#but no really if youre gonna say something about my opinion being wrong homie... you wont change my mind ♡
andysandfordcomedy · 2 years
5 Rules You Don’t Have to Follow, but will likely make you better at stand up comedy
***Ahoy-hoy! Mi llamo Andy & je suis comedian. Sometimes I will blog a lil comedy thingy like this and some people, likely comedians, tell me they find it helpful. That’s great, but a mere coincidence as I blog these blogs for me. As a reminder of my own principles/opinions/hard earned wisdom by way of experience (I’m old). I’m just putting this little caveat here to let the readers know that you may disagree with me, or think I’m super duper double bubble bug ass wrong…but idgaf, and I don’t wanna hear what you have to say about me bein so wrong. Also, you’re wrong, not me. I’m right about this stuff and little else. That said, here are some “rules” no one has to follow because there are no rules really. You can be as bad at comedy as you want.***
Rule 1: ask yourself, “am I *really* grinding?” Did you answer “yes?” Well, knock it off.
Who are you? This isn’t 8 Mile. No shadowboxing! No grinding! Nnno! a grind is a grind. It sucks. I do comedy all the time because it’s what I want to be doing. This getting a boner over how many sets you got in this week won’t make you a better comedian. It’ll make you think other people must think you’re working hard…does that do something for you? Well, it’s stupid and not anything to work towards. I guess the rule here is never forget that comedy is fun. No one asked you to do this. You don’t ever have to do comedy against your will. If it’s grueling, quit. For real, if what keeps you going is career accomplishments, or how cool you think you’ll look to Jimmy and Janey Applesauce: quit now. The Applesauces are worried about their own Applesauce bullshit. Also, one sure fire way to not do well is to not have fun. So have fun. It’s fun.
2.) Keep it simple. A common mistake many comics make is to try and weave some complicated tapestry that ventures way out the margins and “all comes together” at the end. I put quotes around “all comes together” because it doesn’t. And if it did, there’s no benefit to that. No audience will appreciate how aimlessly yonder bound your bit got in the middle. People, en mass, are kinda dumb (sorry people). It is true though that when people become part of a crowd, they are less discerning in their listening and more so become part of a single organism: the crowd. Do one joke, then the next joke, then the next joke. Keep doing this and don’t complicate it. It is simple (not easy). The more clearly and concisely you get your premise across, the better. Don’t add filler, identify it and cut it. Make yourself easy to listen to, and make sure everything you say is crucial to the joke. The effect of super concise jokes over time equals more than the sum of their parts. Trust me, or don’t. Moving on.
3.) Don’t be a dick to other comics. These are your peers, asshole. You don’t have to respect everybody, but treat everyone with respect. Only talk shit in a very tight circle of homies really late at night. Do not try to big dawg people and act like you having put more time into comedy buys you bully points. That’s gonna backfire real fast when the inevitably funnier comic who started way more recent than you bullies back and you can’t say a damn thing. Don’t be a dick. Don’t do it. Why ya wanna be a dick anyway? Be as cool as possible; especially to newer comics that are openly excited about things you forgot meant something to you once upon a time. Catch some of their comedy placenta goo and rub it in. That’s that pure shit. Being jaded is for fucking losers.
4. Don’t run the light. People often go way over time trying to get one decent laugh to dismount from a laughless set. Why?! Get outta there! It’s a wash. A gymnast doesn’t stumble around on the balance beam, arms flailing, racking their nuts, and then nail a dismount to save the routine. No, they blew it already, and imagining that is way funnier than your dismount joke taking you way into overtime. Also, the light is a light so that no one has to hear about it. Do not announce that you’re getting the light. It’s not clever or subversive in some way. It’s just unprofessional.
5. It is always a good time to be professional. I understand the temptation at an all comic open mic to be the kid at the back of the class giving the least fucks. I laugh at that person too and appreciate them, but I don’t ever wanna be them. It takes no balls to not give a shit. No skill. There is a different sort of satisfaction to go up 10th at a shitty open mic where everyone is throwing it and tryin to cool guy riff, and you just work out material like you give a shit and make the whole room feel dumb. That feeling is palpable, and it’s a different kind of killing. It’s what ya want, trust me. Or don’t trust me AGAIN. My point is, why do this thing just to not really be doing it in the face of it being hard? If it were easy, everyone would be great, but everyone isn’t. Very few are great, and when you see them you know. It takes time and serious effort and tinkering to get really good, but it’s the best tbh. Comedy is only more fun to me with almost 16 years under my belt. I don’t get that excited when I do well enough to find no fuck ups; I feel content. It’s better than feeling stoked because I know it’s not outside the norm. That’s that shit IMO.
Anyway, that’s all. Just bloggin around. Toodles.
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budugaapologist · 3 years
my honest opinions of the ac games (theres only 4 good ones)
AC1: you cant pay me money to play this i do not care dude nothing in this interests me because of the mechanics in it. the only things i like from this game are maria and malik and calling altaïr altaïqueer other than that i dont give a shit.
AC2: not good. hype not deserved. combat system sucks as well as the parkour and thats like the selling point of the games.
Brotherhood: same as above; not good/hype not deserved. stalking isnt sexy btw.
Revelations: the only ezihoe game i "liked" but even then i just really hate ezio, id rather play as sofia.
Chronicles: i dont have a desire to play them though i do consider the china one. only problem is guess what fucking bitch is in it.
AC3: as an american the main story is the most boring thing ever. running around in the homestead and frontier is the only part that is good. the naval combat is dog shit.
Liberation: i cannot tell you what happens in the story. i have played this maybe four times. i dont remember anything but the beginning and end. it was fun to explore but the audio in the game is just bad. i think this would be cool as like a pixel game.
AC4 Black Flag: i still have dreams about this game. the story is very good and all of the side characters aside from burgess and cockram have their own rememberable characteristics. graphically its beautiful ecen on ps3 and with some really unconventionally attractive characters. the side content isnt overwhelming and the hacking is a nice change of pace from battling ships and taking forts. its genuinely super well balanced and edward is a relatable character. i would prefer more equality with the clothing on the male/female assassins since. well. either make them both whores or both prudes. but other than that its a great game, the naval combat isnt hard it just takes a few battles to practice. also you can play this game without any other prior ac experience, i know this because i did and i loved it on the first play through. ever since then every other ac game is disappointing aside from Syndicate and Origins.
Freedom Cry: if you so much as try to argue that this isnt worth playing i'll kill you. if you play r*gue and dont consider playing this i genuinely believe you are racist. playing AC4 i think that FC is mandatory after it. this is the only expansion i condone spending money on. im not spoiling anything. play the fucking game.
R*gue: its racist. i said what i said.
Unity: you know when pretty people have no personality? okay but now make that a game. i will reblog gifsets of this game but no. i will not play it again. also?? theyre not even french theyre british you tellin me a canadian company couldnt get french VAs?
Syndicate: literally so easy so stupid i love it. i feel so good at video games when i play it. i recommend it to people a lot because its "inclusive" (i feel more indian people wouldve been nice. also a lot of the women are just evie 2) and its easy to relate to either jacob or evie. the story isnt that great but its fun to follow along with anyway and the side content isnt super overwhelming. i love how gross they made london look its a great touch.
Origins: i also recommend this one. basically i only recommend AC4, FC, Syndicate, and Origins. i find the drama of this one real good, its a revenge story that is compelling especially if you have a kid or have dealt with child loss. the second game to ever make me shocked after a death (first was ac4 with thatch). i also love the fights with the gods and i really love the african biome and i think its super overlooked in media, i think more rpg games set in african-esque areas would be cool. honestly the only thing that keeps me from playing this game over is i always get busy halfway through a playthrough. also that one elephant mission terrified me. i think about kensa and khaliset and taharqa and shadya a lot.
Odyssey: when it comes down to it this game is boring. idk what you want me to say its really boring. lgbt cash grab. way overhyped, its not that interesting and theres just too much in the game. it suffers from prioritizing quantity over quality. sure theres some great lines in the game and a few okay characters but a lot of if not all the characters are one dimensional and bland, as well as the movements and facial expressions. i think the ac franchise shouldve been wrapped up in origins, this wouldve worked better alone.
Valhalla: ugh where to begin... i couldnt even get halfway through this game. this is just Skyrim without the dragons and todd howard. and what is Skyrim without todd? boring and uneventful, apparently. why on earth are we able to change history so much in a game franchise that was originally about reliving history? just make the main character a woman if theyre supposed to be one, like in odyssey, the "having an option to be a man" is so fucking stupid. if being a female character makes AAA games unsellable riddle me Horizon Zero Dawn and Tomb Raider. this should have been a spin off game or a stand alone project.
anyway, those are my thoughts. no, i will not being playing any new ac games. at this point the only ac games i dont have blocked in my tag sections are black flag, liberation, origins, and syndicate (and unity but thats because i do enjoy looking at it. pretty but no personality, like i said).
if youve never played an AC game before, the only ones you should play if youre interested are black flag, freedom cry, syndicate, and origins, in that order or with syndicate first, though seeing as freedom cry and origins are very heavy games having a stupid one in the middle can help balance the anger and tears.
for those that have played ac games, obviously this is my opinion and you may have other opinions, but i dont honestly care, no arguing that 'actually blah blah is a good game' on this post im not gonna listen, make your own post ♡. im pretty fed up with most of the stuff that comes out of the franchise anyway.
at the end of the day, play what you want and dont ;) pirate the four ac games i recommend if you are interested in them that would be sooo bad haha ;).
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ziracona · 4 years
Hello! I have always believed that Michael needed better doctors and good treatment. He was simply billed as "Evil". Sometimes I think that at that time they were unaware or ignorant of mental illness, and that is why Michael did not recover. I wish it had been treated better. I would like to know your opinion about it ;v;
Oh, absolutely. Michael is a very tragic character, and what happened to him was almost entirely Loomis’ fault, secondarily the system and his parents’, and like onyl 0.8% his own. It’s true that mental health aid has historically been really bad in most places, and even today treatment and acceptance—even in specifically medical settings—tend to be abysmal. Of course people knew less than they do now about how psychological stuff works, but bias, cruelty, and superstition as well as a system that enables and even to degrees outright encourages that is to blame for the awful treatment people woth mental illnesses and personality disorders faced and continue to face, not just a lack of knowledge, and the history is really heavy and awful to look over. : ( It’s horrific some of the things doctors have done and do to people just trying to get help.
Like, in Michael’s case, we’ve had a name and understanding of psychosis since the 1800s. Canonically, by the time the poor kid was six years old, he was hearing voices telling him to do bad things to people. He told his parents, seeking help, and they did nothing to help him—just told him it was his imagination—despite knowing hos grandfather had suffered the same symptoms. If they had only taken him seriously and given him therapy and possibly medication too, Judith never would have died. (I am not goong to say it every time, but all this information is official canon) Michael’s reason for killing his family members is wanting the vocies talking to him to be quiet, because it’s agonizing. If you’ve ever had intrusive thoughts (stuff like “pull into oncoming traffic” or “break that and see what happens” and such that don’t actually compell or force you to do it at all, and are always things you as a person deeply do not want to do, but nevertheless are really annoying or distressing to hear in your head), imagine that cranked up to 1000, endless and constant, but from voices that seem to come from around you instead of in your head. Especially as a young child, with no understanding what is happening to you, this would be incredibly scary and distressing—doubly so when dismissed by your parents, whose sole job is supposed to be to love and protect you.
The voices say they’ll be quiet if Michael kills Judith, so Halloween night, he does. Important to note here Michael is recently six years old at the time, which developmental psych literally is not old enough to have a complete understanding what death itself is, let alone complex morality. You /cannot/ be evil at six, you simply don’t have a complex enough understanding of right and wrong or of consequence to /be/ evil. Also at this age, usually kids see death as a vague concept, but one that applies to people they don’t know only, not to them and their loved ones. In Halloween 1978, immediately after stabbing Judith, Michael looks away while he keeps doing it, and his breathing speeds up in a scared way. He barely looks at the body, and immediately goes down stairs to wait for his parents—probably for them to fix it—and does nothing to flee or hide what he’s done. He looks traumatized when they take his mask off. (Lots of little notes here like that Judith when she sees him seems annoyed but not very, and when he attacks her, tries to shield herself and call to him to stop, rather than fleeing or fighting back, which [appealing instead of fight or flight] is pretty exclusively something you only would use if attcked by someone you are on good terms with—I mean, Michael is six—if Judith had /tried/ to fight back, no way she would have died—so there’s less than nothing to indicate they had anything but a loving familial sibling relationship. But if I list all these I’m gonna launch into my six page Michael Myers meta so I will speed through the rest.)
Anyway! Sorry, I have many feelings. About...everything. Including Michael for sure. So, immediately after killing Judith, Michael stops talking. He also shows other psychosis and trauma readily recognized side effects, like catatonia, slowed movement. In Halloween 1978c Dr. Loomis claims he tried to treat Michael for eight years, then spent another seven trying to keep him locked up because he realized he was evil. This is a /blatant/ lie, as in film canon Loomis, by Michael’s review hearing I believe four months in? Six or less for sure, I believe it is four. Loomis has /already/ become convinced Michael is a demon in human form, faking his symptoms, and itching to kill again. The other doctors think Loomis is crazy, as does the other doctor who examines Michael, but they’re awful people so they let him stay Michael’s doctor anyway, even though they refuse to move him to Litchfield maximum security. By this time only a few months in, Loomis is canonically also threatening the six year old in his care and constantly telling him he is an evil being who wants to get out and terrorize again. (Also, I will die enraged the sentance Michael gets for killing Judith is to remain locked in solitary in a sanitorium for /15/ years, until he turns 21, at which point he will be tried as an adult for murder??? The fuck?? You CANNOT charge a 6 year old’s crime in adult court! ‘Tried as an adult’ is meant for like, when a 17 year old dismembers their family and eats them! It’s for particularly heinous crimes, committed by someone /very/ close to being legally an adult, and that /only/. The idea of waiting fifteen years to try someone as an adult for something done at age six is laughable and sick).
Okay this is already long, I get carried away rip. Uhhh, anyway, yeah. In Smith’s Grove, Michael is visited by mom and Laurie once, then never sees any of his family again, because his dad hates him and forbids the others—finds out because Laurie is four and talks that they went /one/ time, and physically beats four year old Laurie for mentioning his name until she trauma blocks out ever having had a brother. From then on, Michael spends /fifteen/ years and all the dest of his developmental stages of childhood in a sanitorium with Dr. Loomis—a man who on wild religious superstition grounds assumes by his own admission /on sight/ that Michael is evil, and no other human contact. According to canon, Michael spends at least four hours of /every/ day with Loomis, his /only/ human contact, who threatens him, promises to stop him, and endlessly barrages him with “You’re evil, you’re not human, you want to kill again, I /will/ stop you,” and nothing else. He also canonically keeps Michael overdosed on a type of antipsychotic that, while a fine drug if used normally, if overdosed can deeply worsen symptoms, and can cause permanent brain damage.
Honestly, if a six year old is exposed yo major trauma, none of their issues are explained, legitimized, or believed, and almost all of their developmental stage is spent with endless voices they don’t know the cause of suggesting murder and violence, one human being and authority figure telling them over and over and over for fifteen years with no other constant in their life or human contact period that they are a demon in human form who wants to kill and is /going/ to do so again...? How else was that story ever going to end? I’ve said it before, but that’s beyond conditioning; it’s lab growing a human child to one day walk out and murder Laurie Strode with a large kitchen knife.
I stand by Halloween is a greek tragedy more than a slasher, and Michael and Laurie are both victims. He’s the Asterios, she’s the Ariadne. Loomis the Minos, the real villain. (Or the Poseidon choose your poison).
Anyway, I 100% agree! If he had just gotten help from his parents, Judith would have never died. If he’d had good doctors, none of the events of 1978 would have come to pass, or anything after it. Loomis single-handedly causes the deaths in 1978 himself through years of cruelty, and bigoted bias towards a small child in his care who needed his help, not his abuse, but he chose to break as much as he possibly could despite his responsibilities as a doctor, an adult, and a human.
If you’re interested, I did a canon-deep-dive character study short story on Michael on AO3! Halloween is such a sad story but it’s fascinating. God, poor Michael and Laurie deserved so much better than they got. It’s a testament to Michael’s character that even after 15 years of Dr. Loomis, he really only kills his intented target(s) in search of quiet from the voices, and anyone who sees him/would be a threat, and not other people. Makes no attempt to kill any of the kids in Halloween 2018, and only kills Bob when he literally opens the door to his hiding spot and Michael is found and Bob becomes a threat to him. In H20, after Michael has had 20 years on his own, you get arguably the least brutal Michael, who intentionally passes on killing the mother and child, and the security guard he walks right past, because they don’t see him and thus he doesn’t /have/ to. Halloween II is less intentionally avoiding, but even then he still does the same multiple times too, like with the old lady making a sandwich, or the scene in the incubator room. Anyway he desevered better fuck Loomis all my homies hate Loomis.
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caandlelit · 5 years
HATE to that person but do you wanna give up some league in quarantine hcs, maybe with hawks depending on if you hate him rn
oh my fucking god ur asking me for quarantine hcs,,,,,,,, lets take a moment to acknowledge that thats a thing that you just did,,,,
like ill dO IT but like,,, after im done laughing my ass off 2020 is off the shits 
okay so this is like assuming that the league are all chill and vibing and alive at the time of corona alright
no one is in a glass jar pulling a mewtwo yet, no one is in jail with their past being revealed yet, no one is TRYING TO KILL TWICE
its corona time
so there would be absolutely no change in shigaraki’s behavior he already just sits around inside gaming and slash or planning a revolution and both of these are strictly indoor activities 
theyre not even allowed to take mariokart out of his room 
kurogiri forbid it after toga made an attempt on dabi’s life 
so shigaraki finds out theyre in quarantine when he realizes
dabi hasnt disappeared mysteriously and come back looking like someone mauled his neck for a whole week !
naturally he walks blearily out of his room at an ungodly hour bc he got thirsty and sees spinner, twice and toga playing monopoly while dabi sulks on the couch and hes like
‘what the fuck is going on’
kurogiri takes precautions !!!
not in a rich white person way 
more like
hes sanitizing the bar more often
he makes sure the gang has masks for if they feel the need to yolo and venture outside
he makes a dramatic speech 
‘so im sure ur all wondering why ive asked you here’
‘we cant leave kurogiri just get on with it’ - bitchy and tired and emo
hes embarrassed about it but he goes on 
‘please,,,, im begging you all,,,,,,, wash your hands i know some of you think of yourselves as above it but tomura i am begging-’
look im not calling him out or anything, no tomura hate i think hes very sexy (now... he wasnt at the start)
but does he LOOK like the kind of guy whos always washed his hands after pissing ? nO he looks like the guy who was recently cornered by his friends to under no uncertain terms, ‘wash your hair you can scheme later’
hes had a lot of character growth 
toga is really incredibly disappointed nothing is happening this sucks
sticks up a one of those small whiteboards up on the wall in the bar 
it says in bright red marker ‘⬜ days since quarantine’ 
shes also one of those ‘fearless’ kids,,,, 
shes like ‘no illness can hurt me im not afraid !!!’ 
sneezes once and she sits wondering if she should panic
starts wearing the mask,,,,
jin is kinda like 
just walking around as cool as you please
and compress, whos been freaking and panicking since day one, corners him and hes like ‘why ! arent ! you ! affected !’
‘i wear a mask !!!!!!!!!!! daily!!!!!!!!!! what the fuck could HAPPEN im basically in a hazmat suit im FINE’
compress is like ‘huh. reasonable’
spinner is unafraid he is a lizardman he will be okay
love him
boi got ,,, opinions,,,,,,,,
his take is that the government is either exaggerating because rich people are afraid
or that theyre hiding the full extent of the disease from news media
he doesnt know that its both
dabi is a walking talking freakshow
like okay hes horny and mad and sick and tired of being stuck at league hq 
he walks around with his eyes wide and unseeing and shigaraki is staring to get worried because he’s scaring the newbies
‘dabi what the fuck is wrong with you’
dabi, numbly: if endeavor dies because of coronavirus i’m going to hunt down the root of this virus and kill everyone starting with them
shigaraki exhales and purses his lips
slaps him on the back a few times in vague comfort and moves on
dabi’s also like
‘really horny’
thats his excuse for why hes moping around 
when hes not bitching about endeavor to everyone who’ll listen
but he misses hawks
and he wishes he couldve been at hawks’ place when the quarantine was announced
hes complaining on the sofa to spinner on the first weekend as the rest of the league play risk, which shigaraki is dominating and absolutely demolishing everyone in
!!!!!!!! hawks appears !!!!!!!!
hawks at home on the fourth day of self isolation: *texting twice* sos please send teleportation guy ujiko whatshisname i miss u guys lol
twice, not knowing hes gonna kill him: aw okay fuck yeah ! bitch !
hawks at home ‘ahhh twice. what a nice guy. what a good dude. what a real homie’
hawks shows up at the league hq 6 days late with starbucks and tells himself hes using the quarantine as an excuse to get closer to the league but he misses dabi’s face 
appears and falls onto the risk board as dabi is mid sentence going 
‘god what id give to have him appear in my lap’
then everyone is shouting hysterically, shigaraki is pissed bc he was winning, toga is excited bc this is the coolest thing to happen in a week, twice is triumphant bc he organized this, dabi is stILL somehow complaining because ‘i said LAP was that TOO MUCH for the universe’ and hawks beams at the mayhem because he missed them
can u ??? tell im bitter ???? about something?????? 
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cutebutstillsingle · 4 years
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I’m going a little out of order on the photo numbers today, but that’s because I encountered this exact situation last night and now, Jay S. from Hinge, you’re being put on blast.  
Dear Hinge Online Dating app, 
You really should allow your users to maintain records of all conversations we have with any matches, so that when they say outrageous and hateful things, we can screenshot the conversations and send them to you in order to get racist and hateful individuals blocked from your app. Or so that just in case any of these psychos choose to act out their hateful ideas, we have a written record to hold these crazies accountable.  
Jay S. literally said the governor and mayor of our state should get lynched, and was fiercely anti-BLM.  As a woman with a good heart, I think I can speak on behalf of all the other women on hinge with genuinely good hearts-- we don’t want that crap polluting the dating pool.  
 TBH strong political opinions are probably something you should not even delve into within the first month of getting to know somebody you’re trying to impress. Keep it reasonably neutral in month one, as if these people are your work colleagues.   Stick to the current events every adult should know,  like “did you hear about this happening?”.  You can discuss other basics like “do you vote?”  or “did you watch the presidential debates?” to try and get a read on how clued in the person is to current events and adult goings-on.  But there are ways to discuss current events while remaining neutral in the strength of your opinion.  Like, let that person answer how they’re gonna answer and say something like “thanks for sharing”. Then tuck your own mental judgments away for yourself to decide the compatibility between you two. 
Every adult should be reasonably in the loop of basic political information because whether you choose sides or not, certain individuals in positions of power are making decisions that run the country we all Iive in.  Like it or not.  So to make yourself a slightly more conversation-fluent dating prospect, maybe you should read or watch enough news just to know the very basics of what other adults are talking about even if you don’t have any strong political leanings or opinions personally.  Other than knowing that Trump is an absolute nightmare, and being anti-prejudice, my foray into the world of politics is extremely limited.   
 Never be afraid to share critical values, as well, without getting too off the wall; and I strongly encourage you to remain calm and sane the entire time you share. Things like “I really loved President Obama”, “I believe in healthcare for all”, “I’m pro-choice”, “I have gay friends and relatives whom I love dearly”. Those kinds of things are never wrong to share and you are not putting harm into the atmosphere telling others those things.   Whether they agree or disagree is up to them.   The people you are dating DO need to get to know who you are; and you should not hide the important parts of yourself when these conversations arise.  It’s when things start getting aggressive and hateful that it creates a problem.  
Jay S. from Hinge literally said he was pro-lynchings, guys.   I would have screenshotted our conversation and posted it on this very blog had I realized the entire thing would disappear when Jay disappeared from my match quiver.  Jay S. was a blonde haired, blue-eyed mostly white man from the east coast, with maybe a thimble of POC blood in him, allegedly, according to him.  I obviously did not run a 23 And Me analysis on Jay S.  So he could have been lying for all I know.    
But I do have enough very peaceful guy friends to know that peaceful men never say hateful, violent things towards or about others.  Please understand that, ladies.  Peaceful men have opinions about life because a peaceful man is not necessarily a pushover.  But trust me when I say that peaceful guys rarely to never say hateful things directed towards others or wish violence upon others in any way, to any degree, in thought, speech, or action.    Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.   So if homie is saying hateful things, that’s who he is in his heart.  
 In the face of Jay’s absurd remarks, I very clearly established my values and limits immediately, as every quality woman should.  Ladies: any hateful remarks a guy ever makes should be checked on the spot.  If a male ever  openly admits that that he has these angry, judgmental, biased, and ugly feelings about anybody or about you, it is an undeniable sign that you’re dealing with a guy who is insecure, and may have anger mangement issues, or maybe even a hidden violent streak.  
I told Jay that I was anti-lynchings and anti-violence; and that as a woman of color the BLM movement and equal rights matters to me.  I said that if he was not someone who valued racial equality, I certainly didn’t want to waste his time.  
He had said that he was allegedly part POC, but mostly white; and I told him if it was the (insert his ethnicity here) Lives Matter movement, he probably wouldn’t say such a thing.  Other groups of color are marginalized just like Black people, it’s just that as of Spring 2020, Blacks were the face of a national outcry of awareness that we still have a long way to go towards equal rights in America.  
And then of course Jay S.  disappeared back into the ether of Hinge, to try and drag down somebody else’s vibe.  Ladies, left swipe racist, violent-undertones Jay S. from Hinge.  #Trash.  
Jay S. would not be the first individual I have met from an online dating site and spent some time dating before eventually realizing the guy clearly was insecure and very hateful opinions and wishes towards others.  Sometimes it takes a few encounters before prejudice and hateful comments start coming out.  And when they do,  walk away and do not look back.  
If you are a racist individual, you deserve to remain single.  Or if you believe that any marginalized people in American society, deciding to have a peaceful protest to improve human rights or protect their culture, is something that is stupid, dumb, sheep-like, etc.  then you better educate yourself, grow up, and change your attitude.  ... Or prepare to remain single.  
But if you remain hateful, unkind, racist, and single, and it eliminates any chances to procreate and clone yourself one day, hey, the world is not complaining. 
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Rating: T
Chapter Summary:  XY goes to patch things up, but he needs some advice first.
Word Count:  3401 | Chapter 4/5
Notes:  Sorry the chapter count keeps getting longer.  I decided to add an epilogue, but this is the last main chapter.  For @luxyweek​ day 6, Serenade
Luka flopped back in his bed.  Had he been too harsh on XY back at the hotel?  It wasn’t like XY had stood him up.  He’d never promised to come back to the Liberty.
But questions kept repeating like an irritatingly catchy melody.  XY had always wanted to spend time with him before, even if it was just to annoy him.  What changed?  Had they gotten too close at Nino’s house that night?  Had their accidental cuddling scared him off?
Maybe he really just read too much into things.  It wasn’t like Luka had much experience understanding people, even with his guitar.  Maybe XY didn’t have any music in heart.  Luka could’ve just been seeing what he wanted to see.
He wanted to see good in XY.  The only one he had to blame was himself, for believing the other boy might have actually cared about him.
I’m just a sucker for blue eyes, he thought, his fingers plucking a melancholy melody.
It didn’t matter.  He didn’t have XY’s number—foolishly, he’d only given the other boy his own—and he wasn’t about to embarrass himself by going back to the hotel again.
For the first time in months, the music in his heart fell silent.
“Martini!  Marmalade!  Marinade!  Mar—whatever your name is!  Help a homie out, please!”  XY called up at the bakery’s balcony. He was going out on a limb here, but for whatever reason, Luka had been obsessed with the younger girl.  Maybe she could help him patch things back up.
“You’re not my homie, XY!”  She leaned over the railing and shouted back down at the street.  “And it’s midnight!  What the heck are you doing here?”
“I need your help!”  he said.  Admitting it made him feel stupid, but what was he supposed to do?  Show up to Luka’s boat empty handed?  No, XY had promised he’d make the most cash money music ever, impress Luka so hard that he fell head over heels, and then whisk him off into the sunset.
But step one: make the music.  His first song had been a bust, and Luka would know if XY ripped something off.  He’d probably expect it.  So XY had his smaller synth packed up in a bag over his back, ready to take some more inspiration from Marmalade as soon as he could.
“Go away!”  she called.
“You can’t tell me what to—!  Uh, I mean—please, it’s important!”
She sighed so loudly he could hear it from the ground.  Then she stomped back inside.
His shoulders fell.  Of course she wouldn’t help him after he’d stolen her designs, poked through her room, and forgotten her name.  He turned to trudge back to the hotel, his backpack feeling heavier than ever.
The click of a door opening stopped him.  “Where do you think you’re going?”
“Uh—oh!  You—you’re gonna help me?”
“That depends”—Martini crossed her arms—“on what exactly you want help with.”
“Perspiration,” he answered quickly, and she glared.  Oops.  Was that the wrong word again?
“Is this some kind of prank?  What, was ghosting Luka not enough for you?”
XY’s jaw dropped.  “Ghosting—I did not ghost him!”
“Then why did Juleka tell me he’s been sulking for the last week?  She says he won’t quit playing sad songs.  And Wonderwall, for some reason.  Anyway, she thinks it’s your fault, and even if I’m not in love with Luka, I am his friend.  And you hurt him.”
She jabbed a finger at his chest, hitting his “XY” necklace.  The chain clinked hollowly.
“I… he missed me?  Really?”  He’d joked with Luka about that when he came to the hotel today, but he didn’t think he meant it.  
“I don’t know.  It sounds like it.”  She shook her head, her pigtails swishing around her neck.  “I don’t know why, though.  Anyway, what do you want?  I was waiting on someone—er, I’m supposed to be in bed soon.”
“Ooooh, a late-night date?”
“Sorry, sorry.”  He grimaced.  Better not get even more on her bad side when he needed something from her.  “Okay, here’s the deal.  I told Lu I was gonna make him the most cash money music he’s ever heard.  But… I suck.”
He sighed.  There it was.
“I know he likes you,” he continued, “so I thought maybe you could give me some tips?  Tell me what kind of vibes he’ll vibe with, that kind of stuff.”
Marinade blinked at him.  “You’re…. trying to make Luka a song?”
“Yeah.  I wasted a whole week on a track Dad said was trash, and now Lu’s mad and I don’t have anything to show for it.”  His shoulders slumped.
“Wait, so you already made a song?  That’s why you weren’t talking to Luka last week?”
“Duh.  I couldn’t spoil the surprise.  Not that it matters.  Like I said, it’s garbage.  Unsexy.  Not vibin’ at all.”
“...Because your dad said so?”  Her head tilted.  Her voice was soft and gentle.  That was probably one of the things Luka liked about her.  It sounded nothing like XY’s own nasally voice.  Maybe if he autotuned his vocals more…
“He knows what good music sounds like.  That’s how he ended up with the number one and number two stars on his label.”  Was XY back at number one again yet?  After the Kiddy Session mess, he was probably down on sales.  Stupid old Jacked Tone.
“Uh-huh.  That’s how he ended up asking me to make Jagged’s album cover look like yours, and having you butcher Kitty Section’s style.”
“I didn’t butcher it.”  Sure, it wasn’t his best rip-off job, but he’d only had a few days to pull it off.  Dad had liked it more than his original song anyway.
“The point is, I don’t think your dad knows as much as he thinks he does.”  Marmalade put a hand on his shoulder.  “He might know what’s popular, but he doesn’t know how to match an artist with their own style.  Jagged Stone is a rocker.  I’m a designer.  And you… what’s your style, XY?  If you could do anything you wanted?”
He shrugged.  “More of the same, I guess.  The stuff my algorithm spits out.  I mean, it sells, right?”
“Forget about that for a minute.  What do you like to listen to?”
What did he like?  Well… 
“I do love some sick beats.  And…”  He looked away, a little embarrassed.  “I did like the first song I made for Lu.  But Dad said it’s garbage—”
“Your dad is the one who’s garbage,” Marinade growled, her fists clenching.  “I think you could use a second opinion.  Can I hear your song?”
His first instinct was to say no. Hadn’t he embarrassed himself enough?  But it wasn’t like he really cared what she thought.  She couldn’t insult him much worse than she already had.   
“I guess.”  He pulled out his phone and AirPods.  It wouldn’t have the same effect as fancy headphones or Nino’s speakers, but then she could at least tell him it sucked and move on to giving him some real advice.
She stuck the AirPods in, and he hit play.
Surprise slammed over her face.  She must be shocked that a number one (or number two, now) pop star would come up with something so stupid.  Using her sewing machine noises?  That pigeon man’s bird call?  Really?  No stars did that!  He should’ve just stuck to the basic four chords, and left out lyrics like he usually did, and— 
Oh no.  The lyrics.
“Please don't tell Lu what I said,” he begged, hands clasped together over his phone.
She didn’t seem to be listening to him, though.  She was—oh crap, she was tearing up.  His song was so bad he’d made her cry!
He fumbled to hit pause, but Marinade’s hand closed over the screen first.
“You wrote this?  For Luka?”
“He’s gonna hate it.”  XY groaned.  “I lied to him and made him hate me and I can’t even make one stupid song—”
“No, no, he’s not going to hate you!  XY—you really like him, don’t you?”
“Pshaw, no.”  He crossed his arms and turned up his nose.  “Crushing on hot rockers is so ten minutes ago.”
Marinade blinked, then laughed.  Of course she’d just make fun of him again.  “If you say so.  But if you change your mind, I think it would be worth telling him.”
“Whatever,” he mumbled halfheartedly.  He’d probably ruined that chance today by lying to him.  If he’d even had a chance in the first place.
“I’m serious!  I can tell you put your heart into this song.  Luka will see it, too.”
He raised an eyebrow.  “You just wanna watch me crash and burn, don’t you?”
She shook her head, laughing again.  Pretty shady, if you asked him.  He should’ve asked Nino for help instead, but Marinade was the one Luka had liked.
“I don’t even know for sure if he likes dudes,” XY muttered, the toe of his sneaker scuffing the street.
“Don’t worry, he’s bi.  I wouldn’t encourage you if you didn’t have a chance.”
His heart started doing the macarena.  It was enough to get his hopes up again—except, he still only had the one garbage song.
“I need a new track.  Something super sexy that’ll blow his boat out of the water!”  He paced as he talked, hands flying through the air like over an invisible synth.  “But ugh, I don’t have time!  Lu already thinks I hate him ’cause I stopped coming over, but I can’t spoil the surprise.  That wouldn’t be cash money at all.”
“XY, you don’t need to write a whole new song.  I think yours is great just the way it is.”
His head snapped up, his hair bouncing from the force.  “Wait, you do?”
“Uh-huh.  Besides, if you keep waiting for the perfect moment, it’ll never come.  Trust me.”  She smiled sadly.  “You’re better off being honest with your feelings if you can.”
His mouth opened, but before he could find any words, a crash rang out from the balcony above.  He was pretty sure he heard a faint “owwww.”
Marinette glanced up and winced.  “Well, would you look at the time!  Thanks for stopping by good luck see ya!”
She darted back inside, leaving XY alone with the faint breeze trying to fight his hairspray.
“Huh.  Guess it was a date after all.”
If he pulled this off, maybe he’d have a date by the end of the night, too.
Luka bolted upright, instinctively reaching for the neck of his guitar before feeling silly.  What was he going to do, beat off a burglar with his instrument?  He’d probably just break it, which would be even worse than getting robbed.
“Lu!”  A muffled voice shouted.
Oh no.  Not a burglar.  Luka knew who was going to be smushed against the window before he climbed out of bed and turned around.  His heartsong sped up against his will.
He hadn’t been prepared to see XY so soon after their fight at his hotel room.  Frankly, he hadn’t expected to see him at all.  His hair was a mess, several clumps falling out of their meticulously-styled quiff.  And he was still wearing Luka’s hoodie.
“Yo, don’t just stand there!  Help a dude out!”
Luka was so startled that he didn’t even argue, just scrambled up the steps to the deck, his footfalls thump thump thumping in time with his heart’s pounding rhythm.
He came back.  Why did he come back?
XY yelped as Luka hauled him onto the deck.  Déjà vu pricked at him, but this time instead of sneering in disgust, XY fiddled with his backpack strap nervously.
“What are you doing here?”  Luka asked, since XY was being surprisingly quiet.  He didn’t bother tacking on the obvious “it’s almost one a.m.” since XY had already proven he had no concept of time.
“Uh… I’m here ‘cause… I wasn’t very cash money to you today.”
He frowned.  “Yesterday, technically.”  
“Whatever.  Point is, I’m… sorry I lied to you.”
XY seemed to deflate, as if all his usual hot air finally left him.  Maybe it was a side effect of his tousled hair making him look smaller, but in that moment he looked nothing like his usual sauntering self.
“It’s fine,” Luka mumbled.  “It’s not like you promised to make your own music.  I don’t know why I expected you to.”
“Huh?  No, Lu—I did make my own music.  That’s what I lied about.  ’Cause Dad said it was trash and I was… I didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of you, y’know?  I wasn’t even going to tell you, but Marinade gave me some advice, and… whatever.”  He ran a hand through his hair, disheveling it further.  “Just—let me play you this track, and then I’ll get out of your hair.”
Luka blinked, trying to follow XY’s rapid-fire words.  He didn’t have much time to process, though, before XY pulled his synth out of his backpack and unfolded it.  How did that clunky thing fit in there?
Then XY flipped a switch and pressed down on the keys, and music exploded from the Liberty.  Had he—had he hacked the boat’s sound system? 
“What did you do to my boat!”  he shouted over the electronic sounds, but XY didn’t seem to hear.  He was too focused on hitting the keys of his synth and belting out the first verse.
“You’ve got my heart flyin’ higher than a pigeon
Take me out we’ll go out to a kitchen
Stitch stitch stitch my heart is tickin’
Sit by me bro, come on and listen.”
Was that—?  It was.  Mr. Ramier’s bird call backed the track, somehow programmed into the synth.  He was pretty sure that whirring noise was meant to emulate a sewing machine, too, which would explain the stitch stitch stitch.  The noises should’ve felt jarring, but they blended strangely well with the upbeat melody. 
And XY’s singing voice… Luka had never heard it un-autotuned.  It didn’t sound anything like he expected.  The nasal tone was still there, but it was clearer somehow.  Like his heart and his words finally aligned.
“Woah, woah, you’re slick as a viper
Woah, woah, I start to perspire
Yo, you can call me a liar
But oh, oh, he’s got me inspired!”
He hit a high note that resonated in Luka’s bones.  And those lyrics… did Luka hear them right?  He was pretty sure he’d used “perspire” and “inspire” correctly, which was almost as shocking as the fact that he’d written an original song at all.
“Traffic cross the street, touch my hand,
Lost in your eyes, can’t see land
Take my breath away when you hold my face
Chords takin’ me higher than outer space!”
The bass dropped with that last line before the chorus repeated.  XY’s energy ran through him; he could feel the yearning in his voice.  
This was it.  His heartsong.  And, if it wasn’t just Luka’s hopeful imagination...
“Head on your chest, oh this is real
Cash money can’t buy the way I feel
Hope your hoodie’s not the only thing I steal
Wanna wake up staring into eyes so teal.”
XY looked up, meeting Luka’s wide-eyed gaze with a longing one of his own.  His fingers stumbled over the synth’s keys, but he coughed and finished the last chorus, his voice shaking only slightly.
“Woah, woah, you’re slick as a viper
Woah, woah, I start to perspire
Yo, You can call me a liar
But oh, oh, he’s got me inspired!
“Oh, oh, I’m walking a wire,
Oh, oh, you’ve set me on fire,
Yo, you can call me a liar,
But oh, OH, you’ve got me inspired!”
Oh… oh.  Luka’s heart stuttered as XY panted, hitting one last loud chord.  It echoed off into the night’s silence.  Luka was sure XY would hear his heart pounding now.
“So, what do you think?  Pretty cash money or what?”  His grin stretched too wide.
Luka swallowed, trying not to show just how much the unorthodox music affected him.  “You finally learned what inspiration means.”
“Huh?  Oh, yeah.  I guess I did.”  He chuckled.  “Does that mean you liked it?”
He tried to sound casual, but Luka still felt the trace of longing from him.  Maybe even desperation.  He’d bared his heartsong.  No matter how nervous Luka might be to admit it, he had to be honest in return.
“Dude, that was amazing,” he said, stepping around the synth to rest a hand on XY’s shoulder.  “Synths might not normally be my style, but I felt it. You were in the moment, putting your whole soul into it.  What changed?”
“Huh?”  He blinked, blue eyes wide.  It was hard to resist the urge to sweep his loose strands of hair back under his headband.
“I mean, why didn’t you make music like this before?  You couldn’t have learned how to do this all in a week.  You never gave me a real answer before.”  Luka had a guess, but even after the lyrics he’d heard, he didn’t want to assume too much.  He made that mistake with Marinette already, and this time…
He didn’t want to lose XY again.  He’d gotten used to his annoying presence.  That was all.
(The beats hopping in his heart quickly battered down that denial.)
“Bro, really?  Weren’t you listening?”  XY frowned, almost looking hurt.  “And people say I’m stupid.”
XY there his hands in the air. “It’s you, bruh.  You’re the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I’m singing—”
“Wait, isn’t that the Camp Rock song?”
“Shut up, I’m trying to make a meaningful love confession!”
Luka choked, his face flushing.  “Love confession?  You’re—you’re serious.”
XY stared at him like he was stupid.  “What, you think I’d waste my time writing a whole song for just anyone?”
“No, I just…”  He had thought XY was joking, or just messing with him.  But it had been real.  Luka hadn’t read too much into things after all.  “I don’t know about love, but I—I can’t believe I’m saying this—I… might have a crush on you, XY.”
The other boy beamed, and Luka regretfully admitted it was the cutest thing he’d ever seen.
“Bro, I’ll take it!”  XY threw his arms around his neck, and suddenly Luka had an armful of him.  He smelled like hairspray and Doritos, and under that, something more subtle and hard to place.
Luka had the feeling he could get used to it.
XY suddenly pulled back, staring into Luka’s eyes again, but leaving his arms around his neck.  “Wait, does this mean you’ll be my boyfriend?  Do I get to kiss you?  ’Cause I gotta admit you look like you could use some chapstick first—”
Luka pressed his lips to XY’s half to prove a point, half to shut him up, and half because he just wanted to.  At the moment, his brain didn’t care that the math didn’t add up.  
A quiet squeal startled him into pulling back.  At first he thought it was XY’s, but he just looked stunned, his eyes half-lidded and a dumbstruck grin on his face.
“I’m gonna swoon now,” he said before swaying over.  
Luka barely managed to catch him around his waist before he hit the deck.  But if it wasn’t XY squealing, then— 
“Rose!”  He hissed, catching a flash of blonde hair ducking behind the speaker.  Juleka blended in better with the dark, but the faint glow from her phone screen gave her away.  “Jules!  Are you—wait, are you recording us?”
 Rose poked her head out, her fists balled up beside her cheeks.  “We couldn’t help it!  You two were just so cute!”
“I thought you’d want this for your wedding,” Juleka mumbled through a smirk.
XY sighed dreamily at that.  “What do you think our wedding colors would be, Lu?  Teal and purple?”
“I swear, if you don’t shut up I’ll drop you.”
“Aww, you just want me to fall for you agai—ACK!”  XY thudded to the ground.  “Ow… that wasn’t very cash money of you, babe.”
That was where Juleka’s video ended.  
But for the new music playing in Luka’s heart, it was just the beginning.
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ftpthemovement · 4 years
Ephesians 4:29
Let no corrupt speech proceed out of your mouth, but only what is good for building others up as the need may be, that it may give grace to those who hear.
First off, I didn’t write it....
Second off, is it even possible? Scripture also says, “But no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.” (James 3:8) But, if read in another part I see, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Now, I can keep throwing scripture back and forth, but it ultimately comes down to, am I going to make excuses, or change my ways? One leads to repentance, and the other a death sentence.
Let’s think about it for a second, if we really applied Ephesians 4:29 into our lives, what would most of us have left to talk about? Don’t shrink back now homie, be honest and ask yourself, “Does most of what I say glorify God?” Like.... really though? Think about it, next time you go to talk about somebody else, complain, choose to rant on politics or your personal opinions on how things should be, ask yourself, “Does this glorify God.”
One might say, “Bro let me just live my life, don’t judge me, not everything’s gotta be about Jesus. Seriously, this is why I left the church in the first place. Bunch of hypocrites.”
Again, I didn’t write the book, so don’t kill the messenger, just watch this... “And I tell you this, you must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak.” Matt 12:36
Idle? Ohh you mean, if I’m not speaking only what is good for building others up as the need? But wait, I thought I’ve already passed from judgment into life, so why on judgment day will I have to give an account for idle words? Is it possible it’s because we have died to self and now live through Christ, and that scripture says, “We will do the same things Christ did and far greater?”
I mean, even Jesus says: “For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken.” So, if you pay close attention to what scripture is saying to us, it’s saying that the same spirit that was in Jesus is now in us, and we should only be speaking what God tells us to speak in the spirit! Maybe I’m wrong, but scripture also says, “If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God.”1 Peter 4:12
It’s heating up now boys! I feel like Terrance Howard in the movie Get Rich or Die Trying. That man Bama says, “Its like when I'm right I'm right, when I'm wrong I could been right, so I'm still right cause I coulda been wrong, you know, and I'm sorry cause I could be wrong right now, I could be wrong, but I'm right...
I mean come on brother, is it that hard for us to shut are mouth and not talk trash? Of course it is! I grew up that way! If I didn’t talk trash then I didn’t fit in. But, as the word says in Proverbs 14:12 “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.” I don’t know about you, but why live this life just to die, and then die again in the second death? We have trashed this place enough, I ain’t trying to end up in hell, or have to stand before God, cause I couldn’t shut up.
Game plan: Let’s make it our best effort to hold each other accountable not in judgment, but in gentle correction to stop talking trash about stuff that doesn’t glorify God. God says it in scripture, Matt 12:30 “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.” Thats Jesus talking! I hope you get what he’s saying bro. There ain’t no 50 shades of grey. No such things as half way disciples. You either gather or scatter.
For all you thinking different check Revelations 3:15-3:16 “I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth!
That gonna be you? Ain’t gonna be me, in the late words of YouTube sensation Bishop Bullwinkle, “Hell to the naw, to the naw naw naw. Hell naw”
Click the link or copy and paste it, and remember it every time you go to run your mouth on something that you know damn well you ain’t supposed to be saying. Hold each other accountable and be blessed my brothers! -ES
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thelocalshooter · 5 years
The Local Shooter Vs. Kira
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(LS) Goodmorning thank you being part of this great come up, and welcome, so Kira; do you mind telling us where you’re from and why it is that you do?
(K) Originally I’m from Mesa but I been all around, I initially got into making music by making beats. This was when I was living In Alexandria Virginia, I had a homie who had the same interests in music as me and we would try to create our own version of shit we were listening to. The homie actually put me on to a lot of legends in this scene We were barley walking into. Those artists consist of Lil Ugly Mane, Supasortahuman, and SpaceGhostPurrp, just to name a few. These influences really shaped the type of sounds I was using in my beats. I eventually started releasing my beats as $limKira just before I turned 18. I would promote myself on twitter a lot by posting little snippets of beats I was working on at that time. People would fuck with it and I was really social on my Twitter at that time always working making new connections, always sending out beats that type of shit, I happened to find myself in a group chat full of artists that were from a lot of different parts of the country and I just kept building from there. Eventually I turned 18 and made my way back home to Az were all this music shit for me really started and where I Progressed into becoming an artist of my own. FuccKira.
(LS) Being from Arizona how do you feel the music scene has changed in the last couple years? I know we’ve had prior interaction through Ace McCain but doing it back then I’m sure was a bit more different and definitely harder based off the fact people didn’t really have venue selections, or even ways to get music recorded, but now everyone is throwing shoes left and right! Do you think Arizona separates themselves within groups or? As far as being an east valley or west valley artist.
(K) Not too familiar with Ace McCain but I’m really close with Multiplexes out there, he pretty much took me under his wing when everything else didn’t pan out as planned, really good and genuine dude he is. But to be honest I feel like I haven’t been in Arizona in so long I can’t give an opinion on the current state of the music scene, I know when I was out there in 2017-2018 the group I was with would get shows at club red or it’d be a warehouse show and shit would be jumpin. Recording wasn’t really a problem for me cause we’d just record at a homies crib or wherever we were staying at, it’s all about the mixing lmao but a lot of bridges since then have been burned so for me now it’s really a matter of staying true and making good music. Don’t get me wrong although the Music scene in Arizona can get hectic, it is definitely full of talent no matter where your from within it or who you fuck with out there, and just for the record I have love for everyone out there It takes a lot to be an artist and to be a successful one at that and so it’s always respect from my side.
(LS) You’ve released many projects and have done a handful of shows, why do you think you’re still missing as an artist? Are you constantly elevating yourself to be greater or are you still trying to figure it out yourself?
(K) Facts, I have released many tracks but they’re not anything I would say I’m proud of and that’s why I’m missing as an artist because I’m still trying to figure out what music I love making. I haven't truly focused on only myself or my own progression with my music and that’s another reason why I feel I’m still missing as an artist, my confidence behind each track needs to be 100% in order for me to drop and feel good about it. That’s why most of my tracks are on private and I’ve only got 3 tracks on my SoundCloud currently . They need to be worth listening. I want people to hear my music and want the next track immediately. Shows are always fun and give people a way of seeing a face behind the music, my experience with shows has taught me it really brings a better connection with your audience/fanbase when your up there performing what they been bumping on their own time, that was a big favorite of mine out there was seeing the energy at each show. I remember waking up the next day after my first show with my whole body sore ready to schedule the next one. As far as the question goes I’m still trynna figure myself out as an artist, but progress is definitely being made. I’m always looking to make a better track than my last, so I would also say it’s a goal of mine to continue to exceed my own Expectations.
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(LS) What the next move? You currently dropped “Voodoo” (https://soundcloud.com/fucckira/voodoo-prod-srry ) over 48 hours ago, now do you plan on doing any visuals or are you already back in the booth?
(K) A visual would be cool for the track, I might look into getting one made for it if the track continues to do well. Visuals are 2nd to my priority when it comes to what I’m trynna do right now. Actually releasing quality music is my main focus right now but like I said I’d be down to do a video, I actually know a couple people that can get that done. As far as any new music I do have a song ready to release prod. rose (my lil bro) , it’s wild my lil bro watched me do all this shit as a kid and now he’s making beats for other artists and myself. Deadass makes better beats than I ever did and he makes em off his phone lmaoo fuck a beat pad kids only 15 too. No doubt in my mind he’s gonna be successful. Lil dude is already building connections wit people on his own it’s only a matter of time.
K- Goals for me this year is to really gain and maintain a steady fan base. Thats something I’ve always strived for and wanted, I love when people give me feedback on how the songs make them feel, like I said energy is a big thing for me. I also would like to finally figure myself out as an artist and find my own sound I feel like I’m on my way there. Besides music I fuck with clothes heavy my homie Albert owns a brand out there called Macabre, fuckin ridiculous. I don’t own a single shirt that doesn’t say macabre. Anyway I would be down to do modeling for any upcoming clothing designers or any street wear brands. I’ve done it in the past for Garza out in AZ, (idk if your familiar) but it’s pretty cool would love more opportunities like that from other designers/brands.
(LS) With music being a main focus for you I’m sure it has a heavy impact on your life, when do you first remember falling in love with music? Was it a certain track? A certain time in your life?
K- I remember the first major thing I did for
music was use the money I had saved up for a
car to buy a new computer to make music on
because my laptop had completely died. Had to use my skate board to get everywhere until I turned 18 and got a car lmao. During this time in my life my parents trust in me was at 0 so I pretty much was secluded to my room most of the time making beats and getting high. Music was all I had when I felt I had nothing so I believe buying that computer was a pretty fuckin good decision. Just wish I coulda used Uber back then lmao
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(LS) As an artist, do you find it difficult to work with other artist? Especially other local artist? Being that everyone in Arizona has their own sound, do you usually go out of state for collabs or how does that work?
K- working with other artist isn’t hard at all. I’m very straight forward when it comes to the music ima be working on. If I dont fuck with it I’ll tell you and try to find something I can get a hit with us both on. As far as Collabs go I don’t like doing them if I’m being honest. Reason being I just truly believe I’m better off on my own shit UNLESS the energy is right. If we in the Stu and everything is going right and the engineer knows what he’s doing and everythings organic then fuck yeah that’s a collab ima fuck with. Dont get me wrong I still got collabs on the way. matter of fact I have a few with some artist out of El Paso, TX
Chris Apex , Saybien and Jesse Commas just to name a few.
(LS) Are you looking to stay independent? Or to sign a deal one day? What’s your game plan as far as career wise? And why? Which do you think will help you more in the long run?
K- I wouldn’t be opposed to signing a deal one day but the freedom of being an independent artists is something that would be hard to give up. I’m really early in this scene as far as being an artist so for now I’m just focused on releasing quality music and gaining a loyal fan base. I feel if my supporters are behind me with every track I drop it’s bound to bring me more opportunities in the future.
(LS) Making music for over 5 years already, what’s are some tips or struggles you faced as an artist you’d like to let new up and coming artist know? Any motivation you can give knowing how hard the grind is?
K- lmao don’t join any groups. Stick to yourself. Be transparent and be consistent! Don’t be scared to be social either that’s how you build connections. When I first started I would send beats to MY favorite artists for ex. Supasortahuman was one of the first artist to follow me back and support my music by telling me through dm. That was wild to me because like I said previously he was an inspiration for me when I was barley starting making beats. For him to tell me he fucks with my music and he keeps up with me really gave me the motivation to keep making music and sending it out.You never know. Shouts out sortahuman too he still supporting the music I make as an artist.
(LS) Thank you again for being apart of this great come up and is there any last things you’d like to mention to the viewers? And links you wanna add where they can check out your music or even contact you? Much love Kira!
(K) Viewers can keep up with me through my social media’s!
Also my Music Links:
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/fucckira/1485190577
Thank you for the opportunity to let y’all know a little bit about me and what my goals are looking like this year. I appreciate all the love and support. More music coming soon!
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artislifeevans · 5 years
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Para: “Step One: Get Help”
Tagging → Sam Evans and Trey mentioning of
Time Frame → August 24th around 12:30pm 

Location →coffee shop
General Notes → Trey ask Sam our for coffee, wanting to ask him for help.
Trey: was not a nervous man by any means. Being a model meant that you had to be used to people critiquing your looks and telling you what you did wrong. He was used to people telling him he needed to change something or he wasn't good enough because he did it so much for work. But this wasn't work. This was his life. A life that he wanted nothing more than to start with Charice. They'd been dating for a little over a year now and to say that he couldn't stop smiling would be an understatement. How did he even describe how this woman made him feel? She was small and feisty and opinionated and gorgeous. But more than that she challenged him to be a better man. To look deep within him and use a strength he didn't know he had to fight for what he wanted. It was like breathing for her but for him it was a hard lesson he had to learn with her help of course. Besides that she had a kind heart. Not just with her children, who he had the chance to meet and eventually love too, but everyone Charice met. Sure, she had a bad side that if you crossed her, you had the misfortune of meeting but for the most part, she was so kind. And loving. And giving. Which was why he wanted to make her his wife. He'd had a whole plan. Something where he'd whisk her away for the weekend and lavish her with attention and things but she wasnt that type of woman. She could buy who own stuff. So he was going to give her something she couldn't give herself. He knew she was a workaholic so his plan was to take her and the kids away for the weekend. And with the kids help, he would propose. All of it was a solid plan but he knew he wouldn't get anywhere without the right person's help. And that was Sam. He knew Charice was strong and he didn't need to ask Sam for permission to propose but he also knew how much she respected Sam and how it would speak volumes if he didnt include him. If Trey was honest, it was weird how close they were and for a split second he wondered if there was more between them but it became very clear, very quickly that they were family for all intents and purposes. Which was why he'd invited Sam to a coffee shop to chat. Sam was happy when he got a call from Trey wanting to meet up for coffee. Most people would think he was weird for being friends with his ex sister in laws boyfriend. But it wasn’t weird for Sam, okay maybe at first it was weird. His loyalty was with his brother, and he really felt like they could work things out if they wanted. But he knew it wasn’t up to him and he needed to respect their decision, especially Charice. He knew that she wasn’t happy and that she just wanted to move on with her life. And honestly all Sam wanted was for her to be happy and he believed that she was once Trey stepped into her life. When Sam first met him, he was highly protective of Charice. But as they started dating and Sam got to know Trey he could see what a good guy he was, and how he was so good with his nephew and nieces. Once Sam dropped his protective habits and got to know Trey better. They became really good friends. Sam finally made his way to the coffee shop. He pulled the door open, smiling when he spotted Trey. “TREYYYYY!”He said loudly, knowing he was being embarrassing. Trey couldn't help but chuckle when Sam said his name loudly. "Homie, you gotta chill," he laughed, bumping his fist with Sam's. "You always so damn loud." He took his seat and pushed a cup of coffee towards Sam. "I already got your coffee. Black just like you like it." Sam chuckled loudly, ignoring the looks he was getting from older people. “What?!! I’m chilled! I’m chilled!” He laughed, returning the fist bump. “Hey! I’m not THAT loud!” He playfully rolled his eyes as he sat down. “Thank you! I haven’t had caffeine in four hours and I’m dying” he said eyeing his friend up, before speaking “So what’s up?”
Trey took a slow sip of his own drink and breathed out heavily. "Before I say anything I need you to know that I'm not doing this because I think Charice has to be asked for. I mean I know she's a grown ass woman who can take care of herself and she doesn't need me or you to be her guard or to make decisions for her but since I cant talk to Chris or Santana about this because frankly, they scare the shit out of me, you're my best bet..." Sam could tell by the way Trey was acting that he had something big to talk to him about. Especially from the way he was taking a deep breath. He shifted in his seat as he took a sip of his own coffee, quickly raising an eyebrow when Trey started to speak. He nodded his head in understanding as Trey continued, not blaming him at all for being scared to talk to Santana and Chris. If he was honest he knew out of everyone in their group those two were the worst at being overprotective when it came to Charice. He chuckled lightly “Listen I have been friends with them forever and they still scare me.. just don’t tell them that though” he smiled, quickly started to worry, “Is this thing bad??? Of course it is if you’re coming to me? I mean everyone comes to me when they want to break something to Charice! As if she won’t kill me and hide my body! If it’s a secret don’t tell me!” he rambled nervously. Trey inhaled once more before pulling the small ring box out of his pocket and sliding it over the table. "You sure you don't wanna know about the secret?" he shrugged. The barista who made their drinks walked by to clean a nearby table and smiled when she saw the ring on the table and Sam's shocked face. "Ohhh I love proposals. Did he say yes yet?" Trey looked up at her and shook his head. "I haven't asked yet so... if you could..." She nodded and zipped her lips. "Of course. How about a free muffin on us if he says yes or no..." Trey gave her a fake smile and turned back to Sam. "So..." Sam was about to say something else. Like how he want gonna help Trey break anything to Charice and that he was on his own. But before he could speak, he noticed Trey sliding a small ring box his way. He quickly realized what Trey was trying to do and it was obviously he was asking for his help. Sam couldn’t help but smile. He was happy that Trey wanted to propose to his sister and was going to give Trey his answer before the waiter came up to them. He looked at the girl confusingly, trying hard not to roll his eyes at her comments. He was about to tell the girl a thing or two, but decided against it. His eyes went back to the box, he was happy for Trey and he was sure what Charice answer would be. But some part of him thought about his brother. He knew Dylan had moved on, or at least that what he was trying to convince everyone including himself. But he knew his brother still loved Charice. But another part knew this wasn’t about Dylan and his feelings. It was about Charice and what he was sure that he wanted. Besides Trey was becoming like a best friend to him and he was he to not try to help. “Count me in!” He smiled.
Trey clapped his hands quickly at Sam's response and stood up to give him a hug. "Thanks man! I mean really! I was afraid you'd say no or tell me it was a bad idea or that... I don't know Dylan was still in love with her or something wild," he laughed, taking his seat once more. "I was just thinking the craziest things because I just wanna spend the rest of my life with her ya know? Have you ever just felt like there's this one person who you know makes you better but more than that, all you want is to be with them. It doesn't matter if it's in the middle of a storm or the worst party ever or when they're sick or you just wanna be in a room with them. You ever felt that for someone?" Sam chuckled as he got up to return Trey’s hug. “No problem man! I’m happy that I can help” he said honestly, sitting back in his chair. He shook his head when Trey mentioned his fears “Listen. This isn’t about my big brother.. this is about Charice.. I love her very much Trey.. I would do anything for her. And I know how much she loves you.. you make her happy and honestly that’s all I want for her. She’s been through so much hell.. it’s time for her to be happy” he smiled. He looked down at his hands instantly thinking about Mercedes at Treys question. Even though he has let Mercedes go and accepted the fact that he had lost her forever. It didn’t mean that he doesn't that about their past together and almost having a happily ever after with her. He nodded his head, clearing his throat, looking back up at his friend “Yeah.. I felt like that once upon of time.. it didn’t work in my favor.. but It makes me happy to see that it will for Charice and for you.” He smiled. Trey nodded and licked his lips. "Look man, I'm not a romantic or nothing but I fully believe that love like that doesn't just not work out. That shit has to come from some cosmic force or something. But thank you for your support and you know if she says yes you're gonna have a spot in the wedding right? You can be our flower boy," he joked. Sam wanted to believe that Trey was right, that maybe somehow or another, he could get it right with Mercedes again. But in his mind he knew that was going to happen. They both just needed to move one and stay good friends. He simply nodded his head, giving Trey a small smile “no problem man.. “ he chuckled, playfully rolling his eyes “Awwww can I even wear a cute little dress too?” He said in a girly tone. Trey chuckled. "Of course! But look, you gotta keep this on the DL okay? I don't know when or how I'm gonna do this but I've got this plan to take her away for a romantic weekend... But she can't know. Deal?" Sam shook his head, laughing as he took another sip of his coffee “I promise.. she won’t hear anything from me.. In fact let me know when you do so if she has the kids that weekend. I can take them off her hands.” He suggested. Trey smiled and took one last sip of his coffee. "Thanks man. I really appreciate it. But look I gotta head out, I've got this shoot I need to get to. Thanks again Sam."<p/>
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alkalinerock · 5 years
50 questions air
thank you @kisamas i love talking about myself
1. What takes up too much of your time? im double fisting ffxiv and three houses rn im swear im gonna beat nier one day and i recently got bloodstained so i might fuck around with that :)
2. What makes your day better? eating something tasty and then im happy :) i also like it when i talk w/ the pals makes me feel good
3. What’s the best thing that happened to you today? I am thinking about making mashed potatos i will i promise and it will b the best thing today
4. What fictional place would you like to go to? if i could visit some ffxiv maps like crystarium would b cool. n like, id visit inkopolis (i wanna b squiddo) and ryme city would be dope as hell would love a shinx buddy
5. Are you good at giving advice? i feel like i am but i feel like i still have so much more to learn about imparting wisdom. i was thinking about this the other night n as funny as this sounds i heard a lot of good advice on tumblr. mainly realizing how simple but important the small things are. “i’m proud of you” or “you did really well”. and i like giving advice i think it makes people feel less alone when theyre dealing with situations. if nothing else thats what i want to accomplish
6. Do you have a mental illness? idk i feel like i do but i never officially got diagnosed we got no health insurance. a lot of ppl tell me that im depressed and i think i believe it too but i always tell them im gonna remain impartial about it until i (finally) get a chance to talk to a profreshinal 
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? ya a few years ago after class id take like, a nap daily. and most of the times i wake up unable 2 move. sometimes im in like, a bad position where my face is a little too close to my pillow and its hard to breathe. i havent gotten it in a while but it sure does stink. 
8. What musician inspires you the most? i dont think any musician INSPIRES me but octopath’s composer yasunori nishiki really makes me wanna be like “quit your job join my octopath band” 
9. Have you ever fallen in love? yeah it rocked but things didnt always work out but i learned a lot in the end 
10. What’s your dream date? never rly thought about this kinda stuff i dont really fantasize about my ideal date. i think the best things in life happen spontaneously. i think. 
11. What do others notice about you? i like 2 talk about myself and that im cute and smart funny and handsome and my meat is huge :) 
12. What’s an annoying habit you have? i play a lot of osu!taiko so i have this finger tapping habit and a lot of like anxious tics like shaking my leg i bite my nails n whatever i do this n that a lot
13. Do you still talk to your first love? yea we’re like still best friends 
14. How many exes do you have? two too
15. How many songs are in your playlist? i have many playlists i have soundcloud playlists for like. anime music/future funk/game music/etc. my spotify playlists have like. hundreds of songs. my youtube playlist also have like. hundreds of songs. some things i listen to on a daily basis i havent even saved so it just keeps growing. 
16. What instruments can you play? i used to b able to play geetar, piano, clarinent but ive forgotten everything since
17. What do you have the most pictures of? animals n other stuff
18. Where would you like to go before you die? oh wow uhhh like. i have general locations but nothing specific. it’d be nice to visit japan and see korea (finally) n then like new zealand. i know it doesnt sound exciting but i’d be happy to be anywhere. 
19. What’s your zodiac? tavros
20. Do you relate to it? sometimes but i take astrology with a grain of sand anyways 
21. What is happiness to you? chillin
22. Are you going through anything right now? tryin 2 get a job. get my AA. 
23. What’s the worst decision you ever made? hmmm i have made many bad decisions but nothing stands on top as my worst. i think anything that falls under the category of “mistreating my friends because of my short-sightedness” is considered the worst. 
24. What’s your favorite store? food stores 
25. What’s your opinion about abortion? pro
26. Do you keep a bucket list? nop
27. Do you have a favorite album? no lol
28. What do you want for your birthday? uhm. better earphones?
29. What are people’s first impressions of you? im silly maybe
30. What age do you seem according to most people? a little younger than i am. 
31. Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping? on the dresser next to my bed or like. on my bed next to me in a safe corner 
32. What word do you say the most? idk maybe like. epic. or. legit. or fuck. 
33. What’s the oldest age you would date? i donno lol maybe like. 1000. 
34. What’s the youngest you would date? my age and above lol wtf 
35. What job/career do most people say would suit you? any job that requires, like, talking. on two occasions ive heard ppl say that i have a voice suited for customer service (like, ehh?? i just talk politely lol) but like. counseling too i guess. 
36. What’s your favorite music genre? most genres but lately ive been listening to anime op/eds and bideo game music and bandori songs and like. brockhampton or like. outrun. this n that.
37. If you could live in any country in the world, where would it be? i donno... i don really think about this stuff 
38. What is your current favorite song? fire bird by roselia (lol)
39. How long have you had this blog for? for a while idr how long maybe like. 5 yrs
40. What are you excited for? these maybe mashed potatoes im gonna make LOL
41. Are you a better talker or listener? i think im both. i prefer to listen and i think depending on my conversation partner i think listening is more important 
42. What was the last productive thing you did? i got out of bed brushed my teeth and got something to drink. i know its not much but ive really been makin an effort to improve my....””””mornings””””. ive been waking up at like 1-2pm these days so the least i could do is get my day started right
43. What do you want for Christmas? something rly good to eat!!
44. What class do you get the best grades in? i dont look at my grades LMAO i do like. OK on most of my classes but somtimes i make an oopsie whoopsie and lose a lot of points becuase im forgetful and stupid
45. On a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling right now? like. 7. 10 being like, i just ate something really great and im chillin w/ the homies. im 7 becase i ate something sorta tasty and im chillin but no homies. n im thinkin about the mash potatoe im going to maybe make
46. What can you see yourself doing in ten years? uhm. maybe teaching? doing something like, being sillay with my pals. i dont think about the future i just kinda just. Do.
47. When did you get your first heartbreak? never rly the breakups were my responsibility becos i was mentally immature so i tend to like, think about what i did wrong. 
48. What age do you want to get married? ahh im not rly thinking about this but itd be nice to have a gf first LOL these future oriented questions be like. “idk!”
49. What career did you want to have as a child? yuusha
50. What do you crave right now? despite what ive been saying about thos mash potatoes i really want like. a good burger or somethin. i just wanna eat something free and tasty!!
@gurmza @learnosaurusrex @advancewars2 do it and please read over my answers very carefully i will test you on this on discord without warning 
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catsaar · 6 years
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TAGGED BY @magnasimblr (thank you! I think haha)
Traits: Cat Lover, Creative, Non-Committal 
1. What is your full name? Sara 2. What is your nickname? Don’t really have a nickname, well people tend to use my last name for that but not going to spill that here 3. Birthday? June 21 4. What is your favorite book series? Game of Thrones 5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Aliens yes, ghosts nah. 6. Who is your favorite author? Jack Kerouac 7. What is your favorite radio station? Radio? Radio? What? Gimme Spotify 8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? Salty things 9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? Cool 10. What is your current favorite song? Sometimes I have no music periods for a short while, currently going through one of them 11. What is your favorite word? Bishdafaken, courtesy of @lordkiribatisims and yaaassss 12. What was the last song you listened to? 6Lack - Switch 13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? Bojack Horseman, Fargo, How to make a murderer, Love, Idunno I watch a lot of different things 14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind 15. Do you play video games? yaaaassss 16. What is your biggest fear? my place being burned down with my cats in it 17. What is your best quality, in your opinion? I’m an empath 18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? I can be lazy 19. Do you like cats or dogs better? obvi cats, but I like doggos too 20. What is your favorite season? Summer 21. Are you in a relationship? to quote @magnasimblr​ *runs away* 22. What is something you miss from your childhood? having no responsibilities  23. Who is your best friend? Matthias 24. What is your eye color? Blue/grey 25. What is your hair color? Pink 26. Who is someone you love? my cats Lowie, Lucky and Arya, my mom and stepdad and my best friends 27. Who is someone you trust? my mom, my best friends 28. Who is someone you think about often? my cats​​​, yeah I’m that crazy cat lady 29. Are you currently excited about/for something? not easily excitable anymore, I guess seeing the end of my depression 30. What is your biggest obsession? my cats I guess, seeing as they keep returning in my answers 31. What was your favorite TV show as a child? Buffy 32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? my bff Matthias 33. Are you superstitious? Nope 34. Do you have any unusual phobias? being in large crowds. 35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? def behind 36. What is your favorite hobby? my cats (duh), traveling, the sims 37. What was the last book you read? don’t remember, it’s been a while 38. What was the last movie you watched? I think that was Doctor Strange, it’s been a long time, been more into series 39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? unfortunately none 40. What is your favorite animal? do I still have to say? CATS 41. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? so many, but I guess, @budgie2budgie @whiisker @a-kind-red @mellocakes @simmerberlin​ Don’t be offended if I didn’t name you you’re prolly in my top 10 42. What superpower do you wish you had? flying 43. When and where do you feel most at peace? at home, in my trusted couch  44. What makes you smile? my friends, my cats, reddit discord bs, the sims, animal gifs 45. What sports do you play, if any? none at the moment. 46. What is your favorite drink? Orange juice 47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? this summer 48. Are you afraid of heights? no I managed to overcome that 49. What is your biggest pet peeve? people smacking while eating 50. Have you ever been to a concert? oh boy have I 51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? vegetarian 52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? I never figured it out 53. What fictional world would you like to live in? San Myshuno with Calum and Pandora 54. What is something you worry about? The future and climate change 55. Are you scared of the dark? Nope 56. Do you like to sing? yes but you don’t want me too 57. Have you ever skipped school? once 58. What is your favorite place on the planet? hmmmm hard one, San Francisco I think 59. Where would you like to live? where I live iz good 60. Do you have any pets? I think that’s pretty clear by now 61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? night owl fo sho 62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? sunsets 63. Do you know how to drive? even tho I have my license, I haven’t driven in 12 years so I don’t think I can anymore, also I hate it 64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? earbuds 65. Have you ever had braces? Yes 66. What is your favorite genre of music? I’ve gone through so many styles and I still like em all but atm feeling hiphop. 67. Who is your hero? Hunter S Thompson 68. Do you read comic books? not anymore 69. What makes you the most angry? inhumanity 70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? real books for the win 71. What is your favorite subject in school? psychology 72. Do you have any siblings? I have an adopted sister. 73. What was the last thing you bought? food 74. How tall are you? 177 cm 75. Can you cook? Yesss 76. What are three things that you love? lol you gonna make me repeat it, my cats! And since I have 3 that will do for this answer 77. What are three things that you hate? ignorance, sexism, racism 78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? more male friends, one of the homies 79. What is your sexual orientation? straight, altho probs bordering to asexual  80. Where do you currently live? Belgium  81. Who was the last person you texted? my friend Chloé 82. When was the last time you cried? last Thursday 83. Who is your favorite YouTuber? Safiya Nygaard atm 84. Do you like to take selfies? no thanks 85. What is your favorite app? Spotify and Tumblr 86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? love my mom and stepdad, my bio dad is a big nope 87. What is your favorite foreign accent? a Frenchman speaking English 88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? Australia  89. What is your favorite number? 4 90. Can you juggle? no 91. Are you religious? o no 92. Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? outer space! 93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? definitely but not atm due to my depression  94. Are you allergic to anything? only to a certain lip balm that sets my lips on fire 95. Can you curl your tongue? yes 96. Can you wiggle your ears? no 97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? if I’m wrong, I’m wrong 98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach?  beach 99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? believe in yourself 100. Are you a good liar? yes but only white lies 101. What is your Hogwarts House?  I’m going to offend someone but I never got into Harry Potter sorry 102. Do you talk to yourself? best convo ever. 103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? normally an extrovert, ENFJ 104. Do you keep a journal/diary? nah 105. Do you believe in second chances? yes, but strike three and you’re out 106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? I have before and left it at the front desk of the place I was at 107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? yes and no 108. Are you ticklish? no emotions 109. Have you ever been on a plane? yes, I lost count 110. Do you have any piercings? no, the ones in my ears grew close a long time ago 111. What fictional character do you wish was real? Bojack Horseman 112. Do you have any tattoos? yes, 4 113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? just go with the flow and do 114. Do you believe in karma? hmmm undecided 115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? glasses, but only when I need to see far 116. Do you want children? o no no no 117. Who is the smartest person you know? Idunno, I think most of my friends are pretty smart 118. What is your most embarrassing memory? let’s not go there 119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? too many times 120. What color are most of you clothes? black 121. Do you like adventures? yes altho I have calmed down quite a bit 122. Have you ever been on TV? yeah 123. How old are you? 35 looking like 27 and never growing up 124. What is your favorite quote?  "the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes “Awww!”  - Jack Kerouac  125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? savory
I tag @artemisa02 @mangostefan @lovearound5am @simsontherope @toffeetip @lordkiribatisims (if you’ve already done this I’m sorry I’ve seen so many pass by I don’t remember) Also don’t feel like you have to cus it’s a lot.
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nickireadstfc · 6 years
The King’s Men, Chapter 16 – A Team Of Particularly Good Finders
In which I find a new favourite team, Kevin’s angrier half makes an entrance, I find a new favourite team, keys are distributed, faceclaims are suggested, and I find a new favourite team.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The King’s Men.
             Saturday morning Wymack stopped by Fox Tower with a guest. (…)
             “Thea,” Kevin finally said, and scrambled to his feet. “What are you doing here?”
I’ve been waiting for this gal ever since she was first mentioned, and my dudes my pals my homies, let me tell you – her presence does not disappoint.
Thea Muldani is big and buff and bench-presses male egos for breakfast, but also wears pastel makeup, braids and dresses like Beyoncé herself gave her fashion advice.
A certified Boss Ass Bitch, you say? Absolutely.
A definite, definite Venus Williams faceclaim, you say?
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Alternatively also Serena Williams?
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Like Kevin, Thea also left the Ravens, but she seems to have quite a different relationship to them than he does.
             Even though Thea graduated from Edgar Allan almost three years ago she still wore her Raven jersey number on a pendant around her throat.
Neil then wonders how ex-Ravens fare out there in the Real World, and he voices my thoughts precisely: Do they recover? Do they hang on? And if they do, is it because they’re broken, or out of choice?
This is Interesting Shit that I am very, very much intrigued to know more about. Since I’m not sure we’ll have quite enough time to get into this in what’s left of this book, if anyone has any fic recs dealing with this (= post-Raven recovery), hit me the hell up.
However sadly, Thea is not here to answer my deep psychological musings, and is instead very much here to tear Kevin a new one.
Or five.
             “I always wanted to talk, but it was complicated.”
             “’Complicated’,” Thea echoed. The air quotes she threw him were angry and mocking. “’Complicated’ is having to find out from a press conference that you broke your hand and left the line-up. ‘Complicated’ is finding out the hard way you disconnected your old number and having to hear from Jean that you didn’t want anything to do with any of us effective immediately. Don’t you dare use ‘complicated’ against me. I deserve better than that.”
Exy Venus Williams is mad, y’all – and completely in the right, because Kevin, you done fucked up.
Anyone who figuratively leaves his girlfriend on ‘read’ for two years deserves to have the shit bitched out of them publicly.
However, Kevin has a magic trick to at least somewhat calm his angrier half down:
Fellow ex-Raven and resident human ground beef Jean Valjean Moreau.
They go see him, but like puppies left out in the rain we don’t get to go with, which is a damn shame because I’m getting increasingly interested in how our favourite baguette is going to continue his trauma-filled existence.
             “You assume [Nicky] will survive until summer [because he’s annoying the hell out of Andrew with his Andreil shipping],” Andrew said.
             “You break him, you owe me a new defenseman,” Wymack said.
Found this chapter’s #dicksoutforwymack, that line was gold, small as it was.
             “You have one at Abby’s house.”
DAMN RIGHT. Anyone up for some Fox!Jean? Yes? Yes?
Apparently, not Kevin and Jean, who have irreparably damages their athletic compatibility at the Batcave of Extra, so Fox!Jean is a thing we may have to keep to fanfic.
Again – a damn shame.
What is decidedly not a damn shame is that Wymack has a lil something for Andrew, and when I found out what it was I may or may not have shed a lil tear of pride.
             Keys jangled as they hit the carpet, and Neil stared in disbelief. He couldn’t be right, except last summer Wymack had given Neil three new keys, too: a set for all the important doors at the Foxhole Court. (…) “Kevin said to give you those.”
This has got to be the fourth or fifth time this series has made me emotional about fucking keys, what in the absolute fuck.
             [Neil’s] heart was pounding. (…) He thought about fighting for a spot on the US Court and facing the best the world had to offer, Kevin at his side and Andrew at his back.
When will the Kandreil feels end, my money is on fucking never.
With this preliminary banter done, we move on to what’s really important in this chapter:
The first NCAA Exy championship semi-final; University of Southern California Trojans vs Palmetto State University Foxes.
Or, as I like to call it – USC Hufflepuffs vs Kevin Day’s Boner.
So much has been promised about this team, their human sunshine of a captain and their infamous Too Good For This World cinnamon roll-ness, I was buzzing in my seat waiting to get to know them.
             “[Think] about what you’re going to say in pre-game.” (…)
             “How about ‘We’re gonna own these lowers’?” Nicky suggested.
             “And that’s why you’re not allowed to talk to the press,” Matt said dryly.
Nicky, my boy, never change. <3
However, I immediately opposed any ‘loser’ insults as I finally, finally met –
The one, the only, captain of Trojans, idol of Kevin Days everywhere, the OG Cinnamon Roll™ – Jeremy Fucking Knox.
             “Kevin, you crazy fool,” he said, less formally, and clapped Kevin’s shoulder in a cheery greeting. “You never cease to amaze. You’ve got a thing for controversial teams, I think, but I like this one much better than the last one.”
Hi, marry me.
Again with the characterizations through first lines in this book, aye? Pretty sure this guy is the only one in the entire world who could bro-hug Kevin, call him a crazy fool to his face, and come away with his nose unbroken.
(He says a little bit towards Wymack before that, but we’re gonna ignore that for the meme.)
But apparently, Jeremy is not the only one who gets to say unexpected things right now.
             [Kevin] only said, “I have a backliner for you. Do you have room on next year’s line-up?”
… Does this mean what I think it means.
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My dudes, let me tell you, my ass is HERE for Trojan!Jean. Trojean. TROJEAN.
Seriously, if you want someone with a trauma caused by abusive competitive toxic teammates to recover, a team that’s known for being the friendliest, kindest and fairest motherfuckers on the planet is pretty much the absolute Way To Go.
Operation Trojean is the best rehab anyone has ever thought of, ever, and I will hear no other opinions on this.
I was already enjoying this tremendously, good things all around, how much better could it be – when Sunshine Boy decided to pull something so spectacularly Hufflepuff that I swear to fuck I heard badgers singing.
Y’all are not ready.
I was not ready.
             “Our line-up,” Jeremy explained. “It’s late to be getting it to you, I know, but we were trying to avoid as much of the backlash as possible.”
Why, what’s happ–
             “Two goalies, three backliners, two dealers, two strikers,” Jeremy said. “You’ve made it this far with those numbers. It’s time to see how we’d fare in that situation.”
You have got to be kidding me, Sunshine Boy.
You are giving up your gigantic team, your sure-as-life win, your One Big Strength – just because it’s fair? And because you want to learn from your opponents more than you want to win?
I’m out. This is too much. This team is TOO FUCKING MUCH.
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             “You’ll lose tonight if you play like this.”
             “Maybe,” Jeremy agreed, unconcerned. “Maybe not. Should be fun either way, right? I don’t remember the last time I was this psyched for a game.”
There is no way in hell I’m not faceclaiming this guy as known Puff Champion Cedric Diggory now.
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No. Way. In. Hell.
             Neil finally understood how the USC Trojans had won the Day Spirit Award eight consecutive years.
Bitch, me too, the fuck.
             “I take back what I said about earthquakes,” Nicky said weakly. “I have a new favourite team.”
And with that, the game is on, and I can’t remember the last time I was so pumped for a good ol’ match of Orange Murder Sportsball.
Despite their Line-Up of Dreams, the Trojans pretty much wipe the floor with the Foxes in the first half, as was to be expected.
But in second half – well, let’s just say I ain’t never seen a badger run a marathon.*
             USC could have taken control of the game in a heartbeat if only they’d rethink their strategy. If they pulled their three subs from the sidelined players the Foxes’ night was over. But the Trojans had made up their mind and they weren’t backing down.
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(*For the record: Foxes don’t exactly run marathons either – according to the mighty Internet, foxes can run up to 55 km/h and badgers up to 30 km/h, but both only over short distances. A human Trojan would definitely outrun a fox (or a badger) over a long distance. So much for brand accuracy.)
But then! Oh, who would have thought! This is so completely surprising! The Foxes catch their wind on the second half! Amazing, they start to dominate the game! And – and – and it’s a win! Win for the Foxes! WIN FOR THE FOXES!
Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy and excited for them and all, but as if we didn’t absolutely see this coming.
             “Is this what dying feels like?” [Alvarez] asked, and called over her shoulder, “Babe, I think I’m dying. Do I still have legs?”
Things like these make my sports-ignorant ass realize just how hardcore the Foxes playing full halves actually is.
No subs, we die like men.
Also, Alvarez’ “babe” turns out to be Laila Dermott, which makes me love the Trojans even more – and I truly did not think this was possible – because Exy Lesbians.
             “That was fantastic. (…) I want to do it again. Next year, maybe, when my legs grow back.”
             “Stop being such a baby,” Laila said.
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This banter is giving me life.
If anyone has any fanart of these two buff buttercups, please send it my way pronto.
             Neil didn’t care how many hearts they broke that night. They’d beaten USC. (…) The Foxes were going to finals, and that was the only thing that mattered.
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Before we move on to post-semi-final celebrations, allow me to gush about the Trojans one last time, and then I promise I’m done melting into a puddle every time one of them so much as speaks.
             “[Jean] will be back in the fall. He just won’t be back in black.” Jeremy flashed his toothy grin. (…) “He’s transferring to USC for his senior year.”
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This is one of the best ideas anyone has had in this entire book. Four for you, Trojean, you go, Trojean.
(And none for Riko Moriyama, bye.)
             “We’ll have to get him some sun this summer, though! He’s a little pale to pull of red and gold right now,” Jean laughed.
[To the tune of California Girls] California puffs they’re unforgettable…
Also, in which Jean is #me in summer, all day err’day.
Tanning is for weak people, we sunburn like true Germans.
             Nicky (…) cut the TV off. “I’ve got a theory that Renee and Jeremy are long-lost siblings. What do you think would happen if they ever joined force?”
             “They’d get murdered,” Aaron said. (…) “War’s profitable; no one wants their world-peace nonsense.”
Gee, thanks, you absolute walnut.
For the record, I agree with Nicky, and I’m also counting this as the reason I immediately fell in love with Jeremy.
What can I say – in a world full of Angst, Drama, Angst, Infighting and More Angst, ya girl loves herself some good sunshiney optimists.
As for post-semi-final celebrations, the gang makes good on an old tradition and goes into town for another Fun Night of Debauchery for what I’m assuming is the last time in this series.
To think that a year ago the prospect of this would have made me break out in protective Neil feels, and now I’m actually looking forward to it.
Man, we’ve come far.
Speaking of – Andrew now apparently has no need for cracker dust anymore(!!!), has nothing against being touched in public (!!!!) and doesn’t seem to mind his Bartender Pal Roland calling him out on his Very Much Gay, Very Much Official Relationship (!!!!!).
Man, we’ve come fucking far.
             “How’d you know [about Andrew being gay]?”, [Nicky said.] “Is your gaydar more advanced than mine is or – “ Nicky’s jaw dropped as he clued in. “Wait. No way. No way! Did you two –?”
Andrew hooked up with Big Intimidating Bartender Pal, this is glorious.
             Neil’s clock was still ticking down, but his numbered days followed a different schedule now. Neil had all the time in the world, and that left a heat in his gut stronger than any whiskey could.
Fuck yes.
Fuck YES.
A very good ending to a very good second to last chapter.
...Oh shit.
Second. To. Last. Chapter.
Next chapter will almost conclude this series (I’m told there is a short epilogue, so we’re not quite done). Next chapter will almost conclude this blog, holy shit.
We’ve been following the Orange Hellride that is this series for over a year now (thanks to my giant hiatuses in between, oops). This is insane.
I’ll get all emotional and grateful and weepy in the last chapter and final book recap, so dry eyes over here for now, but y’all – get ready.
This ride is about to end, and knowing this series, we’re about to go out with a fucking bang.
Oh dear.
Before I go - a quick note on the update situation for the last few uploads (meaning chapter 17, epilogue, book recap). This feels almost redundant to say after my schedule has been very loose (soz) these past few chapters anyways, but I will be taking some liberties for the finish line.
This blog has been one of my greatest pride and joys over the last year, and I really wanna stick the landing. This means I'd rather spend an extra day refining than update by hook and by crook. As a loose time estimate – expect the last chapter by the end of the week, possibly earlier.
Let me make this good for you guys. I'm way excited (and scared), and I hope you are too.
Peace and love, y'all.
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iconicdumbass · 6 years
Hiii Sharon, I’m sorry I’m annoying af but I was wondering if you could say some tips on how to approach a Pisces man. Gracias reina 💘
Okay, I’m back! Sorry it took a few hours, I got a lil carried away 😂
If you’re looking for a “manly man”, he is not the one for you sis. He is a feeler. He is so in touch with his emotions, and can read others like a book. A Pisces man is an emotional roller coaster, he experiences moods faster than I can chug a bottle of whiskey ‍and sis, that’s REAL quick.On one hand he can be a lil moody, but he will understand you like no other man. He’s not one of those guys who accept “I’m fine” as an answer when he asks if you’re okay, he will persist until he knows what’s wrong and he will (most likely) try and rectify the situation.
Being that he’s in touch with his feelings, he will NEVER make you feel like your feelings are invalid. He will encourage you to find a healthy outlet for all the negative feelings. He will be very easy to talk to. You can tell him anything, he’ll never tell your secrets, and you can expect long assphone conversations w this man (I’m talking HOURS sis, so get you a drink and a snack! I recommend a Diet Coke and Skinny Pop Original! 😉 )
He’s not just going to be a Lover, he’ll become your best friend. He will put himself out there (depending on the rest of his Chart!) when it comes to opening up to you.
He’ll probs have a VERY hard time saying no because in general Pisces’ tend to avoid conflict, so if he seems upset try to take some time to think about what could be bothering him. Don’t be afraid to ask him “Hey, how are you feeling? Is something bothering you?” I guarantee you he will highly Appreciate this! He’s probably going to be a homebody so expect date night to be a cozy night in :) He’s very sentimental so, (if y’all are both of legal age to buy alcohol) buy a nice bottle of wine and drink it as y’all watch a movie. Save the cork and tell him that “It’s a momento of our beautiful evening together”.Bc he’s a water sign, he’ll more likely than not LOVE affection. He’ll love hand holding, cuddling, and hugs! Whatever you do, DO NOT take this man for granted!He’s going to put in a lot of effort in a relationship with you, HOWEVER he does/will expect the same from you.Try not to take advantage of his kind nature bc once he love you there’s NOTHING that he won’t do for you(It’s actually super sweet and I cry 😩)
How To Know If A Pisces Man is being a Fuck Boy!!!
If he always just “happens to forget” important things, he’s being a hoe. When he leaves out huge holes in any story he tells you, he’s doing it on purpose I GUARANTEE you this isn’t by mistake.
How To Know If a Pisces is into you!!!
These are a few signs that a Pisces man is tryna get allllllll up in your guts 🙃
He’ll go places he knows he has a chance of “randomly” bumping into you.Do you go to a specific Starbucks everyday before class? And do you so happen to see him there all the time? This is no coincidence. They’re such sentimental lil shits that they’re probs doing this so they can tell your kids the story of “How I met your mother” 😂
They have no fucking boundaries.They will open up to you as if they’ve known you all their life. They’ll tell you anything and everything. And you’ll be like “Damn. Homie is hella deep :’)))”
How to Attract Your Pisces Man!!!
You’re finna need to make the first move sis, sorry.Having a fear of rejection is one of Pisces’ biggest downfall (imo). So, you’re gonna need to make the first move so he KNOWS you’re interested in him.(In general) you’ll need to take the “lead” in this relationship. You’re gonna be the one making most if not all of the decisions. He won’t mind taking the backseat.
Pisces values Loyalty, Kindness, Affection, Compassion, and Authentic Love.
Do’s and Dont’s for your first date:
Be curious, considerate, supportive, be kind to waiters, be open to new ideas, listen to them, and really engage in conversation w them and try to give your opinion without making it seem like they’re “wrong” about something.Also, show appreciation for life (animals, children, the elderly)
Do NOT rush them, don’t be mean, don’t be too materialistic, don’t be critical, don’t force them into commitments, don’t make assumptions about them.
What it’s like to date a Pisces Man!!!
Lots of ups and downs.He’s gonna have mood swings and he’s finna bring you along for the ride sis! Being a “feeler” he’s more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression.
Needy as fuuuuuuck.Pisces men are in love with love. They’re the type to want to constantly be around their significant other. He’s the type that needs constant attention and reassurance. He needs to KNOW that you love him.He doesn’t like “space” he likes to have his significant other by their side as they ride the waves of his constantly changing emotions.
Whatever you do, DO NOT GIVE HIM THE SILENT TREATMENT. He’ll interpret it as you not caring, he would rather talk things out (not argue tho).
He needs to know “where things are going”He needs to know that his emotional investment is gonna pay of and that you’re in it for the long haul.He NEEDS stability in order to thrive.
Your compatibility w a Pisces Man(This is her Compatibility specifically she’s a Virgo. If you need your Compatibility done, send an ask with both signs)
This is a pretty good match!They balance each other. Virgo women tend to be stoic, Pisces men wear their hearts on their sleeve.Virgo women are strategic and Pisces men are starry eyed dreamers who can sometimes let their emotions overcome them. Deep down a Virgo woman longs to love and be loved and the Pisces man is perfect for this role.
Pisces men can have their head in the clouds, and they’re dreamers, the Virgo woman can be the one to bring him back down to earth and help him make his big dreams a reality.
Intimacy is important for both of y’all, so pace yourself and be patient with your Pisces man. They sex is most likely going to be slow, tender and loving.
My advice to Virgo women, try not to be TOO hard on yourself, change and growth are important, but try to focus on what you HAVE accomplished instead of dwelling on the missed opportunities. It’s okay to let your walls down, not everyone is going to hurt you. Your heart is safe in a Pisces man’s hands, he’s far too gentle to hurt you intentionally.
@reblovesdoomI hope I answered your question! 😘💕
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yvvaine · 7 years
I was wondering if any [past or present] Jonerys, Pro-Daenerys fans like myself feel this way.....?
Firstly Id say please be nice i just enjoy analyzing the shit out of fandoms I like, (im a history/polysci major ((with an emphasis on Peace Justice and & Conflict Studies)) all i do is analyze and try to be diplomatic lmao) but considering all they petty drama between both ships as well as pro/anti Daenerys stans ON BOTH SIDES I’m going to be “That Person” and at least ask for people to be respectful/civil, I want to hear from everyone and their metas/what they think which is why i tagged like, all the tags, no matter if you love her/the ship or cant stand it, as long as everyone can keep civil So firstly I’ve loved Dany both books and show from the beginning. She’s gorgeous, wants to be the best person she can be, and her hair/fashion style game is always ON POINT.  That being said, somewhere around season 5 i think i’ve found my opinion on her cooling a little bit, ep after ep, till now. Like I still like her bc she was my first character love on the show but I’ve def soured in my opinion on her. Maybe it’s because I love learning about the subject that im more baised (im hoping thats the case) but she just seemed to have no interest in actual governance, just the reputation (esp of being the ‘rebel queen’)/the awe/the power/the thrill of the adoration that went along with it to the point where I feel like though she still wants to be a ‘good queen’ or at least wants to be seen that way, she doesnt want to do much work for the title. Like yeah she freed all the slaves and that was a def progressive and awesome move on her part (major props! slavery is sin and im glad someone recognized that who had the power to do something about it) but she didnt handle that aftermath or ensuing problems well at all nor really mulled heavily on the subject to find the best solution. She just got fustrated with pretty basic/common (albeit complex in themselves) issues of standard governance and kind of went agh! fuck this! (obv not actual quotes but that was the vibe I got). And then ESPECIALLY after season 7 her character has kind of nagged at me in the back of brain which i hate but its inherent like its just a feeling i cant help it?? I just dont know why to be honest that Im feeling so negative towards this character i used to love.  The whole ‘ bEnD thE knEe ‘ thing w/ Jon and yet pinning it on Jon’s pride not equally on his and her own was more than a little hypocritical, when hon they can discuss it later like at that point they have two common enemies the WW and Cersei they both want to do away with, and then again with the Bend the Knee or Die bit w/ the Lannister soldiers. In fact the whole sequence before that point felt kind of villinous I dearsay, I mean  deliberately burning the harvest that most of westeros needs for the winter or even strategically not willing to try, and well, nOOt intentionally burn the food considering its winter, the harvest is over (so likely not much is gonna grow in the time being) when she has a G I A N T ass army of her own to think of feeding???? Like i get it is war shit happens soldiers die but the F O O D ? Was that an impuslive in the moment mistake or did she just not give a fuck? And back to the aftermath scene/Bend the Knee 2.0, her speech was again quite hypocritical...and burning dickon?????? not willing to keep prisoners???? either bend or die??? I actually am glad she did away with Papa Tarly bc he was an awful human, but dickon????? a young idealistic man about to loose his father??? the heir to a major ally/house???? And honestly that bend or die strategy is soooooo dumb bc now she cant trust any of them like theyre only bending the knee out of self preservation homie, no one wants to die. they bend  the knee to survive and now they all of the sudden think youre their queen? Nah fam, prisoners were better, all you got are spies in your camps or people willing to backstab you at the smallest promise of coin. And i dont want that for my girl
IDK the whole “im gonna BREAK THE WHEEL,,,,,,,,yet im stating my claim mainly on my housename (aka the predominant force of said wheel for a literal dynasty) and the fact that i can scare people who otherwise are unconvinced bc lets be real westeros has had a bad run of rulers a lot of which were Targs in the past couple decades, into submission bc ill burn you otherwise???” doesnt sit well with me nor does it feel like the character ive been rooting for the past five-ish seasons. She just doesnt seem to put into effort on understanding Westeros, why things go wrong, being self-critical or sharing the blame,thinking on what a “good” ruler would do.... anyone else feeling this way and if so do you think this is just shitty writing? D&D butchering her character? or a new arc for her? perhaps the way shes always been? She just seems like a tantruming child bratty and entitled idk (a beautiful child but still)  As for jonerys...... im not gonna go into it much but how are other shippers happy????????? I honestly dont understand. I was SO looking forward to this season/this ship. like so much! But it felt so forced? And i know a lot of people claim its cause its rushed but tbh we’ve had a lot of romances in a similar time frame that felt like A C T U A L romances.....even Talisa/Robb who the Northerners will prob compare any of this too were so much better. THIS WAS MY EPIC SHIP DUDE. I feel the dany side of things (took a while but theres def heart eyes) and yet Jon???? He felt hollow. Still does even after sex. Im so disapointed but more than that I cant see the romance or the chemistry. He looks constipated. Hes never smiled like with his teeth around her the way hes done w others he cares deepily about (ygritte, toramund, sansa, even fkin gendry in the first scene they had together). He never reveals anything about himself. And between the “my queen” ep (and remember he was look warm when discussing her to toramund throughout it) and the previous the only thing that changed was that he saw the actual difference dragons made against WW. You could argue she saved them all too but that doesnt make you fall in love w someone out of the blue and also people have saved his ass before and??? Sansa w the vale anyone??? (Not an argument for jonsa js its happened) (though ill admit ive transitioned to loathing jonerys and loving jonsa more as a potential couple in the space of seven eps where if you asked me I wouldve been like PSH u cray. I never thought it would happen in a mill years but D&D ruined my ship and here i am! Shipping aside tho since its best too look at these things as neutral as possible).  Anyways the sigh of his after she left and when he pretended to be asleep.... idk. The only scene that felt genuine and where Jon smiled and it didnt look like a full on grimace and they actually kinda joked around was really nice and at the pit at the finale and if they do a LOT more of basic romance stuff like that I could ship it again but. It was followed by boatsex and boy.  I was hoping boatsex might rekindle my like for the two together. I could see the chemistry the passion. I was hoping the passion would overwhelm me and make up for the rest. But instead......like there was no foreplay, it lasted 2 seconds, and it was overplayed by brans voice and a reminder of future conflict or at the very least major angst b/w the two. i didnt see the parallel between regear and lyanna playing alongside their scene as anything romantic or that it should be taken as such. and the look they shared.... I was hoping jon would bring it bc Dany’s look in her eyes is like soooo smitten and adorable and say what you will I still have a space in my heart for her and still dont want her to suffer, but again Jon looks like oh shit/constipated. And not in a good oh shit way either.  There is a bunch more too but Imma stop there bc Im just tired at this point.  So many things were just....off this season. And it cant all be blamed on the “rushed” time frame. I’ve read the undercover lover theory and hon it makes the most sense (not perfect sense but still, more than what we’ve been poorly spoon fed) but im not willing to believe it just yet. Still, maybe D&D are just butchering a lot of things like making the romance believable and stuff for the sake of time that could be true i guess. But they like to go AHA GOT U so  Idk I dont find a lot of meta in the jonerys tag bc honestly (((((i think its bc the tag and ship are more popular and theirs more people both good and bad)))) it doesnt seem like snowballing theories is something all fans take really well in the tag at all. But whatever. I really want to know, is there any meta or theories im missing to either validate the icky feeling Im haveing about D or her “romance” or on the flipside anything that might make me change my mind about it? Theories, meta people! I just want to reiderate im not trying to hate on anyone or any point of view and I will flag any comment anti one ship or person or another if its plain hateful or rude. I just want to understand it and see what Im missing, esp because of how much I was looking forward to her arc and jonerys’ dynamic and how much the words “falling short” dont seem to cover it. And to see if im not the only one to either have critique on the ship or her character [or even actually change ships] Also i apologize for how much ive said “IDK” i just..... I DONT KNOW 
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doctormelapples · 7 years
I want every personal
Sorry this took so long
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
erm, idk but I can list some of my favs? how about “Mr. Know-It-All” by Young The Giant, “Brain Stew” by Green Day, “Swimming Pool” by The Front Bottoms, “Tokyo Narita (Freestyle)” by Halsey and Lido, “Big Jet Plane” by Angus & Julia Stone, and “Doo Wop (That Thing)” by Lauryn Hill
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
Do they have to be alive?? How about Beyonce Twin #2
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
I’m sitting right next to a bookshelf wtf. Okay the first book only had a line 12, Book 2: “…glittering sceptres. These shones so brightly September had to shade her..”
4: What do you think about most?
I see photo opprotunities when I walk? like if I’m walking past a house I see the exact angle that I would take a picture of it with and what the frame and coloring would turn out to be? does that count?
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
Text or sc?? cuz idk on either tbh sc:goals text:theenks
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
7: What’s your strangest talent?
I have none, so like,,
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
Girls are beautiful, Boys are beautiful, and so is everyone else
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
lol no
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
like yesterday probs
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
Strange? idk
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
When I was a child,,, marble
13: What’s your religion?
who’s that
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
being sad or taking pictures
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
behind absolutely
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
jesus christ
17: What was the last lie you told?
I have a headache
18: Do you believe in karma?
sort of, like maybe not the textbook definition but I do think that you get what you give to some extent
19: What does your URL mean?
listen,,, okay Doctor is because i like doctor who and melapples is a dan and phil reference, okay, i made it when i joined tumblr, I was young and unknowing, okay
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
weakness: I’m too emotionally soft; strength: whom’st’d’ve
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
Does phil count, phil counts? It’s Phil
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
23: How do you vent your anger?
ahah, to the world and through tears tbh
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
I used to collect izze + snapple tops, then got bored
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
video chatting, I like seeing facial expressions
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
It took me FOREVER to think of a sound I hate, and like i had sounds i love when my fingers hit the keys. sound I hate: Fork schreeching on a plate; sound I love: laughs, soft sounds of fingers on skin, leaves crunching as you wak in autumn, or snow in the winter, wind, papers fluttering
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
What if I had stayed at my old school
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
well not really, but aliens absolutely, like, there is no way the universe is so fucking big, and there isn’t life outside of earth
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
My window frame; a notebook
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
somebody is making pasta downstairs
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
what kind of worst? cuz like I believe that no matter where you go you can always get something out of it. Let’s go with my racist ass school
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
idk harry styles?
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
how about: to know, be, see, and do what you want
36: Define Art.
37: Do you believe in luck?
kinda like the same way I belive in karma
38: What’s the weather like right now?
It’s been rainy all day and we just had a rainbow. It’s cleared up now
39: What time is it?
1:23:09 AM
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
41: What was the last book you read?
A graphic novel called March about John Lewis
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
yeah actually
43: Do you have any nicknames?
lila bean
44: What was the last film you saw?
Wonder Woman pretty sure
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
all of the skin on my leg was scraped off once so
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
I’ve had a beautiful butterfly land on me during a meditation session once
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
strawberry milkshakes
48: What’s your sexual orientation?
I’m pan bro
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
yes rip how fun
50: Do you believe in magic?
in my hopes and dreams
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
no, I’m really bad at holding longterm grudges but you better fucking run for at least two weeks if u piss me off
52: What is your astrological sign?
53: Do you save money or spend it?
i save money highkey short term and mass spend it
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
A swimsuit. oh shit no wait strawberry syrup for milkshakes
55: Love or lust?
56: In a relationship?
damn i wish
57: How many relationships have you had?
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
59: Where were you yesterday?
crying in bed all day tbh
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
my comforter that I’m sitting on lowkey has pink flowers on it
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
listen,,, fuck socks okay no
62: What’s your favourite animal?
cats homie
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
laugh at their jokes + be a pleasant person
64: Where is your best friend?
idk probably sleeping somewhere tbh
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
i don’t pay enough attention soz
66: What is your heritage?
like,,? My dad is from finland probably but otherwise i have no idea, all my family tree has is slavery so
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
fuck dude crying
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
hell yes
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
idk i hope so
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
i like can’t really swim that well so like probably get the attention of someone who can and get the dog saved then go to work. but fuck that job tho
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
nah bro, i would try and accomplish everything i wanted, travel, be happy with family, and make friends happy, not afraid
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
bills by lunchmoney lewis
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
or not?
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
trust, communication, known goals
77: How can I win your heart?
idk bro its pretty easy out here a-fucking-pparently
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
yeah for sure
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
Join theatre
80: What size shoes do you wear?
9.5 or 10
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
rip in pieces
82: What is your favourite word?
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
the image of the organ tbh
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
lit, tbh, rip, wild
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
star by brockhampton
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
pink rn, it was just green, i fluctuate
87: What is your current desktop picture?
a picture i took of a car mirror in a violet sunset
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
trump probs but only if he is right next to pence that bitch will not be president
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
why are you sad
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
elements my dude. if I had to pick which one it would be wind probs
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
The half-hour where I thought I fell in love with someone before they broke up w me a week later
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
probably, but not that i know of
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
omg yes don’t remind me
98: Ever been on a plane?
yups a few times
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
damn y y’all listening to me?
probs something like “jesus christ just shut up and listen to each other speak without jumping to fucking conclusions and preconceived notions of what other people are like kay?”
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xpwewarchive · 4 years
XPWEW Friday Night Pyro (5-1-2020)
Friday Night Pyro #424 May 1st, 2020
Xtreme Rumble Recap video
Show Intro
Fireworks and Kaitlyn Khaos informs us tonight Golden Bryce will speak 1 on 1 with the 2020 Xtreme Rumble winner Ruckus PLUS: Big main event! Leonard McGraw will team for the first time ever with Jake Awesome as they take on the I-N champion Slayer and Garrett Thompson
Opening Segment:
Golden Bryce enters
Golden Bryce: For the 2nd year in a row I’ll be going into Lockdown as the world heavyweight champion but this time I’ll be defending it against someone very very deserving and that’s why I’d like to respectfully introduce him right now. Ladies and Gentlemen Ruckus
Ruckus with The Set enters
Golden Bryce congratulates Ruckus Bryce: In three weeks me and you have the ultimate privilege of making history. The first time a black champion defends against a black challenger for the richest prize in this industry-.... Ruckus: pfffft What? Bryce: confused Uh Ruckus: I don’t want that....I don’t care about it. History. Will history pay me? Will history feed my kids? I don’t care if I’m black and you are purple. I know that the world champion makes the most money. I won the rumble. 29 others didn’t. So that means yes I have a shot but understand up front right now so we ain’t got no confusion later. I DO NOT LIKE YOU. Ruckus: I don’t like how people even be talking about you? Like you’ve actually done something..People talk about this Golden Bryce nigga like he done something. I walk into XPWEW Headquarters and they’ve replaced posters and walls of Jake Awesome and put you up. How many titles have you won 4? I’ve won the tag team titles here 7 times. And twice I’ve been an international champion so somebody tell me how you getting put up on the wall? Golden Bryce: I didn’t pay anybody. I didn’t ask. I come in, I clock into my job. I entertain this people. Some cheer me. Some boo me. But those who boo me can live with that and that’s fine. Cheer me, great I’ll fight for those people until I can’t anymore Ruckus: Nah nah homie that ain’t my point. See this company from within us rotted out. If they think they tryna replace Jake Awesome they are dead wrong. You are not Jake Awesome and don’t act like you ain’t tweet a year back, I’m the new Jake. You look up to that man, you can’t stand the fact that that man hates your guts. Your childhood hero. But you fooled impressionable losers like Shane McCoy and Troy Clausen and Micheal Bradford. You must be doing under the table work round here cause you really getting a lot handed to you. So now every week for a year you either happy to finally get the title or you all bummed out, ass dragging, sad ass McGee and shit bout you ain’t get this, you ain’t got that. Then you carry yourself like you just doing you nah. Jake Awesome carried his own weight. Jake Awesome is a man. Jake Awesome earned that. You and maybe no fault of you own shit I don’t know but you ain’t even the best in that locker room as a matter of fact you one of the sloppiest and basic cats they got in there. So no I don’t like this confidence you got. We got an elite locker room and you the face of it. That the biggest pile of bullshit I’ve ever seen. You ain’t even top 80 thus industry ever seen. Me? Hey I’ve never been world champion but I’ve never lost a Lockdown. That’s right pimp 3-0. You lost to Jake last year and yet your ass on the y’all building in Bassett. I understand they don’t wanna see me win but you ain’t got no self awareness and that’s why I wanna smack the shit out you right now Golden: Why don’t you try it I’ll drop you where you stand Ruckus: Haha I know you got a baby on the way but don’t be surprised when it’s dark skinned.... (ooooooh) Bryce: Gets up close to Ruckus’ forehead Ruckus: slaps Bryce The Set starts attacking Bryce at the back of his knees (((Bryce and Ruckus start brawling)) Eventually Ruckus gets the upper hand The Set joins in and now a 5 on 1 attack as The Set attack Bryce relentlessly Ruckus then takes off his sock and then Jordan hands him a “pool balls” Yes the debut of billiards balls. Ruckus shoves 2 in a sock and starts mercifully beating down Bryce with it Myron and Kotto drag Bryce to the corner they pull his legs between the turnbuckle and all jump off the top rope mule kicking the back of his head At the end of the assault Ruckus pulls off Bryce’s Jordan 2’s and utters “Oh we gon’ sell these junts on eBay” Bryce is left in the ring by himself and he slowly gets himself up like this Incredible Hulk transformation on his face as this match just got took to the next level. Bryce grabs his title and slowly limps back to the locker room without any shoes on because The Set stole them
M1: XPWEW Women’s World Championship Prisiclla Kelly (c) defeats All Woman w/ All Man
After the match Brian Lee comes down and Prisiclla fights Lee off with a kendo stick that typically is Kiera’s weapon of choice Kiera comes down with THE MOST OBVIOUS WIG OF ALL TIME to hide her newly bald hair Kiera cuts promo at ramp: Rematch clause bitch! Re clap Match You and me! LD!
Doxy Deity runs right past her and snatched the weave from the back of Kiera’s head as it snatches her bald and Kiera explodes fuming in anger as she tries to hide her scalp with her hands
“You bitch”
Doxy then runs in the ring and goes forehead to forehead with Priscilla and oh shit this rivalry runs deep remember the barbed wire massacre at Anarchy Rules 2019 Doxy points at the Lockdown sign and Prisiclla just punches her and we got an all out brawl Prisiclla and Doxy trade punches Until Brian Lee recovers and hits both of them with 9-1-1 Kiera runs in and grabs her weave and then laughs maniacally grabbing Prisiclla’s title “Mine!!!!! This is mine!”
Joe Gacy enters
Audrey Carbine enters
M2: DeathMatch (Very very bloody) ((((Match of the night))) Audrey Carbine defeats Joe Gacy
After the match the both have a middle finger pointed right at the other but Gacy says you’ve earned my respect and now we have the team of “Death Machines” formed right before our eyes after beating the hell out of each other Gacy has now agreed to teaming with Audrey Carbine and man what a unit
Promo: Mandy Leon cuts promo hyping up Gotch as a killer with no emotions Champagne responds to which Troy comes down with a contract for Lockdown and Champagne shakes it off and ignored him at ringside the whole match
1 on 1 M3: Simon Gotch w/ Mandy Leon defeats Champagne Clausen
Troy Clausen runs in and presses the pen to Champagne’s chest. Champagne grabs the pen and then starts poking Troy in his eyes with it. Ultimately after stabbing Troy multiple times in the face with the pen it sparks blood and Champagne gruesomely signs the contract in his father’s blood then gets a new pen and signs his name and just like that it’s official Champagne vs Troy Clausen Father vs Son in a No Holds Barred
Champagne: No more talk, No more games. I’m gonna Murder you on the 23rd slams mic
Backstage: All Man tells All Woman All Man: Well maybe he’s not gonna get that 2nd world title reign And maybe you just are going to get your first women’s title reign. But after watching them it makes me think Why not us! All Woman: Why not who? All Man: Us? Why not us? Look at Carbine and Gacy absolutely brutalized each other just to BE partners. We are peanut butter and jelly, were milk milk lemonade All Woman: I think that second one is wrong but you mean it? Me and you. tag team champions. All Man: Why not? All Woman: We gotta get a tag win under our belt tonight and I’m not wasting any more time being and after thought let’s go tell Romeo
1 on 1 M3: Jacques Dudley defeats Dragon Kid
Romeo Roselli: announcement: Alveno La Flare cuts a promo and says if Jacques can beat him next week the winner will challenge Jordan Oliver for the juniorweight title at lockdown
Alveno La Flare shakes his mentor’s Jacques hand at ringside
Jake Awesome enters in street clothes (first appearance on Pyro in 7 months)
Jake Awesome addresses Lotus Jake: If I knew I was gonna get eliminated by a girl in the Rumble I probably wouldn’t have came back but sadly guys I got news that New Line Cinema dropped the Captain Falcon project and I worked hard on it and maybe some day that film will see the light of day
Slayer enters Slayer: And the Oscar for biggest Hollywood failure is......Joseph Alfonso While you were gone in Hollywood drinking boxed water and injecting steroids into your jawline I was here and I was the XPWEW International Champion the whole time You nearly faded away into obscurity but you left on a loss, you left like a chump. I’ve always been here. The distinction between us was always neck and neck and deep down I always knew you were the weaker link despite any article you read or any opinion that wants to spout out the mouth. To me you’ve always been jealous To me you’ve done less but always gotten all the glory. It’s never what Slayer did for this promotion it’s always what “Jake” did oh Jake did this, Jake accomplished that. I’ve proved I WILL DIE to win in this ring You will leave it You’ll leave this industry and hope your little brother Casey might be able to do it well he’s been in developmental for a year and absolutely nothing Lotus on the other hand, My own daughter eliminated you from the rumble on Sunday. However I didn’t win I won’t the next best thing But in my mind my plan was to leave you broken When you left it was the larvae who derailed you not Hollywood, please don’t mislead the fans here I put you out on your ass and you came back and Lotus ended it for ya Lotus even wanted me to ask she wants you 1 on 1 next week Jake: And she’s got it Jake: All my career I’ve had to brush no pun intended there didn’t mean to press a “thorn” into your side. Slayer: shakes his head Jake: The Starven Family continues to haunt my career lol Lotus has a lot to say a little odd for you to be speaking for her, She’s an outspoken woman. She’s tough she wants to go toe to toe with the men here I respect that and I’ll grant her that but Joey me and you go back and you know better than else I can’t win in any circumstance and after I beat her Friday I wanna let you be on notice. I’m coming for you. Me and you we’ve never had that classic Lockdown match ever and I wanna do just that. But not really for your appeasement I want that points at International Championship I’ve never been the International Champion and online I see the posts, I see the memes that I’ll never be a Grand Slam champion well guess what I’m gonna do that I’m gonna chase that title and only that title So that’s a reminder that all the mind games you wanna trap in my way mean nothing and I will leave Lockdown 7 the XPWEW International Champion. Slayer: Times past bud, You don’t make the decisions around here. It’s over. They took down your murals, they took down Jake Awesome we don’t look to you as the leader anymore so ship up and shape up and get with the program you aren’t the captain anymore. And you’ve been gone so long you forgot the hierarchy that I make the decisions and I decide that you just go back home and let me do what I do. Just go home. Never come back. We were all so close to forgetting you anyway......
Tag Team Match M4: Jake Awesome & Leonard McGraw defeat Garrett Thompson and Slayer
Jake pins Slayer clean with the awesome bomb, buckshot combo assist from McGraw
After the match Lotus and Rosemary come down and Rosemary sprays mist in Jake’s eyes then Lotus puts him in a Helm Sharpshooter but McGraw grabs her off and nearly strikes her but doesn’t
Backstage: Siaka Lexoni talks to Robbie Williams “remember our old team, consider you an honorary member of The Set tonight” *Robbie smiles puts outs the shirt on
Robbie Williams enters
Golden Bryce enters
1 on 1 M5: Golden Bryce defeats Robbie Williams
Interference from Myron Reed as he hits Bryce with his own title belt immediately after the match. Ruckus who’s smoking a blunt inhales and exhales on Bryce’s face Ruckus sets up smoking his bleezy in the corner Myron sets up a table
And Myron, Kotto, Jordan and Lexoni all pick a leg or arm of Bryce and hoist him up collectively in the air and Bryce crashes through the table
Ruckus just watches as he smokes his blunt against the turnbuckle
Ruckus ashes out the blunt on Bryce’s chest and then hits a cocky pin on him as The Set pose around him and Jordan Oliver takes photos for Instagram
Show Ends
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