#but kakegurui brought it back for me!!!
heyiwrotesomethings · 10 months
hiii i came across your page a few months ago, and i really love the way you write these characters!
i was thinking, maybe a part 2 of “scholarships, mary saotome x she/her reader” where it basically goes into the plot of kakegurui twin and the beginning of the canon-verse?
i could imagine the reader and mary becoming friends, though a slight slow burn romance that forms along the way.
Scholarships Prt II
Mary Saotome x She/Her Reader
A/N: PrtI It’s finally done! You’d think revisiting five chapters of manga wouldn’t be that draining, but it took quite a bit of back and forth to get the important bits. Sorry for the wait, hope you enjoy : ) Word Count: 3,371
“What the hell is this?” Mary deadpanned, looking around the heavily crowded room.
From day one of getting into this school it felt like she slipped out of the frying pan and right into the fire. It took everything she had just to stay out of owing someone an insane amount of money. From gambling Kokoro, to joining the Literary Club, and now being mixed up in Student Council and Full Bloom Society affairs. It felt like they could never catch a break, and if they did, it certainly never lasted. Which was what brought them to where they were now, a speed dating, coupling party gamble.
“Coupling…?” Tsuzura placed a hand over her mouth.
“You got to be kidding me!” Yukimi gawked, “How can you go out with a guy you don’t even know?!”
“Right? Is it too late to back out?” (Y/n) asked, even though she already knew the answer.
“Of course we can’t back out.” Mary groaned. “What the hell did Aoi get us into?”
Mary put a hand to her heart, (Y/n) put a hand on her back to help steady her.
“Mikura? What are you doing here?” Mary asked.
“Looking for a boyfriend?” (Y/n) guessed.
“Ugh, no. Gross.” Mikura shuddered, “I’m here on school business. This is Juraku-sama’s event.”
“Of course it is,” (Y/n) sighed, “Can’t escape the council for a minute.”
“Anyway,” Mikura looked down at her clipboard, “there are only four of you, correct? I’ll have to introduce you to a fifth. It looks like Chitose would be an easy addition.”
“Hi, that would be me!”
The Literary Club peered around Mikura to the new addition to their group, a girl with a pin-straight bob. She looked friendly enough at least.
“I’ll leave you to get acquainted. The game will begin shortly.” Mikura took her leave and Chitose took the floor.
“Is this all your first time at this event?”
“Yeah, how does this work exactly?” Yukimi asked.
Chitose explained the premise excitedly. Basically, if they matched with a boy, they would have to pay out. If they didn’t match, the boys would have to pay out. Seemed simple enough.
“So, are you guys playing for love, or money?” Chitose asked excitedly.
“The money.” All four girls replied in near perfect unison, causing Chitose’s shoulders to slump.
“Fine…” she sighed, “Let’s get this over with.”
Chitose lead them to the group of boys they had been paired with for the game and the MC for the event a announced the start of the chat period.
Kuonji, Sera, Kochi, Musubi and Kibashira introduced themselves, soon giving the floor to the girls to do the same. Chitose really hammed up her introduction, so much so it was hard to tell if she was acting or not.
Mary decided to talk about running the Literary Club’s gambling den, a safe option, she figured.
“That’s gotta be tough,” Kibashiba acknowledged with a low whistle, “You must like quick-witted guys then, huh?”
“No, not really…”
“Oh, then what kind of guy do you like?”
“Um…” Mary was going to bullshit the boy, say something shallow, but she happened to notice (Y/n) move in her periphery, sifting her position a little, probably in an attempt to be a bit more comfortable during this awkward game. As her thoughts were drawn to (Y/n), her answer morphed.
“Maybe someone honest?” Her face warmed. Why did I tell him the truth?! She fretted internally as Musubi jumped in to ask Tsuzura questions, swooning over the girl’s ability to cook and sew.
“And what about you, (Y/n)-san?” Kochi piped in, “What do you like in a guy?”
Mary’s ears perked and she glanced at (Y/n) through her periphery.
“Well,” (Y/n) rubbed the back of her neck, “I guess I’d like someone who doesn’t leave the people that care about them behind. Someone loyal.”
Mary wasn’t completely aware of it, but her heart skipped a beat. A small, almost victorious-looking smile appeared on her face.
The chat session wrapped up soon after Yukimi’s introduction and the two groups parted ways momentarily for the group discussion period.
“So, about the rules…” Mary began once they were in their own little corner of the room, “A wager wasn’t mentioned, so how does that work exactly?”
“It was on the entry form, didn’t you read it?” Chitose asked.
“We got a separate invite.” Mary explained.
“Ah, well, it’s a million yen per bet.”
The group stiffened. A million yen?! For speed dating?! Aoi was throwing them out to the deep end with this gamble.
“We’ll have to use the dine out discount.” Yukimi said after doing a bit of quick mental math. “It’ll be just enough to cover the cost.”
“What if we just went straight for the sleepover?” Tsuzura asked much too casually.
“It’ll help us save money, right? And if we’re all in the same room, won’t that be super fun?” She gushed, “I haven’t had a sleepover since elementary school!”
“Are you for real right now?” Mary sighed, resting her face against her open palm.
“Oh my sweet summer child…” (Y/n) said sympathetically, not really wanting to burst Tsuzura’s bubble.
Yukimi couldn’t sit by and let the poor girl live in ignorance and whispered what the wager would really mean. (Y/n) and Mary watched in real time as Tsuzura’s face morph from cheerful to frazzled embarrassment in a matter of seconds.
“She really had no idea, huh?” Mary shook her head.
“Poor girl.” (Y/n) concurred.
“Anyway…” Mary cleared her throat, “I think it’ll be in our best interest to avoid making couples in order to make the most money we can. So that means we should all pick different guys to keep the matches down to a minimum. We can do a random draw to decide who “confesses” to who, but I think it’ll be best to make sure Tsuzura doesn’t get matched with Musubi.”
“Yeah, he definitely has a thing for her.” Yukimi chuckled awkwardly while (Y/n) was still trying to calm the girl down after the whole “sleepover” misunderstanding.
“Any other ideas?” Mary asked.
Chitose eagerly rose her hand, hoping to be paired with Kuonji and getting all blush and lovestruck just thinking about the prospect.
Mary shared a look with (Y/n) who shrugged her shoulders.
“Uh… yeah, sure.” Mary jolted the note down and then turned the paper around, showing how the “confessions” should work out. “Anyone got a problem with this set-up?”
“Nope.” The rest agreed.
As they began walking back to their table, Mary pinched the fabric of (Y/n)‘s jacket to keep her back.
“(Y/n),” she spoke in a low tone, “the two of us will switch confession targets.”
“Huh, why?”
“There is one flaw with this plan, that being spreading out like this could lead to trouble if there is a mole in our group.”
“A mole?” (Y/n) repeated in a harsh whisper. “You think someone could be working with the guys?”
“Then it would clearly be Chitose, wouldn’t it? Shouldn’t we let Tsuzura and Yuikimi-senpai in on the plan too?”
Mary shook her head, “I don’t trust Yuikimi-san yet and I don’t want to stress Tsuzura out.”
“I don’t think it’s necessary to exclude her. She can handle it.“ (Y/n) tried to dissuade.
“We can’t hesitate now. If we want to win, we have to consider every possibility.” Mary stuck to her guns, getting closer and resting a hand on the girl’s shoulder. “We’re going to come out on top, we’re going to be the winners! We’re going to show these rich bastards what for, right?” She gave her a confident smile that made (Y/n)’s heart speed up.
“Right!” (Y/n) nodded resolutely, matching Mary’s competitive smile.
“Then let’s win this so we can rub it in Aoi’s face.”
The duo rejoined their group and all circled their agreed upon targets on the submission forms, except for Mary and (Y/n) of course who switched their targets, making Mary’s target Kibashira and (Y/n)’s Sera. After everything was squared away, they all sat across the table from the boys, each offering up a dinning out bonus to meet the betting requirements. They each confessed to their targets and there was a bit of an upset when Yuikimi and Tsuzura heard that Mary and (Y/n) switched targets, but that was nothing compared to the upset that occurred when it was the boys’ turn to reciprocate or reject… that’s when things started to get messy.
One after the other, instead of falling through, the couplings were perfect matches. Though unfortunate, it was exactly what Mary had anticipated. What she hadn’t anticipated however, was for her and (Y/n)’s targets to match them as well.
“No…” (Y/n) sunk in her chair, joining Yuikimi and Tsuzura’s anxious expressions. “It’s impossible. Everyone?”
“Congratulations.” Mikura drawled, “Five couples have been formed.”
“Bullshit!” Mary stood, slamming her palms against the table, “This is all a fraud! We couldn’t have all coupled by chance! Even if one of us was tipping the guys off, (Y/n) and I switched to avoid just this scenario!” She yelled at Miruka. “You rigged it! Wouldn’t be the first time—“
“Is there a problem, Mary?”
Juraku Sachiko sidled up to the table, compelling Mary to grind her teeth together, eyes blazing with fury.
“Of course there is! You rigged this game!”
“Such baseless accusations.” Sachiko smirked. “We aren’t rigging anything. I can guarantee you that.”
“Do you really think I’d believe that!” Mary sneered.
In a second, Sachiko was looking over her with a devilish smile.
“Oh Mary, there is a far more simpler possibility, don’t you think? Surely you aren’t that incompetent?”
Another… possibility… Mary’s mind whirred with possibilities. The student council, Aoi and the Full Bloom Society… but then her eye caught (Y/n) helping Tsuzura dry her tears and her chest tightened.
No… was (Y/n) the traitor? Couldn’t be… they were fellow scholarship students united in their second class status to the high society high rollers, more than that, they were friends. They had triumphed and lost together time after time they always had each other’s backs. They had made plans to be winners, to be respected… but had those boys offered (Y/n) something better? Something so good that she would send Mary and the others floating down the river without blinking?
Her heart physically hurt, she had pegged (Y/n) as a honest person, someone to confide in. She was the only person she had trusted with this plan so logically… it had to be her. Mary clenched her fists. (Y/n) was the mole!
Meanwhile, (Y/n) was having her own similar crisis, believing that Mary had cut her own deal. Mary had left her behind… she wasn’t loyal at all! She could feel angry and disappointed tears stung at her own eyes, but she kept them at bay and continued tending to Tsuzura.
“Round two is fast approaching ladies, what will you do?” Sachiko smirked, tapping her chin. “You already blew the money Aoi gave you. If you don’t think of something quick, you’ll all be house pets.”
Mary paled. “But 2 million yen…” They didn’t have that kind of money just laying around… suddenly they were approached by someone in the crowd who introduced herself as Kurumi.
“I don’t mind spotting you all 200,000 yen, but as for the rest… if you bet on the sleepover that should cover it.” She smirked.
“That should work just fine.” Sachiko purred.
“Mary?” Tsuzura sniffled. “What should we do?”
(Y/n) looked a Mary with an impassive expression that further irked and pained Mary. Likewise, the hot fury Mary aimed (Y/n)’s way made her feel even more numb. Though divided, they shared the exact same thought.
Who were they supposed to believe in?
“Mary?” Tsuzura pulled Mary from her thoughts with a cautious calling of her name, “We’re doing round two, right? Applications are closing soon, so we should hurry.”
“I need a minute to think.” Mary murmured distantly.
“But we’re out of money, so we’ll have to join, right? I’ll sign us both up—“
“I told you to wait!” Mary yelled, causing Tsuzura to flinch.
“Hey, you can’t talk to her like that!” (Y/n) yelled back.
“As if you care about any of our feelings!” Mary hissed, striding closer to (Y/n) with a sneer, “how about you do me a favor and stop pretending that you’re on my side!”
“Oh, that’s really rich coming from you! You’re really going to keep up this charade until you believe it too? I hope your guilty conscious eats you alive!”
“Guys… what’s going on?” Tsuzura whimpered, not sure who to go to.
“I’m not joining the second round.” Mary coldly informed. “Don’t try to rely on me anymore.” She started to walk away, but (Y/n) called after her.
“That’s it? Now that we’re all in danger of being house pets, you’re going to walk away?” (Y/n) felt even more convinced of Mary’s betrayal now.
“I thought we were all going to be winners together.” Tsuzura said softly, clutching her hands to her chest.
“What will happen to our gambling room?” Yukimi added.
“Figure it out yourselves.”
“I can’t believe you!” (Y/n) spoke through gritted teeth.
“The Mary I know wouldn’t give up just because she thought a friend betrayed her.” Tsuzura sniffled. “You’re strong and dedicated and never give up. You always win in the end, so please, don’t give up!”
“Don’t waste your breath, Tsuzura.” (Y/n) wrapped an arm around her shoulders in an attempt to comfort her whilst glaring at Mary. “We can figure it out on our own. It’ll be easier without her betraying us.”
Something about the dead serious delivery and the pure disgust in (Y/n)’s eyes caused Mary to have an epiphany. Another possibility… she wasn’t committed to trusting them again just yet. As far as she was concerned, the only person she could trust was herself. That didn’t mean she couldn’t manipulate them to play the roles she needed them to play.
“Fine, I’ll play.”
“Mary!” Tsuzura looked relieved until Mary stared them down.
“I won’t lose just because one of you stabbed me in the back. I’ll teach you all a lesson you’ll never forget.”
“Right back at you!” (Y/n) shot back.
Mary ended up taking the lead of the group and left (Y/n) on the outs, though it didn’t seem she was letting anyone else in on everything she was planning either. As mad as (Y/n) was at Mary however, it still hurt when she lead the group away from her to discuss turn order and confession targets.
(Y/n) motioned Yuikimi and Tsuzura to join Mary and Chitose, assuring them that she’d be fine on her own. She trusted them to find a way to tell her if something went awry. She took a deep breath, and brainstormed her own course of action.
Before long, they were all seated at the table again, each offering up the sleepover option to cover their lost wagers. (Y/n) and Mary studiously ignored each other as the set up occurred, but when the last person was seated, Mary spoke up, leaning over so she could look at (Y/n) who sat on the other side of Tsuzura and Yukimi.
“Hey,” she said gruffly, “I just want to say, I don’t care what you do. Just know that we are going to be the winners, got it?”
(Y/n) wanted to say something snarky in return, but something about the way Mary’s inflection changed slightly when she said ‘we’ gave (Y/n) pause.
“Only one way to find out.” She grumbled. “Let’s get this over with.”
Chitose confessed first, matching with Sera. Then it was (Y/n)’s turn. Really it was a one in five shot that she picked wrong. She assumed Mary still wanted everyone to stick to one target to minimize matches. So if there was a mole, she shouldn’t have to worry about multiple guys targeting her.
“Here goes nothing,” she audibly exhaled, “I’ll confess to Musubi-san.”
The boys looked disappointed, but didn’t seem too heartbroken, like they expected it wouldn’t be likely that they would have a match with her, but then it was Yukimi’s turn and when she said she would be confessing to Kibashira, it caused an uproar as if they expected a different answer. Then Tsuzura upset the boy’s expectations even further by also confessing to Musubi. Then finally, it was Mary’s turn.
“Musubi-san,” she smirked, “you’re getting rather popular, huh? That makes me a little jealous because,” she presented her paper for all to see, “I picked you too.”
“There is only one successful coupling.” Miruka observed. “Congratulations, Sera-san and Inui-san.”
(Y/n) took a breath of relief and after a moment, Mary started snickering.
“You guys are so dumb, you know that?” She asked pointedly to the boys and Chitose. “I knew you were the mole, Inui-san. Once I took the time to actually think about it, it was the only thing that made sense.”
Sh got up from her seat and walked over to (Y/n), placing a hand on her shoulder.
“I should have realized right away. (Y/n) wouldn’t betray me like that and I owe her a big apology. I was being a narrow-minded idiot.”
“Mary…” (Y/n)’s hand moved to rest atop Mary’s, “I’m sorry too. You’ve never turned your back on us before, so why start now? We were both being dumb.”
“We were… but we managed to course correct and it’s thanks to these idiots,” she sweeps her hand over to the boys and Chitose still looking angry and shocked, “that we just made a damn fortune! Thanks sooo much!” She teased.
“Enough jeering.” Miruka sighed, “The second round has concluded. All arrangements of wagers will be dealt with promptly.”
Once everything was squared away, the four friends left the event hall, exhausted but satisfied that they had won out in the end.
“Hey guys…” Mary stopped walking, making the other three turn around, “I just wanted to apologize for how I acted today. I suspected you all in one way or another even though you guys have never given me a reason to doubt you in the past.” She bowed at the waist, “I’m really sorry.”
“Hey, it’s alright. I probably would have though the same thing.” Yukimi said.
“Mary!” Tsuzura hugged her, “I was so afraid! I thought you had given up on us!”
“It was pretty rough, but I think we’re a much stronger team now.” (Y/n) simpered.
“I promise I’ll never doubt you guys again.”
“Alright, give me some room, Tsuzura. I want in on this too.” (Y/n) worked her way into the hug, making Mary blush.
“Hey! What are you doing?”
“You never give out hugs. Have to take advantage when I can!” (Y/n) teased, hugging Mary tighter and enjoying every second of it. “Right, Tsuzura?”
“Mhm! Yukimi, come join!”
“Alright!” Yukimi joined in on the hug, making Mary more exasperated.
“Hey! You guys! Come on!” Mary flustered, “You guys?!”
The only sound was the clatter and clink of silverware.
Though they had won when it mattered most, they still owed the boys a dinner date. No one was particularly excited, but free food was free food to Mary and (Y/n).
“Alright, well, I’m full.” Mary stood once she finished her plate.
“Me too, thanks for the meal.” (Y/n) stood as well, followed shortly by Yukimi and Tsuzura.
Tired from the intense gamble the day before, it was pretty much a given that they would all go to their respective homes to rest and enjoy the rest of their weekend without any other obligations. (Y/n) and Mary waved goodbye to the others as their bus pulled away from the curb.
“Hey,” Mary spoke once the bus started rolling down the street, “want to see a movie or something?”
(Y/n) felt her heart flutter a bit. “Sounds fun. We should have asked Yukimi-senpai and Tsuzura if they wanted to come.”
“They can tag along another time. We don’t have to do everything together all the time.” She rolled her eyes and looked out the window. “So, what movie do you want to see?” She mumbled.
(Y/n) leaned her shoulder against Mary’s. “I don’t know,” she smiled, “we’ll have to see what’s playing when we get there.”
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snakedevour · 2 years
yumeko-relevant chapters are back in the fray so like. here’s my thoughts on kakegurui chapters 96, 96.5, and 97. A little bit of 95 but not much.
this is chock-full of spoilers as always
so, it was recently revealed that the ring yumeko wears on her thumb is one of a pair (her sister has the other) that were originally her parents’ engagement rings. it sounds like souko has their mother’s, so yumeko probably has their father’s unless the dialogue is misleading for some reason. not sure if the details matter that much, but it’s something we know.
i do of course have reason to be interested in what happened to yumeko’s sister, and while this mini arc does seem to be about her, there’s a lot of stuff here that infers some things about yumeko too.
a couple bullet points to be aware of:
- the jabami family business has been confirmed to be gambling. not so much “being gamblers”, although they’re naturally all familiar with it, but rather theirs is a family of bookmakers who open gambling dens and in the words of yumeko’s aunt, “runs the show”. this apparently allows the jabami house to steadily accrue wealth overtime, ergo the family credo of “sure and steady”
- rarely there’s a jabami daughter who deviates from the mold and gets especially involved in the actual act of gambling. it’s fair enough to infer that yumeko is one such case, and it’s confirmed that her mother was as well. souko displays the same aptitude for gambling as they do, but not the ludomania... unless the persona she fronts when playing isn’t actually a farce? idk
- for some reason it seems that all of these eccentric jabami women look exactly alike and have similar personalities. they’re “smart, good-natured, pretty, and all too willing to expose themselves to danger”. and in “being pretty” they all have the same face and pin-straight hair with a hime cut. we know that this isn’t a ~jabami standard~ because yumeko’s aunt looks like this:
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so there’s some context. now we can get into the meat :)
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first of all ... younger yumeko is so cute, bitches help me, but you can also tell that she’s a pretty normal kid. there’s a page earlier on in 96.5 where she asks what gambling even is, so even where gambling is the family business, she hasn’t... Partaken Of The Juice as of yet. 
HOWEVER... it’s pretty on-the-nose when it’s hinted that even at this age that she’s still a better player than her sister:
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as a sidenote, pretty interesting that the girls with the family name meaning snake eater are playing a game that’s like snakes and ladders but i digress.
anyway, it seems that yumeko has always had a natural aptitude for “playing games” of any sort. the concept of stakes and gambling obviously doesn’t come to her until later but the technical act of winning a game is just something she can do.
that also raises the question of if “being good at playing” is part of this whole eccentric jabami daughter thing. what was explicitly stated is that they’re huge risk-takers, and there’s a through-line that the three we know of are all exceptional gamblers. i’m getting the read that one lends itself to the other but i do wonder if you can be one of these girls and suck at playing 🤔
it’s not entirely clear on first read and is sort of something you have to infer, but this pages actually answer a couple questions that were brought up in the past.
mystery one: the timeline
back in chapter 79, we got this revelation dropped on us by terano:
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i wrote a deep dive on chapter 79 when it first dropped, and in it i originally surmised that the idea that “kirari has something to do with yumeko’s sister” was a red herring. as of chapter 97 however i admit that i’m eating my words because... process of elimination suggests that’s exactly what it means.
unless i’m severely misreading something, or kawamoto is retconning himself (which i doubt), the order of events is something like this:
yumeko’s parents die -> [after 5-6 years] souko begins attending hyakkaou and searches for answers about her parents -> ??? -> souko is hospitalized
something we never knew before that made the timeline impossible to sort out, was when yumeko’s parents died. these chapters have confirmed that they were “rubbed out” (see: assassinated) when souko was 10 years old. yumeko is 6 years old in these chapters, and souko is a first year at hyakkaou, making her a solid 9 or 10 years older than yumeko. kirari is only a grade ahead of yumeko... so unless she put a hit out as a baby, it’s pretty impossible for her to have anything to do with the deaths of the jabami parents.
unless another revelation drops, the timing doesn’t allow for anything except for terano’s comment to be about souko. kirari is either yumeko’s age or a year older, so she’s either 6 or 7 at this point in the manga. and while yumeko is out of the loop, thanks especially to chapter 76, we know that kirari was already in her heinous era as a child:
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it’s also worth noting that kirari/ririka do state that their grandmother already gave them the “head of the family” title to do whatever they want with, which calls this line from kaibura from chapter 97 into question a little:
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but then there’s this line from kiraririka, also from chapter 76: 
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i’m putting on my tinfoil hat a little bit here, but i don’t think it’s farfetched to say it’s possible that the events that will probably be shown in chapter 98 might occur concurrently with the flashback shown in 76. in 76 we already saw that the kids were only hanging out because the adults had some sort of business with each other; that could be the same gathering kaibura is talking about. way back in chapter 34 terano uses verbiage like “you haven’t changed”, which suggests they don’t actually meet up often, so the opportunities for ~big gatherings where a ton of grown ups are~ are (probably) scarce.
admittedly i dunno what’s going on with the “family head” business, but we know that there are family members who aren’t super stoked about kirari so... anything’s possible.
that, or i’m just wrong. but anyway!
mystery two: yumeko’s motivations
this actually hasn’t been answered by anything, but we have more material to infer things from. we still don’t have the full picture, far from it i’d wager even, but it feels like the light shining on it’s gotten a little brighter so we can at least see a bit more.
the fact of the matter is that yumeko has no recollection of her parents. as a child she’s happy to be connected to them by those rings, but ultimately a memento is not a replacement for experience. i still think yumeko has it out for kirari (playfully, i might add. even when she dismantled the housepet system she doesn’t seem to be doing it out of revenge), but it’s unlikely that it’s about retribution for her parents. or if it is, it’s secondary. 
yumeko’s transfer to hyakkaou is either entirely unrelated (narratively unlikely but wouldn’t be surprising consider it’s her), or has more to do with souko. and even then i don’t think it has much to do with retribution -- we’ve already seen yumeko respond with confusion when asked if she hates kirari. like the answer is no.
my tentative call is that yumeko saw what happened to souko and wanted in on the fun. it’s already been established that these deviant jabami girls are predisposed to putting themselves in danger, so it tracks. but, i do think that yumeko is at least interested, considering she said as much about her parents: 
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that said, she didn’t seem to react very strongly to the news that somebody put a hit out on her parents. it could be that it’s because she was 6 and didn’t have much concept of mortality anyway, or maybe she’s just always been like this. could be both, who knows. 
mystery three: the state of house jabami
uh, so nobody could’ve known for sure that yumeko had a bonus aunt thrown in there for good measure. the assumption until now has been that it was just yumeko and her sister after they lost their parents, and then yumeko was on her own following souko’s institutionalization. 
but let’s connect a couple dots.
dot one: based on this page from chapter 96, we know this is a picture of souko and yumeko being seen off to school by their aunt:
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we know that this is the jabami house because the sign says it is. we also know from earlier dialogue that their aunt is the acting head of the jabami family. 
at the time of souko’s activity, she and yumeko lived with their aunt.
dot two: way back in chapter 10, sayaka had this to say about yumeko after doing a background check:
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“yumeko jabami currently lives alone”
“...her only other family is her sister”
so, unless kawamoto forgot about this, sometime between the flashbacks of chapters 96+ and the time of the main plot, something happened to yumeko’s aunt as well. 
could it have been a consequence of the snooping souko and kaibura are about to do? could souko’s search for answers about her parents have caused her aunt to end up collateral and that is what broke her? or did kawamoto write in an aunt after forgetting the premise he already set? mysterious
i also now feel inclined to think that yumeko earns the funds to pay for souko’s hospitalization by gambling, since as of her parents’ death the family fortune’s not what it used to be. i think i once theorized that she didn’t get heavy into gambling until getting into hyakkaou, but that doesn’t really track now the way it did at the time. 
so anyway... that’s the latest installment of the kkg deep dive. i was thinking about waiting until the arc was finished, but considering this manga updates monthly that could take upwards of another year, so... 😒
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pommegranatte · 6 years
I really thought anime was dead...but then Kakegurui....wow.....!
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twst-bs · 3 years
I read your works and immediately fall in love. Can you make an dorm leader witness their s/o gamble (like they didn't know their s/o is a king/queen of gamble similar to kakegurui?). If you comfortable with this request...
Thank you~
Ah, thank you so much! I'm glad you like my writing.
The reason I took so long writing this is because I actually decided to watch Kakegurui out of curiosity and got really sucked into it, haha!
I hope this was worth the wait!
Riddle: Card playing wasn’t an unusual occurrence in the Heartslabyul lounge. On any given night, students would gather around in groups and play anything from Old Maid to blackjack.
What was unusual was for Riddle to see the Ramshackle Prefect amongst them.
Well, maybe he shouldn’t have been so shocked. Between their friendship with Ace and Deuce, and their own relationship, they were basically a member of Heartslabyul anyway. Maybe it was more of the fact that they felt welcome enough to simply waltz into the dorm and make themself at home.
“Oh, hey, Riddle!” they smiled when they saw him. “Do you want to play too?”
“Dorm Leader Roseheart doesn’t usually join,” Deuce chimed in, peering down at his hand of cards. Riddle cleared his throat, causing all three of them to look up.
“He’s right, typically I stay out of the games and watch for rule-breakers. However,” he felt his face get warm, and he had to look away from the three sets of curious eyes fixed on him. “I wouldn’t mind sitting in and watching, if you’ll have me.”
“Of course!” the Prefect scooted over on the floor, completely ignoring the slightly stricken looks that Ace and Deuce were giving them. Riddle, trying to maintain some amount of grace despite his face being as red as a rose, carefully sat himself between Ace and the Prefect.
“What are you playing?”
“Poker!” they replied cheerfully as the game resumed. “I’m not so sure about my skills, though.”
“Whatever,” Ace shrugged. “Poker’s more the luck of the draw anyway. Deuce, are you gonna call or just keep trying to stare holes through your cards?”
“Shut up, Ace,” Deuce shot back. “I’ll call.”
Deuce placed two gold coins in the middle, and Riddle raised an eyebrow. “You know there’s rules against betting money -”
“They’re chocolate, Dorm Head, it’s legal.” Ace laughed. “Do you think we’re stupid enough to blatantly break the rules in front of you?”
“Do you really want me to answer that?”
“Not particularly.”
“Alright, we good?” the Prefect asked. “I want to eat my chocolate.”
Deuce was the first to show his hand. “Three of a kind.”
Ace went next. “Two pairs. What do you have, Prefect?”
With a grin, they laid down their cards. “Straight flush.”
“You jerk!” Ace laughed. “You were playing us the whole time, weren’t you?”
“That’s part of the fun, isn’t it?” they stuck their tongue out at him, gathering the small mountain of chocolate coins. “Pleasure doing business with you, boys.”
“Man, you wiped the floor with us,” Deuce sighed. “You’re way too good at hiding your reactions.”
“Or you’re just really bad at reading them.” Ace smirked.
“Hey, Riddle,” the Prefect leaned over while the other two continued bickering. “Look who showed up to help me win.”
With a grin, they held up a card between their index and middle finger. The Queen of Hearts.
Riddle laughed softly. “The Queen treats her favorite subjects well.”
Leona: “Come on, Ruggie!”
“No way! I saw it first, it’s not my fault you’re slow!”
“You almost tripped me to get to it first, you little -”
Leona growled, cutting through the two’s argument. “Quit yelling or I’m eating the damn sandwich.” he didn’t even lift his head from where he had pillowed it on his arms. The lion really could sleep anywhere, even the lunch table.
“Okay, fine, here,” the Prefect dug around in their pocket. “We’ll flip a coin for it. Heads, you get the sandwich, tails, I get the sandwich.”
“Fine, fine, whatever.” Despite his words, Ruggie was grinning. “Flip it.”
The coin they pulled out made a satisfying
noise as they flicked it into the air. They caught it, slapping it down on the back of their hand. “Ready?”
“Quit with the dramatics, I’m hungry!”
They stuck their tongue out at him, lifting their hand. “Tails! It’s my sandwich!”
“Damn it!” Ruggie snarled, but there was no real malice behind it. “Fine, I hope it’s rotten.” he got up to go get himself something else to eat.
As Ruggie stomped off, Leona turned his head to lazily raise an eyebrow at his mate. “Never really took you for a risk taker, herbivore.”
“How can I be dating a literal predator and not like a little risk?”
“Fair point.” Leona yawned. “You’re still going to give him some of that sandwich, aren’t you.”
“Yeah,” they were already ripping the thing in half. “He did actually get there before me, I just got lucky that his little tripping plot launched me closer to the front.”
Leona clicked his tongue. "So this was your idea of revenge?"
"Just keeping things interesting!"
Azul: No one was surprised when the mermaid mafia decided to run a gambling den.
Well, it wasn't a true gambling den, because it wasn't real money being wagered. Azul, always profit-minded, sold tokens to students that could be exchanged for specialty items at Mostro Lounge. That one night a week brought in considerable revenue for them.
"Hey, Azu~l!"
Said octopus looked up from the papers he was looking over in his office. "What is it, Floyd?"
"You'll never guess who is here tonight." Floyd grinned, showing all of his teeth. "Go on, guess!"
"I haven't the faintest-"
"It's Shrimpy!" Floyd laughed. "Shrimpy game to gamble tonight!"
Azul blinked, trying to figure out if Floyd was messing with him or not. "They actually came?"
Of course, he had invited his partner multiple times, but usually they were so bogged down with homework and other people's problems that they couldn't make it.
Floyd nodded. "They look like they're having fun! You should come out of your hidey-hole and come see!"
Floyd slammed the door shut without waiting for a reply. With a slightly irritated sigh, Azul straightened the papers and shoved them into a drawer. He wasn't fond of sharing his time with his partner with other people, but both of them were so busy that he had to take what he could get.
There was an unusually large crowd gathered around one of the tables - he could even see the twins towering over everybody, watching the game in progress.
"My, what have we here?" He made his way to the twins' side, attempting to get a glimpse of the action.
"Our dear Prefect is putting on quite the show," Jade chuckled lightly. "Perhaps we should have them come in more often."
"Oh, you actually came out!" Floyd exclaimed before turning around, cupping his hands around his mouth. "Hey, Shrimpy! Azul's here!"
They startled slightly at Floyd’s sudden volume, but when their eyes landed on Azul, they smiled. They sent him a wave with the hand that wasn’t holding the dice, and he tried not to look too shy as he waved back. Sometimes just seeing them was enough to get his heart rate up, but he had an image to uphold.
The Prefect tossed the dice, and they clattered against the wood of the table. The crowd surrounding them seemed to hold its collective breath as they waited for the Octavinelle student acting as the rule enforcer looked over.the two sets of dice.
“Ten-nine, to the Ramshackle Prefect!”
The crowd erupted into cheers. Azul joined in before he could stop himself, and Jade smirked at him knowingly.
“You’re allowed to be happy for your partner, Azul.”
“Shut up.”
Speak of the devil. The Prefect made their way through the crowd, positively beaming as they held onto their bag of tokens.
“Well, it seems you’ve been busy.” he commented as they came to a stop at his side.
“Guess luck is on my side today!” they laughed, wrapping their arms around his neck in a hug.
No matter how many times they did it, it still caught Azul off guard, and he still had to fight down a nervous laugh as they let go.
“I was saving these tokens for two slices of the special blueberry cake.” they grinned, jingling the bag so the coins clinked together.
“Why two?”
“So we could both have some!”
“You know you could have just asked and I would have saved some for us for later,” Azul raised an eyebrow. “You do get some perks for being the manager’s partner.”
“Yeah,” they shrugged, already turning towards the price counter. “But it’ll taste so much sweeter since I got it by wiping the floor with those cocky Savanaclaw bastards.”
Kalim: “What’s that game over there?”
The Prefect followed to where Kalim was pointing. “Looks like roulette.”
There was a fair going on near NRC, and the students had been given permission to go as long as they were back in their dorms by curfew. Kalim, practically vibrating with excitement, had begged them to come with him and Jamil. It was the three of them for a while, until Ace and Floyd found Jamil and basically dragged him over to the hoops game. The Prefect promised they would keep Kalim safe.
“What’s roulette?” Kalim was staring at the big wheel like it was hypnotizing him.
“It’s a betting game,” they explained. “You pick a color and a number, and the caller spins the wheel. If it lands on your guess, you win the money.”
“That sounds like fun!” Kalim grinned, before he seemed to remember something. “Ah, but I’m not allowed to gamble. It’s not a good look for House Asim.”
“Well that’s kind of boring.”
“Well,” the Prefect hummed. “How about we play our own version. We each pick a color, and whoever’s color gets picked wins! Loser pays for ice cream.”
“Alright, you’re on!” he laughed. “You pick first.”
“Okay, I’ll go with black.”
Kalim nodded. “That means I’m red, right?”
The wheel began to spin, and the two of them watched over the heads of the actual participants. Both of them stood on their tip toes as the wheel began to slow.
“Hey, it stopped on red!” Kalim cheered, pumping his fist in the air. “That means I won!”
“Yup! Congrats!” the Prefect laughed as the two of them kept walking. “Looks like I’m paying for ice cream.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that, I’ll pay.” Kalim said dismissively.
“Huh? But I lost.”
“I had fun!” he beamed. ”So let me thank you!”
Vil: “Do I even want to know?”
The Ramshackle Prefect was always getting up to some sort of shenanigans, but they weren’t usually so bold about it. This time, however, they were proudly striding out of the Pomfiore lounge with a zip-loc bag of mismatched eyeshadow pots and tubes of lipstick.
“We were playing cards.” they smiled up at Vil, who simply raised a well-groomed eyebrow.
“That doesn’t explain your goodie bag there.”
“Well, we couldn’t gamble with actual money,” they shrugged. “So Epel suggested apple chips, but then we ate all of those, so we decided to bet makeup instead. Epel let me have some of the stuff you gave him so I could play, and, wow, did I luck out!”
They opened up the bag and pulled out some name-brand purple eyeshadow. “I could never afford this stuff, honestly! Maybe you should have a talk with your dorm members about not betting things they aren’t willing to lose.”
“They have to learn their lesson somehow,” Vil sighed. “Be careful, potato, gambling can lead to some ugly habits.”
“I don’t do it often, I promise!” they smiled. “It’s mainly for fun!”
“And humiliating my dorm members.”
“Like I said, fun!”
Idia: “Which one, which one, which one…”
The Ramshackle Prefect had been watching Idia agonize over this decision for the better part of twenty minutes. It was starting to get a little old.
“You really are invested in this one, aren’t you?”
Idia didn’t bother turning to face them. “I HAVE to get this card, it's a limited edition UR+ with a swimsuit costume. This is my last shot, I’m out of gems after this.”
“Isn’t it a random chance though?” they asked, kicking their feet idly from where they sat on Idia’s bed. “How are you going to be able to tell which loot box it’s in?”
“Nerd sense.”
“Then why didn’t you use nerd sense for the past nine pulls?”
Idia groaned softly, staring intensely at the screen. “Which one?”
“Oh for-” the Prefect hopped off of the bed and leaned against Idia’s back to be able to reach the mouse. “I’m picking for you.”
“W-Wait, don’t-”
They clicked on the middle loot box before Idia could protest too much. The box rumbled around, building suspense, and Idia almost started crying.
Then, suddenly, with a bright flash and a triumphant fanfare, the card was revealed.
“...Are you a god?”
With a sparkling animation surrounding it, the coveted UR+ card blazed across the screen. The colors danced across Idia’s shocked face, making his pale face look rainbow.
“Nerd sense.” they laughed, pecking him on the cheek.
“You joke, but I think you do actually have some sort of psychic powers.”
Malleus: “It takes bravery to play a game of chance with a fae, you know.”
There was a warning in his words, but the sparkle in Malleus’ eyes told the Prefect that he was actually looking forward to the human’s antics.
“I trust you.” the human grinned. “If you wanted to steal my soul or whatever, you would have done it by now.”
“Such confidence,” Malleus chuckled. “Alright, Child of Man, what game shall we play?”
“A guessing game!” they held their hands behind their back as the two of them walked down the cobblestone path that led into the graveyard surrounding Ramshackle. “Just guess which hand the coin is in. You’ll get a prize if you win.”
“Oh? What am I playing for?”
“You’ll have to win to find out!”
Malleus was beginning to wonder if the Ramshackle Prefect wasn’t part fae. “And if I lose?”
“Then I get the prize!” they laughed, deftly avoiding a protruding tree route. The two of them had made these nighttime walks a routine, to the point where they knew all of the potential dangers. “Come on, guess! You have a fifty-fifty shot.”
“Very well. Hm...left.”
“Ding ding ding!” the human held out their left hand, revealing the coin resting in the palm of their hand. “You get the prize!”
Slipping the coin back into their pocket, then grabbed onto Malleus’ sleeve and tugged him downwards. He complied, and was rewarded with a press of soft lips against his own.
“It was a kiss.” they laughed.
“Indeed it was.” he smiled. “Shall I give you a consolation prize?”
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killee · 4 years
Hey could I request a scenario with yumeko & kirari trying to get wirh the reader. Like flirting n stuff. Maybe a hint of nsfw I’m glad u write for kakegurui cuz no one does ahah ❤️☺️
sorry about this being late but better late than never, am I right? no but really I enjoyed writing this one so I hope this fits what you had in mind. <3
⌦ pairing: kirari x reader , yumeko x reader
⌦ fandom: kakegurui
⌦ word count: 1.1K (1102)
⌦ warning: slight nsfw — kissing & brief sexual activities (occasions / past mentions) , aged-up characters 
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⌯ You rushed out the council room breathing unevenly and dazed. Kirari had called upon you to give you your life plan, you were in a tremendous amount of debt and you weren’t able to pay it back on time. You knew it would come down to this but you didn’t expect that to just happen.
⌯ You had walked in and only saw Kirari, not even the vice president or her assistant was with her but you stupidly didn’t think anything of it. As you walked closer, she stood up and held out the most black booklet with your name on the front. You grabbed it then turn a little to walk out but she stopped you by gently grabbing your shoulder.
⌯ Confused by her action, you completely faced her and furrowed your eyebrows. “Open it here.” She said while removing her hand from your shoulder. You tilted your head but complied with her order. You opened the book up and began reading it, everything was okay.. until you got to the marriage part.
⌯ Kirari noticed your facial expression dramatically changed and smiled. “Read it out loud .” You shockingly looked at the smiling woman and gulped before clearing your throat. “Ninteen years old: begins relationship will Momobami Kirari.” You huffed and continued to read, “Twenty years old: Marry Kirari.” You quickly closed the book and fearlessly stepped towards her, staring her down.
⌯ “This has to be a joke. I’m not marrying you or even getting in a relationship with you.” Kirari laughed and wrapped her arm around your waist. You didn’t react since you were so pissed at her, how could she do this to you? “Darling, don’t be mad at me. We can finally be together, we won’t have to hide our.. interactions anymore.”
⌯ You started breathing heavy as your mind went to the moments you two shared in recent time, you and Kirari were what you liked to call it ‘help me buddies’. Whenever you were pent up, you would go to her for release and whenever she wanted you she would call upon you. “I like being free.. I don’t want to be tied down especially with you.” You tried to unwrap her arm from around your waist but you ended up sprewled out on the table.
⌯ Kirari was in between your legs with her hands now on the sides of you. “Darling, you and I both know that’s not true. You love the way I make you feel.. when I use my fingers to make-” you covered your face as you felt blood rushing into it, you shook your head, trying to block out what she was saying.
⌯ Kirari laughed and belt down next to your ear. “Do you not like hearing about the dirty things you like me to do to you? You like it when I’m doing them so maybe I should do it now.” Your breathing hitched as you felt her hand slide up your thigh, right before she could go any further, someone had knocked on the door.
⌯ You took the chance to push her off and grab your book as you quickly walked to the door. You ripped the door open and pushed past whoever knocked, not really catching a glimpse of the identity of the person. Now you were trying to find Yumeko and the others to tell them about your life plan.
⌯ When you finally found them, you quickly told them you needed to get a lot of money as soon as possible. Yumeko immediately began overjoyed and agreed to help you then Mary agreed to help. Ryoto declined but it was fine anyways, you already had two great gamblers with you. You all decided what the game plan was and went your separate ways. Since Yumeko and you were going to the same area than Mary, you two got to walk together and talk a bit more.
⌯ Recently, you two had been getting flirty with each other and you started to feel something growing between you and her. “I really appreciate you helping me, Yumeko.” You smiled at her as you saw her blushing in embarrassment. “No no it’s fine, I’m more than happy to help.” She walked with her hands in front of her and fiddled with them, you had an idea and carefully grabbed her hand and brought her to a secluded area, away from everyone’s attention.
⌯ She looked confused and asked you what you were planning on doing. You didn’t answer her and walked deeper in the area, when you knew no one could see you both, you quickly kissed her cheek and smiled. “Thank you for helping me, it very means so much.” Yumeko was a pinkish-red shade and her eyes were hooded. She leaned in and kissed your lips, you were surprised but quickly closed your eyes and pushed further into the kiss.
⌯ You placed your hands on her hips then pressed them against you, dropping your book to do so. You were the first to pull away from the kiss but instead began kissing her jawline and her neck. You were very cautious at first but seeing as she made no effort to stop you, you began to relax and continued your actions. You could feel her skin heating up under your lips and heard her soft gasps.
⌯ You almost forget what you had to do ‘til your foot accidentally kissed the booklet. You pulled away from the heated kiss and looked down at it, quickly cursing at yourself and bending down to pick it up. You slyly looked up at Yumeko, who was breathing hard and had her legs clenched together. You mischievously grinned and trailed your finger up her leg as you stood up, she squirmed at your touch.
 ⌯ When you stood up straight you dropped your finger and pretended like nothing happened. “Yume~ we should go gamble, I don’t have a lot of time and I need a lot of money.” You turned away and began walking back into the main hallway, you didn’t hear steps behind you so you stopped and looked back at her.
⌯ She was fixing her clothing and her hair, but she also looked very disappointed. You smirked and turned your head back as you began walking. “If you win a lot of money, we’ll continue on with our previous activities.” You could feel her brighten up and quickly walk to your side, before you reached the hallway, you patted her head. “Do your best.” You told her as you removed your hand and stepped into the hallway, walking in the direction of the gambling area.
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otherwurld · 3 years
alriiiight !! let’s get this fucking going. i’ve been trying to get back into astral travel, since my last one brought me to the first experience I had in a Kakegurui reality!
It was a little different than how I scripted and visualised it and just overall what I expected – one sentence tied me to a specific situation before I went through the door-portal in my bedroom (after a few false awakenings and a focused intention, one that I screamed at my door once I realised I was astral projecting..) “where is Yumeko?”
I’d been learning Japanese for not too long, definitely not long enough to remember phrases, since I had only been studying hiragana & katakana – the OC I’d shifted into, I found myself asking a nearby student “doko desu ka Yumeko?” I had apparently the ability to speak Japanese & English. There seemed to be another consciousness alongside my own in that body. When I woke up after an odd hour of having shifted, I FREAKED TF OUT after I googled the translation and realised it meant what I’d said “where is Yumeko?” hooly fuck that shook me, but, duh, not sufficient evidence to know if I could recall and learn more complicated phrases without knowing them in THIS reality - as I intended. I tell myself, perhaps this translation was stored in my subconscious somehow – I always keep a skeptic in mind when exploring reality shifting & astral travel!
Also I’m ironically naming myself ‘kakegurui-guru’ since I am no way a master of shifting, which is what this blogs all about ^-^ I’ve (to my standards, through reality checking & trying to will the world as if it were a controllable lucid dream..) definitely shifted twice. There were two other possible shifts, but no reality checks involved. I’ve astral projected a good few times, likely all non-intentional and have been lucid dreaming every now and then since I was a kid.
Feel free to msg me if you wanna discuss reality shifting to Kakegurui, have any questions, or just to talk about Kakegurui. I’m all ears ^~^ !
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honeybeeadventures · 4 years
ALICE  IN BORDERLAND || a honeybeeadventures review
FULL DISCLOSURE: This review may be a little bit biased and that's gonna have to be okay this time because boy, do I LOVE this show.
If you're a fan of foreign tv shows and you haven't heard of Alice in Wonderland by now, then you may be living under a rock. This show, which premiered during the holiday season of the treacherous year known as 2020, is Netflix's most popular live-action adaptation to date. Yes, that's right, adaptation. That is because Alice in Borderland is based on the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Haro Aso.
This time, I will try to hold back all of my spoilers since this show is full of twists and turns and honestly, deserves a blank first impression going into it. I want to make sure that everyone who watches this show because of my review gets to experience it fully without my recapping the events haha. I will try to summarize without ruining anything, though.
Alice In Borderland is a Netflix Japan Original Adaptation of the manga that bears its namesake by Haro Aso which originally ran from April 2011 to April 2016. The show premiered on Netflix on December 10, 2020, and just 14 days later, a second season was confirmed by Netflix.
The show follows Arisu Ryohei and his friends after they witness fireworks in the middle of the day and are dropped into another world where most of the people in Shibuya are gone and the only way to survive is to risk their lives playing games that extend their visas and their right to live in that world. Every game is treacherous and usually ends with a loss of life, though some games do have finite solutions that can save players and preserve their well-being. Along the way, Arisu ( a name which is the Japanese way of pronouncing Alice, by the way ) meets a cast of characters that will seem fairly familiar to you if you've ever seen, read, or really have ever even heard of Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol or any of its adaptations.
I typically talk about diversity when I review shows, however, as this is a Japanese show, it's not really fair or easy to judge them on that metric because of course, everyone in the show is Japanese ( as they should be since the manga is set in Tokyo ). However, I will say that in the show, there is a character who says that everyone is free to sleep with whoever they want, no matter what gender and there is also a character that is a part of the Alphabet Mafia ( LGBTQIA+ ... I should make a glossary for this blog lol ). While only one ( confirmed ) members of the Alphabet Mafia isn't a lot, it is based on a manga, and considering the manga is written/illustrated by a Japanese man who was in his 30s at the time, I'm gonna chalk that up as the progressiveness of Haro Aso while still wanting to keep his audience.
Now, down to what you really came here for. I'll list the scores below before we get into why I gave them these scores.
Originality of Content: 8/10
Production Quality: 9/10
Resolution: 6/10
Acting/Cast Members: 10/10
Ability to Keep Interest: 10/10
Provocation: 8/10
Obviously, this show did really well by my standards, and here's the breakdown so you can see why.
Originality of Content: 8/10
If we're being honest here, Alice in Borderland definitely isn't the first manga/anime based on the premise of playing a game to survive or get somewhere in the world ( see: Kakegurui, No Game: No Life, .hack//, Gamble Fish, etc. or Rengoku Dead Role which is actually...very similar to AIB ). However, despite this, it still feels like there's some strong originality brought to this concept. Combining the Japanese love for games and a classical western story gives Alice In Borderland just what it needs to easily become a fan favorite. As someone who really favors game-based anime and manga ( because I really favor game design ), I think that the way that Alice In Borderland is a refreshing nod to the genre.
There's a couple of reasons for this but I'll boil it down to just two. The first is that it's not predictable. The issue with a lot of the game-based animes that I'm familiar with is that they are fairly predictable since most games work the same way, but with Alice In Borderland that is different. The rules to each game that is played seem so simple that they seem deceptive but they also seem complex in the way that a riddle is simple yet complex. Every answer that first comes to your mind is probably going to be wrong and you need to think about it more deeply than that. Sometimes, when the rules of the game were being explained, I found myself wanting to pause to see if I could figure out the solution of the game, too, as I watched Arisu think of it, as well.
The second reason is that Alice In Borderland keeps things fresh with its cast of characters. Rather than some characters being evil because that's 'just the way they are', Alice In Borderland really speaks to the effect of the pressure that is put on young people to succeed and how that can end up in them being more mentally lost than they were, to begin with. It also highlights struggles with gender identity, self-worth, complex family relationships, and living up to one's potential. It does this in such a way that even when a character is downright evil, such as Niragi ( IYKYK), there is almost a feeling of pity for them. This isn't because you sympathize with their actions but more so because it isn't difficult to see how the pressure of life turned them into this monster that you are now watching there. I also enjoyed the fact that there wasn't as much dramatic irony in this show as in many others. While dramatic irony is never a necessarily bad thing, it was nice to genuinely be surprised when a character did something instead of knowing that someone was plotting behind someone else's back.
Production Quality: 9/10
This is a statistic that comes with an asterisk of context and that context is that before this, I had been watching Uchu Sentai Kyuranger and if you know what the production quality of that is like then you understand how it may have influenced this show's score a bit. Even without the comparison fallacy of the two, though, AIB scores high in production quality for one reason more than any other to me. For a show with a lot of blood and death, I wasn't unwilling to believe that these people had actually died. Yes, I'm sure that no actors were harmed in the making of this series, however, if I was a little more naive, I might've doubted that a bit. After all, Live Action adaptations are definitely not known for their believability. I will give AIB the benefit of the doubt in saying that this concept wasn't that difficult to pull off since most of the injuries were similar to what you'd expect on your typical action movie set ( compared to...you know...something involving sci-fi or fantasy) but even in the scenes where people get their necks blown off by explosive collars, it looked like they were nearly decapitated...the way that you would expect if someone's neck was blown off by an explosive collar. All in all, if you want to believe it, you will. It's definitely not a hard stretch.
Resolution: 6/10
Okay, okay, so if you've read the manga or have even glanced at the r/AliceInBorderlandLive subreddit then you know this is kind of an unfair score since...well, they're not done. There's more to the story and the eight episodes that we've seen thus far are only about a third of what AIB has to offer since the manga has two sequels, one of which will be finished on Feb. 18 of this year. However, I will see that statement and raise it with "What if it hadn't been such a great success?" I'm all for ending on cliffhangers to force the network or in this case, Netflix to continue your show but since the first season of AIB covers so much of the storyline, it almost feels wrong to end it short the way that it did. I did like how they had the big reveal of the villain at the end and the way they showed what was coming next but it did feel a little anti-climactic when I realized I was on the last episode since it seemed more like a mid-season break type end instead of a season finale. Since there is a sequel to AIB, I wasn't feeling too discouraged but it's definitely something to think about when watching. If you don't plan on reading the manga, you might be left content starving and questioning until sometime near the end of 2021.
Acting/Cast Members: 10/10
If I was just scoring this show on acting, then it would've gotten an all-kill because each and every single actor in this show from the side characters like Nijiro Murakami and Dori Sakurada to Kento Yamazaki who plays Arisu himself is beyond talented and amazing. It is important to remember that all of the characters in this show had a life before they were transported to the Borderland and in this twisted world, something about the changes that make them different than before so in a way, these actors are responsible for not only playing the characters but also the characters past selves before this growth period in which they change into something either completely opposite or completely different than who they were before.
Somehow, this cast manages to take characters that are already so established ( in the manga ) and become them to the point that looking at them within the role and looking at them outside of the role, it almost seems as if they are really two completely different people. As I said before, some of the characters in Alice In Borderland have a correlation to characters from Alice in Wonderland and have their own unique backgrounds on top of that. This gives to the depth of the characters and makes them dynamic but on top of that, it makes them complex, and yet, these actors seem to have the act of embodying these characters down so well that it astonishes me to see them in other roles and know that it's the same person.
I'll be breaking down my three favorite performances to give you a bit of insight on the reason why this show's cast is well-worth looking into.
Dori Sakurada as Niragi Suguru
So let's be honest here, as much as we all like to pretend that we're immune to someone being attractive just because they also prove to be an awful person, but if we're being honest with ourselves, we're not and I am most certainly no exception to that rule. Dori Sakurada is a handsome man whose good looks are only matched in quality by his amazing acting skills. If you're familiar with his work then you know exactly what I'm talking about and if you're not, then I'd recommend watching 3B no Koibito ( Available with English subs on Youtube ) or Scum's Wish ( Available on Rakuten Viki )  to get an idea of how varied this man's acting skills are. In AIB, he plays a character that is somewhat villainous and can almost be classified as your stereotypical movie sociopath. Yet, still, there's something intriguing beyond just his good looks. Dori Sakurada's performance breaths new air into the lungs of the character of Niragi by not only becoming the villain but also, by picking up the mannerisms and master gestures associated with the character that make him such a memorable part of the story. I haven't seen Dori's full Filmography but the character I have seen outside of AIB are a complete left turn from this character which makes me think that the casting director at Netflix Japan needs a raise for having chosen someone who looks so sweet to be such a villain.  
Nijiro Murakami as Chishiya Shuntaro
When it comes to characters that become scene-stealers, Chishiya Shuntaro is definitely one of them. This character is so powerful that I, even, named my cat after him. That is a fact of which I am not ashamed. From the second episode of the show, when we are first introduced to him, he becomes an integral part of the framework of the game he is involved in and it is obvious that we will see him again. That being said, there is no way to word Murakami's performance besides 'integral' as my friend put it, "I literally could not imagine anyone else playing this character." As Chishiya, Murakami takes on such a life and ease in the character that it's almost difficult to believe that the sly facial expressions paired with his nonchalant air are not in his nature and are, in fact, something that he donned for the role. I look forward to seeing not only more of Murakami as this character but exploring more of his filmography in general.
Aya Asahina as Hikari Kuina
Kuina as a character is someone that the protagonist does not meet until a few episodes into the show but when it comes to backstories and characters with rich personalities, she shines compared to a lot of other characters I have seen like her. I won't spoil her backstory for you since she's definitely someone who represents something that's a little bit rarer in stories from more reserved cultures but she definitely deserved a mention in this category due to her amazing acting skills and her flawless stunt scenes.
Ability to Keep Interest: 10/10 || Provocation: 8/10
While the rest of my stats got their own individual evaluation, these are going to be combined and the reason for this is because they have the same reasons for their scores. As I mentioned before, Alice In Borderland takes a new spin on the 'play games to live' genre that is so common amongst anime and manga and for that reason, it was able to keep my interest so much so I finished watching it over the course of two days. It was also a deeply thought-provoking situation because the nature of the games and the backgrounds of the characters forced me to think up my own games and my own ideas of where the characters whose backstories are not explained could've come from. That being said, a lot of the thoughts that the show provoked did end up becoming depressing, especially after reading the manga because I discovered that some games could not have had a better outcome due to their simple rules and that made me very sad because even if I am not attached to or fond of a character, I still do not enjoy their downfall.
Overall, I enjoyed Alice In Borderland enough to have rewatched it one and a half times since I first watched it a few weeks ago. As someone who rarely goes back to shows that involve plot twists and suspense because I already know what's going to happen, that really says a lot for not just the storyline but also the acting and amazing intricacies that are in the show. I still feel like each time I watch it, I glean some new detail or fact that I hadn't thought of before and I come to understand the games a bit more with each passing scene or episode. I also feel that the more I rewatch the show, the more I sympathize with even the villains and come to value and understand their motivations and roles. 8.5 out of 10. I WOULD RECCOMMEND.
Thanks for reading!!
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untitled-writer-013 · 4 years
Let’s Get Our Gambling Freak On!
Yumeko Jabami x Fem!Gambler!Reader
note: i have been hit by my ADHD and insomnia, so..expect more posts to come out real soon! and don’t be afraid to request from me, trust me i need it.
warning(s): kakegurui is a very..unique anime, so beware of the nature of this oneshot (could become multiple parts if requested enough <3). yumeko being her normal yandere self, and midari being slightly suicidal. key: (Y/n) = Your Name, (L/n) = Last Name
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(Y/n) (L/n) walked down the halls of the infamous gambling school of Japan, Hyakkaou Private Academy. She remembered when she had first heard of the school, and she foolishly had told her parents that she wanted to attend the academy. Her oblivious self thought that going to an academy where the main focus was gambling would be an easy school to attend, but she didn’t know the hell she was walking into. She was taught every single card game to gamble with, from Texas Hold ‘Em all the way into a game as childish as Old Maid. Her family informed her that the students at that school could be very creative when it came to gambling, so they made sure she perfected every single technique in each game, her fingers red and sore from her ‘training’.
(Y/n) sighed softly to herself, looking at the student that she had beat in a gamble a few days ago. Once a prideful bully, now reduced to nothing but a house pet, something treated as something less than dirt in the prestigious academy. (Y/n) eventually stepped outside, sitting on a bench under a blooming cherry blossom tree as she looked into the fountain in front of her, smiling softly. She thought about a girl who had recently transferred to the academy at least a month ago, she believed her name was Yumeko..Jabami. Yumeko Jabami, the girl who was ruining the student council’s fish tank, filled with prey and predators, with one crack at a time, it was only a matter of time until the tank’s protective glass shattered.
(Y/n) let out another sigh, dipping her pointer finger into the water, spinning around some petals that were floating across the water’s surface. It was only when she began to hear some commotion in the school that she decided to return back inside, drying off her finger before heading inside, making her way down the stairs as she grew closer to the noise. She knocked on the school’s basement door, watching as the well known member of the student council, Midari Ikishima, practically thrust it open. Midari licked her teeth, making shivers go down (Y/n)’s spine as Midari grabbed her wrist, pulling her in and slamming the door back shut. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt having an extra player, after all that only increases the chance of someone dying!~” Midari exclaimed, cupping her own face as a blush spread across her cheeks as she let out a squeal of excitement.
“Who is this, Midari?” Yumeko asked, looking over to (Y/n) who was currently blushing, surprised from the attention she was receiving from everyone in the room. “My name is (Y-Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n). It’s nice t-to meet you.” (Y/n) answered Yumeko’s question, causing her to receive a grin from Yumeko and a wide smirk from Midari. “Now then, I think it’s time we get to our little game.~” Midari slightly slurred, giggling as she looked at the three guns divided with you, Yumeko, and Midari.
~timeskip brought to you by Midari needing therapy~
(Y/n) let out a breath that she didn’t realize she was holding, watching as Yumeko lowered the empty gun from Midari’s head, and she swore she could hear Midari’s heart break, even more than it already was. She watched as Midari began to throw one of her temper tantrums, and was slightly startled by Yumeko turning towards her. “(Y/n) (L/n), right? I’m Yumeko Jabami, it was so much fun playing with you!~” Yumeko stated, taking (Y/n)’s hands into her own as she smiled, (Y/n) returning the gesture as a soft smile spread across her lips. “It was fun playing with you too Yumeko, I’m glad to have finally personally met you.” (Y/n) stated, even if she had been trained for this kind of dangerous gambling, she was still grateful to have not died. “Come with me, (Y/n)! I want to introduce you to some of my friends! And, let’s grab some lunch together!” Yumeko stated, her tone filled with excitement while Midari held her hand out towards the both of you, telling you both to come back and pull the trigger on the fully loaded gun against her skull.
(Y/n) walked with Yumeko, who introduced her to Mary Saotome and Ryota Suzui, who (Y/n) recognized as the boy who had been turned into a house pet by Mary, only for Yumeko to give him enough money to get him out of his debt. As the friend group ate in the food area, (Y/n) couldn’t help but watch a gambling match that was going on at one of the many gambling tables, and couldn’t help but sigh as she saw how one of the players casually cheated, the other player too stressed about winning to notice. “Did you notice it too, (Y/n)?” Yumeko asked, whispering lightly in her ear as (Y/n) slightly jumped, looking back towards Yumeko. “If you mean the player cheating..yes. I did notice that, I just didn’t think you would too.” (Y/n) stated, her voice less shaky as she began to calm back down from being startled. “Of course you noticed! You’re too..unique not to.” Yumeko stated, making you slightly nod as you bit into the school lunch you bought, deciding to focus on something else other than gambling for once.
As Ryota and Mary left to attend their own classes, Yumeko and (Y/n) walked around the gambling lounge. At the academy, you are allowed to not attend class as long as you were either in the gambling areas, had good enough grades to not worry about getting a bad grade, or an actual excuse from a teacher. Luckily, you two had all three, so you had no reason to worry about being counted as absent or get a detention. Yumeko smiled, taking a hold of (Y/n)’s hand and lead her to an empty upstairs gambling table, sitting down at one end while (Y/n) sat down at the other end. “Let’s gamble (Y/n)! But, I want something other than money.” Yumeko stated, resting her head on top of her hands as she looked over at (Y/n), who was twiddling with her thumbs nervously.
“What do you suggest?” (Y/n) asked, her voice filled with slight fear. She may be as good as Yumeko, but there were some limitations that Yumeko would happily cross, including life and death. “Well, if I lose..I have to give you a kiss. But if you lose..you’ll have to become my girlfriend!” Yumeko stated, smiling as (Y/n) felt her eyes widen, looking up at the ravenette in front of her, who was twirling a part of her long hair with her finger. “B-But..what if I don’t want you to kiss me?” (Y/n) asked, trying her best to calm down as she rested her hands into her lap, looking directly at Yumeko. “Well, you’ll just have to win!” Yumeko stated, smiling as she set down a unopened deck of cards, the box read ‘Old Maid’.
author’s note: ooh, should i make a part two? tell me what you thought, and have a lovely day/evening! <3      
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oikaw-ugh · 4 years
hELLO DARLING since you shipped me with akaashi the other day im suddenly feeling really soft for him now LOL so can i req a fluffy scenario with him? could be a date, cooking or just cuddling idk but i trust your writing so 😌😌 ty darling muah
Hello, Soph, this took a while HAHAHAHAHHA. BUT WORRY NOT, I'M HERE.
This might get crazy so here we go!
Soph and Akaashi baking cake! (Soph x Akaashi)
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a/n: I actually searched for a recipe but I hate it when there's no visual presentations so I went to YouTube and got sidetracked and before I knew it, I was jamming to Gurenge :))) 💓
Also, I'm sorry if I switch from first person pronouns to second person pronouns. I'm so messy 🤧
Pairing: Soph & Akaashi
You're definitely the one with the upperhand here! You know the basics of baking and so, Akaashi seeks for your help in baking a cake.
So! You tell him to buy these, bring that, and you'd be more than willing to let him borrow your oven and other equipment!
Even your love
Akaashi: *that small smile with his brows slightly raised* Thank you, Soph :)
Your heart: 🤧🥺💓🥰
So, Akaashi goes to your place the next day with this huge ass eco bag.
Soph: Akaashi? What's inside that?
Akaashi: The ingredients you asked me to bring.
And then you faint because Akaashi literally brought a pack of salt when you'd only need a pinch of it.
Soph: Akaashi, we only need two sticks of butter.
Akaashi: I had to make sure. We might need more when it comes down to it. *Placing a dozen sticks on your table*
Okay, we can't blame Akaashi. He has spent his three years of youth deciphering Bokuto's random switches on court. Of course, he learned the habit to become prepared at all times.
Okay! So the ingredients are neatly placed, and now you tell Akaashi to wash the bowls, can opener, spoon and whatever (I'm sorry I don't bake, I'm not sure with what you use).
Soph, I feel like you have the tendency to be silent when it feels awkward. So what happens when you leave her with a naturally silent bean?
It becomes awkward. Duh, Leia.
Well, for a while. Not until Soph slaps the mosquito on Akaashi's cheeks.
Take note: Your hands have flour on them.
Akaashi: 👁️👄👁️
Soph: Ah-I'm sorry. There's a mosquito and I-
Akaashi slapped you back but lightly.
Soph: 👁️👄👁️
Akaashi: Now we're even.
That was actually his poor attempt on making the atmosphere lighter. Isn't he cute?
ANYWAY! You're currently mixing the sugar and butter together while you tell Akaashi to crack the eggs.
Soph while holding the mixer: Akaashi, the eggs-
You see him cracking an egg on the spot and you also saw how small pieces of eggshell went to the eggs as well.
Akaashi: I'm sorry. Let me do it again.
He breaks another and the same thing happens.
Akaashi: I'm sorry. This will be the last. I'll do it right this time.
It happens again
You on his 4th attempt: ;))))
Soph: Akaashi, we can just get rid of the shells using fork :))))
So precious ✨✨✨
So! You switched places. You mix the wet ingredients while Akaashi mixed the dry ingredients.
You both took this opportunity to talk about each other. At first they were light conversations. Like, Akaashi sharing his experience with Bokuto or Soph sharing stories about her part time job.
No one knew it'd turn into deep conversation about life, unknown, and death.
Akaashi, dramatically staring at the tray as he smear butter on it: It just fascinates me how capable we are and yet, there are things we can never achieve
Soph, holding the batter: Same. Like, I used to want to become a fairy or a mermaid but I can never be one.
Akaashi, looking at you: :)))))
Anyways! After placing the batter into the oven, you both went to your living room.
My instinct tells me you either watch documentaries or anime series!
You're definitely introducing Akaashi to different vids and Akaashi's just there staring at you as you passionately explained why Kakegurui and Attack on Titan is a child-friendly anime.
Soph: Attack on Titan is about family and trust.
Akaashi, listening intently: *nods*
He'd just let you press the videos that catches your attention, really. He doesn't care of what videos you two are watching as long as you like it.
But when you start pressing on Crocodile vs. Praying Mantis, I'm sorry Akaashi had to stop you.
If you both get bored with watching videos, I feel like you switch to playing board games like Monopoly or something.
Soph landing on Akaashi's lot: 👁️o👁️
Akaashi: Pay the $795 rent.
Soph: Akaashi, I believe we can settle this in a different manner.
Akaashi just looks at you as you 'sneakily' hand him a couple of your 5 dollar bills.
When you both get tired of playing board games, I think you go back to talking again.
Honestly, just jumping from one activity to another.
But when the cake is done, you can see how Akaashi expresses his excitement.
His eyes are wide and although he isn't speaking, you can see how he's biting his lips as he look at you take the cake from the oven.
The two of you: Wow.
You frost the cake (assuming you've made the frosting) and Akaashi just stares at you like a child.
You'd get so conscious you couldn't help but point it out: "Akaashi? Is something wrong?"
Akaashi would just shake his head while giving a soft smile, "Don't mind me. I just like looking at you. Go on."
Heart? Throbbing. Hotel? Trivago.
Finding the cake plain, you suggested you should put food decorations like flowers or starts or something using gumpaste/fondant.
Akaashi: You can make those edible flowers? 🥺
The genuine shock? My heart is crack!
I don't know how to end this but the end game is, you both wrap the cake and stay at the living room for a while as you ate snacks, probably listening to a song you introduced him or watching YT vids again.
And when it starts to get dark, Akaashi bids his goodbye formally. Like, bowing in front of you even though it's not necessary.
Or slightly informally. As he went near you to give you a peck on the cheek as he ruffled your hair before leaving.
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
ahhhh!! good evening my darling~!! it's nice to be back 💘✨🌹 as always i hope you are well my dear, and thank you all for being so kind and understanding!! (as much as i hate missing days, my days don't end as brightly if i can't check in 😅) (1/9?)
"i appreciate it so much, it means a lot to me,, i'm absolutely thrilled to know that i'm able to brighten your days up, to the point of them being dull when i'm absent, amore that means the world to me! it's my main goal after all 💖 i should probably address that previous situation that quinn brought up, no? she's a saint for notifying you all about this, since the last thing i want is to appear as though i disappear suddenly 😖 (2/9)
but about 15 minutes later, she showed up in a car with one of my other friends in the back! she ushered me in as my other friend climbed out,, he punched one of them actually?? next thing i knew we were speeding off!! i'm still in shock about the whole affair since we don't even have our driver's learning permits yet,, it was something out of a movie, i swear!! (4/9)
ah, it was such a scary experience, and i sadly fell ill the next day,, it was miserable, but luckily the sickness has past and i feel good! 💫 i must say, everyone's asks helped get me through the night of the the incident and my sick day, it kept me entertained and smiling, that's for sure!! and, morgy dear, your writings?? they helped cheer me up a lot!! ❤ (5/9)
speaking of writing, i am in awe of that vegas au writing,, oh mio dio... it amazes me how talented you all are!! i loved everything about it, especially the intense part where you won the roulette game morgy! ahhh, and it seems that anon really did do their research!! (6/9)
it's actually a dream of mine to visit the Bellagio! maybe you can even come with me caro~ 😘 in all seriousness, thank you all so much for all of your creative efforts, it shocks me that people truly want to spend their time creating such amazing things related to us!! 🌺 (7/9)
and to the anon who said i remind them of the girl from ipanema,, you have no idea how happy i was to hear that!! it's one of my all time favorite songs! i actually learned it when i was little, because my dad would actually sing it to me every now and then,, it truly does bring back good memories!! 💕 today wasn't as interesting as the other two, all i did was bake some tarts and play a little bit of minecraft,, (8/9)
i put on gloves to nake sure i didn't get my scent on it, so the mother can find him easier!! the cutest part was that he nuzzled my hand before i set him down,, che bello~!! 🌻 oh mie stelle,, it is quite late for me now! i can't wait to check in tomorrow 💞 until then, goodnight love!! rest well for me! - lots and lots of love, your waifu xoxo 💌💋 ps: honestly, i like to think that you are my lucky charm morgy,, after all you do manage to make my daily life sweeter! 💗 (9/9)"
Im glad to see ur better and that u have returned darling 👁️👀 what happened really does sound like it came straight outta an action movie (still surprised at how intense and unpredictable ur life is compared to mine lol) and trust me i would have finna punched that fucker who messed w u if i were there iS thIs gUy bOtHerIng u qUeEn-
On another note i myself adored that gambling au thing and as i said it gave me major kakegurui vibes and i love it djdjs also can we talk abt that killer one liner "dont come to work tomorrow" like i hate how i'd acc say smth as cryptical as that🤡🤡🤡 anons really do b having overwhelming amounts of talent and dedication n g l
And even if ur day was kinda dull (thats the daily grind for me tbh🗿) dw bc just v i b i n g is enough sometimes yknow? I too didn't do much last day and just marathoned haykiuu again after trying to bake some cringe ass fail cookies dhxhxh i hated how i didnt really do anything productive but nowadays im trying to find balance between fandoms since jojo isnt the only thing i gave a shot at writing for👁️
ANywAYs i have some wacky luck dear i wouldnt say im a lucky charm, quite the opposite acc ehdjdj but say...what if we went to las vegas then got our gambling freak on together haha jk unless🤔🤔🤔😳😳😳😳
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snakedevour · 4 years
thoughts on and spoilers for Kakegurui 79 ahead. this will... be long lmao. there are also overarching narrative spoilers here so scroll on by if you haven’t read yet and want to learn firsthand about what’s going on.
Chapter 79 brought about a major reveal regarding Yumeko’s immediate family ( being House Jabami ) and where she stands in relation to the main branch ( House Momobami ). 
Somehow I’m not surprised that Terano knows what’s going on, with her being the one who blatantly asks Yumeko if she hates Kirari for what she does and what she’s done.
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some additional context: terano asks yumeko if she hates kirari, to which yumeko responds as if she doesn’t know what terano is talking about ( “hate...? hate what?” ), but we see something in yumeko’s expression here that tells me that she’s perfectly privy.
anyway, the big reveal of 79 -- that I’m sure a lot of people already suspected, or at least wondered about -- is that Kirari is directly responsible for the current state of House Jabami. BUT!! BUT !!  House Jabami’s circumstances are split into two major points, which actually makes Terano’s statement kind of vague:
1. Yumeko’s parents are dead 2. Yumeko’s older sister is hospitalized
We have to remember that in the context of this family, “kill” can be either literal or metaphorical -- it’s a very cutthroat environment where only the strong have the right to live as humans. In the Momobami Conglomerate, you you can be “killed” by means of losing your claim to humanity even if you don’t literally lose your life. 
In conjunction with the aforementioned points, that means that Terano’s assertion can mean one of two things: 
Either Kirari has something to do with the death of Yumeko’s parents ( the Momobami family is confirmed to be a matriarchy, so her mother would have been the “proper” branch head ), which would make this statement something to be taken very literally.
Or two: Kirari has something to do with the state of Yumeko’s sister ( who would have had to stand-in in her mother’s absence ), in which it takes on the more colloquial interpretation. Personally, at this time, I think this idea is a red herring. 
We have to remember this exchange between Manyuda and Yumeko back in chapter 46, in which Yumeko flashbacks to her sister:
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With what we know for now, “Yumeko had something to do with her sister’s fall” and “Kirari had something to do with Yumeko’s sister’s fall” aren’t two statements that can be true at the same time.
“but vivi, what if they’re both involved and there’s some sort of collusion going on??” -- I considered that, but then that were the case it’d make this exchange between the two of them in chapter 29 make significantly less sense:
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also, Yumeko is a transfer student. She wasn’t always attending Hyakkaou; she arrived during her second year. As per chekhov’s gun, there’s no way that she “coincidentally” transferred to a school controlled by the person who allegedly ruined her branch of the family and so emphatically declare her desire to win her “aquarium” from her if they were super secret partners. 
another fun fact is that there’s clearly an underlying, second conversation going between Yumeko and Kirari in the above panels ( #2 particularly ). Yumeko is the invasive species introduced to Kirari’s aquarium, the snake in her garden of eden:
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the read i’m getting on this is that, between the lines, Kirari is definitely making it known exactly how she perceives Yumeko, and I’d wager that Yumeko response affirms that she’s going to continue devouring its contents until she’s taken all of it. and of course, she’s having fun with it.
Kirari and Yumeko are not blatantly hostile towards each other, but I do think they stand on opposite sides of some sort of line and they’ve passively challenged each other multiple times throughout the narrative. 
That aside, I believe House Jabami itself is still operational, and is still considered “part of the family” -- I’m basing that assumption on the fact that Yumeko clearly still has her family’s fortune backing her to such a degree that she can pay her sister’s hospital bills out of pocket. Whatever Kirari did didn’t necessarily deprecate Yumeko’s entire house.
but I digress.
Back to what’s going on in 79, we see a couple other things that directly parallel or at least cycle back to other things we’ve seen in earlier chapters that clue us in a bit as to how members of this family interact with one-another:
 Chapter 34:
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Compared to Chapter 79:
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There’s a recurring theme of colloquial death here. Between the assertion that Kirari “killed Jabami” ( which Jabami? we just don’t know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ), and Terano’s orders to the other branch heirs to “devour” Yumeko if she got in the way ( on top of the fact they say they’ll fight amongst themselves after deposing Kirai ) and her inward declaration to kill her Yumeko herself, I think we get a pretty good idea of how things operate amongst the Momobamis. 
Terano seems to see some aspects of Kirari in Yumeko, which I think is true of the audience too. Kirari and Yumeko are both difficult to read, and their enigmatic personalities compound with the fact that both are them are seemingly just out for a good time. It makes both of them unpredictable wild cards, both of whom can raise the antes in their games high enough to cause the ruination of the ones who lose against them. 
The nuance between the two is very different though, I think. Kirari derives entertainment from watching others thrash around and try to survive the aquarium. Yumeko is not content just watching, and needs to be involved herself. There’s also the fact that they’re essentially colorswaps of each other, which imo has to be a deliberate parallel that highlights their superficial similarities. 
That’s neither here nor there though.
Personally I think Yumeko and Kirari are both up to something, and I get the impression there’s a lot of overlap in their end goals even if they’re not actively working together. In fact, based on chapter 27 I think they both have an idea of what the other wants --
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littlemisskookie · 5 years
Loveless: Chapter 5
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Loveless: Index Ship: Reader | OT7 Description: Spy/Men in Black!AU | You worked at an institution that dealt with aliens- aliens that were the fictional creatures we were told were from fairy tales. The job entailed love only for it, and nothing else. That’d all change when a mission goes wrong. Warnings: Smut!! Finally!, Sub/Dom Themes, Choking, Hair Pulling, Rough Sex, Oral, Fingering, Spanking, Pussy Spanking, Slapping, Dirty Talk, Sir!Kink, Degrading Names, Intercourse, Comedy Word Count: 5,652
"Dang, now I wish that I was the one who waited in the car."
"Taehyung did, too, you idiot. You don't see him getting laid, now do you?"
"Guys I'm right here."
You opened your eyes, blinking as you tried to get used to the light. You were faintly aware of the body you were pressed against you, your form hugging Namjoon's, who was still in a deep sleep, soft snores escaping his parted lips. Surrounding your bed were six men.
Your vision cleared, seeing a few of them scruffed up, with bandages or wounds, but nevertheless alive.
"Oh my god!" you exclaimed, jumping from Namjoon's side to hug the men, wrapping your arms around each as you cradled their faces and examined their wounds, a rush of relief and happiness filling you. "I'm so glad you're ok! I was so worried and I tried to convince Agent B and V to go back because I didn't want to abandon you and I didn't know if you were alive and I- fuck, I'm just really relieved."
You wrapped your arms tightly around Jungkook at that moment, turning back to examine his face. "How's the leg?" you question, your thumb brushing over his busted lip. It wasn't much, just a bit of a cut, and he's had worse, but you couldn't help but fret.
Jungkook simply chuckled. "Good as new. Jin snuck me into one of the medical centers and got it taken care of."
You should've figured. Bullets were nothing for someone as brilliant as Jin, and you had no doubt he'd be able to fix all the scrapes and cuts you eight had gotten once you settle in. 
Namjoon coughed from behind you, seemingly awake from when you had gotten up. "Er, Y/N, I'm sorry to tell you this but I think you ought to get back into the covers."
"What?" You look down, realizing you're still in the panties and shirt you had slept in the night before. You hadn't thought of it last night, simply grabbing clothes that were prepared in the drawers, and you didn't even think of it when you went to Namjoon's room or talked to Taehyung, seeing as it was dark and everyone was too tired to realize.
You dive back under the covers, your face red, slowly realizing what the conversation earlier was about. "Uh, that wasn't what it looked like. Nothing happened last night."
"Sure about that? I know Agent B here can be quite the perv when he feels like it," Hoseok comments, hitting Namjoon lightly on the shoulder.
Namjoon scowls, red-faced as well. "Uh-huh, sure. Seriously, she just couldn't sleep last night, so-"
"You kept her occupied?" Jimin snickered.
"Helped tire her out?" Jungkook joined in.
"No, trust me, nothing happened. I know from my mission with Agent B in Columbia that he doesn't exactly know how to keep quiet," Taehyung assures everyone.
"As if you were any better in Australia!"
"Look, I had a crush on Ariel when I was younger. What else was I supposed to do when I was face to face with a mermaid? Not fulfill my fifth-grade fantasies?"
"You jacked off to The Little Mermaid when you were ten?" Yoongi questioned.
"Actually now that I think about it, it was Ursala. But I didn't come across any squid ladies in Australia," Taehyung corrected himself. "And no, I didn't jack off to a Disney movie!"
"And all this time I thought Jimin was the one with the tentacle fetish," you whisper to yourself.
"I do not have a tentacle fetish!" Jimin fired back.
"I saw the anime girl body pillow, Jimin. I know you watched tentacle porn."
"Everyone's watched it! It's just one of those things you look at out of curiosity. Kind of like 'Why do people get turned on by this?' the same way you wonder how someone finds feet or pissing sexy. It was a one-time thing and I didn't get a boner from it. Also, you keep Jabami Yumeko out of this!"
"Literally everyone in Kakegurui is gay, idiot," you say, rolling your eyes. "She even wears the lesbian ring."
"What's a lesbian ring?" Jungkook asked.
"If a woman wears a ring on her thumb she's gay."
"I don't think her wearing a thumb ring makes her a lesbian," Jimin cut in.
"Yeah it does, look it up!" You huff, shaking your head. "The whole point of that show is gambling lesbians."
"Man, you guys are weebs," Hoseok grumbles under his breath.
"Whatever, she's hot, ok?" Jimin rolled his eyes.
"You're just saying that because of that one scene where she acts like a cat," Taehyung cuts in.
"Dear god, not you too." Hoseok facepalms.
"That scene was pretty hot. Not that I'm a furry or anything," you admit.
Everyone turns to Yoongi, his gaze burning as he glares at everyone. He pulls out a thick stack of paper, tossing it onto the bed. "If everyone here is done talking about the newest 'waifu' or whatever it is you losers call it, I think it'd be best to discuss what we've brought back from the agency. More accurately, stolen."
You pick up the first piece of paper, furrowing your brows. "Yoongi, what are these?"
"Your medical records. AKA test results."
It was a weird sight, seeing eight people sitting on the ground, surrounding a coffee table, paperwork covering every inch of surface area. One might think it was a college study group. But no, each letter contributed to describing the torture and pain you went through during the experimentations, detailing your DNA and comparing past records. It described everything from the new strains caused by whatever had been injected into you to the consistency of your discharge. You had to give it to the EAA bastards- they were thorough.
You were in the middle of wondering when they held a ruler up to your vagina to measure it in centimeters when Namjoon cuts in. "At least we can confirm what had happened that night. It appears here that Jashwi injected her own DNA into Y/N."
"Like her own venom or something? Did she infect her like a vampire?" Jungkook pondered. "Like Twilight?"
"I don't think so." Hoseok shook his head, glowering down at the paper in his hand. "If that were the case she'd be fully changed into one of them. She's still human, but it does appear that she's slowly changing. Or at least a part of her is. Kind of like combining if that makes sense?"
"Is that why she doesn't seem to be getting any better?" Jin held up a particular document, though you didn't bother trying to strain your eyes to read the tiny print from a distance. "According to these, they tried to revert her and cure her with anything they had. She didn't seem to benefit from any nutriment, from food to medicine."
"Maybe it's because they're looking at it from a human perspective," Yoongi wondered aloud. "You said before she was changing, or at least a part of her has. What if what changed, or at least one of the things, was what she fed on?"
"Well, she doesn't seem to feed on food. So the bright side at least is that we have more rations for ourselves," Jin shrugged.
You socked him in the arm. "Gee, that's one way to look at it, asshole."
"What? We've got to be optimistic!"
"We have to remember everything Jashwi told us about her people. About the Anancites," Namjoon hums. "Does anyone remember any information that might be useful?"
"She's a scientist who used to rule her planet apparently. And her boyband was called a rapture," Taehyung offered. "Oh, and they shared a telepathic bond. Apparently."
"They're able to manipulate elements and have powers. Jashwi possessed the power of water, so if you're going to get any superpowers, Y/N, it'll probably be that." Jimin smiled at the thought. "Hey, you'll be like an avatar!"
"I don't think I have the strength in me to even walk down the block, much less bend water," you tell him truthfully.
"Anything on feeding?" Namjoon questioned.
"She said it was mutually beneficial for both parties. So I doubt it'd be anything like cannibalism or sucking blood. We can rule vampire out," Hoseok offered.
"What if we look through the documents and see if they list any similarities between the newly injected DNA and a species we're familiar with?" you questioned.
"Brilliant!" Namjoon fished through some of them, but it turned out to be Taehyung who found the right sheet of paper. 
Taehyung analyzed the information, taking it in as he tried to decipher it. He was an engineer, not a biologist by any means. "Ok, I think this is it. I'll look for what's the most similar. She's definitely not a mermaid, but if she is able to bend water that would be close enough, in my opinion."
"Negative towards any ghosts. That includes poltergeists, ghouls, and banshees. Same for anything of the fairy clans. Rules out gnomes, pixies, elves, dwarves, and whatever tiny freaks you can think of," Jungkook continued, leaning over to examine the paper from behind Taehyung's shoulder.
"Skip to what seems closest, why don't you?" Yoongi inquired.
"Closest seems to be the succubi and incubi. Sirens are close as well." Taehyung's brow furrowed. "But the Anancites didn't look anything like those..."
"I think you've got to look at what seems similar. What do they all share in common?" Hoseok asked. 
Silence consumed the room. Everyone thought the same thing, but no one wanted to say it.
"Sex," you say. "It's obvious. The succubi and incubi feed off of sexual energy and having sex with humans. Sirens sing to sailors about love and sex to draw them to kill themselves."
"But none of those species benefit the other when they're feeding." Namjoon wore a puzzled look on his face, as though trying to wrap his head around the idea. "The sex demons feed off the humans and take their energy from them, and sirens eat the dead bodies of the sailors who jumped overboard."
"That's why the Anancite DNA isn't completely similar, perhaps. There are small differences. Besides, sex typically, or at least should be, beneficial for both parties," you offered.
"Wait let me get this straight," Jimin said, pausing. "You're trying to say that instead of feeding off of food or blood, there's a possibility you feed off of... sex?"
Your face turned red. "I mean, this is a whole new species, Agent P. We're lucky it's even something that is... obtainable. Besides, I never said that, but it's a possibility. And a high one, at that. You never know until you try."
There's another moment of silence. At that moment you wanted to die.
"So... one of us will have to have sex with you, is that it?" Hoseok questioned.
"Don't say it like it's going to be a burden!" you snap.
"I don't know, you're pretty bony right now. You'll probably poke one of us in the eye," Yoongi chuckled.
"I'm not going to elbow anyone doing doggy style, you absolute twat," you fired back.
"Wait, so we're seriously going to do this?" Jungkook questioned, his eyes wide as he looked about the room.
"I mean no one's running a train on her or anything. Not yet," Jimin joked. "But from the looks of it... yeah. I doubt we'll just be able to walk out and get her a guy. It'll have to be one of us."
"Why don't we ask her then?" Taehyung looked over to you, and at that moment you realized you had to answer.
"Oh, ok, so... Fuck, it's weird with all of you staring at me!" You made eye contact with each man, their gazes pinned on you. "Look, to put it lightly I wouldn't mind it being anyone. I like all of you equally, as friends and... in an attractive way. I'm not opposed to anyone, so..." You could feel the heat rising to your cheeks, and you buried your face in your hands, embarrassed by your confession.
"Alright... That's good to know," Namjoon said, coughing awkwardly.
"Alright? Dude she said she wanted all of us to nail her!" Jimin whisper joked.
"Not at the same time, idiot!" You tossed some papers over to him but were unable to stay mad at him for long, despite his ribbing.
"You sure that wouldn't be weird for you or anything? Like, sleeping with a coworker?" Jungkook questioned.
"Former coworker. And no, I slept with Jimin," you answered.
"You too?" Taehyung offered a hand, and you high fived him.
"Wait, what the fuck?" Jin questioned, eyes bugging out of his head. "You both slept with Jimin?"
"Technically three," Yoongi offered, raising his hand slightly. 
"Wait, who here has slept with Jimin?" Hoseok questioned, having you, Taehyung, and Yoongi raise your hands.
"Guys, can we not reveal my sexual exploits?" Jimin whined, face beet red.
"You deserve it, asshole," you tease, sticking your tongue out. 
"Where'd you do it?" Taehyung asked, his eyes glimmering with questions.
"Office, over the desk. You?"
"I was drunk so it was behind the bar. Not bad, though."
"Nice," you offered, nodding as you turned to Yoongi. "And you, Agent Dick?"
"Uh, I don't kiss and tell," Yoongi grunts.
"Thank you!" Jimin lets out a rush of relief, a sigh escaping his lips as he prayed for you and Taehyung to quit oversharing.
"Sure thing, bottom," Yoongi responded.
"He was a bottom for you?" you and Taehyung questioned in unison, shocked.
"Ok, enough about Jimin whoring himself out to everyone in the agency," Hoseok interrupted. "Aren't we supposed to talk about... er... Y/N?"
It was silent again.
"Alright, I'm going to go to my room for a bit because I think this is a decision you guys should make on your own. I have a feeling it'll be even weirder if I'm here, and I know I won't be able to make the decision. Seriously, though, I'm completely cool with whoever, so surprise me or whatever. It's not weird unless we make it weird, right? I'll let you guys decide amongst yourselves. Surprise me!"
You departed, leaving the boys to themselves.
"So... I guess we should ask first if anyone doesn't want to..." Namjoon trailed off.
"Sleep with Y/N?" Yoongi offered bluntly.
"Er- yeah," Namjoon coughed awkwardly. There was no show of hands, and he only sighed. "Guess that doesn't make anything easier. Figured."
"Wouldn't the logical choice be Jimin if they already had sex?" Hoseok questioned. "They already had sex, that would make her more comfortable with it, wouldn't it?"
"Things got a little awkward afterward," Jimin admitted. "We survived, of course, but... Well, my concern is if everyone would be alright with the prospect of something like that? It'd be weird, wouldn't it? A group and two of them are screwing. Seven guys and one girl."
"I think it's a bit too soon to propose a gangbang," Jin admitted. "Besides, I'd like to think most of us will be able to handle ourselves. We're adult men."
"But what if feelings get hurt?" Jimin questioned.
There was a moment of silence.
Taehyung could feel a few eyes on him in particular. He glowered, staring back. "As though any of you are any better. We're all here for a reason, so don't be hypocrites. Besides, I could separate my feelings from helping. There's no guarantee."
"No one said anything about that," Jungkook said, embarrassed. "And we know. We'd all have to separate our feelings. It'd be unfair to Agent Q otherwise."
Everyone nodded in agreement.
"What about you, Namjoon?" Jin questioned. "You've known her longest."
Namjoon blushed, his ears turning a bright red. "W-W-Well, I mean, I... Well, what about you? You've been flirting with her and telling her you wanted to nail her for years."
"I'm not denying it," Jin said, raising his hands in defense. "And I'm not going to say no if it's me, either."
"But?" Yoongi inquired.
"But I think there's a few in this group who would... I don't know, be more deserving? That sounds wrong, but you know what I mean. She's not a prize, and we shouldn't attach our own reasons or feelings to this, but there are better options I guess."
"What do you mean by that?" Yoongi pressed on, narrowing his eyes.
Jin sighed, giving up at trying to figure out his words. "I don't know... Wait, why do you want to do this anyway? You bicker with her all the time. You act like you hate her anyway."
"I clearly don't hate her if I'm here. Besides, as much of a dumbass as she can act once or twice, I'm attracted. It's purely biological," Yoongi shrugged.
"Alright, it definitely can't be you," Hoseok said, shaking his head. 
Yoongi shrugged again, uncaring. "I'm alright with whatever, same as Agent C. The difference is that I don't think anyone has more right to this 'opportunity' as some of you might think of it to be. The fact is we all are attracted to her and I'm not going to call anyone out but everyone here has feelings or something strong enough to have brought them here in the first place. We'd want to sleep with her regardless. It's only a coincidence this could help. I do think we have to try to separate our feelings, however. Jungkook was right- it's not fair to Y/N. You heard her- she can't pick between any of us. I don't think even sex will change that. We can't pretend like we just want her as a piece of meat either since we all care about her. We aren't dimwitted enough to believe that lie, and neither is she. So we'll take what we can get and keep going along. The most important thing though will be to act civil, regardless of who it is."
"Yoongi's right," Namjoon nodded. "About all of that. No one is more or less deserving. The important thing is to do this without feelings and act civil. Like it's all just business."
Jungkook raised his hand, earning a sigh from Namjoon. Once he had the attention, he coughed, clearing his throat. "We still need to decide who it is, though."
Hoseok sighed, "We're well aware."
"So why don't we just... not pick?"
"What do you mean?" Taehyung questioned, furrowing his brows.
Jungkook pulled out a stack of cards, pulling them out of the box to shuffle them. "Does everyone here know how to play Speed?"
"I've gotta admit, I'm a little surprised you're the one they chose."
Hoseok shrugged, closing the door behind him with his foot. "You won't like the method we used. Trust me when I say it wasn't a vote."
"Oh?" You quirked a brow, interested. "How'd you guys decide?"
"We played cards."
"Let me guess- Agent Z?"
"How'd you know?" Hoseok questioned, truly impressed.
You simply shrugged, "Lucky guess, I suppose."
"I like the robe, by the way," Hoseok said, pointing to the fluffy white robe you adorned. He felt his ears get pink, knowing that you were more than likely wearing nothing underneath.
"Thank you! Provided by the hotel instead of the CIA, though they've got an old lady outfit stored inside the fake plant in the bathroom, so there's that. I'm sure if I spend a bit more time I'll be able to find at least five more prepared disguises. And just so you know I completely intend on stealing all the shit I can in this hotel before we have to skip ahead to the next one."
He nodded understandingly but was only half listening to what you were saying. Typically he was a very good listener, but he was still trying to process what was happening. The fact it was him of all people. Jin had been flirting with you since the beginning of time. You knew Namjoon first, and you had already slept with Jimin. Taehyung had basically been in love with you since the two of you met. Sure, Hoseok was very attracted to you, (and more) but he wasn't familiar with the act of screwing a colleague. He had determined long ago that wouldn't happen between the two of you, yet here he was.
"Sit here," you say, patting the spot next to you on the bed. Hoseok does so, nervous but compliant. You squint your eyes, your hand coming up to hold his face as you analyzed him. He suspected you would kiss him, but instead, you keep staring at him, as though searching.
"What're you doing?" he questioned, confused.
"Reading you."
"What, like a psychic?"
"No, it's just..." You paused, licking your lips before flitting your eyes back to his. "Hoseok, you can do anything you want to me tonight."
He froze. That was not what he was expecting. 
"I'm giving you full control," you continue, taking one of his hands in your own before bringing it to the back of your head. He lets his hand rest on the back of your neck for a moment. "I want you to be in charge. I'll do whatever you say, and you can do whatever you want. No restrictions."
"Didn't think you'd be into this kinky stuff," he said nervously, heat rising to his cheeks.
"Didn't think you'd be, either," you say. Before he can analyze or read into your words, your lips are pressed against his. His lids flutter closed, your lips bruising against his with a certain amount of ferocity. He feels himself getting into a rhythm, his hand slowly snaking up your hair. You keen at his touch, moaning into his mouth when he makes a tight fist, yanking at your hair.
His eyes bug out, and he lets go. "Shit, sorry, I-"
"Do it again," you say, returning his hand to your scalp.
"I meant it when I said I wanted you to take control," you tell him, staring him dead in the eye to show how serious you were.
"Yeah, but I don't want to hurt you, and I respect you and-"
"I know that A. I do. It's because you respect me that I want you to take control. I want you to dominate me. To hurt me," you inform him, sighing at the sight of him frozen at your words. You take a deep breath to explain yourself. "Have you ever felt as though you weren't in control? Like many of the choices in your life weren't really made by you, but for you? Like you're sort of just following others' whims?"
"Yeah," Hoseok admitted, thinking back to his mistakes. His parents dying. Stumbling upon a secret agency. Having his childhood ripped out from under him as he was trained not to feel, but to kill. "I have."
"So wouldn't it feel good to exert a bit of control over one aspect of your life? Even if it's just for a few minutes? Even if it's just over sex?"
What you were saying made sense. "What about you, though?"
You smiled, as though expecting the question. "For me, I put the control in someone else's hands. They get to have the control and I won't have to deal with it. I put myself in the hands of someone I trust."
"You trust me that much?"
"I do," you confirm, a coy smile on your lips. "I meant it when I said you could do whatever you wanted to me. I'll do whatever you say. I want you to take control. To dominate me. To hurt me."
"Fuck, you're a masochist," he hissed, finally getting a firm grip on your hair and tugging it back, making you arch into his touch as you hissed in pain.
"Only if you're a sadist," you responded, your lips returning to his in a searing hiss.
He groaned, flipping over to roll on top of you, continuing to kiss you as he pressed his body against yours. It was messy, a clash of teeth and tongue, and he keened at the feeling of you following his movements, letting him control the movements. 
He had sex with women before but never before were they so blunt and open about what they wanted. Typically they just assumed he'd know or communicate small things. He'd have to guess he was doing something right, listening to what little they'd give him. 
But you... it was as though those few seconds that were spent staring at him, reading him, were put to good use. It was as though you had read what carnal desires he had suppressed deep down, and unleashing it.
You moved your hands to touch him, but he slapped your hands away, pinning your wrists above your head. "Don't touch me," he growled. A bit of panic spread over him, unused to talking to you, one of his closest friends, in that manner. 
Instead, you looked at him in a lustful manner, your eyes glazed as you nodded obediently. "Yes, sir."
Fuck, he felt his dick twitch at that.
He let go of your wrists, and true to your word, you kept them in place. He straddled your hips, slowly undoing the knot on your robe and opening it. He sucked in a breath, seeing you fully naked. The number of times he had jerked off to the thought of you like this, naked beneath him, was stupendously high. He couldn't believe that all of his darkest fantasies were coming true. You, so submissive, so unlike yourself, ready for him to do whatever he wished with you.
"You're beautiful," he whispered beneath his breath, slowly spreading your legs wider as he shuffled between them. You were wet already.
"Didn't take you as the mushy type."
You yelped, a sharp gasp escaping your lips as he swatted your mound, the sound of the harsh slap echoing throughout the room. You attempted to close your legs together, but he kept them spread open with his own, giving you another punishing slap. 
"Would you rather I call you a dirty slut?" he questioned between gritted teeth.
From the way you bit your lip, letting the tender flesh roll from between your teeth, he took it as a yes.
He gave you one more firm smack before he started rubbing his hand up and down your folds, gathering your wetness. He hummed, pleased, letting your engorged clit slide between his fingers as he continued to tease you. "I think you like me spanking your pretty pussy. Calling you a slut."
You nodded eagerly, hips bucking up for a bit more friction in contrast to his light touch.
"You'll take what I give you," Hoseok growled, his other hand coming to your lower stomach to pin you down as he inserted a finger, pumping it into you. As expected you gasped, trying to buck your hips again, only to have Hoseok keep you pinned to the bed. "Understood, slut?"
You failed to answer, moaning as he inserted another finger, scissoring you.
Hoseok glared at you, the hand on your stomach reaching up to your throat, squeezing lightly as a warning. "I believe I asked you a question. I expect an answer."
You hummed, and he could feel the vibrations against the palm of his hand. "Yes, sir," you said, compliant once again. "I'll take what you give me."
"Good girl," he said, letting go of your throat. He went down, laying on his stomach as he hitched your thighs over his shoulders, pulling you closer to him. He maintained eye contact with you, his lips making contact with your bud. You gasped at the feeling, eyes rolling back at his movements as his tongue ran through your folds. "Eyes on me," he reminded you, nails digging into your thighs.
He continued, tasting every drop you had to offer, amazed with how good you tasted. Your heels dug into his upper back, trying to draw him impossibly closer. He enjoyed seeing you like this, trying to maintain eye contact despite how you yearned to toss your head back and let your eyes roll to the back of your head. You let out wanton moans with every swipe of his tongue, mewls escaping your lips as he sucked harshly on your clit.
He removed one of his arms from under your legs, inserting two fingers inside of you once more, making a come hither movement. The stimulation of your g-spot with the feeling of his mouth on your clit was becoming too much. Your hands reached down, curling into his hair as you tugged at his scalp similarly to how he did yours.
"Fuck, I'm go-gonna-"
Suddenly it all stopped, Hoseok pulling back from between your legs, watching as your orgasm was ripped from you, dying with each second he didn't spend buried in your head. He watched how desperate you seemed, staring him in the eyes as he licked his fingers of your arousal, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Helplessness was a good look on you, he had to admit. It made his cock twitch in his pants, seeing you like this, knowing it was all because of him.
"I told you before: you take what I give you." He's quicker than you can process, flipping you over on your hands and knees as he gathers your hair in a ponytail, cranking it back as his hands give bruising slaps to both cheeks. "And I also believe I told you not to touch me."
"I'm sorry, sir!" you wailed, the battery continuing as he made sure to redden each cheek, the spanks raining down on you. You were sure you wouldn't be able to even sit down properly tomorrow, each seat you take a reminder of his reprimand. "I won't do it again sir! Fuck, fuck, I'm sorry!"
"I know you are," he said in a soothing voice, rubbing soothing circles in the places where he did the most damage, his voice soft. He gently rolls you over, wiping away some of the tears that had come along with your punishment. "You took it very well. You're such a good girl for me, aren't you?"
"S-Sir, please," you sniffed, enjoying the feeling of his thumb wiping away the tears as you tried to compose yourself.
"What is it?"
"I want you to fuck me."
"Anything for you." He was quick to pull his pants off, with his boxers following closely after. You spread your legs invitingly, a sound of impatience escaping your lips as he teased you, running the head of his cock along your folds. Finally, he slides in, both of you letting out a moan of pleasure. He could feel every ridge of you as you squeezed tightly around him, and you focused on the pleasurable burn of him sliding into you for the first time.
"You're so big," you cooed, your lids fluttering. It had admittedly been a while since you slept with anyone. Partially because of business and partially because of the fact you were kept in a fucking lab.
Hoseok begins to pump himself into you, his grip tight on your thighs as he fucked you with earnest. You wrapped your legs around him, your heels pressing into him as though to drive him deeper into him. He was already impossibly deep, kissing your cervix with every push. It was when he began to stimulate the bundle of nerves that you were really becoming undone.
"Fuck, Hoseok, Hoseok, Hoseok!"
"That's right, scream my name," he grunted, drilling deeper into you. He reached behind, his hand sliding behind your head to yank at your hair once more, a knowing smirk gracing his features as you let out a familiar hiss of pleasure. "This is what you wanted, isn't it? To be my little slut?"
"Yes, sir, fuck!" You were becoming depraved, mouth gaping open as your eyes rolled back. "Harder, please."
Your wish was his command, and before long his hips slammed into your own, no doubt with a bruising force. Hoseok's hand wrapped around your pretty little throat, squeezing harder than before, restricting airflow.
"Are you gonna cum for me?" he questioned, his other hand toying with your clit as he maintained his pace, brutally abusing your g-spot. It came up to give you a slap across the cheek, his cock twitching inside of you at the sight of you letting him. "Are you gonna cream all over me and get nice and messy for me?"
You nodded eagerly, thighs shaking around him as you tilted your head back, back arching with grace as you came. Hoseok fucked you through it, letting go of your throat. The influx of oxygen only increased the pleasure, the orgasm having been built up from being denied before.
Hoseok now chased his own high, using your body as a toy as he felt himself nearing climax. You simply stared at him with that hazy look in your eye, letting him use you, true to your word.
Let go, Hoseok.
He felt himself spill into you, his breath heavy as he drained himself into you. You took all of it, eyes trained on him as he collapsed beside you.
He looked over to you, his fingertips brushing over your neck. "Damn, you're definitely going to have marks in the morning."
You shrugged. "Let them know I like choking. Who doesn't? I'm pretty sure it's in with the college kids nowadays. Besides, if you think that's bad, you should see what you did to my ass. I won't be able to sit for a week."
"Sorry, was that too much?"
"Not at all," you cooed, toying with the strands of his hair. "It felt good to let go, didn't it?"
"Yeah, it did."
"I'm going to pee, and I suggest you do too. Then round two."
"Yeah... Wait already?"
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jabvmi · 6 years
Kakegurui Theory:
So KakeguruiXX Episode 7 came out like last week ago and it was by far one of the most interesting episodes this season so far for me.
We don’t really know much about Jabami Yumeko yet only about the fact that she’s part of the -bami family, her parents are dead and that she has a sister who’s in a mental hospital. 
But there was something deep about Episode 7 that allowed us to discover a new side of Yumeko. 
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Manyuda asks Yumeko a really interesting question, one that Yumeko definitely did not expect. Yumeko has brought plenty of people down, has made people risk everything and anything.
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I think this makes us realize the fact that Jabami understands completely what she’s doing and she knows how she’s feeling isn't right. She feels bad that she doesn’t feel bad. She knows what she’s doing is wrong and it isn’t normal how she acts. 
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When Rei asks this question we see a picture of Yumeko’s sister, so when Yumeko says what she says back to Rei she is most definitely talking about her sister. But also, a part of me wonders if Yumeko is talking about herself as well. Her parents are dead, her sister is in a mental hospital, all this definitely can put someone in “despair”. Though we don’t know enough yet to make this sort of conclusion. Another thing is though, that it really might’ve been Yumeko for the reason her sister is in a mental hospital and this probably is more correct than what I said in my last sentence. 
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I believe Yumeko continues to take these high risk gambling plays because she feels guilty. I really believe that Yumeko wants someone to defeat her, for someone to bring her down because of what she did to her sister. I think we can all agree that Yumeko has some sort of mental illness. I mean when she played that gun game with Midari she plainly stated that she doesn’t feel fear. Yumeko also probably continues to gamble because it may actually make her feel something. 
Kakegurui is really just getting started so all of this could possibly not be true at all but it’s still interesting to think about and to put into consideration. I really can’t wait to see what’s going to happen next and hopefully get a better understanding of who Yumeko truly is as a person. 
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allenhavens92 · 5 years
Patience is a Virtuous Bitch (aka, Waiting for Netflix Anime)
I am proud to admit that I’ve been doing well when it comes to viewing anime in the most legal way possible. For now, all I have are subscriptions to Crunchyroll and Funimation, so there are cases where shows from somewhere like HIDIVE, I have to go elsewhere. By that, I mean torrents, because never will I step foot in those shady streaming sites (you know the ones). And yes, torrents are still a no-no, but it’s the only better option in certain circumstances. However, in these recent seasons, Crunchyroll has brought in HIDIVE simulcasts, so that’s a plus. For the Spring 2019 season, the only thing I have to torrent is Aikatsu Friends, which (unfortunately) isn’t licenced in my region, where I’m given no other choice.
But Netflix remains the biggest offender in this whole deal. Sure, it’s fantastic they’re providing original anime (meaning, “exclusive”), allowing animators and people of other staff positions more opportunities in the industry (though, that’s a whole nother can of beans I won’t be discussing). Yet, the company seems to forget there’s other markets than Japan. Normally, a series will air on Japanese television, with each new episode being put on Netflix soon after, but only on Japan’s servers. Releases to servers in other countries will happen either once the series has finished airing, or some months following it’s initial completion.
Granted, not every show does this practice. There are a good number of titles that will have a global release, providing several dubs that match your preference. We’ve gotten some good ones like Devilman Crybaby and Aggretsuko, but that’s besides the point. For a viewing purist as myself, it bothers me when I have to hold back on any show. However, I will say it’s not every Netflix anime that interests me. The ones that do are a small percentage, and they turn out to be the true heavy hitters. Whether I’ll watch them until the end or not, I’d like to try out what is given to me, but not have to wait a while only to inevitably drop it.
Last year had Violet Evergarden, a highly anticipated series I had waited a good year for. Yet, Netflix pulled a fast one and declared, despite providing a simultaneous week-to-week English dub, to keep it for the Canadian servers, then just dump it all elsewhere once it was done airing. Deciding on if I should just torrent the dubbed episodes as they came out was hard on my moral values. I ultimately chose to do so, all for the sake of keeping myself in the know.
Which brings me to this current season, Spring 2019. The big one Netflix has now is Carole & Tuesday, the newest original work from Cowboy Bebop mastermind, Shinichiro Watanabe. From its initial announcement to all the information we got prior to its premiere, I was super excited for it. All except for the fact it was going onto Netflix. While I have watched fansubs of Netflix titles because of impatience or curiosity (Dragon Pilot and Kakegurui S1, respectively), this will be my first attempt to fight the urge. As much as I want to indulge in Watanabe’s new series, I will challenge myself and avoid it, including seeing any clips, GIFs or images online (go figure I catch glimpses on this site). Might sound stupid to some, but I’m trying to make a statement here, and if you can’t comprehend what that is, why are you still reading this?
Who knows? Perhaps the delays could be due to the scheduling of all the various dubbing companies. It’s more than obvious they’re not doing the same thing Funimation is doing with their SimulDubs. Whatever the case, I don’t wish to point fingers or put the blame on anyone. What I simply hope is for Netflix to step up a little. They’re underestimating the worth of the anime communities across the globe.
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killee · 4 years
Hey I love ur writing for the yumeko n kirari! You left me on a cliffhanger! Would you consider doing a P2? 😻
Multiple parts will be made so do not worry! Enjoy!
2:1 (Part Two)
⌦ pairing: kirari x reader
⌦ fandom: kakegurui
⌦ word count: 2k (2001)
⌦ warning: nsfw — fem!fingering / fem!squirting / dom&sub dynamic / cum eating? / light aftercare
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⌯ It’s been a couple of hours since everyone split up to win you enough money to pay off your debt. You had earned a significant amount of money from blackjack, to be precise you won seventeen million from the game. Lady luck was on your side but you wondered if she was on Yumeko’s and Mary’s side.
⌯ You decided it was time to head back to the meeting place and see if everyone had earned enough to pay off your debt. Your debt was only forty-seven million so you were able to pay off a sum of it. You walked to the meeting place but on your way you didn’t see Yumeko. ‘Maybe she’d already finished or she’s probably still in a match knowing her.’ You smiled to yourself thinking about how she gets when she’s gambling.
⌯ You arrived at the meeting place and were surprised when you saw no one there. You sighed and sat down in one of the chairs around the table, you sat your head down and played with your tag. You laughed at it. “I wouldn’t have you anyone, I’m gonna miss you.” You ran your finger over ‘kitten’ then dropped the tag on the table.
⌯ You closed your eyes for what felt like a minute caused you to jolt up, you sighed heavily while rubbing your eyes. “You’re finally awake~” You jumped at the sudden voice, almost falling out of the chair. You looked across from you and saw that it was Kirari but this time she has the vice president standing beside her. You gulped nervously and properly sat in the chair.
⌯ “What is it you want now?” You stared into his eyes from across the table, you could tell she was in a playful mood, something you were not in. She stood up and slowly walked over to where you sat with her index finger gliding across the table surface. “I want you darling~ isn’t it obvious?”
⌯ You quickly glanced between the vice president and the woman in front of you. Kirari seemed to get the idea and laughed. “Don’t worry about her, you should be focused on me.. but if you really want,” she turned to the vice president and ordered her to stand watch outside the door then she focused back onto you “is that better?” You nodded. Kirari smiled and sat on the table in front of you. You looked up at her with pools of curiosity.
⌯ “You paid some of your debt.. who else is helping you?” She lifted up her hand and stroked your hair. Your breath became shagged and your heart began pumping faster. You did your best to hide your body’s reaction to her touch and proximity as you laughed and pushed her hand away. “Think I can’t pay off my debt alone? Wow, that’s low.. even for you.” She bit her lip and leaned down, noses almost touching each other and breaths being felt on each other’s lips.
⌯ I know you.. everything about you is stored in my mind.” You inhaled sharply and moved back. “Why are you here? I know you didn’t come all this way just to talk about some of my debt being paid.” You wanted to get to the point, as they say, time is money. You also need to go find the others since they should’ve been at the meeting point ago. Kirari sighed slowly and began undoing her hair.
⌯ “For release.” She placed her ribbons down beside her and waited for you. You scoffed and completely leaned back in your chair, there was no way you would do it in here. “No way. People are still out and I’m waiting for my friends.” She raised her eyebrows at you and giggled, she wasn’t worried about people hearing what you both were doing. And besides, the vice president was on watch.
⌯ Have you forgotten our agreement? Or should you be reminded?” You were still hesitant about it. Kirari sighed and slid herself onto your lap, she wrapped her arms around your neck and looked into your eyes. “I know you’re worried but no one will see us. I promise you nothing bad will happen.” She kissed your cheek then she kissed your neck, she looked up at you for confirmation and after seconds of hesitation you gave it to her.
⌯ She started off by softly kissing your neck then she began sucking gently on your collarbone. You moaned softly and wrapped your arms around her petite body, she moved her kisses up to your jawline and began nibbling on a soft patch of skin. You slid your hand up her back until you reached her hair then you grabbed a handful of it, pulling her head back and her neck being exposed.
⌯ “You know not to leave hickies in places I can’t cover up.” A mix between a groan and a moan escaped her flushed lips and she apologized. “Are you in control this t-“ you pulled her hair harder and smirked, “I’ve always been in control. Don’t think just because I let you top last time let you forget who’s in control. Maybe I should remind you of your place.” You let go of her hair and pushed her onto the table.
⌯ You didn’t allow her to recover before you spread her legs apart and looked at her with so much frustration. “You let that one time get to your head. So now I’ll remind you.” You put your head in between her legs and gently kissed her warm covered thighs. You felt her trying to close her legs but you stopped her before she could. “Stop.” Her movement secede and you continued on.
⌯ Your kisses traveled further and further up her leg until you reached her covered pussy. You raised your head up and watched her face as she tried to hide her temptation. “Beg me.” Kirari lifted her head up slightly to look at you, seeing if you were being serious. “Do I have to say it again? You know I don’t like repeating myself.” She took a deep breath and laid her head back against the table.
⌯ “Pl—Please touch me.” You smacked her outer thigh and earned a yelp from her, you sat back further in your chair and sighed. “Please! Please y/n! I need you to touch me!” You smiled, satisfied with her begging and ran both your hands up her thighs. You run them up and once you got to her cunt you grabbed where the legging met and tore a hole big enough where she could still hide it with her skirt.
⌯ You rubbed your fingers over her clothed pussy and looked up at her face. There was a mix of pressure and desire contoured on her face, it looked exotic. You circled your fingers over her clit, not too hard for her to get the pleasure she wanted but just enough for her to start begging for more. “Please! I need— you!” She reached her hand down and placed it around your wrist. You slapped her hand away and shook your head in disappointment.
⌯ “Darling you’re so impatient.. I guess I should give you what you begged for since I am so generous.” You put your body in a good position and hooked your finger around her panties. You slid them over to the side and exposed her pretty pink pussy to the cool air of the room, it glistened as the light overhead hit it just right. You smirked and used your other hand to play with her folds, dipping the tip of your middle finger inside of her.
⌯ You brought the finger up so she could see how wet she was. “Look at you. I bet you can see it from there.” She tilted her head downwards and immediately blushed as saw the excess on your fingers. You slowly lifted your fingers to your face and stretched the fluid out using both your thumb and middle finger, creating a thin line as they stretched apart from one another. You laughed as her face reddened ever more.
⌯ “Spread yourself for me.” She quickly obliged with no hesitation and used her hands to spread her pussy lips apart, her hole opened with a little noise and wetness was gradually coming out of her. So fascinating. With the same fingers as before, you played with her entrance, barely putting anything inside of her. “Y/n, I’m sorry fo-for what I did— please just f—“ you didn’t let her finish as you slid your middle finger inside of her, curling it upwards as you slowly began thrusting inside of her.
⌯ You were very satisfied with this situation. Although you still were frustrated with Kirari it wouldn’t last for long, especially when she had the most exotic expression on her beautiful face. You sped up your pace and even added a second finger inside with the first one, her sweet moans filled the room and her hips bucked to try to meet your fingers halfway. You let go of her panties and thankfully they stayed where they were supposed to stay.
⌯ You pushed her hips down and held them in place as you sped up significantly. Kirari’s beautiful sea blue eyes fell shut and her hands gripped the sides of the table. “How are you feeling now darling? You want more?” She frantically nodded, you couldn’t help but to laugh at her submission. “Alright darling, I’ll add another finger.” As stated, you added another finger. Her insides convulsed around your fingers and her body began trembling.
⌯ “Cumming so soon? Wow you must’ve been extremely horny to finish with only my fingers, I’ve barely even touched your clit.” At this point her moans were mixed with screams, anyone who walked in proximity of the door most likely knew what was going on. “Cum-cumming— oh my—“ her walls tightened, almost painfully around your fingers and you felt something shoot onto your wrist, you quickly looked down without stopping your pace and saw the most heavenly site.
⌯ You were occupied by the site of her squirting, you couldn’t hear how loud she was at first. When you realized it, you quickly moved the hand that was holding her hips down to her mouth and covered her screams. After her walls loosened around your fingers, you pulled them out and sat back down in your seat. “Clean off my hand.” You said raising your hand up to show her the mess she caused. Kirari weakly but persistently got off the table and knelt down in front of you, she began licking off her juices.
⌯ “You did very well today. I’m extremely proud of you.” You smiled at her and watched as her eyes lit up with joy. After she was finished cleaning off your hand, you patted your lap and courted her to sit down. She did and you wrapped your arm around her as she placed her head on your shoulder. “How are you feeling Kirari?” You heard a hum and sighed, you patted her back for a real answer. “I’m okay~” You nodded and took out a cloth from your pocket.
⌯ You folded it up and asked her to open up her legs, she did and you carefully began wiping away the excess until it was all gone. You tapped her hip with the hand that was already around her so she could close her legs. “Are you okay y/n?” She asked softly, almost like she was falling asleep. You nodded and told her everything was fine. You two then sat in silence and comforted each other, even closing your eyes and just listening to each other breathe.
⌯ “Kirari you should be going soon, I’m sure a lot of people heard us in here.” You lovingly rubbed her back and kissed her covered forehead. “I want to stay like this for a little bit more..” you thought about it for a moment then nodded. “Okay we’ll stay like this for as long as you need.”
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doctorazkal · 6 years
Otakon Recap 2018 (Long Post)
Intro: This would be my seventh time going to Otakon. This is the fourth year where I will be going there by myself. This is also the first time I would be staying the full three days in DC since last year I was not able to. My cosplay for this con will be Jokerʼs dancing outfit in Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight. Day 1: I checked into to the Pod DC Hotel drop off my stuff in my room. Once I was finished, it was time to get into costume. As I walked to the convention center, I was getting sweaty from the heat outside. Once I made it inside, it was time to head to dealers room. I walked around for a bit and took a couple of pics. Around 2PM, I ate in the downtown district of the convention center. I ate chicken karaage, shrimp shumai, and squid karaage. After I finished eating, I walked around in the artist alley and dealerʼs room to check out what I can buy. I ended buying keychains of Ren, Ann, and Haru from Persona 5 in the Artist Alley. Around 4PM, I head up to the first floor to go to a panel. The panel I attended was Creating Voices with Josh Grelle. He is a voice actorunder Funimation and he told us the how he got in voice acting. He also told us about some of the things people have to do when getting into voice acting. He notes that finding your voice is important, keep your voice lubricated, and if your voice starts to hurt, stop doing it and seek help. He talked about how one voice actor kept performing until he discovered he had polyps and could not use his voice for two months. I did learn a lot of things in his panel and how much time and work it takes to be a voice actor. After it was over, I decided to head back to my hotel around 5:30. Once I was back into my room, I changed into some comfortable clothes and head out to eat dinner at Nandoʼs with my parents. It was nice to see other cosplayers in Nandoʼs getting dinner. After we were finished, my parents and I dropped by to the lobby of the Renaissance hotel. We went our separate ways as they went home while I head back to the convention center. I went up to the second floor and sat near the window where there was going to be a Kpop random dance play by HARU around 8PM. It was fun session with the group. I danced to a couple songs (BIGBANGʼs Bang Bang Bang, Super Juniorʼs Sorry Sorry, Momolandʼs Bboom Bboom, and a bunch of others). I do remember that security came and told everyone to keep it down because we were making noise by stomping our feet. Other than that, I had fun dancing with other people. Once that waa over, I decided to head up to the third floor for a late night panel at 10PM. This panel was called LAVA After Dark. It had Ray Chase, Robbie Daymond, and Max Mittelman in which they do bunch of random games and asked for the audience for suggestion in the games that they were doing. It was such a fun panel. I remember there was a game 6 or 7 people and they had to pass around a dildo. The winner actually won a dildo... I remember they showed a slide where there was going to be a live re-enactment of Boku no Pico, which the audience laughed and screamed in horror. Obviously, it was a joke and they were never ever going to do that. I also remember how the guys showed video clips of some of there embarrassing videos they made when they were young. I even loved where they had to say a bunch of catchphrases while talking with a dental mouth guard. Overall, I was entertained by watching the three of them doing their thing in front everyone. After it was over, it was time to go back to my hotel. Once I held back to my room, I watched the latest episode of Grand Blue then went to sleep and thatʼs the end of the first day. Day 2 I got up around 9AM to start the day. I showered and got into my costume. As I went outside, I stopped by Starbucks to grab a quick bite. Once I head  to the convention center, I went back to dealers room where there was a line. I waited in line until the staff let congoers inside. As I walked down, I looked around again to see what I can buy and took a few more pics of different cosplayers. I ended up buying a Cu Poche figure of Ren and getting two t-shirts from Kakegurui and My Hero Academia. Around 11AM, I ate pizza before heading to the second floor for the Persona/SMT gathering. It was fun to see a lot of people cosplaying different characters from the Persona or SMT series. I got a couple of individual pics from some cosplayers before heading to the third floor. The panel was called the Persona 5 the animation steals Otakon. It started off showing the Persona 5: The Daybreakers before it talks about the upcoming Persona dancing games and the Persona 5 anime. It wasnʼt really anything special because I already knew about the dancing games and the anime itself.  They even had the best moments from the anime in which the number one was Kawakami showing up as a maid while the other two was Ren’s and Yusuke’s Awakening. They also had the best male and female characters in the anime in which it was given to Ren because he is the main protagonist and Makoto because everyone loves her and people hail her as the best girl (to which she isnot but that’s different story). The only thing I enjoyed was seeing Max Mittelman make an appearance and having Morgana appeared. Once that was over, I took a couple more pics while heading down the dealers room. Around 2:30PM, I headed to the second floor for another Persona photo shoot, though this time it was just the characters of Persona 5. It was a fun shoot but I definitely prefer the Persona/SMT shoot from earlier. Afterwards, I decided to head to the artist alley again. I ended up buying a Kiryu and Majima keychain before heading to the dealers room once more. When I went inside, I tried to get an autograph from Max Mittelman but I missed it as the line was already full. After that happened, I decided to head back to my hotel room around 5PM. I quickly showered and change into some causal clothings and dropped off my merchandise I bought. I head back to the convention center again. I head to the first floor to attend the Korean variety game panel. Basically, it was a bunch of games that were shown from Weekly Idol and the audience had to the chance to participate. I only took part in one game, which was the Korean versions rock-paper-scissors. They only played three games but I was expecting more from them. Other than that, I did enjoy the panel. Once it was over, I head over to the second floor to go to the uptown food district to grab a brisket sandwich for my dinner. After finishing my meal, it was time to get he#d over to the third level for the next panel. The panel I attended was called the LAVA: Super Happy Funtime. This was basically the PG version of their panel that Max, Robbie, and Ray did on Friday night. In this panel, they played the Fluffy Bunny Challenge in which they said a catchphrase while eating marshmallows. The phrase they had to say was “Omae wa mou shindeiru”. Robbie and Ray had to say it in Japanese while Max said in English. It was some funny shit and in the end, Max lasted longer than the both of them. They also played other games called Japanimaker, Late for the Panel, and Three Headed Expert. It was a fun panel, After that was over, I headed over the artist alley again. I walked there for a few minutes before he#ding to the rave. Once I was finished looking around, it was time to head the second floor. After checking my bag to the staff, it was now time to dance. Honestly, it took me awhile to get in the mood. The music wasnʼt great at first but I started to enjoy a couple hours later. I remember someone was cosplaying as a t-Rex and kept dancing inside the circle. While I was at the dance floor, I ran into a friend of mine from school. We both greeted each other then we our separate ways while in the dance floor. I do remember her other friend she brought going into a dance circle and busting a couple moves, which I thought it was hilarious. After walking around and dancing for a bit, it was time to go back. My lower back started hurting as I was jumping up down in the dance and slowly made my way back to the hotel I came back around 1AM and quickly went to bed. That was the end of a long second day at Otakon. D#y 3 I woke up #round 8AM. I got some breakfast from McDonaldʼs to start the day. After finishing my meal, I took a quick shower and headed towards the convention center. Once I made my way inside, it was time to head down the dealers room. When I my way there, the line was enormous. There was at one point where  they had cut the line because it was filling up near the emergency exit. I thought it was complete bullshit for the people that were just arriving. The staff told us that the people have to come back around 10:30 since the line was getting too long. After waiting until 10:30, I decided to head back to the dealers room. From there, I finally had the chance to get an autograph and picture with Max Mittelman. As I walked to his table, he complimented on my No Moʼ Rules t-shirt. I asked him to sign the picture where Ryuji is wearing Annʼs uniform. We had a little chat when he was signing the picture. He asked me how many hours I put in on Persona 5 and told him about 380 hours. He replied thatʼs gotta be a world record. I also told him that I played it again because since I was cosplaying as Ren for the con. After signing the picture, I thanked him and told him it wss nice meeting him. After that, it was time to head to the third floor for Kpop Dance Contest by ECKO. I made my way to the third floor and entered into Ballroom B for the show. I enjoyed the performance by the individuals and groups. I did love the performances by Mikle, Jeanyeo, and HARU. After the show was done, everyone got together for a group selfie. Once it ended, it was time to head out. I went the dealers room for the last time to see what I can buy but I ended buying nothing. I made my way to lobby to take a couple of pictures then headed my way out and thatʼs the end of my trip in Otakon. Final Thoughts: I enjoyed going to Otakon again. I was happy that I was able to see the full three days in DC. It was nice to seeing a bunch of cosplayers dressing up as characters from different Persona games. I did love going to the Creating Voices Panel and learning about voice acting. I also enjoyed going the LAVA panel and how fun it was. As always, I will find a way to head back next year.
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