#so im moving out either next month or in september
jaffre · 2 years
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suitcase of creatures
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keeksandgigz · 11 months
ugh maybe something angsty to fluffy with eddie , like nightmares or a silly argument turned too big leaving both in tears but then resolved
idk baby ugh i love ur writing tho !
aww stop i love u <3
this is literally my first ask ever im so excited!! hope u enjoy :)))
He knows better than to fall asleep.
The world lays still around him, the sound of lone crickets plays as his lullaby while he stares at his banged up ceiling.
Everytime he closes his eyes he feels like he's suffocating, still in the stuffy, dusty and slimy Upside Down, the blood at his throat almost choking him to death.
It's his first night alone back home. Him and Wayne had been cleared to go back earlier that September morning after spending a whole summer in a cramped infirmary on a small cot that made his feet stick out.
Noises of people snoring, talking, moving around. Even people crying and screaming in their sleep. You sleeping in the cot right next to him.
Your shoulders rising and falling. On nights where he couldn't sleep he'd count every breath you took, until his brain grew tired and fell victim to slumber.
But tonight there was just eerie quiet. No breaths to count except his own, shallow and irregular in his chest, as he tried not to focus too much on the way the skin of his naked chest stretched taut by the stitches given to him felt under his hand, casually resting there.
The faint white and red splotches of mangled skin felt funny under the touch of his hands. Even then, he tried to not touch them. He didn't like the way his body would retract from his own touch. Almost as if he was scared of himself.
He hadn't let you see them yet, everytime you hung out and reveled in each other's company never went further than a few risky kisses. Your hands traveling to the hem of his shirt being abruptly stopped by his fingers intertwined in yours, moving away from his waist.
It was silent, the way you understood his limits. He'd never let you know he wasn't comfortable, and you could not have possibly known what lied under the too- big shirt he'd taken from the donation box.
Tonight, though, he finds himself missing counting your breaths, imagining you back at home in the comfort of your bed. Are you awake too?
Sick and tired of thinking, closing his eyes only to see monsters behind his lids, the feeling of the crumpled, rough sheets under his back, he gets up. He slips a shirt on, along with a pair of pants and fishes a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from the pockets of his jacket, perched carelessly on the chair.
He heads to the front porch. He closes the front door behind him, trying to keep quiet. Wayne's at work, but the habit of tiptoeing and whispering around after months of living in a communal space still stuck with him.
He sits on the stairs of his porch, letting the cigarette between his lips as he fights with the yellow lighter his dad had given him to start a spark.
"Fuck" he curses under his breath as the lighter proceeds to not produce a light. His breathing becomes uneven as his cheeks flush with anger. Frustrated, he tosses the lighter in the patch of grass in front of him. Useless fucking thing.
He doesn't even know why he still has it. The last time he'd seen his dad was over two years before. He'd never gone that long without a visit.
He's tempted to go in the kitchen and light up his cigarette with the stove, but Wayne didn't like him smoking inside. Instead he just sits there, unlit cigarette between his lips as he looks at a certain spot in the trailer park.
The same spot he'd almost died at.
He's so entranced by that one patch of dirt that he doesn't notice a car driving into the trailer park. His eyes diverting only when the headlights almost turn him blind.
It's you.
The car turns off and you come out of it, dressed in some cute pyjamas, a jacket that once belonged to Eddie covering you from the late September gale.
"Can't sleep either?" you say, staring at his dumbfounded face as you approach him on the wooden porch stairs.
"Too quiet. Missin' the old man who talked about cake in his sleep" he lets out a breathy laugh.
"My bed was too comfortable. My back is too fucked up from the cot, can't sleep on a soft mattress anymore. Missed having a bed next to yours, Munson" you nudge him, he just gives you a tight- lipped smile.
"Missed watching you breathe" he says, cautiously "Helped me sleep at night. I'd count every breath you took"
"Having any nightmares?" you ask, placing your head on his shoulder.
"Can't have nightmares if I'm awake. Everytime I close my eyes it's like I'm back in there, so I just.... don't sleep" he says, playing with the still unlit cigarette in his mouth.
The air is light between you two, an air of friendship, unweighted by your knowledge of what happened to him. You bring him relief, solace.
"Tell you what" you begin "you can light that cigarette with my car lighter, we split it, and then we go back inside and you can watch me breathe. So you can sleep" you blink up at him. He blinks at you back.
You offering to sleep with him in his bed wasn't something he'd have expected out of his life. Especially at this time of it.
All he does is nod as you take the cigarette from his lips and light it in your car, coming back with it already between your lips.
You're warm when you settle yourself next to him on the bed, under the rough blankets. The pillows smell like him. You inhale.
He doesn't know whether to hold you or leave you alone. He just opts to be a little closer to you as he lets you close your eyes. A weak "G'night, Munson" escapes you as you exhale and close your eyes.
He watches the silhouette of your shoulders rise and fall.
One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven...
He falls asleep before he can get to fifty.
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cainightfics · 10 months
can we get an update? are u doing ok? u had such crazy output last year and now u so suddenly stopped
hey! ya sorry i went so mia its been a busy year. im still working on fic but its slow. from when i last updated trotw to april i was working 3 jobs, taking a full uni courseload, and writing my thesis. the thesis in particular honestly burned me out on writing really badly but i did manage to write that one oneshot
then summer was just shit honestly lol. i spent the entire summer working at a restaurant to save up money bc i had to move away in september, and the shift i had started at 6am, so i was almost never awake during my peak writing hours (11pm to 3am). i lost 30lbs in 2 months partially because i was broke and partially because my eating disorder relapsed (probably from stress lol). during that time i was only eating one meal a day in the form of my free staff lunch at work, but the restaurant where i worked was INFESTED WITH MICE :))))) so half the time i was too disgusted to eat thinking there might be rodent shit mixed into my food lol. and then on my days off i just ate like eggs and rice and zucchini bc thats what i got from the food bank. in august i started really genuinely and consciously restricting my calories down to like 500-800 cals per day, plus working on my feet as a waitress doing like 20k steps a day as a result of the malnutrition and rapid weight loss my hair started falling out in massive clumps :))) and i started sleeping for like 12 hrs a day. im eating properly now ofc tho
i moved in september for grad school and am now living in one of the most expensive cities in the world lol so i spend a lot of time just financially struggling. i have a job that will last until the end of december but its under contract so i only make like $600 a month and have to rely on my $14k school stipend and meagre savings for the rest. ive been looking for another job but i either get no interview, have the interviewer ghost me, or most recently, get told i have the job and then just never get scheduled. i have 7 cents in my checking account rn lol. my rent is paid until next month and then after that who knows whats gonna happen to me
last years output was definitely a fluke and only happened bc i was VERYYYY financially stable and could fuck around a lot at my part time job, where i wrote most of trotw. those sunny days are gone 🚬🚬 lol but i dont intend to abandon my works and i promise they will come someday. if anyone here feels like paying my rent itll come EVEN faster!!!
thx for checking up tho, its nice to know i havent been totally forgotten by u guys <3
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love-now-cry-later · 1 year
the importance of change
"nothing lasts forever, nothing stays the same"
september 3, 2023
I'm at a point in life where everything is changing and for the first time… I'm ok with it. I just turned 18 (woo!) and for the first year since i was 12 i didn't have a breakdown on my birthday. i graduated just before that and now i'm off. in 1 month i'll be in maine for a concert with my best friend, then i'll be in GA with my mom and then i'll be back in jersey until christmas where i’ll then go to nebraska for a bit and then costa rica from january to july, and when we come back my friend Abbi will be graduating and we all will have had enough saved up to rent a house together. And My dad asked me this morning if I was scared and I've just sat here thinking. What do I feel?
i'm about to spend the next year of my life traveling and seeing the world. having opportunities, that i'm eternally grateful for, that many people don't have and my family never had. I have a chance of moving out and getting my own home and for my family, generations in one home, that's really big. I'm young and free and I'm grateful to have friends who give me opportunities that I would never have otherwise.
But It's terrifying. I'm gonna be far from home for a long time and when i'm finally back it won't be for long, but you know what's scarier? everything staying the same.
my life has gotten easier these last few months. my senior year, I graduated because I have connections with teachers and principals and people like me. my 'charisma' as Camdyn puts it. I have opportunities like Costa Rica because friends and their families like me. My life has gotten easier and I don't take that for granted. In some ways I believe the easy, go-with-the-flow, handouts and kindness that I've been receiving is an apology from the universe. An apology for having to be strong and grow up at a very young age. An apology for all that i had to deal with very young, and a reward for not letting it turn me into a person i would be ashamed of. Coming out of it a better person.
I believe that I was meant to break generational cycles. The cycles of poverty- the cycles of teen pregnancy- the cycles of throwing your life away. The cycles of dead end office jobs, janitorial positions- of deciding between a meal for you or your kids tonight. The grab the wic approved!- dirty looks in the grocery line because of the ebt card. I believe it’s gotten easier because I deserve an easier life than my mother and my father. Not that they dont deserve it either, But i can tell they’re happy that i have better, i think thats what they've always wanted for me. Even though they didn’t necessarily provide it, they're happy for me. I can tell.
My point- or the point of this ramble at least is that change is scary but you know what- that's good. Fear is good sometimes! It’s like when you first start highschool and you're scared, there's a new building and its so big and there's so many people you’ve never met and people you never will, but after a couple weeks freshman year is easy- then it’s winter break and spring break, and then- you're a sophomore. I was terrified to graduate, but I'm so grateful and happy I did. Because you know what's more scary and embarrassing than standing in front of hundreds of people that dont like you, and an ex and their new gf in a stupid cap and gown, and possibly falling on your face walking off the stage? Not doing it. Letting yourself give up and fail out of fear. The great thing about life is that you can change at any point. Anything you're unhappy with you can change, And isn't that beautiful?
The thing is that, I've really looked at my life and gotten more perspective and I need more change. “The way im living is a temper tantrum” and not in the way it was before, where i was drinking myself into oblivion for some nihilistic ‘fuck you’ to the man or god or whatver. But in the way that i’ve kept myself in a box so to be what others want me to be. I’m done with the edgy-tryhard - anti feminine hard ass-intimidating bullshit image i’ve tried to spin my whole life. I'm surrendering. Surrendering to the divine feminine, to the easy, happy, beautiful universe. I'm ready to begin the easiest, happiest era of my life. An era of receiving.
Anyway, I hope to all that read this that you will experience freedom, and happiness as we’re all entitled to. Asé
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omophagic-beast · 2 years
alright lets talk ttrpg goals for 2023! this post is about games im writing that i want to finish this year, ill make another one for games i want to play in 2023.
i have. so many half finished games. in fact i even have several games that are written!! they just need to be laid out and put out there. so heres the goals and the order for said goals
1- Record Collection 2K23, and the yet-unnamed game for it that ive been writing up over the past few weeks. part tarot-driven game, part... play? there’s stage directions in there in any case
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its based off the four wind albums by the Oh Hellos, later on the two characters in the play only talk to eachother via lyrics from each album, moving through the seasons as they move through their story.
ofc i want to finish this one during the jam, which means by the end of january. very much pushing myself to just Get It Out There and not worry so much about it being exactly what i want, because i can always come back and update it later. its horribly (affectionate) self indulgent already so to b clear i am writing this game for Me, so the only person who needs to like it at any point is Me :3
2- There Is An Anger Inside Of You. ive been noodling at this game for over a year now, with the creation date on the word doc being may of 2021. its done!!! its finished, i swear to god, i just need to lay it out, and i already know how im going to do that i just need to *grabs myself by the shoulders* fucking do it
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its a game about being angry when youre not able to express it, the struggle of keeping your anger under wraps being played out as a rather unfair game of chess. and i am going to get it out by the end of february.
3- The Lady, The Tiger, and The Accused, a hack of For The Queen based on the short story The Lady or The Tiger. its another one that is currently completely written out, but rather than laying it out and getting it out there my goal with this one is to get it formatted for playtesting. its a three player game, players taking on the role of either The Lady, The Tiger, or The Accused, and answering the prompts as such. i really love it, but it needs to be played by people and revised before ill feel comfortable declaring it finished.
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also, i want to actually crowdfund and print this one, with art and editing and maybe some pretty extras and such. so my goal is to start playtesting it by my birthday, the 17th of march. after that... im not sure! crowdfunding it by the end of the year would be wild i think, since, in true For The Queen style, id love to get a gaggle of artists to draw Princess cards for it, and that takes time! so the goal is more to have it ready for crowdfunding by the end of this year, and if that happens sooner then thats cool and good!
4- Someones Simple Book of Spells Volume One: Paper. This one is also FULLY WRITTEN *sounds of agony in the distance* i just need to LAY IT OUT
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and honestly since i already know how i want to lay it out lets put this one for the end of april. yes this is pretty much a game a month for the next bit but theyre all SO CLOSEEEE to being done anyways its just that final push, i could accomplish most of these goals in a weekend if i just did it so. im going to!! do it!!!
5- ok finally, one thats actually not almost finished, its The Center of the Known Universe. a small anthology of games originally started for the weird west jam but never finished.
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its got some of my favorite concepts ive ever thought of though, a game about aliens freezing time in a small western town and LARPing as cowboys, two wild west wizards battling it out at high noon, a game about supernatural cowboys falling in love while experiencing all the seasons of the desert, and more. its a love letter to the small desert town i currently live in, and i want to see it come into being. im going to give myself the summer for this, lets say the goal is to have the full first draft written by september. i also would love for this one to go into print, so a secondary goal is to have it ready to crowdfund in time for ZineMonth 2024, so february of next year.
i think thats probably all the projects i can set goals for this year, october-december is always very busy for me so im not gonna set anything besides the two i want to get ready for crowdfunding in 2024, though i do have several other half written games lying about (looks nervously at my over-4000 word “ttrpg ideas” doc).
maybe ill get into the swing of actually finishing games and get to them as well! but if not thats just fine :3
you can always find all my games over on the Grey Jay Games itch.io page, and i may make a sideblog just for GJG, but for the moment all game news and stuff from me will be right here @resident-corvid​
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christinas-place · 1 year
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Pick a Photo 9/9 Portal Tarot Reading
Pile 1
Tarot spread: five of cups, seven of wands, six of wands, and ending with the queen of swords
Hi there pile 1 :) even if you’re seeing this on the 10th here is your 9/9 portal reading that will most likely take place for you starting today and moving forward into the next few months from September. So if you chose the beautiful blue clouded window opening here is your reading!
We have all of the minor arcana elements here which means there has been a lot chaotically going on in your life or at least in your head.
I feel like for the past few months or past few weeks you’ve been feeling more isolated than usual. I’m feeling immense loneliness with this group. Lots of beating yourself up with a lot of unrest. Not understanding and trusting in the flow of life and spirit wants you to trust yourself more. I see for some of you, you could have been taken advantage of by a person close to you; or even if this isn’t someone close to you you could be someone who easily pleases and services other people easily and you’re a really giving person which is a great quality to have. However being overly flexible for people can put you in situations you didn’t sign up for. Take it as it resonates but you could have been put in a situation within the past few weeks that made you saying to yourself “why am I doing this?” “This person has done nothing for me so why am I giving so much??”
I also see that if you’ve already recognized that you want to put more time into yourself you always need things to be perfect 100% of the time. This is going against putting yourself first when you expect so much of yourself. Let things flow this September and see how lighter you will feel when you stop trying to plan everything and perfect everything to a tea.
As the next few weeks go by I see a lot of progress within you where you will feel successful either spiritually, or emotionally within yourself. Your self confidence in blooming (for some, im getting the message a lot of you love the season of fall) this is the season that teaches you to be okay with letting things go.
This 9/9 portal is going to teach you how to be more assertive, mature, and emotionally intelligent with the queen of swords. Stand your ground, don’t be afraid of your feminine side, and seek guidance anytime you are in need. If you are wondering about love within this new portal I’m seeing that you’re going to be understanding more of what you want out of a partner and if you’re dating you’ll make this very clear, or if you’re in a relationship you’re going to be effectively communicating with your partner much more!
Pile 2
Tarot spread: Justice, two of pentacles, six of swords, ten of cups
Hi pile 2:) even if you’re seeing this on the 10th here is your 9/9 portal reading that will most likely take place for you starting today and moving forward into the next few months from September. If you chose the garden path portal image then this reading is yours. Take what resonates only!
Wow pile 2!! For some reason I’m getting so much empowerment from this spread and you’re taking big risks and I’m sensing a very strong energy. This 9/9 portal your main goal is one word: “thriving!”
I’m getting the feeling you’re getting or seeing something that you’ve always wanted to see or something you’ve been wanting to see tangibly coming into your life. With the two of pentacles you are balancing how to empower yourself but also ensure rest while you step into your power.
For those who resonate I’m channeling a message that you haven’t been treated well with a job and you’re finding a new place to work well in with people that can help you become your best self. The self you’ve been working hard for so long. With the 6 of swords there are good times are head because hellooooo we got the 10 of cups! I love when this card comes out especially beside a card that talks about “walking away” or retreating from something because not only does it shows that you’re making the right choice, but you are putting yourself first instead of having someone or ppl walking all over you.
I keep hearing the words “taking a risk” and this may also be in the way where you’ve been scared to share your voice or speak out about a certain matter where people have shut you down in the past. Now you can use your voice and either turn that into writing, confronting someone (in an appropriate manner of course), or starting a business of your own or becoming more present on social media. Take it as it resonates. If you’re wondering about love, someone could also want to take a risk wanting to approach you after not talking for a long time.
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luwukass · 1 year
okay so i do think my timeline theory does in fact work actually better now with the new dates that we have
again if you havent heard me talk about this i have a standing theory that by closing night of tour taylor will have announced all of the rest of the rerecords
so as we’ve all been thinking 1989 tv is gonna (clowning) be announced next week on 8/9 aka closing night of the first us leg. evidence to support this is literally everything taylor has done since red tv era, the sofi stadium post where they had a picture of a lifeguard tower with 1989 (taylors version written on it), all of these influencers and taylors friends being invited and going to these LA shows, people are also using the lyrics from when emma falls in love “shes so new york when shes in LA” which would be very true if she announced 1989tv in LA. i personally think 1989tv will be announced on 8/9 the same way speak now was announced in nashville, with a release date sometime in september or october and i do think thats for a reason because she has a VERY large break in tour which is very much needed but we all know blondie doesnt sleep so shes probably gonna be doing a BUNCH of promo and running around for 1989tv.
now onto 8/17/24 that is the last london date and this date stuck out to me specifically because she added SO MANY NEW EUROPE DATES but she refused to change this to be the last (at the time) eras tour date? so i immediately knew she was planning something on that date. before these new dates we got today i thought it was gonna be debut tv and she would announce rep somewhere in the middle of int tour. but even i didnt really believe that because rep is so london coded?? like out of all the places london seems to be the most reasonable to announce rep tv in. it also stuck out to me because SHES GOING TO LONDON ON TWO SEPARATE OCCASIONS YALL so i think shes gonna announce rep tv on the last london date with a release date somewhere around the same time as 1989tv so in september or october and because she now has shows in october she might pull a speak now tv and have the release date be a show night!
this is the newest addition to the theory is debut i definitely think shes gonna rush debut probably even quicker than speak now was rushed. i think for debut it’s either gonna be an instant release (“taylor swift my version is out at midnight tonight yee haw” type deal) or within that month because i think she wants all of these rerecordings OUT before TS11 which we all know shes working on. she of course is gonna have vinyls cds cassettes all the normal physical copys but probably wont be readily available for the next month or so due to production because no matter what the haters say debut tv is gonna move mountains and changes lives mark my WORDS. now the inly wonky thing about this theory is that it really doesnt make sense for her to announce debut in canada? like i gave an excuse for rep and 1989 but literally cant think of one for canada idk you could make a joke about how she forgets about debut like she almost forgot about canada idk lmao
but yeah thats my working theory and i will probably not stand by this anymore if 1989 doesn’t get announced on 8/9 but until and after then this is my swiftie clowning bible this is what im standing by
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m0e-ru · 2 years
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art summaries from this year and the last !! 21-22 !!
and here's some more commentary for 2022 because i will be more annoying this year
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January - not a lot happening. i was asking for art reqs and NO ONE had ideas
April - lots of messing around this month. my merch came in the mail though !!!
May - PXDN ERA but i answered the teddie in a dress ask from like. two months prior
June - * didnt post this anyway i was messing around with csp. i really like the marker
July - * DIDNT POST THIS EITHER but one idol's stage costume looked like sho colors. it was funny in the moment
August - * DIDNT FUCKING POST THIS EITHER I HAVE NO IDEA anyway i just think theyre very important
October - I was trying out watercolors (the brush) and MARIE HALLOWEEN 2022 !!!
November - pocky day :] except it's jagariko
December - new year's art !! ive been wanting to draw blorbo to sogabe's new year art from the manga so here it is !!! sorry for no christmas holiday art
and here’s the love letter ive been meaning to write all the way back in august. it’s a bit personal but also vague . I am speaking from a soapbox next to a quiet intersection and pouring my heart out
im happy to see how ive improved throughout the years, and in some aspects stayed completely the same apparently. ve been jumping around 1000 brushes and 10000 more art styles ive never stayed consistent because I wanted something new and all I had was myself ! so apparently it became whatever happened here.
It’s true I had a lot more steam last year when it came to pumping art out but I think im also glad I did less art this year in a way. I’ll admit a lot of last year was fueled by chasing people and a way to reach the top and get my voice heard I felt like I was fighting for my life but im not too sure how it looked like from the outside. It’s also been fueled by spite which made me incredibly tired and something im glad I stopped utilizing this year. That I learned my boundaries and maintained them as peacefully as I am now.
Sure im a lot more tired but I think the pace im taking is a bit better in it’s own way too. I really wish I could’ve done more this year but when I look at it from afar I guess im still chasing things, too. Maybe not something new and I never really aimed for fame or anything. Maybe I just wanted to keep what I already have?
2021 I’ll confess was also a pile of shit and I guess 2022 was the year of my digging it all away and I’m not done yet. But as long as there’s progress that’s good enough for me. I’m glad I’ve been able to do all these things than not do them at all. But sometimes I wish I could relearn the restraint I had from before.
I never wanted to put a dark stain on the things I love so as long as I ground myself and remind myself why im here I can see the light and remember why I love theses things. I’m speaking in a very vague manner and I am relating this to my time in fandom as cheesy as it sounds, but also personally, I guess.
Imagine it like im talking on a soapbox right now when I say im really glad for the time I’ve spent here—while all of it isn’t the best that could’ve happened and the fault of my own shortcomings—I still treasure it. I love all the people I’ve met and the community I’ve formed and I guess there’s this fear of losing things since I’m afraid I can’t get them back, that I haven’t learned how to even connect better anymore. I really dont want this to sound like someone died lol but I really am genuinely grateful for all the time ive spent with people and how they considered me their friend and how theyre my friend and how they just moved on to other things and im stuck in a box ive put myself in that makes it so hard to be heard I stopped talking anyway.
To those who met me this year, or last year, or the year before that, or knew me before this gas station, and still are here somehow: thank you. For your kindness, for your tags, for your asks, for your replies, for your messages, for your discords, for your writing, for your art and for everything you’ve offered me. I always mean my gratitude from the bottom of my heart and I want to stop being afraid that it doesn’t show.
If this year brings more “Mim” then so be it. I’m happy you find joy in the silly nickname and all the love behind it no matter how silly it is. And even if I drift away or we all drift apart, I treasure every memory and sometimes cry over it at night. I wish 2023 would be nice to all of us and the years after.
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randombubblegum · 3 years
calling it now awsten is only gonna keep touring with ekids and tik tok people that only have YouTubers in their "fans also listen to" section on spotify and i will simply never go to a show. which is fine because if i was in any sort of approximation to Awsten i can't predict what i'd do. but it sucks their openers are trash now especially since thats how you, specifically got into them with idkhow. but then again do we, the people even want good artists to open for them and be exposed to the rabid toxicity of Twitter? anyway i'm ekid phobic. tik tok die.
wow this ask filled me w existential dread…….. ur right i DID get into parx bc of idkhow opening for them…… is 2018 really such a bygone era that thats unfathomable now? maybe ☹️ but yeah jesus im already tired of this “tiktok twitter youtube following 2 demos out but i have $$$ so im a musician” type awstens linking himself to both professionally (with touring) and also just…. personally…….. as friends………
and whether you think the music that streamers minecraft youtbers random rich online celebs etc WHATEVER make is good is up to u to decide but they do not have that staying power when their ONE tiktok 30 sec song clip falls out of popularity and thats just a fact with very few exceptions so… tying parx, a real band w history and albums and real label contracts to that is. not a good business move? not a good marketing move either?? bc it makes them look like a gimmick band and theyre not!!!! they look like one but they arent so why are you cheapening ur image!!!!!!
and maybe this comes off as me being fatalist, idk id love to be proven wrong, but in september 2020 when awsten randomly signed to 300 i did call basically the progression of the next 12 months so �� i dont think im too far off in feeling negatively about this direction………
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scuttle-buttle · 3 years
Chapter 26
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WC: 1118
Rated: E
Chapter Tags: im screaming it’s fine, fluff af, the lone sex joke, german but it's pretty self explanatory
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September ended and October began with a flourish. With only two more races in the season, Niki was busier than usual. You weren’t able to see him as much after his win at Monaco, but you still spoke on the phone daily. He and your brother were nearly tied in the points standings.
Work itself had been mundane but enjoyable. You wished you could say the same about your coworkers. Bruno hounded you with questions about Niki and the racing itself. “They’re practically tied! This is insane! Everything rides on the next two grand prix.” He blows out a hard breath
“Maybe you should sit down, Bruno. You’re looking a bit peaked,” Elena says while trying to contain her laughter. You don’t fare much better than she.
“Could you get me their autographs?!” Bruno nearly shouts at you in excitement. The little vein in his forehead is throbbing aggressively. You and Elena share a look.
“You literally met and spoke to Niki a few months ago,” you try to remind him. Bruno lets out a pathetic groan. Worried for his health, you add “if it will keep you from giving yourself a heart attack, sure.” Elena is able to push him out the door, instructing him to get back to work, before closing the door behind him.
“Are you going to the races with Niki?”
“Not this weekend, we’ve got the gala, remember?”
Elena harumphs; “forgot about that…What about the last one? Japan, was it?”
You pause. Of course you wanted to be there for whichever of your boys won the championship title, but Japan was quite a ways away. “I… haven’t much thought of it, really. Japan is halfway across the world. And I don’t want to be a distraction to either of them; they’ll be stressed as is.”
“Oh hush, they both want you there. It’s a given!”
“If Niki asks I’ll go. But I’m not just going to pack my bags and invade his space without asking.”
“I’m sure he would love for you to invade his space. Get all up in there,” she gestures wildly around her body, her bottom lip between her teeth.
“That’s it,” you sigh, “I’m never telling you about my sex life again.”
Elena just cackles and says “we’ll see.”
You sit on the workbench watching as Niki tinkers with the blue Mini. The memory of your raunch in the front seat is at the forefront of your mind. Heat creeps up your chest and neck at the thought. Nobody ever loved you the way Niki did - emotionally and physically. You were his soft spot, you knew it. The two of you were back in your domestic routine, this time even more happy now that you weren’t being secretive. In all honesty, you were so content that you had completely forgotten about the secret James had told you.
Niki went about replacing the spark plugs as you sat next to him. Every few moments he would reach out his hand to you and you would take the old plug and give him the new one. You appreciate his concentration as he works. His brows are furrowed; his lips scrunched in that way you love.
“There.” He closed the hood with a bang. He wiped his hands on a towel. Moving next to the workbench, he paused before reaching out to grab a set of keys. “Come,” he takes your hand. You hold it tightly as you follow him.
Now is as good a time as any, so you decided to bring up Japan. James ended up winning first place in the race over the weekend at Watkins Glen. All that was left was Mt. Fuji and the three points that separated the two from victory. “Niki I’ve been meaning to ask - what are your plans for Japan?”
“You’ll come with me of course.” The excitement at visiting Japan, and perhaps watching your love win the championship title a second time, grew within you.
“Good. I’ve never been to Asia, we should do some sightseeing while we're there if we can.”
Approaching his motorcycle in the corner of the garage, you guess Niki is finally going to make good on his promise to take you for a ride. You had ridden a vespa, you did live in Italy, after all, but had never been on a bike like this. He turns away from you to reach something from a shelf above you. Pausing for a moment, he takes a breath and then faces you. For the first time since you’ve known him he looks nervous.
In his hand is a helmet - his old from Formula 3 - that he angles to you. Taking it from him you turn it in your hands looking it over. It is much simpler than what he wears now. On the left side is his name, not in the signature cursive of his modern gear, but written in bold letters. Niki continued to study you as you examined the helmet.
Rotating it to the other side, your breath escapes you. In the same bold font as Niki’s name sits yours, permanently etched into the surface.
Catherine Lauda.
Well, not yours - his.
Niki knew it was a bold move. He wasn’t the type to get down on one knee or buy you a fancy dinner with dozens of roses. You were in the middle of his garage on a random Tuesday night. It was presumptuous. It was risky.
“Niki-?” What is this?
“You always pay so much attention to my name on the helmet. I thought you might like your own, liebe.” He shrugs as if what he’s saying is the most casual thing.
I didn't know he'd noticed that. Licking your lips to try and fight off the grin that threatens to overtake you, you peek up through your lashes at him. “My name is Sinclair, you know;” the argument is weak at best.
His jaw ticks. “I was hoping to change that.” His free hand retrieved an object from his front pocket; a small gold band. He holds the ring between you delicately. It is pure and simple, not showy or gaudy. It is Niki.
His gaze is piercing as he waits for your response.
“Is this your way of asking me to marry you, Mr. Lauda?” you teased. The smile you wore was so large it hurt.
Equally as smug, he retorts “why? Was it not good enough?”
You shake your head, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Giving him your hand, you whisper “ja, ich werde, meine liebe.”
Niki slips the band on you. He revels in the feel of the cool metal on his cheek as you meet his lips.
Tag list: @ay0nha @apparrio @livvyshmiv @fictionlandslanddreams @vinylrosess @typical-bistander @ntlmundy @mymagicsuitcase @anteroom-of-death @somethingthatsaysbubbles @lieutenantn @multiversemarielle @trashbin2 @whatawildone @metalbreakfast @laura-naruto-fan1998 @greeneyedblondie44 @godidontevenknowwhat @marchingicenotes7 @loliissmut 
102 notes · View notes
(On A03 here)
15 November 2018
[To: Phones]:  Just you wait.  Imma find you yo.
[To: Phones]: Ill bring you back.
[To: Phones]:  You gotta hang in there
16 November 2018
[To: Phones]:  That Reaper did something dammit.  Its like only me an Shiki remember you.
[To: Phones]:  But dont worry once I get ya back well fix this.
[To: Phones]:  Gonna scour Shibuya till I find out whats goin on.
17 November 2018
[To: Phones]:  You better be alive Phones.
[To: Phones]:  Ya know what I mean…
18 November 2018
[To: Phones]:  AARGH
[To: Phones]:  Aint no sign of any Reapers.  They gotta be here.
[To: Phones]:  Ill figure this out
20 November 2018
[To: Phones]:  Aint stopped searching.  I know you out there
[To: Phones]:  I can feel it yo.  You can too right?
[To: Phones]:  We still synced I know it.
22 November 2018
[To: Phones]: still looking
[To: Phones]:  Are you even getting these
[To: Phones]:  Aint matter…
[To: Phones]:  Your number ain’t showin as disconnected.  Thats something.
13 November 2018
[To: Phones]: I guess this ain’t a normal Reapers Game.  Youd be back now…
[To: Phones]: Not like any of us expected it to be.
25 November 2018
[To: Phones]:  Had a weird dream.
[To: Phones]: Like I was figthin by your side again.  But I aint know where it was.
[To: Phones]: Not Shibuya.
29 November 2018
[To: Phones]:  Still nothing.  Aint gonna stop me.
[To: Phones]:  I miss you… (unsent)
1 December 2018
[To: Phones]:  Still looking.
5 December 2018
[To: Phones]:  Raining.  Skating in the rain kind of sucks.
7 December 2018
[To: Phones]:  Had that weird dream again.
[To: Phones]:  I know that means you still out there.
10 December 2018
[To: Phones]: You better be hanging in there.
[To: Phones]:  I aint think it was gonna take this long.
[To: Phones]:  Even if ya got screwed over like our Game… you should be back by now right?
[To: Phones]:  They really pulling some shit.
[To: Phones]:  I can’t stand it yo.
15 December 2018
[To: Phones]:  It actually snowed a bit.  Weird.
[To: Phones]:  Maybe one day Ill learn to snowboard.
17 December 2018
[To: Phones]: Had to take a family holiday photo ugh.
[To: Phones]:  If the Reapers is looking for more ways to torture people
[To: Phones]:  That’s one of them.
20 December 2018
[To: Phones]:  It’s COLD.  I hope it aint like this where you are.
23 December 2018
[To: Phones]:  Dont think Im giving up yo.
[To: Phones]:  Had that dream again.
24 December 2018
[To: Phones]:  Rhyme made like 300 Christmas cookies.
25 December 2018
[To: Phones]:  Merry Christmas
[To: Phones]: I ate too much
17 December 2018
[To: Phones]: Dammit where ARE you.
1 January 2019
[To: Phones]:  New year new chances to find you.
5 January 2019
[To: Phones]:  You holdin up?
10 January 2019
[To: Phones]: Still cold.
17 January 2019
[To: Phones]:  Shiki and Eri’s are gonna try selling their stuff
20 January 2019
[To: Phones]: I can still feel it.  I know you there even if you aint get these.
23 January 2019
[To: Phones]:  You got Partners again?  I hope you ain’t alone…
[To: Phones]:  It’s been so long
[To: Phones]:  But these are still going through…
[To: Phones]: And I can still feel you.  I know thats what this feeling is.
27 January 2019
[To: Phones]: Aint giving up
[To: Phones]:  I miss you.  (unsent)
[To: Phones]:  You should be here by now (unsent)
1 February 2019
[To: Phones]: Shiki and Eri’s stuff is really takin’ off.
12 February 2019
[To: Phones]:  Sorry school and shit getting to me
[To: Phones]: Even if I aint check in Im still here
[To: Phones]: And still looking
20 February 2019
[To: Phones]: You better be kickin Noise and Reaper ass yo.
3 March 2019
[To: Phones]:  Rhyme is really into computers now
[To: Phones]: I ain’t understand shit.
[To: Phones]:  At least she aint talk like Tabooty
17 March 2019
[To: Phones]: You better be ok.
27 March 2019
[To: Phones]: I totally aced a test today!
29 March 2019
[To: Phones]:  That dream…
[To: Phones]:  Where ARE you (unsent)
5 April 2019
[To: Phones]:  Still looking
12 April 2019
[To: Phones]: Thought by now I’d track down at least one Reaper yo.
[To: Phones]: Aint like Pixie Chick blends in
20 April 2019
[To: Phones]: Damn it Phones where the hell are you
[To: Phones]:  Shibuya feels like its moving on
[To: Phones]: Its just wrong yo.
27 April 2019
[To: Phones]:  I know there’s Reapers in the RG
[To: Phones]: I swear I’ll find ‘em and make 'em talk.
5 May 2019
[To: Phones]: Is this hopeless?  (unsent)
[To: Phones]:  Well I guess we know who’s got the higher Noise Erased count now.
20 May 2019
[To: Phones]:  I think I’ve memorized every side street and alleyway in this city.
[To: Phones]: When you back Ill be able to show you around blindfolded.
2 June 2019
[To: Phones]:  HOT.
13 June 2019
[To: Phones]: People really love Mr. Mew
[To: Phones]: Shiki an Eri might be getting an actual shop to sell stuff in.
24 June 2019
[To: Phones]: I want to go to the beach.
[To: Phones]: You ever gone there?
[To: Phones]: Can’t imagine you in trunks.
[To: Phones]: akljf;ds
5 July 2019
[To: Phones]:  How you holdin up
18 July 2019
[To: Phones]: Who decided hot and sticky was a good temperature for anything
29 July 2019
[To: Phones]: I aint giving up you better not either.
1 August 2019
[To: Phones]:  Rhyme is scary good with computers.  She said something about hacking.  Should I be afraid?
17 August 2019
[To: Phones]: Guess who fought a cicada.
22 August 2019
[To: Phones]: The hell is with these dreams.
5 September 2019
[To: Phones]: I ain’t know how many times Ive walked the same streets.
6 September 2019
[To: Phones]: Dont think that last text means I given up. I aint.
20 September 2019
[To: Phones]: This city has changed so much. So many new places.
[To: Phones]: Can’t wait to show you.
1 October 2019
[To: Phones]:  How many Noise you beat by now?
10 October 2019
[To: Phones]: Everyone wants to go to Shibuya Halloween this year.
31 October 2019
[To: Phones]:  It took 45 minutes to leave the station and get across the Scramble.
[To: Phones]: We were all bullied into wearing Mr. Mew costumes.
[To: Phones]: Rhyme wants me to clarify that only I was bullied.
7 November 2019
[To: Phones]: Really hoped with all those Halloween vibes that maybe something would turn up.
[To: Phones]: All that stuff about ghosts and shit.
[To: Phones]: Still nothing.
20 November 2019
[To: Phones]: I ain’t giving up.
1 December 2019
[To: Phones]: It’s December again…
19 December 2019
[To: Phones]: You really gotta see all these lights
[To: Phones]:  One day.
20 December 2019
[To: Phones]: No escape from Family Holiday Photos.
24 December 2019
[To: Phones]: Too many Christmas cookies.
25 December 2019
[To: Phones]: Merry Christmas kick some Noise ass.
1 January 2020
[To: Phones]: This will be the year.
1 February 2020
[To: Phones]: Ok so maybe it wasn’t the month. But it’s still gonna be the year.
4 March 2020
[To: Phones]: Im sorry I couldnt find you sooner (unsent)
[To: Phones]: This is takin longer than I thought.
17 March 2020
[To: Phones]: You got this.
1 April 2020
[To: Phones]: Aint giving up.
1 May 2020
[To: Phones]: Sorry… school and shit.
[To: Phones]: Dont worry though.  Im still here.
[To: Phones]: I know you are too.
1 June 2020
[To: Phones]:  I hope its cooler wherever you are.
1 July 2020
[To: Phones]: Even CAT hasn’t done anything in months.  I wonder what happened to Mr H.
1 August 2020
[To: Phones]:  Still get those dreams once in a while
[To: Phones]: Do you…
1 September 2020
[To: Phones]: Fall again…
1 October 2020
[To: Phones]: Ok this year we’ll be prepared for Shibuya Halloween.
31 October 2020
[To: Phones]:  Ok ain’t no way to prepare for that.
[To: Phones]: One of these days you gonna suffer with us.
1 November 2020
[To: Phones]:  I will find you.  No matter how long it takes.
1 December 2020
[To: Phones]:  December again…
[To: Phones]: Damn it.
[To: Phones]: Please be alright.
1 January 2021
[To: Phones]: OK THIS YEAR.  I KNOW IT.
[To: Phones]: I wonder what you look like now.
[To: Phones]: Will I recognize you? (unsent)
10 January 2021
[To: Phones]: Fuck.  College is next year…
1 February 2021
[To: Phones]: Gatto Nero is gonna get a shop in 104!  Can you believe it?
1 March 2021
[To: Phones]: Rhyme says she working on something.  Iono what that means…
1 April 2021
[To: Phones]: That dream again.  Something feels different yo.
1 May 2021
[To: Phones]: Somethin’s weird.  Aint had a feeling like this in a long time.
[To: Phones]: Hang in there.
1 June 2021
[To: Phones]: Pins are getting popular again. Even Gatto Nero’s getting’ in on it.  You outta see these designs!
1 July 2021
[To: Phones]: Rhyme says she close to a breakthrough.  I aint know on what but she says its gonna help.
27 July 2021
[To: Phones]: Something is definitely goin down yo.  You feel it too?
[To: Phones]: We close, I know it.
[To: Phones]: This time fo sho.
[To: Phones]: You comin home.
34 notes · View notes
admiringlove · 4 years
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IX: aparecium; an incantation to always remember.
— you finally read all the other pages of his diary.
+pairing: miya atsumu x reader.
+genre: crossover(hq x hp); fluff; angst; frenemies to lovers.
+word count: 2.9k.
+warnings: FLUFF!! pls, if i don’t put fluff, some of my moots would cry(*cough* ray).
+usual customers(taglist): @babyworld @renee1414 @anotherhydrangea @seita @tobiosnoelle @weebslxt @tsukkiwaifu16 @loveusandoor @kozumebri @sarawrz @crackheadsara @kyuudere @cultsax @supernovaa-a @akaashikeijisan @b3llo-there @sugasloverr @kagebunshiin @tetsurolls @velvetfireworks @kritiiiii @1wai@seijohlogy​ @sweetrosemilktea @bellesowl @ems1des​ @akaashi-todorki @sakuric​ @irishhbamb​ @sweetsamus​ @cherriechurros @mxshimoo @bluebirdandcomrades @zukuroo @denki-core @sarahvvictoria​ @littlevoxine
+author’s notes: this is the last chapter(im def not sad) BUT i will be writing bonus parts!!
+navigation: previous, masterlist,.
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You stand in front of your apartment, sighing as you close your eyes, making your way inside your bedroom and begin to pick up the cardboard boxes with the help of your wand, moving them outside into the living room for someone(who is quite late, yet again) to take to your new home.
You tie your hair up, fixing your overcoat a little as you sigh, making your way to the smallest box, placed in the corner of the room. Just by looking at the stamp on top of it, you smile. 
The memories of your time at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 
You carefully sit on your knees, your plaid skirt riding up just a smidge, as you open the carton in front of you. 
To say that it was filled up completely was an understatement because right now, a few books and photographs fell out onto your lap, making you chuckle. You picked up the photographs, settling with your back against the wall and your legs stretching out, as you looked through them one by one. 
The first one—one of your graduation ceremony, standing next to Shimizu Kiyoko(the current owner of the most popular Quidditch shop in London) who was beaming vividly at the camera with you, holding up your wands as a gesture that you had finally done it. Something that seemed almost insurmountable when you first started school, and now? You all were content, happy with your lives. 
The second photograph was one from the third year, your first time in Hogsmeade. You were in The Three Broomsticks, and a mustache of the froth from the butterbeer had formed atop your lips. Behind you, a certain fox pointed and laughed his guts out. 
The next picture was from the Shrieking Shack—where all of your friends had ditched the second last day of school and spent the whole day drinking and reminiscing the past seven years of nostalgic happiness. A boy held your hand with the fondest look in his carob orbs, and you returned it. 
You gingerly took the three photos, storing them in the photo album that had also fallen out of the box in the process of you opening it. Smiling, you took out some more mementos. 
Your broomstick, the Nimbus 2001, sat at the bottom, but you excitedly removed it and placed it on the ground, saying, "Up!"
It almost made it to your hand but fell down upon grazing your fingertips. You pouted, blaming the number of years it had passed since you had played Quidditch. Peering into the box as you placed the broomstick aside, you found something even funnier. 
Cheap, piss colored hair-dye that was almost ten-years-old. 
You chuckled, looking at it playfully as you opened the top of the bottle. The disgusting odor that came from it made you grunt as you immediately placed the cap back on top, never desiring to touch that thing ever again. And once more, you placed the item in your hand to the side, looking into the box to find more things that reminded you of your happiest years. 
You couldn't believe your eyes at what sat at the bottom of the carton. 
An empty notebook with a soft leather cover, with a grey quill by its side, sitting there and ridiculing you. 
You blinked twice, making sure what you were seeing was real. Hell, you even rubbed your eyes until you could see mindless patterns in the dark. You opened your eyes, the patterns making themselves sort of visible in plain sight, disappearing after a few milliseconds when you grabbed the brown book in front of you and whispered with your wand in hand, "Aparecium."
September 2, 20**.
I don’t know what I’m doing at this point. It’s been 3 years since I started loving her.  When I saw her walk into the train today, umm, yesterday cause it’s past 2 AM now… I felt so happy?? I mean, I know I tease her and all, she’s quite amazing. She’s got the brains for it all and insults me back even when I say something stupid.  I really dunno. 3 years and I’ve made 0 progress. I seriously need to re-think my decision about my love for this girl 'cause 'Samu says there’s no chance she loves me back. Dunno if I’ll be able to stop my feelings, though. I’ve liked her since my second year. Damn me, for being such a lovesick puppy.  And to think I colored my hair for her too. [Y/N] called it piss-colored. Out of all things, why the fuck would ya compare somebody’s hair to piss? That’s utterly disgusting. I wonder where [L/N] gets these dumb ideas. Damn her, that slug. Anyways, I have class in a couple hours. G'night. 
You immediately let out a hearty laugh, flipping to the next page when you remembered a certain encounter with the boy who wrote the diary. The day he told you he loved you, by the infamous Black Lake, he spoke of this particular page. He said that he addressed the nightly trips around Hogwarts, about how much he longs to be yours, about his happiness when he sees you, and your snarky comments that are just as, if not more, witty than his. 
September 4, 20**
Today was the third day of school. Also my first trip around Hogwarts with [Y/N] under my invisibility cloak. We snuck into the kitchens and got ourselves steak pies and treacle tarts, and then went to the Astronomy Tower where we ate them while laughing about nothing in particular. I love these little trips. They make me all warm and fuzzy inside. Dunno how to put it into words, but I really like spending time with her alone. It makes me really really really happy. I wish that someday, maybe when I'm all grown up and play for a known Quidditch Team and she's a DADA professor, we are still like this. Going around to aimless places, eating food, and laughing about the old times(or anything really, I just want to be with her even when I'm older). And just like always, she doesn't fail to throw dumb comebacks at me. I can't help but chuckle at them, because sometimes they really are offensive. Well, looks like it's time to hit the hay now, so g'night. 
You gasp as the page comes to an end, a hand on your mouth. He wasn't wrong when he said he wrote about you. You smile as a tear runs down your cheek as you flip to a random page this time, and you realize that it's written in his sixth year of Hogwarts. 
December 23, 20**
I stayed back for Christmas break this year and my dorm is all empty. So is hers, because she says she didn't want to go back home at all until the summer. I feel bad for her gran, that woman must feel lonely. 
You giggled at the line, grinning because you remember your grandma sending you a Howler, which yelled at you in the empty dorm-room for not coming home for the holidays. She said she missed you, and that your grandfather's health was deteriorating. She had also said that she knew why you didn't come back, and that it was okay, because she understood that you couldn't see another loved one go. The Howler ended on a sorrowful note, but everything eased back into its place because you remember the writer of the diary in your hands being there to comfort you when a dreaded letter came in after the holidays. You continued reading where you left off, wiping away the new wave of tears that had emerged from the memories.
Yesterday, me and [Y/N] went around the castle under the invisibility cloak I gave her. It was fun because I always get to see this little smile on her face that only shows up during these trips. We also went to the forbidden section of the library just because we wanted to look at a few spells that are probably illegal. I did accidentally kill a rat practicing the second unforgivable curse, and [Y/N] helped me hide all the evidence by feeding the dead rat to the Hippogriff she had found in the Forbidden Forest. I swear, if someone saw the way I did the spell and couldn't stop until [Y/N] threw Expelliarmus at me, they would throw me in the deepest pin in Azkaban and I'd probably never be able to see [Y/N] again. Anyway, I have to go back out for dinner now. G'night.
You, again, laughed at the man's childishness. You recollect distinctly how scared he was, that he had almost pissed his pants in the Courtyard that night. You had assured him that nothing would go wrong and that your lips were completely sealed, because he was your friend of course, so you had quickly formulated a plan to help him. And yet again, you flip to a new page, one from the fifth year this time. 
July 15, 20**
 I hate this part every year. Ever since my third year, it sickens me to come back home for summer. I can't see her because she lives in Lambeth while I'm in Westminster with my posh family. It makes me a little angry sometimes that my family is well-known in the wizarding world because this means my summers are filled with whatever my parents want me to do. The train ride back home was definitely not quiet. It was so chaotic(mostly because of the constant bickering between me and [Y/N]) and Kita-san yelled at us at the end. That was the first time I've ever seen him get angry, so he was either really fed up or we were being too dumb. Anyway, I'm gonna miss Hogwarts a lot for the next month or so, because after that I get to see her again. Honestly? Can't wait for the sixth year. I hope she grows taller, because right now, she's quite the midget. I'll write her a letter or two, but I probably won't send all of them. G'night for now. 
You continue reading it all. Page by page, parchment by parchment, word by word, letter by letter until you finally get to the last page. The one he wrote on the graduation day, where he says that he wants to marry you someday. But you don't get to read it just yet, because he walks into the room with his booming voice and boyish grin.
"[Y/N]! Sorry I'm late, sweetheart! I apparated back home as fast as I could 'cause Coach saw me slack off a lil-"
"So ya actually read it all, huh?" he smirks, walking up to you and crouching down next to you, "Ah, the last page, have ya read it yet?"
"Not the last one," you smile, "—if only I'd read these sooner, we wouldn't have gone through all that mindless drama in seventh year, right?"
"Eh, 'twas kinda worth it in the end," he shrugs, sitting down next to you and placing his thumb on your chin, "Love, you've been crying?"
You shook your head lightly, letting out a small chuckle which to him sounded like the sweetest melody on the face on the planet, "Tears of joy, 'Tsumu. You were a cute teenager in love."
He smiles with his teeth on display, his fading blonde hair falling on his face with perfection as he whispers, "Only for you, darling."
"I'm glad," you mutter, closing in and placing a ghost of a kiss on his lips when you realize, "Wait, shit! We have to take all of this to the House! I'm supposed to leave for Hogwarts tonight!"
"Kiss me first, then we'll talk."
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"'Tsumu, you really didn't have to come all the way to Hogwarts to drop me off," you giggle, as the yellow-haired man intertwines his fingers with yours quietly, giggling along with you as he says, "Hey, now yer students get to see yer hot boyfriend that you've been with for the past eight years."
"My stupid boyfriend that did a lot of illegal things in school. You're not exactly a good influence, you know," you mumble, earning a little offended open-mouth Atsumu walking alongside you to your quarters. He continues faking the vexed expression, a hand on his heart as he says, "How could ya wound me like this, baby?" 
"I love you though, so it's justified," you say, opening the door and placing your trunk by the bed. He closes the door, leaning on it with his arms crossed over his chest as you set up your things in the room. When you turned around, you saw Atsumu looking at you with the most enamored look in his clove-infused eyes. You sighed, your shoulders immediately relaxing when your orbs land on him by the door. You step towards him, your beige trench coat trailing behind as you wrap your arms around his very muscular figure(now that he's a part of Nottingham Jackals as a Beater). 
"You're going to leave, aren't you?" you mumble against his chest softly, as he chuckles out, "Yer lucky ya get to stay in Hogwarts when I'm gone. Everything's gonna remind ya of me."
Before you open your mouth to retort, your boyfriend says, "Don't worry, slug. I'll send ya letters everyday. And I'll come to meet ya twice a month. Maybe you can even let me meet yer students."
"'Tsumu, no-"
"Imagine! Children and teenagers, all of 'em love me to death. They'll love yer class, even more, when you make me meet 'em!" he exclaims, his eyes filled with curiosity, "Also, also! What about the third years? I wanna be there when the boggart lesson goes on-"
"'Tsumu, no. The school won't allow it. Although, my students do come and ask about you a lot because they like your Quidditch playing skills. They're not idiots like me, they won't fall in love with your stupid personality," you chuckle, pulling away from the hug, but still holding his arms with yours. He pouts, pulling you into a soft kiss, but immediately pulling away and winking at you, "I'm gonna see ya in a few weeks. Maybe I'll take ya on a date to Hogsmeade again, we can sneak into the Shrieking Shack again under that invisibility cloak."
"'Tsumu, I'm a teacher, not a student!" you laugh, but he simply says, "If anything, that gives us an excuse!"
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Miya Atsumu never expected you to be agitatedly running around in your green-room, trying to find things for your hair and make-up. He chuckles lightly because all the other people in the room can do is shake their heads and sigh at your frantic state. Your maid-of-honor, Kiyoko, tried to calm you down about half an hour ago, but it was to no avail. 
Atsumu sent Kiyoko a knowing glance, to which she and all the other bridesmaids stepped outside for just a minute. 
"[Y/N]," he says, his voice low but still soothing. You stop in your tracks, turning around and gasping as you looked at him—clad in sweatpants and a white shirt—and widened your eyes. 
"Dummy, you aren't supposed to see me just yet! Go away and wait at the altar!" you yell, walking over to him and attempting to shove him outside the room. 
Emphasis on the word, 'attempting'. 
"You look exactly like what you are right now, a slug. So listen to me, love. I need to give ya something before you start stressin' out all over again," Atsumu murmurs, placing his hands on your shoulders tenderly as he pulls out a book with a leather cover and hands it to you. 
You sigh, picking it up as you sit down by the vanity. Atsumu looms behind you, crouching down to whisper next to your ears, "Love, open the last page, will ya?"
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion, turning your head to look at him with exasperation. He places a peck to your cheek, humming indulgently as an indicator for you to continue as he instructed. You sigh again, shoulders drooping low as you turn over the book and open it, and muttering, "Aparecium."
July 2, 20**.
I want to marry [L/N] [Y/N] someday. 
Miya Atsumu. 
From the last day of the seventh year, and Atsumu continues to explain to you that during the train ride back home when all of you were sleeping, was when he wrote the last entry of his diary, and never opened it again. Because he knew, that he meant every word scribbled on every page. 
You sat there, listening to the man with the messy faded blonde hair, losing yourself in his perfect brown eyes all over again. You felt as if you were diving deep into an ocean of pure chocolate, the sweetness and the slight bitterness getting the best of you as you drown—but voluntarily, because drowning was your intention. 
"I love you, Atsumu," you say out of nowhere, cutting him off. He stops abruptly, his eyes growing wide and his mouth forming into a pout. His lips form into the brightest smile ever, as if the rays of a thousand suns meeting at one point. His boyish grin melts your heart, as he presses his lips to your forehead and says, "I love you more, darling. Now, take a breather, will ya?"
"Oh, and before I go. Don't disappoint me today, slug. I've been waiting to do this for the past eleven years."
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© all works belong to admiringlove on tumblr. plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
i’m not crying. yes. 
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mingot-studios · 3 years
Things currently polluting my mind (will be added to as i think of things)
 How bad the Star vs. Finale was, and weather i should even bother trying to watch the show again at this point
The fact that the next JoJolion chapter is coming out soon and I STILL haven’t read 107 with my mom even though I’ve already read it
Not being caught up on One Piece and having 0 IDEA of whats happening at this poin as well starting to flaws with the series (racism, transphobia, and homophobia) that i knew was there but chose to ignore and weather it should hinder my relationship with the series. Also wanting to murder Oda for demoting Franky to ‘Pervy Grandma’ (srsly wtf oda)
Upset Infinity Train was cancelled even though i never watched it, and wonder why the fans cry for it to come is suddenly not happening?
The fact i’m going to be returning to in person schooling which is my personal HELL
my brother leaving for college upstate (Me and my brother have never really been that close, we fight alot but I cant imagine life without him)
The fact that my procrastination has gotten so bad that I nearly had to retake PE, World History, and English
The Owl House coming back on the 12th but i had downloaded the first 2 episodes but haven’t watched them and debating if i should, also having a meltdown  over Disney screwing the show over and having its third be 3 or 4 (i cant remember) 44-minute specials
The fact that me and brother STILL haven’t finished our Yume 2kki Let’s Play
I haven’t been watching anime regularly with my mom
I haven’t posted anything to my DeviantArt or YouTube in months
I have so much energy right now but no outlets
I still haven’t tried out my drawing pad i got for my birthday last year
I have so many drawing ideas but my spiral sketchpad is filled up and I have yet to get a new one
Ive many intricit and detailed story ideas that i know im gonna forget if i dont write them down bu due my procrastination i haven’t done so im prolly gonna lose everything
The fact Thurston Waffles hasn’t posted anything since late April as well as the fact that he’s got Kidney problems
So many ideas for videos but I only have WindowsMovieMaker and the HumbleBundle my mom got me idk YEARS ago won’t install
I’m gonna be 17 at the end of September, which i only have until next June before I graduate High school, have to give up my Chromebook, start thinking about college and getting a job, possibly moving out and living on my own, the knowledge that my parents are in their late 50′s and early 60′s so hey might be gone sooner than most parents and I dont know how to function without my parents doing everything for me
These weird tingles ive been getting in my body for he pas couple days
The fact that im not gonna a kid soon and im gonna have to grow and stop doing whatever i want whenever i want and i’m gonna never accomplish my dream of creating a successful cartoon and will probably end up at a dead end job I HATE just to make ends meet and eventually dying alone because I dont wanna be in a relationship or have kids
Everything is too overwhelming. The light, the sound, my thoughts, its all too much. I wanna curl up into a tiny ball and disappear from this awful experience called life
i hate being so passionately when i’m upset, everyone else is calm but i have meltdowns and freaks outs over things i shouldn’t even care about or are miniscule (Comes with being autistic i guess)
I have 0 patience and i hate it
I’m starting to regress back to being a childish brat after all the progress i’ve made
i’m constantly surrounded by either criticism or praise that contradict each other so i dont know what to believe about myself
the fact that i have so many great story ideas but i cant write a cohernt thought with proper grammer or sytax or spelling o save my life, nor the art skill or the patience or the tech to draw comics
i haven seen my therapist in days and i need help but i know im not actually gonna change 
having gender panic
I have no in person friends and ive forgotten how to interact with people
ive become a noodle limbed nerd
Ive gotten super skinny
I want someone o break through my shell and help me change bu I know thats just a fantasy and im the only one who can do that but im too lazy to put effort into it
everything i used to enjoy suddenly feels tedious monotonous repetitive and uninteresting
I feel trapped and scraed 
The fact after being bulied so much the only way i can really assert myself is to get violent and angry because they would want me breakdown and cry
I have this image in my head of who i want to be; And badass that people including adults, are scared of and know not to fuck with me or they’ll get hurt (Basically Jotaro, bu I’ve had this image since before i even knew what jojo was) And the fact I KNOW that i’s a pointless endever and that i only dig my own grave when i get mad but its like ingrained Branded into my my psyche so im always going to larp that vision of myself but not get anywhere and only regress further
I want to address my problems and change but I never do and stay static and regress
I cant take crticisim even though i know its true
The reason im so scared of writing fanfiction is because i know its gonna be a mess despite what i think is a great story and people will end up mocking it and what little self confidence i have will shatter
Star Vs wasted potential
the fact that I dont know where to take the whole “Rubi dies at the  end of he first season but comes back o life except she’s not actually she’s just a walking meat sack containing an anchint eldritch god that will, sooner or later, burst out of her and destroy her body, and she’s fighting for control of her ow body due to Skarlotus trying to devor her soul and Data’s medience is only delaying the inevitable” storyline of my concept cartoon, The Crypto Club
I have an AMAZING idea for an Invader Zim storyline that has fascism, rascism, mass genocide, child soldiers, political intrigue, propaganda, baiscally space hitler and more (okay that came out sound REALLY bad, but NONE of it painted as good!) It also involves Zim and Dib coming together to stop an even bigger threat and there is a really ironic ending that brings my OC GA83′s story full circle
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a-musing-mixologist · 3 years
(On A03 here)
15 November 2018
[To: Phones]:  Just you wait.  Imma find you yo.
[To: Phones]: Ill bring you back.
[To: Phones]:  You gotta hang in there
16 November 2018
[To: Phones]:  That Reaper did something dammit.  Its like only me an Shiki remember you.
[To: Phones]:  But dont worry once I get ya back well fix this.
[To: Phones]:  Gonna scour Shibuya till I find out whats goin on.
17 November 2018
[To: Phones]:  You better be alive Phones.
[To: Phones]:  Ya know what I mean...
18 November 2018
[To: Phones]:  AARGH
[To: Phones]:  Aint no sign of any Reapers.  They gotta be here.
[To: Phones]:  Ill figure this out
20 November 2018
[To: Phones]:  Aint stopped searching.  I know you out there
[To: Phones]:  I can feel it yo.  You can too right?
[To: Phones]:  We still synced I know it.
22 November 2018
[To: Phones]: still looking
[To: Phones]:  Are you even getting these
[To: Phones]:  Aint matter...
[To: Phones]:  Your number ain't showin as disconnected.  Thats something.
13 November 2018
[To: Phones]: I guess this ain't a normal Reapers Game.  Youd be back now...
[To: Phones]: Not like any of us expected it to be.
25 November 2018
[To: Phones]:  Had a weird dream.
[To: Phones]: Like I was figthin by your side again.  But I aint know where it was.
[To: Phones]: Not Shibuya.
29 November 2018
[To: Phones]:  Still nothing.  Aint gonna stop me.
[To: Phones]:  I miss you... (unsent)
1 December 2018
[To: Phones]:  Still looking.
5 December 2018
[To: Phones]:  Raining.  Skating in the rain kind of sucks.
7 December 2018
[To: Phones]:  Had that weird dream again.
[To: Phones]:  I know that means you still out there.
10 December 2018
[To: Phones]: You better be hanging in there.
[To: Phones]:  I aint think it was gonna take this long.
[To: Phones]:  Even if ya got screwed over like our Game... you should be back by now right?
[To: Phones]:  They really pulling some shit.
[To: Phones]:  I can't stand it yo.
15 December 2018
[To: Phones]:  It actually snowed a bit.  Weird.
[To: Phones]:  Maybe one day Ill learn to snowboard.
17 December 2018
[To: Phones]: Had to take a family holiday photo ugh.
[To: Phones]:  If the Reapers is looking for more ways to torture people
[To: Phones]:  That's one of them.
20 December 2018
[To: Phones]:  It's COLD.  I hope it aint like this where you are.
23 December 2018
[To: Phones]:  Dont think Im giving up yo.
[To: Phones]:  Had that dream again.
24 December 2018
[To: Phones]:  Rhyme made like 300 Christmas cookies.
25 December 2018
[To: Phones]:  Merry Christmas
[To: Phones]: I ate too much
17 December 2018
[To: Phones]: Dammit where ARE you.
1 January 2019
[To: Phones]:  New year new chances to find you.
5 January 2019
[To: Phones]:  You holdin up?
10 January 2019
[To: Phones]: Still cold.
17 January 2019
[To: Phones]:  Shiki and Eri's are gonna try selling their stuff
20 January 2019
[To: Phones]: I can still feel it.  I know you there even if you aint get these.
23 January 2019
[To: Phones]:  You got Partners again?  I hope you ain't alone...
[To: Phones]:  It's been so long
[To: Phones]:  But these are still going through...
[To: Phones]: And I can still feel you.  I know thats what this feeling is.
27 January 2019
[To: Phones]: Aint giving up
[To: Phones]:  I miss you.  (unsent)
[To: Phones]:  You should be here by now (unsent)
1 February 2019
[To: Phones]: Shiki and Eri's stuff is really takin' off.
12 February 2019
[To: Phones]:  Sorry school and shit getting to me
[To: Phones]: Even if I aint check in Im still here
[To: Phones]: And still looking
20 February 2019
[To: Phones]: You better be kickin Noise and Reaper ass yo.
3 March 2019
[To: Phones]:  Rhyme is really into computers now
[To: Phones]: I ain't understand shit.
[To: Phones]:  At least she aint talk like Tabooty
17 March 2019
[To: Phones]: You better be ok.
27 March 2019
[To: Phones]: I totally aced a test today!
29 March 2019
[To: Phones]:  That dream...
[To: Phones]:  Where ARE you (unsent)
5 April 2019
[To: Phones]:  Still looking
12 April 2019
[To: Phones]: Thought by now I'd track down at least one Reaper yo.
[To: Phones]: Aint like Pixie Chick blends in
20 April 2019
[To: Phones]: Damn it Phones where the hell are you
[To: Phones]:  Shibuya feels like its moving on
[To: Phones]: Its just wrong yo.
27 April 2019
[To: Phones]:  I know there's Reapers in the RG
[To: Phones]: I swear I'll find 'em and make 'em talk.
5 May 2019
[To: Phones]: Is this hopeless?  (unsent)
[To: Phones]:  Well I guess we know who's got the higher Noise Erased count now.
20 May 2019
[To: Phones]:  I think I've memorized every side street and alleyway in this city.
[To: Phones]: When you back Ill be able to show you around blindfolded.
2 June 2019
[To: Phones]:  HOT.
13 June 2019
[To: Phones]: People really love Mr. Mew
[To: Phones]: Shiki an Eri might be getting an actual shop to sell stuff in.
24 June 2019
[To: Phones]: I want to go to the beach.
[To: Phones]: You ever gone there?
[To: Phones]: Can't imagine you in trunks.
[To: Phones]: akljf;ds
5 July 2019
[To: Phones]:  How you holdin up
18 July 2019
[To: Phones]: Who decided hot and sticky was a good temperature for anything
29 July 2019
[To: Phones]: I aint giving up you better not either.
1 August 2019
[To: Phones]:  Rhyme is scary good with computers.  She said something about hacking.  Should I be afraid?
17 August 2019
[To: Phones]: Guess who fought a cicada.
22 August 2019
[To: Phones]: The hell is with these dreams.
5 September 2019
[To: Phones]: I ain't know how many times Ive walked the same streets.
6 September 2019
[To: Phones]: Dont think that last text means I given up. I aint.
20 September 2019
[To: Phones]: This city has changed so much. So many new places.
[To: Phones]: Can't wait to show you.
1 October 2019
[To: Phones]:  How many Noise you beat by now?
10 October 2019
[To: Phones]: Everyone wants to go to Shibuya Halloween this year.
31 October 2019
[To: Phones]:  It took 45 minutes to leave the station and get across the Scramble.
[To: Phones]: We were all bullied into wearing Mr. Mew costumes.
[To: Phones]: Rhyme wants me to clarify that only I was bullied.
7 November 2019
[To: Phones]: Really hoped with all those Halloween vibes that maybe something would turn up.
[To: Phones]: All that stuff about ghosts and shit.
[To: Phones]: Still nothing.
20 November 2019
[To: Phones]: I ain't giving up.
1 December 2019
[To: Phones]: It's December again...
19 December 2019
[To: Phones]: You really gotta see all these lights
[To: Phones]:  One day.
20 December 2019
[To: Phones]: No escape from Family Holiday Photos.
24 December 2019
[To: Phones]: Too many Christmas cookies.
25 December 2019
[To: Phones]: Merry Christmas kick some Noise ass.
1 January 2020
[To: Phones]: This will be the year.
1 February 2020
[To: Phones]: Ok so maybe it wasn't the month. But it's still gonna be the year.
4 March 2020
[To: Phones]: Im sorry I couldnt find you sooner (unsent)
[To: Phones]: This is takin longer than I thought.
17 March 2020
[To: Phones]: You got this.
1 April 2020
[To: Phones]: Aint giving up.
1 May 2020
[To: Phones]: Sorry... school and shit.
[To: Phones]: Dont worry though.  Im still here.
[To: Phones]: I know you are too.
1 June 2020
[To: Phones]:  I hope its cooler wherever you are.
1 July 2020
[To: Phones]: Even CAT hasn't done anything in months.  I wonder what happened to Mr H.
1 August 2020
[To: Phones]:  Still get those dreams once in a while
[To: Phones]: Do you...
1 September 2020
[To: Phones]: Fall again...
1 October 2020
[To: Phones]: Ok this year we'll be prepared for Shibuya Halloween.
31 October 2020
[To: Phones]:  Ok ain't no way to prepare for that.
[To: Phones]: One of these days you gonna suffer with us.
1 November 2020
[To: Phones]:  I will find you.  No matter how long it takes.
1 December 2020
[To: Phones]:  December again...
[To: Phones]: Damn it.
[To: Phones]: Please be alright.
1 January 2021
[To: Phones]: OK THIS YEAR.  I KNOW IT.
[To: Phones]: I wonder what you look like now.
[To: Phones]: Will I recognize you? (unsent)
10 January 2021
[To: Phones]: Fuck.  College is next year...
1 February 2021
[To: Phones]: Gatto Nero is gonna get a shop in 104!  Can you believe it?
1 March 2021
[To: Phones]: Rhyme says she working on something.  Iono what that means...
1 April 2021
[To: Phones]: That dream again.  Something feels different yo.
1 May 2021
[To: Phones]: Somethin's weird.  Aint had a feeling like this in a long time.
[To: Phones]: Hang in there.
1 June 2021
[To: Phones]: Pins are getting popular again. Even Gatto Nero's getting' in on it.  You outta see these designs!
1 July 2021
[To: Phones]: Rhyme says she close to a breakthrough.  I aint know on what but she says its gonna help.
27 July 2021
[To: Phones]: Something is definitely goin down yo.  You feel it too?
[To: Phones]: We close, I know it.
[To: Phones]: This time fo sho.
[To: Phones]: You comin home.
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So ive been watching this youtuber called mr. Ballen lately who has a lot of creepy content
And some of the videos I watched tonight got me thinking about something that happened a couple years ago. I posted about it immediately after it happened but I really don't feel like scrolling through my entire blog cuz that was almost immediately after I started this blog. So its been almost exactly 2 years at this point. But in one of the videos he talks about this dude who would sneak from his attic into his neighbors attic (this was in an apartment) and then would drill into the ceiling over their baby's crib and just sit up there and stare at the baby before sneaking back into his attic.
I think it was after I quit subway...it was definitely after September cuz we'd already gone to Colorado. I /think/ it was after October cuz I quit subway about halfway through October. And I was in the upstairs bathroom of my house...going to the bathroom. And I happened to look down into the trash next to the toilet and noticed a weird black cube in the trash. And then I noticed a wire coming out of the trash can that was connected to this cube.
I carefully moved some of the toilet paper that was covering part of it and it appeared to be a Webcam. It was definitely a camera of some sort. And the wire went UNDER the vanity and then up and was plugged into the wall. And id noticed this wire a couple times before and hadn't thought much of it. So it was probably there for at least a week.
And I called my dad up to come because I was a lil freaked out but mostly just confused. And also I couldn't get the wire out from under the vanity. Like it was /really/ wedged in there. And my dad also seemed confused but not visibly worried (not that that means anything. He has a shit ton of anxiety. He's just really good at masking it.) And he took it from me and said he'd handle it....and that was it.
Like I dont even know where he took it. Its just gone. And I feel like I wanna ask him about it. Like did he figure out where it came from? Did HE put it there? If so I am moving in with my grandparents. Like I really don't think he would have. I trust my dad. But he gave me no updates. It never came up again. I dont think he ever mentioned it to my mom and I know I didn't mention it to her. But like what the fuck?
Like it was obviously DELIBERATELY put there. Ive had several ideas of how it COULD have gotten there.
Like when I first realized what it was my first thought was it was sitting on the vanity for some reason and fell in. Like maybe it was being charged in the bathroom for some weird reason and got knocked in the trash somehow. But that didn't really make sense.
Now the camera was pointing down INTO the trash. So it obviously got moved at some point because why would someone be recording the bottom of the trash can?
Then I considered my dads friend Ian as a potential suspect cuz hes a film student and always has his cameras with him. But I have no idea if he had any of that type of camera. Also im upstairs 90% of the time ians here. And he never comes upstairs. We have a bathroom down there. He'd have no excuse to ever come up here.
I very briefly considered my dads cousin who also came over a lot. Cuz he HAD come up and used that bathroom in the past. But I didn't think he had recently. The trash can was half way full. The camera had one piece of toilet paper covering it. It couldn't have been in there very long. We have to take that trash out at /least/ once a month. Once every two weeks at most. Also that just doesn't really seem like something brad would do.
Also doesnt really seem like something either of my parents would do.
And my dad has people in and out of the house all the time. Like idk how any of them managed to come up with an excuse to get upstairs. So that doesnt seem super likely.
But I was still hanging out with Eric semi regularly at this point and I was working at my moms office on Fridays. So its likely it could have happened while I was out. And I was only staying in bed til about 11 by that point (except on Fridays when I had to be up by 7)
And despite having wanted to be a photographer at one point I've always had this weird thing about cameras. I've always hated having my picture taken. Like I dont have any yearbooks from before 3rd grade because I was always crying in my school pictures. I remember being super paranoid about any camera left sitting out in the open. Like if I was home alone and the video camera was sitting somewhere in the room id have to check multiple times to make sure it wasn't on.
Like I was afraid there was a camera in my vent as a kid. I remember seeing a law and order svu episode where a dude was hiding cameras in the women's toilets. So I always checked any time I used a public toilet to make sure there wasn't a camera. And like. How did I not realize this was a fear I had? Why am I only figuring this out /now???????/
Like I dont really think about it very much now. But now im thinking about that camera in the trashcan and realizing the one thing I'd been worried about since childhood happened and it barely phased me.
And a neighbor managing to get in through the attic is /very/ possible. This is old section 8 housing from the 70s. Most of the buildings are NOT up to code. There isn't a partition between our attic and any of the other attics in the building. Someone could very easily go through the attic to get into my house.
So now thats making me kinda paranoid.
A couple people have come and gone by now. And I dont think any of them would do something like that....and its so weird that it only happened that one time.
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Note’s for dopple duties au
I’m mostly noting when the episodes take place based off what we’ve been given of the shows timeline, using the help of @lucifer-is-a-bag-of-dicks ‘s timeline of events as the base, I want to figure out how much time is between episodes 
for ease if a episodes air date is within the month it’s speculated to be in, and the episode doesn't establish in universe what day it is, im using that date
mostly because im giving my boy a job or, seven so i need it for a baseline of his fund’s throughout the story and know what he can buy throughout 
riveting I know
(spoilers: there 118 + days of plot happening in danny phantom, and actually figuring out how much time they spend NOT in plot will have to be done later becouse i was up until 5 making this)
nvm i did the math right after
the accident happens, were just saying all of march is the month before the accident bit for my sanity
Mystery meat - 3rd-4th, school days
parental bonding- 9nth-10nth, school day and potential weekend? (jack threatens to take frustration out on next person to give him bad news)
one of a kind-11nth-15nth all school days?
attach of the killer garage sale - 16nth-17nth, weekend 
splitting images-18nth-19nth school days
what you want - 20th-23rd, weekend going into school days
bitter reunions- 24th-26th
30 days in april
days in plot- 23
days to breath-7 HE GETS A WEEK
prisoners of love- 9nth-10nth, school days
(From here its near impossible to keep exact dates so ill just list days spent in episode)
my brothers keeper - 3 days, all school (ghost weapon destroys a couch) late june ish
shades of gray- look it takes more then 4 days to sell everything and move house, Im dedicating at least a month to this episode, episodes could be going on in the background with this episode, even if the boss guy made her dad pay for all the repairs and stuff it take a week sell everything if their lucky, lets say 31 for the math set in around September 
fanning the flames- 4 days, with results of the test being processed later on (fenton stockades is threatened) first week of October 
teacher of the year-  3 days (jack breaks danny’s phone to pieces) October 
fright night- (a very long Halloween, with underwear eating november 1st)
148 days from may to October
days in plot-44
days to breath-148 days, thats a good chunk! :)
13- 6 days (parents encourage invading sisters privacy involving her romantic relationship)
public enemies- 4 days (jack and maddie become ghost advisors for current mayor)
lucky in love-  4 days
maternal instincts- 1 night no luggage outside what maddie has on person
life lessons-1 day, one very long day
the million dollar ghost- 1-2 days, (there is a weapons vault in the house)
control freaks-  2 terrifying days
memory blank- 3 days (1 1/2 days removed from dannys memory)
doctors disorders - 2 days (TUCKER BREAKS A LEG?! he cant have actually broken the bone, maybe the muscles got pieced by something or a ankle sprain?)
pirate radio - 3 days (a night, a day, and cruise day)
reign storm-  timeframe unclear, at least 2 (an implication that the fentons do not have guest rooms is made when jack offers dannys room to vlad for if he wants to sleep over. which either implies a blow up mattress situation or telling danny to give up his room and sleep on the couch)
identity crisis- 3 days ( “No son of mine say’s who cares about ghosts!” jack fenton, before dragging his teenager into the dangerous world of ghost hunting)
the fenton menace -5 days (fentons attempt to spin the crazy out of danny, danny gains the word crazy as a trigger word, I  begin to hate this family)
the ultimate enemy- 10 years and like 6 days off danny’s life? its the time travel ep man
the fright before christmas- 3 days? 2? did ghost writer reset christmas eve?
days in november-december- 61
days in plot- 42
days to breath- 19 
secret weapons- 4 days
flirting with disaster - 8 days
micro management-  2 days
beauty marked- 4 days, at least
king tuck- 2, at least
master of all time- 1 day, or 5 ish if you count the days in the other timelines
kindred spirits- 2 days
double cross my heart- 4 days
reality trip- 4 days
days in jaunuary.june-59
days in plot-31
days to breath- 28
September-rest of year
eye for an eye- politics are involved my dudes, no law is passed in a day, lets give this a week or three
infinity realms- I! HATE!TIMETRAVEL! 
girls night out- a day, tops
torrent of terror-  
Tumblr media
on screen- god I don't even know man tucker and sam fly around the world, danny and vlad ruin a convention 
forever phantom- a day?????? WHO KNOWS ANYMORE
urbin jungle- uh less then time then it takes for everyone to die from lacking drinking water, unless they got that from the brain vine
living large- 2 days ish
boxed up fury- a day? time is skewing more and more, i might just be tired 
frightmare-ia day, tops
claw of the wild- 4 days
D-stabilized -1 days
Phantom Planet- DOES NOT MATTER, AT ALL but for those curious its, gotta be a couples weeks, or months just based off the difficulty and frequency of the ghosts shown in the montages
Yeah Im not even gonna try to calculate the september/rest of the year part
this gives us a grand total of  118 days of ghost fighting/plot that we KNOW happened, not theoretical weeks of drought or however long a montage is
days out conner has to breath/plan are-202!
oh shit that actually is almost a year in what we KNOW happened and the time frame 
thats crazy
edit: I forgot to add march to conners days to plan- 233
that puts us up to 351 days in this universe, that we can CALCULATE 
danny fenton was not 14 by the end of the show, he was, at least 15
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