#but more in a he wants to smell everything and peeing is taking too long kind of way
theadventurek9 · 6 months
Ryker has now decided that waiting to finish peeing isn't worth it. That he should start running around before he finishes peeing. Getting it all over himself and maybe on anyone else nearby.
He also has decided that just emptying his bladder completely is not worth it either.
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moonsaver · 4 months
Morning Sunlight
What are mornings like with the mysterious Head of the Oak Family? Not many know. But you, his lover, has the pleasure of knowing how to answer that question in many ways. One memory of dozens comes to mind.
A/n; just a drabble I wrote about mornings with sunday because i wanted some slightly domestic fluff. Its very small.
Cw/tw: implied to be bad at cooking (reader) body pain (reader), mentions of chest but no mentions of boobs (you're welcome), sunday being clingy, overall fluffy. Just 2 mentions of peeing.
Mornings with sunday are fortuitous
And by that, you mean, you get to see the elusive, prestigious head of the Oak family sleeping.
And you get to spoon him.
Isnt this lovely?
Your nose is tucked into his blue hair, a few strands stick up and tickle your face. You shift, to which Sunday responds by burying his face deeper into your chest, adjusting the hold of his arms around you.
You blink your eyes open, slightly blurry still from last night's sleep. You reach up one of your hands to gently pet the top of his hair.
You've recently taken to calling him "star" as a joke. You just called him "Sun" initially as a form of endearment and shortened his name, then simply resorted to calling him star. Although, you suppose he's more like the moon. You should ask him when he's woken up.
You shift again in bed, before stilling,
Something just pulled in your back.
"[Name]?" Sunday's muffled, soft voice curiously speaks,
"Did I wake you?"
You whisper back to him, one of your hands immediately going down to sift through his feathers, soothing his fluttering wings as he stirs awake. He lifts his head slightly. Golden, half-lidded eyes look up at you.
"Not at all. Did you sleep wrong?"
One of his hands moves up your back, going over to your side and resting there, his thumb massaging the outline of your shoulder blade.
"I might have. Probably pulled a muscle?"
Sunday's head gently dives down, taking shelter back into the haven of your chest. He stays still for a moment before his body pushes, and his hand stretches out to reach the drawer behind you. You look over to see shaking, outstretched fingers barely make it to the handle, and stifle your laugh. It escapes as a snort.
Sunday stills for a moment. Then sighs, before pushing further and managing to open the drawer. You see his hands teeter around and feels the various items before landing on a pain relief tube.
He pushes the drawer close, and returns to his original place, the force of his body retreating from you.
You close your eyes, burying your nose into the top of his head again. He smells nice, you note.
You hear the faint click of a cap, and it's not soon before Sunday's deft finger crawls under your shirt and over the skin of your back. It presses the gel on the outline of your shoulder blade, and firmly presses into the cavity beside it, massaging it well. Once he's done massaging it for a few minutes, his finger retreats, and his hand returns to its place on your back. His thumb caresses the outline of your shoulder blade again.
“Planning to wake up anytime soon, handsome?”
“A few more minutes, dear.”
He shifts again, his face moving from the home of your chest to the curve of your neck, and he presses soft kisses on your skin. Everything about him is warm. You scrunch your nose as the feathers of his wings slightly tickle your nose.
His hummed response reverberates slightly in your neck,
“I need to use the washroom.”
“My condolences.”
“Truly unfortunate.”
You sigh. Sunday softly chuckles, the noise muffled.
“5 more minutes.”
“I won't have to go if you keep me here that long.”
“Cutting it close.”
“That's fine.”
It's his turn to sigh, except, he doesn't. He stays quiet for a few minutes. When he doesn't shift or respond, you get nervous,
You try again,
“You're so quiet.”
“I've heard acting dead can deter brown bears from attacking.”
The imagery is too bold in your mind as he says so.
“Now, now.”
You tap the top of his head, trying to get him to budge.
“Were you implying something with that?”
“No. But, do you think I'd survive, if I acted dead?”
You push against Sunday, again.
“Sunday, it's been 5 minutes”
“2, to be precise.”
“I'm gonna pee in 2 more.”
He stays quiet again. Then shifts with a sigh, moving off of you and onto the other edge of the bed. Is he pouting?
Your morning is now well under way. The sizzling in the kitchen is loud in your ears as you handle the pan over the stove.
A pair of white wings cover your eyes. Slightly damp at the edges, you note. His face presses up next to yours, the skin cooler in comparison. Sandalwood fills your nose and the kitchen.
“Done, hm?”
You chuckle, as his wings retract.
“I'll manage the rest, dove.”, his voice is clearer than before. You admit, to a degree, you miss the sleepiness in his voice.
He cups your face, both of his thumbs coming up to soothingly run along the edge of your eyes,
“My eyes are really crusty.”
“I'm trying to help.”
“Not gross?”
“Not at all. I don't mind.”
“What about my cooking?”
Sunday gently pecks the corner of your mouth.
“Go wash your face, angel.”
You laugh a bit. The sound echoes in the quiet of your kitchen. The air is fresh and still from the morning, sunlight pours in from the open windows. And Sunday treasures the isolated sound, repeating in his mind.
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ninikrumbs · 3 months
Close to you
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Gojo Satoru x reader
Summary : Coming home to the warm embrace of the people closest you heart. Wanting nothing more that to pull them closer to you.
Tags: Fluff, idiots inlove, implied co parenting/guardians 4 kids, Suguru didnt deflect, post high school grad, mutual pining. ft. Megumi and Tsumiki
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You gently shut the door to the entrance of your shared home, hoping you don't wake up its sleeping residents at midnight. Your soft footsteps still made the wooden floorboards creak; moonlight glowing through the window, the peaceful quiet welcoming you home.
Your eyes catch the few toys scattered around the coffee table, books on the kitchen island, and the faint smell of curry still lingered in the air, making you smile. Undeniable proof of the life being lived within these walls.
Slowly, you made your way up the stairs, stretching your aching body from a mission that took more time than anticipated.
A yawn escapes your mouth as you peek in mimiko and hanakos room, silently chuckling at the way the two sisters huddled together under the covers with their favorite plushie in the middle. It was only their favorite because Suguru bought it. They obviously had a favorite guardian.
Your next stop was Megumi and Tsumiki's room. Gently opening the door, you were surprised to see the scene in front of you. The two kids were sleeping soundly in their seperated beds except Megumi had an interloper. A slender body was curled next to the boy, a long arm was over his chubby middle, the covers barely covering half of his frame. Familiar tinted sunglasses were on his night stand and the interlopers snow white hair almost glowed in the moonlight shining from the window.
You quickly take pictures on your phone, snickering slightly, wanting to capture this moment forever and of course to tease them both tomorrow. Megumi could act indifferent to Gojo all he wants, you know he secretly admires him despite the short time being together.
Amusement and fondess graces your features. Gojo didn't even change out of his uniform which irked you a bit, but his sleeping face made up for it. You barely see him so relaxed- yes he was an overenergetic and overconfident idiot who makes it seem like everything is just rainbows and butterflies in this world, but you knew better- the things he hides behind those sunglasses, the pressure to be greater, to be stronger, to protect everyone.
He had the entire world on his shoulders. You can't even begin to imagine what it was like being the Gojo Satoru so sue you if didn't want to wake him up despite him sleeping in a cramped bed. He deserved to escape his responsibilities and pressure he puts on himself even for a little while.
A soft small voice laced with sleep pulled you out of your thoughts. You turn and see Tsuimiki sitting up,
"They fell asleep arguing with each other." She says, sleepily rubbing her eyes.
"Of course they did." You shake you head.
You sat at the edge of Tsumikis bed, voice quiet, "Sorry, did I wake you?"
She shakes her head in response, "No, I sometimes get up to pee at this hour."
You visibly relax, then another thought popped into your head, "What were they arguing about?"
She grinned teasingly, "About which boy in the house you liked best."
You stifle a laugh, covering your mouth. "Well jokes on them because I like Suguru best."
That was a lie, you know who your favorite was and it wasn't Suguru, but he was a close second.
"I tried telling them that too, but they just looked at me like it was the most disgusting thing they've ever heard."
You couldn't stop the giggle that escapes you, which made you quicklycheck if they were still asleep. You gaze back at Tsumiki after seeing that they were still snoring their heads off.
"I should probably go to sleep aswell, Tsumi-chan." You realize as you patted her head affectionately.
A small hand held on to the end of your uniform sleeve as you stood up. "Tsumiki?"
Her cute face turned red from embarrassment as she look at you shyly, "...Y/N, can you also sleep next to me?"
You internally coo. you could just die from the cuteness, you wanted to pinch her cheeks but you're sure that would just embarrass her further. She was like a little sister you always wanted to have.
"Of course, Ill just go take a quick shower and change."
She beams at your response and nods happily. She was so mature for her age, having to take care of Megumi that you sometimes forget that she's also still just a kid who also wants love and attention.
After a quick shower and a new set of comfy pajamas, you dragged your tired self back to Megumi and Tsumikis room only to find Tsumiki already sleeping. You smile fondly at the three people that took up so much space in your heart.
You pull the covers over Megumi and Satoru, tucking them both in before quietly sliding in next to Tsumiki, pressing a soft kiss on her forehead. The little girl small from curls into you. Your tired body and the late hour made sleep find you the moment your head met the pillow.
The early morning light hit your eyes, making you groan. You wanted to pull the covers over your eyes, but your movement was cut short when you notice warm air tickling down your neck, along with strong arms wrapped tightly around your waist, your back flushed against a sturdy chest, legs tangled on top of yours.
Unless Tsumiki turned into a big buff man overnight , this had to be..
Nothing. You crane your head to face him, unable to move anything else. There was no mistaking those long white eyelashes and smooth snow white hair, sunlight making him look like he had a halo. His pink and strangely always glossy lips curled into a small content smile. He looked so peaceful, it was almost a shame to wake him.
But honestly, when did he take Tsumiki's place beside you?
Speaking of, you glance to Megumi's bed and sure enough the two siblings are now sleeping there together. You let out an exasperated breath. The kids are gonna have a fit when they wake up. Yet you can't help but cover Gojo's hands with yours; wrapped tightly around your waist, squeezing them gently.
You did your best to maneuver your body so that you were facing him, eventually succeding. You noticed that he changed into a loose shirt and sweats. his natural scent made you tuck your face into his neck. Suddenly, he pulls you impossibly closer against him, making you giggle, Its like he was trying to hold you hostage.
"You awake, sweets?" His morning voice huskier than usual, making your stomach tingle.
"Hmm," You hum, curling into him more. He was so warm and solid, and as someone who gets cold so easily he has never missed any opportunity to pull you into him, using any excuse to have you close. (and of course he didn't want you to freeze.)
He mumbles a sleepy good morning along with a soft kiss on the top of your head which made your face warm, like it always does.
It was moments like these where you and Satoru tip toed around the boundaries of your friendship. And these days that thin line was turning non existent especially when things like this happen. It didn't matter to you though, you could get hurt later, regret it later, or things can go amazingly right later, but right now you wanted him close.
This wasn't news to you. From the moment you met him during that smoky bonfire two years ago, he had you overnight. Cerulaen blue eyes that reflected galaxies and sunrises over the burning fire, how could you resist? Ever since then you wanted him close and to your surprise he has always pulled you even closer.
"When did you take Tsumiki's place?" You mumble into his neck.
You feel him yawn before answering, "Around 3am.. I saw you next to her and I couldn't help it."
"Help what?"
"..You had your arms around her and stuff."
You pull back a little to look at his pouty face, sky blue eyes in slits. "You can't seriously be jealous of a child."
"Who says?"
"She's a child and a girl?"
"You're impossible." You groan.
"You love me though." He whispers against your ear, making you jump in his hold.
You glare at him and push him as far as he'd allow which was barely an inch, "Stop teasing me."
He lets out a laugh, "Sorry, princess. Its just so fun to tease you."
Seeing your annoyed face, he pulled you back into him, tucking a strand of your surely messy hair behind you ear. "I wasn't joking about being jealous though. I wanted to be the one next to you."
Sky blue eyes gaze into your surpised ones, his so full of adoration and sincerity. Yes, his beauty always blows you away, but it was his honesty that overwhelmed you.
The intensity of his stare makes you hide into his chest. "Seriously, Toru.. We need to talk about this." You grumble, face warmer than ever.
He chuckles at your shyness, finding it so endearing. His arms tightened around you, pulling you flushed against his broad chest. "I know and we will. But for now, let me hold you close a little longer."
Meanwhile Megumi and Tsumiki under the covers.
"They're idiots." Megumi says dryly.
Tsumiki quickly shushes her little brother as she strains her ear to listen more, a huge grin on her face.
She couldn't wait to tell Shoko and Suguru about this.
AN : Finally got this out of my head 😭
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obeymematches · 4 months
very fluffy and in depth hcs of a mc that basically lives off of cuddles? if you dont wanna do all of them can you only do lucifer, mammon, beel & diavolo? its fine if you dont wanna write this request tho! <3
i just need to snuggle up with them and maybe receive a forehead kiss yknow?
(also its def not bc of their man boobs wdym..)
thank you baby for sending in this ask, writing it cleared my skin and watered my plants- 💐🌸🌻
also your taste in men is very good 💯💯💯
this just teeth rotting fluff. GN MC.
❤️Cuddling HCs❤️
Cuddling can only happen at night / the evening. Even on the weekends he is too busy to be cuddling during the day.
When you get in bed next to him he usually smells like coffee & sweat ngl. At first he does try to hide it with a nice expensive perfume but it might be best to cuddle after taking a shower.
He loves it if you curl up against him, laying your head on his chest. He is surprisingly gentle with his strokes in your hair!
He prefers not to talk or just very short I love yous are accepted. This is his calming, recharging moment.
His arms are strong as he puts them behind your back, or under your head if that's what you prefer. His weakness is stroking his head between his ears and forehead.
He is very glad to kiss your forehead without you having to ask! He is actually very affectionate if he is with you, and only you! Prefers holding one of your hands the entire time.
My love... Holding you in my arms in this moment makes me feel tranquil. As if nothing could ever go wrong again... I am aware it only lasts such a short time... I'm truly sorry we can't do this more often. Can you forgive me, my dearest?
Here is some Mams cuddles
Cuddling Beelzebub feels like the most natural thing. You fit just right under his arms, his legs. He can go on like this for hours. Nothing else has to happen and he is the most content demon in the world.
Being so close to him makes you realize he smells like deodorant and grass.
Likes to eat as you cuddle! Always brings you your favourite snacks! He can fall asleep very quickly like this though. Please just stroke his back he is going to melt into your touch.
He is going to kiss you with his hand holding yours to the bed. He kisses you very passionately, towering over you, using his tongue as he should; gluttony gets the best of him.
Very gentle with you the entire time. Carefully moves every inch of his body not to hurt you.
If you decide to lay too far away from him he just sweeps you right where you should be; entirely next to him!
Skin on skin contact is very important for him, pls don't wear too many clothes!!
I'm stronger now, but I can grow even more if you stay by my side. I'll do everything to support you, and I hope you will continue to support me too. I love you. So very deeply. Thank you for being here with me.
I just think he enjoys being the little spoon. He can be the tiniest little spoon if he wants to!!
Loves to talk. This is no time to be quiet for more than 5 minutes. Something always comes to his mind which he wants to share.
His smell from up close isn't so easy to describe; it's a lingering smell of expensive parfume but also pine tree.
Can and will cuddle you in the afternoon if he/you needs it. Tea time can buzz off this is 300% better.
Talks about how nice it was to Barbatos. Poor Barb doesn't know how to react to this information.
Ah he definitely plays with the blanket; he likes to tuck you in real well, sometimes pull it over your head and kiss you in the dark.
Tickle fights are inevitable if you cuddle for too long. (He doesn't want to let you go pee but you must. So you tickle him.)
Sometimes he can forget how heavy he is though and if he falls asleep while on top of you, you'll be sore by the time he wakes up.
Ah just imagine the pure joy in his eyes the entire time.... sigh
My darling y/n... You are my most precious treasure in the entire world. You enchant and fascinate me, and each day, you ignite me.
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lou-struck · 2 years
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In The Middle of the Night Pt 2
Part 2 Featuring: Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor
Part 1
Part 3
-After falling asleep in their arms, you realize that they don't want to let you go.
You fell asleep before he did that night, it’s enterprising though. Satan prefers to read until the early hours of the morning.
When you wake up you see that his bedroom lamp is still dimly on. Much like a cat, Satan doesn’t need much light to be able to read At night. 
When you roll over you see that he is still sitting up in bed, but the book he was reading is still open on his lap. With one hand holding yours, the other hangs limply at his side. His gorgeous green eyes are shut and his head rests against the headboard in a very uncomfortable sleeping position.
Knowing that if he continues to sleep like this his neck will hurt badly in the morning, you place a bookmark in his book and place it on the side table. You click off the light and gently guide him onto the pillow.
Doing this though you end up letting go of his hand. 
He sits up quickly, destroying any of the progress that you had made earlier. His eyes look almost angry as he scans a room trying to figure out why you let go of him.
You have to gently tell him that you were just getting him more comfortable and he gives you a peaceful smile and settles back into the sheets. This time however it’s not just his hand that’s holding you it’s all of him. His hands needed to your skin like he’s a cat and it lulls you to sleep.
Even when asleep, Asmodeus is just as clingy as ever. His limbs are wrapped tightly around your own and his fingers hold yours gently. 
His pillow has been long forgotten in favor of sharing yours. Everything is so warm, and blissful, and the scent of his nighttime skin routine smells so good. you’re usually able to spend the entire night in his arms without consciousness even crossing your mind.
But tonight, you had one too many glasses of Demoneus, and you have to go to the bathroom… Badly.
And so you begin to unravel yourself from the warm and comforting embrace of the Avatar of Lust. It’s quite a task, his grip while soft is determined. He doesn’t want to let you go too easily.
After an embarrassing amount of time, you finally get free of his grip. You have to pee so badly that you swear you’re seeing yellow in the corner of your eyes. But as you turn around you hear a sleepy little cry.
Asmo, still half asleep is sitting up in bed, his light orange eyes are out of focus and teary, but he looks at you were such a heartbroken expression you want to be the one to cry.
“Please don’t leave me Mc…” He mumbles.
You’ve become used to missing Beel’s warmth at night. Is midnight cravings get the best of him and he wanders down into the kitchen. Leaving you safely tucked away in his sheets.
He has stopped eating snacks in bed since the cramps get everywhere and it becomes quite uncomfortable to sleep on.
His midnight snack sessions however are unpredictable, he could be down there for hours or just a few minutes depending on what’s in the fridge.
But it gets cold without him. So cold you feel like you need to go back to your room and grab something a bit warmer for you to change into.
unbeknownst to you, feels midnight snack went by very quickly. And when he came back to his room his big heart hurt when he saw that you weren’t in the bed waiting for him. 
He misses you too much, with a frown on his face he prepares to walk back down the hallway toward your room asking you if you could come back.
When he finds you in your doorway, his big hand takes you now and he looks at you is purple eyes full of need.
“ Please come back with me MC, I don’t wanna go to sleep without you.“
There aren’t many things that can pull Belphie from his slumber. It is his favorite thing to do and if left unchecked he could sleep for days on end. 
So when you do fall asleep in his arms you don't feel too bad about getting up in the middle of the night for a glass of water. 
So as long as you make it back before he knows you are gone. 
You’ve only been in the Devildom for a little bit, but you know that waking up the Avatar of Sloth is a huge no-no.
Thinking that you’ll be quick, you head down to the kitchen to grab yourself a nice cold glass of water to soothe your parched throat.
You don’t realize that as you sip your glass of water, an uncomfortable coldness is washing over his dreaming psyche.
It’s so uncomfortable that he wakes up and is surprised to see that this chill is coming from you not being next to him.
With a huff, he sits up in bed with his arms crossed ready to whine to you about how cruel it is that you leave him when you know how happy he feels when you sleep next to him.
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s74rf1sh · 9 months
Woah it’been a while since my first post…
ANYWAY, I’m in a very sleepy mood so here’s cuddle headcanons for the turtles
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-This guy is so goofy
-Constantly grabbing at your ass or tights to massage them while teasing you about it
-He loves to lay on you or having you lay on him
-Lots of churring and snuggling (if you have a prominent chest it’s not yours anymore, it’s his)
-Muffled rambling about literally any topic
-Praises your body constantly (not in a sexual way, this guy is just head over heels about you and wants to make sure you know it)
-“I have no idea why you worry so much, you’re so damn beautiful”
-PLEASE take his mask off and gently caress his face markings, this guy will MELT
-If you’re not laying down he’s definetly resting on your lap ᵃᵗ ᵗʰⁱˢ ᵖᵒⁱⁿᵗ ⁱ ᵗʰⁱⁿᵏ ⁱᵗˢ ᵒᵇᵛⁱᵘᵒˢ ⁱ ʰᵉᵃᵈᶜᵃⁿᵒⁿ ʰⁱᵐ ᵃˢ ᵃ ᵗⁱᵍʰᵗ ᵍᵘʸ
-He’ll play with your hair, even braid it if it’s long enough
-Even massage your face if he’s in the mood
-Will nibble on your neck playfully AND tease you about your reaction
-Will gently squeeze your hips and/or shoulders
-I guess the preferred location is his room, but the couch is comfy too
-If you’re having a movie night all together he won’t be shy and lay on your lap (ᵒʳ ˡᵉᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ˡᵃʸ ᵒⁿ ʰⁱˢ)
-Of course he will refrain from squeezing your ass or doing TOO intimate things…
-But yeah, he will cuddle with you in public if your comfortable with it
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-He’s baby
-Tried to be the small spoon but miserably failed
-(you got slight injuries by his shell and he never forgive himself about it)
-He likes to squeeze you to his plastron and feel your heat
-He often wraps you two in a big blanket, morphing in a big burrito
-He does chur, but it’s really really low and hardly hearable
-Snacks and hot drinks while you cuddle>>>
-If someone were ever to walk in on you two he’d be so fucking embarassed (probably hiding his face in your body)
-He doesn’t mind if you take his bandana off or not, but if you wear it yourself? Oh he’s jumping on you.
-Asks April for advice💀👍 (especially the first times you ever cuddled together)
-Overthinks a little too much about your well-being (I feel ya buddy) what if you’re uncomfortable in that position? What if you’re not hot enough? Is his smell fine? Are you bothered by his churrs?
-Please comfort this poor guy
-Is teased by his brothers (*COUGH* Leo *COUGH*) about him being so vulnerable when you’re around
-As you probably already guessed he’s kind of embarrassed around his family, but holding hands sround others is so special to him
-It makes him feel as if he’s telling the world (his family) that you’re his
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-Ok let’s be real: he’s VERY touchy
-He’s basically cuddling with you 24/7
-Takes every opportunity to kiss or hug or snuggle you throughout the day
-When you two are alone he just doesn’t let go of you LIKE
-“Mike l need to use the bathroom” “OK :D” “…Le-Let me go” “wwWHY..?” “I NEED TO PEE” “I CAN COME WITH YOU”
-You’ll eventually get him to let you go for a few minutes
-He LOVES when you even slightly match his energy and also crave affection (even if you won’t admit it ;))
-Doesn’t really care where you are or what position you’re in as long as you’re both comfortable
-But if he had to choose a position he would probably like facing and spooning
-Churrs happily and loudly, not giving two fucks about who hears him🫡
-Squeezes your cheeks (the puffier they are the more full this lil guy’s heart gets)
-If you’ll let him, he’ll draw small doodles on your hands or arms
-Cuddles in public couldn’t be less of a problem for him
-Just say if you’re ok with it or not and he will obey (except for a few stolen kisses in case you say no)
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-Will NEVER admit how much he actually enjoys your cuddles
-Will have you sit on his lap as he works, chest to chest
-…or you laying on his chest and viceversa
-The very first times he kept everything on- battleshell included
-But after a while he allowed you to take off his mask
-The shell thing is a bit more delicate (Yk?Cause he’s a softshell turtle? God I want to hang myse-) and might take more time
-But if you play your cards right he’s throwing it out the window in a few months
-When he’s not rambling he’ll just lay there and melt in your touch
-Whether you’re running your hands through his bare shell or caressing his face and muscles he’ll just let you love him
-He finded it hard to let you cuddle him, let alone him cuddling you…
-A lot of patience is needed but will be rewarded
-Him inviting you to lay on him, rest your face on his shoulder, sometimes he will even kiss you first
-Ew I’m getting diabetes MOVING ON
-Cuddling in public is usually a big No-no, but there’s situations where you’ll get a text from him where he just—
-“Cuddles in bed later?”
-You smile at him and he acts his blush off…
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cursedonyx · 2 months
HL Characters Try to Cure Your Hiccups
You’ve come down with that most terrible of all afflictions – hiccups. Your friends try their favourite methods to cure you.
Sebastian Sallow
After laughing at you for a good five minutes, Sebastian immediately goes for the old tried and true method of trying to scare the pants off you. He’ll leap out at you from behind corners, having transfigured his face into something horribly ugly, throw spiders at you (and probably freak out himself if they crawl on him too much) or even pretend to push you off a cliff or wall, only to grab you at the last moment. Once he’s nearly made you pee yourself, he’ll check to see if you’re alright and if you’re still hiccupping. He makes it work, eventually.
Ominis Gaunt
Ominis’ methods are significantly more gentle than his best friends’. He’ll suggest drinking water upside down or taking several sips while holding your breath. If that doesn’t work, he might try patting you on the back between the shoulder blades, or have you recite from a textbook standing on one leg. He knows how uncomfortable hiccups are, but it won’t stop him giggling about it each time you let one fly as he tries to help. Maybe it’s his calm presence, but your hiccups do go away.
Garreth Weasley
Garreth’s delighted. You’re the perfect candidate to test his new hiccupping cure on! If you’re brave (or daft) enough to give his experimental remedy a try, chances are it will cure your hiccups, but there might be some unforeseen side effects to handle as well. Best plan your route to the Hospital Wing ahead of time.
Poppy Sweeting
Poppy’s more than happy to help you with your hiccups. She’ll try absolutely everything, from scaring you to making you stand on your head, even taking you on a daredevil flight on one of her hippogriff friends to see if the thrill will help cure you. Failing this, she might bury you in a poffle of puffskeins to see if cuddle snuggles help. Honestly, this probably will, as you might get an unexpected tongue up your nose which will give you enough of a surprise to stop your hiccups completely.
Leander Prewett
Leander suggests a variety of plant remedies, such as dittany leaves to chew or inhaling charred iris and garlic. Failing that, he’ll try and make you laugh by telling frankly awful jokes and acting the fool. Unfortunately, this tomfoolery attracts Peeves, who wants to ‘help’ cure your hiccups as well. You have to run for it.
Natsai Onai
Natsai has a variety of remedies from Matabeleland for you to try, some of which smell absolutely amazing. If these don’t work, she’ll stand behind you and give you a fairly gentle variant of a Heimlich, hoping to reset your spasming diaphragm. It all makes you a bit dizzy, but it works.
Amit Thakkar
Amit advises you to ignore your hiccups, as they’ll go away eventually. When you protest that you want them gone now, he agrees to try and give you a fright, but ends up making you laugh so much your hiccups stop anyway. You both chalk this up as a win.
Imelda Reyes
After Imelda has finished laughing at you, which takes an annoyingly long time (and you get the feeling she’s laughing extra long on purpose) Imelda agrees to help, having you sit passenger on her broom while she does a series of rolls, loop-the-loops and stomach-churning spins that make you want to throw up. Once you’re back on the ground, your hiccups have vanished, and so has your appetite.
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alexblue29 · 1 year
foolish love language(s) and how he expresses it?
Oooh that's cute!
Foolish x Gn!Reader
Foolish is referred to as Noah by the reader!
I personally think Foolish’s love languages are acts of service and physical touch.
Since he streams almost everyday for eight to ten hours per shot, he feels bad not being able to spend a lot of time with you. Especially if you work or go to school full-time.
If you’re out of the house or busy studying when he finally gets out of the office and he notices the house is in a bit of a mess (dishes starting to stack up a bit, clutter at the wrong spots all over), he’ll take an hour or two to clean up quickly, maybe even vacuum a bit if needed.
Let’s say you get home around dinner time, the first thing you notice is the slight burning smell wafting through the house.
You were pretty lucky with your college schedule, most days didn’t have too many classes pilled up but since the end of the session was coming, you were getting more homework from your teachers and more and more materials to study in order to get ready for the exams.
You also worked part-time at the school’s library in order to bring in some money, Foolish always told you it wasn’t necessary but you didn’t want to put the weight of having to pay for absolutely everything on his shoulders. Even if he could afford it.
Foolish loved his job. He gets to play with his friends for hours and make a living out of it, who wouldn’t love that? Even though his streams went on for up to ten hours, he really loved his community so it never really bothered him.
Well, not until he met you.
He loves streaming, yes, but he also loves you.
You two were able to spend more time together before your classes started but school has kept you extremely busy recently. He would never complain about it, especially considering what he does, all day long, but he missed you and it was starting to show.
At the beginning of his stream he’d be alright. You two were able to spend some time together in the morning before he got up for his jog and you to get ready. Some days it was an hour or two, other days it was 30 minutes, and those were the ones he despised the most.
Foolish adores morning cuddles. Whether you were laying on his chest with his arm around your waist holding you close, or laying side by side with him practically crushing you, he loves it. So, he cherished the days that allowed you to just lay about for a few hours with no concerns. On the days where you only had a few minutes, he’d try to convince you to stay for a little bit more.
“Noah, honey, I have to get to class,” you laughed as his arm tighten around your waist to keep you against him.
“Nooo.” He buried his face in the back of your neck, “Just a little bit more, please.”
“I would love to, baby, but I really have to go pee.”
You barely had time to do anything by the time you’d get home after class. You would shower, eat some food and then crash in bed, Foolish joining you a few hours later once he ended stream.
He ended stream early when you were still in class. You two haven’t been able to properly hang out in a few days which lowered his patience by a lot. He’s been struggling for a few days with a new build and absolutely nothing was worked today. He lost the little bit of patience he had very quickly. Fast enough that he received a message from Quackity and Phil asking him if he was okay.
He apologised to chat for the shorter stream and ended quickly. He took his headset off and rubbed his face with his hands as he sighed. He slid his phone in his pocket as he stood and exited his office.
It was around one thirty in the afternoon, meaning you wouldn’t be home for another three hours and a half. He frowned as he took in the state of the house, the both of you were usually pretty good at keeping the place decently clean on a day-to-day basis, but he’s recently been streaming for longer and you’ve been busy enough studying for you exams that it’s gone over the both of your heads easily.
Foolish took out his phone, sending the easy tired answer to both of his friends before starting up his playlist and gathering the few dishes scattered around the house. There was a decent pile of dishes in the sink and even some clothes scattered around the living room. He put off the dishes for a minute to give him the time to gather the clothes and start up a quick load of laundry.
By the time you entered the threshold of your shared house, it was perfectly clean. It threw you off for a second as you took in the clean living room and the lack of noises from your boyfriend’s office. What finally took you out of your stupor was the obvious scent of burnt food wafting from the kitchen.
You quickly toe off you shoes and dropped you bag by the door before heading to the kitchen, where Foolish was, his back to you as he struggled with… you didn’t even know at this point.
He jumped as he turned to you with wide eyes, “Baby!” He exclaimed before looking back to the burning food, “It was supposed to be pancakes.”
You lifted your eyebrows, “Pancakes?”
“Yea- I think I might’ve left the stovetop to high and now the whole batter is, well burnt.”
You laughed as you walked to him and wrapped your arms around his waist from behind, “Thank you for the thought, honey. You wanna order pizza?”
“If I ever say no to pizza, know that I’ve been kidnapped and replace by an imposter.” He turned around and wrapped his arms around your shoulders as he pulled you in a hug, “How was your day?”
You scoffed, “Long. Missed you.”
About two hours later, you were showered, the pancake disaster had been cleaned up and the pizza delivered, you two were cuddling in the living room as you slowly ate.
“Hey, it’s Friday,” You said as you looked up to him, “You know what that means?”
He swallowed his bite, “Weekend?”
You nodded, “Mhm, and I have no homework this time.” He smiled, his eyes creasing at the edges as he caught on, “Yes!” He wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer, “I’m not gonna stream this weekend, I think. Wanna spend time with you.” He dropped a kiss to the top of your head.
I wrote that in like 40 minutes while watching Foolish's stream lmao
Hope you like it!!
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heluvschibi · 1 month
Day 2
Cussing, pregnancy, forced pregnancy, death, ??plot twist??
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The morning sun woke you up from your slumber, you were wrapped up in your husband's arms throughout the night, his chest on your back.
You assumed he was sleeping by the way his soft breath tickled the back of your neck, but when you decided to sit up you were met with resistance. You ended up giving up and turning your head to see that he had one eye open with a smirk before closing both eyes.
"Binnie let me get up so I can make breakfast." You giggled.
He moved closer, kissing your back, and up your neck, before laying in the crook of your neck, "Let's cuddle for more... Hm..."
Your rolled your eyes playfully before letting out a soft laugh, "How long have you been up?"
"Long enough to hear you talk in your sleep."
You managed to flip yourself looking at him with a frown, "I do not talk in my sleep..."
He let out a laugh because moving closer and kissing you, "Mm, okay tell yourself that."
"I will."
You both laughed before sitting in comfortable silence, his hand reached up and caressed your cheek, "I love you..."
You kissed him, "I love you too."
ೄྀ _-🐽🐰-_ೄྀ
The first few weeks you've been... Sick, the smell of fish, meat, and almost everything made you sick, you felt sick in the morning, you urinated more, and your breasts started to feel tender. You then told Changbin who freaked out more than you did, and brought you to a hospital.
"Your pregnant."
You looked confused at what the doctor had said, like he was speaking a foreign language. Pregnant??
Changbin was also confused, he held onto your hand the whole time.
"I'm pregnant?"
The doctor nodded, "It seems like your in your 3rd or 5th week by now."
The room was silent, you looked over at Changbin who still seems to be processing the words coming out of the doctors mouth.
You let out a soft chuckle, "Impossible, I've been taking plan B after each time we have sex."
"Maybe you forgot? If you don't believe me, we can even take a pregnancy test."
You nodded your head slowly, "I-I would like that."
The doctor stood up from the swivel chair, "I'll be back with a water, and a cup for you to pee in."
The doctor walked out of the room, leaving you alone with Changbin, who still seemed to be lost.
"Oh my gosh, your pregnant!" He yelled out with a smile, making you then smile. A super late reaction.
"You're not mad?" You mumbled, happy that he's happy, but still confused.
He nodded his head and kissed you, "I'm ecstatic!"
You were happy that he was happy, but... Deep down you didn't want to have a child, not now at least, you want a child when the time comes, and that time isn't now. You know it's your body, and you do have a say in what goes in and what comes out... Like a baby, but... You didn't want to tell Changbin. You've never seen him this excited in a long time.
The doctor walked in holding a pee cup and a water bottle, "Drink up, and when you have to pee, there is a bathroom just down the hall."
You nodded your head and took it, almost immediately drinking the water.
And after a few minutes go by, you go to the bathroom and pee in the cup, handing it over to the doctor, who left the room to test it.
"W-what if it's a boy? Or a girl!" Changbin was talking almost to himself before looking at you.
"Do you think I'm a girl dad or a boy dad?" He held your hands.
You laughed, "It doesn't matter, and plus... The doctor probably had gotten it all wrong, there's no way I'm pregnant, I-I mean you've seen me take the pill... Right?"
"Yeah, I've seen you take the pill, but sometimes miracles happen!"
"Or mistakes..." You mumbled.
You smiled, "Oh nothing, I-I think your more of a girl dad."
He smiled and hugged you.
The test results came in, "And your pregnant."
The doctor showed you the test, the color had changed to a pink making your heart drop.
"No way..." Both you and Changbin said, him with a smile and you still confused.
"Well they do say... miracles do happen." The doctor smiled at both you, "You both would be lovely parents."
"Thank you." Changbin said with a smile.
"Because this is only the 3rd or 5th week, you are still in your 1st trimester, the baby is still forming, and is fragile, so stay away from alcohol, caffeine, and don't smoke."
ೄྀ _-🐽🐰-_ೄྀ
Changbin was already on a rampage, he would accompany you on shopping trips just to stop by the baby section saying, "Oh wouldn't our baby look so good in this!?"
Everytime you would go out and a mother, or couple walks by with there children, Changbin would always smile.
It doesn't matter where you go now, you could be in a fucking strip club and someone would be talking about a baby...
Baby ad's here and there, baby clothes, toys on sale, babies, babies, babies, babies! You were going mad...
So you decided to tell him, tell him why you've haven't been so excited to have the baby, "Changbin, can we talk?" He had just gotten home from work, probably boasting to his members on how his wife is having a baby.
"Hm? What is it? Is the baby okay?"
You frowned, "Are you not worried about me?"
He froze and looked confused, "What do you mean? Of course I'm worried about you baby, why wouldn't I be?"
"Because you never ask about me anymore, I know there's a child growing inside of me but shouldn't you be worried about the carrier, me? More than the what said carrier is carrying? This thing, this child is sucking all the nutrients out my body to grown and your worried more about it than me?"
He stayed silent, his eyebrow furrowed and he looked away, "I'm sorry..." He walked to you and hugged you, "I'm just, happy to finally have something I can call mines... A-aren't you happy to?"
You pulled away from the hug and looked at him, "No! I'm not happy about having this fucking baby!"
He just looked at you.
"I never wanted this fucking baby! Why would I be happy?"
"Why wouldn't you be happy?! I-I mean cmon your gonna have a child? Who wouldn't be happy? I'm happy and I'm not even the mother..." He let out a laugh.
"You know what... Never mind." you walked away, going to the bedroom.
ೄྀ _-🐽🐰-_ೄྀ
You've finally excepted the fact that your gonna have a child, you were just as happy as Changbin. He came with you to every ultrasound, every doctor visit, even if he was an active member of a kpop group, he would skip fan signs, events, award shows, just to see his baby, and his other baby happy.
And soon 9 months went by in a flash, Changbin practically breaking almost every traffic law just to get you to the hospital, cause he doesn't want you to to worry about having a child at home.
They signed you in and immediately, took you to a room, "Changbin, would you be okay if I said I didn't want you in the room with me?"
Changbin who was sitting on a chair by your bed who was sweating like he was about to give birth, he looked up at you and pouted, "What, B-but I wanna be by your side..."
You smiled and cupped his cheek before kissing him, "I understand that... But... You kinda did run out of practice while you and the boys were dancing..."
"I don't care."
You frowned, "I do, call them, and leave room for the doctor and nurse to do their thing."
He started to cry, "But it's gonna hurt. D-don't you wanna hold my hand? I'm strong you can squeeze it a-as much as you want!"
"Changbin... I love you, okay?"
He pouted and nodded his head.
ೄྀ _-🐽🐰-_ೄྀ
After hours you've finally gone into labor, Changbin was escorted out of the room to a chair by the door, he was calling his members telling them that you've gone into labor.
"She kicked you out of the room?" Felix said over the phone, before laughter erupted on their end.
"Yes, she said she wanted the doctor and the nurse to have more room to work..."
More laughter came from their end before Chan said, "Okay, we'll be on our way so your not out there alone."
"Thanks guys."
ೄྀ _-🐽🐰-_ೄྀ
After some time, another nurse walked into the room, and another, and another, making him worried.
But then the doctor came out, he couldn't tell his expression because the mask, the boys had fallen asleep, other than Chan.
"Congratulations, you have a very beautiful baby girl..."
Changbin smiled wide, "O-oh my gosh, I was getting worried..."
Chan started waking up the kids telling them the news of the first niece they get to take care of.
Then the doctor touched his shoulder before rubbing it, "A-and I'm sorry for your loss."
Changbin's smile dropped, so did the boys, they were going to congratulate him oh having a healthy baby, but now...
Changbin let out a laugh in disbelief, "W-what do you mean? S-sorry for your loss?"
"The mother- Seo y/n - has died due to some complications during the birthing process... amniotic fluid embolism... It seems that she was bleeding more than what we expected... So-"
"No!" Changbin shouted, tears rolling down his face, he started crying, "Y-your lying stop fucking lying to me! Is this some sort of sick joke y/n asked you to do on me!? I-is that why she asked me not to stay with her!?" Changbin stood up, he was mad, sad.
"Changbin, calm down..." Chan stood up next to him putting both his hands on his shoulders to calm him down, "Let's take a breather-"
Changbin rolled Chan's hands off his shoulder, "Your lying to me!"
"I'm sorry." The doctor bowed his head before making room for him by the door.
Changbin pushed past and walked in... To see your body there, and the baby in the hands on the nurse who just cut the umbilical cord.
Changbin's legs went weak, before he lost his footing and fell to his knees.
ೄྀ _-🐽🐰-_ೄྀ
"Mr.Seo, shouldn't you be with your baby?" The therapist said.
"Uh... Her uncles are watching her right now..." His voice was quite.
"Then what do you want to talk about?"
"Y/n's death..."
The therapist, then closed the open laptop and looked at him, "How are you feeling? How has coping been? It has been 2 months."
He nodded his head, "I know that... But I just think, it's my fault she's dead..."
"No, don't say that. It's not your fault-"
"I gave her a melatonin pill, not her plan b..."
ೄྀ _-🐽🐰-_ೄྀ
Day 2 done
Wow you guys... I hope I did well?
All angst week stories will be edited at the end of angst week.
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octuscle · 1 year
Oh thank goodness! Just made it to baggage claim at DEL to grab my bag… hope none of the leather is damaged.
Good news, everything is in perfect condition. You even feel like everything is freshly polished when you open the case. It smells even more intensely of leather than when you packed the case. The bellboy who helps you unpack the suitcase is amazed. You can be sure that in fifteen minutes the entire hotel will know about your special luggage. But you don't care about that. You've already sat at the hotel bar in a full leather outfit in completely different hotels.
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Whereby I must show you my respect. To go outside in this humidity and at over 30 degrees Celsius in a full outfit already proves that you are serious about leather, mate! Unfortunately, Delhi has now not so the gay nightlife. And a leather scene is also not necessarily there. But you don't need long to find like-mates in the relevant social networks. There are enough expats in the city. And private parties are obviously the place to be. A pretty horny looking fellow invites you to his boss's party. He sends you a limousine tonight to take you to the party. It all sounds pretty exclusive.
After a few days in the hotel, hardly anyone reacts to your appearance in shiny creaky leather in the lobby. The doorman holds the door open for you and opens the door to the back of the impressive limousine. The driver lowers the divider to you and tells you that you can help yourself to the bar. You may also help yourself to the cigars. According to his knowledge, it should be your favorite brand. And the window whirs back up. That the chauffeur has presented his muscular tits naked, you are no longer surprised. You light a cigar and start to massage your cock in anticipation of a horny party.
It becomes more and more bizarre. The car passes a guarded gate and drives through an illuminated park for what feels like a quarter of an hour. Then the car stops and a completely naked bodybuilder opens the car door for you. Everywhere, people who look like clones of the bodybuilder stand around and hand out drinks and snacks. Or walk around with a tray full of poppers. And in between there are horny fellows. In suits, in latex, in all kinds of gear. Only leather is actually quite rare. Finally you see the guy with whom you had an appointment. He asks you if you want to dance. Not really your thing. But you do him the favor. Mate, it's really hot. You feel like you're sweating through the leather. And you're actually sweating through the leather. The leather gets thinner and thinner. And mischievous with your skin getting darker. The only thing left on your chest is a harness of chain links and leather. No idea where it came from. But it feels better. Nevertheless, beads of sweat glisten on your chest hair. Fuck, you had shaved your chest especially for the party. And why is your dance partner suddenly as tall as you? A moment ago you were a good head taller… No matter, the music gets into your head, the poppers too, you just let yourself go…
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The next morning you wake up. This is not your hotel room. It looks more like a darkroom. With a bed covered with leather. And a bathroom next to it, the one with the black light illumination and the pee trough also in a leather club. There's a knock at the door. Your dancing partner from yesterday enters. Your host or rather your new master would like to meet you now. Welcome to Delhi!
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blacksupremacy86 · 9 months
The Hypno Bachelor
Welcome to the bachelor! This is new dating show for a Hypnotist not traditionally what is demanded for but he is for this guys who are competing to be his Hypnotic subject for a year long battle.
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I walk in to a spare room to find this hottie Luke Macfarlane laying on the bed with thus sexy smile on his face as I enter taking him in l while shutting the door behind me and flicking a switch. Suddenly! The ceiling wall slides open allowing a silver disco ball that is blowing up in a multitudes of color is hot burning up in to the area shooting laser left right and center. Two aim straight for both of his eyes hitting him dead on as he goes totally slack and his body falling in to a lack of function as he stares at me mindlessly ready to be reprogrammed for more then just fun.
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“Oh! There you are Lawrence! I love nerdy types please don’t keep me waiting like this anymore and can we just get to the action please you are driving me craziness with all of this nerdiness.” He says to me when I am approaching him but ignore him instead as I bend over and pick up a remote control on the night table then point it at him as I click it and he freezes. “Sorry Henry boi! I do not need any of your lip at this momentous level of occasion because I am your new Master now, but simply to state I am about to truly rock your world and I crawl over the bed till I am on top of him and undoing his clothes also his lips with my lips.
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“I am too tough for this Hypno shit.”
“You think so? Why are your buttons undone”
“Fuck! How did…”
“Sleep! “
“You ba-st-at-d”
“Mwahahahahaha “
“Release the strings”
“I transformed you earlier “
“You are a puppet”
“Push your shirt to the side “
“Feel yourself up”
“Take a dive “
“Don’t be afraid “
“Real good”
“Get in to the crevice “
“Why don’t shift your jeans “
“Feel your lower level “
“Your horny “
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“Oh Lawrence!”
“Get off the couch
“Did you like the lollipop ?”
“It’s addictive “
“It’s my original flavor “
“How did you make it ?”
“Laced it with blood and pee?”
“What the fuck?”
“It’s mine”
“Why on earth?”
“You drank that up “
“Obsessed over it”
“Oh my God”
“My new favorite flavor “
“I know “
“Suck another “
“You are fucked up”
“Nah! I am going to the dark side”
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“ Oh Master Lawrence! I’v been wearing this in hope you show off, my best shorts are so hot me. Don’t you think so! I do think you are cute in everything, please don’t be shy or bashful because no one can or would ever doubt you.” Andrew is all a glow smirks so brightly as he blows me a string of very powerful kisses, a warm embrace hugging me tightly in every way and I can feel my hand on every crevice. He digs his hands ma under my shirt lifting it over my head as he presses his lips on to my skin raging hot under my skin and he revels in the lust and the unburdening of his soul as he fell in to deep submission.
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“I spotted you the moment you rocked up in to the villa Jamie since you have for some odd reason caught my attention off the foreseeable future and I want to ravish you right now. Stand up to attention look right ahead at the wall, remove your shirt, pants, and underwear let it drop to the floor and sit on the bed awaiting me for the longterm.” I tell Jamie he is a good lay while walking closer to his knees pat them and he wraps his arms on me and mine on his waist he smells my scent and it drives him wild so much he could jolt up the walls.
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Golden boi! “
“Yes Sir!”
“Rise up “
“Mwahahahahaha “
“Leave your pants”
“Shake your booty”
“Do a dance?”
“Who is your God?”
“You are sir”
“Crawl over here”
“Kiss my boots”
“What are you ?”
“A pussy “
“Who are you?”
“Your golden boy”
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“The show “
“Are you ready?”
“Camera “
“Oooohhhh yyyeeeaaahhh!”
“Check this pussy out”
“Your fast”
“I know what I want “
“‘My fist in your ass”
“That would be heaven”
“I am yours”
“Suck me off “
“Good boi “
“The most marvelous taste in the world “
“It is fabulous “
The end
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abiiors · 2 years
matty with the paddington onesie… happy sunday to ME! if you ever want to write more of that … 👉🏼😗👈🏼
Well, Anon, happy Sunday to you once again ❤️ Here's part 1
(Oh my god why am I doing this to myself. This is not helping the baby fever 😭)
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Onesie Pt 2
You round the corner and come to an abrupt halt as the words to Itsy Bitsy Spider echo around the house. 
Before even peeking in, you know what you’re going to walk in on. Still, you can’t help but tip-toe softly into the nursery and watch as Matty twirls a tiny little sleepy baby in his arms. From the look on her face, you can tell that she’s just woken up. Her tiny fists are bunched around his t-shirt and she gurgles and drools all over his shoulder. 
He finishes the song, slows his movements and hoists her in front of him.
‘Should we get changed for mummy?’ he asks her and when she babbles as babies often do he gives her a smile and says ‘Excellent!’
You have to press a fist to your mouth to stifle your laughter. As much as you want to hold her and cuddle her, you also want to watch this scene play out. So you stay partially hidden behind the doorframe. 
‘Hmm, let’s see,’ he muses. ‘Should we go for white or yellow today?’
He holds up two onesies in front of her and with absolute delight, you notice that the white one is the Paddington one you fell in love with. 
You realised your error as soon as she was born, she was still too tiny for the white onesie but now at four months old, it looks like she would fit into it perfectly. You can’t help but squeal internally when she makes grabby hands toward it. 
A similar look of delight crosses over his face as he sets the yellow one back. 
‘Aww, my clever little girl,’ he coos. 
You watch as he expertly gets her out of her soiled diaper. This time he doesn’t even wrinkle his nose at the smell of it. He simply starts humming another song and laughs when she kicks her feet up in the air. 
‘Alright, okay. I need you to not pee on daddy this time okay?’ 
This one almost makes you lose it. It’s the way he says it so nervously, yet pleading at the same time. You remember the incident perfectly and you remember almost falling on your bed in hysterics when Matty walked in with a soaked t-shirt and a look of pure agony on his face. 
‘Who’s my good girl, who’s my good girl,’ he keeps repeating while he puts her back into a fresh diaper and you wonder if it’s like an offering for her in exchange for not covering him in bodily fluids. Still, the smile on his face never leaves. 
Once everything is secured in place, she babbles some more. 
‘Who’s my pretty baby?’ he asks again and this time softly tickles her exposed belly. 
You are certain you’re about to melt into a puddle and you can’t help the tears that well up when lets out a small laugh. 
A laugh!
It’s barely even audible and it’s only just the start of one but both of you freeze in place. 
‘Did you just…’ he laughs breathlessly and immediately starts calling for you. 
Of course, it doesn’t take him long to spot you and you watch as his entire face splits into a grin. 
‘Did you hear that?’ he asks giddily, almost bouncing on his heels. ‘She laughed!’
You make your way to him, laugh along with him and smile tearfully. 
‘Oh my lovely girl,’ you caress her soft cheek. ‘Can you laugh again for me?’
Almost as if she’s responding to your touch, she lets out her small, quiet laugh again. She has no teeth yet and her entire face scrunches up from the effort of it but then she looks at you with her little twinkly eyes and you can’t help the little watery chuckle that escapes you. 
Matty lets you play with her as he picks up the Paddington onesie again. When he comes back with it, you step aside and lean against the wardrobe. 
Watching the love of your life become a father is something you could bask in for the rest of your life. For now, you’re just content to look at how adorable she looks in it. 
‘Should we give mummy a twirl?’ he asks once he’s done and gently picks her up in his arms again. 
You remember her fluttering and moving around in your belly just over six months ago and you remember how you fell in love with the onesie at first sight. But none of that compares to the sight of her in it and watching Matty swaying her side to side while he hums You Are My Sunshine. 
You walk up to them and let her hold your hair in her fist. Then you wrap your arms around them both. 
‘We made such a pretty baby.’
‘The prettiest baby,’ he coos. 
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sleazysquid · 2 years
Would you be willing to write about canon Gyutaro with a piss kink?
I loved how filthy he was in your other fic! So I think it’d be realistic he’d be into this too. What do you think?
Hi!! Hello! Welcome ❤️ I’m super glad you liked my Gyutaro fic! I think specifically canon Gyutaro wouldn’t be opposed to violating/humiliating your body in every way possible. That being said, I think he’s the kind of demon to surprise you with some of his nasty habits and tactics, really going out of his way to put you lower than your place as a common human. We see this mocking/bullying theme resonate pretty heavily when he has the upper hand in the last bits of his fight with Tanjiro.
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The Bottom Pit (Gyutaro x Reader)
Word count: 1.1k
Tags/warnings: female reader, noncon, humiliation, piss kink/forced omorashi (f receiving) attic wifery going on here, mild yan theme if you squint, a very mean Gyutaro experience for sure.
Seeing such a pretty human and wanting to finally fulfill every fantasy he’s ever had? He’s definitely not gonna kill you. You wish he did. He puts you more or less on the edge of death and humiliation. Gyutaro prides himself in fulfilling the domination aspect and taking it to the next level in piss play. You’re nothing more than just a little pocket pussy to him, in further progression of your dynamic he’s got you tight locked up somewhere in a special place inside Daki’s main house. Preferably in the attic or a hidden room. There, he’s emptying himself in you, on you, every possible way and in every fluid.
The room is dark and disgusting. It smells to the point where your nose has become numb to the pungent odor. They keep it just tidy enough to deter anyone from becoming suspicious. You’re fed to a minimum and wear very little clothing, all to please and satiate Gyutaro. Most days, you’re covered in an excess of spit and cum. More akin to a shoddy skeet blanket than an actual human.
You’re kidding yourself getting your hopes up in letting you go because lately his scare tactics and perverse creativity have dwindled to just about nothing over the past couple of months. Perhaps he’s satiated to a degree, maybe he’s found somebody new to play with (oh but you wouldn’t technically want that), or maybe he’s just done about everything he’s ever wanted to do. You can tell just from the little twitches in the way he moves when he’s had a bad day. Digesting a human possibly went sour, a fight that was supposed to end ten minutes earlier proved to prolong itself before he ultimately had the upper hand, who’s to say what’s pissed him off but Gyutaro is always sure to tell you at some point during his relief.
Lately there’s a new string of ingenuity that doesn’t seem to end any time soon. The first time it happened, you can crisply recall Gyutaro being hunched over your body, keeping himself as balls deep as long as he possibly can. Really slaving away at the sporadic shivers he sends your body into with every rut of his sharper-than-a-knife poor excuse for hipbones. You’re amping up the moans on this one tonight. Partly because you’re more tired than usual, another part it ends up feeling good in the end—and also, you have to pee. Really, really bad. And he’s not letting up any time soon unfortunately, it’s actually getting ridiculous.
Normally his run time is… quite quick even for human standards. But his stamina and rebound time has everything beat, meaning he can cum multiple times even if it’s to completion within a few minutes. You were really hoping that he’d give you a 3 minute pump and dump so you’d have time to bypass him and make it to the restroom. Fate would not be on your side, as if it ever really is.
Every second that passed by went too slowly. Every distraction, every crack in the ceiling and counting every flower on the wallpaper couldn’t keep you from the grinding thought, the urgent need to get away from him as soon as possible. Yes, he’s seen you at your lowest points and caused most of them, but you’re determined to not let this slip up. At least, that’s your mind doing all the big talk, while your mouth has decided it couldn’t take it anymore.
“What?” A shaky groan and an annoyed glare cuts right through you.
“C-can we stop for just maybe two seconds? I uh, really need to use the bathroom.”
Your request falls on nothing more than deaf ears and an impartial sneer. Gyutaro doesn’t let up, instead he’s jutting against you harder as his sharp nails squeeze into the plush of your thighs. It’s clear that now you’ve annoyed him by asking for one measly accommodation, even after seeing he was more irritated than normal when he approached you earlier. But that doesn’t seem to phase you too much, no, you’re really trying your hardest not to make him even more upset if you pissed on him.
“Gyu…Please..? I really need to go.”
He’s silent, becoming more visibly annoyed as he pays no bother to even look up at you.
“Please… I’d come right back so you can finish, I can’t hold it much longer…” The pressure from your bladder is becoming too much to handle, you’ve spent too much time distracting yourself and pleading with him is doing absolutely nothing. You’re sweating, praying, hoping to god you can hold it until he cums. You’re sticking it out as best as you can, to the point of now becoming deafeningly silent, breaking your fake moaning facade. Until—
Your pelvic floor decides to give in. A sudden feeling of relief followed by immediate anxiety take over your senses, your heart is pounding through your chest with the realization that you just pissed on him. His thrusts come to a full stop as you soil his still shaft, dripping down both of your legs. Gyutaro stares down at your still-pissing cunt. The hands that held you in place are now breaking skin and burrowing themselves into your flesh, he resumes ravaging you. The new scent of piss and sex are nauseating to your head as you lay back and take whatever he gives you.
“You’re a fucking vile little pet, you know that?” He harasses, you give him a taste of his own silent treatment.
“C’mon, say it. Couldn’t even go before I got home, I even warned you today that I just wanted a good fuck, don’t you remember anything?”
You don’t remember, he never said anything to you, and now you feel just as stupid as he tells you.
“Fucking say it. Say you’re disgusting,”
“I’m disgusting-“
“for pissing all over my master’s cock.”
“-For pissing all over my master’s cock..”
A smile contorts, “Good girl.. you’re my good girl.” Gyutaro whines. His stamina, to your dismay, lasts throughout the whole night, unable to even clean yourself off until he permits you to do so. It’s been like that since that night. Inadvertently showing him a new fetish he didn’t know even existed, to degrade you and demean you just a little more than he did in the past. He’s taken the time to give you slightly better care then previously, to his credit. Going out of his way to make sure you’re all filled up on liquids to release all over him. God help you when he ultimately discovers he can degrade you further by making you drink his piss, or maybe something far worse… Who knows what’s yet to come, you’re just holding out and barely scraping by each night anyway. Tomorrow’s struggles are long ahead and not your problem for now.
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gaybaby2424 · 9 months
I wish Daddy would hypnotize and forcefully thickly diaper my ass in 5 of the thickest diapers ever invented the diaper regression hypnosis worked so well that I started babbling and making baby noises in less than 2 hours while I was getting hypnotized daddy began to think of what else to do to me then have daddy put a shit ton of glycerin up my ass, along with an huge enema after that I want daddy to give me some pills he ordered from the dark web and give them to me daddy would say I’m giving you these to make you lose your bladder and bowel control and this pill makes it to where you can not physically move except for your head and the last pill to permanently take all my big boy hair except my head and have me so smooth after daddy told me that I started balling like a big baby then I want daddy make then daddy tells me he’s got a very tiny surprise for me he left then came back and said this is called a permalocker baby boy your little pathetic baby dick is gonna be locked up forever what happens is when I latch this and clicks it will never come off and there is no key or key hole 5 bottles and have daddy feed me 2 of the bottles of baby formula and save the rest for our outing then I want Daddy to dress me up and make sure I have the most perfect sissy faggot clothes but no pants and I want to be put into a adult baby stroller and I want daddy to tie me down in the stroller with rope and make sure my legs are wide open so everyone can see and most likely smell the pathetic diaper bitch shitting his diapers like a baby I want daddy to bring his 2 best friends who are both gay and they both love getting boys diapered and make them use it and have kinky fun and they thinks I’m the sexiest fag diapered boy ever and want to rent me out for 1 whole week doing humiliating things to me all the while I’m heavily diapered I want daddy to put a thick locking paci on me and then have him take me out in the most busies parts of town and walk up and down the sidewalk super busy sidewalks while i keep whimpering cause my tummy hurt because they put a catheter and a butt plug in me and made sure I can’t go pee or poo for a while they get more things ready for the baby and from everything they gave me to make poopies and all three of the men keep saying so loudly that awww is the poor dumb baby gonna make huge poopies for your daddies and how they love how I look just like a dumb baby boy they told me that they reprogrammed my brain to make it where there is no big boy thoughts just a dumb baby who wants to please there daddies but right when the baby was cramping he accidentally had a big boy thought and got the daddies attention and told them no he doesn’t want this and they are trying to keep him quiet so they can try and use some more hypnosis on him even though he can never run away cause he is unable to use any of his limbs cause of the pills after the daddies finished with my big boy problem now that I’m a baby again me and my 3 daddies continued down the busy streets and showing everyone there new baby and soon we were down in the middle of the mall eating where everybody can see they picked me up and warmed up all 3 bottles for me and I started drinking them as a fast as I can as daddy said now is baby gonna be a good boy and finish all 3 bottles as soon as I was done they burped me and put me back in the stroller next to all three of my daddies where I sat for like 20 minutes waiting for them to finish eating and talking as soon as they were done they went into the public bathroom and took my catheter and butt plug out and told me to hold it as long as I can or else I’m gonna have so many punishments so I nodded my head they redid my diapers and started leaving the mall and right in front of the mall daddy said where should we go now I want it to be somewhere where it is way too busy so they though and said how about the KINKY PLACE it’s a bar where everybody can go in and play and be so kinky anyway they are always busy and inside is so huge.
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matt-imagines-popcorn · 9 months
Wrote these a few weeks ago - just silly little HCs :P
Glass Joe/Aran Ryan [Burnt Bread] Headcanons
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Aran, as we all perhaps know - is a gross fucker. No one is safe from his grossness - even Joe, his beloved lover. Sure he might not face it as much as the others do but the few times Aran decides to be nasty toward Joe, it seems nastier then he's willing to give out to the other v̶i̶c̶t̶i̶m̶s̶ boxers. Licking his face, forcing his finger upon his nose after he scratches his ass, threatening to pee on him while showering together (and has - Joe proceed to waterboard Aran), - everything he does just pisses the hell out of Joe.
Don't think it's unsurprising to say that Joe knows a thing or two about bandaging up injuries of any kind (Spending a few years being essentially a punching bag does that!) and isn't afraid to jump in and help some of his fellow boxers out - Aran being very much included in that list. It was hard to get used to but over time Aran grew to love the attention on him. Usually ends up steamy if neither of them aren't too beat up.
Aran is the self proclaimed leader of the Glass Joe fan club, much to the dismay of the clubs founder: Gabby Jay.
Arans immune system is strong as fuck, so when he gets sick, he gets sick bad. The best way to describe it is like watching a bedridden Victorian child. He acts like a big baby about it too, wanting nothing but to be babied. Joe will indulge him for a short while (ignoring the sick man's poor attempts at trying to get physical) till later it becomes apparent that Aran is feeling better and is just playing it up for show.
Now, Joe loves Aran but he willing to fuck him over in this regard. Giving him a full cup of ice with no water, giving him medicine that's actually just sour candy (that one did backfire though as Aran is a sour head), and worst of all, ignoring all temps at Aran trying to kiss him.
Doesn't even take an hour before Aran's suddenly feeling better.
Aran's sisters like Joe, perhaps more so than they actually like Aran. Molly (the youngest sister) probably likes him the best though: Joe has a tendency to spoil the hell out of her with treats and clothes and fun events whenever she visits. Usually, somehow it bites Aran in the ass later but he's willing to deal with anything as long as those two got along.
Can't say the same about Joe's family. Yeah apparently beating someone to a bloody plum and going on to shagging their cousin isn't exactly the greatest way to be familiar with family. Though so far, it's only Jay who seems to have a hatred towards the man. Joe's mom and aunt love Aran and think he's hilarious.
Surprisingly, Aran is the early bird in the relationship, not Joe. He wakes exactly at seven every day (for better or worse) and is usually the one forcing Joe out of bed. Sometimes the smell of his cooking is enough to wake him up but most days Aran just picks him up and throws him back on the bed over and over till he's awake.
On the subject of cooking: Joe can't cook for the life of him. Not because of a lack of skill, but instead horrific luck. Forgetting to set the timer off, mixing in salt instead of sugar (or vice versa), burning his hand - anything that could possibly go wrong will. Aran however has both the luck and skill for cooking and is good at it. He's almost offended when Joe admits he thought he was going to be a bad cook - His mom owns a bar for crying out loud of course he knows how to make a decent meal!
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gregorygerwitz · 1 year
"you did so well!" oooooooh but mouse saying it to jay!
I'm actually just here to write soft fluffy fics where the boys have a happy life with their dog
"you did so well!"
"Don't come in here!"
"Jay, it's an open layout. The second I leave the hallway, I will be in the kitchen."
"Then stay in the hall!"
He was too busy moving around in what felt like circles to check and make sure Mouse actually stayed put. But that didn't really matter when he was almost done, anyway. After spending the entire afternoon in the kitchen, it was warm, and there was a mess of dishes in the sink, but dinner was almost done. And it smelled good - he just hoped the taste of it lived up.
"This is ridiculous... I can smell the sauce all the way over here. If you're trying to keep it a secret, you're not doing a great job of it. And if I don't take him out soon, Ranger is going to pee on the carpet."
Jay let out a huff of breath through his nose, frowning while he turned around again. It really was almost done, and he wasn't exactly tryin got keep it a secret, but he would have preferred being able to keep it a surprise. That just wasn't entirely possible when they were both home and it was a little cruel to keep his boyfriend and their dog in the bedroom for so long. He grabbed a small container from the fridge before calling out again.
"Just don't look when you walk through."
The sound of Mouse's own sigh carried across the room, growing closer with the clicking that meant Ranger was right by his side. "I can see most of it without even trying, by the way. And- is that a slow cooker? Did you buy a slow cooker? Wait, no-"
Waving him out of the kitchen area, Jay shook his head. "Go. I'll set the table and everything will be ready to eat when you get back. Since you've ruined the surprise."
"I didn't realize it was supposed to be a surprise. I also didn't realize you were buying us a new kitchen appliance. Do you want me to pay you back for half or-?"
"No." Jay shook his head again quickly, trying to block the view of some of the counter behind him with his body. "Just take the dog out and stop snooping. Please. While there's still some level of surprise left in all of this."
"You're cooking a whole meal by yourself, completely of your own free will. Isn't that enough of a surprise?"
Narrowing his eyes, he pointed a finger toward the door. "Can you bully me when you come back? I have to get this all set out before it starts to burn."
Mouse was grinning while he grabbed the harness and leash from their hooks by the door so that he could get Ranger ready to go outside. It was something they could both practically get done in their sleep, if the excited puppy wasn't wriggling with barely contained eagerness that didn't fit into his body. Luckily, that evening seemed to be a calmer one, likely due to the sleepy look in the pup's eyes.
"I'm not bullying you. I'm teasing you, at most. I didn't realize this dinner meant so much to you. But fine, I will take the dog out so you can set the table in peace"
"Thank you."
He barely got the words out before lips found his cheek, the kiss soft and brief but more than enough for him to be aware of it. It was something that happened seemingly randomly, as out of place as him cooking and taking over the kitchen for hours at a time. It had never really been one of Mouse's habits, casual contact, touches that weren't completely necessary, little reminders of their relationship and their closeness that Jay usually had to initiate himself. The change was a good one, and his frown disappeared in an instant because of it.
"I'll make sure to walk him around the block so you'll have plenty of time. If we're not back in half an hour, our downstairs neighbor kidnapped me. You may have to call the team for back up."
"Don't get kidnapped. I did not take six hours making dinner to not even eat it."
"I'm going to lock that up and never let you use it again. Seriously, it's day one, and it's already changing you."
As soon as the door swung shut, Jay bit his lip to keep his smile from growing any wider. He had at least a few minutes to himself to get everything put together and the table set up. It should be easy enough - the plates were already on the counter, and the timer on the oven was beeping, and everything was done, he just had to make it presentable.
He took his time to make sure it looked good. The pasta went down first, with the slowly simmered sauce spooned out over the top of it. Then came the cheese sprinkled on top, and the slices of garlic bread that were artfully placed next to it all. It looked perfect, and he just hoped it would stay perfect until it made it to the table. That was all he asked for, just one perfect moment so that he could present his hard work before they dug into it.
Miraculously, he got exactly that. The plates still looked picture perfect, and the warm glow of the bulbs over the table just added to the atmosphere.
And the ceramic clinked against the wood just as the door opened again.
"Good news, I didn't get kidnapped."
"Better news," Jay called back with a wider small, gesturing with his hand to the display he'd set up. "Dinner is ready."
"I still don't know why spaghetti sauce took all day." Taking care of the leash and harness again, Mouse knelt down to scratch Ranger behind his ears. "But it smells really good. Can I actually come through the kitchen now, or are you going to scold me again?"
He rolled his eyes and settled into his chair, the expression on his face still something more than a smile. "Just come eat. There's plenty more after this, so you can have seconds, or we can pack some up for lunches, or whatever."
"I feel like I need to put it on Instagram."
The chair on the other side of the table scraped against the floor before the weight of a whole human being settled into it. Then there was only the clinking of forks against plates and cups on the table and the other noises that came with eating dinner - including the excited padding paws near their feet, their puppy hoping for some crumbs or a spill that a napkin couldn't quite catch before he got a bowl of his own food.
And a moan that was usually reserved for the bedroom.
"Oh my god..."
"Are you rethinking your plan to hide the slow cooker from me? Because I can't do this again if you lock it up somewhere."
"I want to lock it up, so I don't have to be bored for an entire afternoon again." A quick shake of a head and more clinking of silverware accompanied the words. "But... you did so well! Why are you making me choose between quality time with you and delicious food?"
Jay coughed out a laugh while he swallowed the food in his mouth. "You know... next time, you can just be in the kitchen with me. It doesn't always have to be a surprise. I just... don't cook very often. I wanted this to feel special."
"This is definitely special. Make it forever. I want to eat this every single day."
"Do you know how much work this took? No."
[ praise and admiration prompts ]
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