#so i tried not to do thaf here
dnpbeats · 1 month
hiii I'm new here and I just cannot believe these guys?? Are these the ones whose relationship was such a "mystery" what haha they literally foreplay on live. I get feral over them being so cute and flirty but I can't imagine the level of shock some of the people longer in the fandom feel? Weren't they always like this I can't imagine not. I mean I recently saw a video here of them doing a live back in the day and phil says they won't get up to more gaming thaf day and dan's going all blushy and flustered. Is this the mystery???
anon firstly welcome <3 secondly.... LOL okay like. yes people have always known they’re together but there were many years where d&p tried to downplay their relationship or at times even outright went against ppl shipping them. I'm assuming you're talking about the livestream they did while on tour. so that was 2018. While this was around the time that d&p started to be more open with how they interacted with each other, keep in mind this was still a year before either of them even came out (though dan started being more open w/ his sexuality around 2016). Before that, it was like Platonic Bros over in danandphil land. In 2012/2013 dan would actively fight with shippers and tell everyone they were idiots for thinking him and phil were together 😭 but it was more than that, they also downplayed a lot of aspects of their relationship. phil went so far as to make up a lie that they met through a mutual friend, they would talk about needing gfs/why they didn’t have them. as far as im aware the first active denial of their relationship was in 2011
to give you more of a sense of what it was like: in 2015, on Oct 19th they were doing a liveshow and acknowledged that it was their “friendiversary” which was like groundbreaking (despite the fact that they were calling each other friends) bc I don’t think they’d ever acknowledged Oct 19th before. When dan made the shipping joke in his diss track everyone lost their minds because, again, before that they either didn’t acknowledge shipping or actively went against it
like. I was in the phandom 2014-2017 and I left for a while. what convinced me to come back? d&p reacting to all the pinofs and phil making “they’re touching” jokes 😭 like honestly. bc when I was first in the phandom, d&p reacting to all the pinofs wasn’t something they really seemed keen to do (see them reacting to pinof 1 in pinof 10 and gtpwtw). but also, poking fun at both shippers and themselves by mocking how ppl used to freak out over them touching isn’t something they would’ve done. phil making that joke is what made me go “oh shit it’s different now.” different bc d&p now acknowledge shipping in a teasing/friendly way (rather than an antagonistic way), and different bc the phandom is also able to look back and go “yeah we were kinda unhinged in 2015” yk?
tldr: them being together was never a mystery but yes, as someone who has been in the phandom a long time, it is still shocking sometimes to see them openly flirting
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I’m thinking about which yarns I will order next for my dolls. The copper color for sure, and I know which skin and hair tones I want to use for Ashes and Marius, so I can get those. The other skin tones are harder because I’d like to have variation in them and it’s hard to tell if they’re too pink or too yellow or too orange or whatever, like, the color looks greyish but is it actually or is it bad lighting? I have photos from two different sites of the same yarn I am using do I can get a slightly better idea. TS gets to be a “wood” color (wood colors align pretty well with skin tones though so it’s basically gonna be whatever color I want) and I’d like a muted tone for Nastya since there’s not really another way for me to show her mechanism. I need two skeins of each color (actually I need four I think because they’re only twenty-five gram skeins) so I’ll likely order of a few of the lighter tones so I can decide who gets what color or if there’s one that just won’t work or something. I’m just not sure I’m gonna do that yet.
I am thinking about doing some trials to bleach some of the yarns, so I can get a nice color change for Nastya and Ashes’ hair. I was thinking vinegar or something might work, but I have used household bleach for cotton bleaching purposes before (it was just a denim jacket instead of strands of yarn). But the yarn is mercerized, so I don’t know how that will affect it.
I somehos just had the idea of only doing Brian’s heart and not his whole insides, since, like Tim, Marius, and Raphaella, his mechanism is visible from the outside. But I love how he and Jonny are foils, so showing his heart too would be great! And potentially give context for whatever grey lump ends up being Jonny’s heart. I think Brian’s heart is visible through glass, but recreating that would necessitate clear plastic, which would be hard to begin with due to size and the fact it’s fiber (ie, just trying to glue the edges in there probably wouldn’t work), but also I’m trykng to keep them natural fibers. On the other hand I do want them to be relatively accurate. …Weave a little cage cover using fishing line or something… still won’t br clear but leaving purposeful gaps would still allow viewing without opening… IDK. If anyone has a good idea for thaf, let me know. The best I can come up with so far is allowing this exception and using a piece of one of those plastic clam shell containers you get food in, because, while sewing through that would be pretty impossible (except maybe is I use a hot needle to melt holes in it?) it’s sturdy enough super glue or the like may work.
I tend to stuff things hard. Like, really hard. The most recent ami I made, I purposefully tried not to stuff it too much, and thought I did a pretty good job, but my mom insists is still quite hard. I think the Mechs would think it was fucking funny to be able to beat each other to death with little dolls of themselves, though, so….
Anyway, so I started Brian’s head and it is smaller than I was dxpecting but it looks really good IMO. This yarn is barely plied together, so holding it double results in the plies just melding to look like one thinker strand instead of two smaller ones, which is really cool. I’m a little concerned about doing Brian first, since he has several changes for body type, so I really out to be doing whoever I decided would be as written first, which is part of the desire to order some of the other skin tones, although I believe that I have planned neither Marius nor Ashes to be as written either. I don’t know. Shouldn’t take too long for the felt to get here once I order it, since the seller it relatively near to me.
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the-heaminator · 1 year
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Had some motivation to draw your Kashmir OC, and I know it’s not the best but I enjoyed drawing her lol :)
SO HERE ARE EXPANDED KASHMIR HCS they were meant to be hcs but kinds if got out of control
She is short, 5'3 only, and pretty slight all things considered, unlike Haryana. Who for that matter always absolutely stuffs her if she ever comes over because Punjab needs backup bc Haryana is in her shit shit shit I need to feed everyone stage which happens at least once ever 2 to 3 years.
Speaking of her relationship with Punjab, which is to be fair one of the only things I have fleshed out here, they get along in the way that the enemy of ky enemy is my friend but in a joking way, ish, neither particularly want to be part of India, both have strong separatists movements (I personally have severe beef with both movements but thafs just personal reasons) they both have a history of religious violence, incredible pain during the partition (what used to be punjab before the partition was much much larger, and a lot of it got split into pakistani punjab, his sister, who is constantly sick and not having a good time)
idk I think he might have tried to substitute his sister with Kashmir, who has a brother of her own, Jammu, who has the capital for half the year and she has it for the rest, he cares for her deeply, and has ended up caring for punjab a lot too because that man is fucking lost and he needs help.
The three have a type of "Oh shit you're nearly as fucked up as I am going on." They all got fucked severely by the partition, thus having too many seperationist movements, religious conflict, not so great infrastructure and a general hatred towards the main government.
J&Ks infrastructure has gotten a lot better in the past decade, it is no longer a state per se since 2019, union territory but shut up, apparently when my mum got married you couldn't even reliably drive a car because the roads were so bad you would kill the suspension in a moment so horses were still main modes of transport, this wasn't even that long ago, late 90s early 2000s.
Which is a shame, J&K is so fucking pretty, natural beauty a plenty, mountains and all, and comparatively to places like dehli, Mumbai amritsar etc Srinagar is very, very clean, she feeds all the stray dogs, she has befriended them, I hc her to have one, a Bakherwal (?) Dog, very friendly to most people, has particular beef with India and China, they know its personal, he is spoiled rotten by Jammu and punjab who keeps on giving him roti.
Both Jammu and Kashmir have a fondness for mutton and chicken, they eat so much rice that its not even funny, so much bloody rice. They are not good at making dhaal but make very good sabjis. But make them wet bc they eat it with fucking rice (I'm sorry I'm pissed that my dad manages to make aloo gobi a fucking curry how di you do that??)
anyhow I might elaborate on these later. Maybe
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lifblogs · 2 years
“‘I looked for death in battle. But I have not died, and battle still goes on.'”
Okay, about to get very real about some things here. TW for talk about suicide, near-death, and trauma.
Alright! So I really feel this line. For years before I had depression I’m not sure I fully understand it. But I do now. It’s this suicidal wish, but at the same time you wouldn’t do it to yourself. Éowyn does not want to lift the blade thaf kills her, but wants someone in battle to do it. And she has survived. She had not just survived her wish to die in battle, which she is clearly trying to not grieve over but is restless to escape it and to seek out death again, but she has also survived a trauma and a near-death. I think her restlessness is certainly a way her mind is avoiding this. Because let me tell you, while you’re suicidal and survive near-death—maybe not even at the hands of a suicide attempt itself—it is extremely hard to cope with. And I’m sure with the healing process after the near-death experience you are just restless as the brain tries to keep you alive and is far too busy for all the emotional pain that has been caused. I don’t think Éowyn just wants to die because there is no hope and because she survived her sort-of attempt at suicide, but because she does not want to feel what comes afterwards with near-death. To her, there is a perfectly good reason still left to die and she wants to seek it out.
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ynahzone · 2 years
for today i offer you me talking about xchara's character development but it sounds kinda half assed / out dated because this was from weeks and weeks ago
im a big nerd so it's not surprising im talking about it, anyways
(warning really long post)
in the start XChara was depicted as a bright and happy kid along with XFrisk, with him getting upset over XGaster saying he's gonna end it all maybe it's safe to say he was happy being with XGaster and his works despite XGaster being underwhelmed with himself and his creations. And then Ink came right? Yeah it was all fun and games until XGaster decided to kill off Asriel
on the first overwrite XChara did nothing to stop it and just stood there.
on the second timeline he started growing upset and kept reminiscing about his past with Asriel, until Asgore became the big guy here and cheered him up. So like he got into a sad state but got cheered up in hopes for a better future, until XGaster deemed this timeline was too boring so he killed both the supports of XChara and XFrisk (Asgore and Sans (rip babygirl)) and that got XChara ANGRY
for once XChara stood up and tried to defend what's left in the timeline, but after XGaster's stiff "just let me work" he let go and just stood there bracing for impact again.
There was a part on timeline III where XChara called out XGaster for being insecure, so uhh his hate for him was like, starting to arise up now.
In Timeline IV it was shown the XChara locked himself in his room waiting for everything to end in the timeline, so yeah so he hits rock bottom in this timeline and his v v upset n all, and all that changed when XGaster took XFrisk to make him do genocide n stuff and XChara was like oohhh shit ohhh ooohhhhh and then like XALPHYS GIVES XMUFFET A CODIGO SAYING WHATS GOING AWN and then he stops XFrisk from stabbing XChara and told him thaf "he never cared about you" anx "you should stand up for yourself, stop him now" smn smn smn so XChara took that and rebelled against XGaster and punched him in the balls then resets the timeline
WHICH XGASTER FOUND RUDE so he sent off the twins to a timeline wherein no one knows them and XChara and XFrisk HATED everyone so they like planned to kill XGaster (i think) and then targetted XAlphys to like tell them where XGaster is and XUndyne butts in and beats the livinf shit out of them so like yeah yeah XChara hes so pissed rn so they took a moment to just unwind
then like XUndyne goes and offered the twins trainings, basically XUndyne gave them hope that they'd be a able to beat the shit out pf XGaster to which XChara took because he BELIEVED theres still hope, atp XFrisk already gave up
so like yada yada yada yeahh XChara went ti trainings and then they ambush XGaster n all n stuff and XUndyne fucking dies and XChara gets his half soul fragment stolen now he's sharing a soul with XGaster (which mind you, at this point the person he hates the most)
now, in XChara's timeline he's like,,, he killed XFrisk multiple times as commanded by XGaster (i THINK)
since they share a soul now XChara changed drastically, he probably judt submitted to XGaster n all (orrr that thing warped his perception of everythknf or smn like that)
then XChara says he wants XFrisk back, SOMETHING TO NOTE HERE is that throughout the whole series XChara still cares for his brother, XFrisk, even if it seems off putting, no matter what. and thats what i find endearing
so like yeah XGaster just said FUCK IT then revives XFrisk and prolly merge their souls so now XChara is this ghost that gpes around w XFrisk
take note XGaster said "2 masterminds in 1 body" or something similar,this is probably unimportant but this part was the whole theme for the X-Event (will be talking abt X-Event in another message)
In the next timelines, XChara can be described as someone with the brains, an ASSHOLE, a PIECE OF SHIT and someone who lacks boldness when going without a plan, a sadist and yada yada yada
now heres what makes me relate to him, through timeline IX (or Papyrus, i forgot my roman numerals) instead of reacting as happy and cheerful to a new crowd he now reacts to it with disgust
much like how XGaster would, in Papyrus' timeline he started acting much like XGaster would, in short he's becoming the person he hated the most.
in this episode it like shows how devoted and determined he is into ending it all
despite him growing like XGaster he still sticks to his original goals, props to him
so like YEAH but at this point it looks like his care for XFrisk is deteriorating, it's like all he cares about now is his goals and not his brother (but his goal is literally to end XGaster to stop the suffering so....,, slay ig?)
he started forgetting why he even stuck around with him brother, he didn't care what it takes he didn't care what will happen to XFrisk when he makes him do all these crazy shit all he cared about was his plan
he always strived for a better future, so much he forgot about everyone else
he basically turned into a manipulative piece of shit 😍
so like yada yada yada stuff he tells XFrisk to make Cross (aka my husband <3) kill him
the difference between XFrisk and XChara on this timeline is that XFrisk still cares, XChara lacked empathy at this point
oh yeaj did i mentioned XChara also threatened Cross to KILL XFrisk because that's how determined he is
and when he found advantage knowing XGaster's half soul wasn't with him and it'd be easy to kill him off and take the soul he took it and used it
his second plan to kill XGaster was to give everyone back their memories of the previous timelines so they're mad n all
but since Cross refused to cooperate on his first plan he decided to tell XFrisk to tell everyone to just kill him off or leave him alone
now this, this is the part where they thought they reached victory but nope, Cross comes in and kills everyone then takes XFrisk's soul and then BOOM the world is deleted and his whole plan goes in shambles
he was quick to planning, he tried to kill Cross to be free from his body and go back to his originsl host (XFrisk) so they could still overwrite but noooo Cross kills XFrisk too 💀
so like there
hes stranded, so he chose to try and manipulate Cross (he was successful)
so basically he poured his soul, life, time and XCharussy into putting XGaster down which just failed in the end :(
the thing to alwaye remember about XChara is that no matter whay happens that hoe never backs down #SlayXChara
from his happy and cheerful picture he slowly turns into this sadistic piece of shit wjo seems bad but really just have a good intention and just wants everything back to the way it was without the overwrites
i feel bad for him:(
thinking abt this makes me kin him even more, like im not an asshole but .. some days i catch myself lacking
AND AND most of this is a copy paste btw like, a REALLY long copy paste, im talking 4 discord messages worth of copy pastes— plus i was typing all thiz in a friends server and got this message, i got alot of this but im too lazy to ss all of them messages
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much love to mim mwuah shes so great
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chartedrights · 4 years
i hope i'm not too late to the "made-up fic title" ask game (if i am, my apologies), but i am quite curious; "The Strangest Standoff In A Graveyard We've Had Yet"
You’re not! As long as people keep sending them in I’ll keep taking them! It’s a really good exercise tbh.
So we’re going to go back to the Wild West AU because a very particular image came to mind and it’s this: Bruce Wayne, a man dressed all in black, standing opposite Clark Kent, a stubborn, reedy preacher. In a graveyard.
Bruce is a sheriff- his family was wealthy, before they were murdered, and he had to work his way back up to literally just “a livable wage.” He’s bitter about it, and he’s a harsh man with a harsh temper, but he does what he can to protect his city.
Clark went to seminary school because he thought he could help people. Clark also went to the general store and bought a rifle because he knew that would help people. He’s a kind man, but he’s practical. And very alone.
Just two guys, sitting in a church pew, five feet apart because they’re hella gay.
The graveyard is where all the duels go down, because more often than not you can just toss a dead duelist into a fresh grave and have done with it. Sure, Bruce finds them all eventually, but in the meantime the other duelist gets away.
Sweet Tooth, on this particular day, is holding Clark hostage in the graveyard. Bruce is deeply upset by this, but he’s also emotionally crippled, so he’s not sure why. He’s also not certain why Sweet Tooth chose Clark over say, his deputy, Dick, or his uncle, Alfred. Clark is barely even his friend. Right? Hardly even his friend. They don’t even get along.
Sweet Tooth gets knocked out quickly, but Bruce is shot twice, and Clark is a combination of angry and worried that would scream “he’s in love with you” to anyone with two working brain cells. Bruce has one and its working overtime.
“Bruce! Stop trying to throw yourself into the first open grave you can find and understand that there are people who care about you here!”
Bruce blinks. “Alfred?”
“No- well, yes, but- no! I- ugh- fuck it. And fuck you.” Clark storms back to the church. Bruce takes another three minutes to inwardly work through the idea that Clark cares about him and his single working brain cell finally makes the connection.
“Oh,” he says to himself.
Then he goes up to the church, cold stone and soft light, so very much like Clark- and he pins Clark to the wall and they make out in the confessional. It’s very brooding and emotional.
Bruce almost dies of blood loss, but like. It’s worth it.
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digital-corruption · 2 years
My comments on The Ssum (by the studio that made Mystic Messenger):
I want to say I like The Ssum, but it's pretty weird. I don't understand the purpose of all the side stuff. I guess it's original in that there's no mini games per se, but you have a pseudo social media platform within the game. Does it have any actually purpose other than being a distraction while you wait for Teo?
Oh man, if you decide to give the game a try, you have to be super careful how you set up your daily schedule. There's 5 chats a day: wake up, breakfast, lunch, dinner and going to bed. The thing is the chat opens about 30 minutes or so before the time you set and so it closes about 30 minutes before the next time. In a way this is a massive improvement over Mystic Messenger. No chats while you're sleeping so no waking up at weird hours. However, you have to be mindful of how you set up your time. If you set the wake up and breakfast times too close together, you risk missing the wake up chat. Also if you have a tendency to sleep in on weekends, you're at risk of missing out. Strangely I found the going to sleep chat closes at midnight. I don't know if this is the case if you set the time after midnight. I just know that setting it for 11 pm screwed me over, especially because I fell asleep early that night. Maybe this will be fixed?
I've seen a lot of people complaining that Teo is too bland. It is sort of a mistake of only offering one character and hence one love interest. They are trying to appeal to everyone and thus Cheritz have made him too generic. There is the point that Cheritz are boasting 200 days of content so it is meant to be a slow burn relationship. I do find the conversations rather bland. The situation could had done with other characters to bounce off of. Rather than 200 days of Teo, why not 50 days of 4 characters instead? 50 days of content would’ve still been super impressive.
My next concern, 200 days is quite a commitment for a game. The plot better start becoming engrossing, otherwise the game is just a chore. There is no way to save and take a break either. You can pay via IAP to go back or forwards in time.
I missed the wake up chat this morning because I didn't open the app until just before my breakfast time. However for a game that boasts its realistic dialogue, Teo quickly forgot that we didn't actually have that conversation. Not to mention the English translation is rather poor for a game that had several delays. It's playable and passable, but needed someone who spent time living in an English speaking country to edit the script.
I won't be paying for the subscription. For where I live it's over $1 per day and that's far too steep, especially when there's 200 days of content. No matter how you look at it, that's $200 to play the game. PS5 games here are $110-$130 at the moment for a standard edition. There is no way this game is worth more than a PS5 game. So I will suffer the ads and the slow text speed. Also it doesn't unlock Teo's private account? The money grabbing Cheritz is doing with this game makes me sick. I get that there is a lot of continued maintenance required to keep the side stuff going, but we're not talking a few coffees here.
Tl, dr: The Sum has a lot of confusing filler to the game thaf you can ignore. If you intend to play, take care setting your schedule because you can't fix it without paying money, which is just one of a dozen ways the game tries to take your money. Four days in and the chats have been shorter than Mystic Messenger with considerably less plot development. It is meant to have 200 days worth of chats so the relationship is expected to develop slowly. Teo though feels very generic. Trying too hard to appease every preference?
Also why no option for player to be male/nonbinary? They provided a female love interest in Mystic Messenger. This feels backwards...
I'll give it a few more days and to see how it goes.
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WIAT BUT THIS MAY BE WEIRD BUT UHMMM… can you write the video i sent where yn or harry massage each other (thaf was weird ) lmfaoooo
“That feels so good, peach.” Y/n mumbles, while she lays on her stomach on their large bed. Harry had her wrapped up in a towel, fresh out of the shower while he massages over her legs.
The towel had slipped off after he started to massages her over her ass and wedge his way between her thighs. “Good.” He whispers, pushing his oiled hands into her back and rubbing over it. “You gotta do this more often.” Harry whines like a toddler, “only if you do it for me!” Y/n rolls her eyes. “I will.”
Drag racer harry from here down
“Does that feel good, lover? I know you’ve been so tired with these boys, you deserve to relax.” Harry massages her shoulders, moving his hands over her back and down to her lower back and hips. “It feels so good, thank you.” Harry smiles, working her knots out. “Good. You’re such an amazing mama. I need to do this for you more often.”
Y/n sighs, sinking into the mattress. “I’d appreciate that.”
“Anything for you, you know that lover.”
“Right there? Is that where its been hurting?” Y/n asks while she straddles her husband from behind, a crisp white towel wrapped around his waist while his skin is damp and warm from the shower he had just been in. “Yeah, push in there for me, please. I’ve got a big knot there. I fuckin’ ruined my back yesterday.”
Y/n pouts, “I’ll get it out for you, lover. You’ll feel better soon.” She oils his back up before pressing into the spot and rubbing into the knot while she tries to get it out.
Harry moans from his back finally feeling relief. “That feels amazing. You’ve got magical hands.” Y/n laughs, massaging between his shoulder blades. “I don’t think you would have married me if I didn’t.”
“Oi, don’t make this dirty, love. I’m trying to get doctored up. Now please crack my back for me.”
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pipsipey17 · 3 years
A Hired Thief (Lady Dimitrescu x Fem Reader)
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"Fuck." it's all you could say as the alarms went off, you started running since you know thaf the police might be coming any minute now.
You ran into a dark alleyway but you were cornered both sides by the cop cars, you tried shooting your way out but it didn't work, so you had no choice but to surrender.
At last, they have finally caught you, after months of trying to capture you. You had been one of the most wanted theives in the city somewhere in Romania.
The cops handcuffed you and brought you inside their car. "We finally caught Y/N L/N, we shall be celebrating later." one of the cops said on the radio.
You were shocked when they brought you into a room which is so dark you could barely see instead of bringing you to a cell.
They made you sit down on a chair in the middle of the room and they immediately left you alone in the room, or so you thought.
You heard the door slam shut, "How the mighty have fallen~" a beautiful voice said. Lights immediately turned on and you saw a woman sitting across you, she has raven colored hair, golden eyes and crimson lips. She was wearing a black sun hat, a white button up blouse with a few buttons that are undone which gives you a view of her cleavage, a black pencil skirt and some black stilettos.
"Who are you?" you asked sternly trying not to seem distracted by the view.
"A potential friend." said the woman
"Do I know you?" you asked
"No, but I know you~"
"Mhm, you're quite the notorious thief darling~"
You rolled your eyes and said "I prefer financeer, what do you want?"
The woman stood up and walked over to you in a very seductive manner, you tried not to get distracted but failed, your eyes started to roam her figure and you heard her give you a laugh that was deep in her throat.
She straddled your lap and traced her finger to your neck down to your chest which made you shiver and gulp.
"Well, I planning a big job and I need someone with your special set of skills~" the woman said as she slowly removes the buttons of your black button up revealing your black lacy bra.
"What's in it for me?" you asked while trying to move but it seems like you were under her spell.
"You're not exactly in the position to negotiate, but you won't rot behind bars~" her hands went down to your belt and she unbuckles it. "So, what do you say?" she asked as her hand slowly approaches your clothed sex.
"I suppose I have no choice." you said trying to contain yourself, she chuckled in your ear and said, "You catch on quick~" she kissed you hungrily and you kissed back, she kissed your jawline all the way down to your exposed cleavage. The kiss was already getting heated so she pulled away and got off of your lap.
You whined which made her place a finger on your lips, "Hush dear, we can continue this in my office~" she chuckled then she pulled out a key and used it for your cuffs. You rubbed your wrists since the cuffs were a bit painful.
"Here, so you know where you'll find me." she handed you her calling card, you were watching her as she walked out of the room jaw slighy open as she struts, she was at tge threshold then she took one final glance at you. "I'll see you tomorrow Y/N." she said and you nodded in response. She left the room but you could still hear her heels clicking through the floors.
You were still shocked about what happened earlier, but you got up to fix your button up that she unbuttoned and you looked at the mirror to see her crimson lipstick stains on your neck which made you blush. You thought about if you should wipe it off or not but you decided not to, so you could wear it like a medal. It was a little bit seen though even if you wore your button up.
You looked at the calling card and you learned that her name is Alcina Dimitrescu and that she owns the famous winery in the city "Trandafiri Negrii", there was scent coming from the calling card, so you sniffed it and it smelled like roses just like how she smelled earlier, and for sure you will get addicted to her scent.
Part 2
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shadowsingersmate · 3 years
Saw you were taking requests and I’m a slut for any ACOTAR x Reader fluff. Maybe a sweet early morning bit with Cassian with a shy/insecure reader who worries she may not be good enough to be with someone as powerful as him? 🥰
Okey so I’m new with this so I’m gonna try my best, hope you enjoy!
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴: 𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱, 𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗳- 𝗱𝗼𝘂𝗯𝘁, 𝗻𝗲𝗴𝗮𝘁𝘂𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀
𝗙𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗿𝘁: 𝗶 𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝘄𝗵𝗼 𝗺𝗮𝗱𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗳𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗿𝘁, 𝘀𝗼 𝗶𝗳 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝘁𝗲𝗹𝗹 𝗺𝗲 :)
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You were always insecure, questioning yourself and your worth had become a daily habit. Maybe it was because your family had always made sure that you’ll feel the worse about yourself, think the worse about yourself.
Thankfully, you had escaped that miserable place. Now you were with your mate- the love of your life, cassian.
You met cassian at Rita’s, his bold self and incontrollable cockiness and loudness captured your interest immediately. He was the one who approached you first. He asked your name and complemented you y/e/c eyes, he said it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Well, at that time he was dead drunk, swinging around in the bar, laughing at his own sloppiness but you just couldn’t help but feel special, worthy.
It had been two months till you found out that you were mates. You, as happy as you were with the news, couldn’t help but feel that the cauldron might had made a mistake, a 𝑏𝑖𝑔 one. You’d feel like he was too good for you, that you were unworthy of his love and attention. Maybe he knew it too, maybe that’s why he never said that he loved you.
You never shared your thoughts though so they just kept creeping in your mind still. Well, of course you tried to hide those feelings and thoughts from cassian by keeping them as far away from the mating bond.
Today was different. You woke up, the broad sunlight hitting your face. You grunted, Cassian was still asleep you shifted so that you face him and stared at him, admired his intimidating, warriors features, his hair. How peaceful he looked asleep. But then the thoughts that haunted you crept in.
𝗪𝗵𝘆 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗵𝗶𝗺? 𝗛𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗼𝗼 𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗱.𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗵𝘁𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻. 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗵𝗶𝗺 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗲𝘆 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲. 𝗛𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘂𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂.
It was all too much. You loved that male, with every fiber in your body you loved him- you loved him enough to know that you didn’t deserve him, not in the slightest bit. You had made a mistake, he was too good, too kind, too strong, too caring and you were just a quiet insecure girl.
You tried your best to hold back the tears that were threatening to escape, when you heard Cassian’s hoarse voice “morning beautiful” he said. You smiled at him- no, you most definitely did not deserve him.
“Good morning cass” . Cassian smiled at you.
You couldnt take it, laying besides that male, you felt less...
“im gonna go and make breakfast“ you said quietly before you left the bed.
You knew thaf cassian would question the abruptness, you were the kind of person who would stay in the bed, usually cuddle with him and laugh at his jokes but not today.
You headed to the kitchen, you were angry at yourself.
You started chopping fruits.
𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗯𝗴 𝗵𝗶𝗺 𝘂 𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗽𝘆, 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲 𝗵𝗶𝗺, 𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗼𝗲𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂, 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝗶𝗳 𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗶𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲.
More of those malicious thoughts found the way in your head.
Cassian indeed did not deserve you, he deserved something more. Someone like nesta to match his boldness, someone more talkative, someone sure of herself.
You felt the tears breaking free, you couldn’t stop it.
Your attention was captured by your self doubt so much that you only connected to the real world when you felt a pinching pain on your finger.
Looking down you saw blood- lots of it. You cried harder as you grabbed a towel, trying to stop the flooding.
“you okey? I smelled blood“ Cassian’s worried voice echoed in the room.
“Oh yeah I’m fine” you said as steadily as you could.
“Cauldron, how did you do that to yourself? Let me take care of it” he said as he picked you up placing you carefully on the counter.
“Does it hurt?” You shook your head as a record.
He watched you skeptically. “Then why are you crying? Does it has to do with me? Did I upset you?”
You couldn’t hear him, couldn’t stand it. Hearing him so worried of hurting you.
You pushed him away and stood up. You could sense his stillness, his confusion.
“I- darling? What hap-“
“How do you know that the cauldron hadn’t made a mistake back then?” You cut him off “how do we know that we are perfect for each other? That we match? That we deserve each other” the last words were a little less than a whisper.
“Y/n? What are you saying, do you not want this?” You could see the hurt in his expression.
“Of course I do, I do want this more than anything but let’s be honest here cassian, I don’t deserve you, I never did and I never will”
He flinched but he didn’t miss a second. He rushed to you cupping your face with his massive hands “what are those ridiculous things y/n?” He said, his voice as soft as it could get.
“You really thing that I don’t deserve 𝘆𝗼𝘂?” He continued “you’re my mate, my equal, the person the mother chose for me, that 𝗶 𝗰𝗵𝗼𝘀𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗺𝗲. I don’t want better and I could not do better”
“But what if it was-“ he knew what you were about to say, and he didn’t want to hear a lick of it.
“I love you y/n and even if the cauldron has made a mistake I could not be more greatfull for bringing you into my life. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me” he finished and you swore his eyes were watery.
You couldn’t help but cry harder.
“What’s that about? Did I/“
“No! No, you didn’t say anything bad, I love you too cassian”
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peaceandlove26 · 3 years
ok ok for now heres a really brief summary (or at least as brief as i can do)
cutie map happens, the timeline mess happens, starlight becomes twilights student. the viewers dont know it yet but starlight hasnt really changed, shes just trying to get close to twilight to gain more power. she tries to reconcile with sunburst. hes scared of her. she was controlling and manipulative to him in the past.
starlight becomes friends with trixie. she doesnt like trixie but keeps her around as proof that she has a friend. starlight experiments with magic. the episode where she strips the mane 6 of their free will still happens but she doesnt feel bad about it at the end. shes becoming more powerful.
the changeling reformation thing happens. chrysalis takes starlights hoof. twilight makes it starlights task to reform chrysalis, not knowing shes making a villain reform a villain. chrysalis does actually reform, albeit very slowly. (trying very hard not to go off on a tangent about chrysalis’s story here). chrysalis suspects something is up with starlight. she does not sense any love coming from her.
the school of friendship is opened. cozy glow attends. starlight takes notice of her. cozy glow is manipulative but only uses this for petty things. (tries very hard again not to go off on a character story tangent here). starlight decides to “help” cozy glow. she begins to influence cozy glow to control others. she is forming a plan. meanwhile chrysalis is trying to convince others that something isnt right with starlight, shes not who she says she is (parallel to twilights situation in canterlot wedding!)
honestly i cant remember what cozy glow ended up doing but i remember her whole thing was that “friendship is power”—thaf was basically starlight talking. starlight harnesses this power to try to remove all magic—except hers of course—so that everyone will be equal and everyone will be controllable. she is stopped (of course) when chrysalis finally convinces the mane 6 and also the student six do something idk. the mane 6 especialy twilight realize theyve been used. twilight has some emotional moment idk i am so sleep
and then they send starlight to hell forever and ever <3
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deeppieflowernerd · 3 years
I am here todsy by master s order fir a report about how he abused me yesterfay. Please forgive my spelling listakes, qs i am writing with one hand and edging with the other it s just a dumb cunt trying to write. Starting by a twat warm up i slapped the cunt he owns 15 times by a big wooden hairbrush without thinkin because i obey my master and cum rag diesnt need to think, it only edge and obey. This got its cunt pretty sore and aching. The secund task had me edging 5 times, after every efge i am to slap its twat and each nipple 5 hard slaps with the same bug haribrush. For the extra humilation and because i didnt have any manners like a dumb whore and told my master "yeah" instead of yes master, he had me edging over videos of slaves getting punished. My twat at this time git pretty wet as always. The first edge happened when i am stipl getting my instructions from him. The nipples he own got pretty red only by the first 5 slaps. The 2nd and 3rd edge were pretty easy becahse i was cinstantly wishing i was the slave in the vudeo begging to be punished like thaf. Its cunt and tits couldnt take the hit i got pretty sore after 15 slaps but that didnt stop me because i am a cum rag and do what my master says. For the 4rth orgasm i changed the video to a slave gettin its clit flogged and caned and it would be lying if it said that this didnt make me a complete drooling mess. It was breathless from the pain after this edge s skap. It s alrigh only one left then maybe my master would give me permission to cum. The 5th one was fast only by watching the slave get its nipples clampped because earlier that day, my maste introducted me to some of the punishments if this cum rag ever tries to disobey him. It included putting clothespins over its nipples and bunder clips on its fat messy cunt lips. After that whole mess, i was done with my task abd my master granded me permission to cum, it waant that hard to cum after getting its body abused by him in that way. For fjrther himilation the cum rag had to take pics of the bruises all over its body and puxs of messy bed. It also had to change the sheets or else it would sleep on the floor because the bed was so wet from its whore pussy.
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maximoff56 · 3 years
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I'll do anything for you
Summary: You see marriage as pointless and cringey and when Tom agrees with you on your opinion you think nothing of it. Until one day you hear Tom talking over the phone with Harry.
Warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of family issues, insecurities, guilt.
Word count: 1k+
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Tom heard you scoff from across the room, he was sitting on his laptop reading over the script his manager had sent him while you were on your phone, scrolling through Instagram.
"You alright love?" Toms voice caught your attention and you looked up from your phone. Your cousin was getting married and they kept making such a big deal out if it, so much that it was just getting irritating at this point.
"Yea, all good" you dismissed him and went back to scrolling on your phone. Your answer was not bought by Tom and a pillow was thrown at you "you are a child Thomas" You giggled and threw the pillow back at him.
"What is wrong y/n?" His voice was a bit more stern, you sighed not wanting to share the reason. Every time you brought up your opinions on marriage you were judged and out down for them, told thing like 'you're to young to know' or 'you havnt found the right person'
"My cousin is getting married, and I just don't see the appeal. They are actually like she won a Nobel prize or some shit" your eyes were set on the ground so you missed the fall of Toms face. "I personally have never seen myself getting married, it just uh doesn't feel right I guess" when you looked back up at Tom hesitantly he had covered his hurt well and he just nodded along with your statement.
"I agree completely, marriage is quite stupid, a peice of paper doesn't define your relationship" a smile crept over your face when he said that, no one you had ever dated ever agreed with you on marriage and you wrre glad you and Tom had been on the same page.
"You have no idea how relieved that made me Tommy" you jumped from where you were sitting and walked over to him, plopping down next to him on the couch "I love you, and I don't need a stupid peice of paper to prove that" you grinned and pulled him into a kiss.
He kissed back with a smile, he kept his true thoughts about marriage to himself not wanting to make you feel bad. In reality Tom had always planned on a big wedding, he was going to use his grandmothers ring what his mother promised to let him use, he was a sap for really cute weddings and just having the labels of husband and wife, he just loved the thought. Although it seemed thaf it wouldn't ve happening considering your firm beliefs on it.
"I love you too darling" Tom whispered when you pulled away from the kiss, you squealed lightly and kissed his cheek before jumping off the couch and saying something about doing some cleaning but Tom wasn't really listening.
"Fuck" Tom ran his hands down his face and let his head fall back against the couch. Silently cursing himself not telling you is true feelings.
It had been about four days since you and Tom had talked about the whole marriage thing, he was acting a bit off but you pushed it aside, that was until you figured out why.
You had woken up and Tom had already been awake and he was sitting on the couch, phone in hand. You were going to go surprise but you stopped when you heard him talk.
"I know Harry, it's just. I've already dug myself into a hole, how am I just supposed to tell her. I just feel like I've done something wrong but I don't knw" Tom sighed and ran his hand through his hair.
"Look Tom, she loves you everyone can see it. So what if she doesn't want to get married, does it mean that much to you" you couldn't hear what Harry had said but Tom sure could.
"I know she loves me Harry but I've always pictured this whole big thing when I get married, and now she thinks I hate it just as much as she does, she called it pointless Harry, I don't know how to tell her" you felt awful as you turned away and walked back to your bedroom that you shared with Tom.
You flung yourself down on the bed and ran your hands up snd down your face. You should have noticed that Tom was lying about his opinions on marriage, you guys have been together for three years, you were just so blind sighted that you didn't notice.
"Darlin, oh hey I didn't know you were awake yet" Tom walked into the bedroom, he wore a smile on his face, one you couldn't bring yourself to match "Whats going on, why are you grumpy" he pouted and sat next you while you stayed laying down. "Babe" Tom grabbed one of your hand and interlaced your fingers with his "Talk to me"
"Why didn't you just tell me?" You sat up and Tom gave you some space to get comfortable before he answered.
"What are you on about" he looked confused, he genuinely didn't know what you were on about. There hadn't been much that he hadn't told you of then the marri-
"You love the idea if getting married" you sighed and looked over at your boyfriend who's face dropped as her kept his eye locked on your hand that was in his.
Tom took a deep breath "You just, you seemed to hate it so much. I didn't want to start a fight or anything, we don't need to get married it's just something I always thought I was gonna do"
"Tom, I hate the idea if marriage because my family was torn apart because my parents stayed in an unhappy marriage, same thing with my uncle, they were a great couple but then they got married and that all just went away. I don't want that to happen, I really am sorry that I hate the idea so much. If it's a deal breaker I totally understand" Tom knew you had problems with family and he sympathized with you on that but he just couldn't wrap his head around why you blamed marriage but he knew he didn't want to lose you and if that ment not getting married, he would survive.
"Its not a deal breaker darling, I promise. It's just something I need to adjust to, you know. I would never pressure you into something you wouldn't want to do. I love you" he captured your lips in his and you kissed back immediately.
It had been about 3 months since Tom had agreed to not get married, you knew it was hurting him deep down but he was pushing it away for your sake and that just make you feel worse.
So now you were sitting at your kitchen table awaiting Tom from returning from two months away for filming. Usually you were excited about him coming home but you were nervous, you had dicided that if getting married would make Tom happy, you'd do it. It wasn't that big if a deal, right?
You didn't have time to think about it anymore when when door to your house swung open "Y/n! Hey I'm ho-" he was cut off when you flung yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his neck. Tessa too has also came running from her place of the couch.
"Welk hello to you to darling" he chuckled, his bags long forgotten as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him if that was even possible.
"Marry me" you blurted out when you pulled your face away from the crook of his neck. His eyes widened in pure shock but you had a shit eating grin in your face.
"But uh y-you said it was pointless" Tom couldn't help the smile that played on his lip though, he seriously hoped you were being genuine about this because be didn't want you to feel pressured.
"Yea Tommy I know, but I mean so much to you to have a wedding and though I find it cheesy and sappy. It makes you happy, and when you're happy I'm happy. So what do you say?" You knew that you'd have to figure out a way for you both to enjoy the wedding but right now the look on Toms face was all you needed.
"Yes of course I'll marry you" pulling you into another kiss, you giggled when he tried pulling you closer to him, "Thank you" he whispered against your lips here he pulled away "you don't have to do this for me you know"
"I'll do anything for you"
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pandaakatsuki · 3 years
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Painted Ruke’s Technoblade (@ ruke91213989 on Twitter) (their drawing of this version includes the shown clothing and a cool ass sword + gauntlet) and then spent additional time painting his mouth in different phases,,, so I made thaf a gif too!!! These one was easier, since the transition doesn't have to be as smooth.
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Little clonky tho
Glad I tried this tho, cause I forgot to do the crown and a few small details until after I made different mouth layers
If Ruke has a tumblr, feel free to msg me so I can edit that here to credit them ❤️ Loved this version of Techno as soon as a I saw them 👀 I just had to try to draw it
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stormshock-factory · 3 years
how about kyrosis/stanford for the ship questions?
How did they first meet?
If were taking account for canon, they would meet in the battlefield against each other. But if we're going for an AU that where the Sentient war didn't happen and BF5 still get involve, I'm thinking they would end up bumping into each other by pure accident, with Kyrosys in a hurry while Stanford got lost.
What was their first impression of each other?
Not good really, with Kyrosys not really keen on the idea of humans or other species getting themselves invovle with Sentient affairs, while Stanford finds the quiet Red Sentient that's staring him down to be uncivilized and intimidating. They'd first try to avoid each other, but still end up encountering the other due to working closely.
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
Nope, with the rest of RS5 and BF5 not wanting to interact with one another (for now), while Stanford had been sworn to secrecy not to tell his family about his current "job".
Who felt romantic feelings first?
Not really sure, since both of them aren't good with managing or realizing their feelings for the other. I'd see them opening slightly up to each other when they both turn out to have strained relationships with their families, most especially with their siblings. It eventually escalated to them becoming casual to close friends.
Kyrosys may be the one to end up realizing first, as I headcanon that Red Sentients are rather intuned with their emotions compared to their specie's counterpart.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Most definitely, as both of these guys are sure that they're just only friends until their emotions finally crack and start making somewhat subtle hints about their crush with one another and see if the other gets the hint or not. It's a long unecessary dance of emotions between them.
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
Stanford would be confused, in denial and slightly flustered if you did. While Kyrosys instantly shoots it down coldly.
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
It would still be the same really.
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Most likely Kyrosys, as he got impatient waiting and just ended up blurting out his crush towards Stanford, who becomes flustered which then turns into a confusing jumble of slight miscommunication, but they do end up agreeing to giving it a try.
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
It was awkward at first, as it's their first time in trying out to see if they are romantically compatible or if they should just stay friends. It does get easier as time goes on though. I'd imagine they would keep their first date and relationship private besides from their respective trusted group of friends, as some Sentients may not be as receptive to them dating.
What was their first kiss like?
I'd imagine they would take it slow, due to some feelings getting in the way and being careful as Kyrosys' fangs or body heat may end up hurting Stanford's lips. It felt weird at first, but started getting comfortable and eventually enjoyable.
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
Well, they were each other's first relationship with another species.
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
I'd say thaf Kyrosys is a head taller than Stanford, and considering that Sentients can live for million years and all...
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
Kyrosys doesn't have a good opinion on Stanford's family, who in turn remain unaware of his existence.
While Stanford is on fairly amicable terms with Kyrosys' family.
Who takes the lead in social situations?
Usually Stanford, as he's used to talking to various of people without getting tired or uncomfortable.
Who gets jealous easier?
Both of them definitely, as I see them becoming defensive when they see the slightest of signs of their lover being flirted by another.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
Stanford tries, but Kyrosys doesn't really understand it. But he picks it up quick and turns the tables on Stanford instead.
Who said “I love you” first?
Stanford, as he often expresses his emotions verbally, mostly.
What are their primary love languages?
For Stanford, he's very vocal about his affections. While Kyrosys showcases his through actions instead of words.
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
Stanford of course, Kyrosys finds it both embarassing and endearing.
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
Stanford usually tries to engage in a little PDA, but Kyrosys only allows it when they're alone in private.
Who initiates kisses?
Stanford, though it usually only works in private.
Who’s the big and little spoon?
Due to the heigh difference, and Kyrosys' insistence, he's the big spoon while Stanford is the little spoon.
What are their favorite things to do together?
I'd say that racing is against each other is one of their favourite activities, with the loser owing a favour towards the winner. As well as generally being together, and maybe gossiping about others behind their backs.
Who’s better at comforting the other?
Both of them aren't good with dealing emotions, but I'd say Stanford since Kyrosys usually buries his own emotions besides his anger and frustration.
Who’s more protective?
Both of them are equally protective of each other, though Kyrosys tends to get into the defensive quicker than Stanford.
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Kyrosys prefers physical affections, while Stanford prefers verbal affections.
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
I have a whole playlist for this ships and the others, but here are some highlights.
Calm Me Down by Mother Mother
Hold it in by Jukebox the Ghost
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
Stanford usually calls Kyrosys "Love", "Darling" or "Sweetheart". Kyrosys had at first just used Stanford's name, but eventually began calling him "Darling" as well.
Who remembers the little things?
Kyrosys, since he is a Sentient and all that.
If they get married, who proposes?
Since Stanford is from Earth, he'll definitely be the one to propose. It's a dramatic and grand event that he overplanned.
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
While it had been held privately, it was still a really loud and an extravagant wedding for these two with lots of red and purple themes for it. Of course, the rest of BF5, RS5 and maybe the Council of Five would attend, but not Stanford's family as they are still being kept in the dark.
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
Due to the fact that Sentients don't really have reproductive systems, they can't really have kids. But like that's going to stop me from giving them one.
Do they have any pets?
Maybe, if Kyrosys can handle the mesz they make.
Who’s the stricter parent?
Kyrosys most definitely.
Who worries the most?
Stanford, as I see him being the parent that is slightly overprotective.
Who kills the bugs in the house?
Since Stanford most likely screamed for the servants to handle it back then, it's Kyrosys.
How do they celebrate holidays?
Stanford would have to convince Kyrosys to celebrate at least one holiday, but his lover thinks it's a waste of time so it can sometimes go great or not happen at all.
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Maybe Stanford, since I don't see him as a morning person.
Who’s the better cook?
Kyrosys, since again, he is a Sentient after all.
Who likes to dance?
Stanford most definitely, so he often tries to get Kyrosys to dance with him. It works as relaxation for both of them.
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zalrb · 4 years
How would you have written damons character as an antagonist, in a way that is believable for elena to fall for him? Or do you have any examples of shows that have done thaf dynamic well?
OK well first of all, the main thing, like I’ve always said, is that Damon can’t do what he did to her friends and family. It’s too much.
He rapes Caroline
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He tries to kill her
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actually, no, three times
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He tries to kill Bonnie
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He’s responsible for Vicki
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Turns out that he’s the one who killed and turned her birth mother and they’ve had sex
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He kills Jeremy
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Not to mention that he got Jenna stabbed
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Like he causes too much carnage to Elena’s circle specifically that her falling for him in any capacity doesn’t make sense unless Elena is actually just a terrible friend and sister.
Eric doesn’t even do this much damage to Sookie’s circle, the most he does to her friends is chain Lafayette in his basement and then feed on him, which actually has context because Lafayette was selling vampire blood and that’s a grave offence among vampires.
So that’s the first thing that I’d have to change.
The second is that he has to have a story that is actually sympathetic and not just, I fell in love with a woman who told me specifically that she’s interested in me because I love her more than she loves me
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because that’s stupid. I have so many different posts about this but in 1864, I would’ve made Damon a pillar of the community with a wife and kids because at that age he would’ve had a family and then Katherine comes and completely torpedoes his life, she promises him an eternity of them together and swears that her being with Stefan is just to use him, she actually seduces him and perhaps compels him and has him so wrapped up in her that he abandons his family and his wife finds out that Katherine’s a vampire and tries to out her but Katherine convinces him to put her in an asylum, like actually have Katherine be malicious in how she deals with him and have Damon do all this terrible shit, only for his father and the townspeople who he had once considered his community turn on him and kill him and he can’t see his kids again and he’s destroyed his wife’s life and he carries that guilt and that anger for over a century, just biding his time for the comet to get Katherine out because she promised him eternity only to find out that she wasn’t in the tomb, she knew where he was and she didn’t care, and she always loved Stefan and then just have him completely break. That kind of storyline doesn’t paint him in the best light but with the right acting and the right script and the right dialogue and the right chemistry, it makes him sympathetic and his hatred of Katherine and his hatred of the town is rooted in something real. So if Elena is going to feel any sense of sympathy toward him, with that kind of storyline I can understand it. And I could see her helping him realize that the people who live in the town now don’t deserve to die so when he has that whole “I came to this town wanting to destroy it but I found myself trying to save it”, it’s earned.
In terms of Elena “falling” for Damon, I have always said there are various ways this could’ve been done. Like actually make them a dark relationship:
If Elena becomes a vampire and that’s supposed to be a game-changer then she has to change internally. I would want Elena to feel constrained by Stefan and have a reason for it, like if Stefan is all about here is how you control your urges, here is how you appear as human as possible, then I would want Elena to realize that she’s actually curious about losing control, curious about the blood, curious about the freedom of vampirism and Damon gives her that.
The show thinks it did that but it didn’t because Stefan did everything right. He taught her how to hunt, how to defend herself, he stimulated her sexually, he took her to parties so she could learn how to socialize while being oversensitive, he provided opportunities like the motorcycle so she could relish the power of vampirism and he looked for the cure secretly, he consistently told her she would make it through this period, he even celebrates her being alive with champagne, like Stefan was actually perfect, the ONE thing he couldn’t do was teach her how to feed on humans, that isn’t enough of a chasm. And Elena constantly said how she didn’t want this life. If Elena didn’t actually say any of that and did things like, Maybe I should learn how to feed on humans and he shut her down, or if she compelled someone and he was like Elena, I know it’s tempting but you need to not do that and she just felt stifled then I could see why she would go to Damon.
Then when she’s with Damon, he encourages all of her worst impulses. She no longer looks at her friends as friends but as food and it’s not something that Damon helps her navigate because she’s a vampire and this is how vampires feel, they feed together, they drink like crazy together, they drive like maniacs together, she leaves school because fuck it, she has eternity, why does she need to be confined by human rules anymore
Another thing I said I would do is I could see the triangle being like Will/Elizabeth/Jack in PotC:
Elizabeth was attracted to Jack and I think that’s fair because he’s attractive and because he did everything she wanted in that he followed his impulses, he was outside the law, outside societal constructions, he did what he did because he wanted to do it and yet she knew he also had morality in him. So it was this tension of sexual curiosity and the belief that he could be redeemed. And Jack plays on her sexual curiosity, there is a ton of innuendo, a lot of flirting and when it really counts he proves her right in being a “good man” but that’s also directly related to Will, helping Will, saving Will, trusting Will and while Will believes she loves Jack for like half of POTC At World’s End, Jack and Elizabeth both know it’s always Will. There’s no question. And I think that could’ve been Delena. I think Elena could be curious about Damon and attracted to Damon and I think he could play on that because he’s Damon but when it comes down to it, for both of them, it’s about Stefan.
Jack works because he’s not bound by romance, his love is intangible, it’s the sea, it’s it’s the Black Pearl, it’s being a captain,  it’s his crew, it’s the components that construct what freedom is to him and I would’ve given Damon something like that, unconcerned with earthly preoccupations like love particularly since he’s a vampire and immortal and I think that would’ve been very interesting with Elena being there as a sort of reminder that earthly preoccupations aren’t always a waste of time, like a good bond that’s in between friendship and romance but never crosses over to either. So I could see that happening.
I have also said that I could see Elena being attracted to the idea of Damon, the way the Delena fandom is attracted to and romanticizes the idea of Damon where, like, a part of her that she really hates --- and we see that she hates it --- we get a Buffy-esque breakdown like this
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likes the fact that he’d let everyone die to save her, is flattered by the fact that when she says something to hurt him, he spirals out of control, misconstrues his toxic behaviour as intense love and finds herself curious about him because he comes on strong all the time, so she wonders if being with him would be passionate and consuming, have her romanticize the idea of a consuming relationship only for them to get together and realize how unbelievably awful it is to be in that relationship where every time they fight and he storms out, she calls her friends to make sure they’re safe and tell them to avoid Damon at all costs because he’s on edge, have her feel the guilt of knowing a fight between them caused an innocent to die etc.
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