learn anatomy and proportions through experiments, books and other artists speedpaints but man. color theory, shading, lights are hard. also my pc works against me bc its screen makes everything a bit lighter and bluer than ANY other device known to man
another thing I'd love to understand better are backgrounds. architecture school taught me (half assedly) perspective and composition, but often when I draw i try to use complex scenery to get used to doing it digitally and not with 3d softwares. those are also the drawings I end up not posting because I'm not satisfied with ;-;
14) uuh I'm not sure how to answer this one. up until I was 14/15 I really liked making realistic portraits and drawing animals, but then I went through a loooong art block where I hated everyone of my drawings, so to improve i started copying other people's art, screenshots and fanarts. after a while I was so unsure about what to draw that I thought I forgot how to draw original things.
just recently, like 2 years ago, I started watching jojo, and its artstyle and colors were so weird, and the fanarts so beautiful, I started trying things on my own, bought a thick sketchbook and started filling it with drawings that progressively were more personal and I decided than at the end of the sketchbook i would have bought a graphic tablet. and since then, I've been fighting with colors lmao
I don't always feel inspired, sometimes it's really frustrating and it feels pointless, but I think right now it's one of my happier periods, artistically speaking (and you and the things you write and your reactions have a huuuuge part in it, you have no idea)
16) if the most fun is composition, sketching and lineart, the most daunting is color painting. I love finding shades that go well together, but sometimes it is stressing, because I feel like I'm ruining the vibes of the sketch and the painting is completely different from how I imagined it :/ and also for all the reasons above, like, yk, my asshole of a pc.
18) a big big dream (not really a project) is to use illustration experience for architecture, or architecture knowledge to work in illustrated books, animated series or fantasy/sci fi movies backgrounds, but it's something that's still very abstract in my mind.
the more concrete project you already know about obv, and it's one of the things I'm more excited about, is collabing with you for your next big project!
basically, for everyone not aware, I'm going to illustrate Lucy's next long wip, a jujutsu kaisen gang au, satoru's prequel story of her oneshot rabid dreams, and I'm so excited about it that as soon as it's out I'm never going to shut up about it >:3
thank you for the ask lucy! (and you know u don't have to wait for an ask game for listening me ramble about art lmao)
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peggysousfan · 3 years
Fic Writer Review
Thanks for the tag @happygtyhvf!!
1. How many do you have on Ao3?
59 but not all of them are written works, a handful are simple manips or aesthetics posted individually
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
564,111.... And that’s only published works😅
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Four technically. There’s The 100, Agent Carter, Captain America the First Avenger, and Marvel’s Avengers.
4. What are your top 5 five by kudos?
Alternate World (23843 words and 386 kudos)
What If (Season 5 AU)  (33272 words and 310 kudos)
The Head and the Heart  (23448 words and 304 kudos)
I Choose You  (27364 words and 278 kudos)
Lone Wolf  (56405 words and 224 kudos)
All of these are from The 100 and only 3 of them are completed! Whoops
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes! I try to respond to each and every comment asap. but on certain stories I try to respond when I plan on updating the next chapter either soon or the following day, just to give the readers and commenters a head’s up. Other times I have no idea what to say in response to not sound like a robot so it takes a while to think of something lol
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Ooohh That would definitely be Project New Generation. I am suppose to make a series to rectify the angst and horror and heartbreak of this story but I don’t know if I will anytime soon😭 If any of my followers have not read this it is not for the faint of heart and there are many TW’s in this.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I have written a few crossovers but in moderately similar fandoms. The its between  either Agent Carter/SHIELD Crossover or Agent Carter/ Avengers crossover.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes, and it hurts every time. But lately I have been standing up for myself and being politely rude and telling the haters off. There’s no reason for the BS
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Sometimes, but most often only if requested or challenged to do so. Its just basic smut, nothing too kinky (I think I wrote breeding kink once? But it was mild and requested). I honestly hate writing explicit smut, it makes me uncomfortable. As someone who (TMI btw) Has no sexual feelings for people in general and has no experience whatsoever in the department, I don’t like writing smut. I can gloss over the topic but getting into details is not something I like to do at all.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
There was a app that copped fics and mimicked everything on the website and took many writers stores for profit. A mutual had informed me several of my stories were on that app. I have no idea if it is still happening or not
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don’t believe so
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes and it was rather fun actually!
13. What is your all time favourite ship?
Tough question since I’m in between fandoms. But rn I have to say bellarke, but peggysous is a very close second!!
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Ouch. I am doing all that I can to finish all POSTED WIP’s, however those in drafts? That is another story...😐 I’ll do one for each fandom. so for Agent Carter I don’t think I will ever finish a story of Daniel's past before the show with him meeting Peggy during the war and having a romance being torn by war. like they meet and fall in love and she gets selected for the Super Soldier program and is pulled away. Not canon related at all I know, but it was a idea in the back of my head I started and now has been in drafts for a year🤷‍♀️
As for The 100 I started a fic of Spacekru being able to listen to Clarke’s radio calls each and every day but never being able to talk to her. Each chapter switches POV from space and Earth and I haven’t touched it in months🤦‍♀️
15. What are your writing strengths?
I have no idea... does having a million ideas count? If so than that lol But in all seriousness I have no clue. If I had to guess I would say character portrayal and maybe descriptions?
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Same as strength... too many ideas. Once I start a story I get supper excited and then have another idea and abandon the last one for a while. Its even worse if Its published bc then I absolutely have to finish that story😬 Also I am horrible at tenses. I mix them up a lot and its a horrible habit!!
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I love the idea and when I see another language being used in stories. My only concern as for reading and/or writing this is accuracy. I am fluent in one language and know very little of two others I’m studying(Well trying to study) So When writers do use other languages and integrate them into their works, I think it is best to be as accurate as possible and ask for help form a native speaker if possible.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
House of Anubis! Though I will never be able to publish them (And I honestly never would if I could) They’re all written in a notebook back when I was 11 and I let my friend have it to read and I have never seen her since I transferred schools, so.... yeah.
19. What’s your favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Uh.... That’s  tough one. I would have to say for Agent Carter my favorite would be Agent Carter an AU Series. This story is on Hiatus for now until I can find time to write it again but its just a soft story and a slow burn Peggysous with baby Stephanie. Its heart melting and I love it. Granted it need to do a lot of revision and editing but it is my favorite for this fandom. For The 100  I’d have to say The Head and the Heart!
tagging @bellamyblakru, @cuppatealove, @truth-renowned, @xxawalkinwonderlandxx, @fandomsandxfiles, and any one else if you want to! no pressure :) I just chose some mutuals that I know write fic lol
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risualto · 3 years
Writer ask: 👻💊💭
Awww, I'm sorry your first ask was mostly covered by someone else. I hope this makes up for it!
👻 2 or 3 sentences from something you haven’t posted yet Here's something from an upcoming Speaker story:
“Don’t you whoops me, Chel,” Rebecca said, rolling her eyes. “Come on, Becca! We’ve all been dying for a break. We could go as a group, too,” Rachel suggested. “It’s not karaoke—” “Would you go if it was?”
💊 What is something that you wish you knew before you started writing?
I wish I had known more about the development cycle and how getting stuck works. I'm as productive as I am now because I understand better how my brain processes ideas and that (a) if I talk about a project in too much detail before it's complete, I'll lose interest due to feeling like I've already said what I need to say; and (b) if I don't engage with a story soon enough after its conception, I'll lose it forever. Many of the stories I conceived when I was younger were never told for those two reasons.
💭 Any ideas for a possible wip? I feel like you, specifically, already know what's on my WIP list, but here's one I haven't talked about yet... I think. I have an ask in my inbox for a cheek kiss between Li from @speakergame and Speaker when they were children, and I think I want it to happen as a result of Seer proposing to Nellie on the elementary school playground. That's the aim right now.
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writinglyra · 3 years
CHALLENGE #1 → Summarize your WIP badly (1 point)
Emo teen makes the harrowing discovery that running away to join the circus does not magically solve all her problems. Also, the circus is a rock band. She plays bass.
CHALLENGE #2 → Write a book jacket summary of your WIP (2 points)
Poetess, bassist, and rock icon Zoey Fulton tells the story of her rise to success for the first time in her own, unfiltered words. This collection of memories and assorted thoughts traces her journey from a troubled childhood in a suburban working-class home, to the fast-paced glamourous life of a touring musician--and all the complexities and controversies that came in between. Fame, it seems, is so much more than just status. It's a dream and a burden and an escape and a lie, all wrapped up in one beautifully strange life.
CHALLENGE #3 → Trace through the development of your WIP over time (3 points)
I am going to attempt to keep this as short as possible because I know if I don't it's going to get out of hand. This project is old. One of my oldest, in fact. I've mentioned before how its origins can be traced back to when I was in middle school. Back then, though, like most of my projects in their early stages, it was just a collection of characters: Zoey Kyle, Lucas Harrow, Zachary Knight, and Evan Sharp. I still have the old character sheets from when those were their names.
It wasn't until high school that I actually had a plot. Given the concept, it was a pretty obvious one. It was the story of the group competing in a Battle of the Bands. I never wrote anything with that plot, but it was the original idea.
The plot changed again later that year. This version I actually outlined and wrote some of. At that point, it was more of an ensemble cast. It was multi-POV, with each of the four getting their own plotline. Zoey's was very girlboss feminist-y, Luke's was about learning to be less of an asshole (not much has changed there), Zach's was about learning how to write lyrics, and Evan's was about being a better boyfriend. Pretty much all the characters were much different in this version--Zach especially. He was a very cliché nerd type, who insisted on saying "indubitably" instead of "yes" in every conversation. Needless to say, he's way more realistic now. After I wrote about two chapters of this version, I decided to put it away. I was realizing that the story I was telling wasn't the story I wanted to tell anymore. For a long time, it stayed in the back of my mind, slowly taking shape into something else without me even knowing.
I finally pulled it down again just a few months ago. That's when I had the epiphany to change the whole structure and write it as Zoey's fictional memoir. It's also when I realized the incredibly obvious fact that Zoey was always going to be the main character because she was the one who was me. The story probably isn't done evolving. I imagine by the time I finish this draft I will want to change it all over again. But for now, I like it much better than I ever did any of the previous iterations. Here's to hoping I finally finish a manuscript of it, too.
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cuntylittlesalmon · 4 years
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(photo credits to tom barret // wistomsin on unsplash)
i felt like to go along with my new url, i should reintroduce myself ! my account has grown since my first one so some of y’all may not know who i am :)
i follow from @rvmengf​ (and was previously lysander-xp)
hello friends ! my name is rhys, i am 20 years old, use they/them, and am a nonbinary lesbian. i currently live with my mom, my girlfriend of two years, and our two cats in texas. i’ve been writing for probably over a decade at this point, but i go through lulls in my seriousness, and, more recently, my productivity. last time i was as actively writing as i am now was in 2015, but ive done some large-scale rp’s with friends since then.
im currently a junior in university going for my BA in psychology, with a minor in biology. i have some really loose plans for what i want to do with my degrees in the future, but i have some time to think about that because i’ll still be in school for the next 6-8 years ! i do hope to work in research, and will probably end up teaching in a university (which is fine by me !) :)
now for the wips!
blood is thicker (working title) | main wip, nanowrimo project
victoriette lovett is princess of the vampires. she discovers a half-brother of hers who just so happens to the leader of the allegiance, an ages-old organizations of vampire hunters. times have changed.....or so she thought.
wip intro | wip tag
status: drafting book 1, outlining book 2 (for nanowrimo), brainstorming book 3
ewc: 70-75k (b1) | 50k+ (b2) | 50k+ (b3)
eirwen yale discovers she comes from a long line of vessels, people who host an angel and a demon at the same time in their body. an old nanowrimo project i’ve been toying with picking up again
status: re-outlining/re-working
ewc: tbd
project icarus
a group of vigilante superheroes do some things...fight some people...go to college....live rent free in my mind
wip tag
status: brainstorming
ewc: tbd
untitled college romance wip
lysander is a quiet guy who just wants to get his degree and get out. cato is a ball of energy who’ll get into just about any mess he can. and they’re roommates :)
wip tag
status: outlining
ewc: tbd
untitled epic fantasy wip
currently lives as a 17-section pinterest board & also rent free in my mind
status: brainstorming/world building
ewc: tbd+
unititled romance wip
a girl catches the eye of a mystery woman across the bar at a party she never wanted to go to. its a romance so they fall in love :)
status: fantasizing and daydreaming
ewc: 10k
miscellaneous wips tag
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