#but its super hard for her to get off bc she can't get out of her own head long enough
This is me btw, I have a lot of tea to spill so I'm gonna answer common topics on this blog. If there's any I missed, I'll answer later.
For context I mentioned this before, but I knew the boys before I dated my ex, but I wasn't close until 4 years ago when we started dating.
Is Sammy going to Vegas?
No, she has work that week so she'll be in NYC. Unless something changes, she won't be going.
Is Jack going to the NHL Awards?
Maybe? If you asked me a month ago, I would've said no, because they want to keep Jack out of the spotlight for his recovery. But no one seems that upset over his recent outings so there's a chance. I'm pretty sure he is going to Vegas, but the awards is up in the air.
Do the Hughes like Sammy?
Jim and Ellen tolerate her for Jack's sake, but I know they don't like her. They're trying to make their family "America's Hockey Family" and Sammy truly doesn't fit the image they have in mind for their sons' spouses. They want a Lauren Kyle type: pretty, fashionable, promotes the hell out of the team. Just someone who has a good image overall. Besides the fact that Sammy is a sloppy drunk and big partier, which was already a "no" in the book, the zionist stuff doesn't help.
Quinn tolerates her as well, but he's still a little upset over his breakup with Olivia, so he wants to be away from the couple. He, like Luke, doesn't like drama so he's over the constant fighting between the two. He's not a fan, but he's not actively ignoring her.
Luke can't stand her and doesn't make it a secret. I already posted about the Luke/Sammy tea earlier, but she makes him uncomfortable.
What is Sammy and Jack's relationship like?
Super healthy and positive!! Totally not full of fighting and hooking up lol. The one time I interacted with them as a couple, they were fine, but I've seen the over the phone arguments and they're not pretty. It's not healthy at all, they constantly do things to piss the other one off. She'll ignore his calls/texts and go party with guys (she's a known cheater) and he'll like Instagram posts and follow girls on Instagram. When he was in New Jersey, he tried to make plans with her beforehand and she blew him off. When he was there he totally ignored her and it pissed her off. They had a huge argument then hooked up after so its all good.
Are they serious?
No, I cannot see Jack wanting to be serious with anyone any time soon, especially with Sammy. I think Jack currently likes the attention he gets from Sammy so he keeps her around. He can't do any of his favorite activities bc of his recovery (no golfing, tennis, wake boarding, training with his bros), so she keeps him occupied. When hockey season starts, he'll want to be fully focused so he can have a great season (he's getting FOMO from his brothers' seasons) and dump her. Plus his parents and brothers (more specifically Luke) aren't fans, so I can't see him being serious with someone his fam isn't fond of . But I could be wrong, I thought he was gonna be serious with Sienna and they broke up so.
What are the Hughes like?
They're actually really nice and a lot of fun to be around. They have a really good energy and vibe around them.
Jim and Ellen - I don't know them well, but they've always been nice to me. My ex told me that they're super nice and chill, but are hard on the boys to play well and maintain a certain image. They're very controlling when it comes to PR.
Quinn- probably the nicest brother, super accommodating and thoughtful. He's a little bit shy, but not super like Luke. He's a lot of fun, but has had some moments of losing his temper a bit, but does apologize.
Luke- super shy, but really funny. I feel like he has the most personality out of the boys, but he's so shy so he hides it. He's terrified of women (lol) but I feel like if he were to get a gf he'd be a really good bf.
Jack- he's really flirty and charming. He can be a bit of a dick sometimes but is wayyyy better than when he was younger. He really doesn't think before he speaks and has to quickly clarify what he means. He's a lot nicer than this blog gives him credit for. He was a really good bf to Chelsea and Sienna.
What's Sammy like?
I already answered this, but she's a spoiled rich sorority girl who drinks and parties too much.
No, they aren't PR. Jim and Ellen don't do PR relationships, but if they did they wouldn't chose Sammy. The whole NHL hard launch happened bc they wanted more positive press for Jack who was injured twice and the star player of a sinking Devils team. It had nothing to do with his "people watch me play comment" bc it was planned beforehand, but that didn't help anything.
Did Quinn and Olivia break up?
Yes, unfortunately. Quinn wanted to be more serious and Olivia wasn't ready. They ended on good terms, although both of them were really sad about it.
Is there tension between the boys?
No, they're fine. Jim and Ellen don't want Jack all over social media, so that's probably why Luke and Quinn didn't post him. Quinn and Jack are perfectly fine. Quinn never sees Luke and he's felt a little left out with Luke and Jack being on the same team, so he's really trying to spend time with him especially with him being newly single. As for Luke and Jack there's tension, but it's nothing significant. They spend a lot of time together, and they need a little breather from each other. Also as mentioned before Luke is uncomfortable around Sammy, so of course he doesn't want to be around her at a concert. The boys are still close and I doubt Jack loves anything enough to allow it to ruin his and Luke's relationship.
Favorite Child?
*ranking based on what I've heard/seen*
Jim- Jack, Luke, Quinn
Ellen- Quinn, Luke, Jack
The Zionist scandal
I want to be a fly on the wall when this happened. Jim and Ellen were not happy bc it made Jack look bad. The only reason they didn't force Jack to break up with her was because they knew it would piss him off and he didn't need that at the time (still in recovery). They're keeping him and Sammy out of the public eye until it dies down. As for their own personal views, I don't exactly know Jim and Ellen's but they've always been pretty liberal so idk. The boys- and this will sound bad- truly aren't fully paying attention to the conflict. They kind of see headlines on Apple News think it's sad and move on. I doubt they really have any real opinion on the matter. The boys aren't political at all, so I highly doubt they've ever talked about it. Sammy and her friends always bragged about being Jewish so I'm not surprised she is zionist. The boys really don't really brag about being Jewish, but I think its because they were raised Catholic as well (i know Judaism doesn't equal religion).
Has Sammy visited Jack earlier in the summer?
Not from what I can tell, my ex is over there more than I was so he would've told me, because he always compares her to an owl.
Anon on Jack, Sammy and the family
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hellt00th · 9 months
and yes with that outfit everyone in camp has seen her whole ass, she just doesn't care.
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#im still looking for a job#i got offered an interview for one but they were weirdly pushy about how soon they wanted to do the interview#and their part time pay is 13/hr and part time hours is under 30/week#which is kinda ridiculous to me. the ad said 15/hr but thats apparently just for full time but i dont like that full time starts at 30#anyway. there were just a few things off about it and i didn't feel like i had time to prepare#and i am cautious of companies being super desperate to hire#so i pretty much decided i wasn't gonna do it#and i told my mom#and she was like well 13/hr is better than nothing#and i said yeah but im trying to make real adult money. im trying to move out within a year. i can't do that on 13/hr#and she went well maybe im crazy that im happy with my 15/hr job#and im like. literally thats what im asking for is 15/hr. also. my father works too her job is not supporting the family or even herself#and she thinks im dramatic about how hard and expensive it is to get a house#i think shes stuck in the 90s. bc shes only bought a house once and it was in the 90s.#and it was under 100k#we live in a very expensive area and i realized a while ago that its just not possible for me to move out on my own around here#which she thinks is dramatic#and even still like. my goal is to move somewhere else (cheaper) and live rent free with my friends for a bit first#but i still need the money to get there and get my stuff there and be able to pay for my phone and car and everything#it's a lot!! and i dont wanna get myself in a bad situation just bc i want some amount of money#i said id rather find out later that i was being pessimistic than be naive now and screw myself#bc thats what she thinks it is she thinks im just too negative about it#well. i think shes extremely naive about it.#its frustrating#bc now im worrying i made the wrong choice about the interview (and i know doing an interview doesn't mean i would get or take the job but.#still. its was super rushed and i dont think id take it anyway. i just got bad vibes.)#but now im all worried about it and im like omg im never gonna find a job ever at all
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sunkissed-zegras · 2 months
Can you do a pt.2 of UConn wbb manager headcannon pleasee
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─ warnings | mentions of injuries, fluffy, nothing else?
─ taglist | @xocherishxo @iienstein @yazmunson @euphternal @uraesthete @hello-nah817 @wanderlusturous and here's a link to my taglist if anyone would like to join!!
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there are soooo many videos of manager getting upset over dumb calls that they make on the court
and people like read her lips and it's so funny because she'll just cuss them out not knowing there's a camera on her
like she gets pissed but since she can't get involved, she'll just talk to herself as she takes pictures
they become reaction pictures
the caption would be like "when my mom pisses me off but i can't let her hear" or something like that
there are a lot of videos of manager being really sassy but there are PLENTY of her being a sweetheart
especially to fans!!!!!!
not necessarily like clips or anything but anyone who's met her LOVES HER
she will gladly take pics of you and the player she's with, and not only that but baby girl will get ALL the angles
it's adorable
i feel everyone is very protective of manager but ESPECIALLY kk and paige because they're like her guard dogs
this may be like a really niche example but kinda like kiyoko in haikyuu??? yeah...
also NIKA
paige/kk get really protective over literally anything so it's just them tryna make you laugh when they're protective, but you/nika have a different dynamic where it's like
if anyone tries to disrespect you, not only will they have to deal with paige/kk but NIKA
and she's sm scarier than them no offense...
you know you've made into manager's heart when she starts to tease you because she's like... not being too professional with you anymore
especially like the freshman, ooo she loves teasing them
in this ask, where nonnie talks about how the team brings out manager's soft side is sooo true
like she may seem like a cold-stone bitch but in reality, she's NOT !! not even a tiny bit, poor girl just has the worst case of rbf EVER
her soft side comes out when any of the girls get injures, oh my gosh
she's the first to come to their aid and help them
and she's always there for them after the fact cus she knows how hard injuries can be when you play a support
she's there emotionally and talks them through it, makes sure that they know they're still part of the team injury or not, and of course that she loves them!!
AND she's very soft with the girls when they're going through stuff outside of basketball
relationship issues, family issues, drama within your friendgroup, baby girl is there to help them through it!!!!!
but she's not just like "therapist" friend, trust the team in return knows when theres something up w her and will do everything in their power to help her
and jump whoever hurt you
when manager gets her nails done, the team gets SOOO hurt bc they can't get theirs done bc of basketball so they get super mad at her (jokingly ofc)
so she just rubs it in their faces to get them angry LMAOOO, its very funny to witness
every once in a blue mood, manager will post a thrist trap and OH MY GOD
the entire team is in her comments hyping flirting with her up!!
and especially after uconn kinda blows up on tiktok, you bet those old thirst traps will make themselves into the damn edits
you and paige will hang out during that time and just look at edits while laughing your asses off (but paige is lowkey into yours cus she favorites them)
i feel like there's def an edit with the audio "milkshake instrumental" bc everyone thinks u give off like... mean girl vibes
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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toxicanonymity · 7 months
How much Joel react if Sweet Pea snapped at him, even just a little bit?
Like she has her period now, or maybe just its super hot or some shit or no sleep or something.
Would Joel feel bad that his sweet, well-trained girl was lashing out? or would he snap right back?
Couldn't sleep. raider master
850 words, raider!Joel x f!reader
WARNINGS: angst, light manhandling, dark fluff, spanking, choking adjacent moment, grinding, reference to FEDRA assault.
A/N: analysis here. calling it a hypothetical bc it doesn't fit neatly btwn hunger and the next part.
He grabs you by the arm and you won't look at him, so he grips your jaw and turns your head. His brow furrows as he searches your face. You still don't want to meet his eyes. ”What the hell’s wrong with you today?” he bites. You don't answer. “Hmm?” He prods, tightening the massive hand on your arm with a jolt.
“Nothing,” you mutter, but your eyes are welling up. He stares at your quivering lips, then your eyes as he awaits your answer. You finally look at him. “Sorry. I couldn't sleep. I'm tired.”
He lets go of your jaw and you start to pull away but his grip on your arm tightens and he asks, “That all?”
“Yeah,” you sniffle.
His jaw clenches then moves back and forth. His eyes are pensive, concerned. “‘Member what I said after ya ran?”
You nod. “that you only want me if I'm good?” A tear runs down your cheek.
His face softens and so does his voice. “I only want ya if you're–” he sighs and cups your cheek. “No, sweet pea. That ya gotta talk to me when somethin's botherin’ ya.”
You look down and away, then nod. He lets go of your arm and sits down on the bed.
“You're a good girl, sweet pea. c’mere.” He pulls you down onto his lap. He strokes the nape of your neck with his thumb. “That day ya ran. . .” He brushes a tear off your cheek. “That was real bad.” It's true. It was bad. FEDRA had you on your knees, made you play Russian roulette, stripped you. "I didn't. . ." He searches for words and doesn't find them. He looks at you with his brows knitted. “we’re past that, ain't we?”
You nod earnestly. “It was stupid. I wouldn't–it was a long time ago. I'd never-”
“'S’what I thought,” he nods. “You're my good girl, sweet pea.” He kisses you on the temple.
“You're not gonna spank me?” You look at him with wide eyes.
His nose twitches. “That what ya want?” He pulls you further into his lap and when you feel he’s hard you get a rush of arousal. He sighs, and with a smooth rotation of his body, he pushes you down on the bed face up. He pins you to it with his hips, arousal digging into your front. He wraps his hand around your throat, not too hard, but the serious look he gives you says youre not off the hook. “What ain't ya sayin'?”
You stammer, unsure what he means. You hazard a guess, “please?” Your hips lift into him.
He smirks, then it fades as he closes his eyes for a second. “No. why couldn't ya sleep?”
“I–” you sigh. “I was worried about the dog.”
He breathes out a laugh, then with his hands under your arms, he pulls you up further onto the bed so your legs aren't dangling. He sits back on his heels, straddling you with his knees. You eye the bulge in his pants. He asks, “That's it?”
“It's too cold at night,” you whine. “And what if he runs away. I can't believe all that time he was. . .” you start sniffling again.
Joel pauses, seeing the sincerity in your eyes. “Alright,” he nods. “we’ll make him some place warmer. god damn.”
He shrugs, then leans forward and plants his forearm on the bed. He hovers over you, then puts some weight on you again, his cock harder now, making you gush as he presses it against just the right spot. “Yeah, really."
“Thank you,” you whisper. “He's still skinny.”
“Hell, make'm a goddamn vest if ya want,” Joel murmurs, searching your face affectionately.
You laugh, which makes his eyes come to life with warmth. He asks, “okay?” He wipes a tear off your cheek. “see, all ya gotta do is talk to me, sweet pea.”
You nod, then start to explain. “didnt wanna wake you up. n’ sometimes you're. . .I dunno, kinda. . .mean,” your voice trails off as you wonder if you've gone too far and second guess whether you even feel that way.
Joel cocks an eyebrow. “I'm kinda mean? Hmm” his lower lip juts out in contemplation.
“No. Well. I mean. . .”
He pushes himself up to hover over you as he forcibly turns you over face down. Then his hips press his hard bulge into your ass, and he brings his mouth to your ear. “f’i didn't know any better,” he murmurs, then lifts his hips again for clearance. “I'd think ya were into it.” He pulls up your dress and smacks your ass. You grunt and your mouth falls open with the sting of his hand, making you twitch with need. “Maybe,” you mumble into the pillow.
You sigh and push your ass up, seeking contact. You look back and he shakes his head in playful disapproval as he unbuttons his pants.
ty for reading.
So the answer is both - I think he'd snap back, but underneath that he'd be concerned that it's out of character for her. His concern or hurt often presents as anger or frustration at first and he's getting more emotionally intelligent to where he might realize it sometimes.
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gorgeouslypink · 7 months
hey pink!
i was hoping you could offer some encouragement and advice to me. basically the entire luckyvoidgirl thing yesterday, i acctually liked her success story, it made sense to me and i even listened to cee's subliminal and my parents ended up saying i don't have to go to this dumb event i was dreading so im even seeing successes with it
the thing was she said something that i can't stop thinking about. she said that a lot of tumblr is just misinformation and that the original blog that brought the void to tumblr was divineangelbee and she was exposed for lying about the void. everyone just copied whatever she said and kept spreading the same stuff she put out but her own experience was all a lie. it really got me thinking about how educated this community is about loa, like the void state and loa is so intertwined. luckyvoidgirl never said she used loa and she did something different but she got so much flack bc the void community on tumblr is so deeprooted in loa, possibly bc of angel. but anyways for a community that is so deeprooted in loa, so many people haven't entered and even worse, so many bloggers have been exposed for lying about their success story. the crazy thing is its so easy to lie on tumblr so the fact that so many have gotten caught makes me wonder how many we haven't even caught and really how does a community that knows loa struggle like this.
idk i just can't stop thinking about this and was hoping for some guidance.
hey love! im technically on break but you're not the only one spiraling so i rlly wanted to answer this.
first of all, i want to say she's just lying and this community is great but i can't. the truth of the matter is she is right. the person who brought the void to tumblr was @divineangelbee and she was the one who went around saying it was super easy and anyone can do it and she was and is still pretty much the blueprint for how a lot of voidstate tumblr thinks, but she was exposed for harassing her friends to enter the void for her. since then, many other bloggers who basically parrot the same thing as her have been exposed as well.
however i want to highlight something here. just because someone preaches something and it doesn't work out for them doesn't mean it's false. this is a super old argument, like back when bloggers like cleo and raven were super popular but people were arguing abt Sammy Ingram. basically she was a big affirm and persist girlie and people were going at her for saying this but never losing any weight (her main goal with manifestation was to lose weight but she never did and just gaslighted anyone who pointed it out, saying they were bodyshaming her). while something was off for sammy (maybe she didn't persist or maybe she just didn't bother doing her method at all), her method worked for so many people. there's boatloads and boatloads of success stories from her videos and methods. so someone can be lying about the void and still be giving legit advice.
however, the void state community on tumblr DOES have a lot of misinformation. ive seen people claim the void state is just SATS, just alpha state, theta state, delta state, it's acc just a placebo for you to guarantee manifestations, and all sorts of nonsense. now there's a new addition, people who tell you to pay money and they'll get you into the void state. it's honestly crazy how hard the community went against the luckyvoidgirl but not some of the other stuff i see here.
but anyways, what do you do?
you need to realize that you entering the void has nothing to do with the state of the void community on tumblr. people lying abt entering the void doesnt make the void a lie, it makes them a liar.
ive been in that position where i hailed bloggers and felt attached to this community so drama here messed with me internally. you shouldn't be doing that. please read my Doubts post where i talk about overcoming this and also provide many sources of proof that the void is real so that you don't need to rely on tumblr to know that:
also it helps to find a few reputable sources. i just wanted to give a shout out to someone rn: @voidprincessblog
her page is the page i would recommend to everyone. you can tell the amount of research and effort she puts into every post and you can trust her to be a reputable source on info.
im going to attach this other post of mine for you as well:
i wish you the best of luck on your void journey and hope this helps! 💟
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Am I the Asshole for not helping move my best friend to her room?
(😴👻) ref tag
So last night, my best friend/roommate (26F) came home super late with her new fling and fling's friend. Luckily I had gotten home not too long before her and I was able to let them in (long story short, bestie's keys are in another state rn so we just have my house key). Bestie was druuuunk like a skunk and all three were high on K(etamine). Since I was already up and didn't feel like I could get back to sleep I hung out with them. Fling and Fling's friend seemed way more high than drunk, with Fling making me somewhat worried bc she kept racking up and taking more after saying how she was already stupid high and having "the worst k trip ever". I was not getting great vibes from Fling, she kept talking about how she couldn't go on dates without being high and how unavailable she felt. I can't remember exactly bc I was pretty buzzed and trying not to listen too hard (she was talking to her friend and not really to me) Also she didn't offer me even a bump, which in my circles its rude to not offer your host some of the drugs you're doing in their house, but whatever.
Flings friend I wasnt worried about, she just wanted to listen to tool and Deftones and gently suggested Fling not do so much K.
Bestie crashed on the couch hard not very long after getting home, and I was worried bc I haven't seen her crash out cold like that before in a long time. Fling tried waking her up a couple times to get her to move to her room but Bestie was out. She was breathing kinda weird in her sleep so I told Fling to make sure her face isn't smashed into the couch cushions so she can breath easier, and bestie sounded fine after that. Fling said again she just wanted to sleep but she wants to bring bestie with her, but bestie won't wake up. And Fling is so unavailable to deal with this. She kept bringing this up over and over, in the way people loop when they're high AF and it started to feel off to me?
I told Fling to just let Bestie sleep it off on the couch, and we'll all keep an eye on her but she and her friend are welcome to crash for the night, and Bestie wouldn't mind them taking her bed (she really wouldn't). Fling kept saying how uncomfortable Bestie must be, she just wants to get her into her room, etc etc. I told her if Bestie was that uncomfy she'd wake up and move. I was going to go to bed myself but my guts told me to stay up and keep an eye on things? I just felt weird about Fling trying to get Bestie into her room with Bestie so completely fucked up. I don't know I just didn't think I could trust Fling for some reason, maybe it was how she was talking about other things or that she seemed to have no control over her K use? Fling and her friend ended up crashing in bestie's room, I stayed up a bit longer to make sure Bestie was sleeping on her side and stuff and then went to my room.
I feel like an asshole because Bestie says I'm a meddling cockblocker for not helping/letting her fling get her to her room, but I was thinking if her fling was a guy then I'd be so worried about bestie getting assaulted/taken advantage of, and who's to say Fling wouldn't have done that? I just didn't feel like it was safe for bestie to be alone with someone she just met while so fucked up. Maybe I am a meddler tho?
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ddejavvu · 2 years
ok so now im stuck on the whole stepdad!james maybe dark ask i jsut send in, but obviously this james is the tried and true, big beefy rugby lad, gentle giant, that type.
but you just know that the lads take the PISS outta him, like he doesn’t introduce ur mom as “the missus”, or anything endearing, but once the boys find out that ur sorta kinda his step daughter?? ohh the porn jokes come flooding in.
want her to call u daddy james? oh stepdad im stuck over the couch again!!
and james can’t help but flush red cus he doesn’t really like ur mom like that, but he wants to be around you cus ur pretty and nice (not to mention ur a lot closer in age), and then. oh then. u get an almost-boyfriend.
a guy who sorta tries asking you on a date so u sorta try and go, but james is a fuckin baby about it once he finds out. all petulant and flushed cheeks bc he CANT say anything to u bc he’s not an official authority figure in ur life, or a potential romantic interest cus he hasn’t said so, so he’s stuck between a rock and a hard place so he tries to put issues in place like forgetting to dry ur date dress, or making ur favourite meal bc oh bug im so sorry i totally forgot ur going out tonight!! :((
i just want beefy james potter and his big fat fucking tits at this point that’s so cringe but MY GOD 🙏🙏
this post is 18+ (and so are its characters) and dark, minors dni.
THIS IS SO SPECIAL TO ME :')) james is already a certified lover boy but when he can't express that whenever he wants to?? totally whipped!! he's constantly calling you honey or love or sweetheart and when his friends realize that he doesn't call your mom any of that shit they lay into him so hard </33 sirius sends him porn links that he passes on his way to whatever he's looking for that are labeled stepdad or stepdaughter something along those lines, along with teasing remarks like 'this kinda looks like your kitchen. been up to anything fun with y/n?' or 'if you're looking for any ideas ;)'
when.. when you tell him you're going out. oh my god. he doesn't know what to say!! he can't stop you, and if he tattles on you to your mom she won't stop you, because what reason would she have? so he just nods all stiff and tells you he's happy for you. he bolts from the room as soon as he can, and you think it's kinda weird/mean but he seems fine later so you brush it off!! but the reason that he's fine is that he's just schemed with sirius and remus to get you to stay home for the date and he's confident now that you won't go </3
you're so right he does bait you with your favorite meal.. he calls you downstairs to ask you to taste the sauce for him and you come down in a full face of makeup!! he tells you that you look so pretty, but asks what it's for. you're like james.. my date?? and he goes ohhh, honey i forgot! i made your favorite :( i thought we could have a movie night!! your mom's at work :') and you feel sosososo bad bc he seems so hopeful about it and you don't want him to think that you don't like him!! but you're still planning on this date, so you tell him you'll eat light and come home early.
not good enough for him!! he just smiles and nods and tells you your dress is fresh out of the dryer, but ohhh it shrunk :( it's too tight now!! he's so sorry for ruining it, he must have put it on the wrong setting :( he'll take you to the mall tomorrow to replace it!! and you're pretty discouraged now, your outfit is ruined, you feel guilty for leaving, so you just raincheck the guy :( you feel super bad, especially because he thinks you're just getting cold feet, and snaps at you that he wouldn't have enjoyed your company anyways. this means you're sad and feeling guilty, and james gets to croon over how mean he was and how sweet you are for still feeling bad and he wraps you up in his big strong arms beside the stove and lets you bury your face in his big broad chest and he coddles you for as long as you’ll let him :’) he shovels your comfort meal into your mouth and puts on your favorite movie and snuggles up under blankets with you and at the end of the night you end up snoozing on his shoulder while the credits roll :’) he carries you up to your bed and tucks you all snug under your covers and he can’t stop himself from kissing your forehead :’)) your face is warm and flushed and he yearns to kiss your lips but he tears himself away and leaves you there with a promise to himself that he’ll treat you better than anyone else because it’s what you deserve :’)
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itsyagurlchip · 2 months
how is the original bone skeleton man doing?? OH OH AND is the setting the usual portal opening in the house and bam you've got new uncles or something else??? YAIOEPEPWLWKWPWBAOAV
buckle up, cuz this is super long yall 🥲
OKAY!!! THIS IS WHERE MY "INTERESTING" PART COMES IN 😁 monsters are just coming to the surface, and speciesism is as high as ever. after a year of this, queen toriel decides to open a human-monster program, something that also promotes her small school.
monsters adopt humans! ebbot was a bit iffy on it, but after realizing the benefits the mayor eventually agreed. (jk that nigga only wants the money 💀-) It was hard to get the program started, because many schools and orphanages werent as trusting, and the state wasn't fundinh it at all. So Toriel took a different approach.
Many monsters put their savings into it, considering their currency is literal fucking gold, and the program would allow each child to get $1000+ per month, depending on their age and needs. and yes giving kids thousands of dollars per year doesn't sound like a good idea, but shhhhh! the plot my dear!
The monsters who take care of them aren't allowed to use it themselves in selfish situations. Both the child and the guardian has rules.
one) you guys have to interact in some way. whether it be verbally, or even physically. two) NOTHING 18+, as all children being minors, that would be kinda weird. three) follow laws as follows- just dont be a shitty parent. four) the child has to want to participate as well, and cant do anything to hurt the guardian. including verbally (bc monster souls are made of feelings pretty much [thats another hc for another day])
id love to go deeper into the details, yet i however cannot bc i dont know how a parent-child program works.
and you have to be in the program for 1 month before you or the child wants to back out.
doesn't matter if its one-sided or not, when someone doesn't like it it immediately stops. id like to say that frisk and papyrus put most if their money into this, just so she can be adopted by toriel.
so when papyrus sees that gaster and sans have been stuck in the lab (not the basement!) for globs of hours at a time, sporadic sleeping, and overall exhaustion from work, he says the craziest shit
sans, in his sleep deprived state, promptly rose an eyebrow and fell out of his chair onto his side.
yea, its not that he didn't take the thing well, bro couldn't process it 💀💀
gaster just rolled his only visible eyelight and went back to work
well that worked well!!
reader arrived to the house the next day, and seeing that it was a two story house!?!?
AND there was an in-law suite? fuck yea! orphan kid made the jackpot 💥💥😼
they had fuckin steps too les goo!!
Your dark skin shined against the light of the sun, your brown eyes sparkling in excitement.
reader let go of papyrus's hand and ran inside immediately.
Careful as to not smudge your dirty shoes against the shiney floor, you looked around the house in amazement. This place had to have atleast 5 rooms!
and then the in law suite on the side looked like another 2 rooms!?? BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE!!
Not only did you have super nice guardians (you hoped), they were packed enough to keep you and themselves stabilized!! Hell, if theirs more people, they could support them aswell!!
Taking off your shoes, you looked around the living room. The long couch was green, albiet a bit patchy for a nice place, while the tan side couches could lean back!!
where those outlets on the sides? omg
"HAVING FUN DEAR HUMAN CHILD?" Papyrus smirked. He knew that the house of the Great Papyrus was enough to impress anyone, even of young ages.
"You guys are so rich!! wow- i mean, not that im tryna take your money or anything, but like- WOW!! Its so big!! Bigger than anything ive ever been to!" You were now flapping your hands and bouncing a bit. Your locs of hair bounced in it's pony tail no matter how small the fidget-hop was.
Behind the living room was a beautiful and lavish kitchen, and to the right there was the steps. To the right it looked like some like of master bedroom or guest bathroom.
But you didn't care about rooms right now, you wanted to see your other guardians!!
"Where are the other people im supposed to be meeting? Are you my only guardian or do they have to take care of me too? Are they mean? Are they bums? I hope they dont smoke or something, Do they have an addiction? What about-"
"THAT!, DEAR CHILD, IS GOING TO BE FOR INTRODUCTIONS!! DO NOT WORRY, WHILE THOSE TWO MAY BE GRUMPS, THEY ARE PLEASANT PEOPLE TO BE AROUND...EVEN IF THE LACK OF SLEEP TAKES THEIR PLEASANT PERSONALITY AWAY..." Papyrus concluded. You noticed that, despite the way he tried to talk to himself, you still heard it loud and clearly.
Maybe he had a hard time with volume control. meh.
Grabbing your hand and leading you towards the back door next to the kitchen, Papyrus opened the door. He had to lean down a bit in order to hold your hand, but he didn't mind.
The hallway was looooong. Instead of it being regular walls, it was glass windows of different colors. Which made you raise an eyebrow abit.
You both reached the end of the hallway, hearing mumblings, ramblings, and overall terms that lowkey hurt your brain.
Getting too excited, you open the door to a glass-based lab. With the occasional plastic and metal equipment.
In the middle of the room there was an island counter filled was rainbow colored stuff ('gay as hell' , you sniggered), small green candies, and lots and lots if paper and pencils sharpened to the ends.
At one end of the room, there was a tall skeleton, a little shorter than Papyrus, who was more goop than skeleton. Infact, he looked like someone took a fire torch to his upper body, but you didn't say anything.
At the other end, there was a short skeleton, probably shorter than you (hah, being 5'0 did pay off), laying with his head on the desk, knocked out with blue slob. You marveled at the sight, wanting to know more about monsters at this revelation.
"FATHER! BROTHER! THIS IS THE CHILD I ADOPTED FOR ALL OF US!" Papyrus announced, grinning undauntedly. The smaller skeleton banged his head on the desk at the loud voice, while the other one barely flinched and turned slowly in irritation. "INTRODUCE YOURSELVES WHILE I MAKE LUNCH FOR THE GROWING FETUS!" He declared, marching out with a big smile.
If this plan went correctly, then his favorite family members would be mentally stable (as much as one could try- he thought to himself).
after banging his head on the damned table, sans sat up a bit disoriented.
why was there a human child in the house?
why was it in the lab?
"uhh kid, ur not supposed be here...uhh, its not safe and uh, you could die."
"WOW! Your so freakin cool! How do you talk without moving your face? Are you wearing a mask? I could die here! ooh shiney stuff, can i touch it?"
yea.. this kid has not had a proper friend in a minute
he was overwhelmed by the questions you asked at first, he didn't answer them at all in favor of watching gaster struggle to calm you down.
sans didn't mind how loud you were, it was moreso the curiosity that you brought along with you.
that wouldn't do.
"Hey! What's this?" the kid asked, walking towards the machine that could very much possibly cause the heat death of the universe, before getting snatched up by gaster.
"Enough! you are here to introduce yourself, and you will do as such" It was funny to see the man twitch like that. sans likes this kid already.
After knowing your name and age, sans was a bit surprised.
he honestly thought you were younger.
while introducing himself he tried to keep it simple and short. how old is he?
"how old am i old man?"
His blue slippers shifted from the movement of his ankle bones.
he thought you were just an average kid, but something about you was different.
oddly enough you always wore these earrings saying Y on the right and N on the left.
he wonder what it meant
Now its a week past since you came into the 'haunted house', aka the skele-dungeon
you two play pranks against gaster when he has free time. watching him bounce his leg in irritation every time he finds a lima bean in his notes is pure gold.
since you're virtual, due to your choice, he tries to take you places.
some of the most consistent ones are dance class every saturday and neighborhood walks you take by yourself.
I think of sans is the type of person to give less of a shit about his dad.
mostly because if the way he approaches things, iN tHE NaME oF sCIeNcE
it pisses him off everytime he tries to ask you for a blood sample
and it makes him even angrier when you say yes without a second thought.
but despite that, he cares about gaster.
but he wants to choke him out being his first son.
Despite being constantly sleep deprived, he makes time for this little new joy in his life.
Back then he's sleep at his desk, especially when his magic reserves were too low to shortcut.
But now, and you thought he didn't notice, you carry him to the living room of the main house and turn the tv volume down to 9 when you cant fall asleep.
another thing you both have in common
More often than not, you both find each other at the odd hours if the night.
since he can barely cook shit, it's mostly you making the midnight snacks
he appreciates the food you make for him, despite him initially coming to get a 10 1/2 ounce bag of chips
other times you guys will sit in the living room in silence
occasionally he'll find himself rambling to you about physics, specifically quantum, so he can keep his memory up.
sans likes the way you treat his brother.
as an uncle and not a childish cousin.
You may not be able to keep up with Papyrus's schedules and puzzles
but when you can, you two shine this wholesome light on the whole house that makes sans's soul ache lovingly.
Papyrus likes to take you out for walks more than him, or you'll both hang out in the backyard next to the glass hallway of the suite.
on his breaks, he'll find you two doing silly things
like rolling in the grass
or trying to carry each other.
without being able to admit it, sans and papyrus feel a new joy in their life.
and they got a cool kid to come with it :)
Gaster and sans were in the lab when his father said the most dumbest shit his nonexistent ears could ever listen to
gaster was never fully succumbed into the void, as sans had saved him before anything totally horrible happened.
hence his melted face and arms.
but he saw something, or rather somethings, that his meticulous little nerd brain has been hyperfiaxting on since the child came.
"Let's discover new universes!"
sans was just like 'naw, jit crazy'
so gaster fucks around with the machine for a while in secret while sans is frolicking with his newly adopted child.
ew, children.
but he guesses that she's okay, despite her adamant queries (hehe).
and soon enough, the machine made that man find out after he fucked around
Now that the machine stopped pouring in different variants of his children, this only made gaster more excited to use the machine.
sans on the other hand was fuckin freaking out.
the damn geezer did it
but not only that, there are aggressive ass versions of him who are willing to kill a child and that wont go.
sans is not gonna give on the things that bring him joy that easy.
*insert battle sequence*
ok so he got his ass whooped, no biggie.
and now his adopted child is befriending them. great.
annnddd now his brother is taking care of them. even better.
AANNNDD now his father is too interested in them to try and find a way to send them back. AMAZING!
bro wants to jump off a roof at this point
to be honest, he doesn't like the other versions of himself.
Theyre different possibilities of what could've happened currently and he already thinks about that enough.
but, reader likes them, so he gives them a pass.
but if they hurt her...or even worse, his brother...
he wont need the machine to figure out a way to take them out of this world.
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i know the reader sounds super excited rn, which is sorta unexpected for an orphan centered fic, in the official thing you're gonna see a less than..nice attitude from them.
btw i wanna make a house plan to this can make more sense for your guys. ohhhhhhhh- IM TOO DAMN EXCITED 😋😋💕 i prolly gotta learn skeleton anatomy too-
@kittykittyanon @radicallxser @oleander-nin @towomatos @thealphagirl @ziipzeepzop-eez @amorvincitomnia-14 @spongejuice @cyb3r-st4r. if you would like to be added, check my blog. if you would like to be added, check my blog. SEE? I SAID IT TWICE!!
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bananaruntz · 2 months
you cannot separate the abdl and little aspects of me from myself. without them then i am still somebody, but there will be a huge chunk missing from me. i probably make it sound super serious but that's bc it is to me. this year will be the third year anniversary of me coming out as an abdl (before you get upset at me using coming out here: you try telling your close friends who know you as just some vanilla-ish guy or in one case your literal mother that you like diapers. go ahead.)
i am so happy. i know so many amazing wonderful people in all sorts of places, even irl!!, who share the same interests i do. i love to look at art, read stories (there's some amazing abdl original fiction out there), talk with people!! i love to talk with people!!!!
being an abdl and a little literally made me come out of my shell and open up! im no better at talking than i was before but i dont feel so pressured or nervous because i know everyone around me is just as weird as i am!!! and i know it was this specifically because i feel like i still struggle in other spaces im in relating to other "weird" things about me
i feel like i was always kind of meant to be this way, too. when i remember things about being a kid relating to diapers obviously there were swaths of tv shows with regression episodes, but i would get physically nauseous with embarrassment if someone saw me watching them. i always thought they could read my mind and knew i was watching it because i really liked when characters were babies/got turned into babies/etc. and wished it would happen to me. it sounds cliche but i still get embarrassed like that because NOW i know people know
ive always been kind of obsessed with babies and baby-related things. i would sneak into my sister's room when she was a baby/toddler to play with her toys; a couple times i climbed into her crib while she wasn't in it (and a couple times i got in trouble). i loved looking at baby clothes, baby toys, etc.
diapers i think was a slow-build that suddenly exploded into real desire when i was... probably fifteen, i can't remember exactly but i think fifteen. and from fifteen to nineteen i denied being into ANY of that so hard im sure it definitely tipped some people off. i forgot it was on my f-list as a teen when i showed it to my best friend. at the time she was like loool what the fuck but um. jokes on her. i can't wait to hang out next weekend and go look at baby things and pet things (ageplay4petplay friendship ftw)
at twenty i made an agere account, and in june of 2021 i abandoned that account and joined some diaper forums, which is when my anniversary is! its actually june 3rd!!
anyways, that's about it for this mountain of a post. im gonna go lay down before bed
i love being an abdl and an ageplayer and a little and a babyfur. peace and love on planet earth and beyond
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e-munson666 · 2 years
Definitely can we pretty please have a steddie x reader fic where reader was Steve's gf first and then steve introduced eddie a little after. Steve is more of a hard dom and eddie is definitely soft and always getting her out punishments. Steve sometimes gets jealous of how close eddie and reader have gotten but that's bc steve is kind of a dick. Anyway steve goes away on vacation with his family for like a month. During that time eddie takes this as an opportunity to completely dominate reader and he's just having so much fun experimenting without steve there telling him to things. Buuuuut reader has a pregnancy scare and eddie becomes super protective of her and when steve gets back they tell him. During one of their sessions steve gets too rough and eddie snaps on him and runs over to reader who's crying. Steve and eddie get into a big fight about bc he feels like reader should be pregnant with his baby and not eddies. Sorry if this is long.
Holy crap what a wonderful request. Please Enjoy!!!
Its so much longer than I was originally planning but I couldn't STOP lol
++Steddie x Girlfriend!Reader++
Warnings ⚠️: 18+, language, mature content, unprotected sex. Steve is MEAN. Eddie is very protective of reader. Everyone is 21.
Part 2
🖤Lady Hellfire🖤
Steve and you were together for a year before Eddie came into the picture. A decision Steve almost immediately regretted. Eddie and you were too close, and Eddie had turned Steve's sweet little submissive girlfriend into a total brat. (in Steve's opinion)
Steve was constantly catching you and Eddie curled up together or giggling at each other, and it was driving him crazy. Steve began to get harsh with you, punishing you for minor things, and Hero Eddie would always try to come to the rescue. Eddie was stealing you away from him, and Steve hated it.
"Both of you, sit" Steve demanded. He'd just gotten home from work to find you and Eddie dancing around in the kitchen while Eddie made you mac and cheese, (something Steve to him to stop doing because it always ruined your appetite for dinner later)
"Whats wrong Harrington? Your face is all scrunched again" Eddie joked, making you giggle as you sat down next to him.
"Just listen, both of you" Steve sighs, before continuing, "i have to go to Florida for a month, my grandfather is paying me to come down and help him move, so I can't get out of it."
"We need to set some ground rules of what you two can and CANT do while im gone, got it?" Steve said, folding his arms as you and Eddie exchanged confused looks.
"What, are you gonna ban me from touching our girlfriend Steve?" Eddie scoffs, knowing it wouldn't be above Steve to do so.
"No" Steve chuckles, "but I want condoms used the WHOLE time I'm gone, understand Munson?"
Eddie and Steve had gotten into a heated argument a few weeks back, after Eddie came inside you. Steve had made it very clear that only one person was going to breed you, and it was going to he HIM, not Eddie. You were HIS girlfriend, Eddie was just here for fun.
Of course this pissed Eddie off, reminding Steve that you were his girlfriend too, and he should get the same privileges as Steve.
"Yeah yeah Harrington, I remember your stupid little rule" Eddie scoffed. Steve grabbed Eddie by his shirt, forcing him to his feet.
"Listen Munson, if it wasn't for how she felt about you, I wouldn't let you stay here, don't fuckin play around with me" Steve nearly yelled, causing a loud gasp to come from your mouth.
"Steve, STOP" you pleaded, grabbing one of Steve's arms and trying to pull it away from Eddie.
Eddie shoved Steve away from him, both breathing heavily as they stared each other down. They didn't hate each other, quite the opposite, but when it came to you they were both extremely possessive, always trying to out do the other, always fighting to be your favorite.
"When do you leave Stevie?" You ask as you wrap your arms around him. "Tomorrow baby, but its ok, Eds will be here, and I'll be home before you know it" he replies, kissing your forehead repeatedly. He looked up at Eddie, mouthing an apology to him as he held you.
Eddie threw his hands up in in a silent acknowledgement and forgiveness, before joining Steve and you in a tight bear hug. You stayed like that for a few minutes, the two of you just sandwiching Steve between you, telling him how much you were going to miss him.
When it was finally bedtime, and Steve had gotten you to fall asleep, Steve turned to Eddie. "Please Eddie, take care of our girl for me" Steve whispered. "I promise I will, Stevie" Eddie whispered back, giggling softly as he mocked your nickname for the other boy.
Steve rolled his eyes, smile creeping onto his face before he shut off the bedside lamp and closed his eyes.
The first day that Steve was gone was a hard day for you. You hadnt been without him for very long in the year you'd been together, and knowing you wouldn't see him for an entire month made you so sad.
You were on the couch, curled up in a ball fast asleep when Eddie got home from work. "Princess, wake up, I have something for you" Eddie said softly, watching your eyes flutter open. He could tell you had been crying a lot, and that made his heart sink.
Hey Eds," you say as you become more aware. "What the fuck is that?" You giggle, noticing an obscenely large stuffed bear poorly hidden behind Eddie. "THIS, is Sir Stevenson" Eddie boasted, setting the bear next to you on the couch, "he can be Steve's cuddle stand in until he gets back, we can put that ridiculous yellow sweater that you like so much on him, and he'll smell just like your Stevie" Eddie grinned, watching the joy spread across your face.
You lept into Eddies arms, placing kiss after kiss after kiss all over his face. He was grinning so wide, happy to see you in a better mood. He quickly moved "Sir Stevenson" off of the couch saying, "he definitely does NOT need to see what im about to do to you" eyes full of lust as he layed you down.
Eddie never got the opportunity to fuck you the way he wanted, not with Steve being so controlling of him when all three of you were in bed together. He had waited for this moment for a long time, and he was beyond thrilled. He quickly undressed the both of you, trailing kisses down your body when he had finished.
He swirled his tongue around your nipples, hardening as you moaned below him. His hands grazed down your body, stopping at your core. He looked at you with blown pupils, before shoving two fingers inside you. "Fuck princess, so wet already" he growls, as he works his fingers around your walls.
Your back is arching, intense pleasure taking over your body, before you can feel an orgasm working up you feel Eddie remove his fingers, sliding them into his mouth and groaning.
Once he's licked your juices off of him, he takes his erection in his hand, teasing your entrance with his tip.
"Eddie, Steve will get mad" you squeak, realizing he was about to fuck you raw. He just chuckled before pushing his full length inside you, bottoming out with a loud moan from both of you. "Steve isn't here is he princess? Your all mine this month" he whispers in your ear as he starts thrusting at a steady pace. You wrapped your arms around Eddie as he pounded into you, knowing he was going to fill you up repeatedly, not daring to miss his chance to do what HE wants while Steve was away.
Its been 4 weeks since Steve left for Florida, he was coming back in seven days, needing to stay longer due to an unforseen hiccup. You and Eddie fucked like rabbits the whole time, both sore and aching, but unable to contain yourselves. The box of condoms Steve bought Eddie remained unopened, a detail Eddie knew Steve would notice, but didn't particularly care enough to do anything about it.
It was 3 days before Steve was supposed to come home, and you were not feeling good at all. You had missed your period and were throwing up almost constantly. You knew you needed to get a test, so you sat on the couch waiting for Eddie to come home so you could tell him.
Of course Eddie was petrified when you told him you needed a pregnancy test, but he happily ran down to the store and grabbed you a few boxes (just to be extra sure)
"Its positive Eddie" you say, almost unaudibly. Eddie stood next to you frozen. Steve's going to fucking KILL me, he thought to himself, before another feeling set in and replaced his fear. He was going to be a fucking dad, YOU were having his baby, and he couldn't help but feel intense pride and happiness.
He quickly wrapped himself around you, giving you reassurance that everything would be ok. "Princess its okay, I'm not going anywhere, we're gonna be okay." Tears started rolling down his cheeks as he listened to you sob, but unlike yours his tears weren't in fear of what was going on, but in joy." (And maybe a little fear)
As soon as Steve got home he knew something was up with you and Eddie. He didn't think much of it until he was putting his toiletries away and noticed the unopened box of condoms. Steve got furious, stomping into the bedroom, where Eddie was cuddling you.
"Get the fuck up Munson" Steve spat, tearing Eddie away from you. "Steve what the fu...." you started to ask before Steve harshly slapped you in the face. "You let him FUCK you raw, while I was gone, DIDNT YOU" Steve screamed, rage filled eyes flickering between you two. When he doesn't get a response he slaps you again, even harder. You immediately started to cry and that's where Eddie lost it.
"You don't fucking touch her like that Harrington, not when she's growing MY baby in there" he blurts out accidentally. Steve's eyes go wide, anger consuming him as he punched Eddie in the cheek.
"You fucking got her pregnant?!" He yelled, tackling Eddie to the ground, "After what I fucking told you?!"
"Steve please!" You beg. A tiny trickle of blood running down your cheek from Steve's heavy hand. He looks up at you and notices the damage he'd caused, and quickly backs away from Eddie. "Im going for a fuckin walk" he spits, chest heaving as he yanked the door open. "We need to have a talk about this...........relationship..........when I get back" he adds shooting Eddie a look before slamming the door behind him.
"Fuck" Eddie says, quickly moving over to embrace you. You sobbed into his chest, terror of what's to come eating you up. Eddie kisses the top of your head before softly whispering, "Its ok princess, I'm not gonna let anything happen to us, to our family, that's all that matters now" "I've got you"
A/N: this was ridiculously fun to write. Now I want to do a part two. Lemme know in the comments!!! Also I just hit 400 followers!!! How amazing is that!! I adore each and every one of you!!!
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seeingivy · 4 months
method acting asks!
first of all, you guys ate the style chapter so bad EEK im so glad you guys loved it. more where that's coming from! been having the worst week but watching people react as they read has been super fun and I thank you all for that :')
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https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMM2wqGJV/ oh bestie...oh you're SO RIGHT. like y/n's nickname is princess but I definitely think as time goes on historia fits more of the princess vibe and y/n as the popstar. also some part of their friendship is loosely based on olivia rodrigo and sabrina carpenter, just like solely as vibes so
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https://x.com/erjgrs/status/1765732630643851685?s=46&t=Uk-oZnZapecdEA4wRzncKw real. a picture lana would post and the quote tweet would be y/n.
(this isn't a method acting ask but it's eren and legit the only eren thing i've written since july so it counts)
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hi!!!! thank you so much for the love :') i'm so excited to share it with everyone!
the opening and ending songs are the same! I make a shinzo sasageyo joke in the next set of tweets....I agree with you, I do think that they would write all the music that was included in the actual show and that certain songs are for ceertain characters
table scenes twitter reactions coming...your wish is my command...
vampire by olivia rodrigo, ding ding! one of my fav songs that I get to include i'm so excited eek. I def think lana would cover the song but I think the main like song she would write about ricky would be something like would've could've should've by taylor swift/goddess by laufey/ or history of man by maisie peters
I hope you have a lovely day too!!!! thank you so much for supporting me :')
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I actually considered going with heavenly bodies as the theme for this met gala in the fic (just bc that was litearlly the best met gala) but I ended up deciding against it. but I totally get what you mean,,, they would serve....
also a slight hint, but I did end up giving lana marilyn monroe kim kardashian controversy dress because that is something that lana would do. also in general, lana/clarkson's are based off of kardashians (if you couldn't tell) so....it fit
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HARD AGREE. I think whatever they bond over is something that eren just...can't do. like if they're watching a reality tv show and really invested, he'd sit there being like....it's fake just to get mad glares fro zeke/carla/and i'm adding colt to the mix. eren's cool with the kiddos (falco and gabi) but y/ns cool with the big brothers (zeke and colt)
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@najaemism omg I'VE ACTUALLY NEVER HEARD THSI SONG BEFORE but actually you're so right. also very mikasa during jeankasa meltdown.....also historia (more on that later)
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@leave-rae-alone HI POOKIE! don't worry...I disappear off the face of my blog like every other week. I hope you're doing well and take time to rest!
am I allowed to say megan thee stallion bc I am in love with megan thee stallion? but actually though, I think her style fits the character, she likes anime and this is an anime fanfic, and her using like stuff from tokyo ghoul as references during the nicki drama is actually something that I think y/n would do. also I just love this outfit i would include it as a red carpet outfit or something
hm. there are a few that @/bsenpai and I mention bc we actually talk about method acting everyday like its an illness. I think y/n and eren would do she's the man (that's the movie they've promised ethan cole btw), eren and y/n also do pride and prejudice 2005, I also think she would act as the daughter as interstellar. those are the ones that come to mind rn!
no comment. you did ask this before I posted the chapter tho but you like manifested that one hard so.
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LMFAOOOO. wait can I tell you the funniest thing....is that I actually think young gojo in method acting would be like young justin bieber. like i had this thought the other day when i was listening to somebody to love and i was like....ok chill out gojo damn. like I naturally think he would have that charisma and be one of the first people to pop off on youtube....but he would not flop like current justin bieber.
that's all for today. here are the songs + some hints for the next chapter:
see you again by tyler the creator ft. kali uchis, end game by taylor swift, and vampire by olivia rodrigo
an award wrapped in a ribbon
a red lipstick mark
smashing a crown
sukuna splashing a glass of wine in someone's face...soulmateism if you ask me
there are some of these i think you could technically figure out. but oh well, I will see you then!
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ccrisntok · 1 year
Heathers au part 2 💀
Okay, off the bat, this one is worse. this post is much sadder than the first one.
TW// Blood, Death, Corpses, Suicidal thoughts/actions, Guns, Homophobia, Violence, Eating Disorders (Again, basically anything that happens in Heathers: The Musical.)
Also, spoilers for Heathers, and DRDT!!!
As I said, this post is a bit more serious than the first one. You need to read the first part to really understand this one btw. sorry. I'm too lazy to explain things again hdafkjlds
This post will have the sad parts of the au, since it's basically a story run-down, but imma still try and keep it a little silly at least.
But there will be a part 3, since I literally can't post all of the images (I have over 30.) And part three will be a lot more light-hearted (just fun doodles, and some cut images from this post), so if this ones too intense, just wait for that one <3 or. dont. thats cool too. Btw I'm gonna re-use a few drawings from the last post for story progression <3
Again, credit to @another-danganronpa-fan for the original au concept!
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(First off, a better rendition of the Heathers + Xander. I didn't make any other full body refs because I got lazy. Anyway, I wanted to talk about these guys a lil more in this post. Character relationships and whatever.)
I feel like the Heathers as a unit all fucking hate each other. David guilt trips Arei into staying and threatens to reveal that shes queer if she argues with him, Arei makes fun of him for having severe mental health issues, and Arturo belittles both Arei and David, constantly commenting on their appearances, which he considers "Barely acceptable", basically its a cesspool of toxicity.
Xander, your average, emotional totally not British boy, doesn't really see any of this and thinks the Heathers have it so easy, and even idolizes them a little, especially David. Or rather, whatever persona David gives off to others.
This leads to him being recruited, in combo with his forgery skills, and his British accent. Cuz, yk, British accents are hot to some people.
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So Xandy gets to be an honorary Heather. This is fine for like, 5 minutes before he is immediately asked to humiliate the shit out of Eden, which he does, begrudgingly. He does this by forging a note to Eden from her crush, Arei, inviting her to a party Ace was hosting that night. Arei doesn't know about this plan until it happens.
at some point between this and the party, Xander sees Teruko beat the ever-loving shit out of Levi and Ace, and he's like "oh wow 😳", which is the first time he ever notices her.
As the party starts, Xander starts getting drunk as hell, and during so, makes some kind of jab at Ace in relation to his ED (I couldn't really find a way to incorporate Heather Duke's bulimia into David, so, sorry Ace.) This leads to Ace fucking hating him with a passion.
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this does not end well btw
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Xander parties rlly hard, and that ends up escalating to him accidentally publically outing Eden at the party (while wasted & high), which leads to Eden being humiliated by the partygoers. Arei, who does actually like Eden as well, obviously doesn't out herself and helps in Eden's humiliation for the sake of self-preservation.
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Eden's like "wha" bc she still thinks the note was real, and is super confused and hurt by Arei's reaction.
I don't believe the two would be childhood friends, like cannon Heathers, I feel like they would just. Like each other. Steal glances occasionally, wave, and smile. Stuff like that from someone like Arei would mean something, at least to Eden. And seeing what she thought was so clear shatter would hurt her a lot.
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After this, Xander fucks off because him and the Heathers get in a huge fight, and he finds Teruko like. In the bathroom or something hiding from the party. I didn't really want to make him break into her house so. I didn't :) they uh. hold hands or something, and then they fall in love wooooahhhh whoda guessed
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So Xander vents about his imminent death bc Art's mad at him, and Terukos like, "yeah... lets go apologize....." (she does not want to apologize). so they pull up and Xander's like "I'm sowwy Art i wont do it again" or something and then uh.
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(why is the family guy death pose so hard to draw) Art drinks some Kool-aid or something that Teruko mixed with drain cleaner and dies.
Xanders like, "NOOOO WAHT THE FUCK" and Teruko, who obviously wanted him to die, is like "oh. we need to cover this up as a suicide". They do just that, and in the wake of his death, Arturo is seen as even more of an icon than he was in life, since the fake note portrayed him as an actually kind, tortured soul.
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Arturo's ghost haunts Xander from this point on, basically just calling him stupid the whole time.
so after this, David and Arei are like, "Aye uh. Art's dead. You wanna hang out in the woods with us and Levi and Ace?" And Xander, desperately trying to not seem suspicious, says yes. Arei didn't really want to do this, but David forced her, and brought tons of alcohol with the intention of getting Levi and Ace drunk so they would fight and it'd be funny. He hasn't taken up Art's spot yet, so he's still kinda chill.
they. do fight, and Xander's kinda like "oop", but David's hoping it gets violent, for funnies.
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it gets kinda personal..
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Then it gets REALLY personal 💀
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And Levi ends up beating the shit out of Ace.
Now, not unlike canon, I don't know what circumstances got Levi disowned by his parents. I feel like in this au, he probably moved in with Ace and his folks, which would give him another reason to put up with Ace's shit. Out of literal necessity. And like, they are probably friends to an extent.
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Anyway, after this, rumors spread that Xander was actually the one who beat the fuck out of Ace, unprovoked. Since Ace is like 3'2 or some shit, people think Xander just beat him up bc he was an easy target without Levi around or something.
This happens because of a combo of Ace not really remembering what happened, his spite towards Xander, Levi lying about it, and David agreeing with the story (again, for his own amusement.) Arei doesn't really care enough to speak out, and Xander's reputation goes from already dead, to decomposed.
He vents to Teruko about this, cuz that went soo well last time, who makes up a plan. She tells him to tell Ace and Levi that he really wanted to fight them, and she would bring a "fake" gun to scare them with. (btw shirtless levi just to warn you) (and a dead body. and blood.) (prob shoulda put those first)
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This goes about how you would expect (can you tell I gave a bit more of a shit about these guy's deaths than I did Art's....sorry homie). Instead of doing what Kurt cannonically does (hauling ass in the opposite direction), Levi actually tries to help Ace, with no luck.
I made a longer version of this but Im trynna stay in the image limit so. Anyway, Teruko is like "look what you diiidd Levi he trusted what you said and now he's dead! Ok bye" and then shoots Levi too.
Xander is losing his fucking mind, and really upset, obviously. But Teruko is like "I did it because I love you...." and manipulates him into really believing they did somewhat the right thing, because Ace and Levi were bullies, and ruining ppls lives.
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They frame Levi and Ace's deaths as a double suicide. Teruko convinces Xander to portray Levi and Ace as gay lovers who, "killed themselves to escape an unaccepting world", since they contributed to Eden's harassment over her sexuality.
This leads to Ms. Hu publicly speaking up in support of queerness, which leads to the harassment following Eden, and the fear holding Arei back to subside a little, as the student body is moved by Levi and Ace's super real emotional romance.
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Ace and Levi's ghosts join Arturo in haunting Xandy, and Xander regrets like. Every choice he's ever made.
Xander and Teruko's relationship is kinda deteriorating, and David decides to take officially take the mantle in the aftermath of Arturo, Levi, and Ace's deaths.
He gets kinda goofy, and starts harassing Arei more severely. This takes a head at an assembly Ms. Hu throws for teenage mental health, where she encourages the kids to vent their frustrations and grievances, which would "set them free."
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Arei finally takes the opportunity, and confesses about her turbulent home life, David and Arturo's harassment, and that she struggles with suicidal thoughts. David takes this as a personal attack on his reputation since she mentioned him, and berates her, until she decides to try and end her own life in the school bathroom.
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Xander stops her, and tells David to fuck off.
This ends with Arei and Xander becoming better friends, and they start to bond over their shared care for Eden. This reminds Xander how bad he fucked up with his best friend, and reminds Arei that she really does care a lot about Eden, even if she wishes she didn't.
Speaking of Eden, after everything that had happened, the deaths, the harassment, and what she thinks is the loss of the two most important people in her life (Xander and Arei), she also decides to take her own life, Ace and Levi's suicides nailing it into her head that she didn't belong. She wanted to escape to a world that wouldn't judge her, like Martha, and death was the only way she felt she could do that.
She jumps off of a bridge, but ends up surviving.
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Xander, obviously fucking horrified, rushes to her side. After seeing how hurt she was, he kinda realizes how serious death is.
He killed people, all because Teruko felt they needed to. He realizes his relationship is toxic (only took a kill count of 3), and decides he can't do it anymore.
He ends things with Teruko, and goes home. He figures this is the end of it, but the ghosts haunting him tell him that Teruko was coming back, and she was mad. Oh no!
After Teruko breaks into his house, Xander locks himself in his closet and listens to her mad ramblings.
She says she's going to bomb the school, killing everyone inside, and she wants to do it with him. The whole school was basically in the building for a pep-rally, and she wanted to frame it as a school-wide suicide pact, with a signed "suicide note", a fake petition she'd passed around the school during the mental health assembly.
Xander, out of options, ties himself to the ceiling and pretends as if he has hung himself, which he hopes will stop Teruko's rampage.
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Instead, Teruko decides even if Xander was dead, she was going to kill everyone anyway.
After Teruko leaves, Xander chases after her, grabbing a kitchen knife as protection, with the intention of killing Teruko, and probably himself, for the sake of the school.
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After realizing Xander is alive, Teruko doesn't stop her plan. She's even more dedicated to it, and Xander is dedicated to stopping her.
The two physically fight for the bomb, and in the scuffle, Xander ends up stabbing Teruko in the stomach. He takes the bomb, and begins to leave with it, with the intention of using his body as a shield so that the school wouldn't be damaged if he ran out of time.
Teruko stops him, and in one more act of weird, toxic, love takes the bomb from him, and says she will blow up herself, and only herself.
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Xander lets her take the bomb, and Teruko walks out to the front of the school. Xander watches as she lets it go off, killing her instantly, and tells her to say hello to God, having faith that maybe her death could grant her forgiveness, if there was a higher power out there to forgive her at all.
annnnndddddd I'll draw the aftermath in part three!
I'm proud of it, though! There are quite a few images I had to cut, since Tumblr has an image limit and I made way too much, but that's what part three is for, in combo with a little of the aftermath! I just didn't want to split up the story into two parts, since I wanted it to flow well. I hope I managed to do just that.
Hope you enjoyed this fucking roller coaster, and I hope to see you back again for the DRDT Heathers finale! Which... wont be that epic, or anything, but hopefully fun!
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All things considered yesterday was probably the best case scenario
The Good:
My sister didn't know that my brother and I were showing up so she got the double whammy surprise, she damn near fainted and cried lol. I gave her a massive hug and picked her up(I should not have done that, my weight limit is 20 pounds💀) had some bonding moments, I was apprehensive about seeing my brother considering the baggage™️and just his non response to what I drew for him a few months back but to my surprise he played nice and did thank me for drawing that and we talked about nerd shit a lot, I had a Rusty from Armored Core keychain on me and he pointed it out and talked about what kits we like running in AC6. And since this was in Cali traffic was abysmal, I had forgotten how bad it was to get anywhere, so like 3 hours after the graduation came dinner Time, to the place we would always go to for celebrations, except they had a rebranding that sucks ass but w/e. My brother, dad and I all were chatting about nerd shit and after a time came gift time, and when she opened the gift I got her, she almost cried!! Bc it was something that had a lot of story behind it and incredibly hard to find(she also had a hard time looking for it for years!) We were all super excited and thrown back at what it was and she gave me a big teary eyed hug 🥺 and my brother gave me a fist bump and a hug about that too, so a BIG winner winner chicken dinner moment. While my mom wasn't paying attention my sister gave me her number!! And my brother wanted to be friends on discord (we'll see how that goes ig)
The bad:
My mom has not changed a bit, color me surprised. I never looked her in the eye and stiffened up any time she touched me and just gave very short flat answers any time she tried to talk to me, I didn't want to cause a scene(it's my sister's graduation so that was a big no no for me) and she made her very awful racist, sexist "statistically you should've been pregnant in high school and had your third kid by now(me), you should be in prison(my brother) and you should be on drugs(my sister)🤪🤪🤪" joke(that really wasn't originally a "joke") and I mentioned to both my siblings how she hadn't changed a bit after all these years. During dinner time she ordered pizza n salad, and my sister wanted to order something, cuz y'know, ITS HER DAY, but mom wouldn't let her, I wanted to order her food for her but knowing mom, I didn't want it to be a problem at dinner or after dinner, so I ended up not ordering for my sister. Another thing, I don't remember what the conversation was, but my mom blurred out "oh you can't ruin my, I mean her day like that 🤪" and my sister looked so disgusted, and I gave her a knowing but reassuring look and nod, and not long after that my mom said once my sister turns 18 she's going to become a raging alcoholic and do lines of coke off a strippers dick amongst a lot of other crude statements that would be bad any other day but just downright awful oh her 17yo daughters graduation, absolutely deranged woman, and I gave my sister yet another knowing look. I can't wait til my sister gets out of there by any means necessary, I do hope this whole ordeal is a wake up call to both my siblings that maybe our one shared parent is just revolting and maybe they can distance themselves from her eventually. My sister is such a sweetie, she doesn't deserve this and it's such a shame no matter how much our mom can pretend and manipulate people into believing she's grown, she has not changed, not moved a centimeter and she's nearing 60 at this point
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
alright im back to elaborate on this even more because i also cannot stop thinking about it
h sitting on the edge of his bed while pretty girl is getting ready for a birthday party they’re attending for one of her friends and she has her hair all done and she’s finishing up her makeup but she hasn’t gotten dressed yet and she’s in a little pink silky slip she slept in and she’s leaning into the mirror to get her eyeliner straight, her hips pressing into the counter and lifting onto her toes and she’s so unaware but h is watching her through the doorway of his ensuite and he’s just fiddling with his bottom lip and the nightie rises up on her thighs when she leans forward and he just can’t sit there and wait for her anymore because she looks so pretty and he’s getting up and just smiling when they meet eyes in the mirror and he puts his hands on the counter on either side of her hips and kissing the back of her head before she leans back and checks if her eyes are even and she asks h who just nods, curling his hands over her waist and stomach just feeling the silk and he can smell the sweet scent of her perfume she sprayed before she did her makeup because she never wants it to be too much and lets it settle while she gets ready and she promises him she’s almost finished she just needs to do her lashes and lips and he’s just giving her gentle touches down the front of her thighs and humming in acknowledgement as she talks and her voice starts to falter when he grips her inner thighs and pulls her closer to him, feeling him pressing into her bum and there isn’t much talking but like you said he’s just bending her over the counter and pushing up the silk to her waist, not wasting any time because they don’t want to be super late to the party and she’s just gasping little breathy moans and reaching back to fist Harry’s shirt in her hand and he’s still just touching her, dragging his hand up the silk on her back and the ends of her hair and when she tilts her head back, he catches a glimpse of her reflection and he’s just… fuck because she always looks pretty on his cock but all done up in her pretty party makeup with fresh glittery highlight sitting on her cheekbones and her hair all styled and smelling good with her products and her eyes are closed but he’s immediately leaning over her and wrapping his arm around her front, palming up the centre of her chest and gliding up her throat to gently grasp her chin and tilt her head down to the mirror and she’s opening her eyes without request, her eyes immediately finding his but he’s mumbling for her to look at herself because “look how gorgeous you are getting fucked right now, you pretty thing,” and she’s crumbling under his touch and his nose nudges against her temple and asking if she feels good and he keeps his hand resting under her chin until she’s shaking in his arms and he’s burying his nose in her hair as they both finish within seconds of one another and he just slips out and kneels down to clean her up 😌 and that’s what makes them late - 🍓
I literally feel like im going to LOSE MY MIND!!!!!! bc thats exactly what I was seeing like shes got all of her makeup on and shes almost ready he's just been lounging around waiting for her but he can't help but watch as she leans over the counter and checks her lashes or her powder or whatever she's doing then and her pajamas riding up and he KNOWS she has nothing on under it bc he can see her panties lying on the floor over there so its just.....Something but omg him just getting impatient and going in there all quiet and watching her matching her smile in the mirror and nodding when she asks if her lashes look good or if her liner looks right like and hes just touching over her all gently pulling up her nighty and touching her thighs and pushing her hair off her neck and just.....being so hot and she knows somethings going on when he presses into he and she can feel how hard he is but its not a hint until he puts his hand on the center of her back when shesdoing her lipgloss and pushes her to be bent over the counter and hes pushing her dress up and its just......then hes fucking her with his hands on her hips and shes doing those little 'uh' noises every time he pushes in and hes so lost in it and just touching feeling and holding her and when he finally peeks his eyes open he get to see her and her eyes are closed and skin warm, lips all glossy w her pretty makeup on and she looks like a little beauty queen anand while her hair still looks good with every stroke some of her hairs come loose and shes just so pretty but he can see the effect of him on her and omg the detail of him smelling her perfume that shes been soaking in while getting ready so its just There and omg shes just so pretty its not fair for her to not see herself like this and omg him pushing his hand over her body and chest and feeling her heart until its around her neck with his fingers touching at her chin to get her to pay attention and when she blinks her eyes open theyre still hooded and literally soooooo stuck on "look how gorgeous you are getting fucked, pretty thing" literally going to send me to THERAPY over that line omg but thats all it takes to get them cumming with each other and hes ofc the caring lover through and through and since he just took her in the middle of her getting ready he knows he needs to make it up to her some so shes still facing the mirror when hes getting on his knees and cleaning her up from behind and just........yeah....they are late but I love them so its okay
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warriorend-2 · 10 months
ok ok since i can't be stupid and gay all the time (<- college student)
putting this shit under a cut bc while it's mostly just me rambling it's. spoiler heavy. & also wound up being 1600 words. sorry
1: possibly the most glaring thing, which makes me doubt the Phantom being a lot of otherwise-possible candidates, is that they would have to be very good at infiltration
-I presume Roxana didn't put the medal in her computer herself, which means whoever did put it there had to get in after she left, get into the computer without waking up Robutler, modify it to put it there, & put everything back (mostly) the way it was & leave a combination. granted maybe they just gave the medal to Roxana to put in there, but like. why
-getting it into that spot in the mines wouldn't have been too hard i don't think, just. knowing where the mine is and then sneaking in during off-duty hours (...assuming those happen)
-tbh the one in blind spot is probably the easiest to place given that it's just behind a license plate, & cars do have to stop sometimes even if it's not often
-i'm. not sure how they got the medal into hot water though. i'm guessing they snuck it in among the materials? (the other option here is that Zor had a hand in getting it there, which opens up a whole other can of worms so i'm not gonna. think about that one too hard)
-the one in cold shoulder is also not too hard to see it getting there. i would laugh if they had to make a mold of that little compartment & then make a block of ice for it though.
-the one in kboom is where i'm like. OK this facility is presumably not super new but it's also not super old given its current purpose. it may have been repurposed but still. how did they get the medal where it is and then also tag the bucket. the volcano doesn't look like it's horribly far away from shore (in the ending credits) but (also i'm aware the medal shouldn't even be able to be where it is but. yknow.)
and odds are that it doesn't matter that much, i'm just. they had a little safe set up in the control point already, they had access to the pneumatic tubes, etc. if the locations have any bearing and aren't just "here's somewhere to stick this puzzle that would be hard to figure out", then that implies some Shit about the phantom (& possibly also their allies. if they have any. if they do I highly doubt they're Agency-related.). given where the phantom gets to i am somewhat leaning towards the idea it may be V. Vitti (also the. insignia), given that we've seen the sort of places Agent Phoenix gets into (...seat of power) & so
2: Zor's goals feel a lot more on a personal bent this game, not just irt destroying the Agency but also. destroying the kinesium & anything that uses it. so whatever their reason, it seems to be a lot more personal (+ they actively Address the player more often, which could be Phoenix's infamy but also in the other games they were barely present, both in terms of voicelines & actual like. Story Push. they were a very passive supervillain in the other games, is what i'm saying)
which leads me up to like. we all know characters can lie, & in this series it's kinda expected, but. idk. i keep circling back to the shield generator. & the lava generators being accessible from Phoenix's cabin, but not the one Roxana was in. & Phoenix's cabin seemingly having all this shit that the others didn't have, & it could have been a tactical choice on Phoenix's part, but.
i mean. Zor does definitely say they want you dead, but they don't say it directly a whole lot (iirc they say "kill you and Prism" but otherwise they don't directly address the player in death threats, it's usually just. agents, plural. or "whatever end you meet" which is also a threat but is vague)
which just. why is Agent Phoenix still alive? Game design aside, of course. It wouldn't be much of a game if the villain kills you in the first level, after all.
But it feels, to me, like the weaknesses are far too glaring to be just missed over, especially in 3, because. if they want you dead that badly, why. why leave things so safe?
Hot Water is one i wind up on a lot, because you could chalk things up to being deathtraps, but Ollie knew about the gas and the grenade trap, & seemed completely unfazed by them (& kinda implied that's just How It Is for new folks), so they're not necessarily targeted, it's just standard practice. Putting aside the fact that even if they were intended to be deathtraps, they're so. Mild. to put it bluntly. Zor knows Phoenix by this point, knows the shit they've pulled & survived, a gas trap & a grenade in a vending machine feel very. yknow. that's like throwing a rock at the back of someone's head, comparatively
and then the KBOOM demo & the shield generator, both explicitly left for you to see. & it's a pretty 1-to-1 comparison for how the actual KBOOM mission goes, except for the telekinesis save at the end. the squid gets involved, but for the most part, considering it's a lab Zor loosely implies they were at, the security is very. lax. & everything is accessible to the "new hire", popsicle-ID necessity aside. (also apparently Ollie has been down there a while, given he doesn't seem to. know about the whole "world domination" thing. which is Eerie because if that's the case then how long exactly has the whole Kinesium thing been a plan?)
to me. & it has felt like this since the end of the second game. When Zor says they want you dead, there's a whole host of unstated conditions to that, which they would be good at given the whole CEO thing.
"I want you dead if you aren't good enough at your job to survive" sort of deal. which also lines in nicely with how they seem to be as an Actual Boss. of course, they never say the second part out loud, but. short of them just being Really Smart in a lot of cases (failsafe in Juniper's mask, leading Roxana along long enough to get her research & then trying to kill her, etc) but Really Dumb in others (leaving the shield generator, making the squid the only real danger to Phoenix down there, not having any failsafes to make sure the missiles launch at the end of 2 even if the briefcase is compromised (or just not using them), etc), it's like. the ways their plans get foiled at the end of 2 & 3 feels intentional.
plus you could make the argument that Roxana was also being used to lead Phoenix along until they were where Zor wanted them, at which point both of what they were using her for (Kinesium research, kite Phoenix around until they're in position, even if that second one wasn't in the deal) was done & they could get rid of her without feeling bad.
would stopping KBOOM have been possible without Roxana's help? Dunno. Not the way it's presented in-game, because in-game she was also instrumental to stopping it.
i'm also going to briefly play semantics for a second. i'm not sure i consider "even the great Agent Phoenix will eventually burn out" to be a threat because. that's what phoenixes do. They burn, and then they come back. Sometimes it takes a while, but. if i'm not just thinking about semantics Way Too Hard, the wording of "burn out" suggests something far different than "die". combining that with Zor talking about the Agency like That, & the Phantom (at least vaguely) implying prior experience with the Agency, & realizing that their involvement would cost them their life, makes me think. maybe "burn out" isn't a threat of death, but a threat of something about Phoenix changing soon. Maybe as a result of almost dying. "burn out" is also used for like. becoming exhausted, stopping trying, & maybe that too. who knows. i don't, i'm not on the dev team, i'm just some 21 year old chewing on semantics.
at the end of the day, my current standing on Theories is. hard to sum up but i will do my best. o7
-The phantom is probably one of a very small handful of candidates, & I'm leaning towards it being V. Vitti or maybe possibly Zor in a funny hat.
-Zor is trying to kill Phoenix, but not inescapably. maybe they're testing Phoenix, maybe they're just trying to almost-kill Phoenix enough times they get tired of the Agency and fuck off so Zor can do the whole "world domination" thing (which i am not. wholly convinced they actually are after.)
-summing those two up made me think of something else. perhaps the Phantom was also testing Phoenix in a roundabout way, by seeing if they could survive everything else, because they only show up in the third game. Their note opening with "it seems you're as good as they say" indicates they are at least familiar with Phoenix & their reputation, albeit maybe not directly (if it is Vitti, i doubt she would have access to Agency knowledge, but post-Rising Phoenix, once the rumors started getting out...)
-this is a silly theory i like to throw around in my head, but i'm very fond of it, so: the "death room" you go to after dying in a mission may not necessarily always indicate Actual Death. in some cases, yes, but in other cases. idk. i've always gotten more the vibe of having been captured as opposed to outright killed (although being able to respawn does throw a wrench in there, but oh well. game has to be a game & all)
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