#but its understandable from their shoes. not understandable as a concept just as a situational response
sereniv · 8 months
As much as one can draw comparisons to the Jewish Holocaust to what israel is doing to Palestinians, i still dont think its right to compare jews to nazis
Its wrong on many levels, from factually wrong, to morally wrong.
not only is it wrong in the way that israel doesnt speak for all jews, so if you were to make a comparison you would refer to israel as the nazis, not jews.
but overall calling the oppressed by the title of their oppressors in the way of 'jews are acting like nazis' doesnt get anything done. among other things
israel is fascist, israel is colonialist, israel is commiting genocide, israel is islamophobic, israel is antisimetic (in the common use of the term that refers to only jews). israel white supremacy. these all true statements
but jews are being the nazis is not. and not only does nothing to help anyone but hits at every jew, both palestinian-hating zionist israeli jews and every other jew
all its showing when you compare jews to nazis is that you dont understand the situation, the nuance, the history. you are using your anger to be antisimetic
what you can say instead is that israel is being islamophobic and commiting genocide. israel is terroising people. israel is occupying stolen land. israel is practicing white supremacy. israel is a fascist state, and brainwashes its citizens to subscribe to its fascist ideas.
Dont let whats happening make you hateful towards the wrong people, and dont makenit lose your ability to understand the complexity that is the israeli citizens upbringing
meaning, regadless of how we emotionally feel first about zionist israeli jews, logically we should recognize that there are ex-zionist israeli jews and that is worth something. that is worth pursing and fighting for, just like for ex-fascists of any kind
this does not mean forgive nor forget. this does not mean you cant feel anger or even hate
it means that you need to recognize what is actually important to focus on. learn nuance, learn complexity. learn to stop and pick apart what youre seeing and hearing and above all else lead with your love of Palestine and Palestinian people and remember that you should also love Jews
Because this is not Jews. Jews are not Nazis. Nazis are Nazis. Israel is not Nazis and Israel is not Jews.
And if you cant tell the difference and this just seems like im being redundant, then idk what to tell you. If youre not willing to consider you may be wrong about something like this and would rather die on the hill that jews are being nazis and that that is an accurate and appropriate comparison, a comparison that is so necessary that you need to say it outloud, then maybe youre more reactionary then you might realize.
#FreePalestine if it wasnt clear
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ma1dita · 6 months
Luke x Thanatos!daughter reader? like maybe she was wings and Luke finally sees them. (headcanons, fluff, or smut. your choice.)
luke castellan x thanatos!reader
i think this is such a cool concept! luke is not the type of guy to shy away from darkness so let’s dive into it: some about you, some about the relationship yall would have
about you
you’re not scared of death at all, since it would mean being with your father—you’re very headstrong and daring
i think people would think the worst of demigods associated with death, but in reality there’s a softer side to you, one that holds a dying squirrel until it passes safely, or sings an injured camper to sleep on the battlefield so that your dad can carry them to the afterlife; i feel like you’d be able to take away their pain as well
you’d probably be able to have the same transportation powers your dad has, flickering into a shadow to travel or something cool like that
maybe on an actual scarier level, you’d have control over someone’s lifeforce through shadows like in peter pan
you’re a bit of a lurker, but not in a creepy sense—you have a calming presence to you that helps people feel at ease no matter the situation
you can sense when someone’s about to die like it’s a bad taste in your mouth or goosebumps on your skin
if you were trying to hide your wings to try not to stand out (because teens are teens and its easier to try to fit in) i wonder if wings would feel like growing pains, or like they’re trying to escape from under your skin; i would hope they’re more comfortable to have out though! gorgeous and huge like that of an angel
you and luke:
yall are literally ride or dies. literally where one goes the other follows because death is not the end for the two of you
i think he’d think your wings are sick (and sexy but hey…) you flying around with him trying to follow you in his shoes he got from his dad could create some crazy situations if you know what i mean
you two would race across the sky at camp and meet at the top of half-blood hill <3
you can tame luke’s anger well since you’re a true chaotic neutral, by just holding his hand his rage is contained
he always encourages you to be your truest self and spread your wings (literally) who cares if someone tries to pick on you for how big they are or how scary you look they should be more scared of him because he’ll start a fight for it (luke is your scary dog privilege)
luke has very fidgety hands as a son of hermes so i think you’d always catch him stroking the feathers of your wings absentmindedly
everything is attainable when you two are together, you make him understand the balance of life and death as your father did to you—this may or may not sway his decision to become a human vessel, but you’d be with him through it all
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
Oh my- whorshipper god??
Oh my- Imagine them encountering reader, the poor human, doing their mundane and casual routine, when suddenly, an majestic being appear infront of them, and reader being an religious person, try's to bow, but before they could ever try-
The being bow to them, not even daring to meet their eyes, ashamed to have appeared infront of the being they consider supreme and in their own vision.
Reader is confused, while the god is ecstatic while apologizing from their sudden appear and the waste of their little humans time (even if I'm pretty sure they don't understand the concept of it since one year must be the same as second to them).
The stars fall from the heavens; whisking across the tinted sky and to the earth below. The universe reveals itself to you in brilliant streaks of whites and blues. A nightly stroll led you to the center of a previously forecasted meteor shower. Your current position gave you the perfect sight of the feat. A smile crosses your face as another crashes from the sky; mind deep in wonder towards what wish you'd like to humor before it ended. In the moment you feel truly at peace, and one with yourself and the world around you. Completely whole.
"Is there a desire you long to be fulfilled, my grace?"
You open your eyes. When had they closed in the first place? The celestials align before your eyes; their shimmer growing brighter as they cluster together. A flash of white light flares in front of you; lingering as you look into the face of whatever stood before you. You assume this to be its face, as you can vaguely make out the silhouette of something within the light. It was as if a literal star was now before you; burning your retinas and psychic the longer you stare. You quickly shut your eyes.
"My sincerest apologies. I forgot my form is harmful to the human mind. Even one such as yours"
The being's face implodes on itself; the aura that radiates from it trapped beneath layers of skin in a similar fashion to a closing umbrella. It shrinks slightly in sizes, but still looms over you; dressed in black robes that remind you of a church attendees formal garbs. Strange patterns were inscribed into their flesh. They make your head spin whenever you try to focus on them; the whisper of a dead language no mortal should ever witness.
Even in this humanoid shell, you could tell this being was a power like no other. A God or like-minded deity with an unknown agenda and you playing part. Your legs buckle as you almost fall to your knees. You are unsure if this is your God, but feel you should coward in its presence. In a bizzare twist of fate, that's exactly what it does to you.
The deity kneels to the ground; head near the tips of your shoes. They hold their hands up to you in a prayer; their voice quivering despite how it rattles around in your brain.
"Forgive me, my lord. For I have crossed your path without permission. I simply couldn't contain myself after seeing how you gazed at the stars. It was utterly spectacular."
You struggle to find the words to speak - something that was already impossible before their speech. This - this heavenly creature was apology? And to you? It must be a trick of your rapidly decreasing mental state. The deity senses your confusion. It drops its hands and fumbles with the fabric of its robes.
"I can tell you have trouble grasping the situation. I do not blame you, only ask that you continue to heed my words. I have existed in your reality since the dawn of your kind. I grew tired of my place amongst the stars, and took interest in watching your kind. Never before have I seen another like you. You've sewn the wounds of loniness in my heart with only your existence. You are a treasure to forever behold. My savior."
A flush breaks across its face; cheeks tinted a faint blueish color. It grows more and more excited with each word that fumbles from its mouth; fidgeting in ecstacy from just being near you. You're still unable to properly respond.
"I know I've taken up much of your time and I am sorry. It Is important to you. I only wish to offer you by service as your loyal follower. The line between reality and fiction will bend to your whim if you allow my aid. I give my all to you, my dear grace."
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stateswscarlet · 10 months
hi this is the 3p person. how do i stop feeling like im doing this to change the 3D? can i acknowledge that it will change the 3D? im just confused. this manifested really fast but ive fulfilled myself with the state of being with him a bunch so why didnt that reflect like this? idk. im just scared im gonna imagine and enjoy it and nothing will reflect. i was thinking of getting coaching with you because idk what to do anymore. i hate my 3D. i just miss sp.
you need to give up on the 3D fully. you need to accept and acknowledge you (all of us) CANNOT change the 3D, we do not have the free will to do that as our free will ends in imagination. you must really sit with this and decide if you'd rather be trying to chase a shadow world and be frustrated, or would you rather 100% enjoy your imagination and feel good and be stressfree? hopefully the latter. we don't do anything to change the 3D as imagination and who were are is CONSTANTLY reflected, even before you knew about this stuff. we cant make it or un-make it reflect as creation is finished hence why we shift states. knowing the 3D changes is very different than chasing it and doing things for the 3D. the 3D will never fulfill you, only YOU choose how things fulfill you or if they even do at all. you need to understand you only want the feeling, not the actual; physical desire.
its like your shadow, do you only walk and move just so your shadow moves? or do you move because you want to? your 3d is the same, you're not constantly thinking of your shadow when you're doing things because the LAW is that its always there anyways. the law shouldn't be a comfort factor for you because it just is.
as i said in the previous ask about your situation. I'm pretty sure you haven't been fulfilling yourself as much as you think you were, and you were fulfilling yourself for stuff that wasn't even your end goal.
youre relying too much on the 3D and seeing this as smth you have to do to get them back and that is exactly where you're going wrong, you need to give up on changing the 3D completely, as edward art says you need to imagine as if there was no outer world bc the outer world has never fulfilled you and never will.
i get missing sp and those feelings are valid, but you need to realize that your life isn't going to end if you're not with them. manifesting an sp shouldn't be something you need, its something you CAN have and definitely shouldn't be approached from a desperate/needy mindset because that will lead to codependent (not saying you are like this but I'm putting it out there in case there are others). please stop revolving your life around an sp and put your crown back on. YOU made sp special, YOU are the secret sauce, they're just some random who YOU decided means something. you need to realize that (manifestation stuff aside) you will 10000% will ok if you don't be with them because you're more than content on your own and can date anyone else. i say this with love but as someone who was in your shoes and knows how it feels, you will only be running in circles if you don't approach this from a healthier mindset. work on your self concept (don't tie it to manifesting ur sp at all) and LIVE your life, do things that you enjoy, have fun/date around with other people (if you have the chance to bc remember that you're not pretending, you are single in the 3D), and stop trying to get back someone. give yourself the feelings of your dream relationship first and how it makes YOU feel, then add sp into the equation. you don't want them back, you want a fulfilling relationship. how would you feel if they came back tomorrow yet the same issues happened as they did back when you were together before/theyre just not good/the relationship sucks? that isn't what you want, you want the fulfilling relationship so focus on aspects about that and give those to yourself. you don't want their physical body back bc it means nothing to you unless you get the feelings you desire.
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skemford · 1 year
I like talking about bendy characters so it’s time to touch up topic of… Joey Drew himself
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Doing it before fade to black release on purpose :)
Here’s my analysis of his behaviour and on the illusion of living philosophy
It’s a huge read and I’ve enjoyed writing it!
(Continuation under the cut)
1. Joey’s family situation was hard on it’s own
Joey doesn’t talk about his parents way too much and mostly focuses on story elements (his father being a shoe maker and how his parents affected his childhood) rather than on his parents as their own people.
They weren’t rich and Joey talks about their family earning a “honest living” but at the same time, he describes how hard it was for his father.
“We weren’t rich. There was an honest living to be earned and Father did that with Mother keeping the books” (TIOL, page 18)
“I definitely saw her (mother) more than I saw Father, who sometimes would only appear briefly at the dinner table, hunched, brow furrowed, silently eating his meal. He’d disappear downstairs right after, and I’d help Mother with the washing up. (TIOL,page 18)
He comments on his father creating fake scenarios (elves helping him to work) to distract from hardship of needing to work a lot to be able to feed their family.
Joey has hard time of understanding ‘why’ he does that and how fantasy can help to work but he wants to believe. He tries to prove to himself that magic can be real.
"I didn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe it” (TIOL, page 19)
“I couldn’t see the elves. They must have been sitting on the table itself, hidden behind Father. I pushed the door open just a little bit and stood taller on my tiptoes.” (TIOL, page 21)
Joey switches between wanting to believe in illusions and not wanting to. He’s scared of not being perceived as normal by others.
He says that it’s not okay to be deep into the fantasy but notes on the fact that he can grasp the concept.
“I knew about make-believe. Played it all the time with my friends. But I didn’t know that adults knew about make-believe too. I nodded. (TIOL, page 23)
After he asks his father directly, he explains his reasoning and says that make-believe helps to feel less lonely (I’ll note on this part, it’ll come in handy later) which changes Joey’s perspective greatly:
"But the make-believe, the little characters, the songs, that changed his reality. What was reality except what we perceive it to be? Elves and magic? Well, why not? (TIOL, page 24)
It’s everything we’ve got to know about his family.
Hard working to earn money for living, using escapism to cope and distant from each other because of their struggles.
This distance likely has continued to grow with years, since for some reason he escaped his home when he was 15 y.o (+ signed up to army); no one seems to actually care and he was left on his own.
1.1 Stage name
Talking about Joey’s distance from his family, he doesn’t use his real family surname or full form of his name.
It’s not something that was explored a lot in Bendy (among all of its content) but we know that he doesn’t like to be referred this way.
'Joey’ was a nickname that he picked up for himself when he was 19 y.o.
"I’m Detective Adam Sinclair. You’re Joseph Drew.” “Joey,” I said. It was a new nickname I was trying out, ever since I moved to the Village. (TIOL, page 88)
Usually he’s referred as 'Joseph’ by his family members or people who are distant to him/don’t know him well.
But "Joey” is not the only one name he gave to himself.
'Drew’ doesn’t look like a real surname. He likely picked it up after getting close with Henry.
Imo Drew is a fun pun name that’s related to Joey owning the studio (and “Joey drew Studios” (literally) in the case of the cycle)
It has never sounded real.
Employees handbook mentions some “Dempsey” person who invests their own costs into the studio:
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(Receipts: Investor Deposit, J. Dempsey)
Their initials are “J.D.” which makes it’s obvious who they are.
Joey’s house also doesn’t look rich which would make sense if he put all his earnings into the studio itself.
Bendy devs like to pick names that fit characters & “Dempsey” means “arrogant person” which does fit Joey perfectly.
1.2 Joey is deeply ashamed of the way his family lived.
Everytime someone mentions anything he associates with his past (shoes, for example) he overthinks and creates imaginary conflicts with these people.
His negative thoughts about them take whole paragraphs of text; he tries to make himself believe that he doesn’t care about looking “less” in someone’s eyes. He looks for reasons why they're worse than him constantly.
"Probably trying to figure out my past, and that was none of his business. Then I told myself it didn’t matter because I didn’t care what he thought. I didn’t care much for him in general. He might have been richer than me at the time, but that’s where his superiority ended." ( TIOL, page 26)
He often downplays people because he's deeply insecure and is scared of being outcasted, especially by rich successful guys.
After doing so,he switches toward praising himself and names reasons for why he's better (classic Joey Drew behaviour)
He was a year younger than me, hadn’t fought, hadn’t signed up like I had, hadn’t lied about his age to fight for his country like I had. What could he say to an answer like that?Nothing. Absolutely nothing (TIOL, page 26)
Не believes that they need to feel sorry for this because they have no idea how much he struggled in the past.
2. He's insecure & scared of things he can't control
I could've continues this in previous paragraph but it's a bit different.
You see, while Joey was insecure of his past (things he associated with it acted as "triggers") he still was full of himself.
It was an act but it looked convincing enough; with time it became harder for him to keep it up.
It easily explains his behaviour in batim tapes.
When Joey tries to reassure everyone that he knows what's going on, he actually doesn't. He's as lost as everyone else, he tries to act only when he's forced to do so.
He lies to people and runs away from responsibility because he's scared of abruptness, something out of his control.
Joey shows fear of everything that's unknown to him but he tries to play it off somehow: he tries to be on top and be unpredictable to others.
He treats himself as a human that lives around unpredictable fictional characters that he can't control or read intentions of.
"My father though was a real person. I knew that deep down. But in this moment I saw him not as a son looking at his father but as a viewer looking at a fictional character." (TIOL, page 50)
It's mentioned in the novels that Joey likes theatre and he expresses his thoughts about it to Buddy in dctl.
Theatre operates in "cycles":
Actors play their parts→ the audience applaud→ actors bow→ performance ends→ performance begins and so on.
It's has a pattern and won't introduce anything that will caught you off guard. It's "safe" and as a part of audience,you don't need to perform, you only watch.
Does it remind you of batim's cycle? Outside of holding grudges toward Henry and wanting to run away from everything Joey has performed with GENT, he also searches for control while not being included directly.
HE decides what will happen to the cycle residents. HE writes the story that other people can barely affect. HE blames other people for studio's downfall and makes them suffer for his wrongdoings.
Joey knows that he has failed but he can't process it. He doesn't know what will happen and he's scared of being put into situations he can't predict.
It's really shows how insecure he became with years.
3. Why Henry is important?
Why exactly Joey couldn't replace one man he didn't knew for a really long time? What made Henry so special to him?
We don't get a big insist on their friendship but it can be said that their short-lived bond was strong or at least Joey believed that it was.
Henry seems to be Joey's role model of sort even if Joey doesn't want to acknowledge it.
Joey notes on how Henry changed the course of his life without knowing about this
Henry is a determinated man who went for a career in art because he knew what he wanted & he stayed on this path no matter how hard it was to get any recognition.
Henry's the man who makes decisions and acts when he needs to.
Meanwhile, Joey feels lost his whole life. He searches for answers,purpose or a place with a "soul".
Henry gave him new meaning for life. Creative path with endless possibilities that Joey could build from scratch.
Joey was heartbroken when Henry left, doesn't matter for hard he tries to act like he wasn't.
"His presence was helpful, I can happily admit, but his absence was even more so. Not having him at the studio ended up being one of the best things that could have happened to it" (TIOL, page 138)
For some time his life was revolving around Henry. He knew what to do and what will happen, Henry always pushed him to the right decisions.
He says so directly in batim chapter 5:
"The truth is, you were always so good at pushing, old friend... pushing me to do the right thing"
With loosing Henry, Joey lost his newly gained purpose in life. It wasn't something that he was able to figure out by himself & it made him blind to the road that lies ahead.
He's angry at Henry for being like "other people" that he hates. For leaving him behind when he's scared of being alone.
We don't know about Henry's perspective much but he strikes me as someone who would be supportive of Joey at first.
He made some of Joey's ideas real and left only after a breaking point.
3.1 "Cartoon family"
Joey is deeply attached to main JDS toons that he "mutually" owns with Henry.
Especially, it's noteciable with toon Bendy who was called his child on a couple of occasions:
"Bendy was Joey’s child, and he felt just as strongly about Bendy as I feel about my flesh-and-blood son" © Nathan Arch (TIOL, page 5)
"He was my very first creation—one could even call him my firstborn." (TIOL, page 12)
Joey not only sees Bendy as his child but he also relates to him.
He draws parallels between them both, calls bendy manifestation of "the illusion of living" and shows some of his mannerisms (as he says)
Joey wants to see himself as Bendy.
A character who's loved by kids and adults alike and who always has friends around.
"I tell people that Bendy is the perfect example of my philosophy." (TIOL, page 12)
"To know that I needed a creation so perfect, so accessible to so many people, that it would help me change the way the world saw itself." (TIOL, page 13)
In Joey's apartment the only one picture in frame that he owns is illustration/animation cell of toons drawn by 'Henry Stein':
They're depicted holding hands with Bendy being in the middle of both; it's portrays closeness between them and Bendy's importance in the picture
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But was it's actually signed up by Henry or Joey is the one who did it for himself?
We know from batim (and batdr notes) that Joey's signature is "your best pal" which makes this case...a bit complicated
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Joey could've wanted to pretend that Henry is still close to him and decided to sign up drawing with his name
Or possibly it was signed up by Henry somewhere in the past. In this case, Joey could've adopted Henry's signature as his own.
Both speculations have place to be real and we can't prove any of them.
Joey's known for pretending (which would fit with the 1st possibility) but he's also stuck in the past and stole a lot of ideas that belong to other people.
Imo it can be interpreted based on the way you see him.
4. Why was Susie fired?
Joey's obsessed with everything that is related to Bendy which can be seen with him being angry about "crooked bendy dolls" or bendy expression sheet in batim ch 2.
We can speculate that Susie Campbell wasn't fired from the role of Alice's voice actress for any valid reason BUT because Joey felt personally offended.
As Norman says in dctl, Alice Angel was really popular for a bit, which possibly could have been unacceptable for Joey.
Bendy is the main character Joey relates to and he wouldn't have wanted to be overshadowed in any way.
Susie being fired and humiliated (for not knowing that she was in fact fired) is the consequence of Joey's insecurity.
Susie claims that "she was absolutely perfect for the role" at first so at some point Joey completely changed his perspective.
Any character getting attention would be good for the studio. Firing a voice actress that helps to get this attention lacks logical reasoning.
After Joey "calms down" he has a conversation with Susie about 'an opportunity' he has for her. This opportunity is Susie being the first (speculated to) human sacrifice. He believed that she'd have been a perfect Alice.
Joey puts Bendy above Boris and Alice (like he does with himself & other people) so him acting pitiful about any other character getting popular does makes sense.
But he still cares about them...to some degree.
"Boris was special, Alice was complicated." (TIOL, page 154)
Joey having complicated feelings with Alice as character is really interesting and it's perfectly reflects what he was thinking about Susie.
She was a perfect voice actress to others but wasn't to him. He thought that she'll be a perfect Alice (after the ink machine was created) but she failed to be.
"She was beautiful. And loved by all. She was perfect...No matter what Joey says." (batim chapter 3, Susie talking about herself in 3rd person)
In dctl he claims that he relates failed experiments to "people not being real enough" or says that they weren't pure.
At the end, Joey basically has decided to pretend that she never was real
Susie is never mentioned in his memoir and she's almost fully erased from studio's history.
In Batdr's studio tour (music department part) "Susie Campbell" was replaced with "Allison Pendle"; meaning that Allison is officially the only one Alice Angel voice actress according to him.
5. The ink demon
It's one of the most interesting parts here and I'm sure that a lot of people have talked about him better that I'll.
The ink demon is a "product" of mistreatment, Joey's unhealthy projecting and capitalism (duh)
Joey saw Bendy as his son
He wanted to be like Bendy, someone who's loved and can always escape from troubles
One of reasons to bring Bendy to life is his marketability. Joey wanted "alive attractions" he can get money from.
The ink demon wasn't able to fullfil any expectations that Joey had.
He was passive and harmless (at first) but to Joey, he's not a cheerful toon that he has always dreamed about.
One of main issues that Joey has with him is that he's off-model:
"Listen Tommy, i know you boys over at Gent are doing your best but I'm paying for living attractions,not walking abominations. Whatever that grinning thing was i saw walking around your office,you better keep it up locked tight! Might scare off investors!..." (batim chapter 5)
"Grinning thing" and "walking abomination." The ink demon is completely dehumanised because he's not marketable.
As it was mentioned earlier, Joey sees Bendy as a perfect being and relates to him
He doesn't want to relate to the ink demon; for this reason, he separates them both.
Joey has hard time with accepting "failures". They either get forgotten, dumped or he tries to change them somehow.
The ink demon is a mistake that Joey and GENT have tried to "fix" for years. "A monster" that has shattered Joey's dreams.
5.1 The ink demon's sense of self
It's Joey character analysis so this point won't be too big.
The ink demon was treated like a mistake for being different:
Closed off, isolated, put in the cycle,tortured.
He was in the place where no one would care because he's not "a perfect bendy". Most of it comes from Joey or is related to him in some way.
Everyone saw him as a monster and he has accepted this role.
We know how it went in batim/batdr.
Worth to mention that unlike Joey, he has never lied in batdr. It's either harsh truth or projecting.
6. Ink Children
Allison was close to Joey and had a good impact on him,as he claims.
Indirectly, she made him want to have a family with the help of the ink machine.
I doubt that this decision has come from the place of jealousy toward Henry (who has a family) unless future content will somehow prove that I'm wrong. Joey can have one good intention while failing everywhere else.
Joey could've wanted to have a family to prove that there's still something good in him.
He was scared of dying alone and being forgotten.
"I hadn’t known that at the time. It gave me chills. The thought of success only after death, now that terrified me. That was not the plan and would never be the plan" (TIOL, page 122)
We don't know how many children have perished until the final, perfect one. And we can't claim what exactly has happened to them.
We don't get much details about the creation process of artificial "almost humans".
The only one we heard (outside of Audrey) is "AD" (name of the file) from batim chapter 5
"Tell me another one,uncle Joey..." ("AD" in batim post credits)
And sadly,you can't say much based on this.
They could've been physically unstable and die on their own terms
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(milk packages from Joey's kitchen table in batim chapter 5. All of them were stained with ink)
If they stained object with ink by interacting with them, it could've become worse with time.
Again,with lack of context,it's almost impossible to debate for or against this idea. Was that's a thing for other ink creatures?
Susie does brings up in batim that she was "a shapeless slug" at first.
Joey didn't changed much and dumped imperfect ones
Honestly this part depends on how much you believe that he could grow as a character.
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(memo from batdr, GENT building)
The way Joey talks about "other versions" sounds... indifferent.
Which is weird, because he did spend time with "AD" from batim by entertaining her with stories when she has asked him to
Does he tries to justify them being dumped OR he's distracting from the fact that they didn't had a chance to properly exist?
It feels like it was left for interpretation on purpose.
6.1 Audrey Drew
Second and last artificial child after "AD" that we canonically know about.
For Joey, creating something perfect that will outlive him could've been a key to his definition of immortality. He wanted to leave something after his death that people could know about. A piece of "perfect art"
"...Of course, I intend to live forever, so that will never happen! Ha, a joke indeed, but in a way not a joke, for what is art but a doorway into immortality? The greatest Illusion of Living then, living on after we are no longer alive. What is more of an illusion than that?" (TIOL, page 219)
Joey makes jokes about living eternally even before the ink machine's existence.
After it's creation, it's wasn't something that he has planned but he was ready for this fate (for one reason or another)
At the end of his life, Audrey has became a thing he'll live through eternally. And Memory!Joey is here ig
Memory!Joey basically calls Audrey his magnum opus:
"...My Greatest creation" (batdr, final Memory!Joey custscene)
Which further established that Joey is more proud of Audrey than he ever was on the Bendy franshise (it's hard to be proud of the stolen ideas, peoples deaths or the cycle,eh?)
Audrey seems to share adventurous spirit of young Joey (in his early 20s) & determination
They both got dragged into events they didn't asked for:
Joey (when he was 19 y.o) by detective Sinclair who has blamed him for a murder.
Audrey by Wilson Arch who has wanted to murder her.
6.2 Audrey and the ink demon
Similar trauma, different outcomes and treatment.
How present Joey was in Audrey's life? Why did they got separated at one point even before he has died?
Is there's something Memory!Joey hides from Audrey on purpose?
Batdr archives mention that Audrey has repressed her memories but what and why exactly?
In batdr the ink demon interacts a lot with Audrey which holds huge significance on the story.
In his first interaction with her he says "ink speaks to me and whispers your secrets" so the ink machine (who seems to hold some sense of identity) does know too.
The ink demon heavily relates to Audrey through the game. They were both left alone (in different ways) and they share one creator.
"You are without the purpose. Your very existence.. was a terrible lie...you're a mistake. A monster. Just like me." (batdr, the ink demon, last playable segment)
He heavily projects on her through this last interaction. Audrey does has a purpose,she was created to be a daughter Joey did wanted and loved. As much as Joey Drew could love at least, if you see this part as debatable.
But there's one thing he's right about, her existence is a lie.
Joey put burden of "protecting the cycle" on her while she thought that she's an orphan.
Batdr archives also question how much agency she has, which i find interesting.
7. "The illusion of living" (or TL;DR for this analysis)
The art of lying masterfully and manual on how to justice God complex.
Joey describes his life from early childhood (when he was 5 y.o.) and to the point of him being 42-43 y.o., a bit before the ink machine was created.
This book is about a man who couldn't find his purpose in life even with the help of other people and decided to blame everyone for this.
Lies, accusations, insults, distorted information, searching for "a soul" (literally and figuratively) and never ending hidden sadness after he lost Henry.
He tries to replace this empty gap with letting their creations become his whole life but it doesn't end well... (the ink demon,dead employees and the cycle)
He tries to separate himself from this and focused on creating a family.
Artificial daughters are electric boogalo №2 (unexpected direct sequel) which has ended working somehow.
But still,i wouldn't trust this man even a pet rock and the ink demon & Audrey are a proof on 'why.'
Trivial facts (bendy employees handbook/the illusion of living):
>He loves mac n cheese
>Joey meet Sammy at a theatre when they were teens
>Joey loves throwing peanuts at theatre actors
>In Joey Drew studios you can celebrate only main toons birthday or Joey's birthday. Other birthdays are prohibited.
>Joey stole award that Sammy has earned
> Joey officially is an employee of the month eternally...
> Joey stoles ideas for cartoons from employees and they don't get even a couple of cents for this (woah! How surprising /j)
Special thanks to everyone who interacted with my Audrey analysis earlier!
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wildpeachfarm · 5 months
Echo back at it again with their two cents an hour after the convo had ended and is irrelevant:
we need to make an anxious anons support group where we watch videos of ccs others have [insert cc]-rsd and help each other out lol
I literally actually can not recommend this enough. When the Drideo dropped I was actually online on a server made for Dream Stans and multiple people stayed online and all gathered at community spawn to support each other. I waited to watch the video because someone in the group volunteered to go first to feed us a list of trigger warnings. Someone was going around tossing flowers to everyone (and is now the reason I have a mc poppy tattoo + dream's first priv twt just being a poppy). And these were people I barely knew outside of the server, if at all. If you think you would benefit from doing something like this absolutely do it.
I think they just wanted ghosti to watch her because they have infantilized their adult daughter and convinced themselves that she needs a babysitter at fucking 18.
Completely valid take Moku but also putting myself in their shoes, if i were a parent w a child at age 18 i gotta say i might ask one of their friends to keep an eye on them, esp if it was them leaving for a con across the county/another continent. Not babysitting style obvi but like a "just make sure they're being safe they will trust your opinions as their friend" type of thing, and its fairly common in the con scene as well- I've been asked by parents of 15-19yo con-goers who I'm acquaintances or friends with to keep a general eye on them, let them do their own thing but intervene if necessary. But we'll never know what Caiti's parents wanted by asking Ghosti this, and whether it was keep a general eye or literally babysit her, Ghosti absolutely 100% fucked up beyond redemption either way. I just feel like a tiny bit of benefit of the doubt regarding what the parents wanted could be afforded.
also a majority of my multishipping was just "dnf+*insert creator I liked that they interactd with* "
Baby Fever Anon let me introduce you to the wonderful concept I call "The Dream (Super)Bowl". It's when the only ships youre interested in being ships with Dream or ships with DNF and no other ship types
oh yes absolutely! After the gogcident i got into a discord call with some people to dissect his first response video and it was so great for calming down. Highly recommend for everyone to get even a gc of friends they the know will be a good shoulder to lean on during stuff like this :) (shoutout to the dreamies gc who was also very level-headed during this)
yeah I totally get that and I've been in both situations so I can understand it for sure! Personally where I think it gets more into "babysitting" territory is the fact that caiti's mom literally /paid/ ghosti. So to me, it looks more transactional and more like a "duty" rather than a friend just keeping a well-meaning eye out for her. Plus caiti lives in the UK by herself most of the time right? So it would seem weird for her mom to not trust her alone at a convention in her home-country but trust her out across the ocean? Either way I get that her mom just wanted her to be safe. Shame that neither caiti or ghosti thought of that as a priority.
also the dream super bowl sounds perfect for me too I love that
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amphtaminedreams · 5 months
Thoughts No.2
every time I see 50+ year olds mocking young people for feeling hopeless about the world and the state of their lives, it just honestly strikes me how little empathy they have
it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand why gen-z/millennials struggle to be optimistic; many of us spend our time in education in a state of constant stress, because we took it at face value when adults told us “if you work hard, you can do anything”
WELL cut to 18, 19, 20, however many years later when you’ve burnt yourself out trying to make perfect grades at GCSEs, A-levels, then university, masters etc. and you come to find out:
1). the top, well-paying jobs (or basically ALL jobs in creative industries) in your field of interest usually recruit on the basis of either "experience" (time spent working unpaid/below living wage internships, completely unfeasible to someone from an average working/middle class family whose parents can’t fund their lifestyle during that period), “connections” or referrals
2). the accessible jobs will make you go through round after round of interviews and have you grovelling in cover letters about how much you just fucking LOVEEE the company when you literally just want money to live on, only for 90% of them to not even bother telling you that you didn’t get the job
we are simultaneously watching as businesses established centuries before we were born destroy the planet to the point that many places will have become inhabitable by the time we have enough money to settle down somewhere
houses will be even MORE expensive, many of us will be forced to move miles away from our families and loved ones just to take what we can get, and in the meantime, we’re watching as a tiny percentage of people and their greed normalise living in poverty for an increasing number of people with no sign of this changing
it seems like this tiny percentage have such a stronghold over the political & legal system, mass media, and big business, that it feels we have no real power or platform to do something about it
the situation in Palestine has just emphasised the fact that to the wealthy, the innate value of human life is meaningless; it shouldn’t HAVE to be that you put yourselves in these innocent people’s shoes for Israel and its allies’ actions to horrify you, but if nothing else, it’s shown that it could be anyone, and that should be fucking terrifying
so like I said: it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand why young people would feel hopeless when the concepts of moral decency and meritocracy, which our parents and their parents told us were the most important things ensuring us a meaningful, happy and fulfilling future, are increasingly being exposed as a crock of shite
the only conclusion I can come to is that there is something overriding their ability to empathise with the circumstances we find ourselves in and I’m thinking that, as is typically the case, it comes down to ego: they get defensive and shut down because this is the world they made, and they are the ones that lied to us about it-not only that, but they’ve lied to themselves for all this time too
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radical-revolution · 1 year
Tumblr media
"If we are serious about achieving enlightenment, we need the strength to renounce the things that are a big deal for us, and we need a great deal of courage to step onto the path alone. Those who do not pursue praise and gain, those who do not shun criticism and loss, may be stigmatized as abnormal or even insane. When observed from an ordinary point of view, enlightened beings may seem insane because they don’t negotiate, they cannot be lured or swayed by material gain, they don’t get bored, they don’t look for thrills, they have no face to lose, they do not conform to rules of etiquette, they never employ hypocrisy for personal gain, they never do things to impress people, and they don’t display their talents and powers just for the sake of it. But if it benefits others, these saints will do anything necessary, from having perfect table manners to leading a Fortune 500 company. In 2,500 years of Buddhist history there have probably been countless enlightened beings who were never identified or who were banished for being insane. Very few were appreciated for possessing what we call “crazy wisdom.” But when we think about it, we are the ones who are really insane, falling head over heels for echolike praise, brooding over criticism, and grasping at happiness.
Forget about going beyond time and space; even going beyond praise and criticism seems out of reach. But when we begin to understand, not only intellectually but emotionally, that all compounded things are impermanent, then our grasping lessens. Our conviction that our thoughts and possessions are valuable, important, and permanent begins to soften. If we were to be informed that we have only two days left to live, our actions would change. We would not be preoccupied with putting our shoes in line, ironing our underwear, or stockpiling expensive perfumes. We might still go shopping, but with a new attitude. If we know, even a little bit, that some of our familiar concepts, feelings, and objects exist only as a dream, we develop a much better sense of humor. Recognizing the humor in our situation prevents suffering. We still experience emotions, but they can no longer play tricks on us or pull the wool over our eyes. We can still fall in love, but without fear of being rejected. We will use our best perfume and face cream instead of saving them for a special occasion. Thus every day becomes a special day.
Buddha’s qualities are inexpressible. They are just like the sky, which has no end in space. Our language and our analytical powers can only go as far as the concept of the universe. At some point a bird that flies higher and higher to find the end of the sky will reach its limit and have to return to earth.
The best metaphor for our experience in this world is an epic dream that has a number of complex, intertwining stories, ups and downs, dramas and thrills. If an episode of the dream is fraught with devils and beasts, we hope to escape. When we open our eyes to see the fan turning on the ceiling, we are relieved. For the sake of communication, we say, “I dreamed the devil was chasing me,” and we feel relief at having escaped the clutches of the devil. But it is not as if the devil has gone away. The devil never entered your room during the night, and while you were having that hideous experience with him, he also was not there. When you are awake into enlightenment, you have never been a sentient being, you have never struggled. From then on, you do not have to be on guard against the devil’s return. When you become enlightened, you cannot think back to when you were an ignorant being. No more meditation is needed. There is nothing to remember, because you have never forgotten anything.
As Buddha said in the Prajnaparamita Sutra, all phenomena are like a dream and an illusion, even enlightenment is like a dream and an illusion. And if there is anything greater or grander than enlightenment, that, too, is like a dream and an illusion. His disciple, the great Nagarjuna, wrote that the Lord Buddha has not stated that after abandoning samsara there exists nirvana. The nonexistence of samsara is nirvana. A knife becomes sharp as the result of two exhaustions—the exhaustion of the whetstone and the exhaustion of the metal. In the same way, enlightenment is the result of the exhaustion of defilements and the exhaustion of the antidote of the defilements. Ultimately one must abandon the path to enlightenment. If you still define yourself as a Buddhist, you are not a buddha yet.”
— Dzongsar Khyentse, What Makes You Not a Buddhist
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mysticbewitched · 1 year
How to manifest my physical changes without putting much effort please, im sick of slow subliminal results
I just want subliminal results, like others, but I still don't see the case, every time I listen to a week or 21 days as explained in the description in each youtube video, I don't see changes in my results, I tries to be patient/remove my obsession, i've used many resources to supposedly get subliminal results, I've read the solar subs guide, visualized, making own subs (1 or 2 subs) thinking to be positive, act like already get results, using boosters,flushes blockage removers, using loa techniques and researching more about subconscious and it has no effect on me, its like I am immune to subliminal audios for physical changes, or I don't have enough self-concept to be able to manifest what I want, tell me what I can do?,
Also they say that law of Asuncion neville Goddard and his gurus are very good(Like Sammy Ingram) , but who knows if it works every moment because when I use old subliminals for 3 months, I haven't noticed a change in my face body or even D₹ck", I currently use male beauty audios like fk subs viper kottie moza morph cherry subs curio Daniel m.f but who knows if they works, because I have honestly lost a lot of faith in my progress, And I don't want to do an ancestral religious ritual to have those simple changes, I hope someone else can answer me, because i'm fucking tired of repeating the same sh&t, I don't want to be slow results and believe in the subliminals and period
Oh man, there's a whole hell of a lot to unpack here.
You're doing way too much, my friend, and I'm not surprised to hear that you're very frustrated. You're stressing yourself out and looking for the next "shiny object" in order to obtain a certain desire of yours.
You are approaching all of this the wrong way, and you are facing away from your manifestation by doing all of this stressful physical effort. This is not supposed to be a chore. This is supposed to be a fun and beautiful, freeing journey of self-realization and self-empowerment. You are not supposed to work yourself to the bone here.
I have a whole lot of advice for you to help you out in your situation. I advise you to listen to my advice if you want to exit this vicious cycle of frustration.
1. Stop listening to subliminals from other creators on Youtube. It's not a safe idea, first of all, above all things because you have no idea what affirmations are actually being sent to your subconscious mind, and creating your own subliminals are so much more effective. I speak this from experience because I was in your same shoes ages ago. That all changed when I started to create my own subliminals.
2. Change your mindset about manifestation and your abilities to manifest by simply creating your own subliminal and sticking to it for a good while. Be loyal and consistent with listening to it every day. You should see awesome results from solely relying on listening to your own subliminals for results. It takes some serious patience and dedication to take the time to change your mindset through the use of subliminals. { Check out my guide on creating your own subliminals in my masterlist. }
3. For the love of God, please *do not listen* to Sammy Ingram. I respect and admire her confident mindset when it comes to her manifesting abilities, but she does not truly understand the law of consciousness and how manifestation actually works on autopilot. She experiences results in her reality because of her mindset, not the mindless affirming of affirmations. She believes that affirming like a damn parrot for 8 hours straight is the way to go, and it's not. That's just ridiculous. Manifesting should never feel like a chore. Feel free to affirm whenever you want to just as a reminder. Not because you feel "you have to."
4. I assure you that the law of consciousness is working perfectly for you because you are currently aware of seriously struggling with subliminal results, and that's what keeps manifesting for you in your reality on an endless loop. You are the creator of your own reality, and you are the power of all creation. You have the power to change this all for you. Again, follow my advice and change your mindset with creating your own subliminals. It is the answer to your prayers.
5. Check out these sources to help deepen your understanding about manifestation and your true self as the operant power: Neville Goddard, Edward Art, Awaken the Godself With Candace Thoth, and Niclas - Upgrade to Life.
6. As for the physical changes you desire, again, create your own subliminal with affirmations for the physical changes you want. Be consistent with it and listen to the subliminal daily.
Best wishes to you and seriously, take my advice. It will be a game-changer for you.
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
A thing I do have to say, as a system / trauma survivor on the very active form of coping and survival (flight and fight), I really struggle to understand, empathize with (even just cognitively), and sympathize with those with the more passive forms of coping and survival (freeze and fawn) towards trauma, anxiety, depression, etc and I have to regularly keep myself in check when seeing it to NOT judge just because I don't really understand it.
Cause every time I just internally go "Okay well STOP being sad for yourself and get yourself going to fix your situation, look do this" - not in a "I'm better than you" or "Its your fault" way but in a "why aren't you doing anything" based on the fact that whenever I'm having A Time, I (as a whole) tend to GO. We don't experience long periods of fawn or freeze and usually those are in transition or just briefly to recover from our constant fight-flight nature.
I don't understand passive coping past a logical theoretical level. I understand that people cope that way, I understand that it is often a distraction / soothing behavior or the most they feel they can do because their brain tends to shut down rather than activate - I understand that it is hyporegulation and I get that on a face level.
But on a personal level? I can't put myself in the shoes. I can't imagine what it would be like or what line of thinking / feeling would drive that. I can't see into it at all. I don't really know the best thing to do to help someone in those modes and defer to the assumed best safe answer of giving space and leaving an open door / ear, but it's extremely foreign of a concept.
From my perspective, I see it and it just looks sad and miserable and - because of my extreme specialized end of coping - I just go "how are you SITTING there? it looks miserable!" cause again, the LAST thing I do as a heavy hyper regulated cope-r, is sit.
I dunno, I'm just sitting and analyzing the differences in coping patterns cause my boy is having a Time atm and I'm like "Google, try to generate a plan with our non-existent empathy and failing cognitive empathy"
Anyways, if anyone wants to share / explain their experiences with either end of coping or wants to give me tips and ideas of how to help someone who leans to depressive-style coping than mine. Not in any urgent situation cause I've talked with him some and have a good general preferred sort of thing but like
This shit always confuses me. I'm too.... a lot of things to understand this beyond a theoretical hyper rationalized manner.
(Also if anyone can explain this to me, you have the right to explain this to me like I'm a 8 year old kid if you like cause thats probably about as much as I understand it and its fair. I am always so bewildered as to how that kind of coping Works and thus always confused as to how to best help someone that copes in such a way)
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vanlegion · 4 months
TL;DR script 1?
I'm getting the urge to write my first RVB fic. Yet, I've been going back and forth about how I actually want to handle it. Directly after Restoration, I had a lot of " EMOTIONAL DAMAGE " and whipped up a seven page comic i've yet to publish (and still am debating about at this point because I dont feel its very good and I lost a lot of the anger that spurned it but GODDAMN do I want to keep pump the RVB tag with more Grimmons Art JUST BECAUSE) along with a few other pictures and feels and ideas of other WIPS that also came from that anger and angst... But now that it's been some time and I've cooled down and have been able to process and ALSO come to understand that 19 could be taken as another Simulation, and that ALSO RVB gave us the unique gift of letting us CHOOSE where our canon story ends (Be it at S10, or S13 or for the very few of us S17) ... My brain has slowly been allotting, plotting and working its way towards writing a story that could be a more realistic take to an ending. I've never written 'Fix-It fics' in my life. Mostly because I don't really believe in them that much, personally, for me. ( I'll read them if the premise sounds awesome, and I'm curious how people switch things up. I just have a hard time writing them myself.) For me I do 'Mend-It' fics. Which means I keep what was considered 'broken' in canon, but then find a canon way to fix it BEYOND the breaking point. . . . . So now I am conflicted because as I stated before - RvB is a Choose Your Own Ending series. S19 does have some concepts I'd like to play around with and explore further and expand on. But I'm also an enjoy of have S17 as my ending. Never getting the SoC fight feels wrong. But maybe, maybe. . . I've got a way to have my cake and eat it too. Ya know, before Grif finds out I had cake.
Anywho, this was a quick Outline for the first draft of a Fic I was planning, but am now thinking of scrapping maybe for what's now brewing in my brain. I might flesh this back out again but this was what I came up with about some odd hours after finishing Restoration day of. "First Nights"
How often does Simmon's second guess himself? By nightfall, when he see's Grifs unmade and trashed bed - because you KNOW Grif left him one last mess to clean up, he's going to bitch about it, bitch about the trash and . . . probably put it off for the morning. Being so fucking tired after surviving all of that. And then when he starts to ask a question. . . realizing he wont get an answer, he'll choke. Tucker's acting all 'Yeah I'm fine sure' but he's probably struggling a fuck of a lot right now and trying to do it all himself - and Wash is still learning how to let go but he's got Carolina for support so he can be Tucker's support as well. Them learning how to heal together is very viable. Grif is probably going to run off disbelief for a few hours, along with adrenaline to figure out his immediate living situation as soon as he gets back home. But it's gonna sink in pretty quickly that he's alone, and it'll hurt when it hits. He didn't even tell Kai he was leaving to go back home cause he was still waiting for a second shoe to drop, but it didnt and now he's back in Hawaii.
Caboose is gonna wonder the canyon. He'll be quite. Probably ends up in front of a broken Simmons, and is just there to be supportive. Because Simmons also, in a way, also just lost his best friend. So he'll offer a shoulder and a hug and let Simmon's have his emotions. Because doing the right thing is the sad thing. He'll probably say thank you to Sarge's grave. It'll inspire him to make one for the Epsilon Unit, but the grave stone will be carved with ALL the names ... Church, Tex, Alpha, Beta, Epsilon and the rest in their Greek Lettering. He'll put the Sniper Rifle on it. Tucker leaves with Wash and Carolina because the trauma does finally hit him and hard, and he needs a doctor. Carolina tires to convince Caboose and Simmons to go with them but they both stay behind - Simmon's claiming some kind of bullshit technical reason and Carolina know's he's lying but doesn't push, just leaves the invite open. Caboose and Simmons sit atop Red Base and talk into the night, watching the stars and recounting things again. The first night alone is rough, and it hurts. It gets easier each passing night, but it still sucks when it feels you no longer have a purpose. They started as pawns in a fake war, and it feels like after everything that's happened, they're still just pawns the UNSC would rather push into the shadows. At least here. Maybe there's somewhere they could actually make a difference, or that their help and experience would be beneficial. It takes time to find that place. But eventually, they do. A new training facility/liaison office looking for experienced vets is being built. Simmon's files the paperwork immediately, because Red Tape bullshit requires these thing be done ASAP and he's taking no chances. Takes time again, but eventually, the new facility is finished and they're paperwork is accepted. They clear out Blood Gulch. They leave it behind for good. (Debating Simmon's having rigged the bases to explode or not - sees on brand for him, but also he may just leave it derelict because Sarge) Simmons, anxious but excited, turns to Caboose and see's the other's excitement. He's going on about how "It'll be great!" and all the things he wants to see and do and all the new friends he could make, but then grows kind of quiet and look over to Simmons. "It will be great, right?" "Going to Earth? Yeah. I think it will." Last scene is just them talking while the data-pad next to Simmons shows a readout of the New Facility they're transferring to, " RTB: ODST - Red Team Base: O'ahu Division for Science and Technologies"
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frost-eyed-autumn · 6 months
Some Chuuya Headcanons
Absolutely snores when he sleeps.
He doesn't dream when he sleeps, ever. He only really understands the concept of dreaming from what other people have told him or what he sees in media. Suffice to say, that also means he - luckily - never has nightmares.
Frequently uses the phrase "spill the beans".
Definitely makes a point to pick out shoes that make him taller.
Originally started wearing a collar because he lost a bet with Dazai to "be his dog", but after a while he just felt comfortable wearing it.
Is a virgin. The closest he's had to intimacy is he had a girlfriend for a while when he was with the Sheep, but nothing particularly worth talking about happened beyond a few peck kisses. At some point they simply quietly drifted apart.
While he absolutely does hold grudges (especially against Dazai in particular) and can have a nasty temper, he's also good at setting them aside when he has a reason to and prioritize the more important matters at hand. A lot of it comes from the fact he spent 8 years or so living in the slums and had to tough out whatever misfortunes came his (and the Sheep's) way, often having to focus on survival rather than quibbling about personal grievances. He still holds onto the habit despite living much more lucratively now, which is a large part of why he's able to work with Dazai despite hating his guts.
Doesn't really find any enjoyment in things like amusement park rides. They're just too boring for him with all he can do with Gravity.
Probably one of the best fighters in the world, not just in the Port Mafia, since his Ability lets him take a lot more risks and experiment a lot more than any normal person. If you basically had super powers that let you fly and be impervious to bullets since you were 7 years old, wouldn't you be too?
Not the sort to allow most people physically close to him unless he trusts them. If he does, he still often has his guard up unless he's deeply familiar with them and knows for a fact that those particular people won't try to do anything against him (Mori, the other Executives, the Black Lizard, etc). All of this is because he's been betrayed a number of times and it usually involved someone getting close and poisoning him since they knew they couldn't fight him head-on, so physically dropping his guard is a big No.
Dazai is uniquely one of the only people outside of his trusted circle within the Port Mafia that he's not dodgy about getting physically close on the basis of feeling endangered if he gets too close and careless, since Dazai is uniquely able to render him just as powerless as any regular person and has had plenty of chances to kill him if he wanted, including that he could have just let Chuuya die any of the number of times he used Corruption but came through on keeping him alive every time. The one thing he knows he can trust Dazai about is that he doesn't need to resort to those kinds of tactics if he really wants to try to kill him.
Physical intimacy is basically completely off the table. Chuuya won't entertain the idea of hiring prostitutes because of the slim chance any of them could try to take advantage of the situation to assassinate him. He's also hesitant to get into any sort of dating relationship, for that reason as well as others. He generally won't date within the ranks of the Port Mafia either because he's conscientious of the power imbalance his rank as an Executive affords him, and the complications that an intimate bond with any of his subordinates would create in his ability to make the best decisions for the organization as a whole, which he takes very seriously.
Incredibly self-conscious about the idea of physical intimacy and particularly sex, because he's insecure about the question of whether or not he's "actually human" or not, and if that would bother whoever he's with, and if he would have the same "normal" reactions and feelings as other people are supposed to have in that situation. Its not something he openly talks about or admits to, especially since he doesn't think anyone else would really understand it or have the right point of reference, since he's one of the only "Artificial Gifted" he knows of. The only other person who might understand is Verlaine, and that's definitely not a topic he feels like breaching with him.
Very touch-starved, but fat chance in Hell he'll admit to it or ask anyone for anything that would help with it.
Has quite a few pain hot-spots on his body but even he doesn't notice them until they're pressed against with a firm touch, and most of them aren't in places anyone is likely to press against since he doesn't get physically close to people. Most of them are because of stress put on his body from his Ability and aggressive fighting style.
Tends to get more self-sustained minor injuries on most jobs, such as twists and sprains, rather than actual injuries inflicted by any enemies. He gets them the worst when he uses Corruption, often ending up stressing his joints and ligaments since he's not lucid enough to take care how he moves around, which means he overextends his body by a lot.
Nudity and sexual things don't really bother him until other people are around, at which point he gets incredibly self-conscious and squeamish about it. Catch him covering his face often and complaining a lot.
When someone tries to get him to say anything he's too embarrassed to talk about and he tries to force himself to say it anyway, just devolves into obscure choking noises like he's forgotten how to speak words.
Absolutely can and does like to show off his Gravity ability with attaching himself sideways and upside-down to surfaces. He likes the reactions it gets out of people, especially people who don't know him or his reputation yet.
Can and does use Gravity for more than just mobility and combat, including petty purposes or just generally cheating at life, like using it to shoot BB pellets at Dazai from his hand (under the table at Executive meetings, because fuck you Dazai), dropping down from the ceiling to surprise/scare people (by people, we obviously mean Dazai), cheating carnival prize games like target throws, and using Gravity as a wind-breaker when its cold and windy out so he doesn't get chilled, just to name a few examples.
Absolutely a great improv actor. This bitch fooled Fyodor into thinking he was a vampire and went the whole nine yards making it convincing. He really didn't need to do the little "HRYAAAA" sounds but by god did he commit to them.
Has had his food stolen by seagulls before. If you think he didn't use Gravity to fly after and put the fear of God into them for stealing his beach fries, you'd be wrong.
Got annoyed once when he first got his motorcycle and Dazai harassed him to take him for a ride. Chuuya told him he'd "take him for a ride alright" and used Gravity to make it the most terrifying experience he could, driving recklessly enough that it forced Dazai to not use his Nullification if he didn't want them to die. Honestly made Dazai stress puke when he got off and gave him PTSD for a long time afterwards.
Heavier than he looks and actually pretty self-conscious about it, despite that all of his weight is basically pure muscle.
Basically doesn't have any body fat and gets chilled pretty easily when its cold out. He'll usually wear a lot of layers to make up for it.
Definitely head-bangs to music, but mostly when either no one is looking or he's drunk.
The only time he willingly calls Dazai on his phone is when he's angry-drunk. Any other time, he sticks to text and only says the bare minimum required. If Dazai tries to get him to send more than that, he just ghosts him.
Takes mid-day naps nearly every day on his work breaks. Sometimes its at home, sometimes in his office, and sometimes he splays out on a public bench and just pulls his hat over his face.
His favorite insult towards the Agency is calling them "toddlers".
Out of all the Agency, he's most impressed with Kenji, considering the kid outright tanked a direct kick from him without a scratch.
Ranpo is on his shit-list for the book incident, though.
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mysticstronomy · 2 years
Saturday, November 19th, 2022
Welcome back,
The concept of traveling into the past becomes a bit murky the second causality rears its head. Cause comes before effect, at least in this universe, which manages to muck up even the best-laid time traveling plans.
For starters, if you traveled back in time 200 years, you'd emerge in a time before you were born. Think about that for a second. In the flow of time, the effect (you) would exist before the cause (your birth).
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To better understand what we're dealing with here, consider the famous grandfather paradox. You're a time-traveling assassin, and your target just happens to be your own grandfather. So you pop through the nearest wormhole and walk up to a spry 18-year-old version of your father's father. You raise your laser blaster, but just what happens when you pull the trigger?
Think about it. You haven't been born yet. Neither has your father. If you kill your own grandfather in the past, he'll never have a son. That son will never have you, and you'll never happen to take that job as a time-traveling assassin. You wouldn't exist to pull the trigger, thus negating the entire string of events. We call this an inconsistent causal loop.
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On the other hand, we have to consider the idea of a consistent causal loop. While equally thought-provoking, this theoretical model of time travel is paradox free. According to physicist Paul Davies, such a loop might play out like this: A math professor travels into the future and steals a groundbreaking math theorem. The professor then gives the theorem to a promising student. Then, that promising student grows up to be the very person from whom the professor stole the theorem to begin with.
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Then there's the post-selected model of time travel, which involves distorted probability close to any paradoxical situation [source: Sanders]. What does this mean? Well, put yourself in the shoes of the time-traveling assassin again. This time travel model would make your grandfather virtually death proof. You can pull the trigger, but the laser will malfunction. Perhaps a bird will poop at just the right moment, but some quantum fluctuation will occur to prevent a paradoxical situation from taking place.
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But then there's another possibility: The quantum theory that the future or past you travel into might just be a parallel universe. Think of it as a separate sandbox: You can build or destroy all the castles you want in it, but it doesn't affect your home sandbox in the slightest. So if the past you travel into exists in a separate timeline, killing your grandfather in cold blood is no big whoop. Of course, this might mean that every time jaunt would land you in a new parallel universe and you might never return to your original sandbox.
Confused yet? Welcome to the world of time travel.
Originally published on
(Wednesday, November 23rd, 2022)
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inmyfxith · 2 years
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Pairing: Kai x sister!reader, Ally x Kai' sister!reader
OC: none
A/N: Many of Lana’s quotes came from AHS Season 6 Episode 10
Warnings: Mention of incest, murders, language
Words: 2k2
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"How are you feeling?" Lost in thought, looking down at your shoes, the famous reporter's hand on your shoulder helped your mind return to the living. More than four years had passed since Kai's death and since Ally's election as Michigan's senator. And in those four years, you had remained in the shadows of the media, cloistered in the family home that had become the attraction of all the curious and sordid story seekers.
"Could I have a glass of water, please?" You replied, calmly, trying to hide your discomfort as best you could. Lana Winters appeared to be a talented journalist. A survivor of the despicable Briarcliff Asylum, her many reports had earned her a title relatively common to Ally's. Now very old, Lana continued to conduct interviews with more or less controversial personalities. And on this day, you were on the interviewees' couch. An assistant brought you what looked like a glass of soda water, which took only a few seconds to swallow.
Taking a seat on the couch opposite yours, Lana sighed a few reassuring words to you before the set was set up for the live launch of the show. Your hands were sweaty. Your heart was beating wildly, spreading an unusual feeling of heat throughout your body. The cameraman waved to the reporter, who was already facing the camera and reciting the day's introduction.
"Today, the entire nation knows the story of FIT, the cult born in a small town in Oakland County, Michigan. From its first meetings to its murder, the misdeeds of its ruthless leader have held tens of thousands of Americans in thrall. Since its dismantling in 2017, the few survivors have been trying to rebuild their lives in a society that seems to despise them for their choices. After many attempts, one of them finally agreed to return, with me, on the few months that saw the evolution of the infamous Kai Anderson's cult. Welcome to the Lana Winters special." Silent, you only listened with a detached ear to Lana's monologue. However, the use of the word "ruthless" stuck in your mind. A woman came out of nowhere and quickly powdered your face before disappearing from where she seemed to have come from. And then the interview really began. Lana turned back to you, her whole body leaning forward to add more proximity to your exchange. The almost blinding lights illuminated your face and darkened everything around you.
"Y/N, thank you for being with us for this interview. I have so many questions for you. There are so many things people want to know. I'll start with the most important one, how are you?" You smiled softly, as did Lana. Taking a deep breath, your gaze broke from the reporter's for a few moments. The expression on your face was undoubtedly meant to give clues to your future response. But Lana didn't let any silence settle.
"You've been to hell and back."
"I think, today, I'm trying to move on. For my parents, for my brothers, my sister. But most of all for my daughter." The reporter nodded as she took in your last sentence.
“For your daughter, Liberty right ?”
A smile instinctively appeared on your face when she mentioned your child's name. Since her birth, a few days before the death of your older brother, she had become your reason for reintroducing yourself to the world. The conditions of her conception were peculiar, but she was still your child.
"Liberty Winter Anderson," you replied with a touch of pride in your voice, "it is because of her that I am still alive today." Straightening up in her seat, Lana bounced at what you had just said.
"You understand then, no doubt, now that you are a parent, the situation that Senator Mayfair-Richards was in with her little boy." It wasn't long before the crux of the matter came up and, to be quite honest, you were slightly dreading it. People were already recognizing you on the street, staring at you and whispering in each other's ears in your presence. The pain, anger and pity they felt had somehow pushed you to accept Lana's invitation.
"Although I don't forget, it's been a long time since I forgave her for her actions. If Lili were in danger, I wouldn't know how I would react. Oz was a sweet boy who didn't belong in our house."
"There are rumors that you still live in the family home". The camera changes were so discreet that you didn't notice the crew.
"I moved there after I gave birth. I needed a place to live, and this house has been in my family for years. The memories, joyful I mean, are always important.“
"Can you tell us, Y/N, if it's not too difficult, about your brother? Who was Kai Anderson to you?" Oh, you dreaded that question too, the one where you would have to plead the case of a man who had orchestrated horrible murders. A man who despite this remained a member of your family that you would have cherished for the rest of your life. Running a hand across your forehead, you took a deep breath and, with your eyes directed at your hands, your monologue began.
"Kai was my brother. You can't ask someone to speak ill of their own family, because society will always have a different image than you. I will tell you who Kai was. He was an angry young man. But he wasn't always angry. Before my parents died, he was a completely different boy. He was kind, caring, and took good care of me."
"Why do you say that?" Lana cut you off suddenly.
"Our father wasn't the nicest man in the world. He often yelled, made scathing remarks at every turn. No one would have felt totally safe in his presence. In 2014, I was very young. My older brother already had his own psychology practice and my sister was studying at a New York university. Kai only stayed in the house for me. So I wouldn't have to endure my father's incessant scolding. He was waiting for me to leave so he could leave after." You were only exposing your truth to the world. Your mind had decided to blur its misdeeds for your own sanity. A slight silence enveloped the room and tears intruded into the conversation.
"I can imagine how painful it must have been to lose your family. But you have to admit that he was no angel. Kai Anderson was the leader of a cult whose victims number in the dozens."
"That's not the image I've decided to keep of him. The Kai you describe, whom other journalists portray as a sadistic manipulator, is nothing like my brother."
"Still, he was behind the murder of your brother, Vincent, and your sister Winter. You forgave him so easily?" She insisted again and again. The tears that were beginning to trickle down your cheeks fanned her desire for a reporter more and more.
"The leader of the cult was not my brother. As far as I'm concerned Kai died shortly before the 2016 election." Your tone becoming harsher, the reporter turned to one of the camera operators before announcing a commercial page. The short commercial page gave you time to think about Lana's next question about what you had done after Kai's arrest. A wave of memories emerged in your mind.
Your forehead resting against the window of the police car, the family home disappeared on the horizon as if it had come straight from your imagination. One blurry moment had followed another and your mind seemed to be lost in the maze of information acquired during those last moments. Winter's death, the night of the Hundred Males, Kai's anxious behavior and, finally, the arrival of the FBI.
Everything had happened at an alarming speed. The divine ruler was explaining his rules one last time, galvanizing his troops for what he had been preparing for months, and the next moment, half of his army was neutralized, just like him. In the room with them, and Beverly, you were trying to remain unmoved by Kai's monologues. Monologues that involved the murder of hundreds of women in your condition, but few knew that.
Before the discovery of his paternity, Kai had tried to create an heir. A successor who would surpass him in every way, a real man capable of changing the face of the world. However, his initial focus was on Winter, and Samuel had ruined everything. To fulfill his deepest desire, he had turned to you. Younger, more docile, that's what everyone had concluded. After several ceremonies, and attempts, he had finally become bored, finding other more important concerns.
What Kai didn't know, however, was that you had indeed ended up pregnant. And around you, Ally seemed the most willing to help you, since she herself had carried Ozymandias. She quickly recognized her own experience in the first symptoms described. Without covering for you, Ally was strangely sympathetic, especially when your mood swings became more frequent.
Then it was with a lump in your belly that you listened to your older brother's last statement about how these poor innocent women were to be exterminated. The next moment, dozens of heavily armed FBI agents had entered the basement, killing anyone who tried to resist. All except Kai, Beverly... and you.
The car that was driving you away from home was not going particularly fast. The flashing lights flickered in the dark night and, for the first time in weeks, you finally felt safe, though still deeply shocked.
In the interrogation room, a few hours after your arrest, two agents asked you a bunch of questions about the cult, Kai, Winter, your involvement in the murder spree, and a bunch of other misdeeds you had never heard of. You were not a liar, so the answers to these questions were made up of your truth. From the murder-suicide of your parents, to Winter's recent death, you hid nothing.
And at the end of your long explanatory monologue, tears had finally rolled down your cheeks. They had nothing to do with anything that had happened. You had only finally realized that you were finally tasting a form of freedom. You had not seen a doctor in a long time, and although your own health did not seem to be a problem, your baby's was.
A few weeks later, after a short visit before a whole flock of doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists, a magistrate heard your testimony again.
Collateral victim. That's what this law enforcement officer had written on your report. Not having taken part in any of the murders, because you were considered too young by your older brother, your minority added more credence to her conclusion. No one in the Anderson family was able to provide a home for you. Your mental state left something to be desired, however, and a place became available in a local mental hospital.
"Y/N? The commercial is almost over, we will resume in a few moments." Once again, the announcer's voice brought you back to real life.
"We are back with Y/N Anderson, a member of the cult of the notorious sociopath Kai Anderson." The more words came out of her mouth, the more the frustration of not being able to prove who Kai really was took hold of you. The interview continued for nearly two more hours. Two hours during which Lana Winters asks you to explain the functioning of the cult, what you were doing there and all the usefulness of all the elements brought to light by the police. Lastly, she questioned you on your current relationship with Ally.
"After Kai was arrested, I was sent to a mental hospital. Ally visited me, I don't know if it was a publicity stunt for the election or a genuine empathetic gesture. I could already see the headlines the next day...the woman who had helped dismantle one of Michigan's most prolific cults was coming back to pardon one of its former members. She offered to get me out of this ghoulish place, I think you know what I'm talking about. She wanted to put me up while I could bounce back, I refused at first before accepting a few weeks later."
"So you lived at her house?"
"For a while, a month or two. And then there was Kai's death, the election, Liberty's birth... today I live a pretty quiet life. No one is unaware of what's been going on in the house, but my neighbors are respectful enough not to reveal anything about it when we talk." Exchanging a smile with the host, the latter thanked you before turning to the camera.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, this concludes this unedited interview. Thank you for your loyalty even after so many years. It was Lana Winters, I wish you a good evening."
Back at home, your first instinct was to settle into one of the sofas where someone was already sitting, eyes fixed in front of the television.
"Do you think they suspect anything?" The voice asks you before taking a sip of what looked like beer.
"I think my little act worked, they won't be looking our way." Uncorking a bottle in your turn, it gently clashed with your friend's bottle with the sound of clinking glass.
"Long live to this motherfucking SCUM" Beverly yelled through the living room without caring about waking up your daughter.
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bearpillowmonster · 1 year
The thing is, I think I would've been alright with the outcome of S6. When they do stuff like that, I feel like it has to justify its reason for undoing it.
Lex isn't familiar with friends or the normal way of growing up so he has an almost innocent view of people, he takes advantage of that and uses it to his advantage, that's what he was taught. Once he learns the hard way that it's not supposed to be that way, he starts to walk the line and see the difference between black, white and grey. The Boy Who Cried Wolf is his character here, he's hurt and that drives people so far that they'd start to act like him. Human. And you know who showed him that kindness that he never knew first? Clark. Alien. That's the only way he was going to get it because human nature always got in the way. He never knew how to be human, how to get along with them, so he got along with an alien and look at where it brought him. An obsession to find more like him. More friends. (more cousins as Stitch would say)
Speaking of, in addition to Chloe and Lois, we have Kara and get some cousin on cousin action.
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Just disappointed she doesn't wear flannel.
But back to Lex, he played that part and now it's time for redemption. He went too far again because...it's human nature. And with human nature, Lana no longer wants him SO he's in love with Kara now.
You ever see that YT video of the guy who draws a random picture and then tries to find the guy he drew in the street. Well that's what Lex does with Kara, he thinks she's an angel that saved him from death the same way Clark did. (funny thing about those aliens, they're like the answer to your prayers and become your friend, almost like Lilo and Stitch (hey, I brought it full circle!))
But she's actually in love with Jimmy...that's interesting! But Lana...yes, Lana, I know, I know, I'm spoiling but she makes Clark realize just like with his parents, that humans aren't perfect. He has to learn how ordinary people come with flaws and some come with extremes. It further isolates his nature and shifts his goals left and right, it's an interesting decision to take that relationship.
That's the thing- time. We saw little to no Jimmy and Kara after it was introduced, it always reverts back to the way it was like a broken record. Lana is at least convincing enough because she was at one point Clark's love interest in the comics too but even she's given so many annoying factors that mirror Jimmy's. Every time Lana ends up with Clark, it lasts for what? How long? What is the longest they've ended up together, you can't ship them especially when they shoehorn her into these situations. Look at Episode 8. She had no relevance whatsoever there, she claims she was there because Kara told her so off screen. We didn't need another person to tell her what she is.
Episode 5 has a really good concept and heck, is a really good episode overall. And I understand why they chose what they did in order to keep him "held back" and "grounded mentally" but that was the perfect opportunity to learn to fly, turn something negative into something positive. It has big shoes to fill since that wasn't the moment though, so it better be even better.
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They also have a small gum obsession, I suppose they were getting some good sponsorships at this point.
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sweetwateriver · 2 years
i wrote a little story about autism dont like dont read
I found myself in a world populated by beings who looked exactly like me but the way I acted was alien to them. I later would realize my insides were equally alien to theirs. I ran into frequent problems with these beings, that of communication, socialization, nourishment, and even dermochemistry - they had objections to the clothing I wore and the way I walked. I took it upon myself to, like the known anthropologist Jane Goodall, attempt to camouflage myself as one of these beings for further research. I did my best to act, dress, and talk like them. But it wasn’t enough - they could tell a copy from the real thing. I realized I had to go deeper - truly understand how these beings ticked so I would be able to fully replicate it from the ground up. Luckily, I had plenty of fictionalized first-hand accounts of these beings’ lives from their art, books and films, which I had devoured voraciously. But one such piece of art hanging on my wall bears the quote “Knowledge without experience is just information. Mary Englebright” After long study I was able to ascertain that the quote meant that information must be put into practice before it can be truly understood. Without the tools to be a being myself, I set about studying them, not just superficially, but paying great attention now to WHY they said and did the things they did, why they acted such a way in this situation, why this person acts differently than this. Using their concepts of empathy and imagination, I tried to picture myself ‘in their shoes’ (an expression meaning to stand in someone else’s shoes, to take up their place in the world) acting that way, and why I might do such a thing. In art, people are often motivated by ‘feeling’, a concept I still can’t quite explain. But as I imagined doing that thing and ‘feeling’ how I believed they felt (through study of their words, facial expressions, body language, and  actions, and cross-examination with various texts), I suddenly could conjure a situation from my own life where I had acted similarly. This behavior WAS understandable in its own fashion. Through repetition of this technique, I began to understand the once-mystical why of these beings’ behaviors. But the question of why they treated me so harshly when I first arrived still remained. The answer I came to was that they had instantly believed that I was one of them and couldn’t understand why I didn’t act the same. After all, in the most superficial of ways we were identical. Could it be? Was I really one of these creatures all along? I began to apply the technique in reverse - when I was in certain situations, did I detect evidence of these ‘feelings’ within myself? Butterflies in my stomach, hot flashes of anger, uplifting joy? These things I had always read about - I was shocked to discover them within myself. At last! I had the answer! I was never fooling my fellow creatures into believing I belonged among their number, I was fooling myself into thinking I didn’t! So many things that set me apart - the way I dress, the things I love, the way I talk - so easily discarded! I was human!
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