#but like my main account is for like bills and necessities and if I have money left over after all is said and done MAYBE a treat idk though
deityofhearts · 4 months
every time I have to go to the bank I am aware that they can see that one of my savings accounts is named “save your fucking money” and it’s in the ““secret” money” category (secret itself is in quotation marks)
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Habits To Become Your Best Self In 2023
Some habits, routine ideas, and mindset shifts to help make 2023 your best year yet. Hope this helps and inspires you to reach your goals for the next 12 months. Remember to work hard and take care of yourself. Once you put your mind to it, the sky is the limit! xx
Make Your Meals Plant-Based & Produce-Focused: Center your meals around a variety of vegetables, fruits, plant proteins, potatoes, and unprocessed plant-based fats (avocado, nuts, seeds) and minimal whole grains.
Get Creative With Stress Eating Substitutions: Discover healthy swaps for your meals and snacks to ensure what you're eating without sacrificing your goals. Some simple substitutes include mixing in cauliflower rice into your whole grain rice to add nutrients/volume while slashing the calories, using half an avocado with lemon as a salad dressing over spoonfuls of olive oil, swapping meat for lentils in a chill, soups, or stir fry, choosing frozen grapes or whipped bananas with berries over candy or ice cream for a sweet treat, etc. Remember: Spices and seasoning are your best friends.
Be Mindful of Your Beverage Consumption: Consuming enough water is essential. However, if you get bored with water, add some herbal and black tea, black coffee, or fruit-filled water into the mix. Cinnamon, vanilla, and apple or peach teas are great options to satisfy cravings and prevent mindless snacking (not a substitute for food – eat if you're genuinely hungry). For the winter season, try using some pure cocoa powder with hot water, vanilla extract, and a tablespoon or two of plant-based milk for a healthy hot cocoa drink.
Prioritize Long Walks: Carve out 1-2 hours of your day to get 10-12K steps in at least 5 days a week. Go outside if possible or jump on a treadmill/walking pad to get in some movement while watching TV, talking on the phone, or catching up on some emails.
Find A Simple Resistance Workout You Love: Yoga, pilates, or an at-home weight-training or body-weight exercise you can do at home. Browse different YouTube videos for 10-30 minute workouts to try or sign up for a class in your local area to make it a more social experience (and force yourself to take accountability to show up in the first place).
Create Short & Long "Bookend" Routines: Create a simple routine for the beginning and end of the task-filled portion of your day. For most of us, these routines would be done in the morning and evening/at night before and after work, school, or doing chores/errands. Let go of the rigid idea that these routines need to be done at certain times of the day. Set yourself up to win and tailor them to your schedule. Consider these short routines (like drinking a cup of coffee/tea, reading, meditation, journaling, a walk, or a short dancing session) your warm-up and cool-down sessions of the day. Having these rituals to look forward to will give you the energy and motivation to do what you need to get done each day.
Practice This 10-10-10 Mindfulness Practice: Make time for at least 10 pages of reading, 10 minutes of meditation, and 10 minutes of journaling daily (This can include shadow work) either in the morning or nighttime to clear and reset your mindset for the day.
Take An Hour To Plan Out Your Week: It's most convenient to do this power hour on a weekend (I typically reserve an hour before dinner on Sunday for weekly planning). Write out all of your main work tasks, schedule any due date reminders (for work, bills, chores, and other life necessities), must-do errands, emails and calls or appointments to make, etc.). I like using the Productivity Planner from Intelligent Change and my Reminders app/Google calendar via iCloud to sync deadlines and times to schedule messages/tasks/bills, so everything will be in front of me at the correct time throughout the week.
Prioritize 1-3 Tasks Daily: You might need to choose one large project to work on in small chunks or select a "Big 3" for the day, depending on how complex, lengthy, and time-consuming your projects/errands or appointments are for the day. Using this method allows you to be efficient, streamline your life, and feel productive without overwhelming yourself on the regular (the fastest route to burnout).
Make A Life Admin Schedule (and Stick To It): Choose days (and times if possible) of the week to update certain spreadsheets, batch reply to less urgent messages, clean your house, do laundry, grocery shop, etc. Scheduling these tasks ahead of time eliminates half of the battle for following through on what you need to do. Eventually, you will make these tasks into habitual routines that your brain will allow you to execute effortlessly as though you're in autopilot mode.
Mind Your "Circle of Influence": Do an intake on the 5-10 people you speak to the most or value in your life. If you're an employee, it is probably best to not include your boss or coworkers in this consideration list, as you need to work amicably with them regardless of your personal feelings. Look how you feel during your interactions with your friends, family, intimate partner, or an adjacent love interest. Consider how they speak to you, about themselves, and the topics your conversations are focused around. See if they align with the person you want to be and your goals. Evaluate how close you want to be and what parts of your life you think would be the most beneficial for you and the relationship going into 2023.
Set Boundaries: Understand your expectations, non-negotiables, and limits in every area of your life. Communicate these principles to others clearly, so they know when they are overstepping. Don't tolerate disrespect, but also don't expect others to be mind-readers. If someone knows that they're crossing your boundaries, it is easy to draw the line in the sand and walk away without the guilt or shame that can arise when conflicts originate from a lack of healthy communication.
Incorporate One Creative Practice Into Your Week: Reinvigorate your mind by engaging in at least one hour of creative activity per week. Try drawing, creative writing, poetry, singing, dancing, painting, pottery, jewelry making, graphic design, photography, etc. Even taking a foreign language course or creating a Pinterest inspiration/mood board or organizing your home/closets in an aesthetically-pleasing way counts. Figure out what creative outlet(s) you find satisfying. Prioritize scheduling this practice into your schedule weekly.
Refine Your Signature Look: Edit your wardrobe, try out a new haircut, or change up your makeup routine, nail color, or signature scent. Consider how you can close any gaps between your authentic personal style and how you present yourself on a day-to-day basis. Create an inspiration board if needed to help yourself define your unique aesthetic and gradually work towards embodying your ideal look.
Keep A "Praise" Archive: Create a record of all of the messages you receive highlighting your achievements, milestones, recognitions, or compliments. Compile a folder that acts as your "praise" archive for every area of your life. Create a folder in your work email inbox to save all of your professional achievements, praise, and positive contributions. Do the same for your personal email. Create a folder in your photo album of screenshotted texts. Keep a running list on your "Notes" app of any compliments you receive on your conversational contributions, actions, attire, personality, smile, etc. Hyping yourself up to connect to your highest self.
Create A "Siren" Kit: Take note of all of the clothing, scents, songs, cosmetics, phrases, people, and other aspects of your environment that empower you to feel your sexiest. Keep all of these items/songs/texts together to make it simple to set the mood before engaging in some indulgent action or revisit when you need a boost of confidence throughout your week.
Do A Financial Audit: Create an income/expenses spreadsheet to understand your current spending behavior and budgeting plan going forward. Set up your 2023 financial goals and projections, including target amounts for income, savings, and investments.
Give Yourself A Weekly "Treat": Find a healthy indulgence that you can strategically incorporate into your week. This "treat" can be a massage or nail appointment, permission to watch a movie or a couple episodes of a TV show, a serving of your favorite dessert or a glass of wine, etc. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Consider regular indulgence as an act of self-care not as a sign of weakness or self-destruction. Embracing pleasure does not require guilt or external permission.
Happy New Year, loves! Cheers to an abundant 2023 xx
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Hello friends.
I honestly hate that over the last few years, I’ve been in such a financial state that there never seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel, and if there is, it flickers out almost as soon as it’s lit. It’s caused some pretty frustrating situations, and I find myself here once more asking for help. 
I’m pretty sure I mentioned it in passing, but over Christmas and into the start of the New Year, I was practically homeless, and while I did find a new home after almost two months of stress, my finances suffered drastically. I literally spent every penny I had for the new home, and since then, I’ve been working non-stop to try and recover my finances that as you know have been walking a tightrope for some time. And just as I think I’ve succeeded, some new thing happens. I have several friends who can confirm the shitty luck I’ve seemed to have over the last year or so. 
And right now, I’m truly struggling. Tomorrow I fly out for work, but as of this morning, my bills went through and put my bank account severely in the red. This means I can’t afford even afford to get myself to the airport, let alone take care of my basic necessities like food and the like while I’m away, and I cannot lose the work I’ve had booked for months.  While that is my main concern at the moment, I’m also concerned about being able to afford basic necessities once again. While I’ve been making enough money to keep the roof over my head (thank God. I do not recommend being homeless...it’s horrifying and terrible), I still barely make enough to keep up with my basic expenses. Not to mention there are several appointments and necessities (such as medication) that I’ve been ignoring because I just simply cannot afford them. 
So here I am, asking for help once more. If you are able to help in anyway, you can donate via paypal or ko-fi. Even if you cannot help, I’d be so grateful if you could share this post. I’m really worried and could use all the help I can get. 
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fiendantics · 6 months
Mutual Aid Request
Hello everyone it is your friendly neighborhood eldritch horror, here to ask for your help.
For those of you who don't know I am nonbinary and have dealt with horrible gender dysphoria for as long as I can remember. I am finally able to get top surgery, there's just one problem, I need your help to afford it. If you can afford to donate please do, any other form of support is also greatly appreciated! Ex. Reblogs, likes, sharing
A bit about me;
I'm a 19 year old artist and indie game dev, if you'd like to learn more about my game you can check out my tiktok for it @ImberChroniclesOffical. You can also follow my main tiktok account @FiendAntics to follow along with my journey.
What The Money Raised Will Cover;
The money I raise will cover my top surgery, the cost of gas to get to and from the place, and a recovery fund that will take care of my bills, food, and other necessities while I recover from my surgery. The more I make, the more time I can dedicate to healing, so while basic funding is a dream, being over funded would be even dreamier. Anything I make in excess that I don't use for my own care, I'll be redistributing to other trans people's gender affirming care.
Ways To Donate;
GoFundMe: https://gofund.me/d6bd59cd
CashApp: @FiendAntics
Venmo: @FiendAntics
Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/fiendantics
I also make candles and wax melts which you can buy from either my TikTok shop Wares by Fiend or my store https://waresbyfiend.bigcartel.com/
$0/$13,390 raised
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earfth · 2 years
otherkin questioning
long post ahead, a tl;dr is in bold red following the main body of text though I strongly encourage you to read the whole thing if you plan on replying.
I've been researching this stuff on and off for more than 2 years now, and have gone back and forth between the way I identify time and time again. I resonate with the otherkin/therian community but have never felt a definable connection to any one animal or entity.
I know there has been discussion about otherkin as an autism thing. It would be in that sphere for me. I experience no psychological delusions and I have no strong spirituality (though either of those impacting one's otherkin identity is perfectly valid; it's just not what I experience). I have experienced phantom limbs before but not in a strong way. Instead it's more like a thing where I move my spine around and imagine vividly if I had a tail, and doesn't really feel as "real" as other posts about phantom limbs make them out to be.
This means that my participation in the alterhuman sphere and my labeling of myself as any sort of creature or other entity (I wouldn't call an angel or robot a creature, per se) would be voluntary and not brought upon me by necessity or any significant psychological distress. As aforementioned, too, I have no clue what particular thing I would identify as in the first place.
This lends to a bit of confusion as to what I would label myself as and if I even should. I want to, I fit the bill by some accounts, I understand the ins-and-outs of the community enough to be respectful of other otherkin, and I am willing to deal with whatever comes as a result of identifying this way. On the other hand, "want" is not "need." Maybe searching is more taxing than it needs to be. Maybe some of you would see it as a bit frivolous, given that you experience far more intense feelings than I do on the matter, and label yourself as otherkin out of social necessity more so than anything else.
The main point of contention for me in regards to other labels like "otherhearted" is that, if I were to express my identity as a dog or something else, I feel like labeling myself as "like a dog" instead of "a dog" is naming a personality trait more so than a label of much importance; that, and people outside of the alterhuman sphere seem to not know it nearly as well as otherkin, which may mean being otherhearted has a lot less weight to it and might need a lot more explaining. Though, please, if you are otherhearted or something similar, feel free to correct me if how I think it feels is wrong. I am still learning about the in-person and online usage of these terms and, if not obvious, I haven't heard them enough to gauge reception from those outside of the alterhuman community.
Maybe my hesitancy to use lighter labels indicates that I do feel this strongly about being whatever entity I feel I fit better than a human. I'm not sure.
tl;dr i'm not sure what the right choice is in regards to being otherkin or not. I want to be, but that might not mean I should be. Alternative alterhuman labels are not as appealing to me for a few reasons if they even fit me, and I'm not sure they do.
I would really appreciate any thoughts or opinions or experiences when it comes to any of this stuff.
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simplefelicity · 1 year
december no buy rules.
as promised (if a bit late), here i am with my december no buy plans.
now, i already know that december is going to be expensive because with christmas and some birthdays coming up i'll have to buy some presents. my main goal is to only buy those presents and nothing else.
i've printed a mini december calendar and hung it in front of my desk to keep me more accountable. i'll write down every day what i've spent/earned. so far it's been working!
things allowed:
necessities (bills, groceries, etc)
christmas/birthday gifts, i think it will end up being 20€ or so
a sleeping mask if i can find one that i like
perhaps, i'll need a new coat. the zipper of the one i have is broken and i had already changed it once. the coat is something like 5 years old and i don't really like the style anymore, but it's very warm and still in good condition other than for the zip. i need to consider this carefully.
university books if i can't find them in any library in my city
things i can't buy:
knitting equipment and yarn (i'll but the needles and yarn i need to start making socks in january)
any kind of eating out
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seiriina · 2 years
so i’ve obviously not been around on any of my accounts and there’s a few reasons for that that are pretty much all tied to my personal life. i’ll put it all under a read more because some of it is a bit Much and does come with a trigger warning for sh so don’t read if that’s something you can’t handle.
so the main thing that’s happened has been my mental health spiraling pretty badly about a month or so ago and causing me to relapse. again. pretty badly this time- like close to hitting an artery which is the worst i’ve ever done over the years. because of this and because i’ve become pretty dependent on xanax and ambien to the point that my parents are convinced i’m going to od on accident or on purpose one of these days i’m going to be getting checked into an inpatient treatment center likely in the near future. i’m currently waiting on my therapist to send files and junk to my doctor so that they can start the process of getting my insurance to give the green light on covering it bc of course insurance wants to pay for literally nothing unless you give them a million documents proving necessity.
apart from that i’ve moved with my parents to a new city, my dad got transferred at work so it’s been a lot of getting things unpacked and set up. because of the move and the eventuality of me being committed i’m unemployed which is stressful for me because i’ve still got bills and whatnot so that’s been wreaking havoc on my anxiety.
aaaand that’s pretty much all the major stuff that’s been going on. shit mental health and just a bunch of stuff going on has left me with basically no energy / motivation to be on, i haven’t really had ideas for anything to write and i’ve just been taking a lot of personal time to deal with everything happening right now. my blogs aren’t going anywhere and i’m sure i’ll come back around at some point but for now i think it’s pretty safe to say i’m just gonna have them on a bit of a hiatus for however long.
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theolddarkmachine · 3 years
“Dance with me.” It isn’t a question, or even a request. It’s a command. One that Keith doesn’t want to follow, but he knows he will because it wraps deliciously around his throat.
For just a moment, he gets lost in the way the twisting lights catch in Shirogane’s white hair.
“I was taught to never dance with strangers,” Keith manages, trying to ignore the way his thumb brushes across his cheek. He means it as a challenge. A gamble to see just who his target will introduce himself as.
Not that it truly matters.
Either way, by the end of the night, his heart won’t be beating.
Shirogane’s smile only widens, touching his eyes as it pulls at their corners.
“Takashi.” He says the name easily as he pulls his hand away, instead taking Keith’s empty flute from his hand and dropping both their glasses on a passing tray.
“What?” In a moment of breathlessness, he forgets to add strength behind the word and he’s certain Shirogane’s missed it.
“My name is Takashi.” Takashi Shirogane. The name makes his veins sizzle as it spins around his mind, until he is almost dizzy with it. Lost to the repeating track, Keith almost misses the expectant look leveled on him.
“Keith,” he finally manages as he swallows down the bright taste tickling the back of his tongue. Shirogane’s smile only brightens.
“Now we aren’t strangers,” he replies, offering his hand. “Dance with me.”
One Shot (6k)
Tags: Hitman!Keith, Mafia Boss!Shiro, brief mentions of knives and guns and blood but it’s all in good fun, NSFW so do not read if you are 1) at work or 2) under the age of 18
A/N: While I’m working on things I started and never finished, here’s a fucky one shot 
“It would be the usual deal,” Kolivan’s voice is hard, authoritative as he drops a manila folder onto the table between them. Keith watches as it slides across the metallic surface, stopping just in front of him, its top left open and waiting for him to take it.
The usual deal meant that for just one night, Keith could pad his bank account for the next six months and focus on other things that he liked to do.
Like work on that vintage Harley he’d bought with his last hit’s price tag.
Don’t get him wrong, he didn’t not like his job, there were just other things he’d rather do with his time than commit systematic assassinations on people that the Altean government found to be too much of a headache to deal with by the book.
As an idealistic youth, he would have been appalled by how things were really handled by their city’s government.
Of course, that had been before he realized how lucrative a business it was to take out whoever they deemed bad guys.
Before he’d realized just how good he was at it.
Maybe this time, he could buy himself that vintage BMW R 69.
“Who’s the target this time?” He asks, voice like smoke as he grabs the envelope and pulls the photos from inside. There’s only three, and they’re hardly better than supposed cryptid shots. Even through the graininess, he can make out enough of the man in the photos to know that he won’t be an easy target.
Good, he thinks ruefully as he thumbs through them, dusting his gaze over each one in an attempt to pull further information from them.
He had always liked a challenge.
“Shirogane is the name,” Kolivan says brusquely. “Head of Atlas.”
Keith does his best to swallow the sound of his surprise as he hears the name, his thumb pressing into the corner of one picture in particular as he focuses on the sting of its edge.
In it, Shirogane is looking up at something. There’s no way for him to know what it is, the shot cutting off before it could reveal anything else, but he can’t help but think he looks pleasant. As if he’s looking up at the sky.
“The trade company?” He asks, filling his voice with a practiced casualness as if he doesn’t know the truth. There isn’t a person in the darkened corners of the city that didn’t know the name Shirogane.
That didn’t fear it.
Didn’t respect it.
For some reason, Keith had always thought he’d be older.
Even with the bright white that streaks the front of his hair, Keith can tell he’s not much older than himself. Just barely thirty, at most.
“A ruse,” Kolivan says smoothly, not trying to mask the way he rolls his eyes. They both know Keith is well aware of what Atlas is, but he plays along if only because he needs something.
“He’s the most powerful boss of the syndicates, and he’s been a real thorn in our side with how many of the politicians he has under his thumb.”
He knows that much as well. Hell, Keith can think of five just off the top of his head that he knew were under Shirogane’s influence. The syndicate boss supplied the drugs and fun times, and they provided all the legal necessities that kept him from being crushed beneath the thumb of those that opposed him and the way he’s turned their city into something dirty.
Or rather, something dirtier.
Altea wasn’t as pristine as they liked to pretend, and Shirogane had just taken advantage of that fact. As far as Keith saw it, they had no one to blame but themselves.
But who was he to turn down a paying job.
After all, even hitmen still had bills.
“And you’re finally tired of dealing with him?” Keith asks, laying the photos out beside his dagger. It’s dark metal glints like something sinister in the light.
“There’s an election coming up.” The way Kolivan says it sounds like it should be the only answer Keith needs. He’s smart enough to put together the importance of having Shirogane removed from the equation, and the quickly approaching election date. Removing his influence would almost guarantee the head seat for whoever Kolivan was throwing his support behind.
Keith regards the politician closely as he stares over him, waiting for an answer.
With the way he’s holding himself, he briefly wonders if maybe it’s Kolivan himself looking toward that seat.
Dropping his chin on an open palm, Keith tilts his head. If he was being honest, he does like the man. There’s something about him that he’s always respected, even when he’s stooping to levels as low as himself to get what he wanted.
In fact, he thinks he respects him more for making decisions others would be too scared to make.
All was fair in love, war, and politics after all.
“I want double,” he says finally, watching the way Kolivan's shoulders seize at the request. It’s a test more than a genuine request. Keith is more than fine with their usual deal, but he wants to see just how serious they are this time.
A muscle jumps angrily in his jaw.
“Fine,” he growls, thrusting the palms of his hands down on the table as he stares harshly at him. Deep in his dark eyes, Keith swears he can see the gleam of a raging fire.
Very serious, then.
“So do we have a deal?”
Dragging his stare back down to the photos, Keith traces over them one more time. They may be grainy, but there’s something about them that stands out.
Shirogane’s eyes.
They’re haunting. A grey caught between shining silver and a roiling tempest. It makes him look otherworldly.
Beautiful, even.
Keith brushes a finger across the scar that runs over the bridge of Shirogane’s nose. He’s a fighter, it says. That very thought makes Keith’s mouth pool as he grabs his dagger, flipping it around his fingers with a flourish before thrusting it into the holster strapped to his thigh.
“Alright,” he says around a pointed smile as he stands, the screech of the metal chair legs against tile making him shiver. “I’m in.”
The cool air is biting, nipping at the exposed skin of Keith’s face and hands as he settles himself at the edge of the grand patio with his sights set on the blaze of the city lights below. Bass thumps loudly at his back, trying to escape the glass of the mansion that stands proudly behind him like some modern emulation of the Grecian style.
Sleek, and crafted of crisp white stone and shimmering crystal, it’s ostentatious, even for the head of a crime syndicate and his black market puppets.
Looming amongst the hills outside the city, it’s like a vengeful god watching over the very people that everyone inside viewed as nothing more than systematic pawns in their own sick games.
Greed, hunger, and violence made a home within the mansion’s walls, twisting and moving in its malevolence to the beat of the loud music emanating from the great hall.
The weight of it had been stifling, pushing Keith from the decadent interior and grinding, drunk bodies and instead towards the outdoors in a vain attempt to escape the crush of it against his shoulders.
Almost an hour in, and he still hadn’t so much as caught a glimpse of the night’s main attraction.
Shaking his head slightly, he ducks his scowl behind the rim of his glass. The sharp bite of his champagne coats his tongue and washes away his disappointed thoughts as he silently wonders if Shirogane was even there.
It would almost be fitting if he wasn’t. The man was practically mythic, darkening the streets of the city that burned so brightly below him now, and doing so without ever revealing his own hand.
Shirogane, in his own right, was nothing more than an untouchable shadow.
Lowering his glass, Keith presses the base of his forearms against the crystal barrier that separates him from a deadly fall as he took it all in.
Even with her dirty secrets revealed to him, he still finds the city beautiful.
Alluring, even, as her lights flicker like stars that had fallen from the heavens.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” A voice rumbles beside him, mired in a strength that Keith can hear, even over the thump of the bass against its confining walls. Its sudden appearance makes him jump slightly, his senses racing to catch up as he snaps his attention to the newcomer. His arrival had been silent, void of any presence at all. There’s a danger in it. The kind that blankets his skin with the uncomfortable tickle of dread and raises the hair along the back of his neck.
There’s a moment, suspended on his bated breath as he openly stares at the man beside him. Dressed in a dark suit, accented by even darker floral embroidery and velvet lapels, he is a paragon of authority. It rolls from him in waves as his silver eyes flay Keith’s skin right there on the sprawling patio.
He knows he should feel something like fear.
Or failure.
Being seen by the mark is something to be avoided. The best never let themselves be seen at all.
That much Keith knows.
But this is a first, and he can’t help but track the bright white of a scar peeking up from the open neck of Shirogane’s unbuttoned dress shirt.
The pictures Kolivan had hadn’t done him any justice at all.
Sipping the warming champagne in his hand, Keith counts to five in a vain attempt to clear the sudden fog clouding his thoughts.
“If overly done showcases of excess turn you on,” he says with a shrug, balancing his words on nonchalance as he emerges from his glass. The bite of it is meant to deter, only it seems to have the opposite effect on the mafia boss. Lips quirking at their edges, he languidly draws his stare down Keith’s frame. It lingers in the most damnable of places, the headiness of it going straight to his head more so than any of the champagne has before his gaze continues its trek.
An appreciative hum burns through the night air as Shirogane takes a sip of his own drink.
Bourbon, Keith thinks as light catches the amber liquid.
“I haven’t seen you around here before,” Shirogane volleys, arching a brow in silent question and something that feels a lot like a warning as he leans a hip against the same crystal holding him up. Keith’s heart responds with a sharp kick at the top of his ribcage, filling him with a nerve he’s never felt before. It’s raw as it works against him in crashing waves timed with the thumping bass of the music inside.
“Maybe you just aren’t observant,” he says, swallowing around the beating lump that’s stuck in his throat, offering what he hopes is a reassuring smile. Shirogane, to his credit, takes another sip as he languidly pulls another all consuming stare over him.
It feels as if he truly sees him. It’s one thing he shouldn’t want, yet he can’t help the small curl of warmth that burrows deep in his chest that makes him think that maybe he enjoys how it feels to be seen.
Making a sound in the back of his throat in disagreement, Shirogane shakes his head.
“I’m always observant when it comes to pretty things.”
A retort sticks to the inside of his throat as his mouth goes dry, eyes widening as he openly stares now.
“Do you know who I am?” Shirogane continues and it sounds like a test. It’s Keith’s turn to shake his head as he tries to quiet the pulse rivaling the sound of music in his ears.
“No,” he says as he tips his chin up in an act of defiance. The man’s smirk goes sharp with dark humor as he keeps his eyes on him, reaching forward with his metallic hand that glints ominously with the light. There are numerous stories about that arm, and most, Keith knows, are just rumors. But there’s one story in particular about how that arm had gotten him to the head of Atlas in the first place, that seems mired in truth.
It’s a weapon of the highest caliber. One with a death list a mile long, but resting against his cheek, it feels soft and oddly warm.
“Dance with me.” It isn’t a question, or even a request. It’s a command. One that Keith doesn’t want to follow, but he knows he will because it wraps deliciously around his throat.
For just a moment, he gets lost in the way the twisting lights catch in Shirogane’s white hair.
“I was taught to never dance with strangers,” Keith manages, trying to ignore the way his thumb brushes across his cheek. He means it as a challenge. A gamble to see just who his target will introduce himself as.
Not that it truly matters.
Either way, by the end of the night, his heart won’t be beating.
Shirogane’s smile only widens, touching his eyes as it pulls at their corners.
“Takashi.” He says the name easily as he pulls his hand away, instead taking Keith’s empty flute from his hand and dropping both their glasses on a passing tray.
“What?” In a moment of breathlessness, he forgets to add strength behind the word and he’s certain Shirogane’s missed it.
“My name is Takashi.” Takashi Shirogane. The name makes his veins sizzle as it spins around his mind, until he is almost dizzy with it. Lost to the repeating track, Keith almost misses the expectant look leveled on him.
“Keith,” he finally manages as he swallows down the bright taste tickling the back of his tongue. Shirogane’s smile only brightens.
“Now we aren’t strangers,” he replies, offering his hand. “Dance with me.”
Flicking his gaze between the Atlas leader and his outstretched hand, Keith mentally admonishes himself for even entertaining the idea. He really shouldn’t.
This is a dangerous game with high stakes, and Keith is one of the best players if only because he doesn’t make mistakes, and this is the biggest of them all.
Yet, trapped beneath the weight of Shirogane’s sharpened smile, an electric pulse across his chest tells him he’s going to make it anyway.
After what feels like an isolated eternity, Keith reaches out and takes his hand.
It’s decidedly warmer inside the mansion as Keith follows behind his mark, dragged forward through the flush of dancing bodies by the strong hold of his metallic hand. He feels the warm wetness of sweat as it gathers at his collar.
Letting his eyes wander across the crowd, he can’t help but feel underdressed in his oxblood dress shirt and tight fitted black pants amongst the sea of couture velvet and leather.
The only part of his ensemble that truly fit in with the theme, had been the leather garter belt that cinched his waist and ran straps down his hips and towards the garters at his thighs. Accented with shining metal buckles and rings, it was the perfect accessory to fulfill his stolen invites dress code, while simultaneously offering the perfect camouflage for the thin knife that weighed heavy against the front of his hip where it was hidden in the leather.
Shirogane’s hand grips tighter in his, pulling him back from the sharp blade of his thoughts and passed a group that had gathered right there on the dance floor.
Bodies turned golden by paint and metallic latex sway through the dense crowd, their skin catching light like the precious metal it’s meant to personify.
They’re meant as party favors. An offering to Shirogane’s guests, there are very few in the crowd that don’t show telltale signs of attention.
With gold peeking above collars and smeared across mouths, it’s obvious the type of favor that they’re meant to provide.
A golden woman eyes him with a hazy stare as she peels herself away from the throng of sweaty bodies, reaching toward him with a molten smile filled with intent. Sidestepping easily, Keith barely spares a glance back to see her hands land instead on the man who had been behind him.
Attention is not something he wishes to seek here.
At least, not her attention. The dangerous thought runs electric through him as he turns his own focus back to the broad figure pushing through the crowd before him.
It hadn’t escaped his notice that Shirogane was also missing the glittering touch of any gold.
Shirogane’s hold tightens briefly as he tugs him sharply towards him, twisting him so that Keith’s back hits his chest. A shiver traps itself between them as he looks out over the secluded corner that the mafia head had brought them to. There are few bodies here, and fewer wandering gazes as they melt into the shadows just barely touched by the swirling lights above.
“Not a fan of my gifts?” He growls close to Keith’s ear, the heat of his breath making the onyx waves around it dance as he closes his hands on either side of his hips.
A sharp spark rocks through his veins and makes his pulse leap as Keith realizes that they’re so large, they almost encircle his waist entirely.
Pressing back into his touch, he brushes his fingertips of the backs of Shirogane’s hands, humming over the dual sensation of burning skin and cool metal before he runs his touch up the length of the other man’s arms, following the path over his shoulders, and then behind his neck. With a gentle tug, Keith leads his face closer as he lets his head fall back until his lips brush against the skin just below Shirogane’s ear.
“I always preferred silver,” he says brusquely. Shirogane’s hips grind against his own, the harsh line of his length catching against his ass as he rumbles a pleased sound that vibrates through Keith’s back.
The mafia leader’s nose drags a staticky line down along his bared throat, the tickling rasp of stubble pushing a secretive smile across his lips. Keith runs hot as he feels lips press a soft kiss to his thrumming pulse followed by the sharp pinch of teeth.
“Good,” Shirogane says possessively, voice going dark as he presses the single word into his skin like a brand.
Rolling his hips back, Keith sucks his bottom lip between his teeth as he feels Shirogane’s hands trace along the top of his harness. They linger at the buckle just above his belly button before they start their slow decent down the leather straps. Fire, bright and impossibly hot, lays in the wake of his touch as his palms as they pause at Keith’s hips, holding him close as he languidly rolls against him again.
A quiet moan escapes his lips before Shirogane’s hands continue their curious trail down toward the garter around his thighs. It isn’t until his fingers skim mere centimeters from the hidden hilt of his knife that Keith feels his heart jump with the intoxicating thrill of danger.
Quick as an adder, Keith’s hands catch Shirogane’s, pulling them away roughly as he spins to face the man. Fixing him with a look of clear intent, he places places his hands low on his own back before he pushes up to catch Shirogane’s mouth in a bruising kiss.
It’s almost terrifying, the way the electricity that shocks between them heightens into a full blown storm as Shirogane returns the kiss in kind, pressing his tongue to the seam of Keith’s lips without looking for invitation. He is a man used to taking, and Keith is all too willing to give as he lets him in.
Swallowing down the deep growl that Shirogane pushes into his mouth, Keith rolls his hips in primal search of friction. The fires of Shirogane’s touch blister down his back as he lets his hands wander lower, stopping only as they grab tightly at Keith’s ass.
“Takashi,” Keith hears himself moan, the breathiness of his voice turning it into something sinful.
Pulling back quickly at the sound of his name, Shirogane stares down at Keith with a stare mired in danger. Pinned beneath it, Keith understands how he had found his way to the top of a mile high pile of death, and he wonders distantly if he might be in over his head.
He thinks he might be since his nerves light with the need to run, but his veins fill with a desperate need to get lost to the depths of the darkness in those eyes.
Keith knows which wins out when Shirogane swipes his metal thumb across his bottom lip, collecting the wetness there before his lips quirk in a triumphant smirk. Wordlessly, he clutches at Keith’s arm, pulling him once more through the crowd and toward the staircase situated toward the back of the room.
Taking the stairs quickly, Shirogane gives a deft nod toward the two guards that step easily aside for him at the top.
“Keep an eye on things,” he orders harshly, voice promising a violent retribution should they do otherwise before he falls back into determined silence as he leads them down a long hall toward a set of heavy looking doors.
Keith only gets a moment to admire the dark wood before he finds himself pushed through them, his back slamming back against it before the door even finishes closing.
Lips press harshly against his own, continuing where they left off as Shirogane licks the back of his teeth. Hands return to his hips, tightening enough to bruise before he drags them down towards the back of Keith’s thighs. With a sharp tug, he’s pulling him up, crushing him between the door and his taller frame as Keith folds his legs around his hips.
The new position offers more friction as he rolls against Shirogane and scratches at the back of his nape. It’s intoxicating, and Keith thinks he could lose himself to this. Could let himself pretend this was just a hookup and that he wasn’t an assassin and Shirogane wasn’t a murderer.
If only he could just let himself.
Oh, if only, if only.
Slowly dragging a hand down from the back of his neck, Keith follows down the track of Shirogane’s shoulders and down his arm, coming to a rest at his own thigh. Keith’s fingers close around the metal ring there, slowly pulling the hidden knife free of its concealed sheath as he sucked Shirogane’s tongue further into his mouth. Blindly positioning it at his ribs, he lets a slow exhale through his nose.
Then he feels the cold press of a muzzle beneath his chin.
“I see you brought a knife to a gun fight,” Shirogane says, voice roughened by fire and slick delight. His eyes dance with the same fiery excitement as he stares down at his would be killer.
“Don’t underestimate what I could do to you with this knife before you can even think to pull that trigger,” Keith hisses, pressing the tip of his knife into Shirogane’s skin just hard enough to know he’ll feel the sting.
Instead of abating the bright look in his eyes, it earns him a low growling moan that’s almost animalistic as Shirogane rolls up against him.
“Oh, baby, you do know how to talk dirty.”
The flames deep in Keith’s gut flare, threatening to consume him as he feels himself grind down, meeting Shirogane’s thrusts mindlessly.
“Tell me one reason I shouldn’t finish my job right now, Shirogane,” he tries to snarl, not believing his own threat but praying nonetheless that the man before him does. If only to save a bit of face.
Never has he failed to complete a job.
But never has a job looked quite as good as Takashi Shirogane.
Keith sees the moment he picks up on his bluff. It’s not subtle at all as Shirogane’s eyes brighten in challenge. Pushing upward with the gun’s muzzle, he tilts Keith’s head back just enough to give himself better access to his throat. He tries— and fails— to swallow down the keening sound that escapes his chest as Shirogane laves a wet kiss just beneath his ear.
“Because I,” he starts, only pausing to place another open mouthed kiss just inches lower. His lips hover just above his quickened pulse for a moment, his breaths cooling the slick from his mouth before continuing.
“Can make you feel,” he pauses again to bite at the juncture of his neck and shoulder. It’s a dull pinch that is soothed slightly when Shirogane sucks gently at the skin.
“So good,” he finishes before licking a line back up the sinful path he’d trekked. Pausing to huff a small laugh that stirs the hair by Keith’s ear, he pulls back to level him with his stare. It shines like the polished metal forcing his chin upward, and it feels twice as dangerous.
“And, I so would hate to ruin such a beautiful face.”
The sharp clatter of metal on the marble floor pierces through the quiet din of the room as Keith drops his knife, instead grasping at his nape to pull him close for another heady and angry kiss. He swallows Shirogane’s triumphant sound, barely registering the heavier sound of his gun joining the dagger on the floor.
“I’ll still kill you,” Keith growls into his mouth, hips coming down against Shirogane’s as he walks them toward the bed at the back of the room. The world tilts as he lowers them both, pushing Keith back into the plush pillows at the headboard. Shirogane’s weight is all encompassing, and he covers  Keith wholly with his body, trapping him amongst the satin covered bedding before he finally decides to pull away.
“I look forward to it, Keith Kogane,” he rumbles wickedly.
Keith’s name on his tongue should scare him, he knows that. It means his cover was blown before he had even arrived, and yet he can’t quite bring himself to care as he arches up into Shirogane’s touch as he grasps him through his pants.
Mouth cracking wide around a gasp, Keith rocks up into his grasp, distantly aware of his other hand as it makes quick work of the buckles of his harness.
“Tonight, though, I want to make you scream,” Shirogane says, pushing the harness away from his waist and legs, tugging at them sharply and freeing them from his body. Quickly discarding them off the side of the bed, he loosens his hold on Keith’s length, instead dragging that hand slowly up toward his stomach.
“Does that sound okay with you, baby?” He asks, not waiting for an answer before he grabs at Keith’s shirt and rips it open, exposing his heaving chest to the air of the room. Keith doesn’t miss the way Shirogane’s eyes trail across the goosebumps that race along his skin.
“Yes,” he croaks, fisting his own hand into the lapel of Shirogane’s jacket and pulling at him.
“Good,” he laughs darkly before he lets himself be pulled back to Keith’s mouth. Licking into the warm wet heat, he lets his hands wander until they find the buttons of Shirogane’s jacket. Clumsily tugging them from their holes, Keith gives a small hum of pleasure as he finally pushes the jacket back from his shoulders.
Without pulling away from his kiss, Shirogane pulls the jacket the rest of the way off before dropping it on the ground beside the harness. The sound of ripping fabric plays in harmony with their gasping breaths as Keith rips his shirt in kind, letting his hands find the hard lines of Shirogane’s toned stomach as the ruined shirt joins their other clothing on the floor.
Feeling the muscles flutter at his touch, Keith smiles into the kiss as he lets his hands roam across the newly exposed expanse.
Keith hands run up the length of his flank, the tickling brush of his palm earning a full bodied shudder as Shirogane quickly undoes the buttons of his pants. It’s then that he finally pulls away to violently tug the confining pants from Keith’s frame.
The assassin admires the way Shirogane’s chest heaves with his breath as he towers over him, and the way sweat has gathered along his collar. In the light, it’s almost as if his skin is gilded just like his so called party favors on the dance floor, and the very thought makes Keith ache as he reaches back out toward him.
Leaning back into Keith’s arms easily, Shirogane rolls against him as his mouth finds his pulse once more. Sucking dark marks into his throat, Keith finds himself burning with the knowledge that he’ll wear Shirogane’s marks for days.
A contented sigh parts his lips as he rakes his nails down the meat of Shirogane’s shoulder blades, relishing in the way it makes the man move against him. The power that radiates through Shirogane is a near palpable thing, one that lights him with awe and the potent thrum of a want so strong that he can’t breathe around it.
Pressing his face upward into his shoulder, Keith tries to force the air in and out of his lungs as Shiro continues decorate his skin with a glorious collection of purples and blacks. A particularly wet suckle pushes what little air had still been left in his lungs through his mouth.
Chasing after it, Keith presses his teeth to Shirogane’s shoulder and bites down hard, mouth filling with the salty, metallic tang of blood.
A grunted sound of delight and pain vibrates through him as Shirogane’s hand fists tightly in his hair, and then he finds himself flipped with half his face shoved into the mattress.
“Baby,” Shirogane hushes, and Keith can’t tell if it’s meant to be a praise or an admonishment as the hold in his hair still dances along the line of pleasure and pain. His other hand caresses his hip before gently pulling it upward so that his ass is tilted upward. There’s the soft sound of leather pulling from metal as Shirogane undoes his belt, followed by the quiet rustle of fabric before he feels the hot drag of his length between his cheeks.
The sound Keith makes is high and reedy as he feels the head drag over his aching, wanting entrance.
“You’re going to be so good for me,” Shirogane growls as he leans over his back to place the words right at his ear, grip tightening on his hair.
“Only if you’re good for me,” Keith grits, bucking back into him. His eyelashes flutter at the soft brush of Shirogane’s groan at his ear.
“Yes,” he says, sounding almost as needy as Keith feels.
The heat along his back disappears as Shirogane pulls away. It feels like Keith is caught in a void in time as the only touch that remains is Shirogane’s grasp on his hair, before he feels the slick glide of a finger over his rim.
Bracing his arms outward, Keith clutches at the satin beneath him as he the sure press and gentle give as Shirogane presses his finger inward.
“Takashi,” Keith exhales as he pushes back against Shirogane’s hand. It’s the only invitation he seems to need as he starts to work him open with deft fingers. Soon after the first, he adds a second, and not too long after that, a third. His grip on the sheets only tightens at the rushed speed of Shirogane’s work, but still delighting in the sting of his intrusion. Each and every brush of his fingers moving inside him fans the flames in his gut until he’s certain his skin won’t be able to contain the fire.
He’s going to burn, and he’s going to take this whole damn mansion down with him.
Keith presses his smile into the mattress at the thought.
“Are you ready, baby?” Shirogane asks as he pulls his fingers away. The blunt tip of his dick nudges at his entrance before his hand finds itself on his hip. With the breadth of them both, his fingers nearly touch at his navel, just above where Keith’s dick stand hard against his stomach.
“Please, Takashi, please,” he hears himself almost sob before he pushes back against Shirogane, teeth gritting as the thick head pushes into him. Their moans are twinned as he starts to push further into him, inch by grueling inch, until he bottoms out.
Keith thinks he might just split apart with how full he is as Shirogane pauses in his movement, allowing them both a moment to just breathe.
Each of their gasps come in sync as Keith tries to find a way to ground himself. It’s all too much and yet not enough and he desperately needs. He aches with it, and he thinks he says as much because then Shirogane is moving in earnest.
He sets a brutal pace as he jackhammers into him, each staccato snap pressing Keith’s further into the mattress. There’s a brief moment of bitter clarity when he registers that the high pitched keens that match the tempo of Shirogane’s thrusts are pulling from his own mouth.
Keith’s knuckles protest as his grip tightens further in the sheets and he turns his face down into the mattress to muffle his sounds.
A palm traces down the line of his spine, traveling between his shoulder blades and finally wrapping around his throat before it wrenches him upward and back into Shirogane’s lap. The sudden change in position pushes him further into Keith, rubbing just right inside him and exploding stars in his vision.
Shirogane’s hold on his throat squeezes lightly as his other hand brushes across the expanse of his hip and finds his painfully hard length. Another high pitched gasp rocks through Keith at the contact, his hips pushing up into Shirogane’s fist and then coming back down on his cock before repeating the motion at a frenzied pace.
His vision starts to blur at its edges as Keith turns his head over his shoulder, blindly searching for Shirogane’s mouth. Appeasing him, he leans in close, pressing their open mouths together and swallowing each and every one of Keith’s punched out sounds.
The fire in his belly reaches an unimaginable pitch as it spreads through him. It races along the lines of his veins as he pushes his hands back to clutch at Shirogane’s shoulders, and as his toes begin to curl. Biting down around the aching burn, his teeth catch sharply on Shirogane’s lip, causing him to tighten his hold on Keith’s length.
White light, bright and inescapable, blots out his sight as he comes with the taste of Shirogane’s blood and violence on his tongue. His fist continues to pump over him, smearing his softening cock with his own cum as he chases his own pleasure and follows shortly after with a shout.
Keith’s hold on his shoulders tightens for just a moment as he tries to catch his breath, timing each inhale and exhale with the loud sound of his heartbeat crashing in his ears. The edges of his vision continues to blur as the soft, hazy brush of his pleasure feathers out through him, replacing the roiling heat of the now sated fires.
He thinks he hears a soft question at his ear, followed by the hush of a laugh on his cheek, but its all lost to him as he starts to settle into the warm depths of the after glow.
Lids growing heavy, he faintly registers the slow slide of Shirogane as he pulls out of him and sets him gently on the bed. Somewhere, just on the edges of his mind, he thinks he feels the gentle drag of something warm along his skin.
Keith thinks maybe, he feels the soft touch of a kiss at his temple, but by then, he’s already out.
Keith’s eyes protest against the bright sunlight as he slowly blinks them open. The room isn’t one he recognizes, and neither is the bed, at least, not until the night comes crashing back into his memory like a freight train.
Sitting up quickly, ignoring the drag of the satin as it pools around his waist, a rush of adrenaline cascades through his veins as he runs an alert glare across the room.
There isn’t sign of anyone else there, or even of the night’s activities. The only proof of what happened sits at the foot of his bed in the form of his folded clothes, and something about that makes him ache.
Swallowing down the lump in his throat, he pushes himself further back into the pillows so he’s sitting fully upright when a glint at the corner of his eye catches his attention.
Turning to the nightstand beside him, he can’t help the slow, hungry grin that turns his lips upward.
A note lays atop the mahogany with his knife stabbed through it.
Catch me if you can, it says, and beneath it is a smear of gold.
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purwanshiagrawal · 3 years
Investing in a new website is a big decision and can be a very expensive proposition. So, before deciding which web design company you 're going to employ, make sure you know exactly what you're going to get and how that's going to help you grow your business.  Here’s a list of questions to help you to choose the right firm :-
1. What are their services?
An organization that has the potential and skillset to efficaciously approach and entire all components of your challenge, including layout, development, and marketing, is going to be greater qualified to present you the best answers for the consequences you want. • Have they had experience with customized websites that require intricate problem solving skills and superior coding capabilities?
• Are they capable of expand mobile applications which are consistent with all of a brand's marketing platforms?
• Do they have search engine marketing expertise and a demonstrated track-file of increasing seek engine traffic?
• What form of CMS do they use?
2. What is their track record?
A extra essential query than 'how is this going to cost?' is 'how reliable is your company?' You should be confident that you could believe the team in producing the great consequences in your mission and that they may be able to reveal you a return on your investment.
• What sorts of customers have they worked with?
• What type of outcomes have they delivered for those customers?
• Do they've difficult figures to prove their consequences?
• Do they retain their clients and feature ongoing working relationships with them?
3. How do they price their services?
Every agency costs websites differently, so know what the pricing includes and doesn’t include is vital. At the end of the day, you need to understand what you’re getting for your money, what additional prices may also come up along the manner which might be accounted for in the proposal and how they’ll handle estimating and billing for things that fall outside of the scope. When it involves billing, no person likes surprises, so be sure to gain a clear apprehend of the pricing earlier than signing a contract.
• Do they provide a flat task price that corresponds to a detailed agreement?
• Does the cost of the mission fit up with the agreed upon deliverables and hourly rates?
• Is there a clear procedure for billing for extra features or work out of doors the challenge's preliminary scope?
4. How do they measure their outcomes?
A website is a marketing channel that ought to be used to foster overall enterprise boom and improve a brand's ROI. You ought to have a full knowledge of ways an company has expanded the market value of their customers in the past.
• Do they measure effects in phrases of bounce rate, traffic, conversions, and keyword rankings?
• Are their consequences posted and verified with the aid of their customers?
• Is each end result they produce substantiated and supported by way of corresponding data?
5. What are their credentials or qualifications?
You want to be sure that the agency you're entrusting your enterprise with are reputable experts of their industry.
• Are their key players published in the media, speakers at events, or identified as notion leaders?
• What is their score from preceding customers?
• Are they authorized to work for government agencies? Do they have other special credentials displaying other areas of knowledge?
6. How do they make certain your assignment is executed properly?
• From following coding standards to using an in-house team of experts, be sure any assurances you are given are installed writing.
• Do you very own the work produced, and feature access to it, or is there a licensing fee?
• Do they plan your website in accordance with your enterprise goals?
• What kind of testing and quality control checks do you perform prior to the launch of a new website?  
7. How good is their team?
Building a successful website takes a skilled project manager, a professional team, and concrete objectives. A proper team consists of information architects to plan the site,net designers to layout the user interface, web developers to code the website online, fine warranty engineers to check it, and on line marketing experts to develop and implement an efficient on line advertising strategy. This crew need to paintings beneath an experienced venture supervisor to make sure a successful outcome.
• How many team members may be running for your task?
• Who takes accountability to your undertaking?
• How often will they send you updates and what's the communication system?
• Are they pro-lively in main a challenge or do they count on you, the client, to direct them?
8. How will you cope with web hosting, safety and upkeep?
While no longer necessarily a top-of-mind problem, web hosting, safety and preservation are vital elements in your internet site’s performance and success. Many firms decide on to have their net partner host their internet site to keep away from having to manage the manner internally.
What kind of hosting surroundings the business enterprise is providing?
what security hardening measures (Website Application Firewall) are being put in region to prevent intrusions?
How CMS updates might be dealt with and whether or not nightly, incremental, full-site backups are being performed?
How will you optimize my internet site for web page speed and search?
9.Will my company be dealt with completely in-house?
It is determined that plenty of internet site design companies outsource their project from other agencies. Generally, the development a part of the website is left to be executed with the aid of the third party organization. You may additionally simply care about the challenge of completion and be okay with your task being out-sourced.
It might not look like an essential problem but rather, it's miles maximum likely an issue to consider. If the potential enterprise is outsourcing their duties then, do find out to whom they may be outsourcing it and make certain that your venture is finished on given due date internal your economic plan and meets every considered one of your necessities.
10. What will be required of our firm throughout the project?
Successful websites aren't constructed independently of the client. And if you are contracting an external contractor to design and build the site, there will obviously be work needed on your part to complete the project.
What will be required of you and your company?
What are the resources and deliverables expected?
What is the time commitment?
Will I have the capacity to make improvements to my site in future?
We will be happy to answer your questions on designing, developing, and deploying comprehensive enterprise web, mobile apps and customized software solutions that best fit your organization needs. As a reputed Software Solutions Developer we have expertise in providing dedicated remote and outsourced technical resources for software services at very nominal cost. Besides experts in full stacks We also build web solutions, mobile apps and work on system integration, performance enhancement, cloud migrations and big data analytics. Don’t hesitate to
get in touch with us!
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books-and-cookies · 4 years
hi mary, do you live by yourself? and if so, do you like it more than living with family/friends etc? also, how do you cope with loneliness and what do you consider the main struggles i should prepare myself for? i'm just asking bc i'm considering moving out for reasons i can't get into right now...
Hey 😊
My living situation is a bit complicated to explain, but the easiest way would be that I live about half of the week on my own and half with a living partner. I think living on your own can be very liberating - you create your own routines, your habits, a way of life that is personal and particular to you. You spemd a lot of time with yourself and it can be a great way to get to know yourself better. At the same time, you'll be responsible for taking care of bills, rent, food, car insurance if you're a driver, so you'll need to make sure you can afford all of this and still take into account necessities like clothing, medical appointments, and other expenses, including entertainment. Also, bear in mind that you'll have to do all your cooking and cleaning, which can get a little daunting at times. My biggest struggle is loneliess sometimes. Everything gets quiet at certain points and the silence can be louder than anything else. Which is why I recommend getting a pet, if you're able to afford one and you feel up to the responsibility, because having a little soul there to offer some comfort at the end of the day will make a world of a difference.
If anyone else wants to chime in with skme advice, please feel free. 😊
As always, I'm here if you need to talk more 🤗❤
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Greetings my kind, beautiful lovelies 🥰
My name is Lara Davis and I am currently a single mother of two young boys with Asperger’s... I try to attend all of the meeting for parents with children who have different special needs so honestly emotionally and mentally, I feel very supported. I, myself have been diagnosed with serve bipolar disorder and intensely debilitating migraines... I’ve been struggling for the past couple months and I had reached out to a couple of friends and one of my friends has suggested that I post on this Tumblr page so I went ahead and made a brand new Tumblr to do so. I struggle with putting gas in my car to get to job interviews and doctors appointments; let alone being able to afford all three of our medications on a monthly basis, which as you could imagine all of our medications are truly vital and are absolute necessities when it comes to our day-to-day lives. My youngest without his medication, he refuses to go outside and doesn’t respond well to anybody but me, which as you can imagine, in the past it’s made it extremely hard to hold down any job when your child constantly needs you; even babysitters with experience with so special needs children or children with diseases, haven’t even been able to successfully help with them without my presence. So currently I’m trying to receive some assistance from anybody, it would be a tremendous blessing if you could support me and my family with any monetary assistance. For all of our monthly medications, it’d be close to $367.72 (typically, it’s CRAZY RIDICULOUSLY cheaper but recently due to the lack of me not having a job and not having any extra money, I haven’t been able to pay my medical insurance -or auto insurance or majority of my bills for that matter- therefore our prescriptions are just stupid ridiculously  priced) Also anything additional would be deeply appreciated because like I had mentioned before, earlier in the post, I also need assistance with gas money, to get to and from, my and the kids doctors appointments and the co-pays for each of those  doctors appointments, and also getting the kids to and from school and their behavioral group therapy after school. And (hopefully, because I’m actually currently waiting to hear back from a couple different jobs) gas to get to upcoming job interviews and (hopefully, once I hear back from one) to get to and from my new job that I’m hoping I’ll get soon. And maybe some basic stuff thats needed around the house and maybe some nice clothes for work or for job interviews; so potentially an additional $100-$200, but the main URGENT CRUCIAL priority is obtaining the funds for all of our medications (which our prescriptions are the first and obviously main precedent. All 3 of us, could desperately use our prescriptions filled, they’re almost 2 weeks overdue since they’ve been called in) Please help us with genuinely anything, we’d be truly deeply grateful for absolutely anything... PLEASE ANYTHING WILL TRULY HELP MY SONS AND I, Anything will help us get out of this rut that we’re currently digging ourselves deeper in, sadly. So our goal is $367.72 + $100-$200 (for everyday at-home supplies) but frankly anything will sincerely help us prosper and help me, a single mother, just struggling to keep my 2 feet on the ground and my head above water. So if you could possibly find it in your heart to please send any assistance, it will be beyond TRULY DEEPLY APPRECIATED! Please and thank you again!🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
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And again, i cannot stress it enough that LITERALLY ANYTHING will help us through this rough patch.. and will be incredibly beneficial for my boys and myself. Please! Any blessing is beyond terrifically treasurable and greatly cherishable to benefit our family in our current time of struggle..
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Chime - @lara-m-davis or email attached - [email protected]
Cashapp (since the link won’t cooperate for some reason but im not the most technologically savvy) - cashtag = $lara0903
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youngwings-writes · 4 years
Infinitely Ordinary
Lee Felix x OC
Summary: "𝕀 𝕣𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕀 𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕖𝕕 𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕝𝕠𝕨 𝕕𝕠𝕨𝕟"
Busy. Busy worrying, working, just trying to survive. That was the daily life of Jordan Johnson. The world never seemed to slow down; not for her...not for anyone. Finally deciding to take matters into her own hands and get some much needed R&R, she jets off on a trip to South Korea. While there, she unexpectedly meets her soulmate. Will they be able to find happiness together, or will his status get in the way?
Genre: Fluff
Length: 1.5k
Chapter 3: Dream Boy
Buckle up kiddos, the story is gonna pick up in this chapter! We also may or may not be meeting a certain someone this chapter ;) Now, let's get into it!!
So maybe lying down on my bed after an insanely long flight wasn't my brightest idea. I was so sure the day I landed would also be spent exploring, but my body had other plans for me. After flopping uncerimoniously on the bed in my hotel room, the exhaustion caught up to me and lulled me to sleep. For 14 hours.
When I finally woke up from my unintentional hibernation, it was 6 AM.
With my body refusing to go back to sleep, I dragged myself out of bed and began getting ready for the day.
Knowing how early it was definitely put my mind at ease and let me take my time in the shower. I let the hot water cascade down my back as I hummed a little tune to myself. Most of my shower was spent taking in the warmth if I'm being entirely honest. Oh the perks of not having to pay a water bill.
When the water started to run lukewarm, I turned off the faucet and got out. I made my way to my bags that I had left near the door the day before. Grabbing one and heaving it up onto the bed, I ruffled through my clothes and chose an outfit: frayed black shorts, a cropped maroon and white striped shirt, and some Dr. Martens.
Returning to the bathroom, I got dressed, did my hair, and brushed my teeth. Giving myself a once-over, I gave myself a small smile and nod in satisfaction.
Sitting down on the bed, I grabbed my phone off the nightstand. The screen read 7:45 AM along with a few notifications. I responded to the few texts I had received from close friends and family assuring them that I arrived safely. I then quickly checked the other random notification that were primarily from social media. Satisfied with the lack of notifications, I turned my phone off, unplugged it, grabbed my backpack, and made my way out the door.
While there were many places I wanted to visit in Seoul, my stomach decided that breakfast was a necessity before I visited any of them. Unlike my hometown, there were many cafes around, so finding one using navigation and calling a cab was unnecessary. Instead, I opted to just walk around for a bit until I found a cafe that seemed interesting to me.
It didn't take long for me to find a cafe that I wanted to go to. The moment I stepped into the cafe, I was greeted a hoard of dogs. There were so many different breeds scattered about the building.
Coffee, pasteries, and dogs. I was in heaven.
I quickly paid the server my entrance fee and was lead to a table in the far right corner.
Placing a menu on the table in front of me, my server smiled and bowed politely before making their way back up to the counter. I picked up the menu, scanning through the various snacks and beverages. While there were some decent cafes back home, I don't think I had ever seen one with such an extensive menu.
And the dogs; you can't forget the dogs.
Picking something to drink and something to snack on took me much longer than I had originally anticipated. It also may or may not have ended up being more than just one drink and one snack...only sorry to my bank account on that one.
Waiting for my order to come out, I took a good look around the cafe. Everything about it was so different from the cafes I went to back home. Most of the ones I had been to before had a very rustic or very modern design. This cafe was definitely modern and minimalistic, but it was also very homey. The entire vibe of it made me very relaxed.
Mindlessly petting one of the lovely pups next to me, I began fiddling with my phone. Social media was always a good distraction from my unbearable impatience regarding food. Plus, it gave me the time to message some friends and family to tell them I'm safe and out having a good time.
I was soon brought out of my trance by a gentle buzz emitting from the coaster coaster I was given; my order was finally ready. I made my way to the counter and swapped my buzzer for a tray with way more sugar than I needed on it. I could almost cry just looking at everything I bought.
Sitting back down in my corner, I gently placed the tray on the table. I first made sure to photograph everything I had ordered. Typically I wouldn't do this when I went out for food or drinks, but I wanted to make sure I had memories to look back on from this trip. After all of my items had been properly documented, I went straight for the Oreo roll cake and Cookies N Cream milkshake.
What can I say? I'm a sucker for sweets.
I was so engrossed in all the sugary snacks and beverages in front of me that I didn't hear the bell above the door ring. The presence of another customer vaguely registered when he began ordering. I was still very much focused on what was in front of me, the patron's deep Korean becoming background noise. It wasn't until the man took a seat at the adjacent table that I was actually aware there was another person in the cafe.
From what I could tell, the man wasn't terribly tall or short, was roughly the same age as me, and oddly familiar. I couldn't clearly see his face because he was bent over in his seat petting a Golden Retriever, but something about him screamed that I knew him.
Ignoring the itching in the back of my mind, I focused on my food again. I was once again completely enchanted by the copious amounts of sugar... or at least I was until the man's buzzer went off and he made his way past me to get his order. It was in that moment that I got a decent glance at his face.
Freckles. Lots of freckles.
Holy shit. It's Lee Felix.
My heart was racing, pounding so loud I'm sure others could hear it. My cheeks were definitely the color of strawberries, my pale skin never failing to show internal emotions. My right forearm burned.
Wait, why is my forearm burning?
Feeling beyond flustered at the fact that my ultimate bias is sitting less than 10 feet away from me, I tried to distract myself. First I acted like there was something really interesting on my phone; that didn't work for long. I turned my attention to my forearm instead, which had now turned from a burning to just being oddly warm.
My eyes widened.
There, on my previously empty skin, was a tattoo of a sun.
No. Fucking. Way.
It seemed I wasn't the only one experiencing this sensation, as when I looked up I locked eyes with the freckly boy.
I froze.
Sitting there doing nothing obviously wasn't going to do either of us any good. I think Felix realized I wasn'tt going to make the first move, so he slowly got up and made his way towards me. Gently, he grabbed my arm, examining the new ink. I glanced at the arm grasping mine.
There was a crescent moon.
Taking a deep breath, I looked up to meet his eyes once again. His gaze was warm yet firm, doing nothing to calm the butterflies running rampant in my stomach.
"Well shit," I breathed out before I could stop myself. I quickly slapped my hand over my mouth, cursing myself for being so stupid.
Apparently my thoughtlessness was enough to lighten the situation a bit, Felix letting out a little chuckle.
"I'm so sorry! My mind is running a mile a minute right now. I'm not sure what I was expecting to happen today, but this definitely wasn't it," I say, letting out a nervous laugh.
"Don't worry, you're totally fine! I can definitely say this isn't something I expected either," he smiled at me.
I finally found the courage to move, standing on wobbly legs. I hope I didn't look as unsteady as I felt. I swear if someone breathed on me I would collapse. Nonetheless, I powered through and leaned back on the table slightly for support.
"I'm Jordan," I mustered, sticking out my hand and offering a shy smile.
"Felix," he replied while reciprocating my actions.
Dropping hands, things grew slightly awkward once again.
"So... I guess we're soulmates?"
A/N:    AAANNNDDD that's where I'm gonna leave this chapter :) Our two main characters have finally met, so things should start picking up here soon! Thanks again for reading!! See you guys in the next chapter :) ~youngwings-writes
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thefadedremnant · 4 years
✍️ 14 and 20
Anonymous said:  ✍ 7, 10, 14
{ 20 is already answered here }
7.…meeting new people.
Largely, indifference; currently, he mostly would find it inconvenient to deal with a ‘real entity’ who is more tangible and consistent than the anons’ manifestations which are registering to him like a kind of ghost.
He’s stunted his natural curiosity- a major way he’s lost his edge as an inventor- but the necessities of survival have been quietly whetting that back up again, since he’s not nearly so stuck in his own head literally or figuratively anymore.
At minimum he can’t really justify that he has something more important to do half the time.
10. …their handwriting.
The main written language in Hallownest is designed to accommodate the limited amount of space on the surface of a tablet and the efficiency of writing with a chisel. As a result, the majority of signs are rendered in pictographic formats, and while reading’s not an uncommon skill, there’s a pretty distinct separation between someone who might scratch a few characters into their journal as they’re traveling, and people who are putting out detailed reports, edicts, or dissertations on a regular basis- especially into more costly and enduring stone, that would also be harder to carve.
PK is in the latter category, and held his position for longer than most ordinary lifetimes, and did a lot of his own writing during that so suffice to say he is pretty damn handy with a chisel, and not shabby with a quill and ink either. He’s actually enough of a perfectionist about his writing that since the fall of Hallownest and his own resurrection, he’s destroyed some of the notes he’s taken on account of being fatigued at the time and doing subpar work or making mistakes in grammar or character formation.
14. …a beloved toy or pet they had as a child.
PK is a civilized apex predator but he is still an apex predator, and one with a certain anatomical fascination. This sort of hampers his ability to regard small animals as companions as opposed to food or an object of study.
Back when he was living as a giant wasteland worm, the size difference and his near-inability to communicate hampered a lot of his relationships but there were a few times curiosity kept him close to a smaller creature for a period of time.
Probably the closest thing that fit the bill was his earliest prototype of a Wingmould, a small construct that ran on clockworks and a rechargeable crystalline battery. For a period of time, it went everywhere with him and did a lot of simple tasks. If asked he’d simply insist that it was a rigorous testing progress, and had no pride in his creation or any sort of attachment to a piece of metal.
It was disposed of when he began experimenting with void golems.
Progress has no room for sentimentality.
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Inspirational Quotes: 20 Inspiring Quotes to Start Your Day
What is it about persuasive quotes that make them so charming? Each determined individual in the long run sorts out that there's a ton of learn about great time squanderers there that burn-through our consideration since they feel like work, and perusing unlimited arrangements of inspirational quotes is no special case. 
But then, there's concealed an incentive in finding a compact articulation that impeccably catches one of our own convictions.
Quotes frequently feel like our own conclusions making a return visit, just uplifted by somebody with composing ability. What's more, the perfect quote at the perfect time can change things—words matter, and inspiring expressions can urge us to get up, make a move, discard the reasons, get away from our usual range of familiarity, and accomplish the difficult work that necessities doing.
Indeed, even really fruitful individuals show some worship to a most loved rousing quote or two—to get past tough situations, to recollect a significant individual guideline, or even to prepare to confront the day. In business and life, quotes are short pieces of mind and insight that are anything but difficult to return to when we need them.
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All things considered, also see couple of our #1 quotes from a wide assortment of sources. We trust you locate a couple of you like and can return to frequently.
Inspirational quotes to begin your day
"You can get everything in life you need in the event that you will simply assist enough others with getting what they need." — Zig Ziglar
"Motivation exists, yet it should discover you working." — Pablo Picasso
"Try not to agree to average. Carry your best to the occasion. At that point, regardless of whether it falls flat or succeeds, at any rate you realize you gave all you had." — Angela Bassett
"Appear, appear, appear, and inevitably the dream appears, as well." — Isabel Allende
"Try not to hit. Point out of the ballpark. Focus on the organization of immortals." ―David Ogilvy
"I have remained on a heap of no's for one yes." — Barbara Elaine Smith
"In the event that you think something needs to exist, if it's something you need to utilize yourself, don't let anybody actually prevent you from doing it." — Tobias Lütke
The best persuasive quotes to motivate activity
8. "First fail to remember motivation. Propensity is more trustworthy. Propensity will support you if you're roused. Propensity will help you finish and clean your accounts. Motivation won't. Propensity is industriousness practically speaking." ―Octavia Butler
9. "The most ideal way out is consistently through." ―Robert Frost
10. "The fights that check aren't the ones for gold awards. The battles inside yourself—the imperceptible, unavoidable fights inside us all—that is the place where it's at." — Jesse Owens
11. "In the event that there is no battle, there is no advancement." — Frederick Douglass
12. "Somebody will announce, "I am the pioneer!" and anticipate that everybody should get in line and follow the person in question to the entryways of paradise or hellfire. My experience is that it doesn't occur that way. Others follow you dependent on the nature of your activities instead of the size of your presentations." ―Bill Walsh
13. "Mental fortitude resembles a muscle. We fortify it by use." — Ruth Gordo
14. "Create accomplishment from disappointments. Debilitation and disappointment are two of the surest venturing stones to progress." — Dale Carnegie
15. "Constantly prune horse crap, don't hold on to do things that make a difference, and appreciate the time you have. That is your main event when life is short." — Paul Graham
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scripttorture · 4 years
First of all, thank you for your incredible work. I am in awe of this blog and the time you must put into it. I have a question about the aftermath of torture. I am writing a story about a character who was tortured by the secret police and then sent to a labour camp for several years. During that time, he has been tortured on a number of occasions, mainly as a form of punishment. Even day to day, it is a very unhealthy place 1/3
(restrictive food rations, washing facilities treated as a luxury rather than a necessity, poor access to health-care etc.) In the story, my character has just been released, and he is both physically and mentally unwell. My question is about the onset of posttraumatic symptoms. My understanding is that some posttraumatic symptoms are initially adaptive. 2/3For instance, being on edge and thinking people might be about to kill you is an understandable, even helpful thing to feel on a battlefield. However when you are not in that environment and that still sticks, it becomes maladaptive. How would the way you deal with trauma of past torture differ if you are somewhere unsafe like a labour camp as opposed of somewhere safe (e.g. with family)? Might new symptoms start appearing after release? ¾ (previously 3 - messed up my count)  Might new symptoms start appearing after release? Might they change how they present? My MC’s trauma is going to be new to his family who have not seen him since before his arrest, but to what extent might them be new to *him* too? Thank you! 4/4
That’s an interesting question. Keep in mind that I’m not a mental health professional so my answer is based on a combination of survivor accounts, personal experience with mental health issues and what mental health professionals say about survivors.
 I don’t tend to think of symptoms as being adaptive while I’m writing but that’s very much bound up in how I tend to approach writing symptoms. If thinking about symptoms as adaptive and becoming maladaptive helps you then by all means use that approach. I think you can make that argument for most of the common torture symptoms.
 I’m not sure if it’s accurate to say that new symptoms appear after release, I think it might be more accurate to say new symptoms are discovered after release.
 What I mean by that is that symptoms don’t suddenly pop up out of nowhere, but they might suddenly become more apparent or consciously recognised as conditions.
 For instance- a lot of forced labour camps use dogs as guard animals and occasionally weapons. Within the camp it just makes sense to avoid the dogs. But back out in the world the character might suddenly become aware that dogs make him feel anxious, that barking causing panic attacks. And that would be a lot more difficult to deal with in a culture where dogs are companion animals that can be encountered virtually anywhere at virtually any time.
 He might also discover aspects of his symptoms that he just didn’t have a chance to notice existed before.
 For example depression often causes problems around food. It’s very common for people with depression to feel nausea and have difficulty eating. It’s also very common for people to over eat and make themselves feel sick.
 In a highly regimented environment where food is strictly controlled your character may not have experienced that particular aspect of depression. Which means any depression-related issues around food could take him completely by surprise.
 It’s also very possible for presentation of symptoms to change with time and with environment.
 If I keep using depression as an example; let’s say the character and his family recognise that his problems are probably depression and he goes for treatment quite quickly. Let’s say he gets a prescription and he’s one of the lucky people who finds an effective medication first time. As the depressive symptoms ease he might expect life to get easier- only to find that now he’s not in deep depression most of the time other symptoms become more apparent and seem more severe.
 I say ‘seem more severe’ because I’m not actually sure if symptoms really become worse in these scenarios or if they just seem worse because the survivor doesn’t have as many coping strategies for these other symptoms.
 I guess what I’m driving at here is that yes I think a lot of these symptoms and behaviours could be (or at least feel) new to the character. But they don’t necessarily have to be new to the readers.
 Establishing some of these behaviours and thought patterns beforehand or just hinting at them is perfectly realistic and can be a good narrative choice.
 I get the impression that any huge change, especially if it’s unexpected, can have a negative impact on mental health. I’m saying this because I think it’s worth stressing that going from one safe environment to another safe environment would have a negative effect on most mentally ill people.
 Suddenly being in control of his routine, the type and amount of food he can eat, access to hygiene facilities; all of that is a positive change but it would also be a stressful one. A lot of survivors from this kind of forced labour scenario seem to struggle with that sudden shift from having no real control of their lives to being in control of everything again.
 The impression I get is that at first it’s good, it’s a relief. But after a while it can become a source of stress, especially if the character’s symptoms involve memory problems.
 For instance perhaps he finds he likes spending a long time in the shower now. A lot of people find hot water soothing and it would be perfectly normal for him to indulge in something that was denied him.
 But if it becomes something that he turns to often then it could easily go past the point of soothing or indulgence and start having a negative impact on his life.
 ‘Why were you later for this appointment?’ ‘Well I was having a shower’ That lasted two hours. Why’s the water bill so high? Why’s his skin red and flaky?
 And then the behaviour starts becoming stressful, perhaps even a guilty cycle.
 Learning to establish a routine of his own again could be quite difficult. Especially if his family have little experience with mental health problems.
 Because it’s hard to tell when it’s ‘right’ to let someone have a lie in (he’s been through so much, let him rest) and when it’s an extension of depressive behaviour driving him to withdraw.
 The presentation of symptoms can change a lot with such a sudden and extreme environmental change. The reasons behind the changes can be hard to pin down and there is quite a bit of variety.
 I think the only thing I’d caution against is having a main established symptom vanish completely and replacing it with completely new, unestablished symptoms.
 Partly because I’ve never seen that described by a survivor, but also partly because I think it wouldn’t work in a story. Readers need to be able to see at least a little of where these symptoms come from and how they change. Otherwise it can seem like it’s come out of nowhere.
 Wrapping this up the ask reminded me a lot of Levi’s The Periodic Table. It’s a series of short stories covering incidents before, during and after his incarceration during the Holocaust. It’s been a long time since I read it and I’m not sure if it would be helpful to you. It might be though.
 Generally, it sounds like you’ve thought about this scenario and the character a lot. I’m confident that you’ll be able to establish the symptoms you pick and the ways those symptoms change.
 Writing this sort of long term recovery is a challenge, in part because there often isn’t a pre-defined end point. But it sounds like you are putting in the work and care a lot about how this story comes out.
 And that’s more then half the battle. :)
Availableon Wordpress.
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icypantherwrites · 5 years
IcyPanther Voltron Fanfiction Master List
A collection of all of IcyPanther’s Voltron fanfictions sorted, to the best of her ability, from her AO3 account, IcyPanther. 
The list is sorted by either character only, two main characters, or a character + team. Some fics may also have a note for additional relationships that are not main ones but still significant.  ALL relationships are PLATONIC unless otherwise noted.
All multi-chaptered fics are in bold italic and all one-shot/two-shot fics are in just italics. Any fics that are 30k words+ (or, cough, 400k plus, Color, cough) will be marked with a * as well. Fics that are part of a series will list the series title as well as its order number. All fics are listed alphabetically under each category. 
This list includes Patreon Exclusive fics that are titled; shorter fics and event prompts are not listed. To read both the ones listed here or untitled shorter fics, you will need to join my Patreon. They are marked here as (Patreon Exclusive).
Happy reading! ♥ And please, please, please leave a comment on a fic if you read and enjoyed it. Author appreciation goes a long way and all authors love to hear from their readers and as you can see, this girl writes a lot. It doesn’t matter when the fic finished, authors still love to hear from readers. Please support your authors so they keep feeling inspired to create.
Last updated: June 10, 2020 
Due to the length of this list (nearly 1.6 million words worth of stories ;)) you can find all fics below the ‘keep reading’ line :)
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Title: All That Glitters Isn't Gold Summary:  It started with Allura wanting something shiny for an upcoming gala. She, Pidge and Lance venture to a marketplace to find just the thing in a billed afternoon of relaxation and fun. But what they ended up finding was not jewelry at all. / "Welcome to Tyrol's slave trade, Tyrol at your service. Or, well," a dark grin lit the trader's face. "I suppose you are at mine." Rating: T Other relationships: Plance, Allurance, Pallura
Title:  The Chill of Loneliness (Patreon Exclusive) Summary:  Lance couldn’t be more thrilled. A special mission that only he and the Blue Lion could undertake due to the insanely cold temperatures and a way to further their slowly growing bond? Sign him up! But when the mission goes sideways Lance finds himself all alone with no hope of backup, slowly freezing to death and he can’t find his way back to Blue. He had hoped to prove himself on this mission but… but it looks like all he’s going to do is die instead. Rating: G Other relationships: Lance + Blue Lion
Title: Choking On Fear  Summary: The Paladins have just emerged from battle with Lotor, but victorious is not the word they would use to describe it. They are hurting, exhausted, and no longer have a home to return to. They also have no supplies. Lance is tasked with visiting the town on the planet they make an emergency landing on to try and charm his way to some necessities. But, somehow, what has only been mere hours to Lance and the others has been years to these aliens. Voltron abandoned them, they claim, and because of it they have suffered at the hands of the Galra. They want revenge, they want Voltron to feel their pain and fear. And a public hanging of this wayward Paladin of Voltron is just what the universe has ordered to set things right. Rating: T Other relationships: Hance
Title: Drown  Summary:  Lance was alone. He was going to die alone. Such a thought scared him more than actually dying. Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title: Faces of Home Summary:  There were murmured, familiar voices when Lance awoke that quieted almost immediately when he blinked open his eyes. "Easy, easy," someone soothed as he tried to sit up. Someone familiar. Lance gasped. "Mamá?" Because somehow... somehow he was home. / Lance is injured in a fight against the Galra and wakes to find himself in the care of his family. But... how did he wind up back on Earth? Something isn't quite right... Rating: G Other relationships: Lance and original characters
Title:  Freeze( r ) Summary:  Lance gets accidentally locked into the castle's walk-in freezer. He just has to keep moving, keep himself and Chuchule, locked in with him, warm. But these temperatures are not fit for man nor mouse and the end is drawing near. Rating: G Other relationships: Hance, Lance + Mice
Title: Game Over Summary: The rules were simple, the two brothers said. They hunted them, their prey, for points. And they, the prey,… well they died. After they suffered, of course, as the game would be no fun otherwise. But not to worry, the brothers smirked, their games only lasted a few hours. Their pain would be over soon.
Lance has no idea how he’s escaping. He’s defenseless, alone, terrified, and trapped inside the playing field. And now he’s gone and made himself a primary target so both brothers are (literally) gunning for him, the “hero.” He’s got to escape. He has to save everyone. But… but he doesn’t even know how he’s supposed to save himself. Rating: T Other relationships: none
Title: The Highest Honor Summary:  Yuldak is a brand new guard and beyond proud to serve the Galra Empire. His first job is the highest honor he knows he will ever receive: guarding the captured Red Paladin of Voltron. But not only is the Paladin not what he expected, neither is the lack of honor and respect on behalf of his fellow guards. Yuldak knows the Paladin is the enemy, knows that he has information vital to helping the Empire take down Voltron. What he doesn’t know though is if this way – blood and screams and fading blue eyes – is how he wants the Empire to win. Rating: T Other relationships: Lance and original character
Title: His Own Worst Enemy  Summary:  Keith wheezed, trying to summon air back to his crushed windpipe. Lance… Lance could have killed him. Lance was dangerous. Keith staggered to his feet. They needed to stop Lance. They needed to stop him now. / Lance is not himself. He's sick. And scared. And to protect himself… he has to kill them. Rating: T Other relationships: Klance, Hance
Title: Home Is Where the Heart Is Summary:  Lance had been missing his family for a little over a year. They had been missing him for almost four. Lance tried not to think on the logistics of it all that much. He loved them, they loved him and what was important was that he was home and they could be together again. But it wasn’t so simple. He’d changed. They’d changed. And figuring out where he fit into the family now was one problem he had not seen coming. Rating: G Other relationships: Lance and his family, Allurance
Title: * Hope: The Truest Treasure Summary:  Lance doesn't know how long he's been a slave in the mines except that it's been a long, long time. He knows pain though. And death. And silence. But most of all he knows despair. It's a suffocating darkness that seeks to snuff out his last dying ember of hope. But his is not a spark so easily extinguished. He just needs something to rekindle it. And now... now that something has arrived. Rating: T Other relationships: Hance, Allurance, Lance and Blue, Lance + team, Lance and Original Characters
Title: In the Name of Love Summary:  Lance just wanted to buy a flower. Instead he's now the newest victim of a serial killer who has no plans to release him until he has served his purpose. Lance may be a Paladin but he's got a higher calling in life now. And it starts with his death. / "Do not try and resist again," his captor warned, "You will not like the consequences." Lance's voice cracked. "Like being eaten?" Rating : T Other relationships: Garrison Trio
Title: It is (No) Fun to Play With Broken Toys Series: My Favorite Toy (2/3) Summary:  Lance has the space flu. A really, really bad case of it to where he can’t be left alone for his own safety but he risks getting everyone else sick too. Enter Lotor, who would be more than happy to help them in their time of need. Lance though knows the last thing Lotor actually wants to do is help him… it’s another game and just like before Lance doesn’t know the rules. Rating: T Other relationships: Lancelot, Allurance, Lotura, Hance
Title: Just a Scratch Summary: It really wasn’t all that bad. Just a scratch. But a few days later it’s hurting worse than ever and there’s a sick looking color to it and Lance is forced to admit that maybe it’s not just a scratch after all. Rating: G Other relationships: Hance
Title: Lying to Myself (Can't Seem to Stop) Series:  Shooting For the Stars (But Crashing Back Down) (4/5) Summary:  Lance is back on campus and things are… things are not okay. He wants them to be. Needs them to be. He’s trying to pretend that they are. He’s going to classes, doing his best to ignore the rumors, talking to Keith and Pidge again… If he tells himself he’s fine enough times it’ll have to be true. But… But he’s not. He’s not fine at all. And what’s really scaring him is he doesn’t know to be. He doesn’t know if he ever will be again. Rating: T Other relationships: Hance, Klance, Plance, Shance, Sheith
Title: No Use For You Summary:  “You have no discernible talent that I can use and your worth as a bartering chip is negligible. And so,” Lotor’s breath was hot on Lance's ear. “I have no use for you.” A hand shoved at him in the darkness. “Enjoy your new home.” Rating: G Other relationships: Lancelot
Title: Passing Grade Series:  Shooting For the Stars (But Crashing Back Down) (1/5) Summary:  If Lance stayed in the shower long enough maybe the water would wash everything away. Maybe it would make him forget unwanted hands and the scratchy couch. Maybe… A sob tore through his throat. No. There was no forgetting. But he did have to paste on a smile and try to because no one could find out. Otherwise it was all over. AU - College Rating: T Other relationships: Hance, Shance
Title: Savior with a Smile Summary:  Lance was missing for nearly a week following a terribly botched supply run. When he returns he's exhausted, poisoned… and has a bunch of freed prisoners in tow. There are so many questions but answers aren't so easy to come by. But, Allura is finding, easy is overrated, and learning through the stories from the prisoners about how Lance saved them with his smile and strength is a much better course of action. Rating: G Other relationships: Allurance, Lance and original characters
Title: Shredded Summary:  The Galra demanded Lance change into their prisoner uniform. He refused. He was no prisoner. He would not wear it, that symbol of slavery. So they opted to do it for him. Painfully. Rating: T Other relationships: None
Title: Sleeping Somewhere Cold (Until You Lead Me Back Home) Summary:  (Alternate Universe) Lance’s family was dead. And he… he had killed them. It didn’t matter what anyone else said, didn’t matter that he wasn’t the cause of the accident. He knew he’d killed them. And while Lance may have survived he wasn’t living. His dreams died alongside his family and his world has become a dark, cold nightmare. He isn't sure he is ever going to wake up from it. He… he isn't sure he wants to. Rating: T Other relationships: Hance, Shance, Klance, Lance and his family
Title: Smile Summary:  Lance glanced at the mirror. Maybe it wasn't as bad as he was remembering. Like, the first glance had freaked him out but it really wasn't that noticeable. He worried his lip in indecision before finally making his way over to the mirror. He had to know. Just… just a peek. Without further ado Lance gave a tentative smile. And despair crashed down once more. Rating: G Other relationships: Hance, Klance, Heith
Title: So Much to Offer Series:  If You Close Your Eyes Then it Never Happened (1/2) Summary:  "I suppose though I should see what we're working with, hm?" the slaver mused. "A pretty face is only part of the package after all." His dark eyes met Lance's and he shivered at the absolute depravity that stared back at him. "Let's see what you have to offer." / While trying to save his dying team, Lance is captured and sold into the slave trade. Time is running out... for everyone. Rating: M Other relationships: None
Title: Sounds of Darkness Summary:  Lance couldn’t see. Or hear. Or move. The silent darkness was all encompassing and it was pressing in; choking him, drowning him, blinding him. He screamed but it was swallowed whole into the void of nothingness. Lance trembled, pain shaking his limbs, and faintly wondered if he’d even made a sound at all. Rating: T Other relationships: Shance, Hance, Corance
Title:  Subject 6381 Series: Subject 6381 (1/3) Summary: “Please,” he whispered, trying to meet each one’s large eyes. “Pl-please. My name is Lance. I—” “Subject continues to attempt to establish identity. Subject should know,” and there was a cruel glint in this alien’s eye, “we do not care.”Or; Lance is captured and becomes a science experiment. Rating: T Other relationships: None
Title: Suffer My Loss Summary:  After a case of wrong place, wrong time, Lance falls into Sendak’s hands. Sendak, who is somehow still alive and more than happy take this opportunity of revenge for all it is worth against the boy who instigated his downfall. Rating: T Other relationships: None
Title:  Thou Shall Not Tell Lies Summary:  The Paladins of Voltron were liars. They were liars who had murdered her family. She would silence them. She would make sure they never told another lie again. And she would start with this one, this one who appeared kind, appeared sweet and nice and honorable and a hero. She knew better. She caressed the needle in her hand as she gazed down at his face, at his lips where the poison spewed. She knew what a liar he was. And when she was done with him everyone else would know too. Rating: T Other relationships: None
Title: Trust In Me Series:  My Favorite Toy (1/3) Summary:  Lance has no idea what sick game Lotor is playing. All he knows is he wants no part of it. But that's easier said than done, especially as the prince seems to be following him. Everywhere. Rating: T Other relationships: Hance
Title: * Trying So Hard to Breathe (But No Air in My Lungs)  Series:  Shooting For the Stars (But Crashing Back Down) (5/5) Summary:  The word is out: Galaxy Garrison University professor Andrew Wilde has reportedly sexually assaulted three students. Three male students. Not only is speculation running rampant around campus… so too are the crude comments, the laughs and the disbelief. And Lance is terrified of being found out. He does all he can to put on an act, a mask, to prove that there’s nothing to see here. But when public opinion begins to slowly side with the victims and vilify Wilde… well, the disgraced professor can’t have that. He warned Lance that if his name was going to be dragged through slander then Lance’s would too. And, well, Wilde has always been a man of his word… Rating: T Other relationships: Hance, Shance, Latte, Sheith, Klance
Title: *Your Biggest Fan (Patreon Exclusive) Summary: Loverboy Lance has gained quite the following and Lance has absolutely no complaints. He’s loving the the fame, the fans and the chance to really shine in such a talented group as Voltron. This is his stage and he is ready to perform. But fame has a dark side. Lance has a fan that wants more than just an autograph and Lance doesn’t know the lengths this alien is willing to go. What’s more, he doesn’t know what he can do. The Coalition needs a successful show and he’s a part of that. He has to perform, he has to paste on a smile and pretend everything is all right. It’s for the universe. He can do this. After all, it’s just one fan. What’s the worst that could happen? Rating: T Other relationships: Hance, Garrison Trio, Allurance (one-sided romantic), Corance
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Title: Caught Up in Purple Summary:  Bounty hunters capture Keith with the intent to sell him to the Galra Empire. Keith knows he’s only going to have one chance to escape. But there’s one more player caught up in this game and he doesn’t care for the rules. Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title: Here For Your Entertainment  Summary:  “Gather round, one and all. Feast your eyes on this ferocious, bloodthirsty hue-men!” Keith was shaken, his owner’s hand twisted cruelly in his hair. The aliens circled his cage, screaming for blood, for pain, jamming in batons to try and get a taste of it for themselves. Keith shuddered. He knew what came next. And he could do nothing to stop it. Just like every other time. He was just here for their entertainment after all. Rating: T Other relationships: Klance, Sheith and Allurance
Title: Salted Tears  Summary:  Apparently the Galra hate a mixed race Galran even more than a traitorous Blade of Marmora. Keith just so happens to be both. Rating: T Other relationships: None
Title:  So Cold (Patreon Exclusive) Summary:  Keith can’t seem to get warm. He’s felt cold ever since the mission, a frigid sensation taking up root in his chest and he’s so tired. But he’s fine. He’s just a little worn out, maybe coming down sick, and all the talk of haunted planets is playing with his mind. But when he wakes from a nightmare to find his own blade impaled in his stomach and his hand the one that put it there… maybe everything isn’t so fine after all. Rating: T Other relationships: Sheith
Title: What Once Was Yours is Now Mine Summary:  “Mine!” the alien growled, hand tightening painfully. “Soft mine!” Keith realized three things. One, the ‘soft6’ was his hair. Two, the alien really, really wanted it. And three, he was really, really in trouble. Rating: G Other relationships: Keith and Krolia
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Title: A Squeak in the Code Summary: Despite the late hour Pidge has no plans to sleep until she finishes running her current algorithm. Four determined little space mice have a very different plan in mind. Rating: G Other relationships: Space Mice
Title: Birthday Wishes Summary:  Pidge blinked. She blinked again. The date remained the same. Today… today Matt would be twenty-five. Her eyes widened with horror. Was, she frantically corrected herself. Matt was twenty-five today. Because he was alive. He had to be. Rating: G Other relationships: Shidge and mentioned Holt Siblings
Title: Break It Summary: Don’t be scared, Pidge told herself. That was the most important thing. The constant clanking and tugging and crying all around her was very detrimental to that plan. So too were the shackles digging into her ankles and wrists, linking her to every other person on the chain of slaves, that sent her constantly stumbling as they abruptly stopped and started. Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title: *"I Am a Fighter" Summary: The Galra capture Pidge and present her with a choice. Either she makes the weapon they want… or someone dies. Pidge prides herself on her genius, on her logic. But this? This is not a choice. This is torture. She’s being forced to decide if the universe’s fate outweighs the lives of a few individuals and no one, no one, should be allowed to make that call. She has to though. Again and again.
But when a familiar face is dragged before her she can feel her resolve crumbling. Because Keith is not a nameless prisoner. He is her friend, her family. And yet his blood is already dripping from her hands. Rating: T Other relationships: Kidge
Title: One More Time, With Feeling  Summary:  One more time, Pidge promised herself. This time she’d get free. This time she’d do it. Her neck lit up with pain and fire and she let out a hoarse scream, collapsing. Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title: Right, Wrong and the Normal In Between Series:  Finding the Light (2/2) Summary:  Pidge didn’t want to think about it. She knew better now than to deny that it had happened or that she was fine but all she wants is for things to be normal again. But normal is a concept that keeps getting further away. Pidge realizes just how far out of reach it is when she freezes in battle and memories distort reality. Everything is wrong. Nothing is right. But Allura doesn’t think it’s so black and white. There are a lot of steps in between and she’s going to help Pidge walk that path and find her way once more. Rating: M Other relationships: Pallura
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All Other Single Characters
Title:  Bedridden Summary:  Allura is miserably sick with the flu. Fortunately, her team is there to make it a little more bearable. Rating: G Character: Allura Other relationships: Team
Title: First Impressions Summary:  Matt knew he shouldn’t have eaten it. But he did because all the other Rebels were. And now he’s puking his guts out and this really really wasn’t the first impression he wanted to make. Rating: G Character: Matt Other relationships: Matt + Olia
Title: He’s All Right
Summary: Deep breaths, Hunk told himself. It was all right. Everything was okay. Just hold the breath in and let it out. He couldn’t. He couldn’t breathe. He… he was going to die.
Or; in which Hunk has a panic attack and the team gets a crash course in how to help. Rating: G Character: Hunk Other relationships: Hiro (Hunk and Shiro), background Hance
Title: This is My Home (Watch Your Step Since You’ve Come Around) Summary:  “All right, Coran,” he gave himself a pep talk. “The princess and the Paladins are in danger. You are their only hope.” Coran paled in the face of his words. Oh Alaraan. He was their only hope. Well then. He straightened. That was that and that meant there was only one possible outcome. He was going to save his team. / The castle is invaded and the Paladins rounded up. Coran though is overlooked and he’s going to take full advantage of it. This is his home and those aliens are going to regret ever stepping foot in it. Rating: T Character: Coran Other relationships: Corance, Corallura, Team relationships
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                           Klance (Lance and Keith)
Title: Again and Again (No End in Sight) Summary:  Lance’s arms were trembling and his legs felt like jelly and there was an ache building in his chest where his breath came in sharp pants as he wrapped up the training simulation. His score was lower than before. Not good enough. He had to do better. He had to be better. “Again,” he whispered, panted, summoning another round. And again. And again. He couldn’t stop, wouldn’t stop, until he was better. But with that goal... he might never stop at all. Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title: All Things Break (The Question is How Much) Summary:  “You made a mistake, Blade,” the Galra commander sneered. “You care about someone else.” The Blade could not stop the flash of horror that filled his face and she reveled in it. “He clearly means something to you. So I wonder, Blade, what will you do if it is he we punish for your failure to cooperate?” Her fangs glinted. “Let’s see if we can loosen that tongue of yours.” Rating: T Other relationships: None
Title:  Beneath the Waves (Patreon Exclusive) Summary: Keith knows he can be reckless. And diving overboard into raging waters when he can’t really swim is most definitely reckless. But someone needed help and Keith couldn’t just stand by and do nothing.But now he’s the one in need of rescue. Keith always knew his recklessness would one day catch up with him. He just… didn’t ever expect that it would be Lance paying the price. Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title: *Brightest Day of Your Darkest Hour Summary:  (Alternate Universe) Pop wasn’t… he couldn’t be… Keith refused to believe it no matter what they told him, what reality said. It wasn’t true. Pop wasn’t d— But there was no denying that his life was changing around him and not for the better. He was being uprooted from all he had ever known and placed into the foster system hours away from home, from Pop, from… from everything. Well, that had been the original plan. A Galaxy Garrison cadet named Lance who Keith had just met days before had a different idea… and it was one that would forever change both of their lives. Rating: G Other relationships: Keith and Lance’s family, Heith, Kidge
Title:  Buried Treasure Summary: “Last chancey,” the captain sneered down at them. “Wheree be me treasure?” Lance couldn’t answer and Keith’s swears and denial only made pirate grin. “So be it.” And the first shovelful of dirt to bury them alive fell from above. Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title:  By the Hand Summary:  The base is about to explode and they have to go and yet the mullet is just standing around in the middle of the hallway ignoring Lance and could he be any more rude? But as Lance soon realizes it’s not because Keith is being a jerk. It’s because… because he’s somehow become blind and deaf. Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title: Detonate Summary:  "Keith, please," Lance pleaded, voice breaking. "They can't lose you too." / A routine mission takes a deadly turn. There are but literal ticks counting down until the end and Keith has a decision to make: leave Lance behind so he can escape or go down with him? It's a good thing Keith is so stubborn. Rating: T Other relationships: Hance, Garrison Trio
Title: Feel Like a Monster Summary: It was just supposed to be a fight. Maybe not entirely for the right reasons, but Keith had known how it was supposed to go. They’d fight, he’d win and Lance would never bother him again. But that wasn’t how it had gone at all. And as yellow tinted eyes and sharp fangs set in a blood splattered, horrified face — the face of a Galra — stared at Keith in the sheen of his blade he realized that wasn’t himself looking back. It was a monster. He’d unleashed a monster. And Lance had paid the price. Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title: I Pledge Allegiance to... Summary:  Kneel and pledge allegiance to Lotor or suffer the consequences, those are Keith's choices. He's willing to die to remain free. But… is he willing to barter Lance's fate too? Rating: G Other relationships: Lancelot
Title: Just a Few More Steps Summary:  Everyone told his pop not to run back into that building. He did anyway. Keith let out a choked sound as he sprinted into the burning complex in search of Lance. Like father like son. He just… just hoped… hoped this had a happier ending. Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title: please, can anyone hear me? Summary:  “Red, Red please,” Lance pleaded, choking. “Guys. Anyone. Pl-please. Can,” he coughed again, smoke bitter on his tongue, “can anyone h-hear me?” Only the crackle of flames answered. / The Red Lion crashed following the battle on Earth. Lance survives… but the real battle is only just beginning. Rating: G Other relationships: Kallura, Allurance, Shance, Lance and Red Lion, Keith and Red Lion
Title: *The Purity of Sin Summary:  Lance's first diplomatic mission had gone wrong. Very, very wrong. Instead of allies on planet Macka, he and Keith found only enemies who want to sacrifice them to their Goddess. The two Paladins are going to have to work together to survive the harsh desert, severe injury and relentless pursuit with the added problem that in addition to losing copious amounts of blood Lance is losing his senses one... by one... by one... Rating: T Other relationships: Keith + team, Lance + team
Title:  Red Comfort Summary:  “Look,” Lance’s voice was friendly and his expression still open, but Keith could see the way his hands had come in front of him, creating space between himself and the prince and that told him all he needed about the situation, “I’m really flattered and that’s really, really nice of you to say, but—” The prince cut him off with a kiss. Or; an alien prince really doesn’t like being told no. And Keith really doesn’t like people who try to assault his friends. Rating: T Other relationships: None
Title: (Un)breakable Bonds Summary:  The bond between a Lion and Paladin is one of the strongest in the universe. So when Keith is left injured and alone to die following a botched Blade mission, the Red Lion has to save him. Even if it means abandoning her current Paladin. But Lance is fine. It's not like he was captured by bounty hunters to be tortured the moment she left or anything. Rating: T Other relationships: Allurance, Lance and Blue, Lance and Red, Keith and Red
Title:  Warning Shot (Patreon Exclusive) Summary: “—disgusting,” the word was a breathless snarl and it was followed by a dull thud. “A mutt like you doesn’t deserve this—” Another thud. And then there was a scream.Lance’s breath caught. That was Keith.  Rating: T Other relationships: None
Title: *The Weakness of a Strength Summary: First Shiro went missing. And no matter how desperately Keith searches he can’t find the only family member he has left. Shiro could be being tortured, forced to fight, he could be dead and Keith has no idea and it terrifies him. And if that wasn’t enough, now his luxite blade, the only thing he has left of his parents, has been stolen. He has to get it back. He can’t lose it too. He finds an unexpected ally in Lance, who insists on joining him in this second just as desperate search that takes them straight into the one of the most dangerous, deadly places in the universe. And Keith discovers that although this quest started with searching for his knife he may have found something even more important along the way. That is, if he doesn’t lose it first. Rating: T Other relationships: Allurance, Corance
Title: Words Hurt (In More Ways Than One) Summary: “You ran away. Maybe you should have just stayed away.” The cruel words he said to Keith won’t stop echoing in Lance’s head and the guilt hurts as much as his painfully sore throat. Now he’s diagnosed to a quarantine with Keith as his caretaker and Lance finds that the words he needs to speak are going to hurt in more ways than one. Rating: T Other relationships: None
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Hance (Lance and Hunk)
Title:  Crimson Footprint Summary:  When Lance doesn’t show up for a beyond important meeting Hunk goes to get him. But he doesn’t find Lance in his chambers. He finds blood. Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title: Crimson Promises Summary:  There's blood everywhere except where it should be, which is inside Lance. All Hunk can do is hold him as he shivers, respond to his confused, pained breathless words and pray that help arrives soon. Rating: G Other relationships: Allurance
Title: Crimson Puddle (Patreon Exclusive) Summary:  Lance tried to stop it. He did. But the blood just keeps coming; gushing, oozing. It’s everywhere now; his leg, his hands, all over the floor. The crimson puddle keeps growing while he only grows weaker, the world going dark and cold and numb. And he never… he never thought he’d die like this. Rating: T Other relationships: None
Title: The "Dumb" One  Summary:  'Garfle Warfle Snick' was all the team wanted to talk about. Well, not Lance. His fake smiles and forced laughter are painful to see and Hunk knows they need to fix this... but he's in need of an assist himself. Rating: G Other relationships: Klance, Heith
Title: Forbidden Fruit Summary:  Don’t panic, Hunk told himself. Don’t panic. It wasn’t working. He could do nothing but panic because that was the only thing to do when one woke up and found themselves bound, gagged, hooked by their arms on a giant tree branch and oh, did he mention, hanging above a volcano? Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title: Forgotten Memories Found Once More  Summary:  In the wee hours of the morning Hunk finds Lance. In a battletorn kitchen. Crying. That absolutely isn’t okay. Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title: If the World Should Freeze  Summary:  Up ahead Hunk realized Lance was no longer running beside him and came to a skidding halt himself. His heart leapt into his throat as he turned and caught sight of Lance standing stock-still, arm wound back with a snowball against the charging creature. Oh God. "Lance!" he screamed, already turning around and going back for his bravely stupid best friend. "Lance!" Hunk's stomach bottomed out. He wasn't going to make it./ Hunk and Lance are stranded in an icy wasteland but the cold is quickly becoming the least of their problems. Enter hungry, giant creature with sharp teeth and sharper antlers. Yeah. They're in trouble. Rating: G Other relationships: Shance
Title: Letter of Intent Summary:  Hunk is having trouble finish his letter of intent for the Galaxy Garrison. After all, why would they actually want him? Lance decides to take the reins on this. Or, rather, the pen. Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title: Nothing to Be Afraid Of Summary:  Hunk will admit it. He's afraid of many things and being captured by the Galra alongside Lance ranks at the top. But it's the Galra who should be afraid. After all, they just unleashed a brilliant engineer and a quick-witted sharpshooter in their base. Better watch out. -- "Uh, Hunk, what are you doing?" "Making bombs," Hunk replied cheerfully. "Oh, okay- bombs?" Lance squeaked. Rating: T Other relationships: None
Title: Poison Summary:  Lance is fine. Or, at least he keeps telling himself that. He’s most definitely not a victim of the unknown disease with no cure sweeping through the city. Nope. But now he's coughing up blood? Maybe... maybe he isn’t so fine after all. / “H-Hunk,” he whispered. “I… I think I’m s-sick.” Hunk let out a sound somewhere between a sob and a laugh. “Yeah, Lance. You are." Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title:  The Power of a Hug (Patreon Exclusive) Summary:  A retelling of the fight in “The Depths” where Hunk is stronger, faster, more ruthless and will do anything to keep his queen safe and warm, even if that means hurting his best friend. And where Lance knows if Hunk discovers how badly he hurt him he will never, ever, forgive himself. So there’s only one thing to do: hide his injuries and hope that no one, especially Hunk, ever finds out.  Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title:  Quarantine Summary:  An alien ship crashes on Earth and Lance and Hunk are the first responders to board and look for survivors. But they don’t find people in need of help. They find bodies. And these bodies have been dead for a while. What started as a rescue turns into a fight for survival and the team can only watch in horror outside of the quarantined ship as two of their own begin to lose the battle. And it begs the question: when it comes to choosing between potentially saving a loved one or for sure saving Earth what is a Defender of the Universe to do? Rating: G Other relationships: Lance + team, Hunk + team, Sheith
Title: Safe In Your Arms (But Not Yet) Series:  Shooting For the Stars (But Crashing Back Down) (2/5) Summary:  Lance just wanted to forget. To forget his hands, his touch, his voice. Forget the fear, the horror, the revulsion, the shame. But he couldn’t. And the sick feeling was only getting worse the closer he got to home. He had to tell his parents. He couldn’t keep this from them, couldn’t live with the guilt and silence. But he didn’t know if he could live with their disgust and disappointment either. And he is just as scared now as he had been then, especially as Wilde isn’t as out of the picture as he had thought. This nightmare is only just beginning. AU- College Rating: T Other relationships: Lance and his parents
Title: Strength of Your Word Summary:  "Open his mouth," Hunk heard the order and Lance's chokes turned to a low moan. "Let's make him smile nice and red," came the hiss. And Hunk? He's had enough. / Lance saves Hunk. Hunk saves Lance. Rinse and repeat. It's what they do. So when a simple mission turns deadly these two are going to have each other's backs. No matter the consequences. Rating: T Other relationships: None
Title: To Fix What is Broken Summary:  Things get busy up in space, especially when you’re the Yellow Paladin of Voltron. There’s meetings and battles and things that need fixed from said battles, not to mention creating new tech to aid the cause and keeping everyone fed and— it’s a little overwhelming. But it shouldn’t be so much so that Hunk realizes he’s barely seen Lance all week. In fact, almost no one has. And when he finally seeks him out and finds him curled up and crying and alone, Hunk realizes that there’s something else broken on this ship… and he desperately needs to fix it. Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title: Twisted Kaleidoscope Summary:  Lance talks. A lot. It’s a fact of life. It’s a fact his captors really, really don’t like. And if he’s going to insist on doing so they’re going to at least make it entertaining for themselves. While the effects of the hallucinogen they drug him with are not poisonous to humans they are far from pleasant and the withdrawal symptoms even more so. Hunk and Coran have their hands full not just caring for the physical ailments but trying to reassure Lance he’s safe. And that part is far harder to do when Lance is absolutely terrified of them. Rating: G Other relationships: Corance
Title: What the Universe Sees (And Does Not)  Summary:  "They think I'm stupid," Hunk whispered. "And I… I feel stupid, Lance. I know it's for the Coalition and I want to help, but I just… I hate it." / Hunk is feeling more than a little down about the role "Humorous Hunk" plays on "The Voltron Show" and debates his worth as a Paladin. Lance and the team will just have to remind Hunk how amazing he really is. Rating: G Other relationships: Hung + Team
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Shance (Lance and Shiro)
Title: 00:00 Summary:  “I’m not leaving you,” Lance said, voice catching. “Don’t say that, don’t you—” “Lance,” Shiro interrupted him. “Please.” Rating: G Other relationships: Team
Title: Cave-In Summary:  Shiro and Lance are trapped in a cave-in. It’s really nothing bad, no one was hurt and help is already on the way, even if they’ll be in this dark, cramped space for a few hours more. Something though is wrong with Lance. And Shiro thinks he knows what might be the cause. Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title: Cold Hands, Warm Hearts Summary:  Lance went still beneath Shiro's ministrations. No more shivers, no trembles. Just still. Deathly still. "No," Shiro gasped. "No no no." Shaking hands desperately sought a pulse on the frigid skin. His breath hitched. He couldn't find one. / Lance falls into a frozen lake saving a child and now he's the one in need of saving. Shiro is determined to do just that. Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title: Cold Metal, Warm Touch (Patreon Exclusive) Series:  Subject 6381 (3/3) They’ve found Lance. That’s a positive. He has all of his limbs. Another positive. Coran said the pod should heal his wounds, that as bad as the drugs in his system are they won’t permanently affect him. All positives. Shiro focuses on them because he doesn’t want to acknowledge the rest; the fact Lance was a human science experiment for almost three weeks, that he’s terrified, that the physical scars are only the surface of the horrors Lance faced. But Lance, as scared and as in pain as he is, has chosen to face them. And so Shiro… Shiro will too. They’ve found Lance. That’s a positive. He has all of his limbs. Another positive. Coran said the pod should heal his wounds, that as bad as the drugs in his system are they won’t permanently affect him. All positives. Shiro focuses on them because he doesn’t want to acknowledge the rest; the fact Lance was a human science experiment for almost three weeks, that he’s terrified, that the physical scars are only the surface of the horrors Lance faced. But Lance, as scared and as in pain as he is, has chosen to face them. And so Shiro… Shiro will too. Rating: G Other relationships: Hance
Title: Drowning With Fever Summary: Voltron was requested to lead peace negotiations between two warring parties. Well, technically the Alteans were requested. No one thought anything of such particular wording. They should have. Because now the natives are hunting Shiro’s party consisting of himself, Lance and Keith with the ultimate goal to turn Lance into the image of one of their revered Altean gods. And as if running through a jungle planet with no supplies and no way off wasn’t hard enough, now Lance is sick, burning up with a fever they have no way to combat. The natives might not be their most dangerous enemy out here after all. Or, the sick!fic with so much angst and whump you could drown in it. Literally. Rating: T Other relationships: Klance, Sheith
Title:  In the Blink of an Eye Series: Blink (1/2)
Title: *Keep Holding On (And Don't Let Go)
Summary:  Shiro and Lance are forcibly taken as bartering tokens for a rebel faction. That’s bad on its own, but Lance is ill, burning up with a fever and weak with sickness. Their captors are cruel, relishing in both Lance’s suffering and in demeaning the proud former Black Paladin. And as time ticks by Lance continues to fade and no matter how much Shiro holds on he can feel him slipping away. The fear of the impending Galra imprisonment, the hopelessness he’d felt while trapped in the Astral Plane, pale in comparison to the fact Lance is going to die in his arms and there is nothing he can do. Rating: T Other relationships: background Sheith, Hance
Title: Lost and Found Summary: Something is wrong with Shiro. Lance can feel it. He's determined to find answers and returns to the Astral Plane to do so. All is most definitely not as it seems and it's going to be up to Lance to save the day. If, well... he can save himself first. / "Sh-Shiro," he choked out. A dark laugh sounded behind him. "Come now. We both know that's not true." Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title: Murphy's Law (Patreon Exclusive) Summary:  Lance and Shiro are forced to make an emergency landing  when their shuttle has engine failure. Miraculously they’re okay. No one is injured, the ship can be repaired and they’re in no danger. It could have been worse. Much, much worse. Rating: G Other relationships: Klance
Title:  Nowhere I'd Rather Be Summary: “Sh-Shiro,” Lance wheezed, tan hands splotched with red pressed against his chest where he was curled around them and pinpricked ocean eyes that were rapidly disappearing as his skin swelled met Shiro’s. “C-can’t... br-breathe.”Or, Lance has a deadly allergic reaction and Shiro can’t do anything to help him. Fortunately, their newfound allies are there to step in. Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title: Of Sleepless Nights, Tea Kettles and Talks Summary:  Insomnia strikes Lance hard. And, he discovers on his foray to the kitchen for a cup of tea, it’s struck Shiro harder. Much, much harder. And Shiro can’t hide away from the exhaustion and pain any longer. Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title: Rows of Stitches, Lines of Pain Summary:  Lines had been drawn all over the slender body. Dotted. Solid. Red. Black, blue, white, green stains against tan flesh. Others were made of stitches, of dried blood, of pain, and why had it taken them so long to find him? All of the lines sectioned off his body like some sort of science experiment, some, some thing to be studied, dissected. But, Shiro choked down the horror clawing up his throat, that’s all Lance had been to them. Rating: T Other relationships: None
Title: Screaming So Loud (There’s No Sound at All) Summary:  Shiro was holding him down, flesh hand pinning him to the table and his legs restrained. “I’m in position,” Shiro whispered into the comms, voice wavering. His attention turned. “Just… just hold on, Lance. It’s gonna be okay.” And burning hot fingers plunged into his stomach. Rating: G Other relationships: Corance
Title:  Upon My Honor (Patreon Exclusive) Summary: “Waterbender,” the one-armed Fire Nation commander spoke and Lance’s gaze slid back to him.  “You will not try to escape. You will not fight back. You will do as you are commanded and heal as ordered. You will do this upon your honor or you will suffer the consequences.” He paused, charcoal eyes boring into ocean. “Do I have your word?” Lance swallowed. Say no and they all died. Say yes and…  and he saved them. “Yes,” he whispered. “You… you have my word.” Rating: T Other relationships: None
Title: What a Life is Worth Summary:  Missing scene from "Fall of the Castle of Lions/Tears of the Balmera" in which Lance gets whumped and Shiro angsts and worries.
"Let him go," Shiro growled, fingers twitching behind him. The cold muzzle pressed harder against his head as purple sparks danced along his hand. "Now." "I wonder how long someone like him would last in the games," Sendak mused, sick smile lighting up his face. "He'd be a delight to see slaughtered. Perhaps you, Champion, would have the honor of ending his pathetic life." Rating: T Other relationships: None
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Plance (Lance and Pidge)
Title: As the World Falls Down Around Us  Summary: Ever since Pidge revealed she was a girl her team seems to have become a bunch of overprotective, overbearing idiot males and it’s pissing her off. She’s still the same person and more than capable of taking care of herself. But in her determination to prove herself independent she winds up injured. Badly. She can handle it on her own though. She doesn’t need their help.
But hiding her injury has dire consequences and now it’s not just her freedom at stake but her life.
And Lance’s.
The world is falling down literally and figuratively around them and Pidge realizes she can’t save him alone. She needs help. Lance’s help. And as dire as the situation is there’s almost something optimistic about being trapped at the bottom: the only place to go is up.
Now if they can only reach it before time runs out. Rating: T Other relationships: None
Title: Battle Scar Summary:  Scars can cut deep and not just physically into the skin. Pidge finds herself forced to confront a memory when Lance catches sight of a scar she had previously kept hidden. But maybe… maybe this is for the best. Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title: The Cost of Winning Series:  Heavy is the Toll of War (1/2) Summary:  "The Blue and Green Paladins serve no purpose to the Empire," the Galran commander smirked at his bound captives. "And as such you have no use except as arena fodder." He chuckled. "Give us a good show before you die." / Lance is determined to protect Pidge and save her from the arena. She will not die here. Over his dead body. Hopefully it's not quite that literal of a promise. Rating: T Other relationships: None
Title: Crash and Burn  Summary:  Lance and Pidge crash the supply pod following a freak asteroid storm. And Lance... Lance is hurt. Badly. He's bleeding out and there's no time to wait for rescue. Pidge has to save him. And the emergency flare... Well, it's the only thing she's got. Rating: T Other relationships: None
Title: Inches From Death Summary:  Being captured by the Galra is a lot less frightening than Pidge thought it would be. It’s boring, really. Well, until Lance slowly starts suffocating to death inches from her and she can do nothing to save him. Now… Now it’s terrifying. Rating: G Other relationships: Holt Sibs
Title: Over the Edge Summary:  It was supposed to be a simple nature hike. What it turned into was anything but. And now Pidge and Lance are just hoping they can make it back alive. Rating: T Other relationships: none
Title: Rubbed Raw Summary:  A solo mission doesn’t go according to plan and Pidge finds herself captured. She’s more embarrassed and annoyed by how it all happened than actually scared. It’s not until her rescue arrives that she realizes how bad it could have been. Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title:  Scavenger Hunt Summary: The team has returned to the Space Mall but shopping isn’t what’s on Lance and Pidge’s minds. They’ve got something better planned: a scavenger hunt. It’s a battle of the stealthiest and Lance is the cool ninja sharpshooter so he’s got this in the bag. Right…?Plus a scavenger hunt for the readers too ;) Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title: Sit Beside You Series: Finding the Light (1/2) Summary:  "I'm fine," Pidge repeated, as though trying to convince both herself and Lance. "I am. Nothing's wrong. I'm okay. I…" Her hands were trembling and she tucked them beneath her arms in the most pathetic looking hug Lance had ever seen. "I'm fine. It's over. I'm fine. Not a mark. So nothing happened. I'm fine." / Pidge is not fine. None of them are. But hopefully, eventually, they will be. Rating: G Other relationships: Allurance  
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Allurance (Lance and Allura)
Title: Silent Stillness Summary:  “Oh Dios, Allura! Please… please don’t be…” One hand descended behind the back of her head and she found her face smushed against Lance’s chestplate. “Por favor, don’t be…” ‘Don’t be dead,’ echoed in the silent stillness. / Or where Allura gets attacked and is temporarily paralyzed and it’s up to Lance to save her… and himself. Rating: G Other relationships: None (slightly one-sided romantic Allurance but can be read as gen)
Title: The Warmth of a Scar (Patreon Exclusive) Summary:  Lichtenberg scars, Hunk explained softly. That was the term they used on Earth to describe the dark lines seared into Lance’s skin from the lightning strike, the strike that had also taken his right eye. Those scars represented pain and loss and despair. But to Allura… they were beautiful. They felt safe. And she hoped she could help Lance to see the same. Rating: G Other relationships: Hance
Title: You Are My Home Summary:  The castle, her home, is gone. And although Allura knew it had been a necessary sacrifice to save the universe that does not make its loss easier. But a cup of warm tea and the young man delivering it are a reminder that home does not have to be a place. Rating: G Other relationships: Allurance
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Corance (Lance and Coran)
Title: Despair In Your Veins Summary:  Being a Paladin of Voltron offers certain allowances and opportunities that the average person is not privy to. And in this case, not being a Paladin has consequences. Fatal ones. / Coran and Lance are captured and Coran is poisoned. And the antidote… well, it’s for Paladins only.  Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title: Piece By Broken Piece Summary: “Your leg is severely broken,” Coran said softly, meeting the tired, pained ocean eyes looking up at him. “I am going to need to reset it before you can go into the pod. And to do that…” Coran tried not to visibly swallow at what he had to say or would have to do to the already burned and mangled limb. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to cut it open.” / Lance is very badly hurt and the operation he needs to heal is only the first part to this nightmare. Coran though will be with him through it all and make him whole, piece by broken piece. Rating: G Other relationships: Hance
Title:  The Right Thing (Patreon Exclusive) Summary:  Lance didn’t want to do it. He didn’t. But he did because Pidge was in danger and stunners weren’t working and if he didn’t stop the Galran then he would have killed Pidge. So… so Lance killed the Galran.. 
Now he’s alone in his room and he can’t stop shaking and he feels sick and cold and he knows it’s war but killing is wrong and he killed someone and he doesn’t know what to do.
But he’s not alone for long. Because Coran knows what happened and he’s there to help Lance through this.  Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title: Sleep Well, My Son  Summary: A tiny accident becomes literal when Lance is turned into a child with no recollection from his older self. Coran has hopes the effects will be relatively short-term, but in the meantime he has a scared child that needs both reassurance and care. And while Coran might not have had the chance to be a father… he feels like one now. Rating: G Other relationships: None
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Sheith (Shiro and Keith)
Title:  Burning Bright  Series:  Burning Bright, Shining Strong, Stand Together Now, Carry On (1/3) Summary:  Last chance, they told him. If this family didn't work out then it was back to the group home for him. And as much as Keith disliked the foster system, he hated the group home. He'd endure anything life threw at him to avoid going back. But when he meets Shiro, Keith realizes that, perhaps, there's more to life than just enduring. His world is about to become a whole lot brighter. Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title: Gone Summary: “Shiro, I…” Lance swallowed. “I don’t think—” “Don’t stop,” Shiro pled. “Please don’t stop.” And Lance continued compressions on Keith’s far too still chest beneath his hands. Rating: G Other relationships: Shance, Klance
Title:  Nightmare Summary:  “Sh-Shiro,” he gasped, “Shiro, please. You’re my brother,” came the ragged breath. “I love you.” Shiro leaned forward, his own words a whisper. “And I never loved you.” Purple eyes widened. The trembling arm lost its fight. And Shiro’s blade crashed down. Rating: G Other relationships: Shiro + Kosmo
Title: Red and Purple and Bleeding All Over Summary:  “Keith, you’re hurt!” Shiro’s exclamation gave Keith pause and he went to deny it; he was fine minus the horrible facepaint and ill-fitting armor and the desire to never speak of this again. The gaping hole in his stomach said otherwise. Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title: Shining Strong Series:  Burning Bright, Shining Strong, Stand Together Now, Carry On (2/3) Summary:  Companion piece to Burning Bright | Shiro signed up for the Big Brother program hoping to make a small difference in some troubled kid’s life. But when he’s partnered with a young teen named Keith he realizes he isn’t just going to just make a difference in Keith’s life; Keith is going to end up changing his too in ways he never could have imagined. Rating: G Other relationships: Shatt
Title: Stand Together Now, Carry On Series:  Burning Bright, Shining Strong, Stand Together Now, Carry On (3/3) Summary:  Keith still can't believe it. Him. A foster kid. At the Garrison. It's a dream come true and he owes it all to Shiro. Shiro though is just excited to give Keith this new life and chance at a bright future. But not everyone is happy with this change to the status quo. And they aren't going to stand idly by and watch Shiro throw away his life, his dreams, for some kid. Rating: G Other relationships: Shatt, Katt (Keith and Matt)
Title: We’re Okay Summary: Keith finds out he is Galran.  Rating: G Other relationships: None
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All Other Character Pairs
Title: A Good Kind of Hurt Summary: “What’s wrong with your leg?” Shiro asked. “Wrong?” Matt’s tone was high again. “Why would--?” “Show me.” And Matt had no choice but to do so.
Or; Shiro finds out about the scar he gave Matt that fateful day in the arena. Rating: G Other relationships: Shatt
Title:  A Sister In (My) Arms Summary:  Pidge is fevered, fatigued, and yet somehow here she is climbing almost a thousand stairs for the good of the Coalition. But she isn’t doing this stupid ceremony for the stupid Coalition. She’s doing it for Allura. And Allura will be there to catch her when she finally falls. Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title: Crimson Shock Summary:  What should have been a routine mission takes a terrifying turn when Pidge is injured. She’s trying not to be scared because it’ll make Hunk more so and she needs him not to be but it hurts so much and the world is growing dark and she is so so scared. Rating: G Other relationships: Hidge
Title: Dad? Summary:  Hunk is injured in the middle of battle. He needs to get to safety but no one can lift him. Hunk didn’t know how it was possible, but… but those arms could be none other. “Dad?” he croaked. Rating: G Other relationships: Coran and Hunk, Corance, Hance
Title: For the Sake of the Mission Summary: Matt and the Rebels are in need of a very hard to get ore, mined and guarded by a race that honors technology and decorum. Matt has the first part covered but he’s in need of an assist on the second part. Enter Lance. Matt isn’t entirely sure about the team up but he reevaluates his opinion quickly as Lance takes the lead and charms the king and his son.
Perhaps a little too much.
The prince has eyes only for Lance and, to Matt’s growing unease, hands as well. Lance though insists through their code he’s fine, he’s okay, continue the mission. But as the prince grows bolder and more invasive with his touches, Matt cannot look away any longer. Rating: T Other relationships: Latte
Title: Give Me a Sign Summary: Matt isn’t sure why he was targeted for a ransom request. He wasn’t a nobody in the Rebels but he wasn’t a somebody either. What did these aliens think the Coalition would offer for him? But as the transmission turned on Matt got his answer. Because those weren’t Rebels on the screen. It was Katie. Rating: G Other relationships: Matt and Pidge
Title: Heavy Heart, Gentle Hand Summary:  Keith feels horrible. His call as leader cost so many aliens their lives and now, after the fact, he can’t even face his team. Allura has something to say about all of that. Rating: G Other relationships: Kallura
Title: In Silence We Break  Summary:  A nightmare of endless stillness and silence and darkness wakes Shiro and sends him stumbling from his room in search of Keith, of comfort. But he shouldn’t bother Keith. Krolia vehemently disagrees.  Rating: G Other relationships: Shiro and Krolia, Sheith, Krolia and Keith
Title: No One Gets Left Behind Series: Got Your Back (2/2) Summary: Matt and Keith may be safe now, but things are far from all right. While Matt isn’t going to interrogate anyone as he just was, he is determined to get answers and see for himself what is going on with Shiro. He doesn’t know what he’ll find but he does know Keith is not going back to the Blades of Mamora. Because Keith needs a team that'll watch his back and Matt is never going to let his little brother be left behind again. Rating: G Other relationships: Katt, Shatt, Sheith, Garrison Trio, Matt and Pidge
Title: Our Farewell Summary:  “I never got to say goodbye,” Shiro whispered. “Or say I’m sorry. Or… Or…” His hand unclenched around the ring, the metal catching the teal light from his arm. Matt’s breath caught. “Oh, Shiro…” Rating: G Other relationships: Shadam (romantic, deceased), Shatt
Title: Please Don’t Go Summary: This was not happening. This could not be happening. But reality was cold. And Coran’s blood was hot. Rating: G (Warning: MCD) Other relationships: Coran and Allura
Title: The Pledge of an Older Sibling Summary:  War is an age old concept. But it’s one that children should not have to know so well. Both Matt and Veronica can’t help but feel a combination of worry and pride as they look at their siblings, so brave, so strong, so young, and know that this war is not yet done with any of them. Rating: G Other relationships: Matt and Veronica, Plance
Title: Plummet Summary: They’re dangling off of a cliff where falling means certain death. And while Shiro’s grip is strong on Pidge’s hand the cliff face is weak. And now time has finally run out. Rating: G (Warning: Possible MCD) Other relationships: Shidge
Title: Purple Wine, Red Heart  Summary: Keith has been poisoned. Accidentally, that is, the wine only toxic to Galrans, but Coran must quickly remove him from the reception before their new allies discover there is a Galran in their midst.But the poison is not the only thing that needs treated. Keith’s heart has been hurt by the recent discovery of his heritage and while not as deadly as poison it is still a painful, raw wound. Coran plans to heal both. Rating: G Other relationships: Coran and Keith, Sheith
Title: Role of a Paladin, Role of a Brother Summary:  “What were you thinking?” Veronica’s question echoed in the hospital room, her tone angry and desperate and scared all rolled into one. Her eyes flashed, hands clenched into fists at her sides, as she approached the bed that Lance was propped up in. “What were you thinking?” she repeated, demanded. Lance didn’t know how to answer. He wasn’t sure there really was one. Rating: G Other relationships: Lance and Veronica
Title:  Save Me Now Series: Got Your Back (1/2) Summary: Matt’s Rebel team has been captured for information only their injured commander has access to. Matt knows what will happen if it falls into the wrong hands. He knows and he’s so so sorry to Katie who he was just reunited with, but he has to do this. He got the distress beacon out though so someone should come rescue him before he’s tortured to death, right?Meanwhile, Keith and his Blade of Marmora team receive said distress beacon, unknowing of the details. But, as Keith discovers, the details don’t matter. Only the life of a single commander does and that is who the Blades will be rescuing; not the other captured Rebels. Keith knows what he has to do and he’s sorry to Shiro and the other Paladins (although given how he left maybe… maybe this is for the best), but he’d rather go down rescuing an ally than abandoning them.And by the time this rescue mission concludes… more than one person may end up saved. Rating: T Other relationships: Keith and Matt (Katt?), Sheith, Shatt
Title: Shoot or Starve  Summary:  You will shoot or you will starve. Those are the conditions laid out to Lance if he wants to eat again. But he won’t. He won’t murder for them. He would rather die. He very well may get his wish. Rating: G Other relationships: Latte
Title:  Silent Fear Ringing In My Ear (Patreon Exclusive) Summary: Matt had always wondered if aliens did actually exist and if he might meet one while on the Kerberos mission. Well, they do. And he did. And he wishes he hadn’t. These purple aliens are violent and mean and Matt has no idea what they want from him. It might help some if Matt could actually hear what they were saying, but this strange, metallic and purple world around him is terrifyingly silent while inside his head his thoughts and fears are so loud.  But the one thought he can hear loud and clear? This is not going to end well.  Rating: T Other relationships: Shatt
Title:  Stardust: In You and In Me (Patreon Exclusive) Summary:  Pidge is so tired. She can’t sleep though, not until she finds something. Her family is out there, but no matter how hard she tries, no matter how hard she searches, she can’t find them. The universe is just too big. Coran gently disagrees. Rating: G Other relationships: Pidge + Coran
Title: Unlock Summary: “Unlock it, fatso,” the man demanded. “Or else I’ll kill this alien freak right now.”
Or; Hunk has to unlock a Garrison safe if he wants to keep Keith alive. But he’s gotten the feeling the man is going to kill Keith no matter the outcome. Rating: T Other relationships: Heith
Title:  When the World Stops (But Somehow Still Keeps Turning) Summary: Veronica’s baby brother was dead. An accident, the Garrison told her, of Lance’s own making. As her family mourns and slowly begins to move on Veronica isn’t quite so wiling. Something isn’t right. The Garrison she has always served loyally is hiding something, perhaps even their own blood-stained, murderous hands. Veronica is going to get to the bottom of it and she’ll see justice served. Or; a re-telling of seasons one through seven through the eyes of Veronica Esposito reflecting on her youngest brother. Rating: G Other relationships: Lance and Veronica
Title: The Wrecked and the Worried Summary:  They’ve crashed. They’ve crashed and the shuttle is on fire and Keith is trapped and he’s not answering and that means he’s not coming out. That means Hunk has to go in. He has to go into the ship that is on fire, likely going to explode, through the too small space in the warped and cramped cargo hold, crawling and choking on smoke and he’s going to die he’s going to die he’s going to die— Rating: G Other relationships: Heith
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Garrison Trio
Title: Chase Away the Nightmares Summary:  Pidge is hurt. She’s hurt bad. And yet there’s nothing much Lance and Hunk can do. They’re stranded in the middle of a warzone on a hostile planet and help isn’t coming for a long while. No matter what though they will protect Pidge. They’ll keep her from further harm; from the aliens, from injury and even from her own nightmares as her head wound blurs reality and fiction. And maybe, hopefully, soon the nightmare will be over for them all. Rating: G Other relationships: Hance 
Title: What Makes a Team Summary: Lance has been feeling a little lonely of late. Allura’s off with Lotor, Shiro’s been keeping busy on his own and Hunk and Pidge are wrapped up in this whole “Team Punk” concept that has them holed up for hours in the lab. So when he’s invited to accompany the two geniuses on a resource gathering mission he couldn’t be happier and plans to make the best of it. And then everything goes wrong. They’re trapped, injured, and if blood loss doesn’t get Lance first then suffocation definitely will. They need a plan but Hunk is down for the count and Lance knows he’s no good for coming up with something of that caliber. But his team needs him and he’s got to think of something. Otherwise… this cave is about to become a tomb. Rating: G Other relationships: None
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Title: A Name By Any Other Summary:  To avoid another one of Shiro's exhausting training scenarios, the Paladins settle on a bonding activity and opt to talk about their names. What they thought would be a light-hearted topic turns deeply personal when they realize that no name is as simple as it appears. For behind every name there is a story just waiting to be told. Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title: Dead Man Walking Series:  Shooting For the Stars (But Crashing Back Down) (3/5) Summary:  Detective Coran is on the case and seeking justice against a monster disguised as a man for not just Lance but the countless other victims he has left broken in his wake. Coran though is not the only one with his nose to the ground. Pidge and Keith are growing more and more suspicious that something is going on with Lance, Shiro is concerned and protective and that run-in at the coffee shop isn’t helping any, and Hunk is just trying to look out for Lance and the rest of his friends as best he can without betraying Lance’s trust. And Lance? Lance just wants everything to go back to normal. Even though… even though he knows it never will. Rating: T Other relationships: Sheith, Hance
Title:  Protip: Bombproof Your Castle (Patreon Exclusive) Summary:  A defensive training exercise with the Lions turns into an impromptu game of baseball. And, well… the home run hitter is up to bat and the Castle of Lions did not skootchy-bootchy-back. Rating: G Other relationships: Hance
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Title:  *As Color Fades Away Summary:  "There is no escape for you, Paladin," Haggar whispered, voice echoing from from the very depths of his mind and filling Lance with a horror and dread he could not begin to describe. "Not from this ship. Not from death." She let out a soft laugh that rang with dark promise. "And especially not from me." / In which Zarkon desires the Black Lion and the Blue Paladin pays the price. Rating: T Other relationships: Hance, Klance, Sheith, Corance, Allurance, Plance, Shiro and Haggar, Lance and Haggar, Kidge, Lance and Blue
Title:  Blink Twice; It's Real Series: Blink (2/2) Summary:  Lance still can’t believe it’s real. They’re here. They’re back. His team, his family. It’s been five years for him, not even a day for them, but time doesn’t matter because they’re here. Except… except not everyone is. Because Coran died while they were gone. And the hole he’s left behind is bigger and more painful than ever before. Rating: G Other relationships: Corance
Title: A Broken Shield Summary:  There was not even a whisper, a chance for a last good bye. Alive one second and gone the next. And all Lance can do is watch as his friends die one by one because in the end... he can't protect anyone. Rating: M Other relationships: Sheith, Hance, Plance, Kidge
Title:  Disjointed Soul Summary:  Lance falls victim to a Soul Leecher, a dark spirit that is drawn to disjointed souls to steal them for itself. The Paladins must go into Lance's very soul to save him, uncovering truths about themselves and Lance in the process. Time is of the essence before Lance is lost forever. Good thing they have such helpful, adorable soul guides. Rating: G Other relationships: Hance, Plance, Klance, Shance
Title: Don't Let Them See You Cry Series:  If You Close Your Eyes Then it Never Happened (2/2) Summary:  Something is wrong with Lance. He claimed nothing happened when he was captured by bounty hunters, but he's not acting the same; he's skittish and quiet and avoiding them. He's trying, they can tell, but it's like he's going through the motions of what is expected of him. They're worried. And scared. And now they're determined to find out what's wrong so they can fix it. Rating: T Other relationships: Klance, Hance, Plance, Shance
Title: Feel Me, See Me (Or Please, Please Don’t)  Summary: When an attack goes wrong Lance ends up trapped in a dimensional plane separated from his team. But he’s not alone. The Druid they’d been fighting is there too. Lance’s bond with his fellow Paladins is the key to getting home, but the Druid isn’t going to let Lance so easily escape and leave him behind. He needs to subdue Lance, to use him as his own ticket back. And when you pit a Druid capable of teleporting and summoning magic against an injured, near defenseless human? Let the hunt begin. Rating: T Other relationships: Hance, Sheith 
Title: Following the Leader (Wherever He May Go) Summary:  Following a crash, Keith, Lance and Hunk are stranded in a jungle miles from safety. Lance is blaming himself for it and doubting his abilities, Keith is hiding his injury because a leader can't be seen as weak and Hunk is trying to keep them all together. The jungle is full of hidden dangers but not all of them are wild. Some are man-made. And those are the most dangerous of all. Rating: T Other relationships: Klance, Hance, Heith
Title: *Harder and Harder to Breathe Series:  My Favorite Toy (3/3) Summary:  Lotor has invited the Paladins of Voltron to a gala to celebrate the Galra Empire joining the Coalition where they will be center stage to the some of the most powerful people in the universe. And even though the spotlight is shining directly on them Lotor is not done with his games. And Lance, for the sake of the universe, has no choice but to play along. Rating: T Other relationships: Lancelot, Allurance (one-sided romantic of Lance for Allura), Lotura (background romantic), Hance, Plance, Shance, Corance
Title: Infection  Summary:  Lance gets an infected tooth. The team is lacking in medical tools and cryo-pods as they head towards Earth. This… is not going to be pleasant. / “I’ve… I’ve got a few small implements in my tool kit,” Hunk offered, a green tinge to his face. “I think… I think one could work as a scalpel. And there’s…” he swallowed, “a pick, too.” Lance felt himself pale. Dios. They were going to operate on him with those? Rating: G Other relationships: Klance, Hance
Title:  Looking Death in the Eye Summary:  The Paladins are lured to a planet by a sniper who is dead-set on proving that he is the best in the universe. He aims to do so by forcing Lance into a game where his friends are the collateral and unless Lance can stop him in time they are all going to wind up dead. And it’ll be Lance’s fault. / The sniper laughed then, cruel and amused all at once. “The game starts now, Loverboy. Come. Let us see what you are truly made of.” Rating: T Other relationships: Corance
Title: The Loud One Works Too  Summary:  After Lance disrupts Zethrid from going after Pidge for information she decides that the loud one could work too. Ezor agrees. "I'm sure his screams are lovely." Rating: G Other relationships: None
Title:  Never Forget (Until It's All You Can Do) Summary: Lance has a problem. Maybe. He thinks so at least. It’s sort of hard to remember things these days. But it feels like something is off. Wrong. He thinks he needs help. But… help for what? Wait… Why does he need help again? Or; Lance develops amnesia that starts as short term memory loss and steadily grows worse. The team can only watch with rising despair as the Lance they know fades away memory by memory with the cruel knowledge that unless they come up with some miracle cure Lance will forget how to function, how to live. And then… Lance will die. Rating: G Other relationships: Hance
Title: Only a Crack in this Castle of Glass Summary: Something strange is going on with Lance. The wincing and shivering and worried, scared glances in Allura’s direction mean something and Hunk is going to get to the bottom of it. But nothing could have prepared him for what he found. / “Allura was in trouble. And I… I shielded her. Me and Red. And… and we got hit. And…” Lance audibly swallowed again, voice even quieter and Hunk felt faint. “And I… I apparently… died.”
Or; the missing scene fic where Hunk (and the rest of Team Voltron) discover Lance died at Omega Shield and what this now means for them all. Rating: G Other relationships: Hance, Plance, Allurance, Corance, Shance
Title: The Price of Peace Series:  Heavy is the Toll of War (2/2) Summary:  They may have escaped the arena but things back home are far from all right. Keith is struggling. Shiro is hiding. Lance is suffering violent flashbacks and she's having nightmares too. It's wrong. It's all wrong. Pidge hates it. She wants her space family back. Not this broken version of them. It looks like she's just going to have to fix it. And Lance is going to help. Rating: G Other relationships: Plance, Hance, Klance, Shance, Shidge, Sheith, Garrison Trio
Title:  Quiet Your Pain, Suffer in Silence Summary: Lance has never liked the quiet and he likes it even less on this big, empty castle far away from home. He tries to fill it with stories and laughter so it doesn't feel quite as lonely. But lately whenever Lance opens his mouth all he seems to do is upset people, annoy people and now… now he’s hurt them too. So there’s only one solution. He just won’t ever talk again. Rating: G Other relationships: Hance, Corance
Title: Razzle Dazzle Summary: Lotor had planned to capture the Princess of Altea and use her to bring down the Voltron Alliance in one fell swoop. Instead he ensnares one of the human Paladins. But Lotor is not one to despair. He can rewrite the script and turn this tragedy into a real headliner. After all… the show must go on. “He is rather aesthetically pleasing,” Lotor purred, hand gripping Lance’s chin. “Almost Altean, really. However,” a knife pressed below Lance’s eye. “He is missing something.” A shark-like grinned adorned Lotor’s face as dark ocean eyes widened in realized horror. “Come,” Lotor leveled the knife. “Let us see if red is your color.” Rating: T Other relationships: Klance
Title:  Such a Good Boy Summary: A Voltron rescue mission to save children from slavery hits a little too close to home for Lance. He’s thrust back into memories he thought he’d buried and no matter where he turns there’s the constant press of unwanted hands, of whispers filled with threats and praise, and he feels so sick and scared and he can’t be. Not if he wants to keep his history a secret, to keep his family together. But some secrets never should have been kept. And now it’s time for those secrets, those promises, to finally be uncovered so Lance doesn’t just have to bury them… he can move past them. Rating: M Other relationships: Hance, Corance, Shance, Lance x OC
Title: Stand and See Summary:  The gladiator goes rogue and Lance's left eye and right leg are its victims. It's going to be hard to pull himself back to standing in more ways than one, but his team believes in him and they're going to be there. Every step of the way. Rating: G Other relationships: Hance, Shance
Title: Still Here Summary: “Find anything good?” Pidge’s voice crackled over the headset. Shiro swallowed. Glanced down at the trembling form in his arms. “I…” his own voice shook. “I found Lance.” Lance has been rescued by his team after a month of captivity. He’s sick, injured, and scared doesn’t even begin to cover how terrified he is. There’s far more to heal than just a broken body, but Team Voltron will not give up. They brought him home and now they are going to bring him back. They know their Lance is still in there. And they are going to find him. Rating: T Other relationships: Hance, Klance, Shance, Sheith, Plance
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