#its a small studio so
jaffre · 2 years
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suitcase of creatures
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hellenhighwater · 3 months
I have a maybe silly question, but uh. How do I become a more interesting person? I have a horrible habit of staying home and not going out and doing things. How do I not do that? This feels very goofy as a thing to ask, but you appear to have an interesting life, therefore making you a reliable source. Do with this what you will, and please say hi to your creatures! Here is my mischief goblin Jammer for your troubles:
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It may seem backwards, but...don't try to be interesting, try to be interested.
Find things you find engaging, and then find ways to pursue them. It's best if you can find some kind of group or community that also does the thing you want to try--if you're struggling to find things you like, then just start trying things local to you. You've probably got a local birdwatching group, or a sewing circle, or a community theater, or a historical society, or a comic shop that does game nights, or a group of regulars volunteering at an animal shelter, or stained glass classes, or a makerspace, or any number of little communities that are out there. Try them! The first meeting will be the worst. And if you hate it, you don't have to keep at it, and trying will give you a fun story. Sooner or later you will land on something you like and then...keep turning up.
And if you're not finding things local and in person, then just take up whatever strikes your fancy at home. If you could be incredible at any three hobbies, what would they be? What's stopping you from starting those hobbies? You're going to fail at them when you start but you're already failing at them now by not starting, so what do you have to lose?
Here's the thing: nobody wants to talk with someone who's just singing their own victories. The best stories are the ones where we tried something new and different and silly and strange and maybe messed it up, but had fun. And the best stories are shared--ask other people about the things they're into, be interested and engaged and maybe see if they're open to teaching you a little, if their interests seem fun to you. It's not about being interesting, it's about sharing passion.
So find the things you're passionate about, and keep at them even after you've failed, and the rest will follow.
And pet your cat, he's doing his job so well!
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mochiiniko · 1 year
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i am so normal about this movie
edit: this has been getting more attention for some reason and im REALLY confused but im not complaining because this movie means so much to me and im so glad people do too! im looking forward to making more castle in the sky art, as well as ghibli art in general, so in the meantime heres some silly doodles i made of sheeta and pazu :>
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cuppajj · 7 months
honestly with Bang Brave Bang Bravern not actually being a Brave show and likely a parody of the genre, it means that the studio doesnt have to adhere to previous brave formulas with the robots which means that Bravern could actually be sus as hell/evil and tbh im so for that. i want a yandere robot in my life so bad
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bthemistake · 4 months
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The adults running the club wouldn't have ignored a bear
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[Image Description:
CW, this description may be upsetting to those with SA or sexual harassment related trauma, especially directed at children, or if you find those topics upsetting, please view with caution for your own wellbeing.
Black and white, greyscale, digital drawing of a young girl sitting on theatre-style seats with a large bear sat next to her, a paw on her upper thigh.
The girl is wearing a plain t-shirt, leggings, and children's trainers with a star on the heel and hearts down the middle. She has hair past her shoulders, mostly pushed behind her, and round glasses. Her expression is uncomfortable and worried, looking off to the side for help, and her hands grip the sides of her seat as the bear keeps getting closer.
The bear is almost twice her size with glowing white eyes, spit hanging from its maw, and staring directly at the child. It could not be more obvious what it is doing, there are so many shadows of people around them, and it knows the adults are watching over the kids. It is only because no one stopped the bear, because the girl doesn't know what is happening and only that she didn't like it, that the bear keeps going.
End of Image Description.]
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darewolfcreates · 9 days
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I may not have a Grand Festival shirt but I do have these shirts that I printed!
Repping team present!
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I'm not selling these. I don't have access to the roller I did when I made this lino cut, the only prints I made were for my friends/me, and also I have no idea where I put the lino cut- .w."
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bmpmp3 · 5 months
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11 fish
#art#traditional art#watercolour#inspired by the fact that in my studio classes recently - i and every other student who does watercolor or ink based work#always inevitable has viewers more drawn to our swatch test pages instead of our actual work LOL#i dont mind it too much i get it but it is funny so i thought yknow i have this tiny pad of watercolour paper that i dont feel like using#for normal drawings (too small) so i drew a shitty fish on each page and used it as a tester page whenever i was doing my#for-fun cartoon drawings <3 not looking at it at all just putting down the colour to check the consistency of paint#i think its kinda fun. its an interesting conundrum because that pure spontaneous quality u get from my test swatches Cannot be emulated on#purpose. i can get close and loosen up. but inevitably unless i make all my normal drawings test swatches while colouring in other stuff#my normal drawings will never truly have this quality. which i dont mind! but i thought itd be funny to find a way to still make something#with this intangible test swatch quality since people like it a lot! and it does look neat#also each one was a specific painting session. some were smaller sessions with only a few colours used#and some were really long sessions! and of course u can see how much brown and black and beige i use#and u can spot the traces of rosie in the green and pink HJKSDAHJKDSl hes always here#very interesting thing to play around with! i'd like to do something like this again i think
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alternautxyz · 5 months
uuhhh in other new that lmk s5 trailer dropped and people are very
for context the new season is being partly animated by wildbrain i think. flying bark is still working on the show but probably due to all the other projects they've been working on like the atla movie the animation is off.
its understandable that people are upset. lmk has some of the most consistently dynamic and lively animation ive ever seen, and going from that to ok animation kinda sucks. as a culmination of a lot of what the series has been building up to people were inevitably going to be disappointed
at the same time people shouldnt harass animators. like ever. no amount of trying to petition or anything will change the s5, people are just trying to do their job and theres no probably no major changing to the finished product by now. and theres still a lot of that lmk charm in there, and we haven't even seen the whole season yet to judge it. flying bark is still working on it, and even if the animation never reaches the peak of the old seasons it still has the same writers so at least the writing has the chance to live up old standards. idk though we'll just have to wait and see
#i do think they could have just delayed it after dealing with other projects but with the anniversary lego might have jsut forced them????#and with how the animation industry is i guess they didnt have a choice#tbh im still really sad about the downgrade but after rewatching the trailer a bit more its not that bad despite the tweening#we've been spoiled with the other seasons but i think people will get used to it at some point. maybe#though i cant forgive some of the new stuff like li jing and that dragon tiger duo they do not fit the artstyle at all#though for li jing i think the problem is mostly proportions and how small his eyes look#but the dragon and tigers snouts just look bad.#ok looking at it again i think it looks weird because theyre dissolving. the design's still off but it wasn't as bad as i first thought.#but the proportions and shapes feels like it just isn't from lmk#idk i could nitpick but negativity is tiring and these guys have big shoes to fill for a show they werent prepared for it was inevitable#for any last takeaways please do not be mean to the animators#also studio changes are normal so its not some horrible injustice or the sign of the end times im more upset lego didn't handle it better#i still hope s5 is good and i want to believe it'll still be satisfying by the end the plot so far sounds pretty interesting#or atleast that the atla movie is good enough to compensate#and if im feeling greedy there will be a 6th season that gets better#and there are still good shots throughout all of this so maybe it'll work out with the season as a whole#with how popular it is in china i dont think its out of the question#idk though a lot of information is still up in the air so i guess we just wait#lego monkie kid#lmk#monkie kid#alttalks
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So this has been bouncing around in my head for a WHILE (aka: a couple days) now but your lights out au kinda reminds me of a game that came out recently called "my friendly neighborhood" (really good game btw, highly recommend to either play or watch a playthrough) bc the plot is literally "puppets are just alive in this universe muppet-style & after their show got canceled they all got locked in their show's studio for a decade or so & went slightly mad bc of it". There's a whole bunch of differences, obviously, but mainly I just thought it'd be interesting if the player character, a grumpy-but-lovable handyman who's also a war vet that has Seen Some Shit, ended up at the playfellow studio in this au for one reason or another (maybe he was asked to go in & check that the electricity all still works correctly?). Idk how the puppets would react to his arrival, but at least he's got some practice handling aggressive (or overly enthusiastic) puppets who haven't seen a real, live human in years.
i've been meaning to watch a playthrough for a week now T¬T i remember watching the demo and being immediately So Fucking Hyped for the game's release
if i were interested in crossovers, i'd probably be all over that! unfortunately, they're not really my wheelhouse </3
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so-very-small · 2 years
do you ever watch a movie or show or whatever. and (for an example) you’re a Star Wars fan. and the media makes a “I…. AM YOUR FATHER” joke and like. it’s not even funny. because it feels very surface level. you don’t even have to be a SW fan to get it. it’s like the creators didn’t go “let’s put in a Darth Vader reference because we care for SW!” but instead “intern, google popular nerd references we can throw in the trailer.” its not cause they love Darth Vader, it’s cause it’s trendy, and made palatable, and they don’t have to know Star Wars - they just have to show the one depiction everyone knows and call it Good Enough
anyways that’s what the majority of movies/shows/etc with extreme size difference feel like to me
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lanseax · 6 months
i guess i started rwby
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purrfurnax · 5 months
just got excited theres a graphic novel available for preorder to finish my comfort show that hbo cancelled on a big cliffhanger. $125. for the graphic novel. cries
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hqmillioncorn · 5 months
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⭐⭐Sweet Magic~!⭐⭐
Babycorn nervously turned up the flame of the stove. As her frying pan got hotter, her anxiety grew. A little voice in her head kept telling her that now wasn't the right time to grab the food with her hands. "It's too hot for that! You'll burn your tongue!" The voice told her. The voice also sounded suspiciously like her friend Lunya. "...But it's so yummy loooking!!" Babycorn whined. "You can wait a few minutes!" The Lunya in her head reminded her. Before it could say anything else, Babycorn grabbed the fried egg and stuffed it in her mouth. "OWIE!!!!!!!" Babycorn yelled and spit the egg back onto the frying pan. Lunya, who had actually been standing behind Babycorn the whole time and was NOT a voice in Babycorn's head, could do nothing but shake her head.
Lalapril 4/25 Gratitude with @windupnamazu 's Lunya lanya
welcome to coooking with babycorn!!!!!! today we're gonna be cooking!! cookies!!! or is that baking? same thing! with special guest warrior of light lunya lanya!!! yipppeee!!!!
“Okay I think I got everything…” With one last look at the ingredients balanced precariously on Cherrypit’s head Babycorn carefully opened the door to her room and let her brother waddle out.
Last time they had done this she had placed one too many things on him and that resulted in the stack hitting the top of the door and tumbling down on top of her.
She would have liked to avoid that happening again. 
As soon as Cherrypit waddled his way out into the hallway Babycorn let out a small cheer. Cherrypit lifted his arms up and also let out a small “Yippee!” All that was left for them to do now was make it to the kitchen! That would be as easy as flipping over a fried egg! 
Which of course always had to land directly onto her head. There was absolutely no other way that was done of course!
“Follow me Cherry!” Babycorn happily sang, as she skipped on ahead towards their destination. Cherrypit ran in place for a little bit before taking off right after her. He babbled something excitedly in his little baby language, probably something about how hungry he was. 
They hadn’t eaten since breakfast and that was a whole fifteen minutes ago!
Yesterday, in a spur of the moment sort of thing, Babycorn decided that she would make cookies for everyone to eat after dinner. It took her a minute to decide what kind of cookies she would make but eventually Cherrypit had the great idea of making lemon cookies. 
Initially he had suggested chocolate-chip but after learning he would have to share them, Cherrypit quickly changed his mind. 
Those lessons about sharing things with other people were still having a little trouble sticking to him sometimes. 
So lemon cookies it was! Honestly Babycorn didn’t even know cookies came in lemon flavors but it was silly of her to think otherwise. There were so many flavors out there in the world that cookies could come in any flavor! Maybe somewhere out in the world there was a cooking that tastes like mud?
She would definitely ask Lunya about it when she found her!
Babycorn knew that Lunya could do a lot of things. Like fighting, paying for really expensive things and making pretty clothes. All of which of course meant that she could obviously help her with baking cookies. “It’s like I always say-! Making cookies is just like fighting a really big sandworm!” Babycorn explained to Cherrypit. “So Lunya can totally help us!”
He nodded, though Cherrypit really had no clue what she was talking about. But if Babycorn had said it, then it must be right!  Hopefully Lunya wasn’t busy with anything else. If she was, then Babycorn could always bake cookies some other time.
Babycorn hummed a song to herself as she made her way towards the stairs leading to the basement. “Hmm…Actually, Cherry? Do you think maybe I can bake the cookies by myself?” Baking cookies wasn’t too different than juggling right? “If I can juggle I can make cookies!” She grinned, taking the first step down the staircase.
Cherrypit, who was jumping down the stairs two steps at a time, looked up and nodded. “Yeah! We can make lotsa cookies!” He bounced up and down while letting out a little cheer. The outrageously tall stack on his head jumped along with him. 
While Cherrypit knew his way around the kitchen after his time at the Culinarian’s guild the oven was still unknown territory to him. It would be really exciting to finally be able to use it!
“Yeah! We got this! That way Lunya can be surprised too!” This was such a smart idea! Why hadn’t she thought of it earlier?!
Babycorn took a single step into the basement and felt a foreboding feeling in front of her. 
“HUrK?!” Babycorn froze. She hadn’t even seen whoever it was that was standing in front of her but by instinct alone she decided that the best course of action was to hide behind Cherrypit and his comically tall stack of ingredients.
Cherrypit turned around and looked at Babycorn and then turned around again to look in front of him.
Standing in the middle of the basement was Lunya Lanya herself, arms crossed and hair flowing dramatically behind her. All while looking like she was trying really hard not to burst out giggling. “Hi Lulu!” Cherrypit waved over at Lunya without a care in the world. He babbled and wiggled around happily when Lunya waved back at him.
“Hi Cherry!” Somehow Lunya had been the ones to find Babycorn and Cherrypit instead of the other way around. 
It made sense. After all, it was said that Lunya had some sort of sixth-sense when it came to knowing when Babycorn was about to make a poor decision about anything.
Or when she was about ten minutes from setting the kitchen on fire.
It occasionally overlapped. 
Cherrypit waved his arms around excitedly and waddled over to Lunya, the squeaking of his shoes walking away from her let Babycorn know that she was no longer safe. “YEEP?!" Babycorn hastily stood up and looked around. When she spotted Lunya her worries mostly disappeared. 
“Lunyaaaaaa!!” she cried out, running towards her with open arms. 
Babycorn screeched to a halt right in front of her
Is what I would have said if that actually happened, but no, instead Babycorn tripped and sent herself flying over Lunya and right into a wall.
“AH?! Babycorn?!” Lunya flinched as the sound of Babycorn colliding with the wall sounded through the basement. It wasn’t the first time this had happened and it probably wouldn’t be the last either. Both her and Cherrypit ran over to check to see if Babycorn was okay. “Bebe? Bebe hurt?” Cherrypit asked, looking up at Lunya to see what she would do next. 
“UWuawuaguwgauwaguUWUA…” Babycorn had bounced off the wall after hitting it directly with her face. There was a red mark on her forehead but otherwise it looked like she was fine, if not a little dizzy. It was best to make sure though.
Lunya had the idea of asking Babycorn how many fingers she was holding up but she thought of a better question. “Babycorn if you had to choose between eating a worm or a banana split, which one would you pick?” 
“I would choose both of em’. Ahahaha…..” 
Lunya sighed, “Well she’s fine.” She flicked a simple benefic at her forehead to heal the wound away. Her attention turned now instead to making sure Cherrypit wasn’t scared. 
She pulled out a small lollipop from the pocket of her shorts. The lollipop was shaped like the head of a namazu. “Here Cherry!” She made sure to take the wrapper off the candy right in front of him so maybe he could remember for next time. “You were really brave just now, good job!” 
Cherrypit bit down on the lollipop and pulled it from Lunya’s hand. “Mmmhmhmmh!!” He thanked her the best he could. Then he crunched down the lollipop and swallowed it whole, plastic stick and all. 
Lunya made a note to herself to remind BOTH siblings that you weren’t supposed to eat that part. 
“LUNYA!!!!!!” Babycorn suddenly screamed.
Babycorn had sprung back to life and was back to standing on her own two feet, albeit a little off balance. “There you are! Me and Cherry have been looking for you for the past…” Babycorn paused, it looked like she was concentrating really hard on something.
She raised up her hands and began counting with her fingers. “One…Two…Three…” 
Until she gasped, holding up her hands towards Lunya, “Five! We’ve been looking for you for five minutes!” That was a pretty long time! Wasn’t it?! “We need your help with something! If you don’t mind!” 
“Don’ mind!” Cherrypit repeated. 
“I don’t mind! I’m happy to help.” Lunya nodded. There was a sense of apprehension though, considering what was standing right in front of her. “Does whatever you want help with happen to involve that…?” Lunya pointed at the giant stack of assorted things on top of Cherrypit’s head. 
For some reason Lunya couldn’t actually tell where it ended. 
‘Yeah! It does!” Babycorn gestured over to the tall stack of things still perfectly balanced on Cherrypit’s head. “I got everything we need to make lemon cookies!” Babycorn took a look around to see if anyone was listening. “I wanted to make some for everyone. As a thank you” For what? Babycorn didn’t quite know. The urge just hit her suddenly, maybe it was a thanks for putting up with her since the beginning? For still letting her pal around? She really had no clue.
Lunya smiled warmly, “That sounds nice! I’m sure everyone would love some! Including me!” 
“I knew it!” Babycorn beamed, tapping her feet excitedly in place, “And since you’re helping you can get extra cookies!” That’s how it worked after all.
“I was planning to get extra either way!!” 
If the cookies were edible this time at least.
Lunya took a closer look at the tower of ingredients. Traveling from the top all the way from the bottom she could see things like milk, a huge bag of flour and eggs all separately stacked on top of each other. For a moment Lunya worried over not seeing lemons along with the other ingredients but chances were Babycorn was just going to borrow some from the kitchen anyway.
It was a pleasant surprise to see Babycorn using edible ingredients to make something for once. 
Before Lunya could even congratulate Babycorn on a job well done, she noticed her pulling something out of her braids. Something that had no less business being in there than her usual baby corns did.
Babycorn proudly flashed a familiar shape in front of her. “I even got these cute little B’ig Nunh shaped cookie cutters!” Babycorn wiggle it around with a giggle. 
“We are not using those~!” At this point Lunya was getting worried with how much B’ig merchandise Babycorn was somehow getting her hands on.
“Okie dokie!” Babycorn tossed the cookie cutters over her shoulder with such ease that you would think she probably had ten more of them at home. Which would be wrong. She has thirty. “Okay! Let’s gooooooooo Cherry!” 
Babycorn took off running towards the kitchen with Cherrypit right behind her. 
“Babycorn don’t run so fast!” Lunya shouted, chasing after the pair of siblings. At this point she would have hoped that Babycorn would remember that she wasn’t allowed inside of the kitchen by herself. 
And having Cherrypit around didn’t count, as many people had explained to her already. 
Not after the cereal combustion incident two years prior…
As Babycorn narrowly dodged running straight into a chair, she pulled up to a stepstool and climbed up to the top. Then she slammed her hands on the counter, “Okay Cherry! I’m ready!”. On cue Cherrypit gave her a tiny salute and expertly threw the stack of things off his head which all landed neatly around Babycorn. Including an apron that just kind of fell on Babycorn’s head.
Lunya clapped alongside Babycorn, “Wow! Good job Cherry!” At this point Lunya noticed that Cherrypit had also brought along with him some tools for measuring and even a mixing bowl for everything. “Babycorn, did you actually bring all of this…?” It was almost too good to be true. 
“Yuppers!” Babycorn nodded, as she tied the apron in front of her. “I’ve been watching people make cookies all week and I memorized what they were using!” 
“Oh? Is that so?”
Lunya put her arms behind her back and smiled, “And you didn’t happen to take these things from Himbo’s room did you?”
“N-No…? Of course not!”
“Oh course not!” Lunya grabbed a measuring cup and turned it around to see the insignia of a beaver on it. “So I’ll just go tell him that a raccoon broke into his room and stole his things!” 
“What?! No it wasn’t a raccoon! It was me!!” Babycorn couldn’t cover her mouth with her hands fast enough. “I-I mean…!”
“HA-! Wait no. Give me a second.” Lunya quickly ran out of the kitchen and into the designated break room.
Babycorn and Cherrypit sat there in silence with only the sound of distant rummaging while they waitied for Lunya to come back. When she finally did, she was holding a similar step stool to the one Babycorn was standing on. Lunya ran over and placed the step stool next to Babycorn and climbed up until both girls were almost at the same height. 
Lunya pointed a finger directly at Babycorn. “HA! Got you.” She did a little excited bounce and wiggled her arm around. 
“Noooooooooooooooo!” Babycorn wailed, “How did you knooooow it was meeeee?!” 
“Well you pretty much admitted it.” 
“That’s true!” 
Lunya felt something poke at her side, when she looked down she noticed Cherrypit standing right under her. There was a big bag of flour on top of his head. “Lulu!” He jumped up and down to show her what was on top of his head, as if it wasn’t obvious enough. 
“Can you open the flour?” Babycorn asked, she put her hands together. “I couldn’t open it! I thought I could but it's really really strong! Please please please please!”
“Okay, okay! You don’t have to beg.” Lunya moved her hands in a calming motion to ease Babycorn’s worries. Cherrypit walked closer to her and moved his head in such a way that Lunya could easily reach the flour. “Alright! Let’s start making these cookies!” She grabbed the bag of flour by both ends and pulled them apart. Thanks to her strength the bag of flour opened with ease. The bag let out a white puff of flour in defeat.  
“Yippppeee!!!” Cherrypit and Babycorn let out a cheer as Lunya poured some of the flour into a bowl. “Go! Go! Lunya! Yaaaaay!!!”
Lunya blushed lightly, “Aw you two…” At this point Lunya was well aware that both Starsinger siblings cheered at just about everything that she did. No matter what it was. And for some reason she always felt a little more energized after hearing it. Not only her but other people too…
Surely it was nothing. 
Lunya took the still sorta full bag of flour and went to carry it out of the way. “Okay Babycorn what’s-?” She began to ask, but her question would never see the light of day because Babycorn would cut her off with something that chilled Lunya to her very core.
“Okay thanks for the help Lunya! We’ll take it from here!” 
Lunya stopped in her tracks and looked back at Babycorn, dropping the flour right where she stood. Her eyes were shut and a wide smile was frozen on her face. 
“Eh?” What had she just said? “What do you mean?” 
“We only needed your help opening the flour! Me and Cherry will bake all the cookies so you don’t have to worry about anything!” Babycorn was wildly waving a wooden spoon around in the air. Cherrypit grabbed a smaller metal spoon and held it in his mouth. “Cookies!!” He gleefully shouted.
Lunya looked around the kitchen. There sure were a lot of things in here that were flammable. And pointy, And poisonous. And capable of causing tummy aches. “Are you sure? I really don’t mind helping!” 
“Yeah I’m sure!” Babycorn grabbed an egg and handed it to Cherrypit. He cracked it on the edge of the bowl and expertly dropped the insides into the bowl. “I promise I’m not gonna set the kitchen on fire again or stab myself or eat something I’m not supposed to!” 
Given Babycorn’s past history Lunya had a very valid reason for not quite being convinced of Babycorn’s claims.
On the other hand, Babycorn had brought all the right ingredients for making lemon cookies. Cherrypit was also with her and she had seen his cooking skills first hand during a barbeque last month. 
Babycorn was even using the measuring tools she had (admittedly) stolen to measure things and asking Cherrypit if it was okay before adding it in.
And she wasn’t even taking a bite of the raw ingredients?!
Could it be that Babycorn was…LEARNING?!
Dare she say, Lunya was feeling more than a little proud. It almost brought a tear to her eye.
“Okay Babycorn!” Lunya took a step back to walk out of the kitchen. As she neared the exit Lunya let out a little cheer of her own, “You and Cherrypit got this! Don’t keep all us waiting! Because I’m sure those cookies will be super yummy!”
“Thanks Lunya! I promise me and Cherry are gonna make them taste super duper yummy!” Babycorn did an excited little dance and waved Lunya a short little goodbye before looking back at her counter in front of her. “Okay time for the secret ingredient!” 
Then, Babycorn pulled out a bottle of Lemon-scented dish soap with a hearty Tada! Cherrypit mimicked his sister and said the world's squeakiest tada! after her.
Unfortunately (or fortunately?!) he did not have a smaller version of dish soap with him. 
Lunya’s eyes widened to an almost absurd degree. The speed at which she turned and ran back into the kitchen could not be understated. She was almost afraid to ask, but it had to be done. “Babycorn. Why do you have that?”
Let it be known that it was a brand new bottle too. “I just bought it today!” Babycorn helpfully explained. 
Then without breaking eye contact with Lunya once, Babycorn began to empty the entire bottle of dish soap into the bowl full of flour. An aroma of lemony freshness soon began to overtake the entire kitchen as Babycorn smiled. “Yummy! Yummy! Yummyyyy~!” Babycorn happily sang to herself. 
The dough was starting to smell really good so that obviously meant that the cookies would taste just as good too! 
Lunya could do nothing but stare in horrified silence, her mouth agape. 
“B-B-B-B-Babycorn y-you really shouldn’t…” Lunya tried to say. But there was no stopping Babycorn at this point. Lunya could now only watch helplessly as Babycorn added an entire bag of bird feed into the bowl alongside the dish soap.
Needless to say, no one but Babycorn and Cherrypit touched those cookies that night.
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kodocell · 6 months
ive been in a bit of drawing slump since the fall and im starting to get so stir crazy. Ive done a bunch of little doodles but i wanna do a full-render piece so bad but i cant get my brain to actually do anything about it ;---------; istg my living situation as sucked so much of my mental bandwidth out
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cherry-shipping · 2 years
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realized i forgot to post all of these so have another fucking. dumbshit doodle dump featuring various Tiny Sans Moments (and one Big Sans Moment......... sorry)
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satellitesnotstars · 9 months
moving is hell on earth to me but such is life
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