#but not having to constantly be focused on managing the appearance of loose breasts was LOVELY
starbuck · 2 years
Would like to formally recommend that everyone, regardless of gender, try out men’s underwear, because it’s INSANE how much more comfortable they are!!!!!!!
#i don’t even mean boxers - i mean briefs#i didn’t think they’d be that different from women’s briefs but it’s like night and day#why am i having the realization now at age 22 that they make underwear that isn’t constantly trying to stuff itself up your junk??????????#why have i been suffering my whole life???????????#same thought process about bras#i had no idea how much pain i’d been in for so many years until i stopped wearing them and the pain vanished completely#ik some people with really big chests need them for support but at the very least avoid underwire bras if you can#fucking torture devices#ANYWAYS - cannot WAIT to get top surgery!!!!!!!!!!#no idea when it’s happening but i wore a binder today for the first time in forever and it was HEAVEN#i mean. the binder was intensely uncomfortable which is why i don’t wear it ever#but not having to constantly be focused on managing the appearance of loose breasts was LOVELY#being effortlessly flat-chested! imagine it!#someday i’ll just wake up like that! crazy stuff!!!!!!!!#i’d like to have it done in the next couple years but every time i mention it my mom looks at me with fear in her eyes#despite her being generally supportive about trans stuff#she’s cool with my gender in theory but physical change scares her#so we’re gonna need to get past that first#but Someday!!!!!!!!!!!#and in the meantime i will enjoy not constantly being groped by my own underwear… again - WHAT A CONCEPT!!!!!!!!#the things you can accept as normal istg…
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plaidbooks · 4 years
Sorry Ma’am
A/N: Back at it with another random thought. It’s another Sonny Carisi x reader fic (cause I can’t get enough of this man) and is all fluff.
Have you ever “woken up”, but you were still asleep? Cause that’s something that younger me did a lot of.
Tags: none, fluff (takes place after TUC)
Words: 1643
Taglist: @witches-unruly-heart @beccabarba @thatesqcrush @itsjustmyfantasyroom @stardust-fray @permanentlydizzy @infiniteoddball @ben-c-group-therapy @glowingmess @whimsicallymad @lv7867 @storiesofsvu @cycat4077 @barbasimp @glimmerglittergirl @alwaysachorusgirl @reading--mermaid @averyhotchner @mrsrafaelbarba @detective-giggles @dreamlover31 @crowleysqueenofhell
Sonny had never been more exhausted in his entire life, including when he was working full time and taking night classes. He had taken two weeks off recently, and while it was the best two weeks of his life, it just meant he was unprepared to come back.
When Sonny had saw that he passed the bar, his squad had planned a get together to celebrate. He invited you, seeing as you lived together and had been dating for two years now. At least, that’s why you thought you were invited. But Sonny had other plans; while the squad was celebrating him passing the bar, he wanted to celebrate with you. Which was why, while at dinner beforehand, Sonny proposed. It was a quiet proposal, just between the two of you. You tearfully accepted, and you sported the engagement ring at the celebration, causing everyone to lose their minds with joy.
Months later—because Sonny didn’t want to wait—he took that two-week vacation. You and Sonny got married in his family’s church, and then you spent a lengthy honeymoon traveling all over Europe. He even took you to Italy, to visit some of his extended family there. You only wish you had more time to spend alone with him—two weeks wasn’t nearly enough.
But now he was back at work, and with Rafael Barba gone and a new ADA taking his place, Sonny was more overworked than ever before. He was constantly working double and triple shifts, and you barely saw your husband anymore except for him collapsing next to you in bed during the wee hours of the morning…if he made it home at all instead of sleeping in the precinct.
You were cooking dinner, trying to have it ready by the time Sonny got home. He was just coming off a triple shift, and you knew he rarely ate when working so hard. But at least his Lieutenant was allowing him to sleep in tomorrow; he didn’t have to go back to work until 10am.
The front door opened as you stirred the rice, and you let out a curse; dinner was still about 15 minutes away from being done. Sonny appeared in the entryway to the kitchen, and your heart stuttered. He just looked so…tired. Defeated. His eyes were bloodshot, his hair slowly breaking free from the gel he used that morning. He had lost some weight—worrying sense he was already so skinny—and his suit hung off him loosely. There were more stress lines and wrinkles in his forehead and around his eyes than ever before, aging him.
Despite all of this, Sonny’s eyes light up and he grinned wide when he saw you. “Hey, doll,” he greeted, voice a little strained from exhaustion. You smiled back and he came over to you, wrapping himself around you from behind and kissing your cheek. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you, too, Son. Dinner’s going to be a bit still—go sit and relax,” you replied, turning your head to give him a real kiss.
He snuggled closer, burying his nose against the crook of your neck. “I really wanna stay in here with you, catch up on the day…the past few days. But sitting sounds like the best thing ever.”
“Go sit,” you said, chuckling. “We can catch up during dinner.”
Sonny let out a huff. “Fine—you win.” He gave you another kiss on the cheek before making his way to the couch in the living room.
You rolled your eyes at him before checking the oven. You were making baked chicken breasts with asparagus and rice; simple but healthier than the fast food he had when he did manage to eat at work.
A few minutes passed and dinner was done. You plated the food, bringing it out to Sonny, who was still on the couch, the Mets game on tv with the volume low.
“Here you go—” you started, but you stopped as you rounded the couch. Sonny had his eyes closed, soft snores emanating from his slightly open mouth. You smiled at him, placing the plate on the table. Seeing him asleep, with his worry-lines gone, looking at peace, made your heart flutter. He looked younger in sleep, unstressed and relaxed, something that was becoming rarer and rarer. You wanted to let him sleep, wanted to let him rest as much as he could, but he needed to eat. Plus, he had all night to sleep. So, you shook his shoulder gently, calling his name. But he didn’t awaken, staying resolutely asleep.
“Come on, Sonny. Wake up dear. You need to eat…and sleep in a nice, comfy bed,” you whispered to him. But no response. Grinning at him, you leaned down, kissing first his forehead, then his nose before finally kissing his lips softly.
Sonny stirred against you. His hands came to your shoulders, but his eyes remained closed as he gently pushed you off him. “Sorry, ma’am…I’m married,” he murmured, voice thick with sleep.
You chuckled lightly. “I know, you’re married to me, you dork. Now come on, wake up,” you muttered back. You gave him another kiss, and this time, he smiled against your lips. His eyes fluttered open as you leaned back, a small grin still on his face.
“Morning doll…I’m sorry, did I fall asleep on you?” he asked groggily, rubbing his eyes with both hands.
“It’s fine, Son. You need your rest. But you also need to eat food—real food,” you replied.
Sonny nodded, readjusting to sit up straight as you handed him his plate of food. You asked him about his day while you ate, but he was having trouble focusing on the conversation, drifting in and out of speech as he ate. He vaguely asked about your day, and though he nodded along and made noises of acknowledgement, you were pretty sure he wasn’t really listening. You weren’t upset; you knew he was tired…more than tired.
Once he finished his dinner—and complimented and thanked you profusely for it—he made his way to the kitchen, rinsing his dish before loading it into the dishwasher.
“I think I’m gonna go to bed,” Sonny announced, stretching.
You were just bringing your own empty plate into the kitchen. “It’s not good to sleep right after eating; you should digest a little first.”
“I know, but at this point, I don’t really care. I can barely keep my eyes open, doll.”
You nodded. “Okay; wash the gel out of your hair first, then go to bed. I’ll meet you there in a bit.” You remembered the last time he slept before washing his hair, the absolute mess it left on the pillowcase…and the side of his face.
He smiled, also remembering. “Yeah, okay. Thanks again for dinner, and I love you.” Sonny wrapped his arms around you tightly, giving you a tender kiss before heading to the bedroom. You waited until you heard the shower going before you went and sat back on the couch, watching the rest of the baseball game.
Once enough time had passed, you made your way back to the bedroom. Sonny was passed out, his deep breaths filling the silence in the room. He was curled on his side, under the sheets, holding them tightly to him as he slept. You undressed before climbing into bed behind him, wrapping your arms around his warm body. Sonny squirmed slightly, scooting away from you. Confused, you propped yourself up on your elbow, looking down at him. His eyes were still closed, but he wasn’t breathing as deeply; he wasn’t in a deep sleep anymore.
You tried to wrap around him again, but he shuffled away from you, mumbling something. Smirking slightly, you dragged your nails over his bare back; something you knew he loved. He shuddered underneath your touch, letting out a small groan.
“Ma’am please, I’m married,” he replied.
You rolled your eyes. “And do you cuddle with your wife in bed?” you whispered into his ear, scooting closer to him.
“That’s none of your business,” Sonny mumbled, his words slurring together.
You leaned down closer, your mouth touching his ear. “Why don’t you show me how you cuddle with her?” you asked suggestively.
Sonny rolled over to face you, his eyelids fluttering, a glassy look in his eyes. “I love my beautiful wife with all my heart,” he said resolutely. Then, with eyes still half-closed, he gently pushed you until you fell out of the bed with a soft thud.
You laughed, laying on your back. The sound seemed to wake Sonny up fully, and he peered over the edge of the bed at you, looking concerned.
“Are you okay, doll? Did you roll out of bed?” he asked, his brow furrowed.
You started laughing again as you made to stand. “No, but you sure pushed me.”
“What? I did?” Sonny sat up, alarmed. He reached out for you as you climbed back into bed next to him.
You grinned. “Yeah, you did. But at least I know you’ll never cheat on me,” you replied, making him look more confused.
“Of course, I wouldn’t! Where is this coming from?”
As you laid back down in bed, Sonny wrapped himself around you, pulling you tightly against him. “Don’t worry about it—I’ll tell you in the morning. Right now, you should sleep; you haven’t been getting a lot recently.”
He still looked skeptical, but he murmured, “okay…. I love you, doll.”
“I love you, too, Sonny. With all my heart.”
He kissed your neck, snuggling impossibly closer to you, before falling back into a deep sleep. You smiled to yourself, having missed nights like this, sleeping beside Sonny, wrapped up in his long limbs. You knew he’d get a laugh out of his sleep-deprived self, and you fell asleep quickly in his embrace.
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bitchiha · 4 years
The Hokages Office (Yamato x Reader)
A/N: this is dedicated to all my Yamato stans (esp uhhh-hatake and papashi) You’re both lovely and I think it’s about time i fed you, my fellow whores <3 I wrote it on and off for about like four days... and I think I did horny tree man some justice. Ending was a little rushed and it’s semi proofread :(
Warnings: this is like a fucking porno script okay bye like it’s all smut. Li te rally all of it. Like there’s maybe like 4 paragraphs that don’t include horniness so... yah. Public sex I guess?? Just look at the title.
Summary: Ever since Tenzou was assigned to team Kakashi, he has been dying to get you alone. However, it seems to be quite a difficult task when you’re always running away flusteredly, he is beginning to lose his patience.
— —
From the moment Tenzou was assigned to Team Kakashi, he could not stop thinking about you; Lady Hokages new assistant.
It was like your flustered face was burnt into the frontal cortex of his brain, numbing his self restraint with every shy smile you gave him. He could never manage to get you alone though, in fact all of your exchanges were just polite and short and in the presence of either Shizune or Tsunade. The hungry beast inside of him constantly lashed out for more. Lord help him, he needed more. But no matter how hard he tried, it seemed the universe refused to give him what he wanted and that beast was always left unsatisfied.
His patience was wearing incredibly thin. It’s been months since the two of you met and the amount of times he’s had to take care of himself because of you was borderline pathetic. He just couldn’t stop thinking about you. The way your skirt clung to your waist, or the way you’d look up at him through your long lashes with those adoring eyes...
His day at the office started with the usual boner. He had barely managed to last five minutes in the building before it happened.
The halls were completely empty, save for you rushing down the passageway — straight towards him. He stood there shocked, his feet felt like they were cement blocks holding him in place as he watched your preoccupied figure practically run straight for him at an alarming pace. There was a paper fisted tightly in your hand as you ran through the empty hall. It was probably some paper Tsunade had you go fetch, Shizune being to busy to do so herself. You didn’t seem to notice him in your state, you got so nervous over the littlest things. So much so that you were blinded by them and the inevitable fate was that you two were most definitely going to crash into eachother and all Yamato could do was wait with a twisted excitement.
You slammed into him with as loud thump. He could feel your breasts pushed right against his chest and your hair brush the bottom of his chin. A gasped slipped from your muffled lips, your face pressed to his chest. Once you realized you had knocked into another person, whose heart was beating 100 miles per hour, you peered up at them. When you recognized Yamatos face you managed to retract your body embarrassedly, but the damage was already done to Yamato’s now tightening pants. A look of surprise was set across his face as he processed the lingering feeling of your body against his, this had to be the most pathetic moment of his life and a record breaker for the worlds fastest boner.
But ss Yamato observer these past few months, your nerves bad blinded you and you didn’t seem to notice. “Y-Yamato! I’m so sorry!!” You said as you avoided eye contact, “I-I’m just.. I’m just a little behind with schedule and I can’t seem to find Shizune to give her this—“ you breathlessly babbled, he wasnt really focusing on any of the words you spoke though. The only thing he was thinking about was how he wanted to make you stutter out his name like that again, the sound was practically tattooing itself onto his brain.
As usual, before Yamato had the chance to respond, the two of you heard a sound from down the hall. He watched as your face perked up, like a puppy at the sound of a squeaky toy. You turned away from him, glad for an opportunity to escape, “That must be her!” And you were off again, shooting down the hall leaving Yamato to stare after your disappearing figure and to deal with an raging hard on..
And here he was now, about a half and hour later, alone in the Hokages office. The boner still prevelant, more than before as the thought of your body pressed against his was superglued to his brain. He was grateful that his pants were loose fitted and made it a little difficult to see, but he honestly didn’t put up much of an effort to hide it anymore. Lady Tsunade has already seen the imprint of his pants grow gradually bigger these past couple of months, there was no use in trying to hide it anymore. He debated if he should just go jack off in the bathroom, it wouldn’t matter if he was a little late, right? Afterall, Tsunade clearly didn’t care about her own tardiness.
The sound of someone’s footsteps approaching caused him to stop his internal debate. Instead, he listened carefully as he try to identify the owner of the sounds — was it Tsunade? No... They were too fragile to be Tsunades, she walked with much more authority.. Shizunes? Not likely. They were too light to be Shizunes, who’s steps were always frantically beating the ground as she chased the Hokage about. No.. These steps were definitely y/n’s and she seemed to be rushing straight for the office.
His heart rate sped up at the thought, straightening against the wall. Was it too good to be true? He silently prayed to see the shy girl appear as he watched the closed door intently. Desperately trying to manifest the sight. The footsteps got closer, and closer, and the door knob began to turn.
“—Lady Hokage!” You screeched breathlessly as you stumbled into the room, a huge stack of papers balanced in one hand as the other whipped the door open. Bingo.
He watched with surprised eyes as the poor assistant begin to nervously babble out an apology for her tardiness. It took a minute for you to collect yourself and realize there was no one to hear your apology. When you did, you let out a sigh of relief at the empty room, clearly failing to notice Yamato behind you. No wonder you were still an assistant in training.. your nerves were worse than Shizunes. He observed indulgently as muscles in your back untensed through your blouse and you sighed in relief, placing the stack of papers on the already cluttered desk. Your skirt rising up just the way he pictured when he thought about you in the late hours in the night, causing a scratching from the hungry beast inside the observing Shinobi.
You quickly thanked the empty room for the salvation of escaping Tsunades wrath, hanged wringing to together with relief. The little display caused Yamato to chuckle quietly, resulting in a startled yelp from the assistant. You stumbled backward, leaning your body against the desk, facing the Shinobi who had been behind you. He noticed how your legs trembled a little, like a baby deer and he couldn’t repress his excited smirk. This is just how he pictured this.
“Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you, y/n.” He said with a sly smile as he straightened up and peeled his body off the wall.
“N-no thats okay!” You managed to yelp out, bowing respectfully to the ninja, your vision lowering with your movement, catching the tent in his pants. Your mouth fell open a little at the sight. You were bent in a bit of an awkward position, your legs were still shaking causing you to rely on your arms leaning on the desk for support. Nonetheless he appreciated the gesture and how you pretended not to see the obvious surprise in his pants as you straightened up again. You were always such a good girl, always so respectful, but he didnt fail to notice your lingering eyes.
Yamato chuckled again at your wandering gaze fueling this dream in his hesd. Yeah, he’s struck gold, that’s for sure. The sight of you all flustered like this, all because of him, it caused another stirring in his pants and a boost to his confidence.
“Do you you know what you do to me, y/n?” He asked in a falsely nonchalant tone. His body carrying him towards the desk, not before making sure to lock the office door.
“What do you mean, Y-Yamato?” You nervously sputtered out, dodging his question as he came closer, like a lion approaching it’s prey. He couldn’t waste anymore time. This whole thing was a sign. It was a damn sign from the universe. Having you here, in this room that he’s fantisized about taking you in so many times, it was a gift. Afterall his waiting, he was finally getting rewarded and had zero intention to take this opportunity for granted.
“Not gonna answer?” he finally reached you, body towering over yours, repeating those same words he thought about saying to you before. Both his arms coming down on the desk, caging your body between them as he whispered, “I guess I’m just going to have to show you then.”
He watched your parted mouth with vigour, waiting for a protest or a sign of objection, but nothing came. Instead he watched the slick of saliva coating your tongue as your open mouth stuttered, attempting to say something, but only mindless splutters coming out. It took everything in him to prevent himself from just devouring you right then and there.
You stared at him with a doe eyed look, his clouded eyes meeting yours to pool into your irises. His bold advances were new to you, you’d never had someone do this to you before. But you werent complaining, you’d always wanted this — wanted him.. but you could never tell him and to see him so eager and hungry for something — for you — had done a wonderful job on soaking your panties.
Your shaking legs were pushed apart by Yamato’s knee, taking the look in your eyes as a sign of permission. You felt your legs giving out as your arms struggled to hold you up. Luckily his hands snaked around your waist and hoisted you up onto the desk. He drank up this innocent little way that you acted and he wanted nothing more than to have your legs shaking under him for an entirely different reason.
You felt your ass pushing the stack of papers you placed down previously, making room for you on the cold wooden table. There was a sound of brief swooshes, papers slipping to the floor as your mouth fell open a little more.
Before you had the chance to manage some some sort of comment about the papers in your shaky little voice, he leaned his head closer to yours and you instantly making you stop your thoughts in their track. You felt his hot breath against your mouth. You tried to say something you really did, but the only thing that came out was a whimper. He chuckled again, his lips brushing against yours as he did so. You wanted this just as bad, didn’t you? Then he wouldn’t want to make his little angel wait. Without further notice, he pressed his lips to yours.
He was much better than you at the kissing part, probably because he dreamed about this on a daily. His tongue swiped over yours eagerly, the sensation made you moan giving him better access to your mouth. Sliding right in, his tongue swirled around yours almost immediately. You immediately gave him dominance, causing him to groan into your mouth with satisfaction. He savoured how you let him drink you in, his fingers roaming about your body as he did so. They started at your waist, one coming down to your thigh while the other moved up to your chest.
After he couldn’t continue without suffocating, he pulled away. A string of salvia connected your mouths together and he brought a hand to his lip to break its connection, watching it fall back against your chin. You were too lost in what had just happened to bother wiping it away, allowing Yamato to mentally take a picture of the sight. He pressed your ass towards the edge closer to him, allowing your core to collide with his bulge. You let out a gasp, hands gripping onto his shoulders for support.
“See what you do to me? Do you know how long I’ve wanted this? You wanna know what I do when I go home everyday after seeing you in these little skirts?” His eyes never leaving yours as he spoke, the look in his eyes was borderline animalistic. “I stroke my dick to the thought of fucking you on this desk.”
Your response was just a jerking of your hips towards his own, what he was implying was too much for you. It was an involuntary action, but you were glad your body had done something other than just stare at him. “I— Y-Yamato... I didn’t know that.”
He scoffed, but it was more of an “of course you wouldn’t know” kind of sound. His hands travelling up your blouse and beginning to undo the buttons one by one. “How could you know? I can never get the chance to tell you how I feel because someone’s always barging in. So let me show you then, let me show you exactly how you make me feel.”
As his actions process, your reaction a little delayed due to all the cloudiness in your head. Your mind was swimming in the heat of his words. Once you managed some coherent thoughts, your hand flew up to his, pausing his work on your shirt. “Wait! W-What if Lady Tsunade hears? What if she comes back? Yamato.. I.. we can’t..” despite your hand atop of his, he swatted it off and resumed unbuttoning your blouse with a snicker.
“Then I guess she can watch, you’ve tortured me for months y/n. There’s no way I’m stopping now. Not when I’ve finally got you to myself.” And the truth is that you didn’t want him to stop either. You’ve wanted him just as much as he was wanted you, your desperation allowing you to stop your worries and let Yamato continue.
He stopped with the buttons once they were about two thirds undone, open enough that he could get a perfect view of your chest. Shoving the blouse down your shoulders, he gave himself a more clear view of your bra and your collarbones. The bra was a simple lace white fabric and he could see your erect nipples peaking out, causing him to practically drool. They’re even prettier than he imagined. He shoved your bra straps downwards, pulling the fabric covering your flesh with it, giving him full access to your now unclothed breasts.
He immediately dipped his head down to kiss and lick the flesh, his brain recording all of your sounds of pleasure. Your arms tightened around the back of his neck, little panting moans escaping your lips at this new feeling. Then he began to suck at one of the buds, his tongue eagerly swirling around it, the gasp that left hear your mouth fueled his assault further. He could your noises becoming muffled, you had bitten your lip to stop yourself from being so loud. He pulled away with a pop to look up at you, “You’re so responsive. So loud for me. I bet you want this just as much as I do, huh?” He could practically feel the heat radiating of your face, you looked like you were going to burst. So much so that you only managed to squeak out a yes.
“Huh? I can’t hear you, y/n. You weren’t that quiet a second ago,” god he was enjoying this, “I guess I’ll just have to find out for myself then.” Those words puzzled you, unsure of what he meant for a moment — but as you felt his hands travel down to your skirt you knew exactly what he intended to do.
His hand bunched up the fabric of your skirt, holding it up to allow him to view of your white panties, matching your bra. He couldn’t help but groan at the sight. “Wow, sweetheart. Were you wearing these in hopes that I’d see them?” He crouched down infront of your legs, one hand still bunching the skirt up while the over came down to stroke your clothed core. “You’re a little angel.”
Shocks of pleasure shot through you as he continued to stroke your clothed pussy. Causing you to grip the edge of the desk. The sensation only became stronger as he pushed your panties aside, dipping a digit slowly into your already soaked core. Yamato let out a sound of approval at just how ready you were for him. “See? I knew you wanted this just as bad as me, y/n.”
You wanted to say something, talk to him the way he was talking to you, but you were such a flushing mess. Finally, after you adjusted a little to his fingers and the pace, you managed to say something through your panting moans. “Yamato please... I want to make you f-feel good too.”
Those words caused his pace to falter for a second, he looked up at you with a satisfied smile before his pace completely stopped. His fingers laying still agaisnt your plush walls while his thumb pressed against your throbbing clit. “You want me to feel good too? Oh what a good girl you are. But don’t worry, I’ll feel good soon too. I Just want to make sure you’re ready for me first.”
His eyes returned to your wet core, watching as his fingers pushed in and out of you. He didn’t know when he would get this opportunity again, so he needed to cherish all the future jack off material he could get. You squeaked when he entered his second finger into your core and he moaned lowly as he watched your pussy struggle to take two of his digits. “God you’re so tight, how’re you gonna take my cock?”
“I’ll take it! I promise I can handle it!” You managed to respond as your eyes squeezed shut. Being the shy girl you were you didn’t have much sexual experiences prior to this, but that didn’t mean you didnt have fantasies and right now Yamato was doing a good job at fulfilling them.
“Such a determined girl, so good for me.” He grinned at your responsiveness as his thumb circled your clit, eyes trained on your pussy. He felt you begin to clench around him and he looked up to watch your face build up with the anticipation of a little death.
“Not yet, sweetheart. You’re gonna cum on my cock like good girls do, okay?” You nodded furiously as you began to hold back your impending orgasm. Just when he knew it was too much and you were going to spill over the edge, he stopped, retracing his fingers completely and standing up.
You hated how empty you felt as they retracted, but you knew what was coming next was going to be even better. As Yamato began to fiddle with his pants you took the opportunity to press a kiss to his lips. The gesture was surprising knowing how shy you were, but the kiss was so soft and sweet he forgot about undoing his pants and let his hands roam your body. His hands came up to palm your breasts, causing you to gasp into the kiss. That innocent noise making him lose his restraint again, shoving his tongue into your mouth. He dragged it along your gums, your teeth and then swirled it around your own muscule, it seemed as though he was trying to memorize every ridge and crevice you had.
You pulled away to gasp for some air, and he took a moment to look at your dishevelled appearance. Blouse tugged down, hanging onto your shoulders as your breasts peaked out courtesy of him shoving the fabric down earlier. “I’m gonna fuck you know y/n. And I want to do it with you bent over this desk.” He stepped back, giving you enough space to comply with his wishes. You nodded obediently, eager to please him. Standing once again on your shaking bambi legs, you turned around.
Your wetness was practically slipping down your legs as Yamato hiked up your skirt and pulled your panties down. He bent down to lick a small dribble of your slick that had began to slide down your thigh, his sudden desire to taste you taking over him as he licked further up towards your heat, savouring every taste his buds could collect. Greedily he starting to lap at your soaking core, faster and faster his restraint failing him miserably as those heavenly sighs left your lips.
There was just so many things he wanted to do to you. He wanted to do every fuckable thing to your pretty body, but he simply didn’t have the time. Reluctantly pulling away his tongue — a whine escaping your lips as he did so — he stood back up again. “You’re making me get carried away here, y/n.” He scolded teasingly before straightening himself up and fussing with unzipping his pants.
You were practically shaking with excitement as you heart the sound of the zipper giving way and the gentle whisp as the fabric falling to his knees. Listening intently to the sound of his boxers slipping down his thighs next, you let out an excited noise feeling his cock slap against your ass.
“So excited aren’t you? So eager for my cock. Gosh, I bet your play with yourself at night to the thought of me having my way with you.” He slides in unexpectedly as he finishes his thought, causing your hands so slip against the table. You lose your balance, arms stretching against the desk, back arching allowing even more of his dick to sink deeper into your tight pussy.
“Gosh you fit just right.” He groaned, letting himself completely sink inside you, the sight of your new position made his mouth water. Your tits were pressed against the desk as you arms splayed you out infront of him. His cock twitched at the sight, he didn’t want to cum too fast, but this was just too much.
He began with slow eager strokes, absolutely drunk on the noises you were making and just how warm and welcoming your pussy was for him. You moaned loudly at the feeling of him stretching you out like this.
Suddenly, he became very curious about something. He picked up the speed of his thrusts, the angle of this position giving him wonderful access to your sweet spot and he made sure to hit it every stroke. “What do you use when you think about me?” You a manged so slide your head against the table to look at him, cheek burning as you did so. There was a little bit of saliva that was beginning to pool out of mouth and when Yamato saw your sinful face he only became more violent in his pace and that only made you make even more sinful faces.
“What do you fuck yourself with when you think about me?” He repeated again, adding a much more aggressive thrust to the end of his sentence, showing he wanted you to answer it. The thrust caused your tits to drag further on the desk making a squeaking sound, only to be retracted once again as Yamato dragged your ass back onto his cock.
How could he expect you to respond when he was practically making you see stars? “I..” you said some incoherent words and Yamato slowed his pace down just enough for you to get your head back on.
“Come on sweetheart, I need to hear you say it. Tell me, tell Yamato.” When you still couldn’t answer his pace practically stopped. He made the slowest thrusts possible, each one managing to hit that heavenly spot inside you.
It’s like he was making it difficult on purpose. “F-fingers! I use my fingers.” You managed to finally stutter out, tears sprinting against your eyes.
That answer must have satisfied him a little because his pace began to quicken somewhat. “And what do you think about when your fingers are fucking your cunt? What do you think of me doing to you?”
“This!” You didn’t even have to think about the answer. This was exactly what you would think of, what you would daydream of as he stood on the office reporting to lady Tsunade..
Now that answer was definitely the right one and before you knew it he was pushing into you again at a rapid pace. “Ngh, that’s right. I knew your mind was wandering everytime we‘re in the same room. Your much dirtier than you’ve lead on, such a naughty girl.”
You couldn’t respond, the only sounds you managed to make were moans of pleasure as you felt yourself clenching more and more around his cock. “Oh you’re gonna cum now aren’t you? All over my dick, just like in your dreams.” His words fueling your orgasm as he felt you spasm around, him cumming all over his dick. He watched as your cum seeped out a little between his thrusts. Studying your face he memor the way it was pressed into the desk, your mouth open and your tongue peeking out, a thin film of drool puddled around your quivering mouth as he continued to fuck you through your high.
After a few more thrusts Yamato knew he couldn’t hold back his orgasm anymore. Your numb brain could somewhat piece it together too as you felt his cock twitching inside you. You’d both thought about this moment many times before and the one thought that always set you over the edge the fastest was when he let himself spill inside you.
“Yamato,” you mumbled hazily as you seen his own contemplation through foggy eyes. His pace was getting sloppy. “Can you cum inside me, p-please?”
As soon as he processed what you asked him, he came right into your sore little cunt. It took a surprising amount of strength for the shinobi to keep standing upright and holding your hips to his own at the pure bliss of his high. Holy fuck, that was so much better than anything he’d imagined.
The two of you stayed silent for a few minutes, trying to collect yourselves. As he began to pull his dick out of you the mixture of both your orgasms dripped out from your legs. He turned you around so you were laying on your back as he gingerly cleaned you up, lacking the resources to clean you up properly he settled on the tissues on Tsunades desk. Then he moved to pick up the fallen papers, letting you lay on the desk like a little doll until you were finally back from your high.
You were so fucked out that he had to help pull your panties back up for you, as well as adjust your bra and rebutton your blouse after he finished with the stack of papers.
Had he been too rough? You seemed like you were enjoying it when he was ramming into you, maybe he let himself indulge a little too much...
Your sweet little voice broke him out of his thoughts, “Yamato, would you help me go home please?” He watched your trembling little legs as you tried to stand, he was glad his wish from earlier had come true; your legs were wobbling for a different reason now.
“Of course, y/n. You were such a good girl, you did so well.” He pressed a kiss to your lips before wrapping in arm around your waist and guiding you out of the room. “What’re you gonna tell Tsunade now that you’re leaving early?”
You smirked to yourself, Yamato not noticing as he unlocked the Hokages door with his free hand. “We won’t have to worry about that.” Unbeknownst to the man holding you, you had grown impatient with your lack of alone time with Yamato too.
So lady Tsunades absence and everyone else’s for that matter, well.. that wasn’t some gift from the universe, it was an elaborate plan you had made yourself. You’d kept them all busy so you could finally have some time with Yamato. Turns out you were so much naughtier than anyone at the office could have thought thought.
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rogersbabyyy · 5 years
sex, drugs, rock n’roll | roger taylor
author’s note: me? posting a fic? this is much too strange!  i really have no excuse for writing this other than i was horny and just wanted to write some filthy ass 70s sex where everyone’s high and and it’s a lot of fun. but please don’t do drugs it’s not a good idea, this is just for fictional sake and me wishing i was a groupie :) also, i tried to change up my writing style a bit a try and get into the head of someone on cocaine, hence the repetition and somewhat scattered internal monologue. i really hope you enjoy, please reblog! 
summary: you get high and fuck roger at one of freddie’s parties... that’s it.
warnings/tags: this is the most disgusting thing i’ve written. DRUG USE!!, foul language, smut (dom!roger makes an appearance), but mostly heavy drug use (cocaine) so pls pls dont read if u feel uncomfy!
word count: 3.7k
not proofread
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Two hours ago, the party had conformed to become a force of life in itself; roaring and fantastical, welcoming and formidable, all at the same time. Nothing less than outrageous, there were naked girls, naked boys, lounging on Freddie Mercury’s grand staircase, snogging and touching and almost fucking right for everyone to see.
The latest disco hit playing through the stereo system was nothing but a pounding heartbeat for the writhing bodies to obey, hands clutching glasses swaying above heads, shoes kicked to the sides of the room, heads unconsciously bobbing to the beat.
It was the quintessential celebration for the release of Queen’s latest album, months and months of hard work, Roger arriving home every night (morning?) at two, and proceeding to wake you up at six o’clock anyway with the crush of his golden cymbals and throb of his bass drum. Not that you minded, but… it was nice to finally have the chance to let loose, and the boys, finally earning a proper wage of their own, had the money for parties like these now.
The host of the evening (and lead singer of the band) adorned in a leotard clinging to every curve of his muscular body and showing off his chest covered in a soft dawn of hair, had been busy all night entertaining his guests, balancing a velvet crown atop his head with one hand, a glass of bubbly champagne in the other (his matching cloak long ago discarded), his booming tenor voice always assuring that more drinks were coming, and oh, come on darling, you must have another.
Brian and John, however, were long gone; as soon as one of Freddie’s friends dumped an assorted mix of drugs onto the table (causing to Brian to choke on his beer, with someone needing to thump him on the back for a solid two minutes before he recovered), he whisked Chrissie out of there, and John was always yearning to be with his little babies these days (they were utterly precious; Freddie constantly demanded that they be brought round to the studio).
So, that left you with the drummer.
Your boyfriend, Roger, was situated firmly at your side, the hand that wasn’t holding an ice cold glass of whiskey thrown around your waist. His shirt was unbuttoned almost to his navel, exposing his toned abdomen shining with sweat (not unlike the little black dress you were wearing, with a neckline that dipped so low it really didn’t leave anything to the imagination), and oh, did he ever look delicious. And, he obviously thought the same of you; for the way his tongue was licking slow, deliberate stripes over your exposed neck, causing you to giggle so hysterically, it probably had something to do with the remnants of fine white powder littering the glass table, on which your nose was pressed up against approximately five seconds ago.
Euphoric was barely a satisfying enough word to describe how you were feeling. You were orgasmic, horny, powerful, high, burning up (God, you were hot); and from the way Roger’s baby blue eyes were fixed on you, dilated and glazed over, he wasn’t feeling all that different. Growling softly against your neck, his head clouded with a high of his own, his lips hot, so hot, burning, exerted to find the words he desired to describe what he wanted to do to you.
“Mhm, lovie,” he moaned, “Want to, want... ” he laughed softly against you, his equilibrium simultaneously failing him, as he lost what little balance he had left and swayed against you, spilling his drink all over his front in the process.
“Ah, fuck,” He discarded the glass by letting it roll out of his hand and onto the beautiful Persian rug below, and you found this unspeakably hilarious, laughing harder until his lips finally found yours in a kiss so filthy it belonged in a porn movie. Open mouths, tongues entwined in a furious dance, he tasted of his whiskey, Benson & Hedges cigarettes, the hor d’oeuvres that had been floating around all night on silver trays, and something else that was just inexplicably him.
“Naughty dress you’re wearin,” he tried again, lips breaking from yours, and then, barely suppressing a grin; “M’ so horny. M’ so horny you don’t even know. Wanna fuck you right here, don’t give a fuck if anyone sees. Need to fuck you, need your cunt, need you, need you,” He repeated the words continuously, his voice ending as a mumble as he went back to press open mouthed kisses against your neck, on which you’d know there’d be countless bruises in the morning.
Your heart throbbed faster, faster, fasterfasterfaster, and it wasn’t even a question in your mind to squeeze the stiffy growing in his too tight jeans; no one was really even looking, too busy dancing and kissing and drinking and smoking and laughing and-
“I swear to God, I will come in my jocks if you keep bloody doing tha’.” He choked, grasping your wrist and squeezing it softly.
“Well, s’much as I wanna fuck here, I don’t think Fred would appreciate seeing your cock, as lovely as it is,” you beamed up at him, and he giggled softly back, brushing your hair to one side.
“Hm, you have a point, kitten,” he peppered your neck with a few more slow kisses, before his lips found your ear to whisper, “Besides, we wouldn’t want everyone seeing your pretty cunt, because that’s all mine.”
Oh, he owned you, he owned you so bad, and you could feel your walls tighten at his words, and oh how you wished they were clenching around him instead.
“Please, Rogie, let’s go, upstairs, somewhere, the bathroom or the car, even-”
“Calm down, lovie, c’mon, let’s go upstairs… Be needin’ some o’ this,” Roger staggered sideways to snatch up one of the last small plastic bags left on the table, bulging almost to the brim with white powder, “Let’s go.”
Your hand in his as was clammy and hot, God it was so hot, as you took a grievous amount of time to scale Freddie’s staircase in platform heels that perhaps maybe possibly you might have stolen from John, it was too long ago to remember. So, you kicked them off, and they clunk clunk clunked as they bumped their way down the stairs; you’d pick them up later, but probably not, because you were so horny and so bloody fucked up that really the only thing you were thinking at that point about was grinding slowly on Roger’s cock.
Your clit throbbed at the thought, and you fell against his side, moaning softly, his arm encircling your waist to keep you upright.
“Here,” Roger grunted, sweeping you up in his arms as if you weighed nothing at all, and you howled gleefully, legs failing as your halfheartedly moaned for him to set you back down.
“Roger, stop!”
He ignored your pleas, a soft, dazed smile on his face, as he pushed open the door to the nearest room with his shoulder; which happened to be a master bedroom with a four-poster bed, surround by a floaty, gauzy fabric.
He set you down gently on the mattress.
“Right,” he smiled, and for as high as he was, he unsealed the small bag and carefully tapped out a short, perfect line of cocaine on the bedside table. “Ladies first, hm?”
Reaching for the five pound note in his outstretched hand, (“Thank you very much, kind sir,”) you rolled it into a tight cylinder with some difficulty, your hands were trembling so much (from the drug, or from the need for more of it?) and hovered over the line, sniffing as hard as you could as the powder rushed its way upward, Roger’s hands carefully holding your hair back in a makeshift ponytail as the stimulant worked its magic.
Within seconds the drug was in your blood, in your brain, sizzling and popping and making you shiver in delight, oh, it felt good, and you sniffed again, your head dizzy and the room whirling around and aroundaroundaround until your eyes came to a focus on Roger right at your side. He seemed ten times more attractive, if possible, and you quite literally drooled at the sight of him, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand as the room whirled once more.
“Good, huh?” His eyes were excited, as he unbuttoned his shirt completely now and shrugged it off, the fabric landing in a heap on the floor, his hand sliding down the small of your back to squeeze your ass, practically hanging out of your too-tight and much-too-short dress.
“So good,” you said, running your fingers through your hair, your palms coming to rest on his shoulders, “Fuck, I feel like I could do anything. And I’m so horny I could die,”
“Know the fuckin’ feelin’,” he groaned, pushing you backward onto the awaiting bed, his mouth clumsily finding yours in a messy snog, his hands obviously focused on something else;
“Please get those pretty tits out fo’ me,” he growled, his hot hands everywhere all at once, all at once, all at once yesyesyesyes, and God it felt so good, pulling at your dress and squeezing your hips and cradling your pyretic cheeks, “Been teasin’ me all night like the whore you are, mhm, such a little whore, yes,” finally, he managed to rip your pretty black dress right down the middle, your breasts bouncing as they were revealed to him.
His feverish, insistent mouth eagerly found one of your nipples, nipping the soft bud between his teeth. In return, you gasped, thrusting your chest forward ohohohohfuck and yanking on his salty hair. He sucked on it until the bud pebbled, hard against his tongue, and the other breast received the same treatment, Roger always being one for fairness.
“Lay down, c’mon,” his voice was a soft whine, a palm on your shoulder to push you backward onto the luxurious mattress, on which you fell against like one of those rich white girls in chick flicks, collapsing after a long day of retail therapy.
And before your brain could process what he up to, the bag of cocaine was in his hand, and he poured a generous line over the dip in between your breasts, a mischievous grin lighting up his face as he did so.
“Mhm, let’s get it all over, that’s it, all over your pretty tits,” he simpered, his chest heaving with anticipation and arousal, as he tidied up the line with his fingertips, “Always wanted to do this, gettin’ high off your body, mhm…”
“Oh, you’re filthy!” You gasped, as he pressed his soft, upturned nose in the valley, not even bothering with the rolled up fiver. Holding one nostril closed, he snorted the fine powder all in an alarmingly fast fluid motion, your hand entangled in his hair to hold him close to you as he did so, before he shot up like a person possessed.
“Oh, shit!”
He was a flurry of blurry blonde locks as shook his head from side to side, almost violently, his body positively trembling when he was done as he sniffed hard, a final time. His eyes rolled back in his head briefly, before fixating on your lips, and stating in a deadpan voice as clear as day;
“I might die if I don’t fuck you right now.”
You thought it impossible for your heart to race any faster than it was, but your body proved you wrong, your head and the inside of your wrists and every limb pounding hard and fast to the rhythm of the organ, like one of Roger’s particularly fast drum beats that left him panting and shaking from adrenaline (in fact, not so different from his current state).
“Fuck me then, would you? I’m so wet I think I’ve made a mess,” your voice was a soft, hoarse, giggle, as you looked down to find a noticeable dark patch on the white lacy g-string you’d had the foresight to wear.
“See! Oops!” You laughed loudly, slipping your fingers past the material to rub your throbbing clit, throbthrobthrobbing godyouweresowet, and you pouted teasingly when Roger could do nothing but stare. “What, don’t you want me, Rogie?”
His eyes flickered shut as they rolled backward again, showing you the whites as painful, animalistic whimper left his throat. His hands fumbled at a speed you’d never seen before to unbuckle his belt, tugging down his flared denim jeans (that were all the rage at the moment).
While he did so, you removed your fingers from their place over your core, you brought them to your mouth, taking your index and pointer fingers to the knuckle, before dragging them down over your lips.
Finally managing to slide the leader belt through the loops of his jeans, Roger shook his head as you this, his gaze almost becoming furious and disapproving as he leant toward you and nudged your hand away from your mouth, replacing your fingers with his own.
“Uh-uh,” he scolded, “Don’t you dare tease me like that now, lovie.”
You sucked eagerly on his fingers, tongue running thoroughly over the tips of each, kissing and sucking and perhaps wanted them rubbing over your needy clit instead.
As if reading your mind, Roger’s fingers withdrew slicky from your mouth, spanking the sweet bundle of nerves between your legs, just enough that you convulsed, shuddering at his touch; “Fuck!”
“Open your mouth,” he commanded, forcefully taking your face in his hand and squeezing your cheeks until you obeyed, eyes crazed and jubilant.
With a soft hum, he let a single strand of his saliva drip from his mouth to yours, dribbling slowly onto your awaiting tongue, as you swallowed eagerly and jutted your chin out proudly to show him your efforts.
“Tha’s my girl.”
“Can you fuck me now, please?” You moaned, sliding your knickers past your ankles to toss them over Roger’s shoulder, all the while giving him the sexiest puppy dog eyes you were able to muster up.
“Since you asked so nicely.” Yanking his boxer shorts off and kicking them toward the foot of the bed, you finally got to wrap your hand around his length as it bobbed upward to tap against his tummy, beads of precum leaking from the tip, feeling the throb of his erratic drug fuelled heartbeat pulse through his shaft.
“Such a needy boy,” you whispered, legs spreading earnestly as you greedily guided his palpitating member to your core. The cherry coloured blush that was the head of his cock slid past the swollen lips of your cunt, and the both of you shivered in a bout of ecstasy, moaning against each other as Roger clutched you to his chest.
He then slid out of you slowly, before immediately jerking his hips back toward you, making you scream, digging the heel of your foot into his back.
“You’re so bloody wet,” he gasped, collapsing his weight onto his forearms as his thrusts continued the erratic pace he’d established moments before, one slow thrust, and then fastfastfastfaster-
“You’re so fucking huge, oh my God, I love your cock, I love your cock, I love-”
-until he returned to his teasingly slow pace. Whimpering, you hid your face in the crook of your elbow, eyes squeezed shut as you shakily begged your boyfriend to increase his pace.
“I’ll fuck you how I like,” he grunted, angling his cock in a way that it only just nudged your g-spot, making your toes curl as his hips finally found the familiar rhythm that you so adored: fast, steady, and hard.
The room resumed its spinning motion from earlier as his cock sent you into a bout of euphoria, his balls making the filthiest noises you’d ever heard as their momentum caused them to slap against your your dripping pussy.
“You feel so fucking good, holy fuck,”
His cock made a slick, wet sound as he pulled out of you, and you whined, cunt clenching around nothing, so emptyemptyempty.
“Why’d you stop?”
“Get on your hands n’ knees, c’mon love, c’mon, need t’be back in your cunt,” He was panting, his hair soaking with sweat, his palms so warm so hot so boiling, as they found your waist to flip you over, making you titter deliriously as you landed on your front, ass in the air and cheek against the soft dawn of the mattress.
“Pass us the coke, angel,” you felt him smile as he pressed the gentlest of kisses against the back of your shoulder, as you stretched to reach the little bag filled to the brim with euphoria to pass over to your boyfriend.
Catching you by surprise, his palm came down sharply on the supple skin of your ass, as you jolted forward and squealed, clutching the sheets against the sting of your skin that was just the right blend between pleasure and pain.
“You like that, don’t you? Filthy little thing, an absolute slut, horny and dripping, all for who? Hm?”
“For you, for you, only for you, Rog!”
Feeling a tickling sensation between your asscheeks, you knew what Roger was doing immediately, knew he was tapping out what was left of the white powder on the barely-an-inch of skin that separated your two holes.
“Stay still,” he muttered, palms spreading your cheeks apart to bury his face in between them, snorting the powder in a quick, practiced movement.
A slurred jumble of profanities left his mouth as the smaller amount of the drug boosted the euphoria coursing around his system, and he delivered a final spank to your ass, and you yelped and laughed deliriously once more.
“Alright, c’mon, you naughty thing, back up you get,” His staunch arms encircled your waist and lifted you so were you sitting upright.
“Want you t’ride my cock, think you can do that fo’ me?”
“Yes, yes, oh, please, want you back inside me,” you begged, clambering on top of your boyfriend as he settled against the headboard of the bed, his eyes clouded with lust as you rocked desperately against his thigh. “Feel so empty.”
“I can certainly help you with that, darlin’, mhm, oh, oh fuck,” he grunted as you took a hold of his member and settled down onto it, pushing him inside you.
Grinding your hips against him slowly, it was Roger’s turn to whimper, as his hands squeezed your waist to keep you balanced against him.
“Please, love,” his voice was hoarse, “need to you- oh, yes.”
Using your knees as leverage, you re-commenced the steady tempo, except now you were in charge. You bounced on his cock, taking him right to the hilt every time, your breasts bouncing in front of his face, in and out and in and out outandinoutandin…
You went to throw your head back in a wail of pleasure, but Roger’s hand found the back of your neck to stop you, and he growled,
“Watch. Watch yourself bouncin’ on my cock.”
You looked down at the join of your bodies and moaned gutturally at the sigh of his dick soaked in your wetness, his veins pink and throbbing, so pretty, God his cock was gorgeous-
You reached down to rub your stiff, hard, slit, your movement becoming messier and erratic, Roger announcing;
“I’m so close, love, I’m so close-”
“Come inside me, I don’t care, please, want you in my cunt, Rog, please,”
“Bloody fuckin’-”
You didn’t need to tell him twice. Your words alone prompted a callous growl from his diaphragm, his muscles seizing and spasming as his warm seed covered the walls of your pulsing cunt, hips jerking of their own accord as he emptied himself inside you.
The feeling of his cum inside you, paired with the stunning sight of his orgasm, pushed you to your own.
“Roger, Roger, oh my God, Roger-!” The coil in your stomach popped, your eyes rolling backward as they did when you took your first line of the drug, falling into his chest as your trembled.
“Tha’s it pretty girl,” he encouraged, still shaking from his own orgasm and the cocaine and everything was just overwhelming as you came all over his cock, “Tha’s it, come for me, fuck, you’re clenching so hard-”
And that’s when you squirted all over his cock, drenching him with your cum, almost looking like a person having a seizure.
If he had it in him, Roger could have come again right then and there. His ego certainly inflated a solid few degrees (although it was already relatively huge; c’mon, this was the 70s), because he did that to you. He made you squirt all over his cock, and forget the cocaine; that was the most powerful feeling was capable of experiencing.
Rolling off of you in a tangle of limbs, Roger’s breathing was hoarse and loud and rough as he fought to catch his breath.
“Fuck, that was hot.”
Eyes heavily lidded, the tiny floating pinprick sized silver stars still sporadically clouding your vision, you sighed contently, feeling fuzzy and happy and high as a kite and most importantly, in love.
You knew it wouldn’t last long; the inevitable crash would creep up on you out of nowhere and have you reaching for a cigarette or glass of wine, or, most likely, Roger’s arms, where you’d have a good cry for no particular reason.
“Rogie?” You murmured, rolling on your side to rest your head on his shining chest, hearing his turbulent heartbeat thunder against your ear.
“Yes, angel?” His eyes were still bright and misty from the drug, and yet, they surveyed yours carefully, his arm wrapping around you. “That was fun, dontcha think?”
“‘Course,” you smiled, “like having your cum inside me, all dripping out.”
“Fuckin’ Christ,” he kissed you again, “n’ I love marking you up, darlin’, letting everyone know you’re mine, all mine, mine, mine…”
He smiled his perfect little cheeky schoolboy grin, “Love you, angel, you know that? ‘Cos I do, I love you, wanna be yours n’ fuck you forever.”
Your vision was hazy, the last of the cocaine beginning to thin in your blood, the crash creeping up on you as the seconds ticked by-
“I love you, Rog.”
-but, boy, could Freddie throw a party. And Roger: he was worth it.
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sm-entertain-me · 6 years
Liquid Courage (M)
Requested by @sarangtae-vante: Hey love hope you've been doing well:) I'm back with another Taehyung imagine where you go the same university and he have always caught your eye and you've been observing him from afar and your friends used to tease you etc etc then one day you hit the club and were he was there with his friends make them meet anyhow idc then things ended up getting heated (dom sub is possible ) *enter jungkookie wink ;)* thank you so much 
(A/N: Ugh I’ve been doing okay. Got some school shit that went down. I\’M SO SORRY I DIDN’T HAVE TIME TO WRITE THIS BECAUSE I HAD OTHER STUFF QUEUED AND MEHHHH. But I am back so here we goooo!)
Contains: Kim Taehyung x (f) reader, university!au, adult language, smut, sexual themes, depictions of sex, exhibitionism, mirror kink, quick sex, unprotected sex, cum eating.
Synopsis: Taehyung was the kind of guy you were way too shy to ever approach in normal circumstances. But add a little Liquid Courage and the constant pestering of your friends and you start to lighten up a bit... Maybe a little too much?
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“Drink it!” Your friends shouted at you as the three of you remained glued to the bar of the hottest club in town. To be honest, they were all pretty popular given the only purpose of this town was to cater to the needs of drunk and horny college students, but who are you to judge? Especially since you’re currently chugging down a shot of tequila and wincing as the liquid burns down your throat. The look on your face was rather painful looking as you looked desperately for something to wash the taste out of your mouth, or to at least cool down the increasing temperature of your throat. 
Alas, your friends just stood idly by and laughed at the pained expression on your face, refusing to give you the complimentary lime like decent human beings. “You two are evil,” You groaned as you looked to the bartender to help you out with your situation, the bartender nodding understandingly as he shoved a mini bowl of limes in your direction, earning a swift thank you from you as you sucked desperately on the lime for some relief.
As you turned to your friends to chastise them, you noticed that both of them had left you alone. Your eyes darted from each end of the bar in search of them but ended up empty, you sighing in annoyance as you played with your empty shot glass, thinking of ways to get back at them if you ever did find them. They’ve been known to ditch you in hopes of getting themselves laid, but this was the one time you were willing to let loose in the best kind of ways and this is how they repay you? They forced you to drink the worst tasting drink, refused to give you a lime to calm the burning in your throat, and left you alone at the bar like some chump? What the hell? 
After a couple minutes of contemplating how to handle the situation, your thoughts were cut short when a small hand gripped at the muscle of your shirt, whipping you around with a lot more force than you would’ve like since you were steadily building up a buzz from the alcohol you consumed.
When your body was completely turned around, you came face to face with the very people who left you and three more guys who you’d seen around campus before, one of which caused your throat to tighten up the minute you saw his light brown eyes staring right back at you. The one who caused such a reaction was none other than the university’s most popular student, Dean’s List holder, and talented football player Kim Taehyung. Shit.
“Y/N! We’d like you to meet a couple of our friends,” Taylor sang out to you as she was semi-grinding against the boy who stood behind her, the boy in question holding her by her hip and pressing his crotch against her ass. You sighed to your drunken friends, rolling your eyes at their shameless ways of getting into the guys’ pants, “Yeah, I already know them. Hi Hoseok, Jimin.” 
You made sure to skip over Taehyung as you didn’t feel like you were worthy of speaking to him, especially since you had the biggest crush on him since high school and your friends would constantly make fun of you for being so head over heels for someone who didn’t even know your name until he needed to copy your lecture notes. 
“What about me?” Taehyung asked with a chuckle in his voice as he sipped on his red solo cup, making sure to look you in the eyes as he spoke in order to get a read on you. He needed to figure you out a little bit before he started his quest of getting you all riled up. Of course your friends had promised that he would get laid like the rest of his friends, but he needed some time to gauge the situation because as of right now, you didn’t exactly look ready to accept his advances.
“Oh, hi Tae, I didn’t see you there,” You lied, giving him a fake smile that seemed as real as it could get, trying to avoid the awkwardness of this situation altogether. Your friends were already rolling their eyes at you since they knew damn well by the way your jaw tightened upon seeing Taehyung that you were lying, but that doesn’t need to be shared with anybody else.
Still, your friends grabbed you by the wrist as they chorused, “Come on, Y/N! The guys wanna dance and Taehyung is without a partner. Are you really going to leave him hanging?” Your eyes flew over to Taehyung as you drank in his appearance: simple white tee with a figure fitting leather jacket, tight jeans that showcased every dip of his leg muscles... He was looking mighty fine. A little too fine for your liking. 
Normally, you would say no to dancing with Taehyung in fear of embarrassing yourself, but you just couldn’t help letting your mind wander to what could come of just having a little fun. Another factor in your decision making was the fact that your inhibitions were lowered thanks to two beers and a tequila shot, so you were feeling real good about dancing with Taehyung. Confident, even.
So you nodded your head at the group as your friends squealed, happy that they could continue to tease the boys they were with in hopes of getting their bones jumped later. Taehyung chuckled at their reaction as he looked over at you with a kind smile, extending his hand out to grab yours, “May I have this dance, my lady?”
The affect the music had over your body was nothing short of euphoric as you swayed your hips to and fro, maintaining a dangerous amount of eye contact with Taehyung as your body writhed in front of him. Taehyung’s eyes were focusing on the way your face evoked pure bliss and how you would bite your lip as you ran your hand down the supple skin of your breasts and all the way down to your hips, him licking his lips at how delicious you looked. The longer you danced like that in front of him, the harder he got in his pants, and he was determined to let you know one way or another.
You soon felt a pair of hands on your waist and were quickly turned around, Taehyung leaning forward to push his erection against the swell of your ass. He kept one hand firm on your hip while the other one snaked up to your hair, giving you a slight pull as he swayed your hips for you, groaning out when you started to push your ass even harder against his cock to feel it throb through the layers of clothing. 
“Fuck baby, don’t do that. You’ll be in a lot of trouble if you keep doing that to me,” Taehyung growled in your ear as he moved a piece of your hair away from your neck, exposing the bare skin to his plump lips. A small moan fell from your lips as Taehyung began to work on the column of your neck, still being focused and burying his cock in between your clothed cheeks to let his intentions be known. That action alone caused your panties to become slick as you pushed your ass even harder against his cock to let him know that you were not going to back down any time soon. Not that he minded. Taehyung loved the feeling of your ass pushing his cock from side to side as he worked it hard against you, moaning out from the pleasure it gave him.
Now that the both of your were completely high in the sky from your pleasures, Taehyung stopped sucking your neck to form painful hues of red and opted to licking the shell of your ear before he growled, “You’re getting me so worked up baby. How about we take this to the bathroom and you help me with the mess you’ve made? You’re just begging to take my cock.”
Again, the liquid courage that was surging through your body had you more than happy to have a one night stand with the university’s star pupil. Licking your lips at the offer, you turned around in Taehyung’s grip and wrapped your arms around the back of his neck, tilting your head to the side cockily, “What are you waiting for then?”
It was all a blur on how exactly you got there, but you somehow managed to get hoisted up on the counter of the bathroom, legs wrapping tightly around Taehyung’s small waist as he gripped the bottom of your ass. Taehyung’s lips tasted faintly of alcohol as they were molded onto yours, his tongue occasionally coming out to play as he teased at your bottom lip. Your hands were too busy working with Taehyung’s belt of his pants to notice that he hand managed to slip your panties down your legs with record speed, eventually pocketing the drenched material in the back pocket of his jeans. 
With a bare pussy, you leaned forward and began to grind your throbbing clit against the rough fabric of his jeans, easily finding a rhythm you enjoyed thanks to the sizable length protruding from his jeans. As you ground against his clothed cock, you could hear Taehyung moaning from the sensation of your wetness coating the front of his jeans and how you rubbed so diligently against his cock. But it was enough foreplay for Taehyung as he was on a mission to have you screaming his name for everyone to hear, even over the loud music playing.
Taehyung worked quickly to pull you off of the counter and bend you over the sink, slipping his jeans down just enough to have his cock spring free without having to take off his jeans completely. “I want you to look at yourself while I fuck you, you got that baby girl?” Taehyung asked as he spit on his hand and gripped his cock tightly in his hand, rubbing himself to his full length and making sure to smear the stubborn bead of precum that refused to slide down his length. You nodded at his request as you arched your back for him to give him the best angle, careful to comply with his wishes as you watched his every movement from the reflection of the mirror.
The minute Taehyung’s cock entered your sopping wet pussy, he had you moaning out from the feeling of his cock sliding effortlessly against your walls. Your hands gripped the edge of the counter as you closed your eyes tightly, trying to get used to the girth Taehyung carried between his legs. As if on cue, Taehyung’s hand stroked your hair lightly to comfort you, him leaning forward to whisper reassuring words in your ear, “It’s okay, Y/N. You’re doing great, just let me know when you’re ready and I’ll start moving okay?” You could only nod at his words as you willed yourself to relax in order to take him properly, opening your eyes quickly to make eye contact with him through the reflection of the mirror, signalling he could move now.
Good thing you got used to his length when you did because Taehyung was not gentle at all when it came to fucking you. Taehyung’s strokes were slow but very deep as he pounded into you, grabbing you by the hair and yanking you back to make sure you were watching the way he fucked you. He wanted you to watch how deep he would go inside of you and how your face would twist into shapes of sheer pleasure, making you watch the way your mouth hung open and cursed to the ceiling above the longer you went. 
“Look at you taking my cock! You look s-so fucking beautiful,” Taehyung groaned out as his free hand dug into the flesh of your skin, only leaving to deliver a hellish smack to your ass. Any time his hand would land on your ass, you found yourself becoming a moaning mess at the addition of the sensation mixed with the feeling of Taehyung’s cock pushing against your G-spot. 
You didn’t have to imagine how pathetic you looked while taking his cock because Taehyung made sure you watched every minute of him burying his cock in your soaking wet pussy, Taehyung occasionally looking down and admiring the way his cock slid all the way in and came out with a thick sheen coating his length. The sight of your arousal coating his entire length had his hips beginning to stir against you, indicating he was close. However, Taehyung was one of those lovers who refused to cum until his partner did, forcing to use alternative measures.
Taehyung resulted to taking his hand that wasn’t buried in the strands of your hair and pressing it firmly to your swollen clit that seemed to be neglected. The feeling of the pad of his finger pressing harshly against your clit had you reeling, arching your back even more for Taehyung as you let your release take over, cumming hard around his cock with a loud cry of his name and the clenching of your walls around his thick cock. 
“Fu-Fuck don’t do that! I-I’m cumming, Y/N! Y/N!” Taehyung bellowed as he gripped both of your hips in each hand, his nails sinking down into your flesh and leaving small crescents in their wake. With another shout of your name, Taehyung released his thick ropes of cum deep inside of you, filling you up to the brim and giving you a couple more thrusts to ensure he completely busted inside of you. 
No matter how long you two wanted to stay in that position, your friends were probably worried about you, so you had to force Taehyung to slip out of you. Taehyung groaned as he pulled out, reaching over to grab some paper towels but stopped when he saw his cum dripping slowly down your thigh. The sight of it was pretty hot as he ran his finger up your inner thigh, careful not to touch your sex since you were still pretty sensitive. 
“Here,” Taehyung said as his cum covered the tip of his finger, grabbing your shoulder with the opposite one and flipping you around to face him, pressing the finger to your mouth. “Suck it.” You smirked up at him as you took his finger in your mouth, allowing your tongue to roll over the salty liquid and savoring every bit of him as it rolled down your throat. In comparison to the hellish tequila shot you had earlier, you preferred Taehyung’s cum any day. But to be fair, that tequila shot is what got you into this situation in the first place, and it was so worth it.
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queenlifesupport · 6 years
Like It’s Yours (Ben x Joe x Y/N) #1
A/N : This is sorta inspired by @freddiesmercvry (Truth or Dare) and low-key from 50 Shades of Grey... Also please leave suggestions for scenes or some smutty situations!! (this might have typos, also im so tired while writing this so it might be SHIT)
WARNINGS : SEX, Language, Unprotected Sex, Kinkiness. WORDS : 3,019
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I haven't been out of my small apartment in days, I had work piled on my desk like theres no tomorrow, my job was absolutely pushing me to the edge and I needed a break before I fell. I used the strong liquor in my hand to pump myself with confidence in order to move onto the dance floor, I wasn't much of a drinker but tonight called for it. It was hard to make out what song was playing due to the overdramatized bass that throbbed through my eardrums, but whatever it was, people still let loose of their problems and personal lifestyle. 
I attempted to stand while the drink flew through my system, accomplishing balance on my six inch heels. The confidence finally brought me to the large gathering I've been eyeing all night. I entered the crowd, feeling like I'm lost in a humid corn-maze, being bumped into by random strangers that were also tipsy, some more than others. Finding the middle of the crowd, it was my time to let loose. During the midst of my drunken swaying, my eyes fluttered open to view those around me, gaze following the eyes a man a few feet away. He looked lascivious as he mirrored my moves. His blonde hair was slightly swept to the side, he wore an all black suit that tailored him quite nicely, you could tell he was fit. I held his stare intensely, not daring to make a move in his direction for I did not want to lose the challenging match so easily. He seemed to not budge easily either, I debated in my mind to either approach or signal him over. His glare made my stomach slightly weak, out of reflex I looked away, I knew I couldn't approach him on my own. I continued to dance, deciding to slow it down, adding more sensualness to the way I moved. I needed to draw him in and this was the only way I knew how. Although our beaming was cut off from my shyness, I could feel his eyes still exploring every inch of my body. My feet began to ache, I had a inclination that connections would not ascend further, I'd rather sit down instead of waste my time. I looked up one last time, giving the stranger a smile before strutting off to the lounging area. I felt overheated from the moving along from the warmth emanating off others, once getting away from the swarm I accompanied myself on the white pleather. I sighed at the cool air being pushed over me from the air conditioning overhead, I wondered why there wasn't air conditioning above the dance floor. It was getting late according to the time on my phone screen, I should head home soon so I can attempt to demolish my workload tomorrow.
"Hello." My thoughts were interrupted by a harsh British accent, I took a gander at the wellspring of the voice and to my surprise it was him, the one from the herd in the dancing mass. My eyebrows lifted ever so lightly, I didn't think he'd follow.
"Oh - hi." I could only manage a short response. He lightly chuckled before asking me if he could accompany me on the cushion, I accepted. He smelled of Versace cologne, the hint of green apple, mint, and lemon, it was exhilarating on its own.
"Crowded night, I suppose." His voice was as mesmerizing as his scent.
"Indeed. I've never been here, thought I'd give the nightlife a try."
"I agree, I usually come here to meet interesting people, and as of now, I've accomplished my goal."
"You don't even know my name." I laughed now.
"Good point, I'm sure it's as interesting as you seem. Now humor me." From then on, we talked about all sorts of aspects of our lives; work, friendships, hobbies, and even romantic relationships. I learned his name is Ben, he lives with his best friend Joe, he's an actor, and he plays football (soccer) in his pastime. Once I looked down again at my phone, it allowed us to see we've talked for about 2 and a half hours straight. Time did fly when you're having fun.
"I should probably get home." My smile faded at the thought of ending our night, he frowned slightly too. I opened iMessage to text my friend, earlier she agreed to drive me home since I would be drinking and I've always been her designated driver in the past. "I just have to wait for my ride, in the meantime I can get your number?" 
"Sounds lovely." He recited his number to me as I quickly pounded it in, setting his contact as 'Ben'. 
"We should get together sometime soon, maybe coffee tomorrow?" A ding from my phone alerted me of a notification. "Fuck - she can't pick me up."
"What's going on?"
"Her tail-light is busted, she doesn't want to get pulled over while driving around." I sighed frustratingly. My apartment was about a 45 minute walk from here and I wasn't in the mood to walk in heels.
"I can order you an Uber."
"No no - You don't have to pay for me. I can order one."
"Why don't you come over for the night? It's just 10 minutes away." He seemed serious about his statement. I couldn't tell if it was a legitimate invitation. Would I really go home with him? I wasn't that type of person, meet them then immediately jump to the next thing. "Well, are you down?"
"Sure, I don't see the harm in that." I didn't even give a second thought to my answer. 
The industrial-loft like apartment was dark and smelled of cedar wood, it gave a very expensive vibe yet homey at the same time. I hung my purse and coat up on the welcoming racks and followed Ben further into the flat, as we ventured through he flicked every light switch allowing the place to illuminate under the warm lights. We entered the kitchen, presently taking a seat at the island as he sought what appeared to be a wine rack.
"Care for a drink? We have Dom Perignon, Caymus, whatever you desire." I desire him. 
"I don't speak rich, surprise me." He gave my comment a delightful snicker. My love life was very exhausting, I was constantly focused on my profession. I never discovered many fascinating folks, however he was something different. He was adorable, smart, kind, and as a plus, rich.
"For the lady, Beau Joie." He held two beautiful champagne flutes, each held a fizzing liquid. I accepted the cup between my fingers and took a drink at the same time as him. I've just heard of this stuff in romance books and films, yet I was at that point of truly liking him in one night. I felt my cheeks heat up with a pink as he sent me little wink while his lips pursed around the glass rim. "Have I let you know that you're the beautifulest amongst all the women I've ever seen?" I couldn't help but roll my eyes playfully, biting my lip at his compliment.
"You haven't seen many women I assume?" My eyebrow raised at him as I yet again took a sip of the champagne that tasted like citrus and apple as it hit my many tastebuds. 
"I've seen my fair share, and I can tell you what I said was a fact. Don't believe me if you want, but I can prove it if needed." I gulped at the possibilities he could be suggesting.
"And what are you implying, Mr. Hardy?" I scooted to the edge of my seat, leaning in closer to him. He did the same, only a few inches from my lips.
"Why don't you kiss me and find out?" His voice was deep, pushing me over the edge, I couldn't deal with him. I went forward, crashing my lips with his soft ones, sharing the alcoholic tase between the sensual moment. I didn't mind the taste. I felt his strong grip move to my thigh as we continued to synchronize our lips, soon feeling his tongue graze my bottom lip in anticipation to enter. I allowed it. We pulled apart after a few moments of heavy interaction, we both sat there out of breath. 
"Take off your blazer." My request was forward and I demanded I got what I asked for. He slipped it off without question, grabbing onto the bottom hem of his under shirt, giving me a questioning look before I nodded, then he took that off too. I was correct before, he was fit, my fingers ran down his abs, drawing an imaginary sloppy line from his V-line to his biceps, clutching a hand around his upper arm to feel the hard muscle. 
"Maybe we should get you out of that pretty little dress of yours?" His whisper was dripping with lust, I had to clench my thighs harder. Everything he said drove me crazy, I was soaked at this point. 
"Who said you earned it?" 
"Who said you were the one in control here?" He made me melt, he was so dominant and I loved it. I surrendered, standing up, first unzipping it from the back as we held eye contact, then slipping down the dress sleeves, finally pulling it down to pool around my feet. He bit his lip at the sight of the black lace panties I wore underneath, the dress had enough support to wear it without a bra. In the cool air, my nipples were hard at the high amount of excitement I felt. "I think you might be missing something else." He slightly pointed at the thong I still wore. I slid my thumbs into the waistband, teasing him by stretching out the fabric but not pulling them down. As I continued, I could see him getting quite impatient in his seat. "Now." I finally slid them down at his command, feeling embarrassment at my exposure but replaced it with fake confidence. 
"What now?" I sweetly asked, swaying seductively as I walked myself directly in front of him. He harshly grabbed onto my hips, pulling me in to take my nipple between his teeth, harshly sucking and nipping. I moaned loudly, his sudden action sparked my body massively. "Fuck - Ben." My hand took a fistful of his blonde hair, tugging slightly. His suction pulled off as he took a moment to look up at me.
"Don't call me that." I looked down confused. "You can call me Sir." He then wrapped his lips along the other breast. His other hand found its way to between my thighs, rubbing my clit slowly. His fingers rolled perfectly. 
"Hmph - Sir, I need more please." He hummed against the soft skin in response, he continued. "Please, I need to be fucked." He withdrew his lips and hands from me, standing up to match my height, unbuttoning the suit pants then releasing himself from them. Once he was left in his boxers, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the counter on the other side of the island. Although there was a cup holding utensils, he used his arm to sweep them off the counter and to the floor, scattering everywhere. He once again grabbed onto my hips, ordering me to jump then also lifting me up to sit bare-ass on the counter, he re-adjusted his hand position, placed his hands on both my under thighs, lifted them up so that my pussy was at a better angle for him to enter while I leaned back and held myself up on my arms. He bit his lip as he gazed down at my glistening slit.
"You're so wet for me, princess. How bad do you want my dick in your tight little pussy?" I rolled my head back in anticipation. 
"So bad, Sir, please fuck me." He finally removed his last layer, revealing his hard and throbbing cock, I licked my lips at the sight of him completely nude in front of me. I moaned quietly as he teased me with his tip, it was this moment I was beyond thankful I was on birth control. I craved him cumming inside me. I made no remarks at his slow entrance, I knew thats what he wanted from me. Suddenly he thrusted in slowly, I moaned out, hearing him sigh as he slipped in. 
"You're so tight, babygirl. You feel so good around my cock." He continued a slowed pace, allowing me to adjust to his length and width. At first it felt slightly uncomfortable but was soon replaced with pure bliss.
"Sir, please go faster, " He slightly built up to a fast pace with my request. The sound of our moans and slapping skin filled the quiet apartment. His thrust grew faster and deeper, and I moaned even louder with every push. At this point I was a moaning mess, the pleasure took over from the waist down, the overflowing delight clouded my head. 
"Turn around, I want your ass facing me and your stomach against the counter." He slid out of me, causing me to whine in response. "Do it, now." I followed his order and managed to rotate myself on my tits, it was cold sending small goosebumps on the surface of my skin. "Such a lovely ass." As his words distracted me, his cock slipped back into my slit, hitting deeper than the last time. I cried out in pleasure, stretching my arms out attempting to reach for something. All of a sudden the sound of glass hitting the floor could be heard, I knocked the glass full of champagne off the counter.
"Fuck Ben, I'm sorry." I managed to get out between breaths as I used my hand to push behind me on his chest. All he did in response was grab my wrist and pin it behind my back.
"I don't care, don't think about it babygirl." He sped up once again, now grabbing a fistful of my hair. My legs started to weaken from all the pleasure, I couldn't control any sounds that left my mouth. I barely had a grip on my surroundings either. "Shit baby, I'm close." His teeth clenched together, grunting as he continued the pace.
"Cum in me Sir, fill me up." I attempted to push him over, and I succeeded. Feeling his warm cum release inside me. After a few sloppy thrusts, he pulled himself out. 
"Now it's time for you baby." He lowered his face to my cum dripping pussy, licking a strip from my clit to my opening, pressing his tongue into my slit. I groaned as his tongue thrusted in and out, it was significantly more exciting to me that he had quite recently came inside me and is currently licking it up. I didn't require substantially more attention to cum, I was already close when he was fucking me with his dick.
"Sir, I'm close." I moaned.
"Not yet baby." He muffled against my pussy. I rolled my eyes as I attempted to not cum. His tongue removed from me, now standing and inserting two fingers. Curling them with every moan, he harshly pulled up and down causing an intense amount of pleasure. I was bound to cum at this point. 
"Sir, p-please, let me" I couldn't finish the sentence without stuttering on my moans, "let me cum, please."
"Now, babygirl." And with his reaffirming words, I let myself release around his fingers, urging them with both our cum joined. "Face me." I pitifully pivoted, looking at his fingers he held at my face level. "Suck." I eagerly took his fingers in my mouth. Sucking and enjoying our tastes together, once I licked all the wetness from his fingers he sighed as he removed them from my mouth. "You better to go tidy yourself up, sweetheart." His voice was presently delicate as we ogled at one another, flushed from our recent climaxes. 
"Wheres your room?" My voice was strained and tired from the many moans I recited. 
"Down the hall, second room on the left." I let myself down from the counter, to my surprise he snaked his hand behind my neck, pulling me in for a soft kiss. I blushed before I slightly wobbled to his room. 
It was the following morning, I laid in his bed, naked whilst enveloped by his white sheets. I didn't know what I was thinking the previous evening, however I was satisfied with my result. The washroom entryway was open, enabling me to watch Ben wash himself in the steamy and glass doored shower. I had no desire to go home. I heard the water stop, signaling me that he would be emerging any moment. The shower door accompanied the silence that now filled the room.
"When do you want me to go home?" I called to him, tracing imaginary shapes on the sheets. 
{TAG LIST // @fixedonroger // @lovingbenhardy // @bemywiggins // @vampire-way// @brianrogerinas // @16wiishes // @theonlyone-meeeee // @g-g-g-ghost-butt // @oxuminaa }
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ashitpos-t · 5 years
Chapter 5 of my Reaper x Fem!Reader on Wattpad! (First post on this account has the link)
CW: suggestive themes and alcohol
Thrashing this way and that had been become painfully usual to you in the recent weeks.  Reaper hadn't returned like he said he would, making this his longest leave of absence, one that was over three months long.
You'd be a fool to say you weren't worried for him, hell, how could you not be? The last time you saw him he had been vomiting something foul, something you couldn't define.
Your thoughts had been keeping you up, turning you into a mini insomniac, even though you barely knew the guy, your heart ached for his well being, for him.  You groaned as you finally decided to get out of bed, work was in just a few hours and you'd be going without a wink of sleep, just peachy.
You lazily made your way out of bed, deciding to get a little fancy with your makeup this time around, you had an extra hour to spare after all.  You ended up going with a light Smokey eye with a few red accents at the corners of your look.  You went with a slightly red highlighter and lip in attempt to tie the whole thing together, somehow you managed.
Satisfied with your makeup you did your hair and threw on your clothes, breakfast would have to be quick, due to your makeup extravaganza.  Not checking the time would nearly make you tardy this time around, just what you get for moping in your room.
Grabbing an apple and sinking your teeth into the fruit, you headed out of your apartment, the bar being just around the corner meant you could walk there. That didn't mean it was a fun walk, you managed to live in the worst part of town, only reason you did was because it was the only place you could afford.
The streets were old and caked with dirt, the sidewalk had too many cracks to count, and the street lights flickered constantly, not something nice to see at night. What was even better was that you had the night shift at the bar, meaning you slept during the day and your shift started at nine at night, which meant you had to walk alone, in the dark. Super comforting.
You fidgeted with your hands as you made your way to your job, stress whining down as you got closer and closer to your goal. You'd never had anything odd happen to you on these streets, and tonight wasn't an exception, you sighed as you entered the bar, glad to see some usuals already on their drinks.
You quickly made your way behind the bar counter, eager to start your job in attempts to distract yourself from the empty hole that plagued your stomach, you'd never admit it, but the stress was eating at you.
Forcing on a fake smile you took people's orders, pretending like you didn't hear their condescending comments or remarks on your appearance, you just didn't have the stomach to respond.
The small hole in the wall bar quickly went from desolate to packed in under an hour, it almost seemed like the bar was trying to make you loose your shit.  The people weren't letting up and neither were their comments, going from light hearted and flirty to dominant and slightly scary.
Had it always been like this in the bar?  People being flat out rude and awful, or had you managed to block it out all this time?  Whatever the answer was didn't matter, this was your job and you sure as hell weren't about to crumble from the awful remarks.
"Hey sweetie, how bout you get me another drink,"  an inebriated bar goer asked, he was at least a little polite, his eyes seemed to linger on your breasts, but at least he didn't attempt to touch them.
You flashed him a fake smile as you began to make him another beer, this was around his seventh one, the alcohol percentage wasn't very high, but you made a mental note to cut him off after he asked for another.
Sliding the drink over to him you made sure to lean just a bit, a tease like that was fairly popular with the guys, you were sure to squeeze a few extra bucks out of the guy.
With a light smile you began to walk over to another drunk, when the shops bell rung, alerting you that someone had entered.
You snapped your head to the door, standing there was none other then the man who you'd been yearning to see for months.
You stopped dead in your tracks as the customers seemed to not notice him, this surprised you as his demanding presence seemed to override you. Maybe that was because his gaze seemed locked on you, even if you couldn't see his face.
He took long strides towards you, his boots making themselves heard, somehow his mask never left your face, it nearly seemed trained on you.
For the first time in months you were terrified of him, terrified of what he could to do you, of what he might say to you.  A sharp shiver made its way down your spine as he started to slow his pace.  He spun the empty bar stool in his
direction so he could take a seat, the mask that lay on his face never leaving your form.
His demeanor had changed from laid back and warm to cold and brash, similar to the first time you saw him, but this version was more intimidating by ten fold.  His deep, worn out voice seemed horse and dry, he sounded as if he'd been through something, something bad.
"You know what I want."
You responded with a sharp nod, eyes quickly planting on the glass in front of you.  Your grip was shaky and unreliable as bullets of panic rang in your ears.  You spilled the drink a bit but gave it to him no less, if there was even one more person in the bar you wouldn't of heard his small laugh at your expense.
"Nervous, are we?"
He subtly said, a tinge of confidence lingering in his voice.  He took the drink up to his lips as he finally tore his gaze away from you, instead he focused on his drink.
A wave of relief washed over you, allowing your fists to unclench and your features to soften.  You relaxed into the counter top behind you, it was getting a bit a late, maybe one or so and people started to head out, but plenty stayed behind, especially the masked man that had taken such a liking to you.
His eyes started to linger over your form once more, if you weren't mistaken you could've sworn he looked you up and down, judging by the slight nod of his head.
"Need something," you muttered, eyes now glued onto his, a surge of confidence somehow rising up.
He chuckled at your change of personality, responding by chugging his drink and sliding the empty glass over to you, his head leaning slightly forward as a signal to refill his glass.
You gave him a sly smile, not exactly intent on letting him catch a peak of anything, but intrigued on the dance of gestures the two of you were entranced in.
It seemed as though the two of you were having a conversation even though words were barely spoken, that didn't mean fear completely left you, jut meant you had calmed a bit.
You looked into his eyes with an emotion neither of you could quite place, all you knew was that he seemed compelled by your intentions.
The smooth liquor poured into the glass, inducing a warm sound emerging from the cup.  It seemed as though your senses were amplified in the strange air that lingered between the two of you.  All of your fear was gone while his rough demeanor had washed away. 
You hummed into a gentle slide of the drink in his general direction, a soft sentence left your lips while you went through the motions.
"This one is on the house," you said with a light tap on his shoulder, the tips of your fingers lingered a bit, playing with the material of his hoodie.
Truthfully, you'd never been one to tease, flirt, or start anything like this, but your senses seemed to be on fire in his presence, and from what you could tell, it was the same for him.
He seemed to shudder under your touch, his entire body was leaning into yours, yet he used his other hand to take yours off his shoulder.
"Why don't you buy me dinner first, carino" he teased back, a smirk obvious in his words.
A bit surprised at his counter, you went a bit deeper, truthfully curious on the matter.
"How bout I get a name first, reaper," a smirk was clear as day on your face, while he seemed a bit taken aback by your question, he clearly didn't have much of an intention to give it to you.
"I don't exactly give out my name," he chuckled, laughs going between each word, "let's just say I'm trying to, hide, from certain people," he muttered out the last part, obviously trying to make this whole thing look a bit better for him, "but you can call me Reyes," he finished, seeming a bit caught off guard by the whole encounter.
You were a bit surprised that he gave you his name, whether it was because he was a bit inebriated or that there was an undeniable sense of flirtatious smell in the air didn't matter to you, you were flattered nonetheless.
Putting a hand on his, left him confused, but what you said next really knocked his socks off.
"I'm honored you trust me enough, Reyes," a small smile was left on your face after the last part, his hesitation telling you exactly what your words and movements did to him.  His lingering hesitation also allowed you to realize that a bit of your top was showing, leaving you partially exposed.
A fierce blush took over your features as you quickly buttoned up your loose shirt, how two buttons managed to come undone was beyond you. 
His eyes lingered over your form as you attempted to regain some modesty, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as you became comfortable again.
"S-sorry bout tha-that," you stuttered out, obviously flustered over your lack of care in your upper half.
He only nodded as he tried to distract himself with a large gulp of his liquor, obviously not over the treat to his eyes.
After the two of you cooled down a bit, he spoke up, a bit of sorrow burrowing it's way into his words.
"About all those months ago, sorry, I should've known something would come up," he spoke, slight strain in his voice from talking so much.
You were caught off guard by this, he'd never been one to apologize for something, or even bring up your limited history.
Your features melted at this, your eyes becoming a bit glassy as you felt that you had been selfish, not even thinking about why he hadn't been present in the past months.
Tears pricked in your eyes due to the overwhelming feeling that you were a nuisance, and there was no way he could even reach you, hell, you didn't even give him your number.
"Hey hey hey," he started, standing up from his seat as an arm snaked over the counter to rest on your shoulder, "What's wrong, did I do something?"
His worry only made you feel worse, "no," a sniffle interrupted your response, "no, you didn't do anything, I'm just being stupid."
You muttered out, sniffles often interrupting you as his hand ran circles on your back, the few people that were still present a bit alarmed by your water works.
His hand cupped your cheek as he made his way behind the bar counter top, affectively getting closer to you, still allowing space between the two of you.
"Do you mind," he said with open arms, gesturing for a hug.  You quickly melted into him, knocking him off his feet a bit at your sudden movement, too eager to sob on the man that was currently your only source of comfort.
He hummed into the act of affection, a small melody played off his lips as he began to stroke your hair, giving most of the onlookers a cold hearted stare, a stare that made them turn the other way.
Your arms grasped at his sides before gently pushing off of him as you wiped your tears away, intent on continuing your job, or at least closing up.
"Thanks," you muttered out, sniffles surrounding your response to the embrace.
He merely nodded before diving his free hand into his pocket, holding out a generous wad of cash.
"Oh Reyes, I couldn't possibly," he cut you off, "no no no, I owe you, especially after tonight," he referenced a bit earlier when you were much less then modest, "and I tend to be a jerk."  He finished, a smile audible in his voice.
You reluctantly took the money, a smile evident on your face.  Before he could say his goodbye, you quickly got on the tips of your toes, planting a kiss on the side of his mask, just where his cheek would be.
He completely froze in his place, hesitating greatly before scratching the back of his head while averting his eyes.  He laughed a bit at his own embarrassment, causing you to take on a light blush, fidgeting with your hands as you waited for his response.
His hand cupped your cheek, his hesitation made it clear that he wanted to return your gesture, but he held himself back for a reason you didn't know.
"Thanks," he squeaked out, enticing a laugh from you at the sheer embarrassment of the man.
"Of course!" You giggled out, the full force of your emotions evident in your response.
He started to leave with a wave, walking backwards out of the bar while he slipped his hands into his hoodie, clearly happy with how the night played out.
You gave him a light wave back, also in total awe of your own forwardness.  Looking around you noticed that practically everyone had left the bar, all of your coworkers clocked out and you were left to close the bar, like usual.
Glancing down at the money Reyes gave you, you noticed some numbers written with permanent marker on one of the bills. 
It took you a second to realize that this was his number, meaning he must've planned to give you this, he couldn't of written it while you were on shift.
A maddening blush took over your face as you danced around in place, squealing at the magnificent night you had.
A/N hey bros!! Sorry about not writing oheshots for tumblr, I’ve been in the process of writing two of them but I sorta hate them both?? I’m in a spot where I don’t exactly know what to do with either of them. Hopefully they’ll be out soon, but until then, I hope you enjoy my favorite chapters from my ongoing long fics! (Side side note, I may have not spell checked this, sorry for typos!)
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