#im not actually upset or anything im laughing very hard like
bom-bombon · 1 year
My mom shouldnt judge me for watching streamers in my free time when she tunes into Patti Limon's streams regularly
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spongeyspot · 7 months
Toxic Traits/Red Flags HC
Characters: Arthur, Javier, John, Lenny, Dutch, Micah, Charles, Sean, Hosea, Mary Beth, Abigail, Tilly, Karen, Sadie, Molly
(A/N): WE WERE JUST TALKING ABOUT THIS DAWG. I LOVED @cowboyfromh3ll 's take on that shit sm and these hcs have literally been swimming in my head for weeeeeeeeks bro
Edit: some of these were kinda hard because there's not a lot of bad in the characters themselves... I had trouble with specifically Charles, Lenny, Mary Beth, and Tilly. Sorry if they may be OOC. IM EVEN DOING THE GIRLS BECAUSE IM IN A SILLY GOOFY MOOD
Content Warning: female reader, jealousy, self hate, narcissism, gaslighting, physical abuse, verbal abuse, mental abuse, mentions of murder and violence, mentions of infidelity, mentions of sex (Sean, Micah, Sadie kind of) (MINORS DNI)
Not edited btw
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The boys
Arthur Morgan
- Honestly, I feel like Arthur would have this insane, crippling fear of rejection, especially when it comes to dating. - His self hate/deprecation plays a huge part in this, and quite honestly, him and Mary not working out probably also probably contributed to it. - Very emotionally distant. Has a hard time expressing his feelings openly due to that same fear of rejection.🚩 - Bottles shit up until he feels like he's gonna explode 🚩 - His impulse control is almost nonexistent 🚩 - Will resort to saying things that he doesn't even mean. He just says things when he's angry🚩 - Will hate himself even more if he makes you cry - Won't hesitate to run away from camp for a while to cool off. This isn't necessarily a bad thing per se, but he usually takes his time away to overthink the fuck out of everything - Prone to acting violent. (not to someone he cared about, but to other people, absolutely)Also due to his poor impulse control. 🚩
Javier Escuella
- Has a flirty personality, but around women, it just seems to get worse. 🚩 - Tells you you're overreacting if you tell him it bothers you🚩 - Overprotective of you. Always has his eyes on you, and practically orders you to stay in camp where it's safe. - As if you step one foot outside the camp without him, you'll spontaneously drop dead - Jealous asf. Are you laughing at what Bill just said? It wasn't even that funny. Why are you standing so close to him? You should be at least 6 feet away from him, not 5 and a half. 🚩 - Also has a problem with how you dress sometimes. God forbid your shirt is ever low cut. He'd probably ask you to change. 🚩 - And if you get offended or upset, he'll lie and tell you it's because he can't stop staring at your chest, and he'd like to focus of whatever it was he was doing.🚩
John Marston
- Stubborn as all hell. Doesn't listen to anybody for anything.🚩 - Commitment issues up the ass - Says mean things out of anger and sometimes actually means them 🚩 - Won't apologize half the time. He thinks kissing it better actually makes it better 🚩 - Regularly ignores his own bad habits instead of actually facing them 🚩 - Will run away from problems like Arthur, but worse. He'd be gone a really long time.🚩 - Gets annoyed with you if you get angry at him for leaving and staying away for a while. He told you he needed space, didn't he? What else do you need from him?? 🚩 - Ignorantly clueless half the time. Head empty, no thoughts.
Lenny Summers
- Not assertive in the slightest, and usually, respectfully, keeps to himself. -Takes orders without verbal complaints but inside he's annoyed as fuck 🚩 - Even if he hates doing something he'll probably just go "Okay" and do it anyway, and he'll sulk all day afterwards - Refuses to tell you what's wrong because he thinks he'll sound childish.🚩 - If you push the issue, he might snap at you out of annoyance like "Would you just let it be??" - Immediately feels guilty and shameful, and he'll hide away until he's ready to apologize and face you again - Also kind of a know-it-all... He'll correct you a LOT. It would get annoying 🚩 - Would blatantly tell you you're wrong before correcting you🚩 - Not necessarily an asshole about it but he still tends to get under your skin sometimes
Dutch Van Der Linde
- The BIGGEST Narcissist you'll ever meet.🚩 -He loses another piece of his mental state with every breath he takes. Slowly but surely losing his mind.🚩 - King of gaslighting🚩 - How could you even think that about him? He could never do anything wrong! You must be crazy...🚩 - Tries to recite his "pretty words" from Evelyn Miller to try and sound smarter than he actually is 🚩 - Expects you to just feed his ego without him actually doing anything to earn it🚩 - Will try to correct you even when he's wrong🚩 - Refuses to admit he's wrong. He can never be wrong. That word isn't even in his vocabulary unless he's talking about literally anyone but himself🚩
Micah Bell
- Where do I even start with this guy - Not above putting his hands on you if he doesn't get his way. Let's be honest here.🚩 - Mega Narccisist, almost as bad as Dutch 🚩 - Will brag and share every sexual encounter you've ever had with him like he's talking about the weather🚩 - VERY prone to Violence 🚩 - NO impulse control. Murders people for fun.🚩 - Backhanded and borderline abusive compliments 24/7 "You'd look so good if you weren't so fucking fat..." 🚩 - Selfish lover. Thinks just sticking it in will do the trick, and it does, for him at least.🚩 - Little to no affection. What are you? His girlfriend? Wait...🚩 -If he actually does show you affection, and you react in surprise, he'll tell you to go fuck yourself, and that that's the last time he ever does anything nice for you.🚩
Charles Smith
- Impossible to read sometimes - Like Arthur, Charles tends to keep a lot of his emotions bottled up until he feels like he's gonna pop 🚩 - Like most of the men in the Van Der Linde gang, Charles is also prone to acting violently. I mean, he started a bar fight with a fucking chair, and he fights in street fighting rings, let's be real for a second.🚩 - He's incredibly quiet and reserved a lot of the time, and sometimes you just assume that he's listening to you when you talk, but a lot of the time, he's lost in his own thoughts. - Will do everything anyone asks him to at the expense of his own free time and energy, and sometimes he works himself to exhaustion just to try and please everyone.🚩 - In doing so, he sometimes doesn't have time for himself at the end of the day. It also seems like you spend time together less and less as the days go on. - If he ever got himself hurt and you tried to help him, he'd decline any help with anything to save his own pride. The last thing he needs is you thinking he's weak. 🚩 - Extremely Overprotective. Like to the point where he'd beat the shit out of anybody you asked him to🚩
Sean Macguire
- An Alcoholic🚩 - horny 99% of the time, but half that time he probably has whiskey dick. Still asks you to try but doesn't understand that it's like trying to play pool with a rope... - If he can manage to be sober enough to actually get it up, and you're not in the mood, he'd get pissy and annoyed with you for "wasting his boner" 🚩 - Will probably also brag about having sex with you to everyone🚩 - Needy as all hell - Bro sulks on purpose - Low key loves the attention you give him when you continue to ask him what's wrong, but he never actually tells you and constantly says "I'm fine..." or "It's nothing..." 🚩 - But then sighs dramatically and continues sulking and dragging his feet so you keep giving him more attention 🚩
Hosea Matthews
- Ignores his physical health until he's practically dying. You've told him to get that cough looked at for literal years and he just says "I will" and does nothing 🚩 - sometimes talks to you as if you're a child especially if he's around Dutch -low key gaslights you sometimes 🚩 - and he says it with such a gentle tone, its hard to catch it 🚩
The girls
Mary Beth Gaskill
- Daydreams way too much - Likes to live in her romance novel fantasy land rather than face reality 🚩 - Cries a lot - Tries to be angry but can't help but cry instead - If crying makes you feel bad for her, she'll probably do it on purpose so you comfort her and give her attention🚩 -If you're in a fight, she'll turn on the crocodile tears to get you to stop being angry with her or whatever it is you're arguing about.🚩
Abigail Roberts
- She can be verbally abusive if she's pushed far enough 🚩 - Holds in a lot of her emotions🚩 - Neglectful of her own personal needs to make sure you or Jack are fully provided or cared for🚩 - a lot of the time, when she's upset with you, you're probably given the cold shoulder and the silent treatment - incredibly protective. Not necessarily a bad thing, but she can sometimes be super overbearing.
Tilly Jackson
- Tells it how she sees it, sometimes accidentally sounding a lot colder than she means to 🚩 - Too sarcastic for her own good 🚩 - Laughs a little too much sometimes when you tell a joke, and you can often tell it's actually incredibly fake🚩 - gets irritated really easily, especially if she's bothered while doing her chores. The last thing she needs is Grimshaw on her ass again.🚩 - irritable a lot of the time, unintentionally becoming short or snapping at you - like john, she also believes that kissing it better is better than actually apologizing
Karen Jones
- An alcoholic 🚩 - picks fights with you for fun, finds it entertaining to see how red your face can get from anger 🚩 - Screaming matches are a regular occurance between you guys, and she starts it almost every time 🚩 - Pretty jealous when it comes to the opposite sex🚩 - Has self doubt and believes that she can't give you everything a man probably could
Sadie Adler
- The nosiest woman in America. No chill. She reads everyone's mail. - Makes a lot of loose threats 🚩 - Anger issues🚩 - Low impulse control🚩 - Can be a little too rough sometimes 🚩 - If she's upset with you, she'll either yell or storm off. Sometimes both. 🚩 -(She tends to walk away a lot more often because she's actuall self aware that her anger issues are a problem) - She'd never admit that to you though.
Molly O'Shea
- Even more jealous than Javier🚩 - Glares at and envies anyone you talk to that isn't her🚩 - Has immaginary conversations with people in her head🚩 - Rubbing her hands together when the real life conversations are following the script she had planned out in her brain - Needs constant reassurance - "D'you even love me anymore?!"🚩 - Overthinks everything 🚩 - Paranoid as hell about infidelity - Gets mad at you when she dreams about you cheating on her🚩
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magisland · 7 months
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“okay, now look at that couple,” you point your index finger to a couple far away from you and soonyoung “i dont think they’re in love, im not seeing the love in their eyes”
and this is one of your hobbies, going to the park with your best friend to judge and decide if the couples that are having a date are in love or not.
“i dont know, they seem pretty happy together..”, soonyoung says while puts a grape on his mouth, “i think you should start using glasses, i can see from here the lovely way the boy is looking at the girl and how she smiles everytime he says a word”
“nah you tripping, there’s literally no sparkles there!”, you take the grape that the boy is holding and eat it. “i know about love and trust me love is something that is not there”
“maybe theyre not actually in love anymore, maybe now they just love each other in a very fondly way, i don’t exactly know, this line between loving someone and being in love with someone is a little bit confusing to me. but i still think they are in love, it looks like they just got together”
you frown your eyebrows to your best friend who’s still looking at the couple and eating the last grapes. “and what do you know about love”, you laugh and place your hands behind you to have support.
soonyoung stop chewing and look at you with blank eyes, tsking while changing his eyes direction to the blanket you both are sitting, “easy for you to say that, you’re not the one that’s been in love with your best friend for 5 years”
“you what?”
“you heard, yn. i’ve been in love with you for 5 years, i had to see you crushing and dating other people, a bunch of assholes by the way, and guess what? it hurts, it really hurts but still i wasn’t able to get over you and trust me when i say that not only i wanted to but i tried so hard to, so don’t you dare say that i don’t about love when i’ve been loving the same person for so long”
you don’t say a thing, you just look at him with your mouth open, looking pathetic.
“you don’t need to say anything, i just got a little upset with what you said, sorry.. i shouldn’t have said that”
“why did you never tell me that?”
soonyoung shrugs his shoulders, “didn’t want to ruin our friendship and everytime i thought it was the right time to make a move or even confess to you something got in the way”
“i would literally drop everything just to be with you and you’re telling me that you’ve been waiting me for 5 years!? are you crazy?”
“wait.. are you for real?”
“of course i am!” you slap his arm, looking really mad because of the boys confession.
soonyoung places his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him and kisses your jaw and your cheek. “then now i won’t let you go and will make sure to remind you everyday that im in love with you”
you rest your head on his shoulder while play with his fingers, the comfortable silence making the moment even better. suddenly he looks at you with a very serious face, leaving you kinda worried about what he has to say.
“but you know, that couple really is in love”
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author’s note: heyy @odxrilove i told u i would tag you 🤭
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the-roo-too · 11 months
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candy -> kang haerin ver
aka the fluff alphabet
admiration (what does she absolutely adore about you)- your smile ehe like when she makes you laugh (especially by accident) and you go all smiley! it’s making her so soft <33
body (what’s her favourite body part of yours)- haerin’s a eyes girlie, the type to text/write you little notes like ‘i could see the sky in your eyes’ very cheesy yes
cuddling (how she likes to cuddle)- nuzzling into you like a cute little kitty, that’s all im going to say bro
dates (what’s her ideal date)- CAT CAFÉ CAT CAFÉ CAT CAFÉ 🐱 seriously, especially if they have cute drinks or something 🤭
emotions (how does she express her emotions around you)- that’s a little harder, she has a weird way of expressing herself. haerin is very stoic if yk what i mean, she’s kinda calm all the time. very important, haerin is very smiley around you too! like with her members she’s just kinda 🫢 and with you she goes 🤭
family (does she want one)- go play with barbies pls
holding hands (does she like to hold hands)- who doesn’t?! tbh holding hands is all the pda you’re getting with haerin, sorry not sorry
injuries (what would she do if you got hurt)- kinda freezes and blinks really slowly? not a single thought in that brian of hers, doesn’t know what to do at all
jokes (does she like to joke around)- kinda? if you like do it first, haerin might do a little joke on you back, but she’s never the one to start it
kisses (how does she like to kiss you)- cheek kisses mostly 👍🫡 keep it legal bro
love (what’s her love language)- touch!!! in the sense that during the day, she likes to be touching you somehow. like sliding her arm around you and laying her head on your shoulder, or patting your head gently <33 yes, touch 🫶🫶
memory (what’s her favourite memory together)- you two totally volunteered at some pet shelter, and she met so many cats! haerin was very smitten before that, but after the volunteer work it’s like she didn’t know she could be that in love
nighttime (how does sleeping with her look like)- you know how little puppies (or kittens for that matter) sleep in like a pile of puppies? well you’re a two people pile, keeping each other warm
oddity (what’s one quirky thing about her)- the kitty like behaviour, come on. i’m certain haerin meows at you if on a rare occasion you do something she doesn’t like
pet names (what does she like to call you)- because you probably call her kitty or something like that, she calls you her kitten! okay but if you get under her skin she says you’re a old grandma living with cats
quality time (how does she like to spend time with you)- haerin likes slow walks in the park! take my word for it, she told me herself
rush (does she rush into things)- rush into what bestie? give the child time bruh she rushed out of the crib if anything
secrets (how open is she with you)- it depends kinda? i would really say haerin is a closed off person but like expressing emotions comes a bit hard to her, saying stuff about her (especially sensitive things) is a little tough
time (how long did it take her to confess)- somewhere between 2 weeks and 2 years (haerin was having her moment ok.)
upset (what’s her reaction when you’re upset)- similar to injuries actually, haerin needs to process your behaviours. let’s be honest, you don’t get mad at her, so it’s not that bad even if she’s not sure how to react
visibility (is she afraid of the public opinion)- haerin isn’t really keen on coming out, mostly because she’s afraid of what the public would do to her group and you
warrior (how often do you fight)- is silent treatment considered fighting? because that’s the most you do tbh haerin isn’t the type to raise her voice at you
x-ray (is she able to read you)- read you yes. act upon what she saw? depends
yes (how would she propose to you)- she’s two go look somewhere else
zen (what makes her feel calm)- you being calm too ok. if you’re happy, haerin is happy too <33
part of [the fluff series]
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kysuguru · 11 months
you REPLIED IM SO HAPPY😭😭🤞 btw the fact that suguru AND satoru are both her love interests im so HAPPY stsg for the WIN!!! i love how suguru and shoko automatically know what satoru is implying cause hes so so OBVIOUS!
i cant imagine the troubles suguru and satoru would have with reader.. shes so enduring and she allows them to do whatever because shes too sweet! ofc shes serious when the time comes down to it but i just know she takes the two lightly and cares too highly of their opinions to really say no to them. i 100% know suguru is worst when it comes to teasing her. in this universe i want to believe suguru does not deflect so he stays there w them. although reader probably does not realize the two actually is in love with her, she probably assumes they are with each other so she does not want to intrude.
what if shoko and reader were discussing about first dates and she finds out reader never had her first anything and sets her up with one? maybe rin or shin?! LOL and behold satoru and suguru being menaces and completely mean to her . the trouble they would cause to the way they would be so upset. reader actually enjoyed her first date but shes confused why stsg are so upset over her. they always teased her for not having a bf and when she does try theyre even more ruthless?? bc in reality to stsg they always thought she belonged to them and they’re actually in shock that shoko would do that knowing about their crushes on reader? (cue shoko laughing in the background)
i love these asks smmm😭 tysm for sending. and ur right!! i have chapter one and two written and posted on my ao3, but suguru doesn’t defect, i cant allow that. and yes… stsg are sooo annoying when it comes to jealousy. like they are so suffocating..
this is new, very new.
it was a brief conversation, so mundane you wouldn’t bother to remember it unless brought up. shoko asked a simple question. “you ever been on a date before?” after talking about her horrible experiences with lousy men. it was an easy answer, “no.”
and you thought it’d end there. of course it’s normal for girls your age to go on dates with other people, experience the life of romance at a young age, but it wasn’t odd to meet a girl your age who hadn’t been on a date. so you weren’t sure why shoko put you up to this.
rin sits across you with a beaming smile, the fluorescents of the cafe highlighting his freckles. you fiddle with the warm cup of coffee in front of you. you weren’t much of a coffee person, but you panicked and ordered the first thing on the menu. it was bitter, terribly so, you weren’t sure whether you’d prefer this or satoru’s cups of diabetes.
you sip on it occasionally, to make yourself look engaged. you hope your poker face has improved, you’d be humiliated if the bitterness on your tongue manifested itself onto your expression (rin noticed, but felt too awkward to speak up).
it’s weird, and you try pretending this wasn’t set up at a romantic date.
you like rin, he’s really nice, but you’d never even imagined him romantically.
he’s beaming at you, you think he’s blushing, and he looks as if he’s in a daze with his cheek resting on his palm. the look of adoration is so shell shocking you’re gazing around the cafe at other customers he might be looking at.
you chalk it up to excitement of being in such a nice place.
conversation with him is easy though, you realize.
it’s unlike satoru or suguru. suguru’s a listener, unlike satoru who’s a talker. they fit in so well with one another it makes it hard to fit in. you don’t mind that, watching from afar is enough for you. but you still yearn.
maybe that’s why shoko did this in the first place. to get your mind off of them. you suppose it wouldn’t be bad to broaden your spectrum, you needed more friends anyway. you couldn’t always hang onto shoko, suguru, and satoru forever.
hours pass, and before either of you know it, the sun sets.
rin was full of stories, he had so much to tell about kyoto, his classmates, and his missions. he was so fond of it all that you couldn’t bear to stop him. it was nice listening to someone on the same level as you. not that you disliked listening to satoru boast about his missions and how awesomely strong he was, but it was a nice change of pace to hear such things come from someone of your caliber.
you could get used to this.
your entering the school with a content face. you feel them both before you see them.
satoru drapes himself onto you, talking obnoxiously loud in your ear as suguru sends you a soft smile. your company with rin was wonderful, but you didn’t realize how much you missed your favorite people until you see their visages.
“where were you at for so long?” suguru asks calmly, though there’s a hint of something else you can’t really decipher. maybe suspicion.
“shoko set me up on a date with rin.” you say sheepishly, scratching your cheek.
they both freeze, you can feel the way satoru’s breath stutters as his hold gets loose. you look up at them both, brows raised.
it’s so silent. was it something you said? were they perhaps upset you didn’t say anything? did they want to tag along? you would’ve said yes immediately.
“rin from kyoto?” satoru whispers, and you think he sounds angry. you can’t fathom why, so you try and brush if off. even though there’s a seed of dread starting to grow in the pit of your stomach.
“yes... shoko said something about chemistry. whatever that means!” you chuckle nervously.
satoru let’s you go, backing away. now you’re worried.
“i-is something wrong?” you look up at suguru for assistance but he’s turned his head.
you shuffle your feet, anxious. they’re obviously upset, but you don’t know why. “did i do something?” that’s the only thing you could think of. or did they not like rin? he was a nice guy, so you wouldn’t understand why.
satoru rubs your head, startling you.
“it’s nothing, sweets,” he says.
but he’s walking off before you can speak any further, he makes a point not to let you see his face as he departs. suguru gives you a strained smile before he’s following. “night,” he mutters.
and even though satoru reassured you, that seed of dread continued to grow.
satoru and suguru are busy. satoru hasn’t asked for your notes in awhile. you wanna assume that he’s got it down until you hear him loudly bugging suguru for his notebook. your heart drops at the fact that satoru just hasn’t asked you. you don’t know why that hurts, it shouldn’t. maybe suguru just conveys the answer better, there’s nothing wrong with that.
they go out for lunch, leaving you and shoko in the empty cafeteria with your cold noodles. shoko’s great company, of course, but the lack of satoru’s loud voice and suguru’s scolding makes it feel eerily quiet.
nights in the common room have shrunk to just you and shoko. it’s been like this for a few days. only a few days. yet you feel as if these days are dragging on slower than usual. shoko notices, and rolls her eyes, muttering under her breath how pathetic boys could be.
you think she’s spoken to them, for they look at you a little more now. but they barely talk to you unless the situation calls for it, even then, they’re awkward.
but it isn’t until shoko has been in high demand after a dangerous mission that the first years came back from that you’re alone with them. you’re nervous, feeling their eyes trained on you. you don’t dare make contact.
they begin talking to each other, and you feel joy consume you at the familiarity of it. you’re looking up now, making eye contact with the both of them. satoru opens his mouth, but you intervene.
“i’m sorry!”
their eyes are wide.
“i’m sorry for whatever i did. it’s just.. you guys feel distant. if it’s because of me then—”
“i should say sorry,” your eyes flit up to suguru’s as he scratches his neck sheepishly. “i was being childish.” he speaks into his palm. “we were being childish.” he corrects himself, eyes glaring into satoru’s, who huffs and crosses his arms.
“so it was something i did?” your brows knit as a frown etched itself onto your lips.
“it’s more complicated than that,” suguru says. but you’re not convinced.
satoru mutters something under his breath, you catch nothing but rin’s name. so you ask him to repeat himself.
“i just don’t like rin, is all.”
you blink.
“d-did he do something?” you needed to know, if he hurt or insulted suguru or satoru in any way you were ready to break it off—
“no. not exactly, we just… don’t like you being alone with him,” suguru admits, flushed.
you felt relief fill your chest.
“i think i know now.” you smile, happily. they stare. they both lean slightly forward, anticipating. “if i ever go out with him again i’ll invite you both out!” you clap your hands together.
they were upset that they weren’t invited along. that makes sense. you’re relieved. satoru did eye that cafe whenever you three passed it.
they share a look, one of amusement and one of exasperation.
“such a ditz,” satoru grumbles.
“we’d like that,” suguru smiles.
you’re happy, so happy you could cry tears of relief.
“i’m glad, i thought you were both gonna hate me forever.”
suguru grabs your hand, caressing your palm, your heartbeat spikes. “that’d never happen.”
satoru scoots closer to you and drapes himself over your shoulders, the familiar action has your cheeks hurting from how big you’re smiling. he squishes his cheek against yours, rubbing softly as he speaks, “never go out alone with rin again, okay? you need at least me or suguru there, not even shoko’s enough!”
they will never forget how she betrayed them so.
“of course,” you exhale, joyful.
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and yes, abt stsg ur also right! this is kinda a poly thing. stsg love each other and the reader
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rinsuniverse · 1 year
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imagining woozi as your husband!
i feel like there would be a slight jump from just dating to getting married
he'd be a lot more comfortable with you, of course
he's still very serious and independent
but his love for you is on a completely different level as soon as you guys tie the knot!
at that point, he wouldn't mind bragging about you or simply talking about you to LITERALLY ANYONE
he'd be so defensive of you, too
so imagine you're laying in bed next to him right after you announced your marriage
and he's slowly falling asleep (snoozi woozi) but you're skimming the tabloids, reading all the comments by some of the obsessive and rude "carats" (theyre not rly carats if they dont respect svt's personal life but whatever)
you're not upset, but you can't help the slight pout your mouth makes reading through those things
he rolls onto his side and lets out a deep sigh, so he says:
"jagi, are you not sleeping yet?"
"no, but you can go ahead"
youre turned away from him and he moves to spoon you, his head in the crook of your neck
he peers over your shoulder and silently watches as you read the comments
he doesn't say anything at first (because "who is he to tell you what to do/feel or not to do/feel" is his attitude)
it isn't until he hears you sigh at a particular comment that went along the lines of "i hope they separate because they aren't good enough for him"
he goes "aish. you shouldn't worry about that stuff, you know?"
"i know..." is all you can say
you shut your phone off and try to relax
little do you know, he's actually FUMING
there's nothing more he wants than to be treated with respect EXCEPT for his spouse to be treated with the same respect
he nuzzles his head into your neck
"you okay, y/n?"
"i just..." (i imagine he'd be kinda flustered trying to actually comfort you and say romantic things, so he's trying to play it cool and casual) "it doesn't matter what anyone thinks. i think you're... the right one for me... so don't worry about that stuff."
you can't help but laugh
jihoon isn't very good with comforting words (but dont get me wrong, he KNOWS what to say, i mean look at his music, but it'd be hard for him to say out loud casually)
he always is straight to the point
but since you're now married, he already knows sometimes just telling you what seems to him as common sense/what's best isn't very helpful
"why are you laughing? i'm trying to help"
"thank you for that. i just think you're cute"
he shuts up and snuggles into you even more, muttering under his breath like "what the?" and "you're so weird"
after he gets over his blushing attack, he hums, "let's go to sleep together, yeah?"
tomorrow he's making a statement about those antis tho. im so fr.
one last scenario for you!
i think he'd be a liiiiiiittle bit more comfortable with pda now
when you're sitting next to each other, he'll put his hand on your thigh at times, and he'd move his thumb soothingly on your skin
he'd hold your hand, but his other hand would be blocking you from paparazzi/dispatch or guiding you carefully somewhere
and i can't stress enough how often his hand would be on your lower back if he wants to guide you somewhere or move you a little (no longer ghosting your back like when you're dating)
imagine you're both leaving his studio
he doesn't even bother making you leave separately and discretely from him for safety purposes like what he used to do while you were dating
but as soon as he notices the camping paparazzi outside of the building, he gently holds your hip and pulls you closer to him
one arm would be around your waist to keep you close
and the other arm would be out, protecting the both of you
you smile at his protectiveness
"ji, it's fine if they take pictures of me."
"yeah, but i don't want them to do anything weird to you."
bonus points if you mirror his positioning so you're protecting him from paparazzi, too (this man would love whenever you reciprocate anything back to him in an innocent, but goofy way)
you'd both be giggling all the way over
but anyway, he walks like that, protecting you until you reach a car to drive off in
he was already protective of you when you were dating, but he's now so much more protective now that you're completely public and official
woozi would be a wonderful husband to someone who deeply understands him and loves him for who he is
he wouldn't necessarily meet booktok stereotypes of a husband, but he'd def be a sweet and protective one that always supports you and what you think is best! 🫶
(p.s.: i'm planning on opening a requests thing! ofc i kind of specialize in woozi imagines, so if you have anything in mind for me to write about, def send a request! i also dont mind doing other svt members, too. would that be fun? i'll update you the next time i post! have a great day (*^3^)/~☆)
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cato616 · 1 year
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kendall roy x fem reader
im finally writing about someone else rather than only about roman roy lol,, hope you get to like this one
it wasn't exactly a request but my first comment received from someone here said basically that they'll wait for a kendall roy one, here i am! lol
summary: you, the assistant of kendall roy, got yourself stuck on the cliché destiny of felling in love with your boss.
parts: pt.2 // pt.3 // pt.4
content: mostly fluff honestly, at some point there may get to angst.
Reserved, introverted, from time to time getting shy, but also getting confident; you were struggling to find your place at Waystar Royco, it's hard to be anyone's assistant here, but since you got a little bit closer to kendall, it made you feel less pressured.
As for today, you where sitting at a desk of your own outside kendall's personal office; as you know, there was only glass walls between you two.
While writing something down on your computer, out of curiosity you look up lifting your head just a bit, and you see kendall, roman and shiv inside his office; kendall it's sitting against his desk, both hands behind him, palms facing on top it, basically standing resting his whole body, and legs slightly being crossed, one on top of the other; while roman was sitting on an individual couch, and shiv was standing, arms crossed. You wanted take a little peek of what was going on there, you don't really like to start conversations but you really are an observant person (as a kid you did want to become a detective, how cute); however you would then get noted about it later tho, since you were his assistant obviously; you kept looking around and found yourself making accidentally eye contact with roman, you get nervous like if someone caught you sneaking around on a private matter, so of course unconsciouslly you lead your sight almost immediately back to your computer, like if nothing happened. Although you can't resist too take a look again. You slowly side eye back again, and like if it was a horror film, roman was completely standing still now closer to the glass, eyes wide open and saying nothing.
You jump "...jesus" you whisper to yourself. Roman started cackling almost; he was pranking you. "oh that was great, great in need" he was feeling proud of whatever that was. "hey dude, what's going on, why you laughing, we were talking" says kendall. "oh yeah yeah, sorry it's just your assistant is so easy to scare" roman was back sitting while still gaggling, and when you heard him saying that, you got really embarrassed and instantly get back to whatever you were doing in g-mail, you even blush a little since you were an incredibly shy person. "oh come on roman, really? you're messing with our assistants now?." Shiv implored. "yeah man, try to not be yourself and treat her like that". When he said that apparently you heard some type of silence in the room. Shiv and roman were completely staring at kendall. "oh oh, not treat her like that, got it, so what's your dog name then?" Roman sarcastically said to kendall. "You're being unserious roman, so... stop." Kendall couldn't make eye contact with them; then Shiv started to play along too. "yeah bro, are you scared to hurt her pretty feelings or something?" She chuckled. "ha ha, so funny you guys" kendall replied with a sarcastic tone. "oh come on, kendall, you're even turning pink you sick bastard". Shiv jokingly told him, smiling. "i am not by the way." Kendall stated. "She's actually nice and very timid, so i would feel bad if she was feeling upset, that's it"
You unfortunately heard him saying that; you didn't know why, but it did not make you much amused hearing it; you felt like, a little kid, who couldn't do anything for herself and was scared of everything, like a fragile little puppy; you don't like that, you don't like too be seen like a weakling, it's okay to be shy, still can't fight the feeling you would feel much happier if you wouldn't be, however, you are always too afraid to make a sound on every room you could be in, you're trying to get better at it; you imagine how easy it would be if you were more comfortable when being confident around people. You unblush, get sad at it, wishing you wouldn't had hear those words; you sigh and slightly look down. So that's how everyone sees me here
"Let's hope that fucking 'romeo' doesn't falls in the assistant-boss cliche." Roman giggles. "Right ken?" Roman keeps teasing him. Kendall doesn't want to look at him, looks irritated by this whole conversation. "o..kay, i feel it got a little bit tense here, how about we come in later huh?" Shiv kindly suggests in a mocking way as well, just trying to light up the mood.
They both leave the office; your eyes follow their movement towards the elevator. huh, they left. Of course, your eyes had to get back to kendall's office to see what's he's doing now. oh! shit. That's when your eyes met, he was already looking at you, but you got nervous and now again got your eyes rapidly changing to see the computer once more; your face flushed straight away.
You tried very hard to seem like you were nothing but working. okay, i am now tapping on my keyboard that um...
graphic demostration:
i am working, working mind.
You keep focusing on deceiving kendall; until your phones vibrates, and noticed you got massages from him. Your heart is pounding very fast.
hey sorry, i don't feel like raising my voice
could you come in here
You saw his messages and then looked up, he was waiting for you to come inside the room; you stood up, and couldn't help but to try to fix your hair in a discreet way; you opened the door and then closed it. "Yes, kendall, what's up" you smile. He was sitting at his desk thinking what to say. "did you, hear anything from inside here?". He seems to feel worried. "um... what did you talk about?". You played dumb, not interesting on having a conversation about your feelings; you hoped that kendall wouldn't realize you were lying. "oh, nothing then." You fake smile, hiding the fact you're relieved he didn't notice. "i am sorry about roman tho" he said generously. "oh yeah I get it, roman being roman" you chuckled, however you felt you were cringing yourself and immediately stopped laughing while trying to clear your throat; you felt awkward, when there was no need to feel like that. "Just so you know, if you want to talk about anything, im here." Kendall gave a big warm smile to you, and you smile back. "Well thank... you, I'll make sure to keep it in mind" You slowly start walking backwards towards the door to then shutter it in front of you, and getting back to your desk outside the corridor.
You really try to get back to work, but somehow you get distracted; you've been daydreaming a lot lately. With every word you type, something different comes to mind, about kendall; you can't deny the fact his eyes tend to shine when getting worried; he's usually not afraid to show his very nice grin to people when amused, really cute smile; he's nice and gentle, and he's... oh no.
You stopped writing, when you realized you had feelings for him. Actually you already knew about it, but didn't want to admit it, you're starting to not paying attention to what you're doing due to your feelings towards him. You could have a crush on anyone, but your boss?
that's fucking great
However, you got lost by his presence; you looked over his office, he was on his computer as well, you kept on gazing at him, you couldn't stop, your face was lighting up while unnoticeably smirking.
He then suddenly stands up and starts walking in a hurry, you of course had already started looking over your desktop before he would noticed.
He stopped for a brief moment. "hey, I'm going to the restroom if anyone asks" he then kept on walking. "yeah sure... oh and now you're gone." He didn't hear you say it, he really must've been in a hurry to that bathroom.
wow such a touching moment. You said to yourself in an ironic wat, already stressed out about how difficult this crush is going to be for you; you had your hands over your face, this is going to be tough.
"hey! um... where's our brother?" Asked roman with shiv by his side. You felt jumpy again, feeling caught; you put your hands away from your face. "oh yeah, he went to the restroom just now, what's up?." please don't say anything about me. "we have some newss..." Roman kept on looking around, then shiv suddenly asks, "were you, feeling okay?" oh come on now. You try to be unbothered by the sudden change of subject. "yes I am, Fine!" you intensely grin. "oh yuck you didn't have to go too hard on that fake smile." Roman states; and you then stopped smiling, tensing your lips, feeling annoyed. Then kendall finally comes back. finally he's here. You actually got happy to just see his face again, your eyes sparkle.
"Guys, 'sup?" stopping halfway, now they're all three right next by my desk. "we have something" Shiv informed him but with an exciting tone. "oh well let's go inside" Kendall tells them, by then closing the door.
Now all they all around together, kendall expecting exciting news. "so??" He asked them impatiently. "Stewie, he said yes, he's in" Shiv told him at last; both shiv and roman seemed very content, they were all smiling. "holy shit, okay! yeah!... we need to celebrate" kendall was amused by this. "fuck yeah bro" Roman said thrilled but kept his compose. "okay yeah we'll do something at my place tonight, something small." Kendall grabbed his phone, looks like he was writing people. "is your dirty secretary going too?" Roman couldn't stop on teasing him about it. Kendall already looked pissed off by the comment, by not furious, he was still rather happy. "Stop saying that roman, and by the way of course she's coming, she's an assistant." Both roman and shiv were slightly giggling, while kendall left his phone on his desk and decided to walk out to look for something, roman didn't follow him but kept on annoy him. "sure ken, don't forget your condoms!" Roman yelled, however he ignored it. "woah okay roman shut up" Shiv told roman, still finding it funny but trying not to be embarrassed by it.
Kendall was actually going towards you; he put his hands on top of your desk to notify you about tonight. "Hey so tonight we three were planning to have a little something to celebrate, let some of my associates know and be there with me." You were secretly delighted with this event, trying to be professional enough. You started to type on your phone. "yeah sure, you got it." You said to him while avoiding eye contact. He was about to head back in, but once again put his hands over your desk, you felt confused by the action wondering what was he going to say. "Please try to have a good time at the party, we can... both have a good time, yes?" you were stunned by his words, getting tongue tied. "y-yeah sure... I'll try to." You smile at him, and he then gives you that smile that you love so much, that warms your heart. "And well of course remember be there early to... assist" He jokes around a little bit, with a genuine laughing, and you laugh too.
It got you nervous, but you do in fact are going to have a good time.
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Hi hi!! I’m here to request something with my bbg Vincent Sinclair! your thingy doesn’t exactly specify which slashers, so I think I’ll ask for Vincent and Michael Myers just so u have an idea u can write abt if you don’t know the other!!
Okay okay, so what about a reader with a bad attitude? So for Vince, I would assume that their relationship starts with the reader defending Vincent from Bo. Like, Bo just starts calling Vincent names (like the mean truck man he is >:[) and Vincent is just taking it, then the reader steps between the two twins and just starts BURNING Bo with every insult they have.
“Oh, he’s the freak? Well at least he knows how to keep his mouth shut and isn’t asking everyone with a *female anatomy* to *adult fun* every ten seconds.” or something vicious like that-
and Vincent is just dumbfounded that someone has the balls to speak up against Bo.
and for Michael, same thing, but the reader is just being so mean when he starts chasing them! Like, they try to hide behind a door and they make sure that Michael saw them, so when he opens the door, the reader just flips him off and kicks him away from the door really harshly-
or, just being really really hard to catch. Like if they climb somewhere high and he can’t get to them, the reader just sticks their tongue out and flips him off again with the snarkiest attitude!!
anyways, that’s all I gots for now! Feel free to ignore this lol, but if you don’t directly respond to this ask but do use the idea, I ask that u credit me!
u look lovely today, and I hope u have an amazing night/evening/morning/day!
First of all, for some reason I got no notification that somone requested anything and I have no clue how long it was sitting in my inbox. Second of all thats great idea cuz in most of fics reader is always very meow meow shy uwu bebi, which is sometimes annoying tbh, they should be rude sometimes. Requests open
Slashers with badass s/o
Vincen Sinclair
Bros used to this kind of treatment, name calling, mean words, yelling ect
This relationship started by s/o just simply asking Vincent if he's alright after Bo yelled at him
Any kind of affection makes him blush like teenager girl after watching twilight for first time
In his free time he will just hold s/o hand and walk behind them like lost puppy
Imagine: "yo vinc get over here you lazy ass" vincent:😰🏃 "well BO maybe if you stopped acting like such drama queen and get rid of this nasty ass attitude then MAYBE people will start helping you without fear of losing a limb or sanity?" 🧍🧍‍♂️
Tbh the only reason that Bo didn't commit murder on s/o is that vincent is actually very happy now and even that Bo is a horrible human being he doenst want his bro completely emo
Lack of ideas so im just going to put some mean words to Bo here
"Dont worry vincent, hes just jealous cuz he cant hold conversation with women for more than 4seconds without scaring them to death. litteraly"
"Aw baby dont be sad, just compare your hair routine with his. Im surprised hes not bald to be honest"
Live laugh love Vincent
"Nonono dont be upset, how about we draw together huh? Can you go pass me crayons from your workplace😇i totaly wont whoop your brother while you are away"
If s/o is just rude to Bo face, Vincent will be so so happy that they protect him but so so worried that s/o is about to evaporate due to Bo anger issues
"You calling him a freak? Better look who has stable relationship and lack of anger issues L bozo"
Also now Vince is 24/7 with her bcs not only shes great, protects him and provides comfort🥰
Micheal Myers
"AHAHAH looozer can't climb the ladder? Yo old as hell man go to retirement home"
S/o calling him granma to bully him
"Yo man stop begin such stalker or im going go call yo sister (in some versions laurie is his sister if u dont agree just ignore this part lol) and she gonna beat you up
Micheal spawning behind her, inside her house:🧍 "😨 yo sup Myers wacha got there? A a knife? Eee cool cool"🏃
"If you have such blood-lust go kill rats in my basement they keep stealing my food"
🧍 Myers emoji
Im sorry if its unfunny or boring I watched house of wax when it came out so like long time ago and I kinda forgor vincent and bo personalities. And Myers personality is basicly 🧑‍🦯old man
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rinbowaman · 2 months
man tell me about heelel being down bad im up for that 🤒😫😩
Broooo… let me begin by saying that heelel…he’s like the most dangerous heelead (because of who he is…you know… 😈) but the dude has spent his entire life (aside from the time he served under God as the first arch angel) he had become the master of torture and gruesome death. (Remember what he did to that succubus?) just think of an immortal being so hateful and disgruntled, just releasing all sorts of demons onto the universe and wanting to destroy humanity in the most horrific manner…and then he sees you. YOU.
Heelel is the type to….
- never beg. You will always be the one to beg, and he loves it. Whether you’re begging him to stop or keep going, it’s all the same to him. Because he is so obsessed with ever ounce of emotion and expression you give out, he wants to see all sides and angles of you (like all the heeleads) but heelel is a bit more brutal about it since he’s so dang powerful.
- dress you in whatever he wants to see you in (which is anything sheer or barely covering you bc he loves to see you as bare as possible. (Remember the later chapters of Se7en?)
- loves to see you cry and laugh. He’ll gladly be the cause of your tears and the cure for them. But lord help the one who becomes the cause….thats a huge death penalty (and not a good one) for whomever hurts you or makes you upset in any way. Even if it’s the tiniest bit. If someone stepped on your foot and you simply say “ouch” man’s eyes would grow sinisterly wide, mouth would split in the corners (like a joker smile) and he’d develop a very eerie smile while he does something terrible to that person. Even if it was an accident, he’d be so merciless. And it could be anywhere from burning that person from the inside out, slowly splitting them open (starting with the feet) or skinning them alive…the possibilities of torture is endless. The only thing that could save that person, is you…only you. And even then (depending on the degree of the offense) he might honor your request. He might…it will be hard to contain him bc anyone who hurts you is a dead man or woman.
-will get you whatever you want. I made the reader kind of vague because every reader is different, but whether youre the type that loves material things or simple values that nature can provide like flowers, he will get it for you. No matter what it is. If you want a garden, he’ll create a planet just covered in all types of beautiful lush plants and flowers, and will take you there every day and night so you can enjoy it to your hearts content. The only thing he won’t give to you is if you want to see friends or family, bc he wants to keep you all to himself and in his mind, you shouldn’t need to see anyone since you have him. Insisting on this would lead to a punishment that you do not want. Man is selfish and is going to keep you all to himself. Whether you want it that way or not. He’s unapologetic about it to.
- even though he won’t share you with anyone, he likes to show you of. You’re his queen, his goddess, his Aphrodite. He is going to flare you off like a diamond ring.
-will be so rough with you if you’re resisting or not making him happy. Just behave and do what he says, which is to sit, look pretty for him, and let him love you…eventually you will love him back no matter what
-when he isn’t rough and teaching you a lesson, man is as smooth as the finest silk. I usually pictured him normally doing the nasty with reader and being kind of a menacing and taunting bastard. For instance, I didn’t end up including this in the actual series, but thought about it (maybe I’ll make a short piece of it?) but I had imagined a scenario when after he took reader back to Hell with him, he was having a ‘session’ with reader (bc he loves you too much to not keep his hands off you) so while being on top and restraining your wrists with one hand, I had imagined reader looking away and sobbing. He calmly says “look at me.” And when reader looks up, he had a creepy face moment (kind of similar to the one that I attached in the story…but worse) like his iris shrink and become like small beads and the sclera is expanded, and he forms a very scary smirk. If I could draw it out, I would. It is fucking creepy and the most horrific thing you’ll ever see as it scares you so bad, you almost feel your heart stop beating. Reader turns her face away and screams and squirms, and he’ll just laugh it off and continue (heelel is sadistic and since he has the ability to alter his face like that….lets just say he likes to scare you and make you feel uncomfortable). But as time goes on he kind of tames down a bit and doesn’t do it as much, or not at all. By now (since Se7en is over a year old now…I believe) he’s at the stage where he likes to see you smile and happy more than ever. Once in a while he still wants to see you cry or fearful, but that’s become a reservation. For when you misbehave. Now, all he can focus on is how beautiful you are when you smile, how lovely your laugh sounds, and how much he just wants to hold on to you and talk to you about the moon and the stars, and create constellations for you while you both lay in bed recovering from an intense orgasm.
-heelel loves your long hair. I pictured him being into long hair. When you’re sitting by his feet and resting your face against his thigh while he’s sitting f on his throne, he’ll having a piece of your hair and play with it delicately. His fingers will rub the strands together so he can feel how silky and smooth it is. One of the things he loves seeing is your nipple piercings poking through your hair as it lays against your breasts. Makes him go feral.
-he loves your eyes. Despite you becoming immortal, heelel will never allow you to gain abilities to shapeshifter or alter your appearance like he can. He won’t allow it. He loves the way you are and will never permit for you to gain the magical ability to change the color of your eyes, hair, or the natural style/state it is in. He loves the way you are, and you are going to stay that way for him. Even if you have insecurities, don’t matter. Whatever body issues you have, he loves them and if you haven’t learn to embrace them, he will force the issue in a way. He won’t let you change, he wants you to be the very same way he saw you the first time, forever.
-all it takes is a look. A single look. If you look at him the wrong way (or the right) intentionally or not, he’ll get ready really quick and is going to want you so bad…to the point where it hurts.
- heelel just loves the hell out of you. Would sever his own limbs for you. If it made you happy to stab him repeatedly, he’d just stand there and let you while laughing. He obviously cannot die, and while he continues to bleed and rejuvenate, he’ll wait until you’re so tired and you slowly fall to your knees as you stab him one last time. He’ll brush off his shoulders and leans down to pick you up and stand you straight again, and say something like “feel better?” At that point, you’re doomed. Bc whether you answer or not, he’ll be like “good. My turn.” And he’s going to do a lot of stabbing…but not with a knife. 😏
- everything you do turns him on. So expect to be f*cked (both brutally and softly…like vanilla smex) and filled up (he’s not wasteful. You’re either going to swallow it with your vagina or your mouth, either way, you’re going to be a cream filled doughnut by the time he gets down with you.) and he will do this multiple times a day, won’t really care if you’re sore. If you e been good, he’ll give you a break and take you out and about.
-he loves your wings and will play with the small black portion in the undercarriage of your wing. That is a small part of him that reflects from within you, and he loves that.
- his favorite past time hobby is to have you both naked, you straddled on his lap (sometimes stuffed with his d*ck, sometimes just having it rested against your tummy) and his arms are wrapped around your waist as he’s sucking and kissing your tits. He loves that. He’ll squeeze your buttcheeks and massage them from time to time, while his mouth never breaks free from your areolas. Like…they’ll become super tender and sore with how long he’ll make you sit there and let him caress each one with his tongue. Even if you ask him a question, he’ll talk with his mouth full of your breast and his eyes will be peacefully closed while he does it. Like he’s just relishing in the moment.
- he also loves slow dancing with you. As you both are dancing under the large moon, he’ll constantly rub his hand on the side of your neck, gently pushing your hair aside and will lick, kiss, bite, and smell it. He’ll press his lips against the skin and will say “I love you…more than I could ever love anything else. You’re all that I never knew I needed in life. The only one that can heal me, but also be the death of me.”
-he’s very tormenting. Don’t let the last chapters of the series fool you, he has his tender moments (and when he’s tender…he is just…perfection) but when he is being ‘playful’ and just has that “you haven’t cried in a while…kind of want to see it again.” And will do whatever it is to make you cry, usually it’s to scare you (then comfort you afterwards) or to give you some pain that’s all in the line of pleasure. Something like biting you hard on your inner thigh or pounding you to the point where he’s poking your brain. Stuff like that.
But yeah, those are some examples off the top of my head lol. Heelel is amenace. But you’ll always be safe and loved by him.
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quijabored · 10 days
Spoilers for S4 and first 2 episodes of S5
Im gonna try to not make this very long because I'm going through a what the fuck moment and I do not know how to process this :D (Finished the second episode and immediately went to Tumblr)
(Spoilers, this is very long ✌️)
With that being said
And with my undying hatred for Mori, I can also say he seems incredibly interesting.
I hate that I want to know more about him and I absolutely will, BUT FUCK
Then there was the Agency being split us and-
Not actually, but God damn it I was on the verge of sobbing so many times-
I love this series so much but how the fuck am I supposed to process this-??
I actually hate Fyodor so much oh my god (I want him)
And then Nikolai saved him :D
Hes just like me fr except I'm not a Ukranian terrorist :3
JOUNOS KIND OF A BITCH (Ive already signed the adoption papers, I love him so much he seems really interesting-)
Also fuck Fukuchi
"Now I just have to hope no one becomes a character I absolutely despise :3"
And then during the whole scene where he was talking with Ranpo and he was like "the president trusts you, so do I."
AT THAT POINT IT KINDA CLICKED AND I WAS LIKE "Oh shit its Fukuchi isnt it."
THEN RANPO STARTED EXPLAINING ALL THE EVIDENCE AND I SAT THERE AND I WAS TRYING SO DAMN HARD TO BE LIKE "Pshhhh- No waayy Fukuchis actually a really really really bad person right??"
I HATE THIS SHOW SO MUCH (I dont I love this show it has been my hyperfixation for so long please help I have dreams about bsd this is just like my Danganronpa phase oh dear god-)
If he doesnt have a good motive Im actually crying, though I get that not all characters are supposed to be redeemable, I just got really attached to Fukuchi really fast and seeing him yap was super silly :(
Fyodor works a lot differently than Fukuchi and I really really do love Fyodor-
Also Nikolai saying he's gonna kill Fyodor? Genuinely wonder if he's even capable of that cuz his ability is able to catch you off guard, but Fyodors such an incredibly silly guy and I wouldn't be surprised if he was able to stop anything from Nikolai
Not only an assassination attempt (Even though I doubt Nikolai would get very far with that-) legit something as simple as trying to scare him-
Also Fyodor understanding Nikolai? Dear gods I love them so much they make me wanna tear out my soul-
Making a little fanart for them and while I'm not sure if I'm actually gonna share it, they are very adorable in their own odd way
Back to the casino scenes, while I absolutely adore Tetchou and Jouno, TEROKUS JUST SO SILLY
And why the fuck does the sky casino look like a beyblade like I love him but someone's gotta get him into an exterior design class
Just searched up Beyblade to make sure I got the spelling right and what do you mean there's a hello kitty beyblade give it to me
Also Sigma just panicking for half the episode is so fucking relatable
I can't remember if I already mentioned I have adopted him but I have ✌️
He's so silly after I finish my Akutagawa and Fyodor obsession plus actually finish the story (or at least whats written right now) I'm focusing entirely on him
Okay maybe my Aku and Fyodor obsession won't ever subside but if it doesn't I'm making space for him in there-
Live laugh Nikolai I know I haven't mentioned him too much but he's such a silly character and he makes me happy-
Okay I think that's enough yapping for today, might watch another episode might not, but either ways I'm dreaming about it again ✌️
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Okay kinda unrelated but I love lucid dreaming so much like what do you mean I can bend reality at my will to make an episode of bsd that shows Fyolai being canon and adopting 3 cats
GOD I CANT WAIT TO BUY THE MANGA (I have to actually save up tho so I gotta wait a bit longer ✌️)
I know I could just find pdf files online but I js really really like reading physically so uh ill get to pdf reading when I get desperate 😋
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black--cherryy · 7 months
Hello again haha
As you can tell by now I LOVE your work. And I saw you wanted some ideas.
I've got a Peter Criss fan fic (🌶🔥 of course) idea for ya!
I've heard from Paul and Gene that Peter threw his drumsticks on them (live on stage) when he got upset.
So... What if that drumstic hits you (reader). After the show and he walks towards "you" after the show to ask if you're alright, and yeah... You'll do the rest😏
Heyy I really enjoy that idea. Hope u like it and thx a lot ♡
Peter criss imagine
Pov: Peter accidentally hurts u with his drumstick.
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It's 1979 and u finally could go on a Kiss concert. U were very excited to see the boys but deep down in ur heart u were more excited about seeing ur favorite catman with his cute cat make up. Peter criss.
U decided to be the most beautiful girl on the concert and even made sure to get in the very first row, right next to the stage. Ur heart was beating like crazy knowing u will see soon ur favorite boys..Or should I say boy? ;) (sorry).
After waiting for way too long finally, the lights changed and u heard loud screams and cheering all around u..The boys finally came on stage. Ur eyes immediately turned themselves to see Peter with his cute face paint, smiling at the fans that were freaking out. U couldn't stop smiling seeing him all happy and cute..He made u blush like crazy.
They started playing and u couldn't help but just cry out. U waited for way too long and now finally u could see them life..It felt like a dream.
As u were singing along all dreamed up and not aware of anything as if u left earth, u got woken up by a bang to ur head and slight pain that followed right after.
"What the heck? What was that?" It shocked u. "Felt like I got hit by something."
U looked around if someone hit u by accident but that wasn't the case. Everyone was concentrated on the guys playing. U looked down on the floor and saw a drumstick.
"Wait?..Is that...Is that Peters drumstick?" U had a lot of feelings go through u at that moment when u realized that u got hit by his drumstick.
In fact, peter was known to throw his sticks around and people did see it but when they couldn't catch it they just kinda left it there thinking someone else did catch it also Peter was known for getting upset and not throwing it directly at the fans but rather at Paul and Gene. Well this time it hit u.
U couldn't really process what was happening. Is it real life or am I actually dreaming? I got to see peter live and now even found his drumstick? Wtf is going on?
U could stop smiling, everything was perfect. The last great thing that could happen would be him calling u backstage but that's impossible so u quickly got it out of ur mind.
After the show was done all the fans started going out or backstage when they had a vip ticket. U sadly didn't so with the pain in ur heart and Peters drumstick close to ur heart u started making ur way out. Surprisingly u heard a voice behind u saying "hey" so u turned around curious who would it be. "Now I'm really getting nuts." U thought.
U couldn't believe ur eyes. It was peter..Fucking Peter criss standing in front of u with a soft almost nervous smile. U started shaking, ur heart beating higher and ur face getting pale.
"Im sorry for hurting u with my drumstick..I should be more careful and maybe not throw too hard objects..."
U just stared at him with a shocked face not quite ready to process what was going on.
"Hope ur ok?..." He added.
"Y-Yeah sure..Don't worry about it..Didn't even hurt that bad.." U smiled nervously.
He smiled back and nodded softly.
"So...Can I do something for u?.." He asked.
"F-For me? U stuttered. "N-No..I mean I'm okay and it's already a blessing getting hit by ur drumstick and then having u talk to me..What more could I wish for?" U said happily what made him laugh a little shyly as he looked down.
"Well are u sure? How about I take u backstage..We could talk more and better..It's quite chaotic here."
U thought u will pass out..Usually these things only happen in ur imagination but this time it's fucking real. U of course nodded and went with him. U guys went into his room and u just had to look around..It was stunning to see his room that he had while being on tour.
*Time skip*
After talking for some time u got more comfortable with him and he with u. U saw noticed his looks on ur body, literally striping u down with his eyes. U did look sexy that evening and got some guys to look at u but tonight it seems like ur only his..And by his I mean Peter.
"Yk it was nice meeting a chill girl like u..and again sorry for hurting u..I didn't mean to throw it that far."
U again told him that it was alright. He suddenly moved closer to u and ur heart again started beating faster.
"I know how I can make this up.." He whispered softly what made u blush like crazy.
"R-Really? How?" Ur face got read and the look in ur face was just shocked and nervous.
Peter smirked and as u were trying to realize what was happening, u were laying there, legs spread wide apart and Peters head between them.
Ur hand were grabbing onto the bed sheets as Peters tongue entered ur opening. U had ur head thrown back feeling his tongue penetrating u.
U let out not too loud but high moans while feeling all dizzy from the pleasure. U never had ur pussy licked before and for the very first time of yours it felt like heaven.
U didn't know what to do with ur head and the bed sheets weren't enough to grab so u just went for his hair and pulled him even closer, making his face almost disappear in ur private parts. His hands were stroking ur thighs and grabbing onto them. Ur eyes rolled back as u felt close to cumming.
U started cursing and his fingers thrusted in u as he felt u getting closer. His tongue was eating ur clit, hitting ur g spot.
Ur moans got louder and ur legs started closing but he forcefully kept them open. Ur back arched and ur body lifted itself while u were cumming all over his face and fingers. U literally squirted his fingers out of ur opening. That's how well he made u cum. He had a lot of experience and good for u..Ur first time having Oral was like an complete dream..People wouldn't believe if u would tell them.
He left u hardly breathing on the bed. U closed ur eyes cuz u needed a second while he was watching u and smirking. U told him that it was ur first time and he got excited about it and also got a little ego booster hearing how good he was.
Now u didn't have any condoms like him but u still wanted to repay him so without saying anything u sat up and made him lay down. U never sucked dick before but u didn't care about that, u just wanted to satisfy ur king so u just started stroking it and slowly licking and kissing his tip. Peter let out a little groan and closed his eyes, having one arm behind his head.
When u noticed that u were doing the right thing u decided to take him deeper inside but got stopped by ur gag reflex. U sucked on it for a bit to get ur throat used to that feeling so it allowed u to take him deeper and let him feel the heaven u felt a few mins ago. His groans got louder and ur sucking deeper and faster.
With ur free hand u squeezed his big balls for extra pleasure and with the other one u were stroking his cock while sucking.
He groaned and was keep telling u how good ur doing and how much he enjoys it.
This made u even weaker for him and letting him fuck ur throat was like a reward.
While he was closer to his climax, he grabbed the back of your head and pushed u deeper in. Ur gag reflex returned but u didn't care less. Ur only goal was to satisfy him and nothing more. He was thrusting faster and faster making ur eyes clench till he finally released in ur mouth.
His warm load was dripping down ur throat and his cock twitching on ur tongue. After he took it out of ur mouth u swallowed what was left of his load in ur mouth mixed with ur saliva.
He fell back on the bed all exhausted and heavily breathing while u laid ur head on his chest.
"That was amazing y/n" He mumbled.
"It was" U had ur eyes closed and breathed out deeply.
"I won't let u go..U will have to stay here till morning..U were so amazing and so beautiful..I need u right now to calm down and spend time with someone who's not like those groupie whores."
His words made u feel so special and u just still kinda couldn't believe that it's true..Usually at that point u would wake up and hate that u did but this time it was completely real. U were laying in ur favorite Rockstars arms and u were more than happy, hoping this never ends...
Excuse any typos. It's currently 1am I'm tired goodnight.
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genezpen · 2 years
『 cruel 』
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pairings: seungkwan × gn!reader
genre: ANGST‼️i feel the need to hurt everyone right now 😈
summary: seungkwan told you that he used you to win a bet.
warnings: drama w/o plot, this a bit slightly quite painful and has a huge impact on me :'), crying, harsh!seungkwan, mention of parents neglecting the reader, reader speaking from trauma, mention of vernon, someone using the reader for a bet, rejection (?) (lmk if i missed something or if i made a mistake!)
word counts: 597
notes: this is a very short drabble to let y'all know that a short fic of han, and hoshi is coming. i've never had a free time since my last uploaded fic so i would like to apologize to the sitting requests on my ask! i promise im working on them! also, pls don't hate verkwan! love lots ^^ (our exam week is next week, wish me a luck!)
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“i never loved you.”
those exact words are enough to crush your wholeness. you almost hear your heart shattering on the pit of your stomach.
you felt bad. you are upset. you are disappointed.
the person you trusted the most just confessed that he fooled you. and for what?
“you're nothing but a bet. vernon lose, i won. now, it’s over.”
a bet. he won a bet. you are the bet.
and vernon? your bestfriend?
“what? aren't you mad at me? come on, y/n, hit me! i know you want to hurt me, too! i used you.” seungkwan grabbed your hand, forcing you to hit his hard chest.
but you're to numb to do so. as much as you want to show him how much it hurts you can die right now, you know physical pain wouldn't be enough.
he hit himself, he slap his cheek using your hand but you pulled it away. your eyes fixated on the ground while breathing fast, trying to stop your tears.
seungkwan then tried to find your line of vision but you keep avoiding it. not now. not when you're too fragile, too weak, too scared.
“come on, say something. lash out on me! i know you're upset—”
“i knew it...” your whispers made him shut up. something bitter spilled inside you. “i knew something was up the day you asked me out.” with shaking voice, you let it out.
even with a blurry eyes, you force yourself to meet his gaze only to see how shocked he was. seungkwan looked pale and his pupils were going back and forth on your eyes trying to find something you don't know of.
“don’t worry. i-i figured it out r-right away– you– i... knew this day would come.” you manage to utter those despite you choking on your own saliva and the nonstop tears.
you covered your face as you breakdown infront of seungkwan, shaking your head. so what if you look hopeless and pathetic right now? so what if he use this against you someday? so what if he makes fun of your misery right now. you don't want to think of the future at the moment. it hurts, it's killing you inside-out.
“you never actually like the cupcake i baked you, right? you never once liked my outfit every time we go out. you did not really want to say my 'i love yous' back, you just don't have a choice!”
fuck. this is a different kind of pain when your pet died in an accident. this is not the same pain you felt when your parents failed to recognize your academic success back in highschool. this pain is on another level. the one that could hold you back for years, again. the pain that brought you back to your thirteen year old self.
seungkwan did not say anything. he stood there frozen. you bet on your life, tomorrow everyone will turn their back on you. your colleagues will laugh at your situation. this has happened before, none of them was your friend, they were seungkwan’s.
no matter how hard it is to swallow, your only best friend, vernon, used you too.
you hate the universe for why must it be hard to live on earth. if you aren't allowed to feel loved then why must people hurt you? they could've just push you away, not stay for a short period of time just to leave you again. not pretend they accept you when in reality they are disgusted by you. why must everyone have to be so cruel?
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all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, plagiarize, repost to another platform/sites without my permission. this is solely available on tumblr.
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okthatsgreat · 3 months
I'm obsessed with Sae I would ask every question if I coule I lov themn
AAAA this means so much to me bc IM OBSESSED WITH HIM TOO i am very very glad people like her ............................... 😁
oc ask game! (plus some art at the bottom lol)
🧠 - what do you like most about the oc?
answered HERE but alsoooooo i can definitely think of something else :)
i LOVE writing her dialogue LMAOO. her whole gimmick is that she acts wayyyyy older than she actually is, and when i say that i mean she truly acts like an old man. she is a very slow talker a mover and figuring out how to write for her has been lots and lots of fun !!!!
she uses a lot of ellipses... and always drags on a sentence if it is possible. she never uses exclamation points if she can help it... because she tries not to raise her voice... and typically doesn't get excited or emotive about many things. she trails off a lot, either on a tangent about a sailing story or simply because she has lost focus... and includes a quote from her afi or from a writer that can shed wisdom on the situation. everything is a lesson to be learned, you see... she also tends to repeat herself at the end of the sentence, she does. it's either "you see" or some variation of "i do/i am", depending on what was said... and of course she always refers to her boats and the ocean using she/her. laughs like an old man too, eheheh... always keeps the mood light
but, uh, when she gets flustered she uses "um" and "uh" a lot. especially when backed into a corner. sounds a lot less wise. her sentences get shorter when she's upset. real short. she tends-- you see, she tends to stutter a lot more when she is stressed, or in a tense mood. corrects herself, or-- sometimes, she cuts herself off before she says anything too harsh. her tone grows a lot more "childish", and she wants to sound like she knows what she is doing. won't raise her tone. just gets rather blunt with you.
unless she gets very irritated. because then she starts to emphasize certain words to you in an almost condescending manner, and-- and she still might stutter over her words because she is thinking less about them, but they are all flowing out of her mouth at this point. and if you push her too far she'll start yelling! exclamation point! it is rare to get an exclamation point from her! if you push her hard enough she'll scream! she'll fucking yell!!
but yea anyways she's been fun GHFDJKG
✏️ - how often do you draw/write about the oc?
grins. the grinner
SOOOOOOOOO sae as of right now is being used in a killing game rp which means i get to write for her pretty oftennnnn :) she gets to hang out with a whole cast of awesome characters that are both amazing and stressing her out so badly. as hell. it is chapter 2 currently (we're at the motive!!) and literally every single thing is going wrong (the motive concerns her family and of course her afi was threatened bc thats all shes got, her plan to escape failed miserably and shes starting to resent people with very little reason, somebody in the killing game knows JUST WHAT TO SAY to seriously push her buttons) but she'll persevere 😍 she'll persevere and get so much worse
i loveee the rp server bc the people there love to write fics and draw art of their own AND each others characters and i eat it up every single time. me included i love creating for these rps :) which MEANS i actually do draw and write for her a bit often!! now a lot of it is practice and/or doesn't get sent to the server lmfaooo i think the last fic i wrote for her (and finished-- i keep starting things and stopping 😔) was a backstory fic for her about that one bad memory i mentioned in the last ask :) a single person has read it and that is the person running the rp in the first place ghfdjkg
UM UM here's some old art that i sent to the server and didnt post here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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and here's a chart of literally ALL of her siblings LMFAOOOO
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kpop-with-mars · 2 years
Stray kids x Trans reader
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{I don't own any gifs used in this credits to og creaters}
{summary: head-cannons/scenarios about stray kids with a trans boyfriend ❤}
{Warnings: I myself am a trans boy but im very sorry if this makes you feel misrepresented, slight transphobia, implied self hatred}
Bang chan
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Well obviously he's gonna support his boyfriend.
"Congratulations, I know that might've been hard to figure out so im proud of you baby".
Achievement unlocked: you now own all of chan's hoodies.
If he notice's that you're even just slightly upset he'll say something like 'woah your voice is deeper then it was yesterday' or 'you're looking very handsome today'.
knows when you're dysphoric because you puff out your shirt/hoodie or cover yourself with blankets,
so he just climbs next to you, gives you small kiss and tries to talk to you to see why you're feeling so upset with yourself.
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You told him when he asked why you always avoid talking about your parents and hang up when they would try to call you,
Long story short if they don't see you as their son then you don't see them as your parents.
"just remember y/n-ah, you're always welcome here with me and the cats".
being fathers of three you and minho take pride in spoiling soongi, Doongi and dori with love and head pats because they fucking deserve it.
minho always tries to helps you feel as comfortable as you can be like shopping for baggy clothes, giving you tips on appearing masculine, etc,
Although one time he was hovering over you're shoulder and looking at the receipt for your testatorone when his eyes stumbled upon your dead name, then he freaked out and he kept apologising while trying erase it from his brain.
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You and chanbin have been working out to together for a while so one day after working out you start to feel cramps in your sides and start fearing the worst
"Baby you okay?, did you over work yourself?"
you quickly rush to the bathroom to check but come out and sigh in relief "thank fuck I don't have periods anymore"
changbin looks at you very confused while you stare back after realizing what you said until changbin lets out an oh, so yeah you didn't really have to tell him, he knows.
What he calls a date is actually just you and him trying arrays of desserts and foods while having conversations about things like whats been happening recently, over throwing the government, and other important things.
Whenever your dysphoric changbin is always willing to put a hit on the person that made you feel uncomfortable but he'd rather just hold you in his big arms and tell you how how strong you are for not hiding how you feel.
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you and hyunjin were out and about just shopping when you see a translucent shirt that catches your eye that you wanna try on
so you step into the changing room hyunjin waiting outside imaging how cute your gonna look, you step out to show hyunjin and he gets a bit starstruck by just how pretty he thought you were when he notices two scars on your chest.
"You look amazing baby, but how did you get those scars there??"
You try to cover up when he noticed them but it was no use he already saw them, so you just simply explain to him that you're trans and he said it was okay that you didn't immediately tell him because he doesn't want to pressure you.
whenever you two are getting ready for dates he'll already have an outfit that he picked out for you that he hopes you'll like(and you do cuz he's got taste) and you an outfit that you hope he'll like.
during those dates he'll try to hold your hand as much as possible to let you know that he's right next to you and he won't let anyone treat you less then human.
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After getting a relaxing shower you were changing in Hans room when he barges in which made you jolt up, then when Hans eyes landed on the scars you had on your chest instead of saying anything else that sounded even slightly more believable in a panic you shout "I donated my lungs",
to which he laughed out " stop freaking out so much baby I know what top surgery is, I still love you" he gives you a peak on the cheek and leaves you to continue changing.
hans love language is physical affection and you know it, for a minute you'll be sitting on the couch then the next minute you'll be in the web that is Hans arms unable to break free from his loving grasp.
Dates with han include: holding hands, going to a bakery, sleepovers that nether of you want to end, iced americanos, matching couples accessories, etc.
Every small interaction between you two han sees as a date, you text han in the middle of the night because both of you can't sleep so he drives to your place and you fall asleep in his arms, date.
you can get pretty sensitive when you're dysphoric to the point of crying, and han is willing to just sit in silence as he holds you while you try to tell him what happened.
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After many hours of making a trans flag cake so its easier for you to come out you go to get felix and sit him down so you can get the cake,
once you place it in front of him he can't help but cover his mouth in awe.
"Aw baby i still love you the same, you wanna share a piece?".
you and felix try to go on dates with eachother as much as you two can due to felixs busy schedule, so you'll just surprise him with lunch when he's backstage getting ready for promotions.
But when you and him do go on dates the two of you do things like going to a small cafe, slow dancing under the stars, baking something new while music plays in the backround, etc.
he knows that even though you do have supportive parents you can still feel like you've made the wrong choice, he wants to do everything he can to help you through and become nothing but yourself.
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After top surgery you were silently recovering when seungmin wanted to hug you but you kept saying no, then when you weren't paying attention out of nowhere he tackles you into an embrace but releases when you wince at the sudden pain,
You told him that you didn't tell him you're trans or that you had top surgery was because you thought that he wouldn't look at you the same and start treating you differently.
"I'll always love you baby, just please let me know sooner so I don't hurt you again".
Every morning when you wake up you have a million messages from him at 2am, he'll send you tik toks/memes that he thinks you'll like, even if they get pretty ridiculous you still love them because he thought about you.
Most of the time for your dates you both just vibe with eachother's existence, like just the two of you sitting next to eachother while doing different things is small but to him he's glad that can spend time around you.
When the dysphoria™ hits you just feel kinda pissy and frustrated but never at seungmin, he cheers you up by showing off his puppy like features and cute lil smile.
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After you and him had dinner with your parents he noticed that you didn't look okay during the drive to your house especially when your parents had said things like calling you a name that he didn't recognize,
when he got you home you couldn't handle it anymore and tears began to form in your eyes.
Jeongin came to your side and tried to comfort you as best as he could holding you tight "its gonna be okay hyung, just tell me whats wrong" he gave you a kiss on your forehead.
You told him that you're trans and how your parents never really supported you because of that, and that's why you were nervous about seeing your parents he understood and reassured you that the both of you won't go to them again since they can't respect you.
He'll just give you random things that remind of you and your not sure why but it's one of those sweet little things that jeongin does that you adore.
Jeongin has and will take you everywhere he possibly can, you'll travel with him on tour and do so many different and amazing things around the world and the best part, you do it all with him.
I have been working on this for weeks now because my brain was like 'no don't do that you're just copy and pasting your own work' but I think this came out pretty good so I you enjoyed this
Thanks for reading!
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athielive · 2 years
hiiiii!!! i absolutely loved your snowed in mischa x reader, the concept overall is really cute and you’re a really good writer :)) i was wondering if you could please write a similar fic except with noel x male reader? if not that’s okay but there is not enough x reader content for him lmao
YES ID LOVE TO. i started writing it earlier and i got half way through but i cant recover it im so upset im about to restart.
I dont know if it’s that good but I hope you like it <3
also thank you for requesting one :)))
French had always been your least favourite subject. No matter what you couldn’t understand any of it.
Luckily you had Noel, the top of the class.
You met in the choir and had known each other for years. He was your best friend and the only person you were truly comfortable with.
After knowing him for a few months you ended up developing feelings for him and questioned your sexuality for a while before coming out to him as gay. He was the only person who knew.
Noel had always been fairly open about being gay, because of this he faced years of bullying. More recently it had died down because everyone had grown up, but seeing it all happen and comforting Noel through the state he was in brought along a fear that it could happen to you as well.
Turning the corner, you saw his house in the distance. Layers upon layers of snow covered the ground as more flakes fell every second. There was a snowstorm warning but you would most likely be back home at that point.
You walked up his driveway and knocked on the door three times.
The door swung open to reveal Noel still in his pyjamas but with his hair styled how he always has it.
“Bonjour, Bienvenue en France.” He exclaimed. You hesitated for a second trying to process what that meant.
“That’s basic French Y/N… you’re so lucky you have me.” He smiled.
Truly he didn’t know how lucky you really felt.
“Come in then theres snow all over you, Mom won’t let you in if you’re soggy.” He grabbed your arm pulling you inside and up to his room.
Noel went straight over to his desk chair getting a folder labelled ‘French Lessons for Y/N’
You slouched down on his bed looking over at him. “How long did it take you to make that?” You asked.
“Oh uh… not long. Maybe a few hours… every night for a week.” He began rambling.
You felt yourself becoming flustered, “It means a lot that you would do all that for me Noel.”
“I’d do anything for you, you know that.” He smiled.
You walked over to him and sat down in the chair next to him. He began to flicker through the pages to find what he wanted to teach you today.
It was colour coded with beautiful layouts and calligraphy titles. This must’ve taken him ages. All the examples he had in it of sentences were things that had happened with the two of you, things like: ‘Nous avons regardé des films ensemble toute la nuit.’ ~ ‘We watched films together all night.’ and ‘Y/N est très beau.’ ~ ‘Y/N is very handsome.’
All that was going through your head was ‘This has to mean something; Does this mean something; What if he actually likes me back’ You had to do something.
“I can’t do this Noel.” You started.
“I know it’s hard but don’t worry I have faith in you and I’ll-”
“No it’s not about the French I need to tell you something.” You inhaled deeply, there was no turning back now. “Listen you have to promise me that what I’m about to say won’t ruin our friendship.”
He laughed, “Of course not you’re the best friend I have.”
“Okay uhm, you know how much you mean to me, right?” He nodded, “Well even when I first met you I was intrigued by you, I guess you always felt more special to me then any other friend had. I always assumed it was just that we were platonic soulmates or something but um..”
“What are you trying to say?” Noel asked, shuffling his chair closer to yours.
“I love you Noel and not just as a friend.”
His shoulders dropped as if a wave of relief had washed over him. His cheeks began to flash a bright red and a smile crept its way onto his face.
“I love you too.” He grinned, “In more than a friend way but I figured you already got that.”
You both laughed and hugged each other tightly. This is it, all you wanted. It’s moments like this that make people want to freeze time and stay like it forever.
“What does this mean for us?” Noel asked, still not pulling away.
“I don’t know.” You said. “I’m not ready to come out to everyone yet, but I’d love- only if you want, to be your boyfriend?” You smiled hopefully.
“Of course I want you to be my boyfriend you idiot, why else would i make a folder of French for you?” He laughed.
“Oh my god I actually have a boyfriend. We can like watch movies together and have sleepovers and then go with each other to choir practice after those sleepovers then spend more time together!” He continued.
You chuckled, “Don’t we already do that?”
“Well yeah but it’s different now because you’re my boyfriend. We need to watch a movie together now as a celebration.” He got up and began to walk over to grab a DVD off of his shelf.
“As long as it isn’t one of those French ones.”
“You know it will be.”
You both cuddled together watching the movie, Noel recited his favourite lines and you had never felt happier.
When the movie ended he had already taken your hoodie and requested a different one that you had at home.
“Noel, I still stand by what I said about not being comfortable coming out to everyone. But if you’re okay with it I want to tell my family and the choir about us.” You asked turning to him.
He agreed and you began discussing ways to tell them. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Noels Mom came in.
“Y/N the snowstorm has started and your Mom called asking if you could to stay here for a few days until it all clears up. She said to give her a call when you can.” She smiled then left the room.
“It’s like a honeymoon for us.” Noel exclaimed.
You laughed lightly, “No I’ll take you to Paris for our real honeymoon, thats a promise.”
He tackled you into a hug, life was perfect.
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dotspoetrycorner · 1 year
Rise of the Pink Ladies Cynthia x OC Part 7
Chapter 7: Frosty Palace
Ella’s POV
After ditching the pep rally I went to the frosty palace. I didn’t know where else to go, my parents expected me to be at the school and I couldn’t explain to the why I left. So here I am in the almost empty diner, drinking a milkshake and rethinking all my choices. 
I know Susan’s just upset and is looking for any reason to be more upset, but how can you publicly humiliate someone like that? But what else can I do, they are the only way to get though the year.
The pep rally must be over because the diner starting filling with people, I really just wanted to go home at this point, so I quickly finished my drink and left. I had just managed to weave my way through all the people and cars when I ran into someone. They were running and the impact was hard, making me fall flat on the ground. 
“Watch where you’re-“ I started to yell but then I looked up and saw Cynthia. “Oh- I’m so sorry!” She said frantically, trying to help me up. “Why are you in such a rush?” I asked. “Im just trying to get home.” She replied. “Me too. Rough night?” She nodded, “Yeah. After what happened at the pep rally, I-“ “what happened at the pep rally? I left early.” I guess something pretty big. “The t-birds said they would let me join them if I came up with a plan to get back at those stupid socs for embarrassing Richie… no offense, but your friends are awful.” She explained. “I don’t even know if they’re my friends anymore. Not after they wanted to embarrass Jane like that.” 
After walking for a while I realized Cynthia and I should have parted ways by this point, she’s walking in the opposite direction from her house. “You don’t go this way.” “I’m walking you home” She replied. “You really don’t have to-“ “I’m walking you home.” Alright then. We just kept walking in silence. It’s so weird, we used to be able to talk for hours, talk about anything and everything, and now we’re struggling to find even one thing to talk about. 
Cynthia was the first to speak, “so… are you caught up on the English assignment?” I just looked at her, that was the best she could come up with? She continued, “Look, I’m strapped for conversation here and you like books.” I laughed, “After Of Mice and Men, Animal Farm, and The Catcher in the Rye, Little Women is an amazing change. I’m on my third re-read.” I glanced over at Cynthia, she was just staring at me, smiling. “What?” I asked, “Nothing. That’s just very you.” I looked down, it’s weird, our dynamic is the same as it used to be but now I get this weird feeling when she’s around. She spoke again, “I didn’t mind it at first, I actually kind of liked it. Jo was cool, then she got into all that love crap, I couldn’t get through it.” 
That conversation broke the ice and we were back to exactly how I remember us being. But eventually we arrived at my house. “This is me. Thank you, you turned my really bad night into a pretty okay one.” I said and hugged Cynthia. She tensed up for a second then hugged back. That feeling came back. I told her goodnight then started walking up my driveway, hearing a soft “goodnight” as I walked into my house.
I was greeted by my mom. “Was that Cynthia out there?” She asked. “Yes” I replied. “I didn’t know you two were still friends.” “I’m really tired. Im going to sleep, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” I said, quickly walking up the stairs. Its not that I didn’t want to tell me mom what had happened that night, but it’s a long story and she just wouldn’t understand. 
lying in bed I couldn’t sleep, all I could do is think. I couldn’t be friends with Cynthia again and keep my other friends, and they have been really rude the past couple of days, and Cynthia and I have always been great friends for one another. But Susan, Dot, Rosemary, and Pearl have been with me through the past 6 years, through everything. I don’t know what to do.
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