#but its also fun i wont lie. im just out here planning and managing for funsies
southislandwren · 2 years
some bitches (me) have fun by drafting up official paperwork for very fake things
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braindead94 · 1 year
Power Bottom
Here's one of my fics that Im planning to post here. I have others on AO3 under the same name. Its about Doc Ock and Spider-Girl! Reader who makes a stupid move while fighting. It is also an ongoing series that is slow to update, this is the first part.
Warning: forced kissing, unwanted touches, fighting, Doc Ock being HOT. Minors DNI
You wont lie: being Spider-Girl is amazing sometimes. 
Sure, you might not have the most glamorous life by fighting criminals in the sewers or fighting them near a dump. The public might not like you; per say (thanks JJJ for the great press). And yes, your social life as yourself had to be put on hold on numerous occasions while fighting big names like The Lizard or The Juggernaut (He’s looooooads of fun to clean up afterwards….).
But there were times like these where you were swinging in the air, pulling on your organic webs hard to make you soar in the air, the feeling of nothing holding you back…
This was one of the greatest things about being a hero.
Until that moment was ruined by Doc Ock showing up.
You sighed as you heard the familiar click-clank of his powerful arms storming through the streets. “Ahhhhhgrrrrreaaaat, what is it this time?” You muttered as you allowed yourself to free fall. Snagging a web to a building, you followed the trail of destruction and people running away.
Dr.Octavius was climbing up the walls away from the tail of police cars that stopped at a building he clambered up. One cop saw you and shouted, “Go get him Spidey!” as you swinged above him. You gave him a salute before gallivanting up to the criminal.
Landing perfectly in front of Otto, you stood on the wall. Sticking straight against gravity with your super strength. “So, this is a nice change of pace. Usually, I'd have to hit up on abandoned warehouses to find you sneaking about for some leftover science garbage. Let me guess: your old age finally made your bones crack loud enough for them to hear?”
Doc Ock, with his shiny actuators attached to his back reared back from you. He crossed his arms as his (admittedly handsome) face looked irritated. The wind from this height blew his two trench coats widely around him, showing more of his shirtless chest. ‘Oh Lord, he just had to be shirtless today, didn’t he?’ You think, your cheeks blushing while biting your bottom lip. Your heart beated faster as your mind went into the gutter before you snapped out of it. You counted your lucky stars that you were smart enough to wear a costume that covered your face.
“One of the nice security personnel just got lucky when I was at one of Stark's labs.” He explained, not taking the bait you not so perfectly laid out for him. “Ooooooh, and you got scared by one guy? Jeez, if that’s what it took to get you up and about, I wouldn’t have to fight you a lot.” You joked, resting your hands on your hips.
“Well, it would probably be because he will no longer be ‘up and about’ anymore. Don’t worry; he IS alive. If you call it that.” He replied, a sinister smile creeped into his lips. Your blood ran cold, making you jump into gear and jump out at him.
Again, you never seemed to learn that you never make the first swing.
Otto let out a shameless laugh as he moved to the side, his upper arms strike out to you. You managed to slip away from them in the air in time for one of the bottom ones to make a grab at you. One of it’s claws scratched your side when you webbed away from it. It seemed to cackle in victory with his claws opening and closing.
‘Fuck! Need to get this on even ground.’ You look to the ground, where a crowd of people were surrounding the police and continued to grow. ‘Far from them. Get him talking, get him angry to follow you to the top of a building.’
“So, the great, intelligent Doc Ock has been spooked by one man. Not even a superpowered one! What? Is your hearing aid not working right today?” Otto utters a growled, his dark sunglasses hiding his eyes glaring daggers at you while having one of his actuators rip out a chuck of contrite off of the building and throw it at you.
You web it and swing it back at him as you make your getaway. Dumb move: his arms crumbled it into smaller pieces. You ducked down quickly to make a wide web to catch any falling debris as you continued to swing away. 
Leading Otto higher onto the roofs. Some smoke bellowed out of the exhaust pipes, making you cough behind the mask as you ran on solid ground. You heard the claws stomp behind you, coming faster and faster.
“You think you're being very clever by insulting me to follow you, don’t you?” Doc Ock called out, his baritone voice filled with command and vile. “I was kinda hoping that we wouldn’t fight on the ground in front of the press, they just never get my good side.” You called back, flipping over to another building and shooting gobs of webs at him. 
He raised his actuators to block off the attack, making the two that got caught to get stuck together. Otto paused to try to remove it with a bottom arm, which you then jumped back to where he was and pounced on him. You webbed one of his flesh hands on the roof as you landed on top of him.
“Gotcha now-” You stopped, blushing harder than before when you realized how you landed on him.
Your legs were straddling his very wide hips, your butt just shy away from his crouch and a hand resting on top of his (plushy) pecs.
Silence fell hard between you two, your eyes looking right at him also surprised as you did, still as a rock. His actuators almost seemed to weave in the air in confusion.
Slowly, Ottos face then turned bemused. “Well, well, well… this has certainly turned into a delectable turn of events.” His deep voice purred. Your eyes widen as your body clenched at his suave voice.
“Oh-Oh God, I am so, so sorry!” Your voice squeaks a pitched higher, your heart now pounding like a jackhammer. Quickly taking your hand off of him, you stutter over your words as you try to gather your thoughts, trying not to touch anything but him.
“Shit, I totally didn’t mean to end up like this- let’s just forget that this is hap-” You make a move to get off of him when an actuator quickly wraps around your waist twice. With another squeak, you try to pry it off of you with your free arms, but it only tightens its hold on you. 
Your nerves started to fry in panic, your movements all jittery while the heavyset man just laid all calm and collected with his hooded eyes covered by his special glasses. His free hand rested on his bare stomach as the rest of the actuators (the two got free from your webs) all slinked up and aimed their bulbs at you. You rambled on, saying nothing and everything at the same time to get him to just-Let-Go!
“-Like, can’t we just move on from this?? I just go one way and you go the other way and we both don’t look back on this-” “I’m not sure if you know this, my dear, little spider,” He interrupted as his gloved hand lifted up to your belly. 
Your cheeks become warmer as his fingers brushed up over his metal arm, just grazing over your super suit, over your chest and up to your neck where it cupped your head to look down at him. “But my actuators detect not only heat signatures, but heart rate as well.”
You just noticed how fast your heart was beating, pounding with a mixture of fear and unease. Lust is definitely not part of that, nope. “W-w-w-w-well, if that were the ca-ca-case,” You stutter, painfully aware how his arms were now slithering around you, nuzzling against your back like a cat headbutting. One reached down to slip his glasses off, leaving his big eyes looking up at you. His eyes looked hungry, and that’s what scared you the most.
“T-t-t-then how come you missed that guard back the-” One arm grabbed your neck with it’s claw. You gasped as you grabbed it, trying to pry it off as the lower arm tightened its grip on you again. Your spider-sense is tingling, not to an alarming degree, but still buzzing enough for you to panic a bit.
This was getting out of hand; here you are practically sitting on New Yorks, maybe one of the world's greatest supervillain, with his actuators almost have you in wraps, Doc Ock has his only hand resting on your hip, you, a hero, is getting fucking turned on.
‘Lord, if you're there: Please kill me now’ You begged as Otto chuckled.
“We are having such a nice moment, Spider-Girl. Lets not ruin it with petty insults.” Said Otto, squeezing your thigh nicely. “Okay, thi-this is getting too weird,” You muttered. “Let me go now!” He tisk. “Now why would we do that when the fun just got started, hmm?” You try to use your super strength to pull the claw off of your neck, but his hand slipped up to your hip again, distracting you again as it dipped to your back and stopped on your butt.
He let out a soft hum, his face just looked mischievous. “I see all the hero business has really given you a mighty workout. Much more fun for us to squeeze.” You yelped as he did so, your legs almost clamp onto his sides. He grunted, reminding you how he is actually fragile to your power, and you are now left with a new problem.
“Lo-look, just let me go. I don't want to hu-hurt you-” a moan slipped out when he raised his leg up against your body, pushing your pelvis over his harness. 
If your cheeks burn any more, they would burn your mask off.
Otto smirked, his lips showing teeth, now looking more at ease. “Ohho, now this is getting interesting.” The arm grinds your hips on the harness and you try to tuck your legs up to get off of him. Two actuators wrapped around them and brought your lags back to their positions, hulting you and leaving you even more stuck. “Ironic, how fast your heart is beating so fast to be close to someone you don’t care about.”
“Please! Just stop!” you yelled, startling how loud your voice is. Even if you two were far away from the crowd, you still brought attention to warrant a helicopter. Possibly. Hopefully not.
“Oh, I like that…” Otto whispered. “It’s not always that I have a beau ideal not only getting turned on, but begging?” He growled, and fuck does his voice sounds just so good.
“Do go on, I’m very keen on hearing your pompous voice begging me to let go. A nice change from your failed attempts at humor.” You groan, but glazing around, you couldn’t just not wait for someone else to rescue you.
Shit, what if the Avengers heard about this?
You bit your lip and got on with it. “Please, Dr.Octavius,” You said, hoping that his former title would maybe favor your plea. “Please let me go.” His smirk just grew. “That’s better, although...” He looked to one of his arms, who was leering down at you then to him. He let out a huff of glee as his dark eyes turned back to you. The hungry only flourish into something more deadly threatening. The danger-buzzing became a thundering ring in your minds eye.
“I think it would be even sweeter if you give me a kiss.”
Oh fuck no.
You got back to the claw on your neck, but it clamps on tight. Almost cutting off your air. “Oh, come now, would a kiss really be that bad? No one will ever know.” He reasoned. His hand trailed one finger up and down your inner thigh. “It would be over quickly and painlessly. If, however, you want to stay up here with a much more enjoyable activity…” That damn finger found itself over to your clothed crotch, JUST ghosting over your clit.
Your body jolted, ecstasy pumped into your blood and a mewl escaped your gasping mouth. The temptation was far too great, God his whole presence is just waiting to be indulge into.
But you still couldn’t ignore how much your spider-sense was yelling at you hard in your mind. This was stepping into something more deadly. ‘But what choice do I got? How can I escape without hurting him??” A voice of reason, not like your own, said that it is safer than what he was asking.
“I can wait all day, I have nothing to hide, well, except for a little hard drive I ‘borrowed’ from Starks. I’m not sure if you do, regarding if the press let their helicopter come out to look at the damages.” You shivered at his voice, glazing about as you willed your arms to let go of the claw on your neck. You try to calm your fast-paced heart beat with even breathing, but it’s not working. “Ju-just one kiss?” you whispered, too low for anyone could hear.
Apparently, his actuator did. Docs famous, corrupted grin returned on his good-looking face, the laughing lines deepening with wicked glee. “Just one, and I’ll let you go.” “.....okay.” Was all you said before the claw finally let go of your neck. 
You rubbed your throat before it returned and nudged your upper body to lean down on him. “Okay, okay, I’m doing it! Jeeze, so impatient.” You muttered. You leaned closer over his face (while trying not to come contact with his torso). That bastard then said “You are going to have to initiate the kiss, my dear. I’m the one who is stuck.” He wiggled his trapped hand to set the point.
You scowled at him, then flinched when you felt more fingers brushing against your crotch. “Well?” You looked at him in the eyes, then sighed. Slowly, you hooked your thumb under your mask (ignoring how your hand was shaking from this) and lifted the mask up above your nose. The spider-sense was now yelling-no, screaming NO at you.
Octavious let out a hum. “My, you look so delightful when you’re disheveled.” ‘Shut the fuck up, you sonofabitch.’ Was what you wanted to say but knew enough not to.
You breathe in the air (much better than breathing through the mask) as you sucked in your lips, then lean down to quickly give him a dry peck on the lips.
Otto looked unimpressed.
“Oh, that can’t be how you kiss.” One of his claws stomped on your back, shoving your whole torso on top of his. You plant your hands on his shoulders but couldn’t push off of him. “You have to kiss me as if you meant it.” His free hand made its way to your nearly clear cheek. You almost panicked when his gloved fingers touched where the end of the mask was, just nearly pushing it off of your face before resting to the back of your head.
“How else am I supposed to be convinced that you really want to be free from my embrace?” He asked. You gulped, your blush returned again as you closed your eyes and pretended.
You pictured your long-time crush, Jessie. He grew up with you through middle and high school, blossoming from an angsty, emo boy to a handsome man from the 1950s. He is, quite literally, the male version of Jessica Rabbit and embraced it wholeheartedly. He was always kind to you when you were growing up, and even more when he became popular in high school. He made sure that you were heard, always seen and validated from your peers. Now going into college: he has bloomed into every dream man that women ever wanted.
Your heart beats more slowly, more comfortable just thinking of him and his elegant face looks at you with his warm eyes. His whole demeanor just pouring radiant of safety and love, just waiting for you to be in his arms. His smooth parted lips just waiting for just a peck.
You leaned down and finally kissed Otto Octavius. It started out slow, your eyes closed as your mind focused on Jessie. Just pretend, just ignore how vastly different Otto's large body is from Jessie's angular, yet hard body.
The supervillain smiled in the kiss, it felt weird, very unlike your crush. Ottos hand smooths over your neck and onto your back, rubbing circles over your shoulder blades. Damn, does that ever feel nice.
Daring to continue this, you trailed your hands over to his face and deepened the kiss further, poking your tongue into his mouth. You imagined Jessie hands over your back, sending tingles of excitement up your spine. But Octavious hummed in the kiss, nearly breaking you away from him.
He was compliant, letting you take charge of it. He would almost push his lips onto yours, but never overpower you. Your fingers made its way to his hair, entangling in his dark locks, bringing his face closer to yours. He smelled like oil, sweat, and smoke. So different than Jessies expensive cologne, but it suited the older man.
Everything felt sooo good, like a sinful temptation that warmed its way from your core. His arms, his real ones, wrapped around your body in a deathly grip while his actuators nearly went limp over your body. You hummed in the kiss, holding his plump cheeks in your hands.
It only took a second to realize that Otto was using both arms to hold you closer to him.
You broke away from the kiss and immediately jumped off of him and quickly webbed away, pulling your mask back on. 
Heart was still racing, still pounding like a horse on steroids. You didn’t look back; you didn’t DARE to see if Doc Ock was chasing you. You mind just reliving that moment with him over and over again as you continue to (very clumsily) swing up to a building away from the scene in New York city and finally allow yourself to sit in silence.
Just sit and reflect on it AGAIN. 
Your face was still warm. Your hands were still shaking from…. that. It wasn’t as if he took your first kiss. You had to admit, it felt nice. Ock was a good kisser, but damn if he is ever so cocky and…. You couldn’t put your finger on it, but by the way your spider-sense was acting would've swore that you were stepping into something dangerous. 
Something that you can’t go back and undo, for it has set to stone. Now that danger is set in motion, and it wants more.
Then, you think back to a sentence he said and you facepalm hard. “Fuck! I forgot to get the damn hard drive!!!”
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i-simp-for-gintoki · 3 years
Sanji and Ace meeting fem!s/o’s parents for the first time
I accidentally deleted the request like the idiot i am, so basically it was “Ace and Sanji meeting their fem!s/o’s parents for the first time, but the s/o gets upset at an embarrasing/mean thing the parents said towards her boyfriend(s)”
Sorry for the long wait! Time flew by way faster than i thought it would and i really struggled with this lmao. Hope this is to your liking! If not just let me know and i’ll do my best to fix it!
I didn’t rlly know how to end these im sorry, um i made sanji’s more angsty than needed because i just did but oh well
Warnings: like one swear word, your dad is kinda a dick and disapproving of your relationship in sanji’s
Portgas D. Ace
He would not dress up, instead simply putting on an unbuttoned shirt instead of remaining shirtless
He might- might take off the hat but thats only if you REALLY want him too
I think he would be pretty relaxed about meeting your parents
You on the other hand was not
I mean dont get me wrong Ace is a sweetheart and all, but he also can be pretty gross without meaning too
You two were planning on heading to your parent’s house so Ace could finally meet them, so in the meantime you told him to keep a few promises
“No using anyones clothing as napkins, finish chewing before talking, and if they say something that annoys you please don’t fight them.”
He’d give you a thumbs up and a smile as he said he’d keep the promise
So here you guys are, in front of where your parents lived
Knocking on the door, it only took a few seconds for them to show up
As Ace introduced himself he bowed and had a bright smile
Your parents smiled back and let you two in
So far so good
All of you were just relaxing in the living room, your parents sat across from where you and Ace sat
Your parents listened as Ace told a bunch of stories about his life, it mainly consisted of the trouble he’d get in with his brothers or how he met and fell in love with you but he was having fun sharing them
Your parents seemed to be enjoying his company and that made you happy
After talking for a while your mother decided to make a quick meal for everyone in which Ace asked if he could help a bit
Your dad decided to put him in charge of setting the table
He had almost dropped a plate in the process but he got it done and wore a proud smile
It wasn’t long until you guys began to ate and you could tell Ace was definitely holding back from how he usually acted
“Whats the point of forks when i can grab it so much faster using my hands?” he mumbled to no one in particular
What really surprised you was that he made sure to properly chew his food before speaking
You were really happy that he was keeping his word but sadly all good things come to an end
“Wow! Mrs.L/n your food is really--”
He passed out.
He passed out face first into his plate and your parents could only stare
You could only sigh as you tilted his face so he doesn’t manage to suffocate
“Oh my, is he okay?” your mom asked in a worried tone and you nodded your head
“Ah yeah he’s fine. Hes a narcoleptic thats all. He’ll wake up any moment”
And not even a few seconds later, Ace straightened up and continued eating like nothing even happened
Your mother laughed
“Oh wow! He reminds me of a baby!”
He rose a brow at the two of you, unaware of what you were talking about, food still smeared onto his face
You clicked your tongue and grabbed a napkin before wiping his face
“See he is like a little kid” she repeated and you rolled your eyes in response
Ace’s eyes widened a bit as he finally understood what happened
“Did I pass out again?”
“You passed out again.”
He rubbed the back of his head and gave an apology to your mom who in return laughed loudly
“Oh no worries dear, when y/n was younger she would pull countless all nighters and end up doing the same thing”
“Mooom stop it”
“Oh shush this is all light hearted fun”
As your dad started a separate conversation, Ace grabbed your hand under the table and smiled
He was having fun, even if you guys were being teased
Vinsmoke Sanji
Idk how i feel about this one rip
He was a bit nervous yet excited
He couldn't wait to meet the people who raised you, but he was worried if they wouldn’t like him
He chose to wear one of his best suits and cologne despite your protests
“Sanji its just my parents, you don’t need to be any more fancy than usual” “Nonsense, i should take it seriously so your parents can see im serious about you.”
He’d insist on making dinner for them
Once your parents arrive he puts on a charming smile and introduces himself
Skip to dinner, Sanji made sure to sit everyone down and serve them
Some nice small talk was made when suddenly one of your parents asks him if Sanji truly loves you
An instant “of course!” was heard from Sanji before he started listing hundreds of things he loves about you
Honestly he said a bit much since he strayed off from personality and perks to more your physical appearance and more
You had to kick his leg under the table to get him to stop
Your dad put his fork down and looked at you
“I don’t want you dating him”
“Can i ask why?” you ask
“Sounds to me your boyfriend is simply a pervert. He’s probably just after your body”
Now this Sanji got upset at but you acted first
“Seriously?? Did you listen to anything he said just now? Yeah he appreciates my looks but he clearly loves me for who i am, do you only hear things that make you upset or something?”
You were hoping it would stop right there but no, of course your dad had to say some more huh
“Isn’t he just some chef anyways? Its not like they make a bunch of money, he’s probably mooching off of you”
You stood up so fast your chair was knocked down
“How dare you say that about Sanji? Hes not just some chef, he’s one of the best out there. That doesn’t even matter actually, good chef, bad chef, he would NEVER mooch off of someone. Using people, especially women is completely against his character! Sanji has been nothing but nice to you tonight, and here you are completely shitting on him!”
You huff and wave your hand, mumbling how you wanted some fresh air before heading outside
It was only a few seconds before Sanji joined you
“How are you doing love?” He’d ask and you’d whirl around and face him in surprise
“How am I doing? Sanji they were saying bad things about you! Im SO sorry about that, my dads usually not that much of an asshole and-anyways, How are you doing??”
He’d chuckle and assure you he’s fine
“I’m not gonna lie, i was pretty upset when he said i was using you for my own gain. But seeing you stand up for me, getting upset for me really warmed my heart.”
He’d give you a hug while slowly rubbing your back
“But what do i do about him not approving? What if he says to break up??” you ask and sanji tilts your chin up towards him
“Who cares? We are all adults here, its not like his disapproval will suddenly stop the love we have for each other.”
You slowly nod at his words and he smiles before giving you a quick kiss
“Now lets head back in and finish dinner” “Oh but its going to be so awkward now”  you complain but you still walk with him back inside
When you guys return to the table, your mother shoves your dads shoulder which made him stand and walk up to Sanji
Before the blond can open his mouth, your dad is already apologizing
“Look, Im sorry about what I said. It was harsh and based on my daughters reaction, clearly untrue. I just dont like to see my kid grow up, much less dating someone. Just promise me one thing, Sanji. Promise me you wont break her heart” he says putting a hand out
Sanji gave him a nod and a firm handshake.
“I promise. I would never be able to live with myself if I did”
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enderspawn · 3 years
It's alright if u don't wanna answer this cuz this argument gets people really riled up but do you think c!Techno is a tyrant or nah?
Cuz many c!techno apologists argue that he isn't just cuz he's an anarchist but I've also read a lot of essays that go against it and it'd be really interesting to see ur opinion on this
i think he, in some contexts, can most definitely be called tyrannical, yes. a tyrant? no.
to avoid spamming ppl w discourse we've all def heard before (and bc this ended up MASSIVE (like 2.3k ish), but fairly in depth bc i didnt wanna speak out of bad faith and wanted to be EXPLICTLY clear-- oops), the rest will be under readmore
so heres the thing i want to preface: i used to really LOVE c!techno. i joined beginning of s2, right when exile started, and he was arguably my favorite character. since then though i've fallen out with him a LOT, to the point i almost... actively despite him at times (though mainly in a toxic kind of way which i can acknowledge is flawed).
in short, his actions started to speak louder than his words and i lost investment in his personal character struggles because of the actions he took (doomsday was my breaking point. i get feeling angry and betrayed, as well as seeking revenge against lmanberg, but his actions went too far for me to CARE and it hurt so many more characters as well.)
so when i speak, i come from a place of disliking him but also somewhat understanding the position c!techno apologists come from: i used to be one of them myself.
NOW, do i think he's a tyrant? no. for reference in my analysis, i try to look up the definition of terms to make sure they are utilized properly. while "tyranny" and "tyrannical" can have multiple uses, tyrant itself is a more specific term. to combine the top two definitions, a tyrant is referring to "an extremely oppressive, unjust, or cruel absolute ruler (who governs without restrictions, especially one who seized power illegally.)"
techno's position as an anarchist, imo, DOES indeed make him unable to be a tyrant. tyrants are rulers with very clear power over others from a structural way. anarchists are about the lack of structure or power over others and instead viewing the people around you as equals in power.
in forming the syndicate, they very explicitly worked to not designate a leader and instead make it so that no one would have any power over the others systemically. techno may have taken a integral role, yes, but it doesn't make him suddenly "the leader", its a role that wouldve had to be filled by someone (even if it was democratic to decide who to invite, they'd need someone to hand over the invite itself yknow? like no matter WHAT there needed to be A ROLE)
one could argue that he IS a leader in the shadow hierarchy of the syndicate (which, yes, is a real and professional term used in management courses despite sounding like it comes from a 4kids yugioh dub) in that everyone CONSIDERS and looks to him a leader without him having any actual structural basis behind it, but to argue that allows him to be a tyrant is in bad faith i believe. especially because to the people he would be "ruling", he ISNT oppressive, unjust, or cruel. they are his friends and support network and critical for a lot of his personal development (since feelings of betrayal and trust issues are critical to his character and why he acts the way he does). I wish we were able to SEE this develop more, but oh well.
but like i said: tyrant is fairly specific in definition. TYRANNY, and thus TYRANNICAL are not as limited. I've discussed their definitions here. originally, i made that post because i was angry at a take i had seen that claimed that, like you said, because techno was an anarchist and not part of any government or leadership position, he couldn't be tyrannical. to which i heartily disagree.
for something to be tyrannical, they simply must have an overarching/oppressive power over someone or something. it would not be inaccurate if i were to say that something is "under the tyranny" of a concept, because what it means is that something is under the power of another thing/concept. you can frankly call anything tyranny if it is widespread/overarching and you don't like it. mask mandates? tyranny, its forcing me to act in "rigorous condition". hell, theres even such things as tyranny of the majority in which people agree too much on one thing and it gives them unfair power or tyranny of the minority where people with minority opinions have too much power (thats a very grossly oversimplified definition of both, but it covers the base idea well enough for my point)
the point im making above isnt meant to be taken as "anything can be worked to be defined as tyranny thus it is a meaningless claim", it is that tyranny (and again, thus tyrannical) are very open and nonrestrictive terms.
to make it easier to define, alongside the definitions provided i want to add an explicit clause that is (imo) implied in the original definition: tyranny is... well, bad. that is to say if someone has power over a group but literally everyone is fine with it and agrees to it, its not tyranny. thats just a group of people getting along and one happens to have power over another. a leader does NOT equal a tyrant (as discussed above), so leadership should not be equated with tyranny.
thus as an example: wilbur acting as president (before the election) may have been "unelected" with power over his citizens, but no one was upset with that power. thus, he is not a tyrant and not acting tyrannically (as well as the fact his power was, arguably, NOT rigourous or absolute but thats another topic for another time). SCHLATT however IS a tyrant, as his power was absolute (he did not consult his cabinet) and forced people to comply instead of them complying willingly, thus he was acting tyrannically.
now to finally get to the damn point of this essay: where does c!techno lie? honest answer? it depends slightly on your perspective, but it depends a LOT on the future of the syndicate.
techno is incredibly clear in his goals: no governments, no corruption. in fighting with pogtopia, he is actively working to topple a tyranny-- he isn't tyrannical for doing that.
when he strikes out on nov 16th, it is because he opposes them forming a new government. when they oppose him and disagree, he launches an attack against them. is this tyranny? maybe, but probably not. he IS trying to impose his own physical strength and power (as well as his resources) over the others to stop them from doing what HE doesn't want them to do.
however its more nuanced than that:
1. hes lashing out emotionally as well as politically. he feels betrayed by those he trusted and he believed that they would destroy the government then go (i'm ignoring any debates on if he did or did not know that they planned another government, though it is a source of debate). but typically idk about you but i dont call tyranny for someone fighting with another person.
2. he also may be acting with good intent again, in HIS EYES. if tubbo was part of manburg, whos to say he wont be just as bad? he, in his pov, is likely trying to stop another tyrant before they rise.
3. and finally, and tbh the most damning from any perspective: he gives up. he quickly leaves then RETIRES without intent to try and attack again until he is later provoked. tyranny is defined by it not just being power, but power being USED. if he doesn't use his power to try and impose any will, then he's not tyrannical.
Doomsday I am also not going to touch very in depth on for much of the same reasons. My answer is again a "maybe", depending on the weight you personally place on each issue:
1. he's lashing out as revenge for the butcher army and as revenge against tommy for "betraying" him (though this one we explicitly know he was ignoring the fact tommy did not want to go through with it, however he still did trust and respect tommy regardless so his feelings are understandable anyway)
2. he sees new lmanberg as corrupt and tyrannical (which is undeniable: house arrest for noncompliance, exile without counsel, execution without trial, etc), and thus obligated to destroy it
but also, theres the implicit understanding he's doing this to send a message: do not form a government, or else. its a display of force that also works to warn others unless they want a similar fate. phil even explicitly states that he is doing so to send that message, so one could assume techno is doing the same alongside his personal reasoning listed above.
what i just described is the use of a oppressive and harsh (physical) power in order to gain compliance from people (that compliance being 'not making a government'). does that sound familiar? exactly. it follows the definition(s) of tyranny given previously. technoblade is acting in a way that is, by very definition, tyrannical.
so the debate shifts: is he valid in doing so because he is trying to PREVENT corruption and tyranny. like i said, new lmanberg was undeniably corrupt at points. i held nothing against techno for trying to topple manburg, so does that apply to new lmanberg as well? short answer: i dont know. it depends on your specific opinion of what is acceptable. its like the paradox of tolerance: to have a truly tolerant society, you have to be intolerant of intolerance. to have a truly non-tyrannical society, do you need to have a tyranny enforcing it?
personally (and bc im a lmanberg loyalist /hj) i say it is. regardless of the corruption of new lmanberg, they are also giving a threat to EVERYONE. even those who are innocent, they are presented with the exact same threat and rule set: if you make a government, you will be destroyed.
(which, small divergence here, is part of why debating c!techno is so frustrating. so many times you end up hitting a "well it depends on your political views" situation and there ISNT a correct answer there. im here to analyze characters for fun, not debate political theory)
so: the syndicate then. this is where this debate really "took off" and i think its due to one very specific miscommunication about its goals and plans. the syndicate, upon formation, declares itself to stand against corruption and tyranny. when they are found, the syndicate would work to destroy it. so heres the golden question: what do THEY define as corruption and tyranny? if you were to go off c!techno's previous statements, seemingly "any government" is a valid answer. however, he also states he's fine with people just being in groups together hanging together.
what then DEFINES A GOVERNMENT for them? what lines do they have to sort out what does "deserve to be destroyed" and what does "deserve to exist freely"
this is a hypothetical i like to post when it comes to syndicate discourse:
i have a group of people. lets say 5 or so for example. they all live together and build together. any decisions made that would impact the entire group they make together and they must have a unanimous agreement in order to proceed, but otherwise they are free to be their own people and do their own thing. when you ask them, they tell you they are their own nation and they have a very clearly defined government: they are a direct democracy. does the syndicate have an obligation to attack?
there is absolutely no hierarchy present. there is no corruption present. but, they ARE indeed a government. is that then inherently negative? my answer is fuck no (see the whole "difference between a tyrant and a leader" thing above).
but THATS where the issue of this discourse LIES. in some people's eyes, the answer to that is YES. techno's made it clear "no government" is his personal view, but does that spread to the syndicate as a whole? do they act preemptively in case it DOES become corrupt? is it inherently corrupt because its a government, regardless of how it is ruled? the fact of the matter is because of how little we've seen the syndicate work as a SYNDICATE, we don't know that answer. so we're left to debate and speculate HOW they would act.
if the syndicate were to let that government exist, then they are not tyrannical. they are showing that they are working to stop tyranny and corruption, just like in pogtopia again.
if the syndicate were to destroy/attack that government, then they are tyrannical. simple as that. they are enforcing a rule of their own creation without any nuance or flexibility under the threat of absolute destruction.
miscommunication in debates comes, in my opinion, in the above. of course theres more points of nuance. for example:
would the syndicate allow a government like i had described with early lmanberg, where there is an established hierarchy but everyone in the country consents to said leadership? on one hand, there is no tyranny or corruption present which is what they are trying to work against. on the other hand, theres more a possibility of it occuring. perhaps they'd find a middle road between the two binary options of "leave or destroy" i am presenting, such as checking in occasionally to ensure no corruption occurs.
but if they were to destroy it without, for lack of a better word, "giving it a chance" they would be, in my opinion, tyrannical. they would be going aginst their words of opposing corruption and instead abusing their power to gain compliance.
your/others opinions may differ, again it depends on if you see it as worth it to possibly stop future tyranny or if a hierarchy is INHERENTLY a negative thing.
part of the reason so many blog gave up this debate, beyond not getting very clear answers for the syndicate, is because of the nuance present. there. is. no. right. answer. every single person will view it differently, because there is no universally agreed upon truth of right or wrong here. BUT, i hope this helps shed some light on the discussion and my thoughts on it
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prorevenge · 6 years
After months of putting up with my roommate from hell, I got the revenge of lifetime and screwed her over out of a fuckton of money and got her to pay rent and life has never been sweeter! (This is a long one)
This is a long one but very much worth the ride, so buckle up. (also, English isn't my native lang, sorry if there are any mistakes)
This story takes place a couple of years back. During college, I lived with several roommates, all of them were nice and we got along well, except for this one bitch, let's call her Karen. if Satan and Hitler had a child and that child had a child with Stalin and Cruella de Vil, that would be Karen for you, she is a loud-mouthed stupid, egocentric bitch who has the face that scare the shit out of a toilet. She would never clean up after herself, she would always leave her plates and things at the spot where she last used them. I have lost counts of how many times, I caught her stealing my clothes without asking and if you so much as touch her clothes she loses her shit on you, or her drinking our lactose-intolerant roommates almond milk and any time we confronted her for drinking it, she would shrug and say "I only had a sip, stop being so stingy." She plays her music loud at night, invites stranger without giving any heads up, a time or two she didnt pay rent even though her parents are FILTHY RICH and she is wearing gucci and prada shit, Karen also fucking lies about everything, even things that are not worth lying about. like if she woke up 7, and you ask her, she'll lie through her fucking teeth and say she rose with the sun rise because she is a natural. (ps, this is something i actually heard her say to her parents while she was skypeing them....so cringy, who the fuck says that? but i digress)
Months we have fucking put up with her, of course we tried to get other roommates but unfortunately when we all moved in everything, all documents and contracts were done in her name so kicking her out would require a lot of effort and most of us were busy with school and work and life happens. So we ignore it as much as we can and try to move on.
We are now all seniors and in our final semesters, meaning graduation was coming, AND Karen is planning a backpack trip across Europe with her friends as a graduation gift to herself, this is important so remember this.
One of our roommates and my closest friend, Sasha, has had a crush on a guy that lives down the hall. Any time the two of them are together, Sasha and the Guy keep giving each other googly eyes and blushing faces; it was sooo cute. Sasha is a verbal autistic person and has never dated anyone because she has a hard time with socializing and understanding social ques and subtlety, which lets face it, that is the core of dating, especially flirting but with a lot of encouragement from me and the final roommate, Lola we got her to ask him out. He said yes. She was so happy, you guys, she flew back into the apartment and did an hour of happy dance with her arms flailing about and a shit eatin grin on her face; needless to say we were all so happy. Karen caught wind of this and it just so happens at that time she was having relationship problems, I guess her bf finally realized he's dating human garbage. Not one to be outshined, Karen behind all of our backs went to the guy's place and spun lies about Sasha, saying she is a serial cheater and even made a fake account for Sasha's so called bf. the guy never called Sasha, and eventually weeks passed by he told us why but by then Sasha felt like the damage was done and lost interest in him.
This, this level of dickery and bloody pettiness is the straw that finally broke the camel's back and I vowed I wouldn't fucking leave until I served my slice of justice. Here's another character that you must know about, Prof C. His wife two years ago was in a horrible car accident and as a result is in a wheelchair, this is especially problematic because she was a stay home mom that took care of their two special needs kids and they have a toddler at home. Home life is a mess for him, he is running ragged between working and single-handedly is taking care of his family, the uni took pity and also feared the workload would see one of their best and most beloved teachers leave the school struck a deal with him to help him out. In all of his classes there will be quizzes and midterms, this doesnt change, but assignments you submit and he corrects at the end of the year, this is important cuz our uni has zero tolerance on proffs that dont constantly update the students course works so that students have the chance to improve their grades.
Karen, the lazy and stupid bitch she is, is somehow skating through his assignments, even though they require a shit tone of research and writing. I accidentally learned that one of her older friends told her that she only needs submit the paper on its due date and to only write the first 3 pages and use a paraphrase tool for the rest of the paper so the plagiarism software wont detect it and would think its original material and when the end of the year comes, submit a hard copy but with the first pages being her actual work and the rest being completely plagiarized, professional work. Prof C won't know cuz the likelihood a man as busy as him thoroughly checking the work of 120+ students is pretty low. I grinned. A plan was beginning to formulate in my head. Oh, sweet mother of Jesus, she is going down! All semester long I let her do this for all of the 7 papers, one of them which is a term paper that has 20% on it alone, all the while I spied and gathered all of her pass codes, social media, her student ID, everything.
The end of the year came and I compiled all of her assignments, both the original one with the paraphrasing tools she used to circumvent plagiarism and the one she finally handed them in, and I even made photos were there are side-to-side comparison of the assignments. This is a good start but not enough. So, One day chillin at the living room I open a conversation about relationships, Karen is two timing her new boyfriend and is sleeping with some other Person. so, I ask her questions like "don't you feel guilty for cheating?" and "You do realize this is wrong?" and I even paraphrase my words in a way that is vague but also clear, for example I would say "It's not fair, so many people work so hard everyday to be successful and you are here cheating and lying your way to success." Karen, narcissistic as fuck, would respond with snippets of I dont care and how she isnt cheating, she is only having fun and that everyone does it so why not her too. This is too good to be true, even her answers are vague, its like god put his hand on my shoulder, looked me right in the eyes and said, "burry this bitch". and Id be damned if I didnt. As you probably have guessed it by now, I was recording EVERYTHING. The recording plus the photos, and her assignments were more than enough evidence, I sent an anonymous email to the Professor, and i tell the girls so that they can prep for the shit storm thats coming. Three weeks later, results are out. she failed and LOST HER SHIT. She was screamin, crying, wailing, what a sight to see! you best believe, the girls and I were laughing. She tried to talk to the prof, but he was not having it. she cried and begged for a second chance but he said a hard no. So now she has two options: she goes ahead and doesn't graduate with us, and takes on a whole 'nother semester for one measly course or take summer course and cancel her trip to Europe, which mind you she spent a fuckton on, something like 13, 000$ and I know it could have been much cheaper but Princess Karen only wanted the best so yh. The next couple of weeks she spent sleepless nights because she was calling and cancelling all the reservations she made, tryin to get her money back BUT (again, GOD really was out for blood that day) because the cancellation was so close to some her trip most places refused to refund, or some charged her cancellation fees. She only managed to scrap 5.5 K back together, lossin 7.5 K. OUCH!
Its not over, having damning evidence I, with earned gusto, told her she was going to pay all of the bills till we move out, which was in two months, payback for all the times she was late on payment or defaulted and she would from now do her part of the house chores or else Im gonna send it all to the admin and faculty dean and she will fo sho be kicked out and all those uni years will have been for nothing. She hated it, she fucking threw tantrums and cussed me out but my god if she didnt do whats told. she cleaned her stuff, apologized to Sasha for what she did, I forced her to come clean to her BF (dont know the guy but the few times i met him he was super sweet to us and i felt bad for the guy), I watched her actually do the dishes for the first time in like years. IT was fucking amazing and I don't regret it one bit. In fact, anytime I feel sad now as an adult, i kick back my feet and reminiscine and a slow shit eatin grin draws itself upon my face.
tl;dr roommate was super mean, i found out she was cheating on her assignments and so i snitched on her and as a result she had to stay the summer and retake the class again or else she wouldn't graduate.
(source) story by (/u/let-the-write-one-in)
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justisaisfine · 6 years
God i love french
Virgil laid on his bed, with Remy on the floor beside him, tallkng about whatever it is they do.
Remy looked at Virgil, and after a few momwnts of silence, begins to speak French.
“tu sais combien je t'aime? comment j'aime tout de toi? J'adore la manière dont tes yeux s'illuminent de joie quand tes frères sont heureux ou que tu écris la chanson parfaite lryic, ou joue une nouvelle mélodie à la guitare. J'aime la façon dont vos cheveux ont tendance à tomber dans votre visage, mais cela ne compte pas pour vous. J'adore ce que je sais de toi à propos de toi mais si peu, parce qu'il y a des choses que je ne devrais pas savoir, et c'est bon, et ce que je sais est celui que je veux, celui qui est juste devant moi. J'adore la façon étonnante dont ta voix sonne, mais je veux honnêtement te faire taire en t'embrassant tellement, parce que tu es adorable quand tu parles de te faire aimer, que je veux embrasser ces lèvres qui font un kilomètre par minute. oh dieu virgil je t'aime, je veux te serrer dans mes bras et t'embrasser et te câliner et être à toi. J'aime votre détermination, votre désir de faire ce que vous pouvez, comment vous protégerez ceux que vous aimez et ce que vous aimez de toutes vos forces. j'aime comment, même si je les hais, vous connaissez tous les mèmes et comment vous m'avez aidé à comprendre, vous êtes là pour moi et m'aidez et je veux juste vous prendre par la main et vous embrasser et vous embrasser votre nez et votre front et vos joues et partout! tu es mon.” Remy said
Virgil nods at him.“ditto, coolio. Down with the person who took away that one special coffee.”
Remy laughed.“im glad you dont know French, its fun.”
Virgil said.“ok look, i heard my name, I think you said meme at one point, and that was it. What did you say?”
Remy smirked.“just stuff about Starbucks.”
Viefil nods and held up his phone. It was on a recording app.“cool, then ill just ask Logan or Dee to translate this for me.”
Remy tackled Virgil, trying to get his phone.“nope no delete it!” He was blushung. He could NOT let Virgil heard that in English. No way! Logan might keep it a secret, but there is about a 25 percent chance he won’t. Dee? Depends on his mood. Will either make up a lie, tease Virgil, tell him. Or worse. Teach Virgil French.
Virgil laughs below Remy who finally manages to wrestle the phone out of his hands and delete the recording.
Virgil smirked.“no need to get so defensive over coffee.”
Remy blushed but shrugged.“like i said, it’s dumb. Plus I said about ten curse words and if roman found out, i wouldnt be aloud back.” He lied.
After Remy deleted the audio file, he took a second to observe what was going on.
He was straddling virgil’s hips, with Virgil in a opened ripped hoodie, messy hair and skinny jeans below him.
And Remy was about 5 inches from his face.
This wasnt good. Not good at all.
But oh so perfect.
If he did it now, it would be a quick kiss, maybe he could blame gravity and say it was an accident when he went to get up if virgil didnt respond well.
Yeah thats it. He would adjust so it seemed like he is getting off, he would press his lips to virgil’s for a second, maybe slightly longer, but still short enough to be an accident. He would sit up quick and get off him saying, ‘hey sorry, I Miller’s and if Virgil was just wanting to be friends, he would ingore it, if he wanted to be more well��maybe remy wouldnt have time to get off him.
But before Remy could put his plan into action, the bedroom door swing open.
“Virgil, Remy! We put on treasure planet! Oh?” Patton stood at the door, way, Remy sat up,“I was just after his phone is all!” He got off Virgil, wishing he had kissed him instead of thinking of what to do.
Patton giggled.“no need to get defensive Remy! I trust you.” Remy believed Patton, but there was that hidden…warning to his voice,
Virgil sat up.“ah cool, treasure planet yas!” And left hisbroom.
Parfon smled once it was just him and Remy.“now Remy, if you just confessed, i might not have ruined your moment.” He giggled. Remy blushed. He wasn’t …thAt….obvious, was he?
“Im sure you two would be so cute together! But if you break virgil’s heart apart…well, your relationship wont be the only thing that is over!~” and Patton skipped off to movie night.
Remy was thoroughly terrified.
After Remy left, Virgil gushed to his brothers.“so i recorded him cause he was ranting and honestly he could probably say he took over China and kissed the warts on a pig and it would sound romantic. So i record him to tease him and I thought i would ask logan or dee later, maybe use google translate if im desperate. He tackled md onto the bed- calm,down Roman, not in a bad way- and he is trying so hard and related the recording. Said he cursed, but he taught me all the French curses- so i can avoid them Roman, not use them! Haha…ha- anyways! and he is sitting on my lap and oh his his face was so close. I should have kissed him! But then i might have ruined our friendship but i might have made it a relationship but then..just…feelings.” Hs sighed
Meanwhile, dee was on the phone listening to reny rant after almost kissing Virgil.
This is what i typed into google translate 
do you know how much i love you? how i love everything about you? i love the way your eyes light up in joy when your brothers are happy, or you write the perfect song lryic, or play a new melody on the guitar. i love the way your hair tends to fall in your face, but it doesnt matter to you. i love how i know so mu h about you but so little, because there are things i shouldnt know, and that is ok, and the you i know is the one i want, the one who is right here in front of me. i love the amazing way your voice sounds, but i honestly want to shut you up by kissing you so much, because you look adorable when you talk about someehing you love, that i want to kiss those lips that go a mile a minute. oh god virgil i love you, i want to hug you and kiss you and cuddle you and be yours. i love your determination, your desire to do what you can, how you will protect who you love and what you love with all your might. i love how, even if i hate them, you know every meme out there, and how you helped me figure out me, you are there for me and help me out and i just want to take you by the hand and kiss you and kiss your nose and forehead and cheeks and everywhere! you are my world and my sunshine, my moon and my universe, you are everything, and i crave to tell you in english but you understand english and i am afriad of rejection
@sockpansy AHHHHH THIS IS SO SO SO GOOD WTHECKY Remy is so so smooth when he wants to;; b o i speak up boi
(。≖ิ‿≖ิ)Remy please get your mind out the gutter
(google translate has gotten better since the last time i used it hahahah it still automatically translates you to vous which wouldnt be the correct this for remy to use in this (he’d use Tu instead or vous since Virgil is close to him and also not 80 years old hahaha)
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queencryo · 6 years
@silly-go-round is asleep right now.
i guess i should make a journal for the past few days. as good a time as any. as AMY. heh. cuz shes super good and amazing. heh.
uh...... lessee.... for the two days after the last journal i just. hung out at the house while silly worked. i managed to not keep her in bed and make her late the second day. hung out a lot, watched more adventure time, worked on my tumblr filter script (lie. i judt ran it on my main. 200 posts / day is a bitchhhh) , played a good amount of ds3 (to pointof tetris effect at a couple points the nexg few days)
also did some like. helpful tasks. washed some dishes (undone quicklu, but. eh). not enough, mot as much as i shouldve, but... i tried i guess.
alao we've like. said the same thing at the dame time a Lot while ive been here and its like. nice. its really nice. same wavelength! i feel so close go her.
oh! alxo night before last we went grocery shoping. got food for prolly enoygh for the two weeks, but i guess we'll see. also a cheesecake! it was.... echausting. hily fuck it was exhaysting. jesus. the store was big and it took like 3 hours and $200 to get everything but. we did itttt.
we both mentionef that like. it felt nice to like. have a full fridge 2gether. cuz. it feels like were gonna have a futjre togetjer? u know. like that is. i love her a lot and it feels good for this to feel like a home for a little while. we hope that it can be so in tbe future.
so YESTERDAY she finally FINALLY taught me how to play magic the gathering. it was. a long time coming. but she brought me into the store and like. sat me down w some regulars and had me play commander. i played moooostly her snake deck, so like.that was fun!! i kept talki g about how i woulda gotten lorescale Coatl up to 39/39 and flying, had i like. gotten q more turn. but on that game D was running a mill deck that was. extremely long to play (that game took like ~>2 hours ugh), and was very bery annoying, so i didnt get to actually do that.
but it was fun! part of me wants to blog everything, but i dont think i will.
im glad to be able to use silly's decks, bc i dont think i want to make my own. im considering making a cheap angel deck or smth, but we'll see if yhat actually ends up happening.
i also met her girlfriend Iz, who is sweet. i played magic w her fkr a while, which was fun! she was runni g an annoying mono black deck (i kkow all these... these Terms and Words now, its incredible...)
shes sweet and i think i like her. dunno if enough to date yet (which makes me Partially regret flirting w her so much in the groupchat but. hey)
talked w her some, mostly about magic, hung out while silly closed the store, pet her cat, silly discovered that cyddling w TWO girlfriends is very nice (not rhat id know ;;;;;;;), was good times. i dont think im as comfy w izzy physically yet as i may have implied in messages, which hopefully wull be rectified by the message i just sent her (my initial physical comfort with people varies, it depends very much on the person)
skip forward, me and silly make a pizza at home cuz were fuckin tired, she admonishes me for not eating for uh... like 11 hours or smth (that mornings bagel was VERY good tho omg), but adderall, so like... meh.
uh... i dont think anything else on yesterday...
today! we waaamted to go to the store at like. 2. but in actuality got there at like! 330.
i went back to sleep cuz im a losenerd, and she. made this breakfast casserole thing. which hse put into a bagel abd brought to me bc i guess shes the best person on the entire earth oh my GOD. jesus
skip... apparently she knows maximum the hormone and doesnt like them very much... fair fair. (cause for xeath)
came to the store agai. tofay. it was fun and good. iz didnt come in today, do played some more with regulars. played w what is apparently called a blink deck, which revolvea arounf exiling cards then immediately bringing them back, to capitalize on "when this enters battlefield, do smth" cards. neat!
i DID actually manage to win today!!! the victory was. literally handed to me, but like. thats fine! i was playing silly's uhhh... elintor the masked? idr her name :( the mask planewalker! deck, which. i had SO much land, most of wh8ch was enchanfed. meaning it could be tapped then untapped w eljntor's thing, then tapped again for DOUBLE MANA. i mean. i had like 9/turn even b4 that but. BUT. i also had. i think i drew 3 creatures total. bit anyway. i had the white card that gave me a life whenever a creature was put on tge board (and also, w another enchantment, made all non-me creagurss and enchantments enter the board tapped, so. nya). so... rob had a card what dealt one damGe to all other players whenevr he puta. creature on the board. then he played united forces, which lets each player commit X mana to create X 1/1 soldier tokens on all players' boards. so. we made 28 white soldier tokens on everyones board. this killed perry, ans gave me, uh. 56 life (84 - 28). i then attacked ron for 28 w the soldiers, and drew sacred mesa, which lets me sacrifice 2 mana (1 any color, 1 white, but i had so many cards that said "this land can instead be tapped for 2 of any color, so like. ueah) to create a 1/1 flying pegasus token. so i. ended the game w 44 white 1/1 tokens. goblins get fucked.attack w my ssoldiers cuz his were tapped, so brought him down to 7 life. i didng catch what he did w the enchantment, but i think he said he like. put a copy of every creature on my side of the board onto his board, and then. cipying that enchantment 3 times. so. holy FUCK. wow. BUT those all came in tapped and i had 18 flying yokens, so. i still won! yay!!!! i won a game of magic!!!!!
goblin decks scare me. stop running krenko you fucks. exponential goblins goddamn
silly would come by every so often and like. look over my dhoulder and say "oh that was dumb whyd u use fabricate for thay" which is fair. but also god i love her. (i used fabricate for a mana generator insteaf of lightning greaves. whateverrrr) i love her so much dear god. i wish i coukd help w the store more, but. on the same time i also. dont enjoy working. so. maybe part time.
hm. what ekse. oh yeah i kove her so much.
by the end of the night it was just. me and her, rob and the two regulars i started out llaying w yestwrday. theyre sweet, i like them. theyre married. the dude calls me honey smtimes, which is. kinda weird? dunno how i feel about that. i guess fine. its gender-nice, but still a lil uncomfy. otherwise i like em fien, though. but they talked abouy moving into sillys apt. so thats cool!! better than her current (awful, terrible, lazy / horrifically depressed / manchild roomate, who doesnt clean ever) roomate. i was reading the monster of the week gamebook thruout, which i... bought, for some reason. idk. oh also i wanna make a fallen angel divine, because im... predictableeee. also a conspiracy thworist whos just a trans woman w way too much time and really weird hobbies (throwing knices, butterfly knife, net friends, etc). also a spooky. i speny like. 3 hours reading thr7 the monster of the week book while ppl played magic around me. i kinda wish i hadnt bought it, but hey! its neat c:
oh, also i didnt take adderall today. i dont think it went toooo bad, i think i like. was meaner and less thohghtful with what i said, but like. i guess thats better than feared. i took a caffeine pill (200mg) at ariund 10 which is. prolly why im wide awake right now. i regret doing that, sincr from what shes said tmos gonna be big)
she says we gotta be at her moms by 4, for reasons she WONT TELL ME. bit she says its part of one of her plans, i ASSUME the romantic one? im kind of afraid that ill like. no-sell it unwillingly because im abroke and soulless human being, but uh. i guess rhats thw risks we take to be alive :shrug: im excited. were also going to a shop (diff one) tmo, which im Quite excited for, as ive only been in similar shops by accident before. also doing laundry!!! which is important ^_^
oh ysah. so we got white castle on the way home. its. yeah she was r8ght. mediocre-at-best sliders. onions are bad.
we also made a pizza. whifh i ate most of. i overate. sob.
she fell asleep halfway thry an episode of nailed it. cant blame her, she seemed really tired. i hipe i dont disturb her rwst. and i feel so utterly blessed thay i can be around her.
ih!! i also fell down the last few staies ywstersay. bruised my arms, but otherwise fine. it was. idk, it is nice to knoe that others worry fir me and like me. she was very concerned. i love her.
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