#but know that in my head this is absolutely a dark romantic western
praline-elegy · 8 months
✿ This looks like fun! ✿
[Fandom game post here]
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Seiji Katayama x Nicholas Cox (Fence)
Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter (HP)
If you want to read my Fence related answers, jump to letters: M N O R S T V or Z
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Nastu Dragoneel x Gray Fullblaster (Fairytail) - I’m mainly a gruvia shipper BUT I came across this brilliantly written gratsu fic a few years back and it rewrote my brain chemistry entirely.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
I don’t like saying mean things.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
Shinsou Hitoshi x Kaminari Denki (MHA) - Monoshin has my heart <3
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
I wrote about an established relationship where character A wanted to give character B a gift. A asks B’s bff what to give him. Bff tells A to give B a rock. A proceeds to spend the day meticulously picking out a rock to give to B. A later presents this perfectly picked out rock to B, and B loves this little gift. This story oddly resonated with a lot of people in my old fandom lol. Moral of the story? People love rocks. Give your friends rocks. They will love you.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
About a decade? I started watching Pokémon for as long as I can remember (still love it!), but I fell out of the fandom when my parents stopped paying for cable.
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
Zutara. Zuko and Katara were everything to me. Fire and water? Their antagonistic relationship? There was so much tension there. It just made sense to me.
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
The first half of my life was dedicated to TV shows (when I had cable). The rest of my life is dedicated to printed material (books, manga, comics, etc).
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
No. I only joined this platform about two months ago. I haven’t come across any negativity on this side of tumblr.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
Little Goody Two Shoes (indie game)
Temeraire (book? I think?)
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Juvia Lockster or Flare Corona (both Fairytail)
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
Can’t think of a character I actively loathe or dislike at the top of my head.
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Sungchul Park (Fence) - He seems cocky and I like that.
Luna Lovegood (HP) - She’s just got the VibesTM you know?
N - Name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
Nicholas coming over to visit the Katayamas for winter (or summer!) break.
I want to get severe secondhand embarrassment from something that Nicholas does in front of Seiji. I want to fluster that boy so bad. I want him to feel so embarrassed he could melt into a puddle of liquified Cox. And after all of the chaos I want Seiji to find that Nicholas actually looks rather cute when he’s blushing and flustered :) I’m evil.
I also want to explore more of Nicholas’ (fandom assumed) fear of the dark.
Would love to see more of Nicholas being vulnerable around Seiji.
I want to see more of the Leventis/Levantis twins (I’m writing something myself, but still. Would love to see others interpretation of the boys)!
Nsfw-wise… I’d like to see more bottom or submissive Nicholas. I think fandom has mostly pegged him for a dominant top lol.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
Kiss Me - Sixpence None the Richer is how I envision Robert Coste and Nicholas’ mother’s relationship to be like in one of my unfinished pieces. An au where Nicholas doesn’t know who his father is and has a loving relationship with his mom.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
Needing to make dinner but the jar of sauce won’t open so character A visits their neighbor character B and asks for help in opening the jar.
Character A is staring at character B while walking down the sidewalk and accidentally walks into a light pole. A scurries away in embarrassment while B finds that kinda cute.
Accidentally blurting out a romantic confession whilst in the middle of an argument.
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
I wouldn’t necessarily say that I’ve abandoned any fandoms, just outgrew them (show finished), left due to circumstances (no more cable or show on hiatus), or lack of inspiration to continue writing. It feels wrong to say “abandoned” because I still love these fandoms and would still go back to consume their content. I’m just not actively involved anymore.
Kuroko no Basuke. Miraculous Ladybug. Fairytail.
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
The Leventis/Levantis twins (in my own personal interpretation of them). I have a sibling so I’ve mostly based their interactions on my own. The kind of relationship where you annoy each other but love each other fiercely.
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
I think that Seiji would own a dog.
Also!! Headcanon that Seiji runs warm and Nicholas has wonky blood circulation which leads to wearing tank tops and shorts in the winter but hoodies and sweatpants in the summer.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
Seiji is a dog person.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Reese from Scarlet Hollow - I yearn for starving artists. And he likes horror movies? Score! He’s also a little shy but also very cute. 10/10 would romance again.
Sebastian from Stardew Valley - Quiet loner that enjoys tabletop games similar to D&D? And he rides a motorcycle? Brb swooning at his feet.
I can’t pick a favorite from Fence ;v; I love Nicholas but I also love Scott and Thomas and Sungchul and Nate aaaaaaaaa
V - Which character do you relate to most?
In Fence? Nate Spencer. I was originally going to say Nicholas but after further evaluation I realize that I am in fact Nate. The kind of person that brightens up the room but also tends to gravitate to one person in particular despite getting constantly ignored (Aiden sksks).
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
No happy ending. Hurt no comfort. Break-up fics.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Enemies to lovers. Rivals to lovers. Sickfics. Inexperience (first kiss, first times). Not actually unrequited love. Secondhand embarrassment. Sex pollen/lust potion. Truth serum. Party games (i.e. truth or dare). Time travel.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
Call of Duty.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
I’m surprised by the lack of rarepairs in Fence. There’s so much potential with the amount of characters that have been introduced so far, but I guess I can see why. Nichoji are just so throughly entwined with each other it’s almost impossible to envision them with anybody else. Other than that, I would gander that there’s more interest in the main ships than exploring newer characters and even newer relationships. (I aim to change that though, a new rarepair is on the horizon!! Hopefully by Valentine’s day 👀💘)
I’m also rather surprised by how active this fandom is despite the small size of it. It’s nice and cozy here though and I like that.
This fandom is actually making me want to try drawing again. Just speaking out to the void here lol. I was pretty decent at drawing chibis when I was younger. Blushing Nicholas here I come… ✍️♥️✨
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lianabrooks · 1 year
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'tis spooky season in North America and that means it is time for another All I Want For Christmas book, your horror for the holidays!
Pack your bags and come with Iris Muhly to stunning Seoul! She's an American ingenue way out of place and about to lose her job. Can the resident villain save the day? Maybe!
Watch this space for pre-order links and news!
Opening pages below the break...
Need a book to read right now? All I Want For Christmas Is A Werewolf All I Want For Christmas Is A Reaper
Opening pages from the unproofed ARC (because my editor is still fixing things and I wanted to share today!).
Everi1/ShatteredEndings: Longtime lurker, first time poster, I’m really torn on how to vote for Shattered 5. I’m a Z-wysh shipper, but I don’t know if I can forgive Iris for dumping Jihun! - @ValL0vesM3 @MaxIsBae53 – You can’t come back from that. @xxUwUxx23 – SAME @EveriReader – Jihun would tell you to follow your heart. Until Our Darling says he wants Iris gone, don’t believe the gossip. The eighth reel is the one set up by the original author, and that means keeping Iris.
A decade or two ago my dark, chocolate brown hair might have drawn some attention as I got off the bus near Gongdeok Station in Seoul. My skin was a little too pink to be native, my height still a few centimeters taller than the average Korean woman's, my eyes double-lidded and noticeably western European. Today, no one seemed to notice. A few teens glanced at the bedraggled black and purple wig in my hand and the water-damaged fan sign for the hit TV show Shattered, but if they thought anything it was probably that I was a fan who'd gone to see the cast in their final appearance of the penultimate season four.
Absolutely no one shouted out "Wysha!" as I passed, even though that was the name of the purple-haired, mortal-turned-immortal I'd played since the season three finale. Even fans would have struggled to remember my legal name - Iris Muhly - simply because I was, as they said in Hollywood, an ingenue.
A random extra who wound up playing a major character for one season and was destined for a gruesome on-screen death if I didn't get things fixed.
Bitter cold winds rushed ruffled overhead holiday banners lining the alley as I hurried to my Yeonnam-dong apartment. It had been another very long day, with a four am call time so the principles of the cast could do a six am morning show followed by the teaser trailer for the upcoming fan vote. I'd escaped that at ten and rushed to the salon to get my poor, bleached hair treated, re-colored back its natural brown, and then headed home as the sky turned dark. It was only a little after five in the evening, but it was a bitingly cold December day and the sun was setting.
Somewhere over the sound of rushing cars I could hear someone learning that sound doesn’t carry well when it’s -20C outside. No, not even for cheery Christmas carols or romantic pop ballads about first kisses stolen between snowflakes. The winter weather this year consisted of a freezing drought, brutal winds, and none of the romantic snow the Koreans were all expecting.
"Fine by me," I muttered as I eyed the frozen blue sky. I had a plane ticket for a red-eye out of Incheon airport heading straight back to the good 'ol US of A. Home sweet... spawn point?
It was less about going home to somewhere good or safe and more about being in a place where my work visa wouldn't expire as soon as I was fired. Because my first acting gig was rapidly going from Going To Get Fired to Going To Get Fired And Blacklisted.
Hugging my black coat around myself against the cold I glanced both ways along a narrow street and dashed across the street in a way most likely to 1) get me hit by a passing car and 2) get me fined if any of the CCTV cams were working. Which, they weren't. The agency I'd signed a twelve-month contract with was paying for the apartment here in Seoul and they weren't springing for a luxury penthouse for someone who wasn't an actual star.
I ducked past the shops lining the ground floor - convenience stores, noodle shops, and pharmacies - fighting the wind with each step. Plastering myself to the side of the building I tugged off a thin gray glove long enough to punch in the six-digit door code.
The tinted glass door slid open with a soft whoosh of warmer air.
For the first time all day I could almost breathe easy. Granted, there were fourteen CCTV cams pointed along the entry way for the apartment building and two more doors to get through to get to the communal mail hall, but at least I was safe-ish when the doors locked behind me with a click.
It sounded delusional, but for the past week or more I'd felt like someone was watching me.
I'd pushed it off as a delayed response to eighteen-hour work days on set in front of cameras. Compared to the last fourteen months of filming and promotions this past week had been comparatively easy. The cast had split the interviews and appearances, I'd only been in six of the fourteen live things, done four signings, and only been physically threatened, oh, maybe a few thousand times.
With a glance at the heavily tinted windows I went through the next set of doors to the common area where a bank of TVs displayed everything from the local weather channel and the stock exchange to the celebrity news.
The same picture was on half the TVs: a Korean man so handsome my breath caught even though I’d spent the past fourteen months in close proximity with him. “Michyeosseo,” the word slipped past my lips in an angry huff and I wasn’t sure who was crazier, me or the fans on screen screaming  "J'aime Max!" and "Max Kang, je suis délicieux! Épouse-moi!" and the old stand-by, “Sauve-moi, roi des gargouille!”
I wouldn’t stand out in the cold to wave purple and black dragons at a camera for an anyone. Not even in Paris where all the rosy-cheeked teens were. Not even for pay.
Okay, well, that was a lie. Because I could unreservedly cheer for Max Kang for pay and absolutely had during at least one alternate-universe scene this season.
Shattered, the multinational television show that let viewers write the ending to the universally acclaimed series that started with the novel All These Broken Seasons, was all about merging alternate universe and looking at what could have been. The whole premise was two realities collided and the death of some fey[1] princess meant the people in normal Earth suddenly were confronting the people from a magical Earth.
Max Kang, easily one of the hottest men on the planet, played the big, bad villain: Zjarr Aabo. On the screen of the lobby TV Max was seated right next to the breathlessly hungry host who was eyeing his thin, black silk shirt with the undone buttons as if she could make the others fall off by wishing alone. He probably wasn’t currently sporting the chiseled Abs of Treason he flashed at least once a season, because getting that definition involved extreme dieting and dehydration that wasn’t healthy to maintain, but most of the audience didn’t know that.
Not that Max needed chiseled muscle to make him delicious.
He was a man who’d built his fame playing classic bad guys, and one of the highest grossing Korean actors. Black hair that somehow always looked sexily tousled, wide set black eyes, heavy eyebrows, a broad and expressive face, and the muscles of a man who spent every spare hour in the gym or with the show’s fight trainer. The fact that he could dance and sing was just icing on the slice of Hallyu Wave perfection that was Max Kang.
Light loved him.
There was a glow, and a natural presence that survived even the camera’s harsh glare. When Max stepped into a room every head turned. His dramatic baritone voice was rich and low enough to send a shiver up anyone’s spine.
The evil demon of a man certainly didn't need to look directly into the camera with his ridiculously incomparable dark eyes and wink as his lips curled into a perfect come hither smile that all but melted everyone in his line of sight. 
No, he didn't need to do any of that. 
But he did.
I rolled my eyes as I pushed the button and waited for the elevator. All of this was to sway the vote. No, make it The Vote. With sparkly letters and fancy fonts and everything.
All These Broken Seasons was the best selling fantasy series of the mid-21st century but it had a little problem... the ending didn’t exist.   
Years ago the author had rudely died, or run away, or been kidnapped by Bigfoot. Something like that. One day they were in full contact and posting daily teasers for the untitled final fifth novel, and then they vanished. The jury was still out on what really happened.
Shattered was the answer.
Some studio had the rights, the author’s sudden disappearance gave them an opening, and they ran with it. Four, big budget seasons followed the books with a gratifying amount of accuracy[2] and now the fans got to vote on which ending we would shoot.
Since most the fans currently wanted to shoot me, the ending that promised my brutal death on screen was winning with eighty percent of the votes. Angel Xi, Shattered’s leading lady and the primary love interest of the hero, had oh-so-not-kindly told me that in Cantonese the word Four sounds like the word Death. Angel’s a sweetie like that.
The elevator opened and was empty, thank goodness. I stepped in and stabbed the close button before anyone could hop on.
Most of the building’s residents were polite enough to pretend they didn’t know me. Koreans weren’t fans of small talk as a rule, especially in Seoul, but things had been tense since the tabloids snapped pictures of Kim Jihun crying.
Tears weren’t the problem. Men could cry, and Jihun often did as the tortured, lovelorn hero of Shattered. The problem was that the tabloids had been snapping pics of me and Jihun hanging out for the past year and the world was convinced we were dating. If Jihun was smiling, I’d done something to make him happy. If Jihun was angry, it was my fault. If he was crying, I ought to die for hurting The World’s Darling.
Despite all the tabloid rumors, Jihun and I had never shared more than heartfelt glances on screen. He was my type, but I wasn’t his, and I was smart enough not to chase a man who didn’t want me.
[1] Fae? Fairy? Whatever. She was the typical All Powerful Magic Girl and she died at the end of the first book.
[2] I hadn’t read the books until after I’d been cast, and I really didn’t appreciate how much work went into adapting a book into a screenplay until I met some of the script writers. Suffice it to say, they deserved all the awards they kept winning and the full adoration of the fandom. Other fandoms wish they were this lucky.
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kiss-me-nott · 2 years
HIII can I request romantic matchups for Demon Slayer & AOT? :))
I’m biromantic asexual with a preference for women & my pronouns are they/them 💕
For appearance I have brown eyes & dark brown (kinda black) hair with an olive/almost tan colored skin & im 5’4 (short af out here)
For hobbies I would say I really enjoy drawing & baking, always down to try new recipes but gets pissed when they come out weird.
Likes: sweets, reading, giving gifts, talking to my friends, my alone time, & caffeine
Dislikes: really spicy food, feeling overwhelmed/overstimulated, bugs, & being around people I don’t know
Personality: I would say I’m the kind of person to be shy when first meeting but if I became friends with someone then I’d never shut up. Sometimes I need a break from my friends tho and just need alone time. I have a very dry sense of humor so on multiple occasions I’ve had people tell me I’m mean or they take something I say to heart (which is never my intention to make people feel that way ;v;). I have borderline anger issues like one time I messed up cinnamon rolls and hit my counter so hard my hand bruised. I also have a habit of doing/saying before thinking, which has gotten me hurt/sick many times. Overall I like to think I’m a decent person to be around.
Hope this was enough info and have a good day/evening 🫶
2 matchups for my lovely anon (•‾⌣‾•)و ̑̑♡ , also, ty for requesting! for your romantic aot pairing i'm matching you with. . .
𝐘𝐦𝐢𝐫 ´ˎ˗
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i think at first you really capture ymir's attention, [ she thinks it's cute when you get angry and she smiles a lot ] and bc your shy at first, she doesn't mind breaking the ice.
ymir's not actually much taller than you [ 5'7, i thought she was soo much taller ;-; ] but she likes casually leaning on you for comfort and teasing you about it.
lotta quick forehead kisses here
honestly, very protective + possibly jealous [ absolutely denies it ]
she'll usually offer to get you ingredients when you bake [ go out and get whatever your missing ], she doesn't cook much but likes to watch and chat. and help if you ask
and on the off chance she's there when it goes bad. she surprised, to be honest. then, she smiles.
not to make you feel worse or anything, no! she just thinks your adorable, and probably won't let you try to hurt your hands again.
she knows how to bandage your hands though. probably extremely intense, like she might say something harsh.
shambles. she's in shambles on the inside.
also, you mention being kind of straight-forward to people, or 'coming off mean/rude' without meaning to.
i think she'd adore it, your honest opinion or not. ymir isn't one to take things to heart most of the time, and at this point in your relationship, she knows you and when your being sincere.
probably doesn't understand the gift giving when it's directed at her, but it grows on her definitely.
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and for your demon slayer matchup, i'm pairing you with. . .
𝐌𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐢 𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐢 ´ˎ˗
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she admires you a tonnn, complimenting how pretty you are in her head. blushing and staring like a complete idiot [ it continues in your relationship too ]
i mean! she's so lucky to have you, and she doesn't take it for granted.
mitsuri's gifts to you are often small tokens [ she's promised to put a cap on some of her affections to not overwhelm you ]
like jewelry, sweets, or things you can bake with like sugar and honey.
you probably won't have time to be angry at your cinnamon rolls tbh. . . she's never had one before and is absolutely burning her tongue trying to eat it.
and she loves your cooking no matter the outcome. she often stuffs her lunch with the sweets or saves them for later regardless.
she likes cooking with you if it's not too much trouble.
plus, she's good at western style cooking. so, she makes the meals, you make dessert? [ it's nice having someone else with her when she cooks, it's a comfort even if you don't feel like talking much ]
she keeps herself busy too, usually stretching or training when you like your time alone to read or just relax. [ it doesn't stop her from occasionally sneaking a peak at your focused face though ]
and she's okay with some bugs [ like butterflies and bees ] but spiders?? if you can't get rid of it either you'll probably both live in fear.
"guess were buring the house down"
lastly, and i think most importantly, she's there whenever you need her. like when your uncomfortable around so many strangers she'll hold your hand and rub circles into your skin.
she gets embarrassed a lot, but she'll always put your first.
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;; p.s. of course you're a decent person anon! you sound wonderful (●´□`)♡ and thank you so much for requesting, i hope you liked your matchups!
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chartedrights · 4 years
i hope i'm not too late to the "made-up fic title" ask game (if i am, my apologies), but i am quite curious; "The Strangest Standoff In A Graveyard We've Had Yet"
You’re not! As long as people keep sending them in I’ll keep taking them! It’s a really good exercise tbh.
So we’re going to go back to the Wild West AU because a very particular image came to mind and it’s this: Bruce Wayne, a man dressed all in black, standing opposite Clark Kent, a stubborn, reedy preacher. In a graveyard.
Bruce is a sheriff- his family was wealthy, before they were murdered, and he had to work his way back up to literally just “a livable wage.” He’s bitter about it, and he’s a harsh man with a harsh temper, but he does what he can to protect his city.
Clark went to seminary school because he thought he could help people. Clark also went to the general store and bought a rifle because he knew that would help people. He’s a kind man, but he’s practical. And very alone.
Just two guys, sitting in a church pew, five feet apart because they’re hella gay.
The graveyard is where all the duels go down, because more often than not you can just toss a dead duelist into a fresh grave and have done with it. Sure, Bruce finds them all eventually, but in the meantime the other duelist gets away.
Sweet Tooth, on this particular day, is holding Clark hostage in the graveyard. Bruce is deeply upset by this, but he’s also emotionally crippled, so he’s not sure why. He’s also not certain why Sweet Tooth chose Clark over say, his deputy, Dick, or his uncle, Alfred. Clark is barely even his friend. Right? Hardly even his friend. They don’t even get along.
Sweet Tooth gets knocked out quickly, but Bruce is shot twice, and Clark is a combination of angry and worried that would scream “he’s in love with you” to anyone with two working brain cells. Bruce has one and its working overtime.
“Bruce! Stop trying to throw yourself into the first open grave you can find and understand that there are people who care about you here!”
Bruce blinks. “Alfred?”
“No- well, yes, but- no! I- ugh- fuck it. And fuck you.” Clark storms back to the church. Bruce takes another three minutes to inwardly work through the idea that Clark cares about him and his single working brain cell finally makes the connection.
“Oh,” he says to himself.
Then he goes up to the church, cold stone and soft light, so very much like Clark- and he pins Clark to the wall and they make out in the confessional. It’s very brooding and emotional.
Bruce almost dies of blood loss, but like. It’s worth it.
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Sixty Six Percent [Spencer x fem! Reader]
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A/N - This is for my “girls night out” square on my CM bingo card for @cmbingo​, which you can find the masterlist for here. Also loosely based off this prompt I’ve been wanting to write for a while - Our best friends are that awful “cute” couple that make out in public and call each other “sweetie” and “sugar” and god they’re awful, let’s talk about how awful they are – develops into “oh we’re that awful couple now”. Includes some Galvez and is set circa season 14 ish. Bottom right image taken from Kirsten’s Instagram. 
CW - not much really - just drinking and fluff.
In which girls night takes an unexpected turn when it coincides with boys night.
WC: 2.2K
Find my full Masterlist here.
Western’s bar in DC on a Friday night had been a must for girls night out. It was known for its cheap drinks, loud music and packed dance floor. Everything you and the girls were looking for. 
When your closest friends worked for the FBI, arranging girls night was always a near impossible feat. You’d lost count of how many times Penelope, Emily, JJ and Tara had to bail on your plans because another case had come up. 
You understood, you’d been best friends with Penelope for years now and you appreciated their schedules were hectic but you were always left downtrodden when they’d had to cancel again. 
But finally after weeks of cancellations and rescheduling, tonight they had been free for girls night. 
Shots were flowing and you all showed off your moves on the dance floor. You and Tara being the only single ones of the group danced with a few men but it was all harmless flirting, nothing serious. 
You weren’t looking to take someone home tonight. 
It was nearing midnight and you had all taken a break from dancing to rehydrate with vodka. You noticed Penelope’s eyes shift away from the girls across the room and her perfectly sculpted eyebrows knitted together.
“What is it, Pen?” You asked her, having to speak loudly to be heard over the music. 
“We can’t just have one night.” She rolled her eyes but then her face broke out into a large smile. “Excuse me.” And with that she sauntered off.
Your gaze followed where she had gone to see her throwing herself into the arms of her boyfriend, Luke Alvez. 
You chuckled to yourself, nudging Emily in the arm.
“They just can’t stay away from each other can they?” You laughed.
“It’s disgusting really.” Emily also laughed. 
“Looks like they're having a boys night. We should probably go and say hi.” JJ shrugged.
“I suppose it would be rude not to.” Tara agreed.
The four of you followed in Penelope’s footsteps across the room. You’d met most of the team over the years thanks to Penelope and you said your hellos to Luke, Rossi and Matt. 
The last man you came to had incredible hazel eyes, which even in the dim lighting of the bar you could see were flecked with gold. He had a light stubble on his cheeks and untamed curls you had a sudden desire to run your fingers through. 
Spencer Reid, you assumed. You’d heard of him countless times but for whatever reason the two of you had never met. You got the impression he avoided social situations in lieu of more academic pursuits. 
You’d heard stories of his time in prison and looking at him now it struck you that there was a hint of sadness in those hazel eyes and you assumed that must be why. 
“You must be Spencer.” You smiled a little shyly at him. You had no idea he’d be so attractive. “I’m Y/N.”
He smiled at you but you noticed it was stifled. Like he knew the fact you knew his name meant you knew what had happened to him.
“Yes, I’m Spencer. I’ve heard a lot about you Y/N, I can’t believe we’ve never met before.” Despite the sadness about him, his eyes seemed to sparkle as they looked at you and it made you feel hot under the collar. 
“Me either.” You couldn’t help but beam, had Penelope been hiding him from you? He was just your type. 
You turned to look at your friends briefly but were surprised to find them gone. Tara, Emily, JJ and Matt were now dancing in the middle of the floor while Rossi propped up the bar, sipping his single malt. 
A few feet from where you were standing with Spencer, Luke and Penelope were swapping saliva in an extremely NC-17 fashion. 
He had his hands on her voluptuous backside and her fingers were clawing at his shirt. 
“Are they always like this?” You turned back to Spencer with a grimace.
He shrugged.
“Not always but often enough not to be phased by it anymore.” He chucked a little. 
“Young love.” You laughed too. 
“They’re actually pretty cute when they aren’t pushing the boundaries of public displays of affection.” 
“Pen always refers to him as bunny, it makes me sick.” You laughed harder.
“Oh gosh.” Spencer pulled a face. “They flirt over the phone on cases all the time. It takes forever to get an answer out of Garcia because they have to flirt in every single call.”
“I bet he hasn’t described to you their sex life in graphic detail. Because Penelope has.” You shudder a little. “I know more about Luke’s anatomy than I ever needed to know.”
“That’s...that’s unfortunate.” Spencer laughed. 
“Yeah that’s one way to put it.” 
“Can I buy you a drink?” His smile was much less sad now, and more genuine as he looked at you. The way he was smiling at you made you feel weak. 
“That would be really nice.” You nodded. 
You followed Spencer to the bar where he ordered you both a drink and paid. He then led you over to a small booth away from the chaos where you sat next to him to allow you to be able to converse over the music. At least that’s what you told yourself.
It had nothing to do with the fact you wanted to be close to him. Absolutely nothing. 
“One time we were on a case in Boston and I called Garcia and for whatever reason she thought I was Luke and she started graphically describing what she was going to do to me, Luke when I got home. It was...disturbing to say the least.” 
“Oh wow. That sounds...horrible.” You laughed. 
“I’ve not been able to properly look her in the eye since.” Spencer pulled a face.
“They are the definition of sickening. But they’re happy. I guess that’s all that matters.” You shrugged, sipping your drink. “They’re lucky, one night stands have never worked out that well for me.” 
“No?” Spencer looked inquisitive. “I’ve never had one.”
“Really?” You raised an eyebrow at him. “I thought everyone had had at least one.”
“Statistically only sixty six percent of American’s have had a one night stand before.” 
“I forgot Penelope told me you were a genius.” You laughed again. “That’s a surprisingly low number.” 
“It’s still over two hundred and sixteen million people.” he didn’t even look as though he had to think to know something like that. You were impressed and felt slightly inadequate in comparison to him.
“Oh, in that case I suppose it is a lot.” you didn’t really know what you could say to that. “Can I ask why you’ve never had a one night stand?”
Spencer contemplated his answer this time. Facts and statistics rolled off his tongue but when he had to speak of personal things it often took him a moment to find the right thing to say.
“I suppose I’m a romantic at heart. One night stands seem kind of...disheartening to me. I’m not saying never but I’ve never felt the need thus far in my life.”
“See I don’t agree.” you turned in your seat so you could look at him properly. This close you could really see his incredible bone structure, high cheekbones and a sharp jawline. You wanted to run your fingertips over the delicate curves of his face, kiss the stubble on his soft skin and make your way to those plump lips of his. “Being single is hard, especially when your best friend is Penelope who is and is all loved up with Alvez. One night stands provide a little solace from the loneliness I guess.” you shrugged, trying not to sound like you were throwing a pity party for yourself. 
“But isn’t it just lonely all over again when it's over?” Spencer leaned closer to you and your eyes were fixated on his lips. 
“I don’t know.” mirroring him, you leaned closer. “We could always find out.” you smirked at him. You had just met him and you knew being so brazenly flirtatious could be dangerous territory. But you’d gone all these years without ever crossing paths so you supposed if this went south and Spencer rebuffed you then avoiding him wouldn’t be that difficult. 
His facial expression didn’t change so you had no idea what he was thinking or how he had taken your advances. He leaned even closer and your eyes were still locked on his lips.
“Are you asking me to come home with you Y/N?” his eyes were dark, lust perhaps? 
“I’m asking you to join the sixty six percent Spencer.” 
For a few long seconds neither of you moved or spoke. Spencer eyes fell over you, lingering longer on your lips. You shifted a little in your seat feeling hot under his intense gaze. He leaned even closer and you thought he was about to kiss you, but just as he inched towards you, a voice snapped you back to reality.
“Y/N there you are!” it was Emily. “And Spence, hey.” 
“Hi Emily, what’s up?” you would never forgive her if she had gotten in the way of Spencer kissing you.
“Come and dance, it's girls night!” she tugged your arm, pulling you so you were on your feet. 
Spencer shuffled out of the booth behind you. As Emily started dragging you towards the dancefloor, he came close to your ear and whispered “I’ll come and find you later.” and then he headed over towards Rossi who was still propping up the bar.
You danced with the girls for hours, even Penelope when she came up for air and pried herself away from Luke for more than a few seconds. The drinks kept flowing, laughter was aplenty; it was a great night all round. It had been worth waiting for.
Around three am you and the girls decided to call it night. You were a little tipsy and your feet hurt from all the dancing. You had lost track of Spencer earlier in the night, you were a little disappointed but it was probably for the best. A one night stand with your best friend's colleague would no doubt only end in disaster. 
You said your goodbyes outside, hugs and cheek kisses were dished out and they all promised you would have another girls night as soon as their schedules allowed. You lived on the other side of town than the girls so you waved off their cab from the curb and awaited the next one. It wasn’t long before another cab pulled up and to your confusion the rear window rolled down as it came to a stop.
“Told you I’d find you later.” Spencer smiled at you from the backseat. 
You tried to hide your blush as you slid in next to him. 
“I thought you left.” you buckled yourself in and almost immediately Spencer took hold of your hand.
“Not without you.” he leaned closer and then his lips pressed against yours in the backseat of the cab and you felt your whole body turn to jelly at the sensation. He used his free hand to cup your face as he deepened the kiss.
You felt a jolt of electricity coarse through you, something you had never felt before. Your lips moved in such a synchronized fashion it was crazy to think you had never done this before. You felt as though you’d waited your entire life for this moment. 
The kiss lasted a few minutes and when it ended you both panted slightly, trying to grasp at the air that had escaped your lungs. He kept his hand on your cheek, stroking small circles on your skin with his thumb. 
“Are you ready to join the sixty six percent club Spencer?” you smirked at him in the dark. 
He kissed you again, softly this time, more cautiously. 
“I’m quite comfortable in the minority. And I already know I am not going to be able to settle for one night with you.”
Your heart melted at his words, and the loving look he was giving you. You squeezed his hand, kissing him once more.
“If you take me for breakfast in the morning, you can have as many nights as you like.” you winked at him which made him blush a little.
“I’m sure we can arrange that, my love.”
“Thirty four percent it is then.” you laughed, settling your head on Spencer’s shoulder. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and kissed your head. 
You would have to berate Penelope for not introducing you to Spencer sooner. But you might also need to cut her and Luke some slack, because you had a feeling you and Spencer were going to become an awful, cutesy couple just like them. But when it was happening to you, you didn’t mind so much. Maybe you’d even let Spencer call you bunny…
...On second thoughts, maybe not. Somethings would never change. You’d leave the cringey nicknames to Penelope and Luke. At least for now anyway. Tomorrow was another day. 
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awu-wangxuan · 3 years
I've watched the first two episodes of the veil (kdrama) and I'm obsessed ???? hence I need to get some thoughts off me because ASJDVKFJGFK this drama seems to be sooooo good and interesting and I'm already hooked to its premise!
so first of all: I was not expecting and nor was I ready for such a huge snack to be given to us as a male lead. I am absolutely not familiar with the male actor, I personally have never seen him acting and omg. the shock I had when he appeared for the first time ??? this drama needs to put some warnings ahead and not for the gorey or more disturbing scenes, BUT FOR HIM. like watch out, this dude is gonna come with his huge ass and ripped af muscles and do the utmost to make you feel like he's impregnated you through a screen. i was left speechless, astonished, incapable of putting together any coherent thought and yeah. just watch out for him.
secondly, it was really long since the last time I watched a spy drama/tv show, so the fact that the veil seems to be very well made and nicely paced is already super intriguing for me. I love spy dramas and I love them even more when the male lead is as good looking and hot as nam goong min. besides his looks, he is also super fitting for the role that he's playing, like there wasn't a single minute where I doubted his ability in playing a spy. he looks like he was born for this role, idk he's just so perfect!!! also we have gangs and drug lords involved, lots of action, a little bit of disturbing / more gorey scenes which make the whole thing look a lot more real ... I mean, just looking at quality, it seems like you're watching a western tv show or movie and I'm in no way saying this because those shows are better, but mostly because of how explicit / fast pace the content is. the action scenes are phenomenal as well, and I love how we have a male lead that's not your typical kdrama male lead that solely goes down the road of goodness and kindness and whose only aim is to protect those who are weak, but more like a hunk that wouldn't think twice before punching you if that would get him closer to his aim. he's super goal-oriented and cold and aggressive, but I also appreciate how they didn't shy away from showing his weaker sides. like his loneliness, his ptsd, depression, everything which comes along with his job. it feels much more real and authentic to watch something like this, so truly, good job to the script writers!
they didnt show much of the other characters but I'm already in love with yoo je yi!!! now tbh I didn't understand who is the actual female lead of the drama, but if it's her it would perfect!! she gives the right amount of contrast with han ji hyuk's character and I already love those little glimpse of chemistry we got from the first two episodes!! I believe that, if well developed, they could make a really interesting couple and I don't necessarily mean it in a romantic way (although I would like it better if they had a little bit romance ... it's just that I don't think this is where the drama wants is heading towards). I mean, she has the right personality to make him open a little a bit but also to oppose his black-and-white way of looking at things, his recklessness and toughness. so I'm really looking forward to whatever these two will do as partners and to how staying with each other will change their personality. also, I think soo yeon is the other female lead of the drama, but I don't kinda get her role so far. hopefully they'll give us more hints on whether she's going to be a positive or negative character, in all frankness I'd appreciate the second option more, just to have more variety in the cast.
regarding the plot, the premises were laid in a very stable way, the storyline doesn't seem to be rushed and I feel like almost everyone was given a good enough introduction and time to be 'settled down' as characters. I'm absolutely loving the dark vibes, the politics and the intrigues, the whole idea of guessing who's the traitor inside the organisations, etc (so cliché, but this shit gets me every time). some things aren't exactly clear to me, as the fact of why on earth does a top class spy have his identity, name, face and position revelead to the enemies and is still somehow allowed to work on the field, knowing he could get killed in any moment, but oh well that's kdrama for you.
so, to sum up: I'm loving this drama so far and I hope it will keep its initial pace and level of intelligence and not just turn into trash after few episodes. it does seem to be very promising in my opinion and the fact that the total number of episodes is 12 is kinda relieving me from the fear of them dragging the story in the second half. I definitely recommend it to all of you, especially because I'm craving for more thoughts / opinions / fan content from y'all <3
ps I see how in kdramas 2021 is slowly turning into the year of the dilfs, I see it and I'm absolutely not complaining
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bittersweet netflix shadow and bone finale (s1 e8) rewatch; accoutrement: white wine with ice cubes in it (no YOU'RE a mom drink shh)
my wine's like fruity I love her
light and darkness title card we love to see it
Inej looking at Alina before she goes below deck to hide <3
okay that 'what can you really do on your own' was like not fun that shit hurted
okay but Jesper's 'not enough'? <3
oh no my baby Zoya's first inkling that Darkles does not really care
omg Helnik just appeared and I remembered how much heartbreak I have to face in this episode
gods I love Danielle as Nina so so much
'this can't be it' said she with her pleading smile with downturned eyebrows MA'AM I-
don't break my dumb little heart
I might hate Calahan's little accent but they're making me tear up
oh gods I literally cannot keep a hold on myself when Dani's accent bleeds through with full force, it's like she comes more alive or smth
'I will keep you warm' SIR WHAT-
I am surprised they showed a leaning in for a kiss so soon but I'm not mad about it
her little eyebrow twitch at 'what are waffles'
when that rando said 'i hunt slavers now' a dread settled into me because I knew what was about to go down
Matthias looking somberly at the stuffed wolf's head </3
I am so incredibly entranced by this exchange between Fedyor and Nina and what it represents, it's very interesting that they pushed up their storyline to match with the timeline
damn it's kind of jarring to be back in the Fold
'REMEMBER WHO'S DRIVING'??!!!! *you better stop* meme, *i am, disgusted* meme, *oh wow, oh wow* meme
Mal you fucking idiot you could never take the crows by surprise
the music rising as Kaz starts explaining his thought process, fucking perfection
haha Mal bitchass Inej caught you
'Because if he isn't with Kirigan's crew, he's with ours' WHEN I TELL YOU I SCREAMED
'And why would we destroy the Fold? It's the greatest weapon we've got' valid point at the moment but you know I don't necessarily agree with your methods
the use of the light tunnel in the show instead of Alina just being a super flashlight in the books is quite an interesting addition as well
is this an inappropriate time to point out how pretty Ben Barnes is
okay I kind of love the depiction of the shadow powers okay sue me
'they are traitors who tried to kill you' why are you suddenly making valid points despite having kind of committed low scale genocide
Kaz's face going from 'can you believe this idiot' at Mal to 'fuck me I'm gonna do the same thing aren't I' at Inej
'For who would oppose us now?' *himbo romantic rival appears out of nowhere and shoots at him* god I love this show
him standing calmly in his ridiculous all black attire after nodding at his soldier to stop the himbo in his tracks, i fucking can't
could she summon light without the Darkling making her after he put the collar on her until the uhm moment in the books? idts but in the show she can hmm
'only because I'm not in the game' you tell him Jesper
not me snickering at 'you'll be seen not as a saviour, but as a heretic' LMFAO
'Shame. I'll have to give that speech again now.' THIS SHOW IS A FUCKING COMEDY AND YOU CAN'T PROVE ME WRONG
Darkles casually whipping the Cut out like a shuriken or a throwing knife at Jesper because he shot at him lmao I can't
that moment where you actually think that affected him despite having read the books and watched the show
and then he has to go and fucking say 'it will take more than this' and I can't be help but be a little bit impressed at this old fool's resilience
throwback to when he said 'the king is a child' sir you make some valid points sometimes and it does make it difficult to hate you
I would just like to inform everyone that it is currently 6:09 am IST and I am sipping my second mug of wine while watching netflix sab for the second time instead of doing my three papers that are due tomorrow
I'm sorry but Inej jumping to check on Zoya after she gets knocked over by the volcra? first class display of solidarity and sisterhood as well as Inej's inherent kindness
Kaz jumping in front of a FUCKING VOLCRA AND STABBING IT WITH HIS CANE to save Inej, you best believe love is true, kids
god the volcra are so ugly and gross, they did such a good job with them
they kind of remind me of these creatures (I think they might have been called Hollows or smth) from the Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children movie
despite my dislike for the callous nature with which the stag plotline was handled, I kind of dig the stag vision scene
'It's just me and you now, Alina. And we're all we need, anyway.' I actually feel bad for this old fool simping for this wonderful gorgeous powerful woman despite lying to her and manipulating her and exploiting her power
okay 'I never needed you' *stabs the bone fragment out of his hand* beautiful power move I fucking love you so so much
alright ben looking like ✨ that✨ not only in physical pain but also emotional pain at what the Darkling clearly considers another betrayal from this girl he wants to give the world and maybe? loves? maybe? or at least has feelings for makes my fucking heart hurt while simultaneously soar at Alina taking back control and reclaiming her power as her own and stepping into her own
'how do you claim such power' okay could have had better dialogue there writers
the fucking score lifting as she says 'you cannot claim what was not given to you' good people my heart is full
one day I'll talk about my defense of the chosen one trope because god damn I kind of love it
hmm I wonder was that brief hesitation that we saw on Alina's face due to her thinking about the 'you chose to betray our people' comment or the 'i was trying to save us' comment because that will define some of her actions in the later seasons (hopefully god if we get some, I honestly don't know what with this stupid brownface debacle)
I'm not saying talking about brownface and pointing out that it is wrong (for further context, I am actually brown) and harmful is stupid btw I'm talking about the incidents involving brownface in question
I don't wanna talk about this anymore but I might feel like I need to and end up posting about it idk
goodness Ivan actually believing in this cause makes me so sad because he too has been victimized by the system that ostracizes Grisha and he has every right to feel the way that he does
Ben actually fighting in that ridiculously heavy cloak and kefta when he's about to turn 40 this year makes me super impressed because I as a 19 year old sometimes wake up with muscle pulls after weeks of inactivity it's weird idk
also I understand that this Mal Darkling fight is completely fanservice and serves nearly no purpose to the plot in general but like I? love it?
'I don't have to kill you Darkling. Your past will do it for me' YES HIMBO GO OFF YOU TELL THAT OLD MAN GODS THAT WAS SEXY AS FUCK
maybe it's because I know Darkles will survive and will come out of it more powerful but I can't get myself to feel bad for him at the moment
Inej and Mal tearing up at Alina's condition made me almost feel something despite it being super obvious she was gonna be fine and save their asses at the last moment
a solitary Kaz in spotted on the western side of the newly expanded fold in his signature all black emo boy look
okay but the crows with zoya and malina is such an adorable team? I literally love them so much?
okay I know they had one interaction but Mal and Jesper would be besties in another universe
Kaz glaring at Jesper when he answers ''course not' to Alina's 'will you still be trying to kidnap me?' tell me one fucking adaptation that got the dynamics between characters this perfectly
okay why do I love that Alina kept the jewellery as maybe a small nod to she has the wits to, um, you know, I don't wanna say steal, but, um, yeah, steal it because she knew she would need money to survive on the run
oh Jessie I love you so much I wish you hadn't said those things on you ig story about the brownface
it's like every single celeb I grow attached to god's like nope that one is going to do or say something problematic (hey btw im not reassigning blame to god for stuff people have done out of their own free will, 'twas a joke)
AAAAAAAH them saying 'the deal is the deal' in the show even though they didn't have to but like they did and I love them for it
Inej literally not being able to not stare at Kaz's face and smile after this <3
'I didn't expect it to burn at all. But it can be destroyed in the end. Just like him' babe you're not wrong but like um just you wait
god Mal being on supportive boyfie mode is well, absolutely adorable, obviously, but I wish we got to see more of him as a person outside of his attachment to Alina
kaz my little demjin I wish you hadn't have had to suffer so much to meet the crows and find your calling
fastforwarding Zoya's arc is also an interesting choice to me
I wish the hug hadn't been done though, it didn't feel earned
maybe Alina awkwardly and half-heartedly (remember, at this point the alliance is fresh and they still don't entirely trust each other) reached for a hug and Zoya avoided her? and then the rest of Zoya's lines followed? that would have made more sense to me at least
I love Sujaya as well, she brought life into Zoya with whatever little screentime and scraps of writing she got
inej asking kaz 'what's your angle?' beep bop bleep morp I sense another incoming embarrassing love confession
'but we do need you' *stares at her face intensely* 'I need you' ah look at the clock, look's like it's time to screech and flap your arms like you're a volcra because you're incapable of containing your emotions
helnik my loves you don't deserve this I'm so sorry for both of you
Matthias fucking smiling ruefully while he says 'this was... just a cruel joke all along' THIS IS NOT FUCKING OKAY
omg hellgate
Nina genuinely being curious as to the status of the sun saint because she obviously still cares
Also, 'But she is a Saint' okay Kaz trying to earn brownie points you have succeeded
gods I know I'll probably see them again but my heart is full of sorrow as my eyes drink in the sight of my crows for the last time for a while
I know people were annoyed at the meadow flashbacks but guess what? as a darklina, I loved them
'now that the Darkling is dead' could have phrased that a little differently my dudes that line needed to hold more weight
am I glad that they showed Darkles in this state with his nichevo'ya as a tasty little cliffhanger despite not being entirely true to the source material? maybe but only because Ben Barnes saying 'follow' and the nichevo'ya doing exactly so sent a chill down my spine
well, that's it for now, I'll have to move on I guess, get back to my real life which I'm obviously not ready to do
thank you to whoever actually read these things
I probably should have just made reactions or commentary videos instead but I'm lazy
my tumblr will probably go into inactivity once more as I emerge from my stint in the grishaverse
it was quite short (less than 2 months), considering the length of my other obsessions but it was definitely more intense than the other ones
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keichanz · 4 years
More Than
so i was listening to the song More Than My Hometown by Morgan Wallen which is now my new obsession and i shit you not, the ending to this little drab popped into my brain so fast i knew i had to write it down. thus, this angsty little blurb was born. 
now as i was writing, i realized that it was giving off sooo many One Last Ride vibes, written by the ever so talented @lemonlushff​​, that i decided to tweak this so it could tuck somewhere into the story itself as a sort of unofficially official glimpse of their breakup. i’m happy to report that it has Lemon’s official seal of approval and she loved it! 
so now i’m gonna share it with all you fine folks and i hope you enjoy it too! :) and since it is in the OLR universe, there will be angst hahahaa. 
so this is for you Lemon, my sweet and sour friend~ ❤️ 
one last thing--i highly recommend either having the song above playing while you read this, or at least listen to it beforehand. yes, it’s a country song, but it really is so good and the lyrics - which i’ve italicized and bolded - seem to reflect Inuyasha’s thoughts perfectly, which is why i thought it fit so well with OLR’s theme. 
....shit okay one last last thing: i swear to fuck that the ending jumped out of a scene from a goddamn western harlequin romance novel with its level of cliche and drama and yes i am entirely proud of that fact ;ljadfilajflkahjsfue
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She stood beside the bed, feeling empty, cold, hollow as she stared down at the pillows and blankets. It was still unmade, the sheets twisted, messy from her hasty retreat just that morning. Tears burned her eyes as she remembered why; the argument, the begging, the screaming. The heartbreak.
Her heart twinged and Kagome gasped, closing her eyes as she brought up a hand to cover her mouth. Was this…was this really it? Were they really going to leave things like this, unresolved and painful between them? God, she didn’t want to. She wanted to run outside, run through the night to his house, throw open the front door and beg him to—
Her bedroom door crashed open and Kagome gasped, whirling around with wide, liquid eyes, heart in her throat. Golden eyes, furious, hard, bore into her own and suddenly a heat suffused her body, chasing away the previous chill, and her stomach swooped as he shut the door and stalked toward her.
Her breath left her in a stuttered exhale, body trembling, coming alive from the heat in his gaze.
“Shut up,” he growled, grabbing her waist, hauling her in tight against him. His lips fell over hers, swallowing her gaps, the crush of his mouth hard, unforgiving, punishing.
Hands – frantic, desperate – removed clothing, touching, grabbing, caressing. They fell on the bed in tangle of limbs, skin against skin, heart against heart, flushed, needy, desperate. Growls, moans, whispered pleas echoed throughout the darkness of the room as they rocked together, moving in a dance as old as time. Fingers grasping sweat slicked skin, hearts thundering wildly and then perfectly syncing in a moment of euphoric completion. A stuttered breath, a gasp of a name; then silence.
Tears trekked down her flushed face as she was gathered against a hard chest, as familiar arms wrapped around her stated body and held her as she cried.
Girl, our mamas are best friends and so are we The whole town's rooting for us like the home team Most likely to settle down Plant a few roots real deep and let 'em grow
Kagome stood in front of the full-length mirror and ran a brush through her still damp hair, the yellow and blue sundress she wore complimenting the blue of her eyes. Blue eyes that were dull as they stared at her reflection, but didn’t really see it.
Which was just as well. She didn’t know why she picked this dress to wear, but had felt compelled to wear it anyway, even if looking at it made the vice on her heart tighten even more.
A gentle knock on her door startled her out of her thoughts and she blinked. Kagome turned her head in time to watch her mother crack open the door and poke her head inside, her smile kind, but her eyes sad. The older woman took in her daughter and her smile faded, but she didn’t comment as she stepped inside.
“Souta brought the car around,” she said softly. “And the keys are in it. Do you need help with your bags?”
“No,” Kagome answered and looked at her reflection again. “I packed most of them in the car last night. I just have my carry-on left.”
Mama nodded but said nothing as gazed at her daughter. Her heart ached at the pain she saw reflected in those dear features, in the eyes were that identical to her late husband’s—Kagome’s father.
“Kagome…” she started, but then sighed as those sad, sad eyes turned toward her once again. Mama shook her head. “Are you going to say goodbye?”
Kagome’s breath hitched. She didn’t need to ask who she was talking about. She swallowed past the lump in her throat and tried to ignore the butterflies that took flight in her belly.
“I…I’m going to try,” she whispered and god help her, but she couldn’t stop the tears from welling in her eyes. “But Mama, I don’t…he probably doesn’t want to see…”
Her throat tightened and she pressed her lips tightly together to stifle the sob that welled up. Immediately arms, warm and familiar, surrounded her. Kagome buried her face in her mother’s shoulder as the tears spilled from her eyes.
“I’ll talk to Izayoi,” Mama murmured and kissed her daughter’s head, her heart aching for her little girl as she felt her own eyes getting hot with the threat of tears. “If anyone can talk some sense into that boy, it’s his mother.”
Kagome sniffled and nodded, grateful that her mother would help her in this endeavor. It was unlikely he’d want to see her, but she had to at least try…
Closing her eyes as her mother rubbed her back and smoothed her hair, Kagome clung to her mother and let herself remember, the memories flashing before her mind’s eye and then fading away just as quickly, only to be replaced by another one, fresher, more precious, more painful than the one before.
But we can't stop this real world from spinnin' us Your bright lights called, I don't blame you for pickin' up Your big dream bags are all packed up and ready to go But I just need you to know
“Shhh! Quit laughing or they’ll hear us!”
Another badly stifled giggle echoed in the night as he drew her into the darkness of the trees, toward their secret spot they’d found years ago. One hand held a six pack while the other held tight to her hand, fingers laced, and he couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across his face before an exhilarated chuckle of his own burst from his lips.
Darkness gave way to the orange glow of a fire, the soft crackling of wood breaking the stillness of the night.
“Why is this so good?”
“Because we’re seventeen.”
“If we get caught, I’m blaming you.”
“Shut up and maybe we won’t be.”
“Hey, this was your idea—”
The rest of the words were stolen in a kiss, a hand coming up to cradle her jaw as a ragged sigh whispered against her lips. He tasted like beer and spearmint gum. She smiled. A strange combination, but it was him, and she loved it.
“You should have seen it, Inuyasha,” Kagome gushed a year later, sitting on her bed as she excitedly gushed about her time in LA to her best friend. “The sunset was absolutely gorgeous, like nothing you’ve ever seen before! God, I wish you were there with me. I just know you’d love it.”
Inuyasha smiled and reached forward to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “I doubt I can love anything more than you.”
Blue eyes widened as a flush spread across her cheeks; her breath hitched, lips forming his name and eyes drifting closed as he leaned forward and took her mouth in a warm, lazy kiss.
“Would you ever wanna go?”
“Go where?” Fingers racked through dark hair and her sigh was blissful, a soft melody in his ears.
“…You mean like…visit?”
“Well, maybe longer than a visit…like an extended trip, or something…lots of opportunities out that way…”
A brief pause before the fingers continued. “No. …Do you?”
“Mmm…dunno. Maybe after graduation? I had so much fun last time, but…”
“But what?”
A pause. Then, “Nothing. Kiss me.”
A husky chuckle before a pair of lips covered her own and any thoughts about the Golden State far, far from her mind as she returned his kiss.
That I love you more than a California sunset More than a beer when you ain't twenty-one yet More than a Sunday morning Lord Turnin' some poor lost souls 'round, Hallelujah bound
“Ewww, get that away from me!”
“C’mon Kagome, it’s just a worm! It ain’t gonna bite ya!”
“Eeee! Inuyasha, don’t you dare—!”
Laughter as he chased her around with a baited hook, the sound of water splashing as bare feet waded into the lake.
“Wait, I think I got something!”
The crank of a fishing rod as he reeled it in, the water splashing as whatever was caught struggled against the pull. Grunting, muttered curses, and soft giggling before with a splash the bass burst from the water, dangling from the hook.
“You got it!”
“Damn, ain’t nothing more satisfying than that feeling when the bass hits the hook!”
“I can think of one thing…”
Soft lips, warm and smiling, pressed against his own and Inuyasha abruptly decided that yeah, this was definitely better.
“Yeah! Can’t you just imagine it, Inuyasha? The lights, the nightlife, the ocean, and no more snow! You always complain about the snow.”
“Yeah, but…Kagome, I don’t know…”
“Just think about it, okay? I’m not asking for you to decide right now. But this is something I’ve thought about for a while now, Inuyasha, and I just…I want to experience it with you. Please?”
A pause, and then heavy sigh. “Fine. I’ll think about it.”
A brilliant smile, soft lips pressing to his cheek in a warm kiss. “You know I love you, right?”
“…I know, Kagome. Me, too.”
“I can’t believe you’re reading that crap.”
“It’s not crap, it’s romantic. You could probably learn something or two from these books, you uncultured dog.”
“Uncultured? Really?”
“Besides, I like it when the guy gets the girl at the end. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.”
“I can make you feel all warm and fuzzy, too.”
Her gasp was cut off as lips pressed against her neck and hands slipped beneath her shirt to roam across soft skin. The book fell from her fingers to dive into silver hair, eyes closing as her head fell back with a breathy sigh.
The blood was rushing so loudly in his ears he barely heard her and the thundering of his heart against his chest was so forceful, it was a wonder it didn’t leap out into her waiting hands. 
“Y-yes?” he echoed, voice naught but a disbelieving rasp as he stared at her with wide, shocked - and cautiously hopeful - golden eyes.
A half-sob, half-laugh burst from her lips and her eyes were bright from more than just the unshed tears brimming the beautiful depths.  Lips trembled as she smiled, hand trembling even more as she held it out before her.
“Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, Inuyasha, I’ll marry you. I—”
What she felt next wasn’t the cool metal of his grandmother’s ring as it found a new home on her finger, but instead the warmth of her beloved’s hand as it wrapped around hers and yanked her forward into his arms. They tumbled to the ground, laughing, crying, exchanging endless kisses and promises of forever as the ring, forgotten on the ground but still nestled within the velvet box, glittered merrily in the warm glow of the fire.
Yeah, I love you more than the feeling when the bass hits a hook When the guy gets the girl at the end of the book But, baby, this might be the last time I get to lay you down 'Cause I can't love you more than my hometown
“Come with me.”
Silence; thick, stony. Cold.
Desperation made her voice high, the words falling from her lips fast. “Inuyasha, please, come back with me—we’d have such an amazing time together, learning, living and—you can enroll in my school, Inuyasha! It’s not too late, there are so many programs to choose from, and I just think you can do so much more with your life than—”
“Than what, Kagome?” The words were snapped, harsh, biting as he whirled around to peg her with a hard stare. “Than taking on the valued responsibility of the ranch that’s been in my family for fucking generations? Than building our fucking house? You know, the one we'll live in after we’re married? I can’t do that, Kagome. I won’t.”
“But that’s just it, Inuyasha, you have no room to grow here! You’re stifled by the responsibility you feel to take over the ranch when leaving could relieve you of that burden! The world is so big, Yash, and there’s so much more beyond this little town, so if you would just trust me—”
“You’re asking me to drop and leave everything I know behind, Kagome!” His voice was loud, thunderous in his anger, his frustration, his pain. “This my home, our home, and you just want me to leave like it don’t even matter! Like the fucking life I’m trying to build for us don’t even matter!”
“That’s why I’m asking you to come with me!” Tears, hot, salty ran unchecked down her face, blue eyes big and pleading and flashing with undisguised panic. “I want to be with you, Inuyasha, I do, but I need you to understand—!”
“Then be with me here, dammit!” A note of desperation, amber eyes pleading, frantic, angry.
A choked sob, a muffled whimper. “I can’t…”
An anguished sound, a shattered cry, and then a door slamming shut, loud, devastating, final.
The words slammed into him harder than any blow he’d ever received, the shock greater than hitting the unforgiving ground after falling off a horse, and the pain far, far worse than he ever could have imagined.
Fuck, it would have hurt less if she’d just outright slapped him in the face.
She wouldn’t look at him, her gaze focused on the ground, dark hair hiding her expression. He swallowed once, twice; his mouth felt like a desert, his tongue heavy, thick, useless. His throat worked but no sound came out. Ice replaced the blood in his veins, freezing his lungs, making it hard to breathe.
“Wh…what did you s…” He shook his head, swayed on his feet as he blinked hard. He couldn't have heard her right. She couldn't have just told him—
“…I cheated on you. Inuyasha, I—”
He didn’t hear the rest of what she said. His legs abruptly gave out and he stumbled back, sitting down hard onto the fallen log behind him. The log he’d proposed to her on. The log they’d kissed on—
He shook his head again, a frown pulling his brows down low over his eyes as he tried to register the words spilling from her mouth a mile a minute. Two days…two days ago. That—that didn’t make any sense. He couldn’t—he couldn’t smell anything, couldn’t detect any sort of incriminating evidence that suggested she’d been unfaithful. 
Amber eyes lifted, flashing with tentative hope. She’d been drunk—she didn’t remember, so maybe if he told her—
The sight of his grandmother’s ring, nestled in the middle of her palm, might as well have been his heart because it sure as sure shit felt like she’d just ripped it out of his chest. His stomach clenched, the breath seized in his lungs, and a curious numbness spread throughout his entire body. The realization hit him even harder than the pain had, and that in and of itself would have brought him to his knees had he not already been sitting. 
Honeyed eyes, agonized, pleading, lifted to her face. Again she would not meet his gaze, eyes closed against the tears that spilled down her cheeks. He suddenly tasted salt and with a start he realized he was crying too, the tears warm as they streaked down his pale face but he gave them no mind. 
“K…Kagome…” It was the only thing he could get through a throat tight from anguish. A plea, a prayer, a question all in one as he stared at her, heedless of the tears that continued to fall. 
Her eyes squeezed shut and she shook her head; a clenched sob broke from her lips as she reached forward, grabbed his hand, closed his fingers around the ring, giving it back, giving back his heart that she no longer wanted. Pain, sharp and intense, pierced through him and he gasped, unable to do a damned thing as she backed away from him, arms folded around herself.
“I’m sorry,” she rasped, shaking her head, over and over, backing away. “I just…I can’t…”
A sob, borne of a sorrow so deep, of regret and fear and pain so sharp it felt it in the very marrow of his bones, broke free of her lips right before she whirled around and dashed away, through the night, through the trees, away from the fire, away from him.
Inuyasha could do nothing but sit there, his rejected grandmother’s ring clutched in his fist and his vision blurry from hot tears as he watched her run. Curious, that instead of the crushing pain he expected to feel in his chest, there was a hollow ache that resonated, like an echo of a mournful howl for the one who had just run away with his heart.
What hurt more than the pain of watching her go, however, and more than the diamond cutting into his palm, was the jarring realization that the woman he loved more than his own life would rather fabricate a lie of infidelity than be with him. 
And because he loved her more than his own happiness…he’d let her. 
I ain't the runaway kind, I can't change that My heart's stuck in these streets like the train tracks City sky ain't the same black Ain't that a map dot shame, man, to think that
Sitting on his bed, freshly showered and donned in simple jeans and a t-shirt, Inuyasha’s head was bowed between his shoulders and his arms were propped on his knees. His hands, clenched into tight fists, gradually relaxed and a breath he hadn’t’ even realized he’d been holding rushed from his lungs, escaping his mouth in a harsh exhale that did absolutely nothing to absolve the torment wreaking his mind.
As the last vestiges of the memory faded away, far more painful than all the ones before, he opened his eyes and stared down at the hardwood floor, scuffed and scratched and worn. He frowned, his chest feeling tight, his stomach in knots, his muscles tensing and relaxing with a restless energy that was hard to ignore. He wanted to punch something, to run, to fight, fight for her to stay, fight for them.
But he remained where he was, hands flexing, jaw clenched, eyes shut tight against the pain that was determined to bring him to his knees. God, why, why did she have to—
Gentle rapping on the door before it was cracked open. He didn’t look up but he didn’t need to; he knew why she was here. The ache in his chest intensified, sharped, traveled up to knot in his throat and make it harder to breathe.
She didn’t say anything at first, simply stared. Then, “…She wants to see you.”
Inuyasha turned his head, looked out the window.
A pause. Then a sigh, resigned, sad. “Asako called. Before she showed up at the door, I mean. Asked me to talk to you. Said I would, but didn’t make any promises.” Pause. “You already know how I feel about her doing this, but…you should at least say goodbye. You’ll regret it if you don’t. You know you will.”
A tightening of his jaw and a deep furrowing of his brow was her response.
“…I’m sorry, my love.”
The door closed with a soft click.
A minute passed. Two. Three.
Inuyasha exploded to his feet, grabbed the lamp on the nightstand, and hurled it against the wall with a roar that was equal parts rage, frustration, and deep, intense anguish that reverberated throughout the entire house; echoing, thunderous, shattering.
Deafening silence followed his outburst; he sank to his knees and wept.
I love you more than a California sunset More than a beer when you ain't twenty-one yet More than a Sunday morning Lord Turnin' some poor lost souls around, Hallelujah bound Yeah, I love you more than the feeling when the bass hits a hook When the guy gets the girl at the end of the book But, baby, this might be the last time I get to lay you down Cause I can't love you more than my hometown
It was impossible not to hear it. As the color drained from Kagome’s face and her heart clenched in her chest, Izayoi stared at her with eyes hardened from the ache she was feeling for her son, the sorrow she felt at his heartbreak twisted into bitter, resentful anger at the woman standing before her.
Kagome closed her eyes, bit her lip to stifle the sob that welled in her throat, sucked in a shaky breath meant to harden her resolve. It didn’t and she fought not to fall apart on the front porch, locking knees that threatened to give out on her.
“Go,” Izayoi muttered in a voice like flint and ignored the younger woman’s flinch. “You’ve done enough damage here. And I’m not talking about whatever he just destroyed.”
Hot tears pricked the back of her eyes. Her throat tightened, preventing any words, protests, to spill from her mouth. She stared at the older woman with wide eyes, someone who she, for the longest time, had looked upon as a second mother, someone to confide in, to trust.
She found none of the warmth that she was used to seeing. No fondness, no compassion, no understanding. Coldness spread through Kagome’s veins, turning her blood to ice, knotting in her stomach, heavy, uncomfortable.
Izayoi stared back, cold, unforgiving, unregretful.
“I’m sorry,” Kagome whispered.
The older woman pressed her lips into a thin line and looked away, arms tight across her chest.
Rejected, heartbroken, Kagome turned, her feet feeling heavy as they carried her back to her car. The tears ran unchecked down her face now, streaming down pale cheeks. She tasted salt and she got in the vehicle, closed the door. Her body felt like it was on autopilot as she revved the engine and started down the long dirt driveway.
It wasn’t until she had gone halfway that she broke down, great, gasping sobs erupting from her throat. Her vision was blurry from the unending tears and her knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel so hard. Without even realizing it her foot had slipped from the accelerator and she was merely coasting now, too distraught, too tormented to think about anything else but the pain ravaging her heart. Unbidden one last memory, the most recent, flashed before her mind’s eye, twisting the knife keeper, crushing her, killing her…
“Don’t do this.”
He froze at the softly uttered words, spoken in a tone so raw with pain that it trembled. He swallowed hard and turned his head just the slightest bit, but said nothing.
Silence. Thick, tense, deafening.
Then he tightened his jaw, hardened his eyes, and continued putting his boots on.
A choked sob, the rustle of cloth. “Inuyasha, please—”
“I’m sorry.”
He stood up from the side of the bed and refused to look at her as he collected his jacket, still sitting in a heap on the floor from where it was hastily thrown the night before.
A stuttered breath, followed by the salty scent of tears. His lips drew into a tight line and his hands fisted tightly at his sides as he forced himself to head toward the door. But, goddamn him, he paused right in front of it, hand on the knob, jaw clenched so hard it ached.
“Please,” she begged and the word was a raspy plea, vision blurry from tears. “If you would just—we can talk about this—”
“I love you, Kagome,” Inuyasha said and he heard her sharp intake of breath, but he didn’t turn around. He swallowed once, twice, and closed his eyes as he opened his mouth and forced the words past a throat tight with emotion.
“But I can’t…love you more than this. I just…I can’t.”
Another sob, a hitched breath, and his chest ached. He bowed his head.
“See you around, Kagome,” he whispered and left, his footsteps fading down the hallway and down the stairs until the slam of the front door echoed in the dark house.
Kagome dropped her face into her hands and wept.
The front door burst open and Inuyasha was desperation personified as he rushed past his alarmed mother, sprinting as fast as he could toward the barn that held the horses. Not even a full minute later a white blur sped from the barn and bolted through the open gate of the pasture, following the car that was leaving with his love, his soul, his very heart.
Standing on the porch, Izayoi pressed a hand to her heart while the other covered her mouth, muffling the sob that burst from her lips as teary eyes watched her son chase after the woman who broke his heart.
'Cause I love you more than a California sunset I love you more in a twenty-dollar sundress Hate that loaded down car you got your keys in Girl, but I hate even more that you're leavin'
Urging his mount to go faster, harder, the thundering of her hooves against the ground rivaled that of the thundering of his heart in his chest. Hands gripping the coarse hair of her mane, Inuyasha grit his teeth against the harsh wind, his eyes wild, desperate and bright with unshed tears as he kicked the mare’s flanks to go faster, dammit, faster!
The distance between them was closing, the rumble of the engine, of gravel crunching beneath tires becoming louder until he was riding alongside her, along the fence that enclosed the front pasture. His hands fisted his mount’s mane in a while-knuckled grip as he leaned over her neck, legs tight to her sides.
He turned his head and wild, despairing golden eyes collided with wide, tear-filled blue.
Kagome’s heart lurched in her chest, making her gasp as goosebumps erupted on her skin. She sobbed, shaking her head, mouthing his name and forcing her eyes to look straight ahead. What—what was he doing?! Why?! God, he was making this even harder than it already was, taking her heart and stomping on it, cruel, cold, conniving.
But it made sense, didn’t it.
She had broken his heart, and now he was doing the same to her.
'Cause I love you more than the feeling when the bass hits a hook When the guy gets the girl at the end of the book But that ain't you and me so I guess I'll see you around 'Cause I can't love you more than my hometown
Inuyasha didn’t let up, not even when she looked away, gritting his teeth, kicking his mount to keep up when she accelerated. She was crying, and although he couldn’t hear her, he could see the way she shook, shoulders jerking, chest heaving, face wet from her tears and fuck she was wearing the sundress—
The end of the drive was in sight. Kagome slowed down, so did he, but she didn’t stop as she once again turned her head and caught his gaze. Inuyasha was already staring at her, heart in his eyes, a silent plea falling from his lips, willing her to hear….
“Don’t go.”
A sob, raw, choked, anguished.
“I’m sorry.”
Without even realizing, he let up on his mount, the mare slowing to a trot, a walk, and then stood still, recovering from the hard gallop. Golden eyes, awash with ears, watched the car reach the end of the drive and turn, driving away, going, going, getting smaller, fading.
Something inside Inuyasha shattered and he didn’t think it could ever, ever be repaired.
Love you more than my hometown Love you more than my hometown Love you more, baby, love you more
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pillow-ghost-nan · 4 years
SessRin fanfiction rec list
Because quarantine happened and Inuyasha sequel happened, and I also happened to have read way to much fanfictions my life. So here, lemme share my favourite SessRin stuff with you. There are multichapters, one shots, smut fics, fluffy ones. Some are old, some new. Some are also more paternal than romantic. Nonetheless, all are good and I absolutely recommend them.
Not My Enemy by PinkDragonStrike
Sesshoumaru has watched Rin grow from a child into a young woman. But when she decides that her life is not meant for the path that Sesshoumaru assumed she would walk, withholding thoughts and misunderstandings threaten to separate them.
I Hate Chocolate by paizley
Sesshomaru hates chocolate; Rin finds that hard to believe. He find chocolate to be vile and entirely unpalatable; she wants a chocolate wedding cake. Well, he has his reasons. In fact, these are reasons 1-10.
 Law and Disorder by PinkDragonStrike
Sesshoumaru Takahashi, the handsome player and infamously cold hearted defense attorney was counting down the days until his father's retirement so that the firm could fall into his hands. But when a toddler and a mock trial get thrown into the picture, the arrogant DA discovers a few new things about life, love, and law.
Fabricated Memories by 00Zero
He liked her more and more. The way Rin tried to get rid of him amused him. Cute. It would've work any other time, but not tonight. He wasn't the old fashion Hideki and wouldn't wait until the marriage night. Before the sunrise, she would be his.
Lost to Tomorrow by LDP88
It's been five hundred years. The world is different, but you are still the same. - Sesshomaru & Rin M A story for the adventurous reader, the thorough reader, the adult reader.
The Decisions We Make by mteagle128
A dark force from a long-forgotten past emerges, demanding payment for a deal that he will collect at any cost; spurring actions that leave Rin running for her life. Can she and Sesshoumaru find a way to defeat this creature?
Talking to the Moon by unlockthelore
On the night of the crescent moon, Rin confronts her fears while carrying the most precious gift she'd been given - life.
Rin: An InuYasha Fairytale by InuColey
Rin is growing up in InuYasha's village, as was Kaede's suggestion. The others have had their stories told... now it's her turn. As Rin grows older, she begins to wonder where her own journey will take her. Rated M for some adult themes and language.
Jaded Nights by Tinyfoots
All Sesshomaru wants is for Rin to be safe and happy. He visits her human village every so often in order to spoil her with extravagant gifts. But when he learns his unwillingness to take her with him is doing more harm than good, he decides to rip off the bandage and let her be. That is until one fateful night…
One shots/Two shots/Short
Ghosts by baka deshi
Just as every story has a beginning, every story ends somewhere--and sometimes, other stories go on. Rin Sesshoumaru.
Compliance of Wanting by Silindro
Sesshoumaru and Rin share a moment of wanting with a playful exchange of words leading up to their consummation.  Who needs a reason for a pointless lime fic?
Darkness by Fenikkusuken
OneShot. Darkness cannot hide the truth. Rated M for mature content
Entangled by alterfano
After Naraku, Sesshoumaru rebuilds his father’s dominion. Rin is key to his strategy, but even Sesshoumaru’s maneuvering cannot guess her ultimate role in the entanglements of his plans and his heart. 3rd Place Best Drama IYFG 2Q06. WARNING: Dark Fic.
When Rin was Half Asleep by Calypso Jones
RinSess. Sesshomaru is there to fill the needs in Rin's life even after he has sent her to live with a human family. It's short and more sketchy than story but it's exactly the way I imagined it. Review!
The Secret by Aryndiel
Lord Sesshoumaru's been hiding something, which Rin stumbles upon purely by accident.
Shadowland by Concave Patterns
The darkness brings with it memories both good and bad. Sesshomaru-centric, one shot.
A Warm Day by CatDemonKayo
When the warmth of summer causes Rin discomfort, Sesshomaru decides to show her a cool spring just outside of the palace walls.
How Love Works by Concave Patterns
Through the years, they play a constant game of waiting, leading and following.  Modern-day Sessh x Rin drabble full of citrus and fluff.
Two Sounds by NickeltheRed
Highlighting a situation where Sesshomaru is on edge regarding Rin's current pain filled state, and Jaken is nervous for his life once again if things go wrong. But two certain sounds may be enough to relieve the demon lord of his concern. A companion to Dragonfly Wings.
Have by Miss Momolo
Rin looked around the enthralling clearing as if she were about to say farewells to a long lost friend. "Can't we stay a little while longer, my lord?" "If that's what you wish," Sesshormaru started. "It is," she admitted. A/N: One-shot. Something to shake this writers block. Also trying something different.
Nameless by Miss Momolo
Her lord turns to her, failing to comprehend the meaning behind what she is trying to say. "What is?" She closes her eyes because she finds that it's hard to get the words through without feeling like an immature girl. Maybe she is being immature. She knew herself being red. She whispers "To kiss." Summary: Rin's first kiss One-shot
Just Another Normal Day At The Western Palace by 00Zero
"Ew, mom and dad are at it again," Ryo, a twelve year-old half demon boy made a face to her older sister Sora. "gross." "And how did you know? Did you peek on them again?" Sora brought both her hands to her waist staring her little brother down. 
Ever After by Llanrhydlad
Two ficlets: Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru, adrift in the modern world. [And one omake.]
Introspections by mteagle128
What could they be thinking? A collection of unrelated Sesshoumaru and/or Rin-centric drabbles. Ratings will vary from K-M.
Total manipulation by Didax
No one said having two twin daughters could be that troublesome. They would definitely do their best to try and play with something very precious to Sesshoumaru. Will they be able to convince him?
Not a Word by pushingcrazies
Rin reflects upon her lover's lack of loquaciousness. Whoa, breaking out the big words. Rated for implied sex.
Back to Life by InuColey
In which Rin and Sesshomaru are brought together in an unlikely place. AU. Two-shot.
Halcyon Days by Winterwing3000
Rin reflects on the time spent in the field with her child, a loving memory and Sesshomaru. Mature RinxSesshomaru!
Threads by Maiden of the Moon
Jaken had been given a double headed staff; Ah-Un, a majestic saddle. Convenient tokens. Necessary items. As she slept, he slipped into the blackness of the moonless night, stoically journeying until he found what he sought. [SessRin]
A bit of fun by TrustIssues
Rin is feeling playful and Sesshomaru retaliates. In a cute way.
Torn Kimonos by myravenspirit
Sesshomaru watches as Rin tears apart her old purple and pink kimonos. The twins are complaining that they are too hot, so their mother repurposes her old kimono for them. Very much to the amusement of Sesshomaru as he watches her in their bed. Sesshomaru wants to Rin to stop sewing and lie down with him, will he get his way? One-Shot!
That’s it! Message me if any link is not working. Or if you wanna recommend some more fics, that’s always welcome :D
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ryttu3k · 4 years
Night Road quote text dump, because I've been deluging a friend with quotes and want a place to keep them all.
We're a bit like that, yeah:
They direct you to a hulking Malkavian named Severian, and the sullen giant directs you in turn to Gibberish Mike.
Fortunately, it turns out that "Gibberish" Mike is just Australian.
Practical concerns:
"That's it!" Elena says, leaning over your shoulder. "That's his yacht. Oh, and this is all about him. Very useful." She snaps a picture of the email with her phone, then the two of you get out of there before the technician returns. You head down the elevator and then back to Elena's Datsun.
You're so pleased by how well that went that that it takes you a few minutes to remember you're in Arizona.
"His yacht?" you finally ask.
Fun with bungalow ownership:
After a day of fitful dreams, you throw on your leather jacket and engineer boots and get ready for another night. You step outside to check your Integra. A neighbor parks next door in her Ford Super Duty and gives you a friendly little wave. You've been practicing this. You're ready.
"Howdy, neighbor."
"Howdy!" she responds before heading inside.
Fucking nailed it. You're one of them.
This is legitimately how I got the Messy Critical achievement:
You grab a hoe.
You rip through the underbrush with savage efficiency, staying a few steps ahead of the pushcart as Julian scans. You work in a trance, chopping and hammering. Only when you hear Julian shouting do you realize that you're holding a busted length of wood.
The head of your hoe is buried in the beautiful round black door of Prince Lettow's Rolls-Royce.
You head to Raúl's place, but he's not there. You find a note hidden above the door that reads, "Problems in Phoenix. (Jesus Christ has returned? Stole a car?) Contact me right away for major jobs and I'll come back. Already missing you." And there's a ProtonMail address with some of the security contact codes you agreed upon earlier.
But it looks like Raúl will be occupied dealing with the Lord and His automotive crimes, and he won't be able to wander around Tucson with you.
Pattermuster doesn't get paid enough:
"Hello? What? Well, the blood can't be 'everywhere.' Surely that's an exagger—okay—okay, fine. Okay. Okay, I'll get—okay. Five minutes. What? No, Sissy Spacek. No, Sissy—you're thinking of Rosemary's Baby. No, Carrie had the prom scene. With all the pig's—yes, it was Sissy Spacek, I'm sure. That much blood? Jesus. Okay, hold—five—okay, five minutes."
Valid question:
Do they teach ax fighting at Quantico?
Julian Meyer:
"Man, it's been a while," Julian says, leaning against your door frame. "I remember the nights we spent keeping that elder asleep with offerings of blood, the days curled up together in the desert. Wasn't it romantic?"
"That never happened, Julian. You made up our relationship and tried to sell it as a novel until the old Prince of Tucson threatened to execute you." '
"Vampire romance was big at the time," Julian says with a shrug. "And I changed our names. I still don't know why no one wanted to buy it."
Dammit I thought I was done with uni:
"Awful," Dr. Caul says with a little shudder. "But now your real studies can begin."
Your real studies consist of a syllabus (thirty pages) and a trunk full of books (35,000 pages).
"Are you disappointed, Rook?" she says with a little laugh. "Were you expecting something more mystical? A bolt of cosmic enlightenment? A conversation with your Holy Guardian Angel, who would reveal the answers you seek?" She bangs the trunk as technicians get ready to load it into your car. "Get reading."
An enthusiastic boss:
You reunite with Pattermuster down in the morgue, where he's pumping his fists as a thin-blood on a gaming laptop watches with a worried expression because she can't tell if he's incredibly happy or insanely mad.
"Rook!" Pattermuster shouts, his eyes full of Blood, "you did it! You brilliant child, you did it! We're safe. Oh, thank God, we're safe." He pulls you into an embrace, then punches a brick wall because he's so happy, showering all three of you in dust.
I thought that was Finland?:
You catch all sorts of whispered gossip as you cross the rooftop garden.
"Camp Scheffler?"
"Gone. That Outlander courier had something to do with it."
"I heard the Russians helped the SI burn it down."
"That's ridiculous. There's no such thing as Russians."
Pot, kettle:
"Julian," the Eagle Prince says, "you will locate Reremouse with the equipment Vane brought. Once we find him, we will strike shortly before dawn. I have prepared a stake sufficient to pierce even his old hide."
"That easy, huh?" Julian says.
"No, but—"
"Your plan is ridiculous, convoluted, and dangerous," Julian says.
"And you have a better one?"
"Absolutely," Julian says. "We use Stonehenge to teleport him to Mesopotamia."
The must-have appliance:
He's a black outline in the glow of a single yellow bulb... and then the bats descend.
And then the bats get torn to pieces, because Pattermuster pulls his two katanas out of nothing and turns into an undead Cuisinart for a few seconds.
But aesthetic:
Leave it to a vampire to bring a sword to a gunfight.
It is pretty cool though:
"Oh my God," Julian says. "You're going to use the car engine to fling Prometheus into Reremouse's heart."
"Dammit, Julian, I am not doing this because it's fun. I am scrambling for every advantage I can because we only have one chance to stop Reremouse, and if we fail, the Second Inquisition will descend on us like wolves on a wounded deer."
"It's still cool," Julian mutters.
A e s t h e t i c:
The Camarilla looks unkindly on vampires who dress like Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, but what's the point of being dead if you can't look the part?
You sleep badly and awaken to an aching and acute Hunger that crowds out other thoughts. But when you approach the Rolls-Royce, you find Lettow and Julian seated on a blanket, evidently in fine spirits. They're holding stainless steel mugs as they watch the last purple streaks fade from the western sky. There's something perfect about the composition before you: the two Kindred in their working clothes with their backs to you, the blue-black clouds, the faraway mesas framing the scene.
"I fear we've lost the Aesthete," Lettow muses. "Luka? Luka!"
It's just good sense:
A lot of keypads use 0911 as an emergency override for police and fire. That doesn't work, but a common default password causes the elevator doors to slide right open.
Change your defaults, people.
They draw the line at 31%:
Not all problems can be solved by putting a brick through a window, but at least 30 percent can.
That's when your Nissan makes a sound like a bunch of typewriter keys dropped in a blender, and the whole truck lurches to a halt.
Munch munch:
"There are tags attached to all the payroll numbers," you say. "FNMA. PFC. What are they?"
"FNMA?" Antonio says. "That's Fannie Mae. The loan commission. Privatized in 1968. PFC…"
"Pavlodar Fried Chicken," Janet says. "Damn Commies."
Courier what did you do:
When you try to start your Mercedes, it vomits black smoke. That's not good. You kill the engine.
"Pop the hood," Julian says. "I'll get it up and running."
He checks the motor. There's a long pause.
"Did you melt a bunch of cheese in here or something, Vane?"
“I remember crawling out of a Nieuport 20 outside Gibraltar," Prince Lettow says. "The engine looked like that. Of course, ours had been on fire."
"Engine looks like Vane fed a bunch of sardine cans into a paper shredder," Julian says.
So Lettow is cute. I'm going to talk to him and see if he might be interested in a handsome young courier who almost has his own car.
Scientist life:
A beaker of cold coffee on her desk has a pencil in it; she flicks the pencil away and drains the entire beaker, then looks you in the eyes.
"Wow, Vane," the Banu Haqim says, "did you finally settle down. Where's the wife and kids? Why don't you get me a beer, and we can talk about football and quote some Bible verses at each other?"
I really want to know where the fake werewolf came in:
"...so the whole fucking Cadillac is on fire, and I'm kicking and kicking, trying to get the window to break!" Dove says.
"Right, right, because —" You're trying to follow this story, and it isn't easy.
"Because I'm still handcuffed to the guy who was pretending to be a werewolf, right. And I finally kick through the window, rip half the dead fake werewolf's arm off to get free — I'm out of my fucking mind now, with all the fire — and I finally crawl out of the car."
"And get clear before it — do they blow up?"
"Escalades? I dunno, probably not," Dove says. "But anyway, I'm finally clear, so I run across the parking lot, laughing because I'm just thrilled not to have met final death chained up to that guy. And I barely have time to look up before Lettow comes screaming around the corner in a Ford Bronco with the lights off and runs me over. I was in the wrong Cadillac the whole time."
"Two black Cadillac Escalades in the parking lot of the Marriott," Dove says. "How was I supposed to know which one — anyway, that's why I don't get to drive anymore. That's why Lettow wants assholes like you driving."
"Driving what?" you ask. "Because I need a car."
Dove shakes her ugly head. "I'll get you something. Give me a few hours to work on it, and I'll send someone to find you."
Cars are everything:
You still don't know how Julian plans to go from "divert a few funds and data streams from the Camarilla" to "transform the global information panopticon in a way that ends the Masquerade but keeps vampires safe," but he has a nicer car than last time, so he must be doing something right.
Guys please be nice to Raul:
"There appears to be a vampire hunter outside," he says, "investigating your electric vehicle."
"Send your bird to peck his eyes out," Julian says. "I'm not going outside until I find my sneakers."
Over the next few minutes, you cough up a glorious wad of bullshit involving MKUltra, the Philadelphia Experiment, Star Wars (the movie), Star Wars (the Reagan-era government program), Jackson Pollack's CIA connections, the history of federal cheese, and the secret mastermind behind the seventies gas crunch.
In fairness it's a pretty rare sound:
You're way up in Limberlost, near the mall and the Walmart, when Riga settles on the roof of a Safeway. You reverse into the parking lot in case you need to get out fast and scan the cars at the pumps. It looks quiet. Then you hear a faint ringing.
The sound is musical, hypnotic. It reminds you of your childhood, and for a long time you just sit there in the driver's seat, remembering what it was like to be alive. But what is that sound? What memory from…?
Oh, right.
The pay phone next to the ice merchandiser is ringing.
It's a skill!:
Not every member of Clan Toreador joins their august ranks because of their great beauty or artistic genius. Some people end up vampires because of their extensive knowledge of Adobe After Effects.
Big Pirates of the Caribbean energy:
"I'd kind of like to give Lettow here a horse and a sword and let him tear through an entire police barracks," Julian says. "Tell me that wouldn't be fun."
"One thing I learned from Napoleon," Lettow says, "is that the most powerful cannon is useless if you cannot see your target. We know the location of one small encampment. That isn't enough to start shooting."
"You knew Napoleon?" Julian asks.
"Napoleon was my horse," Lettow says.
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birdsaesthetic · 4 years
During the Thunderstorm
A/N: So remember when I rambled about this prompt? I couldn’t rest for the whole week until I put it into actual writing 😁 Anyway, I think I mastered it! And I hope you enjoy it! on ff.net
"It's only getting worse!" Kurt commented, his attention mainly focused on the view above him, which was limitless sky covered with thick, gray clouds colliding and increasing in size so drastically in matter of seconds.
Jane, just like him, couldn't take her eyes off the sky; it looked breathtaking, frightening, and mesmerizing all at once. "Oh God! We should head back home before this gets any worse and we get stuck here."
They were at Rich's apartment, now standing at the balcony overlooking the whole city, New York City, that now was looking rather like ghosts city, darker than ever, emptier too.
Earlier, when Jane and Kurt were having the ride to Rich's apartment, there wasn't the tiniest suggestion of coming thunderstorm. They hadn't recognized a single cloud in the evening sky, nor had they felt strong blows of winds, though now the weather was moist, and the winds below mostly from the west.
It hadn't been a full hour since they'd made it here, to Rich's place, and they hadn't even had a chance to catch up with the rest of their friends or to finish a full glass of wine just yet. Unfortunately, though, now they were considering heading back to their apartment at a Friday night, which they most of the times—but not this time—spent it either with their friends, or with one another, having a fancy date at a fancy restaurant—but even this option seemed to be stripped away now!
Easy footsteps approached Jane and Kurt from behind, which got both their attention as they glanced over to see that it was Rich steeping closer with all smiles. The second they only just tried to smile back, a great clap of thunder echoed through the sky, which had all three of them flinch, holding their breath. There wasn't any droplet of rain came with it, not yet, only lightning and rumble of thunder.
After Rich let out the breath he'd held, he gasped, "Oh! Seems like Lord is angry at you two," with a smirk, eyeing them in suspicion.
"Why us?" Jane chuckled, rather in nervousness, and with her Kurt chuckled too then took a small sip of the glass of wine he was holding.
"You just missed a hilarious joke I throw at Patterson. Tasha and Reade bursted out laughing." Rich replied, attempting levity, always and forever. "But don't worry; I'll throw plenty of those at each of you for the rest of the night." He smirked some more, then added, "You just stop creeping around and come in join us inside."
Jane cracked a smile then, looking at Rich then back at Kurt, who cleared his throat to say, "I don't think we're going to stay here any longer. The thunderstorm seems to be getting worse, and so we think that we should head back before we get stuck here with you until very late."
Rich quite literally had a panic attack to have heard that from Kurt, showing an absolute disagreement. "No. you're not going anywhere! We're just about to start the night. You can sleep over after that, don't worry."
Jane's brows rose. "Where? On your tiny couch? The two of us?"
To begin his suggestions, Rich stepped closer, managed to sound as convincing as possible, and then said, "Absolutely not! You can have my fancy, marital bed (that I don't have anyone to share it with) and it's behind a closed door. As you may know, I really respect your privacy. And no worries about me, I'll take the couch, happily. Alright? Also, if you two need even more privacy, I can just spend the night with my neighbors here next doors; they're really good people. They love me and I’m sure they wouldn't mind."
Jane couldn't help the wide grin that flashed across her face at how genuinely impressed she was by Rich, and the expressive gestures he'd made, and the concern he'd shown. An old memory she had with him just swiped her mind once he was finished talking, waiting, with all smiles, for an approval from them.
As for Kurt, he felt a slight blush spread over his cheeks at Rich being this generous with them. But after all, and with an apologetic face, he had to say, "Thanks, Rich, but we do have our own bed that we prefer."
"Don't disappoint me! Please, think it over."
"Maybe next time," Jane tried, in a voice rich with sweetness.
"It seems like a perfect time now! We haven’t even caught up yet!" Rich insisted.
"We still can while finishing this class of wine." Kurt said with a wink then took another sip from his win.
Rich would've kept pressing and insisting until the two would give in to his offer, but then, as western winds blew aggressively and he had to narrow his eyes, he gave in, defeated. "God, okay! But don't ever say that Rich isn't a generous friend and never offered us anything!"
Eyelashes fluttering to avoid the wind, Kurt pressed a protective hand over Jane's back, then shook his head and mumbled, "We won't, Rich. Thank you anyway!"
Disappointed Rich could no longer tolerate the heavy winds and the breeze that came with it, and so he retreated from the balcony to the living room, where everybody else gathered.
As soon as Rich departed, Jane turned to face the balcony and shook laughing, covering her mouth with a hand while the other held the glass of red wine. Kurt tried to have a glimpse of her face, tried to grasp what was the fun in that, but only failing in doing so. "What!" He asked then, grinning with a puzzled look. And when Jane surfaced, eyes shining with laughters, voice mixed with the laughters too, she said, "I just remembered something,"
"What is it?"
"It's—breathing—Remember when we first met Rich? The one mission we went undercover as a couple? He talked to me aside, telling me that he'd want to watch us make out together, or maybe he'd meant something more than just that." She laughed some more.
"He did?" a chuckled escaped Kurt's lips.
"He did. Remember how he was so blown away at how we looked good together as a couple?"
"Yeah, we looked good."
"We did."
"And we acted well."
"We did."
"We also danced well."
"That is also true." she rolled her eyes over, grinning.
They shared a loving gaze for some times as the winds flopped Jane's hair in every direction. But then, and as promised, they gathered with the rest and finished their drinks while chatting with their friends for a few more minutes, explaining to them as well that they would have to leave for now in order to get their place safely. Patterson and Reade considered doing the same thing. Tasha, however, could care less about such matters; after all, Reade was her ride, so...it wouldn't be her problem to deal with anyway.
By the time Jane and Kurt kissed their friends quick goodbye, made their way to the building's floor, and pushed themselves through the exit, the weather got a lot worse. No falling rain just yet. But the rumbling of thunders echoed in a powerful way, flashing lights and causing loud, deep noise through the sky.
Lucky Jane leaned to her husband's arm as it wrapped around her middle to keep her impossibly close, as if she were weightless and he were afraid to lose her along with blowing winds. A faint smile played across her lips to that, and she did the same for him, wrapping an arm around him in attempts to maintain some warmth between them. One passing stranger would've thought that they were just new lovers being so excessively romantic even in such circumstances.
After that, they walked against the winds the few paces until they finally reached the car, not necessarily rushing out. Each one of them looked out for the other, holding their breathing until they safely got into the car, Kurt taking the driver seat and Jane the passenger one.
Kurt stared straight ahead at the road and began driving the car, carefully and slowly. The view of the empty streets and the dark, growling sky felt as though the world was oozing toward its end, though there was also a sense of serenity in it.
Halfway through the ride, outside the car cold drops of rain started to fall simultaneously as Jane tuned the radio to a random channel, and it happened to be the weather report announcing and warning that heavy rain and thunderstorms would continue until the next morning.
Jane glanced over at Kurt, who was slightly frowning, his attention poured into the steering wheel and the road ahead of him. For more or less than a minute, she stared at him, not saying anything but only admiring his side profile, and the parted lips that gave him the appearance of someone pouring so much energy into what he was doing.
The rest of the ride passed quietly—well, technically not quietly since the rainfall thrumming all over their car, but the wordless air between them retains an aura of pleasant silence.
"So what's now? Spending a Friday night at our apartment? That never happened!" Kurt wondered, after having made it to their apartment, safe and happy, if they would not complain about how they'd had to stumble across the street from the car to the building as the rain poured so outrageously on them, which resulted in soaking them all over.
Kurt was just shrugging off his Jacket when he said that, and Jane was kneeling down to ditch her dirty pair of shoes. Now she lifted her ducked head to look at him, shrugging, "Umm, I think we should just get comfy in the couch, or our bed."
"Isn't it early for bed?" He thought, roaming across the living room until he stood by her side.
"No! And I'd say the bed. What would you say?" Jane was up on her feet by now.
"Would I ever disagree with you?" He began with the flirting, to which a touch of amusement flickered on Jane's face. She found herself speechless then, unable to form a word, unable to find the right words that would match his. Unique.
She just smiled.
Kurt approached. With his big yet light hands, he unzipped her jacket for her then striped it off. Her gaze lowered to the minimal effort he was putting before he folded it with care and set it upon the couch within his hand's reach. It was made of leather, her jacket, and so whatever she'd worn beneath it was perfectly dry and warm up until now. Thankfully.
She was still smiling when he burrowed his fingertips into the wet of her hair then bent down for a kiss. They shared a light kiss, but when he drove forward for a deeper one, Jane pulled away from his mouth, and smiled at him some more. A little frustrated, he tried again, only to see her slip away from his arms and already at their bedroom door.
Kurt did his simple night routine, which consist of three things: brushing the teeth, rinsing the face, and finally stripping the outer clothes, after that, he rested down on bed, facing the celling, and awaited Jane to come join him. She used extra more minutes in the bathroom, taking her sweet time to dry out all the wetness from her hair. And when she was done with that, she finally joined Kurt in the bedroom, wearing a thin piece of clothing, confident that not cold nor wind would reach her here and now.
Kurt spotted her when she first emerged, but he noticed that she didn't come join him in the bed just yet. Instead, she walked, almost blindly, across the room, farther from him. His eyes watched her move with easy footsteps toward the window, as if being drawn by a magnet. The more she stepped, the rumbling sound of the thunderstorm became like screams in her ears. She almost decided to turn around and go snuggle inside her husband's arms, who was mere feet away from here, but she exhaled and finally reached it there.
Her hands first clutched at the rough fabric of the curtains before spreading them wide open. What she saw outside the window sent a tremor through her spine: tremendous, angry thunderstorm shudder through the early night sky, throwing lights consistently. Rain pelted the glass, and judging from its aggressiveness, it looked like it was threatening to last forever like this but not until tomorrow's morning.
Jane loved the rain, however aggressive. She loved watching it from a cozy place as it poured down and enriched the nature. Each raindrop seemed to come down with a promising hint. Just the rain would be fine, however not with the lights flashing...
The sky lit up with another flash, and soon followed by another loud thunder. Her heart skipped a beat from within her chest, but then she raised a hand and pressed it against the window's glass, as if the glass were invisible and she would run her hand under the rain. But when all she felt against her palm was the glass's coolness, she sort of scowled. Just then that she pressed harder, wishing if she could feel it, the dropping rain, only to feel the sweat of her own palm.
Kurt called her name from across the room, having waited long enough, and disappointed Jane spun around to the growling of his voice, open-mouthed.
Eyes fluttering, peering through the muted lighting of the room, she caught Kurt's eyes from a distance nonetheless. Leaving the open curtains forgotten behind her, she tried a smile then finally joined him in the bed, sitting on his lap, with her legs on either side of him while he was laying back, eyes alert and shining, fixed on hers.
Happy to have her back in his hand reach, Kurt welcomed her with his warm hands gliding up and down from her waist to her ass. "You brought us bed early so you could keep vigil at the rain?" He said in whispers.
"No. So I could make love to you." She corrected.
Both smiled a knowing smile and closed their eyes as Jane brought herself lower to him then pressed her lips against his own. After a brief kiss, Kurt reopened his eyes, only to see her smile creep onto his face, as if glued on her lips; her smile never dropped off.
Feeling so much affection for her, Kurt shifted, got up, eager to keep her legs still around his waist, and then drove forward for another kiss. She hummed against his mouth, curling her arms around his shoulders and feeling that his hair still damp from the rain. Then, she pulled a little back, glanced at the window, then back at him. "I'm worried about whom without homes right now."
"Yeah, hope everyone stays safe." Kurt said softly. "But since you're safe, I'm not that worried to be honest."
Jane furrowed her brow. "Never thought I'd live to hear you say that!"
"Say what?"
"That you're not really worried about everything and everyone!"
"I'm worried about you!"
"I know, but you used to worry about everything and everyone else."
"That was a long time before. Now I have only one priority."
Again, Kurt had charmed her by his choice of words, to which Jane found herself speechless.
After that, she felt him sneak his hands beneath her top, seemingly desperate for more skin-to skin connect. As amazing as it felt, feeling his warm hands directly against her skin, she had to prevent him from getting there, pushing him gently to collapse against the mattress. Kurt did nothing in protest against that, knowing what she was doing and why; she wanted to make love to him, in her own way, is all. Now all he did, though, was match her smile as she petted his damp hair like a good dog.
From her point of view, his lips looked parted, aching to be kissed again, but she only outlined them with an index finger, and let her do so for awhile, then he slid out his tongue and licked, then sucked on her finger, which made her moan out loud, arch at the slightest feel of him, feel dizzy with the image of him all inside her, despite he barely had done anything yet.
His hands, once again, worked their way to her top, tugging on it. It was so thin that he could actually see the tattoos through it, her inked nipples, too—it really was no use having it on!
"Come on, lose the top, I've seen you a million times before." He pleaded, as her finger continued to draw random patterns all over his chin and lips.
"It's not about you've seen me before!" She retorted.
"So it's about what?" He asked, dumbfounded.
She fixed her spine, after having been hunched over him, and pressed her palms against his broad chest, then said, "It's about you've seen me a million times before yet you're dying from the inside now to see me once more!"
He chuckled, "And what if I want to see you once more?"
"Of course I'll show you what you want to see, honey." She reassured, to which his face broke into the widest grin in silent thanks.
As promised, she pulled the top over her head then put it aside, before which she rolled her eyes in a way she seemed to really enjoy pleasing him to the point of bursting but also feeling a little stubborn to show it. He, as a reaction, felt the satisfaction run throughout his veins, looking at her with pure desire as his shoulders relaxed, and his forehead softened.
She was so damn beautiful, had always been. Every time he ever saw her, he'd wondered how she looked this beautiful, slim yet surprisingly strong. Sometimes he'd wondered to himself, other times he'd told her that, out loud—just like this time. "How are you this beautiful! I'm so grateful that you're the one I married, and you became my wife, now I can touch you, everywhere, and we can make love, anytime. Well, whenever we can, right? Can we...now?"
Having heard that, Jane helplessly pulsed for him between her legs, imagining the feel of him there, against her thighs, the sparking center of her desire. And then, she gasped out a triumphant laugh before she bent low, nuzzling against his nose as she whispered, "Of course we can, honey."
She locked her eyes with his as she got to her feet, cast down the rest of her clothes, then climbed back on top of him. She could feel him now, beneath her, impossibly hard like a steel despite how they were barely getting started—they even hadn't bothered with foreplay.
After matching her, casting down the only piece of clothing he had on, Kurt helped Jane to rise and squirm here and there until their body joined together. Before doing anything farther, the two stole a moment of appreciation, cheeks flushed, lips parted, and mind running a mile a minute at how much they wanted each other, badly so.
As if going to dive into the ocean, Jane drew in a deep breath then begun riding him with a good deal of effort. She momentarily lost control of her eyes so they fell close, and her jaw dropped as Kurt gripped onto her hips to brass her firmly; not to arch or slip or something.
The rain continued to fall heavily, pelting at the window's glass, its sound pouring into their ears with the loud rumble in the sky from the outside. But they got used to it by now, and it felt like a nice addition, like an encouraging soundtrack.
They moved so slowly together along with the steady thrum on the windows, making the minimalist effort. The moment Jane reopened her eyes, she caught him look at her fondly during moving with him. The little glint in his eyes, admiring her small breasts bounce with the movements, with the effort she was making, admiring how gorgeous she looked in pleasure all because of him... Or the fact that her hair was brushing against his face and it might've scratched his eyes yet he didn't bother to close them...
The mutual desire increased in intensity the same way the thunderstorm had earlier today. Extremely. But it wasn't until a series of great claps of thunder echoed, howling, crying, warning, and baying like a wolf from within their room that Jane steeled, stopping completely, and stayed herself by gripping onto his shoulders. Kurt's eyes were bright, teasing in the semidarkness and she was digging her nails into him as if to hold on for their life as she looked down at him. He brought her head to him then kissed her softly in the lips, whispering something she couldn't hear. Perhaps something reassuring.
Heart pumping, too stunned to think, let alone move, Jane used a few seconds to breathe, and then she resumed moving. But the thunder wouldn't shut up, so she was still distracted, mind else where, Kurt could tell.
"Focus on me, honey." He whispered, his voice sweet.
"I'm with you." She breathed, barely having found her voice as she moved clumsily against him.
"Are you?"
She sighed, realizing he was right. "Sorry, but it feels like the whole ceiling is going to collapse upon us and with it all the walls will come down, and I'm steeling—"
"Wanna come beneath me, so I take the hit when that happens?" He chuckled.
Their bodies were still joined when she found herself beneath him a second later. He kissed her hard then whispered, "It's okay, you're safe, here with me. Just give me your absolute attention and I'll make you forget everything happening in the world right now. I'll stop the time for you if you want me to."
"You know how to butter me up, huh!" She whispered, holding his cheeks.
"Don't I?" He whispered back, then chuckled right against her mouth, which sent his warm, wet breath against her skin, which also tickled her nose a little. She curled up her lips in the tiniest of smiles, despite how anxious she was feeling. "Slowly, okay?"
"Don't you worry." He promised.
She blinked at his promise, then wasted her breath on kissing him, withdrawing strength from him. A few seconds later, he began thrusting into her, rising and falling, slow as promised, but also determined.
He truly could make her forget about everything else once he was atop her, inside her, his body fussing with hers, feeding hers.
The sky shook with cries of the thunder again and again. The rain raged on. But they didn't even flinch at it, they rocked together with matching possessions, desperate for release, but also eager for this moment to last.
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mehenxe · 4 years
◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ & ღ & ♫ bc ur a slut for music ; & ✮ (i want explanaTIONS ...gET META W THIS SHIT )
◈ — share some head-canons you have for a muse of your choosing, but x4.
[ elijah kane ] ◈ — all efforts to get him into studying how to make robotics like hyacinth have resulted in a lot of miniature woodland creatures able to sprint across desks. it’s not exactly what anybody had in mind, but hey, you never know if ilya might not want to send in an actual animal for something he has going on. they can call up sugar kane industries ( big face-palm here ) to take care of the job. ( wyatt voice: seriously, you couldn’t think of anything better than sugar kane. ) / hyacinth kane has a nice ring to it. elijah has tested out several different nicknames: sugar kane also for them, mistah k, ( missus k? ), cinthy ... cindy ... ( sean: yeah! cindy k! like cindy crawford! / who the fuck is cindy crawford? / wyatt — / how old are you. ) / he’s had a life-long dream to be able to go scuba-diving off the coast of — some exotic island he can’t remember the name of. beforehand, it was one of those things that he was too afraid to do, but full-out war changes your perspective. in truth, he’s always been a water baby, growing up going swimming in the local rivers and running pellmell down the dirt lanes. he grew out of it, and then grew back into it. whether or not he’s going to be able to do that without monroe tagging along ( and then by default, ilya, and then probably hojin will want to come, and then ravi will have to, and then oliver will want to watch over them and then jinho will buy a whole yacht with his dumb vampire money — ) — ah, well, there’s worse people to spend an extended holiday with. his father will come along too: sit on the deck in a lawn chair and drink a virgin margarita as he deserves after putting up with this whole extended family. and with his son being a you-know-what.
[ alice bedi ] ◈ — there was a time where she was interested in wigs. she had percival sit down on her shack’s bed and watch as she perused through at least fifteen different styles of wigs. each one got a firm head-shake: too rough on your complexion; lilac looks good as a colour, but the style is horrid; why did they think it was a good idea to make a bob that length? a tough customer. she returned back to wearing veils, her preferred style being that of mantilla, or the veil that’s worn to chapel over a jade comb. due to the volume and length of her natural curls, she rarely wears the combs at all, but will if it’s a particularly formal occasion, like that time she accompanied percival to a ‘high-society event.’ ( translation: they crashed a party because he was bored, and she had a bad feeling about him going alone. ) / as the local librarian’s assistant, she’s the first to get in the way when someone is overtly curious: why are you asking so many questions? hmm? the irony is that she herself asks just as many questions — she insists that the difference is: she reads the room and knows when it’s inappropriate to ask them. ( and if she knows it’s inappropriate to ask them, and instead chooses to risk asking them regardless, it’s because she knows it’ll smooth out in the end. / despite what she wears daily, one of her most favourite colours is moss green. there are a multitude of reasons. moss is her favourite foliage. it’s similar to algae, another favourite foliage. and it reminds her of someone who she says is her sister; however, anybody who knows her, knows that she has no blood-siblings. one or the other might be a lie, or both might be the truth. when she’s in a mood, she’ll smear the moss at the base of her neck like a perfume, a splotch of green beneath white.
[ huang shen ] ◈ — he designed an irrigation system to work, specific to his farm, to be able to make rice paddies despite the surrounding environment. it’s a southern crop in the united states, but there was no way he was going to move to the south just to expand the business. his entire family was so relieved about it that they danced through the sprinklers and set off fireworks — and none of them are really into that kind of thing. it’s particularly incredible due to the area they’re in, being very prone to sometimes too much drought and too much rain, and both are responsible for driving out selling numbers of crops. his plan is to switch into an agricultural degree, and perhaps even expand it into engineering, so that he can continue helping this way. / one of his surprises for algernon was learning sign language. for the longest time, months even, shen made it out like he had no idea what was being said, and let damien, as surly as ever, be the translator when algernon was unwilling or unable to speak. in the background, however, he was working with a tutor and seeking to understand better what it meant to be both HoH and mute. then, when algernon’s birthday came around, everyone went silent ( holy god he was so nervous ) and he gave an entire romantic, long speech entirely in sign language. he’s sure that some of it got lost in translation due to how hard his hands were shaking, but the way that algernon kissed him afterwards, it didn’t seem to affect much. now, they communicate constantly on this even ground. / he’s started up horseback riding again — and has roped tobias into doing it alongside him. tobias might have grace on the stage floor, but certainly not on the back of a horse; he somehow ended up upside-down beneath the horse’s belly, and then fell down in a tangle of limbs. shen has taken to the western side of things, re-learning how to barrel race and rope cattle; but he and tobias have had to separate their lessons due to these antics. lucas isn’t allowed to come to any of them; his stupid remarks send them into fits of laughing. ( bold of us to assume he doesn’t just sit in the truck and shout anyways. )
[ deok bae ] ◈ — due to the empire no longer supporting his upgrades, nor looking in his general direction, he has had to find other ways to obtain new modifications. this is including, but not limited to, going and pulling them out of other people’s bodies as catharsis — but usually, he defects to yuri and silas to fix him up. to his chagrin, the LED-light in his forehead has absolutely no use whatsoever, only displaying his brain’s processing as a symptom of installation. he pulled it out himself via the tip of a knife’s blade. the next time that he’s seen by those who haven’t seen him in quite some time, he might be unrecognisable. i am not deok bae — perhaps deok bae is no longer himself either. if there was no connection to eli in his head, he would forget that; perhaps he would merely succumb to the machinery, perhaps he would succumb to the wolf-dom. there are several pairs of teeth in his mouth awaiting for their moment to bite. / when he was a teen, his version of ‘sneaking out’ would be to wheel his chair to the gardens at the back of the temple, where he would sit and think for hours and hours. his father would come and find him there; sometimes, master jhcor would instead. his father would return him back to where he needed to be, but master jhcor would sit beside him and gaze serenely until bae felt the need to speak what was on his mind: his angers, his fevers, his rages. one time, he was surprised to see that it was not master jhcor, nor master deok, but zan coming to sit with him. his heart had sat in his throat the whole time, half-expecting zan to laugh at him or say something particularly piteous. instead, the conversation was — well, looking back, absurdly normal, all things considering. when bae blinked tiredly, zan rose and took the handles of his chair and took him back. he hadn’t intended to ask him to do so, but it was done anyway. / bae drinks a lot of soda. it’s somewhat fitting, if you believe all that talk about how coca-cola can double as a cleaner due to the high carbonation and way it’s made. he does seem to get shiny after several cans — it’s also convenient that he can’t experience sugar-highs nor malfunctions of the liver or stomach due to too much consumption. he considers himself to be a soda connoisseur as a result. he offers a lot of hmm, that’ll taste disgusting comments that annoy the shit out of the others — but then kisung takes a drink and bae ends up being right, so there’s no regrets.
ღ ━ favourite canon ships for your muse(s). are there any you dislike?
there’s ... none that i dislike. there’s moments of come on, but that’s bound to happen. i think the favourite ships are the ... guardian / princess vibes ( whether it’s literal or not: akane / the samurai, quinn / sehrin, jian / elaine ). i also love the growing from previous immaturities towards each other ( grey / tobias, jihoon / wyatt, playboy / jordan ) — and himbos of course ( hojin / ravi!! ) there’s also the whole ... tsh, vampiric aesthetic that we get ( minzhe / yongha ) ... the ones like jisoo / mingfei, cyrian / ulysses, cadoc / pestilence ( exploring violence against but without the stickiness ). of course, if i keep going, i’ll end up listing all of them and then where would we be.
♫ ━ a small playlist for a muse of your choice
for nam jungsoo, because i actually once did make a playlist for him:
1. brand new — sic transit gloria ... glory fades 2. within temptation — what have you done 3. iamx feat. imogen heap — my secret friend 4. florence + the machine — shipwreck (the odyssey) 5. crown the empire — hologram
i mean, the songs are still kinda relevant considering his current character ...
✮ ━ top three favourite muses that you’ve played
but is it possible to pick three favourites ... that’s the real question. maybe. jianguo, because of catharsis, because of cultural exploration and similarities. grendel, because of the depth, the personal torment, the surrounding family. jinho & julius, because of exploring that darkness. and famine — man, now that’s something. there’s a lot more than three though. like blood and jisoo and tobias and arthur. but. the questions INSIST THAT I CHOOSE.
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real-life-senshi · 5 years
PGSM Reinako Headcanon 2
Here are my post-Special Act, PGSM Reinako headcanon no one asked for. Fair warning, it’s a really long read/rant and it may cause cavity from the excessive sweetness. ;)
This list of Headcanon includes:
Sleeping habits
The Reinako residence
Who cooks?
♂  ♀  ♂  ♀  ♂  ♀  ♂  ♀  ♂  ♀  ♂  ♀  
Here’s my take on answering one of the most important universal questions fans asks themselves when they think about their otp: BIG SPOON OR LITTLE SPOON?
My answer: They switch often.  Whoever is the second person to get into bed typically ends up being the big spoon.
Rei and Minako basically have very opposing sleep schedules. By practice as a miko and then priestess, Rei was conditioned to live a very healthy sleeping schedule that typically involves going to bed at ~9pm and waking up at 4am for morning meditations (I distantly recall this being canon in manga?).  Minako, on the other hand, has her sleep schedule dictated by her work schedule; some times she’s exhausted and goes to bed as early as 7pm on a weekend, other times she might not get home until the ungodly hours of 3am because of filming schedules.
Big spoon Rei is loving and considerate. She slides in from the back and gets as physically close as possible without risking waking her gf up from the much needed rest. She puts her outer arm around and hold’s onto the idol’s hand wherever it’s located, smiling whenever she feels Minako’s hand reflexively squeezes her hand. She makes sure they are both comfortably covered and snuggled in, and takes care to not hold onto Minako too tight in case Minako needs to get out of bed before she does.  Out of the two of them, Minako’s the one who’s more likely to need to leave in a rush for things, and Rei strives to make Minako’s day-to-day life as easy as possible. 
Opposite to that, Big Spoon Minako is playful and possessive.  Minako slips into bed and gets as physically close to Rei as possible, and is not concerned with accidentally jolting Rei awake, because dear god she misses her gf so much! Between her long work hours, and the much too often occasions that she doesn’t even get to be home with Rei due to traveling for concert tours or non-local filming locations, she doesn’t actually get to interact with Rei in person as much as she would like to.  Minako finds enjoyment in seeing grumpy Rei when  woken up, the puffed up cheeks and half-hearted glares are just too cute!  Between the two of them, Rei’s the person that’s easier to wake up anyway (not necessarily because she sleeps light, but more so her spiritual power just makes her more sensitive to a change in surroundings), so even if Minako TRIES to be considerate, there’s still a 50% Rei wakes up; if that’s the case, why not have fun with it anyway?  And the best part is, Minako will make it as DIFFICULT as she can for Rei to get out of bed in the morning at 4am. Minako sleeps deeply, and she finds it so hilarious to guess what Rei’s decision would be each morning in trying to get out of their tangled limbs that Minako caused: is she going to give up and just sleep in with Minako so to not wake Minako up? Or is Rei going to end up waking Minako up in the midst of getting out of bed? If the latter happens, Minako could then pout and guilt trip Rei to stay in bed with her. Either way, it’s a win-win for the idol!  And let’s be honest, it’s not like that Rei would be that against trading meditation time for some cuddle time with Minako!  
♂  ♀  ♂  ♀  ♂  ♀  ♂  ♀  ♂  ♀  ♂  ♀
The Reinako Residence
While it took those two ridiculous long to get over themselves and disregard all  personal doubts before they admit their feelings for each other, the moment they took the first step, their relationship had solidified very quickly. After all, they have had time to be best friends for years and get to know each other super well before they officially became partners!
Soon after crossing the 1 year milestone in their romantic relationship, they’ve chosen to purchase a place and move in together alongside Artemis (and Luna who switches back and forth from the Chiba house). 
As they are both relatively high profile people, they’ve chosen to live in an apartment building with an built-in security system instead of a house.  Minako had also very quickly proclaimed that given their individual desire for personal space, work requirement and other personal desires, they apartment would need to be multi-story to accommodate everything. This had Rei face-palming quite loudly, but frankly, they both knew that Minako would get what she wants at the end of the day, so Rei just went with it.  Rei had learnt long ago that instead of trying to shutdown Minako’s idea completely, it’s easier to just curtail and moderate it.  So with all that, they ended up with a 2 stories penthouse apartment with the following features:
First floor:
An open concept living room + dining room + kitchen
The kitchen comes with a long ass kitchen island, and the two lovebirds always get teased for how closely they position to each together when working in the kitchen despite how much space there is.
The kitchen also becomes a great space for the Senshi to hangout around when they choose to have meal at the Reinako household, since unsurprisingly Makoto loves taking charge of the cooking and she’s absolutely in love with how amazing Reinako’s kitchen setup is. 
Guest Room #1
Guest Room #2
Guest bathroom
Second Floor
Master bedroom with en suite bathroom and walk in closet (the ratio of Minako’s clothing stored in the closet is MUCH higher than Rei’s.)
Guest Room #3  
^okay, seriously. Minako was adamant it’s needed for hosting Usagi, Makoto and Ami with their respective partners. Rei couldn’t argue against hosting their friends, but definitely had to shake her head in helplessness
A washroom with space for doing laundry in, along with the laundry machine and dryer.
A professionally done home studio for Minako to do her work in.
A den that is mainly used by Rei as a home office which she’s not bouncing between shrines, temples and universities for work.
I headcanon that Rei would resign from her position from the shrine after things became more serious and official with Minako, recognizing some of her personal value would clash with the more traditional aspect of Shinto. Due to her well known spiritual powers and fame within the Shinto circle, she transitioned to research work that is tied to folklore studies and religious studies, especially when it surrounds Shinto and Buddhism, which led her into academia work.
A special feature of the home office that Minako had kept as a surprise for Rei was it also comes with a self-contained but REAL fireplace connected to a ventilation system, allowing Rei to do her daily meditation and fire reading at home.  Rei was SUPER touched by the gesture, and cannot believe Minako got it perfect without asking her for ideas, not knowing Minako had gone through some of her books and research materials to make sure she get all the requirements right before handing the design to the architect to deal with the fire safety and temperature control side of things.
The overall design of their home is mainly based on the simplicity of modern Japanese home designs, with some heavier influence of traditional designs in the den to mirror some of the features of Rei’s room at Hikawa Shrine.  The place is simplistic in design, neither Minako or Rei liked over the top designs.  The tone of the place is created with a balanced use of wood matched with either warm white, light grey and dark grey, the colors used strategically to highlight the different areas of the apartment.
♂  ♀  ♂  ♀  ♂  ♀  ♂  ♀  ♂  ♀  ♂  ♀   
Who cooks?
I like to imagine both of them enjoy cooking, but in different ways that reflects their personality. There are definitely things one’s good at and the other’s not so much, but it doesn’t necessarily mean they cannot do what the other person can at all.
Both are not actually picky with food choice, but they can be picky with food quality. Rei is more partial to Japanese meals though, while Minako is a bit more partial to western meals. Due to practice, having the patience, and typically having more time to do it, Rei’s much better than Minako with the day to day home cooked meals, especially with any dishes that may require more complicated steps in the meal prep process. Minako excels in making quick but tasty meals such as salads or pasta. (Rei rarely ever makes spaghetti because somehow Minako does magic with spaghetti even when using very simple ingredients.)  
They try to take turns to do the cooking depending on their individual work schedule.  And with that being the determining factor, naturally Rei cooks in the kitchen more often than Minako does. They would always save food for the other if they couldn’t eat together.  If both of them are too busy to cook though, they aren’t against just buying takeout, or if the travel between work and home works out for both of them, they would also choose to eat out on their way home (if the place has good space to allow them to maintain privacy esp for Minako. They are very used to calling a restaurant ahead without disclosing Minako’s identity to make sure they can get what they want without being treated differently as anyone else.)  
Their principle is basically to try spend as much time with each other when possible, because both of their work could pull them away from home at odd hours. Minako especially, absolutely loves coming home to find Rei in the kitchen preparing dinner for the two of them.  She would vehemently deny this ever happened, but the first time Minako walked through the door after work to find Rei preparing dinner in their kitchen, it felt so domestic that she actually teared up. Rei and Artemis were thoroughly shocked by the idol’s reaction.  
When it comes to preparing for more fancy meals, Minako’s definitely the better one (and more nitpicky) between the two of them.  Whenever there’s a large gathering or a celebration happening, Minako’s would be the one to take charge with menu design and Rei takes on an assistant role in the meal prep.  It fits Minako’s schedule better anyway because she would intentionally take days off to make time for the prep work, allowing her to do what she wants to do instead of scrambling.
As the bigger sweet tooth between the two of them, Minako’s also better at baking sweets, with the exception of pies. For some god damn reason, she ALWAYS either leaves her pie crust under-cooked, or overdone.  Rei noticed it’s because Minako just couldn’t figure out the timing and heat needed to ensure both wet ingredients and dry ingredients are done well, and she teases Minako for her lack of patience as the cause. 
Their cooking style does differ, where Minako relies on timers and thermometers when cooking for anything that requires precision, because she typically jumps to doing other things between wait time.  While Rei’s more patient and attentive in her style of cooking, not minding standing and just observing and checking the food frequently.  
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pacifv · 4 years
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all have witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat.
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Mun Name: Mik      Age: 26      Contact: IM, discord
Character(s) I rp: Eden ( in bleach ) -- I have other ocs but that’s another story Which muse(s) inspires you the most atm?(for MM): Eden... ? Current Fandom(s): Bleach , so far Fandom(s) you have an AU for:  more fantasy esque ones?  My language(s): spanish , english  Themes I’m interested in for rp:   Fantasy / Science fiction / Horror / Western / Romance / Thriller / Mystery / Dystopia / Adventure / Modern / Erotic / Crime / Mythology / Classic / History / Renaissance / Medieval / Ancient / War / Family / Politics / Religion / School / Adulthood / Childhood / Apocalyptic / Gods / Sport / Music / Science / Fights / Angst / Smut / Drama / etc. Themes/Genres you have an AU for: fantasy , religious
Preferred Thread length: one-liner / 1 para / 2 para / 3+ / novella. Asks can be send by: Mutuals / Non-Mutuals / Personals / Anons. Can Asks be continued?:   YES / NO   only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO. Preferred thread type: crack / casual nothing too deep / serious / deep as heck. Is realism / research important for you in certain themes?:   YES / NO. Are you atm open for new plots?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Do you handle your draft / ask - count well?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT. How long do you usually take to reply?:  24h / 1 week / 2 weeks / 3+ / months / years. I’m okay with interacting: original characters / a relative of my character (an oc) / duplicates / my fandom / crossovers / multi-muses / self-inserts / people with no AU verse for my fandom / canon-divergent portrayals / au-versions (as main or only verse). Do you post more ic or occ?:  IC / OOC. Are you selective with following others?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS.  
Best ways to approach you for rp/plotting:  IM since this is pretty much new . just slap me with that and if you have some ideas , better --- if not let just brainstorm with what we have in hand . 
What expectations do you hold towards your plotting partner:  some minimal idea of the context and eden’s character . some ideas if possible . more than often I have gotten people straight up jump with no clue of what even is going on in my side character wise . 
When you notice the plotting is rather one-sided, what do you do?:  depends , most likely really stop trying or let it sink . I’m not much of a person who would pressure for ideas when they don’t even come naturally for me in these kind of situations . 
How do you usually plot with others, do you give input or leave most work towards your partner?:  First of all , ask what they particularly want and if they read the bio . and of course , have their bio as well ( if oc or any relevant hc on vague canons ) . I am honestly a bit shy on the input but if I found a ground to start letting my imagination loose ( like , something in common between characters or something that clicks well with my muse ) I can suggest several things . but in any case , I’m pretty passive and it’s a lot of gives and takes . 
When a partner drops the thread, do you wish to know?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - And why?: depends on the thread , the time and the interest . things that go downtown in the excitement scale are :/  and I can’t blame anyone for dropping a thread . not all the time you will have muse for them , tho , if it was a relevant thread I would ask at least . - What should your partner do when dropping a thread?:  pretty much free to tell me or not . I’m no one to judge.
What could possibly lead you to drop a thread?:  losing muse , interest , time ... pretty much the same . feeling like my muse is going too OOC for the sake of the other muse or smth .  - Will you tell your partner?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS.
Is communication in the rpc important to you?   YES / NO. - And why?:  I am very old school and having some OOC interaction to at least know how things are going , it’s as much as I can ask here .  - Are you okay with absolute honesty, even if it may means hearing something negative about you and/or portrayal?:  I mean , I should . it can turn me off a bit but it’s just natural ? there’s no way something can be perfect or be of someone’s taste . plus I am not that smart to be fully aware of all the things around the motif and IRL information I use on my muse . I’m no book , buddy. - Do you think you can handle such situation in a mature way?  YES / NO.
Why do you rp again, is there a goal?:  development , exploring the muse , seeing what works and doesn’t work . often new blogs for me are basically prototypes , they are and will  most likely have minor or major modifications as my imagination starts working and getting excited . besides , in the basics , you can hardly manage to cover all ( if anything ) of how one’s muse would react to X situation .
Wishlist, be it plots or scenarios:  a lot of quincy lore , come up with more personal connections with other quincies , fully develop a backstory and a post war scenario . cultural exploration  --- relationships of all kinds . 
Themes I won’t ever rp / explore:  pretty much I am fine with anything as long as we don’t cross the gross line . but I’m not afraid of the dark .
What Type of Starters do you prefer / dislike, can’t work with?: absurdly basic and with no context given . not even have an idea of what is the deal between muses . I can squeeze my brain but there is as much as i can do with little information .
What type of characters catch your interest the most?:  quirky ones , conflictive ones , most likely muses with specific motifs that spark my interest -- deepness . Aesthetically interesting ones . but overall , those who have out of the normal personalities . 
What type of characters catch your interest the least?:  personalities that doesn’t work or do not harmonize with the context of their characters . that’s all I can say .
What are your strong aspects as rp partner?:  I am.... creative ? gdi I did this meme already but it’s hard to reply these two ones. I am easily excitable . if we end up in a ship , expect me to be pampering af . I really enjoy the exploration of relations between people , emotions and psychological stuff tied around it . I do like casual and also very deep things . I’m not afraid of dealing with heavy topics . I like horror ???? also I am very into the secondary character role , as in : my muse is here to help your muse to grow or insight . that stuff . not much of a protagonist role in RPs. 
What are your weak aspects as rp partner?: I’m .... very.... sporadic . My mood is annoying esp when I’m “new” blog around kind of thing . I’m shy , even if I don’t seem so --- I get pretty anxious over details . I am impatient --- with myself . I want to do so many things at the same time I end up overwhelmed . 
Do you rp smut?:  YES / NO. Do you prefer to go into detail?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Are you okay with black curtain?:  YES / NO. - When do you rp smut? More out of fun or character development?:  mmmmmmmmm , both. Depends on mood and context tbh . - Anything you would not want to rp there?:  nothing I can think from the top of my head.
Are ships important to you?:   YES / NO. Would you say your blog is ship-focused?:   YES / NO. Do you use read more?:  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. Are you: Multi-Ship / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship  —  Multiverse / Singleverse. - What do you love to explore the most in your ships?:  again , I’m big mood for interpersonal relationships ( romantic or not ) , the pros and cos of certain traits , ideology clash , personality clash , anything that comes in a relation that could make it come and go .  - What is your smut tag?: unholy.
Are you okay with pre-established relationships?: YES / NO. - And what kind of ones?: all are hella okay for me . pre- est is my jam bc jesus christ the awkward first encounters make me go blue screen .
- What could possibly make your Muse interesting towards others, why should they rp with this particular character of yours now, what possible plots do they offer?:  the fact she is basically a “religious fanatic” , with a quirky personality and a questionable morality , considering she has an inner conflict between the wellness of her race and her loyalty towards yhwach . At least pre war . post war , she has a flipped personality were she is mostly bitter and more angsty but will go from fanatic to straight up hater . 
- With what type of Muses do you usually struggle to rp with?:   bland personalities ? not sure myself , Eden is pretty much ready for anything since her personality is pretty laid back . I guess I would say shinigamis in general --- since she basically is stuck inside Silbern . - With what type of Muses do they usually work well with?:  Quincies , ofc . and people who are willing to put up with her crap .
- What interests your Muse(s) in general:  the prosperity of the quincy , doing a proper duty , order , tea , annoying the fuck out of people . being eerie ....  - What do they desire, is their goal?:  the ideal world as thought by Yhwach --- later on simply for her kind to survive after losing the war and being left to their luck . - What catches their interest first when meeting someone new?:  mmm , appearance  and reactions to her witty or narcisistic comments .  - What do they value in a person?:    loyalty , uniqueness . - What themes do they like talking about?:  most likely about the order of the army , tea stuff , herself (?) , but she is also a lot for debates and insight . - Which themes bore them?:  rebellious , silly thoughts . justice related topics . anything that critics her loyalty/life style . 
- Did they ever went through something traumatic?:  the first war was enough ? most likely losing comrades --- yhwach sacrificing the quincy for power later on .  - What could possibly trigger them?:  the simple sight of anyone laying a finger of the quincy for being against their views .   - What could set them off, enrage them?:  nothing. she cannot literally , physically get angry or enraged . but if we are talking bitter , that would be completely post war and it’s just the mention of yhwach’s name or those who went to god’s palace with him .  - What could lead to an instant kill?:  invasion of silbern , chaos . 
- Is there someone /-thing they hate?:  chaos , rebels , shinigami , anyone against the quincy . - Is there someone /-thing they love?:   her race , her pride , herself .
Is your Muse easy to approach?: YES / NO. - Best ways to approach them?:  just .... come to her and say hi . she is literally wandering around silbern all the time ( quincy speaking tho ) . for others , eh ... good luck . and wait post war (?) - Where are they usually to find?:  Silbern ... then Siberia . 
Something you may still want to point out about your muse?:  She is no saint , clearly . She has a questionable sense of things like loyalty and preservation of her race . she is honestly all over the place
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
Tagged by:  honestly stole from @skyvar​  Tagging:  no one in particular.
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ahinterlandromance · 4 years
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Though I would consider myself a summer child - which I guess is not too surprising given I was born in July - autumn is a close second favourite season. The colours are just the prettiest - all those warm orange, yellow and red hues really pop on those golden sunny days. That’s not to say thought that I do not also love the gloomy days with overcast skies, fog hanging over the tree tops and wind tousling your hair. The pictures from today’s post were taken on a day like that. And you can bet that I was excited about returning back home afterwards to get cozy inside with a hot beverage and some netflix.
The dress I am wearing here is from Mango and currently on sale. It is one of my favourite dresses of the season so far. One simply cannot go wrong with a dark floral print imo. Though it is more of a stylized floral print I would say - a bit paisley-esque and definitely reminiscent of typical elements of the Art nouveau era in the early 20th century. I absolutely adore that era of art history. Especially many of the graphic designs and illustrations from that time. One artist that will always stand out to me for Art nouveau is Alphonse Mucha. If you haven’t heard of him or are not familiar with his work be sure to do a quick google search, I’m sure if you see his work you might realize you have seen some of his most popular illustrations. But I am getting off track... Back to the dress.
I guess you could say that this piece is a typical Jenny-piece. First of all: It’s a maxi dress (well, it is on me anyway) and I love maxi dresses. Second of all: It is billowy and flowy (other may call it shapeless lol). And third of all: It features ruffles/volants.
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So three checks! Pair all that with a gorgeous print in colours like these and I couldn’t be happier. I am a very feminine dresser in that regard, I suppose. Though I do love to toughen up romantic pieces as I said in my last style post. In this case I couldn’t decide what head piece I liked more, so I took pictures wearing two different ones. The hat is the same I wore in my style post from a couple weeks back. I think a fedora always gives an outfit a bit of a western-y and boho touch. The beret on the other hand - and yeah, that is probably a very chliché thing to say - imo makes the look a bit more “dressy” and “parisian”. The difference would have been bigger if I had swapped my cowboy boots for a pair of loafers or simple black pointed boots probably, but hey, didn’t think about it and also hadn’t planned on turning this style post into a “5 ways to wear”. Is that format overdone btw? Or are people still interest in seeing different ways to style up one main piece? Because I have been wondering about whether or not to include posts like that on here, but I am feeling conflicted. Especially, because of course I have no clue if anyone ever read any of these rambles lol.
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Anyway... If you have read the previous entry. I think it’s safe to say with the dress/look I am fully embracing the pieces I collected on my small autumn moodboard. I am very predictable, I know lol, but I think when you have found a “style” that you like and that you just feel unapologetically you in, people will probably recognize patterns in your wardrobe. :) I certainly can in mine - nobody knows my wardrobe as well as me though of course lol.
That’s all, lovelies! I hope you are having a good start into the new week even though it seems the news are only getting worse each day.
Much love,
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taehyungsgrowl · 6 years
Michael Langdon Birthchart:
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Hey y’all! So here is the birth chart we came up w for Michael. We have him being born March 19th @ 10:14 PM Western Time. Please give this a read and let us know if you agree or if you have other ideas as to what his signs are. The birthchart we drew up had 2 inconsistencies. It made him have a Sagittarius Rising and an Aquarius Moon. We both agreed on other signs for those placements. 
Pisces sun: Well to start off, I would like to say that the meaning of the pisces is the creator. Which I think is pretty neat since Michael did want to essentially create a new world. anyway. Some words that come to mind when thinking of a Pisces are emotional, impressionable (hello satanists who tried to manipulate our boy), perceptive & intuitive (which can explain how he was so good at reading people - no one reads people like a Pisces, trust me. Michael is super in touch w others emotions) (side note; the symbol of the fish has been associated w Jesus Christ and we all know the Michael x Jesus parallels Ryan gave us so). While Pisces are incredibly understanding of others around them, they are often the most misunderstood sign (how fitting for our antichrist, no?)
A quote that I read about this is “easily touched by human suffering” anyone remember Michael crying for the mother whose children had been victims to the radiation?
Also, Pisces cry A LOT with just how emotional we get (both of us are Pisces here) and like so does our boi™.
Capricorn moon: “as a Capricorn moon you may have had to step into a position of responsibility early in life, or received strong impressions from your parents (most usually mother) about the need to live up to certain expectations in life” guys.. That’s Michael!!! I feel like most Cap placements feel like other heavily rely on them; they are natural born leaders in my opinion.. Also ambitious lmfao that boy considered running for president I’m- anyway lmfao the symbol for Capricorn is a goat and we know that your moon sign represents “your inner self” and with that scene in Sojourn where he encountered the goat??? Wow poetic cinema!! @gremlinkween also pointed out that the combination of a Pisces Sun/Capricorn mood may have someone come across as a Scorpio and as first glance, I would have laid my life down thinking Michael was a Scorpio.
Aries Mercury: so Mercury rules communication, right? Well I think Aries mercuries are people who are candid af when communicating w others.. This just reminds me of when Michael conducts his interviews he’s just like “tell me who you really are” he doesn’t have the patience to beat around the bush. I’ve also read that they don’t do well with outdated ideas and anyone remember when he said the concept of sin was antiquated? Michael ain’t about it!! @gremlinkween said this is probably why he runs into things head first without putting a lot of thought into it and he does everything so boldly and just hopes for the best lmfao
Venus Taurus: Venus rules over love and relationships!! So because venus does rule Taurus, I’d like to think this makes Michael a hopeless romantic (especially w a pisces sun omfg)  As a Taurus Venus this means Michael has “an appetite for luxury and a style snob” and i mean??? Is that wrong??? ALSO SO SO SENSUAL. I’M TALKING TOUCH STARVED NEEDS TO BE CONSTANTLY DEMONSTRATING LOVE PHYSICALLY? @gremlinkween made some awesome point about how this would give him a hard shell to break and very stubborn in his relationships, but when he loves, he loves hard!! Which we see with Mead and how he went through extreme lengths to get her back and we see just how heartbroken and distraught he is when he’s rejected by his family
Scorpio Mars: eyyyyyy, it’s yo gremlin, Ash, so the Mars Sign is the “””””masculine””””” energy, but more importantly, how you respond to the physical side of things, whether that be sports, sex, whatever. This would explain why he’s just so violent and extra. Like did he really have to explode Madison’s head? No. Did he really have to eat Marie’s heart and make a show of pulling the knife out of his back with that sexual grunt? Absolutely no. Scorpio is the sign of doing the absolute most, doing it the most aggressive, and sometimes even sexually, which explains his just kinda overall sexual tone when it comes to the physical. So honestly, our hcs about Michael being super freaky and violent? Not off at all
Scorpio Rising: The Rising Sign is all about how others perceive you and the general and first impressions, and your spontaneous reactions to things. Scorpios, as a said do the most, but that’s because they are the fixed water sign. They are just as emotional as a Pisces or a Cancer, but it’s all under the surface, as my best bitch once said “Scorpios are the tossing and turning seas. We can look serene on the surface, but there could be riptides underneath the surface that could easily kill you, but sometimes you see that on the surface as well” and does that not sound like the impression that our boi gives off? Is that not his impulse reactions to things? He can be so calm and then he’s suddenly destroying everything in his path.
Tagging a few who seemed interested in this idea: @sammythankyou @lovelylangdonx @babydollcake @sweetlangdon @royalblueviper @x-satanicbeautyqueen-x @codyfernss @langdonsrapture @langdonsdemon @sloppy-wrist @1-800-bitchcraft @tiny-ruby-seeds @starwlkers @langdonsoceaneyes @kissydevil 
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