#tlm text
ithillyienseowyn · 1 year
Grimsby in The Little Mermaid 1989: lowkey stuffy stooge. Needs to lay back and chill sometimes
Me: talented brilliant incredible amazing showstopping spectacular never the same totally unique
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phantom-rats · 4 months
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miitopia shenanigans :]
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dearest-alexander · 1 year
The One Where a Prince is Kneeling
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Just like Ariel with her grotto, the library has been Eric’s heart. Everything he treasured, longed and dreamed of were there. And yet, the heart-breaking, "Nobody usually comes in here." which, reading between the lines could mean nobody tries to see me, really see me.
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He's been longing for someone to understand him. He was alone, craving for connection, friendship (see how he interacts with the crew until Grimsby pulled him away) but due to his rank and his radical beliefs, he was isolated- which was the last thing he wanted. 
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But then, this curious and quiet woman suddenly barged in his life library and was actually interested in what he has to say. Even encouraged it. Time flew into the night, he lit the candles as the woman pulled out various trinkets for him to explain. And he happily obliged, even kneeling on the floor beside her to keep up.
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I therefore conclude that that night at the library was probably the best conversation Eric had ever had.
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sukibenders · 18 days
Is it just me or does the way Hera is portrayed in the PJO/HOO series feel out of touch? By that I mean, while it plays into the idea of Hera's relationship with her husband's children and ideals of family, it seems like Rick just took that and ran with it without actually wanting to dive into those aspects and develop them more (ngl, his writing for his female characters, especially the goddesses, could use some work even if I do enjoy them). The reason Hera is the way she is with her husband's children is because she can't punish him [Zeus] directly due to him being more powerful (and the last time she turned against didn't he literally hang her from the sky)? And even while I'm not justifying her actions, there's a method to them, so why would she go after other random demigods like Percy and Annabeth? Or at least in a way that was written better than her falling into a trope (I enjoy this series with my heart, but the criticism about how the gods are written holds some value that shouldn't just be ignored either). Like, I don't know, it just feels like there was more that could've been done with her character instead of just immediately writing her off as the cruel, cold-hearted, evil stepmother (a trope that's overplayed, especially when not even bothering to give them any depth). I could write ideas, but then we'd be here all day.
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bookmermaidcats · 1 year
If Ariel and Eric have a Million fan I'm one of them, If Ariel and Eric have 10 fans i'm one of them, if Ariel and Eric have one fan it's me, if Ariel and Eric have no fans i'm no longer alive. If the world is against Ariel and Eric i'm against the world.
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the abrupt shift from ursula going full-on Rage monster looking for the potion to transform her into vanessa to her calmly going, “oh, there it is” when she finds it is peak comedy. and a mood.
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glitchotic · 2 months
heard ya have some lego movie headcanons (interested)
Ooughhhh i have soo manyyy.... for example this one's technically not a hc but does anyone else ride or die for fat/chubby emmet??? i mean i already always hc'd as being a bit overweight but adding on the fact that rex says hes "chiseled features were hidden under "baby fat"" just totally solidifies chubby emmet for me. additionally, people who are afraid to draw wyldstyle/lucy as buff make me sooo irritated especially in her apocalypse form like omfg theyre parodying mad max rn and you dont think shed be built like a brick house (no pun intended) rn? but okay sure. i guess you could make the argument of "well she needs to be sneaky and well hidden" as if her ex boyfriend isnt literally batman who is ripped and does that shit but i digress. i've discussed this in my benny/metalbeard post but metalbeard being a tech freak is mad underrated of a headcanon to me, i think him geeking out over new tech just makes so much sense to me bc i firmly believe metalbeard wants to have the most swashbuckling, most advanced pirate ship of the sea. especially considering when queen whatevra offered an entire planet sized ship for him and he added on things like a keyboard to his build and he just seems like hes always open to new technology and ideas. SPEAKING OF QUEEN WHATEVRA. technically more abt mayhem, i sooo hc her as being like a raver/kandi kid/scene girl type idk something abt her design to me screams "i listen to dj s3rl" I ALSO THINK SHE MIGHT HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH LUCYS ORIGIN BECAUSE HOW DID SHE KNOW HOW TO REMOVE THE SHARPIE FROM HER HAIR HRMMM?? PLUS THE FACT THE SYSTARIANS KNOW THAT POP MUSIC CAN AFFECT THE WAY PEOPLE THINK..... ADDITIONALLY THE DUPLONS SANG THE EVERYTHING IS AWESOME SONG........... MUCH TO THINK ABOUT HERE IS ALL IM SAYINNGGG... also i in general feel like no one talks abt mayhem/lucys relationship...... sorry but like tlm3 real needs to happen bc i want so desperately to see more of mayhem getting to know lucys story and being so invested and helping her heal and recover and full go back to her true self and ohgfggmmffg imaging how adorable the specialstyle interactions would be after emmet just being like "woagghh youre so beautiful" and shes like "this outfit is smaller than i remember..... kinda hurts"......... oh THIS ONEEE I NEVER SHUT UP ABT but UNIKITTYS CAT HALF IS A TIGER SHE IS HALF TIGER AND ULTRAKITTG IS PROOF!!! i think puppycorns dog half is a shiba cos of the curly little tail and his tendency to be air headed and goofy. i also think puppycorn and unikitty would b the type to use gen alpha slang to piss off master frown but thats me getting into my unikitty! headcanons lol.... ummmm .... i also really like audhd emmet and autistic benny but GUYSSS HEAR ME OUTTT SWEET MAYHEM GIRL AUTISM. think about it.... ermmm thats all i can think of rn i have more but its so hard to talk abt my hcs w out a specific prompt 💔😔
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arttsuka · 5 months
Every few years I rewatch the lego movie and everytime, without fail, I forget how many lego they had in that basement(?).
Like, his father was either rich because he had a billion lego or, he was poor because he had a billion lego.
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cassecorrea · 1 year
Okay all this hate on Ariel’s blue dress in the live action is starting to get on my damn nerves, and this has never happened before because I normally don’t care about the wardrobe in remakes
Yes I agree it would’ve been nice had they used the same color scheme as the animated because that was my favorite dress of hers, but under NO circumstance do I think it’s okay to say “it looks like a nightgown!!” “It looks like something a maid or housecleaner would wear !1!1!” “It looks too peasant like” “the stylist hated her”
I’m sorry, what? WHAT?
Don’t mind this rant im abouta go on that no one’s going to read but
A: that dress is JUST LIKE Cinderella’s dress in her live action film!! NO ONE said that one looked like a nightgown!! And you can make the argument that Cinderella was actually a maid BUT: she BECAME one — she wore that dress before she ever did! It was cottage core galore, and they added an apron when she became an actual maid to her step family. So you’re telling me that the LA Ariel dress looks like a housekeepers dress??? When it has no apron and looks like Cinderella’s??? And did you guys SEE all that detail on the corset and skirt??? Ain’t no housekeeper wearing that bougie of a dress!!!
Now don’t even get me STARTED on the fact that EVERY FEMALE CHARACTER we’ve seen in the behind the scenes so far on land (not including the queen, duh) is wearing some variant of that same dress!!! Because GUESS WHAT, guys, it’s 1800s Caribbean inspired attire, and EVERYONE is wearing the same general shape. Are you going to tell me everyone in town looks like a maid or like they’re wearing nightgowns now?? Because if so that leaves a very, very bad taste in my mouth. Your prejudice is showing. And if not prejudice, at least your sheer ignorance to other cultures is showing.
Also don’t get me started on the fact that the LA blue dress is nearly an exact replica shape wise to the animated one, with its flouncy sleeves, low neckline, corset, and flowy skirt. Her headband (though it should’ve been blue) even has ribbons underneath her hair similar to the animated one. It was just transformed into a more Caribbean style, and it works! Literally the only difference is the damn color scheme.
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This 100% DOES NOT matter in the endgame, it is just a dress, but idk, I’m starting to think all of these backhanded comments about her dress aren’t really about the dress at all.
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ithillyienseowyn · 1 year
Thinking about how I've brought up the whole fact that the reunion kiss is framed as the whole visual of I can fit my entire world in my hands and how those two are just stunned to see each other after like 3 days apart? and how I loved that they even had them separated for more than 2 seconds. Literally this movie feels like all this stuff happens in more than 3 days because of how drawn out some moments feel.
But now I'm thinking about what happened in between those few days {or whatever number of days Ariel and Eric had apart} because just the thought of him sitting outside the entire time waiting for her everyday by the sea on that balcony just makes me wheeze. And her sitting by that rock everyday looking at the castle.
And I bet they have deleted scenes of what happened in between that time of defeating Ursula and Ariel agreeing to go back home and Eric temporarily, {but not really} letting thoughts of Ariel go. And now that I've brought this up I just really want to see it?
{falls over with my head in my hands} I need this dvd.
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phantom-rats · 4 months
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the Guy‼️
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gamepack · 4 months
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lucidd-the-weirdo · 1 year
The Lego Movie has rotted my brain for a few days now- Guys I think something is wrong with my shipping prefrences- They're getting worse-
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bellaaldamas · 15 days
Here's the thing:
Live Action Eric's mother would have preferred Vanessa, as a wife for her son and as a daughter in law.
That is, if "Vanessa" was a real person and not a ruse used by Ursula who literally changed her body to get the man. And then effectively drugged said man via hypnotic spell, stealing another woman's voice and his free will to gain control. Ariel had already proven to Ursula by that point that "looks and pretty face" (which original animated Ursula referred to in order to manipulate Ariel) were not enough, did not define her as a woman and that Eric fell in love with her because of her enthusiastic, inspired personality. Down to choosing her mute self over the dream/fantasy girl with a charming voice (a physical trait that was constantly suppressed by others when Ariel was living under the sea, mainly by men - her father and Sebastian, in both versions; though Sebastian perpetuating Triton's patriarchal oppression was far more pronounced in the animated 1989 canon, especially when they both organized a propaganda event where Triton's daughters and Ariel in particular were supposed to sing praises to Triton as a ruler and father).
Hence why Ursula/"Vanessa"'s only way to get the man was to take away his freedom of choice - the thing Eric, in both versions, valued above all else and fought with all his might to retain.
But the Queen in the LA version did not know that context about Eric and mute Ariel. She didn't even know about their bonding when Grimsby helped them escape the castle. To her Ariel was just some girl a random fisherman brought to castle who then turned out to be a mermaid (the Queen held prejudice against the sea creatures but as highlighted numerous times throughout the movie it was certainly not exclusive to her - the sailors told legends about mermaids luring men to their deaths and feared them) and brought a series of dangers upon her son (even Ursula/"Vanessa", from Queen Selina's perspective, tricked and hurt Eric because of her beefs with Ariel).
And that's exactly why Grimsby - and not Eric's mother (who didn't exist in the original) - immediately noticed something was wrong and unusual about Eric's behavior when he decided to marry "Vanessa".
That's one of the spins that benefited the LA version, unlike many other changes that sacrificed real empowerment for the sake of pseudo-feminist "girlboss" moments.
Mainly the kiss amnesia which completely removed Ariel's agency (even though the intention was clearly the opposite). This pseudo-"feminist" twist made Ariel an inert, clueless object during the Kiss the Girl scene. Meanwhile, the subjects are Eric, who in the remake is the one to make all the moves on Ariel during the boat sequence while SHE is the one resisting and pulling away. And Sebastian, who repeatedly manipulates Ariel into kissing Eric throughout the movie.
Sebastian even spells it out to Scuttle and Flounder that he is going to act without her consent and against her wishes when pushing the pair towards each other on the boat. Because otherwise Ariel - and Sebastian admits that too - would chase them all away for ignoring her boundaries, as she does at least twice in the remake ("If she sees or hears us, she’ll shut us down. Nah, man. We got to be sneaky about this"). Which means that without Sebastian's "man knows better" interference Ariel ends up, ultimately, in Ursula's hands. LA Ariel is not only not in control of her romantic agency, she is not in control of her life because of that twist.
(more break down of the good, the bad, the very bad and the very good changes in the remake under the cut though it is not exhaustive at all and I'm not even touching upon the climax because that would require a separate novel length post).
To add insult to injury, the subjects in the LA Kiss the Girl are all male. Discounting Scuttle who, while female in the 2023 version, remains the same comedic relief as in the original. However, original Scuttle has distinctive purpose: to have Ariel bond with someone living above the surface (back when Ariel had no means to "explore the shore up above" herself), the world her bigoted father insisted was full of "barbarians". Even though the ultimate barbarian lived under his ocean and scammed his subjects before turning them into hideous, impaired creatures just to satisfy her sadistic leanings, all with Triton's tacit endorsement.
Conversely, LA Scuttle ultimately affects and accomplishes nothing, besides in the carbon copy of the original scene where, in both versions, Scuttle is used as a plot device to discover "Vanessa" was actually Ursula who stole Ariel's voice. In the 1989 movie Scuttle actively serves his narrative function when he rips the shell necklace off "Vanessa"/Ursula. In the remade version we get an atrocious cat-fight scene between two women - Ariel and "Vanessa"/Ursula - which is not progressive or feminist in the slightest (again, contrary to Disney intending to make it a "girlpower" moment).
That said, although the plot changes to LA Scuttle's role in the story were not well executed Scuttle herself, as an individual character, had a very defined and compelling personality (contrary to Jacqueline in Cinderella 2015 who had no personality at all unlike her male counterpart Jaq in the original; she was made female solely for "progressive points"). This version of Scuttle was vastly different from the original, not only in terms of them being a different type of bird (seagull in the original, northern gannet in the remake), but in terms of how they interact with other characters, particularly Sebastian.
In the original Sebastian doesn't think much of Scuttle and his "human expert" ways (deservedly so) and is annoyed by how clueless he can be. The narrative treats Sebastian as the rational and righteous one and Scuttle as an incompetent airhead who is always wrong about everything. In turn, Scuttle, growing frustrated with his own inability to get some of his points across, lashes out at Sebastian even more harshly, hitting him several times against the docks when trying to explain that Eric is actually marrying the sea witch in disguise.
In the remake the antagonism and banter between Scuttle and Sebastian is also mutual but the narrative more often than not sides with Scuttle despite her being just as wrong about human things as her 1989 counterpart. LA Scuttle, in turn, remains unequivocally on the side of Ariel - a clever way to show the narrative is on Ariel's side as well. Especially when Sebastian slips into his "man knows best and by man I mean me and King Triton who will kill me if I don't parrot his propaganda" mode. It is particularly evident in the Part of Your World Reprise scene on the shore, when Scuttle is genuinely excited for Ariel finding love in the form of Eric and literally doesn't give Sebastian's patronizing speeches time of the day ("sorry, what'd you say, again?").
Onto the change with LA Grimsby realizing there had to be more to a sudden decision to marry "Vanessa" on part of Eric. Eric who has just had his arc of growth and letting go of his idealistic dreams of a fantasy girl and was willing to take the next step in his relationship with mute Ariel after bonding with her. Grimsby, in the new version, got to actually witness glimpses of said bonding in the library and when the pair came back from their Kingdom tour which Grimsby helped organize despite Queen's orders to keep Eric in the castle. That change was good and contributed to vindicating the original Eric. Who often tends to be just as misunderstood and mischaracterized as animated Ariel.
In the original movie Grimsby is Eric's main and only parental/guardian figure and yet he notices nothing about Eric's robotic voice and erratic, irrational behavior when the latter announces he is to commit to "Vanessa". Grimsby is more concerned about why Eric wants to marry so soon but doesn't act on this concern at all. Most tragic thing is that, for awhile, animated Eric, after his free will is stolen, remains completely alone in the world, with no support system besides Max (whose 1989 version saw through "Vanessa" magnificently and made it known at the wedding when hissing at her).
The plot with the removal of animated Eric's agency was more brutal than in the remake.
Because animated Eric struggled and fought not so much for his right to not conform to royal rules and lifestyle (unlike both Ariels, 1989 Eric was not subjected to patriarchal oppression and didn't have parents who could force their idea of royal life on him - but he was just as lonely and firm in his defiance of toxic social norms and pressure to act contrary to his beliefs as Ariel was; and THAT was their bonding point in the original). Animated Eric fought for his individuality, values and priorities (another parallel with Ariel who rejected her father's bigoted views about humans and aspired to gain knowledge and information herself instead of being blindly submissive to Triton's narratives or singing him political and public praises - like her sisters - rather than indulge her curiosity and thirst for exploration).
Original Eric, in that vein, fought for his right to exercise his romantic agency the way he saw fit, subscribing to his idealistic view of love and his conviction there was "the one" out there who would "hit him like a lightning". Which is exactly what ended up happening, twice, just not in the idealistic and naive way his dreamer self expected. But in the way which ultimately proved he was right all along about not settling for pressure and looking for the person who would be good for him. Same way animated Ariel was right about defying her father's bigotry about humans being "savage, barbaric fish-eaters" with no regard for anyone.
When animated Eric let go of his idealistic image of a dream girl with the Voice TM he wasn't letting go of his ideals. He came to realize that it was the mute Ariel who shared those ideals. The one who nearly got him killed because she was too eager to drive the carriage herself (after a lifetime of HER agency and independence being suppressed). The one who dragged him around the square paying little attention to him and often not even looking at him but still wanting him next to her. Even when animated Eric lifted Ariel up during their dance Ariel still did not try to kiss him, more interested in where they'd go to explore next.
Instead of using that time with Eric to try to get close to him romantically (and animated Ariel knew the stakes of NOT kissing him before the third sunset), Ariel was having the time of her life. She wanted to share her own excitement with Eric over finally getting the opportunity to "walk, talk, run, wander free" and not be a "reprimanded daughter" (read: an oppressed woman). She was treating him like a partner.
That leads us to a bad change TM in the remake: LA Ariel didn't include Eric in her process of exploring the human world and made no conscious effort to bond with him on a spiritual and platonic level. When they go out for a walk Ariel completely separates herself from him and he doesn't get to witness her most ridiculous, anti-social moments and still fall in love with her, as animated Eric gets the chance to. Earlier in the library it is Eric who finds Ariel first and starts sharing his interests - only then does Ariel reciprocate rather than initiate their communication, showing him the "secret of the seashell". When he starts making effort to get closer to her on the boat, both emotionally and romantically, Ariel once again responds but she doesn't instigate as animated Ariel does. LA Ariel reciprocates, yet again, because Eric - and Sebastian with his "sneaky" help - is persistent enough.
LA Ariel has no idea she has to kiss Eric to remain human, she just follows the lead of two men in that sequence.
In the 1989 version the vital point was that Ariel knew all along she needed a kiss from Eric to remain human like she dreamed long before seeing and saving him. But she preferred - as in, made an informed choice - to play with dolls on the town's square and explore around and do anything and everything but try to seduce Eric. Eliciting frustration from her male friends for NOT caring enough about a man and caring MORE about every other interest she had.
LA Ariel doesn't get to make that informed choice because she doesn't remember about the kiss. Contrary to 1989 Ariel, she doesn't get to pick between herself and a man and still choose herself.
It is not until animated Ariel and Eric end up on the boat and there is nothing to explore but Scuttle's horrendous "vocal stimulation" that Ariel - again, consciously - has her mind go back to the kiss condition and finally pays attention to Eric. Crucial point is that in the animated film SHE made the first explicitly romantic move on the boat and leaned in for a kiss first. At her own pace, in her own time and when she wanted. The initiative in Ariel and Eric's romantic interactions in the original belonged entirely to Ariel, a woman.
Another disastrous change that should have never happened and that robbed LA Ariel of any agency in the situation: giving Ariel the "kiss amnesia" and having Eric be the one to attempt to instigate a kiss.
A kiss - the condition forced on both Ariels by Ursula in exchange for an attempt at gaining freedom and fulfilling their goals. The condition that animated Ariel remained conscious, aware and in charge of up until forces beyond her or Eric's control interfered (Flotsam and Jetsam tipping the boat over on Ursula's orders). Because she was aware of the stakes and deadlines animated Ariel got to decide how and when to proceed. She couldn't control Ursula's unscrupulous actions but she was in control of her own body and romantic agency.
LA Ariel was robbed of that privilege and it's inexcusable. Especially when done under the guise of "feminism". Especially when her father, in the remake, was even more oppressive and vicious towards her than original Triton.
In the 1989 version Ariel is the subject but Eric is no object either. When Ariel leans in for a kiss Eric pulls away. Because "looks and pretty face" were never enough for him. Because he was still committed to his ideals and viewed the Girl with the Voice as an embodiment of them. And, most importantly, because his ideals included taking love and relationship seriously and Eric, per his own words, could NOT kiss a girl whose name he didn't even know.
And Ariel backed away when he did. She did not make fun of Eric for being a "boy too shy" (toxic masculinity brought on by Sebastian - who directed the "mood creating" musical number; and who proved there was a reason Triton's patriarchal self appointed him as his adviser AND a personal spy to invade his daughter's private space earlier in the story). Animated Ariel respected Eric's agency and consent as much as he did hers. Be it throughout the Kingdom tour or in the aforementioned scene where he pulled away and refused to take advantage of the situation and mute Ariel's vulnerability.
It is not until Eric does learn Ariel's name is the physical intimacy between them resumed - because Ariel wants it and takes him by the hand (being the one to instigate physical contact) to confirm (nodding enthusiastically) that he did, in fact, get her name right. Once again animated Ariel is the subject and an active party in the scene.
In the 2023 version Ariel is simply going with the flow in the same scene. She passively follows along with what she is offered by Eric (who in the remake is completely smitten with mute Ariel by that point and easily shifts the focus of his feelings from his "fantasy girl" to her) and Sebastian. Who, in turn, pressures Eric and Ariel into doing something Ariel does not even remember she has to do and shows no consent or interest in doing.
It's Eric who leans in for a kiss here and Ariel who pulls away, feeling tense, confused and uncomfortable. She doesn't understand what is going on while Sebastian is pulling the strings ("Work on the Prince using the power of suggestion") and he and Eric remain active parties who get to decide how the events turn and when the next romantic step should be taken.
In either case, however, the sequence ends with Ariel getting closer not just to Eric but to her dream of remaining human. Whilst Eric ultimately chooses Ariel over his "dream girl with the voice". Despite the kissing failure courtesy of Ursula's minions Ariel and Eric almost fulfill the condition of the deal and take their relationship to a new level in the process and nothing stops them from trying again (that's the very reason Ursula decides to intervene personally and, as mentioned above, actually changes herself into a conventionally attractive younger woman to coerce Eric).
Difference is that where animated Ariel still has agency and awareness of the situation and the deadline LA Ariel is kept in ignorant bliss and has NO control of either the situation or her own life in this case.
However, Disney did right by both Ariel and Eric when it comes to Eric's key development: him letting go of his idealistic dream of the "girl with the voice" and Ariel doing everything to restore his free will after Ursula/"Vanessa" stole it. Moreover, in the LA version the narrative emphasized more boldly the disturbing nature of this act on part of Ursula, having Ariel directly spell it out ("she bewitched you"). LA made it a point that Eric was no less a victim of Ursula than Ariel and Triton were.
Children likely would not perceive the terrifyingly predatory implications of both versions as far as this matter - and the scene where "Vanessa" puts Eric under the spell - is concerned (same for the horrid, taunting “so long, loverboy” line from Ursula). But it does, either time, attain it's purpose of eliciting a reaction of "why does this have to be so unfair" from anyone regardless of age (or whether or not they cared about Eric prior to that scene). Because the scene - in either movie - is the epitome of injustice and pure unadulterated cruelty despite the lack of any physical violence.
The viewer is exposed to how one of the two leading characters whose core identity was built upon striving for independence, who has gone through the process of maintaining said independence while growing out of childish idealism in favor of informed choices (same theme Ariel's arc rested upon, see above) in the face of constant pressure has everything he's worked so hard for be torn from him rapidly and viciously in an instant.
In the animated version Eric's choice of mute Ariel symbolizing both his growth and the triumph of his free will is more pronounced. Eric's youthful romantic nature was what set his arc in motion in the first place and was the foundation for his struggle. He is the one who rejected the princess of Glowerhaven despite Grimsby's best efforts to get him to act like a royal heir ought to. And marry out of obligation to his subjects (rather than, again, by choice) whom Grimsby uses to delicately pressure Eric in the original ("The entire kingdom wants to see you happily settled down with the right girl").
But Eric stood his ground - because he valued his independence and the idea people should form partnerships upon genuine mutual feelings rather than political contract - above societal demands; and that's what got mute Ariel to listen to him so intently and identify with him. Animated Eric was the one who was, literally, hit by the lightning (the way he believed he would find his love) and, metaphorically, by Ariel who saved him (notably, animated Eric had no qualms proudly announcing that "a girl rescued him" and did not feel one bit emasculated about it).
The flute, for the original Eric, represented that idealistic dream and his belief in free choice of partner attached to said dream, of a girl with angelic voice. But when he gets to bond with the mute Ariel he realizes that physical attributes such as the aforementioned angelic voice or his adoration of an image of "the one" who may or may not have been a figment of his imagination is not what his beliefs rest upon. They, as mentioned above, rest upon free will and Eric's commitment to the idea of mutual, unforced feelings between two people.
Hence why when he throws the flute into the waves he lets go of his immaturity but not his identity.
Live Action Eric did not want to be "hit by a lightning" - he was afraid of that as much as he was afraid of the approaching "storm". It is notable that in the 2023 version it is Eric - not one of the sailors - who first notices the storm coming and warns other sailors about it. LA Eric wasn't an idealistic romantic - he was out to prove a point to his mother about their Kingdom needing to develop and not be years behind in terms of progress compared to others (there where the Queen latched on to her more conservative ideas about the direction their Kingdom should go and, presumably, preferred to keep up with the legacy of her deceased husband).
When LA Eric talks about his late father he uses words such as "isolation and fear" which he associates with staying in the castle and conforming to imposed royal routine. That's what he wants to avoid, for himself and his Kingdom and his people.
In that regard LA Eric, in the first half of the film, is more immature than idealistic romantic Eric from the 1989 movie who wasn't avoiding anyone or anything, did not prove any points and adhered to his beliefs. Where animated Eric seeks conflict of heart ("It'll just - bam! - hit me - like lightning") because he assumes he has enough courage and emotional resource to handle it, LA Eric avoids conflict of heart and hides behind ambitious, often reckless plans to expand his Kingdom's business. The Queen later mentions Eric's voyages resulting in more loss than profits so far for the Kingdom. Grimsby is actually being reasonable when he warns Eric about thoughtless risks ("I believe a little fear may be advisable, sire").
What stands out is how those changes in LA Eric's character impact his relationship with Grimsby (which brings us to the original point about the difference in Queen Selina's and Grimsby's reaction to Eric's announcement he wants to marry "Vanessa").
In the LA version the characters of change are King Triton, Queen Selina AND Grimsby whereas in the 1989 version the only character of change is King Triton. Animated Grimsby never gets to have self reflection or development because he, unlike Triton, is never proven wrong. The only time he thinks he is is when "Vanessa" appears at their castle's doorstep holding hypnotized Eric in her literal and metaphorical grasp.
At that point 1989 Grimsby is forced to admit that the dream girl is, in fact, real; and accepts not so much Eric's freedom to choose a partner (their main conflict point from earlier) as the fact that Eric was right in that one instance. He completely overlooks all of Eric's previous developments and bonding with Ariel from earlier. Even though Eric's illogical demand to have a wedding with "Vanessa" "as soon as possible" seems strange to Grimsby ("Oh, yes - of course, Eric, but, er - but these things do take time, you know...") he doesn't give it any more thought and follows along.
In the remake Eric and Grimsby start out with virtually the same conflict (Grimsby trying to pressure Eric into embracing the royal norms and rules he rejects) but the context is slightly different: LA Grimsby has more of an excuse to not show understanding towards Eric. Because in this version he is NOT his fatherly figure or the closest Eric has to an adult guardian. Original Grimsby used his position of emotional - if not social/hierarchical - authority to guilt trip and manipulate Eric (an orphaned prince, with enough privileges to live his life not needing for anything and not having anyone who would have the power to tell him what to do; yet still vulnerable because of the lack of guidance) about hurrying up to get married, as a proper heir to the throne ought to at his age (the aforementioned line about the entire Kingdom waiting for it). Even when original Grimsby doesn't deny the importance of finding the right person that Eric insists upon, he still places the blame/responsibility on Eric, remarking that he wasn't "looking hard enough" for the right woman.
LA Grimsby doesn't manipulate or pressure Eric about personal matters at all (quite the contrary, he supports all of Eric's wishes and decisions in that respect; it's him LA Ariel and Eric owe their alone time during the Kingdom Tour and the boat scene - he went up against the Queen's direct orders to arrange that for them). Grimsby admonishes Eric about endangering himself or forgetting about subordination on the ship when Eric prefers to drink and party with regular sailors. Which is, in fact, a responsible thing for an adult to do (whereas LA Eric, as mentioned already, starts out as less responsible and self aware than his animated counterpart though eventually achieves similar results and developments). Because Eric is the captain and should always keep a cool sober head and maintain authority. LA Grimsby just does that for all the wrong reasons (Eric is royalty and therefore should "act like one"). Those reasons are less a reflection of Grimsby's own views and more him projecting the views of the Queen. Whose wrath he fears to invoke if anything happens to Eric (as Grimsby admits himself in the very beginning of the remake).
That's precisely why LA Grimsby is able to notice something is wrong with Eric on the day of his wedding with "Vanessa". Furthermore, he actually does something about it. Whereas original Grimsby is pleased to see Eric ultimately doing exactly what he had been pressuring Eric into doing all that time - marrying "the right girl" and being the proper Prince (never mind that just an evening ago animated Grimsby gave Eric "wise guidance" about mute Ariel and how a girl of flesh and blood is better than any dream girl - because back then that narrative was convenient for Grimsby, just like Eric's wedding with "Vanessa" was convenient now).
On the contrary, LA Grimsby goes from someone too fearful to disobey or disappoint the Queen to someone actively defying and anti-paralleling her for the sake of Eric's agency. It's not limited to Grimsby assisting Ariel and Eric in escaping the castle for a day to have a good time.
The scene with the Queen giving Eric the family ring for his wedding with "Vanessa" and Grimsby then pushing said ring aside deliberately when it falls to the ground, as to stall the wedding, are contrasts. That is also why the Queen not accepting Ariel right away and being horrified by the reveal of her being a "sea creature" - whom the Queen was as prejudiced against as Triton was towards humans - works within this story. While Queen Selina and King Triton were meant to be parallels she and Grimsby are anti-parallels.
Back to the beginning: yes, Queen Selina would have preferred "Vanessa". From the writing standpoint, it was a well executed Freudian slip when she called Ariel specifically a "sea creature" but did not say the same thing about "Vanessa" transforming into half-human half-octopus. Subconsciously, the Queen must have been disappointed that the wedding with "Vanessa" was a scam and never meant to happen. And glad that "Vanessa"/Ursula took Ariel away and back into the ocean where she "belonged" and would be away from her son. That's why the Queen immediately attempts to stop Eric from going after Ariel and tells him that the sea is not a friendly place and "their whole world is evil".
But that's also what makes the outcome realistic and compelling: while Selina might have preferred a different route for her son, just like Triton preferred a different route for Ariel, she still accepts his wishes. She makes it a point to highlight she does it for Eric's sake and for the sake of her Kingdom, because Ariel has positive influence on both. It requires wisdom to accept your child's decisions even when you disagree with them and/or would have wanted said child to reach a different outcome with their goals and actions.
It is also not random that LA Ariel and Eric drive off to explore uncharted waters together, taking a necessary distance, while Selina and Grimsby, standing beside one another, bid them their goodbyes. That time and space to reflect on the past events and relationships is necessary not just for Ariel and Eric but also for the Queen. With Grimsby's help and perspective she is likely to gradually learn to see the situation and Eric's journey of self fulfillment from a different angle.
Tonnes of changes in the LA version were either unnecessary or outright criminal but this was good writing.
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morepopcornplease · 1 year
I think my least favorite part of that live action little mermaid trailer is the part of your world reprise
you know, where she’s on the rock out in the sea and the music swells and she hits that belt and the sea literally swells behind her in a literal climax:
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meanwhile over in the remake, they’re so dedicated to realism that—Michael rodent forbid!!—they have a wave suspend physics for even a second of our magical-talking-animals movie:
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look at how lame that water flops back down into the sea. splat.
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okay, the little mermaid is in at least my top 3 of the live-action remakes, but ariel and eric are my favorite couple.
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