#but my god it's so much easier than I thought! and cheaper than buying paint!
datuma · 10 months
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random objects my beloved
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wri0thesley · 3 years
Hello Nat! It's me! The same anon who sent the Househusband Risotto asks a few weeks ago. Could I request a fic of Risotto with no.21(a Househusband au) and some pregnancy fluff? Congrats on 5k (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
brand new - risotto x reader
you have something to tell your husband. 
warnings: soft fluff, sfw. afab reader, no pronouns. pregnancy, talk of children, brief allusions to risotto’s past life. 
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You’re surprised by just how easily Risotto falls into a domestic life.
You’d thought that his past would haunt him more; the fallen comrades, the Mafia business, the blood on his hands – but he’s surprisingly pragmatic about it, when you hesitantly bring it up.
“It happened,” he says. “I miss them. But I’ve been given a chance that they didn’t get, and I intend to take it.”
It’s more than your stoic, quiet husband usually says at once, and you feel it pierce your heart like an arrow. Your hand brushes over his broad shoulder in as much comfort as you can give him, and Risotto looks at you with the lightest smile on his lips that makes you feel like the luckiest person in the whole universe.
Risotto becomes the house-husband as if he’s been waiting to be able to do it for his whole life.
Oh, he makes some mistakes – some little things, like washing a pair of your red underwear in with some shirts that you wear for work. Planting the wrong kind of seedlings at the wrong time of year – trying to fix the plumbing himself instead of calling a plumber.
You two muddle along, but as a whole Risotto seems to be thriving, and that makes your heart leap in your chest like a prima ballerina.
Your heart thumps double when you come home after a long day of work and he already has dinner simmering on the stove, an apron wrapped around his broad frame – it’s emblazoned with the legend; “Hot Stuff Coming Through (and I don’t mean the food)”. You breathe in the scent of his cooking; something deep and rich.
You come up behind him and wrap your arms about him, resting your cheek on the centre of his back.
His muscle has gone a little soft now that he’s not working out so often or in as many life-or-death situations, but he’s still broad and amazing and perfect for holding onto.
“Smells great,” you say, sighing, kicking off your heels in kitchen to be put away later. Risotto’s eyes stray to them all higgledy-piggledy on the floor, and he frowns;
“Nonna’s recipe,” he says. “Aren’t you going to put those in the shoe rack?”
“I’ve only just gotten home,” you pout at him, but your pout quickly breaks into a smile as you see the exhaustedly fond expression on his face.
Now that he’s not an assassin – now that he doesn’t need to hide everything he’s feeling under the guise of being cool and cold and collected – Risotto’s face seems to move more. He finds it easier to express his emotions. It’s still little things; twitches and furrows, instead of his entire face transforming – but it’s more than before.
He’s comfortable. He’s happy.
You, and him, and the little world that you’ve build all around you two.
You bend over to pick up your heels, opening your mouth to say something over-dramatic about his newfound house pride – but you’re stopped by an ache that shoots down to the centre of your back, a noise of pain escaping you before Risotto can turn lightning quick and wrap a strong arm around you.
“Are you alright?” He’s asking, brow creasing slightly in concern. Panic flares in your stomach – you don’t want to tell him like this.
“Y-yeah,” you laugh it off, straightening up with your shoes in your hand, the other going to massage your back where you can reach. “Guess I was just sat in the wrong position at work for too long, huh?”
Risotto looks sceptical, but he can’t leave his boiling pots for too long. With a searching look at you, he returns to the stove, murmuring low;
“I’ll give you a massage later.”
You smile at his back as you walk towards the shoe rack in the hallway. You know that saying that will have made him blush; despite how long the two of you have been married now, he’s still nervous about things like that. His hands still shake a little when he goes to hold you. He still licks his lips before he kisses you, murmuring in a deep voice;
“Is it really alright?”
You always wind your arms around his neck and pull him in as your way of reassuring him that it’s perfectly fine. It’s hard, you think, for him to accept that he deserves all of this – but you’re eternally glad that the two of you get to share it together.
Little reminders of your shared home and life are scattered all about your home. A picture of you and Risotto at your wedding, framed and hung in the hallway; his suit is a little too tight, because he left it too long and it couldn’t be tailored properly to address the fact that he’s built like a superhero.
A bookshelf that has your romantic novels next to his own gothic horrors; a skull candle that burns red from its eyes as it melts perched on top. Also perched on top is a trinket dish that he made and painted for you at a pottery class he attended to try and get him out of the house whilst you were at work – you use it to dump your keys in.
It’s supposed to be a heart shape, but it’s more of a very uneven kidney.
The carpet you two had chosen together; you’d wanted something cheaper, but Risotto had insisted you could afford this one – he’d been right, and it’s soft beneath your stockinged feet.
You love him so much.
Your hand cups your stomach protectively now that you’re out of Risotto’s sight. You think of the tiny life inside of you; half Risotto, half you, already loved more than they’ll ever know even without Risotto knowing that it’s there. You can’t wait to tell him.
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His hands are gentle on your shoulders, big and warm and softer than they once were. They’re still a little calloused from the garden work he enjoys doing, but he no longer handles weapons and you buy him sandalwood-scented hand cream instead.
They feel so good as they slide down your shoulder blades, brushing the notches of your spine, soothing circles pressed into your skin with his thumb. You sigh, relaxing into him. The feel of the palm flat against the small of your back – where the ache is the most pronounced – makes you relax even further into him, toes curling, a sigh escaping your mouth of relief.
“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” He asks you, his voice measured. Your eyes flicker open from where they’ve closed in comfort.
“W-what’s wrong?” You ask him, nervously, and Risotto makes an ‘mm’ noise in the back of his throat. His hands do not stop the massage as he goes.
“You’ve been out of it for days,” he tells you.
(He’s right. You’ve been out of it since Monday, and it’s now Thursday; Monday is the day you’d woken up with your stomach heaving, remembered how long it had been since your last period, and bought a pregnancy test on your way to work. You’ve done three more since then, and all of them have showed the exact same result.)
“Have I?”
His hands move to your shoulders, gently twisting you around.
“You have,” he says, his red-and-dark eyes fixed firmly on you. “If there’s something wrong, I’d like to fix it.”
“It’s nothing you’ve done!” You say, all in a rush, but Risotto has successfully caught you nonetheless; his eyes narrow.
“So it is something?”
Heat rushes to your face. You forget, sometimes, because he cooks dinner and does the gardening and goes to his pottery class, that he was a battle-hardened mafia assassin who has done more interrogations than you will probably ever know (you never bring up his former employ unless he brings it up first). He’s an expert at gently needling the truth out of people.
“It’s not something that’s wrong,” you say, weakly, but his eyes are still pinning you in place.
“Tell me,” is all he says.
You think, in the back of your head, you’d had some kind of grand plans to reveal your secret – maybe involving balloons, and a cake, and a little party hat perched on top of Risotto’s silvery pale hair. You think you wanted to make a big deal out of it; one more reminder that the world he left behind is well and truly in his past now. But now you’re on the bed with him and he’s looking at you so tenderly in a soft grey shirt for sleeping and a pair of loose boxer shorts, all ruffled and sleepy and domestic . . . Now feels like a good time too.
“I’m pregnant,” you tell him.
You swear that you could hear a pin drop.
He blinks at you, as if he can’t properly process the statement.
“We’re having a baby.”
“Oh my God.” His voice is very small. He reaches out, hesitantly, eyes wide – big hand hovering over your stomach. “Can I . . .?”
“Yes,” you say, breathless as his hand rests on it. It’s not curving, yet; the fancy test you’d bought today and done in the bathroom at work had said it thought you were well past three weeks, but that’s still early days. Your eyes stare down at Risotto’s scarred, huge fingers – so careful with you, despite what he’s had to do to survive.
“I can’t believe it,” he tells you, and your throat feels tight.
“Me neither,” you admit. “But . . . I’m happy.”
He meets your eyes. There are tears brimming in his – you have never seen Risotto Nero cry. You’ve seen him sad, of course (a sad downturn to his mouth when a dog dies in a movie, or when the rosebush he’d been carefully cultivating had failed to achieve a single bloom) – but there’s an actual tear rolling down his cheek, sparkling in the bedroom light.
“Me too,” he says, and it seems entirely natural. Entirely true. Your heart aches with how much you love him.
You two don’t say anything for a few minutes, content to just look at each other, the warm knowledge of what you’re sharing making the air seem hazy and unreal.
You think about the pitter patter of little feet. The spare room you can turn into a nursery. Going to pre-natal classes with Risotto, choosing baby clothes, seeing him out and about pushing a fancy perambulator (you’ve always wanted one of those tacky, over the top ones that look like a Victorian nanny’s contraption, and you know that Risotto will agree to it--).
You think about him in the delivery room, your nails making crescent moon cuts in his palm. You think about his encouraging tone; you think about the hand-grown flowers he’ll no doubt bring you.
You imagine him cradling a little bundle of joy; tiny in his huge arms. His lips leaving gentle kisses on tiny foreheads. Him reading to your baby, him tending to scrapes, him and you and your child and the life that neither of you ever thought you’d get to live together.
His face is shining, fully transformed. He sees you looking at him with droplets shimmering in your tear ducts and he wipes them away with one big, warm thumb.
“I know,” he says. “It’s not just for me. It’s for all of them, too.”
“Yes,” you say to him. Your voice breaks, pitches, as you manage to get out: “I’m so happy we get to spend the rest of our lives together.”
He looks at you, so tender you feel like you’ll come apart under his gaze.
This moment is going to shimmer in your memory forever, you think. You’re glad that this was how the reveal went. This is much more like the two of you than any fancy reveal or ribbon or cake (you might still get a cake, anyway – Risotto has a sweet tooth).
“I love you,” he says, like warmth that wraps about your heart. And then; “What about naming it Formaggio?”
There’s a beat. You stare at him.
Both of your mouths stretch into a smile, a soft huff of laughter escaping his lips that makes you feel like you’re listening to a symphony.
“Maybe we should workshop names a bit more,” you tell him.
He agrees.
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growingingreenwood · 4 years
Hey I start college this week any advice? Hope all is well you are amazing!
Omg good job!! That's so exciting!!!! Alrighty, I have a bachelor’s degree and now i'm working on my Rec Therapy Degree so I’ve had like 5 and a half years of college/university experience so hopefully at least something here will be helpful for you. 
What are you going to collage to take?
One- Try to sit in the front of of the lecture hall
Classes will probably be a lot bigger than you’re used to and many people find this intimidating. I used to sit at the very back of lecture halls because I hated having to walk past rows of people, but you know what? My grades suffered for it. I’m an easily distracted human being with crippling ADHD and so being able to see everybody's computer screen was a nightmare for me. Half the class was watching movies or playing games or whatever so I didn't hear a damn word my teacher said. The closer I was to the front, the less distracting it was for me. Plus, I find that when I’m more familiar with being closer to my teachers it's easier and less intimidating for me to ask them for help or to re-explain things. 
Two- Don’t be embarrassed, everybodys a mess and other people have your question. 
The colleges I’ve been to have been nothing like highschool. We’re all in this together, we’re a suffering squad okay. So if you're too tired to ‘look good’ SICK half your class probably has not showered in like five days. Have a question that you think might make sound dumb? I can literally assure you that other people have the same question and pray somebody else will ask it. All of you are confused, it's okay. 
Oh my god I cannot stress this enough. For some reason professores and schools are out here hustling textbooks like starving soundcloud rappers. We don’t need that shit. Your school probably has a facebook group or two where students are selling their old textbooks much cheaper than you could get them in bookstores. And when I mean cheaper, I mean by like 100 - 200 dollars. If you're on a physical campus, lots of people put lists of what books they're selling on their lockers so keep an eye out for flyers as well. 
Four -  Join a club! 
One of the things I really love about college is all the low pressure social situations. There's literally tons of clubs at most universities rankings from really open (First Year Social Club!!) to ridiuclously niche (We All Play Super Smash Brothers In Full Costume Once A Month) so its a great place to start when it comes to making new friends and finding some cool stuff to do! 
Five - Don’t fall for the ‘too cool’ trap. 
Lots of people have endless fun in college (like me) and some people really, really hate it. Personally, I think it has a lot to do with your attitude about being there. There's tons of pep rallies, carnivals, festivals and whatever else held by your school that can actually be super fun to attend but many people think they're ‘too cool’ for things like that. Don’t fall into this trap, I can assure you those that went to the events had like 9 billion times more fun. 
This lesson took me so long to learn, but it was life changing once I did learn it. There's tons of resources available to you though most universities, and most of it was probably paid for through your tuition so it makes no sense to NOT access these things. See what your school offers for counseling services, stress reduction, learning activities held in the library, financial aid, make use of your teachers office hours, things like that. Crawl through your school’s website and see what they have to offer you, you can get some really really good life advice sometimes. If you’re falling behind in school work and need an extension, ask for it. Literally the worst thing that can happen is your teacher telling you ‘no.’ Which, honestly, in my near six years of schooling has literally only happened once and it was because the teacher personally didn’t like me. 
Seven -- C’s Get Degrees 
School Burnout Is REAL, she is sneaky, and she will hit you when you least expect it. I really struggle with having too high of expectations of myself when it comes to my work/life balance. This is the only year that I haven't worked at least 20 hours a week on top of full time university education and that only because of COVID and my immune issues, however for some reason I always expect myself to do like 3 - 4 hours of homework a day. Which is lunacy. At least it is for me. I literally cannot even count how many times I’ve put my grades before my physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental wellbeing. How many times I’ve forced myself to keep studying when I knew that I had already surpassed my limit hours ago because I thought that getting an A was more important than anything else. Especially myself. That’s not true. 
You weren’t put on this earth to get straight A’s, you were put on this earth to be the best you that you can be. 
So sometimes, you really do just gotta accept that ‘C’s get Degrees’ and you gotta close your textbook, go paint your nails, call your friend, and go to bed. 
Eight -- Everything Can Be A Learning Experience 
There are endless things to learn at college, and most of them aren't what the teachers are telling you. College is where I first learned that it really isn’t the end of the world to fail sometimes. It happens, it happens to everyone, but there's always something to learn from every ‘failure’ and part of it is how you can better handle failures in the future. It teaches you how to work with people, share ideas, and grow in your self-confidence. If you take the time to self-reflect when you find yourself struggling in aspects of your life in college, you can really learn a lot about yourself and how you present. 
It was through self-reflecting on some of my peer interactions that I realized my vocabulary was creating a rift between me and them, as several people as it as a way of me purposefully trying to make myself seem ‘better’ or ‘more educated’ when in reality I just forget a lot of simple words and end up using some ridiculous monstrosity in casual sentences.  The more I made that known about myself in interactions, and mentioning how much I read, helped my interactions because it helped people to better understand WHY I speak that way. This lesson has continued to help me throughout my life. 
Nine -- Missing Lectures is a Slippery Slope
My attendance rate was already a lost cause by the time I got to University (my highschool almost didn't let me graduate because I had an 87% absentee rate and something like 300 missed detentions but I was 1 of 3 Full Honors Students and they wanted the funding so they ecentually let me lol) but I have watched many a student crawl into this 'Chronic Skipping' pit with me in my years. Im not really sure why it happens, but basically as soon as you miss 2 lectures for no concrete reason (like a dentist appointment or cause your sick or something) it's game over for you. You'll miss two classes, then three, then four, then 2 a week, then 3 a week. Then you start skipping other subjects too. Then you end up like me and suddenly its the end of the term and you realize you've only attended 4 entire classes, one of which was the first day and the other 3 were exams. (True story, that was my 8am Political Science Class in my second year)
I hope this helps somewhat!!!! Let me know if you have any specific questions! 
And thank you lovely, I’m chugging along doing my best trying to get back into my creative bubble which for some reason seems to be rather elusive and hard to track down thus far. 
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Plea for My New Self
Sanders sides Vampire College AU - it’s gay - it’s full of fun fluffy tropes - a bit o’ hurt/comfort - mostly fluff
Words: 5,267  Warnings: Food, Money Issues Characters: Virgil, Roman, Logan, Patton, (Remus & Deceit mentioned) Ships: Prinxiety, Analogical, Eventual LAMPD/CALMD Universe: Plea for my New Self Genre: Fluff
Chapter 24: Attraction
Chapter 1 for New Readers - ffn mirror
   After their very successful date, Roman and Virgil were laying together on the air mattress and holding hands while they barely watched the cast recording of Arcadia. Roman was very distracted, and with Virgil’s shield down he was also struggling to pay attention. Virgil hoped Patton was at their dorm still because there’s no way they wouldn’t get lost in the showers or buy 20 dogs or something while Virgil and Roman were caught up in the loop.
   “You better speak up, angel, before Pat finds themselves getting lost in the 5 steps from their loft to the toilet,” Virgil said and ran his hand through Roman’s hair.
   “What?” Roman asked, looking to Virgil.
   “Exactly,” Virgil stated plainly, and then was distracted by Roman’s bright eyes. He shook his head to try to refocus. “You’re distracting everybody,” Virgil clarified.
   “Sorry, there’s a lot on my mind,” Roman mumbled and Virgil ran his hand through Roman’s hair affectionately.
   “I know, let’s get some of it out,” Virgil softly requested. “What’s on my Prince’s plate and how can we toss the entire thing?”
   “You need not break my plate, Virgil,” Roman said and rolled his eyes at him.
   “Just tell me, you cagey bitch, before I flip to the ceiling and take you with me,” Virgil threatened Roman, though they both knew it was empty by the hint of playfulness in his annoyance.
   “Fine, the money thing is weird to me,” Roman said.
   “Among other things, I’m sure. You’ve never been this distracted over it before, and didn’t mind spending it this afternoon,” Virgil said and brushed Roman’s knuckles with his thumb, sucked up by the feeling and losing his train of thought again. They sat in silence for a moment until Roman sighed.
   “Yeah, among other things,” Roman replied finally.
   “Listen, if you don’t want money you don’t have to take it. It’s just a resource you have now,” Virgil explained. “I’m not forcing it on you, I just see problems money can fix and offer it,” Virgil tried to console him.
   “I want to be as blase about it as you but it’s not how I was raised,” Roman shrugged slightly.
   “Yeah, I know, capitalist brainwashing, human struggle, society, all that stuff,” Virgil said. Roman just looked at him oddly. “I give away money all the time, Roman, you’re not the first objector. If you feel gross, just spend as much on random charity as you do on yourself. D will tell you to back off if you’re spending too much,”
   “So you would seriously pay my tuition? It would really help my parents out,” Roman asked softly.
   “So it was big expenses that were bothering you? But of course, I'll pay for it. We can get you a fake part-time job to pay for it to avoid possible inquisitions,” Virgil tried to explain while Roman's mood tried to throw him off. “But if that’s not what you want, I won’t force it on you,” He accidentally repeated. It was hard to focus.
   “Yeah,” Roman said oddly solemnly. “Remus has been complaining about not getting as much help as me since his schooling was cheaper. He texted that he needed new shoes and mom and dad wouldn’t buy them. I was hoping I could tell them to spend it on Remus instead of me, so he could get the things he needs. I’ve been feeling awful about getting more help than him. I know he’s a little asshole sometimes, but he was just acting out for attention. It’s like they’re trying to punish him for his grades not being good enough to get into university with me,”
   “You can tell them that you’ll pay for yourself and send him a bunch of pre-loaded credit cards if you want,” Virgil offered. “If he wants, he can always transfer to university if he gets his grades up. That’s much easier if he’s not walking around in dead shoes. Hell, we can send him some fancy boots or something,” Virgil shrugged. “You do look great in boots,”
   “Are you serious?” Roman asked and stared at Virgil intently.
   “Entirely. Sending cash is a bad idea and bank transfers are tracked. Gift cards would let him buy most of the things he needs even if your asshole parents don’t help after you ask them to,” Virgil explained to him and ran his free hand along Roman’s arm assuringly.
   “Hey!” Roman objected and glared at him.
   “Well, you don’t paint the greatest picture of them, starshine,” Virgil rolled his eyes at Roman, but the intensity in Roman’s face didn’t drop. Virgil leaned forward to kiss Roman’s forehead. “I’m sorry I insulted your parents, love,” Virgil apologized.
   “Maybe they aren’t the greatest, but it’s fucked up to insult somebody else’s parents, Virge,” Roman grunted and glowered at Virgil. At least Roman's weird mood wasn't throwing Virgil off anymore.
   “I wouldn’t know,” Virgil said blithely and rolled his eyes.
   “I could always insult Hecate, she’s like your mom or something, right?” Roman asked sarcastically.
   “You insult Hecate and she may never give you a gift,” Virgil reprimanded him shortly, shooting him a small glare. 
   “I’m surprised you even believe that stuff,” Roman sighed in exasperation.
   “Most born vampires do. We can feel something and we innately know what it is. I just know what I feel. I’m not insulting your beliefs,” Virgil grunted and pulled his hand back from Roman to cross his arms, but Roman gripped Virgil’s hand and didn’t let him withdraw.
   “Fine, let’s call it even. You don’t get it and I don’t get it, but at least we get we shouldn’t insult each other for it. Deal?” Roman offered.
   “Okay,” Virgil said and relaxed again. “It may not hurt to be more open to the idea if you want a gift so bad,” Virgil said.
   “Yeah, sure, Virge, I’ll just abandon all my beliefs on the off chance it changes anything,” Roman said sardonically.
   “I didn’t say abandon, just open. They’re not diametrically opposed,” Virgil clarified and held Roman’s face briefly. Roman just huffed. “You don’t have to, it just might help your odds if you decide you want to try for one. I can’t say I know how it works,” Roman stayed silent. It was fine if he didn’t want to discuss it. Virgil could understand where he was coming from, at least on this point. Virgil was thankful Roman was finally less distracted, but this weird conflicted feeling wasn’t much better. He’d rather go back to spacing out when he admired his lovely new boyfriend. Maybe he could change the subject and lift his mood.
   “So, why did you pick today for your super date?” Virgil asked softly and stroked Roman’s face.
   “Oh, it was just the first day off after I decided. I knew you’d be busy with Pat all Saturday,” Roman said. The feeling subsided slightly, which was nice.
   “So, when did you decide?” Virgil asked and ran his hand gently along the back of Roman’s head.
   “Friday night,” Roman responded, sounding a little dismissive.
   “What made Friday night special? We just watched movies,” Virgil asked curiously, softly playing with the hair on the back of his neck.
   “I, uh, it wasn’t so much about the day,” Roman stumbled slightly and looked away. Virgil looked to Roman with intrigue, but he didn’t explain further. Virgil pulled him in for a hug and stroked his back, feeling Roman’s mood.
   “Okay,” Virgil breathed. He wasn’t sure if he should push him to move past this or just let it lie. He didn’t want to make Roman angry again. So, Virgil opted not to push it and hoped Roman would decide for him. “Whatever it is, you don’t have to be embarrassed about it. I guarantee I’ve done every stupid thing on the planet by now and it’s hard to faze me,” Virgil offered in solidarity.
   “This is another problem you won’t understand,” Roman said, looked away, and squeezed his hand.
   “A family thing?” Virgil couldn’t help but hope for clarification.
   “No, it’s just something that you were born with that I wasn’t sure I wanted,” Roman sighed. Virgil stiffened. Fuck, did he regret it now?
   “Shit, I’m sorry, Ro! I would take it back if-” Virgil started freaking out, he didn’t expect the conversation to go and felt like he was hit with a brick of guilt all at once.
   “No, Virgil! Settle down! I’m still happy with being extra awesome!” Roman interjected and Virgil let out a big sigh. “God, you’re still harboring that? Let it go,” Roman moaned. “That physically hurt,”
   “Sorry. You could still regret it down the line,” Virgil mumbled and tried to calm back down.
   “You are the most pessimistic person on the planet,” Roman grumbled. “Look, I wasn’t sure I was willing to be in a non-monogamous relationship,” Roman finally admitted. Virgil looked at him in confusion.
   “I know you just asked me out, but I’ll give you your space if you changed your mind,” Virgil offered, feeling morose and looking weakly to Roman, backing up slightly on the air mattress.
   “I didn’t change my mind, stormcloud, seriously, settle down. I didn't mean to make you freak out. I barely knew you could," Roman said, looking confused. 
   “You're important to me," Virgil said quietly. 
   “I guess I'll take it as a compliment. I mean it. I'm happy with you, okay?" Roman said emphatically. Virgil nodded and exhaled slightly. “I just always thought I was a one guy kind of person. But I like both you and Patton. And it didn’t feel wrong when we all cuddled watching movies, and it didn’t feel wrong to go to sleep with the both of you either, even though we weren’t dating or whatever. You were sweet and focused on caring for them, but I didn’t feel ignored or unloved,” Roman explained softly and pulled Virgil back in to hold him. “I don’t know how I feel about your other boyfriends yet, but I don’t think the things I was worried about are genuine issues. And maybe I’m less monogamous than I thought, too, since I’d still say yes if Pat was interested,” Roman mumbled the last part. Virgil softened. He wished Roman would have talked to him about all this before, but maybe it was important for Roman to think about it alone. Either way he was immensely relieved. 
   “Thanks for telling me, starshine,” Virgil nestled into Roman, holding him on the air mattress. “You seemed okay with Deceit when he left last time,” Virgil said. “Are you warming up to him?”
   “He’s certainly a dramatic bitch. He offered to teach me archery when we visited him at the estate, which is pretty cool of him,” Roman said, thankfully sounding interested in further interactions.
   “So you could get along as friends?” Virgil asked, hoping they could like each other instead of continuing to clash.
   “We could be cordial,” Roman offered, but Virgil felt something surprising from Roman.
   “You like him a little, huh?” Virgil asked with a light chuckle.
   “Just a little! After he stopped threatening me he got all affectionate and teasing instead of being an asshole,” Roman said a little defensively. “Kind of like you, but more dramatic and theatrical,”
   “Ah, I can see how that maybe is something you’d be into,” Virgil laughed and Roman squeezed him hard. “I give, Princey, if we wrestle on the air mattress we’ll pop it,” Virgil conceded quickly. Roman released him and took his hand again. “So, did what Deceit said to you when he came to visit Patton have anything to do with your change in attitude towards him?” Virgil asked, and Roman’s heart rate spiked slightly, and he flushed.
   “He said something sweet but immediately chased it by embarrassing me with too much information, so not really,” Roman said, sounding almost a little winded.
   “That’s very on-brand for Deceit. What did he say?” Virgil asked with amusement.
   “He, uh, compared real-life you to dream-you,” Roman coughed. Virgil rolled his eyes. That was extremely on-brand for Deceit.
   “Sorry. He likes to make his gift everyone else’s curse. It’s kind of a hard one to have. I hope it was at least a kind comparison,” Virgil said with a sigh.
   “Yes, it was a very glowing recommendation,” Roman sighed right back, a little bitterly. Virgil blushed when he remembered exactly what Roman was dreaming about.
   “Wait, weren’t you dreaming about-” Virgil started.
   “We can not talk about that, thanks,” Roman cut him off before he could say it.
   “It was just a dream, Roman, I’m not-,” Virgil tried to offer in for solace.
   “We could just not talk about it, thanks,” Roman said again, a little louder. Virgil shook his head and looked back to the laptop.
   “Oh, crap, we talked through the rest of the cast recording,” Virgil muttered and sat up.
   “Whatever, as long as I see it before Wednesday. I don’t really feel like restarting it this late,” Roman said and yawned lightly. “Any chance you’ll stay unshielded and sleep with me tonight?” Roman asked, looking hopeful.
   “I don’t mind. But if I stay unshielded the whole night I might wake you and Pat up worrying or something,” Virgil warned him and pulled him close again, kissing his hair.
   “I suppose that means you shouldn’t worry then,” Roman said snarkily. Virgil released him and huffed.
   “That’s not how anxiety works,” Virgil responded bitterly.
   “I still think you should talk to Emile,” Roman chided him.
   “I’ll talk to him tomorrow,” Virgil replied impassively. He did want to ask him something.
   “Cool,” Roman remarked and yawned again. “Play me something on the piano?”
   “Sure, darling, any requests?” Virgil asked and pulled himself to his feet off the air mattress. Roman picked up the laptop and returned it to the charger as Virgil sat at his synth.
   “Do you have anything you wrote that’s calm?” Roman asked as he grabbed the weighted blanket off Virgil’s bed to lay back down under.
   “You’ve already heard one of them. I have a few. Are you looking for like mystical forest vibes or a rainy night?” Virgil asked, trying to narrow it down. Roman looked at him oddly for a moment.
   “A rainy night?” He asked, sounding confused, and Virgil just nodded and started playing. The air mattress behind him shifted a few times until Roman settled in. “Come back to bed in two songs,” Roman murmured.
   “Of course, sweet Prince,” Virgil cooed with a little chuckle.
   Virgil had texted to Patton and Logan the next afternoon to invite them out for lunch. Roman had come back from his morning classes and tried to go eat more of that garbage campus pizza before Virgil convinced him otherwise. It would have been nice to see everybody. Especially give Patton the hug owed to them after last night’s emotional debacle waking them up. Roman and Virgil walked through the campus afternoon with their arms hooked to the pizza parlor nearby, planning to order ahead while Patton and Roman got there. Patton had to finish up a class and Virgil and Logan didn’t want them walking alone.
   Roman was tapping the table impatiently with the two hot pizzas and garlic knots right in front of him, waiting to take a bite. He held Virgil’s hand under the table and tapped his foot.
   “They’re almost here, I don’t think they’ll mind if you go ahead,” Virgil said and stroked his thumb over the back of Roman’s hand.
   “That’s bad manners, Virgil,” Roman huffed and crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair. Virgil felt Patton enter the building and raised up his arm so Patton and Logan could pick them out in the lunch crowd. They thankfully were against a wall near the entrance so Virgil could handle it. Virgil was still a bit on edge, but it helped that Roman was here with him. It would help more when Patton and Logan sat down, probably. Patton rounded the corner and lit up when they saw Virgil, bounding over as carefully as possible. Patton pulled Virgil into a bear hug when they got to the table, yanking Virgil out the chair and Roman's hand. They clearly don't have the best handle on their strength yet, but Virgil thought it was funny. 
   “Virgil!” The exclaimed and rubbed noses with Virgil, which was a little surprising. 
   “Sorry again,” Virgil mumbled into their ear while they hugged him tightly.
   “It���s okay, honey, I get it,” Patton said softly and rubbed his back. Virgil picked up Patton and gave them a little spin, and they giggled airily as Virgil set them down to eat.
   Patton went over to Roman and gave him the same hug treatment with a wide smile. Logan walked over with a nod to Roman and sat on the other side of Virgil at the round table, giving Virgil a special smile that would have melted his heart if he had one. Logan reached out and squeezed Virgil’s hand before selecting a slice of pizza from the pie. Patton dropped excitedly into the free chair between Roman and Logan and eyed the pizza hungrily, probably trying to pick their first victim. Pizza. Whatever. Fish are friends, not food. It was loud in here. Virgil sat down and sipped his espresso and tried to shake all the sensory input from blasting his brain.
   “Thank you for the lunch, Virgil,” Logan said, sounding upbeat. He placed the pizza slice on a small plate next to his Italian side salad and tucked into the salad first.
   “Anytime, Logan,” Virgil smiled back.
   “How much do I owe you Virge?” Patton asked, lifting up their large compartment wallet with a unicorn on it.
   “You’ll never owe me, Pat,” Virgil said shook his head, holding up his hand.
   “You’ve already got me a few times,” Patton refuted him with a frown.
   “Money’s not a big deal to me. It’s an enormous deal to you,” Virgil said seriously. “It’s fine, I promise,” Virgil tried to give them a comforting smile.
   “I don’t like owing you,” Patton pouted.
   “Then, poof, you don’t owe me!” Virgil exclaimed with a flourish. “Just enjoy some pizza. If it still bothers you we can discuss it later, okay?” Virgil conceded. Patton nodded suspiciously and took a slice to enjoy. Their face cheered back up after the first bite though. Logan turned to Virgil and smiled again with a nod before returning to his salad.
Virgil sipped his espresso as his friends all ate in silence for a moment. Either it was really good, or they were all really hungry. Roman was quite literally stuffing his face with a garlic knot at the moment, which Virgil laughed at. Roman rolled his eyes at Virgil and shoved him with his shoulder. He finished off the knot and smiled, looking to the others and puffing up his chest with pride.
   “Oh, Pat, Logan. I asked out Virge yesterday,” Roman said proudly as he reached for another slice of pizza.
   “Aaah!" Patton shook their fists happily. “I knew you could do it, Ro!” Patton cheered and lifted their glass. Roman lifted his cup, and they clinked the cups together in celebration.
   “I was under the impression you were already dating,” Logan said with a little confusion in his voice. Virgil laughed airily while Roman looked confused.
   “No, we weren’t,” Virgil clarified. “I’m sorry, I suppose I should have specified that I already had a boyfriend off-campus, not that I was already dating my roommate. He goes by Deceit. I’ll make sure you meet the next time he visits,” Virgil said with a chuckle, shaking his head with amusement and sipping his drink again while he leaned forward on his arms.
   “Why did everybody think we were already dating?” Roman groaned. Virgil gently shoved Roman with his shoulder, and Roman shot him a look. Virgil just shrugged and smirked at him.
   “You two just gave off that vibe!” Patton said cheerily, reaching for another slice.
   “We insulted each other constantly,” Roman objected, flipping his hand dismissively in the air before taking a bite of pizza.
   “We still do, Princey,” Virgil added and laughed again, leaning back in his chair.
   “I suppose this is what is called a polycule?” Logan asked, taking his knife and fork to his pizza. Patton smiled.
   “Uh, Pat, is this what’s called a polycule?” Virgil asked Patton pointedly. Virgil had no clue.
   “I think so, kiddo,” Patton nodded. “Though, I don’t know why you asked me?” Patton tilted their head in confusion.
   “I’m a meme lord, not caught up on new vocab,” Virgil responded and flipped out his palm. “It seemed like something you’d know. You called me gender-fluid before I really found a word for what I am,” Virgil admitted with a little dismissive hand movement. 
   “Oh god, you’re a meme lord? I should have known. You send one every 3 texts,” Roman groaned. “We’re divorced,” Roman pouted facetiously and smirked as he went back to eating. Virgil laughed and enjoyed more espresso.
   “So what’s a polycule?” Virgil asked and reached out to rub Roman’s shoulder affectionately.
   “It’s a relationship network of non-monogamous partners that looks similar to a molecule when illustrated,” Logan clarified. Virgil smiled at him and leaned towards Logan.
   “I guess you did some extracurricular research, then,” Virgil commented with a knowing smirk.
   “I prefer to be well-versed in all things I do,” Logan said with a hint of pride.
   “And it’s very attractive,” Virgil winked at Logan, who got a hint of pink as he ate. Virgil could feel Patton being flustered in a brief spike, and Roman looked up from his pizza in confusion.
   ‘Is everything alright, Pat?’ Virgil asked them mentally. Patton nodded quickly and went back to their pizza. Roman shot Virgil a glace, but Virgil just gave a small shrug in response. He’d have to ask Pat later. He hadn’t had a chance yet to teach Pat how to use the clan telepathy. Logan looked at Roman and Virgil oddly for a moment, but returned to his pizza after a moment.
   “So did you pull off the date you described to me?” Patton asked, sounding like they were trying to sound disaffected but there was a distinct interest breaking through.
   “I most certainly did,” Roman said proudly and smiled smugly.
   “I thought this was barely a premeditated thing. You texted Patton about it?” Virgil asked with a raised eyebrow. Patton was incapacitated all Saturday, which meant Roman texted Patton while Virgil was out for the few hours with Logan.
   “It’s not like Patton didn’t know I was considering it, and I wanted to talk to someone about it,” Roman said defensively and took another slice of pizza with a slight pout on his face.
   “I hope one of you will teach me how to ballroom dance,” Patton said wistfully and leaned forward on their elbows, seeming to look at something in the distance.
   “That could probably be arranged,” Virgil offered. Patton looked very eager at the prospect. Virgil wasn’t sure when Patton would have the time with their part-time job, but maybe Virgil could solve that if he could get Patton to be less weird about money.
   “Which form of ballroom dancing are you referring to?” Logan asked curiously. “I can teach you to foxtrot,” He added off-handedly.
   “Oh, I didn’t expect you and the foxtrot. We were talking about waltzing,” Virgil clarified, leaning back on one arm while he held his drink in the other.
   “There’s more than one kind of ballroom dancing?” Patton asked curiously, leaning towards Logan.
   “Yes, there are many forms of ballroom dance, as well as regional variants,” Logan supplied.
   “There’s a story behind the foxtrot, right?” Roman asked. “You’re not exactly Mr. Fun and sunshine,” Roman made a face and motioned towards Logan with his free hand.
   “Be nice,” Virgil rolled his eyes and squeezed Roman’s shoulder.
   “No, Roman is not inaccurate. I am not ‘Mr. Fun-and-Sunshine’, which is a ridiculous surname. My fathers taught me when I was a child,” Logan explained, and he looked surprisingly proud of that fact.
   “That’s so cute!” Patton cooed. “Little baby Logan doing the foxtrot,” Patton said with a high voice and danced their fingers on the tabletop.
   “I wonder if we could hunt down a flapper dress for that. I always think about the swaying tassels when I think of the foxtrot,” Virgil said nostalgically and shook his fingers as if they were the tassels.
   “Can you foxtrot as well, Virgil?” Logan asked inquisitively, turning slightly towards Virgil.
   “Not really, I just used to watch it,” Virgil replied dismissively. He used to play in a band that did the music for it, anyway. “I only know both kinds of waltz and the paso doble,” Virgil provided.
   “Double pace?” Roman asked in confusion, raising his eyebrow and lowering his pizza slice.
   “It’s a type of dance where you mimic traditional Spanish bullfighting,” Logan explained quickly. “I apologize, Virgil, but that is possibly more surprising than my knowledge of the foxtrot,” Logan said, sounding very puzzled.
   “Would it help if I told you I usually dance the cape?” Virgil offered meekly with a light shrug.
   “No, that does not alleviate any bafflement. It’s an uncommon dance that’s mostly competitive,” Logan said, looking to Virgil in confusion.
   “Oh, Patton, we have to look this up,” Roman said, whipping out his smartphone. Patton scooted their chair over next to Roman and looked at his phone screen. It sounded like they pulled up a video of the dance and Virgil buried his face in his hands. That’s what he gets for being so forthcoming. Stupid tiny computers in everybody’s pockets making it so they could look up every dumb thing he said. He used to dance it with Deceit. While drunk at parties in France.
   ‘It was popular and was very drunk, okay!’ Virgil shot mentally to his two Brood, but they just broke out laughing at him as he glared at them sourly.
   “You danced this with Deceit, right? I want to see! Do you still have the dress? Can I try on the dress!?” Patton’s words rushed together in excitement as they barraged Virgil with questions.
   “No, I don’t still have the dress,” Virgil groaned and squeezed his knees under the table in frustration, fighting the urge to bash his head against the table.
   “I can visualize Deceit dancing this very easily. I’m guessing it was his idea?” Roman asked, smirking at Virgil very knowingly. Knowing he was making Virgil even more embarrassed, anyway. 
   “If it involved parties, it was probably Deceit’s idea,” Virgil grumbled and rubbed his face.
   “What a bizarre hobby for teenagers,” Logan mumbled. Roman barked in laughter, and Patton giggled. Virgil buried his face in his hands. If Deceit could feel this, he better know that it was his fucking fault.
   “It takes two to paso doble, Virgil,” Roman said mockingly, Roman and Patton’s cheeks both tinted little pink with embarrassment and fidgeting slightly. Virgil groaned again as he peaked out between his fingers.
   “Oh, you don’t have to be embarrassed, Virge! It’s such a passionate dance!” Patton consoled Virgil cheerily and shifted back in front of their plate for a garlic knot.
   “Yes, and it requires skill. It may be an odd pastime for American teenagers, but it is not one without merit,” Logan added. Virgil sighed in relief and reached for Logan’s hand under the table to give it a brief squeeze of thanks. Roman rolled his eyes and returned to his pizza as well. There was another pause that let Virgil breathe through the rest of his embarrassment before conversation started again.
   “Do you want to go do some sketch homework together tonight, Virge? I think It’d be fun to go sketch that swirly sculpture in front of the library,” Patton asked.
   “Yeah, it would be interesting to draw,” Virgil nodded, remembering that weird sculpture and all the curves.
   “Nerds,” Roman scoffed affectionately. Virgil rolled his eyes at Roman and pushed him slightly as Roman was glancing down at his phone. “Don’t you have to get to class soon, Pat?” Roman asked.
   “Oh, shoot, I do! Don’t eat all the leftovers without me, Ro,” Patton said, quickly trying to shove the rest of their slice in their mouth.
   “It was one time,” Roman drawled and Virgil chuckled at him. Patton quickly wiped their hands off on their napkin with their mouth full of the rest of their slice. They skipped around the table to hug Roman and Virgil goodbye. “I’ll walk you back, Pat. Get us a box, Virge,” Roman said and wiped off his hands.
   “Very chivalrous, thank you,” Virgil smiled at Roman.
   “I am a Prince, after all,” Roman said with a brief pose and leaned down to kiss Virgil on the cheek quickly before following Patton out of the restaurant.
   “Would you like to study together while we wait for the lecture to start?” Logan offered a little shyly, shifting a bit in his seat. He was so cute.
   “That sounds amazing, Logan. I’ll just have to swing by my dorm for my laptop,” Virgil said and smiled at Logan, happy to spend more time with him. “Let me go hunt down that box and we can head out,” Logan nodded with a brief smile, and Virgil got up to head to the counter for a pizza box to combine the pies and remaining knots in. The person at the counter handed one over quickly without him even asking for one. It must be pretty common here. Virgil returned to the table and leaned forward towards Logan and paused. Logan nodded and Virgil planted a kiss on Logan’s temple and started loading up the pizza. “I don’t suppose there will be any kissing in this study session?” Virgil asked smoothly and lifted his eyebrow. Logan turned red for a moment and his heart rate jumped and Virgil couldn’t help but grin at this nerd.
   “With the subject material I don’t believe it will be much of a distraction,” Logan said quietly and nodded. “Are you sure?” He asked meekly.
   “You are wonderful at kissing and your ex was a jerk,” Virgil said gently and loaded up the pizza. “Come on, let’s make review material interesting. I’ll kiss you every time you get a practice calculus question right,” Virgil winked.
   “Virgil, then we’ll be kissing more than studying,” Logan smirked playfully, looking proud of himself.
   “We’ll find a balance. There’s probably an equation for that. Balance time remaining with time kissing and time studying. That’s basic algebra, you can do it in your head,” Virgil smirked and closed up the box, holding out his hand for Logan who was wiping his hand on his napkin.
   “2 to 1?” Logan asked, sounding very interested.
   “I’m fine with any ratio,” Virgil shrugged and Logan took his hand to stand. Logan started walking out, looking up and counting with his fingers.
   “Yes, I think we can find an optimal balance with the remaining time,” Logan said as he continued to count in his head. “But the equation may need adjusting after we begin studying,” Logan said cautiously.
   “All the most enjoyable kinds of math do,” Virgil grinned impishly at Logan who had a fascinated smile as they headed out and back to the dorms. 
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suicidalcatz · 5 years
Dog Days Are Over : Chap 3
AN : hi guys! A longer chapter in which we get to meet Jake for real. I had fun writing it, especially the dialogues, I hope you’ll like it. Next chapter will be next week, I’ll be abroad again but I’ll have more free time. I think we can categorize this as a slow burn / friends to lovers fic. The more I write ideas the more I know where this is going. Feel free to leave me feedback!
Pairing : Jake Kiszka x reader
Genre : College AU
Previous parts : Prologue ; Chap1 ; Chap 2
Masterlist : here
Chapter three : Mind if I join you ?
By the time I finished my assignment, birds were chirping and sunrays were piercing through the scraggy branches of the December trees. A pleasant fog had settled around school, covering  the park and the fields in a white blanket. Sitting by the windowshill, legs against the radiator, I was sipping my first tea/coffee of the day, but not of the night. My eyes were pricking with the familiar sensation of tiredness. Boy I knew this school was elitist but the amount of homework was impressive, I already missed sleeping. That was the main reason Mandy and I kept skipping parties, to be honest. I went half of the time to keep in touch with people, and be a little social. Mandy went more often and I didn't know how she could cope with that already infernal routine.
We were so busy painting and sewing that we napped whenever we had the time, every minute counted, we literally had no time to waste cooking or cleaning up the room we lived in. And the worst is that it wasn't even an excuse to our laziness, it was real.
Fabric of different colors and patterns were scattered accross the floor, a huge pile of canvas was pushed to a corner, our walls had my digits on them in the form of black dots because I didn't wash my hands after doing some charcoal drawing, and Mandy's sewing mannequin fully clothed in the middle of the kitchen always threatened to give me a heart attack whenever I went to the toilet and saw it in the corner of my eye. The good thing was that living together on campus and sharing a room was way cheaper than renting a place, and the legend was true ; art students really are broke. Sure it was smaller than we had expected, especially after filling it with all of our stuff, and we had to share showers and toilets with the other residents of the dorm but hey at least we had a little kitchen.
My phone alarm started ringing softly, and I immediately set if off, still gazing outside the windows at crows eating yesterday’s french fries and students already chatting, displaying posters for the Christmas school festival, and smoking in the designated area. Mornings really were for coffee and contemplation.
It turned out that my work paid off. Receiving compliments by the teachers was harder than expected but when they did congratulate me for my work, it felt twice as good. But that gigantic illustration got me running out of paper for the next assignment. Going to the school supplies store with a portfolio half my size was a pain in the ass, and feeling this enormous thing tug on my shoulder all day long was worst, but I had no choice. It was so unpractical that I accidentally kicked someone with it.
- Sorry I wasn't paying attention.
- No prob- Oh hey it's you.
- Josh ! Hi.
It was weird hearing his voice for the first time or at least talking for the first time, after having exchanged so many notes. I got cold just by looking at him, it's like he didn't even know it was Winter. Aside from a red and white flowered jumper, who definitely didn't seem warm at all, his tight jeans were cropped and he looked as extravagant as always. He had a very unique sense of fashion and I loved it, he really didn't look out of place in this school. A glance at his hands and I saw he came to buy some guitar strings. Before I could make small chat about it in order to break the ice, he saw me and addressed it, lifting the package in front of his face.
- That's for Jake, my brother. Playing the guitar isn't a part of my numerous talents.
So his name was Jake. Nice. I've been honestly so busy with work I had forgotten about him for a moment, but noneless mentally thanked Josh and his seemingly sixth sense for making things easier for me. The clerk was grumpy per usual, so we got out of the store before he could yell at us, and continued chatting in the hallway. It wasn't anything interesting, just getting to know each other a little. Much to my surprise, it wasn't awkward like I may have imagined it to be. Josh was a nice guy with great conversation and seeing him being at ease made me feel less shy too. He suddenly got in front of me and put a hand on my shoulder.
- So sorry about that ball of paper the other day, my pitcher skills are rusty.
- Not one of your talents either ?, I teased.
His expression softened before a small grin appeared on his face, nodding and shaking his finger like I just made a point. He gave me a light tap on the shoulder as the bell rang, cue for us that we should be in front of our respective classrooms.
- Let's meet here and have lunch together with Mandy, I'll show you real talent. We get out at 1 !, he added, running in the corridor past students to go to his next class.
Fuck, I really have to tell Mandy.
Having luch together wasn't exactly what I expected. But somehow, it made sense ?
After texting Mandy something along the lines of « Saw Josh while buying paper, he wants to eat lunch with us today ??? », I wondered how he knew our names and then remembered the teacher calling us last time because we were ''disturbing class''. Yeah no wonder Jake doesn't want to hang out with us. My eyes were on the clock the whole time I was in the workshop. Even without having to meet Josh, they were always. The atmosphere was heavy, nobody was allowed to say a word, not even « bless you » when another student sneezed. And it lasted four full hours. Thank God we could eat, drink and listen to music while painting (never understood this teacher's sense of priorities) otherwise I would've fell asleep on my canvas.
By the time I got out of my misery, Mandy was already waiting for me outside, assaulting me with questions. After little deliberation we thought it was best for us to run to our room to change, one of the pros of being in a boarding school. It was noon, and Josh said he'd go out at one, that let us some time to talk and wash away the paint from my arms.
- He said we had to meet them in front of the shop, I called from under the shower.
- What do you mean « them » ?
Turning off the water, I scrubbed my eyes. Yeah, what did he mean « we » ?
- I have no clue, he was in a rush. We should ask his number next time, if he wanna meet again.
- It'll save us three a lot of paper.
Letting out a snort, I got out of the shower, catching a clean shirt Mandy threw at my face for me to wear before going to meet Josh and whoever was with him. Boy oh boy was I not disappointed when I saw Jake's silhouette from the other end of the corridor. Panicking a little and trying to be discrete, I quickly glanced at the door behind me but Mandy caught it and put her hands on my shoulders to keep me from escaping this situation. It was so uncomfortable. The hallway was painfully long, just next to the cafeteria so sometimes someone would go out and slow us down, making things even more embarrassing. They made no move to meet us halfway but Josh interrupted his conversation with his brother to wave at us with a wide movement, shaking his arm in the air, which we replied by the tiniest gesture ever, the one you make at the supermarket when you see someone you really don't want to at the moment. That tiny wave of the hand, exactly.
- Hi ladies, I took the liberty of inviting my brother to the party, as he was feeling lonely without me.
- Not really, Jake interjected.
He greeted us with a smile and a charming nod, wearing actual winter clothes, in comparision to his twin. The dark oversized sweater and grey denim jacket looked good on him, like literally everything else, and I tried not to stare.
- Hi, I'm Jake, he said to cover Josh's pouting and complaints about him lying.
- I know, I half-whispered.
I got so busy staring at his brown eyes that I replied without thinking and now he was standing in front of me with a puzzled expression on his perfect face. Mandy poked me in the ribs, trying to save what was left of the chances of him wanting to have anything to do with us.
- Josh told us about you, she said with a convincing smile. Shall we eat ?
Not very subtle, but nice attempt to change topics.
- Oh yeah, let's go ! I have found the perfect place.
The ever enthusiastic Josh took the lead and we all followed after him as he showed and introduced every corner of the school like a real tour guide, only saying bullshit instead of real historical info, but judging by his interest in Art History class we weren't really shocked. What had us three surprised however was the place we were in when he exclaimed « Voilà ! ».
- It's a staircase, pointed out Jake.
- It's a place full of possibilities, corrected Josh.
Mandy gave me a look like they were both crazy and I could tell by her face she wondered how we got into that mess. Josh sat first and his brother, defeated, did the same, sitting by his side and motionning for us to join them. The patterned floor tile was cold as hell beneath me and I had so many questions I wanted to ask but didn't dare to do so-
- So why are we eating on the stairs ?
For a second I thought I had thought out loud but it was Mandy who broke the silence.
- See ?, Josh said to his brother, Told you eating in the park was best.
Jake shook his head like he couldn't believe it before looking at us.
- This crackhead wanted to have a picnic. It's literally freezing outside.
- So eating inside was your idea ?, I asked to made sure I understood.
With a nod, he took his backpack while speaking, unwraping his lunch from its aluminium foil.
- Yup. Looks like I'm the reasonable one. Didn't know we were gonna eat here though, he added with a little apologetic gaze.
- Well excuse me sir I did my best, Josh chimed in.
We couldn't help laughing a little, as Josh angrily tore the aluminium of his sandwich. What I also couldn't help was stealing glances at Jake who was sitting in front of me, by the window. It turned out the boy was less intimidating that I first had thought. Talking to him was nice, I had the feeling that he really care about what I said, looking me in the eye and nodding, listening intently before replying. He sounded like a quiet, composed, and cultured person, and I found his presence soothing. His low, raspy voice had a serene je ne sais quoi that I couldn't really explain. To top it off, his smile, just like his brother's, was mesmerizing.
- Still, said Mandy with his mouth full after someone made them move to use the stairs, you know we could've eat at the cafeteria, right ?
She teased and Josh started shouting again that he wanted a picnic, which made us all laugh because it was the hundredth time he had to justify his poor life choices.
- Oh yeah, I just remembered !
In a second, he calmed himself and his face lit up with the look of someone who just got a great (or terrible) idea. One thing I learned is that with Josh, it could've been both, we never knew. He fumbled in his bag in search of something, squirming, making a mess, giving his half eaten sandwich to Jake for him to hold and almost knocking him out with his elbow.
- I told you I'll show you real talent, he said with his head in his bag.
Four curious eyes turned to meet my gaze and I shrugged.
- He did ?, Jake wondered.
- Yeah, it made me freak out a little.
A little laugh escaped from his lips, and it was the cutest thing I had ever heard. Not that I'll admit it out loud. Thankfully, Josh interupted my staring contest with his twin and threw a bag of cheese balls our way. The sound it made almost covered the « Oh, not again » complaint from Jake and I quirked an eyebrow. Mandy opened the bag like she was asked to.
- Shoot, I'll catch.
Jake face palmed while Josh was already in position.
- That's the talent you were talking about ?, Mandy asked unsure. I don't know why, I should be surprised, but I'm not.
He was actually pretty good at it, if that was even something to be proud of. I could see her having a good time throwing chips his way and booing the rare times he missed.
- I swear they have after school contests with our brother.
Hearing Jake talking to me made my head jerk off of Josh. Brother ? Mandy caught the same info and paused the ball throwing to look at him.
- Do you guys have another brother ?
I took a sip of water while they were explaining, taking this opportunity to look at the hour just to make sure we won't be late to our next class as we were all in different buildings.
- Oh yeah, Sam, he's studying music too, but we're not in the same grade, said Josh. People often mistake him and Jake for twins even though he's the youngest.
This info almost had me choking on water imagining another Jake but fortunately, they mistook it for outrage that people would think that. By the time the bell rang, we learned that they all were staying in the dorms too, in another building. The twins shared a room together, whereas Sam and Danny, their best friend, shared theirs. We didn't exchange numbers, since Mandy forgot to ask and I was too shy to, but when we parted ways, they both left saying « See you later ».
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hightress · 6 years
As If He Had A Choice (Bakugou x Midoriya)
This is my gift for the sweet @brown-rice on tumblr fo the @bkdksecretsanta event. Hope you'll like it, sweetheart, it was a pleasure writing it for you!
A03 link
Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki / Midoriya Izuku
Tags: Fluff and Humor, Christmas Fluff, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Pro Hero Bakugou Katsuki, Pro Hero Midoriya Izuku, Established Relationship
Word Count: 2.2k
It wasn't fair.
It wasn't fair how that freckled idiot could just grin at him in that annoying way of his - all wide, pearly white teeth and freaking dimples showing - and ask for something, no matter what, expecting Bakugou to say yes to any stupid idea of his. And then get exactly what he wanted. Like what the fuck?!
Bakugou was strong enough to say 'no'. Shout it even. Repeat it again and again and again until it got engraved over his moronic forehead. He was good at this, did it every day, with anyone.
Anyone that wasn't Deku, of course.
"We're not decorating the entire house," were his words every single time Deku asked. "I don't give a rat's ass if it's Christmas or not, I don't need or want to waste time putting up things all over the goddamn flat only to waste even more time taking them down." All rough words, all clear. Should've sent the message across but, judging what followed next, wasn't the case.
"But, Kacchan, it'll just be a tree. Please..."
Big eyes, green and shiny and pleading, hoping and waiting for Bakugou to give in.
"Don't give me that shit, Deku. Why the hell would we even need a tree?" They were both in the hallway, fully dressed in their hero costumes, ready to go. Someone was in danger a few streets away from them and here they were, proper, licensed heroes, talking about freaking decorations.
"It's traditional. Besides, everyone will have one." A short pause before he moved his eyes to the floor and his smile turned into that curve of insecurity and awkwardness that Bakugou could not stand. "And...I thought  it would be nice to have one as well"
He hated that look. Despised seeing Deku make himself smaller instead of looking right up into Bakugou's eyes, shouting and demanding loud and clear what he felt like he deserved. He wasn't a kid anymore. He wasn't Bakugou's inferior like, maybe once, they felt he was. He was a hero in his own right and he was strong. Incredibly so. If he could stand up against an army of villains, he sure as hell could stand up for himself in front of Bakugou for some stupid tree.
Not that Bakugou would make things easier for him. "I don't care what the others are doing. This is my flat."
It wasn't a fight, just a mere discussion. It was constructive - for both of them, it always was. They stopped fighting for real, leaving all that toxicity in the past.
"This is also my flat and I want a Christmas tree, Kacchan," replied Izuku, his eyes staring at Bakugou steadily, holding his gaze with confidence. "So I'll be getting one."
That's what Bakugou liked to see. Sometimes it took some time for Izuku to speak up properly, even with him, especially to him, but he was getting better. That 'I'll be getting one' was a statement. It didn't leave any space for rejection or doubts. It wasn't as if Bakugou could just say 'No, you're not' or 'I won't let you'.  It was Izuku's decision. Bakugou had no power over him or over what he wanted. And, to be honest, he quite enjoyed having Izuku in charge from now and then, even if for something as trivial as decorating the flat.
He didn't say anything in return to Izuku's words, but a tiny, tiny smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.
That small gesture was what did it. Made that contagious grin resurface, just as blinding as always. And, just like that, the word 'no' disappeared from Bakugou's vocabulary completely. There was going to be a tree, end of story.
Damned be that smile. Damned be the way it made Bakugou feel. And damned be the fact that he didn't regret it one bit.
Thankfully, they had to go, leaving behind this whole discussion for a bit. Bakugou might've agreed to the idea but he sure didn't want to say it out loud. Some things were meant to be kept inside. Besides, Deku was smart enough to understand him properly.
Most of the time.
Stubborn was a good word to describe Izuku - stubbornly ambitious to be exact. That's what brought him to UA and what made him surpass every single obstacle life has thrown his way. Bakugou remembered himself laughing and mocking that ambition constantly, not being able to understand him or accept those qualities. He couldn't get how someone could be just as ambitious as him, maybe even more so, while still staring at him and everyone else from thousands of steps below with an almost frightening determination.
The same stubbornness was what made him bring up the Christmas tree problem again later that day, as soon as they saw the two villains they had to take care of locked up appropriately.
He was taking off the gloves of his hero costume, still covered in mud and slightly burned at the edge of his index finger when he asked: "Do you want to buy it on our way back or during the weekend? They might be cheaper now."
Bakugou stopped what he was doing and looked at Izuku, a blank expression on his face. "It's not even December." Then, he moved his head to the side, not meeting Izuku's eyes, and muttered: "Besides, we're not buying one."
Disappointment hit Izuku instantly. He opened his mouth to protest, but he only managed to let out a cried out "Kacchan, we've already-" before he got interrupted by Bakugou.
"We'll be building the shit."
If Izuku seemed confused before, his confusion only intensified after this. It was clear in his posture.
And, this once, Bakugou didn't waste any more time waiting to explain himself.
"We can't just use a tree some barbarian cut from the forests, Deku. Fucking hell, I like the smell, but I refuse to destroy the future of our goddamn planet for some shitty tradition. And the plastic ones are just as bad for the environment."
For the millionth time that year, Izuku rolled his eyes fondly at Bakugou's antics, a small, soft smile, curving the edge of his lips. Because of some documentary they have watched a couple weeks after they moved in together, years after they left UA behind and started their careers, Bakugou became obsessed with the idea of preserving the nature, recycling and, as he, himself, would've said it, 'all the other crap.' It shouldn't have surprised him, especially considering how he always went way out of his way when something interested him. And since he had started focusing more of on helping people rather than his own pride and desire for a position that mattered less than saving lives, Bakugou did the same thing. He didn't limit himself to wanting to protect citizens. He also used his energy to save the very earth they walked on and everything in between.
Because, as he liked to say, 'what was the point of rescuing them now if they were only going to suffer and live in ruin in the years to come?'
A valid question and one that many heroes never came across even after decades of calling themselves pros.
"How?" asked Izuku, smiling at him, all traces of confusion and doubt gone. Because despite how practical Bakugou's idea seemed, they were both disasters when it came to building things from scratch.
They rarely had the patience to stay put for more than a couple of minutes and they both knew it.
"Hell if I know," admitted Bakugou. But, somehow, this time there was a light in his eyes that told Izuku he was more than a little excited to try. After all, there were few things in existence that Bakugou loved more than a good challenge.
Gathering all the materials for it took less than they expected. In just two days they had an entire bag full of paper, ready to be painted, cut and reassembled. They had only needed to send a message to one of their old UA chats, asking for any kind of unwanted paper they might have around the house and in less than an hour, they had both Kirishima and Kaminari donating every single one of their notebooks and test papers. Which was a lot.
"Why are you donating them all, dipshits?" Bakugou had asked them when they met personally to give them to him.
"We just wanted to help, dude," answered Kaminari with a shit-eating grin and with the most innocent look in his eyes. But all three of them knew better than to believe that lie.
"Just take them, Bakugou. And send us all a picture when the tree is up," said Kirishima instead, beating Bakugou's back twice before saying goodbye, hurrying to get to his own hero agency.
Painting every single page in green took the longest. It was horrible and unexpectedly expensive. Bakugou almost gave up twice, growling at the paint, before remembering that he couldn't ever give up on anything. Just looking at him exhausted Izuku sometimes.
How Bakugou could manage so much energy was one of his life's biggest wonders.
They stopped from time to time for a snack or to stare at the old tests in their hands, remembering fondly (or pridefully, in Bakugou's case) the old days in which passing a harsh test with flying colors had been one of the most stressful things they had to deal with. Of course, Kaminari's answers on certain tests made them both laugh whenever he tried to answer a question by inventing equations or formulas.
"Oh, Pikachu, this symbol doesn't even fucking exist," smiled Bakugou, his eyes moving over the page. There was such an unguarded expression on his face, just looking back at messed up things their friends (God, how long it had taken for Bakugou to acknowledge that fact) used to do back in the day. Having him on the ground, in his socks and the embarrassing t-shirt and pants that were too worn up to wear outside but Bakugou refused to give up on, holding those papers, some filled with greens, some barely touched by paint, and with that smile all over his features, made Izuku happy. Truly, stupidly happy.
So happy that he wanted to jump on him in a less than elegant way and kiss him profoundly until Bakugou had no other choice but to step back, his cheeks tainted with that soft pink that Izuku adored.
He wanted to do it, so he did. And the result was just as wonderful as he had expected.
It has taken them a week to complete the tree. They had used some YouTube tutorials in order to learn how to create origami for the decorations and that brought them close to tears after the 43rd crane they had folded, their hands tired and full of cuts, but the end result had been worth it.
It was standing confidently in the middle of the room, neon colored bits of paper in the shape of animals clearly seen between the two shades of green they have chosen for the tree. Of course, it wasn't perfect - the position not straight enough, the paint job messy in certain places, the paper folded asymmetrically in some cases - but it was theirs. And it wasn't like they were perfect either.
They shouted at each other often, said things they regretted due to pride and fear. But when they stopped to think, hours after, the end result was the same. They'd come together right there, in the living room, either shouting apologies at each other - often full of curses in Bakugou's case - or showing their remorse through touch alone. And every single time, they'd end up cuddled on the couch, too close for comfort on that tiny piece of furniture, a superhero movie displayed in the background that they rarely paid attention to. Instead, they listened to each other, their own heartbeat, their rhythmic breathing.
They grounded each other. And the tree showed their story well enough.
As they stepped back to look at the construction, pride rang loudly in their hearts.
"Can't wait to put your gift under this fucking mess," said Bakugou, turning towards Izuku, one of his rough hands searching for his.
(The greens of his fingers blended with Izuku's own orange ones, creating a mix of brown that should've been muddy and disgusting but, instead, looked warm and complex.)
Izuku held his hand tighter. "I'm sure mine will be better this year."
God, how they loved to compete over the smallest things. Affection often ended up being the one they played around with the most.
"You're fucking with me. There's no chance you'll win this time." So quietly whispered. So aggressive in wording but so completely different in message.
Izuku smiled, letting his head rest on Bakugou's shoulder. "We'll see."
It wasn't fair.
It wasn't fair how Izuku only needed to look at him once and ask for what he wanted, leaving Bakugou no possibility to deny him anything. It wasn't fair how he could use this weakness anytime, anywhere, and Bakugou would still say yes on every occasion.
The small twist he came up with didn't change reality at all.
The worst part? That Izuku could one day ask for the very last bit of Bakugou's heart that he hadn't owned yet and Bakugou... Bakugou would have no choice but to give it to him - without regrets, without any hesitation.
And he'd still find more to offer.
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judythemoonicorn · 6 years
I’m 33 years old. That’s over three decades of being alive on this planet. More than that, I grew up throughout a major technological revolution - which in turn resulted in major world-wide cultural evolution. The internet changed a lot. A lot a lot. More than people even ten years younger than me may realize.
But that’s not me bragging, that’s me marveling at the amount of change I’ve experienced both personally and socially. 30 years ago my neighborhood was primarily white with a peppering of latinos (Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, etc.) I lived (and continue to live) on the edge of the border between the North and South sides of my area (Northside is/was primarily slavic/baltic; Polish in the majority, Russians, and a peppering of others and Southside is/was primarily black and latino).
I didn’t see an Asian person in person until I was past 10 years old. Or at least I don’t remember seeing one before then. The only reason I remember that specific meeting is because I was running a lemonaide stand with a friend and a group of chinese (?) people randomly passed by, asked what we were doing, then laughed at us and walked off.
If you were to come to my neighborhood today things are vastly different. I now see asian people on a daily basis. There are germans, french, italians, indians, koreans, japanese, chinese, taiwanese, and god knows I don’t know all the possible places people have come from. My neighborhood is so diverse and busy now I don’t think my younger self would know where she was.
I emphasize this because, again, back then I wasn’t exposed to a great amount of non-whites. I could probably have counted on my hands how many POC classmates I had throughout gradeschool in my tiny, tiny school (my graduating class was 5 students including me). When I moved areas and went to High School, that school was primarily white (Italian) as well.
It wasn’t until my life went to shit and I moved back to my hometown with my mom and I switched schools (for the 4th time) I ended up in a primarily black/latino high school just a few blocks away from where I lived. Which, I should point out, a black child services woman didn’t want to send me to to begin with and acted like I’d be missing out or something if I went there or that I somehow “deserved better” than that place.
It was the first and only high school I went to where no one bullied me. People were kind and deeply interested in me and my drawings that I’d work on all day. I didn’t make any deep friendships; I found people treated me more like a curiosity all things considered, but people were amicable with me. Even if they weren’t always with each other (a LOT of fights broke out in that school, and it was the first one I’d been to that had students pass through a metal detector every morning).
Then it happened. The day came when a bunch of people were looking through my sketchbook and marveling at my work, and the girl holding the book turned to me and said something along the lines of “you don’t draw black characters?”.
I can’t say exactly what I felt at that time. Kind of shocked, kind of embarrassed. The thought had honestly never once occurred to me. Was I even allowed to do that? I’m ‘white’ after all. There’s a lot I’m not allowed to do, or I’ve always been told I’m not allowed to do, when it comes to POC. My father was/is pretty damn prejudice against just about everybody. I never saw the need to be, but my exposure was also very small to black families and their home and social cultures and the like. How could I, a Polish/Lithuanian girl who at that point in my life had practically no friends or real social relationships and a still blossoming access to the internet, be allowed to draw a black character?
Did I even have the right marker colors? (I only seriously took up digital art after I turned 18, before then I colored with alcohol-based markers like Copic and Prismacolor.)
It felt like a door opening. I was given permission to draw a black character. Someone had asked me why I wasn’t already doing it, and now I felt I had to. I remember very specifically buying a magazine where it had a photoshoot of some kind in it of Beyonce - who I felt and still feel is extremely beautiful. Plus she was the current hotness at the time so she seemed a natural fit for reference. I was studying for the GED at that point in my life, in a small ramshackle classroom where I was one of two total white kids surrounded by mostly latino guys and gals. People constantly asked me why I was there. I used “big words” (I still can’t believe someone said that to me...) and I was “really talented”. Life doesn’t really care what color your skin is.
Anyway, so I picked a picture I liked and went to it. I was nervous. Drawing the actual figure of the character wasn’t the hard part. Coloring her skin was. I didn’t have many brown colored markers, and markers were expensive for a young woman with no income. I’m talking sometimes $5 a marker. Prismacolor was cheaper and easier to get, but the color quality varied. I had tons of light-skinned colors. Only one brown I felt suitable for a black person.
Long story short on that one I created a character I really quite liked, and I was met with approval from my peers as well. It felt good. But I still felt I was missing the grand picture.
What did it mean to be ‘black’? In a physical sense, I mean. If I was meaning to portray the physical then surely it was more than just a skin color. Even I knew back then that I couldn’t just slap a darker skin color on a random face and call it a day. Half the time that’d just be a really tan ‘white’ person. I was so worried about not having the right marker color back then perhaps in part because it would be the only thing that distinguished the character I was creating as black. I was only drawing generic anime faces back then. What made the character read as ‘black’? There had to be more to it.
I think after that I started to take it as an observational fascination. There was a teacher at the GED program who was a tall, lean black man who played in a jazz band as a saxophonist, and I would stare at him the whole lesson (probably a little too much). He was perfect in my eyes for what I was looking for and what I hadn’t been exposed to growing up. The shape of his nose, his cheeks, his eyes, the gloss of his dark skin under lights; the way the palms of his hands were lighter than the rest of his skin struck me as romantic. I wanted to hold them and stare at them and study the lines I could so clearly see compared to my own pale hands. I never had a crush or anything like that despite the way I tell it, it just felt like an epiphany. Here I had someone to actively study. A model. Someone who was a mentor to me and I didn’t have to go through the social hoops of being a family friend or something.
Color was important. Absolutely important. But so was structure, attitude, body language, the shape of the face and the joints of the hands. The whole body had quirks to it that rang him as human just like me, but different unlike me. It’s hard for me to fully put it into words when I’m trying to describe it from a purely artistic sense. In the normal freaking world people are just people. But like I said before; when you want to recreate or portray the physical in a drawing/painting/whatever, there’s a whole other layer to it all. It’s like the real world is a photograph - very exact and to its own point. An illustration needs to capture the soul of a moment and all the elements that come with it.
There is a way to draw a woman that portrays her as a woman. To give hints to her personality and all else that she is. It’s like that. I needed to know what made a POC what they were beyond picking the right shade of red-brown.
And I say all this, I emphasize all this, because oh my god I see so many posts on Tumblr calling out ‘white people’ on their lack of ability to properly color black or brown characters. Or they call out whitewashing, or they call out characters being ‘too ashy’, and the accusations fly because holy shit a white person who’s been white all their life doesn’t know how to draw black people. Can you even believe?
I’ve literally seen images that feature extremely, purposefully washed-out color schemes getting railed against because one of the characters is dark skinned but the wash-out makes them look ‘white’. I remember that time Beyonce did a photo shoot and the lighting and makeup made her look very light-skinned and people called her out for whitewashing herself.
Maybe I don’t understand. I fully admit that. I’m only a simple, not-that-professional artist trying to understand the world. But I do want to believe there’s a lot more to being who you are than how you were born, who you love, or what color your skin is. When I see someone like Beyonce I see Beyonce. I don’t see a black woman. I see a woman who happens to be black. But maybe this, too, is ‘privilege’... And maybe there are things I can accept for the sake of artistic expression without the weight of racism or bigotry weighing on my mind and soul. I have to acknowledge that, too.
I sure mentioned Beyonce a lot. Jeez. Her and Rihanna are like the two most beautiful women in the world in my opinion though. And I often have Naomi Campbell on my mind too because she was a muse for Naoko Takeuchi when doing an illustration of Setsuna/Sailor Pluto. So.
ANYYYYbutt... As a closing thought, I have to wonder how different my thinking would be if I were a young artist today with all this access to resources and tutorials and every color under the sun with digital art. And a lot of people talking down to me about how awful I am as a white person for not knowing how to shade darker skin. There’s a lot of posts like that. Hm. Tumblr is a weird place.
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poeticsandaliens · 6 years
Rating: M because Will curses like a truck driver.
Timeline: Post-MS IV (I know, I know. If you look closely, you can see my middle finger pointing directly at Chris Carter.)
Summary: Six times Dana Scully called Will a miracle and what that word really means. 
Tagging @today-in-fic. This fic has been my pet project for the last two weeks and was interrupted repeatedly by the porn I’ve been writing. If you squint it can be read as the same universe as my other post-finale fics, namely Morning Hour, but that’s not really relevant.
‘Miracle’ is a dirty word, dirtier than ‘fuck’ used to be and much less versatile. When you work miracles, you set a precedent. You promise you can save people the next time.
Reading his own files in a government database, long-dead typists call Jackson Van de Kamp a miracle or a monster, savior of the world or bringer of the apocalypse. It’s a tired Superman story, and he’s read every possible ending in his childhood comic books.
He’s not the government’s mail-order Jesus, here to die for their fucked-up sins.
He can prove it, too. He didn’t forgive his murderers; he popped off their heads. And he didn’t die to absolve anyone of blame; he died for the very thing God didn’t want anyone to get ahold of—Knowledge. The Truth with capital T. He died because he taunted some chain-smoking bastard on a bridge. He didn’t mean to get shot, and he didn’t mean to come back to life.
                                                        * * * * * * *
The first time Dana calls him a miracle, Will leaves. He’s used to the word—which makes it worse but easier to hide. Still, he packs up his duffel and promises he’ll be back. He pretends it has nothing to do with them, everything to do with the itch of the road. It’s not her fault miracles make him sick.
He leaves them the adirondack chair. It’s a derelict piece of shit he picked up from some guy’s garage sale, but it’s his piece of shit. He hammered it back together, painted it the color of the Wyoming sky, and planted it in their yard. He hopes they take it as a sign that he’s making them his home, so he doesn’t have to say it out loud.
He drives South and lets the humidity suck him in. He picks a bucket of figs outside Inman, South Carolina with an ancient African American woman who embroidered the entire solar system into her jean jacket. She is an elm tree of a woman, engraved with all the wrinkles of ninety-two years. Then, he buys a bag of boiled peanuts and three honey-sticks from the ramshackle fuel station next to a railroad overgrown with kudzu. The attendant calls it a miracle that a customer has come ‘round. Then he tells Will that honeysuckle is free.
Southerners, he has noticed, toss around ‘miracles’ like they’re cheaper than cigarettes. He likes it.
Will crawls back to Virginia after a couple weeks spent on the road, where he wasted monsoon nights smoking his head away in the Everglades and keeping an eye on the unborn kid. He’s not an idiot; he knows it’s a high-risk pregnancy. If something goes wrong, he’ll know before Mulder and Dana do. He even knew it was a girl before they did, but he’s good at keeping his mouth shut.
He’ll be around for his sister, and they all know it. He’s attached to the kid, even if he tries to hide it. The baby is something untainted by his death count, his back-from-death count, his bloody miracles.
                                                       * * * * * * *
The second time Dana calls him a miracle, he lets it slide. Slip of the tongue, mumbled in between bites of croissant. He’s laughing for the first time in God knows how long, laughing his way through autumn.
Dana sits cross-legged in the grass, sipping tea. She sits in the grass a lot, he notices. Maybe it’s a side effect of being an ex-city-dweller, the way grass relaxes her and she shushes him to hear the cicadas. Will was always a trail-and-cliff kind of boy, raised in the shadow of Wyoming Rockies, but he can appreciate the rickety solitude of this home.
He pads barefoot through the dying lawn and sits down next to her. He’s been home for a week now, longer than last time. Tomorrow, he will shove two hoodies into a backpack and drive to the Appalachians. He will leave behind a companion to his adirondack and a bucket of pine-green paint. This time when he says ‘itch of the road,’ he means it. But for now, he holds up a paper bag from the bakery. “I brought croissants.”
Dana’s eyebrows shoot up; her face splits into a grin. “Thank you Will,” she says as he passes her the bag. The scent of melted chocolate wafts from its wrapping. She bites into the croissant with a contented sigh as he reaches into the bag for his own, butter and chocolate sticking to his fingers.
“You’re a miracle,” she says through a mouthful of buttery goodness.
Time stops.
Will doesn’t register it until he has swallowed. When he looks at her, she’s bright red, her eyes wide and all of a sudden younger than her face. He smiles as reassuringly as he can and lies back on the lawn. She didn’t mean it like that, and even if she did. It’s not her fault.
                                                         * * * * * * *
The third time doesn’t really count. Spring goes out with drums of thunder, and June bleeds into their lives. One morning, Dana cups a naked, watermelon-pink creature in the palm of her hand and stalks urgently across the patio.
“It’s a baby robin,” she informs him. It lies panting on a paper towel. Before he can protest, she slides it into his hands.
He must have startled at the sight of it, the intersection of hideous and adorable, because Dana apologizes for the lack of warning. Turns out it dropped from its nest, and she’s too short to reach the branch. He is pleasantly surprised by this side of her, the tender side that rescues birds and folds bandannas around her neck on sunny days.
Dana leads him to the birds’ nest, sitting seven feet up a tree and already brimming with hatchlings. An alarmed screech from a nearby tree alerts him to the mother robin. He cradles the baby bird in his hand, admiring it for a moment. But just before he lifts it to the nest, he hears—
thud-thud-thud-thud-thud, the newborn’s rapid heart rate strumming his eardrums. This again.
“Are you okay?” Dana watches him, her brows furrowed.
“Uh-huh,” he assures her. “Just got the bird’s heartbeat stuck in my head for a second.” He smacks his ear as if he’s caught water in it, and the sound fades.
“You can do that?” Amazement sparkles in her eyes. Also, he discerns, maternal pride.
“Yup.” He tries for nonchalant, ends up sheepish, scratching the back of his head and avoiding her eyes. Should he tell her? He studies her—tiny and wound up like a sharp violin, bearing an impressive collection of pantsuits and an even more impressive collection of scars. All taut muscle except where a small-for-now baby bump blossoms beneath her t-shirt.
“You know, I can hear the kid’s heartbeat too,” he says, gesturing to her stomach. He tries to ignore her quick intake of breath.
        She stands up straighter, gaging how much he wants to tell her. “What does it sound like?”
        “Like a metronome.” His short-term memory lobs Miami at him. He’s unsure why he tells her any of this, but he does. “When I was in Florida,” he muses, “I bought this shitty electric keyboard. The kind they have elementary school music classrooms, that takes like ten double A batteries and plays a bunch of out of tune instruments. I wanted a guitar but I didn’t know how to play one; plus, I thought it would be cute for the baby. Make a good first impression, y’know?”
        He doesn’t give Dana a chance to respond. “Anyway, I was camping out in the everglades. Just… stretching out and sleeping in the trunk of the car. At night if it wasn’t raining, I would open the sun roof and look at the sky. And I tried to check up on you guys, in here.” He taps his forehead. “Came up with the heartbeat instead. Sometimes I tried to play the keyboard in time to it. I could play some tunes from Pirates of the Caribbean but not much else.”
        A smile graces her lips. “You said you used to love those movies.”
“I did. That’s what the Everglades reminded me of,” he adds. Pirates, tropical marshes, the monsters that lurk in the deep. He remembers sitting on the roof, going through three different flavors of vape, scared to dangle his feet over the car because a gator had taken up residence beside it. He remembers watching the gator breathe, watching its slick, scaly back dry out in the heat, and its jaw hang wide open. He remembers finally climbing down the car and reaching out to touch it. His rational side was terrified it would snap, but he realized, somehow, that it wouldn’t. Not at him, at any rate. Maybe his alien blood is reptilian. Who knows. He’ll never forget what an alligator’s back feels like.
“What happened to the keyboard?”
“It broke. I tossed it before I came home.” He reaches into the bird’s nest and drops the little creature in. It mewls hungrily.
“Miracle of life from non-life,” says Dana. She gingerly touches his shoulder. He listens for the rhythmic creature unfolding in her womb. Life from non-life, skin from stones, cells from silence.
                                                           * * * * * * *
The fourth time Dana calls him a miracle, it is not Dana at all. Dana is inside, flipping three grilled cheese sandwiches while Mulder hoes a disheveled garden. A heat wave barreled violently into Virginia last week, and Dana won’t show her face outside at midday, especially since the baby made its presence clear.
Will pulls into the driveway with three bags of fertilizer and a greenhouse worth of seeds. He tucks his ice coffee in his elbow and unloads the dirt from his trunk. Already decorated in roots and silver dandelions, Mulder empties them messily into the turned dirt.
“Thanks, kiddo,” he says with a grin. A month ago, he might have rejected the nickname, but he’s trying to befriend Mulder. Bridge the gaps he already has with Dana by virtue of telepathy. It’s hard to hide from a woman who can read your mind.
“No problem.” He shoves his hands in his pockets and wanders over to the garden. “Anything I can do?”
“Can you blot out the sun?” Mulder chuckles, wiping the sweat from his brow. “Or, you know, work some human Miracle-Grow on these flowers?”
“Unfortunately,” Will says distractedly, “My talents don’t really extend to peaceable flower-growing. I don’t think that’s what the government had in mind when they cooked up my DNA.” He means it casually. He really does. The same way Mulder means ‘human Miracle-Grow,’ and he was going to let that one go.
Mulder stares at him with those regretful labrador eyes. Shit. One wrong step and he’s swimming in parental guilt. Dana knows why he took the first time. He wonders if she ever told Mulder, or if she let him believe it was wanderlust. Genetic, of course.
“It’s okay,” he assures Mulder. Will doesn’t want his parents’ teary remorse, but he accepts it. They’ve seen Hell, and that’s coming from the kid who’s blown up human heads. So he curbs his annoyance every time they hug him like he’s fine china and doubt him when he says he’ll stay.
“I’m sorry,” Mulder says, “that was insensitive.”
“Naw, it’s fine.” Casually, callously, that’s the only way Will knows how to talk about what he’s been through.
Silence thick with pollen. Mulder shakes sunflower seeds over a haphazard row.
“You were a miracle, you know. Scully wanted you more than anything.”
He knows this. He reads it like newsprint off her brain. And yet—
“I was a weapon,” Will says bluntly. Another comic book cliché to tack onto the list. Not like he’s counting or anything.
“No.” Mulder shakes his head, shoves the hoe into a fresh groove. “They tried to weaponize you, but you wouldn’t have it. Will, you’ve got a choice that Scully and I don’t have—you don’t have to be their experiment. It’s too late in the game for us; we’re old, and we served twenty-five years in the X-files, prodding and being prodded. But those men are dead now, and while the scars may never heal, you don’t have to let them open another wound. You are human, and you’re allowed to have a life. You’re only their weapon if you believe it.”
He says it so forcefully Will almost believes him. Maybe one day he will. Not yet. “I did kill people,” he reminds his father solemnly. He has inherited Mulder’s ability to suck out his own soul.
“It’ll haunt you, and it’s never okay, but sometimes that’s what it comes to.”
“Yeah, but—”
“I killed people. So did Scully.” He was dead when Mulder shot the smoking bastard. He wishes he had seen it for more reasons than one. “Just…” Mulder trails off. “Give yourself a chance. Give Scully a chance. You won’t regret it.”
He wonders if he’ll ever love someone as much as Mulder loves Dana. He wonders if he wants to love someone that much, to bear the everyday risk of losing them. He empties two bags of poppy seeds into the garden.
Mulder has returned to the open car. He lifts a shopping bag out of the trunk and peeks inside. “What’s this?”
“I found it with the sunflower seeds. They were on clearance.” Will shrugs, acts like he didn’t buy it thoughtfully.
The wooden windchimes clink when Mulder examines them—sleeves of birch wood dangling like spiders on a thread. At the top, a cardinal opens its beak to the sky. “It’s beautiful. Your moth—Scully will love this.”
Wisely, neither of them discuss the Freudian slip.
                                                          * * * * * * *
The fifth time Dana says it, they are sitting in the Adirondack chairs, watching the overdue baby struggle against her confines. He comes to rest somewhere between amazed and utterly creeped out at the sight of it, and it probably shows on his face. Things have begun to show on his face recently. Since he pulled his hair into a ponytail and let himself relax, he no longer resembles the drunken guitarist of an out-of-line undergrad rock band. That was how Mulder described the scraggly shape of him when he was on the run. Mulder recognized it in himself, maybe—trying to scare off his enemies, winds up scaring off everybody else.
Scully cocks an eyebrow at him. “You look slightly perturbed.”
“It’s a little freaky looking,” Will concedes, eyeing the bow and flex of her abdomen. Kid’ll be here any day now—tomorrow, he predicts, maybe the day after. His sixth sense will go fucking haywire the second Dana goes into labor.
“It feels even stranger than it looks,” she replies.
He settles into the chair, leaning his head on his hands and stretching his gangly legs in front of him. He listens. Songbirds, wind chimes, the desperate buzz of insects having sex before they die… his sister’s heartbeat thumping frantically against the side of his head. He half smiles.
“It’s miraculous, you know,” she murmurs. “Even if it looks and feels discomfiting, it’s still a miracle.” A weighty pause. “You’re a miracle too.”
This time, the weight of the word ‘miracle’ doesn’t make him ill. His whole life, a catalogue of unexplained events and Sunday mornings in the Presbyterian church, people called him a miracle. On the playground, he healed scraped knees, and kids called him a wizard.
Dana and Mulder, though—they don’t see him as a miracle of Biblical proportion, or a miracle of science, immaculately crafted for a destiny. To them, he’s a miracle of love. His birth is a transcription of amor omnia vincit, and his return is a testament to it. He is a miracle because he was born and because he is a person Dana Scully created with Fox Mulder in a tatty DC apartment. Not because he’s a gritty reboot of a Christ allegory.
He is okay with being this kind of miracle.
He hears a quiet, “oh…” and opens his eyes. Dana scrunches her eyebrows together and squeezes the arm of her chair. “Braxton-Hicks,” she explains. He takes her at her word the way Mulder doesn’t. (Mulder, who suspects the baby is coming every time she so much as grunts; Mulder, who couldn’t be there the three times his son came to life.)
“If she sticks around much longer,” mutters Dana as she shifts in the chair, “she’ll say her first words in the womb.”
“Tomorrow,” he promises. Immediately he regrets telling her, but she looked so uncomfortable just there. She reminded him of his neighbors in Wyoming, a dusty-haired lesbian couple who wore nothing but khakis and hiking boots. Their son must be three or four by now, but he remembers how Lilian taught him to repair his mountain bike in her last month of pregnancy, woeing incessantly about how she couldn’t ride her own. ‘If the baby doesn’t come tomorrow I’m going to lose my goddamn mind,’ she’d told him every day for a week.
Now, Dana gazes at him with ocean-wide eyes. “You know?”
He shrugs self-consciously. “Yeah.”
“I dunno. Same way I do all the other shit, I guess.” He wiggles his fingers. “Galaxy magic.”
This time she laughs, and a little bubble of pride wells in him. He can make her laugh through her discomfort, a clear, beautiful sound. He loves her, his mother. She doesn’t feel quite like his mother, but he catches love for her like he caught it for his unborn sister. Or maybe she is something like his mother—not his mom, the titles ‘Mom and Dad’ will forever be reserved for the parents he grieves, and he’s still shaking the nagging guilt that he is somehow replacing them by loving Dana and Mulder.
Maybe this is the kind of love you feel for your parents when you’re thirty, or maybe it’s the kind of love you feel for a step parent who isn’t your mom but who does her best, asks how your day is going and offers what advice she can. Whatever it is, it is keen and familiar, and he clings to it like a lifeline on days the earth swallows him.
Mulder finds them laughing their asses off at the most beautiful sunset in months. Dana glances up at him with an ear-to-ear grin, one hand on her belly and one hand on Will’s shoulder. Weeping tears of laughter, they forget what cracked them up in the first place.
                                                          * * * * * * *
In his eighteen years on this bitch of an Earth, Will has worked two legitimate miracles:
Jerry Abernathy from his eighth grade Algebra class had an allergic reaction to a peanut butter cookie. Somehow, he survived without a single shot of the epi pen he’d left at home that morning.
Alice Mulder-Scully enters the world screaming. The volume of blood on nurses’ uniforms belies the healthy baby. Relieved, haggard doctors struggle to explain the mother’s strong heartbeat. Nothing to see here, tells the look on Will’s face as strangers pass him in the waiting room. He wipes a trickle of blood from his nose and downs an energy drink to stay awake.
                                                          * * * * * * *      
The sixth time Dana calls him a miracle, he is sitting on the porch steps of the Virginia home. Alice’s baby feet kick his knees, and he grins as she struggles from his lap to crawl across the grass. Fireflies light up the gravel drive, flashing and dying, glowing with no particular pattern. They move like stars in space-time, as if he’s witnessing the lifespan of a galaxy in time lapse. Alice giggles as one blinks in front of her nose.
“Bug!” she screams happily.
“Yeah, kiddo, a lot of bugs.” A fox skittered across the property that morning, and Alice pointed at it and called it ‘Dada.’ Mulder was fake-insulted for hours.
Grinning down at her, he begins to rearrange the fireflies. To his behest, insects in mating season are shockingly tenacious, and it takes all his mental effort to control them. It’s worth it as they lazily swirl toward Alice, who bats at them and giggles uncontrollably.
“Bug! Bug!” she pops the word over and over again, snickering as one lands in her tufts of russet hair.
“I assume this is your doing?” Dana appears behind him, and he grins at her over his shoulder. The screen door smacks shut.
“She loves them.”
“More than her actual toys,” Dana snorts. She cocks her eyebrow at him, then lifts her phone and takes a picture. “I never liked fireflies.”
“Not even as a kid?”
“Well,” she chuckles, “maybe. But one of my first cases on the X files ruined them for me.”
“Seems like those files fucked you both over,” he replies.
“Someone had to do our job.” She sits down next to him and wraps her sweater tighter round her frame. “It took a lot from Mulder and I, but it brought us together. And when the ash settled, we gained two miracles.”
Watching Alice clumsily reach for glow worms, Dana wraps her arm around his shoulders. He lets her. Alice’s fireflies scatter and spiral into the stars.
229 notes · View notes
seafarrwide · 5 years
Laneway to Victor Emmanuel 11, Venezia Square
It has been months since I returned home from three glorious weeks in Italy last August/September. Due to traumatic family events and health issues, I have only been able to add small bits to this post infrequently.  Finally, I have finished on my first day in Italy. I hope some of you enjoy it and might gain some tips for your own trip to Rome.  (Once all this horrible Coronavirus is over)
Rome is as exciting as you would expect from a city that is the capital of Italy.  It is bustling with life, creaking with age, passionate, at times crowded and some people either love it or hate it.  I for one realized quite quickly after arriving, that I loved it.  I also should have allowed at least a week to discover the astounding beauty and historical layers of the ancient city.
Venezia Square, Rome
We only had two days to explore and were determined to make the most of every moment.  We booked Colonna Suite Del Corso with the Bookings.com app. A small boutique style hotel centrally located in the old part of Rome, walking distance to all the iconic landmarks.
The entrance door to Colonna Suite Del Corso hotel in Rome. Image credit: Colonna Suite Del Corso
The room was small, but modern with excellent air conditioning and the lovely staff let us have access to our room early 9:30am when our booking details said check-in was not available before 4:00pm. There was a small cage-style lift but easy enough to walk the stairs.
Our hotel room at Colonna Suite Del Corso in Rome, Italy – image credit: Colonna Suite Del Corso Facebook
                    Within moments of entering Italy, you realise the importance of arriving with a good level of walking fitness. If not, you will soon achieve this from walking thousands of steps a day seeing the sights.  Considering the amount of delicious food you will also eat, it is just as well you get to walk off those calories daily.  Some people buy the Roma Pass, which can be ideal if you have a few days and want to see a lot of museums and includes free use of public transport, reserved entrance to the Colosseum and other discounted entries (you can also purchase this on the Tiqets app.  At the hotel, it’s important to get a city map and I had brought with me the Rick Steves Italy book which has some great walking maps and details on what to see. One my first day in Rome, I just wanted to explore in my own time with a map and use skip the line entry tickets for my second day.
Beautiful cobblestone laneways, metres from our Hotel
Our hotel was a perfect location, enabling us to just walk straight out onto a cobblestone street where we meandered past lovely old Churches and cafes right to the Pantheon and close to other historical and popular sights.
The moment we stood in front of the Pantheon we were spellbound and began snapping photos.  Luckily we had both bought  Anker portable iPhone battery chargers. A travel essential item that proved to be money well spent.
The Pantheon in Rome, Italy
The pretty cobblestone streets and cafes surrounding the Pantheon in Rome
We were so excited to be in Rome and determined to see as much as possible.  A quick peek inside the Pantheon, luckily there wasn’t a line and no fee to enter. Once you recover from seeing the amazing exterior, the inside is even more interesting. The round interior is a marvel of design with natural light streaming in from the oculus in the ceiling.
Time was limited so we set off walking to see the nearby Victor Emmanuel II monument in Venezia Square.  As it was the first week of August and near midday, the sun’s rays were becoming unbearably hot. My partner ran up the steps of the monument while I rested in its shadow.  He texted it was worth the steps to the top to see the view.  I almost refused as I felt so hot, a little ill even, but said to myself “suck it up princess you don’t get to see Rome every day”. Once on the roof, I had to agree it was worth pushing myself. The view reached over Capitoline Hill, Roman Forum, the Colosseum and beyond.  I was thankful I had packed a light hat and a full water bottle. Most importantly I was wearing comfy leather Planet Earth Zenga sandals.  I walked thousands of steps through Italy over the following three weeks and my leather sandals offered not only proper foot support but allowed my feet to stay cool and breathe instead of sweating.
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We were fortunate our hotel was in the centre of old Rome, this allowed us a couple of visits back to our room to cool off in the air conditioning and gather strength to keep seeing the sights. Of course, we had to stop here and there for a slice of Pizza, Aperol Spritz and Gelato.  So many lovely cafes to stop at, it was always a hard choice.
I was kicking myself for only booking two nights when I should have booked at least four. There is plenty to see in Rome and even just wandering the laneways near our Hotel, little shops and bars to browse in.
One thing I wished I had booked months ahead was Walks of Italy VIP Colosseum at Night tour.  I heard this was a fabulous way to see the Colosseum without the crowds.  Unfortunately, it was booked out months prior.  It was maybe just as well as we were hungry on our first day and starting to feel a bit tired from the jet lag.  So for our first night, we wandered only ten minutes walk from our hotel to Piazza Navona.  This is such a lovely square with many Trattorias offering alfresco dining.  The early evening atmosphere is lively, filled with tourists, food aromas, music and the sound of water spilling from the three famous Baroque fountains.
  The Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi (Four Rivers Fountain) which has a large obelisk at its centre. This fountain centre is also surrounded by four muscular river Gods representing the four quarters of the earth and was designed in 1651 by Gian Lorenzo Bernini for Pope Innocent X. The Sant’Agnese in Agone Church in the Piazza was thought to have dated back to around AD 300 when the young St Agnes was martyred here.  After dinner the area is even more magical, I looked up from the piazza and could see fabulous murals on the walls inside the buildings.
  At the northern end is the Fontana di Nettuno, (Neptune slaying a giant Octopus) built in 1576 by Giacomo della Porta. The statues of Neptune surrounded by sea nymphs were added in the 19th century.
The Fontana del Moro is another fountain at the southern end of the Piazza Navona, so pretty in the evenings.
  Fontana del Moro  
The restaurants lining the square are a great location for people watching, they offer a cooling mist spray for the outside diners. Keeping in mind you will pay a little more for the proximity of the table for viewing the fountains and passing tourist trail. The laneways leading off the square towards Campo di Fiori offer some fabulous small cafes where you can enjoy casual alfresco dining and are somewhat more affordable than the main square.
Do explore the laneways leading off the square towards Campo di Fiori.  There is great food, cheaper dining, bars, shops and delicious gelato. You will also come across fortune tellers, rose peddlers, artists and live music.
  Laneways behind Piazza Navona- Rome
We had a delicious dinner, strolled for some gelato and browsed at some unusual shops. Suddenly, tiredness overcame us and we stumbled to our comfy hotel bed to dream about our first glorious day in Rome.
Day One in Rome Tips and what to take in your day pack:
Ensure you booked a Hotel in the old city centre close to the sights like the Pantheon – easy walk to see everything
Buy a Roma Pass at the train station or online app. Ideal if you want to see lots of museums (includes reserved priority entrance to Colosseum and use of public transport for free
Ask your Hotel for a city map and work out where you want to go
Download the free Rick Steves Audio Tour app “Heart of Rome walking audio tour”  Rick Steves Audio Europe App
Carry a Travelon security handbag cross over body at all times and don’t wear expensive jewelry
Pack one of those tiny fold up nylon shopping bags in the event you buy anything (easier to carry items)
Pack your “Anker” portable phone battery charger so your smartphone doesn’t go dead from snapping photos
Water bottle, Hat and a light scarf for covering bare shoulders when entering Churches
Use Tiqets app for skip the line tickets to specific sights
Buy a travel sim card at the Airport or prior to leaving home so you never run out of data and can phone eachother if separating. I bought mine from Sims Direct
What to See – Day one:
The Pantheon
Churches near the Pantheon – some are free to enter – Check out the Church of San Luigi dei Francesi (The Chapel is painted by Caravaggio)
Piazza Navona
Campo De Fiori (lively fruit and veggie market during the day) restaurants and bars at night
Trevi Fountain
Victor Emmanuel II monument in Venezia Square – walk up to the roof balcony (excellent views)
Walks of Italy Vip Colosseum at night tour (if you have the energy or save this for your second night – book months ahead when planning)
My next post will be Rome – Day 2
      Rome – Day One It has been months since I returned home from three glorious weeks in Italy last August/September. Due to traumatic family events and health issues, I have only been able to add small bits to this post infrequently. 
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"adding a driver to car insurance cost
adding a driver to car insurance cost
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Accident no insurance?
I was in a wreck today but it wasnt my fault my insurance is about a month late the other driver has insurance full coverage what is going to happen
How I can get health insurance coverage?
Did any one have any idea how I can get health insurance? Thanks God I have a lot health problems and I can't afford buy individual health insurance because my existing health issues. i try to find job with health insurance but i cant is hard
Are you required to pay insurance?
Once you get your drivers liscence do you have to pay insurance ??
How to become a GEICO auto insurance agent in california?
i've been doin alot of research to find this info but they all just have the positive characterisitics of the job. they all just say y i shud become one, not how i cud become one. all i want to know is HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE AND HOW MUCH DOES IT COST to become a GEICO auto insurance agent in california. and where shud i go to learn how? if there's a site that lists all the requirements and such, plz send me the link! of not, that's ok""
How much would it cost for a female 17/18 year old to be insured on a 1.2 Clio?
It's a 2002 model, also what is a very cheap insurance price range, and what sort of car would you have to have?""
Teen driver and car insurance?
I am 17 years old and am looking to buy my first car. I have found a 2002 Buick Rendezvous CX that I am very interested in. The only problem now is insurance...With my car insurance company, Liberty Mutual, it will be close to $800 every 6 months! That is A LOT of a teenager or for anyone to be paying. That is also being under my parents policy which has the best coverage. What can I possibly do to finagle a lower price? I know that the car should be registered as pleasure driving, I have good grades, took Drivers education...what else can I do to try and lower my payment every 6 months? If there are any tips, please help me!""
Sex change versus Car Insurance?
if man changes to a woman would this affect his/her car insurance, would his insurance be cheaper or dearer?""
How much will my speeding ticket be and is it possible for my insurance not to go up?
I got pulled over doing 96 in a 70mph speed limit. In california around King City and I want to know a couple things. How much will the ticket approximately be? Is it worth contesting? Will going to driving school make it so I don't get a point on my license? And how do I make it so my insurance does not increase?
How much would insurance be on a Nissan 350z?
Hi guys!! Ok so I'm soon to get a 2003-2006 Nissan 350z Touring or Enthusiast. Maybe around 9000$ to 15000. I'm almost 18 and what would insurance be like for me??? Allstate, State Farm, ect. I just need a basic monthly quote! Thanks!!""
How can I afored health insurance on a fixed income?It will cost me a thired of my income ?
I am on a very fixed income with no health insurance. Even the government subsidized is to much, and my income won't let me get medicade. So what are the people in my case suppose to do for health care? What can you do when a third of your income has to pay for your insurance.""
What is the *cheapest* car insurance for a 20 year old female driver in TX?
I'm going to pay. I don't have any close family that can put me under their insurance, so please give me the CHEAPEST choice... Thank you.""
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What would insurance cost for a 16 year old?
I turn 16 in two weeks and i might be getting an Infiniti G35 coupe. We have state farm and i can't due a quote since i don't have my license yet. Can anyone give me an idea of how much the insurance would cost?
Why is the ticket for driving without insurance so high???
My husband just got a $600 ticket for not having insurance and if he gets caught again without it within a year, he could go to jail for up to one year!!! (in Colorado) :(""
Will a seat belt violation affect my insurance rates?
A cop pulled me over for speeding, but I started crying and instead of giving me a speeding ticket, he gave me a $25 ticket for a seat belt violation . I was wearing my seat belt, I guess he just made that up to give me the smallest violation. I am 18 and have never had any tickets or anything before. I have Geico insurance and my car is registered under my parents' name. My question is... will this affect my insurance rates, and is there any way my parents can find out? Assuming I pay it on time?""
Insurance question?
When you move in with your boyfriend could you be put on his insurance, or would that only work if you are married?""
Car Insurance for a 20 year old in new york?
Okay so heres the deal. Im currently working full time and attending school part time in new york. To make life easier, i've decided to purchase a car. But the thing that bothers me the most is the car insurance. I know I'm going to have to pay alot even for only liability. The question is would it be cheaper ( insurance wise) to buy a used car or a brand new car? I'm not trying to get a sports car, just something to drive around and make life easier. Either way I'm going to finance it if it makes a difference. I've had my license for a year now with no previous insurance records. By the way, my dad lives in another state. Is there any way he can buy the car for me and have it insured?""
""What nice, small cars have cheap insure for learner drivers?
I've looked at things like Toyota Aygos and Citroen C1's. Any other ideas?
Importance of public insurance?
what is it's importance to the public insurance user?
Why are my car insurance quotes so high?
I'm about to get my first car at 25, and thought I'd look at insurance quotes for a cheap little run-around to get me started. I have only just passed my test so expected quotes to be quite high, but so far haven't seen anything below 4000 for a year! I tried looking for a quote on a Renault 1996 Clio 1.2 Versailles. Thought that would be pretty cheap. From what I've heard, I should be looking around the 1k mark for a year. Any clues as to what I'm doing wrong?""
Getting car insurance on the spot?
I am looking for my first car at the moment and I have a question about insurance. Let's say I go to look at a car that I've found on the internet and I decide to buy it right there...how do I go about getting insurance right away? I live in the UK btw
Am I covered on someone else's insurance?
For example: I am a licensed driver first off. My grandma can't drive very well. Sometimes I take her places if I have time using her truck that has insurance on it. If she is with me every time I drive her somewhere, do I have to be insured? (Louisiana)""
What is the most affordable health insurance for children for a family who's income is $60k?
What is the most affordable health insurance for children for a family who's income is $60k?
Is insurance high for a base acura rsx or just the s-type model?
I'm a 21 year old male with one speeding ticket. I like the design on the rsx, but I've heard insurance is ridiculous on them. Is this true for the both models, or is the insurance rate for the base model significantly less than the type-s model? Thanks for any help!""
Can my father get iterm insurance ?.?
My father's DOB is 2 May 1947. he is retired from Gov job. i want to have a insurance in name of him bcoz i have two sister dependent on him . so can i get or can he get iterm plan for 20 laks for 20 years.
adding a driver to car insurance cost
adding a driver to car insurance cost
Do you have to insure a road legal quad?
One with number plates, i want one. I'm 17 and don't have 5 grand to insure my own car, so what about a road legal quad? Are they loads to insure, or are they free to drive on a road? Thanks.""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
How much do you pay for car insurance?
What is the usually price range for sports bike insurance?
I'm turning 19 in july and want to start riding. I live in california. so what do you guys think the price may be?
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? How old are you? what kind of deuctable do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance.""
How much will the insurance company offer for my car?
a couple questions and description..... my car was involved in an accident and deemed a total loss. I was curious on how much the insurance company may offer? the accident was not my fault. i would like to buy it back though and fix it. how much do they usually offer a totaled car back for? its a 1994 honda accord lx with 128500 on her. shes in good condition with a small 1/4 size spot of rust on the left rear fender. everything else is in working condition. its a dark blue/green color. A/C, cruise, good tires, new cd player/ am/ fm, new speakers, new timing belt, distributor and ignition switch. it has a 2.2 4cylinder, automatic. any help is appreciated. interior is very clean, and paint was good condition. thank you!""
""Help, need cheap health insurance.?
I need to get cheap health insurance before the 31st. I tried through Obamacare but that is not an option right now. Online application will not go through and trying to call is a headache. Calls will not go through. I need real cheap health insurance so does anyone know where I can get low cost health insurance? I am in Washington state.
What would the price be like to move to central california?
Just wondering as I would like to move to central california in the future. Is it very expensive to move from the UK to central california? What are the housing/apartment prices? Doctor fees? Ect.. Please help :) thankyou
Do auto insurance companies have to look at your driving record?
I have never had a vilolation. My husband has. He had one in 2006 for running a red light and one in 2008 for driving too fast for conditions. Well naturally this has given me higher payments. I was with Liberty Mutual and for liability only (my car isn't worth full coverage) I was paying $124 a month. My husbands pay was cut drastically at work so I was shopping around for cheaper insurance. I called Geico and they offered me liability for $55 a month. She came on and asked if I knew he had two tickets and at the time I didn't because I didn't know my husband in 2006. The lady told me my payments were going to be $144 with them and when I told her no she put me on hold. When she returned she offered me the $55. She read back to me everything I am getting which is a lot more than what I was getting from Liberty Mutual for a lot less price. Is it possible they just dissmissed the report to gain us as customers? I was cooking dinner at the time and my kids started playing loud so all I really heard was cha ching lol.
What is the difference between Insurance Brokers and Insurance Agents?
What is the difference between insurance brokers and insurance agents?
What is a good car insurance in Virginia with low annual fee?
Good car insurance with relatively low annual payment.
How will insurance companies make up for the preexisting clause elimination?
I guess in 2014 health insurance companies can't discriminate people for preexisting illnesses. How will they make up for that? Will they just increase premiums for everybody?
Can I get free health insurance?
I just paroled out of prison. I don't have a job yet. Is there any free health insurance available to me? I moved in with my brother, who has a good job and his own insurance. will his household income affect my options of getting low income insurance? Thanks""
Is there an industry that does not utilize insurance?
I need to name one industry that does not utilize insurance. Please help! Thanks!
Car Insurance?
anybody know what the Uk cheapest car insurance for somebody with 15 years no claims discount car engine size 2.8cc?
How much is car insurance and medical insurance monthly?
im doing a project for my math class and i dont know what either of these would cost!
Car insurance help?
Around how much is car insurance? Am I looking at like 50 bucks a month? 500 bucks a month? I really have no idea. Any help is appreciated.
""Im looking for good affordale health insurance, please help?""
hello, I need to see a doctor as soon as possible but i don't have insurance. anyone know any good affordable health insurance. thank you in advance""
Health insurance?
do you need a ss# or be legal resident to have health insurance?
Do I have to have proof of insurance before I can take my drive test?
and what else do I need to bring with me?
Will a dropped speeding ticket affect insurance rates?
Will a dropped speeding ticket affect insurance rates?
What is the average cost of car insurance for a 16 year old male?
I need it for a school project PLEASE HELP!
Moped insurance for 16 year olds?
about how much would the insurance cost me for my moped, i'm 16, i have my provisional licence? x""
How much does car insurance cost in Ontario?
What are the factors involved? What kind of car will help me get lower insurance? I'm 16 (but will be 17 when I purchase a car) I haven't done any drivers coarse because I personally think it would be a waste of time. I've been driving for many years, seems pointless to take the coarse just to be considered a three star driver... anyways, should I get a newer car? or an older one? what factors are involved in getting low insurance? now I'm only gonna be 17, so I'm guessing it's gonna be around $2000-$3000 ( a year) but how can I get it as low as possible?""
What do you pay for health insurance?
Im 19, and i need to get health insurance for me and my mother, we live in California and she has asthma and her inhalers cost over 400 a month... we also need dental insurance. i have searched for days and i cant really get anywhere, im looking for good coverage at an affordable price... can anyone refer me to a good company?""
Anyone know where my husband can get dental work done with no insurance?
he is in a huge amount of pain and nothing is working anymore he has even went as far as rinsing his mouth out with peroxide! [ i know right!] but any how we don't have dental insurance and i was wondering is there anywhere he can go like a free clinic or something? we live in East bay California any help would be great thanks! no rude comments please
adding a driver to car insurance cost
adding a driver to car insurance cost
What are some really good auto insurance companies?
I just turned 18 and my parents are basically kicking me off the insurance. i need some good but affordable car insurance (full coverage) What insurance company are you with and about how much is it a month for 1 driver?
What is a cheap car insurance plan?
Im 19 years old and I live in New York. I am looking for an affordable car insurance plan. Any suggestions?
Car insurance company asking for more money?
hi i cancelled my car insurance back in feb i had it from 23rd dec to 17th feb i paid for the months i was covered and now the can insurance company are asking for the rest of the money for the months after the policy was cancelled. is this legal?
Car insurance help !?
Can i buy a car and get car insurance and then only use it for a couple of months ? then do i just cancel the insurance an i would get rid of the car please help me an new to this.
How much does insurance cost for a gas station in NH?
If I was to open up a gas station in NH how much would the insurance cost per month or year? Assuming I had an average amount of coverage and was running it as an LLC.
Do landlords usually have homeowner insurance?
Do landlord usually have homeowner insurance? Also is it true that most homeowner insurance have liability coverage? And if they took out a mortgage does the mortgage company require them to have some kind of homeowner insurance?
Should I buy insurance for my dog?
My brother keeps insisting that I purchase pet insurance for my dog mainly because he sells It and wants a commission. But is pet insurance really essential?
""Cars been stolen, will insurance pay up?""
My sisters car has been stolen roughly 30 mins ago. Shes customized it a bit (tinted windows to a legal degree, subwoofer in the boot) will the insurance pay up if it cannot be found. And what are the chances of it being found""
Who is the head of the Texas Department of Insurance?
I need to know who the head of the Texas Department of Insurance, whether he/she is elected by the public or appointed and if he/she is a republican or a democrat. General Contact information would also help.""
""In the state of arkansas, is there any state programs to provide free or affordable health insurance?
i am a 36 yr old male returning to college full-time. i have two dependent children who recive arkids(medicaid). i have no health insurance currently and am not working currently
Teens what kind of idiot buys a car with no Insurance?
Oh and this person that did this was black. White people will insure everything because they git money AM I RIGHT?
""Why is it that if your pregnant, you can't get health insurance?""
I currently have Kaiser with my fathers business(I work for him). However, he is thinking of canceling the insurance. I found out 2 days ago that I am pregnant, my father still does not know, and I know he will be happy for me, and maybe will not cancel the insurance for me. However, why is it that if your pregnant you can't get insurance? How about if i still want to stick with Kaiser, but have it on my name only? Oh I live in Southern California cause I know sometimes people ask that.""
Can anybody tell me what impairment rating have to do with an auto settlement?
my lawyer tells me she cant make a demand to the insurance company till i get an impairment rating from my doctor. what does that mean and what is a good rating?
How much would i pay in fines for driving w/ out insurance in california?
How much would i pay in fines for driving w/ out insurance in california?
Whats the difference between liability insurance and full coverage? ugh im so confused!!!?
What is the difference between liability and full coverage? If you have just the minimum and get in a wreck will they pay for the car if its a total loss or is that for full coverage?
Where can I shop for health insurance?
I need to purchase health insurance for my family. Where do I go or who should I call?
Is there an oversight body for Insurance Companies?
My insurance company made a ( medical) payment decision that I don't think is fair. I'd like to know if there is any board that regulates them. Polite, constructive answers only please.""
Best Medical Insurance for autistic toddler in california ?
My child is 3 years old and she is a diagnosed as high functioning with autism, Im fed up with dentical and medical insurance, Im looking into a new paid insurance for her. What insurance in california is best for a toddler with autism? Anyone know the benefits of the two...Price is not really an issue..""
Will getting married affect me being on my parents car insurance?
My mom knows we are engaged my dad won't even know that until December. My husband and I just got married yesterday but our ceremony is not until August. I realized today I am on my parents car insurance. Am I still going to be on there or are they going to send a letter to them saying I am married or something? He already paid the premium until April 2012 with me on it so I don't think they can take me off til then? Maybe at the end of the 6 months I should tell them since I am getting married in 4 months I want to get my own car insurance since it wont be the full cycle done before I am married. IDK I just wanna know if the company will say your married daughter cannot be on your insurance??? I am kinda freaked out.
Shouldn't Pres. Obama step up to the plate and tell them he just wants affordable insurance for all now?
Tell em to screw the lobbyists, so what if the health care lobbyists payed the House and Senate members over $500 million last year, I mean donated that much to them. They will have to wait, but people are dying now..""
Please can someone give me a normal price on car insurance for a new 2012 Ford Fiesta zetec S?
I'm 17 years old and a first time driver but cant fined a straight answer from car insurance websites.
How to appeal to insurance company?
My mom had Healthnet for her insurance provider in California. We started our move to Texas in Dec 2005. Mom made her payment in January. They still had their home in California, and it wasn't sold until February. So legally she was still a California resident. At the end of January she told them that she had moving to Texas. They refused her payment saying that she wouldn't be covered in Texas. In February she had emergency surgery. Healthnet paid everything. Then in October 2006 they denied all payments. Mom was supposed to have surgery on the hernia back in California but the doctor kept post poning it. Until finally he just said he wouldn't be able to perform the surgery. That was in January 2006, after she made her paid her insurance. My mom didn't know she had any rights, so she started paying on this $40,000.00 bill. I don't feel like she should be paying this. I have been trying to figure out how to write a letter to appeal it. I just don't know how to go about it.""
I'm looking for affordable auto insurance...?
I am looking for an affordable auto insurance in New Jersey. Does anyone have any ideas. And is it true that a Broker is a good option? What would be a reasonable rate for just a PIP and a older car? I have no accidents or tickets.
My daughter wants me to put car insurance in my name?
she wants me to put car insurance in my name for her husband he cant do it cause it would cost alot he has alot of speeding tickets and a dui plus he has lost his driver licenses my record is perfect what do you think i didn't even know you can do that im in ohio
Review of Student Health Insurance from SUNY schools?
If you have bought the insurance provided from any SUNY school, what is your review on its coverage?""
adding a driver to car insurance cost
adding a driver to car insurance cost
First car for teenage girl? Insurance...?
Need a car 17 year old girl 1.0 ltr engine. Cheap petrol and cheap insurance please? I also read getting the box fitted where you can drive between certain times also makes it cheaper?
Can you get cheaper car insurance when hiring from a car rental place?
Can you get cheaper car insurance when hiring from a car rental place?
Whats the best and cheaper insurance auto company in England?
Whats the best and cheaper insurance auto company in England?
Insurance Rate for a ZX6R !?
anyone know how much insurance would roughly be for a 17 year old 2007 ZX6R Motorcycle Course Completed In Ontario Thanks!!!
Do I still have to have car insurance? I'm a new driver?
I'm using my parents' car and they already have insurance for it. Do I still need to have my personal one even though my parents already have one for it? sounds kind of a rip-off for me.
Will my auto insurance go up?
I am a California San Diego resident. Four days ago, it was raining very heavily and I was driving a carpool lane on the freeway at about 60-65mph. All of a sudden my car hydroplaned and spinned 360 degrees about 3times and then it finally stopped when my car's rear crashed into the concrete median. FORTUNATELY, it was 4am and this accident did not involve anyone else. I had to leave the place like nothing had happened, because I was on my way to the airport. When I arrived at the airport I looked at my car's rear and the bumper and trunk was heavily damaged. Now, I am in a foreign country enjoying my vacation. My questions are following: (1) Will my insurance go up if I report this accident to my auto insurance? I have a full coverage. (2) Will I be in problem if I report this accident when it has been 4days? I really had no time until now because I had to fly and then settle a problem over here in Asia. Any thoughts/opinions are very welcome! Thank yoU!""
How much does it cost to insure a 1991 camaro z28?
I have a white 1991 camaro z28 and I need to put it up on insurance to get me going around. Only problem is my parents dont want to hold my insurance and im only 18. How much would it be to insure it on my own? The car is 5.0 Liter, 2 door, white. I turn 19 on christmas if that information helps. Can i get historic plates on the car?""
Pass Plus lower insurance?
Ive passed my driving test and looking to get a car. The plan was to get a car and put my dad as the first named driver and add me on. From what ive found its around 2800+ which is a lot of money. My driving instructor says Pass Plus is a good idea for when you pass your test, will it lower my insurance? Or is it just a myth?""
How can i insure my car for 1?
just read somewhere on this site that you can insure a car for 1 surely this is a load of uncle tom cobbler? would be very impressed if someone can answer this question... seeing as my car is only worth 500 why should i be expected to pay almost that in insurance? it would get written off any way should i ever claim. cos being an olde banger insurance cost for parts and availability not as easy and quick to get.
How much would it cost to insure a used Aston Martin Vantage?
I have decided to get the Aston Martin Vantage (Used). it is around 34000. My salary is around 30,000 a year. I was wondering if insurance is expensive?""
Term Insurance or Whole Insurance?
I am thinking about getting life insurance. Which is a better deal, term life insurance or whole life insurance? I am 40 year old male non-smoker.""
How can I get medical insurance while unemployed?
Recently hospitalized and need further lifesaving testing, but hospital will not touch me unless I have insurance or insurance pending.""
What is the penalty for driving without insurance in California?
If you have proof of insurance, and you pay monthly for insurance but it is invalid insurance because your license is suspended. I've seen answers from $500 up to $2000 what is correct.""
Had a car crash; how do you give insurance details?
OK, I let my attention slip and slightly rear-ended a car in front of me (oldish Mercedes), guy was surprisingly pretty cool about it. Damage is: (my car) my number plate fell off and very slight bumper bar damage; (his car) back bumper damage, back boot doesn't close properly. My car is insured completely, but how do I give him my insurance details? Do I just say the company that I'm with or something? Or I call my insurance up and get a number? Also will I have any financial repercussions from this, or does the insurance pay the lot for me and the victim? Will my rating be damaged and have to pay more for insurance? I have no idea about this type of thing, I don't even pay my own insurance, my dad does. Would any adult, or someone who has been through this (I'm assuming it's a fairly common) shed some light?""
Credit scores taking a hit from homeowners insurance checks?
Hubby and I called around checking what rates would be for homeowners insurance, but I got a little ahead of myself, seeing that our closing date isn't until August! I called about 4 places, they all ran our credit and said it will be a light hit on the credit scores... Well how much of a hit will our credit scores take?? The bank wants our credit scores updated since them, since we want that late August closing date.. Anyone know how much of a hit it will be?""
Car insurance?
I have a 94 camaro and I was wondering how much insurance would cost under my parents name. I'm 16 and a good driver, I don't know if that matters but I want to save some money""
What is the average car insurance rate for a teenager?
I am currently under my mom's insurance. I don't know what she has, but she said after I get my license I need to give her $1200 up front for my part of the insurance. Is there anything cheaper I can get on my own? JSYK: I am a 17 year old about to get a license in 10 days. I have a 3.8 GPA and got over a 90 on the written portion to get my permit. I live in New Jersey, and I am a female. I currently have about $1,100 saved from working the passed few months but I need some of it for band camp and I am paying for my car. My parents won't put anything forth to help me with the payments.""
What is the cheapest auto insurance?
What is the cheapest auto insurance?
What health insurance can help me?
ok im 44 years old and i have super low income and i have heart problem, 8 years ago i got heart attack now insurances i applyed for wont take me because i had heart attack im from different country so i dont know many american isurances and stuff please tell me which is cheap health insurance which will check out my heart and hopefully help me""
How much is insurance for an 18 year old?
i just turned 18 and am getting off my parents plan and getting my own insurance, i have 2 points on my license at the moment for an improper passing ticket. Thats the only ticket ive gotten. My car is a 2013 Volkswagen Jetta SEL I know i can get insurance quotes, just looking for a ballpark estimate right now....thanks!""
I need affordable health insurance?
I live in Monmouth Co., NJ, and I need to find affordable health insurance. I was covered under my parents insurance when I was in college, but I am now 22, and own my own home w/ my fiance. My job does not offer health insurance, but I make a decent amount of $ there. I am getting married in 2008, so I will be covered under my spouse's insurance then, but I need to go to the dr. now! Nothing life threatning, but I would like to have the piece of mind knowing, god forbid, if anything happened. Please help!""
How much money can I save on my car insurance after completion of the pass plus course?
Give me examples of how much you have saved or a friend or something
Best motorcycle insurance for me?
I was wondering what would be the best motorcycle insurance for someone like me. I'm 18, in the military, zero credit. I ride a 2011 ZX6r (sport bike). I've been driving since I was 16 and riding for about a year. No speeding tickets, no accidents, nothing. I'm SUPER busy ALL THE TIME so I really only plan on putting around 5-7k miles on the bike over the next couple of years just riding around for fun on the weekends. A lot of people suggest USAA because I'm in the military but those people don't ride bikes, and it seems like everybody I have heard of who has USAA motorcycle insurance grossly overpays. I have done a little research and it seems like the general consensus is that motorcycle insurance is the worst service (among some very good ones) that USAA offers.""
Do I need insurance on a 50cc scooter?
I'm getting one because I don't want to get a different license and it's convenient. I'll get tags on it, that's easy. Do I also need to get insurance for it to be street legal?""
SR22 insurance?
does anybody know of a low cost company that offers SR22 insurance for a good price. I got to many traffic citations and lost my licence in iowa and they are requireing me to get SR22 to get my licence back.
adding a driver to car insurance cost
adding a driver to car insurance cost
0 notes
Ashland Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68003
"Ashland Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68003
Ashland Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68003
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""Pregnant, on my parents insurance, can I get medicaid for my baby?""
I am a 23 year old student, working part time in retail and living with my mother. I am 25 weeks pregnant. My parents' insurance covers my prenatal appointments, but it will not cover my baby. Will I qualify for medicaid? (I live in California, so here it is actually called medi-cal).... I went to the office to apply, but the lady told me to come back when I was in my third trimester. I really want my baby to get insurance, but I am worried that I won't qualify. I would appreciate hearing your experience if you have been in a similar situation, or know how it works. Thanks!""
How much $ a month would insurance cost me?
I want to get a 93-97 Trans am, or Camaro. I'm a 21 year old male.""
How can I afford a car and insurance?
I am going into my second year of college and would like a car. I don't have a job. I have applied many places, but no luck. I don't have time during the year to work since I am a full time student, so I thought this summer I could save money if I had a job. My parents can not afford to buy me a car and provide insurance. I just want that independence.""
What company should my son contact for affordable health insurance in the state of Virginia?
What company should my son contact for affordable health insurance in the state of Virginia?
Will Fred loyas liability auto insurance policy cover a person driving your car if they have any or all of the?
My romate is from out of state so she doesnt have a texas drivers licensae! She has a out of state license but it may be expired - I have liability insurance in texas from fred loya insurance-Will any of these factors keep her from being covered while she is driving my car?
Will taking online driver's ed screw over my insurance?
I was just wondering. My older sister took an online drivers ed and said it was a lot easier and quicker, but my friends older brother said it screws over insurance, especially if you're a guy (which i am...). What are the pros and cons of taking online and in person classes? also, what can i do to lower my insurance rates for when i get my license?""
How much would the average monthly payments be on a motorcycle for a teen?
I'm 15, turning 16 in a few months, and I wanted to get a Ninja Kawasaki 250r. Most likely used, and around 2008 or 2009. I live in Las Vegas. Please include repairs, insurance, etc.""
Need affordable car insurance for 16 yr. old can you help!?
do you have a teen that drives or just know what the best prices are!
What would be the average cost on home insurance?
just an estimate, i have no clue is it 30$ a month, 100, 200, 300, 500?""
Insurance for a 17 year old?
Hello I'm a 17 year old male that lives in Palm Springs, California that is curious to know how much insurance would cost for these cars. 1.) 1999 Porsche 911 Carrera 2.) 2005 Nissan 350Z 3.) 1999 Jaguar XK8 4.) 2007 Infiniti G35 5.) 2005 BMW 545i If you can help me by giving an estimate would help greatly. Thank you, Asker""
Looking for Dowa Insurance?
Also looking for for a Mrs.Mary Blair of Dowa Insurance
Does anyone know the estimated cost for a FULL physical w/o insurance?
does anyone know the estimated cost for a full physical (that detects cancers, run pee tests etc.) for someone with no insurance? Are there any programs or places that will give the low income a more affordable price? In the California area.""
Will I be able to buy car insurance?Thanks?
Im 19 and I was on my dads Metropolitan insurance company. I had 2004 Honda Civic but my dad had the car title in his name. I crashed my car and I was at fault so now we're waiting for the case to settle. My dad wants to wait for the case to settle before I buy another car. The case might take another year or more before its settled. I would like to buy my own insurance and my own car. How will the insurance work out or whats the cheapest insurance? Thanks
Car insurance for learner driver UK?
I am considering to buy a car before I pass my test. Without buying the car first I can't get a quote online. I understand insurance is not much differenet for a learner driver and someone that just passed their test. Anyone knows how much roughly insurance cost for a learner driver? Thinking of getting a 2002-2003 ford focus, and I am a female 27 years of age if that makes any difference.""
""New Driver, Buying Used Car, How much is monthly insurance?""
18 years of age, recently got my license more than a month ago. Looking into this 2003 Ford Taurus I found at a dealership (4 door).... Parents are saying insurance will cost around $300 a month! excluding the car payment which will be around $200 a month. For some reason, I don't believe them what so ever with the cost of the insurance. I do have to get full coverage insurance. But thats just ridiculous. New drivers, how much do you pay for insurance. Only answer if your on your own plan.""
How much do you pay per month for your car insurance and gas?
How much do you pay per month for your car insurance and gas?
Can anyone get affordable home insurance?
I live in an older home and it is the family home. I am a senior citizen and have always had homeowners insurance....until this year..seems it just got to expensive it was out of my reach. I would like to get some but has to b reasonable.My home at this time does need some little repairs which I will need to do...BUT will I b able to get insurance before the repairs are done..I realize I will have to pay for those myself..But want to try to get insurance for the future....Will they insure a home before the repairs are done? or Not? Thank u I live in Texas
AAA insurance question! I just got my license!?
I just got my license today! I'm 18 and live in California. 1. Can I drive with people under 18? 2. My mom has AAA auto insurance for her car, and that's what I was driving when I had my permit. Is it still ok to drive the car now that I have my license? 3. I didn't understand the scoring system. I got 5 wrong, and obviously passed what is that in a letter grade or percent? Thanks. God Bless.""
What happens if I get cancer with no insurance?
It's just a hypothetical, I don't have cancer and I do have Catastrophic Insurance but I know that would not cover chemo etc but as far as I'm concerned, I would probably have to kill myself in the case that this happened, which I'm preparing myself for the possibility. No insurance carrier will cover me with real insurance because I;m taking meds for high BP and cholesterol, both are in check""
Cost to insure 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 250R?
I'm 18 years old, female, live in Virginia... not sure what else you need to know for an insurance quote, but about how much would it cost to insure? Let me know if you need more info. By the way- I've heard many, many times this bike is great for beginners- is this true? What are your recommendations?""
I was driving my moms car, and i was at a stop sign, and a guy made a very narrow turn and then when he saw me he stopped, after he started going, he then made the turn , but ended up hitting the back left side of my bumper, nothing major, only some scratches on the paint, i got out with my mom and we exchanged information, but he said that he will not pay a cent for it, and he is ready to call the cops and file a report, i thought about it considering that i only have a permit and the car is under my moms insurance, and i just let it go as i may he may have made an excuse cause i am 16 and i am still training with my parent next to me. if i called the insurance company to get it fixed, will i be blamed and will i get the insurance rate to increase or he would have been the one to blame? thanks and please tell me true answer!""
Pennsylvania car insurance prices?
We are contemplating moving to PA. What are the car insurance rates like there?
How much would it cost to insure a cheap motorcycle for a teen?
I found a good bike for two thousand dollars it's nothing fancy but it's enough to get around so I was wondering how much would it cost to insure a bike like this. I have very good grades my parents have a good driving record so I think that will help
Cancelling car insurance?
i recently passed my test, got a car and insurance. i have now found a cheaper car insurance, although i have only been paying for three month, will i be able to cancel the car insurance and go with a cheaper one?""
Cheap car insurance for a 17 year old?
Hi iv just bought a Volkswagen Golf S 1.4l engine and can only get quotes for car insurance of around 4k - 11k. Does anyone know of any insurance companies who can offer a lot less on insurance for teenagers? Thanks
Ashland Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68003
Ashland Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68003
Mandated Health Insurance is different from Mandated Auto Insurance how?
The Supreme Court will be deciding if the government can force us to buy health insurance from a private corporation. The government forces us to buy auto liability insurance from a private corporation. I am at a loss to see the difference.
""Health insurance question, very simple?""
Ok, this may sound stupid, but, for health insurance; we pay both the premium and the deductible, right? Or is it either or? Do we pay the premium every month and the deductible only once a year? Thanks a lot""
""Buying a car, do I need my own insurance to have the title signed over to me?""
My youth pastor is selling me his 2004 Dodge Stratus, and we're planning on going to the DMV tomorrow morning to have the title signed over. Currently, my mom pays for my car insurance every month, and the car I've been driving is in her name. If I want to put the new car in my name, can my mom still pay for my insurance or do I have to be able to pay for it in order to have the title signed over to me?""
What is the cheapest auto insurance i can get?
i got a v8 mustang, the insurance per year is 2,300 im 17 male""
Do men drive better then women or women better then men or even steven?
Do men drive better then women or women better then men or even steven?
What is the cheapest health insurance for low income people?
my kids father had a stroke two days ago and i am trying to help him find health insurance. he is having a hard time getting any insurance because he is unemployed and receives unemployment payments but they won't see him at the clinic because he has too many assets. He owns a trailer and has two cars. If any one can help i really would appreciate it. He also has high blood pressure, high colesterol, and diabetes. He had a stroke because he couldn't afford to buy his medications for his high blood pressure and colesterol.please help . i dont want anything bad to happen to him.""
Got my first speeding ticket. How much will my insurance go up?
I was on my way to work and I got clocked at 65 mph in a 50 mph zone. I haven't told my parents and I am scared for when they find out. It's my first speeding ticket and even the first time I had ever been pulled over. The ticket was for $103.33. I paid for it and it is all taken care of I think. I was driving my mom's new car. My brother has had a lot of traffic tickets on the same insurance too, but not the same car. So how much do you think the insurance is going to go up? Or do you think it is going to go up at all?""
What does a full coverage insurance cover?
If my car was in an accident and i have a full coverage insurance plan what exactly does the insurance cover? The car was totalled and can no longer be used.
Car insurance quote sites not recognising vehicle reg?
Hi my partner is thinking of buying a car and we're looking at gocompare.com and confused.com but we are not getting anywhere as neither website recongise either the vehicle registration number or the make and model of the car! we know it is genuine as we have done a vehicle check on it. any ideas why we can't get quotes? it's a nissan pickup from 1999. many thanks
I canceled my auto insurance b/c I moved to a different state where the policy was considerably cheaper..?
I then unexpectedly moved to my original state. Although I was paying a cheaper insurance, how much grace period time do I have to insure my vehicle in my current state where the insurance is more? Thanks.""
A question about dental insurance?
I need to find Dental insurance and i have no idea where to go or what to look for. I know im gonna need to go to the dentist soon. Im 21 and my wisdom teeth are giving me trouble. I want something thats affordable too. I really need help and opinions
Obama waives auto insurance?
Obama waives auto insurance?
What is the best Car Insurance company ?
I am a new driver with a sports car 1999 Porsche Boxter and need insurance. PLEASE HELP !!!!!!!
Would insurance be high on an impala ss?
I'm 18, I have a safe driving record (so far), I've completed driving school as well as defensive driving (it gives me a discount), if it helps. I'm thinking about buying an impala ss. I can afford it as far as the payments go, and my parents have agreed to pay the insurance if it's reasonable . So what am I looking at, guys?""
Could someone explain health insurance deductibles?
What is a deductible? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Do you want a low deductible or a high deductible? I ask because while trying to find some affordable health insurance, one company said it was $45 a month with $0 deductible. What does this mean?""
Is kaiser permanente health insurance confidential with teen the way Planned Parenthood is?
I know it's a family hospital, but do they let your parents know everything when you go see them for something like a vaginal check up?""
""Any companies you would recommend for cheaper car insurance rates (in Ontario, Canada)?
I've been calling around some of the major companies and the quoted rates have been sky high despite my spotless record. Maybe there's some hidden gem companies out there? I hope!
Which car is the cheapest to buy and who are the cheapest to insurance with?
i thinking of taking my driving lesson!! i just wonder which car is cheap and who is cheap to get insurance with!
Car insurance and business... HELP...?
Hi, I am 17 and am taking my test next week. I am also soon starting an apprenticeship (electrical). At this time I am not sure about transport (if I have to go to company and travel as van passenger or even driver) or if I have to make my own way to jobs. Whichever way a licence will help a lot. If I am just driving to work 4 days a week and college 1 then can I use Social, Domestic and pleasure + commuting to a single place of work or study ? and if I have to drive between jobs then I know I can not use this insurance (correct?) but when looking at business car insurance quotes they seem to be based on me owning the company (which I do not) so what insurance do I need and is there any responsibility on my employers to pay some or all of the insurance if I am driving between jobs? Please can you help... Thanks in advance.""
Low car insurance?
I wanna get a insurance for my car. it's a 1995 Pontiac Firebird. I got my license when I was 18 and now I'm 21 and I have a clean record in state of California. I just need a cheap insurance. How much is it gonna cost me each month? Which one is the cheapest one?
About car insurance a few questions please answer all thanks?
If my aunt was a Co signer on my car but it's under both of our names does her name have to be put on the insurance ? And can I get insurance with my mom's under her policy ? In other works if I'm a partial owner of the car does her name and my name both have to be on the insurance or even any of our names have to be on the insurance?
If i bought a cheap non running car on craigslist do i need to get insurance on it?
if i bought like a $600 car on craigslist that is not running, And would like to work on it to make it run. Do i have to get insurance on it, or any kind of monthly fee, while i work on it to restore it.""
Aren't you sick of people comparing health care to car insurance?
1. Mandatory Car Insurance is to cover THE OTHER PERSON if you get in an accident that is your fault. 2. Any coverage for yourself is optional, unless mandated by the bank that is loaning you the money as part of the contract for them loaning you the money to acquire the car. 3. I can choose not to drive. Liberals really are morons....""
How can I get insurance for my car?
I bought a car yesterday to use as a parts car to repair things I need for my other car.My other car is in my mom's name and on her insurance policy, however, the new car is in MY name. I need proof of insurance to have the car registered so that I can get tags for it, but I don't need real insurance for it. The car I bought isn't drivable and I had it towed to my house. Is there an insurance company that will offer me a very cheap policy? I'm under eighteen. I need someone to help me figure out what to do. I live in Virginia. If someone could help answer this, it would be greatly appreciated.""
How can I get my auto insurance lowered in michigan?
Hi, I was licensed to drive in Michigan but shortly moved to Virginia, where I received a car from my aunt (Mountaineer) I was insured under US AA with my aunt. In April of 2011, I hit a parked car in the school parking lot in which I wasn't ticketed or charged, but my aunt's insurance company was charged $2400 for the damage. I have since moved back to Michigan as of June 2011 and have not had coverage since. With school coming up and 2 current jobs, I'm looking for insurance that I can actually afford. I have been looking for plpd, and my dad mentioned looking for an underwriter because my lowest monthly payment quotes have been $250-$500 a month, is there any cheaper for of insurance available for me?""
Ashland Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68003
Ashland Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68003
Where can i find cheap Auto Insurance Providers in Missouri ?
Where can i find cheap Auto Insurance Providers in Missouri ?
Does anyone know any cheap insurance companies for me.?
i got my boyfriend a street bike and its under my name so the insurance has to be under my name to.
Jeep Wrangler: Insurance coverage costs?
I am a girl beginning driver, turning 17. I live in a rural area. I want a 1999 Jeep Wrangler SE. I am part of my family's plan. Does anybody have a price about what would cost a month/year? Thanks.""
Is health insurance haram?
Hey, We're supposed to write an essay on any topic of our choice and show it relates to well being and opportunity in Canada while addressing inequalities (that part is optional). I'm thinking of writing on Private Health Insurance in Canada. But first i wanna know if health insurance is haram. Also what can I focus on on in terms of health insurance. Should I focus on their good side/bad side, etc. Any suggestions?""
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? how old are you? what kind of deducatbale do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance? also, do you support obamacare?""
Where to go to find a house/car insurance quotas!?
I have a project for my economics class, we have to make a family of four budget for a month and we have to like buy a house, a car, food, and lots of other things But with this we have to go into detail and we have to find out the Homeowner/Renter Insurance and Automobile Insurance but I really have NO clue where to go to find this. Is there any website that just gives you the direct quota of how much it will cost you a month? Help me out anyone?""
How much is the average cost of auto insurance for a new driver?
heres some other info, im 20, i just got a learners permit. i live in new york state.""
Group 1 Insurance License?
Hello, I need to get my group 1 insurance license to sell annuities in the state of Texas. I am honestly not sure where to go or what to do. What do I need to do? Thank you.""
Why do i have to have my car inspected by my insurance company?
I just changed insurance companies and the new one wants to inspect the car which I never had to do before. How come?
Driving parent's car without insurance?
*I'm 16 with a license *My mom has insurance under Liberty Mutual *I am not on her insurance but the car is insured *I live in Georgia (GA has weird laws so any laws specific to GA would be great)
Whats the cheapest car insurance company in Michigan?
I'm moving out of my parents house in a few months, and am at the point of looking at car insurance rates. I've always just paid my fees on their shared account, which was only about $25. Friends in Ohio that also live on their own pay about $80 on their own plans per month, and they have accident histories. When I ask for quotes with a clean history, Progressive gave me a $350 quote! What's the best company to go through? Or at least top 3? I just want minimum coverage because that's all I can afford for now.""
Best insurance for just passed driver?
i need insurance for my car its a small engine and everything, i'm female and 17, does anyone know the best insurance to get as i know it's very expensive! thanks!""
How do I find cheap and decent health insurance in Vermont?
I'm looking for health insurance that will be affordable (read under $100 a month) and have fairly decent coverage. Also I would very much like coverage that will start very soon after applying, the sooner the better. Any one have any suggestions?""
Buying a car and using a friends insurance to practice?
Can I buy a car and drive it with a provisional license with a friend who has a full license and insurance for their own car with me? I asking because I don't know how insurance works, but I know someone who has a full license, insurance and own car can let you drive it if you have a provisional license. I'm in the UK btw.""
Dental insurance for an adult in need of braces?
I am almost 21 years old and will be getting braces within the year and was wondering if anyone knew of good dental insurance plans for adults that includes braces. Please, legit companies, preferably first hand experience with them. Thanks!""
How much would car insurance be per annum for a 17 year old girl (new driver) with a car worth around 500? ?
How much would car insurance be per annum for a 17 year old girl (new driver) with a car worth around 500? ?
HELP !!!!!!! what is a good and CHEAP car insurance company? 10 points =]?
I need the cheapest possible car insurance but thats also good and will cover me =]
How much is it for car insurance for a 17 year old in long island new york?
my mom had a 2002 honda accord that she just bought a week ago and we need to get it insured but she doesnt have a permit or licence bc her permit has expired in the year of 2010 , so now what she wants to do is, get a car insurance under my name . im going to be 18 in early june . and i have my permit .""
How do I get secondary health insurance?
I'm a full time graduate student currently receiving health insurance through my parents. However, my coverage sucks and I would like to purchase secondary insurance. I looked through all the different plans on einsurance.com (united, humana atena, etc), but when I called they told me that I can't purchase it when I already have insurance. I did some searches for secondary health insurance, but I can't find companies specifically for secondary insurance. It seems that I should be able to purchase any type of insurance I want and that the secondary company should pick up some of what my primary doesn't. Right?""
I had a little accident and I have some questions about car insurance.?
I rear ended my cousins brand new car. I have car insurance, that's not the problem. The problem is that she hasn't had car insurance for the past two months AND she doesn't have a drivers license, only a permit. When I call my insurance company to report this, are they going to ask for her information? Is there anyway to get around this? What should I do?""
""Live with father, father borrowed and wrecked my car. He's not on my insurance.?""
Will I still be able to make a claim if I have my own insurance, he's not on my insurance, and we live together. I know there is some sort of household rule, but is that just for having kids? What if he's my dad? Will I still be able to make a claim if we live in the same household, and he's not on my insurance? I'm 21, own the car myself, and the insurance myself, basically renting a room but can't prove it. He's only insured with his business car.""
Cost of getting motorcycle insurance for 20 year old?
I am probably goin to get a sports bike. I have had my license since I was 18. I have no tickets and clean driving record. I currently pay $140 a month for insurance on my truck. I was looking into getting a bike older than 2003. How much will motorcycle insurance be for a sports bike?
Help me find affordable health insurance in ny state if i am not poverty level?
Help me find affordable health insurance in ny state if i am not poverty level?
Will the cost of my car insurance decrease if I have a provisonal license?
My friend told me this but I think it's rubbish.. I am 17 next week and he told me that if I get a provisional license now and get all my lessons done/pass my tests and get my full drivers license, then wait until I'm 20 to buy a car, the insurance would be cheaper than if I passed my tests when I am 20 and buy a car straight away. (assuming I use the same company/ deals) Is this true or is he charting ****?""
I need health insurance as a student! Help?
My parents had the COBRA. Plan until my mompassed. Since then my dad and i have been self insured. My dad has some veterans insurance but i dont have anything. Im 18 and will be a full time college student in september. Are there any affordable plans out there? I make around 10,000 a year for my part time job..""
Ashland Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68003
Ashland Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68003
How much will my geico auto insurance rates go up after an accident?
If I've had a couple of accidents in years past, currently pay about 1,200/year for geico. I just had a very minor fender bender in which I sustained no damage but the other car (a BMW) got 2 scratches on the rear. How much can I expect my insurance rates to go up when this is all reported?""
Car insurance in the uk?
Anybody no any good cheap companys in the uk??
What is the best health insurance company?
What is the best health insurance company?
Do you need insurance to drive?
Is it a legal obligation to have car insurance?
My younger borother owns a moped how much would it cost for me to be put on his insurance?
i have a full driving licence i only need to be put for for 2 month or so not even that
Would any car insurance company insure a 17 year old with a 1988 BMW?
I'm just curious if any insurance companies would insure a 17 year old 1988 BMW: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201230480212123/sort/default/usedcars/price-to/1000/body-type/convertible/price-from/0/make/bmw/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/keywords/sport/page/1/radius/1501/postcode/ct66ae?logcode=p I know it will cost a lot but I would like to know if it would be hard to find an insurance company that would accept a 17 year old to drive it under their policy!
Does anybody have Progressive auto insurance?
Im thinking about getting Progressive auto insurance, I live in Massachusetts so the prices seem too good to be true. So is it a good insurance company.""
How much is Car Insurance for a 16 year old?
I'm 16 year old guy, I have a 2004 Pontiac Grand AM sedan, I get good grades in school, about how much would it cost monthly?""
How much can we expect to get from insurance for replacement of car door?
Our 2003 Hyundai Sonata got backed into recently. The lady hit the front passenger door and smashed it in. It still opens, but sounds awful when it does, and the window doesn't work right (power window). She had Farmers insurance, and I've heard bad things about them, but we're gonna get an estimate from different auto body shops around town. How much can we expect the insurance to pay out for this damage?""
Whats the fastest car a 20 year old can get insured on without paying huge insurance?
I have a bmw 1.6,its fairly slow and cant get insured on a 1.8,i think the fastest car i can get insured on is a honda v-tec 1.5,the insurance is not expensive for it at all,possibly an mx-5 1.6 aswell coz of the pwr to rate ratio altough never driven 1,what do ye rekn?""
Looking for an insurance company to insure me using VIN/chassis number?
I have bought a beeline Veloce GT50 49cc scooter (still in shop till insured) i cant get plates on it until i give them my insurance documents but im finding it hard to get an insurer to insure me online using the VIN Number / Chassis Number. so im stuck in a loop. no bike untill insurance is had and no insurance untill licence plate number is inserted onto online forms. This is for uk provisional so no answers from outside of uk please. thanks
How much is car insurance per month?
i'm 19 years old, have had my license for about a year, i work two jobs and i'm buying a used car. How much would it be per month ? I am also, starting college in the fall. any help or suggestions? thank you""
Do i need insurance for a project vehicle?
I am looking to get a project car to build until i can drive do i need insurance
""When getting car insurance in Georgia, should I lie about dui's or be honest?""
I have 2 dui's from Georgia within 10 years. I just reinstated my license and need liablity coverage. Should I lie about my driving record just to get insurance, or be upfront right away? Do insurance companies check your driving record right away?""
Long Term Disability - Life Insurance?
If you were no longer able to work and went on short and then long term disability from your job and then you die, is your family still eligible for life insurance that you had through your employer?""
Would having 2 cars be the same insurance as 1 car?
I have a 09 dodge charger, which you will probably figure the insurance is higher than average. So I was thinking, If I buy another lower level car, for example, a dodge neon. keep in mind that I am the owner of both cars, and only I will be driving the cars. would the insurance be the same or even lower?""
Which car has the cheapest insurance?
Audi A4 (Sedan) Audi A6 (Sedan) BMW 3-Series (Sedan) BMW 3-Series (Coupe) BMW 3-Series (Convertible) BMW 5-Series (Sedan) BMW M5 (Sedan) Cadillac CTS Lexus IS Lexus GS Mercedes-Benz C-Class Mercedes-Benz CLK-Class Mercedes-Benz SLK-Class Mercedes-Benz E-Class Mercedes-Benz S-Class These are cars I want to get but my dad said that he wants me to pay for insurance and gas. I want something with the cheapest insurance BUT ALSO on this list.
What is the cheapest/best insurance for a 24yr old student/ stay at home mom?
My 3month old is covered under medicaid, but I need help finding an affordable insurance for myself. My fiance is covered by his work for free, but it would be $200 a check for him to add me and we cannot afford that at this time.""
Accident...Car Insurance Coverage (Infinity)?
I drove my moms car going to work, I drive it once a week or not even. Someone crashed into me on the freeway and damaged the vehicle. Im not on the insurance policy but My mom has ...show more""
What is the best and cheapest insurance for a 16 year old getting a 2006 scion tc?
What is the best and cheapest insurance for a 16 year old getting a 2006 scion tc?
""Difference in insurance price between 2007 4DR Chevy Cobalt, and 2008 Pontiac G6 GT 4DR?""
I currently have a 2007 Cobalt LT 4DR 2.2. I'm fairly happy with the car but I want a car with a little bit more room, that's still a GM or Ford and has a little bit better get up and go. I love my low insurance rates with the cobalt how much do you think i'd go up with the g6?""
How much does it cost to buy insurance for a small business?
How much does it cost to buy insurance for a small business?
""I live in So Ca am 55 years old and I don't have medical insurance, I have ongoing medical problems. Any help
Any subjections for low income doctors.
Cavity/No Health Insurance?
So my tooth is freaking killing me, ouch pain....but my problem is i currently don't have dental insurance. Does anyone know on average how much it would cost to go to the dentist to have a cavity fixed with out insurance? HELP!""
Roughly how much would a BMW x3 in group 16 insurance cost?
My mum wants to buy this new BMW x3 2004 and it's in group 16, so is there a rough guideline of how much it would be for a years insurance?""
Ashland Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68003
Ashland Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68003
0 notes
taesthetes · 6 years
(1/?) Travel anon-hi! Oo, good luck! You'll do great and get to bask in potato-ness again! You've convinced me! I'm gonna try to go on a road trip with some friends soon then! Hopefully sometime this summer c; Ah, besides texting people at night while alone, I do walk with my car keys between my fingers (my car keys come out like a switchblade lol?) so I completely understand late night paranoia. Traveling alone and texting people keeps them updated on my goings (and updates their wishlists x'D)
(2/?) I know, right?? Things are so much cheaper in Korea D: When I was there, I hit up a cafe nearly every half day, haha. Sesame drinks are usually hot, but they taste a lot like asian sesame sweets? Nutty, and sometimes pretty sugary (depending on the place that makes it), but the hot liquid with it is steamed milk :D And yes! Hot Apple Cider! Would you try a Sweet Potato Latte? Those are really good too~ Hot Rice Drinks are a little odd to me, but I have a friend who likes those
(3/?) Oh! Taiyaki! Technically the Japanese name for the fish pastry, but you can have those in Japan too! Some of them are filled with chocolate or custard or matcha custard there :D I know what you mean; whenever I saw an interesting snack, I lined up and chowed down, haha. Good thing walking burns off all those extra calories! I’m guilty of trying a bunch of specialty Haagen Dazs ice cream flavors unique to those countries too X’D You’ll definitely feel the same way once you hit up a dog cafe
(4/?) Do you have any dogs yourself? Or cats? Pets, in general? While it’s not jiggly cheesecake, I did like the molten cheese tarts from Pablo Cheesecake in Japan! The tarts are smaller, so it’s easier to portion per person than one whole cake, haha. Uncle Tetsu is a well-known brand for jiggly cheesecakes, if you see one! And oh, don’t worry, please! You’re not scary or anything! I’m super comfortable talking to you actually. I’m just really - shy? Sort of? Thank you for worrying about it tho!
(5/?) True! I didn’t travel during fall/winter until after I graduated ;D now it’s just my go to time, haha. I’ve never made it to Japan for Sakura season because of that ;u; but it’s really expensive then anyways. Maybe someday~ I’d love to take photos of that! Omg yes, leggings everyday, all day - and definitely like potato versatility! Oo, maybe when you have a day to yourself, you could go to a nearby art museum and set up like those students, yourself? It might not be like the museums in-
(6/?) -your travels, but it’ll still work just the same! Art is beautiful wherever you go :D Yup! Switzerland is the happiest place in the world, haha. Honestly, for the crane machine we played, there was 4 of us teaming up 1 machine and eyeballing which plushies would be the easiest to pick up. I’m pretty sure we were just really absurdly lucky that day (unfortunately for our bystanders)! Sometimes, if you’re very into the crane games and still fail, a nice passerby or staff might take pity on-
(7/?) -you and help you win it. That’s what happened to us sometimes XD Yes! Empty suitcase all the way! I pack the bare essentials, and stuff a suitcase in a suitcase for max space on the way back :D Dango is sooo good, I’m drooling at the memory of it right now. I miss it so much ;u; Oh! I’ve heard of that one! I’ve never been there before, but I do want to try it when I go back this year! A good udon branch I tried had a Naruto for the logo, and it’s a chainstore, so it’s everywhere!
(8/?) Any ramen joint is amaaazingggg. Seriously, I’ve tried a bunch of random ones that I just wandered and found, and they were all so good. Have you ever had omurice before? Or oden? Or thought of trying a traditional Japanese breakfast? Those are all good too! I’m sure you’ll hit up Japan again and manage to do all the things you want to do! Maybe you’ll be in Japan when there’s a festival where you’re at! Japan has a looot of festivals after all ;D
(9/9) Okay, this is really long now, wow. Thank you! The new one seems to be working so far :D I’ll see when I get previews of my pins! I watched Avengers today~ I want to say it was good, but that really depends on your viewpoint, haha. Will you watch it any time soon? The rest of my day was mostly spent cursing traffic and getting hyped over the new bts photos! How about you? You make my day too when you reply me (and so in depth)! Thank you for that :D Good luck with your studies 💖💖
hi, m’love! and thank you!! ahhh i’m so excited to be a potato this weekend :’) there’s also mother’s day though, so i have to wake up a little earlier than usual to buy some pretty flowers and maybe an orchid plant for her present. omg yes!! i hope you have lots of fun on the road trip! it’s honestly quite stress relieving and fun to just drive to wherever and enjoy the company of your friends. and same! i do that with my keys, plus i have pepper spray on my key chain, too. and i suppose having heavy textbooks in your bag helps in this instance because i can swing it around if i need to ahah. my friends are already updating their wishlists, too :’)
oh and! my parents decided to change the vacation dates today, and we’re going to be in asia even longer and i’ll be gone for almost all of august in japan and vietnam, so i can go to the concert?? but i don’t think i will because i already spent a lot of money for my t swift tickets and i’ll probably spend so much in japan and vietnam already haha because for me, i’d have to say plushies and good food > bts
i think inflation is pretty high in asia (with the exception of japan) in comparison to usa, so i’m glad things will be much cheaper! oooh, i hope i can go to a dog cafe every half day in japan aaskdjfas and i’ll have to try a sesame drink then! it sounds delicious. and yes! i’ll try the hot apple cider and sweet potato latte, too!   hot rice drinks sound interesting, so i want to try one, too :D
omg now i’ll definitely have to try every taiyaki filling available in japan. and oh my gosh, i didn’t realize how much walking people do in other countries until i realized i actually lost weight when i went on vacation in europe even though i had super rich foods everyday?? i guess usa food portions need to be downsized and i should start walking everywhere now. oooh, i do that with the lays chip flavors! they have unique flavors in different countries, too, and i always try them. i’ll have to look for the haagen dazs ice cream now. hold up, i need to write all of this in my notes on my phone. i don’t want to miss out on any good drinks and food!!
and i wish i did! i want a dog or cat so badly D: the only pet i ever had were fish. do you have any pets? molten cheese tarts sound like heaven, oh gosh, i need to write down these food places too! and oh good, that’s a relief!! i’m glad you’re comfortable talking to me :’)
ahhh i’ll just have to wait until after i graduate to travel more! i think it’s also cheaper during other seasons besides summer since that’s when students are free to travel, too, so hurray for saving money! omg photos of sakura season would be so beautiful. i hope you get to go during then one day!! i love leggings so much, like my goodness, they’re so comfortable. i wear them to bed and i don’t even have to change before i go to my morning classes the next day. 
there’s actually a museum on campus, but the thing is, a lot of the museums around here are more of modern art feel? like obscure abstract sculptures, minimalism, and a lot of photography. i really adore paintings and the older art styles, like renaissance, surrealism, photorealism, impressionism, etc. of course, all art is beautiful, but it’s more enjoyable for me personally to be drawing inspiration from realistic paintings.
ahah i’ll just ask my parents and sister to spot me while i play the crane machines then. hopefully, i’ll get one! wow, but passerby and staff help you win it? is everyone good at crane machines there?? i need them to teach me their ways, so i can stop losing money haha i’ll have to do that, too! hopefully, the suitcase fees aren’t too high.
sfljkhdafs dango sounds so good right about now. honestly, i saw that restaurant in nct life osaka and i love fishing and i love sushi, so i immediately thought, “i have to go there someday.” and the udon chain had a naruto logo on it? i’ll have to look it up, but i wrote it down in my notes! but now, i’m suddenly craving for ramen omg i’m just imagining it. and no, but i’ve seen so many videos of omurice! it looks really cool :o and is oden sort of like a hot pot? hot pot is always yummy, and my mom makes a vietnamese version of it often. oh gosh, i would love to try a traditional breakfast, but i usually don’t wake up early enough for breakfast ahah. and i hope so!! maybe one day, we can meet in japan :D
that’s good to hear! i’m glad the new manufacturer is working out so far. i don’t think i’ll be watching it soon since i’m pretty busy, but if you want to talk about it, i’m totally fine with that! and god, traffic is the worst D: but yes, the new bts photos are so beautiful aslkfjhalsd and i just went to my classes, did my homework and some studying, and watched tv with my roommates, nothing too exciting sadly. and thank you 💞💞 i hope you had a good day today!! also though, i just realized i don’t know who your bts bias is! who’s your favorite? :D and do you listen to any other kpop groups?
(and i just followed you on instagram!! your art is so beautiful oh my goodness, my eyes feel so blessed, i’m scrolling through all your posts and everything is so pretty i cry)
also, if it’s easier for you to message me on kkt and if you have an account and are comfortable with giving me your user, we can do that, too!!
0 notes
flowing-paint · 7 years
Dark Imperium
So I finally gave in. I jumped on the Warhammer 40k 8th edition bandwagon. It was faster and easier than I thought though. I still have some mixed feelings about it but overall I’m glad that I did it.
Games Workshop products are known for two things: 1) they probably are the best sculptures around with the finest details 2) they are insanely expensive. Notice I did not say overpriced 'cause you get what you pay for but still, they cost you an arm and a leg. This is the main reason that was holding me back from diving directly in. This and the fluff which I am not really sure I will ever be able to fully embrace. I mean, a fascist Roman empire in the far future? Duh...!
Anyway... how did I end up starting collecting Warhammer 40k do you ask? I was drinking a beer in Kobe Chinatown with my good board gamer friend when he described me a "Dark Imperium" unboxing he saw and how cool those miniatures looked. As a long-time tabletop wargamer, I knew what he was talking about and that’s probably why I was instantly sold. Also, why I should not decide to buy stuff when semi-drunk: the last thing I know is that I went back with a sense of urgency to scan the whole eBay for the cheapest Dark Imperium deal available. I found a pretty solid deal so I asked my friend how was he feeling about that and I got a weird and certainly unexpected answer: I’m going to London next week, I’ll take care of it. And he sure did. He came back to Japan with a big bag full of presents:
Dark Imperium starter box
1 extra rulebook
2 measuring tapes (GW original)
All for half the price you can get for just the starter box in this overpriced country. I have to admit, this was a great Christmas present.
Tumblr media
The miniatures
I am pretty sure you all know about the Dark Imperium contents but the other day when I was trying to get a full list of the miniatures in the box I wasn’t able to find one in the first Google search page so I’ll make one. Let’s see what you get in the Dark Imperium box.
Primaris Space Marines
1 Captain
2 Lieutenants
1 Ancient
10 Intercessors
3 Interceptors
5 Hellblasters
Death Guard
1 Lord of Contagion
1 Noxious Blightbringer
1 Malignant Plaguecaster
7 Plague Marins
1 Foetid Bloat-drone
20 Poxwalkers
You get a total of 53 miniatures which is probably a lot even if I feel like the rulebook covers a big portion of the cost. As usual with GW starter sets you also get unique characters and they probably add a lot of value to the box anyway.
All the miniatures you get are provided in the new GW scale which means they are 32 mm. Roughly. Of course, according to GW’s official take on the matter, the new Primaris marines were bred to be bigger and stronger than ever but this doesn’t explain why the dudes in the Death Guard grew accordingly. Maybe the power of Nurgle? Or the power of the new GW board members trying to drive new blood in the game? I don’t care: the new sculpts are exceptionally good. Like good good good... they look easy to paint with abundant but still fairly large details and with some reasonable color scheme suggestion that can make painting them a breeze, even for beginners. In twenty years I’ve seen miniatures from all the possible sources, old GW, Reaper, Fantasy Flight games, Megacon Games, etc. etc. and the level these new minis reached is amazing. I can imagine that painting them will be a lot of fun. Not to mention that this box contains a figure that is probably one of the best GW miniatures ever: the Lord of Contagion.
The factions
As you can see in the previous section, the two factions that come in the box are the Primaris Space Marines and the Death Guard. Splitting between two friends we had to decide which faction to go with but we both agreed it could be better for him to stick to the marines: first, he likes the looks best and second, they’re easier to paint for a beginner. So I got to pick up the Death guard because models are more complex and you may agree with me that they may represent a fair challenge even for an experienced painter.
Wandering around the internet to see the whole army points you get, I found this thread on Reddit where they did some calculations: like all GW starter sets, the good guys are slightly overpowered, with the Space Marines scoring around 100 points of overhead in respect to the Death Guard. I don’t mind losing games so I don’t care that much but I saw the very same thing in the Age of Sigmar starter set where the Stormcast are way more powerful than the Korne dudes. In addition to this issue, the total points seem to be pretty low (don’t even know on which base I am saying this but bear with me) so we both decided to add some extra units to pump up the fun a little bit: you don’t get a super-powerful army from a starter set. As far as I know, my friend bought some Reavers, a Librarian and a bunch of the Space Marine Heroes (Japan limited edition) so he now has something like 4 or 5 HQs to choose from together with some ranks. I will describe my additions in the details below.
The rulebook
The last time I had a full (physical) rulebook from Games Workshop was back in the days of Warhammer Fantasy Battles 4th edition. I also had two army books (one for my Lizardmen and one for my Dark Elves armies). All the books were that kind of softcover with the glue binding on the side. I’m not a librarian so I don’t know the appropriate term to describe them. On the contrary, the new 40k 8th edition rulebook is hardcover and packed full of gorgeous imagery and fluff. It reminds me the special edition of the Mercs 2.0 rulebook. As per new GW policy, they tend not to show you drawings or renderings but more dioramas with full armies on display: case in point, the AoS books with lots of army photography but almost no drawings. I guess this way the result turns out cheaper for them. The WH40k 8th edition book, however, is packed of full-page (kickass) drawings up to the level that it feels very much the same as the old-school GW manuals but with a more high-quality look and feel. In a couple words? Fucking awesome. It’s so good that I went through it a few times and I still have to get a glimpse at the rules. Enough said.
Death Guard reinforcements
As my friend started buying a lot of additional figures I had to do the same. I did it my way, though. As usual, the first addition I did was some crap I found on the eBay (almost) for free. The auction was for 5 old Plague Marines and 5 old Chaos Space Marines (all painted). The price was more than fair as they turned out around 1$ per unit. I wanted them as test models anyway. I also got 10 Tyranid gargoyles for the same price, so good deal overall.
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With such an ugly paint job, the idea was to strip them and make a tutorial out of the process, unfortunately, they were painted with some sort of metallic enamel and the paint did not fall off completely even after immersion in pure ethanol. I just primed on top of the old crappy colors and used them as test models. I had the insane idea to use pre-heresy Death Guard colors, a scheme that unfortunately involves a lot of white in the process and you all know how difficult is to paint a smooth white if you are not using an airbrush. So, God knows I needed some testing before hitting the road with the bigger new models. Talking about bigger models: the eBay dudes are 2nd edition figures so take a look what happens if you place them side by side with the new ones! I’m gonna call them my “baby plague marines” ‘cause they’re tiny!
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The big boy in the pic is another of the reinforcements I got (together with some Poxwalkers), just a normal “push fit” easy to build plague marine. Despite being of different size, they will probably work well together on the battlefield as my friend is not terribly WYSIWYG but the style is still quite different. I was however surprised to see how the new sculpts are a straight evolution from the old ones: they have very similar features and you effectively feel like you are painting the same faction. Even after twenty years. I guess that showcasing the same colors and being slightly loose on the weapons etc. will do it. You can see the color scheme I chose in the picture below.
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You have way more possibilities to get out some kickass effects on new models but the overall look-and-feel should be close to this one. It makes me feel good to see that even in this test stage it looks way better than the green metallic dude so I just cannot wait to paint my first new-era plague marine.
The last piece I bought is, again, another somewhat strange addition: Typhus. One of the named characters in the army. If you head to the GW page or Google for him, you can find many pictures and that’s exactly what I did. The only problem here is that the new sculpt looks super cartoonish and it’s simply not credible as a man-killing soulless machine. I do think the new sculpture is gorgeous, don’t take me wrong, but it doesn’t match the whole Death Guard look: I mean, he has smoke coming out with big mosquitoes and a Nurgling hugging him! Naah... I’ll pass on this sculpt. What do you guys think about him?
I still had to do something to add this dude to my army so I just headed to the Forgeworld page and grabbed the Horus Heresy special edition Character.
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Oooh, yeah! Now we’re talking. This is what I call “Death Guard” look! Even for WYSIWYG purposes, he counts exactly as his future-self but with that badass factor that blows my mind. They also cost exactly the same amount of money so this one was a no-brainer: I pulled the trigger in the fraction of a second and the model is now flying over Russia, eastbound. Cannot wait to put my hands on him!
Ok, I wrote enough words on this. It’s time to get some paint flowing and see what I can do with a new model and my pre-heresy color scheme. I can already see a step-by-step tutorial coming in the future on how to paint Death Guard in these colors. You guys let me know what you think and stay tuned for the updates!
... game on!
0 notes
sending-the-message · 7 years
Case #1- Suspected Supernatural Activity In A Strip Club by JacobMielke
When I first moved to Milwaukee, I spent my days lounging about my new home, avoiding human contact. Eventually I figured it wasn’t healthy to be a shut-in at my age and I should make an effort at pretending to be a socially adept person.
That was why I found myself sitting in a dive bar, staring at a young woman sitting by herself at a table across the room. Her hair was dyed bright red and her arms were adorned with tattoos of various religious symbols, a pride flag, several pokemon, and a facial portrait of Linda Blair. She was stirring a martini and looked bored.
Now, I’ve never known how to chat up people. My one and only relationship came about when both of us realized we were already dating, so it’s not like I know how to make conversation.
Still, one must do what one can.
To this day, I am too ashamed to share my fumbling attempts to seem cool. I must have done something right because she let me sit with her and we conversed. Her name was Moxxy, which she told me was a play on her actual name, Molly. I introduced myself.
“It’s nice to meet you, Moxxy. My name’s Jacob. Mielke, in case you… I don’t know, wanted to know.” I internally screamed. Both the angel and the devil on my shoulders cringed.
“Milky? Like, the Milky Way Galaxy? Got Milk? Milk duds?”
“I’ve been called all of those at some point, yes. Jacob Mielke, like the drink, only not spelled the same.”
“How do you spell it?”
“M-i-e-l-k-e. It’s Italian.” I tried to pull off the accent and failed. I’m about as Italian as Olive Garden.
“Why does that sound so familiar? Did we go to school together?” She leaned forward, smiling mischievously. I didn’t have a clue who she was, and I think I’d remember meeting someone with such a unique sense of fashion.
“No, I lived in Pennsylvania my whole life. Just moved here a while ago.”
She grabbed my arm in a vice grip and I let out a rather unmanly yelp. She stared hard into my eyes. They were a lovely hazel, not that it mattered to me at the moment. “Do you write scary stories?”
As it turned out, Moxxy was a fan of my story A Lack of Empathy, which I’d posted on a creepypasta website years earlier. We had a long discussion about my bibliography, which culminated in her agreeing to check out more of my stories. And thus began a long and fruitful friendship. I never did end up getting into her pants like I’d originally planned but truth be told, it was nice just to have another friend in this strange, new city.
One day, several months after our meeting, I mentioned in passing that I wanted to try writing nonfiction work. She… took it to heart, would be a polite way of putting it.
“Oh my God, we have to go ghost hunting or something. You could be like a supernatural detective and you can write about your findings! People will love you!”
I admit, the idea was intriguing. I don’t think there are any horror writers who don’t believe, in some small way, there’s a hidden world under our own. A world that can’t be explained or seen, only glimpsed. Personally… well, let’s just say I’ve seen some things that absolutely inspired my work.
For our first “case”, as she called it, Moxxy suggested we go to a strip club she knew. I’m going to omit the name so as not to piss off the wrong people (the heavily armed people, that is). It didn’t take much prompting for me to agree to go. Can’t imagine why. Anyway, Moxxy said that some of the dancers at the club quit after experiencing “supernatural activity”. The plan was to go, buy private dances from a few of the women and question if they’d noticed anything out of the ordinary. I thought it might be easier (not to mention cheaper) to try asking them at the bar or something but if she wanted to do it via private dances, then damn it, I was going to respect her wishes.
I did some research on the club to prep for our investigation. Most of what I found was articles and opinion pieces posted online by people who have dedicated their lives to combating the evils of what consenting adults do in private. There were, however, a few that caught my eye. One article referenced an incident in which an employee disappeared. Apparently a bouncer named John Doe (totally his real name, guys) showed up for work one night and was never seen again. The owner and dancers confirmed seeing him there, doing his job, but at some point no one was paying attention to him anymore and then when they went to find him later, he was gone.
Another was a post on reddit (now deleted) claiming that a dancer had gone missing on a night she was scheduled to work. They attached a photo of her as well. It’s hard to tell how reliable that info is, as there were no sources to back it up and none of the commentators knew anything useful.
Eventually the night arrived. Moxxy and I took the bus to the club, where she just strolled right in without the bouncer saying shit about it. She winked at me and I stared murder at her while the bouncer took my money and ID. The club was packed; every seat around the stages held a man (and the occasional woman) with a fist-full of dollars. Moxxy suggested we split up to cover more ground (her investigative technique was plopping down in one of the chairs and staring at a voluptuous woman dancing upside-down on a pole). I was approached by my first dancer less than a minute after taking a seat at the bar.
“Hey, baby. You mind if I sit here?” She had a heavy Russian accent. I consented to her presence and we made small talk while I waited for her to propose a dance, as per experience dictated.
Did I say experience? I meant research. I’d researched strip club etiquette, not experienced it.
I paid for three dances and hinted that I was willing to spend more if kept happy. It was hard to get a question at first, she was really a fan of that thing exotic dancers do when they rub their breasts on your face. Eventually though, I asked: “So I heard that some weird things happen here. Like maybe the place is haunted. Ever notice anything weird around here?”
She stopped grinding on my lap abruptly, which was a sufficient answer in and of itself. “Where did you hear that?”
“A friend of mine knows some people who used to work here. She said they were scared by ghosts or something?”
“There’s no ghosts here.” She hesitated, then leaned in and whispered: “But I think there might be something. Sometimes when I walk by the basement door, I can hear my Babushka talking, telling me to come down. But she’s been dead for years.”
“How do you know it’s not her ghost?”
“I know my Babushka.” She dropped her eyes and I saw goosebumps appear on all over her. “I loved her and she loved me. Whatever that thing is, it does not love me. I can hear it in the voice.”
The remaining time in our dance was awkward. I let her wiggle, passionless and tense, on my lap until the songs were over and tipped her extra. I looked for Moxxy while returning to my seat at the bar but couldn’t find her in the crowd. Maybe she’d gotten a private dance. I waited but when four songs had passed she was still nowhere to be seen. The first inklings of doubt entered my mind. Perhaps it wasn’t the best idea to go looking for… whatever this thing was. Another five songs passed and my concern blossomed into worry.
I found a man at the bar who looked like he belonged there and tapped his shoulder. “Hey buddy, have you been here before?”
He turned slowly to look at me with one eye (his other was too obscured by a drooping eyelid to be of much use). When he spoke I noticed his breath was infused with enough alcohol to sterilize a hospital. “Sure am.”
“Do you know where I can find the basement?”
He slurred some directions and pointed to the back of the club, near the restrooms.
“Thank you.”
“Welcome. I love you, man.”
“I love you too, sir. You have a nice night.”
It took me a minute to actually find the basement entrance. All the other doors in the establishment were painted black but the basement door was the same shade of red as the walls of the club. I couldn’t help but feel like they were intentionally hiding it from customer view (understandable). I made sure no one was watching and pressed my ear to the door.
Three things happened in the space of a few seconds. The first made my blood cold (you think that’s a silly saying? It’s not. When gripped in a state of intense fear, your brain releases epinephrine and cortisol to prepare your body to fight or flee. A side effect is a perceived rapid temperature drop). Someone (something) was scratching the door on the other side. It was too soft to be heard over the music, unless you were as close as me. I tried to think of a reason why a person would rake their nails on the door like that but I couldn’t. No one would do that unless they were crazy or intentionally trying to scare someone.
The second thing to happen… well, I’m not sure anything did happen. Materially speaking, at least. What I thought was happening was some kind of energy was pouring from the door and mixing with mine. For a split second I became convinced that some kind of consciousness was touching my mind. Something not human. More than that, just as I knew it was there, it was also aware of me.
And that was that. Mind made up, time to go. Except… you know that moment in a horror movie where a character does something really stupid?
The third thing to happen was the scratching stopped and the whispering began. I couldn’t make out what the voice was saying but the longer I listened, the more convinced I became that it was Moxxy’s.
Occam’s Razor: something, some ghost or demon or mimic monster, was using Moxxy’s voice to lure me into the basement. I’d become the next person to disappear in the club. The smart thing to do was obviously to walk away. And yet… Moxxy was missing. Why would she leave without me? It was her idea to come here in the first place. What if she went down there while I was getting a dance?
What if it wasn’t too late to save her?
I opened the door wide. Nothing stood before me. There was a light switch on the wall at the top of the stairs and I used it before taking a few steps down. Light flooded the basement and the terror that gripped me only moments ago vanished. I descended the rest of the way and looked around. The basement was a single, open room supported in places with cement pillars. Boxes were everywhere, piled from floor to ceiling in some places. Moxxy wasn’t down here but on the far side of the room was something that caught my attention: a hole in the wall. I crossed the room for a closer look. It was a perfect circle, like a laser beam cut through the concrete. It was about two feet across. While I examined it, two footsteps thudded at the top of the stairs. I turned and saw a man wearing the bouncer’s uniform standing in the doorway. His face was grim.
“Whatever you do, don’t scream.”
He retreated through the door and shut it. Before I could take a step in its direction, the light vanished. The fear returned. There was something in the basement and it was between me and the door. I could feel it there, feel its malice.
When flight is impossible and fighting isn’t an option, the human animal has a third defense mechanism rarely used: freeze. I didn’t so much as twitch a muscle in the dark. My breath was as shallow as I could make it without passing out and I squeezed my eyes shut. There was a shuffling in front of me and a raspy hiss that grew louder as my companion inched closer. Then it was in front of me, then all around me. The noise ceased completely and something touched me, just barely brushing the hairs on my arm.
Light shone in the basement and I saw it even through my closed eyelids. There was a bang and a voice I didn’t recognize: “Over here!”
I opened my eyes and turned my head in the direction of the sound. A young woman wearing flashy lingerie and body glitter (a dancer from the club?) stood in a doorway on the side of the basement. I hadn’t even noticed it was there before, I was so fixated on the hole in the wall. The dancer waved me over urgently. “This way!”
I moved for the door but a voice from behind once again froze me in place before I could reach it. “No… stay. Stay here with me. I won’t hurt you. I have things I want to show you.”
I raised a foot to step forward but moving was slow, like the air had turned to tar.
“Stay, Jacob. You’re just like me, a child of darkness. Stay. You can accomplish so much more down here with me. Just turn around… look at me.”
The woman in the doorway shook her head. “Don’t do it!”
A small puff of cold air hit my ear and a voice whispered mere centimeters from me, “Look at me.”
I bolted for the door. The woman turned and ran as well and I heard her high heels clanging on something metal. It was a staircase. The door led outside from the basement to an alley behind the club. I rushed up the stairs, but couldn’t resist looking back. The basement door was swinging shut on its own. In the moments before it closed, I saw a pair of eyes looking at me from the dark. They flashed green and yellow, like cat eyes. It was less than a second. But I looked. I saw.
I didn’t see the woman in the alley, nor did I see her when I went around to the front of the building. But I did see Moxxy, standing near the front door. She looked surprised to see me. “Sorry man, I got kicked out. Apparently you’re not allowed to put your fingers in the girls here. I was expecting you to come out the front. Did you learn anything from that Russian chick?”
I looked around. The woman couldn’t have gone so far so quickly. But she was gone. “Hey, did you see one of the dancers come running out before me?”
“No, just you. Jesus dude, are you okay? You’re shaking!”
It took two days to convince Moxxy I wasn’t making up a story. Two days for her to believe there really was something in the basement, something not as physical as a person yet not as immaterial as a spirit. She wasn’t very sensitive about how close I came to… well, something tells me death isn’t a strong enough word to cover it. More than anything else, she was excited. In her mind, our new investigation team was in full force and we’d just opened our first case.
Though I was too terrified to realize it at the time, the bouncer who stood at the top of the stares and the dancer who led me to safety had faces I’d seen before, in pictures on the internet on articles and posts about missing strip club employees.
The terror I’d experienced faded over time. I think the mind has a way of refusing to feel certain things, in order to protect itself. I still think about that day sometimes and I’ve never forgotten those eyes (“Look at me.”). Still, life has mostly gone on as normal.
Well, not normal. Over the years, Moxxy and I encountered a great many things that could generously be referred to as unusual. I didn’t get around to publishing our stories or the adventures of the tiny amateur group that would eventually become Mielke Investigations until now. I did write about them though, keeping my musings and notes and findings in folders on my computer marked as cases. This one, obviously, was Case #1.
I do plan on sharing more of our cases once I figure out the technical details and rules (like should I put a series tag on these posts even if they’re all stand-alone stories?) both on this site and my professional author page (which you can view here by the way).
I’m not sure why I want to share these stories or even why I seek out the paranormal in the first place. I think it has something to do with what that thing in the basement said about me being a “child of darkness”. I don’t consider myself a bad person but I do write about evil. Not only as fiction but now also as my experiences with it. I record the dark things and then bring them to you. Maybe that’s enough to count me among them.
Or not, I’m basically talking out my ass at this point. Thanks for reading about my experiences. There will be more cases to come. In the meantime, some advice: when you go to a strip club, try to stay with the crowd. And don’t go in the basement.
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marigoldblues · 8 years
Humbled, My grass is the same as your grass, and Making an effort .
As mentioned in some entry that I wrote at some point, on some day, some few weeks ago... 
I'd like to blog more... 
so here goes. I've never been good at keeping blog promises, so who knows how long I'll continue to update on a "regular" basis, but for now this is keeping me sane and looking forward to something that is mine--all mine, so ya...
if you've been following my writing...., especially pieces done in the last, I don't know, 6 months (yippeeeeee...thank you!!)
Anyway, you might have noticed there is a common elated, but somewhat frustrated bewilderment  of "oh my god, I didn't realize  THIS is how it was going to be..."
Some days, I feel like I've been kicked to my knees. Every once in awhile, I feel like I should be the winner at the made up "mother of the century" pageantry in my mind. (Trust me, I've practiced my winning wave, and rehearsed my acceptance speech on my amazing abilities to do a diaper change WHILE keeping my little one smiling the entire time)
But the one steady constant I've felt during my few highs and many lows is  something kind of new to me...I've been humbled. 
Ive always been a kinda sassy Judgmental-Judy type person. My vantage point always seems to be from above, effortlessly gazing down on the world--and it's not something I'm really proud of (anymore.)
i don't know where I got this chip on my shoulder, but these recent months of constantly being beaten down by minute-to-minute on the job training, has me feeling lower than low.
Nowadays, instead of looking down to see what the rest of the world is doing, I'm squinting my eyes and  straining my neck trying to see what's taking place in the world that is resting on the top floor of a skyscraper towering over me. 
All of the advice I used to give new first time moms and parents of multiple children (while I myself was single without children) now all seems like ludicrous trash. And when I think of my former pretentious art-teacher-self relentlessly berating parents about how they should be doing art with their children, and how "i know you're busy, but it's really not that hard to do..." makes me kind of want to vomit and throw a mini tantrum at how lame I was to everyone. Because seriously, at least right now in my life, looking at a paint brush is equivalent to being knee-deep in the Freddy Kruger Nightmare on Elm street pt.1 (the scariest one in my opinion)
Like, I seriously can't even fathom pushing paint out of a tube right now. And ya, I hear you "well, no one is expecting you to paint portraits while breastfeeding a 3month old" 
duh, I know that... 
but I guess, putting that "mom of the century" sash with the winners crown really isn't so make believe to me ...and wanting to be on the top of the mountain verses feeling like I'm swimming in the gutter is a lot more appealing to me than I thought...
but the reality that is hitting me over and over in the face like an endless game of paddleball is that, it's just not gonna happen right now--and that all of my unrealistic expectations are just that, unrealistic.
I'm no better (and possibly never have been) than the lady with the 5'oclock shadow holding her screaming child's hand trying to balance everything in her purse/shopping cart/life standing next to me in line at Foodland
and maybe once I can fully swallow that pill and let it digest without sticking my finger down my throat to try and up-chuck that fact--I'll finally be alright.
This is me and my new humbled self. 
Love it? Ya, Me too.
 Anyway, that leads me to my next section (yay for transitions) 
My Grass is the Same Color as your Grass.. 
There is some type of misconception that since I'm a stay at home mom somehow my life is SO much easier than the working mom's/woman's  life. 
Well, let me break it down like this: 
1) my life is awesome. I got exactly what I asked for since I was like 10yrs old.
ive always said, if I have kids (which I never thought I would) that i  wanted to be a stay at home wife/mom. Maybe other women are willing to burn their bras to be a hardcore working mom, but I'll sew a bra to stay home and take care of the kids.
I am so very thankful that I fell in love and married a man that treats me wonderfully and gives me a very secure life, which allows me to live out my manifestation.
+*Of course eventually, I would like to start working again...but we'll cross that bridge when we get there**
 Anyway, with that said, this is also no walk in the park... i don't have parents or extended family that i can lean on to watch Yume anytime I want to "take a break."
i dont get to drive in a car blasting music without a baby in the car seat behind me,  I don't have other adults to interact with for 6+ hours a day, There is no point in getting dressed nicely or putting make-up on, which in my world-- if you know me at all--is pretty big heartbreaking fucking deal.
I'm the only person who can watch Yume. I don't have other options. My mom is sick, and my mother in law is elderly, my sister is busy working, my sister in law is out of state, and my husband works anywhere from 6-10 hours on any given day...
so it really is JUST me. Although we live a comfortable lifestyle, it could easily get very uncomfortable to try and afford crazy tuition to send Yume to germ infested daycare where she'll probably get sick on a weekly basis.  
So seriously, it's cheaper and far safer to have me to stay at home with Yume. Which *viola* is what we are doing. 
 I could easily say that being a single mom with healthy parents who are willing to watch baby while mommy goes to work, or wants to have a night out to drink, has it waaaaaaaaay easier than I...
But, in my recent growth spurt of maturity, I've also come to realize that my Grass is the same color as your Grass. What's brown in my garden may be green in yours, but the area of your garden which is allllllll unkept and nasty, is nice, and lush in mine.
So there is my tired, somewhat bitter rant for 2017. Hopefully it's my first and last. 
 Now....Finally, to the last section which will kinda contradict most of this blog, :)
 Making an Effort
     I'm making an effort to create again~
as I said in sooooo many words above, it's really hard to find the time, and I'm exhausted, and alone...and, and, and ...fill in the rest with my laundry list of reasons. 
but, nevertheless, I feel like the effort is everything. It's the only way I'll ever feel like a human being again (and the only way to get the sash and "mother of the century" crown i soooo desire, haha) 
 So I'm starting small with the DIY sound shakers, and as nap schedules change, and wakeful playing times open up, I'm going to make the effort to start creating again.
I have soooooo many ideas for DIY learning tools for the baby Yooom'z...
I just need to make the effort to work little at a time to create. I can do it, I just have to reallllllly try. 
I mean, If the end-all-be-all goal is to be a full-time artist then I have to keep going to reach it, no matter what. That's what I want Yume to see in me--a Mommy that is ultra creative and who makes the effort.... 
Dean and I chose the name "Yume" (Dream) because she is our dream, but what we both love about each other is that we have our own dreams that drive us to keep going. 
My dream is to be an artist/life long creator (aka, crafter.) 
i feel like now, more than ever, it is extremely important for me to keep my dream in sight, because can't you tell, it's so easy for life and responsibilities, and the mundane day-to-day to cloud the finish line. 
I have a life-long cheerleader watching my every move, and I want every move to be in the direction of my dream.
So, along with making the effort to keep up this blog...I'm going to make the effort to slowllllllllllly create and do art again. 
ive been using our daily walks to view the world the way I used to when I was in high school: looking at colors of objects and thinking of which paints to mix to recreate the color.
As stated so, so, soooooooooooo many times, I'm in no position to open up paints and buy canvas now, but that doesn't mean ever...
But, by keeping these thoughts active and prepping and pre-chopping my designs, and keeping my inspirations simmering low on the stove, I'm ensuring that when I am ready to start cooking most of the meal will almost be ready. (Can you tell that I watch the food network all day?) 
so that's that.  
take care Care Bears,  thanks for reading! Gotta go get my hiking gear to get back up my mountain to get that chip on my shoulder again, haha juuuuuuuuuuust kidding
0 notes
verydeepthots · 8 years
funny silly lines
“my homie said you gotta write eloquently for catfish you better finesse that english language for them lovely ladies and bitch ni99as”
“my homie said lloyd banks said you gotta pop a listerine strip before you get all up in a bitch face”
“my homie said some of these bitch ni99as gotta watch The Craft to see what happens to foul play”  
“my homie said any dude that love poker too much don’t like sex he always wanna cover up”
“my homie said he bought his mom groceries... today was a good day”
“my homie said they can’t even fly away with them flaps between their legs”
“my homie said put that indie film Suicide Watch on that summer jam screen”
“my homie said even when a gangster angry he look scared”
“my homie said he wanna use red tape for foreplay with a fake gangster’s mother”
“my homie said he gonna tie a fake gangster hands with red tape and make him pray to a god of another religion”
“my homie said he gonna send fake gangsters pictures of their dead mothers to always stay connected”
“my homie said he wanna write suicide hotline on fake gangsters forehead in gold posca”
“my homie said he wanna hang snake ni99a from a tree using a real snake so it look like a natural death”
“my homie said fake gangsters remind him of childs play he wanna collect them all then play barbies with jail cell”
“my homie said to be blunt these fake gangsters are pointless”
“my homie said he gonna make fake gangsters wash their undies using their mother’s tears”
“my homie said how fake gangsters leave their mothers like that clearly didn't watch game 6″
“my homie said when they squeeze you out then you squeeze them in the world perfect like that”
“my homie said he sends love letters to fake gangsters then gets their mothers to sign them with the kindest regards in strictly faber castell”
“my homie said he makes reservations for a fake gangster at the jail cell and the graveyard so he can always meet them at the finish line... i always got you”
“my homie said he wanna give a fake gangster a headlock coz its the only way they gonna close it when he splits it open”
“my homie said he wanna ravage a fake gangster ass coz its technically not gay if he uses 1.5m metal cock extension he got the all clear from lgbt community”
“my homie said he still shakes enemy hands out of curiosity for what dick size they can handle for the next 50 odd years stuck in a jail cell... he's so futuristic”
“my homie said he bought a fake gangster’s mom baggy jean shorts for her birthday so they can mix n match together”
“my homie said they use more cover ups than a bitch now watch my rap flow wash em away”
“my homie said he took his parents out to dinner on a boring tuesday coz he's getting old and life is precious”
“my homie said he drinks green tea every sunday morning its his new thing”
“my homie said he didn't cry at his homie’s wedding and it still annoys him to this day”
“my homie said his friend’s kids look happy and that’s a good thing”
“my homie said that ni99a bitch went to handsome boy modelling school thats foul”
“my homie said that girl’s outfit is very considered for a sunday afternoon she's cool”
“my homie said he bought a fake gangster bootlegs to complete the whole personification of a needy bitch”
“my homie said if they like drip drip torture they should ask their girl”
“my homie said pinch a fake gangster on the ass and whisper they’ll never believe you when you get inside”
“my homie said he gonna bathe a fake gangster’s mother with holy water to let him know exactly what time it is boy boy”
“my homie said that a fake gangster is saving face so he can get skull fucked in jail” 
“my homie said he wanna make his mother proud and be dentist when he grow up so he can pull out a fake gangster’s grill to make it easier for him to get skull fucked to make it a smoove transition omg he always so thoughtful”
“my homie said even if they time travel they can’t keep up when he slow play”
“my homie said he gonna bring a ginger beer keg to a gangster funeral”
“my homie said a gangster suicide still cheaper than weekly groceries tight arses”
“my homie said he made a car crew drive around with helmets on they either shit scared or doing juggernaut cosplay and unfortunately won’t make menswear blog this week”
“my homie said there’s always bad apples so we gonna make them crumble”
“my homie said he wanna give early retirement to old haters then aeroplane spoon feed eggplant soup inspired by method man skit”
“my homie said he wanna make calipos from fake gangster tears to give to their mothers while they locked up”
“my homie said money ain’t a thang but a green light to a fire”
“my homie said their mothers got more heart”
“my homie said even gay dudes don’t want no jail time so what are these motherfuckers playing dumb”
“my homie said he guilt tripping all these bitch ni99as like a lawyer”
“my homie wanna give direct free kick to a fake gangster in honour of pras lyrics”
“my homie said if they steal money that’s just an investment for their momma funeral look at it as a good deed... love conquers all”
“my homie said he wanna buy tissue subscription for a fake gangster as a sexual favour”
“my homie said he wanna give a handie in pulling away a fake gangster’s manhood... he wylin for that one but so thoughtful of our future wellbeing”
“my homie said they injected themselves with too much pride serum they gonna overdose what a way to go out kekekeke”
“my homie said he undecided if he should get courtside at watching paint dry or watch this fake gangster indirectly plead with imma come see you but lets agree to disagree nah mean like im right here though ain’t i cmon man please”
“my homie said should he throw up the money to watch a fake gangster get slapped by his mother or let one of his gay homies do his thang thang”
“my homie said he told a fake gangster get up off your knees you ain’t paraplegic yet my guy”
“my homie said him and his girl re-enacted ghost scene making penis clay straws to give out to any next ni99a that wanna play up”
“my homie said we live in a beautiful world so he went out to go hang with his friends today he seems really happy”
“my homie said he sent a seed to every one of his haters so they can learn to grow without him”
“my homie said he sent a box of fresh oysters to his enemies locked away”
“my homie said he did knock and run at fake gangster’s door coz it was a sunny day and he didn't want either of them to stay inside and waste it... man he can be so thoughtful”
“my homie said some people do too much for street cred a homeless person got the most street cred they really out there”
“my homie said any ni99a that love poker more insecure than a bitch”
“my homie said he only eats fish fingers coz thats what he wants his life to be about”
“my homie said his aussie homie sculled a can of vb then spat that shit in the face of a fake gangster’s mother on the anniversary of 2pac in that red bandana”
“my homie said jealousy a trait you can never bounce back from”
“my homie said God don’t need to work in mysterious ways some of these ni99as already know their outcome”
“my homie said he wanna put one fake gangster in every jail in a capital city for all lives matter hashtag”
“my homie said he stick his long term goals up a hater’s ass”
“my homie said they only a thousand deep in a million man march we built differently”
“my homie said wrong one boy boy”
“my homie said he gonna make a crew wanna escape each other”
“my homie said if they need to build a case you got em”
“my homie said when they say i ain’t scared you already know”
“my homie said they rewrite history coz they don’t like they present” 
"my homie said he gonna waltz on your grave bro”
“my homie said they snakes before their sweet sixteen now bitter for their 40s”
“my homie said he put a hater’s girlfriend in a head lock”
“my homie said everyday is a gentle reminder”
“my homie said peaceful loungin is a lifestyle”
“my homie said shit is like a light switch”
“my homie said that crew so grave-y”
“my homie said divide and concur”
“my homie said reading my moves is like watching your oh-bitch-you-wary now I'm coming ni99a brapppt”
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