#all of my plushies for easy transport
jaffre · 2 years
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suitcase of creatures
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tunaricebowl · 11 months
i don’t know which autistic/adhd/any kind of neurodivergent person needs to hear this but: make a “just in case” bag
this is a pic of mine. it contains:
loop earplugs on the zipper
prescription glasses with a clip on sunglasses attachment
my public transport discount card
a pen
a glasses cloth + wet glasses wipes (which can also be used to clean my hands if needed!
wireless earbuds in case my headphones give out
tips for my apple pencil + silicon covers if i need a different texture/the sound is too loud
a sanitary pad (not for me, as i had a hysterectomy, but i like carrying one around for my menstruating friends)
a pouch with hair ties for when my hair bothers me
autism lanyard (not pictured, as i put it in after i took it)
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will i use these every day? not necessarily. but it’s good to have these all in one place in a little pouch so it’s easy to throw into my bag as i use different ones for different occasions. that way i don’t have to think about all these things individually.
it might seem like common sense for some people, but i didn’t think of this until recently. so i wanted to share this in case it could be handy for other people. some more ideas for what to put in your bag under the break. you can make this as big or as small as you like so some ideas may seem a bit big
powerbank + cables (preferably a powerbank that has a LOT of charge)
snacks (do keep an eye on the expiration date)
painkillers/emergency meds (same thing about the expiration date)
sewing kit
mini fan
hand warmers
scissors/nail clippers (for when tags/threads/your nails are bothering you)
lucky charm (i have my lucky cat keychain. it just calms me to have)
plushie/stress ball/fidget toy
mints/a mini toothbrush and toothpaste
extra pair of underwear (for if you suddenly need to stay somewhere overnight or if an accident happens)
band-aids + disinfectant
hand cream/soothing cream
soap/soap leaves
similarly, some mini shampoo or mini body wash (again for if you suddenly need to stay the night. there’s probably already some wherever you’re staying but again. this is a just in case bag)
makeup remover wipes
hand sanitizer/general sanitizer
wet wipes/tissues
foldable bag
ruler/tape measure
this is a lot but keep in mind, these are just ideas. you don’t have to use everything, just pick out which things you think would be handy for you and make your bag accordingly. do feel free to add onto the list if you have any other ideas.
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diomaster69 · 11 months
Jotaro Kujo (Part 3) x Reader
Dating Jotaro Kujo would include:
- Boy I don’t even know how the hell you got him to fall for you. You probably didn’t bother him like his fangirls and just talked to him like a normal human being. I feel that’s all he wants
- It might take him a while to actually start liking you, he’ll slowly start falling though as he realizes you’re a pretty cool and chill person
- Chillin with him while he smokes whether you join him or not
- If you don’t like the smell of smoke (like me and my lungs fr) then he won’t smoke in front of you, though that doesn’t mean he might have the scent of cigarettes on him
- We established he’s a tsundere, he loves you a lot just doesn’t know how to show it straight up, especially in the beginning
- If you ask him out he’d accept, probably acting like he doesn’t care and pulls his hat down to hide his face and smile
- If he asks you out he’d keep it very straightforward, short, and simple. It’s just “Let’s go on a date.” And you BETTER accept, do not break this big guy’s heart :(
- The first date would also be simple, maybe a small picnic in the park or going out for food
- I feel a lot of the dates wouldn’t include a ton of talking, and if there is talking then you’d be doing a good amount of it. Jotaro comes off as the type of guy who enjoys just being in your presence
- So basically his love language is quality time
- He’ll give you small gifts like seashells and jewelry or have Star Platinum get things for you if you wanted
- As your relationship progresses his gifts will get bigger. Such as giant ocean animal plushies
- More dates like going to an arcade so he can win you prizes effortlessly and impress you
- There will be aquarium dates, might be the place where you first kiss. Picture it, standing under a tunnel of fish swimming all around you and he pulls you in for a kiss
- Will beat people up for you, no questions asked
- You got a girl from school picking on you? Don’t worry, his fists are rated E for everyone. Equal rights equal fights
- Will not let his fan girls bother you, like they will never even get close to you (don’t ask how)
- Listening to music together whether it’s blasting in his room, on the car while you guys watch the stars, or sharing ear buds
- Even though he holds up his bad boy personality around everyone including his mom, he has his moments where he just melts with you
- Please hold his face once in a while, he’ll love it
- Very minimal PDA, closest you get is you and him wrapping your pinky fingers (if his giant hands let him)
- His mom would love you so much oh my god, sweetest woman alive
- She’d invite you to come over so often and loves that someone got Jotaro to settle down with
- Jotaro’s friends would be so surprised if they found out he was dating someone, Kakyoin wouldn’t be as surprised but Polnareff? Polnareff would be so lost as to how Jotaro got a girlfriend before him
- Forehead kisses, he has to bend down all the time to kiss yours
- Probably has back problems because of you
- Despite his fists being brutally scarred and coarse, he’s so gentle whenever he touches you in any way. I feel his hugs are the best and he’ll try to be careful when you hold hands
- Will carry you
- Let’s you wear his hats and clothes (but not for too long cause he wants them back)
- If you ever go on any transport, plane, boat, train, you name it, he will let you rest on him. Just don’t bring Joseph, it’ll give Jotaro PTSD
- Carefully caresses your face and admires every part of it, even plays with your hair
- If you can see Star Platinum he would love you so much, they say that Stands are a reflection of one’s soul. So basically Star will be very excited to be out and to see you
- Jotaro will smile with you a lot more than others
- He’s not the best at communication but once you get to know him it’s very easy to tell how he’s feeling
There’s probably more stuff but that’s all I got for this one. I am currently going through a JJBA brain rot please let me know if you have any requests!
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blissfullybubblez · 1 year
hi's! i's a secret baby, an' i's looking for eas ways to regress witout a lotta stuff? or just in general. tank oo! have a cookie 🍪
🍼🌈 Hello there, sweet secret baby! 🌈🍼
First of all, thank you so much for the adorable cookie! 🍪 It brought a smile to my face. 💕
Regressing doesn't always require a ton of stuff – sometimes, the simplest things can whisk you away to your cozy little space. Here are a few easy ways to regress without needing too much:
Imagination Adventures: Let your imagination run wild! Close your eyes and envision your favorite playground, the prettiest meadow, or the coziest corner of your mind. Pretend play is a magical way to regress without any physical items.
Snuggle Time: Grab your comfiest blanket, a soft pillow, and your favorite plushie. Cuddle up and let the comfort envelop you as you drift into a relaxed and little state.
Coloring: If you have some crayons or colored pencils lying around, try coloring in a coloring book or even just on a blank sheet of paper. It's a soothing and creative way to regress.
Listen to Lullabies: Tune in to gentle lullabies or calming music that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy. Let the melodies transport you to a place of peace and serenity.
Read a Children's Book: Find a beloved children's book, whether physical or digital, and let the words and illustrations take you on a whimsical journey.
Pretend Play: Use your imagination to pretend you're having a tea party, going on a magical adventure, or building a fort out of cushions. It's all about creating your own little world.
Remember, age regression is about what feels right and comforting to you. Don't worry about having a lot of things – the magic comes from within you! Enjoy those precious moments of embracing your inner child. 🌟🍼
If you ever want more tips or just someone to chat with, feel free to drop by anytime. Sending lots of love and warm cuddles your way! 🌈💕
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mushroom-for-art · 1 year
Hi @pokemon-ash-aus, I hope you don't mind I borrowed Peach, yes I put her in situations sorry, I think she had a good time though. This was basically my first thought since the plushie ask and you mentioning she'd be anxious with it out and about as an easy bullying target, I took creative liberties like assuming she went to college to get her Pokémon Professor degree because like idk if she did or just went I'm a Professor now binch. Enjoy!
Plushies and Public Transport
Peach couldn't help nervously glancing around, the plush that had been a comfort was slowly becoming a source of anxiety and discomfort as she held the soft charmander in her crossed arms close to her chest. She had already been a bit concerned about going out to such a crowded place in her human disguise, she squeezed the plush in her arms and was glad it didn't have a squeaker inside.
It was a bit odd walking with her feet rather than floating and she really really didn't want to have to do any mouth speaking trying to fake it where she could and use telepathy instead. Her eyes glanced around at the sounds of chattering, did she hear someone say charmander? She wasn't, sure if she was imagining judgment or if people were talking about her. She was glad the plushy was well built because with how hard she was squeezing it to her body for some sense of comfort and soothing she was surprised the head hadn't popped off comedically to make her even more of a spectacle to these people.
She sat on a bench taking off her backpack and holding it to her side while sighing to herself, she could do this all she had to do was make it through these first few commutes and she's sure the anxiety of it all would be non existent and she'd wonder what she was ever stressed about. She watched the feet shuffle past her, the chattering of many people and some thoughts managing to be so loud she couldn't block them out were starting to make her head hurt and an uncomfortable sensation grow in her chest.
She focused on breathing, in through your nose out through your mouth or something like that her exhale passing through her gritted teeth as she attempted to calm. She heard the footsteps before she saw them, a pair of well made proper looking brown shoes stopped in front of her and Peach screwed her eyes closed tight ready for some kind of mocking question.
Slowly lifting her head she quirked an eyebrow and blinked several times in confusion at the sight of another teenager about 'her' age (according to the disguise she was using), hiding their face, poorly, behind a small Spritzee, no wait, it was a plush Spritzee judging by the button eyes the slightly misshapen head fluff and how limp the wings were. Peach blinked once more as she noticed the movement of the others legs, seeing them anxiously shuffle on the spot as their hands gently held the plushies' wings and moved them for emphasis as they spoke.
"Um, excuse me but this dolt was perhaps wondering if she was at the right terminal to get the train to the professor learning academy?" Though they moved the plush for emphasis of the plush speaking rather than themselves Peach could see that she was avoiding eye contact rather heavily.
"...ah…" Peach's voice was very quiet, more of an exhale than speech so thankfully she didn't stutter but, as she looked at this other person likely another student starting this segment of their life watching them use the plush for comfort and as a speaking aid it seemed Peach felt a little chunk of speech anxiety chip away.
She, with slight reluctance, confirmed that they were at the right spot, trying not to show her discomfort at her stuttering or how her lisp affected her words and she watched the others shoulders drop in relief, clearly having been quite tense, though still holding the plush up to hide their face as they sighed and thanked her.
Peach gave an awkward unsure smile, she hadn't been planning for anyone to actually speak to her, other than the ticket master or the person at the ticket booth, so despite the feeling of weird anxiety over something out of script happening it wasn't necessarily unpleasant either, the interaction could've been much worse after all…
They bowed in thanks to her despite already verbally thanking her before watching them look around their hands gently squeezing their plush for comfort as Peach in turn squeezed the soft charmander a bit closer.
"Do, do, do you want to s-s-sit here?" Peach didn't like how her mouth struggled for words or how it emphasized her lisp but something about this individual made her feel a bit more comfortable in her own voice. They nodded through the plush and as Peach shuffled a bit to the side to make room they sat down besides her to wait for their train together. Peach glanced over and assumed by the looks of them and context clues they were also just starting their education just like her.
She did feel a bit rude side glancing at them but she was a bit curious, why did they talk to her of all people? She could spot a few other people who looked like they would have been heading the same way so why speak to her. She noticed as well they kept the plushie up to their face, and after a few moments she was certain she heard them make a quiet chirping sound. Peach blinked but, well they didn't comment on her lisp.
"I'm honestly really glad I spotted you," Peach glanced over again they weren't looking at her she could see their hands softly squeezing the plushie likely in self soothing, "I, was kind of worried I'd have to speak to one of those guys over there," she gestured with the Spritzee plush casually and Peach glanced over at the other group of people she had spotted who must were likely going the same way as them. Her bench companion made a little clicking noise, reminding her of chittering chattering bug types.
"But then I saw you, and you had a plushie too!" Peach held the charmander plush a bit closer at it being mentioned, feeling a wave of defensiveness run through her ready to hiss and defend herself from cruel remarks, "and I thought, hey! That, that looks like someone who I could trust," the tension in Peachs shoulders stopped rising and slowly subsided as she looked over to the other again, "cause well, I don't know anybody but if you have a plushie and I have a plushie then well maybe i'd be okay if I asked you. Plus it makes me feel a bit less anxious too.." They glanced over at Peach with an eye behind her plush and she watched them give an anxious smile before moving the plush to hide once more.
"Sorry! I'm bad at looking at people."
"It's ok-o-okay," Peach reassured, if a bit awkwardly as her fingers gently brushed the fluff of her charmander plush. Maybe it hadn't been such a bad idea to bring them after all.
They sat in quiet for a bit more as they waited, the sound of the daily commute around them, the other inquiring where Peach bought her plush and Peach very proudly telling them it was in fact made by her brother. Her companion seemed impressed and mentioned her brother must have been quite talented, telling Peach that her mother made her plushie for her to help with her anxiety and that it had a button on the back to open it up to fit in a pouch of scents, saying that at the moment it had a pouch of lavender in because it's meant to be quite soothing which is why she keeps holding it to her face. Peach made an understanding 'ahh', smiling a bit as they chatted, the other even offering to let Peach have a hold and smell of the lavender which even though it wasn't said she could tell that this other person must have trusted her a considerable amount.
The lavender scent was present but not overwhelming and Peach sighed softly at the comforting aroma before carefully handing the no doubt prized possession back to its original owner. They exchanged the names given to their respective plushies with the other having named their Spritzee after the person who first recorded the species and learnt how to use their aromas for perfumes which was incredibly fitting and Peach could only nod her head in approval trying not to vibrate with the fact she knew MUCH about how the aroma was made in the Pokémon body.
Of course the other casually mentioned a did you know fact about the Spritzee and Aromatisse line and the floodgates of knowledge absolutely spilled open as Peach enthusiastically began her deep dive into the history and biology of these scented Pokémon.
Even though her companion seemed to gape at Peach in confusion, when she faltered in her confidence they very quickly jumped in with, "no please keep talking!" And with newfound confidence and assurance she continued her knowledgeable rant with the other nodding along fascinated but mentioning that she couldn't even add anything because Peach was so well knowledged she was amazed.
As they got on the train Peach had managed to go from the scent of the Spritzee line to the Salandit line and it's aromas and how they're created and engineered to be perfume and as they arrived at their stop she spoke with great enthusiasm about the Muk scandal and how it's scent when processed the right way could ALSO be made into a irresistible perfume! And did you know it is said the Oricorio line also have distinct scents along with looks and typing and it's believed that that was caused by the same flower nectar they consumed to change form and type! Her companion did in fact not know this.
Peach more proudly held her comfort plush to her as they walked the hallways to the meeting hall and did notice dotted around more people with their own plushies of different Pokémon, and perhaps bringing her charmander along hadn't been such a bad idea after all.
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thefinalcinderella · 2 years
List of TW Characters Family Members (Part 2)
I made the first one (which is now pretty outdated) before Pomefiore chapter (2 years ago!!!) dropped and just completely forgot about it so...here's the second part!! A lot of this is from memory/the wiki but I’ll try my best to list all the information, although I’m sure I missed a lot
- Father, no mention of his mother
- His father’s name is Eric Venue (stage name), who’s a famous actor, he seems to be very supportive of Vil when he was being typecasted as a villain, taking him along with him on his film shoots (Episode 5-65)
- one of the twins’ dad’s favorite movies stars him (Vil Halloween personal story Chapter 1)
- Every Halloween, Vil’s dad would come home with a unique costume and makeup (Vil Halloween voice lines)
- His family is suspicious for sure
- He has five siblings, two older, three younger, but they rarely see each other because of scheduling conflicts, according to Rook they are a lively bunch when they get together (Episode 6-25)
- Apparently, one of his ancestors traveled all over the world and built villas in many countries with magic devices for easy transportation (Episode 6-25)
- What his family does is a secret (Episode 6-25)
- Parents, grandmother Marja, grandfather, aunt and uncle, baby cousin (honestly their whole village could be considered a big family)
- His family seems to run some kind of apple juice business (somewhere in Episode 5)
- They live in Harveston, a small mountain village in the Shaftlands
- His mom calls him when Vil promoted their apple juice (Episode 5-42)
- his parents aren’t magic users, but his great-grandmother and grandmother are (Cremonial Robes voicelines)
- we meet his grandmother Marja in the sled event, she’s very passionate about the sled race, she also looked like female Epel when she was younger lol
- Whenever his grandparents fight, they make up by baking an apple pie together (Ghost marriage card voice line)
- Epel gave his plushies to his cousin after he was born (sled event 3-9)
- Epel was very happy when his cousin was born bc there’s finally someone younger than him in the village, but it’s hard for them to connect bc of the age gap (sled event 4-9)
Idia & Ortho
- Parents
- It’s a shame their parents never showed up in the story since I want to know what they thought of everything that happened
- I don’t really feel like explaining the entire Shroud family history so I’ll just stick with their parents
- In Episode 6, Idia mentions that his parents left the whole “managing the overblotters” thing to him and that prioritizing results over their son’s feelings sounds like something they would do (6-43)
- I’m pretty sure his parents were meeting with Crowley and other government people during Episode 6 but I can’t find the chapter that confirms that, in any case in 6-85 Crowley says he and his parents came to an agreement that Idia would continue attending NRC
- Also somewhere in the Wish Upon a Star event it’s mentioned that Idia and Ortho’s parents would take away the power cord for their video game consoles or something??? I cannot find where Idia says this
- Idia mentions that both his grandmother and father were naturally pessimistic Episode 6-85)
- His grandmother’s name was Aidne, she was the head of STYX before retiring; now the current head is Idia’s father (6-17)
- grandmother (only blood relative), no mention of what happened to his parents
- His grandmother is the current ruler of Briar Valley, Lilia took care of him when he was younger
- Black is considered a noble color in the Draconia family (Malleus Birthday Boy personal story 1)
- Malleus’s grandmother always sent him a birthday card every year, along with rose seeds
- the biggest mystery in the cast
- he’s an orphan who was adopted by Lilia when he was a baby (Lilia found him in a forest and named him after his hair color) they lived in a house in the woods in Briar Valley and Silver thought Lilia was his birth father until he realized that they had different ears
- Malleus would visit sometimes when he sneaks out of the castle
- Sebek and Silver knew each other since they were little and were raised like brothers since Lilia taught them both the sword
- Mother, father, older sister and brother, grandfather
- His mom’s a fairy but his dad’s a human, so Sebek and his siblings are half fairy
- His dad is a dentist and can’t use magic, but he chose to live in Briar Valley anyways; he’s always amazed when Sebek and his siblings use magic
- His mother is a night fairy; she met his dad when she was at his clinic for an appointment and fell in love at first sight; she married him despite opposition from those around them; she currently works at his clinic as his assistant
- Silver (adopted son), but really Malleus and Sebek can be considered his sons too
- Honestly this guy is a complete mystery in regards to his past; we know he used to be a soldier and that he travels a lot and that he’s probably very old, but that’s about it
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measuringbliss · 11 months
Spider-Man Read-Through 032: Gifts (ASM 163-164)
In this batch, we celebrate a birthday and we actually analyze stuff!
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Oh, there's the Kingpin too, I guess.
At the start of the issue, Spidey has an action scene with goons and the Kingpin, but he can't follow them very far. The scene was rather bland, so let's just skip to the Parker stuff.
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The previous batch did allude to a surprise party!
First of all, is it me or do the characters change clothes more often? I feel like that's new. I love Peter's purple pants, they're great.
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Yup, it reminds me of The New Animated Series! What a show that was. Not perfect, but audacious at least (and visually great).
Anyway, I love how everybody wishes him a happy birthday. That's neat! Peter has just had a really difficult year or two. Gwen's death, Harry's addiction, Gwen's clone... I'm happy that he gets to be happy for a bit.
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Let's check the number of people present that gave something:
the rose curtains
the green armchair
the native american statue
the doggie plushie
the patchwork couch
the pink lamp
the wooden table
the poster on the wall
the espada decoration
the pink rug Those items are the most remarkable. Now the people!
The wonderful landlady
So about 8 in each category. I think that's good enough.
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I have some explaining to do.
First off, I think Robertson probably brought the majority of the more mundane furniture. He's older than the rest of them, would have asked Randy's help to transport everything, it makes complete sense to me. I also attributed him the green armchair, but I hesitated. However, I thought that, given how nice it looks, any of Peter's similar age friends would have a hard time giving it off. However, its green color is more of an MJ thing to me...
Talking about MJ... The statue. I think she'd find it pretty funny. Now, how would she have it? I have no idea, but I have a feeling she'd be very happy with herself hahaha. I also attributed the patchwork couch to her for the vibes, although I also thought it could be attributed to Gloria.
Gloria is an issue for me, because we didn't get so much time to get acquainted with her, so it was hard to think of something, but I think she could also have brought some furniture, or some of the most useful stuff like the fruit basket, the radio, the fish.
Flash! Let's talk about Flash. His things were easy: both the circular wooden table and the espada decoration ooze frat bro energy. The fish decoration might have been from Harry or Robbie too, but...
Harry provided the big dog, I think. He could technically have given anything to Peter. He's rich. But I think the dog is a sentimental thing. And it's huge. Do you picture the other characters having a huge dog like this? I personally don't. Or maybe Randy. But Harry? Giving his giant dog plushie to his best friend?
I'm gonna cry.
The rose curtains are tacky, but also charming. I thought it might have been from MJ or Gloria, but the landlady seemed the most indicated to me. In the same way, the old-looking (although I don't know much about lights from the 70s...) pink lamp is probably from the landlady.
Liz probably provided the pink rug, and maybe some furniture. I don't know. We didn't see much development since her return.
Finally, Randy. I feel like he and Robbie acted as one, but the poster feels the most Randy-ish. Randy's shown to be pretty politically active in his student circle, so I wouldn't be surprised if he had posters to put up everywhere. After a bit of research, the text probably says "Every day, in every way, I am getting better, better, and better", a sentence attributed to Emile Coué (French rep, yay!). Which kind of throws my theory in shambles...
Or does it? I can see Robbie giving it to his son, and his son getting tired of it/learning its lesson, and deciding it would look nice on Peter's wall.
Oh well, that does it for the analysis! Now, did I hit the nail on the head?
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Toasters is definitely something Gloria would bring, like I said. The fish... make sense, alright.
Our lovebirds interrupt me checking my answers.
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And Flash's eager to ruin everything, hahaha.
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Does the panel imply Peter and Flash briefly held hands for a second? I'm here for it!
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Peter is not, however. He questions his sexu--I mean, his relationships with the opposite sex. He's so close to getting it!
The two people interrupting him are Liz and Harry, having the time of their life. Good for them!
Later, Spidey encounters the Kingpin again, and...
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The next issue begins with a clarification.
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Girl. What.
Turns out a lot of stuff happened in Captain America #148. I didn't expect that storyline to continue in another magazine. Marvel!!!!
Thankfully for me, Vanessa arrives to slay.
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Unfortunately, the Kingpin doesn't care about Vanessa thinks and she says that she's basically done here. So long!
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Yes, you suck, Kingpin!
However, he doesn't suck entirely. He says that Spidey can go, since he doesn't need him anymore. Spidey's not very nice and still tries to fight. He has only six hours to live, and decides to go back to his apartment.
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For all of you, whump lovers!
Peter decides to go to Curt Connors. They do experiment, foreshadow that The Lizard's gonna come back soon, then Spidey goes to find Richard and revert their life energy.
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They two villains fight, fall in the Hudson river, Spidey emerges, and Vanessa stops the men from shooting at him.
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I guess Spidey's lucky, huh! Because it sure looked like he was going to kill Richard to save himself!
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Nobody asked for this! Nobody!!!!!!!
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nonokoko13 · 3 years
Child!reader being adopted by spy x family characters Pt. 2
As I said in the previous part, these adoption headcanons are really specific, including your hypothetical pronouns and name; these two are extra so you can imagine yourself with your name and desired gender. You can ask for less specific headcanons if you want too. Part 1 here
Sylvia Sherwood
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How you met
She carries the responsibility of WISE, she needs to be committed to it. More than ever now that the peace was threatened every day by those who wanted war to arise again
She missed her family, but she overcame it. Just like the HQ she had to be impenetrable
At least, that's what she thought
Because right in front of her there was the question which answers she wanted to hear. A kid.
It would be normal to see one if she wasn't at the HQ
It didn't help no one knew there was a kid there until you spoke up
The camera system didn't record you and there wasn't any entrance to the agency that had been forced. You weren't any employee's kid either
After scolding them and order to search your parents she met you again
"Hello little one. May I ask you how did you get in here?"
You smiled, seeming to have been waiting her to ask
"Because I like to play and explore! And I'm really good at hide and seek"
Sylvia raised an eyebrow. No matter how well someone was good at hiding there was no way you could break into the HQ; it sounded surrealistic
"But how did you find this place?"
"Because it was easy to find"
"Don't you think you could end bad breaking into unknown places?"
"If I don't know what isthis place how I'd know that?"
Fair enough
That conversation wasn't going anywhere, yet she was angrier with the security staff than you. You didn't look worried though
You gave her an idea
"Do you want to play with me?"
Both entered in the nearest police station, she talked with the officers before telling you to count until 1000 while she was going to hide. You started the count facing a wall
She felt bad, but there were some traffickers she had to catch before they made the exchange
She was following their car; everything fine until she believed to see a small hand greeting her from the car's trunk
She returned to the police station to find out that moments later of her departure you disappeared without anyone realizing. She went to the point where the delivery would be made
Outside the abandoned warehouse there was no signal that you were there until she saw you getting out from under the car on the other side
Something caused a shooting that would make the police come and caught her at any moment. The bands kept shooting at each other while you were behind a transport container
"What were you thinking?! I told you to stay with the police!"
"I'm sorry, I counted until I know, then I saw you following the car, so I followed too. But before they caught me I hid in there...I'm sorry..." You pulled out a walkie-talkie
"I got two from the police station. I left one in there so the others thought the guys of that car were betraying them, it should have worked to scape with no bad guys seeing us"
She was impressed. However, there was no time to ask where you learn that from
Analyzing the situation the principal scape was blocked, fortunately they hadn't noticed you yet so–
You pulled her shirt, pointing somewhere else
"Let's get out"
General headcanons
Sylvia was still surprised that your plan of exiting through a rear window she hadn't seen and walk away without hurry could work
She stopped walking to watch you smash the walkie-talkie and take out some matches to burn it
"Now they can't find footprints!"
The police may not get answers about it but she had many questions for you
She lied to you about the HQ, after the shooting her lie was on the floor. Thenceforth Sylvia's not able to tell if you were playing along and keeping her secret or you have no idea what's all about
You thought her name was Handler. When you knew she was called Sylvia Sherwood you pointed your hoody logo and say "S of Super, you're superman–Superwoman!"
That's how she begun to be mistaken with an endearing mother and her son. She was superwoman and you "kid", because you said that's how you were called, along with child, shrimp, demon...
"That's unacceptable". She handed you lists of names to choose, unfortunately no one convinced you
It wasn't until you two went to a jewelry store that you found the name
The casual way you break in HQ when you want still frustrates her, how do you do it?? You don't see big deal though
Fullmetal lady didn't remember how tough was motherhood
Anyone would freak out if they found out about spies. Yet there you are, admiring flying guys in underpants
Sylvia asked you about your family, but you always tell the same: you lived with dad until he left you with a woman that he said was your mom
The Handler found out your father is a repeat offender, currently on a maximum security prison in another country. Both him and the woman without offspring legally
"Please, don't tell me one of his criminal records is jailbreaking"
The informant doubted "Actually, that's the main one"
The Forgers
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Scenario where it's up to both of them to adopt you. To keep Loid's mental sanity safe it will be independent of the timeline where Yor has a kid on her own, feel free to imagine both kids being Anya's siblings at the same time. You can ask me to include that idea if I write more about this
How you met
As I said before Twilight wouldn't adopt anyone due his job, only one kid for Operation Strix and that was Anya. For now Yor didn't want more kids, she loves Anya and that's enough for them
Not for Anya. She wanted a little sibling
All started talking with Becky when Damian mentioned his brother. Back at home she brought the topic and neither Pa or Ma were giving her an answer of where babies come from
That's when she begun to feel like being a sister. Any plan helped her to convince her parents though
Anya remembered something Mr Henderson told them. "If you want something, take it into your own hands"
And she took it too seriously
Next day Anya and Bond disappeared, she was in the dogs park with Yor
While Mrs Forger panicked Anya had returned to the place she met Twilight
As the time passed the Forgers worried more. When they found Anya and Bond at their building's door they felt relieved
Your presence didn't make things better
They asked Anya where she had been and where did you come from. She said she adopted you
Of course Anya wasn't going to say she broke into an orphanage and took you
Loid's scolding made you cry
"Anya, we aren't adopting–"
"If she's not my sister I won't go to school ever again!!"
"Just for a trial period" that's what Loid hoped
General headcanons
Loid thought babies were easy because it's unnecessary (more impossible) communication with a living being that can't talk; after all babies only have basic needs. He was wrong
It would be easier if you could talk. Why are you crying? You have eaten! Are you sad? Cold? You dislike him?
Yor is not better either. Because her parents died when Yuri was a kid Yor didn't have experience with changing diapers, or anything related with babies
She was more scared than Loid to the point she didn't want to hold you. She broke Yuri's ribs with a hug when he was a toddler, what if she kills you with few contact?
In less than 24 hours you already had a crib and all kinds of things a baby would need. However, having three bedrooms and parents sleeping in separate rooms meant all your things ended in Anya's room
You cried at night until they discovered you calmed down when Anya let you a plushie to hug
She can't wait for the day pa and ma share bed to take back her bedroom
The second night Anya had an idea
Ma is scared of being your mom, solution? Leave you in her bed while Yor is asleep imagining that would work
Thanks God Yor doesn't move much when sleeping. On the other hand Yor is a light sleeper due not being used to sleep with someone so she woke up minutes later
She almost jump out of the bed, realizing that would make you cry made her contain. You groaned, did she wake you up? Yor wasn't sure of holding you, instead she laid down again and approached you to her chest
Seeing you so peaceful by her side melted her, thinking about it you looked a bit like her and Loid.. She blushed at the embarrassing thought
Bold of them to not imagine that's why Anya chose you
In the morning Loid discovered what happened and had a little words with Anya during breakfast before she went to school
Yor went to work and he decided to take a day off from his work to spend the morning with you. The Handler said the first days you should see them to recognize faces
Walks with Bond, buying toys, trying to teach you sign language...Normal stuff
Loid is glad you don't do anything but sleep and eat, except your obsession with munching. When you first kissed Yor he found it normal until you munched her cheek and now you do that to everyone; probably you're teething
Yor found it really cute, but you shouldn't go kissing and chewing cheeks. Anya thinks is funny just don't try to chew her hair again please
Another problem came with names. Loid was going through a list of 850 names in alphabetical order, meanings included; Yor didn't take it to the extreme
"Hum, what about Rose? I think it's a cute name, I mean it's both decision and I'm not good with names Loid–"
Welcome to the family Rose
A spy, an assassin, a telepath and... Well, a baby. Seems like a good mix
Yor Briar
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As we know Twilight only would adopt for Operation Strix's sake. Yor became mother by marrying Loid, but what if she had already a kid before being Mrs Forger?
Inspired by this post of @say-seira
How you met
Long ago before Twilight adopted the identity of Loid Forger, the Briars moved to a flat in Berlint
While the eldest sibling had recently become an adult Yuri was only a kid, Yor decided to move to the city so he had nearer his school. It was possible due her proper salary as Thorn Princess
This change would make her job easier too. She had a new client which death could pay Yuri's entrance to a good university
There was a politician who negotiated with terrorists, helping them to get into Ostania and providing them with weapons in exchange to gain good propaganda abroad and getting rid of competition
Knowing this was enough to make Yor's blood boil. He deserved to die, she was sure of it
Struggling with the security around him, Yor finally killed the target without leaving trace
The only inconvenience was a bad injury made by a bullet that she received. After removing the bullet the wound got worse
She went to the hospital to avoid an infection. In the waiting room she met a kind lady, Yor swore that she had seen her before
The woman was scared, but Yor reassured her she will wait her
While Yor was attended the girl was taken to another room. As she promised, Yor waited in the hall after her wound was treated; with a buttoned medical gown on because she didn't want to attract more attention due the bandaged wound in sight
Time passed and many people enter and exit from the room, but she didn't. A nurse carrying something mistook her for one of the staff and scolded her for standing there
"Here, take the baby to the nursery"
"Me? But— wait! What about the woman? Is she okay?"
From afar she heard the answer, but before Yor could explain the error the woman had left. She was shocked, how? She seemed fine
Against her will the dark-haired looked at the lump she was holding: rosy cheeks babbling in dreams, you were in peace
Her shock grew when she saw you shared the username that the man she killed had. That's why the woman was familiar: she was the politician's daughter
Yor searched someone who hand the baby when she recognized the doctor that guided the woman to the room, he was talking with a masked nurse
The fact they went to a private place and maintained their voices low made her suspect
"Did you take care of the mother?" the nurse asked
"Yes, they got ahead of us with her father but I think they will pay us anyway. When they found it was a medical negligence we'll be far from here"
Yor understood they were assassins as well, probably paid by a rival. Luckily they hadn't seen her yet
"Heh, do you they will pay more if we got rid of the baby?"
Yor left the hospital with you, unsure of what to do. Did you have more relatives? The widowed politician didn't have more kids, and your mother came alone. What if they wanted to kill the rest of the family?
A small hand grabbed hers, and every fear disappeared. Looking at each other, she knew you were safer with her. Perhaps it was only guilt or sympathy, but she would try
General headcanons
The moment Yuri saw Yor holding you was in disbelief. Yor said she found you in the streets and he believed it
At first he tried to convince her sister to leave you in a orphanage but once scolding was enough to cease
Still disliking you for the first months. It took some time until he saw you like one of his family
Yuri helped, although they had a rough time because you refused to eat Yor's purees. Your endurance might grew up to make you the only person who can eat her food without bleeding but it doesn't mean you like its flavor
She viewed you as a sibling until you were two, being called mom made Yor too happy to correct you. Yuri was just Yuri, you never feel like using formalities with him or addressing "Uncle" everytime you talked
Yor decided to let your belongings, it was better that way. When you were older, and only if you wanted, she would tell you the truth
She's bad with names, Rose was the only name she could think of but you're a boy. Yor's parents loved that Yuri and her had matching names, therefore you would be the sweet addition to it
The only name I could think of is Yuu because it's gender neutral and means "you" sorry
During the first year of your life she didn't try to hide the blood of her clothes from you. Yuri never suspected either and you wouldn't remember it when you grow up
Your lack of childhood amnesia was something she didn't have in count. Not that she knows you know anyway
Yor has been training you since you were able to walk, if she wasn't there when you needed at least you would be ready to defend yourself. Proud to say you're her strong boy
That said, if the assassins that tried to killed you found were you lived it's something you ignore. Being the protective mother Yor is they could be dead by now
Six years later, it was still Yor and you against the world, with Yuri being the only paternal figure you had. Before one day she met a man and everything changed
She said he will help her by accompanying her to a party so Yuri stopped worrying about her. She said it would be one night, and the next morning you woke up with Yor waiting to talk with you
In part she accepted because of you; you passed the Eden exam before knowing you needed a dad for it. That requisite seemed stupid for you, as you reassured her you could go to any other school; now you would be accepted into the best school!
You agreed and started packing. What else you could do? The decision was made before you were asked anyway, and you didn't want to argue with your mom because she was doing it for your future too
Of course it affected you. No matter how nice they were it was a huge change; in one day you had to move to a new place which didn't feel like home and live with strangers who you'll have to share mom with isn't easy
Anya was nervous too, but for different reasons. She was so excited to meet her soon-to-be sibling! For her, who was an orphan last week, having a pa, a ma and a friend to play with was great
Her expectations went down when she read your mind. You didn't think bad of them, but excited wasn't the word to describe your emotional state either
Loid may not be good at understanding children, but it was clear for him you wasn't comfortable. For him would be weirder if you didn't seem affected at all
On the contrary, Yor seemed cool with all of this to you. Even without any idea of how to be a wife or mother for Anya she enjoyed her time as Forger, which confused you a bit
Yor is happier, not only because she didn't have to worry about the SSS or Yuri anymore. They make her happier, it's just matter of time she could fall for Loid and have a baby that was her own, real kid
Being sure Yor loves you and your new family want you to feel welcomed doesn't make disappear the feelings you carry with. Still, if mom is happy you prefer to keep it to yourself and try to maker her smile too
If it wasn't because Yuri hates the idea of her sister hiding her marriage for a year and sympathized your situation he would have laughed at the irony when you told him during your uncle-nephew walk the next day of his meeting with "Loiloi"
He doesn't know they got married before you attended school so he assumed you had been holding it for a long time. He passed his fingers through your hair
"I understand it's difficult, but I'll be for you whenever you need me"
+ Honorable mention to compensate you for the mild ansgt without warning
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We don't know much about him but I included this dork for fun
Thinking about "Daybreak" and "parenthood" makes anyone's mind stopped working
Mainly because it's difficult to say which one would be the child
Not "How you met headcanons" because he wouldn't be able to adopt to begin with
From what we saw in chapter 27 he seems to live alone, depending on his amazing spy career to afford pork steak for dinner. So he must not live too good given that after his first mission he was fired
If he had a child, it would be likely because of a previous relationship he had and didn't end well
He didn't adopt you. You're his biological kid, the only not adopted of this gang
Sorry we can't choose our family good luck ig
Not necessarily ended bad, even remaining as friends, your mother took a different path and is happily married with another man
If she knew he wanted to be a spy either thought "it's a joke" or *sigh*
She was who brought money in the relationship, now you live with her and your step-dad but at the beginning you didn't want to
Daybreak talked with you and promised you could visit each other and even live with him when he could afford it
They don't get it
Who would take care of him? The idea of living on his own was frightening to you
Imagine being father and is your kid who worries about whether pops know how to pay taxes without mom
You took after him in terms of appearance. Any signal of intelligence was from your mother
Average smart but surely smarter than him
Probably he thanked God that you were a boy. He will love whatever you are but he was relieved of saving himself of buying female products when you were on that time of the month and guide you through puberty
As much as he says to be a charming man he's not good with women either so
Your name is Sunny. Guess who chose it
Probably you see him more on weekends than during the week
Until you showed him Spy Wars he didn't have no idea that existed such good series
Of course not cooler than the legend he is but Daybreak jokes about how reading that and seeing your cool pops in action would make you half as good spy as he is someday
Quite sad is that your common sense along with the things you see on TV are enough to be better spy material
You try to watch it with him to see if he learns something
Unsure of what you'll be in the future but in the mean time you had fun watching cartoons and liking kids stuff like dinosaurs and skateboard
Current status: Busy with your first year at school and getting him out of trouble
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delicrieux · 4 years
corpse husband... 👀 could I get a soft pastel aesthetic reader playing among us with the group and being absolutely terrible at it. maybe like she sees him kill someone and doesn’t say anything or report it and he follows her around to sorta protect her from the other imposter? at the end she asks why he didn’t kill her and he says it’d be too easy but ofc someone’s gonna make jokes and be like “no you’re just a simp” idk i think that’d be funny? you dont have to tho- no worries
⤹⋆⸙͎۪۫。author’s note: we love pastels and corpse in this house. we love the “i’m helping cuz u cute” trope. we love the public simping. gotta stan this request
masterlist.⁀➷。˚⸙͎۪۫⋆ ༄
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There is a long list of things you’re terrible at, and Among Us is at the very top. But besides your lack of prowess at the game, it is perhaps luck you should curse, for what you have just witnessed will send you into the afterlife: Corpse’s little black astronaut murdering Rae in cold blood. You still by your keyboard; out of the corner of your eye, you see he chat going nuts. The stream just got ten times more interesting.
For a long few seconds neither of you move. You’re not exactly surprised Corpse is the Impostor, it’s just that you desperately did not want to get in his way - you’re bad enough at this game as it is, and trying outmaneuver the master at this game of chess? Impossible. 
Shrugging, you glance at your camera, “I ain’t see nothing.” Before, in-game, you promptly turn on your heel and glide to the other side of the map. Corpse follows. You start sweating, “Noooo, I swear I’m not gonna snitch, please spare me, sir. I swear on my” You idly tap your cat headphones with your hand, “-only prized possession. And my plushie collection.” He’s still trailing after you, even when you hop into Navigation. Turning to the chat, you ask, “Guys, how do I telepathically convey to Corpse that I’m not going turn him in? No one tell him, though, that’s cheating.”
“girl, start manifesting” one comment reads.
“Oh, manifesting, okay. Saw that on TikTok. I also heard it’s like a big thing in LA.” 
You’d imagine that if somehow you were actually transported to the cool chamber of a dying spaceship, cornered by a black figure with devil horns blocking your exit, you would probably start crying. But you’re safe in your little stream room, decorated in fairy-lights and soft colours and even softer blankets. That initial primal fear of having nowhere left to run lingers, though, and you gulp.
A meeting is called and you breathe out a heavy sigh of relief before unmuting your mic, the first to chime, “What happen--No! Rae! Who killed Rae, fess up now!”
“Well, maybe you killed Rae!” Sean exclaims, and even if you can’t see him, you instinctively know he’s pointing a finger at you. 
“It wasn’t (Name).” Corpse says smoothly, “We’re together.” He backtracks quickly, laughing anxiously, “Uh--In game, I mean.”
The conversation rages on, though you’re forgotten, which is a small reprieve. Corpse is quick to frame someone else and everyone agrees to vote. Momentarily you can’t believe you’re betraying your fellow crewmates and wonder why you’re doing it exactly. To make an entertaining stream? That’s definitely part of it. Charlie is flung into lava and you know it should’ve been Corpse but you’re having a bit too much fun to care.
“nooooo!!!! they corrupted her!!!! our sweet baby is on the villain arc!!! RIP”
You hope not mentioning what you had seen transpire minutes prior will dissuade him from killing you - he still could, but he’s just standing by the door, watching your movements. You decide you will only figure it out once your back is turned to him, whilst doing your tasks. Apprehensively, you get to it and--
Nothing happens.
Once you’re finished, you run circles around him. He joins in soon. The olive branch had been accepted. You grin. Rush out of Nav and he, once again, follows after you. 
The game continues like this, you doing tasks and he hoovering by your side like some little guardian devil. You almost forget that he’s the Impostor until he murders Sean right in front of you. You slap your hand over your mouth. Did Stockholm Syndrome kick in already? He self reports and his first words are, “(Name) and I found a body in Weapons.”
You aren’t sure how much your betrayal aided the Impostor victory, but you were the only survivor left between two serial-killers. Your chat spams celebration emoticons and fake-deep monologues about living in a society. While you were an unofficial Impostor, your audience single-handedly decides you were the best one.
It’s all laughter and apologies from your part to your slighted teammates, though even they have to admit it was a good game. Everyone agrees to play another round, but before it can start, you just have to know, “Hey, Corpse?”
“Yes, (Name)?”
“Why didn’t you kill me?”
“Oh,” He mutters, a small chuckle following after his words, “it would’ve been, uhh, too easy, I guess?”
“Lies.” Sean interrupts, “It’s because you’re a fucking SIMP!”
The discord call choruses “SIMP SIMP SIMP” in surprising harmony. You sit in your chair, giggling, smiling so brightly your cheeks start hurting.
“Guys, come on--” Corpse says, sounding like he’s smiling, like he’s got his face covered with his hands, like he’s embarrassed; he laughs - it’s a light, pretty sound, “I just wanted (Name) to have fun. And not be killed by Sykkuno.”
“Wait--” Sykkuno pipes up, “So you just...followed her around the map?”
“Oh my God, you stupid simp!” Sean laughs, “(Name) was there when he killed me, I was so confused why she didn’t say anything because I figured she was the other Impostor, but turns out he just kidnapped her. Don’t worry, (Name), we don’t blame you for betraying the crew. You did what you had to do to survive.”
“It’s the her seeing Corpse kill me and pretending she’s blind for me.” Rae snickers.
“Wait a fucking minute,” Charlie says, “you mean to tell me, (Name), our little pastel princess fucking peach over there, saw Corpse slitting your throat and fucked right off, and then lied like a grade-a-politician during the meeting? Who killed Rae fess up my ass, you all are saying Corpse played us like a fucking fiddle but it was actually (Name) the whole time.” You hear a smile in his voice, and somehow feel a surge of pride, “(Name)--” He’s cut off by Sean trying to interject but quickly shushes him with a few choice words “Jesus fucking Christ, shut up, I’m trying to figure something out. (Name), did you or did you not use Corpse for protection?”
You’re giggling; you can’t control the sporadic giddiness mixed with light anxiousness, “I just...I just didn’t want to die!” You exclaim. More laughter.
“I rest my case, she’s a fucking wolf in sheep’s clothing, it’s always the nice one’s that stab you in the back for the fuck of it.”
“Guys,” Corpse says, “guys, guys, guys...Let’s play another round?”
“Yes”es are exchanged like trading cards. Before long, your screen lights up and you gape at the word IMPOSTOR written over you little astronaut standing right next to...Corpse.
You grin: if the last game was crazy, this one will be straight up insane.
hope you liked it! xx
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dabiboy · 4 years
It came out a little long, but here it is. Sick dad!Hawks. Hope you guys like it 🥺
Sick Bird
Hawks had to leave the agency as soon as he got there, his eyebags, red nose, and the vomit were enough to send him back home. Thankfully, he was home alone. You were at your agency, and Haru was still at school, and according to Hawks's calculations for the time Haru was going to be home, he was going to feel better.
Big lie.
Hours moved on, and he started feeling worse. And then, the door opened. Damned school transport and their puctuality, he cursed. Hawks got up fast enough, washed his face and made his way to the living room, smiling wide at the sight of his baby boy.
"Chicken nugget!" Hawks chirped, happy but weak at the same time.
"Daddy!" Haru dropped his bag and ran towards Keigo, holding onto his leg. "Why are you here?"
"I could leave early today, I-" cough. A very ugly cough.
"Are you ok, dad?" Haru asked, voice full with concern.
"Shit" He cursed under his breath "I'm fine, I just feel a little sick, that's all" before he could smile at the golden eyed boy, Hawks felt the shivers running down his spine, and cold sweat covering the body under the tank top. Fever, awesome.
Haru was about to speak, but Hawks went as fast as possible to the bathroom, he had dignity and he was not throwing up in front of his child. But to his misfortune, Haru was standing right outside the bathroom, a panicked expression on his face.
"I'm ok chicken wing, just wait outside k'?" Hawks said before starting throwing up again.
And he did as told, Haru waited until Hawks had washed his mouth and had brushed his teeth, the older gave a tired smile to the little one.
"Do we go to see the doctor?" Haru asked, fidgeting with his fingers.
"Nah, I'm fine. Is just something I ate. Wanna go play something?" Keigo rested a hand on Haru's shoulder, but right there he felt like vanishing.
A dizzy sensation took over him, making him close his eyes and fall. Luckily, the bed was right there and he ended up sitting there.
"Dad!" His little wings puffed, but Hawks was... Asleep? Passed out?  Using his wings and what he had learnt so far, he flapped his wings to fly above the bed, using all of his strength to drag Hawks and put him in a comfortable position, puting a blanket on him. Hawks opened his tired eyes, smiling at him.
"Did you just fly? I heard your wings flapping, buddy. Gimme fi-h" his voice was low but full with proud, and then his eyes closed again.
Haru tried to calm down, was his dad ok? What was he supposed to do? He went to the kitchen to get his dad a glass of water. Should he get pills? But what kind? And then it hit him. Hawks's phone.
Instintively, he looked through all the contacts and called the one saved as "babybird🥰" the emoji and nickname he usually called you at home were the perfect hint. After a few rings, you picked up. But Haru spoke faster.
"Mom, daddy's sick and now he's not opening eyes, and and I don't know what to do"
"Baby? Ok, relax, take a breath. Was he hit by a quirk? Wait a minute, where are you?"
"He was here when I got home from school, and then he throw up, and then he fell asleep and I- I'm scared"
"I see, but take it easy my boy, ok? He's probably just sick, I'm on my way, I should be there in a few minutes"
And those twenty minutes felt like hours. Haru remembered those times when he was sick, and how you put wet towels on his forehead, arms, and belly to reduce the temperature. And so he did. He damped some towels in wet and cold water, it was hard to put them because Hawks was laying on his side thanks the wings, and even his wings looked down. Then, he remembered that he had to drink lots of water, but Hawks wasn't drinking any. Apparently the glass wasn't working, so he went back to the kitchen and grabbed his juice sip bottle, pouring some water in it. Once back with Keigo, he put the bottle neae his lips, and he smiled when Keigo unconsciously took a sip.
You opened the door, feeling worried at the uncommon silence, because every time it was just Haru and Keigo, it was chaotic.
"Baby?" You called, and when you entered to the room, Haru got down quickly as ever and ran towards you, pulling your jeans.
"He is sleeping all day, and I don't know what to do" you could swear tears were forming in his eyes. Haru loved his dad, he was always strong, laughing, playing with him, fighting the bad guys, and now? Laying there, pale as ever, and looking tired.
"Take it easy, I'm sure he's just sick. He'll be fine" you look at the damped towels, his tiny bottle filled with water, and of course his dino plushie. He had been next to Keigo all the time. "You did amazing little chick, you're truly a hero" you encouraged him and kissed Haru's forehead.
"Can you help him?" Haru almost plead, his dad being more important than being praised.
"Yes, let's get to work"
Quickly, you got some medicine so you could wake him up and got him something to eat. "Kei, baby wake up" you caressed his locks "you need to take some medicine" slowly, he opened his eyes and smile weakly at you.
"Hey there you beautiful" and then, his eyes went to Haru "Hey buddy"
"Dad! Are you ok?" He got to the side of the bed quicky.
"Yes champ, I'm good" He used his hand to caress Haru's cheek. "Sorry you had to take care or your old man" Keigo tried to laugh, but ended up coughing "But thank you, you're my little hero" A smile.
"You... You're not dying, aren't you?" A single tear rolled down his face, finally relaving all of his concerns.
"No way, I'm sticking here for a long while" Keigo wiped Haru's tear with his thumb, but you noticed something odd in Hawks.
"Haru, can you go and take the veggies out of the fridge so I can make some soup?"
"Yes!" He nodded, clean the rest of his tears and ran to the kitchen.
"He was here all the time" you said, helping Keigo to sit down on the bed so he could take the medication "you ok?" You asked
"Yeah, I tried to stay strong but guess I failed" low chuckle "me? Yes, I..." He looked away, feeling pressure inside his chest "I just remembered when I was around Haru's age, my parents would tell me that I was just a bother, and now... Now he took care of me, you came too and..." A single tear fell down his cheek "My five year old me wouldn't believe me If I told him how lucky I got" he laughed, in a kind of sad way as he cleaned his cheek with the side of his hand. You hugged him, and his arms embrace you immediately.
"You'll always have us, I promise you that" you whispered, kissing his temple.
"Daddy?" Haru looked from the door, feeling worried when he saw his father's puffy eyes.
"Hey bud" Hawks smiled, cleaning his tears again "C'mere" he called him, and pulled him in his arms so he could sit on his lap.
"Why are you crying? Is he ok mommy?" Haru looked at you, but you let Hawks speak.
"Yes, and yes. I'm just happy and thankful for having both of you, thank you for being with my today, my chicken wing" Keigo smiled and hugged Haru too, kissing his temple. "I love you, so much" then, his eyes went your way "And I love you too, angel"
Hawks couldn't believe the fact, that now he had everything he ever wanted. Everything.
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kaaytea · 4 years
Valentine's day hcs
⤷Includes: Eijun, Chris, Furuya, Mei
Warnings: None, just some baseball fools
A/n: Happy Valentine's day Daiya fans! This is honestly a pretty monumentous post because it's the first time I've written for Furuya and Mei! Enjoy! ❤️
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Sawamura is our Shoujo king, so he absolutely loves Valentine's day 😤
Like, a full day to show your friends and or partner how much you love them?
Yes please, sign him up!
Eijun would always make his friends handmade cards back home
His mom once told him that things made from the heart are far more valuable than anything store bought, so your card is definitely a handmade one
It's probably pretty messy and just the normal construction paper heart cutout, but he's still very sweet about it
Probably writes the sappiest note about how much he loves you and that you're his world
Eijun is so focused on expressing his appreciation for you, that he entirely doesn't expect something from you
And then when you give him a gift he just :0!!!!
Definitely gives you a big hug, like the kind where you both sway side to side for a bit and your faces are tucked into eachothers necks
Sawamura Eijun is so precious I swear 🥺
When I say unintentional I mean he just thinks they're nice things to do
But you on the other hand can't help but SWOON
He gets you a single red rose and a bag of your favorite convenience store snacks
He opted for a single rose because a full bouquet (in his opinion) is a bit over kill
Plus, one rose is easy to transport, especially when he tucks it behind your ear and proceeds to call you the most beautiful thing in the world
Just saying, it's a crime if you don't get this man chocolate
it's literally his favorite food
Has the sweetest, most gentle smile when you give him his favorite chocolate!!!
Honestly, I feel like the both of you would end up sharing the food parts of your gifts
I mean Chris definitely would . . . I guess it's up to you if you'd share your food or not 👀
Oh Furuya...you sweet boy
Valentine's day? That's . . . a thing you're supposed to celebrate?
Sawamura lectures him on the importance of the holiday. He's so offended that Furuya just disregarded it
Furuya has no idea what to do, so Sawamura and Haruichi try to help him out a bit
So the chaotic trio are wandering around the store the NIGHT before Valentine's day trying to find a present for you
Eijun is going the very traditional route and is like cards! Flowers! Candy!
But nothing he offered felt very . . . you
Eventually Haruichi just asks what you enjoy and the light bulb goes off in Furuyas head
So the three of them leave with a grumbling Eijun and a very pleased Furuya with a fluffy, heart patterned blanket tucked safely in a bag
You, on the other hand, have the easiest time getting Furuya a gift
Originally, you were gonna get him the little ice cream bars he loves, but then a polar bear plush caught your eye and you couldn't turn it down
When you give it to him his eyes are all sparkly and he's got the hint of a smile on his face
He immediately hugs it to his chest and then gives you the blanket
Obviously the two of you cuddle and take a nap together. A plushy and a blanket are a great combination
(Furuya sleeps with the polar bear plushy every night because it reminds him of you )
Even if he had a partner and their relationship was public he'd still end up with a bunch of Valentines from classmates
He's not gonna shut up about getting a bunch of gifts
He's all "Oooo look how many I got! As expected for the ACE of Inashiro 😝✌️"
He'd eventually stop his bragging, but he's still all smug
I feel like Mei would be absolutely whIPPED for his partner, so he wants you to feel extra special
I'm cringing so hard writing this, but ya know those huge ass teddy bears people get eachother?
I'm talking those 3 to 4 ft. bear plushies
Yeah he rolls up to school with one for you
Mei is also like the corniest lover ever, so he also gets you a card with a bad pun
And yes it's a baseball pun . . . would you expect anything less from this fool
It's probably something like: "Forget stealing bases, because you stole my heart ❤️"
Hot take, but I don't think Mei likes chocolate all that much
He loves ice cream though, so definitely get him that instead
He's a baby and gets VERY excited when you give him ice cream
He'd press kisses all over you face as a thank you
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bxdbxdboy · 3 years
Character Development
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Full Name:  Luz Noceda 
Alias:   Apprentice
Nicknames: Bad Boy, (Luz Squad) B.Boy, (herself) Soft Boy, (Cottage) Baby Boy, (Eda) Nice Boy, (Sunny) Sweetheart (Bee)
Sex / Gender:  Female, Nonbinary  (she/her/hers, he/him/his, they/them/theirs ) .
Right or Left:    Left 
Age:   16.
Height:   5'6″.
Eye Color:    dark brown
Hair Color:   Dark brown
Distinguishing Marks:  She has a raven tattoo over her scar she received trying to stop her villain in her timeline. She’s shaved her left eyebrow in the middle to match her friend’s scar.  
Paragraph Of Physical Traits: She’s got a rather strong build which means she has no weak nerd arms and a significant amount of muscle to her arm. Her hair is slicked back like a wave and it’s always been like that it just has always naturally curled and folded over in that direction. When she sleeps it gets wavy or spikey sticking up like a parrot.
Parents / Guardians:     Camilla Noceda 
Siblings: n/a  adopted Brother King.
Marital Status:  Not married. 
Significant Other(s): Bee (Amity-Bee), Blushy (Amity in her timeline)  
Children:   N/A.
Other Relatives:   Many Many cousins, aunts and uncles and cousins on both sides of the family. 
Pets:   Bunga, (familiar, honey badger) Saturn, (familiar magical Owl) Calypso. (palisman Sable)  
Friends:     Cottage, Sunny, Iris, Bee, Lucky, Otter, Puppy, Gus, Willow.
Enemies:     Emperor Belos. 
Ethnicity:     Latina 
Religion:     None. 
Beliefs:    N/A
Superstitions:    black cats, broken mirrors. KARMA!
Languages:   English. Spanish. 
Diction / Accent:    Spanish 
Education:   Public School / High scool leverl/ Hexside
Degree(s):   Not yet. 
Occupation:   Local Power washer for her boiling isles, Food delivery, Potion distributor. 
Own or Rent:    Neither.
Living Space:   Eda’s home in the owl house, Her home in the human realm, and Magic Treehouse bedroom. 
Work Space:    N/A.
Main Mode of Transport:   Skateboarding, Walking, running, or flying. Can drive, will learn, will drive without license. 
Fears:      Being replaced / abandoned,  her anger issues, her home getting concurred, loosing her friends, venomous snakes, possessed creatures, dark mimics. spiders, The deepest depths of the Ocean, Slender Man, Siren Head.  
Secrets:    A big softie just doesn’t want many who meet her to realize it. 
IQ:     Was never formally tested,   but she may not be as intellectually gifted as the other Luz’s There’s a big jock mentally mindset to her as a whole.
Eating Habits:  Ravenous Appetite, no matter how much she eats she’s always asking for more. She can put some food away if someone has something they’re saving it’s too late she’s already gotten to it. 
Food Preferences: She enjoys Hot Wings they are her most favorite food besides Pizza coming around at a close second She likes a lot of junk food candy, cookies, chips of all kinds. On occasion she will eat something green though like some lettuce with taco meat or a green pepper. She’ll eat it all everything under the sun and even be adventurous eating a wide margin of other foods. She almost always has hot sauce on her there isn’t a single kind of meal she doesn’t love covered in the hot stuff.  
Sleeping Habits:   She sleeps well, for the most part, when she isn’t attempting to be a night owl she falls asleep relatively quick, even rivaling some of the younger Luz’s with how early she can fall asleep. It’s likely she has sleep apnea as she has tendency to snore so very loud and wakes up during the night in cold sweat, when she stops breathing from night terrors. She will oversleep until almost 2:00 in the afternoon if not monitored.         
Book Preferences:   She’s not a big egg-head book reader like the rest of the squad is the most Bad Boy read in school was “Animal Farm”, and The “Lord of the Flies”, in high school two books that peaked her interest a little bit. She also enjoys listening to Cottage read some horror books it’s the most she’ll really listen rather than use her eyes to read, in fact, one would say she struggles to read efficiently. 
Music Preferences:     Hip Hop, Rap, Dubstep, 80′s music, The Weekend, Various artists. 
Leader or Follower:    She likes to be the boss, but will occasionally follow if she doesn’t have to do much. 
Planner or Spontaneous:  Spontaneous! All of her ideas are never planned out she definitely does not look before she leaps. Her leaps are full of optimism and happy stupidity. The only time she tends to plan is when Bee holds her hand and forces her to take a step back. 
Journal:    Nope
Hobbies:    Dancing,   listening to music,     training,    watching videos / shows,  exercising,  roasting members of the Luz squad, doing dangerous stunts, skateboarding, basketball, baseball, (more so the batting range)  Surfing (Prior), Deep woods exploring, practicing her magic, teaching her familiars, (Saturn and Bunga) Listening to music, Swooning Bee, Video games, Baking Pizza, Breakdancing, Beat Boxing, Collecting Hats, Serenading, Dancing, Snuggling King.
How Do They Relax:  By listening to some calming beats privately, counting to 10, or at any point stroked by Bee she curls and becomes softer. 
What Excites Them:  Competitions,  Wild magic, Magical Creatures, Parkour, Plane Crash videos, Unus Annus, Dogs! Kitties, Being in charge, Buffalo sauce, Food!, Flirting, 
What Stresses Them:  Bossy individuals, Strict Parents, Rude people, Being inside the Emperor Castle, Being the butt of the joke, Tests, Explosives. Needles. 
Pet Peeves:   Vegan food, Whining, losing games, Being accused of being a perv, mocking, people stealing her hat,  Lucky sending her cursed images. 
Prejudices:  high horse, pretends not to be a trouble maker to stay in good graces, struggling to not be hostile towards her doppelgängers, 
Attitudes:   Closed off, Laid back, Aggressive,  or chill and cool depending on who you are. Bad Boy appears to be the “scary” anger issues Luz that is liable to explode at any moment and when she does her face and ears can get as red as Bee’s. You’re either in good graces with her or your not, she’s not always easy to approach unless you have a good sense of humor than she cracks up with you about stupid jokes. 
Obsessions:    Her shoes and hats, her favorite music, lids, BEE
Addictions:    Does addiction to sugary cereal count? because oh my god-!!
Ambitions:     Defeat Belos in her timeline, find a way to get adopted as a sibling by Cottage Core, Have her own identity outside of Cottage and the Luz squad.   Become a powerful witch, Make her mom proud.  
Birth Date:    November 26,    2005.
Sign:    Sagittarius
Traits Associated with Western Sign:  loyal, smart, assertive, and compassionate personality   
Chinese Zodiac Sign:    The rooster
Traits Associated with Chinese Sign: active, amusing, and popular within a crowd. Roosters are talkative, outspoken, frank, open, honest, and loyal individuals. They like to be the center of attention and always appear attractive and beautiful.
Handwriting:     It’s okay…;      fairly sloppy.
Sexual History:   N/A.
General Health:     She takes pretty good care of herself as far as hygiene and having a good confident attitude.  experiencing some struggles with her adhd, bad posture leaves her with some back pain.
Mental Disabilities:      PTSD,   ADHD,  depression,  
Allergies:   Seasonal.
Purse / Bag:  Wallet, towel, water bottle, Treehouse keys key chain,
Wallet:     Photo ID, Gold, Cash, rings, Brass knuckle, 
Fridge:     Chalked full of between meal and frozen pizza. 
Medicine Cabinet:  Bandages, Healing Potions, Icey-hot muscle rub,  
Glove Compartment:   Parking tickets, Trespassing tickets, concert tickets. 
Junk Drawer:     fidget spinners, gum, pens, sharpies, stress balls. 
Backpack:   Hats, Snacks, Mints, hair gel, Extra clothes, socks,  pepper spray, hand sanitizer, suntan lotion, hair brush
Desk:   Doodles, Paper Airplanes, Crumpled up Paper.
Clothes Pockets:    Phone, Hot Sauce packets, hand warmers, stress ball.  
Halloween Costumes:   A zombie, the cementary is hiring.
Talents:    break dancing, beat boxing, fighting in close quarters, self defense, making Luz squad question their sanity, making jokes, flipping her hat. being annoying. 
Politics: Nah. 
Flaws:   stand offish,  moody,     blunt and direct,   vain,  doesn’t like to be on the losing side indecisive, selfish,
Strengths:  Her optimism, strong sense of personal integrity, avoiding the status quo, free spirited, confidence level, good sense of humor.  
Drugs / Alcohol:    N/A. No who invited? 
Passwords:     The most random shit. 
Prized Possessions:   Her hat passed down by her oldest cousin, her unus annus sweatshirt, a small wolf plushy named Akela 
Time and Place:    Currently, at the Treehouse interviewing new members of the Luz squad. She just got back from a trip and she has jet lag.     
Special Places:      The treehouse, her original house, The owl house, the forest where she goes to meet Blushy, The cliff by the Grom tree, the beach. 
Special Memories:   Meeting Eda and King then running into Cottage and Bee, Becoming friends with Cottage Core learning magic from them, Teasing Belos and Hunter with Cottage Core, Dancing with Bee at her Grom, becoming a polyamorous couple with Bee and Cottage. Being accepted into the Luz Squad. 
Tagged by:    Stole it from @witchesborn​
Tagging:    You,    if you want to do it.
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hansolmates · 4 years
jjk; angel’s trumpet [02]
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summary; one second, your life is flashing before your eyes and the next, you’re transported into a world exactly like your own. but the jungkook you meet in this world isn’t a renowned singer or your former almost-lover, in fact he has no clue who you are and why you know him so well. as you work to find your way home lost and confused, you conclude that you’re either dead or in the middle of the most wicked drug trip of your life. pairing; idol!jk x reader (f), alternatively film producer!jk x reader genre/warnings; fluff, angst, supernatural, idol!au, non-idol!au, alternate universes, themes of fate, language, alcohol consumption, mentions of smut in future chapters w.c; 3.5k a/n; i know it feels like a lot of bg and internal conflict but y/n!! our girl is struggling! she’s processing and is going through some times BUT things will spice up soon so thank you for all the love +notes, see you again thursday! 
[01] [02] [03]-> masterpost
The two most frequent contacts in your phone (you hope it’s your phone? It’s the same edition and everything) are Jimin and Taehyung. 
Jungkook (or not-Jungkook) high-tailed it out of there as soon as he deemed your reactions unfit for basic human society. He muttered that you were crazy and probably under something, and sped off in his motorcycle just like that. Like you were a stranger. 
It's not easy to ignore the aftermath of your heart after taking yet another rejection, but you're independent and you must stride forward in this strange situation. Taking a cautionary look around the area, you clutch your phone like a lifeline, tethering you together in this unfamiliar place. There's not many people around, but you spot a large library and a playground. Professionals are mulling from building to building, zombies in wrinkled suits and dripping iced coffees. Your phone displays an innocent 7:51, revealing how early it is. Toggling between the two friends in your contacts you take your chances and start with Jimin. The phone rings once, twice, before his dulcet voice chimes in your ear. 
“Babe?” he croons, and your heart drops at the sickly warm tone, “you can’t get enough of me after what we did last night?” 
You’re going to throw up. Scratch that, acid is already bubbling through your throat and you force yourself to tamp it down. There is no, no way in hell could you have hooked up with Park Jimin in your lifetime. 
Unless this is hell. 
“Jimin,” you steel your voice, hoping he can’t hear how absolutely mortified you are. You can picture this version of Park Jimin now, laying around in bed with crossed legs and casually enjoying how much you’re squirming on the other line, “I just need you to tell me where I live so we can move on with our lives.” 
He laughs, giggles bubbling like soft pink champagne. “Wow, I really must’ve fucked your brains out if you can’t even remember where you live.” God, in what life would Park Jimin be “fucking your brains out”? Maybe you should find a trashcan just in case you do puke on the sidewalk. “Y’know, you signed your lease with Taehyung a month ago? You just moved in last week?”
“T-Taehyung?” you stutter, trying to imagine the notion, “I live with Taehyung?” 
A beat passes, and you realize that just like you scared not-Jungkook away, you could be doing the same to Jimin. 
He says your name softly, gone the cocky tone you were initially bombarded with. “Are you okay? You could’ve waited for me to wake up, y’know. We had a lot to drink last night.” he mumbles, almost cutely if it weren’t for the fact the he was insinuating sex two seconds ago, “Did you eat?” 
“‘M fine,” you mumble, trying to chalk up your previous question with inhiberation. “Just loopy, I guess. I almost got hit by a motorbike, so my brain is probably just catching up.” 
“You got hit? Did you call a hospital?” great, now Jimin’s panicked. “Where are you? I’m gonna go get you. Drop your location, I’m leaving now!” 
“I’m fine!” you snip, and you feel bad for nearly screaming on the line. “I’m almost home, I’m just gonna lay in bed and sleep it off. I’ll call you later, okay?” 
You don’t bother hearing his response, and you hang up. You then start to furiously scroll Taehyung’s chat wall, noting that he’s on an academic trip with his students until next week and you have the apartment to yourself. After a good ten minutes of scrolling and reading conversations that you can’t recollect you finally catch the address to your shared apartment. 
The city is the same, fortunately. So are the bus stops, and you’re thankful that your bus pass has some fare money. Turns out you’re starting your journey at the University of Seoul. The bus routes are the same as well, and you manage to take a tour of your side of the city, noting the tiny differences in the town. 
For example, there’s no BigHit Entertainment in its usual spot. Instead it’s an additional practice  space for Cube Entertainment. 
There’s no fanfare to your city tour, and it almost feels like you’re just a normal woman taking a ride home. There’s still the same trees and squirrels, familiar odeng stands and ice cream shops. It feels like you’ve been cut and pasted into this world with no rhyme or reason, a fever dream. 
The bus circles around the usual route once more until you’re in front of your supposed home, only a twenty minute bus ride from where Jungkook almost ran you over. 
It’s a lot, and you realize on the drive over that you’re probably in deeper shit than you could ever imagine. You pull out your keys, and instead of seeing the ramen keychain Jungkook got you when he went to Tokyo Disney, instead it’s replaced by a university ID labeled Assistant Professor under your full name. 
You pin that new fact for later and focus on getting inside.
Your apartment is nice, you muse. Simple black and white furniture, but there’s a definitive home-ness to it. There’s a moss green afghan folded up on the couch, presumably made by the artist himself. You’re glad Taehyung’s appeal for the arts hasn’t been lost, as revealed by the frames on the walls detailing pictures of you and Taehyung’s families, and some of Jimin and Taehyung. 
Deeper into the apartment you find your room. You choke back a sob at the familiar bedsheets your parents bought you at Target, and you even notice some familiar clothing pieces folded haphazardly in the corner. Instead of your bed being filled with shameless BT21 PR however, your RJ and Mang are replaced with simple panda and cat plushies. 
Finally letting your tears fall, you sob loudly into your pillows, hugging and grappling at anything to comfort you. You feel achy and tired, as if your heart has fallen out of your body and nothing can fill the void. As much as your bed sheets feel the same, as genuine as those pictures are in your shared living room, this isn’t your home. 
Between your bouts of crying and forcing yourself to stomach cheap ramen, you find out a couple of things. 
You’re an assistant professor at Seoul University. At least this version of you is. A little part of you is pleased by this, you have always wanted to teach at the university level before settling with BigHit. To your chagrin however, you’re not a language professor. 
To your horror, you’re a pre-medical student teaching two “History of Neuroscience” classes. It’s only two classes because according to your Google calendar, you’re also balancing the completion of  your final thesis on muscular dystropathy among low-income neighborhoods. 
Dear god, if your parents ever found out you could’ve been a doctor in another life, they’d be surely choking on their own spit. In this world, you probably weren’t lazy and wholly capable of achieving the impossible. 
You don’t know why you spend the next two hours sending emails to your students about cancelling the next week of classes. Fortunately all your lessons are neatly packaged in your drive, and you send out an email with said lessons citing your mental health and how you’ll resume direct instruction the following week. 
From time to time, your eyes can’t help but travel to the frames and polaroids that decorate your walls. Some of the memories are vaguely similar, a house in the suburbs, an annoying cousin who can’t stop and won’t stop pulling at your pigtails, a movie night with unlimited pizza and breadsticks. 
Some of them are far and beyond your state of recognition. Jimin and you playing hopscotch by the river, Taehyung stuffing his face with fried potato skins in a cheap hole-in-the-wall, you winning the blue ribbon at your high school’s science fair. 
You could very well walk out of this life and just focus on going back home, but something tells you that you need to continue on with this life, at least for now. 
It feels too real to be a dream. When you tug at your hair tie, it’s painful when it snaps across your wrist. Your skin blooms with color upon impact. Could you die in this world? If Jungkook had not skidded in time, would you have survived a motorcycle accident? 
Three days pass like that. You’re contemplating, absorbing information. In-between pints of ice cream and crying your ducts out, you’re drawing conclusions. Could you be in a coma? A very realistic, painful coma? But Jimin and Taehyung are still sending you texts and the day turns to night as painfully slow as it always has. A coma can’t fake a forty person class, all of them vying for your attention through various emails and Zoom calls. It can’t be it. 
And as you rummage through your drawers, check every bit of social media and even your yearbook photos, you also confirm that Jeon Jungkook has no place in this version of your life. It saddens you greatly, and reminds you eerily about the heated conversation you had before all of this. The Jungkook from days ago, the one who looked terrified when you tried to touch him, only met you through happenstance. 
By day four, you get a phone call. There’s no picture next to the contact, only named Biggie Mentor. After a few rings, you finally get the courage to answer the call. 
A deep timbre seeps its way through the line, and you almost whine at how much you missed him. “y/n,” Namjoon says, but he doesn’t sound happy, “tell me why our students said you cancelled all of your classes this week due to mental health?” 
If Namjoon’s your mentor, that means you’re probably in deep shit for cancelling all your classes without his consent. 
“Uh, exactly that,” you say, and it hurts how much you have to strain your voice, trying not to pour any type of affection into this version of Namjoon. You’ve always had a soft spot for his gummy smile. “I’m sorry for not telling you beforehand. Something really traumatic just happened and,” you choke back a sob, trying to cover the microphone, “and I really needed some space.” 
“Hey, it’s okay,” his voice is like melted honey, and you close your eyes and picture yourself back at BigHit, Namjoon’s happy smile whenever he tries to cheer you up. It only makes you even more upset, and your mind is all shadowed and filled with fuzzies as you attempt to picture Namjoon as your boss, “I was just shocked, that’s all. Is everything alright?” 
“No,” you reply truthfully, “and I don’t know if it will be.” 
There’s a terse silence, both your breaths hanging on the line with no move to continue the conversation. If your personality here is similar to your true world, you would understand why Namjoon would have a hard time formulating a reply. You don’t even know how close you are with him here. What remains is that you’re the type to keep your secrets to yourself, and if they truly felt hindering, you’d tell somebody. Not to say you’re the suffer in silence type of person, but you weren’t one to immediately dump your feelings on someone. 
Finally, Namjoon musters a reply, “I have a break at two. Why don’t you swing by our usual lunch spot and we can talk? Their sandwiches always cheer you up. ”
“Joonie,” your voice cracks, and you shake your head despite the fact that he can’t see you. A slip of the nickname comes out before you can help it, and you hope this Namjoon is fond of the manner. “I don’t know where that is. Or what our ‘usual’ spot is. I don’t know what sandwiches you’re talking about either.” 
“Okay,” and you relax at the calmness in his tone, “I’ll swing by after my 5PM then. Set the table for us, yeah?” 
Namjoon smells of dry-erase marker and antiseptic. 
He’s bounding into your apartment like it’s his own home, carrying two paper bags and a stack of leather bound books. The items fly across your coffee table, and you two work together to organize both your dinner and the books. Namjoon looks like a textbook nerd, wearing shades of burgundy and burnt orange as he breaks into your front door. Gone are the boots and sleek outfits that trim his figure, and you can’t help but go a little anti-starstruck at how normal this moment is.
But what remains is the bumbly stance as he makes his way through your tiny space, long limbs and all flailing to help you place his work in a safe space. The curve of his nose and dimples so deep you could fill a lake in them, you can’t help but muster a shy smile as he takes notice that you’re staring at him a little too much for comfort.
The two of you eat in relative silence, and you gratefully accept the bag he pushes in your direction. To your surprise the sandwich inside is a favorite combination of yours, and you wonder if this restaurant exists in your world. 
Your world. 
“Namjoon,” you place your sandwich down, despite the fact that your stomach is protesting for you to finish the first real meal you’ve had in days, “you know that movie, Avengers?” 
Namjoon’s face is puffed with bread, and you hand him a water bottle to chug it down. “Dunno,” he shrugs, “Marvel isn’t a popular franchise, so even if I had I wouldn’t remember.” 
“Marvel isn’t popular—” what kind of fucked up world is this? Your Jungkook would have a field day if he was in your shoes. “Anyway. There’s a concept from Marvel that there’s multiple Earths. Like you can create a rip in space and land yourself in another dimension if you’re not too careful. Do you think it’s possible?” 
Your tall mentor pushes his charcoal hair back, exasperated. “Is this why you’re taking off? Because you believe in some silly comic book series?” 
You feel your heart cracking, desperately trying to keep itself together. In your haste you grip Namjoon’s arm, desperate. “Please, just hear me out.” you warble, “a few days ago I was out drinking with a friend. Next thing I know, I’m in another world where I run into a boy. That boy is my friend, but he says he doesn’t recognize me! But I don’t recognize this life. Namjoon I can’t even imagine you wanting to be a doctor!” 
Namjoon is looking at you funny, and you know he’s really trying to believe you. Instead of the reassuring words you hope for, he instead says, “this isn’t even pseudoscience, y/n. This is supernatural! How could you possibly think you’re from another dimension? I just saw you last week and everything was fine!” 
“I saw you last week too!” you exclaim, clutching your chest, “and you cried again for the umpteenth time because you lost another pair of custom Airpods.” 
A pause. “That does sound like me.” 
Hope blooms in your stomach. “Doesn’t it?”
“Well, in this supposed other life. What is my profession?”
Your face falls. “Uh, you’re in a worldwide K-pop band. You’re making millions and producing beautiful music.” 
That sounded way better in your head. Out loud it sounded absolutely bonkers. You don’t even blame Namjoon when he bursts out laughing, wiping tears from his eyes. You let him, sinking further into your seat and hugging your knees. You really hoped Namjoon would’ve come through for you. 
However you’re not laughing along with him, and he immediately stops at your teary expression. He pushes himself over to you with his long legs, quickly moving to prevent yourself from tucking into your shell. He sees how small your form becomes and he reaches over to place a hand over your hair. “You’re really upset over this, aren’t you?” he questions aloud, and he can’t piece it together, “did you hit your head or something?” 
Defeated, you explain, “I may have gotten hit by a motorcycle the other day.” 
“What?” he squeezes your shoulder, “well, that explains a lot! What if you’re hallucinating? What if you have a concussion? You could be suffering from short-term memory loss!” 
You’re sure it’s none of those things, but you let him ramble. The explanation is clear-cut and so painfully normal that it’s the only conclusion that Namjoon will cling to. Your mentor insists you take a medical leave, and says he’ll take over your classes in the meantime. He gives you a number to call, explains there one of the best doctors for trauma and motor incidents. You don’t say anything to that, but you accept the number and lie when you say you’ll call them in the morning. Namjoon still treats you like a friend however, despite your fruitless confession, and you concede that his comfort is more than enough after such a rough week. 
It’s been nearly two weeks since you’ve contacted Jimin. 
Sure, Jimin’s contacted you. A couple flirty texts here, some low-key sexy selfies there. Usually, you’d eat that up like honey and butter. Now, there’s only one-word replies and half-hearted attempts at continuing a conversation. He loosens his tie, thankful he’s working out of the office today. He can look at his phone all he wants, and no one will judge him. 
Jimin finally looks up at the photographer his marketing company contracted, who’s still mulling over the contract. “We’re not trying to jip you, promise.” Jimin assures, and he almost laughs at the comical way the young man’s large eyes catch his concern. “You’ll get all that money, and then some if you need to work overtime. It’s a sweet gig.” 
“Yeah,” the young man nods, and grabs the pen to sign at the bottom. “Looking forward to working with you.” 
“Same to you, Mr. Jeon,” Jimin grins, meeting him halfway across the table, “I’ve seen your work, I’m sure the commercial will be beautiful.” 
“You can call me Jungkook,” the new employee flashes him a quick grin, taking his palm in his. Jimin tries not to twitch at this cute kid, who is both devastatingly handsome and cute at the same time. He’s a little jealous, a little attracted. 
“Great, because Mr. Park is my dad. Jimin’s fine.” 
It’s then that Jimin’s phone lights up, both pairs of eyes darting to the picture of you decorating the wallpaper. 
While it’s not a completely flattering picture (you’re asleep with your wire-rimmed glasses half-off and there’s drool dribbling down your chin.) However it’s definitely you, the person Jungkook nearly killed a couple days ago.
Jungkook’s mouth goes dry, and he lets go of Jimin’s hand like it’s fire. Jimin hardly notices, grabbing his phone in hope that you replied to his text. To his despair, it’s just Taehyung. He ruffles his hair in frustration, letting the slick ebony strands fall out of his hairstyle.
“Fuck,” Jimin curses, shoving his phone in his blazer. 
“Everything alright?” Jungkook asks, trying to be polite. On the other hand, he’s rather curious about the girl from weeks ago, who still hasn’t left his mind. 
In the heat of the moment, Jungkook left the scene with you blubbering on the road. How wide your eyes were with recognition, and almost mother-like as you coddled him like someone to protect. He’s felt bad about it since, but he had an interview with Jimin’s boss and he couldn’t blow a job opportunity. It couldn’t be helped that your sad expression has been his midnight fixation when he can’t sleep or has a creative block. He should’ve at least called a cab to take you to the hospital or something, you were clearly not in the right mind. 
“Yeah, it’s just a friend.” Jimin forces a smile, not wanting to dump his baggage on the new employee. “She almost got hit by a motorcycle the other day,” Jungkook masks a wince, remembering the horror he felt when he saw you, just lying there across the street. “Ever since then, she just hasn’t been herself. I’m just worried. It’s like she’s seen a ghost or something.” 
“Oh,” Jungkook steals a glance at Jimin’s phone again, hoping to see your picture light up again. He does feel a little guilty pushing you off him and running away, but then again it was you that started being weird. 
How did you know him, and why were you so concerned for his well-being? Would he get fired if he asked Jimin about you? That would be the quickest job he ever got contracted for. Instead, Jungkook forces a smile and offers a neutral, “Well, I’m sure things will work out.” 
“Thanks, I hope so too.” 
Jungkook’s palms are sweaty, as if it’s a dark premonition that something will happen. With Jimin around supervising him, he has a feeling that if things don’t work out, things will happen regardless. 
Maybe he’ll understand why you were so concerned for a stranger’s well-being, and why you looked at him like that. 
Like someone in love. 
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teawiththegods · 3 years
Are we talking about personal representations of our gods??! 😃🥰 I have a big stuffed teddy bear for Hestia (that was my mom's and older brother's before he was mine), bubbles for Iris, and an octopus necklace and dolphin plush for Poseidon - I like plushies in particular because then it feels like I can give my deities a hug 🥺 I love seeing everyone's representations - it shows how unique we all are!!!
Awe I love your representations!!! Especially the one for Hestia! 🥺
Thanks to my recent move I found that my unconventional representations were perfect for easy transporting and also concealing now that I’m sharing space with my family again. Looks less odd having all these little plushies and figures (esp bc my dad has an entire collection of figures of the villains from his favorite movies and comics. Guess we now know where I get it from! 🤣) instead of Greek statues.
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@gingerreggg woop part 5
Heads Up- Part 5 (Joseph x Bust! Caesar)
"So I guess I'll be staying over tonight!" Suzi said, grinning from ear to ear.
"Fine with me!" Joseph agreed. "I'm very sure Caesar will appreciate the company. Don't you, Cae?" The clay bust, placed next to Joseph on the sofa, nodded in agreement. "Sure, why not."
"But first, get this stupid gear off me," Caesar whined, referring to the hat and bowtie collar Joseph had fitted on him, which he was helpless to remove.
"Why?" Suzi asked. "It looks quite pretty."
"Get it off me or I won't stop complaining," Caesar demanded sternly.
"Alright, Caesar, don't be a grumpy head," Joseph muttered, as he removed Caesar's accessories, placing them on a nearby chair.
That evening, Joseph decided, was movie night. He had a television in his living room which was mounted on a wall opposite of the sofa. Reclined on the plushy couch Joseph and Suzi chowed down on pepperoni pizza as they cheered and shouted heartily at their film of choice, which Caesar didn't understand-- it was a movie about some violet bald man with a weird glove, who somehow kills half the heroes.
Caesar rolled his eyes. "This is the dumbest shit I've ever seen," he complained. He tried to bounce away, but to his dismay, he found that the soft, pillowed surface of the couch didn't work well for his hopping means of transport. He pushed against the couch with his neck, but instead of moving forward, the couch just sprang up and down like a trampoline, leaving the frustrated bust with little forward progress.
He sprung up and down on the couch in vain, but got nowhere, only managing to tip himself over onto his side, landing sideways on his cheek. "Joseph!" he cried desperately. "Get me off this thing!"
Joseph snapped from his distraction of the movie to aid Caesar. "Hey, don't do that. You're made of clay and your face will deform." Joseph scolded, lifting Caesar upright again.
"Get me off this couch." Caesar insisted. "I don't like this movie."
"Alright, suit yourself," Joseph shrugged, lowering Caesar back onto the floor. Feeling his neck base touch the smooth, hard floor of the apartment again, Caesar was once again able to hop, and wasted no time bouncing away toward Joseph's room.
The rest of the night Joseph and Suzi binged film after film, while Caesar aimlessly bounced and thumped back and forth through the house, doing what would have been bored, nervous pacing, if he'd had legs.
"Can you keep it down?" Joseph called from the couch as Caesar noisily thumped along.
"Fine," Caesar complained, trying his best to reduce his jumps to smaller, quieter bounces.
It wasn't long before Joseph and Suzi fell fast asleep, splayed out on the sofa like limp noodles while the television droned on in their sleep. Caesar bounced around, bored out of his mind, but finally glad to have some alone time.
But as he hopped across the living room floor, a gleam of light caught his eye.
The door had been left slightly ajar, likely by Joseph when he ordered pizza. And for the first time, since his sudden, fateful awakening, Caesar glimpsed, through a sliver of the door, the world outside the apartment. Curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to investigate.
Trying to bounce as silently as he could to avoid waking the snoring artists, which was no easy feat given that his dense, heavy clay form slapped noisily on the wooden floor with each jump, Caesar slowly and carefully made his way toward the door. He tried to peek through the door, but he couldn't see much.
The front door wasn't very heavy, so Caesar tried to push it open for a better look. Bracing his neck against the floor, he quietly pushed the door open with his forehead, and with a few short hops forward the door swung outward, revealing the great outdoors to the little clay figure.
Caesar's eyes widened in amazement. For the first time, he glimpsed the neighborhood, where Joseph's apartment was. It was in a quaint little suburb, with chains of joined houses on either side of the street, and to a bodiless head laying on the floor, everything looked far, far bigger from his lowly perspective.
The night sky shone with a brilliant quarter moon, which hung high in the sky in late evening. There were no people around in the streets, only the bright street lamps and little gleams in windows, and Caesar decided to do a little exploring.
He hesitantly hopped forward onto the doorstep, which was made of smooth marble. Caesar paused to take in the new sensation of the cold, solid surface beneath his neck stump, which felt strange and new, unlike the hardwood floors of Joseph's house that he'd hopped on for the past few days. Caesar couldn't help a smile.
Slowly Caesar bounced forward into Joseph's front yard. The strange new sensations filled Caesar with excitement, outdoors for the first time since his creation. The feel of the ticklish welcome mat under his base. The cool wind that blowed against his painted skin. The smell of fresh-cut grass, the sound of crickets chirping and the faraway drone of cars, and the series of lights that illuminated the deserted nighttime town.
The outside was lovely.
Caesar continued to bounce forward, but winced painfully once he got onto the concrete steps leading to the sidewalk. It felt uncomfortably rough and gravelly against the skin of his neck base, irritating like walking barefoot on the pavement -- and probably worse, as his whole weight landed with each little jump onto the cement. Glancing around for softer ground for some relief, he spotted Joseph's grassy lawn, and made a beeline for it, sighing in relief once he began to feel the hard, abrading ground underneath him give way to soft, cool grass that rustled gently with each landing of his heavy, sculpted torso.
Joseph awoke on the couch, realizing he'd dozed off halfway through Fast and the Furious 2 and awoke three movies later. Suzi was still fast asleep, and Joseph decided not to rouse her.
"Hey Caesar?" he called out, realizing the sudden silence and the absence of his thumping hops. There was no response, and welling up with concern, Joseph stood up from the couch, searching for his artwork-slash-roommate.
His heart sank in horror when he saw the door wide open. "Shit!"
Panicking, Joseph rushed outdoors. He knew that Caesar, legless and armless as he was, couldn't have gotten very far, and looked about the vicinity frantically, his eyes darting left and right in search of his project--no, friend-- until, with a tremendous relief, he spotted the bust hopping about on his lawn. Thankful that there wasn't anyone around to see him, Joseph quickly rushed toward him, and before Caesar could have time to respond, he felt himself suddenly being grabbed from behind, lifted into the air, and carried back inside the apartment.
"CAESAR! What the hell were you thinking!?" Joseph angrily scolded. "You could have gotten hurt!"
"It was my first time outside, dammit!" Caesar angrily yelled back. "I was having a wonderful time and you just had to spoil it for me!"
"But what if someone saw you? What if someone stole you? What if you found yourself in danger? You have no legs to run away with, or arms to defend yourself! You can't hop fast enough to save your own life! You're just a helpless, bouncing ball of clay against the big, bad world!"
"AND HOW I WISH I WASN'T!" Caesar furiously screamed, in a voice far too powerful to have come from a small, foot-tall sculpture.
Joseph's demeanor suddenly softened, however, as he saw Caesar's face--contorted into a weeping grimace, his mouth warped in a frown and his eyes narrowed in grief and frustration. Though no tears could flow from his eyes, being made of clay and all, Joseph knew at once.
Caesar was crying.
"Hang on, Caesar," Joseph said sadly, as he locked the door behind with Caesar now safely inside. "I'll just go tell Suzi."
Joseph went back to the living room to awaken his fellow artist: leaving his sobbing sculpture sitting in the hall.
"And how I wish I wasn't," he said softly.
(Previous Chapter)
(Next Chapter)
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merryfortune · 3 years
Written for 100ships Challenge on Dreamwidth
Prompt #77 Plum
Ship: Rocksaltshipping | Kureha/Spectre
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS
Word Count: 2,143
Rating: G
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Tags: Fluff, Self Indulgen, Inspired by a Tweet
   “Are you enjoying your drink?” Spectre asked conversationally.
   “Yep.” Kureha chirped around her straw.
   The drink in question was a tropical iced tea with strawberry bursties as the bottom. It was sharply sweet, right to the core of her teeth, and that’s exactly how Kureha liked it. However it, in combination with the empty tote bag Spectre was carting around, was a horrible omen to Kureha. Her boba tea had been the only non-necessary treat that Spectre had bought for either of them and clearly he meant for impulse purchases, otherwise he wouldn’t have brought a bag.
   But Kureha, with a little bit of dread and unuttered complaint, supposed that’s the kind of guy Spectre was. He was very mission oriented and put his organisation above himself. Today’s mission was grocery shopping, as mundane as that sounded but since Spectre and the others could be at sea for weeks on end, grocery shopping was huge and important. So, even though Spectre was empty handed right now, he had already spent big at the restaurant they had visited earlier and before that, at the luxury grocery shop they went to where they bought in bulk and would have it delivered to the docks for the Lieutenants to unpack.
   And Kureha had been lucky enough to tag along since this was a somewhat rare opportunity for her and Spectre to hang out in real life. But what was the point of hanging out if they weren’t doing anything special? Kureha agaonised, maybe it was her fault for assuming it would be a date. Then again, they also had a fancy lunch together so maybe it was a date. This was too confusing, Kureha scolded herself. Besides, it's not like she wasn’t enjoying herself. She really was and that was probably the main thing but she wanted Spectre to enjoy himself too.
   They had a delicious lunch at a Thai restaurant that had excellent decor and a wide range of food. They ordered a plate of their favourites each yet somehow ended up sharing their meals and soft drinks anyway. It had been wonderful, even if Kureha got a runny nose afterwards and that was a little bit embarrassing but Spectre didn’t bring it up, thankfully - except to rib her that even how she blew her nose was cute. Then, once they had had their lunch, it was time to get to business and Spectre had a very long shopping list.
   He took her to a grocery shop inside of a mall with a celebrity level atmosphere. It was stocked with items and brands that Kureha had never heard of because they were so, so, so expensive and yet, he handpicked what he needed from them without so much as a blink at the price tag. Though, he did assure her that he and the other Knights had already budgeted to a tee so there was nothing to worry about. He was in and out rather swiftly, hardly looking at all the things that Kureha was certainly dawdling out and once he was done, he had his things whisked off and taken to be shipped off within the hour by truck.
   With the shopping done, they had begun to exit the mall where Kureha had gotten thirsty and she had a keen eye for spotting cute and quirky shops that sold even cuter and quirkier drinks. Spectre had been more than happy to pay for her boba tea, even though she offered and it was very sweet of him but did make Kureha feel a little guilty since, again, that one drink had been the only splurge Spectre had allowed himself and it wasn’t even for him.
   Now they were just sort of wandering along, making light conversation whilst Kureha finished her drink. They were sort of on the look out for a tram line or bus that would put them on a route where Spectre could drop off Kureha close to home and then continue back to the mariner but it was difficult since their homes were such polar opposites to another. Though, given that Kureha wasn’t quite ready to end this not quite and maybe it actually was a date-date, it was something of a blessing in disguise so they got to take in the sights of this precinct.
   There were all sorts of pretty and intriguing buildings, the paths were lovely and well kempt without a nary crack or dip. The road was fairly busy with cars, taxis, and buses but it was the sidewalks which were busier with people coming to and fro. It was almost overwhelming with all the interesting things to see and do but even so, Kureha kept her eyes peeled for something - anything - that might just serve to prolong the inevitable and then she saw it: a bookshop.
   Out of nowhere, to Spectre at least, Kureha grabbed his arm and tugged on it. He pulled back and twisted round to scold Kureha, a scowl on his face but Kureha was already prepared with the best puppy dog eyes she could plead with.
   “I want to check out that bookshop, please.” she begged.
   Spectre’s scowl softed, “That sounds fine.”
   “Yay.” Kureha smiled.
   Kureha pointed out the bookshop that she had spotted and Spectre escorted her there. Although, once inside the pristinely white doors, they sort of split off. Not that Kureha minded, that was sort of her plan. Spectre was a bookworm, albeit an incredibly fussy one, so maybe he would find something in here to read and even buy for himself whilst Kureha was mostly killing time. Mainly by trying to covertly stalk Spectre from the manga section whilst he investigated the language arts section a few rows of books over.
   She held her breath, whilst trying her best not to get distracted by the latest volumes of a few series of manga that she had been keeping up with, as Spectre pulled out various books… only to all but immediately put them back once he was done looking at their backs. It was a little bit disappointing. Kureha sighed and her eyes downcast to a shiny new volume of her favourite manga but if Spectre refused to buy things for himself, so would she so she scuttled in closer to Spectre again across the floor of the bookshelf.
   “See anything interesting?” Kureha asked.
   “I’m considering learning French or Spanish as a hobby but I’m not sure which would best extend my current literacy skills so I think I’ll do more research before branching out from bilingualism to multilingualism.” Spectre replied.
   “Fair enough.” Kureha murmured.
   “Are you ready to go?” Spectre asked. “You seem equally empty handed as me.”
   “I saw a few things but nah.” Kureha shrugged.
   “Understandable,” Spectre said, “well, would you like to keep going on our way home?”
   Kureha fidgetted, “Yeah, that’s fine.” she murmured.
   Spectre made an odd expression but it was only the briefest flicker, Kureha was lucky to have caught it. Regardless, they did move on and left the book shop, unsuccessful on all fronts. Maybe their date had just run its course in the most uneventful way possible.
   As they walked, Spectre checked his phone and noticed that they should be getting close to a good spot where it would be easy for them to find public transport to suit both their needs. At least according to the maps app that he was looking at, anyway so he had his fingers crossed that it ought to be somewhat helpful even if it wasn’t entirely accurate or true to life. Kureha smiled and agreed. At least she would have part of a bus trip left to spend with Spectre before woosh. 
   Back to video calls and texts as their only form of contact. It was nice, Kureha didn’t mean to complain, she did genuinely enjoy getting photographs of how Spectre’s plants were going and sending him back the homework she was struggling with but quality time was nicer. At the very least, Kureha wanted a memento of what little quality time they did get and a receipt from a Thai restaurant hardly counted.
   Then, once more, in a complete stroke of luck, Kureha’s eye was caught by something that she saw. Not the building - it was just a generic convenience store - but by what adorned it: gachapon machines. Her face split into a huge grin and once more, Kureha grabbed Spectre’s arm and tugged on it.
   “Yes?” Spectre said through gritted teeth at Kureha’s prompt.
   “I want to use the lucky dip machines. Please, please, please: look, this one has plushies for that virtual pet game I like.” Kureha begged, clutching Spectre’s arm desperately, and her hazelly-green eyes were sparkling so how on Earth was Spectre meant to resist all of that?
   The answer, of course, was that he couldn’t. Though, he did give a long suffering sigh, he did let Kureha pull him aside as she used the gachapon machine that she saw outside the convenience store that they had been passing by.
   “Would you like me to give you some loose change?” Spectre asked as he stood next to it, trying to look like a mature adult whilst his girlfriend was very much happy to enjoy her childish side.
   “No, I’m right, I’ve got it covered.” Kureha said as she dug out her wallet from her handbag. She put in more than enough coins for herself and for Spectre, too. If he refused to treat himself then Kureha was going to force whatever thing she got from it.
   She turned the crank a handful of times and heard the plastic balls rattle inside deep within the machine. Kureha smiled as she waited for the internal mechaninations to stop and then she opened up the flap. She grinned as she held onto both lucky dips that she had bought.
   “Here you go, you can have this one.” Kureha said as she forced Spectre to take one of them.
   Spectre made an unamused expression as he let Kureha put an orange-coloured plastic ball in his hand, “And what am I meant to do with this?”
   “Open it and let’s see.” Kureha replied and she demonstrated, as though Spectre didn’t already know how to open a gachapon.
   She struggled, a little bit, but eventually got the two halves of her purple plastic ball to split open. She squealed in joy as she unveiled her mystery toy. It had a keyring so she threaded her finger through it and swirled the toy itself off her finger. The little plushie that she had won took the form of a felt, anthropomorphic plum with American style cartoon features adorned with a stitched on ribbon bow.
   “This is Plum and she’s my favourite of the virtual fruit pets.” Kureha said.
   Somewhere in the back of Spectre’s mind, that did ring a bell. Kureha might have sent screenshots to him of her virtual pet habit and an animated cartoon plum may have been one of them. So, his expression of bemusement faded and turned to surrender. He opened up his gachapon too but Kureha was way more excited than him regarding it.
   “I got…” Spectre idly commentated and was mildly surprised by his lucky dip. “I got Plum, too.”
   “Wow, what’re the odds?” Kureha laughed.
   Spectre’s eyes flicked to the poster plastered to the inside of the gachapon machine that displayed which possible toy was possible to win, “Well, it looks like there are seven characters and we got two, so it was likely a one in fourteen chance assuming all the characters are present in equal measure inside the machine.” he said.
   “I didn’t mean it literally.” Kureha laughed even harder.
   Spectre smiled a small smile and began to inspect his plush Plum. He thought it was kind of ugly, to be honest, but if Kureha liked it then he could perhaps entertain some fondness for it. The felt was a bit too coarse for his liking.
   “I’ll be sure to look after this.” Spectre murmured.
   Kureha blinked and her heart fluttered, “Really?” she exclaimed softly.
   “Of course,” Spectre said, “it's a precious gift from my precious Kureha. I will treasure it.” He put his own finger through the keyring at the top of the small toy’s head and then put his hand on Kureha’s shoulder, the toy bumping between them. Spectre leaned in and kissed Kureha’s forehead. “I promise to treasure it.” His words brushed over Kureha’s skin like a flower’s petal.
   Kureha’s face went bright red upon being kissed, “I’ll treasure mine too.” she eked out in a tiny voice.
   “That goes without saying, my silly darling.” Spectre replied and he pulled back. “Come on, we’ve had a long date already, don’t you think? Aren’t you ready to go home yet?”
   “I’m ready now.” Kureha said, smiling huge and holding onto her little toy.
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