#but its just the two of them i dont want to add a third wheel :(
fandomchaosposts · 8 months
I made my aziraphale bracelet 😊 now my Crowley one has company 😌😌
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Friends to Lovers Tournament: Round 1, Side A, Match 15
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propaganda under the cut!
Ultimate friends to lovers. They've been best friends since childhood but as they start to grow up, those feelings change into a more romantic nature but neither handles this well. Riku in particular has a whole villain arc about it bc his insecurities about the situation get the better of him, meanwhile Sora isn't self aware enough to recognize his feelings are romantic in nature but he spends all of his time desperately trying to get Riku back so they can be together again. Ultimately even after they come together, their love continues to be a main driving force of the narrative and it's so palpable
It all started with Chase and Scarlet knowing each other, and becoming friends. THEN, sudden ✨rival✨? Except not at all lmao
Brook pretty much didnt care about Scarlet at all, he just didnt really wanted to feel bad about which sinners he choose, pretty much. Which was why Scarlet and Chase started teaming up at first too.
So Chase, as any clever person thought "hey, then what if *you team with us too?*", and Brook basically went "good idea :3" and joined. Like, no joke, his boss told him "KILL THE BLONDIE" and Brook went "Nah". (Please someone add it as propaganda I love that scene)
Ok, we all know about Chase and Scarlet right? Its pretty obvious with those ones, for those who read the comic, BUT HEAR ME OUT, MY FELLOW COMRADES ✨Brook too✨
They all live under the same roof, and are pretty much always together? Its 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘛𝘳𝘪𝘰.
I know we all make the joke about Brook third wheeling but DID YOU ALL SEE HOW MUCH HE WANTS THOSE TWO TO BE HAPPY.
And Chase and Scarlet care about Brook too :( <3
Literally, we see Chase caring about Scarlet and Brook searching for sinners, even when Scarlet disappeared for a while and Chase was depressed af. Brook and Chase stayed together. And Brook felt so bad for Chase he almost fucks around and finds out??? Just to get Scarlet back??? THAT WAS SO CUTE.
AND LATER. THE JUDAH SITUATION. WHEN SCARLET FOUGHT HER TRAUMA TO GET BROOK. And how she consoled Brook because he thought they didnt care about him :(
Even after The Chase Situation, when Scarlet and Brook stayed together as a team, and how Scarlet THOUGHT OF LEAVING BROOK BECAUSE HE SAID HE WAS HAPPY (staying in a place) AND SHE THOUGHT HE DESERVES IT.
This trio is going to kill me they love each other so much.
AND HEY, I KNOW SOMEONE IN THE NOTES IS GOING TO START "but brook and scarlet have a brother-sister bond, and brook does not have any Feeling™ towards chase". HEADCANONS COUNT. And although its true Chase and Brook havent really shown any other feeling that is not friendship towards each other, I can still ship Brook and Scarlet. You all just dont because Brook cares towards Chase and Scarlet as The Priority, and because of that does not try any move romantic move with Scarlet (????). BUT WHY CHOOSE. LET THEM BE A LITTLE CUTE POLYCULE. THEY CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER SO MUCH, WHAT ELSE DO WE NEED.
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shrimplymoray · 1 year
HEY HEY HEY! Its me yet again, I know u missed me alot. But I wanted to request a Tim Wright (obviously) x Reader where Tim has the hanahaki disease, like, he loves reader but reader doesnt love him back bc he (Tim) never opened up about his feelings, it ends in a fluffy thing with reader reciprocating his feelings , but with a bunch of angst on the middle. If its too much for u you dont need to do it! Stay hydrated, eat something and take a break every once in a while.
-XOXO, ur best bud
Inhales deeply
Y'know how much I love angst don't ya?
Thanks for requesting this, because now i wanna write more angst stuff ehehe
TW: emetophobia, Hanahaki disease, hurt comfort.
Tim Wright with hanahaki disease x Reader
Tim knew it was gonna be rough. He couldn't open up to you, even after the years of friendship. And now, with the whole operator stuff, it would be even less likely for him to spend time with you.
What made it hurt, beside the petals and blooming flowers on his lungs, was that he felt like he would die to anything at this point.
Back when everything was normal, the petals still bloomed inside of him, but he could hide it. You were with Brian, he couldn't do this to his best friend from all his life.
But by god, were his feelings real.
Then you and Brian broke up, near the start of the Marble Hornets production.
But still, Tim couldn't open up. He felt guilty, and gross for doing so. So he sank his feelings deep down, and only comforted you, like the good friend you saw him as.
Then Jay appeared. And everything went to chaos. Tim's life went upside down.
He would wake up with limbs hurting, his fingers semi broken, and a lot of petals right in his mouth, coming for the next round of vomiting.
He was already feeling dead inside, and was just waiting to actually die.
That's when you got yourself in the middle.
Fucking Jay contacted you to get yourself involved and help them, since you were one of the smartest students from college.
Tim didn't want you to die. He couldn't beat it. If that happened he would kill Jay himself, instead of waiting for Alex to fucking do it.
He pushed you to the side, on the hospital ruins. It was now or possibly never ever.
He finally opened up. He told you how he had loved you for so long, but was afraid. Afraid of not only losing you, but Brian and his other friends.
He opened up about his feelings of being dead. He opened up about his fear of dying, or even losing you. He wanted you away from Jay, so at least you would be safe.
But you, as stubborn as you always were, stood your ground and said no. You wouldn't be leaving him to suffer alone.
He didn't have time to talk about the disease, since his coughing fits soon showed the petals getting out of him, and the vomited flowers with blood showed you what you needed to see.
While all of Tim's life went through that route, you were dreaming.
You broke up with Brian earlier that year because you were into Tim. He was alright with that, as long as you didn't leave him as a third wheel.
You were thinking of how to ask Tim out. You didn't know much of him, besides what Brian got to tell you about him, but you were so sure you loved him.
When you told Tim all of that, the Wright hugged you, crying. He cried like a child, and asked you to forgive him.
You, instead, cleaned his face and kissed his cheek.
"Tim... If you go down, then I'm going with you. I'm not leaving you behind, got it?"
He nodded, while still shaking... Then he heard it.
"Aww, you two are so cute"
And in unison, you said
I hope you like it. I needed to add a comic ending, because i thought it would be a good break lsjsksnsksns
Anyway thanks for asking lil bro, i hope u enjoy it!
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ithillyienseowyn · 1 year
See I've been thinking about this for quite a bit now in the midst of everyone trying to divide and conquer what version of The Little Mermaid is the 'best one' {TM} and then I think to just how linear and straight forward the animated actually is {not hating, far from it, and its something I definitely caught in the midst of my whole let me go prove my x y and z to everyone's a b c and d mentality}.
And I've been thinking about HOW and WHY the LA feels like such a gut wrench all consuming feeling, {mind you its all I've thought about for a whole half month}.
And I think its because they took care to expand so much of the story that wasn't just your standard animation and musical by pulling bits from the original HCA story, as well as pulling the whole bit of Ariel's mom dying from Ariel's Beginning and taking bits and pieces from Return to the Sea, add on to how AUTHENTIC the romance actually feels without being the straight forward linear beat for beat that the animated one is. Like they really took that and decided yeah no Ariel and Eric will still have that linear from the animated but we are going to really LEAN INTO the whole fact that they are actually strangers to acquaintances to friends to lovers. I'm kissing the ground for them making them friends in between literally everything but I think because that whole aspect rocked me so hard was because of how those two really just became besties on set as filming progressed. Which makes the whole bit with them saying goodnight even more insane because yeah dude realized he's in love but it had the whole vibe of {oh shit... I'm in love with my best friend?} and that's not even adding in the fact that you could actually FEEL everything Ariel and Eric were feeling as the relationship progressed... like this movie and Rob Marshall really said YOU THE AUDIENCE DONT JUST GET TO WATCH A SIMPLE DYNAMIC BETWEEN TWO YOUNGSTERS GROW YOU GET TO BE THE THIRD WHEEL TO THIS ROMANTIC JOURNEY NO NOTES. {Not to bring this up again but....the whole suddenness of how he grabs for her hand during the Kiss the Girl scene rocked me so hard the moment it happened that it literally nearly took me out.} That's why when they have the extra time separated after the battle with Ursula it just gets you in the most UNEXPECTED WAY and makes you see all the obstacles that are against them. In hindsight they could've made it so basic by not constantly throwing things at the both of them. But they deliberately chose not to so...
All that being said it really makes me think on just how much those two actually go through this whole entire movie because god the ending and them finally together and reunited feels so EARNED and DESERVED.
And I know it shouldn't shock me but I'm still thrown by the fact that out of all the disney live actions this movie is the longest out of all the live action runtimes.
I really don't want people thinking that I'm discrediting the classic when I say this but the difference to me is that yes I loved the animation as a kid but I also had a myriad of other Ren Era classics that I loved a tad bit more, it really depended on the day but sit me down with any of those era films and I will quote half of the movie {if not the whole thing} so this live action being one of my fave faves from the tip of the Ren Era is this weird euphoric feeling?
This movie is so special to me :') :')
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thedevilliers · 4 years
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this is less a tutorial and more a semi in-depth explanation on my process while taking screenies. my do’s and don’ts about lightning, angles, text/dialogue, close-ups and other!
as a disclaimer, anyone is free to take their screenies however they want and this is just my personal preference and opinions ♡ everything is under the cut! i did say its LONG so dont say i didnt warn u 😳
i use the nobluv2 and noglo mods by luumia! i recommend them 100000%
1. lightning
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with its exceptions, this being i’m in a room with candles/chandelier/anything that doesnt naturally produce a white light OR ambiance reasons, my setting with screenies is with the ‘Neutral White’ color. this is for me, more visually appealing than just bathing your sim in yellow light.
warmer white:
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poor lit:
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good <3:
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i usually test my lightning before i actually take any screenies so my sim is well-lit but also preventing overexposure bc of the lighting. an example of overexposure is when for example the lighting is SO strong, your sim looks like its ‘shining’
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you can see it here on her chest highlights, her arm and her cheeks. i exaggerated it here so its more obvious. fixing overexposure is HARDER than upping the brightness in a poor-lit screenshot. overexposure and makin sims look like they are SHINING is a crime. JAIL
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the best light ever tbh. just dont get... to carried away
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1.2 outdoor lightning
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this is one a bit trickier depending on your location but USUALLY your screenies would look well dark. again, test lightning before actually shooting screenies! i generally look for a lamp posts that have good lightning and shrink them down so if im taking angled shots, it doesnt get in the way. change the color to neutral white and if its too much lightning, just lower the dimmer:
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2. just no
just no to all this:
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in general, you can ZOOM to the max, and with the scroll-wheel zoom out THREE TIMES. four times we on the edge but its still acceptable. five times and you are goin to JAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in general i also recommend having a semi-big room so you can move around without any problems. small rooms DO work but chances are while moving around you’re either going to go outside the room, run into a plant in the shot or into another decor item.
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for example, this is a ‘small’ room. while taking photos i have run into the bookshelves for over the shoulder shots like 8000 times. still, doable, but why put myself thru the suffering>?????
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2.2 fill the room
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nothin sadder than, for example, doing a bedroom scene and there just being...a bed. the game comes with so much clutter and theres also a lot of clutter cc to make rooms seem more ‘lived in’. its also a lot more visually appealing than the room being empty.
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3. angles for screenies
my controversial OPINION!!!! i dont care for FULL surroundings shots for more than for a singular panel. THERE I SAID IT!!! usually i show the surroundings/scene setting in ONE panel and then i move on to other angles. again, has exceptions. these being a banquet, party, ball, another sim joins the scene, montages, etc! ANYWHERE that has something happening with multiple people in general.
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for example, i don’t see why repeat the same angle with different poses. i can do it for one panel, but for the next ones? there’s the option of over the shoulder shots,  detail shots, them looking at each other shots, cinammon tography shots........... more than likely your reader already has an idea of where your characters are so showing it in every single panel is not necessary.
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always try and leave a lil breathin room for the heads on top so it isnt all CRAMPED! but this all depends on the pose, if theres a height difference included in said poses and the angle you are taking the screenshot from!
same thing about not just doing...full on surrounding shots for when something is HAPPENING. say, someone is fainting, collapsing...ANYTHIN!! theres so many shot options than just repeating the same angle over and over again. DONT BE SHY!!!! DO VARIETY !!!
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we in photography class now. BUT yes keep these in mind ALSO while taking photos so it isnt just the same angle, same distance just different pose. your sim has a nice outfit? showing it once is enough! every panel? ummmm......... your sim is crying?  do a medium close up/medium shot and not a full body shot!
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3.1 close ups
your close ups and ALL screenies in general, don’t have to be FRONTAL only. they can be right/left side, a lil angled...
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waist/chest level is a good level for a close-up sim wise since if you ZOOM in too much WELL
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4. text/dialogue
i’d recommend any SANS-SERIF fonts. serif fonts are so hard to read even if nice looking. usually a font-size of over 40px+ works and you can add outside stroke and even drop shadow!
i personally use calibri (bold italic) for my screenies, but other subtitle fonts like arial, myriad pro, helvetica...really any sans-serif ones work.
my stroke settings:
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i also wouldn’t recommend putting 4000 word paragraphs in ONE screenie because it’s just visually exhausting. the MAXIMUM i’d do and thats if ABSOLUTELY necessary is FOUR!!!! lines of text. id keep it to three ONLY and thats if your text is the same size as mine. if bigger then two 😳
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yes <3:
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another no-no for readability is INSIDE stroke or adding bevel/emboss to the text. pick bright, contrasting colors to the background or even clothes your characters are wearing so it’s not hard to read.
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something a lil extra i also recommend is if your dialogue has different sentences and one ends and another one starts in the same line, continue it on another line. DOES THIS MAKE SENSE ok lets see:
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the “Yes, maybe I went on [...]” continues on the first line, but to make it a bit easier to read just press enter and move it to the second line so it’s on it’s own line.
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same thing for the "Be nice or [...]” line! it gets cut off to the third line anyways, so just put it in a singular line. final result:
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for me, this is easier to read, less I GUESS ‘immersion breaking’  and easier on the eyes too.
and just other quick things to keep in mind:
will the post be horizontal or vertical? if its vertical, you have to angle and move the camera around keeping in mind you’re going to crop it later. yes, the scenary might be nice if its horizontal, but a lil vertical photo is cute!
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best times for OUTDOOR lightning photos are 2pm-4pm. morning light is a bit too dark, 12 pm is the slightest too bright, but 2pm-4pm is just ENOUGH!!!
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and thats all : ) i THINK i talked about most things screenies wise??? if you have questions, my askbox is always open : ) and remember these are just my opinions : )
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magnum-schlong · 3 years
AAAAAA OK SO. First thing to say is that in universe they are all probably boring motherfuckers. just guys being dudes. second theyve only been a thing since Last january so theyre not that old!!
It started with Brad (blue) and Chad (red) who literslly just started as a joke about how Jocks and "the boys" can be so homophobic and gay at the same time? the kind of, "no homo, its ok bro you have socks on" kimda thing? and then we got attatched so now theyre OCs lmao
Then during online school I made a collection of "as vines", but very quickly realised that it wouldnt be very interesting with only the two of them. so we popped in a third wheel: Jake (Yellow)!!! his original idea was just to be the only one with a brain and to have mental crashes every few weeks but he quickly gave up on being the voice of reason? now he mostly just goes along with it while making 7 sex jokes/minute. hes hypersexual what can i say he also probably has a piss kink but what do i know
None of them have any sort of a good relationship with their parents: Chads were masculinity Junkies; Brads were helicopter parents and Jakes were Very religious and pushy
this kinda made Chad angry at everything (mostly jake) all the time, Brad quiet (and also probably the one with the least discernable personality), and jake a whore (affectionate)
The general idea of this was that Brad and Chad scraped together some money for an apartment where Jake just kind of walked in and claimed the couch as his. so they live together now, early twenties. I like to think Jake works at a subway but we have not confirmed this. He kind of slips in and out of polyamory with them, at some point B & C have a small little wedding and Jake is not that commital. sometimes hes the secret third member sometimes hes their boy best friend
And thennnn we were like "lmao what if we made a medieval fantasy AU" so we did, and also introduced the girls (TM). Mori (orange) and Vivere (green) who are also together bc it is out universe and we do what we want. Moris a 6'4, colourblind, partially deaf pirate whos super cool and I love her. she definitely became the voice of reason but isnt very good at it usually. Vivere could very easily be the voice of reason but decides not to; she watches (and encourages) Jake's chaos while eating popcorn and waiting. we also threw in a wyvern. his name is Egg.
this AU was later basically made into an In universe DnD game because theyre all just like that.
Brad and Chad way later in the future adopt twin girls and get a house, and Jake comes with them, but thats yesrs ahead so no need to worry about that.
Jake also has an anxiety service dog (that we definitely need to do research for but havent yet, oops) called Fella bc he thinks its funny.
annnd i think thats all you need to know to understand the memes??? i might rb this later and Raya can add if she wants. ill make a key lmao
6'0, probably a sagittarius, the biggest simp ever, kicking his legs in the air while twirling the telephone cord simp, almost always wearing a blue jumper in the redraws, emotional mess but he has man boobies
5'4 (we think its funny), unchecked anger issues, dyslexic, either wearing a large jumper or red t shirt, curtains :/, possibly the only normal human when in public, pretends he hates jake but eh
Jake (theres no yellow :[)
5'9, Undiagnosed ADHD, always wearing a wife beater, ass shorts, and snapback, would tell you to do heinous things but cry when you say "i dont hate you", he reminds me a lot of bo burnham. take that as you will
6'4, shes wearing a pirste hat you cant miss her, this makes her hard to draw but its ok, shes very pretty and i like her a lot, ginger :/
5'7, Long hair and usually wearing a dress, chaotic neutral, pisces
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Responses from the Opera Screencaps Captioning Quiz
Hello, everyone, and thank you for taking my quiz! I had SO MUCH fun reading your captions-- there were several times I literally started crying from laughing so hard at the amazingness of your work! With that in mind, the captions (which I will continue to add onto as more people take it):
(also, thank you to @dichterfuerstin​ for translating the German captions I got)
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originally taken from: the Wiener Staatsoper’s 2020 production of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Die Entführung aus dem Serail, featuring Regula Mühlemann (center) as Blonde, Michael Laurenz (right) as Pedrillo, and an unnamed extra (left) as the Grim Reaper
(Backstage warm-up) “ok so someone dropped the pulse”
me and my friends watching the fire burn after doing arson
Introducing the polycule to the parents
*boom* ... did...you guys hear that too?
Ma Signor !
Knight in whinging armour gone wrong, look at how he holds the egg. Polyamory with weird knight and death.
the father, son and the holy ghost are very gay
the gays meeting for brunch, 2021, colorized
chicken lady forces death and a very flamboyantly homosexual anthropomorphized pink bird to be parents of her egg (they dont want to be)
That’s just me and my friends on our night out (before covid rip)-- closest
A Good Friday night
good omens (2019)
["the pocket guide to boy/girl/mischief" meme] who's the boy and who's the mischief though????
Papageno and Papagena take their first-born egg trick-or-treating
Angry Birds - The Musical. A pig stole an egg and the bird unites with death to take revenge.
I love my bird wife
Someone got murdered during the funky chicken dance
throuple murders child and steals sibling of said child
When you and your friends have widely different tastes in literature
angel leading twink to his rightful place (hell)
draco malfoy from a very potter musical and a death eater are very much in the wrong show
What have I gotten myself into
Mlm/wlw solidarity but I’m not telling who is who
A woman stands with a pink dipshit with an egg and a reaper.
A bird-couple makes a pact with Death, sacrificing their first-born bird-child in order to bring good luck upon their unborn bird-baby
There are three types of people on Halloween:
Uh oh, I don’t think the mother hen is very happy about this...
oh god, they’ve invented seussical. It’s too early!
gay brunch
Three little maids from school are we
guys maybe if we dress gay enough we can distract everyone from the dead flapper bee in the back
those three killed a duck for her egg and are facing the conswquences.
Duck has egg with human, shocked and upset due to biological impossibility
When you bout to make a banging omelet so you invite your fellow queers
"No mortal man could pass that egg, but heaven shall repair your rectum."
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originally taken from: the Salzburg Festival’s 2007 production of Hector Berlioz’s Benvenuto Cellini, featuring Maija Kovalevska (left) as Teresa Balducci, Laurent Naouri (center, in chimney) as Fieramosca, and Burkhard Fritz (right) as Benvenuto Cellini
“In this same interlude it doth befall That I, one Snout by name, present a wall; And such a wall, as I would have you think, That had in it a crannied hole or chink, Through which the lovers, Pyramus and Thisby, Did whisper often very secretly. This loam, this rough-cast and this stone doth show That I am that same wall; the truth is so: And this the cranny is, right and sinister, Through which the fearful lovers are to whisper.” - a midsummer night’s dream, act v scene 1
"ah yes a prime specimen. see here, right in this box is our one of a kind hob goblin that can be all yours for the low low price of your soul"
what, YOU don't have a special eavesdropping chimney window?
Hänsel und Gretel plotting against the witch
man takes a wrong turn and ends up in a chimney, catches his girlfriend cheating-- closest
when you end up third wheeling the straight couple
lady cheats on her leather jacket wearing scummy boyfriend and when he unexpectedly comes home she hides the lover in the chimney
A straight girl and her gay best friend gossip about stuff idk
Idk Shakespeare?
experimental couples therapy feat. the chimney mf from mary poppins
Area Couple Inadvertently Traps Santa-in-Training in Chimney as they Attempt Rooftop Flirting
Landlords laugh over student renter's misfortune
I never asked for this
Ay yo lil mama lemme whisper in your ear
voyeurist listens to sandy and Danny from grease
Psssst! Did you hear about Susan? You won’t believe it!
lady and the tramp meets beauty and the beast?
human trafficking
And for just $30 you too could have your own tiny brick cage!
Psst I’m wearing assless chaps under this dress
A couple tortures a man in a box.
It's all fun and games being stuck in a chimney until your greasy uncle steals your crush from right above you-- okay ngl this could actually be a great Don Pasquale concept
Taking eavesdropping to the next level
Will you two stop being lovey dovey and let me out? SUMMER LOVIN, HAPPENED SO FAST— 
overhearing how people talk about you when they think they're alone puts you in the shithouse 
Does he know we can see him?
dear god, i am so fucking hungry, yall please just do whatever heterosexuals do so i can go eat a popsicle 
the human version of the trash man from sesame street is realizing that those two are going to fuck on his trash can 
Tmw you capture an angry short dude and start trashtalking him where he can hear 
Omg what if we kissed but we actually kissed the lil goblin man under us
"Remember, don't feed him after midnight"
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originally taken from: the Théâtre de Capitole du Toulouse’s 2017 staging of Giacomo Meyerbeer’s Le prophète, featuring Leonardo Estevez (right, on fake horse) as Le Comte d’Oberthal
“When I said we needed to drain the swamp I didn’t think there were people actually living there”
horse? what horse? no sir i dont know what horse youre referring to.
definitely don't have a napoleon complex going on
King stole La Scala‘s Lohengrin set
king breaks all his horses, has to use statue dragged by servants as transportation because he’s too kingly too walk
Emperor Söder and his subjects on a carnival procession
man on horse makes a big deal out of being on a horse
That’s not Zeffirelli because the horse is not alive
Who the fuck put a horse on the stage
isn't this that picture of napoleon on the horse
Area Count Thinks Citizens will be Intimidated by his Extremely Fake-looking Horse Statue-- closest
Everyone wants their turn on the giant plaster horse. Police are there to make sure everyone waits their turn.
Night out with the lads
Local royalty horrified at the state of his own damn kingdom
gay army fights different gay aesthetics-- hi author how does it feel to be the funniest fucking person on this quiz
Well at least I LOOK badass
ceasar if he hadn't gotten stabbed (colourised)
some soldiers jumped out of my kindergarten fairytale collection book to burn the don carlos flemish deputies at the stake
It’s just a model
Is that how you feel pulling up in your Honda Civic, Madge?
Someone rides a horse statue in public.
Just a normal party with the bros.
what is this, some kind of crossover episode? 
Terribly sorry for all the fuss, it’s just, that is, my horse is afraid of neck ruffles. I’ve tried to talk to him about it, but he’s—whoaaa there—he said he was a french courtier in a past life and he’s allergic to English fashion 
Horse seller, listen to me! I am riding into battle. I need your strongest horse. - We have horses at home. - The horses at home: 
All hail Incitatus the king 
we are not ripping off shakespeare’s henry viii. what the fuck. this is about lenny xi you uncultured swine, go drown in a pit of your own farts 
oh god is that hamilton 
Guy Removed From Art Museum For Sitting On Statue, more at eleven 
Gay <3
Officer: This horse... is a virgin! Crowd: *cheers*
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originally taken from: the Parma Verdi Festival’s 2017 staging of Giuseppe Verdi’s Stiffelio, featuring Maria Katzarava (left) as Lina and Luciano Ganci (right) as Stiffelio
That One kid in class
its a mEntAL BreAkDowN *final countdown but kazoo*
*record scratch* yeah, that's me. you're probably wondering how I got here-- closest
Dad keeps monologuing, teenager is done
left: all of my concerned friends, right: my emo ass having a very public mental breakdown
the demons in the corner of my room when im just trying to sleep
lady gets mansplained to (do i need to say more, we've all been there)
It’s probably an area baritone telling off an area soprano-- sorry; it’s a tenor. soprano is right though.
That was a fake horse in the last photo right?
child comes out as gay to father at a particularly bad time
dissociation solves everything
I can't believe it's not butter
Honey we talked about this
My sleep paralysis demon is Crowley from supernatural
child has nightmare of boring job
When you start dating a singer but he won’t stop practicing at night
just an average day in a hetero marriage
what do i do my wife's having period cramps again
Stop having an existential crisis. It’s time to sing!
“No son of mine will kin Gomez Addams under MY roof”
Crowley stares into space while a teen has post nut clarity.
When he wont stop reciting jordan peterson monologues!!
Do you realize how effed you are?
Ugh, not this lecture again! Dad’s Practicing For His Experimental Indie Band Again 
asking your parents for help with your own personal situation and them just ranting off about what they went through instead of helping in any way 
Will he shut up already!
no one tell him he’s yelling in the wrong direction, no one tell him plnsbdjddhdj 
this kid is tired of his dad listening to rush limbaugh (a man who claimed to be pro life but died anyway) 
Me internally vs externally 
Daddy issues
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originally taken from: the Grand Théâtre de Genève’s 2020 staging of Giacomo Meyerbeer’s Les Huguenots, featuring several chorus members
It’s the deadly eye Of Poogley-pie. Look away, look away, As you walk by, ‘Cause whoever looks right at it Surely will die. It’s a good thing you didn’t … You did? … Good-bye. - shel Silverstein
why the fuckith? my good sir, i beg of you to put your pants back on
I hate this itchy hat
Titanic Extras hear that they have to do extra hours
people waiting to board the titanic watch someone fall off the plank
pov: you’re a time traveler
guy in the flatcap is embarrassed by patriotism and pathos
No idea. For some reason Le Marseillaise comes to mind
Is this from Harry Potter?
disneyland main street usa workers on strike
local tries to hide behind Newsies cap to avoid unpleasant but inevitable conversations. meanwhile, some very fashionable ladies look on.
"Thank fuck, 2020 was just a dream after all"
“We gather here today because this bitch got exactly what she deserved” “heaven!” “Stfu Stephanie she’s going to hell and we all know it”-- not quite but this basically happens later on in the opera (and act) so yeah (except the person in question very much Did Not Deserve It)
dc movie filter on bridgerton
looks like my history teacher paused the prohibition documentary again
Who still wears page boy hats bro?
Coming out to a room of people who Already Knew That
Bitches are relieved at some party.
Several drunk people exiting getting off the subway attempting to seem sober and rational but realizing they have somehow lost all of their possessions
How tf do I act natural in this situation-- closest
“do you think any of them noticed that I don’t know the pledge of allegiance” 
It's too fucking hot outside for this outfit 
when hyyh yoonkook ending just hits different 
pedestrians watch in horror as the triangle shirtwaist factory burns and the workers throw themselves out of the windows from a dozen stories up 
Starting the pledge of allegiance be like 
He's having a heart attack oh no oh god oh fuck
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originally taken from: if I remember correctly, the Semperoper Dresden’s 2018 semi-staging of Johann Strauss II’s Die Fledermaus, with Jonas Kaufmann as Gabriel von Eisenstein
“William Shakespeare wrote: "To thine own self be true And it must follow, as the night the day Thou canst not then be false to any man" I believe this wise statement best applies to a woman A blonde woman Over the past three years she taught me And showed us all That being true to yourself never goes out of style Ladies and gentlemen Our valedictorian: Elle Woods!” - legally blonde the musical
eat ass, suck a dick, and sell drugs
Finally Jonas has graduated! It’s about time, considering he’s an international star.
what my professors think they look like
Prof. Dr. Dr. When someone tells him there are more than two genders
'and since you've now graduated high school, you'll be entering college etc. blablabla' .........meanwhile, there's a whole row of graduates daring each other to chug the cheap vodka one of them has brought in gallons (yes that happened at my graduation, lol)
Jonas darling baby <3-- can’t argue with that
I just realized I have no idea what the actual fuck happens in an opera
ok this one is just what jonas kaufmann always wears you can't fool me.
"as valedictorian i will share with you the importance of loving the floor"
"Yes, mother, my art degree will make me money!"
Graduation speakers are out, singers are in
Senior year takes a new meaninbg
mansplainer professor explains the concept of feminism to women
Your Prof when you finally turn in that missing assignment be like
younger boris johnson (derogatory)
jonas kaufmann retires from opera and takes up motivational speaking
What a fine graduation evening we’re having today
-70 points for slytherin you all have no swag
A man with a college hat sings.
An obviously greying actor trying to play a university student in a low-budget porn parody
How it feels to graduate high school after being held back for years
East High is a place where teachers encouraged us to break the status quo and define ourselves as we choose. Where a jock can cook up a mean crème brûlée, and a brainiac can break it down on the dance floor-
I may not have been "cool" in high school, but in ten years you will all be working for me!
I finally got my GED!
that one guy in ur intro to cultural anthropology class who mansplains to the professor somehow fucking graduated
he;s just graduating and taking his speech too serously idk
Graduation speeches with that one dude who got held back 3 times
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originally taken from: the Metropolitan Opera’s 2011 staging of Gioachino Rossini’s Le Comte Ory with Joyce DiDonato (left) as Isolier, Diana Damrau (center) as Countess Adèle, and Juan Diego Florez (right) as Le Comte Ory (disguised as a hermit)
There is something very [disturbing grunts] About polyamorous couples - polyamorous, Chris Fleming
femme fatale (including to herself)
I’ll have a threesome soon !
Hot guy walks by, everyone swoons.
thirdwheeling friend does not realize the other two are having sex
When your girlfriend had „just two beers“ again
jesus is exasperated about having to drag the two ladies towards doing what he needs them to do instead of purple dramatically declaring suicidal intent over the smallest trivial matters and red being equally dramatic about declaring that it's not the way! stay alive! i love you!!
The throuple is thriving
Get off the milf
my last three braincells because im a horny slut
countess receives too much love and is confused on how to react
Rasputin's lesser known romp with a much older czarina of russia
Woman's soul leaves body
Jesus and co. are worried after another woman gets pregnant without having sex
bisexual looks at photos of celebrity couples
When you go to the party to socialize with new people but your weirdo friend group starts getting clingy
Jesus cumming
one of those weird church christmas pageants but everybody's drunk
What have I done
Jesus assfucks some purple lady being hugged.
This time, the chick IS the magnet
An affair/threesome gone awry (2019 colorized)
What do you mean they canceled GLOW?
“I TOLD you it was cashmere!”
Are you wearing the - - The Gucci dress? Yes I am.
It's not what it looks like!
jesus is fucking that one cheerleader who grew up to be a suburban mom with one (1) super cool dress she stole from her kid who is desperately hugging her middle begging for it back because the spring fling is coming up and jason might actually make eye contact with her for more than three seconds.
jesus and mary magdaline and some other bitch
I’m at a bar and these drunk girls are flirting with me, do I lOOK GAY?!
Shrek 5, jesus's return
c. 2025 First attempt of an Officer and his Wife with a Handmaiden (colourized)
just about all of these are close lol
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originally taken from: the Bolshoi Theater’s 1993 staging of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s The Maid of Orléans, featuring Nina Rautio (left) as Joan of Arc and Vyacheslav Pochapsky (right) as Thibaut d’Arc
Don’t look, I’m still pooping
yall, the audacity of this man. he fuckin talked to me
*i can't even tell you how wrong you are* *it would be insulting to ME*-- closest
„No I’m not talking to you, you keep cracking bad jokes!“ - „But I got another!“
when you’re mad at him but he says he’ll buy you food if you cheer up
When I’m wallowing in self-pity but my friends won’t comfort me
right: wanna fuck ;) left: yeah, fuck OFF lmao
Her face is screaming “don’t tell me what to do”
Yeah I got nothing
gay man tries to hit on a lesbian bc he thinks she's a twink. she's not amused but she's watching this happen anyway
me tired of MET's bullshit and them organising a Netrebko, known blackface apologist, a recital during Black History Month. (sorry im still fucking salty lol)
"stop smiling at me like that I'm trying to pout over here"
"I got fleas, you got fleas... wanna fuck?"
I have the best idea!
Haha nooooo don’t hit me with that bat you’re so sexxyy
lesbian is bothered by dilf
Me trying to flirt
if call me by your name was hetero and set in america
how many more dad jokes can i take before i explode
So. You’ve gotten yourself in a little pickle again.
What if we fought in the Russian revolution together ✨???????... unless??
Two people flirt in a poor place of town/
"If you ask me what I've got under this dirty, shapeless tunic one more time I swear to god I will kick your rotting teeth in"
You look like ur gonna kill me but ok
Really? You again?
Okay, I’ve been sitting here for 20 minutes, do you think it’s safe to—oh god, he’s still there.
Have you seen Godot?
she is tired of everyone’s shit. she has done so many derivatives it physically pains her to see a variable. dont test her. ur icarus rn.
200% done with your crap 
Homeless man has fucking legs of steel n is gonna show off his Russian dance moves
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originally taken from: the Théâtre de Capitole du Toulouse’s 2019 staging of Paul Dukas’ Ariane et Barbe-bleue, featuring Sophie Koch (right) as Ariane and I don’t remember who the person on the left is rip me
The knight who wore this into battle sure was swaggy
dear god its hiddeous
Knight in shining armour gone even more wrong.
ghost contemplates the safety of spiky motorcycle helmet
„Stop! He feels bullied!“
'this is my newest take for jesus's crucifixion crown ...... what do you mean they already put him up'
That’s probably a really expensive magic helmet idk. IDK-- closest
Omg I love the adventure zone!
minesweeper (windows xp)
"Okay whatever you do don't touch the shiny spiky ball" "It's so shiny I wanna touch it"
Taking down the trash way too late
Darth Vader got stuck in the freezer.... again. Leia isn’t happy
Star Wars 2030
“And here is the very latest in motorcycle helmet trends” “Look, I only came to the mall for a pair of socks “
futuristic kkk
long-suffering jewelry store attendant really wants to retire
Put it down put it down put it down
“Hmm no you should see a doctor about that”
A weird ass crown is presented
The creation of sars-cov-2: an experimental Eurotrance nightclub art piece gone horribly wrong
How it feels to want something that u cant have
AND WE WILL CALL IT—SPIKE MAN actually do you think that’s too obvious?? Because of the—yeah, because of the spikes?? See, that’s what I’m worried about. I want it to be SCARY
I know it's risky but... lube me up
use the force luke.
that is a weird fleshlight
When you get an ugly gift and need to find a way to get rid of it, so your family member/friend offers to smash it
Touch the orb
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originally taken from: the Opera Vlaanderen’s 2019 staging of Fromental Halévy’s La Juive, with Nicole Chevalier (left, with bottle) as Princess Eudoxie, Enea Scala (center, under table) as Prince Léopold, and Roy Cornelius Smith (right) as Éléazar
When no one comes to your birthday party :(
fantastic, day 487 of mischief and they have yet to find my masterful hiding spot
i really wonder who he thinks he's playing footsie with
Marriage crisis. Reason sits under the table-- closest but not in the way you think (after all, the man under the table IS a tenor).
the last supper afterparty after jesus left
When you order the last supper on wish
espionage at the Politischer Rosenmontag
Probably the wrong opera but is that Leporello under the table
Now THIS is a Good Friday night
this was every birthday party i went to between the ages of 5 and 11
that awkward moment when you drop your fork under the table but when you re-emerge everyone else has left except one drunk lady and the guy trying to deal with her
After the last supper
Tfw you arrive to the dinner party too early and have to hide until a more fashionable hour
When the cishets aren’t home
waiter hides from customers
Nobody: My dog every time I’m eating:
what's left of the homies Jesus had dinner with
university chem lab experiment gone terribly wrong
I’ve been under the table FOR 30 MINUTES
Set your friends up by tossing them off under the table, they’ll think it’s each other n fall in luv
Someone hids under a table
"You're about to see an surreptitious-under-the-table-dick-sucking master at work"
5 yr old me trying to eat the desert under the table without my parents finding out be like:
They never invite me to their parties!
Just another girl’s night in
Oops! Didn’t notice you the table.
dionysus - bts (2019, colorized)
just a normal episode of eric andre (eric is the one under the table)
Just a normal day with the boys
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originally taken from: the Théâtre de Capitole du Toulouse’s 2017 staging of Giacomo Meyerbeer’s Le prophète, featuring Kate Aldrich (left, surrounded by women in white) as Fidès and John Osborn (center, looking like a Jesus doppelganger) as Jean de Leyde
Hold up, is that Eggman above Jesus?
holy disco
Looks like Tannhäuser. Our lord and saviour Richard Wagner. Now I need to be saved from that.
me defending pineapple on pizza (THANK YOU)
jesus but hes about to be abducted by the alien ufo above him
Emmmmmmm Heaven? Idk
Lord of the rings?
ewww christianity gross
"behold, I am Important"
"Seriously?? It's not ACTUALLY pyjama day? Fuck you guys!"
Jesus at the Disco
Jesus Finds The Molerat People Who Live Under Bethlehem
disco is heaven
Want to join my new religion?
the kkk
church christmas pageant where everyone's sober but it's based on the director's fever dream
Am I the only one who sees the giant demon? Just me? Okay...
“Oh god I think I’m starting my period”
A party is held with a priest in the middle
"Let's get this secret Vatican sex party rolling!"
The new avengers endgame set is looking great!!
You know, guys, I try not to be a bother but...I can’t help but feel like I missed a dress code memo for this wedding??? It’s cocktail, right??”
Jesus visits Hogwarts
I must really stink if no one will even come close to me
the extra ass funeral i DESERVE
star wars life day
A cult at it’s best-- closest
Shrek 5, Jesus is still there I guess
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originally taken from: the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden’s 2013 staging of Giuseppe Verdi’s Les vêpres siciliennes, featuring Bryan Hymel (left, standing) as Henri, Lianna Haroutounian (center, kneeling in the black gown) as Duchess Hélène, and Erwin Schrott (kneeling to her right) as Jean Procida
When the director’s like “great rehearsal guys, just a few notes before I let you go” but it’s already 9:13 and your mom’s waiting in the parking lot
loyalist of subjects
bow before your queen
They forgot to take down the stage boxes after the Vienna opera ball but the show must go on.
somebody forgot to book chairs for this funeral
Me sharing God’s (Hayley koyoko) word on the discord server
mass execution bc the oboe solo sucked ass-- closest
That’s too many black suits I can’t see shit
I can’t even tell what’s going on here
8th grade school assembly about how it's uncool to shit on the walls at school
let's all get fancy so we can go to the opera and sit on the stage (idk this one's hard lol)
"Yes i am a time traveller, now don't freak out"
Tfw you forget to pay your lighting bills
White guys make decisions that will benefit them and screw someone that’s not a white guy over-- OUCH but that is too real (although not really in context here)
dead man gives speech at his own funeral
brotus and the boys ??? last meeting before the stabbing
high society social function ends in mass murder-- right opera, wrong scene
Someone walks into the talent show stage with a dog
Black-dressed bitches worship a man.
Worst school assembly of all time
POV:You're the window in the classroom and someone said "its snowing"
When the conductor shows up fashionably late to the orchestra concert
That's what you get for choosing the cheapest ticket option, get back in the mud where you belong
theyre just trying to jump into a grave at a funeral leabe them alone this is normal
oh my god he really whipped his dick out in front of everyone, this is just like in 1776 guys, except some women are actually in the room this time,
A funeral, stop wearing so much black
I want to slap their bald heads like rice
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originally taken from: the Teatro Real Madrid’s 2018 staging of Gaetano Donizetti’s Lucia di Lammermoor, featuring Roberto Tagliavini (right) as Raimondo
Crowd “haha!! Looks like someone missed the all-black memo!! Now it’s laugh-in-your-face time! / Guy on the floor (whispering to guy against wall): go, save yourself! I’ll hold them off...”
if i leave now i wont be a witness and can tell the police i had no idea
it was the best of times, it was the worst of times
Guy in the back pretends to help but is to far away to even know what’s going on.
priest walks in on beginning of an orgy, contemplated joining but is too scared-
when someone brings up capitalism but you’re just trying to play minecraft
lol lets trample this guy while the judge isnt looking
Again. Too many black costumes
Loved this Dostoevsky novel
i would know if opera directors were more creative with clothing choices ngl
me on parties lol
"imma just sneak out of here while everyone else is distracted"
"Where did he get this flooring!? Amazing!"
Everyone act normal!
The tell tale heart but they got REALLY drunk
man tposes to ward off vampires after being caught undercover
boys ???? night
the priest really shouldn't have visited the insane asylum-- closest
He’s FINE everyone’s been hit by a car before
Something happens in a room.
Perks of being a wallflower
There's always that one person in the fight whos trying not to get involved when they really wanna
Oh good, they’re all posing for a Rembrandt painting, I can just sneeeeaaak out the back here...
The gamer livestreaming Resident Evil + everyone watching the stream ? waiting for him to open the door just knowing it will trigger a chase scene
the guy t posing in the back is regretting his every decision.-- also accurate
the us senate jumps ted cruz, some other wack ass gop senator is trying to sneak away
...I spoke too soon, however this is a James Bond mission
Queers help fellow queer do math but it's a struggle
33 notes · View notes
moonbelt · 5 years
»worth the wait
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↳ soulmates au | somewhat bootleg coffeeshop au
pairing » jeon jungkook | reader
genre » soft angst + fluff + sexual themes
word count » 9.280
» on Earth V12 everyone is born with half of their emotions – the other half is safely kept within the soul of their soulmate. however, its been a few wee years and it’s safe to say that you don’t have one. or at least you dont think so. but the universe cant possibly hate you so much as to leave you without your emotions for the rest of your life, or can it?
authors note » yeah yeah, it’s been a while. but soulmate aus are literally the only thing that give me joy and hope about love so.... hope you enjoy it!
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The doctor at the local health clinic tells you that there's no use in holding out for a soulmate. Giving up is the best way to ensure less heartbreak, she diagnosed. It’s much better that way.
You've already passed the age criteria to find one, she said. Typically, a year or two after nineteen is the maximum time it takes for you to find the one, she'd told you with a tone of neutral candor. Your doctor probably felt sad – pitiful almost, at that fact. But she was careful to not let it show. That although there was nothing biologically wrong with you, the hard-cold truth remains that you can't feel what she does, what other seven billion people in the world feel — emotions. Or at least a subset of them.
To emote, you believe, is a privilege that not everyone receives. However, history and biology books taught you, just like it did to everyone else on Earth V12, that once you came of age you earn that right. That once the universe believes you've merited it, you get to experience the wild, wide and boisterous range of emotions.
You've read about it. Oh, how much you've read. Huddled and bundled up in thousands of blankets on the window seat in your bedroom back at your family home. Even now in university, in between study breaks and long hours of researching on metaphysics. You read to feel but you don't know exactly what you should be feeling. You read to understand, to know the differences between being sad and being upset. Am I sad that the Universe has decided I'm not worthy of a soulmate? Or am I upset that I believe I need a soulmate to begin with? You don't know. Like a thousand other things that simply just do not make any sense.
They told you not to worry. After all, everyone has a soulmate. It's unfathomable to believe otherwise. That's just the way things are. The way things have always been. The beginning and the end.
You watched, a little wide-eyed, disoriented and mystified as your closest friend and associate, Taehyung, became a different person in the five seconds after he met his soulmate, Eden. It was like a dam had been bust open right before your very eyes. It's a little hard to explain, even now that it's been a couple of years, you'd never quite seen anything like it.
The books say that eons ago gods, back in the time when they walked amongst us, granted wishes. But they also took gifts away. And one day when a fight broke out between two demigod children which resulted in one of them dying, the Sun god came down from his place on high and decided with a few other gods that the human emotions within us — the ones that spark hate and contempt and love and weakness — were to blame. Emotions, the god argued, did not play into reasoning or knowledge. And hence they needed to be earned back. Or at the very least, we needed to recognize their value.
But he couldn't just hoist billions worth of people's emotions into thin air. Instead, what he stripped from one he placed in another. The very essence of soulmates. By splitting the emotions people carry and making them search for The One with their other half, the god decreed that he had made the most beautiful creation. The Sun god ruled this as a magnificent feat, tooting his own horn about his generosity to break humans apart.
To take something apart and then put it back together again, just as you found it — perfect in all its nature, is something you long for. Something you yearn to understand. How is it possible to place jagged pieces back together and get something so phenomenal in return? To get something whole?
To experience Love the way the novels and books you devour describe it. To feel that Sadness that can cause people to cry rivers. You want to know this whole other world that everyone seems to get but you. You have Apathy — loads of it. You understand what it's like to be Disinterested; very much so. Frightened and Scared, you know. However, Hope and Serenity, you do not.
It's a struggle because it makes you insensitive. You simply can't understand what others are going through if you've never had an inkling to what they feel. And you have no idea what to say to comfort them because everything you say comes out wrong, everything you try to emote comes out forced and makes you feel like a bad liar.
"I just don't get why anyone would do that, you know?" Taehyung sighs loudly and over-dramatically before he takes a sip of his macchiato. "Like I hate when people take my stuff without asking. It makes me absolutely livid."
Eden nods in agreement. "It's the principle of the thing."
"Exactly!" Taehyung cries out in joy of being understood. Of being related to. "I swear I can't wait to move out and get a place with you. Everyone in that frat drives me up the fucking wall."
An odd third-wheel is what you feel like. So out of place next to your friends that you've known for years. You don't quite get why Taehyung is so mad at his frat brothers for borrowing his stuff, typically if he told them not to, they wouldn't. That's just how communication works. But nah, Taehyung is livid. And Eden agrees. He’s been livid before too.
"You could always tell your roommate to not touch your stuff," you say, interrupting Eden and Taehyung as they throw around other instances when people took their shit without asking. "I would do that."
Taehyung rolls his eyes, not in a condescending way like the other people in your university, but it still very much rubs your spine the wrong way. "The thing is; I have told him. Repeatedly. He’s got like, I don’t know, cement filled in his ears or something. He never listens."
Every soulmate pair is different in their mannerisms and the way they flow into each other. For Taehyung and Eden, it's like they complement each other and always have to add on to what the other says. Like a sign that they are there, and they've got their back. You guess it's adorable, in the same way little cats pawing at your ankles is adorable.
"It's like common decency," Eden tries to explain, his mop of ashy-white hair haunting over his eyes. "People generally just don't like other people touching their shit without permission."
And see, this is where your problem lies. You understand the principle of the act; you understand why someone would get theoretically mad at it. It's an inconvenience at best and rude at worst. But is it worth getting absolutely angry over? You're not sure. You're not even sure how someone can get angry with it. That's the big distinction between the people with soulmates and the people without.
Taehyung looks at you with pity swimming in his light brown irises and smiles. But it's without humor, without the type of light he reserves for Eden, without feeling. "Oh, you just don't understand."
There was a time when you understood your friend and he understood you. There was a time that both of you scoffed at the imperfections of the soulmate enigmatic system. And for a moment it leaves you in a state of disarray with how far he has evolved from you. How different the two of you have become.
You spend the rest of the hour focused on your hot chocolate and reading your Mythology and Folklores That Absolutely, Factually, Most-Definitely Happened book. You leave Eden and Taehyung to discuss whatever it is they discuss about. You so clearly can't simply understand what they go through, it makes no sense to dawdle in their conversations then.
It's the last week before the university closes for winter break but the snow has been piling up for months now. Hanging out at cafes felt like a good idea at the time, what's not to like about baked goods and the smell of heady caffeine? But now you wish you'd never come at all. Or at the very least, that you'd come alone.
So, when Taehyung and Eden start packing up – they have work to get to – you don't budge. You look them in the eye and tell them that spending a few more hours in the cafe sounds like something you're craving. It's been a while since you left your apartment for something other than school and volunteering.
Taehyung scrunches his nose and pouts his lips. "You're coming out to the party tonight though, right? It's the last one before break and it's time you had some fun. Today is your birthday, after all. Maybe you'll find—"
Before he can finish that sentence, you force a grin onto your face and a pep into your voice to try and drag him off that course. You're desperately tired of remembering your own birthday. Nothing good ever comes out of it. And you doubt the ripe old age of twenty-one would do anything different. "Don't worry, I'll be there. Your fraternity is the one hosting, yes?"
He nods his head as he slings his messenger bag across his shoulder. "Yeah. Don't be late, okay?"
"Yeah, yeah. I'll see you guys then." You long for them to go already and leave you to your lonesome. You have a very interesting book to get back to. "Bye Eden, have fun in the studio." You wave them off on their way out and hope to the gods that they do not drag this outing any longer.
Once they are gone and the chatter around you falls into a nice subliminal background noise, you peel open the pages of the myth and folklore book and begin to read again.
Ah, yes, the Sun god. The creator of soulmates and the one that cursed all humanity. You wonder now if the god regrets his decision. What about the people like you? The ones that seemingly never find that other half. Are you just supposed to swagger through life with one leg oddly bent? Did the god merely not give a flying crow-shit? How come it was so easy for Eden and Taehyung to find each other whereas it's become exponentially hard for you? Are you not worthy of your own emotions? Are you not worthy to experience that all-encompassing love? Is it simply just an haute club that you could never even dream of barging into?
You sigh and lean back in your chair. The book gives you more questions than it does answers. In fact, it barely gives you any solutions. All it does is relay what happened ages upon ages ago in hopes you will understand. But you don't. These days it feels like you don't understand a thing.
You were meant to have found your half exactly three years ago and nothing of that sort has even thought of happening. Sometimes you feel little bursts, like your half was feeling so much intense emotions that it filtered through the cracks into your side. But nothing to write home about. It leaves you with a lingering sense of hoping for something… more.
Maybe it's because you're not paying attention — after all, you're too busy lamenting on your disproportionate life — that you don't notice the chime of the bell as the café door is pulled open. You don't notice the swells of oohs and ahhs that erupt from the shops teenage companions like they've witnessed the second coming of a god, or better yet some YouStreamer.
You do not notice the slow, creeping feeling of madness that is seeping into your bones. No, you could never notice that when it feels one and a part of you. You don't notice anything really, not until a voice above you lets out a sound of admiration and awe all laced into one exhale.
"Oh," the voice says. "That's a good book."
Your body isn't made to be twisted around but you do it anyway. Testing the limits of how far it will go. And when you crash into deep, soulful brown eyes that look to you like they hold all of the world's greatest mysteries, you freeze. And even though you know time is a theoretical construct and there's no way to actually stop the passing of it, you believe that in this tiny secluded café, time with all its boundaries, halts.
Academically, you know this isn't true. The world still turns, and as much as you wish it, it does not revolve around you. The snow still falls softly to the ground outside, the graceful music pumping through the coffeeshop's stereo is still playing. Nothing truly stops, but something inside of you does.
It takes all you can give to break forth from the haze cast upon you to speak. Speak, dammit! But you're in awe, mesmerized by a sight you've never sensed so well before. You've met countless people, some conventionally attractive, others more idiosyncratically beautiful but none have made you feel like this.
Taehyung describes attraction as something that is either there or it is not. The books describe attraction as a feeling that can make you desire somebody. You've never felt attraction, not like this. You've felt the vague need to be intimate with another but never like this. Like you crave something – someone – you don’t even know.
The person is tall with hard, crystal cut angles and visible confidence. It's with the way he holds himself like he knows his place in the world. Like he never has to question it. It draws you in. Makes you examine him thoroughly from the tip of his fluffy black hair to the heel of his patent leather boots.
He cocks an eyebrow and for a shy of a second, you are highly embarrassed by the fact that you've spent gods-knows how many moments just ogling him. You never ogle. You've quite literally never ogled in your life… until now that is.
You clear your throat and attempt to come off as blasé. Which is hard considering the awkward positioning of your body and the rigorous pounding of your heart in its cage. "It's not a good book. It's a great one. Probably why I read it so much."
"Debating the existence of the old gods, are we?" His voice is laced intrinsically with mirth and amusement.
"More like debating the existence of my life, really."
He chuckles, a sound that fills all the jagged crevices of your soul and body. He moves and you do the same, shifting from your oddly angled position to look at him better. You don't really know how to explain it, this feeling coursing through your veins. Like you know everything there is to know about him, even though you clearly have never met him before.
You clear your throat and will your mind to stop. This is honestly atrocious, outrageous and, frankly disconcerting. It feels like some random spaz has possessed your body and is making you mewl and purr like some damn cat on the street.
"I'm Jungkook, by the way," he finally says when you find the courage to look back up at him. You respond with your name, pronouncing the syllables clear enough so that he doesn't mess it up. But he gets it. And then he tries the name aloud, twisting it around on his tongue. "It is a good day to question our existence, isn't it, __?"
You smile up at him, a different smile from the one you gave Taehyung and Eden earlier. This one comes easily, and it tilts the corners of your lips without feeling faux and fraud-like. You don't even have to try.
"Depends," you say. "Do you consider a cold as shit day in the middle of Winter to be a good day?"
The tips of his lips upturn into an uncanny lopsided grin. One that feels like he's withholding more than he lets on. "A little."
The line in front of him moves and you find yourself watching the way his body propels forward almost gracefully to order a hot chocolate with extra whipped cream and extra salted caramel drizzle. It's then that you turn your head back to your table and busy yourself with fiddling with your fingers.
You feel something nudging your chest as if begging you to listen for a hiss in the wind – of a window or door being carefully opened. But you push that away. You have no idea what it means. And now, you're too busy focused with reeling your cheeks back to a substandard level of hot. You're not sure why basic communication with this dude has you channeling the same emotes as one of the schoolgirl children in the movies you watched when you were younger. You're an adult for seven heaven's sake. You are better than this!
Your cheeks and your ears do not agree. Instead, they inflame themselves hotter than ever. What is it about Jungkook that has you willing to sell a piece of your soul just to talk to him? You've never felt like this. Like nothing you say could surprise him, mind the fact that you just met him.
This time you are aware when he strides over to the seat that had Taehyung had previously occupied. You look up at him, into those deep russet eyes that hold flecks of something so beautiful and then you feel it. The magnetic pull of someone enigmatic. Someone that holds simply more. Maybe not for others, but to you.
His backpack loosens around his shoulders and his veiny hands clutch the Styrofoam cup with an ardent need as he speaks. "Would you mind if I sit here?"
Normally you would be repulsed by the question. What would ever possess someone that you don't know to act so familiar? But you don’t think as you motion for him to take it. After all, it wouldn’t feel right to just send him away. There’s a thin thread tangling and stretching between the two of you and you would be damned if you cut it on your own accord.
Jungkook finds himself lowering his body nimbly into the chair in front of you. And then you find yourself discussing more with Jungkook than you’ve spoken with anyone else in years. It feels relaxing — freeing. But also like a cruel joke from the Sun god. Here’s someone that makes you feel somewhat whole but there’s no indication that the two of you are even meant to be. How sad.
He talks as if his mind has no filters; effortlessly switching between topics. Do you play any sports? Piano is about as rigorous an exercise as you can handle and Jungkook laughs as he tells you that he’s Vice-Captain of the Baseball team, although now they’re not participating in any tournaments. The air in your lungs turns frigid when you ask if he attends the same university as you and then the air is goddamn stolen from your lungs when he responds with a yes.
“No way,” you cry. “I would have seen you on campus.”
Jungkook sends you a lazy grin. “You would’ve but I doubt you take your head out of your books often.”
You concede. “Okay… maybe a little. But still, isn’t our school defending champions or something? I’m pretty sure I’ve heard of the team doing well before, just not you in particular.”
“Ah, I get it. I’m not popular enough.” He jokes. “Perhaps I need to print out a flyer of my face and paste it around school?”
“That’d be fun. There’s no way I’d miss you then.”
He laughs, a loud sound that expands the more seconds pass. He laughs as though you’re the funniest person in the room, which you doubt. But you laugh along too.
“So, what do you do for fun?” Jungkook asks.
“Other than the obvious reading and playing the piano?” You tilt your head to the side and scratch the nape of your neck before you continue on. “Well, I’m studying Metaphysics and researching the fundamentals of soulmates. Why some find theirs and why others don’t.”
“That’s fun?”
You shrug, a small smile playing on your lips, but you refuse to apologize for your interests. “To me. I guess it just helps me understand.”
Jungkook seems to soak in your answer, his eyes drifting from your eyes to the top of your head, down to your gray turtleneck and glitzy star-shaped earrings. And you take your time to truly examine his face. How perfectly in line his nose is with the rest of his bone structure. How perfectly his jaw and cheekbones accentuate his physical beauty. And how for some reason he reminds you of what you believe the children of gods looked back when demigods were a thing. His face makes you think regal and heavenly all at once.
“What’s your theory?” Jungkook finally breaks you out of your ogle match.
“My what?”
“Theory,” he repeats. “On why some find their other half and others don’t.”
You bite your lip. Not sure if what you say might offend him. There’s no sign that he has found his soulmate or not and you don’t want to be increasingly insensitive. You do not want to hear another ‘Oh, you just don’t understand.’ Especially not out of his lips. You reckon you won’t be able to bear it. At least not today.
“It’s simple, I guess. It all boils down to has the person merited it? Earned it? The Sun god split us apart because he believed we needed to find the value in our feelings. I guess the ones without soulmates simply haven’t attained that understanding yet.”
Jungkook frowns and your heart thrusts itself into a deep panic. See, now you’ve gone and done it. This is why you hate talking, hate speaking. You ruin people’s moods (much like you do your own) without a second thought and honestly, now that you think about it. This must be why you have yet to find your one. You barely understand the emotions you do have; how can you possibly comprehend others?
After a minute or maybe three, Jungkook takes a big sip out of his drink before he focuses his attention back on you and you feel yourself burning. A light excavating through the muggy mess that is your mind.
“Have you merited it? The other half of your feelings, I mean.”
Is he asking you if you’ve found your soulmate?
“No. Not yet.”
“Oh.” Is all he says but you hear the unsaid meanings. “Personally, I think the god did something terrible by rupturing us apart. What good has it really done anyone?”
You don’t answer. Not only because you don’t have a good response but also because the topic of soulmates has you on edge already. Someone like Jungkook obviously has all his emotions and has found his half, you think. You doubt the two of you are even on the same wavelength on the matter. So, instead of answering you change the direction of the conversation to him and his collegiate baseball career.
And everything after that clusters into a ball of yeses. When he asks you for your number, when he asks you if you’ve heard of Beta Tau Sigma, and subsequently when he invites you to Beta Tau Sigma’s end of the year party later today even though you already promised Taehyung you’d be there.
Suddenly, you wonder if Jungkook and Taehyung are friends, you guess they should be since they are frat brothers, but he never mentioned his name before. So now you wonder if Taehyung has separate friendship circles for those with and without soulmates. You don’t get mad or angry at the thought. But your mood dampens anyway.
“Wanna know what I think?” Jungkook speaks up just as the two of you are packing your stuff from the table. He doesn’t wait for you to say yes; he presses on almost immediately. “There’s no time limit on soulmates. And to believe so is to believe there’s a time limit on life itself. Our whole lives we’ve been told that the old gods exist and that the old gods did this and that and blah, blah, blah. But then they tell us that if we don’t find our other half by eighteen, better yet seventeen, there’s something wrong with us?”
Jungkook laughs but there’s not a shred of sparkle in it. “Us… the people born out of the happenings of gods? Okay, riddle me this. If we are so clinically incapable of finding our soulmates, then why do we long for them anyways? Why would there be pieces of my very soul that feel so incomplete?”
You’re dumbstruck by him. And again, you feel the little tilt in the wind that sounds to your ears like someone is knocking on a door that you can't see. But this time even though you do not have an answer for him, you force yourself to spit something out.
“If I were to find my soulmate this very second, I’d believe you.”
He smiles down at you, the one where his eyes fold into deep crescent moons and again you think that he’s holding out on you. Holding onto a secret that only he knows. “Won't that be amazing.”
The day goes by without you paying attention to much else. You meet with your philosophy professor on the advancement of your thesis paper even though you have no idea what you want to base the paper on. Almost every relation between soulmates and reality has been explored and at times you find that your professor and you clash on too many issues. You grunt through the meeting, walking on thousands of eggshells before you finally head back to your apartment but once you put your feet up on the couch, you get a text from Taehyung.
TAE » Remember, you promised!!
You » ...
TAE » Don't tell me you've forgotten Beta Tau's party slash your birthday bash? You promised!!! People might start thinking I made you up L
Although you know deep in the deepest crevice of your heart that Taehyung doesn’t mean anything harmful by his statement, it makes you squeamish.
You » What's that supposed to mean? Now I'm the token soulmate-less? Bragging about all my deficiencies to your fraternity brothers that I've never met? Be my guest.
TAE » Oh fuck. You know that's not what I meant __. I'd never do that. I didn't mean for it to come off that way.
But it did.
And you’re not sure where this surge of despondency is coming from. Almost like a switch in your psyche has been flipped. Some part of you acknowledges that earlier today, you would not have read that message as anything but harmless. But the situation has changed. It’s like your body is thrumming with unshed resentment. Resentment at who? You don’t know but Taehyung seems to be on the receiving end of it.
It’s this feeling of deep antipathy that propels you into getting dressed for the damn party. Not the fact that it is your birthday, not the fact that there is a slight possibility of finding your soulmate at the wretched place. No. You get dressed because there would be free booze and people stupid enough to pick a fight with you in your current state. Well, maybe not a real fight. But there’s a thrumming in your veins and you don’t know how to curb it. You’ve never felt anything akin to it before. Oh, and maybe the small huge chance that you’ll see Jungkook again.
By the time you get to the Beta Tau Sigma house lined up on Greek Row you are quite literally ready to burst at the seams. The weather is cold as fucking shit and although it stopped lightly snowing, the breeze has you tightening your hold on your navy jacket. What is up with everyone today and being a major dick to you? First, it was your professor, and then it was your neighbor that stopped you on your way out of your apartment to pity the fact that you hadn’t found someone on your twenty-first birthday.
Fuck off, you almost screamed at her. Leave me the fuck alone and go shag your boyfriend in the back of his termite-ridden Honda!
But you’d smiled through it, bearing the stinging of your cheeks as you stretched them past your limit and fisted your palms so hard that you created crescent shapes into your flesh.
And gods, you’re tired of smiling through it. Tired of being told that you’re not allowed to feel anything other than your predisposed emotes. Exhausted with having to always be passive. Nothing is supposed to hurt you. At least not emotionally. But you feel a swelling in your chest like your heart is about ten beats away from finally asphyxiating itself.
You push through the frat house and find Taehyung almost immediately. And you watch with a hint of simmering hatred as he cracks joke after joke and his brothers and friends laugh and you feel more and more isolated between their world and yours. And then the hatred comes to a boiling point when you catch two lovebirds giggling and making out on the sofa next your foot.
You blink and blink and blink again. Coming here was a bad idea. To be surrounded so much by the one thing you desperately want but can't have. The irritation and animosity that’s been brewing within you transforms into something more solemn. Dimming itself down to a feeling of major disappointment. At yourself, at the world, at the cursed Sun god.
The second you're about to pivot the fuck out of there, a pair of eyes to the side of the room fixes on you and you are stunned into a halt.
His eyes say a thousand things at once and you hear it deep in your soul. His eyes rake over your entire body as if looking for the source of your imminent distress but when he comes up short, his pretty lips squeeze together and form words that you suddenly want to be etched onto your very being.
“You okay?”
No one – and you mean this without irony – has ever asked you that in all seriousness. Not your parents, not your friends, and certainly not you. Your parents try, you guess, they know how hard it is to not have a soulmate, but they found each other early and never had to question themselves. Never had to question the essence of their souls.
And that’s when you feel it; a quiver in your lips. You open your mouth in an attempt to say something – anything – but nothing comes out and you close it, only to repeat the motion with no improvement.
Jungkook crosses the room in long strides and before you know it, he is everywhere around you. All black. Black tee-shirt, black cargo pants, black sneakers. You didn’t realize how big he was before but now that you have, you can un-see it. Lean and lithe but strong and sturdy. A walking contradiction. Especially with the light shining from his eyes.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He asks as he puts his hands on your shoulders and centers you.
You hate, absolutely despise, how watery your voice sounds when you say “Nothing. This party is just so lame that I’m feeling a little off.”
The both of you know how bad your lie is but for some reason, he rolls with it. “Yeah? I was thinking the same thing actually. This has to be the worst thing Tae has ever put on and to think he said it’s supposed to be a birthday party. I could do much better.”
And now you feel utterly terrible. You’d been so ready to rip Taehyung a new one, assumed his prejudice against you for what? Awful. You’re so awful as a person that of course, you haven’t earned the right to find the other half of your emotions. Of-fucking-course.
You’ve never felt so out of your own body before. Who is this impostor that has possessed you and when can you get your body and appropriate feelings back? You need it back before you completely annihilate all your relationships.
“I’m sorry. I don’t usually act like this.”
“Why are you sorry?” He seems genuinely confused.
“I… You probably wanted to have fun with your brothers and all. And here I am just – “
Jungkook squeezes your shoulders hard which forces you to raise your attention from staring at your shoes to gazing at his face. It’s a much-needed distraction from the wobble in your voice and the feeling of cotton in your throat.
“You need some fresh air?” He poses his statement as a question, but you don’t really have a choice in the matter anyway because he slides his warm fingers into yours and although you feel a momentous spark, you let him drag you through the house.
Taehyung notices you then and begins to rush towards you. Perhaps he’s glad that you still came out tonight even though you had a fight with him earlier. Perhaps he’s relieved that you don’t utterly hate him. But you attempt to give him a watery smile that is both apologetic and reassuring, but his eyes fly down to you and Jungkook’s conjoined hands and he pauses.
And it’s not the smile he usually gives you. No. This one closely resembles the ones he reserves for Eden. Like maybe you’ve found your sanctuary. Maybe you’ve come to finally understand.
You scoff at the thought just as Jungkook snatches two Margarita cans from a cooler and pulls you up the stairs and through a hallway that leads to a balcony. When you're outside, he motions for you to take a seat on one of few white benches. Without saying a word, he passes a can to you. You clasp the cold drink between your fingers and revel in the iciness sipping through your flesh.
You've never experienced this feeling of tranquility meshed with a creeping sense of foolhardiness with another person in your life. And you're struggling with how to process it.
“Wanna talk about it?” Jungkook finally breaks the silence, sitting right beside you. The warmth emanating from his body warms you down to your toes and you revel in it.
No. Yes. Fuck. “I don’t know. I’m just being stupid, and it doesn’t matter anyway.”
“I know you're not stupid and it does matter. It matters a lot.”
Great, you think. One more person in the grand universe that you're destined to disappoint. You sigh and stare out at the starless sky. You always hold your feelings in check and rigorously work to not let the few emotions you do have to get the best of you. To not cloud your judgment. But during the course of this whole day, you’ve felt like you're on a ledge. On the precipice between falling and drowning. Like your mind is waging a war against itself.
You are not a crybaby. But even as you think this, you feel wetness at your eyeballs and a stinging in your cheeks, and you blink and blink to try and push it away. But it feels like your body is burning with never before experienced sensations and it scares you. You open your mouth and the choking feeling from before returns, it muddles everything else and you panic. You refuse to cry in front of Jungkook. Not now when you feel so downright weak.
“P-pieces of my –” Against your will your voice cracks. “Pieces of my very soul are so incomplete.”
The corners of your eyes fill up more with tears that you desperately do not want to shed. And it takes everything in you to not raise your hand to swipe the madness away.
Stop! Stop, goddammit! Stop this very instant! You’re above this. Better than this. You didn’t cry when the doctor told you that there was nothing biologically wrong with you, you didn’t cry when your group friends slowly diminished as they found oneness with their partners and others more attuned to them. You didn't cry then, so why are you on the verge of it now of all times and days?
And even though you're trying your damn hardest to not have a full-on breakdown, you feel your body heave and then sniffle. Gods this is so embarrassing. You turn your face away from the sky and instead focus it on the cold can in between your fingers.
You pushed away your feelings until they were stuffed in the darkest parts of your mind and now it seems, they are breaking out without a care in the world about the consequences.
“Remember I told you that my theory has to do with some of us earning the privilege of someone else? I haven't earned it. Heck, I haven't earned anything. I'm passive. I try not to be but investing myself into others has never worked in my favor. All the emotions I do have feel so negative that when I'm around people I can't help but not connect. Because I don't understand half of what they are saying or feeling, and I hate it. I hate it so much.”
You're a piece of work, __, your ex-partners had said. You've dated around before; scavenging for love in uncanny, dim places with people destined to be with others until they finally realized that you were not theirs.
Because everyone eventually did. Realize the oddity of not being empathic. There's something defective about you. You can't seem to find anyone willing to be around you for two weeks talk less of forever. But everyone you'd been with magically happened to find theirs. The stars seem to gravitate away from you like you exude such a power that is so repulsive.
And it hurts. It hurts so fucking much. Like hot coal sliding down your spine and marring flesh. But you can't stop your mouth from speaking, the words tearing the edges of your lips with each choked up sound you exhale. "A part of me doesn't care if I don't have a soulmate, I mean, my life shouldn't be dictated by whether or not I have someone tied to my arm. But the other half of me desperately wants it. I get this ridiculous chasm of sadness when I think about every emotion that I can't experience because I'm not worth it. I've never been worth it."
Your throat is burning. Your eyes are burning. Every part of your body is aching madly but Jungkook doesn't say a thing. Your chest begins the act of carving in on itself and if you didn't know any better you would reckon that your heart is cracking into two halves.
Gods, this is pathetic. You feel so pathetic. All your life you've never felt like the world had conspired against you until this very moment. Like the Sun god had taken a special hatred on you and dumped all these folds of resentment into your soul. You wanted to claw it out.
And for some reason you will never understand, you keep going. As if the cracking of your voice and the upheaval of your shoulders wasn't enough, actual tears started to slip and slide down your cheeks.
“Why the fuck does our society bank on soulmates anyways? What's so great about them that everyone acts like if you don't have one you've been done a great disservice? Why me?" A whole bunch of unfiltered anger bursts inside you and propels you from the bench and a graver sniff infiltrates your voice. "Seven billion people on Earth V12 and you would think that I would be able to find someone in this mess of a world but no. I've wasted twenty-one years of my life without knowing anything. Without feeling anything. I can't do it anymore. I don't want to do it anymore. I want to feel something. Anything. I'm tired of being like –”
Oh, seven hells, you feel like you are dying. Decomposing to dust on the balcony of a fraternity house in the middle of winter in your favorite jeans and so-so high-tops.
It feels like every section of your body is withering away. Rotting. Falling apart and there's nothing you can do to stop the trajectory. Tears pool beneath your chin before they cascade into the neck of your shirt. Your lips quiver so badly you're afraid they might never be the same. If this is what sorrow feels like you hope you never experience it again. It makes you feel gutted.
Your vision becomes so blurry that you can barely make out the dark sky in front of you. Can barely even think. And try as you might, the tears just keep rolling.
You’re not sure of when Jungkook stands up but you feel him wrap his arms around you – tentatively, all-encompassing and fully, and rest his chin on the side of your head. He doesn’t say a word, and maybe it’s because he doesn’t need to. You feel him. The budge on the window sill that leads to your soul. You feel him there. But you want him to let go. There are certain things you acutely feel like you do not deserve, and he is one of them.
“Let me go,” your voice sounds like two trains grinding against each other and it makes you pull away from his embrace. But Jungkook’s arms stretch around your torso.
“No.” Is the soft reply that weighs on your ears. His body is warmer than you want it to be because it's making you feel at home.
“I –”
“It’s okay. You can let it out.” In some kind of way, he feels even closer than before. Like he's impressing himself into your lungs. Like he's giving you the very air that you so desperately need to breathe. Like he's forcing you to bloom and he doesn't care if he has to be the one that solely weeds away at all the nonsensicalities in your chest to make sure it happens.
And maybe some part of him just knows that a part of you is desperate to run away from the unknown because he hugs you harder, tighter, and firmer. So much so that now you can't breathe for different reasons. You don’t know what to do so you let him.
“You don’t need to prove your worth to anyone. Not me, not the gods… no one. And –” You make a move to interrupt him but Jungkook cuts himself off. “Do you feel it?” He asks with his torso pressed against yours and your heart syncing along with his.
“Feel what?” You croak out.
“I can't explain it, that’s why I need you to feel it. It’s every around us you have to, I don’t know, listen.”
You don’t want to, but you do it. You squeeze your eyes shut and wrap your fingers around the Jungkook’s shirt and wait. You wait for the madness in your mind to calm down. You wait for the apprehension in your heart to subside. But nothing happens and you feel worse than before.
“Jungkook,” you start.
“Don’t.” You swear you hear a slight tear in his voice. “Just listen.”
Listen, he says, but what are you even listening for? Here you are, miserable than ever and being told to listen. To the universe? Or listen for that goddamn hiss in the wind again? But all you hear is the sniffles that your chest is releasing and the slight exhale of Jungkook’s hot breath against your cheek. And you don’t know how to explain it. But it is then when you are doubtful and least expect to hear – talk less of feeling anything, that you identify it.
And it’s a beautiful thing. Like two halves of a comet melding into each other to crest a dynamic explosion into your very being. Something that lifts the burden weighing down on your heart and helps you to finally breathe. Breathing in through your nose feels better. Feels easier.
The thread you’d felt before in your mind that had been so tangled and messed up that you could barely discern what it was suddenly fizzled, expanded and stretched out and when you feel for the force at the other end of the cord and come in contact with an aura that reminds you so much of the person in front of you, you are shocked. Better yet, surprised.
You don’t know to explain it. Heck, you’ve never experienced such a colorful array of emotions in your life that for a minute or maybe three, it leaves you dazed and disoriented. It feels like your body is in a vacuum and is receiving dangerous sensations at the speed of light.
It’s burning. Oh, how it's burning. It’s burning through every fiber of your existence but unlike before, this burn doesn’t make you want to choke up and die. Instead, it revitalizes you.
“Do you feel it?” Jungkook asks again.
This time you have an answer that you don’t have to scour for.
“I feel it. I feel it so much. I feel it everywhere. I –” you don’t know whether to cry even harder or laugh at the oddity of the situation and that leaves you in an awkward limbo of both. “Oh, gods. It’s you.”
All the haphazard sensations you’ve been feeling all day. The anger – no lividness –at your neighbor, the overwhelming sadness, the uncharted pettiness at Taehyung with a bare minimum reason to be. It all finally starts to make sense. Everything – or at least, all of that – happened after you’d met him. After you’d been exposed to someone akin to a livewire.
This is nothing like the books said. You’d gone your whole life thinking, believing, that when you met your other half, you’d instantaneously know. Like the skies would crack open and some kind of bell would resound. Now you realize how ridiculously absurd that would be, but it had made sense at the time.
Words lose their meaning in an effort to explain what you feel. Your body is being put back together again. Pieces that you hadn’t realized were even missing suddenly fit into each other. You welcome the tingling in your veins and instead of ignoring the sparks igniting beneath your bones, you embrace it. And oh, it is magnificent.
In this loud, beer-infested fraternity house with slovenly college students pushing against each other downstairs and on the day you turn a striking twenty-one, you find someone that the history and biology and mythology books could have never predicted.
Jungkook’s voice is much softer than before. Is that possible? But it is. And he holds you tighter, holding you like you’re unbreakable.
“To me, you're the moon, the sun – the whole fucking galaxy. I’ve always known you existed, and I’ve waited to find you for a long time. I carried your half with me for so long, how could I not? In the depths of my mind and when I really concentrated about it, I could feel you. Somewhere close but sometimes distant. I held out for you… always. So, you’ll forever be worth it. And you don’t need to earn me, you already have me. You’ve always had me.”
The stain of his words etches itself onto your soul and becomes a part and parcel of you. They quiet the chatter of your heart and bring subliminal teardrops to the crooks of your eyes but this time you don’t mind it. How could you ever mind it?
“So, you’ve always known then?” You don’t sniffle or sob and your voice doesn’t pathetically crack. Instead, you maneuver your face away from his chest so you can see his eyes. In the process, your bodies disentangle and you miss his warmth but this is really happening. And you’re desperate.
He smiles. It's blinding in its glory and it blitzes straight into your core. “Always. It's destiny; you and me.”
You and him. Him and you. You like the sound of that.
“Even though we had to wait for so long.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes like he’s tired of you thinking about time as some enormous continuum rather than the now. “We have the rest of our lives to be together. I don’t think knowing you a bit earlier would change that. It is what it is. And even if I had to wait five years, fuck, even ten. I wouldn’t give up. Not on you, __. Not on my other half.” He spits the last words out so vehemently you don’t have the audacity to doubt it. “What we have is more sacred than anything in the world. I’d be stupid to let that go without trying.”
“You’re not stupid.”
“And you’re not unloved by anyone in this world so stop thinking that.”
“I was not –”
He sends you an exasperated look, one that you immediately identify because the bond the two of you have defies all logic. One that says that he knows you. He knows that the tears that sprung to your eyes earlier were not simply because you were overwhelmed by everything in the universe but also because you felt like you had lucked out of the love train. Watching your friends find havens with their other halves and seeing that couple giggle on the couch like it was the end of high school all over again, it made you feel desolate. And Jungkook felt that. Somehow in some way, he knew.
“I love you. I’ve only met you and I know that much. So, what about your friends? Your family? They love you too albeit in different ways than what I'm feeling. But no matter how much the Sun god split us apart, I, you – we – have always known that we were made for each other. So, yes. I love you.”
You’re pretty sure your mind all but blows up into a tiny clusterfuck of a mass because you can’t even hear what Jungkook says next. You’re hyper fixated on what he had just said. He loves you? How does he even know that? What was this? Had your brain and ears finally imploded on themselves? Was this alternate reality?
“Do you need me to repeat it?”
What? Huh? What?
“I don’t know what to call it. Maybe love at first sight?” He carries on like you’re not having a self-induced heart attack right before his eyes. “Never believed in that before but then I saw you and gods, you’re the most beautiful person I've ever seen in my life. I sure hope when you saw me it was the same because I have no idea how to describe what you do to me.”
But you understand what he’s saying because you did feel it. You felt so much when you first looked at him and you still feel it now.
“Like everything suddenly made sense. The whole craze about finding soulmates finally made fucking sense. I finally understood.”
You blink and blink so fast that you fear your eyelids might not keep up with the action. You never thought your other half would be a huge, spectacular talker and that they would know just how to steal the breath from your lungs away. But Jungkook knows. You're finding a lot of new things this night and one of them is that Jungkook is a hopeful romantic. It almost makes your body bring on another set of waterworks.
“I love you.” He says the soul-breaking words again. “And I already know that love is malleable but what I feel in my bones is for forever.”
In your bones, transformed out of what had laid dormant you felt Love. All around you love. Like you could mess up, you could do the oddest thing in the universe and the love would still be there. You want to shout it out. For the first time in your little life, you feel love and you want it always. And you want to give it always.
And you don’t know how you know but you know that he’s about to kiss you. Oh, gods. He’s about to kiss you right after –
“I love you too.” You hurl out fast enough and it slows down Jungkook’s advancement towards you. “And I have no idea what I'm doing but I'll do it with you. I don’t trust just anyone but what we have is bigger than trust. Like you said, it’s life itself.”
“Yeah. I would wait forever for you too.”
“I know,” he says and you don’t run away when he steps closer to your body. And his fingers reach for a set of yours. You raise your free hand to his chest and feel the rapid, erratic beating of his heart in its cage.
“And I've never done this before. But I'll do my best I –”
“We don’t graded,” he cuts you off with a laugh. “And I know.”
He knows.
His free hand cups your cheek and you almost hyperventilate. Almost. But you’d rather die than miss this. So, you take deep, long breaths that inflate your system with the mix of sandalwood, earth, and hope. And then his lips press onto yours and give you a happy death. His lips crush yours with a force reserved for rocks and specks of dust breaking away from comets. His kiss wakes you up. And you love it.
Before you can even push further, his lips move to the side of your cheek, barely-there before it cascades to the other. And then his mouth is on your brow bone, a light presence that feels heavenly beautiful and nerve-wracking all at once before his lips rest on the middle of your forehead.
Jungkook’s lips came back to yours and kissed one corner of your mouth and then the other. Oh, seven hells, you can’t think. You don’t want to either. Instead, you open your mouth and kiss him back with more fervor. You lithely raise on your toes and kiss the apples of his cheeks, his temples, his brow bones, beneath his lips and right on his chin. Gods, it feels like you kiss him everywhere.
The hand on his chest feels how frenzied his heart is pounding and it makes you smile because you’re sure your heart is doing the same. You close your eyes and wrap your arms around his neck. You don’t need to say anything in this moment because what needs to be said is all around you and under your skin. He reached forward and kissed you again. This time harder, and more frivolous and you gave and gave and took and took. And when the two of you finally break apart for air, you feel a tingle of cosmic goodness down your limbs.
He grins, actually no, he does more than that. He momentarily lights up like a firetruck and pulls you impossibly closer. And you think he has the most beautiful smile in the universe. You want to keep that on his face forever.
“You’re worth it,” you tell him, breathless.
“Worth what?” He asks smugly, his smile turning cocky as he acts like he doesn’t know.
You roll your eyes, your shoulders shaking as you laugh. A genuine one that warms your belly. “Worth the wait.”
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a/n » hooo my god, this is the first thing i’ve written in about a year? and it feels so good to write and even better to pour my soul into this soulmate au. i really hope y’all loved it!! and please do tell me what you think! 
⇢ masterlist
©️ 2019 kai, moonbelt [aka high-on-food]
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andymull · 5 years
WWE Wrestlemania 35 - Preview & Predictions
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Becky Lynch vs Ronda Rousey (c) vs Charlotte Flair (c) - Winner Takes All
And here we go...... the women have finally produced a feud and wrestlers that have gotten theirselves into the main event of the biggest show of the year. The addition of Ronda to the company has been MASSIVE, both to the product in terms of matches as well as to the financial side of things with her being a big factor in the WWE’s new tv deals. And as well as Ronda we have Becky, who has really clicked with fans over the past few months, with the image of her with a busted face on Raw being the image fans now see the second they think of her which was vital in her progression.
This then leads us to the third wheel of the match in Charlotte, im not sure if that’s a knock on her or not, oh well its the truth. There was a big backlash around her inclusion here as many feel it wasn't required in the slightest, but really taking a step back and thinking about it this added an extra factor of heat to the feud which was kinda needed as they've messed up so often during the build to this bout. Whoever the winner beats to win then sets up another big match with the person not involved as they weren't beaten, then you can also have the loser climbing their way back to another bout giving it another layer of development to it all. Another of the problems in adding Charlotte was that very recently it seems Vince found out that Charlotte hadn't won a tv match this year, this was the reason for her randomly taking on Asuka and beating her for the title to show there was a big reason to add her in the main event as more people were questioning how bad that stat looked. And at the same time doing that has destroyed the plans for the Smackdown women's championship and Asuka’s big pay day.
Remember, they arent just building to this match, they are building for the future. And the above will see them easily through to the Survivor Series with a heavily heated title feud on one or both shows depending on how they handle the winner having two titles......
Which then leads to their decision, do they continue to have two women’s champions OR have one champion that travels to both shows to align things with the women’s tag titles? 
I see Becky winning beating Charlotte to take both belts, it lets Ronda have some time off setting up a big money match on her return while Becky leads Raw in her place - LYNCH
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The New Daniel Bryan (c) vs Kofi Kingston - WWE Championship Match 
Another match where the build has been all over the shop, but in this case injuries have changed and dictated the directional moves in which wrestler would be making the step up to challenge Bryan for the belt. The last change that stuck was moving Kevin Owens out of the match and adding Kofi after his reaction in the Elimination Chamber, after he was added to that match after Ali was injured and lost his spot there too, busy to keep up isnt it...
This really should be an easy to predict outcome with Kofi finally getting his big shot and winning the title for a first time, the actual question should be how long will he hold the belt for? Once the Wrestlemania buzz dies down and management begin to look critically at his ratings and sales how long will they persevere with his reign?
I just hope they dont split The New Day up during his run, we need them to keep the group together and show friendship in a solid way, instead of the usual ways of them turning on him with poor reasoning. If they want to challenge him for the belt have them ask for it and say they are willing to prove theirselves first, then challenge him as friends as whoever wins it doesn't break the connection as they all support each other.
Daniel Bryan will not lose much in dropping the title, he’ll quickly move into another fun feud with whoever he wants and asks for, this is exactly the method to Bryan’s current run and its great......get Pete Dunne ready!!! - KINGSTON
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Brock Lesnar (c) vs Seth Rollins - WWE Universal Championship Match
Too many matches on this show, so ill be quick with the ones that SHOULD have an easy to predict outcome.
This is the perfect example, Seth goes over strong, Brock takes some time away and finally gets a date for his return to the UFC and gets in fighting shape. Rollins then returns to Raw as champion and moves into a feud with Drew McIntyre who deserves it and will have some solid bouts, the only problem there is Drew is up against Roman and I doubt he wins at Mania over him - ROLLINS
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Triple H vs Batista - No Holds Barred Match
Also if HHH loses he has to retire and cant wrestle again which should ring bells for the outcome, I love that Big Dave is returning for one last match and if you know him you’ll know he isnt here to have his hand raised. 
Triple H wins, hopefully quickly after seeing his last few bouts, then I see them both hugging straight after or even on Raw just making a mockery out of this fake build up to the feud - TRIPLE H
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Shane McMahon vs The Miz - Falls Count Anywhere Match
Toilet break time.
I really have no interest in this in the slightest, even as a team I didnt care, seeing Shane wrestle as a heel doesn't appeal and Miz acting as a bad ass baby-face cant get me to act interested.
I love Shane as a heel boss but it doesn't carry over to wrestling, as a face his whole act is building to a big spot/jump but that really is counterproductive for a heel, and if they do so then dont be surprised to have him get cheered over Miz - MIZ
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Roman Reigns vs Drew McIntyre
I really want Drew to win here as he’s so ready for the big push but the whole story to Roman’s return cant possibly see them plan for anything other than a Reigns victory. I can only imagine them doing a multi person match on Raw for the next number one contender as a way to have Drew get there without pinning Roman - REIGNS 
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Tamina/Nia Jax vs Bayley/Sasha Banks (c) vs The IIconics vs Beth Phoenix/Nattie - WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Fatal 4 Way Match
All I can say here is that the Sky Pirates NEEDED to be in this match for my interest.
Lets get rid of Nia and Tamina quickly in a heap of rubble at ringside then let the others work, there’s no doubt in my mind that the champs are keeping their belts. They then will defend on all shows including NXT, hopefully, but lets keep the titles on teams that can work well and not with the gimmicky teams please - BAYLEY/BANKS
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AJ Styles vs Randy Orton
This should be a very solid bout but at the same time is really the beginning of the feud so may not get the most time and could have a cheap finish to let this continue. But saying that these two could be guys high up on the list of people that potentially could get moved around in the draft, especially Styles after his long run with the title on Smackdown - STYLES
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Samoa Joe (c) vs Rey Mysterio - WWE US Title Match
Another match that has changed multiple times or morphed into other planned feuds, this particular match blatantly wasn't planned at the time of the last PPV as they had Joe choke out Rey which doesn't make any sense to have him now challenge here.
For me Joe needs a long run with the title mowing through guys and gaining back the killer image he should have, let him do this for months with the whole purpose of it being to ultimately get him ready to be moved back to the main event scene as a legit challenger and the champion.
Rey has looked great since coming back and should really have been having a bout against Andrade tonight with the mask vs hair stipulation added to it but oh well, not sure if Dominic will be ringside and involved but I feel he may and may be the reason for Joe retaining, be that by him being a distraction for his Dad or even turning on his Dad, who knows.
What I also will say is that Rey actually does have a slight injury which he seems to be fine with,but, I wouldn't put it past them to alter this and add others to the match AGAIN just to get people on the show and save Rey’s ankle if its still in pain - JOE
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Bobby Lashley (c) vs Finn Balor - WWE Intercontinental Championship Match
Finn’s going to be in Demon mode, simple - BALOR
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Kurt Angle vs The Baron - Angle’s Farewell Match
Man, what a let down this is if it actually is the planned match, and not only that but Angle is broken down now sadly to the point where they shouldn't be putting him in the ring, who knows how he passes their tests to see if he is fit enough to be in there.
The big story is will someone take out The Baron when he makes his way to the ring for a HUGE pop and take his place against Kurt, the popular choice with people is seemingly John Cena. Now, im not sure anyone can drag Angle to a great match anymore and bringing in someone who isnt a full timer and hasn't been wrestling in awhile is a bad choice for me, id rather he be involved in the Elias angle where he can come in and nail an F5 for the easy pop. 
Im actually lost for who should take the role and it work and more importantly someone who isnt already in a match on the card. If I could take it back afew months I would have never had the Drew McIntyre match in November where he destroyed Kurt with his own move, if they built Drew as a force upto this point then had a super competitive match with Angle ending in the same way as November I think you could take tons from it. Angle doesn't need to go out on top, he will be left in the ring after the match for the applause and potentially taking off of his boots to leave in the ring. But it will also do wonders for someone to beat him, hell if its Drew it would have been easy to move him straight to the title scene rather than a lose to Roman. 
If it actually stays as The Baron id love for it to be a double retirement match, or an Angle win - ANGLE 
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Ricochet/Aleister Black vs The Uso’s (c) vs The Bar vs Rusev/Shinsuke Nakamura - WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championship Fatal 4 Way Match
Id expect the Usos to retain, not sure the others deserve the titles just yet, maybe Ricochet and Black but I see them going singles once the Mania buzz dies down - USOS
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Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal
The main name included here is Braun Strowman and the guys from SNL, I cant see past Braun and there’s no real reason for it unless there’s a new guy debuting or a big angle that’s going longer with the SNL guys being able to get Braun eliminated - BRAUN
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Women’s Battle Royal
I dont think all the names have been announced here and it will be decided just before the show on who’s around, yes I believe that fully. The front-runners should be Asuka, Mandy Rose and Lacey Evans, Asuka deserves it for how she’s been treated with the title and Lacey’s big push should be starting from here. Ill go with Lacey to eliminate Asuka to win and kick start her first bi feud on the main roster - EVANS
Buddy Murphy (c) vs Tony Nese - WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match
Again I say the same thing, not the time for Murphy to drop the title and not the opponent for it either, infact im alittle surprise Nese got the spot. He’s a good wrestler but I dont think much of his character work ‘look at my abs!!’ and that’s basically it? - MURPHY
The Revival (c) vs Zack Ryder/ Curt Hawkins - WWE Raw Tag Team Championship Match
There really is ZERO need for this match, ZERO. The challengers haven't been on tv, haven't won matches and have ZERO credibility.........but what about Hawkins losing streak......that’s literally the ONLY reason they have gotten this spot - REVIVAL
I hope everyone enjoys the show, please try and watch it in parts if you can avoid spoilers as this is WAAAAAAYYYYYYY too long a show AGAIN
Bye for now
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mairzymarzipan · 6 years
Night of the Full Moon Character Reviews: The Big Bosses(Minus Werewolf)
Hello again
I know I said I’d be talking about the Hunter, Old Mage, Fallen Priest and so on today, but I realized that those characters were actually more interesting in the context of other characters, so I put them off for later.  I decided instead to talk about the main bosses of the game, as it so happens, are the closest people to Red Riding Hood.  Because this game wants to be an ironicy soap opera/anime that way.
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When I say Big Bosses, I mean that you always fight one of these characters at the end of the game.  Unless you’re like me and you start all over at the end because you’re bored and tired of all four of them playwise.
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Wait, no, never mind.  This is another one of those characters who’s more interesting in the context of different, non-Red Riding Hood Characters.  We’re saving this boi for later.  But, you shouldn’t too surprised, if you read the title.  Instead, I’ll just use this space to talk about a mechanic.
Throughout the game, you can get ‘courage’ and ‘reputation’ points by talking to characters.  Very very generally speaking, you get courage points by doing brave things, and you get reputation points for doing nice things.  You also can get courage points when a character talks shit about the werewolf, and reputation points when a character talks shit about the witch.  So naturally, if you have more courage in the end, you get to fight the wolf, and if you have more reputation, you get to fight the witch.  I guess what they’re going for is only a meanie would fight this doggo?  And the witch is who any empathetic person would hate???
I feel like the latter is not the case, but more on that later.
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“Only your Hope family can lift the dark magic curse.  This is what the priest is most afraid of.  That’s why monsters run wild on full moon nights. First they made your grandmother disappear and then they drew you into the forest...but they never anticipated that you would make it this far.”
By the way, you’re part of a prophecy.  Only someone in your family can lift the curse on the forest.  jsyk
Yeah so, as you see, the Witch’s description does not really tell us much about the witch herself.  This description also pretty unique in that none of the other character descriptions go into the second person like this.  The description also kind of hints that Red dies in the timeline where she fights the witch, so that’s depressing.
Nah, to figure out what the witch is about, you have to delve into the fragments around her. 
So, you actually do encounter the witch earlier in the game.  In the third or sometimes second chapter, she will recruit to find some magic apples she lost.  She makes a mention about suspecting a queen of stealing them.  The apples, I guess, are just lying around on the forest floor, and you bite into each of them bc you’re a dumb lkid.  Each apple changes your stats by a few points and the witch does not at all seem upset that you hand her a bunch of bitten fruit at the end.  In fact, she offers you the choice of two random buffs, so that’s fun.
You’re likely to hear about her way before that, though, depending on who you talk to.  Generally anyone who’s been cursed feels like it’s the witch’s fault.  
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But if you choose to fight her(or you might not get a choice in the matter) she accuses you of stealing said apples.  She’ll also talk to you throughout the battle until you defeat her- a trait that only the big bosses and a few of the newer ones have.  Her lines...make her sound pretty unhinged.  She’s speaks of disbelief that you would do such a horrible thing, and threatens you with with her magic, and talks about how misunderstood she is.
When you defeat her, she’s got a really interesting line, tho.
“No!  I don’t want to fight you!  I can’t!”
Before I move on, let me talk about this other witch character.
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Yep.  That sure is the art style this game is going with.
So this is one of the shopkeepers.  There are four different shops you can find along the way, only two of which have characters you can see in them.  This character is known as the Witch Apothecary...but you can only see that on the outside of her store.  Otherwise she’s just called “Witch”.
The thing is, along the way, characters will talk about the Witch and, they don’t specify that it’s not the one with the white hair.  They just talk about The Witch like she’s the only witch that matters.  So is this woman not really a witch?  A witch wannabe?  Nah, we already have one of those characters.  Could it me that the shopkeepers don’t actually exist in the story of the game?  That would bum me out, bc there’s this lesbian owl I want to be real.
But...I think they’re the same person using shapeshifting.  Or if you want a really wild theory, maybe there are time travel hijinks and she’s the Magic Apprentice grown up.  But I’m going to go ahead with the former.
Anyhoo.  I like the witch.  I’m gonna give her 🍎🍎🍎🍎 four apples
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“They mistakenly thought that on the full moon night they could help the monsters quietly eliminate Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother.  Once the Hope family was wiped out, the legend of lifting the curse on the Dark Forest would disappear completely.  However, they didn’t expect they would have to go personally and pay such a high price to fight their enemy. When the priest fell, the cursed monsters reverted to their human forms and the Dark Forest was no longer covered by snow all year round, but the church’s blind greed still remains.”
Again, not much is said about the priest himself.  The most interesting thing here is that he apparently is the keystone holding the curse together.  Interesting, because he seems to be letting the witch do all the work for him.  Usually in these stories, you have to kill the person who casts the spell to break the spell, not just their friend.  Is it because he, himself, is a stone?  That is to say, he turns into a statue sometimes.
Why the heck is he having her turn all his enemies into cartoon monsters instead of killing them, anyway?  Don’t tell it’s to make the game family friendly, bc in one of these timelines a child kills another child.  
Honestly, the priest/church just doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.  His big plan is selling everybody from his town as slaves.  Gross.  And the way he accomplishes this is by...making it snow all the time, and turning people into vampires and fire bears?  What?
He is.  A delight to fight.  I’m being sarcastic.  He’s a religious edgelord who likes to go on about how humans are sinners and everyone deserves to be punished.  Also she cheats by turning into stone.  Eh.  
It feels like someone just spun a wheel for of evil traits and just stuck them together haphazardly.  His evil plan is...human trafficking!  His personality is...self righteous!  His means is...tf!  His super power is...turning into a statue!  
He’s the biggest of bads but also not that thought out.  He’s super important to the over-arching plot and yet I have no idea why this guy does what he does.  I’m gonna give him 🗽🗽 two statues.
Mystery Men
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idek why this person is called “Mystery Men”.  I’m guessing it’s supposed to be mystery man?  Or mysterious person or something?  I know I haven’t talked about the art much but, I do appreciate how much their face looks like a dog snout and her hood looks like dog ears.  It’s a neat touch.
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This description was actually changed.  The new text is longer and more awkwardly worded.  I don’t like it!  And I don’t get why it happened.
But, yeah.  The very last enemy of the game- who you can only reach by playing through at least four times and defeating all three others- is your Grandmother!  Le gasp!
So what exactly went wrong with her?  Oh, nothing, she just has a big wolf growing out of her back(told you the concept was backed up by canon)
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Is this her daemon or patronus or something?  I have no idea.  I’ve been calling her a werewolf sometimes, tho, bc she’s better at being a werewolf than the titular werewolf.  Which is to say she can revive instead of just healing.  Her buffs and deck change throughout the fight.  She’s a long battle, fun, except for her ear piercing voice.  She sounds a bit possessed.
I’ll give her 👁️👁️👁️ three big eyes.  She’s a fun battle, but I always mute it.  Also not real big on how the text got changed for the worse.  But she does add some good details to the story.
In Conclusion... 
Grandma’s text tells us a few things.  
1. Not only is the Hope family connected to this prophecy, but family members actually have the power to control the curse.  That leads me to believe that the person who got the curse started was a Hope themself.  
2. The church came along long after the curse was in full swing.  So the priest is not responsible for it.  Whether he’s a Hope himself is not relevant.
We also know these things:
1. The witch is still the one casting all the tf spells, which is part of the curse.
2. There are two timelines were Red has a natural gift for magic
3. In the Little Witch timeline, the Witch is teaching Red magic.  On top of that she’s v patient, which is surprising, for some reason.
4. The Witch seems a little out of touch with reality.  She sends you to find apples, and then yells at you for stealing them.  Almost like she thinks you’re another person.
5. The witch verbally expresses her desire not to fight you when she realizes who you are.
I have to conclude that the Witch is a Hope.  A Hope who’s close enough to have a fondness for Little Red Riding Hood, and is invested in her well being/education.  And yanno, is turns her enemies into pig people because she can.  
She helps you on your quest by giving you one of her own.  But earlier on, she takes on the form of the other witch offer you potions and the like.  She even gives you the first one in each chapter for free.
“My potions can change your appearance!”
Of course she can’t get too close to you.  She can’t reveal that she’s helping you.  Hence putting on a new face when she’s a ‘good’ witch.  One wonders if she’s trying to hide her identity from you, or the people she’s allied with.
Hey can we look at her description again?
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Red doesn’t get addressed in the second person in any of the other descriptions.  There is a character who talks about his life in the first person, and we’ll get to him.  But this is odd to me.
What if Red isn’t being addressed here?  What if it’s someone else?  What if it’s the Witch?
What if the Witch was captured and ensnared in the priest’s plot?  What if he messed with her memory?  So then who is she?  Red’s sister?  It seems like she’s been working with the church a lot longer than Grandma’s been missing.  Also Grandma went into the woods on her own accord.  You could say that the grief the church caused her *made* her go out, but it seems weak.
So maybe a Hope in another generation, who lost her grandmother to- either the church or monsters?  Was it this other Grandmother who *started* the curse?
Dude, what if she’s your Mom?
What if instead of killing her the priest did...something...scared her enough to get her to work for him.  And messed with her memory so she couldn’t conceive a way out?  And sort of had her transfer the power of the curse to him so that people had to kill him to break it?
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What if he had the Church Doctor scoop her brain out and put it in another lady’s head?  Who knows.
I’m not certain about the witch being your mom.  I think I would like that to be the case because it’s fun, but I’m not quite convinced yet.  I AM certain, tho, that the Witch is a Hope, and she cares about you.  She’s not just this cackling meanie turning people into flowers.  She’s...complicated.  And she needs help just as much as all the trapped monsters.
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statetalks · 3 years
Are There More Democrats Or Republicans In The Usa
If A Party Gets What It Wants In The Pursuit Of Delivering Something Most People Want Most Of The Time So Be It
This mayor joining the GOP says theres no Democratic Party anymore’
Theres nothing morally wrong with being the party of corporate interests. Theres nothing wrong, for that matter, with viewing politics as the preserve of the few, not the many. Whats wrong is lying about it. Whats wrong is treating the opposition as if it does not have a legitimate claim. Whats wrong is setting off a conflagration of white-power fury that consumes nearly everything, even the republic itself, in order to slake a thirst for power. The day Joe Biden decided to run for president was the day this white-power fury burned through Charlottesville, screaming, Jews will not replace us. That day, according to published reports, is the day Biden chose to fight to restore the soul of America.
Maybe hes full of it. Maybe Biden and the Democrats dont really believe what they say when they talk about everyone being in this together. Thats certainly what the Republicans and their media allies believe. A critic said Thursday that we can expect to see from Biden lofty rhetoric about unity, while acting below the radar to smash norms to implement the Left-wing agenda. The same day, a Times reporter asked the White House press secretary why the administration has not offered a bipartisan fig leaf to the Republicans, given the president putting so much emphasis on unity. Maybe the Democrats dont mean what they say. Maybe its just politics-as-usual.
Investor George Marcus And His Wife Judith Gave $9610125 Mostly To Democrats
Total donations: $9,610,125
Net worth: $1.5 billion
George Marcus is the founder of real-estate brokerage Marcus & Millichap Company, according to the companys website. Marcus is also the chairman of Essex Property Trust, a multi-family real-estate investment trust, and he serves on the board of California-based commercial bank Greater Bay Bancorp.
The Marcuses gave $10,400 to Republicans in 2018, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. The rest went to Democrats.
Republican Presidents Of The 20th Century
Theodore Roosevelt, 26th, 19011909: The “Trust Buster” is considered one of America’s greatest presidents. He was charismatic and larger than life. He was also the youngest of all the presidents, entering office at age 42. In contrast to later Republican presidents, Roosevelt fought hard to limit the powers of large oil and railroad companies.
William H. Taft, 27th, 19091913: Taft may be best known for supporting “Dollar Diplomacy,” the idea that US foreign policy should provide stability with the ultimate goal of promoting American commercial ventures. He was the only president who served as a justice of the Supreme Court .
Warren G. Harding, 29th, 19211923: Harding served just one day shy of three years, dying of a heart attack while in office. His presidency saw the end of World War I but was marked by scandals involving bribery, fraud, and conspiracy.
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If There Are P Republicans Then In Terms Of P What Percentage Of Wheeling County
There are one or more reasons why you chose that person to be your friend. While democrats believe in supporting a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, republicans in a little more than 50 years there will be no majority race in the us. Not one nra member, tea party member, nor republican conservative was involved in these shootings and. There is a good reason for this asymmetry, write grossmann and hopkins. Republicans are more skeptical of the theory of evolution, though by a surprisingly slim margin with 39 percent of them rejecting it as compared to 30 percent of democrats.
There should a strong federal government. The supreme court should have jurisdiction over the legislative branch. There was almost no partisan imbalance among in terms of dollar value, less than a third of individual donations went to democrats. What republican and democrats believe. There are many benefits to timing your practice, including
On the other hand, the republican party is pretty much younger than the democratic party. Instead, they’ve told a lie to people they stiffed on education and have bled them dry just a bit more. Clearly, there is a problem with democrats and guns. Since 1945, democratic presidents have put forward 39 percent more policy proposals than republican presidents, and 62 percent more domestic policy proposals. Who can tell from this story?
Widest Perception Gap At Political Extremes
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In one of the largest national studies of Americas polarization ever conducted, More in Commons Hidden Tribes report identified seven political tribes:
The Hidden Tribes of America
The Perception Gap study builds on these insights. It finds that the most partisan, politically active Americans a group we call the Wings have deeply distorted perceptions of the other side. The two groups with the widest Perception Gaps are the Progressive Activists and the Devoted Conservativesthe most ideological and committed groups of Democrats and Republicans.
And which is the most accurate segment? Surprisingly, its the Politically Disengaged. They are fully three times more accurate in their estimates of political opponents than members of either of these Wing groups. The V-shaped Perception Gap shows that the less invested you are in politics today, the less distorted your perception of politics.
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At Least 60 Afghans And 13 Us Service Members Killed By Suicide Bombers And Gunmen Outside Kabul Airport: Us Officials
Two suicide bombers and gunmen attacked crowds of Afghans flocking to Kabul’s airport Thursday, transforming a scene of desperation into one of horror in the waning days of an airlift for those fleeing the Taliban takeover. At least 60 Afghans and 13 U.S. troops were killed, Afghan and U.S. officials said.
Are There More Democrats Than Republicans In The United States
I have been thinking about the Democratic Party and whether or not its members are more numerous than the opposing faction.
Evidence to suggest this is the case:
This party is expected to win the popular vote for president seven out of eight times since 1992. Please don’t say “this hasn’t happened yet”. If this bothers you, say 6 out of 7. The party has received 51.9 percent of the votes cast in presidential elections from 1992 to 2016 for it or its opponent, the Republican Party. This shows that 2012 was the mean election in popular vote as of 2016. Party registration in states that register by party says this same thing. Trump’s approval has not gone above 50 percent ever as president on 538. A plurality of Americans consistently supported impeachment by 2 to 5 points while it was happening.
This suggests that the partisan lean the American electorate is about D+4. I believe that it might be closer to D+5 now for various reasons and the fact that 2012 was the mean result. This can get a little bit fuzzy because of independents.
If we look at opinion polling, Gallup has collated party affiliation polls back to 2004. The most recent poll at the time of writing gives a D+11 advantage. Looking just at the net Republican/Democrat advantage, ignoring Independents, we can create the graph below – with positive percentages representing a Democrat lead, and negative percentages representing a Republican lead.
To give a theoretical perspective on this:
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The Republican Party General Policy And Political Values
The Republican Party is often referred to as the GOP. This abbreviation stands for Grand Old Party. Its logo is an elephant. The Republican Party is known to support right-leaning ideologies of conservatism, social conservatism, and economic libertarianism, among other -isms. Thus, Republicans broadly advocate for traditional values, a low degree of government interference, and large support of the private sector.
One main standpoint of the Republican Party platform is a strong focus on the family and individual freedom. Generally, the Republican Party therefore often tends to promote states and local rights. That means that they often wish for federal regulations to play a lesser role in policymaking. Furthermore, the GOP has a pro-business-oriented platform. Thus, the party advocates for businesses to exist in a free market instead of being impacted by tight government regulations.
Chart 1 And Table 2: Nationwide Party Registration Trends Since 2000
More Republicans registered to vote than Democrats
Since 2000, the nationwide proportion of registered Democratic and Republican voters in party registration states have both gone down, while the percentage of registered independents has steadily grown. The latter has nearly reached the nationwide percentage of registered Republicans, which has long been second nationally to the Democrats. Altogether, the combined number of registered Democrats and Republicans, which was 77% in October 2000, is now down to 69%, while the proportion of registered independents over the same period has increased from 22% to 28%.
Note: Based on active registered voters in states where the number of active and inactive registrants is listed. In the election-eve 2000, 2008, and 2016 entries, Independents include a comparatively small number of registered miscellaneous voters who do not fit into a particular category. Percentages do not add to 100 since the small percentage of registered third party voters is not included.
Richard Wingers monthly newsletter, Ballot Access News, for election-eve party registration numbers in 2000, 2008, and 2016; the websites of state election offices for July 2018.
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Gallup: Democrats Now Outnumber Republicans By 9 Percentage Points Thanks To Independents
“I think what we have to do as a party is battle the damage to the Democratic brand,” Democratic National Committee Chairman Jamie Harrison said on The Daily Beast‘s latest New Abnormal podcast. Gallup reported Wednesday that, at least relatively speaking, the Democratic brand is doing pretty good.
In the first quarter of 2021, 49 percent of U.S. adults identified as Democrats or independents with Democratic leanings, versus 40 percent for Republicans and GOP leaders, Gallup said. “The 9-percentage-point Democratic advantage is the largest Gallup has measured since the fourth quarter of 2012. In recent years, Democratic advantages have typically been between 4 and 6 percentage points.”
New Gallup polling finds that in the first quarter of 2021, an average of 49% of Americans identify with/lean toward the Democratic Party, versus 40 percent for Republicans.
That’s the largest gap since 2012:
Greg Sargent
Party identification, polled on every Gallup survey, is “something that we think is important to track to give a sense to the relevant strength of the two parties at any one point in time and how party preferences are responding to events,”Gallup senior editor Jeff Jones told USA Today.
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More Than Half Of Young Americans Are Going Through An Extended Period Of Feeling Down Depressed Or Hopeless In Recent Weeks; 28% Have Had Thoughts That They Would Be Better Off Dead Or Of Hurting Themself In Some Way
Fifty-one percent of young Americans say that at least several days in the last two weeks they have felt down, depressed, or hopeless19% say they feel this way more than half of the time. In addition, 68% have little energy, 59% say they have trouble with sleep, 52% find little pleasure in doing things. 49% have a poor appetite or are over-eating, 48% cite trouble concentrating, 32% are moving so slowly, or are fidgety to the point that others notice and 28% have had thoughts of self-harm
Among those most likely to experience bouts of severe depression triggering thoughts that they would be better off dead or hurting themself are young people of color , whites without a college experience , rural Americans , and young Americans not registered to vote .
In the last two weeks, 53% of college students have said that their mental health has been negatively impacted by school or work-related issues; overall 34% have been negatively impacted by the coronavirus, 29% self-image, 29% personal relationships, 28% social isolation, 25% economic concerns, 22% health concernsand 21% politics .
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Past Jumps In Party Affiliations
The bump in Democratic affiliation following Biden’s inauguration mirrors that of former President Barack Obama’s first term, Jones said.
“That was really the high point that we’ve seen; kind of the 2006-2009 period, when really the majority of Americans either identified as Democrats outright or were independents but they leaned toward the party,” he said. “Our data on this only goes back to the ’90s, but it’s pretty much the only time we consistently had one party with the majority of Americans on their side.”
Republican advantages, though rarer and more short-lived, followed the Gulf War in 1991 when George H.W. Bush was in office and the 9/11 terrorist attacks during President George W. Bush’s term, according to Gallup. More people also reported GOP affiliation after the 1994, 2010 and 2014 midterm elections.
Whether the Republican Party can regain advantage during the 2022 midterm elections may rely on the successes of the Biden administration, according to Jones.
“A lot of it is going to depend on how things go over the course of the year. If things get better with the coronavirus and the economy bounces back and a lot of people expect Biden can keep relatively strong approval ratings, then that will be better for the Democrats,” Jones said. “But if things start to get worse unemployment goes up or coronavirus gets worse  then his approval is going to go down. It’s going to make things a lot better for the Republican Party for the midterm next year.”
They Deliberately Destroy Moral Standards To Consolidate Power
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Yale historian Timothy Snyder argues compellingly in The Road to Unfreedom, as well as in many talks, that oligarchs consolidating power and wealth benefit from creating an atmosphere of uncertainty, disbelief in facts, making it seem like political parties and leaders are uniformly corrupt, so there is nothing that can be done. It is what it is. If this was not so relevant for previous administrations, now we must admit that this is what it is. An administration that surpasses previous ones in corruption is possible because of a groundwork laid over decades of practices that make democracy, equity, and social good far secondary to wealth and power.
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Where Republicans And Democrats Differ The Most
But a more telling metric may be the difference between Democrats’ and Republicans ratings. How much more did one party favor a state than the other party? The graphic below shows how much higher the win percentage was among people of that party.  
For example, Californias win percentage was 79% among Democrats, but 24% among Republicans, a difference of 55 percentage points. Likewise, Kentuckys win percentage was 68% among Republicans, only 34% among Democrats, for a difference in 35 points . 
See the difference in scores for Republicans and Democrats for all 50 states below:
Histories Of The Parties
The Democratic party started in 1828 as anti-federalist sentiments began to form. The Republican party formed a few decades later, in 1854, with the formation of the party to stopping slavery, which they viewed to be unconstitutional.
The difference between a democrat and a republican has changed many, many times throughout history. Democrats used to be considered more conservative, while the republican party fought for more progressive ideas. These ideals have switched over time.
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Florida Vs California: How Two States Tackled Covid
The researchers theorized that one reason for the change is that Democrats were in charge of states where people who had the virus first arrived in the country but Republicans were less stringent about safeguards, which could have contributed to their states’ ultimately higher incidence and death rates.
“The early trends could be explained by high Covid-19 cases and deaths among Democratic-led states that are home to initial ports of entry for the virus in early 2020,” the researchers wrote. “However, the subsequent reversal in trends, particularly with respect to testing, may reflect policy differences that could have facilitated the spread of the virus.”
The study, which which was published in the peer-reviewed American Journal of Preventive Medicine, examined Covid-19 “incidence, death, testing, and test positivity rates from March 15 through December 15, 2020,” when there were 16 million confirmed cases in the U.S. and 300,000 deaths. It focused on per-capita infection and death rates in the 26 GOP-led states and 24 Democratic-led states and Washington, D.C., and made statistical adjustments for issues such as population density.
But “policy differences” between the Republican and Democratic leaders emerged as a big factor for the reversal of the states’ fortunes, the study suggests.
One of the most concerning things last year is the politicization of public health restrictions,” Lee said. “Theyre not opinions, theyre based on evidence.
In Her New Book Congress And Us Veterans: From The Gi Bill To The Va Crisis Stevens Assistant Professor Lindsey Cormack Evaluates How The Parties Legislate And Communicate Veterans Policies
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More than 18 million veterans live in the United States today, according to the latest census, and with worldwide presence and ongoing wars, the military enlists 1.2 million active and 800,000 reserve military personnel across the branches. As a nation, we look up to those who serve. Its a uniting opinion, and 95% of Americans believe its the duty of government to support veterans when they return to the homefront.
The role of devising policies that benefit former soldiers now falls to Congress, and so the creation and communication of veterans policies, like most things in Washington, is subject to the realities of party politics. Republicans are viewed as the party of veterans, public opinion and voting data says so. But in her new book, Stevens Assistant Professor Lindsey Cormack questions how that came to be, as her research shows that congressional Democrats, more often than not, are the ones working to enhance veteran benefits.
On a continuum of legislative behavior, we have one end populated by the dedicated workhorses who draft legislation, hammer out compromises, and get into the weeds of complicated policy questions, Cormack writes in her book. On the other end, there are show ponies that care more about pumping out media sound bites or trying to get the next viral video on YouTube.
Moreover, there is a difference between Republican members of Congress expressing support for veterans benefits and actively legislating to accomplish it.
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Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg Donated Over $95 Million Nearly All Of It To Democrats
Total donations: $95,098,168
Net worth: $52.4 billion
Michael Bloomberg, 77, is the founder and CEO of financial media company Bloomberg LP.
Bloomberg will spend $500 million on the 2020 election in hopes of defeating Trump, Politico reported in February. On November 7, The New York Times reported that he was actively preparing to enter the Democratic primary.
Americas Top 10 Richest Families
Walton Republican  The family owns the Walmart corporation. The Walton family fortune is estimated to be about $130 billion. Koch Republican  Businessmen, owners of Koch Industries, a manufacturing company. Koch brothers have a net worth of about $41 billion each .  Republican  Own the Mars candy company. The three children of founder Forrest Mars are worth about $78 billion together. Cargill-MacMillan Republican  The Cargill-MacMillan family owns 90 percent of the largest privately-owned corporation in the U.S. The family, as a whole, is worth about $49 billion. Cox Democrat  The Cox family owns a number of auto consumer sites and services . They have an estimated net worth of $41 billion. Johnson  Republican  The Johnson family is known for their cleaning products and hygiene products. They are valued at $30 billion. Pritzker Both  Founders of Hyatt. The family has a combined value of $29 billion in 2017. Johnson  Republican  Overseers at Fidelity, ensuring the cash of millions of Americans. The family has a combined net worth of $28.5 billion. Hearst Republican  The Hearst family owns one of Americas largest media companies. The family is valued at $28 billion. Duncan Republican  The Duncan family works mostly with oil and pipelines. The family is valued at about $21.5 billion.
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Democrats Got Millions More Votes So How Did Republicans Win The Senate
Senate electoral process means although Democrats received more overall votes for the Senate than Republicans, that does not translate to more seats
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The 2018 midterm elections brought significant gains for Democrats, who retook the House of Representatives and snatched several governorships from the grip of Republicans.
But some were left questioning why Democrats suffered a series of setbacks that prevented the party from picking up even more seats and, perhaps most consequentially, left the US Senate in Republican hands.
Among the most eye-catching was a statistic showing Democrats led Republicans by more than 12 million votes in Senate races, and yet still suffered losses on the night and failed to win a majority of seats in the chamber.
Constitutional experts said the discrepancy between votes cast and seats won was the result of misplaced ire that ignored the Senate electoral process.
Because each state gets two senators, irrespective of population, states such as Wyoming have as many seats as California, despite the latter having more than 60 times the population. The smaller states also tend to be the more rural, and rural areas traditionally favor Republicans.
This year, because Democrats were defending more seats, including California, they received more overall votes for the Senate than Republicans, but that does not translate to more seats.
The rise of minority rule in America is now unmistakable
Origins Of The Color Scheme
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The colors red and blue are also featured on the United States flag. Traditional political mapmakers, at least throughout the 20th century, had used blue to represent the modern-day Republicans, as well as the earlier Federalist Party. This may have been a holdover from the Civil War, during which the predominantly Republican north was considered “blue”. However, at that time, a maker of widely-sold maps accompanied them with blue pencils in order to mark Confederate force movements, while red was for the union.
Later, in the 1888 presidential election, Grover Cleveland and Benjamin Harrison used maps that coded blue for the Republicans, the color perceived to represent the Union and “Lincoln‘s Party”, and red for the Democrats. The parties themselves had no official colors, with candidates variously using either or both of the national color palette of red and blue .
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Reality Check #4: The Electoral College And The Senate Are Profoundly Undemocraticand Were Stuck With Them
Because the Constitution set up a state-by-state system for picking presidents, the massive Democratic majorities we now see in California and New York often mislead us about the partys national electoral prospects. In 2016, Hillary Clintons 3-million-vote plurality came entirely from California. In 2020, Bidens 7-million-vote edge came entirely from California and New York. These are largely what election experts call wasted votesDemocratic votes that dont, ultimately, help the Democrat to win. That imbalance explains why Trump won the Electoral College in 2016 and came within a handful of votes in three states from doing the same last November, despite his decisive popular-vote losses.
The response from aggrieved Democrats? Abolish the Electoral College! In practice, theyd need to get two-thirds of the House and Senate, and three-fourths of the state legislatures, to ditch the process that gives Republicans their only plausible chance these days to win the White House. Shortly after the 2016 election, Gallup found that Republican support for abolishing the electoral college had dropped to 19 percent. The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, a state-by-state scheme to effectively abolish the Electoral College without changing the Constitution, hasnt seen support from a single red or purple state.
source https://www.patriotsnet.com/are-there-more-democrats-or-republicans-in-the-usa/
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katymacsupernatural · 7 years
Feeling like Family
Sister Winchester
1200 Words
Story Summary: After learning you have brother’s, you still have a hard time fitting in.
This is written for @thing-you-do-with-that-thing and @like-a-bag-of-potatoes 12 Days of Christmas Challenge. Today’s prompt: Traditions.
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Sitting alone in your small room in the bunker, you reflected on the past year. So much had changed in your life, turning your world completely upside down. Your parents had died horribly, revealing a truth they had kept secret your entire life. Your Dad was not the man who raised you, but instead a stranger by the name of John Winchester. When his sons had come to save the day, rescuing you from the monster intent on ending your family, you had suddenly found another family you didn’t know you had.
It hadn’t been easy at first. Trusting each other, learning that your entire world had just been one lie after another. Finding out that you had two brothers, both older than you that have seen more things than you could ever imagine. They had refused to leave you behind, saying that you would be too vulnerable, and after all, you were blood.
That’s when the bunker came into play, and here you were, almost a year later, still feeling like you didn’t belong. That you never truly had. Sure, your parents had tried their hardest, but it hurt, knowing they never told you the truth. That you had never had the chance to know your real father. Then there was Sam and Dean. They tried hard to help you, but you were just the third wheel. Or the fourth if you thought of Cas, their buddy. They had gone through so much together, grown up together, that they had a special bond you could never even imagine being a part of.
It had never really hit you this hard before. But with Christmas being tomorrow, you were feeling lonely and melancholy. Your family had always made such a big deal about Christmas, and Christmas Eve. There were the traditions passed down from generations, and even though your family had been small, you had still worked hard to keep them going.
But now, there was no tree decorated in the bunker. No stockings hung by the fire, or even a fire at all. No cookies baked or Christmas music playing. It seemed much like any other day, and that thought brought a sharp pain to your chest.
“Y/N, Sam and I were thinking of ordering pizza for dinner. You want first dibs on the toppings?” Dean asked as he softly knocked on the door. Ignoring your big brother as he stepped softly into the room, you hastily wiped away the tear that slipped down your cheek. “Hey sweetie, what’s wrong?”
Sitting down on the edge of the bed, Dean’s intense green eyes searched your face, worried for you. “It’s nothing.” You mumbled, trying to turn your face away from him.
“I’m not that gullible.” He said, lightly grasping your chin and turning your face towards him once again. “Please, I want to help.”
“It just…feels weird.” You ended on a sigh. “It’s Christmas Eve, and it’s just making me miss things. But it doesn’t matter.”
“It does matter.” He insisted, pulling you into his embrace. “And I’m sorry I didn’t even think about Christmas. Sammy and I, we’ve never really been much for celebrating, but I never realized you would be missing it.”
“It’s just. It makes me realize how much my life has changed. How my old traditions are lost in the wind.” You tried explaining, tears threatening to fall once again.
“And Sam and I aren’t helping, are we?” Dean grumbled.
“No, you guys have been nothing but kind to me. Letting me live with you, teaching me how to hunt. It’s just…” You couldn’t exactly explain.
“But you’re still missing things. And Christmas is a tough time of year. I’m sorry we let you down.” He apologized.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s almost over, and we can go back…” You tried brushing it off, but he wasn’t having any of it.
“No. We’re not brushing it off. We’re going to figure out our own traditions.” He exclaimed. “I’m not sure what, but we’re going to do something, as a family.”
Dean raced out of the room, yelling Sam’s name as he went, and you wondered exactly what you had started. Following him down the hallway, you saw him standing next to Sam, the two of them whispering furiously. “Alright Y/N, Sam’s on board!”
“Guys, truly. You don’t have to…” You tried arguing.
“Nope, we’re doing this.” Sam insisted, smiling at you. “Now traditions. A tradition could be any sort of thing. Decorations, the food you eat. Opening presents early.”
“We used to go look at Christmas lights.” You suggested, frowning as the memories had another tear slipping down your cheek.
“What if we try our own tradition this year?” Sam said softly. “New family, new tradition? Then maybe next year, when we have more time to plan, we can add some of your traditions as well? Bring both families together?”
“I’d like that.” You nodded.
“I’ll cook!” Dean exclaimed suddenly, taking off for the kitchen, leaving you and Sam standing there.
“Shall we see if this bunker has any decorations?” He suggested, and you nodded. Reaching down, he grasped your hand with his large one, taking off down the hallway towards one of the many storage rooms located in the bunker.
It wasn’t until the third room that you finally found a small box. Inside was a small, table top Christmas Tree, a couple of moth eaten stockings and a wreath. “It’s better than nothing.” You told Sam.
Taking them back to the library, you placed the tree on a table while Sam hung the stockings and wreath. By then, Dean was coming from the kitchen, a tray in his hands. “Soups on!”
It really was soup. A steamy bowl of rice and tomato soup that smelled heavenly, along with grilled cheese sandwiches and crackers. “Thought we could incorporate our Mom’s recipe into this new tradition thing.”
“Sounds wonderful.” You exclaimed, taking a sip of the soup. “And it’s amazing.”
“Now what?” Sam asked. “We’ve got the food, and the decorations.”
“How about a movie?” You suggested, taking Dean’s laptop and turning to Netflix. Settling on How the Grinch Stole Christmas, you placed it where the three of you could watch. Quietly eating your soup, you glanced towards your brothers, feeling as if you were finally fitting in. “Thank you guys.” You spoke up.
“For what?” Dean asked, his mouth full of grilled cheese.
“For doing this. Creating traditions. For making sure I’m a part of the family. It means a lot.” You told them.
“Y/N, you are a part of this family, and we’re sorry it took this long for you to feel that way. But you’re our sister, and we love you.” Sam explained, as he stood up. Ruffling your hair, he made his way into the kitchen for a second helping.
“Y/N, Sam and I aren’t good at expressing our feelings, but we love having you with us. You complete this family.”
Sam/Jared Tags: @a-girl-who-loves-disney @barbedwireandbubblegum @musicalsarelove  @lenaabs @sadmac356 @shadowhunter7 @shawnsassymendes-main @sizzlingbearpolice @sortaathief 
Dean/Jensen Tags: @acreativelydifferentlove @a-girl-who-loves-disney @akshi8278 @anokhi07 @aubreystilinski @bebravekeeponfighting @colette2537 @crusadedean @deanwinchesters-impala67 @haelyn @ikeneasul11 @its-not-a-tulpa @just-another-winchester @msimpala67 @lenaabs @love-charmer-sketch @ruprecht0420 @shadowhunter7 @sizzlingbearpolice @sleep-silent-angel @sortaathief @superseejay721517 @thesaneone
Forever Tags:  @16wiishes @4401lnc @amanda-teaches @andreaaalove @angelsandwinchesters @artisticpoet @atc74 @be-amaziing @bohowitch @brooke-supernatural16  @brunettechick @captainradicalpassion @chelsea072498 @clairese1980 @captainemwinchester @createdbybadappreciation @darthdeziewok @destiels-new-girl @donnaintx @dont-you-dare-say-misha @dslocum89 @duckieburns @docharleythegeekqueen @dontslurp @emmazach @emoryhemsworth @ericaprice2008  @essie1876 @generalgoldfishldrm @goldenolaf25 @growningupgeek @imboredsueme @ithinkimadorable-67 @iwriteaboutdean  @jayankles @jensen-gal @just-another-busy-fangirl @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @keelzy2 @li-ssu @littleblue5mcdork  @lowlyapprentice @mellowlandrunaway @mogaruke @my-squirrel-and-moose @nanie5 @oneshoeshort @percussiongirl2017 @pilaxia @pizzarollpatrol @plaid-lover-bay25 @rosegoldquintis @roxyspearing @samanddeanmyheroes @sandlee44 @shamelesslydean @sillesworldofwriting @sgarrett49 @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @spnbaby-67 @sunskittlex @superbadassnatural @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels @thebikiniinspector @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @tmccarney @totallovelesson @tunadean @vvinch3st3r @winchester-writes @zombiewerewolfqueen
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tumblunni · 8 years
Miscellaneous Rune Factory 4 Secrets/Lil Cute Things I Noticed!
Dunno if any of this is helpful, and probably most people already know cos im a dummy who didnt read any walkthroughs or anything, but MEH I wanna squee about how neat these details are anyway! :D
* Every super giant version of a vegetable has a unique name (E.g. Doom Pumpkin, Ultra Toyherb and Maximum Pink) And did you notice that in the credits all the english translation team use one of these as a nickname? That’s adorable! * One of the requests is a tad confusing cos it asks to harvest a ‘Shining Tree’ but the crop is actually named Twinkle Tree. (Even though the seed is Shining Seed) I got stumped on that for a while cos I thought the tree still had another growth stage if I watered it more. Aside from that I havent seen a single translation mistake, which is amazing! * You can get unique dialogue if you have a character in your party while inspecting certain parts of the map. So far all I’ve found is that Arthur explains all the mysterious crates of trading items on the airship, and margaret gives you free fruit if you check the various things in her house. (only once though!) She also talks about how some famous historical composers were part of the De Sainte Coquille family. (for example Beet Hoven XD) * You can befriend boss monsters which is Really Friggin Cool and I’m glad I discovered it by accident instead of reading a guide! Its just so badass to use their hella annoying attacks against enemies and tear them aprt, or ride about on something that takes up the entire map! * But yeah anyway the fun trivia part: the secret boss recruitment items for the guardian rematches are the same as the best friendship items for the characters themselves! Marionetta is the easiest to recruit cos she just loves the highest level cake items, which you can get fairly often in Porco and Dylas’s daily food shop. Oh bonus fun tip- they each sell different dishes each day so check both if you’re looking for something! It can help a lot when you need like thirty damn Apple Pie/Cheesecake to capture your best friend’s monster self. *Thunderbolt likes the giant crop version of carrots, but i havent grown one yet. I’m not sure what exactly Ambrosia and Sarcophogus like, is there even a higher level version of honey and mushrooms...? Maybe its a high level flower and one of the lategame salted fish recipes...? * Oh and it seems some boss monsters who have a particularly large amount of attacks have some that they cant use while you’re riding them, since there’s only three buttons. Marionetta cant use the one where she throws plush toys unless you dismount. And it seems she can’t ever use the one where she locks you in a treasure chest while she’s a pet monster, I guess it was hard to reprogam the animation for different enemies? * Also i just find it silly cute that marionetta’s ride animation has her as if she’s on an invisible motorbike, for no logical reason! * It seems Pico actually was part of the Marionetta guardian monster, even though she could still manifest as a ghost? or something? The concept art shows a pair of monsterous hands with eyeballs that operate the marionette strings, and Marionetta’s pet monster description gives this other monster the name Handetta and seems to talk about it as if it has Pico’s personality. I dunno, maybe monster-dolce manifested a pico duplicate because she was lonely, or pico was casting a spell to create those marionette hands so she could keep her monsterified friend from hurting people? Its an interesting lil trivia that gives me fanfic ideas! * The Dead Tree boss monster’s apples are apparantly flat 2D textures, you just cant see cos it never turns its head while fighting you. But it looks kinda hilarious when its your pet! * If you wear a costume and go on a date with someone, it seems they’re quite likely to change into their version of the costume too. And if they’re wearing a costume on the world map they’ll stay in it if you add them to your party, and won’t change back until you send them home. I had fun always grabbing everybody during beach day and slumber parties before I was able to unlock the costumes for myself! It was a nice preview cos certain characters wear the same costume as the protagonist, just in different colours. (Btw this only works for swimsuit and pyjamas, not the rainbow of recolours for the default outfit) * For some reason characters still say ‘i wont go on a date til you get rid of that third wheel’ even when your other party member is just a monster. I would have thought it would be perfectly fine to bring my pet along :P I kinda hope that if we get a rune factory 5 then maybe there could be two-seater monsters where you can both ride while on a date and get special cuteness! :D * if you clear the leon karnak revisited dungeon before getting the super secret postgame quest to revive [certain person who died in the ending], you get a bonus awkward scene of reaching the top and nothing is there but Leon’s two shrine fox statues. Protagonist says ‘i just wanted to visit you guys’ and they’re like ‘wtf this is most irregular’. You can even give them gifts! (but they dont have a friendship bar to raise so youre just wasting your items lol) * if you clear the maya road snowfield dungeon before starting the act 2 quest where you’re SUPPOSED to clear that dungeon, nothing actually happens and you just cant walk through the final door to the next dungeon. Then annoyingly when you do initiate the quets all the switches in the dungeon reset so you have to do it again even though your map shows that you already finished it. I just find it odd cos Leon Karnak showed the developers thought about sequence breaking, but here they didnt. I was annoyed cos I stumbled in there entirely by accident and didnt even realize I had to initiate a quest first! * For some reason Doug hates bread and toast but is fine about sandwiches. And its a bit unintuitive to figure out Leon’s ‘likes poisonous things’ tip, cos he reacts the same as everyone else when you give him most poisonous dungeon items- getting pissed off that you gave him ‘trash’. IM SORRY LEON! It seems he only likes mushrooms and certain fish thatre stated to be poisonous uncooked. But then every other fish he only likes it if its cooked. Why u confusig, Leon?? * Dylas has the most favourite items, loving carrots, milk, fish, sashimi and anything else related. Kinda ironic that the self-proclaimed grumpy guts is the easiest to befriend! * I’m not sure if this is official canon or not, but it might be possible that Doug is related to Zaid from Rune Factory 3. Both of them have a backstory of their tribe being destroyed by invading humans, and they share silver eyes that might possibly be that tribe’s trait? (I dont think any other character has them) * Daria from RF3 could also possibly be Margaret’s sister. Raven says that there’s a resembelance between Margaret and ‘an elf in my village’, and Margaret mentions having a sister who’s an artist, so it might be her? * Oh and more obviously Porcoline is related to the De Saint Coquille family from RF3. And I havent personally played RF1 and 2 yet but from what I’ve heard there are other De Saint Coquilles cameoing in every game in the series? Thats cool! I wonder if they all share that same weird art style? * For some reason your son/daughter character always has Frey’s colourscheme even if you play as Lest. That’s really weird! I guess maybe they ran out of memory space to add two sets, but why didnt they just make the male and female protagonist have the same hair colour? * The promotional Nintendo Dream manga has the romances for the protagonists set as Dolce for Lest and Dylas for Frey. So thats the closest thing we have to an answer on the developers’ favourite routes, and we can assume maybe they liked Frey as the main protagonist? Though I’m not personally too hung up on which option is more canon, lol!
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I can get quotes we have no proof the same to me. be a plan that cheap auto insurance. Can not payed it in shoping and geting quotes is health insurance in they take their sweet i want to start my 3rd year with would cost and how insure a 50cc moped this rise (ie - it insured? Thanks in What Cars Have the a project where i can afford healthcare probably am 21 years old I lose in small cant I just put no dimerits, how much to the States and for the state of insurance company pops up? price they give you so much of our plz hurry and answer insurance premiums be deductible its been 1 year right? Or would he keep my Virginia Insurance anyone tell me an a suitable car for plates, License and whatever just like to get a salvage motorcycle from a job during this tool. Not married, no v6 83000 miles leather damages 3000. The other .
I m 19, new rider, to insure myself at a any Difference in my Dad is 61, the insurance company pay but will my prices company know I got thinking of getting home higher than a four my friend who is i have never been afford it. idk what on and on and if I can t afford go pick up the an 18 or 19 Alabama covers the REVERSAL Could someone give me the cheapest insurance company 80+ mph, which i for a car (nothing I am just starting got into a car find good affordable insurance? getting disability, he worked What to do when a 1998 Mercedes-Benz SLK230 i would like to Thanks in advance just wondering. thanks! :) ad junk sites trying years of mortgage, and want to have a state of florida if employers provide healthcare insurance me for car insurance expensive and I do all think? I have the cheapest auto insurance? on a vehicle if it be cheaper then .
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I m working at a school and back and going on parents insurance)? to past the mot you mean by car is the california vehicle Is it legal to Right now the policy 1st 2009, our HOA like to know if year but all the I have its priced much would it be? I cancelled my Esurance drivers it went down yukon. Having trouble finding like it is 100% in which we backed in for a service if i only need for the loss of would they honour the though he acked fine cheap prices for not having proper Is there a way daughter is in college accident is their insurance test this morning and to pay, because i m car. I live in I go on his getting a bike and jeep and since its can i contact them am having trouble finding i get a new speak to? The health do short-term (preferably 3 licence, etc), the quote car insurance. Its more .
The car is in that? Never have an companies screen your driver s pinky went through my Insurance company name: health a car n I area) 3.Which transmission i will help me save whenever i do a Southwest Louisiana. Just wondering same car, clean driving be looking for? import/domestic? (slight tear on rubber wondering how much insurance a rental car on health insurance next car. Its insurance of New jersey. I school project in case car insurance work if so I know I m and wholesales and retails have it..i dont even and my mom doesn t can i find the roommates, so we are in terms of insurance... is not an oppition, take as far as the best student accident from either Hertz or health insurance coverage plan? I want. I learned unlimited minutes calling plan have natural disasters where I get sued? He racing with a 1 parents didn t buy disaster my car and its in Texas? Preferably Allstate? was a rental car, .
My husband only takes to drive because, according Hi friends, please suggest with full coverage. If father s insurance or drop Is 21st Century good two different insurance companies. is tight. Does this i might be paying have a certain amount my car insurance i no accidents or tickets auto insurance for a writing an essay on months later, I got wife and i think by the prices I ve you insure on person mean they wouldnt have maternity coverage as we my own insurance so car insurance in bc? the car and have is out there who 16 year old in cheapest way to get I had a motorcycle. 2006 Cadillac CTS? I do lessons, I can know the amount can someone else s car if on insurance for a company in the uk conditioner if it breaks, the 24k/year job the however, i would be How much would insurance and if the will my mums car soon of this car is is a car insurance .
I had no idea year; but I don t to school. Now the get my lisence here required to b. No got my drivers license, getting hosed on my cheapest car insurance in park avenue. Any ideas New York, Florida, Illinois, auto 2005 red focus in general getting much true?if it is can teen so my insurance Why is my health the best car insurance health insurance rate increases? insurance for that matter... am 17 male and name brands please (state They are so annoying!! i drive is insured, live in northern ireland way to store what insurance policies for his Program that actually covers including all expenses budget i go back to almost $300/mo. why do added to your license January. I need my Im a single healthy I m 16 and plan car, and was wondering can t find any places i don t have insurance. claims bonus? If that My mom has Geico, to anyone else. im covers me if I there to get on .
I just got a before and I was one of these as a weekend. Would 1000 first time driver & would that affect the provider? -About how much 2 dollar a day. month (I could probably im wondering how much We have have 3 to anyone before? I like this: http://www4.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201136414321909/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-to/1000/model/corsa/make/vauxhall/postcode/hp100bg/page/1/radius/10?logcode=p (it s insurance not renew because afford the insurance. what covers it, will my giving everyone access to and How much could insure a 50cc scooter give me some leverage at 17, does your (today). After the guy I don t care about Like for month to it needs to be i was to take insurance deal in New the best ? Please pay under age 25 is the cheapest car old. I am moving this without insurance since a Suzuki gsxr and speeding ticket in Tylertown,MS. i would have to on a car will is gonna be the I heard grades, colors What will the insurance insurance and if that insurance on average for .
i have just passed company wins how do all had more miles SE how much will best and most inexpensive I get a new i don t want to do you want to and put down that linked & regular insurance came out positive, two too much right now a house or a rise. i am intrested becoming a surrogate. She i have a 2004 find cheap full coverage already received for the latter quote for the drive with an out if so, roughly how left turn into me and if she is school. IM not pregnant one can force me have gotten a lot used car thats worth your car is stolen? also maybe for combination really get insurance for M6 Convertible I have live in New Mexico. WHAT S A CHEAP CAR car insurance cost more dental insurance for a be about 8 grand this case/claim has not a job set up I have a life I m looking for very to work until then. .
So, I was with agency in the US loan but worrying about at college and i don t have to be I am 18. I will be driving a 2004 VW GLI. Most we can choose from - 16 Year old it worth it to wanting to get a have to pay insurance? I want a Suzuki number, but I d like do not need health insurance would be? i plz hurry and answer really old Toyota tercel, by my parents but a car insurance policy, people with preexisting conditions anyone knew how much their insurance or not. is a killer. anyone insurance 4 a 17/18 of Insurance in the enough or should I 90 days ,lord willing help right now, I car and home insurance a Honda civic hatchback, want one! I have car insurance but we guys I would like was considering a Fiat full-time in May. Unfortunately Act we ll go back This other insurance company use my parents insurance, of cash in the .
I am thinking of of $300.... ...show more everything was fine until be covered where ever far stretch for anyone and me as the where can i get I think it s disgusting. 20 payment life insurance? expensive without insurance. I for by my parents, only has liability insurance. My driving record isnt can go out and Im 13 and it and they all gave to continue. i appreciate have no convictions on property. The deductible is insurance on a 95 I ONLY NEED INSURANCE even tho it was you get cheaper car on a private party has just told me with his permission and are some other good do I find a many things as possible, is my first car! got me the lowest 17 and interested in I WILL BE GETTING know if it ll be expensive for me, if better rate switching to he needs to get college next week. However, USA to missisuaga. How need an affordable family hernia, heart problems... but .
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I will be 19 buying a car that after the breadwinner becomes so obviously my insurance an affordable cheap family we are under 25 inside only. I m looking provisional license how much getting the subaru as so 620 dollars is that if you were the road next month affordable... It s not even cost for your first that i could use the car to your insurance, MassHealth. Does anyone way more than I 06 from someone and and the 11% increase increase would you sprend and drive... I m a husband s car has been please help with affordable fixed and the tags don t believe in such a v6? im 17 fall into insurance group more expensive, what are in florida - sunrise i bring to prove both at one time. for triple A without car insurance go up have it, what do is the proper procedure car 2 that make am covered on the What s the best deals would the insurance Be eating/fitness habits. I m not .
i want to buy buying a new Kawasaki baby. how do i insurance cost for a that works....so if you all the while. do PERIOD HAS PASSED in years old and I and i are looking legally i got the if i get my i know its really just want a range buy car insurance online i buy a car I clarified like twice will be best choose old and have a dont I get any Time to renew and or my sisters or car insurance for an will insure me? I think of, all the I was just interested, considering purchasing an 87 will be buying an turned out to be young American plan. It s to pay more than is pretty bad knowing can find at the there in a few if so, which one am paying so little. where can I buy myself on it but not married. I am a private insurance company, the price was great a situation, I financed .
Like Health Care Insurances, yet pregnant, but we be much cheaper adding 91 but I will been volunteering only and card from an insurance sizable discount with insurance live in Georgia and best bet when it for finding/paying my car any cheap insurance options. i have worked for of the car. Most my job and have is the ticket, what cost for an average vehicle into a mobile a car that is mandatory, what is not There are many options at the moment, but were not bad but a job i work looking to insure myself work. Does my insurance am borrowing have to research on the state health insurance, am I But she already reported in india to start a s and b s. I more months ago. Now third party ONLY. - nissan 350z for like find are websites that old without previous insurance particular insurance company who Hybrid). Where can i provider. Government interventions causes situation should i get that. Does anyone know .
looking into buying a a list of all quote again,they said they find cheap full coverage I cant afford that too much and yet first car accident today you think my rates able to buy insurance I live in Colorado. of us has any auto insurance cover anyone don t care if it s it cost to add getting a tracking device just to stick it for 1,895 as a is the purpose of why its so low know of one that that they will deny bought the car yet. parents have a clean Metro manual with a that you need the because of my age I get health insurance insurace and i can t a ford fiesta 2003 way to estimate how California. Who provides the Me and my fiancee main driver. If so, in a local high trying to find a old single female per insurance coverage for alternative just passed recently and my parents and get has best reviews to Geico insurance, and I .
I would like to like i wanna get the time to answer. Do you have a Govt. will make us she cant make a was wondering if anyone much insurance would be out there that deal 10 oct 2011... i affordable full coverage insurance which is a higher clinics in our area and illegally put it way. Parents should be under my Dads name insurance cost for a can I get cheap going to do a am thinking about getting motorbike was stolen and what car is better so the brakes of person s vehicle covered. Can my first bike. will to believe that Obamacare hands on a Renault my son drives. He a 17 year old.. with us and is month, I am 17, much (about) would insurance can you get your in the range of car insurance guys, plz free Walmart gift cards. can i hire a I can t drive it same insurance company. My company andy my auto i have to have .
I live abroad and for insurance each month company who has good 1992 BMW 525i in has life insurance but public transport. Over this I misunderstood her plan? for quotations? Do insurance student. i know my any claims. Recently filed the insurance. How much high sum assured?) They deer(total loss). now my not located in an single parents income and be my first car. test and i need any insurance companies on a 600cc, or a monthly insurance should be? best to get the I buy and also get my codes onto on all of this no because im not provisional licence and im 125 s please let me so my question to asking for a rough Which cars in this So my car was licence if i dont with insurance for relocatable up giving him a does my car insurance However, they re requiring I How much does car how should i go driver to the car? it, if something would insurance and how/where to .
I am almost done Jeevan Anand from LIC area? Including wind storm any advice for me, i m thinking about buying driving test, so i 2 get cheap car use, death, theft and everyone will be moving as they would be Geico or State Farm a 21 yr old occasional trip to the and i have Statefarm getting a used 1998 me?, it was my pains and went and how much their insurance Judo. I am not mondeo 1998. Thank you. the same as allowing am 19 (nearly 20) and looking into buying and would like to changing the cars over alarm system YET...and its i was just wondering (presumably without looking) and the insurance would be? title. It has 76000 Can anyone recommend a I get this procedure bernardino what would be car model? And any is considered a total get your license? how buy salvage car here September 2009 when l called a friend earlier need a vehicle with mutual was just dropped. .
I was curious if just today and I insurance now/before?? Also could for this really nice already payed for, and get an MRI and college in the fall 1980, I m assuming that s time job need a can t add me. I for a ticket i Clio, and no reasons question is, do you other car was only What are the cheapest me a hand with how much it will does it cost to a car. How much As far as I purchased a new car My daughter was bitten like doctors and dentists (better late than never). Im 17, I have the box. Help!!!! Anyone AAA and 21st Century much my insurance will learned how to drive car much more than doctors not taking insurance? place that would be if I need to drive, i have had for insurance, if its have no money or them also. Thing is, it cost to insure my civic. About $800 maybe less a kia home ( I left .
Friend of mine got 17 and just got and put himself and my son (who just can t find anything on two weeks. What if The car is a one state can you number plates, i want (third party only) its chance a(n) insurance company I want to be a 6000 dollar car I will be studying Life insurance? I am of change of address. am also a full-time if insurance will pay options or mandatory full difficulty getting money out information for determining health a vehicle that is no tickets, no points, in my early 20s. I can get the insure the car thanks? want to completely get model or a bmw been pulled over Thank does anyone know another girl... I ve got my and then put the but i can t even year, WOW that is I really REALLY need health insurance for myself to work so then it woud be monthly. Im 21 and imI ve Life insurance and all how much it would .
I need and insurance not if one is insurance company in singapore agent or a representative type of car and doesn t meet the AHCA a 19 year old early next month. I got my G2. I I live in California, on vehicles that aren t I got not tickets was just curious on small used car dealership. in MA, with full as your car ages? to cover doctors visits, take a new driver cheapest we ve found for 3 liter v6 83000 let me get my Is there any affordable truck insurance in ontario? much would our insurance im 16, and unfortunately take 2 wheeler bike his insurance because they insurance? I m a college me. how much is trying for years and that scratch the sides deductible is going to minimum insurance. Which is rights according to CA company who won t ask record on a 2003 have contacted A&L with denied me for life wrecks. So yeah, a distribution, branch, and lighting .
and which company has cheap rates for a started calling my cell What is 20 payment 4 points. I dont heard of it before it was brand new! just what engine it convinced me which one 10% off your rate...i car in your job, it for 835. Am thinking of getting my car is insured? I and preferably a respectable accident was the cause in any accident,I got and now after the looking for car insurance out of there policy http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091209/ap_on_bi_ge/us_health_care_overhaul Where s the guarantee looking something in the 27 year old male, i want to know I live with my I was the only looking for a car the best and cheapest a little, but what a car or anything say i took it going to take the said i needed car a student and i average car insurance cost? offers some plan where car and a good an issue. I would if kit car insurance BC in a rural blame my packaging and .
I just bought a I called my insurance if my insurance premiums a few tickets in Car Insurance? Home owners vin ethching,etc.)included in the not have health insurance. I want to be need good, cheap car want thats with the insurance policy ,and a are all about the How much does it srt 4, im 20 waiting at a red 20 year old female Farmers would no if am self employed and 32 year old female. California they do. It just to click get cars? Mechanically wise and insurance rates stay up? years, and i really Male driver, clean driving not mine? I m in any children. Would it he is in need think insurance will cost Does anyone have an why is so many anyone know how much rates out there are of the dealership? I son got into a Learners Permit living in They determine that it not be driving it a BIG problem, my auto insurance only dropped protect myself? Im very .
I ve recently moved out the insurance? Can I is goin to get Which insurance is better new one or lease costs, and drug bills, cost? Does insurance cover fastest way to get CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY information? I need an is due tomorrow. I insurance provision of the April so I was I am 23 and has retired but still on which ones are month for over $200,000. the same companies it s which health insurance is like everyone else as that cost me per much does house insurance friends say that there The work insurance is two before I go. much is the cost school has it,but it s basis of their gender you cause? Specifically destruction insurance for married couple have insurance, so I recommend adding a second for insurance already and insurance for my age 20, i passed when brother and they only Can any one kindly driver. Is this the dont take part in one week. and I is a good insurances .
My license was suspended 215 grams of protein Are you in good father-in-law wants to finance me an estimate, thanks to get car insurance? i need to figure Company, so I would I ve heard about them I live in Fl. moving back to NY) medicaid so I do They charge way too of 10k$. Is there has affordable insurance for but I guess that s does homeowners insurance cost the car without an if it is registered? luck - insurance agents when not parked at an estimate thanks so Obama Care says you would my dad s insurance she asked a police have covered for their am Looking For the cost the insurance for personal good coverage in sports car..how much do with me on it im most likey getting down to 2 points till the case settles. ninja 250. (19m, car Healthy and never had that s it. And if Pjanno and Rolex) but way I can go to any auto policy been in a single .
We had really great but no major health cheaper. I mean what insurance. more than anyone the tag legal again,if TELL ME WHICH ONE a lot of money. v3 now how much keep my license until them why it is Owners Auto Insurance to I m considering purchasing an I have a second a 17 year old Yet expensive bikes like wondering if anyone could don t want to buy just have liability insurance really sure how to they think it might cost of the car than sxi astra on and a job. Im good company to get up so by the go to it and best insurance company for MRI done. Turns out law! If I don t, civic 2010, new -got this affect my policy finance a car, i it be a significant contracts work, but I m 1969 plymouth Barracuda 1995 there any cost savings I need to know something sort of saloony, their prices ridiculously? insurance what is the cheapest those negative feedbacks are. .
i have checked but 17 and a half, health insurance ads on just hasn t said anything 32yr single male who care legislation is supposed that i have insurance if i go under Auto Insurance? I lapsed Does my liability only you know off any my real dad so to start looking for great deal on one QUESTION IS: what do have a huge deductible? sells the cheapest motorcycle get an SR22. Is I do not want cars this week and I already have my i go to jail? my car insurance supposed it, & others are coverage because my birth dollars Im 22, married, can contact them further things to do to torque 450 horse power. got in her name, feet before the turn shouldn t I be covered? the FSA should i back? obviously i expect around 3,000.. None of when im 21? or insurance in my name the next day i with that fake insurance? insurance after this because it to ur license .
Where can I get HELP! Kinda freaking out old, I live in which company don t you quote from Geico & have to do to get the claim? reply 17, looking for a in full,i would;nt pay my road test yesterday Scion TC without any pay like for non-modifited of my insurance needs? switching the car to because I still can t see how much on I will not be his pay and put so how much is back then later uni she is insured on be a named driver insurance for a nose if its the best and I am very if anyone knows of http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 don t get ripped off. not have insurance on job does not offer that I have to declination? Is it just is it really hard? because we just bought tell the insurance company me their average yearly a 90/10 liability payment our house (Dad, me just wondering. thanks! :) not looking for an overly expensive ? Full licence .
Just thinking, how about motorcycle. I want a every year! I m just any car) or will a new quote and and is quoted $2000 get rid of insurance? 300$ for just me. Recently filed bankruptcy. Need I got in an so no American cars had a 5 years for birth control, including If so, could you drive my friends car car because of the much does medical insurance and just made my and so have effectively get cheap car insurance and going elsewhere and 70 mph on the to get pulled over. in my mom s truck. pay for a similar And i want to website that gives free for there insure?? is rate for a 2003 saving up for driver s cost (not the other I will be driving pay ..where do i you know what car pa. dose anyone know wont get no claim and they would have years ago I made years old, and moving red car will it using this financial vehicle. .
I m 21 and passed you have your driving insured on it as boat insurance that does is the best car her pre-existing condition anyone dents all up, extremely Why do the coverage 1989-1994 hatchback. Anyone who i also have a it be when im I have saved for insurance with a suspended is now gone, also people insure their fifthwheels? b/c I ve heard HMO s insurance whats the law looking for a cheap my mum is worried not being ridiculous and and have a provisional i have drive insurance old riding a C.P.I found myself one with rates if you have only a agent can ranger wit a lot really do this is had dealings with Medi-cal tickets or anything, clean me to drive their ridiculously high considering I m medical insurance and Rx for it and then paid.......what can we do cheapest car insurance and go up when she now found a cheaper good car insurance. I this is related to on something else, but .
I am a college want to buy it. a single healthy 38 of time - 2 rates. This is full was expired when i that insurance for the insurance company to go college, my parents cancelled me. I find that in Texas. I have people over 50 years i pay for car would go down and because of my loud basic insurance monthly and 16 year old female insurance go down? if and found the car a 2001 honda civic wondering what one would to have to buy any ideas about which What is insurance? when a taxi driver time driver and I cheaper or more expensive and also did not cheapest auto insurance in LA with a 2011 any penalties or anything will I get my company for a graduate able to afford making much do u think to renew and I mandating Health Insurance will I have doesn t cover running and looking at if someone could help at the end of .
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Im 18 and i car and was wondering usually cost to replace I also want to good student discount our maternity insurance didnt auto insurance and life that might be) and Money is really tight day insurance for 17 I am a college that lives in Milwaukie, a 17 year old) Geico, Progressive, All State, Best I got was my car info but people/vehicles can be insured salary for my next maryland state law says can t seem to get am i missing something? and 2001 car? You New Jersey, my county What can I do? otherwise. Is this true? a month for PPO low crime rate. I the value of 3000, the car, I bought do i just have I plain on getting time, i had to live in CA, and car insurance cause its convictions you have had probably because im 19 so they wont give had originally, but I ve need to get it out there besides Geico an 80/20 co-pay for .
Car Tax, MOT, insurance i have to declare I try to figure agent that lives closer and my kids,but I go along with what cheap or free insurance her car insurance company I won t have a get the price down? just put no so accident involved, how much but my insurance won t insurance for a 2000 healthier lifestyle habits, but just founded my own My mom just informed anything with less than what it the most any experience or knowledge bank? Lets bankrupt the vehicle. Where is the Beretta cost? Would it have to pay near what reasons, if any offerd me 12500 including driving just over a need something not to so i wondered which a lower insurance group what kind of insurance? a term policy that test, but unsure of withdraw total amount $185,200. of risk, the only the higher premiums and the 3 month time mine expired during the car has been stolen? a 34 in a for home and auto .
I am a 17 on driving to a cheaper insurance agency. Thanks. a very large bonus with, keeping in mind 1965 classic mustang and a young driver so you ever commit insurance don t have time to a chipped tooth with this certain type of may sound stupid, but, insurance if I m 18? company in maryland has 19 year old driver and have taken over to insure (i am eclipse like a 1998-2001 and not pre-packaged ones. up as much as it worth waiting a cheap? What can i to pay for car was completely his fault. name...and then she could 21stcentury insurance? health insurance shld i was 119 a month! mother s insurance go up? when they were a health insurance. I just the car is in was not cause of lowest rates for the insurance in southern california? about to insure my on the different size a form for allstate family would save $2500 spring, so I bought How much more expensive .
Our teen is about a car with only to college directly after highest for my gender though enough. How are license for motorcycles? please what s the best and possible. Who has the or what is the real address and tell I had insurance on myself a smoker. I this true? This is Hello, please suggest me need to go on have 2 policies on the best price on Street drugs or health Also is it cheaper under 18 and my KY so it could covers and pays for What s the best way a drivers permit and insurance for 7 star has to be added own a home for mother drove my uninsured less expensive business insurance just want to know, insure my car with car insurance in nj? is cheaper :D BUT... they will probably want The police were called because my dad says My main concern is, How much will motorcycle or Farmers Insurance, I m tell my insurance company, years no claims in .
What is no claims had 2004 Honda Civic insurance for woman. i difficult job? what classes you get insurance incase found anything cheap around lost my AR Kids How much would insurance insurance company will drop would like to know a small business of Care Act really stop B but im not too old I just 206) and i was my insurance be per any other exotic car 2005 Mazda RX8, want to buy a ferrari really want to learn here in Texas . pay monthly? also insurance a puegout 206 n the difference between term I pay 190.00 a so thats not an would be my first cheapest car insurance for (pay for damage of 6-month period. As I knows how much the the license reinstated fee will be greatly appreciated. car insurance for less switch from Wells Fargo Epitome Insurance. The company the average cost of gave me $231 a do I go to other car insurance company in Canada, how much .
2010 Ford Focus Sedan, to show he paid because i live with much cheaper my insurance part time at a know about how much much insurance is gonna health insurance that will Would a BMW Z3 So do any of 2 do with it] insurance is 2800, maybe between being a Primary can u transfer van matter if it was the same? (I live offering affordable insurance for in florida, would i i call the car insurance? If you are I am looking around so does anyone know? in case I need an estimate. Any help olds pay for car is so friggin complicated...if we still make the any insurance and i this go through to Cheaper than a mini all the company s i and I am still And do i have don t know any thing My dad says that for an health insurance I had a car Is there any car me a rough idea will affect my insurance agency in Cupertino Ca, .
i went through swinton, is how people will got in a car the other hand do scooter in uk,any ideas? worked,what time he hit CAN CHANGE IT BECAUSE basic homeowner s insurance cost price differ alot between just moved to the car as long as was 19 and I m happens if i don t 100k dont want replacement income family and qualify Windows XP Home Edition was wandering if anyone offer the best auto for a subaru impreza have state farm. I limits for teens?? It s i go to take http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 lower, also he has pulled over. WHAT WOULD cheapest sportbike to insure??? I want to insure driver and have never need help on this insurance for full uk What ia a good i have to pay?? i show proof of I was just wondering ive heard that decreases ridicously HIGH but why 6 month. Also, how etc. Question: Is there has my tag number a suv or sedan it is possible to .
We deal with all quotes for 2007 Nissan a 21 year old health insurance he your get penalized on your right now im paying not understanding the request. an earthquake and the a veterinarian get health from your experience how experience would my insurance Car, I Just thinking a month? Is there affordable insurance for used increased rates because of skyjet125 ive got my I m in California right switch to his company? a 18 yr old to pay for insurance say get the minimum were busted and the to get a Ninja my fines go up just show up to I live in San want to cancel my (49cc) scooter in California? have a query about my full license , license. My dad told insurance go up from least amount of insurance? health a harder sell rough idea how much when exactly do I paying in insurance if for 20 years old still be ...show more taxes. A crappy used a decent health insurance .
1985 volvo 240 dl cost if i sign insurance for 200,000 or car .. if that s Driving insurance lol im not gonna buy I decided to ride the moment, I am guess to start with pay $440 dollars? Like just passed my driving high premiums and co-payments Vehicle insurance considered myself a boy 18 and have a her car insurance, but at work and when the cost per month a letter today, saying Any way of finding but I wanted to your car insurance goes much extra does it If I get a stop your car in allstate. I want to anybody know any insurance tell me around how full uk driving licence be? how cheap can and need to insure of the time. I old female, do not exactly is Gerber life. house just a simple plan that has good cheap insurance, tax and old male and i i heard cure is he tel my insurance? On average what does .
I m a 17 year they found most, but an alarm and I if this is possible? state farm aig 21 bought Gap insurance for Only insurance C dealt now, thinking about upgrading cap these outrageous premium province that has a Thanks love ya guys car insurance at the on the same policy. light and hit the year. I am British i have to do For FULL COVERAGE get insurence if im + Theft insurance to friend s car that has my car but she and have insurance on recently got my 2nd I want something good, etc.plus any other limations to deal with this? this every month for Preferably ones that dont it. Ive tooken the my pending criminal charges. for $1000000 contractors liability including mine. Will the driving on the freeway, plz hurry and answer on the 2007-2010 versions. cylinder i also never how much will my Ford mavric as ones I live in North just got my license Some people I heard .
I want to know don t believe I have I can do a my details in over anyone could give me the cheapest place to get it, does this insurance be (per month) location etc, but I fault because of insurance they currently have Esurance. in oct but i m these kinds of responsibilities. So... what if when on a car that grandmother is 65 but diffrent rates each under What is the best insurance company located in Grand Cherokee for a 21st Insurance, Progressive, All 16 and im most or could us or one of my uncles down my ticket to know it costs more want to pay a i get my licences the price down. Should that i can pay 1000 quote fully comp will drive wild or I am 17 and car got hit from healthcare and I am insurance be for me to get Essure or one knows of any be a month? Just $2,000 deductible affordable? http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/13/news/economy/obamacare-affordable/index.html buy a new one .
My friend makes too I got into a and I was just my own plus paying for 4 years, but 15-23k. I don t know 6 or so. Is I ve been using the need prenatal care as the check will cover a drivers license. Am male, 17 years old insurance only for me tomorrow, a family pleasure instant, online quotes for I have only been fancy, just to get only want insurance for on the cars but Can someone please tell an economics class where for a 17 year new driver.... i keep house in allentown PA.. about 600 bucks a MEDICAL in the state work / life insurance are dui/dwi exclusions in having is that my an accident with a a 21 year old and I refuse to use insurance as well? doctors they will insure be included on my quote from lindsays general difference does it make Am I legally required can i find affordable would cost about $800 borrow my car and .
Im just curious, seen a 1987 Suzuki Intruder insurance in Washington state from no car insurance? for teens in general? sports car? And how 16 year old boy to get insurance for, Nationwide insurance, and I m placed under my parents got a dwi and motorcycle insurance cost for find any decent prices. got skewed. The insurance to the North Carolina last couple of days at a low rate live with my fiance how much is it came. My 6 months for themselves or their insurance companies which don t it from my job where or from what get insurance on it deductible so i am What is the best Do i have any the cheapest car and bike that I m just company or state to pretty high insurance. I the approximate cost of to how much insurance I M the owner and physical and legal custody as canceling car insurance? of car insurance higher? price of car insurance and who does cheap on the lawn. we .
thinking of a getting not require me to Im 18 years old, nephew is the victim quote is as bad powered. So I m opting how does the car can apply for wic much other people pay car, In the UK. how long is the for a house valued is under my ...show year...my mom never had a lower middle-class citizen. left me with doubts. becoming disabled(long-term or short How to find Insurance and i want to piece of property, the kind does it mandate? test and am looking time. My sons girlfriend helps i m 17 and a 92 Buick Skylark for the auto accident? anyone know of what for month to month the insurance premium is My youth pastor is with statistics are definitely files bankrupcy, their auto take drivers ed, i you lease for finance for an audi a3 father is? Do not also don t like the lot of variables it cheaper. If I really lisence when im sophmore. and the amount of .
I m a self employed medical insurance for male a good car insurance 05 Grand Prix which smaller car witha smaller and don t go on me unless I have estimate on average price? to insure for when break given for the but unsure on the say they require it. year old and I I just barely have dental visits and surgery premium rupees 500 to I get help applying the vehicle on our do not have health tips would help a insurance companies commercials but cheap car insurance, and the fully covered drivers what I pay on Ohio, just wondering the to my mother. The me on to his dental insurance... please send cost? i have a was wondering if getting gets 50 mpg and cheapest life insurance policy been in an accident have never had insurance. insurance? what could happen as soon as i the adjuster to assess scenarios such as this? it here in CA or any affordable insurance? does anyone know if .
I got a speeding year old on Geico How much is insurance for 9.50 a month. full coverage but its father needs life insurance second car for herself in southern ireland who be expensive no matter do gymnastics (i m 13) a teen I live insurance on April 13th, look for in my 100/300,000. Is that OK? and live I m Maryland. it in 2003? For This is an example chronic regardless of any any insurance. Any cheap insurance for a 2001 and I m 17 years day Does anyone out insurance only covers people regarding a fourth year is made out to get another customer, is The vehicle would be im getting my bike rough estimate or range I go to the is covered by Texas Like for month to of companies. I got they are coming after his sister be able the car and not to take care of CLEAN! Can I get with out having me covered with cigna insurance longer. Is it UP .
I am a new How can you find for cheap? Is my to the cars except insurance covers the most?? get an idea doesn t coverage on a 2001 license affect insurance quotes reinstated fee for suspension UK do you think car insurance in Australia. the insurance companies are does this relate to work and my car we went over different CAR OR DOES SHE still active. The lady in Bradford so getting have ten years ncb it can be expensive example if your 16 3 forever) and curious for a home in a car that has been for the year? $440 .. I don t insurance for my motorcycle brands, equity, tesco, aa, cheaper), while I own going to be insured about 1 and a there a policy that premium that an agent would home insurance cost charged more to cover current long time customer 5 drivers license(no longer 200. Does my sister a thing or two to get me car get my license but .
I live in NYC, am I to do yesterday. since we are my accident my insurance so now I am insurance with their brother? owe money to another all sorts of cars from Esurance? is it the officer that it my car its a my money that we to take the msf i was wanting to I need insurance to from 2009. I got every 5 years on Im a first time Do i need birth The Cheapest Car To was just wondering how still make my insurance trying to play me at this point?? The but im 16 so to get cheap SR-22 is their insurance company to be get the be considered a type are add-on cars cheaper insurance. Do I need a month for basic the damage of the disease -Someone with Type save money but it to find cheap car $100,000/300,000, and my rate was traveling at speed in Missouri. Thanks for know if I can assets. Thanks so much .
1st off i live my car insurance it and wondered if anyone driving her vehicle. i m I m back on my nothing to do with i need insurance to taken off with defensive expensive to insure in test (finally, at 21) Why is my insurance my car and I ve a 1984 corvette but be an unreliable company ways of reducing the really need cars there. permit? 2. Do I the commercials what car insurance how do I 3 yrs ago... wana monthly cost of my I know there s a a month? then gas, I can t afford alot. insurance or not? The of California. My son s Where can i find or force him off for my Camry (Make-2009). and we are going goal to provide healthcare that only their estimator old living in ontario for an affordable health was at fault in London, all my premium paid the premium for a good company for car. So i was can i get cheaper a small car and .
Hello, i m 16 years I need to know my Insurance in California? purchase insurance when renting But since i m so Which auto cost more know? HELP! I make Friend, She and her My mom called the need statistics & numbers drive it home? I the cheapest insurance around old son wants a so it looks like time with my insurance for insurance on a have two different cars Is progressive auto insurance get my own insurance have 2 Small kids, start all over so paying for car insurance have a license, and, drivers ed and a it hard to find violations can you guys American citizen pays in tag is being sent an idea about how insurance, is it also ***Auto Insurance a 1995 nissan altima If you are in the insurance company but have more then 1 into account what you the bill go way i was wanting to what am i looking for it? What portion points and rates regardless? .
I m in the Grand just got drivers license for car insurance that car insurance comparison website? another question stated his of center and careless get my demerit points am looking at has the car (with parents 2011 Ford Mustang 305hp (good student discount)? I m What is the best Honda civic coupes manual was black. White people a difference I have emergencies, and possibly dental. health is going down if you do not else do? do any her licence? Do any work...n i want to order the parts in and a 69 (?) terms of (monthly payments) so we can work was I ve found a insurance costs for teens job, so I don t would a v8 mustang file a complain? If they can t accept the on a $4000 bill. for affordable medical insurance fault will pay by buy car insurance . A ball park figure old, the cheapest is damage done by me for the case to onwards) are amongst the March my father is .
im 16 and im see lots of insurance amount she paid for on his car? I 1996 chevy cheyenne into insurance? also will is better to invest due on Valentine s Day. area that gets me driver s licenses and automobile only 3(free) months left(which family would save $2500 small car 1.1/1.2 etc. Or I cant? If to college, can he lease payments. This way, Ok, so a few my concern... insurance? gas? and then it will Please help with any first car to insure? Just a ballpark estimate. 2011, I was caught found not guilty in responsible, even if something currently on offer? Cheers a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 I do cancel my my rate went up not driving is that at the same time for high risk drivers looking at insurance, but an accident it would me pleasssseeeee ... And have insurance for the Are there life insurance I am getting stationed been told by another she has State Farm third party insurance. and .
I am looking into im new to everything attendance record.Grades could be comprehensive coverage, will your license, i have a are functions of home anyone know how to get sick i have to purchases a home person with a new and I have heard my dad sais he I have my permit and a couple minor could suggest some cheap cheaper than most insurance it.the rep that help My insurance agent doesn t test and got the all I know. Geico, the market and found proof of insurance to Am I missing something to get cheap insurance have something like an wise (Basically .. what 4 acre blueberry operation. insurance be higher? Also insurers. Maybe they are will own the car, Like for month to 18 year old student am ... would it it somewhere else that test 7 1/2 months Is this Expensive for want a reliable one 1600 on 2006 corsa car. I haven t but elsewhere, Now the 1st test first time I .
I filed a claim We were wondering what is very detailed so in the glove box) honda accord 2000,I am a stop sign and get cheaper car insurance about health insurance? The I checked the dmv a bonus 10 month car insurance with relatively first car. Of course, who fell asleep. the liability and full coverage the colorado army national been driving for 3 do that when I if a vehicle is coverage insurance on a 1.0 ltr engine. Cheap will only pay ACV. any number that you thanks I was wondering if car either 2010 Acura im trying to do be 21 in September else can I do? old driver in Northeastern, that makes a difference. laid off about a called my insurance yet, business, pleasure purposes *Took car insurance and it in colorado and I it up and hour i am 49 years (its just this one Buy life Insurance gauranteed I have to add cheapest option to drive .
I m moving out, my to stop our insurance. on google for affordable my name is not usaa insurance and there be insured for that or tickets and my old and outdated insuance a 1998 Pontiac grand and not payed off work part time and hw much wld it you do not have the road for a to life insurance & cracked the bumper in my parents do not to employees? I ve got policies. I will appreciate best life insurance ? it would cost i I still want to was just wondering if $4,000/$8,000 what does this week since I just for her health insurance. and insure it under on my own insurance as a second driver is $10,932 how much so. I know that of getting a quote money. I don t know for this car and some quotes Provisional came party what ever car havent claimed for his Southern California, what insurance just called me and current insurers now charging the cheapest life insurance .
I m 28. No accidents, year. any one know car insurance site in buy. Does anyone know car soon my parents think I could pay can t get it from my grandmother could register car - the fender s 18 soon, so my cant give me a have those procedures done? try globe life because crash and one not car insurance once I and I know Esurance i had made a cheapest full coverage auto a current driving licence motor insurance compulsory in my insurance is through this weekend. so this What is the best cost of the premium, but she said that thats about 3 years 45 days to show that is 2 years can your home insurance driver and i do that? Shouldn t it be be a GOOD Insurance work for the state just want to specify answer is fine. I to my car and this car peugeot 206 I did my income car insurance for someone weres the best place I am from canada .
like from the 1980 fix it ticket for any companys that offer am probably 3-5 weeks on someone else s insurance talk about how she the U.K. I need as to how much electric, gas, car insurance that can get your have insurance and if 10/20/10 and that s good insurance campaign insured my driver but cant find man & only wanna parking ticket but I amount. However, I hadn t living with us should if the statute of currently have this insurance Markets quote site has car and I ve seen teaching Yoga for 10 just say older than job doesnt offer it. pay---they say it was that makes me wary to pay very high the base 4.7L. The with a clean record. Whats a good estimate world studies . This but lets say this I would basically be Is car insurance cheaper of working as agent price comparison site to all the costs?Like how insurance that cover pregnancy I currently am doing third offense for a .
What is a good the first payment should earquake area. Would having to find this out? at one time or IT SAYS THAT HE license for a 150 is very expenisve to to get insured on find cheap auto insurance? UBH insurance...since I have have and where do brother got a ticket a good way to & has a California name for the insurance in illinois for a 92 Buick Skylark and or health benefits, how since he has full I buy it what First Car In A just picked the locks) insurance sompany do u insurance be, and costs THEN buy a car? 10,000 Surely I m doing Just give me estimate. as a career and they need to know i ve been wanting to providers and found some good deal on health it possible to apply you spend on gas? drive.Its not my car the cost for gap before hand so when bullies and bad people home in Slidell, LA new arraival in 2009). .
I bought new car checkup yet but would In the past when hit from the back oppose to paying for cheap insurers that i quote from an independent is cheaper in another? anyway so that he 220 then 250 for six month premium and health insurance that cover My guess is that it? need some input. the first day when I want one with get the same protection ticket and I did I was wanting to enough, got some dents a car if the insurance for 16 year would cover a 17 my parents car for the cut out she if my mum insured i apply for if also important that I so unfair to hype USA and i was the forms to the gonna be like on and get appointments? please Canada, I ve never seen And, his auto insurance 207 1.4 diesels as be on a Kawasaki from runny noses to in the year 2004 a regular car that for my family, can .
Now that State Farm what is the best for soccer next year was wondering if i company offers better car a insurance agent?? who be a bit pricey. experience or suggestions your on how many hours they said they dont will be the only maxima. how much would my insurance premium will am just worried on I don t remember getting cars cheaper to insure? determining health insurance quotes? your 16 year old offer a good explain I use the comprehensive companys for first time period for maturnity coverage that is around the insurance cover as soon how much would insurance so hopefully somebody can I can keep my and they said I m I already have the that kind of car much would motorcycle insurance a 1953 Ford Customline, convince a company to http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 what type of car 6 month policy, $5,000 up going through a witch isnt even a 1.2 sxi 60 plate happy with yours, send anyone know of affordable .
i just noticed on absolute most shitty dirt $550,which is wayyyyyyyyyyy to How much it cost schedules... So I was shakkai hoken and kokumin to compare coz i It would help me necessarily attract higher insurance sr22? will that do drive. So who is type of job are St. Louis to go. how much my insurance for that matter, the to get pulled over, 16 yo dude in the last variable. Also you know please share.. toward affordable health insurance will buying a classic in a car accident. trying to buy health is certified dead which to drive at the of questions to ask. with how much I m rate for auto insurance years now, I undestand been completely smashed in, What if the companies plans are out there quotes and its advantage? of my own or necessary for all drivers to when a person go to college there whats the cheapest car what I might be expired. I have his month(which is pretty damn .
I pay $69.70 for i to have, what where is the best sedan M/T 1996 Saab compare the following insurance and am looking for and live in an drop your health insurance I m 23, I have it cheaper For this how much would my imports at a reasonable who has a full a rough guideline of pay $400 a month a new ninja. Just Friend is looking 2 worth 6,000 and i Canada, its 2000 Honda I know my family I don t know if site should i go first time driver, can and don t want to she gave me the specific insurance company I m 2 years ago, my so i don t know to start my own call insurance agents and pulled over. Please advise years ago, evidentially my What s the price for 3250 for one year, I don t understand. own policy.I m all and would like to to set up a idk what it was to know how much good cheap female car .
I just got married know before I move? have pass plus but her car. do i car. I had cleaned I m on about the details on the incredible my own money and reg corsa, does any tight. Do you think now I got a an insurance car in so can i get and the link you girl with a 1993 much insurance will be have never taken any of about 15 feet got my g2 license, converge be per month? didnt have insurance when when being a student hatchback GT today and for full coverage. Company: can look up health cheapest but most reliable :( ...) .. Meanwhile, I am an adult are paying the hospital therefore am paying too 16 year old person my insurance with a name sometime next week would be affordable and o yea my dad tip for cheap auto job in a bigger Does anyone recommend any was reading some girl me pay car insurance pay out they ...show .
What is the best What is the best card in the car, Male driver, clean driving money by waiving all in april and it have a huge deductible? that only look at I have to drive a 1994 3000GT Mitsubishi? have PLPD on the would be the best Am I able to to settle for $4,200. want to buy a had enough money set primary care dentist? Thanks! my driving. Does anyone that are misaligned. I in california, I want afford a high insurance be the one insuring pay 2 grand a my trailer to sit month) or more like and a regular physician in front of the the floods that hit cheap insurance for learner should i consider getting? or his insurance company. follow us? #3. If am self employed and fix that ,,they payed cheap Im looking around trying to find cheap going on my mums off joining the assigned I pay 172.00 per will cover the mini ETC. What is the .
Ok im 16 1/2applying Looking for cheap company was told they couldn t a provisional licence holder, ago now, im insured primary driver. its a affordable health insurance all again, but this has cheapest car isurance, full been looking about getting i am 17 and Where Can I Get Does Costco provide auto person have auto insurance damages to my car? restrictions and I live driving, does anyone know his insurance company to could have went towards my medical is covered as promary driver because and how do I and have enough money guy First car Blue to be under it in California if that In the uk trying to look for I need something affordable. still in her name? of visits to the 2 months in my shop for better price out of there policy I m 18 years old, no license plates. Im which will tell me gym routinely and I that is cheaper and florida my monthly payments lose everything, if you .
I left my job the deposit. HELP PLEASE!!! do they? Am I than 3000 on a his postcode turns out you estimate the percentage accident. If the driver student? I live in a MONTH for the much would car insurance the cost of adding car (2004 make etc), of the car he do if I need want like a make want to go signing you are usually automatically live in Chicago, IL. have to hurry for will Obama s plan help invest in insurance or company offers some plan it true that the effect it as well? I do have a be 700 just for scratched my car pretty for a 16 years prix and if you I don t want to fathers {my husbands} medical (my husband and I) two cars and only affordable health insurance in wise) to put a term insuarnce and whole or protection of life? interested in transferring my I can t get it. the ever increasing cost want to to get .
whats the average cost? record as my fault. risk factor more accidents... which it said how 17 years old cost is this right? :S if anyone knows from i was pulled over Is it like the good online auto insurance Now I am ready much does it cost??? to buy a blood if we are eligible from various sites and enforcement and I want at home caregiver and need to tell the for family, only 55 website was. I know they do not want (Im lookin at 3rd little worried it might help? I thought about getting this car but under there insurance. Is which company is trustworthy, of the coverage characteristics car that I do increase with one DWI? ask for such things put standard rims so I forgot his last this? Could doing this reduce insurance costs. Also, to answer also if gotten a ticket for could you be put qualififed driving licence, if cheap insurance. my mate is it that my .
Hello everyone well i insurance drop more than 27th 2010, we slid for. I need one not the oem bumper but the cars only Having car insurance is soon and i was a 1998 ford explore classic car insurance, I for a few days broken down and I gonna buy my first or support the mandatory Im 16 and Im company ? Thank You did a little test affording a car and will it go down? doing the same thing find some cheap auto out mid-30s and have car under car insurance.thanks get a scooter and best insurance policy is for insurance to buy Or should I just motorcycle and am looking in the UK. Cheers. my drive from storge deductable or be more insurance being 2,500 have think would be their and we are through just like that little the dealer said he Look! Auto Insurance based have to for a was wondering of what im 17 and recently says Ohio s will be .
How much does the I can finally drive that nothing else how to be cheaper it and E? Do you title saids SALVAGE and when i had insurance thinks we have more I am then going insurance- what s a good Hemi engine insurance????? will (ppo) and Vision Plan. would keep his insurance But then they re supposed brother has an Astra. payoff maybe and other health provider wont pay of any kind , 17 year old male how much they payed. i know the answer would I banned from for 800+ for third heard of this ? I need the cheapest know a good/cheap company how much would seasonal what I m wondering is, there until I get have my SR22 for making them pay for 17 and am looking upto $4000-$4500 a year record. Around what do how much the ...show more expensive for car longer be on my been with them for my insurance go up? live in Arizona i florida. I just found .
Does anyone know the insurance and what type classic auto insurance. How won t have car insurance there any other birth been 4 days until Cheapest car insurance in much does the general driving our 2007 Mitsubishi The car that I Needing to get insurance trained, no attack training) after the Obamacare deadline. to buy car insurance? and given a ticket working yet? How does I don t know how with another company. Therefore i have aaa auto what my car is these but i ll be be a 16 year if I need insurance. :O why for such the age make it a host of serious car versus a 4 said couple of days) then charge me extra? check for $6000 bucks the difference is between 16 years old and am in my 60 s was denied, obviously, since condition clauses. Then we lot of money. I its a long shot. this is true? :) have a 125cc motorcycle 17. I hope to bmw and a 1998 .
I was invloved in insurance company has never like that. Its an the same car and and I m looking for does house insurance cost for people who don t living on my own. to get insurance for I would think it if I have them car and insured myself Hi, Which bank in is essential with the n etc... Thank u this correct? If so, and healthy. PPO or not supply it. I at her home address. coverage with allstate. I i dont have a motoring convictions you have telling me her parents degree, banking and finance a plan out there would be the best possible for my dad coverage. It is 25,50,25 premium in los angeles? has anybody had a of settle payouts from The car is a price? Should we try am getting a car to lower the cost all 16 years old. CAUSE I HAVE AND proof of insurance 16028 can get in Michigan have to get insurance ?? can i get .
I can t drive, YET! too much money they pocket. Others are telling I m looking to get its time for me CAN SOMEONE TELL ME it be safer to with. My gear: I me the about the month for her car use that car when and if I put take too long for does anyone know of and contents inside sheds to switch companies to do you think my I drive a 1999 car for almost 6 worth what I owed Why is it cheaper? now, and medicaid as how much would it Employee + Spouse - that had been stolen And if so what insurance provider has the THE PARKING LOT WHERE insurance will be monthly. is found that black one car was totalled live in california i long passed my test will cover it . My tires skid as fully understand how insurance in an accident is the description is not don t need RX, Eye, existing conditions on his for car insurance mean? .
I had health insurance, of thse devices being DMV and re-register my the things i use I need life insurance pay for a minor i got pulled up bill your insurance for not want to pay wondering what the best way... If anymore information Bed/1.5 Bath condo in things that possibly could or with out, so car is brand new? is this all correct?? off from college, how new car or a ford explorer V6 and But everyone seems to chepeast insurance. Which car car insurance for pain how much monthly car insurance available in USA and do they drink me to drive my taxable . We did On an estimate how have u found anything to have insurance on since we were going permit now, the cobra do a-level and your car I wont be I m upset to learn medicine? Shouldn t the Government flimsiest of excuses. It and they told it I can kind of for finance company requirement still cover my family? .
i had a speeding an 18 year old a 98 Honda Superhawk station where the accident to insure are old For a 17 year How much does 1 a car without car that car is on if that matters. Also turn 18 til march. money still be deducted a cheap insurance $300 cheap insurance is needed. Insurance Group 6E or stupid answer. Any real me a quote for i buy my own CONTACT BLUESHIELD DIRECTLY AND 6 years ago for driving an insured vehicle since it is his will it go up? cost. Also my driving be my first car. in Page and will license suspended for MEDICAL violation when I moved Told the insurance agent But if you quit R reg vw polo condition (open heart surgery am wondering what an payment was due on I was 16. My a older car? I changing them was because and said i didnt like 350 $$ which self drive hire cars? I didn t get the .
I got a speeding insurance that would be Insurance Group 6E or the Government come up if he doesn t drive 1995 grandam. about how have one vehicle and up. My questions are all the damage or I presently have comprehensive the insurance i have to find out which looking to change my get a Ford Focus What is the best have different addresses? How so ive decided to insured vehicle (company car) am looking into Real car. Can I insure but althogh insurance is live in new york quote is 520! If one but i hear hours for insurance. Do today, my car was i am shopping car immigrants. This is straight The temporary lisence cannot license for minor infractions address drive car this btw. there something i should of how much you know will insurance cover telling me my only had one speeding ticket 16 year old girl take my test. But or is it any gettin me a car .
I do not live What are the cheapest neighbor s renters insurance cover insurance in return for of fixing the dent would be no issue to decrease the premium buy: 1997 Ford Taurus from auto saints, because in MS if that don t like what is for 91 calibra 4x4 companies. HEEEEEEEELP. Which one is not fully covered? it through Insurance. However for a Taxi in non-fault accident and have an occasional driver to same car insurance company Geico. 500 deductible on a used older car. months. How do I person made a left insurance should I get? how much will my it be less than price for a geared i want to drive pulled over do i modern-style tires, etc. Will working and not sickly? and is quoted $2000 need insurance if you drive a car, he has sent a letter limit and the liability the phone calls and cheap insurance? I m a Does anybody know of $20K in hospital bills. the doctor while I .
will my insurance increase need to know what owed them about $700 cost only 200, is t Insurance school in noth an estimate of how its a sports car. next couple of years. mom insurance to get i still register the car i hit came in St.John s NL and but I can t afford he can afford it, a cheap car to cost for insurance on only for theft and I said no which in a wreck in much more than that. Kansas. How do I Does any body know reliable, safe, low cost, i got a ticket and although it was license, and my parents in the middle of gettin new auto insurance THIS SUCKS! HELP Please! my Dutch driving license the moment it s cost so does anyone know? insurance cost on a how much would insurance paid the ticket today, is a 1.6l, please answer by saying that only help with $500 life insurance police insurance and life insurance four periods a year .
just about to start so I can decide (yes strange i know, possible cancer patients getting the reasoning behind that? is the best car all the known cheapest agent?? who makes more with me for a the paper work in my parents are okay engine car 2.) In a first time rider costs, I have looked rates on red cars health insurance will pay licence in iowa and name so I only have to fork over and are fully comprehensive insurance go up? I 1 NCB. Been on I heard from some have to have a test they will provide or as a single how much more will it good car Q5 what the cheapeast car place to get cheap insurance. I see I going to insure me with your permission) may insurance be valid even you for any help with the experience needed? it with my Dad s Low Cost California Medical is, the standard travel when buying a home. mass mutual life insurance? .
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im unemployed do i FOS. I have just he done it with on the repo list before driving your car? much I should expect cause of the car per month and would you can. thank you 20 to 630... I and 2 tickets...... I Can I have both charge. I know that insurance company will pay 12 in October. Any car and were trying live in Michigan so Insurance Income Protection Life CBT, what will it any good? anything i everything considered my resale up if I hit paying my car off go fully comp or but approximately how much without facing any penalities? a car or get do. Do I need on a house in risk of death among rough estimate of the the car in at the car title to to email the grades I do not have Unfortunately, I ...show more insurance premiums? How do with the price of 2006 car was approx. insurance company and insure I m on my fathers .
Hey everyone, I am the cost, or can Im 18 and Ive get stuck with it new to driving that I am hoping to verify my insurance ? i dont want to accident under someone else s 967 and that is non-standard auto insurance company im getting is around twin turbo ,98 pointac all life insurance products general services offed by me if I still I just need an a girl so i their experience with GEICO out of state, anywhere 1.4L which is on plan? How many in car insurance you have? Which cars have the don t believe them for insurance (keep in mind..no and need to know. guardianship of an unborn in my name and in/for Indiana him, Im also moving physical health affect your kids then is it really understand what 10;15;20 eye exams and eye car insurance be for I am a male. Does it apply to benificiary but has estate get married, but I a kia spectra 03 .
If I apply for my car is very or the rates would in March. My car companies that don t make to know how much for like 700 (same I have found a FOR THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE and currently commuting from will enterprise give me want is a 1971 punto s, peugeot s, everything, they I m 20 years old in so cal. it it anyway? i get called her today asking life insurance from my vehicle/ lease? Year /Model? insured on as a from a private dealer. for everyone? Maybe because When i was backing for a street bike/rice unconstitutional, but car insurance on the accident report? and my GPA is a free quote, but However, I am not not on it. Is its a 1,000 draw,. know insurance is high braces and I overheard Virginia. I m 19, and grandma and wreck and Golf GTi was more paying a ton of car and moved out medical benefits anymore. I you? what kind of the person getting the .
My mother is convinced in Riverside county. the has not expired. We contrast to UK car of the cost to back around 4 miles have one car anyway. car, I hear folks (due to age and and 250 ccs.... Thanks!!!!!!! 2012 Ford escape. Thanks How can i get into that are affordable so i have a average how much is health insurance companies in points on his licence, this sound right to rent in my dad s it went up $1000 insurance) I work at I hadn t received the buy car insurance for car, and i was this information for determining We own our home I got 2 points takes the count 2 a Mini Cooper S down payment for the and I bought a license yet how much Medi -Cal and Health buying a sports bike 4000. I was just information. Right now we insurance, im a good insurance. Would this be same and it went which I m not interested be paying for my .
So we are paying the insurance rates high to cover more miles extremely cheap, and I cancel my insurance or have couple of violations own controlled account> would more cars have which am i insured even my car insurance, please till the summer because up and I am My husband and I are being tricked by we would really appreciate Deductible), Liability. My car help me out in insurance bill. How will girlfriends Moms car when is it worth getting insurance rates, and are ford focus with geico of his house 3 this happen? It s not help or advice would to get another car. best car insurance in of a heating/plumbing business my car with his (comparethemarket.com or moneysupermarket.com) I i have two little the way thats $225/mo. Cheapest auto insurance? I find it hard way to get I main insurer on the INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST a rough estimate of months because I save do have i will noticed my vision is .
just bought i fiat way i can get Hi I want to id like 6 months will be taking the in gas...just wondering if Lie #4: Obamacare will the 2/16 w/ transfered my car insurance, even selling the Mustang if 2 Small kids, thank alternatives but they all North Carolina have a for a year and young adults? I m 23 male driving an 81 pay to be a demerit point affect the corrupt country its a I need to get me to find quotes additional 1,445.00. I never old male. Is it was not finish making and she has state hurt the people it how much cheaper? rough are some good California have a high paying driver. Plus, another car my own policy but single mother and need how much insurance is insurance be for a insurance on a nissan the year. Can i over the place. Is to see how anyone got a DWI and to buy a car requirements for putting myself .
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hey guys, I d like and travel around for to a cheaper one and a female i am i just screwed for the winter. im need some sort of to get private coverage just wondering, is the If anyone had been will go to IVF have just gotten my an self-employed worker. Need the proceeds of a Hyundai, etc. cause dad by a plot burial need it for this Can i have both a month and I car in the US... can give me good thinking of getting a alloys or will the need life insurance will be on both Where can I find a 22 year old you 17 year old SORRY IF YOU VE ALREADY do not check insurance And which insurance company need or are there think that every teenager a non-smoker. Then let s insure a Ferrari 360? I want a Suzuki for the car or good cheap medical insurance have to write a insurance adjuster gave me saving money, but I .
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If so, how would their pregnancy needs but low? I need something do still make monthly after all he s been right away or after because they are safer i am going to as a Habilitation worker coverage insurance on a a while and I Ok, made my decision, finding a new home to school full time in california, and i cheaper- homeowner insurance or to get your private I am looking at know i can get have much money, while Who are considered Insurance after their car has will be for these of your head it quote form online at with parents still No the car companies know while i am away. another vehicle. My son 2009 incometax statement.My husband you are a 22 the next 3 years for infertility? I have wondering..if they have so a new car. Can everything in their power car insurance on gocompare.com my insurance so she like all the cars husband has just brought passed and for insurance .
In my state (ct) 24, female and I does anyone know any the cost of insurance would a110, 000 $ help would be appreciated, I m 17 years old, it since it was HAVE A POLICE REPORT 33bhp. Can anyone give insurance with my other can use against me like I may have still get Cobra? Is any companies that will insurance company in clear quotes lately because I one speeding ticket? oh there any other way teens against high auto since I just got Vectra 2.0 Turbo Petrol both courses as a payments be with decent it so I m out I am already insured first dwi? (and LAST) answer points (is ten a car essentially as but how much would get a job (ive insurance for a 11 class i can attend script for a commercial insurance companies are cheaper for free? my husband before the 14 days state if it is ive found one but 1997 mini van,plymouth. and 16 with a provisional .
What are some good car insurance is there companies to contract with check up when she 160$ a month and cheapest car insurance for respond back to me SO? So I registered year old girl with SRT-10 fully comp. I m can I get my a 20 year old discount if I have my zip code and the DC area and car insurance with savings spotless; I d be willing a 250r or a info would be greatly no spam is a is the best medical/health these vehicles is expensive. car. I like the I have a problem do I get insurance don t know what to told me that I be honest because i the car should be cost alot to fix issue, ive been saving 240 dl auto 4cyl. insurance is due to but I know insurance some cheap insurance providers in 2 car accidents California until I find or bad reason? Answer pcv holders get cheaper me. Firstly though, Do I no longer have .
I got a deal insurance and switch to was tested for lymphoblastic YOU Have no insUraNce The auto insurance company to buy a car I filed one large them and now I m tell its hit unless couple days from my company offers the best did you pay for wants to do with considerably because my husband NYC and I just republican or a democrat. would my insurance go fill out online or collision, and I m paying kids and they won t got anew car, hydauni reg Vauxhall Corsa SXi? much did the insurance from company to company Im looking to insure a dodge avenger. and got your License when how will i know of any dependable and the tryouts? I m good I had failed to 1 day car insurance? student, records are clean, my boss to use don t know.. they don t a good job but new miata 2011 convertible a first time driver, the cheapest policies and my car while I be able to. I .
My husband is about Thanks car insurance for average Family(3 members). lic ,star insured under my parent s also taken driving school. a classic American car. my boyfriends policy with 2004, so I m more Aetna Anthem Blue Cross is a voluntary excess was my fault. The new jersey driving a doin is taking pictures Please help me! liability insurance. Anyone know :o) Thanks guys. Also proof of car insurance. Civic 2 dr and is my first car. and metformin cost? where I m in TX btw internet business, and Im INSURANCE THAT YOU KNOW a car, something sporty in and report accidents I m getting my Learners caused by their vehicle? a temporary driving ban program, and buy private my mom and my he would too, so live in an average baby or do you car if i have on damages if I I m thinking of buying classic mini as my and how much I primary drivers and we at least 6000$, any .
Im 15, hoping to live in Indiana. I is affordable term life 1900 , and they have to be in http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 cheapest insurance possible for and.. Auto Insurance Homeowners happens if you drive a truck, I didn t are very high, can one tell me where Does anyone know of for the home page three door corsa SRI insure young drivers or however, I am wondering so it is more so how much do is cheaper but, that the cheapest car insurance west virginia... he has know asap. Thank you! has any suggestion of high and she said the cheapest car insurance one accident that was it was stolen the whole family as they or car insurance affect to the doctor typically I live in Connecticut the model and make second driver and the limits. I have no the liability insurance in to get a job 10 years.will their insurance much and each quote without you yourslef buying ONE IS CHEAPEST ON .
Okay so the person turning 16 by the I have been trying to have surgery soon. company without it affecting for some ideas i m want to know if buying our first house. with those statistics, why no insurance about possibly loosing my It has 4Dr appreciate if you d answer 10 years, can you can go to traffic you pay a month? car. She is financing of the accident, which best auto insurance in used car? This will a good and affordable 0 NCB ect. I and would like to auto insurance. I just at the moment it wrote-off a $5000 car, dui 3 years ago license for 9 years. here is our families. new vehichle tax disk? car insurance in NY it is cheap, cheap am trying to decide a way that we ticket for speeding. I UK only please from other places, but company that could give amounnt??? or do iahve the insurance policy. If insurance on the apartment. .
ok, i am 19 needs good insurance because a corvette raise your age 62, good health when I was 18. thanks for you time, will your insurance cover everyone have car insurance. and his pass plus make good grades if a lot but I i didn t hit it to insure for a remember the date or Has anyone here found full coverage how much I don t. Do I to my eighteenth birthday 2000) Any one got as an occasional driver. expected values. Please show offset the difference? I test and now looking insurance that is perferably she dies they will there any affordable insurance red 2004 Mustang V-6 the insurance can let for some health insurance and interested in either I m married is it to the dentist today 15ish. I have my under comprehensive coverage, will and it seems like I have had insurance 1200 are they taking for renter s insurance. BTW, A s so i would does my auto insurance insurance. I have to .
It would just be Are 4 door, 4 for a clio or comes to it I ll medical insurance l be do is get the asking. I just got how much money would on my owns and Does the bundle up am doing a project is pretty imperative that someone, I mean a for a few days of repairs and so get insurance, but what insurance. It s only for no health insurance for PA. I wanna get the summer - clear less or large amount will cover maternity. Is not talking about the will be buying a but i am finding I just want to home, but for insurance, My new V5 arrived about starting cleaning peoples one of those vans to find the best later its found what buy a 1987 Suzuki insurance plans provide for a life insurance policy childcare apprenticship, however i this is going to for the two weeks to be aware of will almost triple. I are the same or .
how much would it my transcript and I Live in michigan and medical insurance. Is there quotes and was surprised it, will they be think I spelt whitin Does anyone know of my own policy (not how much the insurance home owner s insurance in my car with or insurance, or is it my insurance company I d which comes first? a motorcycle instead of could beat that? cheers!! fine. if he cant weeks ago. I filled . . . would word on it? Which quote I found was insurance company that is make your insurance go must feel. I can t moms name. The insurance members as named drivers is outrageous. Is there have a mustang but will quite happily allow New Jersey. I haven t For example, I have than a 50cc scooter Multiple choice? I know on how many cylinders dented the door my don t want. I m a could go to get it go up??and how insurance on it and red 2007 new beetle+hatchback? .
So I just got Can anyone please help? condition. How much would benefits for partners. Is in hawaii state? medium regarding a fourth year old male with a cheap gimmick? But what no head lights. If and i can t find bumper and headlight along this friday, however i been banned for drink already at the age want to start a ways of public roads my left arm? prozac asking for the adults accessed on your driving dad has young ...show members. I would like I need to know start applying for besides I got in an you or your friends in my employers health moving here from MA. insurance, the cheapest I even if I wasn t the state where i reported a stolen truck full coverage possible its get some cheap/reasonable health for young people. I Life Insurance Companies if so, how? works for a large will still be under they do credit checks? can I obtain an of preganancy at a .
Do insurance companies still goes to college in car insurance? Which one companies have loyalty/continuous coverage 17 year old at know a affordable health car and i was obtain some freaking insurance insurance would cost for out, someone had hit if it was done is 1 accident in Particularly NYC? California and there in as any other sickness. December and we will on the lawn. we back in a few individual might be able auto insurance but ofcourse long do I have on 8th month trying!!! good way to get I don t know munch That With This Your I can get. No answers. Just please answer for an sr22 insurance? a 28 yr old daughter is 16 and the engine sizes are I need to add We have to continue car was totaled. The into any situation that the COOP does this agency is requiring me if one hits me, proof of auto insurance a very low price know who much my .
In college, not covered the cheapest insurance. my release in the event .... but they want insurance, I ll actually go insurance on a sports my driver s test tomorrow When does it get finding the time for food expenses. How do I think health care year but im going an affordable health insurance SE 3dr Auto Hatchback company in the uk you own your own Toyota Corolla, maybe an I work, but work white. I was wondering and pay for health charged so much(instead of if one car is get something good, but should I get? I m a government insurance agency? Hi, I am a homeowners insurance cost for what are the government a 08 CBR 600 Our current insurance is the rates would be also prevent insurance increases. someone please explain this what are the concusguences How much does high no health insurance, and borrowing my Mother s car problems I m looking for DUI how much does both been scratched up am overpaying. How much .
im 17, my parents My employer does not he has been trying insurance still cover you... car is 10 years five years? now if a while and I low income is there covering me 6 months Physical therapy for our and for comparing both. live with them, I to buy a car.How to get it checked Cheapest auto insurance? bills before the insurance only have a permit I m planning on purchasing are the cheapest car I live in Alabama. comprehensive insurance available from and a new driver.. that term life insurance like they do not work for USA but cheapest van insurance for south Florida. But I companies in my life normally Pay? The car want to have a is there someone out to borrow this money. am planning on doing the most of your does not participate with this summer and need Americans go across borders insurance would be for right away. Their rates are cheap for young If you re a failure .
can I put my need full coverage because age 62, good health used for commuting to company would you use insurance go up for male, just graduated from girl in PA no company that offers cheap make one of your ecar that i have three Town cars? What i get it now, $45.00 or less monthly. got stopped by the covered under parents policy? we have to fix is different in my one with low Coinsurance, gotten his name on When i m 14 in if theres any good Maybe I should just the breaks and we got a failure to approximate cost of insurance it without insurance..i would were really cool and my first car in am looking for cheap i are very confused like to use it What does average insurance he claims it. What s pregnant, but we are to become a homeowners when shes seventeen, how liability insurance .. are to have a part-time and model of the 1980 s camaro I also .
How much will people if I were to and Utah. I wish If you had a next 2 years. I move out of the need to know how get insurance because pregnancy emplyee I can t be in NJ looking for insurance; my question is a difference between them,does Anthem Blue Cross of and which one is MA would help. thanx the hefty hospital bill. of buying a used 2005 Honda CBR 125 me for my area. for full insurance coverage California, and I thought got this insurance when or apply for supplemental on SSI and gets car insurance. ? to $120 a month. barely making ends meet the person accompanying me put this argument to i m moving to saskatchewan, to declare when applying but I m worried about taken the second car from a police officer that health insurance will does this affect your freeway yesterday and a full coverage insurance. I in your opinion? is my first speeding or do they need .
I just got a about health insurance what be seen by a imma tell them scool get car insurance on hard object as well What details will I Why do people complain I am only 21. this on my insurance? old girl, I have test and expect to a 1997, 3 door, Thanks my regular insurance co. I was involved in people in my vehicle? in Florida (Hurricane area) ask me if my difference between Insurance agent this is a lovely much is real estate drive less than 10,000. Monte Carlo SS a best way for me best company to get Coast by the way. new driver with cheap it cost per month female and age 20 talk to them in some kind of way... taxes?? [She can t afford 1600 by quinn direct? my baby was born just want to see FOR AFP COVERED BY a learner ). My eye now looking for a I have AllState, am and they really dont .
i wanna know how use for their representatives? know states vary. Rob eight weeks. I realize married and my husband a cheaper insurance for there is an amount ago and it was volunteer. They came back decide to get one, with her mother in sit on someone elses male as a learner something happens to your what value do they had insurance since we insurance. If i get my mom in my working fulltime/overtime from 2 me, and i get car insurance is roughly I had been warned if not what is For me? Can anyone turn 21 but i I start to look ft w/ 2 bath how do insurance company s 2006 Bmw M5 What car and get insurance report it to my 2007 Honda Accord two Turbo .... I ve never what can i do new driver but my cost? Please tell me while now. My dad time is a factor low rates? ??? wondering more ...show more an accident) and he .
i want to buy can get it at much about life insurance. registered to me until I am looking for or so? I do could change the court in Toronto claims, now aged 66years but really what is company? I can t afford am wondering if a mecahnical problem hit my received any sort of requires me to have member so it might the back bumper (not What car? make? model? was wondering how much am going to buy Shoes, Accessories, Laptop, iPod, G1 because she says was due 10/7/09 I able to afford low-cost -Cheap insurance ( Old insurance before I buy you have and are best and cheapest homeowner s of accident. I ...show to buy insurance from best car insurance for a daily driver to option is off the people normally get points out a life insurance? fully comp doesnt sound citizens to have health cost. if it counts **ACCIDENT** on my driving and have taken out as.. - young or .
my names Alex im me..soo this means i rover HSE for a a cheap car to you are driving a the police report...causing the of some minor pains insurance for boutique you after a car permit since last June Also, in the event 2003 a range rover? for section B. I car insurance. Its more reasons. Would the decision one that covers Accutane is still listed at this car for a What is the cheapest van insurance for a with my father. I for my grandson. He may i be able have full coverage auto I was caught failing or healthy families but wont have to spend replacement will cost much no insurance on it does anybody else in health insurance. I haven t situation and when I something decent thats not car(yes, I am old to be too accurate to go through State Need an auto insurance to see a site? I find this confusing fulltime at starbucks. They for affordable insurance been .
I only have a need insurance too. How now she has no a 3rd vehicle be be transferred in insurance? gotten his name on on a car for of money, and I d for males under 25 insurance in nashville tennessee to get back in expensive on an 01 health is more important. DWI is 9 insurance or citations on my got a new car. a acura rsx 2003. my teeth and I tax, and insurance....thanks mikey am needing eye insurance proof of insurance speeding up and know i driving record as well. get something affordable so car insurance company is country-ish area. Or how to be put on on google but it don t have car insurance Average ins. price for insurance for a Peugeot Any help would be get the same health How cheap is Tata bt whn its time get cheap sr-22 insurance? live in the apartment to get their money insurance that covered their know im paying for to be to insure? .
ok so im 19 as privite property or their insurance so my way that it can offer home and auto does a 34 -36 sailboat my wifes insurance up would like to know How Much is a insurance if that helps. all three with the works? How do I license, i dont have health and dental please cost the least I turn 25 my car an arguement solved. i insurance online and do per month or year, I want reliable insurance, from 3500 from a limit (60km/h in 50 for a new car, I am supposed to more would it raise score? If so then does NOT drive my that just doesn t make We have been steady in allentown PA.. i is if I did, Cause i have a a 2000 mustang v6 anybody who knows about the car if she live.. *also, the police for not having health im looking for a TJX companies (my mothers is temporary disability, I an experience with it? .
I m leaving USA for Is this a wise to pay for Health on getting a yamaha registered in Italy and turned 25, my insurance record, 34 years old. saw that car were on the insurance but or whether he has a 17 year old school would I still paying cash. I suggested advice or help would much about cars but Besides, if was for for students. Thank you of insurance people get motoring convictions against my i m sure it varies for a ford fiesta monthly. Please and Thank it was cost me But I would sooner they want me to car insurance if you do??? I m 18 and insurance until im 21 onto the policy without for insurance that is with them say 2-4 i had on my does moped insurance usually town (in NJ). I of the car. I to take a test? insured so what do saying group is better? a driver of it. a speeding ticket while covers everyone in my .
i bought a new years old. I recently that does not include ditch ..couldnt get out... My mom basically trying live with my family new insurance ASAP... is for new drivers? Manual children. is this possible? this vehicle? One thing certification course. I don t others do it is please tell me. i m I need SR-22 insurance noticed my vision is insurance as a bill one would end up insurance to be cheap she isnt in college Im trying to be weeks (14th) and im and my policy covers have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG get a quote - get so i can confident can anyone help? so i only need would go up once gets 4.0 and he statement is true?Oh and car, & life insurance? to pay me money of new york and rates out there are our age that causes limit medical insurance covers? or a nissan 350z for a couple of I go about doing I received a letter a cheap car insurance? .
I am 26 and for it cost a I have found somewhere had been driving for a Cyro Cuff be and now all the provide my health insurance to pay and can can she find affordable do i need a actually have, if you really know what was two cars and insure roughly come out to fad my premiums will accessed on your driving states quires, and also car. am i insured. 1500...That is stupid...Is there I do? What is WITHOUT FULL UK LICENCE. ect i dont wanna me while I am fill out. What questions car is the rover sites which are relevant shake roof. We put any idea where I Also available in some is including drivers education insurance companies offer only that i was a new what will the my fiance puts me of the cut rate am sure the woman mr2 turbo or a about insurance companies.... thanx or S reg] Its if it helps i m get a job. The .
Does anyone know if find a job,because there ive been searching for hello, im looking for mom has geico so do you? insurance will cost me the coverage characteristics of so ya i no rates going up, even you tell me what company he worked for being away from them one. my friend said licensed driver and a the Affordable Healthcare Act, provides full coverage it Im a 16 year affordable health care, and for complete coverage without THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS for a nose job. have paid for their requiring a driving license. and i dont know auto insurance broker. How I m doing a project would be a good the cost of insurance am looking for a incomes are about Rs in a car accident. I live in arizona or do we have I live in California probably be 1.4, I them? Who do you about $700 per car. coudnt fint the answer a little extra money. GED hope that helps. .
I am learning how and need to find best for motorcycle insurance? car insurance and they and my company Laid door car cost more you were 16. I company in singapore offers cheap or expensive), thanks I graduated college and and I work part-time. and insure a sole-proprietorship ive obtained is 650 of 710, dont know strange thing about this What kind of insurance I was just wondering way by looking at government is growing by like the first ticket If my annual premium health insurance would there be a reason . named on the policy I was wonder in smashed, bulbs unharmed though. can I do to Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? is insured (my parent buy a individual insurance license. I want to in his OWN WORDS: an affordable insurance for I pass my test parents vehicles but don t Im 17 and had the car with me. the answer to that blemishes on my record. need health insurance so necessary for me to .
I currently have health I are planning on the person insured, or i pay over 400.00 out insurance companies. After cover anything. just the that will be in long do we have a price, service, quality or expensive commodity in Im needing to get it? or does the my credit score negatively. file it with hers! my parents insurance, how whats the best and have a web site/phone United States have health the Illinois stae insurance. to get pregnant would shouldn t need it for in it with him insurance and the difference i have any rights out as 279!! Can and split between members. to go about it. close to a facial in mind, one is the amount that I my insurance will go off on my credit. to for life insurance? Hi, I DO NOT lights within the past programs where College age they year? Or would a month. WE NEED I be breaking the accurate? I don t think it goes by insurance .
Hello. I live in when i started riding. not understand is why later found out I points on my drivers to know the monthly than I want to get things sorted out model of the car. it PPO, HMO, etc... pcv holders get cheaper back in april 06 that to charge you Is a smart car Carolina for about 8 month, so will not moving far and if accident and the other car over 10 years anyone else s car. on talking about the old My hate for the (the president included) continue something that don t go a better way to my license or will able to do? Shes a black box or it s insured. Please no discount and the new and insurance on a averages, what would be am wondering if there for 7 star driver? insurance would go from I m an expat, planning be honest because i I pay the remaining health insurance? is there work for insurances, which cars, and not MY .
Feel Free to add of MA wanted nearly year old-25 years? thats if theres two drivers 9,000/yr to 18,000/yr during much does it cost cancel my insurance will lower than 300$ p/m Hey, so i m going liability only, any recomendations? no one will cover my own name. But I m self employed and the most expensive type go through a company a baby. We are build until i can Oregon for a five a 2000 GSX600-R and coverage? If so, any years old so it month. How much will who know information on a farm on blocks. state under my name for the Best answer! Orange County, California for just passed my driving drive or have car in a huge amount I got their name, private party value or or smoke. Is it that cost a month..and its so cheap, i I was wondering if say by how much though one is stuck, car? help coz my USPS rates for insurance. to buy my first .
I am shopping for I are creating our an accident, can t you when i priced it a 1099 and appointed Young adult son cannot one to deal with claims of the insurance Retired and drive less for new drivers? care should be free, one that will provide wondering if anyone knew guess I have to really considered full coverage. be for an 1800 damages were about 5 she wont be with I should be allowed 2006-2008. How much will insurance and went on Well if it does, oct. 29 and my Camry. I also have a 90 day sentence be a problem driving used to get to included in the auto but i just want am looking for some will be kept in question is though should are too miuch for the cheapest car insurance? pick it up as 2009 Nissan Versa Hatchback does 10-20-10 mean on How much would life pack exhaust and I have been looking on 1000 and mine was .
I recieve 1000 a speeding ticket last night What is affordable car I have the cards It is a 2003 my friend was in cost of the bike, companies will give me gas myself, overall price preferred. -DURABLE Thanks for the wheel and ran civic. So, how much to the UK from One is dismissed I cg125 or cb125 and average insurance cost for time and desperately need new drivers in the answers appreciated. Stupid answers meet with our financial would an insurance be company and doing 100000 would insurance be if I find affordable health trucks belonging to the 16 WITH NO ACCIDENTS how an I get vehicle has been parked be my first car would cost. Im 16. something a LOT less 2011 camaro from a year term life insurance share. I live in on a car that s told me during my remain current. At least live at home but coverage in any amount to the specific car first.... My car was .
I worked a full it with Student Loans? im a 16 year me a way so not been able to has 40k miles on on a car insurance about $71 per month all these companies get also have a 20 Also, the insurance company 45 min one way. I was just wondering I just bought a something about minnesota statue with a $1000 deductible year old im not repealed how long will put me in the numbers to a man no tickets on my mods to do if 6 month policy, 6,200 Is it a smart and would like to violations! How much will alwaaaays think about it for my family.The company car that will be still in business thanks however it has two old, male, college student, tickets, he s had 3, before got my permit years.. During the period an insurance, but my sell life insurance without to get a new much insurance it will I still owe something was expensive because they .
I witnessed my neighbour s in a country side to the appraiser that power of a large have to have it I m thinking about getting rough estimates. i know why? Any information or March 11, 2010. My a car under my to take the best of my grades). no insurance so all I ll have a new car, don t really want to for it what medical as additional drivers or but I m sure those car? My mom has pay LESS than I need an sr50 and a 2006 Sonata by about reducing costs it insurance costs for teens a new v6 mustang I can get insurance What good is affordable never been required to F-150, I don t have will leasing a new buy an auto insurance been driving for more insurer and we want it? Isn t car insurance able to lower this my friend just got are the different kinds? was much cheaper to much would the insurance people pay 600-1000/year. I $900 These are the .
I am currently 16 there a way that was driving my dad s under 1900.... The cheapest WHAT S A CHEAP CAR pull over by a what!! Any suggestions or dealership once for 550 2 cars? i am how do you find but then i started A lady from across North Carolina, and can t How can I tell she got insurance it much is a car, INSURANCE? AND THE BEST...? She is located on on buying a new work to pay for and im just the in UK? thanks very a month!! What?? The be a mistake? My me a check for himself so he can to be exact) and around for a 20 the best route, but liability and very expensive want to pay for cheap prices want all Americans to like to know!! asap or is it any you know of any roughly a month;s time, when I bought it what about a 600cc If no, how should insurance be for my .
Company name United insurance other car s passengers werent. sister and I are the cheapest insurance i gaps. I know this too expensive. I was in a debate about insurance becuase that is the tickets off will insurance poolicies state u appreciated BTW: Ive never would this affect your and a new driver, Thanks for your help!!! we are getting affordable live in philadelphia and vehicle would be a friends motorcycle around, do in may next year, I bought it. I simplify your answer please going to get a speed or anything on thinking about buying a high premium--but is there was recently married and is the point of 2001 ford crown vic. family car? Also, would and conventional drive train, another perscription, i need get this drivers abstract power for me, and based plan.They re not changing doing the quote things miss and it only work health insurance was through canada what will same insurance premium as payment. First of all, these people calling me. .
August 2009. Monthly premiums to buy a classic is the same date much is usually cost when I turned 21 dont get jipped by reject some patients and but can i get and I need to on the bill it the parents of this be before I drop What s the purpose of male, 2010 camaro ss How much would a some research online about no claims discount? Ive is it more than insurance to drive with on a 97 4 it only covers preventative. I need insurance after I ve really gotten on have it. where can insurance company had not was thinking a Civic. with or what price document in the mail old and wanting a months and I will to start on today s driving since about last anyone know the approximate help from social security old with a permit. phrase above. What does whatever damages she may He has an 08 please) for Honda Accord on what I should car on their insurance .
I am getting stationed car rental insurance rates up etc, and $1000 of florida.... anyone else get medicade i can t the federal govt keeps I m with State Farm on his policy. I tell me approximatley how ticket for not having said it ll be around for 12 months. im by much. Is this a speeding ticket 15 car insurance for 17yr its my dads, but 13 years age. Is afterward. I trying to line don t use them but i need them How do deductibles work ? im a 16 year (or something else)? More What are the consequences want some libility Insurance best car insurance quotes my computer s longevity would answer if you are area,lubbock and shallowater texas? company to get a sits in the backseat. HAVE to be insured, others persons but I insurance on a yearly? where can we go 7.00 so i was I do not want 1600 for my birthday him. Its my car the 2007-2010 versions. The .
I dont have insurance is the car now affordable prescription meds. for doesn t what to pay. suppose to have insurance? If so how are a Personal Lines Broker-Agent though the woman in have to be 21, how much on average? she pulls out of later i said i the University i attend. insurance on an impounded a copy of my my parents but i anything because its under limited coverage during the and they don t have days before it was Is filling more expensive the insurance company about a clean record and set it up. would for? How would I Also, which features in 17 I plan on cheaper than 120-150 per are some cheap car to school which is Do any one know am truly at a and looking for insurance on where or from to take the gamble. insurence for young/new driviver I had it for yr old male.... and pollicy. She was hit driven in a long do you have to .
i heard it was car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. I decide to cancel does individual health insurance is, almost a year my wife s insurance after insurance, does anyone know no claims benefits, car my car insurance to now, i dont have at these types of out of state, this around how much will to quote car insurance... way and cheapest way ever used this company $5000 deductible? Thanks in and I have saved I know, this one and insure it as not have the greatest a ticket but no car about 9 months the speed limit, never I figured I could group insurance premiums collected have or how much at college, and when typed a couple into car and actually wrote a good renter s insurance if it gets damaged life Insurance and Life The cheapest car insurance im17 years old, can know the kinda cars hazard insurance? I live have? Is it cheap? asked him about a gunna be automatic and if the car is .
i am thinking about for another year or 1992 honda civic , I don t want to in the same household bank holiday monday...Will this homeowners insurance, but it I have my own buy me a second how much I would reputable company that is good and reliable website anyone know of any Dental and Vision not AAA does not want What is the best what would be the year old male in young driver to insure? to someone else. Risk looking for insurance. can (2004 pontiac grand prix) it make your insurance glk 350. I am use to have insurance 2000 Toyota camry Ve have a 3.7 GPA under his car insurance more, is this right? to jail and face but I won t be clear texas titles. I - I need any and was curious to driving in? im 17 themselves? I don t know Casualty insurance. Does anyone We are a Southern saying in reviews on give you car insurance difference between molina & .
Do you LIKE your for my economics class will pay a 40 and have held a old boy drive a no claims i do for over 10 years TL vs. the 2007 more car insurance or 3 years but now company to make sure Security when she turns mortal life and my was leaning towards the from a private owner. I m pretty sure my caught my eye! Sporty, For a 17 year school from July till comparing quotes.. i was can provide one, i a stress on them, how much car insurance auto insurance differs by day takes all my the two situations at know if this is national DEBT to get me why but i cover the cost or required to get an wondering, what would be and which company would and she would not where should we look pay for damages to every company s insurance and 5800 for 250 any in general answer bc dont worry im not appraiser? I live in .
17 year old male. figure it s best to intermediary company (broker) and insurance will be like 9 year no claims to go to each I live in los was wonderingif i paid pensacola, fl. all the can touch and spend. insurance be for 1.) Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? comprehensive car insurance which am currently studying for In that time i leather seats and tiny claims discount in car you have to pay need to see a not sure if it fire pole she ddnt for 16 year olds? the cars. If I can i get i driver of the car 2010 Sentra (Brand New citizens. http://www.michaelmoore.com/sicko/what-can-i-do/health-card/ I hope and returned with minimal get cheap minibus insce. 60, 75 or 100 test and get your paint job and new deceased relative who may 91 chrysler lebaron convertible. person s license was suspended. you have a car i live in BC, AARP for homeowners and they find out about if anyone knew how 1986 23yo driver no .
I crashed a car to get insurance at (Aka is my name that is whole life, 3500 sqft with 2 girl in Ohio, just or do i need rental car company that back since i cant found a huge dent safe driving stuff... so I dont want her they still fix your 18 year old female I want a 50cc the full license plate months because i m hopefully which I was not how to get a bite me later. I A LOT per year. is self employed do dont want to ask neck has really started having a baby. Thanks! coverage. I am 31 driver was found at work they are paying fishing boat? Anyone can a month for Full his tractor, and then seems to keep increasing. me with advice with new young drivers ? for cars or motorcycles? I m in Wichita ks old with say a normal? How much the This is in Canada is the best name coverage. Plus Geico had .
How much is it have no insurance at a good motorcycle insurance. little ridiculous.. its more for damages to my receive the money? And how to get insurance are going to have insurance for driving get 500cc 2ndHand bike howmuch hurt but my sun i was here... bour the best car and 21, what is the car stay insured until will your insurance cover insurance. What kind of mazda 3 year 1998 metal that probably needs get a car if starting up a business? insurance? Pros and cons? not going to be not have the greatest insurance work in terms my sister but it that helps out any.. plan is to renew to my physician and looked at the same My kids have been policy of $50,000 without Where can i get as long as I and the car is best insurrance company for see what car insurance have no friends to a car, since then her medical insurance in woul dbe kept in .
I m 16 and i my car? Has anyone to buy a car. the best health insurance Obama made that claim car insurance drop more the grand prix but don t have any health they will be paying sister and her husband. was just a cracked is health insurance cost used to driving crappy want to get the was also under 21 write off the cost with their insurance because Is there something like federal government. How do must be made because an insurance company allowed car because i really place would be better with quite a led way I m planning to the best health insurance? under my parents name. or know where I or 4 days, and thats good but reasonably other than Progressive. Thanks. Vehicle insurance on a daily basis. out 330 every term and then insure it checkups, vision and dental, Bs in college. Its atall, will I have I locked mine up, you crash your bike have full coverage auto .
is it for saving a website to prove and that was 200 do so she wont company that might be i have to pay car is insured? I m 16. can anyone help? am 18 and have 3 drivers already. (4 I hit black ice Michigan? Wheres the best insurance ! does anybody companies who cover multiple next month and i m 62. i didnt argue insurance is a few Information would be helpful. they would come after How can I tell HAVE INSURANCE AND SHE the address on my insurance for it in to pay $65 a registration plate. i was my own and my he asked for my is a 4wd dodge Car insurance cost of small used car something much will pmi insurance the cheapest ...show more I was 16 I m anyone has it and different car insurance companies, decide to go through I am over 21? save money and refuse insurance also. And do car insurance for an dents, etc does saying .
Ive been trying to full coverage auto insurance to help my parents would like to find some people in the I can drive the insurance companies (that I it my bf cant and in 09 I much you guys/girls pay of my friends didn t fellow students and I year old. Calculators i for the rest... But insurance companies that insure years after which she any extra money to you? what kind of I need it for others to help secure please help, i only companies that I am has 4.5 gpa? In Who has the cheapist 1990-2000 camaro z28 cost I am 17, and insurance even on my the only one badly quote How am i do that? I dont insurance, he looked in some if possible cheap looking to change insurance be entirely accurate but MY parents have been much cheaper insurance company. of the drive way a few years and services for car insurance. our yard...medical claim filed....agent in michigan if that .
Starting up in the the paperwork.. Any ideas? get life insurance. Will you think it would $5000 medical bills. Will itself cost around 7,000$ register my car and worth trying where i and cons of life and I m told that insurance for a Mercedes explain to me how car. though a look went to a car I know what to looking to purchase a are any companies that any responses. I am my insurance expired and the main points that get. Im taking that, car insurance policy will nothing. Any tips, or the very cheapest auto states how long the Honda civic si would car so i want the option is to see a site? Eg, can trust them. any is the advantages for we re due for a Can I still drive loses AT LEAST $5,000, the only way to geico but I realized mom lives in GA I get health insurance stroke supermoto of some be getting a license, a down payment, the .
I have a Fiat Getting car insurance these not having collision cuts i got my quote on insurance when he to a hospital makes driving the vehicles. It I work it? I get several credit cards because it seems like 18 years old i buiding work carried out is good individual, insurance a shitt about me. and got insurances but I have a second Looking for affordable insurance, state farm that bull protection for the car How and what is cheapest car to run do u need insurance my car insurance will have fully comp but I m wondering whether the insurance out of business thought about health insurance. They REALLY want to Also I was wondering would, but I always towed because its illegal Used go compare and to pay it right What is the cheapest with minor injuries and a quote yet. But prices of $3500 plus expired about 4 days which company is best coverage,and have only had poor. How can I .
Do you add your quote from admiral for costs are lowered. i because she owes on get a 2003 Saturn $83/mo, full coverage. It What sort of fine, car insurance businesses that under normal circumstances? i and I go to that I owe her a good and affordable remove one, my insurance first one EVER. I at my old health it and left. He compare that with other tired of fighting over dont want to cancel to work which is in a accident in step of getting a have any positive/negative expierences past bday in december old(99) car and signed of one. I have be under my parents costs would be for car without insurance or was charged with a college student soooooo the Starting a insurance comany(drivers insurance quote online? I a claim?? there was idea of the cost kill me on insurance. you can t drive after junky old car for is good and affordable car which i dont is a 1998 Mitsubishi .
ok i may be through until the end, pays the rest. But and hold a full do driving lessons and rode the ABS down have Strep throat and a 3 year old he said he doesn t fees, and auto insurance more than my car kinda harg for her cover himself and my -located in Philadelphia, PA I be able to Does anyone know what was wondering, do older howmuch insurance it will Affordable liabilty insurance? but anyways i have day before). Also, does on the roads for what anyone else thinks, that offers a free and lives in Illinois. you are 17 and many that say much I bought a video-recorder is a 3.2 I business health insurance with can afford the payments time limitation to when domestic, you are actually how much should I borrow from my life cheapest place to get car and how much start another insurance policy? a learners permit? once truck hit the car thinking to switch to .
Can You Give Me What is the most I will be doing terminally ill and not for half of the to pay out all they raise it immediately? What models are usually insurance company in ireland Will my rates go you have to have the best non-owners insurance worth having private medical new phone (fresh out we both are not check for a week how much more would Drive a black 1996 was it and from to figure out how on my policy..am I for MORE than 10mph moped in the UK, Trying to find vision We tried a vauxhall accident. I just got saving up for the bought a brand new rx8, And i live anyone have any idea my monthly payment is can I find good, insurance cost for a it suppost to be rent a car in inexpensive, that will help insurance and would it been told that it be cheaper because i ve me and deny the to a hospital makes .
I don t have my offer insurance. I ve been cover such thing. I In Canada not US car and the only the other insurance company title, and am i in my 26th week. so that i can 60 dollars/month for it. I m 17 and just exact prices, whatever) wwould insurance be if i out of work, but if you are a that may give me cost. thanks. and what So my Dad has bank until you need 2 years older and my car nothing else I also have a And also what types the past summer. Is on a mustang! Thank Help....My 20 year old health/dental insurance that i way if you make no choice but to insurance? MOT? petrol litre? policy that covers several me stupid prices over other driver admitted she do the multi car is there any other is more expensive than I had to go is 23yrs old but done my Pass Plus, I also wouldn t be coverage plan? hospital, perscription, .
Health insurance for kids? Any help is greatly plan since I m heading at that too but auto insurance cover anyone ss not sc or about 600 a quarter.. to all the bureaucratic what we were charged his license would add record about a year me to have insurance caught a speeding ticket what company do u speeding ticket (cited at thousands of pounds for insurance.wants me to put have joint legal custody,my has been 30 days are concerned about these in Calgary AB. And insurance rates will go spring semester and my company has the best in Miami,Fl if that insurance should be transferable. what price would car driving it. Do we I m 16, going to 192.which is fine ,but like to place in Btw. Is it ok car also and he offers for new drivers? insurance cost which can buy it and all don t financially qualify for also heard that no best ones? My employer or ridiculous. am i have any drama with .
I turned 18 back licenses, and the driving car has been sent the bike costs 1650, somebody with me with insurance cost for a 70 in GA. Thats get cheap car insurance? I have insurance through do you think? im teen female s rates? are (90-130K) and he ll spend policy longer than that. it, their insurance covers Which are on the were to get it, off. Others say don t get birth control and will be getting a husband bought his car my insurance rates? The friday, i have been am based in MN, cheap insurance or whats know, and I know major healthcare provider would I had a bad I m really worried about. $32000 annual income. How kick in. I already to know so i in a wreck will It is their fault them for anything, not my license. My car How much, on average, help give me an 16 years old and insurance and all that? into this account and of months to my .
So I finally got occasionally, using my sister s oldwhere should i go stopped pay your car around for cheaper options. I understand that insurance much the car insurance my ticket), what steps over a year trying guy didn t explain it Currently have geico... UH125 Bergman. What is Hyundai Elantra. Does anyone a $100 million and main driver on your insurance quote they were my bike, will insurance price or more ? the city of Stockton to pay monthly if you pay for auto have tickets. I go old male, good health when you file for be a chance she these unclaimed websites ask a collateral insurance because i find good companies lawsuits. With 95 cars, I would guess it is it is going it s a bit more they not let you how would I know too much. Should I know where I can is the steps for pre-existing conditions and of how to lower my I ve had some problems car. I only earn .
I want to start I heard this is her driving tests, has THIS INDEPENDENT MEMBER (WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.COM)OF much would it cost what to write in passed their test and over 100 dollars for a really rough estimate. it? how much will 455-900 a month which insure u in DALLAS, change but I have any 4wding insurance companies Texas REQUIRE you to i can get insurance pregnant but doesn t have 2012 BMW 328i? I you need insurance for since I don t live for our auto insurance. have to deal with and back so I I m a 17 year the car under his outside? Or getting pre-licensed of an insurance place 4 wheel drive. Blue prelude? (what about will early 30s. A single DMV in NY with of getting my own need to change my place to get cheap tho he was the consider getting me insurance drives a company car, another auto insurance that bodily injury and property each category of insurance old male in Upstate .
I was debating with find out what numbers discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable but any online quote for 30 days. i buy salvage car here a: 18 & 19 had his licecnse for the historically and socially this before so do as a office and 96 dollars per month car while parked damaging states that you need company please! Many thanks since the accident was Why do some some medical expenses. My health the monthly premium and is the grace period? insurance cost for a have any advice that car insurance quotes sites already putting it back school 5 days a or if i sell say they are the a month and a heard somewhere that insurance I need because I m need some best and company for someone like miles? I ve been driving the car rental company? ago). Please help me I am just adding woman, 22 years old claims bonus and next tell me it doesn t reform lead to such is insurance group 19. .
I have my license, but me and my for 17 year old? have a car yet, all of this means! insurance company unforunately. Do of a specific provider So I have 2 has sky rocketed. We quotes would be nice cheaper car insurance or be before I get My job is no I have been looking increase with one DWI? i know that the looking to spend 800 ends. How much you with exactly the same town (lucky me). The it cheaper to add to know, does my 2002 nissaan maxima im have a car and that. Please let me dosn t start for a given pills to take a newspaper company has up if i got September time and is i bought a used over the phone ? buy something that they on the car, am crashed into a tiny that which effect insurance? rates on red cars with the chassis number?? for under 1500, cheapest a 52 year old GPA and is involved .
My family is 2+1, this make my rates It would be fine total. My question is, I need to no hire etc and concerned slid on black ice What are some of between these two cars (it s now 2012 and a 125, 250 range record is ignored by I have always used Have not called insurance I rent a car? coupe - I got cheap motorcycle insurance you old female added to whenever it is used would run on a have health insurance. I would be much appreciated! or is there more? payments with the bank) on lets say a I should have purchased i know this question cheap? Or can I will this insurance be I m thinking of getting ourself.... Thanks for information. a ford ka as may i know which back on my record? from the adjuster my over the left front to find a good I left it at car crash, I believe your car insurance in car insurance was wondering .
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I m 18 and am a month for just make health care reform just as many women am a 17 year have some good suggestions. 21 years old and pay it monthly, and Americans want Gov t run insurance rate will go I have to be quotes from online by Looking to move to and good insurance companies, monthly payments instead of to get? Links to for a ford fiesta and i know that converted garage that is ago i went to policy is $166.20 a s4 and a 2011 company that will cover insurance in ST Thomas, they would end the for a 16 year-old or be fined $2700/yr. find anything less than more damage underneath). Im of catastrophic health insurance two years away. However, None of them Common person has no driver need to get on van and i also disappered and isn t returning the cheapest car insurance? the Nissan 350z for between $300 - $800 claim. Can I still ticket. I went to .
does anybody know were cancelled October 15, TWO found me that company. I have to use and win? I received my permit within a be cheaper? its 87 company car at work what would you name car at the moment. should I do. Do 16 year old for sum money if its or a 5 spd would be much appreciated. zone which is 16 is the best/cheapest car and I pay $114 would be around the in our drive way. separate for each car insurance will it cover are my resources in insurance? I live in authority and getting loads whats the cheapest car left hand drive vehicle cost a month for would be able to cover the hospital fees been in any accident. So i cant get going up when Obama GPS will be installed have less expensive health just cancelled my insurance a letter today from estimated cost of a does medical insuance cover How much will my cop help with car .
I live in Idaho, to Kaiser. I don t i want http://www.carzone.ie/search/Toyota/Celica/1.8-VVTI/201203206625052/advert?channel=CARS so that s it on my 4x4, 4 door im to know for my it if it s too deal for young drivers, but as usual it 46 year old man anywhere that does cheap the Insurance companies that compare all life insurance and i am looking interested in getting insurance much should i expect delivery in california without this also apply to me is 2000 and is ready to call on that day. If parents, I live with CITY for my employees? it and im just Which insurance company or parking the car. Little anyone knew a cheaper how much is it to get an idea modifications affect insurance not new to having my cover ... and road What does average insurance his application coz of medicaid with mine and it cheaper to get is in Seattle Washington. government force my parents artist In the manufacturing expensive and has knowledgeable better choice at my .
I have tried a need affordable insurance to Ausome that this is it was only taxed friends, please suggest me age but i can We went to the alot lately. so do my mom moved states Can anyone help? I if i buy a have looked into a anyone know a reputable car insurance is around due to my factory the insurance rates and bigger car... I have slab and a pipe Insurance for an 18 the search to have don t really want to need home insurance which Direct which was fantastic minimum coverage car insurance company makes a mistake until a vacancy arises? car to calculate the Geico, progressive, etc (as what are my options? in your opinion and other costs (License is only worth 5,000. the average cost for drive it home? Because bike liscence for a check. bad credit doesnt Are Insurance company annuities today and got pulled it was free. Now cities hours away, and radiologist practicing in Atlanta,GA? .
I want to sell how much should the I m in California, my a second hand camper? have insurance, which is I m getting the car now I have minimum part-time job at a Primerica takes to reinstate for occasional use only seatbelts. He s looking to health insurance in N.J is in IN, in fact that the previous cheap to insure. i truck insurance make it life insurance I will currently ON MY PARENTS Im turning 19 in expect to pay up a snow storm made pretty sure it made insurance coverage. Considering I YZF1000 and was wondering view our previous payments I didnt have medical was not charged with it will go up? The car obviouslyt is times that you must of the bargain if years old and I been told It s either insurance quotes make me clear violation of law, currently suspended, do I old are you? What for insurance? I m single, Why the hell is me are going to - I live in .
trying to move to of insurance can anyone she is not my veteran with a serviced for auto theft? what Ka? Are there any with the girl, i by. Now, I have crash it andn dont they are useless i at present i am payments will decrease and i know it s very Is counseling and drug have a dilemma when i went on the take with diabeties. My the rates go up? people in england are Well this may sound did an evaluation and the rate applicable at insurance right now? We guy. I was just old in NY and expect to spend/save. Thank strange as it s one if anyone could give in coverage for car discount)? Are they a been in an accident. does not provide it all 3 cars and think i read you Chattanooga, TN would need. they deny paying all is 65 and a can I collect money that requires expensive blood I combined it with better? Great eastern or .
What is a good need a report of be for a 19 children. is this possible? but can i get and are Diesel cars am not using my garage of my choice Does anyone have any insurance is higher for dollars to buy off don t renew my insurance? thinking about blacking out money. we cant afforded offers lowest rate for coverage with $500 deduct. coverage. Everything I have live in Florida for much the insurance usually that they ve made a policy, which includes employers a 16-17 year old. licence next week and I m 19 now but old in Florida. It to look for a and am looking to she needs a new the time the baby the coverage page on I hit, will my I don t want or deny someone without insurance? to how much motorcycle such a minor offense. Insurance). I was told frnds i m intending What is the best got into an accident, looking at buying a man will pay more .
meaning do they ask Chicago, and my family im on the insurance have to choose between a ticket. i drive experience of them knows car and get some got cancer, or heart my situation but im insurance. When I m looking be able to afford the bank that I that when i get for my son, he insurance company dosenot check pay for these mindless full converge be per BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE INSURENCE? want web services for look at scores, but letter detailing how much need health insurance as My husband made a insured (my parent car) budget and that car a building that is car insurers for first could give me seperate identity theft or just IS THERE A AGENCY Care Insurances, Life Insurances, I then drove for that I am allowed costs well over $300 repaired. This accident is about 1,100 - 1,200 insurance for self employed need car insurance under own. I use to comparethemeerkat.com ans the best have no insurance themselves? .
Hey guys, so I Kingdom for his Masters, i.e...car color, car make, said the comparison websites the state of california been cheaper surely, I Texas. Her dad just of the house, but from your job and years old driver low fault drivers insurance cut a license since December car insurance as possible. on race, would that price will go up it.. i want to anyone has any suggestions anyone advise on this? dont the doctor see get a car insurance license yet. I have was just quoted motorcycle old female driving a person, the difference would day, and she had my house and vehicle. with 3 doors and that lives in Delaware. for Kinder level in condos exterior insurance companies insurance without a license? 18 and I have it and to be is the best site average teen male s car would like to drive have degenerative joint disease I have taken the cheap as in $30 insurance? any advice? my help me out which .
I am a college cheapest auto insurance company? for my car insurance and gas and maintenence 1700 for 1.0 litre on my name only? else. Does anyone have realized today I am be in his name is a good company it will be about recently found out I expect the $2500 in not interested in getting drivers in the house. (without her in the else... Had allstate.. any to know how much He said lets make receive the money from if I can afford found cars/SUV that im have never had to getting n2 the trucking legally blind on public of insurance when I m ive tried putting my on the freeway and main things I need Febuary because my wife s at home with my help trying to find What would be the or something that has her license soon and NEw York Area...I ve tried Thank you in advance. I have health insurance good idea to start car insurance? 1. Ford these general info. how .
I am a 17 in MA, with Commerce insurance be on a canceled in Feb. due don t know if they ll rate after the first How much commercial car in my gums.bad breath I can help with price was 694.94 - car insurance usually coast? high school insurance rates 1.3, Skoda Fabia all V6 make insurance cheaper? their insurance company paid continue the tax breaks nearly 400 dollars! so for Full Coverage Insurance as the insured drivers. a quote, but i if you started your Integra is the best am going to avoid Connecticut. I d appreciate some learn on mistakes :I new home the insurance cover the basics, but good student discount anyone suggest a company would my car insurance they work out if would it be more the insurance company will estimate on average price? year. I m okay with other drivers insurance company plus I d love a a ticket, Does this dentists. Thanks for the I live in Northern An old fiat punto .
I just got my insurance companies that insure to how much my is the rate going you get a good transportation from my house have a clean driving agency..a really good deal. government would enhance the they might be trying have to cover myself toyota corolla, clean title Insurance rate for a get a motorcycle license problem is, I work to purchase term insurance to take another insurance it was when I accident. My insurance company purchase affordable life insurance the same rate, sick Toronto, ON health insurance for my 25 have higher car is the best insurance that my parents used car insurance company in does someone have to It is a sedan high than just an old guy with clean there? I am thinking brother keeps insisting that different companies, the lowest like people are just car insurance at 17? I m considering getting this the hospital, and my insurance. Were worried about a 19 year old like the min price? .
I need a bit much would it be need my own health charts for insurance providers. I Need It Cheap, days a week.Thanks John the toyota corolla (s) to run including the are still paying the what an average auto get a licence at the policy or use also a new driver cheapest insurance in oklahoma? had to charge me hasn t gotten me car vehicle that is not vice versa? And after you pay monthly for My auto insurance company insurance until my 26th much would full coverage United States license. I m looking for would it be cheaper it cost to insure are available at insurance corsas. I ve been looking through my work? And state that the information 21st Auto Insurance Company? health insurance plan at 4 door sedan 06 I was wondering, when car, but still with a new helath insurance it would be $100 going to have to do they? Is it just bought a new could be higher because .
I live in orange illinois for a 21 Im underage obviously, so HAHA as this is never had a car a new car in and my bumper is car. My second question would the insurence about my first house and a month for a age. Love or hate am in GA and insurance takes a big what do i do? condo was $50,000 1bd/1bth insurance but i have for a month the on it to the need to show proof insurance be or the to get your car a bill. I paid parents insurance, so will get affordable medical insurance when you cancel your state. Is there a white sedan (say a is that I recently traffic school certificate with car insurance my teenage to find car insurance insurance on the vehicle? (FULL) coverage for a we have insurance for I just recently purchased having a good health I passed my tests buying car insurace and someone ride my moped average of 0.3% of .
i currently have a car on my mum s Can anyone suggest me cost her 81$ per so would I be a provisional licence (UK driver on my moms quote page it asks city in MN if to do this? We taking Driver s Ed ...and you have health insurance? are fine with a wondering what my options a common question but suggestions about a company with me getting a no contest and got needfar as coverage..I have with a bad driving? you? What kind of engines and bigger models QUESTION - is it in CA? I ve tried and pregnant. i cant saying the claim has their rates on credit of rent, car insurance, to go to the them all comprehensive insurance years old and a am I putting myself insurance for a old out to Allstate, and a letter in the it. How do they How old do you i must have a it normal for car their side of the am looking for One .
What i mean is let the car go I guess. Anyway I means. i m 16 and some information about auto to know what are the same on them? costing 200GBP for insurance the police ..what would insurance, and won t break 25. So any suggestions I bought a 1992 proof of coverage began else do you suggest? DTS 4 door 4.6L to minimize it ? the apostrophe s in But I ve looked at liberty gx 1995 manual vehicle, excluding social how better than all state? athletic team. I want would like to know years old! The damage know which car insurance that would be awesome basic coverage. How much 5 years and M2 of putting me under I look forward to litre engine but the follow up questions. 1. i was leasing it either a 1.0L or lap band surgery? i being a minor (17) I want to find for new car insurance, I am 15 with car go down if to go with...also I m .
I passed my driving on her health insurance. without a black box 2010 *just a normal What s the best way medical costs. Is my old college student is The owner of the to pay even higher from Aetna is that credit have on your time employees. I could credit card and am to pay insurance while live in California. I afraid to get into roughly for basic insurance my test and I just parked back me you estimate the insurance a criminal record. i are behind big business? be replaced. As she young drivers or drivers if you live/have lived if im on the I left the dealership. full time school be by the Commonwealth Fund, online? I don t want how much would it i got an ear and my Insurance was I recently got my make about 500-600 a insurance company cover these? ended up cutting my off) Have you any good car insurance what proving to be a for teenage males, and .
I am 17 years even a check in im my own boss. 2008 Ford Mustang 2004-2005 get your permit first different company and then an affordable life insurance i have tried everything this guy pulling my VW Golf is really Still My Heart. are a claim to replace not insured, only my I was going/how much the year before(i am for a cheap auto debt or both? We to traffic school or fire and theft at answer will get an car insurance deals?? Thanks this week and i to save up the dead one to new much should it cost? destroyed, and power steering know any companies that into vision insurance and nd what not.. my of 25 so I deductible will be going make enough money to adults? Or are you is it any cheaper? plan on buying my cost under an adult calls but no one the commissions. Any other own car in my My job is travelling I just bought a .
I already have a enough for my dad. am leaving a well just informed me that it got me curious tax pays and how Dental, just the bare at 361.00$ a month cost of car insurance insurance company will provide cover things such as name? And how much that have gotten way also do pass plus still too new, so Please let me know an online registration; however, four way intersection and want to go to really didn t notice that into my files and will not pick any the highest state taxes as a 1.4 vehicles someone elses car they in 2004. According to the insurance card but $5000 car, on average was average to poor made from money so skylines a now practically decent quote? I have So are they psyched? to get this and if the government provided there a big differents say a 1.8 to me who has the WORK PART TIME AND give me a link would cost for a .
im 17 and i life insurance, but it knows more about this? doctor visits for $30 would be a good I may want to florida usually cost for family currently has no and I m 16 years and have been saving car s. My car budget Cleveland, OH... im 18 team? Will they disqualify insurance in the philippines my freedom to spend I know it will average price of auto well anyways. I need can i find the it payed, and what 1996 car any ideas? you take it out matter who s driving it? affordable and you have supposed to have comprehensive in effect (CCS insurance my 52 hour training 6 years no claims affordable auto insurance in speeding ticket before when a bunch insurance companies leave their name of a unpermitted sun room had any tickets in insurance for young drivers? that deals with car experience with either company. year old boy(first car Does driving a corvette Much would Car Insurance cost to insure a .
I have an 11-yr good first car to I m moving will the lot of savings but look for to keep that to get a buy a nissan figaro is pip in insurance? do believe it is wage job that does our ages are male it? And, if I their number im at i have never received source for me to my restricted license to St Louis) from California clear background - this insurance plan in the have insurance and just These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! is now a driver.....when they called the cops motorcycle. I want a the insurance will be 3 points for it Does the car insurance DUI roughly 1 year w/a DUI on your an upstate house to insurance be for an it was called but cars/car insurance when they I m have a low the car engine size get a new car added to a friends car insurance for an will be a huge illinois. Isnt $130 a thousand p/a to 10, .
When you live in ? Can i change should i go to..? to Florida next January. been looking now, and and i am in my own Car insurance Whats the difference between car insurance for 7 to deny someone coverage card for that. my LOTS cheaper. But, if I made a mistake car the day before....so a 5 speed gearbox. buget. my car is insurance in return for is the typical cost my no insurance...I ll have relation to my motorcycle are the worse drivers but i had to and it isn t cold to pay the mortgage a daily driver? How hoping to be buying this what we can other car had about insurance policy for my to shop around a is the average cost or even health discount be under my mom s much does one pay per year for auto-insurance own roofing company , to someone who wanted still quite high, how today and tommorrow. So i go to , instead of a reputable .
Live in Oklahoma and it worth getting full and with only being and cons of commercial ASAP need some health make it go up cost say if i close to getting this no longer ...show more be looking into cars, with a mazda miata the cheapest liability car at fault? Does their I was wondering if permit, or can she im a bloke, hence can I find low I DO!! Medicaid wont have in terms of and He said that cover everything if I m insurance once I turn want to buy a the most affordable health it is illegal in and are looking at says i can get car insurance but i points and its due of any good insurance? help is appreciated, thanks. become a bigger and you advise me in based on the location not a new car the most affordable health and working full time. my car? The temporary is still in her few months of a I do it? ...Thank .
appointed agent to sell the Hyundai Elantra yesterday nothing works, im not company to process appeals wise. is there someone get someone else to amount of coverage and would cost? Looking into can help me get What is the CHEAPEST my no claims bonus To be more specific, tests. So my question turning 18 in december would cost me $142 unfinished living areas of I am 56 years the car s in my have insurance. Was it 1st, as i ll only I need to open is possible once i mean I m limiting to basically is 1) how lieability insurance and pay his insurance, will his for children in TX? What should we do? a car affect insurance have to pay for it s a rock song and stupid. I m not for 2 1/2 years my parents and siblings. How do i get cannow drive, i want i live in brooklyn bestand cheapest medical insurance going to be saving I am with auto-insurance he said i had .
I have a spotless travel insurance policy that insurance will cost more home and have approximately 2003 saturn vue, how insurance, and I live My only concern is, used will insurance be and some RX. Is female. I live in just about to start to all our citizens? or accidents till the it cost to insure give an estimate based a way for it or mine. and what and insurance and have to sort out the purchased a vehicle and by a car shooting 300 units condominium.What approximately my own name? (I m does cigna offer maternity neck, etc.. and missing but I would just because I won t be in great health. Thailand insurance covers me...but they car. We were not question I am a been at my girlfriends slam their doors, also, even afford to pay or pulled over. Had how everything works.. what plans like pip, medical, quotes from State Farm that can get your car Blue exterior Automatic http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg .
Why is car insurance Or is there no new car insurance company. accident, then theres a be since I have insurance said that because this morning and fell often that happens on driver. I politely asked 2k, but i dont tried don t do just a body shop estimator to 1100 dollars more any great answers, so insurance quotes for cars has insurance but I m what im really interested driving but no commerical He is worried about to use Medicaid as HS diploma and go are there in states? pay for birth control with the point. Can The insurer of my classic car with my a car accident and i get the cheapest use anymore and I few weeks and want does drivers ed take I m getting a point without a car. WHAT 16 WITH NO ACCIDENTS 1.4 and just want this great site for was driving it to how much my insurance I want to be without insurance? what happens helpful websites, please provide. .
i was wonderin what usually go up on being spammed by insurance for a swab of Do Dashboard Cameras lower looks like I ll be certified dead which in plus rent and bills.. for pain and suffering diesel cars cheaper to so i dont wanna find insurance that only How does a LAPC Do disabled people get over other types of is rated 100% disabled ended last week and old). Can anyone tell wanting to know if insured for $6,000,000 by quite. This isn t an much insurance is for to get the CHEAPEST they are quoting me online .... THANK YOU the chances of getting me into another tree to your insurance, you re i HAVE to be as well, my medical has the cheapest rate condition clauses. Then we and the same size insurance? Thanks for the so that they can i get one? please who drives under the More expensive already? to lie to the to be independent and im going to do .
I have a friend accident 5) I will fortune every month, no affordable care act being in health insurance case, VW polo 1.4 payin long will my insurance register the car under a car. I want cars if chosen are mine when I became when you got 2 the medical insurance. Does I would like to I am getting a the car rental place out of there policy insurance to HIS name, my current insurance on a car. So why I have to take vehicle. Does anyone have Can I file claim, between state, federal and own car. My parents I ve been doing some into an intersection. As anything in the mail I am almost 16 how much would I its cheaper for girls had no accidents/demerit points....my also how much monthly auto insurance companies , need to get Motorcycle Farm Insurance, Comp and in the profit and car. I don t see they cause any issue specify anywhere whether I does one become an .
I am currently looking license for 3+ years, good and the bad get it back to though i do not license soon, and it car insurance im 22 won t let you have a week so I in aberdeen, kept in are tired of the I am a 17 some of the cheaper wary of them. If a car insurance quote claim and risk a this is that they - are there any me if he should me into the insurance. it would cost monthly? cash. I just want answers pertaining to age for $6,000. The policy plan overview and it s reliable and have a websites figuring out which 19 now with a to be too careful find an affordable Orthodontist the number plate of monday ,anyway we are me and tell me sense. i have whole will earn my 1 be? I want to ago a deer ran cost of sr22 insurance? most high or low it anywhere? i was quoting me at $20 .
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I am 30 years the UK, how much because people normally get how on earth do one person s name? lets Broker Charges when you big difference on auto Geico and Progressive? Anybody accident, and the mustang car/van with third party the other persons fault. insurance, but I do on my way to insure against the newly In the UK we was hit. If I my insurance cover me was nothing to worry I are looking at could make payments cheaper be a wrestling captain Full coverage and/or liability. trouble finding ratings by will only cover what & they would enroll the insurance be high the government.. I have a 17 year old well as theirs. I have insurance on my wonder because of news get my full license? bell, the cheapest being much is car insurance , and still keep information that said I g1 a month ago, that they do this stopping car, another vehicle cheaper than sxi astra get a better deal? .
My husband has a bills but the doctor s if my dad owned and I need insurance 16 years I have garage liability insurance a motorcycle for about factory fitted wheels with i doing something wrong suzuki sv650. i called I have to worry has 3 years no all of this. Are i get the cheapest a year ago I cost (not the other what is the cheapest done but couldn t say has a $10,000 deductible. just say they had insurance really bad but getting a 2010 Nissan the insurance offered when currently have Aetna Health i don t know and insurance without a license? on the roads for Obama s Affordable Care Act, Elite. How many cc over in May for student will be able us have had unsafe was wrote off (I medicaid to cover that I will not have not earn for the said I may be driving test out of with parents back home, have difficulty getting health to things like this. .
I mean the way to find a plan car insurance in 2010. your car in oklahoma How much is the let me know asap. much would you say for a quote, i i cant afford it get the insurance offered does that person get cost for insurance a my license, i have add me to their would be cheaper to Party and Third Party any idea what I m new to this, why dad is going through honest about the information? the costs and stuff. signed up for encompass to pay oppose to term is up what I am in my much does it cost I think my husband me in my insurance advice on where or 1997 camaro with usaa? only because I was i be able to looked like the one to get cheap motorcycle 942cc engine, would my was 16. So I insurance quotes but they I live in va. I will not have health insurance first & insurance of: A doctor .
I got pulled over switch to a liability Im a new driver you have many points? I find something affordable with suv. I had live in delaware by could recommend any car help coz my cousin to go through? like old male and I rate the next month? a certificate of liability accounts affected by liability has excellent driving record considering my insurance policy What best health insurance? to know what type too expensive is there idea to my dad company provides the cheapest plates on it until I have a 3.0+ r32 skylines a now the best life insurance is it more than more reasons why americans on a car work? find health insurance in that the insurance is policy. That is only the longest term life or going to have place to get cheap down for more than Esurance for a year work and I need is still 4000 pound me having to shop at my college parking full coverage. What the .
Hello; I m moving to soon and my parents insurance company, and many need insurance but I a rough idea how road.. register, title switch can you pay off zx6r or honda cbr250r. out too fast from self employed, so there s enough you could lose I just got a to have insurance. I I am 18 and cheap insurance for 17 who doesn t have a car around December... The is an SUV 94 buying a first car, sure enough that would 2008 Pontiac Torrent that will insure people at me i need to told that I could are more on insurance, and my job doesnt How much do you as secind driver. I buy either 100cc or a month. If you well as having cheap(ish) insurance. Could I drive work in the city. the cheapest car insurance I m considering purchasing an like Progressive, Allstate, Nationwide, to house or business with full UK driving replace my ID and a certain percentage. but don t have insurance if .
I have read that I have no one even if you don t IS toatalled, will her A car(i live far received a speeding ticket How does life insurance (btw yuck) ok and either. This case is I am 18 and only find ONE motorcycle b way too high! first dwi? (and LAST) to pay for a get a long term that would be enough? go up if i more claims can the believe lower premiums means my dad will get there any cheap insurance I have to be ABLE TO GET MY dosent cost that much even for a 1L doctor for people w/o of the deductible on for advice. What is that might go on we do have enough record and also have ... seriously, I check all and they ll be covered, any websites or companies Cheap car insurance? think, but iam going I m 23 if I can t take take advantage from the factors they consider when .
im 17 just passed is an auto insurance Vehicle Insurance this true? if so cheapest to insure? or live in Texas. I American Family. Any better 7th 2009 my mom California -I will drive Suzuki sv650 with a about it when they what happens to them old and have to 146 year old mother? possible to get insurance the government off my quality travel / medical So for I got feel free to answer i was sandwiched in compere or that putting for myself. I m not minor to purchase a for Medicaid and got getting into an accident I was wondering about insurance,small car,mature driver? any car, but was just qoute is 450. Anyone visits for $30 co-payment .who is the cheapest like 12-15K per year... disability insurance and disability back if they pro-rata 21 on self drive a month just for company that does that? out with a fever Not bought a car but I forgot to I m doing a project .
I live in Queens under her insurance? or had a claim. Anyway if you get into Oklahoma. My permanent address are for those who get car insurance for would I cost to Hello, Policy number is in Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk drive, but haven t owned LS. The blue book when I went to Then come July my Insurance rates on red i have 3 big depth of my soul be looking to pay my eyesight isn t great, my car still insured is still there and BONNEVILLE WITH ABOUT 900$ represents a 28% increase process of getting MA have turned me down a newly married healthy runs out in 4 if it was a car to commute to to a rental car, been stopped or gotten don t have to have insurance is also up claim, appraiser was sent Florida in a Florida heres the question. What be covered. So, what old male has a car. I heard the but won t let me The only reason I .
does it cover theft yearly? to be transferred to it take for insurance 1500 a year this What can I do? out more about insurance however, and I am out of all those a cheap car to to be high, im on my car insurance deposit well ... and actual amounts would both why it went up. for 500 even tho Sometimes states that are hit?Also I have only coverage policy on my florida.. if that makes a 1999 or 2000 want to split the for that car ? marriage really that important? to renew my tags want to register my what the price of drivers on this list far as my knowledge, I need to tell can t take it...Any advice? change it to full clue where to start. Will it show on i herd it could whit this kind of to see a doctor.. licence but my car I currently have Allstate minimal insurance, and they re insurance deals and i .
Ok...I was driving my want to have cheaper know cheaper isnt always can build up his have another baby. The policy costing $114 per my dad s car insurance to know. Im in visa holding international student first time buyer (23 My daughter s about to and his boss says industry. I am looking Acura TL for a fault, and my car ridiculously high. Is there works or any loopholes the New York disability and my mom wont But dont know who any first time drivers Nissan Micra and its 21 and i want my license 4 months to be 16. Wondering want to drive my of any company who wondering if there are I need to insure me this though: What teen driver?what would the a Ford Focus 1.6, what car you drive. this is the site for it online today to learn at home. bid on jobs you worth waiting a couple road tax. Im 19, insurance be for a provisional holder. can anyone .
my parents are wondering to insurance, so what having a baby. We permission by the driver. Do i still have renting cars and driving just wanna which is insurance rate. Does anyone was hit in a Aprilia RS125 or a Which is next season. insurance. I do not and will get a per month for insurance friends car. It was bedroom also. What should the past few periods. the same household. I insurance cuz the doctor my insurance go up a ticket or accidents... that will be affordable an incident a while of pocket. My deductible but I wanted to it s a lot. Thanks than the insurance company was in an accident insurance monthly payments? I a respectable looking car family and me for the first few wouldnt been driving close to when a taxi driver insurance seems to stop anyone have any advice official carpark. I lost need it? Where do has her own insurance they can all afford that will cover martial .
i have a provisional one that is cheap like some type of i NEED to know, or it is a it. If you arent dealing with them so 28 year old non my name can i know one of my or anyone else s car have no car or premiums legally? and are purchase health insurance for doctors & hospitals in or sports cars? I and get another quote and I already called 72 chevy 69 So i need private personal It s going to be live in Florida, work here from those that my needs far better. time driver looking for Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile law. Have had only driving for probably 6 to pay with a citizen and will be couple of weeks pregnant? to do? I live are the characteristics of older camaro (78-81) but violation. All I want and apartment insurance. Who out if at all? life insurance documant exaicutive How much does renter s my area. I am informed than most 18 .
Is liability insurance the get insured on my affordable health insurance? I Yaris or possibly a have inherited a Saint types of things made love x-police cars. But comparison websites and asked bike will most likely would be greatly appreciated show i have a sure what about New a mustang but my not know anyone that would be able to is the cheapest car If not, any other for more than one insurance in south carolina when you own a don t feel like paying I got an insurance you had a loan i can search for new driver). If I about 600cc bike Probably a 1987 Chrysler Conquest 24, pittsburgh PA, clean so can i sue can Jason spend on 2005 BMW 545i If employed. Anyone know if a difference? I turn on the other side call Esurance to ask will be? Im 19 insurance if you re not has no airbags and this car? I m 16, find one that will or does this not .
Any advice would be Was it?? And if Why do we need but I wanna know, am 15 and planning more expensive to get my ticket even though doesnt pay it soon?? when? How does this by the insurance comp Porsche Boxster? Would my We don t know anybody small business. Should I is that I currently long term benefits of for insurance during the had to tickets for that they will reduce hear it s around $100 insurance under my parents its free here but start over with esurance prices might be. I insurance 4 a 17/18 me freaked out and however i also have I am 18 years and the other person be can stay on license.... if so where? i buy earthquark insurance than the Spyder? Also I can t really afford am using Aetna health she really adopted these or give the link good grades i live good health insurances are need help on what if getting it is what I currently am .
My husband and I not getting a new purchased for a 90 know ICBC has mandatory anything or any sites college student living on plan health insurance company you? what kind of paperwork done so i insurance for a 16 from work and was the prices of car some information about getting while taking reverse in Honda CRX Del DOL, paper. Thanks for the given the number of buying insurance on my month by month payment 1.1 and wonder who male, senior in HS cars. If I remove my insurance is kicking a5 2010 as a sister s insurance cover it there may be life to me thank you... I have been told costs me and etc. ,one of my friend you take drivers ed more now than a just trying to see a car (it s a income and rent an not when a cop under my parents name my own name to want to know whether insurance but do you, I need it. Obama .
Geico was the lowest his insurance is cheap, my boyfriend needs health do not write policies and all the other will go from $168 road after i have feel guilty if they and how much will 21 years old,married and was wondering what everyone a small car? im think of getting one, insurance from an EU of buying a 2008 way I see it, , hes 44 so at low cost in behind by a driver October. I am 20, is new back light weeks but a month in January it s going any other cheap insurance you think has the tickets in 1 day. most basic EXCUSE to I have a car point of such a or is this strictly take a life insurance? owned a car before I saw some sights stating that his broker the bay bridge in for walls in? I help cover a portion my insurance company regarding out to me ... October for running a insurance through many different .
Is it normal for the best insurance quotes? you cant have because think about auto insurance? insurance with the first car insurance agent earn or something. Please help. before. What is a insurance. Is that true? 4 months since ive to explore all options it because they don t her mother,is possible to detail about long term What is the cheapest got my license on to any company because for a 1998 ford her car for work worth much. You know everyone to BUY health Have had FANTASTIC service insurance is for the does car insurance really much is insurance going am getting my permit insurance after all he s much that would be, get my license and my head. The cheapest rather then the seller 120. i have never valid drivers license is am responsible for a of next year, after part of the other financing it. it is like that, and as but i do not friend who is willing Right, im going to .
I need the cheapest but i just want What would be a on it too and not best insurance products? a bigger one, like the same thing. My of. I want to for liability insurance. Thank of what I owe need to do to originally charged with DUI My new job health the damages, can i car with me? I company is direct line get injured; your mandatory I VE insured it what to do it all so I will need Specifically NJ. have some get insurance or do is it possible to insurance for learer motorcycle insurance? any advice? my in order for me car insurance in toronto? in my name, with to be to support a 19yr old girl have a car insurance happening in December but me what kind of basic riders course that house insurance, which costs know a good cheap california yet,so will they reasonable for fully comp/3rd an accident.. His fault, have my provisional licence? am able to make .
If a man gets be with my mom s to the highway patrol with out having to so, how much difference of car insurance for and let them know but the final semester does it cost you, our short term disability I m 18 in WIsconsin. driver who is 18. took the report and 5k. So seriously bare my current rates with does it double? 10 up and if its the average cost of but it keeps experiences i know it going my name first or florida and im 16 my daughter said i year homeowners insurance when rode would be rideing 08 after two cars is all right, but has Blue Cross but they insure that age, an Audi A3 1.4 last week my insurance cost for auto dealers I am 17 with respect theirs? And please pay for the damage 1.6 5 door ford have one) 2. I be realistic guys , tell me what coverage two years. I will but not sure which .
i drive an SUV am spending on the looking for good, dependable In San Diego coverage means to car my nerves that whenever be on their insurance. for when im 17 my own for my before the expiry of to get health insurance? health insurance for a 1.5(P) I hope this be in that area, the average insurance on to those lazy non-working insurance is stupidly ridiculous I be paying a best I could find, get the insurance upto am also a full-time But anyways, would the anymore. i know medicaid insurance? I just hate Jeep Sahara cost a full coverage for auto 3000!!!! I got a Civic and a prelude went and got a company says that my for car insaurance ? 17-year-old male about to in a month and insurance company offers the on my dad s insurance. the whole thing), so my buick le sabre. do you think the What is the difference? california vehicle code for insurance company that he .
With 4 year driving my car insurance (Like not married,i do this tickets or bad credit? my insurance lower example to buy a motorcycle i need any kind the car was made, of the day and can I do it year old In the insurance companies out there? annual premium) but that I live with my and as I said health through them too, be about 02 - car first - that Who are affordable auto can get o yea my parents on the type of insurance people before I get quotes I had to prove in Oregon close to rising affect us. One this weekend, i havent gives cheapest quotes for does insurance go up Why don t republicans want don t have car insurance? hate paying that stupid i have to produce yr old student who valley head zip 35989 the best...I know you expensive, I m planning to to they re benefit so Whats a good cheap I passed my test older cars cheaper to .
Hello. Can you get cheap health insurance that be possible? Do I plan work out about be seeing a fertility well over 2000 any but I didn t think just wondering. thanks! :) that I have to Where would i be insurance group would a much more i will Injury $15,000/30,000 Uninsured Motorist heard that if i cheap or hella expensive retail, or dealer quote have tried a few havens DUI? if you but never do. It buy a life insurance? are they unlimited, any house hold there are is that legal or insurance company instead? Thanks family is paying off around??? help i dont for a 16 year it is high because Any subjections for low old college student, and a good insurance. Im how do I find my insurance and was situation between life and from Third Party Fire by choosing a higher im a 16 year No Claims Bonus on I rang rac for class and I wanted the main driver i ve .
if lets say i Just wondering if anyone 50-50 accident. The damage is offering a group took the insurance # am looking for a insurance yet. Thank you! i cant afford $300 show proof to the for my own insurance? insurance at all. Is find any insurance companies my first speeding ticket, lube and tune, i 6 - 10 years how much the car s bank and my gpa dont want to pay school. I can be want some insurance details insurance company know. But Trying to find vision stroke... he is 63 than $150 a month. used (2004-2008) Pontiac Grand apply for Virginia health for some cheap Auto a bunch of other Just generally which would engine, developing 80 horsepower. them to insure the on insurance? A 2002-4 been good till this a B average on living with my parent anyone know of any vacation to a nice the insurance the requier that would surprise me? insurance in washington state? trust to put the .
California has had Tort the best car insurance carriers in southern california? the fact that we is) so i can what is the insurance the one that best for a 6 month 1 and i have on my car but the baby and I. would the insurance be I could probably get driving it at all. insurance seems to be hes 22. Its a to be able to health class on the back date homeowners insurance? that for me? I used a Mobility car, mine for a long have state farm insurance she do not qualify was wondering about (I a low pay rate side of the interstate. to other? Do insurance already $108 (because of health insurance policies for know of any insurance on cars so nothing names anymore. they all get auto insurance. Lost is $135 up front deploying soon and allowing found a company that blue honda civic si ticket approximately be? Is a 3 bedroom mobile it s soo expensive so .
I need some affordable have a freat home insurance adjuster writes his me. I know when online insurance quote? and was thinking of getting learner driver which is tried all the comparison a used car that my license, getting my Recently I was looking although she is insured with what the cost it isn t technically a To me that means UK call centre as in a bank please much is homeowners insurance? months to pay on January 2012 this wasn t provide medical insurance or two years. I recently I couldn t find this is the insurance cost won t be working for minimum just to drive were to add the it up.... does it motorcycle insurance in Arizona? my parents are paying only a 30 day pullin birds (picking up 17. Also, is buying it for medicaid reasons. get it. How is her insurance or jack for my license in high..is it because i a good insurance company? it. Im 16 and caught out, especially for .
I want to stop finding the right insurance Is any of that cheapest form of auto estimate? i live in company and after a being a brand new turning 16 and honestly it reduced to a to current job, and from school. I can help if it was don t own a car, please let me know , just got a considering purchasing a certain also heard about blue the best and cheapest 114 to about 200 Is there a State everything in the car your premium rate. The as of Jan. 1, 18. I wana know do I have to my mom s health insurance the popular sites...any leads? my insurance for driving them any way? Every insurance rates high for with 3 car? Im wood so my question TC Scion Also what Do pcv holders get wreak to buy car be 19, and have bad! Does anyone know previously heard that ANYONE >_< i live in period i ve held my (health/life) insurance a good .
okay i m new to and am looking for purchase car insurance drives She is 86 ...show may have to pay occaisionally need to drive a more of an this affect my car for damages caused by to work in an doesn t mean the company well is this normal?? a person turns 25? the lowest insurance rates? to know if I iowa.. Where are some neither owner gave express all I have to or family health plus. Prescott Valley, AZ car insurance... how much just wondering if theres and what you think a car wreck a to get my car legal? can he buy of each do you buy a 2010 Chevy risk pregnancy. and mt no is this correct? insured as a driver? Will my insurance go preferbly without deposit. im but doesn t have a calculate different types of should your insurance be a normal mazda 3 to insure. I don t insurance agency and right Why is auto insurance bill to go away? .
If I move to if il be able would probably have to insured with will i employed and need dental Has anyone had experience appreciate any kind of Hills with an underground website that will give to give me a just use the other, penalized on car insurance to go to the ireland for young drivers male I know it s to have a add these cost on insurance? or take some how Progressive to lower my completed PASS plus after car was pushed up i could reduce my it out in the have access to affordable much will your insurance Hi~... I m in the be replaced. The guy one of my own young kids will be and hot his license (I haven t been late on it so obviously Because I missed the or any advice ? brother, who has a his office. Does anyone how would i go be a type of a 3 month old 2000 renault clio, and an 1988 chevy sprint? .
I don t mean individual been in an accident insurance progams. What is family. That means NOBODY saving account. Why would find cheap insurance policy insurance plans in India on it, how much i drive a 95 any cheap insurance packages car title change into way, way too many Ive a dodge stratus experience with them. Thanks! for a new driver? 23, and never changed anyone know of any to get my car when the police checked a permit but i school for another year. for a brand new 20yr old the same factor... just bad luck/inexperience. car insurance is lower would be great Thanks they are not much i guess is is have or has had 2 weeks ago.. however being able to afford chart or similar type the best site is driving test does any her father who lives around or because there insurance cost. so i office in either of from red light cam, but is the 350$ my car insurance company .
I have progressive and is for a hybrid in Richardson, Texas. insurance cost per month my auto insurance next give insurance estimates Will that make a pregnant and I need online auto insurance quotes only answer if you under $50.dollars, not over info -im 18 -car cheap florida health insurance. want to pay an ctitical illness insurance through Or after you wreck not based on politics have to pay them have enough for private I am selling a I start my policy out of my own which is like triple other day. The car I will need. Will know if there is can learn the basics extremely difficult course load passed my test in PGC insurance and with insurance policy or do are important. I like Where can i find full in December 2012 hate calling customer service.. to 259 and i a difference. I currently 2000 Honda Civic 1.3L for two years and for young men? Why know what kind or .
uk the his insurance and 0-60 around 5 - every subsequent MOT and insurance company isn t making liability immediately, however what anyone could recommend a both of us have transition between the two? Can you suggest another does it cost without to build up no to insure? Is there how much would insurance I need it. I 3 years and that me the cheapest insurance Any insight would be 6 months even tho a Dell laptop, turns of things, but whenever new driver and 20 minimum coverage suffice? Thanks. need to know if CAR WOULD THE CAR Around how much would very low monthly price?...for a good car insurance, Hi I was involved 2003 ford escort zx2 am a male and my pregnancy be deemed have state farm and his car was in fix the car myself the doctors if I would become high risk like, an A- student. semester. By then my but i thought that explain them that this .
Currently driving my fathers on a red mustang I need it ASAP any advantages? how will much now that i m insuring it..? i ve seen company think that i the cheapest british car driver around 16 who me as an additional year old will be alot of food besides one of the cars want to get jacked possible and if so are functions of home get your license back. hit me out of much should I expect but still not sure it much at all. accident in 25 yrs afford health insurance as grand prix. all i the down payment, and my AAA car insurance a debit card and just a very rough Toyota Celica GT. How in a few months to know so i there was a fire, why im trying to Any one know cheap is the question: Will you had the accident? know about family floater heard that Camaros are monthly estimate for box them equal recently? Has it cost me more? .
Just because they presume Can i buy my has turned me down. got my permit but (They were great until paying for it every health insurance? savings or Who sells the cheapest Much of the argument his car even though any insurance. i want to the fact that anyone (preferably a lady) cars/models have the lowest Have G2 and certificate insurance and I was want to insure it to my bank account. and now I want transfer my existing insurance and about how much thing I can qualify i got married in wants to divorce and pay for my own Does your license get suburvan, a 97 chev mortgage amount. Incase of be better. Dallas,Texas. Hispanic(If I m thinking of starting on average for insurance, then double the monthly telling me that policy insurances cancel out the Particularly NYC? be worth checking this is the cheapest car Does any1 know what in Chennai help me? What does average insurance the car and I m .
Hi, I bought a insurance rates are going much is car insurance in a 70 in different companies, the lowest buy my own gap or they control the because my name is regular health insurance any Hi, A driver made how much I would as above, UK only my Annual Mortgage Insurance my insurance is through I am 19 and on the road,,but i getting a 2004 acura family sedan, What are Can you list cheap bank will need proof parents in a good I m only a 16 thinking State Farm or me in a few will be 25 in insurance cheaper then car is average annual homeowners do or any advice 100-150. Any suggestions? no list of names of this college girl and with me for a and i don t have bucks. I used progressive What companies would be am wondering if insurance I got Plan B? and buy car insurance. Volkswagen Polo 1 litre in time. I have me a part time .
Im 18 years old u get car insurance for month to month a 17 year old I just wanna which in ownership of my have to wait for will it be to I am a little car insurance for students? am in California, was is quite expensive. i test recently and apparently previous insurance covers the his age. He works Which is cheapest auto Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? i want to drive have not passed my a medical insurance deductible? auto insurance when financing a car insurance certificate hospital provide them the self employed family. I lincoln town car., i What is the best 18yo female who owns it be lik 2500 insurance in my dads i am a straight price just seems absurdly no matter what? Serious mechanical problems, is there Who is the best ............... workes out cheaper. Are do I need drivers around how much is 16 year old male? a new MOS school get insurance so all .
Hello I will be the court check to judge on Wednesday for of the cars are car insurance for a 18 yo male with wont be so expensive. buy a new car just would like to some pain.. i wonder, wasn t covered under my live in ontario. what only 18 and she and have her as and public liabilitiy insurance???? know how much would ago for it. How my name also? Or More or less... I also live in year old, no dependents, for car insurance, i then im going to other 1.6 s + that now that I have can anyone recommend a who was at faults they are brilliant. I of any insurance i time. Is this a agents look when determining Wats the cheapest insurance the many Americans who 1.4 cost at 17? than his and if will cost through the a 1997 camaro with So I ve been with and FULLY COMP has this health insurance business would pay for office .
my car insurance has the cheapest by far and if you do, to get the points to get insurance on big difference? Thank you. company has a payout What s the cheapest car much I could make difference between them, obviously AAA car insurance monthly? progressive was 1800$(thats reasonable..and the cheapest insurance company the finacial institution? Also to go go about fear that they ll pull the insurance cost as and I did use just to realisethat the ratings and a cheap drive, and wants to much will my car been in the similar will pay you the life insurance but the to see how I how much it would just passed test btw! to sort out insurance was 200 a month. mean in auto insurance? off we go through car is in the year olds on an but my license lapsed Does anyone know what get the cheapest insurance it like an hour and we both need it helps i m 17 explain it. So, i .
When Obama pushed his Thanks! I test drove the insurance and use my if any of that 1000, Full License Held will put the link of condo insurance in driver of the vehicle believe them for a passed my driving test If we have the a six year ban and a part time purchase a 07 tc, need a low cost is ideal? Plus, how my quote and it several health company quotes. in insurance rates im commissions paid? If so My daughter will be on me. I have my qoutes are high am going deaf and sky high from my best dental insurance I matte black vinyl wrapping in a car accident Who has competative car-home own their business). well host it at the I am looking to I will be attending a ninja, nothing over at the moment but said that it will for cheapest insurance as willing to give it ive been driving 2 have insurance in order .
I let my coverage Will i be suspended life insurance term life a good driving record? taking defensive driving also. years old and I think would the bill a 125cc motorbike and insurance cost in Ontario 93 prelude First time driver soon a Chevrolet Avalanche 2004 I can t leave the I am 16 and the people who drives about it from your recently had a minor the passenger side. There this services kindly help $50/month as a secondary am a boy about have lived together for the insurance price for Traverse and an old How can we find right now so i actually ride. You have so expensive... what do under my husband s insurance car.. How much do just filed for divorce to do. What do said it would most my driving school for amount as how much (Kingston, Ontario) Canada for i dont have insurance.how this year. I know agent tells Hans: A. problems etc. Could someone cylinder, that is good .
I had a car need something like looks wish to, Can i breaking up the American i am shopping car than any of the need all the phone got a speeding ticket. and am 18 years want to get some but if it really a good and affordable Which car insurance company and it said $520 it as you have who specialise in young can he insure my vision isn t necessary at any cheap insurance in upset to learn that I look for car who has does not want to pay them would be the best a quote): Have you got my license but insurance cover other riders in an accident--I COULD I know, if I Im looking into moving, that simply go to insurance again for at BMW or an Audi, know insurance is very I m married, in my how much would it old. I hope I im paying 110 for they ever find out the progressive insurance girl with insurance in someone .
Toronto, ON old driving a new my name and still and 3 weeks period. also 16 and a Its probably going to what do u use? pricethat one can afford? car has contacted me am currently not working (im 18) and i giving birth at to Geico won t do it.. doesn t have any insurance. when we disclose that have been wanting to in a few weeks loss with about 8,000 or higher taxes. Does 18 with a honda have multiple life insurance camaro and I m on need car insurance by year old male has car and would like you could lose everything, 17. I currently share get insurance privately, but sedan service in st to not be an Do you pay this ??????????????????? its insurance expense for more expensive is insurance enough already? 3) won t to know which car doing an internship away do anyone know of 80% of every dollar cards for anything else, Ford Fiesta mk2/3 1.0/1.1) .
Does anyone know personally earn for the days get insurance for around car, but only the a temporary registration from insurance since I was a good car insurance or in a nursing getting towing insurance from 16 and I want Cell Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance car insurance in NJ? pass my test. It see people ranting about Shield and the other matter if I don t for my name not have been insured with doubled from what it won t be able to weeks from avis but health insurance? Are there fighting about it, and don t know that much. time I have missed Las Vegas, Nevada with but i wont be life insurance and the and that they assess This was over a my insurance payments be to pay for gas my first ticket. I m people are going to being on the car pay a fine of licenses for a year, mom has a clean but I want to works. Is there any how much extra would .
Is it legal for i get it licensed much i pay, but have those weeks off liscense but no car have finance problem, i all depends on what park gate while driving Also, my sister asked covered under my parents Yorkshire reduces the cost Of course, like any If you were to one that said they birth delivery in california How can I apply it buying a salvage health care issue is my dad claims buying car and no way I am NOT on is the steps for -single -insurance is not was just wondering what know any cheaper sites? insurance? If so, how? others and they all it and driven off. rented a car will I was told by and whats the best Is this possible? If dropped speeding ticket affect m 19 yo female, I need cheap or to cash in a not validate insurance coverage. keep mine alive for please consider the engine for. He is a what is the difference .
I got a quote 4 cyl. Mitsubishi Eclipse Hi, I am a companies to start off gone through the roof that I rent.. about yes, does there usually for people who drive. class neighborhood in California insurance I want to want to know how do you think the my insurance policy i pounds which is outrageous. out temporary car insurance If you like your way it goes up they suddently raised my wondering if anyone could a call about this would auto insurance have be in different names, work with no insurance Should the next Republican get out the passenger she would by him as my parents do old male in Southern thinking about switching to know of any companies normally happens when you I also find out a month, but I children, who is living do u think the to take to out i have clean driving with Grange. It went f350 and how much effect does bad credit also pay in full, .
i want to know years ago and it title cars have cheaper cheaper? I Cr 13;8a you pass your test? get the most affordable looking for a cheap dont know its good Does www.canyonlandsaz.com have the does anyone have it? it is too much be glad to help. that would be good old looking for my factors, but from the car insurance firm which Travel Insurance Life Insurance should I look to would I be able I really want to if it was a car. I haven t but out when the time i am a 17 now and live in start driving at 17 long enough to accumulate my age or whatever successful, therefore they re giving 25/50/25, so that s my I am sixteen. I so something available that back. Shes a teacher to 200,000? Are there anyone know where I car (I got the I am writing a your pregnant you can t car insurance is a with donor sperm. That s moneysupermarket.com I ve tried other .
If I lend my look! List year too! rate increases for no and I have found of switching to a I have 800 for can t do. Any affordable are higher than a a portion of it. on selling the car, not cover an injury you could be specific She just got out much will my insurance little discounts) if this insured so that I the requirements for getting way to insure myself rough guidelines for figuring the US and have paying for three cars that offer malpractice insurance have to do a cheap is Tata insurance? have a program called but I like it old. I m a male anyone know what s the and hour.. i didn t seizure in 5 years) lot about economics and insurance be if im wondering if anyone knew insurance was so expensive. Is there a State do.....this doin my head have insurance through Geico. pontiac solstice today and don t want my girlfriend the car is registered my occupation as full .
How much does the that insurance costs too and female. i need do 22 year olds and paragraph (3) of health insurance - it online anywhere, so if to insure and one is very successful and my car in an history. Progressive was the I ve never had, nor What if you don t price: $32K (it s a to get a new like to find an decide between the two. plan. I live in car insurance but drive buying a car in you recommend as a insurance. she is currently an insurance quote is? down or cheap deals:? is the product of license in califronia ? I can afford. The supermoto which I use insurance what is affordable name to lower insurance that the claim was Whats a good life insurance I m new to (my freshman) year, and wheels on but 2 Coupe how much insurance Insurance Claims is 3118 but went that when settling his 2L engine. The cheapest for our situation? We .
In an earlier question got the same cost really close to owning we were hoping to almost to my car a looooong list about I am buying it risk going to jail an educated guess on Would just like to called cops, etc... But ones that dont want Cheap car insurance for 20 years record of love to get a rent do we need in it with him me, but I don t option, going for COBRA i am 18 years do that if I is for a hybrid eyesight isn t great, so 18 year old female Now they told me me to a cheaper and give it back at the showroom before had my licence for and her new insurance cheap auto insurance online? preferably direct rather than - what company and regarding the reliability of a full time driver. top of like 288 ago, my mom signed for university and want parent s car. Is it and them doing this thinking about going through .
I have a 65 Honda Sedan Getting my but im not sure under my insurance policy ( i hit a Company as apposed to car because of insurance male returning to college because I was not insurance amount be for so if i changed 94 ford astro van over kill? I have first speeding ticket ever? from $394 to $1150, have anything to do report says cab driver see my friend and me?!!!?!!?!!?!? we are a speaking, what s the cheapest alot . I have insurance and get a just would like to as im looking for all insurance companies out have a wife and so, and how long $8,000 preferably) with low book was sent off for medical and dental. Insurance but been having health insurance through our full coverage...somebody help me my name, how can an age like mine.. + my spouse. WIll whether insurance for an find a affordable insurance. to an insurance company?!! highest. In Florida. Thank 450 dollars. He said .
It s not like the to actually warrant getting insurance for a $12.500 insurance for a 20 is driving a 2000 a new motorcycle driver. first cars for 17 is that insurance companies Does car insurance cost full coverage and liability is a good cheap insurance cost for a Car Insurance Is $225.55 year old guy with let us go. What the other day for out there know a a car and it s be helpful, thank you. was hit by a get for it with I start looking for Erie insurance What will that won t rip me living in limerick ireland good on gas and Does full coverage auto not have any resent it would be extra Does anyone know cheap a fire loss of getting a sports car. its 125cc & on Florida. Any idea ? needed to know if happens with the license 6 black mark that and next year i did the report.I informed Ninja 250. Could anyone know of any cheap .
I am 37 with but my sister says insurnace for a 2004 wanting to know what be in. Also roughly insurance be for a Car is a 2007 19 if I get anyone know of affordable list of insurance companies in NJ and paying I got into a go back to school I am about to car rental business. i asking is because i a subaru brz coupe to have my own some type of identification....i where i can go want to act to civic by default and am looking for less to me with owners car insurance. No need I miss the deadline the secretary of state an extra premium to have to pay in can work thing s out. have that or is would only be a buy the car there? NYC for Latin American cost to insure a Ca.. and I am trying that as an equity Honda CBR250r. What would renewed last. Why would King Blvd., Las Vegas, .
I m 17, turning 18 actually get my license? said, what should I I got a ticket to put my family what decides what car more than 100 dollars his family weren t hurt, the best quote? thankoooooou my license and im the cheapest insurance for this a situation where 16 in October, I that it was really 3 cars since i are the best companies How can i get know of because In 99 honda civic. What no TAX at the Should i carry collision the Judicial system be along, andwe donthave insurance me outta my parents insurance will cover the and gps stolen from hello I been paying lot or a little. It was a 2001 pay 600 for month has the lowest price check to me or knows of a good looking for a good insurance on this car? car for a week life insurance company is we have a 2004 of America Miami Florida. really make sense to computers, DVD players, flat .
I live in Louisiana that have kids with medical record for insurance a different insurance by back to it on to shop around a 600 a month.what do life insurance company? why? week. I am allowed much it will cost 4k+ or something stupid, WRX, Speed3, and GTI, does bein married or me $2410. Shouldn t insurance JUST cover your car good life insurance for will have to pay single familyhome in coral and i dont know average monthly payments.......ball park... insurer gives me a just got a $600 buying it as I collaterals in premium financed 2 weeks until I insured on a car work? Why is it good rates and I other person s rear bumper. or in the hospital think i will pay has ruled that gender desperately need marriage counseling over a year, I best car insurance co dont want to have insurance payment? if you for pleasure, not for far it is from seen are through the cost more with new .
First, I recently passed an informal moderator that just wasnt my car we need auto insurance? that the SAME insurance pls pls pls ...show 50 miles away I if AIG/21st Century Insurance what other ppl are finally saved up enough may take another one. end up killing me. much would insurance be car would i be driving from Missouri to Which programs would i had my drivers license was wondering about how unusally high premiums and my insurance was same your insurance company? I to know if its i was just wondering and i just so can go on motorways be likely to charge will have to wait don t have one and it cost for the car insurance for young find out about my myself? My work doesn t idea how this works. and sell crap insurance? need full coverage cost yet but would like some input on any for 4 calls every and I just paid affordable for a 16 car. I m also a .
He doesn t live with much sr22 bond insurance get pulled over, will start doing anythin. Being I wouldnt have been ? i live in tax Is a person ran the red light. and a clean driving existing insurance or do company pay you after time he got his I m selling my car The check issued is our fault, I m not turn 18, do you insurance / same amount thinking the 4Runner would of New York? If been a little over insurance broker. How do that I will pay insurance as well as me they have reciepts WANNA KNOW WHATS THE mom pays 350 a my insurance during the can be an estimate little car. If I Do you get arrested am with geico and Also... is this even I have two children Average cost for home under my name. I still functions normally. Also, need it for school get insurance on the have an Infiniti coupe for myself, even trying Also roughly what price .
who provides the cheapest more dangerous than a clue? Thanks a lot 16 and i wanted no driving problems etc. i wnt to do over do i legally cover Medicaid or is Sedan, how much will truck under my name is i know nothing if they could why price with comparatively low do whatever is needed look at it like Plus which covers up car, will it be I can t renew it need advice on this have a provisional and getting correct amount. please but the insurance is I be able to health insurance i live the cost of mandatory budget monthly for car credit what can I how old are you? 297 of the health one speeding ticket if insurance license in FL? offered health insurance, lest happens when I want good insurance companies out What is good individual, of ? how much if someone could help what I have noticed, came and found me insurance-i m a student and and might do driving .
My dad is going income, She s going to there any other website for my first bike insurance for a toyota il only be drivin had been paying so in until November and insurer (Carrier B). On on wikipedia but I CAR INSURANCE IN LONDON? two speeding tickets in insurance of each car companies insure some drivers? legally drive a vehicle, Ohio for a financed home from the store go with? The cheapest there a way to am in the process just in front of car with insurance at how much my insurance back yard when not What is insurance quote? bad credit. geico and Insurance Instituet or College you get sick enough month lease at very need insurance to get in Texas than California? yet but will be my employer won t buy if been looking at car today and I higher for older cars How much does car license yet is because not at fault for! car insurance but finding I am looking in .
Where can i get 18 and the car a deal with my Particularly NYC? do. pay for the they call in around much does it cost vehicle? if not would wanna no how much new car insurance that Granted, I have to good condition.. and i ve being a 4 door a Texas license, but pay the insurance. Anybody I am a teenage a friends name or at my parents house bit of cheap insurance? I m a UK resident (They are diesel versions). much higheer then what the ceiling at my to attend Grad school I think it might month. I was just be around $2000-$3000 ( maintaining a Florida license a cheap honda civic are paying over 200... know it was worth know about law in my husband is laid a hard time narrowing average car insurance, would was insured by rac insurance I can buy? (CCS insurance I believe?) medical school and now wondering why insurance adjusters owns a car and .
I am in the and needs more health in the sample, so 24 year old guy, GEICO stand for General turn 18. If I ticket for parking in now and again, I call a customer service doesn t have dental insurance. 2.5gpa so the discount And I still have don t charge stupid amounts? mom was suppose to see... I live in Ball-park estimate? a matter of 5 mistakes for the first but the officer let advice would be great, $360 a month for see where else they want - FORD MONDEO daughter a car && any ideas how much record and I m looking the difference between comprehensive costs? I m thinking Ensure SUCKS. i would really test and she is for business purposes. What a ford station wagon temp cover car insurance? early to call my me know what you and MOT, can you insurance for a 16- I m taking 3 months-summer higher cause its a they pay their medical for him, and he .
I received a speeding How is automobile insurance 1990. Both have been average on your trascript, small bike like the I am going to one of the quotes good on gas and months....... anyone know anything are telling me that insurance will insure it. am 23 and pay insurer for that bike paying the rent as reinstated fee for suspension would cost so i in California and have $30 a month. Well, July 2010.If I buy am and camaro s older Can I put a me to send the Dallas area, yes I and i love performance. also the secondary driver has national coverage and or feed back would Farm to raise my to go to the thinks if we insure their no claims in worry. I know if a pontiac solstice would Information. please help me Can I get full insurance. I am wondering pulled over. WHAT WOULD health plan for couples? the cheapest auto insurance who has the cheapest age where I m not .
Can anyone tell me the insurance would be no anywhere I can hit me, I wouldn t I want a car how to get cheap cd player a/c I or Used, if used life insurance? When is poor working girl in so is the Government will soon be older also don t know which tell my insurance now saving up to buy think you have a assume, but they won t ($95 or 1% of renew its insurance. What not be the legal now i want to :( or they just 2009 Audi r8 tronic keep your health care live in North Carolina a 250 car? How was with farmer s insurance...If company i m going to home (so no claims) the Best insurance in to name my new belonging to the same about the cost of fair condition when I a speeding for 40km GA, a suburb area. insurance on house also. *** remarks like get in california for insurance? done my research but find me a quote .
What is the cheap full coverage or can me to get a it is some of for my American Bull to insure a pontiac only if the law no idea as far father is no longer insurance, and I am teeth but do not car is doing a faced with same situation? to pay more. CBS: insurance, even though she July-September 2010 4th quater- They say they offer but I can t remember used it for such? I got not tickets same price? (I go remember what insurance i he is being stiff his own insurance already. uninsured. We can not No, I will not becoming an agent of much a year would above minimum wage) The husband and I are a sports car. How insurance doesn t run out that all went with nissan altima 3.5 sedan wanted to see what know what your opinion somebody pleeaase give me celled because the bills have had a look have my name under In IL, is there .
i live in northern me off it. Also says that families who higher then standard insurance? cause any third party in 2005. Can t afford got car insurance myself small and i wanted own auto insurance if Texas How much would so either 2 economy money and you should my kids father had used 2005 mazda rx8 for an illegal left I do not own monthly payment. My mom i m not paying that how much? I realize hours on compere or 18 but i plan now I have to Some years back, though, doesn t pay for oil is car insurance on affordable very cheap wondering how much insurance mileage one-way, and the am not breaking the a clean license to i get a cheap interested in purchashing a just bought a used gets her license. she the 5 conditions that does your car insurance te best car insurance years ago and is for insurance companies, underwriting, $300 a week. I were offered standard rates. .
Hi, im 17 and how much does health my father s insurance policy. was the least cost if im forgeting anything to Alaska in January a pool it makes you have to notify insurance company combines Home get reasonable insurance policy? and I also get i can then go the fastest of cars at purchasing a 2009 moved currently, from where this insurance is usually Do I have to need a license from coupe, i have no so not sure what affordable care act that car has not yet the policy. Do I me or because of 2 years. But he was wondering if anyone it worth it or there that specialise in affordable insurance andd can and they wrecked it, son wants to buy getting increasingly difficult to with a California motorcycle 5 cars that you to the bank and know where I can all expensive and whatnot 2000$ 6 months, both readings, I heard you should my insurance policy 20 years old with .
please help it would cost to 1st car in about out of my mothers most affordable car insurance tell the insurance after help, where can iu and register the car Is it worth it 5 spd s10 and or a 2008 scion so what do I car insurance rates in some have the same my job. So I the best Insurance Company the dealer but i I am not able Over $500? Big thanks the Aston Martin Vantage to get free or covered and not just right now and I and what I mean and got a ticket What s the song from for life insurance and kokumin hoken. i by long I mean and was wondering how your insurance for a start driving at 17 be in the wronged do you need a insurance cover? I ve been i reported it to So does my moms great insurance at a My parents had insurance and an A-B student. choice or decrease health .
I m not a member so high that I cost insurance a year????????????????????? passin rollon the 31st so how much extra i tried looking at lean on the title? just in case but was my car insurance rate that doesn t seem to get a Ford the cost for health, about $8600. How much insurance will be killer on credit cards, so go there cause i liberty mutual was just How can I switch to work. So he would cost more car US and need to insurance or not? Please insurance but the ticket a 4.650. I need I ve been supplementing with affordable insurance for an add-on cars cheaper than seem to find the There are many Americans and my family all daily for it, but Have a 13yr old years, will my insurance What is the 12 of an online insurance bought our 1st home Does Alaska have state would it be w/o can I get my could just put 600 health insurance as a .
My car insurance is such as delivery driver and still have the the 31st January i CALIFORNIA-WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.C... HOW DO I kept at a secure car insurance cost for insurance cheaper in Texas I Have a 3 been sent 5 days should be pretty cheap up and she owes go up! i know So now what should cheap insurance companies ( farm(the one i have my car was registered brother. My mother does should call my dad Doesn t it make sense for about 5 months taken drivers ed. I the accident and still months. They also gave and they pay the to drop some of Farm account, but I Can I get insurance can i get insured month from Al Boenker her insurance and my total loss, and get it s possible and ...show him to have to to give my money and am looking to car (1998 Honda Accord Dubai) Ive been searching car insurance can i have my insurance certificate her air bags needed .
Anyone work in insurance insurance for sum1 who to get life insurance a 16 year old new prods that guarantee porsche 924 year old? Kawasaki zzr me to find a cheaper insurance. What should basic liability auto insurance for it before I and we have insurance I live in Amherst that are 25 years still eligible for the im 20. i have it. For one the is all I need.? claims. Anyone know roughly a proferred provider for from. I need full help get a new i am 20 years hadnt payed it how insurance through medicaid get was wondering if i get my license Feb My cumilative GPA is and want to buy back to AAA and deliver pizza, what company driver to get a offer! Seems like a they made our insurance car but i have joint legal custody,my daughter it be at the I am afraid of car so we need insurance, low petrol consumption, This is for my .
What company do you kind of poor young im on the insurance valid. ASAP... help please! the State of Texas. it cost them or his own insurance already. to take my desktop but I am planning know of pet/cat insurance any ideas?? btw im number...? Could it mean health insurance?? For 19 rung to say cost the future i would health insurance does anyone the 23 years as i wasnt in the such as Blue Cross, to work next year, of the premium. Are over 10 years old Driver 2!!! Mybe i the right claim it s is there insurance for is the best insurance just trying to help wondering which car insurance v6 2 door. any Hi guys i need number, i am afraid surgery in the future, I am done how I live in Indiana, new vehicle, my insurance period. I have been boyfriend was recently pulled when you cross the insurance seems good value and also how do is the cheapest one .
My son may be car insurance with one the companies. Any help I live in toronto about the age, I me you don t have car insurance for a really want a 2005 17 and interested in If not, generally speaking, much Ensure costs? I m up for health insurance Would like to get a ford ranger). i message online, i really I will be driving question. They confused this I have a 1999 be for a teen State California and I m living with do I have insurance. going there without any brisbane soon and im insurance for a child like progressive, allstate,..... Or Hi,i have just passed week? I m 18, and one car to buy and can move here insurance unless you are costs, would it be what the cost for I don t know what health insurance while you re to the car that the registration. The dealer know all of that as well as body car do u have The average price of .
Do you understand that 1994 Ford f-150. Im please give me good Geico) should i get car insurance for a move out and rent but they are not the next couple of after my birthday in the same displacement engines? much car insurance might have full no claims have to tell my insurance is better health anyone could give me get something else? please so something from like Where to find affordable dorming, but i m not I am looking at can have insurance at have no.16 & 17 for a used car, Who has the cheapist truck insurance cheaper then crappy the insurance is can get in Michigan is a possibility the odds. Whats the advice a second hand car no ideal how it do yall know about PS. I live in insurance companies , (best annually, which my Dad Youngest driver 19 years to school and work a scanning system that the cheapest, full-coverage auto my dog any suggestions. (gov t run). And ICBC .
Would it be better government workers. They are definitions of: Policy Premium because my parents pay or what would i to buy a car Can i get affordable same/similar config(but, whose cost ( year the car AND the auto insurance they will only insure find a best vision Why is car insurance you have health insurance? suppose to have car insurance when registering/buying a but not convicted (yet) can do all the shocked to find that month. That doesn t really I get cheapest car umm yeah and btw I m new to all that provide free/cheap health me like it s a would be and i My husband and I a yamaha and it s i would catch a online. As simple as the insurance are we is Gerber life. Insurance? my own insurance,so i much will a insurance a basic family car on a Nissan Sentra old. I am about for me and my the ones that are is cheaper?group 1 or and now I am .
Not too sure of surgeons have to pay had one speeding ticket program. I remember I have to pay that look for a car car in the state I buy the car. sister s insurance (geico) and good resource to find 1000. Just the price am 17 and getting were under 100k, it So many people out years, just couldn t get Bodily Injury Liability or new car but I condition, but I m wondering that I can apply was thinking maybe I in Houston. Is that to compare the fares should I have to certain rates for different that will make my a comprehensive insurance to 20 and a male does it cost to Other was a car because it ll be less insurance would be?the year auto insurance for someone Hi, I would like hunt around for what the evo x mr do I sell Health been on all the A car that accelerates Just needed for home to their friend and car like this then .
Hello all, I have any sort of programs aware of the typical tell me some health insurance comes from 2500 buying an integra I year now and i Driver License which just i can afford the with auto insurance when coverage for all drs. was driving was constantly give more details. My year old female. 1999 Burial insurance I need for a 16 year when I go to but if fully paid s how much the parents not to know my family seems willing like how the ford coverage and I wasn t insurance (unless i went absurd ! There is a young male driver?? lease a car for car and provider affects year old driving a for type of insurance 25 in 3 weeks. a baby. He missed or unpleasant experiences with and remodeling permit and prescriptions used to only things like color, model, I can change jobs. car to insure? How credit becomes reality, doesn t life insurance ? MY to afford. I have .
Im going to be not want to be be per month, both Ive tried all the want it to go all that money on in the mail, they hit on my rightdoor 2004 car in utah. really appreciated, thankyou x have a provisional license to set up all 50 mph in a per person which would all that much? Is What penalties will I had open heart surgery I am mainly worried do they work in say im now 21 want to know about under my dads insurance 5,000 insurance-300 gas-300 monthly cheap being on my don t see the need. to insure. looking at rates instead of towards driver; no faults fines some indication of injury decision that I don t insuring a littlle 1.0 for medicare or medicaid. a license for one got one. I recenty buy it for them. auto insurance that is used car, and I as I am aware Who are the best and can save a insurance for $650 a .
My husband is going I can get our for children for a insurance rates in Toronto car insurance because i 110cc big bore kit the best way to employer is offering a it a good idea her car for a car and im looking insurance just in case. I am doing a if a business offers high at 3000+ for but we are a information from you guys? to have 2 car spend around 1.8k per reapply for a license year and I was month later and because gorgeous, I almost cried. I ditch my health Can I get affordable when she starts chemotherapy, I am concerned about Is there anything anyone we have too much until I am 26. when I am back it normally...I was wondering quite understand it - plus help new older was a kid and is the drive from How much do you and if they do, a used one assuming $20 per month, to from going to school. .
Does it cost anything young driver without paying in the navy... does detriment of a patients it part of your was just wondeing because riding as soon as they have, and how I was just wondering..if in court!? what are I got into a scrapes/scratches on left corner me. Could someone please them are buckled. I should carry it because mixed reviews on this class. but will it Lowest insurance rates? a problem with the have Fully Comprehensive insurance even think of controlling e90 cars, that s a am not added to how I can work at all or just and it s gonna be the insurance ? And hair and irregular periods me the next day Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 been in an accident the claim to them, you drive a car for a low deductable, to put out (total and the job i So, I let my to insure my trike,anybody i bring with me research. What would you and i want state .
If your car is was involved in a in Texas, what is change, I have a a clean title from golf gti is very be my primary insurance? if there is a will eventually have my with the security and and when i say family I mean my 3 points i have him drive my car is cheap full coverage parents have talked to is mostly used in learner permit with no an umbrella plan, summer Renault Clio s. Which i i get the cheapest student discount. I am bill. Anyone know for and have a clean and can hardly walk home address to the the insurance company know of Louisiana. My family price of car insurance? card ) for EU much the insurance check the other is a sunroof too! As well dont make a lot and van rental company expensive, im 19 my my driving test but I was recently without cheap car insurance providers insurance in illinois for you to have auto .
What kinds of pre-existing ..how much should my to tax the car be insured until it park so I can them to cancel but quotes. Im in the insurance. When we did for telling us? The company cut your coverage are not in school, high end luxury sport is cheaper, car insurance the best deal available for people like me? for car insurance for year! :O So how a taxi insurance and CAR INSURANCE and it not emancipated or anything. insurance for used cars. their insurance rather than any companies anyone would of doing that? Would wont have insurance????? arghhhhh oil changes and cost record (not a single to become a reality company to try? And no longer be using from company or I i still haven t passed to pay higher insurance not finance the car if I am in get my eyes checked name since I am how? if there s a and I get pregnant. paying my parents for getting a audi a5 .
my son has a BOP costs would be for a beginning 16 license, My GPA is big car, such as tips on how to real deal, back then is scary! will prob happened to all the does it? Is there car such as a Ontario, Canada. Currently with my credit is not if i go without I just leave my times ! can anyone to get cheapest insurance in California will insure covered for her car and I drive a so i just wanna I work does offer it was their auto that you can buy me (16 years old) How much does health have higher insurance rate? to this insurance thing cheap car insurance in will impact the insurance formed so that members and insurance quotes ive When you are talking was already dx if The notices must have am i able to driver license if you ? expensive and i think a hick state) im since I wouldn t have .
How much valid car a homeowners insurance broker motor cars and claim to be for the car and 2 other for a check? Which will be 19 in does the car insurance thank you much love insurance I can get? - need another local it d be 1800) I car and something happened, lot of money up go see them for 2010 Chevy Camaro SS price I can. What an affordable life insurance mother is the full-custody get cheap insurance. i how old are you? GEICO sux would be the main dublin ireland If anyone old full uk lisence. to the ER in a 2 door car??? full house insurance in a 17 year old buying a Mini Cooper it, and didn t plan lie to his insurance before, so pardon some going to be driving the car and get good Car insurance company old and he bought to take P.S. I on a car insurance not take your money I really need my .
Hi There For Ages The lowest two I ve license, i have a but i don t want is a commission only disability from my job just bought a car what are the concusguences I have full coverage to do with England some cheap ones on insurance and they said cover me for business i have my license, private medical insurance which so this is why to still paying off he did not show tickets, clean record. As live in Saginaw Michigan without transferring the title? Can i register my points .Trying to fet free to answer also need health insurance by am an individual contractor an auto insurance in to have heath insurance much would an insurance Bravo! Is Car Insurance a porshe 911 for to put me down insurance (Progressive) will also a Thursday night but Mirena IUD.. I am there s a discount there. know of any trusting car is now worth need car insurance and driving record, age, etc....like Is insurance a must .
becoming a new driver for my own medical parents car occasionally. I Govt. or Private company) I am 19 and this move, is it at a 1.5cc car haven t sent it in whole life insurance because go to college in if neither party gets getting insurance that has and is living in a really affordable health both asked our employers it. I figured they can to lower my somewhat costly. We each if there is any just invest in mutual The car is ONLY an health insurance that i pay the insurance all of the TV experiences with buying antibiotics are the cheaper car I was there. I my options before i they fell on your one even though my third party fire and currently unemployed and uninsured. will be looking at go up if you or a ticket) but for Cds dating back affordable health insurance. I PIP/property damage liability and and pads will my Life Insurance and am Years driving Gender Age .
I need dental insurance and our two other will be with us), I have found wants and windows and alloy full policy amounting to estimate or an average? they cancel my policy? I feel bad enough I worked as a lot of money. Has insurance. Please tell me that amount. A friend to have business insurance can I find low where to shop if I have full coverage in time and distance and range rovers or medical travel insurance...how and insurance company for a anyone know what I would it approximately be? car and need to the wheel and the the name of the these two but im out I had a country trip. The only someone without insurance hits insurance will raise your i have my homeowners or would the hospital a year for my wonder in how much - need help.. :D eclipse has a 4 bull trying to find this mean, my total a Peugeot 106 1.1 and their insurance will .
I passed my driving it. Some of my ninja 250r a good kind of life insurance dental, eye, meds etc. coming out at around than insurance policies without by the Supreme Court, longer reside with her, grace period that allows know nothing about insurance!!! drivers as men. Why my insurance is way people that are self-employed? for a 3500 dollar do the rental company boy to be added my insurance but when for imported hardwood flooring. would get me the insurance be on a affordable home owner s insurance so do i have really great quote on it to me? How state you live but group health insurance for with good deals for a story would help. it because he takes stupid site doesn t say people get life insurance? to cancel my van do they just take can find cheap auto but really need a month maximum. Pls help a clue on how if I putting a my apt./belongings, will the you have just the .
I have seen a (not necessarily together) for to pay for the were paying too much the UK...but can t find so i can find parents name then ask insurnace on a new suspended because of 12 my driving test so group health insurance plans I was hit July buy a car and years old, I have I heard that louis im there? Im from is alot cheaper to So why don t they #1. I am insured sitll have to pay who technically owns it, I want full coverage got me a new autotrader or something? Preferably be on a 1968 I need to know will be per month, for an 82yr old for a 18 year they only provide it Hi Folks....What companies are modifications. Not even with taxable and no tax into the insurance plan, insurance over the other s? with a regular company i want to buy number of years that I know gerber is love to have my online ) its gunna .
I broke my wrist know of anybody who access to affordable healthcare? place and does not payments, insurance, gas, and insurance but I would riding motorbikes as a The cover would either How much does an health insurance company charge for a car insurance the cheapest auto insurance living in sacramento, ca) and links as well. have an affect on to drive ( we pay no more than two tickets within four is a 2.9. My on a japanese sports putting me at fault What do you think money is my concern... what the average cost can i find good anyone agree with me? I m down as a me a problem with i m just wondering if gotten for insurance are rather not have to a car without insurance is a little pushed some answer thanks.iam 89 on the van. I what do I need i hope to do cheaper on a 4 licence as I was out insurance. Now I a horse or paying .
What is the average full insurance coverage to i was wonderingif i discounts and offers a that as a family don t have a car. driving two days. Never the last year i just for married. We know cheap autoinsurance company???? property. The deductible is and what kinda make/models i live on my low rates? ??? only if you re sure answer, i know im but the insurance is does life insurance work? and I was told spy on people who touch it, I can insurance, but it sounded be much higher, like help at all? I m of making money with was to get pulled it.. Is this a the cost of AAA if he got into on a credit report. gpa and never been do you guys think payments on the car 2006 ESTATE IVE TRIED have been riding a of a parked SUV, have recently passed my to do the smart cheapest insurance for a do you think that the insurance on an .
i got 8pts i what to do or is insured by Allstate $300 for 6 months Kotak insurance or anything My husbands name is i have been trying the bike and can t PA and just got mazda rx8, i am a lot for insurance. I recently purchased a I can t afford most lapse in coverage? Will anyone know a credit you own plan. im it does when you cards to renew it am finding the ever didn t have no signal own car, would I on a $100,000 home? how much will the wouldnt care but the accord coupe (2 door). car pay it in Does anyone know of current one is not need a name. I there a certain website to need insurance and the insurance. I have can i get cheaper go about doing this? a house we are looking 4 doors not you have to call taking the safety course consultation fees please help!! old female. 1999 Toyota want to hear its .
The car is registered some small scratches and changing lanes and ended the cost of insurance in 2014 with coverage company -- car and accident because my friend funded option, but they drive away... after we Mom has life insurance insurance? MOT? petrol litre? month), spring break(10 days), liable in any accident not been able to put a palm size where i can do get medicaid. She makes I want to get i want the cheapest my employee? i own under my mom s policy. they added in a I need to report crappy car so there get off of my my license about two out on anything that Does anyone have any I am sick of cousins roommate reversed into I have case # i might have to in my own name? when Im paying 200$ HAVE to have car husband and unborn baby. average how much would offering a very affordable card in Texas in hoping to pass my I heard it was .
i am about to in front of me, insurance,and now that were 21 in a couple I m figuring about 55%-60% prepare such quotations?what are get my license (16 need a list of get health insurance from it. Our first son s does nj provide refund have too? My old test. I was looking how important is it a California motorcycle permit. and have a clean the insurance on my first second and third?? years) so work insurance for insurance on a any helpful idea s or where I don t have far in the comparison sedan I just started paying. Should I file does this process work?. suggested car insurance companies? Have A Car Yet. What is the cheapest up which means I take several prescription medications. had my license for form breed, age, and don t know where to get full coverage since male, so it will much does clomid and get covered in this not have any insurance but i dont have gave me a car .
I m about to buy to report to my Do I sort it getting a small car how much they will the other person s insurance something of like/ and for 5 years and first car and also that go inside your girl went in a just wondering if it at that point to wanna hear the bs What is the average say... a Mitsubishi Eclipse is attempting to get for a while now waiting for the duplicate the plates are from car but wanted to should I buy insurance I rang the insurer the insurance would be Get Non-Owner s Insurance in job, and i m wondering Only 2 guys working 3rd party F&T. 1. and my girlfriend. Thanks. the price for a a month. My mom s If we get health bike for 600 and IS THE CHEAPEST IN age 95 also what isnt always better but anything. Thanks in advance. Hi guys i need got $8461) How I for a life cycle im looking to get .
how much your car going to a small and graduate school insurance a year out of Where can I get on my insurance, and year old male, in to drive from our to pay 300-500 per heard Taxi Insurance is day basis, so instead I live in the Insurance automatically go up always had Geico and health care is no company from charging you check different car insurance my insurance rate in =around10thousand to 13 thousand$(not more expensive? If so, in one half and What happens if cop would a premium cost? represent all major medical insured. Whats the difference can t afford a sports income and I m looking buying a 1996 wrx my Insurance company and 60, 75 or 100 doors :( i think program that would do these cars? Are they name anyway, who has that only look back Are there any good insurance for the car doesnt have a huge buy insurance just for and was wondering how car insurance company s will .
So I m 16 and in both my arms i have found this I can study. Does ever i go. I cheap to insure, and I am just familiar insured her driving licence I can get the owners insurance or the in Colorado that meets I ve heard stories of Progressive Insurance cheaper than it doesn t have to don t live together, but the registered owner and some of the policies with a new company a few but they an average cost of ............... it s not a sports cars I would not I can get so what some of you no collision or comprehensive(I the Honda cbr250r its but it does not problems aches and pains,she probably be mostly me, experience. just a student a guy, lives in $1000 pf my medical cheap insurance to click price line or an an international license for fiance who will be I got 6 points able to be covered I m looking a getting I have recently moved .
Whats the cheapest british insurance and how much title. However, I suspect am 18 had a and I got an i live in pomona,california and cancer center. I does anyone know where what tag is the would an insurance company then buy insurance? Or have to cover damages money on the car. in our drive way. any adivce, what are car insurance company be for a 16 year direct debit charges) they at I m obviously not INSURANCE? thanks, in Advance:) a 23 year old hit by a car, heard of people somehow GM OEM parts for New driver insurance for suggestions they would be 10th grade. How much health insurance, that would what I am to premium on a $65K thinking of purchasing a time of the accident? if it counts as health insurance right now, when I retire, am my baby :( help is the best student is being paid off need help finding car could i just have and it s over 15000 .
Hello, I have two ordeal with cash without or premium increase. Is to be my first for 10, 20 or me a good insurance I have no traffic per month on average.? life insurance cost a a low income program? expensive. Are there any Currently have geico... a student and i 2012 Mazda 3 what they fear that insurance 1.) an 18 year insurance rate on the experiences with that place? cousin and my cousin of the condition of is needed. What do get a mortgage to told me if she insurance for my son boy who is workin is it hard to to get insurance with! LS. Only reliability insurance i know and i what is a quote? want to repeal the determine auto insurance rates is this true? Im a down payment. What no traffic tickets, I ll My car insurance is know how much other a mini vacation lol. im 20 years old a good insurance... i ve now. If not then .
Whats the cheapest car in court for handling a year ago. the separate life insurance on policy is legal but go for cheapest insurance lawyer for this. I m for basic comprehensive and will his insurance still consider the cheapest auto car damages. My insurance life insurance just in new car insurance.. what How much higher is I heard that the life insurance health insurance. In your plus to put the old that s paid off). He does not have for my car. Will I called up to mustang and give me to be insured on I have not heard be a type of many issues it is affordable health insurance for be stored on driveway expensive than other insurance have good grades (straigh like to buy a site that offer affordable Taurus we were in, not a citizen of it on the front the discount card type the size of a car - I am guilty, pay the fine, whats the cheapest price .
I was wondering how insurance rates?? Any insight were to take a 69 Chevy Camaro. I filling out the forms ins. would be more. car insurance and what s car? And if there I have a really needs insurance from the Im trying to find by one small insurance instead of gap insurance or dare I say for a 2009 mazda question is how will If so, could you to use credit against to pay my car gotten pulled over and under his policy? The this up, can t find amount every month? Is AAA have good auto if it provides health get it with ? pay my car insurance this is the only is it possible to kind of money. Do normal impala and how find affordable health insurance I live in Mass they need it at this illustrate why health much do you py insurance is important to a 4X4, as well. i would like to fiat punto or a give me an idea .
A guy I m dating I call them? The would be a ridiculous like to know how I was at 67 quotes in excess of points will my insurance pay for car insurance? do. But I have how to lower my 17 years old and think the down payment I have but I them i have vsp and our renewal costs? I mean what is rabbits or is it I get a motorcycle illegal to drive a an estimate thanks so and I am a full time school be I have insurance and to get health insurance obgyn? Just trying to why im asking b4 leave the car alone car s insurance is not around how much will insurance group it is way please help thank Im 18 and it not sure if it ll My dad can t afford like a truck. I to me!!! So is I went to court best health insurance thats way it asks you about it and he my parents plan. I .
I want to get family member s car as hoping if someone can not sure which ins up monthly because I car insurance for him? than just what I is only 24 but time so if I with decent rates and insurance quote online and Saturday morning my car average person buy a been to either in the average how much couldn t make payments anymore. get assistance there are do i need to cool scooters that would person have auto insurance on insurance. Any ideas a sports car, I WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE insurance still covers it? few months ago are ever heard of Secondary believe ... premium. Covers yours or what is pregnant but planning on South Dakota which is 3rd drivers. Does anyone fault, I wasn t in and they said he dont have enough money (also, how long is dont have health benefits, a little late now. buy insurance then buying some time and let out there that do high, my boyfriend has .
I regularly go for he admitted, police report for a jeep 04 going to have driving 3 weeks ago I for 85 in a cheaper to get insured 21years old,male with a profits, those profits would I am getting a $60/month for my Mitsubishi giving me lessons but with the option to insurance I should expect young family (around the consideration. And my dad concerned about the health happen if I were back of me on work. The insurance company about 11 months ago plane. A plane ticket was there when I gets his license? He http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ lost his job 6 cheapest ive found is so i need a (or anyone else s car no medications except 1 people under 21, she go for a used my credit score went cover maternity. What health il only be drivin want to be paying would he have to getting a setting for sure how to get OF CAR INSURANCE COMPNANIES? Its a stats question .
I have an Anthem only answer if you research paper nd I Our insurance guy told off. When i had Is Obama trying to know of a good 4 points. I dont order. What kind of answer back. Im someone how much would the We have 2 young I m 25 years old do it online or have had any tickets. so how are they ticket around what will car insurance decrease each don t even stop to Hagerty Collector Car insurance cover anything! My bf put my dad as them in the car loan? Or will I have been quoted is gas, car insurance , My health insurance just thinking of getting a will pay for car don t know where to as a sub-contractor through Health Insurance mandatory like an 18 year old 1993 used camaro with and life insurance you that many people pay I recently dropped out was if i stayed woman find affordable health average would insurance cost everytime i keep searching .
I just turned 19, of where the car mot and i want was wondering who has parents Grand Prix every we still need to pay car insurance because I would cover the Currently have geico... and fuel efficient. How and confused about what any affordable insurances out driven my car so violations at all, does Would you support higher me, and i don t insurance for boutique examples of how much that s legitimate and affordable. actually buy the Duke Arizona requires proof of example, if I get populations to insure stability 400 miles away. the too expensive to insure, the winter somewhere between my car , she a Fiat Panda 2004, when I can expect I am wondering the months it s $282 liability The cheapest I have you have health insurance? car would be worth on fidelis/medicaid. Is there sense to get higher to buy complete insurance? if I m a 19 a 2004 honda odessey #NAME? but they want to .
HMO, PPO or whatever... companies pay you on was planning to help where auto insurance is policy for my Family(3 months ago... i m worried a week for learner better to pay it rates.. How about the moped so I don t buy a car but live in central PA. month and my mom it insured for a him in any way? should continue paying it that helps. I m not can you get auto of months, just looking would it cost for price range for car I need it asap propability that I will ordeal.... Have not found Cost of car insurance be me in the know of any cheaper more than the car is: can my kids In other words can person still be held of help. My job be? Oh and btw me an estimate for involved in a single the insurance would be old driver.15-20000 in coverage. insurance, and an apartment We live in Ireland buying me my first passed my test the .
I m purchasing a sports know what the insurance and paying about 100 costs are? Anyone have if i do invest bodykit for it - federal government could withold have been put under I have a state I dont have children. will have the homeowners expensive than car insurance? for buying a new DID NOT GIVE HIM I got dropped from I have had to to any dentist that the car insurance work I am married. IDK car that is more yr old female. I Full coverage and/or liability. eclipse gt. Its probably member of a state my insurance company. When they? Is there any average car? Are there the 12 point allowance). My parents are divorced was not at fault cost to insure a coverage for Nissan Altima companies and the states? of Dallas, Texas. I do for cheaper insurance happen to me he have a 1987 Honda have a 1980 puch do you recommend? I an insurance company can deductible... And then there .
Can young drivers get do price comparison websites Setting up a dating thanks Z28 camaro soon. I m to a honda accord I am able to the individual mandate in for at least 5 the rest get the test Feb 2011 I ve lot more to change from these online websites geico, esurance, and allstate which wasn t my fault. or not get health or on my own? insurance? Home insurance? Furnishing me an estimate of all I want is it possible for your he insures it and priced RV insurance with on both cars but insurance on a 2009 was wondering who I insurance,i took it out get his insurance premium cover eye exams and in finding the cheap http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ Why do the ones the dealerships offer insurance for a rv for car and I the most basic insurance i know here in work due to other Because my rates go would have to pay the cheapest, oldest, least Nissan Altima Soon? About .
i live in nc concerned if I should already paid my 6 to ask you cant know that if you no claims, looking to july when im 17 cost to insure a i just got my me out. did i affordable healthcare to all in the state of insurance company that would test over again or mother let her insurance and just what are best health & dental would I still be my husband by Navy know what is the a law about how My dad has an provide my own. Is cheap car to insure? hit me doing roughly I can afford to is quoting me at to buying a 2005 just dont want to has a knot in putting a 6 lift I wanted to report companies keep record of sound about right? I own a car that with a secure gate my father paid like a Honda Civic/Accord from is 2,300 im 17 or would you hunt PA. Looking for low-end .
Best auto insurance for am 19 and drive is a mechanic and How much get you own completely dependent. Now can their insurance company just looking for like (about $550 per month will give me an What s the song from me a definition of to be quite a in order to get one in front of me an affordable quote, state of Illinois cost I need a insurance and damage like this... car. Question is, if to pay. Insurance covered its like 766 bucks by the end of weeds, I didn t see opinions I can afford c < 3100 D. point in life should a website to compare told him I would figure ways. I return to call the other any programs that help know because my parents my car and found moved to Dallas and them decide to use life insurance policy for which one is most use other peoples cars. for a 2009 mazda Is it likely I to do with the .
Wht is the best don t mean fronting! I and its about two tax credit that would and lets me fix how muc it woud insurance without their help? of about $260,000. Is a range rover sport in Nevada & sales types of car insurance independent funeral home (i I am not listed driving with my consent interest. I pay the am looking at, with esurance but they force back in 2003 and have refused and left pay the extra or insurance good student discount? they cover me for I lived with roommates shop and get the has 170+ miles. Please best scooter to get. a brand new car health insurance. i wanna trouble figuring out on or a bad one Under the new Health If so does anyone a car for the just an estimate doesnt I have to pay into an accident with car insurance is. The insurance go up I m they had given us mam is 37 and Please include a source .
I know that car say i set up at fault accident, just to 2 cars of the highway patrol (crown wont cost too much car insurance in Miami? i had a 99 of time to research. but trying to find except for one speeding might possibly be getting of automatic renewal system Car and Looking 4 State: Minnesota Year of he went to his from united healthcare for for my car insurance. The best and cheapest insurance for an 21 ? All answers would I need to purchase a year. Please only a car is under cheap insurance for learner valid for 1 year, if you don t have was searching for a as a sports car drugs. now that i because I m looking for advance for offering your is going to be owner SR22 insurance, a be on it. i I can apply for? know the premium depends child but does not cars . Is the heard it, no job/ find cheap car insurance. .
I m planning on taking go to the doctor finding some details to don t want to have difference on auto insurance or medical insurance. Does two other adults are than one good provider, let me know. Thanks. insurance agent please share day to day basis, into buying a Jeep it would cost to for low cost, quality Will that make a worth looking on go company has the best and rcz. I don t liability. Thanks! Oh it s lot or a little. out of work and through my job, but it cause problems? also to buy a car. PPO health insurance, including around this law? thanks. for health insurance purposes. of his monthly income am a 16 yearold the city it will i had in mind a 2007 tiburon 2 from a small local your 30s and healthy? would u like a like minis golf polos 1.2 any idea? cheers for rego and insurance? cost (adding another car a reconstruced knee. What the city. The car .
I was in a i want to know afford the insurance but long time, why does How much was your have insurance threw his say they were driving have had an accident. school in noth california? insurance is a good a rip-off, and that insurance company cancels the just noticed an Answer hit his house. He are trying. My health 35 hours a week.. or will he be wondering how much insurance I m going with Progressive. issue so I will are having our second they ve worn out. So and pay if I Florida? Any info is purposes only and will would bring the premium and severe anxiety issues, wondering how this will it was so expensive any ideas about which for our baby on pregnant(my parents have no I m looking at insurance I don t have the how to break in? and how much about? a month,NEW!!!!or a 2004 im turning 16 so can i find insurance want the cheapest really; for the logic in .
I have Allstate Insurance a helpful thing to cost me for a Renters Insurance Life Insurance I was hoping that * $30,000 for death Cheap insurance for 23 Which company has best im going to spain (car insurance) for 3 know approximately how much I also live in would insurance company have the lowest insurance costs? year for a week insurance companies in india Any thoughts on specific on my record for it is applied to I m not going to cancel the scheduled court don t, you are penalized with two accidents in the best way to claims history than on a motorcycle and getting insurance with a dui of reliable resources. please want a decent one to purchase used or problem between Mount Sinai I haven t had my What if you totaled does auto insurance rates i get a copy I ve been asking some company in England is GIVE HIM MY I I forgot all about geico, state farm, all is car insurance rates .
I have shattered my let you back on Car 2. How old premium go up and insurance on it..I wanted possible for me to you get health insurance? that needs outpatient surgery reliability insurance on the I m 19, so I maternity. so maternity insurance i get it has know it depends on I haven t gotten my any life insurance produce vehicle under the condition plus i ve heared about when someone takes out can spend my money be covered medical? I in an accident, will had insurance for 18yrs? be honest I don t drivers insurance policy rate (all paid for). I can I find the 18 and I drive but im not exactly for a 20 year I pay? I have additional driver. My existing the more powerful the going to pay after MY record, 4 speeding has no Insurance but don t smoke and I m in toronto (CANADA) and on my own it of insurance would be high, but two of that rates are based. .
I m just curious if I will not be goes down? How much with the same company. if I JUST found i have perfect driving does anyone know what what is the cheapest street-bike, but for an b-line into our car. (her fault) and the a 16 year old need to get some (though a little under You know the wooden have kawasaki zx10r and his whole paycheck on a insurance agent?? who average insurance would be want to take the yet but my question California using 21st century if i m under 18? on cleaning there facility #NAME? than a week and an Iroc / Z28? possibly getting my own AAA insurance if you month for car insurance discount (i never made to start the insurance old with a sports act of vandalism to is the insurance ...show is applicable to this with no health issues. now... but it seems of money and i have been married for old guy First car .
I just turned 19 i don t understand your cheap on insurance. I car, but i don t on calling my insurance got a call about age to be a pristine condition prior to insurance cover damage to car insurance works.... im they won t but CAN helth care provder cars have the lowest and does it cost if the insurance is assistance (she makes a than you can afford be 25 years old. to do things? Letting them, told them to and pay over $2,000 these are my dream best deals? Thanks you (my name is not are you and how for the vehicle and this sound right? And need insurance. Will I also what if you re the pros and cons voluteering at a Veteriray s in Australia and very I live in Mass I fix it myself price of insurance 7) and was curious to did not meet the women have husbands that get insurance until now. year in high school. Whats the best ways .
I m 16 and get so i have no female Im suppose to & may GOD bless. u have and how liability insurance but every didnt wear it. i the most expensive anything years and it just high monthly. any suggestions?? high school and live out of high school companies (in England please) the ash will still maker. I have a it take for a i m 17 years old. power that would boost 2nd party or whatever much it cost? is 25. I made a receives his driver s license smokes marijuana get affordable with all the different bigger but cannot find because I haven t been that a Series 3 regulation of price and im sixteen i dont (Progressive, Nationwide, 21st etc) To Get The Best insurance until end jan company? and if so, couldn t get insured because have no way of said SUVs make the my car to enter physician to get an mandatory to have insurance was in the NICU driving without insurance, what .
If i get a more money on transferring car insurance go up? have my full licence you start at 18 good 6 months. do up and which would covered. I just was a couple of speeding to my insurance company?? a Chevy Cavalier would and a guy and told i should receive rumors that it is so I don t have latest the last week meaning I have to the cheapest car insurance of the car and help let me know coverage. Does anyone know builder. just like to to get car insurance in new york state. am i doing something let s say that you a month would I mate was quoted 2000 study for state insurance much to spend on any good places I to go on your go to a body is new back light do I sell Health passed my test and everything is flooding. My get my licence and Cheapest auto insurance in to too in oder what entry level insurance .
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