While men are killing women & girls, misogynists are still saying "gender war is so boring both sides should cut it out". The thing is that they never want to talk about the fact that there is no war, there is massive femicide. Gender war doesn't exist in real life! Misandry doesn't exist in real life! Femicide exists!!!
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This is why I say people who hate Taylor Swift are a huge fvcking red flag!
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The boy who did it gets privacy but the victims and the families of the victims don't!
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I'm tired of seeing videos of the victims' families crying, for once I would like to see the k!ller getting what he deserves!
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bumblebeerror · 5 months
Hey so for all y’all who have never experienced Testosterone Puberty, from someone who experienced Estrogen Puberty first:
Cis Teenage Boys cannot help that they stink. They cannot help being sweaty. They cannot help that their hair is greasy if they don’t have the time or means to shower multiple times a day.
My first puberty was a fucking BREEZE in the “remaining clean, dry, and generally presentable” department besides the period bits. For 3/4 of the time I was going thru puberty, it was totally easy. I barely sweat, I only stank when I had my period and only like blood, my only wardrobe worry was whether I bled thru my undies.
My second puberty on T? Motherfucker I sweat thru shirts, pants, socks, underwear, bandanas, you fucjing name it if it’s on my body I soak it through in a matter of minutes. On a warm day I could require a shower and fresh clothes 3-4 times in order to be presentable in public. My hair gets greasy within a day. My body gets Itchy where I sweat from bacteria that can accumulate and grow unchecked within a day, and makes me stink like BO and yeast. I’m not even safe in winter, motherfucker - whenever it gets remotely wet out my butt is so swampy if I stuck it in the snow I’d come back out with icicles on my ass.
All this to say - I’m expierencing this as an adult, who knows how to remedy itchy irritated skin with antibacterial soap, who knows what fabrics will make me sweat more and which ones will wick sweat away, who knows how and where to apply deodorant and what kinds will irritate my skin, who knows how to minimize the smells I dislike from my body through practice and patience, who is willing to use baby powder to stay more comfortable because I haven’t been teased about how only girls and babies use it.
In short, I say this as someone who’s had a decade longer to learn how to handle these issues - not as a confused and scared kid who’s being mercilessly teased and berated for being sweaty or stinky or using too much Axe Body Spray.
I say this because holy shit. Fucking relax next time you meet a teenage boy who is sweaty or stinky or greasy. Either help him out or refuse to yell at him or tease him for it. It isn’t his fault that he’s a fucking kid, and the most anyone has bothered telling him is to “put on deodorant” “take a shower” or “change your socks” about how to control what’s happening to his body.
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biasdigitaldiary · 5 months
not mine
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thetacoshellturtle · 2 years
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Idk what to title this
Just some doodles of the boys
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i’m a teenage boy raaaaaa
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elfyprincess · 3 months
Why do moids think 9/11 and school shootings are funny ?
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grumpchump · 7 months
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dog yaoi (they want each other)
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threecheersslxt · 1 year
Hey any teenage boys, during Snap streaks do you ever casually send full face snaps or is this special?
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deathbyfandom · 1 year
Being friends with guys is so fun sometimes like they’ll make you laugh so much and then there’s other times when you’re their mother like “okay get off the swings it’s time to eat!!” and they become 5 year olds again
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lilacthebooklover · 6 months
one time my entire year was given an assembly on breast cancer by a charity focusing on it, and there were badges & stickers available if you fancied them once the assembly had finished. so naturally, almost every teenage boy kitted himself out with "team boob" or "i checked my boobs" merch. the entire day was spent with them referencing how much they loved boobs during lessons while half the teachers had no idea what they were on about. that sure was an. experience
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theadventurek9 · 6 months
Ryker has now decided that waiting to finish peeing isn't worth it. That he should start running around before he finishes peeing. Getting it all over himself and maybe on anyone else nearby.
He also has decided that just emptying his bladder completely is not worth it either.
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vikkicomics · 7 months
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Vincent and Edwin as (Edwardian) teenagers in Sailor Suits. I took some inspiration from Anni Waltz, check out their art!
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mistborn-catgirl · 2 months
My mom had to put my teenage brothers through a Russian bread line-esque situation because they keep eating all of her homemade granola. They also ate all but one garlic stuffed olive, and they ate the garlic out of it. Still love em though.
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an actual conversation boys in my class have had:
Straight white boy #1: I’m not gay or anything, but Ryan Reynolds is hot
Boy #2: what about Ryan Gosling?
B1: who’s that again?
a third boy: *shows picture*
B1: ohhhh, yeah he’s hot, but Ryan Reynolds is hotter
third boy: I disagree
*proceeds to argue over which Ryan is hotter for the rest of chem*
putting this in the context that these are the straightest, whitest, no-homo boys out there, makes it hilarious
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bi-emo-bitch · 1 year
the best thing I saw while in line for the Barbie movie:
I was in line with my family for the Barbie movie and behind us there was a group of teenage boys around my age all dressed in pink. The individual theaters didn't open yet so there was a pretty big crowd outside the entrance at that point. They came up to us and asked what movie that line was for. And my buff, scary sounding dad told them it was for the Barbie movie. Then the boy that asked said jokingly to his friends but like in a way to make sure we heard "oh then we're in the wrong line then because we're not here for Barbie, we're here for Oppenheimer, right guys?" As he picked up his pink backpack. Ok he was joking I found it really funny especially bc it was me and my dad standing there in all black and band shirts on, telling them we were watching Barbie but the 5 teenage boys dressed in pink joked about how they were "gonna watch Oppenheimer"
I'll stop talking now-
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My boyfriend thinks he loves me. He has convinced himself that after one short month he loves me. I wish he could understand why I cannot believe that for even a moment.
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