#but microbiology wow
the-teddy-bear-butch · 10 months
Guys I love being a woman (gn) in STEM.
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24-7fandombrain · 16 days
Studying Biology is so weird because half of the time you're like "wow, it's so cool that my body can do all of this! I never thought about the way I do things like that!" and you gain a newfound appreciation for your body, and then the other half of the time you're like "WHAT THE HELL? WHY DOES MY BODY DO THAT??!!!" and there really is no in between
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galariangengar · 7 months
I think I got the highest score of the first lecture midterm for my microbiology class 😳
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lost-rxverie · 6 months
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monday | april 8
some reading for my microbiology class, plus my library books came in!!
academic: took my first orgo exam of the term! it didn't go perfectly but i answered every question and anything i got wrong will be an opportunity to refine my learning.
physical: went to the gym to relieve exam stress. did some yoga for the first time in ages and wow i am nowhere near as strong as i was a year and a half ago but it'll be fun to see myself improve over the next few months.
social: a casual basketball group at my college is looking for new members so i emailed them to ask if they're open to total beginners. it was horrible and scary but i'm making a conscious effort to try new things and meet new people so i'm proud of myself no matter what they end up saying.
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s1 episode 24 thoughts
aka SEASON FINALE! wow, one full season with these nerds... time flies <3
this episode was super fast-paced and full of twists and turns, straight from the beginning. we open on a very jerky chase scene that was hard to watch and which set the mood as a guy was shot and then jumps into some water and no one can find him
!! the title sequence changed !! it said "trust no one" rather than "the truth is out there"!! surely this means something, but what? i'm spooked!
mulder is sleeping on his couch again. can we please start a fund to get his ass a mattress. it's getting serious.
looks like he fell asleep working on a case when a phone call from deep throat wakes him up, telling him to change the channel where he sees the news of the opening car chase and records it on his VCR (how vintage!)
he shows the footage to scully who is basically like why do we trust this deep throat fellow- a valid question, as mulder trusts almost everybody like a little baby duckling- but scully referring to him as "deep throat" means they've discussed the subject before, which is interesting
we then visit a scientist who is working on monkeys. scully, for some reason, wants to say hello to the monkeys- perhaps we can chalk this up to her innate goodness
the scientist is like "leave those monkeys alone" and she says "i'm sorry, i thought they were friendly" scully, you should know that monkeys are NEVER friendly! they tried to bite her but thank god they missed because these are, after all, no ordinary monkeys, but Alien Monkeys
after the monkey business scully is pissed because they have no leads and she says we need to wrap this up! we've learned nothing! ohh i wrote this next part down word for word because it gagged me:
mulder is so trusting of deep throat and scully says he's stringing mulder along for some unknown purpose...
to which he says: "you think he does it because he gets off on it?"
and scully replies "no, i think he does it because YOU do"
oh i gasped and yelled at my screen! she got him! valid question though, why is this guy leaving them little clues beyond his earlier in the season confession of alien murder guilt? it IS suspicious.
mulder and deep throat confront each other and play more sick and twisted mind games which is fine; deep throat insinuates that mulder doesn't care as much as he used to which is rude but it spurs him on his quest for answers
next the monkey scientist kicks the bucket which obviously means his monkey science was deeply important
the guy who was doing the running during the car chase confessed to being underwater for 3 days after he was shot which obviously has implications but we aren't given a whole lot of time to explore them
back at the monkey lab, now a crime scene, mulder hands scully a flask of mysterious liquid and says "what do you think this is". she says "i don't know" then runs on a quest to go find out because he asks her to. god, dana scully has really had to endure SO much with this man, and now a mystery liquid from the monkey lab? again i ask where her compensation is
mulder breaks into the dead scientist's house, which revealed another basic and universal truth akin to gravity: if no one lets mulder in a house, he Will find a way to break in. he cozies up to the dead guy's desk and starts flipping through his stuff, and the runaway underwater alien guy calls and he picks up the phone like this is a typical day for him. alien guy is emitting some sort of gas that hurts everyone which is unfortunate.
scully fell asleep on the couch of the microbiology department which was soooo <3 but then the lab scientist comes in with the plot twist...
monkey liquid reveal: it has some sort of secret bacteria... with a new base pair! which means it HAS to be some sort of extraterrestrial life!
mulder tracks down a storage unit that is filled with bodies in tanks, and he looks like a kid in a demented candy store while some crazy orchestral stuff goes on in the background. then he is chased by some people but leaps over a fence with astonishing agility.
scully realizes that the monkey liquid is actually Very Important and they meet up to explore the tanks and she says she's sorry for doubting him. "i should know by now to trust your instincts" she says, to which he replies "why, nobody else does" and they both smile and it is not emotional at all, shut up!
"you know, i've always held science as sacred. i've always put my trust in the accepted facts. and what i saw last night... for the first time in my life, i don't know what to believe" <- banger scully line
(i don't believe that this is the first time she's questioned it, though. she's been on edge the whole time, this is just the most she has been. she was thrown off by the psychic who quoted her dad, and by the alien bites in the very first episode. regardless, character development!)
((also, love that she talks about holding science as sacred while wearing a cross necklace in every scene. she's got that "raised catholic" aura about her))
gasp! just as i knew it would be, the room of tanks is now entirely empty, all cleared out except for... deep throat? he reveals that this is the place where the first alien-human hybrids were developed out of terminally ill patients, who got better, but developed superhuman strength and the ability to breathe underwater. a valid tradeoff, in many ways, and exactly what has happened to our friend who was shot and hid underwater and now gives off noxious gas. so now they have to find him before the Others do.
mulder runs back to the dead guy's house, which he seems far too comfortable entering, and finds the alien hybrid man. alien man tries to choke him out, but mulder still says "i'll protect you"
(man, i love that line. we Will be psychoanalyzing that at a later date)
but alien man is shot by an intruder, and his noxious gasses burn mulder while he's tied up. poor scully has been blowing up his cellphone, to which he mumbles "i'm a popular guy"
(always with the damn one liners while he's beaten within an inch of his life; you are popular to one individual, mister mulder, but granted she's a very special one)
deep throat says scully can get into a high containment facility and trade the alien tissue for mulder which okay. sure. why not? she guesses the mystery password and gets into the building and. well. this was my reaction:
"she's opening a mystery container and i lowkey expect a frozen head but NO IT'S AN ALIEN THINGY AUGHHHH IT'S LIKE A BABY"
only 6 minutes left in the episode at this point and i was stressed! scully's got a box full of alien, is meeting deep throat on a bridge, and refuses to hand the alien box over because. again. who tf is this guy? he gets all mad and says that she NEEDS to hand the box over because these guys that they're dealing with took some of the alien tissue and injected it in children.
and this maybe was supposed to get her to hurry up but she was just like. nah why the hell would we give them the alien back? so we can get more alien children?
to save mulder, of course! because they are the only two who can shine light on what is really going on!
(don't talk to her in such a condescending manner, deep throat, i will bite you. she has perfectly valid reservations about handing ur mysterious ass a box full of alien. but she finally does)
and then as he hands the box over to the mystery people HE IS IMMEDIATELY SHOT! i gasped so hard here i actually hurt my mouth which is still recovering from surgery and so all of us had a bad time around this point. they do toss mulder from the back of a car, though, and deep throat's dying words are to "trust no one"
(so is it really mulder that we have back? if we can trust no one, does that mean someone has hacked into mulder? and scully doesn't know that? that's what i'm guessing here. sort of a winter soldier-ish situation)
13 days later, mulder calls scully in the middle of the night and says the fbi is shutting down the x files and they're being reassigned, but he won't give up, he can't give up. he says someone named "skinner" made this decision. i am unfamiliar with this individual but have a feeling we will become acquainted.
the season ends with the alien being placed in a mysterious room. to this i wrote the following:
"alien baby in formaldehyde in an archive i would kill to get my hands on it let me see it let me see it let me see it NOW"
(i bet they also have JFK's brain in that archive!)
so what a whirlwind of an episode! we certainly can't trust anyone moving forward, but does that apply to the trust between mulder and scully themselves? what will they do now that the x files have been shut down? somehow i have a feeling they will come back, a sort of hunch to do with the 10 more seasons of this show.
will they meet up for coffee during their new assignments? who is skinner? so much awaits us on the other side of this season, but i still need to process all i've seen so far!
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drdemonprince · 6 months
Re: super variable trajectories for quitting nicotine - The prodrome of viral hepatitis sometimes manifests as a sudden aversion to smoking! HepA is the classic example, but it can also be seen in HepB, C, and E. (Maybe HepD too? You need a concurrent HepB infection to get that and idk if you can really distinguish the two.)
One of my friends was a long-term smoker who got hepatitis and abruptly became grossed out by cigs. Even after she was treated/cured, she didn't go back to smoking—it wasn't repulsing to her anymore, just not as appealing or comforting. I'm assuming there are also people who stop smoking with acute hepatitis and take it up again as symptoms clear.
Lots of weird, interesting connections between addiction and microbiology!
wow what da fuck. i know i have antibodies for one of them i got screened recently
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mysicklove · 7 months
Was your microbio teach really that hot? 🤔🤔
i would say on physical appearance he is a 8/10 but he has a phd in microbiology, he is the sweetest man ever, is soooooo funny, is so old man coded LOLOL, has a nice voice, talks a lot (dorky HAHA), and has a full set of greying hair
dude i gave him a little mug with bacteria print on it on on the last day of the class and he was like “wow mello that is so sweet of you, you really didn’t have to do that” in the SWEETEST/SOFTEST TONE and i literally felt myself blush like so hard like SO EMBARESSING HAAHAH
i haven’t seen him in so long 😞😞😞😞 i mean nothing would EVER happen (he used to talk about how much he loves his wife and i am younger than his kids HAHAH) but still a crush is a crush LOL
but yes i love older men i do not know why
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A Swarm of Butterflies
Part 8: The Mission
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Reader
Summary: The team goes on their urgent mission and Steve uncovers some unnerving information.
Authors Note: Wow. It’s been awhile. I’m so sorry to leave you all hanging for so long. I have been dealing with all kinds of real life things. I’ve lacked inspiration, and honestly almost gave up writing altogether. Those of you that have hung around…thank you so much. It’s you who’ve inspired me to continue. Just a few parts left in this series!! My other stories will also be getting finished up as soon as possible!!
Click the masterlist link above to read other parts! I’m no longer doing a tag list as it’s hard for me to keep up with. If you’d like to know when a new part is released turn on those notifications!! I love you all dearly.
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Steve walked out of your apartment building with a broad smile on his face. His heart felt as though it were about to take flight. He couldn't recall a moment in his life that he'd felt happier.
He unlocked his car and quickly opened the door, tossing his duffle bag on the passenger seat. He slid into the driver's seat and put the key into the ignition, turning it to bring the old car to life.
He took a deep breath in and looked up through the dew-covered windshield. The sun was painting the sky with the vibrant shades of pink, much like the sunrise the two of you had shared the morning you met. He couldn't stop thinking about taking you on a date after that morning, and now he couldn't stop thinking about watching every sunrise for the rest of his life with you.
He reluctantly tore his eyes away from the artistry before him and threw the car in reverse.
About fifteen minutes later he pulled the car into his designated parking space at the compound and killed the engine. He quickly got out and grabbed his bag, slinging it over his muscular shoulder. He walked across the damp pavement and yanked the door open.
As soon as he stepped inside, he was met by the teams new secretary, Maggie. She was a young intern Tony had hired to help with administrative work. She was studying microbiology. She was always on time, professional, and a huge help to the team.
She had deep expresso eyes and a mane of spiraling curls.
"Morning Maggie." Steve offered her a smile.
"Morning Captain Rogers. Tony asked me to bring you straight to the hangar," She explained, extending a manilla file to him. He took in her perfectly manicured nails. They dark fuchsia shade popped against her skin. He wondered if the color would look good on y/n.
He took the file from her with furrowed brows. He flipped it open in his large hands.
"Straight to the hangar, huh? Must be important." He mused.
"Yes sir, I believe it's Hydra related." She replied, her heels clacking loudly across the marble floor as they walked.
His heart dropped as soon as she said Hydra. He looked down at the folder as he walked, quickly scanning over the mission brief.
A potential Hydra base near a village in the mountains. Villagers have been reported mysteriously missing for months. An informant believes that they are being abducted for experiments.
His palms began to sweat, and his heart rate increased immediately. A feeling of dread pooled in his stomach. He picked up his pace and Maggie struggled behind him to keep up with his inhuman strides.
"I've got it from here Maggie. Thank you!" he called over his shoulder, causing the young interns steps to falter and then retreat back down the hallway.
He reached the hangar in record time. Everyone else was already suited up and arming themselves. Natasha shot him a tight lipped smile. Tony wore a look of concern, and Bucky looked as uncomfortable as he was sure he did.
"Morning sunshine." Nat sing-songed in an attempt to ease his mood.
He tried to force a smile, but he couldn't hide the tension in his shoulders.
"Morning," he clipped, "We ready?" he asked.
"Waiting on you, Loverboy." Tony teased, tapping the front of his armor.
Steve sighed, running a hand through his perfectly styled hair. Bucky slapped a comforting hand on his shoulder signaling that he wasn't alone in how he was feeling.
"Right. Let me suit up then." he muttered robotically as he turned and headed towards the locker room.
Three hours later he was standing at the front of the Quinjet in his suit. His shield gleamed on his back and his gloved hands were in tight fists at his sides. Tony stood beside him explaining everyone's roles.
"Nat you find the control room. Hack into the system and download any files and information you can find on this hard drive. It will automatically upload your findings to Friday." Tony explained, handing the spy a small, metal drive.
"Barnes you and Rogers will go in first. You'll start clearing out any goons and then try to find the villagers that are being held hostage. Get them out and to safety. Sam you'll be our eye in the sky. We need to be prepared if they send for back up."
Steve stared ahead. His mind on a pretty girl back at home. He'd never been so distracted on a mission.
Tony glanced at him before continuing, "I'll go find the center of the base and I'll be placing explosives. After they're set, we'll only have about fifteen minutes before the go off. The blast will be large enough to bring the entire base down, so we need to be quick in and out."
Bucky offered a nod in understanding, Natasha blurted a quick "yes sir", and Sam just started moving. Steve stayed rooted in place his mind still adrift.
"Cap." Tony called, "Cap!"
Steve offered no response. Still staring into the abyss.
Tony's concern only grew as he took in his friends rigid stance.
"Steve." Tony laid a gentle hand on the super soldier's shoulder.
Finally, Steves eyes snapped over to Tony. His brows furrowed and his plump lips pulled into a frown.
"What is going on with you? You never zone out like that." Tony inquired, voice calm.
Steve released the breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. He shook his head and looked down at his combat boots. Shame colored his features. He was normally a strong leader, but this mission felt different. He couldn't place why, but he was on edge.
"I don't know Tony. Normally I feel confident going into a mission, but ever sense I read that file this morning I've just felt this anxiety that I can't seem to shake." He confessed.
Tony nodded slowly, trying to understand.
"Look, I know Hydra puts you and Barnes on edge, but hundreds of people have gone missing, and they need our help. I wouldn't have called you in on your weekend off if I didn't need you." Tony explained.
Steve sighed. "I know."
"Alright, let's think of something positive to help get your mind off things. Tell me something good Rogers." Tony began to walk toward the back of the Jet. His armor whirring with every step.
Steve smiled for the first time since he'd arrived at the compound. His ocean eyes crinkling at the corners.
"She told me she loved me this morning." Steve confessed, heart fluttering once again.
Tony chuckled as he adjusted his armor.
"Finally," he exclaimed, "If I had to watch you guys give each other puppy eyes for another movie night I think I would've exploded." He joked.
Steve let out a laugh, reaching down to fiddle with the collar of his suit.
“It was different Ton.” Steve tried to explain, his voice shyly dropping an octave.
Tony turned eyes trained on his friend. Steve, the most level headed man he knew, wore a besotted smile. A glow emanated from him, and for the first time since Tony had met him…he looked at peace. He looked happy, and Tony’s heart felt warm.
“She isn’t just another girl. She’s everything, Tony.” He confided, “My heart couldn’t beat without her. She is everything I have searched for all these years. She is the other half of me that I thought was lost in that ice all those years ago.” Steve’s voice was thick with emotion, and his strong hands trembled slightly.
“I have to get home to her. For the first time in a long time home doesn’t feel far away.” His eyes finally rose to meet Tony’s, and tears brimmed his lower lash line.
Tony smiled a genuine, heartfelt smile as he strolled over.
“Don’t you worry. I’ll make sure you make it back, I swear it.” Tony promised, his hand squeezing Steve’s shoulder.
Steve offered him a smile and discreetly wiped at his eyes as Tony turned and called out to the rest of the team.
“Approaching our target in ten. Let’s do this!” He closed his helmet as he readied for the danger ahead.
As soon as the team entered the facility things went sideways. Hundreds of Hydra soldiers poured in from every angle, effectively trapping them at the entrance. They spent what felt like ages trying to take them down.
By the time every soldier had been eliminated they were all breathless and filthy. Natasha had a slight limp, Steve's lip was split, and Tony's armor was covered in dents.
"Alright." Tony breathed, hands on his hips. "Lets get this done. Stick to the plan. If you run into trouble ask for help over the comms." He ordered, taking off down a dimly lit path Friday suggested would take him to the center of the base.
Steve looked over at Natasha. The redhead was in pain, although she'd never admit it.
"I'm gonna go with Nat. You got this Buck?" Steve asked, eyes swinging over to his childhood friend.
Bucky nodded confidently reloading the gun in his hands.
"I don't need you to babysit me, Cap." Natasha sassed, brushing dirt from her uniform.
"Course not." he smiled, turning to take off down the hallway opposite of the direction Tony had gone.
He moved briskly down the abandoned corridor. The lights flickered eerily overhead, and he felt goosebumps explode over his arms. His stomach churned; something didn't feel right.
They swept a dozen empty rooms before finding the control room. Natasha hobbled over to the computers. She hacked into the system as quickly as her shaking hands would allow as Steve stood watch at the door.
He took a few deep breaths in a feeble attempt to calm his racing heart. His mind wondering to the girl he’d left behind at home. What were you doing right now? Were you finishing the book you’d started last week? Were you cuddled up on the couch in your pajamas watching the movies you were supposed to watch together this weekend? Did you miss him as much as he missed you?
He pictured your breathtaking smile as you gazed up at him before he left the apartment. He remembered the way his heart felt as though it were going to burst. He couldn’t wait to make it home to you.
He was suddenly snapped from his thoughts when Natasha spoke.
“Cap, get over here.” Her voice was laced with urgency.
Steve pushed himself away from the cold concrete wall behind him and strolled over to the spy. His boots made heavy thuds in the tile floor.
“Hydra has been running tests on locals just like we thought, but their experiments are failing. Every person they’ve used in their trials have died.” She explained, her eyes cold.
Steve sucked in a breath and ran a hand over his face. This was not what he wanted to hear.
“They can’t seem to get their super soldier serum right.” She explained further.
He eyes the words in the screen. They were all in Russian. He couldn’t read them. He knew Nat was sparing him all the gruesome details.
Suddenly she reached out and grabbed his forearm softly. Her eyes bore into his own. The look on her face made his heart speed up.
“Hydra has a plan to kidnap Y/N.” She stated calmly.
His heart stopped inside his chest. His lungs constricted and all of a sudden he couldn’t breathe. Had he heard her correctly?
“What?” He croaked out breathlessly.
“They plan to abduct her. They know that you’ll turn yourself in to free her.”
His large hands began to tremble. He could feel sweat beading in his furrowed brows.
His girl was in danger. The love of his life was in serious danger…because of him.
“No.” He whispered, his throat betraying him. He began to shake his head rapidly. His mind was spiraling out of control.
He began to pace the floor. His hands reaching up to tug at the golden strands of hair on his head.
If Hydra got ahold of Y/N there’s no telling what they’d do. He couldn’t stomach the thought.
His mind raced as alarm bells blared in his head. His blood ran cold.
This was a set up. This mission was a decoy. Hydra knew that the Avengers would show up if they suspected that civilians needed rescuing, but there was no one left to rescue.
That was why there were soldiers upon entry, but no back up had been called. No alarms went off. They practically waltzed right in and got into their database easily.
They were distracting them so that they could abduct Y/N.
His pacing immediately ceased.
“Damn it!” He bellowed, his fist colliding with the wall. Little pieces of concrete rained to the floor.
“This was a set up!” He turned toward Nat, chest heaving. “We’ve gotta get back. They’re going after her now.” He seethed.
Nats mouth opened and closed rapidly, but no words escaped. She turned and yanked the hard drive from the computer before effectively typing in a code to destroy the system.
“Let’s go!” She demanded as she strolled across the room.
She pressed her delicate fingers to the piece of equipment in her ear.
“Back to the jet, now. We’ve gotta get back.” She barked the command as she led Steve back the way they came.
“What?” Bucky questioned a minute later. “I haven’t found the hostages yet.”
Steve sighed and reached up to his own ear piece.
“There aren’t any. They’re all dead. This was a set up.” He stated flatly.
Nat spared him a concerned glance. His shoulders were rigid. His lips pressed into a thin line.
“What? What are you talking about?” Tony demanded, sounding out of breath.
Steve’s hands clenched into fists at his side.
“Hydra sent us here as a diversion. They’re going to abduct Y/N.” Natasha explained as Steve’s fist flew into another wall.
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maisonbelligavi · 8 months
Excerpt from Call It What You Want, a BelliGavi one-shot fanfic
Setting: Alternative Universe {football camp & college/university}
Pairing: Jude x Gavi
Trope: faux enemies to lovers, summer camp rivals
A few of the tags the fic itself will have: mutual pining, late night bus rides, bickering, sexual tension, making out, dirty talk, semi-public sex, exhibitionism, getting together, sappy as all hell, cause they’re both idiots in love
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“What’s gonna be your major?”
“Oh wow. That’s dope,” Jude said, thoroughly impressed.
“How about you?”
“Me?” Jude said, tone filled with surprise.
“Is there someone else here?”
“I’m studying architecture,” Jude said, couldn’t help the pride that seeped into his tone.
“Of course, you are,” Pablo snickered. “Makes perfect sense.”
Jude bristled at that. “What does that mean?”
“It means you probably can’t wait to design buildings as big and tall as your ego,” Pablo said, tone mocking. “I can’t even begin to imagine how much more narcissistic you will be then.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“You heard me,” Pablo said, and then had the audacity to softly caress Jude’s flat stomach, his fingers digging into the ridges of his abs through his flimsy shirt. It was enough to give anyone whiplash.
“I have another question.” This time, it was an outright statement, and Jude was well aware he sounded a little ruffled. Okay, he was a lot ruffled. Who could blame him though? The beautiful boy in his arms was as maddening as they come.
“I’m still waiting for the question, Bellingham,” Pablo said, tone annoyingly patronizing, while his hand seemed to have a mind of its own, travelling up Jude’s abdomen, pressing into his muscles, practically cupping his pec. His shamelessness was as arousing as it was confusing.
Was this all a game to him?
“Why do you hate me?”
Out of all the responses he expected, Pablo bursting into uncontrollable laughter was the last one. And goddammit, but even the sound of it was fucking endearing to Jude. God, he was in such trouble, it was downright pathetic.
“What makes you think I hate you?” He sounded genuinely curious, looking up at Jude with the most innocent expression, beguiling eyes all wide and hypnotizing.
Jude feared he would go daft before the bus reached Madrid. Or ended up doing something he would be slapped for. Although from the way Pablo licked his lips while maintaining eye contact, maybe, just maybe, that slap would never come.
“Well…,” Jude started but he never finished. He licked his lips instead, staring into Pablo’s eyes, his gaze dropping to the younger boy’s lips.
“You were saying,” Pablo coaxed, biting his lower lip in a way that could only be interpreted as seductive. Oh, the little devil knew exactly what he was doing. Or at the very least he had some sort of idea of the effect it was having on Jude.
He wasn’t as innocent as he looked.
Not at all.
“You were always mad mean to me during games,” Jude said, and it sounded like he was whining but he couldn’t exactly be assed. “Always shoving and shouting and insulting.”
“Aww, did I hurt your feelings? Or was it just your ego that needs everybody to put you on a pedestal?”
“That’s not…God, that’s not what this is about. I’m trying to have a real conversation here.”
“So am I. I don’t understand why you’d come to the conclusion that I hated you based on something as flimsy as my foul attitude during games.”
“So, you do know it’s a foul attitude.”
“I am nothing if not self-aware.”
Then there was no way he didn't know his touch was turning Jude on, was there?
Had he meant to brush his fingers over Jude’s left nipple just now or was it an accident? Surely, he was close enough to hear his sharp intake of breath.
Did he know the kind of effect his eyes had on Jude? Or the way he kept biting his lower lip? If he was as self-aware as he claimed, then he wasn’t oblivious to any of it, was he?
Or was all of it in Jude's head?
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alteredsilicone · 7 months
coworker got review of her dissertation and one of the reviewers is a geneticist, but her work mainly deals with microbiology so she asked my boss to help her with the questions and then gave me to read over the questions/answers and im all
oh! this is what my dissertation is about! i understand it! wow im not stupid i know things!
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cinnamon-bunni · 19 days
🖊 !! (for the oc thing) :D
okay uhhhh i wanted to say something very quick about Angel but then i realized it would need some background info of his character sooooooo in short summary:
Angel has always had a vague fascination of humans but always just in the wrong lens, if that makes sense. more of just like, he enjoyed things from a distance (including the horrors that are brought upon by the humans), without thought of how it affects the humans down below. basically, in a cartoony, more-evil sorta sense, he's basically like "wow humans are so resourceful just look at them go <3" while they drop nukes on each other and shit at some point he starts to have empathy and realizes they're real people down there? and that, even though hes an angel and has been told this his whole existence, he is not in fact Better than humans. he gets character development before the story even starts and goes through his whole character arc to learn to respect life that isn't his and that even the smallest of life matters (he also gets really into biology (specifically botany, ecology, and even microbiology!)
anyways so thats Pre-Amnesia Angel (who is good and loves Earth and stuff). I'm sure as you would guess, Post-Amnesia Angel remembers none of that shit and is back to hating Earth and having a whole superiority thing over humans (in case you're wondering, the whole story is based around him having amnesia)
anyways while Lucifer is like "hiiii :) can you get inside of my house please :) and stay in there :) and never leave :) ily <33" Angel is going "Shut The Fuck Up im Trying to Remember Things" and its just a grand ol' time really <333 (i love them so much because if Angel even gets a fraction of his memories back, Lucifer is wiping his memories again. like if he even remembers his love for plants he is done for 😭)
ANYWAYS i said all of this just to give a little fun fact (which perfectly sums up Angel's character arc) that Angel used to love golf; but now with his new found passion, he loves mini-golf <3
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skineruptions · 27 days
Congrats on passing your exam and good luck going back to uni :) microbiology is sick and I love your art
WOW thank you for such a sweet message
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lokh · 11 months
Okay so I work in a microbiology lab in a hospital, and every time I'm on the urine bench reading cultures to determine if someone Does In Fact have a UTI, I do think "wow, this is just like my tumblr mutual Lokh, The Piss Prince of Jerking Off"
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 im going to cry laughing thank you for thinking of me and good luck to the people that do end up having utis
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onthepyre · 6 months
weekly tag wednesday - firsts
thank you SO MUCH to @transsexual-dandelions <3<3
name: june
age: 18
1. first pet - absolutely ancient mutt of a dog named tabby who i loved dearly. she was my dad's before i was born and lived until i was 9
2. first word - dog
3. first celebrity crush - honestly im not sure.... if i had to say maybe debbie ryan on jessie
4. first irl crush - i had a crush on my best friend from kindergarten until like fourth grade but wasn't really aware of it. the first one i realized was the girl playing rafiki in my production of the lion king
5. first kiss - my girlfriend <3<3<3<3
6. first car - 2006 honda civic (current car lol)
7. first apartment/dorm/house/whatever away from parents - current college dorm. lol again.
8. first time on a plane - flew back from my 8th grade trip to washington dc to participate in a writing tournament at the state level (i didn't place but my team won second)
9. first cell phone - no idea. samsung something i got at 12
10. first concert - ive only ever been to classical music concerts which i feel like doesn't count. and i don't even remember the first one
11. first foreign country you ever visited - haven't been to any
12. first sport you ever played - softball was my first AND only sport. i did ballet too if you count that
13. first career aspiration - veterinarian i think? im currently in school for microbiology so...... not TOO far off
14. and finally… tell me about the first time you wrote/drew/created/whatever something that made you think "wow" - hmmmm.... i wrote a short story (three years ago) about a housewife living in a fallout shelter that i LOVED. and though i could make it better now i stand by my pride for it
ill tag uhh @sillygoofygoobersstuff @sleepyheadgallavich @mickeym4ndy (no pressure) and anyone who wants to participate!!
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erispilled-erismaxxer · 4 months
About me
Basic DNI, Antishifters DNI and also free Palestine
My name is Ellie, I’m 17 years old and my pronouns are she/they. I am a shifter.
I also use the name Aurora sometimes, it’s my name in most of my DRs (apart for in my better cr lmao)
I have been shifting for 4 years
My main drs at the moment are my seven deadly sins dr, sleeping beauty/maleficent dr, my tinker bell dr, my Barbie movie dr, my avatar the last airbender dr and my dungeon meshi dr
My favourite artists are the mechanisms, MARINA, AURORA, Lana Del Rey, Mitski and Melanie Martinez
My favourite songs at the moment are Apple Tree by AURORA and Once Upon A Dream by Lana Del Rey (or any version of once upon a dream tbh, I like the Emily Osment and No Secrets versions too. The French dub is also good)
The things I like most at this moment are Dungeon Meshi, 2005-2022 Doctor who, Fungi (especially parasitic ones) and the maleficent movies
I enjoy the descendants movies and the my little pony equestria girls movies
I think crystals look cool and I have a collection in my room
I am a Pokémon nerd and have played most of the newer games and Pokémon diamond. I like collections older versions of games I play and I have animal crossing wild world as well.
My favourite Pokémon are Mimikyu, Lucario, Blaziken and Umbreon (or eevee and the rest of the eeveeloutions)
I believe in witchcraft but I don’t really practice it enough to call myself a witch (I have done some good luck/love spells before tho)
I am probably an asexual lesbian (it’s complicated)
I am aware of discordianism and think it is funny to pretend to be a discordian.
My favourite movies are the Barbie movie, maleficent, heathers, mean girls and legally blonde
My favourite colours are pink and navy blue
Have been obsessed with sleeping beauty and Princess Aurora since I was 5 and I even listen to subliminals / dyed my hair blonde to look like Princess Aurora. (Won’t admit this to anyone I know irl)
I try to have a coquette princess aesthetic
I have 2 cats and a rabbit
I am a Sagittarius
I am an oldest child
My favourite Disney princesses are Aurora, Rapnuzel and Tiana (I still like childish things lmao)
I think fungi are cool and I want to be a mycologist one day (guy who studies mushrooms) or maybe something microbiology related
Also trans people are cool and free Palestine, biggots and anti shifters DNI
(Wow you actually read all this lmao)
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swiftyangx12 · 1 year
Don’t mess with Microbes
[Gender Neutral!Agent!Reader]
[Synopsis]: What if the new agent is a specialist in Microbiology and also one of the few HQ’s doctors?
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Let’s say [Reader] has a unique career as a microbiologist.
I mean, yes, they have assisted and helped many doctors and scientists of identifying undetected bacteria from patients.
Though, they only joined the Protocol because they were falsely accused of exposing a public area with a human-made pathogen that’s third most lethal than the Bubonic Plague and COVID-19. (It wasn’t them. I swear they did not release a dangerous bio-weapon for malicious purposes.)
They worked as another healer and doctor for the team.
Mostly stayed in their own lab experimenting cultures and observing microorganisms.
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[HQ Laboratory]
Dr. [L/N]: Uh, Dr. Sabine? I think somebody from our team picked up a little nasty bug on their last mission.
Viper: *Looks through the microscope* Oh god.
Dr. [L/N]: It’s okay. I’m working on a vaccine for this one. Thank god I took a course on Vaccinology.
Viper: You studied Vaccinology?
Dr. [L/N]: As a minor in university, yes. Just hope nobody dies on my watch when experimenting.
Viper: *Impressed, yet concerned* Then do what you need to do. You’re responsible if somebody were to become deceased by your hands.
Dr. [L/N]: Understand, Dr. Sabine.
Dr. [L/N]: Jett, you look terrible. *Puts on their medical face mask*
Jett: *Sniffs* I’m fine! Just a little sniffle. ACHOO!
Dr. [L/N]: *Sprays Lysol in the air and area* Girl, go back to your room. I’ll inform Brimstone about your dilemma and in the meantime, no contact with the other agents.
Jett: *Sniffs* Okay…
[An hour later]
[Jett’s Quarters]
Dr. [L/N]: *In a biohazard suit* Jett, I made Kimchi stew.
Jett: *Coughs* You did?
Dr. [L/N]: I heard from Phoenix that you sometimes get homesick and after the Venice incident, it must have been difficult to go through when you were falsely accused for something you’re not responsible for to begin with. Believe me. I know the feeling by experience.
Jett: Oh, doc. *Sniffs*
Dr. [L/N]: Are you crying or is it the sniffles again?
Jett: *Cries out* SNIFFLES!
Dr. [L/N]: Annual vaccines! Line up!
KAY/O: You know I don’t need it.
Dr. [L/N]: I know. That’s why I purchased a sanitary station to disinfect your whole body.
KAY/O: Wow. You really thought of everything.
Dr. [L/N]: I have to keep everyone healthy and safe so we can kick Omega ass.
Prions (Dr. [L/N]): *Creates a deadly pathogen to infect enemies within a second to drop paralyzed*
Omega!Skye: *Running away from Prions* Shit! Shit! Shit! I didn’t sign up for this shit!
Prions: *Shoots a patho-dart at the enemy*
Omega!Skye: *Drops down and becomes paralyzed*
Prions: Look whose become my next patient~ *Eliminates him with their Sheriff*
[Their team looks at the microbiologist with horror.]
Viper: I like them.
Brimstone: *Looks at her in disbelief*
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[Tagged]: @hhurric4ne @l0serloki @radianights @luckyowl @theluckyr
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