#but ive just cleaned up/packed about 1/3 of my place rn
jaffre · 2 years
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suitcase of creatures
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800-dick-pics · 4 years
**Emergency Expenses!**
Hey yall Im going to just link to our older posts if you wanna read more about what is going on.  our post! tldr?: Black 2s lesbian, and Chicana trans lesbian are trying to secure housing and heal from abuse/trauma. Today is the day Xochitl and their friend are on the long ass drive to come get me!!, everything is ready to go there are just a few problems we need help fixing.
1. My card is having issues so Im unable to book the Airbnb for their short stay when they get here. I have the money I just cant use it or transfer any of it (i tried).
2. after almost 2+ yrs my only pair of water proof boots ripped through the sole and shank (core) of the shoe, making it unrepairable rn, I can still wear them here in cali but im going to a place of cold and snow. i NEED new waterproof leather boots ($175+), I DO NOT own any “back ups” or other shoes that arent canvas or flats. 3. My mother is going to throw away many of the things ive left at her house, its all of my childhood belongings, past art, altar and photos I dont want to lose these things. I need to pay for a storage unit here in ca up to 6mo in advance before i leave the 26th!!
CA: $sleepyhen  V: sleepyhen CA: $grumblybear V: XochiRose
***GOFUNDME LINK $9,326/$15,000***
Ive been cleaning, and packing I know i havent been fundrasing like I have should but I really need help saving my ass rn, Im thankful for everyone whos donated and shared already, we are so close!
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humanlyimprobable · 5 years
for those who know me afk or those who care enough to worry, dont. ill be ok i just need to process some feelings and let time pass. nothing happened, just been thinking.
tonights been kinda frustrating i dont fully know why, but its really hard to find satisfaction and enjoyment in things rn, and im kinda annoyed and on edge.
but ive been thinking, and theres a few things i think might be contributing.
1 ive said this before in a different vent but this is the longest ive gone without being in a steady romantic relationship in about 3 years, and im really tired of it. i’m a ridiculously romantic person and besides me trying to figure out wtf my orientation even is i just really fucking want a boyfriend rn. i miss being in a relationship so much, but most of my friends are either too far older then me or not in a safe enough place mentally/otherwise for a relationship to be a good idea. i really fucking need to meet some guys my age but it feels like everyone my age is way too busy for me to even be able to meet anyone.
2 this is the longest mom and i have gone without moving since i was very little. the average is normally 2 years or less, and recently before now it was almost always far less. i dont think my brain is used to this at all, im so used to packing up and starting a whole new life and shit that this does not mix well. and on the one hand i wouldnt mind moving again because of this and a few other things im just so fucking tired of dealing with at our current place (the company my mom works for is a piece of shit for example), but on the other hand it feels like if we do move, the only options we would have would be either toronto or ottowa, and god i dont want to leave this city. im not ready for that. especially after last time. i just want us to move into a decent building with a pool where mom has a good salary that isnt fucking slave wages from a company that doesnt give a shit about any of its workers. theyve been firing a shit ton of people lately in the office for frankly bullshit reasons and its terrifying but also bullshit because people like mom are the ones trying to clean up the mess because theyre the only ones who actually know shit right now. the office tried to ban tenents having bbqs because they misread something and mom had to explain how that law actually works and that its actually pretty common to have a bbq in an apartment building here. im 90% convinced that none of the office workers know anything about human beings, especially the ceo since fucking, every office worker makes enough to have a house and a car and shit and here’s mom who can barely afford to save any money if at all just so we can someday have a car. i just want us to be ok and im so fucking t i r e d of this b u l l s h i t . 
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