#but my plan for this au (and the idea that i got from) is that mike is eventually going to become That Guy
candycandy00 · 1 day
The Maiden’s Voyage - A Sukuna x Reader Fanfic Part 4 (Final)
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You’re a passenger on a ship attacked by pirates. The pirate captain Sukuna chooses you to be his entertainment for the voyage.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Smut. 18+. Fem Reader. AU. Sukuna as a Pirate Captain. Very rough sex! Violence. Blood. Sukuna is a cruel, sadistic monster here! You’ve been warned!
Part of CandyCandy’s 2k Followers Event! There will be multiple parts because I got really attached to this idea and it was getting too long. Any feedback, comments, reblogs, etc. will make my day sunny and bright! 💖 Dividers by @benkeibear!
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Your voice doesn’t sound like it belongs to you as you cry out his name. You’re behind him, unable to see where he was stabbed, but blood is pooling at your feet. 
The man who attacked you is suddenly thrown back, his body slamming into the deck. Sukuna turns to face you, and you see that the dagger has stabbed completely through his forearm. It frightens you, but you can’t help being relieved that he hasn’t been hit in a vital spot. 
Several other pirates run over and grab the attacker, holding him down. His face is shoved down against the deck. 
“He must have stowed away at the port,” one of them says to Sukuna. 
The captain walks over to the man, seeming completely unfazed by the knife stuck in his arm. “You’ve got guts, I’ll give you that. But your plan was weak.”
The man grunts in frustration, trying in vain to break free. “Murderer! You’ll burn in hell for what you’ve done!”
Sukuna grins down at him. “Maybe I’ll fuck your fiancé when I get there. Oh wait, you said her body was found on the ship. She must have been an ugly, worthless cunt if I didn’t bother bringing her to my ship for my men to fuck.”
The man’s face twists in rage and despair, and he screams. No words, just a guttural howl of fury. And mid scream, Sukuna brings his boot down on the man’s head, cracking it open like watermelon. You turn your face away. You’ve seen bloodshed before, on your own ship, but it doesn’t make this any less gruesome. And even though the man tried to kill you, you can’t help feeling sorry for him. He lost someone precious to him in a horrific way. That would drive anyone to madness. 
Sukuna turns to you. “Let’s go back to my quarters.”
You look at his arm and then back to his face. “But, the dagger! You need to-“
“I need a strong drink!” he says, grinning to his men. They cheer their captain, and one of them hurries off to get that drink.
Sukuna takes you by the hand and pulls you along with him. On the way back to his cabin, one of the pirates hands him a full bottle of rum. 
Once inside, he shuts the door and heads over to his bed to sit down. He opens the bottle of rum and takes a long drink. 
“Don’t you have a doctor on this ship?” you ask, moving over to him. 
“I do, but I’m not going to him.”
“What?! Why not? You’ve got a dagger in your arm! When you pull it out, you’ll bleed to-“
“I’m the captain of this ship,” he says firmly. “I can’t show weakness in front of my men. It would be better to die from an injury than to be killed in a mutiny and have my legacy tarnished.”
“That’s ridiculous!” you shout, realizing a second later that it’s the first time you’ve raised your voice to him outside of your screams during sex. 
He puts one hand on the hilt of the dagger. “It’ll be fine. I’ve had worse wounds.”
“Wait!” you yell, then hurry over to the dresser to pull out a fresh sheet. You rip it into strips. “You’ll need to bandage it quickly!”
He takes another drink of the rum, then jerks the dagger out and drops it to the floor. Blood begins pouring out of the wound at an alarming rate. He pours some of the rum over it, not even wincing at the burn, then reaches for the strips of cloth. 
You rush over and grab them, holding his arm out and beginning to wrap it up. Sukuna pulls his arm free. “I can do it myself! I’m not depending on a woman to-“
“Twice now!” you suddenly say, cutting him off. “Twice now you’ve told me to touch you as I please! This is how I please! Will you go back on your words, Captain?”
He stares at you for a moment, then laughs. “You’re right. Do as you wish then.”
He holds still from then on and lets you bandage his arm tightly. It takes more cloth than you expected, forcing you to tear up more strips, and Sukuna finishes off the rum. When finished, you sigh and sit on the bed beside him. “We’ll have to change it every couple days or so, and watch out for infection. But I think this has stopped the bleeding.”
He looks at you, his eyes slightly glazed from the rum and the blood loss. “Why are you doing this? You should be trying to kill me yourself.”
“You only got stabbed because you stood in front of me,” you tell him. “Why did you do that?”
He scoffs, looking away from you. “I told you before. I’m not done playing with you yet. I intend to enjoy you thoroughly before the end of this voyage.”
It strikes you then that this is the most vulnerable you’ve ever seen him. Injured and weakened, while still maintaining his smug persona. But there’s something in his demeanor, in his eyes, that feels different. He leans just slightly against you, the shoulder of his injured arm touching yours. 
You reach one hand over and place it carefully on his bandages. His body feels warm next to you. “Thank you for protecting me,” you say quietly. 
He meets your gaze, wearing a mysterious expression. “I’m an injured man. Are you going to comfort me, woman?”
You suddenly feel hot, almost feverish. You realize there’s a part of you that’s been wanting to touch him all evening. You stand up from the bed and move to stand in front of him. As he watches, you slowly pull off the lovely new dress and drape it over a nearby chair, then you step closer until you’re standing between his legs. 
His uninjured arm circles around you, pulling you so that your body is pressed firmly against him. You wrap your arms around his neck and he tilts his head up slightly. You kiss him, deeply and passionately, your lips smashed into his, your tongue slipping into his hot, rum coated mouth. 
You feel a hand softly squeezing your breast, and look down to see that he’s using his bandaged arm. You wonder absently if flexing his fingers like this hurts his wound. But then his mouth moves down, trailing kisses down your neck and collarbone before  closing around your hardened nipple, his wet tongue flicking at it. 
Your breathing gets faster as you snake your hands down to open his pants. Unsurprisingly, he’s already hard, his huge cock standing up straight and proud. You position yourself above it, then slowly sink down, wincing slightly at how he stretches you. 
He’s staring at your face, his expression calm, as if he hasn’t just been stabbed, as if there’s not a naked woman currently in his lap, struggling to take his entire cock. You want to make him react, to see his handsome face display the pleasure you give him, so you lower yourself further down, gasping when you feel that he’s all the way in. 
You sit there for a moment, your arms wrapped around him, face pressed into his shirt, giving yourself time to adjust to his massive size. It’s a luxury you don’t normally get. Strangely, he doesn’t rush you to begin moving, or thrust up into you. His good arm simply remains wound around your back.  
Once you’re ready, you pull back slightly to look him in the eyes as you gradually begin moving up and down. Your hands slip down and begin unbuttoning his shirt. You’re struck by the urge to feel his muscled torso against your skin, to see those alluring tattoos. Once his shirt is open, your fingers slide beneath it, your palms rubbing over his chest. 
You know you’re playing a dangerous game. These feelings you’re experiencing will only bring you pain. Another pirate sneeringly told you that Captain Sukuna never keeps or releases his women. Without exception he always either kills them or hands them over to his men once he’s done playing with them. The pirate seemed to think it would be the latter, and you cringed when his eyes roved over you. 
How will you feel when he decides he’s tired of you? When he’s stabbing you to death? When he’s laughing and watching his men take turns with you? 
You can’t imagine it, but you also can’t fight what you’re feeling right now as you sink down to the base of his cock again, taking quick shuddering breaths as you maintain eye contact with him. 
Sukuna still doesn’t know exactly why he protected her. He tells himself it’s probably because he didn’t want to lose his plaything for the rest of the voyage. But the truth is, he moved without thinking, as if it were a reflex. 
And now, that beautiful, delicate flower he protected is riding him so well. His instinct is to throw her onto the bed and fuck her violently, but there’s something appealing about watching her take the lead, watching her take his cock so very deep of her own accord. Her motions are slow, but deliberate, intimate. She clenches him tightly, her eyes full of lust, her lips plump and swollen from their kiss. 
She leans her head down, and he feels her wet little tongue on his chest, licking along the black lines of ink. Ah, such a sweet maiden. He could stay buried inside her forever. 
What is he going to do with her? The thought of any of his men touching her, experiencing her tight, velvety pussy for themselves, fills him with intense anger. And he can’t bring himself to snuff out her existence. 
He pushes these thoughts to the back of his mind. No use thinking about it now, while she’s wrapped around him so pleasingly. She pushes down again, taking him all the way in, and her soft hands tremble as her breaths hitch. Her face looks blissful, her expression rapturous. 
“You’re… so deep… inside me,” she says, now gripping his shoulders for dear life. “Feels… so good!”
Sukuna has never done this before, never allowed a woman to climb onto him and fuck herself on his cock as she pleases, going so slowly and carefully. He’s always only cared for his own pleasure, which he got from pounding into women as roughly as possible, enjoying their screams and the friction of fucking them so hard. 
But looking at the unbelievably beautiful woman before him, he’s beginning to understand the appeal of fucking this way. Watching such a pure, innocent maiden’s face glow with pleasure just from having his cock inside her is making him feel heated in a way he’s never experienced before. 
Her eyes are locked onto his, and she suddenly appears shy. Funny, considering she’s completely naked, breasts bouncing in front of his face as her slick pussy moves up and down his shaft. “Does it… feel good… for you?” she asks as she continues moving, clearly craving validation from him. 
He grins at her. “Feels so good, I’m going to completely fill your womb with my cum.”
She sighs, closing her eyes as if she’s content. Then her arms are around him again, her body pressed to his, and he can feel her heartbeat through her skin. It’s beating so fast as she moves her hips in a circular motion, moaning when his cock hits the right spot inside her. 
When she cums, she clamps down on him, and he can feel her shuddering as her heart races. Sukuna has never truly felt another human being so deeply before, been so connected to another person, and for a brief moment, even he is overwhelmed. A throaty moan escapes his lips, and she immediately looks at his face, her eyes wide. In the heat of the moment, he only wants to feel more of her, so he pulls her into a kiss, their tongues mingling, until he reaches release.
As promised, he fully coats her insides with his seed, wanting to dye her in his colors completely. 
The pain in his arm is all but forgotten as they stay there on the bed, melded into each other. 
For the next several days, things are back to what you call normal on this ship. Sukuna goes back to being rough with you, but your body has slowly begun to enjoy it, to a certain degree. 
For as long as you live, you’ll never forget the sheer intimacy of that night, when he was gentle with you for the first time. You felt like the two of you became one, if only for a few moments. You long to experience that again, but Sukuna has shown no inclination towards repeating that night.
The end of the two weeks is quickly approaching, and you feel dread building in the pit of your stomach. Your only plan is to beg Sukuna to kill you swiftly, because dying by his hands would be preferable to being handed over like a piece of meat, discarded and unwanted. 
So on the eve before your last day, before the ship will dock at their destination, you feel extremely anxious as you wait in Sukuna’s quarters. When he walks in, you stand up from the bed, holding your hands in front of you nervously. 
“We’ll reach land in the morning,” Sukuna tells you. “We’re just spending a few days there to resupply and rest.”
You nod, wondering why he’s bothering to tell you. 
He looks at your worried face, and he’s silent for a moment. You have your plea prepared in your mind. You’ll as him to give you a quick and painless death. But he sighs and sits in his chair. “When we dock, you’ll leave the ship. I’ll give you enough gold to buy passage to wherever you were going.”
You feel like you’ve been slapped. “What?”
“I’m letting you go,” he says. “You can return to whatever life you were living.”
Your fists are now balled at your sides. Your whole body is shaking as tears sting your eyes. “How dare you!” you suddenly shout. 
Sukuna blinks, surprised by your outburst. 
“You kidnap me,” you begin, “have your way with me, make me fall in love with you, then send me away?! How could you?!”
His eyes widen slightly, then that smug grin you’ve grown to love spreads over his face. “So you’ve actually fallen for me?”
You feel your cheeks burning. You didn’t intend to confess your feelings this way. But the cat’s out of the bag now. “Yes, I have. And I won’t be thrown off the ship like a stowaway!”
Sukuna stands up and steps over to you. “If you stay, I can’t guarantee anything. I might end up doing something truly heinous to you.”
You look up at him. “I understand.”
He puts one hand on your face, his thumb grazing your lips. “I won’t go easy on you just because you love me. I’ll still fuck you whenever I want, as hard as I want.”
You swallow, then slowly nod. “I can accept that.”
His eyes seem to soften. “But I suppose… fucking you gently every now and then wouldn’t be so bad.”
He leans in and kisses you softly. When he pulls away, you steel your resolve and say, “I have a request.”
There’s a hint of surprise on his face as he says, “Oh? And what would that be? More dresses? We can get some when we dock.”
“No more women,” you say. 
He laughs. “Jealous already? I don’t intend to take a woman for myself while I already have one who pleases me.”
“No, I mean… no taking any women. At all.”
“The men will hate you,” he says, though he’s still smiling. 
“I was thinking about this. There should be women willing to come aboard and… entertain the crew if they’re paid or perhaps given free passage to somewhere they’d like to go.”
“You mean whores.”
That’s not a word you’re comfortable using, but you nod. “Yes. And wouldn’t the men be better served by women who choose to be here, who have experience pleasuring men?”
“I’ll consider it,” he says, then he suddenly jerks your body to him and wraps his arms around you. His wound seems to be healing well. “Now take off this dress before I rip it off. You’ll need something to wear when we disembark tomorrow.”
You slide the dress up and over your head. “Will you be gentle with me tonight?” you ask. 
His hands are already exploring your body. “Not when you ask me so sweetly. It only makes me want to ravage you more.”
Your fingers are tracing his tattoos. “But I wanted to feel you tonight, all the way to my core, while I ride you.”
He pauses, looking into your eyes. “You’ve bewitched me, woman.”
You smile at him as he takes your hand and leads you to the bed. Your true voyage has only just begun. 
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Back to the Self Aware! BSD AU x Black Butler Crossover
Same voice actors time again.
While Ace didn't get into the Real World (I have an ask about him, that ask is in a process of being answered, and I am planning to write about his situation in the future [Somewhere after Fyodor's entry]), let's imagine, that he also got into the real world with the rest of the cast.
Ace didn't like GL. Mostly because GL didn't have anything good to say about Ace. Add Karma in top of it. He just keeps everything to himself, staying away from GL and BSD Cast.
So, after Black Butler get into the real world. And Reader are happy to see almost everyone from them. And form mutual respect with Sebastian...
Reader: Thank you, Sebastian, for helping with the dinner.
Sebastian: My pleasure, [Y/N].
Reader: You know, despite being a demon, you are a savior for this place. Helping to feed everyone and keeping the mansion tidy.
Sebastian: quiet chuckle
Reader: grinning Still can't believe it. Someone, I thought wasn't real, is in my house. And I can talk to them, and their voices are voices I get used to. No need to pay for VA's lines.
Ace: barging in Why you little?! This demon and I have the same voices! Why you have never complimented my voice? Am I not enough for you? What he has, that I don't have?
Reader: look between Ace and Sebastian Do you need the short list or the long?
If we count Season 2 characters
Alois felt jealous, because every demon (Sebastian, Claude, Hannah and Triplets) treat you with genuine respect. He was afraid, that you will steal Claude from him. You assured him, that you already have your own demon (*cough* Fyodor *cough*) and don't need any more demons.
William T Spears and Kunikida quickly became friends. Unfortunately for them, Dazai and Grell also became friends.
(Slightly) non-related idea. I have a feeling, that Grell will love Edna Mode from The Incredibles.
Undertaker made a new coffin for Bram. Many coffins. Because Bram was "that one client", who will always find something to complain about. Then Undertaker snapped.
*during dinner one day*
Undertaker: to Bram Just how big of a coffin you need? I have been redoing it for the fifth time already.
Bram: Big enough for two people to fit. I want our weekly cuddle time with My Little Bat, My Dear [Y/N] to be as comfortable as possible. Especially, when others cuddle with [Y/N] in beds during their cuddle time.
*Black Butler Cast froze. Lizzie dropped the teacup. You are covering your face with both hands. You felt like you will burn in a flame of embarrassment.*
/Next lesson of "How to live in this world and this age" for BB Cast was focused on explaining, what "polyamorous relationship is"./
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psych3-delic · 2 days
Hi, I adore your family AU and am wondering if you have any plan on writing/drawing more of them? I'd love to see more of their daily life together, such as going on a picnic in the garden, shopping, or even little Charlotte trying to help out her dads in their respective jobs (like sitting on Ciel's lap when he does paperwork or helping Seb with making cake for Ciel). Also, just curious, who is stricter, Sebastian or Ciel? Thanks!
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Hiii, sorry for the late response! Tumblr literally didn’t send me any notifications 😞 i just happened to check my inbox. Here’s a pregnant Ciel as an apology 🫶🏻
Yes! I plan to draw more of them together! I have so many ideas of what to draw so I’ll keep the, coming hehe. As for writing…. 😅😅😅 perhaps not yet. I need to focus on Forks and Smothered 😅 god knows I have been putting the next chapter off! But I’ll sprinkle some lores in here and there with my drawing! Thank you so much for liking Charlotte 😭😭 that means a lot to me!
As for who’s stricter, I think Ciel is.
In regard to parenting, Ciel would have a lot of doubt as to how to actually be Lottie's parents. He lost his quite young, and whatever memory he has left of them both are glorified, remembered through the distorted lenses of grief and nostalgia of a better time. The adults around him are barely adults themselves, with their own problems. Thus, he has no role model or framework for what good parenting should look like.
This is where Ciel would sometimes draw away and become avoidant when times get hard. Like when Lottie misbehaved, newly testing out her boundaries; like when it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows... Of course discipline is needed, but every time she cries, or screamed "I hate you, papa" in response to his chastising, Ciel believed her. He felt like he failed her, like he was so fucked up he wasn't meant to be a parent after all. He would locked himself in his chamber for days and didn't come out.
Sebastian understands that trying to drag his husband out of these episodes would have the reverse effect; so he just gentle be there for him, hold him and told him he was doing a good job, and that he too, was learning. Even Lottie is learning through her tantrums. They were all learning how to be.
Some in-verse things in regards to this pic:
“r!Ciel is an Alpha, but his twin brother is an omega. When o!Ciel came back from the cult claiming the title and the name ‘Ciel Phantomhive’, he has to masquerade as an Alpha…
Things got complicated when he became pregnant with Lottie.”
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Again, thank you so much for taking interest in this AU! And pls send me more ask/suggestion! It helps my inspiration for the AU!
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rocksibblingsau · 3 days
How did Branch end up in a hamster cage???
So the 'Adopted by Bergens' AU is essentially that Branch was not able to successfully escape the tree during the last trollstice. Branch was grabbed and given to Gristle Jr, but due to him being grey he can't be eaten. Well he can but it won't make him happy.
The intention was that when Branch recovers, he can be eaten. Branch is pretty stuck in his trauma and living with a Bergen doesn't help though so the plan is a bust.
Gristle actually ends up liking Branch as a little buddy. He talks to Branch and asks for his opinion on things. He doesn't quite see him as a person yet, more just like a pet that can talk, but by the time he's an adult Branch is his best friend.
The cage doesn't actually last too long, but for a short time Bridget also uses Branch as a therapist (though she doesn't know he can talk) when she cleans Gristle's room.
By adulthood he's gotten the two together and Gristle doesn't keep him in a cage. Branch is there willingly, though in part because he doesn't know where he'd go.
Personally I like to think the older Gristle got (in both the AU and in canon) the less appealing Trolls got eating-wise. He obviously in canon wants to eat one and be happy, and he knows they allegedly taste good, but I like to think that he finds the idea a little gross. Sort of a 'their eyes creep me out and they have too much hair and why would I put something alive in my mouth that could choke me?'
In this AU, Gristle went from 'I wanna eat a troll and be happy' to 'I wanna eat a troll and be happy but not this troll' to 'I'd eat one to be happy but it sounds awful' to 'I'd rather not eat a troll but how else am I gonna be happy' to 'I'm not going to eat a troll, even if I can't be happy'.
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In Time (Part 3 of "In My Sister's Place)
Based on this request: Hello, would you consider a mini sequel to In My Sister’s Place, where she arrives at the surprising Jareth, arriving sooner than he expected. Please and thank you
Here you are, lovely! My apologies for taking so long! *Familiar Characters are NEVER mine.*
Part 1, Part 2
Fandom: Labyrinth
Warnings: Fluff, AU-ish.
Pairings/Characters: Jareth the Goblin King x fem!reader
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Two years. That was how long had passed since you and Jareth had confessed your love for one another. You had chosen to remain in your world until Sarah and Toby were just a little older. Jareth, while upset, understood and agreed to wait for you for a little while longer. You didn't give him an actual timeline, telling him he would know when you were ready.
       Jareth, for his part, visited you as often as possible along with a few goblins. He could never stay too long as the Aboveground made his powers slightly weaker. He was needed in the Underground with his people. Jareth told you he brought them because they begged, but you were sure it was because he wanted you to get used to each other as you soon would be, in his words, their queen. Sometimes, when Jareth was feeling generous, the little goblins would visit on their own. That was how you got the idea to at least try to surprise Jareth. 
During a visit with the goblins and Hoggle, they told you that Jareth was planning a ball to celebrate some milestone or other(you’d forgotten what exactly). That was when you got your idea. You were going to the ball without Jareth knowing. Or at least that’s what you hoped to do. You weren’t sure how you could without using his magic, but you’d decided that it was time to finally join him in his realm. After all two years for you was probably a lifetime for the Goblin King and you knew he missed you as much as you missed him. 
As you prepared yourself for the night to come, memories of your time in the Labyrinth flooded your mind. You still got shivers whenever you thought about how Jareth had held you that day in the ballroom. A hundred years could pass and you probably would never forget it. Luckily, you would soon be in his arms every day.  
The night of the ball, a few of the younger goblins had managed to convince Jareth to let them visit you. When the magic took them back was when you would join them and, hopefully, surprise your love. Your stomach was in knots as you waited. Would Jareth be angry? Or would he welcome you with open arms? You were still unsure about the whole “being destined for a Fae” thing. Shaking off your insecurities, you took the hand of one of the goblins as they began fading from the room. 
When you looked around once more, you were in the castle you’d left behind so long ago with your mask held in your free hand. The goblins motioned for you to put the mask on before leading you to the ballroom. When you entered, you were easily able to spot Jareth. After all, he stood taller than most of the goblins and the few others there. Fae you assumed, did not share his unique personal style. 
As if your presence called to him, Jareth turned his head slightly. His gaze found yours and you swore his entire face lit up. He didn’t even offer an apology as he left his current conversation and made his way over to you. You giggled to yourself when he approached. “Do my eyes deceive me or has my vision truly been blessed tonight, my love?” 
“What was the point of wearing a mask?” you asked out loud. Jareth laughed. “Mask or no, no one can come close to your beauty. You are more radiant than any diamond.” You felt yourself flush at his words. “May I have this dance?” he asked, offering his hand. You took it and let him pull you close. A happy sigh escaped you. 
“I missed you,” you confessed. Jareth held you even closer. “And I you. Have you come to stay?” he asked, his voice full of hope. You smiled at him. “I have. If you still want me to.” He leaned in and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “A thousand lifetimes could come and go and I will always wish for you to be by my side, my queen.”
Words faded while you and Jareth circled the floor of the ballroom, his steps confidently leading your not-always-graceful ones. Between dances, Jareth introduced you to the other Fae and some goblins you had not met. You had been worried the others of his kind wouldn’t like you, but they were surprisingly kind to you. All Fae took the meeting of mates very seriously. 
The ball lasted several hours, but despite your sore feet, you couldn’t wipe the smile off your face. You felt like you were where you belonged. In Jareth’s arms. As the ball began winding down, sleep seeped into your bones. “Tired, precious?” Jareth whispered in your ear as you bid goodnight to the last of the guests. You shook your head as a yawn tried to force its way out of your mouth. 
“You need rest.” You shook your head again and clung to him. “You need not worry, Y/N. I will not go far and we have, after all, all the time in this world and the next to be together.” You didn’t argue and let Jareth lead you from the ballroom to the room you assumed would be yours. When he tried to leave, you gently grabbed his arm. “Stay?” He beamed at you and nodded. “Very well. If it means you will sleep.” He tapped your nose before you walked over to the bed. You didn’t care that you were still in your gown. You just wanted sleep and Jareth. 
Jareth did care, however, knowing that you would not be comfortable. So he helped you find something suitable to wear(turning away when you changed) and changed his own clothes before joining you in the bed. As you snuggled close to him you were happier than you’d ever been.
(a/n: I hope you like it and that it ties up the series in a nice little bow for you!)
Forever Tags: @fizzyxcustard @supernatural4life2022
This Story Tags: @urlocalfanficwriter @bwila-bussy @evilunicorns4minions @princess-ofthe-pages @boofy1998 @ultimatreality
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wlwinry · 3 days
I’ve got this au where Fabian with all of his. Weird mindsets from his childhood. Gets a crush on Gorgug the first day of school when Gorgug hits him back- it parallels how his parents met!! He falls instantly and is immediately planning their entire wedding meanwhile Gorgug is like ‘well, Fabian took the flower, I guess we’re friends now.’
HELP yeah fabian seacaster son of the guy that went "she cut my eye out and i proposed on the spot" would immediately think gorgug is so hot after clocking him in the face. thats his future husband right there everybody. im picturing full doodling f+g in hearts in his notebooks. future mr thistlespring-seacaster right there. he's so dumb i love him and ofc gorgug just goes home and is like mom dad i made a friend with the flower :) yayyyy (totally unaware)
keep sending me thistlecaster ideas people im loving this
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physalian · 11 hours
So you’ve got an idea for a story….
Once again and as always, writing is highly subjective and any writing advice that says you *must* do X or all books *must* include Y or doing Z during your writing process is *wrong* kind of misses the point of the freedom of storytelling and I’m not a fan. This is how I approach writing and one way you could consider doing the same if you’ve got all these ideas and nowhere to put them, not the way you must approach writing.
Cool? Cool.
We’ll start with how I write fanfic because that’s a far less intimidating market. I don’t write drabble fics and coffee shop AUs. I grew up writing fix-it fics and in-universe canon divergences. Essentially: Stop the real story right here, now what if this happened instead?
Personally, I just don’t get fulfillment from writing fanfic fluff (though I do love reading it). Even if I’m committing time and effort into something that will never make me money and that people might not even read for fun due to dead fandoms or whatever, I’m still going to use it as writing exercise and give it some substance.
That’s just me, though. I used to write stuff like character studies and deep dives, and the last fic I wrote to date was a “hey what if this villain went to the good side way sooner and it wasn’t just played as a joke on his cowardice?” and its sequel.
So I started that first fic with an idea: What if K joined the good guys earlier? How would that impact the story?
Immediately after that, I was thinking about the ending and what tentpole ideas in the canon I wanted to keep, but the meat of the story I knew I wanted to focus on K’s emotional and existential struggle of switching sides, risking becoming an enemy to both factions, after the inciting incident of his (absolutely canonical) partner’s murder, that, in canon, did not get the justice he deserved. When I wrote my post about beginnings and endings, I said that endings for me are way easier than beginnings—this is why. Before I even start writing, my ending is decided.
Basically: Yes, I’m writing a story using someone else’s fictional characters, as one does when writing fanfic. The story uses cartoon characters, but it’s about one person’s struggle with their identity in the wake of tragedy, and how they take life by the horns to make it out of the story the hero they deserve to be recognized as.
And with that core idea in mind, then I write the story around it. The story, which, outside the canon that I had to keep, I had no plan for. The settings and minutiae of the set pieces weren’t as important as what each scene did for the themes and K’s emotional reaction to them happening. I needed to give him enough alone time with the characters of the hero team to learn something from them, enough time on his own to test his new loyalties, and enough time with his old team so he can juxtapose the two and make sure he’s doing the right thing by deserting.
The last thing on my mind was what tropes I wanted to fulfill. Romantic subplots and the like just kind of happened organically and weren’t planned.
For Eternal Night of the Northern Sky the idea I had was this: Most vampire stories are about the drama surrounding vampires that depend on humans to survive. So what if I wrote a story where humans depended on vampires to survive, in the exact same way?
Yes, the story is about vampires and everyone can say what they will about people who write vampire fiction. But it’s really about what it means to be a monster when survival demands some brutal decisions. What does it mean to be a monster if everyone is a monster?
ENNS wasn’t planned, I just started writing and had the first draft done in 31 days and through the entire editing process, the plot didn’t change from draft 1 to draft final, save for a few scenes where I had to fix the surface level problem some characters were facing, but not the reason why they were facing it.
The plot never needed massive rewrites because every scene reflected back on the core themes of the story, and every single scene was necessary to tell it. So even when I had to change the intensity of an argument or flesh out a conversation or change the tone of something here or there, the purpose of whatever was underneath remained.
With that throughline in mind, the rest of the book fell into place around it. My core characters each have a role to answer that thematic question, and side characters around then were created to fill in the world, provide friends, relatives, romances, and the like, each with their own perspectives still on that one big question. My villains, too, all exist to answer that question. Outside of the romances, every single scene is doing at least one thing either for the plot, the protagonist, or the deuteragonist to answer that question. ENNS’ secondary themes were also written into as many scenes as I could (of which I won’t spoil here).
When you write with a theme like this in mind, it gives you these sort of bowling bumper rails to help keep you from straying off into superfluous storylines that bog down the pacing and start to feel messy.
Yes, you’re writing fanfic. But what is it really about? Now maybe it is just a coffee shop AU or 50k words of smut—you do you. Not everything has to be deep and meaningful beyond being entertaining. Themes just provide direction.
For example, I like the idea of slowburn fanfics. The idea. I will happily sit down for a fic that’s half a million words long if the characters and the slowburn are compelling enough. There might not be themes, but the story never forgets its throughline—these two characters eventually coming together.
In practice, though, I see way too many “slowburn” fics out there that are just 90% fluff. The chapters stagnate, trading development for taunting the audience with the will they/won’t they. The plot toddles off to to play around in irrelevant scenes with irrelevant characters. Things that probably wouldn’t bother me if I wasn’t already expecting the romance that was promised, the romance I have to keep waiting for when I could just go read something else that delivers it faster and clearer.
Even if your writing process begins with a few scattered sticky notes and a notion of what you kind of want it to be about, you don’t have to hammer out pages of prose to be productive.
If you get stuck halfway through, having your throughline helps you sit back and ask yourself this very important question: What does Character want, how do they get it, and what’s in their way?
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gentil-minou · 8 months
student council au where wei wuxian ran "as a joke" but won president with lan wangji as his vice president and their shenanigans as wwx uses a sizeable amount of their budget for carnivals and student events and lwj just...lets him
his uncle, the principal, asks him what on earth are you doing and lwj just takes out a research paper that shows the benefits of fun and relaxing activities on student mental health while wwx is shooting a t-shirt canon at the crowd behind them
there's a sofa in the student lounge that wwx uses to take naps and everytime he does his shirt rides up revealing a sliver of skin and lwj has one hand in a tight horny grip as he calculates how much of their budget they can devote to a bunny petting zoo even though the insurance will be a nightmare but wwx really wants one so he will get one.
(at the petting zoo, wwx tells him the bunny petting zoo was a birthday gift for him)
(lwj kisses his big stupid perfect little face)
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averlym · 11 months
4 on the angst list with Araleyn please I need them to suffer
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4 : "but it's my fault, right?" (prompt list here)
#<blinks> very gently implied angst i suppose. usually everyone makes anne suffer so for a change#here's catherine struggling with the idea that if she hadn't been so stubborn about divorce-#maybe it would have been more okay for henry to divorce anne instead of. yknow. chopping her head off.#gently implied angst with the. well. i hurt this person i care about. unintentionally. but still. hence also the historical counterparts bg#... i feel like this isn't suffering (italicised for emphasis) but unfortunately? i am in a more melancholy mood#and also coming to conclusion that whump isnt really my taste.. so quite literally you'd have to pay me to draw it .. dfdsghjkl comms open#anyways yeah i think the most you'll get from my own stuff is <reference to beheading> <mentioned death> <abstract reds that might be blood#six the musical#six the musical fanart#anne boleyn#catherine of aragon#pssst drew anne extra pretty bc coa pov. if you get what i mean.#oh that got off tangent. but also tldr; requests mean free art!! (also idm if you ask for specific things. like your own aus. just to put#that out there)#but also requests: 1. up to my creative freedom and discretion so you probs won't get exactly what you want + 2. no time limit so#can take literal years to reply to.#so ig ? if you have specific things in mind. that you want me to draw. commissions would be better for you if you'll pay!#but if you don't have the money i'm also. lowkey willing to draw for free.. stick it in the inbox .. there's just no guarantee you'll get it#within the next year.. or at all! but you may as well try your luck o.O#(this plan is terrible for business but because for a very long time i was unable to buy anything online. i sympathise greatly ig)
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jade-of-mourning · 6 months
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been writing again. i miss writing for fun aha. pain why is this guy so repressed and fucked up.
this one's about lightning n plants n blah blah symbolism stuff and i stopped writing it over two years ago but now i'm back ig. mako is having a terrible time post-canon and it's great! (for me) i dumped out some stuff that i find unusable and am hoping the rest holds up to a reasonable extent
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bisaster-energy · 4 months
im not even done my current kuwameshi fic and im already getting ideas about new ones...
#kuwameshi#give me a sec i'll reblog later with the actual idea but like#WHAT IF UM KUWAMESHI BUT UM. PRINCESS BRIDE AU...#i also have another song fic idea but it's way sillier than the one i have on ao3#based off you me and steve by garfunkel and oates#i got the idea cos i just remembered when yusuke got back from training with genkai the 1st time and instead of a 1 on 1 date with keiko#kuwabara is also? there? and it's just so funny to me like what. and then they're supposed to all 3 go to the movies together?#AND WHEN THEY GET THERE THE 2 BOYS DITCH KEIKO?? for a mission yeah but she doesn't know that!!#and then yusuke and keiko actually go on a date alone and it gets interrupted cos of younger toguro#and shortly after kuwabara shows up so it looks like he was bound to come across them??#as far as a i remember the next time yu and keiko get together alone is the day he tells her to just wait and she's like im literally#not gonna wait for you <3 and it was so funny she just walked off lmaoo#anyway im trying to say i wanna make a silly little fic addressing the fact that keiko is like. pursuing her crush on yusuke#but kuwabara is kinda just. always there and it's fun she does like him but it's just awkward#planning on having her ask kuwa to maybe give her and yusuke some time alone like maybe just avoid their next outing#and kuwa is like oh damn :( ok good luck and yusuke shows up to the date and he's like woah wait. where tf is kuwabara?#keiko is like bruh. and she makes up some shit about him mentioning that he felt sick or wtv and yusuke is like ''then y are we here?#i should check on him. i dont think that guy has even been put outta commission by anything but my fist!'' and keiko just follows him#cos what else can she do. and kuwa is fine ofc and yusuke is like bro what gives i thought you were sick and kuwa is dense sometimes but he#catches on from keiko's desperate look and he's like well i got better *flexes his arm* and yu is like i knew you were too dumb to catch#a cold. and he's stupid happy that kuwa is fine and can come with them after all ''hey he's fine ya hear that keiko''#and then keiko is watching this whole exchange eyes blown wide open and she's like actually i just remembered i have plans#you two should totally go without me tho and yu agrees so easily that it just solidifies that she made the right call#kuwa is looking back at her all confused and she gives HIM the good luck thumbs up. he gets as red as his hair and#yusuke is worried he really is coming down with something
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roguesscribbles · 2 years
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Ennard’s Day Out
When you promise a horrifying robot amalgamation that you’ll help introduce them to the outside world in exchange for them not killing you, you’ve godda accept that your reputation is going to take a few punches.
edit: part two
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pocketramblr · 11 months
Who knows what Gerudo culture or fashion would have evolved into by 'Rule's time but it's nice to think about him getting to experience a bit more of it in another universe... Before BLYGanon sours it for him... Also been thinking about that Great Fairy of the desert...
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#the more i think about Rulie details and lore. the more fun little bits i find about if he were indeed Gerudo#walks death mountain without fear of the heat. no thought for swimming but can sail#that spark of magic- fire like koume. lightning like urbosa#the red Triforce mark. an attunement to Power even if he's got courage in spades too....#lu hyrule#or. blood like yours! lu Hyrule. BLYrule if you would.#my art#alt text#first picture is more first game rulie. second is more post sequel i feel#pulled from the game sprites and then the guidebooks art for the first one#which was interesting#since the first couple of players guides were made years before any games with the Gerudo planned#id honestly want to describe the aesthetic of Impa and the Sages- what we'd later assume to be Sheikah#to learn more... Gerudo tbh. colors and drapes. which would have interesting implications to what happens to them in the downfall timeline#as opposed to them in ww tp or fsa#but here i gave impa more sheikah colors to contrast with Rulie's#anyway. hypnotizing nin10do to give us a Gerudo link..... any day now....#none of these designs are set in stone or anything. im just thinking out loud... spinning this idea around because i guess i didn't enough#already lol.......... pls make 'Gerudo!Hyrule (Linked Universe)' a tag..... pls look into it's potential.......#also yeah. been calling him BLYrule in my head but! once other aus use it it too! will have more options and branches and nicknames#gerule? no i dont like that#someone give a better name than that#huh. these colors look different on my computer from phone.#these were not all drawn the same day. or even week. so inconsistency yeah...
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on one hand I wanna write my fic ideas wherein my marvel oc gets sent to the alternate universe of Gotham and hijinks ensue whilst she tries to survive and get back and the batfam and such slowly learn more info abt her world and how it's being threatened atm and she needs to go back and help and whatnot.
But on the other hand, the readers wouldn't know the marvel related backstory of this OC and would have. No context for her going in
But ALSO then the readers would know abt as much abt this mysterious figure as the batcrew do, and get to learn via flash backs and her slowly revealing info to them as safety allows
Then there's also just a general. Idk if there's any sort of oc etiquette when it comes to writing oc centered fics? My brain goes so hogwild when I read anything that I usually avoid oc fics other people write just bc I usually read and enjoy fics at face value but I also go "now what would happen if this OC was here?" And that gets real complicated when other people's ocs are involved
#jasper rambles#this is a rambly one yall#fanfic discussion#fanfic etiquette?#i just. listen. i made a vampire oc for captain america specifically of the mcu.. and i was thinking and like. gotham is the Perfect City fo#r a vampire to live right. so like. then i was like what would she do if she ended up in gotham. how would that go. and then i could reveal#her marvel backstory thru tidbits she drops and flashbacks. bc i have her mcu timeline pretty well planned out#tho also her existence (along w a few pther ocs) drastically changes the course of the mcu so some things hapen VERY differently (mainly civ#il war and then the start of the following arcs) so like id aalso have to reveal where the canon divergence from the mcu is during the flash#backs. and then ALSO i have a p decent grasp of the batfam and whatnot but i havent had the oppurtunity to read many comics so i dont even.#what if i just FAIL at their characterization and im actually wronf magically#and then ALSO comes the question of should i include my batman dc oc? bc SHES a whole. package. theres a LOT to unpack w her. tho for this s#pecific fic idea i think itd be fun to just. have her be Another Batfam Member. like yeah shes got her own stuff going on. but this fic woul#dnt dive into it anymore than it dives into the other batfam members#the other issue is deciding where in the mcu timeline this oc gets thrown into an au and why and how or if that affects the mcu timeline fro#m there. cuz thatd need to be decided for the sake of flashbacks. and if im gonna ise flashbacks id love to try and plan it out so it aligns#with the plot happening in gotham. i dont necessarily want like. a running Plot in the flashbacks. but id want them to be scenes from her li#fe in mcu that reveaal stuff that helps understand the decisions she makes in the gotham plot#but ALSO in the gotham plot. id wanna have it either be that her presence has caused some sort of ripple that the gotham baddies are using t#o hirt people or else some other unrelated gotham baddies plot is happening and this oc being herself sees trouble and runs towards it to tr#y and help people. even tho she has her own stuff to deal w. and then makes herself a target of the gangs and also potentially screws someth#ings up bc she doesnt have as intimate of knowledge abt the baddies and gangs as the batfam do since most of em grew up in the streets of g#otham one way or another#so like. and like she can hold her own. she was a young woman in brooklyn in the 30/40s. but its still a different environment in gotham rat#her than in brooklyn new york. so itd be. yeah. tbh i feel like the fact that im putting this much thought into it means i will probably try#to write and post it on ao3. idk when tho. im trying not to post more fics on ao3 so i can focus on my xmen fic#sso. anyway if you read all this feel free to share your thoughts and or like. sorry not sorry for the rambly essay of tags <3#i told you jasper rambles
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journey-to-the-attic · 8 months
Hello hello, sorry if its a dumb question but, is Solphisto canon to JTTA in the same way that Belpheroth is/will be?
(Also anon who dubbed them yuri is so right, I can't see them differently now)
don't worry, it's not a dumb question at all!! the lines can be kind of blurred between what happens in the actual fic and all the stuff we talk about here...
so, statuses of all our significant couples:
wizlecto: together and married in all ways except legally in every universe forever. i WILL one day write something that gives you more details on their story (probably in the newspaper club chapter of that jtta after-story minific)
belpheroth: canon to jtta in that i do have concrete plans to develop their relationship in that direction; also do end up courting each other in the aus where they're acquainted (established relationship in the infernal friends au)
zhaolu: canon to ddvd, also canon to aus where zhao has a significant presence (e.g. infernal friends, rpg). probably WILL end up happening in the classic jtta at this point - tentative plans to start off their development in the mini-fic, might end up doing something extended later
solphisto: established in that i sort of operate on them being a thing when it comes to asks, canon to aus where both characters are involved (mostly just rpg au rn) - in terms of within jtta itself, still debating whether or not to get the ball rolling in-fic (like with belpheroth) or to wait til the post-story (as with zhaolu)
aunt lisa and thirteen: still just a concept at this point but i do want to think more about them
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ultimateplaylistmaker · 2 months
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Sheen was given to an organized group of rogue's as a sign of peace and fealty to the group. She grew up taught how to fight and kill for the leading family, she grew up along side their smallest child, the oldest and yet the runt of the litter, assigned to protect him until he could protect himself. She was immensely loyal to Smalls and fought by his side many times, and he had in return gave her the ribbons she wears at all times.
However after a failed challenge against the clan cats Smalls gave himself up as collateral to prevent the clan cats from attempting to fully wipe them out. She was reassigned to his sister Snap and Smalls was assumed to have been killed. Sheen knows better though, her young master wouldn't go down without a fight, he must be alive, and once Snaps is the leader they'll rescue him...
...Is what the plan was until a newcomer came in with only brutal conquest on the mind and Sheen and Snap were forced to flee for survival
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