#but no. I just got a solid blue one
weaselshaped · 2 years
Why do so many doormats have unnecessary words on them
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july-19th-club · 7 months
horrible stupidass day. my aunt died. step-aunt technically; she was my uncle's second wife and she was amazing. they were putting up christmas decorations and she didnt feel well so she went to sit down and . that was it . feel weird bc its the middle of the week and im so wiped out from regular work crap that it isnt even hitting really i just found out and im . like sitting here thinking about dinner. but also she's the kind of person who wouldn't care; she'd think that was funny
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moonsnqil · 2 years
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Lost interest in this so I'm not gonna finish but look. Percabeth.
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ravenwolfie97 · 1 month
all pokemon games are good but they are not all equally as good
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#pokemon#as a person who has played pretty much every main pkmn game in some capacity#i can find things in them that are worth praise#but like obviously they can't all be the same level of good. there are so many factors to a pkmn game to be balanced#some have a great region. some have a great story. some have just a solid gameplay experience. all of them have great music lol#i could even play devil's advocate and praise bdsp for being a truly faithful remake and pretty incredible for a studio first Real game#but mainly i keep thinking like. everyone has shat on the new pkmn games ever since gen 5 especially#but then over time people are like Huh they aren't so bad after all#like once you get out of the gamehate wormhole generated by inflammatory social media posting you can appreciate a thing more#and there may still be people out there who think red/blue are the best ones. and y'know they have a point#even though objectively those games were littered with bugs to the point where some normal mechanics were not correct#and things just got more complicated and sophisticated with abilities and new types and better moves and stuff#the original games are absolute Miracles to have been made at all and for what they're worth they were Revolutionary#it was a simpler time but the ideas put forth were still pretty complex. especially considering this was the First One#this is the foundation all pokemon games thereafter rose from. and it's a pretty solid foundation despite all the hardships#anyway. i love pokemon. and i love that even after all this time - over 25 years - its spirit from back in 96 still remains in some form#it may not be about catching em all anymore. because physically that's really hard to do with over 1000 guys now#but it's still about finding joy in following a dream of adventure with a bunch of cool animal friends#and sometimes you save the world a little bit. that's p cool
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guinevereslancelot · 2 months
why are old people so sad lol
#i posted a flag redesign for fun and boomers are crying abt it#its not real first of all lol#and it looks cool the old flag is boring#plus ita barely a deviation? i kept the seal just changed the background to not solid blue and made the seal monochrome#so its easier to see?#i put a beloved state landmark in the background in a neutral color scheme#its simple but its a def improvement#but boomers are soooo mad like: stop changing everything 😭#lol#the og flag is one of those seal on a blanket ones and it sucks lol#but i respected the history but keeping the seal?#anyway i just posted it for fun bc i found out i missed an opportunity to redesign it a few months ago#and i thought people would enjoy the hypothetical cool flag#but old people are boohooing in the comments 😐#why do they hate fun or even the idea of fun#they tremble w rage at the mere suggestion of fun lol#anyway i showed my dad and he thought it was cool#and apparently he actually knows somebody who knows somebody who is a state senator??? news to me???#but he's gonna get them to pass it along 😏#the boomer tears if this even becomes a legitimate possibility will be so beautiful lmaooo#im sure it wont amount to anything but idk you never know#anyway old people who cry and scream at the idea of any chage at all...why....this isnt even a political change its just a fun change.......#ita completely nuetral politically#i literally thought the boomers would love it bc its got that landmark on it and they're all obsessed w it#alas#this happens been a shitpost
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yewshade · 11 months
Wind Cover Cats Reveal
I was right about Splashtail being in the middle (yay).
But apparently the other two are supposed to be Whistlepaw (the amber eyed one on the left who looks like a brown tabby due to the lighting but who is actually a gray tabby) and Frostpaw (the blue eyed one on the right who looked a lot like Crowfeather did on his SE cover just a bit lighter which I thought was just due to the intense lighting behind them).
Like, look at the cover and then at Crowfeather's SE version:
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Now look at the cover and then at Frostpaw's two previous cover appearances on River and Shadow:
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Just...what even happened???
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goldenkid · 6 months
ok now that wild blue yonder was actually good i can be honest and say i didn't like the star beast
#it just felt messy and badly paced and i didn't like side characters acting#and i didn't like the way they did the metacrisis#AND honestly biggest one of all i didn't like the way they wrote donna's life. like sure she's happy now she has a family who loves her#her mum especially has changed a lot and you could argue that has had a knockon effect on her overall self esteem and relationships#but the point of donna originially was that her self esteem was shit! and nerys didn't really like her but donna settled for a shit friend#and her mum was mean and lance was horrible but she thought that was the best she was gonna get#and then the tragedy of her ending was that she loses all the growth and confidence she got with the doctor and goes back to being shallow-#-because she doesn't think she deserves anything more than that. because that's all she thinks her life is ever gonna be.#gossip and hangovers and the first bloke who's 'quite sweet' are as good as her life is ever gonna get#and tbh i really really needed to see her growth and change EXPLICITLY. like her mum being better to her -> that having an effect#her having rose -> that having an effect#the doctor's subconscious -> that having an effect on her self esteem specifically#etc etc#i just feel like rtd kind of ignored the tragic ending was like look her husband is a himbo who loves her how cute!#like ok. good that she's had character development OFFSCREEN that goes UNREMARKED ON.#also her + the doctor didn't have enough interaction + the metacrisis ending felt cheap#i liked rose and the scene with donna dying and i liked the meep a lot and the trans conversations when they didn't feel shoehorned in#i thought binary binary nonbinary was stupid but fun and very doctor who#but that was mostly it#but yeah. wild blue yonder was good. solid. felt like a proper rtd episode aka well written and acted and paced. lovely lovely stuff#doctor who
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nerosdayinanime · 8 months
so many versions of Fish...
original: sabito lionfish(xcatsharkxcoelecanth) & human giyuu met as kids, sabito goes to bother him(affectionate) @ his job at the aquarium(/merm rehabilitation/ocean research center usually. theyr Good)
1.5: sabito starts a mermaid theater group
2nd: vauge thought of traditional half-fish half-human mermaids, sabito as a white tipped reef shark. i forgot everything else :/
3rd: sabito & giyuu mermaids, giyuu gets seriously injured and a panicky sabito brings him to the aquarium, tries to follow them taking giyuu inside (shinobu & mitsuri trying to stop ~200lbs of Land Fish from going where he wants to go)
4th: all hashira mermaids, massive destructive hurricane/storm ripped through and they were some of the unlucky merms caught in it; local aquariums & water centers pitched in to help out the influx of injured merms & thats how they all meet
5th: mermaid giyuu & marine biologist sabito, sab finds fish out in the sea and it follows him home
6th: all humans mermaids, hashira + all the siblings/kids are a pod & get captured by illegal mermaid fishers which gets captured by authorities who find the fish in the brig(?) and take it to ppl who know what to do with them (aquarium) said ppl are the demons (humans now)
7th: some time pre-industrial era (all those^^ r modern) sabito as some worker on a ship that gets caught and capsizes in a nasty storm, gets rescued by giyuufish last minute [Castaways(barns courtny)]
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unhingedselfships · 1 year
In The Tags/Reblog Game
Describe yourself in the most EBONY DARK'NESS DEMENTIA RAVEN WAY My Immortal manner you can.
Feel free to stick as close to the original description format, or go completely off the rails.
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"unicron" being a serious term in transformers lore is bringing me back to my blue sky days. guy with a cigarette looking out the window. i havent heard that name in 84 years
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stark-illerbase · 2 years
The way I just DOUBLED down in my Targ stan ways out of pure spite not only from the events of my earlier post but the first thing i see was Anti Rhaenyra Rhetoric from a Sansa Stan and immediately decided to make it my personality
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emile-hides · 2 years
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My mind is plagued by them so badly if anyone wants to do me the biggest solid and send me asks about them I know no one goes here anymore but this is for me to say my many thoughts at a void I just need a single prompt
#Fairy Tail#FairyTail#I made this to put my Queer headcanons on paper like I did for the Baka&Test cast but I just couldn't do it#There's so many fuckin guys y'all#I have so many thoughts there's so many guys just pick one and ask my thoughts I'll write you a novel#This is the second biggest solid you can do for me rn honestly brain fuckin full#I did my best to even slightly organize my emotions for these guys but honestly there is no one category that can hold any of them#I'm so stupidly attached to the Catholic Arc of Fairy Tail it's an Anime only Lucy centered filler Arc and I'm so attached to it#It's got all my favorite guys it's got Gonzolas it's got Jackpot it's got Sammy#It's got Catholic Guilt and the horrifying notion that inanimate objects in Fairy Tail's universe have will and feelings and conciousness#but not the ability to realize they have these things or to act upon them lest a Wizard uses cursed magic to give them human form#It's fucked as hell and I think about Laponte more often than he deserves#but also it has a buff ass blue cat with a Brother Complex and a Berdly level of bitchy smart boy attitued#And the second dumbest man ever written#Oh btw Fairy Tail is full of Dumbest Men You'll Ever Meet you want a dumb man Fairy Tail's your place no one thinks in this house#*Shakes Toby* Behold the dumbest fuckin guy ever written I love him so much I want to rattle his pea brain around his skull#I'm so abnormal about Fairy Tail guys please ask me about them I am alone at sea#as I deserve honestly but I'm still wishing for a message in a bottle#you could also commission me that's cool too that's solider number 1 right there
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ladydragonkiller · 1 year
It's funny how yarn has such a knack for being accidentally collected. Somehow, my yarn stash is always growing.
How is Apollo? I hope he enjoys the sunbeam. It sounds nice and warm.
My favorite tree is the beech, or maybe the sugar maple. They commonly grow in forests together, anyway. The woods near my childhood home was a beech-maple forest, and the one near my grandparents too. Plus, they're gorgeous in the fall, and they're a lovely green in the spring.
What's your favorite color? You can go into detail describing it, if you'd like. (Perhaps it's one of my goals to get you monologuing.)
Best wishes,
M. Cowboy
Yarn falls right in the trap of beautiful, useful (to keep hands busy), and expensive (depending on what you get). I need to rework one of my current projects, hit a snag (figurative) in it a while back and haven't gotten back into the rhythm of it yet.
Apollo is doing well! He missed me and my siblings over the weekend, as we were out of town, and was very happy to see us back last night. Unfortunately it's quite dreary out today, so he isn't in as high spirits as he is when it's sunny and lovely out, but last I saw he was taking a snoozle on the couch. Honestly, I'm a bit jealous.
Those are both lovely trees! I think my family used to have a sugar maple in our front yard, but it got cut down by the city years ago. Now there's only an indent where the stump used to be :(
It's hard to pick a favorite color, as there are so many pretty ones in the world. However, I can pick a favorite color category. In the past, this used to be jewel-toned purples, blues, and greens, the colors that populate a peacock's tail or the ocean's deep.
Nowadays, I find myself drawn towards warmer colors. Oranges, yellows, browns, the colors that put me in mind of sunflowers or baked breads or healthy dirt or the flash of a butterfly's wing. I especially like a yellow that's right on the cusp of orange. Lemon or daffodil yellows are all well and good, but a shade that's golden and fiery and alive is my favorite.
Because of the delicate nature of oranges (not that it's a delicate color, but that many shades of orange could be instead classified as a red or a brown or a yellow with a half-convincing argument), I think that this particular shade pushes the category of orange into the spot of my favorite color.
Of course, I still very much enjoy purples and blues and greens and pinks and all those as well, but this?
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This feels like home to me, nowadays.
What's your favorite color?
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tidepoolalgae · 6 days
tragic: op of a good post about voting for harm reduction has me blocked 😔
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guinevereslancelot · 2 months
why are old people so sad lol
#i posted a flag redesign for fun and boomers are crying abt it#its not real first of all lol#and it looks cool the old flag is boring#plus ita barely a deviation? i kept the seal just changed the background to not solid blue and made the seal monochrome#so its easier to see?#i put a beloved state landmark in the background in a neutral color scheme#its simple but its a def improvement#but boomers are soooo mad like: stop changing everything 😭#lol#the og flag is one of those seal on a blanket ones and it sucks lol#but i respected the history but keeping the seal?#anyway i just posted it for fun bc i found out i missed an opportunity to redesign it a few months ago#and i thought people would enjoy the hypothetical cool flag#but old people are boohooing in the comments 😐#why do they hate fun or even the idea of fun#they tremble w rage at the mere suggestion of fun lol#anyway i showed my dad and he thought it was cool#and apparently he actually knows somebody who knows somebody who is a state senator??? news to me???#but he's gonna get them to pass it along 😏#the boomer tears if this even becomes a legitimate possibility will be so beautiful lmaooo#im sure it wont amount to anything but idk you never know#anyway old people who cry and scream at the idea of any chage at all...why....this isnt even a political change its just a fun change.......#ita completely nuetral politically#i literally thought the boomers would love it bc its got that landmark on it and they're all obsessed w it#alas#this happens been a shitpost
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medicinemane · 10 months
It's not even about disliking bitter things either, I like really dark chocolate, like actually have actively enjoyed whatever the darkest stuff I've had was (been so long since I've had dark chocolate I couldn't say, and so I don't know if this is the right number, but I want to say like 98%... it's been years since I had any though)
Also red wine's ok... I just prefer beer
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