#but my mom likes chisme so
bom-bombon · 1 year
My mom shouldnt judge me for watching streamers in my free time when she tunes into Patti Limon's streams regularly
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ushys · 10 months
⸻ miles morales as your boyfriend (earth 1610)
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a/n: omfg the chokehold this gif has on me- anyway you guys do not understand how much love i have for this sweet boy 🥹 deserves the world idc idc.
- fluff, no nsfw bc he is a minor, afab reader (lmk if you guys want gn, male)
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MILES LOVES drawing you. you’re perfect in his eyes and he could draw only you for all of eternity and he wouldn’t complain at all. everything about you was beautiful to him and he made sure he captured every beautiful detail you have on to his drawings.
MILES is the type to send you cute (your favorite animal) videos on tiktok because he knows how much you love em and all he wants to do is to make you happy.
WILL introduce you to his family and is happy when he finds out how easily you and his parents got along. you got along with his mom so well that sometimes you’d visit their house and mostly talk ‘chisme’ with her the entire time (he gets jealous-)
AFTER an argument, he stops by your window and drops you off flowers with a little cute note apologizing. he doesn’t know if you would want to see him at that moment so he gives you time to cool off and give you some space. he replies immediately if you were to call or text him ready to talk again due to how much he hates wasting time not talking to you.
HE likes showing you off to anyone. his friends? yes. his family? yes. strangers on the street? yes. he can’t help it if he’s madly in love.
WHEN he revealed to you that he was spider-man, he was scared that you were going to be mad at him for keeping this a secret from him for a very long time. he thought that you were going to think that he didn’t “trust” you but when you were actually ecstatic finding out instead of upset, his worries all vanished as he smiled and hugged you.
WILL have a whole playlist dedicated to you. he likes to listen to that playlist when you aren’t with him, yk so he could daydream.
IS completely oblivious when you’re jealous. if you catch him talking to another girl who is clearly into him, you’d be upset in which miles would ask you about but you would just mumble “it’s nothing”. hearing this, miles thinks back to the entire morning wondering if he did something to make you upset. when you finally tell him, he quickly reassures you and says “i don’t feel anything towards any other girl who isn’t you. i love you and only you ma.”
IF it’s late at night and you can’t fall asleep, miles would come over with his spider-man suit on and picks you up, and swings to different buildings. then, you guys would land on a rooftop with a clear and beautiful view of the city at night and by the edge you guys would sit down, while miles pulls you in close to him, head on his shoulder, admiring the sight of the skyline. “it’s so pretty” you say. “not as pretty as you cariño”
MILES used to think that pet names were lowk cringey, but when he started dating you, everything changed. now, he calls you “mi amor” “baby” “my love” “cariño” “preciosa” “babe”
HE can not flirt if he wanted to flirt on purpose. he gets awkward and shy like 🫣🫣 this one time before you guys started dating, he wanted to make a move on you by saying “hey y/n, a-are you fr-from tennessee? cause you’re the 1 f-for me- wait no that’s not right, wait what was it again? i u-uh never mind.” and he scurried off before you could even say anything. “the fuck-“
WHEN you guys go on the train, he would pull out his airpods and give you one of them while you guys listen to one of his playlists (ahem the playlist he made for you but shh you don’t know that.)
IF you don’t do graffiti art, miles will take you to one of his secret locations and teach you how to draw certain things and praises you for trying your best. once you get better at it, you guys start going to his secret location more often and you guys just spend hours spray painting.
LOVES LOVES LOVES cuddling with you. literally one of his favorite things to do with you. he loves just having you in his arms knowing you are safe and sound with him. your soft and warm skin making him wanting to fall asleep because of how comforting it feels to just have you there with him. what he loves the most is having your arms around him holding him close while his head lays on your chest, listening in to your heartbeat knowing you really are there with him and that you are his and he is yours.
TAKES random and silly pictures of you just to send them later to you after you guys hung out and texts you saying “this one is my favorite.”
HAS a picture of you on his lock screen and his home screen.
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that’s all for today, im tired and imma go and day dream about this boy :p
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apoemaday · 1 year
poem where no one is deported
by José Olivarez
now i like to imagine la migra running into the sock factory where my mom & her friends worked. it was all women
who worked there. women who braided each other’s hair during breaks. women who wore rosaries, & never  
had a hair out of place. women who were ready for cameras or for God, who ended all their sentences with si dios quiere. as in: the day before  
the immigration raid when the rumor of a raid was passed around like bread & the women made plans, si dios quiere.
so when the immigration officers arrived they found boxes of socks & all the women absent. safe at home. those officers thought
no one was working. they were wrong. the women would say it was god working. & it was god, but the god  
my mom taught us to fear was vengeful. he might have wet his thumb & wiped la migra out of this world like a smudge
on a mirror. this god was the god that woke me up at 7am every day for school to let me know there was food in the fridge for me & my brothers.
i never asked my mom where the food came from, but she told me anyway: gracias a dios. gracias a dios del chisme, who heard all la migra’s plans
& whispered them into the right ears to keep our families safe.
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cowboyfromh3ll · 8 months
Do you think we could get more Javier content/headcanons?? If you have the time ofc 🙏
Javier Escuella HC
PLZ THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN TO WRITE BRO OMG as a Mexican I feel so connected to Javier and it's so easy to write funny head canons using my own life experiences. Most of these are modern hc too hehe
Warnings: none
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Warnings: None
Says he's going to play his guitar but just ends up sitting there for hours saying he's going to start but never does
In relation to the last HC, if it were modern Javier, he'd sit down to play then instantly start scrolling on his phone
Construction worker™️💯
I can see him making one of those corny ass posts that goes "My hands look like this so hers can look like that" and it's his rough and calloused hands next to yours with cute manicured nails
If not a construction worker then he works at a Mexican restuarant and he's the cook that CONSTANTLY flirts with you
As you're about to pay he insists he pay for you
Gets super sad on days you don't show up
Gossips with you like he's one of the girls, has some bomb ass chisme
Would be SUPER proper when he meets your dad. I'm talking best outfit he's got with his most expensive cologne and accessorized to the max.
Would help your mom around the house with dishes/cleanliness and cooking and would help your dad with construction around the yard or house in general
Autism be damned my boy can work a grill
I can imagine your family inviting him out for a trip together and he'd pack like three bags for something as chill as the beach
If y'all have kids together DO NOT leave them alone with him he will somehow be coerced into buying them all the toys and sweets they want within hours
If you two ever broke up you aren't getting rid of him he's been assimilated into the family already whether you like it or not
Will call you corny ass nicknames like "chikibaby" as much as he would "amor" or "princessa"
He'd probably hate going to Ross
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fairlyang · 6 months
Ghostie II 🕷️
in which you get paid a visit by ghostface
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w/c: 7.6K
pairing: ghostface!miguel x f!reader
tags: 18+ smut, mention of stalking, obsessiveness, murder, blood. knife play (?), teasing, fingering, fucks you dumb, breeding
part one ~ part three
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It was the next morning and I was having brunch with a few of my friends while they were talking about what happened at the party. I was zoning out, my mind only focused on one thing, or rather one person...
And there was no way in hell I would tell them what I got up to-
I literally wouldn't even be able to explain how it happened- because I really just got lucky... plus it's fucking embarrassing how fast I folded.....
Which should be expected of me, I mean they all know how much I love that series but they don't know I've always wanted to be a victim of Ghostface... not to get killed but to see if I could escape. Flirt my way out. Though I ended up getting something better from getting that infamous phone call.
They would turn my confession into a fucking lecture... and I mean I technically don't know what he looks like, and for all I know he could've told me a  fake name. Plus it's not like I helped him cover up a murder or anything, if anything I prevented him from killing anyone because there wasn't any news that he killed anyone last night. He said he had things to attend to, but soon as I woke up and checked the news on the tv, there was nothing.
So maybe, just maybe having phone sex with Ghostface... saved some lives...
My thoughts get cut short when Ryan nudges my side and gives me a side eye to pay attention to our friend Val. I shrug and take a bite of the last of my pancakes looking across the booth to look at the brunette and try to catch up on whatever she was rambling on about.
"Les digo, he wanted me so fucking badly!!" she exclaims and I snort. (I'm telling you)
"Te estaba dando los ojos toda la noche wey-" Ryan says and I burst out laughing. (he was giving you those eye all night bitch)
"Como debe de- I saw what you wore Val, it shouldn't be so surprising..." I compliment and give her a wink. (as he should)
She waves me off and I point a finger at her, raising an eyebrow. "No menti weya." I say and she laughs. (I didn't lie bitch)
"Anyways, what's got you ignoring my chisme huh?" she teases and I bite my lip. (gossip/tea)
What kind of lie would be believable.....
"I'm just tired..." I lied and shrug, "I went to sleep late finishing the screams movies-"
"Bitch again!?!" Ryan blurts out and I hold back a laugh.
"Yeah, what else would I rather be doing?" I say and shake my head at the double entendres.
"Literally partying with us..." our other friend, Ella, says and I laugh.
"As if, Gho-"
"Do not fucking start. Ghostface didn't make a appearance and we all survived! Maybe parties are a new exception to the rules." Val cuts me off and I give her a playful glare.
"Well still I just had the urge to stay home, plus my mom said if I went out she'd kill me instead." I say and shrug not wanting to elaborate.
"Y'know what, that's fair-" Ella starts before getting cut off by Val.
"In what world is Ghostface gonna mess with a Mexican mom. Our moms are built different, with one look he'd be a goner." She says making me laugh.
"As if our Ghostface would be kind enough for that." I respond and grab my cup of coffee taking a sip.
"Y'know the odds of Ghostface being Mexican are very high..." Val trails on with a knowing smirk and I raise an eyebrow.
Oh now we're talking....
My dumbass hadn't even thought about that....
We are in a mainly Mexican filled town.....
"Now you're gonna give this bitch even more sick ideas." Ryan says with an exaggerated groan and motions his head to me.
I snicker and shrug, "Maybe I already have 'em." I say playfully, knowing deep down it's far too late.
"I mean imagine, what if it's someone we know- or oh my god what if it was someone at the party last night?!?" Val exclaims excitedly making me bite my lip.
"I don't think it'd be someone we know..." I trail on unsure of how to continue.
"Why not?" Ella asks cocking an eyebrow.
I shrug and chuckle, "We don't know any psychopaths."
"Besides you-" Ryan blurts out and I turn around to punch his arm.
"Fuck off." I snarl and shake my head. I'm not that bad....
"Well then who do you think it could be?" Val asks putting her elbow on the table and rests her chin on her hand, looking at me intently.
I bite my lip and think. I literally had no fucking clue- I'd never heard his voice before because if I have, I would never, ever forget it. His voice was so attractive, enticing. It scratched a part of my brain and heart strings, just beautifully. If his voice was enough for me to have two full body shaking orgasms, then what if his-
My dirty thoughts get cut short when I hear an all too familiar voice and I groan. "It's been a while since I last joined you guys."
I look up to see my irritating cheating ex standing next to our table and I roll my eyes. "Yeah and for good reason." I snarl and I feel Ryan trying to grab my hand to keep my calm.
"Don't be like that, I know you've missed me." He says with the most obnoxious tone.
"No one has missed you actually, and we all wish you were dead!" Val blurts out making me snicker.
"What she said! You made your cake Jose, now eat it, and choke on it." I snarl and glare at him.
He huffs and tries to act all macho, when Ella grabs her butter knife and pokes him on his side then motions to the door behind us. The look she gave him was surprisingly terrifying and thankfully enough for him to scoff then storm off. I heard the ding of the door ring and I sigh, thank god that he was a little bitch knowing my friends wouldn't hesitate to do shit. "Thanks." I mumble and shake my head in disbelief.
"I don't understand how he thinks he can cheat on you with multiple women then think it's fine and come crawling back-"
"He's a dickhead!! Un pinche maldito que no merece nada-" she says and I hold a finger up. (A fucking asshole that doesn't deserve shit-)
"Thank you- it's fine, I'm good. I might need a restraining order though, I'm tired of his bullshit." I groan and the girls give me an apologetic smile while Ryan wraps his arm around my shoulder and I lean into him.
"Fuck these crazy assholes." He mutters and I snicker.
"One of us always ends up with one of those." I mumble and Ella scoffs. "God why do we have such terrible taste-"
"No- the men we choose are hot, they just end up being horrible human beings." Val cuts in and I shrug.
"Hot and crazy is a dangerous combo." Ryan says and fake shivers.
"That's our group's type though." Ella responds making him shake his head.
"Not me! Y'all stay safe though!" He exclaims with a laugh and lets me go.
Suddenly Val gasps and nudges Ella's side and gives her a knowing look to probably someone behind us. They whisper at each other and make faces I knew way all too well making me smirk.
Val snaps her fingers at me and motions behind me, "But don't make it obvious." she whispers giving me wide eyes, and I scoff.
"Like that wasn't obvious enough." I mutter and she rolls her eyes.
"Or wait hold on." Ella says and takes her phone out, motioning for Ryan and I to get closer together.
I snicker and Val shushes me, "Bitch-"
I lift my hands up in defense and lean my head against Ryan's. I stick my tongue out and make a peace sign. Ella took many pictures and then hands us her phone. I lower her brightness a bit and hold the phone below the table for the both of us to see, Ryan immediately gasps and I almost squeal.
There was a man a couple feet behind Ryan and I in line to order, and lord-
He had longish dark hair, tall as hell, and was overall huge. His shoulders were very broad, big biceps under the tight fitting black shirt he wore, and those pecs- He had the body of a literal Greek God, I couldn't help but zoom in the picture making Ryan gasp again. "Oh he can top me-"
"Bitch be quiet, nos va escuchar-" I say and bite my lip to stop myself from bursting out laughing. (he's gonna hear us)
"Bro that's the type of man my mom wants me to bring home-" Ella says and looks behind us at the mysterious man with crazy eyes.
"A man like that is not single-" Val mutters, shaking her head.
"I wouldn't mind being the side bitch-" Ryan says and turns his head to look behind us.
I stay still because these bitches may as well have been drooling on the table. I guess I couldn't blame them, that man was the definition of the word, fine. I look at the other pictures she took and widen my eyes. He was so hot.
They were bickering at each other and I moved my hair behind my ears preparing to try to hear his voice since he was definitely getting near the register based on how far Val and Ella's necks were stretched out. Then I was barely able to faintly hear some Spanish....
We all turn to look at each other and I bite my lip. "I volunteer-" Ryan says about to standup when I pull him down.
"No-" I was about to say but the other two talked at the same time.
"I want him-"
"Lo quiero coquetear!" (I wanna flirt with him!)
Val and Ella turn to each other with the wildest glares I've ever seen. "Cálmense- we as a group have never fought for a man why the fuck would we do so now?" I say quietly and roll my eyes. (Calm down)
"Wey pero lo viste-" Ella says sounding almost annoyed. (bitch but you saw him)
"I know but still-" I say and Val scoffs.
I turn to Ryan and he just shrugs, "I mean I'm out- odds of a man that hot, being gay are low. Low as hell."
I sigh and turn to the girls as they're both looking right at me. "Calm down- take deep breaths." I say and chuckle.
"Acting like fucking high schools girls-" i mutter and snicker.
"Wey that the finest man I've been seen-"
"I need him-"
I groan and shake my head, this was going nowhere. Suddenly both their eyes went to the left of my head and I hear the ding of the door.
And he's gone.
I look out the window as he passed by and he had parked right in front of the window we were by. I bite my lip and peep at him, silently gawking as I felt Ryan by my shoulder as he was also trying to take a look. "Damn."
"I know." I mutter and watch as he unlocks his car.
My breath catches in my throat as he opens the door, the short sleeves of his shirt just getting eaten up by those muscles- he wasn't even flexing but his bicep was just shaped like that, luckily for my curious eyes.
I swallow and watch as he goes inside, placing the bag of his food on the passenger seat before closing the door. I quickly look away, onto the street, the trees anything but him. Holy-
"Act normal bitch." Ryan snarls and I roll my eyes.
"Dude he definitely felt that-"
"Jesus looks at his pecs-" he practically moans in my ear and I grimace turning to look at him.
"Bitch stop fucking drooling on me." I say playfully and he backs off letting out a huff.
I turn back to look and he was still there. Just sitting in his car looking down at his phone. Interesting. Then I looked at his face, he had a long nose, pretty eyes from a far, light pink lips. He was gorgeous. Suddenly a smirk forms on his lips and I widen my eyes. Oh he knows.
I feel my face flush and I look at Val, embarrassed even though I didn't get directly caught. She was looking at him too, her face almost smushed against the window. I shake my head and take a deep breath. It's just a stranger. Odds are I won't ever see him again.
I look again, assuming it'd be the last time I ever look at the handsome stranger and I was surprised to see him look up and make eye contact as soon as I turned. I hold my breath and feel a shiver go down my spine, nervously holding his gaze.
I hear Val and Ella complaining and groaning but I simply ignore them, still looking at him. How could I not?
I wasn't even blinking, I was so captivated, like I was in a trance and couldn't look away. Just something about him...
I felt my cheeks getting warm and I bite my lip, I felt so nervous, excited?
He was already leaving anyway and what's a little staring contest gonna do? Only gonna live rent free in my wet dreams because I've never had someone staring at me so intensely while still doing it respectfully and not in a creepy way.
Though I guess me already thinking of the wet dreams is creepy.... But he's probably thinking normally, maybe I'm pretty. Maybe.
Suddenly he smiles then nods his head at me, I nod back biting my lip to stop my own smile from escaping. He smirks and I slightly widen my eyes, god.
Then he nods again and reverses back and drives off probably never to be seen again. I blink at the spot he just was and sigh turning to look at my friends again. Val's mouth was wide open and Ella looked at me with an impressed look on her face.
I look to my right and look at Ryan with a wide grin on his face as he pokes at my side, "Ya ganaste." He says and I laugh. (You won)
"He only looked at me." I say and wave him off.
"I hate you." Val says playfully and I giggle.
"So the bill?" Ella says making me check the time on my phone. Damn we've been here a while.
"Ugh we've never seeing that man again-" Val mutters as she goes through her purse to take out some cash.
I sigh, sad that's it's true, and the fact that I didn't even get to talk to him, flirt, or even catch his name. I grab my purse from my lap and take out a ten dollar bill from my wallet and place it on the table. "What can we do?"
"Surely we can find him on insta-" Ryan says and is typing away on his phone.
"Bitch we didn't even get a single word to him- we don't even know his damn name." I say and Ryan scoffs.
"I've dealt with even less." He mumbles making me giggle.
"Well good luck with that." I respond and let out a chuckle.
He looks up from his phone and slides out of the booth. He takes out a bill and places it down. "Well I'll let you girlies know if I find him." He says blowing us kisses and walks away.
I shake my head and slide out and stand up as the girls do the same. "I'll catch you guys on Monday." I tell them and give each a quick hug.
"I hope Ryan finds him...." Val mumbles and I nod.
"He's a true detective, I'm sure he'll be calling us within a few hours." I reply and Ella laughs.
"Maybe before we even get home." She teases making me grin.
We say our final goodbyes and I walk out of the diner, heading towards my car wondering if I'll ever see that stranger again
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It was nighttime and I was in my room laying down on my bed aimlessly scrolling on my phone when I get a text from Ryan. He texted our groupchat and I quickly click on the message and unlock my phone.
I burst out laughing and shake my head in disbelief. He actually found it.
Alright girlies I found it but I kinda wanna gatekeep....
Bitch you better fucking tell us
I hit send and roll my eyes, why the fuck would he put his detective skills to the test, actually find it and not want to share? So fucked up-
Val 💅🏼
If you don't send that shit right fucking now....
I then see that Ryan sent a audio message and it was three seconds of him just laughing, screeching. I roll my eyes and sigh.
I get out of bed and walk into my bathroom to get a hair tie. I open the cabinet above the sink and get two to put my hair in some braids.
I walk out putting the hair ties on my wrist and then plop back down to my bed.
3 new messages.
I unlock my phone and go back to the group chat.
Ryan send that shit right fucking now!!!! I need to stalk
Fine it's mig.ohara
I go to insta and quickly type in the @ and widen my eyes. He actually did it- he found it-
But his name is Miguel?
Suddenly I hear a noise coming from my closet. What in the fuck-
My eyes immediately dart over there as I felt my breathing get heavier and I bite my lip, shit.
I gulp, dropping my phone onto my bed as I try to get up from my bed as quietly as I can, and take slow steps towards my closet. I mentally start praying, you never know what goes on in a Ghostface's head. Just because we had fun last night maybe he changed his mind and I'm next on his list. But how the hell did he get here so quickly??
I grab the little doorknob and pull it to the side, quickly. Nothing.
I let out a breath and try to calm myself down. I might just be getting more crazy, delusional, yeah surely that's it.
I close the door, letting go of the doorknob and turn around taking a step forward only to be met with a tall figure, in all black. I look up seeing the familiar mask and start to feel a small twinge of fear.
My eyes were wide and I was frozen, here I was thinking all along I'd be bad ass as a victim and here I was actually a bit scared...
He suddenly moves his hand up along with a sharp knife and points it at my face, not yet touching me. I gulp and stare at the point of the knife then up at his mask where his eyes are.
I hear him laugh while he shakes his head and with his other hand he takes his mask off. I didn't even bother gasping, quickly putting the pieces together. "Your friend ruined my special reveal to you." He says through gritted teeth then he takes a step forward making me step back and hit my back against the wall.
"Don't worry angelita, I'm not mad at you, you didn't know." He says softly and I feel my breathing calm down a bit. (Little angel)
The change of his tone had my brain all over the place, he sounded so sweet-
I look at the same stranger I saw earlier, remember how enticing his eyes were, how I found myself feeling so attracted to him but not knowing why. Definitely not expecting him to be the man that called me last night. The same one I had phone sex with. "You're such a smart girl without even realizing it baby." He coos and drops his mask to the floor, then softly cups my cheek making me melt into his touch.
I felt all kinds of butterflies, and fireworks in my stomach going wild. I was anticipating his next move and trying not to think of last night considering I'll get turned on too quickly..
My eyes were staring deeply into his and that look he was giving me was almost enough for me to drop to my knees. He was looking down at me, his pupils dilated, eyes filled with lust. I bite my lip and subconsciously squeezed my thighs, he slowly leans down making me feel so small.
He was huge, I knew that from seeing him earlier but up close it was crazy, it made my arousal start to grow thinking of him on top of me-
"I just couldn't wait to see you." He whispers and brings the knife down putting it into his robe pocket making me remember it was in front of my face in the first place.
My heart was racing out of pure excitement as I think of something clever to say but instead he wraps his arms around my waist and closes the gap between us. My hands went to his chest and I nervously put them on his shoulders making his body instantly relax. "Gonna be a good girl for me tonight as well angel?" He murmurs and gingerly leaves a kiss on my cheek, it instantly heating up.
I nod and feel my eyes already fluttering from the extremely close proximity, his lips were mere inches away from mine. My gaze goes from looking up at his eyes to down at his plump pink lips, subconsciously licking my own lips. "Use your words muñeca." He whispers making me look back up at his pretty crimson eyes. (Doll)
I felt a shiver go down my spine as soon as he opened his mouth, thighs squeezed again, mouth dry, and he's only cupped my cheek-
"I'll be a good girl for you Ghostie." I breathe out and he lets out a groan before kissing me as soon as I spoke the given nickname.
His hands went down to tightly grip my waist, as if I'd want to escape. I move my hands up behind his neck and kiss back with the same intensity as him, hungry and eager.
I felt the flush of my cheeks grow warmer as I felt his hands roughly roam my body, pulling on my hair, then suddenly smacking my ass making me moan.
He then slides his tongue into my mouth exploring every crevice as I feel his hands grope my ass leaving me a breathless mess already. He pulls away making me pout but his lips kissed down my cheek to my jaw then slowly down my neck making my breathing become unsteady.
He left open mouthed kisses all over until he decided on a spot and harshly sucked on my skin, definitely leaving a nasty bruise for me tomorrow. My hands went up and gripped his hair as I tilt my head back to give him more access.
He licked, sucked, kissed, and bruised my neck until he finally pulled away making me let go of him and he takes a look at what I'm wearing.
Almost identical to what I wore last night, a long tee shirt with panties. It wasn't on purpose but just what was most comfortable to sleep in but that look in his eye told me he didn't care.
He gave me the most animalistic look I'd ever been given in my life, it was like a predator looking at his prey. I bite my lip as he looks me up and down but his gaze mainly stays at my legs, or thighs I couldn't exactly tell. Either way I'm sure he'd mark up both.
Suddenly he grabs my hand and quickly leads me over to my bed making me giggle at how eager he was. He stopped at the side of my bed and he grabbed my neck and pulled in for another kiss but this one was more gentle, almost loving.
I kissed him back gently and brought a hand up to cup his cheek, his skin was warm and soft under my touch. I still found it so hard to believe I was doing this as we were kissing. I was chosen- he picked me-
An idea quickly came to mind and as soon as it did I pulled away now making him pout and whine. I gave him a sweet smile and then slowly brought myself down, gawking a little at his body as I went down until I got to my knees and I look up at him with innocent little eyes.
He groaned and drew his head back as I lifted up his robe above his waistline. He looked back down at me and took hold of the robe for me while I undid his pants. I pulled the zipper down then brought the pants down his legs.
My eyes went wide at his bulge, and the fact that it was already leaking of precum, practically throbbing against his boxers. My mouth was already salivating when I reached up to gently stroke it through his boxers making him grunt.
I grin and in one swift motion pull his boxers down making his cock spring up to his stomach. I gasped as I pulled the rest down his thighs, he was so thick.
I look up at him then at his dripping cock and grab it softly before licking the precum off his tip slowly. I look up at him and his eyes were shut, that being enough motivation for me, I kissed it then collected saliva in my mouth before spitting it all onto him.
I slowly begin to stroke him, making sure my saliva covered every inch as it slowly trailed down. I continue looking up at him and his eyes were fluttering already, his face was red and his chest was heaving.
I squeezed my thighs together feeling myself now getting wet just from his reaction alone. I stroke him a bit harder but keeping a slow enough pace for him to want more. He finally looked down at me, his eyes boring into mine as I stroked his dick, the only sounds in the room being his now wet cock and my hand along with his low breaths.
I wanted to hear him moan so badly.
I open my mouth and stick my tongue out and slap the tip on my tongue a couple times which earned me a groan from him. I smiled up at him and he shook his head making me kissing his tip again. "No juegues c-conmigo-" he says breathless and a hand reaches down to grab my hair. (Don't play w-with me)
I giggle and nod, "fine."
I grab the bottom of his shaft and slowly start to take him in my mouth. Not only was he thick, but he was also long, so it was harder than what I had anticipated but I still tried my best.
I was barely halfway when he bucks his hips making me forcefully take more, not enough to make me gag but enough for me to be shocked.
I breathe through my nose and pull my head up then back down. He was very patient and even let out an apologetic moan actually looking like he meant it. I repeat the motion a couple times until I decided I wanted to try taking more.
I go down all the way until I can feel his happy trail tickling my nose then I move my head back then back down making him let out a loud moan.
His hands made a ponytail out of my hair and slowly moved his hips while I stopped moving to let him fuck my face a bit. He did it nice and slow, clearly looking like he was enjoying seeing me like this, considering he couldn't hold eye contact because his eyes kept closing.
I lightly tapped his thigh as a sign for him to move and he did. He was still going slow and gently held my hair for me to stay still.
He then did one thrust down my throat making me gag but he quickly pulled back and fucked my mouth at a decent pace but not yet fucking my throat.
I felt tears form in my eyes as he went a bit faster now making sure he pushed more of himself down my mouth and into my throat.
He was moving faster now the tip of his cock hitting the back of my throat with each thrust. I closed my eyes and just let him go at it knowing I might barely be able to take it.
His grip on my hair was harder now and his thrusts became more sloppy, slightly slowing down a bit as he let out bundles of moans and groans. "Good girl- you're taking it so good baby."
I squeezed my thighs together to create some kind of friction as my pussy was getting needier by the second of hearing his moans.
His legs began to shake and his hips slowed down a bit as he was letting out moans. "Take every drop baby-" he moans out and finally stops as I feel his cum going down my throat.
I swallow as it came down and he was letting out groans and grunts along with series of my name. He pulled my head away and I stick my tongue at him. "That's my girl."
He helps me up and then gently lays me down on my bed, he sat next to me and almost immediately spread my legs. Then he stood up and went back to his pants and grabbed his knife, I raised an eyebrow at him and he only gave me a wink back as a response.
He placed the knife down and quickly took his shirt off before grabbing the knife again and then plopped down next to me. "Don't worry I'm not gonna hurt you." He says and leaves a peck on my lips.
"Not too badly..." he whispers with a small smirk tugging on his lips making me feel slightly nervous.
He brings his knife up to me to show me and I take a close at it. I widen my eyes and chuckle, "your very own buck 120?"
"Mhm that's right princess." He says and twirls it in his hand.
I looked at the knife on his hand but couldn't help but focus on his actual hand. It was so big. His fingers were so thick- one of his was probably two of mine... his fucking fingers would easily fill me u-
"Hey- me escuchaste chiquita?" He says and I just nod, quickly darting my eyes from his hands to the knife. (did you listen to me little girl?)
"Don't lie." He whispers turning to look at me and cocks an eyebrow.
"I- I wasn't. Y- I- I like your hands." I say sounding too shy by accident as I try to look away from him.
He chuckles and leaves the knife on my lap then trails his hand up and down my leg then slowly going up my thigh. I take a deep breath then let it out when his hand went back down. "Could've just said so mami." He whispers in my ear making me squeeze my thighs together again.
He then squeezes my right thigh and groans, I bite my lip and feel my heart beat faster again. "So pretty." He murmurs making me let out a small whimper.
"And such a good girl." He adds and I moan out leaning my head against his.
He tuts and I can feel him shake his head. "Spread your legs for me baby."
I do as I'm told and spread them, he grabs his knife from my lap and I was growing nervous again. "I promise I won't hurt you okay?" He says slightly calming my nerves but I nod, wanting to believe him but knowing damn well he can slice me up if he really wanted to.
He then slowly brings the knife up to my neck, making me squirm and breathe more heavily. He pulls it back and kisses my cheek. "It's okay angel, I wouldn't hurt my final girl." He whispers in a serious tone and I just nod.
"Tell me you trust me." He says softly and I turn to look at him.
Oh that was hard.
But given the situation I felt like I had to, plus if he really wanted to kill me, he already would have. So yeah...
"I trust you Miguel." I breathe out and he pecks my lips softly.
I kiss him back gently before he pulled away and brought the knife back up to my neck, the point of it gently on my skin. I try my best to calm my breathing, knowing that if I move even an inch he'll end up accidentally cutting me. Maybe he wanted that but I definitely didn't. At least not now or yet.
He moved the knife down to the neckline of my shirt and let the point of the knife tug on the fabric. He pulled it back and it made a small hole, he looked at it with a proud smile then continued down. He held the neckline with his other hand and let the other one rip off my shirt through the middle.
The sound of the tares filled my ears and I couldn't help but feel aroused- why was this hot?
My heart beat was fine now and I felt like nervous about this which just shocked me.
I bite my lip as he slowly cut down my shirt until he went all the way down in one swift motion. He pulled the ends of my shirt back, leaving me with my tits all exposed and he moans.
He takes off the remains of my shirt and throws it on the floor before quickly moving his head down and latches his mouth onto one of my nipples. I gasp and let out a quiet moan while he continues sucking.
He then pulls away slightly and brings the knife back up and very lightly caresses the blade against my left areola. I was still breathing normally which was good considering I didn't want him to cut up my nipple.
He leaves a kiss along my right tit while he slowly circled along my nipple with the point of the knife, almost skillfully. Which I guess would make sense....
I let out a sigh and I look down at him to see him with a wide grin on his face. God he was so fine.
He sucks on the nipple gently and then slides the blade down my tit and onto my stomach and down to my thighs. He went down excruciatingly slow and I wanted to buck my hips up but knowing it wasn't the best idea.
He put the point of the knife under the waistband of my panties and cut it easily. I gasped while he let out a chuckle and cut the other end of my panties.
My eyes widened and he only smirked looking up at my reaction. He grabbed my panties from the middle, right above my pussy and with his other hand spread my legs. He pulled the panties off and it, of course was cut through and fucked.
"Good job mami." He murmurs and comes up to kiss my lips again.
My hands go to his hair to not have him pull away as I kiss him back and he just smiles against my lips. He cupped my jaw and hovered over me, not fulling laying on top of me.
His hands roamed my body, squeezing my tits, pinching my nipple, then trailing up and down my stomach sending shivers down my spine. He moaned against my lips when I tugged on his curls gently and I spread my legs for him, desperately wanting him to touch me.
He felt it and his hand immediately trailed down and wasted no time, instantly soaking his fingers between my drenched folds. I let out a moan and he slides his tongue in my mouth. I try to glide my tongue against his but I was so focused on how his fingers were finally where I needed him so badly.
He pulls away leaving me breathless as his fingers go up to rub my clit slowly making me buck my hips up. "So wet for me pretty girl." He murmurs and I let out a whimper.
His fingers were drenched in my slickness and I felt my heart beat faster when his fingers went down to tease my hole, barely dipping the tip of a finger in then pulling out. "M-Miguel please-"
"Hmm? Please what angelita?" he teases and I whimper moving my hips up again. (little angel)
"P-Please fuck me-" I moan out and lay my head back against my pillow.
"Oh you want me inside you already?" He says as he slides a finger inside so easily making me clench against it.
I nod and feel my eyes flutter, already feeling fucked out and breathless. "Y-Yes I- mm I need you...." I murmur and I can barely hear him chuckle.
"Poor baby... already so needy and desperate for my cock." He teases as he slides the second finger in.
I let out strings of moans as he goes faster and I feel myself getting lightheaded. I blink and open my eyes to look at him now fully down there, which I hadn't even noticed or felt him move down but I didn't question it.
He blew some air onto my clit making me quiver and he held my stomach down with his available hand. "Tease-" i mutter as he smirks.
Suddenly he pulls his fingers out making me whine immediately until I notice he was hovering over me and I felt his tip was swirling in my juices. "God I've been wanting to fuck you for so long." He moans out as he slowly slides in.
He stretched me out and I immediately closed my eyes, laying my head back while he brought my legs up and pushed them up my body a bit, making him feel so much bigger.
We both moan as I clench against him and he rolls his eyes back as he pushes himself more into me. "Fuck." I moan out now finally opening my eyes to look at him and how his muscles looked while he held my legs up.
"God you feel better than I imagined baby-" he grunts as he slides all the way in.
I felt him completely fill me up as he started moving, at first slowly fucking me until he couldn't help but go faster. The sounds of skin slapping filled my ears but I couldn't be happier when I heard, saw and felt everything all at once.
He started thrusting faster and I moan sounding so needy, and letting out murmurs of his name. "Miguel..."
He was going harder making me feel every fucking inch of him inside me. He squeezed the back of my thighs as he was pushing my legs further into my chest. He felt so good.
I quickly was feeling my orgasm forming in my lower abdomen. I felt my legs shake as my breathing quickened and Miguel was slowly down a bit, leaning forward to kiss me.
I kissed him back letting out small moans against his lips when he reached down to rub my clit. "I'm gonna-"
"Cum for me baby- mmm I wanna fill you-" he moans against my lips and with a final thrust, we both came.
He pulls away, leaning his forehead against mine as we were both panting, I still felt his cum spilling into me. "Oh you did so good for me baby." He coos and cups my cheek lightly rubbing it.
I melt into his head and feel my eyes get heavy. I felt him kiss my head before slowly slipping out of me and I instantly felt all his cum drip out of me. "The prettiest view." He says and lets out a low whistle.
I shiver and smile, letting my eyes close. "Oh and don't worry about your ex, he won't bother you again angelita." He whispers as he lays down next to me, wrapping an arm around me.
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Miguel didn't exactly plan on showing himself to you but really couldn't help wanting to see you again, but in person, and with you having no clue who he was.
So he did just that, simply followed the tracking device he had implanted on your car just a few weeks ago and landed at a diner. He coincidentally parked right outside the window you were by, he nearly growled at the sight of your ex pestering you through the window. It took all in him to not go in him and stab him with the knife he had in his glovebox, not yet, he'd remind himself.
He then saw your friend poking him with a knife that'd do no damage, and shook his head in disbelief. He'd do some damage alright.
Suddenly he stormed off and that was his green light to go in. He turned off the engine, got his key, and opened the door feeling excitement appear in his stomach.
He was very aware of his looks and didn't mind the stares, but he knew it'd just be feel different knowing it'd be you staring at him. Not the real him, that'd be for later but still him. He knew you just wouldn't be able to help yourself.
He walked in casually and waited in line almost instantly feeling the stares of your friends but not caring for them. He wanted you to stare at him, to feel attracted to him like he was when he first laid his eyes on you.
He was able to hear the giggling and whispers but then he was barely able to hear your voice, oh how badly he's been wanting to hear you talk in Spanish.
Nothing was hotter to him than knowing how his girl also spoke his mother language.
He was trying so hard to push the dirty thought of you underneath him begging him to fuck you harder in Spanish.
The line moved up and now it was his turn to speak in Spanish, it wasn't the smartest move for him considering he didn't want you to hear his voice otherwise you'd instantly recognize it.
He waited a bit for the random breakfast burrito he had ordered until finally it came out in a to go bag and he walked out knowing your eyes never left his body. He purposely opened the door practically flaunting his biceps for your viewing pleasure.
It turned him on knowing you were gawking at him, he already felt the effect he'd have on you once he revealed himself to you. Your pretty face would be so shocked and he'd feel so happy knowing you were physically attracted to him without even knowing he was Ghostface.
He put his food in and then slipped inside already feeling his cock getting hard. He put the key in and turned the radio on to make it seem like he wasn't just enjoying your stares. Your curious eyes.
He couldn't help the smirk that tugged on his lips when he saw a quick flash of you turning your head. So cute, he thought.
He looked up at you, looking elsewhere, but desperately wanting you to look at him again. For you to see that he was interested in you, even thought it was more than what you'd be thinking.
He looked away for a split second then looked back just as you looked up at him. His girl.
His heart fluttered in his chest and he felt his cock twitch. He's never had the chance to meet you like this and now that it was happening he was quite overwhelmed and was already thinking of all the dirty things he wanted to do to you later.
You didn't look away and this only made the bulge in his pants get harder. He was so pleased that his girl wasn't shy and just how pretty she looked staring right back at him.
It had lasted so long he felt his cock throbbing with every passing second but he didn't want to look away until he felt his precum leak through his boxers and onto his pants.
He gave you a smile then a nod which made you give him a nod back. His girl is so sweet.
He smirked and his cock loved the way her eyes widened and bite her lip. He couldn't wait to see your smile as he played with you later.
He nods at you again before finally reversing and going to his apartment wanting to stroke himself thinking of the way you were looking at him and couldn't wait until later that night.
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miss-nob0dy · 2 years
Hello! Glad to see this!
In that case I'd be happy to request for Valeria with a bestie readerrr YESYESSS😈😈
Tbh I've been starving for this for months.
Idk, just them bonding so well, maybe the reader is in the cartel with her, or is a simple civilian that valeria ended up being deeply fond of!
A kind-hearted and kinda dumb-ish(not naive though) reader and her just being like, "[name], please💀"
And reader having this really gen-z-ish humor, i just think she'd be so confused and pissed cuz she doesn't get the joke sometimes. Maybe reader is just like 2-1 year(s) less than her? + If they're hispanic too!😭😭😭
Sorry for my rambling💀💀💀
OH MY GOD HELLO AGAIN!!!! I LOVED WRITINF THIS SO MUCH I WAS ON A RAMPAGE 😭😭😭 I hope you enjoy this just as much as I enjoyed writing this!! Thanks for requesting babes!!!
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Valeria Garza
Where do I START.
So, first, you’re Latino. Duh.
You’re a civilian that was lucky enough to meet Valeria.
You two probably met while getting coffee. You thought she looked pretty, so you complimented her.
“Hola, nada mas quería decirte que me gusta tu cabello!”
She was a little confused why a random person just complimented her hair. She still liked it, nonetheless.
You were a little scared that you made her u comfortable, and after you got what you wanted from the cafe, you went home to cry.
You went back to the cafe, since it was your regular spot to just hang out to read a book. You were familiar with most of the employees.
And then, you saw HER.
You didn’t know if you should just go up to her and apologized while making yourself look even more stupid, or just sit there.
“AY! Oh. Hola!”
She just chuckled and said hi back.
And that’s how your closest friendship bloomed.
Since you’re younger than her, it’s most likely your humor is pretty deranged.
You’ll send her random pictures of god knows what, and say hi right after.
“[Name], por favor.”
You text her super late at night, like three AM.
“Si no te chingo por despertándome en las tres de la mañana–”
Either that or you rant about how you’re glad that she’s your friend because you just finished watching a super sad movie.
“[Name], are you fucking crying.”
You playfully scold her everytime she curses. Which is like in every sentence.
You’re a little dumb, so you end up being pretty clumsy. Without her, you’d be dead by now.
She uses that against you every time you don’t wanna do a favor for her.
“Remember that one time I saved your ass from falling face-first into the concrete? Yeah, that’s what I fucking thought.”
You aren’t aware of her being the leader of the cartel that has corrupted Las Almas. So sometimes she’s hesitant with you.
She won’t respond to your messages for days due to work, so you end up worrying about her. If you ask her why she was gone for so long then she just responds with, “I was pretty busy.”
But she makes it up by hanging out with you for a while, specifically drinking.
On a similar note, you invite her over to have a few drinks with her. Just chill.
When you drink, you become more jokeful and just insane overall.
“Haha, kinda wanna kill myself. Anyways, how’s your day?”
Sometimes concerned with your humor. Can’t tell if it’s just how Gen Z humor is or if you’re that mentally I’ll.
And whenever you two drink together, you guys turn into those Latina moms that will go insane at parties. (I have a good amount of experience with this as a Latino myself.)
Dancing together, blasting music, it’s entertaining.
You also end up talking about chisme.
“Did you hear that my neighbors just got a divorce?”
“Dime más.”
And whenever she goes to your house, she always has a gift. Especially an expensive one.
It can be from some good wine, to straight up clothes and perfumes.
“How did you get the right size?”
“… Instinct.”
(She somehow got information about you.)
Valeria just hopes that she can keep you safe from her job, and doesn’t get you killed. She tries to avoid starting anything that’s super close to you.
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valstranquility · 3 months
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pairing: rutger mcgroarty x cami flores
notes: WELCOME TO MY NEW AU! pls do not think about the timeline of things described in this!! I am aware it might not make sense!! like always, please excuse any errors or inaccuracies.
cami & rut
Cami was in Los Angeles for the week which meant meeting up and working with all of her internet friends. She was most excited to meet with her friend Angie, who had her podcast, Amigas y Chisme, and wanted to record an episode with her. Cami loved talking to all who would listen to her, so agreeing to go on the podcast was an easy yes. 
“Hi, guys! Welcome or welcome back to Amigas y Chisme! I’m Angie and today I’m joined by a special guest, the amazing, talented Camila Sofia Flores,” Angie says with excitement. 
“Oh, full name. Wow,” Cami says laughing. “Hi, guys! This has been a long time coming.”
“I know! You’ve gotta come out to L.A. more often.”
“Girl, I’ve got school. I think you forgot we didn’t all drop everything to move to the City of Angels,” she says, slightly mocking Angie. 
“Bitch,” Angie responds, not taking offense at all. “But speaking of school, how is that? I barely graduated high school so I have no idea what college life is like.”
“Well, for those who don’t know, I’m a film major at the University of Michigan. But yeah, so far it’s been really good. I feel like I’m thriving over there.”
“Yeah, I wanted to bring that up. Why Michigan? I know you’re from Texas, so why not stay close to home? Cause I know Santi, your older brother, stayed in Texas.”
“Michigan wasn’t even on my radar if I’m being honest. But then I saw a clip of their gymnastics team and was like ‘Oh. I didn’t know they had all this.’ So I checked them out and eventually fell in love.
“And I knew that moving so far away would give me an independence that I never would have gotten if I stayed in Texas. It would've been like a fresh start. But I wasn’t completely alone. Lina, my bestest friend ever, is also at Michigan, we’re doing gymnastics together. I wouldn’t have been so confident in moving to Michigan if it weren’t for her.”
“Oh my god. I was also gonna bring up your whole gymnastics thing. How did that become your sport? I feel like I’m asking you all the things I should have asked you when we first became friends,” Angie says laughing. 
“My mom put me in gymnastics when I was like 3 or 4. I was just a kid who was always tumbling and doing little flips on the couch so she looked up a gym near us. But I also started soccer when I was like 7, so I was just doing both and I loved it. But my gymnastics coach said I could have a lot of potential if I really put all my time and energy into it, so my mom made the choice to take me off my little youth soccer team and took me to a bigger, more serious gymnastics training center.”
“Oh, wow. I had no idea you started that young,” Angie says.
“Yeah, that coach told my mom that because I had an early start I could grow up to be good.”
“And it sure did. I have this list of your accomplishments that I will now be reading,” she says, clearing her throat. Cami starts laughing and covering her face, growing slightly red. “You were a three-time regional beam champion and a two-time regional floor champion. You were the regional champion on the vault and in the all-around. You won the state championship on the vault, beam, and floor twice.
“Now I don’t know what any of that means but I said the word champion a couple of times, so I know you’re good. Girl, you should be in the Olympics.”
“Oh, I don’t know if I’m that good. Even if I was, I don’t think I’d be able to handle that pressure.”
“Hmm, I think your mom would disagree,” Angie says laughing. 
“Stop. Have you been talking to my mom? Dude I swear she thinks I’m the best gymnast in the world,” Cami replies. “I don’t know how she had time to come to many of my meets. All her other kids are in sports too.”
“That’s where I think your mom went right. Like I wish my mom put me in a sport when I was little. Maybe then I’d actually be doing something with my life,” Angie jokes.
“No, stop. Don’t even say that. I’m technically doing the same thing as you.” “And how did your mom react to that? Did you like ask her before you started posting or let her find out after?”
“Um, I definitely let her find out after I already posted a couple of videos,” Cami says laughing. “But it was very early on like I only had a couple thousand subscribers at the time and I was still in high school. She was very against it at the start. She was worried about my safety and was bringing up like every worst-case scenario. But I eventually got her to chill out and now she loves it. She loves being in the videos and even has her own TikTok now.”
“I see her videos all the time and I eat them up every single time. How did the rest of your family react?”
“My dad never really cared. Well, it wasn’t like he didn’t care, he just wasn’t as against it as my mom was. My dad’s always been that way, ‘As long as you’re safe and happy, I’m happy.’ Um, Santi didn’t care at the start but now he’s always like ‘I’m never in the videos anymore, my fans miss me.’ I always assure him that absolutely no one is missing him. And then the rest of my siblings were like ‘Okay?’ They didn’t care and weren’t interested in being in the videos at first. Except Cely. She’s always wanted to be in the videos, so I’m always taking her places with me.”
After reading the sponsors, Angie wants to find out more about Cami’s life in Michigan.
“So, as you know, I am all about the Chisme. I mean I created a whole podcast just so I can have an outlet for it. I am now going to ask you some questions and the goal of these questions is to try and get all the chisme out of you. Some are easy to answer and some might be more personal. Are you ready?”
“Damn, ok. Yeah, I’m ready.”
“Okay, first question. Are you in a relationship?” she asks with a smirk, already knowing the answer. 
“Yes, I am,” Cami responds, already growing red.
“Please, tell us more. What’s his name? How did you meet? How did you get together? What’s he like? Please tell us all the details,” Angie says enthusiastically. 
“You’re so annoying,” she replies laughing. “But, since you wanted to know so bad. His name is Rutger. [i made this next part up, don’t read too much into it :)] Um, we met on a random college tour. We were in different groups and passed by each other several times. We just walked past, gave each other a little smile but that was it. But then we ran into each other again in a dining hall. I got a closer look at him and thought he was cute but I was like whatever. I was with my mom and my sister and they went to get food so I was alone at a table. I was on my phone texting Lina cause she was going on the same tour later in the month. 
“I remember I had just sent her a text when someone approached me and said hi. Surprise, surprise; it was Rut. I could tell he was nervous cause he kept messing with his hair and kept looking back at his table of friends. I was like ‘Hi?’ and he jumped straight into the small talk and asked me what I thought of the school. I remember we talked for a little bit and then suddenly he was like ‘I’m Rutger by the way.’ I introduced myself and he asked for my Insta. Now, I was a little hesitant to give it to him, cause I only had one account and it was the one connected to my YouTube. So he was gonna be able to see that I was verified and had all these followers and for some reason that was so embarrassing to me. But I sucked it up and gave it to him. We followed each other and then he said he had to go. And that was it.”
“Aww, that’s kinda cute,” Angie comments. “What did he think of your Instagram and YouTube?”
“He told me that he liked that I had it because it allowed him to learn more about me and my personality.”
“So how did you two get together?” “Well, he DM’d me the next day. And then from there, we talked like every day. We didn’t meet up again until a couple of months later during my spring break. He flew to Texas and asked me to be his girlfriend. He met my entire family, but he wasn’t nervous at all.” “Wait he flew to Texas, solely to ask you to be his girlfriend? Cami that is so fucking cute.”
“Well, yeah,” Cami says laughing. “He kept saying he wanted to see me again, so I told him to come. But when he got to Texas my parents were like ‘If you go out, take one of the kids with you.’” “So they wanted you guys to have a chaperone?”
“Yeah, kind of. We always took Emily cause she was too young to care.”
“Aww, love her. She’s the cutest thing ever. Okay, next question. What does a typical day in your life look like?”
“Ooh. Um, it’s different every day. I’m a morning person so I gladly wake up at 6:30. I wake up and then I usually go to the gym. It’s either the gym or Pilates. I’ve been going to Pilates for a long time now. Um, then I go back home and get some work done before practice. Practice is usually in the morning. My classes are usually in the afternoon or the evening. So I have the rest of the time to relax and hang out with friends and Rutger,” she adds with a cheeky smile. 
“Okay, all I got from that is that I could never be an athlete. I hate working out.”
“Oh, not me. It just makes me feel really good. And it gives me something to do,” Cami adds with a laugh. 
“Okay, this last question is unrelated to your life in Michigan, but more for my own curiosity. Who is your favorite sibling?”
“Now why would you ask me that?” she asks after a moment of silence.
“Hey, now. Don’t go questioning my interview skills. Answer the question,” she says with a smirk.
“Ugh, whatever. I don’t have one favorite, I have two: Gabi and Cely. But it’s okay cause Chente is Santi’s favorite and Emily is the youngest so she’s my parents’ favorite.” “Okay, I expected Cely cause obviously, but Gabi too? Really? Wow.” “Yeah. You would expect him to be like ‘I’m too cool for you now’ but he was never like that. He still likes going out with me on random errands. And Cely’s always been like that. They’re both my little buddies.”
“Oh wow. And that concludes this portion of our video. Everyone give it up for Cami. Whoo!” she says, clapping. “Before we go, we have to do something very important. As you know, you guys can call in and leave messages for us to listen to and we asked you guys to ask Cami for any advice you think she could give you. Let’s play the first message!”
A recording starts playing: “Hi Angie! Hi Cami! My name is Brisa and I’m a huge fan of you guys, I’ve been watching you for years. The thing I need advice from Cami on is how to convince my Mexican parents to let me go to college out of state. I live in Idaho but my dream school is Stanford. I know you moved from home to go to college and I was wondering how you went about it. At this point, anything helps. Thanks, love you guys!”
“Hi Brisa! What I did was I convinced one parent at a time. I knew my dad would be more open to the idea, so I tried convincing him first because then I already had someone on my side when I talked to my mom. I say pick your battles. Do your research. Have a plan for every little thing because most of the time they will question everything. But I also think I wasn’t like most cases. I went up to my mom and said ‘Look, you’re the one that signed me up for gymnastics and you’re the one that wanted me to be the best. Michigan is going to help me succeed.’ Also, tell your parents that Stanford is a stone's throw away from Idaho. Tell them it could be worse, California is closer than, like, New York or something.” “Okay, so what I got from that is guilt trip your parents,” Angie jokes.
“I mean if that’s what it takes,” Cami says, shrugging.
“Thank you, Brisa for submitting a message! Let’s play the second one.” The second recording starts playing: “Oh my god! Hi, amigas! I’m such a big fan of both of you. I’m Jackie and I am looking for relationship advice. My boyfriend and I are going through a rough patch right now and I guess I just wanted to ask how you and your boyfriend find time for each other and keep the relationship steady. We’re both really busy with school and he’s an athlete so we were considering if taking a break was the best thing right now. Any advice helps! Thanks, amigas, love you. Bye!”
“Hi, Jackie! I’m sorry you guys are going through that right now. First of all, I know everyone says this but it’s true, communicate. You guys need to be able to communicate how you’re feeling to each other without any judgment. I know how busy both your schedules can get but try your best to carve out that time to spend with each other. Show your support to each other. He needs to make sure that he’s showing you he cares about you and what you’re going through and you have to do the same to him. But I think taking a break can be healthy if it's done right. As long as you communicate and set your boundaries, you don’t have to be scared of taking a break. It shows your maturity as a couple that you recognized that maybe a little separation can do you some good. I hope you both figure this out and come out of this stronger than ever,” Cami finishes, throwing out a little heart to the camera. 
“Thank you so much Brisa and Jackie for sending your messages. I hope Cami was able to help you guys out. But that is all we have for you today. Cami, thank you so much for joining me today. It was so much fun and I can’t wait for you to be back again.” “Thank you for having me! Next time you have to come to Michigan.” “Yeah, we’ll see about that,” she jokes. “Ok guys, I’ll see you next week. Go subscribe and follow all of Cami’s socials. I love you guys, bye!”
“Bye guys,” Cami says, giving the camera a wave. 
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bich-the-moss · 5 days
Get to know me tag
tagged by @acrosstherachelverse ❤️
Do you make your bed?
No 😭 maybe once per week when I’m in cleaning mode… I have a king sized bed that regularly gets messed up by me, my boyfriend, his son, two dogs and a cat. It’s a losing battle.
If you could, would you go back to school?
Nope! I got my bachelors two years ago, and there’s nothing I want to do that would require a more advanced degree.
Can you parallel park?
The worst part of parallel parking is the witnesses. (Yes after 5-7 tries)
A job you had that would surprise people?
I’m a professional plagiarist. Some of my family members and close friends will pay me to take online college classes for them so they can focus on courses more relevant to their major. I never take any type of specialized class (Ex: I’m not taking biology classes for someone trying to get into med school) it’s almost always an elective or GE course. I just finished taking a humanities class for a family friend who’s going back to nursing school.
It’s a pretty decent side gig, and I see it as a different way to learn new subjects even though I’m done with all my schooling. Guaranteed B+ or higher or your money back!
Do you think aliens are real?
Yes, whether they be bacterial spores on Mars or aliens from (insert popular sci-fi title here)
Can you drive a manual car?
Nope, I never have but I’m sure I could learn. Figuring the clutch kinda worries me though.
What is your guilty pleasure?
DA ME LA CHISME 🗣️ I am Nosey.
Eh, no strong desire to get any. I cant think of an image I like well enough to have on my body forever. I love seeing other people’s tattoos though.
Do you like puzzles?
I really like word-based puzzles! I’ve been playing all the NYT games lately and I do a crossword almost every day.
Any phobias?
Bugs, rot, insurance companies
Favorite childhood sport?
I was a dance kid. My mom put me in classes as a kid and I was part of a team in high school.
First thing you wanted to be growing up?
A “doctor-ballerina”
Do you talk to yourself?
Kind of. I talk to my pets and inanimate objects.
What movies do you adore?
Y Tu Mamá También, Enternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Peppermint Soda, The Crow, Possession, Silence of the Lambs, Re-Animator, anything from Studio Ghibli
Coffee or tea?
Favorite color?
Everything I own is some shade of blue or black
Tag: @dkcrimeape @adriftwoods @tautittology @freakinflipflop @1llusionmachine @giaffa ❤️
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moonmeg · 1 year
Ahahahaha I just had a nice talk with the housekeeper of the family about what happened between sis² and me and everything that's going through my mind rn
And she spilled so. Much. Tea.
The chisme was real y'all
Anyway, turned out the family lied to me about the previous au pair and why she left. She only stayed for a week before returning back home. I was told it was because of homesickness that she left. Yolanda now told me she left because she couldn't bear the way sis² treated her.
The "funny" thing: My Italian teacher yesterday said the same thing. She dropped the name of the girl and that she only stayed for a week because she also had a bad experience with the family. And I was like... hold up??
I believe my italian teacher and Yolanda are right on why she left rather than host mom because they are more likely to receive the honest thoughts and feelings than her.
And my dumbass has been thinking "Oh maybe it'll improve over time" and have been enduring this shit for 4 months 💀
Also apparently other au pairs, even the one sis² adores so much also had these problems??
I seriously gotta talk with the family this weekend...
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bookaddict24-7 · 10 months
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Fat Chance, Charlie Vega by Crystal Maldonado
"Coming of age as a Fat brown girl in a white Connecticut suburb is hard. Harder when your whole life is on fire, though.
Charlie Vega is a lot of things. Smart. Funny. Artistic. Ambitious. Fat.
People sometimes have a problem with that last one. Especially her mom. Charlie wants a good relationship with her body, but it's hard, and her mom leaving a billion weight loss shakes on her dresser doesn't help. The world and everyone in it have ideas about what she should look like: thinner, lighter, slimmer-faced, straighter-haired. Be smaller. Be whiter. Be quieter.
But there's one person who's always in Charlie's corner: her best friend Amelia. Slim. Popular. Athletic. Totally dope. So when Charlie starts a tentative relationship with cute classmate Brian, the first worthwhile guy to notice her, everything is perfect until she learns one thing--he asked Amelia out first. So is she his second choice or what? Does he even really see her? UGHHH. Everything is now officially a MESS.
A sensitive, funny, and painful coming-of-age story with a wry voice and tons of chisme, Fat Chance, Charlie Vega tackles our relationships to our parents, our bodies, our cultures, and ourselves."
Check out my review here.
Add this book to your TBR on Goodreads here.
Have you read this book? Would you recommend it?
Happy reading!
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Hello, I love to encourage violence, please any of the following Choose Violence ask game questions you feel up to answering: 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, and 25!
'Isn't that basically all of them?' Yes! yes, it is. If there are any I didn't list that you wanted to answer, feel free to answer those too. I love drama, give me the chisme, peel it and feed it to me like squapes.
LIKE SQUAPES. fun fact: i have a squapes keychain on my lanyard. (alongside shoebill, Crow destiny 2 and (redacted) from Pandaemonium)
I will do xiv because. because.
answers them all because i have the day off, why not
the character everyone gets wrong
thats tough bc every character has those ppl that get them utterly wrong; I have particular beef though with the "emet was right and hydaelyn was evil" crowd because it just. it glosses over everything Emet did and acts like what Hydaelyn had to do was the worstest ever amen how dare she, when its like. Both of these characters did what they thought was necessary, but there is a gulf of difference between "I would let billions die to bring my world back" and "I sundered the star to avert a far worse disaster"
because i think people fail to realize. they were just going to keep sacrificing to Zodiark lol. (ALSO THERES ENDWALKER SPOILER STUFF as to why I will die on the hill defending my crystal mom)
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
see last ask! that was a dm a person sent me lmao. at least??? they warned me???
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
this is going to be hilarious coming from me but i'm not much a fan of most zenoswol or emetwol shippers (in spite of enjoying the former) because the discourse surrounding it all is fucking. INSANE. and there are just ways they mischaracterize both characters that drive me fucking BONKERS. So I stay in my brainworm corner with select people and I keep emet selch as a bitter ex because its honestly a lot funnier
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Amon/Fandaniel. Specifically the clown wearing Asahi's skinsuit and the guy from crystal tower. there is just. a vibe. about it. that i do not fucking like how the fans engage with it. i can't explain it concretely it just fucking bothers me.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
sorrows of werlyt is not gaius' redemption it is him suffering consequences of his actions. if its anything close to redemption atonement is probably a better word for it and also the wol still fuckin hates his guts you can see the faces in the cutscenes. he calls u a fried when at best ur coworkers for that.
also i'm a stormblood enjoyer till i fuckin die. this is not a discussion i had fun thats it that the message
9. worst part of canon
the fact that ARR didn't lean more into the fact that you were the WoL from 1.0, ARR's writing in general.
also in general there is more bits in the msq where i wish we could uh. bite back a little harder instead of just being a silent protagonist.
10. worst part of fanon
oh god. theres a lot. probably the uwu soft imperialism that people get up to with certain ships (esp bc certain characters canonically and categorically do NOT give a fuck about politics at all)
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Aside from the obvious female characters I will defend until i fucking die (Lyse, Minfilia, ETC.).... Maxima! I just think he's neat. like was actually being genuine as a Populares, and saw that shit was fucked and noped out. also here, have this screen shot where my crimes gave him thot boots:
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13. worst blorboficiation
answered in last ask! theres 1 ur about to meet and 1 thats pandemonium relevant but yeah. bluuuuuhhhhh your milage may very
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Huh. I'm actually not super sure here besides things I've already bitched about. WAIT.
I fucking HATE when ppl have their wol who did not let go of heavensward trauma. like in that their wol didn't develop past it. especially if they're dark knights because. WHAT WAS THE POINT?
everyone handles grief differently ofc and its not a linear thing ever, but its so ?????????? to me that its like "my wol hasn't changed or let go or processed this at all".
what is the point if your character is never going to change or be affected? especially getting to shadowbringers??? thats all about grief and having a primo example of what NOT PROCESSING YOUR GRIEF does to you and can push you to?
like i'm not saying they shouldn't be affected at all, considering how much Haurchefant haunts you in the MSQ but like come on now. you've gotta move in some kind of direction.
(also smaller and pettier pet peeve: super 2edgy4me Azems. it feels so against what Azem was man, idk.)
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
my taste is flawless and impeccable and perfect. zenoswol may be the closest thing to an answer but like nah, its fucking funny.
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
most of early ARR before waking sands
there is a bit after the first endwalker trial that i've sort of speedran on my subsequent runs, its not BAD, but it is a little jarring tonally the first time. i mildly appreciate it in hindsight because AFTER that endwalker cuts the brakes and is a semi rolling the down the hill at top speed emotionally, but it still like. please let me move on.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
alexander raids. mid as fuck honestly.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
oagh unfortunately i am a girlie who enjoys all the popular things in canon. The best answer is probably the Four Lords trial series. Its one of my favorites but people don't seem to talk about it much
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
I actually don't have a ship that fits this. I only like like 2 of the canon/canon ships and i've always been a fan of most of the wolships that float around
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
Emet Selch. I love grandpa war crimes, he's one of my favorite characters and favorite villains ever, i have literal merch of him, but holy shit he is the reason for so much twitter discourse. which is kind of funny and on brand but also jesus christ can people please just relax and learn to mute/block people and tags aaaa
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
i don't know if this common or i just saw it a lot given my twitter algorithm but people have so. much. beef. with people who Persephone Azems. for some reason.
the reason is apparently they're most insufferable kind of straight girl shipper/emet selch fan but like aside from an occasional encounter on a wolqotd post, the two people i know/know of who actually have an Azem named Persephone are.
an mlm whose noriety comes from... being one of the biggest G'rahawol content creators/shippers
one of my lesbian friends who chose it for not shipping related reasons
and most of the time their highest crime is. an Azem named Persephone. that ships Azemet. like any genuine complaints there might be are like. not unique to this VERY NICHE SUBSET OF FANS but apparently they're sooooo common and soooo annoying.
like maybe just block and move on bc some of the complaining i see borders on being genuinely misogynistic like. its fandom pixels. RELAX.
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deancaslover · 1 year
So I got a gift from another destiel/cockles shipper a few years ago and it was this photo with the caption "cockles ❤️"
Well my mom saw it and asked me if Misha had a new partner (she new about his separation with V). I cackled but then said he had been his partner in the TV show.
I had never mentioned cockles to her because I figured she wouldn't care. Well I decided to mention it today just to see what she thought. I showed her the gif of J kissing M and Jim and told her "hey mom, chisme time. There's this rumor that Misha and this other actor-"
And she said "wait, it's the same from the other picture you have?" and when I said yes she was like "well it's too obvious. It was the first thing I thought when I saw it." 💀
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And you know, just because I loved her reaction, I showed her the 10th anniversary selfie. I was like "isn't that romantic???"
"Yes, it is," she said.
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blnk338 · 1 year
I KID YOU NOT I WAS GOING TO ASK IF RIGO (or nadya) WERE FIRST GENNNN. I just knewwww, is there headcannons you have for rigo’s family? Like maybe what state they’re from? Are both of his parents Mexican? Is he chicano (born from 2 Mexican immigrants)??
Since plenty of my friends are half Mexican and from somewhere else in Latin America, I was just want to know more about that aspect of him. Is there any family chisme? Mine is that my moms side of the family stole the land my dad bought 😭😭 This is the first time I see an author write people like me without being straight up stereotypes🙄 so thank you!!
p.s. I checked ao3 last night and it said I had visited your story 268 times😭
there's so much to rigo hold onto your bootstraps buckaroo but thank you so much for the love and support :) (268 times? holy shit!!!)
rigo's parents are both mexican immigrants, even with their last name being "cassidy"
yesenia guzmán, rigo's mom, and santiago chávez, rigo's dad, immigrated to the us when they were in their single-digits and met in highschool. but by then, santi's family had their name changed to "cassidy." this was bc his father worked as a lawyer and wasn't taken as seriously because of his surname, leading him to change it (based this on my own family stuff :))
his parents' parents had immigrated to santa maria. then yessie and santi got married after college and moved down south to san diego and had rigo and his siblings after they finished their schooling
natalia (4 yrs older than rigo with two kids) came first, then ximena (2 years older 3 kids), then finally rodrigo
unfortunately no chisme their families really like each other-- rigo's got a super positive family life and his parents never really moved on from the honeymoon phase
santiago really tried his best to learn what he could for his daughters and not be uncomfortable with periods and shit. he was a little odd about rigo coming out at first, but really he was like "mijo i don't understand it but i just want you to be safe"
eventually he'd ask him "uno de mis amigos abogados tiene un hijo gay."
".... okay"
"are you interested?"
"dad." santi's trying his best.
yesenia was cool with his sexuality from the start, and his sisters didn't mind either. it was just sort of like "ok. now what?" he didn't really expect to be bombarded with hate or anything, he was just surprised that it all went so smoothly
also, santiago and yesenia don't really follow a lot of traditional gender roles so they'd cook and dance together, saturdays are early morning cleanings days and his parents will wake up at 6:00 am and play loud music and make the whole house spotless
santi's all about claiming rigo's friends as his own kids like oh you need a ride to school? get in the car were leaving in five. but don't ask him about math homework that mf hates math. with all the love in the world, do it on your own
yessie loves cooking for people but she also loves pampering her kids. she gives nadya eighty pounds of leftovers every time she leaves their house and she loves doing her kids nails and stuff. one of her favorite memories was when her children were super young and they'd do braid trains and have a big dinner together
now she teaches her grandkids traditional hairstyles and takes them out and spoils them all. yesenia's horrible at not spoiling her family (+ nadya...). this woman's filled with so much love its crazy
his parents still go on date nights once a week and his dad still gets all giggly and giddy and takes a million photos of his wife in her pretty sparkly dresses
santiago's facebook is pretty much "mi alma" and it's like a billion photos of her from the same night
"mi vida," "mi cielo," "luz de mi vida"-- etc. like they're so fucking in love its crazy
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rkhemlani · 1 year
June 20th - Osaka Day Trip (Last Day)
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Wow, this is the last blog post and I am definitely in my feels writing this. This past month has been real and it’s definitely going to be hard to say bye to both Japan and the people on this trip. I really hope that we meet up in the fall and do something fun, maybe during sylly week or for Chelsea’s sign-night. This group is definitely a little weird, but I love it. However, I do miss home and all the things that come with that including hooping, going to the beach, playing poker, and spending time with friends and family. Whether it was going to see a kabuki play or sipping a much-needed drink on the top of a gorgeous rooftop bar with beautiful views of the city, this trip has been nothing short of amazing and I am definitely glad that I was able to visit this interesting country with such interesting people. I do hope that my peers feel the same way. I’m going to miss playing Uno and gaslighting people to buy me ice cream the most. Ok, now that the sentimental part is over, time for the actual blog post. Today, I woke up extra early and went to Starbucks (where I didn’t see girl Sam surprisingly) and got a strawberry donut and did some work. I came back and got ready for the day. Today’s lecture really just consisted of our favorite parts of the trip and what we thought the professor could’ve done to improve it. We commenced our Osaka day trip with an hour-long train ride, which we were able to pass the time through a shared music experience through Spotify. Imagine having Apple Music, I feel sorry for you. We got to Osaka, where we immediately split for lunch and our group got cut off from the small group of five that had the best curry on the trip unfortunately. Our katsu was ok. We met with the class again and headed to Osaka castle. We took pics here and it was hot so I kept kidding around by pretending that I was at a prom after-party by unbuttoning all my buttons on my white shirt. You had to be there. Vishnu likes taking strange pics of me when I randomly lick my lips and had my shirt unbuttoned. I also taught the group how to properly griddy here (that’s a dance move mom). I felt cool in the moment because I hit it well and then flipped my fan out at the same time. Afterwards, we hopped on the train again and went to a neighborhood that was supposed to mimic American culture, but other than the McDonald’s, there wasn’t anything distinctly American. Then we kept walking where we eventually split for the last time as a group in the heart of Osaka. I had a strawberry ice cream, thanks to Vishnu. We then did some thrift shopping, but at first I couldn’t find anything. Xander and I also took a break and we got smoothies; I got an acai flavored one that was extremely refreshing. Everyone was buying goods, and my wallet was itching to spend money, because I love shopping but wasn’t finding anything. Eventually, at the last store we went to, I found a lovely Dior sweater that I believe was reasonably priced for what it was. After that, I led the group of Xander, Sebastian, Nico, Aulora, Casey, Chelsea, and Eliza to team-labs Osaka. Vishnu met up with us because he had gone to the Osaka aquarium. It was cool and relaxing to walk through the garden that was decorated with changing lights and interesting designs. Some of us (Xander, Vishnu, Aulora, Chelsea, Casey, and I) headed to a local restaurant, where most of us got pork yakisoba. After that it took us a while to get back to the hotel because there were delays on the train due to a derailment. I showered and got ready to go to bed, but Nico and I went to Family Mart first to get some sweets and have a good chit-chat. We love chit-chatting and talking chisme (gossip). 
Academic Reflection
By the end of this course, it is evident that all of us students have learned so much, even if we haven’t always done the dense readings. We learned about the youth sub-culture of Japan with anime and manga, while also learning about the traditional aspects such as tea ceremonies, history of cities, and Buddhism. I found it incredibly interesting that on one street, one can find beautiful traditional temples with ornate gardens and then several blocks over, the entire street would be adorned with lights, colors, advertisements, and anime characters. 
The previous reading was concerned with the urban organization/planning of Osaka and Kobe (shoutout Vishnu). As Professor Smith explained, Osaka was previously a major merchant city that heavily relied on movement and trading of goods, which fostered a more casual environment and societal structure. In class, we discussed how buildings are constantly being destroyed and taller, more modern buildings are constructed, leading to a constantly new skyline. It also contributes to a decrease in traditional buildings. This method contrasts that of Europe, in which many cities will purposefully place regulations to keep the traditional scenery of the city. Cities in Japan definitely display a greater mix of modern buildings with traditional buildings compared to cities in Europe that typically have separate zones for traditional building areas and modern building areas. 
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mist3lla · 2 years
On That Rainy Day
Chapter 1 - Transfer Student
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❀ Characters| Cecilia de la Fuente, Nikolai Stepanov
❀ Genere| Series, OCS
❀ Warnings| Mild Cussing
❀ Summary| Cecilia seems to have gotten used to being alone, and she liked it. But then a guy named Nikolai transfers to her school and seems to have taken a liking to her.
❀ A/N| Proofread!! This is a series I'll be writing. I wrote this back in June. It was originally gonna be posted on Wattpad but I decided against it. I completely forgot about this series and I just remembered that I wrote this and edited a couple of things!! Hope you guys like it!:D
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"How am I supposed so get home now?" I questioned myself.
I was out at the park. Playing with my friends like I always did. Then suddenly it began to rain.
"Aw man. I knew I should have asked Mitzy's mom for a ride.."
"Here. You can use my umbrella." Felix said to me.
"But you're going to get sick! I'll just run back home. I can run super fast! Faster than lightning!"
"No no. It's okay! I will wait here. My mom and dad are going to pick me up."
"Well..If you say so. Thank you!"
I took the dark haired boy's umbrella. A pretty red color. With it, I ran towards my home. Not knowing that that will be my last time seeing him.
10 years later
Cecilia's POV
"Don't forget to step by the office later today! The winner of the Mural Art Contest has been posted!"
"Ugh she's probably gonna win. She always does."
Like you're gonna win with your 1st grader drawing..
I head out of the classroom and towards the office. A month ago the school announced a Mural Art Contest. The drawing from the winner is going to be painted onto the left wall of the school. And I hope I win.
"Huh?. ."
That's odd..My drawing didn't win. Oh well..
If I got second then who got first..?
"Ni..Nikolai Stepanov?" Is he new? I don't recognize that name. He's in my grade..I usually know if there's a transfer student. Although I did hear a rumor that there was a transfer student a week ago..
I am a loner. And no it's not because I'm weird. Well maybe..I don't know what people think about me. I am asocial. Which means that I don't like socializing and I try to avoid it. I just like being by myself. There's no fighting and no drama.
But I believe that the reason why I don't  have any friends is because..well..I'm different. And by different I mean by..you know..skin color. My name is Cecilia de la Fuente. Pretty name right? Well..you and I might think so..buuut the other kids here....heh let's just say they may not think so.
Back on topic. Since I'm the "quiet kid" I usually hear all the chisme that goes around the school. But I have never heard of this Nikolai Stepanov.
I turn around. A tall guy with dark haie walks into the hallway. He seems to take care of his hair unlike the other guys at our school. It looks so fluffy and soft. Like clouds.
I notice that the girls around me start to whisper.
"Look that's Nikolai! He transfered here last week!"
"Didn't he get into detention for a week on his first day?"
"I heard that it was because he punched a teacher."
"He punched Mr. Robinson. He deserved it anyways. Mr. Robinson's fucking creepy..."
"I think he's Russian."
"His face! Oh my God."
"Have you heard his accent?"
I sigh. No wonder why I haven't seen him before. I have to admit..he is kinda good looking. I bet that the girls will be all over him soon..
A group of 4 girls head towards him. Unfortunately I was right. Poor guy..
The bell rang. Marking the end of our free period. My next period is Art. My favorite.
Will I have any class with Nikolai?..I hope not. He seems to get the girls attention a lot..and some of them are crazy enough to think they have a chance..they might even change their classes just so they can be with him. That thought scares me..
I step inside of the Art room. I find my seat and set my bag on the floor. I like art because it's so peaceful and qui—
I hear someone enter the classroom and walk towards me. . . They sit on the chair next to me. Their bag falls to the ground with a loud thud. 
"Hello." They must be talking to the people in front of me. "Rude. . .Oh my god. Helloooo?" Again..They must be talking to the people in front.. right?. . Oh no "Hi.." I say while I turn towards them. It's the guy, Nikolai. 
Wow Cecilia you just had to jinx it..
I can see why the girls like him so much. He has a red streak in his beautiful dark hair. With the most prettiest green eyes I have ever seen. His hair is so fluffy that I just want to to—No! Cecilia put yourself together!
"My name is Nikolai Stepanov. I recently moved here last week."
"U-Um..I'm Cecilia de la Fuente.."
STAY CALM CECILIA! He's new. He probably doesn't have any friends..maybe?.. He's just lonely and wants to get to know people. And when he gets to know a lot of people he'll leave you alone. Hopefully. . .maybe.
"You have a very pretty name. You can call me Kai." He smiles. Oh God that smile.
"Thank you." I smile back. When does class start?
"Let's get to know each other from now on. What do you say? I don't know any people here and I had a pretty rough start."
"Um. Sure! Why not?"
WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO SAY??? Something like oh sorry no I don't like talking to people. If I said that then the conversation would turn super awkward...
"You seem kind of my type Cecilia." He smiles. Or is he smirking?? "Are you single by any chance?"
O-Oh. He's one of those guys..
"I'm sorry I don't date anyone who I've just met or haven't talked to..heh" I laugh nervously feeling my cheeks burning up a bit. What is he thinking?? Asking a girl out when you literally just met them??
"That's too bad.." He sighs. "Oh! Let's try to find something in common. Hmm how about..we talk about art. Since we are here. In art." He adds.
"I saw that you won the mural art contest." I reply back nervously.
"I did? Hm I was thinking I wasn't gonna win. You entered too right?"
I nod.
"I thought for sure that yours was going to win. I really liked the flowers. And the dove too! Your drawing is amazing!"
"Thank you..I really liked your dandelions. Um..I just really liked your drawing. Like the whole vibe and look of it..heh." Nikolai thank you for carrying the conversation..
"Thanks. Oh! And the message too! Like how your drawing was like about spring coming after winter. Like the Sun always comes out after a bad storm. Something like that."
Ah. He noticed?
"Sit in your seats!" the teacher said while closing the door. "After learning multiple techniques on using water colors, you will have a project on painting a scenery using water colors. The project will be due next month. Since you are still beginners. If you need help on your painting, ask for help from your seat partner."
"Cecilia? I unfortunately only know how to use colored pencils. I've never painted before. Could you help me with the project?"
You've got to be kidding me.
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March 2017
We traveled on foot and by buggy visiting everyone Viviana could think of. She even knocked on random doors to ask, “where does so-and-so live?” We called it quits around 11pm and a taxi drove us 25 minutes to Sancti Spíritus where we stayed at Yeline’s apartment for the night. She had air conditioning and running water. It was nice to wash myself with a cloth and soap under a stream of water, even though it was ice cold. To catch a bus to Havana, I was awakened at 5am by the best cafecito I’ve had to this day. La espuma was so sweet and frothy! The bus left at 7am and arrived in Havana at 2pm.
Uva’s one bedroom apartment didn’t have air conditioning, but it had running water (no water heater). After a couple hours of distributing gifts and goodies from my suitcases, Uva’s wife, Aleida, prepared delicious Cuban red beans and rice with a salad for dinner. When it turned dark, their grandson Alejandro, drove me to a park where I could connect to Wi-Fi and call home over WhatsApp. He explained that the park was the best place in Havana to get online and that he had to purchase an illegal card with a code that gave him minutes to connect to the Wi-Fi. The park was pitch black aside from scattered laptops and smartphones shining in the distance. It took us half-an-hour to connect and when we did, I couldn’t even hear my mom on the WhatsApp call; she was so broken up. But I made sure to tell my sister “Happy birthday!”
Alejandro was the only family member with a car (not much of a car, but it got us from A to B). He was also the only one who understood English. He and his wife were in their early thirties, and they had an adorable three-year-old daughter. But they often seemed tense, or unhappy, compared to the elders in the family. Alejandro seemed embarrassed to open the care packages I brought for him and his little family. I felt ashamed saying things like, “Try on these shoes, they’re your size!” or “Here’s some panties for the baby!” I recently found out that they live in Texas now. When I think about that, my heart flutters with joy for them.
After a cold shower, I kissed Uva and Aleida goodnight and thanked them for their hospitality. I was so exhausted from socializing that I went right to bed without considering the sleeping arrangements. Aleida told me to lay in the bed and go to sleep, so that’s what I did. Everyone else was still up and chatting. I assume that Yaya and Viviana left with Alejandro to stay at his house, because there was only one bed at Uva’s.
I woke up in the morning dazed and drenched in sweat. “Where am I?” I thought. That was the best rest I had in Cuba. I remember Aleida was still asleep next to me, so I quietly got up to use the toilet. As I passed the door to the kitchen, I saw something that made my heart sink to my stomach: Uva was lying on the tiled floor atop a red sleeping bag. I stepped closer and heard his heavy breathing. My throat closed and my eyes filled with tears.
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That morning was filled by more visitations. And each time a new group of people showed up, more Cafecito was prepared. A trio of teenagers close to my age showed up at just the in the afternoon. It was just the right time, too, because I was completely drained by all the chisme and crashing from too many cafecitos. They were Amanda (Yeline’s daughter), with her boyfriend, and her best friend. And they were able to convince my grandaunt to let me out of the apartment to explore Havana with them. First, we took a bus to the Universidad de la Habana where they were all studying. They showed me inside a classroom that had wooden desks and a chalkboard, like what you see in old movies. Then we had savory Cuban pastries, fresh guarapo, and melty ice cream. I can home with an obsession for sugarcane juice. Why had I never had it before? Maybe because it doesn’t taste nearly as good in Miami. Trust me, I’ve done my research.
Fall 2023
Wawi: (Cuba 1979) Finally, we met somebody from the government who wanted our house. He told us if we wanted to go that we had to give him our house and leave everything behind. He said if we wanted to leave, we would have to go to a 3rd world country. We had to choose between Spain and costa Rica. We chose Spain. I told my mother and father that I would be back.
(About my grandfather) He was playing guitar when we were dating, during that time the Beatles were very popular, and he would play songs… doooos caminoooos! (Formula V) He was visiting me, and I was 15 years and I was a baby and cute. He was a man! Twenty one, big thighs, you know he was always on the bicycle, macho man, and I was fifteen with blond long hair, my eyes almost green, I was very skinny, my titties were so beautiful and my belly, my belly button was so pretty, and my body was shaped like a guitar, and he was so jealous of all the guys I had after me. 
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He would come and visit with my grandmother who was Jehovah witness. I met him in the bus, we were going to temple, and he was sitting in the back of the bus, he was sitting there checking me out. I found out that he followed me to the temple. And he introduced himself there. He started to do bible study with my grandmother, Aleida to get to me. One day everyone from the temple went to visit a widow whose husband had just passed away. Then we walked down by the water, and like a shark he told me he wanted me to be his girlfriend and he gave me a kiss.
Then he told my grandmother he wanted me to be his girlfriend and she said OKAY, but she would always be there watching us with the bible. We dated for 4 months and then got married. Then 17 days after we married, I got pregnant. From his pito. You know, when I was dating him, sometimes I would escape school and meet him. He would ride his bike very far to meet me. And then we would go behind the tree in a wooded area and he would want to give me a kiss. He wanted to see my tiddies behind the tree while I was supposed to be at the dentist.
Sometimes when he was visiting me at my grandmother’s house, he would come with a big squash.
Me: Why?
Wawi: That was a present. He would give to my grandmother vegetables and bananas. Once in a while he would bring a calabaza, pumpkin. I was ashamed to get that. I mean, when you're dating someone, you don’t bring them a calabaza, but in Cuba you don't have a choice! You take the calabaza or you get nothing. Sometimes he would bring two pieces of yuca or un boniato, Cuban sweet potato.
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Wawi: (Spain 1979) We were in Spain for 6 months before we could leave.
We sent his sister in Miami $3,500 before we left Cuba, so she could hold it for us until we get there. She was sending $200 to a friend in Spain for us to have money when we got there.
Me: When you got to Spain, what did you do?
Wawi: I got a guy to make wood shoes for me and a nice dress. I didn't know it was going to be cold in Spain. When we got off the plane, the cold almost broke my lungs. We left Cuba October 9th, 1979, and landed the next day in Madrid around 2 or 3 in the afternoon. We arrived at the Refugee Red Cross. We had just our suitcases with clothes and some pictures hiding in the clothes and some shoes. We couldn't bring any jewelry or any things.
We had to go to the office and check in. I was 20.  Once we were checked in, the lady told us to go. I was shaking, we had no place to go. I told her I had the impression that when we arrived, we would be staying at an American refugee camp. And they told me there is no such thing and no place to stay. She told me I had to use the phone to call my family and have them send me money so we could rent a hotel or a hostel. I didn't know what a hostel was, she told me it’s a place where private people rent rooms. I didn't know anything. The lady told me to grab our bags and go. I felt like I was having a heart attack. I was crying and screaming that I didn't want to be there. He was telling me to calm down and that we would go find something. There was a guy there who told us he would take us to some places he knew. He was ready to leave to the US. He took us to a hostel he knew of everything was uphill in the cold weather, no jackets, no books, my toes were freezing, walking with suitcases. We were sweating and freezing. Sometimes the hostels were dirty and disgusting and sometimes they had a sign that they were full. The guy told us we had to tell the hostel that we are waiting for our family to send us money from the US. I’m waiting, I just got off the plane, my family is going to send me the money and then I'll pay you."
Then the lady said, this is the rule: "You're to stay here? there's no food included, no water included. If you want to wash, it's 50 pesetas for cold water 70 pesetas for hot water." And I had my period. I got my period the day I got there. And I thought, oh my god, what am I doing? No food, no coffee, nothing! We had nothing. Oh, and at the Red Cross, the lady explained to us if they find out we are working, we are not allowed to go to the US and if we get into a fight, they will take away our permit. We didn't know how long we were going to be in Spain. We wanted to leave Cuba; it didn't matter. We had to wait until we got permission to go to the US. The only thing the lady could give us was some left over two boiled egg and red beans. We had to eat it, we didn’t know when we would eat again. So, between the three of us we split it. When we went to sleep, there was no heat, we were very cold.
We woke up the next day at 3 in the afternoon. We had $200. In that time, they gave us 66 pesetas per dollar. We went to get a big coca cola and we all shared that to drink - we were dying to get something. Then he bought a whole chicken for us to share. I told him to be careful with our money because they will scam you with your change there. I didn't have any Kotex, so I just had to use paper and the lady there would measure the paper. She refused to let me clean my chucha with warm water - she reminded me I had to pay 70 pesetas. I had to wash my chucha with the cold water it was coming out as ice it was freezing! Eventually the lady started asking us to pay. So, we left without paying. We'd do the same thing over and over again at different hostels so we wouldn’t have to pay.
We met a friend there, Gladys, she was Cuban. And she was very nice to us, she felt sorry for us. Sometimes she would get us something like bread or a sandwich. Her family was good, they owned a store here in Miami and they would send money here to here. Usually, I would wanna get coffee. I would smell it! I pass all the stores and they made coffee, and I couldn't have a cup of coffee for days. This lady one day invited me to get coffee. And it was, oh my god, a relief, at least a cup of coffee.
And after a while, we knew a little bit more and we would walk. We went out to the flea market; it was blocks and blocks of flea market. And every time we passed a booth, we would steal something, like a chorizo, or two yogurts, or a banana. And finally, we found a place you could go an eat free for homeless people. They would make lunch and dinner, but you would need to take a train to get there. But we didn't have enough money to take the train. So, we would walk the five miles, in the cold, to get the lunch or dinner. And the food wasn't good, but it was better than nothing and it was free.
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One day we found out about a lady who ran a prostitution house. She needed a couple to manage the hookers. We needed a place to sleep, and that was it. The lady promised she would give us 30,000 pesetas a month and give us food every day and that there would be heat in the room. So, we started working there.
Me: What was it like?
W: A nightmare. She was horrible. She never brought us food. There wasn't any heat. We slept on a bed that was maybe 4 feet wide. The bed was caving in because it was like a fold out bed. Then the lady would bring one chicken and one bread and give it to us like a pet dog. We had to get up at any time in the middle of the night when the hookers would ring the bell and we'd let them up. Then we'd have to clean the room after - disgusting. The hookers were walking, working, and finding these old men, 70 or 80 years old. These hookers would come up 4 or 5 times in the night. I let them up, they pay me first, and then they go in the room to fuck.  I had to be honest with the lady and turn in the money. Eventually I found out she kept the money in her washer machine, and I would steal a little at a time. So, we charge the customer, and then they fuck quick, like 15 or 20 minutes. One day I looked in the keyhole. I was wondering "what are they doing in there…this girl comes so many times, her chucha doesn't get sore?"
Me: The same girl? Or don't you see a lot of girls?
Wawi: well like four or five different girls. It depends. The one blonde girl was more popular. She wasn't very pretty but she was quick and hustled the most. I looked through the keyhole and it was disgusting.
The old man with his wrinkly dick. He was creaking like old furniture. The dick was kind of hard, but it was like he was paralyzed, squeaking like a door. The balls were all hairy. Sometimes they don’t even take their clothes off. Just pull down the pants and go. When I saw that, I got disgusted, and I wanted to leave. I said, oh my god, we need to leave this place. 2 in the morning, 4 in the morning, all hours of the night they would come. One day the lady came up and told us she wanted us to leave in the middle of the night. I told her we couldn't leave in the middle of the night; we had the baby and she needed to pay us, but the lady said she didn't have any money. She made us leave without paying us. We were afraid, we had to leave, she threatened to call the police. So, we rolled up the foam mattress and he held the mattress over his shoulder and I packed the suitcase. And the baby was crying "Mami, where are we going?" and I said "you ¡cállate! we are going". We were there maybe 10 days. We were starving. She didn't bring food or anything and we were cold. Some nights, Damaisy would do pee in the bed, and we'd be wet and cold all night. That night, I was walking behind him, and I got nervous and started laughing uncontrollably and I couldn’t walk. He started yelling at me calling me stupid, telling me how we don't have anywhere to go. I was having a nervous breakdown. I was laughing watching him the mattress over his shoulder. I thought "this is the end of us. I don’t know where we are going to go now" We ended up at my friend’s apartment, but there was so many people there. Twenty-two Cubans in the same apartment room, but she let us stay there. There was only one bathroom for all of us. To cook, there was only three things: a pressure cooker, a frying pan, and one pot. To cook, you have to wait patiently for others to finish.
In order to find out if our visas were ready for us to leave Spain, we had to call the United States from a payphone. We invented a little copper cable that we could press the number and put the wire inside so we could place the call for free.
Finally, we went to the Red Cross to stay there-they had a space for us.  But there was a compromise, we had to cook for all the people. But we had a plan to steal food, so that we could stock up. We didn't know how long we were going to stay in Spain, we wanted to accumulate food in our room so when we had to move, we would have something. Chorizo, oil, beans, lentejas, rice, to prepare because I'm always like that. But we had to get up at 4 in the morning to prepare food for the rest of the people. Then, when we didn't want to do that anymore, we went back to Gladys' apartment until the US was ready to take us.
We arrived the United States on February 14th, Valentines Day, 1980.
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